#both despite and because of their autistic traits!!
analysisn3rd · 2 days
Sherlock Holmes is autistic. I will tell you why.
Although I feel like this is something that’s talked about a lot in the Sherlock Holmes fandom, I wanted to write about it just because I like talking about it; Sherlock Holmes is autistic. There’s a lot of things, clues, pieces of evidence, whatever you want to call it, present in the ACD canon to prove this and I will present it to you.
Autistic stereotypes and how Holmes fits into them and doesn’t simultaneously
There are many autistic traits that are considered stereotypical, but the one I mean here is the “cold, emotionless, non-empathetic, calculating machine” autistic stereotype, which Holmes does fit into, but he also doesn’t. Despite the use of this very description in several of the short stories, Holmes doesn’t fit this description quite well. It may be what people see on the surface, it may be what people are first faced with when they meet Holmes, but it’s not the truth, or, more accurately, it’s not the complete truth.
As I’ve written before in one of my analyses about Holmes, he doesn’t lack empathy. He’s quite empathetic, and he cares a lot about people (specifically Watson, Mrs Hudson and his clients), but he shows it in a different manner than others normally would. He shows it by listening to people and believing their stories and caring about them, not just for the thrill of the case or the mystery behind it. There have been several cases where everything was mostly resolved, he didn’t need to dig deeper than he had and the answer was not as unclear as it normally is, but Holmes didn’t leave it be until his client got the closure they needed. There have been other cases where he didn’t think that it was going to be an important affair, but, because he understands what his client might be feeling, he heard them out and helped them to the best of his ability. With Watson, there have been several examples of him showing that he cares about him and that he truly values him, and the same goes to Mrs Hudson.
Holmes also isn’t emotionless; he tends to express emotions in different ways than “normal” people would, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t possess them. He also reacts differently from “normal” in some situations, like how, during one of the more grim cases, he was able to take his mind completely off of it and talk, rather animatedly, about one of the topics that he was researching (which is probably to do with his research subjects being his special interests, something that’ll be talked about below)
Saying that Holmes is a “calculating deduction machine” isn’t necessarily incorrect, but I think that it takes away from his humanity quite a lot. The reason why he’s so good at deduction (well. It’s not really deduction, it’s induction, but that’s a discussion for another day) is because of his pattern-recognition ability and high attention to detail, both of which are things that are quite common within autistic people due to the way that their brains process information; something that’s called ‘bottom-up’ processing, where the details are processed before the big picture.
I will now talk about certain autistic traits and aspects of being autistic and how this is found within the Holmes canon.
Special Interests
A great portion of autistic people have specific, sometimes called rigid, interests that are also called special interests. Holmes has several of these and they’re mentioned quite a lot within the series.
The most evident one is deduction in of itself and mysteries. As we’ve seen several times within the series, when Holmes doesn’t have a case, or anything that he finds engaging like another special interest of his, he feels awful, to put it in simpler terms, and he experiences what Watson calls his “black moods”. 
Some of his other special interests are chemistry, especially when it involves forensics, which is something that he’s seen doing quite a lot and spending hours upon hours carrying out experiments to see if his hypothesis was correct or not, much like what he was doing when he initially met Watson in ‘Study in Scarlet’. 
Music is another one, which is something that he’s quite knowledgeable about, and he likes to engage with this particular interest by attending concerts with Watson and by playing the violin, where he either plays melodies to reflect his thoughts and feelings or composed symphonies that he and/or Watson enjoy.
Another is bees (and nature to an extent), which is something that he’s very interested in, considering how he took up bee-keeping during his retirement and how he’s written several monographs about it.
Aside from his special interests, he’s also had various hyperfixations throughout the stories, which he’d write monographs about as well.
Social differences
It’s very obvious how Holmes interacts with people differently compared to other characters, and the ways in which his social interactions differ is very similar to that of autistic people. 
One of the ways in which this presents is how blunt Holmes is. He’s very truthful and he doesn’t realise that what he’s saying, which he mostly means in a very literal, very genuine way, could be taken in another way. An example of this is this quote, which is from ‘The Hound of Baskerville’: “It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it”. This, amongst several other compliments from Holmes, tend to sound backhanded and they’re mostly read as him being snarky or simply mean to whoever he was saying them to, but I think that he just meant it in a very literal way.
Another way that his social differences present is how he doesn’t quite understand other people, especially women, where he tells Watson quite often that he’s the one who understands and appeals to the “fairer sex” from the both of them. His not really understanding people also shows up in how he’s never really having a friend before Watson or Victor Trevor; he’s never really understood anyone aside from them and I don’t think that anyone, aside from them, tried to understand Holmes back. I also think it’s evident that he doesn’t understand social norms by how he chooses not to comply with them. Holmes is a very logical person and if something doesn’t make sense to him, he simply wouldn’t do it and would probably deem it stupid.
Another thing that I don’t think is a social difference as much as it’s a difference in how Holmes sees the world is how he has a really strong sense of justice. His sense of morality is interesting, to say the least and I’ve discussed it before in one of my analyses of him, and his sense of justice kind of ties into it. Regardless of what he views as “right” and “wrong”, he will strongly defend what he believes and he wouldn’t let anything that he thinks is “wrong” slide. As I’ve written earlier, some cases had a fairly clear resolution and he could’ve just let them go, but it’s because he cares about his client and because he absolutely cannot let injustices simply pass without the persecutor getting punished, he solves the case until it’s completely resolved.
Generally speaking, Holmes doesn’t mask, and I think it’s mainly because he doesn’t really see a point in doing so; he doesn’t do it often, and the only instance of him masking is the beginning of ‘A Study in Scarlet’, when he and Watson hadn’t known one another quite well yet. He would hide parts of himself, he wouldn’t try to talk about any of his interests at all (to the point that Watson didn’t even know what he did for work until months after knowing him) and he made sure to be very neat and organised with everything, which is something that he most likely struggles with. However, once Watson found out about everything, he didn’t really bother masking again. 
Holmes’ struggles in relation to his autism
There are several things that autistic people struggle with (including communication, which I already discussed above) that Holmes also struggles with.
One of which is how he struggles with eating. I think that’s mainly because he doesn’t exactly feel hunger cues as most people would; he doesn’t exactly realise that he’s hungry until his stomach is cramping from the lack of food or he’s on the verge of passing out, which I think is a very believable conclusion considering how often he forgets to eat and Watson has to coax and/or remind him to do so. Another thing that Watson really helped him with is his injuries. I think it’s very likely that he doesn’t feel pain normally, which is something that happens to some autistic people, where they either feel it too much or too little; the latter is what Holmes struggles with. He doesn’t really notice injuries that he gets on cases because he doesn’t really feel the pain. This is most likely why he has several scars and acid burns on his hands when Watson first met him.
Another thing that I think he struggles with is executive dysfunction, especially when it comes to chores like cleaning his space and laundry, which is something that I recall Watson complaining about Holmes not doing in the beginning of one of the short stories. It’s possible that he has his own system when it comes to his organisation, but it was said in ‘Study in Scarlet’ that he was a very neat man, so I think it’s more reasonable to think that it’s just something that he always wants to start but could never really get to doing it due to executive dysfunction.
It’s also possible that Holmes struggles with sensory issues regarding his hair touching his face, which is why he always has it gelled back, and that he has them regarding facial hair, which is why he’s always described as clean-shaven (though I know that both of these could be due to other reasons as well).
I think that cocaine was Holmes’ way of self-medication. He needed something to help him through feelings of overwhelm and under-stimulation from the lack of cases, so he used it. It served as a distraction to him from his overwhelm and scarcity of mental stimulation that’s enough to keep him satisfied.
Similarly, I think that his habit of smoking was a way to keep his hands busy instead of stimming.
Due to all of the aforementioned reasons, I think that Sherlock Holmes is autistic.
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lgbtlunaverse · 30 days
I've seen a good number of people ask a question along the limes of "why do characters like Falin and hate Laios when they're so similar?" and i've also seen good analysis on the differences in how the touden siblings carry themselves that would, despite their shared traits, make a person gravitate to one more than the other.
But i feel like we've overseen one very central thing here.
People don't like Falin
Like... the average person in dungeon meshi doesn't like Falin. She was deeply ostrasized by her home village, in magic school she had zero friends before Marcille and the others generally saw her as strange and a bit offputting.
