#but then I realised I need to update her colors and I am much to exhausted
sleepyselkiesiren · 2 years
1C ebony or other oc
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I'm starting to think this is just an excuse for me to get to draw my ocs XD Amber was the only one I could think of who would be willing to dress in something this revealing
The outfit meme was by @traulisms!
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rhythmelia · 11 months
Support a Translator of Color (1 day left of Crowd Justice fundraising!)
Fresh post for the tags! As I've shared extensively in updates on this post since 2023.06.24, my friend Yilin Wang (yilinwriter on twitter) has had their translation work stolen and used uncredited by the British Museum in a major exhibit on The Hidden Century in Chinese history that featured major feminist revolutionary Qiu Jin, and when called out on that behavior, the museum chose to remove Qiu Jin's poetry and Yilin's translation, silencing both of them. Instead of, yanno, naming the translator and giving appropriate credit and payment. ....yup.
So! Here's the Crowd Justice:
Case updates can be found at that fundraiser (especially as the muskrat has made twitter into an epic trashfire at the moment) but some key points, in Yilin's words:
I need to raise at least £15,000 by July 10th to enable me to instruct expert lawyers in London to initiate a claim of infringement of my copyright and moral rights. I will be working with lawyers in the UK to bring a claim against the British Museum for its infringement of my copyright and moral rights in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC), which is a specialist court and part of the Business and Property Courts of the High Court of Justice in London. ......
Please contribute and share if you can - each and every small contribution is very much appreciated! Let’s hold the British Museum accountable together!  I realise that this is a lot of money at any time, and especially in the current economic circumstances, but the cost and difficulty of taking legal action is a huge barrier when it comes to access to justice. My hope is that if I am able to generate enough support to take this point of principle forward, it will give the British Museum and all similar institutions the maximum possible incentive to avoid similar conduct in the future, because they will see that there is collective power in communities who feel disrespected and insulted. .....
Why This Case Matters This case matters to me not only because I believe both my work and Qiu Jin's work should receive the credit and respect they deserve, but because it affects the copyright and moral rights of all translators, writers, and creatives. 
The British Museum has not issued an appropriate apology or taken proper responsibility for its actions, so if it is not held accountable, then this is a cycle that stands to be repeated.
Yilin was able to make the minimum to retain a lawyer, and is now working towards the stretch goal. Here's part of the statement from the lawyer on the crowd justice page:
Accordingly, it is not giving anything away to say that we sincerely hope that the British Museum come to recognise the shortcomings in their conduct so far, and move to make amends rather than fight Yilin all the way. We will make Yilin’s funds go as far as we can, but there is a real prospect of the case being drawn out beyond the funding she has available, so it continues to be the case that every pound she raises towards her stretch targets puts her in the strongest possible position - a position that the British Museum has extensive visibility of - to hold out for what she deserves with help of expert legal assistance.
Currently it's at £16,722 pledged towards the stretch target of £20,000 from 573 pledges in small amount donations. Help Yilin be able to keep going if the British Museum continues to behave badly and try to fight until Yilin's out of funds. Please consider reblogging and/or donating a small amount if you can - about 1 day left to July 10! (I'm in UTC-7 and it's the 8th for me but I'm not sure what timezone the fundraiser site is in, since it says 1 day left there)
tagging @copperbadge, @vaspider and @prismatic-bell on the off chance they might be interested in signal boosting? No pressure though!
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Missing You (T.H)
Tom Holland Fan fiction (Fan fiction Masterlist)
Summary: Tom is away for shooting and he is missing his daughter’s first easter. You and Sophia miss him terribly and he feels terrible for missing it. Sophia gets hurt during the egg hunt and Tom flies back to be with his family.
Warnings: Angst and some fluff.
“Daddy?” You had been folding your laundry because it was a therapeutic chore. The maid always left it for you by the end of the day because she knew that you enjoyed doing it. Your moment was interrupted by your one year old daughter barging into your room with only one question on her mind.
She had recently started walking and you were silently thankful because your over protective husband wouldn’t let her touch the ground in the fear that she would hurt herself. It even came to the point that Sophia started becoming agitated whenever he interrupted her progress. She would scream Bloody Mary when she saw him approaching with his arms outstretched. You sat him down one day and gently explained to him that we have to let her explore the world. If she falls and gets hurt, then it was our job to take care of her but we could not protect her from everything in advance.
The moment she took her first steps, they were towards Tom. You were there to record the moment and you guys were so glad that Tom had backed off a little bit. He would be there for his little princess every step of the way. If she wanted to leap, she could and he will be there to catch her if she started to fall. Sophia was the most important person in his life after you.
“Daddy is going to be here before your first Easter, bunny. Hopefully.” The last word was more of a mumble for yourself because you really hoped that he would be here. Sophia was born a few weeks after Easter so this was her first one.
Sighing, you said, “Let’s just get ready and see how cute you look in your new costume.”
“Bunny!” She ran off to her room to put her name on the and you opened your phone. Your husband told you that he would drop a text at approximately this time if he was going to make it back before the party. Disappointed, you just put the phone back on the side table.
“Okay, you need to sit tightly so that I can make your braids.” She was a hyper ball after she found the candies on the coffee table that you were going to give it to her at the party. Allergies to nuts was one of the many things that she had inherited from Tom and you never liked to take chances regarding their health. “No more sweets for you today, miss.”
“Nooooooo. Daddy!” Sophia’s voice trembled in the end because she knew that her dad would defend her. He was her knight in shining armor.
“Daddy is not here so let’s stop screaming now.” You were already in a sour mood as your husband was not with you on an important milestone. And Sophia was not making things easy for you either.
“You are ready. I am going to give you your coloring books while I go get ready.” You did not listen to her small sniffles and went to take a shower while keeping the door open so you could keep an eye on her. When you got out, your phone was ringing and it was Tom.
“Hi. I am so sorry I can’t make it today. I tried my very best to get done with filming but it was not possible. So sorry, darling.” There was a crack in his voice that let you know that he was devastated about it.
“It’s okay, baby. There will be other Easters and you will be there for all of them. Don’t be sad, please.” You  tried cheering him up but it was not working.
Tom was always big on firsts; your first date, your first I love you’s, Sophia’s first kick, Sophia’s first tooth. He kept a record of all the moments and he was incredibly sad that he did not get to witness his child’s first Easter. Acting was something that he really enjoyed but he hated it right now. It was keeping him away from his family. He had planned everything out from where to hide all the eggs to where to buy the small bunny cupcakes that he would give to his little girl at the end of the day. This was not right but he was helpless. He could not do anything because he had an obligation to his fans as well.
“Is she wearing the costume that I ordered her?” When you mumbled out a yes, he asked, “Can you please send me a picture?”
“Soph, come and stand here. Pose for daddy.” When you sent him the picture, there was no response from his side. Seeing the picture, Tom choked back a sob. His little bunny looked incredibly cute with a white dress and a bunny ear headband. A pink tint graced her cheeks which meant that she had some candies and she had a toothy smile. Before he could say anything, the director called him back to shooting. “We will talk to daddy later. He might be busy right now.”
Tom’s mom had planned a party at her house and the whole garden was prepared for the egg hunt. You both wanted to host the party this year but Tom had to go to Cardiff last minute because of his shooting. Your siblings and nieces and nephews were all going to be there. You were happy that you got to spend this occasion with your family but you were miserable right now. Tom was not here.
“Hi. Who is this little rabbit here?” Nikki leaned in front of the toddler and squished Sophia in one of her famous bear hugs.
“Sophia Anne Holland!” There was a proud undertone to her voice because she could speak her whole name now.
“You are the cutest bunny ever.”
“I know.” You all chuckled at her haughty admission and watched as she skipped towards her cousins.
“Tom isn’t going to make it today?”
“Um no. He could not get away from work and he said to apologise on his behalf.” It was like something was missing and you didn’t want to indulge in that feeling.
“I am sorry, darling but he will make it up to you and Sophie.” You wanted to divert the topic so you started to talk about the guests and the decorations.
