#angsty anime poetry
crepuscular-coyote · 2 years
I am so weary
A senior dog with old bones and too much on his mind
Aching joints and a million stories to tell
I can't play fetch anymore. I watch the younger dogs in the park with a mixture of fondness and envy.
Life has tired me out.
I blink.
I am still a young dog.
My companions run about with a carefree energy I can never possess.
My life has barely begun.
How am I so done already?
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creepy-friday · 11 months
the way in so intrigued by your ej is indescrivibile, can we maybe have some headcanons about him?
Sure thing!
Eyeless Jack Headcanons
Jeff describes him as an "angsty dude".When he fucked his arm and went to his cabinet,he tried his best to anger him but to no result.He's a master at keeping his cool,especially since losing it might make him go bite the first person he sees,but only on starving desperate occasions.
He speaks in a low tone,almost as if he is whispering when he's in the cabinet.His normal voice is deep,but he keeps talking in a calm and low demnineer.
Dude is tall as fuck.Back when he was a human he was of average height and build,but after the incident he stands at 2 metres and something and drastically changed his body.
He doesn't wipe his tar-like tears.They fall on his sweater.A lot of goo is formed when he keeps his mask on for long periods of time.I also can't see him showing a lot of skin unless he's in the privacy of his room,sticking to baggy clothes.
The metallic smell of blood is drowned by the overwhelming one of different drugs,robbing alcohol or perfume mixed with cologne.
EJ can go out without consuming human flesh for a few weeks,but that means low energy and increased sleepiness.If he goes more than a few weeks he might actually lose it,that's why he goes often on hunting for animals although it doesn't satisfy him.
The taste of food/fizzy drinks makes him sick,that's why he avoids it.He can't do drugs either,nothing has any effect on him.
He didn't lose his empathy,and although he doesn't show it he can relate to a lot of residents in the mansion
Reads a lot,his favorite books consists of either medicine related subjects or poetry.
Throwing in some female!proxy headcanon because I feel the need to
-since she is a demon hunter,he would love to go to her to finish his shitty life in the mansion but knows that the boss would punish her for that,that's why he's just watching from afar,trying to find anything else that would let him be free from himself.
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Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
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Spoilers for chapter 212
Megumi Fushiguro:
You're angsty, you likely listen to mid 2000's bands like Linkin Park/Three Days Grace/My Chemical Romance etc. or you have major daddy issues.
First Date:
You had recently transferred to Jujutsu High. It was your first day and to be honest, you had kind of gotten lost due to how large campus was. "Crap. How am I going to find my dorm?" You then saw a pair of dogs. "Oooo cute!" You reached out and gave them head pats and nose boops. Suddenly the dogs started barking. "What's going on?" You then noticed a boy walking towards you. "Are you ####?"
"Yes." The boy then took his phone out and started texting someone. "It's good that I found you. Gojo was wondering where you were and asked me to find you. I can't believe he's too lazy to do it himself... Anyway, I'm Fushiguro. It looks like we'll be attending the same class. Now let's hurry before he starts blowing up my phone like he's some sort of concerned father."
You later met Itadori and Kugisaki and the four of you soon became best friends. It was two months later and you were having a girls night with Nobara. "All right, truth or dare?"
"How do you feel about Itadori?" Kugisaki started to gag and then pretended to vomit. "Trust me, I definitely don't feel that way about him. What about you?" You blushed. "Oh. No, I don't have a crush on him."
"But you do like someone right? I mean your face is giving it away. I bet it's Fushiguro!" You then slammed your hand over her mouth. "Quiet! Do you want someone to hear you!?" She then began to laugh hysterically. "I knew it!  Alright, my lips are sealed. In exchange for my silence, you have to ask him out!" You felt like you were going to faint. "K-Kugisaki..."
"I don't know what you see in that guy anyway. He looks like he's the type to set oil slicked seagulls on fire.." You stood up. "That isn't true! He's kind, compassionate... He loves animals! You should see how he treats his gyokuken!" Nobara wasn't impressed. "Of course he treats them well. They're apart of his ten shadows technique. Have you ever played haunting ground? That's a good example of why treating animals well is nesecary for survival."
"...Did you know that he writes poetry in his spare time?" You had done it now. Kugisaki was crying so hard from her laughter. "NO FUCKING WAY! I HAVE TO TEXT ITADORI ABOUT THIS!" You sighed. This conversation clearly hadn't gone the way you had thought it would. Oh well. You now had to worry about how you would confess to your crush.
It was the next day and you had called Megumi and asked to meet him alone. "####, I'm here. Is everything okay?" You smiled. How sweet. He was worried about you. "Fushiguro... I'd like you to have this!" You pressed an envelope towards him. "What is this ####?"
