#anyway kalim ssr!
wonderlandwriting · 1 month
Muttering and pacing trying to piece together all the clues regarding Episode 7's unique SSRs so that I can hazard a guess about Scarabia's and here's what I've come up with so far:
Rook's new SSR most likely means that the story will be going through all the dorms in a backwards order, which in turn means that we've gone through Diasomnia and Ignihyde already.
Out of all the 6 characters who could have gotten SSRs, Ortho, Lilia and Sebek indeed did, while Malleus, Silver and Idia didn't.
Malleus and Idia are OB victims and OB!Idia having become a playable character in the latest update seems to suggest that we'll get OB SSRs in the future but not for now; regardless it already establishes that Jamil will not be getting a SSR when we go through Scarabia. It also explains why Mal and Idia remain cardless.
It does not explain why Silver remains cardless though, for which I have two possible theories: 1) in the ignisomnia group he's the only second year and that might be related to him not getting a card yet for thematic reasons yet to be disclosed, or 2) narratively he isn't quite there in terms of character development (he needs to fully accept and forgive himself first) and therefore will get a card later down the road, possibly in the final showdown against Malleus?
From a marketing perspective however, the first theory doesn't make sense, because that'd mean that we'd get no new SSRs during the Scarabia-focused update and that's just not what Twst has been doing so far. Even for Ignihyde's updates Ortho's SSR was released because gacha money go brrrr + shiny new SSR means shiny new marketing which means more gacha money going brrrr
So it makes sense that Scarabia, being the other two-persons dorm, would follow in Ignihyde's footsteps and not release Jamil's OB SSR just yet, but give us a Kalim SSR instead. The remaining question is, just what would this SSR be about?
Muttering and pacing intensifies. There's a theory going around that the Episode 7 SSRs reference Twst's 3rd anniversary new titles, and so far it seems to hold up:
Ortho's Guardian of the Underworld → literally KERBERUS gear. Mythical Guardian of the Underworld gear dasfgdhfjfgj
Lilia's Seeker of Cradles → deadass referencing post-war General Vanrouge's desperate quest for a way to hatch Malleus
Sebek's Knight of Lightning → dark fae knight with lightning-based UM and accompanying imagery, pretty straightforward
And of course Idia called himself the "King of the Underworld" and Mal is literally the future ruler of the "Abyss", foreshadowing and set up for their future OB SSRs is foreshadowing and set up. Just as Silver being Mal's knight and having a dream-related UM does too.
Just what does this mean for Kalim's Benevolent Sovereign of the Oasis title.
Scarabia does have its own Oasis Maker-made oasis and it wouldn't be hard to release a first-year Kalim SSR showcasing that his ideal world is one where he gets to relive the joy of going to NRC so that he can see Jamil after two months and they remain best friends forever over and over again, but also. From a design perspective that's just boring, as Scarabia's regular student uniform isn't that different from its dorm leader uniform.
Which is why my theory is that Kalim's SSR will depict him in Sultan-inspired, fancy attire that he wears back home as a wealthy heir. And I'm of two minds for the circumstances regarding it, and therefore the context behind Kalim's dreamworld: 1) it is indeed first-year Kalim and it just happens that he hasn't changed into NRC's uniform yet, or 2) Kalim's dream is about something else entirely, possibly about him inheriting the Asim state and ushering in a new era of prosperity in Silk City.
Glancing at the fireworks event and how it depicts Kalim sincerely wanting to follow in his dad's and grandfather's footsteps as someone who'll bring positive change to his home. Thinking about the Dance&Wishes event and how Kalim's wish was "I want everyone to be happy!"
I'm of a 50/50 mind on whether or not Kalim's dream will have Jamil by his side, but I think that the overall depiction of him as Silk City's de-facto ruler making sure that everyone is happy is a scenario that makes sense, and from a visual perspective would make for a gorgeous SSR.
Like. Concept art Sultan can get it, it's what I'm saying. (also let Kalim wear white Twst, he loves the colour dammit!)
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spacespheal · 1 year
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Gotta love this funky little cat, whom I have a lot of thoughts in the end of book 2.
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l1vyatan · 8 months
Where are the people happy with a Ace ssr why do I only see people saying he didn't deserve it and that [character] should've gotten a new ssr instead
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raccoonium · 1 year
It's bitter bitch hour
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Yuu can do it!
What if all three Yuus (from the novel, manga, and game) were sent to the same world?
Part 12
(Link to previous)
Now, you may be wondering how exactly they ended up going back into the mines. Well, Deuce was actually really good at talking to people, figuring out what they want, and bargaining –.
… no? Not going to believe that? Okay, fair, that’s not what happened.
See, the moment Ace declared that he was going to just allow expulsion and a couple of the gathered people thought they might just agree, Deuce turned on his heel, grabbed Kuroki by the arm – he needed someone with brain cells to accompany him and Kuroki was the easiest to overpower – and marched right back down the way they came.
But then, Kuroki (who, assumedly, just didn’t want to suffer alone) tightened the grip he already had on Ito’s sleeve. And Ito caught Grim’s tail and started pulling him along like some sort of demented balloon because the monster should not be left alone… and Grim immediately bit Ace’s arm to try and ground himself, but Ace was not fond of the idea of shredding his arm to pieces and therefore ended up following along.
Ace did try to grab ahold of Enma to complete the chain of very disgruntled teens but missed by centimeters.
Enma was the only one to follow on his own accord. Which was why he was one of the two people that was not cursing.
(The other person who wasn’t cursing was Ito, who was just along for the ride at this point.)
“I don’t think we’re getting out of this, so… any ideas?” Kuroki asked Ito. “I don’t think we can kill that thing, but maybe we can get it to let go of the lamp? Or even just open it?”
Ito yawned into their shoulder, as their arms were otherwise occupied. “I dunno man, I haven’t had enough Coke to deal with this today.”
“You do cocaine?!” Enma said, eyes wide.
The line of idiots stopped to stare at the somehow even bigger idiot.
“Coke. Like the drink,” said Deuce. You know it’s bad when even Deuce is looking at you like you’re stupid.
“They were drinking Coke earlier, Enma-chan. Use context clues,” Kuroki said, lips tugging upward at the corners.
Poor Enma blushed bright red. Ito sighed and elbowed Kuroki in the side with a whisper that he should be nicer, which earned little more than an eyeroll.
“I wasn’t really paying attention to the label,” he grumbled before he said, louder: “Its head was made of glass, right?”
Kuroki shrugged. “Or something that looks like it.”
“It might be worth checking,” Ito said, tipping their head to the side thoughtfully. “It could be a major weak point.”
“We should be aiming for the head anyways… I mean…” Enma snickered. “Where does the fish rot from? The head! Take out the head and the whole thing goes down. That’s why a fisherman always goes for… the head!”
“Weird tone you used just now, but yeah,” Kuroki said. “I mean, most animals are most vulnerable there.”
Ace scratched the back of his head. “Hey, Juice –?”
“Deuce! With a Deu! And we aren’t that close yet!”
“Yeah, whatever. Juice, think you can summon a cauldron on top of this thing? That might work, right?”
Deuce sent Ace a glare but then furrowed his eyebrows thoughtfully, the hand that wasn’t dragging along a veritable conga line of people coming up to cradle his chin. “Possibly?”
“The cave ceiling is too low for that,” Ito cut in, shaking their head. “It was already hunched over, there’s no way a cauldron could fit above it, let alone get enough momentum to do damage.”
Ace clicked his tongue. “I could try launching cauldrons at it with my wind magic.”
“Yeah, probably for the best that you stay back and do ranged attacks, since your leg is all banged up,” Kuroki agreed. Then, he smiled. “I’ll stand back with you and be moral support.”
“Henchman, hit the other Henchman for me?” Grim said, finally letting go of Ace’s arm.
Ace tried to make a run for it again, but was stopped by Enma.
As for what Grim said…
Who was Ito to deny their new master? Ito cuffed Kuroki over the back of the head without hesitation. And then Enma also cuffed Kuroki over the back of the head, because who really knows which ‘Henchman’ Grim was talking about? Best to be safe.
Everyone ignored Kuroki when he complained about this.
Enma even put in the effort to talk over him: “But, before we try all the murder-y stuff… can I try something?” He asked.
“As long as you promise it’s not stupid,” Ito shrugged.
Spoiler alert: it was even stupider than they had thought it would be.
Enma ushered everyone behind an overturned minecart and then strode out confidently. “Hey!”
(Ito buried their face in their hands, their shoulders heaving in a silent sigh.)
The monster whipped around, the inky black goo in its head shifting to form an exclamation point.
He smiled in the face of danger. Not literally, though – the goo monster did not, in fact, have a face.
“Well… sir…? Ma’am…? Monster of indiscriminate gender…?” Enma cleared his throat awkwardly and reached his hand into his pocket, pulling out a couple of the glowing gems. “I have a couple of stones –.”
The goo started to boil and its grip tightened on its pickaxe. “Stones… MINE…!”
“I know, I know!” Enma said, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “But I couldn’t help but notice that some of them aren’t the kind that you like.” He walked over to the stone that they had seen the monster dismiss earlier and plucked it from the wall. “So, may I have those?”
It was silent for a moment.
The group of teenagers watched, slack-jawed, as Enma sat down beside the monster and started emptying his pockets. The monster set down his pickaxe and lantern so it could check over the stones.
Enma watched carefully, knees drawn to his chest, and seemed to genuinely be interested in which stones the monster picked up and which ones he didn’t –.
Hold on.
“That motherfucker,” hissed Kuroki. “He’s using this as an excuse to learn about the magestones!”
Ito sighed. “Whatever works.”
“He doesn’t know about magestones?” Ace asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
Ito and Kuroki glanced at each other.
Ito sighed. “C’mon. Let’s go sneak over and grab the stone. Trappola-san is injured, Grim-san doesn’t have thumbs, and Kuroki-san is…”
They decided it was best not to say anything rude aloud. Kuroki gave them an offended look regardless, because he wasn’t dumb enough to think that trailing off was a good thing.
Ace, however, was frowning for a different reason: “Wait, why are you guys acting suspi –?!”
Ito was already leaving, though, dragging Deuce by the arm. They were grateful that the monster currently playing tea party with Enma was around, if only because that meant that Ace was hesitant to yell after them.
Honestly, how Enma expected the next part of the plan to work was, really, beyond them. They managed to sneak over, their shadows barely flickering in the strange, colorful light of the cave, and kept themselves from making a sound as they crept up to the lantern… but they still had to steal the magestone.
Y’know, the magestone. The thing that was providing quite a lot of light? Yeah, no, trying to grab that went about as terribly as one might imagine.
Deuce and Ito had only barely managed to lift the stone up and out – the gemstones around it spilled out, displaced by the movement, but Ito had thought far enough ahead to set their jacket down to muffle the sound – before the monster noticed that the light was moving strangely (in that the light was moving at all).
The giant, glass head whipped around to look at them.
“That’s… MINE…!”
They broke into a sprint.
But running while carrying something between you is hard, and Ito was having trouble not tripping over the many gems that littered the floor in their haste, and they ran at completely different speeds naturally, and the monster was much larger than them.
The monster grabbed its pickaxe. “STOP!” It wailed.
They did not. So, it swung on them.
The good news was that they managed to drop to the ground in time to not get murdered.
The bad news was that the pickaxe continued on to hit one of the many fragile wooden beams that held up the cave ceilings. And, well, it turns out those are very important, because the ceiling was quick to cave in.
It took a good five minutes for the rocks to settle, and another minute or two before Ito slowly shifted out from the tiny pile of rocks that had gathered around them. They looked around, hand over their nose and mouth to try and keep the dust away.