Pretty soon, you started mingling with the people and they always asked about Tom. You either replied to them or politely redirected the conversation. It felt weird being at a gathering without Tom. You haven’t done that from the past five years and you realised you didn’t much enjoy it now. Keeping an eye on Sophia was hard because it was usually Tom who performed that duty. You were given a free pass at parties from all the responsibilities and were allowed to enjoy every moment. He was always considerate towards you and that is why you loved him to death.
“Sophia, you can not go near the pool.” You caught her in your arms before she could fall in.
“Dada swimm- swimming.” Tommy was the one who was teaching her to swim because it was a hobby that he wanted his daughter to adopt from him. When she saw the water, she thought that her dad will be there to teach her.
“When dad comes back, you can go swimming.” Sophia still kept looking around for her father because this is the longest she has been away from him. Her toddler mind thinks that if she goes to do things that they do together, he will come to her. You couldn’t even get angry at her for wandering around the house without anyone. Hugging her, you tried to distract her, “Now, granny is having an egg hunt and we need to win it, okay bubs?”
“Win!!” You took her in your arms and went towards the garden where all the people were.
“Look, Tom. (Y/N) is here.” A phone was shoved in to your face by Sam and you saw Tom’s face on the screen.
“Hi. I was calling you and you didn’t pick up. I wanted to see Sophie on the egg hunt.” There was a look of longing on his face.
“I was busy with your daughter. She was running near the swimming pool and wanted to get in because she thought that you would be there to teach her.”
“Is she alright? Let me see her.” You angled the phone towards your shoulder where she was leaning on him. “Hey, baby.”
“Hi. Back?” Tom wanted nothing more than to hold his daughter in his arms and his heart broke when his daughter asked him that question. It meant that he was away too long because she never asked that question before. She didn’t need to.
“I’ll be back in no time and then we will go swimming. Promise.”
“Yes.” She hopped down from your arms and went to the start line of the race.
“How have you been?”
“Just missing you a lot and handling Soph is getting harder by the day.” You moved to a more secluded place on the ground so you could talk to your husband.
“I am sorry, darling. When I come back, you can have the whole weekend off.”
“Just come back. I want to spend sometime with my husband.”
“That is a tempting offer but I have to stay here a little longer. But when I come back, we will do more than spend sometime together.”
“I will look forward to it. The game is starting so I have to go.” You were about to end the call but he stopped you.
“I want to see her and I have a break for another twenty minutes.”
The race soon started and among all her cousins, Sophia was the youngest and the most hyper. You cheered her on with her grandparents and Tom. She was about to win the race and you were more excited than her. Tommy wanted to be there to witness her first victory but he settled down for seeing it on the phone. However, she stumbled on some rocks that were on the trail and she fell hard.
“Oh my god! Go to her, (Y/N).” Tom’s voice broke you out of your horrified trance and you went in to autopilot. When you reached near her, you gave the phone to someone behind you and kneeled in front of your daughter. She was crying really loudly and her arms was bent to an odd angle. Cuddling her in your arms, you picked her up and went towards your car. “What is happening? Mum, tell me!”
“I think Sophie’s arm is broken. (Y/N) is taking her to the hospital right now. I will keep you updated.” Nikki was moving quickly towards her car while she gripped the phone in her hands.
“Mum, I want to talk to my daughter right now.” He didn’t even realise that he was pacing and his hair was all messed up because he ran his hands through it several times.
“Tommy, I will keep you updated. Right now, she is a lot of pain and she is scared.”
“Please keep me informed.” This was one of the worst moment in his life because he wasn’t there for his girls. You both needed him right now and he wasn’t there. He decided then and there that he was going back to London.
Meanwhile, you reached the hospital with Sophia wailing in your arms and Sam driving like a cray man. You were sure that he would have multiple speeding tickets waiting for him when he gets home. The E.R was busy at this time of the day and you just laid your daughter on one of the beds while Nikki went to go get a doctor.
“Honey, it’s going to be okay. Please be strong, baby girl.” There were tears in your eyes as your daughter’s face turned red with all the crying and screaming. The little girl was in too much pain.
“Daddy, plea- please. Hurts a lot.” Hiccuping in the middle of the sentence, you looked at your brother in law helplessly. She wanted Tom and he wasn’t here right now.
“We will talk to daddy after the nice doctor here checks you out, baby.” She wouldn’t let anyone near her or her arm and kept asking for her father, She was inconsolable.
Sitting in front of the bed, the doctor asked, “Hi, I am Dr Ana. What happened to this little bunny here?”
“She, uh, she fell during the race and I think she broke her arm.” You stood on the foot of the bed as you shakily explained the whole situation. “Soph, let her check your boo boo please.”
“Daddy, please.”
“Okay, let me call your dad and you can talk to him.” Nikki interjected when she saw that the conversation was not reaching any end point.
“Okay.” You wiped her snot with your sleeves as she clutched her broken arm in pain.
“Tom, talk to Sophia. She is not letting the doctors treat her.” Putting the phone on speaker, Tom’s voice filtered through the phone.
“Hey bubs. You need to let the doctor check you and make the boo boo alright.” His soothing voice brought tears to your eyes as you wanted nothing more than to hold his hand right now.
“It hurts. Back please?”
“I am coming back right now so you need to let the doctor check your arm. I will be there in no time.”
“Okay.” The moment the doctor started examining her arm, you took the phone from your mother in law.
“It’s going to be okay. You don’t have to come back.” You sniffled a little as the doctor got a portable x-ray to check up on Sophia’s arm. She held on to your hand tightly as even the little movement hurt her.
“I am. In fact, my flight is already confirmed. I will be there in four hours, tops.”
Tom declined the call as his manager called him downstairs. Getting in to the car, he just prayed to God that his little girl would be okay. He swore mentally that he would never let Sophia run. He should have been there and he was going to never leave his family’s side ever again.
“I have given her some pain meds for her pain so she should be settling down now.” Sophia was moved to a pediatric room and now she was calming down a little bit. “What color cast do you want, Miss Holland?”
“Pink.” She stated as a matter of fact and you lightly laughed. Nikki and Sam were in the room as well and they were staying till Tom got here. The pain medication slowly started working and Soph drifted off to sleep with Mr Fluffs in her arms.
“We are going to get coffee and then we can get you a change of clothes. Do you want something else?” Whispering, Nikki placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I am fine. I just need the clothes and can you please bring some for Tom as well. I know he would come straight here from the airport.”
“Okay, darling. Take care and call us if something happens.”
“Okay, thank you.” You put your head on the bed and drifted off to sleep.
Tom entered the hospital and the receptionist guided him towards Sophia’s room. Quietly steeping in there, he saw his two girls sleeping. Sophia looked so tiny in that patient bed and he never wanted to see her there. When he got close, he saw dried tears on his little girl’s cheek and his heart broke when he thought about the pain that she was in. The pink cast was set on her right arm and he want to her side and gently kissed it.
“I am so sorry baby, I wasn’t here. I won’t ever leave you again, I promise.”
“You are back.” The commotion in the room woke you up and you saw your husband right in front of you.
“Just got in.” Tom’s eyes never left the tiny human being laying underneath the sheets. “(Y/N), she is never running again.”
“Honey, children get hurt all the time. She will recover in no time.”
“Dadda!” Your baby jumped in to his arms before any of you realised what was happening. Her cast bumped on to the iron rod of the bed and she let out a blood curling scream.
“Call the doctor. It’s okay, bubs. You are going to be okay.” Kissing her cast, he tried to calm down the crying toddler. Meantime, you went to call Dr Anna so that she could check Sophia’s arm.
“It is all fine. You just need to be really careful with that arm. We are going to keep her here for one day and then you both can take your little girl home.”
You took Sophia from your husband and told him to go change in to comfortable clothes. When he came back, you both settled on the small bed and your daughter told him all about the injury and the pain. You both signed her pink cast and Tom also drew some rainbows and birds on it. Soon, it was time for her to take her medicines and you had to bribe her with chocolates, She always got her way.
“I love you, baby. Go to sleep now.” He wrapped the blanket around her and switched off all the lights.
“Love you. Be here?”
“Yes, I will be here darling. Now, sleep.” Sophia soon drifted off to sleep and Tom sat beside you on the couch.
“I missed you, Tommy.”