"It's... a love letter..." Megumi then opened the note. Inside was one of the most heartfelt confessions that he had ever seen. Now it was his turn. "####, you didn't really think this would work out, did you?" You started crying. "What?"
"I guess it's not you fault. I mean who wouldn't want this body? ####, I could never go out with you because you're not even on my level. To be frank, you're weak. Now let's put this humiliating display behind us and move on." You were shocked. Was this really the same boy that you had fallen for? "Al-alright... Sorry to have wasted your time..." You then walked away so he wouldn't see your tears.
"That was easy. Man, she was worse than Yorozu! Well, time to go find Uraume and start that cooking show we always dreamed of!" You didn't know it but yesterday Sukuna had managed to force feed Megumi some of his fingers while saying "give your regards to the chef!" If only you had confessed a day earlier.
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Aloth propaganda:
“If you love yourself a haughty mean guy with a sad backstory, he's the guy”
"He's a wizard but he has a might of 12 he's bisexual he has a scottish woman living in his body he leaves a cult after he hangs out with you for a while he hunts fascists he makes his own weapon and armor he likes romantic but angsty plays he likes smutty poetry he compliments your home decorating skills he likes pirate fashion he wants to cuddle with you by the fireplace and sip plum wine he actually stays with you if play your cards right
I could go on but what more do you want?"
Muriel propaganda:
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pevensiechase · 8 months
Angsty tag poetry about childhood nostalgia and stuffed animals (feat. the batboys)
@foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego, @quotidian-oblivion
Tags are mine, taken from this post.
Quo asked me to put the poetry in a post, so here you go!
tag poetry about tim drake
#but they were always the same size
#it was you who were smaller
#you who outgrew them and now you recall them bigger
#but they’re not
#they never were
#they just seemed bigger to you because your tiny hand fit around theirs
#and now theirs lay limp in the center of your palm
#not quite as soft as they used to be
#wear and tear showing their age
#they aged with you but aged faster
#because you only just now realize
#that they used to be bigger
tag poetry about dick grayson
#the stuffed animal that sits on your bed
#what you used to see as so big
#what you used to clutch at night for protection
#what reminded you of your childhood
#a simpler and happier time
#you can’t bring yourself to get rid of it
#so you keep it in the corner of your bed between the wall and the mattress
#they understand
#they know you’ve outgrown them
#but you hold on
#you hold onto them because of the memories they hold
#you wish you could go back to a time when all you cared about was your stuffed animal
#when they still held the magical powers of protection
#and holding them at night was your only responsibility
#maybe you’ll bring it out once again
#to squeeze the magic out of them
tag poetry about jason todd
#you glare at the stuffed animal that you can’t bring yourself to get rid of
#you’re not your old self anymore
#why do you still have them?
#a relic of the past
#that’s only a painful reminder of what you used to be
#but you hold on#because something inside you longs for them
#you remember the day you first got them
#to chase the monsters away
#make the shadows retreat
#but now you are the monster that lurks in the shadows
#at least you think you are
#so what does that make their purpose?
#will they chase you away now?
#your one comfort who you held so tightly
#that you forgot about until you remembered
#can they even forgive you?
#can they forgive you for forsaking them?
#what are they to you now?
#what are you?
#you’re the one that parents tell their children about that makes them hug their stuffed animals so tightly
#but youre only a child#who still has a stuffed animal
#and you weren’t cut out for this life that was cruelly ripped from you
#you didn’t sign up for this
tag poetry about damian wayne
#you do not see the point of this ‘stuffed animal’
#one that is only a simple imitation of the real thing
#one made for children
#and yet
#they puzzle you
#you suppose it is cute
#you suppose you would have liked one if you had received one when you were younger
#but only when you were a baby
#for you are far too grown to have any use for one now
#but maybe you do not outgrow them
#maybe you can still grow with them
#and make up for lost time
#maybe you missed out on a crucial part of childhood
#you cannot get it back
#is there a point in trying?
#you do not think so
#but this stuffed animal urges you to consider otherwise
#it is not childish
#it is not something to be embarrassed of
#it is something to be cherished
#as the real thing
#perhaps more special because it is a gift
#maybe you grew up too fast
#but they are still here
#they stare at you from their lifeless glass bead eyes invoking sympathy but how can they?
#maybe you do not have to grow up so fast
#not anymore
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yeyinde · 3 months
thank you for tagging me @cordeliawhohung and @vanderilnde ! i'm tagging @ivymarquis @cosmicpro @when-pigsfly @eilidh-eternal @ethereal-night-fairy and anyone else who wants to participate!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 40
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 692,024
3. What fandoms do you write for? cod right now. slashers. predator. six. i have planned fics for John Wick, JJK, RDR2, Far Cry 5, Top Gun. nothing really put me in the same horrifying chokehold as cod, though.
