#and the way people say this with their entire chest on TUMBLR of all places
sureuncertainty · 1 year
the anti-tiktok takes are so boring like oh my god y'all sound like boomers i thought we weren't going to do the "social media is evil but this time it really is, you stupid teenagers don't know what you're doing" thing to the next generations bc we agreed that it's dumb
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genshinluvr · 1 year
The Fallen Star
Pairings: Various Honkai Star Rail Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You wake up in a void and see someone towering over you. He's breathtaking and covers the sun and sky. One minute you are talking to him, but then you gain consciousness. You wake up to a silver-haired man giving you (failed) CPR, only to find yourself on the Xianzhou Luofu with four other people who soon later become your (temporary?) traveling companions.
Note: Welcome to my first Honkai Star Rail fanfiction! This work is part of a brand new series called "Brightest Star in the Universe." Yes, it's Isekai like the Genshin fics. This is going to be cross-posted on AO3 as well (like all of my fics). To be honest, I didn't think I was going to be posting a Honkai Star Rail series so soon, but here I am. Since there are unreleased characters in this series (Luocha and Blade), their personalities are going to be a bit out of character. Then again, most HSR men's personalities are going to be out of character for a bit until I'm familiar with all of them. I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: Mentions of blood, but it's not bad
Word Count: 8.6k
The last thing you remembered before you woke up was a tall man towering over you, blocking the sun and sky from your view. He had silver-white hair and tanned skin, and his arms were in pieces, gold bleeding through the cracks over his body. He was beautiful, but his beauty intimidated you. The way he gazed at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
You felt yourself tremble beneath his gaze. Who was this man, and why was he bigger than the sun and sky? “Where am I? Who are you?” You whispered, your voice trembling with fear and confusion.
The world around you rumbled, making you wince and look around in panic. It took you a moment to realize that the huge man before you was chuckling. The man gazed at you with amusement before squatting down before you without taking his eyes off of you. Wait, does he even have legs?
“My name is not important, little one,” he replies. “You and I will meet again soon, but for now, it’s time for you to wake up from your slumber.”
You looked at him quizzically before scanning your surroundings. There was no one else but you and him. You and this man were in a vortex of some sort. The light is blocked out by his figure. You pinched yourself and winced in pain. What does he mean by ‘wake up from your slumber?’ Were you not awake the entire time?
You look at the man, only to see that he is still staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face. “What do you mean by that?” You whispered.
The silence in the void is deafening. Even if you whispered, your voice echoed in the abyss. You shifted in your spot before getting up from the ground. You dust your clothes off and gaze at the ginormous man before you, waiting for him to answer. The world around you slowly turns black, and the man nods at you before your vision turns black.
Just as you’re gaining consciousness, you hear voices around you. The voices are muffled, almost as if you’re underwater, and the voices of the people are above you and all over the place. Your ears are ringing, and your limbs feel like lead. You want to open your eyes, but your eyelids feel heavy.
“Are you sure they’re alive?” You hear a girl ask.
You hear a slow sigh coming from your left. “Of course, they’re alive, March. Can’t you see the steady rise and fall of their chest?” the male to your left asks.
“If they’re alive, then why are they not waking up? Aside from being unconscious, of course,” says March.
You feel someone tap your cheeks repeatedly. You groan and try to swat the hands away from your face, only for your hands to fall back to the ground. The girl named March lets out a loud gasp. 
The man beside you lets out a sigh. “March, can you go find Mr. Yang? In the meantime, Caelus and I will stand guard and make sure this person is okay,” he says.
‘March’ makes a disgruntled noise before stomping away. Something beneath you shifts, and you open your eyes to see a silver-haired man leaning down, his lips puckering. You open your mouth to say something, but the man covers your mouth with his. You let out a combination of a squeak and a gasp. The silver-haired man backs up and looks down at you with wide eyes, his fringe covering a part of his eyes. 
The silver-haired man blushes and clears his throat. “It’s good to see that you’re awake! Ahem… how are you feeling?” He asks.
You swallow the lump in your throat and slowly prop yourself up on your arms, rubbing the back of your neck. “I-I’m fine! Um… that’s an interesting way to wake someone up,” you said, giving the silver-haired man a sheepish smile. 
“I was trying to give you CPR, but that didn’t turn out how I thought it was going to,” replies the silver-haired man, his cheeks flushing red. He looks over at the black-haired man with a glare. The man with black hair looks away, his lips pressed into a thin line while his shoulders are shaking. The silver-haired man narrows his eyes at the black-haired man before punching him in the shoulders lightly, causing the man to grunt and let out a cough. Was he laughing? You sit up and look around, dazed and confused about how you ended up on a ship. Wait, is it a ship? Where are you?
You clear your throat and rub your throbbing temples. How did you end up on a ship? Or wherever you are. Gosh, you’re so out of it that you’re having a hard time figuring out where you’re at. You close your eyes, feeling a wave of nausea hit you like a train. One minute you were in a void with an extremely tall man that bleeds gold, and now you’re somewhere with two men at your side. One man is trying to stifle his laughter, while the other is almost as red as tomatoes. 
The red-faced silver-haired man clears his throat. “My name is Caelus, and the one that’s laughing beside us is Dan Heng,” Caelus says, nudging Dan Heng beside him with a small glare as if he’s telling Dan Heng to be quiet.
Dan Heng clears his throat before fixing his composure, crossing his arms over his chest. “How are you feeling? You were out cold when we found you on the Xianzhou Luofu,” says Dan Heng, staring at you emotionlessly.
“Other than a slight headache, I’m feeling okay. Confused, but okay nonetheless,” you reply. 
The two men stand up while you remain on the floor. You continue to take in your surroundings, eyes focusing on the stars hanging above you and the two men on this…. ship. You’re on a flagship… in space… traveling to who knows where. You look at the men behind you, pointing at your surroundings.
You clear your throat. “So, I was unconscious on the Xianzhou Luofu? That’s how you two found me?” You ask, rubbing your eyes while remaining on the ground. “Huh. How did I end up here?”
Rapid footsteps approach you, Dan Heng, and Caelus. You look up to see a pink-haired girl running toward the three of you, with a brown-haired man following close behind. The pink-haired girl’s eyes light up when the two of you make eye contact. You get up from the ground, dusting off your clothes.
The girl and brown-haired man stop before you. “Oh, goodie! You’re awake this time! I was starting to get worried!” She says, propping her hands on her hips. “Mr. Yang, this is the unconscious person I was telling you about! Well, they’re not unconscious anymore, but we stumbled across them when we split up while trying to look for Kafka.”
The brown-haired man— or Mr. Yang— strokes his chin while analyzing you from head to toe. You’re definitely not from the Xianzhou Luofu, and you’re certainly not from Jarlio-VI. 
The man hums before crossing his arms over his chest. “Do you know how you ended up here?” asks Mr. Yang.
You shake your head. “I don’t know how I ended up here. One minute, I was in a void with a man that towered over me, and now I somehow ended up on a ship.” You reply. 
Now that you said it out loud, you wouldn’t believe yourself if you were someone else. Would these people believe you? The pink girl hums thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side while gazing at you curiously.
“I’m March 7th, by the way! But you can call me March! This man here is Welt Yang!” She gestures to the brown-haired man beside her. “I’m assuming those two have introduced themselves to you already?”
You nod. “They have! Apologies for not introducing myself earlier, but my name’s [Y/N].” You say, rubbing the back of your neck with a sheepish smile.
You look at your surroundings. While you’re on the Xianzhou Luofu, you’re not entirely sure where you, Dan Heng, Caelus, Mr. Yang (should you call him by his first name or by his last name?), and March are precisely on the ship. Looking at your surroundings, all you see are boxes— you’re assuming they’re cargo of some sort. The air is nice and chilly, causing goosebumps to appear on your arms.
“We have to meet with General Jing Yuan. There are some things we still need to discuss with him,” Mr. Yang says, pulling his phone out to look at the time.
March points at you. “What do we do with [Y/N]? Do we bring them along with us as well?” asks March, looking at Mr. Yang for answers.
Your eyes widen, and you shake your head, waving your hands in front of you. “Oh, no! You don’t have to bring me along with you guys! Plus, you mentioned meeting with a general…. That sounds important, and I don’t want to intrude. After all, I am an outsider and, uh, don’t fit in this situation,” you said.
The five of them were heading to meet with the General of the Xianzhou Luofu. Dan Heng, Caelus, and March ended up stumbling across your unconscious body on the Xianzhou Luofu in an area where there aren’t many people roaming around. You sort of threw them off while they were headed toward their destination. Surely you can’t just tag along with them now, can you?
March huffs and frowns at you. “Hey! You’re not the only one who’s an outsider! The four of us aren’t from the Xianzhou Luofu either!” March interjects, stepping toward you and linking her arm around yours. “Besides! I think you should tag along with us either way! We don’t want to leave you behind, especially when you’re not from the Xianzhou Luofu! You are now a Trailblazer like us!” 
Mr. Yang sighs and pushes his glasses up. “Let’s go. We have no time to lose. [Y/N], we’ll talk about this after meeting with General Jing Yuan,” says Mr. Yang, looking in your direction.
You nod and follow after the group, setting off to the location where General Jing Yuan told them to meet. 
Upon arriving at the destination, you have concluded that you like the Xianzhou Luofu! Not only is it beautiful and vast, with a nice view of the universe, but you find the citizens of the Xianzhou Luofu interesting, and you’re curious about everything, really. 
Now that you think about it, the ship and the people you’re tagging along with feel familiar. You know what this place is; you know it! It’s on the tip of your tongue, but dealing with sudden scenery changes and the brain fog is throwing you off.
The grand doors open, and the five of you step into the room. You look around, eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. Many people are walking in and out of the room, people gathering around in one spot while others are tending to their duties on the ship. Mr. Yang, March, Dan Heng, Caelus, and you approach the white-haired man sitting on a chair. He seems to be occupied with the game of chess. You can’t tell if his blond opponent looks frustrated or focused. His eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes focused on the chessboard before the two of them. Hearing footsteps approaching their direction, the blond boy and white-haired man look at your group.
The white-haired man stands up, looking at the blond boy and nodding. The blond boy gets up from his seat and walks off, looking at your group from the corner of his eyes as he passes the five of you.
“I hope the journey wasn’t too complicated. It’s good to see you all again,” says the white-haired man.
Mr. Yang nods. “General Jing Yuan, it’s nice to see you again. We’re here to discuss the matters you wanted to speak to us about regarding the situation….” Mr. Yang’s voice slowly becomes muffled as you continue to look at your surroundings.
There are holograms of the people, you assume, that work on the Xianzhou Luofu! Holograms! You have never seen a hologram before, and it looks so cool! What was this place called again? You recalled that they were supposed to meet up at the general’s office, but the location was changed. Was the office called the Seat of the Divine Foresight? Although, with the number of people going in and out of the room, it’s certainly not the general’s office. Where in the world are you exactly? Gosh, it’s like you have the name on the tip of your tongue, but it’s not coming out.
“Care to introduce me to your new friend?” General Jing Yuan’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
You blink and look up to see General Jing Yuan looking right at you. You freeze in your spot like a deer in headlights, blinking at the white-haired man owlishly. A soft smile appears on his face, a low rumbling coming from his chest. You couldn’t help but feel intimidated by his presence. Such power and authority exude from the man standing before the five of you. 
Your face heats up when more people look in your direction. You clear your throat and stand there awkwardly, not sure what to do. Sure, you could introduce yourself to General Jing Yuan, but you were hoping he didn’t notice a new face around the Xianzhou Luofu. You point at yourself dumbly, blinking cluelessly at the man approaching you. Oh gosh, he’s walking toward you. 
General Jing Yuan nods. “Yes, I was talking to you. I’ve never seen you around the Xianzhou Luofu, nor have I seen you with Welt Yang and his traveling companions,” says General Jing Yuan, now standing in front of you.
Dear gosh, this man is standing right in front of you. He’s not a hologram. He’s flesh and blood. If you reach out right now, you would be touching him with your hands. You give General Jing Yuan a shy smile, face hotter than ever.
You raise your hand in an awkward wave before introducing yourself. “Hi! I, uh, my name’s [Y/N]! It’s a pleasure to meet you, General Jing Yuan!” You squeak.
General Jing Yuan lets out a hearty laugh. “It’s nice to meet you, [Y/N]. Please, just call me Jing Yuan. No need to call me General— General is merely a temporary title,” says Jing Yuan, giving you a cat-like smile.
Jing Yuan grabs your hand gently and raises your hand to his face before pressing a kiss on your knuckles without breaking eye contact. Dear gosh, it’s like this man wants your face to feel hotter than it already is. 
“Since when is he a flirt?” You hear March mutter to Caelus, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang. 
Jing Yuan releases your hand while you stand there awkwardly while tucking your hair behind your ear. You give Jing Yuan a flustered smile before looking away after clearing your throat. Dan Heng sighs while Mr. Yang steps up, grabbing Jing Yuan’s attention. You take a step back and stand between Dan Heng and Caelus, refusing to look at them after feeling intense stares at your head.
“That was something,” Caelus comments, crossing his arms over his chest.
Dan Heng hums in agreement. “It really is, isn’t it? Who knew that the General of the Xianzhou Luofu has such a charm,” Dan Heng comments.
You clear your throat again. “Maybe it’s how people greet on the Xianzhou Luofu!” You say.
March scrunches her nose and shakes her head. “They don’t do that on the Xianzhou Luofu. We’ve visited a couple of times, but not once were we greeted like how the General greeted you, [Y/N],” March teases, giving you a cheeky smile.
While Mr. Yang and Jing Yuan are conversing with each other about the situation, Dang Heng, Caelus, and March would interject here and there while the two are speaking. As usual, since you’re not part of the conversation, you would space out and look at your surroundings. It’s tempting to wander off, but you stay where you’re standing and listen to their conversation.
The doors to the room fly open, and enter a man with long, blond hair and a brown-haired girl with pigtails. The girl looks mildly miffed, while the blond man looks pleased with himself as he follows the girl into the room with a giant casket behind him. You look at the casket in horror and look at Caelus, Dan Heng, and March. The trio did not seem to be phased by the fact that the blond man was carrying around a casket like it was a backpack. 
The blond man notices you’re staring at him, and he smiles at you, keeping a firm grip on the casket behind him. “I see you notice the coffin behind me,” he comments.
You nod in response. “Yeah! It’s, uh, hard to overlook it,” you reply.
The brown-haired girl huffs and crosses her arms over her chest with a deep frown on her face. “It’s strange, isn’t it?” asks the girl, looking in your direction.
You blink at her with surprise. “Ah, strange?” You squeak. 
What was she talking about? The man carrying a large casket with him, or was there something else you’re missing? After all, she did enter the room with the blond man, looking visibly peeved.
The brown-haired girl drags out a sigh, propping her right hand on her hip. “For a foreign trader like himself to be carrying a casket around so casually,” she replies. “I didn’t think it was a casket until I asked him about it.”
The blond man clears his throat. “This coffin isn't mine, Sushang. I was merely entrusted to take the body back to the Xianzhou Luofu,” the man says casually. “My name’s Luocha. As Sushang said, I am a foreign trader. Currently, I was tasked to return this casket to the Xianzhou Luofu.” He gestures to the casket behind him.
You stare at the casket and then look at the blond man, who raises his eyebrows at you with an amused look. It seems like Luocha knows what you want to ask him. What is in the casket? More importantly, who is in the coffin, and why does he need to deliver it back to the Xianzhou Luofu?
Luocha crosses his arms over his chest. “It’s alright if you want to ask who’s in the coffin. I’ve had a few people ask me the same question while on my journey to the Xianzhou Luofu,” says Luocha, looking at Sushang from the corner of his eyes.
You give Luocha a sheepish smile and shake your head. “No, no! I wasn’t going to ask you that question! I was wondering how you can carry a coffin around for so long without getting tired of it. You would think there would be an easier way to transport a casket,” you say.
You did wonder who was in the coffin. I mean, like Luocha said, he has had a few people ask him who (or what) was in the large casket behind him. As much as you’re curious, you don’t think it would be appropriate to ask since it’s none of your business, and it would be rude to ask.
Sushang looks at you curiously, examining you from head to toe. “You don’t look like you’re from the Xianzhou Luofu. Are you Dan Heng’s newly added traveling companion?” asks Sushang.
You make an uncertain noise, giving Sushang and Luocha a ‘so-so’ gesture. “Kind of! I… I’m not sure if now is the right time to explain the situation,” you murmur, turning to look at your new traveling companions.
