#but still committed to post fics every single day
aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
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shiny-jr · 1 year
- Warning: Yes, this is still a yandere thing. You have been warned. Gender-neutral reader. 
- Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt.
- Summary: (Continuation, after this “we just got a letter, wonder where it’s from”) You have barred them from entering the safety of Ramshackle Dorm, but they are determined to make their words reach you. Which is why the letters begin arriving at your doorstep.
- Note: This is just the first part, only with Diasomnia. I’ll post the rest later once its written. For now, I hope you enjoy this part! Oh, and this was inspired by the mention of letters @qierxing​‘s fic inspired by the whole imposter au idea. So yeah. Hopefully I caught all the mistakes in this post because I am not rereading all that again.
Diasomnia   |   Ignihyde
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Among the first letters you pick is carefully sealed in a black envelope. You found it peculiar that Grim, who had offered to use his claws to open the envelopes, hadn’t been able to cause the slightest tear as if it were being protected by some magic. But it opened with ease during your first attempt to rip it open.
You didn’t care much for the wax family crest that had sealed it, or the black envelope itself. Maybe it would feel liberating to just set them all ablaze as soon as you finished skimming over the carefully written words.
To my dearest human,
I understand the pain I have caused you.
Ever since that moment I betrayed you, all I have seen in my vision and in my mind is your expression of terror. It tortures me. Your terror spurred by my actions and my very own hands. I am your most beloved and loyalest of companions in this world, and yet, had my retainers behind those doors not intervened, you would have been gone forever. And it would have been all my doing, all my fault.
I write this letter to apologize, but as I write this, I realize that there is no forgiving what has been done. Ever. No matter how I plead or what comes from my lips. But I will say this: there are no amount of words that can truly convey how sorry I am. This will haunt me for the remainder of my centuries of life.
Agonizing thoughts plague my mind and torment me at all hours of the day and night, at every and each moment. Even now, I reflect on everything I had done to harm you. While, the time I believed in those falsehoods was minuscule compared to the days others knew and acted upon it, the fact still stands that I was too easily deceived by mere rumors alone. I was blinded by my rage when I heard that someone dared to impersonate you and had been the probable cause of your vessel’s malfunction, that I did not even take a brief respite to consider the validity of the information that reached my ears.
Believe me, although I realize you have no reason to hold even a shred of faith in a single word I say and for that I would not blame you, but I will atone for the crimes I have committed. In any way possible. Even if it takes my entire lifetime, I will continue forward until I have achieved this goal and you may smile upon me once again. There is a human saying, which if I recall correctly I believe goes something like, forgive but never forget. Well, I would beg for forgiveness, while knowing full well that my misdeeds will never truly be forgotten. The harm I inflicted will leave scars that will never fully fade.
For every scratch my nails left on your delicate flesh, you may drive vines of the sharpest thorns against my own skin until blood pools all around me. For every bruise from my hand that tainted you, I would hand you an iron sword to use as you wish against me until you believe I’ve had enough. If it pleased you, I would even utilize my magic to transform into a figure with wings, which I would then proceed to sever the wings by my own hand and offer them to you on a silver platter.
Any punishment you can think of, I would readily accept.
Although living with the guilt of my mistakes and knowledge of the weight of my actions against you, is by far the most painful torture I’ve ever known.
If I do not receive word from you soon, I fear I may go insane with my own guilt. Yet I know I bring this upon myself. And if I were to go insane, if I was not insane this entire time already, you are all that would be in my thoughts. You are all that would remain in the part of my mind that is intact. You are currently and have been all that I think of, so perhaps my sanity is already long gone.
I would venture into the deepest crevices of hell and back, just to prove my worth to you. Even if I must be punished for the rest of my life, so be it. But I implore you to allow me to redeem myself, let yourself bear witness to the incredible feats I may accomplish in your name. Redemption... The thought of perhaps one day receiving the blessing of your smile and your grace once more in the near or distant future, is the light at the end of the tunnel in this dark period of my existence. I am yours. Whether you still desire me or not, I will forever be yours, and I will brave through trials of fire to demonstrate my eternal devotion to you.
Just know that I will do everything in my power to please you. Whether it be to fulfill the judgement you cast upon me, to demonstrate my worth and determination to achieve redemption, or simply because you command it so, it shall be done. 
For now, I will wait on your response and deliberate over my next course of action. Should you desire anything, anything at all, wether it be something as simple as traveling to the store for a purchase, you have a moment of recluse and desire company, or if you command me to move the island or clear the very heavens, all you must do is speak my name. Then, consider it done. Once my name is upon your lips, I will be there as the last syllable leaves your tongue. 
I will await the moment I am summoned.
Forever yours,
Malleus Draconia
That was... unnerving. Your hand unconsciously drifted up to the slight puncture wounds on your neck. They had long since dried, but you vividly remember feeling the thin trail of crimson being drawn and dripping down like a steady stream. 
You could remember the way Malleus withdrew as soon as he realized the truth, like he had been burned with his hands on you in that fashion. The blood, your blood, staining his sharpened nails. The red was deeper than any nail polish or ink. 
You were nearly sent spiraling, until you felt a tap and the texture of paper against your arm. When you glance down, you see Grim pressing his paws with another crumpled letter onto you. The ink on this letter is red, but the feline’s wide curious eyes are a glowing blue. 
“You okay? What’s so interesting about that wall you’re lookin’ at? You’re kinda just staring off into nothing there.” 
Offering a grateful nod to Grim who frowned worriedly, you accept the already opened envelope while tossing aside the letter from Malleus. “I’m good. Just... thinking.” 
Lifting a hand, you place your palm against his head and scratch the spot behind his ears. Grim lets out a content purr and holds a bag of junk food, which he probably found among the mountain of gifts, and curls up beside you. You continue the slow and soothing scratches as you use your freehand to unravel the letter Grim brought you from the towering stacks. 
This envelope was already cut open. It was a light brown and more square-shaped as thin rope kept it tied together. It had a mash of colorful strings that formed a messy bow to top it off. At least, you assumed it was meant to be a bow, but it looked more like a messy knot that would be impossible to untangle. Good thing it was already partially cut by Grim’s claws earlier. 
As mentioned, the ink was red, an interesting choice. While the handwriting was not as elegant as Malleus’ letter. Some words were written neatly, before falling off the line and blending with other words. Making it a bit difficult to read, but you managed. 
If you’re reading this, 
This means that I am not irredeemable in your eyes. 
Had I been beyond redemption, you would have not even opened this letter. If this was a lost cause, a merry dance, this paper would’ve been tossed into the trash without a second thought. But, my words have reached you. You’re reading this right now, aren’t you? It’s why I decided to write this. I could predict the actions you’d take. You are different from your vessel, but it’s only natural that you would act similarly to the silly little doll you controlled, the same doll that sparked this whole fiasco. 
I truly am so sorry if I frightened you. While I will admit, it was my intention to strike fear into your heart and use you to serve for another dubious purpose, that was when I hadn’t recognized you. Although, I know this doesn’t mean much to you, I figured I should be entirely honest to you. It’s the least I can do. I’m such a fool for being quick to believe the rumors like some sort of senseless child.
All I can do now, is remain true and offer up my loyalty. It’s nothing compared to the mistakes I made, and I’ve made plenty, but I know an apology will never suffice. So, even if you’re still uncertain about redemption, I’ll remain loyal. Among all the beings and creatures I’ve met in my lifetime, you remain an enigma. You’re human, but at the same time, you’re different. There continues to be so much I do not know of you. I wonder, could you hear me whenever I spoke to your plaything? Do you recall the stories I told, of my time as a reckless youth? Foolhardy, wild, that I was. But I was also fiercely loyal. For the Draconias, I razed down all foes like wheat in a field. 
Now that I consider it, perhaps it's best if you hadn’t heard me recount those tales. While I had been eager to share with you my experiences and act out my thrilling adventures, perhaps my story telling was much too graphic. I wouldn’t want the vivid details of bloodshed to be cause for alarm as our most recent encounter was far from pleasant. You have to forgive me, sometimes I get carried away when narrating my accomplishments and exploits. I’ll share more light-hearted memories with you the next time we meet. 
Our first meeting with your true self really went abysmally, didn’t it? I know that things never really go as planned, so I don’t bother planning such things in advance. But, I had pictured it to be a lovely moment. Silver and Sebek would look at you with shining eyes and proclaim their loyalty as they had practiced vows over and over again for such an occasion, I would get to embrace your true form and unlock your secrets, and of course Malleus would be truly content for once as he finally received the company he deserved. 
But, as expected, things didn’t go accordingly. 
Those three youths are miserable, thinking of the proper words to pen, a way to apologize for the suffering they’ve caused. But now, we are the ones suffering because we hurt you. 
They write and write, but tear their letters over and over again as they believe no words they’ve written so far are adequate. Soon they’ll realize that no words will ever be sufficient for an apology. Even if they were to create new words that are unheard of by any dictionary, it would not come close to being enough. That’s why I’ve decided to stick with this single attempt, because I already know that nothing I ever write will measure up to being acceptable. 
There is something about you that always leaves me bemused. Your grace left me feeling dizzy and giddy, like I was experiencing a little crush again, although this was much more intense than any crush. The truth about your vessel controlled by you, had me perplexed as I had never heard of such a thing. And well, the disastrous chase that followed your arrival... you know that part well and could assume how I feel about that from what I’ve told you. At present, all I can do is remain loyal, for what my loyalty is worth to you. Beyond that, despite having an abundance of experiences, there is no such situation that could have prepared me for this moment. 
Genuinely, I am stumped once again. I cannot even envision what can be done with my own two hands, that can be worthy of your attention once again and earn me redemption. But, you can be certain of one thing, and that is: my loyalty is undying. I still have a few years left in these old bones of mine, and I will use the rest of my life to serve you. 
Whether you want me or not. If you still want me, I will be of use to you. Whatever you are in need of, a soldier, a plaything, a companion, or even someone to take out your anger on. I shall be it. If you don’t want me, I will still be there. I will always be there to smile and lift your spirits like you once did for me through your doll. 
I eagerly wait for word from you. 
Until we meet again soon, 
Lilia Vanrouge
None of these letters were comforting in the slightest. In fact, they only placed you further on edge. For a moment, you considered stopping it here after only two and getting rid of the rest. 
Grim by now had settled in your lap, and looked up at you with those watchful blue eyes. Had he been staring at you the entire time? 
“Let me guess, they’re not taking it well?” 
“No, not at all.” You answer with a grimace. If this was how they were like now, you didn’t even want to know how they acted when they found out your vessel stopped working over a week ago. 
“Huh, sucks for them.” The feline stretched out, his claws poking out for a moment before quickly retracting as he plopped back down on his back with his stomach up. Maybe it was his own attempts to fill the silence, or to let you know you weren’t alone, but he eventually groaned. “Hey, read me one. I wanna know what they say.” 
Unable to say no to your companion, you nodded slowly and smiled weakly, “Alright, alright, let’s see what we have here...” 
You plucked out a random letter with neat packaging. However, just because the exterior was pretty, didn’t mean the interior message would be. You learned that already from the last two letters you had read. 
This envelope looked somewhat similar to the last one, square-shaped and tied closed with string. However, instead of the knot of ribbons on it, it held a simpler gift. The brown rope around it was tied in a neat bow, and between the string were lavender stems with a small branch of wild berries. 
Grim immediately indulged in the berries and the flowers, staining his little fangs and whiskers with the sweet sticky juice and purple petals. All the while exclaiming, “Oh, oh! I remember this letter. Some bird came to drop it and it flew away just before I could catch it...” 
A short laugh escaped your lips as you hear him. “So that’s why you were grumbling this morning.” 
Not wanting to be reminded again, he swat his paw at your nose as the feline hissed, “Shh! Just read already!” 
Dear player, 
I truly am deeply remorseful and I offer my sincerest apologies. 
I was to be a knight, that has been something I have strived for ever since I was a child. A knight not just to serve Malleus but to protect others, and eventually I discovered my purpose was to serve you as well. But... all I did was stand idly by and watch the torment. Shortly after meeting your vessel, I had promised to shield you from all danger. I broke that promise. 
I cannot imagine how frightened you must have been. Had just one person stop and thought things through, they may have realized the horrible mistake that was being made. Had I acted as soon as I felt the tug on my heart when I saw you weakened and on the dirt, I may have saved you from anymore pain. 
Those eyes, your eyes, I see them in my sleep. You were scared, and through your gaze you were pleading for help, were you not? I see it every time I close my eyes. You witnessed it yourself, the very moment when I had failed you. You were right there, so close I could have extended a helping hand. But my grief rendered me sightless, all I could think of in that moment is how my heart ached and how I longed to see you again. Even if it was through your vessel. The rumors didn’t quite make any sense to me, as I wondered how could anyone possibly be so cruel as to tear you away from us? 
Father had said that it would all be over soon. That capturing the imposter and bringing them to their knees, would make everything better. But when I saw you on the ground before we learned of your identity, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was alright. Would the player have wanted this? Would they have scorned upon witnessing the scene? Would this undoubtedly end the throbbing pain I felt in my heart? The pain was becoming unbearable, and I was not the only one to feel it. The news made little sense to me. Sebek insisted that it was true, and Father seemed to believe so as well. However, that is no excuse for how I went along as if it were okay. 
You were innocent and helpless, you, the player, not only witnessed the scene but were the victim. I’m so sorry, I should have done something... If it were the only way to gain your forgiveness, I would spend every moment of my waking hours writing letters of apology. To do so I would keep myself awake for as long as humanely possible. If asked, I would use every moment to pen these letters, each different from the last. Although after several attempts in redoing this single letter, I realize that it would be a pointless endeavor. 
After reflecting, the only way to make up for what I have do is be patient. 
Be patient and await for word from you. I cannot force you, I cannot pressure you, I can only pause and prepare myself to do whatever I must in order to earn back your grace. 
Please, do not keep me waiting too long. I know I have no right to ask you this. I’m willing to wait years if needed, but part of me has this fear that I will never regain a spot near your heart until I’m frail and feeble with age. Rest assured, even in old age, I would be willing to be your knight. Even if my bones ached, I would raise my sword and shield. If I couldn’t use my weakened legs, I would call upon a horse to be my steed. And if I were to become magicless, I would use the remainder of my physical strength to serve you. 
