#but old comics: go bananas
loupy-mongoose · 3 months
I seem to have found my new fixation.
But it's not Pokemon.
It's something else entirely.
Back in 2022, I had a similar bout of art/writer's block. I found a random plot generator and started getting stuff...
I eventually ended up with this;
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I was hooked.
(That's old art from '22 btw)
First off, I have to say that while the story itself covers very heavy and dark topics, this post here doesn't have anything like that. So here you're safe, and I will of course apply all the necessary warnings and tags going forward! ^^
I fixated hard on that story, writing up a loose outline of basically all of it. And thankfully, I wrote most of my best ideas down, because, as tends to happen, the fixation faded after a while.
I came so close to starting it on DA back then--A prologue comic ready and everything. But I fell just shy of the courage I needed to actually publish it.
Well, now I've fallen in love with it all over again... with a new life.
I've taken the wolves' story, and merged them. :>
The characters are gonna be my plush wolf fellows/werewolves. This does mean their wolfiness will probably fall second banana to everything else going on, but... I want it to be, darn it. I'm having way too much fun with the idea! XD
Anyway, I have concept arts!
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Here we have Timber (gray haired man), one of the wolves I mentioned here and the druid in this story, and Eirwen (white wolf/young girl), who is the Necromancer. :>
And the staff... One of my personal favorite new additions...
It's a creature called a Staffwyrm.
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Instead of magical staves, mages in this world get magical creatures. :3
Staffwyrms are a breed of dragon specially bred to assist mages in channeling their magic. A mage acquires an egg and incubates it; meanwhile, the hatchling reads the magical signature of its soon-to-be master, morphing to appear like a branch from a symbolically relevant tree. However that symbolism applies is up to the powers that be. :)
Staffwyrms are highly attuned to the wishes of their master, and can instinctively stiffen to meet their needs. A hook to climb or grab something? Of course! A sturdy step to reach something or see higher? Might take some figuring out, but they got you! A backscratcher? Sure, why not!
A loyal pet and companion? Absolutely. <3
@puzzled-zebra commented that it had a boop button, so I had to. X3
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Anyway, I've been having a lot of fun cooking up this story again. As sad as I am to apparently be taking a true break from Pokemon stuff, I'm very proud of this story and happy to have something to muse about. ^^
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genericpuff · 3 months
To add to the fashion post: According to Rachel the banana dress is supposed to be based, in part, off Trixie Mattel, which is so - What? For anyone who doesn't know, Trixie Mattel is a drag queen, and drag is a performance where gender is hyper-emphasized and stylized, especially towards femininity when it comes to drag queens. Trixie as an artist specifically goes hyper-feminine through the lens of 1960s aesthetics with direct inspiration from Dolly Parton, bands like The Go-Go's and The B-52's, and especially vintage Barbie. You can pick any random episode of UNHhhh or performance footage of Trixie's and always find a direct link to her inspirations in how she presents herself. It's a carefully and personally crafted image and style that makes Trixie stand-out and makes her memorable. And to no one's surprise, a lot of what makes a drag queen is also akin to working a fashion show: Many of their outfits, wigs, and makeup styles are pieces of art, not to be used for every day use.
Persephone, meanwhile, is clearly also supposed to be very feminine and Rachel wants to take inspiration from someone like Trixie to dress her up, but it's obvious that Rachel doesn't get why someone like Trixie is so memorable and why her exaggerated fashion works for her and not everyone else. Everything Trixie does, down to her makeup to the music she makes, shines with who SHE is as a person and performer. If you took Dolly Parton or Barbie out of the equation, then Trixie isn't Trixie. Persephone, in comparison, does not have anything to her that actually makes her every changing fashion choices make sense, she's just a mannequin who is at the whims of a constantly bored Rachel. Why does she wear a sparkly dress in the final battle? It's not because we know it's her personal style or it matches her personality, but because Rachel wanted to draw that. Why does Persephone randomly wear vintage outfits? Not because she's "old-fashioned" or has a stated interest in vintage fashion, but because Rachel wanted to draw that. Why does she wear the wedding dress that she does? Not because she chose it, but because Hera (so really, Rachel) told her to. And the examples go on and on.
To tie it back to the main point, the reason someone like Trixie can rock a huge beehive hairstyle, a goofy banana purse, and a feather dress and make it work is because we know who she is as a person and that those choices reflect herself and her interests. The reason Persephone can't is because we don't know about her actual thoughts, hobbies, or interests. These do not reflect the character, they reflect whatever Rachel saw on her Pinterest board that week.
God, it's wild to me that Rachel can reference literal drag queens but then straightwash just about every canonically queer character in the comic. Even Eros feels chronically heterocis despite being confirmed gay in LO.
Like... Persephone, a chronically heterocis character, trying to be Trixie Mattel feels like some sort of hate crime. I can't prove it, but it's setting off so many alarm bells knowing how much Rachel has appropriated and misrepresented throughout LO (・_・;)
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k8lynjoy · 3 months
I genuinely want to know what show the people who say that Aang never respected Katara are watching. "Aang never let Katara feel anything other than what he wanted her to feel" "He idealized her" "He didn't care about her feelings" "He didn't support her the way she supported him". WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THIS FROM??? That's a rhetorical question because I already know what episodes/moments they're using to make those assertions (The Southern Raiders and the kiss in Ember Island Players), and even then, THEY'RE WRONG.
Let's start with TSR. This episode gets so misinterpreted it's not even funny. First off, Aang was never even upset with Katara in this episode, he's just warning her against killing someone??? He never gets mad at her or berates her. He just talks to her with a level head??? He openly acknowledges that he knows and understands how much rage and pain Katara is in, and he never tells her that she shouldn't feel it, he just advises her not to act rashly because of it??? Where is the lack of respect? Where is he ignoring her feelings or getting upset with her for not acting the way he wants her to? He lets her take Appa and even tells her that he understands that this is a journey she needs to take and supports her doing so, he just doesn't want her to kill someone. Honestly Aang shows more respect for Katara by knowing who she is as a person and not enabling her in her revenge than Zuko who is only going on this trip with her so that she'll forgive him, not because he actually cares that she's upset over the death of her mother (and this is not Zuko slander before people take it as such, I love Zuko, but it's not even subtext that his motivations in this episode are selfish and not about Katara).
As for the kiss in EIP, yes, it was not okay. Yes, it was a mistake. Yes, he shouldn't have done it after Katara laid a clear boundary, but he recognizes that immediately. After Katara- rightfully- gets upset with him, he gets upset with himself. We also see that he never repeats that mistake again and is fully okay with letting Katara lead after that. Which is why it's Katara who initiates the final kiss on the balcony. And if you still don't think he learned anything from it, he starts to ask for her consent in the comics before kissing her, showing that he absolutely DID grow from that mistake. So, we're really going to let one moment where a 12-year-old boy made a mistake dictate the entire show and negate everything that came before it??? That's coocoo banana's behavior.
I also think that those assertions are completely baseless because when does Aang idealize Katara? When does he hate her rage? When does he not support her? Is it when he laughed with her after she stole from pirates? Or in that same episode where he constantly reaffirms her skills as a waterbender- first by saying that he's able to pick it up so easily because she's a great teacher and then later when he refers to her as a waterbender which makes her so fucking happy? Is it when he gets so upset that Pakku refuses to teach Katara how to waterbend that he tries to walk away from his own waterbending training? Is it when he goes behind Pakku's back to teach her anyway? Or when he stands by actively cheering her on when she's raging against the patriarchy and fights Pakku? Is it when he calls her Sifu Katara because she expressed that he referred to Toph that way but not her? Is it when he helped her commit ecoterrorism and told her she was a hero for helping the people in that Fire Nation village? Is it when he holds her after she breaks down because she learned how to bloodbend? Is it when he comforts her after Jet's death? Is it... you get the point, don't you?
