#as an umbrella term that embraces us all
nerdygaymormon · 1 year
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The LGBTQ community has seen controversy regarding acceptance of different groups (bisexual and transgender individuals have sometimes been marginalized by the larger community), but the term LGBT has been a positive symbol of inclusion and reflects the embrace of different identities and that we’re stronger together and need each other. While there are differences, we all face many of the same challenges from broader society.
In the 1960′s, in wider society the meaning of the word gay transitioned from ‘happy’ or ‘carefree’ to predominantly mean ‘homosexual’ as they adopted the word as was used by homosexual men, except that society also used it as an umbrella term that meant anyone who wasn’t cisgender or heterosexual. The wider queer community embraced the word ‘gay’ as a mark of pride.
The modern fight for queer rights is considered to have begun with The Stonewall Riots in 1969 and was called the Gay Liberation Movement and the Gay Rights Movement.
The acronym GLB surfaced around this time to also include Lesbian and Bisexual people who felt “gay” wasn’t inclusive of their identities. 
Early in the gay rights movement, gay men were largely the ones running the show and there was a focus on men’s issues. Lesbians were unhappy that gay men dominated the leadership and ignored their needs and the feminist fight. As a result, lesbians tended to focus their attention on the Women’s Rights Movement which was happening at the same time. This dominance by gay men was seen as yet one more example of patriarchy and sexism. 
In the 1970′s, sexism and homophobia existed in more virulent forms and those biases against lesbians also made it hard for them to find their voices within women’s liberation movements. Betty Friedan, the founder of the National Organization for Women (NOW), commented that lesbians were a “lavender menace” that threatened the political efficacy of the organization and of feminism and many women felt including lesbians was a detriment.
In the 80s and 90s, a huge portion of gay men were suffering from AIDS while the lesbian community was largely unaffected. Lesbians helped gay men with medical care and were a massive part of the activism surrounding the gay community and AIDS. This willingness to support gay men in their time of need sparked a closer, more supportive relationship between both groups, and the gay community became more receptive to feminist ideals and goals. 
Approaching the 1990′s it was clear that GLB referred to sexual identity and wasn’t inclusive of gender identity and T should be added, especially since trans activist have long been at the forefront of the community’s fight for rights and acceptance, from Stonewall onward. Some argued that T should not be added, but many gay, lesbian and bisexual people pointed out that they also transgress established gender norms and therefore the GLB acronym should include gender identities and they pushed to include T in the acronym. 
GLBT became LGBT as a way to honor the tremendous work the lesbian community did during the AIDS crisis. 
Towards the end of the 1990s and into the 2000s, movements took place to add additional letters to the acronym to recognize Intersex, Asexual, Aromantic, Agender, and others. As the acronym grew to LGBTIQ, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIAA, many complained this was becoming unwieldy and started using a ‘+’ to show LGBT aren’t the only identities in the community and this became more common, whether as LGBT+ or LGBTQ+. 
In the 2010′s, the process of reclaiming the word “queer” that began in the 1980′s was largely accomplished. In the 2020′s the LGBTQ+ acronym is used less often as Queer is becoming the more common term to represent the community. 
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indierpgnewsletter · 3 months
A Sociology of Tabletop Roleplaying Games
Every once in a while, one must embrace hubris.
Let’s start with play. Play is an important part of life – mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physiologically, grammatically. It has uses. As a child, it helps with learning and growth. As an adult, it helps with not being sad all the time. But people don’t play because it’s useful. People play because it feels good to do – because it’s enjoyable, pleasurable, delightful.
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The big joys for me are winning, risk-taking, solving, mastery, socializing, performance, storytelling, humour, novelty and catharsis. If you want a more in-depth list, it’s hard to do better than Levi Kornelsen’s Manyfold, which lists 17 different kinds of fun. But even that list is thinking about RPGs specifically and if you start including stuff like sports or sex or crafting, the list probably gets longer.
What I like about Kornelsen’s Manyfold is that it makes sure to focus on the fact that these are joys, not types of people. Which avoids 90% of the most annoying arguments.
Based on what kinds of enjoyment they’re chasing and what they’re avoiding, people make games. People connect with games that evoke their preferred kinds of enjoyment and fun. This leads to people making games that build on what came before in different ways – specializing, generalizing, forking, mutating, etc.
They also lead to cultures of play. These cultures are social infrastructure – values and practices that congeal around certain places or communities aimed at certain combinations of joys. These cultures develop norms and then expectations. Also, they tend to spawn sub-cultures constantly and immediately, often consciously defined in opposition to their roots. The three that I refer to most in this newsletter are trad, storygames, and OSR.
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Trad play culture, the dominant play culture, is best understood as a specific model of player and GM roles and responsibilities. According to Retired Adventurer, “Trad holds that the primary goal of a game is to tell an emotionally satisfying narrative, and the DM is the primary creative agent in making that happen – building the world, establishing all the details of the story, playing all the antagonists, and doing so mostly in line with their personal tastes and vision. The PCs can contribute, but their contributions are secondary in value and authority to the DM’s.” In terms of joy, I feel like that the trad play style is defined by not specializing in specific forms of enjoyment and allowing groups to “wander” (as Kornelsen puts it in Manyfold) around from one kind of fun to another.
Storygames and OSR are both usually defined in opposition to trad. The storygames playstyle changes the trad model of GM-player by trying to make the GM more of a player. In terms of joy, the play style clusters around storytelling, performance, and risk-taking with less emphasis on solving or winning.
The OSR is an umbrella term of play cultures that accept older forms of d&d as a kind of lingua franca of roleplaying. They veer away from the trad model by eliminating the GM’s responsibility for a satisfying narrative (and resulting knock-on effects). In terms of joy, there’s a spectrum of cultures that vary in their emphasis on solving, winning, humour, and risk-taking.
There are probably an infinite number of potential cultures of play but some are particularly visible because they lead to design cultures (where games are made for a specific culture) and become markets (where game-sellers target cultures to reach customers).
In terms of design traditions, trad, storygames and OSR have their own norms which create a feedback loop with the play cultures associated with them.
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Trad games are often built around detailed settings, involved character creation, and often tactical combat. They tend to avoid specificity in narrative, preferring to let the GM decide or use (often very specific) adventure modules.
Storygames tend to focus on specific narratives or scenarios and rules designed to support those outcomes exclusively. Settings tend to be co-created amongst the player and the GM and are thus, often improvised rather than prepared beforehand.
The OSR has a DIY ethos that values creativity and ease-of-use in setting and scenario design. So while settings are concrete, rule sets, while plentiful, tend to be improvised.
And markets, well, you know ’em.
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That’s quite enough from me. I assume this kind of post can do no good but I typed it out anyway.
(This post was first published in the Indie RPG Newsletter.)
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poppy-metal · 11 months
I wanted to give you a not horny idea.
Long-term partners! Part of the 7! Jordan li where all you want to do is marry them, and keep getting asked by all your friends when you’ll tie the knot. People you introduced are getting married, and at the wedding, you keep getting asked questions, so that night, you both go home and fight.
And your like “I just wanna be with you forever” “it’s embarrassing seeing our friends who have dated half the time as us get married and we’re still stuck dating”
Jordan is scared of that kind of commitment not because they don’t want you (they have had a ring for years) but it’s stuck in their mind even after so long that they don’t deserve you because they aren’t ‘normal’.
So Jordan says some hurtful stuff to end the fight “you only wanna marry me so you can have my dads money…” “you just want a big ring and someone with my prestige.”
So you end up taking a few items of clothes and spending the night at a hotel not wanting to see them anymore tonight.