Kuroki, it seemed, had not done the same – he was coughing like a maniac into the front of his shirt. Grim looked mildly panicked as he floated around him, ordering Kuroki to get better as if that would somehow do anything.
Enma had moved to hide behind the lantern and the monster, which apparently thought he was trying to steal even more of its precious magestones, had turned its attention onto him. Enma didn’t seem very pleased by this (he screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran literal circles around the monster, doing his best to avoid the giant pickaxe that was currently trying to kill him).
And then, next to them at the wall of rocks, was Ace and Deuce. Not because they were helping Ito out, though. Ace was frantically trying to dig his way out, hissing curses as he threw rock after rock over his shoulder. Deuce looked pretty out of it, clutching the magestone to his chest like it was a teddy bear and not a giant gem… but that could just be Deuce being Deuce, to be honest.
Ito sighed and slowly pushed themselves to their feet. They leaned over Deuce and tugged on his uniform coat until they could draw it closed around him and the gemstone. This made the teen boy look like he was pregnant, but at least the monster would be unlikely to notice the gem. They gave the boy a pat on the head when he stared up at them blankly (a very light pat, because the kid was definitely concussed), then continued on to go help Enma.
Kuroki reached for Ito when they passed and they stopped, leaning against the minecart that their group had been hiding behind and tipping their head to the side inquisitively.
Ito watched with a frown as their dormmate struggled to breathe around his coughs and wondered, idly, if they should invest in an inhaler for him.
“It… covered its head…” Kuroki wheezed. “From the rocks!”
Ito considered this, then they sighed and grabbed one of the abandoned pickaxes. “Guess we will have a use for this,” they said, twirling it once in their hand before turning to look at Grim. They held it out to the monster. “I’ll deal with Kuroki. Try and stick this in its head, that could give us leverage.”
Grim’s lips curled into a sneer. “I guess Henchmen can come up with good plans every once in a while.”
Ito hummed a little and waited for the monster to grab the pickaxe with its teeth before turning to Kuroki. “Let’s get you out of the way, hm?”
“You’re way… too calm!” Kuroki wheezed as he allowed them to sling his arm over their shoulders.
They smiled and brought a hand up to pinch his cheek. “And you’re not calm enough. Gotta make up for that somehow, right?”
He gave them an incredulous look, which was fair enough. They sighed and dragged him over to Deuce.
“Watch each other, m’kay?”
“Alright –,” started Ace.
Ito grabbed him by the ear before he could sit beside the pair of panicked teens. “Nope. Not you. You’re coming with me.”
Ito rolled their eyes. “Relax. I only need you for one thing.” Then, because Ace didn’t have an actual choice in this, they tugged on his ear.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I’m coming…”
They dragged him back over to the minecart to watch.
Grim was buzzing around the monster’s head like a particularly large and annoying mosquito. He even had his own buzzing sound of sorts, the pickaxe held between sharp teeth making a constant tink, tink, tink sound as it chipped away at the glass.
Enma had taken to hiding behind a stalagmite (stalagmite had a g, something they knew only thanks to Harry Potter) and had started to throw any magestones he could reach at the monster.
Ito made a face at him.
“What? It said it wanted them!”
They rolled their eyes and tried to respond, but Enma was saved from a scathing review of his sense of humor by Grim finally managing to do some real damage with the pickaxe.
(Not because it had distracted them from their tirade, but because the monster’s wailing had drowned them out.)
Black sludge spilled from the spiderweb of cracks created by the pickaxe and the monster wailed louder, large hands coming up to try and stem the ‘blood’ coming from the wound.
For just a moment, the teens hesitated. They were killing this thing. Sure, it was a monster, but so was Grim. And, really, it had been nice enough before it had realized they were stealing from it. Could they blame it for being mad at a group of thieves? Was protecting itself and its property really a crime that should be punishable by death?
Ito pressed their lips together thinly and looked over at the exit that was currently blocked off by a mess of rocks, gems, and boulders. They weren’t going to be able to get out with the stone, and there was no point in leaving without it because the Yuus would be homeless in an unknown world and Ace and Deuce would have to go home and tell their parents that they had been expelled on the first day.
Grim came to settle on their shoulders. The weight was comforting, they thought.
They sighed and nodded their head to the minecart in front of them. “I know it’s not one of Deuce’s cauldrons, but it should do, right?”
Ace looked at them with wide eyes for a moment before pulling a smirk to his face. It was fake, they knew, his skin was too pale for them to believe him… but he still drew his pen.
“Time to prove your aim is better than that Deuce guy’s, right?” Grim said.
Ace nodded firmly and, his eyes narrowed in concentration, he sent the cauldron flying.
The cauldron hit the pickaxe perfectly and the monster screeched as it fell back. The spiderwebs of cracks became a hole in the side of its head, only partially plugged by the cauldron.
But it wasn’t enough. It groaned and started to sit back up, reaching for its fallen pickaxe.
A jet of bright white light streamed through the air and hit a stalactite. It cut straight through the stone and the stalactite went crashing into the monster’s chest.
The monster closed its fist around a magestone by its pickaxe.
It seemed to sigh a little, slumping back on the stone floors.
And then it stopped moving.
Ito swallowed thickly and looked away. There had to be something else to see, right?
They followed the jet of light to find Kuroki pointing Deuce’s wand arm for him.
Kuroki stared at the monster, his entire body stiff as a board.
Ito sighed and walked over, removing Grim from their shoulders in favor of handing the monster to Kuroki, and then glanced over at Enma and Ace. Both of them were stuck staring at the monster.
“Hey, uh, guys, we still gotta get out.”
(Link to next)
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kostnyan · 2 years
Saw Kalim was trending on Twitter! And for all the wrong reasons ((': we just can't have nice things huh?
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Dire Crowley - Raven Jacket Vignette
"A dramatic encounter"
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[Lecture Hall]
Crowley: Good morning. It is beautiful out, what an absolutely splendid start to such a lovely day.
Crowley: Incidentally… Have you noticed any changes in the apple tree growing in the courtyard?
Crowley: Yes, that's right. I'm speaking of the smallest, most recent planted tree within the courtyard.
Crowley: It feels as though it was only yesterday that it first started sprouting, and yet… It truly is growing at an astonishing rate.
Crowley: Whenever I chance a glance at that ever-striving tree growing each and every day under rain, shine or clouds, I also feel a twinge of self-reflection to be better.
Crowley: As if telling me that in both happy times and sad, one cannot forget to continue to strive for growth.
Crowley: And also… At the same time, I feel as though that tree represents all you students enrolled here at Night Raven College.
Crowley: That is, with respect to the point that with a good environment and proper nourishment, you all are able to grow and mature so wonderfully.
Crowley: …Well? Wouldn't you say that was an inspiring speech!?
Leona: Zzz.
Azul: It was magnificent! I was utterly enthralled by your wonderfully deep analogy. As one should expect from someone like you, Crowley-sensei!
Riddle: Really? I could have done with a little more tangible explanation, myself.
Riddle: What especially caught my attention was what you said about having "proper nourishment." Headmage, sir! What would that constitute?
Idia: Forget that, was this student assembly even a need? It's not even lol-worthy to think about how much time we've wasted having to listen to the Headmage's self-indulgent monologues on loop.
Vil: I concur. If all you wish to do is chit-chat, could you not gather the entire student body? I would rather use my mornings for my stretching exercises.
Octavinelle Student: Yeah, it's always some kind of useless speech.
Heartslabyul Student: I wanna go back to my dorm~
Crowley: Anyway! What I was trying to say is…
Crowley: I would like everyone here to carry yourself with pride as befitting a student of Night Raven College.
Kalim: Oh! I was totally lost with what you were saying earlier, I see, so that's what you meant!
Kalim: I totally get it. I'll work hard just like an orange tree does!
[door opens]
Crowley: Hm? Who could possibly be showing up this late to… Ah.
Malleus: …
Crowley: Right, did anyone tell him that there was to be a campus-wide student assembly…?
Everyone: Not at all.
Malleus: Was I not extended an invitation once again?
Malleus: You have the gall... To leave me outcast…
[lightning strikes down]
Crowley: W-Wait, Draconia-kun! Do not cast your lightning indoors!
Leona: Yaaaawn… Done blabbering, then? 'Kay, meeting over. Everyone back to their dorms.
[everyone nods]
Crowley: Aah, everyone, wait! If you're leaving, please take Draconia-kun with you!
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Crowley: For goodness’ sake. This morning could have gone much better.
Crowley: However, no matter what tribulations I may come across… Once it is time for lunch, I immediately feel much better!
Crowley: And that's all thanks to the delicious fare our school provides. What is the recommended meal of the day?
Ghost Chef: Welcome, Headmage. Today's recommendation is an exceptionally filling meat pie filled with large chunks of beef!
Crowley: Sounds fantastic. Please, I would have that, then.
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Crowley: Oh, hello, Crewel-sensei and Vargas-sensei. I see Trein-sensei is with you too!
Crowley: Are you all taking lunch together? May I join you?
Vargas: Absolutely, yes, come and sit with us! I bet it'd be more than a hassle to find another seat when it's this crowded, anyway.
Crewel: I also was unable to find other seating, so here I am, reluctantly keeping company with a scold.
Trein: I do believe if you wish to avoid a lecture you would do well to not do anything warranting one.
Trein: …Oh. I see that you've ordered the beef pie, Headmage.
Crowley: That's correct. I am an avid connoisseur of meat, yes.
Crowley: Of course I'll eat it all, including beef, pork, chicken, and even wild game.
Trein: Wild game?
Crowley: Indeed, gibier, it's called. Have you ever tried it?
Vargas: Oh yeah, gibier! Last time I had some was when I ate some venison, and it sure did taste so delicious that I was overflowing with energy~
Crowley: You have a distinguished palate, Vargas-sensei. How wonderful.
Crowley: There are a multitude of other gibier meat to try, you know. I do hope you all have a chance to…
Everyone: AHH!!
Crowley: S-Sam-kun… I implore you to not pop in from behind us like that!
Sam: Nyeheehee. You all looked like you were lost in such enjoyable conversation, I just couldn't help myself.
Crewel: This is a rare sight, Sam. You're usually tending to the Mystery Shop around this time, aren't you?
Sam: The cafeteria ghosts had asked for a delivery of some ingredients, is all.
Sam: Headmage, if you're interested in some gibier that's a little more difficult to get your hands on, you know I got you.
Sam: Whatever kind of food you may want, I can procure it for you.
Crowley: You're fantastic, Sam-kun. How wonderfully supportive. However…
Crowley: In all actuality, I also have a fondness for vegetables, fruits and sweets in addition to meat. I love anything that is not spicy!
Crewel: I am fully aware. For as long as I remember, your omnivorous habits have made for quite the reputation.
Crowley: Omniv… Could you possibly say that in a more appropriate manner!?
Sam: …Hm? I just noticed that everyone's ordered very different dishes. Really goes to show each of your preferences.
Vargas: Since I always have my muscles on my mind, I make it so my lunches are egg dishes packed full of protein!
Crewel: I do like meat pies myself, so I did consider it… But that size is far too much for me.
Crewel: It may be perfect for those growing students, but it is most likely in excess of the recommended nutritional intake for us adults.
Trein: Indeed. I also selected something else when I saw it with my own eyes.
Trein: If I ate such a thing for lunch, I would still feel it weighing me down during afternoon classes.
Crowley: Is that so? Such a shame. It's so delicious~
Vargas: Nice, that's a great appetite you got. I'll have to work hard to keep up!
Trein: Look at him, devouring that hearty and greasy meat pie so easily… He truly is young at heart…
Crewel: You're not wrong, he hasn't changed one bit from my student days.