4. Top five by kudos body electric, baby, (don't) fear the reaper, riptide, in undertow, past and pending
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to. i just never know what to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i don't really do angsty endings, but probs down to the marrow. it was meant to be read as an "oh, no..." sorta fic. on the flipside since it's in Soap's pov.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ahhhhhhh. when your need grows teeth? i think those two freaks got exactly what they wanted lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics? sometimes. rarely on AO3. mostly just asks on tumblr. and almost always about my prose as if i wasn't writing exclusively from Giovanni's room lmao or my use of rare/big words. getting Purple Prose Queen was a highlight, though.
9. Do you write smut? i've been known to dabble
10. Craziest crossover. i took at stab at Joe "Bear" Graves x Reader x John Price because of an ask once. it was never posted because i got bored editing it so it'll rot in my "stuff i am too lazy to fix and post" folder forever. but other than that, idk. i prefer aus.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur. it sounds fun, though.
14. All time favorite ship? hard to pick, but probs Brittany/Santana. or Spider-Man/Deadpool. Icarus/Apollo. Iwaizumi Hajime x ME!!!! Ulquiorra/Orihime. Stiles/Peter. most recently, Reylo. Itadori/Sukuna.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? it's called: freefall :/
16. What are your writing strengths? flow. i used to go to a lot of poetry readings/open mic nights and think i developed a pretty solid feel for how to make things flow nicely. pacing and direction (i take a lot of inspo from my favourite directors and try to add elements of their films/style into my writing). ignoring grammar/punctuation. experimenting. trickery/masking. sneaking animism and anthropomorphism into my writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? god. a lot. punctuation. grammar. overuse of metaphors. big words. misusing words. dialogue. action. brevity. consistency. tone. characterisation. my stuff tends to meander, i find.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? no real opinion, tbh.
19. First fandom you wrote in? mythology. i wrote an ungodly amount of Hades/Persephone from 12-14.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written? uhhhhhhhhhh. sea fever. baby, (don't) fear the reaper.
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witchermonstermayhem · 2 months
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The new Prompts for August are here!
"Wake up!" / Something moving in the shadows / Blood
And the Picture Prompt:
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Source: pixabay.com
You can create something new or share an old work/post! Fics, gifs, vids, art, everything is welcome if you think it fits the prompts.
Post here on tumblr using the tags #witchermonstermayhem and #augustmonster
You can also tag @witchermonstermayhem so I can easily find and reblog your work.
If you want to post your work on Ao3 (or have already posted it there), you can add it to the Witcher Monster MAYhem collection 2024 (directly in the collection dashboard or by using WitcherMonsterMAYhem2024 as the collection name)
For more rules, keep reading. Have fun with Witchers and Monsters!
Any kind of Witcher fanwork is welcome: art, edits, fanfics, poetry etc. (including crossovers, modern AUs, NSFW, etc.)
Create something new or re-post an older work that fits the prompt.
It can be about the Witcher novels, the games, the show, the comics ...
Combine freely with any other fan event that allows it! (For example with extended @fluffbruary for something sweet or with A Gust of Whump for something angsty/bloody, great August whump prompts there!)
Most importantly: Have fun!
Can I submit prompts?
Yes, please feed my ask-box with prompts that you'd like to see in the months to come!
Does there have to be a monster in the story/the artwork that is important for the plot/the piece of art? - Yes, definitely! The monster can be purely imaginary though, like in a dream, or maybe people only think there is a monster, but it turns out there is not. It must be a driving force of the plot/central element of the artwork, though.
What is a monster? - "A monster is a type of fictional creature found in horror, fantasy, science fiction, folklore, mythology and religion. Monsters are very often depicted as dangerous and aggressive with a strange, grotesque appearance that causes terror and fear. Monsters usually resemble bizarre, deformed, otherworldly and/or mutated animals or entirely unique creatures of varying sizes, but may also take a human form, such as mutants, ghosts and spirits, zombies or cannibals, among other things. They may or may not have supernatural powers, but are usually capable of killing or causing some form of destruction, threatening the social or moral order of the human world in the process." "Wikipedia - Monster"
Must the monster be evil and scary? - No, not necessarily. There are "good" monsters in the original Witcher books, like Dopplers or even a Higher Vampire. The monster could also just be a mischievous goblin that hides socks. Humour and fluff very welcome!
Must the monster die? - That is totally up to you. There are quite a few examples in the books where Geralt does not kill the monster, even cases where he befriends it.
Is sex with a monster allowed? - Sure, why not? Just tag it accordingly if it is nsfw or any warnings/triggers apply (like non-con etc.).