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Characters like Namari and Chilchuck like her well enough but not necessarily more than any other member of their party, including Laios. Neither Kabru nor his party think much of her. The canaries don't give a fuck about her. Toshiro's retainers don't see her as anything else than the weird foreign girl their boss has a crush on.
The reason we think everyone loves Falin is because, despite all the indifferent side characters, the 2 most important and central characters of the story are Laios and Marcille. Who are NOT representative of the average attitudes to Falin! But necromancy georg number 1 and 2 are our main eyes into the story and they love Falin so much that it colours our perspective of the whole world.
The only side character who qualifies as liking Falin and not Laios is Toshiro (at least at first, as he ends the story on much better terms with Laios) and that says a lot about his character, with him drifting to the quiet Falin precisely because of her oddness but being both uncomfortable with and deeply jealous of Laios' much more open expression of that oddness. Because he's a repressed guy from a culture where etiquette is incredibly important.
But like I said, that's a specific aspect of him, not to the world at large.
Because there's also people that click more with laios than with Falin.
Kabru, for one, who is initially distrustful of laios but clearly also deeply fascinated by him and drawn to him.
Minor spoilers, and you don't have to read too deeply into this, because I don't think Kabru particularly dislikes Falin or anything. But it's interesting that when he talks about his distrust of the toudens in ch.32 he's talking about them both. But his big friendship declaration in chapter 76 is aimed squarely at Laios, he doesn't say "you and your sister" he says "you"
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And Senshi!! He instantly clicks with Laios, well before he does so with anyone else in the party– who he also becomes friends with, it just takes a bit longer– specifically because they bond over their shared special interest in monsters!! Senshi is kind towards Falin and cares for her wellbeing, but he also... doesn't know her. The reason he is even here, helping to save her, is because he and Laios bonded over monsters and he wants to help his new friends out!
Of course, the theme of neurodivergent isolation is very present in Laios' story. I'm not denying that. He does turn people off, without meaning to and unable to fully understand why! But so does Falin. And just like there are people who like her despite of or even because of those traits, there are people who do the same with him.
In conclusion: "Average person loves Falin and hates Laios" factoid actually statistical error. Average person is neutral on both Falin and Laios. Georcille, Laiorg and Geoshiro, who live in the dungeon and think over 10,000 Falin-loving thoughts a day, are statistical outliers adn should not have been counted.
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clixxx7 · 18 days
i hate that autism has become seen as more of a 'quirky personality' that what it is, which is a disability.
I dont just spend my days flapping my hands around and being cute autistic girl despite what people think when they notice i have autism. It completely effects every aspect of my life, i cannot go to school or communicate properly, i can have extreme verbal shutdowns that go on for weeks, i have meltdowns that last hours on end of hitting myself in the head and trying to quite literally get my skin off bc it feels 'wrong', i don't have cute special interests like trains or mermaids and i will force myself to stay up for days to create extremely detailed and long analysis' of whatever criminal has recently become my obsession. I cannot recognise hunger until its painful and makes me feel sick, i cannot recognise the feeling of being full until its painful and makes me feel sick. I cannot recognise needing to go to the toilet until I'm literally about to piss myself. Because of my autism i have hypermobility and lax joints which increases risk of early arthritis by a lot, both my ankles and knees are fucked and i can randomly collapse after just taking and step and my ankle or knee gives out. Extreme phobias i have like emetophobia and nyctophobia are all linked to autism, panic attacks and anxiety attacks i have are all linked to autism, my insomnia and severe burn-outs are all linked to autism.
And its not just me:
Just 30% of autistic adults in the UK are in any form of paid employment. This is amongst the lowest rates of employment for people with additional needs or disabilities. Seven out of ten autistic people have a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression or OCD. Autistic people are more likely to be in abusive relationships and, from childhood, are more likely to experience sexual and emotional abuse. It’s estimated that autistic women are three times likelier to be sexually assaulted than non-autistic women. 1/3 of autistic people are fully non verbal and will never speak. 70–80% of children and adults with autism experience or have experienced mental health problems in their lifetime. At least 3 in 4 autistic children have experienced or exerience bullying. About 50% of autistic people deal with substance abuse or addiction at some point. Nearly nine in 10 autistic women have been victims of sexual violence.
Autism isnt a personality trait its a disability and people need to recognise that, having autism sucks balls man, it takes so many opportunities and careers from you, especially because the world is made for neurotypical people and allistics.
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rasairui · 2 months
I'm glad more people are pointing out how racist people's reaction to the Toshiro/"Shuro" Laios thing is because oh my god. Like okay hi. I'm an autistic white passing Japanese american. And while I haven't read the whole manga through, I have read bits of their confrontation and I adored it. Like it was really painful but it was also a misunderstanding that is so so realistic and I empathized with both of them.
The stoicism and really specific social rules are something I've had to navigate with my extended family, my Hijichan specifically. I've never had fights or blow ups with him over it, or anyone else for that matter, but being an autistic person who has lots of traits very similar to Laios' and growing up trying to figure out how to effectively communicate with my family- that whole scene, despite how difficult it was to read, was really cathartic. I adored it because I understood both of them and it was exciting seeing that very specific dynamic and how it could blow up written well. Like it was that bit that made me more interested in Dungeon Meshi as a whole because I felt seen in both of them. It is such a well done conflict and I'm obsessed, I was excited to see what other autistic people thought. And then it just turned into white fans completely woobifying Laios and acting like Toshiro is some deliberately ableist aggressor and dismissing the cultural context surrounding his behavior. And needless to say I'm not fucking impressed.
Baffling how many white people talk about loving manga/anime and Japan obsessively but when Japanese Media actually comments on Japanese Culture it completely flies over their heads or is deliberately completely and utterly ignored. I really do hate some of you and I will defend Toshiro Nakamoto until the day I die.
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
Memories ☆ One Shot
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☆Merchant Husband!Jamil Viper x Fem!Yuu!Reader x Merchant Husband!Kalim Al-Asim:
After your student career at NCR, Crowley had yet to find you a way to bring you back to your world. But that didn’t matter anymore, you had by now found yourself a new home in Twisted Wonderland. A family of your own, two wonderful husbands and children. But despite always moving forward, it is sometimes nice to look back to sweet moments of the past..
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Reader gets called slutty one time but the rest is loving and fluffy. Not Proofread. READER & THE GUYS ARE ABOVE AGE AND MARRIED KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Based on this ask:
So could you do a One-Short of Jamil x F!Reader x Kalim? In which the three, now adults and married, both rulers of Scalding Sands, after a day of work and putting the children to bed (Aisha the eldest, daughter of Jamil and Y/n, and Omar, son of Kalim and Y/n), Y/n was organizing the things when he finds a photo album from the time when the three of them studied at NRC, so the three of them start to remember from the time they met, to the moment they got married (while having flashbacks of those moments), remembering all the good and bad times they had, and at the end they have an intimate moment, let's say... 👉🏻👌🏻, if you know what I mean😏
I kept imagining Kalim and Y/n laughing at Jamil, when they went to Scalding Sands for the fireworks festival, where they heard several embarrassing stories from him, including one (I made this one up) where when Jamil and Kalim met, Jamil mistook Kalim for a girl and was all in love about him
Notes: Since the al asim are a long line of wealthy merchans but not royals, I didn’t make them rulers(as in sultans) but high in the the contries hierarchy. Also I don’t know if I actually like that one, I’m not sure this fic is that good, sorry if you don’t like it.
Author Note: I have 15+ other request to work on after this one but I also have to study. About 5 are twst and rest are Hazbin hotel. I have gotten sub!vox x Succubus reader, zestmilla and a Velvette x autistic reader request, but those don’t follow my rules. Though I think I might do the Velvette one, because I hadn’t put in my rules that: I don’t think I have the writing abilities to fulfill a request like that one, when it was sent out. But I’m still not sure, it’s a maybe type of situation, anyways that’s me and my life. Lol anyways enjoy!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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It had been a long, tiring day, so much to do, and you swore to yourself more than once that you were surrounded by incompetent idiots. Being the wife of an old money merchant and a brilliant new money one was a difficult task, you were constantly on your feet, ordering around, signing off on shipments, formulating contracts and making phone calls.
Despite the discomfort and exhaustion that hard work brought you, it was inevitable that you would grow accustomed to it. Reminiscing no more about the world you had left behind, the scalding sands were your home, with your two husbands and your children.