Trein: For that matter, I don't believe he's changed since I started my tenure here at Night Raven College…
Crewel: Headmage… How old is he truly? I'm curious, and yet I'm not sure I want to know…
Sam: Nyeheehee. He's truly a man of mystery. It piques one's curiosity.
Crowley: Ah, so delicious. Past me deserves such gracious thanks for hiring these Five-Star restaurant chefs.
Crowley: And what a dramatic encounter it was meeting those chef ghosts.
Crowley: That was… Oh, hm. How many decades ago, now?
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[Main Street]
Crowley: Now, what shall I do this afternoon? The other professors are busy with classes, so mayhaps I'll go while away the time at Sam-kun's shop…
???: We ain't gotta sweat the small stuff, c'mon.
Crowley: Hm? This voice…
Grim: No one'll notice if we skip one or two classes. We should totally just snag a few z's instead, myahaha!
1. Let's hurry and head back towards the classroom. 2. Maybe you're right and no one will catch us…
Crowley: That certainly was Grim-kun's voice, I see…
Crowley: Even if it is just those two, how could there be anyone with the audacity to cut class at my academy! I absolutely cannot believe it!
Savanaclaw Student: Hey, we'll be using that bench to relax on while we ditch class. Get off.
Grim: Huuh!? I'm the one who found this sunny spot first!
Crowley: Not only are there multiple students missing class, it seems a fight is about to break out, as well… What is with this break in decorum at this school?
Grim: Urgh. Someone annoying's found us.
Crowley: [Yuu]-kun, it is most troublesome if you cannot look after Grim-kun properly.
1. I'm sorry.
Crowley: How refreshing… It's so moving to have someone apologize so forthright immediately after breaking a rule…
2. Grim just doesn't listen to me.
Crowley: Y-You're just running yourself ragged, I see… Poor thing to have to deal with Grim-kun like this.
Crowley: All of you return to class this instant. It should be an honor that you have the privilege of attending classes here.
Crowley: Magic is not something so simple that can be controlled on talent alone.
Crowley: Of course, natural talent may be important, but what truly matters is maturing your abilities through daily growth and experiences.
Crowley: You all do remember my very loving speech from this morning, yes?
Grim: It was all about somethin' boring, so I wasn't listening.
Ignihyde Student: Yeah. Same.
Crowley: EXCUSE ME!? [Yuu]-kun, please tell me you had your listening ears on this morning?
1. Of course I remember.
Crowley: Whew... At least you're a good student.
2. Something about grape trees, right?
Ignihyde Student: Man, you're so annoying… You keep yammering on, but there's really no reason to listen to you, is there?
Diasomnia Student: Seriously. It’s not like I've ever seen the Headmage do any kind of crazy strong magic or anything, and even the Housewardens were ignoring him at the student assembly…
Savanaclaw Student: He ain't scary at all. Just ignore him!
Crowley: …What pitiful children.
Crowley: Well, I suppose I have no choice. I'll just have to show you exactly how important incremental advancement in your studies can be.
Students: HRRGHH!
Grim: Oh hey, that stuff wrapped around those guys is the Headmage's uh… weird rope thing!
Crowley: This is not rope. This is my lash of love! A slightly stronger version than before.
Savanaclaw Student: OW, OW! I'M GETTING SQUEEZED~!
Diasomnia Student: This kinda magic should be no problem to break out… Hurng, I can't!? Wh-Why? Our magic's not even making a scratch on it!
Crowley: That should be expected. You do realize I am the Headmage here, yes? This level of magic comes as easily to me as breathing does.
Crowley: It's one thing when those who comprehend my power, like the Housewardens, speak in jest…
Crowley: But it would be completely disgraceful of me as an instructor to be belittled by students like you who have no knowledge of the difference in our abilities.
Crowley: You should try to comprehend how unripe your magical abilities still are.
Grim: Yeah, yeah, get 'em, Crowley! Show 'em what little they know!
1. I wouldn't get too carried away… 2. Wouldn't it be better to run before…?
Crowley: And a lash of love for you! My more heedful version!
Grim: GRRAAH~!
1. Astounding, no matter how many times I see it! 2. Your lightning quick flick made quick work of him!
Crowley: Heh, you don't have to go that far in praising… Hold on now, Grim-kun! No matter how much you thrash about, nothing will come of it. Calm yourself.
Crowley: After all, I have such high expectations for you, Grim-kun. That includes you too, [Yuu]-kun.
Crowley: I fully believe that the two of you will be integral to changing the future of this academy.
Crowley: I'm sure you two will be all I hope for and more, don't you?
Grim: Yeah, yeah, I gotchu. Just leave it all to the genius Grim-sama.
Crowley: Well then. I suppose I'll just take you all to your assigned classes just like this now.
Grim: Huh!? If you drag us along all tied up like this, everyone that'll see us will all point and laugh…!
Crowley: I must make sure that you Night Raven College students properly reflect on your actions and learn from each experience.
Crowley: And that is because you are all one of my very precious, precious apple trees...
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Requested by Anonymous.
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Hello! I am SO hyperfixated on the fact that the overblot form CAN be controlled??? That’s the case with Malleus isn’t it? And I guess on one hand I can see how Idia can control it too because of his “curse/blessing” (and sheer will and spite).
Maybe this is foreshadowing that maybe it’s possible for the other OB boys to do so as well???? I don’t know how it’ll work with them but I’m so excited. Overblot cards potential AAAH
I’d love to hear more of your thoughts on this!
[Referencing this post!}
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Yeah, I definitely think that OB Idia battle segment opens the floodgates for potential SSR Overblot Troublemaker(s) cards 💀 (RIP to the OB gang fans)
As a refresher for everyone (since it has been a while), alllllll the way back in book 1, Crowley and Cater describe “overblot” as thus: “[… being] overcome by negative energy and[…] losing control of [one’s] magic and emotions,” and “evil berserk mode”.
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We’ve seen many examples of these traits in the main story campaign; oftentimes, the OB boy in question is impossible to reason with and has to be subdued via battle. However, it’s important to note that while the OBs may be primarily driven by their emotions, it is not purely rage but rather negative feelings in general. Yes, many OBs (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Vil, etc.) do attack others—but other OBs demonstrate moments of calm (ie when their demands are met). For example, Jamil is tame when he believes he has banished Kalim, secured hypnotized Scarabia mobs, and reigns over the dorm as its new leader. I do believe anger is still a large component of the behavior of one who has overblotted though; that rage most certainly clouds a person’s judgment and compels them to strike out at the slightest thing.
Now, about the idea of “controlling” OBs… I don’t that that can actually be done?? We have to remember that Malleus is a VERY powerful mage—and this alone could give him an “edge” that others don’t when it comes to being fully aware while in OB (though I believe both Malleus and Vil indicate early on they notice their blot building). As Idia’s dad states, Malleus is drawing his magic from nature itself and therefore has a limitless supply it. Secondly, I wouldn’t call Malleus’s OB “controlling” it to begin with. It’s clear that he’s still running high on emotions and is unwilling to hear others out or have them interfere with his plans. These are still traits associated with OB; it’s not as though Malleus is “overriding” the unreasonable thoughts, he is still ruled by them and acts on them. I think what you (maybe?) mean is that Malleus has a much more calculating approach and more precise control over how he wields his power rather than indiscriminately smashing stuff in his path. This, again, could do with his insane power level compared to his peers. Unlike most other OBs, his goal (at least in his own framing) before he overblotted to begin with wasn’t to “take away”, but rather to “gift” happy endings to everyone. This sets him apart just based on interests alone, and that’s perhaps why he acts the most different in the lot.
Now let’s consider the circumstances under which Idia OBs a second time: it’s in a dream, meaning it’s questionable whether or not this would transfer over to real life. Because it’s Idia’s dream, he has more autonomy in it, particularly because he is now “awake”/conscious of the fact that it is a dream. Secondly, Idia bears the Shroud family’s curse/blessing, which allows him to “power up” the more blot is present, as it serves as fuel for his magic. This alone makes him a “special case” which could explain the unusual amount of control he exerts over his OB form. (Again though, I’d wager it’s mostly the dream environment.)
I do see maybe the other OB boys doing a similar “oh, lemme OB to help you guys fight” in a dream situation where there are fewer limits on what they can do, but not in a real world setting. It would put them all at risk anyway, as they lack Idia’s curse/blessing or Malleus’s fae powers. Is that worth the risk, knowing they could all die or potentially turn on their classmates?
I just don’t see OB becoming a “tool” or a magical girl transformation the characters could pull out for combat purposes in the story (though this is possible for like the gameplay outside of the story). I highly doubt OB is like something you could train yourself to control; it’s less like bulking up at the gym and more like pushing yourself to keep exercising while you’re high on adrenaline… Sooner or later, you’d burn out and injure yourself in that overexertion.
If there ever are OB cards, I can easily see them as being the type that don’t come with vignettes because… what reasonable story could you conjure up to explain the OBing again? If there are vignettes, then they most likely won’t fit into the main story canon. You’d have to frame the OB cards as “within the moment” of whatever book they OB’d in, and perhaps go more in-depth about the trauma or something along those lines.
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sakurapika · 8 months
Some ideas for Twisted Wonderland events
(*Mild spoilers for some JP server events and Chapter 6)
-A Mulan-themed event: In one of the Halloween events, Silver mentioned knowing the story of Mulan, and Lilia has mentioned having been to "the East" before (not to mention Diasomnia's Halloween costumes are longs). It would be lovely to see Lilia return to the TWST-equivalent of China with some of his friends and meeting new characters--bonus points if someone is twisted from Mushu. A story about a girl who makes a sacrifice for her aging father by enlisting in the military on his behalf fits well with Silver and Lilia, so now would be the perfect opportunity to give them duo magic! Also, Chinese xianxia/martial arts fantasy novels are very popular in Japan and abroad nowadays (if you know, you know :) ), and I would love to see the boys wearing hanfu--they'd look so majestic and cool!
-Sam's hometown event: A Princess and the Frog event where the boys go to the TWST version of New Orleans, chaperoned by Sam. It would be a great opportunity to explore the jazz and culinary scene, and, of course, wear 1920s-inspired clothing. Someone in Octavinelle gets an SSR.
-A pajama-party event: Night Raven College hosts an all-night pillow fight tournament, and everyone gets extremely competitive, kind of like Beanfest. Everyone wears pajamas--I'm not sure if they'd have their own outfits, or if the dorms would match and have PJ sets with their logo on it (kind of like the pajamas they sell at the JP Disney Store). In battle, the chibis throw pillows at each other.
-Octavinelle hometown event: We are introduced to the Tweels' parents and/or Azul's mother. Given how Jamil and Kalim's hometown event carried out, it is likely that only one of the three will actually get an event card, but we'll see. In the Halloween event, Riddle mentioned that he's never seen the sea before. Even though he's had a chance in the Lost in the Book with Stitch event (and the developers probably want to give the spotlight to different characters), I'm afraid he doesn't remember it. Anyway, he deserves to go again. Alternatively, there's an event where the boys go to the Sunshine Lands and meet Prince Rielle. In this case, Riddle and Azul must go together--it would be nice to see after the events of Chapter 6.
-Riddle and Trey hometown event/Black Butler crossover: We've already had a Heartslabyul-themed hometown event with Deuce, but this time, we get to meet Trey's family and Riddle's mother. The likelihood that we get a canon Black Butler crossover as well is very close to zero, but it would be really fun to make a few jokes/hints about Riddle having a younger cousin who wears an eyepatch and solves mysteries with his enigmatic butler. Bonus points if Riddle and Jade have duo magic and dress up in Victorian/ouji clothing.
