#blogging tricks
sealsdaily · 7 months
Seal noises please?
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marketingprofitmedia · 5 months
Learning Affiliate Marketing — Six Figure Blogging Secret Tricks for Creating High-Profit Blogs
To master affiliate marketing and achieve six-figure blogging success, learn the secret tricks of creating high-profit blogs. Key strategies involve optimizing content, leveraging SEO, and engaging audiences effectively.
Affiliate marketing through blogging holds the potential to be a lucrative online business with the right approach — guiding you to a six-figure income. The trick lies in identifying a profitable niche, crafting high-quality content, and establishing a strong online presence.
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>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Entering The Affiliate Marketing Arena
Entering the Affiliate Marketing Arena marks the start of an exciting journey. This path can lead to substantial income through blogging. Success requires understanding the essentials. Let’s unlock these secrets together.
Choosing The Right Niche
A well-chosen niche sets the foundation for a profitable blog. Consider these steps:
Identify your interests and expertise areas. Passion drives content.
Analyze market demand with tools like Google Trends.
Check competition levels. Find a balance, not too high or low.
Ensure monetization potential. Some topics sell better than others.
Understanding Affiliate Programs And Networks
Get to know the platforms that will pay you for promotions. Look at:
Affiliate Program Features Commission RatesAmazon AssociatesWide product range, easy to use1–10%ClickBankHigh commissions, digital productsUp to 75%ShareASaleDiverse merchants, reliable trackingVaries
Before choosing, read the terms of service. Not all programs fit all blogs.
Building Your Affiliate Blogging Platform
To nail affiliate marketing, start with a solid blogging platform. Get ready to learn essential tricks for building a blog that makes money.
Selecting A Domain And Hosting Service
Your domain name is your brand online. Pick a name that sticks. It should be easy, memorable, and relevant. For hosting, choose reliability and speed. Let’s break it down:
Domain Name: It’s your digital address. Keep it short and catchy.
Hosting Provider: They keep your blog online. Look for uptime and support.
Compare providers for the best deal. Think long-term for your blog’s growing traffic.
Blog Design And User Experience
Make your blog a joy to visit. A clean design keeps readers coming back. Focus on these:
Design Element Why It Matters Layout:Helps users find content easily. Navigation: Guide visitors through your site. Mobile-Friendly: Most users are on phones. Adapt to them.
Remember, a beautiful blog must load fast and look great on all devices. Simplify your design. Highlight your content.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Content Creation Strategies
Content Creation Strategies are the backbone of six-figure blogging. Creating blog content that connects with readers and search engines can transform a blog from a hobby into a high-profit business. Let’s explore tried-and-true methods for developing stellar blog posts and tweaking content for SEO to drive organic traffic.
Crafting Engaging Blog Posts
Writing blog posts that capture attention requires strategy and skill. First, understand your audience’s needs and interests. Align topics with these insights for maximum engagement. Here are steps to craft compelling content:
Choose Catchy Titles: Titles are the first hook. Make them intriguing and clear.
Open with Impact: Start posts with an engaging sentence or question.
Use Subheadings: Break text into sections with descriptive subheadings for easier reading.
Add Visuals: Images and videos make content more interactive and shareable.
Storytelling: Share stories to connect with readers on a personal level.
Include Actionable Tips: Offer practical advice that readers can apply right away.
End with a Call-to-Action: Encourage readers to engage further, whether it’s to comment, share, or read another post.
Incorporating Seo For Organic Traffic
SEO is vital for any blog’s success. Focus on the following elements to boost rankings and attract organic traffic:
Keyword Research: Find relevant keywords with tools like Google Keyword Planner.
Optimize Titles and Meta Descriptions: Include primary keywords in these elements.
Internal Linking: Link to other posts on your blog to keep readers engaged and distribute page authority.
Quality Backlinks: Obtain links from reputable sites to enhance credibility.
Mobile-Friendly: Ensure your blog is responsive and mobile-ready.
Page Speed: Optimize site speed for a better user experience.
Regular Updates: Keep content current to signal an active and relevant blog to search engines.
Monetization Techniques And Optimization
Monetization turns your blog into a profit-generating tool. Proper optimization elevates potential earnings. Learn how to blend these strategies to set up a high-profit blog.
Strategic Placement Of Affiliate Links
Placing affiliate links strategically within content is crucial. It affects click-through rates and earnings. Key areas to consider include:
High-traffic pages: Place links where users frequently visit.
Above the fold: Early placement ensures visibility without scrolling.
Contextual placement: Embed links within relevant content for higher engagement.
Maximizing Earnings Through A/b Testing
A/B testing your affiliate marketing strategies can massively increase income. Test elements such as:
Element Variant AVariant BCall-to-action (CTA) TextBuy Now Learn More Link ColorBlue GreenLink Position Within textEnd of content
Analyze results to find what works best. Simplify changes, watch user behavior, and boost earnings.