Aisha and Omar, the light of your day. The sunshine they brought into any room they entered, that always made you smile.
Aisha resembled Jamil so much that no one could question where she had gotten her traits from, always calculating and good at keeping her emotions in check, she was truly the responsible elder daughter. Though, same could be said for Omar and Kalim. The two of them were like pees in a pot, the times they would fall to their endeavours you couldn’t help but wondered if one of them was really an adult.
But at last it was time for your little sunshines to go to bed, they had school tomorrow and you didn't want them to be sleepy in class. So after saying goodbye to their Nanny, Mrs.Miriam, you tucked them in. Sweet fairy tales and gentle lullabies to hold their hands on their journey to dreamland.
As you step out of the children’s bedroom you could help but notice the door to the storage room was croaked open, ‘must have been the kids’ you assume. After all, Aisha loved to wear your old dresses, even if they didn't fit. And have a tea party in them with her brother, Omar probably wore one of Jamil's many business suits, he loved to look professional during these play dates, even though the big fabric made him look somewhat ridiculous.
You stepped in to make sure everything was tidy, but much to your expectation and disappointment, the children had left the room a mess.
At that moment, you sincerely asked yourself why you didn't have a maid, ‘you were rich, so why were you the one who had to clean up?’ But no reason to lament on it for too long, being pissy wouldn’t clean the room.
So you reluctantly began to reorganize the chamber, despite your tired state. While doing so, you coincidentally happen to stumble onto a fancy-looking box, a rather large one at that. It had an inscription carved into it, 'Memories'. And upon opening it, you had discovered about 5 or so photo albums. Three of them belonged exclusively to Kalim and Jamil, one was dedicated to the three of you and the last one was just NRC memories in general.
Opening the album filled with shared emotions brought a delightful wave of nostalgia to your heart. Swiftly completing the room cleaning, you carried the box to the living room, eager to reminisce about high school days and enjoy glimpses of your husband's past.
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After about 30 minutes of reviewing the photo albums, you had only reached halfway through the NCR one when you heard the sound of keys opening the front door.
Focusing on the voices, you recognized your husbands, you had been eagerly anticipated their return. Myriam had only prepared food for the children, so you had patiently waited for Jamil to arrive and treat you to his delicious cooking.
As the two men entered, shedding coats and shoes, you overheard Kalim sharing a laugh about his workday. At least one of you three found joy in the challenges of being successful merchants.
“Well hello there, what's a lovely lady like yourself doing all alone tonight?” Jamil greeted, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and planting a kiss on the crook of your neck.
‘Such a flirt,’ you mused to yourself, even after years of marriage, he still seized every opportunity to hit on you—an aspect not everyone would expect given his usual demeanor. “Nothing too special, my good sir. Just indulging in the pleasure of walking down memory lane,” you replied, gesturing to the open photo album on your lap.
"Mhm, I see," he responds, while your other husband explores the elegant box. Pulling out one of the albums that you didn't contribute to, he opens it and flips to the first page. Sporting a broad grin, he exclaims, "Man, this brings me back!"
After giving a glance at which album Kalim had chosen, Jamil nods in agreement. "Sure does, though I did hate you when those pictures were taken."
"That's so mean, Jamil!" Kalim protests.
"What can I say? You were quite the annoying and demanding kid. I'm glad Omar didn't completely take after you with that one." He sneakers and Kalim whines as a responds. Though it ends with both of them lightly laughing.
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It's true that Jamil and Kalim once had a conflicting relationship, but after working through their dynamics, they became good friends and, subsequently, lovers.
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It all began as a sort of love triangle after the winter break of your first and their second year. Kalim confessed to Jamil that he had fallen for you, not realizing that Jamil had been harboring feelings for you for quite some time. But instead of brushing off his emotions for the sake of the Al-Asim family as he had previously done, Jamil candidly admitted to Kalim that he also liked you and wouldn't back down just because Kalim felt the same.
A friendly competition ensued, as they vied for your attention by outdoing each other whenever you were present. ‘You had trouble with a certain topic in class? Jamil would help you out.’ (1 point for Jamil). ‘You wanted new stationary because the ones Crowley had provided were on their last lives, Kalim would get them for you, gold or silver encrusted? Your pick.’ (1 point for Kalim). And so on.
However, it did happen that the ever-clumsy Kalim would unintentionally disrupted Jamil's plans, such as on the before Halloween night. Jamil had prepared meticulously to ask you to the Halloween dance, crafting a special gift.
With the assisted by the ‘unexpectedly benevolent at that moment’ Professor Crewel, he concocted a bouquet of everlasting sparkling flowers. Perfecting the potion applied to the plants, creating a handcrafted card, and embroidering a sweet message on the ribbon that would tie it all up, took considerable time. Considering his responsibilities as vice housewarden, club duties, and student work, he may or may not have sacrificed a significant amount of sleep for those flowers, but despite the sleepless nights that took some toll on his health, he believed it was worth it for the girl he loved. Because ‘Hey, what’s a couple hours of missed beauty sleep when we’re taking about making happy the future love of you life!’
Everything was set to be flawless – he was impeccably dressed in his uniform, almost done with his hair, just a bouquet delivery away from asking you out. ‘Simple, right?’
However, what Jamil hadn't anticipated was that, despite Kalim growing up surrounded by gold and precious gems, he still acted like a magpie drawn to anything shiny. Walking through the scarabia hallways, Kalim noticed the slightly ajar door to Jamil's room and, feeling the urge to close it, approached. ‘He didn’t want people going in to his friend jamil’s room with his consent!’ after all.
Though, his concern for people entering Jamil's room without his agreement didn't seem to extend to himself. After seeing light reflect on something through the door’s opening, he entered, consequently spotting the beautiful sparkling bouquet on the vice housewarden's desk and couldn't resist getting a closer look.
As Jamil returned to the room, Kalim, in a reflex, hid the flowers behind himself to cover the fact that he had touched something he shouldn't have.
Obviously, Jamil immediately noticed the bouquet behind the white-haired boy; with around 100 flowers, it couldn't be easily concealed. As he was about to ask for the flowers, Jamil took a noticed to something in peculiar – Kalim was remarkably close to the desk, espagnol with the flowers behind his back. That's when it dawned on him: Kalim was currently crushing the flowers.
Seizing Kalim by the shoulder and reclaiming the flowers, Jamil couldn't help but observe the crushed petals that now marred the majority of the bouquet. As Kalim acknowledged the dire state of the plants, he looked at Jamil with a face full of guilt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get a better look, and then you surprised me-" Kalim began.
"Oh, so now it's my fault? My fault you came into my room without asking, and it's my fault you touched something that didn't belong to you? Do you even know what these were for? I worked so hard to make them look that way! But now they're ruined!" Jamil emphasized, throwing the bouquet on the ground.
Now grabbing Kalim by his collar, Jamil continued, "They were for me to ask Y/N to the dance. I spent so much time trying to make them look perfect, something you wouldn't understand since you probably would've just bought something instead of taking the time to make it. You just ruin everything. Shit, you make me so fucking angry!"
The sudden yank on Kalim's collar caused him to stumble backward, landing on the edge of the desk, his legs still firmly planted on the ground. He yelped softly in surprise as he felt Jamil's breath hot against his neck, and a shiver ran down his spine at the combination of anger and... something else? Maybe it was just the closeness that made him tremble.
"L-Look I’m sorry," he managed to choke out between ragged breaths. "Please forgive Jamil, I-I didn’t mean too."
However, Jamil's grip tightened further, pulling him closer until their bodies were flush against each other. Their faces were mere centimeters apart now, and Jamil's eyes bore into Kalim's like daggers. Despite his rage, there was an underlying heat burning brightly in his eyes, threatening to consume both of them.
Without warning, Jamil leaned forward, crushing their lips together full of madness. His tongue forced its way past Kalim's surprised lips, seeking entry into his mouth. His hands moved up to cup Kalim's face, holding him in place as he deepened the kiss.
Finally breaking the kiss, “What the hell,”Tsk, “Shit! I don’t know what came over me, I was just so mad and-“ Jamil began rambling but is cut off when an audibles “fuck” came out of Kamil’s lips.
“Did you just say fuck?” Jamil question,
“You just kissed me and that’s what you’re worried about!” Kalim retorts.
“You’re right, sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s just forget about this and never speak of it a-“ Jamil starts again,
“Wanna do it again?” Kalim cuts off once more.
