#bruce/batman is my number one favorite superhero
batcatlove · 10 months
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Bruce Wayne in Future State: Dark Detective
Artist -- Dan Mora
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Out of pure curiosity here;
So in terms of how he did in Gotham Academy or other education facilities Bruce sent him to for schooling, it was only say in one or two stories where he was the target of resident bullies while more or less canonically he was actually on the popular kids? Just wondering?
Yea! He was one of the popular kids.
Guys and girls from his class loved him and he was actually nominated to be class president
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Batman (1940) Issue #202
He wasn't able to go through with it though because he was forced to miss the speech giving due to Robin duties but he would've undoubtedly won given the number of people who loved him.
Girls asked him out to dances
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Batman (1940) Issue #156
They crushed on him hard for his good looks
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Robin/Batgirl Year One Issue #1
He's a hit at first sight
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Archie Meets Batman '66 Issue #2
He was extremely good at sports and you already know how star athletes are treated.
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Batman (1940) Issue #162
It didn't really bother people that he was rich since he was cool.
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Robin/Batgirl Year One Issue #1
He certainly had enough sway to get people to listen to him.
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Detective Comics (1937)
Not to mention, his friends were fiercely loyal to him. He was popular because of his personality and clubs. He was also in the journalism/newspaper club too.
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #493
He also had friends from D&D
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Robin & Batman Issue #3
My favorite part about his friends is that they loved to go on a bunch of random adventures like climbing cliffs and going to haunted houses.
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Batman (1940) Issue #175
He did get bullied in a couple comics but considering how it happened to Bruce too, I'd say he didn't get bullied because he was unpopular. The bullies just like to feed off trauma and jealous. Actually in one of the comics, his friends get really upset when he gets bullied for being rich.
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Batman (1940) Issue #192
They ambush him later but his friend hops in and helps him and this turns into a robin adventure where at the end
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Batman (1940) Issue #192
But Dick Grayson is Dick Grayson for a reason. He was born to inspire. So he turns a bully into a good guy, saves the day, and upholds the dynamic duo's oath to make Gotham a better place!
Overall he was very popular. He was a star athlete, extremely good looking, rich, had a great personality, had a great relationship with teachers, held a lot of respect from the student body, was almost elected class president, and converted bullies into friends with his special power of being an overwhelmingly good person. He basically holds the same importance in his school that robin holds to the superhero community.
He's the kinda guy every that everyone knows, loves, and wants to be. The teacher's pet and class favorite.
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kbkirtley · 9 months
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Nightwing has always been a favorite character of mine, but I mainly steered away from the Batfamily generally because Batman/Bruce isn’t a character I gravitate towards. Over the last year, though, I’ve watched/read a lot of the rest of the fam through different shows, Nightwing comics, Batgirls comics, and Wayne Family Adventures. Here is my definitive ranking of the Batfamily*:
Tier Seven: A Literal Murderer
10. Red Hood - Jason Todd
Y’all know he kills people right? Every other post I see about him on here is talking about him being a cinnamon roll or a perfect gentleman and it seems to get lost that he walks around shooting people with regularity. Doesn’t even seem particularly remorseful about it. I get that you died, man, but like half the heroes in DC have died at some point and they’re not filling people with lead. You’d think with all his money, Bruce could send his kids to see a therapist but I guess that’s a lot to ask of a man who processed his own grief and trauma by dressing up like a bat to fight thieves and muggers.
Tier Six: You Couldn’t Pay Me All of Bruce Wayne’s Money to Stay in a Room with Them for Five Minutes
9. Batman - Bruce Wayne
8. Red Robin - Tim Drake
I find both Bruce and Tim to be pretty insufferable. They’re smart but not smart enough to realize how to be smart without being a dick about it. Too clever for their own good and while they’re ranked higher here than Jason, I’d still much rather be in a room with Jason than either of them. Death would be welcomed if my alternative was having to listen to Bruce or Tim talk for more than fifteen seconds.
Tier Five: Need More Data Points
7. Signal - Duke Thomas
I basically only know Duke from WFA which is a fun series but doesn’t give me a ton to go off of big picture. Jury’s still out but I like his odds of not slipping.
Tier Four: Children Get Benefit of Doubt
6. Robin - Damian Wayne
Damian annoys me but in his defense, he is a literal child that was raised by assassins. He gets this spot because of extenuating circumstances and his relationships with Dick and Jon Kent.
Tier Three: The Batgirls
5. Spoiler - Steph Brown
4. Orphan - Cass Caín
3. Oracle - Barbara Gordon
I would be willing to die for any of these characters but they would never let that happen. Probably the most fluid tier. Have more connection to Babs because of my intro to the Batfamily primarily coming from Dick. Cass is second here largely because of her and Dick being perfect together in WFA. Steph lost the straw poll but could easily be third the next time I do this with little effort.
Tier Two: The Billionaire Butler
2. Alfred Pennyworth
The actual father figure of the Batfamily. Every ounce of every one of the Batfamily members success as actual humans is because of Alfred. Batman may have made them all good crime fighters, but Alfred made them good people. Alfred made them heroes.
Tier One: Boy Wonder
1. Nightwing - Dick Grayson
This was always going to be number one. It was never a question. Dick is my favorite superhero and quite possibly my favorite fictional character in general. He was never not winning this ranking.
*Only doing characters I’m mostly familiar with so if someone is missing I just don’t have enough connection to them yet - feel free to send recs to know them better!
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twistedtummies2 · 9 months
Year of the Bat - Number 24
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “As Napoleon told me, ‘A strong will can fuel a frail physique.’” Number 24 is…The Demon’s Quest.
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This is the first of a few entries on the countdown that’s actually a two-part story. The episode marks the official start for one of Batman’s greatest villains, Ra’s Al Ghul. The character had ACTUALLY debuted as part of a twist ending to another episode, “Off Balance,” but it was with “The Demon’s Quest” that Ra’s became a fully-fledged member of the Dark Knight’s Rogues Gallery in the series. This story also happens to be the first on the list actually based on a pre-existing comic, namely the seminal story “Daughter of the Demon,” created by Denny O’Neil and Neal Adams. The two-part story begins with Ra’s Al Ghul appearing in the Batcave, officially introducing himself to Batman and making it clear he knows Bruce’s secret identity. However, Ra’s isn’t there to fight the Caped Crusader. Instead, he wishes to join forces with him: it’s revealed that Robin has been kidnapped, and – coincidentally – it was by the same people who have recently kidnapped the Head of the Demon’s own daughter, the lovely Talia Al Ghul (whom Batman also previously met and became fascinated by in “Off Balance”). I don’t think I’m spoiling much by saying that it’s later revealed Ra’s is the one responsible for the kidnapping, and all this was a ploy to try and win Batman over to his side. However, Batman isn’t taken in by all this, and when he learns more about Ra’s and the Society of Shadows (a.k.a. The League of Assassins), he quickly turns from working with Al Ghul to trying to find a way to stop his mad plans of destruction. Ra’s was already pretty well-known in comics at the time, but for various reasons, hadn’t really reached mainstream popularity yet. While it would be a lie to say the DCAU catapulted him to stardom, his appearances in B:TAS and later spin-offs DID help to make him more familiar to non-comic readers around the world. Chances are that Ra’s wouldn’t be the villain he is now if this show hadn’t come about. (Well…this show and “Batman Begins,” but…details, details.) The character was played by the late, great David Warner, and is perhaps the definitive take on Ra’s beyond comics proper. (Not necessarily the best or my favorite, mind you, but certainly the one closest to the original source, in a lot of ways.) This two-parter established the villain and the kinds of stories he’d be most prominently featured in from this part on. The episode feels sort of like a cross between Indiana Jones, with a hint of pulp fiction like The Shadow or The Phantom thrown in, crossed with…well…Batman. It’s a globetrotting adventure story that just so happens to involve superheroics in the mix, so to speak. It’s definitely one of the most epic stories in scale the show ever produced. I honestly feel pretty bad for leaving this one so low in the ranks. There’s really not much I can say as to why it isn’t higher up; I guess, end of the day, I just like other episodes more. Make no mistake though, this is a great story to look at: if you’re a fan of Ra’s Al Ghul, and if you’re only going to watch one episode of the character from this show, make this two-parter your pick of the bunch. You won’t regret it.
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Tomorrow we move on to Number 23! Hint: “At what point did I become life’s punching bag?”
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wormsin · 1 year
I’ve followed you since your Hannibal days and honestly, I have—had? no interest at all with superhero genre, so whenever I see you post something about it, I am like that meme asking you “are you winning son?” and cheering for you from afar.
Until you post your daily whumptober fills, and now I have a vague interest, about Batman/Bruce and Robin/Dick, yet also within a quite specific setting? A gothic-noir genre one—it just struck me out of nowhere and now I cant get it out of my mind—of which I tried to find posts about it but I ended up not finding anything that could sate this.. let’s call it unique vague interest.
Anyway, sorry for being convoluted, but what I’m trying to say or ask is that, I would like to hear your opinions about their relationship and whether they can be read through gothic-noir genre?
ahahaha 😈
(listen. I was completely blindsided by my Batman & Robin obsession last year, because I had been tired of the superhero genre since Iron Man 2 came out. I have been bored and disinterested in superheroes for over a decade, and *never* read superhero comics. it is mostly not my thing!
however, Batman the Animated Series was the first show I watched as a kid, and Batman and Robin were deeply foundational for me. so as soon as I dipped my toes back in, it was all over for me. and here I am now, writing fucked up BruDick!)
you are in very good luck, actually! Batman has been many things, but noir and gothic are both huge influences. Frank Miller's Batman Year One (1987) is super noir, was the real kickoff for dark, gritty Batman. then in the 1989, Burton brought the campy gothic in the movie Batman. this was a big inspiration for the gothic aesthetic of Batman the Animated Series. (Batman was noir earlier than that as well, but those are notable moments in Batman history.)
Batman suits the genres extremely well—Bruce is always brooding with a dramatic inner monologue; he struggles with Gotham as a city with a personality, a supernatural force; he is haunted by his parents, his legacy, and the villains he faces; he is always going for the female fatales; he lives in a fucking mansion over an underground cave filled with bats. let's not forget that he is a detective! there are a number of canon comics and other media that are in the gothic-noir (or just gothic) genre, and there are some awesome fanfics!
dead men are heavier than broken hearts by spaceisgay
We Have Always Lived in the Manor by themadwomanwhoisunfortunatelylackingabox
Magnificently Cursed by @mysterious-aud-lou (not complete yet)
I will reblog this with some of my own thoughts about Them in this genre (gothic is maybe my favorite genre). when I am less exquisitely busy.
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kitkatt0430 · 5 days
I want to get into Superhero movies as a historical fiction girlie. Where should I start?
Ooooh, okay, so these movies are gonna be all over the place in terms of production quality but they all fit into the Superhero fiction genre in some way, shape, or form and should hopefully appeal for historical fiction and period piece type reasons.
