#bean drabbles
ohproserpine · 5 months
lamb to the slaughter
alastor finds heaven kneeling before an exterminator tags. alastor x gn! exterminator! angel reader, religious imagery & symbolism, implied death, blood, dark romance
Alastor holds no reverence for heaven.
He himself was far from holy, his rotten soul resistant to the act of prayer and worship. The humility required to kneel and plead for mercy is an attribute that seems alien to him.
But never before had he beheld such beauty.
Alastor eyes were fixed on you. Before him, you loomed, a majestic creature with pearlescent wings outspread, a radiant halo encircling your horns, and draped in golden robes.
In the grip of your divine gaze, Alastor's thoughts wandered back to the verses he had half-heartedly listened to in the hallowed halls of the church. The utterances of the pastor, the haunting melodies of the choir, and the impassioned prayers fervently uttered by the congregation—all appeared to him as a futile worship. Amidst it all, he remained a solitary figure, impervious to the sanctity of the holy prayers.
Had he known that beauty could materialize into a being such as you, he would have uttered all those holy prayers in your name instead.
"Kneel," you commanded. Something within him seethed, growled, and clawed at his thumping chest.
Despite the tremors in his knees, he feigned composure, sinking to kneel before you. The fabric of his pants tore on the coarse gravel, leaving his knees scraped and bloodied. As he raised his gaze to meet yours, a chilling sensation coursed through him, your heavenly eyes seemingly scorching his skin.
Dimly aware of the pain induced by your blade piercing through muscle and meeting bone, a crazed euphoria enveloped him, numbing the stinging sensation.
Alastor found it somewhat hilarious. Creatures like you, born to worship and embody symbols of holiness, bore wings that were perpetually stained with the richness of cardinal red.
A soft, involuntary groan slipped past the demon's lips as you abruptly yanked the spear from his flesh, forcefully pulling him closer to you. Despite the searing pain, he bit down on his tongue, commanding himself to silence.
"How shameful," your voice cooed, a mellifluous cadence that felt like honey to his ears—soft and warm. Alastor felt the edge of your bloodied spear against his throat, yet he made no move to stop you.
There was nothing heavenly about this, and yet it was the closest he felt to heaven.
What's heaven compared to you anyway?
You moved closer towards him, the spear shifting from his throat, tracing a path toward his jaw before aiming it to strike his head. All the while, Alastor gazed up at you with an expression akin to that of a lamb.
"Beautiful," Alastor spat out, blood seeping from between his teeth. The gleam in his razor-sharp smile held a disturbing charm.
"This praise will not purify you."
His laughter echoed in the air, a breathless and bittersweet symphony that mingled with the metallic tang of his own blood.
Forgive him. Alastor pleaded one last time as you raised the spear high. For he has sinned.
And yet, kneeling before you now, hands bloodied with the golden blood of your kin, he knew he would do it again.
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superbat-love · 5 months
Batman: Damn it! I can’t do anything like this!
Superman: Relax, I’ll help you. [Stands behind Batman and carefully untangles the wiring]
Batman: I’ll take cat ears over these ridiculous paws any day. I need this magic to wear off now.
Superman: You could rebrand yourself as Catman instead.
Batman: Har har. Selina would be ecstatic, but they’re a serious disadvantage for these type of tasks.
Superman: Hey, at least there’s a silver lining to this. [presses on Batman’s paws to make the claws appear]
Batman: Hn, it’s useful in combat. Plus, the pads are shock-absorbent.
Superman: Yeah.
Batman: Clark…
Superman: Hehehe
Batman: Stop playing with my hands!
Superman: I can’t help it! The toe beans!
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Imagine spawning into existence and you already had to fight for your life. But then it’s fixed, and you’re all fine. You get to say hello to a small handful of people you just saved and figure out where you are. You still have no idea. Barely a minute later, you’re immediately under attack again by an evil possessed puppet and a god with abandonment issues who is literally a child. They're both trying to murder your human witch.
Your name is Stringbean. You’ve been alive for about fifteen minutes.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
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“This is where you live?”
Jason drops the duffle bag on the counter, “Yeah. It’s no manor, kid. I told you.”
He’s not self conscious. He’s not. This apartment is fuckin’ nice ok? He spent a lot of money on decor and proper kitchenware and furniture and shit.
But Jason also knows that, objectively speaking, it doesn’t hold a candle to Wayne manor and its fifty-something bedrooms. That place is basically its own country.
Bruce nods.
“I like it,” he says solemnly, walking over towards the window to peek through the blinds. The view from up here isn’t exactly panorama level but the building is one of the tallest in Crime Alley and Jason’s apartment is on the top floor, so it does provide a pretty good view of a good portion of the Alley. “It doesn’t feel as empty.”
Jason pauses where he’s resetting the traps and alarms by the door, glancing over his shoulder to where Bruce is starting to tentatively explore the living space and is struck by how violently out of place the boy looks with his rigid posture and elegantly curved eyebrows. Even the plain hoodie, faded hand-me-down jeans and ridiculous wool cap aren’t enough to hide how utterly not Crime Alley born-and-bred he is. Everything about Bruce is basically screaming rich-Bristol-trust-fund-kid.
Which, yeah. Checks out.
Jason clears his throat and clicks the security on, waiting for the small light at the side to switch from green to red.
“Your room’s the one down the hall to the left. Right one is mine. Door at the end of the hall is the bathroom.”
Bruce hikes his backpack up higher on his shoulder, eyes eerily vacant as always, but Jason wants to think that there’s a sliver of curiosity behind that steely gaze anyways as he inclines his head and makes his way down the hall.
As soon as the kid vanishes around the corner Jason allows himself a moment to exhale and run a hand down his face tiredly.
Jesus fucking Christ.
What was he thinking.
How the fuck is he supposed to raise a tiny Bruce Wayne with his older furry counterpart running around Gotham at night hunting criminals? Criminals like Jason?
Nothing. He was thinking nothing. And it’s about to bite him in the ass.
No way can he build a criminal empire and take over the drugs and weapons trade with a traumatized nine year old dependent on him.
God dammit.
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yanderemommabean · 10 months
I see your AAS (angry alpha syndrome) but I raise you GAS (grumpy alpha syndrome)
-Grumpy when they wake up without you warming them up
-Grumpy when you have to leave for work early and have no time for kisses
-Grumpy when you have to wash your blankets and laundry because their scent is washed away and they HATE that.
-Grumpy when you get waved at by friends who also happen to be alphas (They know they mean well, its just an instinct! Please don't be mad they've been so good!)
-Grumpy when you curl up for a nap and don't tell them because they love to be your weighted blanket
-Grumpy when you won't let them eat you out after sex because its gross (but it isn't it's so hot please please please-)
-Grumpy when you think you look bad and they have to remind you in front of a mirror with aggressive love bites and possessive grips on your hips
-Becomes a big happy puddle when you fall into them and scent them, nudging your head into their chest to demand attention and you two get to kiss and cuddle and be happy and warm
-Grumpy when they have to go to work and they want to just eat people alive the whole time but get so happy and excited like a dog wagging their tail when you surprise visit and you two have lunch
-Grumpy when you're in pain because they can't beat up what made you feel that pain (people excluded. They'll be decked or buried under the garden, no question)
-Grumpy when they wake up too early and really don't want to have to wake you up either. You look so serene and cozy and something to just cuddle to death instead of having to wake up for the capitalist grind
-Very Grumpy when hungry for you and your kisses but nooo you're at work or at the store and can't magically teleport to them so they can have their fix of a hundred kisses and hugs
-Mommabean (feel free to add more :3 )
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roxygen22 · 3 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" Series
Summary: Reader and Willy discover that Ben/Bean is an aspiring artist. Age: 3 & 17
You were outside hanging clothes on the line to dry when you heard the back door slam and little feet running toward you. Before your brain could register what was happening, you were nearly bowled over by the force of Ben running into your leg.