-J-fashion event: Speaking of ouji clothing, it would be amazing if there was an event inspired by Japanese fashions and subcultures. I think there was a part in one of the anthology mangas where Vil gave the Pop Music Club a visual kei makeover. I know the Pop Music Club has their own SSRs already, but I wouldn't mind seeing more outfits in this style.
-An orchestra-themed event: Some of the NRC students form a classical orchestra. Malleus is there, of course--I imagine him playing the cello this time. The Octavinelle trio is there as well with their respective instruments, as is Idia and Riddle both playing violins. I can see Jamil playing a woodwind instrument--maybe a flute, a clarinet, or an oboe?
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dotster001 · 2 years
Omg, I'm in love with Twisted Earth, can you please do Scarabia and Pomefiore next?
Hello may i also request a Twisted earth story but with the savanaclaw and scarabia dorm please 🥺requested by @magicalsweetsyouth
Twisted Earth Part Four
Summary:Scarabia and Epel x gn!reader You are the game, they are real. Vil and Rook HC's here. Savannaclaw HC's here.
A/N:Omg some of y'all are starting to get ahead of me with your requests. I have some places I'll take this once I finish off everybody's initial HC's. I'm so happy you guys are enjoying these 🥺
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Five Part Six
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He was drawn in by the advertising. The colors, the designs, the music, the voices? Oh he was so excited to start playing! When he chose his initial character …it actually wasn't you. And he feels so bad about it now 🥺  You're his squishy baby, please forgive him, he'll make up for lost time.
Probably first was drawn in to you because of how drastically different your life is from his. Then he fell for you as he got more and more invested in your character's story.
As I said…you're his squishy baby. If you were real…Oh he gets so excited thinking about all the parties he'd throw for you, all the gifts he'd buy for you, all the CUDDLES HE'D GIVE YOU! (He has made Jamil bang his head against a wall multiple times when talking about you) he dreams of the two of you dancing together. That's what he'd do for a first date with you. He's already decided.
He has all your base cards, but none of your event cards. But he's not deterred! He WILL get one of your event cards one day, he's sure of it.
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Kalim's parents don't need parental blocks on Kalim. They have Jamil. Jamil saw Kalim playing the game and downloaded it to make sure it was appropriate, and that it wasn't giving him any weird ideas. 
It's now his guilty pleasure. He plays it right before bed since he never has any other time for it. He always sighs heavily like it's a chore to play right before he opens it, but he definitely enjoys it. 
You….he has a complicated relationship with you. In game he adores you. He thinks you're perfect, and you'd be perfect together. Irl, he knows you two might not get along as well, with you being, well, you, and him making…questionable… decisions sometimes. You'd get on like oil and water….but if he had the chance, he'd be willing to try.
He has every. Single. One. Of. Your. Cards. Everyone of them is at their max levels. Every one of them has been groovified. He is almost psychotic about it. 
Your crush is the only card he has that he doesn't take care of. Again, to a psychotic degree. Your cards are the only ones he's maxed out, but he generally takes care of most of his cards. Not your in game crush. Despite his realistic take on how you two would be irl, he for some reason can't look at them without his brows furrowing and his teeth gnawing on his bottom lip.
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He was playing it before the devs reached out to Vil for a review. It was his freedom away from his lessons where, playing as a peer named Yuu, he could interact with people who didn't care about his looks or behaviors. He could be as "masculine" as he wanted. (In quotation marks because Epel has some iffy views on what being a man means. I love him anyway 🥺)
Despite hating other people calling him cute…he thinks you are very cute. He is also certain you wouldn't call him cute, but "handsome" and "man of your dreams". He also just genuinely finds you to be a soothing presence. While some of your friends and coworkers cause chaos and various antics that move the plot along…you're just kind of there. A constant light. (You're the Silver, at least in his mind 😂)
He dreams of meeting you irl. He'd have you on his arm, and even Vil would be in awe of him. No one could call him cute with the cutest person ever on his arm. In exchange, he'd treat you like the deity you are. He'd get you anything you wanted and pamper you constantly.
He has three of your cards; a bunny cafe SSR, your casual R card, and your SR work outfit. He is so proud of these cards. Brags to anyone he finds who plays the game. Once Vil started playing, it was all he would talk about whenever he got mad at him.
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tinyfantasminha · 8 months
Jumping on the Jack R outrage bandwagon
What also gets me about Jack getting another R card, is this also means Savanaclaw is the only dorm now to not have a Halloween SSR card. And this is just my prediction, but given the way that Jack's card is the only one that doesn't have ribbons or strings attached to the side, he's probably going to be pretty important to the story, aka with the puppet theme and likely people being controlled, it feels like he's not going to be controlled and making him Very Important for the story line
Anyways Justice for Jack
So far, I noticed that ALL the halloween events had at least one dorm leader SSR; Vil for SM, Riddle for EH, Malleus, Idia and Azul for GM and now Kalim for PL; Which makes it highly likely that Leona will be 2024's halloween SSR! It will happen, it's only a matter of time (that rules out Jack and Ruggie as possible halloween SSRs for next year tho 💔)
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Out of the R cards, Lilia, Trey and Jade all have loose ribbons on their sides. Now look at Jack; his ribbons aren't loose, but rather...
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...They are tied to his cuffs and connected to his back. Why only he has ribbons tied that way?? And something that particularly makes me uneasy is why he has ribbons tied to his knees. Doesn't that seem oddly restricting? Especially for THE most athletic and physically strong character?
Notice that it's a single ribbon, tying his knees together. All of the ribbons on his cuffs and knees seem to be of enough length to make him move comfortably at least, but wouldn't that prove to be a hassle for his movements in case of an emergency? He can't properly run with his legs tied like that. He can't properly fight using fists with his arms tied like that.
Considering the boys did not choose their outfits (it magically appears on their bodies once they enter inside playful land) it's almost as if... That was purely intentional on Fellow's part. As if he's wary of Jack and is very much conscious about how he could use his raw strength to break out, and the ribbons tying up his limbs is to ensure that he will stay contained and restricted like a dog on a leash.
Nothing is confirmed yet but I sure hope those ribbons will have a bigger role in the plot and aren't there just for aesthetics 😭 If those ribbons really will be like strings that holds a puppet together, I can imagine that Lilia's, Trey's and Jade's ribbons will be holding them up like they're puppets and Jack's ribbons will be for restricting him.
Ok as much as I'd love for Jack to be important in the story I don't think that's going to happen since he's merely a R card AGAIN and much less will be of more importance than the others 😭 Whatever predicament happens to Jack will likely happen to the R characters (and SRs?) as well, like being restricted or controlled. The SSRs are supposed to be the protagonists of the story after all. BUT I still hope there's a small scene that shows his ribbons restricting him and proves that the placement of HIS ribbons especially aren't just for show 😳😳😳
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wonderlandcrown · 8 months
Monstro in Playful Land
Alright, so we all know how Monstro Lounge is named after the whale frm Pinocchio right? Well in this wonderful new event, we see the whale in the prolouge : (screenshot taken frm IdolTenshi on youtube)
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See that whale? And how the mouth is open w/ a river in it?
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Knowing how Playful Land is an amusement park, the whale is probably one of those tunnels where you go in on a boat etc.
I'm probably going to be very, VERY wrong considering the fact I'm posting this theory when the event already started but theories are supposed to be delulu anyways so-
Pinocchio's dad (Geppeto i think) was swallowed by the whale and trapped inside, this makes me think that maybe the plot for this event will include a character(or characters) getting stuck inside the whale tunnel and everyone else has to save them.
I'm thinking that Lilia or any of the 3rd years will be more likely to be the ones to be trapped inside the whale considering the fact that Lilia's an actual father and the rest of the 3rd years are rather fatherly/brotherly as well.
And for the 'Pinocchio' characters, I'm thinking either one or all of the SSR characters for this event(Ace, Kalim, Ortho) will be the ones to rescue them.
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stellari-s · 3 months
twst 30 day challenge: day 28
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favorite vignette?
i got a three-way tie here, i think. well, i like all the vignettes, to be honest. but if i were forced to narrow it down, then maybe...
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what a load of garbage halloween ♦️
i think a big one is cater's halloween ssr vignette, mainly because of how it really kind of showcases a side he doesn't show to others. of course, other vignettes had shown hints of this side, but not as straightforwardly.
his interaction with lilia was generally pretty interesting. i believe what lilia was saying came from his heart and experiences, especially reading what is out so far in book 7, but cater sort of can't bring himself to trust?? lilia completely because of how, in his eyes, lilia's words seem ironic as he seems to have a close-knit found family. and he seems to push kalim away to some extent too. the pop music club is very silly; i want cater to accept his found family status! /lh
it's honestly a little tragic to read as it is more eye-opening, in a sense. i think he wants others to understand him, but he also can't bring himself to open up about himself either.
(also, when it comes to halloween vignettes, jade's was also fun to read, as it's fun getting to know the various halloween traditions across different regions and upbringing.)
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my beloved suitor suit ♥️
putting aside the fact that this is basically a silly epilogue featuring all the freshmen being silly together and talking about love lives, how could i not put in ace's suitor suit ssr vignette?
reading about ace's previous romantic experience though... i gotta say, i kinda feel bad for his ex lmao but at the same time, i kind of always pegged him as sort of someone who wouldn't go out of his way to pursue someone romantically. he said so himself, and i can easily imagine it, that he would rather hang with his friends.
overall i don't think this game needs to have any romance anyway. i generally love seeing the characters' dynamics with each other in platonic, familial, or for whatever they are, and if they were to become romantic, i think i wouldn't be as interested 😅 maybe i'll lose interest as quickly as ace lost his interest in his ex...
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can't make a fool of myself suitor suit 🌹
riddle was so, so cool in his suitor suit sr vignette! like, for one it's kind of nice seeing him doing something like pruning the roses, considering he's the heartslabyul housewarden and doesn't normally do that kind of thing while preparing for unbirthday parties. plus his interaction with malleus and how he gives riddle a rose brooch? i love it when twst puts characters that probably don't interact much (or are hard to imagine interacting) together.
but the way at the end when riddle and malleus sort of have two separate scenes that come together at the very end with the illustration where they both say "the king of heartslabyul" (or something to that nature)... that scene was so intense and i loved it, hehe. ☁️
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yuanw3i · 1 year
a lot of thoughts about silver twisted wonderland
Good morning it’s 3:45 am and dorm silver dropped after almost 3 years so here’s a full length post dedicated to him. not spoiler free
Quick Note: I remember when I first saw all the twst characters lined up and he honestly…didn't stick out much. i picked him as my first favorite anyways though because of zakki and hes been trapped in my brain ever since. Even though his background is still shrouded in ??wtfs i think exploring that is part of the fun of silver!! Personally, I really love him because a lot of his character beyond niceguy.jpg is rooted in subtext and it's super fun to delve into. so i can’t promise this is an unbiased analysis, but I hope you enjoy it anyways. 
Translation Credits: @mysteryshoptls, @twstarchives, and TWST Miraheze’s Enharo translations
Silver, at a quick glance, seems like both the most normal and most bizarre character in Twst. In a sea of self-serving, scheming villains, he lacks the sort of insidiousness most of his peers are constantly displaying. From a player’s perspective, we know this is because he’s most likely based on Aurora; but other NRC students simply deign to see him as an oddball. From the Disney properties he’s twisted from to his own strange upbringing, Silver is a bit of a question mark to both us and the ingame characters. In this post I’m gonna try to dissect some underappreciated complexities of his character, and hopefully get you or whoever’s reading this to give him some love! haha hope this doesnt get too long
First off, Silver’s a pretty lowkey guy. Not in the way Jamil is (forced), or the way Trey is (less forced than Jamil but still forced), but moreso in a way that points to him being out of touch with himself and his own internal state. He doesn’t really…stick out in comparison to the more bombastic members of his dorm; at least not at first. A lot of his quirks are hidden behind his cool expression and appearance, and the gap between those two qualities leads to some funny gags in his interactions with others. 