And Jordan just spends the night crying and wishing they could be what you want. They don’t sleep well for the next few nights because you don’t come back. Until a week later you are seriously out of clean underwear. So you bring your bag of laundry to do and take more clothes. You figure Jordan would be out and not at the apartment but they are in bed holding a photo of a previous anniversary and a box
Wait, is that a ring box? Yes, you're so shocked you drop the bag, and then Jordan notices you and hops up, trying to look presentable while covered in what seems to be a stained tank top and boxers.
You now notice the take out containers strewn on the bed seemingly the only thing they’ve eaten in the week you’ve been gone.
They push back their greasy hair and dry their eyes with a cleaner part of their shirt about to grovel—.
When you embrace them, worried for their mental state. You hate being away from them and you didn’t think about the fact you haven’t spent more than a few hours without each other since sophomore year
They try to speak and you shush them “it’s fine we’ll talk about last week later let’s just get you cleaned up now”
The end
Sorry if my grammar sucks I have dyslexia and spell check hates me
oh i shall weep long and hard over this.
jordan is their own worst enemy forreal. they spend that week sobbing and thinking the worst, thinking you're done with them because why wouldn't you be, you took a risk, being with them, and they aren't the easy choice. marriage would just be another risk, a big one. who wants to take that plunge? especially with them?
when you come back they're ready to fall to their knees and beg you to just give them time - please dont give up on them - when your arms wrap around them they nearly melt into the embrace. they crush you to them, not bothering to hold back, knowing you're sturdy enough to take it - they just need to hold you so hard it hurts. wants your warmth to seep into their bones and send the chill away.
"lets get you cleaned up, yeah? we can talk again tomorrow. i just want you to be okay right now."
they kinda trail after you like a lost puppy, watching as you turn the shower on and test the temperature until its warm. when you turn around again you almost jump, they're standing so close. they wrap you in their arms again, and you relax, hugging them back.
"you'll get in with me?" they ask quietly. its not sexually suggestive - its a cracked open kind of vulnerability. showering together is an intimate thing, and they don't want to be apart from you again. not for a second. so you nod against their shoulder. feel them shudder in relief and realize maybe there's some groveling you need to do to, that such a question could ever raise doubt.
you let jordan undress you after themselves, step in and take their hand when they tug you into the warm spray with them. you meet easily in the middle under the umbrella of waterfall. their hands skate reverently up your waist, your sides, climbing until they're cupping your face.
jordan li is a beautiful being. something about them with dripping wet hair, rivulets of it streaming from their long lashes, is captivating. you'd never give this up. not ever.
"i love you." they say, voice wavering. "so fucking much."
you reach a hand up to cup over one of theirs holding your face, let them see the love shining in your eyes. "i know. and I'm not going anywhere, not tonight. not any day after, yeah?"
their eyes shudder closed. they lean their forehead against yours and you feel their fingers glide down your spine like they're trying to commit every dip and curve of you to memory, "yeah." they breathe, and their nose skims yours, "okay."
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arachnixe · 4 months
One Final Homecoming
The rain falls hot on my skin, landing with a sizzling hiss whenever it manages to dodge the brim of my hat and find a patch left exposed by my dress. The burns heal immediately, the spell an automatic reflex I don’t consciously register anymore.
I don’t sneer at the people hurrying through the rain, shielding themselves from the downpour with umbrellas and coats. I don’t show my contempt for what I can only conceptualize as a form of cowardice, knowing the rain would happily embrace them if they let down their guard. The water would glide smoothly over their skin with a gentle caress, a “you belong here and I love you” that stands in stark contrast to the downpour’s efforts to scour me away.
I don’t sneer. I keep myself composed. My mask of indifference remains flawless. The world may reject me, but I rejected it first, didn’t I? Being born here came with certain terms and conditions I found disagreeable, and so I made myself its enemy.
It’s in the spirit of this mutual animosity that I stand here right now, in front of an unmarked office building in a city that sleepwalks a cancerous expansion of itself. My hand drifts of its own accord into my bag seeking the reassuring touch of the seed I carry. It’s still there—smooth, warm, pulsing gently—the beating heart of something altogether foreign, yet not a heart at all, and maybe not quite a seed either, but rather a key, and if there’s anything in this world or any other that a witch understands, it’s keys.
Time’s wheel turns, as do the wheels within and without. I turn the mind’s eye inward to watch. I raise my eyes skyward to see. At last the inner aligns with the outer. Above and below, a moment clicks into place. I press my hand to a locked door and push it gently open.
The security guards inside are unprepared for me. “The Anomaly” is their name for me, and they shout the epithet while drawing guns. Their bullets splatter across my clothes, leaving even less of an impression than the raindrops, and it has been a very long time indeed since mere weather could divert my path. I pluck their threads and discard the rest—without much gentleness, I must confess—as I proceed to the elevators.
Their computer networks would deny me access to the lower floors if I asked permission, so I do not. “Down” is the most natural direction for a thing to move anyway, and it takes little persuasion to coax this little box where it wants to be. Down, down, down below the surface of this world, I pass alongside the city’s veins of sewage and lightning, poisoned air and poison dreams.
Real resistance makes itself known down below. This building’s ideas have strong roots down here, where people in stark suits spin a web of ontology to catch and contain, sneering their contempt of me. I let the mask fall. I am no moth, mercurial and unaware, easily misdirected to get ensnared by their traps. I dance electric across the apocalypse they’d weave for me, high voltage burning my entrance and exit through their collective consciousness.
I have even less gentleness to spare for these agents than I did the guards above. They collapse, mindsblood painting the walls in crackling infrablack.
A stairwell—less accessible than most, requiring the right eyes to even see it—takes me down to the bottom floor. There, the root office. In the office, a table. On the table, a briefcase. Above it all, a fluorescent light flickers.
I shove the table aside and get to digging. When a thing is meant never to be unlocked, one may need to carve a keyhole. Sometimes this means using one’s bare hands to claw through carpet and concrete. I do as I must, working quickly and ignoring the arrival of my executioner.
The bullet she puts in my head is made of realer stuff than mere lead, and I die almost immediately. Not much time left, then, but enough to reach into my bag, extract the key, and offer it a single kiss. I plant it and suture the building’s wound with the guards’ threads.
“It’s over,” my executioner informs me as if she believes me unaware that I’ve already died. I offer my most withering smile, one I’m quite sure will eventually kill her, before laying myself down to rest. My curse rattles her enough to command that concrete be poured here, filling the root office and sealing me in, as though I were radioactive waste, safe as long as I can be sequestered away indefinitely.
She will survive my smile for a decade or so. Long enough, I think, to see the strange new roots growing upward through the building, throbbing with the lifeblood of something truly alien to her reality. A fine curse, I think, to be the only one aware of corruption gripping the nexus of her life’s work.
My bones will rest easy, nourishing the world that is to come.
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Some hybrid ghoul thoughts, and Swiss and Dew. Let's go.
-Hybrid ghouls are ghouls that are at least partially human, however, the term is not used to refer to ghouls inhabiting human vessels, as the two can be pulled apart and made into separate entities if need be; Hybrid ghouls are genetically both, and usually have a biological parent or grandparent that was human.
In the pit, this distinction is not typically made since very few human-ghoul hybrids reside in the pit, and those that do typically refer to themselves under the umbrella term of being a multi-ghoul.
In terms of preference, Dew refers to himself as a hybrid ghoul, whereas Swiss likes calling himself a multi-ghoul.
