#bruce wayne x OC character
lazycats-stuff · 1 year
The New Heir - Chapter 3
Okay... The last chapter made me had a heart attack. And it made me want to bash my head against my laptop. But thank you for the feedback anons. If you have any questions or feedback, you can always send me an ask.
Warning: break in, implied kidnapping, a panic attack, mentions of blood,
Word count: 3k
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
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Elias slowly opened his eyes. He grumbled quietly, rubbing his eyes. He leaned up on his elbows, blinking a few times. It was sunny and it looked like there was no storm in the first place. He removed the covers and got up, going to the bathroom. He glanced at Damian, who was sleeping on his back.
Elias thought that he slept like a corpse. Elias shook his head and then went to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and he looked at himself with the mirror above the sink. The bathroom was... Painfully simple. Sure, you don't need to have a lavish bathroom just because you are rich...
But still. Elias wouldn't have a single idea on how to spend this money. Would he stay in his apartment? Buy himself things? When you have money, all the doors are open for you. The world is your oyster if you have money and connections.
His mom would often say that to him. And in a way it is true. Elias shook his head. Why are those thoughts in his head? And more so, in the morning, a few minutes after waking up?
He should only think about food and getting back home to his apartment. And how to introduce Damian Wayne to his mother. The only two thoughts he should be having. Also, where is Titus? He loves Great Danes. They are just so cool.
After 10 minutes he stepped out, nearly jumping out of his skin as Damian sat up out of nowhere.
" What's wrong? " Damian asked, yawing, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
" You! You scared the living daylights out of me! You sat up like something out of a horror movie. " Elias yelled, calming himself down a little bit.
Damian just smirked and Elias scoffed, but with a smile on his face.
" Breakfast should be in a couple of minutes. " Damian announced to Elias, who nodded and he laid back down on the mattress. He rubbed his eyes and Damian went to the bathroom. He would sleep more, but it was going to be difficult. The sun was going trough the curtains and it just wasn't dark enough.
While Damian was in the bathroom, he changed into his clothes from yesterday. He combed his fingers through his hair, to try to calm it down a little bit.
Damian came out after a few minutes, a little bit more awake.
" Do you remember where the dining room is? " Damian asked Elias, yawning once more.
" I do. "
" Breakfast should start in a few minutes, so you can go downstairs. " Damian told Elias and Elias opened the door, catching the sight of Tim exiting his room.
" Morning Elias. " Tim said, closing the door behind himself.
" Morning Tim. " Elias repeated the greeting, closing the door. The two started walking down the hall, not saying anything at first. It was awkward at.
" Soo... How did you sleep? " Elias asked Tim, cringing at his awkwardness.
" I slept fine. I assume you slept well too. " Tim replied.
" Yeah. I fell asleep in a matter of a second. " Elias said, scratching the back of his neck.
" I always sleep better with the rain in the back ground. Now tell me something. " Tim started and Elias was afraid of the question.
" What is it? "
" How did you befriend Damian? "
Ah, the million dollar question in this family. Or a billion dollar question? Who knows...
" Well, you know the story with the school bully. After that we just talked for a week and then he gave me his number so we can stay in contact for the project. That's it. " Elias said and Tim... Well, he didn't look so convinced.
" You don't have to believe me. It's the truth. " Elias shrugged his shoulder in the process, not knowing why Tim wouldn't believe him about this.
" It's not like I don't trust you. It's just the fact that Damian made a friend, willingly- Now that's something that was weird to us. He is very... Well, he is not the friendliest person you will come across. " Tim explained to Elias, stopping to let him through first.
The smell of food was intense and Elias' stomach grumbled at the smell. He said good morning to everyone and he sat down on the same seat from yesterday.
" Alright master Elias, what are you going to drink? I have some herbal tea, coffee, although a small cup for you and juice. " Alfred finished and Elias wondered what happened to their agreement.
" Alfred, I thought you were going to call me by my first name? What happened to our agreement? " Elias asked, leaning on his elbows and putting his head on his palms.
" I'm afraid that this it's stronger than me, master Elias. So juice, coffee or tea? " Alfred asked, flipping a pancake.
" Juice would be nice. "
" Alright. " Alfred said and put the bacon somewhere.
" How did you sleep Elias? " Bruce, nursing a cup of coffee in his hands, sitting at the head of the table.
" I slept fine mister Wayne. I always sleep ten times better with rain the background. " Elias answered, watching as Damian walked into the dining room, sitting down at his spot.
" Please, just call me Bruce. Mister Wayne was my father. " Bruce said, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
" Alright Bruce. " Elias said, eyes going back to Alfred who was finishing up the breakfast for all of them.
" Alright, a true American breakfast. Some scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. " Alfred declared as he served them all their breakfasts. After saying bon appetit, they dug in. Elias didn't think that he has ever tasted better eggs.
And his mom can make killer eggs. But Alfred's? My God, they were on another level. He mumbled a thanks to Alfred as he put the juice next to his plate.
This felt nice. The breakfast passed quickly and after some more teasing directed towards Damian, Elias was ready to go back home. Damian was going to with him, just to meet his mother and to finish up a project.
They had to finish it. One way or another.
Elias happily walked up the stairs, Damian trailing behind him. Elias texted her this morning to let her know that Damian was coming, but she didn't respond. Elias also called her, but she was not picking up the call.
Maybe her phone died and she just didn't charge it? Elias left a voicemail, letting her know.
" Did she respond to your texts? " Damian asked, tilting his head. He didn't like this one bit. He had a feeling that something was off.
" No, but her phone must have died. " Elias concluded, but deep down he had a feeling that something was wrong. His mom was always there to respond to his calls or texts.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that the door of the apartment were ajar.
His mom was careful with those doors. They were never open. Not when you live in Gotham. Elias could feel his hands shaking as he was about to push the door open. Damian tried to stop him, but Elias shook him off. He stepped into the apartment, shaking like a leaf. He could feel his heartbeat in his ears.
To say that the apartment is trashed would be an understatement. It looks like a hurricane went through it. Furniture is out of place and Elias could see that a chair was broken. Red shards of her once favorite vase were scattered across the floor. He moved to the kitchen, where a drawer was open. In it, there were a knife missing and Elias could swear that there was blood on the backsplash.
Damian grabbed him, making him jump. Damian led him out in the hall, dragging protesting Elias down to the lobby and out on the street in the fresh air.
" Now, you are going to stay put while I call GCPD. " Damian stated, leveling Elias' attempt protesting with his glare. Elias took his phone and started calling his mom. Texts are not going make it.
Elias started biting his bottom lip. He paced a little, waiting for his mom's voice to come through.
It never came. Only that robotic sound of that voice mail. He took a deep breath and tried again.
No answer.
Damian called Alfred as he has finished talking to the 911 operator. He looked at Elias, who looked crushed. He was trembling and he could see tears building up.
Elias was afraid. Damian wasn't good at comforting, but he could try.
" Are you okay? " Damian asked, although he already knew that answer.
" Damian... " Elias started, before sighing. Damian is trying to comfort him. " I don't know. I don't know where she is and I could be over reacting, but after seeing the apartment... I don't know... " Elias said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He wasn't going to cry.
" Are you sure you are okay? You look a little bit pale. " Damian noted, watching him closely. He was getting pale and Damian saw that he was sweating and his breath was getting more erratic.
He is having a panic attack.
" Elias, I think you might have a panic attack. " Damian said, making him sit down on the curb. He could see the familiar black car, so it was nice to see that he would have back up.
Elias couldn't really hear him as he the world started swimming in his eyes. He couldn't breath either and Damian's voice sounded distant. Damian knelt down in front of him, calm and collected for Elias' sake.
" Give me 5 things you can see. " Damian said, stopping Alfred with his hand.
" The store behind you... You... The tree, cars driving by and... Alfred. " Elias said, breathing a tad more easier.
" Four things you can touch. " Damian said, still calm and collected. He watched Elias like a hawk.
" My pants... The curb... My jacket and road. "
" Good, you are doing well. Good job. Now, three things you can hear." Damian praised.
" Your voice, the cars... And the birds. "
" Two things you can smell. Try to take deep breaths. "
" The smell from the trash and... " Elias stopped for a moment to take a deep breath. It was a foreign feeling to him. " Deodorant? " Elias questioned, not quite sure.
" And one thing you can taste. " Damian said, watching as Elias' breathing got back in order. He almost wanted to sigh in relief, but he had to stay relaxed for Elias' sake.
" Juice from the breakfast. " Elias said, breathing pattern finally normal and Alfred visibly relaxed.
" Are you two alright? " Alfred asked, looking at them both.
" We are. It seems that someone broke into the apartment. And his mother is not there. " Damian said and Alfred nodded in acknowledgement. " I also called the GCPD after calling you. " Damian added and Alfred moved to Elias.
" Master Elias, I would like you to sit in the car rather than on the road. " Alfred said quietly, gripping Elias' hands to help him up. Elias took a deep breath as he stood up and Damian thought that he was going to get dizzy by the way he swayed on his feet. He was ready to catch him if necessary.
" Alright. Sit tight here. I think I can see the patrol cars. Master Damian, you will have to lead them to the apartment. I don't think that master Elias is capable to do so. " Alfred said to Damian, moving Elias to sit at the passengers side. Elias leaned his head back on the leather, closing his eyes.
He forced himself to take deep breaths. He has never had a panic attack before. There were times when he was scared, but he was never so scared and panicked to the point of getting a panic attack.
He opened his eyes, watching the now empty police car. Alfred is on the side, waiting with Elias. Elias looked back at the entrance as Damian walked back out. Elias perked up and Damian put his hand up to stop him from getting up.
" They are calling it in right now. They will need to talk to you. " Damian stated. " Then they will have to call Social Services to get you put somewhere, but don't worry, we will take you in. " Damian said, watching the fear of being sent somewhere unknown.
There is a plethora of stories of children who were put in juvie because there was no place anywhere in the city for them.
" Thanks. I don't want to go to juvie. "
" As Todd would say, you have to take on the biggest one in the yard and prove your dominance. " Damian said, making Elias chuckle as his eyes watered a little bit.
" I know you are going to probably snap at me, but how are you feeling now? " Damian asked Elias, leaning on the side of the car.
Elias took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He didn't want to have another panic attack so he had to slow his mind down.
" Scared. Terrified. " Elias started, tapping his fingers against his thighs. " I don't want to think that she was kidnapped last night, but the more I think about the apartment and how it looked like, I know it would be stupid to not think about the possibility of a kidnapping. " Elias explained to Damian, sighing quietly.
Damian nodded. He has never been afraid to the extent that Elias is right now. He knew that Elias is thinking about a lot of things. More importantly, he is worried about his mother. His mom is the only constant in his life and now that one constant is gone.
" I don't know who would want to take her. " Elias said quietly, wrapping his arms around himself.
" This is Gotham, usually there is no reason. " Damian said, making Elias chuckle quietly.
" That is true. " Elias admitted, looking somewhere past Damian's shoulder. Damian turned around when to see what he was looking at. There were to officers walking up to the car and Elias just wanted to sigh out loud. He knew that the officers need to do their job, but Elias really wasn't in the mood to talk.
Bruce came half an hour later, after getting a call from Alfred and Damian. He didn't know what to think about the break in. He didn't expect it to happen to Natalia and more importantly, especially in that area.
The part of the city where Elias lives, well lived, is one of the rare parts where there was no crime and where people could live somewhat peacefully.
Did the incidents happen? Yes. But something like this? Burglary and kidnapping and/or possible murder? God know what the kidnapper is going to do with Natalia.
Kidnapping, burglary and possible murder wasn't really there when it came to this part of the city. He only hoped that they were all okay. He knew that Alfred wouldn't let anything happen to them both. He parked the car near the building before quickly getting out. He slammed the door and quickly walked up to his butler and son. Elias was currently lying down in the back seat.
Bruce raised his brow at Elias, but Damian shook his head. It's a clear sign of don't ask now, I will explain later.
" Alright, can somebody explain to me exactly what has happened? I got the short version. " Bruce asked Damian and Alfred. Damian glanced at Elias, then back at his father.
" We went upstairs and saw the apartment door was ajar. Elias went in to investigate and I followed him to get him out. GCPD got called and then Alfred and you. That would be it. " Damian explained to Bruce, who just nodded in response.
Another glance at Elias got him a little bit worried. He looked exhausted and it didn't look good. Sure, he is under a lot of stress due to the break in, but this is something else. He glanced at Alfred and the two moved aside, just out of earshot from the both boys.
" What happened with Elias? " Bruce asked, glancing at the car once more.
" He had a panic attack master Bruce. Damian walked him through it and by the looks of it, it looked like it was his first panic attack. "
Bruce hummed. " Poor kid. "
" I don't think I need to tell you, master Bruce, that he is staying with us. Damian already told him. " Alfred said and Bruce chuckled quietly.