Aang recognizing Katara as someone who is strong and capable is not him idealizing her. Him not enabling her committing murder is not him hating when she feels rage. Aang actively supports Katara's rage on multiple occasions, he just doesn't enable her when he knows she's acting out of character. If you don't ship Kataang, that's fine, but please don't make up baseless accusations to try and tear them down just because you're mad that a ship that had no basis in canon (potential is not evidence) wasn't canon.
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beatleskinkmeme · 3 months
Summer of Love Fanworks-a-thon Master Post
Please check out these fanworks and leave a comment!
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Grateful for him by @johangeorghohman
5 + 1 things, 5 times George wished that Paul never met John (because George has a big fat schoolboy crush on Paul) + 1 time he was grateful that they did met
everything to be discovered by @backbenttulips
John and Paul exploring a romantic relationship with each other during the 2000s-2010s, and navigating life as famous old people and grandparents.
the size of a loneliness by @backbenttulips
Brian survives his overdose in 1967. John and Paul come stay to make sure he gets better, taking care of him in their own emotionally inept way.
Knocking at Your Door by @eveepe
5+1 fic. When they’re kids George learns that an easy way to calm Paul down when he’s getting the horrors is to give him a quick little kiss on the mouth. It becomes his go to method to soothe Paul when he needs to.
I Fancy Me Chances With You by @hootiepgh
Paul participates in a charity auction during the 70s. “Bid on a date with Paul McCartney” John pays an absurd amount of money to win. Paul is shocked. They go on the date and they’re both very awkward, neither are sure why John paid so much and what it entails.
I'll Never Do You No Harm by @hootiepgh
Aftermath of the "I want a divorce meeting," when Mal drives Paul home. Paul is broken and crying. Mal calls John and tells him how upset Paul is. John comes over. All the angst please!
But as the words are leaving his lips, a noise comes from behind by @hootiepgh
Mid-1969, Allen Klein and the Beatles are having a private meeting with Allen still trying to convince them to have him be their manager. He gets really frustrated and lashes out at one or all of them, and in an act of self defense Paul, Ringo, George, and John end up accidentally killing him. Afraid of what might happen if anyone finds out, they all agree to cover up their involvement in the crime. Their personal lives/ marriages start to crumble as they're forced to rely on each other as the only people they trust. Would like the inclusion of McLennon and George X Ringo
If I Needed Someone by @hootiepgh
Paul gets shot during the 1966 Memphis concert. John (doesn't) deals with the angst and the guilt.
Taking Trophies by @m1ssunderstanding
AU where John and Paul see each other sooner, forced into confrontation around 1971 when things were at their worst with John spewing his anger to the public and Paul taken aback by it. Of course this leads to some post-breakup, angsty, possessive sex.
Everybody Loves Somebody by @bewareofdarkness
Soulmark AU, the four of them are soulmates
invisible string by @scurator
McHarrison boat vibes on the Queen Mary for the Venus and Mars release party. Um, bonus points for George showing off that he won Bob Dylan in the divorce
deeper than oceans you run by @timrothencrantz
AU where they went through with doing Beatle island and establish their commune (?) or whatever the plan was. Polyamory ensues. This either fixes everything or makes everything worse (or somehow both)
yellow, orange, and blue, i love you by @menlove
Soulmates au where one sees colour for the first time when you touch your soulmate. I believe it would be fun to see how this would play out. This one could be a fic, a comic page or even an illustration where the boys realise what happened when they introduce themselves, whatever the artist prefers!
take it away by @monkberryfields
Younger John meets an older Paul at a record shop. Paul offers to teach John how to tune his guitar and play a few chords but at a price...
Posy by @ohjohnnysblog
Mclennon does a roleplay where they pretend John is a shy virgin groupie. Bottom! John
Banana Milkshakes and Armpit Hair by @crepesuzette2023
Will someone finally come on Paul's eyelashes?
I ain't no fool, and I don't take what I don't want by @crepesuzette2023
Mal and Paul make love al fresco during one of their trips. Paul wears nothing but the flimsy scarf he's seen wearing here.
all by design by @forthlin
the classic “john and paul do increasingly sexual things with each other while coming up with increasingly elaborate justifications for why it’s not gay” scenario, except they both DO know that it’s gay, they just each think they’re pulling a fast one by convincing the other one that this is normal guys-being-dudes behavior.
I've Just Seen a Face by @javelinbk
when John met Paul
Meeting on the Turret Stairs by @sleeper9
a John/Paul moment backstage (Hamburg/touring years/rooftop/artist's choice) based on the piece, Hellelil and Hildebrand, the Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton.
Oh no, he's beautiful by @sleeper9
The first time John wears his glasses around Paul he finally gets to actually see Paul's face and oh no, he's beautiful
Run For Your Life by @pie-of-flames
A recut of any footage into some kind of Beatles horror movie trailer (maybe Paul is dead?)
**This will be updated as we get more fanworks!!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Batfam’s Father’s Day plans
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(also on Ao3)
"Morning, Bruce."
The way Stephanie says that instantly makes him look up. She traces her socked toe on the right angles of the tile, looking down. 
"Morning, Steph." Bruce puts his coffee down. "Something wrong?"
"Huh?" She perks up in realization. "No, not at all. I actually just have something for you. I stopped by Walgreens on patrol last night 'cause I ran out of antiseptic, and I saw something that reminded me of you." 
She hands him a dark blue greeting card with a cartoon fruit bat and Comic Sans text reading: You drive me batty, but I love you.
"Get it? 'Cause it's a bat, and you're the Batman." She scratches the back of her neck. "Not trying to make it weird or anything, you're just a cool mentor and whatnot. But also, it's nice to have someone who you can mess around with. My old man was always talking business even when he was at home—you kinda do that too, but in a good way 'cause anything's better than being a D-list villain, y'know. Plus, unlike him, you're working on striking a balance. Sometimes you even have a sense of humor." She chuckles awkwardly. "Anyway, I'm going on a jog. Text me if you need anything." 
Before he processes her rambling, she grabs a granola bar and races out the door. He opens the card and out falls out a handful of purple confetti plus an ever-rare two-dollar bill. Smiling, he brushes the confetti up and puts it in his shirt pocket. 
Bruce checks his watch. Everyone else is already out, except for Cass. She was out late last night on that Clayface mission, but even she should be up by this time. He fixes her a bowl of cereal with the package instructions and brings it upstairs. 
"Cass?" He knocks. "Are you up yet? It's past 9:30."
He hears the duvet crunch like a candy wrapper as she shuffles around. A moment later, the door swings open as a messy-haired Cass yawns. 
"I'll leave this up here for you," he says, putting the bowl on the dresser. "Any big plans today?"
She shakes her head. "Write reports. And relax."
"Well, you deserve a break. Great job on the stakeout, Princess." He plants a quick kiss on her forehead. 
"Love," she says.
"Favorite thing you do. Love."
He laughs softly. "I try. Now go get dressed."
The rest of the day goes by like any other. Despite it being Sunday, he still has a meeting scheduled with some Singaporean investors on their timezone. By eleven, he and some other executives are gathered around the long conference table as the video call drones on, and it's not until over an hour later that they're finally let out. Bruce loosens his tie and Tim does the same, sighing in relief and exhaustion. 
Bruce asks, "Did you have lunch yet?"
"Oh, I forgot that's a thing," Tim says, stretching. "Hey, remember that ice cream place on 32nd?"
"You want ice cream for lunch?"
