#black batmom
c-nstantine · 16 days
Random thought that I want to share. Okay here goes. While Bruce loves seeing Batmom in lingerie and lace he absolutely loves seeing her in her comfortable underwear, no bra oversized T-shirt and natural hair in a pineapple. It just turns him on even more 
Warnings: There's not smut but it's a little steamy
Word Count: 0.7k
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"Bruce, are you listening to me?" The answer was no. He was not listening. He couldn't even pretend to be listening. How could he when his wife sat in the middle of their bed in nothing but a pair of underwear and one of his old Wayne Tech t-shirts? This in combination with her tight coils being put up into a pile on top of her head was a dangerous combination for Bruce. 
"Would you believe me if I said yes?" He asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. He felt Y/N crawl behind him before wrapping her arms around his neck. 
"No," She said, placing a kiss on his stubbled cheek. He smiled softly and leaned into her touch. Something about her relaxed him and he was forever grateful for her.
"Okay, I wasn't. What's happened today?" He asked with sincerity in his tone. She hummed in approval of her husband paying attention to her. She started explaining to him how she checked on the various charities they ran before spending the rest of the day with Thomas, Martha, and Alfred.
"Your kids gave me a run for your money. I thought the twins teasing phase was bad, but now, I'm constantly running behind them," She admitted. It was true, the twins were little terrors except with Damian. For some reason, he was the only one that could keep them in line. 
"I'm sorry. They'll grow out of it. We can always ask one of the boys to come in town for a week to help out," Bruce offered, tilting his head slightly so that he could look his wife in her face. Every day he was reminded how lucky he was to have her.
"I know but I don't want them to feel like they have to help. Bruce?" Y/N noticed her husband had a dreamy look in his eye. It was rare and reserved just for moments with them. His eyes always softened looking at her, it was like he had forgotten how cruel the world had been to him.
"Hmm?" He hummed, his steel blue eyes never once drifted from her face.
"Nope, I know that look. Uh-uh, you aren't putting another one of your big-headed babies in me," She spoke with certainty as she released her husband from her grasp. She slid back towards the headboard of their bed and crossed her arms. To Bruce, this only highlighted the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Good to know, he thought to himself.
"First of all, why are they always my kids? And what look?" He knew exactly what she was referring to. He began to make his way to her until he could lay with his head on her thighs. She ran a hand through his damp hair, raking her nails against his scalp.
"That look is how we ended up with Martha and Alfred in the first place." She reminded him. 
"No, that was my Gotham University shirt, the knee-high socks, and the goddess braids," Of course, Bruce remembered her exact outfit when their twins were conceived. What kind of husband would he be if he didn't?
"Bruce!" She jokingly hit his shoulder. Memories flooded back from that night so many years ago. If she remembered correctly, the two of them had discovered a new position.
"What? I'm being honest. Now let me take care of my wife, please," He rolled over to his stomach and placed himself between her legs before pressing a small kiss to the center of her underwear. 
"Bruce?" She shifted her hips lower to put her pussy directly in front of him. He nipped at her panties and pulled them down her thighs, nearly throwing them out of the room. He grinned as she spread her legs a bit more. 
"I'll pull out," Lie. He'd simply make it so she'd be begging for him to finish inside of her. The only thing that was more exciting to him than her in his clothing was the thought of her being pregnant with his child.
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Taglist: @flyestvenustrap@megamindsecretlair@blxckdesire@prettyvintageafternoon@lilbanas@certifiedloverwoman@melissa-ashe @hoyoooo
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introvertllux · 2 months
Meet the Wayne’s Chapter 3: Maternal Ties and the Shadow of Gotham
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I DON’T claim the rights to batman only the black!OC. Also this is pure fiction and NOT my thoughts on marriage at all.
Scarlett P.O.V.
Despite living a life without a mother and engaging in activities far removed from what a traditional mother might do, I've always felt a profound pull towards motherhood. It was as if I was inherently maternal, destined to embrace the role with open arms. Yet, under the shadow of Ra's al Ghul, such dreams seemed distant, almost forbidden. Isolated within the confines of his domain, my world was restricted, my interactions limited. Discussing and acknowledging the natural teenage yearnings felt dangerous—punishable, even. Among the few women there, Talia—Ra al Ghul's daughter—was the only one close to my age yet far from being a confidante. I was an intruder to her, not for stealing her father's affection but because I was there at all. She saw me as a rival, though I never viewed Ra's in the paternal light she did. My mind was often elsewhere, lost in daydreams of everyday life outside these walls—friendships, romance, and the simple act of holding someone's hand.
Those dreams seemed like fantasies, unreachable and fanciful. Yet, here I am, years later, a mother to five incredible boys. My sons, each unique in their strength, humor, and brilliance, are the anchors that keep me grounded amidst the turmoil of my life with Bruce. They are my priority, the driving force behind every decision I make, including my disputes with Bruce over his relentless pursuit of justice as Batman. His obsession with patrolling Gotham has strained our relationship, but more importantly, it has impacted our boys. They witness our conflicts, absorbing the tension and reflecting on their individual bonds with their father. Bruce has his flaws; he can be overly strict and sometimes distant. Yet, when he's present, he's an inspiring figure—empowering, affectionate, and constantly pushing them toward greatness. He may not be perfect, but he's constantly evolving, striving to be a better father.
Our home, a nexus of love, conflict, and unspoken fears, bears witness to the struggles and triumphs of a family not quite like any other. For all his strength and resolve, Bruce grapples with the dualities of his existence—between the man and the mask, the father and the vigilante. His physical and emotional absences leave a void that I strive to fill, weaving the fragile threads of family unity with each day that passes.
In their resilience, the boys adapt and grow, each carving their own path under the weight of the Wayne legacy. Their struggles and triumphs are a daily reminder of the complexities of our lives—a life built on the foundations of sacrifice, secrets, and an unwavering commitment to each other.
In the quiet moments, when the chaos of our lives settles into a rare peace, I reflect on the journey that has brought me here. From the confines of the League's domain to the expansive heart of the Wayne family, my life has been a testament to fate's unpredictable, winding paths.
Motherhood, with all its challenges and joys, has been my redemption, my salvation from a past marred by darkness. It has taught me about the power of love, the strength of family, and the endless possibilities of embracing one's true self. Standing at the precipice of this life I have built, I am grateful for the unexpected gift of motherhood and the five remarkable boys who call me Mom.
Third Person P.O.V.
The Wayne Manor kitchen was a flurry of activity, its usual solemnity replaced by the chaotic energy of the Wayne sons preparing for the day's event. Amidst the sizzle of breakfast on the stove, Scarlett found herself not only as the orchestrator of the morning meal but also as the mediator of an unfolding debate among her boys.
"I don't see why I have to wear a suit. It's not like the orphans are going to care what I'm wearing," Jason grumbled, tugging at the collar of his shirt with a scowl that seemed permanently etched on his face whenever formal attire was mentioned.
"It's about showing respect, Jason. We represent the Wayne family; we should look the part," Dick interjected, ever the voice of reason, his own suit fitting him like a second skin—a testament to his comfort in their world of galas and public appearances.
"Yeah, but why can't we show respect in jeans and a tee? At least we'd be comfortable," Tim chimed in, pushing his glasses up his nose as he eyed the suit laid out for him with undisguised disdain.
Duke, the newest addition to the brood, seemed less bothered by the dress code, though he couldn't resist joining in the banter. A little color wouldn't hurt. These suits make us look like we're attending a funeral, not celebrating an opening."
Damian, the youngest and often the most vocal about his dislikes, was surprisingly quiet, his usual complaints about 'draconian dress codes' absent as he meticulously adjusted his tie—a more miniature replica of the one Bruce often wore. It was a rare moment of conformity from the boy, who was usually anything but.
Scarlett, flipping pancakes with one hand and managing to look entirely at ease amidst the morning chaos, couldn't help but smile at her son's antics. "Gentlemen, you all look handsome, and wearing a suit won't kill you. It's one afternoon, and then you can come home and change into whatever you'd like."
"But Mom, it's not just the suits. It's the ties, the shoes—it's like being strangled by your own clothes," Jason argued, his dramatics earning a chuckle from his brothers.
"Jason's right," Damian finally spoke up, his voice betraying a hint of solidarity with his brother. "It's archaic, and it's uncomfortable. Father insists on these traditions without considering practicality."
Scarlett turned, offering a plate of pancakes to her sons as a peace offering. "Bruce wants this day to be special for the orphanage's family and children. Wearing a suit is a small part to play in making today memorable. And Damian, your father considers many things, including how the Wayne family presents itself. It's part of our responsibility."
The boys exchanged looks, their arguments deflating under the weight of their mother's logic and the allure of breakfast. As they gathered around the table, their banter continued, lighter now, interspersed with plans for the day and the roles they each would play at the reopening.
Scarlett watched them, her heart full. These moments were what she cherished most—her family united not just by blood or name but by the shared experiences that bound them closer with each passing day. She knew the importance of today's event extended beyond the orphanage; it was a testament to their resilience, their unity, and the legacy they were building, one day, one suit at a time.
As breakfast concluded and they prepared to leave, Scarlett felt a surge of pride looking at her sons. Despite their grumbling, they were ready, each embodying the strength and grace of the Wayne legacy. Today was more than an event; it was a reaffirmation of their commitment to Gotham, each other, and the ideals Bruce and Scarlett worked so hard to instill in them.
As the Wayne family convoy wound its way towards the heart of Gotham, the tension that had bubbled over breakfast seemed to dissipate, replaced by a shared sense of purpose. The sleek black cars blended seamlessly with the city's rhythm, a silent testament to the Wayne legacy that extended far beyond the corporate skyscrapers and into the very fabric of Gotham's community. Inside the lead car, Scarlett found herself sandwiched between Bruce and Alfred, the latter having taken on the role of driver for the day. The boys, divided between the vehicles, continued their debate over the necessity of formal wear, their voices a distant murmur over the car's communication system.
Bruce, catching Scarlett's eye, offered a small, appreciative smile. "They'll understand one day," he said, his voice a blend of resignation and hope. "The importance of today… it's more than just an appearance. It's about setting an example, showing Gotham that the Wayne family stands with them."
Scarlett nodded, her hand finding Bruce's. "They will. They're more like you than they'd care to admit. Strong, determined, and with a heart for Gotham's people. Today will be a good day." Their arrival at the orphanage was met with fanfare, with the community turning out in force to celebrate the reopening. The Wayne family, stepping out of their cars, were immediately swarmed by reporters, city officials, and excited children, all eager to glimpse Gotham's most prominent family.
Despite their earlier complaints, the boys moved with a grace and poise that belied their years. Dick took the lead, his natural charisma making him an easy favorite among the attendees. With his characteristic scowl softened for the day, Jason was surrounded by a group of older kids, his tales of motorcycle escapades drawing awed whispers. Ever the strategist, Tim conversed with city planners and philanthropists, discussing future projects and investments. Duke became an instant hit with the younger children with his infectious smile, leading games, and laughter. Maintaining a stoic facade, Damian nonetheless found himself drawn to a quiet corner where a few shy orphans observed the festivities from a distance.
Scarlett felt pride as she watched her family mingle and engage with the community. Today was a reminder of their collective strength, their ability to transcend the challenges and scrutiny that often accompanied their public lives. It reaffirmed their commitment to making Gotham a better place, one child, one family at a time. The jubilation of the day, palpable in the air filled with laughter and celebratory voices, was abruptly shattered. Moments before the chaos, Bruce stood at the podium, the crowd hushed in anticipation of his speech. The Wayne family stood to the side, representing unity and support.
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this momentous day," Bruce began, his voice carrying over the assembled crowd. "Today is not just about reopening the doors of the orphanage; it's about reopening our hearts and extending our hands to those in need."
He paused, glancing towards Scarlett and their sons with a tender smile. "My family stands with me today as witnesses and pillars of our commitment towards this cause. Each of them, in their own way, contributes to the mission we've embarked on — to ensure that no child in Gotham feels abandoned."
Bruce's gaze swept over the crowd, his presence commanding yet warm. "This orphanage is more than a building; it's a beacon of hope, a promise of a better tomorrow. We dedicate ourselves to this promise, not just with words but with action. With support, care, and love, we can change lives."
As he spoke of future initiatives and the importance of community involvement, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of purpose and optimism. The Wayne family, listening intently, couldn't help but feel proud of their legacy, a legacy beyond the capes and the headlines, grounded in real, tangible change.
"And so," Bruce concluded, "we look forward to a future where every child knows they have a place to call home, a family to belong to, and a community that cares. Together, we can make Gotham a beacon of hope for all."
Applause erupted, echoing off the walls of the newly renovated building, symbolizing the new beginnings Bruce had articulated so passionately. The Wayne family joined in the applause, their hearts full, unaware of the looming shadow about to descend upon their moment of triumph.
When it came, the explosion was sudden and deafening, a brutal punctuation to Bruce's message of hope. Her instincts overriding her shock, Scarlett reacted with a speed born of necessity. Her powers, long kept hidden, flared to life, weaving a protective cocoon around her sons as debris and chaos reigned around them. The force of the blast sent her tumbling, darkness claiming her as she fought to stay conscious.
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Awakening in the infirmary wing, the sterile white of the room starkly contrasting with the vivid nightmare of the explosion, Scarlett's first thought was of her family. Alfred's presence, a steady constant, brought a measure of comfort, but his news did little to ease the dread coiling in her stomach.
"The boys are safe, thanks to you," he reassured, though the worry in his eyes spoke volumes. "But, Miss Scarlett, the symbols... they've spread."
As consciousness slowly crept back to Scarlett, her first coherent thought was a piercing fear for her sons. Panic clawed at her chest, her breaths coming in short, rapid gasps as she attempted to rise, only to be met with the firm, steadying hands of Alfred.
"Where are they? Are they safe?" The urgency in her voice was palpable, her eyes wild with maternal fear. With his ever-calm demeanor, Alfred reassured her, "They're safe, Miss Scarlett. I personally saw to their safety. They're with Master Bruce."
Her mind, however, couldn't find peace until she saw them with her own eyes. Then, the memories began to flood, memories of how Alfred first discovered her secret.
It was a late evening, months ago, when Alfred had walked in on her tending to a wound on her shoulder — a wound that should have been fatal yet was healing at an unnatural pace, the skin around it glowing faintly with intricate symbols. She remembered the shock on Alfred's face, the way he froze, a tray of tea in his hands, now forgotten.
"Miss Scarlett, what on earth...?" he'd begun, his voice a mix of concern and disbelief.
She had no choice then but to confide in him, to reveal the origins of her powers and her past with Ra's al Ghul. "Alfred, what you see... it's a part of me I've hoped to keep hidden. These symbols are not just scars but a map to a barely understood power. A power Ra's al Ghul sought to control."
The conversation that followed was long and fraught with revelations. Scarlett explained her fear of Bruce's reaction, knowing his distrust of anything related to magic or the supernatural. Alfred, for his part, listened with a growing sense of foreboding, understanding the weight of the secret Scarlett bore.
The fear for her sons momentarily subsided in the infirmary, replaced by a new wave of panic. "Bruce... is he okay? He wasn't near the explosion, was he?" Her voice cracked with the question, the thought of Bruce injured — or worse — reigniting the terror within her.
"Master Bruce is unharmed," Alfred assured her, but the comfort his words were meant to provide was overshadowed by Scarlett's growing dread over the spreading symbols. "But we must keep him from seeing these symbols, Alfred. He cannot know of this magic within me."
The decision to keep Bruce in the dark had been mutual between Scarlett and Alfred, but the secrecy now felt like a chasm widening between her and her husband. Alfred's worry was evident, knowing the strain such secrets could inflict on a family already navigating the complexities of their dual lives.
Bruce's confusion turned to anger when he was barred from entering the infirmary, Alfred standing firm at the door. "Why can't I see her? What are you hiding from me?" His voice, usually calm and commanding, was now laced with betrayal and concern.
The situation escalated quickly, with Bruce's demands to see Scarlett met with Alfred's unwavering refusal, guided by his promise to protect her secret. The tension reached a boiling point, the air charged with unspoken accusations and the weight of untold truths.
Scarlett could hear the muffled exchange from her bed, her heart aching with each of Bruce's angered pleas. The fear of losing Bruce, of fracturing their family with her secrets, was a specter looming more significant than any physical threat she had faced. In that moment, she realized the actual cost of her powers — not the danger they posed to her, but the potential they had to unravel the very fabric of her family.