Growth And Scaling Secrets
Turning a blog into a six-figure income stream is no magic. It takes smart strategies to grow. Use these secrets to scale up and earn more.
Leveraging Social Media For Traffic
To build a wider audience, you can’t ignore social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can drive massive traffic to your blog.
Create eye-catching content that demands a click.
Understand when your audience is active for maximum engagement.
Use hashtags that relate to your blog’s niche to get found easier.
Collaborate with influencers to get your blog in front of more eyes.
Track performance with tools to know what works. Tweak your approach to keep growing.
Expanding Your Outreach With Email Marketing
Email marketing keeps readers coming back. It’s a powerful tool.
Start by building an email list right from the start.
Offer valuable freebies as sign-up incentives.
Send regular emails that add real value not just promotions.
Segment your list to personalize the user experience.
Use analytics to measure opens, clicks, and conversions. Fine-tune emails for better results.
With consistent effort and these growth secrets, your blog can reach new heights. Watch your traffic and profits climb.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Maintaining And Evolving Your Blog
Maintaining and Evolving Your Blog is crucial for achieving long-term success in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing. As the online landscape changes, your blog must adapt to stay relevant and profitable. Implementing the latest affiliate marketing strategies and continuously refining your blog will ensure you stay ahead of the competition.
Staying Updated With Affiliate Marketing Trends
Keeping pace with the latest trends in affiliate marketing is essential. Become a trendsetter by:
Subscribing to industry newsletters and podcasts
Joining affiliate marketing forums and groups
Attending webinars and conferences to learn from the experts
Use this knowledge to update your blog content regularly. This strategy keeps your audience engaged and supports SEO efforts.
Diversifying Income Streams And Products
To maximize your earnings, consider diversifying. Introduce a variety of products and income streams related to your niche. Steps include:
Researching new affiliate programs to complement existing offers
Testing different ad placements and affiliate products
Using data and analytics to track performance
Adjust your strategy based on data insights to optimize blog profitability.
Learning Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How Can I Make $1000 A Month Blogging Give Your Best Tip?
Focus on creating high-quality, keyword-rich content. Monetize with affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and ad revenue. Engage with your audience to drive traffic and build trust.
Q. How Do I Become A Six Figure Affiliate Marketer?
Choose a profitable niche and focus on building authority. Develop a content-rich website to attract traffic. Master SEO to improve visibility. Network with reputable affiliate programs and select products with high earning potential. Continuously analyze and optimize your strategies for better conversion rates.
Q. Is Affiliate Blogging Still Profitable?
Affiliate blogging continues to be a profitable endeavor. It requires strategic content creation and audience trust to monetize effectively through affiliate partnerships.
Q. Can I Become A Millionaire From Blogging?
Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire through blogging by consistently creating valuable content, monetizing your blog effectively, and scaling your audience.
Q. What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based strategy where businesses pay commissions to individuals or other companies (affiliates) for promoting their products or services and driving sales or leads.
Q. How Do Affiliate Marketers Earn Money?
Affiliate marketers earn money by promoting products or services through unique affiliate links; they receive a commission when their audience makes a purchase through those links.
Embarking on your affiliate marketing journey, remember the power of dedication and strategy. These secrets are your roadmap to a profitable blog that resonates with audiences. Implement them with consistency, and watch your efforts blossom into a thriving online business.
Your six-figure dream is achievable; start building now. Embrace the tricks, reap the rewards.
>>My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100+ Commissions Daily with a Special Bonus — Watch THIS Video to Get START>>
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Grow Your Business with the High Ticket Profit System — Unlocking High-Value Sales
Thanks for reading my article on “Learning Affiliate Marketing — Six Figure Blogging Secret Tricks for Creating High-Profit Blogs“, hope it will help!
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coffeebeanwriting · 1 year
Some Quick Character Tips
Here are a handful of quick tips to help you write believable characters! 
1. A character’s arc doesn’t need to grow linearly. Your protagonist doesn’t have to go from being weak to strong, shy to confident, or novice to professional in one straight line. It’s more realistic if they mess up their progress on the way and even decline a bit before reaching their goal.
2. Their past affects their present. Make their backstory matter by having their past events shape them into who they are. Growing up with strict parents might lead to a sneaky character, and a bad car accident might leave them fearful of driving.
3. Give reoccurring side characters something that makes them easily recognizable. This could be a scar, a unique hairstyle, an accent, or a location they’re always found at, etc.
4. Make sure their dialogue matches their personality. To make your characters more believable in conversation, give them speech patterns. Does the shy character mumble too low for anyone to ever hear, does the nervous one pace around and make everyone else on edge? 