March, Dan Heng, and Caelus shrug their shoulders simultaneously. You sigh and turn to look at Luocha and Sushang with a fake smile. Now would be a good time to leave the Xianzhou Luofu, but even if you were to leave the ship, would they (your temporary traveling companions) be okay with you tagging along? 
Sushang looks at you curiously. “Oh? Why do you seem uncertain about being their new traveling companions?” Sushang asks.
You press your lips into a thin line and rock back and forth on the balls of your feet. Would this be a good time to tell them (Sushang, Luocha, and Jing Yuan) about your situation? Maybe they’ll know the answer to it! Hopefully, they know the answer! You go on to tell Sushang and Luocha your situation: how you wake up to Caelus giving you CPR, and you find yourself on the Xianzhou Luofu despite not being from the Xianzhou Luofu. 
Sushang hums and strokes her chin, squinting her eyes at you while chewing on the inside of her cheek. “Do you have memory loss by any chance?” Sushang asks.
Your gaze falls to the ground after hearing her question. Now that you think about it, the last thing you remembered before waking up was being in the void with a man towering over you. He’s so huge that he covered the sun and sky! Should you mention that to them too? You don’t know the man’s name. He told you his name isn’t important, but you know that’s not the case.
“I guess? I don’t really know how I ended up here, really. The last thing I remembered before waking up was being in a void with this tall person, but then I gained consciousness, and here I am!” You say, shrugging your shoulders. 
They all probably think you’re crazy after explaining to them the last thing you saw before waking up to Caelus giving you CPR. You weren’t lying about being in a void with an extremely tall person. Technically, he wasn’t tall— he was a giant. They all look at you like you have just grown a second head. 
Mr. Yang walks over to the group and nods at you, Dan Heng, March, and Caelus. “Alright, General Jing Yuan has given me some information on what we need to do. So far, there aren’t many things to check on the Xianzhou Luofu, but we do have to stop by Jarlio-VI per Caelus’ request,” says Mr. Yang.
March looks at Mr. Yang quizzically. “Why stop by Jarlio-VI? We have already completed what we needed to do on Jarlio-VI,” says March, crossing her arms over her chest.
Caelus hands his phone over to March. March grabs Caelus’ phone and skims through the messages on Caelus’ phone. March sighs and nods, handing Caelus back his phone before propping her hands on her hips.
“Well, it looks like we’ll be seeing some familiar faces again!” March announces.
You look at the group cluelessly, rubbing your arm. Does that mean you’ll have to go to Jarlio-VI with the group as well? I mean, there’s nowhere else for you to go, really. The best option is to tag along with the people that found you unconscious.
March nudges you and gestures to follow her and the three men. “Let’s go! I’ll introduce you to Pom-Pom and Himeko! You’ll love them and the Astral Express!” March grins, grabbing your wrist and pulling you along.
The five of you wave to Sushang, Jing Yuan, and Luocha goodbye before walking out of the room. You didn’t know where they were leading you, but you assumed it was to an area where the four of them were dropped off before they found you unconscious on the ground of the Xianzhou Luofu. 
Right when the five of you are about to reach your destination (or, that’s what you’re assuming because you’re not familiar with the Xianzhou Luofu, nor are you sure where they’re taking you), a figure swoops in out of nowhere and snatches you from March’s grasp.
Everyone stops in their tracks and turns to look at the person holding you hostage. Your back is pressing against the man’s chest, and you feel the man press his sword up against your neck. March, Caelus, and Mr. Yang glare at the man behind you while Dan Heng looks like he just witnessed someone massacre everyone in his village. You swallow your fear and slowly turn your head to see a man with long, dark hair and red eyes. His eyes are focusing on the people standing in front of the two of you.
“So this is the fallen star Kafka mentioned,” the man mutters, looking down at you.
You blink at the man behind you and look at the others cluelessly. “Who is this man, and what does he mean by that?” You ask.
The man behind you tightens his grip around you, his arm wrapping across your chest while continuing to press the sword against your neck. March glares at the man behind you and seethes with anger.
“Let them go, Blade! Don’t involve them in anything!” March shouts.
Dan Heng takes a step closer toward you and Blade, only for Blade to take a step back, bringing you with him. Blade glares at Dan Heng and the others, pressing the edge of the sword against your neck. You close your eyes and visibly wince when the blade nicked your neck, causing a trail of blood to slowly trickle down. Dan Heng and Caelus glare at Blade, getting ready to step forward, when Mr. Yang grabs onto both of the men’s shoulders, shaking his head. 
Blade smirks and chuckles. “I wouldn’t step any closer if I were you. If you want them to come out unscathed, then you will comply with my and Kafka’s orders,” said Blade.
You nudge the man behind you. “What do you mean when you mentioned fallen star? I’m not a fallen star,” you grumble, glaring at Blade from the corner of your eyes. “And for your information, I didn’t come out unscathed.” You gesture to your neck.
One minute you were in a void with an enormous man before you, then you woke up to Caelus giving you CPR on the Xianzhou Luofu, and now you’re being held hostage by a man named Blade on the Xianzhou Luofu. Can this get any worse?
Blade huffs and tightens his grip around you, not taking his eyes off the people standing before you and him. “Two hours before your arrival to the Xianzhou Luofu, Kafka reported a strange light flying across the galaxy. That light was presumed to be a fallen star, and the light led to the Xianzhou Luofu. In case none of you realized it, the fallen star is this one right here,” says Blade, gesturing to you.
You furrow your eyebrows after hearing Blade’s explanation. You have to be honest here; whatever Blade just said to you, Mr. Yang, Dan Heng, Caelus, and March, it sounds ridiculous. You? A fallen star? What does that even mean? You fell out from the sky and somehow ended up on the Xianzhou Luofu? Not only does it sound ridiculous, but it doesn’t seem probable because you didn’t have any markings on you aside from the cut on your neck from Blade’s sword.
You close your eyes and rest your head on Blade’s shoulders, catching him off guard. You turn your head slightly and peek at him. “And what do you and this Kafka person want from me exactly? You make it seem like I’m some rare gem from space, finally crashing and landing somewhere,” you comment.
Blade remains silent, staring down at you while you stare at him in return. It almost seems like he doesn’t have a plan for what to do with you. Other than holding you hostage in front of your (possibly) temporary traveling companions. You frown at Blade after a few minutes of him not responding to your question. You elbow Blade in the gut before pushing his arms off you with a huff, walking away from the man.
You and the others were surprised to see that Blade didn’t retaliate. He seems to be the type that gets set off easily. But since he didn’t slash at you or lash out at you for elbowing him in the stomach and pushing his arms off your person, it genuinely shocked the others. You rub and graze your fingers over the cut on your neck. 
You narrow your eyes at Blade and walk over to where the others are standing. March runs up to you to assess the open wound on your neck. March sighs in relief, looking over at Blade with a glare before pulling you to the side while Caelus, Dan Heng, and Mr. Yang deal with Blade to the side.
You watch Blade, Dan Heng, Caelus, and Mr. Yang stand before each other, not saying a word. Their weapons are drawn out, but no one has started anything. They all stand there, staring at each other in silence, while March struggles to pull a bandaid out from her pocket. March hands you the bandaid after successfully grabbing the bandaid. 
March turns to look at the four men with one hand on her hip while the other is on your shoulder. “Hey, are you guys just going to stand there and stare at each other all day, or are you guys going to fight it out?” demands March, glaring at the men.
Blade smirks and tightens his grip on his sword. “If that’s what you want, then a fight is what you shall receive,” says Blade.
Blade was about to lunge at the three men before him, but a woman with red wine-colored hair appeared out of nowhere, placing her hand on Blade’s shoulders. Blade stops in his tracks and looks over his shoulders at the woman. 
She gives him a smile and chuckles, looking in your direction. “It’s good to see you, little shooting star. I apologize that you had to meet us this way, but our destinies are intertwined no matter where you go and how far we are from each other,” says the woman.
Everyone stares at the woman in silence. Everyone but you seem tensed at her mere presence. She takes her hand off Blade’s shoulders before walking toward your and March’s direction. Caelus and Dan Heng block her way, holding their weapons out in front of them while glaring at the woman.
The woman frowns and looks at Caelus with a pout. Almost like she was mocking him. “Oh, Caelus. Do you not trust me after all we’ve been through?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
March lets out a loud scoff. “Can you blame us for not trusting you after all that stuff you put us through, Kafka?!” March asks, glaring at the red wine-colored-haired woman.
‘Kafka?’ you mouthed to yourself, furrowing your eyebrows. The gorgeous woman is Kafka? Not only was she stunning, but the way she was looking at you was sending chills down your spine. There’s something about her you couldn’t put your fingers on. She seems powerful and the leader of this whole situation. Maybe the word ring-leader would suit her since Blade does follow her orders around like a dog. 
Kafka turns around and starts walking away. “Come on, Bladie. It seems like we’ll have to find another time to meet [Y/N] again. For now, let’s part our ways,” says Kafka.
You freeze in your spot and look at Kafka with wide eyes. How in the world does she know your name when you haven’t introduced yourself to Blade and Kafka? Kafka looks over her shoulders and smiles at you before disappearing from everyone’s sight. Blade huffs and puts his sword away, turning around and following after Kafka. 
March huffs. “Kafka and her dog are going to search for [Y/N] again. I don’t think it’s safe for them to be alone,” March states, looking at Mr. Yang, Dan Heng, and Caelus. “It’s best they remain on the Astral Express with us until further notice.”
You furrow your eyebrows and give March a questioning look. What does she mean by you remaining on the Astral Express until further notice? Until you find a home somewhere and can finally leave them alone? Where are you going to go? You’re on a ship that’s traversing through space, and now you’re going to be on a train that also travels through space. 
“Let’s return to the Astral Express, and then we can talk about it after stopping by Jarlio-VI,” says Mr. Yang.
The five of you continued your way to the area where Dan Heng, Caelus, March, and Mr. Yang were dropped off. You’re kind of excited to step foot on the Astral Express and Jarlio-VI. Mainly Jarlio-VI because of how March described it, along with the stories she told you when she, Caelus, and Dan Heng visited the frozen planet due to the eternal freeze.
A frozen planet sounds interesting because not many things can survive and thrive in such conditions. It makes you wonder if there were any wild animals that roam Jarlio-VI aside from humans and creatures March, Dan Heng, and Caelus passively mentioned. Speaking of creatures the trio mentioned, you’re hoping you won’t have to deal with it or get caught in the crossfire. 
Your stay on the Astral Express was short, and you met Pom-Pom and Himeko! They’re very welcoming, and Himeko is like an older sister, and perhaps a mother, figure to you despite you knowing her for less than a few hours. Despite your visitation of the Astral Express being short, you somehow managed to fall asleep while the train was headed to Jarlio-VI.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself in the void again. The very same void you were in before you woke up to Caelus giving you (failed) CPR. You look around, and there is the man towering over you. 
You frown at the (gorgeous) man and rub your eyes. “It seems like the only time I’ll see you again is through my dreams, huh? I’m starting to think you’re not real and that you’re a figment of my imagination,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
The man chuckles and gazes at you with an amused look on his face. Damn, his smile is breathtaking, but it’s too bad he’s not real. Or at least that’s what you’re assuming. The man beckons you to come closer. You push yourself off the ground and walk toward him while scanning your surroundings. 
You weren’t just in a void, but there were tiny stars sparkling around you and the massive man before you. The man holds his hand out, placing them before you. You stare at his hands questionably before stepping on his hand, letting him lift you to his eye level.
“We will meet very soon, little one. Now is not a good time to meet,” he says.
You frown at the man, letting out a huff before crossing your arms over your chest like a petulant child. “No matter what you tell me, I’ll always assume you’re a figment of my imagination. At least tell me your name,” you murmur, looking at him from the corner of your eyes.
The man smiles at you and nods. “My name’s Nanook and I promise we will meet in person soon. For now, this is the only way I will be able to communicate with you--- through your dreams.” He caresses your hair with his index finger.
You stare at Nanook without saying a word, still not convinced that he’s real. Nanook sighs and gives you a small smile. From a distance, you hear someone call your name. You look away from Nanook and begin searching for the voice. Nanook sighs, putting you back on the ground and smiling at you almost sadly. You’re about to ask him what was wrong when the world around you slowly fades away.
“Wake up!”
Your eyelids snap open, and you sit up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. March sighs and collapses across from you while Caelus and Dan Heng stand to the side with unreadable expressions on their faces. 
March huffs and narrows her eyes at you. “Finally! I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes!” March says.
You blink at March and look at Dan Heng and Caelus, who nods in response. How long have you been asleep? March was trying to wake you up for ten minutes, but it didn’t feel that long. You were with Nanook in your dreams for what felt like three minutes or less. Were you asleep for that long?
“We’re arriving at Jarlio-VI very soon. Gepard and Sampo will be meeting us at the Administrative District,” says Dan Heng.
Caelus and Dan Heng walk off, leaving you and March alone on the couch. Caelus nudges Dan Heng, looking at you from over his shoulders and then at the black-haired man worriedly. Dan Heng chews on the inside of his cheek, leaning against the wall while waiting for the Astral Express to reach its destination.
“You heard that, right? [Y/N] mumbling Nanook’s name in their sleep,” says Caelus.
Dan Heng nods. Before Dan Heng can reply, the Astral Express comes to a complete stop, and Pom-Pom announces the Astral Express’s arrival to Jarlio-VI from where they were standing. You and March get up from the couch and stretch your arms and legs. 
You rub the base of your neck and wince when you feel it strain. Great, now you have a crick in your neck from sleeping on the couch in the Astral Express for who knows how long. March loops her arms around yours, dragging you out of the Astral Express with Dan Heng and Caelus following behind. 
March looks over her shoulders, shouting, “Come on, Mr. Yang! We don’t have all day!” March continues to pull you along to the Administrative District with a wide smile on her face while you’re trying your best to keep up with the hyperactive girl. 
Himeko crosses her arms over her chest and taps on her chin. “You feel it too, right?” Himeko asks, looking over at the brown-haired man.
Mr. Yang raises his eyebrows at Himeko, waiting for her to clarify. Himeko chuckles, shaking her head, looking at the entrance of the Astral Express, where you, March, Dan Heng, and Caelus ran out. Technically, you were dragged out of the Astral Express by March.
“The sense of familiarity with [Y/N]. Almost like we know them despite never meeting them. This connection….” Himeko trails off, humming softly. Himeko chuckles and looks at Mr. Yang, gesturing for him to follow after you, March, Dan Heng, and Caelus.
Back to you and the trio, the three of you walk around the Administrative District searching for these Gepard and Sampo people. From what you have been told, Gepard is the little brother of Serval, and Sampo is some con artist the trio met in the underworld. You’re looking forward to meeting Gepard and Sampo! They sound like interesting people, especially Sampo.
“Fams! There you guys are!” You hear someone call from a distance.
The four of you turn in the direction of the voice to see an indigo-haired man and a blond man approaching your group. The indigo-haired man smiles widely and waves at the four of you. When you and the indigo-haired man make eye contact, his eyes seem to light up, and the smile on his face becomes wider before he sprints in your and the trio’s direction.
The green-eyed indigo-haired man and the blond man with blue eyes stop before your group, looking at you curiously. You can’t help but feel self-conscious under their gaze. Their clothes are interesting, but it looks nice on them. Wait, are you staring at them? You snap out of your thoughts and look away, trying to act like you weren’t staring at them. 
“Caelus, March, Dan Heng, care to introduce us to your new traveling companion?” asks the blond man, staring you down with those blue eyes of his.
March smiles widely and nods before happily introducing you to the two men before you. You smile at them politely and wave at them. The two men introduce themselves to you not long after, and you are glad their names are easy to remember because you’re not the best at remembering the names of the people you have just met.
“Not to come off as rude or anything, but you don’t seem to be from here,” Sampo says, looking at you curiously.
Gepard looks at Sampo from the corner of his eyes before shaking his head. “Sorry if what he said came off as rude. Sampo has no manners,” Gepard mutters, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You laugh and wave your hand in front of you. “No, no, it’s fine! Sampo asked a genuine question, and I’m sure there are other people that are curious as well,” you say, giving Sampo and Gepard a small smile. 
You and the others walk around the Administrative District while you tell Gepard and Sampo the situation. You woke up on the Xianzhou Luofu, unsure of how you ended up on the ship. Prior to gaining consciousness, you were in a void with Nanook. Of course, you didn’t tell Sampo and Gepard about you knowing Nanook’s name, only how he’s a tall figure that covered the sun and sky. 
