#and they both laugh and think it’s the most absurd idea and that’s why they put it in the show
pucksandpower · 2 months
Couples Therapy
Lando Norris x Reader
Summary: let’s go to couples therapy and see how long it takes the therapist to realize we don’t know each other
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You fidget nervously in the waiting room chair, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. This has to be the most ridiculous first date idea ever …but then again, Lando was never one for convention.
The office door swings open and a smiling middle-aged woman in a cardigan beckons you both inside. “Y/N? Lando? I’m Dr. Ramanujan, please come in.”
Lando shoots you a mischievous grin and you can’t help but return it as you follow the therapist into her office. This is already off to a delightfully silly start.
“So,” Dr. Ramanujan settles into her chair, notepad at the ready. “What brings you two in today?”
You open your mouth but Lando beats you to it. “Well doc, it’s like this — Y/N and I have been together for five years now but things have gotten … sticky, you might say.”
You fight back a surprised laugh at his casual lie. Five years? You met this lunatic ten days ago.
Nodding solemnly, you play along. “Yes, unfortunately some issues have arisen that we haven’t been able to resolve on our own.”
“I see,” the therapist jots something down. “And what would you say is the primary issue troubling your relationship?”
Lando strokes his chin in mock contemplation. “You know, now that I think about it, we really struggle with intimacy.”
You splutter, cheeks flushing red. He did not just go there on a first date!
“We’re very passionate people,” he continues effortlessly. “But I think we both have some hang-ups that stop us from really connecting, you know?”
Clearing your throat, you decide to steer into the skid. “Yes, you could say Lando is quite … insatiable in that area.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyebrows shoot up but she simply nods. “I see, I see. And how does that make you feel, Y/N?”
“Honestly?” You shrug helplessly. “Exhausted. The man is completely relentless — it’s like he’s an animal sometimes!”
Lando clutches his chest in feigned offense. “An animal? That’s a bit much, don’t you think darling?”
“Don’t you ‘darling’ me,” you snap, pushing aside your amusement at the increasingly absurd situation. “I’m just calling it like I see it. We’re here for honesty, right?”
“Touché,” Lando turns back to the therapist. “Doc, maybe you could help us find … a compromise of sorts? Because my needs are evidently not being met.”
You scoff loudly. “Not being met? Lando, I let you do that thing with the-”
Mercifully, Dr. Ramanujan interjects before you can continue that train of thought. “Perhaps we could steer our discussion in a more productive direction? Intimacy issues often stem from deeper underlying problems within a relationship. Is there anything else concerning you both?”
Lando ponders this for a moment before snapping his fingers. “You know what? I think a big part of it is that Y/N doesn’t trust me.”
“I don’t trust you?” You echo incredulously. “That’s rich coming from you, Mr. I Flirt With My Teammate Constantly!“
His jaw drops perfectly. “You’re bringing Oscar into this? That’s a low blow, babe.”
“I’m not blind!” You shoot back, doing your best to ignore how silly you both must look. “I see how cozy you two get. Tell me there’s nothing there and I’m a fool!”
“Woah, woah!” Lando holds up his hands defensively. “Oscar and I are just good friends and teammates. Nothing more.”
You cross your arms stubbornly. “If you say so.”
An uncomfortable silence falls over the room. Dr. Ramanujan seems perplexed by your crazy banter.
Finally, she clears her throat. “Right. Well, it sounds like there are some potential trust issues at play here that we should unpack-”
“Oh I’ll unpack it for you, doc!” Lando interjects, real passion entering his voice now. “Y/N is massively, astronomically insecure about our relationship. She questions my faithfulness at every turn!”
You swivel to face him fully, eyes wide. “And why, pray tell, would I possibly be insecure about that?”
“I don’t know!” He throws his hands up in exasperation. “I’ve never given you a single real reason to doubt me!”
“Except for all the pet names and inappropriate touching with Oscar!”
“Those are just friendly gestures!”
“Keep telling yourself that, buddy!”
The two of you are practically shouting at each other now, completely absorbed in your make-believe argument. Somewhere in the back of your mind you feel a bit bad for putting the poor therapist through this, but you’re having far too much fun to stop.
Dr. Ramanujan finally cuts in, raising her palms. “Okay! Okay, let’s all just take a breath, shall we?”
You and Lando freeze mid-rant, remembering where you are. He shoots you a conspiratorial wink and you have to bite your lip to suppress a smile.
“Now,” the therapist continues once the tension has diffused slightly. “Clearly there are some deep-seated resentments and triggers being hit here that we need to unravel. But I think a lot of it comes back to the intimacy and trust issues we were discussing earlier. Y/N, would you say you feel emotionally fulfilled by Lando?”
You ponder this for a moment, drawing out the suspense. Lando watches you with bated breath.
Finally, you sigh deeply. “No doc, I can’t say that I do. And maybe that’s why I’ve been so tempted to stray myself ...”
Lando’s jaw drops perfectly again. “You’ve been tempted to cheat? With who?”
Holding his gaze boldly, you declare: “My yoga instructor, actually.”
“Shane?” He looks like you just slapped him. “But he’s so … so bland!”
You shrug nonchalantly. “What can I say? Opposites attract sometimes.”
Dr. Ramanujan looks like she’s watching a tennis match, unable to get a word in edgewise.
Lando points an accusatory finger at you. “This is unbelievable! You had the audacity to blame me for the intimacy issues earlier when all this time you’ve been lusting after another man?”
“I’m a woman of insatiable needs!” You cry, borrowing his phrasing from earlier. “You said it yourself!”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” He turns desperately back to the therapist. “Please doc, you have to help us!”
She blinks owlishly a few times before finding her voice. “I … I’m not sure I can be of much assistance here.”
Lando clutches at his chest dramatically. “No, don’t say that! Our relationship is hanging by a thread as it is.”
“If it’s even still a relationship,” you mumble darkly, inspecting your nails with affected nonchalance.
“You see?” Lando pleads with the doctor. “This is what I’m dealing with every day! The constant barbs and lack of trust! I’m at my wit’s end.”
Dr. Ramanujan’s eyes dart between the two of you, seeming to deflate a little more after each deranged declaration. She sets her notepad aside with a resigned sigh.
“Listen, you two ...” she begins carefully. “While I appreciate you being upfront about your ...” she pauses, clearly searching for the right word, “unique situation, I’m afraid it goes well beyond my abilities as a therapist.”
You simply blink at her innocently while Lando dissolves into feigned hysterics beside you.
“But you have to help us!” He cries, flinging himself backwards dramatically. “Our relationship is the only thing I have left!”
You can’t help but let out a small giggle at his antics, quickly disguising it as a cough when the therapist shoots you a look. Dr. Ramanujan just shakes her head slowly.
“I’m sorry, but I clearly don’t have the tools or expertise to assist with … whatever this is.” She gestures vaguely between the two of you. “My advice would be to seek a different form of counseling. Or perhaps … separate for a while until you both figure out what you want.”
Lando clutches at his chest, feigning heartbreak. “Separate? Doc, you can’t be serious!”
“I’m afraid I am,” Dr. Ramanujan states firmly, rising from her chair. “This session has become … unproductive, to put it mildly. I think we should call it a day.”
You open your mouth to protest staying in character, but the defeated look on the poor therapist’s face gives you pause. With a sidelong glance at Lando, you decide to put her out of her misery.
Rising from your own seat, you loop your arm through Lando’s and favor the bewildered doctor with your most winning smile.
“You’re probably right, doc. We’ll, uh, take some time and really think things over. Thanks for your … insight today.”
Dr. Ramanujan simply nods, seemingly too drained to even reply as she opens the door and gestures you both through.
The second you’re out in the hallway, you can’t contain your laughter anymore. You dissolve into a fit of giggles, doubling over and clutching at Lando’s arm for support. He joins in instantly, that mischievous grin stretched wide across his face.
“Oh my god,” you gasp between peals of laughter. “Did you see her face when I brought Oscar into it?”
“I thought she was going to kick us out then and there!” Lando howls, wiping away a mirthful tear. “The things we put that poor woman through ...”
You finally manage to regain your composure, still grinning madly at the ridiculousness of it all. Leave it to Lando to come up with a first date idea as wonderfully insane as fake couples therapy.
“We should do something normal for our next date,” you quip, shooting him a sly look. “Like go skydiving or swimming with sharks.”
Lando matches your playful tone, draping an arm around your shoulders as you meander away from the office. “Whatever you say, darling. Just promise me you won’t leave me for one of the skydiving instructors, yeah?”
You pull him closer with a laugh. “No promises, babe.”
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r3ynah · 8 months
Extended Family
An Au where, Maddie is Damian and Danyal, Biological mother besides Talia, Basically Talia and Maddie(+Jack) both grew up in LOA and were very best friends(lovers?? at some point including Jack). Talia wanted a natural birth for her son, as she was not really fond of the idea of a test tube baby. so she asked Maddie a favour to become a surrogate. which Maddie happily accepted. because of her experience with Jazz and Danyal's birth, Talia was sure Maddie can give birth to her son safely.
This was approved by Ra's Because he deemed Maddie as someone that could be trusted due to her becoming one of the most strongest and smart assassins in the LOA(He was fond of her, like really really fond.) So he accepted his daughter proposal for Maddie to become the surrogate.
And then Damian was born, Jazz and Danny basically loved Damian and would not go anywhere but the baby's side. Jack loved taking care of Damian due to Maddie and Talia not knowing how to take care of a baby with physical affection.(basically house husband behavior,).
As the kids grew they become closer through the years until you know, it wasn't safe for them in the LOA anymore so they helped Damian escape first to his Bio dad's place(They did let him pick though, if he wanted to stay with the fenton-nightangles or go to Bruce, he chose the latter because if something happened to them he'll have connections.) and then Maddie and Jack escaped with their children in a random town named Amity park. which turns out was a hotspot for Lazarus pits or Ectoplasm. (They decided to change the name cause everytime Jack hears the word pits he started laughing).
The children of course never severed their communication throughout the years. And Bruce never asked about his life at the LOA so he never introduced his half siblings.
Damian hated his older brother, Danyal with all his might. if you asked him to choose between his Half-sister Jazz or Danyal. He'll choose Jazz in a heartbeat.
He hated him, because of his foolishness and absolute neglect of his surroundings, making him a easy prey amongst people who wants to take advantage of him. He disliked Danyal's poor choices in life especially now.
The youngest wayne stood in the middle of one of the many hallways of his highschool as he stared at a certain, black haired and blue eyed girl, who was waving at him ecstatically, he contemplated if he should fight the girl head on or just run and escape.
Obviously in this situation he would pick the most desirable option to make sure his day wasn't ruined by his older brother, so he picked the latter. Damian dashed through the hallways, making sure to lose the girl before the third period started. He slowed down as he looked warily at his surroundings his back against the storage room incase he needed a hiding place from that test tube spawn.
When suddenly a pair of arms phased through the door embracing Damian as he tried to escape.
The girl giggled as she kept her hold on the older boy who tried to get her off him. "Hi uncle Damian!"
she greeted as she finally let go making space for the boy to take a step back.
"Danielle. Why are you here, Did Danyal send you to pester me?" He glared at his niece, as he kept his guard up.
"Kind of, mama sent me here to check up on you." She explained "You kinda went MIA when you stopped answering his texts and calls."
"This is absurd, I can take care of myself. him thinking something happened to me for not answering his calls is offending, I am not like him." Damian stated as he finally lowered his guard. And started to walk away expecting for Elle to follow to which she did.
"Eh.. You know him, His just paranoid he always is" Elle exclaimed as she looked at her schedule. "What's your next class Uncle?"
"Ooh Yey! We're classmates, let's sit together!"
A groan left Damian as Elle chuckled and continued to look at her class schedule beside him, Peaceful quietness welcomed the two as they walked to their shared class.
"Do you have a apartment nearby?" Damian asked as he stood up from his table waiting for Elle as she packed her notebooks, only filled with doodles from both party.
"Nope, Mama requested that we move here for easier transport but i didn't wanna bother with all the moving stuff." Elle explained as she finished tidying up. "Beside I can just fly back and forth, what's the use of my powers if I can't abuse em."
"Your logic is as worse as Danyal." Damian exclaimed as they both headed out the door. "Follow along. you'll be staying at my manor this week."
"Why?" Elle asked suspiciously
"Because, It is a tiring job to use your flight ability for something so stupid." The boy explained.
"Is that really all?"
"Ofcourse not, As your uncle it's my job to keep you energized and unbothered, But as your mother's brother its my duty to annoy him for thinking i was in danger. so I'm basically taking you hostage at the manor." Damian grinned, as he took his niece's hand to make sure she doesn't get lost through the maze of hallways
"So basically kidnapping? I'm in."
"Master Damian, welcome home." Alfred greeted as he opened the front door. "And who might you be?"
"Hello Alfred, This is Danielle your Great-granddaughter." Damian said, making Alfred raise his eyebrows slightly before returning to his relaxed state.
"Well, nice to meet you Lady Danielle" Alfred greeted with a smile, as he shook her hand.
"Please call me Elle, Alfred" Elle brightly smiled
"Very well then Lady Elle." Alfred chuckled.
"Is father home yet?" Damian asked
"No not yet master Damian, you two may go to the living room as I prepare the guest room for Lady Elle." Alfred exclaimed as he headed to the kitchen to finish what he was doing.
Elle looked at Damian, Damian looked at Elle.
"I can feel my phone vibrating from my bag." She laughed. Her mother Danny was certainly going to be sad that his little brother kidnapped his daughter for a Uncle and niece Hangout.
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Hello again everyone! Since the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au won the continuation poll, here's part 2!
NOTE: Part 1 can be found here!
EDIT: Part 3 can be found here!
As a quick recap of this au, during the season 4 finale Merlin was caught by Morgana while trying to plant the burning doll curse that would temporarily lock away her powers, and they have a magic battle that ends with both Morgana and her army slain. Merlin thought that no one saw what happened, but Camelot's lords who serve on the council secretly saw everything. So, when Arthur storms Camelot, ready to take back his throne, he's met with the news that Morgana's already dead and a new sorcerer has claimed the throne of Camelot through the right of conquest, and the lords have unanimously agreed to make this powerful sorcerer king in order to appease him. To everyone's shock, Geoffrey then puts the crown of Camelot on Merlin's head, and Merlin promptly passes out.
And now, onto the new stuff!
When Merlin finally woke up, he jolted awake with a start, frightened by what must have been a terrible nightmare! And truly, it was one of the most horrifying scenarios Merlin's sleeping mind had ever conjured to torture himself with: everyone finding out about his magic, Arthur thinking that Merlin betrayed him, and unintentionally stealing Arthur's kingship!
If the idea wasn't so frightening, Merlin would almost laugh at the absurdity of it: Merlin, king of Camelot! What nonsense! Merlin was Emrys, the other side of the coin to the king; he was certainly never meant to be king himself.
Still, the idea gave Merlin a slight chuckle as he climbed out of his bed and changed into his usual clothes, the soft light of the dawn flittering in through his window. Thank every god out there that his outfit didn't involve a crown!
After he finished tying his neckerchief and pulling on his boots, Merlin opened the door into the main area of Gaius's chambers, ready to eat a quick breakfast with Gaius before collecting Arthur's breakfast and starting his work for the day.
Stepping out into the main chamber, he couldn't find Gaius anywhere, but that wasn't too unusual, given how busy Gaius could be with sudden injuries or illnesses popping up in the lower town at all hours of the night. Humming a bit to himself, Merlin began fixing himself a small bowl of porridge in the chamber's cooking pot, making sure to leave an extra portion for Gaius whenever he returned from his duties.
Merlin ate his breakfast quickly, enjoying the birdsong outside and the beautiful sunrise. Yes, this was exactly what he needed to wash away the awful ideas that his nightmare had conjured up.
After cleaning up their dining table, Merlin made his way towards the door, ready go about his day and do his job as a manservant to moderately acceptable standards! Besides, on the heels of Morgana's invasion, Arthur would need a supportive friend far more than a manservant today.
As Merlin opened the door from Gaius's chambers, however, something was conspicuously different. Namely, the fact that there were two armed guards standing on either side of the door, standing with their backs to the door.
The two guards stiffened and stood at attention as soon as he opened the door, uncrossing their polearms so that they would not be blocking his path as he left Gaius's chambers. Merlin froze at the sight of the guards, staring at their backs. What... what was going on?
"Is... is everything alright? What's this about?"
Was it just him, or did the two guards somehow stiffen up even more at Merlin's words?
After a tense beat of silence, one of the guards cleared his throat and replied, "We were assigned to stand guard over these chambers."