As Alfred finally returned to her side, their heavy silence spoke volumes. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and the inevitable confrontation with Bruce. But for now, Scarlett focused on regaining her strength, preparing for difficult conversations, and bracing for the impact of her secrets on her family's future.
@yinx1 @somedays-i-just-feel-bad-bitch @upductablemsft @greeniegreengreen @mistytwooo @mistyyyy @when-bops-drops @patrickbatemanswifee @strangersomeone @generaldumb @moon-drop-witch @xxabrixx @itsmedipshit @sabrina1cat  @princess-of-fuckup  @jeffreybrosseau @maxismp1  @prettyvintageafternoon  @trinket-n-geode @blkc @angelite111 @primrosesposts  @moonlight-4life @trainsbusses @fuckyouboys-world @ilovedesert-20089 @willbeddecided @linvaderz @marsbard09 @murchisonm @casualrebelninja @nuttyninjacat @z82008 @buckssstuff​  @lofious  @justkillmenow @chazubagi @mentalinsatabilityatitsfineposts @the-sweet-n-spicy-pepper @saphwithae @venomransom  @iloveeverthing-09 @joonsmoonchild @daddylizzzy  @hvnlyaphordite @4522-08  @fanartcollectorwriter  @randi98  @cherry-bomb19  @momoko-world @toulousewayne  @taniyahtaniyah @innercreationflower @nollythewalrus @adbeverly991 @gialove11  @etherialblackrose @jujuicypop @iamascrazyasisoud @velvetatte @thewonderlandartist @ultraxavbo  @meloyyyy @imamybuddles @spider-man-daredevil-loki-venom @gxuhdjdu @roses-luckride @onyx-guardian @ko-kimchi @lostsilver @calminggoat4u @chaoticqueen33 @forgotten-sleep @shittyprofilebutfuckit @almosthumongouseagle @darlingangel-17 @supergeek13 @24travellingwheel @adoredidi @blackrosariovampire @loonylidu @ultimate-gay-mess @teh-vampire-bunny  @abnoses @caityrayeraye  @nelly-belly @theemissingchild​ @abdorable-and-amazing @minimisthios @stankyou @jax1118 @huh206 @curiously-lazy @maggieosey @dietothemusic  @omisdolly @grimmbunniee​ @hereforagoodtimenotalongone @wherethelightdoesnotalwaysshine  @mikyapixie @teechallas-blog @duhitzdae  @themidnight-romances @plainjane18 @viloletevergarden @l-o-v-e-galore @wifeyeddie @wilsonsamerica @when-bops-drops @ilovedesert-20089 
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ellana-ravenwood · 1 year
From parents to babies - Batfam x fem!reader
Synopsis : You and Bruce got turned into toddlers !! Shenanigans ensue, of course. 
This is part of a little “series” I guess, here’s the first part with Jason : Jason Todd(ler). I’m planning on writing a lil story for all the kids hehe, but I thought : “hey, what about Batmom and Bruce ?” and here we are. Hope you’ll like this ! 
Please, do not repost my stories anywhere else, under any other form. Do not translate and then repost them either. Thank you. 
My masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“Bruce !” 
“(Y/N) !” 
You manage to scream each other’s names before-
Before a white flash engulfed the both of you, and you suddenly disappeared, only a pool of your clothes remaining where you once stood. 
“Nooooo !!” is the last thing you hear before your mind goes blank, and you recognize the voice as being your youngest son’s, Damian. The sound of his scream greatly distresses you, but alas, you cannot do anything to help as you feel yourself slowly fading away and- 
Footsteps. Running fast to reach the place you stood on merely seconds before. But you’re not there anymore, you’re not there !
“It’s not possible !” 
That’s Jason. His voice breaking at the end of his sentence, as he approaches the bunch of clothes left on the floor, a lump in his throat as the inevitable is starting to be clearer and clearer, and he cannot refuse reality anymore.
Vaporized. His parents just got vaporized by that wannabe-magician’s laser ! 
In the mess of it all, that asshole even escaped ! Which was a good thing, in a way, because Jason promised you and Bruce he would never kill again, but he wasn’t sure he could hold that promise if he was faced with the man who took away his beloved parents. 
You all only just made peace with each other, only just became a family again ! How was he suppose to go on losing you once more ?
Dick was the first to reach the spot in which you were. He had always been the fastest of them all. His heart beats too fast in his chest, and he has this horrible thought that it’s the second time he sees his parents being killed right in front of him when-
Movements. Small movements. There, amongst his father’s suit. And there, amongst his mother’s clothes. And then-
Little hands. Fighting to find an exit in this labyrinth of fabrics. Little grunts of frustration, like when a child is trying to do something but doesn’t quite manage to do it. Finally finding an out. And-
“Oh shit.” 
Dick says, as he stares at- Two kids ?? 
One, a little boy. who couldn’t be more than two years old, black hair, bright blue eyes. The second one, (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair and-
“Oh shit.” 
Tim says, as he’s the second one to reach the place and he immediately understands that his parents aren’t dead, but rather...
They’ve been turned into toddlers ! 
“Oh shit !” You exclaim happily, giggling. 
“Oh shit !” Baby Bruce repeats, and you both look at each other and giggle even more. Damn it. They’ve been in the care of children for only a second, and they already taught you bad words !
Bruce reaches for you, and there’s no doubt now that those two kids are indeed you and your husband ! Because immediately, you move closer to each other, your clothe much too big for you now being like blankets on you. 
Dick picks the both of you up, wrapping you in the cloths, and turns around to greet his siblings. 
Slowly, all your children reach you and-
“Oh shit !” You and Bruce say in unison, proud to show everyone (whomever those people were) that new word you just learned. 
And “oh shit” indeed, is on all of your kids’ mind. 
Of course, it had to happen when Alfred was away on his one vacation a year...Of freaking course. 
It wouldn’t be funny otherwise, right ? 
Only Alfred, could find a solution to this problem ! Your kids were totally lost ! 
Evidently, neither you nor Bruce remembered who you really were. You were clearly just two two years old. 
And it seemed you didn’t mind being picked up by people you didn’t know, as long as you could stay together (you two downright SCREAMED so loudly, when Jason tried to take you from Dick’s arms so his brother wouldn’t have to hold the both of you). 
It was as if that, at least, remained. Your bond. 
As if you were just- Instant friends, or something. 
They got you home, and : 
“Ok, any of you ever took care of babies ?” 
“Me not baby !” You say, glaring at your oldest son. It’s true, you knew you were two (somehow), you were no baby anymore ! 
“I’m sorry mom, I just- Oh gods this is so weird.” 
And it truly was, weird, to see their parents, the two people they knew they could always count on if they had a problem, being literal children. 
They couldn’t call them for help, you guys barely knew how to properly walk ! And had a very small vocabulary, too...Dick shook his head. This wasn’t a time to diss babies, this really wasn’t the time ! 
“Ok, first things first, we need to find them clothes. Duke, Jason, go the a shop and get them some stuffs to wear. While Cass and I will go buy some food for them. Damian and Dick, stay here and take care of them.” Aaaah Tim, ever so pragmatic. In a matter of seconds, he had gotten over the shock of the situation, and was taking matter in his own hands. 
And it was good. It was a start. They had no idea what they were going to do after, except the fact they had to find a way to get you back to normal. But at least, they had the beginning of a plan. 
They knew they could all count on Tim for plans. From A to Z, he would find a way. He had no idea how to take care of babies, of course, but his mind could find solutions to every problems. 
Yes. Yes. They only had to start moving. And things would be alright. They could do this. 
They could do this. 
They had to do this, for both your sake. 
Officially, Bruce and (Y/N) Wayne went away on a surprise vacation. Your disappearance had to be explained. 
None of your kids called Alfred, the butler deserved his annually vacation after all, and they knew he would come right home if he heard. So they let him be, and started to take care of their “baby parents”. 
Brucie ish scared
Before being the way Gotham’s media, models and such, called him when he still had his playboy persona, and not his “family man” one that he now had, “Brucie” was the nickname his mom gave him. 
Never in public, of course, but when they were home. When she was telling him bed time stories or singing lullabies to him. When she woke him up, gently, in the mornings. When she told him to come home for dinner, as he was playing in the garden. 
“Brucie”, was a name Bruce always associated with his mother’s affection and love. Which is why he hated how the media, and certain people, self-appropriated that name, and associated it with that persona who wasn’t even himself. 
It’s not like he could do anything about it, though. He had a role to play. 
And so, “Brucie” became that “other him”, while initially, it was his true self...
It had been years, since anyone had called him that. He wasn't a playboy, anymore, and your little nickname for him (aside from “my heart” and other term of endearment) was “my Broosh”. 
And so finally, this name came full circle. 
That’s how he called himself. Toddlers had that tendency to talk about themselves in the third person, sometimes. And Bruce, was referring to himself as “Brucie”, not “Bruce”. 
Your children were a hundred percent sure it was because even if he didn’t seem to ask for his parents, a part of him remembered them, and how his mom called him. 
Even turned into a toddler who didn’t remember much of his own life, Bruce still had his parents in mind. 
And so he called himself Brucie. 
And Brucie was a scaredy cat ! 
The irony of which didn’t escape any of your kids. 
What, the “fearless Batman” was afraid of literally everything ? That was funny. Dick made sure to take PLENTY of videos (just if he needed leverage for something one day). 
Brucie got scared of the vacuum cleaner. Brucie got scared of the dark. Brucie got scared of any noise that was too loud. Brucie got scared whenever (Y/N) wasn’t around. Brucie-
“Brucie ish scared !” He’d whimper, and run towards the closest “adult” he could find (any of your children, though over half of them were far from being official adults), seeking comfort. 
Every time, and it was the most adorable thing to witness, you’d rush to him, and hold him saying : “No scared Brooshie, no scared, me here. Me here.” 
First, “Brooshie” = so darn cute, a toddler adaptation of the traditional “Broosh”. Second, the way you’d shield him in your little arms, and how he’d hide his face and close his eyes, how he’d hold onto you and calm down as you told him to not be scared, it had to be peak adorableness.
And in a way, toddlers you were a good reflection of adults you. 
Bruce was no longer scared, in the strictest sense of the term. He had shunned all his emotions, locked them away deep in his heart, for years. Ignored his pain, and the remnant of his fears. 
And then you came in, and forced open his heart, shattering all the walls he build for years, and making it impossible for him to live without you (and vice versa). 
Just as Baby Bruce found comfort and safety in your arms, just as he was soothed by your voice, Adult Bruce knew he could always be safe and warm in your embrace. 
Nobody, when witnessing such scenes, could even dare say you weren’t made for each other. 
It was so weird. 
Dick just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that you two were turned into kids. Like, what ? 
His...parents were now younger than him. How weird was that ?? 
Of course, he knew he should be used to weird things by now. After all, over the years, from when he first became Robin to now, he had seen his fair share of strange stuffs. But this-
This was really, really odd. 
“Ick !” was the name you and Bruce decided to give him. No matter how many times he made you repeat it, you could never truly manage to say his name properly. And so, he was now “Ick”. 
And “Ick” had no clue how to take care of children. 
Was this how Bruce felt, when he officially adopted him ? Was this how you felt, when you became his mom while being so young ? 
Of course, Dick was older when he first arrived. But he was also a lot more traumatized. And he knew he could be difficult, at times. He could be so damn angry, back then. 
While you and Bruce ? You were adorable kids. You’d listen to him, and never talk back. What, you were supposed to be in your “terrible twos” era, yet it seemed like you were just good kids. 
Of course, the fact that your eldest son let you do absolutely everything you wanted might’ve been a reason as to why you two were so “nice” with him, and didn’t throw any tantrum. 
No tantrum needed, when the person taking care of you would let you do whatever you wanted. 
You didn’t wanna wear pants ? No problems. You didn’t want to eat your vegetables, but wanted sweets instead ? All good. You didn’t want to take a nap ? Then he could play with you a little longer. 
Yes. It became quite apparent that Dick could not resist you, at all. 
Which wasn’t much of a surprise, really. Because he was the same way with his siblings. They could make him do whatever they wanted to (outside of work, of course. When they were vigilantes, it was an entire other story, but it was because he often had to take the “leader” job, and a mistake could cost a life). 
And so, even though he found it extremely weird, and couldn’t quite call you “mom” and “dad” anymore (and who would blame him ?), he didn’t hate taking care of you. 
He sort of saw it as “payback”, for all the years you put up with his moods. For all the time you didn’t give up on him, and all the moments you were there to catch him when he fell. 
The reason he found it so hard to accept and fathom the situation, was because you and Bruce had become such “safety nets”, for him. 
You were his parents. He couldn’t think of a life without you. Without your guidance. Without your soothing words. Without your scolding, when he needed one. Without-
He couldn’t accept this turn of event, because he needed you. He had pushed you enough, in his teenage years and early adulthood. Now, he realized he absolutely needed his parents. 
He had to find a solution, and fast. Because although he didn’t mind taking care of you as you were nice kids, he just wanted his parents back. 
Jason was the most responsible one. 
Which, when people knew your children, wasn’t that surprising.
He’d always been a responsible kid, despite what anyone could think. 
He was a really good big brother, always looking out for his little siblings, and being there to be their voice of reason (Dick being his...he had a "decent teacher”). 
And so he became the “mom” of the house (it’s a nickname Tim, Duke and Damian gave him, when he wasn’t there). 
He had always loved cooking, ever since he was a kid. So he took it upon himself to cook healthy meals for both you and Bruce, and would scold Dick whenever he’d caught his brother red handed giving you candies and other ice cream right before dinner ! 
Bruce hated carrots, and you despised spinach. Other than that, it seemed you were willing to try everything he made for you two. 
Jason spend hours on the internet searching for recipes fit for two years old, for things you should feed kids this young. And he came up with quite a diet for the both of you. 
The food he made was delicious (and more than once, he caught one of his sibling eating from your spoon instead of feeding you !). 
Jason would be the one to remind everyone of yours and Bruce’s bed time. After all, “bed time” in the Wayne household had always been a little;..different, to say the least. But with toddlers ? It couldn’t be. It had to be regular, or they’d be too tired. 
Jason made a carefully planned sleep schedule for his “parents”. And when he wasn’t the one babysitting at night (they all took shifts so they could still do their vigilante jobs), he would call his sibling when it was bed time to make sure they’d respect it. He would genuinely harass Dick, because he knew his older brother was “weak” and could never refuse puppy eyes (after all, he abused of that technique to get him to do whatever he wanted, when he was younger), and he had to be reminded that a regular bed time was important !
How odd it was, for thugs, being downright beaten down by the scary Red Hood, while the latter would talk in his income and say things like : “I can’t believe you gave them ice cream before sleepy time again !” and others : “They’re babies, they need at least ten hours of sleep !” 
Jason didn’t let any tantrum through. Where Dick would just let you and Bruce do whatever you wanted, Jason had clear limits.
Because that is how you raised him. Sure, Bruce could be a little too strict sometimes, especially with Dick. But he had grown as a father, and slowly learned the difference between being too rigid and allowing his kids to be kids. 
Jason often joked that Dick was the “trial and error” era, but he wasn’t too far off. With Dick, you and Bruce made plenty of mistakes. You did with your other kids too, of course, but with your eldest most of all. Because he was your first child, and you had no idea what you were doing at the time. 
But, yes. Jason knew the importance of limits, for children. Kids needed boundaries, so they could feel safe. He knew, because it totally worked on him. 
And so, you’d have a tantrum ? Too bad, you’d just have to calm down and ask again nicely. Jason was intransigeant. 
He was, though, the first one there if you or Bruce woke up crying during the night. And he’d take you in his arms (always the both of you at the same time), and sing to you. Or tell you stories. Up until you’d fall asleep again. 
Jason, although he had strict schedules and food diet, was such a gentle soul. Such a gentle carer. You knew that one day, he would make a great dad. And if that experience taught any of you anything, it was that yes, yes. 
Jason told would one day make a wonderful father. 
"I think he doesn’t like me...” 
Tim said, deflated and defeated, as, once again, his dad (in baby form) cowered away from him as he approached. 
You ? You enjoyed being taken care of by Tim. You liked him very much. But for some reasons, “Brucie” seemed scared of him. 
“Don’t say that. I think he’s just- shy.” 
“Conner, honey, I appreciate you trying to comfort me, but if he was truly shy, he wouldn’t just- Oh come on !” 