While you tell the two men your situation, Mr. Yang ends up catching up to your group, and the seven of you stop near the theater. Sampo and Gepard didn’t make a comment on your sudden appearance on the Xianzhou Luofu, but they have tried asking you a few questions. 
“Everything is starting to feel familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.” You murmur, scanning your surroundings.
Belobog is beautiful and cold, but there’s something unnerving about it. On the other hand, the Xianzhou Luofu doesn’t feel eerie or ominous. The others look at you curiously, wondering what you mean when you say everything is starting to feel familiar. 
Sampo, being the man that he is, slides in front of you and gives you a charming smile before flicking his bangs away from his eyes. “Pardon me saying this so suddenly, but I’m sensing you feel a connection between us?” asks Sampo, gesturing between you and him.
You blink at Sampo. “Yes,” you reply slowly. “I guess that’s a better way of putting it.” 
Sampo looks at you with wide eyes, his cheeks tinting pink. Sampo clears his throat and tucks an invisible strand of hair behind his ears. “Oh? So you do feel that connection between us!” Sampo grins.
Your head is beginning to hurt, and there’s a low ringing in your ears that’s gradually getting louder and louder. You tried to act normal and playfully scoffed at Sampo’s comment before walking to the nearest bench near the theater. When you walk off with March at your side, Gepard looks at Sampo while Dan Heng, Mr. Yang, and Caelus trade glances at each other.
Gepard hums, furrowing his eyebrows. “So, you feel that too?” Gepard mutters.
Sampo does a double take and looks at Gepard with wide eyes. “What do you mean by ‘too’? I was talking to [Y/N], not you!” says Sampo, huffing.
Dan Heng, Caelus, Mr. Yang, and Gepard stare at Sampo with blank expressions. Sampo blinks at them and laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. Gepard sighs, trying to ignore the strange pull in his chest.
“You’re not the only one that feels that connection, you know?” Gepard hisses, glaring at Sampo.
Sampo’s eyes widen, and he holds his hands up in front of him, laughing. “Whoa, there, buddy. Listen, I don’t know what you’re trying to imply, but I don’t feel a connection with you! I feel a connection with [Y/N], but certainly not you! Plus, why would I, Sampo Koski, be with someone that constantly tries to put me in jail?” Sampo asks.
Caelus snorts and rolls his eyes. “That’s not what Gepard is implying, Sampo,” Caelus comments, pressing his lips into a thin line to prevent himself from laughing in Sampo’s face.
Sampo looks at Caelus quizzically, then at Dan Heng. Dan Heng raises an eyebrow at Sampo, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Dan Heng sighs before answering, “Gepard is implying that you’re not the only one that feels the connection with [Y/N]. Gepard feels the same connection with [Y/N] as well.”
Mr. Yang looks at Sampo and Gepard, surprised. He clears his throat to grab the four men’s attention before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Himeko mentioned the same thing before I caught up with the rest of you. Himeko says she feels a sense of familiarity when she saw [Y/N], although I don’t think she feels the same as the rest of us,” Mr. Yang explains. 
Gepard’s eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “What do you mean by the rest of us? Do all of you feel the same way toward [Y/N]?” Gepard demands, chewing on his bottom lip.
Despite not getting a response from the four men in front of him, Gepard already knows the answer to his question. Every one of these men feels some kind of connection with you. Heck, even Himeko says she feels a sense of familiarity with you, according to Mr. Yang. A sense of familiarity is different from the tugging in their chests when they’re around you. The best way to describe it is a gravitational pull. It makes them want to be closer to you and be near you.
“Does anyone know they feel the same way?” Gepard asks, looking at you from the corner of his eyes. “I know they told Sampo they feel it as well, but what if they’re saying it to get Sampo off their back?” Gepard asks, propping one hand on his hip while stroking his chin.
The rest of the day went by in a blur to you. The last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was Himeko showing you where your temporary room is located on the Astral Express. Nanook communicated with you through your dreams twice, but this time, he didn’t make an appearance. You slept for a few hours, only to be woken up by someone knocking at the door.
You roll out of bed and stumble to the door, grabbing the doorknob and opening the door without a second thought. At first, you thought it was going to be March that was standing at the door, ready to show a photo book of her, Dan Heng, Mr. Yang, and Caelus trailblazing, but instead, it was Jing Yuan, Blade, and Luocha that’s standing at the door.
Just when you were feeling groggy, you’re now alert and surprised. You stare at the trio with wide eyes and peek over their shoulders. Why are they at the Astral Express? Shouldn’t they be at the Xianzhou Luofu? And as for Blade, you’re not entirely sure why he’s with Jing Yuan and Luocha at the Astral Express.
You give the three men a fake smile. “Jing Yuan, Luocha, and Blade! What a surprise! If you don’t mind me asking, what are you three doing here?” You ask, running your hands through your bedhead. 
Jing Yuan chuckles. “It’s good to see you too, [Y/N]. We came to check up on you to see if you were okay. Caelus informed us that you weren’t feeling well when you were on Jarlio-VI,” says Jing Yuan.
You stare at Jing Yuan like a fish out of water. “Oh! I’m fine, really! I didn’t think you would stop by to check up on me after hearing what happened,” you say, clearing your throat.
Luocha smiles and pats your head. “We were worried about your well-being! Of course, we would stop by to see if you’re okay! Are we not allowed to do that?” Luocha asks, batting his eyelashes at you.
You feel yourself becoming flustered under their gaze, and you look away, rubbing the back of your neck. Then you realize that Blade is also standing there, behind Luocha and Jing Yuan, staring at you menacingly. Well, he was just staring at you like a normal person, but the look was menacing to you. 
You point an accusing finger at Blade. “Why are you here? Didn’t you go somewhere with Kafka after our encounter at the Xianzhou Loufu?!” You demand, taking a step back.
Blade blinks at you. “What do you mean? Am I not allowed to check up on you?” Blade asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You snort and lean against the door, glaring at the long, dark-haired man behind Luocha and Jing Yuan. “That’s rich coming from someone that cut my neck the other day!” You say, pointing at the bandaid on your neck.
Jing Yuan and Luocha slowly turn to look at Blade. Their demeanors shift suddenly, and the temperature in the area seems to drop. Blade frowns and ignores the glares Luocha, and Jing Yuan are giving him.
Blade sighs. “I didn’t mean to cut your neck, alright? I didn’t think the edge of the sword would be that sharp,” Blade mutters.
You grumble and shift on one foot, looking at the ground. “Yeah, well, I’m doing fine now. I appreciate you three checking up on me, really. Even though you all didn’t need to do that.” you say.
Jing Yuan chuckles. “Well, when it comes to you, we’re willing to drop everything we’re doing to make sure you’re safe,” says Jing Yuan, giving you a closed-eye smile.
“Now that we have checked up on you, I think we should leave you alone to rest now,” Luocha says, smiling at you.
You give Luocha a smile in return and bid the three men goodbye before closing the door. You walk to your bed and collapse on it, closing your eyes. When you open your eyes, you’re back in the void, standing before Nanook. Nanook lets you stand on his hand and lifts you to his eyes, caressing your cheek with his index finger.
“My beautiful, shining star. We will meet soon,” Nanook murmurs.
You place your hands over Nanook’s finger, leaning into his touch. “What do you mean by shining star? Blade and Kafka called me a fallen star. Is there a correlation between the two?”  you ask.
“That, I cannot tell you, my shining star. You will know soon enough,” replies Nanook.
The void around you fades away, and you wake up to see people surrounding you. You blink at them and sit up, but Dan Heng pushes you back down on the bed. You look at Dan Heng and the others with a questioning look. Your moment with Nanook was cut so suddenly. Did something happen?
You rub your eyes. “What happened? Why is everyone in my room?” You ask.
Himeko sighs in relief, smiling at you. “We’re just glad you’re okay, that’s all,” says Himeko
You stare at Himeko and the others quizzically. “Then, does that mean I can continue my sleep?” You ask.
March’s eyes widen, and she looks at the others with panic. “Uh, yes! But you’ve been sleeping so much today! Do you want to walk around the Astral Express with us? You know, for fresh air and maybe get something to eat after?” March asks. 
You shrug, rolling off the bed and stretching your arms in the air. “Yeah, sure, why not? I don’t think I had anything to eat today, so I might as well walk around the Astral Express and get something to eat after.”
March grins and grabs you by your wrist before pulling you out of your room with the others following behind. You’re not sure if you want to know what happened before you woke up, but everyone in the room looks… shaken up, if that’s the right way to describe it.
Note: Not gonna lie, I kind of like how this fic turned out. The starting "chapter" of the new series is completely different from how I started the Genshin Impact Isekai fic. I have way too many ideas for Honkai Star Rail, and I'm excited to post more for Honkai Star Rail along with the Genshin fics. I might make a more organized masterlist for all of my fics, but I'm not sure when I'll do that 🤔 To my new and/or returning readers, please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
Read more of my works on my Masterlist | Maybe support me by tipping me on Ko-Fi or by reblogging my fanfics! ^^ I will also be posting exclusive fanfics on Ko-Fi as well very soon! I might post all of my stories on there too, but who knows. You can also tip me on Tumblr if you'd like as a way to show support! ^^
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azzibuckets · 5 months
Paper Rings [Part 1/10 | Paige Bueckers]
Paige Bueckers x fem!reader
summary: very angsty friends to enemies to lovers told through flashbacks & current day
a/n: this is my very first fic + i’m still pretty unfamiliar with how to use tumblr so pls forgive me in advance 😭 but lmk what you think!
warnings: drinking, angst, paige as a player
word count: 1.9k
masterlist w/ all parts
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It was the night of the Big East championship game, and the entire UConn women’s basketball team was piled into Paige and Azzi’s apartment to celebrate with drinks. At first, you’d been hesitant to come, as you would be the only non-player there. Which usually wouldn’t be a problem, but since it was a celebration for something as special as a tournament win, you wanted to let the team have their moment. But Paige insisted, saying that you were basically one of them at this point, and that everyone loved you and would want you there.
So here you were, sandwiched between Paige and KK on the sofa. There were so many people squeezed onto the sofa, though, that you were basically half in Paige’s lap. She didn’t seem to mind though - one hand was holding a red solo cup filled with dirty Shirley while the other was firmly wrapped around your waist, holding you in place next to her. Not a typical look for best friends, but both of you attributed this intimate position to physical touch being both of your main love languages.
Paige’s fingers were absentmindedly brushing up and down your hip, alternating between playing with the fray at the end of your shirt and scratching your hip. You tried not to think too much of it. Paige was constantly moving, and she always needed something to play with or else she’d get bored and distracted. She definitely wasn’t touching you because she had feelings for you. Paige made it clear that she wasn’t interested in anyone romantically, with how quickly she moved from woman to woman. But that was how she chose to live her love life, and you respected that! And didn’t care….at all.
KK suddenly lurched up from next to you. “Ayoooo, we should play spin the bottle,” she crowed, as if this was the best idea she’d ever come across.
“Nah, girl, I’m good,” Nika teased, shaking her head at KK’s antics. “Geno said he wants us to be close, but I don’t think he meant that close.”
The rest of the team hooted in laughter. KK pouted. “Well, Azzi just texted the guys’ team to come, and they’ll be here soon. That way I don’t have to kiss any of y’all’s nasty lips.”
At that, Paige sat up a little bit straighter, her grip around my waist tightening. “Ain’t no one playing spin the bottle with the guys. Especially Y/N.”
“Why, Paige? Jealous?” Ice teased. Ice always gave you a hard time about Paige, wiggling her eyebrows at you every time you walked Paige to practice or dropped off food for her during their recovery sessions. You suspected that she was onto you, but you always shrugged off her teasing in order to seem nonchalant.
Paige rolled her eyes, although her grip on you didn’t loosen. “Nah, bro. They’re just weird. They don’t know Y/N like that. She’d be uncomfy.”
You tugged on one of her Dutch braids. You loved whenever she put her hair into two full braids. She looked so cute. Although you’d never tell her that. “What if I wanna play, hmm?” You were testing Paige’s limits, and you knew it. And as much as you wanted to chalk it up to her being jealous, you knew she was probably just being a protective friend.
Paige shook her head. “It’s such a middle school game, Y/N. You don’t wanna do that.” With those words, you felt a surge of drunken defiance rise in your chest. Paige was bossing you around, as if she knew what was best for you. But you refused to be seen as the innocent and meek type. And now you wanted to play. Because if you couldn’t have Paige, you weren’t gonna let her limit you from having someone else.
You raised your chin. “No, I think I’m gonna,” you declared.
Paige’s eyes flashed. There was a hint of surprise in the way she leaned back and studied you. “Okay,” she responded coolly. “Whatever. Do what you want - Imma top up.” She briskly slid the part of me on her thigh off, and got up, disappearing into the kitchen.
Soon, the guys piled in, along with some of their buddies that weren’t on the basketball team. You all agreed to do a mix of spin the bottle or truth or dare. It was either answer the question, or kiss. Except those who were players insisted that teammates were off limit. To be honest, you didn’t wanna play. You, like Paige, thought the game was childish. And more importantly, the only person in the room, or frankly anywhere in the world, whose lips you wanted to kiss was Paige. But Paige didn’t want you, and you had to move on.
Paige returned with a full cup, this time of beer, just in time for the game to start. A couple of the girls had gotten up to sit with the guys on the floor, so there was more room on the sofa now, meaning that Paige and you were no longer touching. Instead, there was a sizable gap between the two of you. The lack of her warmth was upsetting to you, and another reminder that Paige was only touching you because of how crowded the sofa was. Not because she craved your touch the same way you craved hers.
Just your luck, the bottle landed on you the first spin. You vaguely recognized the guy who spun it as one of the players on the basketball team. He had dirty blonde hair and a cocky smile. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, and he had a rumpled look about him that would be messily attractive if it weren’t for the fact that you had almost zero interest in guys.
“Which guy on my team looks like he’d be the best in bed?” The guy’s wildly inappropriate question barely registered before Paige leaned forward, sliding her hand protectively over your knee.
“That’s a fucked up question,” she snapped. Her eyebrows were furrowed in that way that happens when she’s really angry, and her cheeks were flushed, likely from the alcohol. Tipsy Paige meant a Paige with much more intense emotions, and you knew now that she would be even more unashamed now than she is sober, which says a lot considering how she’s already pretty free willed sober. “Don’t be an ass. Give her a decent question so she’s not forced to kiss you.” Paige snarled.
The guy’s eyebrows shot up. “Chill out, P. It’s just a game,” he laughed arrogantly.
“Yeah, P.” The words, laced with malice, were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, and you wanted to die as soon as they came out. Paige looked like a puppy who was just kicked, confusion and embarrassment in her eyes. Shame rose in your throat like bile - Paige was just trying to protect you from a creepy guy, a guy who you didn’t even want to kiss, and you were taking this random stranger’s side. In front of all these people.
But words kept piling out of your mouth, even though you didn’t mean it. “Stop babying me,” you hissed. This time only Pauge could hear, but you internally kicked myself again for the harshness of your words. It was the alcohol in you, running hot through your veins, exacerbating all the bitterness and jealousy you’ve been feeling towards Paige for so long. You wanted to get back at her…but for what? It wasn’t her fault she didn’t love you back.
You were thrusted back to reality when you realized everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make a move. It was an almost out of body experience, in the most terrible and awful way possible, watching yourself move like a robot to where the guy was sitting. You kneeled down, planted a kiss on his lips to the cheering of all the people around you, then got back and returned to your seat on the sofa.
And for the rest of the night, Paige didn’t speak to you.
“I can’t find them.” You were digging through your purse, trying to find your keys. Paige was standing next to you, her face stone hard.
You were so drunk. After the whole kiss incident, you’d started going wild with the drinks, putting back shots as if your life depended on it. The alcohol made you feel numb, softening the ache you felt whenever you thought back to earlier that night when you had hurt Paige, embarrased her in front of all those people. You felt like the worst person in the world, and the more you drank, the more that guilt disappeared.
And now you were drunk out of your mind. You’d expected Paige to ignore you completely after, and she had, until the celebrations died down and you had to go home. You had walked to the apartment because your dorm was only 10 minutes away, and now with how you couldn’t even walk without staggering, someone needed to escort you back.
You hated how good Paige was. How she immediately got up without hesitation when Nika requested for someone more sober to walk you home. You knew she was angry and hurt, yet like always, she looked out for you first.
“Paige, I can’t find them,” you pouted. Paige exhaled through her nose and grabbed the purse from you, sifting through it before she found your keys, tucked into one of the side pockets. Opening the door, she rested her hand on the small of your back to guide you inside.
Once inside, you grabbed Paige’s hand, tugging her into your room and flopping on the bed. She stood there, still and silently watching you. She was unamused, and rightly so.