Live Action:
The Mask of Zorro The Legend of Zorro These were made in 1998 and 2005 respectively and star Antonio Banderas and Catherine Zeta Jones. Also has Tony Amendola of Stargate Sg-1 fame (Master Bra'tac!!!!) playing a different character in each movie. Zorro is in many ways the Batman of his day, using his wealth and status to allow him to spy on his fellow Dons and fighting back against injustice for the sake of the people under the protection his mask and sword skills can afford him. They take place during the 1840s and 50s and while they aren't perfect historical accuracy wise, there was definitely a good amount of historical research that went into setting the scene for these movies.
The Adventures of Robin Hood I realize most people don't really see Robin Hood and think Superhero but he really does fit the archetype that a lot of superheroes fall into. This specific version is an old classic staring Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, and Basil Rathbone, who were all big names for their day. It's one of my favorite takes on Robin Hood, catching both Robin's ability to charm people and his dedication to protecting the mistreated, as well as highlighting his tendency to fuck around and find out when his ego gets in the way. Made in 1938, this was a big release in it's day and it has a very charming, if ahistorical, take on the 1190s for it's setting.
The Rocketeer Set in 1938 and made in the 1990s, The Rocketeer is a movie about a stunt pilot whose discovery of a rocket pack gives him the chance to become a masked super hero who fights nazis. I loved this movie as a kid and while it's been a while since I last saw it, I remember feeling like it held up pretty well. It's got some elements in it that are reminiscent of both Captain America and Iron Man with maybe a bit of Hal Jordan thrown in, but ultimately the movie's main character establishes himself as his own hero really well.
Doctor Mordrid: Master of the Unknown I was introduced to this one by Mystery Science Theater and is a great fit if you enjoy cheesy films with not the best production values. Made in 1992 and staring Jeffery Combs (who had two recurring roles on Star Trek Deep Space Nine and also plays enough other one off aliens that it's a bit of a joke that he's every alien on Ds9), it's really not trying to hide it's origins as a Doctor Strange homage. It works well as a period piece and demonstrates a lot of love for the wizard hero in modern times type of super hero.
The Batwoman Santo and the Treasure of Dracula As long as I'm bringing up one superhero movie that MST3K introduced me to, I might as well include these two. They're unrelated beyond being riffed by MST3K, but they're both fun Mexican superhero movies from the 60s that tie into lucha libre, a specific wrestling culture that has spawned a number of superhero type characters over the years. I think even Angel the Series did an episode with a luchador turned superhero.
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman & Mr. Freeze: Subzero These were both made based off Batman the Animated Series and have a lot of nostalgia factor in them as a result. They're well animated and capture a lot of what made the animated series so beloved. I'm fairly certain neither of these are the ones that included the Babs/Bruce ship, but it's been a while since I last watched them so if you hate that ship then you may want to double check to be sure before watching them. While they're not a specific appeal to the historical fiction side of your ask, Batman the Animated Series was a pretty foundational show for the animated DC universe and these movies specifically are a good look at where animated DC was at in the 90s.
Not Including:
So I'm leaving out current MCU/DCU movies. Much as I enjoyed the first DCU Wonder Woman movie, it's hard to recommend it given how awful the sequel was. And while I enjoy the first Captain America movie a lot, there is a surprising amount of toxic masculinity being enshrined in the direction his character is taken in and as his characterization marches on as the MCU develops he strays pretty far from what makes comics Steve Rogers Captain America.
But mostly I wanted this list to focus on movies that aren't recent or part of ongoing franchises (the Batman Animated movies being something of an exception there) and have some kind of history to them on their own.
I could probably add more if i gave it some more thought, but this feels like a good grouping of movies to start with.
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Batman (Part II)
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Part II: Parents Lost and Found
First things first: no origin story in this movie, just like Superman. If you don't know Batman's origin story at this point, you're living under a rock. Of the 11 cinematic outings we've been of Batman that were focused around the character (Justice League doesn't count), 4 of them have actually shown us his origin story, while the others have at least hinted at it. Only one, the 1969 Adam West-starring Batman: The Movie doesn't mention the Waynes at all.
It's also established that Batman does indeed have a father figure, which he usually acknowledges as such in the films. One Alfred Pennyworth, of course, is this man, and one of the most important supporting characters in any superhero story, but most certainly in Batman's world. Appearing alongside every cinematic adaptation of the character, Alfred is an iconic character in his own right, who's also recently been oddly sidelined for the sake of drama in the comics. But we'll get to the Butler in the Refrigerator later in this essay.
What you're about to read (if, indeed you do read this, and thank you if you do), is a recounting of the late Thomas and Martha Wayne, as well as perennial father figure, Alfred Pennyworth...and the mother figure that never truly was in the comics, but really should've been. As before, I'll give a real brief accounting of previous versions of the character, then present my own version. First fathers, then mothers. So, let's get started!
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Thomas Wayne: Doctored Doctor
Of Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. Thomas Wayne has gotten far more attention than Martha has. Throughout his comic book history, he's gotten a number of incarnations and revelations, mostly revolving around his relationships and interactions with the seedier portions of Gotham City. Dating back to the Silver Age, he pissed off mobster Lew Moxon, who eventually hired Joe Chill to get him killed. During the Modern Age (and in one of my favorite stories, which we'll get to later), it's revealed that he saved the life of a young Carmine Falcone, leading to a connection there as well. And that particular connection has been adapted in video games and The Batman in particular.
But most incarnations of Thomas Wayne share one thing in common: he's a good man in a city filled with corruption. In some versions, he's genuinely trying to make the city a better place. Batman Begins' portrayal, played by Linus Roache, is definitely the most famous of these, with his philanthropic ideals on the merge of remodeling the city, before being erased with his death. This is also one of the few versions of the character where we actively see him being a good dad to Bruce, and this was a good move on Nolan's part, since we get to like the guy a but more than in most versions.
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There are also the...weirder versions of the character. Pennyworth's version is from the same universe as the Gotham TV series, which I'm...not a fan of. At all, actually. Maybe more on that later, but Thomas here is a CIA agent overseeing Alfred. And I haven't watched this series, but this is an...odd version of the character, from what I know of him. Same with Joker's version of the character, which throws in a recently seen politician angle for the character, but makes him considerably meaner and more corrupt, as well as...well, that's a spoiler, so I won't say. Although, to be fair, that could be Arthur Fleck's delusions that make that version of the character.
Look, Thomas Wayne is an interesting character for what we see of him, but for obvious reasons, he isn't exactly present in Bruce's life. But, personally, my version of Thomas Wayne was known for his social intelligence and charisma, having a reputation that's often associated with Bruce, for good or for ill. He was a hard worker and a hard player, inspiring his employees and delighting his friends. Thomas should be likeable, agreeable, and understanding, and was a very good and present Dad. And that last bit is rare for parents as rich as the Waynes were, so this is an important point. The absence of Thomas should be felt by the city, and also by the Wayne household.
And as for his replacement...this one's gonna be much longer.
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Alfred Pennyworth: Batman's Father
Weird title, I know. Thomas Wayne, after all is the father of Bruce Wayne. But here's the thing: Bruce Wayne is dead. The very moment that the life left the bodies of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Bruce Wayne died alongside them. That day is the birth of Batman, who was dragged kicking and screaming into the world with a gunshot. And Batman has no parents. Well...not at that point, anyway. Over the years, somebody stepped into the role of father figure for a young Batman. And that someone, of course, is a butler named Alfred Pennyworth.
Alfred is, without a doubt, one of the most important supporting characters in fiction. Which is impressive, because it feels like the comics have sort of forgotten and remembered that simultaneously. In case you didn't know, Alfred is dead in the comics at the moment, killed by Bane after a recent campaign by the Santa Priscan to once again break the Batman and his family. And yeah, I'm still pissed off about it. Alfred deserves more than being made into a Butler in Refrigerator. And thankfully, most adaptations realize that.
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Again, I haven't seen Pennyworth, but the fact that he has his own origin story series should tell you something. Traditionally, Alfred Pennyworth is known for his work as a spy and British intelligence agent in his early years, during which he either met Thomas Wayne in the line of duty, or was hired by the Waynes after leaving the service. Yet more incarnations have Alfred as a former actor, or a butler who inherited his father's position as the butler of Wayne Manor, or even a bumbling private detective if you go back to his earliest appearances as "Alfred Beagle". He's worn a few hats, is what I'm saying.
After working for the Waynes, though, Alfred never leaves again. And after Thomas and Martha are killed. Alfred immediately steps into the role of Bruce's caretaker, becoming a father figure for him along the way. The two maintain a semblance of professionalism most of the time, but they definitely see each other as father and son, no doubt.
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OK, I'll go through this next bit quickly, even though the answer of my favorite Alfred is probably obvious. Alfred has appeared in every adaptation of Batman since the 1966 television series, where he was played by Alan Napier. After that point, Michael Gough famously played the character starting with Batman, and became one of only two actors to reprise his role from up through Batman and Robin. Great version of the character, and one of my favorites...but not my favorite. He's just a little too detached, and not quite spry enough for my liking. I dunno, he's not as personable as I'd like, although he's one of the only good things about Batman and Robin for his connection to Bruce. Ranks #4 in my list of Alfreds.
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Jeremy Irons was Alfred in the Snyderverse films, and is genuinely one of the best parts of those movies. He's actually a good character, and very good support for Batman and the Justice League, and he's also likeable. Plus, he actually criticizes the fucking bonehead that is Batman in these movies, and I love him for that. Another really good version of the character! But he seems more like a contemporary to Bruce, rather than a father figure, so it's not really what I'm looking for. I'd place him at #5. Not as good as Gough, but still quite good.
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Goddamn, do I like Andy Serkis' Alfred from The Batman. He lands at my #3 spot, because he not only is placed as the fatherly role that he should be placed in, but he's also clearly a detective in his own right. He helps Bruce with the Riddler's cipher, and watches over Bruce's mission with a worries yet supportive eye. Plus, he's put in real danger during the film, and we see his relationship with Bruce placed full center, in a very meaningful manner. Look, this is a great version of the character...but still only #3. And if you don't know my #1 by now...come on. It's not a surprise.
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I adore Efrem Zimbalist Jr.'s Alfred, as seen in Batman: The Animated Series, and throughout the DCAU as a whole. This is honestly my prototypical Alfred, and one of the two that immediately comes to mind when I think of the character. Subtle father figure vibes with heavy butler energy. A lot of snark packed into a sharp mustache and a tailored suit. Ready to give you a talking back to, and a thermos of chicken soup to fight a could. Caring and supportive, but not afraid to stick up for himself and his family. Goddamn, this Alfred fucking rules. And he's very funny, for the record; probably the funniest Alfred.
Also, honorable mentions to Alastair Duncan's version from The Batman TV series, and to Ralph Fiennes' version in The Lego Batman Movie. Also fantastic versions of the character, who I'm putting in this slot as well. Animated Alfreds are very good, honestly. But Zimbalist's in particular is my...#2. Alfred.