Part of Silver’s charm as a character comes from his super blunt way of speaking, especially when he starts to describe extremely weird situations that he deems are normal. Like in Endless Halloween, when he casually mentions that he’d used to fight bears to Jamil and Jack (who react as expected). He isn’t used to “regular” social conventions, and this is coupled with the fact that he doesn’t really think like a villain does. In Fairy Gala IF, Ace comments on his heroicness, wondering how they both attend the same school. 
Essentially, there’s a significant divide between him and the people around him in both mindset and in lifestyle. Other students also view him as strange due to unchanging face. Some of his voicelines point this lack of expressiveness, like these:  
“They say that silence is golden. But in my case I just don’t have anything worth talking about…” (Ceremonial Robes SR) 
“I’m happy. ‘I don’t look like it’? Understood. Next time I’ll try harder.” (Groovy Voiceline)  
His dorm SSR also places this aspect of his character front and center. In Part 1, he overhears his peers whispering about how expressionless and weird he is. One of the students even questions if Silver has feelings, which triggers Silver to try to “learn how to be more expressive” with Kalim and Jamil’s help. Thank god for Sebek, who plans to spar with him in the courtyard so Silver’s classmates can witness his true, extremely cool self. He reiterates that Silver shouldn’t care about their opinions and doesn’t need to change.  I don’t think being as on display with one’s emotions as say, Kalim, is necessary for Silver to show growth; he doesn’t have to change who he is to please others. I also really really don’t think that him being less externally expressive is a fault. Sebek’s lines in Silver’s dorm uniform story make this very clear. 
Still, an important part of his dorm uniform personal story is his reasoning behind wanting to change his expressions. He says he feels bad for burdening his classmates this way, and doesn’t want this issue to reflect poorly on Malleus. Silver’s dorm uniform story, as well as countless others (see: his PE card, where he only helps Vil after the former mentions Malleus), show off a key facet of Silver’s character. Of course no man is an island, but Silver only seems to exist in relation to Lilia and Malleus. His lack of self awareness can thus be linked to his constant drive to be useful to them. Silver only focuses on training and bettering himself in academics, physically, magically, etc in order to better serve others or avoid staining Malleus’s reputation; it’s all he can talk about. So much of his life is spent dedicated to his family that he’s frighteningly UNself-centered. And I know that his selflessness is part of the joke, but he really doesn’t seem to be thinking about himself at all, ever. 
One way to read into Silver’s devotion is through the lens of his mortality. Like Sebek, I think Silver has some internal struggle surrounding his humanity. Unlike Sebek, I don’t think Silver is necessarily ashamed of his race or cognizant of this inner conflict; rather, the fact that he is human and is mortal influences his dynamics with the other three greatly. Something easy to overlook with all the gags about Silver falling asleep in random situaftions or playing with animals is that he is burdened with the knowledge he will die long before his loved ones. Lilia, Malleus, and potentially Sebek (not sure about his projected lifespan yet?) are all likely to outlive him and there’s nothing he can do about it. Unlike the others, his time is palpably finite. 
This inner conflict manifests most obviously in his desperation to fix his sleeping issues. While it's in part just a dislike for it constantly disrupting his everyday life, any time spent unconscious is just another reminder of the limited time he has in comparison to his quasi-immortal loved ones. His character profile also marks his dislike as "being idle", which makes total sense when considered in relation to his mortality and not just in relation to his narcolepsy. in this short time he's been blessed with, he should devote his being to giving back to those who raised and cared for him, those who he lives for and who gave him the chance to live. Not a second should be wasted when he could be improving himself as a son, guard, student etc, and this fixation then feeds into his already lacking sense of introspection. While I don’t think he’s necessarily aware of this view of his own humanity (ie it doesn’t cross his mind in such a melancholic or existential way when he’s looking for a cure to his sleeping) I think it’s a key part of his character that explains a lot about his motivations and being. 
But what makes the divide between human and fae lifespans even harder to navigate is the sheer difference in their experiences and values. Of course Lilia and Malleus care for Silver, but the difference in perspectives between a human and a centuries old fae is massive. An example of this is in the Endless Halloween event: 
Silver: There’s no way I could doubt you, Fath…Da…Lilia! You both took this way too far! 
Lilia & Malleus: Hm?
Silver: I understand that you and the ghosts just wanted us to have fun. But those who were taken over by the ghosts tried to fight us. All it would’ve taken was one mistake and someone could’ve gotten seriously injured. Are you saying that was a hint, as well? 
Though Lilia and Malleus clear up the misunderstanding-the ghosts were supposed to tell everyone it was entertainment but were attacked before they could-Silver still shows his willingness to challenge them when he believes it necessary. I wouldn’t add this as an example because it is part of a misunderstanding, but Ace criticizes Malleus in his own SR Scary Dress personal story, citing that “normal students can’t compare”, so he should be more aware of how powerful he is. 
Endless Halloween is in general a really great Silver event. Not only are we shown his willingness to stand up for what he believes is right, even against the people who make up his whole world, he’s forced to confront the question of his humanity in relation to them. In his SSR Scary Dress personal story, he acknowledges that he never thought they could part: 
Silver: Lilia-senpai was always there for me, so I was never lonely.
Silver: Training with Sebek was always fun, and sometimes Malleus-sama would come and visit us in secret…
Silver: Somewhere in my heart, I had decided that that peaceful time would continue on forever.
Silver: …I had never even given it a thought that I could experience a parting.
That’s what makes part 1 of episode 7 is such an interesting set up in terms of character drama- as with the Endless Halloween kidnapping farce, the roles between son and father have been reversed. This time, though, it’s seemingly for real.  Silver can’t picture outliving Lilia, or even just living apart from him forever because the first seemed biologically impossible and the other extremely unlikely, and now everyone is crying and Malleus is burning down NRC. 
The Valley of Thorns is behind on the times. It’s a stagnant and slow to change, a point emphasized in almost all of its mentions, so I think the Diasomnia chapter will center on them coping with time,  change, mortality, etc. I’m trying not to cross over into theory territory, but another possible route episode 7 could take is surrounding Silver’s origins. We see Lilia give him the ring from his original parents. What if he leaves to find them? I really really don’t think he will, but there is that threat of “Silver has ties to another place besides Diasomnia” which is another stake in how lonely Malleus, as the overblotter, is. 
JUST TO REITERATE AGAIN BECAUSE I THINK IT’S IMPORTANT WHEN DISCUSSING SILVER LIKE THIS: I also don't think he's super self-aware yet considering his general lack of introspection, or at least doesn't think about it too often unless he's confronted with a change in the status quo (like in his Scary Monsters SSR). He’s very here-and-now minded. I’m not saying he’s secretly hiding some dark and sad secret side, just that his situation’s complexity extends beyond the falling-asleep-everywhere gags. Mortality and all that. 
But one thing that always makes me sad about Silver’s situation is wondering…is he lonely? It must be lonely right? Or does he throw so much of himself into others that he isn’t even aware if or when he is? So much of twst boils down to how loneliness absolutely destroys a person, and how understanding from others and human connection is incredibly necessary. Without it, people can turn into literal monsters, consumed by their pain and isolation. Like their leige, Silver and Sebek haven’t socialized with others much until NRC. But a big part of twst chapters is the dorm head/members of the respective dorm connecting with their classmates a little more, which is why I’m hopeful that Diasomnia will have a happy ending. The game is a Disney property after all. 
And as Lilia says, human or not, Silver will always be his son. Sometimes a family can be two fae, a human baby, and their giant crocodile. 
tldr; Silver is isolated in a lot of ways (human instead of fae, has morals unlike the other scrubs at NRC) and hyperfocuses on others instead of his own sake because of it; I think episode 7 will be about him and the rest of Diasomnia learning how to make connections with others while coping with time, change, and mortality. 
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diodellet · 1 year
what can i do for you? (jamil viper x gn!reader*)
i am not ok after seeing jamil's clubwear SSR. when he dropped, i ended up dropping an extra 2k words for this chapter. sige na nga, ill give u more fluff and bliss ser viper🤧 content warnings: -anachronistic (it is set during the main story of twst, but no references to overblots) -g/n reader described as having thick, long, not-straight hair -mix of jp and en terms -gratuitous headcanoning of how nrc classes work -light references to nightmares and bullying word count: 7.1k words chapter 1: just let me do this for you
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chapter 2: take my hand like you mean it
You were a capable set of extra hands, to Jamil's surprise. Well, as long as you weren't put in front of a stove. Chores that were usually tedious, like mopping and waxing the floors of certain hallways in the dorm, feeding the animals and cleaning their enclosures—in this case, removing the curtains and draperies that decorated the lounge area for laundry—took more or less have the usual time it required.
"Can you reach it?"
"I don't think so... I'm going to jump—"
"Don't jump!" His hold on the stepladder tightened as you stood up on your tiptoes.
You grunted, stretching your arm out to unhook the cloth. "But I'll be able to reach it that way..."
"Just let me do it—" A section of the scarlet cloth fell on top of him. He pulled it away to see your sheepish expression. "Never mind, get down from there."
You carefully climbed down, immediately going to pick up the other hand of the curtain and helping him fold it. Then, the both of you moved to repeat the process for the rest of the draperies in the lounge.
The golden rays of the afternoon sun streamed into the room, now unhindered from the lack of curtains. You paused to stare out into the surroundings, not one bit bothered by the heat. In fact, you seemed to soak up the warmth. The serene expression that washed over your features was quickly replaced with mild discomfort.
“If you’re tired, you can leave the rest of it to me,” Jamil said, snapping you out of your reverie.
You shook your head, folding the curtain in half and stepping closer to pass your end to him. “I’m good, I’m good. I just…” Your fingers carded through the ends of your ponytail. “Does it ever rain here? I know rain in the desert is a thing, but if the dorms are like a sort of pocket dimension, then does it follow regular weather?”
Sometimes, Kalim liked to make it rain. Whenever he saw the plants in the gardens wilting, whenever they trekked out to a dried-up oasis, whenever he heard his fellow dormmates complaining about the dry heat of Scarabia. Jamil didn’t have any strong feelings for rain, but a part of him—the part that was stubbornly curious about you, felt as if the question wasn’t one from random inquiry. 
“It does, occasionally. The weather is independent from the main campus though, if that’s what you’re asking.” He started walking towards the laundry area, carrying the folded-up curtains.
“...Huh, cool.” You trailed behind him, your arms were swallowed up by the sheer volume of fabric. “I think I prefer sunny weather though. Reminds me of home.”
What was your hometown like in your original world? Did you come from a place that was always bright with sunlight? Or were you more used to the persistent scent of petrichor, to cloudy gray skies? Though if he asked, he knew that you wouldn’t be able to give much of an answer.
“That’s nice. Watch your step.” As soon as he said that, you stumbled, foot catching on the trailing ends of the curtain. He shifted what he was carrying to one hand and caught you by the back of your uniform’s jacket. 
You quickly righted yourself and apologized, “sorry, um. Thank you.” You ran your gaze along the part of the fabric you stepped on as you gathered it into your arms once again.
“It’s going to be washed anyway.” Jamil let go of your blazer. The use of the upperclassman honorific in place of his name slowly became more frequent with each visit, he noted.
Ironic, seeing as how you were completely at ease with him during your first meeting.