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You looked down to find that Ben had buried his face and balled up his fists in your skirt. "Pa ell a mm," you heard his garbled speech muffled by the fabric. You knelt down and pried his fingers loose so you could look at his red, tear-streaked face.
"I'm sorry, Benny. I couldn't understand you when your mouth was covered. Take a deep breath." You inhaled deeply through your nose and out through your mouth a couple of times, motioning for him to copy you. "Good. Now, try again. What's all this about?"
"P-papa lelled at m-meeee." The boy started sobbing again.
"Oh dear. What happened?"
"I..." he sucked in a breath. "I wanted to dwaw him a picture. I saw paper on Papa's desk..."
"Ah, I see. Did that paper already have words on it?"
"Only on fwont. I dwew on back."
"Oh, Benny. We talked about asking before you touch anything in the study. Papa has very important papers in there for the shop and factory."
"I'm sowwy." He looked up at you with big puppy-dog eyes. You cupped his round cheeks in your hands.
"I know you are. But I'm not the one you need to apologize, too. Why don't you go inside to your room and play while I go check on Papa. After that, you can tell him you're sorry." Ben nodded, then shuffled through the back door to his room with his head hung low.
It was out of character for Willy to snap at anyone. The man typically had the patience of a saint, so you knew Ben must have drawn on something important. You quietly stepped into the study and spied Willy slumped in the armchair, one hand supporting his forehead and one foot kicked out. It looked as if he had collapsed dramatically into it.
"I made him cry," Willy said morosely without looking up. "I didn't- I didn't mean to. I shouted his name. I was just trying to get his attention and stop him before he did more damage. I...I startled him, and he ran off to you."
"Full name or nickname?" you asked as you sat on the sofa next to him.
"Full name," he groaned.
You grimaced. Ouch, you thought. Willy hardly ever referred to the boy as anything but Bean and almost never as Benjamin unless introducing him to others. It's on par with your mother using your middle name when you were in trouble. You shuddered slightly. That probably wounded Ben worse than the volume. "What did he draw on?"
Willy held up the face page of a contract with the hand not supporting his head. He had yet to look up at you.
"Oh dear."
"I'll ask Beth to type up a new one tomorrow before the meeting. It wasn't worth raising my voice at him. I...I just had a long day and...of course, that doesn't excuse anything. Is he okay?"
"He'll be alright," you said soothingly as you placed your hand on Willy's arm. "He's calming down in his room. Like you said, he was startled. You are usually the fun one, not the disciplinarian."
"I should go to him," Willy said as he stood from the chair. You returned to your previous task of hanging out the laundry so they could have some time alone to make amends.
Willy walked to Ben's room and gently knocked before pushing the door open. Ben looked up at him from his desk with big sad eyes.
"Hey there," Willy said softly.
"I dwew you another picture. I'm sowwy, Papa," Ben said pitifully as he handed Willy a piece of paper.
"Oh, Bean. Is this the factory?" Ben nodded excitedly. "Wow, such great detail! Is this what you wanted to draw earlier?" Ben nodded again, with less exuberance this time. Willy's heart broke as he saw his son's face fall.
"Hey, buddy. I'm sorry for raising my voice and scaring you. That was a very important paper you were drawing on, and I needed you to stop."
"I know, Mamma told me I need to ask first," he responded dejectedly. "I just had a picture in my head that I wanted to dwaw when I was by your desk."
"Ah, that I understand. Sometimes my ideas don't come to me at convenient times, either. Tell you what. How about I set up a drawer with paper that's safe to draw or write on whenever an idea strikes. You never have to ask for permission as long as it's from that drawer. Deal?"
Ben's face lit up again, and he stuck his tiny right hand to shake. "Deal!"
Willy shook his son's hand with his right and looked down again at the picture in his left. It was incredibly well done for Ben's age.
"Can I take this to the factory with me? I want to frame and hang it. If you draw more, I'll have a whole gallery wall of Benjamin Wonka works."
Ben giggled, "Okay, Papa!"
Over time, Ben's art skills matured to charcoals, watercolors, canvases, and paints. Willy spotted the talent early and took great pleasure in encouraging it, supplying it. Fourteen years later, he had indeed collected enough of Ben's work to fill multiple walls.
"People need to see this."
Willy decided to surprise Ben by converting one of his shops into a limited time art gallery for his 17th birthday. He somehow managed to promote what ended up being the town's social event of the season while also keeping it a secret from his boy.
It was finally the night of the big reveal. "Papa, why are we going to the shop so late? I thought we were going to meet Mamma and Charlie for dinner?" Ben walked shoulder to shoulder with Willy. They were nearly the same height now.
Willy was vibrating with excitement. "I just need to pick up something I left there," he bent the truth slightly. "Your birthday present."
When they arrived, Willy unlocked the doors to reveal a magenta velvet curtain blocking the entry. He took the gold pull cord in his hand and handed it to Ben.
Ben looked at the tassel in his hand, bewildered. "What is this?"
"Your gift! Pull it and find out." As Ben pulled the cord, the curtain drew back to reveal...
Ben stood there with his mouth ajar as he looked around at you, Charlotte, Noodle, his friends and girlfriend. Everyone rushed him for a celebratory hug. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. Then, the background details caught his eye. The crowd separated as Ben made his way to look at the walls that were now decorated with his paintings rather than shelves of candies and chocolates.
He browsed in awe until he stopped at the penciled sketch of the Wonka factory, gently tracing the golden frame with his fingers. He felt Willy step up beside him and gently squeeze his shoulder.
"Happy birthday, Bean."
Ben looked over his shoulder to reveal misty eyes. "Thanks for always being my biggest fan, Papa," he said reverently.
"I'm glad I could be right here beside you when your talent is shared with the world."
A/N: I think it's safe to say that Willy would be his kids' biggest cheerleaders.
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4acoffee · 6 months
still thinking abt dan heng...
i think after he reveals his vidyadhara form he just gets the slightest bit more touchy with the people he's close with... not particularly affectionate per say, but just,,, ruffling March's hair after an outrageous idea, patting trailblazers back after losing at their games, a knuckle grazing your cheek to check on your after a particularly grueling fight 🥰
i think he's secretly touch starved but it's only a secret because he doesn't notice it himself.
i personally think that, since the vidyadhara don't really have any use for the kind of intimacy humans do, they would hold a lot more importance over the simple everyday touches. hugs, hand holding, brushing hair.
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tizniz · 17 days
I dunno. Here's something Buddie and cute and penguin related. Because Eddie Diaz loves penguins, I've decided. Fight me.