-Both Swiss and Dew were raised on the surface, but they had different upbringings in terms of their awareness of their demonic heritage; Neither of them found out they were a ghoul until they were adults, but Swiss was informed by his parents, while Dew found out the hard way... accidentally taking a quick trip to the pit and getting effectively respawned in the abbey's woods.
Swiss was given more time to come to terms with and embrace his identity with his parents to guide him and teach him about himself, but Dew had to kind of dive into things on his own/with the help of his seniors at the abbey, with mixed results.
Swiss actually knows more about being a ghoul than Dew does... not that he'll ever admit to that.
-The lifespan of hybrid ghouls isn't exactly clear, and since there's so few of them (at least in regards to the ones the church knows about) it's hard to say how things will play out for them.
Swiss gets a bit more existential about the whole thing than Dew does, but that's because Dew already died once and he hasn't wholly unpacked that even though he's been a ghoul for ten plus years now.
Most ghouls are effectively immortal in the grand scheme of things, at least by human standards, but humans are definitely not long lived creatures in the eyes of the ghouls, so it's hard to say if they'll live forever, or if they're doomed to die -relatively- young in comparison to their peers.
It all really comes down to fate.
-Swiss and Dew both have trouble glamouring themselves for long periods of time unaided, because their magic reserves are smaller, so they both have markings -tattoos really- that have to be reinked every six months or so in order to grant them the ability to do so without wearing themselves out.
However, this also makes it difficult for them to dispel their glamours, which makes them easier targets from attacks by other ghouls or even other humans, because they can't whip out their horns or claws to defend themselves.
And lastly;
-On the topic of glamours... Swiss and Dew don't look much different unglamoured than they do glamoured, and Swiss is secretly disappointed that he didn't turn out more, well, cool looking.
Dew on the other hand... okay, he's also bummed out he doesn't look cooler.
However, not being overtly demonic has its benefits; Getting to go to the store half glamoured, your clothes and shoes don't magically stop fitting because you grew in size or have hooves now, etc...
Also makes for an easy Halloween costume... which will make your fellow ghouls roll their eyes and find you a better one.
So, free costumes.
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outfitqueer · 22 days
Queer vs. Trans - What’s the Difference and Why It Matters
I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t really know what terms like “queer” and “trans” mean, or how they’re different. So, I’ll try to explain it in a simple way.
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The meanings of “queer” and “trans” have changed a lot over time. What these words meant in the past isn’t always what they mean today.
"Queer" is an umbrella term that can describe anyone who doesn’t fit into the traditional labels of straight or cisgender. It’s a broad, inclusive word that covers different sexual orientations and gender identities. Think of it as a way to say, “I’m not limited by the usual definitions.”
"Trans" refers specifically to people whose gender identity doesn’t match the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, if you were born with a body that people call “female” but you know in your heart and mind that you’re a man, then you’re a trans man. Or if you were born with a body that people call “male��� but you know in your heart and mind that you’re a woman, then you’re a trans woman. Trans is all about gender identity, not sexual orientation.
Some people are both queer and trans, and these identities can intersect and influence each other in unique ways. It’s about understanding how different parts of who you are can overlap and shape your experience.
It’s important to respect each person’s choice in how they identify because language is personal, and how we use it can evolve as we grow.
It’s crucial to support and include all identities within the LGBTQ+ community. No matter how someone identifies, everyone deserves to feel welcome, respected, and valued. We’re stronger together when we embrace and uplift each other.
In short: Queer is about being different from the norm in your sexuality or gender, while trans is about your gender identity being different from what was assigned to you at birth. And for some, being both queer and trans means navigating the world with a mix of these identities that’s all their own. Plus, as language evolves, so do the ways we express who we are. To embrace inclusivity, means we ensure that everyone in our community feels seen and respected.
If you enjoy what you see, hit that follow button and show some love with a reblog and a like! 💖
@outfitqueer 🏳️‍⚧️
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 2 Episode 6
Another random list of things! With a bunch of gifs because I could find some today!
To start off, I wonder if Allison ever explained to the people in the salon or Raymond or anyone really why she couldn't speak for a year. How her throat ended up getting slit. Or maybe they just accepted it because of the year it was and the discrimination. Assuming it was a white boy.
Also, Allison went from not wanting to use her powers at all (other than using them to save her husband) to abusing it out in public to prove a point. This woman's got issues.
Random, but, "Unarm my weiner"
Also, every season, Klaus finds something new regarding his powers. In s1, he was able to summon Ben, and just in today's episode, Ben (even though it was just a moment), possessed Klaus. And another thing in s3, but just in case some people haven't seen it yet, I'll leave that till we get there next week or 2.
I believe that Klaus is extremely underappreciated and overlooked. His powers are, for lack of a better word, very powerful. If he had grown up differently, taught to embrace his power and abilities rather than be thrown into the deep end, maybe he could've learned it all earlier and come to terms with it.
Okay, we can all agree that the entirety of the umbrellas meeting their was hilarious, right? The conch shell, Reggie saying "O for 2 young man," Five having to be in charge once again, stop Deigo from attacking Reginald, and give a run down on everyone's powers, Allison making Diego punch himself in the face (we can also all agree that that was just another demonstration that despite everything, they're still siblings, right?), everyone saying that [Viktor] should in fact NOT use [his] powers, doing it anyway and blowing up the pineapple, saying Oops. It was all great.
What wasn't great was Reginald going down on the insults with Diego. That was a bit too far and hurtful. And Luther ripping open his shirt was uncomfortable for everyone.
Also. Reginald wanted to talk to Five because he was the most sensible. What doesn't make sense to me is how easily Reggie accepted that Five was older than him. How easily he accepted they time traveled. He was the most calm with Five. He literally said, "No skin off my teeth, old man." Both accepting that Five—who looks younger than him by a lot—is older than him, and also accepting the "apology".
(⚠️⚠️ S3 Spoilers!!! ⚠️⚠️)
Based on this, it doesn't make complete sense for Reginald to not adopt Five in the future. He knows that he failed with this group of powered children, so he goes out of his way to not adopt them. But with Five, he seems to maybe like him a little bit. And the knowledge that he failed, he can use and try different things. Maybe just adopting Five and not the others. He seemed genuinely interested in Five's powers.
Here are gifs from today's episode! Aka some of my favorite moments:
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(Do you like jazz, Five?)
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iwriteasfotini · 8 days
September Full Moony Excerpt
I am so excited to share this story with everyone. Waiting is SO hard. In celebration of the full moon tonight, here is a subtextual Wolfstar moment from The Bonds of Friendship, Chapter II - A Trip to Diagon Alley. Read it and then tell me you couldn't picture it perfectly in your imagination. :-P
James and Sirius have spent the summer together and are in Diagon Alley doing their school shopping. 
[James and Sirius] ordered the ‘giant’ sized bowls, which allowed them to choose five different flavors of ice cream and three toppings apiece. Sitting under a colorful umbrella outside the shop, they watched the bustle of shoppers, and searched for their other two best friends. 
James spotted Peter first, accompanied by his mum. 
“Pete!” James called, waving energetically. Peter beamed and hurried over. James wrapped him in a hug and Sirius also stood to hug Peter across the bench seat. 
“Blimey, those are the biggest bowls I’ve ever seen,” said Peter, eyeing their ice creams, which were about halfway finished. 
“Here, sit down, and you can have some of mine,” James offered.
Peter looked to his mum for permission, and she said, “oh go on Peety, I’ll go shop for you. Just stay in this general area.”
The three boys smiled widely at her and Peter took a seat, digging into James’ ice cream with gusto. 
“Why did you have to get chopped nuts?” asked Peter, chewing thoughtfully. 
“Because I like chopped nuts, and I wasn’t choosing with you in mind.” 
