#asexual is the only part of my queer identity that I have never questioned
pipfinn4 · 7 months
what would you do if someone came out to you as a term you had never heard of before? many people, including me, would ask that person what that term meant, or maybe you might go home and research that term so that you knew and understood that person's identity and could also understand their boundaries that might come with that term e.g. if your friend came out to you as asexual and told you that they were uncomfortable with people making sexual jokes around then, then you would stop making sexual jokes around them.
not one of my "mates" at college. she's a few months older than me and she's bisexual. i told her yesterday that i have put a lot of thought and research into figuring out my identity and that i might be aro-spec, i'm just not sure where on that aro-spec i might be. she turned to me and said "pip, i'm going to be honest, i only know the basic terms like bi, gay and lesbian." and then she laughed, and i had to awkwardly smile as she then proceeded to change the conversation.
she didn't ask me what that meant. she didn't message me later on that day asking what it meant or if me coming to terms with this might change any boundaries i have at all. she hasn't brought it up since. and i know for a fact that she hasn't even googled a "basic" definition of aromantic.
and that hurts. it hurts because i've told her before about the fact i'm genderqueer and that i'm asexual. they aren't "basic" queer terms like she said that she knows. and that made me question if she even understands any of my identity or respects me in any way. part of me thinks that she doesn't know about these terms because of the lack of media coverage of them, but i am constantly sharing posts on my social media about queerness and my identity.
so, to any allies reading this, maybe reconsider the way you react when somebody comes out to you, because your reaction is vital in making sure that person feels accepted.
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vampire-meta-knight · 2 years
Aces are queer BECAUSE they’re ace
It never ceases to piss me off that some ace exclusionists will claim you aren’t queer because you’re ace, but you are queer because you’re also homoromantic/biromantic/[insert any non-hetero and non-aro romantic attraction here].
I’m a sapphic ace. I am grayromantic, but the part of me that does feel romantic attraction feels it towards women, so I do identify with being a lesbian. However, I am far more of an asexual than a lesbian. I have more in common with asexuals, I am more impacted by my asexuality, and overall, it’s just a larger part of my identity and always has been. I knew I was ace long before I knew I liked girls.
I don’t fit in with allo lesbians--not all the way. There’s still that barrier there. I like women romantically and aesthetically, but not sexually. I can’t relate to a lot of lesbian experiences because of my lack of attraction and my sex-aversity, so although I still feel comfortable calling myself a lesbian, it doesn’t always feel like home in the same way “asexual” does.
Because I can relate to ace experiences. I do feel what aces feel. I feel the frustration of not being able to understand what allosexuals and alloromantics feel. I feel the anger at being the only one in a room who’s grossed out by sex and gets made fun of and infantilized for it. I feel the irritation at not being understood by those around you, how they just don’t understand that you aren’t interested in dating, don’t want to have sex, don’t find people attractive. I feel the internal pain of questioning yourself over and over, of feelings changing and wondering if you’ve been wrong about yourself all along, or feeling like you can’t change because you fear it would just prove everyone else right--that it was a “phase” and you did just need to “grow up” or “meet the right person” or “try it once to see if you like it” and denying your own complexity and fluidity to fit in the narrow box of what society thinks asexual is, all so they can’t invalidate you. I feel the despair at feeling broken, at fearing you’re missing out on something wonderful, at wishing you were something you weren’t just so you could fit in with everyone else and finally know what’s so great about being allo.
I am queer because I am ace. I am queer because I am grayromantic. I am queer because I’m sapphic. I am queer because I don’t belong with the alloromantic straights. I am queer because they way I view romance and sexuality is different from the mainstream.
My identity is shaped by many parts. I am queer because of all of them together, not by only one on its own.
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nyxsealia · 9 months
When I was 17 and trying to figure out what the heck my sexuality was, the main, if not only, piece of advice I found online, even when I directly asked people, was to go out and experiment sexually with various people and see what gender I enjoyed sex with most. And years later, that still seems to be the advice most of us give when someone is trying to figure out their sexuality. And there's nothing wrong with doing that, and if that's what helped you, great. But I do think there's issues with this being the most prevalent advice.
There are a lot of reasons someone may not want to do this, various personal or religious reasons, comfort levels, a lack of interest in sex, not experiencing much or any sexual attraction, or simply being too young for this to be applicable.
I found the advice unhelpful for many of the reasons I just mentioned, and it left me feeling lost on how I was supposed to find out what my orientation was. It also left me with thoughts like how can I be a part of queer culture if I don't want to experiment sexually or be sexually active? Even looking at articles with advice on dating as a queer woman I saw bullet points like "It's okay to have sex on the first date!" there was so much emphasis on how it's okay to have very active sex lives that it left me feeling like if I didn't want that, I'd never be able to have relationships because there'd be an expectation of sex right off the bat. Don't get me wrong, sex positivity is important and we shouldn't shame people for their sex lives. But I feel like we don't don't talk about not being into that kind of thing enough.
I also didn't know at the time that I was asexual, and while I'm sex neutral and open to the idea of sex with a trusted partner, I don't have any desire to seek out sexual relationships. Not experiencing sexual attraction made figuring out my attraction a thousand times harder. I still don't know if I'm bi/pan or lesbian. I do refer to myself as gay or lesbian in some instances, but sometimes I say queer or just shrug and say "I like girls" or "I'm not straight" and some days I'm okay with the vagueness of that, but other days I feel the stress and pressure of having to pick an identity in order to have a community to belong to and be accepted. That stress and pressure doesn't get better when all the advice I can find on the subject just tells me to have sex and that'll clear everything up.
We put a lot of focus on finding out exactly "what" you are. And I don't think sex is the best way to do that. Lots of people have varying interest in sexual or physical intimacy, not just queers. My cishet friend told me she got a boyfriend but she wasn't entirely sure if what she was feeling was romantic, and that the idea of kissing made her uncomfortable. She doesn't identify as ace or aro, and she shouldn't have to. People can have a lack of interest in these things without a lack of attraction.
Another issue with this advice is that sexual and romantic attraction doesn't always line up for everyone. You may enjoy sex with all genders, but find you only have a desire to date one. So sexual experimenting wouldn't necessarily answer the question for you. Orientation is really complicated. I did mostly consider myself lesbian, but I occasionally find men aesthetically attractive, and I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'm actually bi but still feel uncomfortable using the term.
All this needlessly long and ramble-y text to say, this advice is simply useless to a lot of people. And while I can't speak personally for this part, I'd bet at least some people who enjoy sexual experimentation still weren't sure of their orientation at the end of it. This advice shouldn't be presented as the one size fits all solution.
If you're uncomfortable or uninterested in figuring out your identity this way, there's nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with not knowing. You don't have to know right now, or ever if you'd prefer that. It's okay to use vague terms. It's also okay to use whatever label feels closest even if it's not perfect. And remember, you're not locked into anything. You can always change labels.
There is no right way to determine your orientation. Everyone discovers themself in different ways and at different ages. It's not a race or a checklist. The most important thing is to be kind and patient with yourself and whatever you do to figure yourself out, be safe.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
Sorry if this has been asked before but thoughts on ace and/or aro spec Eddie? Because it is near and dear to my heart. Especially with everything we’ve gotten both on screen and in interviews from Ryan.
I have not gotten this question before!
I would like to preface this by saying that I am not aro/ace so I am speaking in what my understanding of the asexuality spectrum is from my ace friends, so i apologize if I misspeak or say something that is not entirely accurate to the experience of ace/aro people.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own interpretations of fictional characters, and I am never going to tell someone they are right or wrong for their interpretation of a character’s actions. However, I personally don’t view Eddie as aromantic, and if I were to place him on the asexuality scale, I would place him more towards demi-sexual than completely asexual. We know Eddie enjoys sex, but he still has a very complicated relationship with it when it comes to the women he has been with, and that could be for a myriad of reasons.
Of course one of these reasons could be that Eddie simply thinks he enjoys sex bc he grew up in a repressive religious environment where he was probably to scared to feel any other way, meaning he could very well be asexual and his seeming enjoyment of sex could be an act he puts on to ignore the part of him that he is repressing.
As a gay eddie truther, I believe this idea partly bc I believe he is trying to convince himself he is into women because that’s what he grew up to be taught that men should be attracted to women. However, I could see this being a pathway for Eddie to be introduced as somewhere on the asexuality spectrum, my personal belief being that he would lie more towards the demi end.
As far as him being aromantic, i personally don’t see this. I think we have seen plenty of times from Eddie that he craves that connection with someone but he actively sacrifices his own desires because he thinks he has some obligation to finding a mother for chris. I feel like what Kim said to Eddie in 7x9 about Eddie having too much love to give is true because he so badly wants to be in love with someone for himself, but he has convinced himself he can’t gave that because he views Christopher needing a mother figure as the more important quality in his romantic partners.
All of this to say, these are just my own thoughts and observations. I am obviously biased as a gay person who relates deeply to eddie for many reasons, and so my interpretation of his actions/words are through that lense. It’s hard for me to really see him as anything else, but just because that is my interpretation does not mean it is the only interpretation or even the right or wrong one. Until we get some form of confirmation from canon that Eddie is queer (which i think is very very very likely to happen this season) all we can do is speculate and theorize based on our own personal interpretations of him as a character— and i think that goes along with Ryan’s quote about how much he loves that such a wide range of people can see themselves in Eddie; and i think that no matter what, he is such a powerful and complex character that no matter what sexuality he ends up being confirmed as in canon so many fans of different sexualities and gender identities will still be able to find that deep connection with him and that is so beautiful to me.
I hope this answered your question! I love getting to have these kind of deep talks that dive into the complexities of human sexuality and all the nuances that come along with it (which is why i almost love the idea of them making Eddie unlabeled even though I personally perceive him as gay!)
I hope you have a lovely morning, afternoon, or evening wherever you are! and thank you again for the ask 💕💕
(again, apologies if anything i said misrepresents/misunderstands the aro/ace spectrum, it is not my intention to say anything that is incorrect, but I am not well-versed in the aro/ace spectrum aside from my ace friends)
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year
Hi hello, I've got a question, what that heck happened this week?? I haven't been active in awhile and I just logged back in here to follow an artist from tiktok, and I happened to see the conservative discord server screenshots on my "your tags" section. Is possible to get the sparks note version of what happened? (Sorry if the ask sounds weird, not very good at putting my thoughts into words)
Sorry I only answered this a few days later! You might already know what's happening by now, but in case you didn't I'll give you a TLDR:
- Tumblr user alasse-earfalas makes a post on LU's main tag advertising a conservative christian LU / LoZ server. She claims to want a safe space for those with similar views. What really catches people's attention is a part of the post that speaks about "Pride ideology" and how such "predatory" views aren't allowed in the server. In the same section she talks about wanting a space where characters are not "queered into oblivion." The vibes are utterly rancid.