“I missed you too and I am never leaving you both for this long. Now, let’s go to sleep. It has been a tiring day.” Pecking him on the lips, you both laid down and just basked in each other’s warmth. Contented, you drifted off to sleep with your husband and child in the same room. Everything was going to be okay.
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I loved to write about Tom Holland as a family man. Tell me how you guys feel about it and I am open to requests regarding dad Tom. If you want to be added to my tag list, comment down below.
Like, comment and reblog.
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lithi · 3 years
Haha I translated this video
(For a better understanding, please watch this one first!)
-> Back then, I was in a situation where I had to urgently create special content for Volume 5, but since I was also working on the updates, I didn't have time to think about a concept, so I realised I had never drawn something like this.
(A behind the scenes I couldn’t mention last time)
-> The concept and color scheme are decided.
Trying to change the color around and changing the shape of the outfits to find something that feels nicer.
-> Since it’s a set of pictures, I must compare them so they don’t feel to different to the other.
-> Trying to match the proportions of the two characters.
Since I started directly from the sketch, Ijekiel is hurting a lot in the back haha
-> At first, I was drawing a sporty concept, but in response to the opinion of the editorial department, I decided to change it to a k-idol outfit, with school uniforms vibes.
-> After all, it was a randomly drawn picture, so now I have to modify the proportions of the human body... TT
-> Now I have to draw Jennette’s face properly.
-> I wonder if it’ll be a pretty pattern...
Now I’m trying to customise it to get the feeling I want.
-> The battle with the pattern continues...
The change of the pattern must reflect according to the movement of the fabric.
-> I thought it would be nice if the boys' clothes have detailed logos , so I'm testing and putting various logos.
-> I had no proper text that came to mind, so most of it are the characters’ names or information Ha ha ha
-> I didn’t think through it properly at the beginning, so I kept crying and thinking that it would be so much easier if I had the kids’ birthday dates... so I remembered
-> There were meant readers who were also curious. Since there was no birthday in the original work, I was thinking that I could make them up...
-> I wanted to make the birthdays at this point, so I asked the editorial department if it would be okay to make birth dates for them, and they said okay so I'm going to make a birthday for them sooner or later!
-> Athy would be in early summer or July, which is articulated with a vaguely emerging image, Claude was born in February, Jennette in early fall... Around September? Lucas, on December 25. Ijekiel on spring... I think he was born in March. Only Lucas has a set date... I think. *feeling omnipotent*
-> Anastasius feels like a raw mid-winter in January. I think October is good for the uncle White. I think Felix was born in midsummer/July. Lily's name is Lily (lillies bloom in summer) so it would be good in August.
-> The color scheme and details came out roughly.
I started doing the lineart.
-> I feel like I’m unconsciously doing the wrinkles of their shirts bigger.
-> I’m using different props.
I continue doing the lineart.
-> Also squeezing in logos or text. [‘Warning’ on Lucas’ shoe] Dangerous man Lucas...!
-> Since it is a bonus that comes with Volume 5, I will also put information about Volume 5.
(She wrote “volume 5” on the boys’ clothes)
-> Ijekiel looks a little sporty, so I was worried, but I think the active feeling looks fine, so I keep going as it is.
-> Since the wrong placement was the problem from the start, Ijekiel is going to suffer until the end...
-> I was asked to draw him behind Lucas, so even if he’s a bit hidden, he has to stand out well on himself.
-> But Ijekiel keeps avoiding with Lucas and it’s getting annoying to draw
-> It’s difficult...
Can’t you two get closer to each other?
-> I feel like I’m adding too many layers... But it looks nice and cool. I'm drawing them to look relaxed.
-> The boys’ lineart is over to some extent, so we start with the girls’ lineart.
-> When I keep drawing for the webtoon and then switch to draw illustrations, the feeling is very different and I get lost every time.
How do I do it...?
-> However, I can’t run past the deadline, so I have to work even if I want to sleep.
-> It feels like I’m broadcasting live.
I must prepare my mind and organize my materials nicely. Ugh! It could be nice if I could draw very carefully... but I always say ‘but first I have to do...’
-> Sometimes I feel like I have to search through my whole body for the skills to do something and have to scrape all down to the bottom to find it... It feels like a constant fight.
-> I rarely draws girls’ legs because in the WMMAP world, women are wearing long dresses.
So it's fun to draw a short skirt and legs after a long time.
-> Jennette is friendly with Athy, so their pose wasn't hard to find at all.
I drew it straight out easily.
-> After all, drawing legs is interesting~
-> the girls' line art is also finished, and then the coloring begins.
-> (this is a wordplay on Hangul so I had to translate it somehow) IJKLALPHS is now Ijekiel Alpheus haha
I’ll stop now because I don’t have much to use...
-> Still, thanks to the formative features of Hangeul, wouldn't it look geometrically cool to foreign fans?
-> Trying to find a nice variation by trying out different types of letters...
-> Even I gave up on IJKLALPHS haha
-> After roughly finishing the coloring, I hurry up with Athy’s color scheme, gogo!
-> The pattern in put in the sketch was filled properly.
-> I’m always attentive to do the patterns and wrinkles around the sewing lines nicely.
-> This process seems boring and not more rewarding than I originally thought when I was doing it... But the pattern is perfect! It really stands out when you first see it.
It’s like doing house chores...
-> If you know how to do it well, it’s okay, but if you don't, it's annoying..
So, pattern twisting should be done with the feeling of laying the foundation.
-> Now it’s time to pour the colors following the areas.
-> I am working on the details a little more. When you pour the colors, it is easier to see the details compared to when you only did the line art.
-> After this, I start coloring more in detail.
-> Now I won’t touch anything but little more details and the shape. In fact, I’ll keep doing it until the end.
-> I am modifying the smileys one by one to suit each character. After fixing it all, I was proud. It's cute.. haha
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-> I’ll proceed to continue coloring.
-> This drawing is very a hip fashion themed, and there a lot of black, so I paint the skin with a lower saturation than usual.
-> Lucas’ colouring is not complete, but at this point, I’ll also proceed to colour Ijekiel.
I alternately paint the one and then the other to see the balance between the two.
-> Then, the coloring of the boys is not over yet, but I start coloring the girls too in order to balance them.
-> [the balance the colors of the boys and the girls], I select the boys’ main colors with a pipette and use them [to paint the girls].
-> Even if the balance is correct, the girls seem to have been paint much brightly, so I increased the temperature of their skin color.
-> In order to equally increase the nice complementing of the characters, I continuously compare and correct it.
-> At this stage, we pass the image to the editorial department and wait for feedback to see if there are any corrections that need to be done.
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Afterwards, I was unable to record the rest by mistake, but I adjusted the color of the jacket to a dark color because Athy’s hair color is bright and the jacket color was too bright to see the character. So the vest became pink... So I changed the ribbon and socks to the same ones as Jennette to show that they are wearing the same uniform.
(+ And added blackie to her back hahaha)
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achliegh · 3 years
Alright, I had this wonderful idea come into my head about Clayton, honestly he deserves his own fic. So here is his version of events! Lots will tie together with Golden so I recommend you read that as well. But you don’t have to of course.
Before Letter is the present.
Letter is updating the lives of the people back home, of whoever wrote it mostly.
After Letter is memory.
The first few letters will be very awkward because writing letters and not being sure what to talk about and what not to talk about is hard and confusing. Stick with me! Yes, this prologue is just a letter.
TW/CW: Discussions of death, military training, smut, cringy jokes, underage drinking, dumb choices, swearing, hospitals, injuries and death caused by someone close, domestic abuse, blood, unfair treatment from police, false allegations.
Beta: @walking-crisis
Some Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Chapter 6:
In Color
“I don’t think you’re ready for that.” Grev was leaning against the door frame, cigar in his mouth and dressed in a casual yet expensive suit. “It will mess with your head.”
“Are you allowed to smoke in here?” Grev snatches the book from his grasp and raises a challenging eyebrow at him. Putting his hands up in surrender he starts walking back towards his bed. Ass out.
“How did you get up?” Grev took his normal seat and put his ankle on his knee to get comfortable.
“I stood up… why is that some miracle or something?”
