#bc i am aro ace and it needs to be said
buckistheman · 3 months
I think re buddie people need to take a breath and just enjoy their relationship regardless of what kind of title it has or is getting. Because love is love no matter how it looks. Bc platonic love is equal to romantic love. And I think a reminder is needed to separate fanfic to the canon show. I fear for my boys and my favourite TV show of getting hate if it doesn't fulfill an idea of Love that is more common for people who feel sexual and romantic attraction. Yes I would love to see Buck and Eddie kiss on the lips and for Eddie to get some Dick bc i think it would do wonders for his cathloc guilt and for Buck to experience a new side of Sex. But that's also my years of fanfic brain talking. Which I am able to separate from the TV show. Every time when watching the show I can see that Buddie is perfect the way they are in canon. Love isn't about kisses and sex. Love is so much more. They have a family in each other. Eddie isn't raising Chris on his own. And Buck has a couch he can sleep on. None of that changes.
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chemicalarospec · 4 months
it makes me sad how many aspec posts (and videos and other individual-generated content) are just being upset about this depiction or that one. we NEED more (semi-mainstream) aspec rep so bad, so that nobody has to feel hurt when 1 kind of aspec that they are not is represented and the only 1 they see :(
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twosoulss77 · 2 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are allowed to have a favourite ship, canon or not, out of a particular show.
Shipping is just a way for artist and what not to explore different dynamics, or even their own. That’s why I believe we should let people enjoy what they like, without forcing our own image of a certain spectrum into them. Especially cause shaming those people, for trying to explore their identity through art, might cause actual harm to them or cause them to not enjoy doing what they like anymore, bc of hateful comments from someone who hides behind a fake identity to hate on a fictional ship, which in itself it’s a very sad and pathetic way to live, but just cause your life is miserable doesn’t mean you need to make others people’s life miserable you know. Go touch Grass when you feel like being a dick!!!
As an AroAce fellow with no desire for a sexual relationship, I applaud and adore all those people making content of my fav husbands, let it be a fics smut or just normal fluff, I love it all SO MUCH Hazbin Hotel ep 5 changed my whole chemistry, and Say what you will about radioapple / appleradio, but I will always be entertained by the idea of Lucifer angrily doing acts of kindness for Alastor because it's what ‘Charlie would want’, and Alastor being a stupid ‘Bambi’ and try to wiggle himself out of it at the beginning, but then realise that he actually doesn’t mind the king of hell company at all. Both slowly growing to actually tolerate and maybe even like being around the other. Exchanging snarky remarks in a more playful way, playing music together, telling dad jokes, hating on the same delusions glorified iPad …like there is so much potential there that it’s crazy how much it pisses people off. It might be cause I am a sucker for Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but by God if that isn’t the best trope.
I know there will be some smart people out there, that are gonna be like “Alastor is ace”, but so are half the people who ship him!!! I hate when people make assumption on us, on who and how we want to love. I might not be interested in participating in sexual stuff myself, but that doesn’t stop me to explore my own ace-spectrum with these two characters, who if they wanted to could and would kiss each other, Cause for one I says so, I have the power to make that happen *insert hysterical laugh* And second It was confirmed that Alastor is a repulsed Ace, but would also be down to date someone if they were strong asf, (Confirmed in a stream, take that with a grain of salt) still makes this ship more possible than others.
Al being Aroace, doesn't mean he can't date or have sex, he's just not all that interested in it, but that could also derive from the fact that he hasn’t found the right person yet, so it doesn’t feel important to him yet. (fun fact aromantic wasn't the part of my struggle accepting that I was aroace it was actually accepting I was ace bc of my hyper sexual tendencies)
Also Alastor being aro just makes radioapple infinitely more funny to me, or any relationship with him for that matter. He is just this 7 feet tall demon with zero interest in romance, but always managing to find himself having beef with someone, possibly a guy, and act like he is either about to kiss or kill him XD
I really needed to get this off my chest and I absolutely mean every thing I said in here. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but you'll be surprised to see how much happier you will be when you stop focusing on what other people are doing and instead focus on what you like.
Thanks for listening 😊💜
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rubydubydoo122 · 2 months
What are your thoughts on some of the more popular ships? Fanon and canon. For example superbat, bruce x harvey dent, tim x kon, dick x babs, dick x kory, jay x roy, steph x cass, damian x jon, pennywaynes,...
I’ll list them out
Superbat (Clark/Bruce): I find this ok, but personally, I like it when the trinity acts more like siblings, so it’s not my favorite. 5/10
BruHarvey: lovers to enemies? The angst? Amazing. 8/10
Dickbabs: idk. It feels kinda boring to me. Mainly because DC ruined both of their characters in order for them to be together. 4/10
DicKori: they’re soulmates. Idk what to tell you. And maybe you can tell how biased I am. Right now, they are the opitome of right person wrong time. 10/10
Jayroy: I don’t like this ship. It reduces Roy’s character down to a prop, the age gap feels kinda icky and I personally believe in Aro/Ace Jason Todd. 1/10
Superbat (Kon/Tim): the only version of superbat I truly ship. Reluctant friends, to besties, to flirty friendship, to a game of cat and mouse on if that taunt was real or if they were just fooling around? 10/10
DamiJon: I think their age gap never works in their favor. Either Damian’s too old or Jon’s too old, and it makes me feel wrong. And in more recent comics, they’ve been acting much more like siblings than friends who maybe possibly have chemistry with each other. But I do think if you wanted to go the romance route, it could be double unrequited love that was never expressed. Like a 10yr old Jon had a crush on a 13 yr old Damian. Jon left for almost a decade and comes back, looses feelings for Damian, but a 14yr old Damian has feelings for an 18 yr old Jon, but it never works out. 5/10. Just like their Dads
PENNYWAYNESSSS: 100000000/10. Like are you kidding me, this is the best ship ever and I love it so much.