“Are you mad?” You giggled, sitting up to poke her in the stomach. When she stared back at you, still in silence, you stopped laughing. Sobering up a bit, you grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. “I’m really sorry,” you said quietly. “I don’t know why I did that earlier.” She was between your legs now. You weren’t thinking straight, your mind a muddled mess, and so you wrapped your calves around her, pulling her in until there was no space between you two. She looked down at you, bringing her hand to lightly touch your jaw.
You both stayed there for a moment, the tip of her finger running back and forth along your jaw. Your eyelids fluttered closed. Paige’s touch was so gentle, and you wanted to lean into it and stay in it forever. You didn’t understand why she was being so kind to you when you had been so cruel to her earlier, especially on a night as important as this.
“I’m sorry. For ruining tonight,” you told her, shifting to lean your forehead against her toned stomach.
“You didn’t ruin anything. But I was trying to look out for you,” she said quietly from above you. Paige. A golden heart, and a reminder of why you didn’t deserve her.
“But you kiss a lot of people. Why do you have an issue when I do it?”
Paige’s hand stuttered. “You should really get some rest,” she said gently instead of answering your question. She backed up, looking at you closely before shutting the light off. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Good night.”
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biahouse · 7 months
Important, Gregory House x Reader
(This is my first story on Tumblr, and also my first Gregory House story. English is not my language, technically all of this is Google translate, so I apologize for any mistakes. But I hope you like it, I have a lot of ideas about our crazy doctor)
You love House. He doesn't care about anyone, but he cares about you. That's something, right?
The first time you met Gregory House was at your job interview.
You knew House's fame in the medical field, so your dream was to work with him and learn about his somewhat orthodox methods.
What you didn't expect was to be completely enchanted by the man 15 years older than you. House was moody, irritating, stupid, arrogant. A card-carrying asshole.
But there was something that made you suspicious every time he entered the diagnostic room. However, you weren't the only one.
You were good at hiding your crush on House, but Cameron always let it be known how much he liked his boss and what deeply upset you.
You were nothing compared to Alisson Cameron. Cameron was beautiful, kind, hardworking, confident. Everything you could never be, even if you tried hard.
That's why you shelved your feelings, buried them at the bottom of your chest and tried to hide as much as you could.
3 years have passed since you joined the team, and now with the departure of Chase, Cameron and Foreman, you were the only original member and House became more and more dependent on you. You have now done the work of four people.
And like a good doctor, you did your best to treat every patient who arrived at the department in the best way possible. But it was exhausting you.
The dark circles became increasingly prominent. You were sure you had lost 2kg in that week alone, since you didn't have time to eat and your hair fell out more and more every time you combed your hair.
But it was three weeks after you were working almost alone in the diagnostics department that your body reached its limit.
House and you were discussing what could be ailing an elderly man when he came up with a really interesting theory.
As always, you were sent to do tons of tests, but the moment you got up from the chair, your entire body lost consciousness.
“House” you mumbled the man’s name as you felt your entire vision blur.
"Yes?" The man responded, distractedly analyzing the symptoms chart.
"I think I'm going to pass out" was the last thing that came out of his mouth before the world went black.
You heard the machine beep before your eyes could discover the place around you. It was hard to open your eyes, the bright lights of the hospital room shining brightly into your eyes.
You could feel your throat dry, and the various threads clinging to your body. It was uncomfortable and you tried to adjust yourself on the hard bed.
"I wouldn't move if I were you" House's unmistakable voice sounded in the room and his gaze shifted to the man lying on the bedroom sofa. "Welcome to the world of the living"
“Hi,” your voice sounded hoarse and you coughed, feeling your throat raw.
"Here" House stood up at an impressive speed and handed him a glass of water with a straw. You sipped the liquid with relief, your throat feeling better within seconds.
"How long was I gone?"
"2 days" House limped so he could check his devices. "You were exhausted, dehydrated and malnourished. New diet?" The man joked.
"The patient..." You started to get worried about the man they were treating.
"You're impressive" House looked at you curiously. "I tell you she's a living dead woman and you care about the patient."
“I’m fine” You waved your hand at him.
"It's not what your scans say" He shook the folder in his possession. "Why didn't you tell me that you couldn't do everything alone?"
“Because I can do it” You insisted.
"You're going to have a week off, until you can recover. In that time, I'm going to review some resumes, you need help" House said once again looking deeply at you.
"Why? You don't want new people on the team, you hate change" you tried to argue, knowing what the man was like.
"But I care about you. I think that's more important than my distaste for people" His admission scared both of you, but neither would admit it."Rest, I'll be back in a bit, with something called food"
And with that he left the room. Leaving behind your flushed face and your racing heart.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Just read one of your ao3 fics and immediately came here. Could you possibly do Kaeya's first reaction to reader squirting for the first time?
ooo nice!! i didnt konw if people would really see my tumblr from my ao3 so im glad to hear that <33 also i. literally just accidentally posted this so people who sent asks before this/a few days ago YES i have your asks i just forgot to save this as a draft im sorry ;-;
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One thing about Kaeya is he is incredibly diligent in whatever he does. He does everything to 100%, even if it doesn't seem like it. What his priorities are is an entirely different matter.
This is doubly so whenever it comes to you. He adores you with every fiber of his being, loving to be around you and spend time with you and learn what makes you laugh and smile. Making you happy is the only thing he thinks he's okay with doing for the rest of his life.
When you first began to spend nights at his place he liked to try and rile you up, see what kinds of things get you going and how to make you a flustered mess. It was a fun past time of his and he really quite enjoyed it.
Once you started having sex with him you realised fully the true extent of his devotion to you. He used his body to make you melt under his hold, desperate for more and more of him. It didn't matter how much you pushed against him, as long as you didn't tell him no, he had no issues working over the edge over and over again.
His favourite was to see how much overstimulation you could take after a bout of edging before the only thing you could say was his name, body shaking as sweat ran down your skin that he couldn't help but kiss. The way your hands trembled in his as he held you could make him rock hard in an instant, gently nosing against you with the light ask of "again?" in that soft husky voice you could never resist.
All of his experimentation paid off one night in a big way, and the only way you could describe his reaction was excited. You knew in you'd never rest again after this joint discovery, but the way he pulled you into his chest made you not mind too much.
"Fuck, you're doing so good," Kaeya pants into your ear, ramming into your used hole over and over.
Your nails are scratching against his chest, pressed up against him in a way that would be uncomfortable were it not for him stealing any coherent thought you could have with the way he's fucking you. It's endless, almost maddening but you can't help the way your body reacts. His hands hold your hips still, forcing you to take whatever it is he wants to give you as your knees weakly rest against his waist.
"Mmn, Kaeya -" you keen, feeling another orgasm beginning to crest.
He was fighting for this one, feeling you on the precipice for a while now but for some reason, he wasn't yet able to push you over the edge. Now that it was coming again, he had to just have it. Your walls were clenching so tightly over him and you were biting your lip again, trying to hide your moans from him but he would just have to ignore it for now.
Kaeya is relentless, sitting up and pushing your thigh towards your chest so he can mount you better, watching as your body bounces against the sheets hungrily. There's nothing he loves the sight of more and when your expression begins to shift he knows he has you.
He fucks you through the orgasm, chasing his own peak as he feels your arousal soak his pelvis. The sound you make and the feeling is so erotic it makes him cum on the spot, almost collapsing onto you as his hips continue grinding into you slowly.
"You fucking squirted," he huffs into your ear, almost offended you held out on him.
"Why are you mad at me?!" you retort, brain too fuzzy to think right as you smack his face in retaliation.
"Have you never done that before?" You shake your head and an evil grin spreads across his face as he flips you over, pulling your back into an arch as he manages to get his half-hard cock inside of you.
"Really? I'll see how many times I can make you do it then," he practically growls at you, brutal pace starting up again.
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dragon-teaparty · 1 year
“ I Love You Too ” - Leon Kennedy x Reader
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ok so first off, i'm so fucking MAD bc tumblr didn't save my draft when it suddenly closed the app to update so i have to rewrite this ENTIRE THING
i'm actually so mad about it, i swear i was about to just not write this. i'm gonna rip my hair out i swear
anyway, i'm back with another story :3 this time it's more wholesome and fluffy
summary: you and leon become even closer than before (gn reader btw)
It was nearly sunset. You and Leon were in his backyard, just enjoying the weather. You had begun to play fight, something that was common amongst you both.
Usually, it would be typical banter but you'd always say something that would set Leon off, and now was one of those moments.
You said something about his driving and teased him about every time he crashed a vehicle. Of course you had to make some snarky comment about his license.
Before you could bolt off, Leon grabbed you by the waist, causing you to yelp and giggle.
He swept you off your feet and held you in his arms bridal style. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Hey, c'mon!" You laughed, wiggling in his grasp. "You're like 80 tons of muscle, it's no fair!"
Leon chuckled. "Can't take what you dish out, huh?"
You and Leon were very close. Your connection was obvious to those who even glanced at you. You weren't dating, no, but a lot of people sure thought you were.
It was clear how much Leon genuinely cared for you. You had been his light in the darkness of the horrors he's seen in Raccoon City and the mission to Spain to save the president's daughter. It was difficult for him to let people in and the trauma only made it worse.
Of course, Ada had to do something with this as well. Her betrayal all those years ago still weighed heavy on Leon's heart. He was still confused, hurt, and angry all the same. Although he was glad to see Ada alive, he couldn't help but have a taste of bitterness for her. A bitterness that just wouldn't wash off of his tongue no matter how much the mercenary tried to make things better.
You were different. So much different than any other person he'd ever known.
Everything about you was perfect in Leon's eyes. Your laugh, your smile, your sense of humor, the way you'd look away and squeal when you were excited about something. It made him smile.
You had successfully torn down the walls Leon had built and he was more than happy about that. Of course, the initial part of getting to know you was rather irritating for him, he didn't want to talk about his feelings or let anyone see this side of him. You had been a ray of sunshine on his cold heart.
"Put me down!" You squeaked, squirming around.
Leon let out an exasperated huff. "Okay, okay!" He chuckled and then gently placed you back down on your feet. He immediately pulled you into a hug to which you happily accepted.
Your love for Leon was just as strong as his love was for you. You always had more romantic feelings for him but you never admitted it in fear of ruining the special bond you two had.
"I missed you while I was away," Leon spoke up, still holding you against his chest.
You smiled at this. "i missed you too." You said, your voice becoming quiet. "I always miss you."
Leon felt a pang in his heart when you said that. His job was dangerous and there was always the risk of losing his life. He knew how much you worried and he hated it.
He never really thought much about how dangerous being an agent is since he was so used to it at this point. Seeing you worry made him feel guilty.
"I know," he replied softly. "But you know I'll always come back to you, right?"
You nodded, burying your face into his chest.
As much as Leon reassured you that he'd always come home safe, you couldn't help but have the thought in the back of your mind.
When he was away, your nights were often sleepless and you found it difficult to get things done from how worried you got sometimes.
The thought of losing Leon was crushing and you couldn't stand it.
"Hey," Leon spoke, pulling away a little to look at you. "I promise." His expression was soft and his tone sweet and reassuring.
You couldn't hold it back. As you looked up at him and heard his words, tears swelled in your eyes and they began spilling. Leon pulled you back into his arms and you hugged him back once more. He shushed you quietly, running his fingers through your hair and murmuring soft reassurances.
The two of you had stood there in each other's arms for quite a while. By the time you two parted, the sun had finally dipped below the horizon. The moonlight shines through the branches and leaves of the tree you were under, illuminating you both.
Leon couldn't help but admire you. You looked so beautiful underneath the soft glow of the night sky. Your eyes always appeared to sparkle in the light but they looked especially like stars here. He found himself not being able to tear his eyes away from you.
You looked back up at him and into his pretty blue eyes.
He reached over and gently cupped your cheek with one hand. "I'm never leaving you, y'know." He whispered, once again reassuring you with a genuine smile spreading across his face. "You can't get rid of me that easy."
You smiled back, your heart fluttering as you leaned into his touch, placing your hand on his own.
"Oh, I know," you said, your tone turning more playful. "You really don't know when to quit, Kennedy."
Leon laughed, a genuine laugh that you and you alone had ever heard. He looked back at you, a comfortable silence suddenly falling upon you both.
You felt yourself get lost in Leon's eyes. The baby blue was so mesmerizing to you.
The way you looked at him didn't help either, it made his heart jump out of his chest.
The way you looked at one another was undeniable. The fondness and love in your eyes, like you were a golden treasure in the middle of the rubble in both of your minds.
As Leon looked at you, he had an overwhelming urge to just admit his feelings. He loved you so much and he wanted to shout it out loud, pour out his heart to you.
Instead, he simply leaned in, his lips softly pressing against your own.
Your eyes widened, not expecting the sudden gesture at all but you melted into the kiss, your eyes closing shut.
It felt like fireworks had gone off in your brain, butterflies swarmed your tummy, tickling your insides. You almost couldn't believe this was happening.
Leon held the kiss for a little while longer before he pulled away, looking into your eyes. His expression was so soft and loving.
"I love you," you finally spoke, blurting out the words as you were unable to hold them back anymore. You surprised yourself, a blush quickly creeping across your cheeks.
Leon smiled. For the first time in years, he actually felt complete, he felt so loved and safe. This feeling was almost enough to drive him to tears. Never in his life had he ever felt this way about another person before.
He pulled you close again and planted another kiss on your lips before he pulled away again, looking down at you with a grin that he just couldn't get rid of.
"I love you too."
phew! this one is definitely not as good as the one i originally had and that upsets me a lot :'c
i hope you all liked it anyways! love u guys <3
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Ahhh i dont really know how Tumblr works (this is my first time requesting someone) but i see that ur request was open
i want to request an academic rivalry trope hcs with riddle or Azul or both (bcs i absolutely LOVE the way u write them 😞 it makes me giggle)
Thank u in advance and have a great day or night (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
SUMMARY: Riddle & Azul with an academic rival!!
COMMENTS: omg i love you for this!!! this is one of my favorite tropes ever and these two are so emotionally constipated they wouldn't know what to do with themselves. i hope you have a lovely day too anon <33 and im so glad you like how i write them hehe azul is the loml so it means a lot when people say that!!
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Riddle doesn’t know what to do about you. He feels so incredibly frustrated every single time you score higher than him on a test because he should be better. How can he pride himself in being Heartslabyul’s Housewarden if he can’t even be at the top of his class?
So what does he do with that frustration? He studies harder and harder because clearly he isn’t trying hard enough. His health deteriorated, and if it wasn’t for Trey, Riddle would be even more of a wreck.
Then he finally does it. All of that work culminates into Riddle finally scoring a point higher than you on his Magical History exam. He stares at the board smugly, really admiring his name above yours (which is how it should be, in his mind.)
You approach the board too, and he expects you to say something about how you’ll score higher than him next time or how you can’t believe he’s finally beaten you, but instead, you nod cheerfully and walk away.
You just walk away. You don't even look at him. You’re satisfied with yourself?! Riddle feels rage bubbling up in his chest, and he almost screams at you right there and then in the hallway. What is wrong with you?!
It doesn’t help matters when Crewel assigns a huge project that's to be completed by two people, and places you and Riddle together. He’s so hell-bent on avoiding you the entire time, even when your face grows annoyed at his inability to cooperate.
“This project is a long one, you know.” you tell him one day, staring daggers into the side of his skull, “It takes six months to complete. If you want to get a good grade you’ve got to lay down your pride and talk to me. I’m not put up with this for half a year.”
Riddle hates that you’re right. He hates it so much because he’s always supposed to be the sensible one. He’s studied the rules over and over and yet you stump him. You make him wrong.
Is he wrong to resent you for that? Is it wrong to want to destroy your pride? Is it wrong to hate that you seemingly get everything you’ve ever wanted so easily while he’s worked hard for it?
Is it wrong that he wants to cooperate so hard and so efficiently with you that you take back everything you said to him?
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Azul wants to get you in his debt so BADLY. He isn’t at the very top of his class, no. That title belongs to Riddle, who has refused his offers for a contract time and time again. Maybe there’s something you want, though.
He will find it. He will examine you every day and pick apart every insecurity and moment of sadness. That smart little brain of yours may be good for tests, but when it comes to manipulation, you have nothing on Azul.
It’s a small comfort if nothing else. You may have the entire school wrapped around your finger and the Leech twins might be fascinated with you, but that doesn’t matter.
Well, it doesn’t matter until you show up at the Lounge of your own volition. Azul is shocked when he hears the twins call your name, and you enter his VIP Room looking far too calm.