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Meanwhile you patiently waited at the location Jamil had texted you, but after 45 minutes of silence and Jamil not responding to your texts, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You weren't about to get stood up, no matter how pretty the motherfucker was. Heading straight to Scarabia ready for any excuse or so you thought. What you didn't anticipate was walking into both of your crushes making out on Jamil's bed.
They were so absorbed in each other that they hadn't noticed your presence in the room. To break their entrancement, you casually remarked, "Hot." Seeing the two guys you admire in appearance and personality, kissing and grabbing at each other was an undeniably attractive sight.
However, that your words did break their moment. Pulling away, Jamil spoke from under Kalim, "Um, hey, how's it going, Y/N?"
"Don't 'Y/N' me, Jamil. You texted me to meet you in front of the Seven's statues because you had something important to tell me. Then you don't show up and ignore all my texts. Now, if you want to continue your make-out session with Kalim, I'd suggest you promptly spit out what you wanted to tell me," you sternly replied, perhaps a bit too harsh. Despite your initial reaction, you quickly faced the reality that if they liked each other, you couldn't be with either of them and that hurt you. Or so you thought until their next words.
"Oh, well, the thing was that I wanted to ask you to the dance, but the bouquet I made for you kinda went south," he said, looking at the smushed gift on the floor. Following his gaze, you discovered the beautifully sparkling yet crushed flowers at your feet.
"So wait—why are you making out with Kalim if you were going to ask me out? I get the idea of going as friends, but the bouquet is a bit over the top for situations like that." You point out.
"No, it's not. Shit, it's hard to explain," he paused and collected himself, with Kalim now seated beside him.
"So, what happened is that I was going to ask you out as my date, in a romantic type of way. But Kalim accidentally ruined my gift, and that got me so angry, then we kind of just started making out. So I guess I also like Kalim in addition to you," Jamil explained.
"I'm confused as fuck... so let me get this clear, you like me, but you also like Kalim, and he's okay with it," you remarked.
"Yeah, I mean, I also like you. So it's kinda better if he also does," Kalim replied.
"Wait— You also like me?" you questioned.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I know this is sort of really weird, and it's totally fine if you don't reciprocate our feelings. I totally get it. You are in no obligation to do so," Jamil says to you.
"You're right, I'm not obligated to do so," you paused, making their hearts stop. The rollercoaster of emotions from anger and anxiety to hot and bother to finally feeling rejected was a bit too much to handle in such a short amount of time. But your next words brought peace to their hearts and minds. "But, would it be weird if I were to admit that I also liked the two of you?"
"At this point, not at all," Jamil replied.
"So is it okay if I join your make-out sesh?" you asked.
"Of course!" Kalim exclaimed, grabbing your wrist and, consequently, throwing you onto the bed with the two of them.
And that's how the three of you began your relationship.
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Now back to the present,
The three of you had migrated to your Shaftland(Alaskan) king-sized bed, with you positioned between the two. You were all in pyjamas by now, you in shorts and a t-shirt. Currently, you were flipping through the album Kalim had picked up.
"Oh, and this was the first picture we took after I realized you were a guy," Kalim said, pointing at a photo of the two of them studying as children.
"Wait, you thought Jamil was a girl?" you questioned.
"Well, I did at first. He was really pretty as a kid and had nice long hair, though, I guess he still is," he said with a giggle. You looked at your other husband for confirmation, half-expecting Kalim to be playfully trying to confuse you. However, Jamil nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, apparently he did for the longest time. We got introduced at four, and during the span of 6 years, he thought I was a chick," he explained.
“So how did he find out you weren't?" you asked.
"One day, he dragged me out in the rain to play a game of ball. I tried to tell him that we couldn't, but he wouldn't budge. After about half an hour, I finally convinced him to come back in to avoid both of us getting a cold. I had prepared a bath for both of us to use, but, of course, it had to be kept a secret. I couldn't let anyone know I might have let Kalim get sick. So once the bath was ready, I began to strip. My shirt was halfway off when he started rambling about taking responsibility as the honorable son of the Al-Asim family and marrying me after seeing me indecently. I just stared at him for a couple of minutes, in shock, and then corrected him about my gender. The looks he gave me were like I had just turned his whole world upside down," Jamil explained.
"Well, it felt like you did back then," Kalim commented with a huff.
"I guess props to Kalim for wanting to do the 'decent thing' and marry you," you said with a snicker.
"Ha, ha, really funny," Jamil replied sarcastically.
"In the end, it did happen, though," Kalim said, somewhat of a marvel in his eyes.
"True, maybe 10-year-old Kalim had fortune-telling abilities. You never know," you said.
"For some reason, I strongly doubt that," Jamil retorted.
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You soon turned to the album filled with pictures of the three of you. As you examined the images, a hint of insecurity crept in.
"I wish I still looked like that, being 16 and beautiful," you expressed, but that didn't sit well with your husbands, not at all.
"Babes, what are you talking about! You're literally so beautiful, like really beautiful. I mean it," Kalim reassured.
"Yes, he's right. You’ll always be gorgeous," agreed Jamil, wrapping his arm around your frame.
"And besides, nobody could ever compare to you," added Kalim with a wink.
Your face gets warmer at their compliments, feeling a little better but still you couldn't shake off the nagging doubt in your mind. You knew they meant well, but sometimes it was hard not to compare yourself to your younger self or to other woman in general.
"Thanks you two, really, I appreciate it," you managed to say softly, trying to sound more confident than you actually were.
Kalim leaned in closer, nuzzling his nose into your neck and whispering hot breath against your sensitive skin. "I love how you smell so sweet," he muttered before trailing kisses down your neckline, leaving marks along the way.
Jamil followed suit, nipping at your earlobes and sucking lightly on them before moving downwards towards your cleavage. His hands traced slow circles around your waist, teasingly brushing against your sensitive flesh.
You gasp softly, arching your back into their touch, unable to resist their advances. Your heart raced faster than usual, thumping wildly against your chest as anticipation built up inside of you.
You felt your shorts being unfastened one by one, exposing your body to your husband’s hungry gazes. You closed your eyes, savoring the anticipation building up inside. Your breath hitched as you felt Kalim's warm fingertips teasingly tracing along your thighs, brushing against against sensitive flesh before dipping slightly lower towards your wet panties.
Lifting your shirt, his tongue traced circles around your nipples, sucking and licking each one until they stood erect and hardened.
Jamil's hands moved higher up your body, cupping your breasts in his large palms, massaging them roughly yet tenderly. His thumb played with your nipples, teasing them mercilessly while his lips found yours, claiming their own passionate kiss. Their tongues tangled together, exploring every crevice of each other's mouths as he continued to fondle your chest.
As things escalated further, both men began to undress themselves, revealing their cocks straining against their boxers. You could feel your pussy growing increasingly hotter and more lubricated at the sight of their hardened members, yearning for the moment they would finally fuck you. You moaned, your voice trembling with desire and need.
Kalim moved between your legs, spreading them wider apart before leaning down to nibble on your sensitive inner thighs. His hot breath fanned across your wet pussy lips, making goosebumps rise on your sensitive skin. "I want to taste you," he croaked against your panties, his hands gripping tightly onto your thighs. He did become ‘pushy’ then his usual self when it came to sex.
Before you could respond, he yanked down your underwear, exposing your pussy to his hungry mouth. He groaned deeply, savoring the scent of your arousal filling his nose. His tongue darted out, tracing slow circles around your entrance before exploring your hole, lapping up every drop of your dripping arousal. You cried out in pleasure, your body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over your.
Jamil stop you momentarily to change the position, now under you, with your back against his chest, hands spreading your thighs, his member now pressing against your entrance. With one swift motion, he thrust himself inside her tight hole, stretching her walls wide open. You gasped at the feeling, meanwhile Kalim returned to devouring your pretty pussy.
"You taste so fucking good, baby," Kalim muttered hoarsely between licks and sucks, his tongue darting in and out of your wet entrance. His fingers continued to tease your sensitive spots, finding just the right rhythm to send shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Jamil grunted deeply, thrusting faster now, his cock stretching your tight channel even further, filling you up completely. He reached down to play with one of your nipples, pinching it gently before twisting it roughly. "That's it, take all of me, my slutty little wife"
Your moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as they both relentlessly attacked every inch of your body. Your walls clamped tightly around Jamil's cock, milking him for more while you ended up squirting onto Kalim's face. The mixed flavors of their combined arousal only served to fuel their lustful hunger.