Merlin's brows furrowed with confusion for a moment before he figured out what must have happened, realization dawning on his face.
"Oh, I see! Arthur must have increased security around the castle since Morgana's latest attack. I'm not sure why he considers the physician's quarters to be a potential target, but I'll ask him about it later. Well, I'd better get going or else I'll be late to wake the prat up. Say hello to Gaius for me when he gets back!"
The guards looks confused at his words and opened their mouths to call something out to Merlin, but Merlin was already down the stairs and halfway down the hall before either of them could blink.
Merlin got a lot more strange stares than usual today as he made his way towards the kitchens, with many people outright stopping to gawk at him as he passed. Did he have something odd stuck to his hair or something?
Merlin shrugged off the strange stares for now. He'd have time to look in a mirror and figure out what was so odd about how he looked later, after Arthur had eaten and gotten dressed.
Merlin was still a few minutes away from the kitchens when a caped figure emerged from a servant's passageway and barreled into him, drawing him into a sudden hug. Instinctively, Merlin tensed up at the perceived attack, but he quickly relaxed at the familiar smell of ale and apples that surrounded his laughing "attacker".
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, Merls!"
Merlin sighed with both relief at seeing his friend in one piece and in high spirits, but also is exasperation.
"Gwaine, I'm very glad to see you again, but what are you doing here? You just spent a week in captivity under Morgana, you're supposed to be resting and recovering, not ambushing unsuspecting servants!"
Gwaine pulled back at Merlin's words, wearing a look of confusion as he studied Merlin's face.
"Ah, but I'm not ambushing a servant, am I?"
"Yes, yes, you're ambushing your friend, since friendship gives you more rights to pull stunts like this and give me more reason to worry over your health."
At that, Gwaine's face pulled into an outright frown, a rare sight to see on the perpetually-grinning knight. Merlin shifted around a bit nervously, unsure of what exactly was happening. Finally, Gwaine spoke again, this time very slowly and gently, as if he was trying to calm down a spooked horse.
"Merlin, what do you remember from yesterday? What was the last thing you remember before falling asleep?"
This time, it was Merlin's turn to frown in confusion at Gwaine's odd questions. What did any of that matter?
"Well, I suppose the last thing I remember was... was storming into the throne room with Arthur and Gwen and being informed of Morgana's death anything after that... I don't quite recall."
He must have hit his head or something after that point, because everything after that was what happened in his nightmare, and there was no way any of that was real. Right?
Merlin watched as Gwaine's frown pulled into a strained smile, his confusion only growing. What was Gwaine so nervous about?
"Well, Merls," Gwaine began, slinging an arm around Merlin's shoulders as he started to lead Merlin away from the kitchens, "a lot happened in between then and now, including some great news!"
Gwaine turned to face Merlin, his smile genuine and mischievous this time, and Merlin knew that grin. That was the grin Gwaine wore right before he was about to get himself into some trouble for a noble cause but would hide it under the guise of "fun".
Merlin sighed deeply, not awake enough to deal Gwaine's antics, even if they was coming from a good place.
"Alright, what's this news of yours?"
If it was possible, Gwaine's mischievous grin grew wider.
"For starters, I got a promotion!"
Merlin stopped in his tracks with shock, halting their walk to... wherever Gwaine was leading him.
"A promotion?! How? Why? What's your new title? Will you be leading other knights?"
Gwaine just shook his head, his hair whipping around and smile still present on his face. He started leading Merlin again as he answered Merlin's questions.
"I know, I had hardly believe it myself! But I took some initiative when it really mattered, and I landed myself this new job! It's not really a leadership role, but I might be leading some knights, and probably some guards too!"
Gwaine finally started to slow their march down as they reached what Merlin assumed was their destination: the doors to the main throne room, where Arthur took his audiences.
As Gwaine stopped before the doors, he turned to look at Merlin again, his smile still bright, but his eyes, Merlin noticed, growing strained again, like there was something greatly troubling him.
"You still haven't told me what this new job actually is though."
This time, Gwaine's smile faltered a bit, and Merlin knew at once that this new job was what was causing Gwaine so much inner turmoil. What job could possibly give Gwaine of all people so much stress?
"Ah, silly me, how could I forget! You'll want to hold onto something before I tell you this, because this will blow you away my friend! I got promoted..."
Gwaine leaned in close, almost like he was about to share a secret with Merlin. Merlin leaned in as well, curious about what position Gwaine's surprising promotion had been to.
"to the king's official bodyguard!" Gwaine revealed in a stage whisper, playing the moment up for dramatic effect in a very Gwaine-like manner.
Merlin jerked backwards in surprise, startled by such unexpected news, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Arthur did seem to be stepping up security in the aftermath of Morgana's latest invasion, so it made sense for him to appoint a loyal and trusted knight to look after Arthur's own safety.
Merlin was strangely pleased with Arthur's decision on this. Arthur was finally prioritizing his own safety, and he had picked a great knight for the job! This might make Merlin's own secret job of protecting Arthur much easier! Gwaine would certainly take any of Merlin's warnings of danger to Arthur seriously, and he trusted Merlin enough that he wouldn't question where Merlin got any of his information.
Merlin smiled back at his friend, happy about both this new opportunity for his friend and about the changes it would bring. Yes, this was great!
"That's amazing Gwaine! Do you want to stop by the tavern tonight to celebrate?"
Gwaine laughed a bit at that, still looking oddly tense. For some unknown reason, apprehension started pooling in Merlin's stomach, telling him that something wasn't right here. No, there was something else going on.
"Thanks for the offer mate, but I'm afraid that it wouldn't be a good look for me to be seen drinking on my first night on the job. Besides, I have a feeling that you'll be a little busy this evening too."
Merlin's confusion only grew with each passing second.
"What do you mean by that?"
Gwaine didn't answer him, only giving Merlin a small, almost sad smile. It looked disturbingly out of place on the boisterous Gwaine, ratchetting Merlin's confusion and dread up even further.
Without another word, Gwaine turned and opened the doors to the throne room, revealing the entire council of lords congregated within, giving Merlin rather violent flashbacks to his nightmare.
No, no, nothing as disastrous as Merlin being publicly announced as a sorcerer and then getting crowned king in front of Arthur and Gwen could ever happen in real life. It was simply too absurd.
Merlin watched, frozen at the threshold of the room, as the lords' heads all turned towards the door at the sound of it swinging open. To Merlin's rising dread, they all rose from their seats at the sight of him.
No no no no....
Merlin frantically looked around, hoping to all of the gods of the Old Religion that Arthur was somewhere nearby, because the council only rose for the entrance of the king...
Merlin turned around, hoping to find Arthur standing around somewhere, anywhere, as dread began closing its claws around his heart, which was beating at the rating that Merlin would be concerned about if he could process anything other than his own all-consuming terror at that moment.
Because it wasn't a nightmare, was it? No, that was real. His worst fears had come to life in the most horrifying way possible, and he was powerless to stop it now.
If the lords of the council noticed Merlin's frantic terror, they didn't acknowledge it. Instead, apparently, they decided to only confirm Merlin's deepest fears. After a tense moment of utter silence in the room, broken only by Merlin's jagged breathing, Geoffrey finally stepped forward.
"Ah, welcome Your Majesty! I hope you're feeling better now after you've rested and recovered from your battle against Morgana. There is much to discuss concerning these first crucial days of your reign, including your public coronation, having all knights who are willing to renounce the Pendragon line swear their fealty to you, and determining the fates of those who already refuse to accept your rule."
For what felt like an eternity, Merlin simply stood there, his mind refusing to cooperate or even process what he was being told. He couldn't move a single muscle in his body, paralyzed by horror. He was only snapped out of his fugue state by Gwaine taking ahold of his arm and guiding him towards the table.
Inhaling sharply as he was pushed by Gwaine closer to the lords, he finally processed what Geoffrey had told him. Oh gods, a coronation?! So all of Arthur's kingdom could see how he had stolen Arthur's throne?! Forcing knights to turn their backs on Arthur and renounce their loyalty to him?! This was madness and, not to mention, the exact opposite of what Merlin wanted!
And what was that about punishing people for refusing to accept him as king? Hell, Merlin should reward the dissenters if anything, since they were apparently the only ones who still had any good sense left in this kingdom! Who in their right mind would immediately accept Merlin as their king anyway?!
Right, Merlin thought as his eyes wandered over the faces of the lords, spineless cowards with no loyalty who would turn their backs on their true king to save their own hides, that's who.
Well, the applied to the lords at least, but that still didn't explain what Gwaine was doing here, by Merlin's side, when he should be with Arthur and the other knights!
... Where were Arthur and the other knights?
A jolt of fear once again shot through Merlin, this time alongside guilt. Where was Arthur? What had happened to him? The council had foolishly stripped him of his title, and then what?
Clearing his dry throat, Merlin finally responded, "Geoffrey, what happened after I lost consciousness yesterday? Where is Arthur?"
After Merlin was finished speaking, the lords started shifting around nervously, which began to set of warning bells in Merlin's mind.
Something had happened after he fainted yesterday. Something that involved Arthur.
"Well, Your Majesty, following your loss of consciousness yesterday, the former King Arthur lost his temper and began yelling, shouting everything from accusing us of lies and treason to cursing out the sacred laws of the land. He then ran throughout the castle and began calling upon his knights for aid, explaining the situation to them in crude terms and demanding that they take back the crown from you by force."
Merlin grimaced at Geoffrey's monotone explanation, horrific visions of Arthur calling for his execution as a sorcerer and traitor running through his mind.
"Many of Arthur's knights rallied to his cause, but there were some who were hesitant to turn their blades against you, no doubt recognizing your power and your true claim to the throne. It was from that group that your loyal Sir Gwaine arose, leading a small group of knights and guards in a surprise attack that concluded with the former king and his knights locked in the dungeon cells, awaiting your judgement."
Merlin eyes flew wide at Geoffrey's words, his heading whipping around to meet Gwaine's gaze. Gwaine had betrayed Arthur in such a terrible way? For him?
In response to Merlin's horrified stare, Gwaine simply gave him his most innocent smile, as if nothing was wrong at all and Merlin's world wasn't crumbling around him.
No, this wasn't happening. Merlin had to fix this, and he had to fix it now.
"Look, Geoffrey, I am honored that you and the other lords feel so strongly that I am supposed to be Camelot's king, but that is not meant to be. I was never meant to rule over anything. This is Arthur's kingdom, and I will not be the one to take it from him."
All of the lords around the table look utterly confused, as if Merlin was speaking a completely different language. That was expected, Merlin supposed, if they had never seen anyone willingly give up power. Gwaine, however, just looked amused, like he knew that this was exactly what would happen.
"While that is a most gracious sentiment Your Majesty, I'm afraid that it isn't that simple."
Merlin groaned at Geoffrey's words, bemoaning the fact that the world could never let anything in his life be simple.
"Shouldn't it be?! I'm apparently the king now, so I order you to release Arthur and the knights from the dungeons and to give Arthur his kingship back!"
This time, it was Geoffrey's turn to sigh deeply, as the old man pulled a rather hefty- and dusty- scroll from his bag.
"This," Geoffrey began as he unrolled the yellowed parchment, "is Bruta's code, written by the Great King himself. This set of laws are the foundation on which all of the five kingdoms are governed, and Camelot is no exception. All kings of this Isle, no matter how powerful, are subject to these laws, lest the entire realm fall into anarchy."
Merlin was valiantly holding back the urge to bash his head into the council table. Why couldn't he clear this situation up as painlessly as possible?!
"The code addresses many subjects, and both the right of conquest and the rules of succession are outlined within. I'm terribly sorry Your Majesty, but the code clearly states that when a king who is not of royal blood ascends to the throne through the right of conquest, the previous royal family loses any and all claim to the throne, alongside their lands and wealth, essentially leaving them with no titles or claim to nobility at all. This measure was originally put in place to ban the defeated family from endlessly challenging the victor of the conquest in a bid to regain their former throne and wasting the new ruler's precious time."
Merlin's heart dropped even more at Geoffrey's words. Great, he had not only stolen Arthur's kingdom, but he had also stolen everything Arthur owned! Gods, what did Arthur hate Merlin more for at the moment, being a secret powerful sorcerer ever since they met or inadvertently stripping him of his title, lands, and all his possessions?
"I still don't see why this would forbid me from freely giving Arthur the throne back."
"Your Majesty, the former king is no longer a noble, as the Pendragon line is no longer recognized as a noble house. As such, Arthur is now, by law, a peasant, and it is against Bruta's code for a ruler to cede their throne to anyone but a noble for any period of time."
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream. Why, why?! Why couldn't he just make Arthur a noble again and be done with this farce and-
Wait a minute.
There was a way to make Arthur a noble.
Oh no, Arthur was going to hate this. But, Merlin steeled himself, this was the only way to make things right.
And that's all for now! I had a lot of fun making Gwaine the ultimate "ride or die" bestie for Merlin in this situation lol! I'll definitely be doing a part three of this au soon to resolve this cliffhanger!
Please let me know what you all thought of this continuation!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported my last au post and asked for this continuation! I'll try to tag you all here, my apologies if I missed anyone!
@cookie-player , @miyriu , @nebulousconstellationwriter , @insane-multifandom-brainrot , @elementalpirate4 ,
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms , @gaiussleechtank , @arrowlovesdragons , @lordmushroomkat , @bucketheadpunk14 ,
@retro-wallflower , @ryeallytired , @verxen , @mind-of-a-crow , @aostrek-236 ,
@thedragonkinproject , @orliththedragon , @theroundbartable , @my-own-quiet-corner , @tireddruid ,
@coffee-shop-gay , @sable-nakahara , @deadhotpocket , @bennedict , @samwinjester ,
@linotheghost , @aerismoon , @merthurogies , @ahumoki0 , @chairwiththreelegs ,
@achillesuwu , @pancakesandpigs , @the-king-and-the-druidess , @sugar-coated-prat-dragon , @isaidno ,
@justaz , @auldsusie
And, as always, thank you for reading through my ramblings! :D
EDIT: A question for those of you I'm tagging, I'm not sure if this is a tumblr issue or if I'm screwing something up on my end, but after the first few tagged blogs, it shows up on my screen like the tags are just plain text and not linked to anything. So, for those of you that are tagged, can you confirm that you're getting a notification when I tag you? I want to make sure everyone who requested a continuation knows when it's posted!
2nd EDIT: I've tried to fix the tag problem, I'm very sorry if you already saw this post and then got a notification!
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soxcietyy · 9 months
Racer Yuuta pt2
Yuuta x fem reader
Part 3
Continuation of part 1, I’m horrible at descriptions so… also please read authors note down below!
˚₊‧꒰𓆩 ♱ 𓆪꒱ ‧₊˚ forbidden love, brat taming, 5 year age gap, 18 + content, gagging.
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Gojo ended up picking you up and taking you home. You couldn’t help but feeling so happy from tonight. You bopped your head to the music Gojo played in his car as you relived thoes memories in your head. If your uncle wasn’t here you would be screaming and kicking your feet. You Guys ended up exchanging contact information but you felt to nervous to text him first. What do you even say? You wernt trying to sound childish and just set hey. Maybe he was the type of man that like woman who played hard to get. Though that wouldn’t make sense since you were the one to confess to him.
"What had you all giddy?" Gojo asks as he noticed your absurd behavior.
You callado your hands together and look at him "I’m just so happy you took me out uncle Gojo, do you think I can come with you to the race?!" You say looking at him with your big glossy eyes.
Gojo let a loud hum as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Trying to think if he should let you go or not. Yuuta didn’t say anything bad about you tonight so maybe he would agree. But Geto would get back from his trip in the morning. Then again he’s leaving to America the day of the race so the odds were perfect for you.
"I’ll agree if you don’t embarrass me tomorrow at dinner. I’m having a few of the guys competing coming over and the last thing I need is you telling them my business."
All three of you lived together in this house because well they didn’t find the need in having their own place. Gojo would feel too lonely and nobody would be able to take care of you back when you were younger while Geto had trips. So it was a win win situation if they lived in one place.
"But won’t dad get mad if you bring people from drag racing home?" You tilt your head.
He let out another long hum. "I doubt it, he knows most of them. Plus it will remind him of the good old times. We were so young and wild, you probably wouldn’t be able to recognize your pop’s. I’m just not sure if you’re going to be allowed out your room but in case you are granted permission you better shut your mouth." He says as he drives down your neighborhood.
You roll your eyes knowing that you would have to convince your dad.