" Of course. But also, I don't think I could have let him go with someone unknown. " Bruce said, crossing his arms.
" So I assume you are going to adopt him? " Alfred asked casually.
" No. He will be my ward until we find his mother. " Bruce said, determined to not adopt anymore children.
Alfred wasn't convinced. Not in the slightest.
" Don't give me that looked Alfred. "
" Master Wayne, you have an addiction when it comes to adopting. " Alfred sassed back, making Bruce roll his eyes.
" I don't. "
" Of course, and I'm the Pope. Now, lets get them both back home. " Alfred said, already walking back to the car. Bruce followed quietly, not really sure what to say to Elias.
" Come on Elias. We are going back to the manor. " Damian said to Elias and Elias slowly sat up properly, moving so that Damian could sit in the car too. He leaned his head on the window, closing his eyes.
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raineydays411 · 1 year
My Father's Daughter
Part 9
Summary: You've been at the Wayne Manor for over a month.
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In some weird way you understand Christine.
You understand why she tries so hard to spend time with you while you're in her home. Why she begs for you to get off of your phone and cook with her. You get why she tries to make the other kids be nice to you. Scolds them harshly when they make snide comments underneath their breath about you.
Truly, you do.
You just...genuinely don't give a shit.
You don't care that she feels bad that she abandoned you for a completely other family and you don't care that she feels like she's losing time to create a bond with you.
You did not care.
Really, you didn't.
"Um,kid... you know I love you but I'm really not that kind of doctor" Bruce Banner said awkwardly over facetime.
You sigh. "Yeah I know B. You were just the first one to pick up the phone."
"Ouch." Banner laughed, " you know, you really are your fathers child."
You smile, one of the rare times you actually did nowadays. " How is the old man?"
You haven't been able to call him since he was paranoid whoever wants you would track your phone calls and find out where you are.
"Your father is even more annoying now without you than he ever has been in my entirety of knowing him" Banner deadpans, " He misses you a lot kiddo, we all do."
You smile sadly, missing your family.
It was hard, seeing these people you barely knew, with a mother you barely knew, stuck in a house you barely knew.
And the fact that they feel like a family. They argue and play jokes on each other. They eat with each other every afternoon ( Bat activities at night), Bruce kisses Christine goodbye when he goes to work. It was so domestic in its weird little ways.
But you didn't fit in.
They laughing and the jokes stopped whenever you walked into the room. The conversations were stale.
It was depressing.
It's not like they ignored you, oh no. That would've been preferable.
No half of them trip over their feet to try and include you in whatever they're doing.
Dick will turn blue chatting your ear off about whatever he thinks will get you to open up to him and Christine?
She will bend over backwards, frontwards, and sideways just to get you to acknowledge she gave birth to you. Every night she comes into your room and tries to talk to you about your life. And every question is met with a dull answer
"So any boys that catch your interest here?" " I don't know, I can't leave the premises"
"Were you in any sports? You look like you'd be a cheerleader like your momma!" " I was in mathletes and debate like Pepper"
"You really are beautiful my baby" "Thanks, everyone says I look like my dad"
It really was a struggle to get you to open up. Almost everyone at the manor had a hard time even starting a conversation with you.
Everyone except of course Alfred and surprisingly Jason Todd.
Alfred won you over as soon as you moved in. He vouched for you when you needed time alone and brings you snacks>
Jason is a whole different story.
See, the reason why it's so hard for everyone to talk to you is because they all refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. They're treating you like you were some other orphan Annie they decided to adopt and you just have no family waiting and missing you.
Jason doesn't.
In fact, it was him who caught you trying to sneak out of the mansion the first week you were there. Instead of scolding you or telling on you, he took you out.
"A cap and sunglasses? Kid, that's not a disguise."
"What do you mean?"
He took you to a diner he frequents, a tour of the rooftops to avoid people, and to the safe house he took over from Bruce.
"Tell me about your life." He demands, not asks.
You smile and tell him about it. Your life growing up with the Avengers, school and what major you're going for, that brief fling you had with Pietro before you had to move to Gotham.
It was nice. To be with someone that didn't want to change you. He didn't try to force you into forgiveness and let you vent. He even gave some pretty sound advice.
"You know, at some point you are going to forgive her." He says ignoring your indignant stare, " You don't gotta be bestfriends with her or anything, but that anger is going to either slowly consume you or slowly go way. And believe me, you want it to slowly go way."
And he was right in some ways. The longer you're there, the less anger there is and the more hurt replaces it. It festers inside you like some disease. The symptoms slowly leaking out every time one of them calls her mom.
Every night she comes into your room and tries to pry into your life as if she didn't voluntarily leave it, you feel it.
Everytime you see her brush Cassandra's hair out of her eyes, or kiss damian on the forehead. It's the gentle way she smiles whenever she sees Tim hyperfocused on mission reports, and the way she gets so excited whenever Dick or Jason walk through the front door. Hugging them and chiding them for not visiting more.
It hurts you that they truly are a family.
And after a while, it gets hard for you to try and say that you truly didn't give a shit.
Because honestly, you did
Taglist: @stupendousnightmaretrash @opheliaas-stuff
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lovesick-joey · 1 month
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saw the template on pinterest and thought "yeah why not"
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Bird & Fox 🔞
This is my first time writing erotic content🔞. I'm still learning, I hope you all will like it😘.
If you have any ideas, you are welcome to tell me at any time😆. Don’t be shy ya🥺
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Chapter 15
Passion Or Juicy?
Jason Pov
In the morning, my naked body lay on the comfortable and soft bed, enjoying the bright sunshine shining through the window onto my skin. The room was surrounded by a light and fresh floral scent, which was neither strong nor vulgar, made me feel so comfortable. I put my hands on the pillow leaned my head back, staring at the rotating fan hanging on the ceiling in a daze.
I turned around buried my face in the pillow with a floral scent, which made me feel very warm and ease. But it was strange, I never smelled such a nice floral scent at home. I got up from the bed in confusion and saw a few clothes scattered on the floor. I bent down to pick them up took a closer look. It was a black high-necked dress for women.
Did I have one-night stand last night? Why don't I remember it? Who is that woman? I walked out the room with the skirt in my hand, curious who was in my house. I heard the sound of hair dryer coming from the bathroom. I stood outside the door leaned over to listen, but the sound of the hair dryer in the bathroom had stopped. I was just thinking about opening the door and going in to see who it was when a clear and gentle singing voice came from inside.
“You're just too good to be true ~ Can't take my eyes off of you ~”
“You'd be like Heaven to touch ~I wanna hold you so much ~”
Wow… this girl can really sing, the melody is beautiful and melodious. Without thinking much, I turned the doorknob and pushed it inside. The girl was facing the mirror with her back to me. I felt the girl looked familiar at first sight. From the back, she looked like Y/N. She had beautiful long brown hair and wore a white masculine shirt. She tied her hair up and turned to me smiled. It was my fucking beloved Y/N! "
I was so surprised that forgot how to blink. A bunch of questions that I couldn't solve emerged in my mind. Pause for a moment, let me calm down and sort out the doubts in my head. Why did she appear in my house? Why did she wear my shirt? Why does my bed smell like flowers? Why does she sing so softly and beautifully? What the hell is going on now?
She was walking towards me now, it was fucking serious bad. She wearing a white shirt that was completely unbuttoned, revealing her plump breasts and black lace underwear. The sexy black underwear was seen through the white shirt. Not only that, she also showed her sexy collarbone and her long slender legs.
I remembered something... I looked at my lower body, and I was fucking naked! I was standing in front of her fully naked! And I fucking stared at her for so long! Subconsciously, I used the skirt in my hand to cover my lower body, looking very embarrassed and a loss. She covered her mouth with hand to avoid my sight and laughed there, what the hell happened today!
After she finished laughing, she breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards me. I couldn't resist the temptation take a peek at her half-naked body, but immediately looked away. What happened? Is she always like this? Why don't I remember it? Are we so familiar with each other that we are half-naked? Am I sick or is she still sick?
When my mind was still in a mess, she put her arms around my neck. I didn't understand why for a moment, she pulled me into her plump breasts, and my face was buried between her breasts. At that moment, I really thought something big was going to happen. I felt the heat on her body and heard her cute laughter. She hugged me excitedly while laughing, "Good morning, sexy, did you sleep well?"
I panicked and grabbed her arm moved back. "Huh?! What the hell is going on now! Why are you walking in my house dressed like this?!"
I saw her smile turn into a confused expression, and I realized I said the wrong thing. She folded her hands under her chest. "Eh? I usually dress like this... I was going to ask you what's wrong, you looked at me like a ghost."
I was confused... I pointed at her lower body and slowly moved to her face. "You usually dress like this? Are you sure?"
She pushed my hand away, put her hands on her waist, said in a somewhat impatient tone, "I wear it for my boyfriend, is it weird?"
I didn't hear it wrong, she said she wore it for her boyfriend... She has a boyfriend... I held her shoulders and became nervous. "Wait a minute! Who the hell is your boyfriend!?"
She slowly raised her hand and pointed her index finger at me. "My boyfriend is you, Jason Todd."
I am her boyfriend... but I never confessed to her face to face... how did we jump to this kind of relationship "Are you sure? You are not lying to me? This is fake, right?"
She pulled me to the living room pushed me to sit on the sofa. She boldly sat on my thighs. I could feel her lower body rubbing against my dick! She held my face with both hands "Why would I lie to you? Or are you tired of me? Want to get rid of me? Want to break up with me?"
I grabbed her arm and explained hurriedly "It's not like that! I..."
Suddenly she kissed my lips gently, as if it was a dragonfly touching the water. Her sweet lips left my lips, and a faint smile appeared on her face "Can you tell me what's wrong? Don't scare me."
She was upset, she was scared. My helplessness hurt her and this unreal love. I calmed down and continued, "I'm sorry... I scared you. I feel so unreal that you and I actually dating."
She was confused by my strange words, "Why is it unreal?"
I told her my true feelings with sadness, "You are gentle, cute and kind, completely different from me. But we are really together."
There was a hint of sadness on her face, she hid in my shoulder and whispered, "I've told you many times. I like Jason Todd. I don't care if we are the same or different, I only love you."
Fuck...what am I doing...it's just a fake love, or an illusion of happiness, so what? I like her it's true, I love her it's true. This is the love I want, the story of us walking hand in hand because we love each other. I raised my hand and hugged her tightly to comfort her, "I'm sorry, princess. I had a nightmare and said some strange things to scare you. It's okay now."
She left my shoulder, her tearful eyes staring at me. I used my fingers gently wipe away her anxiety and tears, and she finally restored my favorite smile, "Stupid Jason, you really scared me."
I laughed softly and exhaled, "I was not only scared, but also surprised."
She tilted her head with confusion on her face, "Surprise?"
I rubbed her thighs with my rough hands. Since it was unreal, why didn't I enjoy this moment? I said in a sexy and flirting tone, "I woke up and saw my little princess sitting on my thighs in such a sexy and coquettish way. I was excited just thinking about it."
She moved my hands away. I wanted to ask her if she didn't like me touching her suddenly. Unexpectedly, she put my hands on her plump breasts. I really didn't expect it! Her small waist twisted gently, and her butt rubbed again and again, then she looked at me shyly, "Do you like it?"
Fuck. My fucking God. This situation made me so horny. It's hard to extinguish the fire. I never thought I would see such a seductive side of her. I didn't even imagine it. This is simply the happiest moment in my life, a love I have never experienced. I never knew I would have such passion and enthusiasm today.
I looked at Y/N sitting on my lap. The white shirt vaguely revealed the extremely seductive temperament of the dark black underwear. Through the white shirt and underwear, my hand touched her breasts, and super soft. I hugged her waist and let her stick to me. I licked and bit my lips with a smirk and told her, "I fucking love you so much. I want to strip you naked and eat you in one bite."
Her hands slowly moved up from my chest to my neck, and she moved closer to my face. I could feel her breathing, we were only a short distance away. If I were closer, I could give her thirsty lips a hot kiss. She kissed my cheek as sweet as a piece of candy and whispered in my ear, "Hey sexy, last night wasn't enough?"
Last night? We had sex? Was our progress fast or slow? How did she feel when having sex with me? Did she feel satisfied? I put my doubts aside. I couldn't suppress the joy in my heart when I heard what she just said. I got up and threw her on the sofa. My mood was complicated but happy. Complex in this unreal moment, happy in falling in love with her.
Now she is in front of me, her beautiful hair scattered and messy, her white shirt disheveled, her breasts wrapped in sexy black underwear, her slender waist, her sexy and round buttocks covered only by a lace. She exudes a strong charm and sexiness from head to toe. Fucking hell, how did fate let me meet this beautiful fucking woman in the world?
I stretched out my claws to her body, and slowly moved a finger from her collarbone to her chest. Her body trembled because of my touch, such a lovely response made me want to do something bad. I stole a glance at her face, curious what expression she would have, and I saw her covering her face with her hands, but I could vaguely see that she was blushing.