- LU fandom immediately begins spiteposting. Everyone and their mother starts making LU queer headcanons or posts showing their support for the queer community. The memes flood in. "Queered into oblivion." is immediately reclaimed and added to people's lexicons. People are speedrunning how fast they can get banned off the server. There's almost a unanimous effort to make fun of bigots.
- Further controversy ensues under the surface. As it turns out, several religious people in the fandom had been interacting with Alasse and other people in the conservative server. It was impossible to know whether or not they shared similar views, but you can't blame people's caution. When questioned whether their blogs were safe for queer people, some gave very vague answers that pretty much dialed down to "I love everyone" or "I don't wanna talk about it." Neutrality in such instances is not reassuring for queer people, especially when the other side is claiming we are predatory. Afaik some people have redacted their statements or gone on to further clarify things. But some people still take a firmly neutral stance on the matter. (Don't ask who I haven't been following closely enough to know).
- A few days later Alasse comes back with a follow-up statement addressing the server. She pulls a mix between "gay people I respect VS gay people I don't respect." and "I'm not homophobic I have a gay friend." By stating that the server is not homophobic, but simply does not support the pride movement. Which is allegedly pushing to show porn to kids in school. When asked for a source on such a shocking claim someone on the server cites Fucking Matt Walsh rather than a non-biased and or scientific article. The transphobia also pops out when she claims the pride movement is trying to push surgeries on children (It's not. Children do not get gender realignment surgeries. You can find this out from five minutes on google). Addressing "queered into oblivion." Alasse goes on a rant about "queerwashing" characters, stating the Links are canonically straight and making them queer invalidates their identity. Alasse conveniently forgets that Nintendo has never canonically given Link a partner. She also forgets that bisexuality, asexuality and other sexualities that may include romantic attraction to the opposite sex do, in fact, exist. The rest of the post is whining about people joining the server to troll and basically just her reaping what she sowed for advertising on Tumblr Dot Com.
Aside for further outrage and memes, that's pretty much where we're up to so far. Things are dying down and hopefully the bigots will keep to their own corner and or fuck off from the fandom entirely.
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wolveria · 2 months
To the anon that sent another message about this ask:
There is no misunderstanding. I knew what you were trying to say, and I answered accordingly.
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Acknowledging your discomfort was the first thing I did. It was also one of the last things I addressed. But I also said feelings aren't an indicator of truth or reality, which can be a harsh thing to hear. But it doesn't mean I don't care about what you said.
You've repeatedly said you're upset about how aroace identities are treated in fandom, and I think it would be helpful to examine why.
I hope you read this post in its entirety, because I feel what I have to say is important and might provide some insight as an older aroace.
To put it bluntly, I think you're defensive and protective of aroace characters, because you feel your own identity is being dismissed and threatened in fandom spaces.
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What you said here tells me that this isn't actually about fictional characters. This is about how you feel as an aroace in the queer community.
I completely understand. Aphobia is real, it's pervasive and insidious, and it can feel like we're outsiders in the queer community. Unfortunately, this isn't uncommon, and we're not the only ones to get that exclusionary treatment.
But it's important to understand aphobia isn't caused by what fans do with fictional characters. Nor is it an indicator of any actual aphobic thoughts or beliefs.
If fans are already hostile towards aroace people, you would assume they would also be shitty towards aroace characters, right?
That's a dangerous assumption. You would be surprised how many racist bigots are much more tolerant of characters of color than they would be of a real person of color standing in front of them.
Continued below (tw for mention of rape fantasies):
And then take me, someone on the aroace spectrum. My most abused characters are my aroace ones. I have absolutely horrific fantasies and stories of them. I will put them in the most fucked up sexual situations, including corrective rape scenarios. I'm an absolute monster to them.
Am I erasing their aroace identity? You could argue I am. I would say it's the least problematic thing I'm doing to them, in the grand scheme, but the question is: Do you think I'm a part of the problem? Or is it okay because I'm also aroace? Why are my fantasies acceptable, when a non-aroace having the same fantasies isn't?
And that's what all of this is: fantasy. A fan taking a canonically aroace character and treating them as cishet is their fantasy.
(And that's not even acknowledging that you can never truly know if that's what's happening. An aroace character can display romantic behavior, have sex, and do all the things that would make them pass as cishet. That doesn't make them any less aroace, does it?)
But for argument's sake, lets say that this hypothetical fan truly is making them straight as an arrow.
So what? Why is that any more harmful than my rape fantasies? Why do my fantasies get a free pass, but their fantasies can be labeled as aphobic?
My argument is, there is no moral difference between my fantasies and anyone else's.
Because how someone treats fictional characters can never be an accurate indicator of how they will treat real people.
Aroace character treatment in fandom isn't a source, or a sign, of aphobia. Only actions against actual people are.
Again, this is not addressing media representation. I can't tell you how many times I've seen an asexual-coded character be forced into a weird, awkward, heteronormative situation, and it's made me feel angry and erased. But I focus that anger at the responsible party, the people who got paid to make these choices. I try not to aim my hostility at fans for doing the same thing. Because one is a play fantasy, and the other is a decision with millions of dollars behind it. They are not the same.
Fanon interpretation can go away with a block button. Aphobia in media is a lot harder to contend with, and being upset with fans won't address the core issue. It's a larger problem that doesn't have an easy solution, and sometimes, being angry at other fans can feel like a way of hitting back.
It isn't. You're only lashing out at people as powerless as you.
I'm sorry for upsetting you, that you believe I'm not being sympathetic to other aroaces, but I just don't have the bandwidth to give a shit about fictional people.
I care about real people, including you, Anon, so I hope you have a support system that can help you feel validated in your identity. Because from some of the things you said, it sounds like people are being aphobic toward you. And that's a real problem that can and should be addressed.
Fandom can be a very hostile place for anyone, especially aroace people, and I hope you find other, kinder spaces for validation and safety in your identity.
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aromantic-diaries · 10 months
so, im both aro and ace (despite the amount of sex jokes and calling people hot, still asexual)
well, this is a long story, sorry in advance
so, im talking to this friend (A) here, he says something that is sooo aro-coded, and im like "this guy is probably aro-spec too and maybe he doesnt know so lets help a little" and i tell him to read loveles because 'the main character is very relatable', he ends up with him knowing about aro identities, he questioned his own sexuality before and he isnt aro, but with the 'very relatable' part i sold myself out as aro, and he wasnt arophobic (he literally said he almost used the label so) so it was okay
fast forward a year , we are talking, sexuality ends up as a topic, and i confess i didnt come up to anyone, the only people who knew were him and another friend who found out by accident (really supportive, even though im not sure that i was ready), he ask about this other friend of ours (B) and why i didnt come out to her, considering she is queer herself. i think im not ready to do that, both times i came out were not intentional and though it didnt end up badly still, not ready, also, my relationship with this friend is, well we mostly talk about gossip and all of her crushes, boyfriends, etc., basically it was purely sexual acts and romance, not my favourite topic of conversation but i we dont have anything in common outside shared memories (childhood besties) and school and we are both pretty unpopular so no more people) plus we never talk deep shit so i felt weird bring it up
few days later, the three of us were in class and talking about our teachers (and shipping them cause we are nosy), we get to his teacher and i say that i couldnt picture her with an special other and A says "like asexual, you mean", (it was more like aro but i didnt feel like explaining the difference plus i was panicking a little because i knew where this was going) and A countinues "B, what do you think of asexual people?", B says something in support, and then he asks me "[my name] do you know any asexual people in real life?" with a look on his face saying 'come out', i kinda evade the question so he asks B if she knew any, and B answers she had the theory that i was ace (i mean, she was right). i didnt know what to do so i made a joke "was it so obvious?"
i dont think i was ready to come out to her and i didnt want it to happen, but the conversation didnt end up bad, she was supportive but still i wasnt ready. i dont think it counts as getting outed because he just forced the conversation that way but didnt really say "[my name] is aroace", but i dont know of B hadnt mentioned her theory, would he had outed me?
i dont know how to feel, im basically venting, maybe do you have any advice for this situation?
I really don't think anyone should make you come out if you don't want to do it and it's supposed to be your choice so this sounds like something you should really talk about with friend A and explain to him that you didn't want to come out yet and that this wasn't okay. It is lucky that friend B was supportive though because this type of situation is even messier when the other person is not supportive. But even so it's still a gamble because most of the time you can't predict how someone will react and it's better to not take the risk of coming out to someone, let alone put someone else at risk. I hope you can talk this through with friend A
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krirebr · 6 months
♠️ Aspec stuff - I hope this is not disrespectful but I'm wondering how you found out? I'm bi and I remember the moment I found out clearly. Everything suddenly made sense and clicked into place. Did you have a moment like that?
Not disrespectful at all!! And my answer is, yes? Sort of? It was a very long journey that ended decisively.
It can be really hard, I think, to define the absence of something, rather than a presence. I only ever had my own experiences, so I spent my teenage years assuming what I was feeling was the same as everyone else. Also, it was the late 90s, early aughts, and we just really didn't talk about queer stuff nearly as much, especially not identities outside of being gay.
Around the time I turned 20, I finally started realizing that my experience probably wasn't what my straight friends felt. I also was fairly certain I wasn't gay. In 2005/6, the only other orientation that was really out there was bi, so I figured that's what I had to be. I mean, it made a bit of sense. My attraction to both men and women was basically the same. I just didn't have the vocabulary then to understand that that level of attraction was 0. But I also always knew that the bi label didn't really fit. But I had to be something!
So I really fumbled all the way through my twenties. I was much happier when I wasn't trying to hook up or date, but that couldn't be ok, right? Everything and everyone was telling me that I'd be happier if I was in a relationship and if I wasn't a virgin anymore. So, every few years, I would force myself to get on the apps, or let my friends set me up with someone and it was always awful. It always made me miserable.
And I was getting really frustrated with this part of my identity still being such a question mark. It was really starting to weigh on me.