If I may be honest with you? I have no idea what to do. Yes, I said I would wait, but what else can I do? What can I do to eventually secure a place beside you, if it were possible? In times of trouble I normally turn to Lilia and Malleus for advice, however, I am a bit unsettled by their approach to this delicate matter. Truthfully, I am anxious, but while they share the sentiment, they are oddly confident that things will turn out alright in the end. I am unsure how they can muster the self-assurance to quell their fears. Maybe they know something that I do not, and have decided not to share this secret for now... 
Nevertheless, for now I’ll eagerly anticipate the day we can reunite just as I have dreamed. I greatly look forward to the second where not only I can see you smile once again and your eyes might finally look at me with content, but also the moment where all those I know might get the opportunity to be in your peaceful grace. 
I’ve dragged this letter on for too long. If you were to take something away from this letter, let it be this: I will carry out your wishes. No matter what you may think of me, whether it be a positive or negative image in your mind, I will continue forward in your name. Even if you think me unfit for the title of knight, then consider me a humble servant instead. Nothing will shake my commitment, and I will do whatever it is you ask. 
This is a pledge that will not be broken. 
This letter felt a bit lighter than the others. Still, it was slightly intense in its own way, but it was nowhere near as extreme as the previous two were. And, maybe you had a better opinion on Silver, not because he was gentle with his words but because he was one of the very few who hadn’t threatened you, directly harmed you, or treated you cruelly. 
But! He didn’t get a free pass just because of that. Yes, he may not have directly caused any harm, but he didn’t exactly help you either. 
Grim had taken the letter from you, and inspected the paper in his paws. He held it above his head, scrunching up his nose a bit as he looked it over. “I dunno... he’s okay.” 
At that, you roll your eyes a bit as a smirk crept up from the corner of your mouth. “You’re not just saying that because his letter came with a snack?” 
“No! You think me easy to bribe? I think not! It would take a whole bucket full of berries just to get me to even discuss it. Then, I’d turn them down and take the berries anyways!” The feline proclaimed his brilliant plan should that situation ever arise. Maybe the gifts you allowed him to take were starting to get to his head. “But... he could be worse. Silver, as dumb as he was like everyone else, he did hear me out after they separated us.” 
Silver did that? If that were true, it’s possible that he wasn’t as bad as the others who had wronged you.
“That’s... good to know.” You murmur as you pluck up another random envelope from the pile. 
The last envelope you pick up before you planned to take a break was surprisingly plain. It was just that. A plain white envelope, sealed by green wax with what looked like a family crest that depicted a creature with fangs and scales. One of the corners was crinkled, as if it was gripped too tightly there. 
As soon as you slid out the folded letter, you were bombarded by the ink. Whoever had wrote this, seemed like they applied too much force. This caused certain parts of some letters to be too round and heavy with ink that made those bits feel damp and stain your fingers the slightest bit. Like whoever wrote this, placed just as much pressure with their hands on the pen gliding across the page, as much pressure as they felt weighing on their mind. 
Great Player, 
As I pen this, I am on my hands and knees.
I have prepared a multitude of letters which I will send daily, so that now and in the future you will continue to hear my apology and know I truly mean it. One admission of regret is not enough. An apology is only an acknowledgment of an offense, it does not absolve one of their wrongdoings. I know this! So, I, Sebek Zigvolt, will atone by any means necessary! 
To you, the player who I wronged and deserves nothing but happiness and perfection, I give my deepest sincerest profuse apology. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m SORRY. Right now when I look at my hands that I use to write, I’m reminded of the vicious way I grabbed you like some... heathen! These hands sullied your flawless self, and for that alone I will never forgive myself!
Had it not been for the wise words of Master Lilia and the bothersome yet logical reasoning from Silver, I would have been at your door everyday, every hour, begging for a second chance. In the midst of brainstorming, I presented my idea of crawling on hands and knees, from Diasomnia to the Ramshackle Dorm, to deliver the letter myself. Then, I would display whatever cuts or bruises formed on my palms and knees which I would receive from the rocky roads or thorns, that way you may see my devotion was true and no lengths are too great when it comes to you! No matter the pain or burden! The idea seems to appeal to Lord Malleus, but I was told that it comes off as too extreme...
But! I beg to differ!! I only consider it so that you may understand what I feel, so that you might comprehend the things I would do for you, and receive me back in your good graces! Additionally, delivering the letter in this manner would cause me as much or more physical pain than I caused you! It is a shame that things have come to this. I had wished so much for our first proper meeting to be one of joy where you might accept me as your knight! In spite of that, I will not falter in shame! If I were to deliver the following letters in that method I had detailed earlier, I would wear the scars proudly! It would be physical proof of my faithfulness towards you! 
I am sorry, and I will continue to say it. Perhaps, this may be presumptuous of me, but if you consider it, Diasomnia did not torment you nearly as long as any other insolent dorm had! And! We retainers accompanied Lord Malleus every day to check on the wellbeing of your vessel, and watch over it while investigating various possible approaches on how to revive Yuu. We diligently did this until the moment we encountered your true self! 
I swear to you, no one shall harm you from this moment forth! 
From now on, I’ll march forward and see to it that you are never hurt ever again! This is something I know that my fellow dormmates will tirelessly work toward as well. 
Have you realized that we have been guarding you and the serenity of your dorm in the past days? Have you not thought it strange that none have come to needlessly pester you? Yes, that is all thanks to the efforts of those in Diasomnia! Even when you do not realize it, we are insuring your welfare and the tranquility you require to recover! Of course, as much as I desperately want to inform you of the details, I will not. It is best you don’t know. 
Now, I must be honest with you. Originally, I had planned this letter to be much longer and have contents that would have been much different than what you are currently reading. I aimed to be honest in my feelings! But before I could sign off on the original draft, I realized that the others may be in the right. It is possible that our devotion, my devotion, may come off as disquieting if I were completely sincere. I’ve had to restrain myself on many occasions, reminding myself to at least appear collected and controlled. That is not as easy as it sounds! 
How could it be, when the one I must suppress my emotions and actions for, is you? That’s as if asking to repress part of my very soul and heart! I absolutely detest hiding it!! But when I remember this is for you and your own comfort, it becomes bearable. I can only hope that soon, very soon, I might be able to unveil my true sentiments towards you! As intense and extreme as they may be! 
It seems that I’m nearing the word limit that they imposed. Once again, I apologize. I’ll have to contemplate new ways to write ‘sorry.’ I wish I could write a million more words for you! But even a million words wouldn’t be anywhere near a satisfactory amount for me to detail how much I revere you! And it would take more than another million words for me to write a full apology, but even then I wouldn’t be satisfied! No single letter is adequate enough, so be prepared to receive the rest I have written! 
I will make sure they are delivered posthaste! 
Sebek Zigvolt 
Great... you’re back to being unnerved again. 
There was something about them all being so weirdly obsessed, but in vary different ways. Malleus and Lilia puzzled you, they had you feeling the most uneasy by far. Maybe it had to do with the fact that they were both not human, they were arcane beings with enigmatic personalities and objectives that were incomprehensible to you. 
Out of the four, Silver was the only one that was fully human like yourself, but even he was a bit of a mystery as he was raised by the fae. It was hard to be wary of him, which was probably because your distrust and fear of him wasn’t as intense as it was towards the others due to his good nature and lack of actions he took during the whole disaster. 
As for Sebek, well, he was unnerving in his own right but it was nowhere near on the level that Malleus and Lilia were on. At the very least he wasn’t a complete mystery to you. It was easy to figure out his intentions, because he either said them or wore them on his sleeve. 
Your mind was spinning as you looked over the four letters, filled with lines upon lines and more lines of pages. In that moment your breath quickened as you noticed the cloudy sky outside. For a brief second, you feared you would see that familiar flash of green lightning, taking you back to that dark day when you nearly died. It’s like you could feel Sebek’s hands tightly gripping the back of your skull that forced you against the earth, you saw Silver’s sorrowful gaze that spoke a thousand words you didn’t yet understand, you heard Lilia’s words hinting to a doomed fate of becoming some lifeless doll, and god, you couldn’t forget him even if you wanted to. Malleus. He was the worst of all. You felt his nails and fingers constricting around your neck and squeezing out all the air, you saw his haunting green eyes with those slit pupils as he glowered at you with such anger and hate, and you heard what you had thought would be the last words you ever heard come from his lips––
You were torn out of those dark thoughts by the feline in your lap. A concerned frown tugged at Grim’s lips, but once he saw he had your attention, he mustered a slight grin as he held up what looked like an armful of snacks. At least, as much as he could carry in his small paws. From his grin, you could see his little fangs still covered in the remnants of the berries and flower petals.
“Look, I found your favorite! This is getting boring, so let’s just take a break!”
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luna-loveboop · 11 months
It's November. It's November first. Yesterday was October 31st, so October is over. ...it's over. Is it over?
Inktober, artober, whumptober, flufftober, linktober, every tag ending with -tober that's been circulating for the past month... is it over? I don't know why it's just hit me but...
This matters. So I will try to get the message across, even though I'm not the best at it sometimes
Fanartists, fan writers, artists, fic writers, people making comics, every single one of you that has created art for the past month...
Thank you
This is my first October on tumblr. When I started seeing the "tober" tags, seeing the posts from artists with wips, saying they were going to make something every day to a prompt, making masterposts to update with each day, I thought "cool"
But every day this month, I have gotten on here and smiled.
And I don't mean smiled. I mean I smiled at least 20 times every time I got on the app because I saw all the art and fics. I got to see artists/writers connect stories through different day prompts. I saw people having the most brilliant ideas and creativity, flowing from their hands into their posts. I saw artists responding to continuous asks, telling them how amazing they are. I saw artists getting behind, and keeping going.
I saw Free. Beautiful. Emotional. Amazing. Original. Creative. Art.
Every day
I haven't committed to anything of this before, so I can't directly relate to what you guys were thinking and feeling. But I'm willing to guess; I think you probably enjoyed it, because most won't do such a huge project unless they enjoy it. I think you probably saw it as a challenge you were willing to fulfill, and an opportunity to grow and develop your skills.
... but I'm also willing to bet you did it for us. For people like me, who love art, but don't do this specific type, who are in fandoms, who love tracking and watching you art and sending you compliments, who take joy in your work. For the other artists (and writers!) who admire each others styles and love to learn from each other.
If anyone ever tries to tell me that humans are inherently evil again, I will strap them to a chair, pull up these posts and say look. Look at what these people did. Look me in the eyes and tell me these sorts of actions don't come from the most loving hearts. Tell me these people don't want to make others happy, that they aren't inherently good. And I will tell you you're wrong.
I have so much going on, yet somehow it slipped into my life that I was constantly looking at your art for the joy of it without me even noticing.
And how is it possible. That we have such a beautiful community of people here that we will share. And communicate. And exchange compliments. And literally do things and send asks solely for the purpose of making someone smile.
I'm almost crying by now. God I can't express it well enough! But I am so. So. Grateful
You guys brought me a month of joy! You gave headcanons, and art, and stories!
Even yesterday, Halloween, I was blown away. Because I had expected... I didn't expect anything. And then I log on and see people sending happy halloween asks, exchanging doodles of candy, and headcanons and gifs.
And some are still catching up to the schedule or whatever, and that's ok! But at the beginning of this post, when I was simply realizing it was November, I asked myself "is it over?"
Is it over?
... I don't think so. I've seen artists say they're going to continue and expand on a piece they made and especially liked this month. Some people are still continuing, catching up to a voluntary deadline. All those masterposts with your whump/fluff/link/ink tober art? I know many as well as myself will be going through, looking over your posts with smiles, catching up on some things they missed this month... it will continue in the people and artists I didn't know existed before, but now follow. In the skills and growth in creativity! In the community we've grown, and art you've made, and the art to come, at a normal rate like every other month, even if it's not October anymore!
But my artists, writers... thank you so much. I don't know if you guys know how valuable and amazing you are. How incredible it is that you exist! People say it's amazing we exist under a sky of such stars, but how incredible is it that you made a stranger on the internet smile every day! Your life is so. So. Valuable. I can't even express how grateful I am that you exist, that you somehow are selfless enough to share the most beautiful parts of yourself simply to create, and to create joy. Thank you so so much.
(And this applies to all artists, in any fandoms, not just mine. And I'm just as grateful to people who couldn't do something every day, or only one day! You still share your art, you're just as... incredible. You are incredible.)
So I'm gonna do this, and if others want to do it in the reblogs that's great! I do not care at all about reblogging or likes, but I want to make the people that have brought me such joy some appreciation- I hope I can bring you even a smidgen of the light you have brought into my life. So I'm gonna tag all the artists/writers I know of/can think of that have done any sort of October challenge, all of you creators that have made me smile. If people wanna want to tag others in the reblogs or replies to spread love that's cool.
(Basically I don't know social customs or anything at all, so if you don't want me to tag or if I was supposed to do something different or something let me know I have no idea what I'm supposed to do)(if I like accidentally tagged someone who isn't an artist/writer or forgot someone I follow... sorry)
@skyward-floored @kikker-oma @adrift-in-thyme @blueskittlesart @zeldaseyebrows @smilesrobotlover @bahbahhh @soso-dedeck @lennsart @arecaceae175 @illcamp @breannasfluff @solarfire-art @26kabeuchi @cathianemelian @truffeart @scribbly-z-raid @uniquevoidflowers
To all the artists and writers out there: thank you so much!!! You are amazing and I'm glad you exist. Your life is precious, and you matter. Thank you so much for sharing your beauty with us, we love you too!!!!!
... yeah. Just want yall to feel loved... because you are. Again, thank you. Thank you so so much to my beautiful creators who create joy as well as art, who keep storytelling alive. Just... thank you.
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spdrvyn · 1 year
full stomachs, fuller hearts — MIGUEL O'HARA
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SUMMARY: miguel has gotten used to eating dinner by himself so you decide to change his nightly routine.
THIS FIC CONTAINS: literally nothing but pure unaldulterated fluff. gender neutral terms mostly but querido is used once.
NOTES: OKAY so this was actually a request for someone but i was a dumbass and accidentally POSTED the draft when i meant to save it for later, i panicked and deleted the post so now i lost the request from my inbox forever 💔 whoever that dude was i hope you find this and i hope you enjoy
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Lonely dinners were always a common occurence for Miguel.