“A little, you did get shot in the back of the head.” Grev goes back to puffing his cigar, oddly enough it doesn’t smell like a normal cigar. His dad would have one every holiday, he knows what they smell like. Clay is about to sit back on the bed when he hears Grev clear his throat, looking up Clay makes eye contact with the older man for a moment.
“Fine, I changed my mind… you can look. But, only if I get to explain the pictures to you.” Clay sits down and pats the mattress next to him. Grev grumbles under his breath and walks over to sit next to him. He opens the picture album to the first page.
“Is that you?” Clay points to a picture of two small boys looking happy with smiles on their faces, but their eyes told a different story. Even in black and white Clay could see how scared they were.
“That's my twin brother Clark and I, we were 12 years old, working in a factory during the Great Depression.” Clay looks up at him confused, Great depression… but Grev doesn’t look that old. Shaking his head thinking maybe he found the fountain of youth, Clay kept looking at the pictures. Flipping through happy and sad pictures as he turned each page.
“You are in the military?”
“Was, and yes. That was my battle buddy, his name was Gerald Kinzie. He was a high school teacher in San Antonio… I wonder where he is now.”
They turn the page and Clay can’t help but awwwwwww out loud. A picture of Grev with a beautiful woman, he’s kissing her cheek and they appear to be in… wedding? Attire.
“That’s your grandmother and I.”
Dear Clayton,
I know you are deployed a little longer than we were told you would be, but it’s okay! As long as you are safe somewhere then I don’t mind! You’re someone I can spill the beans to and not get in trouble.
You obviously remember the Sheriff, well he has passed away. I know it is terrible to celebrate someone's passing but he and his family made your life a living hell. Ashley scarred your beautiful face.
Yes, you may look more devil's advocate but it doesn’t make me sad.
A bad thing to come out of his death, besides his death of course God Bless his soul, is that Leo was investigated for it.
Now this happened a few months ago, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about your brother, he is just fine now. Him and his boys came to visit not long ago.
First it was Leo by himself and then his boys came down a few days later. He was the happiest I have seen him since you left. He really misses you baby. So does your Daddy.
I think I am close to convincing him to write to you! He was asking for a pen and paper the other night when he had his night smoke on the back porch. So, look out for that letter.
I got a call from Noelle, she is just a peach you sure got lucky with her, she called to ask me if I had a box or a basket of little things you would find and give to me and your Daddy. She called you a penguin and I couldn’t help but laugh.
I told her that we have a room dedicated to everything you would find for us because the things you brought us vary in sizes. She didn’t say much about it after that, just talked about how Thomas and her were thinking about coming down in a month. After the last game of the season.
Of course I told them they can have your room, I’ve been cleaning it everyday just in case you surprise me like you like to do.
I love you baby, can’t wait for you to be home. xoxo
I already know.
It was humid that night, Noelle has been so excited for this date the entire week. They could only do this on a Thursday night because Thomas was leaving for an away game in Hufflepuff, Noelle was going to visit her other sisters, and Clay was going to get tested to get into boot camp this weekend.
So, driving Clay’s brand new truck up to the highest point in Gryff to watch the sunset. It was cliché but it was comforting. Noelle parks the truck after backing it up into the spot so they feel like they are floating over the cliff. They lay blankets and pillows down to be comfortable.
They turned on some low music, Thomas and Noelle laughed as Clay tried to mimic Finn’s dancing on the tailgate as the other two snuggled together. Clay stopped and stared at them for a moment, he didn’t realize how intensely he was staring until he felt two very different hands pull him on top of the beautiful two humans he was staring at.
“Hi…” Noelle snorts and gives him a small kiss on his scarred eyebrow. He feels Thomas lean over to presumably give him a kiss on the cheek. Instead he blows a raspberry in his neck, causing Clay to smack his neck and try to get away, only to be pulled further into the pile until he is being sandwiched in between them. Both looking up at him from where their cheeks are squished into his biceps. They are hugging him tightly and their legs are a tangled mess.
Eventually they all relax their grip on each other just a little, watching the sky as it starts to change colors. Clay notices how heavy his partners have gotten suddenly. He looks down to see that Noelle has fallen asleep with her mouth open and is starting to drool, and Thomas has fallen asleep looking more relaxed and peaceful than he has all week.
Clay knows they don’t want him to go into the military but ever since he moved to Gryff for the winters… he's been lost. Feeling useless while everyone else is out improving their lives. He needed a path of his own. He can’t just be the pretty thing that sits at home and waits for his lovers like a dog. He needs a purpose of his own.
Looking down at them, he smiles and traces the three little moles on Noelles tan cheek that make a triangle. He looks over to Thomas who has a small scar just below his lip. Noelle recently attacked his eyebrows with some tweezers and Clay can still see the little scab from where Thomas tried to move his head and she plucked his skin on accident.
Clay doesn’t realise how much time passed as he just memorised their faces, breathing pattern and the way they cling to him, until he realises the only light illuminating Noelles honey brown hair is the streetlight they parked next to.
He looks up at the sky and sees the stars for the first time since moving to the city… it just so happens to be his lucky night.
He makes a wish on the bright northstar.
He wants this forever.
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fuckingdeadbutroyal · 4 years
Jasonette July- Soulmate AU- Part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Bruce would never admit it. No, of course not. Bruce was a literal father of eight, Catwomans fiance and motherfucking Batman himself. Right then, standing in the ruins of what was once “The City of Love”? He could not handle the situation. There should have been more people coming to Paris’ rescue, more heroes offering their support and overall more attention on everything that was happening, more attention on what has been going on for years. The irritation seeped into the batfamily like some kind of mist. Everyone felt it, but each person was dealing with it in their very own, individual way. 
For example there currently was a frustrated Cassandra Cain asking Tim for directions, while using a crowbar to open a door that has been sealed shut by the rubble of one of the broken buildings. She was angry, or at least that’s what she has been taught this emotion was called. The decade she has spent on the streets of Gotham have made her capable of handling all kinds of tools and left her with every necessary skill there was, if you needed to open a door or look for something any other person would not have paid any attention to. The young adult wasn’t keen on following her main mission. The villain could be caught later, but those people were dying right then and there. Tim has told them about the Miraculous Cure. Yes, all those people would come back to life if only their heroine would finally manage to catch that damn akuma. 
The memories would stay though. The city would consist of traumatised citizens and be vulnerable to further attacks or, in the worst case, further manipulation. Dick could not stop thinking about what could happen afterwards. What are they going to do once the villain has been eliminated and the miraculous cure has been cast? How would the citizens of Paris react when some sociopath would raise their voice and demand power and set up rules and just overall exploit the damaged and desperate minds of the victims? 
Would this emotional trauma lead to new extremists? 
Would they have to fight a new Hitler or have to assassinate the next Stalin? Speaking of assassination: Damian was raging. His already bad temper was a perfect starting point, which means that now that he had mixed his constant anger with the situational rage... he felt alive. 
He remembered that that was what superboy has felt like the first time he realised he could fly. Kon-Els’ emotions were always very...expressive. He loved to indulge every bit of adrenaline and excitement he could reach. Damian was glad to have him as his soulmate, though. The other boys positivity and extroverted way of acting was complementary to Damians introverted defensivness. Kon-Els’ habit of sharing his pleasent emotions and sensations through their soulmate-bond has opened the Wayne heirs eyes in several ways.
Now the youngest batfamily-members’ adrenaline and rage-filled soul was holding back from sharing that powerup with his lover, though. Instead he was focusing on Paris and subconciously hoping not to remember it in it’s current form, having planned on taking his boyfriend there for their anniversary. No, instead he was looking at those pained faces and ruins. His mind was tunneled, sure, but whatever he saw on the other end of that tube did not stand a single chance. The boy was rummaging through the streets, following each and every one of Red Robins and Batmans orders without giving it a second guess. Damian was reacting to everything colored red that came into his vision. Paired up with his oldest brother, who has taken to asking the citizens about what they have witnessed and if there was anyone who needed immediate help. Damian did not speak. He stared down anyone who didn’t answer them right away and “put on pause” whoever was causing trouble inside the shelters. He was following the “no killing policy”. (Which didn’t mean he held back.) A broken bone was a broken bone, no matter if it killed you or just immobilsed you for a few weeks. Dick did not approve of Damians actions, but the young one was careful not to leave a trace of his doings and knew for sure that there wouldn’t be anyone who would dare to tattle on him, not if they valued their oh so precious teeth.