“Oh god, yes," you moaned, your voice breaking with pleasure. You felt so full, yet so empty at the same time. Your pussy clenched tightly around his thick shaft, milking him as he began to move faster and harder, slamming into your core repeatedly. Meanwhile Kalim had broke away to focus on his own erection, soon placing himself in your mouth and facefucking you. You didn’t protest, he had been so good to you, ‘so why not let him have his fun?’
"Shit, you’re so beautiful Y/N," stated Jamil, his hips moving in sync with Kalim's thrusting rhythm. You could feel yourself nearing orgasm once more, your body trembling in anticipation of release.
"Fuck, ‘it’s to much!" you cried out against your husband’s cock, though it came out as a mumble, in addition your voice was already hoarse from their passionate lovemaking. Your pleasing noises only served to fuel their lust even more, pushing them closer to climax together. You and Jamil being the first to finish, he slightly thrusted into to ride out your high.
Kalim was watching the two of you like a hawk, throwing his head back in ecstasy as he relished in the sounds you made. He soon reached his own breaking point, moving back to his original position to finish on your pussy and stomach.
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After a couple minutes of heavy breathing,
"This was fantastic," Kalim remarks between breaths.
"Yeah, it was. By the way, are you still taking the pill?" Jamil asks, turning to face you.
"Oh, no. I forgot I was on a break from it," you say, a bit alarmed.
"Well, looks like Aisha and Omar might have some potential siblings on the way," Kalim says with a giggle.
"Ha ha, real funny," you respond sarcastically.
"I mean, it's not that bad of an idea," Jamil suggests.
"Okay, less thinking about more kids, and more thinking of showering now. I am beat and sweaty," you say.
"Yes, ma'am," the two of them say in unison.
And that’s how your night ended.
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cherrybombfangirl · 3 months
I see Autistic/ADHD Lloyd headcanons all the time, but none for his parents which is weird because both ADHD and Autism are genetic. So lets fix that, and during Autism Awareness month no less, yay, #RedInstead bitches!
Autistic Garmadon and ADHD Misako Headcanons (for Autism Month!)
Misako hate is not welcome, we don't do that here, you will be blocked. Autistic Misako headcanons are welcome, I love you if you have that headcanon :). I'm autistic and adhd, so a lot of these will be based on my experience, and I'll try to keep it mostly fluff headcanons, featuring a little bit of Lloyd's autism and adhd <3
Autistic Garmadon
He and Lloyd share a lot of the same autistic traits
Like how if you distrupt the routine or there's a change in established plans both of them will start getting anxious and irritated
You don't distrupt the routine! Stick to the schedule damn it-
Or how both of them CANNOT stand bright lights, never turn on the overhead light, lamps and low lights only. and only predictable/controlled loud noises like music is ok, other loud noises bad
Also they both auditory stim ALL the time. Same song on repeat for days until the new favorite comes along, and they have the same taste in music (rock and punk), so while working on stuff or training one on one they'll blast the same song on repeat
Also both of them are hyperempathetic and get emotional very easily. Hence why they're a lot more emotional and open around each other
Also the Pathological Demand Avoidance is VERY STRONG with both of them. tell them to do something and they'll immediately dread and despite that thing and that thing is the last thing they want to do. (i.e. *is about to go do the dishes* "Hey can you do the dishes?" ... "I was about to. Even wanted to. Now I hate them and that's the last thing I want to do. Thanks for that. Fuck you.")
Both of them also have a very hard time unmasking (for different but similar reasons of how their childhood was), and get exhausted and burnt out fast. Luckily being around each other helps them unmask a bit easier
Garmadon loves Mac-n-Cheese, he'd eat just that for the rest of his life if he could. But only Misako's recipe, all other Mac-n-Cheese tastes WRONG (Lloyd also loves Mac-n-Cheese, but only his mom's recipe)
Sometimes he straight up forgets to talk. Like, he doesn't need to, he doesn't like talking to people, and he just... forgets that he has the ability to talk. So sometimes he might go a while without talking, thinking nothing of it. Then he'll vocal stim or use his voice and shock himself a little because oh shit i forgot i have a voice-
He hid it for a while because he thought it was embarrassing, but he has a huge special interest in sharks, and he is the number one shark defender, he could talk about them for hours (his favorite species is the Lemon Shark and Cookiecutter Shark <3).
^After he starts unmasking a bit he starting being a bit more open about it as well, and that year for his birthday Misako gets him a shark onsie. He just about melts, immediately puts it on, and wears it almost every night. (She thinks its adorable)
For a really long time, he thought the things he was experiencing were a side effect of being part dragon/oni, but then Wu told him "I don't experience any of that, sorry." and then he thought it was a side effect of the venom, but then after the Final Battle it was gone AND HE WAS STILL EXPERIENCING ALL THESE TRAITS, so he couldn't figure out wtf was wrong with him
^Misako was like "Idk sounds normal to me *shrug*" (She has ADHD, of course it sounds normal to her XD)
Lloyd knew he was autistic and adhd for a while because of the other ninja, who were also varying neurodivergencies. When he told his parents about it, they both didn't think anything of it because they didn't know it was genetic yet.
Then Garmadon found out it was genetic and was like "No... me? No way... I'm just an anxious introvert, there's no way."
Then he takes like ten different online assessment tests, and is like "Yeah, i knew it, i knew i wasn't autistic, those questions were worded dumb anyway. No I don't have a problem with socks, you see I have a system-"
And then Lloyd (who connected the dots once he found out autism was genetic) was like, "Dad... Dad... that- that is autistic... having a system for socks to avoid having problems with socks, avoiding places with loud noises and bright lights, and prefering to be by yourself or in silence is very autistic..."
Garmadon: "WHAT"
They figured out how to unmask and fuction as their authentic selves together and it's awesome
ADHD Misako
Similarly, she and Lloyd share a lot of ADHD traits
Like fidgeting, A LOT, always needing extra stimulation and needing to fidget. Usually with nail biting or lip chewing, until they learn less self destructive stims
They also hyperfixate in the same way. Both of them will get lost in the hyperfixation for hours, forgetting to eat, drink or sleep. until they try to stand up or someone reminds them. (Lloyd hyperfixates on comics the same way she hyperfixates on archeology)
Both of them have the worst sense of time and object perception. ("Oh yeah that project will only take fifteen minutes" *takes four hours*) (*losing track of important items and forgetting to eat ro drink water all the time*)
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is very strong for both of them, constantly worrying about annoying other people and being a burden, so they're people pleasers a lot and the slightest whiff of rejection sends them into a self hate spiral that can last for days or weeks (It took a very long time for her to get out of the self hate spiral after her and Lloyd meeting for the first time and him blowing up at her, which she thought she deserved for her huge mistake that she deeply regretted. Eventually they talked and Lloyd came to her and said she shouldn't hate herself forever, he wanted her to be his mom, and she could make up for it now. She still gets into that spiral sometimes.)
Also both of them zone out a lot. Sometimes many thoughts. Sometimes zero thoughts. Staring into space (they love car rides for this reason)
Both of them can be very all or nothing in a lot of things. No social interaction or all the social interaction. Doesn't talk at all or can't shut up. Constantly overshooting it.
Also due to the lack of object perception, both of them are kind of terrible at driving. They can't tell how far away the signs are until they're right in front of it, and are always taking turns that are way too big. Over or underestimating distance a lot. (Garmadon is a pretty terrible driver too, he gets overwhelmed easily). (Also Kai and Nya can confirm that teaching Lloyd to drive was a nightmare, Zane had to do it)
Always hyperfixating on something archeology/history related, she's a huge nerd and cycles through ten different topics (she was a weird kid that liked the morbid stuff in history). Usually dinosaurs, she's secretly obsessed with dinosaurs and hyperfixates on them all over again every other week. A lot of the time Garmadon has to remind her to eat or sleep because she'll be lost in hyperfixation for several hours.
Also has a lot of anxiety and has a hard time sitting still, always has to be moving or fidgeting with something in her hands
Similar to Garmadon, she didn't think anything of it when Lloyd told her he had ADHD, and when she found out it was genetic she thought, "No, it couldn't be me, I just have anxiety..."
She was in denial about it for a while, until Lloyd talked to her with Kai and Jay (Also ADHDers).
