#bby robin
rebouks · 3 months
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[cupboard slams] Robin: Stop trying to make me feel better-.. I don’t want asthma! Oscar: Well.. I don’t want arthritis either, but I’m getting it. Robin: But you’re old. Courtney: Honey-… Robin: I don’t wanna be comforted right now! Wren: OooOOooh, Robin’s in a moOoOOod. Oscar: Wren, shut-… [knocking] Oscar: Make yourself useful n’ answer the door. Byrd: ‘Cause your crippled fingers can’t open it anymore? Courtney: The lot of you are on thin ice. … Levi: Nice skirt, squirt. Wren: Shut the fuck up. Courtney: WREN! Wren: SORRY-.. not sorry. Levi: You should be. Wren: I said what I said, pizza face. Levi: Wow, okay. Wren: Robin’s sulking in his room. Levi: He’ll put you out of a job if you’re not careful.
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vechter · 1 day
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batman (1940) #590 // get out before the drop, shipyrds // another part of honesty, shipyrds // grayson (2014) annual #1 // art by anna-laura // titans (2008) #5 // secret origins (1986) #13 // beat journalism, dustorange // teen titans spotlight (1986) #14 // robin & batman (2022) #1 // declensions, dustorange // robin & batman (2022) #1 // nightwing (2011) #30 // sputnik sweetheart, haruki murakami // justice league (2011) #25 // secret origins (1986) #13 // wayfinding, shipyrds // the long and short of it, richard siken // batman: black and white (2021) #5 // pearl (2022) // batman (1940) #684 // unknown // nightwing (2016) #50 // soft clocks, dustorange // nightwing (2016) #50 // nightwing (2016) #1 // wayfinding, shipyrds // nightwing (2016) #1 // francheska, hey fran hey
dick grayson + an exploration of identity, personhood & belonging
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about This prompt/au lol
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I almost like to think that Clockwork kind of half-sent Danny to the ghost-world version of Gotham because he was struggling and is honestly just a kid and could use some guidance. And with how the Observants dislike him to the point of murder, CW sure couldn't keep him in Long Now. But Gotham? Now there's a place that not many go, thanks to curses running amok, a very dangerous City Spirit, and amalgamations of fallen Guardians and Rogues. It's chaotic, dangerous, and a hell of a shot, but the Bat could, and most probably would assist the newborn guardian. The living world and the infinite are intertwined after all, influenced by whatever realm it drifts closest to.
Thankfully Danny seems to be enjoying himself- he has a proper ghost friend now! And he's starting to be able to understand Batblob's cacophony of Silent-EverSilent-Gurgles-DistantWhispers-QuietScreamsSilence easier too without Robin translating. (His Ghost-Speak is getting so good :D) He wishes he could bring Sam & Tucker but it's a little too far into the ghost zone. And the ghosts and Vlad doesn't bother him here! (The last time he tried, unknown to Danny, the older halfa was met with a malicious swarm of teeth and maws ready to rip and tear and not lose another child again-) He's even gotten shown the exits to the living-world's Gotham. Robin likes to ramble about the new and different living-robins and about their friend who was also a robin and who disappeared one day and whose core they carry on their belt. Maybe he can help them find out what happened to him...
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game, an AU where (somehow…) jason and tim (begrudgingly) team up in the search for a hero/battle for the cowl era (either when jason says tim should work with him on the gang stuff or when batman jason asks tim to be his robin) :]
for the ask game!