Each and any trace that could lead them to the villains identity has been collected. Barbara paid special attention to accuracy and professionalism, no matter how difficult it was. She didn’t allow herself to loose focus, didn’t turn away from the mission. She wanted to, oh how much she wanted to just stop looking at those weird dusty footprints and butterfly themed anythings and pull the people in misery out of their ashes. Orakle couldn’t dare do it, though. Anyone else has already stopped paying attention to the mission. If she did too, there would be no one left to find the source of evil. She kept on playing the matra her father has taught her in the back of her head: “Find the criminal, save the future victims, find the criminal, save the future victims...” 
The future was uncertain, even for Duke. His photokinetic skill let him see into the near future, aswell as a bit of the past. But that didn’t help because that day he just couldn’t see anything but death and destruction in both directions. His vision was clouded with blood and dust and he quite honestly felt blind and useless. They should’ve come sooner, they didn’t have the right to leave these people to their own devices. Especialy since they knew that their devices were malfunctioning. The boys heart was full of regret. If only he could have seen this coming, if only he could have showed the akumatised victim a way out! It was his job as “The Signal” after all, he didn’t wear this annoyingly bright yellow suit for no reason!
Tim was surprisingly calm. He had his coffeemashine working, Alfred keeping him comany in the batcave and several constant sources of information keeping him entertained. He hated to admit it, but for once he felt fulfilled. His brain was working at just the right pace, he was giving out orders and information without having to secondguess himself and could allow himself to just let the mission take it’s course. He saw the dots moving around on the screen, saw the battlefield growing and changing and knew when to usher his family away from, or even towards danger. Yes, the pressure was incredibly high, but oh god was it exhilarating. 
Which didn’t mean he wasn’t annoyed when his orders were being ignored. Cass not listening to him he has already been counting on, she was saving the people and that was all he needed her to do. Stephanies string of fate, which was connected to Tims heart, was safe and sound and she kept him updated about her actions, so he was fine with keeping her out of the equation, for now. Jason though? 
“Hood! What the fuck is up with you?”, Tim signaled his older brother, who was currently walking at the pace of an elderly zombie and, for whatever reason, constantly turning in the direction of the Saine, completly disregarding the route Tim has assigned him on. “I totally get your need for caffeine now, Red.”, Jason laughed in return, “doesn’t mean I support it though.” Having said that he went back to silently brooding in the direction that was making him even more tired than he already was. 
Jason was exhausted, but he wasn’t dumb. He’d guessed that his soulmate had to be somewhere in the area and he was certain that the strenghtening bond was due to their proximity. The further he walked the more he felt them. Or in other words, felt his body succumb to their weakness. Whoever they were, Jason knew they were on the verge of dying. A soulmates bond can only do so much. Sure, if he ate and slept for two, his bonded would get their share, but it still wasn’t enough. Judging by the way he was currently about to collapse, they haven’t been taking care of themselves for a while now. Jason had to do something. He needed to find them and get them to someplace where they could recover, at least enough for Jason to be able to get back to work again. 
Blinking, Red Hood realised where he was. Where there should have been water, just a few dozen meters in front of him, were...
“Red, am I hallucinating or is that river full of giant ladybugs?”
“Those are boats. Their color indicates them to be Lucky Charms, a creation of Ladybugs superpower. Batman and the others have found several other items all over the city and collected the ones they could. Apparently Ladybug has to throw them in the air in order to cast the cure. Are you capable of investigating these ones? I think they could be shelters but my drones haven’t arrived yet so we have no heatvision to investigate from abov-”
“I’m on it.”, Jason interrupted him, having gotten a grasp of the situation and, due to his tiredness, not being capable of listening for such amounts of information without succumbing to the monotone lullaby of another human beings voice.
Tim watched in wonder, as the big, scary, red hooded man stopped midtrack, made a 90° turn and climbed into a destroyed cafe. He came out of it, several minutes later, armed with what seemed like two cups of coffee, a bag full of food held between his teeth and unconcious parisians on each one of his shoulders. Jason carefully squatted, letting them down at the door of the nearby akuma-shelter and sitting crosslegged next to them. After carefully dropping his bag of baked goods in his lap and downing the probably burning hot coffee from his left hand in one go, he finally turned his com back on and just sat there, eating. 
A few moments had passed before Tim mustered up the courage to speak to him. He’s been fighting evil in the streets of the most crime-ridden city their planet had to offer for years now, but never in his whole career has he seen something as terrifying as that man he considered a brother, who he knew had commited murder, died and come back to life, just sit and eat while everything around him consisted of ruins, death and destruction.
“Tho-those civilans. Did you-?”
“I knew you would ask that!”, a full mouth replied, “Of fucking course not. They were knocked out by their bloody ceiling collapsing onto their damn heads. They’re still breathing and I’m sure there’s like, first aid in those shelters. I just gotta-”, he took another bite, taking his time, again swallowing his second cup of coffee in one go and letting out an exhausted but slightly more energized breath, “I just gotta recharge, then I’ll be on my way.”
“Are you okay? Why so weak all of a sudden?”
“Who are ya calling weak, replacement?”
“I meant what I said, now spill.”
An uncharacteristical sigh escaped Jasons lips. He didn’t like speaking of his soulmate. It made him feel weak, especialy due to their bond consisting of literal suffering. Given the current situation, though, he decided to share.
“Did you know I have a soulmate?”
Tims surprise was evident but he did not dare speak up, in fear of disrupting his brothers confession. 
“We’re kind of a fucked up pair, to be honest. Our bond isn’t as cute as yours and Spoilers. It’s like...very physical. Whenever she gets hurt I get the same bruise.”
Jason now knew she was female. He felt her much more intensely, recognized those physical attributes he was sensing. If felt weird and he would have to get used to it. (Only if the both of them were going to survive the next few hours, of course.) 
He took another bite of the third pastry he was currently eating, before continuing: “Whenever one of us has hurt ourselves when we were little, the other did something similar in some sort of “payback”. It was dumb. Silly realy...”
Tim was only half listening. As much as he wanted to know every tiny detail of this secretive mans confessions, he still had a job to do. A shelter not far from Dukes whereabouts has been covered by more debris and was therefore in danger of collapsing on itself. He gave out orders to everyone but Jason. Red Robin had a guess considering what he was about to be told and couldn’t risk ignoring that possibly incredibly important piece of information.
Jason was finishing his seventh pastry, while explaining to Tim how he recognized Paris through his soulmate and pointed out how odd it was, that she knew what every angle looked like from above and how she has never set foot inside an akuma-shelter. 
Saying it out loud made it painfully obvious. Especially when he paired the information with the fact that his wounds seemed to heal so quickly and the exhaustion the bonded pair was feeling.
Ladybugs powers include healing.
Ladybug was fighting the most difficult battle this war has ever offered.
Ladybug was Jasons soulmate and he knew where he could find her.
I hope you are having a great day, night, morning...probably night. Nighttime is tumblrtime after all. 
Thank you SO MUCH for all your feedback, it is now my fuel, my water, my blood, I love y’all.
Also, English is my third language so please, if you find any mistakes or notice a grammatical sin: please tell me! I am still learning and would love to correct my mistakes.
Part 4 is in the making and either it will be very long or I’ll make a part 5. No promises though!
P.S.: Proper Jasonette is finally happening next chapter, I’m excited ^^
I never would have thought I’d get to say that but I now have a taglist! If you want to be added just tell me in whichever way: I will find you and I will tag you *insert evil laughter*
Tag List \o/:
@maribat-is-lifeblood @lokilex @amayakans 
Thanks for reading ^^
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driversmutbucket · 4 years
Kitten Part VIII
Kylos got 99 problems but the bitch ain’t one 
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taglist: @reyloaddict55​ @candycanes19​ @jediminddicks1000​ @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @maybe-your-left​ @thegreenmatt​ @morby​ @sydneyssmut​ @contesa-lui-alucard @millenialcatlady
Please mind the tags.
PLEASE skip this update if any of the content is triggering for you. I will make sure to provide a recap at the beginning of the epilogue.