So, a few months before I turned 30, I got on Tinder. And it was the worst one yet. I hated matching with people, I hated talking to people, I hated going on dates. Like once, I went out with a guy and on the date he told me he was married and I was so fucking relieved. It meant I never had to go out with him again and I wouldn't have to feel bad about it. 😂
After another bad round of dating, I was talking to my sister about how frustrated I was, and she said, "I just listened to a podcast about this thing called 'asexuality' and it actually made me think about you. I hope that's ok." And that night, I listened to the podcast episode. And it wasn't great - it was two straight, cis, white guys talking about something they didn't really understand, but it pointed me towards asexuality.org and their FAQ and that was my lightning strike moment. It defined not just asexuality, but also aromanticism and I was like "Oh! This is me!" And yeah, that's when everything snapped into place, and everything I'd done that I'd never quite been able to make sense snapped into focus.
It was still a bit of a journey after that to fully define these words for myself. But yeah, that was my moment. And things got a lot better, and easier, and happier for me after that.
Thank you for asking Jaqui and letting me share!! 💜💜
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Kris's 700 Celebration
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queenofthearchipelago · 7 months
The good omens fandom has been disappointing lately, and I don't mean because of Neil. I mean because of the small pocket who lashed out at Neil not long ago.
For those reading my post out of context, let me explain quickly that Neil has always said, very specifically so, that Aziraphale and Crowley are not men, and therefore are not gay. That being gay is a human thing, and angels and demons generally don't even really understand it. (This is not a direct quote from him, but I've read this sentiment from him a few times.) And in response to that, I've seen popular members in this fandom respond in harsh anger because they feel that when Neil says these things, that it comes from a place of internalized homophobia that he's been holding onto like his life depends on it for the last 30 years.
If I may gently offer a different perspective... and please do not come for me, I really genuinely do not want to interact in debate or argument, I simply want to lay out how I see this, and lay it down as a kinder perspective for those it may help.
Neil (and Michael and David) have always used incredibly vague language to determine who and what exactly Aziraphale and Crowley are to each other. The only consistencies are that they are an angel and a demon and they love each other, they're in love with each other.
If it comes to answering any questions more specific than that, like if they're gay, then the answer is that Aziraphale and Crowley are not men, they're supernatural beings.
This is not coming from a place of bias, this is coming from a place of protecting the fandom.
This fandom is such a diverse and beautiful place. I see many people who headcanon them as being gay. I also have met people here who headcanon them as lesbians. As being trans. As being asexual. As gender fluid. As being every different type of orientation and identity possible. The theories and headcanons on who and what Aziraphale and Crowley are, is just as varied as every single person in the fandom.
And that's so important.
For a group of people who know what it feels like to not have representation on screen... for some since the book has come out more than 30 years ago and for some who have only come into this fandom with show 5 ish years ago, you guys know how important representation is.
I can't help but feel that some of this frustration and anger towards Neil for not blatantly saying that it's a gay love story comes from a place of wanting their version of Aziraphale and Crowley to be deemed superior to the others at the cost of erasure of the orientations and identities possible in everyone else's headcanons.
It's a queer love story, whatever that means to you. Before the first season aired, Neil directly said that no one was trying to take your version of Aziraphale and Crowley away from you. And do we not all read the same blog? I see posts from this man celebrating how different members of his readership, young and old, find representation and comfort within this story he AND TERRY PRATCHETT made.
I do wonder if you would treat Terry this way. I sure hope not.
We're never going to get Neil Gaiman saying these characters are gay, because it would crack the very rare and delicate and beautiful thing that's been created here. A couple of characters in a deeply loving relationship where you the audience get to decide what their relationship is? Where you get to decide their gender, because they literally don't have one? A story where the characters could genuinely, canonically, be like you because there's nothing inside the story saying that aren't like you? Where that freedom to interpret is part of the very foundation of the characters?
What other story would you guys be getting that from? Because I don't see any others like that on any bookshelf I've scanned recently.
Neil isn't going to ruin that for you.
And even if he did, he's also directly said that his stories speak for themselves. He isn't Word of God. Neil doesn't pretend that extra information he brings on Tumblr dot com actually adds anything to the story we all watched. That stands on its own, anything extra he may say or not is up to us to decide if we think it's canon or not. Do you, yes you, very specifically YOU... do you care about Word of God? Do you care about Author's Intent?
These are choices you make as a reader, as a viewer of intelligent television.
Aziraphale and Crowley are whatever you want them to be. They're in love. They always have been. And whatever that means to you, is yours and you can have that and share that and no one (not even Neil Gaiman) is ever going to take that precious thing away from you.
So write your fanfics and draw your fanart and participate in roleplays and take your comfort and guard your peace.
It's supposed to be safe here.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Not going to cap being ace and questioning aro there’s a part of me feeling shamed and judged by my family and community. Like I know the tired arguments of aces/aros not “being true lgbt” is that we don’t face discrimination. But I can’t even live in that “gray area” as for me, I truly do face forms of discrimination. As a indigenous American whose tried values woman being a head of household and a mother, I do not fit the role and expectations set for me by my family and those within my community. If I was a lesbian it would have been a situation of “okay fine, you and your wife can adopt”- my own father still thinks I am a lesbian cause he doesn’t want to face the idea I might never want or even be able to have children. And my mother while more “accepting” of my asexual, more from the fact “at least I know you won’t get pregnant out of wedlock”, can’t wrapped her mind around the idea of me never having a marriage. Going as far as trying to plan for an arranged one. And even among fellow indigenous youth who remembered and embracing the very queer identities of our culture. I’m still seen as an outlier, that I’ll be some role in the tribe that’s historical acceptable to have if you can’t have a child. Not to mention how many times I’ve been hit with “You have to have children, we are dying. You have to bring a warrior or healer or etc. into the world”. While non indigenous peoples can’t believe I could be ace/aro for either the usual anti queer bison shit or because “Isn’t your race dying out? Don’t you want to save your people?”
I’m the granddaughter a indigenous chief and there are moments when I feel like my own romantic and sexual identity have cut me from my family line. And I know the only people who could understand my struggles are those in my community who share similar weights on their shoulders. And I am thank you have another home with my ace/aro community.
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heartless-aro · 2 years
Heyo, i'm part of a queer organization irl. I'm trying to lead us to focus more on aromanticism, since even a lot of queer people know very little about it. I have two questions. Number One is about the term loveless, since I've seen it used (and explained) quite frequently but still don't understand it. I don't get it of it's an actual description of not wanting love of any kind or more of a hyperbole, a stance taken against the common practice of only talking about love in a romantic context. And also i wanted to know if you have any more general suggestions
Ok, so I’m actually gonna start with general suggestions since I know I’m going to ramble a lot about lovelessness when I get to that part (given how I am as a person).
Since aromanticism isn’t as well known as most other identities, it would probably be difficult to set up events or groups for aromantic people, so I’m going to assume that your main goal, at least to start with, is probably going to be providing information and resources, and I’m gonna do my best to give advice based on that.
So, first and foremost, I would recommend being very clear about the fact that you can be aromantic even if you are allosexual. Alloaros are a much more significant portion of the aromantic community than people tend to realize. I’ve been meaning to make a post about some research papers I’ve read that give a bit of insight into the exact statistics, but what’s important to know is that, based off what little research exists, it is likely although aromantic people are more likely to be asexual than alloromantic people, most aromantics are still allosexual, not asexual. There’s probably a lot of people who are aromantic and just don’t realize it, because unfortunately with the amount of alloaro erasure in our community, many allosexual people don’t realize that identifying as aromantic is even an option for them.
Also, this is a bit specific, but I would recommend that when providing resources on aromanticism, you also provide a bit of info on aro rings (i.e., what they are/how to wear one), since many aromantics have never met another aro irl and would likely benefit from having a way to find and connect with other aros.
AUREA’s website (aromanticism.org) has a lot of great resources too, so I would definitely suggest checking those out and maybe directing people to AUREA’s website for further information about aromanticism.
These are all somewhat simplistic suggestions since I’m not really an expert on organizing and I don’t know what sort of goals and resources you’re working with, but if you want to discuss further, feel free to dm/message me and I’ll help as best as I can (for real I have nothing better to do lol) ♠︎.
Ok so now for your first question about whether the term “loveless” is literal or hyperbolic…the short answer is…yes. Yes it is. As for the long answer…
There are a number of reasons why someone might identify as loveless aromantic. For some people, their identity as loveless may be related to some intrinsic aspect of themselves while others may adopt the term for ideological reasons (i.e., as a political identity of sorts).
AUREA defines a loveless aromantic as “a person on the aromantic spectrum who feels disconnected from the concept of love, does not experience love, or rejects the idea of personally experiencing love” and clarifies that “loveless aros may experience other attractions, but do not equate these attractions to love.” This is a good start to understanding what loveless aromanticism is, but I’m going to try to discuss this in a bit more depth (at least, to the best of my ability).
At its core, lovelessness is simply the rejection of love as a descriptor for oneself and for one’s experiences — nothing more, nothing less. It only starts to become more complicated when you start delving into why someone might decide love is not a useful or applicable term for their experiences.
The most straightforward and obvious reason is that some people simply don’t feel anything that they can identify as love. This may be the case for people who lack the desire or ability to form close emotional bonds with others; this could be due to a personality disorder like szpd, aspd, npd, or ocpd, due to emotional detachment related to ptsd, due to negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and so on. Similarly, someone who struggles to identify their emotions may not know whether or not they feel love.
Some may also consider “love” to be inapplicable to themselves because love is often so loosely and inconsistently defined as to seem nonsensical or meaningless to them. After all, how can romance, friendship, family bonds, passion for hobbies, and general enjoyment of life all be categorized as forms of “love” when each one of these is a fundamentally different experience?
The word love can refer to a lot of things, but romantic love is, for better or for worse, central to its basic definition. So much of our society’s concept of love is characterized by traits associated with romantic love, with all other forms of love being treated as secondary at best. Although we can stretch the definition so the word love can be more broadly applied, that doesn’t change the fact that, unless we completely rethink how we conceptualize love (as many lovequeer aros do), love as a social construct is inextricably tied to romance.
People are quick to label virtually any positive human experience as love, and in doing so without actually deconstructing what love means, they implicitly draw a connection between romantic love and those other positive human experiences. Yet is my “love” of music really the same emotion as someone else’s love for their spouse? Or do we only call them both love because — with romantic love being seen as the pinnacle of human emotion — we have become convinced that the only way the enjoyment of music could be anywhere near as valuable an experience as romantic love is if the enjoyment of music is in and of itself a form of love? By calling labeling any and all sources of joy as forms of love without considering whether they actually meet the definition of the term, we risk elevating the pedestal upon which society places romantic love, to our own detriment.