Kai asked, "Your teachers sent a lot of notes home about you being 'a pleasure to have in class' weren't you?"
Misako: "How the fuck did you know?"
Kai: "That was me before I had to drop out. I was the perfect little teacher's pet. So was Nya."
Misako sat there for a minute having a crisis because everything made sense now but also like no way, really?
She and Garmadon love talking about prehistoric sharks like the Megladon because that's where their interests intersect
^he also gets her dinosaur encyclopedias every year for her birthday and she loves it (they have diagrams of skeletons and fossils and stuff)
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cat-downthestreet · 5 months
hey, listen! this is a rant post about neurodivergent characters in Genshin and my frustration with the fandom's reading comprehension skills. if you're in a bad place or just don't like angry rants, please don't force yourself and go read something else instead. <3
Okay, so, I watched this video recently, and let's just say, I have some thoughts.
This isn't just a Xiao problem- the entire fandom is terrible at characterization. The example that makes me the most angry is the mischaracterization of neurodivergent characters.
Take Alhaitham for example. He's often seen as rude and narcissistic by the fandom- which is especially apparent in Haikaveh content, where people portray him as straight up abusive.
You wanna know why this makes me so mad? The supposedly narcissistic and rude traits Alhaitham has are actually just exaggerated symptoms of autism.
Like, come ON, people. Don't skip dialogue. Better yet, go read through his story quest again. He straight up tells someone who sees him as narcissistic that he doesn't see others as less than himself. Also, his voicelines basically confirm this- he's extremely socially inept and he doesn't care. He has difficulty showing emotions as readily as his peers- that doesn't mean he doesn't have them, just that he expresses them differently. He comes across as rude because he doesn't get that people don't like to hear what they're doing wrong, and he probably doesn't care because that's not his problem. If people don't like how blunt he is, that's their problem. At least, that's how I think he views the world.
And like, there are SO many hints that he's autistic. He wears sound-blocking earpieces, for crying out loud. Hell, the ENTIRE REASON why he helped out during the Archon quest was because he didn't want his life to change too much. Preferring routine is an autistic trait.
And the worst part is, when I talk about this outside of neurodivergent groups, people tell me I'm wrong and that he couldn't be autistic DESPITE THOSE PEOPLE NOT BEING AUTISTIC THEMSELVES.
And I'm not saying that every autistic person relates to Alhaitham, but I certainly do. And I'm actually quite friendly because I'm anxious about being rejected. Alhaitham isn't, and I'm so jealous of him for that. He's living his best life.
Finally, back to the Haikaveh thing... Alhaitham isn't abusive. He doesn't say horrible things to Kaveh, and the one example of him doing that I could find, he immediately backtracked and subtly tried to make Kaveh feel better. Hell, Alhaitham doesn't even actually care about making sure Kaveh pays rent. He says it as a joke, but because he's autistic and his tone of voice doesn't give that away as well, he's portrayed as abusive and misunderstood as narcissistic. Y'all just don't like neurodivergent people and it shows.
Yes, neurodivergent includes Xiao. PTSD is often viewed as a form of neurodivergency, and there are many MANY characters in Genshin that have PTSD or some other form of neurodivergence. Yet people refuse to see them as such and mischaracterize them as "edgy," "narcissistic," "unapproachable," "weird," and the like. Yet none of these characters are any of those things.
You wanna know the true narcissists? The true edgelords? The actually rude people? Might I direct your attention to Scaramouche, Childe, and Dottore, whom everyone makes out to be as misunderstood pathetic little meow meows that need love.
Reminder that only two of those three are actually redeemable, and one is STILL an edgelord who is more rude than Alhaitham could ever be, while the other is a certified insane person with a weird set of morals.
(Side note: I love Scaramouche and Childe as characters. I'm just tired of people acting like they aren't worse than the autistic characters. Scaramouche is extremely rude, but he's trying to be better as Wanderer thanks to Nahida's help. He has severe PTSD, and Childe does, too. But both of them are actually messed up and have done horrible things, yet people portray them as better and more in need of love than the characters with unlikable (read: neurodivergent) traits.)
Don't even get me started on how people portray Kokomi, Sucrose, Fischl, Diluc, Zhongli, Cyno, Furina, Neuvillette, and Albedo. Especially that last one- I WILL get mad if one more person tries to tell me he's just emotionless and rude.
Also, if anyone is wondering where I've seen people misunderstanding these characters, it's mostly on Hoyolab site discussions. There's one too many posts talking about how "rude" and "annoying" these characters are.
With Alhaitham especially, I see many people writing him as abusive in Haikaveh content. I see people arguing about the ship being toxic because Alhaitham is "abusive," "unfeeling," and "cruel." Even people who like the ship portray him as such. And I've seen too many people comparing him to Dr. Ratio, who is literally just a narcissist who views others as beneath him. Don't get me wrong, I understand the comparison. It's just... very obvious that people skipped dialogue during Genshin's Archon and story quests.
And it's frustrating because I've been misunderstood in the exact same way. I've been called "rude," "annoying," and "unfeeling" in the past and it's screwed me up. Seeing people do the same thing to a character I so deeply relate to makes me lose confidence in both myself and people around me.
If that's how you view a fictional character with autistic traits, how do you treat real people with the same traits?
Thanks for reading this far. My previous post seemed to get a lot of attention, so I felt more confident about posting my full perspective on this subject. Can any of you think of other characters that have been constantly misunderstood in the fandom? I'd love to hear about it.
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good-soupmens · 9 months
I love that Jim Gabriel is comic relief, but it's like "this once-a-jerk character is now delightful and knows nothing about earth" instead of "haha Dumb Jim let's undermine him because he doesn't understand"
They COULD have been mean to him. A lot of characters with autistic traits are treated that way, but Aziraphale welcomes him (despite fearing him when he was Gabriel) and lets him rearrange all his books. Crowley answers his questions about gravity and offers him hot chocolate. Even when they're frustrated, they don't take it out on him (with the exception of Crowley's interrogation, but he gave it up when he was sure it wasn't Gabriel pretending)
The main humor comes from the fact that 1. he used to be the Archangel Fucking Gabriel and now he's silly and 2. he's still figuring out the earth. It's done without poking fun at traits that a lot of people have (and are tired of being the butt of jokes)
It also makes Metatron's "the dim one" comment about Muriel cut deeper because it's not "haha dim one," it's an ignorant judgment made by the bad character you're not supposed to trust. Both Muriel and Jim are funny and endearing to the audience without being at the expense of neurodivergent people. I love this show
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neon-junkie · 1 year
What your favourite Bad Batcher says about you!
Not to be taken seriously, just a few traits I’ve picked up in people, based on who their favourite Bad Batcher is. Gender-neutral!
Hunter - You are a fan of one of these things, if not both: rough and rugged men who come across as dominant, but are actually submissive, OR sad little wet dogs. You know those 'sponsor an animal today!' adverts, and they show you all the animals with their sad lil' eyes gawking at the camera? Yeah, that's Hunter. You probably have a comfort item of some kind - a teddy, blankey, pillow, etc - and heaven forbid you ever wash that thing. They're fragile, okay?! Holding hands is one of your favourite forms of affection, along with head massages, and words of affirmation. You big, sappy baby.
Tech - Nerrrrd. No seriously, you've got to be a geek of some sort. That, or you're the total opposite to him. A goth, perhaps? Maybe you like Tech because he reminds you of your dorky high school days when you were bullied for your basic interests. On a brighter note, Tech fans are always sweet and kind, straightforward, possibly a little... autistic. You probably own a fidget item of some kind, and you love 'floor time.' Oh, and one of your favourite things on a man are their thighs - perfect cushions!
Wrecker - You're 100% an angel, alright?! I've never met a Wrecker fan who isn't the sweetest soul to ever grace this earth. You're probably not into the gym - if anything, you prefer food, and you're more than happy with your size and figure. You always have that one jacket that you wear, despite having a wardrobe full of others. Bright colours are your favourite because they're positive, and who doesn't want to be surrounded by bright and happy colours? You probably also own that Lula plush too, or you've made your own. Crafty lil' nerd.
Echo - Either you drink wine, or gin. Or you don't drink at all. There's no middle ground here. You definitely sleep in a bed full of blankets and pillows, only to push them off during the night because you're too damn hot! Cuddles are a very comforting thing to you, and one of your favourite forms of love language. You're either incredible at maths, or shit. Overall, you're soft and tender, but damn, you can bark when you really want to, and Maker forbid that anybody ever feels your bite!!