Kylo Ren AU x Reader
WARNINGS: drug use, drug paraphernalia, violence (breaking shit), angst, so many feels, smut, NSFW, mentions of pregnancy   
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It had been 3 days since you had heard from Kylo. 
Once upon a time you wouldn’t have batted an eyelid.
But these days? 
You were starting to feel concerned.
You were sitting at your desk, looking at your phone blankly. 
No messages. 
You had sent him two text messages, one last night and one this morning. No reply. 
You were beginning to spiral- if you were honest with yourself. Had he changed his mind? Was this his way of ending things? Was there someone else? 
Your office phone rang, you considered ignoring it, not in the headspace to deal with…..anything.
You talked yourself around and answered.
“Dr y/l/n?” 
“Hello dear, I hope you remember me, this is Jan, Dr Ren’s booking clerk.”
“Of course I do, Jan, is everything ok?” 
“Well, I'm not so sure I’m afraid, and I’m so sorry to ring you like this and at your place of work but-... well, we have been unable to get hold of Dr Ren and he has no emergency contacts listed here, you were the only person I could think of.” 
You began to ask a question but Jan talked over you, clearly flustered.
“I just wouldn’t normally do this but you see, Dr Ren is usually so punctual, I couldn’t get a hold of him yesterday afternoon and now he is 2 hours late, this is just so unlike him, I’m beginning to get concerned.” 
You felt sick. 
“I haven’t heard from him either, Jan, but I'm going to go to his place now and check on him, I really appreciate the call, can I take your number and update you?” Your managerial override kicking in as your panic increased with every passing second.
One you placed the phone back in the cradle you sat with your head in your hands, took some slow deep breaths before grabbing all your belongings and half running out the door.
By the time you were standing outside Kylo’s front door you had almost convinced yourself you were over-reacting.
If he hadn’t cut you loose already you were willing to bet that knocking down his front door in a frenzy would seal the deal.
But you just had this feeling. 
Something was wrong.
You knocked and waited. 
Knocked again. 
You rang his phone to no answer.
You tried the door handle, it was open. 
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you pushed the front door open cautiously. 
“Kylo?” You called, stepping over the threshold, “it’s just me…...checking on you….”
It was completely silent in the apartment. You felt like you were intruding, doubt plaguing you as you walked towards the living area. 
You were stopped in your tracks by a pair of dress shoes, haphazardly strewn in the hallway like they had been kicked off. Not neatly placed, odd. You knew enough about Kylo to know he liked order. 
Stepping into the kitchen your blood ran cold at the scene before you. 
A smashed glass on the tiles and- what was that? Blood?!
You began running, bursting through his bedroom door, the bed was made and untouched but you could see light shining from the en-suite bathroom.
“Ohshitohfuck!” You could see him lying on the tiles from where you stood in the bedroom. 
Your legs somehow carried you to the bathroom. You knelt down next to him, you could see his chest rising and falling, you didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you exhaled in relief. 
“Kylo?” You said softly, touching his arm. He didn’t stir, even when you repeated yourself louder. His skin was clammy and off color, he lay in a sort of fetal position. His knuckles were bloody, but the blood had dried and clotted.
“Shitshitshitshit.” you hissed.
You hadn’t evening looked around the room, too focused on Kylo. 
The bathroom looked like a hurricane had hit, the cracked mirror explained his bloody knuckles. However this didn’t scare you as much as the tiny ziplock bag on the counter. A few used needles, lighter and spoon in the sink. 
You tried to control your breathing, leaning against the vanity. This was not the time to fall to pieces. 
You began to look for his phone, eventually locating it on the kitchen counter. 
You tapped the home screen, seeing all the missed calls and messages from yourself and Jan. You let our a shaky breath when you realised his lock screen was a picture of you and 3 giant pizzas that he had taken after the charity event. 
 Running back to the bathroom you gently used his thumb to unlock the phone. 
Pushing aside intense feelings of guilt for going through his phone, you tapped into the recent calls, hoping to find anyone you could call. Nothing helpful. 
Opening the messages there were yours, unread. Below was a thread with ‘Luke from Group’.
Your hand shook as you tapped into the thread from 2 days ago. 
Kylo Hi Luke, are the meetings still on the same day? I feel I may need to come to the next one.
Luke from Group Nice to hear from you, yes they still are. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything before then ok? Hope you are keeping well. 
Kylo Thank you, Luke.
“Okay” you breathed, ringing ‘Luke from Group.’
He answered after 2 rings.
“Hi, hello, I am Kylo’s…” you took a breath, “look, I've just found Kylo on the floor in his bathroom and I think he’s taken drugs.” You blurted.
There was a pause, in which wondered if you had just told some random acquaintance sensitive information.
When he spoke, his voice was calm, soothing your fried nerves. “Ok, i want you to position him so his airways are open, can you do that?” 
“Yes, let me put you on speaker.” 
Luke talked you through placing Kylo in a recovery position, before hanging up to come straight over. 
You sat, watching Kylo breath until you heard a knock at the door. 
Luke was an older gentleman with a kind face. 
He followed you to the bathroom and sighed sadly when he saw Kylo. “Oh dear, Kylo my boy....” 
He knelt down and tried to rouse him, having no more luck than you did.
“I think we need to get him somewhere more comfortable, he is going to feel like absolute hell the next few days.” Luke looked to you. 
“Let’s take him to my place- if you don’t mind? It will be easier for me to look after him there.” 
“You can look after him for the week?” 
“Yes, absolutely, I’ll sort all this,” You waved around at the trashed bathroom, “if you could guide me on what else to do?” 
“Well aren’t you a goddamn angel.” Luke said softly, looking at Kylo. 
You organized that Luke would go ahead with Kylo to your place and you would follow once you had grabbed Kylo’s things.
Another friend of Luke’s arrived who knew Kylo, you assumed through the same channels. They somehow managed to support him enough to get him down the lift and into Luke’s car. 
Kylo was barely conscious, “he won’t remember any of this.” Luke told you, as you looked on.
Once the door closed behind them a deathly quiet settled over the apartment. 
You lent against the kitchen counter, no longer able to keep in the emotion, heaving sobs taking over your body. 
You found an overnight bag and stuffed as many clothes and toiletries of Kylo’s as you could inside, silently thanking him for his anal-retentive organization, which made everything easy to find. 
You cleaned up the bathroom as best you could, making a mental note to hire a glazier to replace the mirror. 
You rang work and took a week's leave, effective immediately citing a family emergency (close enough). 
You then rang Jan. 
You were trying to vaguely explain the situation, when Jan interrupted. 
“Y/n, i have to ask, has he relapsed?” Her voice was low, and uncharacteristically somber. 
“Yes.” Your voice wavered. 
“Oh y/n, darling, oh Kylo, oh what a shame, god he was just doing fantastically.” She lamented, “a horrible disease addiction, horrible!” 
You didn’t know what to say, there was something so motherly about Jan, you felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude that Kylo had her in his life. 
“Now don’t you worry about a thing here sweetheart, I will sort it all out- discreetly of course. You give Dr Ren my love won’t you, I'm so glad he has you y/n, so glad, god I have lost sleep over that damn boy” there was a fondness in her voice that sugested she cared about Kylo, very much. 
Ending the call you felt better, at least some things were in order, amidst the chaos.
You hardly remember driving home, your mind running 100 miles a second. 
You opened the front door to the smell of coffee.
Luke looked up as you walked into the kitchen, “I hope you don’t mind, I started a pot” he nodded at the coffee brewing in the French press.
“Not at all. How is he?” You walked to the door of your bedroom and peaked in. A large Kylo shaped mound was in your bed, still. 
“He woke briefly, I talked to him a little, he was still high but asked after you. Sleeping again now. He is going to feel like hell the next few days, but let’s talk about that over coffee.”
“I’m going to need sugar, cake?” You asked, opening the cupboard.
“I never turn down cake.” Luke smiled.
You cut generous slices of cake and settled at the kitchen table with mugs of coffee. 
“How long...ah, I assume you are romantically involved?” Luke asked, looking a bit embarrassed.
You sighed, “it’s creeping up to a year, we haven’t really been anything serious though, looks like it was heading that way recently.”
“Ah.” Luke nodded, as if things made sense to him now.