Of course, Bruce chose that exact moment to jump in Conner’s arms, and to hide his face in his chest so he wouldn’t see Tim anymore. Superboy chuckled uncomfortably, trying to act as if it wasn’t because Bruce was scared or anything, but Tim couldn’t be fooled. 
Tim could never be fooled. 
And so he sighed, and held you a little closer. At least, his mom always loved him, no matter what age she was. 
You seemed to understand that Bruce’s actions made Tim sad, and even as a toddler, it greatly distressed you to see one of your “kids” sad. So you wiggled to signify to Tim that you want him to put you back down and-
“Oh, not you too, mom ?” 
You walk towards Conner, and Tim looks even sadder, as now, both of his “parents” seem to like others better than him...Even if they were just kids, and that Tim knew they weren’t doing it on purpose, his feelings were still hurt. 
But then-
You shake Conner’s pants, signifying for him to crouch down to your level. Baby Bruce is in his arms, and beams as he sees you. 
“’Own, ‘own !” He says, meaning “down”, and Conner puts him next to you. 
Immediately, Bruce takes your hand, and smiles widely. Which comforts Tim a little. At least, even as toddlers, it seemed you two were inseparable.
But then, you drag him towards Tim, and it’s obvious Bruce only follows because he seems very attached to you. The little boy does not want to be there, in front of Timothy Wayne-Drake.
And Tim looks down, sadly. He ruffles your hair affectionately, and says : 
“Good try mom, good try. But I don't think he likes me, at all.” 
You look at Tim, and then turns around towards Bruce, who was currently hiding behind you (how cute it was, that you always seemed to protect him when he was scared). But this time, you’d have none of it. 
Very much alike when you were adults, and you took none of your husband’s shit. You’d always set him back on track. Always. 
And so, toddler you said : 
“Bwooshie, Tim nice ! Tim good ! Tim fwiend !”
You let go of Bruce’s hand, and the boy whimpers and tries to catch your hand again, but takes a few steps back because he doesn’t want to get too close from Tim. But then-
Then you hop in Tim’s arms, and you snuggle against him. You smile at Bruce, and nods at him saying again : “Tim fwiend ! Tim nice !” and your son cannot help himself and hold you tight. 
Even turned into a toddler, he could count on his mama to cheer him up, it seemed...
Slowly, unsure, Bruce approached Tim. The boy was still obviously wary, but those were first steps. 
After a while, Bruce finally came towards Tim, and laid his hands on your son’s knees. 
He looked deeply into Tim’s eyes, and must’ve finally decided that he wasn’t so scary, because then, he climbed into his laps and everything was resolved. 
And oh, oh how much this meant to Tim...
“Father, you need to give her some air. I swear, even as children you two are impossible !” 
“AAAAAAAAAAH !” is Bruce’s response, as Damian tries to take him away from you. Apparently, young Bruce seemed to think screaming was an appropriate response to show his unwillingness to do something. 
And it frustrated Damian greatly. 
You had fallen asleep on the floor. Laid on your back, you were in a deep slumber, a pacifier in your mouth, your breathing regular. And Bruce was sitting next to you, your head was in his lap, and he was watching TV as one of his hand was on your head, the other one on your cheek. 
He too, had a pacifier in his mouth, and although he was focused on the TV show he was watching, it seemed like he had absolutely no intention on letting you go.
When Damian entered the room, he found the both of you like that, and decided it would be better if you slept in your bed. So he went to pick you up, gently taking his father’s hands off of you and-
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH !” The pacifier falls from his mouth, as he tightens his grip on you, and glares at a bewildered Damian. 
You’re so deep asleep that you don’t budge, and then Bruce, after glaring some more at Damian, turns back to watch the TV. 
But Damian will have none of it. “Be firm, sometimes.” Jason told him, and he was going to take his big brother advice to heart ! And so he made Bruce let go, and took you into his arms. 
After a pause, as Baby Bruce was too shocked to react, his mouth slowly turned down into a frown and-
The little boy bursted into tears. Big, real tears. Ugly sobs with lots of snots running down his nose. 
And it made Damian panic. 
He hated that. He hated those cries. It reminded him of so many bad memories. He couldn’t handle it, he couldn’t bear it. 
Even less so knowing this was his dad ! 
And so he quickly went to the floor, and took little Bruce in his arms, soothing him expertly as he was still holding you in his other arms. 
His shirt was wet from Bruce holding onto it and burying his face into it. But eventually, the boy’s sobs died down, and-
Bruce was fast asleep, too. And his little face looked so at ease.
There. In Damian’s arms, a hand holding one of your hand. 
It reminded him of his father as an adult, in fact. How sometimes, he would surprise you and him as you fell asleep on the couch in each other’s arms. And how his father’s face would look the most relaxed and pleased, when you were holding him...
Damian tightened his grip on both of you. He was ready to protect you even if it meant he would have to sacrifice himself ! 
And oh- Oh he felt something growing inside him. Something important.  
Eventually, you and Bruce would be back to normal. He knew it, he knew his siblings would figure something out. Yes. You’d become his parents again. 
But he-
He somehow wanted a baby,  in this house. 
You both clearly adored Cass. 
You would walk towards her, and demand for her to pick you up. And then, when she would inevitably do it, you’d both snuggle against her and quickly fall asleep, absolutely content. 
Damian mentioned that he read somewhere that children felt people’s calmness. And so he conjectured that you liked falling asleep on her, because you felt calmed and secure. 
Which was the truth. 
It made Cass’ heart melt. She, for obvious reasons, never held children before. And she definitely never thought that the first kids she would hold would be her own parents...
Physical touch had always soothed Cass. 
Before she met you and Bruce, she was never allowed to be touch, and to touch other. She’d never receive a hug, or a soothing kiss. 
So when you adopted her, she swore she’d take every opportunity to snuggle against you. Against her parents. Oh, and her brothers. None of them could resist a hug from her, not even Jason or Damian. 
If Cass wanted a hug, she would have it. 
So, she felt so fulfilled, when baby you and baby Bruce came to seek hugs from her. As if everything went full circle. 
You and your husband gave her the comfort of parental love. Gave her the safety of your arms, and taught her how important it was to have people you loved close. 
And here she was, soothing little versions of you, making you stop crying just by holding you. 
Yes. It was a full, nice, comforting and warm circle. 
And Cass felt so happy, when you hugged her. Whether you were kids or adults. 
Duke had tons of little cousins. 
Cousins he still saw now, of course. None of his uncles and aunts could take him in, for different reasons (the main one being that none of them lived in Gotham anymore, what happened to Duke’s parents being the last straw...And Duke did not want to leave the city just yet). But he still stayed in contact with them. 
Before they all moved, Duke, who was the oldest of the kids in his family, used to babysit his cousins all the time. So, he had experience with children. 
And it showed. 
With you and Bruce, he was nice, yet strict. He (and Jason) was the only one who didn’t let you do whatever you wanted, and who would plainly ignore any of your tantrums. 
He was the only one able to detach himself from the fact you were his parents, and viewed you as normal children he had to take care of. 
This is probably what saved him. What made him be able to live with that situation. Just like Dick, he really wanted you back to normal. But his defense mechanism was to pretend you weren’t you, but random kids he had in his care. 
It was a lot, for a seventeen years old, but Duke was strong. 
You’d always known he was strong, from the moment he became your ward, to now, as he was officially adopted and called you “mom”. 
For his own sanity, Duke viewed this as a “baby sitter” job, and so, on purpose, didn’t get attached to baby you and baby Bruce too much. He didn't want to, because he didn’t want you to stay like that. 
He wanted his parents back too, he needed you still, he was too young to lose parents a second time ! 
And so Duke shut his feelings away, and took care of you as if you weren’t really you. He gave you lots of care and love, as a child needed, but-
But he pretended you, as his parents, were away for a while. And constantly thought of a plan to get you back to your normal self.
They never sleep alone 
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!” Baby Bruce screamed, as loud as he could, holding onto your hands for dear life. 
“Me not want, me not want !” You say, kicking Dick with your little legs and holding Brucie’s hands too. 
Your kids quickly realized that they COULD NOT separate you for bed time. 
They had bought two children’s bed, but in the end, only one was used. You’d fall asleep all snuggled to each others, pacifier in your mouth. 
“It’s- Kind of like when they’re grown up.” Damian says, and they all nod. 
Yes. Yes it’s true that you two found it really hard to find sleep, when the other one was absent. True insomnia would hit you, in the event that one of you couldn’t be here for the night. 
What transpired in your toddler form, how you’d scream if separated, also existed with the adult versions of you. 
And it comforted your children, in a way.
They knew that their parents were still in there, somewhere. 
“Doggy !” Little Bruce beamed happily, as he ran as fast as he could towards..Well, his dog, actually. 
Ace was taken aback, at first, as he recognized his master’s smell, but couldn’t figure out why he was so...small. 
Bruce ran to him, and literally fell on the dog hugging him tightly. 
“Doggy !” The little boy said, and your children felt their heart melt. 
None of them ever thought they’d ever call their dad “cute”, despite you trying to convince them that he really could be cute (some would say you were biased). 
But here, in that moment, as their dad seemed so damn happy just because of his dog, no other words came to their minds. 
Unruly little buggers !! 
You two, together, could be...
“Tornadoes !! They’re goddamn tornadoes !!” Jason screams, as he was running after you. 
You were wearing only your diaper, managing to escape the grasp of your son by taking sharp turns there and there, and knocking down every single things on your way. 
On the other side of the living room, Tim and Damian were trying to catch Bruce, as he was doing the exact same things. 
Ten seconds. 
They left the both of you alone for less than ten seconds !! 
And when they came back, you and Bruce apparently had decided that it was fun to break extremely valuable objects, including vase, and a large array of ornaments. 
You were giggling like a little devil, as you slowly devastated the living room. 
“Alfred is going to kill us !” Duke says, holding his head in his hands, standing there watching the disaster unfold in front of him. What else could he do, really, when some of Gotham’s mightiest heroes couldn’t even get a hold of you ?? 
Finally, Jason catches you, just as Tim lunges forward and grasp his dad as well. The two of you wiggle like snakes as you try to get away, but you do not cry. 
No, on the contrary, you both laugh way too loudly, probably thinking that “destroying the house” was a great game.
And your kids could swear that your laughs were genuine “evil laughs”. 
Later, on the security camera, they’d know what happened. 
At first, you were both sitting on the floor, playing with toys, waiting patiently. But then, Bruce got on his feet, and walked that wobbly unsure walk all children have at first towards the coffee table. 
Something had caught his attention. It was a small crystal vase, that Alfred had put there years ago, for decoration. It went splendidly with the carpet, and matched the room perfectly. 
And it was shiny, and Bruce wanted it. 
He tried to climb on the coffee table, wiggling his little butt to give himself some momentum and get on it...but he couldn’t do it. That’s when you came into action, and pushed him so he would get on. 
He turned around, and giggled, as if to thank you, and then-
Then he brought you the vase. 
It was quite adorable, really. He wanted it, because it was shiny and looked cool. But then he decided to give it to you, instead. 
He let himself fall on the floor from the coffee table once he gave you the vase, and you both stared at it for a second. Before, for some reason, you took it and threw it hard on the wall ! 
Seriously, sometimes, kids were absolutely impossible to understand. What made you want to suddenly throw that vase like that ? Nobody would ever know. But what was known, is that it seemed like both you and Bruce liked that, because you looked at each others, as if conniving, and pushed yourself off of the floor, standing up. 
And then, as your children entered the room with some food, you proceeded to start destroying everything you could get your hands on, up until they finally managed to get a hold on you.
And your downright EVIL laughter filled the room.  
Your kids were DEFINITELY going to get that security camera footage out one day again, if you ever decided to punish them or scold them about something. 
Back to normal 
Zatanna, as usual, to the rescue. 
When your kids were finally able to reach her. She arrived barely minutes after they exposed the problems to her. She had been in another dimension, and therefor couldn’t be reached for a while. 
From her understanding, it’s been almost a month since you turned into toddlers. And finally, she was there (which was good, because Alfred’s one month vacation a year was coming to an end, and your kids really wanted to pretend nothing ever happened). 
Ah but she was accompanied by an unwanted visitor...
“What are you doing here, Constantine ?” Damian asks, holding you in one arm, and his father in the other. Protectively. 
“What, I learn that the big bad bat got turned into a kid and you think I could miss that ? No bloody way haha. Curiosity got the best of me !” 
“I’m sorry guys, I didn’t mean to tell him but he was there when you called...”
“It’s all good aunt Z, it’s all good. To be fair, I was hoping someone else would see this too, so we can NEVER let them forget they had to wear diapers again haha.” 
“Grayson !” your youngest son exclaimed. It’s been a while, since Damian called Dick “Grayson”, but he was absolutely shocked about this “betrayal” ! 
“Ok, ok. Let’s make sure dad never forget he had to wear diaper again !”
Damian thought about it for a while, and then said : “And you’ll leave mom alone ?”
“Yes, promised.” Dick says, and Constantine nods too (he wasn’t about to mock you anyway, he was too scared of you). 
“Alright, then it’s acceptable.” 
And on that note, Zatanna started a ritual. 
“What the hell happened ??” Are Bruce’s first words. And then, he sees you, and takes you into his arms, holding you with almost too strongly. 
“I thought I had lost you...” He whispers, and you hold him back just as strongly, because you had the same thought. The last thing you remembered, after all, was that laser coming towards the two of you and then-
And then what ? 
After letting you hug each other, your children finally tell you what went on. 
And oh. Oh you were so damn proud of them, they did so good ! 
I want a baby sibling 
A few weeks went by. 
A few weeks, during which both Dick and John Constantine flooded the group chat all the supers had together with baby pictures of the Batman (oddly enough, they didn’t divulge any picture of you...probably because you scared them a little), and embarrassing videos. It was an endless source of jokes, and teasing from everyone. 
But you didn’t worry too much though, you knew your husband would have his revenge (in fact, you were more worried for your son and for Constantine than anything else). 
In any case, that episode would be soon behind you, save for a few mockeries there and there. At least, that’s what you thought. 
One morning, Damian just casually entered your bedroom and stood before your bed, staring at the two of you, as you were slowly leaving the dream world. 
You thought it was an emergency, at first, as none of your children would ever dare to just walk in your bedroom like that (lest they witness something that could scar them for life). But Damian calculated the risks. 
It was much too early, for either of you to be awake. So it was safe. And so he came in, without knocking, and planted his feet resolutely in the floor, his hands on his waist, staring the both of you down. 
“What is it, buddy ?” You ask, half-asleep. Bruce, his hair a mess, sat up, dazed. 
“I came to an important decision. One taken in the light of recent events.”
Confused, neither you nor your husband say anything. Waiting for what your son is going to say next. Slowly, he turns around, and starts to walk left, then right, then left...Pacing in front of your bed, his eyes never leaving you two. 
Finally, he stops, and solemnly says : 
“I want a baby sibling. Sister or brother I do not care, I just want a little one to take care of, and to be a big brother. I think, I am done being the youngest.”
Bruce stares dumbly at his son, his face blank and expressionless, sure now that he must still be dreaming. And you’re not doing any better. You blink fast a few time, and repeat : 
“A baby sibling ?”
Damian doesn’t miss a beat as he says : 
“That’s right. Like I said, a little brother or sister, it does not matter to me, as long as it’s mine. My little brother or sister, I mean. Of course, they’ll be their own person, and we won’t own them per se. We’ll just take care of them.” 
A long silence. 
Finally broken by your son : 
“Well. I’ll leave you to it then. I expect you will take my request seriously. We will talk about it again another day. Thank you for listening to me, and see you at breakfast.” 
And on that note, your son leaves just as casually, as you look at him, astonished. 
You turn to your husband and-
You know what he’s thinking. You and Bruce never talked about having biological children, because the kids you already have were always enough for your happiness. You didn’t need more, you already loved them so much. 
But you both always told yourselves that if it were to happen...
Of course, you would accept it. You would raise that child with joy, too. It would be quite a bonus, to an already happy life. 
And so as your son leaves, and you look at each others you think-
A baby in the house, wouldn’t be so bad. 
Well, here we are ! I hope you liked this ! As per usual, comments/reblogs are more than welcomed, and always a great motivation to post more :). Don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought of this ! It always makes the time spend on a story worth it, when I hear from y’all :) <3. Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading this, too ! See you soon with another story ! 
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blackcupidangel · 3 days
Things Batmom has said:
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“Keep your father out of the kitchen, I’ll be back by morning.”
“We’ll if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions”
“It means you can either drive yourself home or I’ll have Alfred come get you.”