"What is this?" Eddie asks with suspicion when Buck finally joins him at their truck. His husband is holding a bag out in front of him, smiling innocently, which tells Eddie he's not innocent. "A present, babe." Buck wiggles the bag dangling from his finger. "You open them." Eddie does not reach for the bag and instead stares at it. "Why." "Why do you open them?" Buck asks, head cocked to the side, playing into the adorable stereotype of him being a golden retriever. God, Eddie loves this man. "Because then you find out what's inside?" "Now it's why did I marry you." Eddie mutters. "Because I buy you presents even though you despise getting them." Buck wiggles the bag again, "Open it." Although it quickly becomes clear that Eddie will not be opening it, so Buck releases a sigh that is honestly far too dramatic for the situation and reaches inside of the bag pulling out a cute little stuffed penguin. Eddie doesn't realize he's reaching for it until he registers how soft the fake fur is against his fingers. "You like it." Buck states, his tone gentle and quiet. "I...uh..." Eddie blushes but takes the stuffed penguin, holding it carefully in his hands. "Why did you get me this?" "Because," Buck tosses the now empty bag through the open window of the truck and winds his arms around Eddie, tugging him closer, "you were talking about how you wanted to take home a penguin when we were at the exhibit." The same exhibit that Buck had patiently sat with Eddie at for over an hour while Eddie simply watched the creatures waddle and swim. "Obviously I can't steal a penguin for you, and trust me, if I could, I would." "I know you would." Eddie comments in that same small voice. "So this will have to make do until I can figure out how to get you a real penguin." Eddie laughs, surprised by the wetness in his eyes as he leans down to kiss his husband. "I love you, Evan Diaz." "I love you too, Eddie Diaz." Buck hums, kissing him once more.
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supernaturalfreewill · 2 months
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Was it the late hour? The lack of sleep? The night cap of bourbon? Some sweet, sweet combination? You didn't know and you didn't care. Dean had just kissed you.
"Damn... we should've been doing this ages ago. I'm sorry I was so stupid for so long," he breathed, his green eyes flickering between yours. His hands were light on your waist.
"Shut up," you smiled, leaning in to kiss him again. He pulled you against his body and your arms naturally looped around his neck.
He suddenly broke the deep kiss and pulled back, leaving you wanting more. "No, I mean, are you sure about this? You really have no idea how stupid I can be," he said. You could feel the rumble of his voice in his chest.
You laughed lightly. "Dean. Yes, I do. And I'm still here. So, shut up and kiss me again."
No arguing with that...
Prompt: "You have no idea how stupid I can really be." / "Yes, I do. And I'm still here. So shut up."
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rookthorne · 1 year
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 | 𝐉.𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ❅ Barista!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Word Count ❅ 990 Warnings ❅ Pet names, fluff, best friends to lovers, swearing, poor Steve is sick of Bucky's obliviousness and he plays the matchmaker Author's Note ❅ My second submission to @the-slumberparty's creator challenge for week 2. Keep Me is this drabble's anthem.
Slumberparty Masterlist
𝑪𝑶𝑭𝑭𝑬𝑬 𝑪𝑼𝑷  : ̗̀➛ a hot drink made from roasted and ground coffee beans, served in a cup.
Bucky’s cafe was a home away from home, a place where you could be happy, spend time with your two closest friends, and your favourite fluffball. You just hoped that your admission wouldn’t change a thing - at least, you had to hope it would, in the best way.
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The wind was bitter and chilly, whipping against your fluffy scarf and beanie with little care for how the cold froze your nose and cheeks. Snow hadn’t started falling just yet, though you suspected it wouldn’t take long at all - which was why you were out and about in the first place, not at home where it was warm, where blankets and pillows awaited your return. 
Instead, you were stopping at your favourite spot downtown, a small cafe affectionately known as Happy Beans Cafe - it was a place where people from all walks of life could drop the baggage on their shoulders for a little while and enjoy the best coffee Brooklyn had to offer. 
And the company was pretty good, too.
The bell on the door chimed when the door swung closed, and you shivered, the sudden warmth of the cafe very welcome to your half-frozen fingers. “Hey, guys,” you said, shuffling to the counter.
“There she is!” Steve was the first to round the stained wood and bring you into a tight hug. “We’ve missed you,” he murmured into your hair, squeezing you tight and then letting you go. You smiled at him and before you could speak, he stepped closer while your favourite brunette had his back turned for just a second. Voice just above a whisper so only you would hear, he said, “Buck more than any of us.”
With a subtle wink, Steve stepped away and rounded the counter again where he punched Bucky on the shoulder. “Fu-” Bucky cried but cut himself off, looking around wildly for customers until his bright eyes landed on you. “Sweetheart! Oh my god, hello!”
“Hey, Buck,” you laughed, watching him run around the counter and lift you in a hug, his arms tight around your waist. “I’ve missed you.”
You had called Bucky your best friend for years now, the two of you had grown inseparable through life’s many trials, and since you had left for a quick trip back home to your parents, you realised something. 
That something was that you had a crush–feelings, for your best friend. 
Without Bucky by your side, you had realised just how much you came to love and crave his presence; his full bellied laughter and that nose scrunch he did when you told a perfect (horrible) joke–or after you had a bad day, how he would be waiting with open arms and a soft smile. 
Bucky’s hugs had been your home, and you hadn’t even realised.
“I’ll make your favourite,” Bucky said, grinning like he was the happiest man on earth to see you again. “Go sit.”
You beelined straight to your favourite spot - a window bench where Bucky’s cat, Alpine, lay basking in what little sun there was. “How is my favourite fluffball?” Alpine chirped and rolled on her back, exposing her fluffy belly and soft paws. You cooed and scratched her belly before moving to her paws, her pink paw pads were begging to be played with. “Look at these toe beans, huh?” 
Alpine meowed and started to purr when you heard footsteps behind you. “Your favourite.”
“Thanks, Bean,” you winked, and Bucky blushed - a light dusting of pink on his cheekbones. The nickname had stuck since he opened this place, but he would only allow you to call him that. The cup he gave you was your favourite, a pretty pattern painted around the bottom that extended up onto the handle. “Come sit with me?”
“Sure,” Bucky huffed, plopping down across from you. A tentative sip of the beverage proved it was the perfect temperature and you hummed happily. Bucky smiled. “What else did my troublemaker get up to?”
You scoffed at his words and rolled your eyes. “No trouble, unlike you.” Bucky laughed and waited patiently for you to sip away at your drink, little did he know that it was for courage. “Actually,” you started, furrowing your brows in thought. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh no,” Bucky gasped dramatically, and you slapped him on the knee. “Okay, okay, truce–what’s up?”
Steve had gone suspiciously quiet at the counter, the lull of patrons making it more obvious. Taking a deep breath, you looked into Bucky’s eyes and tried; it was now, or never.
Bucky stared at you blankly, his head tilted in confusion. It was not a helpful comparison to think he looked like a confused puppy at that moment. “Sorry, sweetheart, you’re gonna need to speak up,” he said, taking your hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze - you sighed and dropped your gaze. It was obvious he didn’t hear you; he’d be teasing you mercilessly otherwise. “I didn’t catch that.”
You cursed in your head and squared your shoulders, meeting his gaze once more. Your voice shook with nerves and it was an effort to force it out. “I really like you.”
The coffee cup suddenly became very interesting, the pattern and swirls like something you had never seen while Bucky stared at you, mouth opening and closing in shock–bewilderment? You couldn’t tell, but it scared the hell out of you regardless. 
“Just tell her, Buck!” Steve shouted from the counter. Your focus whipped towards him and he grinned, while Bucky shifted in front of you nervously. “If you don’t, I will.”
“Tell me what?” You asked, trying in vain to desperately stop your stomach from dropping. This was a mistake; this was a mistake-
“Ilikeyoutoo,” Bucky mumbled, staring at Alpine who had taken an interest in what was happening–her knowing gaze flicking between her two favourite people.
“It’s about fucking time!” Steve yelled, arms wide in victory. “Now, love birds, what drink do we want to celebrate? It’s on the house!”
“Of course it’s on the house, Stevie,” Bucky sighed, smiling exasperatedly, though his eyes shone in the light. “I own the damn cafe!”
You couldn’t help it–you laughed and launched forward into Bucky’s arms and kissed him.