Honorable mentions:
BruTalia: 10/10. My favorite Bruce ship.
Brulina: 8/10. I like it… but I feel like it wouldn’t work out because Selina would get overwhelmed by the amount of wealth Bruce has. Like she thinks it’s what she wants, but it’s too much for her
Birdflash (Dick/Wally): 8/10. I see the appeal, they’re best friends with so much chemistry, but I feel like they would never date bc they value their friendship more and they’re both super busy
JayKyle: it’s the only Jason ship I like, but only because I want it to be one sided, with Kyle failing to flirt with Jason and Jason is completely oblivious and actually just hates Kyle but Kyle thinks Jason’s playing hard to get. (Kyles flirting is just arguing with Jason, so that’s why Jason never gets the hint) 7/10 +300 bc of hillarity
StephTim: I don’t like this ship because Stephanie deserves so much better, and Tim seems like the type to mansplain every little thing, and it would drive Steph up a wall. I also don’t like the notion that they would be friends after they break up. 3/10 bc they had that piano scene
DamiRae: 2/10. Garchel is a better ship, and I feel like their personalities are too similar.
Flatline/Damian: I love them. I think they’re cute, but I don’t see it lasting long. 4/10
StephCass: 9/10. No more needs to be said. But I won’t ever officially write them as being together within a fic bc Steph’s character deserves to be her own, rather than a lover of a Batfam member, and Cass has her own things to deal with
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nickkcha · 7 months
"wait a damn minute-"
Pretty sure he has emotional constipation with showing his love to Leo just because he doesn't want to be wrong since love is just for goobers as he thought his whole life and ew...and stuff..and ...this guy is so fruity I just can't
I don't know if he thought he was on the ace spectrum before, I like to think that some girls or people liked him bc he's a cool samurai ronin and stuff, and he was like "yeah this must be love" HELP HIM
And when he gets to meet Leo he was TOTALLY CONFUSED
I MEAN JUST LOOK AT HIM???, he's so confused and he likes it HELP
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kalfui · 4 months
as someone who's aroace myself, I...really do not like all the sexualized content of Alastor. or the romantic content tbth. it is deeply off-putting to me. like idk, yeah I get that ace people can still have sex, that aro people can still be in romantic relationships--but as someone who's sex-repulsed AND romance-repulsed, it's. uh. idk, it made me happy to think of Alastor as the same. (my favorite joke reason I've seen for why Alastor vanished for seven years is "Vox confessed to him and Alastor is so romance-repulsed that he had to leave for seven years to get over it." bc SAME. I know it's not canon but I like pretending it is.)
I do kinda ship him in a QPR way with some characters (after he finally figures out that he is aroace), bc I was in a QPR for a long time (with someone who wasn't even aroace himself) and people so often just...didn't get it, didn't get that it was platonic but also different than "just a friendship", and so I am projecting my experiences on Alastor a bit lmao. putting my favorite aroace character into my own lived experiences. Alastor can experience the same frustration I did as everyone around him is like "wdym you're not dating, you hold hands and cuddle, there's no other interpretation of that!"
but like...most of the shippy content I see written or drawn with Alastor is romantic and/or sexual. at best, if it even acknowledges that he's aroace, it's just to justify the shipping with "well SOME aroace people are romance-positive/sex-positive!" people could, at the very least, take this opportunity to explore and try to understand QPRs, relationships that don't have sex or romance and are platonic but are also not "just friendship", but I see like. almost none of that
I'm.. completely tired of the aroace people can still date stuff. Hey, if you're gonna ship him and erase representation, at least admit that you're taking away a canon part of him, and don't act like it's canon he'd date or have sex, he is most likely sex repulsed and romance indifferent or repulsed. The fact that I see people debating this is absolutely crazy to me, do people need everything spelled out for them? Did they need to write Alastor looking disgusted by some sexual remark someone makes and then looking into the camera and saying how he feels repulsed by sex, and how he doesn't care for romance or doesn't like it either?
I'm not too familiar with QPRs since I only found out about them some time ago, but I've seen people say that he's in a QPR with this character or that character and then just, write sexual stuff? I don't know too much about QPRs like I said, but I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to be? I mean, there's a reason it's platonic, and it seems that a lot of the time people are just using QPRs to not get attacked when they ship Alastor with someone.
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babblable · 1 month
For the record, just in case some people don't look at my tags.
If you think the below are NOT part of the LGBTQ+ community- Unfollow and block me. Get the fuck off my blog. This blog is Safe for:
-Trans/GNC folk who do not "pass" or choose not to "pass", transition, etc.(Pass is in quotation marks bc quite frankly the concept of passing is ridiculous when used against us and should not be a factor in us using someone's fucking preferred pronouns)
-Trans/GNC folk who DEtransition
-Lgbtq+ poc and native americans
-My fellow aros and aces ALL ACROSS the aro/ace spectrum
-Pan and Bi folks in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex
-He/him lesbians, She/her gays, etc etc
-GNC folks in ANY WAY, be it in expression or bc you're Agender, Nonbinary, Genderqueer, Demi etc etc
-Prefer to use the term Queer
Hi, hello! I am holding my hand out to you. You are safe here! I would fight God for you! I love you!