Floyd almost hacks up a laugh from laughing too hard when you ask for tutoring. Azul is baffled as Jade snickers, wondering why the person who outscores Azul continuously would ask him for tutoring.
But this is his chance. And so he writes up a contract, asking for something vague because he doesn’t know what he’ll need from you yet but he’s certain you’ll come in handy in the future and suddenly—
You wrinkle your nose and hand the contract back to him, pointing at one of the conditions. “I don’t like that one. Change it.” you say, and Floyd starts cackling again because no one has ever read them that closely.
It’s a condition that states you will come to the Lounge whenever Azul summons you. It’s vague enough that the signer may not realize he truly means whenever, but outlined enough to make them assume that it only applies to the time frame in which the main part of the contract is in effect.
It’s sneaky, and you caught it. Azul’s eyebrow twitches as he stares at you, forcing a smile on his features. Why, of course he can change that for you! What would you like it to say instead? You should know that he’s on home turf right now, and he never loses in the comfort of his VIP Room.
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 months
common grounds (oshamir) - chapter 1
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Pairing: Osha Aniseya/Qimir "The Stranger" Themes of note: Modern AU, coffee shop AU, boxing/fighting AU, slow burn romance, personal identity exploration, sports injury & recovery, angst yada yada. First few chapters are rated T, but bumps to M eventually. Summary: One cold winter night, Osha meets a stranger while she's working late at the cafe. Like the spark that lights a very long fuse, there's no way this doesn't end in fire and upheaval.
A/N: Mehmehmehmeh I ain't back on tumblr this is just another horn of mine to toot lol it's also on my AO3 is why. This is also written for da bestie and is held hostage by them (affectionate). Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Somehow, the mysterious problems with the espresso machine returned.
Not that anyone asked her, but Osha didn’t believe it was pure coincidence that this was the fifth time she’d been called in to fix the machine immediately after Yord was on the schedule. It couldn’t wait for her next shift because most people who needed espresso needed it in the mornings, and Mae worked the morning shift.
Regardless, it wasn’t a coincidence. Osha just wanted to get quietly pissed at a fixable problem so that by the time it was fixed, she’d forget what she was pissed about. With just the lights on behind the bar and the small flashlight in her mouth, she tried not to think about how eerie the cafe looked at night. The snow swirling in the windowsill outside served as an unhelpful reminder that her car was still in the shop, and the walk back to the apartments would be very, very cold.
But the hot water tap had priority over that. This was the most temperamental part of the whole unit, a half dozen little fastenings keeping it pinned to the machine wall to prevent it from lashing out all over the place every time anyone pressed a button. Each gentle click of her spanner sounded like a clap of thunder in the deserted shop, and a sensation of deep, deep dread she hadn’t felt in years rose in her chest. “Shit,” she whispered, forgetting about the flashlight in her teeth and spitting it out onto the floor. “Damnit.”
When she stood, a man was standing behind the machine.
The man was lucky; Osha might not have had the left hook her sister did, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still have one hell of a swing. She almost threw the flashlight at him but held on, wielding it like a four-inch baseball bat.
The man’s face went from neutral and stony to overly expressive in a heartbeat. “Oh! I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to startle you!” he said, laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. Osha took him in, the baggy hoodie and jeans, the glasses, the toothy smile, the black bag slung over his shoulder. All in all, he didn’t look harmless, but he didn’t look like he meant her harm either.
“We’re closed.”
“The door was, uh, unlocked.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the door, giving her a shrug as if to say, what can you do?
“Even so, we’re still closed. You have to go.” For a moment, she considered grabbing the portafilter as a potential weapon. It’d certainly work better than the flashlight.
He put both his hands up. “Alright, alright. Can’t I just… step out of the cold for a minute or two? I’ll stay over here by the door.”
She shouldn’t. This man was undoubtedly a stranger, and a strange stranger, at that. But she knew the biting cold wasn’t pleasant, and her kind streak had never entirely been snuffed out.
“Fine. Sit there.” She pointed to a table where she could get a complete look at him while she continued working. He went willingly but faced her when he took his seat.
“Thank you,” he said, head tilting slightly to the side. “Not many people would be so kind.”
She didn’t look over at him, only answered him with a grunt as she tore into the hot water line with more ferocity than necessary. How in the hell did Yord mess this up? Nobody even touches this but me!
“I thought this place was open 24 hours,” the stranger said conversationally. When he realized Osha wouldn’t answer him, he continued. “Didn’t it used to be? It was always packed, classes at midnight and sunrise and sunset.”
That piqued her interest. Osha paused her crusade against the tap and frowned at him. “Are you a member at the gym?”
Even from here, she could see his jaw clench a little, one muscle feathering so quickly it might have been a trick of the light. “Oh, a long time ago. A lot must have changed if you’re the only one on staff right now.”
It sounded threatening. It should have been threatening. A strange man had come in, told her he had some measure of fight training, and pointed out she was alone. Yet, Osha couldn’t put her finger on why she saw it as bluster. The dread in her chest had entirely dissipated, and her heartbeat had returned to normal following the stranger’s sudden appearance.
“How long ago? I’ve been here a long time, too. Know everyone here.” She kept one eye on him as she worked, uncoupling the wall fastenings for the line to the group head. 
“It was a long, long time ago. But hey—there might be a few days of overlap if you’ll answer a question for me.”
She frowned and kept her focus on the machine. “Go ahead.”
“You’re Osha, right?”
Her hand slipped, and she dropped the spanner deep into the machine’s body. Biting back a curse, her attention warred between the stranger knowing her name and grabbing her tools.
“H-how do you know that?” C’mon, where is it?
In the seconds she’d been looking away, he had stood up to prop his hip against the table he’d been sitting at. “I remember two little girls coming in for one of the children’s sunrise classes I was in. Twins, and I swear they looked just like you and your sister.”
For an instant, she tried picturing this strange man as a child, but she hardly remembered anything from her first few weeks at the gym when their dad had taken them to train. Her imagination wouldn’t be of any help here.
“You know my sister?”
“Mae? Oh, I’ve met her a few times in passing. It’s a small city if you get out enough. I only knew your names as a child, though.” He gave a breathy, goofy laugh, pulling at something like interest in Osha’s belly.
She supposed he was near her age. He looked young, but some people’s genes aged more gracefully than others. “It—yeah. I’m Osha. What’s—what are you doing?”
Slowly, he walked toward the counter beside the machine. The conversation had thawed the ice of their meeting a little, which could have permitted a closer boundary, but it was still a little alarming. “My hearing isn’t the best. Get your bell rung enough times, and it never stops singing, does it?”
He tilted his head in the light to show her the slightly blue shell of his ear—it’d been likely drained from a hematoma to prevent cauliflower ear. You didn’t have ears like that without being in the ring for a while. She also saw a pair of charming little twists in his hair to keep it off his ears, which shouldn’t have been so… cute. This guy was a lot of things, but cute didn’t seem like one of them. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, leaning on the counter with his forearms. The hoodie covered his body shape well, but from where it dropped off at the shoulders, he must have been incredibly broad. “It’s incredible, actually.”
“What is?” She shook off her single-bed shoulder musings.
“You look… exactly like her.”
His voice had dropped, along with the convivial squint to his eyes. His voice sounded dark and rich as his near-black irises and every part of her perked up in response. “Um.” Osha racked her head for an intelligent comeback, settling on, “Well, that’s not uncommon for twins.”
The playful lilt to his voice returned. “Yeah,” he grinned. “But really, down to how you frown at me, you two look so alike. It’s impressive.”
Osha frowned at him, then tried not to and failed. The stranger only smiled, a flash of that darker look shining through. Now thoroughly flustered, Osha turned back to the machine. “How’d you know I wasn’t Mae when you walked in?”
“I just knew.” She saw him shrug again in her periphery and continued wrenching back the hot water tap. “What’s wrong with it?”
“What isn’t wrong with it, more like.” She grunted and released another fastening. Now that there was an open entrance for her to stick her hand in, she felt around for the spanner she’d dropped. “This thing has to be like 25,000 years old.”
“That may be truer than you think.”
She met the stranger’s eyes, charmed by his easy smile and laughter. She’d never been one to make fast friends; that was more Mae’s speed, but whatever this conversation was, she wanted more of it.
She found the spanner and made a slight noise of victory, carefully maneuvering her hand back through—
The tap line went taut quite suddenly, and without any fittings keeping it in place, the hot water line suddenly contracted, snagging a jagged edge into her wrist and pinning it to the inner wall of the machine. She could feel the water getting hotter around her wrist, and she tried letting go of the spanner to yank her hand out, but it wouldn’t budge.
Suddenly, two huge hands were there, one wrapping around her forearm to still her and the other reaching into the machine without hesitation. The line loosened around her wrist, and she was pulled free immediately. After that, the stranger hit a sequence of buttons to shut down the machine but still didn’t let go of her forearm.
In the fading whine of the machine, Osha’s heartbeat sounded like a stampede in her ears. She could feel the body heat radiating off the man this close. The callouses on his palms spoke of hard work and discipline. His knuckles bore the permanent blush of a fighter’s hands. Carefully, he pulled back her sleeve and hissed softly, revealing the minor burn over the top of her wrist.
“Poor thing.”
Heat flared up Osha’s neck as if she’d swallowed the hot water line instead of basically wearing it. The stranger leads her to the sink and runs the cool tap before parking her wrist beneath the faucet.
Burns weren’t uncommon in the cafe, and little cuts and swollen bruises weren’t uncommon in the attached boxing gym. As such, the first aid kits for both were well-stocked for each common injury. The stranger moved with confident grace to the red box on the wall, leafing through the contents before finding what he wanted: an antiseptic wipe, burn cream, gauze, and medical tape.
“Let me see.”
He took her wrist back in his hands, gentle but firm, just as he’d held her before. On the spots where his skin touched hers, it burned differently.
He kept his head down as he dressed her wound, using his teeth to tear off pieces of tape. He had a serious aura; the goofy guy he’d been now shifted into an intensely focused man. When satisfied with his work, he didn’t let go, using the last few seconds of soft quietude to draw his thumb across the top of the bandage.
“How’s that?” he said, bouncing back to the playful person he wanted her to see.
But Osha had seen that other side, the rock-steady intensity that had come over him the moment she’d been in danger. That version of himself hadn’t left until he knew she was out of harm.
Osha had hardly been able to blink, let alone breathe, during his treatment of her. Something about his light touch made her wonder how he fought. No soft-handed, theatrical fighter would have been capable of aching gentleness like this.
“It’s—good.” She cleared her throat and fought to look him in the eye. “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me. It was the right thing to do. Anyway, it should be less dangerous when it’s off.”
“I don’t know why I didn’t do that,” she muttered, embarrassment taking over from flustered.
“It’s late, and we’re all prone to mistakes in the dark.”
Her eyes snapped to his at the statement. It sounded so familiar that she could have sworn she had heard it before, but the stranger was already moving, pushing his sleeve past his elbow. Time stood still for a fraction of a second, and Osha could see his forearm, all corded muscle, and scars. And then he reached into the espresso machine, carefully pulling out the spanner.
“There. That what you were looking for?”
Osha blinked owlishly before taking the tool from him. It was impossible to avoid brushing her fingers against his, and the spark of his touch ignited something deeper inside her than skin could reach.
“Thank you, uh…”
“Of course!” Dutifully, the stranger returned to his post, and the counter was put back between them as it should have been. But Osha couldn’t understand why she’d been so adamant about it before. Maybe he was right; it’s late, after all. 
The rest of the work was fast, ticking away minutes as she found the culprit: an overenthusiastic portafilter had shifted the group head an inch out of place, which made every piece of fussy machinery within the casing rebel. “Yord, I swear to god…” Osha grumbled, taking a second to write a warning on scrap paper once everything was packed up.
“Ah, a consistent problem, then?” The Stranger had stayed quiet the whole time Osha worked, and only when he spoke up again did she notice he hadn’t pushed his sleeve down. Her eyes snagged on the sight the way her wrist had snagged on the jagged metal inside the machine.
“You could say that. Hey, um, I have to run it a few times to make sure it’s operational. And… thank you for helping me out. Can I make you something?”
His head tilted in such a way that she could finally see the look on his face was a smile. It felt like looking into one of those dichroic prisms, finding a flash of blue here, a flash of red there, but only at one specific angle inside the glass. “Whatever you want to give me, I’d be happy with.”
Ignoring that, she fell into another set of muscle memory. Even tired and irritated from the burn on her wrist, her hands never faltered as she made up a shot on each group. When the machine shouted itself awake, she watched as two twin porcelain espresso cups filled with darkness, noting the flow, the steam output, and the lack of grit in the pour. “Perfect,” she murmured to herself, satisfied with her work.
Osha assembled a drink to-go for him, sliding it over the bar. Unfortunately, muscle memory took over again, and she shouted, “I have a two-shot Americano at the bar for—oh my god, I’m so sorry, that was so loud.”
He threw his head back and laughed almost as loud as her barista voice had been. That toothy grin was back, and his hair fell into his eyes when he sat back again. “Thank you, I’m oh my god I’m sorry that was so loud, yes.” Their hands brushed again when she realized she hadn’t let go of the cup yet.
“I know it’s pretty late for caffeine, but it’s the least I could do,” she said, a little bashful. His laugh was nice. His smile was nice. He was nice.
He didn’t hesitate to bring the drink to his lips and take a sip, eyes locked with hers. All at once, her mouth went dry, and her blood sang. The smile evolved into a smirk when he set the coffee down again. “Never too late for me. I hardly sleep.”
“I know what that’s like,” Osha sighed, cleaning and shutting the machine down for the night. “I hope that drink’s okay.”
“It’s my usual.”
“No wonder you can’t sleep if your usual is twice the amount of caffeine normal people have.”
“The power of two is a potent high.” He shrugged.
“That’s a slippery slope to tread, stranger. It took me a while to quit.”
“Are you saying I’m an addict?”
Osha almost blanched at his words until she saw the playful tilt of his head. “I’m saying indulgence is a dangerous path.”
He shrugged. “Semantics.”
With the machine shut down for the night, she started flicking off the lights. The stranger took the hint, edging toward the front door.
When the main lights were off, he stood silhouetted against the storefront, snow swirling darkly around him like a smoky aura. He’d pulled up his hood; it gave him a more menacing outline than she’d thought him capable of. Like this, she couldn’t see the goofy smile or the glasses, the glittering dark eyes. He’d shed all of the attributes that made him approachable and safe.
And still, she was not afraid.
She walked to him, nearly shoulder-to-shoulder by the time he turned. “Thank you, Osha,” he said. The soft light from outside cast his features in sharp planes of shadow, concealing most of his features save his nose, lips, and chin.
“Don’t mention it,” she said softly, feeling trapped in a bubbled moment she didn’t want to leave. She’d reflect on this later; she wouldn’t scorn herself for doing what felt right in the moment.
His lips quirked in a half-smile she couldn’t resist returning. “I’ll see you around.”
And then he left in a blast of swirling snow and cold.
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thatwritterbeach · 1 month
So about that alley .6
Jason Todd x ofc Alex
dc masterlist
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
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Jason was covered in blood that wasn't his when he stumbled into one of his safe houses. His knuckles were shredded even through the gloves, not a bullet left on him. Crime alley was going to get a new name after tonight, somewhere along the lines of 'red alley' and not because of his own name, more the walls were now a bit...well, red. he managed to get out before the bats showed up but he knew he wasn't getting away with what he'd done. Nobody, even the low levels, were spared from his cleansing wrath. Drug dealers, pimps, freaking tax dodgers if there had been any. With the adrenaline slowing down his entire body was starting to ache and he all but crawled into the small bathroom to clean himself up. The stiffness in his joints was nothing to the ache in his chest. He'd hurt her, he'd made her bleed and she didn't even care. Willingly allowing him to hurt her because she thought...fuck she thought he would leave her, her, the only good thing in his fucked up life. Dick had texted him to say she wasn't doing well, she hadn't said but a few words and had spent the entire night starring blankly at the wall until she fell asleep. Dick also said she went to the bathroom just before she managed to crash and he had a feeling she'd taken something but he searched the entire place once she was out and hadn't found anything, not even the morphine Jason knew to be there. He'd taught her too damn well.
He couldn't face her, not yet, not after what he'd done, and certainly not littered with bruises she would question. His phone was ringing off the counter of the sink, Dick's contact and all the others taking turns lighting up the screen but he reached down to mute it. Then sunk to the shower floor and let the too hot water pelt down on him.