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arwamachine · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @discordantwords!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 18 fics, plus 1 collection of poetry
2. What's your total A03 word count? 1,032,993 (I am a wordy motherfucker)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently only BBC Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Indefinite Lines
To Stand Before the Storm
You Might Just as Well Be Blind
Matchmaking for Solitary Animals
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? When I'm actively posting a fic I do, but when I'm not posting I fall behind and then the inbox gets overwhelming so I avoid it and then it gets even more overwhelming so I avoid some more and now we've really reached critical mass and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I do read them all, though, and they make me happy in my heart
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? We don't really do angsty endings over at ArwaMachine, LLC. Monsters in the Woods come close (iykyk - I see y'all's screams in that last chapter), and Oh How the Ghost of You Clings ends with Sherlock still on hiatus, but we're all about that happy ending over here (...for now)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? They've all got happy endings; the heavier the angst, the happier the ending! I feel like Indefinite Lines has a pretty happy ending, and if you consider the Bonus Lines then we're really in Fluffy McFluff territory.
So Grant Us All a Change of Heart also has a pretty happy ending (and a hefty dose of angst in all the preceding chapters)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, thank god. There's been a few frowny-face comments here and there, but overall folks have been lovely.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nah, not really my thing
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have! Sleepwalkers has been translated into Spanish, and Storm has been translated into Russian! Always happy when fics get translated :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and let me tell you that I would be the worst co-writer in the history of co-writers. Nobody ever write anything with me ever--I am a fucking nightmare
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Sherlock & John, although these days I'm also feeling myself some Gentlebeard
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a goddamn post-fall fic where John develops panic disorder that I've been "working on" since 2021 and I AM GOING TO FINISH IT. I AM. I AM GOING TO FINISH THE MOTHERFUCKER IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I write the feelings well, and I'd like to think I can create scenes that bring out the intended feels in readers. I also think (/hope) I handle scene pacing decently--action scenes feel fast-paced but not rushed, slower scenes take their time but aren't slogs, etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes. Dear christ do I hate writing fight scenes. I also really don't understand how commas work.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I have exactly two words in Russian in Lines and that is going to be the extent of it! Trying not to make an uncultured ass out of myself over here...
19. First fandom you wrote for? BBC Sherlock. I'm like that kid who married their high school sweetheart. That is to say, I make questionable decisions.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Okay, so I love all of my fics and my answer tends to be whichever fic I've most recently written, but I've got to say that I love Lines so much. I put my whole soul into that fic for, like, over a year of my life, I researched the ever loving fuck out of it (who's reading up on amputation procedures? this gal!), I created a working cypher for the motherfucker, I permanently changed my relationship with Brahms' lullaby, and I got to meet Rosie, who remains my favorite character that I've ever written, ever. So Lines is my favorite child. Good child.
I tag anyone who wants to be tagged, for I am bad at tagging!
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swords-and-chaos · 6 months
just a reminder that anything that someone uses as a healthy and non-destructive coping mechanism for anxiety, depression, trauma, stress, or whatever, is not, and never will be “cringe”.
Bring stuffed animals with you if places! Write shitty poetry! Listen to angsty music! Age regress! Make vent art! Do whatever makes you feel more regulated, so long as it does not harm yourself or others.
Cringe isn’t really a thing, but if it was real, these things certainly would not be it. Even if they would be, it doesn’t matter! I know it is hard, but it is important not to let the fear of judgment from others prevent you from doing things that keep you happy and healthy ❤️
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Share if you vote to spread please!
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I have returned. And today I come with quite a number of ships so like brace yourselves, I'll keep popping in between my work. Speaking of prongsfoot, can we talk about just how perfect Remus/Peter would be?
1. They'll be the EPITOME of soft cottagecore. Baking, reading, picnics, growing plants, taking care of any wounded animals in the nearby area they'll just be so sidnsmsjdlsnsjdb
2. Peter knits. And he makes all the sweaters for Remus. And Remus absolutely adores watching him walking around with yarn and needles just going at it whenever wherever he gets the chance to
3. Cut to Remus being absolutely destroyed when it gets to him that Sirius killed his boyfriend but not being able to do anything as he sinks into his mind and never comes out. The reason he goes to Hogwarts in Harry's 3rd year is because he knows Sirius will be there. Him trying to kill him and Sirius trying to explain what really happened. And him demanding proof cause he's never seen Sirius be more... serious about anything else. And then the betrayal he feels when he sees said proof. Cut to him burning all the sweaters.
4. In this scenario, I like to think Peter started our as a spy for Dumbledore but he got turned into a death eaters for reals. Or he thought that the baby Voldy was targeting was actually Neville and he convinced himself that once Neville was taken care of, all his friends and his boyfriend will be safe. I have no idea where I'm going with this
5. They're both not players but they'll go up to the stands whenever prongsfoot is practicing and it'll be a cute double date
6. Remus can't figure out his feelings and talk about them for the life of him. But Peter, even tho shy, is very honest and cut the crap kind of person. With a little encouragement from Jamie, it works out really well.