And if ANYONE thinks you don't belong? Motherfuckers better unfollow and block me then.
Ideally my blog is assumed to be safe for everyone, with my only exception being if you're a fucking dick. But apparently the above needs to be said! So I'm saying it. at 5am. TERFs and Aphobic assholes can fucking Die Mad About It.
Pls lemme know if I forgot anyone. It is currently 5am and I am cranky over my insurance calling me.
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AITA for not telling my best friend I basically want to spend the rest of my life with her?
(This is long, I'm sorry, I'm incapable of shortly summarizing things)
Ok. So. I (26NB/FTM) am not in love with my best friend (25F), I'm ace and either aro or demiromantic (honestly not sure anymore). But I do love her as much as I can love anyone, probably. To the extent that I would want to be in a committed relationship (qpr I guess) with her and genuinely want to spend the rest of my life with her.
The thing is, she's neither aro nor ace and has only recently (last year) started overcoming fears and anxiety enough that she's gone on dates and wants to try having a relationship. It wasn't easy for her to get to this point and her anxiety is still a major thing she deals with, especially now trying to have a relationship. I know she doesn't love me romantically (not that I would particularly want her to) bc I'm firmly in the friend category and she's said that she can't fall in love with friends (though, again, I don't… want her to be in love me? Since I'm not in love with her either).
I want her to have these experiences. We're both still young and while I just don't need or want anything in that regard, I know it's different for her and in a way it's her finally being able to be herself, live for herself and do what she wants (she had a rough childhood and was basically the one raising her little brother). So, I really do want her to have these experiences and I'm not really jealous either bc I know I'm still more important to her ("bros before hoes" and all that, even if the hoes are guys lol). Though I have to admit it's recently been getting harder being genuinely happy for her when things go well with dates and I suppose I'm a little worried how things will be a few years down the line.
But we're very close. We've been friends for 8 years and best friends for almost as long. We tell each other everything. She's the most important person in my life and I'm the most important person in hers. We get mistaken for a couple constantly, at this point I'm pretty sure everyone in our families has at some point thought we're together. My mum basically treats her like a daughter; she's spent the last 3 Christmases with my family. Besides her brother, I'm the only person she truly cares about who she doesn't get anxious about. The reason I'm going to be moving back home after uni is because she still lives in the area; if she lived somewhere else I'd move there (that's not me being one-sidedly codependent btw, she would absolutely do the same). The jokes about how we need to die at the same time bc neither of us would want to live on alone are really only partly jokes.
Now, here's (finally) where I might be an asshole: When we were in school our friend group consisted of four guys, me and her. All the guys had a crush on her, though some she only found out about later. My best friend, at the time, identified as a lesbian (it's bi probably now). The guys knew that. Now this one guy she only found out about last year at a class reunion (I wasn't there) and he was being all weird about how he'd seen all the times they went to the movies together as dates etc. She thought they were jokingly calling those 'dates', we all did. Again, he knew she identified as gay and never actually said anything about being in love with her. He was also giving off incel-y vibes when she talked with him at the class reunion, so there's that.
We talked about that and well, I kinda admitted that there'd been a moment yeaaaaars ago (like 5?6?) where I felt myself fall in love with her and mentally went 'nope, nope, nope, not doing that (falling in love my best friend) again' and then… it didn't happen. Don't know how that worked. Either way, she made me promise if I ever did actually fall in love with her, that I would tell her. We were laughing about it but I know she was serious about that.
I don't plan on telling her though. I meaaaan I'm not in love with her, technically, which yes, I know, she would probably mean this too. But I know that, at least at this point in time, she doesn't want the same things I want and I want her to have these experiences of dating guys and being in a (allo) relationship etc. I don't want our relationship right now to change either and I know she would try to be considerate and I don't need or want that. I don't want her to overthink what she can or can't tell me, I don't mind hearing her talk about the guys she's dating and I want her to still come to me with everything. I know how she works, I've been basically managing her anxiety for years (genuinely do not mind that before anyone comes talking to me about boundaries) and I know I'm one of the few people in her life who try to let her come to her own conclusions/decisions instead of telling her what they think is right and/or what she should do (she's very easily influenced unfortunately and while I do tell her my opinions if she asks for them, I always try to let her come to her own conclusions first). I don't want her to lose all that. I don't want her to suddenly be anxious about me either, that is genuinely the last thing I would ever want.
TLDR: My best friend made me promise her that I would tell her if I fell in love with her, which I'm technically not, but I do want to spend the rest of my life with her & would want to be in a (queerplatonic) committed relationship with her. I don't want to tell her bc I know it's not what she wants, at least right now, and I want her to make her own experiences and I don't want our relationship to change with this.
AITA for not telling her I would want to be in a (queerplatonic) relationship with her?
What are these acronyms?
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our-aroace-experience · 5 months
I cannot figure out if I'm bi, greyaromantic or demiromantic. its like am I confusing platonic feelings for something else? or is this what its supposed to feel like? and I got embarrassed in a conversation because I sarcastically said "well I don't know who I'll like so I'll just go with both" and the person who has no concept ofaromatic stuff took that comment to literally about "romance being something you have to try" and im cringing so hard right now its bothering me because it makes it sound like I need to go through extra emotional distress of forcing myself into things that make me uncomfortable just to know "wow I feel worse but now I know the hard way!" all I know is that I'm a genderfluid boy and that I'm ace. also sorry for vent but gender dysphoria really hard bc I wear all mens clothes and still get called a "girl" makes me so angry I AM NOT A FUCKING GIRL
it’s possible you can be bi and demi/greyromantic, but you could also be aro! i’m sorry you feel pressure to find a label, you don’t need to if you don’t want!
as for the dysphoria, you might want to check out @our-genderfluid-experience for that!