Because, come on. There's only one real choice for #1 here.
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I mean, come on, it's Michael fucking Caine! This is the Alfred that reigns supreme in my mind when I think of live-action Alfred, and sits alongside the Zimbalist version as my idea version of the character. While we don't know much about his past, he know that his relationship with Bruce is that of a supportive father figure who supports Bruce as best he can, but still struggles with his choices to embrace the night. His departure in the last Nolan film was devastating, but extremely understandable, and gave us some of the best scenes in the movie. I mean, Alfred gave us some of the best scenes and lines in the franchise, for Christ's sake. Everything I said about the Zimbalist Alfred goes here, although he isn't quite as snarky. Still, this version is fantastic, and is absolutely my top Alfred.
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Yeah, sorry, Gotham's Sean Pertwee. You're actually a pretty good Alfred, too, but put in a very weird universe. This Alfred leans into the "former intelligence agent" angle really heavily, which is a recent trend in Alfred. Beware the Batman did this as well, and you can see whispers in all Alfred that came after him. And I get why, but I dunno...removes some of the charm of the character for me. That said, though, Pertwee still plays a good character, but he's not really my preferred Alfred. I mean, Zimbalist and Caine also played Alfreds with secret badass pasts. Zimbalist's version was also a British spy, while Caine's was an officer in the British Special Air Services with multiple tours of duty! But that element of the character made Pertwee's Alfred into a gruff, always irritated, and non-trustworthy bodyguard of a character, and not exactly the butler I've come to love.
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So, who is my Alfred Pennyworth? I mean, I basically already said it. He's the father figure to Batman, or Bruce Wayne post-parent murder. He's a butler, yes, but also a caring and loyal protector to the Dark Knight. He's one of the only people that Batman doesn't scare, and not just because of their connection. A truly good person who's seen a lot in his past, Alfred believes that what Batman does is right, but acts as a tether preventing him from falling into the abyss below. Criticizing when he needs to be, and uplifting by the same measure.
Alfred loves tea, and is a connoisseur of tea services worldwide. And yes, he's aware that it's a stereotype, but he truly does not care. He knows the right tea for everybody, almost miraculously, just from a brief set of interactions. He's extremely observant and able to detect the needs of those around him very easily, making him not only an excellent butler, but a caring friend and father figure for his family. He gets out once in a while, but usually prefers to stay indoors. Also, he's an absolute cricket nut (again, despite the British stereotype).
Batman truly would be lost without Alfred, but Alfred would be similarly bereft without Bruce. And I do mean Bruce, because Alfred still sees him as the young lad he used to watch over as a child, and the man that he helped to raise up to this day. The two share a deep and unbreakable bond. And even though Alfred wouldn't go out to fight alongside Batman, he's trained on the Batcomputer and other items in the Batcave, as is a valuable support system for Batman and his partners in the field. Alfred is the lynchpin of the Batfamily, and his presence should be felt. Maybe that's why I like Caine's Alfred so much. Because you always know he's there.
OK, that's enough of dads for now. Let's get into moms.
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Martha Wayne: Forgotten and Neglected
Yeah, I mean that. Seriously, Martha's barely gotten any attention in the comics, nevertheless in adaptations. As it goes for many female supporting characters of superheroes, and especially mothers, she's just not a well-covered character. Literally, this version of the character in Pennyworth, played by Emma Paetz, is the ONLY LIVE-ACTION VERSION of the character I can find in GIF form. She's just sort of ignored in media, sidelined as the mother, or the love interest for Thomas (or even for Alfred in Pennyworth).
And honestly, that sucks. Martha's only legacy shouldn't be the pearl necklace torn off of her on the last night of her life. That's especially unfair because of the fact that her niece is Kate Kane, AKA Batwoman! She's a part of a notable Gotham family in her own right, so why shouldn't she also be a well-known figure in Gotham. I dare you to find a single Batman story where somebody says they were friends with Bruce's mother. Fuckin' EVERYBODY knows Thomas, but nobody talks about Martha independent of him. Ironic, given that more people know her name than Thomas' in the real world, thanks to...well...
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Yeah, THAT stupid shit. Anyway, with all of that said, who is Martha Wayne? In the comics, as I said, Martha Wayne is a member of the Kane family, a very influential Gotham family due to their work in chemicals and industry. She became famous as a socialite and party girl, until eventually meeting Thomas Wayne and falling in love with him. And...that's basically it. I guess she was a philanthropist at one point...her family lost their wealth for a minute due to bad investments, but she got it back eventually...she got involved with some gangsters a couple of times, but never substantially.
She's had a number of tiny appearances, but not much of her own character or history, especially as compared to Thomas. So, because of that, she's basically a blank slate. Although, funnily enough, there is a connection with another character who I'll get into in a minute here. But OK, who is my version of Martha Wayne?
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Thomas, according to the above version of him, gave Bruce his social intelligence, business acumen, and name. Martha gave Bruce her compassion and strategic intelligence, as well as her sometimes pensive and thoughtful nature. This Martha did indeed come from a wealthy family, but specifically a military one. Making their fortunes in investments, the Kanes are part of a proud military tradition, which was inherited by Jacob Kane, Martha's brother. However, Martha had more of an interest in philanthropy and investments, working for good causes and helping people where she could.
Martha was a kind and good person, and it surprised many that she started a relationship with Thomas Wayne. Thomas was known as a somewhat self-centered person by reputation, even though that wasn't his actual personality. Martha, being quite wise, realized this quickly, after meeting him at a social function she was told to go to by her family. The two had known each other from school days, before she was sent abroad for her studies by her family. The two were, in essence, starcrossed, with the Waynes and Kanes having a somewhat public rivalry, and their favored sons, Thomas and Jacob, being frenemies of a sort as well. But back to Martha.
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The two start a courtship, which builds steadily over time, but Martha is more focused on philanthropic efforts, while Thomas inherits the family business. They both build their reputations, separately and together, and quickly become a beloved power couple in the city of Gotham. Through Thomas' connections as a doctor, Martha made another important connection. This connection would become Martha's best friend, and would serve as a surrogate mother for Bruce in her stead. She was also named the godmother of a young Bruce Wayne, and would care for him after her friend Martha was killed in an alleyway.
Martha Wayne, in my universe/headcanon, is a brilliant woman whose marriage to Thomas Wayne furthered the position of the company through her strategic advice, and also increased both of their reputations mutually, making Wayne Enterprises into the foremost company in Gotham. Yeah, Martha's an important part of the business here, and one of the main reasons why Batman believes in a moral good. Thomas is still a huge part of it, but Martha shouldn't be counted out. Ironically, though, most of Gotham City doesn't quite understand how vital her contributions were, and her philanthropic efforts were mostly ignored due to her choice to take part in a risky investment: the revitalization of Arkham Asylum. Much more on that choice later.
But of course, after that, their lives were taken by a coward in Park Row, leaving behind their son Bruce. He was placed in the care of one Alfred Pennyworth, and under the eyes of his godmother, and secondary maternal figure...
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Leslie Thompkins: The Ideal Surrogate Mother
Goddamn it, HOW has this not been an established thing? What's worse is how Leslie's been treated in both the comics and adaptations. Because lemme tell you, one of the main reasons I hate Gotham is because of how poorly they fucked up Dr. Leslie Thompkins. And I'm willing to bet some of you don't know who she is. Well, allow me to share with you this forgotten and mistreated character in Batman lore, and why she really should have been the surrogate mother Batman never had. And I'm not alone in that interpretation, but that role's been largely forgotten, thanks to one horrendous decision that was made with her character.
Dr. Leslie Thompkins, in the comics, was a colleague and friend of Thomas Wayne. Which, yeah, makes sense, considering the fact that she's a doctor. Leslie, however, was a charitable doctor, caring for the downtrodden and forgotten of Gotham, after having served overseas with charitable organizations and the like. She's always cared for the unfortunate, and has therefore been close to Batman's world in many ways. She eventually finds out that Bruce is Batman, and she typically doesn't approve. She actually blames herself for failing to pull Bruce out of the darkness as a role model, and because of that blame...
...she does something completely unforgivable. Leslie Thompkins is the victim of one of the worst character assassinations in comic books, and it all centers around Stephanie Brown's death.
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Stephanie Brown, best known as Batgirl, was once the replacement for Tim Drake as Robin. But, during this particularly shitty era in Batman's history, Bruce didn't really care for her as a superhero much, and treated her unfairly compared to the other Robins. It was a real shit time, and Batman didn't really make it out of this era unscathed either. But more importantly, Stephanie didn't make it out because she was grievously injured by criminal Black Mask.
While she was the vigilante Spoiler, and trying to prove herself once again, Black Mask brought her close to death, after which she came under the care of Leslie. Acting under the belief that Bruce should stop bringing children into his struggles, she seemingly lets Stephanie die to teach Bruce a lesson. YOU FUCKING READ THAT CORRECTLY. Leslie Thompkins kills a teenager just to teach Bruce to stop putting teenagers in danger. Yeah. She's a murderer, and literally flees the country to escape Bruce's RIGHTFUL RETRIBUTION. He find her, and states that she's dead to him. Which, yeah, fuck that shit.
The outrage about this was SO VISCERAL, that this was later retconned as Leslie faking Stephanie's death to teach Bruce a lesson. And yeah, it means she isn't a murderer, BUT SHE'S STILL A DICK. This ruined Leslie permanently, and the character who was once a staple part of the Batman Family has never fully recovered. A shame. Because Leslie has way more potential than that.
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Oh, look! Another fucked up version of a beloved Batman supporting character! Yeah, Gotham decided to turn Leslie, played by the underrated Morena Baccarin, into a love interest for James Gordon, then a FUCKING CRIME LORD alongside the Riddler of all fucking people, and then eventually had her reunited with and married to Gordon by the end of the series. This was another assassination of a character who, frankly, bears no resemblance to Leslie Thompkins.
There was a version of the character who made an appearance in Titans, but she was a therapist, and only made a single appearance in the series. So, really, there's only one version of the character that's gotten the essence of Leslie right. And unsurprisingly, that's in Batman: The Animated Series.
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Making few appearances in the series, where she's voiced by Diana Muldaur, the ones they did throw in got Leslie right. Aware of Batman's identity from the jump, she cares deeply for Bruce and his family, and is a member of the small Batman alliance to the modern day. She clearly cares for Bruce, but also cares for the other people in Park Row and the neighborhood surrounding it, becoming a predominant doctor for the disadvantages. Again, as she should be.
So, who is my Leslie? Definitely more critical of Batman and his mission than Alfred is, but still loyal and interested in supporting him. Not the mission, Batman. However, she also recognizes that he's doing good, and while she absolutely disagrees with bringing children into this, she also recognizes the reasons behind these actions. After all, Dick's also an orphan; Jason's a runaway; Tim, Barbara, and Stephanie are basically independent, and Damian is his literal son and a child assassin. Sort of makes sense when you pile it all together like that. So, while she's critical, she's also compassionate.