So, part of why someone might identify as loveless is because, in rejecting the idea that our experiences should be labeled as love, we are seeking to challenge the notion that the value of our experiences lies in their similarities to romance. In doing so while continuing to assert that our experiences are equal in value to the experience of romantic love, we seek to combat the idea that romantic love is above all other things.
Furthermore, there are also many people who identify as loveless due to having had “love” weaponized against them in the past. When people say that love makes us human, some of them may mean love in that broad sense that includes platonic affection, familial bonds, care towards pets, passion for hobbies, and so on. But for most people, the first type of love that comes to mind is always going to be romantic love, and for many, love and romance are inherently synonymous.
Although attempts to expand the definition of love are valuable, many aromantics (like myself) are uncomfortable with labeling any of their feelings as love. Furthermore, many neurodivergent aros, autistic aros in particular, have the love they do experience delegitimized by others because they cannot express love in the way people expected them to. (This is something that K.A. Cook explains in much greater detail in hir essay where ze first coined the term loveless aromantic. I plan on posting a link to this essay in a separate post in a bit. I highly recommend reading over it if you have the time).
After a lifetime of being excluded from the category of “people who love,” many aromantics don’t want to be told that we’re allowed to “join the club” now. There are people who will never consider our experiences to be the same as “real love,” and those who do will often consider us only as an afterthought. When people reinforce the idea that “love makes us human” or that “love is the meaning of life,” they may be including things like platonic love in their definition of love, but at the end of the day, not everyone will interpret their statements that way, and so their statements will still contribute to the dehumanization of aromantic people. Thus, it is not enough to be placated by the notion that love can include us too; at best, this is an empty platitude, and at worst, it serves to silence us on the matter of our own dehumanization. We need to dismantle the notion that love is intrinsic to humanity and happiness. In rejecting inclusion into the category of “people who feel love,” loveless aros make it impossible to ignore how equating love with humanity and happiness dehumanizes us and devalues our lives.
Anyways, this is based pretty heavily on my own thoughts and experiences and it’s probably not super organized but I hope that it helps.
So uhh,
tldr; loveless can be a descriptor for someone who doesn’t want love in any form, or it can be used as a hyperbole to express a stance against equating love and romance, or some combination of the two.
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nhasablogg · 11 months
Hi, sorry this is not a tickle related question and please feel absolutely free not to answer since it’s a bit personal.
How did you realise that you were asexual?
I’m struggling with my identity and sometimes I think I am since I don’t really feel comfortable with, yk, *doing it* with other people, but I still feel sexual drive sometimes, so I was wondering how do you experience your asexuality.
Ad I said feel absolutely free not to answer and I apologise if you have already talked about this
Sending love 💕
Hi! For me it was always really apparent that I don't have the same type of attraction toward others like the people around me seem to do, especially when we were in our teens and everyone started dating/sleeping around/getting into relationships. I put myself in very uncomfortable situations I didn't want to be in because I felt it was expected of me. I of course can find people visually appealing, but it's very very rare that I feel any type of like... pull toward others? Like I've had crushes (like 15 years ago lmao), but it's never in the sense that "I want this person to kiss me" etc. Honestly as I got older and realized I'm also queer in other ways I wondered if that would explain it, but I still don't really feel what I think others feel toward any gender. Sometimes I wonder if I'm also aro, but I want love too much to fully decide that right now. I've never BEEN in love, but I think the bad situations I ended up in in my teens have made me very wary of romanting (and sexual) attention and I've only recently started trying to date at 28.
This part is TMI and talks about masturbation, minors and people who don't want to know too much about me turn away
But that isn't to say I don't get, you know, horny and whatnot. I will protect my, uh, toys with my life lmaaoooo but I very very VERY rarely fantasize that it's someone else I'm being intimate with. In fact, thinking about it too much makes me VERY uncomfortable. I'm letting go of some old fears though now that I'm older and much more secure in my boundaries and feelings, but the fact that I've been terrified of dating up until now because of the whole societal expectations around sex says a lot to me. Even though people can be scared of sex and not be asexual, I can just feel it because it's not an important part of my life or anything I crave and has instead played a big part in my life as something that's making it quite difficult instead of being something fun and pleasurable. I can 100% understand why people like it, but it's just not important to ME even though I obviously enjoy masturbation.
Tldr I just always knew this about me even though I couldn't put it into words until about 10 years ago. I think many people are picky about their sexual partners too and need to have a connection in order to sleep with others and that they're confusing that experience with mine when I try to tell them, but my end goal is never to sleep with anyone, while for them that is their end goal and a part of their relationships, from what I've understood. But tbh just like my gender it's hard for me to put it in words and as long as I understand what's going on I'm fine with it
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erigold13261 · 3 months
you are a wise person, and i have a question. how exactly do you describe asexuality and aromanticism? what makes it different?
I don't think I'm that wise, but I guess that is something about yourself that is hard to gauge without an outsider's perspective. (also this is probably gonna be a mess of a post and a bit all over the place because I kinda just woke up and have work soon, sorry lol)
Just by labels alone, asexuality is little to no SEXUAL attraction to others, while aromanticism is little to no ROMANTIC attraction to others. Technically you can still have some attraction (sexual or romantic) and still be aro and/or ace.
Though if you can't tell the difference from sexual and romantic attraction then those definitions don't really help all that much. I've seen plenty of posts and even heard people IRL say stuff like a marriage without sex is a loveless marriage or how once the fun in the sheets dies then the relationship is over.
Which can be a pretty big problem for aro/ace people who show love in different ways that might not be sexual (there are still aro/ace people who have sex either because of high libido, wanting to please their partners, or just liking sex without the attraction part which is another thing that other labels and non-queer people sometimes have a hard time understanding).
This is why, for me, it is hard to explain the difference between aromanticism and asexuality, because not everyone knows/cares about the difference between sex and romance.
I don't know if my lack of wanting to be touched by others is an asexual thing, an autistic thing, or a trauma response. Same with my lack of romantic interest being aromantic or autistic or an introvert thing. To me, these identities are really hard to define or even realize you are part of because it is the LACK of attraction.
I very much thought I was pansexual or bisexual for a very long time because I had that "I feel the same way to everyone" idea, only to later find out I just don't have any feelings and it's a 0+0=0 deal.
I'm pretty sure it was actually a microlabel that made me realize I was actually asexual! (which is why I am a defender of microlabels because I needed to know the specific way I felt was included under an umbrella term before I realized I was actually under that term. I still struggle calling myself trans even though genderfluid is under the trans umbrella).
But yea! I'm Aegosexual, meaning "individuals on the asexual spectrum who feel disconnected from the subject of arousal." You can have sexual desires but not related to you, or have no interest in being a part of the sexual fantasy you have yourself.
I only EVER had sexual desires for fictional characters and never had any kind of desire to be with a real life human at all (which I think is because of my touch aversion). And even with those characters, I never had fully detailed desires or fantasies. Nothing ever went all the way and it's mostly just cuddles and make out sessions.
Really I just put all these pieces together, found a microlabel that worked for me, and then worked backwards because my specific situation fit that label and got me to the Asexual label.
I basically knew by that point I was not sexually interested in others at all. So it wasn't a true surprise that I realized I was asexual. I was able to disconnect sex and romance pretty well so I thought I was homoromantic asexual (or biromantic, again, I didn't realize I was aromantic at the time so I was again doing the 0+0=0 thing but for romance this time lol).
I only recently started identifying as aromantic because I just realized I was okay in never having a relationship with another person. The only person I ever saw myself getting into a relationship with is my best friend and I think THAT was only because of heteronormitivity being pushed onto me that I very much got over.
It doesn't help that most of the time if I don't see a friend (or family member) in front of me/in my life for a while, I just sort of push them out of my mind and forget about them. It's an object permanence kind of situation I have where I just don't connect people to me unless I can see them/interact with them. Which probably helped me realize I wouldn't be good in a relationship as I would be distant and sucky as a partner.
That realization I would be a shit partner as well as only feeling compelled to be in a relationship because of heteronormitivity or because I didn't want to say no to a friend that asked really ended up sealing the deal for me later on that I was aromantic.
Okay, sorry for the personal analogies and stuff. But that is the best way I can describe aromanticism and asexuality. I know I kinda skated around the topics, but to me these labels are feelings, or lack of feelings, that I had to come to terms to and realize what they meant for me.
It also doesn't help that people have different ideas of what sex and romance are. What could be seen as a romantic dinner date between two people could end up just being a casual hang out between two friends. Or sex is just a fun past time instead of a super intimate moment between two people.
If you don't see stuff like hand holding or sex as intimate actions, or have any romance or sexual desires behind them, then you could be aromantic and/or asexual but others would think you aren't.
I know my sister thinks if you have sex you can't be asexual even though I've told her countless times that you can have a high libido, just like the action, or want to make your partner happy all without actually being sexually attracted to them and yet she still says if you have sex you can't be asexual.
It really is hard to define these labels (and other labels too honestly) because everyone has a different idea of what counts as sex or romance. But if you can disconnect sex and romance, and realize you have one or the other (or neither), then you have a better chance of realizing if you are or aren't asexual/aromantic.
For me it was thinking of my future and wondering if I would ever be okay marrying, having a relationship, having sex, doing all the stereotypical "loving" things, and I realized that no. I would not be able to do that.
I will admit, I am a selfish person. I have a hard time caring about other people, but when I do I care deeply about them. But even then, if they are not near me, or if they have something I can't relate to, I end up not actually caring. Though I do still try to be there for friends and family, and act like I do care, but I honestly don't.
I think that kind of mindset also helped me realize I was aroace. As I can't care enough to be a good partner or even try to get a partner, and I know I wouldn't care enough to put their needs over mine (or compromise on sex/romance/touching) at all.
Basically I felt an ick thinking of being in a relationship (whether it was a sexless one, a romanceless one, both, or a "normal" one, I just couldn't do it in my head) and let that help me decide if I was aromantic and asexual.
Probably not the best way to do it, and this was probably not the best explanation at all (because my two sides are highly technical definition or very personal stories when it comes to explanations apparently), but this is how I differentiate the two for others, even though to me they are a connected label of aroace.
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Decided to upload the one fanfic that I actually managed to finish so far on here as long as ao3 is being attacked.