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showsandstuff · 4 months
Anon, aro people can be in relationships 😭 I understand your intentions are good, but you’re not helping aro people by insisting that they can only be single. Aros can be in a romantic relationship. Aros can be in a relationship that looks romantic but isn’t (bc a person’s orientation depends on their feelings of attraction, not what it looks like to other people). Aros can be romance-repulsed. Aros can hate shipping. Aro can love shipping, even with aro characters. Attraction, feelings of romantic love, and/or platonic love can be a complicated thing. It’s not always a black and white “either you do or you don’t.” I know Aro erasure is a frustratingly real thing and I’m not gonna pretend some Hazbin fans aren’t doing that, but if we’re gonna fight erasure, we gotta uplift the aro art we like and ignore the fanworks we don’t vibe with instead of arguing that that it isn’t good rep. Because I promise you there are real life aromantic people who do all the kissy sappy stuff with partners they are happily married to but are still aro.
Signed, a romance-repulsed Aro who doesn’t ship Chalastor. Or doesn’t really ship Alastor romantically at all, really 😅
I Know this was intended for the other Anon, but I wanna give my own to cents to this as well!
I agree with the anon here + I also am a romance repulsed aromantic, but there’s one thing that I believe is important to mention, just to be fair to all sides of the argument.
“AroAce people can still date” is a true statement but often feels like an excuse to ship whatever you want to ship regardless, because many times, thats all that it is to the people using that. An excuse. They don’t really care about Aro Ace rep, they just wanna ship something without being deemed problematic.
Now, my argument regarding this matter is: You don’t actually need an excuse.
I already said this on another post but I will say it here again, you don’t have the ability to take away any representation. Ofc its always good to still be respectful about it, but if you ship him you absolutely do not need to feel bad about it! Have fun, enjoy the fandom, literally!
The creators themselves are very clearly in support of shipping, the only people who seem to have a problem are those that don’t understand that it really doesn’t matter for canon if Alastor is shipped in the fandom. Canon Alastor stays aroace, no matter what people do with fanon.
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Visiting Family For Christmas [queer mystery :p] Saiouma
Been thinking about my evil agendas (it will only slightly have to do with nsfw implications so don't get your hopes up)
Roommates saiou And visiting family for christmas
I just thought to myself. I want a scenario where saiou are roommates like in Litsu's, but they have to deal with christmas and Shuichi having to visit family, for the needs of this au I mean whole family, not just uncle
And he takes Kokichi with him, because 1) they planned to spend it together before his parents decided they want to host a big christmas party 2) Kokichi would end up alone on christmas otherwise 3)it bothers Shuichi's parents but they have to agree since they want Shuichi to come So it's a small win for Shuichi
Anyway, just like in the au I referenced at the start Shuichi only dated Kaede before and his parents know they broke up but not why or what saiou's relationship is
So they're like "You're gay!"
And here's the fun part The evil of my plans They're not Love loses
But Shuichi's parents do not believe them, in fact, nobody believes them Tsumugi is the first to get nosy and try to spy on them [yes, another sibling AU]
(Did I mention they're staying at the mansion until new year's? They're staying at the mansion like in a murder mystery, nobody leaves until the truth is out) So yeah, multiple people are trying to catch saiou being intimate to prove a point
And there are instances when they think they have definitive evidence, "aha! You're sharing a bed" or "See how they're leaning on each other and whispering? It's obvious.." And "Wait! Where are they? They must have snucked off! And you know what that means…"
There's a betting pool on who'll get them to admit that But guess what It's new year's eve and no answers Despite Uncle trying to stop her, Saihara's mom confronts them upright in front of everyone
Ves: WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOVE LOSES CRYING Me: LOVE LOSES [3 fire emojis] Romance is dead No gay ppl Ves: NOOOOOOOOOOO WHY Me: Only aro gang
They have to enter the new year explaining what qpr is so everyone understands that no, they're not fwb, or boyfriends, or "just" friends, Uncle takes all the money from the bet bc he said they'd all be wrong & should mind their business But it takes a LONg argument to get everyone to agree to this interpretation, the just friends people and fwb people had both made claims that it counts as their answer and then once saiou answered those, the bf ones also tried to raise some
Ves: this being in nsfw makes it funnier Me: It has to be in nsfw, they had multiple instances of someone bursting in on them with "You're having sex!" like in that one meme And also because it delves into my deepest desires and the most twisted aspects of my mind
Ves: the "why didn't you tell me, i would've put my book down" one?? i think that could skate by in gen Me: I am not filthy enough for you?! Ves: emotional commitment IS pretty filthy… Me: If I was realistic, the family wouldn't get it, not all of them, but it's filthy wish fulfillment so saiou gets through to them
Me: I would like to add to that AU, a very important detail: I've only said they're aro, nothing about being ace. They ARE fucking. No one managed to catch them red-handed, despite all the efforts to, there's been only a few close calls, like when they snuck off alone, nobody found where they went and it wasn't the bedroom they were staying at, so there was no way to prove it, or when they got busted for cuddling in bed they literally only had clothes on because it was too cold not to put them back on, it being December & especially in a big ass house with a bunch of fireplaces for aesthetic instead of central heating
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koi-pond-tears · 4 months
Headcanons I love even tho they go against my main beliefs for these characters
Ace/Aro bakugou. Idk why but I just. Love it. So much. Like yes lil dude be free!!! Fuck nobody!!! You never needed bitches!!!