This reaction is fucking erotic and cute. I swallowed saliva and took a deep breath. Maybe I can find her sensitive spot now, then what will her reaction be. I gently drew circles on her plump breasts with my fingers. I couldn't see her naked body because of the layer of underwear. The less I could see, the more excited I became. I tried to touch her nipples covered by the underwear with my fingers.
"Kya!" Suddenly I heard a cute voice, I saw her covering her mouth with her hands. That cute voice was hers? Damn, it was her voice? Did I hear it right? I drew circles around her nipples through the layer of underwear and then rubbed her nipples, and her body gradually became excited. Jason Todd... No the fucking way... It's so happy to enter the stage of making love with the girl I love the most.
Maybe I really can't hold it back anymore, her body is full of beauties that I want to eat. My fingers slid from her nipples to her abdomen, her body trembled and twitched again. I couldn't hold back my own evil claws, and stretched my evil hands between her thighs to gently rub and massage. Wait the hell? This wet feeling... could it be...
Her hand was taken away from her mouth in a panic, and grabbed my hand between her thighs. Her face was already red, as if she didn't want me to see between her thighs. I was curious and wanted to use my fingers to explore, but she was at a loss and shyly held my hand tightly, "Don't look!"
I was shocked and didn't move. "Sorry! Is it too fast?"
She looked at me with her eyes, her face full of shyness. "No... I'm just embarrassed."
I was confused. Why was she embarrassed? Or was it we hadn't reached the stage of making love yet... I didn't want to hurt her body and wanted to respect her wishes. I gently touched her cheek with my other hand. "Tell me why."
She avoided my gaze and looked away. Then she thought for a while and mustered up her courage to tell me, "It's like this every time. We haven't started yet... then I get so wet..."
It's like this every time? How many times have we done it? How can she be so wet? ! I realized where the wetness just now came from. It was foreplay before making love. It just a simple touch, and she had already started to react. Damn it, a foreplay can make her wet, and she said such cute words, I fucking stayed rational. "Little princess, only two of us here, don't be embarrassed. It's normal for you to have this reaction."
"It's all because of you! It's all your fault! You made me like this..." She blurted out in embarrassment.
I couldn't hold back my joy and laughed "Hahaha! Damn! You really are..."
"You're still laughing! Asshole Jason!" She complained in anger.
I exhaled , thankful she liked me touching her, fearing my skills in bed didn't satisfy her "Little princess, I want to make you feel comfortable. As long as you feel comfortable, I'll enjoy it, and that's fucking enough."
Her eyes showed joy, and her hands gently stroked my face "I want you, just you."
After hearing those words, I no longer hesitated. We already confirmed our relationship. I leaned over and kissed her lips. She closed her beautiful eyes, put her arms around my neck pulled me closer. This kiss was not a gentle one, but a hungry one. The two of us were entangled together as if a beast and a little rabbit were combining. I was the beast who longed for the pleasure brought by the little rabbit.
I licked her lips with my tongue, she smiled slightly understand my intention. She opened her mouth slightly let my tongue enter her mouth, and kept entangled with her tongue in her mouth. What an exciting and comfortable pleasure, the moment of contact, the whole person was deeply immersed in it and couldn't extricate myself. After a passionate kiss, I kissed her cheek and slowly licked her neck and sucked it, leaving my mark.
"Hah...Jason..." I heard her moaning, which made me even more excited.
I slowly moved down to her plump breasts, I reached out and grabbed her breasts with one hand. I left my mark and kissed her breasts, then buried my face between them to smell her scent. It was such a wonderful feeling that I had never felt before, and I was so happy until forgot myself. Her fingers touched my face and I moved away from her, curious about what she wanted. She sat up and took off the shirt, leaving only the underwear.
She unbuttoned her bra let the straps slipped off her shoulders. She took off the bra and threw it aside. Her eyes looked at me and then looked away. I put my hands on her cheeks and kissed her lips, hoping that she would feel more at ease with me. I kissed her nose lightly, "Fuck, it's so great."
She laughed and said, "Pervert."
I pushed her down on the sofa and licked my lips. Her naked body, her seductive body, simply ignited my lust, "Little princess, I advise you not to fan the flames, it will make me more excited."
She covered her breasts with her hands and showed her eyes looking forward to me, "Because it's you, I am also excited."
Her words have ignited the passion deep in my heart. I took a deep breath and told her, "Look forward to it, princess. You don't have a chance to stop."
"I have never regretted it." She answered me with a smile.
Damn... Such a confident look, I really don't care about anything anymore, I don't want to stop. What the heck unreal feeling, so what, cherishing the moment is the most important thing. Now it’s my life with her, everything I’ve always wanted to have. She sleeps next to me, I sleep next to her, and my life is as simple and happy as I want.
I took off her panties threw them aside, and moved my hands between her thighs to rub them gently. She was so eager for me to get wet enough that could put them in directly without any lubricant. But I didn't want this wonderful moment end so soon, I ran my fingers back and forth over her clit between her legs. She tried to relax while I played with her clit.
I kept rubbing her clit where she wanted me and kissing her neck passionately. Her clit was fucking wet and relaxed enough so I tried to stick a finger in her clit in and out. What happened to her body! It was so wet and hot inside, I pulled my finger out and licked it to taste her taste, it was so fucking lovable.
She tried to focus on enjoying herself as much as possible without stressing, she gave up control of her body. She stayed so relaxed and soft for me, she finally got my treat - two thick fingers were pushed inside, so slowly and carefully that she had to resist the urge to lift her hips into them. Before expecting too much, I started fucking her with two fingers. She let my fingers fuck her sweet clit and I'd make her cum straight out of her.
"Hah...wait a minute - I'm going to -" she told me in an excited voice.
I shook my head with a satisfied smirk on my face, "Fuck...how much do you want me to fuck you? Such a wet clit is so delicious to see."
"Please! No! I can't do it anymore! -" She closed her eyes tightly kept making that sexy gasping sound that I loved to hear.
I kissed her temple tenderly and pulled out my fingers to see how wet they were. I smiled with satisfaction, it felt so damn satisfying. I touched her head and said, "Little princess, it's not time to rest yet."
My other hand quickly played with her cute little clit again, I let her close her eyes as her body processed the new stimulation, wiping her mind clean and bringing her closer to orgasm. I wouldn't stop rubbing her, feeding her wet fucking clit that suddenly blew heat down her spine. I saw her clenched fists, body twitching, damn it.
She let out seductive gasp "Damn, that feels so good. That's - oh no -" and then she cum. I pulled out two fingers saw they were already satisfied with the love juice inside her. Her body was so damn suitable for mine. We both longed to be entangled and embrace each other.
I licked her love juice and looked at her who was still panting. Sweat was secreted from her neck and breasts, and her breathing gradually calmed down. She sat up, her legs trembling slightly. She looked at me and lowered her head. I shortened the distance between her and approached her cute face. Her eyes flashed with charming brilliance. I knew what she was expecting. I closed my eyes and kissed her lips gently.
I smiled, "Are you satisfied? Little princess."
She blushed and leaned her head on my arms, "Of course. I am a little tired."
Sorry, little princess. I really don't feel fucking tired. What just happened just foreplay, I haven't released my desire yet. I must fuck her while she still has energy. I picked her up and walked into the room. I threw her on the bed, and she fell on the bed with a very excited expression. I combed my bangs back, "Don't stop. Little princess, I fucking want you."
She glanced at me slightly "Jason..."
I didn't wait for any response from her, because I saw her expression clearly longing for me. I climbed to the big comfy bed and my naked body was on top of hers. My hands moved to her breasts and started rubbing her nipples.
I could see the look in her eyes, my hands gently squeezing her thighs. "Talk to me. What do you want?"
"I want you." She said again. I fucking love her.
"I want you too." I smiled.
Words are no longer needed. I pulled her over and looked down at her tempting breasts. "Wow." I looked at her , she was shy and speechless for a moment. Her eyes met mine as my mouth drifted to her breasts. With one hand, I grabbed her soft breast and brought it to my mouth. My tongue reached out and flicked her nipple. A small whimper left her lips when I wrapped my lips around her nipple, tightening around it. I ran my fingers through her messy hair and my mouth hungrily moved back and forth between the breasts.
"You're so amazing," I said.
She blush...and let out a gasp of pleasure as I kissed her labia. I grabbed her legs with my hands and spread them apart, placing one on my shoulder and the other on the bed. I closed my eyes and kissed her pussy up and down as if I were kissing a lover. Take a deep breath and inhale her raw natural scent.
Finally, she opened her eyes and made eye contact with me. My tongue pressed against her fucking tasty clit, sliding up quickly, parting her folds around my tongue. I taste fucking divine. Once my juices hit her taste buds, she kept moaning.
I stretched out my hands to rub her nipples, holding her against me. A moan escaped her lips as I quickly flicked my tongue over her clit. My free hand slid to her pussy. A finger circled the entrance to her vagina. Slowly, slide it in. I curled my fingers upwards and slowly began to move it in and out.
She closed her eyes and threw her head back, letting her body fully appreciate the pleasure it was now receiving. Her legs twitched as my tongue and arms moved faster. One of my hands moved to her nipple and you pinched it, getting her attention.
"Wait! I'm gonna cum!" Her voice was higher pitched.
"Do you want to squirt for me?"
"Yes! Fuck!" Her back arched as her body shook.
I was hit in the face with her squirt. I opened my mouth and drank it in, the taste was so fucking addictive. I removed my fingers from her and quickly rubbed her clit. I pushed my face into her pussy and licked it back and forth. I growled excitedly "Fuck you, you're amazing."
I knelt in front of her and pulled her hips against me. I rubbed my raw cock against her clit, getting myself covered in her juices. How long had I waited for this moment? I put one of her legs on my shoulders and rested the other.
She suddenly flirted with me "Sexy, how you want my pussy."
"Let me fuck your lovely pussy. Please, I need to feel you." I kissed her neck softly. My hips rocked, eager to thrust into her.
"Shit! Ah — Fuck me, Jason. I want it so bad, I want you to fill me up so bad."
I rushed straight to her without any hesitation. She looked at my face. Her face scrunched up as she felt me ​​deep inside her. Put those few inches of my cock inside her and take as many as she wants."Little princess, that's it. You have me."
My voice is low and sensual. I slowly pulled back and penetrated her again, harder this time. Her loud moans filled the room as I slowly inch by inch pushed my cock into her. The way I can fuck her faster, she reached out and grabbed the sheets pulled them, her legs began to shake, and my cock hit her g-spot over and over...
"Oh my god! Jason! Fuck me!" I kept slamming into her.
She kept her eyes on me as my hips rolled toward her at a fast pace. The feeling of her wet pussy clenching around me and pushed me over the edge. "Fuck! You the fucking best! Little princess! I'm gonna cum..." I leaned down and bite her neck. As she moaned loudly, my cock began to throb and I could feel the cum I had pumped into her. I moaned her name softly. As I lay on top of her, she caressed my body with her hands, letting me catch my breath.
I pulled my cock out of her body and saw some semen flowing out of her cute clitoris. It was my fucking semen. I took a breath lay beside her and blurted out "Fuck... I'm so fucking satisfied..."
She turned around and leaned on my arms "I'm so tired..."
I gently stroked her sexy body "The Hell, I'm the one moving, why are you tired?"
She shyly hid in my arms "I'm tired of being fucked by you."
I closed my eyes and hugged her tightly in my arms "Hahaha, I can make you tired every day, just leave it to me with peace of mind."
"Get up and take a shower, you have work later." She patted my back.
I was a little confused "Work? What work?"
She looked at me in surprise "Hey, the famous tyrant Red Hood of Gotham City wants to skip work!"
I heard what she said, I subconsciously tensed up and let go of her, and I accidentally fell off the bed. I stared at the ceiling in a daze. She knew I was Red Hood. What the hell was going on? When did she know? I was confused and hurriedly climbed onto the bed again. She suddenly pounced on me and she held my head tightly between her breasts.
I felt it difficult to breathe and tried to push her away, but suddenly I fell into darkness. Until a dog barking woke me up completely, and my face was pressed by a corgi. I got up directly, and he jumped away immediately. I looked at the corgi it was Kirin. I fucking remembered. I took Kirin back to manor to take care of him for a while because Y/N was sick and hadn't recovered yet.
What the fuck was that dream just now? Was it a dream that I had sex with her? Was it a dream that I officially dated her? Was I having a fucking wet dream? Am I so horny? Fuck my dream! I lifted the quilt and looked inside. My fucking dick was already erect, and it was fucking hard...
I looked at my dick and babbled, "Fuck, Y/N so fucking erotic. I really want to fuck her... How the hell am I going to face her in the future..."
Chapter 15 End.