It‘s a Fake relationship AU between Stephanie Brown and Tim Drake (Batman all Media types) that DOES NOT end in a real relationship as Tim is together with Conner. Roughly 8.500 words. Deals with asexuality and aromanticism and includes conversations about sexuality etc.
Read here ⬇️
Wanna be my beard? Is a work of fiction that is based on works in the DC universe.
Originally published on Archive of our own, under the alias brunedoutstudentwithaloveforfoundfamily
Note to Reader
This work was written by me and is riddled with grammatical and orthographic errors as I did not have a beta-reader. Also, regardless of weather you know about asexuality and aromanticism, I want you to understand, that some of the conversations depicted are loosely based on conversations I myself had with friends. Just because I feel represented in my sexuality and romantic attraction in this work, it does not mean that every person on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrum will feel the same. That is because it is a SPECTRUM. My experiences do not have to be like those of other asexual aromantics for me to be part of this spectrum and the other way around. It can help to compare yourself to others to figure out your identity, but it can also be harmful to focus on the differences rather than the similarities.
One of the many abilities he had gained as a bat was feeling it when somebody was watching him. Given that he was slumped over in his seat in the middle of the night, with only the blue light of his laptop illuminating the room, it was probably Alfred or, less likely, Bruce who had come to tell him to go to sleep. But both of them would have said something by now rather than standing in the door and just watching. Dick was in Blüdhaven, Jason wouldn’t enter the manor unless he was convinced into joining them for dinner by Alfred, and the demon spawn had no reason to visit him at four in the morning. Even if he did, he would have just thrown a shoe or something at Tim’s head and leave again.
Slowly Tim turned around and looked at the door.
Stephanie was standing there, T-posing and staring at the wall in front of her, wearing a weird mixture of pyjamas and her costume.
“What the hell do you want, Steph?” Tim asked exasperated.
“Ooooh, he has senses! Honestly, I thought your brain had morphed with your computer by now. Or did the camera tell you that you weren’t alone anymore?”
“Come on, Steph, it’s like four in the morning. Why are you here?”
Stephanie let her arms fall to her sides and quickly moved over to his bed, making herself at home. It was clear that whatever she wanted would take some time, so Tim sighed and turned off his laptop before turning around with his chair and moving his legs until he was sitting criss-cross applesauce.
“I just came home after patrol” Stephanie started, “and I had a very shitty day at the office and had some questions for you.”
“If you want me to give you pointers on how to survive in a company, I cannot help you. Half of my survival skills come from being the CEO and literally being allowed to fire people if they are assholes” Tim replied dryly, “If you really want help ask Uncle Clark.”
“Actually, this is something you can help me with better than anybody else I know.”
Tim raised his eyebrow doubtfully.
“Soooooo, Tim, you’re gay, right?”
“I mean, queer, but close enough.” Tim was getting really distrustful now.
“Yeah, but you are into men and in a relationship with a guy and happy in that relationship, right?”
“And your dad can never find out, right?”
“And I’m asexual aromantic...”
“And we both know than men ain’t shit and don’t take no for an answer unless the girl has a boyfriend...”
“Just-” Tim sighed and raised his hand to his brows, kneading the skin between them “What are you trying to say, Steph?”
“Wanna be my beard?” Stephanie grinned and wriggled her eyebrows at him with a huge grin on her face.
“Wha- like a fake relationship?”
“Yeah! I mean, think about it! You get to prove to your dad that you are definitely not gay, and I don’t have to deal with idiots who ask me out on dates at work, even if I say no literally every time somebody asks,” she shrugs.
“I thought you gave your cat a human name just to get out of these kinds of situations?”
“Yeeeeaaah, but people started getting suspicious because I couldn’t show them any pictures of me with my boyfriend, and everybody else has pictures of their partners on their desk or at the very least as their phone background. So, are you interested?” She leaned forwards on the bed, still with a shit eating grin on her face.
“I mean... I would have to ask Kon first. What exactly would this entail anyways?”
“For me it would just be a few leading pictures and maybe you could join me on the office-Christmas party or some shit. And I guess I could accompany you to some family dinners or whatever you do with your dad?”
“You know what? Deal!”
The thing about Stephanie was that she didn’t do things half assed. When she had talked about “a few leading pictures” Tim had imagined some uncomfortable pictures with him hugging her from the back like couples always did. He did not expect her to take pictures of him sleeping, or to book an actual photographer for a couple-session in the park.
Admittedly, it was a lot of fun, though.
Kon had decided to join them on all their little fake-relationship adventures. Not because he didn’t trust Tim but because he wanted to laugh at them while they embarrassed themselves.
At first it had been embarrassing too, but the longer they were taking pictures, the more relaxed Tim became and as such he actually started to have fun.
Stephanie was wearing a beautiful long purple dress and had forced Tim into a suit in the exact same colour. They had started out with the typical “staring deeply into each other eyes” stuff and “hold hands while hugging a tree”, but now they had reached the “throw leaves at each other” and “pretend you`re drunk while walking” part of the shoot.
Instead of throwing the leaves into the air so they would artfully fall down around them, Tim had full on launched them at Stephanies face. They had found random bugs in her hair and dress for about ten minutes after that and Con had laughed so much, he had started to cry.
Then Stephanie had pretended to be drunk not by slightly staggering and laughing like intended, but instead by leaning her entire body weight onto Tim who unfortunately was still smaller than her. When he had shoved her away, she had tumbled down half the hill before eventually letting herself fall and roll down the rest of the way. The photographer had been very concerned while Tim and Conner were nearly choking of laughter. Bruce of course had taught all the Batkids how to properly fall before he had started teaching anything else, so there really wasn’t a reason to worry.
In the end, they had a very exasperated photographer who had a lot fewer good pictures than planned, two very dirty, and three very happy clients. Tim ended up giving the photographer an enormous tip as an apology. It would still take about a week until they would see the results, because the photographer was going to photoshop them first to adjust the lightning and such. By now Tim and Steph couldn’t wait for the pics.
After spending half of the day in the park (miraculously without Ivy interrupting them) the three decided to go to a restaurant for a “fake date”. That had been Conner’s idea and Tim was pretty sure he had only said that because he was truly hungry, but they decided that they hadn’t gone to a proper restaurant together in such a long time, that it only suited to do so now.
“Jesus fuck, Stephanie, don’t you know how to use a knife?” Tim laughed as Stephanie bit of another piece of steak that she had simply punctured with her fork and was now holding up in a single piece.
Stephanie said... something. Tim really couldn’t understand her with her mouth full.
Instead, he turned around to his boyfriend. Conner had ordered some type of steamed buns that were served with a hot pear-custard. Tim had originally thought that it was more suited as dessert, but when the dish arrived, they soon realised that the so-called buns were a lot bigger than expected. They were, however, very fluffy and Tim was dying for a taste.
Luckily, he knew his boyfriend well enough to not even have to ask.
“Ah” he said and opened his mouth suggestively. Con grinned and dipped his fork with a piece of bun into the custard again, before feeding it to Tim.
“Eeew, love” Stephanie commented loudly enough for the people a table over to turn their heads.
“Shhhh!” Tim hissed angrily at her despite his full mouth and ducked his head as he caught the eyes of the man next to them. Quickly he kicked her leg beneath the table, and she started swearing at him (luckily considerably quieter than before), but when Tim caught Conner only laughing at the situation, he couldn’t help but stare at him and smile. Soon enough Conner stopped laughing. He leaned forward and put his tilted face in his hand before reaching over with the other one and stroking over Tim’s lower lip where he had apparently spilled some of the gravy during their little dispute.
“God, you guys are disgusting” Stephanie said, but when Tim threw her an angry look, he saw that she as well was smiling.
“Must be horrible to be confronted with the exact same thing you are trying to get away from, huh?” he teased.
“Meh, it’s easier when I know that I’m not involved in it, you know? Like if somebody was staring at me the way Conner was just staring at you, I’d probably go find the next toilet to escape through the window” she laughed. “But when I see him looking at you like that, I’m honestly just happy for the two of you.”
“Awww, that’s so nice of you” Tim responded.
“Wait, I’m a little confused” commented Conner “I thought the two of you used to be a thing? Was the relationship with him so bad that you just decided to never try that again?” he laughed, though clearly in an uncomfortable way, as if he was a little scared of the answer or rather of offending someone.
“Nah, don’t worry. Our relationship was great! I mean we didn’t go very far, but the things we did do were nice... in a way. I think both of us only started that relationship because we didn’t really understand our sexualities yet but were became such good friends so quickly that we both though “huh, guess this is that love-thing everybody keeps talking about”, you know?” she explained.
“Yeah,” Tim added “I think the main reason we both were happy in that relationship was because both of us were actually so uninterested in anything truly sexual or romantic with the other one that neither of us felt as if we were being pressured into anything. Honestly, apart from you of course, Steph was the partner I felt the most comfortable around-”
“Shut up! But yes, we broke up, because I had my first ever real crush and realised that maybe what Steph and I had simply wasn’t love. And I guess both of us were stupid enough to think that breaking up meant having to hate each other and avoid each other for ever, cause that’s what they show in the TV and stuff, so we pretty much cut off contact after the breakup. And then when we met again, we realised that we actually still acted the exact same way around each other as we did before, just without the weird attempts at making out, so we became friends again, and here we are” he shrugged.
“Oh, so you’re not just a lesbian?” asked Connery and put an arm around Tim’s shoulders while stuffing another piece of bun into his mouth.
“What? No! What made you think that?”
“Well, when Tim told me about your fake relationship, he told me there was no way you could try to make this into something more serious and I guess I just assumed...”
“No, no, I’m asexual aromantic.”
“Oh, asexuals are those who don’t have sex, right? So aromantics don’t fall in love?”
“Well, not quite. Asexuals can have sex if they want to, but many don’t want to or are even sex-repulsed but most of the time asexuality is defined as not feeling sexual attraction at all. Like not looking at someone and thinking “oh, they look hot” and stuff like that. But yeah, aromantics don’t feel romantic attraction. But you know both of these terms are umbrella terms so there are a lot of people that define themselves as aromantic or asexual but don’t fully fit the description I just gave you.”
“So, what about you?”
“Yeah, I don’t feel any sexual or romantic attraction and I also absolutely do not want to have sex. I mean everything about that just kind of freaks me out? I’m pretty sure if somebody sent me a dickpic I would just immediately throw up and if I had to touch one... god, I can’t even imagine. I mean they are just so disgusting? And vulvas are weird too? But I have one, so they are kinda okay, but like I don’t even like to masturbate and if I do masturbate, I don’t touch it with my fingers, cause yuck, so I just use toys. But yeah, my sex-drive is pretty small anyways, so I just masturbate like every few weeks?”