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ancientschampionau · 9 days
RealAgeAu Drabble - Day in Town
The poll has ended (and as always i sneaked to see the results early :3) and this one won out! @spotaus
You guys really just like the domestic fluff of these guys trying to parent. Don't you? It is okay. They are rather sweet :D
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Lets get to it! (and for those who forgot because i did because i only mentioned the name ONCE. Crop's brother is called Straw :D) Also I had to really consider who's POV I was going to use for this one as they all would have worked but I ended up going with Killer because he is silly and hasn't had a turn in a while. At least that is what it feels like :D
Killer taps the door as he stares out of the window of the truck. People would assume it is crowded but it honestly isn't that bad.
Mostly because Horror is sitting in the by rider seat with Nightmare in his lap, safely seated. Cross and Dust decided they prefered to drive in the actual cargo area of the truck. Which left only Killer and Crop in the backseat.
Killer honestly also thinks that Dust specifically prefered to sit in the back as he wouldn't have to see Straw. Dust still has the most issues with seeing any other universe's Papyrus. Killer would have gone to sit with him but Cross had been faster with offering it and there is no way in HELL that Killer was going to leave Horror and Ngihtmare without a set of extra sockets.
Doesnt make the drive any less tense.
tap. tap. tap. tap.
Crop sends him another nervous glance before clearing his throat "So.. you guys are finally going to see the town! excited?"
Killer huffs "Not really. But Dusty mentioned needed actual stuff for Nighty." which is why Killer leans closer to the seat before him holding Horror and Nightmare. He looks over the side and grins at Nightmare "sup tiny boss."
Nightmare looks over and sends him a tiny glare "You should have your seatbelt on."
Killer coos "Aw you do care~ such a sweet baby."
Nightmare blushes and mutters as he hides his face in Horror's sweater. Horror sends him an amused look "Killer. stop that."
Killer shrugs and leans back in his seat. feeling very accomplished.
Killer just needs to make sure that Nightmare doesn't fall into old patterns of trying to be the adult and leader. He doesn't need to do that and it isn't healthy for the babybones. so. Time to unlearn! At least those moments have been getting less and less frequent so there is progress!
Killer still doesn't appreciate the look send their way from both Crop and Straw, Yes he knows tiny boss is adorable but if they as much as try to get closer there is going to be spilled dust.
Straw stops the truck and announces their arrival.
Crop gets out quickly and they are on a parkinglot outside a shopping street. It isn't too large by the looks of it and just shops and a bar restaurant thing, probably this universes Grillby's.
Crop smiles at them "Okay! First day out!" Crop looks almost as nervous about this as Cross looks and Cross is actively looking around and has his hand ready to grab his knife.
Crop must see it too as he and straw share a look. Straw motions towards them and the town and Crop waves it off.
Crop turns back to them and Killer grins "SOmething the matter?"
Crop is quick to answer "What?! No! Of course not! It is just. a lot. This can be a lot and i just want to be sure everything is fine!"
Killer chuckles and sees Horror shoot him a disapproving glance. Still Horror goes over to Cross and hands Nightmare over to him. Cross is quick to hug him close and Nightmare has his grumpy face on again but still holds unto Cross. Clearly comfortable.
Horror joins his side "Killer. Stop." Killer sticks his tongue out at Horror and Horror's disapprovement makes way for amusement.
Hah! Still got it!
Horror looks at Crop "This isn't first time for us. We know how to behave."
Crop nods as he rubs his arm "I figured! It is just... If this works out you guys can stay longer and have something of a base to fall back on. I am just worried because some people can be..." he searches for the words.
Straw leans clsoer "Mean, harsh and rude."
Crop sends him a glare and Straw shrugs "It is true!"
Crop sighs "Anyway." he turns back to them "Ready to introduce yourselves?"
Killer grins "And spread rumours!" He can see Dust pull a pained face again. Dust is still not a fan of the backstory they settled on but they are already commited to it after the doctor's visit!
Crop chuckles and grins "I am still curious about what you guys settled on myself..."
Killer shakes his skull and shakes his finger "No no. No cheating. figure it out yourself" and he grins.
Cross huffs as he keeps Nightmare fully against him "Lets just get this over with..."
Adn they walk into town.
People are staring which they all had expected and should be used to at this point. But Killer doesn't like the fact how many people see Nightmare at the moment, and by the looks of it, neither do the others like this. Cross keeps trying to hold Nightmare as close as possible and almost hide by Horror. Dust has started to fully shadow the two as he barely looks around.
Crop and Straw obviously see the tension and seem to be sharing more uncertain looks.
Nightmare however doesn't seem to share their issues as he happily leans away from the hold to enable himself to look around. He studies buildings and vehicles. and even just stares back at people staring at him. Clearly more interested in learning about this new place than actual worry.
Or maybe he just feels safe with them and that does THINGS to Killer.
Crop stops them near the middle of the streat "okay! This is it!" he waves around himself "It isn't a lot now as people are still waiting for the produce to finish growing. But. Generally." he points to a shop "General store. they have most things needed." he points to the shop next to it "Bookstore. self explainatory." he points to the large bar "Grillby's is a bar and restaurant. people spend most of their free evenings there."
Hah! Called it!
Crop points out a few more buildings but most of those are for farming things and supplies.
Dust nods and looks over at them before looking back to the bookstore and general store "Going to get things. be back soon."
They watch him casually walk away on his own.
Yeah no absolutely not!
Killer is already half jogging after Dust as he waves at Cross, Horror and Nighmare "You guys stick together and get a feel for other people!" After which he sprints to catch up with Dust.
They enter the general store together.
Dust shoots him a look "don't need a babysitter."
Killer huffs and grins "Says you!" and he follows Dust as Dust looks at things. Killer just doens't like any of them being alone unless it is at a secured place. So Killer will jsut stalk Dusty for a bit! It is perfect!
Dusty looks at items and ends up getting two more notebooks and some pencils. he nods to himself and gets in line to pay for the items.
Killer checks the funds and frowns. They are running out and they will either have to go to another universe to steal more and risk drawing attention or actually think of a way to make money the legal way.
A groan from upfront and Killer looks up to see a teenager panicking over the cash register. the customers before them all look angry and annoyed.
The teenager presses buttons but nothing seems to help "I am sorry. I am sorry! It just... has issues once in a while. I can fix this!" the teenager does not look any clsoer to fixing it!
Dust huffs and turns to him "Hold." and Killer gets the few school supplies pushed into his arms. Dust afterwards walks over to the front. He grabs the basket of items and pushes it into the arms of the man in front "Hold." the man goes to say something but Dust just hops on top of the counter and sits next to the register. He turns it this and that way.
Dust hums as he pulls out his pocket knife and undoes some screws. the cap opens and he looks into the darkness, a shift in his socket and his eye light now lights up the inside of the register.
He looks at the teen "Got tape?"
The teenager blinks at him before nodding.
Dust nods "Get it." and turns back to the register as he removes some wires and starts making tiny cuts.
The teen grabs it from a drawer and hands it over "Euh... sir... I don't... i mean... i am not allowed... i don't know if you can..."
Dust hums and doesn't listen at all as he redoes some of the wires and removes some of them that looked burned through. He secures things with the tape and closes the back up again. he turns the register back in place and hits the side once.
The register lights up and asks for a log in.
Dust looks at the teen "Fixed." he hops down of the counter. Takes the basket the man in front is still holding dumbfounded. DUst places it back on the counter and walks back to Killers side where he takes his own stuff back.
Killer grins at him "Nicely done. I think that is a new record for you fixing soemthign."
Dust may appear calm but Killer know shim and can see the smaller skeleton looks smug "Easy fix. just a burned wire."