Peter shrugged, and picked around the remaining nut pieces. 
It wasn’t long before a head of tousled light brown hair caught James’ eye, and his eyebrows shot up as Remus and his mother came fully into view. Remus had grown. A lot. He had already been as tall as his mother last term, and now he was half a head above her. 
Sirius nearly upset their table in his haste to rush out onto the cobbled street, shouting, “Remus!”
“Where’s the fire,” scoffed Peter. 
But James was right behind Sirius, and he wrapped his arms around both Sirius and Remus in a tight embrace. 
When they broke apart, Remus’ mum looked quite pleased. 
“Mam,” said Remus, “this is James, and Sirius.” Pointing at each of them. 
“Peter’s over there as well,” James said, Peter gave a wave when all heads turned in his direction. 
“Alright. It’s so nice to finally meet you all, Remus talks about you so much at home. I am grateful he has such good friends at Hogwarts.” Remus’ mother smiled kindly at them. 
“Oh and this is my mam, Hope,” Remus said quickly. 
“Nice to meet you Hope,” Sirius stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. James and Remus exchanged an amused glance. 
“Oh, there’s lovely Sirius.” Hope was blushing and seemed rather taken aback. 
“Is that a pureblood thing?” Remus asked bluntly. “Or are you desperate to get in my mam’s good graces?” 
James reached over and smacked Remus on the back of the head. It was actually over and up, because yes, Remus actually was that much taller than him now. Remus retaliated in kind, while Sirius looked a bit sheepish, and Hope suddenly had to dig something out of her handbag. 
“Look,” said James, breaking the awkwardness, “we were just finishing up some ice cream, care to join us Remus?”
“Er, I need to shop with my mam, she’s not used to wizard money and shops.”
“Of course.” James internally chastised himself for forgetting Mrs Lupin, Hope, was a muggle. 
“Meet us when you are done?” suggested Sirius. 
“We might poke around the shops, but we won’t go far,” James said. 
Remus and his mother left to shop, while James and Sirius returned to their table to find Peter had finished off both of their ice cream bowls. 
“Hey! I didn’t offer you any of mine,” Sirius objected. 
“Whoops, sorry,” said Peter. “We can go to Sweet Fangs, I’ll buy.”
So they headed off to the sweet shop across the way. 
Find out more about this series in my pinned post.
Ahhh, the anticipation is killing me! It’s like waiting for Christmas Eve, my favorite day of the year. I post a writing update every week. This excerpt is from the third installment titled The Bonds of Friendship which will begin daily posting on AO3 on February 14.
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ghul-wein · 8 months
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A few personal thoughts about Ghouls and Ghoul anatomy, errors and all. Unrebloggable for now, maybe later..
transcription under the read more
JAN 19/24 Friday … GHOUL IDEAS; Physicality/body funciton
Thoughts on Ghoul bodies are many & SO big, but these are clear enough to be made concrete & shared.
Mostly, stimming from thinking on how their appearance is more ‘thought-form’ than solid concept. They are not us, and when willed into humanity (or living “top-side”…there’s a better term for this…PLEASE) they take an appearance to make humans comfortable. So much room & intrigue for off features & uncanny human details (see Swiss and his teeth), but not that full focus..
With this they can alter the form @ will, this extending to perceived sexual traits & anatomy. You don’t think things like nipples are something they need to think to give themselves… baby Ghouls nurse somehow but are NOT mammal; the visual of Spit’s chest being a rib cage w/ skin pulled over it, yes. But they can and do reproduce , both amongst themselves & w/ humans. No dwelling on this and shit of Ghoul sexuality and gender — this is later writing. Ghouls can deny themselves the feeling of things like genitalia while others embrace these things…think a Barbie/Ken when sat beside a real person. This lack of “hardware” does note mean these Ghouls necessarily lacking in physical connections, no. In the same way a doll is not denied its desirability for lacking in these traits either. Some of this, you think, stems from lack of understanding/seeing the purpose in something  innately human; others would made slide under a form of asexuality/aromanticism (you think this suits Mountain). This won;t be the last time is this said…out its so close to Angels finding form and a sense of self in a casing they don’t fully know; piloting something new.
Others see themselves in app aspects of sex and gender and forms themselves to whatever specks suit their comfort. Be it for comfort, fun, or mating purposes, it’s can all be shifted @ will.
All, most Ghouls are capable of carrying kits, it just comes down to ‘hardware’ and how the talk of things go w/ their chosen partner. Also gender is not a Ghoul concept and means little, but they are so very capable of transness. This entire idea is rooted in a form of queerness.
Other Ghouls, like Spitfire, by biological convention would be thought of as falling under the umbrella of intersexuality. Will not repeat the nonchalant, looseness of gender!!! They are this mangled mass of meat built fresh as needed, and the flesh mound grows and writhing w/ the warmth of explorative connection. BUT it is a matter, still, of comfort in expression and maybe too wanting to “be ready” when the right moment comes.
could be worth exploring reproductive structures more internally…is the needed internal work to bear children inherent, built @ will, or something but nothing all @ the same time. But Something not of this world can make something that is of it.
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lazyscience · 3 months
so there's something I feel like young leftists are not getting at all when they rail furiously about how "we keep voting for Democrats but they keep just pandering to the right, what are we supposed to DO to get them to change OTHER than not vote for them?"
It has to do with fundamental assumptions about what "governing" is supposed to mean in the modern era, and this is a conversation that has to happen culturally in and around what is happening at the ballot box in a lot larger sense than it is. putting in a readmore because this gonna get long and also ranty.
It also means I'm taking another Tumblr break because I can not, I CAN NOT with the current political discussion any more and even with terms blocked I'm seeing it, and I don't want to spend my evenings alternating between rage and depression, I get enough of that from the news.
This conversation was happening even earlier than this, but the timepoint at which it was first coming to a head and when I became familiar with it was 1994 and Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America". Prior to this point, the ethos on both sides of the aisle (in public) was that in general, a congressperson's job (especially in the House, a little less so in the Senate maybe) was while you were under the umbrella of one of the two parties, you were mostly looking out for the particular agenda of your state and only secondarily working towards a national agenda. And secondary to this idea, most of them agreed on basic principles that gridlock was bad (wouldn't produce anything useful/re-electable for your state), civil service employees and appointees weren't supposed to be blatant political operatives (there were, of course, but that was considered more sleazy and corrupt than "elections have consequences, hurr hurr") and that for the stability of the country, things like the debt ceiling were best mutually avoided.
So for the better part of the 20th century, the Democrats were more the party of regulation, the social safety net and the reality and use of powers on a federal level; the Republicans were the party of "leave these decisions to the individual states" (this is obviously a grotesque oversimplification, people have literally written dozens, probably hundreds, of scholarly books about this shit). And Newt Gingrich, ambitious little shit from an at the time deep red Republican state, said "you know what, we need to embrace a national party and federal control the way the Democrats have--because until then, WE can't control it." So the Contract With America was born - and the goal became instead of "well, whatever, as long as I can weasel out concessions for my state/special interests that hired me" the game ALSO became "demonstrate that federal government doesn't work by MAKING it not work." By using all the procedural stupid dirty tricks that a reactionary old bunch of white dudes that had just been through a war put into place to make any point of settled law that had happened basically as hard to change as fucking possible.
Now, the Democrats couldn't/didn't WANT to play by those rules, because their biggest and most popular successes (qualified, imperfect, but still) - Social Security, Medicaid, the civil rights movement, antitrust, worker protections, environmental protections - are all contingent on a federal government apparatus that actually fucking works. And now that the Republicans can win either by getting what they want OR by yelling "look, this process is clearly broken and doesn't work!", the only way Democrats can make sweeping changes without having to fight tooth and nail every step of the way is to have a majority in both houses of Congress, control the Presidency, and the Supreme Court.