"I'd break your no killing rule for their M&M cookie sundae, okay?" he says. "Besides, remember when you took my friends and I there even though we massively bombed our first off-world fight? I might still be a massive perfectionist but that made me get a little more comfortable with failing. Anyway, I thought it'd be cool to stroll down memory lane—and have junk food as a meal without Alfred knowing. Unless you're busy, which I totally get."
"Not at all," Bruce replies, putting an arm around Tim's shoulders. "Duke and Damian will be at the arcade all day and I don't have any urgent side business." 
And so, instead of calling Alfred for a ride, they journey through the Gotham subways with Tim's camera capturing the Grammy-worthy saga of a billionaire CEO battling a common turnstyle. They get a few side-glances in the sparse train car, but besides a teenager asking for Tim's autograph, the civilians leave them alone. Pretty soon, they're at a 1950s-themed ice cream parlor, where the waitress slides their orders down the long chromium bar. 
"Why do they call it a banana split?" Bruce asks, grabbing the cocoa powder shaker. 
Tim pauses mid-bite of his cookie. "...Because they split the banana in half?"
He moves the whipped cream aside to reveal the cut banana in Bruce's dish. 
"How would it sound if I said I never noticed that?"
He smirks. "That's why I'm the brains of this operation."
"Indeed you are." Bruce ruffles his hair. "Though this head of yours could use some shampoo." 
"Will saying I love you get me a free pass out of it?"
"No." He laughs. "But I love you too, son."
Alfred catches on to their little dessert escapade and picks them up from the parlor, though not without commenting on the strawberry stain on Bruce's jacket. As Tim plugs his music into the car, Bruce takes the time to listen to the voicemails he got during their lunch break. 
"Hiya Bruce," Clark's voice plays. "I hope today's going swell for you. I just want you to know that I'm glad I can call you my pard'ner." Bruce snickers at the country twang.
Next is Diana. "Bruce, I apologize if I must keep this brief since I have a curator's convention today. However, I wish to tell you that you are an invaluable teammate and even more remarkable friend."
"Hey Batman, I gave you a shoutout to the Central City press for your help taking down Weather Wizard," Barry says. "Also, thanks for letting me borrow your communicator. I can always count on you to be overprepared. Have a good one!"
"Bats, tell your kid to quit taking my yogurt from the fridge." Ah, good old Hal. "Also, today's all about guys like you, so... yeah. I admit, you could be worse." 
Finally, there's one from Zatanna. "Afternoon, Bruce! I'd tell you in person if I wasn't caught up in Kahndaq, but I hope today is extra special for you. I know how much the birds mean to you, and I know they're gonna treat you well."
(There's also one from Ollie, but he's just asking if he can use the communicator after Barry. In the background, Dinah is is clearly ordering food.) 
After dropping Tim and Alfred home and switching to a more discreet vehicle, Bruce makes his way to pick two of his other kids up from the arcade. 
"Did you guys have fun?" Bruce asks as they climb in.
"We decimated every game," Damian says, "and won you the finest specimen as a trophy."
He plops a five-foot Snorlax into the front seat and buckles the seatbelt.
"This is for me?" Bruce asks. 
"Tt, who else would it be for?"
"I didn't win as many tickets," Duke says, "but I also got you a spider ring and a Chinese finger trap." He puts them in the cupholder.
"Why are you giving me all your prizes?"
"Again, who else would we give them to?" Damian asks.
Duke says, "I think what he means is that you do a lot for us, so this is a thanks from us."
As silly as it might seem, Bruce is genuinely touched. 
Pre-patrol dinner is a quiet affair, with Kate stopping by because she apparently forgot to go grocery shopping. She takes a fingerling potato off his plate. 
"Um, you're welcome?" he says. 
"Bruce, we're family. It's what we do." She takes a bite. 
He takes a piece of asparagus from her. "I wish all of us were here, though. Too bad Dick and Jason have that Penguin stakeout. Hopefully they're being safe."
"Even if things go wrong, they were taught by the best. You should trust them more." Selina gets up and places a peck on his cheek before going to get a drink. 
"I do," he mumbles into his meal. "It's the world I don't trust." 
As he puts on his cowl, he asks Barbara for an update on the evening. So far, Duke is handling a carjacking, the girls are preoccupied with a strip mall hostage situation, Damian is patrolling Metropolis with Jon, and Kate is kicking off her shift with a car chase against Two-Face. Tim and Selina are staying back to catch up on some overdue reports, but other than that, the cave is quiet. 
"Before you go," Barbara says, "my dad was cleaning out the attic and found something you might like."
From her bag, she pulls out a blue mug that says: World's Okayest Dad.
"My brother got it for him a long time ago, but... you know. It's all yours now, if you want it." 
He takes it, running his thumb along the words. 
"It suits you," she says before turning back to relay something to Stephanie. 
The route laid out for him tonight gives him the perfect opportunity to swing by and check on two of his boys. He lands on the rooftop silently, where Nightwing and Red Hood have already set up camp. Evidently, they don't notice him as they keep going with their conversation.
"Did you get dropped on your head as a baby?" Jason asks. "Sour cream and Greek yogurt are not the same thing."
"They totally are, change my mind." Dick glances through his binoculars. "No sign of Cobblepot yet."
A moment goes by as Jason not-so-covertly steals some of his brother's patrol snacks. 
"So how'd family therapy go yesterday?" Jason asks. "Did the old bat finally show an emotion?"
"It was pretty insightful, at least on my part." Dick lowers his binoculars. "I think I realized where Bruce's persistence comes from. It's annoying as hell, but I think that's how he maintains hope. And who knows, maybe it's his love language."
Jason scoffs. 
"I'm serious," he says. "I know none of us are stellar at this family thing, but we care about each other. You can't deny that. We just gotta... refine how we express it." 
"Count me out."
"Codenames, Dickhead."
Dick snickers. "You love us, admit it. All of us."
Jason mutters a string of curses under his breath before saying, "If you tell him, I'm filling your mattress with sour cream."
Bruce smiles and leaps to the next building. 
At the end of the night, Bruce finds Alfred brewing tea in the kitchen and takes the kettle from him. 
"I got this," he says. "Why don't you go relax in the living room? I think they added your favorite detective movie to Netflix." 
"This is a pleasant surprise." Alfred raises an eyebrow. "What brought it on?"
"It's Father's Day, of course," he replies, pouring the cups of tea. "You know you've always been a second dad to me."
"You made that clear with last year's breakfast surprise," Alfred says. "Care to join me?"
"Always," Bruce says. "By the way, do the kids seem different to you today?"
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cornkernelcorp · 7 months
(LONG POST) Alright everyone, please say hello to..
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that's what I call them, but really they're just the members of the stowaway and her many travels. I'll talk about them right to left :] First, we've got the general crew- the Boxer Shrimp Cookies. Named and based Banded Coral Shrimps also. There are multiples of them, with small differences in between. Imagine the minions from despicable me or sir pentious's egg boiz from hazbin hotel.
Then we've got Goldenback Shrimp Cookie as the master-at-arms. Small and formidable. Right after is Cowbell Cookie, designed after Dairy Cow Isopods. Their muscle and tank. She's the Quartermaster by title, but in reality Goldie and Cow are a one-two hit team. A small hotheaded guy who tells his big doofus coworker how to do her job. He wields a rapier whilst she hauls around a big mallet.
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some more old drawings of them.. Now, the last gal isn't actually part of the crew. She's a Bounty Hunter! Whale Shark Cookie is a no-nonsense working lady, with a team of smaller shark cookies I haven't drawn. Banana Eel sees her as a rival, and consistently goes out of his way to ruin her day. She wants them dead HAHA (there's also the thing a friend persuaded me to do.. which is making Cowbell having a silly little puppy crush on her even whilst they try killing eachother-- BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY FOR ANOTHER DA)
anywayss that's about it! Planning to go through and make full clean renders of ALL of these guys so I can finally start making silly comics of them. thank you for listening to my ramble B)
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uptoolateart · 1 year
Hey, hey, hey - time for a Gabriel analysis!