“Okay, that might be a bit too much information, Steph!” Tim interrupted while throwing a look around the restaurant. There was a young couple nearby who had stopped talking to listen as soon as Stephanie had started her rant and a server had approached their table, assumably to pour them more water, but had immediately left when she had heard their topic.
“No, actually, it’s really interesting to hear this!” Conner commented “I mean, I never really get the chance to hear about the opposite of my attraction you know? After all education is the most important weapon and I think we all know, that no sex-education teacher would ever get into such depth” he laughed.
“Oh please, as if this would get mentioned in sex-ed at all! I didn’t even learn about anal sex being a possibility until Bruce decided that school sex ed was shit and that he had to teach us about the real world.”
“True, in my first sex-ed class the teacher taught us, that every decision we did was subconsciously because of our sexuality and as an example she said that whenever we got dressed we subconsciously tried to look good to out crushes, which confused the FUCK out of me, because back then, the only person I actually wanted to impress was my mother, and I was actually trying to look like a good daughter whenever I got dressed. Seriously thought I had like an Oedipus complex because of that!”
Tim burst into laughter at that and didn’t manage to stay quiet, causing even more people to start staring at them.
“What’s an Oedipus complex?” asked Conner and Tim’s head whipped around to him with a face full of disbelieve before he started laughing even more.
“It’s when you wanna fuck your mom”.
“Ew, what the fuck? Who would even think about that?!?!”
“Well certainly not you, unless you decide to classify Lex Luthor as your mom”.
“Oh my god” exclaimed Conner and gagged while Tim laughed so hard, he had to hold onto the table and Steph’s grin became even more devious.
“Anyways, back to the masturbation thing...”
“No, please I don’t want to hear it if it involves your mom!”
“It does NOT! I said I only THOUGHT I had an Oedipus complex because that useless-ass teacher decided to generalize an experience that only y’all allosexual-hypersexual-perverted-horny-ass-dumbasses have!!!!”
“Please!” Tim managed to get out between his gasps “No more, Steph. I can’t breathe” and he wiped away tears of laughter from under his eyes.
“Shut up, I’m educating Mr. Kent here!” Steph turned back to Connor and put on an unexpectedly serious face “So basically porn doesn’t do it for me and hentai used to do it for me, but now I only find stuff that is like extremely unrealistic and often super rapey so most of the time I just listen to people having sex because auditive stimulation gets me going-”
“And I can’t even imagine myself in sexual situations. Like my phantasies always surround other people-”
“Real people?”
“No like book characters and stuff.”
“Like 50 shades of grey”
“Excuse me?”
“Sure, the book was unrealistic as fuck and not particularity well written – in my personal opinion- but it was good if you wanted to read some smutty porn, you know?”
“No, I don’t. I don’t read porn... or watch it, to be honest.”
Tim stopped laughing and looked at Conner in surprise. “Really? You don’t watch porn?”
Connor shrugged a little uncomfortably. “Am I supposed to? I don’t know it never really did something for me...”
“No, you don’t have to. I just kind of saw you as.... I mean you have a pretty high sex drive” Tim commented with a face as red as a tomato and threw another quick glance around, suddenly caring about the other people in the restaurant again.
“I mean yeah, I do, but porn just doesn’t do it for me? Like it is so different from any sexual experience I ever had... it’s kind of like watching a very bad actor?”
“Mh, yeah, I guess I get that....”
“By the way, Tim. When I started this whole fake-dating thing you said that you were queer rather than gay, but when you broke up with me you said you were gay.... just.. I guess I’m a little confused. Can you explain that a little more? If you want to, I mean. No pressure and all that, you don’t owe me an explanation or anything, I just thought, since we’re already talking about it and stuff....”
“Yeah! Sure! I mean, a lot about my understanding about myself has changed since we broke up. When we broke up I truly though I was gay, but since then I had a few minor crushes on girls that made me rethink that, you know? It’s just that when you say “I’m bisexual” most people think that you like boys and girls the same amount, but I kind of prefer boys? Like every time I had a crush on a girl it went away quicker, but it also took a lot longer for me to develop one and it was always on a girl that I was already friends with."
He stroked his chin “I kind of thought that I might be a bit like demi-romantic when it comes to girls but a full-blown allosexual when it comes to boys? I don’t think there is an extra label for it, but I also feel the most comfortable with “queer” just because most of the realizations I had about my sexuality were years apart and I’m kinda scared to come out as something and realizing later on, that a different label fist better...”
“Well, sexuality is fluid. I think it is totally normal to find out later on that a label that used to be perfect feels different now.”
“Yeah, I know. The thing is coming out is already hard, but coming out a second time because you were wrong the first time? I would probably be too scared that people say “see I knew you lied” or “see it WAS a phase” to even come up with the courage for that. Apart from that...” he reached over and took Conners hand in his, smiling shily at him “as long as the two of us are together, any possible changes regarding my sexual identity won’t make a difference anyway.”
“Awww” Conner said and leaned down to press a tender kiss on Tim’s lips.
“I’m pansexual by the way” he said when he sat back again.
“HA! So, you ARE my complete opposite!” exclaimed Steph and Connor laughed again.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
The pictures came in less than a week later and they were amazing. The lighting was perfect, and the photographer had given himself the trouble to photoshop every single stray hair and pimple until the pictures looked crispy clean.
Most importantly they were cringy as fuck.
Tim loved them so much, that he went to find Alfred’s stock of picture frames and put the ones that were the worst onto the bedside table not only in the manor, but also his nest and some of his most frequently used safehouses. When Connor found out about that he decided to do the same just to fuck with everybody who ever visited him.
Stephanie on the other hand decided to take the most realistic looking ones and framed them for her office. Additionally, she forced Tim to take some selfies that she used as her phone background.
Technically they were now done from her side of the deal. The only reason why she could need Tim’s assistance again was if there were any company dinners or somebody still decided that she wasn’t if the table yet. Apparently, there was one very insistent co-worker Tim might have to scare off by actually showing up at her workplace though they both hoped that they would be able to avoid that.
But Stephanie still had to show up for her part of the deal which meant a dinner with Tim’s father and his new girlfriend Dana.
Tim was a very particular planner, and he had a backup plan for every possible situation which led to Stephanie staying at the manor with him for nearly a week prior to the dinner just going through all the possibilities.
The idea was pretty simple: Tim had already requested to be allowed to bring a +1 to the dinner and he would bring Stephanie over and driver her home (which of course meant the manor). Stephanie would wear on of the formal dresses she normally only wore to Bruce’s balls or charity events, and she would only speak about “proper” topics in a “proper” language to ensure that Jack Drake was pleased.
Jason had walked in on the two going through the pronunciation of certain archaeology terms that Jack was sure to bring up and had joked about them being the real-life version of Pygmalion and asked if they needed help from a professional.
Neither of them had gotten the joke which led to Jason walking away and muttering about “the uneducated youth”.
When the day came, both of them got dressed at the manor and decided to take Tim’s car to drive the admittedly very short drive over to Drake-manor. It didn’t occur to Stephanie that they hadn’t actually told anyone what exactly they were doing until the two were standing at the front door and Alfred came over to fix Tim’s hair and tie.
He had a weir look on his face. An unnatural state of nearly fully hidden confusion and pride. The confusion seemed to win over though.
Damian didn’t seemto have any interest in hiding his emotions. He was standing on top of the stairs with disgust clearly written all over his face. Next to him was Bruce who looked as if he was trying to solve a particularly tricky trap by the Riddler.
Stephanie was kind of sad that Dick, Jason, and Duke weren’t there. Cass would have either looked through their intentions within a second or at the very least hid her emotions well enough for Steph not to get it.
Tim seemed to be blissfully unaware of the tumult he had caused in his family’s minds.
“Thanks, Alf. We should be back in around 4-5 hours. I doubt it’ll take longer than that... at the very least you won’t have to plan for us for dinner. See ya!” He said and waved at all the people in the room before literally taking Steph’s hand to lead her out of the door.
As soon as the door shut behind them Steph snorted.
“What?” Tim asked.
“You didn’t tell them, did you?” She didn’t have to wait for an answer. His confused face told her more than enough. “Oh my god, Timmy. They all think we’re an actual couple now!” she laughed.
“What? No, they don’t.”
“Well, if they didn’t think so when we went out, clearly overdressed and claiming that we’re going out for dinner than they certainly thought so when you took my hand just then.”
Tim quickly let go of her hand as if he had burned himself and stared at her in shock.
“I only did that to get into the role!”
“Yeah, I know that, but they don’t.”
“Oh my god, that’s horrible” Tim swore and held his head in his hands “No, wait!” he looked up, clearly having had an epiphany “This is great! Oh, I can totally use that against them!”.
The dinner seemed to go well as far as Stephanie could tell.
They had decided to stay as close to the truth as possible, which meant that they admitted having had a relationship before, when Jack asked how long they had known each other, though they lied and claimed that they broke up, because Stephanie moved away for some while.
She had also admitted to her office job, which had been the absolute low of the entire dinner, as Jack had managed to subtly hint what he thought about office workers. Fucking rich people and their obsessions with good paying jobs- HA! I’m kidding. Their obsession with pretending their inherited money way showed their own hard work and achievements. Yeah, sure. Who are we kidding?
Still, Stephanie thought everything was going well.
Dana was very interested and attentive, leading the conversation away from work and over to hobbies. She generally showed good abilities to settle or even avoid any disputes.
So, Stephanie was certainly surprised, when she went for the bathroom and immediately walked into Tim when she exited.
“What the hell, Tim?”
“Plan F, we have to kiss.”
“What? What the fuck, Tim?”
“You agreed to all my plans!”
“Yeah, but only because I thought there was no way we would get further than C!”
“Come on, Steph. My dad does not believe us! We have to step up our game.”
“Can’t we start with like holding hands and stuff?”
“We did that the entire evening! I’m telling you, he does not believe us! I’m just talking about like a short peck, nothing more. We used to fully make out!”
“Okay, thanks, please don’t remind me of that. Fine, I’m okay with a short peck. Is Connor okay with that?”
“Yeah, don’t worry I asked him.”
“Okay, when?”
“Just at the end, when we leave. Jack is going to watch us get into the car and drive away, I promise. As suspicious as he is, he definitely will. I’ll hold the door open for you and we can give each other a short kiss before we enter the car and then drive of immediately.”