Because again, the reactionary old white men who had just lived through a butt ton of social upheaval wanted to make it hard for one group of (rich white, male enfranchised) people to control another - and they literally at that time could not have envisioned the way the country would grow into both a far more unified AND polarized place that would take these safety rails and exploit them to block every achievement their opponent might make, whether or not it was actually in the best interests of the people they're representing.
(I mean, they should have, political parties and all that toxicity were not new to the British Empire before the colonies even existed, but well, I think we all know by now there's a lot of things they couldn't have imagined. See also: the second amendment)
So here's the deal - if you punish Joe Biden for being a confused corporate-friendly war-hawkish atrocity-enabling weenus - which he totally is sometimes! - you are kneecapping any actually progressive congressional candidates you elect unless you can also deliver 67+ solidly Democrat/Green/whatever the fuck Angus King is votes in the Senate, and 290+ equally staunch Democratic representatives. Because otherwise, that Republican President's just gonna veto everything they legislate that isn't what he wants. And yes, the Senate has to approve any federal judges or Supreme Court justices he wants to appoint - but again, the Republican party sees the federal court system being slow, backed up and impossible to use as a totally acceptable compromise in return for being able to block any significant Democratic legislation from going forward.
Since 1789, do you know how many vetoes have been overridden by supermajority? 109, out of 1,484.
Now, if you could GET that supermajority in the Senate and the House? You could amend the Constitution! You could make mail-in votes mandatory, and/or mandated paid time off for voting. You could mandate ranked-choice voting, so that leftists could vote for the candidate they actually want without splitting up the bloc to the advantage of the fash/fash-adjacent. You could do things like mandate that a Presidential election isn't valid until a minimum threshold number of votes has been achieved that's actual a majority of eligible voters, not just whatever fanatical minority shows up that day, so some asshole who won with 20 percent of eligible voters can't claim to have "a mandate from The People."
Especially when the other fucking asshole candidate wants to make it legal for the National Guard to LIVE FIRE WITH ACTUAL MILITARY BULLETS ON PROTESTORS, and the Supreme Court has just made it possible for him if elected to order that and have it not be illegal! If he wants to start deporting all Muslim immigrants like he was trying to push for last time he was elected, or round up LGBTQ people and put them in re-education camps, if he gets elected, he could do that now! Because crimes committed as "official acts" are no longer crimes!
So you want to not have to regularly make shitty compromises in the voting booth any more? Great, neither do I. Here are the only ways I see this going forward:
Get 2/3rd of the states of the union to call for an Article V constitutional convention - and be willing to have the process potentially hijacked by fash nutjobs at the state level if those 2/3rds aren't all Democratic-controlled. It's possible - I mean, the system was specifically designed to work that way - but the fact that a) an Article V convention has not successfully been called in the history of the US, and b) the only people advocating for that in the year 2024 are the actual fucking Heritage Foundation of the infamous Project 2025, Ben Shapiro of "but pussy doesn't get wet" fame, Greg "the solution to Uvalde is arming teachers" Abbott and similar nutjobs make me think that's not the safest way to get the outcome we want here.
Hold your noses and get 67 Senators and 290 Representatives elected that are either Democrats or who will reliably caucus with them like Socialists or Greens and have them pass a law to require ranked choice voting for the presidency - there's a chance it'll get a constitutional challenge from the Supreme Court, but there's not a solid precedent either forbidding or encouraging, and by the time it's an issue hopefully we're back in 5/4 liberal court territory if Alito and Thomas either retire or get canned. That will mean a lot of mid corporatist conservative Dems who will make decisions you don't like and don't want to support, but with an endgame of someday getting to stop doing that. This is honestly probably the most achievable, so it is also the one Republicans are fighting against hardest with gerrymandering and voter suppression, and they have banned it on the state level in Florida, Montana, South Dakota, Tennessee and Idaho.
Let Republicans get elected to prove a point. This will result in an unknown but presumably acceptable to you number of deportations, convictions, legal abuse and deaths among people the Trump administration declares undesirable, including Muslims, Palestinians, trans people, anyone working in gender studies or race studies, the unhoused, potential child labor, and people of childbearing potential among others. This is not a threat to get you to fall in line. It is a prediction based on the previous behaviorand stated policy positions of Mr. Trump, the Republican National Convention, and the decision of the Supreme Court allowing his administration to carry out what would otherwise be crimes but for a president are "official actions" now apparently. It will also at the very least make easier the capture of the Supreme Court for another two or three decades during which no effective challenges can be brought for voter suppression, gerrymandering, and violent suppression of protest.
honest question: how, exactly, if it becomes an illegal act to talk about racism, queer liberation or police reform, are you proposing to get your better, more leftist candidates elected? I am so serious right now, why do you think after another four years of Trump provided he doesn't just immediately declare martial law like he already almost did once, do you think people would be willing to stick their necks out to identify themselves as enemies of the state? Think about the stranglehold Joseph McCarthy had on this country from 1947-1957.
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ryttu3k · 7 months
Is it possible to be aro without being ace?
The extremely short version: yes, absolutely! You may want to look up the term 'aroallo'.
This post got huge (nearly a thousand words), so below the cut it goes for A Lot of detail!
With the disclaimer that I'm aro-ace personally and so this isn't my personal experience, yes, absolutely! The split attraction model (first proposed in 1879, later repopularised exactly a century later in 1979, with the aspec community in particular embracing it from around 2005 when the term 'aromantic' was first used, and coining the term 'split attraction model' specifically around 2015) says that romantic orientation and sexual orientation don't necessarily have to be the same thing.
A lot of the times, these orientations are congruent - someone who's panromantic pansexual, for instance, who might just describe themself as pan (or pansexual without differentiating the panromantic part), or aromantic asexual. They can also diverge - someone might be, say, homoromantic bisexual (romantically attracted only to the same gender, sexually attracted to two or more genders).
The aspec community does use it more in particular, I've noticed, although jury is still out on whether aspec people genuinely do have a higher instance of split attraction, or whether there are sociocultural reasons behind it (the term originating largely in the community).
So, some definitions! Aromantic = not romantically attracted to anyone. Arospec = on the aromantic spectrum, including aromantic, demiromantic, etc. Often uses qualifiers to describe who the attraction is towards. Alloromantic = romantically attracted to people. Asexual = not sexually attracted to anyone. Acespec = on the asexual spectrum, including asexual, demisexual, etc. Allosexual = sexually attracted to people. Aspec = pertaining to the arospectrum and acespectrum. Allospec = pertaining to alloromantic and allosexual people.
Then you can basically mix and match to describe your experience! Let's say you're romantically attracted potentially to all genders, but only after a strong emotional connection develops, and not sexually attracted to anyone. You could describe yourself as demi-panromantic asexual, or, more simplified, as arospec ace. Or, let's say you're a man romantically attracted to men, and sexually attracted to men and androgynous people. You could describe yourself as homoromantic bisexual. Or, if that same dude wasn't sexually attracted to anyone, he'd be homoromantic asexual, and could use 'alloace' as shorthand - alloromantic, asexual.
And yes, that absolutely includes being not romantically attracted to anyone (aromantic) and sexually attracted to others (allosexual, which can be described further - homosexual, bisexual, et cetera). As an umbrella term, you could use the term 'aroallo', which does seem to be the most popular term to use, both as a Tumblr tag and as a subreddit (r/aroallo). Probably on other socials but I don't use those XD;;
(Aro-ace specifically seems to use both 'aro-ace' and 'aroace'. I use the former. AFAIK, aroallo and alloace mostly use the non-hyphen version, but again, not much personal experience there.)