So. After we learned that Gabriel Agreste wasn't his original name, my mind jumped to Andre Bourgeois, who also once had a different name. In keeping with the themes of the show, we are seeing that secret identities don't always come with masks and comic book names.
We had a hint of Gabriel's secret past in Psycomedian, when Harry visited and alluded to his Gabi days. How, oh how could the Gabriel Agreste we all know have ever been friends with someone like Harry Clown? This is only possible if he was once a different sort of person.
We had further clues in Gabriel's vision of the past, in the time burrow in Evolution - and in Emilie's video messages left for Nathalie, and the photographs of Gabriel, Emilie and Nathalie on some expedition, seen in Passion - and in Amelie's accusation that Gabriel has changed, in Emotion.
Adrien is also aware his father has changed with time, demonstrated when he tells Gabriel that Emilie once said they came from different backgrounds.
The photos shown in Revelation finally gave concrete evidence that Gabriel used to have an adventurous spirit and he used to smile. He was fun...but something changed...and I don't think it was just Emilie's death that caused the personality shift. Based on casual comments Adrien has made throughout the series, his father has been strange for years.
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Gabriel tells Adrien that he and Kagami are 'of the same design' - and we know he means this literally. But taking it as a metaphor...for two seasons I've wondered what Emilie's parents were like. We can infer that she comes from a wealthy, 'important' family. Maybe Gabriel struggled to fit in and win the approval of his in-laws. Maybe he never felt good enough. When he tells Adrien things like, 'You're clinging to Marinette because her mediocrity lets you shine more,' perhaps someone once talked like that about him. With that kind of background, it would be unsurprising that he decided to try to forge a new identity.
And let's remember that Gabriel is a designer. His whole empire is founded on inventing personae. Even beyond the sentimonster aspect, he tells Marinette that he designed the image the world holds of his son. Everything is his invention. That speech in Pretension proved just how deep his God complex runs - he fully believes he has made the world in his image. Even the episode title - Pretension - smacks of the image he is presenting to the world in lieu of truth.
At this point, what we're seeing is a 'new money' stereotype - a self-made man who now spurns those who remind him of where he came from. It's one of the most shameful things about him. No matter how much fame and money you get...you can't forget your roots, people. Maybe that's easy for me to say because I'm not rich or famous. But I just can't imagine turning my back on my own origin story. It's what makes you who you are. Gabriel clearly didn't want to be that person anymore...and that's sad.
What's also fascinating is that, if we zoom in on those pictures Nathalie took in Revelation, we see that once upon a time, Gabriel - Gabi Grassette - was a punk. Let's take a moment to appreciate the spiked hair, makeup, leather jacket, ripped jeans, and dog collar - not to mention that smirk. And far from being ashamed of his work with Harry Clown as a human frites (who, by the way, reminds me so much of Mr Banana), he was smiling about it. Man, he loved it. Contrast that with Gabriel in Party Crasher - 'JOY.... What's going on in my HOUSE!?'
If it were at all possible for the old Gabi to meet Cat Noir, I can imagine him loving Cat's costume. On that note, I can't help but compare that dog collar with Cat's bell. I've said before that I see the bell as a symbol of Cat being domesticated and under control. Gabi probably saw his dog collar more as a rebellion, but maybe it too is a symbol of how he once felt controlled by someone.
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The thing is...the punk movement was all about anti-establishment anti-authoritarianism. Today, Gabriel is the establishment he once rebelled against. It makes me think of John Lydon of the Sex Pistols turning Conservative and advertising butter. Musicians like Donovan - not a punk, but in a similar category, as a 1960s hippie - are rare for maintaining that same spirit all through their lives.
Gabriel is a 'sell-out'. He gave up that spirit and became someone unrecognisable. Those photos demonstrate that Emilie isn't the only body buried in a 'basement' in the Agreste mansion. There is a different person buried under the cold veneer that is Gabriel - a person Nathalie probably misses. I expect that's why she's stuck with him all this time, despite her better instincts. Something tells me Gabi would've made a better father.
The irony is that Adrien's moments of rebellion are probably one of the few things he has in common with his father, if we look far enough back in Gabriel's past. That, and their temper - and randomly breaking into eccentric dance and song. Gabi might have appreciated Adrien more for standing true to his principles. Maybe Adrien sometimes reminds Gabriel of himself and he can't stand it - can't stand thinking of what he's lost along the way.
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I believe Gabriel exists in a perpetual state of regret. Part of him probably misses Gabi, too. After all, Gabi got Emilie. What has Gabriel got? Wealth, sure, but Emilie's dead, Adrien all but hates him, Nathalie's wasting away, and Gabriel himself has only weeks to live.
If you think about it, Gabriel's whole quest has been about getting a do-over. He wants a second chance with Emilie - a second chance for Nathalie - a second chance at his own life. He then tells Adrien that his greatest wish is to try to reconnect with him...because he knows he doesn't have much time left with his son. Even then, though, his selfishness prevails. (Psst, Gabi...you can't make up for years of terrible parenting with banana pancakes.)
Thinking of the snake miraculous, the second chance lets you know what's going to happen, enabling you to make better decisions the next time around. In other words: it's about learning from your mistakes. Gabriel never learns, and it is his refusal to accept destiny and his own human fallibility that is causing his disintegration.
The more Gabriel necrotises, the more we can see this as his 'sins' catching up with him. He doesn't seem to grasp that all the blackness devouring him is, in a way, the blackness of his own heart. Even if he erases the whole world, he can't erase his deeds. If he managed to get his Wish and bring Emilie back, she would be horrified. She'd wonder where her Gabi went.
Gabriel is proof that 'evolution' isn't always positive. He reinvented himself once, and now, because it didn't go the way he wanted, he's trying to reinvent things again. Tomoe also hints at a belief that the solution to her problems is to make the world anew - to get a second chance. Felix tries this, too, when he creates the red moon to wipe out all people except his select group.
But Felix does learn - Ladybug helps him see that even if you erase all the people causing you so much grief...you still have to deal with that pain. What Gabriel fails to see is that - like Cat Blanc on the roof, all alone without his lady - destroying your witnesses won't remove the witness in your own heart.
Even if Gabriel wiped everyone else's memory of his crimes, he would still know what he'd done. And when you cross those kinds of lines, you can never go back to who you once were.
Please no post-Revelation spoilers in the comments :)
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On the topic of the Black Chief of Police, can I direct your and my ire towards Commander Hilltop from (stick with me now) Thief Sentai Lupinranger VS Police Sentai PatRanger?
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He's the boss for the semi-eponymous PatRangers in what is ostensibly copaganda (while trying to pretend there's a dichotomy between the two teams featured). There's a lot going on but Hilltop is one of maybe three Black tokusatsu characters that existed in the last ten years. He. has no character besides being the chief of police, though his wife is mentioned (offscreen of course, cant show japanese kids a Black woman) and the only times they give him any personality or jokes...
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Its made painfully obvious he's just a Beverly Hills Cop parody in the year 2019.
For what purpose? Idk this seems to be an ongoing thing with Toku where Black characters are either put on a pedestal (in order to show other characters are more/just as strong) or are just outright clowns, like MC Check-it-Out from Kamen Rider Zero-One (look up at your own discretion).
I already know he's not great/good repsesentation, i mostly just wanted to vent about this five-year-old chip on my shoulder. I could have gone worse, but Hilltop entirely representative of #1 gripes with tokusatsu (and Japanese Media in general).