The next day you woke up to see you dad was home. You gave him a hug and helped him bring his things inside. You usually never woke up this early but you had eavesdropping to do. You had no idea who was coming but you hoped it was Yuuta. Like why wouldn’t he come? He’s Gojos pupil after all!
You help prepare breakfast and serve it to you dad and uncle as they spoke. Nothing could beat pancakes and bacon on a lazy Sunday. The second you heard Gojo say "hey Suguru" you knew it was going to be about a favor or idea. You quickly threw your portion of breakfast on a plate and ran to the table. Sitting down you pretend to not care about their conversation like usual.
Gojo told him about his dinner plans and your dad said that it was fine with him. Though he wanted to know who was coming over. He wasn’t going to let Gojo bring just any stranger inside.
"Yuji, Todo, Shoko, Nanami and Yuta." He said
Hearing his name made you choke on your orange juice making them both quirk a brow at you. You had no idea why you were so surprised by it since you called it not too long ago. You coughed as you waved them off telling them to ignore you.
You could see your dad’s face as he was thinking deeply. "Sweetheart are you nervous about having so many guys over? That’s okay you can stay in your room and hang out with Shoko." Your dad said looking concerned.
"No! That’s not it at all, I just couldn’t believe uncle Gojo has that many friends!" You say trying to somewhat change the topic.
Gojo let out a dry laugh. Not being able to believe you at all. He didn’t try to interrogate you about it though. Soon dinner time arrived and you had finished cooking the curry. When Gojo or your dad had small dinners like this you’d get paid to make the food. Them being rich meant heavy paychecks in your pocket. How else are you supposed to afford to keeping up with the trends. Setting your apron aside you heard the door bell ring.
You quickly run to your room to get ready for the night. You brushed your hair, did your makeup, and put on a silky light purple dress on. Everything and to be perfect tonight, you had to be perfect. Was this color good or did it make you look like a kid? You soon began to mess with the paint of your manicure. You stood at your door for who knows how long anxious to see what’s in the other side. Yuuta had yet to text you making you feel like you like this was one sided. Then again you hadn’t texted him either but that’s because you didn’t know what to say. What are you supposed to say to a guy like him? You didn’t want to seem annoying or desperate. It’s almost as if he heard your thoughts because a text soon came in.
Yuuta: I wonder what you’re doing in that little room of yours that is making you take so long. Trying to look cute for me?
You could feel your heart pounding heavily against your chest. Opening the door you walk down the stairs to see everyone is here. The first one to notice you is Yuuta who’s looking at you as if you were prey. You feel a sudden shiver knowing he has eyes on you. Those were the same dark eyes that had you melting last night. You approach the table where everyone is talking to introduce yourself but you knew there was no need.
"Ah my dear y/n, everyone this is my daughter y/n who just graduated high school not too long ago." You dad said making everyone look at you. The last part was unnecessary but either way you give them a small wave as you excuse yourself into the kitchen to start serving food. Pulling plates out the cabinet you place them out and start serving them one by one. Putting a spoon of white rice on one side and the curry in the other. When you got to the table you couldn’t help but look away from him. He made you feel so nervous that the butterflies in your stomach were about to burst out. The way he looked at you was so intimidating that it made your legs weak. Oh how you hated how this boy had a huge chokehold on you.
"They put my Angel to work I see," you hear someone say as they grab your waist. You jolt at the sudden surprise and turn to see that it was Yuuta. Today he wore a black shirt with some casual grey slacks. You give him a nod as you go back to serving food. Hands shakily holding the plate. You see as his hand comes into view and holds the plate still for you. All of a sudden you’ve become mute. Not being able to say anything but blush. His other hands snakes around your waist as they trail all the way down to your thighs. You bite your lip trying to hold on any possible squeak that may come out of you. It’s not that you hated it, more like it was driving you crazy. How his cold hand slowly moved up. Teasing you by gripping the fat of your inner thigh. His large hands then proceeded to go back up. Going under your dress just to stop when he found something interesting.
"Where have your panties gone? Did they get lost on your way here? I can also see that you have no bra on from how perky you nipples are looking through the dress" Hes says as he slids a finger in between your folds. You muffled a moan as his finger slid deeper into your wet slit. He makes you put the plate down slowly since he noticed your body quivering too much. He wouldn’t want you dropping a plate and making a mess.
"Gone all shy on me angel? You were so bratty and demanding yesterday. Or could you be trying to be on your best behavior tonight?" He asks as he brings his coated finger up to his mouth and taste your slik. This was not what you thought would happen tonight. You took him for a shy guy who was scared to do anything but here he was toying and tasting you. "You look so fucking perfect like this, my cute obedient angel letting me do anything to her."
"What’s all this chattering about?" You both freeze at the sudden question. Yuuta is the first one to turn his head around to see it was your dad standing in the kitchen entrance. Thank god Yuuta was huge and covered your body up so easily because you were mentally a mess right now.
"Ah I just came to help your daughter out with the food. Felt bad knowing that we were just sitting while she worked." Yuuta said as he grabbed the plate you set down and turned his body fully with another one he found next to him. Geto gave him an approving smile as Yuuta began to walk out the kitchen. He stopped half way in his tracks to look at you.
"By the way y/n, it tasted amazing."
Your face suddenly became beat red knowing what he was referring too. When he left you handed two plates to your dad. He couldn’t possibly think he was leaving the kitchen without being a helping hand. He gives you a tired smile and takes the plates to the table.
When you’re done you bring your plate to the table. Then you noticed the only available seat was in between Yuuta and your dad. You nervously sat down in between them and started eating. The dinner went by fast and easy. Everyone complimented your cooking skills and asked for the recipe. Gojo shut them up real quick saying that he would never allow his niece to give out such valuable information. You and Shoko spoke about how annoying these two grown adults were and there random things as you had Yuta on your left caressing your thigh. Shoko eventually pulled out a cigarette and started smoking making your dad roll his eyes.
"Shoko can you let me have a few drags?" Yuta pirks up when he sees her light it. She shrugs and hands it to him. You didn’t know he smoked at all though you didn’t know much about him period. You watch as he leaves the dinning table and walks to the back porch outside.
"I thought he stopped smoking," Itadori says
"He must be craving something, back then when he was a rookie he would smoke when he wanted something. If he wanted Icecream but couldn’t find an open shop he would simply smoke. Though that was years ago. Whatever he’s craving must be driving him crazy." Gojo laughed.
You could feel the heat began to pool down there. Your gaze turned to look at him to find him blowing out smoke while looking at you from afar. There was no way that he could be craving you?!
The dinner soon came to an end and everyone was leaving. They were bidding there goodbyes outside but Yuuta had stayed back for a bit to be with you,
"I’m guessing you’re going to the race tomorrow?" Yuta asks as he looks at you.
"That’s the plan, I guess I’ll be seeing you then." You say as you give him a hug. He gives into it and hugs you tighter. Placing two soft kisses on your forehead. Your heart sunk in pain as he waved goodbye and left.
The next day you sent your dad off to the airport. Gojo had stayed home trying to do some mechanics on his car before the race. He would do this every time he had a race, spending all day until everything seemed perfect for him. You grew tired of waiting on your uncle so you went into the garage.
"Can you make Yuuta pick me up? I’m so bored and you take forever to fix the car. I at least want to eat before going to the race." You say as you watched him roll up and down from under his car as he picked out tools.
"Can’t really make him do anything, maybe if he calls then I’ll let you go."
He says brushing your questions off because what were the odds of that actually happening. You eventually ended up leaving not satisfied with the answer but he didn’t really care. After working on his car a bit more he eventually finished changing the oil. But before he could get to something else, his phone started ringing. Shuffling around he somehow got the phone next to his ear and answered.
"The one and only," he answered
"Hey Gojo can you let y/n go out with me for the day?"
"Common man are you really giving in to her that easily? You’re not helping her spoiled brat allegations you know." Gojo said as he rolled out from under the car to sit up. When he did he was met with you sitting down on a random stool in the garage. He glared at you for somehow being able to pull strings.
"Sorry Gojo but I did promise her to take her out to eat before the race. I just forgot because iv been so busy on my car." Yuuta said
"Yea, no I get it. Fine you guys go have fun. Please keep your eyes on her. God someone really needs to say no to that girl." He mumbled the last part. You wave Goodbye to Gojo as you leave the house as soon as he got here. You immediately recognize his car and hop inside. He smiled at you sweetly as you put your seatbelt on. He liked the way you dressed, always having a skirt or a dress on to give him easy access in the future. Today you wore a tight red skirt with a black top and a leathered cropped jacket. You looked like an adorable doll that was dressed up. Maybe one day you'll let him dress you up.
on your way to eat you guys talk and talk about anything and everything. Trying to get to know each other better.
You were such a sweet, kind, funny and very adorable person If he had to describe you. That didn’t go for your other side. He could tell you have a big attitude from how you spoke. Though it wasn’t something he couldn’t handle. With the small amount of time you’ve guys spent together he was sure he had you dominated. Like right now he sent you to fetch some napkins and condiments. It’s the little things that matter. As much as he had you under control that didn’t mean that you weren’t going to try him.
Both of you sat together in a booth. Yuta was trying to enjoy his burger but you weren’t quite letting him. You had taken your heel off and rubbed your foot on his crotch. Trying to get a reaction from him that he refused to give.
"Can you let me enjoy my meal?" Yuuta asks as he takes a bite.
"Yuu I want to do it, you’re not actually going to ignore my pleading right?" You smile innocently as you press harder in his member.
He let out a sigh knowing you weren’t going to stop till he gave in. He took another bite of his food and simply ignored your attempts. As much as he loved the thought of doing it with you he knew it wasn’t the time.
"You’re not ready for it." Yuuta said as he stole a fry from your box.
He could have swore he saw your eye twitch at his response. By the time you guys got done eating it was time to head to the race. It was already getting dark and Yuta had to get there early to make sure the event was going smoothly. On your way to his car you kept telling him how you were fully capable of taking him and that he was doing too much. Again he ignored your comments and walked to your side of the car to open it.
When he did you sat on the concrete floor refusing to get in until he said yes. He clenched his jaw as he closed his eyes for a brief moment. He knew Damn well you were not throwing a fit at this moment. Before he could fully let himself calm down he heard someone call out his name. He opened his eyes and saw a guy approaching him. He didn’t look familiar though. The boy eventually made it to Yuuta but stood on the other side of the car.
"Hey man, so glad I caught up to you before you left." He panted as he tried to catch his breath.
"What’s up?" Yuuta asks.
"I need relationship advice, Not trying to sound weird or anything but I saw you and your girl in the restaurant. I saw how you spoke to her and maintained your ground not giving in to her and well I need help with that."
Yuuta did not have time for such conversation and didn’t really enjoy the fact that he was listening to your conversation. Before he could let him down and tell him he was busy he felt something weird. His eyes slowly averted to the ground to find you unzipping his pants. He whispered how much of and idiot you were right now. Fine, if you wanted this so be it.
"You just got to say no to the things you don’t like or want. Obviously you have to take into consideration on what they’re asking or saying. Though I assume you’re saying no to them because you know what’s good for them." Yuuta said as he felt you wrap your wet lips around his member. Going only half way down his shaft.
He couldn’t believe you were doing all of this when you clearly lacked practice and skills. If you were going to do something at least do it right. Though he had to admit it was cute that you were trying so hard to please him. You probably thought he was feeling so good right now. Unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
"Usually they would then try to prove to you that they were capable of doing it. That’s when you let them do it but watch them fail at it. You watch them suffer until you feel like stepping in and actually do something." He said as he leaned onto the car making you hit your head on it. He leaned in so much that he shoved himself all the way in your mouth making you gag.
Luckily the restaurant had music playing loudly outside so the guy couldn’t hear how badly you were gagging.
"With my girl I would personally let her make a fool of herself until she’s learns her lesson." he said smiling at the other guy.
you began tapping his leg begging him for air but he refused. He pulled his hips back and forward ramming into your drooling mouth. You tried to push him off of you but he was so heavy and you were starting to get weak from the lack of air. Still he thrusted deep into your throat. Your vision began to turn white as your jaw slacked.
"Thanks for the advice man, good luck on your race!" The guy said as he left. Yuuta thanked him as he pulled himself out of your mouth causing you to gasp for air. You collapsed onto his feet as you tried to compose yourself.
Yuuta crouched down grabbing you by the arms to help you up.
"At least be good at it next time you decide to go against my word and do what you want." He said helping you get in your seat. You sat there dazed as he reached into his glove box and pulled out some napkins. He folded them and proceeded to wipe your mouth clean. He didn’t want to take you to the race looking like a mess. Grabbing your purse he digs in it and pulls out a lipgloss. He might as well touch up your makeup right now since you’re not capable of doing it yourself.
AN: I couldn’t not fit everything I wanted in this chapter so the race will take place in chapter 3. Sorry for the inconvenience 😞
Tagged people who wanted a part two though I couldn’t really tags most people.
Tags: @officialholyagua @sukunaswifee
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anarcoqueer1994 · 6 months
Never Have I Ever (Steddie Ficlet)
The older teens—Jonathan, Argyle, Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Eddie,-- had been hanging out drinking at Steve’s house. No one can remember whose idea it was, but they ended up playing “Never Have I Ever” with who ever being the one who has done it having to take a drink. It was fun, mostly dumb ones, like “Never have I ever been out of Indiana (excluding the Upside-Down) or “Never have I ever smoked weed.” It was one of Robin’s though, that nearly gave Eddie a heart attack.
She looked around the table, smirking, half tipsy. “Never have I ever slept with a guy.” She laughed. Eddie thought nothing of it. He figured she used this one to get as many people at the table to drink as possible. Eddie wasn’t surprised when Jonathan, Argyle (they are dating now, he thinks), and Nancy take a drink with him. What nearly causes him to choke on his own beer is seeing Steve also pick up his glass and take a sip.
His shock causes him to cough up his drink, and though his reaction may have been the most dramatic, but other than Robin, everyone else looked confused too. Steve was oblivious to the looks around the table though, only drunkenly turning to Robin saying “That’s not fair, dude. You knew you would be the only one not to drink.” He playfully complains. 
Eddie clears his throat, being the one to ask the question everyone was wondering. “Harrington, you slept with a guy?”
Steve looks around, first confused with the reaction, slowly realizing that everyone was looking at him. They weren’t judgmental, of course, just surprised. He looks awkwardly at Robin who just shrugs her shoulders, before he says. “Oops I guess I forgot to tell you guys. Kind of figured you all knew since we are all…you know…queer. “
Robin laughs at the absurdness of his statement. “Aww Steve, they thought you were our token straight.” She sticks out her tongue.
Eddie doesn’t know why but he kind of feels…jealous. When he thought Steve was straight, it was easy for him to just accept that Steve in unattainable, that he doesn’t like guys. But knowing he does…changes things. Steve was into dudes, and he is a dude. But now he feels like Steve is unattainable in a new way…he is out of his league. Steve can’t want Eddie, no matter how big of a stupid crush he has on him. That hurt more. He can’t explain why he said what he said next, maybe he is a masochist. But his mouth works faster than his brain. “Who?”
“What?” Steve scrunches his eyebrows together in confusion, a strand of hair falling across his forehead. Eddie hates that this makes him more attractive.
He wishes he could pull the word back in, he wishes it would have stayed trapped against his teeth, but it didn’t so he has to go with it. “Um…I mean who was the lucky guy that slept with King Steve?” He tries play it off as a joke, like he’s teasing but honestly part of him wants to know what Steve’s type is.
“Oh, um a few guys, I guess. The first one was Tommy. Before Nance and I dated, I used to hook up with Tommy and Carol sometimes. Most of the time it was the three of us, but I have been with both of them separately.” Steve goes red, realizing all the attention is on him now.
“You were like a …throuple with Tommy and Carol?” Nancy asks in disbelief.
“No, nothing like that!  What we did was just for fun. Those two were their own thing. “ He put his increasingly flushed face in his hands before continuing. “Let’s…uh move on from this embarrassing can of worms Robin has opened.
Everyone nods, but Eddie’s big mouth strikes again. “You said there was a few…”
“Eds, you really wanna know all the guys I slept with?” Steve raises his eyebrow, embarrassment going to amusement. He shoots Eddie a smirk before adding. “Why? You wanna be on that list?” He winks.
Shit. Eddie was too pushy. He doesn’t need to know. His face turns red. “Uh no. I’m sorry, I’m just being nosy. I’m sorry.” He repeats without his usual confidence. He continues to ramble apologies.
“Eddie…” Steve interrupts. “I’m just messing with you, man. It’s fine. I don’t have secrets with you guys. There were a few random hooks ups from the gay bar Robin, and I go to in Indianapolis, and um my senior year, I hooked up with one of the guys one the swim team. See no big secrets.” He laughs.