And especially the headcanons where he's like. Absolutely clueless about love. Like Mina will ask "so bakugou what's your type?" And he just looks confused n goes "?? You mean my blood type???"
Izuku and Katsuki being brothers. Like not literal brothers by blood but they have that brotherly bond. I actually do ship dekubaku but this headcanon is still very dear to me and I think in another universe it could work.
Like it's so funny imagining them fighting the way brothers do or being mean to each other but also having each other's backs and protecting/defending the other. I love that for them
Idk why but asexual todoroki just. Wow. I love him
I feel like he would still want a romantic relationship just without the sex part. Like he's totally cool with kissing or cuddling bc cmon there is no way in HELL this boy is not absolutely touch starved.
I feel like while Ace bakugou thinks sex is gross and is repulsed by it, ace todoroki is just indifferent to it. He doesn't rlly care or have any feelings towards it. Like ok bestie go smush your peepees together while I watch the entire Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
As much as I love my blorbos bakudeku together I have to admit the idea of izuku being the token straight friend in a class full of the ell gee bee tees is so fucking funny to me. Like he doesn't understand the lingo and is absolutely sweating his balls off trying not to say something offensive and it's just hilarious. He accidentally uses she/her instead of they/them once and almost commits seppuku ( a japanese style of suicide which includes disembowelment)
I'm sure he includes everyone's pronouns in their description in his notebook to make sure he remembers what to use
Nonbinary jirou just. Fits. Like idk what anyone has to say about that but look me in the eye and tell me that bitch doesn't put on a binder
They're an enby and also bisexual bc I am correct about everything.
Trans kiri just works.
If deku doesn't grow up to be tall as fuck then I will literally have a meltdown
does he not look like the tall lanky nice friend that can't even say fuck??? Look me in the eye and tell me that. Do it.
Eri grows up to be really tall
Like idk where this comes from but to me she's just. Tall. Girly doesn't get you things from the top shelf she IS the top shelf
Also I personally don't like the eri x kota ship, I think it's kinda weird to be wanting these whole ass 6 year Olds to date, idk but it makes me uncomfortable
I saw a post once that said that Ochaco would be an active memelord (back when that term wasn't cringe) and oh my god. No. This bitch wouldn't know anything.
She has a fucking flip phone I doubt she has access to motherfucking twitter
I think she'd be like Izuku where she's just absolutely clueless on the lingo and slang and feels left out when her friends reference memes she's never seen before
And even if they do take the time to send her one or two she wouldn't understand it
I also saw this in a different post but tsuyu listens to asmr
Tokoyami too
I love the black Mina headcanons but I'm filipino and so starved of representation so I'll just pretend she's half pinoy but grew up in japan so she doesn't really know much of the language (you'd be surprised how many of us don't speak our native language despite living here all our lives)
Himikos eyebags come from the many long nights she spent as a villain doing literally anything else but getting a good night's sleep. Like I know in the backstory episodes we see her with the eyebags as a child, but when I first watched the show I just assumed that that was the reason she had them, and I'll stick to that till I die
Mirio is autistic. Do not argue with me I am right.
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entropy-sea-system · 6 months
I thought I'd talk a bit about being analterous as I don't often talk about My atertiary identities separately other than apl and afamilial.
Anyways, I should probably start by saying I don't actively crave an emotional connection just for the sake of it. It often involves friendship for a lot of people which already repulses Me. I happen to have emotional connections to My partners but its not about friendship, its about sex and in a few cases also romance bc Im demiromantic and allosexual.
A big reason I realised Im analterous is because people often said thats the attraction type behind qprs, and eventually I realised I didn't want a qpr but just thought I did bc a lot of other aros seemed to, and I felt like I'd be seen as 'aphobic' if I refused to want a relationship that aros and aces came up with. I also was unfortunately feeling like I had to have nonrose attraction to seem 'normal' and 'not sex obsessed' as an alloaro.
When I first heard of alterous attraction, it was kind of defined in a very vague way like 'not being sure if you have a (romantic) crush or just want to be friends', and that didn't make sense to my brain, as I would later realise, its bc Im arospec and apothiplatonic and those are simply not emotions I can feel like to a stranger. And friendship? I literally can't feel that towards anyone.
I define alterous attraction as being an attraction connected to wanting an emotional connection with someone (though of course, one can also have the attraction without being favorable to alterous relationships). My brain often lumps all the nonrose attractions as being something that has no relevance to me, and especially with terms that arent as used in larger society like alterous, I struggle to explain why I am like this.
Additionally, when people talk about feeling alterous attraction or a qpr (though that tends to be more associated w queerplatonic attraction these days) (I am also aqueerplatonic and qp repulsed though) I feel grossed out by it. I don't personally want to hear about it due to my repulsion.
In the past when I questioned if I had a nonrose crush it always ended up either being intrusive thoughts or Me repressing a sexual crush. I learned of things like squishes long before I knew I was aro because I formerly identified as demirose and even after I stopped using that label at one point, I still looked obsessively through AVEN forums where a lot of aces talked about having squishes.
I will admit that with acespec I have some sort of sexual orientation OCD where I have intrusive thoughts that Im 'really' ace when I don't identify that way, but thats a whole other topic. Its kind of distressing for Me to feel that but anyways. Explanation for why I was rather often looking at those forums.