When the water ran cold he didn't bother too dry off just struggled into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Passing his phone on the floor he stopped when he saw her name, well her name in his phone, which was gift from above, her doing, but he left it, a smile forcing it's way on his face. With a bone deep sigh he picked up the device clicking accept and holding it to his ear.
"Hey, sweetheart-"
"I'm sorry," Dick's voice said through the line.
"Sorry, for what where is she!"
"She's still asleep, but you wouldn't answer anyone's calls. What the fuck did you do Jason," he hissed in a whisper.
"They had it coming."
"Really, the-"
"Yes, and fuck you for using her phone." He hung up.
Like hell he was leaving you with Dick any longer, bastard might take you to the manner in some twisted punishment for the killings. Kidnapping his own girlfriend was against even his code but he needed to get her to a safe house and anyway from his crazy family just for a few days. After he slept, his feet were moving to slow to shift his bike so he crashed on the twin bed in the corner and set an alarm for 3 hours.
Alex woke with drool coating the couch cushion and her eyes practically glued shut.
"Hey sunshine," Dick said with far too much enthusiasm blocking her view with a steaming mug of...tea, who the fuck makes someone tea when they wake up.
"The hell?"
"You've been out for 12 hours I call that rested."
"Yeah, and you snore really loud." He was stalling, rambling even, why? Forcing both eyes open and using her arms to hold herself up, joints cracking far too much for her age, she took in her suroundings.
"This isn't my couch."
"No, it's not," he confirmed sitting the mug on his coffee table and rubbing the back of his neck with nerves.
"The fuck's couch em'my on?"
"Uh, mine," he chuckled.
"Why, where's Jay." Gosh her joints were stiff, last time she uses her prescription sleeping pills.
"He's at one of his safe houses...I think."
"You think? why the hell am I here, you have two seconds."
"Jason...got a bit out of hand last night in crime alley."
"You sick fuck. You kidnapped me, what? So he would become even more of a rage machine. Do you have any idea- you know what, fuck you, Dick." Forcing her limbs to move she stood on shaky legs and headed to the door snagging a pair of his slippers and nearly making it before he spun and pinned her to the door.
"You wanna lose that hand," she seethed, nothing but hatred in her eyes. He didn't back down but did back up knowing damn well his 'brother' would beat him half to death for making her uncomfortable.
"Look, it wasn't my idea."
"I. could. not. care. less," she said slowly, like he was deaf, blind, and dumb.
"I still can't let you leave."
"Then he'll come here."
"He has no idea where we are, and neither do you."
She snorted out a half laugh, but it turned into a full blown laughing fit, shoving him away so she could go to his kitchen. Still laughing when she raided his fridge.
"I'm fucking chipped like a dog, you dumbass."
"You think, the hood, my beloved, with all his enemies, who has regular nightmares of my death would let me out of the house without some kind of tracking. He was cool with a small bug, it was my idea to get an under the skin one, harder to rip off ya know." She was loading his precious bacon into a pan, intent on eating every piece to spite him when the door busted in behind him.
"Hey, babe, sleep well?"
"What the hell, Todd, it wasn't locked!"
"Huh, my bad," he tisked not lowering his gun from Dick's chest.
"You're not gonna shoot him, but I won't stop you from marking his pretty face," Alex said with disinterest flipping the bacon.
"I can't believe you have a tracker-actually yes I can," Dick said, hands raised in surrender.
"The only reason I'm not shooting you in the kneecap-"
"Is for her, ya, I get it," He conceded leaving the room with his hands still raised mumbling something about bacon on his way out.
"Are you hurt?"
"Dude, chill, I'm eating all his bacon that's more than enough pay back."
"Soooo." She handed him a plate of bacon which he was quick to eat so they could leave, grabbing her hand and giving her no choice but to follow.
"Jason Peter Todd, if you think for one second my toes are touches the giant needle floor that is Gotham-"
"Up," he replied with an eye roll crouching down in front of her. With a huff she complied wrapping herself around him so he could carry her too his bike.
"I'm too heavy for this you know."
"You dropped 15 pounds, I know because you forgot to clear the scale, and so help me God I will force feed every pound back on to you," he ground out dropping her on the seat none too gently.
"Like hell."
He knew if he opened his mouth nothing good would come out so he clamped his lips shut and swung onto the bike behind her making sure her legs were over his so they wouldn't get burned. (you'll only do it once that fucker is hotter than you think)
The ride back was nerve racking and her hands shook where they gripped the tank, she'd only been on the back of the bike where she could keep her face against his back and not have to look. He'd given her his helmet, his spare was at her place, much to her protest but he didn't give a damn about cracking his own skull open she knew and even while she'd been shaking her head he had popped it on her. Thankful he had to carry her again, because her legs were shaking she waited for him to pop the kickstand and fling her over his shoulder the helmet still in place and bouncing off his back.
"Hey," she shouted with a weak smack to his ass. Of course, he smacked hers back, at least twice as hard.
"This isn't my place?"
"Nope, safe house, those dumb ass' will try to nab you again so you're staying here for a while."
"I think the fuck not." But she the fuck would, and they both knew it so he remained silent as he flopped her down on the couch then took the helmet from her after she'd removed it, her hair less than stellar.
"Got any clothes here?"
"Wanna tell me where," she sighed growing impatient with him.
"Nope," he clipped kicking off his boots and double checking security.
"Fine," she replied standing to strip, not giving a crap when she stood, hands on her hips, full nude in front of him. Even the stoic as a statue Jason was distracted, eyes drinking her in before his upstairs brain reminded him he hurt her. With a pained groan he turned away and put a hand over his eyes.
"What's the matter Red thought you wanted me to gain weight?"
"I don't care what you weigh if you're happy, this," he gestured vaguely to her,' is just as sexy as you were before, if I knew you were happy. I like you before, loved your hips that I could get a hold of, those fucking tits, which I can see were the first to go-"
"Always the way," she said with an eye roll.
"And those thigh," he practically whined.
"I didn't know you-"
"What? Thought you were the sexiest thing to grace this planet. I'm sorry, so sorry I didn't make sure you knew, I'll shout it from the rooftops every night now."
"I'm sorry I lied."
"Or sorry you got caught?"
"Maybe both? I am sorry Jay, I know how you feel about hurting people, and I never should have let you-"
"Make you fucking bleed."
"Mostly I'm sorry I'm broken. Too damn broken."
"Please, pot meet kettle."
"I know, and I know you went through so much worse, that's why I didn't tell you, you have so much shit on you shoulders already, I couldn't add to that. You deserve the world, you deserve a girlfriend you can sleep with not some-"
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare act like your trauma makes you less than. Certainly not for the sake of sex, if I thought it would make you feel better I'd cut my own dick off. I never needed the sex, never will. I want you, just you."
"Maybe I want it. It happened so long ago, before I even," she paused to grab him and shove him back on the couch so she could straddle his thigh and hold his face in her hands," Jay I was...bad touched, before I even knew what sex was. I hadn't touched myself in that way. I've never...never been able to- I just wanted to be normal, I wanted a regular loss of virginity is some punks back seat in the middle of nowhere. I want to be able to use my own fucking fingers without feeling like I'm being torn apart. I needed that, Jay, and I'm so sorry I went about it the way I did, but I'd do it again, I will drug myself for the rest of our lives to have sex with you."
"No," he whispered his own hands reaching up to swipe away her tears.
"No, I won't let you. If it's touch you want we can find another way, I'll buy you every style vibrator the world has to offer. I'll eat you out, you can ride my thigh, whatever you need but I will never hurt you again."
"That's not fair to you. I can't-I mean I don't like- *sigh* Jay I can't get you off, it makes me...unsettled," she said so low he almost didn't hear while she looked away in shame.
"I have two working hands."
"That's not fair-"
"I don't give a damn about fair. If you need to get off I'll get you off and honestly knowing you're enjoying it with be far more rewarding-"
"Don't say that. I want to be able to touch you. I should be able to touch you my stupid fucking brain-" She'd moved her arms to dig her nails into her wrist but stopped speaking when he took both her hands in his and brought them to him lips.
"Do you enjoy cooking for me?"
"That's not the same."
"You're right, it takes longer, and food is more important than sex. Do you help get the blood out of my clothes without complaint."
"Of course but-"
"Do you put on my favorite show when we hangout even though I know you hate it?"
"Do you stay up late to make sure I get in safe and take care of my wounds when I know you can't keep your eyes open. When I broke my arm didn't you do everything for me, took time off work and helped me bathe, fed me, helped me get dressed?"
"While you whined like a baby."
"Point is sweetheart, sugar pie, love of my life. This sex thing is-me doing my job as your boyfriend and making you feel good is nothing compared to what you do for me everyday all day. Even before you knew what I was and what I did, you've always been everything to me, do everything for me. So please for once in you life with you shut those pretty lips up, unless they're screaming my name, and let me take care of you."
"I've never had anyone..."
"What? Eat you out?"
"Then I'd be honored if you let me be the first. Just a warning I might never let you leave."
"Can I think about it?"
"Sweetheart, honey bunch, you can take all the time in the world. But we do need to talk about these," he said softly, tapping her stomach where the scars were make-up free.
"I'm careful," she said like that made it okay.
"You go out every night to beat the crap out of people and I do this to let off steam."
"That's not the same and you're trying to redirect."
"I can't stop," she said letting her head fall to his chest.
"I'm not asking you to," he replied circling his arms around her to bring her in closer.
"The morphine, I can stop. Unless I get a migraine, promise, you can even keep my stash."
"I trust you, I don't trust me."
"Were you?"
"When I came back from the dead, I got a bit lost. Then this pretty little thing all but forced her way into my heart and I realized she was the best drug a man could ask for."
"We're all kinds of fucked up."
"Couldn't agree more."
8-24-24 see masterlist for more
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candywife333 · 1 year
Body to Body
Part 2 of Just want to see you like that
This series is based on Jungkook's 3D and is probably going to have close to 6-7 parts, depending on where the storyline takes me. I'm feeling a bit dramatic, so expect a lot of angst. Tumblr is going to be referenced in this fic under a different name, Bumblr (I know, totally goofy name).
Summary: Y/N, an overworked employee at HYBE , only ever posted on Bumblr when she was feeling cornered. It was truly her escape. She didn't really do insta or even twitter. Most people would look at her and think this glass wearing quiet girl would most probably be posting pics of flowers and cute animals. But no, looks could be deceiving. Y/N's posts were far from innocent. In fact , they were borderline risque. She didn't expect anybody but a few horny people to come across these pics; people who would view and compliment in the best case scenario. What she didn't expect was that a certain star would be a regular consumer of her material. A star that technically had no business simping after her like that.
Disclaimer: This work is not representative of the real Jungkook's personality and behavior. It is merely fiction and please treat it as such.
Trigger Warning: voyeurism, exhibitionism, some swearing
Please don't read the fic if any of these themes are disturbing or offensive to you.
Taglist is open
Link to part 1- https://www.tumblr.com/mred435/729860379581235200/just-want-to-see-you-like-that
I didn't know how to process his behavior. They always seemed like really polite people, all of the BTS members. I wonder why Jungkook was acting like that. Usually he was really quiet and never spoke to any lower down staff in general. He had managers to do that for him. Maybe I should start referring to him in my head as Junglebook, cause he was really acting like Tarzan beating his chest because of a spoiled banana milk.
Actually , never mind , that would be an insult to Tarzan. Maybe he was having a bad day, or the fame had gotten to him. I guess that is why they say never meet your heroes, or idols. Not that he was either for me in particular. I had subliminally just always placed them on a pedestal I guess , with the way other staff always talked good things about them and with how world renowned the entire group became.
Forget it. Not like I cared. He could go complain if that is what he wanted to do. Don't threaten me with a good time, my dude. I didn't even like this job that much. I would just take more hours with my tutoring gig to cover the loss if I was getting fired.
Maybe my eyes were just deluding me. No way could he be my Mr.DaddyofPop. The man had access to supermodels and actresses, he would not be thirsting over me randomly. Preposterous. Utterly.
I received a call from Admin strangely enough just as I was making my way to the cafeteria to check in with them about inventory. I took the call and barely got time to even say anything as I heard a sound resembling frantic yodeling from Jessica (the bloody admin bitch with a stick up her ass), " Come to my office Y/N!!! You are in big trouble". The bitch always hated me, so I never took her pterodactyl screeching to heart. But now I was a little shocked. Was this dude's banana milk shit going to get me fired?
I walked to the office and stepped a foot in the door as Jessica vibrated with anger and yelled, almost spitting in my face, "What the hell did you to make Jungkook-ssi so pissed?! He is in an abysmal mood. And he even scolded me about the poor maintenance staff in front of Bang PD when I was in the meeting room! I am in charge of maintenance staff you little dipshit?!!! It reflects badly on me! DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND"?!!
I stared at her, calmly assessing her, as I firmly asked, "How is his banana milk my fault? I was not in charge of cleaning up in the evening yesterday. I don't even have a hierarchical position over the rest of the staff. Neither do I manage or speak for them. We are like free agents doing our work here and leaving". My statement seemed to make her even more enraged as she stabbed me with daggers in her eyes, "Well, I don't care whose fault it is! You are fired effective as of now! Insolent scum. You workers don't know your place".
I looked into her eyes that reminded me of vipers and dung and all things disgusting with the world as I vehemently sneered, "You think I fucking care, you bitch. Just cuz I've been quiet and tolerating your shit for the past 4 years, doesn't mean I don't remember what type of crap you have pulled around this place. You don't even do your job description justice, with how negligent you are about management in this building. I could go straight to Bang-PD and tell him all the mistakes I have had to cover for you in the past few years, because of your incompetence and lack of planning. Like , since when do maintenance crew type out meeting objectives and edit for grammar errors in powerpoints"???
She looked paralyzed as she froze with her mouth open, probably surprised that I was speaking up for myself (considering that I had silently been working without complaint for the past few years). I continued assertively, "Don't threaten me with a good time bitch. I don't tolerate tyranny, especially when I have no reason to. I get no pay raise, no praise for my work, or any satisfaction whatsoever. Why the hell should I care about little Jungkook's spoiled banana milk?? He's a little boy who takes big dumps that I can't even plunge completely when I have to clean his personal office bathroom. Maybe he should get on a diet, if you catch my drift".
I smirked , " You can fire me to save face with your bratty little pop star, and I simply don't care. You will realize whose work this building actually relies on when I am gone. Now, wire me the rest of my pay for this week and I will be gone without saying a word. Otherwise, Bang-PD will hear about all your stupidity with evidence". She stood silent, in a petrified state as I walked out the building. Damn, I wanted the experience on my resume for one more year. But I guess, whatever. I could always find a different agency, maybe the one I had interned at a few months back. It was a small up and coming one, but it would do. Since I wasn't strapped for cash due to the tutoring gig, I would survive. Living on cup ramen and eating 2 meals a day at least allowed me to have some savings to fall on.
I trudged to the closet to pick up my bag and as I opened the door realized what I had walked in on, freezing . A mop of black hair, broad shoulders with sweat droplets trailing down, and a naked firm ass facing the door as he pounded into a newbie stylist?
Damn, this dude got around. I cleared my throat, "Dude, can you like stop for a minute. I know you are caught in motion. But I don't want to see a porno in 3D with 4k HD clarity in broad daylight. I need my bag." Jungkook turned around, shock evident in his eyes, clearly not expecting me in my own fucking office aka closet.
I grabbed my bag swiftly from the corner and continued, "Carry on, just make sure to wrap it. Wouldn't want a bad outcome. Thanks for getting me fired, you dickwad. I could sell pics of you to the tabloids and make bank. Be happy I have some morals". I tipped my imaginary hat at him, because I am a gentleman and a scholar unlike his raggedy ass and was about to make my way out. But since I am a nasty bitch when pissed, I turned around to quip, "On further deliberation, actually don't wrap it. Hope you get Clamydia and leak pus from your dick, you whore."
Satisfied with my comebacks I walked out the building rejuvenated. Today was a good day.
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fan-goddess · 1 year
aaah I’m so excited for your kinktober fics! Could I request Billy Washington and public sex + getting caught?? I’m thinking maybe they’re in the pub, too worked up to make it home and tries to do the nasty outside in the alley but get caught?? Feel free to change it if you’d like another direction! 🫶💞 - @adragonprinceswhore
Authors Note: So sorry for accident deleting the first time. I hate tumblrs writing thing. Still, I hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: P in v sex, public sex, they get caught,
Taglist: @adragonprinceswhore, @sofiyathecunt, @marvelgirl123, @sylasthegrim, @mochi-rose, @valeskafics, @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity, @omgbrcat,
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The pub had practically been dead for a while now. The only people still here and drinking being you, billy and his mates, as-well as some other much older men who were much too busy watching the football on the telly to care about anything else.