Oh, and one more thing here: Leslie is Martha's friend, obviously. Yeah, I get that both she and Thomas are doctors, but my version of Martha has far more in common with Leslie than Thomas does. They're the ones who become close friends, and Leslie is the one who acts as a surrogate parent. Now, unlike Batman and Alfred, I don't know that Leslie and Batman consciously acknowledge that bond. But nevertheless, the bond still exists between them.
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And there you have it: Batman's parents, living and dead. Now that that's done, let's talk about the other staple character in Batman's life. Oh, and you might be wondering about the Robins. We'll get there, I promise, but I'm focusing more on Batman than anything else. For now, though, let's talk about the other crimefighters in Gotham. Or, at least, the people who are supposed to fight crime.
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Part One: Batman Part Two: Alfred and the Waynes Part Three: James Gordon and the GCPD (Coming Soon) Part Four: Gotham City (Coming Soon) Part Five: Joker (Coming Soon) Part Six: The Usual Suspects (Coming Soon) Part Seven: And the Rest (Coming Soon) Part Eight: The Story - Act One (Coming Soon) Part Nine: The Story - Acts Two and Three (Coming Soon) Part Ten: The Story - Climax and Ending (Coming Soon) Part Eleven: Epilogue (Coming Soon)
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tinseltine · 1 year
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I realized this is JLaw‘s first official comedy – “Silver Linings Playbook” and “Joy” are each a dramedy. “Don’t Look Up” is funny, but its genre would be cautionary/Scifi. Lawrence was the comic relief in “American Hustle”, but again, a satire, not a broad comedy.  I’m glad she finally found herself here. 
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The Blackening’s got the feel of Bodies Bodies Bodies, just not as clever.  You can see the twist ending coming from a mile away. But as someone whose black card is always in threat of being revoked, due to having grown up on a constant diet of corny, white fare; I liked the irony of a board game of actual black cards, where each character has to answer culturally black trivia in order to stay alive!  And yup, if I were playing, my black card would once again have been in jeopardy, cause for a number of the questions, I’d have been about as much help as I’d be in an escape room requiring math. 
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Overall I enjoyed the film and thought this fresh take on the Flashpoint event was creative. Just not as creative as the 2013 film, which still had meta-humans and heroes, with each of them in different roles than what they are in the traditional DC’s Earth-Prime version. For instance, Bruce Wayne was killed in the alley that famous night instead of his parents; turning his father into Batman and his mother into the Joker. Superman is captured and nowhere to be found. Cyborg is a resistance leader, giving America a fighting chance within a war between Aquaman’s Atlanteans and Wonder Woman’s Amazonians. Aquaman cheated on his wife Mera with Diana and it led to this major war.
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Vibrant all the way around, story, visuals, characters! Although, I’ll admit, I got a little sleepy a few moments before we meet the super cool Spider-man named Hobie Brown, aka Spider-Punk voiced by Daniel Kaluuya, but that could have been due to the heaping portion of Chinese food I ate at the beginning of the movie. This Spider-Punk was my favorite spidey. Kauuya says he: put a lot of emphasis on what matters to the fans when it came to finding his superhero’s voice, so much so that when he first took on the role of Spider-Punk he listened to fan-made playlists dedicated to the character to understand how they saw him rather than choose to base him on any punk rock icons of the past.
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Me and my sister came out of Disney’s Live Action The Little Mermaid smiling from ear to ear feeling as though it managed to capture and hold true to everything we loved about the animated original and at the same time, embracing the world of today with beautiful diversity. But then I read The New York Times review by Wesley Morris and he just makes me feel stupid for enjoying the movie. I suppose he has some salient points like “This new flesh-and-blood version is about a girl who’d like to withdraw her color from the family rainbow and sail off into “uncharted waters” with her white prince.” Also, although I loved Halle Bailey’s interpretation of Ariel, his review now makes me question, does she imbue varied enough facial expressions while mute?
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The Mother explores themes of family, redemption and identity, as Lopez’s character (with no name) struggles to reconcile her past and present. It’s not a groundbreaking or original movie by any means. It borrows heavily from other action movies like “Taken”, “Salt” and “Atomic Blonde”. The plot is predictable, the villains are one-dimensional and the moments of warmth aren’t very moving. But it’s entertaining, and it’s JLo, so stream it!
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I definitely feel GOTG3 has stronger beats than Ant-man Quantumania, but it’s still a little long and lacking a certain spark had by the prior 2 movies of this MCU franchise. I think we need to go back to keeping the films just under 2 hours. Infinity War and End Game each needed to be nearly 3 hours because of so many characters and major story arcs, but with these sequels, no matter how beloved the characters, there’s not enough to fill them. I love superhero movies and particularly the MCU, but lately I can always feel the point in which they should be wrapping up, yet there’s 40-45 minutes still to go. 
THIS WAS TINSEL & TINE'S #MINIMOVIEREVIEW EXTRAVAGANZA #14 for complete content - https://tinseltine.com/minimoviereviewextravaganza14/
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I just watched The Batman and I have some opinions (Spoiler alert, like, for the whole movie; if you haven't watched it and can and want, go watch it because is really good and it mostly doesn't give Superhero Fatigue):
First, I loved it. Mostly because of The Riddler, SUCH A WELL MADE CHARACTER OMG, they absolutely NAILED the guy from 4chan obsessing over ciphers and conspiracies, that goes absolutely mad from loneliness, with a parasocial relationship with Batman, streaming for a small but maniac and cultish and extremist and armed. He's an internet maniac down to the tea and I loved that they paid enough attention to make him that good
I didn't like the ending tho. Too... weak, common for a superhero movie. If they had let it in the "Oh, you haven't figured out yet?" with a group of maniac followers of the Riddler running around capable of a lot in the next movies it would have been way more interesting
I would also would have liked that they showed Bruce paying for the reparations of Gotham, that he was clearly going to do, but they saved for the next movie, so :(
Another thing: they are so afraid to add a Robin. They are obsessed with Batman Fuck-boy stage. I wanna see that man that's one day away from tripping falling and deciding to never get up again grow, for him to learn to take care of himself (first) and get that child from the ambulance helicopter as his son (second). Now that Alfred is injured they might get the chance but I'm not sure if they are gonna do it
I loved Gatubela's design, not only because it makes me gay but because it doesn't sexualize her near as much, I think her character is mostly recognizible(?) for her tight leather suit so yeah. They could have gone near full remake like they did with the Penguin (he's my favorite) but still good. What I'm mad about is the forced relationship she has with Batman, again. When they grapple for the passport it felt really gross, really outdated, and Selina loses more and more power from there. She doesn't achieve nearly anything she wants due to Batman's intervention, which is beneficial to the plot most of the time but come on let her blew a knee or two out of Falcone please. Also I think her relationship with Batman goes too far too fast, which is sadly a staple in Batman movies, but I would liked a period of Ludus a lot more. Also I don't know why she kept calling Annika friend, maybe it was the relationship they had, maybe it was a corporate decision, I don't know, I don't wanna know
I really liked that they detached the characters a lot from their comic versions, but I think they should have detached Batman a little more. The armored suit doesn't fit with the movie, but they really take advantage of the Theater of Fear so I can't really complain, and I don't know how they would pull of the Bat part while redesigning the character and nor making the fans angry, but it would have been interesting to see. Maybe just more scenes in the Hackerman costume, idk, just a personal taste
(All of this text is personal but in an even more personal note, I don't understand what people find attractive in Pattinson. It's probably because I like woman but I just don't get it. If someone could explain I would be really thankful because I would love to understand but I don't)
I wished they had explained more about the Generic Drug Number 37 that is the Drop. Like. What does it even do? I know is kind of a Macguffin but it would have been an interesting discussion on why is it so bad. Narcotraffic bad? Obviously but what else. What effect has in it's consumers? Is a hard drug like heroin or is just mild like Marijuana? Does it only grow in a way that it creates an elaborate dealing scheme like Cocaine? How addictive it is? How destructive it is? Again, what effects it has on the life of it's consumers? Is it like that drug in Arcane that acts as a healer and adrenalin and that's what Batman injects at the end? Does it have no strong ill effect but the authorities prohibit it for power web reasons?. I feel that it wasn't really developed into, and maybe is a point for the next movie, but It feels like we have been thrown another Generic Drug Bad
The Batmovil was cool. I didn't get to really look at the design and I think I wouldn't like it If I did but I liked the noises it made
Too many action scenes, you don't have to get lowed to the Average Superhero Movie level sweetheart, you can be a grown-up detective movie if you want
Also, I loved how (at least at the beginning, it faded out at the end) the city felt alive. It wasn't just a backdrop for events to happen, touching things had consequences and pulled strings. It felt like a roleplay game, I loved it
The colors were great, my favorite, 10/10
The fact that the batcave was in the middle of the city and accessible from the train line? Chef kiss, amazing, finally a cool one. They should drop the blinding white lights do, they look out of place
So yeah
Good movie
Hoping for a sequel but Joker get the fuck out i want the Scarecrow on this
The Joker is for closing trilogies
First long post (I'm not proof reading anything now, it's 4:00AM, maybe tomorrow), thank you for reading if you have gotten here, and have a nice day!
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My favorite superhero is also the first superhero. That’s right: Superman. Why not Batman, like practically everyone else in the world? Well, first I’m going to tell you why Batman is not number one in my book. Then I’ll explain why Superman is my favorite.
As you probably already know, Batman’s origin is a tragic one. Young Bruce Wayne sees his parents killed right in front of him. The criminal gets away, and (depending on which version you’re reading or watching) is never brought to justice for his crimes. Bruce vows to avenge his parents’ deaths by not letting what happened to him befall anyone else. He trains and studies, and eventually becomes Batman. Cool origin, I admit. Batman is in peak physical condition, as well as being one of the smartest men in the world. Oh yeah, and he’s rich, which helps in his quest to fight crime. On top of all that, he has a cool friggin’ costume. I like Batman. I really do. If you want to learn how to persevere in life, and to be the best you can be, it’s hard to find a better example (in comics, anyway) than Batman.
I do take issue with Batman, though. Now don’t get me wrong. I totally understand Bruce wanting to avenge his parents’ deaths, and how traumatizing said deaths would be on such a young kid. It would stick with you for years, maybe even your whole life. But here’s the thing: in the current continuity of the comics, Batman is in his early forties. He is still in peak shape, still one of the smartest (and richest) men in the world. How could he possibly be motivated by vengeance after all those years? I don’t think he is. I think that he’s been doing the vigilante thing for so long, he can’t allow himself to quit. It’s all he knows. Also, he never allowed himself to grieve. It’s no wonder that he can’t maintain a relationship; he has a one-track mind. He’s given himself an impossible goal: to rid Gotham City, and perhaps the world, of evil. It’ll never happen. He’ll never find peace that way. That’s why I don’t get people who want to be like Batman. He’s not a very good role model, in my opinion. Which brings me to why I prefer Superman.