god, Search For A Hero my beloved. for the Search For A Hero version of their team-up, I think I'd write it something like this
I think the biggest reason Tim says no when Jason asks him is Jason asks Tim too early in the arc. as the storyline develops, Tim gets more and more desperate to best Ulysses, which is what pushes him to make the mistake that gets Ulysses' siblings killed. he's in a tight spot and he misjudges the situation. (i think the guilt he carries from that moment is one of the biggest inciting incidents for becoming Red Robin) so, i'd introduce Jason to the plot just a little later. just as Tim is on the edge of desperation. Tim isn't entirely adverse to working with villains if he thinks he can stay on top of them. so instead of sending Jason to prison, i think if Jason came to Tim at the right time, Tim would begrudging accept Jason's help
part of Tim's plan would be leveraging Jason's power with the mafia/mob scene in Gotham. they'd agree that topping the gangs would just cause a power vacuum (i'm pretty sure that's actually addressed in SFAH but i could be misremembering) so it's more about a balancing act, which is where Jason thrives. Tim is right on the cusp of being willing to do more morally questionable things, so it'd be a fun internal war for him to second-guess himself at every turn.
there would be such a delightful lack of trust in their partnerships. TIm has *zero* reason to trust Jason, and while Jason likes Tim enough, i don't think he's naive enough to put any trust in Tim. so there'd be moments where they don't fill each other in on aspects of the plan. Jason kills people behind Tim's back, Tim keys in his cop friend behind Jason's back. it builds the tension between them with a lot of hot arguments that get more and more charged.
the jealousy. there would just have to be a scene where Jason gets wildly jealous over Ulysses' complex over Tim. Ulysses tries so hard to pit himself as like, Tim's biggest adversary, his opposite. and Jason would *despise* that. sure, Jason is working with Tim, but part of the fun is that they're still enemies as they do it. i think it'd be sort of fun to have the moment where Ulysses blows Tim up be something Jason witnesses and he raises unholy hell about. because if anyone is going to kill Tim Drake, it's going to be him. and that angry possessiveness is what makes the romantic/sexual tension something neither of them can ignore anymore.
Tim deciding to put on the Red Robin suit to fight Ulysses would be where Jason just. goes full tilt possessive "he's mine i marked him that's my suit. see. mine. i said so." and Tim would push back but. what ground does he have to stand on bc he could've picked any suit with any cowl to protect his head after the blast, but he did choose Jason's. it was his own open invitation to Jason in a way. and well. they fuck nasty about it. and then Damian becomes Robin, so why not Tim keep the suit and just maybe, keep Jason in his back pocket.
and!! for the Battle for the Cowl version. man on one hand i love "Tim accepts Jason's offer to be his Robin" fics but i feel they lack a bite to them, so this is personally how i would try to pull it off, while being relatively in character.
so the biggest thing for me is, TIm agrees to be Jason's Robin not because he trusts or likes Jason, but for the same reasons he became Robin in the first place: to keep Batman stable. being Jason's Robin isn't about wanting to work with Jason, it would be Tim knowing there's no world Jason is ever going to stop and seeing Jason slowly tip over the edge of madness and well. if Tim was self-sacrificial enough to do it for Bruce and attempt to do it for Jean-Paul, he can do it for Jason.
him agreeing would i think startle Jason. like, Jason's offer was never particularly serious because he's at the point he knows Tim wants nothing to do with him. so when Tim says yes it sort of. snaps Jason out of the rage BftC puts him in. he's so startled but enticed by the thought, he willingly agrees to stipulations Tim sets, like no murder. like even if just to see where this goes, Jason jumps on the chance.
i'd really want to keep Dick and Damian as Batman and Robin, and the weird divide that would exist with Dick/Damian and Jason/Tim both running around as Batman/Robin and how off kilter that puts Gotham. like Gotham is so baffled by it, it actually makes criminals easier to handle. because they have no clue if they're getting the Batman who needs Robin to keep him in line, or the Robin who needs Batman to keep him in line. people know there's two Batmans, two Robins and no one knows quite what to do with that information. who's the "real" Batman? who's the "real" Robin? and on the personal level, the divide between Dick and Tim would be unmistakable. Dick would know what Tim's doing and try to convince him Jason is a lost cause bc well, Dick at this point *really* believes Jason is a lost fucking cause. So Dick's genuine care and concern for Tim just drives a further wedge between them.