That was just how things are. After a long and drawn out day of protecting the multiverse, protecting the city, protecting everything that he's built up and coming home to a desolate penthouse.
It was the norm for him, he had grown accustomed to it. Being isolated in general wasn't a foreign concept to him, but you brought more change to his life that he thought he would hate.
He loves you a lot. You two had been in a committed relationship for a few months now but haven't moved in yet. The every few hours during a day that you would get to visit him or perhaps he could swing by to your apartment were the only times he felt some sense of warmth in his cold, silent life.
It's not like he didn't want to ask you to move in, he does. Oh, so badly. It's just that the constant fear that he's going too fast or getting too excited over this newfound love. He doesn't want to scare you away.
There was also just a small part of him that was getting too used to being around you. It's gone to the fact that whenever he ate dinner, he'd always imagine you on the other side of that table, laughing and sharing stories about how you're day went.
When he snapped out of it, the sight of the empty chair across him brought his spirits down even more.
You were aware of this too.
Which was why you were up at the wee hours of the night, trying to watch an online video recipe for making empanadas. You knew how to cook enough meals to get by but you wanted to try something different for Miguel.
The bar was set a little bit higher this time. You've been over at Miguel's place before and he has cooked for you and every single time you've tried his dishes they were utterly delectable.
You didn't only want to make all of this food for him just because he's constantly eating alone but because he's really expanded your tastebuds ever since you two developed a much more intimate relationship. You could at least owe him one homecooked dinner.
Reminders to yourself, thank Lyla for letting you in and don't blow up Miguel's penthouse.
As you followed the tutorial step-by-step, you couldn't help but let your mind wander a little further. You wondered how Miguel was doing right now.
Yes, he's strong and agile in an almost inhuman way but at the same time you still worried for him. If only he could be here right now, you'd love to have the opportunity to cook with him.
He was grateful that you weren't in the present moment with him right now, his stomach growl in anticipation for it's next meal as he was running and swinging from rooftop to rooftop to get back to his penthouse.
There were many obstacles that he encountered on the way back. The classic old lady getting her purse snatched which gave him severe déjà vu, a bank robbery, and a cat stuck in a tree.
He grew progressively exhausted with each stop, not forgetting that he had his actual duties at the headquarters that he just left from. Sore muscles and a throbbing head, a painful combo for Miguel.
Maybe he should just skip dinner altogether and opt to immediately pass out on his bed, showering in the morning and having a very heavy breakfast. Yeah, that would work...
He glares into the window of his penthouse, not because he was hesitant to make the jump but because the lights were open. He was sure that he left all of his rooms in complete darkness before leaving.
With one final jump, his claws dig into the edge of his window as he pulls himself up. His eyes narrow, in attempts of getting a good peek of what exactly was going on.
An intruder, a home invasion, Lyla having a party without telling him were all of his possible theories.
What he didn't expect was to see you setting up his plate on his kitchen island, plates of delicious smelling food prepared as well.
There was an intrusion, that's for sure. The intrusion of blush on his cheeks, which he quickly had to shake as he took his mask off.
However, as quickly as it disappeared, it came back once he saw the look on your face the moment you noticed his presence.
Pure glee and warmth is how he'd describe it. It's also how he'd describe the embrace that you immediately pull him into, throwing the silverware that you were readying.
It's not like he hesitated to touch you either, he wrapped his arms around you. So glad that he gets to bask in your existence again, bask in you.
"What's all this, querido?"
You separate from Miguel for a brief moment before walking over to the kitchen counter, proudly showing off your creations. "Empanadas and menudo!"
It was like stars clouded Miguel's vision as it all goes through his mind. You came to his house, fixed up a whole meal for him, and for what? He doesn't remember getting you any gifts recently.
So why?
"Are you just going to stare or are you going to try one?" chuckled you, at least it got Miguel to snap out of his daze. His hands reaches out to one of the empanadas and he takes a bite.
Okay, if he was being honest, he's tasted much better before.
But you put so much thought, so much time, and so much care into making this for him. All of those qualities overshadowed the taste and dryness of it, filling his stomach with something else entirely.
This was probably one of the best empanadas he's ever tasted.
"It's really good." He says, swallowing the last of his food, "Best that one I've ever tasted, mi cielo." Then leaning in to press a small kiss to your forehead, warm hand cupping your cheek.
"You're just saying that, Miguel. I tasted them before you got here and they're really dry."
"Still the best I've ever tasted."
He continues to plant kisses on you, trailing from your forehead to the bridge of your nose to your cheek then boarding at your lips, you giggle into the kiss but before it progresses any further, he stops and pulls away.
"Do you want to move in with me?"
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request rules here, masterlist here
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bad268 · 5 months
Hi! Could you please write a Joao Felix x reader fic with this prompt "I thought bringing you roses would be romantic." "You really got these for me?" Either Joao or the reader can say the first line whichever you prefer and of course you don't have to write it if you don't want to. Only found your fics recently but already really loving them!❤️
Red Roses (Joao Felix X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FCB
Requested: Clearly (Thank you love! I'm glad you like them! Sorry for the wait <3)
Warnings: None
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1162
Summary: Red Roses (n): The most classic of them all, red roses symbolize passion and communicate love.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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You were always known for sharing your affections through gifts. Anytime you saw something that reminded you of someone or you wanted to express gratitude for someone, you bought them something. It took a while, but you eventually learned that it was your love language.
When you met your boyfriend, Joao, you presented him with a single wildflower because the brightness of it reminded you of his smile. You told him that, and he immediately responded by asking you out. Now, you were going on three years strong.
Every once in a while, he would come home to random wrapped gifts or a bouquet (look at me go) of carnations or daisies on the table with a note. Those two flowers always remind you of him, so you can never resist, you said one time. Sometimes you were awake when he got there, but sometimes you were asleep or busy. He never judged, but he always waited to open the gift or read the note until you were awake or home. 
One day, he came back from an away game, and he was on cloud nine after the team won. It was the usual post-game feeling, he couldn’t help it. When he pushed open the door to your shared house, the lights were off, and there was no one there.
Now, he would not worry normally, but whenever you had plans, you texted him as such just in case he came home early. That’s the first red flag. Then he remembered telling you he would be back around this time, and you always try your best to be at the house when he comes home unless you have prior commitments. Even then, you communicate that with him. Red flag number two. Then, he goes into the kitchen, looking for the usual gift you leave for him, but there’s nothing. Not to say he always expected something from you, but it was something he always came to look forward to, especially after an away game. Third red flag.
That’s when he decided to call you. He pulled up your contact and immediately pressed call you. He could hear the ringing from inside the house. Your shared bedroom to be exact. Your phone was sitting on the bedside table, charging as it always is right before you go to bed. He double-checked around the house for you. The guest room, your office, the bathrooms, anything. He could not find you.
Now, he’s convinced you’re dead. 
He runs down towards the front door, and that is when he notices a small light coming from the backyard. Of course, you were out there, he thought. Why didn’t he think of that?
He gingerly opened the door to the back patio and there you were, standing and holding a bouget of red roses out for him. He slowly walked up to you, looking around at all of the lights you had set up in the couple of days he was out. When he reached you, he took the bouquet from your hands. 
"You really got these for me?" Joao whispered as he held one of your hands in his that was not holding the flowers. “Were you just waiting out here while I had a heart attack inside?”
"I thought bringing you red roses would be romantic," You laughed, “and were you inside this whole time? I thought you said you’d be home around 7?”
“I did,” He said, looking confused.
“It���s still only 6,” You trailed off. That’s when he looked at his watch, and yes, he was early. You were not even expecting him yet, so that would explain why you were not in the house.
“Oh,” he whispered to himself before changing the topic and pointing up at the twinkling lights, “Do you always sit outside when I’m gone? When did you set the lights up?”
“Only when I’m planning something,” You trailed off again as you pulled away from Joao.
“Don’t tell me the difference in flowers means you’re breaking up with me,” He gasped, dropping his hands and almost the flowers in the process. “Please, we can talk about this-”
“Maybe if you stopped overthinking everything and let me get to the punchline,” You chuckled as you grabbed his hand again, but still kept a little bit of space between you two. “You would know I’m doing nothing of the sort.”
“Oh, there’s a punchline to this?” Joao let out a breath as a nervous smile enveloped his features.
“There is, but you need to trust me,” You dragged out as you pulled away again. This time, he let you pull back with little resistance. “I need you to close your eyes.”
“Is this where I get killed? Or is this where you bring out a dog?”
“If I answer either of those, I will spoil the surprise.” He closed his eyes, but the look on his face was priceless. Guaranteed, he was thinking that he was getting a dog, but no. Well, maybe after this, but at this exact moment, no it’s not a dog. “Keep them shut.”
He closed his eyes tighter, if that was possible, while you ran off to the garden where you had some supplies for the surprise. You had not had the chance to get everything set up because he came early. You were sitting outside trying to figure out the layout, and just as you grabbed the flowers, he walked outside.
You grabbed the rose petals from the roses you had been growing and scattered them in a line leading to the center of the garden. You had everything ready there. The lights, the sign, and most importantly, the ring were there.
You were nervous, but you knew this was the next step. You were ready for it, so hopefully, he was too. You waited a minute, knowing he was impatient and would open his eyes without you even saying to. You expected this. 
Joao opened his eyes and saw the flower petal trail. Were those there when he first came out, he thought, and where did you go? They say that curiosity killed the cat, and he followed the trail to the middle of your garden. It was your ongoing project, and you took pride in everything that you grew in it. From flowers to fruits and veggies, your garden has it all. He never really went in it as it was your domain, so he found himself in awe of everything as he followed the trail.
At the end of the trail, he did not notice you at first. He was too busy looking around, but when he finally saw you, he froze.
There you were, on your knee, holding a ring out for him with a light-up sign behind you.
“Will you marry me?” It read. 
Needless to say, the roses were on the ground within a second as he ran to envelop you in a hug, whispering stings of “yes”s.
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martinsluvr · 7 months
coffee and basketball
pairing: kate martin x fem reader! 2022-2023 season!
warnings: fluff! friends to lovers trope!? small mention of drinking! mentions of anxiety/fear of love!
authors note: pls be gentle this is my first fic
dec 5th 2022 ~ post iowa win against iowa state (dec 4th). score 70-57. kate martin with 13 points.
reader’s pov
the energy in iowa city was booming after last night’s win. i’ve been working at this coffee shop in iowa city since my freshman year of college and i’ve become accustomed to talking “game talk” my entire shift the day after a game, and if any of the players decide to stop in to do homework or for a quick drink, i sympathize as i watch them get trapped into nonstop conversations about basketball. iowa city is extremely proud of and cherishes our women’s basketball team, and quite frankly you never hear the end of it when you’re living here.
our coffee shop gets quite busy everyday, and my shift passes by with ease. as i’m finishing making the last order i took before clocking out, i see two familiar blondes walk in.
“hiiii!!! great game you guys!! your usuals today?”
“hey y/n thank you, yes please! how are you? when are you actually going to come to a game in person!” monika exclaimed. after working here for so long, we’ve developed a genuine friendship, sometimes catching up for a drink or just enjoying each other’s company in our apartments.
“i know, i know.. i promise i will before the season ends!” i laughed as i made their drinks. “kate, you did really good last night, i really wish i could’ve been there”.
i could see kate blushing out of the corner of my eye as I finished making their drinks, and monika nudging her. “y/n i am going to drag you to the next home game myself, kate always looks around and hopes you’re the-“ monika was interrupted by kate obnoxiously faking a cough attack. i laughed, blushing and handed them their drinks. as i handed kate her drink, our fingertips slightly touched and we made eye contact.
“in the meantime maybe we can go to open gym tonight? i can rebound for you and give you time to reenact some of your moves from the game for me” i said as i smiled up at kate with my eyebrows raised. although i was NOT short, yet kate disagrees, she was still 8 inches taller than me as I stood at 5’4. “we can meet at my apartment at 6 if you’re up for it”.
kate knew what i was doing. i knew what i was doing.
kate’s pov
my palms were immediately sweating. i looked down at her and honestly just forgot every single thing she’s said since i walked in because i cannot stop looking at her eyes and how well they compliment her dark hair, she just dyed it - i can tell. My eyes scan over her exposed tattoos on her arm and i quickly look back into her eyes so i don’t look like more of a creep than i already do.
“6pm is good. i’ll be there. at 6”, i tried playing it cool. she laughed, shaking her head and saying her quick goodbyes as she had to rush to her 2 o’clock class.
“you know you said 6 twice. i think she knew what time considering SHE asked YOU” monika explained while almost tumbling over laughing. “i mean kate, you should’ve seen your face. you two have been doing this for a year now. why have you not made a move on her? she’s clearly interested in you”
i sighed, “monika I don’t know. i really do like her but it’s just scary. i don’t know if i can commit to something, especially right now. basketball is our life and how will someone ever be able to fall in love with me if i can only see them for a few hours a week?” monika rubbed my shoulder and brought me in for a hug.
“just because you are a D1 athlete does not mean this is your entire life. you still deserve to have a life outside of basketball, and if anyone, she would be the most understanding” monika said, “you’ve got to make a move before she gives up. i know she’s into you kate. you deserve to feel and be loved”.
she really always was right.
we spent the rest of the day doing homework together and making lunch. as it got closer to 6, i could feel the knots in my stomach getting worse. luckily, we lived in the same apartment complex so it was a quick walk to her apartment.
5:55pm and i’m already at her door. is that too early? too desperate?
i knock a few times to let her know i’m here. i could just say i came early so i could see her cats
i looked down twiddling my thumbs, patiently waiting.
“coming!” i heard faintly from her apartment. she opened the door and quickly embraced me.
“kate hi! i just have to feed my cats before we leave so just come in for a minute” she said while frantically trying to feed her cats before they tried jumping into the food. i stepped into her apartment and patiently waited, laughing as her cats were jumping up her legs and meowing.
“you know, i’ve always been a dog person but i love your cats. they are just so adorable and have such a personality” i remarked.
“hah yeah, you can take them whenever. they are the best for cuddling but feeding them is still terrifying” she laughed.
she collected her bag, which i offered to hold, her water bottle and keys. we locked up her apartment and walked down to her car.