Killer nods "Still a new record! Sadly i didn't have the free hands to time it."
Dust shrugs and acts like he doesn't care but Killer knows better.
The line goes a lot quicker and once it is their turn they quickly pay for the items.
The leave the store and Killer points at the bookstore "Do we need anything from there?"
Dust thinks for a moment before shaking his skull.
Ah. seems like Dust doesn't plan on expanding the classes just yet. Likely wants to see if they actually stay for longer here first.
So they walk back to the group as Dust holds a tiny bag with the new things. they see them near another store and they seem to be talking to a bunny and a dog monster.
The bunny coos as they stare at Ngihtmare and Killer feels himself glae as he rushes to their side "Hey!! Whatsup!" and he nuzzles Nightmare in greeting.
Nightmare huffs and whines "Killer! Careful for my ice cream." Killer pulls back and sees now that Nightmare is also holding ice cream. woops. Killer looks down adn yeah that is ice cream on his shirt. Oh well. he shrugs.
Cross laughs as he smiles at Nightmare "Still good to eat?"
Nightmare studies his ice cream before nodding and going back to eating it with tiny tiny licks. dust joins them again and Nightmare immediantly looks at him. Killer can spot their tiny Nightlight starting to raise an arm towards Dust but he stops himself and pulls it back.
Luckily, or unluckily, Dust is very observant and saw it right away. He gives the bag to Killer and easily climbs the haystack Nightmare had been sitting on. Dust next pulls Nightmare into his lap without disturbing the ice crema eating process.
Nightmare hums happily and leans back into the hug as a tiny purr starts to leave him.
Killer grins as he leans against the hay stack and looks at the two other monsters, who are staring very intensly at Dust and Nightmare and Killer feels... something protective rise up. still he keeps asmile on his face as he speaks "who are the new fluffballs?"
The bunny smiles brightly "Hey! I am Ellie and this is Dani, we are fellow farmers like Crop. We own a tree farm and cherry farm."
the dog, Dani, nods "Yeah! Crop asked us if we had any spare clothes so we kinda knew some people moved in. it is nice to meet you five!" she smiles brightly.
Killer nods as he keeps his arms crossed and his grin sharp. stop looking at them. stop looking at them. stop looking at-
Horror nods "Nice to... meet friendly faces. We are still...settling..."
Cross helps quickly "As Horror said, we are still getting used to things around here. we are very lucky that Horror and Crop were friends and he was willing to let us stay."
Dani looks curious "I hope you don't mind me asking... why the name change from Sans to Crop?"
Killer freezes as he tries to think but Cross shrugs "Skeleton naming thing. Normally you are named after fonts that we speak in, yes we can see fonts and yes it gets weird and yes it takes magic. We just kinda know the vibe and with magic can see those. You can named after that. problem, we all speak in the same font type. Meaning we all kinda had the same name." he rubs his neck "Two people with the same name you can work around but six gets confusing. So nicknames."
Ellie smiles brightly "Dani and I are the same! We were both named Danielle and when we met we realised this would get annoying. especially when we.. euh... got together together." she giggles "so. we are now Dani and Ellie!"
Dani looks highly amused "Our house voicemail is still, the house of Danielle however. It was too good of a joke to pass up."
Ellie nods and smiles "If you guys need anything or help let us know. We have a lot of leftover stuff from our own moving and getting settled and saved everything we could." She looks at Nightmare and Dust again and smiles "And can I jsut say the tiny one is adorable." she looks curiously at them all "So... you guys got one?"
Killer feels that portective rage turn into protective and possessive smugness as Dust answers "he is mine. we all work together." and he shrugs at the questioning look.
Cross shakes his skull at the questioning look "That... is rather personal... they prefer not to talk about it."
Killer can see Ellie and Dani share a worried look before both smile reassuring "That is fine. Take it easy okay?" Dani smiles as Ellie nods along.
They continue the small talk for a moment longer before Ellie reminds DAni that they came to get fertilizer and they two walk off hand in hand.
Crop watches them go "That... went very well..."
Horror looks at him amused "Told you."
Crop laughs adn nods "Yeah you were right. You guys totally got this."
They remain there and meet a few more people from town as they wait for Straw to finish getting what Crop and him need for their actual farm.
Killer relaxes in the sun as the day slowly passes.
When they get back Cross will probably force him out of his now sticky shirt. Killer will tease him about wanting to undress him which will make Cross sputter and blush. Killer will end up wearing aclean shirt and probably watch as Dust teaches Nightmare more about math while Horror and Cross help Crop and Straw around on the farm.
Killer hadn't expected this all to go like this but it is nice. it is quiet. and most important, they are all safe.
All in all? Great success!
I still don't feel like i quite nailed Killer. Killer is a curious character to write as he is very silly but also wickedly smart. mmmmh. but then again this is a drabble. *shrug*
Realistically? If this was a full on chaptered fanfic this would probably be a chapter i had to rewrite a few times. Just to make sure I get Killer's character and behaviour right. But for now it is fine :)
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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lightseoul · 1 year
cw. gn!reader, depressed reader (but this doesn't rlly discuss themes of depression), pro-hero!katsuki, established relationship, aged-up
word count. 0.6k words
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It was his words, the way they lingered in the air—making it even harder to breathe, that brought you to finally, finally tilt your head up and look at him.
But it was his face, and every bit of raw emotion written all over it, that destroyed and led your walls crumbling down.
“Say something, Y/N. Please.”
You look at the wall clock again, unable to handle his gaze.
Bakugou takes a cautious step closer. Your breath hitches despite all efforts in steeling yourself, only watching him as he reluctantly reaches for your hand, only to pull back regrettably in seconds.
How did everything come to this?
“Sorry. I just—” He starts, stumbling with his words. You can’t believe what you’ve reduced him to. “—I just need you to tell me what I can do to help.”
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you,” you mumble to yourself.
At that, Bakugou’s eyebrows furrow even more. You sigh, darting your eyes away from him, exhausted.
Of this conversation.
Of hiding from him.
Of everything.
“I already told you, Kats,” you shake your head, “it’s not your job to fix me.”
“So, what?” he spits back, the all-too-familiar anger finally bleeding into his tone. “Are you saying I should just fucking leave you to go through all this alone until this swallows you up completely?”
“Yes,” you exclaim exasperatedly. And on that note, one emotion of his becomes finally clear enough for you to identify.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
Some twisted part of you—the part that wants Bakugou to keep on fighting—wishes he’d bark out another response.
Another rebuttal.
Another retort.
Anything to prove you wrong.
But it doesn’t come.
When you look up again from your clenched fists, Bakugou’s head is bowed in what looks so much like defeat.
And despite him being the most strong-willed person you know, his shoulders are sagging in what you can only assume is frustration.
Hell, you’d be equally frustrated as well, but you weren’t at the receiving end, and your end was a whole different story—one you just can’t brush aside despite your tendency to suppress all personal, unwanted feelings.
When he finally lifts his head to face you, his eyes are bloodshot.
“I love you, Y/N,” he starts, voice uncharacteristically quiet. “And I’ve been the damn luckiest person alive to be in love with you.”
He reaches out and takes both of your hands in his.
You don’t break away from his grasp.
“So you have to give me a chance to take this in and plan how to get through this with you.”
“But that’s the thing, Katsuki,” you smile, willing the tears to stay where they are. “I love you, and I just can’t sit back and watch myself drag you down with me.”
You clench your eyes closed, finally letting the tears fall down.
“You deserve better than that.”
At that, Bakugou opens his mouth to protest, but before he can say something in retaliation, you withdraw your hands from the warmth of his calloused yet oh-so-familiar ones, and dash for the door.