Crosshair - Okay, but... you don't have daddy issues, that's the thing. Everybody assumes that because you're a little edgy, when in reality, your trauma stimulates from elsewhere. Childhood bullying, perhaps? You know how everybody is either a black cat, or a golden retriever? Yeah, you're a black cat, but that doesn't mean you prefer solitude. You don't let just anyone into your circle - trust is a big thing, and it takes a long time to build up with you. However, when someone gets through, they find out that you're just a big sappy baby. A big sappy baby who prefers to be the little spoon.
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crypticcowboys · 7 months
hi there, i absolutely love your writing! please may i request some general headcanons for mike x gn!reader where both he and the reader are autistic? i’m glad to see that someone else headcanons him as such :D i hope that’s not too vague!!
a/n: thank you for being my first ask :3! and ofc it's not too vague! this is going to be focused more on mike's traits and basically his interactions with you. this was also lowkey self indulgent. i actually really enjoyed writing this so i think i might make another one of these focusing just on him@))@ pairing: autistic/audhd!mike schmidt x autistic!gn!reader headcanons, also autistic abby (the entire family is autistic) warnings: brief mention of autistic meltdown, otherwise fluff. wc: 836 (i ran out of ideas.)
not proofread i wrote this while high
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mike schmidt didn't find out that he was autistic until a lot later into his adult life-- only knowing that he had adhd. he always knew that abby was autistic, she had been diagnosed earlier into her life. but him? he never gave second thought to it. of course, he felt disconnected in a sense to the rest of the world. he was there, but he felt like nobody truly clicked nor resonated with him besides abby. of course, until he met you.
to say that mike was truly comfortable with you was an understatement. he didn't feel forced to make eye contact with you, and of course, ended up feeling comfortable enough with you to make full-on eye-contact... each and every time.
i feel like mike's love languages are definitely quality time and physical contact. he enjoys sitting in a room with you as a sort-of body double-- you two don't have to talk at all for him to have a good time with you. he enjoys being close to you, or being in a room with you, the both of you engaging in anything that you'd like. as for the physical touch part, he always needs to be connected with you in some way. in public, he's behind you, interlinking your arms or your hands together and giving you a soft squeeze. or when you're both in bed, and you two can actually fully hold eachother, this man needs pressure. he needs to feel like he's being pressed by a hydraulic press. either lay on-top of him or squeeze him from behind whilst he's the little spoon-he's in heaven.
mike definitely loves the sound of your voice. when you're talking he's pretty much giving you his full attention, even if he's not looking directly at you, or doing something else. he won't mind if you ramble about your special interest or your hyperfixation, he'll listen and ask you as many questions that pop into his mind. he's genuinely curious about what you're into!
as for mike's sPin/hyperfixations, i feel like one of the biggest hyperfixations he ever had as a child was pokemon. it's basic and mainstream, i know, but i feel like he especially took interest in card-collecting. i feel like he's a big collector in general-- he likes seeing physical groups of things that he either picks up or buys himself. he doesn't have much money to expand his collections now, but every once in a while he'll save up to expand them. i feel like he really enjoys miniature things-- like tiny things he can build. this may seem a bit childish to him and he'd never admit it-- but he likes calico critters because of the small objects. he can just never afford the sets. i feel like he also watches tiny cooking videos on his phone when he can't sleep.
mike's also a really big music enjoyer. i feel like he's always got his walkman on him-- several tapes. this man is a sade and jeff buckley enjoyer and you can't tell me any different.
despite the fact that he needs a job to support himself and abby-- mike is quick to burn out with work. he'll start off strong at first, and then later, everything down to the very air he could breathe in the place could just irritate him. besides all the stuff that happened at freddy's, it was... sort of a fresh breath of air, being his 'own boss.' no coworkers that couldn't understand the meaning of taking a break due to overstimulation to nag in his ear during rushes. not that rushes even really existed in the first place at freddy's. but for all his other jobs, he either got fired or outright quit less than 6 months of work because of his dull-minded managers. fast food was the worst-- he'd always encounter rude customers. he got a drink thrown at him, once, and he swore to never work fast food again. he does not back down on promises.
but whenever he does have burnout, or have a meltdown, mike instantly seeks you out first. he's clinging to you like a lifeline, feeling tears springing to his eyes whenever he's thinking about the amount of bills and fees he has to pay, or the chores he needs to do. he needs you to distract him from it all, he needs you to hold him tight and just distract him from everything. the burnout takes weeks to go away, but you and abby just make the experience so much smoother for him.
i feel like mike really enjoys going on road trips and long drives. no destination, just driving around with you and abby, making up dumb stories or you giving storytimes from your job that abby probably shouldn't be hearing, incase she starts picking up words like 'shit.' but she's already picked them up, honestly.
both you and abby are his lifelines. and the world wouldn't quite click if it weren't for you, especially.
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qulpynai · 1 month
wlw radiostatic headcanons and some with autistic Vox
god should spare me a little life essence note! genderbend radiostatic are much softer than canon ones because i want yuri to be happy and let yaoi die in suffer Vox in denial about her autism, while Alastor had no idea what it is until Charlie made a whole ass presantion about autism to help autistic sinners and let alone she suspected that Pentius might one of them Alastor was sitting during presantaion like "Oh, Vox has this trait, and that one too, and this finger thingy too... and that one included" and it happened quite multiple times in seconds Alastor was hit with realization "Charlie, i think my wife has autism" "YOU HAVE A WIFE?" "Well, i think we're in divorce process right now" "YOU AND WIFE????" "Vagatha, please help your little girlfriend"
Alastor is the first lover and hater of Vox and they mock each other daily, but Alastor goes easier when she sees that Vox stops getting where joke and not. she thought that Vox just had fragile ego which is also the case too, but she would've look angrier than worried at Vox's birthday she made a broadcast about sea creatures, especially about sharks, even though she wasn't fan of. none of sinner has any idea why Radio Demon decided to talk about sharks, but every shark-sinner was hella scared, while Vox, well, was kicking her feets and giggling Both of them obsessed with each other, but Alastor gets horrified when she sees her wife's pathetic room with every stuff that reminds her red deer cannibalistic woman and body pillow with her art She felt flustered and a little jealous because bitch you should hug me, not the pillow. it boosted her ego and gave one more reason to tease Vox about how she needed her presence "You were part of my routine" and Alastor shut her mouth, clearly dumbfounded and Vox quickly vanishes as she realizes what her mouth said now something local Vox may start repeating one word for a several time and Alastor doesn't mind, she enjoys her wife's voice, but eventually stops her if it gets too long Alastor used to mock her about it, but stopped as in afterwards Vox started to mute herself for a while out of embarassment. after the divorce arc she noticed that Vox only starts repeating at the moment of glitch and buffering, then she forces herself to reboot to stop the stimming. it... seemed enough painful it was a little bit too hard to accept that Vox used to be vulnerable around her, but now she simply can't despite her weird homosexual obsession
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jumexju · 2 months
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Fic Type !! : Headcannons
CW !! : None
Note !! : This is my own interpretation & headcannons for L, if youn like em just keep scrolling -_o
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Personally, I think he's on the aroace spectrum, it just makes sense to me. Its not that he can't experience love or sexual attraction, It just happens very rarely for him, since 1) He's busy [cuz of the whole 'world renowned detective' thing :3 & 2) He strikes me as the type of person to value having deep friendships more than romantic relationships
L is canonically someone who is analytical and logical 99.99% of the time so emotions, i feel, wouldn't come as easy to him as they do to others because of that.