“midnights?” we asked in unison, both laughing after realizing we jinxed each other. i adore that she loves taylor swift almost as much as i do. i plugged in my phone to her aux and shuffled the album. as we started driving to our practice gym, i couldn’t help but steal glances at her, imagining what it would be like if we were more than friends, if i wasn’t so scared, i thought. i wouldn’t be afraid to hold her hand or her thigh while one of us drives. i wouldn’t be afraid to kiss her at every red light. i wouldn’t be afraid of love with her.
we pulled into the parking lot and i quickly grabbed both of our bags, and we made our way inside. no one had the practice gym booked for tonight, so it was just us. i put in my code to enter the gym, and we settled our stuff down.
“so.. what are we doing today coach kate” she smiled widely at me. i grinned and grabbed the rack of basketballs, pulling it next to the free throw line.
“well, let’s work on some free throw shots first”.
reader’s pov
after an hour of rebounding for kate and even taking some shots for myself, i decided to line myself up at the free throw line. i was never one to play sports, but i’ve always loved watching them. i’ve always been so jealous of people’s hand-eye coordination, as it never seemed to work for me which led to me burying myself in studies and clubs for years.
i try to fix my form like kate taught me, then launched it.
again, i grabbed another ball and launched it.
and again, and again. miss. miss. miss.
kate stifled a laugh watching me, and as i turned to glare at her she put her arms up in surrender.
“here, let me help you. we’ve already gone over this y/n, are you missing on purpose?” she questioned. i shook my head, my breath getting faster the closer she got to me. i faced the basket with the ball in my hands hoping to hide my blush.
“here, move over a little” kate said as she put her hands on my waist, moving me to the right a little. “now put your right hand here, and your left hand here” she said as she guided my hands from behind. all i could focus on was her breath on my neck and how close our bodies were without touching. “now shoot”
straight net.
“see! you can do it! but, can you guard me?” she questioned as she quickly knocked the new ball out of my hands, dribbling away from me.
“kate, of course i can guard you” i laughed chasing after her. we played 1 on 1 for a few minutes, her scoring on me multiple times and me not even able to keep the ball in my hands for more than a minute. as i jumped up to block her shot, i tumbled over her as we both fell to the ground. her arms were quick to grab my waist to ensure i fell on her instead of the hard wood court.
“kate!” i exclaimed laughing, “you could’ve hurt yourself and lisa would have actually hunted me down and killed me!”
we were both laughing as i rolled off of her and laid next to her on the ground. she turned over to look at me with a wide smile. we grabbed each other’s hands as we helped each other up, yet i stumbled into her again.
“a little clumsy tonight aren’t we?” she teased. her hands hesitant to continue holding my waist as we stood centimeters apart.
“i guess you just make me a little nervous” i confidently stated. our eyes stayed locked in for a minute, and for a split second i swore i saw her look at my lips, until she quickly pulled away almost breaking out in a sprint to our bags.
“we should get going, the janitors will be here soon to start locking up” she hurriedly said.
with a heavy sigh, i walked towards the exit grabbing my keys and water bottle as we made our way to the exit.
the car ride to the apartment complex was silent. i felt uneasy. is it me? is she just not into me? i thought. as i pulled in to my spot, kate offered to walk me back up to my apartment. the walk was long,
and silent. as i got to my door, i pulled out my key as fast as i could to unlock the door. “thank you for walking me kate, goodnight” i said as i tried rushing into my apartment. before i could shut my door, she put her hand out to hold it open”
“wait y/n,” she hesitated, “there’s been something i’ve been meaning to do for a while now”. kate strides towards me, reaching out to put one hand on my hip and one hand on my check, quickly pulling me up towards her and before i knew it, she kissed me.
she really kissed me.
her lips were soft. i could feel our smiles through the kiss and my heart nearly beating out of my chest, i wonder if she felt it too. kate pulled away first, looking down at me smiling, moving both hands to my cheeks.
“goodnight y/n” she said as she kissed my forehead. she backed away towards the door, and left before i could say a word.
i sheepishly slid my back down the cold wooden front door and made my way down to the floor. between the heat on my cheeks, tingling sensation on my lips, and the sound of my heartbeat thumping through my chest, nothing else in the world mattered in that moment. i delicately brought my finger to my lips, trying to relive the feeling through the sensations. my cheeks were hot and hurting. 'have I ever smiled this big in my life?', I thought. my legs slightly shaking as i slowly got up, making my way through my apartment to my bedroom. everything was bright even with all of my lights off. i sat down at my vanity, staring at myself in the mirror. through the slight shine of the exposed moonlight, i could see the red and pink flush all over my face. my phone buzzed in my sweater pocket. 
i had a great time, the text read, see you tmrw for my usual? :)
i held the phone to my chest tightly, feeling the coldness of the screen through my clothes, but nothing else was cold. everything was warm because she kissed me.
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crappy-writings · 2 months
Daylight (Song Fic)
Based on “Daylight” by Maroon 5
WandaxReader // Angst
Summary: As morning closes in on Westview, you spend your last moments with her.
Trigger Warnings: Death
*There’s a throwaway line that could potentially be interpreted as the reader being latinx or having latinx roots. 
Word Count: 2,696
A/N: I found this mostly finished draft and finished it. Nothing special but still thought I'd post it.
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist | Recced Fics Masterlist
Let me know if anything needs to be fixed!
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Here I am waiting, I'll have to leave soon
Why am I holding on?
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along
How did it come so fast?
You stood by the bottom of the staircase, hand trailing down the railing. Your eyes flit over to the top of the stairs, thoughts of your boys who now lay asleep run through your mind. The events of the last week played over and over in your head; even though it had only been a short time, it felt like a lifetime. 
So many questions ran through your head, the inability to focus on a single one and the struggle to even muster up an answer left an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You do not know where you came from nor what you were, and that scares you. According to everyone, you have been gone for a long time now. 
Your thought process is interrupted as the red hue of the retreating barrier that gave you this reality catches your eyes through the window. It got closer and closer with every passing second; your time was running out faster than you were prepared for. 
This is our last night but it's late
And I'm trying not to sleep
'Cause I know, when I wake
I will have to slip away
Your attention is brought over to Wanda when you hear the click of a lamp being turned off in the living room, another one still lighting up the space. Dread fills your body; You did not want to be in the dark. You want to be able to see her, to hold her close to you and feel her heart beat against yours, to be able to gaze into her eyes and say “I love you” one last time. You want to say goodbye.
With that thought running through your mind, you walk towards the lamp she just turned off and light it back up, just as she turns off the other. She tilts her head to the side in an inquisitive manner, a soft smile shaping her lips. You take a few moments before answering as you try to commit every small detail of her to memory. 
“I, um… My grandma once told me that it’s bad luck to say goodbye in the dark,” you finally answer. The excuse was lame, but you can not bring yourself to care. All you cared about was this moment, here and now. All you cared about was her. 
“No she didn’t,” she says softly with a gentle shake of her head. A quiet, amused sigh escapes your lips. 
“Yeah, no. No, she didn’t,” you walk closer to her, standing a few feet away from her, “I just… I wanted to see you clearly.”
“And?” she closes the gap between you as she reaches out for your hands.
“And…”  you look down as you hold her hands in your own, “Here you are.”
A buzzing sound fills the room and both you and Wanda stare out to the approaching energy field. Your grip tightens up around her hands, fearing that you yourself would suddenly disappear without a warning. The sinking feeling in your chest was back stronger than before, the realization that time was fleeting crashing back again. You tear your gaze away from the window and look at your wife, the woman you loved, and say, “Dance with me.”
Her eyes, which were previously holding worry, soften as she settles her sights on you once more. “Please?” you add softly.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
“Please?” you draw out the word, your hand outstretched for her to grab if she accepted. F.R.I.D.A.Y. had been blasting music throughout the compound speakers all day for no known reason and no one had been able to make the AI stop. Additionally, no one knew why the AI was playing music; You choose to believe that one of the ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that was now working for Stark Industries had successfully tampered with the AI’s systems as a prank.
You were helping Wanda in the kitchen with lunch when your favorite song from when you were a child came on. A wide smile spreads across your cheeks when you hear its first notes, a wave of nostalgia and happy memories washing over you. Letting go of the kitchen knife you were holding, you start dancing along to the music, not caring if your moves matched with the rhythm. 
Wanda stops stirring the pot and looks at you with a confused albeit amused expression. You catch her stare and, somehow, your smile widens. You were completely captured by her eyes, the way that she smiles, the shape of her lips. You couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss her. 
“Come on Maximoff, join me,” you say while doing the silliest dance move you could think of. This brings out a laugh from her, and you make it your mission to hear that sound again. “No, no, no, I don’t dance,” she shakes her head in amusement. 
“Come on, dance with me,” you drag just about every word in that sentence while extending out your arm towards her, “just one song, one song and we can get back to cooking.
She rolls her eyes playfully at your antics; even though she has not known you for a very long time, she finds you to be quite endearing, perhaps even charming. She can’t help but think that Pietro would have liked you if he were still here. 
She reaches out for your arm, “Fine, just one dance.” An excited grin breaks out on your face and you pull her close to you just as a bachata song begins to play. A smile breaks out on your face as you look up at the ceiling, a different set of images of family gatherings and parties flashing through your mind.  
Here I am staring at your perfection
In my arms, so beautiful
The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out
Somebody slow it down
You hold both her hands in yours, “have you ever danced bachata before?” 
“I have never heard this type of music before,” she answers honestly, a soft blush coating her cheeks. You give her a soft smile before saying, “that’s okay, just follow me, you’re in for a treat.
You explain the simple dance moves while showcasing the steps, your hands swinging along to your movements. “And you just repeat those steps. Oh, and you have to move your hips as you step.” 
Wanda watches you intently and tries her best to follow in suit. You watch as she stares down at her feet, trying her best to match your movements and rhythm. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed in concentration, her mouth curving in a way indicative of her biting the inside of her lip. She looked cute when she was concentrating.
“You know you’re allowed to mess up the rhythm a little bit and enjoy yourself, right?” you ask teasingly.
Her eyes lift up from the ground and focus on you, giving you a playful glare while the corners of her lips tick up in amusement. “Shut up,” she says softly, though her tone indicated no annoyance. Regardless, your comment managed to do the trick, as you notice her body becoming less stiff and fully giving into the music.
This is way too hard
'Cause I know, when the sun comes up
I will leave, this is my last glance
That will soon be memory
Soon enough, the both of you fell into rhythm and Wanda had mastered the basic steps. “I’m gonna give you a little spin now, okay?” you ask with a small giggle. 
Wanda looked up at you, and you could sense a bit of anxiety from her. She took a quick breath, relaxing once more before saying, “okay.”
You can’t hold back the smile that comes to your lips. You could feel a flutter in your chest. “Okay, in three, two, one.”
You let go of her waist and you spin her around and she laughs her wonderful laugh. “See? It’s easy,” you smile at her. “You were right,” she admits, her shining eyes met yours. Your heart could not help but melt. “Let’s do it again,” you say as a similar beat is about to come up again. “Okay,” she breathes out. 
You begin to spin her once more, but this time, she lost her balance and knocked into you.
The slight misstep somehow had you both tumbling to the ground with you falling on top of her. 
A fit of giggles erupt from the both of you as you move off from on top of her. “Are you okay?” you ask, still giggling, as you stand up and stretch your hand out to her. She gives you a soft “yes” and a nod as she graciously accepts it and you help her up off the ground. As you do, you accidentally pulled her right into your arms. The air seems to electrify around the both of you, the light teasing air suddenly dissipating into a more serious atmosphere.
Goosebumps cover your skin as time seemingly stills around you. All you can do is stare into the lovely green hues of her eyes. Thoughts of how much you’d like to kiss her ran through your mind. Neither of you realized how close your faces were to one another until Tony’s voice cut through the tension that penetrated the room, “Want me to set off the sprinklers? Make it a scene from Singing in the Rain?”
You both immediately break away from each other, putting a few feet of distance between the two of you. 
“Wh-what do you want, Tony?” you ask as you feel your face burning with the embarrassment of being caught. “Don’t mind me, Casablanca, I’m looking for my coffee mug,” he says as he crosses his arms over his chest, his signature cocky smile on his face. You quickly grab his Iron-Man-helmet-shaped coffee mug from the counter and hand it to him. “Here you go, see you later,” you avoid his eyes and all but push him out of the kitchen. 
“Let me know for next time, I’d love to watch Grease live,” he says ironically. You let out a fake laugh while holding out your middle finger at him as he leaves the kitchen. You hear him singing both parts of “Summer Nights” as he walks away down the corridor.
Silence then settles over the room and part of you is hesitant to look at her. You played with your thumbs as anxiety twinged in your heart. You couldn’t have been the only one who felt that, right? 
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
A shaky intake of breath makes you snap your head at her. She was still staring out to where Tony had just disappeared through before her eyes landed on you. An electric surge suddenly filled your body and, before you could think about it, you began to speak, “Wanda, I--”
“Would you like to go out with me?” she suddenly blurted out before you could finish your sentence. A stunned silence overtakes you as Wanda herself seems to begin to understand what exactly she just said out loud. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-- I did not--,” she begins to stumble through an apology, but it was your turn to interrupt. 
“I would love to go out with you,” you say, a smile quickly growing on your lips, “I would absolutely love to go out with you.”
Relief floods her expression as you see the tension roll off her shoulders. As realization sets in, she also breaks out into a radiant smile that makes your heart melt. “I hear there’s a nice coffee shop that opened recently not far from here. Maybe we can go there tonight?” you ask tentatively as you bite the inside of your cheek.
“That sounds nice,” she says as she looks down and begins to play with her fingers. You caught the light blush covering her cheeks and you feel your own begin to warm up. “Perfect,” you clear your voice, “it’s-it’s a date then.”
She looks up into your eyes, the smile never leaving her face, “it’s a date.”
I never wanted to stop
Because I don't wanna start all over, start all over
I was afraid of the dark
But now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want
Memories of your first date flood your mind. You remember the coffee shop that you went to, where you did not leave until closing time and then walking to Central Park. It started to rain and there was nowhere to take shelter, so you both played in the rain, despite shivering by the end of it. You remember the museum date you went on and imitating the T-Rex in the dinosaur exhibit. The younger kids that hung around laughed and started to imitate you. You remember dancing on the Compound’s rooftop under the stars while everyone slept. You told her you loved for the first time in the moonlight. 
Memories of a life before magic stones and genocidal maniacs became clear after having been fuzzy in your mind for so long. 