“Look at my handsome boys growing into fine gentlemen.”
“Stay safe, I love you”
“Eyes open, baby birds.”
“Alfred and I made food for the week, it’s in the fridge” *punch* “Your running shoes are on the left side of the closet” *kicks* “Make sure his project is done tonight, it’s due tomorrow.”
“I’m going to let you fix it, because if I fix it I’m going to jail.”
“It’s called,” she raises one fist “fuck around,” then she raises her other fist, “and find out.”
“You don’t even know me, you don’t even know my real name…” she leans in with harden eyes yet calm features, “I’m the fuckin boogie man”
“Do not play with me, I am not the one, two, or the three.”
“Don’t kill him.” //“I’m sorry but who’s the one tied up here?” //“Darling—“// “Because the way I see it, it’ll be in self defense.”
“Just one leg.” “No” “Both legs?” “No!” “You’re right….I’ll go for their kneecap.”
“So…you’ve chosen to disobey me.”
“Alright now…don’t write a check you can’t cash.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say? I couldn’t hear you because of your tone of voice.” She leans in with a hand cupping her ear to encourage a second chance.
“Do I look like booboo the fool?!”
“As mad as I am, I can’t let you shoot him.”// “Just this once?” //“No.” //“I’ll go for the knees. Nothing vital.” //“Hhgh.”
“You really hit the nail on the head with that one Batman.”
“And WHO do you think you’re taking to?”
“Don’t tell your father.”
“Be home by 10, or I start looking windows.”
“I’m so very proud of you!”
“A girl’s gotta be prepared.”
“You know…about the whole guns thing, I’m still not so sure I feel as strongly as you do.”
“Way to go, Bruce.”
“Touch my child, I dare you. Make my day.”
Heyyyyyyy hotties I’m backkkkkkk. Send me asks and requests as I’m easing my way back into things. It might take me a while to find my flow and writing style so bear with me please. I missed you all so much honestly.
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minimoxha · 7 months
The actress (Bruce Wayne x Celebrity reader)
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Summary: You’re in Gotham for interviews, and you end up saying something on tv that interests the billionaire.
warnings: idk yet
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“We’ve all been dying to know, Who’s your celebrity crush?” The talk show host, Jackson Evans asked you while you sat on the couch waving at some of your fans in the live crowd. The question came out of nowhere really, the past questions were about your new and upcoming music and even the TV show you were starring in. A busy woman at her finest.
After thinking for a second, your mind immediately jumped to a man who had been in the media since before he coule remember. He wasn’t that much older than you but old enough to where you and a lot of the other girls in your class when you were younger had a crush on the young man— Bruce Wayne. “Actually Jackson, I did.” The crowd leaned in closer, eager to find out what you might say to the talk show host. “It was when I was younger but I liked Bruce Wayne a lot!” Unbeknownst to you, four boys and one girl watched the TV with wide gaping eyes. Every single one of them knew who you were— who didn’t? You had been in the media since you graduated college and came out with a single that took the world by storm when you were 22. Ever since, it has been you singing and acting on the occasion that has kept you famous as THE S.N. (Stage name or actor name, it could just be your name also it doesn’t matter find your own happiness <3).
“Holy shit,” Jason muttered, it was no reason why he was at the manor in the middle of the day as if Dick and he weren’t both adults but they both sat on the couch with their mouths gaped. Beside them, the three younger siblings who still lived in the house were also surprised at what was said on the TV. Sure it was a crush from probably years ago which she didn’t have anymore but it was still surprising nonetheless. “I can’t believe Bruce actually pulls attractive women.” Jason retorted, everyone laughing along with his joke. Everyone but Bruce who had walked in only enough to hear the Joke, had no context behind it.
“I attract all types of women, Jason.” Bruce retorts, making his way over to the couch. “And why am I the center of this conversation?” Instead of an answer, Dick rewinds the tv to show the most important bit of your interview. After seeing it, his eyebrow raised in wonder. You WERE pretty, and he wasn’t surprised another woman liked him he had pretty women like him all the time. But something was different about you…
After the interview, you sat in your Hotel room with your headphones in and listened to the nearest crime watches. Bring a celebrity with no Current projects for annoying really fast so you had to do something to sustain your hunger for action. That something was being a vigilante, only sometimes and only for fun. And yes, it might’ve been a bit morbid to sage people for fun but you were already rich and successful, you needed something bad to REALLY make you fit into your crowd.
Especially since you came into contact with some new superpowers a few years ago. Usually, you used your powers for your own personal things but a couple of months back, something completely snapped in you to jump to action. Quickly, you made a suit, name, and other things you needed to become a vigilante. This gave you enough time to be on the radars of a few heroes/vigilantes as your name spread throughout your city.
Tonight though, you weren’t in YOUR city. You were in Gotham for this interview, one of the most dangerous places in America and you were excited for the change of scenery. “When will we go- I’m tired of waiting.” Cece spoke in your mind. (Cece is somewhat of an alter ego? She takes over and you develop her powers but you are usually still conscious with her!)
“When something interesting decides to happen. Of course, nothing happens when I’m in Gotham but something else happens every other day of the year here.” You let out an exasperated sigh, spinning in your chair and waiting for something to come up. Your waiting goes from minutes, to an hour until
you’re about to shut your eyes and call it a night when something rings on the speaker. “Calling all units to Blue St! We have someone In all black- a woman in all black sucking things into a black hole!” The cop yelled.
A smile formed on your face as you allowed Rocky to take over and lead the both of you to blue street. However, when you got there she realized that she wasn’t alone.
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brownsugarwrites · 8 months
Bruce Wayne n sundress season😍just looking at you like👀👀👀 and plotting to fuck u up in the best way🤭
ok so yes!!!! you and bruce parent dick, jason and, time :3
You were seen packing the beach bag in the kitchen before you took the boys out for the day and you’re just distracting him.
He didnt think the dress would fit you THAT well. I mean when you saw it in the window at the mall of course he was gonna buy it! You’re his wife like its his duty as a husband to get you things.
Regardless when he came out of one of the boys room to see you fixing lunch he had to restrain himself. He quietly stood from behind the wall before making his presence know watching you make the sandwiches while some music could be heard coming from your phone.
All he wanted to do was bend you over the counter while lifting your dress up and pulling your panties to the side and-
"Bruce honey!!! I need your help" You would call for him clueless that he was standing just a few feet away
Making his way into the kitchen he made his way behind you to place a quick kiss on your neck
Giggling lightly you continued to bag the lunches
“Sweetie can you check on the boys for me?” you would ask turning to look at him with wide and excited eyes
Caressing your cheek he explained that Jason just got out the shower while Grayson was... being Grayson and the only one that was ready was Tim.
"That leaves us with some time to spare" he would hint at before trailing his hands down your plush thighs giving it a teasing squeeze feeling him brush up against you.
"Bruce the boys are just upstairs" you sighed feeling more kisses being placed on your neck
"It will be quick sweetheart just relax" he said in your ear before bunching up your dress before resting his hands on your hips and playing with the thin strings of your underwear
“Nun uh Bruce you say that every time. We promised the boys we’ll take them to the beach love” you said trying to fight away his kisses
“We still can baby. We have the whole day” he explain before moving your body back to his feeling the slight tent in his pants.
He was right. it was only 11:30 but you wanted to get back in time to make dinner
But as the kisses became more intense and his neediness turned into yours and you soon lost your restraint
Reaching into your panties his calloused fingers starting to play with your sensitive clit as he continued to kiss and suck along your neck teasingly.
"Cmon baby you gotta open up for me" he would say teasingly along your neck while hiking your leg up so he could pull your panties to the side.
Giving into his touch you mentally cursed to yourself.
"its gonna be quick" You thought/prayed to yourself
You guys went for two rounds on the counter and didnt leave the house till one pm.
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apocalypse-shuffle · 1 year
RED HOOD | BATFAMILY (assorted canon)
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“Long Overdue” (Jason Todd & Batmom!Reader) and (background Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader)
| Reader was with Bruce in the past but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on a raid when they’re overwhelmed. -Jason and Batmom!Reader reunion.
| SFW, canon typical action/violence, cursing?, crying?
| This is like half fanon half UTRH/Batman:Hush. I’m really just fucking around with canon rn. Also the pictures used are just for aesthetics and have no contextual meaning to the story. (pic source - Batman: Three Jokers comic)
| 2k+ words
| parts: one, spurt, two, three, four, five, six/six point five, seven.
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Ma. God, no one called you that anymore. The way your eyes begin to prickle is a clear indication.
With you Dick wasn’t the type. Once he’d worked himself up to it he’d called you mom; slightly different from the few ways he referred to his bio mother, but something shared between the two of you all the same.
And Tim? Well he wasn’t your child plain and simple. Tim still had his parents for one, and for two he was intrinsically Bruce’s. By the time he’d figured his way into the Batcave you’d been gone, most of your shit moved out of the manor, and desperately waving divorce papers Bruce refused to acknowledge in the air. You didn’t have anything to do with his indoctrination outside of exactly one instance of him finding you to ask if you’d reconsider the separation. Some Batman needed a Robin and Bruce Wayne needed his wife type shit.
Either way Tim didn’t call you any rendition of mom because you weren’t his. The most you got was him addressing you by your maiden name and then eventually your first and you were content with that.
Then if he didn’t call you mom, the girls sure as hell didn’t either. Outside of Barbara the others never even became regular conversation partners. Cass was a rare sighting in your life and Stephanie and you’s relationship would never progress past the casual advocacy you tried giving her because she was another dead Robin to add to what’s now technically a list.
At the end of the day, out of all the people who considered you a mother, only Jason added that ‘a’ and you wanted to grip that name tight and hold it to you. Break your ribs open and force it into your chest cavity. The need to fulfill that ache cuts deep and you take a step forward.
Jason startles though, undoing all his own forward progress, and you falter. That’s right. Jason didn’t like for people to touch him. Definitely didn’t like hugs either. Not surprise ones at least. Before his death you’d gotten close enough he didn’t mind when you swooped in, but now?
“Can I-? Can I hug you?” You press trembling lips together for another horrible swallow. “Please…?”
Jason jerks, two hastily aborted movements at once, before his obstructed voice meets your ears.
You practically fall on him before pulling him into you. Unfortunately he’s just as stiff as his voice and you have to take a second to figure out how to slot against him.
Jason fits in your arms differently than he used to - broader and taller by a mile - but after a few beats he relaxes into them just the same. The subtle addition of weight makes a sob bubble up your throat.
You rap your knuckles on the side of the helmet.
“Take this shit off.”
He hesitates and a sharp pang manages to worm its way into the already shitty cocktail of emotions you’re feeling. It hits your spine like lightning, forces you up and has you an arms length away in half an inhale.
Maybe before now you’d been going through too much all at once for the trepidation to hit, but it was hitting now. You’d never seen Hood without- well without the Hood. Only Jumbie raised from the dead the way Jason did, and while you’d take your son anyway you could get him you wouldn’t accept some Thing parading around in his skin.
Reading your burst of movement for what it is, Jason backtracks, rising arms dropping to his sides. “Maybe I shouldn’t…”
“Jason Peter-” you inhale deeply, catching yourself, and hold a hand up to stop him. You both ignore the obvious way it trembles. “-only… if…if you want to. I’m not trying to force anything.”
He’s slow to nod, weight shifting from his left to his right leg and back again before he says something too low for you to hear. You’re about to ask him to repeat when he speaks up, this time aiming his voice somewhere around your shoulder while bowing his head.
“No, I- Alright. Just hold on.”
Haunches suitably raised and heart in your throat you pay close attention as the helmet comes up, Jason having released some catch in the back.
It goes over, the helmet clatters to the ground, and the man who stares back at you is…hard to place.
The low fluorescent lighting of the narrow room combined with the concrete walls casts soft enough shadows over his face that while his features are warped they’re not discernible. Which means you can’t completely rule out the uncanniness wafting off of him as just your brain (along with your entire perception of the universe) splinting in half.
It makes your face heat up. He looks familiar, but you can’t say you wouldn’t have passed him straight if you’d seen him on the street. He’s too big for one, even for how you’d all imagined he’d look grown up, standing more than a foot taller than the last day you saw him. Taller than malnourishment would’ve ever let him be.
The sob you let out makes you both flinch.
One hand snaps to your mouth, the other waving him off.
“I’m sorry I- I don’t-. This is just-”
Even with the way he’s leaning away from you he shakes his head. “I get it, it's fine.”
His voice is faint, cut up and hoarse like he hasn’t used it in a while, and it’s the prettiest thing you’ve heard in ages.
“Oh,” you laugh. The wet kind that makes your throat sticky. You can only stare at him, blurry form and all, words lost to you.
Eventually, after watching your fervent effort to wipe away tears that are in no way inclined to give you a break, arms crossed Jason takes a half step forward with a shrug.
“We can…try again?”
The next little laugh you let out you practically choke on but you nod all the same.
When Jason’s the first to move your heart starts speeding away like an overexcited middle school drumline. You roll with it though, pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes so they’re dry enough for you to actually see him clearly for a few seconds.
When he’s directly in front of you your hands come up slowly, giving him plenty of opportunity to move away. Or maybe to vanish.
When he does neither, only giving you a guarded look, you allow yourself to touch.
Problem is, the domino mask he’s wearing very quickly gets in your way and on your nerves when you move to frame his face. Quickly feels like if it’s not gone, if you can’t see his eyes, you’ll throw up.
To stop yourself from taking the risk and ripping it off you have to take a deep breath. Have to force down the thick build up of saliva gathering in your mouth so it pushes back the bile climbing up your throat.
“I’d like to see my son, Jason. All of you.”
To emphasize your point you tap the tip of your nail against the mask. There’s no intention on your part to cross his boundary but Jason’s hands snap up to hold onto your wrists all the same.
You look into the white lenses of his domino, fingers buzzing along the corner of the mask closest to them. His mouth twists into a frown.
You beg with the same ferocity a grieving mother once used when begging for her child back.
“You’re asking for a lot.”
He lets go and he takes a couple steps back and you don’t cry.
No, instead you swing your hands behind you. Clasping them together in a poor attempt to stop the buzzing sensation that travels from the tips of your fingers to take over your entire hand.
“Mmm,” you incline your head. “Well. I did help a boy get over first date jitters with a made up song once. Let that same boy talk me through an entire dissertations’ worth of his analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God - as choppy as it was - because TWMS wouldn’t allow him to present it in class. Let him skip going to that same school and cry to me for hours after the death of Gloria Stanson. Remember a knife hidden in the corner on the highest shelf in his closet, and I remember not revealing any of that when I gave his eulogy because he once asked me to keep the important things between the two of us. So you don’t have to show me, but I think I make a pretty good qualifier when it comes to keeping this safe.”
You point straight to where his heart is tucked safely behind layers of gray armor before shrugging.
From the way his brows furrow over the domino you know he’s at least thinking about it so you step away to pick up your disregarded mask and stuff it in your waistband.
One blink. Six.
“You remember Rena?”
In front of him again, you rock back on your heels. “Mhm. And the ‘how to tie a tie’ lessons me and Bruce walked you through even though you didn’t wear a suit to that date. Remember that too.”
Jason’s smile is crooked on his face but it’s nonetheless present as he makes a noise of agreement.
“I’d just wanted to spend time with you two, I was never planning on wearing a suit to go to the skating rink.”
“We figured.”
You’re rolling onto the balls of your feet when that small smile drops and he shakes his head.
“I’m not that same boy anymore.”
You take in the way he could raise his hand and so easily touch the ceiling without having to jump. You clear the phlegm from your throat.
“I can tell.”
Jason grunts and makes a general gesture indicating something somewhere behind you.
“And I got no interest in trying to live up to whatever fucked up embalment Bruce’s got going on with my burnt suit in that case.”
That suit. Bruce’s memorial. His warning. Your breath hitches as you think of the smell of crisped blood and methanol. If Jason didn’t want to talk about it you sure as shit weren’t going to.
“I will one hundred percent take that into account.” You keep it simple, rocking on your heels again. He wasn’t asking for anything unreasonable so there wasn’t really any debate to be had. “You wanna be treated as you are? I can do that.”
Moments pass once you’ve said your peace where Jason does nothing but stare at you. The only indication he’s at all alive being his shoulders still moving - and you are watching. Eyeing that tell tale up and down like your own life will end at its falter. The pattern is slow enough to come off as pacivity but the time between each rise and fall is too measured to be uncontrolled. Exactly three point eleven seconds one way and three point eleven seconds the other. Every time.