Whereas Batman signifies vengeance, Superman signifies hope. In fact, in at least one version of his story, the symbol on his chest means “hope”. Superman, in my eyes, represents the best we aspire to be. I think that, even if he didn’t have superpowers, Clark would find a career where he could do the most good. Some people say he’s too powerful. I get that argument, but if that’s all you think of when you see Superman, you’re missing the point. Superman is the ultimate outsider. His home no longer exists, and he has to find a way to live in his new home. Superman is about adaptation. He adapts to being on a different planet. He adapts to living like a normal person when he’s not in uniform. He adapts to life in Metropolis when he moves away from Smallville. Whenever I read a particularly good Superman story or watch a particularly good Superman movie or tv show, I want to be better. Superman makes me strive to improve myself. Sure, he’s not perfect, at least if he’s written accurately. If you write Superman as perfect, you’re doing an injustice to the character. He tries to be the best he can be, but he can’t be everywhere at once. But at least he still tries.
In conclusion, while I understand Batman’s appeal, he’ll never be someone I want to emulate. Superman is, and always will be, my hero.
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silly-thinkings · 3 years
Batman x Magic user reader
-In this story, Reader is a very powerful magic user that seems to hold more secrets than the Bat himself. One of those secrets decides to throw a tantrum. 
Listen... I was sick when I started to write this (December 5th) and I got sick again... soooo plz take this ;-;
Keys: S/N= Superhero name  F/C= Favorite color
The sea monster wrapped its limbs around the cruse ship. The sounds of screams could be heard from where you flew.
“(S/N!)” Superman practically barked into the coms.
“Yes. I am aware.”
You began casting a spell upon your allies. Superman, Aquaman, and Batman all began to glow green.
Their wounds quickly healed, and they felt lighter, stronger, faster.
With your help, you and Aquaman were able to safely save and escort all the civilians to the far shore. While Superman and Batman successfully finished the creature.
You made a platform in the middle of the water. All four of you stood and looked around the chaos.
“Stuff like this is happening world wide. We’re spread to thin.” Batman said pulling up a live video feed of many parts of the world. “Aquaman, I need you in Japan. Superman. Go back to Metropolis.”
The two men nodded. You opened a portal and they both walked through no problem.
You felt eyes on you. You turn your head to see a very stoic Batman. You gave him a soft smile and walked up to him “You are tense.”
You places both of your hands on his shoulders as he let out a sigh “I don’t like magic.”
“Ahh, you’re getting better at noticing magic.” You lightly booped his nose “Yes, this is very chaotic magic at play. And I believe I know where the source of all this is.”
Batman’s eyes squinted slightly. He was about to ask before his wrist began beeping.
“This is Batman.” He said answering the video feed.
“Batman. This is Aqualad, we need backup.”
You could hear the sound of a familiar whine.
“Where is she! I need to see her NOW!”
A loud blast was seen, knocking superboy far. You placed a hand on the bridge of your nose “why does he do this. He has my number.”
“We’re on our way.” Batman said before hanging up the call.
“Y/N. Do You know who’s doing this?”
You let out a sigh and nodded “I suppose this is my fault. I shouldn’t have spoiled him so much.”
Batman raised an eyebrow at your statement. You waved your hand summoning a fairly large castle in front of you. It reminded him of Constantine’s house.
The front door opened to reveal a F/C being “Lady Y/N. Batman” he bowed.
You notice Batman hesitate for a minute. You took his hand “come my love. I’ll explain on the way.”
Batman watched you intently as you walked around your magical castle. This must be the same feeling people get when they arrive to the manor for the first time. One odd thing he noticed however were the oversized furniture.
As you walked you picked up a teddy bear, water, some medication, and soup.
“I believe after tonight, I would be voted off the team.” You said in a somber tone. You still held a smile as you gently opened the door to a room. Batman followed, he noticed this room to be that of a child. Maybe a teenagers. It was fairly clean and unused for a very long while. In the corner, many cat toys littered the floor. You gently placed the items down along the bedside table. Batman was now very confused “Why would you say that?” ”Do you know who I am Bruce? Why Nabu despises me so?” Batmans eyes widened. “How did you-” You placed a finger on his lips “It is because of who I am that I know who you all are. Clark, Diana, Hal.” Bruce stiffened. This whole time you knew their identities and you respected that. He wrapped his hands around your hips “you are a very powerful magic user who is also a close friend of Constantine.” You giggled “Is that what he told you.” Bruce nodded. You waved your hand again, your outfit changed into a dark red gown that beautifully hugged your body. You pressed a light kiss on his lips, he pulled you in closer before pulling away. “Who are you Y/N?” He asked in a hushed tone. You smiled before you removed yourself from him “Some call me a Witch, others call me a Goddess. When I’m with you I am only Y/N. Which has been fun. Thank you. Bruce Wayne.”
“You’re saying goodbye.”
You notice a slight frown on his face. You smile and place a hand on his cheek “I want you safe. I want you to stress less. I know of how the league perceives me.” You spawn a ruby-like stone and hand it to him “if you ever need me. For anything at all. Just say my name three times while holding this.”
Bruce felt you gently place the oval-like stone on his hands. He looked into your eyes. He can see the sadness you bore. The pain you’ve been through. A similar kind of pain he has been through. Never in a million years did he think he’d have romantic feelings for someone on the team, let alone a magic-user. But when they first met. Their first mission, the first time she healed him. It was like she was his second half. It was like someone else properly understood all that pain he went through in his life.
Batman watched you pull away from him slowly. You turned to face the door. You opened it and strut out into a cornfield. Bruce shook his head in the realization that they had not only moved in the house itself but relocated. “Batman!” Robin shouted before a cube of water landed on him. Aqualad and Miss Martian were surrounded by fire. Superboy, Kidflash, and Artimes were struggling to stand. Zatanna could be seen standing in front of the witch boy, clearly wounded. “Klarion” You said softly. The witch boy didn’t listen, instead, wind began to pick up around the boy. A dragged-out meow could be heard beside him “Shut up tikkle!” Suddenly, the witch let out a sneeze. Sending Zatanna flying “Where is she huh! I don’t see her.” You flew high in the sky and held out your arms. Your body began to crack like a glass doll before you start to grow “Klarion!” Your voice boomed through the air Red and white aura began to surge around you. Batman looked around him to see many of the plants to regrow. The water around Robin popped, causing the boy to fall down to earth. Batman caught him and noticed a familiar green aura surrounding him. The same was happening to the team. “What’s happening?” Wally groggily asked standing to his feet. “Woah, am I dead? Why am I glowing?” “No idiot, look.” Atriums pointed to the vibrant glowing sphere illuminating the sky. 
“I feel… lighter.” Aqualad said looking at the palms of his hands “Its S/N’s healing magic” Robin informed the team.
Klarion finally turned around to face what everyone else was seeing “Haha! It would work.”
Batman’s coms Chirpped “Batman, things are clearing up here” Green arrow stated
“Same here. The buildings are practically fixing themselves” green lantern added.
“And the hurt civilians are healing. No casualties Bruce.” Wonder Woman smiled
Batman looked to the sky in awe. The world is fixed is your doing.
You focused all of your energy in such a multitask. It wasn’t just the hero’s that you were healing, it was the rest of the world. Repairing the damages that the boy made in such a short amount of time. Correcting his wrongs, its not the first time you did such a thing. You just wished it was a smaller scale. Like a parent teacher conference. Finding an opening Zatanna quickly regrouped with her team “This just got worse?” “Why? S/N’s is fixing everything” Robin quickly got to his feet. Zatanna’s face paled “She’s S/N?! What the hell Batman! Why would you recruit someone so dangerous? Surly Dr.Fate said something against this.” “Who is she?” Batman asked now annoyed with being in the dark. You landed little ways away from the group. Batman noticed your tired eyes and your wobbly figure. He wanted to approach you but he stopped himself as he watched the cat saunter towards you. Tikkle purred as she rubbed up against your leg “Hello hun. Have you been caring for my boy?” The cat gave an approving meow before resting along your back. Klarion looked at you then sniffled, followed by a nasty cough. A burst of energy zoomed out of him and towards the group.
Zatanna stood in front of them ready to block the spell. But you were faster, directing the bolt to you. The zap hit you making you stumble a bit more. You shook your head as you weren’t expecting such a powerful hit.
“Zatanna? Who is she?” Robin asked getting into a fighting stance.
“Mother!!!!! What took you so long!” Klarion whined. He crossed his arms and looked away.
“Mother!” Everyone but Batman and Zatanna widened their eyes in surprise.
That explained the room in the house. Not to mention her mighty magical capabilities. And the doors, so this must be her true form. she’s practically a giant.
“Klarion. The lord of Chaos. Y/N. The queen of it all.” Dr. Fate appeared out of nowhere and floated above the group. “She is a witch that deserves to be purged from this plane.”
You ignore their comments and stairs. opening your arms you knelt down and gave Klarion a soft smile “come here my child. Mother is here.”
Klarion’s pout only lasted for seconds before he came running into your arms. You were significantly taller than most humans in your natural form. In fact very very tall. 9 feet tall. So you were able to pick him up like one would do a toddler. Klarion wrapped his arms and legs around you and pressed his head on your shoulder.
“I knew it. You have a fever. You poor thing, you’re burning up.” You said pressing a hand on his forehead. He refused to let you go, let alone look at the hero’s that ruined his fun.
“Y/N, Klarion. Both of you will be coming with me.” Dr. Fate demanded, floating towards you both.
You placed a hand in front of you causing him to stop “I don’t think I will. I must care for my son. He is sick.”
“Sick! That kid has caused us so many problems. He almost destroyed the world looking for you!” Kid flash grumbled.
“Yes, there have been times where my boy has been nothing but chaotic. However, that is why I came to this plane. To keep him in check. And to fix the many wrongs of the world.”
“Like hell you did!” Dr. Fate sent a light beam towards you and your son. You wrapped Klarion in a tighter hug and turned around. Attacking him wouldn’t do anyone any good, And you were already so weak from healing the world. The only thing you can think about was protecting your son.
The blast threw both of you far. The two of you tumbled into the ground. Klarion felt you limp above him. He scrambled to his knees “Mother? Mother!.”
“I’m here baby. It’s ok. Do not fight.” You place an hand on his cheek. He leaned into it with relaxed closed eyes. Rage consumed Klarion “how dare you!” He began forming a nasty spell “you’ll pay!”
He casted the spell towards Nabu. You attempted to direct the dark magic back to you, but you were too weak. It was like pulling at a wild horse. So you went for the other option and flew infront of Dr.Fate. Taking the blow.
The mighty wizard made no move to catch you as you fell towards the ground. He did however wonder why you protected him.
“Mother!” Klarion began running towards you “Stupid corn field. Stupid heroes.” He tumbled to the ground “stupid fever!”