I assumed I had the capacity to have squishes. I felt kind of creepy and genuinely kind of distressed that I was incapable of caring for people as a friend when multiple times, I thought I was having friendship emotions but it turned out to just be sexual attraction. Of course, people can have both emotions at once but I could kind of tell tht I had never even had the platonic attraction emotions, but didn't label it until i realised I could be apl.
I felt like I was obligated to like people in nonrose ways, because it made Me feel arophobic and acephobic, and anti-relationship anarchy, and selfish if I were to say no. But I'm glad I realised Im atertiary, because I'm a lot happier when Im not forcing Myself to have and like nonrose relationships. I'm content with my sexual and romantic-sexual relationships, and also content with the idea of not having any relationships, if at some point that becomes the case for me.
Also, I never ship alterous ships for example, I used to think I did but it was just me shipping characters romantically and/or sexually but thinking I needed to label the emotional care as alterous? And also its worth noting that I'm pretty much an analterous person with no alterous attraction who is alterous repulsed. This will not be the experience of every single person with these identities.
Also, seeing as how people often position alterous and qprs on a created romantic-platonic binary it just irks me that some people act like romantic and platonic are the only attractions ever. Especially when they ignore SEXUAL attraction, like its not romantic OR platonic but ppl act like it doesnt exist when they force the platonic-romantic binary on labels such as alterous and queerplatonic.
Also, I happen to have sexual intrusive thoughts about people, due to hypersexuality and OCD, that I don't like having. Sometimes, I tried to use tertiary/nonrose attractions as a coping mechanism for this by trying to say 'No, I only feel platonic/alterous/sensual/etc. for this person' even though I didn't, and was mistaking emotions like happiness or literally the rush from getting narc supply (NPD) or attention, and being touch starved, sometimes even just being triggered by people acting overfamiliar with Me, for nonrose attractions.
This is not so say nonrose attractions are unhealthy, but the way I conceptualised of them back then was. It's astounding to me that people think my atertiary identity is what's unhealthy when forcing myself to seem allotertiary was what was unhealthy for me.
At one point, when I was initially with a few of My current partners, I kind of felt the need to split every emotion I had about My partners into being a nonplatonic nonrose attraction, even when I knew I was apl. That was kind of unnatural to Me personally as a way to label My emotions. Because it wasn't any attraction other than sexual.
The way people talk about sexual attraction as fleeting and meaningless influenced this as well. I feel a lot of emotional care and enthusiasm towards people I am sexually attracted to, and I only like sexual relationships that are long term and involve affection. This made Me feel like it couldn't JUST be sexual attraction because people around me, even in aro spaces that included alloaros, acted like sexual attraction can never include these things.
Maybe thats just how people who either are alloromantic and/or are allotertiary feel because they label anything thats not 'I want to have genital sex' as some attraction other than sexual. But thats not how my sexual attraction works. I support people whose sexual attraction is not that deep/is fleeting or does not involve much emotion or desire for long-term involvement, and those who engage in casual sex. I just want people to acknowledge that thats not the only way sexual attraction and sexual relationships, especially nonromantic ones, can be.
Actually, anaesthetic was the third atertiary label I found myself realising I am, but I though I was aestheticflux. However it turned out that I am just completely atertiary. Also I think at one point that. It got kind of too much of a cognitive effort for me to want to classify my attraction into so many nonrose types. It made me feel kind of split apart and dissociated from my identity personally.
Anyways, this was a lot and I meant to just talk about My analterous experience, but all My atertiary identities seem to be tangled together in ways that mean they aren't very separable. I think I did only realise Im analterous around the time I realised Im completely atertiary, but it was also very linked to Me realising I'm aqueerplatonic.
Anyways, I'm also realising that maybe I feel My atertiary identities are all interconnected in a way that means I see a lot of them as lumped together for Myself, and how much I talk about them tends to depend on the percieved way I find societal norms regarding relationship types to be antithetical to My way of existing.
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master-of-the-railway · 5 months
🚂Introductory Post!🚂
Greetings TTTE fandom! You may have seen me around as @electricfied-wolf, but from now on, all of my TTTE related posting/reblogs will be directed here! This is a sideblog, my main account is @itsorcatime, and here's some information about me!
First and foremost, I am a minor (Above 14) so if interacting with someone under 18 makes you uncomfortable, feel free to steer clear of me. I won't take it personally! Boundaries are important after all.
You can call me Wolf! My pronouns are they/them and she/her, but I heavily prefer they/them.
I am fairly new to TTTE, trying to watch it all but my mixed up self has decided I'm just going to watch the episodes in no particular order, so I might get things mixed up here and there. My favorite character atm is Hiro! (If that wasn't obvious enough already lol)
I am not an overtly negative or toxic person. I tend to see the good in a lot of things that most do not, everything can have potential if you dig deep enough. I also believe that people should be allowed to like what they like without people hijacking their posts just to tell them that their interest sucks. That being said-
I am a genuine fan of All Engines Go and will not tolerate hateful behavior about it on my blog. You are allowed to have your own opinions about it and are allowed to hate it, but when you enter my personal space and converse with me, you need to at least keep that hatred to yourself. When you go onto the blog of someone who enjoys something you don't just to tell them how much you hate the thing they love, you're just being an asshole. You have your own blog for a reason, post about how much you dislike it there.
Any queerphobia of any kind is also not tolerated on my blog. If you do not accept trans people/aces or aros, and so on and so forth, just block me so that we never have to see each other.