Then he sighs, curses, and the little veil of dissolvent for the adhesive that adheres the mask to his face is in his hand. A different vial and color than when he was Robin; you don’t know why you thought it’d be the same. Or why it makes your heart clench that it’s not.
Between one thrum of the fluorescent lights and the next Jason is peeling away the domino, and you would be lying if you claimed to know where it disappeared to after that. Too caught up on what he’d been hiding to track it.
Blue. Nothing more and nothing less. Just blessedly familiar, vibrant blue. Not the dull gray they’d become by the time you were given the chance to put a gruesome sight of a child six feet under.
The “Oh wow,” tumbles from you without permission and then there’s zero hope for the waterworks you’d been holding back. The levee fails and you’re bawling before you know it. Barely holding back snot and who knows what else since you already feel like screaming.
At that point there’s no carefully thought out sentence for you to spew, no more hesitancy, no more measured breathing, and linear thought. Just the crushing need to have him close to you again.
You’re rushing forward before you know.
Wrapping your arms around Jason the next go around is both the best and the worst thing. You accommodate his new size faster, already writing over the ways he used to fit against you with the ways he does so now, but he’s still so stiff and he’s not reciprocating the hug either.
Maybe you should let go. You crossed the boundary too fast. Were too reckless. You literally have training on this and now you’re crowding him.
Okay, you’re pulling away. It’s a herculean effort but you’re forcing your arms from around his middle. You’ve got to, you don’t want to scare him off. Not when you just got him back.
There’s a soft “Not yet,” mumbled into your shoulder and then arms finally come around yours and you don’t hesitate to snap your own back into place.
He’s hugging you back.
You cry a little harder and bring one of your arms up to drape across his shoulders, pulling him closer. When you start rocking and Jason copies your momentum you press a kiss onto his temple.
“Hi,” you stutter out. Another sob. “Hi baby.”
Since he’s finally letting his arms wrap around you you don’t hesitate to run dark fingers through the truly unruly mass of black curls on his head. His hairs’ damp - most likely from sweat - but cool. Probably being tempered by the cold air blowing into the room.
It’s when you press a kiss to his forehead that you feel something else wet and your breath stutters.
“It’s okay. I got you, everything’s okay,” you whisper.
“God Ma-” his voice cracks and then you can hear the sobs he’s trying to muffle into your suit. “No it’s not.”
“I know,” you sob. “I’m sorry- so so fucking sorry.”
You sniffle and pull away to see him better. Jason’s face is flushed, his eyes wet, and cheeks streaked with tears shed. You hold your hands up to frame his face for a second time and run your thumbs through the tear tracks. His chest heaves as his body tries to regulate his breathing.
Jason clears his throat, gaze boring into yours. “Hi,” he says.
You smile, finally beginning to map out his face. First you move to frame his cheeks, too feel the warmth in them. To see if they still feel familiar. They don’t; you force yourself to accept that fact without letting it show in your expression, letting out a measured exhale before continuing. You find his jaw is more defined now too, cheeks devoid of the baby fat of five years prior.
From then on brushing your thumbs along his brows, over the bridge of his nose, traveling over his ears and skirting around his hairline - it all fills your mind with incoherent cheers.
Your thumbs hover over Jason’s eyes and you hum when he closes them for you.
The skin underneath your shaved off pads is soft. The thin layer of protection allows you to feel how his eyeballs shift, to see the way his veins show stark under light skin, to clock the life thrumming through him.
It makes your heart feel so goddamn light. You can’t stop smiling at the sight of him. Eyes still wet but clear.
“I feel like such a horrible mother,” you hiccup, hands slide down so you can once again cup his face. “I barely recognize you.”
Jason’s breathing shakes nearly in tandem with yours and his eyes squeeze tighter shut, head turning away.
“Don’t.” He takes a second to look up. Look right through you. Lashes wet and glassy eyes open, voice grating over his next words. “Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. I don’t blame any of you for that, but especially not you.”
What you want to do is argue. You should’ve never let him put on that suit in the first place, one fucked up son should’ve been the end of it. You should’ve dropped the case you were working the second you’d heard he’d run away and you should’ve found him. Instead you keep your thoughts personal, pinning them to your brain as if it’s a cushion so that you’ll never forget, and pull your son closer. An action which he allows, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I’m glad you’re back,” you whisper into his hair. The way he instantly shakes his head makes the cool strands tickle your jawline.
“You can’t mean that.”
“If I didn’t mean it I wouldn’t have said it, Jay.”
Jason tenses before responding, words spewing without warning.
“Yeah except I’ve killed people, and I don’t regret it, and Bruce hates that - and you probably do too - but his way isn’t good enough. The people in this city deserve better so I’m doing what’s necessary-”
And that has you bristling. He must notice too because he stops short and edges away, face steeping. Caught somewhere between wanting to leave and wanting to fully kick start an argument.
NOTES: Hope you enjoyed! I had to split this bitch in two cause it was 5,000+ words and I’m not in the business of under-indulging myself.
Listen, I’ve looked into it. Every mother/mother figure Jason’s ever had he’s referred to as “Mom”, but me personally, I didn’t grow up addressing my own mother that way so I wanted to play around with “Ma” (differentiate a little). What's funny though, is that I’ve read Dick referring to his mother as both “Ma” and “Mom” so that’s fun.
• TWMS = Thomas Wayne Middle School
btw: if you’d like to leave a comment I’d very much appreciate it. this is a sideblog tho so I won’t respond.
Tagged: @aarinisreading, @niphredil-14, @mxtokko, @calsjack, @brunnetteiwik
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lokalblackie · 5 months
am i the only one thinking about an Umbrella Academy x Bat-family cross over? no cause i think it could work, like imagine, either each family member from the Bat-fam filling out a role from the Hargreeves family OR the Bat-fam get thrown into the-end-of-the-world-apocalypse type shit just like the Umbrella academy...
theres one sure fire thing abt this whole crossover universe, Jason would be the Diego of the universe. Deigo would be our Jason.
like, it just makes sense bruhh
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ii-larb-you · 1 year
I had the weirdest dream last night that I was married to Bruce Wayne and I was batmom basically. Anyways so we’re all out on patrol and we run into these wizards and they put a spell on Bruce and I that kinda turned us into our younger selves. Not like babies or anything but us before we adopted Dick 🤯😐 it was fucking crazy bro we didn’t know the kids and Bruce turned into like the battinson version and it was actually low key kinda sad cause the kids were like 😦😦 “they have no idea who we are” yeah… it was weird
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princess-an · 2 years
Bruce: I'm saving Gotham* looking out for his big ass window at the crummy city while in Wayne Enterprises*
You: okay but housing is also a problem *looking at Bruce like he crazy*
Bruce: *Thinking about his rouge gallery* I am Justice
You: you know just cause you took in a handful of orphans the rest in Gotham are 50% homeless and 50% in a shitty situation.*pinching the bridge of her nose unable to fathom how this rich white boy's mind works*
Bruce: Justice
You: yea ok white boy*shaking her head at her husband, he thought he ate*
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klwrites · 7 months
Huge superhero fan for 7 years, haven’t written fanfic in awhile but I miss it 😚 so please send requests!
Currently writing for…
Dick Grayson
Damian Wayne
Jason Todd
Bryce Wayne
Diana Prince
Harley Quinn
Poison Ivy
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
I write mostly one shots! Working on some stories now though, so stay tuned…
Feel free to ask for anything/ anyone I didn’t list!
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c-nstantine · 17 days
Does Bruce get jealous and feral for y/n 👀
Jealous!Bruce who despises when people breathe too close to Y/N because she's so nice and welcoming so people feel like they can just come up to her and chat in public. He's borderline rolling his eyes at every guy who talks to her.
Jealous!Bruce who hates how the all of the old men at galas stare at his wife. He's not afraid to admit he's brought a few companies to keep them from returning to galas.
Jealous!Bruce who stands behind her with one hand on her waist just so she knows that he's there. It's a bit subtle but possessive, nonetheless.
Jealous!Bruce who's his wife scary dog privileges. The amount of times men will flirt with her and she's like ;have you met my husband' and Bruce just appears and starts glaring real fucking hard.
Feral!Bruce who spends hours eating his wife out while he's frustrated with something related to either a case or Wayne Tech.
Feral!Bruce who if he had it his way, he'd fuck his wife right before all of the galas just so a little bit of him is still inside of her as she makes her rounds for the night.
Feral!Bruce who has dragged Y/N to the back of a limo because he couldn't wait until they got home. Thank fuck for partitions.
Feral!Bruce who has some secret recordings of Y/N. Not that he'd ever leak them or anything but he just likes having them. He does eventually confess to her that they exist.
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introvertllux · 1 year
Meet the Wayne’s Chapter 2: Happy Wife, Happy Life
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*Scroll all the way to the bottom for a sneak peak at chapter 3!*
I DON’T claim the rights to batman only the black!OC. Also this is pure fiction and NOT my thoughts on marriage at all.
Scarlett P.O.V.
Happy wife. Happy life.
"They," say it's the key to a good marriage- a successful one.
It makes you think about who they are and why "they" are generalizing something so complex and tricky. You see, marriage- marriage is like a puzzle. When you dive in head first, dumping out all those tiny little intricate pieces, you're interested and enthroned by your brain's incoming dopamine (the very feelings of happiness). During this moment, you know you're not really thinking. 
Your brain is just swarmed with happiness; you're having fun- overshadowing your impulse to "go for it" you're not thinking logically or analytically- because you're so overcome by (happiness) that momentary feeling. It's fun for a while; it even satisfies that feeling of dissatisfaction that lingered moments prior. But... it's only when you take a closer look you see some pieces that look so similar, yet... they are not fitting. You think they look like they belong- so why don't they. You try not to get frustrated; you try not to let this one small bump in your track steal all the happiness you just had. So what do you do?
You try to brush those emotions toward the deepest part of your head- far, far, far away. Your persistence to try and match those infuriating pieces together is perceived as a challenge to the puzzle, giving you pushback. At this point, it becomes a game. A game of dominance- whose right, who is wrong? Who's the winner, and who's the loser. You don't want to be the loser who wants to be a loser. But, at this point, you and the puzzle mirror each other. While you were covering your frustrations with lies of so-called happiness, the puzzle was exposing you- letting you know you're not slick.
But guilt came knowing hard at my door of newfound happiness. I knew that I had changed and grown into the dignified and virtuous wife of the "Prince of Gotham." But, underneath, I was a small, scared, and untrustworthy little girl. If I let guilt in, I would be back to square one, abandoned and thrown away like nothing. So instead- I ignored the responsibility I had self-proclaimed that nobody was home to answer guilty at the door. I continued to hide behind my covering and be used for what I could be (potential, they called it).
But, there are just the two cents of another so-called person with an opinion... another "they." I spot one difference, though, and it's that I feel this way. I live this way. I live a life full of lies and deceit. I can attribute that to myself, but be damn sure my husband too. Let's say 50/50. Who's the liar, and who's the deceitful one? I'll let you all decide. Though I never intentionally lied to my husband about my life, there was an abundance of things I never explained in detail. Like what happened to my parents? I said they passed away (lie?).
My memories are very blurry from infancy to childhood. I know that one day I was found in any ally by a representative from the orphanage (truth). I never explained how I ran away or who I ran away with. My husband took this as me being reserved- which, don't get me wrong, I'm very reserved, but my cover-ups were anything but reservations. They were out of fear. When I first met my husband, my life changed from that moment forward. I began to find myself (or a mirage of myself).
During my childhood and mid-teens, it was for my abilities. You see, the so-called representative from the Gotham Orphanage was no representative. He wasn't even human- at least not entirely. I sense something from him and vice versa. He said that he had been watching me for a while. I was stunned; I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think; I was so overcome with emotion. I reeked of sadness- depression, and shock. Who wouldn't if they set fire to half of an orphanage, killing 25 children and critically injuring 10 staff? I was a murderer at 12 years old. Why? How? How could I? I couldn't answer these questions, but the mysterious figure could.
He responded to each of these wonderings in order, stating, "Unfortunate substances happen all the time. You have a pure gift. Come with me, and I can show you; I can help you learn more about this precious gift." I had nowhere to go, nowhere to run. So I went with the stranger I later knew as Ra's al Ghul. Later known as one of my husband's mortal enemies and our son's biological grandfather. It's funny how life works. One lie creates more lies, and eventually, they bite you.
I spent 7 years with Ra's al Ghul, training under him, developing my powers- even becoming his right hand, continuing to build on lies. 7 years wasted on what I felt was some sort of father-daughter development and what he saw as a tool in his belt. Hurting and taking the lives of those who did and did not deserve punishment, under the personal guise that if I train this so-called gift, I would ultimately be protecting the greater good. Oh, how sacrificial of me. The lies and the continue using of me. I was really a monster. This so-called gift changed me both inside and out. You see, as I began using my powers, my appearance changed... dramatically. 
My brown hair began transitioning- my fading from brown to light pink. My eyes... when I first looked into the mirror I nearly combusted is as glowing pink eyes stared back at me. In terms of both internal and external changes I thought that was as far as my abilities  would take me. 
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At least that what I thought until Ra’s Al Ghul pushed me harder. More intense and longer trainings. Back then it didn't hit me that he knew what I was- the true capable I had. I was naive and thought I could trust him because he said I was special (nothing I had ever heard). But, you should’ve see the face he has on when I peaked with with my abilities. He looked like he had hit the lottery. He called this stage a “surge”. Boy, believe me I was like a surge- a power surge used a battery to drain and to power (at least that was the plan). When I reach a surge in my abilities. 
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I hated the surge level. When I hit that level I wasn’t me. Or who I can to believe I was. I felt Moralless, soulless, like an empty shell of myself. My thoughts and actions did not feel like my own. I definitely did not look like myself or even the self I had become as I used my powers more frequently. 
My hair and eyes turn a dark magenta- they glowed like the night I ran away from the orphanage. I felt like a creature. I felt evil the more I used these "gifts ." Till this day this level has damaged me physically as well, as today I get these intense migraines, sometimes with visions of people I know and don't know. Bits and pieces of events that I can’t seem to piece together. My body also glows with these symbols they look like tattoos when I get intense migraines. They normally only show up then, or even in rare cases that I utilize my ablates for very small actions- but I always end up with a new symbol littered across my body when I do.
The feelings and usage continued for years after I left Ra's al Ghul.
I met my former friend- she was a user, a manipulator, but despite it all... like a sister. Although our sisterhood lasted a year, it what a whirlwind. She has expensive taste and a high interest in jewelry, particularly that of high value and rarity. A high-profile burglar, she is skilled in espionage. She amazed me with the things she could do, with no "special" abilities necessary. To have that speed, agility, reflexes, balance, and flexibility so naturally- is what I was enamored by. Of course, she saw that. 
She once told me, "Were sisters, through thick and thin. Together forever. Sister, do anything to help each other out." 
Unfortunately, nothing was stilling these most priceless items one can only dream of. Did I enjoy it? No, but the happiness I was on my "sister's" face let me know some good had to come from it. 
Right, because happiness is such a long-term feeling. Well, I learned shortly after this year-long venture I was no longer happy- no, I was never pleased. 
Out of fear, I left without a word- a trace, mirroring the same abandonment that has been done to me repeatedly.
Well... that's until I meet Bruce. After I had disappeared for about 6 years, I met the love of my life. The "Prince of Gotham" to them. But, the father of my children, B, Brucey- my husband. He spoiled me really when we first met. He was interested in my mind and what I had to say. He found my thoughts compelling, deep, intuitive, and reflective. Some were interested in something other than my abilities for the first time. They were interested in a part of me that was there long before any powers came forth. 
Our physical attractiveness toward one another was an added bonus that acted as the icing on top, helping us to resonate on some level. Emphasis on some because I soon began to notice that Bruce and I started off as matching puzzle pieces and became those mirroring ones. 
Depending on who you ask, this rough patch started at different times. The beginning of the end was when we decided to have children and as many as we have- Bruce's attention-seeking started to arise a bit. My priorities shifted. He did too. He became less about the family and more about himself, just as he was when we first met. I thought he's come out of it. He has his moments.
Meanwhile, I tried to hold it together by being the perfect mother and wife. Bruce will tell you it was the day Jason died. He and Jason have such a complex relationship. All those unsaid and unresolved complications came back on the family. It was somehow worse when Jason miraculously came back to life. They're better now. A little of an exaggeration. For someone who prefers logic over emotion- often portrayed as an emotionless robot- he's shown he has a deep emotional core but rarely ever shows it, and that precisely causes us to bump heads. I'm passionate, and he's logical. I feel, and he thinks, and the pieces never seem to fit.