7. Peter started getting into poetry because of Remus. (I actually was gonna type books there but my fingers just went and said poetry so we're going with it) He first started reading them to impress Remus but he couldn't actually understand them much. Later he fell in love with them. Or more specifically, he fell in love with how excited Remus got when talking about them. They'll both be in the kitchen and Peter will be walking around doing whatever needs to be done for what he is baking and Remus will be sat in one corner of the tabletop and talking animatedly about whichever poem he read/ was reading.
8. Ohhh they'll be so soft with each other I'm gonna cry. Sorry I'm making my point again. But like imagine like blurry sunlight coming in through paper thin curtains and baby's breathe flowers nestled between sunflowers and the smell of a bakery and the comfort in old sweaters and soft shy glances and pinkies intertwined and wishing on dandelions. That's them.
Ok I actually really likes doing that (8). It was kind of like a moodboard but with words. I'm gonna start doing it for all the ships now hehe. I'll come back later and do the same for the older ships I was ranting to you about (do you maybe happen to remember which ones they were? Or do you have them tagged?)
9. Their shipname would probably be "Moontail" I think... other possibilities are wormy which just sounds like a nickname for Pete. Or moonworm which isn't that bad ig but idk.
10. I think their ship is the one with the least possibility of an angsty beginning. Hit me with whatever you got tho. I think I'm slowly seeping back into my fluff phase from my smut phase (dw the cycle will continue and I'll be back to angst again lmfao)
Pls keep popping up I love it when you do :D I sadly won't be able to reply tho bc I have cooking today 😔 so you'll have to wait until I'm back home
1) they so are, you are so correct!
2) omg he doesssss. it's his go-to gift for everyone, but especially for remus <3
3) oh fuck... that's so heartbreaking wtf :( but I can absolutely see it happen
4) I don't think that it would make sense that he thought the baby he was talking about neville at the beginning sure, but he told voldemort where the potters where so obviously he knew that it wasn't neville
5) absolutely. they wear matching sweaters :)
6) yesss. like I said before peter confesses first
7) awweee that's so cute! I can totally see that happen omgg
8) I love this. every time I see ships or characters described like that I melt. pls do do that :D
9) moontail sounds so cute omg >w< but moonworm is kinda cute too
10) "unrequited" that's all I'm going to say (it's my go-to lol)
I can't wait to see what else you come up with :)
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themoonandthedogstar · 10 months
Hey I’ve been wanting to get into the mauraders but always get confused. Can you teach me?
Ahhhh okay idk where to start so i’m just gonna do like a character introduction thing?? i’ll try idk if this’ll be helpful tho 😭
okay so the main 4 are:
Remus Lupin (moony) , Sirius Black (padfoot) , James Potter (prongs) , Peter Pettigrew (wormtail) . The nicknames come from Remus being a werewolf and the other tbree are illegal animagi (they can turn into animals like McGonagall who can turn into a cat) Peter turns into a rat- hence wormtail, James is a stag/buck- prongs for the antlers, Sirius is padfoot bc he’s a black dog (he’s also named after the dog star sirius and his last name is black so ofc 💀💀)
moving on to the “valkyrie girls” aka Gryffindor Girls:
Lily Evans- Harrys mum- we love her she’s super sweet, great at potions etcetc, then we have Mary MacDonald who’s usually depicted as very sweet and she’s the only one who survives the war (or one of the only ones) and usually depicted as obliviating herself at the end of the war bc she doesn’t want to remember all the terrible things that happened and all of her friends dying basically, then theres Marlene Mckinnon, badass, usually depicted playing quidditch with James also the fandom collectively decided she was a lesbian dating Dorcas Meadowes (slytherin) and we love that for her
Next we have the “Slytherin Skittles” (that bame is so weird to type out anyways-)
Starting with Dorcas Meadowes cause i just mentioned her- she was mentioned like once in the books as being 1) part of the order 2) having been killed by voldemort himself and thats all the canon we have about her but again usually depicted as Marlenes gf and usually plays quidditch on the Slytherin team, Then we have Barty Crouch Jr he was in the 4th movie/book, he’s a deatheater with daddy issues he used be depicted as dating Regulus before jegulus was a thing now he’s depicted as dating Evan Rosier (also a deatheater who dies) or all 3 date idk, then we have Regulus Black, aka Sirius’ younger brother who becomes a deatheater but ends up dying getting the horcrux locket from the cave in the sixth hp book/movie so he turns out not being a bad guy and people took that, ran with it and decided to make him this tortured soul who writes sad boy poetry, it’s fun, its angsty and usually shipped with James Potter just bc, Lastly we have Pandora Lovegood- Luna Lovegoods mum- we dont have a canon last name for her but losts of people come up with Rosier (Evans twin) or Lestrange or any last name we want for her bc we don’t know
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drowningincaffiene · 6 months
ok i think its time i make a proper intro post
HELLOO! my name is moon (she/her)
i am a minor (just turned 16!!)