“Alright, let’s do it.”
It still took about an hour more until they were even able to leave. Jack had hired a cook just for the day and apparently that meant that 3 courses was not enough.
Eventually they managed to convince Jack and Dana that Stephanie had to be home early enough to get some proper sleep before she had to head to work (a lie, she didn’t work tomorrow). When Jack asked Tim where he was going to stay the night, he told him that he was going to stay with Steph, and there was a short moment of uncomfortable silence before Jack nodded but not without suspicion.
Finally, they managed to get their goats and just as Tim had predicted Jack went outside to see them of.
Tim led Stephanie to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. Just before she went to sit down, the two turned towards each other and Tim gave her a short smile, before she leaned down to give him a short kiss on the lips.
For a second, she could taste the sweat on his upper lip, but then the kiss was over and Tim soon closed the door after her.
In the mirror she saw him walk around the car and waving at his father, who looked a lot more convinced than before. Tim entered the car and started driving before he even put on the seatbelt. The two of them managed to wait until they were out of sight before Tim abruptly stopped the car.
“Eww, this used to be better back when I was straight!” Tim exclaimed and violently rubbed his sleeve over his lips. Steph quickly got a water bottle from the back of the car and started gurgling with it before opening the door and spitting the water onto the street.
“What are you doing? It’s not like it was a French kiss!”
“No, but I still got your taste on my tongue. God, why was your lip so sweaty? This was like kissing my brother!” she complained.
“I was nervous!”
“About kissing me?”
“Oh, please, been there, done that! I was nervous about my dad obviously!”
When they arrived at Wayne manor minutes later, Tim parked the car outside and once again went to open Stephanies door.
“Oh, thank you, my love” Steph mocked, and Tim grinned.
As they reached the entrance door, he held her back again.
“Hey, I just wanted to thank you for this. I know it wasn’t easy to let yourself be mocked by my father like that and to listen to his rambles for hours. So, yeah.... thank you.”
Stephanie smiled at him and eventually opened her arms in an invitation. It had been quite a while since the two had shared such an honest hug. The last few years had been filled with hardships and deceptions. It was good to know that the two had finally managed to get to a point where they could truly leave all of that behind them.
It also wasn’t often that either of them had the chance to enjoy a hug as long as this one without being interrup....
Somebody cleared their throat beside them, and Stephanie and Tim immediately separated.
“You two had a good time?” Jason asked from where he was standing in the door. He was holding his motorcycle helmet under his arm, clearly on his way to leave, and had one brow lifted in amusement and surprise.
Instead of explaining the situation, like Stephanie was just about to do, Tim gave him a blinding grin.
“Yes, thanks, anyways, goodbye!” he said and grabbed Stephanies hand, guiding her past Jason and into the manor.
Tim and Connor were cuddling in Tim’s bed in his nest, when Stephanie barged in through the window. Connor had Tim secured in his arms, playing the part of the big spoon for a change, while Tim was holding onto his arm with one hand and scrolling through his phone with the other. They had spent the day together and had decided to make the best of the little time they had before Tim had to leave for patrol. Unfortunately, due to the level of caffeine in Tim’s system, sleeping was off the table, so cuddling it was.
“Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim” Stephanie whined and threw herself on top of the two, causing Connor to laugh.
“Ugh, what do you want Steph?”
“They don’t believe me.”
“Mh? Who doesn’t believe what?”
“Elijah, that dude from work doesn’t believe me. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. But he’s still insisting to go out with me!”
“I don’t understand,” Con chimed in “Why don’t you just tell him no?”
“Wha.. Seriously Con? I did!!! He just doesn’t fucking care and doesn’t know how to take no for an answer!”
“So? You have the combined power of Robin, Batgirl, and Spoiler in your fists. Just make him understand.” Connor answered coldly.
“God, I wish I could, but B would kill me for that.”
“Doesn’t he have a no-kill-policy?”
“I meant figuratively.”
“Ooooh, Stephanie, pulling out the big words!”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“What exactly do you want me to do, though? I already posed for pictures with you.” Tim asked. He now had his eyes closed, clearly trying to mentally escape from the situation. The entire day had been so nice, just him and Connor, all on their own, in either silence or calm conversations.... why did Stephanie have such a loud voice?
“Come to the company Christmas party with me?”
“Pretty sure Bruce will throw some type of event that I’ll have to attend so no thanks, I’ll pass.”
“Ugh, fine, can you like pick me up from work or something?”
“That sounds.... doable.”
Stephanie grinned. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
“Wait, no, I don’t have time tomor...” but Stephanie had already left through the window again.
Tim sighed defeated.
“Not that I mind, honey, but how long are the two of you planning to continue with this?” Connor asked.
“I don’t know. I mean I think my father is convinced. Tomorrow will probably be the last time...” he sighed once more, “Hey, Con, what are you doing tomorrow?”
He wasn’t entirely sure, why he was so nervous, but here he was, in nice but comfortable clothes and a bouquet of flowers in his hand, standing in front of the building Steph was working in.
It was an ugly looking office complex that had some visible cracks in its foundation, but considering that this was Gotham, it looked pretty good.
There was no receptionist or security, so Tim simply walked in and after a short look at the elevator decided to take the stairs up to the fourth floor.
To say that Stephanies workplace was chaotic would have been an understatement. There seemed to be a couple of private offices at the edge of the giant room he entered immediately after leaving the stairs. Within the room however there were no separating walls but only thin plywood that barely gave anybody the privacy of not being seen when the sat. It only reached up to Tim’s chest when he was standing, and he was man enough to admit that he wasn’t exactly the tallest of people.
It was loud. Hundreds of people seemed to be talking at the same time and several phones were ringing from different directions. That paired with the constant clicking of keyboards and the whirring of the coffee machines and the lights created an unbearable mixture of sounds.
He saw several people wearing headphones, and absolutely everybody had an absolutely dead expression of their face.
Tim would have never found Stephanie if he hadn’t seen Elijah. At least he assumed that it was Elijah from the description Stephanie had given him. A washed-out blue button down, sleeked back blonde hair, and a devilish grin. He was slumped over one of the plywood walls which made him very visible as he was the only head Tim could fully see over the borders.
He was apparently talking to somebody, and his grin quickly changed to a badly executed puppy look and pout as Tim came closer.
“Aww, come on honey, I’m just asking for a single date, mh? Couple of drinks, maybe a little fun, that’s all.”
“And once again, no, I’m not interested.” Tim heard Stephanie answer. Her voice sounded resigned as if she had had the same conversation on a daily basis.
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that. I’m a great guy, really! I bet I could make you feel better than your boyfriend.” Elijah went on.
“Better than me? I doubt that.” Tim decided to interrupt and gave Elijah a blinding smile when he whipped his head around to him. Stephanie quickly stood up, clearly not having expected Tim to show up at this moment.
“Tim! Hey! I didn’t think you... aww are those flowers?”
“Of course, babe, I wouldn’t want to show up empty handed.” Right then and there, Tim decided to play his part as a loving boyfriend as overbearingly as possible, immediately leaning over the plywood and pressing a kiss on Stephanies cheek. “I missed you honey,”
Stephanie laughed, “we saw each other yesterday.”
“An eternity without you” answered Tim, and yeah, he may have overdone it a little bit just now.
“You are Timothy Jackson Drake!” Elijah exclaimed in disbelieve from the side. When Tim looked over, he saw with satisfaction, that his face had gone white, clearly seeing that he couldn’t compete with Tim.
“And you are?” Tim asked back, sending a disapproving and obvious look down Elijah’s body.
“I.. Uhm... Elijah.”
“A-ha,” Tim said, attempting to show his disinterest in Elijah’s person before turning back to Stephanie “I got a date planned, honey, care to join me?”
“I.. Still have to work though?”
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” Tim grinned, “I’m sure somebody in my position can convince your boss for a few hours off.”
He walked around her and started to gather her things, noticing, that the room had become decidedly quieter as many workers were peeking over their workstations to see what was happening.
He went ahead and grabbed Stephanies coat, holding it up to help her put it on, before putting some of her stuff in her bag. It was then, that he saw the array of pictures she had on her workspace. While Tim himself had put up their fake dating pictures in basic frames, Stephanie had apparently opted to decorate her frames with an array of rhinestones and bows and alike. It looked like she had given them to a group of five-year-olds and let them do with it whatever they wanted.
She had however chosen some of the more realistic looking pictures.
Tim pointed at a random one of them. “That one is my favourite,” he commented, before taking Stephanies hand and leading her away from her desk.
Dozens of eyes seemed to follow them as they made their way to the exit.
As soon as they were out of sight, Tim wound his hand out of hers and snatched the flowers again.
“Hey! Those were mine!”
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous. Why would I get you flowers? They are for Connor.”
He had barely finished his sentence when Connor was suddenly standing next to him.
“Flowers?” he asked excitedly, and Tim couldn’t help but smile at him. This time it was a real one and not faked, as he handed the flowers over to Con.
“Sure! Do you like them?” he asked. He hadn’t been exactly sure what kind of flowers Connor would like. All those stereotypical-date flowers had seemed unfitting.
“I love chamomiles!” Connor exclaimed, “grandma always makes sure not to cut them when she tends to her garden, just because I think they are so pretty!”
“You two are adorable.” Steph commented.
“Yeah, we are also on a date,” Tim answered, “So scatter, we need some alone time.”
“Aww, come on. What am I supposed to do? You just took me out of work like 4 hours early!”
“There is no way, you can tell me, that you are enjoying that job.”
“Of course not, but it is better than boredom. Can’t I join you two?”
“Absolutely not!” Tim said at the same time as Connor answered “Sure, why not?”
The two stared at each other. Finally, Tim gave in.
“Fine, but if you destroy my date time, I’ll finish you.”
Minutes later, the three were strolling down some of the nicer streets of Gotham. Connor was holding the flowers in one hand and Tim’s hand in his other, as they were heading towards one of Tim’s favourite coffeeshops.
“We might have a problem.” Steph said before even greeting Tim and Connor.
“Why, what’s up?”
Alfred had convinced all of them to come to the manor. Over the last couple of years, the relationships within the family had gotten better. Only slightly so, but enough to go from weekly Saturday dinners to at least on movie or game night a month. There were only very few reasons that were seen as good enough to skip one and most of those included being of planet on a mission.
Lately most of them brought friends or lovers as well, so it wasn’t a surprise to anyone when Tim had invited Connor. He blended in just as well as Roy and Starfire.