My hyperfixations switch on a dime at times, I am very heavily obsessed with trains and all media containing them at the moment, but I have no idea how long this interest will last. If I post less or not at all, I'm probably just moving onto another interest! But for now the trains are here to stay.
Tags for my ttte AUs!
Life On Sodor- A model/cgi series au which combines the two a bit more seamlessly (and includes the magic railroad!) as well as expands upon the characters and includes ships I am partial to as well as relationship hcs I enjoy. Basically a canon divergent au, or in other words:
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Children of Sodor- An All Engines Go au that's similar to LOS, but has a little bit more of Mystery as to where the kids came from and if there will ever be more. Explores the idea of the AEG kiddos being the first machine children to exist, lots of cute family dynamics but definitely also includes some angsty content bc I'm a sucker for tragedy.
On The Horizon- A crossover between TTTE (specifically my own version so ig it's more of a crossover using Life On Sodor) and The Owl House. Luz, King, Hunter, and Willow are all transported to Sodor when they're all very young and end up being raised there, unaware of their birthplaces (except Hunter that is) and just having a good time. Meanwhile, Eda has been in turmoil over her adopted son having disappeared, she has an alliance with Raine and Darius in which they are attempting to dismantle the coven system. Eda wants the emperor dead, convinced that he has King.
Beasts of Sodor- Lady the magical steam engine is infected suddenly by a strange sickness that causes her to take on a beastly form. It's untraceable in origin, but she manages to spread it to Gordon and Diesel 10...and slowly, through various (not always intentional) ways, the disease begins to affect all locomotives.
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knifearo · 3 days
hello bracken 🫡 I've always wanted to get a second aro's opinion on this and also just to Laugh At The Absurdity. And I hope u do not mind the wall of text unprompted
I cut this person out of my life even tho they were my best friend, but when we were close I would tell them about how my roommate (diff room tho) would always bring her boyfriend over and do. well. the devil's tango! frequently! or just generally hang out together and be really loud (ie laughter) at night. I would tell them to be quiet but it never really got better. at this point, I was 1) coming to terms w the fact that I was aro and was beginning to get more comfortable w it and 2) also realizing how kind of insane it was how someone (my roommate) could basically drop most of her other relationships (me included) for a guy she is romantically involved with. we used to get lunch a lot together as roommates but then He came along and that just went away because now He was there and it made me feel pretty sad that I was neglected as a friend. so I would complain to this to my best friend and ofc she agreed it was crazy. but then, one time, after being particularly annoyed by their noise, I said to her something akin to "are allo(romantic) people ok?" And she took that personally! She asked if she would be treated differently by me if she had a bf/gf. and it made me feel so..... ???? bc what??? like no ofc not, but why would u think that? u literally benefit from amatonormativity as someone that experiences romantic attraction, I think an aro person making one (1) joke about allo people is ok 💀🫶 turned out later that they were low-key an arophobe as well as a panphobe despite being queer themselves so rest in piss lmfao but that interaction still rotates in my mind. the allos are so oppressed 🥺🥺🥺🥺
MAN. so much to unpack there. first of all i wish alloromantics Would be oppressed and i hope jakey dies. second of all alloromantics will hear an aro person say literally anything and act like we just kicked their dog and then quit our jobs to take up a full-time career as a cartoon supervillain that's planning to take over the city and. idk. kill batman or something while we're doing it. an aro person opens their mouth and suddenly everyone in the world forgets that jokes exist... ppl literally don't let us say fuck all without being upset about it. anyway! i am of the same opinion that i am when it comes to trans people making jokes about cis people and gay people making jokes about straight people and ace people making jokes about allosexuals. punching up is distinctly different from punching down and if you don't understand what that means then you lack a fundamental understanding of how privilege works and you need to seek out education rather than acting all elon musk "cis is a slur". everyone in the world acts like we are personally throwing rocks at them by making jokes that are inversions of the vitriol that is directed at us and you know what! as i have said before! idgaf and i will be the mean problematic aro forever and ever cause bitches wouldn't like me if i was all niceys about it either. literally god forbid we be sarcastic. anyway i think alloromanticism should be outlawed
"i hate how people who are in relationships treat me differently just because they're in a relationship." "so you would treat me differently just because i was in a relationship??" what are you fucking talking abouuuttttttttttttt
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criminalskies · 10 months
Hi Rome! I wanted to reach out to you because I feel this is a safe space and I know it’s stupid because we don’t even really know each other but I feel like I can trust you and that I have your support. Anyway, I wanted to kind of ask for advice on my sexuality if that’s ok. I’ve been kind of questioning it the last few years but am not really sure what I identify with. I always used to think I was straight but now it feels like I don’t belong in that “category”
I don’t like s3x. I don’t find it to feel good or be fun or anything like that. I don’t mind reading smutty stuff sometimes but when it gets too descriptive, I’m out.
I mostly find men attractive, but I sometimes find women attractive as well. But I don’t really feel sexually drawn to either of them. Like the most I feel is fantasizing about holding their hand or cuddling or maybe making out but certainly nothing past that. I mean I’ve had dreams (not like fantasizing but literal night time dreams) about being with both a man or a woman, but idk if that means anything. And I’ve found that some of the people I find attractive aren’t your typical “hot” people and it thinks it’s because I might care more about who they are than what they look like? Idk
I sometimes fantasize about having a relationship, but in reality I don’t want one. I think I more just like the idea of it and how they are in books and movies, but not the real life situation. Especially when I think about being with someone all the time. I prefer to be on my own. Which I guess is why I wonder if this even really matters, but I feel like I need to know even if it’s not applied?