In the laundry area, hampers containing his and Kalim’s used clothes were already sitting there. He figured he could kill two birds with one stone, and do it at the same time. 
The curtains were vacuumed every week, but it had been a while since they were properly cleaned. And in a place as sandy as the Scarabia dorm, they were pretty much due for a washing. While the fabric didn’t contain designs as elaborate as the ones that decorated the Asim estate, it was still provided by said family. Tailored, not manufactured, for the renovated dorm and worth more than what he would ever amount to. He sorted through the fabrics, which ones were good to throw into the laundry machine and which ones had to be strictly washed by hand.
He nodded towards the latter. “I’ll handle these.” 
“Is this too much detergent?” 
“You could use a little more.” 
Another thing he noticed about you, was that you were, for lack of a better word, quiet. Rarely did you ever ask questions about how to do or where to find things, only needing a glance around the room. He initially attributed it to the fact that you spent a large chunk of your first days here fixing up your dorm to be at least livable, to make the most of your meager belongings. But behind the awkwardly polite demeanor you wore, there was an experienced and practiced characteristic to how you carried out your work. The kind that was ingrained into muscle memory after years. 
When you were alone, did your shoulders sag with bone-deep exhaustion? Did you ache from constant daily exertion? And if he were to hold your hand, would he feel the remnants of calluses and blisters?
“Did…did I do something wrong?” you asked, before closing the machine and letting it run its cycle.
“No, you didn’t.” He brought out a small stool for you to sit on.
Jamil could feel the weight of your gaze prickling the back of his neck. You spoke up after a few seconds of silence,  “do you need help with that?”
“No, I can manage this.” In fact, he could make quick work of it. There weren’t any stains that he needed to remove, for once. He filled an empty basin with water and let the fabric soak in the detergent.
“Alright…” you acquiesced, leaning your elbows on your thighs and resting your chin on your palms.
The rumble of the machines, combined with the slosh of water filled the room. Not that he was the most interesting conversationalist to be with, but he was grateful for the ambient noise.
“It’d be nice… if we had our own washing machine for Ramshackle,” you blurted out.
Jamil supposed that the once-abandoned dorm was equipped with all the necessary amenities during its time of use. But if you and Grim were the newest and only living residents, then— “Did Headmaster Crowley not replace the dorm’s appliances?” He rolled up his sleeves before rinsing out the draperies. If he wasn’t careful, he could tear the delicate cloth.
At your silence, he turned to glance at you, meeting your gaze. You gave a slow shake of your head before turning back to watch the machine in front of you. “I had to do it by hand at first—which is fine! Completely fine with me, actually—but everything in that dorm was on the verge of collapse. I kinda feel scared to touch it.”
“If you’re looking for a place to do your laundry…” This wasn’t the place to do it. He was up to his neck in responsibilities, spontaneous and planned. He gave the contents one last rinse then deemed it clean enough to be dried, emptying the basin and wringing out the fabrics.
“Hm? Oh, no, I mean, the ghosts showed me how to use it.” You pondered on your next words, standing up to take the freshly laundered fabrics out. “I just…think that getting a new one would end up erasing what they taught me.”
“The ghosts have been around for a long time. They’re more than used to seeing people come and go.” He flicked the water off his hands.  “what more for a broken machine?”
Your head tilted to the side. “...I guess so. ”
The room fell into silence once more as he hung the finished laundry on a metal drying rack.
“We still need to hang these outside.” He tossed a set of clothespins into a basket before passing it to you. The both of you left the laundry area, stepping outside. The clear, sunny weather showed no signs of diminishing and there was a pleasant breeze. With the area he chose, he wouldn’t have to worry about sand and dust getting kicked up by the wind.
Your head searched for Grim spotting him bounding towards you on all fours. You threw the curtain over the clothesline before catching him in your arms. “What’s wrong? Where’s Kalim?”
“I dunno and I don’t care, let’s go back home!" Jamil guessed that even Grim had his limits.
At those words, he could hear the dorm leader’s voice calling out for Grim.
"Gyah, you gotta hide me!" He burrowed into your jacket, pitchfork-shaped tail jutting out.
You shared a look with Jamil, confusion furrowing your brow. “Did…something bad happen—ow, Grim your nails!”
“Probably not.” Jamil said as he clipped another curtain onto the line. The fabric billowed in the wind, the finely-spun thread catching the rays of sunlight. He stole a glance at you, standing on the opposite side of the clothesline. Grim was balancing on your shoulders as you talked to him.
“If you made him angry—” Kalim and the word ‘angry’ in the same sentence? That would have been something to see, Jamil thought to himself. “—you’re going to have to apologize to him,” you said as you straightened out another piece of fabric before hanging it.
“He’s…he’s not mad!” Grim protested, tail flicking back and forth. “But he kept taking me everywhere and pinching my tail, and I had enough!”
That sounded like something Kalim would do. His ears then picked up the sound of his footsteps, combined with the sounds of his accessories and jewelry clinking and chiming.
“There you are, Grim!” There goes Jamil’s two hours of solace and quiet.
Grim wailed, hiding behind your legs and putting you squarely in between him and Kalim. “I don’t wanna go with you!”
“Um…if you don’t mind me asking,” There it was again, the use of that honorific in place of Kalim’s name. “What happened a while ago?” Your hands picked at your fingers.
The dorm leader explained that the fire-monster got bored of studying, so Kalim suggested a few fun things they could do around the dorm. It started out with a few board games, followed by a visit to the animals, and then just before he could take Grim on a spontaneous flying carpet ride, the fire-monster ran away to find you. That meant Jamil had to do some extra cleanup after he finished putting away the laundry. Great.
“Oh, I see...” Your confusion didn’t let up but you continued without losing a beat, “so, while I—we appreciate your kind intentions, I think that’s my cue to help Grim study… Maybe you could take him flying next time?” 
Kalim nodded in understanding. “Next time then. Oh! By the way, I’m throwing a party this weekend, we could do it then! Would you like to come?”
Your fidgeting paused. “It sounds fun, I just… I wouldn’t know anyone there?” It was clear you didn’t want to go.
“But you know me, and you know Jamil. And Grim can come along too!”
“...Um…I don’t—I guess I do, but…” Your gaze momentarily flicked to Jamil then back to Kalim.
He took your hands in his, eyes shining with undeterred excitement. “The food’ll be good! And, and, I could introduce you to my other friends too! It’ll be fun, I promise!” Guess Jamil had to step in.
“Kalim. They’re probably going to be busy on the weekend.” Or, from what he gathered, you just didn’t seem very extraverted. Surprisingly, he still had an iota of patience that he could inject into his tone. “Just invite them another time, when their schedule’s freed up.”
Thankfully, the dorm leader let go of your hands and didn’t push any further. “Just tell me when, and I’ll make sure to plan something for you, alright?”
You only gave him a stiff smile in acknowledgement. 
Truth be told, Jamil didn’t plan on letting you continue to visit. At first, you would always get lost in the dorm, somehow ending up in a room on the complete opposite end of where you were trying to get to. And since Grim would always accompany you, the more the fire monster grew comfortable to his new after school hangout spot, the more of a menace he became. Your time went into chasing Grim around Scarabia, keeping him away from the kitchens while Jamil was cooking. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if you reached the point of having to babysit Kalim as well. 
He could go on and on with his nitpicking, but none of it could take away from the fact that you were efficient. Somehow, you managed to take away a portion of the work that burdened him everyday.
Apparently, he wasn’t completely right about your ability to efficiently manage your studies.
His class was in the library, doing some preliminary research for a paper to be submitted later in the semester. He sat on one of the outer seats of the table his group was using. They were situated in a relatively quiet section of the library. Most of the noise came from the tables near the entrance and the sections with the resources that were most appropriate for the paper’s subject matter. 
Said noise and chatter would only grow louder with the arrival of a first-year class. Jamil could hear the librarian already admonishing them. What Jamil would give to be able to throw on his headphones. He flipped the page of the book he was reading. A few passages proved to be somewhat promising, he took note of the important points, condensing them for easy reference—
“Grim! That’s not the right map!”
Something clattered noisily on the table. “Whaat? I was doing it exactly like you told me.” 
“No…no, it’s wrong, it’s—we have to redo it, all of it.” The frantic flutter of papers combined with Grim’s drawn-out whine.
“Actually, I think you guys forgot about the time zone, it’s not on Sage Island remember?” Ace cut in.
“Argh, I forgot about that—” A thud against the table surface interrupted your words. Any louder, and Jamil supposed that the librarian would materialize right at your side.
“Guys, the librarian’s looking at us…” Deuce’s voice wasn’t that much quieter than yours, but at least he wasn’t completely ignoring his surroundings.
Your voice lowered to a non-discreet whisper. “What does your solution look like?”
“I got this for my answer.” Your group fell silent, reading over his work.
Ace then spoke up, “...ohh. It looks correct—hey, don’t start crying on the paper!”
“I’m gonna—we’re gonna fail, I don’t get it, I don’t get any of it—” 
“Why do we need to manually calculate this? Can’t we just use that fancy crystal ball like the teacher does?” Grim complained.
Ah, first-year Astrology. Now your group’s reaction made sense.
“Hey, those freshmen are starting to be pretty annoying. Should I tell them off?” Jamil’s gaze moved from the book to his classmate. He noticed that he was the only person who had an open book, everyone else was either on their phones or leaning closer to continue in hushed voices.
“Ugh, I was waiting for someone to say something about them.” 
“If you don’t do it, I’m gonna complain to the librarian. See how they like gettin’ thrown out into the hall…”
Without making a sound, Jamil pushed his chair back and left the table. Moved two—no, four shelves down to be away from the confrontation when it happened. Not that the distance did anything to lessen the fact that he could still hear the short screech of the chairs being pushed back, whispers slowly growing into an argument, Grim hissing as a warning—
That didn’t concern you. He pushed it out of his mind, put all his focus into scanning the titles along the shelf. A memoir from an author who was prominent in the connected field of study, a collection of similar studies published under NRC, his group could use these. He tucked the books under his arm and went to the front desk. “Excuse me, I would like to borrow these,” he said, setting them down on the wooden surface and filling out the cards at the back.
The irate expression on the librarian’s face didn’t let up. The force of him stamping the cards was strong enough to make the desk shake. But judging from the bits of quiet angry muttering that Jamil could hear, the librarian didn’t seem to have any plans of approaching the area where your group was located. He passed the books back to Jamil and waved him off.
The commotion didn’t seem to have escalated too badly by the time he returned. His groupmates were now just talking about their afterschool plans, counting the minutes until they were dismissed. One of his classmates’ tie was crooked, the collar of his shirt wrinkled possibly from being grabbed. Another was cradling a fresh scratch mark along his wrist. Jamil glanced over to your group’s table—Deuce was going over a worksheet with you. You were absentmindedly scratching the base of Grim’s ear. And Ace was leaning back in his chair. The look in his irises didn’t match his relaxed demeanor—their eyes met and Jamil only gave a small nod in greeting before he busied himself with arranging his belongings.
The rest of Jamil’s day went on without much issue. As soon as afternoon training concluded, he was surprised to see Kalim waiting for him so they could walk back to Scarabia together. The conversation was light, nothing noteworthy. Kalim knew how to speak for two people, he could make a conversation out of anything and carry it for seemingly forever. The problem only started when he would get caught up in his excitement, and since Jamil was talking about Kalim, this happened on a regular basis. Complaining about it wouldn’t amount to anything.
As he changed into his dorm uniform, his phone buzzed. You tended to message right before going through the mirror. The gesture of…courtesy started to make less sense the more your visits became a regular thing. It was still convenient, don’t get him wrong. Though… maybe it was just a bit weird, the more he thought about it. 