“Yes,” she finally says, “I’ll dance with you.”
You smile a grateful smile. You place one of your hands on the small of her back; she, in turn, wrapped an arm around your shoulder. Your other hands joined together in the air as you looked into each other's eyes for a few brief moments. You both sway gently around the room, falling into a rhythm that is all too familiar to you both. As many times before, no music played to accompany your movements; you did not need any.
You give her a slow spin, and she giggled. “Careful not to trip,” you say gently with a smile. She playfully hits your chest as she gracefully lands in your arms once more. You begin to hum a tune as you continue to dance. She lays her head against you and sighs softly.
You stare down at her lovingly. ‘I wish we could stay like this forever,’ you think to yourself.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Another buzzing sound interrupts the moment, and you both instinctively look out the window. You look on as the force barrier continues to approach quickly and a feeling of dread bubbles up at the bottom of your stomach. 
“It seems like we’re out of time, darling,” you say quietly, as if speaking too loudly would make the barrier close faster. You realized you were still holding on to each other as you felt her grip tighten around your arms. Neither one of you was ready to let go. 
You tear your gaze away from the widow, your eyes falling on her. You find yourself taking in every detail of her again.
“Wanda, I--” you begin to say, “this may not be the best time for this, but I feel like I need to know. What am I?” 
Her gaze softens as she stares into your eyes. For a moment, you were transported to the day you taught her to dance in the kitchen while you cooked together.
“You, my love, are the combination of everything we’ve been through. Every memory, every fight, every dance… You are the embodiment of our love. But most importantly, you are who you have always been.” 
She gave you the softest of smiles. And you gave her one back. You tighten your hold on her briefly, wanting to tell her how much you loved her in any which way possible.
Another electrical sound reverberated throughout the house. Time was up; the barrier finally hit. 
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go
But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close
'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own
But tonight I need to hold you so close
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
Ooh whoa (yeah), ooh whoa (yeah), ooh whoa (yeah)
Ooh whoa (yeah), ooh whoa (yeah), ooh whoa
Everything around you began to decompose, the layers of the past peeling off the walls as time flew backwards. You caught a look at your own skin, how it seems to glow a brilliant gold as you slowly start to fade away along with everything that surrounds you. You felt no pain, not even a tingle. Your eyes fall back on hers.Tears stained her cheeks, but her eyes only held love and adoration. 
You place your hand on her cheek and wipe her tears away. You give her a soft, sad smile. You will meet again. Somewhere, somehow, you will be together again, along with your boys and a dog named Lucky.
She smiled back at you, the warm touch of her hand falling on top of yours. It was at that moment that you knew she would be okay, and that is all the reassurance you needed. 
You pressed your forehead against hers and wrapped your arms around her waist, sinking into the fading feeling of her warm touch. “I love you,” you whisper to her while hugging her close to you.
“I love you, too.”
You closed your eyes and squeezed her hand for the last time, and you welcomed the surrounding darkness that enveloped you in a familiar, loving warmth.
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hugshughes · 1 year
cardigan J. Drysdale
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Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
synopsis - when you and jamie get married you can’t help but look back on every single memory, good and bad, that led you two to this moment.
wc - 2.5k
contains - honestly mostly fluffy, some angst flashbacks but it’s a cute fic mostly, cursing, shouting, kissing, oh reader has a sister who is her maid of honor, i think that’s it (as always lmk!!)
an - i was about to post this yesterday but i fell asleep sorry lol. i’ve had this practically done for like a week but i kept thinking it wasn’t good enough. im actually really excited for this one! i might’ve not made Jamie and bad as James is but we all know Jamie would never do anything like James so. i love the folklore triangle SO SO MUCH (betty especially my favorite) so this one was so fun to write! i hope you love it!
Today was the best day of your life, your wedding day. You married your best friend since 8th grade, Jamie. You were finally Mrs. Drysdale, Jamie had been waiting for this moment since he realized he was going to marry you in his senior year of high school.
The ceremony was absolutely gorgeous, Jamie cried during your first look and then again when you came down the aisle. He looked perfect, a navy blue suit matching the color of the ribbon on your bridesmaid's bouquets. Trevor was tearing up next to his best friend as you came down the aisle, his grey suit matching with the groomsmen.
Now Trevor’s suit jacket is long gone, thrown over his chair as he dances to an old 90s song in the middle of your reception hall. He had created a dance circle and brought most of your guests, even the elderly, into it. That was also where your husband was dragged to at the moment. Now you were sitting at your dinner seat, looking through the gift your sister gave you as she sat next to you.
Your sister had been your best friend since you were born, her being 3 years older than you. Now, she held your hand as you teared up turning the page of the photo book she’d made you.
vintage tee, brand new phone. high heels on cobblestones. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
The first picture there ever was of you and Jamie, sitting next to each other on your parents’ old couch, his arm wrapped cautiously around you at your 14th birthday party, when he was still just your friend boy. He’d gotten you a new shirt. Well, it was not new, but it was a thrifted vintage shirt you’d been looking for for months.
You’d also gotten a new iPhone 7, amazing at the time. It was a phone you texted Jamie on every night before bed, when during the school year you’d have to leave it on the counter of your kitchen till the next morning. It was crazy to think that those 2 little babies were married now.
sequin smile, black lipstick. sensual politics. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
You laughed at a different picture, remembering when you were almost 16, thinking you were hot shit with your dark lipstick at homecoming. Your beautiful boyfriend of over a year with his shining smile wrapped around your side.
You guys had shocked most when at 17 they asked how long you’d been together, and you guys answered with 2+ years. You guys were so young for how long you were committed to each other.
but i knew you, dancin’ in your Levi’s. drunk under a street light, i. i knew you.
You flipped a few pages, seeing a photo of you and Jamie (taken by your sister), slow dancing in the kitchen, him just in his jeans, bare back muscles on display in the photo. Another photo, you and Jamie, holding hands and running down the sidewalk of Anaheim, both quite tipsy as Trevor filmed you two, being the DD. It all was so surreal. You’re married, to Jamie, the boy you’d loved since forever.
hand under my sweatshirt. baby, kiss it better, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
A picture of the night you and Jamie got back together. You had broken up for all of 2 and a half weeks when you were both 18. After almost 4 years of being together, it was overwhelming to think of him moving to Anaheim, so far from you.
He came to your place the night before he left, pleading with you to just try and make it work. It didn’t take much begging from him, you were always gonna be his. The way he made you feel, was like no other. His most special girl, as Jamie would put it.
The picture was a snap you’d sent to your sister, a selfie of you and Jamie both crying but laughing, with a caption “guess who’s fav couple is #backtogether!!!!” Your sister loved the photo so much, one of her favorites.
a friend to all is a friend to none. chase two girls, lose the one. when you are young they assume you know nothing.
A picture of you two when you were 16, he’d just won a game with his junior team and your moms needed a picture of you two together when he got off the ice. He’s still in all of his gear, you’re in one of his sweatshirts that had his name and number on the chest. His arm is around your waist, you’re both smiling from ear to ear with rosy cheeks. You remember that night, it was your first argument.
There were some girls, presumably player’s sisters, who were waiting around the locker room at the end of the game. Jamie was the first boy to come out of the lockers, and the girls decided to try and sink their teeth into him.
Jamie was trying to get them off of him, all he wanted was to see you. When you finally came over to the locker rooms, all you saw was Jamie with his back to you, and two girls rubbing his arms with big smiles on their faces, telling him how amazing he played.
If Jamie’s back hadn’t been turned from you, you would’ve seen his uncomfortable and upset face, and him telling them to get off of him. But you didn’t see that, what you did see broke your little 16-year-old heart.
You knew in the back of your head you probably should’ve waited to see what his reaction was but you couldn’t fight the ache in your chest when you saw it. You practically ran out to the car, texting your mom that you didn’t feel well and wanted to go home before your planned dinner with the Drysdale’s.
You got a few questions from your parents, but you just told them you felt sick. And you did, to be fair, just not in the way they assumed. Jamie texted, his parents told him how you felt sick and he was concerned. Your answers to his texts concerned him more though, you were being vague, a little mean, even. You’d avoided Jamie for almost a week before he came over when he knew you’d be home and questioned you.
His first thought was that you were really sick, but he also knew how you got when you were sick. If you were sick you always wanted Jamie however you could have him, in person, over text, on Facetime, anything. He knew it was something else. His suspicions were proven correct when he barged into your room, and you were lying on your bed texting, perfectly well.
He argued with you a little bit, just upset that you were telling him you were sick to not see him. He was almost embarrassed about it. When the truth finally came out, Jamie immediately softened, feeling bad that you thought he would give any girl other than you the time of day. When he told you what really happened, you felt so stupid. You apologized over and over. Jamie assured you he understood, but asked you to please tell him if something was ever bothering you.
but i knew you. playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends, i i knew you, heartbeat on the high line once in twenty lifetimes, i. and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
You were Jamie’s sanctuary, his place of peace when his world was upside down. Because of how long you’d known each other, you both could be kids again while together. Your moms bet that you would get married the minute they both found out you were dating. At 14, they both knew that you two were forever. They could see the soulmate connection you two have.
You made each other feel new, while also reminding each other of the good in the past. You came to every Otters game, then when he was drafted almost every Ducks game. Your parents weren’t skeptical even for a second when you said you were going to move to Anaheim and go to school there. They knew Jamie had you, and that you were in good hands.
to kiss in cars and downtown bars, was all we needed. you drew stars around my scars, but now i’m bleedin’.
Jamie had been there through everything. Every panic attack, every bad day, every fight with your parents. He was always there to hold you and whisper sweet nothings to you. He never expected anything from you except for your love, and that wasn’t a hard ask.
Jamie was the most loving and lovable person in the world. He knew what to say and when to say it. He was always able to make everything better, he was everything everywhere all the time.
cause i knew you, steppin’ on the last train. marked me like a bloodstain, i. i knew you. tried to change to the ending, Peter losing Wendy, i. i knew you. leavin’ like a father, runnng like water, i. and when you are young they assume you know nothing.
During those few months when you couldn’t tell what the future of your relationship looked like you were so scared. Pretty much everything you’d done in the past year or so had been for Jamie. Finding a school near Anaheim, moving across the country to Anaheim, trying to be the most supportive girlfriend you could.
Jamie was unlike himself for those months. You were scared the NHL would have forever changed the boy you fell in love with. He was just, different. You couldn’t tell if he was just getting older or if he felt like he had to act older to be respected in the league.
The night Jamie found you broken down is the night he realized he had almost ruined the one consistently good thing he had. He has apologized for weeks after, he felt so terrible and it made you feel even worse, seeing him tearing himself up over something you were past.
but i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss. i knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs. the smell of smoke would hang around this long, ‘cause i knew everything when i was young. i knew i’d curse you for the longest time. chasin’ shadows in the grocery line. i knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired, and you’d be standin’ in my front porch light.
You knew no matter what happened to your relationship he would always be “the 1”. He had been your everything since you were 14 years old, there was no way you could ever get over him.
Jamie had realized his mistake of putting you on the back burner a few weeks before he was able to admit it. He had had a bad game, like really bad. He had multiple penalties, hadn’t done a great job leading the defense, or assisting the offense.
After the game, he was pissed with himself, but his best friend came over to him, patting him on the back and saying “Go home and relax. You’ve been so tense lately. Go be with your girl and chill, you definitely need it.”
It confused him, all season he’d been working harder and harder than ever before, and he assumed when all that work wasn’t helping, he had to push himself even more. He never realized that his best successes came from when he was relaxed when he had been talking to you before, when he could see you in the crowd.
You had come to as many games as you could all season. But one night, after a fight over God knows what, Jamie told you not to bother coming to his game the next night, and you hadn’t gone since.
Jamie had questioned his love for hockey at times during his rookie season. He’d even thought about what his life would look like without it. He never had to question one thing though, that you’d be there no matter what he did. He’d thought about his future, always just knowing you were gonna be there.
Jamie realized that you weren’t always gonna be there if he didn’t care for you like he should. He realized you could probably find another guy who would bend over backward to do everything you ever wanted for you. He realized he had to start doing that again, because you’d done everything for him in the past year, and never asked for anything in return.
and i knew you’d come back to me. you’d come back to me. and you’d come back to me. you’d come back.
You didn’t realize tears were running down your face until your sister wiped them away, tilting your head up to look at her. She then nodded to the side, and you followed her gaze, seeing your husband standing next to you. Your husband. His smile drops when he sees your tears.
“Hey woah baby, are you alright?”
You sniff and nod, laughing at yourself.
“Yes, just my stupid sister made me cry with her present.”
He laughed and shook his head at your sister, saying something about not making the most important girl of the night cry. Your sister stood up from her seat, going to pick up your niece who had fallen asleep at one of the tables. You turned back to Jamie after your sister had left, smiling at him with glossy eyes.
“You tired pretty?”
“A bit, but I guess I could dance with you a little more. At the end of the day, you are my husband.”
He nodded at you with amusement, letting out an “oh yeah?” and grabbing your hand to pull you from your seat, smashing his lips into yours. You held his face while he held your waist. You got a few whoops from your wedding party, calling you over to the dance floor, a Taylor Swift song had just come on, and Trevor was about to go crazy.
When you pulled away from each other, you both had the most lovesick smiles on your faces, intertwining hands and running over to the dance floor, jumping around with the people you loved most, shouting the lyrics to Cruel Summer.
Jamie was always gonna be yours, no matter what happened.
and when i felt like i was an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. you put me on and said i was your favorite.
i’m making a taglist for this if anyone would like that! comment or send an ask if you’re interested!
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kolyasupremanxy · 2 years
Thank you for all your hard work...if only words could describe how much every single story has made me feel so much better🥹
May I leave a request in here
My closest friend went behind my back and betrayed me in the worst way possible and the only thing I have been thinking about was how to get her back, finding ways to make her regret it. (Do not worry it's just a payback, no blood bath in planning)
How do you think the bsd boys (nikolai, dazai, chuuya etc) would react to their s/o becoming so rough and hard after a situation like this? Would they help her or talk her into just letting it go? I mean it's not an easy thing the live with when someone backstabs you
𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐢 𝐆𝐨𝐠𝐨𝐥 , 𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲 , 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 , 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚 , 𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Idek if this is comfort or what
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.5k
𝐀/𝐧: I'm sorry to hear that, Anon. I'm glad my fics helped you feel better! I hope you're doing well. You can always vent to me anonymously, and my DMs are open. Now, I think I should stop posting angst fics and start writing more fluff/comfort fics.