On God I thought you were unironically submitting this as a favorite Black character. It was getting deleted with a QUICKNESS. 🤣 Two reactions:
1) my unending chip on MY shoulder about them "not being able" to cast a Black Japanese actor for Cain Blood or Skipper in the Banana Fish stage play, but they somehow found one to play a caricature in whatever this is 🤣😭
2) and tbh that's a pattern in a lot of anime too. The Black guy being overly buff and scary, or being a comic relief character. Says a lot about how we're perceived over there. It's not as bad anymore, though.
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itsquakey · 13 days
Q&A Time!
I haven't done a Q&A in a while so let's bang out some asks from the askbox and answer them.
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Without really saying much, things have kinda gotten better, but I am def in a hole right now from multiple pretty saddening things happening to me all within a month. I'm having a lot of issues drawing but I don't think it's burnout-more likely I'm just a sad lump. I'm sure I'll improve though once the year finishes us.
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Kind of...I plan to make either a epilogue for Revenge of Pike Knight or an entirely different comic about his process of letting go but also forgiving himself for her actions. He never goes back to being sweet bandana waddle dee but she does manage to loosen up as time goes on.
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Mago gets stripped of any and all power that the average doomer doesn't have. So yea. He's a little guy you could punt like a football.
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It's honestly really hard to say what my favorite food is, as I am someone who struggles with food (I blame it on the fact I almost died of starvation as a toddler and it ruined my entire digestive system but who knows it could be crappy genetics too). However here are some foods I enjoy that people may like! (Recipe Links are in the names)
Banoffee Pie: I usually like it without the bananas though, they are too soft texture-wise for me so it's really more Toffee Pie. Just remember if you are making the toffee from scratch that it is basically like making a bomb and you HAVE to make sure timing is correct otherwise pressure will build and either you will die or your kitchen will get a nice brown coat of sugar-paint (Personal experience here).
Chocolate Souffle: I always have this for my birthday so it's a fond treat. It IS a souffle though, so it's very hard to make if you do not have the experience.
Quiche: I love quiche, it's something that is eggy but also a pie and I can eat it any time of the day. I usually like just cheese in it but meats and some small greens are also good.
And finally- Zucchini Brownies (Or just walnut brownies): Which I actually haven't had in a while but man am I craving them. They sound weird but you can't taste the zucchini and it brings a nice dampness to the brownie.
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When Powehi was little his sisters loved to tease him even though he would give little to no reaction. They seemed to have a decent relationship as children but I would not be surprised if Powehi doesn't really like his sisters a whole lot when he's an adult. They're still as annoying as before but now they act more like their father (a pet peeve of his). However they are still his sisters at the end of the day, so he puts up with them.
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Since I don't know if I have the post up anymore- ANY FANART OR INTERPRETATIONS/INSPIRATION OF MY WORK IS OKAY. If it is fanart or is heavily based off my work all I need is name credit or an @/. If you @/ me, there's a very high likelihood I will see it and reblog it!
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As someone who worked with various animals including tarantulas for a while- I love them. I love their fuzz and their little claws and paw pads and the fact they're chill (but at the same time very anxious) little dudes. I think they get a bad rap but they're nice.
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If I remember correctly, the death of Meta Knight comic was originally artist trolling. Yes, I made the comic to purposefully get a reaction from you all and laugh evilly while you cried over his death. However that comic is the backbone of Nextgen and I'm glad I made it.
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Yes, I will get to that art eventually. I'm just taking my time for reasons. I will/am also uploading art that is old but was never released on my account. Eventually once all the old art is posted new art will start up again.
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Meta works his way up the ladder to become a Reaper. Not really spoilers but his design will be brought back soon. But yes, he can still see his friends with the help of Morpho. Also Galaxia shattered in the death comic, so she's long gone as well but returns to Meta in the afterlife at some point.
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Dedede ain't dead yet! He's still kicking. Meta would have to meet him in the mortal realm as a little buggy.
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Yes, however I highly doubt I will ever cover them in Nextgen, so it's up to fan interpretation at the end of the day.
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Yes he does, he takes the form of a beetle much like Morpho takes the form of a butterfly in the mortal realm and gets to visit his friends when he can.
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Apologies, but only my girlfriend can hug me : )
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I imagine if the situation calls for it he does use his tongue. However he mainly chooses the sword and his fabric arms.
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In Nextgen I like to imagine Kirby's copy abilities change as they grow up instead of someone upgrading them for him, hence why they look different when he uses copy abilities.
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Powehi has always had some of Marx's powers and grew up with them normally. However as he gets older he begins to really not like them because it makes him different in a way others may be intimidated by.
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In Nextgen Chilly and Magolor never got nor will get married. They're off again on again exes because it is way funnier that way and honestly aligns with the one manga more.
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Magolor and Chilly met during the events of Star Allies, and their relationship/personalities are kinda based off that manga in a minor way.
Arthur showed up out of nowhere on Castle Dedede's entrance and ever since then Kirby has taken care of him.
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In a surprising turn of events, no. The waddle dee from Kirby 64 in Nextgen is actually Bandana's/Pike's older brother who is the sole reason Bandana/Pike went down the path she did. The stories that were told about the adventure and the heroes his older brother worked with got her to be inspired enough to actually work alongside Dedede and later Kirby and the others.
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Because that belt buckle is the last remaining piece of who he used to be. His robes are gone along with everything else but that buckle. He is now nude.
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All Noddies are biologically and magically tied to the Dream Fountain which is the thing that gives them their dreams and tiredness. The only way Castella can have nightmares is if there's some kind of tampering with the Dream Fountain that effects it negatively.
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I don't think canon Bandana would enjoy the fact I assassinated his character for some plot lmao. But for the sake of the funny just imagine them interacting like that one sonic and shadow clip from Sonic Adventure 2.
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The cycle of matter only affects Dark and Light matter/ anything in between that. Matter like that usually will never see a reaper in their life because their souls almost never make it to the afterlife and instead are in a constant cycle of reincarnation, hence the name. Meta Knight was merely lucky enough to have Morpho break the rules for him just like how Necrodeus broke the rules for him when he was Gala and took his soul to the afterlife. Normally living things are taken by reapers to the afterlife when they die though. While non-matter characters like Dedede, Magolor, Marx, Pike, etc will be able to have a one way ticket to the afterlife, I'm keeping it vague for Kirby as not to spoil future ideas.
That's all for now! I'll be answering more asks in the future don't worry.
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Mr. Grinch (Joel Miller)
Joel Miller Masterlist
Warning: swearing, fluff
Summary: A little Christmas story inspired by Lindsey Stirling's version of - You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.
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Mr. Grinch... that was what everyone had nicknamed Joel after just one day in Jackson last year, when he and Ellie had first set foot in the community last winter. Now, one year later, and another winter in yet the nickname still stuck. You found the entire thing to be quite amusing; yes, Joel could be grumpy and sometimes comes off as just plain mean, but there were good, loyal qualities to him, ones that only those dearests to him were witness to. So, that's why to make lightly of the nickname, you had decided to do something fun about it in the annual Christmas eve pageant.
You had come across an old burlesque record sometime back, the beat of the music perfect for what you had planned. Your outfit; a cute red winter dress, green tights and Santa hat.
The pageant was taking place in the mess hall, as the Christmas eve community dinner was to be taking place immediately thereafter. A small stage had been erected in the hall, with tablets setup for all to enjoy the show and dinner after.
The hall rang out with whistles and cheers when you made your way to stage, everyone soon quiets down, and the music begins to play.
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch You really are a heel You're as cuddly as a cactus As charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel
The room was eerily silent as you comically performed on stage whilst singing; everyone knew exactly where you were going with the chosen song. You on the other hand, were having a field day with it, as people's eyes kept jumping back and forth between you and the table you were clearly trained on during the entire performance.