He read over his reply twice and sent it before going to meet you at the dorm’s entrance.
“Henchman, y’have to try this!” Grim hopped off the kitchen’s tabletop and trotted over to you.
“Grim, we have to head back before six so I can tea—” Your sentence was cut off by the fire-monster pushing his half-eaten pita wrap into your face. You took a bite and made a pleased sound before going, “wait Grim it’s too spicy—!”
Jamil handed you a glass of water. He saw Grim pour an obscene amount of sauce over his serving. Not that you would know, having just returned from replacing the vacuum cleaner. He would’ve insisted that he should be the one to do it, but Kalim and Grim started bugging him for something to eat. And Grim, unbridled menace that he was, wouldn’t shut up unless his demands were met. 
Kalim chimed into the conversation, “are you going back that soon?”
“Yeah?” You knocked a fist against your chest, stifling another coughing fit. “Well, I—we don’t wanna impose… so we’ll leave early.” You took another drink of water then wiped at your mouth with the back of your hand.
“Aww, but I don’t wanna study Astrology…”
“But I’m the one who has to teach you, you rascal.” Your hand ruffled the top of his head.
Grim backed away from you to leap up onto the table. Not that it added much to his height. “Myargh, don’ call me that! Y’don’t even understand it either!” When you pointed an exasperated stare at the fire-monster, he continued to protest, “but it’s Friday! Studying during the weekends should be illegal!”
“I’m sorry, we’ll start getting out of your hair in a bit…” You turned to the both of them, sheepish and apologetic.
“No, no it’s okay.” Kalim waved off your words cheerfully. “You were saying something about Astrology…? Are you having trouble with that class?” He took the last serving of pita wrap and passed it to you.
Jamil took the empty plate and brought it to the sink. 
Accepting the snack, you winced. “Well… u-um, every class has its challenges, you know?”
“Liar! Y’were cryin’ snot all over our worksheet!”
Embarrassment filled your voice. “Grim!” 
“Well, if it’s Astrology that’s giving you trouble, then you’re in the right place!” Kalim gestured with a wide sweep of his arms. “Did you know that you can see the stars really easily here? You could stay over for dinner and—” he paused, then his smile widened even more.
Jamil knew what that expression meant, that meant the dorm leader was going to suggest something outlandish.
“—we could take the flying carpet! I did that with Jamil when I was also having a hard time with that class in my first year. It’ll be fun, don’t you think?”
Jamil kept his head down, focused on the plates in front of him, the faint smell of dish soap, the cool running water against his hands. But he couldn’t tear his ears away from the conversation.
“Um… but curfew…” 
“You could sleep over for the night!”
“Sweet~! We really lucked ou—ack!” Grim’s cheer was cut off by you, continuing to decline on his part.
“No, it’s really fine, Grim ‘nd me’ll start leaving right now—”
“Don’t worry about that! We have plenty of spare rooms, don’t we?” He looked to Jamil for confirmation. The unbridled excitement in Kalim’s irises sent a wave of irritation through him.
A strained laugh left your throat. “Um, I appreciate the invitation, but respectfully, I must turn it down…” you paused, considering what to say, “...seeing as how none of us have brought overnight clothes…”
“Why’re you suddenly talking like that? You don’t need to be formal with us. I insist!”
“I really don’t think it’s okay for us to overstay—” You tried protesting for the third time.
“Lots of people sleep over at Scarabia, it’s no big deal!” Yes, Jamil could remember the times where he found Silver slumped over in a pile of pillows from the lounge, the several instances where Floyd invited himself to stay over “for funsies,” and of course, he couldn’t leave out the bi-monthly Light Music Club sleepovers with Lilia and Cater.
“Stop scruffin’ me, henchman! Kalim’s got a point, doesn’t he?”
Kalim’s voice softened. “Look, you’re practically one of us at this point. It’s fine, really.”
That. That unwavering honesty in his words and how it easily spilled from him. It was careless how freely and earnestly he spoke. But above all, it was enviable. Only a young rich heir could find the capacity to be that open and kind and generous and Jamil could feel a headache pinching at his temple. He placed the cleaned dishes on the drying rack. It took every ounce of his self-control not to set them aside with a clatter.
You didn’t seem to have any rebuttals prepared. 
Jamil discarded his irritation, easily plastering on the neutral expression he always carried. “Do you have your books and notes?”
You nodded. 
“Make sure to bring it with you after dinner. I’ll tutor you both.” The sensation of having everyone’s eyes on him was uncomfortable against his skin. 
“...alright.” Maybe the same could be said for you. “C’mon Grim.”
Now that the kitchen was mostly cleaned up, he needed to prepare a room for you and Grim, find a spare dorm uniform in good condition, then go back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. His internal list of responsibilities to work through shifted to make space for this extra work.
The moment of discomfort didn’t last for long though, Jamil refused to let it linger. Because if it lingered, then that meant he would have to figure out why his irritation was being overtaken with uneasiness. And if he thought about it more then he’d have to…
He stole a glance at you, keeping up with his pace. For once you weren’t trailing behind him like you usually did when you visited Scarabia. You looked like you were half-listening to whatever Grim and Kalim were talking about.
Articulate as he was, he couldn’t name the expression you were wearing. Whatever it was, there was a deeper emotion to it and Jamil found it hard to look at.
“Look, look I’m matching with you guys now.” You rested a hand on your hip. After a few beats, your expression faltered. “I didn’t wear anything backwards, did I?”
“You didn’t.” Save for the golden accessories that every student from Scarabia wore, the uniform seemed to fit you well. Not too loose or uncomfortably tight, the hem of the vest and undershirt were neatly smoothed out. Just like how you presented yourself in the NRC uniform. “It looks good,” he said.
“Really? It feels super comfy. Well…” you paused, looking down at yourself. “I guess the belt is just a bit long…” 
“You can shorten it by doing this.” He stepped closer to you, taking hold of the trailing end and fixing it so that it wouldn’t trail down to your ankles. But in adjusting the belt, part of the undershirt had risen up. The habit of fixing Kalim’s clothes kicked in before he could catch himself.
Jamil’s hands brushed against your hips as he gently tugged the hem of the undershirt back down. He double-checked the belt and smoothed it out once more. At the sudden contact, you tensed up, breath hitching quietly. Several sheets of your epherimedes slipped from your notes as your arms came up by reflex, placing a sort of makeshift barrier between him and you.
Thankfully, instead of mentioning the proximity—the breach of personal space—you asked, "where's Kalim? I thought he said he was going with us." 
Jamil picked up the fallen sheets of paper, passing them to you. "He turned in for the night." Well, Kalim was intent on staying up late, but Jamil had already tried waking him up once. To which the dorm leader responded by burrowing deeper into his blankets. Jamil motioned for you to follow him.
“So did Grim. I told him that we were still going to study but…” You sighed, shoulders slumping forward a bit. “...I guess I’ll just make sure to tutor him tomorrow morning.”
It was late in the evening now. The moon hung high in the sky, an upside-down bowl. The sound of your footsteps echoed through the empty hallways. Filling in the silence as Jamil weighed his words. “You’re very diligent.”
You laughed. But the sound was derisive, directed—stabbing—at yourself. “Diligence doesn’t mean much when you earn poor results.”
He thought back to what he overheard in the library. “Don’t be hard on yourself.” To his surprise, his words didn’t feel the same as the empty platitudes he would regurgitate for Kalim. “This isn’t my first time tutoring Astrology.”
And it would reflect badly on his dorm if he couldn’t recall what he learned in the first year, the afterthought needed to be there. To remind him of his responsibility. Because now his mind was catching up to the fact that it was only going to be you and him, and that thought wasn’t supposed to be so… bothersome.
"Are you really okay with it?” He knew that you were talking about having to be an impromptu tutor, your words held a hint of guilt and concern. And even if a part of him was aware that it came from a genuine place, it only made him feel small.
The automatic response came out, albeit a bit more curt and clipped than he intended. “I’m used to it.”
You didn’t say anything more, only muttering a quiet ‘oh, I see.’
The walk to the treasury was quiet, and your silence spoke volumes. It was as if he could hear the gears in your head turning. Despite your reserved nature, you were a mediator through and through, just like Kalim was.
If he said that he wasn’t okay with being volunteered to tutor others, that wouldn’t exempt him from being made to do so either way. He didn’t have a choice in the first place. The least you could do was make the ordeal less painstaking than it already was for him.
Jamil’s hand rested on the doorknob of the room. “Look, the sooner we go, the sooner we can get this done. You can manage that, can’t you?” 
The guilt on your features gave way to a determined nod. “Okay, I won’t waste your time,” you promised.
He thought back to the pinky promise you first made. And he pushed the door to the treasury open. “Don’t expect me to hold your hand through the subject though.”
“I know that!” Your voice was pitched high from embarrassment. “You won’t have to start right from the beginning!”
At least you were standing behind him, you wouldn’t have to see the startings of a grin cracking across his face.
“You aren’t afraid of heights, are you?” Jamil asked as he searched around for the flying carpet. The magical artifact greeted you both with a wave of its tassels. It followed the both of you out of the treasury, curling and twisting in mid-air. 
You stared. “...oh…we’re gonna fly…”
“Yes—wait, what did you think we were going to do?” Now that you were all outside the main building, the carpet laid itself flat on the ground. The cool night air was a complete reversal of the day’s heat.
“I don’t know! I-I thought Scarabia had some special observatory I wasn’t aware of!”
He gave you an exasperated look. “Are you sure you’re okay with flying?”
“Yes, I’m…I’m not scared of heights… only falling and breaking my bones…” You took a seat next to him. Your hold on your notes was tight enough to crease the edges of paper that jutted out.
Jamil supposed that you were saying that to convince yourself. Judging by the way that your eyes were squeezed shut, his suspicions were only further confirmed. He guided the carpet to slowly ascend, flying high enough so that your view of the sky wouldn’t be obscured by Scarabia’s buildings.
Your trepidation melted away as you took in the night sky. "Woah, the star maps don't do this view any justice…" you breathed.
"Don't get sidetracked now." 
"Right, right. Sorry, um…" You opened the textbook and started rattling off what part of the lesson you were at. You showed him the graded worksheets and your notes.
As Jamil listened to you, he read over your handwriting. Somewhat messy, but still readable. Granted, while there were some missing segments in your solutions, you seemed to make sure to include the final answer. Was it a way to challenge yourself instead of copying another classmate’s solution? Or were you intent on figuring it out all by yourself? He guessed it was the latter. 
The both of you pored over the material. Redoing the problems you got wrong, filling in the parts of the discussion that you missed. Jamil noticed however that you had trouble comparing the actual night sky with the maps you brought along. 
“Wait, which star?” Your brow furrowed as you tried to follow the direction he was pointing at.
He tipped your chin up, keeping his other arm parallel to your gaze. “It’s a dim constellation, so you have to look at the surroundings to be able to spot it. ”
 A short, frustrated exhale escaped you. “I still can’t find it.”
“Keep trying.” From his perspective, the end of the star pattern rested just barely atop his fingertip.
He could feel the short baby hairs framing the side of your face brush up against his arm as you continued to search for the constellation. Eventually your confusion dissipated and your eyes lit up with recognition “Oh, I see it now! So then that means…” You looked back down at your notes, flipped through the pages, then started hastily writing down a few messy calculations. All the while indifferent to the fact that his hand was still resting on your shoulder. 
“Is this correct?” You tilted your notes towards him.
He scanned what you wrote. “...you used the wrong time zone.” 