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—𝐍𝐢𝐤𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐢 𝐆𝐨𝐠𝐨𝐥
Nikolai listened to his s/o as they explained the situation with their friend, who had betrayed them in the worst possible way. He could see the pain and anger in their eyes, and it made his blood boil. How dare someone hurt the person he loved most in this world?
One day, as they were discussing what to do about the situation, Nikolai suddenly broke out into a silly dance. "I know what we should do!" he exclaimed, twirling around. "We'll give her a taste of her own medicine!"
His s/o couldn't help but laugh at the sight of him dancing, but the thought of revenge still lingered in her mind. "But how?" she asked.
Nikolai's expression suddenly turned serious. "We'll give her a warning. Let her know that if she ever messes with you again, she'll have to deal with me."
His s/o was taken aback by the sudden shift in his demeanor. She had never seen him like this before. "Nikolai, you're scaring me," she admitted.
Nikolai's eyes softened as he walked over to her and took her hand. "I'm sorry, my dove. I just can't stand to see you hurt. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."
His s/o couldn't help but feel touched by his words, despite the lingering fear. She knew that Nikolai would never let anyone hurt her and that he would go to great lengths to keep her safe.
In the end, they decided to go through with the plan. Nikolai left a warning for her friend, letting her know that he was watching her and that if she ever tried to hurt his s/o again, she would have to deal with him.
While the thought of revenge still left a bitter taste in his s/o's mouth, she couldn't help but feel grateful for Nikolai's unwavering protection and love.
—𝐅𝐲𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐞𝐯𝐬𝐤𝐲
As Fyodor's s/o approached him, he could see the rage and hurt in her eyes. "Fyodor," she started, "I don't know what to do. My friend betrayed me in the worst way possible. She went behind my back and did something unforgivable." Fyodor listened carefully, his expression never changing as she continued to tell him the details of the betrayal.
After a few moments of silence, Fyodor spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "Myshka," he said, using his pet name for her, "I understand how you feel. Betrayal is a terrible thing, and those who commit such an act deserve nothing but punishment. I will help you get revenge on this person, but you must understand that it will not be a gentle punishment. It will be harsh, and it will be final."
Fyodor's s/o nodded, her face set in determination. "I know," she said, "I don't care what it takes. I just want her to feel the same pain that she caused me." Fyodor nodded in agreement, "Then we shall start planning. But remember, Myshka, revenge is a dish best served cold. We must be patient, wait for the right moment to strike."
As they began to make plans, Fyodor's s/o noticed a glint in his eye, a look of sinister pleasure. "Fyodor," she asked hesitantly, "Are you enjoying this?" Fyodor's expression did not change, but his voice had a hint of amusement in it. "Of course, Myshka. Revenge is what we do. It's in our nature. And besides, it's always satisfying to see those who have wronged us suffer."
As the days went on and their plan began to take shape, Fyodor's s/o found herself becoming more and more ruthless. She was determined to make her former friend pay, no matter what the cost. Fyodor watched her with a mix of admiration and caution, knowing that her newfound ferocity could be dangerous if left unchecked.
—𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
Dazai would react to his s/o's situation with a mixture of concern and humor. He would likely make light of the situation and tease his s/o about their revenge plans, but deep down he would understand the pain and anger they were feeling.
One day, Dazai's s/o came to him looking more serious than usual. She explained to him what had happened with her friend and how betrayed she felt. She told him about her plans for revenge, and Dazai couldn't help but chuckle.
"Ah, my dear, revenge is never the answer," he said, grinning. "But if you're set on it, I'll be happy to help you come up with a plan."
His s/o looked at him with surprise, not expecting him to take her seriously. But Dazai knew how important this was to her and he wanted to support her in any way he could.
Together, they spent hours devising a plan that would make her friend regret what she had done. Dazai used his quick thinking and strategic mind to help his s/o come up with a plan that was both effective and safe.
But even as they plotted, Dazai made sure to remind his s/o that revenge wasn't everything. He knew that the pain of betrayal would stay with her for a long time, but he also knew that holding onto anger and hate wasn't healthy.
"Don't let this consume you, my dear," he said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Let it go and move on. You deserve better than to be held back by the actions of others."
His s/o smiled at him, grateful for his support and understanding. Together, they executed their plan and watched as her friend got her comeuppance. But even as they celebrated their victory, Dazai made sure to remind his s/o that there was more to life than revenge.
—𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚
Chuuya sat across from his s/o, watching as she scribbled furiously in a notebook. He could tell she was still reeling from the betrayal of her friend. He took a sip of his wine before speaking up.
"Thinking about how to get back at that bitch?" he asked bluntly.
His s/o looked up, surprised. "How did you know?"
Chuuya chuckled. "You're not exactly subtle."
His s/o sighed, setting down the notebook. "I just can't believe she would do that to me. We were supposed to be friends."
Chuuya raised an eyebrow. "So, what's your plan?"
His s/o leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I've got a few ideas. I was thinking of setting up a fake social media account and exposing all of her dirty secrets."
Chuuya smirked. "Sounds like a good time. Need any help?"
His s/o looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure? I don't want you to get involved in my drama."
Chuuya waved a hand dismissively. "Please. I'm always down for a good revenge scheme. And besides, I can't let that bitch hurt my girl."
His s/o smiled, grateful for his support. "Thanks, Chuuya. You're the best."
Chuuya smirked, pouring himself another glass of wine. "Damn right I am. Now let's get to planning. I want to see that bitch squirm."
—𝐄𝐝𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐩𝐨
Ranpo had been aware of the situation since the moment his s/o had confided in him. He had listened patiently as they recounted the betrayal of their so-called friend, and the subsequent desire for revenge that had consumed them.
As he watched his s/o brood and plot revenge, Ranpo couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement. He knew exactly how his s/o felt; after all, he had encountered his own share of betrayal and injustice in the past. However, his approach to handling such situations was vastly different.
"Are you really going to let this person have so much power over you?" Ranpo asked his s/o, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
"What do you mean?" his s/o replied, a hint of confusion in their voice.
"Well, by obsessing over revenge and making them regret what they did, you're essentially allowing them to control your emotions and actions. They've already hurt you once; don't give them the satisfaction of hurting you again by dwelling on it. Move on and focus on the positive things in your life," Ranpo said, his tone serious.
His s/o was taken aback by Ranpo's response. They had expected him to join in on their anger and offer to help with the revenge plot. Instead, he was suggesting that they let it go and move on.
"But Ranpo, don't you think they deserve to be punished for what they did?" his s/o asked, still feeling conflicted.
"Of course they do, but not by your hand. Leave it to karma or the law of cause and effect to deal with them. You have more important things to focus on," Ranpo said, his voice softening.
His s/o pondered Ranpo's words for a moment before nodding in agreement. Maybe revenge wasn't worth the energy and negative emotions it would bring. Maybe it was time to let go and move on.
As they hugged Ranpo in gratitude, he couldn't help but feel proud of his s/o's growth and maturity. Maybe, just maybe, he had taught them a valuable lesson in handling betrayal and injustice.
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tozettastone · 2 months
how bout espada ranked by child rearing skills? >:D >:D >:D
This is with reference (I assume) to this post about the Akatsuki . Here you go:
10. Yammy
Yammy is a simple creature. He sees something small and defenceless, he eats something small and defenceless. Next.
9. Aaroniero Arruruerie
Aaroniero likes to fuck with people. As his child, you will grow up in the dark, where he's at his most powerful. You will also be the person least capable of escaping his cruel games.
He will not kill you, because as yet you have no powers worth taking, but popular games of your childhood include "complete impossible tasks in unlikely time limits or I'll kill the one (1) friend you made," and "the person you've been speaking to for a month was actually Aaroniero in disguise for the last 8 days."
If you live, you will grow up to be so untrusting as to be basically nonfunctional in a normal society.
8. Nnoitra Gilga
You are fucked. Yeah, sure, Nnoitra is a complex character with comprehensible motives and a paper ego propped up by his raging insecurities, but you won't get the opportunity to see any of that. He's not one of these characters who enjoys the thrill of the fight or secretly wants to explore meaningful relationships.
Nnoitra likes to hurt things for the sake of hurting things, and even if he holds off out of curiosity for a while, if you cry too loud, he will punt you into the stratosphere.
Your best chance of survival is that Tesla decides you're a miniature expression of the grand majesty of his master and takes care of you — at least until Nnoitra's raging insecurities make him jealous of a toddler.
Nnoitra is this high on the list because of Tesla. But Tesla will still kill you if he's told to. And Nnoitra will tell him to, if he suspects Tesla has a single positive feeling about you.
7. Baraggan Louisenbairn
The god-king of Hueco Mundo does not have the time or attention for you. A child is, philosophically speaking, just the pupal state of a spirit, already committed to growth and decline and rot and disintegration.
He will get his fraccion to look after you. They're not particularly interested in your wellbeing, either, except in that Baraggan has determined you should survive for now. But survival is a pretty low bar. And Baraggan could change his mind whenever he feels like it.
6. Szayelaporro Granz
Szayelaporro's concept of paternal affection means expanding his self regard to include someone who reminds him of himself. So you'd better work very, very hard at reminding Szayelaporro of the idealised version of himself that exists only in his own head.
This, reader, is a problem.
If you're perfect, he will be jealous, and every effort you make to please him will be met with harsher and harsher criticism as he takes it more and more personally. If you're not perfect — and you will inevitably fall short of his standards eventually — he will be disappointed in you and will remind you that defective children get eaten. Sometimes he will (scalpel in hand) declare that your faultiness needs physical investigation.
You will spend your childhood doing uneasy mental gymnastics and trying to figure out what outcome will hurt less. Go stay with Uncle Yylfordt. He can't (and won't) protect you from Szayel, but sometimes out of sight is out of mind.
5. Zommari Rureaux
Zommari is, in most cases, pretty calm. He's proud and he has a few berserk buttons, but since you're his kid, not some murderous rampaging shinigami, you probably won't push any of them.
He's an extremely strict parent, requiring the same total obedience from a child as he himself gives to Aizen, and he enforces that obedience with casual and disinterested violence. Don't fight your dad. Don't rebel. Don't ask questions. He will kill you and not even blink. He doesn't feel that deeply about you. Anyway, I hope you like meditating in total silence.
4. Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
You can live with Grimmjow in a state of relatively benign neglect for YEARS. If you beat up the other kids he'll pat you on the head and tell you good job, but he's not really interested in you as a person until and unless you become capable of challenging him in single combat.
Grimmjow is a violent character, but, unlike a lot of the characters on this list, he enjoys the challenge of fighting more than just watching someone weaker than him cry. He wants the chase and the struggle much more than he wants the kill. Grimmjow will not kick a defenceless child around because it makes him feel better about himself. He has enough confidence in his own identity and power that destroying something weak would be pointless to him.
So you should definitely fight your dad so you can get to understand one another... eventually. This is still not an ideal childhood, obviously, but he's my vote for No. 4.
3. Ulquiorra Cifer
As a parent, Ulquiorra offers you a few advantages: he's scarier than 96% of the other arrancar, his temper is rock solid, he is incredibly patient, and he solves problems with violence but does not, strictly speaking, enjoy violence. He's also shown a very deep interest in the concept of interpersonal affection ("the heart") if not in its execution, which suggests that he may be capable of becoming emotionally attached.
If you manage to make Ulquiorra attached to you, then your childhood will be emotionally stunted and weird as fuck, but probably not much worse than the childhood of anyone else you know. External factors — like living in proximity to Nnoitra and Yammy — will be much more dangerous to your health than Ulquiorra himself.
On the other hand, he may reject his own emotional attachment and say you need to stand on your own, in which case you are, and this is the technical term, "big fucked."
2. Coyote Starrk
This will go one of three ways. One, you are strong enough to hang out with him. Two, you will die horribly from proximity to Starrk's overwhelming reiatsu. Three, you will have to leave and never return.
Options two and three are not worth dwelling on. They're bad ends. If you are strong enough to survive him, Starrk is an extremely tolerant if negligent parent. He doesn't much care what you do but he wants your company. He is the only character on this list who will give you a hug if you ask for one.
Having someone to talk to who isn't just a psychic manifestation of his own loneliness will make him less depressed, though, so sometimes he will actually be willing to do activities with you. And he's one of the few on this list who really won't hurt you, even when you're annoying him. No, not even when you're a teenager. And that's why he's No. 2.
1. Tier Harribel
If you're allowed to choose your parents, choose Harribel. She takes to child-rearing with a distant but steady attention. Your needs are met, right up until she decides it's time for you to learn how to meet your own needs, at which moment she will show you what to do... once.
She will placidly supervise you doing suicidally stupid shit and pull you out of danger at the last possible second. Did you learn anything? Yes? Good. Don't do it again.
Her fraccion will swing wildly between cooing over you, courting your favour as a way to attract Harribel's attention, and trying to get rid of you as a way to stop her paying attention to you. No matter how many times they try to leave you behind, poison you, suffocate you with their reiatsu or straight-up stab you, Harribel will not permit it to happen.
Don't worry about it. You'll be fine. She's kept her dumb fraccion alive this long, and she'll keep you alive too if it kills her.
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ohsayit · 5 months
Zevlor's age, new oath, and future
Zevlor is not main enough of a character in the game for him to have specific lore about his age. FR wiki says average life span for tieflings is 90-150 years and they age roughly the same rate as humans. Zevlor looks like human in their late 40s to mid 50s to me so based on my pure guesswork, I like to think he is 60-70 years old and has at least 40 years left.
He is old enough to have some serious and/or long term relationship before Avernus. If he was in a relationship, I don't think Zevlor's partner will survive both Hell and exile. He is conveniently single for us.
After all the Brain business and regained his paladin power from an unknown oath (my personal guess is Devotion. Or Vengeance at least), he is capable of doing things again.
The Flaming Fist is no friend to Hellriders, even the exiled ones. So he shouldn't be settling in Baudler's Gate. He may take a few of his closest associates with him and settle somewhere nearby.
That opens up two routes for me, originally.
One of them being he settles down to be a regular civilian. Maybe he joins the local force to protect the settlement.