The tension Eddie was feeling dissipates with the sound of Steve’s laugh. Steve doesn’t care…Eddie is reading too much into this. “No big secrets.” He parrots back. And with that, they were back to the game, no one bringing up Steve’s “come out,” No mention of Eddie’s weird reaction, nothing that should make him nervous. But part of him swears he notices Steve staring him down more as the night goes on.
They end up all watching a movie, everyone passing out in the living room, half tipsy, and just feeling safe. Robin and Nancy are cuddled together on the couch while Jonathan and Argyle are tangled together on the love seat. Eddie had been on the chair and Steve was on the third cushion of the couch. They had been the only two still awake, neither very comfortable where they are. When the movie comes to an end, Steve whispers, “Eds…come on man. Let’s go upstairs.”
“up..stairs?” Eddie stutters out like some pathetic 13-year-old kid with a first crush. But he couldn’t help it. Was Steve asking his to go to bed with him? Maybe he wasn’t crazy. Maybe Steve was flirting with him earlier. Maybe he was staring.  
Eddie watches as Steve stands up, walks closer and holds out his hand, Eddie instinctively responds, taking the other man’s hand, letting him pull him up. “Yea, upstairs. That chair is not comfortable.”
“No, its not.” Eddie agrees as they head for the steps, still hand in hand. When they get to the top of the stairs though, Steve lets go. He starts leading Eddie to the opposite end of the hallway from his bedroom. When they stop in front of the door at the end, Eddie understands. He feels his heart drop as Steve opens the door to the guest room. “Finally have an excuse to use this thing.” He softly laughs, before turning away, saying over his shoulder “Night, Eds. Let me know if you need anything.”
All Eddie can do is nod lamely, as he steps into his room for the night. He closes the door before collapsing on the bed. His brain is on an emotional roller coaster. He feels stupid thinking that Steve Harrington, queer or not, would be into him. Before he can spiral into self-deprivation, he is pulled back to reality by a knock on the door.
When he opens it, there is Steve Harrington, now clad only in the tiny red shorts he sleeps in. It takes every thing in him to keep his brain from short circuiting. “Steve? What’s up?” He hopes he sounds casual.
“Eddie, why did you react that way earlier when you found out I like guys?” Steve cuts to the chase.
“I..I told you man, just surprised.” He tells a half lie.
“I know, I know. You said that but why did you want to know who?” Steve continues, gears obvious turning in his, trying make the connections he thinks he sees.
“I don’t know.” Eddie looks down at his own feet. Looking at Steve feels dangerous right now, Like Steve could see right through him.”
“Eds? You don’t know?” Steve asks skeptically.
“Yea I don’t know. I just asked. Making conversation, man” Eddie deflects, still looking down.
“I don’t believe you.” Steve says back plainly. Eddie was about to protest, insist Steve was wrong. But before he can, he feels a gentle hand under his chin, pushing his head upwards, so Steve can meet his eyes. He’s frozen as Steve smirks whispering, “I think you wanted to be on that list too.”
Eddie can feel his cheeks going red. Without thinking he replies, “I want to be the end of that list.” As soon as the words leave him mouth, he wishes he could pull them back in. “Oh god, I am so sorry. I don’t expect you to just settle with me or anything. I’m sure you have better.’
“No Eddie. I wouldn’t be settling.” He lets out a sign. “ I should have phrased this better. Eddie, I want you. And not just for sex. Like don’t get me wrong, that’s part of it. You’re so fucking hot. But you are so funny and smart and dorky and such a good friend. I’ve been into you for so long. So um, what do you think?” All confidence and charismatic attitude is gone.
“You like me?” Eddie sputters out.
“Oh my god! Yes, Eds. I do. I like you. Honestly, I think I love you and I don’t know how else to spell it out to you. I just don’t get it, Eds? What more…” Steve is cut off by the soft lips pressed again his. It takes him a moment to realize Eddie is kissing him but when he does, he finds himself kissing back. His hands tangle in Eddie’s hair while Eddie wraps his arms around Steve’s waist.
When they finally pull apart, Eddie asks “So you wanna add me to that list?
“Yea, I do. Eventually. But for tonight I just want to cuddle with me…boyfriend?” He asks, worried he jumped the gun.
“Yea…I want to cuddle with my boyfriend, too.” He smiles, pulling Steve into the guestroom, closing the door behind them.
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videovamptramp · 2 years
holding on too tight (just right)
// wednesday ironically loves affection… as long as it’s from you //
warnings: insecure!reader, insecure!wednesday, a bit of angst but mostly fluff, you’re both oblivious idiots in love, wednesday is a softy for you <3
wednesday addams, for as long as she can remember has been completely and utterly disgusted by the mere thought of love. there was nothing more repulsing than the idea of someone kissing her. swabbing spit with someone who’s grossly in love with her. whenever she would see her parents exchange different forms of love she’d have to physically hold herself back from gagging. it wasn’t just because they were her parents, really. she felt the same way when she saw a random couple on the street, or at school. wednesday didn’t believe in love, she felt as though everyone who was overly in love with their significant other was dramatizing their feelings, or just pretending. there’s no way anyone could feel that much.
well, that’s what she used to think… until she met you. when wednesday first met you, she hated you. you were all smiles, and dimples. it was disgusting the way you’d light up like a christmas tree whenever you saw her or she responded to you. the way you laughed made her stomach coil. not to mention how revealing your outfits got towards the hotter seasons. wednesday hated the way her eyes would migrate towards you whenever she’d walk into a room you were in. she didn’t want to think about your eyes or how they changed in color depending on the lighting. so she ignored it for as long as she could.
she ignored your longing looks, and the way she’d see your signature doodled next to her last name on your notebook, whenever she’d make the mistake of taking a peak at what you were smiling at. she pretended as if her stomach didn’t flutter in a nauseating way at the thought of your name hyphenated with hers. it even got so bad that wednesday tried to ignore your existence all together, but that wasn’t very effective. instead of your smile, she saw your eyes full of hurt and even saw you tear up when you realized she was ignoring you. she caved and spoke to you the next period. wednesday didn’t understand why the sight of you nearly crying, especially because of her, made her incredibly uncomfortable. it was a feeling she’s never felt before.
“… and then i told him to fuck off! he was only being a jerk because i totally rejected him last fall. then sabrina told me—“ you cut yourself off when you see wednesday staring at you with a blank expression. you assume she’s bored and irritated, causing you to blush in embarrassment, “sorry wen, i got carried away talking… i know i talk too much.” you tuck a strand of loose hair behind your ear, and she doesn’t look away from you as your gaze shyly makes it way down to the grass you’re both sitting on. “if i didn’t want to listen to your pointless rambling i would have intervened and said so.” she declares simply, and your eyes widen slightly, as you look at her with pure glee. god that look on your face makes the corner of her lips tug upwards, and oh no, wednesday addams is smiling softly.
the smile is faint and barely visible, but it’s there. “you’re so sweet, wednesday. you always make me feel so special!” you exclaim, practically gushing as you pull her in for a tight hug. wednesday’s little cold heart swells a few sizes at the action. she hates affection or any sort of physical touch, but this… this is nice. wednesday doesn’t even threaten you and after a few seconds you pull away, a rosy pink blush on your nose and cheeks. “i’m sorry… i got carried away again.” you apologize, and her tenebrous orbs stare into yours. “do it again.” she demands and you look at her as if she just said the most absurd thing on the planet.
though, you don’t deny her request, and you cautiously wrap your arms around her, holding her close. wednesday hugs you back, and your heart nearly stops beating. “thank you.” you blabber out loud, and she pulls away, “why are you thanking me?” she questions uncertainly, and you meet her eyes with a dopey grin on your lips. “because you just let me hug you! twice! i know you have a rule about physical touch or affection, but i… i really like it. especially when i care about someone. so thank you for letting me hug you.” your words of innocence make wednesday feel as though her heart is being squeezed so tightly it might pop. “my rule does not apply to you. you are the only exception.” the words come out of her mouth before she can think twice, and though they surprise her, she doesn’t take them back.
how could she? you were now staring at her with stars in your eyes and your smile caused that queasy feeling to set back in at the pit of her belly.
after that, you find every and any excuse to touch wednesday. you hold her hand whenever you’re sitting beside her in class or lunch, and in the hallways. you lay you head in her lap and will reach for her wrist, moving it onto your head and demanding she play with your hair. you play with her fingers whenever you’re speaking to her in the halls (it’s nearly impossible to keep her concentration when you do that). you fix her bangs for her whenever the wind messes them up, and you even took what she said as an open invitation to cuddle with her during your guys movie nights.
wednesday is very surprised to find out she doesn’t hate physical affection coming from you. every little touch burns wednesday’s skin in the best way, and she finds herself yearning for your touch whenever she doesn’t receive it. which is why the last week has confused and upset her deeply. it started after she walked you to class last week, as she always does.
“see you after class, wen!” you lean in and kiss her cheek, causing her to force herself to grimace. she still has an act to put on at school after all. “oh wait!” you exclaim as you reach for her wrist and pull her back in for a hug. “good luck on your botany exam!” you cheerfully tell your girlfriend before pulling away and making your way into class where yoko is flashing you a look. “what?” you ask uncertainly, and the vampire raises her brows. “aren’t you afraid she’s going to snap one day because of all the dramatized affection? i mean, she is wednesday addams.” yoko points out, and you frown as you take a seat beside her. “she’s never been bothered by it before…” you trail off.
a wave of insecurity washes over you, “do you think i should stop? i mean, you’ve known her longer…” your voice is laced with vulnerability. “i mean, i would definitely reel it back a bit because she’s wednesday.” yoko explains as if that’s explanation enough, but you don’t know wednesday like me, your mind screams but you only nod. “yeah, she might be tired of it.” you mumble, your cheerful mood suddenly gone. could wednesday really be tired of your affection? you remember the way she grimaced in the hall after you kissed her on the cheek. you wonder if that was for show or because she genuinely didn’t like affection. wednesday wouldn’t force herself to endure your affections simply because it makes you happy… right?
suddenly you’re overthinking everything, and you can’t help but let your thoughts run wild. you can’t even concentrate in class and when the bell rings, you stand up and gather your things; stuffing them into your backpack before leaving the room. as soon as you exit out of the classroom, there’s wednesday with that blank look on her face waiting for you. your heart flutters every time she comes and picks you up, and walks you to each of your classes. though, you physically dim when you remember what yoko said about wednesday growing tired of the affection. the last thing you wanted to happen was for her to grow tired of you and the relationship.
wednesday notices something’s wrong right away, as soon as you see her your eyes usually light up like a street lamp every night on routine. “hey wen.” you greet her with a smile. “how was your exam?” you ask as you begin walking. wednesday looks down at her empty hand that you usually take, and she tries not to frown. “fine. easier than i expected, perhaps we went a little too overboard with the studying.” she tells you and you giggle. “yes, well, you had three different study plans ready. at least you’re always prepared.” you tease and she tries not to think about the way you aren’t holding her hand or arm; the only form of affection was when your arms brushed together as you two walked through the crowded hallway.
“how was gorgon anatomy?” she asks, trying to figure out why you’re acting stranger than usual. “fine!! boring.” you answer too quickly, and wednesday turns her head to look at you. you were walking with your head high and eyes forward. as if you were trying not to look at her at all. wednesday can see on your face clear as day that something is wrong. before she can question you anymore, you both arrive in front of your werewolf reproduction class. “i’ll see you after class?” you ask hopefully, and she rolls her eyes. “you’ll see me after every class.” she states, still not understanding why you ask her every time, if you know she’ll be here like clock work. you smile at her response, blushing. “okay. bye wen, try not to kill bianca during fencing lessons.” you half joke before staring at her with a longing look and rushing inside.
wednesday blinks a few times, frozen in place. you always kiss her before you two part. every single time, even when she was just going to stand in a different line, you were placing a sweet kiss somewhere on her face. the sinking feeling in her stomach is unfamiliar and uncomfortable. she clenches her fists as she walks away. suddenly she’s angry at herself; what did she do? had she said something? or did she do something that upset you? is this one of those things where she accidentally did the wrong thing and hurt your feelings? she’s hurt them many times on accident before, you were so insufferably sensitive. yet, wednesday found that was one of the many things she loves about you.
she tries not to think about how strange you were before class, but she ends up taking out her frustrations on bianca during fencing lessons.
wednesday tried to assure herself that you would be fine by the end of the day. your mood changed very quickly when you were upset. you could never be sad or angry for too long and wednesday ironically loved that about you as well. but that was last week, and you still have barely touched her. wednesday didn’t think it was possible to need physical contact, but god she does. she craves your touch every time you’re near, even when you’re not, she still wishes you were so you could kiss, caress, and even hold her. but ever since last week your touches have been minimal.
you don’t hold her hand in the halls anymore, nor do you kiss her cheek at any given chance. sometimes you’ll slip and reach for her hand during movie night, but quickly let go when you remember what yoko said. you had somehow allowed that little nagging voice in your head to convince you that wednesday was trying to preserve your feelings every time you touched her. you’d let that mean conscious of yours allow you to believe that wednesday secretly disliked all of your hugs, kisses, and loving touches.
today is movie night, and wednesday is adamant on making things return to normal. she hates that insecure feeling she’s had for the last six days. that pestering emotion deeply rooted inside of her, whispering over and over that you’re losing interest in her. that you’re craving someone different; perhaps someone more full of joy, and like you. someone who isn’t allergic to color, and who has a kind smile. maybe that boy who’s always smiling at you in the ice cream place in the mall. or the girl from the shoe store who remembers you and your shoe size, she always compliments your jeans. it makes wednesday’s stomach burn.
“i brought ven helsing and the house at the end of the street. can we please watch the scary one first this time, wen? i had nightmares after last weeks.” you flash her puppy eyes as soon as you stroll into her shared room, the movies in your arms along with the snacks. you have black liquorish, milk duds, cherry coke, a big of chips, and mini kit-kat’s. wednesday knows the black liquorish is for her, and she can’t help but let her heart lurch at the sight of you. “we can watch whatever one you’d like first, cara mia.” she tells you in that tone she solely reserves for you. she makes your stomach fill with butterflies. you walk over in her direction; she’s already sitting on her bed. you kiss the top of her head; you can smell her shampoo. you let all the snacks go at once, letting them fall onto her bed.
the kiss on her head wasn’t enough to fill that hole inside of her. she desperately needs you to hold her before she falls apart. she feels stupid for the lump in her throat as she watches you walk over towards the dvd player and television. you pop the movie in and start it up, turning around and smirking at her. she keeps a straight face, trying not to show you how close she is to breaking down. “lights off?” you ask with a cute little grin, and she nods, not trusting her voice. you turn the lights off and join her in her bed. you keep a short space between you both and the small distance pains her deeply.
she tries to focus on the movie, she really does. but every time she does, her eyes seem to migrate to you like magnates. you look scared and you jump every time a scary scene unfolds on the screen. she wants to hold you, but she’s afraid you’ll reject her. she’s afraid she won’t know what to do. she’s afraid she’ll be awkward. god, why is she so afraid of everything when it comes to you? she’s wednesday addams, she isn’t afraid of ghouls, monsters, or even murders, yet she’s afraid of messing everything up with you. losing you would be the greatest misfortune, and for her to lose you simply because she’s herself… that’s enough to make even the strongest person hurt.
you forget about everything for a moment, the peace that comes with being by wednesday’s side makes every problem and negative thought go away for awhile. you lean in, wrapping your arms around her waist and resting your head on her shoulder. you forget about what yoko said for all about two minutes before abruptly pulling away, as if you’re physically trying not to touch her. her throat aches as she swallows thickly and she tenses up, there’s a few seconds of silence that tick by, before she asks the question that’s been badgering her mind this entire week.