From what you had heard of the men’s conversation when they shouted at the poor barmaid, it was an important match between Liverpool and Man City what made them kick up such a fuss with her.
However, much to your relief, Billy wasn’t that keen on watching the match play out. He was only keen on watching you.
The nice top you had on was new. One that Billy hadn’t seen yet. But by the way his eyes widened and his mouth hung open in shock when you walked from your shared room saying it was time to meet up with his mates at the pub, you certainly guessed he approved of it wholeheartedly.
Billy approved of it so much it seemed, that his hand hadn’t stopped trying to sneak up your skirt the entire time you’d been sat down.
“Please Billy, will you behave!” You whispered as you frustratedly turned to him, taking his hand which had successfully managed to get to your upper thigh in your own, and forcing it to lay between the two of you.
“It’s not my fault your bloody tits are spilling out and making it hard for me to concentrate!” He hissed back, motioning to your chest in demonstration, leaving you to hit him slightly on his chest with the back of your hand for his indecency, smiling politely when one of his mates turned around to look at the two of you.
“Might I remind you we’re in public?”
“Might I remind you that your tits look fucking fantastic? I can’t help my boner!” He said.
Still, you attempted to ignore him. Thinking Billy would realise the situation the two of you were in the fact it couldn’t happen given where the two of you were.
Only he didn’t stop. Billy Washington, the man you’re currently hating to love, successfully managed to put his hand up your skirt four times. With each successfull feel riling you up more and more in the worst way possible. By the fifth, you were half tempted to actually fully let him cop a feel of you, given how much he’d managed to affect you in somehow less than around an hour and a half.
The match the elder men had insisted on being put on in place of some random episode of pointless had reached half time, and you were all but ready to take advantage of Billy’s mates interest in the game to drag Billy away somewhere and have your way with him.
Yet it seems you don’t have to, as Billy’s satisfied grin seems to speak for itself.
“Oh shush!” You whisper. “Tell your mates something came up and we need to leave!”
“Oh? And why would I do that? Is there something we need to do?”
“I need you to fuck me soon or I’ll go fucking insane. That’s what we need to do.” It’s blunt as hell, but definitely effective. Billy’s eyes seem to widen and simultaneously darken with want at the sound of your words.
“Sorry mates Lana’s just texted me! Says she needs my help with something important! See you on Sunday for football though yeah?” Billy quickly says, not even giving any of the lads any time to actually answer before he’s grabbing ahold of your wrist and dragging you out the door.
If you’d have stuck around for a minute, you’d have seen the amused looks of the boys as they exclaim about how Billy’s phones been dead since this morning.
Still, the only thing the two of you are thinking about it looking for a good place to shag. Which much to your slight horror and to Billy’s delight, is the alley literally behind the pub.
“We can’t do it here!” You hiss as Billy pushes you against the hard brick wall. “I’m gonna get some fucking disease!”
“But no one will be out here! And you know I can’t resist you!” Billy smiles as he bites and sucks at the skin of your cleavage. Every time his teeth sink into you, the grip on his hair tightens and a small broken noise of pleasure gets released to the open air.
“You’re so insatiable!” You giggle, guiding his head to yours to lock lips with him, the wet sounds of your kissing echoing on the empty ally.
You blindly move to undo Billy’s belt and trousers, giggling slightly when you need have to force yourself away from him to see what you need to do to release his cock from its denim restraints.
When though Billy’s trousers and pants are down enough and you’ve moved your underwear to the side, Billy wastes no time in quickly thrusting himself inside of you and groaning at the feeling of you gripping him.
“Always so fucking good…” Billy groans against your lips as he begins to thrust.
“So are you baby…” You say, grinning slightly at the way he preens at the unfamiliar compliment.
It’s surprisingly soft the moment, considering what it was the two of you were doing and where it was happening. Yet it doesn’t seem to stop either of you.
Billy’s hands are methodical in how they pleasure you. With one hand trailing down to touch your clit with feather like precision that you have no idea where he learnt, and the other trailing upwards to carefully squeeze and play with your confined tits. Overall, he somehow made you feel similar to something baking in an oven. Slowly rising and rising with the heat of it all. And you always loved it.
“Oh fuck” You whine as Billy’s cock manages to caress your sweet spot.
The sound of your voice draws Billy’s attention away from the sight of your cunt swallowing his cock, and when he looks at your face he feels his breath shallow. The sight of your pleasure stained face so eager for him makes him want to cum there and then.
“So fucking good! Fuck so fucking perfect!” You whine, as you kiss Billy once more, the sight of his preening face making it way to hard not too.
It’s too many sensations at once, as your sweet spot gets bullied by the head of Billy’s cock as he manages to somehow hit it every time, even as he goes soft and slow for you, and there’s the feeling of his thumb trailing small shapes on your clit. Let’s not forget his swollen lips making you feel like you were in heaven as you mind slowly begins to go fuzzy at the corners, or Billy’s other hand that pinches and squeezes at your confined breasts.
It was like there was this sort of bubble surrounding the two of you find yourself cumming hard on Billy’s cock, that of course triggers his orgasm too, the feel of him filling you making your head slightly spin. Yet all bubbles break sometime...
“Mate what the actual fuck?” A sudden voice shouts.
There it is, the sound of the bubble breaking into a million pieces.
The two of you quickly turn to see where the sudden noise came from, and it’s to your utter relief when you realise the two of you weren’t naked. Still, there’s so much embarrassment and shame on the both of your faces for being caught, Billy’s especially, that it’s smothered almost instantly.
It takes a couple of seconds for you to realise who exactly caught you, but when you realise it’s one of Billy’s mates you can’t for the life of you remember the name of, you turn to Billy with a pleading look for help.
“Can you bugger off and forget this ever happened mate? Please?” Billy pleads. Much to your amusement, he can’t seem to meet his mates stare in the eye, only looking at the hard concrete by his feet.
“Sure sure mate I won’t tell a soul!” The man says, mimicking a padlock on his lips before beginning to walk away with a grin smeared on his lips.
When you and Billy turn to each other again, you can’t help yourself from pecking his lips before moving to try and get yourself looking presentable. A strange sort of silence only interrupted by the sounds of the London streets that occurred every so often.
“We’re never going that again, are we?”
“Never say never baby…”
119 notes · View notes
bastetwastaken · 1 month
Writeblr intro
Hey! I’ve been around on tumblr for a while now, and have been writing for probably the best part of fifteen years but actually only posting publicly for the last three. I’ve only ever posted fanfic, but I never stopped writing original things, I’ve just never felt able to share any of it until now. So here’s a little intro for me and my writing!
General stuff:
Call me Bastet, it’s what most know me as so it’ll just be easier
In my (very) late twenties
Living in the UK.
Other hobbies outside of writing include reading, crocheting, cross stitching, hiking and spending time with my three cats.
Bi-Ace, more sex neutral.
My anxiety can make it hard for me to post consistently, but I will ALWAYS talk about my wips with anyone willing to listen to me ramble, just be prepared for those rambles to get looooooong.
Themes in my writing:
For anyone who knows me, I think it’s safe to say I lean very much toward the cliche romance which aims to leave you wanting to gag on the sweetness whilst embracing the fuzzy warmth in your chest.
I hate sad endings. My characters will always have happy ones… eventually.
I try to keep my writing light since the real world makes us all suffer enough, so any angst will usually be light touch and always necessary to the character and or plot. I do make my OCs suffer sometimes, but not needlessly.
A focus on realistic characters, character growth and character traits.
What am I working on right now?
Untitled (titles are hard) A fantasy romance between a human and the demon who accidentally saved his life.
The general plot will follow both characters as they help each other (unintentionally at first) to heal and learn, to grow together as individuals. The human gets his opportunity to confront a past which has left him feeling empty inside and unable to form meaningful relationships, and the demon gets the chance to learn a little about what it means to be human. Their first meeting turns into a deal which binds them together, then a friendship neither thought they were capable of having, and eventually something more.
The main characters: Aviditas, Avi for short, an Incubus and Silk (placeholder name) a human.
Other fun stuff:
Demonic magic
Incubus antics
Character development and growth
Healing and comfort
A little slow burn but it’s more because these two are just idiots, with Silk thinking he’s so undeserving of any kind of care on account of past events and Avi being conditioned in Hell to believe that demons are incapable of any sort of feeling that it takes them a WHILE to work things out and actually talk.
Fun tropey romance!
I’ve tried to keep this short for the sake of everyones sanity but I will talk endlessly about this story and the characters if anyone would like to know more. (But I’ll also be posting more about them anyway so…)
Fate or Fatuity? (working title) Another fantasy romance! No surprises here. This time, following the sons of two feuding kings who meet entirely by chance and gradually grow closer.
The general plot follows the characters as they navigate their feelings, potential conflict between their kingdoms, and how to keep their relationship a secret until they can figure it all out.
The main characters: Ilua, an elf and prince of Luceras and Akoni, a Deorum and prince of Tuath De.
This story takes place in a world of my own creation called Miotas, which draws on Celtic mythology and folklore. It includes a generous amount of magic to balance out the politics, and as with all of my writing, the romance is light and fun. Spoiler alert: there’s a happy ending.
Other fun stuff:
Elven pride getting in the way of a lot of things
Instant attraction
A little bit of deception since Akoni first meets Ilua whilst he's disguised as someone else to sneak into the Deorum kingdom.
Fun tropey romance!
Magic, who doesn’t love magic?
Overcoming prejudices.
And I’ll stop myself there otherwise this is going to be way too long.
I’ve seen people use taglists, as I’m just starting out I don’t have one existing but if you’d like to be added to one please just let me know and I’ll do so ^.^ Specify a story, or just go all in and get tagged for everything and anything I say about these stories. I’m also looking for other writers to just chat with about original writing, as coming from a fanfic background I’ve been struggling to find that, so please feel free to drop me a DM if you wanna chat
Thanks for reading <3
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captn-trex · 2 months
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technical devotion, part one: a new life
a/n: ahhh so I'm actually scared to post this, I've never posted any fics on tumblr, it's kinda new to me. it's my first time writing an echo fic and I haven't really read any tbh either. I hope you enjoy :) content warnings: none :)
next chapter | master list | join the taglist
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Kan stared in awe as the swirling of hyperspace fell away, revealing the planet below. She had seen it happen a thousand times before, but each time it filled her with the same thrill as it always did, and after all, this might be the last time for a while. She peered down at the planet, swirls of reds, oranges and browns covering it’s surface.
Through the grapevine, Kan had heard about a band of rebels, an organised group of clones, and it had instantly piqued her interest. She had already been working closely with a senator, and had been stationed on Alderaan since the Republic had become the Empire, but she longed to be more involved in the fight, making a real difference. Hence, here she was, descending into the atmosphere of a new planet, to do exactly that.
She placed her water bottle back into the side pouch of her bag, and slung it over her head, adjusting the strap so it was laying comfortably across her chest. She tried to hide her excitement, but the pilot of the ship was secretly grinning to himself at the hurried actions of the woman aboard his ship.
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Echo waited patiently on the landing platform, his hand and scomp arm folded neatly behind his back. He watched on as a ship carefully landed, a hissing steam erupting beneath it as the door opened. A Mirialan woman moved down the steps, and made her way over to him with a spring in her step.
“You must be Echo” She said as she came to a stop in front of him.
“That’s me, you’re Kan?” He confirmed, instantly taking note of the deep scarring across her shoulders.
“Yup” She replied, a lazy smile crossing her lips with a two-fingered salute at her temple, “At your service”
Echo was taken aback by her unabashed friendliness, not entirely sure how to respond. He began walking away from the ship and towards the compound.
“So you’re the technical specialist?” He asked.
“Mhm” Kan hummed, a smile pulling at one side of her lips, “Not very exciting, I know”
“Maybe not” He shrugged, “But it’s still important”
“Let’s hope” She chuckled slightly.
“We don’t really have anyone with your skillset here” Echo said.
“Hopefully that means there’ll be lots for me to do?” Kan said, and Echo turned slightly to see the clear excitement on her face.
“I’m sure there will. We’re growing by the day so with more people will come more work, I assume”
Kan nodded quickly, and they settled into a silence as they made their way inside the compound. There were many clones moving about the building, all of them looking in Kan’s direction. She saw few others like herself, recruits from outside the Grand Army of the Republic, but there were mainly just the identical men. Kan looked at the clone beside her, having taken note of how different he looked from the rest of his brothers.
“I must say, your scomp arm is rather impressive” She told him.
“Oh, um, thank you” He replied, noticeably awkwardly.
“I assume it’s tapped into your neural network based on your head gear, that must be very useful on missions” She said, as if thinking out loud.
“Uh, yeah, it can be” Echo was very clearly uncomfortable all of a sudden and Kan took notice.
“Sorry, did I say som-”
“Don’t worry about it” Echo looked to her quickly with a tight smile. Kan frowned and looked down to the ground, mentally kicking herself for making a poor first impression.
“This is the barracks” Echo said, and she looked up as he opened the door.
Kan peered inside. The room was large, and despite the numerous lamps, quite dark. There were many bunks, neatly lined up against the walls, some of them made up and others with the covers crumpled and half-thrown on the floor.
“You get your pick of the spare bunks, the ones with the blankets folded up are available” Echo said.
“Cool” Kan said simply.
“This way” Echo moved further down the corridor, and Kan followed after him. “That’s the mess, breakfast is at 0700, lunch at 1200 and dinner at 1800” He pointed to a large archway that lead into a brighter room, in which there were large tables lined with benches, and no-one currently occupying the space.
“Got it” Kan replied.
She noted Echo’s distinctly military disposition, carrying himself with a precise confidence and somewhat emotionless expression. The two of them then turned into a hallway, which darkened towards the middle, where there was a door, almost hidden in the shadows.
“This will be your… office, I suppose” Echo stopped at the door and turned to her. Kan nodded in understanding and opened it up.
Inside, there was a desk and a chair in the far corner, along with a computer that clearly needed fixing up. Most obviously though, there was all sorts of junk and spare parts of various denominations scattered about the floor, some of it piling up into what seemed like small mountains.
“Sorry it isn’t more organised, like I said, no one else deals with kind of stuff” Echo spoke.
“It’s perfect” Kan turned to him with a smile, “Is there anything I can be getting on with?”
“Uh… you don’t want to get settled first?” He asked, his plain expression contorting into one of puzzlement.
“Oh, yeah” Kan let out a light laugh, placing her bag down on the floor, “I suppose I can”
“I’ll leave you to it then, like I said, dinner at-”
“1800, I got it, thanks Echo” She smiled at him once more.
“No problem, see you around” He said, turning on his heel and walking back the way they had come.
Kan ventured into the room, pushing the various spare parts out of the way with her feet, making a sort of path through the chaos. She bent down as she got to the computer, turning it to get a better look at the damage to it, sucking a breath through her teeth at the hole that had burned straight through the motherboard. She got to work instantly, searching through the piles in the room and finding a new motherboard, then rewiring and soldering the components back into place. She found the cause of the problem by opening up the cooling system, where the regulator seemed to be completely broken. She huffed. That’s not a part that I’ll just find lying around. Kan ventured back towards the door and pulled her datapad from her bag. 1804, time for dinner.
Kan left her ‘office’, something she was uninclined to call it, in part because of the state it was in, but also because she didn't think of herself as someone who would ever have such a thing. She wasn't nearly organised enough. Kan wound her way back to where Echo had showed her the mess, standing in the doorway feeling moderately overwhelmed.
Echo took a sip from his cup as he noticed her standing there, looking too sheepish to enter. Her olive green skin stood out amongst the clones around her, as well as her head of long black hair, half of it messily tied back from her face.
“Hey, you must be Kan” A blonde clone walked up to her and said with a polite smile.
“Yeah that's me” She smiled back, “Are you Rex?”
“Sure am” He replied, “It's good to finally meet you, why don’t you come and sit with us?”
“Thanks, yeah” Kan chuckled, slightly embarrassed.
The line for food wasn’t too long yet, so the pair of them grabbed their food quickly and sat down, Rex next to Echo and Kan on the other side of the table.
“Hey Echo” She smiled, and he nodded to her in acknowledgement.
“So, how have you been settling in?” Rex asked, taking a bite of his food.
“Um, okay, I suppose. I’ve been working on that old computer, it needs a new regulator for the cooling system really, but I could maybe fix it with some rewiring. I’ll have to then program it myself as well, which will take some time, but I could probably do it within a rotation”
“Wow, so Echo’s put you to work already I see” Rex joked with a small smirk to his brother.