An important disclaimer - orientation is messy and imprecise. We use language to try to give some sort of definition, but it's not a black and white thing. People may describe themselves with apparently contradictory terms, like ace lesbian or the like. This is largely due to those spectra (the arospectrum and acespectrum) being huge. There are so many ways to be on those spectra! A small selection of acespec identities include not just asexual, demisexual, and grey asexual, but aceflux (sexual orientation fluctuates, either solely within the ace spectrum or between no and some/a lot of attraction), aegosexual (someone who experiences a disconnect between themselves and the target of arousal, ie. someone who experiences sexual attraction towards others but without themself being in the picture; I've found a lot of people in fandom fit aego, where they're sexually attracted to, say, two fictional characters but they never insert themself into the scene), cupiosexual (asexual or acespec, but still desires sexual actions despite not feeling sexual attraction towards a partner; someone who is otherwise ace but enjoys sex with their partner as a method of being close may describe themself as cupiosexual), etc.
There are also various views towards orientation, sort of along two spectra. One of these spectra is about how you view sex in general, between positive (sex, conceptually and in general, is a good thing!), neutral (sex sure is a thing that exists!), and negative (sex, conceptually and in general, is a bad thing!). Then, there's how you feel about it for yourself - sex-favourable means that even if you're ace, you may enjoy sex for assorted reasons (see: cupio), sex-indifferent means, eh, you don't have strong feelings about having it yourself, and sex-averse is "no thank you not for me!!", with sex-repulsed being considered a stronger variation ("sex is Ew and I don't want to even think about it") that can fit on either spectrum. I would consider myself sex-positive (leaning more towards neutral, I don't think it's a negative thing but it can be used in that way, like any sort of relationship) and sex-averse (no thank you not for me!!). A sex-positive and -averse person may still enjoy erotica; a sex-neutral and -favourable person may enjoy being intimate with a partner even if sex itself is just kind of. A thing.
This has got extremely long-winded, but the short version is: yes, it is absolutely possible to be aro without being ace. The split attraction describes that precisely, and precise definitions of attraction are imprecise and fiddly and can only really give an approximation of individual experiences, and all of these terms are optional anyway - but yes, very possible, often called aroallo.
I hope this helps! :D
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plinkodiskhorse · 2 years
on labels
The back and forth over the use of the word “queer” baffles and frustrates me. I think the arguments, and the term itself, are illustrative of a dialectic. Queer is simultaneously collective and individual, affiliation-group and self-identity, over-arching and specific, degrading and embracing. Until a time comes that all variations and expressions of gender and sexuality (and combinations thereof) are free from social and institutional stigma, queer will never mean just one thing.
Queer, as an over-arching term for anyone who is NOT cisgender, heterosexual, or perisex, acknowledges the overlap and interplay of gender assigned at birth, identified gender, gender expression, sexual attraction. A cisgender, butch dyke (a person assigned female at birth who aligns with that identity and is attracted to other women, while expressing her gender in a “masculine” manner) and a faggy, transgender man (a person assigned female at birth who “rejects” womanhood while dating men and expressing an “effeminate” masculinity) may seem very different from one another but can have MANY shared experiences of “queerness.” Both may be targets of transphobia and misogyny — even when one of them isn’t trans and one of them isn’t a woman — and both may be targets of homophobia. “Queer” (can, should) holds space for all of these aspects of self, even when they seem to contradict one another.
(How can a transgender man experience misogyny? When he is not perceived/treated as a man, but as a “failed woman.” How can a cisgender woman experience transphobia? When she is perceived/treated as a “non-passing” transgender woman encroaching upon “women’s spaces.”)
When this hypothetical cis dyke and transfag both claim the word “queer,” there is (or should be, in this umbrella interpretation of queer) an understanding that “your fight is my fight.” We may not be the exact same flavor of queer, but our liberation is interconnected. My freedom, as a transgender man, cannot be won at the expense of women’s freedom. I don’t mean that just in the sense that I would be morally opposed to that situation; I mean it in the sense that the oppression of women WILL impact my own freedom.
The baroque complexities of queerness become further entangled when considering race, religion, and disability. Can “queer” hold the history of racialized gender in America? That black people have been hypersexualized/virilized and subsequently fetishized and denigrated for this projection. That East Asian women have been seen as seductresses or naturally submissive, while East Asian men are desexualized or objectified as seeming young and effeminate. The stereotypes of the hot blooded Latina and the macho Latino. Can “queer” encompass the deliberate destruction of Native gender identities and the subsequent (current) obfuscating mythologizing by white queers? Can “queer” be a place for people who see their gender and/or sexuality as a manifestation of/connection to the Divine while also being a place for those deeply harmed by religion because of their gender/sexuality? Can “queer” accept people with disabilities as people capable of eroticism even if their bodies don’t allow for some forms of sex acts?
As a dialectic, rather than a static fact, queer can hold these things, and there are times that queer will be too broad for all these things and specificity is needed.
As a dialectic, queer is a slur and an academic term. Queer is an acceptable word in a peer-reviewed journal, and has the potential to be “fighting words” interpersonally. What matters is the context and the individual interpretation. And it’s HIGHLY personal.
I was born and raised in Texas from the 90s to the 2010s. I never heard queer used as an insult, except in media from (or set in) the past. If I had heard someone use queer as an insult, my initial reaction would have been confusion. Are you fucking old? Is this the 70s? But I did hear gay used as an insult all the time. And faggot and dyke, if there weren’t any teachers within hearing range. I didn’t really encounter queer until undergrad, as an academic term, an area of study, and then as how my friends self-identified. Because of this, my associations with queer are largely positive.
But I know people who also grew up in Texas, only a 30-45min drive away from where I grew up, who did experience queer as a slur. For them, they may feel more comfortable reclaiming fag or dyke, rather than queer. And that’s their decision to make. And yet, it would be reductive if they were to treat queer as only ever a slur, not as a word with decades of usage in academic and intracommunity contexts.
I like queer as a word that can veil meaning.
It can be a conversation stopper. You don’t get to know the specifics of my gender history, my sexual partners, the roles I take in sex, the acts I enjoy during sex.
It can be a conversation starter. I see you’re different in a way that is similar to how I’m different; let us now ask each other oblique and leading questions that the cis hets around us won’t understand.
I dislike how queer is increasingly absorbed into the corporate rainbow-washing of assimilationists. A company doesn’t get to sell me Pride merch with one hand and donate to anti-trans politicians with the other hand.
I cannot say that queer retains its edge, nor can I say that it has been defanged. I cannot force others to reclaim the word, nor can I gatekeep the word. In the first “queer studies” class I ever had, my professor explained “autonomy” literally means “self-naming.”
There is no right or wrong answer, there is only ever-increasing nuance.
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magickkate · 7 months
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Today's topic is relatively serious, witches! Let's unravel the enchanting tapestry of Wicca, witchcraft, and paganism, shall we? While these terms are often used interchangeably, they each have their own unique traditions, beliefs, and practices. Here's a glimpse into their similarities and differences:
Wicca: Wicca is a modern pagan religion that was developed in the mid-20th century by figures such as Gerald Gardner and Doreen Valiente. It is centered around the worship of nature and the reverence of the divine, often symbolized by a god and goddess representing the masculine and feminine energies of the universe. Wiccans celebrate seasonal festivals, known as Sabbats, and honor the cycles of the moon in their rituals. Wicca emphasizes personal responsibility, ethical behavior, and the practice of magic as a tool for spiritual growth and transformation.