It was still an hour or so until they would even start. Alfred was busy in the kitchen cooking up some snacks that went beyond popcorn and as long as he was in there only Jason was allowed to even enter the lower levels.
Tim was pretty sure that they were going to watch some kind of Disney movie – partly because Dick loved them so much and partly because Bruce still believed that Damian was the most innocent child to ever exist, and he didn’t want to ruin that. What a hypocrite.
Right now, that meant that almost everybody was still in their rooms and Stephanie had decided to join Tim and Connor in Tim’s.
Tim was already dressed in comfortable sleep clothes as he always did for movie nights, while Connor was still wearing his leather jacket and Tim was absently playing with one of the jacket spikes. Stephanie was sitting on the other side of the room at the laptop and had been browsing through the internet.
Now she put the laptop on her lap and turned around in the swivel chair.
Tim bowed forwards trying to see what she was looking at. It was a newspaper article from some kind of celebrity magazine.
Timothy Drake, CEO of Wayne-company, reportedly dating commoner Stephanie Brown.
“Huh?” Tim asked dumbfounded.
“Somebody at the company must have told on us.”
“Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about that being a possibility. Fuck we should have thought about that before we started this whole thing.” Tim mused out loud.
“What kind of wording is that?” asked Connor “`commoner` makes it sound like you are some kind of prince or king!”
“Who says I’m not?”
“Aww, you’re definitely my prince.” Connor said and kissed Tim.
“That’s disgusting” Stephanie commented drily, and Tim flipped her off.
“Are you not concerned about this?” she asked next.
“Not really. I mean, isn’t this kind of what we wanted to archive?”
“Yeah!” laughed Connor “I’m just glad our conversation in the restaurant didn’t manage to get into the papers!”
“God, that would have been terrible.”
“I bet people told the press and the press just didn’t believe them” joked Connor.
“Truuuueee” Tim and Steph answered in unison.
After a moment of silence, Steph spoke up again.
“So, we’re not going to do anything about this?”
“Not unless it becomes a real problem” Tim shrugged.
When the time came for the movie to start, the three of them decided to sit on the same couch, with Tim sitting in the middle. They had a dark-red comforter thrown over their laps and Tim was holding a tray of snacks on his lap.
Apart from popcorn and chips, which Dick demanded to be served for a movie night, Alfred had made some bacon wrapped dates, some typical finger-food, alcohol free cocktails.... all in all it was basically a buffet of snacks and drinks.
Tim wasn’t really paying attention to the movie. He was too distracted by Conners hand that was gently petting his thigh. Not yet in an inappropriate way, but just high enough to demand Tim’s full attention. Stephanie on his other side had sat sideways and had buried her unusually cold feet underneath his other leg. Apparently, his butt-warmth was better than the comforter and Tim was too comfortable right now to shoo her off.
Unfortunately, Stephanie had a thing for sugary drinks, and she was downing one after the other. It hadn’t been a problem until about 30 minutes into the movie when she started to get restless. Soon she was fidgeting, and it made Tim uncomfortable.
“What is wrong?” he whispered over the sounds of the movie.
“I need to pee”
“Then go pee!”
“But we’re about to get to the best part!”
“Jesus Christ...” muttered Tim, before finally speaking up loud enough to alert B who was holding the remote, “Stephanie has to take a piss.”
“Don’t say it like that!”
“Seriously, Steph?”
“We’re not even halfway through the movie, how can you already have to go?”
“Why didn’t you go beforehand?” a chorus of voices questioned annoyed. But Bruce had already stopped the movie and motioned her to go quickly.
Stephanie jumped up and disappeared through the door.
Tim sighed as he settled back into the couch. He felt as if his relationship with Stephanie had improved a lot over the past few weeks. They had finally managed to get back to their sibling-like bickering but at the same time she seemed to have been around everytime he went on a date with Conner, partly because of their little fake relationship, partly just due to coincidence.
Nonetheless, Tim missed his private time with Conner.
As Stephanie was gone and her fidgeting feet weren’t distracting him anymore, he realized that Conners hand had stopped moving under the blanket and was now nothing but a comforting and warm handprint on his thigh. Tim leaned his head on Conners shoulder.
He should probably apologize to Conner about the missed-out time. Maybe he could come up with a proper date idea just between the two of them. Something a bit more extravagant, like a trip to Hawaii or France... They wouldn’t even have to buy a plane ticket; Connor could just fly them. He smiled to himself. Maybe he could take off some time from the company and ask somebody to take over his cases for a week or so.
Tim turned his head to stare at Connor and smile at him. Con was still staring at the screen even though the movie wasn’t rolling at the moment. Sometimes Tim truly forgot how handsome he was. All sharp chin and wicked smile, but kind eyes and a cute nose. How did he manage to catch a man like this again?
Conner seemed to notice his staring because he too turned his head to look at Tim and his features softened when he saw his gaze.
Before Tim could even think about what they were doing, Connor leaned down and pressed a soft, tender kiss to his lips, while affectionately squeezing his thigh.
“TIMOTHY JACKSON DRAKE!” Bruce screamed so suddenly, that Connor flinched back with his eyes wide open, and Tim immediately jumped up with his fist raised, ready to defend himself from whatever threat was coming towards him. Hastily he looked around, covering any and every entrance, jerking his head into every direction, when he couldn’t find a threat.
“What? What happened? Who’s attacking?” he exclaimed in panic.
“How dare you?” Dick screamed at him with such hurt in his voice that he managed to pull Tim’s entire attention on him, despite his active fight or flight instinct. “How could you hurt Stephanie like that?”
After a moment of shocked silence, Conner burst into laughter next to him, but Tim still didn’t understand what was happening.
“Hurt her like what?” he questioned full of confusion.
“You’re cheating on her right in front of our eyes? Did you think we would not tell her about this?” Accused Jason, who had jumped up as well, but unlike Tim who was ready to defend himself, Jason looked moments away from jumping and attacking Tim.
“I’m not... what?”
Conner was no help as he only got lost in his laughter. He was leaning forward on the couch and holding unto the table in front of them as he was laughing hard enough to have tears escape from his eyes.
“What, you thought we wouldn’t find out about your relationship with Stephanie? It’s all over the newspaper!” Jason added angrily.
“Oh!” Tim exclaimed as finally he understood what was going on. “No, you misunderstand....”
“What is happening?” Stephanie interrupted as she walked back into the room and saw half of the Batfamily standing with fury in their eyes and Connor now practically laying on the floor.
Surprisingly it was Roy who decided to fill her in, and he bluntly stated that Tim was cheating on her. For a second Tim thought that the situation was going to be resolved, but then he saw Stephanies face change from confusion to hurt – a hurt he could clearly tell was fake and before he had the chance to stop her, she erupted, as Connor, who clearly realized what was about to happened howled in laughter.
“Stephanie, no.”
“How could you?!”
“Seriously Steph, they are going to kill me-”
“After everything we’ve gone through together?!?!”
“For the love of god, Stephanie”
“After everything I’ve sacrificed?”
“Please lord, take me now.”
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alexissara · 1 year
Lesbian Visibility Day
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So a lot of these queer days happened really close to each other and I wanted to talk about being a lesbian because it's to me the most important part of my identity. A lot of the labels I have feel like a fact of life, not really something I feel actively. Being a lesbian to me is probably more core to my gender then being a woman. Like I feel like I speak another language from hetero women, like there is a world between us. It's really only in community with other lesbians that I feel like my sexuality and gender and the relationships to womanhood are really understood. Being a lesbian is something I actively get joy from, seeing lesbians, being around lesbians, sapphic art, in general lesbian shit is just very core to who I am down to working on hit TTRPG Thirsty Sword Lesbians [which you should play].
Being a lesbian is something that I took a lot of time to personally place as a label on myself. Also being asexual and being trans both were things that made me worry about claiming the labels Yet, the first community I truly felt embraced by and cherished by is lesbians. When I first started playing with my gender it was lesbians who were happy for me to go to whatever stage of transition I wanted, that told me stories of trans partners and friends, that accepted my gender without question and my sexuality. We made lots of amazing art together telling stories about lesbians of all sorts from non binary lesbians to cis lesbians to trans lesbians. It's in this community that I find myself thriving.
I am in many ways a professional lesbian in that I have committed myself to every inch of my craft being made for lesbians by a lesbian. My comics work in anthology always included lesbians, I've got rejected from video game work for saying I am only interested in jobs I can make lesbians in my writing, my TTRPG work has been to push stories for lesbians and other sapphics. It's am devoted to making art about women who love other women. I don't care if I never have a stable income because making art is only worth it to me if I am uplifting my community. Otherwise I'd rather work a normal job, art is about expressing myself and I can't reflect myself without at least a taste of sappho.
What I do for fun also revolves around lesbians. Even when I am not playing Thirsty Sword Lesbians I am always playing a lesbian character when I roleplay and when I GM I create tons of Lesbian NPCs. When I am looking for video games to play I am looking for explicit sapphic representation as a massive factor to decide if I am going to buy a game or not. I often am gay modding games that don't have that or having my own lesbian headcanons of characters I talk on and on about while I play.
So in conclusion, being a lesbian is my whole personality and honestly, that isn't a bad thing. I think being a lesbian is great and that existing as a lesbian as women and queer rights are under attack, happily, thriving and refusing to let the men in power strip it away from us is important. I am here for all lesbians who aren't bigots and I hope I can make you feel seen and loved in my work, thank you for being you other lesbians.
[You can support me here on patreon if you wanna help a lesbian out .]
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digitallit213 · 7 months
queerness in fandom
i don't know what it is about fandoms, but queer people are just drawn to them, and it sure opens a door of learning and exploration.
i knew from a pretty young age that i liked women; "liking" boys always felt strange and there was nothing straight about my attraction to alice from twilight or ramona flowers from scott pilgrim.
let me tell you something about most fandoms: almost every major ship is about queer men. there are very few popular lesbian couples, i have never read a lesbian fanfiction, and when you only read beautifully written fanfiction about queer men, you start to question your own gender. (there are other things that lead to this but they are not conducive to my point).
this, however, has gotten better in recent years. in every fandom, there are fanfics exploring a plethora of both sexual and gender identities because it's a safe way for people to explore these things. you can safely make a character trans, or asexual, or genderfluid, or pansexual, or a number of other things and fear no (for the most part) judgment.
fandom is where i learned the most about queerness and lgbt+ issues and it's the place i really got the chance to explore and discover myself. and i think that's a beautiful thing.
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