“are you tired of me?” wednesday asks quietly, in a voice so low, if you weren’t sitting so close you wouldn’t have heard it. you reach for the remote and pause the movie quickly, turning to look at her with a look of shock, “what?” you ask her, making sure you heard correctly.
wednesday is staring at her lap, refusing to meet your gaze. “i’m aware i’m not the most conventional girlfriend… i do not know a lot about relationships. i hurt you without trying, and i never say the right thing. if i upset you, or did something it wasn’t my intention.” she goes on, and you only grow even make confused. “wednesday, what are you talking about? i’m confused as to where this is coming from. you’re a wonderful girlfriend, and frankly, i don’t enjoy it when you talk about yourself that way.” you tell her and she finally looks at you. the look of hurt in her dark eyes is as clear as water. “then why have you been different? you don’t hold my hand in the halls anymore, or kiss me— you just jumped away from me after a minute of cuddling. i thought you said you loved physical affection when it came to the people you care about… do you not care about me anymore?” she asks, and for the first time since you’ve known wednesday, you can hear the vulnerability in her voice.
your heart aches in your chest, and your eyes soften. “if you’ve grown tired of me just tell me what it is i did. i’ll fix it.” she sounds so adamant and it breaks your heart that she would even consider changing anything about her wonderful self. you immediately reach out and cup her cheek with one hand, she nearly melts into your touch. “oh wednesday, i’m so sorry. i thought you were tired of all my affection… i thought i was too clingy.” you glance away shamefully as you admit this, and her eyes nearly widen. “i would never ask you to change anything about yourself, wen, and i could never grow tired of you. i don’t ever want to hear you talk about yourself that way. you’re far too intelligent and phenomenal for that. got it?” you ask, and she doesn’t respond.
you kiss her nose before looking into her eyes, “got it??” you ask again and she nods. “please don’t feel as though you’re too clingy. i… i enjoy your forms affection very much.” she confesses, and you can see a cute crimson blush coating her cheeks. your heart skips a beat, “you do?” you question in pure shock. “i do. i’ve never been one to enjoy those gross things… but with you it’s different. you’re my exception.” she states affirmatively, and now it’s your turn to blush. “you always make me feel so special.” you reveal, your face hot and your cheeks pink. “you are special to me.” she says bluntly, and your eyes are suddenly big and childlike, staring at her as if she put stars in the sky.
“oh wednesday!” you gush as you lean in and hug her tightly. she hugs you back, and when you try to pull away after a minute, her hold on you tightens. “let me hold you a little bit longer. please.” she practically begs, and your entire body goes warm. “we can cuddle and finish the movie, silly.” you remind her and she hesitantly lets up, allowing you to get into a comfortable position. “c’mere, i’ll be the big spoon this time!“ you sound so excited she doesn’t dare disagree. “if you tell anyone i’ll deny it.” she warns, before crawling into your waiting arms.
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Can you please do 141 where the reader and them are talking about there Highschool years and like “I would have dated you in high school “ type thing THEN they see a pic of reader in high school (prom,first day,or any thing for that time) SHES FINE FINE like imagine 90s type vibe, then they remember what they looked like in that same year and they say back “ IM glad u didn’t meet me then cause u would have no interest “ AND SHES STILL FINE FINE where they think it’s a recent photo!
idk know what I’m doing I just got an idea and your my favorite writer so I wanted to let you know!!!!
YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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thᥱ most bᥱᥲᥙtιfᥙᥣ ᥕomᥲᥒ ιᥒ thᥱ ᥕorᥣd
Task Force 141 + fem! reader
I ABSOLUTELY love this idea!!!! Like as soon as they see your pictures they‘re like "damn. I‘m glad we didn’t meet back then because she would definitely reject me and on top of that probably make fun of me." I‘m sorry but especially with Soap😭 This dude probably had the craziest hair back then (he still has but we love him for it).
Also I‘m so thankful for your kind words🥺🥺 They really mean so much to me and you just lighten up my entire day<33 I wish I could hug you right now☹️ Remember that you’re also always loved by someone and MEEE🫶🏻🫶🏻💘💘
Thank you really so so much 🌸💕💕
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
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Simon Riley
It was a quiet evening at the your apartment . Simon found himself reminiscing about your high school years. As the conversation flowed, nostalgia filled the air.
"You know, Y/N, if we had met in high school, I would have totally dated you." Simon said with a playful smirk, leaning back against the wall.
You chuckled, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Oh, really? And why is that?"
Simon's gaze turned thoughtful as he recalled those distant memories. "Well, you are always confident and stunning. I would have been a nervous wreck around you."
Grinning, you teased, "Are you saying you weren't attractive back then?"
Simon chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair. "Let's just say my teenage years weren't my finest hour. I had an awkward sense of fashion, let’s not talk about my hair... Definitely not the smooth operator you see in front of you today."
Curiosity piqued, you both began reminiscing about those high school days. Simon had a mischievous idea and suggested pulling out old photo albums to see just how different you both were.
Rummaging through the dusty boxes, you stumbled upon a photo of your younger self. It was a picture from prom, in your beautiful dress. You were radiant, your smile lighting up the frame. Simon's eyes widened as he took in the sight.
"Damn, Y/N, you were fine then, and you're still fine now!" he exclaimed, feigning surprise.
You laughed, not realizing his little trick. "Well, thank you, Simon. I try my best."
Simon's expression shifted, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "You know, seeing this picture reminds me of why I'm glad we didn't meet back then. I don't think I would have stood a chance with you. You would've rejected me in a heartbeat."
Your smile softened as you leaned in closer. "Simon, you underestimate yourself. I would have seen the incredible person you were, braces and all. It's the person you are inside that truly matters."
Simon's eyes locked with yours, and a genuine smile graced his face. The air was filled with a sense of camaraderie as you both laughed at the absurdity of it all.
As the evening came to a close, Simon made a decision. He carefully tucked the photo of your younger self into his pocket, a keepsake of a moment he cherished. You remained unaware of this little secret, but somehow, deep down, you felt that this memory would always be a part of your bond.
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John MacTavish
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and John and you were lounging on the couch, flipping through old photo albums. The nostalgic memories flooded your minds as you reminisced about your high school years. The room was filled with laughter and teasing as you playfully pointed out your younger selves in various snapshots.
John looked at a picture of you, radiating confidence in a stunning prom dress. He couldn't help but stare in awe, captivated by your beauty and timeless charm. With a grin, you turned to him and said "You know, John, I would have totally dated you in high school."
John's eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat at your words. He never expected you to make such a bold statement. "Really?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and disbelief in his voice.
You nodded, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Oh, absolutely. You are the mysterious and brooding type. I was drawn to that kind of intensity back then."
A flicker of doubt crossed John's face as he remembered his own high school years. "I'm glad you didn't meet me then" he said, his voice tinged with self-deprecation. "I had this crazy hair phase, and trust me, you would have immediately rejected me."
You chuckled, playfully swatting his arm. "Come on, John. Show me that picture. I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad."
John hesitated for a moment, then reached for another album. He turned to a page and revealed a photograph of himself, his hair styled in an over-the-top, eccentric manner that seemed to defy gravity. His expression was a mixture of embarrassment and amusement as he looked at his younger self.
You burst into uncontrollable laughter, clutching your stomach. Tears formed at the corners of your eyes as you struggled to compose yourself. John couldn't help but join in, the embarrassment fading as he found joy in sharing this memory with you.
Once the laughter subsided, you looked at him with a smile. "John, you have no idea how much I would have loved to meet that version of you. That hairstyle is absolutely cute!"
John's face softened, his heart swelling with affection for you. "You're incredible, you know that?" he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Even if I looked like a total goofball, you would still find a way to make me feel special."
You reached out and took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "That's because I've always seen the amazing person you are, regardless of how you looked or what hairstyle you had."
John leaned in and gently kissed your forehead, his love for you evident in his eyes. "I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side," he whispered and kissed you on the lips.
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John Price
You and John sat side by side on the couch, flipping through an old photo album filled with memories from your high school years. The two of you had decided to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. You couldn't help but smile as you stumbled upon a particular photograph that brought back a flood of memories.
"Oh my gosh, John, look at this!" you exclaimed, pointing to a picture of yourself at the high school prom. You were dressed in a stunning vintage dress.
John's eyes widened as he gazed at the photograph, taking in your breathtaking beauty. "Wow, you were absolutely stunning" he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "If I had known you back then, I would've also been head over heels for you."
A playful grin spread across your face. "Oh, really? So you're saying you would've dated me in high school?"
John chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I probably would've been too intimidated to ask you out. Plus, I had a weird sense of style back then. Trust me, you wouldn't have been interested."
Curiosity piqued, you leaned closer, showing him the photograph of yourself. "Well, let's see if that's true" you challenged him.
John's eyes widened even further as he looked at the picture. "Wait a minute, is this recent? You look exactly the same!"
You burst into laughter, your heart warming at his genuine surprise. "No, John, this is me in high school. That's why I said I would've dated you back then."
He let out a low whistle. "Well, damn. I definitely lucked out then."
You playfully nudged his shoulder. "Come on, John, you can't be that bad. Let me see your high school days."
John reluctantly handed you another photograph from the album, showing his younger self with a mischievous grin. He sported a rather peculiar outfit that seemed to be a mixture of different styles. It was elegant and had a touch of cowboy style, mixed…
You burst into laughter once again, unable to contain yourself. "Oh, John! I can't believe this was your fashion sense back then."
He smirked, looking slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I had a bit of a weird phase. Trust me, if we had met during those years, I would've been instantly rejected."
You shook your head, still laughing. "Oh, John, you have no idea. Even with that fashion sense, I would've been all over you."
His eyes sparkled with affection as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Well, I'm glad we met when we did, then. I wouldn't change a thing about how we found each other."
You smiled, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "Me neither, John. We're perfect for each other, weird fashion choices and all."
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Kyle Garrick
Kyle and you sat side by side on the couch, surrounded by photo albums from your high school days. You decided to take a trip down memories from back then together. As you flipped through the pages, looking at the good old times, you stumbled upon a photo of yourself from prom night.
"Oh, wow!" You exclaimed, holding up the photo for Kyle to see. "Look at me back then. I can't believe how much has changed."
Kyle's eyes widened as he took in the sight of you in your beautiful prom dress, radiating a timeless beauty. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret as he thought back to his own high school days.
"I would have dated you in high school" you mused, oblivious to the effect the photo had on Kyle. "You're such a great guy, I would have definitely dated you."
A small smile played at the corners of Kyle's lips as he stared at you, captivated by your words. "Thank you love, but believe me, you're better off not having met me back then. I was a total nerd."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "What are you talking about? I‘m sure you were cute."
Kyle's expression turned pensive as he reached for another photo album and opened it to a picture of himself from the same year as your prom. His hair was a mess, his glasses too big for his face, and his clothes screamed "geek."
"See?" Kyle pointed to his photo, his voice laced with self-deprecating humor. "I was a freak. If we had met in high school, I would've been immediately rejected. You would've never given me a second glance."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and then you burst into laughter, shaking your head. "Baby stop. You look adorable!!"
He blinked, unable to comprehend your words. "Wait, what?"
"I'm serious!" You continued to laugh, your heart swelling with affection for the man beside you. "You're looking at this picture like it's some embarrassing relic, but all I see is the person I fell in love with. Baby Kyle looks so so cute here"
Kyle's gaze softened as he absorbed your words. The weight of his insecurities began to lift, replaced by a newfound confidence in your unwavering love. "I‘m 17 here love… not 6…"
Placing the photo album aside, you leaned in closer to Kyle, intertwining your fingers with his. "High school was just a phase, but what we have now, this incredible relationship, is what matters. I love you, Kyle Garrick, then, now, and always."
Kyle smiled, his heart overflowing with love for you. "I love you too, more than words can express."
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
Hi. Can I request a drabble with Jungkook where they’re in a secret relationship and they think their friends are not aware of it but they’re actually really bad at hiding it. Thank you!
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decided to combine these two. thank you both for the requests!
this one ran away from me but was really fun, so we're going to ignore the wordcount. hope you both enjoy! <3
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pairing: jungkook x f. reader genre: secret relationship au, roommate au; crack, fluff warnings: two idiots engaging in idiot behavior, swearing, yoongi is tortured by reader's use of emojis, drinking/alcohol, one reference to jungkook wearing women's underwear but it isn't a thing, unedited. rating: e for everyone wordcount: 3.7k
In retrospect, getting married at nineteen wasn’t your brightest idea.
Not your worst, either, because at least you’d chosen well.
There are undoubtedly far worse men to have as your ex-husband than Kim Namjoon, who had also gotten caught up in all those romantic cliches about young love; had also been inflicted with whatever illness made you believe getting married so young was smart and cool; had also woken up one day and thought what the fuck are we doing and asked if you wanted to call it quits.
You did.
And even though you loved Namjoon, over time it turned into that platonic life partner kind of love and not that all-encompassing, love of your life, eternal kind of love. So, Namjoon offered to pay for the divorce with his grad school stipend and took his name off the lease so you could find a new roommate and insisted on meeting up every other week for takeout and cheap alcohol because he had a whole thing about not wanting it to be weird.
Now, here you sit, years removed from the most affectionate and anticlimactic divorce of all time, and you wonder what could be more weird than your ex-husband making you a Tinder profile.
“I know what you like,” he insists, cheeks ruddy from the wine. Namjoon talks endlessly on a good day, but he’s nearly impenetrable when he’s got some merlot in him. “No one’s more qualified to do this than me.” You quirk an eyebrow at him. “Except you, of course,” he hurriedly adds.
“Have you ever stopped to think—”
Namjoon heaves an exaggerated groan, hand to his forehead as if he’s suffering a Victorian ailment. “You have no idea.”
You roll your eyes. “Have you ever stopped to think,” you repeat, “that there might be a reason I don’t have a Tinder? Or any dating profile, for that matter?”
“Yeah, you’re obviously still in love with me,” he jokes, laughing wildly at the absurdity of it; elbows you in the side as he wiggles his eyebrows. What could be weirder than your ex-husband treating you like one of his bros? “But alas, I’ve moved on, and so the time has come for you to also—”
“Either shut up or drink more,” you interject, filling his glass nearly to the brim. “You’re insufferable when you’re like this.”
Namjoon, seemingly out of arguments, simply hums in acknowledgment. Downs half the wine you’d just poured him, because out of the two options you’d presented him with, it’s the more realistic choice. Asks, “What’s your preferred age range?” before snorting another laugh and setting it from 18 to 50 for his own amusement.
“You know, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Why not?” he retorts, and there’s no judgment there, just genuine curiosity. You know he’s just having a laugh, would delete it and never mention it again if you asked him to, but the thing is—
The front door opens, and there stands your roommate, arms full of bags from Daiso. “Hey, ba—”
Jungkook stops dead in his tracks when he sees your ex-husband. Coughs to cover the pet name that nearly tumbled out of his mouth and lifts his hand in a wave. Namjoon watches the way the weight of the bags causes the muscles in Jungkook’s forearm to flex and shoots you a look. Maybe he does know what you like, after all.
“Hi, Namjoon-hyung,” Jungkook says, polite but still awkward, even after all these years. Can’t seem to shake it, no matter how hard he tries. “What are you two up to?”
Namjoon is none the wiser, used to the hushed awe Jungkook always adopts when he addresses him. Polite and endlessly kind because his mother raised him to never be anything less, but only ever jittery around Namjoon. Doesn’t act like this around any of your other friends; takes Seokjin’s teasing in stride and dishes it right back, but never Namjoon. Would probably rather die.
So Namjoon just waves back, says, “Hi, Jungkook-ah,” before he returns his attention to his phone. Doesn’t look up when you abandon him on the couch to help unpack the bags. Says, “I’m signing her up for Tinder so she can finally get laid,” and also doesn’t look up when Jungkook chokes on an inhale and one of the bags splits in half.
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Before he moved in with you, Jungkook lived with Hoseok.
It’d gone great, all things considered. Jungkook couldn’t have asked for a better first roommate, fresh out of high school and his family home and hundreds of kilometers from the salty air of Busan. He’d nearly been sick with anxiety, all green around the edges, and Hoseok had pulled him into a hug and calmed his fraying nerves. Helped him with his homework and taught him how to cook and pecked at his heels like a mother hen when his room got too messy.
Just like he’s doing now.
“Hyung,” Jungkook says, not at all able to hide the surprise in his voice when he pulls open the door and finds Hoseok on the other side. “What are you doing here?”
Hoseok tuts. “I told you I was coming by this weekend to clean. I haven’t been here in weeks—”
“I know how to clean,” Jungkook argues, face growing warm from misplaced embarrassment, that Hoseok still thinks he’s a dumb kid who doesn’t know any better. “I said you didn’t have to come.”
His hyung’s face softens. “I know you know how to clean, Jungkookie, I’m just… I still feel responsible for you. You’re the first child I raised and released into the world.”
Jungkook sighs. Knows this is a losing argument. Opens the door wide enough to accommodate Hoseok and his bags of cleaning supplies, and doesn’t say a word as he follows Hoseok around the apartment even though he wants to say, I told you so. The entire place is spotless. There’s nothing to clean. No dust on the floor. Sparkling kitchen countertops. Laundry freshly-washed and hung on the drying rack by the window, warm in the midday sun. No toothpaste in the bathroom sink; no hard water stains on the shower glass.