You hear his broken voice call out your name, but you don’t dare look back.
I’m doing this for him, you chant in your head as you run, turning another block, and then another, getting further away from your shared apartment.
And the person you would’ve wanted to keep on calling ‘home’.
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a/n. fun fact: i was going thru my files and found this WIP which i wrote at 16 for another fandom. i edited it a bit and made it sound like bakugou and here we are lmao
tagging. @katsukis1wife @rinalou @loverboyrin @brunnetteiwik
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whumpasaurus101 · 11 months
Hii !!
i feel bad for requesting something for like a third time 😭
but if you don’t mind, I was wondering if you could write a villain who pretends to hate hero, but is actually like beyond obsessed w/ them? like a stalking, yandere, possessive, kind of obsessed.
you can probs tell but I have an actual obsession with hero x villain 💀💀
but anyways, tysmm !! hope you have a great day ^^
OH MY GOODNESS ANON YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FEEL BAD AT ALL WHATTTT?!?! I absoloutely ADORE asks SO KEEP THEM COMIN IF YOU WANT OMG!!!! I LOVE LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH!!! Im sorry if i kinda made the Villain softer than how youd wouldve liked just lmk if youre not happy with it!!!! YOURE SO NICE THANKIE FOR THE ASK!!!! <3
cw: chlorophome / angst. a lovely mix HUIJDKHDH
Every step Hero took felt followed. Every movement felt unmissed. The street was dimly lit, it probably wasn't the smartest to be walking here at three in the morning… 
The snap of a stick caught their attention, bringing their steps to a halt. They looked behind them, jumping as a dark figure emerged from behind them.
“Who is it?” Hero gritted out. They were tired, all they wanted to do was get home and put their feet up. But alas, they had no other choice but get rid of the lingering threat. The shadowed figure just stopped, the black masked face staring blankly back at them. Hero huffed out an impatient breath, muttering, “Creep,” as they continued to walk on.
In an instant, Hero was grabbed from behind and a hand shoved a cloth over their face. Hero cried out, trying to fight against the grip but it was useless. They heaved in breaths which only made them inhale the chemicals more.
“Relax, little hero, just take some nice deep breaths for me and relax.”
Hero’s blood went cold, their stomach lurching; Villain.
Their vision filled with blank dots but Hero tried with all their energy to fight against Villain. But it was no use. The chemicals filled their senses and their vision went to black.
It felt like it had only been a second before their eyes snapped open. They looked around them, eyes wide. The room was dark, their arms were tied tightly to each arm of the chair. Their ankles tied to each leg of their chair. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
“Well, well, well, good morning sleeping beauty,” Villain smirked, tucking a lock of hair behind Hero’s ear. Hero flinched back, face filled with disgust, “Don't touch me,” The growled. Villain scoffed with a smirk, “Oh trust me, I’m not enjoying this anymore than you are.”
Hero scoffed, “Bullshit.”
“Oh shut it!” Villain yelled, their hands clenched into fists as they roared, “Ever since I laid eyes on you I have fucking hated you. You're- you're like some annoying fly who’s buzzing around and I can't seem to get rid of you!”
Hero blinked, taken back at how defensive Villain was getting, “Alright, jeez, chill out, dude.” Villain blinked quickly, feeling their face grow pink and they turned away quickly, pretending to busy themself.
Hero yawned, trying to lift their arm against their restraint before sighing, “So…what do I owe the pleasure of being kidnapped?”
Villain gulped, absentmindedly sharpening their knife as they sat on a stool, their back facing Hero, “SuperVillain wanted to talk to you,” They mumbled. 
Hero nodded, their tongue running along the bottom of their teeth. The silence filled the room once more.
“So-....so you’re not gonna be my entertainment while we wait, or-”
“Oh just shut.up!!!” Villain roared, quickly getting to their feet and pacing towards Hero, knife in hand. “Jesus fuck, Villain, what the hell is going on with you today?!?” 
“I-...you-... w-” Villain took a shaky breath, looking up at the ceiling as they blinked hard, “Who were you fighting with two nights ago?” Their voice was low this time, quiet. They almost sounded… vulnerable.
Hero blinked, “Two… Oh- you mean [Other Villain]?” Villain gulped and nodded once before looking away.
Hero couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh, “Villain… you're hardly jealous-....are you?”
Villain rolled their jaw, looking down to their knife before twirling it in their hand, “I…I thought we had a deal…” Hero couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. There was something about Villain suddenly, they looked like all sad and vulnerable. It was a side of Villain that Hero had never seen. Their eyes glazed over, brimming with tears as they clenched their jaw tight.
“I’m.. I’m sorry Villain…I didn’t mean to make you feel like this. The other- they… they came out of nowhere and I didn't have Sidekick to help me. So I had no other choice but to fight them!” Villain just stared at Hero for a moment before nodding once. 
They got down to one knee, bringing the blade to Hero’s ankle, making the other flinch. But in a moment, the rope fell away. Villain continued this until all the restraints were gone before taking a step back, “You uhm…I think you should go now…”
Their voice was quiet, probably the lump in their throat restricting most of the volume. They looked away as a tear slowly ran down their cheek. Hero gulped before getting to their feet. They cupped Villain’s face, thumb brushing the other’s tear away, “How can I make it up to you.”
Villain forced themself not to flinch back, Hero suddenly feeling so close to them. They took a shaky breath. All along they have wanted this, dreamt of it. And now it was happening. Villain’s cheeks were red and they took a slow breath before their eyes slowly met Hero’s;
“Kiss me…”
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wonwussy · 1 year
hey for the truth or dare things what about a dare (with vernon if applicable)
also hihi ily my sunshine ♡♡♡♡ if you call yourself a storm cloud then you're the eye of the storm ♡♡♡
XAN BEAN ilysm you should know you are very dear to me
Okay so the dare is: “lick a trail from each of my nipples to my belly button… go slow”
Let’s have some fun!
————————————————(I’m on mobile, so no fancy divider)————————————————————
Vernon X gn!reader
Slight smutty/suggestive/fluff
You lick your lips as you look down at Vernon below you, shifting slightly as you sit on his thighs. He was naked from the waist up, and your fingers are trailing over his skin. “Do you have any idea how pretty you are?” You ask, reaching up to brush some of his silver-purple hair out of his eyes. “Especially with this hair.”
He smiles shyly and shakes his head, resting his hands on your hips. “Not as pretty as you are,” he returns, leaning up to press his lips to yours in a quick kiss.
You smile when he lays back down, shaking your head a little. “That’s an argument that will just keep us going in circles,” you joke. You smooth your hands down his chest, your eyes following your hands, and shift back a little on his legs. “I’ll just use my energy to appreciate you instead,” you add softly. You lean over him and kiss his chest lightly.
He draws in a slow breath as he feels your lips on his skin, kissing across his chest to the other side. He bites his lip as he looks down at you and sees you looking up at him with a smile. One hand runs through your hair, as his other finds the sheet below him to grip as he feels your tongue on him. “Fuck,” he mutters.
You circle one nipple with his tongue, slowly trailing it over to his other. You don’t say anything as you continue to move your tongue over his body, shimmying down his legs a little. You pause when you reach his belly button, pressing a kiss just above it, before moving your tongue around it.
Vernon can’t help the laugh that escapes him at the feel of it, causing you to sit up with an amused look. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m ticklish,” he says with another laugh.
“See! This is why sexy is hard!” You joke as you join in his laughter. You move back up so you can lay next to him, both of you laughing as you tickle his sides gently. “Though, I think I much prefer this anyway. Laughter and cuddles.”