5. Make your characters unpredictable. Real people do unexpected things all the time, and this can make life more exciting. The strict, straight-A student who decides to drink at a party. The pristine princess who likes to visit the muddy farm animals. When character’s decide to do things spontaneously or in the heat of the moment, it can create amazing twists and turns.
6. Give even your minor character's a motive. This isn’t to say that all your characters need deep, intricate motives. However, every character should need or want something, and their actions should reflect that. What’s the motive behind a side character who follows your protagonist on their adventure? Perhaps they’ve always had dreams of leaving their small village or they want to protect your protagonist because of secret feelings.
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting  
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hayatheauthor · 2 months
Writing Rage: How To Make Your Characters Seem Angry
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Anger is a powerful emotion that can add depth and intensity to your character's personality. If you're facing issues realistically expressing your characters' rage, here are some quick tips to help you get the ball rolling. Whether your character is seething with quiet rage or exploding in a fit of fury, these tips will help you convey their emotions vividly to your readers.
This is blog one in my writing different emotions series. Go check it out to explore more emotions!
Facial Expressions
Furrowed Brows: Describe the deep lines between their eyebrows, signaling frustration or intensity.
Tightened Jaw: Mention their clenched jaw, indicating suppressed anger or tension.
Narrowed Eyes: Highlight how their eyes narrow, showing suspicion, irritation, or anger.
Raised Upper Lip: Note the slight curl of the lip, suggesting disdain or contempt.
Flared Nostrils: Describe how their nostrils flare, indicating heightened emotions like anger or aggression.
Body Language and Gestures
Crossed Arms: Show their defensive stance, portraying resistance or defiance.
Pointing Finger: Describe them pointing accusatively, conveying aggression or assertion.
Fist Clenching: Mention their clenched fists, symbolizing anger or readiness for confrontation.
Hand Gestures: Detail specific hand movements like chopping motions, indicating frustration or emphasis.
Aggressive Posturing: Describe them leaning forward, invading personal space to intimidate or assert dominance.
Tense Shoulders: Highlight their raised or tense shoulders, indicating stress or readiness for conflict.
Upright Stance: Describe their rigid posture, showing control or a desire to appear strong.
Stiff Movements: Mention their jerky or abrupt movements, reflecting agitation or impatience.
Eye Contact
Intense Stares: Describe their intense or prolonged gaze, signaling confrontation or challenge.
Avoiding Eye Contact: Note how they avoid eye contact, suggesting discomfort or a desire to disengage.
Glaring: Mention how they glare at others, conveying hostility or disapproval.
Raised or strained tone with variations in pitch reflects heightened emotions.
Short, clipped sentences or abrupt pauses convey controlled anger.
Use of profanity or harsh language intensifies verbal expressions of anger.
Volume increase, from whispers to shouts, mirrors escalating anger levels.
Monotonous or sarcastic tone adds layers to angry dialogue.
Interruptions or talking over others signify impatience and frustration.
Aggressive verbal cues like "I can't believe..." or "How dare you..." express anger explicitly.
Physical Reactions: Detail physical responses like increased heart rate, sweating, or trembling, showing emotional arousal.
Defensive Maneuvers: Describe how they react defensively if someone tries to touch or talk to them, such as stepping back or raising a hand to ward off contact.
Object Interaction
Aggressive Handling: Show them slamming objects, throwing things, or gripping items tightly, reflecting anger or aggression.
Use of Props: Mention how they use objects to emphasize their emotions, like slamming a door or clenching a pen.
Descriptive Words:
Roared with fury, expressing unbridled anger.
Snapped in frustration, indicating sudden irritation.
Shouted angrily, releasing pent-up emotions.
Glared fiercely, showing intense displeasure.
Slammed objects in rage, symbolizing anger's physical manifestation.
Grunted in annoyance, displaying impatience.
Raged vehemently, portraying uncontrolled anger.
Furious and incensed, conveying intense anger.
Seething with rage, bubbling beneath the surface.
Livid and fuming, exhibiting visible anger.
Agitated and irritated, showing growing impatience.
Enraged and wrathful, expressing extreme anger.
Vexed and irate, indicating annoyance.
Infuriated and incandescent, highlighting explosive anger.
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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charlisbookbox · 2 years
Starting Your Own Book Blog - I Set It Up, Now What?
So you've got your blog set up, what's next? Find out on Charli's Book Box as I introduce the next part of our series on starting your own book blog (or any blog, really!)...
Ok, so now you’ve got your blog set up. You’ve created a blog on Blogger or WordPress.com, or maybe you’ve had a friend host you or you bought your own hosting and your blog is now installed and set up. So now what do you do? Well, first, you want to make some decisions about what you want for the blog design. Blogger & WordPress.com are a bit more limiting when it comes to how you design your…
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View On WordPress
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autumncozy · 11 months
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By brittanyeliza.photo
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breadbox-draws · 1 year
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he’s probably said this at one point in the game
based on that one vine!