All that’s left is Jungkook’s bedroom. That, too, is spotless, and Hoseok has never had a poker face and certainly can’t muster one now. “Why is it so clean in here?” he asks, taking in the bare floor, void of dirty clothes and whatever hobby equipment Jungkook had taken up that week; the pristinely-made bed with its hospital corners and fluffed pillows; the end tables that are suspiciously void of dust.
“Because I know how to clean,” Jungkook tartly replies, rolling his eyes. “I told you, there’s—”
“Are you even living in here?” Hoseok continues, either oblivious to or pointedly ignoring the way Jungkook starts to panic. “Because it doesn’t smell weird, either, and we all know that wasn’t the case before.”
“I have an air freshener.”
Hoseok continues his search. Actually praises Jungkook on the way he’d organized his clothes, the fact that everything in his drawers is folded and not shoved in haphazardly, that the few nice pieces he owns are hung in the closet. Kneels on the floor to check under the bed: empty, except for the XBox controller Taehyung had left behind the last time he came over to binge Valorant.
And Jungkook should’ve known—should’ve anticipated this—because it’s his Hobi-hyung and if there’s anything his Hobi-hyung is neurotic about it’s cleanliness and he’s got eyes like a hawk, makes him deadly efficient at spotting dust, so it’s really no surprise when he lets out a shrill a-ha! and pops out from under the bed with a pair of lacy underwear pinched between his fingers, but Jungkook should’ve anticipated it, anyway.
“And what do we have here?”
What Hoseok has here is Jungkook’s favorite pair of your underwear, but he can’t say that, so he just feels the way his face flushes with embarrassment again and wonders if he’d get out of the impending interrogation if he starts crying. “Um. Nothing?”
“Sure doesn’t look like nothing,” Hoseok continues, voice animated and lilting, the teasing smile evident even though Jungkook can’t bring himself to look. “Can’t believe my little Jungkookie is all grown up.”
Jungkook doesn’t feel grown up, he feels mortified. Feels like he wants to sink right through the floor, like he wants to disappear for three to five business years. Feels like an idiot for being so insistent on all this secrecy, because now he can’t tell Hoseok that the lacy underwear he’s inspecting belongs to you and that the two of you have been together for a while, that it’s great, Jungkook thinks this might be It, and all he can do is blurt out the first thing he can think of, which is—
“It’s mine.” Hoseok’s head turns so fast his neck creaks. “I’m, uh. Experimenting.”
Hoseok shrieks. Jungkook shrieks. “What the fuck,” Hoseok shrieks again as he drops the underwear to the floor and kicks it under the bed. “Why wouldn’t you just say that—”
“That’s what you get for going through my stuff!”
Hoseok doesn’t come over to clean again.
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On the weeks you don’t see Namjoon, you spend your Fridays having game night at Jimin’s.
It’s always a raucous affair—wouldn’t be possible any other way with the friend group you’ve got, now seamlessly blended with Jungkook’s—and it’s always your responsibility to supply the snacks. You pop into the store after work, leave with your arms full of junk like you looted the place, and the man in front of you in line takes so long you miss the bus and have to wait for the next.
Which leaves you very little time to get ready, so you rush through a shower to rinse off the work grime and grab the first pair of leggings and sweatshirt you see, slip your feet into slides that may or may not be yours, and run down the hall to Jimin’s.
Laughter can be heard from just outside the door—Hobi’s and Jin’s louder than everyone—and it makes you smile. Warmth blooms in your chest, all affection, and it has you feeling terribly fond of this group you’ve cobbled together. Has you smiling wider as you punch in Jimin’s door code and let yourself inside. Has you dropping off the snacks in the kitchen and wanting to hug the first person you find, except one Park Jimin has other plans.
“Why are you wearing Jungkookie’s hoodie?” he says in lieu of a greeting.
You look down. Certainly is Jungkook’s hoodie, mixed in with the clean laundry you hadn’t gotten around to putting away yet, and you’re sure there’s no hiding the way your jaw drops a little. The man in question is across the room, stuck in a conversation about fuck knows what with Taehyung, and he sends you a panicked look that can only be an instruction to lie your ass off. So you huff, say, “What d’you mean? This is mine,” and paint on the most annoyed expression you can conjure.
“It absolutely is not yours,” Jimin retorts.
This time you look annoyed for real. “Ugh, who cares? Since when did you become an expert on our personal belongings?”
When you first met Jimin, you’d been tricked into thinking he was a sweet, innocent angel; the kind of person who would do anything for his loved ones, including not interrogating them over whose clothes they wear. Quickly, you learned this was not the case. Jimin is lovely and kind, but he’s also perceptive as hell and shameless, so he smirks knowingly and answers with, “Since I bought them.”
Which… makes sense, you can admit. You vaguely recall Jungkook’s last birthday and the way he’d gasped and insisted on Jimin returning the hoodie he’d gifted him because it was too expensive and the way Jimin had laughed and waved him off, because Jungkook has always been his favorite and he’s never attempted to hide it. The hoodie you’re wearing now could, theoretically, be that exact gift. It’s definitely soft enough to be made from something expensive.
“Oh,” you reply, changing gears entirely. “Well, you know how it is. Sometimes laundry gets mixed up. I’m sure you and Taehyung have worn each other’s clothes by accident, too.”
Jimin doesn’t buy it, you can tell, but he thankfully drops the issue. Watches you and Jungkook like a hawk for the rest of the night, just waiting to capitalize on any other slip-ups, but you purposely fall into a conversation with Yoongi that’s too boring for any normal human to follow along with, and Jungkook calls dibs on Mario Kart until someone can beat him, so there are no slip-ups to catch.
However, if the one constant of your friend group is that Jungkook is Jimin’s favorite regardless of Taehyung’s pouting, the second is that Jung Hoseok cannot hold his liquor.
He’s four mixed drinks deep, skin flushed and eyes half-lidded with sleep, when he stands on top of Taehyung and Jimin’s coffee table and shouts, for everyone to hear, “Hey, did you guys know Jungkookie started wearing women’s underwear?”
For once, this comes as a complete shock to you, too.
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The thing about being in love, Jungkook finds, is that it’s nearly impossible to shut up about it.
He’s trying to be cool. He’s trying to be normal. He feigns delight and care when his coworkers talk about their partners, pretends he’s paying attention and not just waiting for his turn to talk about you. He prints pictures of the two of you off his phone and frames them and displays them at his desk, and all someone has to say is, “That’s a cute picture, Jungkook-ssi—” before all his affection for you erupts out of him like a volcano.
So far he’s been careful. His coworkers are sick of hearing about you, but they’re an outlet for everyone he can’t talk about you with. Like his friends, because he’d decided early on it was better to keep everything a secret for a little bit because he didn’t want things to be weird (and because he’s low-key terrified of Namjoon, because he’s gentle and clumsy but he’s still big) and now he’s regretting it but it feels like it’s gone on too long and he’s in too deep.
Really, it’s no surprise he slips up. Has probably been overdue for one like this for a while.
They’re at the arcade. Taehyung has sunk the last of his disposable income for the week into a claw machine stocked with LINE characters. Wants to win a Sally plushie for Jimin because he says they look alike. It’s cute, the bond they have, platonic soulmates the way you and Namjoon are, and Jungkook is starry-eyed and love-drunk when he heaves a wistful sigh and thinks out loud, “I should win something for her, too.”
The words catch Taehyung so off-guard his hand slips and presses the button to lower the claw. “Press it again,” Jungkook says. “If you double-press the button, it makes the claw stronger. You’ll get it.”
Taehyung is wary, still dazed from Jungkook’s slip-up, but he presses the button again anyway. The claw tightens around Sally’s head and drags her up and out of the pile, drops her into the chute and to Taehyung’s waiting hand. “Oh shit! Jungkookie, you’re a genius. Jimin’s gonna love this.”
“Yeah, sure. Didn’t know you didn’t know that trick or I would’ve told you sooner.”
His hyung nods absentmindedly, distracted with the selfie he’s sending to Jimin with Sally obscuring half his face. “Are you gonna try now?”
Jungkook swallows. “Huh?”
“You said you were gonna win something for someone.”
“No I didn’t,” he lies.
Taehyung’s face drops. Gets all serious when he shoves his phone in his back pocket. “Yes you did. Right before I won this,” he says, large hands wrapped around Sally’s poor neck, clearly strangling her. “You said I should win something for her, too. Who’s ‘her’? Are you seeing someone?”
“I said him, hyung,” he lies again. Is thankful for the garish arcade lights and the way they hide the blush creeping up his neck. “I meant Jimin-hyung.”
“You did not,” Taehyung insists. “You said her, and now you’re trying to gaslight me—”
Jungkook rolls his eyes. Feigns exasperation. Swipes his game card and stares his hyung right in the eye as he drops the claw and double-taps, somehow picking up two plushies. Tosses Brown to Taehyung and says, “Tell Jimin his favorite dongsaeng won him that one.”
Tucks Cony safely in his pocket to give to you later, thankful the universe came through for him for once.
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You (10:42pm): babe
You (10:42pm): what time do you think you’ll be home?
You (10:43pm): 🍆🍆🍆
Yoongi (11:06pm): What the fuck
You (11:08pm): oh fuck
You (11:08pm): that was NOT meant for you
Yoongi (11:14pm): Fucking obviously
Yoongi (11:14pm): Please do not ever accidentally sext me again
You (11:15pm): gross yoongi
You (11:15pm): that wasn’t a sext
You (11:15pm): i need it for the bokkeum i’m making
Yoongi (11:17pm): At midnight? Fuck off
Yoongi (11:17pm): Trade proposal
Yoongi (11:17pm): You never accidentally sext me again and I won’t tell the rest of our friends you’re secretly dating your roommate
You (11:29pm): it’s not even midnight 🙄
You (11:29pm): but that sounds good to me, thanks!
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Hoseok had taught Jungkook how to cook, but not how to bake.
They’d attempted it, once, not long after Jungkook moved to Seoul and was homesick and missing his mom’s yaksik something terrible. Just wanted something that tasted like home, something comforting, and Hoseok had felt so bad for him that he said fuck it, let’s try, what’s the worst that could happen, and the two of them learned very quickly that nearly burning down their kitchen and the rest of their building was, in fact, the worst thing that could happen.
They never tried baking a damn thing after that, individually or together.
Still, there’s a special occasion coming up, so Jungkook asks the only person he trusts to help him.
“You need a cake,” Seokjin intones, swallowing his smile when Jungkook nods and his mop of curls bobbles along. Takes out a notepad to jot down ideas. “What’s the occasion?”
“Um. Just an… occasion.”
Seokjin blinks owlishly. “You just need a cake for an occasion? Do you wanna try again and actually be helpful this time?”
“What does it matter if I’m paying you, hyung?” Jungkook whines. “Aren’t cakes all the same?”
“Not if you want me to decorate it—”
“I don’t.”
“—because what am I supposed to write on it? Happy occasion, person whose name Jungkookie won’t tell me! Do you see how that might not work out for either of us?”
“Again, what does it matter—”
Seokjin looks up from his notepad, brows furrowed. “Are you ordering this for the president? What’s with all the secrecy?”
Jungkook huffs, puts on his Very Serious Face. “I can just take my business elsewhere if you’re going to interrogate me, hyung,” he says, to which Seokjin rolls his eyes, used to Jungkook’s dramatics.
“Be my guest,” he calls his bluff, gesturing to the front door of the bakery. “No one else is going to give you as good a discount as me, though.”
“I bet Junghwan-ssi would,” Jungkook grumbles, low but loud enough for Seokjin to hear, because there isn’t much else Jungkook can say that’d get under his hyung’s skin as much as the mention of his arch nemesis. “I bet I could walk into his bakery right now and explain the whole situation to him and he’d practically give it to me for free, just so it meant you didn’t get my business.”
And it works. Seokjin’s eyes narrow, chest starts heaving. “You wouldn’t,” he accuses, and Jungkook just shrugs, nonplussed, daring Seokjin to find out.
What follows can only be described as a tense standoff: Seokjin behind the counter of his bakery, looking hilariously underdressed for this stalemate in his pink apron, armed only with a pen; Jungkook, looking smug and pleased on the other side, not even knowing what Junghwan’s bakery is called, let alone where it is. The bell above the door chimes and neither breaks eye contact to look, and it’d probably go on like this forever, knowing the two of them, except the person behind Jungkook clears their throat, asks, “Excuse me, are you in line…?” and Seokjin is forced to concede if he wants to stay in business.
The person orders a cake for their daughter’s birthday. Answers each of Seokjin’s questions with certainty and preparedness, and Jungkook doesn’t miss the looks Seokjin shoots at him. See how easy it is to answer simple questions? they say. Why can’t you be like this?
Jungkook can’t be like that because the cake is for your birthday. Which Seokjin knows, because he has all of his friends’ birthdays saved to his phone calendar, but he’s never gone out of his way to get you a cake before so Seokjin will absolutely know something’s up. And as he waits for the person to be done ordering, his heart aches a little, because he wants to tell Seokjin to make you the nicest cake he can. Wants him to pull out all the stops, because it’s your birthday and you deserve it, and he could say all those things if he hadn’t insisted on this stupid secrecy.
Guilt consumes him so entirely he doesn’t notice the person leaving. Doesn’t hear the chime of the bell above the door. Is halfway to spilling the entire story to Seokjin, gets as far as hyung, there’s something I— before Seokjin holds up a hand to stop him.
“What kind of cake would you like, Jungkookie?”
Jungkook deflates. Takes all those transgressions he was about to confess to and shoves them back inside his chest, locks them away. “Whatever you think is best, hyung. Just no nuts.”
And Seokjin smirks knowingly, because there’s only one person he knows with a nut allergy.
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smilingangel582 · 2 months
Hiiii I just finished Cyno's second story quest and it's beyond amazing! I love it! The best story quest so far for me... seriously!
I really really want a Sethos and Cyno fic now... bjt at the same time I want a Lisa and cyno too...
Eh, I'll just write both. Man it's been a while... since I wrote for genshin impact.
Warning spoilers for Cyno story quest 2 and his lore about his powers.
Ler!sethos, Lee!cyno
Summary: Sethos really wants to beat Cyno. Tcg is out of the question... what can he do? He really needs to find his weakness... nonetheless, a certain Fennec decides to spill a little secret.
Temple of laughter
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Ugh... again... Cyno, the general of Mahamatra, beats him again.
That'd thr seventh time in a row.
"You really need to brush up on your strategic skills." Cyno casually states, his tone serious anf genuine regardless of Sethos mentality.
Sethos has his head lowered on the table. Utterly broken and defeated. He looks up with fatigue, "Seriously Cyno, isn't there any other way that I can best you in?"
Cyno thinks, actually wondering to what he can help with Sethos. How's your sense of humour with jokes? I've known to have the best puns in Sumeru... perhaps from Teyvat"
"Don't go spouting puns on my watch, Cyno," Tighnari intervenes as he joins them briefly after a rain forest mission.
Cyno sigh, "Just admit that my jokes are superior and you can't hold in your laughter..."
Tighnari rolls his eyes, sarcastic now, "Oh yes I'm gonna die laughing every time he says a pun joke..."
Cyno, naively believing him, folds his arms proudly, "See, even the most serious ones know how great my -Ah!"
Tighnari poked him on the side, looking sassy, "How about try a tickle fight?"
"That's dumb..." Cyno scoffs but flinched defensively when Tighnari threatens to poke him again.
Sethos blinked. Could that be it? The general mahamatra can't possibly lose to something as simple as that...
Tighnari, seeing Sethos who's also curiously watching Cyno, smirks with an idea popping to his mind. His ear twitched in excitement as he swiftly began, "You know Sethos, you and Cyno can wrestle and see who's stronger."
Cyno, unaware of his ulterior motives, looks up in confusion, "That's unexpected... why suddenly?"
Tighnari cheekily points out, "Oh? Are you afraid that you might actually lose to someone younger than you?"
"N-no, of course not... geez, fine, I'll play along!"
Green eyes brightened at the thought of how Tighnark set him a perfect chance to get Cyno back. However he should be careful when Cyno retaliates. He's pretty ticklish too... perhaps even more than Cyno.
It's too absurd to think Cyno is ticklish... it might be a path to death if he attempted it. Still it's worth the risk.
"Fine Sethos, ready whenever you are," Cyno says, his hands up against his chest to a defence stance.
Sethos takes his chances, inhaling and exhaling. Praying thar Cyno will be at least a bit ticklish...
"The ribs and armpits... and pretty much his back and thighs are bad..." Tighnari whispered to him on his way out from the room where they've been duelling TCG.