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inkybloom-luv · 11 months
Words Unsaid
I'd like to say that when I first met you I fell for you instantly and I knew. But I didn't know. And it wasn't even a meet. I saw you at orientation first, trying your damnedest to put out the fire breathed out by the stupid mage cat that had tried to steal my spot as a student, not that I really knew what was going on at the time, that had somehow spread to your Housewarden's robes.
I didn't have much time to look at you then, frantically trying to avoid the chaos and near frozen by fear and confusion. But even in that you looked gorgeous. I blamed it on the lighting at the time, running to catch up with the grey and blue creature.
The second time I saw you was after I'd been enrolled for a while, chaos seemed to follow me as I adjusted to everything. By then I'd had to replace my glasses, not that I think the headmage intended to replace them until I had begged Riddle to bring it up with him, as I could hardly see any board or far from me and using my phone camera only did so much. I must've looked weird to you. I was staring, I know, but I could not help it, even if I was supposed to ask about your, albeit not as severe but incredibly inconvenient, injury that would keep you from participating in the spelldrive tournament.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from you then, unable to find any excuse for such behaviour even now. Only then did I learn your name, Jamil Viper. Had I known that name would haunt my every waking thought, I would not have asked it. Your hair looked so lovely that day. And the accessories you wore, I wondered if they'd look good on me, if I could watch you do your hair up.
I saw you play basketball the other day. I was sent to the school Gym to help do maintenance on the equipment. You had your club activities supervised by coach Vargas at the time, seeing as I was also there. Unbeknownst to you, the band on your uniform that you wear around your arm had fallen in the cafeteria in the lunch period before. I noticed and picked it up, sure enough that I would see you and return it eventually.
When I actually saw you there I stared again, as one with a crush does, I guess. You take my breath away. Coach Vargas yelled in my ear on accident, which embarrassingly made me flinch and cower. I have not gotten over loud noises, but I don't think I need to. God I still hope you didn't see that. But you might've.
Somehow I actually managed to talk to you and return the armband. Told you I liked the way your hair was up, that you looked cool playing basketball. I wish I could've kept talking but really, I probably only would have embarrassed myself. If you knew how red my cheeks were, how hot they felt after I'd gone out of sight. I'm sure you'd laugh at me. But I can't help myself, not when my heart threatens to break my ribcage when I so much as think about you. Your eyes are gorgeous too. Can't believe I never noticed them, but I don't look people in the eyes when speaking all that much.
Your eyes though, your eyes I adore. They are endlessly beautiful to me. They ensnare me, hold my attention, I can't look waya no matter how much I try, not that I want to though.
Not that you're ever going to read this. I'm going to hide this away later. I just had to get my thoughts out. But I, Inky, do adore you. Moreso than I have anyone before. But I won't call it love. I don't think I'd be worth that yet. Maybe one day, Jamil, maybe one day I will be worthy of calling you my love. Until then, I do hope you don't think I'm too weird.
I've got to leave it here though, the damned bird is calling me in again, for no reason I bet. My allowance better get higher, lest I go nuts here.
Aaand here we have my Yuu-sona being down bad for the snake man. In case of terrible formatting, I am, in fact, on mobile. Might make more depending on how well this goes over but I hope it's not too obvious that this is my first writing piece,,, ya. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Can be read as x reader, it's only my Yuu-sona, feel free to change the name in y'alls lil delulu heads cause me too<3
716 words
Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
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roxygen22 · 3 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" series
Summary: A stray pup finds his fur-ever home with the Wonka family. Ben/Bean is 7, and Charlotte/Charlie is 3.
If the weekend weather was favorable, the Wonka family could be found in the park. Today was no exception. The four of you were walking down a gravel pathway, Willy walking backward so he could talk to you, Ben, and Charlotte about his latest invention. Ever the animated talker, he was using his hands and jumping around until a shrill yelp startled him as he stepped down near a bush.
"Did that bush just...yelp?" you asked curiously and held the children back from investigating. Willy got down on all fours to peer under the limbs. There, he spied a little brown furball cowering by the trunk.
"Well, hello there, little fella. Did I accidentally step on your tail? I'm sorry," he cooed. Willy reached into the bush and pulled a trembling puppy to his chest. He sat back on his feet so the family could see and was instantly crowded by Ben and Charlotte, who wanted a better look at the tiny animal.
"A puppy!" Charlotte cheered. You chided her to lower her voice so as to not frighten him further.
"Can we keep him?" Ben pleaded as he scratched under the pup's chin.
Willy didn't say anything, but he looked up at you with the same doe eyes and pouty lip as your children. Real helpful, dear, you thought.
"We really ought to make sure he doesn't belong to someone else first. But we can keep him safe in the meantime," you replied. "When we get back to town, we'll put up a notice in the square for a week. If nobody comes for him, then he can stay with us for good."
Willy stood and handed the pup to you, and of course you fell in love immediately, especially when he snuggled up to your chest. While you had to put up a responsible front, you secretly hoped that nobody would claim him. He was adorable, with one flopped ear and patches of white on his chest and feet. He looked like he had been dipped in chocolate - a perfect fit for your family.
You all took turns holding the puppy on your route home, first making a detour by the bulletin board in the downtown square. He scurried under the sofa when you first arrived at the house but quickly warmed up to Ben and Charlotte. He even licked the girl's face when she hung down from the couch to peer underneath. Her giggles eventually drew him out to play. The kids took great delight in watching him explore the house.
"I think we should name him..." Ben started to say. You quickly interrupted.
"No, no names until he's officially ours. Otherwise, you'll get attached." Too late, you thought to yourself. You knelt down to make eye contact with both of your children. "Now, I need you to understand that taking care of an animal is a big responsibility. He's more than just a toy to play with. He will be completely dependent on us for food, water, and clean bedding. The two of you will have to pick up after him, even if he's only with us for a little while."
"Charlie and I can handle it!" Ben piped up.
"Yeah!" Charlotte agreed.
"Great. I'm going to hold you to that. Now, let's see what we can find for him to eat." You stood and walked to the kitchen. You looked through the cabinets and refrigerator before deciding to mash up last night's leftovers and soften it up with some milk. The pup scarfed it down like he hadn't eaten in days. This brought on a new burst of energy, so the children took him outside to run off his zoomies (and theirs).
Willy made lunch while you kept an eye on the trio and joined in on their game of chase. He called you all in once the food was ready. The pup quickly learned that Charlotte was the one most likely to drop crumbs, both intentionally and unintentionally, so he settled beneath her chair. You were amazed when there was nothing to sweep up after the meal was done.
The kids took the puppy to the playroom while you and Willy cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. You heard giggling, talking, and sounds of toys clanking for a little bit, but then everything grew quiet. You looked over at Willy who had picked up on it, too. It wasn't unusual for Ben to be quiet. But Charlotte? Both of you were wary. Willy smirked. "Go check it out. I'll finish up here," he said.
You dried your hands and made your way to the playroom. You put your ear to the door but still heard nothing. You quietly opened it and drew on all your strength not to squeal over the cuteness.
Ben was leaning against the wall asleep, head lolled to the side. Charlotte looked like she passed out on the rug mid-play. The puppy was laying on his belly between the two of them, eyes closed and all four legs stretched out in a sploot. It was a precious sight.
Willy came up behind you, set a hand on your hip and his chin on your head. He took in the scene and quietly chuckled. "They sat still too long," he whispered. The pup's ears twitched at his voice, but sensing no threat, he quickly dozed back off. You gently pulled the door to so they could continue to nap in peace.
Ben awoke before Charlotte about half an hour later and snuck out of the playroom with the puppy. He found you and Willy in the study.