Superboy jumped up in an attempt to catch you, but you were too big. In the end he only just softened your fall. After the dirt cleared you slowly you got to your feet
“are you ok?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I should be asking you such a question. Thank you Connor.”
Connor was face to face with your breasts and blushed heavily. He placed both of his hands over his face “y-yea… no problem ma’am”
You gave him a smile before you flew towards Klarion who laid on the floor sniffling. He refused to look at you.
“Klarion. Please apologize. Then we’ll go home hmm.”
“No! No no no no NO! I will NOT!” He slammed his fists to the ground.
You began tutting. You grabbed the back of his neck to stand him up to his feet “Klarion! That was not a request.” You said in a low tone that made even Batman shiver slightly.
Klarion got up. He kicked some dirt before shoving his hands in his pockets. “Sorry… that you couldn’t take me down again! HA”
You pinched his ear “ow ow ow ow”
“I will subjugate you to the most wicked grounding you could ever possibly imagine young man! Now, Apologize.”
The aura around you surged a dark rich red. Klarion gulped “sorry… for causing so much trouble.”
You calmed down and smiled “as am I. I hope you can forgive us.”
Aqualad stepped forward. He strained his neck just to look up at you “it is fine. In the end nothing has been damaged.”
You gave him a grateful nod before feeling Klarion hug you again. You placed a hand on his hair. Cooing to him softly before picking him up.
Everyone looked past the two to see a giant castle appear behind them. They watched Y/N and Klarion enter their home. The mansion then fizzled out.
“Well. That was a surprise.” Dick was the first to break the silence.
“Mother! Let me out of here this instant!” Klarion snapped as he fired another blast to the wall. ”No. you have endangered so many. Be thankful that I’ve allowed you only to be in the room of solitude.” You frown “Do you hate your mother so much, that you would want to leave me so quickly my child?” Klarion frowned. He felt guilt wash over him “I don’t hate you. This is just annoying. Especially since you’ve been with those… heroes.” Klarion fired a blast to which you redirected it towards the floor. The personification of the castle shivered before pouring tea for you. “My apologies Cast. I forgot that you absorbed magic. Thank you for the tea” The being smiled “It is not a problem my queen.” You stood from your throne like chair and walked towards the room, sipping your tea “One day, you will understand that the universe survives through balance. Too much of one thing isn’t a good thing child.” Klarion let out sigh before aggressively fiddling with his hair. You placed a had on his shoulder “I will set you free. I believe you’ve learned from being here this month. There are matters that need my attention. I trust that you will behave?” Klarion nodded “Yes mother.” You gave him a soft nod and a smile “Thank you.” Tikkle sat on Klarion’s shoulder before zapping away. As soon as you felt their presences gone you lost your footing. Falling to the floor. “My lady!” Cast rushed to your side. You were breathing heavily, your eyes slowly opened and closed. He noticed the golden yellow vain like stream corrupting your body slowly. “My lady, this has gone on for far too long. Surly you would call the Batman to cure this.” He said under distress. You shook your head “Batman knows nothing of magic. This is Nabu’s doing.” You try to sit up but fail, falling to the floor. The butlers distress only worsened. He watched your form grow, unable to maintain your human figure any longer.
“You are Dying Lady Y/N!” Cast grew himself. He took you in his arms bridle style and rushed to the master bedroom. He gently placed you down on the bed. You’re skin burnt. He took off most of your clothes only leaving you in your undergarments.
The Yellow-Gold continued to corrupt your body. You tried to say something, anything. But you couldn’t. The last thing you saw was Cast shouting your name, before allowing darkness to consume you.
“My Queen? Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!”
Bruce held onto the stone in his hand. One month since the incident. One month since he saw her. One month of feeling empty. He tried to forget you. After Dr. Fate’s explanation he felt very conflicted. He used horrible words to describe Y/N but she wasn’t like that at all.
“Call her Batman” 
The man turned around to see Constantine walk into the surveillance room with him. 
“What are you doing here?” Batman asked standing from his chair.
“Well, it feels like you need a little push .” Constantine said lighting up a cigarate “I’ve seen the way you look at her. as twisted as it may seem, you both got that spark.”
Batman let out a sigh and took the stone. “If what Zatanna and Dr. Fate say were true. then this is for the best.” “You dont belive in that shit yourself mate.” He scratched the back of his head “Dont you think that a bit hypocritical. I mean c’mon, im in this fluffy team.”  Batman faced him and looked into his eyes. he sensed no lies in his words. Batman held the stone “Do you know what this is?” Constantine smiled “Well ill be. The lady of darkness really does have a thing for you to give you something like that. Its a summoning stone. only six in all the planes. mighty rare item ya got.” Batman nodded. He said her name three times, the stone in hand glowed a vibrant red. Than the two began to float upwards before a bright light teleported them out of the tower.
The two men looked around. Bruce recognized his surroundings, It was Y/N castle. But something was off. The plants were wilted, some of the pillars were cracked and broken. It looked to be abandoned. Bruce felt his chest tighten. Something must’ve happened to her.
“Finally. You are here.”
Constantine turned around to see a very tall orc in a suit. Batman stepped forward “Where is Y/N?”
Cast frowned “Dying. I fear that there is nothing more I can do for my queen.”
Constantine's eyes widened. Dying? She’s dying? How? Why? When did this happen? his eyebrows furrowed “where is she.”
Cast turned and walked towards the master bedroom with both of them following closely behind. Constantine noticed how clenched Batman’s hands were, As they walked through the rundown halls. 
“I warn you. What you are about to see is too much for a regular human. I hope you understand.”
He opened the door, the room around them was an endless bright red. Furniture floated around, the room around them seemed to throb. Mimicking a heart beat. In the middle of all the chaos was Y/N on the bed. Bruce walked by her bedside. “Who did this.”
Cast stood on the other side of the bed, next to a silent Constantine. “Dr. Fate. Do you remember when she took a hit. To protect Klarion. That spell is meant to incapacitate those who practice the dark arts. At first I myself didn’t notice how she was growing weaker. Until yesterday that is.” Constantine traced his hands over the golden veins across her body “I cant believe it.” Batman looked up “Do you know how to fix this.” Constantine smiled “Oh yea. Nabu hit her with a classic sleeping beauty sleep mate. you’ll be able to fix this no problem.” Batman raised an eyebrow. “You mean, someone has to...” Constantine groaned “True loves kiss. ya know, for a detective you can be kinda dense.” 
Batman straightened his stance “and if it doesn’t work?”
“Then that little brat of a child will be the new being of chaos. And we both know how that’ll turn out.” He answered, shoving his hands in his pockets.
Batman looked at your face. You were breathing heavily, clearly fighting off something. He took a deep breath before kissing your lips. The room around them shook, the furniture returned to its positions. Cast’s form began to change as-well. Constantine smiled as he watched everything around them return to normal.
When you opened your eyes you smiled “well well. If it isn’t my knight in shining armor.”
Batman smirked before kissing you again. Cast adjusted his suit before leaving the room. Constantine clears his throat “Y/N darling. You gave us a fright. Next time you want to confess your love, do it with some chocolate yea?”
You laugh as you sat up on the bed. Bruce hasn’t gotten over your natural size, but he now realized where Dick’s love for taller woman came from.
You place a finger under his chin “well my love. What are your thoughts of learning the truth?”
Batman looked at you up and down “my feelings haven’t changed.”
“Good” You lean down to face him.
Constantine stuffed a laugh at the mighty size difference. “Please let me third wheel your dates.”
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Also, here are some of my favorite fics I've found over the years! These are going to be DC/Batfam fic recs.
Running Headlong into My Arms by gleesquid
"Bruce doesn’t like to credit one thing for saving his life, but if he did, it would be Haly’s Circus that Friday night in September, just as summer was beginning to die.
(He'll always be a sucker for kids with sad eyes, no parents, and more fight than the world knows what to do with.)
Or: in a universe where superheroes don't exist, Bruce Wayne finds his family."
Been a while since I read this one, but I remember thinking it was pretty good!
It All Started Fairly Normally by @kazyre
"When Wally doesn't show up at the cave one day for training, Dick immediately knows something happened to his best friend. The League is called in to help once they do find him. As well as the entire speedster family."
Probably one of my favorite fanfics EVER. I still to this day routinely reread the whole series
Robins and Other Flightless Birds by @ionalottabookmarks
"It begins with another Bruce, looking around his cave and asking, “So where are the kids?”
Bruce has never thought about having a family before. But once the idea occurs to him, it's hard to think about anything else."
*puts head in hands* This fic is just. So good. Bruce clearly trying so hard but also failing over and over again so hard. I love this characterization of Bruce so much.
Quiescent by kira892
"Wally wakes up to an empty bed.
He mourns the absence of warmth at his back and the familiar comfort of heavy, sleep-slack limbs draped over and around him before his brain processes the soft whisper of music drifting in from the left, in the direction of his desk. He cracks his eyes open and takes a moment to stare because the sight that greets him is certainly one to be appreciated."
A quiet, intimate birdflash piece that I really enjoy.
you lost the starlight in your eyes by @novaviis
"So, Dick collapses.
It comes out of nowhere. They’re in the kitchen one rare morning that they both have off. Wally is trying to follow his dad’s old recipe for French Toast, and Dick is doing the laundry. There’s easy banter and flirting and tired kisses with too much stubble because neither of them have shaved yet. Wally jokes about growing out a beard. Dick says he’ll leave him first - and easy on the sugar, he’s watching his hips. Dick goes into the laundry room and Wally calls to him down the hall about grabbing his phone or something from the bedroom.
No answer.
Wally calls him again. Dick walks out of the laundry room in a bit of a daze. Wally asks him what’s wrong. Again, Dick doesn’t answer. He just looks up at Wally and... drops."
I started reading it and just couldn't stop. Novaviis does a great job at building up the tension and really writing a strong, committed relationship, and the whole fic is incredibly cathartic.
Life Happens by @cdelphiki
"While walking home from an event at Wayne Enterprises, Tim and Damian are kidnapped and sent to an alternate dimension. In a world where superheroes are merely comic book characters and the idea of the multiverse is only a theory found within the pages of science fiction, how are Tim and Damian going to return home? How long will they be stranded on this strange Earth? And will the boys murder each other before they figure it out?"
This is a fic with a very interesting premise that is executed beautifully and is very bittersweet. A fantastic development of a Tim and Damian relationship.
An Old Lullaby by @faramirsblessing
"Tim and Damian are injured in an accidental explosion that destroys Gotham High and Gotham Academy. Damian's injuries are more severe than Tim's, leaving his life hanging by a thread, and the Batfamily struggles to come to terms with his injuries. They must learn to rely on strangers to help their littlest member while coping with their own grief, confusion, and guilt."
This fic is a WIP and I'm loving every update.
Watch This by snackbaskets
"Hal and Barry are worried about Batman's new partner. Being around the Batman all the time can't be good for a kid, right?
Robin insists otherwise, and for $15.36 of betting money, is happy to demonstrate."