Edit: added a description thanks to @anistarrose!
[Image description: a two-panel comic of Yomiel from Ghost Trick sliding down the railing of an escalator. He says "You're all going to hell," then grins deviously and waves as he slides almost out of view, adding: "Goodbye!" End ID.]
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spearmintzero · 3 months
i felt so in control today, i was about to fuck up and eat something i’m not supposed to. but i said no, and threw it away. so this is ur reminder that you are the one in control. if you find yourself preparing something you will regret eating, you can always choose to not eat it
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coffeebeanwriting · 6 months
Quick Tips on Writing Better Characters
Here are a handful of quick tips to writing stronger characters and understanding them better as a writer.
Give your characters a title. This can help with worldbuilding and placing your protagonist into the environment. What do others call your characters? The emperor, the bastard son, the Grinch, the chosen one, the class clown, the evil witch, the popular girl, etc.
Use your settings to enhance your character. You can use the locations of your novel to mirror or contrast your character. Do they blend in or stand out? What they focus on can say a lot about them (ex. a fearsome character mishearing things on a dark street, a princess in a ballroom only focused on the exit.)
Know your protagonist's motives and goals before you start writing. What is something they need that fuels their actions throughout the novel? Money, freedom, an artifact, food? To protect their sister at all costs and survive the Hunger Games? 
Now that you know their motive, make it more complex. A character's motive can be made more complex by putting them in high-stake situations that force them to make decisions. For example, Katniss wants to protect her sister, a very common motivation. However, present-day conflict makes her to do it in the most extreme way by volunteering in the Hunger Games. The plot forces her to make an extreme choice fueled by her motivation.
Your protagonist should be active. It's okay to have your story's events sometimes happen to your character (this is referred to as the character being passive, ex. a tornado sweeping them away) but your protagonist should be active a majority of the time. This means they should always be making decisions, thinking, reflecting and progressing through obstacles.
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting
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deerspherestudios · 10 days
so about mind reader mycheal (if we get to ask more about him that is) how would he react to an mc who doesn't think something rude when they first see him but rather they are fascinated or find him cute?
For context! Funnily enough I think MR!Mychael would be even more suspicious of you than anyone else he's met hahaha. He'd think he misread your thoughts like being on the wrong radio station or something.
What ends up happening is he pays even closer attention to your thoughts and when it happens again he's just ???? the entire time. Cue feedback loop of him digging around your brain saying all these nice things about him and that's probably where the attachment begins.
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die-rosastrasse · 5 months
I love you bad art, I love you amateur art, I love you self learning, I love you cheap art supplies, I love you journals, I love you crafts, I love you art available for everyone, I love you second hand art and objects, I love you free museums, I love you handmade gifts, I love you childish drawings, I love you art that nobody ever saw except for the artist, I love you taking time to learn a skill, I love you art history, I love you free tutorials, I love you art as a school subject, I love you things that took a long time to make, I love you art studies that are considered useless, I love you the human need to create and change the world around you to be more beautiful and more meaningful.
I hate you AI art, I hate you generated content, I hate you singe-use images, I hate you mindless consumption, I hate you stealing from artists, I hate you reposting without sources, I hate you lying about using AI, I hate you pretending like art is something unachievable and reserved only for the chosen ones.
Make art!! Make "bad" art that is actually special because you took the time to make it. Make art for yourself that you show no one. Make art for others that they'll cherish forever. See how your whole world changes, see how you start noticing beautiful and inspiring things all around you. Make things with love and devotion. Fuck AI.
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m0ty1ekpl · 4 months
⟣☾~« Rady dla 🦋 »~☽⟢
No więc z początku zaznaczę że nikogo do niczego nie namawiam, czytacie na własną odpowiedzialność. Sama nie jestem w 100% doświadczona ale osoby które zaczynają i nie wiedzą co gdzie jak to z miłą chęcią pomogę i wytłumaczę to co potrafię. Osoby które zaczynają z Ed raczej trochę już o nim wiedzą i nie siedzą w tym tydzień czy dwa a z okolo rok nie uważam że to coś złego aby pomagać sobie nawzajem w dążeniu do perfekcji.