muslim + indian
i am currently obsessed with atla+tlok but i have watched many animated cartoons if u ask me i have probably watched them
i usually just scream abt fandom stuff and my life here
oh! but i do have an instagram where i sometimes post my cringey angsty poetry
i LOVE asks and i love talking so ask me abt my opinion on any stupid thing and i will respond<3
and im very friendly so dont get intimidated!!! 🫶🏽
DNI: pro-israelis, racists, islamophobes, etc etc
i block generously so dont take offence pls 😁
pop into my askbox to chat whenever!!
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hils79 · 7 months
Hils Watches Love Me, Love My Voice - Ep 4
First of all shoutout to this post because when I tried to take the below screenshot it was suddenly blocked despite all the other episodes being fine. Turned off Hardware Acceleration as instructed and it immediately worked. Reblog to save the life of a liveblogger/reviewer
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I love that Gu Sheng having to work with one of Mo Qingcheng's fans is the closest we've had to any sort of real drama, and this is being played as funny rather than angsty or dramatic. Like 'awkward, my employee has a crush on the dude who keeps flirting with me'
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I love how brazen he is. Openly admitting he's trying to get a girlfriend. I wonder who it could be... Also, LOL at Gu Sheng in the background pretending not to eavesdrop
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I would like a man with a nice voice to recite poetry to me late at night when I can't sleep
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That does not sound pleasant
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Confession: I am in my 40s and it literally never occurred to me that conch shells have creatures living inside them or that you could eat them. I mean I couldn't eat them because I am allergic to mollusks but people can and do eat them. Every day is a school day as they say. I do enjoy these little recipe segments.
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He just did the dorkiest little laugh it's a shame I can't capture video/sound. So cute.
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Oh no I'm in danger. Look how soft he looks in this sweater.
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I was just thinking this is the most heterosexual drama I have watched in ages. But there we go the intern has a crush on Mo Qingcheng. Get in line, my dude.
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Wait, what? Don't the rest of them literally work and live in a recording studio? One that is specifically designed for them? Why do they need to use hers? I mean obviously I am ready for them to finally meet but do better with your plot device shenanigans.
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Uh...you've literally had a crush on him since before this drama started.
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Yes, it's definitely that and not all the cute flirting you've both been doing
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Ohhhhh! Now I understand! She was just going to record her parts in her studio. I thought they were all going to record together for some reason. Except apparently he wants them to do that? Amazing.
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The intern has a lil dragon/dinosaur on his shoulder. Adorable.
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This poor girl. Everyone is staring at her and being weird because they all know Mo Qingcheng has a massive crush on her.
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I would literally die of embarrassment if I was her
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Of course he had to cancel. It's only been 4 episodes. I did think it was a bit soon for them to be meeting in person.
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Oh, wait, I was wrong. Maybe they are going to meet.
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This is all very cute
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I mean I'm not sure anyone would expect a cardiologist to also be a famous voice actor
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He sure is! Also, I headcanon manager lady as bi now.
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Yeah, I tend to remember people if they have a cute animal with them
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The boys are making fun of how he eats. That's how you know they're a family
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I thought she said she had to go back to school after she'd recorded her song. I mean don't get me wrong I would totally ditch school to spend the day with my voice crush who turns out to be hot and also a doctor
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I love how much they roast him
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Ooh we're at the getting into each other's personal space stage already
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He's so pretty
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dotster001 · 2 years
hellooo!! congrats on 1k! your writing is absolutely amazing and you definitely deserve the followers <3
for the event:
1. i took silver's hand first, cause i rlly liked maleficent and silver is pretty, and he seemed nice. (and i was right. silver my wonderful boy)
i don't clearly remember why i switched, i'm pretty sure it was just because i wanted to read all of the character's home screen lines so,,.
2. afterwards, i hopped from character to character, kalim, jamil, whoever's lines i wanted to read, and now lilia is the one who's on there most of the time. but i want a little romance story and i am not romantically attracted to lilia!
the only other characters that i switch to are the tweels, it's up to you which one to write, just pick the one you think will make the story more interesting! (or both?)
3. jade and floyd are one of, if not the, most interesting twst characters. i just love their personalities and how they interact with their surroundings, their designs are amazing, they actually remind me of myself sometimes, and i also just really love eels, and marine biology in general. i just wanna crack their skulls open and poke around their brains!