⚠️If you have any ideas, don’t be shy. Just leave a comment below. Your opinions would be valuable and will be added in story. ♥️💙
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AO3 Bird & Fox By owlwithanapple
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mochinek0 · 1 year
Unexpected Angel (1/4)
Marinette was exhausted. She thought working at Wayne Enterprise would be a dream come true. Every night she came home ready to pass out. It was getting to the point where she was forcing herself to eat before passing out.
'If only Carrie would leave me alone.'
Marinette was a new hire at Wayne Enterprise. She had been there for a month, when things took a turn for the worst. A lady name Carrie was assigned to their fashion sector. She wasn't a designer or working on any of the clothes; she was basically a secretary to Marinette's boss. She was suppose to get his coffee, make copies, and file things away for the future. For some reason, Carrie decided to dump her work load into her hands.
Marinette was now stuck doing the work of two. Once she had put papers to copy and Carrie had marched up and screamed at her.
"Where are the papers I gave you?" Carried yelled.
"They are getting copied." Marinette spoke.
"And you left them there?" Carrie shouted, "How could you be so irresponsible?"
"You never told me to stay with them. I'm busy-" Marinette began.
"Do I have to tell you how to do everything?" Carrie continued to berate her, "How did a nobody like you get hired in the first place?"
It had been a long day.
Marinette sat in a café close to the office. She had gotten a coffee, but if anything, she wanted a nap. She quickly sat up as someone took the seat across from her.
"Are you okay?" they asked.
Marinette sighed and took a gulp of her coffee, "It's been a long morning."
"Work?" he asked.
"One of my seniors at work keeps forcing me to do their job for her." Marinette confessed, "It's not even in my job description. She gets upset with me constantly. I can't really do or say anything because I'm a new hire. I would probably be replaced the next day. That lady has been there for five years."
Damian frowned as he listened to her.
'A lady who worked for them was forcing others to do her job for her. She's been there for five years and from how this person speaks, it doesn't sound like it was the first time.'
She sighed, "I've been so stressed out. I just want to sleep when I get home; I just feel drained, you know. I have had to force myself to eat when I get home. I'm too tired to even do that, but I know I have to eat."
'I need to figure out who this senior is and fast.'
"Trust me." Damian spoke, "That place is survival of the fittest. They won't fire you because you spoke your mind. Especially, if you were right."
"Thanks for the advice." she whispered, before smiling, "You know, I heard people in Gotham were rude and never really helped each other. Maybe, they just haven't met people like you, Stranger."
'She doesn't know who I am!'
"I never got your name." he spoke, as she stood up.
She smiled, "Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And yours, my Guardian Angel?"
Damian smiled, "I think I'll keep the title you bestowed me."
Marinette giggled and quickly hurried back to the office.
Damian pulled out his phone, "Father, we have a situation in the fashion department. I'll be there in five minutes."
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus
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jackiequick · 4 months
—Fearless in Smallville ~ Dc Comics OC
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Face Claim: Sophia Bush
Full Name: Lucille Claire Kent
Nicknames: Lucy, Lucy Lu, Miss Kent, Claire, Clara
Age: 16-29 (spanning different seasons)
Height: 5’3” - 5’4”
Birthdate: August 3 (Leo)
Jobs: High school reporter, photographer, and reporter for Daily Planet/Gotham Gazette
Family: Jonathan Kent (father), Martha Kent (mother), Clark Kent (brother), Lois Lane (sister-in-law)
Extended Family: Kara Zor-El, Chloe Sullivan, Oliver Queen, Lana Lang, Tess Mercer, Jimmy Olsen, Arthur Curry, Cyborg, Wally West, and more
Relationship Status: Single for the most part, dated Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, and Bruce Wayne
Personality: Lucy is brave, compassionate, and stubborn, with a tenacious streak that helps her achieve her goals. She is down to earth, determined, and often a quick thinker. Her curiosity drives her to uncover the truth, while her politeness and humor make her approachable. However, she can be headstrong and struggles with emotional boundaries. A bit of a chatterbox, she can present herself as a social butterfly when in the mood to be outgoing.
Background: Born and raised in Smallville, Lucy grew up alongside her brother Clark, unaware of his alien origins until their teenage years. She attended Smallville High, where she was involved in various clubs and developed a love for journalism and photography. Despite initially disliking school, she found a passion for English, Art, and History, which influenced her hobbies and career choices.
Hobbies and Interests: Lucy enjoys photography, dancing, reading mystery novels, and volunteering at local shelters. She is an avid fan of classic rock music and loves baking, often trying out new recipes on weekends. Her interest in writing and reading extends to specific texts that capture her curiosity.
Goals and Aspirations: Lucy aims to become a renowned investigative journalist, uncovering stories that make a difference. She also hopes to travel the world, documenting different cultures and stories.
Combat: Basic self-defense, proficient with guns and crossbows
Languages: Fluent in Spanish, conversational in French
Technical: Advanced photography techniques, basic hacking skills
Physical Description:
Distinctive Features: Small scar on her wrist from an accident in a cornfield, scar behind her shoulder from a bow and arrow incident on a rooftop, and rough hands due to her activities.
Fashion Sense: Casual and practical, often seen in comfortable jeans, flannels, and her favorite hoop earrings. She dresses more professionally when required for her job at the Daily Planet/Gotham Gazette.
Fears and Insecurities: Lucy has a fear of being alone, misjudged, or misunderstood. She also fears being harmed or humiliated by others, which occasionally affects her confidence in social situations.
Education: Lucy initially disliked school and learning but grew to enjoy English, Art, and History in high school. These subjects were entertaining and engaging for her, leading to her interest in writing, reading, and photography.
Relationships: Lucy has a close-knit group of friends, including Chloe Sullivan and Lana Lang. She has had complex relationships with Oliver Queen, Lex Luthor, and Bruce Wayne, each shaping her view on trust and love.
“Sometimes, the truth is buried where no one wants to look.”
“Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the determination to keep going despite it.”
Daily Life: A typical day for Lucy involves early morning runs, followed by a busy day at the Gotham Gazette. Evenings are reserved for spending time with friends and family or working on her latest investigative piece.
How Lucy met Lex
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You know the tale of Superman, but do you know of his beginnings? Smallville. It’s where he grew up with his family, made friends and foes, fell in love, got his education, explored his powers on his own terms, and became the man he is today.
On that very day, when Clark arrived on Earth, the Kent family were already anticipating another child. However, they couldn’t conceive until the meteor shower fell onto Smallville, nearly crashing down everything within it. In that very ship arrived a toddler not older than 2, naked. Martha, Jonathan, and Lucy were turned upside down in shock at the young boy. Lucille Claire Kent was less than 5 but curiously smiled in her daddy’s arms while her mother gently picked up the boy, wrapping him in a red blanket. Jonathan was confused, looking up at the sky as his wife searched for answers, finding Lionel Luthor and his son Lex Luthor amidst the chaos. Clark became warm and gentle, very much in awe of his newfound world.
Lucille, Clark, and Lex all sat in that truck, never to be seen again until later on in high school.
That same day, they met again, after older Lex, almost fresh out of college, knocked his car across a bridge, hitting Clark as the police, firefighters, and ambulance arrived later on. Along with Lucy and their father to see the damage. 48 hours later, a gift was sent to Kent Farm, a gift from Lex for the accident that happened. A car and a necklace. Their father wasn’t the happiest man alive to be seeing these gifts, knowing Clark is still too young to drive around town and Lucy’s jewelry might not even be real, possibly causing her an allergic reaction or something. But the more pressing matters were how Clark was completely fine after that accident!
Their parents knew the possible reason behind that issue, but the siblings were confused as hell. Even going as far as to test out that theory, noticing that Clark runs rather fast, doesn’t get hurt that easily, and etc. He is an alien! As they found out soon enough by their parents.
Later on that week, Lucy arrived at the mansion to find Lex in his office. They never got an actual chance to properly speak to one another. He was dressed in a navy blue sweater, black pants, and dress shoes in comparison to her green and blue flannel, t-shirt, jeans, and black flats along with her favorite hoop earrings.
She stood in the doorway holding up a basket of fruit, knocking on the door to catch his attention. He looked up with a smile, standing up from his chair to greet the young woman, motioning for her to come inside.
“Hi,” she said with her slight raspy voice and giggly smile, “Oh um, your guard let me in.”
He chuckled, “Hey. And yeah, I was going to ask how you got inside.”
“Charm, I guess?”
“I guess so. So, what brings you by?”
“Uh, I just wanted to thank you for the necklace and the truck. But I don’t know why, because it’s not me you crashed into, it was my brother.”
“Yeah, but you looked rather in bad shape as well. I figured a gift could cheer you up and apologize for the accident I caused.”
“Yeah..Dad’s not too happy about that. He thinks you’re just winning us over or something like that.”
He walked with her around the room, taking the small fruit basket out of her hands and placing it on the desk. Lex asked, “Well am I?”
“I’m afraid to say that you won me over,” she replied with a chuckle.
“That was sort of the plan.”
“Well, it worked.”
“You said Clark is your brother, older brother I’m guessing?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite actually. I’m older by two years. He’s a freshman and I’m almost a junior.”
“Wow, really? You both look rather young.”
“Genetics I guess. But you’re rather young yourself.”
The two smiled and chatted, laughing every so often. Taking a liking to each other rather quickly. Lucy could see what Clark, who had already met up with Lex twice, meant by saying he’s a pretty alright person. Charming, kind, strong-minded, well-mannered, rich, and impressive. Lex found himself taking a great fondness to her. He didn’t know if it was because he hadn’t met that many people in Smallville just yet, or what it was. But he found her sweet, silly, charming, open-minded at times, and a bit of a chatterbox. He didn’t mind it at all.
The two became friends within that week.
Little did they know that friendship would soon turn upside down...
How Lucy Met Bruce Wayne Years Later
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Meanwhile, while Clark was off training with his powers, Lucy went to Metropolis to start as a young intern for the Daily Planet. Just picking up coffee and donuts for the staff, assisting with actual reports, picking up dry cleaning, and getting things done in general.
Eventually, Perry White gave her the opportunity to start actually doing more writing and photography than just picking up dry cleaning for the staff. She grinned, working with Jimmy Olsen on a few small pieces for the Daily Planet, getting to deal with the morning greetings and nightly specials collection of the paper.
Finding whatever opportunity for what she deemed as interesting subjects that young folk like her and Jimmy would enjoy. Around that same time, Clark returned home, and she hugged her big brother, suggesting that he get a job at the Daily Planet as well. The Kent Siblings at the Daily Planet!
He accepted her request, deciding to take a crack at it and thinking it would be rather helpful for when he gets his real opportunity to save the lives of many. The moment he arrived at the Daily Planet, he met her. Lois Lane. And he was starstruck the second he saw her, fumbling over his words as the pair spoke. He could practically hear his sister coughing down a few giggles from her desk the entire time. Can you blame her? She found it adorable.
But her moment to become starstruck came only a few short days after her meeting with Perry White. He wanted a few reporters from the Planet to fly over to Gotham Bay to get the latest footage and scoop on the Charity Events being hosted there. Lucy was picked out of all the other reporters, being dragged into the mess with people such as Cat Grant and such.
She always heard about Gotham's modern-day elements with that vintage noir style that made it feel classy. Timeless even.
The moment she arrived at Gotham airport in a hurry to reach her hotel and get a feel for the actual city she would be placed into for the next few days, Lucy bumped shoulders with someone, giving a small sorry not realizing she dropped her sunglasses. Thankfully, the person she bumped into did.
He noticed the simple silver dollar glasses that landed on the floor, calling out, “Excuse me, miss?”
She turned around, hummed quietly facing the person who she assumed called her back there. She pointed to herself to make sure, the man noticed jogging up to her.
Once he did, she got a better glimpse of him. Tall, rich bright blue eyes that are as clear as day, and a soft wide smile. Along with a noticeable mark on his upper cheekbone.
“I believe you dropped these,” he said with a smile holding up the statement sunglasses.
“Oh uh-yes I did,” she replied, fumbling with her bag on her shoulder, smiling softly, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. Things happen.”
“Thank you, Mr…”
“Wayne. Bruce Wayne.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“No problem.”
“Do you need a hand?”
“Uh um, yes please.”
He helped carry the suitcase out the door, as she held her bag. The two smiled, holding up to a 5-minute simple conversation waiting for the taxi to arrive. He opened the door for the lady, placing the suitcase beside her. She closed the door, thanking him once again for the help.
Before the taxi driver could take off, Bruce leaned down facing the window remembering something, “I didn’t get your name.”
“Lucy,” she replied with a smile.
The taxi driver drove off, leaving Bruce Wayne standing there with a smile. He chuckled at the thought, as he heard Alfred call from him saying that his car was ready to take him home. Alfred saw the look on his face, smiling to himself, enjoying the thought of the young man happy for whatever reason.