➤ Ściągawka~☽
Motylki - osoby już trochę bardziej doświadczone. (Według mnie osoby w połowie celu i bliżej)
Gąsieniczki - osoby zaczynające z Aną
Fast - nie jedzenie nic tylko woda. (Bilans musi być na „-„ zjedzone/wypite musi wynosić 0)
Liquid fast - możliwość „zjedzenia” wszystkiego co płynne np. Musy, jogurty, picie. (Wszystko do limitu ustalonego przez was bilans musi wyjść na -)
Omad - one meal a day (jeden posiłek w ciągu dnia TYLKO JEDEN)
Binge - napad na kalorie duże przekroczenie limitu kcal
Metabolism day - zwiększenie jednodniowe kcal o 200-300 max żeby na drugi dzień mieć uczucie pełności (najlepsze dla fastow 24h)
Ana - An0rexia
Mia - Bu1imia
Sweetspø - miłe motywację
Meanspø - nie miłe motywację
Fatspø - zdj osob otyłych jako motywacja aby schudnąć
Thinspø - zdj osob wychudzonych jako motywacja aby tak wyglądać
Death/bonespø - zdj osób BARDZO wychudzonych z Aną zagrażającą życiu jako motywacja
Sw - starting weight (waga z którą startujecie)
Cw - current weight (waga aktualna)
Hw - highest weight (najwyższa waga)
Gw - goal weight (wasz pomniejszy cel w wadze)
Ugw - ultimate goal weight (ostateczna waga jaka chcecie osiągnąć)
BC - Bodycheck
➤ Limity~☽
Ja uważam, że jeśli chcecie zostać motylkami a jesteście dopiero gąsieniczkami to nie warto rzucać się na głęboką wodę i ustawiać limit 200kcal dziennie bo to po prostu skończy się napadem i pochłonięciem jeszcze większej ilości kcal niż normalnie a to nie o to tu chodzi. Ja wróciłam do any tak oficjalnie 01.01.2024 i zdając sobie sprawę że nie mam aż tak dużej samokontroli żeby zacząć od np 600kcal zaczęłam od dość dużej liczby jaką jest
1100 kcal dziennie i ciągnęłam to przez cały styczeń w styczniu nie robiłam fastow 24h, bo wiedziałam że to nic nie da więc słuchajcie się swojego organizmu i NIE RÓBCIE CZEGOŚ CO WIECIE ŻE SKOŃCZY SIĘ NAPADEM!! Zawsze zacznijcie od większych limitów i zmniejszajcie je co jakiś czas o te 100 albo 50 kcal. Nie ustawiajcie nigdy też limitu 0kcal przez cały miesiąc bo to po prostu nie możliwe my chcemy być piękni i wychudzeni ale nie koniecznie martwi.
➤ Fasty~☽
Jeśli chcecie spróbować fastow a nigdy ich nie robiliście nie róbcie odrazu 24h bo to nie zadziała. Polecam zacząć od np 16:8 (16h głodu 8h jedzenia) i np od 12 do 20 macie możliwość jedzenia (w ustalonym limicie kalorycznym przez was) a potem głodówka i możecie jedynie wodę przez następne 16h. Liquid fast polecam zrobić jak zmniejszycie pierwszy raz limit i po 1 albo 2 tyg od zmniejszenia limitu bo będziecie już przyzwyczajeni. Co do zwykłych 24h fastow polecam zrobić jak wiecie że nie będziecie mieli nic podstawiane pod nos ani nie będziecie zmuszani do niczego spróbujcie trochę przewidzieć wybrany dzień na fasta co ważne wtedy pijcie dużo wody warto też dodać owoce do wody żeby trochę to urozmaicić i nie być aż tak głodnym, must have na fastach to gumy do żucia, nie przerywają fastów jeżeli ich nie połykacie. Guma sama w sobie ma około 5kcal (zależy też jaka) a żucie gumy przez godzinę spala 11kcal więc nie dodawajcie gumy do licznika kcal. I przy normalnych fastach 24h zróbcie sobie dzień przed metabolism day.