Sethos looks back, tearfully and gratefully. He should remind himself to treat Tighnari to a meal sometime.
He lunged, and as expected, Cyno dodged most of them. After keeping up the charade, Sethls strikes by throwing himself on the general, grabbing his waist.
Sethos swiftly tickles his ribs causing Cyno to jolt on surprise, "H-ha! Wait... what a-ahahare you...?"
Getting more confident by that reaction, Sethos began to tickle up his armpits, causing Cyno to jerk again, more violently, he giggles in a low voice.
"Ah... I never knew the general Mahamatra to be this sensitive..." Sethos responds fondly. Seeing the uncontrolled movements of Cyno, squirming and rolling to the side to avoid his sensitive spots but Sethos was already on to him, his tickles nimble and effective.
"H-hahaa cohohohome on! Thihihihis isn't fahahahair!" Cyno squirms now, trying to figure back but Tighnari had give away all his worst spots to Sethos and luckily he can't even tickle him back properly. Every time Cyno reached to tickle him back, Sethls tickled his armpits.
"But you weren't fair when you tried to make me play a game. I never had a chance to win..." Sethos said, feigning hurt, "Oooh but general... you look more ticklish than me... what if an eremite finds out?"
Cyno was not prepared for Sethos to switch him on to his stomach, and scribble his fingers on his back. Unable to defend himself, Cynl writhes and laughs, more like cackling like a madman, "AhaHAHAHA NOHOHO MORE! AHA!"
"Do you yeild Cyno?" Sethos grins, expectantly but Cynl cackles. Not responding...
"In that case..." Sethos and Cyno both hears a voice, Tighnari leaning by the door frame, watching fondly, "Sethos aim for the back of his thighs... its so bad that he will scream like a girl"
"Ihihihi dohoho nohohot screeeheheheam like a gihihirl -EEEEK!"
Tighnari shakes his head amusedly, and he did...
Sethos freeze by that sound when Cyno lets a shrilled, high-pitched cry as his fingers swiped the back of his thigh.
"O-oho wow... I didn't expect that..." Sethos somewhat feels bad, but... he couldn't help lightly run his fingers over the thighs, causing Cyno to yelp now, "N-NOT THERE!"
Maybe just a little longer...
Sethos teases him, "Wait... are you really begging me Cyno?"
Cyno grits his teeth, but giggles angrily when Sethos, merely used to tap the sensitve spot, and even his hips making him flinch again.
"Cynoo~ which funny bone will it take to break you?" Sethos had to make a joke as he squeezes his hip, Cyno shrieks and that made Tighnari laugh, "Well I can guarantee Sethos has a better sense of humour than you..."
Sethos didn't know if it's the tickling or the fact that Tighnari said he was funnier than Cyno triggered him.
"So tough but ticklish..." Sethos murmurs, now Cyno reached his limit when he got his knees.
"Fohohor thehehehe love ohohof teheheyvat y-yohohou win! You whihihihin!"
Sethos looks happy, suddenly whooping as he got off of Cyno, "Finally! I beat Cyno!"
Tighnari giggles now, proud, "Nice one, Sethos... Cyno is finally put to his place"
Cyno groans, trying to sit up despite his fatigue and flushed face, "J-juhuhuhust don't think I'll not get rehehehevenge on you and Tighnari"
Sethoa merely grins.
Worth it...
Ignore the grammar pls thanks
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satorubrain · 1 year
Back again 👀👀👀
How would Gojo react if his s/o dressed as him? Like he’s back from work or he walks in on them- can be up up you!
I can imagine the reader giggling to themselves while trying not to trip over Gojo’s trousers BC WHY IS HE SO TALL???
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
Tags: Fluff, crack, reader is implied to be short but lets all agree that Satoru is just a fucking buff giant. Why is he built like that. I'll stop ranting-
Synopsis: Gojo sees you cosplaying as him
A/N: I had to add stupidity to this.
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"Perfect!!" You exclaim styling your white hair wig. Now all that's remaining is, do work with Satoru's humongous clothes. He was already giant yet his uniform is fucking baggy, which just increases your problems.
The amount of pins you had to use to make his pants fit you already have your hands aching. His top is a fucking dress and you think you're gonna cry. But it's too late to stop. Continuing to put on the white mascara on your eyelashes and checking if the blindfolds fit you-
"FUCK YOU SATORU" You scream trying to get rid of the anger his size is giving you. You just want to get ready before he arrives home. You just tear up the blindfold since you're now too lazy to make proper adjustments, it's just easier if you tie up a knot.
Finally, you put on the ridiculous wig. Yes, it's absolutely absurd that you decided the wig hair length should make up for the difference in height.
Oh lord this get up is hilarious. You're shaking trying to control the laughter while looking at yourself in the mirror. Unwilling to ruin your mascara, you decide to get up and wait for Satoru in the living room. You text Satoru that you "need him" before putting on the blindfolds again, manspreading and sitting like him with a wide smile anticipating his arrival any time now.
It doesn't take him more than twenty minutes to hurriedly unlock your door. But this is not what he was envisioning, nonetheless he is not disappointed.
"Im hOO-" he stops mid sentence removing his blindfolds so he can properly look at you for a couple of seconds before bursting into his loud hyena laughter, clutching onto the door knob for support because lord you knocked the air out of his lungs in the most comical way. You would've looked so cute if it wasn't for that darned wig of yours.
"Laughing at the strongest? That's not a very good idea" You choke out trying to control your laughter, biting your inner cheek.
He's wheezing oh so loudly now and closing the door behind him, so he can go to you and sit beside you. He fails to form any sentence whenever he even glaces at you- both of you are now trying to control your laughter, just wanting to breathe for a moment.
"C-can I have a pic-" He wheezes so loudly he starts coughing and at this point both of you have tears of laughter running down your face.
"Yes you may, my dear FAN" you yell the newfound nickname with your cracking voice sending the both of you into another fit of laughter.
It takes you both a solid while to calm down before he can have a photoshoot with you while recording the entire thing with another camera so he doesn't miss out any moments.
You both also record a tiktok with team rocket's motto, but instead of meowth there's an abrupt cut of you tripping over his damned long pants and your wig falling off your head with a screech and him trying to save you- the video goes viral overnight.
What others don't see is how you tripping caused a loud rip of his pants from your toe till your knee as the stiff wig falls with a thud on the ground and you both are rolling on the floor laughing again.
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You best believe this man has tucked away the clothes you wore today, as he would say, "to keep the memories safe" but lets ignore how he made the wig a table decoration.
I'm 5'3- so imagining a whole foot long wig standing is fucking killing me.
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ghostofskywalker · 3 months
Could I please request something with padmé???
Maybe the reader is a Jedi that is frequently sent to watch over her so they are good friends and one day padmé tells the reader about her secret relationship with Anakin only to be told later that the reader is also in a secret relationship???? (Idk who maybe rex or obi wan (but you can decide who if you think someone else is better)
Thank you ✧⁺⸜(●˙▾˙●)⸝⁺✧
this is such a cute prompt omg!! i went with rex, and i hope you enjoy :)
words: 693
summary: both anakin and padme have tried to set you up on dates, but you don't actually need their help.
clone troopers masterlist
“I think Rex is seeing someone,” Anakin said as he and Padmé laid in bed together one evening. The sky outside was just beginning to grow dark, and Padmé could feel fatigue taking over, but she didn’t want to fall asleep just yet. Anakin had just returned from a lengthy tour on the font lines of the war, and the feeling of being in his arms was something she didn’t want to give up too quickly. 
“Really?” she murmured, fighting back the tiredness. “Good for him.” 
“I always thought I should set him up with someone,” Anakin said. “But apparently I don’t need to anymore.” 
“Maybe you can focus on setting Y/N up with someone then,” Padmé said. “I keep trying to, but she won’t listen to me. Maybe the idea coming from another Jedi would be different.”
“Yeah, she’s always been a real rule follower,” Anakin said. “Even if more of the Order are in relationships now than not, it’s basically an open secret.” 
You and Padmé were close, as you didn’t really spend much time on the front lines. Instead, your service to the Republic was mostly through the Senate, where you worked with different politicians as both a secure presence and as an extra ear for some of their plans. It just so happened that you spent most of that time with Padmé, and you had developed quite a close friendship. 
The couch in her Coruscanti apartment was lovely, the cushions made of the softest silks and it felt like you were sitting on a cloud. Waiting for Padmé to get ready, your mind wandered and the daydreams began to take shape, even if soon you realized that you had apparently missed about three sentences of Padmé speaking to you. She stepped into the room all dressed and ready, and she looked at you with an expectant smile on her face. 
“What?” you asked, eyebrows raised
“Come on, you have to let me set you up with someone,” she responded, and instantly you knew what this was about. But what she didn’t know was that you were in no need of her services, and the reason wasn’t because you were a Jedi. 
“Come on, if Anakin and I can be married than I don’t see why you can’t go on a date or two.” 
Your eyes widened as she spoke. “What?” 
She stopped, clearly just now realizing what she said. “Okay, maybe I didn’t want to tell you like that, but the point stands.” 
Amused by the absurdity of it all, you started laughing. “I guess if you came clean about it, I should too,” you said. “I’m perfectly happy in the relationship I currently have, and I really don’t need anyone to set me up.” 
Now it was Padmé’s turn to look shocked. “Wait, with who?” she said, the smile on her face growing more each second. 
“You’ve met Captain Rex, right?” you said quietly, still a little nervous to be telling anyone your biggest secret. 
What looked like five emotions at once crossed Padmé’s expression, but she spoke with grace, likely because she could sense how nervous you were. “I think the two of you make a lovely couple,” she said sincerely, and you could feel a smile begin to break across your face at that. 
“Thanks,” you said. “I think so too.” 
“Does Anakin know?” she asked. “That one of his friends is dating the officer he works with most often?”
“I don’t think so,” you said, shaking your head. “Maybe I should tell him, he’ll probably stop trying to play matchmaker with me.” 
Padmé laughed, and a quiet giggle left your mouth as well. “I think that would be a good idea,” she said. “And I think he’d be overjoyed to know that two of his favorite people are seeing each other.” 
The steadily growing feeling of comfort and warmth in your heart began to swell, and you could feel any remaining worry about what Padmé would think melt away. And hey, now the four of you could go on double dates (under the guise of Official Senate, Jedi, and GAR Business of course).
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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captainhunnicutt · 3 months
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One of my all time favorite episodes is "The Yalu Brick Road," and sure, part of it is because it's written by Mike - but I think it's also a really interesting study in how BJ uses humor to diffuse any sort of situation. I should preface all of this with, yes, I understand this is an episode that is pure sitcom comedy. The absurdity of the situation is the humor, and we all knew that nothing drastic was ever going to happen to Hawkeye and BJ. They weren't going to die, and even if they actually got captured - they would make it back to the 4077. I suppose there's an argument to be made that by Henry dying, it opened up a world of possibilities where any member of the 4077th wasn't safe - but I've yet to come across someone who truly believed Hawkeye and BJ weren't going to come out of this situation in any other way besides comedic flare.
It's no secret that I think BJ stands out as a character whose complexity goes beyond the surface of his seemingly laid-back demeanor. I think there's a lot of reasons why he appears that way, but maybe it's not a true and accurate representation of him as a whole - but that's another post for another time. In "The Yalu Brick Road," the idea that Hawkeye and BJ are almost captured by Ralph (a single North Korean), who in turn actually wants to be captured by Americans... and they all mutually surrender to one another is just absurd. It's a perfect sitcom plot line. It takes something potentially serious and flips it on its head and makes it ridiculous.
As drafted doctors, one might think that BJ and Hawkeye's reactions to every situation from the time the jeep wrecks is so absurd and unrealistic - and to an extent it is. While I've never been a drafted doctor, I can't imagine that I would remain as calm as they both did. I think it could also be argued that BJ's character was notoriously "calm" and "collected," and his reactions to everything might not have seemed entirely out of character. But... why is that? What is it about what makes BJ tick that makes the calmness in the most absurd situation actually work?
I think it's because Mike recognized that BJ's calmness is rooted in several fundamental parts of his character - starting first with his general professionalism and competence. He's a highly skilled surgeon (yes, Hawkeye is as well and anything that I say is not to negate anything about Hawkeye. I am just explaining my opinion on why Mike made the choices he did for BJ and only BJ.) I think when you're as confident in your skills as BJ was, that easily translates into a steady demeanor under pressure. He can't perform in the OR if he's a nervous mess. It's how he gets out of tight situations - and maybe subconsciously those same methods are applied in the face of either a.) potentially captures or b.) being lost in the middle of a war. I guess what I'm saying is that this level of professionalism is a cornerstone of BJ's character, and it's not really surprising that it would extend to moments of potentially personal danger.
The Korean War presented an array of horrific and absurd situations, and humor becomes a vital coping mechanism for all of those at the 4077th. I've often wondered if the wildness of the A-plot in Yalu is Mike's way of commenting on the absurdity of war in general. How 99% of the situations that these men, women, and children found themselves in is because of the insanity of others. That it is absolutely absurd to think of a war as anything other that blatantly insane, and there are real people impacted and facing ridiculous decisions and situations day in and day out. And that sometimes, the only thing we can do to maintain our sanity is to laugh. By cracking jokes, by being sarcastic, by being himself - BJ shields himself from the potentially overwhelming fear and stress of the situation that could easily consume him. Instead of firing bullets to keep himself safe, he's firing off quips and jokes. It's the one trait of his that never waivers throughout the entire series - and one of the main reasons Yalu works.
The absurdities (I am so sorry for reusing this word as much as I have) of war and touching on them throughout the series helps balance the line between comedy and really tragedy, and showing how the characters cope with the bizarre reality of their situations hits in different ways for different people. BJ's ability to find humor in the absolute absurdity in Yalu, and just the war in general, is a reflection of this broader theme throughout MASH.
I think the fact that he was going through all of the potential danger and fear alongside Hawkeye helped BJ respond and react in the most typical BJ way possible. No reaction. Nothing out of the ordinary. I think the presence of Hawkeye was a significant factor in BJ's overall calmness. Their connection runs deep, and it's not even about Beejhawk. Whether you ship them together or you don't - it's very hard to deny that their connection exists and that they really help keep the other tethered to reality and focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel. I think on some level, BJ just knew that as long as Hawkeye was right there with him, and going through everything as well, they will get out of every situation. He draws strength from their relationship, and sometimes I think this was Mike's way of giving a nod to Alan for welcoming him with open arms, for fostering a community where people could grow and take risks and learn new things, and for just being his friend. The bond between Mike and Alan wouldn't exist without the bond between BJ and Hawkeye, and I think Mike deliberately putting the characters in a potentially really bad situation - but coming out of it unscathed and together - speaks volumes.
"The Yalu Brick Road" is, in my opinion, one of the funnier episodes - but I really love and appreciate that Mike knew exactly who BJ was and knew exactly how BJ would react - and nothing felt weird or out of place. None of it felt forced. The reactions felt aligned with the character arcs, and Mike's ultimate vision of who BJ was and who BJ was going to become.
I also love that Mike saw an opportunity to put Alan in a sidecar and without hesitating took it. Such a BJ move.
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losing-it-lately · 3 months
Hi!!! Can I request a song fic, “Maria, Count me in”, with Remus Lupin x reader!!
Dear Maria, Count Me In
wc: 0.7k
best friend!remus lupin x reader
fluff, i could only find the song dear maria, count me in, but this was so fun and it was kind of cheeky to me, so i decided i would write about a best friend remus who would do anything for you, including playing along in your schemes (ends in some kissing too 🫣)
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You weren't short on cash, but it never hurts to have a little bit more? At least, that's what Marlene Mckinnon said to persuade you into making personalised charms and potions for students. It's tough to be an entrepreneur stuck in high school, but you were determined to work this out. The first iteration of the plan started in the great hall after hearing some kids complain about how often they misplaced their robes. “A crystal orb showing the location of an item could be helpful,” you whispered to your friends, and when everyone agreed instead of laughed at the absurdity, Lily realised you had a gift; your final iteration of your plan was with Remus in the Astronomy tower.
“I think I should start my own business.” Nights like this were perfect for everything; gorging on whatever snacks you want, sharing your most intimate secrets, planning out stupid pranks, and tonight, it would be for gauging your new idea with Gryffindor’s best prefect. You could feel Remus shift on the blanket next to you. As he continued to look at the stars, he started humming in approval. Maybe this was a great idea. And so the star gazing was cut short for a detailed plan including marketing, price gauging and magic; Remus Lupin doesn't half-arse things as he says every single prank.