You're a monster, Mr. Grinch (Mr. Grinch) Your heart's an empty hole Your brain is full of spiders You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch
You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch (Mr. Grinch) You have termites in your smile You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch Now given the choice between the two of you I'd take the seasick crocodile Seasick crocodile
"Shit, it's you!" Ellie bawls out in realization, but you continue like nothings amiss. Everyone nervously stares back at the table as she chuckles out loudly then.
"The song is about you, Joel! You're Mr. Grinch!"
"Now, Ellie... don't be looking for trouble where there ain't none" Tommy attempts to neutralize the situation before things got out of hand.
"Nuh-uh..." Ellie retorts with a stiff head shake, hollering out then.
"See! I fuckin' told you! She just winked at him!"
The sounds of gasps ringing out at her words, as everyone braced themselves for your impending demises at the hands of the man you were clearly referring to in the song. He, on the other hand sat dangerously silent, as his dark narrowed gaze remained fixed on you as the performance continues.
"Ellie..." Tommy drawls out in annoyance, and then it happened.
"She blew him a kiss!" Ellie screams, griping onto Joel's shoulder; shaking him back and forth in excitement.
"Wait. What?" an open-mouthed Tommy stares at you on the stage.
The words that best describe you are stink, stank, stunk (Ooh) No, no, no Stink, stank, stunk Oh, Mr. Grinch Mr. Grinch...
The music ends and the room is filled with nothing but awkward silence, Tommy silently eyes Joel; preparing himself to have to stop his brother from strangling you in front of the entire Jackson community. Ellie then jumps out from her seat and starts cheering loudly and you chuckle out, taking a dramatic bow.
"Now, Joel..." Tommy attempts to divert his attention away from you as you step down from the stage.
Everyone sat with bated breath as you made your way toward Joel's table with a cocky smirk plastered on your lips.
"Joel" Tommy warns, jumping up to stop him when he gets up, but Ellie and Maria hold him back.
"What hell are ya two doing?!"
"Wait" Maria remarks as you and Joel meet each other in the centre of the room.
Placing a hand on your hip and cocking your head to the side; you smirk at him whilst striking a pose.
"Hey there, Mr. Grinch..."
Joel's eyes narrow to tight slits as he silently grinds his teeth whilst staring down at you for a second. Silent gasps ring out when he steps closer to you, reaching out to take the Santa hat off your head; Joel plops it onto his own, a broad smirk spreads across his lips as he pulls you flushed against him.
"Hi, Baby..." Joel drawls, tipping down to capture your lips in a deep kiss.
"What the fuck...?!" Tommy voice rings out, along with loudly gasps of surprise.
"Knew they were fucking long before this, FYI..." Ellie remarks smugly, causing both Tommy and Maria to scowl at her disapprovingly.
"What?" she shrugs at them.
"He's always looking at her all-googly-eyed... and she's even worse. Also caught him from my bedroom window; sneaking out of her house and back home in the early hours of the morning when no one's awake."
Joel and you chuckle into each other's mouths at her words, resting your foreheads against one another's with broad smiles.
You had your suspicious of her knowledge, but both had decided to keep your relationship a secret till now. Finally deciding after four months that it was time to make it public, as a matter of fact; it was Joel who had come with the idea of your performance when you had let him in on the town nickname for him.
What the residents didn't know; was that even with only one good ear, Joel had still managed to pick up on the word 'Grinch' being softly uttered whenever he was around. He wasn't too keen on it at first, not till you had told him that you found it to be a cute name for him. That 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' had been one of your favorite Christmas movies as a child. That in the end Mr. Grinch wasn't as bad as everyone believed him to be just lonely and misunderstood, with a heart of gold hidden underneath all that grumpiness, just as your Joel.
When you playfully performed the Mr. Grinch song for him, Joel found it utterly amusing and that's how you came to be performing it tonight. Proving to everyone that your Mr. Grinch wasn't as bad as everyone believed him to be.
"C'mon Baby..." Joel slings his arm around your shoulder and directing you towards the table.
"Lead the way, Mr. Grinch..." you pat his ass affectionally, causing him to chuckle yet again as the rest of Jackson stared at the two of you weirdly. 
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valscodblog · 2 months
So-I s'pose ye'll be needin' this.
@thealtofvalleyxdoodles's sideblog <3
SHIT ABT ME! (Sorry for the horrible fake scottish accent. I am A Soap girlie thru and thru.)
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❣.·:*¨¨*:·.❣ ғѧṅԀȏṃṡ ❣.·:*¨¨*:·.❣
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare one, two and three (Fuck the ending of three omfg) also-LONG LIVE '09 GHOST AND SOAP!
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Keegan <3)
Hazbin Hotel (so random compared to my other fandoms)
Baulder's Gate Three (I dont remember how to spell it-)
Resident Evil
The Witcher (I blame my father for getting me into this)
Dead By Daylight (Is that a fandom? If not-let's make it one)
DC/MARVEL Comics and some of the movies.
Uncharted (i swear-the first game i played i nearly died bc OMG "God Girl" AHHHH! Nathan Drake the man you are, Nathan Drake.)
Gravity Falls (I watched it as a kid-and re-watched as a grown ass adult. Still love it.)
and prolly some more i cant remember rn.
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ʍǟֆȶɛʀʟɨֆȶֆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ Red means N/A blue means its up!
Office Workers, John Price x reader, Season one
"One night only" Simon Riley x Reader (will be worked on soon)
"Bonnie" John MacTavish x Reader
Too Sweet; Hoizer| anything and E V E R Y T H I N G by the artic monkeys| Pumped up kicks; foster the people| Dirty Class-China remix or whatever it's called.| Alien Blues (i forget who its by)| Same old Love; Rihanna/Selena Gomez| I like the way you kiss me; Artemas| Soaked; shy smith| Paint the Town Red; Doja Cat; Diet mountain due (Demo and actual song); Lana Del Rey| anything by Lana tbh-| anything by Eminem| 679; Fetty Wap| Breakin' Dishes; Rihanna| tbh-anything by Rihanna too-| Favorite; Isabel LaRosa| Army Dreamers; Kate Bush| Harpy Hare; Yaelokre| and more!
❣┈⋆┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 BASIC THINGS 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈⋆┈❣
Pronouns: She/They Age: 18 (19 in Nov.) Race: MEXICAN
Fav Foods: Tacos, and Banana Bread Fav curse word: FUCK
Fav Color: P U R P L E Fav CoD Character: uhm-Soap?? (was that a question-? jk jk, it was.)
.·:*¨ ¨*:·. ƬĦƖИǤƨ Ɩ Δ˩˩ѲƜ ѲИ 🇲Ƴ β˩ѲǤ .·:*¨ ¨*:·.
Requests for x readers (Male, female, non-binary, all of it.) and x oc's! (I will tag you). I do allow people to use my Oc's for thier fics, I just ask for a tag and some credit! I do allow requests with dark themes. I ALLOW DARK THEMES ON THIS BLOG. DEAD FUCKING DOVE-DO NOT FUCKING EEEAT, OKAY!? I WILL NOT HAVE MY BLOG BE BLOCKED BC YALL DONT KNOW HOW TO READ WARNINGS! Anyways! I do allow a wide array of kinks! (Yes i do NSFW) and yes-i do take art requests-its just very hard atm bc my ipad is very old and porcreate no longer works-and my new one is on the way. (i used Amazon-im sorry but i dont feel like gong into a damn store-PLUS IT WAS BLACK FRIDAY!! :) ) I do allow you to nickname me aswell!