It's not that he doesn't understand them, it's more so that he sometimes doesn't see the reason for them? (not sure how to expand on it) Personally I believe that he sometimes sees emotions as unnecessary or 'in the way'
I also believe him to be autistic. L has a lot of traits (like biting his nail, rubbing his toes, & fidgeting with his lip, which in an autistic person would be called stimming). Also, some fans of the series who are on the spectrum say the same which basically further solidifies this since it comes from actual autistic people themselves (note: I'm not autistic but I've had friends who are so it just makes sense to me)
I said this before in an earlier post but I headcannon L to be a metalhead/goth (def projecting BUT CAN U SEE THE VISIONNN???) Like, almost the whole soundtrack for the Death Note anime is Goth Rock, Death Metal & Visual Kei so it just fits him so well (esp for Misa, but thats for another post ^^)
He would probably listen to Metal bands like Deftones, Loathe, Slayer, Type O Negative, & Kittie
+ VKei bands such as NIGHTMARE (they made the opening & closing songs for Death Note ep1-25 ^^!), DADAROMA, MEJIBRAY, The GazettE, Buck-Tick & gulu-gulu
As for goth bands, I think he'd listen to Joy Division, Pink Turns Blue, Christian Death, & London After Midnight. (Hanté & Mareux too but they're Dark Wave so thats a whole other thing)
L & Misa are in a qpp (in my head) and you can't tell me anything different
Despite not having much interaction between the both of them in the whole manga/anime, I believe the complexity of both characters would compliment each other perfectly. (I am aware they are often shipped together but I personally cannot see them being romantically involved) Their relationship would be past that of basic friendships but not exactly crossing into the romantic relationship category
(I need to draw them together so bad adfasuieprffasdkfj)
I think thats it (unless something else hits me and I write another thing of these c: )
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 1 Round 4 Match 2
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Anthy -
"she is a staple in the queer anime genre and should be in the autistic community!
her autistic traits include: loving animals because they understand her better than humans (animals also appear to be a special interest), semi verbal and usually only speaks when spoken to, shows little attention to subjects that aren't in her interests, is ridiculed by her fellow classmates for being "weird", and functions poorly in social situations.
she's the brown queer autistic representation we need!!"
Falin -
"She's got autistic girl swag!!! She's weird and strange and everybody loves her for it. She looks at bugs and seduces people by thinking monsters and magic are sooooo cool. Her special interest is dungeon ecology. Falin is a really kind and genuine person who is heavily autistic coded and she does her best to protect both the monsters around her as well as her friends, avoiding hurting anyone despite the dangerous life of an adventurer. Her absence is felt as a huge strain on the group and everyone misses her very much."
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New autism criteria: having traits in common with every member of the Pie family
ahaha jk BUT they do all have autistic traits
Pinkie and Maude both take things very literal, and even though they each make figurative statements have a difficulty discerning when others do so.
Pinkie also gets along great with the yaks, whose cultural speaking patterns tend towards being pretty blunt, but she knows what they mean and doesn't take it as being rude because she takes it literally and doesn't see them as part of the social "play", so to speak. I also HC her as ADHD bc she has some Very Relatable RSD-focused episodes.
Maude is able to "understand" her pet rock and personifying it, and Pinkie acts similar with Gummy.
And there was a whole episode about the main cast thinking that Maus hated them because they couldn't understand the way she showed her emotions, and she later describes to Starlight feeling alienated from other ponies.
Limestone Pie is The Boss, she thinks very practically and says exactly what she's thinking, so it's a good thing she mostly spends time with her family members who know she isn't trying to be mean.
Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz are overly formal because that's how they were brought up, and as far a they know, those are the rules to politeness forever. The grammar rules and inflection they use may be a different set than other ponies are used to, but until being told otherwise, you can bet they will follow their own rules to a tee.
It is unclear to me whether Marble Pie is nonverbal or mute or semiverbal or simply doesn't want to soak that often, but it is clear that , despite liking to be around other ponies, she leaves the bulk of the work in the realm of social interaction for her sisters.
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aingeal98 · 18 days
Stephcass is like,heavily autistic4autistic-coded to me and imo there's as much evidence to it as comphet lesbian Cass.With autistic Cass i don't need to explain since you understand her so well but for Stephanie it's like.She has all the symptoms but also her gender presentation feels very autistic girl swag to me and the way she's treated by the narrative feels a lot like how not just girls but AUTISTIC girls are abused irl.This also increases the appeal of Stephcass to me because Cass is one of the few consistently kind and stable people in her life.Thoughts?I love your takes so i'd love to hear your opinions !!
I fully agree and honestly I've actually been thinking about autistic Steph a lot lately haha. Like reading comics Cass was obviously the first one who pinged my radar but reading more Steph, especially how she feels constantly on the outside despite trying so hard to fit in, made it click for me. That feeling of being too much, missing social cues, not being able to understand the layers to conversations, not fitting in fully no matter what group it is and how hard you try... Yeah I definitely see her as autistic. I think young Steph tried so hard to mask constantly but never quite fully managed to blend in perfectly. Especially in early Robin issues the way she and Tim both exhibit autistic traits but their socialisation as boy vs girl paints two different reactions to their autism. Tim is blunt and steps on people's toes sometimes and doesn't care at all because he's confident in his knowledge and his worth. People can be mad at him for missing a social cue but ultimately who cares, he's got his own mission and that's what matters.
Meanwhile Steph wants so hard to project an image of not caring. Like she wants to he confident and proud in being a bit "weird" but you can clearly see how desperately she wants to be accepted. And she's learnt that she won't quite fit the mold but she wants to keep trying anyway, keep showing that she can twist herself to fit in to whatever Batman/Tim/her school peers need her to be. She's just like Tim in missing social cues and getting hyperfixations but she gets even more anxious about social situations even though she tries really hard not to let it show because she's just a Totally Normal Girl with totally normal reactions to situations.
It's interesting because on the surface she can come across as far more confident and self assured than Tim, not afraid to be loud and messy. But there's so much insecurity behind it and her mannerisms and character beats come across as not just autism to me, but very specifically teen girl autism. Which is one of the reasons why I love her Batgirl series. We get to see her in all fully confident in her autistic girl swagger. And good for her!
Sorry if this is rambling and incoherent but I have a lot of thoughts on autistic Steph so thank you so much for the ask skshdshshh.
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samasmith23 · 4 months
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 Royal and Autistic Coding
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I recently encountered a really phenomenal article analyzing how Futaba Sakura’s character from Persona 5 Royal effectively functions as autistic representation, even if the game’s developers didn’t intend for her to be so:
Speaking as an individual on the spectrum myself, I very quickly picked up on the autistic coding of Futaba given her strong special interests in computers & anime, as well as her difficulty in socializing with others. Plus, Futaba’s arc of voluntarily requesting a change of heart from the Phantom Thieves to overcome her suicidal depression & self-loathing shut-in status following her mother Wakaba’s alleged suicide had me on the edge of my seat. Witnessing Futaba enter the mindscape of her own palace in the cognitive world and not only realizing the truth that Wakaba actually did love her daughter and that the alleged suicide note uncharacteristically blaming Futaba for her death was just a cruel forgery (fabricated by the corrupt politician Masayoshi Shido’s henchmen who stole Wakaba’s cognitive psience research on the Meta-Verse before murdering her via mental-shutdown), but also seeing Futaba merge with her Shadow-self to awaken her own Persona and actively assist the Phantom Thieves in defeating the distorted false memories of her mother born from her own self-loathing was legitimately powerful! I related so hard to Futaba’s mental struggles and efforts to overcome her anxiety during the boss fight with Cognitive Wakaba here!
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And even after defeating Cognitive Wakaba and clearing Futaba's palace, Futaba herself still maintains a lot of her autistic-coded traits despite no-longer isolating herself in her room 24/7 and being more socially interactive with her fellow Phantom Thieves (although she still does struggle with being out in public). It expertly avoids the ableist trap that's sadly commonplace in other media wherein a character is "cured" of their neurodivergence. Here however, Futaba not only willingly requested the Phantom Thieves to change the distortions in her heart, but all they did was help Futaba to find the stregnth and courage to overcome her feelings of self-loathing, depression and suicidality on her own. She's still the same socially awkward & tech-savy girl that she was prior to the "change of heart," but she's now chosen to embrace the best aspects of herself (which are a part of her neurodivergence) rather than imprisoning herself in a tomb of self-loathing (which was symbolized by her Meta-Verse palace being an Ancient Egyptian pyramid isolated in the desert that Futaba's Shadow was the Pharaoh of).
Also, Futaba may not be the only autistic-coded character in P5 Royal considering that my personal favorite cast member, Makoto Niijima, also struggles heavily with socially interacting with her peers despite her status as a highly committed Student Council President devoted to her studies (initially studying solely because it’s what society and the adults in her life expected from her, before deciding to utilize her passion for academic knowledge to help the oppressed out of her own personal sense of justice).
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While Makoto is still my favorite P5 Royal character overall, Futaba Sakura is easily in the Top 3! And I choose to headcanon both characters as autistic!
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