Witchcraft: Witchcraft, on the other hand, is a practice rather than a religion. It encompasses a wide range of magical traditions, beliefs, and practices that are rooted in ancient folk magic, shamanism, and occultism. Witches may or may not adhere to a specific religious belief system, and their practices can vary greatly depending on individual preferences and cultural influences. Witchcraft is often associated with spellcasting, herbalism, divination, and connecting with the energies of the natural world.
Paganism: Paganism is a broad umbrella term that encompasses a diverse array of spiritual traditions and practices that are rooted in pre-Christian, indigenous, or nature-based religions. Paganism honors the sacredness of the earth and the divine energies that permeate all living things. It includes traditions such as Druidry, Heathenry, Hellenism, and various forms of polytheism, animism, and pantheism. Pagans celebrate seasonal festivals, honor ancestral spirits, and cultivate a deep connection with the natural world.
While Wicca, witchcraft, and paganism share some common themes, such as reverence for nature and the practice of magic, they are distinct paths with their own beliefs, practices, and communities. Some practitioners may identify with one or more of these paths, while others may follow their own unique spiritual journey. Whatever path you choose, embrace the magic within you and follow your intuition as you explore the mysteries of the universe. 🌙✨
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In the realm of spiritual practices and religions, some traditions are considered "closed," meaning they are intended for specific cultural or ethnic groups and are not open to outsiders or those who do not belong to those groups. The reasons for a tradition being closed vary and can include cultural preservation, respect for ancestral traditions, and the protection of sacred knowledge. Here are some examples of closed practices or religions and why they are considered as such:
Native American Spirituality: Many Indigenous tribes and nations have spiritual practices that are considered closed to outsiders. These traditions are deeply rooted in specific cultural contexts and are passed down through generations within tribal communities. Outsiders are often discouraged from appropriating or practicing these traditions out of respect for Indigenous sovereignty and the protection of sacred ceremonies and knowledge.
Vodou (Voodoo): Vodou is a syncretic religion that originated in Haiti and West Africa, blending elements of African spiritual traditions with Catholicism. It is considered a closed religion because it is deeply intertwined with Haitian culture and history and is traditionally practiced within specific communities. Outsiders are generally not encouraged to practice Vodou without proper initiation and training, as it involves working with powerful spirits and deities.
Shinto: Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan and is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and history. It involves the worship of kami (spirits or deities) and the practice of rituals at shrines and sacred sites. While Shinto is open to participation by anyone, certain aspects of Shinto practice, such as the inner workings of Shinto priesthood and some shrine rituals, are considered closed to outsiders.
Certain forms of Witchcraft: Some forms of witchcraft, particularly those rooted in specific cultural traditions or lineages, may be considered closed practices. For example, some forms of African diasporic witchcraft, such as Hoodoo and Santeria, are traditionally practiced within specific cultural communities and are not open to outsiders without proper training and initiation.
It's important to approach spiritual practices with respect, humility, and sensitivity to cultural and historical contexts. While it's natural to be curious about different traditions, it's essential to recognize and honor the boundaries of closed practices and to seek guidance and permission from practitioners within those traditions before engaging with them.
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In closed practices, certain aspects are not open for use or appropriation by individuals who do not belong to the specific cultural or ethnic groups associated with those practices. These aspects often include:
Sacred Rituals and Ceremonies: Closed practices typically involve sacred rituals, ceremonies, and rites that are deeply rooted in specific cultural or ancestral traditions. These rituals may involve working with powerful spirits, deities, or ancestors and are considered sacred and highly respected within the community. Outsiders are generally not permitted to participate in or appropriate these rituals without proper initiation and training.
Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Closed practices often involve the transmission of traditional knowledge, wisdom, and teachings that are passed down through generations within cultural communities. This knowledge may include spiritual beliefs, practices, herbal remedies, and magical techniques that are specific to the cultural context and are not meant to be shared with outsiders without permission.
Sacred Objects and Symbols: Certain sacred objects, symbols, and artifacts are considered sacred within closed practices and are used in rituals and ceremonies as vessels for spiritual energy or as tools for communication with spiritual forces. These objects may include ritual implements, sacred plants, and religious symbols that hold deep significance within the cultural context. Outsiders are generally not permitted to use or appropriate these objects without proper understanding and respect for their meaning and purpose.
Initiation and Training: In many closed practices, initiation into the tradition and proper training are essential prerequisites for engaging in spiritual practices and rituals. Initiation ceremonies often involve a formal process of acceptance into the community and may include teachings, rituals, and oaths of allegiance. Proper training under the guidance of experienced practitioners is necessary to ensure the safe and respectful practice of closed traditions.
Cultural Appropriation: Outsiders are cautioned against appropriating elements of closed practices without proper understanding, respect, and authorization from the cultural community. Cultural appropriation involves the unauthorized use, adoption, or exploitation of cultural elements by individuals who do not belong to that culture, often resulting in the distortion, commodification, or trivialization of sacred traditions and practices.
It's important to approach closed practices with humility, respect, and a willingness to learn from and honor the cultural context from which they arise. Seek guidance from experienced practitioners within the community and always ask permission before engaging with sacred rituals, objects, or knowledge.
I really recommend doing your own research of what is and isn't sacred or closed practices for the sake of your own reputation as well as for the sake of yourself. There are many good collections of information available. This website provides alternatives as well. This website also highlights the new interests in witchcraft recently and notes the closed and sacred practices and why.
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transtalesofdoom · 6 months
The Label Thing - personal experience
I've talked previously about labels I've considered, used, or decided not to use in passing. Let's talk about it in a bit more detail!
I like labels. It's a personal preference, and I understand why someone wouldn't, but I like having words to describe myself with. I like having a handful of terms to explain my experiences quickly. I also like knowing that there's more people with these experiences, grouped under my label. Makes it feel a little less lonely.
Before the whole gender thing, I had already picked out the labels of biromantic asexual. Gender never really meant anything to me, and why would I care about stuff like genitals if I didn't intend to interact with them. Opted for bi over pan because it sounded nicer and the flag was prettier.
And then the gender thing happened and I suddenly had an entirely new experience to describe. One that was still developing.
The first day after I had come out to myself, I neither liked the term "man" nor "trans" for myself. Both seemed too solid for what I was. I was a dude or a guy, but a man? There's the whole societal aspect to it, how trans men can get treated poorly for "becoming the enemy", that I won't get into here, but it definitely was at play. And "trans" had an oddly definitive feeling to it. Like I had a gender and goal in mind, when I very much didn't. This was weird to me, because I knew that's not how the label is used. Anything that isn't cis can be labeled as trans. But at first it felt like I was appropriating it.
Nonbinary was a pretty safe catch-all. I was, by the very definition, not binary. Nor did I think anyone else was, but that was beside the point. Genderqueer was another option worth considering, since my gender was most definitely queer, but something about it didn't really click with me. Maybe it was the flag and the fact that certain trans-exclusionists used the same colors because they fancied themselves suffragettes.
I became a little more comfortable with it as the compound of transmasc. That was me. I was transing into the masculine. Not very committal, but a descriptor of what I was up to with the gender.
I still liked the term "woman", weirdly enough. Having watched so many Woman-Power movies (shoutout to Oceans 8 and Birds of Prey specifically), it had taken a while for me to fully embrace that label to begin with, and once I had managed to find it empowering, I didn't want to let go of it again. Even if I was transmasc, "Woman" by Kesha was too good of a song to leave behind. I was a motherfucking woman!