i think there'd need to be a scene where Tim flat out asks if Jason even *wants* to be Batman. in a sort of attempt to slowly ween Jason off of being Batman, but also because i don't think Jason ever really wants to be Batman, he just wants Batman to be what his vision of justice is. and it'd be the first real heart to heart they have, discussing the legacy of the Robin and Batman mantles and how it's affected them. it'd be heated, but it'd be their first real conversation as just. Jason and Tim.
to me, i think the end goal of this AU would be Tim successfully "taming" Jason, and not in like a soft way, but in like a manipulative way, where even Jason knows that's what Tim is doing, but he just goes along with it because it's the first real human connection he's had in a while. also, i would work in Scarlet, Jason's sidekick in Batman & Robin (2009) as like. a pseudo daughter figure for them to help Jason find his humanity a bit. so it's not just Tim as Jason's rock, but also this misguided girl they'd both try to help. and well, then they ride into the sunset and all that, but still have a complicated, toxic dynamic they're both aware is unhealthy, but as balanced as it can be.
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wrecked-fuse · 6 months
Billy and Steve get a lot of grief for being disgustingly into each other but Jason and Eddie take the cake. With Jason trying to extricate Eddie from hanging all over him and Eddie just wrapping around him like an octopus.
Steve, in Billy's lap: And they think we're annoying.
Jason: Damn it, Munson can you let go for a minute I have to tie my shoe!
Eddie: Sugar Plum, let me tie it for you.
Jason: Geez Louise! I can do it myself! *Jason rolls his eyes as Eddie ties his shoes* What else are you planing to do for me that I can do for myself, Munson?
Eddie, mischievously grinning: I can hold it for you.
Jason: Hold what?
Eddie:l When you use the bathroom.
Jason, bright magenta red angrily storms off with Eddie chasing him: ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Billy: Steve I love you but I will never hold it while you pee.
Steve: Baby, I am totally okay with that.
Robin, a lesbian who needs more female friends: You are all equally disgusting and I hate this.
Just something funny I thought of.
LMAO i love this ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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babygirl-but-a-boy · 2 years
DC character- should they be allowed to kill- why
Batman- Absolutely not- because Jason didn't chop off 8 heads for him to change his mind
Superman- No- Because fuck you, that's why
Wonder Woman- yes of course- are you going to tell her otherwise?
nightwing- no- his ass cannot go to prison
Red Hood- yes- ?????
Red Robin- yeah sure- idk i think its cool
Babs- yes- you can't prove she hasn't already
Robin- yes- as a treat
Zatanna- yes- i think it's sexy of her
the flash (barry)- yes- this mans been through it
the flash (wally)- no- he would lord it over dick
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idyllcy · 11 months
hey its my first time asking so sorry if im doing this wrong, but for the 1989 tv event can i ask for 21 (is it over now?) with tim drake x fem!reader if possible? thank you!
was it over, and is it over now? - tim drake x reader
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You stare at the magazine in hand, blinking slowly as the front page raves all about Tim's new girlfriend. You flip to the page, reading the information and how they got caught by the paparazzi, pausing when you stare at the clearer photo of her.
You scoff, pulling your shades down to raise a brow.
She's a carbon copy of you.
It makes you almost bitter, but it was never your problem.
Tim wasn't a cheater, but the way that it had been less than a week after your breakup and the magazines were already screaming about his new girlfriend made you feel disgusting.
He had lied about how she had had pure intentions when befriending him, and he had lied that the two of them had done nothing when you had asked him for a break in your relationship.
A permanent one.
You moved all of your stuff out over the break, leaving nothing behind. You suppose that's why Tim thought it'd be fine to run around with her so soon.
In technical terms, you hadn't even broken up with him yet.
So you close the magazine as you click through your phone, opening Tim's number, pausing at him typing.
tim: is it over?
You leave him a thumbs up, deleting him from your contacts.
Now it is.