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(sorry for this gifs-i just needed to see my husband)
╰•★★ 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓥𝓪𝓵 ★★•╯
@skauni @needa-sum-luvn @seconds-over-first @thebunnednun @writing-with-moss @mishellii @crazyfandomluver @staytrueblue @devil-in-hiding @artistic-vixen <3333
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channelinglament · 1 year
You don’t gotta make anything big for this but Since reqs are open could I get yan turtles w reader who becomes delusional but not in the way the turtles want. Instead they just start talking to air and acting like they’re still living on the surface and talking to their friends and family and kinda just ignore the turtles existence
Hello there! This request is AMAZING☆
Tw: violence, reader is kinda crazy/delusional. Reader being treated like a figurine. Yandere. Murder (not towards reader).
Also English is not my native nor second language-
So, the reader thinking they were not kidnapped. I believe they would end up going into a very deep, and very dangerous, denial first.
"No way they would've done it! I don't believe it! I-I don't want to believe it.."
This denial would cause the reader to become even more delusional. They could believe everything to be a fantasy.
Or, they could believe everything to be a dream.
They would often think that the turtles are just part of their imagination. Yea that totally is what's happening. They'll imagine people around them, their friends and family.
"No way a humanoid turtle could exist. Nor such a weird creature would even kidnap me in the first place"
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Leo would be so frustrated. Why are you talking to walls and soil couches? Why aren't you paying any attention to him, not even a glance? Nothing. You keep calling out names of the people that you used to know. You look so happy. Why aren't you smiling at him? Why are you smiling at his comic book?
"Darling, snap out of it"
No response
Still no response
You looked like you were listening to what the wall had to offer instead of Leo. You keep calling the wall the names of your old friends. Oh how infuriating.
He ends up killing them and bringing them to you, as an attempt to get you back. To get you to react to him in any way. Be it sadness, shock or fear. It doesn't matter. Yes he wants you to love him, but how if you don't even glance at him? Even when he is threatening you or chains you to his bed. You seem so.. unaware of his presence. It completely destroys and shatters his heart, world and just him in general.
If you still had some sanity, this would traumatize you even more. It's gone now.
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Mikey is a little (very) angry. Why are you ignoring him? Did he do something to you? What's your problem?!
Okay, so he deeply inhales and tried to calm himself down. He would try to reason and communicate with you first (Dr. Feelings?)
But it seems like you still choose to ignore him. Okay. Okay.
It's not okay.
He literally goes bananas. Either chains you to a wall, just chains you with his kusari fundo (to speak) or would try to butter you up. Probably violence first. Acts like Leo later on :P
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Oh Donnie hates it. One day you just didn't acknowledge his presence. He probably seen some signs, but ignored them? And now he's not sure how to help you. At first some therapy. Doesn't work. Talking? Seems useless. Shouting doesn't work too. Meaning using violence won't help either.
Probably scans your brain or something.
If it won't work, since he is kinda lucid, he will be furious, probably break something and then think. Maybe even install some small bot in your brain to change your way of thinking?
"Y/n...stop talking to my computer, it's not your best friend. Ah why am I even trying, you can't even see me. I guess I need to help you to get back to your sane self."
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Raph is sad. And kinda flabbergasted?
You're his toy and friend/lover. You should be paying attention to him, not to his plushies!
Destroys a few things in the sewers out of anger. He doesn't want to hurt you.
He will try different methods at making you sane again. To make you at least glance at him. This turtle would literally be the softest guy you have ever seen. Also will try therapy. Doesn't work. He raged a bit. Dw you're safe. Maybe a few bruises, but he swears it's an accident. Not like you even hear him. Yeah you probably hit the table angle. After that he would be just like people who have figurine of their favorite character. He's the person, and you're the figurine. He looks at you, loves you, talks to you, despite knowing that won't respond. He (tries to) keeps you healthy! Looks after you. You may not see him right now, but he is sure it will wear off! If not.. maybe Donnie or Draxum could help?
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Moot Trail Mix Recepie
basically I ask each of my moots to add an ingredient to the trail mix recipe, the ingredients get quite interesting
This is gonna taste so good guys :)
- Rocks
- Blood (… hold up who’s blood and how did you get it?)
- this
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Wtf am i looking at?
- The souls of the damned Including Sapphy’s
- Chocolate covered Raisins
- Like a truck ton of M&Ms
- Yogurt covered pretzels
- Pumpkin Seeds for nutritional value
- Salted Caramel Bits
- More Raisins but normal ones this time
- Cashews
- a singular chocolate chip
- A few acorns
- Giant Fluffy Marshmallows
- Dark chocolate chips
- I dont think it was intentional but also this photo
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- Tuna with Mayo
- This specific picture of Howzer
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- Found Family Tropes
- Sprite Cranberry
- Crushed prices of femur (cough Tech TBB season 2)
- Mystery roadkill
- “Sweat from my favourite weasel man” (that’s referring to Hux btw)
- 87 puzzle pieces (the full puzzle has 100, some went missing)
- Broken Femurs (why is this trail mix so femur heavy?)
- Sexy Fives (from TCW)
- some morally gray women
- gramophone
- Toasted Vader Krispies
- The full concentrated power of the sun
- Archeological remains
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- A strand of ginger hair (from you know who AkA the pookiest of pookie bears to ever exist)yes I read the tags(it’s Hux cause of course it’s Hux)
- Five comically small spoons
- A pinch of salt (finally something kind of normal again)
- plus also this
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- Buncha Crunch Candies
- M&M's, skittles, and reese's pieces mixed together so you can't tell the difference
- Dirt
- Concrete Donuts Covered in Mold
- Homemade biscuits just 2 years old
Here you go @krenenbaker
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @fizzydreamz, @distant-velleity, @keii-starz
@elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
@cimonim-crunch @ravenwing0110
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corporatefrog · 1 year
╭₊˚ ๑︰Playing Mario Kart with Team Stan [headcannon + oneshot]
✧.* tags: college au
✧.* Characters: stan marsh, kenny mccormick, kyle broflovski, butters scotch
a/n: i love mario kart so much. I'm kind of awesome at it not to brag or anything (literally no lmaoo) I usually play luigi with the sports bike but I'd probably play dry bones if he was taken
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Kenny plays Dry Bones or Shy Guy
Kyle plays Toad or Luigi
Stan plays Yoshi or like the male villager 
Butters plays Rosalina (ofc. She’s the best one fr) or fucking baby peach
“Butters why the fuck are you playing as baby peach. No one is playing peach. You can be regular peach.”
“But she’s just a lil fella going through the world!” 
Yall make your own grand prix with electrodome, music park, maple treeway, and super bell subway (coconut mall if you’re playing the Wii version)
Loser of each grand prix switches out and you keep racking up points until the end of the night
LOTS of smack talk
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Through the open window of the upstairs bedroom of the Marsh house on Tegridy Farms, a war brewed. The sounds flowing out the window stood in stark contrast to the peaceful night. A silent breeze rustled the budding cannabis plants, a soft movement that seemed to snap in the other direction as a wave of shouts pushed against the calm wind. 
“Good to know Stan’s still in last place where he belongs” 
“Well at least I’m not Kenny who needs an extra lightweight character to be farther than 6th”
Zooming into the room, a chaotic scene stood in stark contrast to the peaceful night. Various bags of chips scattered Cheeto and Dorito crumbs across the ground to be pulverized into the rug by sock covered feet. A hand pushed aside one of the bags, sending another wave of crumbs onto the ground as they reached for a can of soda. 
Kenny lifted the can to his lips. He drank with one hand angled to the side of his face to keep his eyes on the television screen. Finishing the drink with a loud sigh, he returned the drink to the ground to refocus his attention on the game. And on shit talking Stan. 