In the bathroom with Moaning Myrtle, a sign was placed: “Out of Order” with both of your initials underneath. Next was the word of mouth. Kids from all houses, mostly older teens, started purchasing things. Sweets to prank their friends, a drink to reduce hangovers or to keep them awake, a charm that can write notes for you. Then the littles came in, asking for ways to track lost items, maps to see which staircases are changing, charms to turn drawings into little friends that follow you around- business was truly booming.
But it wasn't too long before a professor found you both. While Slughorn and Mcgonagall loved having you as students, there was a “legal guideline” that prevented you from selling to students without a license and having unchecked charms and potions. You both had become totally busted, losing all your Hogsmeade privileges for the next month and having a detention every Friday, and you felt so horrible. Every week Remus would be stuck cleaning random cauldrons and crap because of your idea, the one that he refused to get money off of. You were so sure that you could have taken the brunt of the punishment, but he refused consistently. It made you sick to your stomach.
“I still don't understand why you're here, Remus.” The feeling was eating away at you. “This wasn't your idea! At most, this is 90% my fault.”
Remus hated seeing you sulk like this. He just didn't want you to be alone in these detentions (or wanted to be alone with you), of course, he would admit being a part of the problem.
“I’m your best friend, if I bail, who else will you be counting on?” A shy smile spreads across his freckled and scarred face; Remus loves all the different ways that he is yours.
“I just…”
“Stop feeling guilty. This was my choice, I’m not going to let you clean these flasks alone” His hands were on your shoulders, and his eyes were bearing into yours… until they weren't. It was so miniscule, the faintest flicker down to your lips. But you saw it, and worse, you felt it, you felt the tension shift. One hand crept upwards to your neck, resting patiently at the base. You let out a hasty breath and he responded in the softest chuckle. It was too late before you realised you had been looking at his lips the entire time.
“Can I,” the softest whisper that made your chest coil up.
You squeaked a response out, “what?”
“Kiss you. Can I kiss you?” If he hadn't been leaning in, you wouldn't have heard the full question, but it didn't matter; you had started nodding as soon as you responded.
He brought himself closer, using gentle hands and even gentler lips to bridge the gap; Remus kissed soft and then he kissed harder with passion.
He pulled away momentarily (pulled away being a stretch as he still resided in your personal space, you could feel him breathing in your air). “We should stop, we have the pots.” His cheeks rosied a little. Like a little kid with candy, he didn't want to ruin it too quickly. “Can you kiss me when we are done too? Maybe on a first date?”
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imagionationstation · 2 months
It’s a tough situation because on one hand, I think it’s completely fair to criticize both 2012 and rise. Both shows have their own flaws, and it’s only natural that one person may prefer one show over the other. Someone who likes 12 doesn’t have to like rise, and vice versa. I think people are allowed to hate certain media, and express that hatred, even if they don’t have a reason/a good reason for it. Are they worth listening to? Well, that’s another question lol.
I also don’t think criticism necessarily means someone hates the show. I myself am critical of 12 BECAUSE I love the show so much. I love looking at analyses for any show, be it 12 or rise, that look at why a concept or idea didn’t work as well as it could have. And I have to remind myself that people who criticize the show aren’t coming after me personally (usually). That being said, most rise fans who criticize 12 either don’t like 12 or haven’t seen it (probably only consumed clips at most). And the evidence they provide (if they even provide it) is usually out of context clips where they miss the whole point of the episode. Which is rough. 
I do feel like the hate 2012 gets is disproportionate, but that could just be on tumblr. Tumblr users (and ao3 users by proxy, since they seem to share users?) seem to favor rise a lot. If you go on a site like the technodrome forums, they seem to be a lot more critical of rise. But then again, some of their content is not for everyone. While I don’t personally agree with everything everyone says on there, I do like seeing different people’s opinions. 
On the other hand, it’s so hard not to be up in arms when someone criticizes 2012, especially when I personally feel their claims are baseless and can easily be argued. I remember when it started to consume my thoughts, and that’s when I knew I needed to unplug. But I understand that you’re not really in a situation where you can do that. I’ve found I get the most enjoyment when I interact with fandom in small doses. Now, I just laugh at 12 hate comments and how absurd they can be. Seriously, some of them are so funny, I started compiling a list. It’s a lot easier for me to let comments slide now and remain unaffected, and I think you’ll get there too. Hope you’re doing well.
You’re not wrong about this:
I think it’s completely fair to criticize both 2012 and rise. Both shows have their own flaws, and it’s only natural that one person may prefer one show over the other. Someone who likes 12 doesn’t have to like rise, and vice versa.
And this:
I also don’t think criticism necessarily means someone hates the show. I myself am critical of 12 BECAUSE I love the show so much. I love looking at analyses for any show, be it 12 or rise, that look at why a concept or idea didn’t work as well as it could have.
I love 2012 but I still rant about how I dislike certain elements or episodes. And when I know I’m being objective and fair, I’ll touch on elements about RISE as well (pending decent research done). I never said that anyone had to like any TMNT series.
In fact, I think I said the opposite in a previous ask 🤔.
But I think you can usually tell if the criticism is objective or not.
Is this analysis or post saying, “These were bad concepts/ideas” or are they saying “This is a bad show” because there’s a difference.
There is a very big difference.
I think people are allowed to hate certain media, and express that hatred, even if they don’t have a reason/a good reason for it.
Well. Sure. Absolutely. They can experience a hatred for it.
But can they go around ranting about a hatred for something that they have not researched/watched/looked into reasonably?
No. No, they can’t. Or, rather, shouldn’t. That’s not fair.
This does not deserve to be allowed to continue:
That being said, most rise fans who criticize 12 either don’t like 12 or haven’t seen it (probably only consumed clips at most). And the evidence they provide (if they even provide it) is usually out of context clips where they miss the whole point of the episode. Which is rough. 
If someone, anyone, RISE fan or not, wants to hate on the 2012 show, then I hope they’ve recently seen a few seasons at the very least.
I really don’t think that’s an unreasonable expectation.
And I have to remind myself that people who criticize the show aren’t coming after me personally (usually).
Unfortunately, I have deleted Asks before.
People hate the show.
People are offended by people who like the show.
I don’t know how big of a creator you are or what you do, but I get all kinds of attention for the stuff that I make compared to the stuff I reblog. And I post a lot of opinions on how great the show is.
And, when Anon is a feature, people aren’t afraid to give thoughts.
I refuse to turn off Anon as a feature, however, because there are sweet, kind, but nervous Tumblrs who would want to use the feature.
On the other hand, it’s so hard not to be up in arms when someone criticizes 2012, especially when I personally feel their claims are baseless and can easily be argued. I remember when it started to consume my thoughts, and that’s when I knew I needed to unplug.
Do I need to unplug? Probably.
Should I just ignore the fact that baseless accusations have existed so long that the fandom is probably built upon them and looks toxic 24/7 because no one stands up for the sweet boys? Probably.
Am I tired of that being the standard? Yeah.
Will I cause trouble for speaking up? Probably.
Should I sit back and stay in my lane? Probably.
Am I any good at not ranting when upset? No.
It’s kinda what I built my entire blog upon. Essays and rants. So.
I just laugh at 12 hate comments and how absurd they can be. Seriously, some of them are so funny, I started compiling a list. It’s a lot easier for me to let comments slide now and remain unaffected, and I think you’ll get there too.
I suppose that should be the hope 🧐.
And maybe one day, I’ll get there.
But, I’ve been deeply invested for this long. May want to give me a few years to turn that corner. My brain can be a stubborn thing.
Hope you’re doing well.
You too! I hope you find some comments to add to your list <3
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quennofsblog · 6 months
Red Sea | Gojo Satoru
x fem!OC You can read as a reader :) Doesn't fully follow the Canon plot!!!!
Synopsis: After so long apart, Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto come together to negotiate amid chaos, but remembering the past can be very painful.
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Two men.
Gathered in a colorful abyss waiting for salvation and to be the saviors of humanity.
Both want the same things, but in different ways, one will sacrifice himself if possible for his goals, the other will sacrifice everything necessary to achieve his goals.
Face to face, beautiful and tragic memories came back to the surface, just looking at their eyes again was as if pieces of broken glass passed through their eyes, marks that were on their bodies did not erase what they both felt, nor what they felt.
Now, as an irony of fate, the most powerful men in humanity, gathered again in negotiations, ready to give and end everything that each other meant.
"Satoru. It's been a while, hasn't it?" The black-haired man just smiled calmingly, even after everything, he was happy to meet his friend once again.
"That's right... I didn't think this meeting would happen... Under these circumstances." The platinum just sighed in defeat, his heavenly blue eyes swept over the scene, as ironically, it was very... Relaxing.
Satoru could breathe deeply there, as if no worry could catch him in that place, a sunset warmed them in a calming way, at the same time as a nostalgic breeze enveloped them.
"Surprised, aren't you? This place always helps me think. Oh, how's Floki? I've never seen that gluttonous ball of beauty again."
Floki... A name that squeezed Satoru's heart, an old friend who gave him so many positive emotions but who now belongs to the thousands of pieces of glass scattered around.
"Floki is no more." Steady, impatient eyes contrasted with Suguru's sharp eyes that fell a little at the statement. "What do you want anyway, Suguru?"
"I want Sukuna's seven fingers."
"Why do you need them?" Suguru's loud laugh would normally make him shiver, but after so many years apart and seeing the direction of their lives, nothing shook him anymore.
"Don't act stupid, Satoru, it doesn't suit your age anymore, it's not even necessary to be a genius for what I want with the fingers."
"If I give it to you, what will you give me in return?" Satoru just sighed, but curiously, he couldn't think of anything worthy of the exchange of fingers from the near destruction of the world.
"A soul."
"You're still slow huh? Just the soul of Phoenix Leblanc."
Satoru's blue eyes just widened, shock coursing through his body, as if just that name invoked climate change in him and him alone, a vague feeling of nostalgia returned at the idea, but he quickly dismissed it, he knows it's impossible to bring someone back to life, he knows, because he's already tried. The results he obtained torment him to this day, haunted by the idiocy he committed that day.
He just looked at Suguru in disbelief, he knew that at this point, there would be no saving the man from the firm, psychotic eyes in front of him.
Geto, by using the name of the most important person to Gojo, who knew well what Phoenix Leblanc meant to the platinum artist, showed himself to be cruel, very cruel.
He couldn't simply believe in these absurdities, even though the depths of his consciousness tried to convince him to accept, he knew that when he accepted, he didn't know how this "soul" worked, but he knew that "soul" would never be his Phoenix.
He would be subject to going through the loss a second time, and he refuses if that's the case, Gojo knew he would never recover again, he could finally understand Geto Suguru if that happened, and maybe that's what Geto wants, a way for both of them to come together and destroy this rotten world.
He just looked back at the warm sun, sighing.
Not this time Suguru.
Forgive me.
Forgive me Phoenix.
"Straight forward as always. You have indeed gone crazy."
"Maybe I be."
"I don't know how you intended to resurrect someone, but-
"It's not resurrecting, her soul is alive, even if it's not in front of us, she's alive in our memories, and in the memories of everyone who knows her, and in her following stories ahead, like a haunting that doesn't go away, no Do you want to get rid of this curse?"
Could he subject himself to that?
Was Phoenix's soul still alive?
No more.
Satoru will not be like his best friend, a desperate guy looking for meaning after losing his own.
He already has meanings, she is waiting for him at home, watching television, perhaps playing with dolls and searching his room for sweets.
He wasn't strong enough to protect her, but he will be strong enough to protect his ideas and pass them on.
"I'm fine like this, and I'm not going to accept your proposal, it wouldn't benefit me in...anything."
"I see, so know that we will be at complete odds from now on."
"Alright, we'll be ready."
With this, the comforting domain disperses with the wind, giving vision to a worn and old office, once a colorful place full of life, but now, it has just become just another one.
He knew that now there was going to be a war, he was arrogant enough to accept it, and arrogant enough to know that he will win.
It does not matter anymore.
He sat in the wheelchair watching Suguru leave the room, realizing that their ideals had separated them once again, like a barrier that had separated them since that day, that time he couldn't do anything for his best friend, joining his list of life regrets that he doesn't have the courage to shake off.
"Not even the strongest can protect everyone..."
Sighing, before looking at the picture frame with four figures, a woman with a clumsy flower crown in her flaming red hair, a cute and frowning kitten perched on her head, himself hugging his shoulder with one arm while in the other he held his entire life, slightly pink hair like theirs smiling beautifully at the camera, and a crown of flowers on his head, along with the smiles that everyone had.
Satoru smiled fondly as he looked at his family, running his finger gently over the photo.
"It's time."
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Thank you for watching this, if you could contribute with reblogs and comments I would greatly appreciate it.❤️
English is not my first language, so there is a high chance of errors.
My previous posts:
Everything you let go | Itoshi Sae from Blue Lock
Rosy cheeks | Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen
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gretavanlace · 2 years
Here, have a fluffy little Josh blurb inspired by those adorable grocery store pics. No warnings needed. Mini-fluff by gretavanlace?! This may never happen again. Back to our regularly scheduled smut programming later on tonight 💖
“Do you think they have one of those lobster tanks here?” Josh asks, scanning the items lining the shelves as he strolls by. “You know, the ones where they’re alive and you pick the one you want?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, plucking up a bottle of soy sauce. “Why?”
He scrunches his nose, openly disgusted with your choice. “Don’t get that kind.” He shakes his head and replaces the bottle in the cart with the most expensive offered, instead. “Fuckin’ store brands…”
“You’re a food and beverage snob.” You sigh, more than used to his antics by now. “But, back to before.”
He’s moved onto something new in his scattered head, so you steer him back on course gently. “The lobsters?”
“Oh,” recollection illuminates his face, raising his eyebrows adorably. “I just thought we could buy them all. You know, set them free.”
His shoulders rise and fall with a little shrug, cheeks coloring pink when he decides it’s a dumb idea after all. “Where though?” He asks himself aloud. “Not an ocean in sight.”
“We could drive.” You offer with a soft hand on his back, both of you ambling towards the bakery in search of bagels. “Get a cooler. Fill it with water to keep them comfy along the way. Give them names. Toss them into the sea and wave them off. Little rescue mission.”
“Make love in the sand after, to celebrate their freedom.” He adds, bumping his hip against your own.
“Josh!” You hiss playfully, glancing around to see if anyone has overheard.
“What?” He questions a bit louder, pretending to misunderstand. “Did you not hear me?” Louder still. “I said we could roll around in the sand and fu—“
You twist a swift pinch into his stomach through the soft cotton of his shirt. “Joshua Michael, I will leave you in this grocery store. I swear to god, I will.”
Your favorite little giggle is his only response as he tosses a bag of blueberry bagels in next to his uppity soy sauce.
“Do we have cream cheese?” Your gaze flutters towards the ceiling, trying to conjure up the contents of your fridge.
“Just get some.” He’s pushing on now, oblivious to the squeaking, wobbling, mess of a wheel that has been grating on your nerves since he yanked the cart free of its brothers near the entrance. “‘Cause if you don’t, and we’re out, you’ll pout.”
You lose yourselves in the tea aisle for a long stretch. Pointing out different flavors and blends, laughing when he gets animatedly excited by a brand that offers its tea in pyramid-shaped bags rather than the traditional square.
Box after box is added to your spoils until you both begin to wonder where the hell you’re going to store it all.
“We need a bigger place.” He quips, off-handedly. “When we buy a house, I want one of those enormous walk-in pantries.”
Suddenly, and unexpectedly, tears are threatening to spill over your cheeks. He notices right away and stops in his tracks. “What’s wrong, baby? Don’t cry.” His fingers circle around your wrist warmly to tug your hand to his chest. “What is it?”
“Nothing. It’s just…” you duck your head to avoid any prying eyes and brush the tears away. “You think about things like that? With me?”
He tilts his head in confusion, “Like what? Buying a house?”
“Yeah.” You nod, feeling incredibly on display.
“Yeah.” He parrots. “I do. I think about all of those things with you. A house, getting married, babies…don’t you?”
“Yeah.” There’s that word again. You could swear you were both more eloquent at the beginning of this shopping excursion. “Yeah, I think about those things.”
“Things like having a big ass pantry?” He grins, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
The gesture, so mundane and small, makes your heart flutter right there next to an end cap display of tortilla chips. How domestic and strange.
It seems like it should feel absurd, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
You feel safe. Intimately warm and protected…like the two of you are all alone even whilst standing in this crowded building filled with strangers milling about.
“And a fireplace?” You smile back, toying shyly with the beads resting around his neck.
“And a fireplace.” He agrees.
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