4. silver and i would get along magnificently, romantically or platonically. but there's just something about him that's so !!!! i don't think i couldn't fall in love
5. me! i'm very reserved, preferring to listen and observe rather than talk or do. and though i try to seem confident and eloquent, i'm a bit awkward with social interactions. despite this, people seem to relax in my presence.
strangers and acquaintances describe me as put-together, intelligent, and friendly, but quiet and reserved. once you get to know me, i'm a very confident, honest, and bold person. i love joking around and bantering. my friends describe me as funny and eccentric, but mature and reliable. i'm honest with people i'm close with, often to a fault, and i may be too harsh with my jokes. i'm always putting others first, but i know how and when to stand my ground. i have trouble showing emotion through my voice or body, but if you look closely, you can read my facial expressions.
my main hobby is visual arts, but i also enjoy singing, playing different instruments, writing (songs, poetry, fics,) and taekwondo. i don't do them very often, but i like physical activities like running, hiking, and anything swimming! my interests are marine biology, chinese myths and history, and anime and manga.
6. i'd love to be in a harem with both my og and new character. i'd like my story to be angsty to fluffy fluff. i struggle with cptsd (from childhood abuse) and depression, so you could use that for angst if you'd like, but i totally understand if you don't. whether i go poly or the ending is left open, i don't mind!
sorry for being so long winded! i like to be specific ^^' anyways, congrats again, and have a lovely day <3
(lmao you said pick a twin? I said both is good 😂 I hope you enjoy this, I tried to give you some angst without being triggering so I hope this works for you boo. Also, this came out super long, my bad.)
A Tale Where Silver gets Some Sense knocked into him by the Boy of his Dream's Boyfriends
The twins were dating you. You'd told Silver before that they were fine if you dated him too. The twins understood…and they would one hundred percent be willing to share you if it meant they got to experiment with get to know Silver. 
But Silver knew that the boy from another world was destined to leave. He'd heard his father talk about the people who'd come and gone in his life and had watched his face show his true age in those moments. It would be easier to let you go if he stayed away. 
And he was doing a good job staying away. Watching from afar as the twins dragged you from place to place, as you smiled and laughed with them, watching them cling to you like ivy to a wall. 
Sometimes you'd see him watching from across the hall and would wave at him with a light hearted smile. He'd wave back, his cheeks getting pink at being caught staring. 
He was doing well staying away until today. He'd slowly noticed chronic drowsiness getting worse. One minute he was walking down the hallway, the next he was awake with your arms around his middle as you tried to drag him out of the walkway, and the twins fought off someone who he had to assume was upset that he was blocking the hall.
"I'm up, I'm sorry," he muttered, despite feeling himself drift off again.
You looked at him in concern, then said, "Do you think you can walk? You can sleep in Ramshackle for a bit. It'll be quiet since Grim is in class."
He wanted to protest, but the world around him was starting to fade, so he nodded, and allowed you to wrap his arm around your shoulder as you began walking towards your dorm. 
When he woke up again, you were humming while gently running your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.
He couldn't help but stare up you, allowing himself to give into the moment until you noticed he was up and stiffened. 
"I….sorry I should have asked permission to touch you, but you were having some kind of nightmare and it helped you calm down. I'm sorry."
"No…. it's nice," Silver hummed, before remembering he shouldn't get attached. He sat up and stretched. 
He got off the bed, and gave you a polite bow.
"Thank you for taking care of me. I'll be on my way."
"Oh, okay," you seemed sad, but he knew this was for the best.  So he left the dorm before the sadness could catch up to him.
"Hey Jellyfish, you're supposed to be a knight, right?"
It was three days later, and Floyd and Jade had plopped down in the chairs across from him as he was studying in the library. Both of them looked a little angry.
"Yes, why…"
"Our boyfriend did something nice for you, which means you're supposed to pay them back, right? You know, code or something."
"What my brother means," Jade cut in, smiling lightly and placing a calming hand on Floyd's shoulder, "is that he's a little put out that you made our 'Shrimpy' sad."
"We told you we were okay sharing Shrimpy!" Floyd burst in again. "So why do you keep pushing him away? It makes him sad. Even if you don't love him…"
"Which it's obvious you do…" Jade added pointedly.
"At least go back to being his friend!" Floyd started slumping in his seat. "I'm so annoyed at you that I don't even wanna talk to you anymore."
Jade looked at his brother for a minute before sighing.
"May I ask what the problem is?"
Silver bit his lip, then looked at the two irritated twins. 
Jade raised an eyebrow and Floyd humphed but that was the only response he got.
"Aren't you both a little worried about what happens when he goes home?"
The twins shared a look then turned back to Silver.
"Should we be?"
"Well the headmage is…"
"Like crow brain would ever do anything productive."
"And I'm sure they have friends who…"
"We're their friends."
"And their family…."
"Have you ever discussed this with him?" Jade said, covering Floyd's mouth before he could cut in with yet another response.
"I…no…but won't it be harder for all of us when he leaves."