➤ Kalorie i gramy~☽
Ważcie wszystko co chcecie zjeść i patrzcie na kalorie, z czasem będziecie w stanie powiedzieć na oko ile to np 5g słodziku/cukru. Starajcie się używać jak najmniej kalorycznych zamienników, macie rozpiskę rzeczy których ja obecnie używam trochę niżej w tym poście w polecajkach. Jeżeli nie możecie czegoś zważyć to okej postarajcie się na oko dowiedzieć ile to ma gram zawsze warto zaokrąglać jeżeli mierzycie na oko to jeśli wydaje wam się że coś ma 63-65g przyjmijcie że ma 70g w ten sposób będziecie mieli większą kontrolę nad tym co zjecie jeśli okaże się to mniej to nic lepiej dla was nie zmieniajcie gram które daliście na oko w zaokrągleniu (bo będziecie mieli potem chęć dobić kcal do końca limitu, a przynajmniej ja tak mam więc przyjmijcie zaokrąglenie i trzymajcie się limitu), jeśli okaże się że jednak było to więcej musicie dodać tą wagę do licznika kcal. To bardzo ważne by ważyć takie rzeczy żeby wiedzieć ile kcal spożywacie. Jeśli nie wiecie co ile ma kcal po przygotowaniu (jedzenie ważymy po przygotowaniu jeśli chodzi o rozpiskę kcal na produktach takich jak np makaron) to polecam dużo grupek motylkowych możecie znaleźć moje reblogi o takowych mogą one być na messengerze, discordzie naprawdę gdziekolwiek, ludzie tam są bardzo mili i potrafią pomóc z liczeniem tego ‼️
➤ jak zapobiegać napadowi?~☽
No i przechodzimy do rzeczy o których trudno mi mówić bo wiele motylków się ze mną może nie zgodzić. No więc jeśli chcecie zjeść a np macie fasta albo liquid fasta to napijcie się wody to raz a dwa jeśli faktycznie czujecie że zaraz zemdlejecie albo coś to zjedzcie coś naprawdę, byle by nie było bardzo kaloryczne ewentualnie na liquid fast mus zjedzcie to wam nie przerwie lq fasta. Ale jeśli chcecie mieć faktyczny napad i czujecie że to będzie zaraz to najpierw pooglądajcie thinspo poszukajcie niskokalorycznych przepisów (polecam od @excellencyvinv3 ma jedne z najlepszych ‼️❤️) obejrzyjcie film np to the bone (osobiście to moja największa motywacja na to aby nie mieć napadu) idźcie spać ja zawsze tak robię polecam jeśli brzuch was bardzo boli i nie chcecie mieć napadu idźcie spać polecam!! Zapchajcie się wodą albo zupką jakaś niskokaloryczną natomiast jeśli nie macie już żadnych kalorii i dosłownie jesteście na końcu limitu i macie 2 kcal np do waszego limitu (np limit 1000 a wy zjedliście 998kcal) to zróbcie sobie skincare poczytajcie coś pobiegajcie lub idźcie na spacer na przeważnie śpię albo spędzam czas z chłopakiem bo wtedy zapominam o jedzeniu. Pamiętajcie że nawet jeśli zwymiotujecie jedzenie kalorie wciąż pozostają w ciele to nic nie zmienia. Nie obżerajcie się.
➤ Ukrywanie €d~☽
Jeśli boicie się że ktoś się o tym dowie róbcie wymówki typu że już jedliście albo coś jeśli wiecie że to nie przejdzie to po prostu zjedzcie coś co ludzie uważają że jest bardzo kaloryczne a tak w sumie to nie jest np w tłusty czwartek zjedzcie oponki (30g 28kcal) ja np żeby nikt nic nie podejrzewał 2 razy w tygodniu jestem w maku i przeważnie jem tam lody waniliowe z czekoladową polewą (porcja 280kcal) bo w szkole zjem mniej np musy tylko w szkole będę jeść potem zjem lody i w domu coś niskokalorycznego w ten sposób rodzice myślą że jem pełny zestaw w maku a jem tak naprawdę tylko lody. Jeśli w domu zmuszają was do zjedzenia dużego obiadu zjedzcie chociaż trochę i powiedzcie że jesteście najedzeni bo wcześniej jedliście albo coś naprawdę kwestia wyobraźni.
➤ Waga~☽
Pamiętajcie ważcie się jedynie na czczo.
Waga stoi w miejscu a trzymam się limitu i spalam kcal czemu tak?
Prawdopodobnie macie chwilowe zatrzymanie w organizmie ale nie martwcie się czasami tak jest trzymajcie się dalej limitu z czasem powinna waga powoli spadać błędne jest uważanie że codziennie będziecie chudnąć 1kg polecam ważyć się raz w tygodniu z rana na czczo wtedy zaczniecie widzieć większe zmiany.
Moja waga rośnie a trzymam się limitu i spalam kcal co się dzieje?
Jeśli dobrze trzymasz się limitu i ważysz wszystko itp to może być problem małej ilości wody w organizmie przez co pęczniejesz i waga rośnie zalecam pić przynajmniej 1l dziennie najlepiej jak będziecie pić 2l oczywiście ale jeśli tak jak ja nie możecie aż tyle bo wam nie wchodzi zacznijcie od 1l ale po prostu starajcie się jak najwięcej wody pić.
➤ Polecajki żywieniowe~☽
Lepsze zamienniki z mniejszą ilością kcal
Erytrytol zamiast cukru
Masło zamiast oleju
Wszystkie przepisy od @excellencyvinv3
Oponki zamiast pączków
Zupy/makarony zamiast większych obiadów
Mleko migdałowe zamiast zwykłego mleka
Gorzka czekolada zamiast mlecznej
Owoce zamiast cukierków
Lays oven baked zamiast zwykłych laysów
I wszystkie inne wszelakie zamienniki jakie tylko możecie znaleźć. Ale to są główne których ja używam.