Two nights later, the Charity Event arrived, Lucy walked in a short gray dress, that had pockets near the front, red pumps, and her hair tied up with pieces hanging out to frame her face. She wasn’t going for anything fancy, just something business casual and professional.
She took tips and quick interviews from people, getting a feel of the Charity Event as well as the people of Gotham. The elite center of men and women asked for photos to be requested in their inboxes, meanwhile other folks gladly spoke to them answering simple questions. Such as Jim Gordon who spoke to her and Cat Grant with such calm intellect that made them feel comfortable during the event.
A few ladies went running around and past them, finding themselves on the other end of the hallway towards the elegant man who walked into the building. Gushing, asking him things, flirting with the man in question, and requesting a few dances on the floorboard. Hell, even Cat Grant rushed over, hoping to snatch him up for a few minutes to herself. All Bruce Wayne could do was laugh and smile, catching a glimpse of the women in the far right corner loudly giggling. They locked eyes, recognizing each other again. She shrugged at the chaos as he mouthed jokingly, ‘help’.
She jokingly mouthed, ‘You’re on your own.’ The woman walked away sipping her drink, grabbing an interview with a few ladies of the jurying party. Some time later, she found herself on the dance floor with a nice blonde billionaire chatting away mid-laugh, until the blue-eyed man from earlier asked if he can cut in.
The pair nodded, as both men switched places. Now her hands were placed securely in his own, as his other gently lay on her waist. Her arm rested above his shoulder with ease.
“So, Mr. Wayne..” She said, being cut off by a smile.
“Bruce. You can call me Bruce.” He replied with a smile.
“Bruce. I see you escaped the attack of the wild she-wolves.”
“Ah, well, you see I’m a master at escaping situations like that one.”
“It’s a gift then, Mr. Wayne.”
Bruce smiled, liking the way it rolled off her tongue, he almost would’ve melted at the sound. His last name came off too sly, tender, and sweetly dressed like a cowboy’s favorite slice of pie on a nice sunny day. She returned the smile, getting lost in his eyes for a moment with a raised eyebrow.
“What? Like what you see?” She teased him with a grin, “Mr. Wayne.”
“Stop that,” he replied with a grin, twirling her around.
“Stop what?”
“The way you say my name, Ms. Kent.”
“Or what?”
“I might have to show you the town and then take you home.”
“A billionaire’s house? No thank you, hon. Wait—I didn’t tell you my last name..”
She landed mid-twirl into his arms, their chests against one another as she let a blush rise to her cheeks.
“It’s on your name tag,” he said with a smile, it was his turn to make her melt a bit tonight.
“Oh um, right,” she added, swaying in place as her eyes landed on his face.
“I have a question.”
“Go for it.”
“Did you know about me coming here tonight?”
“No, I had no idea they were sending a Daily Planet reporter to Gotham, darling.”
“Fair, are you here for the Charity or free drinks?”
“Oh not exactly, Wayne Enterprises is offering a huge donation to the orphanage and hospitals nearby.”
Lucy smiled hearing that. She remembered hearing from Lois that Gotham men can be trash sometimes, but that's not what she sees. Especially adoring the fact that he was someone with money giving to the less fortunate, it was sweet and showed that he cared.
She smiled softly, “That’s lovely.”
“Now I have a question to ask you.” He added, returning the smile, “If you knew who I was when we met at the airport, would you have thought differently?”
“Hmm, depending on the situation. If I had to rate it, I would’ve given you a 7 for kindness and generosity towards me.”
“I’ll take it. May I say, you’re a good dancer, Ms. Kent.”
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“You have a slight change in accent, where are you from?”
“Uh, can you guess?”
“Hmm, Tennessee?”
“Close. It’s the southern part of the country, Kansas.”
“Kansas? Never met anyone from there before.”
“Well now you have!”
“It’s my lucky day.”
The pair kept chatting, Lucy being able to get some insight into Wayne Enterprises and the CEO of the company, but still wanting more about Gotham. Bruce found himself very responsive and liking the fact that she didn’t see him as the billionaire or walk away like the other women at the party. His eyes rushed to meet her face, taking it all in.
The two got to know each other fairly well. But it didn’t stop there, as the next morning he showed up at her hotel doorstep requesting to show her the city for the article she was writing. She agreed, following him to the limousine, where Alfred Pennyworth introduced himself graciously.
Little did the pair know that they would be dating afterwards. Spending visits to Gotham and Metropolis, date nights, and meeting friends. That’s how Bruce actually met Clark Kent and Lois Lane. Superman met Batman during those visits, growing respect for one another.
World’s Finest.
That's all folks! I have a short story on how Oliver Queen met Lucy but that would have to be for another time ;) Anyways let me know what you think in the comments below!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @djs8891 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs @xgoddessoffandomsx
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sheri-da-goose · 2 months
I got no goddam sleep last night, this is why
Backstory: Nyssa Wayne
Nyssa Wayne, who was once known as the vigilant and skilled shadow under Batman, harbored a secret connection to Bruce Wayne, they were related. Orphaned at a young age, she grew up unaware of her true lineage. Bruce, with his complicated family history, never knew of her existence either. Nyssa’s journey began when she was discovered by Bruce during one of his patrols. Impressed by her natural fighting ability and her unyielding spirit, he took her under his wing and trained her to be his protégé. As shadow, Nyssa formed a strong bond with the Bat-Family, especially with the first Robin now nightwing, Dick Grayson, and the second Robin, Jason Todd. She shared a deep, father-daughter relationship with Bruce, who instilled in her a strong moral code: they fought for justice, not as judge, jury, or executioner.
However, the rigid adherence to this morality led to tension. Nyssa’s desire for retribution against Gotham’s criminals clashed with Bruce’s principles. She felt that certain criminals, like the Joker, could never be redeemed and that the justice system often failed to protect the innocent. A heated confrontation drove a wedge between them, and feeling misunderstood and constrained, Nyssa faked her own death, leaving the Bat-Family in mourning. She disappeared for years, during which time she discovered that the Joker had brutally tortured and murdered Jason Todd. Consumed by a thirst for vengeance, Nyssa tracked down the Joker and executed him in cold blood. Only Selina Kyle, Catwoman, knew the truth and decided to take Nyssa under her wing. They developed a close mother-daughter bond as Selina trained her in the arts of stealth, combat, and survival.
During her time with Selina, Nyssa encountered Talia al-Ghul, the enigmatic daughter of Ra's al-Ghul and Bruce Wayne’s former lover. Talia recognized Nyssa’s potential and invited her to train with the League of Assassins. Within the League, Nyssa and Talia formed a close relationship, with Talia ultimately naming her the godmother of her son, Damian Wayne. Nyssa's world was shaken when Jason Todd was resurrected and brought to the League. Though he didn’t remember her, Nyssa’s memories of their bond as Robin and her feelings for him remained strong. They grew close once more and shared a night of passion, but Nyssa knew she couldn’t risk their relationship and left the League the next morning, breaking Jason’s heart.
Returning to Gotham, Nyssa resumed her work with Selina and adopted the villainous persona "True Justice." She soon learned that Jason had rejoined the Bat-Family as the Red Hood. He had been brought back into the fold and was struggling with his new identity. Meanwhile, the Bat-Family discovered Damian’s existence and brought him to Gotham, where he became the fifth Robin. The Bat-Family, now consisting of Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Barbara Gordon: Oracle, Jason, Tim Drake: Red Robin, Stephanie Brown: Spoiler, Cassandra Cain: Black Bat, Damian, and Duke Thomas: The Signal, continued their mission to protect Gotham.
Nyssa’s hidden identity was eventually uncovered by Dick Grayson. Their reunion was not immediate; it was a gradual process built on trust and understanding. Dick, who had always been like an older brother to Nyssa, was elated to find out she was alive. He initially confronted her in a dark alley, where he removed his mask, revealing his tear-stricken face. The sight of Dick’s raw emotions broke down Nyssa’s walls. They spent countless hours talking, reminiscing about the old times and discussing the paths they had taken. Dick was persistent, his compassion and wisdom breaking down Nyssa’s walls. Over time, through many late-night conversations and heartfelt discussions, Dick convinced Nyssa to reveal herself to the Bat-Family. Reluctantly, she agreed. Dick brought her to the Batcave, where the family’s reactions ranged from shock to relief. Bruce, seeing her alive, was overwhelmed with a mix of guilt and joy. Jason, hurt from their past encounter but relieved to see her, struggled with conflicting emotions. The others, each processing the news in their own way, welcomed her back into the fold with varying degrees of warmth and skepticism.
The reunion with Jason was particularly poignant. Jason had always been the rebellious one, and his resurrection had left him with scars both physical and emotional. When Nyssa had left the League of Assassins, she had done so to protect him, but her departure had unintentionally caused him great pain. When they first saw each other again, the silence between them was heavy with unspoken words. Jason approached her, his eyes a storm of emotions--anger, relief, confusion, and a lingering sense of betrayal. Nyssa found herself unable to look him in the eyes, the weight of her decisions pressing down on her. Jason finally broke the silence, his voice filled with hurt and anger as he demanded to know why she had left him without a word after the night they shared. Nyssa explained her reasons, her voice trembling as she expressed her regret and the deep pain she had felt knowing she had hurt him. Jason, still angry but relieved that she was alive and safe, struggled to reconcile his feelings. He wrapped her in a tight embrace, whispering that he never stopped loving her despite the pain she had caused. They realized that despite the hurt and the distance, their bond was still there, forged in the fires of their shared experiences. They decided to start anew, not as the people they once were, but as the individuals they had become.
Nyssa’s return marked a new chapter for the Bat-Family, one fraught with unresolved tensions but also the potential for reconciliation and renewed strength. Over time, Nyssa worked to rebuild her relationships with each member. She shared many heartfelt conversations with Bruce, where they addressed the pain of their separation and the different paths they had taken. With Jason, she navigated the rocky terrain of their past and found ways to support each other, recognizing their shared trauma and growth.
Nyssa also formed new bonds. She mentored Damian, drawing from her experiences to guide him through the complexities of being Robin and the legacy of their family. Damian remembered who she was, having always looked up to her as a sister and aunt figure. The two of them shared a love for art and animals, often spending time together sketching or visiting animal shelters. With Tim Drake, she discovered a kindred spirit in their analytical approaches and shared a mutual respect for each other's skills. Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain became close allies, and together, they tackled many challenges, often leaning on each other for support and camaraderie.
In time, Nyssa found her place within the Bat-Family once more. She became a symbol of resilience and redemption, proving that even the most strained relationships could heal and evolve. Her journey was a testament to the power of forgiveness, the strength of family, and the enduring hope that justice could prevail, even in the darkest of times.
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saltysideblog · 7 months
Gotham, exterior, night
Robin, Batman and The White Rabbit stand on a roof, staking out an abandoned building across the street. Robin stretches and groans,
Robin: We've been at this all night! What time is it?
White Rabbit checks a golden pocket watch on a chain looped around her waist,
White Rabbit: Almost two AM...
Batman does not look up from his binoculars,
Batman: You really committed to the theme.
White Rabbit: Seems to be the only way to be taken seriously 'round here...
She hands him a small object,
White Rabbit: Is this bat shaped throwing knife yours?
Batman: Touché.
Robin, still stretching: They're called batarangs.
White Rabbit, laughing: What? That's the most ridiculous thing l've ever heard!
Robin: Hey, don't look at me! I didn't come up with it!
Both Robin and The White Rabbit look over at Batman expectantly.
Batman: ...
Batman: I thought it was funny.
Robin: Told ya!
White Rabbit: I'll be darned, I had no idea Batman had a playful side!
Batman, smirking: There's a lot you don't know about me.
District Attorney's office, interior, day
Bruce: What's that on your desk?
He points to a batarang being used as a paperweight. Wendy picks it up and hands it to him,
Wendy: This? A gift from The Batman.
Bruce: Someone pinch me, is Wendy Babbitt a friend of The Batman?
Wendy: Now now, Mr. Wayne, don't mistake my fondness for the man as an endorsement of his methods.
Bruce: You're fond of him? Must've been quite an evening...
He sits on the edge of her desk, turning the batarang around in his hand. She crosses her arms,
Wendy: Why do you care so much, Wayne? If I didn't know any better, l'd say you were jealous.
Bruce: No! No... just surprised.
Wendy: Sure. Well, you know, if you save my life once or twice, I may grow fond of you yet.
Bruce, pouting: You haven't already?
Wendy rolls her eyes with a smile and grabs her coat. She doesn't have the courage to tell him... more than you know.
Wendy: C'mon, Bruce, I'm starving.
Bruce stalls, feigning hurt. Wendy laughs, shoving him off her desk,
Wendy: I can tell you all about him on the way.
Bruce stands, chucking the batarang back on the desk.
Bruce: It's a bit... oddly shaped, wouldn't you say?
Wendy, eagerly: That's not the half of it, you'll never believe what he calls those things!
Bruce smiles, holding the door open for her. Their conversation continues and fades out as they leave together.