But this man loves having a purpose. Glory is second to Honour for him. Honour comes from Duty and Purpose. I think this man is all about having a purpose. He takes pride in having one and his commitment for it. So even he said his soldiering days is over, the power that came to him from the new oath, will nudge him back to the road again. Protecting the settlement he lives in feels too small of a purpose for him (unless it's a big city which doesn't make much sense for me). This man used to be a commander among "elite cavalris" and sserved in "one of the most renowned and well-regarded military forces in the Realms". He needs to protect something big or important enough for him.
So this is the other and my preferred route. For my Tav in particular, maybe some bits will suit yours.
Zevlor grouped with his close associates and base somewhere near Baldur's Gate. One, they can get in touch with other people from Elturel who settled in Baldur's gate. Two, Tav knows where to find him. They travel around to put their power to good use, bit similar to mercenary. Tav saunters over from time to time just to mess with our old man and fuck him senseless.
Desire to live a life reignites when Zevlor has one again.
He knows Tav is no parent material. On top of that, they are not even in a relationship. He wonders when she will stop visiting. Every time she shows up is a delight. The better it feels every time she visits, the more his mind wonders to ridiculous places. He wants a relationship and possibly a kid with her. Although he knows that will not happen in this eternity, he still fantasies about it sometimes.
FR wiki I look at this time: https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Hellriders
End note
Uggghhhh sorry for the long post loll It is super unintended. All I wanted to say was just "dude looks like having 40-50 years left, he wants a kid once he has a life, a kid with Tav in specific, not just a rando woman" See where this one sentence takes me (facepalm)
I am working on a one shot Zevlor/Tav fic, inspired by my own post -,- It was supposed to be an easy, fun, simple, one shot, quick smut. I didn't plan to give Zevlor this much mind for the fic but here I am -,- writing a long ass post for our precious old man.
I blame Larian for all of this.
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aethon-recs · 1 year
30 Tomarrymort Recs for February 2023
I keep telling myself that I won't do month-by-month recs and that they're too much of a commitment, but then a month like February hits where there were so many knock-out Tomarrymort fics published that I couldn’t resist celebrating all the incredible works posted in the last month, including for two Tomarrymort-themed fests. Apologies that this is coming a bit late in the month — it took me quite some time to write up thoughts on each due to the huge influx of unforgettable fic in February!
Criteria for this list: one-shot, complete, published in February 2023, in alphabetical order by title. It’s quite an extensive list, but every single one of these is worth reading.
Tomarrymort Recs (February 2023)
A Lesson Learned Well by @ellionne (M, 2k)
A very creepy take on a captive Harry and how he slowly starts to lose his mind until Voldemort can get him to do anything. ‘Anything’ includes some pretty gruesome cannibalism and other horrors!
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k)
Tentacle sex! Inspired by the Venom movie! Harry/Scarcrux based off Eddie/Venom! Need I say more?
Anchor the Moon by Xenjn (M, 8k)
A very cool spin on genderswapped Tom and Harry who attend Hogwarts together! No matter the setting or era, Harry is obsessed with stalking Tom and proving she’s up to no good.
Anniversary by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
The last place that Harry would want to have sex is back in his cupboard at 4 Privet Drive. Yet Voldemort still takes him there for their anniversary. The mind games in here are absolutely top-tier!
Because it is his by TheOnceandFutureQueenofTarts (E, 2k)
An experiment in polyjuice leads Harry to discover that Tom is extremely attracted to… Tom. A truly hilarious take on Tom Riddle’s unhinged and unparalleled levels of narcissism!
Cynosure by @wolfantlersinspace (E, 3k)
When Voldemort steps out of the cauldron, he is the hottest man in existence. We've all seen that scene in the 4th movie! Harry can’t help but feel the same way, despite how much he tries to resist it...
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k)
A brooding, pensive glimpse into a day in the life of Harry who’s been raised by Voldemort. How Harry yearns for him, yet never quite gets the emotional fulfillment he so craves is heartbreaking! I gasped at the ending!
Frigid by @mrviran (E, 3k)
I don’t know if the world is ready yet for Puritanical Voldemort, but if you think you might be, this fic does it BEST. The way Voldemort fixes Harry is so… chilling (pun intended — it'll all be clear once you read the fic!)
Honeyguide by @cannibalinc (E, 7k)
Tom, an unmatched Omega, is determined to have Harry as his Alpha, no matter the costs. The rut scene is so intense, with Harry completely losing control in a very sexy (and dangerous!) way.
Identity by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Harry and Tom go on a road trip together to celebrate their anniversary. The reveals in this fic were SO GOOD, I didn’t see any of them coming — crowthing skillfully delivers intricately layered tangled plots-within-plots in just 5k words.
In the library by @chiocchi (G, Art)
Harry and Tom studying in the library — with an adorable depiction of Tom letting his guard down around Harry. Both the scene and the coloring are so very soft!
Insatiate by @vdoshu (E, 2k)
A very bleak and dark take on an AU where Voldemort wins and Harry lives a very empty life, only to be filled by Voldemort’s cocks and some magical immortality juice.
it's kind of tripping me up babe, i've got it bad for you by @limonium-anemos (E, 3k)
Harry and Voldemort get isekai'ed into a cursed romance-novel AU. I love how all the long-standing love and trust between Harry and Voldemort shines through in this fic, as they make the best of their time in this very wacky erotica setting by fucking each other's brains out.
Keepsake by IceLynx (M, 5k)
Harry suffering from amnesia wakes up with Voldemort telling him that they're in a relationship. But when the pieces don’t quite add up, Harry discovers the horrifying truth. A very creative twist at the end!
アンバランスなKissをして by vash (E, 2k)
A show-stopping alternate ending to the Final Battle, with Harry asking for a final kiss from Voldemort. 
Matriphagy by @being-luminous (M, 2k)
This fic takes the whole “Voldemort hunting Harry because of a prophecy” origin story, and adds a vampire twist to it. The floaty and detached vibe is a really nice contrast to the visceral horrors of what’s happening on-page — very skillfully done!
Phalanx by @vdoshu (E, 4k)
There’s a reason why Voldemort doesn’t wear shoes, which Harry, to his horror (and our delight), finds out firsthand. The foot worship in here is magnificently over-the-top in very satisfying detail.
Quiet as the Moon by @itsevanffs (M, 2k)
A Beauty and the Beast AU that’s a sequel to @duplicitywrites’ Certain as the Sun. I thought what was a really nice touch is how we see the state of their (unhappy) relationship through flashbacks interspersing the main action — in just a few sentences, itsevanffs manages to paint a picture of a very wretched existence for Harry, before he takes matters into his own hands. 
Research and Development by @cannibalinc (E, 6k)
Voldemort captures Harry and proceeds to experiment on him. And by ‘experiment’, I mean, carve Harry up and fuck him with his hemipenes in delightfully gratuitous, violent and unrestrained, and gushingly hot fashion.
Right in Front of My Salad? by IceLynx (T, 2k)
Draco Malfoy dies right in the middle of Harry and Tom’s kitchen (rude). A hilarious sequence of misunderstandings ensues, which leave you with no doubt that Harry and Tom are absolutely perfect for each other.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj (E, 6k)
The ultimate chase & capture fic. The anticipation builds with every one of Harry’s steps as he's trying to run away, and we’re left with some delicious emotional manipulation and a very hot wall sex scene at the end. 
silk of midnight and dawn by @ilya-zzz (E, 3k)
Such a cool concept! Harry and Tom decide to become animagi, and when Tom transforms into his animagus form, his animal instincts kick in... and Harry is right there unable to defend himself...
Tantrums by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 5k)
Featuring the brattiest Tom I’ve ever come across, and an incredibly impulsive Harry who can’t resist Tom’s allures. You'd think this combination would automatically spell destruction and disaster, but they actually work out really well together in a surprisingly compatible way!
Tearing me apart (like a new emotion) by @rudehellion (E, 2k)
As this fic progresses, the horror of what’s happening to Harry in his forced marriage to Voldemort continues to build and build. Not only is Harry getting taken part physically, he’s also getting taken apart mentally ("Every night, there’s a little more trust to break.") I loved what the ending implies for Voldemort’s favorite hobby.
That's Your Boyfriend by @solavonn (G, Art)
This artwork is so cute!! Depicting Harry who's overwhelmed by how hot his Quidditch boyfriend Tom is. Harry's not the only one — Solavonn's Tom Riddle art is always so good-looking that we all feel the same way, Harry!
The Green Herring by @duplicitywrites (G, 1k)
A hilarious cracky take on what exactly Tom Riddle thinks of his boyfriend Harry’s very special, very extraordinary, very memorable eye colour. 
The sweet burn of venom by @loneamaryllis (E, 4k)
SMOKIN’ HOT ABO! Harrie goes through her first heat, and Voldemort provides relief, but is he really there, or is it a (very hot) dream?
thrice-bound, twice-filled by @cindle-writes (E, 4k)
Voldemort. Hemipenes. Double-stuffing Harry. A perfect setup for a very hot pwp!
We're (Not) Together by @vdoshu (E, 3k)
This fic is the EPITOME of gaslighting and manipulation. An extremely controlling Tom refuses to accept that he and Harry aren’t still together… or are they?
you alone of all creatures by @duplicitywrites (E, 3k)
I love the concept of Tom having an illicit affair with his very sexy and married Professor Potter. All the sneaking around is SO HOT as he seduces Harry and cracks open his defenses bit-by-bit.
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wilmonsfolklore · 6 months
WIP Young Royals Fic Rec!
Or: a love letter to WIP's.
Look. I know reading WIP's is a commitment and sometimes you forget plots or confuse them or get too busy. But the serotonin boost I get every time one of these stories gets updated, the feeling that an unexpected chapter might be waiting for you at the end of a long day, the wait and speculation every cliffhanger - it's such a fulfilling experience. And as a writer, it's so heartwarming to receive comments. So. If you enjoy these stories, don't forget to leave kudos and comments!!! I know there are so many more incredible WIP's in our fandom, so make sure to show them your love too. (And to the authors: I've tried to find you all on Tumblr but if you see this and I haven't tagged you please let me know and I will!! :))
Follow the sparks by emerybemery - Wille and Simon are best friends and they decide to fake date. It's a cliche but it feels like reading fake dating for the first time. The relationship between them is so fleshed out and authentic, I'm completely in love with it. I'm incredibly excited to see how this will continue. Update: this work is now complete!!
My Bad by itsme_hi_imtheproblem / @iwouldnevergetintofanfic - Simon meets Wille because they both have to do community service. Their characterization is very interesting and the bad boy vibe Wille has is very realistic and he's still so close to who is he in canon somehow. I love this story so much and am very curious about where it will go. Update: this work is now complete!!
Wonderstruck by wilmonxoxo - Wille and Simon meet at a club and instantly connect. Their kiss gets photographed and when Wille gets send to Hillerska, they have to figure out how to deal with each other. I've been following this story since the first chapter and have adored every single one.
Royally Whipped by bigalockwood / @bigalockwood - The bake off AU of my dreams. I could talk for hours about how much I love this story. Wille and Simon are so tender and sweet with each other. Comfort on another level. Update: this work is now complete!!
And now a few new stories that I'm very excited about!!!
Coming Straight Home To Me by willefroggie - Wille is a football player and Simon is a popstar, they meet at the GQ Gala. I love AU's like this and it's very adorable and true to their characters so far, I'm curious to see where it will go.
We were wild and fluorescent (come home to my heart) by historyofman - A post S3 fic that's really really promising so far. I'm obsessed with Wille being obsessed with Simon and the two of them communicating and getting to know each other more, and it looks like this fic will have it all.
Maybe now maybe here tonight by dreamyelectronicmusic (theimprobable1) / @dreamyelectronicmusic - Wille and Simon don't get back together in the last episode. Instead Wille abdicates a year later, and Simon messages him. I have always loved this trope post-s1, and was silently hoping for a post-s3 fic like this. It's really good and emotional so far and I'm excited for it to continue. Update: this work is now complete!!
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mercurygray · 6 months
I don’t know if you’re still accepting prompts but if you are could I get a Ron and Billie Jealous au for your brand of brothers fic? Or one where Ron leaves his wife for Billie (I know it’s messy but babe I love drama and I need angst)
I'm so sorry this took so long, Maddie! I went in a slightly different direction with this, but it's a scene I've been meaning to write for a while - the two of them meeting post-war and post-everything.
Hawaii was supposed to be nice, this time of year.
That was what all the travel adverts said, anyway - not that Billie would get much of a chance to see it. Airline stewardesses didn't make enough to take a week away on the beach - an overnight in the airport hotel, perhaps a daiquiri in the bar, and then it was straight back out the next morning, listening to all those eager vacationers asking how she'd liked the sand and the surf.
But despite those setbacks Billie could honestly say that she liked her job. The pay was good, and the hours weren't terrible, and she could say that she'd been to some fabulous places over the last five years - up to and including not spending any time at home in Philadelphia with her mother, who would keep wondering aloud when she was going to get married. When are you going to meet someone, her mother kept asking. Surely there are single men on planes.
What, you mean all of those bored businessmen looking for a little heavy petting away from home? Those single men? Those were the only kind she met these days - unless you were talking about the pilots, who were just as bad at keeping commitments.
No, she wasn't going to meet anyone here, and that was just the way she liked it. At present she had no obligations and nothing to tie her down, and that was just the way she liked it, too. Billie fixed on her face in the forward galley and made her way down the aisle, offering to help 7B with her bag, and to find a souvenir plane for the little boy in 12C.
There was laughter, a few rows back - a group of officers in class As, crusher caps and all, each with an identical briefcase and a smile that only got wider as she walked by. Hawaii was probably only a stopover for them - one night at the airbase and then on to Japan. Five years ago they wouldn't have been laughing about this flight - but five years was a long time. Billie tried to move by, brushing by the one joker who was still loitering in the aisle.
"And how about you, gorgeous?" he asked with a grin. "Are you free when we get there?"
One born every minute. "Terribly sorry, gentlemen, but I have other plans."
"Aw, but are they more fun than us?" his friend asked, rising from his own seat to block her in a moment, taking one hand and wrapping his free arm around her waist, his hand resting casually on her ass. "Maybe some drinks and dancing?"