➤ Polecajki ogólne~☽
Aplikacje, konta na tumblr, gł0dówki na start, trackery kcal miesięczne, linki.
Aplikację które ja personalnie używam to
YAZIO wersja darmowa oraz Fasting tracker (monitor gł0dówki) do bmi również używam Fasting Tracker a yazio do liczenia kcal. Używam również aplikacji zdrowe zakupy aby skanować produkty i widzieć kaloryczność plusy i minusy itp.
Z kont na tumble polecam moje inspiracje w przypiętym poście a szczególnie @excellencyvinv3 najlepsza jest a jej przepisy są cudowne!!
Moje lubione gł0dówki na sam start to ta darmowa z yazio 16:8 to była pierwsza od której zaczęłam stosowałam ją w styczniu aktualnie okazjonalnie robię liquid fast i nie stosuje żadnej innej.
Ja trackery kcal miesięczne takie jak teraz w bilansach używam to są znajdowane na bieżąco na tumblrze po prostu biore od kogoś ten który mi się podoba ROBIE SCREENA RÓWNIEŻ NAZWY KONTA I OZNACZAM W KAŻDYM POŚCIE Z TRACKEREM!!
Linki no więc dla świadomości ile schudniecie na danej diecie albo ile zrzucicie jedząc x kcal przez x dni to podsyłam tutaj linka dla pełnej rozpiski i tutorialu jak dowiedzieć się ile zrzucicie polecam mi się sprawdza.
➤ Końcówka~☽
Dajcie koniecznie w komentarzach swoje porady!! Jeśli macie jakieś pytania również piszcie w komentarzach postaram się na wszystkie odpowiedzieć!! Mam nadzieję że jakoś pomogłam <3 i sorki że tak długo czekaliście ale dopracowywałam jeszcze mocno ten post i jak na mój aktualny stan zdrowia to wyszło dobrze ;)
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njosnavelyn · 2 years
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HAPPY GHOST SWAP @playghosttrick!!! Disco crossover, you say... I see... cockatoos. Majestic cockatoos. And a very disco crossover. Nothing like it, baby!
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
How To Accurately Describe Pain In Writing 
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Pain can be an interesting emotion to write about. It gives authors the liberty to merge their character’s emotions and surroundings to create beautiful metaphors and graphic descriptions that draw their readers in and convey their character’s struggles. However, if done wrongly reading your descriptions of pain can feel like a chore to your readers. Unsure how to accurately describe pain in your writing? Here are some tips to help you get started. 
Use The Five Senses 
As humans, we possess five senses that dictate our reactions to the world around us. When writing, it is important to use these five senses rather than just relying on what your character can see. Talk about the sound, the smell, the taste, and even the feeling. 
If your character just got burnt, talk about the sound of sizzling flesh and the slight numbness they feel. Mention the terrible smell of burnt flesh, and make your character feel dizzy with fear as their eyes finally land on the horrific wound. 
Internal bleeding makes people spit blood and taste iron and partially healed wounds feel itchy and irritant. 
There is so much more to pain than what you see, and simply talking about your character’s wounds isn’t nearly enough to make your readers wince in second-hand pain. In fact, they are more likely to skim your passages in boredom. 
Show your readers what your character is experiencing, and then go on to describe their reaction to this situation. 
Build It Up, Then Break It Down 
Pain doesn’t just suddenly come from nowhere. It starts with something small, blossoms, and then spreads. Your character won’t just suddenly get a third-degree burn the size of a baseball by leaning against a hot steel wall for the briefest of seconds. It starts with a light reddish-brown mark, then darkens, maybe even blisters. 
You can’t go from 0 to 100 in one sentence. You need to build it up and show your readers how your character’s pain was found. Then, break it down. 
Pain doesn’t come from nowhere, but it doesn’t suddenly disappear either. Show us how your character’s wound heals. Does the wound mark from where they hurt their knee turn into an ugly brown shade for a couple of weeks? Do their burns gradually fade from red to pink, or turn darker? 
It’s important to show your readers the aftermath of your character’s pain. A character who just had a bullet pulled out of their shoulder with a hot knife can’t suddenly just jump up and start firing at the enemy with perfect aim. 
You don’t need to overdo it and constantly mention their wounds during the healing stage, but something as simple as ‘her bandages uncomfortably scratched at her back every time she lifted her hand to eat’ or ‘his fingers subconsciously shifted to run over the remains of his burn mark even as his eyes remained trained on the blackboard’ will suffice. 
How Does This Affect Your Character? 
Physical pain aside, wounds can also have an effect on your character’s dynamics with others as well as your plot. 
It’s important to take into account how they got this wound, how the other characters might react to it, and internalised conflict caused by it. Maybe your character injured their fingers during a game of volleyball and now they’re staring at their final exam paper with tears of frustration brimming their waterline because it hurts too much to write.