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anns-works · 8 months
An alien refugee family living in Arizona waiting for Green Lantern (Nora) to show up. They're all nervous and shit cuz its her. THE Green Lantern. The best of the best in the corps and is greatly respected by several galaxies in the cosmos.
Only for Nora to show up in a fucking megamind tshirt over her uniform with lime crocs and a half drunk oreo milkshake going "I'm here to talk to you abt your car's extended warranty."
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taming-bats · 9 months
I kinda want to collect everyone who has a Wayne Kid OC and make a family group chat with them. Just reality shenanigans getting all these extra Waynes in connection with each other. Hmu if you're interested
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
The New Heir - Prologue
Alright, the awaited multichapter, actual plot series! I'm excited, feedback will be greatly appreciated, don't hold back. I don't know how many chapters there will be, so everyone, including me, will be taken for a ride. It's also Batfam & male!reader, so I'm excited! There are also OCs here, so if you don't like them you can stop here. Also, first time making this aesthetic Warnings: child birth, hints towards a backstory, hints towards the potential father,
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
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The state of New Jersey, Gotham City. It was the dead of night and screams ripped the usually quiet halls of the hospital. It all came from the maternity ward, where Natalia Rose Callahan was giving birth. This baby wasn't an easy one and it seemed like it didn't want to leave the Natalia's womb. The baby seemed quite content to stay there forever, seemingly knowing that the world was a cruel place.
Natalia was alone, the only company nurses and doctors, who were making sure that the baby coming out of her was healthy. There wasn't anyone outside of the room for Natalia. Natalia was in a world of pain, but she was used to it. For the last 20 years of her life, pain and healing was all she was doing.
She was the bringer of pain and death and yet, she was giving birth to a new life.
How ironic.
Her head was swimming, not a single coherent thought inside, only get this baby out now and my God help me. She let out another scream and she let her head fall down onto the pillow. Her sweaty hair was stuck to her forehead, evidence of the fight she is going through. She was going to get through this, she did go through this before, but she was put under.
Maybe she should have opted for a C-section too. Or an epidural. But not this.
She heard the doctor tell her, just one more final push. She took a deep breath through her teeth and when she felt a contraction she pushed, nurses holding onto her hand, helping her through this with soothing and encouraging words.
Natalia Rose Callahan closed her eyes as she heard a baby's cry. She heard shuffling and the doctor was telling her about the placenta and the umbilical cord, but she didn't care at this point.
She just wanted to hold her son. She heard him somewhere else in the room, crying and then silence.
Would he turn out like his father? Would he be ruthless as his father? Merciless? Sadistic? Evil?
She barely opened her eyes. It felt like her eyes were taped shut and she was fighting against it. She smiled as she took her son into her hands. She cried as the nurse helped her place her infant son on her bare chest, the baby calming down instantly.
Natalia cried for a long while. Some were happy tears and some were tears of sadness. Her son was finally here, in her arms, thousands miles away from her old life and back in the place where he belongs.
But at the same time she wondered how did she allow him to get her pregnant once more. Did she love him? More than anything. And she knew, that deep down, he loved her too. But was that the life for her son? A life of pain? A life of destruction?
A life full of grooming to take over?
Only purpose to be an heir?
When Natalia stopped crying, she looked down at her son. He opened his dark blue eyes and Natalia knew that she was going to break the cycle. One way or another.
Her son wasn't going to be born into her old life. When she gets out of the hospital, her son will step into the new life. And with his step into a new life, she will shed her old self, like a snake.
She will adapt. She was surviving before, but she won't anymore. She will live. She will do whatever it takes to protect her son. He won't live in fear.
She won't let it happen.
" Do you have a name mom? " The nurse asked as she came in to see how the duo was doing.
" Elias Spencer Callahan. " Natalia said, smiling down at her son.
" Such a beautiful name mom. But I'm afraid that I have to take little Elias. " The nurse said as she wrote the full name down.
Natalia nodded and with a last kiss, she handed her son over. The nurse cooed at Elias, putting him into the special crib, just near her.
" Rest up mom. You will need it. " The nurse said with a smile, leaving the room.
Natalia closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep, but woke up when she heard the door opening.
" Hello Aseel. " Natalia said tiredly, smiling at the old friend.
Aseel chuckled, walking towards the bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead. He gripped her hand for a moment, before letting go. He walked up quietly to his nephew. Although not related, Natalia looked at Aseel as an older brother.
He looked down at the baby. The baby fell asleep. Aseel felt a tear fall down on his face. He wiped the tear away.
" What's his name? " Aseel asked, watching as the baby's face scrunched up a little bit.
" Elias Spencer Callahan. " Natalia said, turning her head to the side.
Aseel nodded, gently caressing the baby's face with his pointer finger. He washed his hands before this. Natalia could smell the scent of soap. Something... Floral?
" I can see that something is bothering you Aseel. What is it? " Natalia pressed, making Aseel sigh.
" He kind of looks like his father. "
" But he has my eyes. " Natalia said softly, making Aseel smile. She did have gorgeous blue eyes.
" I don't doubt it. I took care of everything. You and little Elias are going to be fine. " Aseel said, moving back to Natalia. He took a chair and sat down next to the bed.
" Something else is bothering you. " Natalia said, closing her eyes for a moment.
" I love my unofficial nephew, but... Was it wise to have him? You gave the bastard an heir. A male heir. " Aseel said, jaw clenching at the thought of Elias' father.
" The baby isn't at fault. And he never will. He didn't ask for this. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure that he is safe. " Natalia said, clenching her fists.
" Does that include that you will teach him how to fight? "
" Yes. But it will be more fun. "
Aseel snorted quietly, rubbing his eyes.
" You should sleep Nat. You look almost dead. " Aseel joked, standing up from the chair.
" I will don't worry. "
" I will go to your apartment to get it ready. "
" Thank you Aseel. For protecting us and for helping me. " Natalia said, finally falling asleep.
" Always my sister. Dayiman akhti. " Aseel said, giving her a kiss to the forehead. He walked over quietly to the little baby. Elias was so untouched by the world and its cruelty.
" And I will always protect you. " Aseel whispered softly. Aseel chuckled quietly after a funny thought. The kid is going to have a year round tan. And very good skin complexion.
But there was something else that entered Aseel's mind. The sheer protective feelings and a feeling he thought he would never feel. Paternal love. This baby, this boy was going to be loved so much.
Elias Spencer Callahan was going to be okay. Aseel al-Dawood swore to whatever deity was listening.
Translations: Dayiman akhti - Always my sister
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raineydays411 · 2 years
My Fathers Daughter
Part 7
Hey guys, sorry this one was a little short. But next one is the dinner scene!! Also im going on a date right after I post this so wish me luck <3
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As you walked the maze called a hallway you see pictures and portraits of the family.
Bruce and Christine's wedding,
Bruce, Christine and Dick,
Dick's school pictures
Dick, Christine and Bruce at Dicks graduation
Jason, your mother and Dick
Jason, your mother
Your mother
You look away.
It hurts to see Christine be a mother to everyone but you. Even after all these years. You used to pray that one day she would come back. That she'd apologize and you'd have your family back. Then she didn't come back, and Pepper came into your life. She showed you what it was like to have a mother. She didn't even need to she just did it. So then you just stopped. You stopped thinking about her. You stopped caring about her. Every memory you had, erased. Replaced with Pepper.
"Here we are Miss." Alfred interrupted your thoughts. You walk into the room, it really was beautiful. A spacious room with dark maroon walls, and a large window. There were bookshelves lining the walls and weird art sculptures on them. The whole room ws actually really depressing. Beautiful but depressing.
"Very gothic chic" You mutter, placing your things on the ground, " So is the theme of this house dark, gloomy, and angsty? Cause I can only imagine how depressing that is."
Alfred gives an amused smile, " I suppose it can be a bit grim here sometimes."
"Is there anyway I could spruce it up a bit? I'm more partial to earth tones." You say in a snotty voice, joking with the butler.
"I'll see what I can do Miss." Alfred says, already seeing how you're related to Tony Stark.
"You can call me Y/n" You mutter
"Y/n then," Alfred says while leaving," Shall I summon you when dinners ready? Your mother is rather excited for you to be joining us."
You cringe at him calling Christine your mother," Um, theres no way to skip dinner without looking like an asshole is there?"
"Unfortunatly not ma'am," Alfred sighs, " I know this change must be difficult, considering the circumstances and history."
"You're telling me" You scoff
"However" Alfred continues, " If you give it a chance, I feel that you will see our family means no ill will."
And with that, Alfred swiftly retreats. Leaving you alone with your thoughts until dinner was ready.
Downstairs was a whole other situation.
As soon as you disappeared with Alfred, pandemonium broke out.
"Can you believe the utter gull! How dare she-"
"So is everything you've done with us reused or-"
"Don't worry mom she'll come around`
Christine sighs blocking out all the noise with her thoughts. She realizes that maybe she should go and talk to you. She just never seems to know what to say to you. If she's being honest, she never really thought she'd be in this situation. Of course she's thought about reaching out and reconnecting again, you were her baby. But Every time she was ready, something happened. It really was out of her control. She loved you from afar.
And now that you were here, she just had to try extra hard to break that wall you've built.
Confident in herself she raises a hand, signaling for her family to stop their bickering.
Seeing their mothers signal, the family silenced.
"Y/n is a part of our family now, all of you will treat her as you treat each other." "It seems, Ms. Stark is rather reluctant to accept us as her family Mother.", Damian says snidely.
"Damian, Y/n just isn't used to having a family around." Christine sighs, " Just like any of you weren't."
Jason snorted, " Ma, I hate to disagree with you here, but it seemed like she was pretty content with her life before us."
" Well of course she was, she doesn't know any better." Christine insists, " No matter, I need you all to at least try to include her, I'm sure she would love to have some brothers and sisters in this hard time. Right my love?"
Everyone turns to Bruce, who was standing in the doorway watching this whole thing go down.
"I suppose, although I'm sure she'd prefer to acclimate in her own time." Bruce says hesitantly, " As you said dear, this is a big change for her."
Christine seems dissatisfied with this answer but doesn't say anything other than, " Well, I'd better start dinner."
And walks off.
Leaving her family behind in confusion. Immediately, after making sure their mother was out of hearing range, Dick spoke up
"Okay, guy I know I'm not the only one who thinks that mom is going overboard with this whole family thing"
"Yeah, she's trying way too hard pushing this new sister thing in a way she's never before." Tim adds.
And he was right. Every time Bruce and Christine have adopted a new kid, they always gave them time to come to them. Gave them time to come to terms with the new changes and circumstances that have happened.
'hmph, it seems mother has decided that this girl is somehow worth more than all of us, doesn't it." Damian grunts, and before anyone could correct him, he turns on his heel and walks away.
Dick sighs, and starts to follow him. But before he leaves he says to the remaining siblings, " Mom is just trying to make up for her mistakes. Can we please try not to make this anymore difficult for her than it is?"
Jason scoffs, " Tell that to the demon spawn, not us"
And with that they start towards the dining room, anxious for the dinner ahead.
Little did they know that you were up in your room, nervous for the first dinner you've had alone with your mother and her family.
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lovesick-joey · 9 months
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my contribution to oc x canon (but it's unhealthy)
you can read about the oc here, just so you can understand a bit of what's going on in the drawings.
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Jason: I miss Daniel so much.
Bruce: Jason-
Jason: Daniel used to call me that.
Bruce: That's because it's your name.
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raepritewrites · 9 months
The Return
There were some good things that came out of Heather’s metamorphosis, despite it being one of the most painful experiences of her life… which was saying something, because she had experienced being vivisected while fully conscious. She wouldn’t recommend either of those experiences, by the way, a definite zero out of ten.
Still, at least the end results of her body mutating were beneficial. She was more durable than she was previously, her healing factor was a good bit faster, and while the fangs were annoying at times, the paralysis venom they made was infinitely useful. She could feel it collecting like a thick second kind of saliva just above the roof of her mouth throughout the day, which grossed Kurt out to no end when she explained it to him. He had fangs too, but his were for show, or so he claimed with a winning grin.
After a while, she’d figured out that if she concentrated she could use the venom on command. Once she knew how to do that, she started collecting excess venom into glass beakers before transferring it into small darts. Kurt thought it was hilarious the first time he walked in on her standing in the kitchen with the glass precariously gripped between her fangs and bottom teeth as she scrolled Instagram on her phone. When she had enough darts filled, she would load them into some wrist cuffs that Tony had gifted her. It was a lot more hygienic than biting a criminal’s neck. (Seriously, who knew where they had been?)
Another small perk of the venom her body naturally generated? Poisons, knockout gas, and paralysis formulas barely worked on her anymore. Ninety percent of the time, her body could fight off whatever it was, and she’d be up and moving again in twenty minutes tops. She still wasn’t bulletproof, but hey, she’d take what she could get.