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1989 event
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the-lark-ascending69 · 4 months
Ronance soulmate AU in which there's an invisible red string connecting both of you but sometimes the string is like... not going on both directions. Like maybe someone is your soulmate but you're not theirs. When this happens, only one of you can see the string, the one who's actually connected, and the other can't, but it's impossible to tell for the first person unless they actually talk to their soulmate and realize that... oh... they can't see the string. It's always awkward and heartbreaking and sad. And horribly lonely.
Anyway, young Robin realizing her string led her to Nancy, and having hope for once - maybe she wouldn't be alone for the rest of her life. Maybe Nancy was waiting for her, loving her since before she knew her. And it takes her so long for her to gather the courage to ask her - she wants it so desperately to be true. She wants Nancy so desperately to love her back, because she feels like she was born loving her and had never been able to do anything with this love other than holding it inside when all she wanted was to share it with her.
But Nancy is a liar first and a person second. She lies like it's compulsion. She lies like she can't help herself. She lies because it terrifies her to have to face this, because she thought Robin might not see any string, if she'd never approached her before. Because she thought she could avoid this. Because she thought she might be spared this time.
So she lies, and she tells her she's sorry, but that she doesn't see anything. The heartbreak and shame in Robin's eyes as she apologizes and steps back feels like guilt curling tight in her stomach, because she suddenly looks small and regretful and like she's about to cry because she just confessed her most terrible secret to someone who was never actually destined for her and who will never love her and oh god, she feels so gross and dirty right now, like a desperate and hungry dog barking and howling as a way to demand scraps. She wraps her arms around herself and backs away. Oh, no, no, she should have never opened her mouth. She should have never expected things to be easy for her. She was born broken. Of course this would be broken, too.
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hookhausen · 8 months
the batboys totally are the type to take you to see your favorite sports team regardless if they like it or not
dick thrives and i mean THRIVES in a wrestling environment he almost gets transfixed by how smooth the moves are seeing a moonsault so flawlessly is like art to him bc it reminds him of his acrobatic skills plus the storylines are interesting at times so ofc if you ask him to go with you to a wrestling event hes so down
tim likes the quietness that baseball brings so if you want to catch a game in the middle of the day you bet your ass tim is down to go with you he'll even get you seats closest to the dugout depending if you really wanted to see your favorite team up close this time around
jason is always down to see the devils play and completely understands why you get so excited when gloves drop and theres a fight after the stoppage of play two men beating each other into the ice and sometimes theres loss of teeth and blood? sign him UP
damian doesnt get why you like formula 1 bc in his eyes its just cars going really fast but he likes seeing all the cars that he could afford to buy (i mean this literally he could buy and own ferrari, williams, mclaren, & mercedes at the same time if he really wanted too and a part of me think he would buy the teams just for shits & gigs/impress you but i digress) damian just likes seeing you get so excited about your favorites on the grid but he will not be able to handle the jealousy if you happened to meet lewis hamilton or logan sargeant bc i mean its lewis hamilton and logan fucking sargeant how can any man not be jealous them??