Maybe your protagonist suffered a small burn while sneaking out to go to their friend’s house and their parent or mentor saw it. Or maybe your protagonist won against the antagonist but suffered a grave injury to their legs and now cannot fight during the next confrontation, resulting in a chaotic outbreak at their headquarters. 
Think about the internal as well as the external damage your character’s wounds can cause, and then use that as a plot device to further your book. 
Do Your Research 
It’s very important to accurately portray your character’s level of pain and consider whether or not they would realistically incur such injuries from such a wound. When writing about a character’s wound or pain consider doing some research about that type of wound. 
Here are some things you need to check when researching the wound type: 
How much blood would they loose with this type of wound? 
What are the side effects? 
Could this be fatal? 
How long will it take to heal? 
How long does it take for a wound to get to that extent? (for example, if you’re writing about a third-degree burn, research what it takes for a burn to be considered third-degree). 
What are the major veins, arteries, and other important body parts in that part of the character’s body? For example, if your character is supposed to be injured on their arm but it’s not supposed to be serious, you need to consider whether the wound could realistically have ruptured their radial artery, resulting in death. 
Will there be any scarring? What about any long-lasting wound marks? 
You could also take a look at historical events similar to the one you’re writing. For example, if you’re writing about an assassination attempt consider researching the most historically renowned assassination techniques. 
It’s also a good idea to ask your families and friends about their experiences with the type of wound you’re writing about (so long as it’s not a sensitive topic). Maybe you have a cousin who suffered a third-degree burn once or a classmate who has a scar from a graphic wound across their arm. 
I hope this blog on how to accurately describe pain in writing will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday. 
Want to learn more about me and my writing journey? Visit my social media pages under the handle @hayatheauthor where I post content about my WIP The Traitor’s Throne and life as a teenage author. 
Copyright © 2022 Haya, you are not allowed to repost, translate, recreate or redistribute my blog posts or content without prior permission
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ohara-n-brown · 4 months
Hey everyone,
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an anti-trans community detransitioner essay
Just wanted to give a heads up to the FTM community on here that a user named @mewthoughtcrime is trying to repost the 'New ThoughtCrime' think piece from 2017 - tagging it with this such as 'trans man', 'nonbinary' and 'transandrophobia'.
However this blog fails to mention that the main author of said piece is a lesbian who considers herself a detransitioner. While there is nothing at all wrong with that -
the problem more comes from the fact that said author also believes the trans community is a cult.
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This quote comes from the author's interview with Genspec - an organization that pretends to be trans supportive, while also believing trans kids are a myth, trans men are just confused teen girls, and pushing the book Irreversible Damage.
The author also believe in the idea of 'cotton-cieling' - a terf dog whistle that implies trans women intend to force lesbians to sleep with 'males who identify as lesbians'.
The think piece is NOT at all about trans men or transandrophobia.
It's about detransitioning from a woman who believes the trans community engages in 'thought reform' - in a way akin to cults.
The piece reads largely inspired by 'Irreversible Damage' - an anti-FTM shred-piece. This is basically J.K Rowling ideology.
They're in their right to repost whatever they want, especially if that piece of writing specifically spoke to them and other detransitioning folk.
However I do think it's incredibly disingenuous and sneaky to not include this information - or the true nature and intention of the work - in the Tumblr post, as the original author was very clear in stating so.
To post such a piece without tagging the detrans community is a disservice to them and a deliberate choice towards us.
The piece is not at all about transandrophobia - the OP is simply mistagging it to target particular groups - mainly, actively transitioning FTM who are looking for community.
This isn't to say you can't read and enjoy the piece, or connect to it. You absolutely can, it's about someones valid personal experience (well - some parts.) that's eloquently written.
What I do not support however is posting such material, purposely and vaguely mistagging it, while not explaining the contents, the context, and the intent of the author clearly.
I believe readers should always be informed about the source and intention of the writers of the information they received.
People should be allowed to make informed choices about what they read and involve themselves in - whether that be trans politics, or reading think pieces online.
That's why I am making this post.
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an Anti-Trans Community think-piece that targets trans men and lesbians by supporting TERF ideology.
Read with that information in mind. With the situation going on now with staff, I think it's important to be on high alert for indoctrination or misleading literature like this.
By all means, read if you like. I was just not at all impressed with the lack of transparency from @mewthoughtcrime when it comes to detailing the actual contents and source of that information.
It's one thing to call the trans community a cult - before turning around and releasing anonymous faceless think-pieces that you spread around without sources or actively informing others of its contents, in order to purposely get a demographic of people who do not wish to interact with you to unwillingly engage in your rhetoric.
As a essay that calls for 'transparency in the trans community' we can first start by lending some transparency to THIS essay.
Stay safe and stay informed y'all ✌🏾
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