Which was why, when the alarm system started blaring in Mount Justice and thick smoke filled her room, she didn’t panic right away even as her vision swam and she found herself collapsing to the floor.
When consciousness returned to her, the alarm was still going off, and she checked her watch. She’d taken a ten minute cat nap thanks to that gas, and she estimated that the old her probably would have been out for hours. She quickly left her quarters, checking on everyone’s rooms as she swung down the hallway. Out like a light, every one of them; even Conner, who was a lot more difficult to knock down than all of them combined. Whoever had hit the mountain knew about them, and that scared her a little.
What scared her more was finding Robin’s quarters empty.
“Shit,” She hissed, crawling along the ceiling as fast as she could, searching for the little bird.
The biggest reason she’d accepted Nightwing’s plea for her to return to the team in a mentor capacity was because of Robin. After Jason had died, they’d all spiraled in their own way, but Bruce was the worse off by far. Nightwing and Batgirl had thrown themselves into team missions, Heather had retreated from the caped life and into her secular work, but Batman… Batman was not doing well. He’d pushed away everyone, even Superman and Dick, and he’d grown reckless and more violent in his cases. Dinah had tried repeatedly to talk with Bruce about the obvious grief he was going through, but it was like talking to a brick wall.
The three of them all blamed themselves for Jason’s death, but Bruce had taken the loss of his son the hardest. He didn’t want to let himself be close to anyone else, and he was having less and less regard for his own life. Something had to change, but she, Dick, Barbara and Alfred were all unable to figure out what.
Then along came Timothy Drake.
Tim knew about them. About all of them. He’d been stalking the bats for at least two years across the rooftops of Gotham, and none of them had noticed, not even Heather. Her only explanation for that was the boy didn’t set off her spider sense. He’d never meant them any harm.
He figured out their identities a long time ago, and the only thing he’d done about it is defend their public personas in online forums and take pictures of the bats as they protected Gotham. It was clear that Jason was Tim’s favorite Robin, most of the pictures were of him. Dick tried very valiantly not to be jealous, but Heather could tell it rankled him a little.
Tim was more than just a fanboy though. He was scary smart. His computer skills rivaled Barbara, Dick, and several members of the League combined. When Tim realized something terrible had happened to Jason, he started keeping closer tabs on Bruce. He saw the dark path Batman was heading down, but unlike them, he had a solution.
And so eleven year old Tim Drake, with the biggest nerves of steel Heather had ever seen in her life, had rang Bruce’s doorbell when he knew he was at home (apparently, the Drakes were Bruce’s closest neighbors?? Who knew?) and had told Bruce in no uncertain terms that he knew he was Batman, he knew he’d lost his Robin, and he needed a new partner so here he was.
Seriously. The kid had blackmailed Batman into giving him the mantle. Heather would have been a little offended - heaven knew Dick was - if she hadn’t been so impressed. Plus, if she was being honest, she’d kind of done the same thing to Spiderman back in the day, even if in the end he’d essentially dumped her into the team and ghosted her from there as much as he could. The point was, who was she to judge?
It was obvious immediately that Tim was more than capable of taking up the title, too. The kid was small, but much like Dick at that age, he was full of surprises. He took to fighting like a fish to water, using a bo staff as his preferred weapon over even wingdings or Dick’s own escrima sticks. He wasn’t like Dick and he wasn’t Jason, that was certain, but that was okay. Tim was his own Robin, and he treated the title with so much respect it was practically religious. He followed Batman’s instructions, but he wasn’t so much of a fanboy that he couldn’t disregard an order if needed, something she could appreciate.
Heather took to the kid pretty quickly, much quicker than Dick had. From the little Tim would say about his parents she had pieced together his homelife situation, and the picture wasn’t great. His parents were… inattentive to say the least. The Drakes seemed more interested in globe trotting and growing their business than being home with their son. While Heather had been able to rely on her mom being home every night, she could still understand how lonely Tim must have been. Growing up in a giant cold mansion alone for weeks at a time… that sounded like a nightmare to her.
After several long talks between herself, Dick and Dinah, her friend had finally come around to the idea of someone else taking on his old moniker. The anger that had initially accompanied Jason ‘stealing’ Robin away had finally melted into a bittersweet feeling for Dick. On the one hand, he was still mad at Bruce for not asking his permission, but he was finally able to admit that Jason had been a worthy successor. Too late to actually tell the boy that in person, but at least now Dick could be a better brother to Tim than he had been to Jason.
When Dick had asked her to return to help the team, but especially Robin, she couldn’t say no. The kid had seen how much Bruce was drowning, and pulled the man back from the deep end. She was grateful to him for that, but he was also just genuinely fun to work with. It helped ease some of the ache that still lingered around Jason’s memory, and made it a little easier every time she visited the manor.
Now, Tim was missing, all the rest of the team were either out on a mission or knocked unconscious, and judging by the static in her earpiece, the comms were down. She’d be damned if she let something happen to that kid on her watch.
She resisted the urge to call out his name as she ran through the mountain, just in case the kid was holed up somewhere hiding from whoever or whatever had done this. She just prayed this wasn’t another Tornado family reunion, that had been a nightmare she never wanted to repeat.
When Heather finally skidded around the corner of the gym, her heart caught in her throat. “Robin!”
The boy wonder was pinned to the wall at the neck by a man wearing combat boots, cargo pants, a leather jacket, and a bright red full face helmet. There were guns sticking out from holsters under the jacket and he was holding a wicked looking knife to Robin’s neck. The boy had clearly already been fighting off his attacker for a while, blood leaking from a cut above his right eyebrow, and while one arm was desperately grasping at the man’s giant hand so he could draw in a full breath, his left arm hung limply at his side.
Scarlet Spider moved on instinct, webbing flinging out to grab the intruder by the back of his jacket and yanking him away from Robin who fell limply to the floor with a cry of pain. The attacker looked up at her as he rolled from the floor back to his feet smoothly, slicing the webbing off of him in one movement. “You should still be asleep, little spider,” his modulated voice sent a shiver down her spine, but only for a moment.
"What can I say? I'm a light sleeper," She snapped, lunging for him.
The man backflipped away, smoother than someone his size should have been able to, then made a wide slash at her with the knife. She jumped back, grabbed his still extended wrist and twisted until the knife clattered to the ground, kicking it well out of reach.
She saw Robin slowly trying to rise to his feet from the corner of her eye and realized he was trying to help. Sweet, brave, dumb boy, he really is a bat, she thought just as the attacker broke out of her hold, kicking her in the chest and sending her flying back. She scrambled to her feet and dove for the attacker as he turned his attention back to Tim.
"Robin, run!" Scarlet Spider snapped, wrapping her arms around the man's thick arms and torso.
"That's right, Robin. Run away like the fraud you are," the man taunted, trying and failing to break her hold on him. "You never had a chance."
"Shut up!" Robin said, but his voice warbled. He leaned against the wall, clutching his clearly dislocated arm and glared at his attacker.
"Poor little replacement just can't cut it," the man continued, planting his feet and flipping Scarlet Spider over his head. She twisted in mid air to land her feet, skidding back on the concrete for a few seconds before resuming her fight stance.
"Leave him alone!" She demanded. Every big sister instinct she had was screaming at her to get Tim out of there. "Pick on someone your own size, you bastard."
"Big words coming from someone who lets child soldiers fight their battle for them," he mocked, reaching for his guns only for her to web them straight out of their holsters and into her own hands. She removed the magazines and dropped them to the ground.
"Robin has the right to fight for what he believes in as much as any of us," she shot back, keeping herself between Tim and the assailant. "You're the asshole who broke in here and specifically targeted him."
"He shouldn't be here!" The man yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Tim. "He doesn't deserve to wear those colors. He's. Not. A. Robin." He grit out, reaching for something in the pocket of his pants, but Heather had had enough.
She jumped forward and tackled him to the ground, using more of her enhanced strength than she normally would as he fought to free himself from her grasp. For several tense seconds, the two traded punches as they rolled across the floor. Eventually, she gained the upper hand, and had him pinned beneath her. She kept his arms locked above his head even as he bucked and writhed like a wild horse.
"I don't normally like to do this," she grunted, tightening her grip. "But for you? I'll gladly make an exception." She opened her mouth wide, venom already dripping and sunk her fangs into the small sliver of skin visible between his helmet and armored shirt.
It took less than thirty seconds for his body to go limp, but she didn't let go for several more, not trusting him to not have another trick up his sleeve. Finally, she released her hold and sat back, breathing out a sigh of relief. She looked down at his lolling head and reached for the edge of his helmet, only for her spidersense to flare up. “What kind of psycho puts something that dangerous right next to his face?” She muttered, pulling away from the helmet. That was a puzzle she’d sort out later.
A painful groan snapped her attention back to Robin, who was struggling to stay upright. “Kid! You okay?” She was at his side in seconds, gently taking his chin so she could examine the cut above his eye. She was careful of the bruising that had started to appear on the boy’s neck as she tilted his head back and forth. “That doesn’t look too deep. Head wounds just love to bleed. What’s wrong with your arm?”
Tim grimaced. “He popped it out of the socket. Wrist is on fire. Sprained, I think.” He spoke in terse short sentences laced with pain, but he was still standing and she gave him credit for that.
“Any other injuries?” Heather asked, lightly running her fingers over the swollen skin of his wrist, gently prodding for broken bones. Tim hissed and she murmured her apologies.
“Head hurts. Pistol whipped,” He reported reluctantly.
Heather knew if he was in a different frame of mind, he never would have admitted to that one. Like all the bats, he was notorious for skimping on injury reports. It used to drive her up a wall. It wasn’t like they were extra durable the way she was - they were more human than most of the league and the team combined. Sometimes, it was like they had begun to believe their own made up rumors, that the bat clan was something other. Which, as Heather well knew, they were not. They could bleed, they could break, they could even die.
Heather swallowed quickly against the deja vu as she saw a vision of a different Robin in front of her for a moment. She was thankful for her mask as she blinked quickly. “Right, let’s get you to medical. He’ll be out long enough for me to send a distress signal to the League and get someone here to help.”
“Is everyone else okay?” Tim asked, watching Heather quickly web his assailant to the floor.
“Unconscious, but otherwise fine. You were targeted specifically. The question is, why?” Heather wondered aloud, waiting until Tim’s brow scrunched in thought before quickly popping his shoulder back into place.
The boy howled, crumpling against her. She gripped him in a tight hug and ran her fingers through his hair. “Sorry, sorry, sorry! You know it goes in easier if you aren’t thinking about it. Sorry Timmy, sorry,” she hushed him gently as she felt a few tears hit her shoulder. “You did so good, Tim. I’m so proud of you.”
“Why?” Tim sniffed. “Why would you be proud of a pathetic replacement? Jason would have had that guy knocked out and cuffed in seconds. I couldn’t even hold out more than twenty minutes. He’s right - I’ll never be worthy of the title.”
“Hey!” She pulled back enough to meet Tim’s eyes even through their masks. “None of that. Do not ever think you aren’t worthy. You’re more than capable of being Robin. You are a good Robin, maybe better than even Dick was,” she admitted.
“Are you really going to let the likes of him tell you whether you should have the mantle?” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder at the still knocked out assailant. “You’re smarter than that, Tim. Don’t be like me, kid. I spent too many years feeling unworthy of taking up Dad’s mantle, hiding behind the name Black Widow, and that wasn’t even mine either. I finally realized that my Dad would have wanted me to be the Scarlet Spider, and if he were still here I know he’d be proud. Jason would be proud of you Tim, do not let anyone tell you different not even yourself. You got it?”
Tim sniffed once and nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, okay,” he said, with about as much enthusiasm as he would have if she’d told him to do push ups.
Heather sighed and gave him a small smile. “We’ll work on that confidence together, yeah? Come on, let’s get you to med.”
It took very little time to get Tim set with some basic first aid. An xray showed his wrist was sprained, not broken, and only required some wrapping and an IV for fluids and light pain meds. Heather had found bruises all across the boys body that he had failed to mention. She vowed to herself to have a team meeting ASAP on honesty in all things - especially field injuries.
Once she didn’t have Tim to worry about as he fell into a light sleep, she was able to overcome the jamming signal that the assailant had used. She would have to discuss with Batman the Mountain’s security measures. Something about the attack rubbed her the wrong way, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly what it was.
“Mount Justice to the League, this is Scarlet Spider. The mountain was infiltrated and the team was attacked. Requesting backup,” Heather waited impatiently for someone up on the satellite to answer her, although it actually only took a few seconds.
“Batman here, status?”
“The team was knocked unconscious with some sort of gas, even Superboy. Robin was specifically singled out and attacked by an assailant currently in custody. I need you, Martian Manhunter, and possibly one other Leaguer to assist.”
There was a palpable pause. “Robin was attacked?”