Jade looked at Floyd thoughtfully, before removing his hand from his mouth. Immediately, Floyd burst out,
"Shrimpy's not close to his family! He made his new family here, you silly brainless jellyfish!"
"Deep breaths, Floyd," Jade said, not expecting the outburst to be as loud as it was.
"No! No deep breaths! He should know!" Floyd practically leapt across the desk as he grabbed onto Silver's blazer. Silver had to fight every instinct in his body to draw his blade in defense.
"Shrimpy had a rough childhood. He doesn't super miss his old world, especially since we can give him as much love and affection as he could ever want. Now, go kiss and make up, before I wreck that face that he loves so much!"
Jade did nothing to help Silver extricate himself from his twin's grip. So Silver gave a soft nod, and stood  up slowly.  
"I'll talk to him."
"Good, let's go!" Floyd stood up, and wrapped himself around.
"Yes, let us proceed. I believe our beloved boyfriend is in his dorm."
"But…" and Silver made the mistake of looking into the twins' eyes and seeing their threatening gazes.
"Okay, let's go," he sighed.
He was a knight. He had trained for worse. He could have a conversation with you about his feelings. Even if the twins were there he could….
As his eyes fell on you writing in a notebook, he felt his resolve fail. The twins must have felt it too, because it suddenly felt like they were pushing him forward. 
When he was five feet away, the twins let go and each placed a kiss on one of your cheeks.
"Hey Shrimpy!"
"-Hello darling."
"Hi boys," you said looking up, when you made eye contact with Silver. "Oh, hi…here have a seat!"
You seemed so excited to see him, it broke his heart a little bit. Maybe he should have just talked to you in the first place.
He sat down next to you and steeled his nerves.
"I like you. A lot. But I'm scared."
"Of the twins? They're okay with it, and they both promised me they wouldn't bite you…"
"Unless you asked!"
You shot a withering glare at Floyd as he giggled.
"No. Not the twins. I've fought off worse and can handle it. I'm scared of when you go home."
"Oh," you stiffened. "I…I don't think you really have  to worry about that…."
"We tried to tell you jellyfish, now stop making shrimpy upset!"
"No, it's a valid discussion Floyd. His feelings are valid," your eyes found their way back to Silver's and you gently took his hand in yours.
"Silver, I don't really plan on going anywhere. Yes, not everything was a problem back "home" but I've made a life here. I have my friends. I have Floyd and Jade. And…well I have you. You guys are everything to me. I never have to worry about anything with you three."
Silver sat in silence for a moment, searching your face for any dishonesty or doubt. But you looked certain. He had to wonder what things were like in the other world. But he could dig into that later. For now, he had to atone for his sins. 
He knelt before you, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand. 
"I have hurt you, and would like another chance to make it right, and prove my merit as a potential lover."
"No I wanna see him beg," Floyd cut you off, giggling happily.
"No he doesn't have to…"
"I've hurt you."
"Silver! Don't-"
"He should beg. Floyd's right."
"Please, allow me to…"
"Enough!" You shouted. All three boys went silent. You helped Silver to his feet, and kissed the tip of his nose.
"Silver, I've told you many times you are always welcome to join us. There's no need to beg.  You're fervor is admirable, though, so any pain you have caused me is behind us."
Then you glared at the twins.
"And you two are in timeout."
"No, Floyd, it's alright. We can make up for lost time later."
They each pressed another kiss to your cheeks, one eel more grumbly than the other, and left you alone with Silver, who was starting to realize how tired he was.
"Silver," you smiled fondly and patted your lap. "We're together now, you can rest on my lap if you want, I don't mind."
Silver laid down, stiff at first, but then your scent started to comfort him.
"I have to apologize to myself as well, I've missed being around you," he whispered, before speaking up again, "Can you hum that song and massage my head for me? I…"
He blushed and you laughed.
"Of course."
You started humming and running your fingers through his hair. It was the first nap of many where Silver would actually feel safe and well rested.
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krscblw · 9 days
sapphos, paper and plush for the ask game 🫶
hi noah!!
sapphos: favorite poet?
i don't really read poetry tbh! so idk if i have a favorite, but richard siken does make me cry sometimes (i did an angsty ofmd ed/stede drawing w one of his quotes a few years ago! i stand by the idea 100% but the execution was just ok. i got tired of drawing lmao)
paper: favorite children's book?
i have SO many books intended for 8-12 year olds that i love, but in terms of little kid books i'm very fond of the nightgown of the sullen moon
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(photo from link below)
plush: how many stuffed animals do you own?
i wasn't super big on stuffed animals as a kid, but i think i still have most of the ones i had then, and i haven't gotten more. maybe 6? or 9 if you count the mama cat w three detachable babies as 4 instead of 1
thank you for the ask! 🖤🖤🖤
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