This fic makes me laugh every time I read it, it's hilarious.
This post got long so part 2 is here. I also have quite a number of Star Trek, Marvel, X-Men, Haikyuu, and MXTX fics, so if anybody's interested in those feel free to send me an ask! Again, this is by no means a comprehensive list of all the fics I'd recommend.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Work Calls
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Kyle Rayner x batsis!reader
Summary: their date is interrupted by what else but superhero duty. No warning. It’s fluffy.
Kyle grinned as you swung from a grappling hook across the city. There was no way he’d ever tell Batman but the man kinda went off on grappling hooks. He flew with the ring, easily keeping up with you. You gave him a glare with no heat and started to show off a little. Flipping and dipping in a way that had Kyle staying close for fear of you actually falling. On the last building, you swung low and landed on the ground, hoping you looked graceful.
“I could have given you a lift,” he said landing beside you. “But then I’d miss the show.”
You laughed. “That would have been tragic. Come on. This is my favorite coffee shop.”
The coffee shop owner with tiny purple dreads barely blinked at two masked people entering her store. The atmosphere was like a good witch’s shop in a children’s movie. People that ranged from soccer moms to witches to distinguished professors and college students sat around on mismatched chairs and bean bags. Large shelves that reached ceiling high had clear glass jars full of coffees and teas and spices. Each one was carefully labeled and organized. The counter beneath them housed multiple hot water and coffee making instruments. The whole place smelled warm. Pretty perfect for almost constantly cold Gotham.
You walked up to the counter and ordered your favorite coffee/tea. The lady behind the counter used a stool to reach in the needed jars to get what she needed for your drink. She took Kyle’s drink order next.
“Large black coffee,” he said and she started making it without hesitation but you turned to look at him.
“Really,” you said with a grin. “You even order coffee like a cop.”
“Not really. I order coffee like,” he looked around as if you didn’t already make sure you were both out of listening distance from everyone. It was cute. “My day job.”
“Which is?” You prompted. He looked around again and used his ring to make a writing pad. That’s how he was going to tell you so no one could overhear? Bruce would be proud of that level of paranoia.
“An artist,” he said drawing the cup in your hand in a rough sketch and showing you. “Usually comics. And freelance too.”
“Nice picture. That’s an interesting day job,” you said, genuinely surprised by his answer as his coffee was handed to him.
“Philanthropy,” you answered as you pulled him to a tiny far table where no one could hear you and you had a good view of the exists. Gotham wasn’t safe, even for a vigilante and green lantern.
“That’s a job? You’re like wealthy then,” he kinda stammered. That was even cuter.
“I mean, you do know who my father is. I run a bunch of charities with his money. It’s the least I could do, you know?” You said with a shrug.
“Not really. I barely make enough to give to charity,” he said with a very awkward laugh, playing with the stem of the coffee cup. “I’m making myself look really great on this date.”
“This is a date?” You teased and his eyes widened a little and you laughed before he could start talking. “I’m just teasing. You’ll have to show me more of your work. You know, I’ve been needing a logo for a benefit coming up and I don’t really know any artists...” that was a lie but who cares?
“Really?” Kyle said taking a drink of his coffee.
“Hmm yep, but I need to know how that plain black coffee is,” you said and he smiled at you. He had a cute smile.
“It’s good. There’s this place in New York that’s better,” Kyle said and you laughed, leaning across the table a little towards him.
“I take you to the best coffee place in Gotham and you tell me that New York is better. I should leave you in one of Gotham’s streets without your ring for that,” you said and Kyle leaned more towards you. There was barely a foot between you both.
“I’d probably die. Or get poisoned. Or kidnapped for no reason. Definitely mugged,” Kyle said in a conspiring whisper. You nodded.
“Definitely mugged. You’re in that suit and kids could probably still take your wallet. Good for a lantern but you’d make a terrible bat,” you whispered back. Kyle reached a hand across the table to run his fingers across the back of yours.
“You’re really pretty. Even in a mask,” he told you and you flushed. Innuendos and playful flirting you could do all day. Outright saying what you thought was not a strong suit for you. Kinda par for the course of being raised by Batman and all. Kyle noted how flustered you looked and thought it was cute. Tough bat thrown off by one little compliment.
He held your hand in his and leaned even closer to where you were almost kissing. You couldn’t help but look at his lips. Slightly full and rosy next to his tan skin and looking soft. Just as you were about to close the distance between you both, some sort of alert system went off for him. He groaned and pulled back.
“Work calls,” he said with a grimace. “Sorry,” Kyle said handing you a green rose created by his ring.
“I know this will disappear the second you stop thinking about me,” you said.
“Then it’ll be there all day,” Kyle said with a sly grin. You smiled despite yourself. “Thanks for the coffee. Call me,” he said and numbers searing into the flower above your hand.
“Sure,” you answered, watching him go.
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twistedtummies2 · 8 months
Year of the Bat - Number 15
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. We’ve officially entered the Top 15! TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Kids these days. No respect.” Number 15 is…Legends of the Dark Knight.
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One of the great things about many famous comic book characters is their adaptability. Some of these characters were created nearly a century ago; Batman, for example, first appeared in the late 1930s. (He actually turns 85 Years Old this very year!) Some characters that old who were popular then have, for one reason or another, not stood the test of time. Batman has, and part of this is because his creators found him easy to adapt and reconfigure as times changed. Bruce Wayne and his universe have been portrayed more seriously or more goofily over the decades, and have been made to appeal to adults and children alike time and time again. “Batman: The Animated Series” is widely considered the most definitive take on the Caped Crusader and his world specifically because the writers who worked on this show understood this, and had a deep love for ALL sides of Batman’s world. The show, therefore, hits a near-perfect balance, overall, between silly superhero shenanigans, and dark, complex, sometimes downright brutal storytelling.
“Legends of the Dark Knight” is an episode that exemplifies not only the skillful balance of tone the Animated Series managed for the majority of its run, but acts as a tribute to the long and storied history of Batman, and the adaptability of the character. The plot focuses on a group of random children, living in Gotham, all of whom are gossiping about the mysterious Dark Knight. Through their banter, they start to share stories and theories about what Batman is really like, all of which pay homage to different past incarnations of Batman. Some of these references are relatively brief; for example, a passing friend of theirs named “Joel,” and his bizarre, strangely effeminate fixations on Batman, are meant to be a joking reference to Joel Schumacher’s much maligned film versions of the character. Another case is one young man who makes insinuations of Batman being some monstrous vampire, a reference to the Elseworlds “Batman & Dracula Trilogy” written by Doug Moench.
The most notable of these homages, however, are two long sequences of the show, acting essentially as stories within a story. The first is a tribute the late Golden Age and the Silver Age of comics, as well as to the Adam West 1960s TV series. It features an original adventure, with Batman and Robin battling the Joker, when the Clown Prince of Crime tries to steal the original score of the opera “Pagliacci.” The second sequence is taken directly from the pages of Frank Miller’s somewhat controversial (but highly influential) masterwork, “The Dark Knight Returns.” This one adapts and combines two scenes from the graphic novel, where Batman faces the despicable Mutant Leader. I love both these sequences; it’s neat to see the way the animation style changes for each to match the decade and story style (I especially love how the first sequence so accurately captures the look of Dick Sprang’s famous aesthetics). Interestingly, they also bring in new voice actors to play the characters in each one; instead of Mark Hamill, for example, Michael McKean plays the 60s-era Joker. Meanwhile, Michael Ironside – who would later play the devilish Darkseid for the DCAU – voices Frank Miller’s Batman. Both are perfect casting.
The episode ends with the kids bearing witness to the real Batman – Conroy’s vocals and all – duking it out with the villainous Firefly. I used to love this episode a lot more, but upon revisiting it, I felt I had lost some love for it, and I think part of it is this final sequence. While I love the idea of the kids encountering the real Batman after all that, and I suppose such a thing was inevitable with a plot like this…something about it feels underwhelming after the spectacular sequences we saw earlier in the episode. It’s hard for me to say what the issue is, but I don’t think that was the intention, based on the way things are set up and described in-story. Still, it’s not necessarily a bad ending, for various and probably obvious reasons. It’s a great episode that showcases a different perspective (several different perspectives, in fact) on Batman and the City as a whole, and if you’re as much of a fan of the history of this character – and the duality of the Animated Series itself – as I am, you owe it to yourself to give this one a quick peek. That is, of course, presuming you haven’t already.
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Tomorrow we move on to Number 14! Hint: “This used to be a beautiful street. Good people lived here once.”
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Batman for the Listing meme?
favorite thing about them
PRESENTATION. Yes, in terms of character traits I'm obviously also very fond of Bruce Wayne's compassion and ability to aggressively overcome circumstance and turn trauma into a source of strength, but first and foremost, it's the presentation that's my number one favorite thing about Batman, and the Batman franchise in general. To be honest, I don’t think Batman is inherently that much more over-the-top, darker or more complex and dramatic than most other superheroes or costumed pulp heroes, but it's the presentation that matters, it's the presentation that's allowed him to steamroll everything else into submission, even the superhero he was created to live in the shadow of.
Batman didn't come out of the gate as a recipe for long-term success, not in the slightest. But it was through long processes of trial and error, endless mixing of ingredients, an incredibly rock solid foundation built and added to over the decades, an unparalled amount of creative backing, constant reincorporation of his everchanging history, and a success at pulling off a continuous state of self-reinvention, Batman's secured a presentation completely unmatched. Batman, Gotham City and his villains may have the absolute strongest branding in the entirety of Western comics and, really, it's even in the stories themselves.
Gotham City is an artistic shifting landscape of dreams and nightmares blown to the highest proportion or the starkest reality, it's biggest villains are all a collective gallery of humanity's greatest villains and fears and horrors all transforming into varying levels of deranged performance artist to aggressively top each other in branding, running amock until The Bat King of Fuck Mountain rides into town in progressively more absurd chariots and armors and knights, and proceeds to wrestle crime and evil into the dirt, because he's Batman and that’s how his world works, that’s how he’s decided to make it work.
And when I think of what I like the most about Batman that is uniquely Batman, something that only Batman does, it's the presentation that comes to mind, that balancing act of Grim and Gothic and Dramatic Noir, with the Campy Toyland Action inherent to the character's every facet and the sheer extremes towards either direction that you can get from any given Batman media, even in the span of a single story. Batman the character can be just as multi-faced and deranged as his villains, the best of which are just as mercurially chaotic as the Batman franchise is at it's best.
least favorite thing about them
Having said all that, I frankly don't care very much for the idea that Batman is the absolute greatest fictional character of all time ever, or the biggest badass that's ever lived and I get so, so, so bored of it, in-universe and outside of it. I don't care to dispute the "objectivity" of this idea and frankly it's this overblown wankery that kinda makes me like Batman a little less whenever I get exposed to it too much. I get the sense that every DC fan who isn't first and foremost a Batman fan also resents Batman's popularity, but to be honest, I only resent Batman's popularity when people are obnoxious about it.