bruce enjoys a nice game of soccer no thanks to alfred so he likes catching a game every once in a while he lowkey admires kylian or messi bc of how good they are and debates on investing some of his money into psg (much to alfreds heartbreak) or inter miami even if he is from jersey
oh cass is so excited if you mention wanting to go see a ufc match bc shes just as much of a fan as you are theres something so interesting about the environment that surrounds ufc and a trip to las vegas never sounds bad to her so fuck it ofc theyre down to see sean strickland in the octagon
you + duke at a football game sign him UP he goes all out for you im talking abt face paint, jerseys, wearing overalls with the colors of your favorite team, he really doesnt care if he doesnt like football if you wanna catch a game ofc hes down and he'll be just as excited as you are
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rebouks · 29 days
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Byrd: Why’re you scared of water? Levi: I’m not. Byrd: There must be a reason. Levi: Why is anyone scared of anything? Like why are you scared of the dark, or why is Wren scared of blood n’ stuff? Wren: ‘Cause it’s gross and no one’s supposed to bleed, swimming is fun. Byrd: I guess you could drown if you couldn’t swim or whatever. Levi: I think it started when I was a kid n’ almost drowned in the bath. Byrd: How? Levi: I don’t know, my mom was probably being shit-.. I barely remember. Byrd: Enough to be scared though. Levi: Apparently. [Byrd floated aimlessly on his back for a moment, thoughtfully peering at the clouds] Byrd: Dad says you’re supposed to do stuff you’re scared of or it gets worse, like he’s always turning the lights out on me or shoving our cuts n’ bruises in Wren’s face-.. in a nice way though, y’know? Levi: Is it working? Wren: Kinda. Byrd: Why don’t you just stick a foot in? Levi: No thanks. Byrd: C’mon, no one’s gonna shove you. Levi: Nope. Byrd: Pfft. Oscar: Christ, Byrd.. what the hell are you doing in there?! That cast is gonna stink. Byrd: Oh-.. oops. Oscar: Get out and put it in the sun! Oscar: Now. Byrd: I’m cominG-.. it’s getting chopped off soon anyway, right? Oscar: Yeah, and the poor doctor’s gonna pass out from your stank.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 256
Look, Bruce had had no plans to be a cryptid, he swore. 
Vigilante? Yes. Dark abomination of the night? No. And he was, he was technically just a dude. A well trained (and maybe feral) human, but still just a human! Apparently not to the rest of Gotham, and he honestly should have nipped those rumors when they first started. 
But like, it was also perfect for his secret identity. No one exactly expected an undead shadow-beast to have a secret identity after all. Or an undead shadow beast and some sort of ghost child to have ones, as the small child- which turned to small children- he’d taken in discovered. 
Which, look, he had tried to get Dick (and later Barbara, and Jason, and Tim, and Steph, and by the time of Duke and Cass had given up) to stop. He had tried everything he could but no, nothing could stop them. Literally nothing that he had done could stop any of them, so he had trained them instead. 
And the children were all little shits. At least by the fact that Nightwing had lead the newly-made Justice League right where he was perching, continuing to chitter and giggle near hysterically as he ducked behind him. 
And somehow they were here to try and recruit him. Great. 
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rjnonymous · 6 months
Do you guys think Jason went through the most intense growing pains?
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I think people who write de-aging kid fics about DC characters are great because it's all like "oh my god! Through totally random and unpreventable circumstances X character has been hit with magic/sci-fi bs and is now an adorable lil guy who needs the love and support of family and friends!" And that's 100% my kryptonite. I love it.
I do think people are sleeping on speedster controlled aging though.
I would kill for a fic where Kon gets deaged to five and Bart just shrugs and deages to five as well because it looks like fun. Then the two of em get into shenanigans and enjoy the childhood they never had.
Or if Hal gets turned into a child and Barry joins him so that Hal has company. And the two of em get to interact as kids and just have fun for once in their lives.
Or if Dick gets hit with a magic spell and shrinks back down to nine and Wally's like "Oh god, we were terrible as kids! I don't want to get stuck babysitting him..... 💡! I CAN'T GET STUCK BABYSITTING IF I'M ALSO A CHILD!!" And then it's just gremlin Dick and Wally running around together being the absolute worst.
I just think their selective aging thing is nifty and the fact that they can manually switch their ages is a fantastic plot device that rarely gets used.
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Mad respect to Nico Robin.
She waited for 20 years for her life to get better, and then she finally found love and happiness in the relationships she built with her fellow Straw Hats.
She's so inspiring.
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cabl-art · 2 years
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silly women ever
ft @thespongemagic
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thebatbaes · 2 years
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Superboy’s special delivery service!
[ Damian Wayne as Superboy and Jon Kent as Robin in DC’s Terrors Through Time: Trick or Treat (2022) ]
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