I did a bit more snooping around into other labels to see if anything would stick. I found and read the comics by ND Stevenson, and came across the ones where he describes being bigender. And I liked that description. It resonated with me. Especially because he references the Kesha song, I guess. 'Vibrating between genders too fast to see' felt relatable. So maybe I was bigender?
But I wasn't vibrating between male and female. Those were a part of it, sure, but there was more. And also less. I was every gender and no gender simultaneously. And while that is a possible subgroup of bigender, it once again felt like using the term, although I liked it, wouldn't properly convey my experience.
That night I decided to coin "fuckgender", only to discover that not only did this label already exist, but it also described exactly what I was feeling. (Not to be confused with genderfuck.) And yet, while that was a fun little anecdote, it wasn't what I wanted from a label. And the fact that other people were using it, thereby turning it into a functioning microlabel, made it less appealing to me, somehow.
Instead, I decided to embrace "trans" as an umbrella term for the time being. I didn't really need to define it any further. "transmasculine nonbinary" worked well enough to convey my identity to others. I could elaborate for those who wanted to know more. For myself, the label was the same as my gender. It was kinda there and kinda not, both everything and nothing all at once. More of a general vibe than an actual word.
And that works for now. Maybe that will change. Probably, even. I might embrace bigender, or multigender, I might find my trans experience to be binary enough to go by trans man. Maybe I'll do a U-turn and become a nonbinary woman.
There's only one way to find out and personally, I'm excited for it.
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Cryptidkin tips/help? A lot of the stuff I can find that helps me is long term [like quadrobics, which I'm not able to practice much to get good at] or very niche [going on anon on other blogs so that I'm hard to identify]
- @buggiest-cryptid [actual sideblog asks should be a thing]
Heya!! Sorry for the delayed response!! I'll start with my generic tips and then try and think of some more specific advice for your situation. Also dw I'm hopeless at quadrobics haha! And yes I NEED sideblog asks. My general do-it-at-home kin tips I give on all of these are: - Create a playlist. This can be songs with the same aesthetic/vibe as your kintype, songs that trigger kinshifts or literally just a bunch of songs you like to listen to a lot! - Create a moodboard for your kin! A 3x3 tumblr style square is ideal because you can use it as the cover for your kin playlist on spotify. Honestly just typing in your kintype and then aesthetic into Google will find images but I mostly recommend Pinterest if you don't already use it. - Make a Kinsona/OC of your kin species. This is mostly just for fun but roleplaying as that character can help you connect to your kintype. - Go on hikes and explore nature! Even if your kintype isn't from your local wildlife, it's still a good way to relax. - Wear clothing the same colour as your kintype. Knitwear is great for replicating fur. - Design a kin pride flag! There are many umbrella flags already existing but make your own! It can just be for personal use. I recommend using Photopea or Canva.
Cryptidkin Specific Tips:
Pick your cryptid name: Every cryptid has a name: the jersey devil, bigfoot, mothman etc. Make your own for your kintype! Honestly I think I'm actually going to do this now, I always like the "titles" that come in ID packs.
DIY Gear: I'm basing this off of the pfp on your linked account! Antennae can be created using pipecleaners and then attached to your hair using hairclips or by gluing to a hairband. Horns can be attached the same way and created using tinfoil and then taped over to smooth the shape (ideally masking tape so you can paint them!). Scarves are perfect to replicate ruffles of fur & fingerless gloves make good paws (your fingertips can look like claws). These should be a little easier to obtain given we're coming into winter. Arm & leg warmers are also recommended. I actually have 2 pairs of paw print fingerless gloves! I saw you're bug themed so an alternative to an exoskeleton could be leather jackets? I'm not as sure about that though!
Watch Ghosthunting & Cryptid Conspiracy Vids: They're just fun tbh! I like watching shows and videos surrounding my kintypes to connect & they often trigger positive kinshifts.
Themed Foods: Gummy snakes can pass as worms or... well... snakes. Good potential alternatives to raw meat can be jerky, dried fruits, rare/medium rare steaks and safe raw fish! I also recommend red tongue-staining lollipops and red/pink chocolate for the idea of blood. Please don't take these at face value though - research before eating anything!
Get involved in the voidpunk community: This is partially a general kin tip but it especially applies to monsterkins & cryptidkins. The voidpunk community really embrace the idea of alterhumanity and many create voidsonas to represent their inner-selves. I'm not the best person to explain it but I recommend taking a look through the tags!
Sorry, this is all I can think of for now! I hope some of these are helpful!
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mommyclaws · 8 months
look as a lesbian I don’t get why it’s so awful to just want lesbian spaces?? We as queer people all have different experiences and we can have smaller spaces while still embracing the whole community.
Lesbians go through different experiences than bi non-men do. That DOES NOT mean “we suffer more” or whatever because I hate the whole oppression olympics shit. We are not attracted to men neither sexually nor romantically, and that’s what makes us oppressed in this heteronormative world. We go through harassment, corrective rape, violence, and conversion “therapy” because we are homosexual. If my dad ever found out I was exclusively attracted to women I would get kicked out. Why is it suddenly so awful and “gatekeepy” to ask us to have our own spaces? We still have sapphic spaces! We even have bi spaces and pan spaces! Heck, I see gay non-women are allowed to have their own spaces!
It’s harmful to be treated as a monolith. I’m not attracted to men, and saying im an “exclusionist” for this is lesbophobic. I’m not evil for being exclusively attracted to non-men. I’m not evil for saying we should have our own spaces while we’d still have sapphic spaces!
Words have meanings, and the lesbian label is important to me, for all of its history and all of my struggles. I’m tired of us all being seen as “big mean lesbians who hate men” so so much. It reeks of misogyny to me.
I am heavily disappointed, and I ask everyone to please understand why bi lesbians are harmful.
I'm disappointed you've missed the point of my post. I was talking about the history of different lesbians and sapphics being excluded and hated in our community through generations. The conversation wasn't about bi lesbians specifically, it was about the butches, transfemmes, Pan/Bi, Aro/Ace, nonbinary, and countless other identities that were or ARE still considered not "valid" members of our community at point or another. I was pointing out how this "Bi Lesbian exclusion" is just a repeat of past mistakes and in the retrospective it is rooted in radfem/terf ideology that claims sapphics have to present and feel a certain way to be accepted. I didn’t say anywhere that being attracted to non-men is evil, I didn’t call anyone a “big mean lesbian”. You’re putting words into my mouth. That entire post was about defending sapphic’s right to attraction and expression.
Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, non cis women and etc can all be oppressed, harassed, hate crimed, rejected by friends/family and other terrible things for their non heteronormative attraction.
Some people are failing to realize these exclusively “one identity spaces" they feel are being threatened don't actually exist in real life. Sure someone can have like, a "nonbinaries only" discord server or a meet up with friends who are all the the same identity. But a majority of queer spaces in real life? They don't have those rules because theres no way to separate queer identities neatly like that- There isn't a need to. You're going to find bisexuals and pansexuals and nonbinaries and trans people and all sorts of other identities at the same lesbian bar, the same sapphic support group, the same circle of friends.
So what exactly are these "spaces" that every other identity has and lesbians supposedly don't? Maybe ask why bisexuals, pansexuals, etc also being in a sapphic space feels so threatening to some in the first place? They have a right to be there as well. We are a community.
A label can be used and defined as whatever the owner of the label is comfortable with! "Lesbian" has always been an umbrella term. It can be a singular identity or it can describe any sapphic experience or it can do lots of things, labels have always been flexible in this way. Someone using the label differently than another person isn't harmful. It's expression.
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