“Oh yeah, really working me to the bone” Kan grinned at Rex and then to Echo briefly, who went to protest before she continued, “I’m kidding, I just wanted to fix it, couldn’t help myself”
“Well that’s a good sentiment if ever I heard one, you’ll be an asset to the team I’m sure” Rex smiled.
“I try” She shrugged, looking down to her food and taking a bite, “So… you guys are like, the head honchos of this operation then”
Rex chuckled, “I suppose so, its a pretty lose command system at the moment, but me and Echo keep them in line” He put an arm around Echo’s shoulders, “Isn’t that right?”
Echo smiled slightly at his brother, “More or less”
“Lucky me then” Kan smiled, as another clone came to join them.
“Who have we here?” They asked, an eyebrow arched and a somewhat cheesy grin plastered across their face.
“I’m Kan, and you?” She held out a hand, and the clone shook it firmly.
“Ah, the new technical lady, the name’s Gregor” He replied, “Is Kan short for anything?”
“Yeah, it is” She said, and took a bite of her food.
“Well go on then, what’s it short for” Gregor asked again.
“Something very long that you can’t pronounce, I’m sure” Kan smirked slightly.
“Alright mystery lady, keep your secrets then” Gregor smirked back and dug into his food.
Kan just chuckled to herself and kept her head down as she ate her food. She listened to the clones around her chatting and joking with each other, and found them to be generally very endearing and funny. She had met her fair share of clones before, so she already knew what they could be like. She finished up her food and stood up to leave, Rex asking where she was off to.
“Back to my room, that computer’s not going to fix itself” She replied, gesturing to the exit with her thumb.
“Alright, we’ll see you later then” He smiled, turning back to his conversation with Gregor.
“See you later” She smiled, and left the mess quickly.
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Kan worked on the regulator until she felt her eyes growing heavy with sleep. She rubbed them and stretched her back, sighing as she was yet to finish working on the cooling system. The parts of it were strewn around her as she sat cross-legged on the floor, and with sleep threatening to overwhelm her, she couldn’t focus on it any longer. She picked herself off of the floor and left the room, her feet dragging her towards the barracks. As she approached the door, she noticed Echo walking towards it as well
“Oh, hey Echo” She smiled at him sleepily.
“Hi” Echo replied flatly with a nod as she followed him inside.
Echo made his way over to his bunk in the far corner and sat down with a heavy sigh. He started unclipping his armour, starting with the gauntlet plates and working his way up his arms, as he watched Kan looking, once again, a bit lost. She looked noticeably tired as she peered around the room, and Echo smiled softly as she yawned and rubbed her eye. She then looked in his direction, and walked over.
”This is your bunk?” She pointed to the one he was sat on.
“Uh, yeah?” He replied.
“Cool” Kan slipped off her boots and placed them underneath the bunk next to Echo's.
“What are you doing?” Echo asked.
“Choosing a bunk” She smiled, unfolding the blanket.
“You had to choose the one next to me?” He said, a little exasperated at her persistent friendliness.
“Is that a problem?” She sat down on her bunk, facing him.
“Not as long as you don’t snore” He said, lying down and facing towards the wall.
Kan laid down on her bed and chuckled, “I can’t say whether I do or don’t, I guess we’ll find out”
Kan yawned, and Echo felt himself wanting to roll his eyes. Everything she did felt ridiculously theatrical to him. She was very cheery, in a way that somehow irritated and interested him at the same time. He then realised that she probably just wanted to feel welcomed to the team, and Echo was one of the few clones she had interacted with.
“So are you…” He rolled over to speak to her but trailed off when he saw that she had already fallen asleep. She was still in her clothes, the blanket thrown off of her, and she was neatly curled up against the pillow. Echo chuckled to himself at how easily she had fallen asleep, and sat up, reaching over and pulling the blanket over her sleeping form. He laid down himself and watched her for a moment. She looked so at peace, as if she had never known any hardship. Echo turned over and shut his eyes, wishing for a sleep so restful.
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isa-ghost · 7 months
Why do I feel like CC!Phil is reading your fic and is taking notes.
Dude so many people have joked about this now both in his chat, in my friend servers and on here LMAO.
There's no way he is imo. Cause like. Yeah he has a Tumblr, but he and Kristin (usually Kristin) only look at the fanart. And I think they only use the fanart tag, which my fic isn't in.
And that's like, as of 3 years ago at this point. Nowadays who knows if they look at Tumblr at all. Given the recent Tumblr vs Tubbo drama and Phil being made aware of it at one point, I don't think he's looking here at all present day.
He also had no idea the fic existed before the last stream when I lovingly yelled at him on TTS about a) plotting chapters 7-12 in greater detail and obsessing over it and b) jokingly telling him to stop coincidentally following chapter 1 to the letter. That and generally speaking, he semi-purposely doesn't look into things he's told about on TTS. Case in point: song recommendations.
But it's still WILD that last stream was so close to chapter 1. Like. Here's the things I completely by chance predicted:
The massive loot trip while the kids slept for a long time
Rationalizing unnecessary loot he was grabbing
Eventually saying fuck it and demolishing entire chests and taking ALL loot instead of just what he wanted
Tallulah grilling him about it all and him playing it off as nbd
The Ender King themed backpack (though Phil made it in the fic, it wasn't a gift)
LIKE. I WAS SCREAMING ALL STREAM LONG. And at least 10 chatters asked me to whisper them the link to AMFMN since I kept having a stroke about it in chat.
But realistically, Phil nor Kristin are in the places where AMFMN is being posted (here and ao3). And to our knowledge, they haven't read fanfics from the community in years.
Though, I am acutely aware of how there are at least 2 iconic crows I can think of that are VIP in his chat and/or well-known in the community for their fanworks, one of which is a fic writer. So like. The chances he'll read/has read AMFMN are extremely low but not zero.
Which terrifies me. Especially given the fact that AMFMN has an animatic from @offscot now that's gonna be posted when I post Chapter 2 later today (I'm finishing it atm). Because THAT animatic is something he could totally see, especially if by some insane stroke of luck, it was featured on a QSMP Movie Night. We DO know he loves looking at animatics. If my friend has QSMP/Philza in the title of the animatic, it'll probably pop up when he searches for it.
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amoscontorta · 4 days
hi. i read your recent fic “wine time with sylus” and had a lot of thoughts. i was typing them as comments in the tumblr post and decided the character limit is just not it. and then i tried to comment on your ao3 post of the fic but realized i’ll probably stain your other readers’ eyes from what i’m about to yap about. so here i am in your ask box im so sorry 😭
so anyway, WHAT A GOOD START TO MY DAY OMG. i actually read the fic earlier (right after i woke up) and was gonna start yapping away but then errands happened 😩 but now i can finally sit down and type!!
xavier’s appearance was such a lovely surprise!!! i love that he offered his support for mc in his own ways, which is so sweet eepy bunny of him 🫶🏼 BUT I AM A SYLUS RAT THROUGH AND THROUGH so i couldn’t help but mentally berate xavier for showing up the next morning and interrupting important relationship development time for crow man and mc 😤
i adore how sylus is such a wine nerd in this. and i can’t help but wonder if you, the wonderful author, are a wine nerd irl too? because the information i’ve gathered from this fic regarding wines and wine testing have been incredibly enlightening!!
and it’s amusing how mc’s thought flow and speed in this seem to be really jittery and all over the place — truly a reflection of how workaholic she’s been. and captain jenna’s “Go home, get your head on straight, and come back rested … and literate again, please.” made me ugly snort LOL
AND WHEN SYLUS HONED IN ON MC’S EXPOSED SHOULDER AND LEGS WHEN WEARING HIS CLOTHES. I SEE YOU BOI 🫵 and the way i cackled at “he is friend shaped, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster, you will not ride the Sylus roller coaster—“
AND!!! “Yes, my heart’s delight?”!!! ARE U KIDDING ME. AHHHH!!!
and now please allow me to be unhinged for this segment but the last parts of the pic have effectively kickstarted my mind into overdrive. the POTENTIAL KINKS AND THEMES FOR THEIR, AHEM, SPICY ACTIVITIES ARE LIMITLESS. dry humping, sleepy morning sex, size training, thigh grinding, dom!sylus letting mc think she has the reigns and then he just takes over… i have more key words in mind but i shall keep them chained away for the sake of decorum 😭 AND THE LOVE BITE HE GAVE WHEN HE THOUGHT IT WAS A DREAM. WHAT WERE YOU DREAMING ABOUT SYLUS HUH 🤨
and if you ask me what my favorite paragraph is in this entire fic, it would be: “You lie like that for awhile, blissfully listening to his soft breathing, when suddenly you realize that pressed so close to him, you can feel every contour of his body, from your chest against his abdomen, his muscular, silk-covered thigh wedged between your legs, and his apparently very, very big dick pressing into your hip.”
no, i will not elaborate. to spare everyone from my disgraceful thoughts 🧍‍♀️
and it doesn’t help that the announcement on the upcoming multi-banner event came through right after i read the fic. i have a WHOLE NOTHER SET OF YAPPING ABOUT THAT but i shall spare you of this 😆
overall, i am the happiest sylus girlie today for that amazing fic and the new card 🫶🏼💕 WHAT A GREAT DAY, I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY TOO
i gotta say, when i woke up this morning i did not expect to be hit with such a horny treatise, but i'm so happy that the vibe of the fic came across in the way it was intended!! i had originally written something a little more explicit, but due to the context of sylus being asleep, i was running into issues regarding consent and the whole thing ended up not feeling as hot as i think this pixel man deserves if i ever get brave enough to write full on smut for him.
first, thank you SO much for reading and for sharing your thoughts on the fic. it's such a joy to know that other people like what i'm contributing to the fandom enough to actually comment and send me asks about it. it's mind-blowing, really. i'm gonna respond to your points with a novel under the cut, including NSFW discussion if people want to avoid it.
second, i fully believe that sylus is a wine snob. he has that dialogue in the destiny cafe that he likes to repeat at me over and over when i just want something sweet from him and keep poking him, where he's like "to forge a new path, one must be... something something brave about finding new flavors" and it's the most pedantic, pretentious shit i've ever heard and i love that for him. so i definitely think it's in character that he would hold court in front of mc and insist on educating mc about his thoughts on the matter of good wine. to answer your question, i'm not a huge wine connoisseur or anything. my partner likes to think that he is, so i've absorbed information through him and also through a few wine tastings and enduring vinophiles like sylus wanting to share their knowledge over the years, but i had to google while i was writing to ensure that i was remembering everything properly. i like a decent bottle that won't give me a headache the next day with just one glass, and that's about it.
i'm also glad you enjoyed mc being a dumpster fire in this one and that it made you laugh!! and xavier is so precious and sweet, i love him so much, and i love that it's consistently hinted that he is batshit insane jealous/horny under his cute exterior. i will never pass up an opportunity to try to honor him all these aspects of him in my stories.
As for the CORE of your ask, to be completely honest i've never written smut before. this is the first time that i'm actually feeling enough inspiration to consistently write, at length, a story that seems to have an actual structure?? but i'm really just flying by the seat of my pants without a fucking plan at all. but i HAVE read a shit-ton of smut, so i'm going to see where the story takes me, and i think you really did get the vibes i was going for in this one--i wanted to build the emotional and physical intimacy through the wine tasting, and also let my take on sylus's sexuality shine through a bit. i definitely see him as utterly animalistic (biting, grinding, scenting, unhinged physical expression of bottomless hunger) contrasted with unbearable tenderness (sleepy morning kisses and fucking). i think you and i are sharing the same braincell in this respect. but like i said, i've never actually written smut before, so i hope you don't get your hopes up too high if it takes a long time to write it, or i chicken out, or if i do write it and it's as sexy as ... well, about as sexy as mc imagines mc to be).
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!!
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firstprinced · 4 months
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hi pretty people and happy pride month!
long story short - i read a lot of fics of alex and henry. all the ratings, all the lengths, au's and canon. now, this has been going on for a long time (don't ask me how long i will not confess). lately i have been just reading recent works and after sending another fic rec to the gc, i thought to myself, why not share them on tumblr. so this is just that. i will not limit my recs with anything but will write out ratings, wordcount, summary etc and give my own notes (spoilers not included).
SO! here are some of my latest fic recommendations from those i've read during the last week or so! ALL of these are posted between 31st of May and 5th of June 2024. bon appetit!
one more thing, everything not E is very pure in my eyes. all below E are marked with blue and all E fics are in pink.
but daddy, you love him by @theprinceandagcd rated M, 16k. tags: non-famous au, kid fic, mutual pining my comment: so sweet i was about to die. and i cried! minor angst i just cried over how pure it was. alex's daughter in the fic, brie, is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world.
author's summary Alex peers up at Henry’s face, the familiar tenseness in his jaw and mildly disinterested eyes nowhere to be seen. Instead, Henry’s expression is open and borderline delighted, like Brie used an extra strong shot of sorcery to draw Henry in and melt the ice that he usually stays locked behind.Suddenly, Alex’s vague crush on an unapproachable coworker feels realer, all because he’s standing there and looking at Alex’s daughter like she hung the fucking moon. He’s treating the most important person in Alex’s life—his entire goddamn heart—as if she truly matters to him, giving her fist bumps and smiling at her and telling her she’s beautiful like her dad.It’s doing weird things to Alex’s chest and making his palms sweat even in the air conditioned office, and he can’t decide if he’s okay with that development or if he wants to stick his head in Brie’s Easy-Bake oven.
the law of attraction by ao3 user bananamilks rated T, 6k. tags: non-famous au, fluff, no angst, henry is a flirt, bisexual disaster acd my comments: i can never get enough of a confident, flirty henry. alex didn't stand a chance. was giggling and kicking my feet and also full on LAUGHING
author's summary As he’s pulling out his textbook, a shadow crosses over Alex’s bag. Before he can look up, a warm, distinctly accented voice asks, “more exams?” “They never stop,” Alex says. He looks up at Henry, who is grinning down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. If Alex notices the way his shirt is pulled taught over his broad shoulders then that is no one’s business. Henry glances at his textbook, and Alex finds himself angling it so Henry can see better. “Criminal procedure. It’s about–” Henry leans one arm on the table, and his blonde hair flops down into his eyes. He’s studying the book cover like he’s the one with the exam, and this close Alex can see a tiny mole on his upper lip. “Uh… criminal… procedures.” The corner of Henry’s lip quirks up and – Jesus Christ. “You don’t say?” [or: Alex is a law student and Henry works at the library. Naturally, they're smitten]
playing to win (you're in my head again) by @anincompletelist WIP (but written and posting every day or every other day so no sweat)! rated E, about 30k finished, currently 2/7. tags: enemies to lovers, pining, friendship, getting together, dob/sub dynamics, kink negotiation, kink exploration, subspace, aftercare, post-college, masturbation, oral sex, eventual fluff my comments: NOW, i don't know how much i'll rec wips but this one i HAD TO. one, please do read this author's other work if you have not. two, this is everything i could dream up. CHOMP CHOMP. yeah that's my academic peer review.
author's summary Other than Nora, there’s Pez, the one that’d wrangled them all together in the first place and continues to plan their token themed brunches & bar crawls each week; Eliana, or Eli for short, ridiculously talented creative with a heart of gold underneath the leather jacket and the nose ring; and Mateo, their resident bro, all around hype-man and Alex’s fellow bisexual. And that’s pretty much the group. Except for Henry, of course. But Alex tries not to think about him if he can help it. + Or, Henry and Alex are practically perfect for each other. Once they get past the years long animosity and hate-pining, of course.
'we hereby conduct this postmortem' (or something along these lines) by ao3 user natoureuse rated E, 23k. tags: homicide detective alex, medical examiner/forensic analyst henry, character injury, blood and injury, mentions of murder/death/guns and so on, sexual content, feelings realization my comment: SO incredibly funny, beautiful, soft, sweet, FUNNY. i loved everything about it and this author writes so well oh my god! it, because of their occupations, involves some blood and dead people so if that's a hard no so be it but it is SO fluffy you wouldn't believe based on the tags etcetera. adored it.
author's summary “There is evident lack of blood around the wound.” “So that suggests he was dead beforehand?” “It suggests that the blood coagulated before the stabbing, which would mean…” Basically that he was dead beforehand, to summarize. Or; Homicide detective Alex tries to befriend his rude ass coworker, medical examiner Henry.
that's it for today! i'll see if i'll keep this a weekly thing and maybe i'll change the format in some ways but these are the fics i wanted to highlight! show love for new works and works by new authors - comment, leave kudos, all that good stuff 🩵
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