Take tonight, for example. After dinner with the family, I headed to my bedroom to change. The kids all headed to bed, and I was still bashful over the boy's interest and me and how Bruce met. It took me back. So I decided to put on some lingerie. One that Bruce got me a couple years ago for my birthday. He said it was one of his favorites. He liked how it elongated my short legs. I figured this would spark something- interestingly enough though we've been in a rough patch, sex was never and is never an issue; in fact, Bruce was always an intense and passionate lover.
However, he always knew I was a person that valued actions in and out of the bedroom. It was "I love yous" in those passionate moments that felt like the old Bruce. As I waited for Bruce in our bedroom, I began to feel frustrated. I didn't need to question where my husband was. I knew. 
The good old Batcave, as my boys would call it. Evernight, he would spend in there and every day if he could if it weren't for the appearances he had to keep up with. Did I want to fight? 
Did I want to be like a puzzle and actually problem-solve? Yes and no. I wanted to try and talk sense into my husband, who would see it as pushback. But I pushed that all aside, grabbed my custom-made silk embroiled with my initial black robe, and marched straight down to the Batcave.
As I entered the intimate environment, I clenched my fist tight around the chest of my robe, growing more feelings of frustration and also disappointment. 
"I thought you weren't patrolling tonight," I stated.
"Something came up. Gordon asked me to stop by." He said, not bothering to turn and face me, still scrolling on his computer system. 
"Bruce...you promised," I said, letting out a shaky breath as I exhaled my frustration slowly. 
"I also made a promise to this city. I vowed to help and protect them." He said with his back still turned, but his body now standing straighter. 
"To the city, but what about your family? Your kids? Your wife?" I said, almost pleading. 
"This is where our family lives, Scarlett. What good is it to raise a family without a home to come to, a home from them to grow up in."
 He said as he stood up straight, eyes fixed on the alternating camera footage.
"Yeah? But what good is a man without his family Bruce? ”You went from vengeance to Mr. Righteous.”For a City that doesn't even love you. Not as Bruce and sure as hell not as Batman. What do you owe them, Bruce!? What is it?" I yelled and pushed, finally exploding.
Bruce swiftly turned around and stepped forward.
"You think I want to spend every night going out there?”
“You think I enjoy it?!" He yelled back.
I snorted, "Could have fooled me. Because all I see is a sad and traumatized man... thinking he's doing the Lord's work when in reality, all he's doing is masking the guilt he feels from his family.”
“A boy inside of the shell of man, paying for his father's sins. The riddler may have been off his rocker, but he spoke factually about that." I said.
"Don't speak his name. Ever." He sneered. 
"Or what?" I pushed, and I stepped forward. 
"Are you going to leave me, Bruce? Leave your sons; hell, leaving Alfred.”
“At this point, all we need is for you to leave us for good because you are so emotionally checked out. If you don't want us, then just go." I said, finally putting my head down, chin to chest, as my hand loosened around my robe. 
I felt defeated. 
I gave it my all.
Within moments, I was pulled into Bruce's arms. I began to sob instantly. 
"Scarlett, I know I haven't been the best father and husband. I want to protect you, the boys, and Alfred the best way I know. “
“I want a world of peace but, most importantly, a city of peace. Gotham has a little left, and if nobody wants to shed light on it, I will.” 
“I want a place where my boys can grow and lead normal lives. Where you and I can grow old together. Alfred can retire.”
“I can't do that knowing what lurks in the shadows. I know you can't see it now, but I protect you.”
“That's why I came to my senses and agreed you all stop patrolling. It's too dangerous, and I can lose anyone again." He said as he tried to comfort me.
There was still so much I wanted to say. I tried to argue and tell him he was wrong. That what he was saying didn't make sense. 
But there was something in him- or something out there that he needed- that he wanted. 
But what?
WHEW! I’m sorry for the delay. IDK what to write. I was stuck. I also am going through the motions of life. But, thank you for sticking around please find the preview for the next chapter as well as the taglist below.
Meet the Waynes Chapter 3: Motherhood
Despite living a life without a mother as well as doing things a mother should never do, I've always felt this magnetic pull to be a mother. I’ve always felt naturally maternal, like I was made to be this loving mother. However, I never thought to much about it. Ra Al Ghul never gave me the chance. I was often secluded from everyone. I never got to go outside of the premises. I never met anyone new or really had long conversations. I always felt as though if I brought up the idea or even the feelings I has experienced, the teenaged urges I had I would be dismissed- punished even. There weren’t many females to talk to, well expect Talia- she was Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter. She was similar to me in away. Untouchable, priceless. But here’s where we differed she was still a person, I was a tool. She hated me. She never spoke to me only gave me cold hard stares. I figured it was because she felt like I stole her father. In reality it was quite the opposite. He took me. I never knew what it was like to see him in that fatherly way she saw. I was too busy being trained and daydreaming about what normal teenagers do outside of this place. I often daydreamed about leaving and finding a boy to like.. What would hand-holding be like? Kissing? My first kiss? What about getting married like in all the fairy tale princess books they would read to us at night. Would I have kids? Who would the look like more?
I didn’t know. But I felt pulled to want that life. But, here I am 10+ years a mother. A mother of 5 boys. Strong, funny, and brilliant in different ways. Thinking of my boys let’s me put aside the intense exchange I just had with Bruce. I think of them knowing that they’re my first priority. I will always go above and beyond for them. That’s why I fight my husband on this whole cape crusader stuff. I know Bruce means well, but lately his fixation on patrolling has been straining on us as a couple, but more on the boys. They see us, but they also reflect on their individual relationships with their father. There are times when Bruce has been too hard on them, and there have been times where he's failed them too. But when his head is on straight he’s the best role model. He’s empowering, loving, and encourages them to be the best versions of themselves. He’s not the perfect father, but he's learning.
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ellana-ravenwood · 2 years
You idiot ! - Batfam x fem!reader
Synopsis : It is rare, for you to be genuinely mad at your family. Extremely rare. But when they put their life in danger to save yours, you cannot help but give them a good ol’ scolding. 
Bonus story. I’m planning on writing and posting another one before I go on my honeymoon next Saturday, this is just something short I suddenly wanted to write. A few snippets of “that time your husband/kids put themselves in great danger to save you”, and I hope you’ll like it : 
Please, do not repost my stories anywhere else, under any other form. Do not translate and then repost them either. Thank you.
My masterlists : @ella-ravenwood-archives​
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“YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT !!” is not what Bruce expected to hear from you, after he just saved your life. 
And yet here you were, punching at his chest, tears in your eyes, mad as hell. 
“How dare ?! How dare you throw your life away like that ? Did you stop a minute to think about how I’d feel ? Do you think I want to watch you die for me ?? You idiot, you damn freaking IDIOT !!” 
Each words were punctuated by a punch to his chest, expressing your frustration to its fullest. 
You couldn’t help it. Your emotions entirely took control. There was no “trying to calm down”, because-because-if you had lost him...
How dare. How dare he ?! 
“You don’t just jump in front of me like that, you idiot ! What if the bullet had touched you more badly ?? What if you had died ? There ? Right in front of me ?”
Bruce didn’t know what to say. He reacted before he could think. He saw you in danger, about to be shot by that thug, and jumped in front of you, shielding you with his body. 
Fortunately, the thug missed, and only grazed Bruce’s shoulder. It didn’t take him long to take care of the criminal, and coming to check on you. 
You were silent, at first. Clearly shocked. And he understood, you almost died. You were in grave danger. It would’ve shaken anyone. 
Except...Except that wasn’t the reason you were mad at him. Oh no. The reason you were mad, was exactly because he saved you. Or rather, the way he saved you. 
How selfish, to sacrifice his life to save yours. Because if he was gone...if he was gone...
You didn’t want to live in a World without him in it. Not anymore. And yes, you understood why he jumped in to save you, regardless of his safety. But it didn’t make you any less mad at him. 
“What were you thinking, shielding me like that ?? What if I had felt you die in my arm ? What if I- What if I-that would’ve been horrible...”
To be honest, Bruce didn’t think of the aftermath of it all. He gladly jumped in front of you so you could survive, and didn’t think further than that. 
But now that he had time to think, he realized : yes. How horrible it would be, to be the reason the love of your life died. 
Bruce couldn’t even imagine it. He already felt so guilty about his parents’ death, even if he now knew he wasn’t to blame. So if he was the reason you would die ? 
His arms closed themselves around your frame, holding you close to his chest, where his heart was beating (so you would know he was still here, with you). You resisted a bit, at first, still telling him how much of an “idiot” he was, but then you yielded and fell into his embrace. 
Bruce hadn’t realized, in the moment, that his action of saving you could’ve devastated you. 
“How could I ever heal, knowing I’m the cause of your death ?” You whispered, exhausted now. Crying was tiring. 
He held you, close, and didn’t let go up until you finally calmed down. 
To him, your anger was justified. Because if the situation was reversed, he would’ve never forgiven you for leaving him all alone.
He knew for a fact, that he couldn’t stand back up after losing you. He would continue on living, yes, but as a shell of a human being. Carrying out his “justice” mission, soulless, mechanical, shut away from all feelings. 
Without you, he would never be whole again. He knew that. And yet, he almost did that to you. Because he couldn’t bear to live without you, he almost died himself to save you ? 
He understood your anger. He did. Because he knew the depth of his own love for you, he knew how precious your life was for him. He knew you were the love of his life. That’s why he was holding onto you so dearly now, why he apologized, as you weeped in his arms. Crying from relief, and from the very idea that he could be ripped away from you, just like that. Right in front of you. 
Yes. Bruce knew why you reacted that way. Knew how you felt, and knew his own feelings were even grander. And that’s why-
That’s why he couldn’t promise that he would never do it again. 
Dick was stunned. This was the first time you ever yelled at him. Not even when he had his fit of anger, when he was almost mean to you because of his pain, or when he did some bad things, did you ever get mad at him. 
He wasn’t used to it. He always took the fact that you were nice, gentle, and that you’d bear any of his bad mood, that he was truly and utterly stunned. 
“How could you be so reckless ? Richard, how could you do this ?!” 
You called him “Richard”. You never called him “Richard” before. It was yet another proof, that you were truly mad at him. 
Dick Grayson, recently adopted into the Wayne family. Officialy yours and Bruce’s son. 9 years old. Not supposed to be on patrol yet. Still jumped head first into danger when he saw your life was at risk. 
It was one of those boring galas he hated. Everything went by so quickly. Armed men entered, and you immediately were a prime target. 
Things got out of hand too fast, and you were about to be shot when-
Dick swung from a low hanging chandelier, and kicked the man with the gun, almost getting shot himself in the process. After that, Bruce came to the rescue, later saying something like : “I took jujitsu in high school” to explain how fast he got rid of the bandits (interesting, how gothamites would just drink his every words without ever suspecting him to be Batman...What, elegant, delicate, warm, extroverted and handsome Bruce Wayne ? Being the Batman ? Inconceivable !). 
Everyone praised your little one for his braveness. Everyone...but you. 
Thankfully, people quickly shifted away, attracted to your husband like bees to a fresh flower. He did it on purpose, of course. Got their attention on him, like he was so skilled to do, so you could have your moment with your son. 
He knew it was coming. 
When he saw little Dickie jump in there, his heart stopped. He was near you fast, but not fast enough to stop his son. Bruce saw his life flash before his eyes, fearing he would see his little kid get badly hurt, or worst. 
But the boy was not to be underestimated, and he did indeed take his training seriously. Still. He was really afraid. Now, he managed to release his fear by beating those guys who dared threaten his family. But you ? Oh boy, you- 
“What were you thinking Dick ? Mmm ? You could’ve been seriously hurt ! Don’t ever do that again !” 
You were holding him by the shoulders, to make sure he was looking at you in the eye. And you were mad, oh so mad. He wasn’t used to it. 
“But I- I don’t want to- I can’t-I...I can’t lose another family.”
He managed to say, before...
Before bursting into tears. 
And that stopped your rant right away.  
You froze, his tears making you feel distressed. What were you doing ? Yelling at your son like that ? 
It was wrong. Of course, your feelings poured out all at once after you got so scared for your baby’s life, but it was still wrong. 
Dick was only 9 years old. He saw you were in danger, and he jumped in. 
He already witnessed once his family dying in front of his eyes, without him being able to do anything...Of course, he wouldn’t let it happen twice. 
He was crying heavy tears now, trying to tell you, to explain to you he couldn’t bear to lose another family. He couldn’t. 
He uttered a few words, there and there, talking about how he didn’t want to, couldn’t, lose you, and it broke your heart. 
How dare you, scream at such a small boy ?
You quickly took him into your arms, and he held onto you for dear life, burying his face into your shoulder. You picked him up, as Bruce shifted the crowd away from you two. You saw the worry in his eyes as he saw you walking away with Dick in your arms. Was the boy hurt ? 
Only you, could’ve discern his worry. With your own eyes, you reassured him. Your son was fine. But he needed his parents. 
He needed to know neither you, nor Bruce, were going anywhere. 
You rushed outside, before anyone could notice your crying son, protecting him in your arms (oh, the memories of how tiny Dicky used to be, he had a sudden growth spurt only around 16 !). Bruce quickly followed, and Alfred, as usual, was ready to leave before Bruce even shut his door. 
You went home, and didn’t leave Dick’s side up until he finally fell asleep. And even then, you stayed near him, holding his hand, so he could feel you were still here. Not letting go. Never letting him go. 
So he would know. So he would know that he didn’t have to put his life in danger so he wouldn’t lose you. So he would know, that no matter what, you would always be there. 
“Don’t make me live through that ever again, Jason. Don’t you dare ! What do you think I’ll feel, knowing I am the cause of your death ? Knowing that if I hadn’t been there, you would’ve survived ?? How can I ever heal from not only losing you, but knowing it’s because of me ??”
Jason didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know how to react. 
“Mom, it wasn't because of-”
“Don’t do that ever again !” 
He couldn’t find the right words. He just couldn’t. 
When he died, after the Joker killed him, he came back to life feeling so angry. Angry that nobody seemed to care enough to kill that fucking clown ! Angry that his parents didn’t do it for him !! 
Angry. So angry. 
And now, after he started to forgive you and Bruce, he realized...
He realized that, of course, you cared. 
You cared so much in fact, that both you and his father felt guilty. Felt like you had killed your son. 
And that’s why right now, as he jumped in front of you to save you from imminent danger, you were such a mess. 
Tears ran down your face, and you were angry. So angry. 
Angry because, how dare he throw his life away ? After all he went through ? 
“You deserve peace, and happiness. You deserve to have a long life, full of joy. So don’t- Don’t do that ever again !”
Jason felt his throat clench. The love in your words, how much you cared for him, your wish for him to simply be happy...It was gut wrenching. 
He wasn’t angry anymore. He came to understand his father’s vision, and to know why you didn’t kill the Joker either. He came to see things your way. He came to realize that-
That both you and Bruce loved him so much, that it almost shattered your lives, when he died. 
That you almost crumbled, unable to ever stand back on your feet again. 
That the pain was so grand, you barely made it. 
You both loved him. 
You loved him so much, it hurt sometimes. And through your words, Jason felt that. That love he thought you didn’t have for him. 
It was there. It had always been there. 
He wasn’t angry anymore. Because know, he knew. He knew. 
“What is the point of living, if my baby dies before me ?” You asked, your voice cracking on the last words. 
Jason felt his heart breaking for you, and made a promise to himself. Never. Never again will he be the reason you felt that way. Never again will he make you cry. Never. 
He sat next to you, and gave you a hug. You returned it, of course. And he allowed you to cry (out of relief, mainly), staying with you until you calmed down. 
He would feel broken, if you ever died. He knew he would. 
And the thought that you would feel the same way, was both sad, yet comforting. 
He was loved. He was so loved. 
Tim had the “savior’s complex”, for sure. 
The first time he was unable to solve a case fast enough, and an innocent person ended up dying, he blamed himself for weeks. Months. Hell, you were pretty sure he remember that first case, and often used it as a driving force to do better. 
Tim always pushed himself to his limits, just so he could save people. Ever since he was a child, he had been like that. That’s why he sought Bruce in the first place, he so dearly wanted to help ! 
Yes. Tim had always been the one who needed to save others. 
And so, when he saw you, his mom, in danger, he didn’t think twice. 