"Hey, Bean. Sleep well?" Willy looked up from his newspaper and teased. Ben narrowed his eyes at his father in jest before turning his focus back to the puppy in his arms. He had declared years earlier that he was too old for naps now.
"Can you take the pup outside so he can stretch and take care of business?" you asked. He nodded and made his way to the back door. With the fenced-in back yard, you were comfortable letting your son learn responsibility and take care of this task on his own.
Then you heard Charlotte cry. Willy was up and out of the room before you could even react. His long legs made quicker work of getting across the house anyway.
Willy opened the playroom door to find Charlotte sitting up on the rug. She looked disoriented, looking around wildly with her tangled hair and tear-streaked face. Willy sat down beside the girl and scooped her up into his lap.
"Shhh, baby girl. I've got you. What's wrong?" he asked while rocking her.
Sobs wracked her tiny body. "The puppy is gone! Someone t-took h-him h-home!"
"Oh, no, Charlie. He's just outside with your brother. He woke up before you."
"I pinky promise. And that's the most solemn vow there is!" He held up his pinky for Charlotte to link with hers, then kissed her on the head. "Come on, I'll take you outside to show you."
Willy reappeared briefly in the study with Charlotte on his hip. She laid her forehead in the crook of his neck and occasionally took shuddered breath as she calmed down. "I'm going to take her outside to see the puppy."
Ah, she must have been upset about the dog. She will be devastated if someone does claim him. But doing what is right isn't always easy, you reminded yourself. Soon, you heard the girl's cheerful laughter ringing throughout the yard. All was right in her world again.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. You started dinner and called your family inside when the food was ready. The dog took up his previous station under Charlotte's chair, but this time you also provided him with his own bowls of food and water on the floor.
"I'll stop by the store on my way home tomorrow for some supplies and food for him," Willy offered. "I'll also ask around if anyone is missing a pup." Ben and Charlotte both pouted. You and Willy exchanged knowing looks.
The family finished up dinner in relative silence and set about their nightly routines to get ready for bed.
"Where will he sleep tonight?" Ben asked as he rubbed the pup's belly.
"We'll set up a box for him in the kitchen with a warm blanket," you replied.
"The kitchen?" Willy asked.
"Well, yes. That way if he makes a mess it's easier to clean up. Why?"
"No, that makes sense. I...I just think he may get a little lonely is all."
"I think some separation will be good so we don't get too attached. Not yet," you replied, mainly for your own benefit.
Willy kissed you on the forehead. "Always the voice of reason. Alright kids, time to brush teeth and go to bed. Bean, you get to pick the story tonight." His voice faded as he herded the children down the hallway.
You dug out a wooden crate out of the storage room and placed a cozy blanket inside. You picked up the pup, gave him a snuggle and a good scratch behind the ears, and laid him in the crate. You gently pet him on the head until his eyes closed, then off you went to bed.
A couple of hours later, you were awakened by pitiful whimpering. You laid in bed for a few moments in hopes that the puppy would settle on his own, but you had no such luck. You grumbled as you sat up. *Just like taking care of a baby again.*
You put on your robe and tiptoed to the kitchen so as to not wake the others. Upon turning on the light, you saw the pup looking up at you, wagging his tail and whining.
"Hey there. What's all this about, hmm?" Gently you picked him up and he licked your face in return. You suspected he was just lonesome, but you went through a mental list of all his other potential needs as well. First was a trip outside in case he needed to potty. He romped around and barked, bowing at you to get you to play.
You tsked at him. "Shh, no, this is not time for play. Go take care of your business." The pup conceded, though he got distracted a few times by sniffing around the yard. You brought him back inside and set him up with a little more soft food and water in the crate. After a few reassuring pets, you stood to exit the kitchen and go back to bed.
He instantly took up whimpering again.
"Now, now, shhh. Let's not wake the family." You sat back down by the crate and encouraged him to lay down, fluffing up the blanket around him. You got back up once you thought he was settled again, just to be rewarded with more whimpering. So you sat down again with a huff.
<about three hours later>
Willy shuffled into the kitchen in his pajamas when he discovered you were no longer in bed. He stifled a laugh when he found you in a similar state to your son earlier in the playroom.
You had fallen asleep sitting up against the kitchen cabinet beside the crate with your head lolled to the side. The puppy was asleep, too...
...in your lap.
"Separation, huh?" he playfully mocked. "She's going to be sore in the morning if she stays like that," he muttered to himself. He knelt down and gently shook your shoulder.
"Hey, my sweet. Wake up."
You blinked and squinted in response to the kitchen light you had left on. You looked around then down in your lap at the sleeping furball. You realized you caved and coddled him out of desperation.
"He finally fell asleep. The poor dear was whimpering pitifully. I gave him food and water, even let him outside, but he would whine anytime I stood to leave. You were right. He got lonely."
"He might just be sad that dogs can't have chocolate," Willy said with a deadpan face and serious tone. You cut your eyes at him and tried to act surly, as this was no time to joke, but you couldn't help but laugh softly. He broke out into a childish grin.
"I've never slept well on the first night in a new place," he continued. "Especially if it was too quiet. There was always background noise on the ship." You could tell an idea struck him when his face lit up. "I'll be right back!"
Willy scurried out of the room and returned just as quickly with a wind-up clock in hand. "I read about this once," he said with hushed excitement as he sat down in front of you and the crate. "You place it near their bed at night to comfort them. The rhythm reminds them of...of their mother's heartbeat." His excitement dimmed as he looked down at the pup, though you knew his thoughts were elsewhere. You leaned forward to squeeze his hand.
"Do you think we should bring his crate to our room?" you asked hesitantly after a few moments.
Willy nodded fervently. "He is just a baby, after all. We kept our other babies close at first."
"Willy. He's not a *human* baby. And he's not ours. Not yet."
"Maybe not. But will it hurt to treat him like family while he's here?" he asked with a pout.
"It may hurt us later if he has to leave."
"True, but we will cross that bridge if it gets here. Make the most of now. Besides, you risk closing yourself off from the world entirely if you avoid attachments to anyone or anything that may leave."
"So wise at two in the morning," you chuckled and shook your head.
"I have my moments." He smiled as he carefully picked the puppy up from your lap and offered his hand to help you up. You picked up the crate and clock and returned to your room. You sank into your bed with a sigh as Willy got the pup settled in the crate on his side. Ever the doting father, you thought happily. Soon, everyone was asleep again.
The days went by and you only received one inquiry about the pup. Sadly for them, the description of their missing dog didn't match, but it was difficult to keep the joy out of your voice. He quickly became embedded in your daily routine, as if he had been part of the family all along. He was Charlotte's shadow by day and Ben's in the evening when he returned home. Once the children went to bed, he would lay his head on your lap as you and Willy cozied up by the fire. You counted down the days until you could claim the pup. It would break your heart to see him go now, especially now that he was letting you sleep through the night again.
<one week after the walk in the park>
You and Willy called the children to the study. "Alright, kids. The puppy is officially ours! Now we can name him," you announced excitedly. Ben and Charlotte jumped up and down while the pup bounced around and barked.
"Anything but Tiddles, please," Willy supplied.
"Well, I think he looks like he's dipped in chocolate, but Fondue just doesn't sound right," you replied. "Maybe Biscuit, like the storybooks?"
"What about Brownie?" Ben asked and looked around at everyone. The puppy barked. "I think he likes it!"
"Bwowneeeeeee!" Charlotte squealed.
"That has a nice ring to it," Willy agreed as he pulled a collar out of his pocket and placed it around the puppy's neck. "Welcome to the family, Brownie!"
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