Heather could hear Bruce under Batman’s terse question, the parental worry only obvious to someone who knew him well. “He’s stable. Dislocated arm, laceration above his eye, light head injury, bruising all over his body from the fight… he did good, Batman. You should be proud. I only had to intervene at the very end after I regained consciousness,” she added.
Another pause. “That’s good to know. We’ll be down shortly. I’ll bring Black Canary and one of the lanterns as well.”
“I’ll have the assailant in holding. Scarlet Spider out.”
Heather rolled her neck and sighed. She knew Batman would want a more thorough report later, but for now she had a would be assassin to move to interrogation. Normally, suspects would be taken straight to the police, or possibly the satillite if they were big enough threats for interrogation. But this was personal, and Heather would be damned if she let the League take charge of what was a team matter, and she knew Dick would agree with her.
She found the suspect right where she’d left him, cocooned to the floor. She hoped the Manhunter would be able to remove the helmet without harming them or the suspect. Well, if the suspect got a little hurt, Heather wouldn’t have minded.
She knew that was cold, she knew it wasn’t very heroic. However, all she could think of was how easily Bruce could have had to bury another son today had she not gotten there in time.
She stretched out her spidersense as far as she could, sensing for danger or ill-intent, but there was nothing. The man’s chest rose and fell evenly in drug induced sleep, muscles lax. Still, she stayed on her toes as she lifted the man over her shoulder and carried him to an interrogation room. Once he was in a metal chair, she gave him another layer of webbing to anchor him in place. He hadn’t seemed to possess super strength, but she wasn’t taking any chances.
In short order, Dinah and J’onn appeared.
“Are you alright?” Black Canary asked, eyeing their suspect with barely disguised disgust. All the Leaguers were protective of the team in one way or another, but the Robins held a special place, especially for the original members like Dinah.
Heather shrugged. “Not a scratch on me. I’m assuming Batman is with Robin?”
“Indeed,” J’onn replied. “Green Lantern is scanning the cave for clues. We’ve already checked on the others. They show no adverse affects from the gas that was used on them. It was only flooded into the private quarters and a few of the public spaces, but the gym where Robin was held no traces of the gas. You’re initial assessment appears correct. Robin was the target.”
“They knew enough to get into the mountain’s security and how the airvents flow to distribute the drug,” Black Canary said thoughtfully, leaning against the metal table that Heather had moved to the side.
“But they didn’t know the gas wouldn’t work well on me,” Scarlet Spider added. “Who could have that much knowledge about us? Who would go through all this trouble just to attack Robin here, rather than in Gotham?”
“Maybe they wanted Robin isolated from Batman,” Canary suggested.
“But why Robin?” Heather asked again, feeling at a loss.
“Perhaps we should ask him,” Manhunter suggested. “He is awake, though very good at masking it. I almost did not sense his change in brain activity.”
The assailant had the nerve to chuckle, lifting his chin from his chest. “Good as ever Manhunter. Couldn’t ever get anything passed you.”
“You act as though we have met before,” Manhunter said, his tone flat.
“Haven’t we?” The man turned towards Canary and Spider. “Black Canary, lovely as ever.”
“Who are you?” Canary demanded, making a move like she was going to remove his helmet, only for Scarlet Spider’s hands to catch her own.
“His helmet is booby trapped,” She explained when the older woman gave her a raised eyebrow. She released her grip and Canary stepped back thoughtfully. “That’s part of the reason I asked for Martian Manhunter. I thought he might be able to remove the helmet without anyone getting hurt.”
“You always did have a bleeding heart, Black Widow… or is it Scarlet Spider now? I can never keep up with your latest identity crisis,” The man said dryly, knowingly.
None of them outwardly reacted, but Heather felt her heart skip a beat. This man knew how to access the mountain, knew how to knock out even a Super, he knew she’d had a prior codename and that she’d struggled with accepting it.
There’s no way he heard me talking with Robin. I mean, he was unconscious, and I was speaking too softly to be overheard, She thought and turned to Martian Manhunter who mentally linked her with Canary so they could discuss how to handle this.
Maybe we should wait for Batman to conduct this interview, Canary thought as they watched their captive struggle in his sticky prison.
That could be a while, Scarlet Spider replied. He won’t want to leave Robin’s side.
I agree, we can handle this and inform Batman of the results later, Manhunter answered.
As if he’s not going to be watching the security monitors, Black Canary thought with a snort. Manhunter, can you phase the helmet off? I wanna see this guy’s face.
J’onn floated forward and placed his hands on either side of the red helmet.
“I wouldn’t if I were you. We’ll all go sky high,” the man said in a singsong voice that struck Heather as strangely familiar, although she couldn’t say why.
The Martian didn’t reply, merely phased the helmet off completely intact, revealing the explosives rigged into the bottom of the equipment. That wasn’t what Heather was focused on however. Tan skin, sharp jawline, black curls with a shock of white hair right at his temple, eyes hidden by a domino mask, but Heather would know that face anywhere.
“What the fuck?” Heather breathed, stumbling back a step. “Jason?!”
Dinah and J’onn both looked equally stunned. For a moment, time almost stood still, then someone pressed fast forward.
“Is it really him? Can you check, J’onn?” Dinah asked at the same moment Heather rushed forward and cupped his face in her hands.
“Take a picture, it will last longer,” Jason spat, trying to wrench himself from her grip but she wouldn’t let him get far.
Keeping one almost bruising grip on his chin, Heather used the other to pull off his mask. His eyes were a bright toxic green, not the clear blue she remembered, and for a moment she doubted. Then he spat in her face to try and get her to let go, and she felt her heart shatter and reform a thousand times in her chest. Ignoring J’onn and Dinah’s protests, she reached up and removed her own mask so they could meet eye to eye.
“You’re fucking nasty,” she said, voice warbling with tears. “I can’t believe it’s you, Jason.”
He grit his teeth, struggling to pull away. “Let me go, bitch!”
“I am never letting you go again, brat,” She countered, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. “I don’t know what happened to you, or why you’re so angry, but I am never letting go. Do you hear me? I had to say goodbye to you once - I won’t do it again.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Dinah demanded.
“He has been exposed to Lazerus waters, it has made many of his memories hazy or tainted by hatred,” J’onn said, his eyes glowing as he concentrated. “From what I can glean, he…” the Martian hesitated before continuing, “he awoke in his coffin and dug himself free, then wandered for some time in a vegetative state. His next clear memory is of a woman of Arabian descent taking him somewhere, and then being thrown into one of the pits.”
Heather pulled back from Jason and looked at Dinah in dawning horror.
“Talia!” “Ra’s Al Ghul!” They exclaimed in unison.
“No wonder your brain is all scrambled,” Heather said, turning back to Jason, who suddenly looked less angry and more confused. “If you weren’t mentally well when you got dumped in a pit, it would only get worse with exposure to Lazerus waters. The pit revives the body, but it causes extreme psychological damage if your mind isn’t completely whole.”
“How would you know?” Jason demanded.
“What did you think I was doing during those long nights when there were no cases to work on down in the cave?” Heather asked. “Once my assignments were completed, I read up on old cases. I basically read the whole databank in the batcomputer; anything I could get my hands on, including all of Bruce’s info on Lazerus waters and the League of Assasins.”
“And what right did Talia have bringing you to Nanda Parbat in that mental state instead of bringing you home?” Dinah said indignantly.
“She -” Jason was blinking sleepily, and Heather saw that J’onn was working overtime to repair his damaged memories. “She was trying to help.”
“She kidnapped you!” Dinah retorted. “She literally kidnapped a minor. She may have had good intentions, but she of all people should have known what a terrible idea it would be to put someone in your mental state into a pit.”
"I swear to god, next time I see her, I'll punch her in the face. I don't care how fond of her Bruce is or where she stands with her father, she had no right to put us all through this," Heather vowed, running her fingers through Jason's hair absently. "If she found you like that, she should have brought you home!"
"You - you didn't care that I was gone," Jason argued weakly, his eyes now closer to their original color than before.
J'onn shook his head as his eyes stopped glowing. "I don't want to push too much too fast. It may do more harm than good, but I've done my best for now to help him remember his past and curb the influence of the Pit on his memories," he explained quietly to Dinah as Heather crouched down to eye level with her long lost brother.
"Jason, I - losing you nearly broke me," she whispered fiercely, eyes shining. "That night that Bruce brought you home? I don't know how I survived it. Sometimes it still feels like a part of me died too. I'm not the only one either." She swallowed thickly. "Nothing has been the same since. Dick, Babs, Alfred and I have been a mess. And Bruce is-"
"Don't you dare talk about that asshole right now!" Jason snapped, even as his own eyes grew red and glittery.
"You can't blame only him for what happened," Heather protested, shaking her head. "It was all our fault, and mine most of all. I should have been able to stop you from leaving the cave. I should have been able to find you! I-"
"I don't blame you for my death, Heather," Jason rolled his eyes.
She frowned. "How could you not-?"
"I accept that you couldn't get there in time," he interrupted impatiently. "I accept that I made a bad decision, and I paid for it. What I can't accept is why the fuck the Joker is still alive?!"
Understanding dawned in her eyes, then regret. "I… Jason…" She turned and looked at Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. "I need you guys to give us some space for a few minutes."
The Leaguers exchanged doubtful glances.
"Please, I promise we're good here it's just-" Heather couldn't hold their gaze. "I made a promise to never discuss this, but Jason needs to hear this now, and I can't wait for permission. I'll call you back when we're done."
Dinah considered her for a moment before relenting and J'onn followed her lead. Once the interrogation room had just the two of them, Heather turned purposefully to the security cameras, arms crossed. "I know you're listening to this Bruce, and I know what I promised, but this can't wait for a family meeting. I would do this regardless of what you said anyway."
She grabbed the other chair she'd shoved to the side and put it in front of Jason's, sitting down heavily. "I'm sorry you're still ah stuck here," she motioned at her webbing keeping him in place. "But given what happened earlier with Robin, and what I have to tell you, I think it's for the best to leave it be for the moment."
Jason rolled his eyes, but he'd stopped trying to break free a while ago. "Nothing you could tell me is going to change how I feel. The Joker should be dead. Not for me, but for every other single innocent life he's ruined."
"He did," Heather said flatly.
Jason blinked. "What are you talking about? I'm not fucking stupid. First thing I checked once I came back to my senses was to look into the bastard, and I know he's in goddamn Arkham!"
"Yes, currently he is," She agreed. "But the Joker did die." She scrubbed at her face roughly, looking suddenly ten years older. "Nightwing killed him. He found him, beat the shit out of him, and I- I watched it happen and did nothing to stop it."
Jason's jaw worked furiously for a few moments, emotions warring on his features. "I don't- I don't understand-" he finally managed hoarsely.
Heather leaned forward on her elbows, her face earnest. "Taking a life changes you. It kills a part of you that you can never get back."
"How would you know?" He scoffed.
"Three people have died directly because of me," She said quietly. "My father, my classmate, and you. Those deaths broke me. They took something from me, and I've had to stitch myself back together every time it happened, but I've never been the same after. When I saw Dick's face after that piece of shit stopped breathing… I knew he was different now too, and I-" tears were pouring down her face now but she made herself continue. "I couldn't let Dick live with that guilt. I'm so sorry, but I couldn't do it, I'm not strong enough."
"What did you do?" He demanded, eyes flaring toxic green again.
"Batman had gotten there and pulled Nightwing off the body, and I just- instinct just took over. I did CPR," she sobbed, gripping her bowed head, "and I hated myself every second of it, but I couldn't bear seeing Dick look like that."
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burningrosesbythesea · 8 months
More incorrect quotes as I try to plan out the rest of my fanfic
Akira: Are we fighting or flirting?
Damian: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Akira: Your point?
. . .
Robin: Go fuck yourself.
Green Reaper, smugly: Sure, but only if you watch
. . .
Robin: How the hell are you still alive?
Reaper: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
. . .
Akira: Relationships should be 50/50. Damian cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
. . .
Damian: What’s your body count?
Akira: Do you mean sex or murder?
Damian's talking about murder btw-
. . .
Terry: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Milo: …Please, go back to bed.
. . .
Cindy: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Terry: That's because she's a prostitute.
. . .
Magpie (Milo), turning to Phoenix (Cindy): Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave.
. . .
Matt: Your smile looks forced.
Terry: That’s because it is.
. . .
Milo: Oh man, you have any shaving cream?
Matt: No, I don't like the way that it tastes.
Milo: Wait… you eat shaving cream?
Matt: No. Why would I eat it if I don't like the taste?
. . .
Robin (Matt): Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Batman: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Robin, hanging it on the Batwall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
. . .
Bruce: What’s something you guys are better than Matt at?
Terry: Mario Kart.
Milo: Yeah, video games.
Cindy: Emotional vulnerability.
. . .
During a stakeout
Robin: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong?
Phoenix: Strong.
Magpie: Weak.
Batman: An idiot, is what you are.
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