He jumped into action, and save you, to the detriment of his own safety. That’s what he was supposed to do, right ? Especially when it was his mom ! 
His bruises and cuts didn’t bother him, all he cared about was that you were ok. Safe and sound. And when you said : “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING ?!”, as you started to get mad at him, he only said : 
“I saved you. That’s what I do. That’s what-”
You cut him off, saying : 
"YOU ARE A CHILD, TIM !! There is no reason in this world that justifies your sacrifice to save me !!” 
A short one. 
He’s never seen you so angry. 
Tim looks at you, and slowly, he face falls. His lips turns down. Tears are gathering in his eyes. 
For once, he cannot control his emotions. He cannot do that thing he always does during tough moments, when he detaches himself from his feelings (like father, like son ?). 
He cannot. 
“I’m sorry mom. I just-I didn’t-”
He doesn’t have to finish his sentence. You know. 
You know. 
Because you felt the same. One person is missing, and the whole world is empty. 
He didn’t want to lose you, is what he wanted to say. But he couldn’t, overwhelmed by his feelings. Those feelings he so carefully tried to keep in control at all times. All pouring out at once. 
He had been so scared, so scared ! What if he couldn’t make it in time ? What if you died right in front of his eyes ? 
For once, he acted without thinking. He jumped in there, with only one plan : saving you. And that’s what he did, and not even getting too hurt in the process. Phew. 
But you were mad. You were mad at him, because you were scared to. 
What if you had seen him die right in front of you ? Your own son ? Your baby ?
And Tim let it all go. All his emotions. 
You were next to him in an instant, taking him into your arms, drawing soothing circles on his back. 
Tim felt so vulnerable, and for once, he didn’t mind. On the contrary. Because he felt so relieved. 
You were ok. You were ok. 
That’s all that mattered, or so he thought...It only mattered because him too, was ok. One day, he would come to understand that. 
But for now, all he needed, was to let his emotions run free, and for his mom to be there, and reassure him that, yes. You were still here. 
And you always would be, even when he was acting like a reckless idiot. 
She didn’t back down. She didn’t apologize. In fact, she stood there, facing you, proud as a hawk. And then she frowned. 
She was the only one that never backed down in such a situation. On the contrary, she said, looking at you right in the eye : 
“If I had to do it again, I would !” 
Such strength, in those words. 
She was telling you that you had no right to be angry, because given the chance, you would’ve done the same (which was true). Could you really blame her for not thinking of herself, when you were in danger ?? 
You were her mom. 
She only had one mom. 
She couldn’t bear to lose her. 
No. Absolutely not. 
“If I had to do it again, I would !”
She would do it for her dad, for her brothers, for her friends...
Too long, was Cass used for evil. By those who called themselves “parents”, whose only goal were to fabricate the perfect human weapon. 
She was used to hurt so many, and never really had a choice in the matter...
So if now, she chose to sacrifice herself so that only one of her loved one could survive...She would. 
It was her choice. HERS. And nothing you could tell her would change her mind. You knew that. You knew and, it was as if your anger instantly disappeared. 
Usually, it would disappear after a few admonitions, after you yelled at them enough. But this time, she didn’t even let you start. Didn’t even let you question her actions. 
She would not let you die, period. If it meant for her life to end, then so be it. 
“If I had to do it again, I would !” 
It was her choice. Hers. 
Her mom’s life was worth any sacrifice. Including the ultimate one, her own life. 
Mom...You skipped right above the “anger” part of the aftermath of them putting themselves in danger for you, and went to the “my babies” part, during which you would hold onto them, glad they were still alive. 
Cass gave your hug back, fiercely, decisively. 
“If I had to do it again, I would !” 
Never again, would she hurt someone else. Never again, would she stand by doing nothing.
She had found a family, she would never let any of you go. 
And she’d rather die, before putting herself in safety first in a situation during which she could save you. 
Damian woke up, and he was at Wayne Manor, in one of the rooms specifically made for medical attentions that they set up. Leslie Thompkins would come take care of you guys, in those rooms with all the materials you could find in a proper hospital. 
Having your own at home hospital made it easier to hide certain wounds your family would get because of their “vigilante’s activities”. It came in handy, for sure. 
Like today, as Damian needed urgent care after he rushed to save you, and took the brunt of the blow for you. 
Damian woke up. First, one eye, finding it difficult to adjust to the bright white lights. And then, the second eye, finally focusing on his surroundings. 
And here you were, sat in an armchair next to his bed, your arms in a cast. 
At first, your youngest son panicked. No ! You were hurt ! 
But quickly, he realized you had no other wound but your broken arm, and he relaxed a bit, slowly realizing that...his entire body hurt. 
Ah. Yes. He’s the one who jumped in front of you, and got most of the impact. Without thinking, just seeing his mom in danger, he took the matter in hands and...The rest was foggy. 
He couldn’t really remember much, except you gathering his body against you, and screaming that you needed help. 
Everything went to black, and he woke up in that “hospital” bed. And you were safe. That was all he needed to know.
“Boy, you’re in trouble. Also, I’m glad you’re safe.” 
Damian turned his head to the side and, ah, his father was here too. He was smiling at him, and added : 
“You’re lucky you’re mom was exhausted, and is fast asleep. Or that would’ve been a wake up call you’d remember.” 
His mind still a little hazy, Damian didn’t understand right away. 
“Are you okay ?” Bruce asked, and his son nodded, before saying : 
“What do you mean, wake up call ?” 
Your husband was so relieved that your son was ok, he sighed, fell back in his chair, and smiled, before saying :
“Well, I’m 100% sure she’s going to wake up and get very mad at you for putting your life in danger.” 
“But I-I saved her life ?”
“And you almost lost yours.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Try to think of the same situation, but reversed. How would you feel ?” 
Damian’s mind was clearing itself a bit, after a good night’s sleep and care. What if the situation was reverse ? 
“I would be mad.” he answered, and ah. Ah yes. Of course. So his mom had every right to get mad at him for being so reckless, right ? 
“But, dad...”
It was rare, for Damian to call him “dad”. He would do it only during certain times, usually when he was particularly tired, needed reassurance, or something like that. 
“I couldn’t- I don’t think I’d want to- I wouldn’t want to live in a World in which she’s not in anymore.” 
Simple words. Born from that deep feeling that Damian truly understood only recently...
He loved his mom. He didn’t want her to die. And so he didn’t think, and saved her, even if it meant putting his own life in danger. 
“Is it wrong ?” 
He asked, and the innocence of his words touched Bruce’s heart, moved him, even. Was it wrong, to love someone so much you would be willing to die for them, even if it meant they’d have to continue on living alone ?
Bruce smiled. Of a most tender smile, only his family ever saw on his face. He smiled, and said : 
“No son. No, it’s not wrong at all.” 
For some reason, Damian felt lighter. Felt good. Nice and warm. Felt like-
You stirred in your armchair, and one of your eyes opened. In an instant, you sat up and-
“Oh dear...”
Bruce said (in a very Alfred way, might I add...force of habits), and he stood up, ruffled affectionately his son’s hair, before living whispering : “You’re on your own for that one. Rite of passage, some would call it.” 
Damian watched as his father left, and didn’t have time to react as the storm of your wrath suddenly fell on him. 
But he knew. Your son knew, that you weren’t actually angry. That you had been so afraid for him. That you couldn’t bear to be the cause of his demise. That-
That you loved him, as simple as that. And so he took the onslaught of your sermon, “like a champ”. 
Because the only reason you reacted that way, was because indeed...
You loved him. You loved him so much. 
"You absolute idiot !!” You yell, as you rush towards the newest addition to your little family. Towards the boy you now viewed as your son. 
“I knew I would survive. I have powers, you know, that allow me to see a little in the future.” This was partly true, partly a lie. Yes, he had such powers, but it only showed him possibilities of events. No certainty. A slight change of a millimeter to the left, or a breath taken a millisecond too late, and it could alter his visions. 
The truth was, Duke didn’t think. He saw you in danger, he pushed you out of the way and took your place. As simple as that. 
Duke couldn’t bear to see another member of his family get hurt while he couldn’t do anything, like it happened with his parents and the Joker. 
He swore to himself he would never be powerless anymore. Maybe that’s how his meta human powers started to appear ? Him finally making that decision to never let anyone get hurt in front of him again ? Maybe. Who knows.
What was known though, is that he wasn’t going to stay put as he saw danger fly right to you. He knew that, if that piece of concrete fell on you, you would’ve died. He knew. 
And with his costume, there was a chance he could take it. Sure, most his bones would be shattered. But he would survive. After all, Bruce and Lucious Fox spend a lot of time working on those suits, to make them almost indestructible (regardless of the state of the person in it). 
“THAT IS NO REASON ! I forbid you, you hear ? I forbid you from doing something like that ever again !” 
They told him that this day would come. That you’d get mad at him for putting his life “needlessly” in danger. He knew, because they told him, that he shouldn’t take it too personally. 
That you would get mad, because you were so afraid for him that your brain couldn’t see reason anymore. You were so afraid, and at the same time relieved he was still alive, that processing your emotion was too hard and you just exploded. 
Yes. Duke, thanks to the experience of the rest of his family, knew what was coming. And so he let it happen. He took your anger. Your worries. Everything. 
He only winced once you calmed down, and hugged him a little too tight, as Bruce and a medical team were coming to take care of his broken bones...
That (those) time(s) you did it. 
"MOM !!”
You weren’t sure who yelled it, your mind hazy with pain. You knew it was one of your baby, though.
Aah. “Baby”. You only thought of them as “your babies” when you felt extra sentimental. When you suddenly just wanted to squish them in your arms, words being unable to express how much you loved them. 
And the gods only knew how much you did love them. 
Enough to throw your life away for them. Enough to jump in the middle of danger, if only to save their lives. 
How ironic, really. How many times did you yell at them because they did that exact same thing ? Too many times to count, now. 
You would get so mad, when they put themselves in arms’ way just to save you. And what did you do now ? The exact same thing. 
You knew that it was quite a selfish act. That it was a way to not be the one who remained. Because everyone knew...everyone knew those “left behind”, left alive, were the ones to feel sorry for the most. 
Once you were gone, you were gone. Either you went to an afterlife, either it was just the end, or maybe you could reincarnate...But there would be no pain, anymore. 
The same couldn’t be said about those you would leave behind. 
The pain of losing a member of your family, one of your loved one...it was unbearable. It almost drove you mad a few times. When Jason and Damian died. When you thought Tim, Dick or even Bruce died. When-
Yes. You knew the pain. And yet, you would inflict it one someone you loved, just to save them. Knowing they were safe was enough. It was...Enough ?
No. The truth was, you didn’t want to feel the pain. Or your body just moved on its own when you saw the person you loved in danger. 
You knew, it wasn’t something you could fully control. You knew. 
Yet, you always got mad at them when they did it. And you still did it yourself. 
“My love !” 
Ah. Bruce now. Joining your kids. 
You were just a little shook up, but you were fine. Maybe you had a few broken ribs, and a concussion as you got knocked down, but you would definitely survive. 
Years of being a “vigilante”, and they knew that you were going to be ok. 
And oh boy, that meant...
That meant that you were in trouble. 
One by one, they threw your own words back at you. “How dare you ??” “How do you think I could live with the fact I’m the reason you died ??”, “Selfish !”, “Don’t you dare do that again !”, “YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT !!” 
It was ironic, really. And a little funny...
“Ah, now you know. You know how it feels.” 
Yes. Yes, now they knew. Would that stop them to, if given the chance, jump in and save you, completely disregarding their own safety ? Probably not. 
None of you wanted to live in a world where a part of your heart would be missing. So yes, given the chance, you would all take that “selfish” decision to die for those you loved. 
Because sometimes, only one person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated. You were a bunch of humans, but not that strong. 
Bonus : Clark
To Clark, the Waynes were special. 
You and Bruce were his best friends. The kids were like his little nephews and niece. Alfred, was like a surrogate uncle to him, almost another father figure, at times. Even Ace, the family dog, was important, as he was one of Krypto’s (aka “his baby”) very first friend (besides himself). 
So when he saw you right in the middle of danger, he acted. And that’s how it happened. 
Kryptonite. Tearing his side. Badly. 
He would survive. After all, they didn’t call him “Superman” for nothing. But it had been close nonetheless. 
He settled you down, glad he was able to save you. Glad he brought you back to Bruce, safe and sound. He doesn’t think he could ever face his friend again, if he had arrived too late, and had to bring your dead body to him. He doesn’t think he could bear the weight of being the one who would finally crush the Batman. 
And then he fell on his knees, because that wound hurt like hell ! And to be honest, he wasn't much used to pain. 
He looked up, expecting to see relief and thankfulness on your face, only to be met with...Your glare. You were fuming. 
“YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT !!” You screamed, and Clark was very confused. Up until he met Bruce eyes, and the Batman himself looked like he was sorry for his friend. His eyes were telling him : “Good luck.” 
Yes. Clark was confused, as Bruce and his children slowly moved away (once they made sure you were ok), and you started to sermon him on the incredible value of his life. 
Somehow, it felt both heartwarming and terrifying at the same time. 
Boom, just a little something I suddenly wanted to write :D Didn’t re-read myself as usual (or I would never post anything). I was just thinking of the cliche of someone sacrificing themselves for their loved ones, and how angry I would actually be if anyone did that because like...what do you do, knowing the person you love died for you ? How can you heal from not only losing them, but knowing you’re the cause, ya know ? And here we are haha. 
As usual, comments and reblogs are very welcomed, and I hope you liked this story :). 
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blackcupidangel · 6 months
Batboys as TikToks:
Batmom and Bruce:
She was out with the girls (Diana, Selina, Lois, Dinah) and as always she loses track of time. Bruce will blow her up if she’s not home when she said she would be, as if he doesn’t have a dozen trackers on her🤨.
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funnyexel · 2 years
Mrs. Wayne
Y’all know the drill. This story is meant for black women.
A/n: I was reading this series at like 2 am and I noticed I haven’t updated it in 9 months…I’ve been sitting on this part so long I forgot. Sorry guys lol
p.s. I lost the other gif so enjoy this one
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You scroll through your phone, waiting for an important call. “Sweets, can I talk to you for a moment?” He says, moving his chair towards you. Looking up from your phone, you nod. “I read your diary.” He exclaims bluntly. You laugh hysterically. “You did what?” Your mouth slightly open as you realize what he just said to you. “You were dying, I thought-” Your ringtone interrupts his words. Looking down, you read the number and its the call you were waiting for. You ignore it and look back to him. “Please Bruce, I-” You attempt to explain yourself to him but they call again. Huffing as you’re about to hang it up, he holds your wrist. “Just answer it. We can talk after.” You bite the inside of your lip and answer it. “Hey! How are you?” You smile with enthusiasm. She cuts to the chase during the call. “Yes, of course I did.” You chuckle. “Who do you take me for?” You sigh, catching your breath from the laughter. Bruce sat next to you and leaned over, trying to hear who you’re talking to. You push him away and continue talking to her. “For sure, I’ll be in Gotham soon and I’ll help you.” You nod happily to her.
“Okay that’s great. Thanks again. Bye, Selena.” She says her goodbyes and you hang up. “Can we talk upstairs?” You request to him and you both move from the computer to a corner. “I thought I was going to lose you and Alfred gave it to me. I didn’t want to invade your privacy but I’m glad I did now. Is that really how you feel?” He whispers to you and you sniffle. “Bruce…I’m just battling myself. There’s nothing you can do even if you try.” You whisper back to him and he runs his fingers through his hair. “That’s where you’re wrong. You didn’t even give me a chance to do something.” Before you can rebuttal to his argument, Tim interrupts. “Was that Selena? Like Selena Kyle.” You mentally curse yourself. “Not now Tim.” Bruce facepalms himself. “Mom please, just this one question.” He puts up his one index finger. You practically huffed and puffed back to your seat. “Come on we’ll stop asking.” You looked to Jason. “Not you too, Jason.” You sighed, trying not to give in. “It just slipped forget I said anything.” You exclaim, trying to distract yourself with your phone.