You swore. “Ugh, I keep forgetting about that.” Your eraser scratched at the specific part of the mistake, making the needed corrections. “Are the advanced classes just as math-filled?” you asked as you redid the solution. “I feel like we’re almost doing rocket science.”
“No, they’re more reliant on magical ability. Scrying, cartomancy, even astrology, when done right can be powerful tools to guide a magician.” So far, so good. He noted as he skimmed your handwriting. “The better you are, the more vivid your visions. Or so they say.” 
“Do you believe in that? Things like seeing the future and all that?”
Of course not, he held back a scoff. His entire fate was neatly laid out in front of him by his parents and their ancestors. His destiny rested in the palm of a naive heir full of ignorance and misplaced kindness. His home, his own family, and the prestige they carried was a flimsily-disguised birdcage. Why, he wanted nothing more than to carve out his own path with his bare hands, to just up and leave everything behind. Fate, chance, and destiny be damned. 
Instead he settled on this for a short answer. “I think it’s foolish to hinge everything on fate.”
“I thought you’d say something like that,” you laughed. “Rational, practical, down-to-earth Jamil.” Not one bit of the sound felt demeaning, and there’s a note of something…fond in the way you said his name.
Too close. “Don’t tell me you believe otherwise.” He pulled away from you and leaned back on his palms. The magic that powered the carpet thrummed underneath his fingertips, steady as the ebb and flow of the ocean’s waves. He pointed his gaze towards the half-moon floating in a sea of stars, adamantly turning away from your crescent-eyed smile. His stomach felt uneasy, it was as if he was helplessly suspended in between two moons.
“It’s not that I completely believe in it or the other way around, but I came from a magicless world so I gotta…” You hummed thoughtfully as you flipped through your ephemerides. “...think of it as something real now.”
The two of you lapsed into silence, accompanied by the sound of the wind and the flutter of the carpet. Was it supposed to feel this comfortable, being in another person’s space and having them in his own? With this stillness, the both of you were no different from the celestial objects painting the night sky. You were deeply engrossed in your work, oblivious to what your words were stirring.
The scratch of your pencil against paper stopped before his thoughts spiraled out of control. “Okay… is this right?” He thinks he’s composed himself enough to be able to spare a glance.
“Mm, it’s right.” His hand toyed with the edge of his hood. The triumphant gleam in your eyes was blinding. 
“So, it’s good?” 
He flipped through the textbook then tapped at another sample problem. “Do this one next, then we’ll see.”
“What? That wasn’t discussed in class!” 
“It’s like the last problem, you’ll figure it out.” 
Despite your initial complaints, the rest of the tutoring went by relatively well. You weren’t merely echoing what he was saying. Save for some minor mistakes, you seemed less daunted by the subject compared to before. As long as you took your time working through the problems, Jamil was sure that you would do well enough. But just before you descended back to the dorm’s main building, he had you write down the lesson’s main points. Just to be sure. You were still going to be responsible for teaching Grim in the morning, after all.
“Solid ground, thank God! I was about to freeze up there.” A shiver passed through your body despite your light-hearted laugh. As you were about to walk past him, Jamil grabbed your wrist.
The tips of your fingers were cold. “Why didn’t you say anything?” The tone he used must’ve come out sharper than intended, you flinched before answering.
“Well, because we were already there and you said…the sooner we went, the sooner we’d finish…” you reasoned weakly.
He sighed. “Give me your other hand.”
“I’m fine, really! Just give me a sec—” Your protests fell silent as he shushed you and cupped your hands in his.
Warmth spread from his palms to yours, a simple heating charm. Your hands relaxed in his hold. A stubborn part of him chalked it up to the needed change in temperature.
“Better?” His own cheeks felt warm. It’s the residual magic, he rationalized, the fact that he didn’t use his pen to cast it.
You gave a small nod in response. Your gaze continued to stare at your linked hands.
The edge of your palms were rough, hardened from work. If he shifted his hold, he could feel the bump of a callus on the side of your favored hand.
He let go. “I still need to put the carpet back in the treasury.”
"...no." The word was uttered so quietly that he strained to hear it.
Your head snapped up. The moment you made eye contact with each other, Jamil noticed your eyes were blown wide. As if you were a deer caught in the headlights—you reached forwards and yanked his hood over his head. His vision went dark, tearing a surprised noise from his throat. He heard the sound of the drawstrings being pulled taut, followed by the sensation of you pushing him and turning to run away. He stumbled backwards.
Fumbling for the drawstrings of his uniform’s hood, he bit back a curse.
The strings were double-knotted.
Like every other person, Jamil had dreams. Of reliving certain childhood memories, of being chased and feeling like he was running through water, of having his teeth fall out. Once upon a time, he dreamt of being able to travel around the world once he grew up.
He doesn’t immediately recognize this as a dream. For all he knew, this was one of his usual days at Night Raven College. Robotically going through the motions, running to and fro at Kalim’s behest, reigning in his emotions, staying average and mediocre.
The sound of his class lectures sounded faraway, as if the professors were speaking through water. But as the day continued, he could also hear bits and pieces of your voice. One-sided scraps of conversations, you calling out for your friends, the sound of your laughter ringing in his ears, they all stood out against the muffled voices and hazy figures populating the school. Every time he searched, he would only catch a glimpse of your back as you entered a different classroom or the end of your ponytail as you would round a corner. And just before he catch up to you, he would only find a red feather lying on the ground.
It was as if you were a ghost.
He had other things to focus on. He made his way to Scarabia’s mirror and stepped through the glass, arriving at his old room in the servant’s quarters.
Why was he here? Everything was where he left it, untouched and undisturbed. But that did little to tamp down on his rising unease. He turned back to the door and found it locked. The windows were also locked, he was trapped—
The walls fell away to reveal an intricate and ornate birdcage, constructed out of gold, tall enough to reach the ceiling. No longer was he standing on solid ground, he was a little bird standing on a small perch now. No better than the numerous ornaments that decorated the Asim estate. 
The door to the room opened revealing you. Dressed in the fine robes of his hometown, golden accessories decorated your wrists, neck, and ears. Your hair was adorned with a single, red macaw’s feather. You looked no different from a noble. A vision to behold. You unlocked the cage and carried him out. He was small enough to fit in your palms.
You gave him a soft smile and smoothed down his feathers. His wings were pinned to his sides but you were careful not to press too hard against the fragile bones. “You weren’t meant to be caged, little one,” you said, walking towards the open window.
No, he couldn’t fly, he couldn’t soar. He couldn’t do anything except flail about helplessly in your hold. Useless birdsong spilled from his throat. Each step you took brought him closer and closer to that endless blue sky. He didn’t dare look down.
He could feel the wind now. A light gust that would’ve felt refreshing now sent a spike of adrenaline through his veins. The only thing separating him from the ground was your gentle hold. His breathing quickened, don’t let me go, please don’t let me go—
You were speaking but he couldn’t make out any of the words. Your cupped palms dipped once before throwing him into the blue sky.
And then he was falling down, down, down.
Flapping his clipped wings.
Wind rushing against him.
Blood roaring in his ears.
Screaming mutely until his throat felt raw.
He was going to hit the ground and break all his bones and die why was it taking so long—
Jamil’s eyes cracked open. The first thing he saw was the darkened ceiling of his bedroom. He was still in Scarabia. He sat up and scrubbed a hand over his face. A glance at his phone screen told him he woke up two hours before his alarm was set to ring.
Might as well get started for the day.
The dream would be quickly forgotten. He would go through the latter classes of the day with a building headache. Even Kalim would notice his discomfort, but his attempts at concern would be waved off. 
It was just a dream. And he knew better than to dream.
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chapter 3: you're afraid to believe it A/N: first i'd like to thank @jessamine-rose for beta-ing this fic, your fresh eyes were very helpful in convincing me i wasn't going completely crazy😭😭 For my dear readers, i think now would be a good time to mention that I am primarily an angst and hurt/comfort writer so... part 3 will take a bit of a while since i have to resolve all Those Feelings ahhhh.... anyways! i hope you enjoyed reading this, don't be afraid to rb and holler in the tags, i treasure each and every comment💕💕
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Oh my goodness hello...👉🏻👈🏻
💬 for Yuliya and Idia🥺👉🏻👈🏻 or maybe Yuliya and Kalim... Either one is fine<33
Hello Mah! ☆
Thank you so much for your ask, and for participating in the ask game I reblogged! ♡
I'll go ahead and do both! Enjoy! ♡
(Also, Yuliya and Idia's ship name is SSR Idliya. I figured I would mention it to avoid confusion when I tag it lol ♡)
Yuliya and Idia:
Yuliya, Idia, and Azul all sit around a table, having gathered for the board game club. Idia and Azul were playing against each other while Yuliya watched, occasionally getting distracted by her phone. She sat up as she clutched it, holding it closer to her face as she made a noise in excitement. They looked up from their game, curious to know what her noise was about. It took a moment before she realized they were staring at her, caught up in whatever she was looking at. She lays her phone on the table, showing a news letter from one of the rhythm games she plays. "The card I've been waiting for is finally coming! I've spent months saving up for it. He looks so good, plus the costume you unlock with it is one of my favorites!" She taps on the screen, revealing the card in question. It's of her favorite character, one they're both familiar with (due to how often she would bring him up) She sighs as she picks her phone back up, holding it close to her chest. "I just need to make sure I win the 50/50, since I don't have enough to guarantee him." Idia has to hold back a laugh as he hears her words, muttering to himself, "Good luck with that." She turns her attention towards him as she gently slaps his shoulder, a small grin coming to his face as her cheeks puff up slightly. "Hey! I know my luck is terrible when it comes to these things...so..." She fiddles with her phone, looking down shyly as her words turn to mumbles. After a moment she looks up at him, meeting his eyes. "When his banner comes, I want you to pull for his card for me." (There will be a sequel to this in a seperate ask, since someone else also requested Yuliya and Idia!) ♡
Yuliya and Kalim:
The party was in full swing, yet the guest of honor was no where to be found, Kalim looking for her. He walked around asking if anyone had seen her, his dorm mates shaking their heads no before moving along. As he was walking he noticed the doors to the balcony were open, making his way over and seeing if anyone was out there. He perked up when he noticed Yuliya standing there, leaning against the rail as she looked out towards the desert. He smiled, laughing lightly as he approached her. "There you are!" She jumps, turning towards him with a hand to her chest. She relaxes once she realizes it's him, a small smile coming to her face. "Oh, Kalim! Sorry, I didn't realize anyone else was out here." "Ahaha, it's alright! What are you doing out here, anyway? You're missing the party!" She hesitates to respond as she turns her attention to the balcony doors, the sounds of people laughing and cheering over loud music coming through. She wrings her hands together as she tries to find her words. "Kalim, I...appreciate the party. Really, I do! But..." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "I would like it if you told me in advance, instead of keeping it a surprise...I need time to mentally prepare myself, especially when it comes to..." The sound of something breaking causes her to flinch, shouts and cheers following soon after. Kalim's expression turns sad as he realizes his mistake, too excited about her arrival to see how uncomfortable she was. "Ah, I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I was just so excited, and I wanted everyone to meet you! Maybe I should have listened to Jamil and skipped the welcome party..." She puts a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head. "It's alright. We haven't known each other long, and I know you meant well. Next time, just...give me a heads up. As soon as possible, preferably." He laughs before agreeing, an idea coming to his mind. "Oh, let me go get us some food! You need to try Jamil's cooking, it's the best!" She looks at him confused. "Don't you want to go back to the party?" "There is no party without you, so I'm moving the party out here! It'll be just us though, so no need to worry!" Her cheeks warm as a smile comes to her face, feeling touched by his thoughtfulness. "I'd like that"
Thank you! ♡
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