I'm also very much on the side of Batman fans that dislike the attempts to make Batman "realistic" in a real world sense. I get why they exist, but they elicit crushing boredom from me.
Also, I absolutely do not care at all for takes on Batman that make him be too much of a grim and joyless jerk, especially if he's also neglectful or downright abusive. I don't mind Batman having flaws but there are obviously many instances of stories that go overboard with them. Also, if you depict Batman beating up or intentionally harming the Bat-kids for whatever reason, you can plain and simple Eat Shit, I frankly couldn't care as to what excuse you cooked up to have that happen. I hate that Batman as an Abusive/Neglectful/Absent Mentor or Ally is not just a one-time thing but has become baked into so many other stories. Hate hate hate it.
favorite line
For the moment, I'm going to say Bruce's conversation with the Bat monster in his soul from Batman: Ego, maybe my favorite Batman story that specifically focuses on Bruce Wayne himself, definitely a story that was quite important to me in my formative years.
Specifically, these parts
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Batman and Killer Croc. Killer Croc is not quite my favorite Batman villain (you guys already know who that is), but I think he may be the most "me" character of the Bat-mythos, in terms of what I usually like about characters and characters I kinda identify with and want to see get better. One of the things I like the most about Batman is that he gets to have a myriad of different relationships and dynamics with his villains, and I'm 100% down for him striking partnerships and personally assisting some of them on the path to recovery.
I absolutely would love to see Batman and Killer Croc stories where they work together, at least during the brief periods where DC lets Waylon stay in-character (I am still incredibly pissed we got cheated out of Monster Hotel Manager Waylon Jones)
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To be honest, the only time I ever really cared about the Batman x Catwoman romance was in Batman Returns, and even then it was mainly because Selina was the real protagonist of that movie and Batman was just kind of a stooge chasing the plot after the villains ran with it (to be honest, I don't think being Batman's love interest has ever really done anything for Selina other than paint a target on her back and make her less interesting).
I can't say I've ever been captivated by a romance involving Bruce within a Batman story, but I can't say I'd ever really want Bruce to be with anyone else other than Selina, if only because being Batman's love interest seems to be a really shitty position to be in and I wouldn't want to subject any other character to that.
I've heard some really good things about the Bruce x John Doe thing from Batman Telltale, even for a premise as tired as "Batman and Joker getting together", but I never checked out those games so I can't vouch on how much I like the idea.
Bruce x literally anyone in the Bat-family for what should be extremely self-evident reasons.
random headcanon
I'm 100% in favor of the headcanon that Bruce is actually really, really funny, intentionally or not, and that he simply doesn't get to show it most of the time or doesn't know how to, and that the only person who understands how fucking funny Batman is or should be is the Joker. I'd like to read Batman stories with the gritty inner monologues replaced with really dumb jokes or deranged inner thought processes that don't affect at all Batman's ability to be cool and mysterious, except sometimes when he says something out loud he didn't meant to, and it comes off as unnerving more than anything else.
Like he spends an entire issue thinking to himself if he should take the time to learn how human body parts taste individually should he ever run across a Hannibal Lecter-type, and then after he's finished beating up a bunch of goons in a warehouse and one of them's pointing a gun at him off screen, he hears Batman wonder out loud "No, these men probably wouldn't make for good meals, too much carb in their diets. It's best to go looking for targets with softer flesh" and the guy shits his pants at the thought that holy shit The Bat is going to eat him, and he blurts out everything he knows, and Batman didn't intend to scare him like that, but he's an improv master so he runs with it.
unpopular opinion
Buddy, you're gonna have to ask me out for dinner first before asking me to engage with Batman fandom discourse like that.
song i associate with them
I've said it before but I LOVE all of the music in the Sunsoft Batman games and all the remixes online for them (I may even make a couple of them myself eventually). They aren't exactly what most people would associate with Batman, but they are just really fun, really great themes that I would be more than happy to incorporate into Batman films, should I ever get to make one.
For the moment I'm going to highlight two remixes that I'm listening to right now, the Return of the Joker theme and the Gotham City Streets theme.
favorite picture of them
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I was and still am floored by this spread from Dark Prince Charming. Story was very much whatever and kinda bad as a whole but the art was incredible.
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jordanrosenburg · 3 years
The Batman (2022)
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Hello! It’s been a minute since I’ve written something like this. I have watched many TV shows and films since my last post, and I’ve wanted to write about them, but the fatigue has been strong. However, last night I saw the new Batman movie, and I feel the strong desire to share my many thoughts. 
As a long time lover of DC Comics and the like, I had been excited about this new Batman movie for quite awhile. Although, I’ll admit, I was hesitant because it just feels like the DC movie universe has been all over the place for the last decade. Does Robert Pattinson’s Batman exist in a different universe from Ben Affleck’s? And if so, what does that mean for the number of upcoming DC films slated to come out? Are we all going to pretend the first Justice League movie didn’t happen? 
I could go on with a number of these questions, but there’s really no point. I think we’ve all been spoiled and led to believe that our favorite superheroes need to team up and live in the same universe because of Marvel. DC isn’t Marvel, and that’s more than okay. I’ve always preferred the DC heroes. (Not including Tobey’s Spiderman, that will forever be my favorite.) I think it’s okay for our heroes to live their separate lives in their separate universes. There have been so many iterations of our heroes over the years within the comics and TV shows, it would be impossible to narrow down which storyline for each would make the most sense. 
Batman’s universe has always been one of my favorites. Probably mostly because of all the different Robin’s he’s had over the years, Jason Todd being the one I hold closest to my heart. Sorry, Dick! 
I was a little too young for the prince of darkness that Christian Bale brought to life all those years ago. And to be perfectly honest, I much prefer the campier versions of villains because I feel like they’re just more interesting. Nothing will ever compare to Jim Carrey’s Riddler, but I digress. As much as I appreciate what Christian Bale did for the Batman franchise and his portrayal of Batman, he just wasn’t Bruce Wayne.
I feel like so many of the these actors either nail what it’s like to be Batman, or what it’s like to be Bruce, never both. I felt like Ben Affleck made a great, older Bruce. But him as Batman? Not as believable. 
That’s where Robert Pattinson comes in. 
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Was I ever a fan of Twilight? God, no. Was I excited to see someone as unhinged as Robert Pattinson play Batman? God, yes. 
I think what I liked right off the bat, was that this wasn’t another origin story. We all know what happened to Bruce Wayne and his parents on that fateful night. We all know about his trauma and his years of sadness. We didn’t need another origin story. The film takes place about two years after Bruce became The Batman. 
We didn’t have to deal with Commissioner Gordon not trusting Batman or fighting against him. No, we got to see them on the same side right away for a change. This brought me so much happiness. We’ve once again avoided having to deal with more unnecessary backstory. We all know their history already, I promise. 
In this film, we get to see Bruce in rare form: he still has a lot to figure out. He’s still after vengeance for his parents. But he slowly starts to realize that shouldn’t be his driving force for helping people, especially when one of the copycat Riddler’s says that he’s also vengeance. In another rare moment, Bruce realizes that he’s also part of the problem. That his family is part of the problem. Bruce Wayne is a rich white man, given everything he’s ever needed while a city of people pretty much have to fight for their lives the second the sun goes down. 
The people of Gotham believe The Batman is one of them. 
There are a few times Bruce believe he’s been found out, that people know who he is under the mask, but they don’t. Because the people of Gotham, including The Riddler, hate the rich, Bruce Wayne is the last person they would expect to see under that mask. It’s both a strength and a weakness for Bruce. He’s spent so much time sulking and fighting that he hasn’t stopped to think about the other ways he could be helping. Sure, he was a kid when the renewal project was announced, but as an adult he could have done more to be involved with Wayne enterprises. Since his parent’s death, he’s felt detached from his family name. It’s Alfred that’s kept all of that going.
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Bruce had to face some tough truths. His father wasn’t the perfect man he thought he was. His mother’s family had more skeletons in their closets than he could have ever imagined. Probably one of the most important things he had to face is that he does have an impact on Gotham. He is making a difference. Some if it is for the better, and some of it for the worse. The Riddler became what he became due to childhood trauma, yes, but he also told Batman that he inspired him to do more. Bruce now knows that even though he’s been saving lives, he may also be the reason they were put in danger. 
This iteration of Batman also gave us what I think a lot of us were craving which was detective!Batman. Bruce Wayne is an incredibly bright man. Getting to watch him take in a scene, think things over, and then make his move was so much fun to watch. He was taking in clues, using his scary persona to get him answers, and solving so many pieces to what seemed like an endless puzzle. It wasn’t just about brute strength and having a six-pack. Robert Pattinson didn’t kill himself in the gym to look overly muscular for this movie, and I’m so glad he didn’t. Believe it or not, that’s not what everyone wants to see in a hero. 
His chemistry with Selina was top tier. From the moment they met there was a connection. Bruce often works alone, but he’s not opposed to working with someone so he can find answers. He knows teamwork makes the dream work, it just needs to be on his terms. I’m really hoping we get an official Catwoman movie with Zoe. I want to know more about Selina, and what her new life will be like. Will she still teeter on the sides of good and bad? 
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I understand they were trying to show how today’s terrorists mirror The Riddler. He was a deranged white man much like the terrorists we’ve seen in our own country over the last two decades. I just wish we could have had a little more fun with him. I enjoyed having this introduction to The Penguin, I’m excited to see what they’ll do with him next. I think one of my favorite scenes in the movie was the car chase between Penguin and Batman. And when Batman finally catches him, the music that was playing along with him walking away from the fire was just immaculate. But what I’m most excited for is this new version of The Joker. He’s already in Arkham, but for what? And did Batman put him there? I would love an Arkham Asylum movie of some kind where you see The Joker get his gang together. 
This movie was three hours long. As much as I enjoyed it, I don’t think it needed to be as long as it was. There were definitely a few scenes that dragged on a little too long for my liking. I feel like they were trying to squeeze in so much so they could set up some other potential films. I will say, when Batman lit the flare, and guided all of those people out of the water, when he held that woman’s hand, when he just never got tired and never stopped helping? That made it all worth the three hours. Watching Batman really become The Batman was the cherry on top of an already delicious sundae. 
The film score was impeccable. I know Something in the Way was used for Batman’s sort of theme music, but it also reminded me a lot of Darth Vader’s in Rogue One. Every time it was used, it was just so badass and clever. There were many scenes were I couldn’t help but laugh because of the way Bruce just slowly approached his next victim while the music was playing. 
Did I talk about the new tech yet? Because those contact lenses that recorded exactly what you’re seeing? That was so cool. I loved that Bruce not only watched all of the footage back, but he journaled about his experiences as well. His attention to detail is part of what makes him such a good detective.
I’m really hoping more films come from this version of Batman. As the movie ended, I was almost in tears because it was just so good. 
That was the god damn Batman if I ever saw one.
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Side note - all I could think about after the flood scene was this:
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