Anyway, sorry, I’m rambling!! I just wanted someone to discuss this with I guess and I don’t really want to go to my family yet, which is why I wanted to reach out to you (and I guess the tumblr community if you decide to answer this and it’s on your feed lol) and if you do choose to share any advice, thank you, I love you, I love your writing, and the nasty anon people who share their evil words can kindly piss off! <3
Hi baby! Let me start this off by saying there’s no reason for you to feel silly at all, I say that this account is a safe space and I really mean it. I’m glad you feel comfortable and supported by me because that’s a goal of mine to have people always feel that way on my page.
Now, I’m assuming you’re here bc you’ve seen me talk about times in my life when I’ve thought I was asexual or even aromantic? and that stays true. admittedly when you sent me this ask I went full dad mode googling the aro/ace spectrum lingo and terms to make sure I’m giving you the best information. I also researched this stuff a bunch myself because as you say it’s all a bit confusing when you feel you fall between the ‘categories’.
But that’s an important point for me to make here: asexuality and aromanticism are fluid and exist on a spectrum. All our life experiences and ups and downs and mindsets and the people in our lives can change or skew these things, and that’s okay! I don’t expect to identify the exact same way forever. Honestly, when I first learned what aro and ace were, I was a bit lost because doesn’t everybody feel like this sometimes?
So with my newfound research let me try to talk you through what you’re saying?
You don’t like sex, not fun, not desirable, that’s completely valid. I’m finding more and more myself that I maybe fall somewhere under that umbrella, but an interesting term I found online helped me here:
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All the different niches of asexuality get a little confusing, but I resonate a lot with this one. I find myself with very little desire to actually partake in sex, but enjoying the fantasies or hypotheticals to be really interesting. I enjoy reading smut and even writing it once in a blue moon, but yeah, in terms of the real thing, I’m becoming increasingly unsure it’s my cup of tea.
I notice you said sometimes smut can be your cup of tea, if it’s nondescript or just implied etc, but usually isn’t. I completely understand what you mean. I think that’s a completely valid stance. You aren’t completely repulsed by sex but you’re also not aroused by it, I totally hear you!
Now you say you find yourself attracted to men and to women, but not sexually. I feel that. I fantasise about having someone to hold hands with and play with their hair, cuddle up under blankets to watch movies, all that fun jazz all the time! so it sounds to me like you’re existing somewhere on the ace spectrum, but you’re not aromantic. That is, you do feel romantic attraction, you do want a partner in some things outside of platonic life. Again! Man!!! I hear you! I want the quiet days and the running errands and having someone who knows me like the back of their hand, but I’m not sure I want that person sexually or at least not all the time.
And the people you’re attracted to, it’s less because of that primary attraction (this term comes up a lot in ace literature, it’s that feeling non-ace people get when they see someone and immediately a fire is lit in their belly, they want that person) and more because you get to know and love them as a person. You are preaching to the damn choir here.
Secondary Attraction is a term for that feeling that slowly grows over time, particularly romantic feelings for someone. It’s mostly coined by Demisexual people, which I feel like maybe you’re fitting into, only not in the sexual way, but in the romantic way. Like you might be asexual but demiromantic where all of your attraction comes from getting to know the person underneath. Sorry if it sounds like I’m making up words at this point but i think it helps to have some language to help describe how you’re feeling. But again! There’s no necessity to define these things. Just saying you’re asexual but you feel romantic attraction can cut it, or saying nothing at all is fine, too. You don’t have to fit into any little boxes sweetheart. Although it can be comforting to know that others fit into the same one, that you’re not alone. But let me tell you, you aren’t 💕💗 I’m right here and I feel you!
Now the part where you say you don’t want a forever relationship, I can understand too. Now it sounds a little like you might exist somewhere within aromantic because you don’t have that desire to have a romantic relationship. That is so okay too.
there are some ace-aro people who are referred to as greysexual or greyromantic (I know this sounds so made up but it helped me feel seen) who can feel some degree of sexual attraction or some degree of romantic attraction sometimes, but for the most part they fit under the general umbrella. Remember, time changes all. We aren’t going to be the same people we are today forever, so we can’t expect one identity to withstand the force of time alone, things change and that’s okay.
Please please remember that being ace or aro does not mean your life will be any less fulfilling than people who have partners. I know that in media, romantic love can be shown as being something a level above platonic love, but really truly your life can be just as marvellous without it my dear.
Please do not apologise for rambling, Rome loves to ramble. My inbox is always open for rambling sweetheart! I have definitely doubled the length of your ramble at this point anyways so I’ll cut to the chase. I threw a lot of labels o it there for you to try them on and see what feels right, but truly, labels aren’t a necessary part of being a human being. You are no less interesting or less important or less understood if you can’t make yourself fit into any one of these categories my love. You’re human, humans are complex and every single one is an anomaly of something. That’s what makes us so damn interesting, okay?
I see you and I understand you. Thank you for coming to me to talk about this, I hope any single thing I’ve said helps. There is no need at all to run to people with a definition of it, it’s perfectly okay to just tell them what you’ve told me, which is how you feel.
Now I love you too my sweet summer child and I’m so glad you enjoy my writing and my blog! And I agree, that anon was a whole mess but for the most part it seems to be over now. I’m so glad I didn’t disable all anon asks now though because then I never would have gotten this from you. I hope I have been of any help at all! The bottom line is you are loved and you are you. There’s no need to change that. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💜🩷
also I have about eleven more screenshots from this site if you want them but it’s just all the terms I tried to describe.
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