“Why do you ask?” 
“Kylo holds a belief that everyone or anything precious to him will leave him or be taken from him. He is a skilled self-saboteur” He mused before sipping his coffee. “I was wondering if anything major had happened….”
“Is this to do with his parents?” You asked.
“Without a doubt, without a doubt.” Luke nodded, “such a sad state of affairs.” 
You talked for a good hour, draining a few cups of coffee each. Luke ran you through the symptoms you should expect over the next week. It sounded horrible. 
Luke said he would come by and collect him in 2 days for the next meeting. You learnt they had met at an NA group and become unlikely friends. .
You saw Luke off with a hug and a torrent of thanks. 
You sat on the bed next to Kylo’s sleeping form and tried to read, eventually nodding off. 
You woke to a low groan. 
Kylo was rousing. He was coated in a layer of sweat and made a heart-wrenching whimpering noise.
“Kylo, it’s ok, I’m here.” You soothed, stroking his hair. 
“Y/n?” He croaked, half opening his eyes. 
Your eyes filled with tears, “yeah baby, it’s ok.” 
“Can you- I need-” he looked toward the bathroom desperately. 
“I’ll help you.” You clambered off the bed, going over to the side he was on and pulled back the covers.
His clothes were soaked with sweat, he shivered.
“Oh god, ok, let’s get you in the bathroom baby, I’ll run you a bath too.” 
You helped him up, and did your best to support him as he walked, like he had drunk a bottle of vodka, to the bathroom. 
He promptly threw up in the toilet. 
You held his hair out of the way, rubbing circles on his back as he heaved, emptying his stomach. 
You began running the bath, before getting a bottle of water from the fridge. 
His hands shook violently as he sloshed some into his mouth.
When his urge to vomit subsided he slouched against the wall, closing his eyes. 
When the bath was full you peeled Kylo’s clothes off and unwrapped the bandage Luke had used to cover his bloody knuckles before helping him into the warm water. He didn’t protest to any of your help, like you expected him to, he was silent, unable to meet your eyes. Defeated. 
He sat in the bath, head hung. When you fetched a cloth and gently wiped his back he began to sob.
You felt like someone had taken to your heart with a hammer. 
“Kylo.” Your voice cracked, “it’s going to be ok.”
You were knelt beside the tub helplessly as he cradled his head in his hands, body shaking with emotion.
Tears ran down your face. You didn’t know what else to do, so you stripped off your clothes and climbed in behind him. You wrapped your body around him as best you could, resting your forehead on his back. 
“Shhhhhhh, It’s ok, it’s ok, I got you, it’s ok.” You repeated softly until his gasping sobs subsided. 
“I’m sorry.” He croaked. “I’m so-” 
“Baby, don’t, it’s ok, it’s all ok. Let’s just get you sorted out for now ok?” You pressed a kiss on his spine before getting out of the bath and fetching him some sleep clothes, quickly stripping and remaking the bed.
Once he was clean, dry and in bed, you had a shower before crawling in beside him and taking his hand as he snored softly.
You woke the next to Kylo sitting up in bed next to you, gazing at you. 
“Hi.” You said softly.
He managed a sad, half hearted smile, looking like death warmed up. Dark circles under his eyes, skin devoid of warmth and eyes bloodshot.
“How do you feel?” you asked.
“Like shit. Predictably, which I deserve.” 
You sat up and took his hand, gently examining his injured knuckles. 
“If you were trying to scare me off, this was a noble effort.” You smiled weakly. “Although I’m afraid you only succeeded in giving me some grey hairs.”
You looked at him, his brow furrowed, “you have every right to cut me out of your life.”
“Well, I would never.” 
“You should.” He cast his eyes down. 
“I’m a piece of shit junkie for a start.” His voice was heavy with self loathing. 
“Kylo no-” you tried.
“I am, you’d do well to run for the fucking hills.” 
“Well I won’t.” You snapped, dropping his hand with a scowl.
He looked at you, slightly shocked.
“For someone so smart, you sure are thick!” You felt hot tears run down your face. “Because I love you, you big, beautiful idiot, I’m deeply, irreversibly in love with you.”
Kylo looked like you had slapped him in the face, mouth hung slightly open.
“I know this didn’t start as-” you began, in a panic.
He pulled your body into his in one quick movement, his grip tight, he cradled you, pressing his own, now damp cheek to your forehead.
“I fucking love you so much.” He choked. 
The dam broke, you burst into tears. Heaving sobs into his chest. He rocked you. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” He repeated, over and over. 
“I thought-.. i thought i-.. i had lost you.” you sobbed into his chest.
You stayed there, clutching each other for a long time, safe in the knowledge that your feelings were reciprocated, that you didn’t have to endure a heartbreak.
Luke came the next day, they went to an NA meeting, you cooked dinner while they were out, glad to have a menial task to focus on. 
Luke stayed long after dinner, talking with Kylo in your living room, you busied yourself doing other things, laundry, dishes, anything to give them time together. 
“I knew soon after i met her, she was my person, you know? I’ve never felt...so alive around someone before” you heard Kylo confide in Luke.
You paused, feeling guilty for eavesdropping.
“Don’t you let her go boy, anyone who doesn’t bolt in a time like this is worth their weight in gold. Y/n has you back. My first wife dropped me like a hot potato when she found out i was using.” 
“I just don’t feel like I deserve her.”
“You can’t keep punishing yourself like this Kylo. Have you thought about therapy, if not for your sake, for hers?”
Kylo sighed, “I have connections enough to find a therapist.”
“Please consider it, therapy has kept me clean for 20 years and you know what, if you want to make a life with y/n i would say it is a damn necessity.”
“You’re right, it’s just…”
“I know it’s hard, it’s painful, but god, it’s worth it, and you have a beautiful woman willing to stick this out with you. You are a lucky son of a bitch.” Luke laughed. 
With Luke’s help you got Kylo through the week, his color finally came back and the symptoms of withdrawals slowly eased. 
Luke ferried him off to NA meetings and therapist appointments almost daily. He insisted, saying you needed time to relax.
Kylo came back from long therapy sessions looking wrung out, his eyes often puffy. 
“I’ve never cried so much in my life.” he had mumbled, laying on the couch, his head in your lap as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
You both took another week off.
Jan came over at your invitation and promptly burst into tears when she saw Kylo, batting him over the head then giving him a fierce hug. 
Your own eyes teared up, but you laughed at the look of bewilderment on Kylo’s face as he patted her back awkwardly. 
“You really hit the jackpot with this one Kylo, i don’t know what i would have done without y/n last week - my god!” she sniffed, dabbing her eyes before hugging you with the same enthusiasm. You winked at Kylo over her shoulder. He mouthed “brat”.
“You’ll give her a big head Jan.” he teased. 
Jan spun around, and Kylo, bless him, looked slightly fearful. 
“Now listen here you! I may not be your mother, but you are damn near like a son to me and i swear to god i have been praying for someone like y/n to come along for you! You treat her like a damn Queen or you’ll have me to answer to! You hear?!” She had her hands on her hips.
Kylo held up his hands, “Yes ma'am!”
You were snickering as Jan batted him around the head again.  
Kylo was slowly returning to the one you knew, you loved. 
You fell into an easy routine of domesticity. Enjoying the simple things like cooking for Kylo, reading in bed together before falling asleep and drinking coffee in the morning sun. 
You were taking long walks together daily, around the city and you had been showing him all your favorite galleries, talking him through the art. He would gaze at you as you talked, like you had hung the moon. 
You hadn’t been intimate since…. the event, for obvious reasons. 
But today, today he was handsy. The little smack on your ass when you handed him a coffee. The graze of his fingers over your stomach and the gentle kiss on your neck as you cooked dinner. 
“You must be feeling better.” You teased, his hand creeping under your shirt as you watched tv together. 
He hummed in agreement, with that smirk you so adored, “I’ve missed my partner's body.”
You raised your eyebrows with a smile, “partner huh? I like that.”
He smiled, hand continuing to roam.
“I’m gonna take a shower then I’ll meet you in bed?” You asked hopefully.
“I’ll be waiting, Kitten.” 
He smacked your ass as you clambered off the sofa.