“Sorry I don’t listen to people who still drink Svedka.” He remarked, leaning his shoulder to the side as the cart with Dry Bones drifted around a corner. The trial of the cart sparked orange then purple as the speed boost charged. Dry Bones shot forward once the curve ended and pulled ahead of the NPC Bowser kart. 
“That’s rich coming from someone who chugged a week old borg with mountain dew and pinot.” Stan retorted. 
I gasped from my spot on the bed, attention breaking slightly to give Kenny a disgusted look, “Ew dude! Why the fuck did you do that?” I asked despite knowing the answer. There’s only one person who would make Kenny do something stupid like that. The one person who hasn’t been invited to the monthly Mario Kart tournaments in years because he’s a stupid idiot bozo.
“Cartman bet me $50 I couldn’t do it without puking-” Kenny’s response shifted tone as a red shell sent his cart flying off the end of the track “HEY WHAT THE FUCK KYLE! I WAS ALMOST WINNING!” He shouted as the perpetrator snickered on the floor. 
“Yeah, because 4th place is winning- god dammit!” Kyle cursed as his own cart slipped on a banana peel. My character threw a fist in the air to cheer the successful sabotage. 
“I really don’t know why you guys care so much about what place you get,” I mused as my kart pulled across the finish line, the large 1st Place symbol in the corner of my screen announcing the victory, “You’ll never be able to beat a god anyway.” A comical evil laugh boomed from my mouth, my arms raising to the sky as though calling upon the heavens to thank for my continuous win streak. 
Butters jumped up from the beanbag to add another 15 points to my total bringing it to a strong 45 after I’d won the two races prior. 
“I literally sent three blue shells at you. How the fuck did you still win?” Stan complained as he fell back against the bed, control dangling loosely from the wrist strap wrapped around his hand. 
Butters jumped in with a finger raised, “Oh well that’s because they look on the reddit forums during our philosophy class-” I leapt from my spot, rushing to reach Butters before he revealed my secret. My hand covered his mouth as I gave him a pointed ‘don’t you even think about it’ look. 
Turning back to the group with a shaky laugh, I waved off what Butters had almost said. “A Mario Kart god never reveals their secrets. Can’t have the mortals trying techniques they can’t master.” I gave Butters a pat on the shoulder, adding a warning squeeze before returning to my remote. Love the guy but he’s going to be the death of me one day, I swear. 
“Yeah, yeah” Kenny rolled his eyes, “I was just warming up anyway.” He stretched his arms above his head with an over exaggerated yawn. Grabbing his remote in one hand and a soda can in the other, he readied himself for the final race of the first round. 
“Okay? Then get better already? I’m hoping for a little bit of competition this time. Stan might even beat you if you keep racing like shit.” I snapped back at him with a wicked grin. A middle finger pointed my way came from Stan alongside some grumbled comebacks that weren’t loud enough to be heard. 
We all readed ourselves for the final tack, hearts racing in sync as the counter ticked down
I hovered my finger over the accelerator. Not yet.
Four fingers simultaneously pushed down on the controller as wheels spun in place on the screen.
Butters gripped the whiteboard marker in his seat, falling victim to the infectious adrenaline of the room. 
And we were off.
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titanrpg · 2 years
how i learned ttrpg design, part 3
you can check out part 1 here and part 2 here
as always, this is about my personal experience learning ttrpg design, and i claim no particular expertise or authority on what constitutes "good" game design
so far, i've discussed the games i drew on for the start of my ttrpg education. now let's talk about how to improve (when you need to/if you want to). now, i'll say i don't think "improving" is a great way to think about it. i prefer to think about it as "how to be aware of the tools you need to accomplish your design goals"
for some people, the three games i've discussed are plenty for them to get started. these people tend to like experimenting for themselves and then doing more research when they need help. (i fall in this category.) other people may want to read more before starting in earnest. this is also a smart way to go. (obviously you can go overboard with researching so much that you never actually start, but we are far from that place here.) either way, at some point you'll need more information than you currently have.
how do you find the wisdom you seek? the best answer is simply asking for help from people you look up to/trust. but i've never been good at asking for help, so uhhh this post exists
quick story time. i recently visited maryland to go to my partner's sibling's wedding. in a local comic shop's manga section, i saw this book. i was like, oh fun, it's a manga about kids playing a goblin slayer ttrpg.
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but then, when i opened the book...
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it's a TTRPG!! i don't know anything about goblin slayer, but now i'm combing through this book for cool tech. of note so far: at the end of every round of combat, each player has to make an attrition check. fail that, and your fatigue score goes up. at 4 fatigue, you fall unconscious. at 5, you die. punishes long fights and incentivizes players to find alternate solutions. it uses only d6s. and there are sections of fiction illustrated with beautiful manga art. these choices feel old school to me, but it came out in 2019. now i'm really excited. i'll get to see what japanese osr is like!
to me, this pursuit of ttrpg tech feels like discovering an ancient library and searching through old tomes for the power i seek. and there's an online version of this that anyone can dig through for ttrpg tech: osr blogs
old school renaissance/revival, or "osr," as far as i understand it, is a ttrpg genre/design paradigm, typically along the lines of old school d&d. i'm not the best person to explain this, but the way i think about this school of design is it tends to prioritize player skill over character skill. it's the difference between solving a puzzle and rolling to solve a puzzle. because of this, they often make really cool mechanics for challenging players that don't just amount to "roll a 20, do the thing." they also tend to share their thoughts on traditional blogs.
here's an amazing, meticulously catalogued library of keystone OSR posts
by marcia b., @/traversefantasy on twitter, who has an OSR blog of her own using marxist and freudian frameworks for analysis
rise up comus
by josh mcCroo, who's working on a game called his majesty the worm. pretty sure i don't have to say anything else
permanent cranial damage
by ava islam, whose assertion that "Armour Class and Hit Points are the same thing" blew my mind when i was starting out
goblin's henchman
which is where I found the hex flower tech that i adapted for HEXFALL's main mechanic
and one non-OSR blog, that of jay dragon
yes i am a possum creek fangirl. this blog is bananas good. if you haven't read up on playground theory, oh boy you're in for a treat
final takeaway: you never know where you'll find new tools and ideas!
obviously credit people and don't use what's not yours. but have fun and share cool tech with others when you find it!
hope this was helpful <3
p.s. another place that apparently used to have a ton of ttrpg activity was google+. every so often i hear whispers of digital libraries filled with all sorts of salvaged g+ ttrpg treasures. never seen an invite link with my own eyes though. if you hear anything, let me know, will ya?
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venelona-turtle-den · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Hello! Thank you so much for asking me! ^^
I'm very proud of the mark swap comic. I love every joke I put in there. Especially eye bananas
I would be happy to see Mikey and Donnie comic getting some more love. It's the hc I like very much and finishing that comic took quite a bit of effort, but didn't result in a lot x) That happens, and it's totally fine, but if you haven't seen it please check it out 💖
3. Oh, it's time to share some LOVE
This piece by @phykoha! All of their desktop Leon art makes me SUPER happy, and was a huge boost for me back when I was still anxious whenever or not I've done good enough job on making Leo :') So I am forever grateful, haha. I picked this one because it makes me laugh the most LOL or should I say cackle evilly
This beautiful comic about Pcpaw and his lil' brothers by @fabsf2 My jaw dropped when I saw it, it's so good and so adorable!! Always happy to see desktop ol' man happy ✨
Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey! Cryptid Mikey by the beautiful @sheep-turtles-and-pizza 💖💖💖I love all of her art (its so so PRETTY and so so CUTE and so so FUNNY and so so STUNNING), but I am always super excited to see more cryptid Mikey ✨
Happy New Year 💖Let's fill 2024 with more turtles that are also teens and ninjas, or old men with existential crisis, shall we? 🙏✨
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