Billie felt her blood rising, felt the urge to clench her fist and punch him square in the gut starting to pick up speed. She'd be allowed, if she were somewhere else. But stewardesses had to be cleverer with their jabs. She was just mustering her very best smile when someone spoke behind her.
"Is there going to be a problem here, Captain?"
Immediately the hands dropped - and Billie's face did, too. I know that voice. "No, Major Speirs, sir. Of course not."
And then there was another man behind her, looming. "When you speak to a lady, you call her ma'am." She took a deep breath, and turned around, only to come face to face with the same familiar dark eyes she knew she'd find. "Miss Mitchell."
It was a good thing the other man had called attention to his rank, because she wouldn't have been able to see it. She was too busy looking at him. "Major Speirs." And it took every ounce of strength she had not to call him Ron, because here he was, and exactly as she remembered, and the way his voice wrapped itself around her core felt as though it were only yesterday that they'd been in bed together, chuckling over shared cigarettes.
And one of his men had been feeling her up, and he looked spitting mad about it. Or at least, as mad as Ron ever looked, which was to say he had a kind of fire behind his eyes that you wouldn't notice until it burned you.
A bell rang overhead for the captain to speak, and everyone resumed their seats - and now those eyes were following her through the whole plane.
Billie knew how she looked to men in her uniform- the pencil skirt, cut to display a tight derriere and a fine pair of legs, the tailored coat with its bracelet sleeves, the pert hat over perfect hair. But she was unsure, now, how she looked to him. Did he like tight skirts, or the look of her calves in seamed stockings and heels? Was the way she dressed her hair now still attractive? Or did he only love the woman in fatigues with her unwashed hair in a braid, the one he could ask, laughing, Has anyone told you today you're beautiful?
She didn't know. And she wasn't sure she could stand the answer if she asked.
The captain turned the loudspeaker on, mentioning the gateway, and taxiing, and takeoff, and everyone took their seats and put their seatbelts on, and the engine roared them down the jetway. Billie's stomach was already in her mouth.
Ron Speirs. On her airplane.
It wasn't quite a full flight to Hawaii - eager vacationers, anxious for the sun, businessmen talking rice and pineapple and a dozen other commodities, and the small contingent of officers, all of whom seemed to have learned their lesson the first time and refrained from saying more than two words to her as she went by. All of them - and Ron.
She brought the cart around for drinks, tidied away newspapers and magazines, and studiously avoided him until she was doing the second round of drink service and he flagged her down. The seat next to him was empty, taken up by a briefcase and his own crusher cap - the privileges of rank.
"Billie, please. Stay a moment."
"I have a job to do."
"I'll take coffee."
She poured it without thinking, straight black, nothing in it, just the same way he'd always drunk it during the war, and set the cup down in front of him. "Some cream and sugar, please," he said, and she stared for a moment before realizing what it was he was doing - creating a reason for her to stay.
"So they promoted you," she said, taking her time with the sugar. "I didn't know if you'd stay in."
"I didn't have a reason to get out," he said, and as she set the cup down and he steadied it on his table she noticed his hand was bare - no ring. "We…separated," he offered, quietly. "There was …someone who needed her more." The casual way he said it nearly broke her. "I see one of us did all right, though," he said, smiling as he gestured to the diamond solitaire on her own hand. "Who's the lucky fellow?"
She looked down at the ring like she'd forgotten it was there - because she had forgotten she had it on. Her hand clenched like that would somehow hide it. "Oh, he - he doesn't exist. Sometimes it helps with - deterrence."
"And what do you tell them about him, when they ask?"
I tell them that he's very handsome, and we met during the war, and that he's a captain in the army. "Oh, this and that. Pretty lies." She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"I am, too." He glanced up at her with a brief smile, as if he were somehow afraid to hold her eye. "Do they give you some time for fun, after these long hauls?"
"Not much," she admitted. "But I can smell the sea, from the airport hotel, and that's usually good enough."
"They have me at the airport, too," he said vaguely. "Army travel budgets."
Down the aisle, someone else gestured, and she replaced the coffee on her cart. "Don't let me keep you," he offered, and she continued on down the row.
15C needed a gin and tonic with less emphasis on the tonic and more emphasis on the gin, and as she poured, her eyes glanced backwards down the aisle, catching a glimpse of dark eyes leaning slightly to the left, watching her from behind his hand with a different kind of fire, his coffee untouched in front of him.
Hawaii was nice, this time of year - if you had time to see any of it, that is. But five years was a long time.
(She was just hanging up her uniform when there was a knock at the door, and a pair of dark, fiery eyes behind it - tie loose, very sober. He looked her in the eye with longing. "Has anyone told you today you're beautiful?")
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rome-writes21 · 8 months
What’s Wrong But Feels Right - Part 1
Negan x Reader (Male)
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Summary - One of the worst days of y/n’s life turns into meeting the man he would fall for despite his intent to.
Warnings - Swearing, Smoking, Alcohol, Blood, Detailed Gore, Detailed Smut…
A/N - So this is my first story 😅 I’ve written small things before but I’ve never committed to a fanfic let alone posted one. Likes and comments would definitely be appreciated, and if you have any suggestions for short one shots (any character) that you’d like please let me know (especially if you’d like smut in it or not). I don’t know how many parts this is gonna have, and i’ll try to post once a week or more.
Also a shout out to @justsomegdude for helping me through hell with this story. He’s a great writer and you should definitely go check out his fics!
The tears slowly ran down y/n’s face, almost feeling frozen in time from the cold air. Every breath he took made his body shudder, even though they were short and shaky. From his peripheral vision, he could map out a picture of the dead man beside him, Abraham. He hadn’t gotten himself to look over yet. How could he? All memories he once had with his dear friend were wiped away in the blink of an eye, or more with the swing of a bat.
After Abraham, it was Glenn, someone else whom he’d loved like a brother during the 2 years they’d known each other in this god awful world. Each time the bat got swung onto Glenn, y/n’s body flinched, his heart feeling like it was getting crushed more and more with every hit. You’d of thought that the sobs and cries coming from Maggie would’ve made any of the Saviors around them feel the slightest bit of guilt in their hearts, but none of them batted an eye.
No one on their knees were safe, and for all y/n knew, he could’ve been next. But, did he really care at this point? If the people he loved the most were going to continue to get killed in front of him, why would he want to make it out?…Maybe for the revenge of it all, because y/n could slowly feel that emotion creep up on him despite the sobs that poured from his body. The hatred he felt was growing, and he felt that he would soon run out of tears to even want to feel sad.
Negan, the man who’d been running this “show”, grabbed Rick by his jacket, dragging him on the ground to the RV for a drive. All that could be heard now was the breathing forced through the sobs of each individual. The wait for Negan to return felt like an eternity, yet no one wanted him to come back.
Y/n’s eyes were hurting, burning in a way from the amount of time he spent crying over his dead friends. He looked over to Maggie on his left, seeing the pain in her eyes, the color drained from her face, and it only made everything hurt more. He couldn’t understand why he hadn’t tried to comfort her in any sort of way. Her husband just got beaten to death in front of her, all while he was being mocked. But he was frozen, just like everyone else, not being able to fathom how someone could do this and joke about it……y/n was still sitting up, but was more slouched, his hands digging into the gravel below him, holding him up. There were so many thoughts running through his mind, and not a single one would settle.
The RV slowly rolled into it’s place from before, the gravel crunching underneath it. The door swung open, Rick being thrown through it, onto the ground. He got pulled and dragged just mere feet in front of everyone else, getting absolutely humiliated.
(Time skip to after “that” situation)
Rick was thrown back into line, Carl’s arm still intact thankfully. Negan was rambling while walking back and forth. It felt like he was looking for something, someone, like he wasn’t done yet, and that fueled the fear again. Losing someone else was something they didn’t know they could bare. Y/n kept his eyes on Negan, following his every move. Maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do considering Negan took note of this, especially the way y/n was looking at him. The look of pure hatred in his eyes. Negan just did all of what he did to Rick because of the way he was looking at him, and now y/n was looking at him the same way, maybe worse.
Negan turned his attention to the boy, his tone full of annoyance, yet a smile stayed on his face. “Look at you!” He walked closer, his bat swinging in his hand, awfully too close to y/n. “Did you not learn a thing from Rick and what he almost had to do?”
Y/n didn’t respond. Even if he wanted to, what the hell was he going to say? One wrong word and, well maybe there goes his life, or someone else’s. “Nothing to say, huh?….Ballsy.” That’s really all Negan had to say? “Simon, Kenny load him up,” and the two men started to walk towards y/n. Fear struck y/n’s body instantly with those words, knowing there was no way he could resist. He was grabbed forcefully, getting thrown into the back of the truck.
Not too long after, the truck jerked forward. Y/n hadn’t heard any more screams, cries, the beating of the bat since he’d gotten thrown into this thing, and he hoped the remaining people were spared…..Y/n’s mind was blank, all of the thoughts running through his mind before were gone. What was he supposed to think about what just happened?
After what felt like a long time, the vehicle came to a stop, the sound of car doors opening and slamming shut all around. The doors to the truck swung open, three men pulling y/n out, barely giving him time to land on his feet before dragging him inside. The inside of the building was filled with saviors. Y/n realizing how outnumbered they really were was almost laughable.
He got taken to a cell, the door slamming shut, locked. It was pitch black besides the little light coming through the crack at the bottom of the door. The walls, the floor were ice cold. Y/n slowly slid down the wall with his back, sitting down.
He hadn’t gotten sleep for obvious reasons, and although he was exhausted, he couldn’t rest. Every time he’d close his eyes, the image of his friends dead on the ground, blood trickling down their deformed heads took over. He groaned, rubbing his head with his hands.
Jingle * Click
The door creaked open, y/n squinting his eyes a little from the unexpected light. There stood a man in the doorframe, holding a far too familiar object. It was Negan.
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usedpidemo · 1 year
Update - 2nd year anniversary! (plus a reflection, and future plans).
Hi everyone! π here.
Today, May 13th, is the day I officially opened up this blog and began writing degenerate and immoral stories! 2 fucking years have passed, how time flies. So much can change in a year, and so do some of the stats!
First work: Sandwich - Red Velvet Wendy (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m.)
Highest note count: Awards after-party affair - Itzy Yuna (published 10/23/22, 1167 notes)
Number of works published: 80 fics (1 fic every 9.1 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days or 1 month, 5 days)
1,000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days or 4 months, 30 days)
2,000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days or 1 year, 1 month, and 5 days)
3,000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days or 1 year, 5 months, and 30 days)
Follower count: 3,953 followers (5.4 followers a day)
I wish I had something awesome lined up to celebrate this milestone, but I don't have anything prepared XD I've been busy and lazy at the same time. (Is that even possible?)
Actually, yeah, I do have a whole week's worth of cool things lined up this week! If I can even follow through with this one...
Monday: AMA
Tuesday: Reader Poll
Wednesday: ???
Thursday: ???
Friday: ???
I don't want to make the fun section of the update elaborately long, so I just want to say thank you so much to everyone for the support! Even though I'm not as active or as productive as I used to be, your eagerness never wavered, and you guys enjoy me talking about random shit on the side, whether it be song lyrics, Pokémon, or literally posts without any context to them. I love you guys. Here's to another year 🧡
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Everything else from this point is a brief reflection and introspection of what I've been feeling since then. You can ignore this if you wish to do so.
So today marks the second anniversary since I opened up this Tumblr and became a degenerate writer. The work I've been putting up is getting worse—in a sexual and filthy way, not objectively—and my mental health has been getter much, much better! When I made the same anniversary post around this time a year ago, I was at an all-time low, mentally speaking. I really felt like I had not much left to give at that point, my skill has stagnated, and I thought there wasn't much for me to improve on. If you asked me if I had any future plans for this blog, I'd say I'd be done by the end of 2022, if not sooner.
It's now 2023, and I believe I'm as good as I can be right now. Slumps happen for a reason, and you can't always win, but it's how you bounce back from the lowest of lows that you reach highest of highs. And I believe I can still get better.
Genuinely, not to sound arrogant, because Lord knows I'm not the best fanfic writer—fuck no—I'm not anywhere close, even in a theoretical top 1000 list, but I do think some of my finest work have come up in my most recent fics. I don't know, it feels more polished and there was more effort and deliberation put into it. The numbers don't lie, either; every single work I published since May 2022 has over 400+ notes, and I've even passed the 1000+ note barrier twice! It goes to show that you guys are enjoying what I'm putting out as much as I love making them, slow and difficult it may be. I can fondly smile at last year's additions to my masterlist and say, "I can't believe I did that."
I do want to apologize if my output rate has drastically slowed down, and if I'm not as active as I was before. It's unfortunately part of the sacrifice needed for better quality control, and also because I have more personal commitments to attend to. 2023 has been fantastic for me so far in almost every department, except maybe physically—I could use more exercise—but that can be worked upon.
I do believe I'm on borrowed time. Again, look at the gap between fics over the past six months ago, and it's only going to widen once I enter my third year of college. I also have to begin considering what hobbies and other things I should do to occupy my free time, so I can be more productive as a person. This isn't to say I'm definitely quitting, but I expect more responsibilities to be shouldered onto me in the future, and having time for myself is going to be pretty much a birthday gift with how rare it might be given, and I'd prefer spending my time off recharging and relaxing instead of stressing over inconsequential or 'fun' things.
There's a lot of people I want to thank specifically, because while I was struggling with my own personal battles, they've been encouraging me to continue fighting and have been absolute lads—and lasses—throughout the past year. When I needed someone to talk to that wasn't my therapist, they were there, and I took solace in their comfort and companionship. I can't tag you guys, but if you're reading this—Chunk, Raf, Peach, Aaron, Sol, V1n, Iz, Ddeun, C.o, Kaede, Frisky, Smite, Shaun, Sins, Jett, Eros, Prael, Ken, Cray, CJ, Sooya, Gray, Svn—I sincerely thank you. God bless each and every single one of you. And to Tim, I really hope you can see this, but I'm truly, truly sorry. I hope we can find a way to bury that fracture in our relationship in the past, and we can reconcile. If not, then I just want closure and peace for the both of us.
So in closing, I want to thank you so much for sticking with me through the bad times and prospering with me through the good, and I'm always humbled that you've taken a chance on me when I started, when I was a hopeful newbie, two years ago. Now here we are. I appreciate every single one of you, be it a fellow writer, a reader, or a lurker.
With grace,
Peter / π
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