They each stood in-front of you, Tim covering your screen with his hand. “Seriously?” You groan. “You can’t just brush pass the fact you were on the phone with Selena Kyle. Cat Woman, the one person you hate.” Tim says. “I can brush pass that.” You move Tim’s hand and glance at Bruce. “Just tell them, y/n.” He huffs, slowly getting annoyed about the slip up. “I don’t think-” He stares you down, not even attempting a protest you finally give in. “Okay, fine.” Looking over your shoulder as you turn back to your kids. “I used to be apart of Gotham City Sirens. I mean I technically still am but I guess I’d be considered more of an honorary member.” They absorb the newly given information on their mother figure. You read it on their faces that they would have never guessed that a pure hearted person like you would ever consider being on such a team. “Listen. It wasn’t the best time in my life. It was a long time ago, I can’t deny we did some questionable things but I think we did more good than bad.” Out of all of them, Jason was the most interested.
Him and Bruce, don’t necessarily see eye to eye so knowing that his mom was apart of a sinister group was more than intriguing. “What did you do?” Jason asked, stepping a bit closer to you. “Hm. That’s a hard question. Well, I was the brains of most things, I got supplies we needed and even a place to reside. When I was younger, I was very in-zone and understanding of my body. I had to be, since I was the ‘weak one’ in the group, as some would say.” Glancing at Bruce, you wondered if you should say more. Your next words, certainly being fire to his puddle of gas. “I did use guns a lot, but I transitioned to knifes and swords. I feel more in control with them. I won’t front, using guns were fun.” Jason practically beamed at your words. He wanted to rub it in Bruces face so bad but your eyes had a silent warning hidden within its gaze. “I never said I had a problem with Selena.” Bruce covers his mouth in attempt to hide his laugh. “But you literally slander her all the time.” Duke steps up. “Correction. I slander cat women. Not once did I slander Selena.” They don’t buy your explanation. “Aren’t they the same person?” Damian voices his input. “Before she retired, yes. But this new cat women makes my blood boil. I don’t know who she is but it seems Selena got herself a replacement.
Given since the video of me crushing her under my feet was over 5 years ago, I could assume she’s probably out doing who knows what.” Even Bruce becomes a little confused, replaying your words in his head he finally understands what you’re trying to say. “The past is in the past.” You shrug. “Who knew you were so cool.” Tim says. “Total cool points.” Dick says. Looking past, your kids you see your eldest walking in. “What’s up, dick.” You smile, stiffly. “Apologies on the intrusion.” Cory says and you wave her off. “No worries.” The air is pretty stiff, the tension Bruce brought with him everywhere was almost annoying. “Cool points? I think I deserve a little more than that for all the stuff I did.” You break the tension. “Yeah, a court date.” You side eye Bruce. “Don’t be a hypocrite.” They all chuckle at your banter. “Why don’t you tell us a story, just to prove the stuff you did.” Tim says as he bated you. “A story?” You say, practically to yourself. There were so much stories that it was so difficult to choose. Dick, Cory, Tim, Duke, Damian, Casey and Jason, waited for your response. “Ok, if its a story you want then its a story you’ll get.” You smirk, thinking of the perfect story. Bruce already knew which story you were going to tell by the look in your eye, so he turns and pretends to be busy. “As you all must know, Gotham was a very corrupt city. Still is but a while back things were much, much worse.” Your compelling introduction, begins the story.
Hitching the rope on the sturdy railing, you slide down quietly unhooking yourself from the rope. You break the glass to the tellers area, officially starting the timer for yourself. The police are on their way. Logging into the computer you wire money from the accounts needed and send them to burner accounts of your own. Erasing everything you did on the computer as if you were never there, you quickly hook yourself on the rope and allow it to pull you up. Your heart was beating rapidly. “Okay this isn’t that bad.” You mutter to yourself, breathing a sigh of relief that immediately gets stuck in your throat. The mechanism cranks, clacks then stops. Yanking on the rope, you grip on it in despair, knowing its jammed. In the desperate moment you still stay alert, hearing a sound from the corner of the bank. Drawing your gun, you point it at the spot you hear the noise. “Come out.” You say, seemingly to no one. Footsteps follow after a pause of silence. “Only point a gun if you’re ready to shoot.” He said as he emerged from the darkness. You just kept pointing the gun at him, knowing that its on safety.
“Thanks but I don’t need a tutorial.” You say with heavy sarcasm. “Clearly. Why don’t you leave. You’re halfway gone anyway.” He says and you take the gun off safety. Attempting to get the machine working again as you yank the rope, it still didn’t budge. Hearing the police sirens come closer, you finally stop pointing the gun at him and shoot the rope. Your intentions were purposeful. You knew what you were doing and it didn’t come across as wrong at any point. Not when you did it or when you were falling almost 20 feet. You did plan to catch yourself, right? But there wasn’t much choice when your being placed on a roof. It must’ve happened so fast that you couldn’t comprehend. His arms rapped around you and you pushed yourself off him. “What the fuck.” You raise your voice at him. Reaching for the gun in your holster but grabbing onto nothing. He stood there waving the gun in-front of you, then disarming it and throwing it aside. “Trying to kill yourself, wouldn’t have solved your problems.” He says and you scoff. “I was going to catch myself.” You exclaim, the statement coming out as a question.
As if you were still confused on what was happening and what you were saying. “If you must know something about me, I can handle myself. I don’t need you or anyone else trying to play hero to me. As you can see, this city is too far from saving.” You advance to him a little and hold down your hood a little. “Nothing is too far from saving, not even a criminal like you.” You chuckle at his response. “Criminal? I’m doing this city a favor.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And your companions?” He eggs you on with the annoying question. “I said I not them. Maybe criminal status fits them more.” Looking down, you see the police walking around. Opening your cloak in the slightest, you pull out a small hook and rope. “When I catch you again, you’re not getting away so easily.” He sternly warns you. “Is that a promise?” You smirk as you latch the hook on the railing. “Until we meet again, big bat.” You grip the rope and slide down it.
“Yeah, getting caught by Batman on my first solo mission wasn’t a good look with my team.” You say. “So what happened after that?” Tim asks and you scratch your mind for the events that happened after. “I, started practicing knife throwing because of how easily he took the gun and took it apart. I had a backup but he probably would’ve done the same thing. But I went home that day and thought about what he said to me. It was kind of odd, when I got the chance to think about it. I wanted to tell someone but who was I supposed to tell that Batman said I wasn’t far from saving. Most people don’t get more than a word and a good beat down. So I thought about it for a long while and by this time the team was ready to cut me off. I did another solo mission to the International Charity Museum of Gotham.” Dick becomes intrigued. “What happened at the museum?” You clap your hands and fold them in your lap. “I went as myself, no hood, no disguise, nothing and that was probably my biggest mistake of the night.”
Taking a deep breath before stepping into the museum, you straighten your posture. The body tracing black dress made you stand out but blend in at the same time. You decided to wear a black wig, why not pop out a bit. You remembered why you came to the Museum in the first place as you looked at a few paintings. Moving closer to your destination, you hear forced giggles and klink of champagne glasses. Rolling your eyes as you peek over a corner, seeing three girls and Bruce Wayne. “Not totally random.” You utter to yourself. Back tracking, you recall that interaction with him at your old job, ‘He definitely won’t remember that.’ You sigh to yourself but turn back where you came and hide in the women’s bathroom. Unknown to you, the quick clacks of your heels made you aware to him. “Better safe than sorry.” You huff, fixing your hair. Waiting another minute or two, you calmly exit the bathroom and adjust your dress. Making it look like you actually used the restroom. “I haven’t seen you around here.” You look to your left and there he was. “I’m guessing no woman escapes your acknowledgment.”
You give a tight smile and continue your journey. “You’re quite correct in that sense, especially one that I’ve seen before.” Your eyes widen but you relax. “Ah really? I think I would’ve remembered crossing paths with someone such as yourself.” You smirk, secretly wanting him to leave you alone. While walking next to you, your hand accidentally wonders to your thigh as if you had a gun concealed there and grabbed onto nothing. You cover it by itching your side. “This is nice but I must be going now.” You say to him but he stops you before you could slip away. “I’ll see you at toast, then.” He flirts and you see right through his charm. “Is that a promise?” You flirt back and go your own way. Leaving him in the middle of the hallway. Getting so close to the corridor that you can taste it. But it falls out your grasp as you’re pulled to a corner and shoved into a maintenance closet. It happened so swiftly that you didn’t know who pulled on you until you were face to face. “Not only do I recognize you from that coffee shop but the roof top too.” He claims. “What roof top?” Confusion clouds your expression. “I said when I catch you again, you weren’t getting away so easily and I meant it.” He leans in your ear and you shiver. There’s no way you can bullshit your way out of this one.
You look at him in disbelief. “You’re Batman?” You speak lowly. “And you’re a criminal, here to steal.” He states, ignoring the obvious question. You look up to him and run your tongue over your top row of teeth. “And you’re Bruce Wayne. What will you do to me? Hm?” You declare, feeling a little cocky. He can’t admit that you have him between a rock and a hard place but it isn’t like he hasn’t been in situations like this before. “I am going to steal tonight but I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.” You back up against the door, your hand resting on the handle. “I’ll catch you.” He exclaims and you smile. “I’m counting on it.” You quickly open and close the door, slickly leaving the room. Opening the door to the exhibit, you speedily walk to the incased artwork and go under your dress for a knife. Breaking off the sign that provides information for the piece and throwing it to the side. A small box was hidden behind the sign and you take it. Looking towards the window, you get a bright idea. Going over to it, you knock on it determining the thickness of the glass.
Using the knife, you trace a circle in the window and knocking it once more to make it more fragile. Taking some steps back, you run up and jump through the window. Shielding your face and holding the box close, you land on a mattress you placed there earlier. Collecting yourself, you get up and take some trash off a pile covered by a tarp. Yanking off the plastic, it reveals your motorcycle. Putting the box away in the seat compartment, you place the helmet on your head and start the engine. Your back wheel rolling in some dirty water before revving away. Weaving through the traffic, you break off from the busy roads and go through the abandoned underground tunnel. Arriving back to the warehouse you call base, once you’re sure no one followed. You parked the bike, threw the helmet to the side and took out the box. Going inside through the back door, you’re met with all of them standing side by side. Harley, Ivy and Selena. You hold up the box and smile. “Hold this.” You say to Selena while you go in the near hallway to change out of the fancy clothes and into your bodysuit and cloak. “So where are we going to break open that box?” You ask as you finish up. The hood of your cloak off as you walk back towards them.
“Y’all ready? Where’s Harle-” Your speech slurred as you get hit in the skull. Your hands craddle your head as you fall to the ground. Your eyes slowly blink open as your head pounds. The rough gravel hurt underneath your palms and as your vision gets clearer, you unwillingly watched the warehouse you worked for burn along with your bike. You stand using your hands for the extra boost and watch as they burn. It seemed unbearable but you still looked, couldn’t take your eyes off of it in fact. You needed to remember the going away present they gave you. Once the last piece of metal burned, you walk away. For now leaving that part of your life behind. Putting on your hood as you move closer in the city. Stumbling here and there. Abeling yourself to climb onto the roof of a building, sitting down to observe as the city works. You choke back tears, inevitably letting them fall down your face. Letting your head hang low as your hands gripped onto the ledge you sat on.
Was it possible for someone to feel so much pain and resentment for, not only themselves but the world as well. “what? did you come to see the pity party first hand?” You manage to say with your voice breaking. “I came for information.” He strictly says and you sigh. Moving off the ledge and on the roof, you pace yourself towards him. “I have it.” You say, pushing back the hood and reaching in the cloak for a flash drive. “I took it because I knew this would happen.” You hand it to him and he hesitantly takes it. “Thats it?” You nod to him. “Bank Routing Numbers, Records, Information in that little flash drive.” He hums, ready to leave but he delays for a moment. “How’d you get like this?” You chuckle to him. “Nothing more than time.” You turn away from him and look out towards Gotham again. “Come on.” You look over and sigh. Taking steady steps to approach him.
“There’s way more stories after that but that’s where I’m going to end for now.” They nod and hum to you. Satisfied with the stories you told. “Now, if you all will excuse Bruce and I.” Bruce walks with you to the elevator and you wait for the elevator to reach the manor. “I saved you?” Bruce asked as you both exit the elevator. “I don’t really remember it that way. You had blood running down your forehead.” You stop him in the hallway. “I was going to jump off the ledge, bruce.” You tell him. “I went from having an okay job and apartment to having nothing but a life a crime to turn to in a blink of an eye. And losing that was the tipping point for me. The last thing I had was gone. From that day on I thought I was a burden to you. Hell, I still think I’m a burden to you.” He steps closer to you. “You helped me more than I did you.” He clarifies and you shake your head.
“That doesn’t matter Bruce. We both lost in some way. You had someone. I had people getting taken away, over and over and over again. Who’s to say that one day that won’t happen to you or one of the kids?” You sigh, gathering yourself. “I finally have everything, I dreamt of having. You’d think I’d enjoy it. Live in the moment. But all I can think about is losing this moment.” You cry out the remainder of your words. “So day in and day out, I think you deserve something, someone better. Because you’ve been beat down and I know what that feeling is like.” He hugs you. “Who do you think I deserve? Describe it to me.” He lets go of you to look you in the eye. “I think you deserve someone outstanding, understanding of you and your habits, beautiful, smart and most important of all not broken. I’m broken Bruce, no matter what you do to fix it. I’ll unfortunately be the same.” He frustratingly sighs. “No amount of fancy clothes, hair or makeup can cover that. I just…I don’t know if I can be your wife.”
“Now, stop. You allowed me to put that ring on your finger so you’re marrying me. I don’t care if you’re “broken”. Have you met me?” You huff to his words. “Those words you used to describe someone I deserve, describes you perfectly.” He guides you to the staircase, sitting you down and taking a seat next to you. “You surprise me everyday with how outstanding you are. You understand me so well. Don’t even get me started on how beautiful you are.” He caresses your cheek while wiping a tear. “You outsmart me so much and if you’re broken then we’re broken. Now, when we get married and after that. Don’t you recall that before we were dating or anything of the sorts, you didn’t have fancy clothes, hair or makeup. You rarely wore anything more than a sweatsuit and your natural hair.” You frowned a little touching on your hair. “And I couldn’t have liked it more. Fell in love with you the same way.” He smiles to you. “When I proposed, you were fresh out the bed.” You chuckle at the memory. “Don’t tell me you forgot.” He teases. “Remind me.” You breathe in.
It was a peaceful morning at least before Alfred ran to you in a rush. “Y/n.” You twisted and turned in the comfort of the mattress. “Miss Y/n!” You lift up from your sleep. “I’m up! I’m up. What’s wrong?” You shove the covers off you, wide awake. “Its Master Wayne, he’s downstairs.” That’s all he had to say for you to jump out the bed and rush down the stairs. “Bruce! Bruce.” You shouted his name, searching for him. “Bruce! Where are you.” You raise your voice, Alfred close behind. “Maybe check outside.” He says and you hum. Sprinting to the patio door in the kitchen. “Bruce-” Your words get stuck in your throat, seeing Bruce on his knee with a small box in his hand. You shrink down to a stooping position, covering your face. Looking at him once more, you shriek. Alfred brings you back to your feet and whispers to you “You have to give the man an answer”. You immediately say yes. “Yes! Yes!” You jump up still looking at Bruce, holding your hand out to him once you stand still.
“Wrong hand.” He says and you awkwardly smile, giving him your left hand. He laughs as he slides the diamond on your ring finger. You never gave the ring a second glance, jumping into his arms. Holding onto his neck tightly as you kiss him. Letting yourself and him breathe, you smile. “We’re engaged!” You jump in his arms, rapping your legs around his waist and kissing him again. “I would ask if you like the ring but-” You lean back and look at your hand. “I love it.” You smile. Realizing you’re in pajamas, you jump off him. “How come you’re in a suit and I’m in cartoon pajamas.” You state and he chuckles. “The element of surprise.” He shrugs and you push him in the shoulder. “My morning breath stinks and I still have eye boogers.” You groan, walking inside and he helplessly follows. “You look so pretty.” He compliments you and you bite the inside of your cheek. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Do you want to know the real reason why I proposed to you like that?” He asks and you nod. “I was thinking to take you out to your favorite restaurant and all that but I knew that I didn’t need that for you to say yes. I just needed you alone, even if you were in pajamas.” You hug him, resting your head on his shoulder. “If you ever feel this way again, I want you to let me know. That’s one thing we have to get straight before we get married.” You smile to his words. “We’re going to be talking a lot more.” You warn him. “Good.” He brings you closer to him. “Did I really look pretty that morning?” You question him. “Yes, you looked gorgeous, so pretty.” He appreciates you. “Besides only me, you and Alfred know that I proposed to you in your pajamas.” He says, assuring you. “That’s true, thank you, bruce.”
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