When you walked back into the bedroom, naked, he was sitting up, reading, and stilled when he looked up. 
“Come here.” His voice husky as he blindly placed the book down. 
You sauntered over, swaying your hips with a grin.
“Little devil.” He pushed the sheets down revealing his half hard cock, “come sit on my lap Kitten.”
There he was, your man. 
You eagerly climbed up and onto his thighs, you were already wet from sheer anticipation.
He took your face in his hands, sucking your bottom lip gently and smiling against your mouth at the little moan you uttered. 
Your hands became lost in his hair as you kissed. He became fully hard beneath you, your hips moving to drag your pussy along his length. 
“God Kitten, I've missed this.” he breathed, resting his forehead against yours as you reached down and positioned his cock. 
You gasped softly in unison as you slid down onto him, your lips meeting again as you began to roll your hips slowly. 
Kylo’s lips traveled along your jaw and down your neck, planting sweet kisses, while his hands explored your body. One rested on your ass, squeezing your flesh gently, the other on your breast, fingers tweaking your nipple.
“Let me do the work now.” he said softly, before rolling you both so you were beneath him. You spread your legs wide and pulled them up to your torso so he could bury himself as deep as possible.  
You hummed happily when he took your nipple in his mouth, tongue flicking and swirling.
He used one hand to hold his weight off your body, the other cupped your face, his thumb grazing your lips as little whimpers of pleasure tumbled from them. Your tongue darted out, mouth opening in invitation. He pushed his thumb in and you sucked as his hips moved a bit faster. 
“Look at you.” voice tinged with awe and adoration. You met his gaze, pulling his thumb from your mouth.
“I love you, baby” you breathed, “so much.”
You swore his eyes got a little misty as he gave a happy groan, pressing himself as close to you as possible, head burrowing into your neck.
“Y/n,” he murmured, “god i- you’re-”
You moaned as he moved, just so, finding your g-spot. 
“I want to do everything with you, only you.” he panted.
“Mmmmmph, make you my-....wife, prettylittlewife.” 
You gasped, moaning happily.
He growled in your ear, “You like that? Fuck- how about i put it baby in that belly, Kitten?”
You whimpered, arching your back at his cock pounded your g-spot, his words of such devotion fueling the fire in your abdomen. 
“Yeeeeesssss, fuck- Kylo.”
He reached and began to rub your clit, the way he had learnt you liked. 
“I love you.” he breathed, kissing your neck as you began to climax beneath him. You moaned loudly, clutching at him as you rode out your orgasm. 
He thrust a few more times and came with a grunt as you raked your fingers through his hair. 
When you were curled up together, on the precipice of sleep, he murmured “I meant what i said earlier y/n, about doing everything, you’re my person.”
Author note:
YOU MADE IT. IT IS ALL OK. I actually made myself cry while writing this chapter. I’m going to blame hormones, I'm such a soft bitch. I realise the whole dealing-with-kylos-addiction situation is not an accurate representation of how this would or should be handled in reality. Please take it for what it is. Fiction.  Alright i am going to push publish now and go hide.  Cheerio. 
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bettsfic · 4 years
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Writing is hard. It's deliriously, unimaginably hard. And yet, many of us choose to do it, because we're compelled by the need to externalize our inner experiences. My favorite thing is to help writers do that — guide them to create work that is meaningful to them, and that most clearly conveys their aesthetic and thematic interests. I've taught writers of all ages, at all stages of their writing careers, to realize their work onto the blank page. 
I use my background as a university-level creative writing instructor, coupled with the organizational management skills of a decade in commercial finance, to help writers go from "I have this idea and I have no idea how to start" to polished manuscripts. I take even the most ambitious, ambiguous projects and help writers break them down into manageable tasks.  
Here are the services I offer: 
This is my most popular service. A consultation includes:
Feedback on any work up to 5k words (optional)
1-hour video conference call
Step-by-step action plan
Reading recommendations (if applicable)
1- or 2-week follow-up email to check on progress
Consultations are great if you have a single piece of writing you want in-depth feedback on, or if you want to get started on a project but don't know how. They're also good for working through writers' block, asking questions about writing in general, brainstorming or plotting, or finding the motivation to write. 
By the end of the call, you'll know exactly the next steps you need to take. I’ll ask you, "Are you comfortable and confident moving forward?" and stay on the phone until the answer is yes. 
Consultations are a one-time fee. I invoice at the end of the call.
It's like having a personal trainer, but for writing! Ongoing coaching includes:
A video conference call either monthly or bi-weekly
Feedback on all work you want me to look at
Ongoing action plans and accountability emails
Coaching is best for those juggling multiple projects or who want to work toward eventual publication. 
For ongoing coaching, I track my hours and invoice monthly on the first. 
Editing services include:
Developmental/structural feedback
Sentence-level feedback
Proofreading using the Chicago Manual of Style (or MLA/APA, if applicable)
End note with my overall thoughts
Reading recommendations (optional)
Editing services are good for writers looking for a final polish, application essays/cover letters, journal articles, or for sprucing up your prose. I price edits by word count and invoice when complete. 
Testimonials and my credentials below the cut
I have extremely positive things to say about my sessions with Beth. I started out with a lot of big ideas and no idea what to do with them, and Beth has helped me organize and streamline my process, teaching me tools and techniques that have given me a lot more confidence in my ability to execute my vision. Since I started working with Beth, I find it easier and easier to produce, and also feel that the quality of my work has noticeably improved. — Shan
Beth's approach was so relaxed and friendly; I was nervous going into the conversation, but felt a thousand times more calm and confident coming out of it, and now I also feel that have the tools I need to approach the rest of my project. Her approach is intuitive, almost alchemical; I'm not entirely sure how, but she managed to convince me without seemingly trying that I already know what I'm doing, and that my skills are up to the task I've set myself. — Jen  
I submitted the first chapter of an original work for editing, and I am beyond satisfied with the results. Betts did an incredible job. As the writer, it's easy to lose sight of the rhythm and pacing of your own work, so her comments on how the chapter felt in those terms were invaluable. I appreciated the line-by-line suggestions of where I could add color and texture without messing with the flow of the story. Also, I really liked the rhetorical questions she asked in the comments. They provided insight regarding what a fresh reader is thinking or feeling in the moment. — Anna
I found the consultation helpful both technically and emotionally! It was great to talk through what I was thinking with someone who gets the fanwriting experience and who could also help guide me as I thought about pacing, pov and arcs. I appreciated that you came with specific questions. The questions themselves were pointed but always from a place of seeking to understand, and with the assumption that I knew the answer even if I hadn't thought about it yet. I came in with questions about setting up conflict and left feeling like I had a much better grasp of that. The cheerful encouragement was also great, and reminded me that I am (theoretically) tackling this story because it is fun, not only as a chore. :) — Elizabeth
You are clearly extremely knowledgable about writing, and the advice you gave was professional, succinct and very helpful! I feel much better about my story now--you have my sincere thanks! — Kiri
It (the consultation) was very helpful and thorough. The questions I was asked were very useful in order for me to realise what I truly wanted to work on and what mattered to me most. Breaking my goals down into tiny little steps was very beneficial as I develop my writing and editing style. — Soph
The consultation was fantastic and super helpful! The most beneficial thing for me was definitely your emphasis on finding what it was that I wanted a work to be doing, then talking about how to get there. I really appreciate how openly you read stories,  that you don't try to bend something to genre or format or outside standards. I also picked up a ton of larger ideas--about the work of simile and metaphor, how to structure a short story, using "you" as a narrative pronoun--that I'll be reflecting on when I'm writing other things.  — Marie 
I received my MFA in creative writing and pedagogy from Miami University in 2018
I'm about to begin a PhD in English, emphasis in fiction, beginning fall 2020 at the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Writers
I've been teaching at the university level for 4 years
My fiction has been published and has won or been nominated for awards
You can read more about my teaching philosophy here
Notes on content
Unfortunately since we live in a time of unrestrained purity rhetoric, I feel it's important to note that I will read any content and offer feedback on the merit of its intentions, never my personal moral beliefs. Moreover, I am happy to look at both fanfiction and original creative work, as well as nonfiction operating outside of creative aims, such as application essays, cover letters, or even car manuals, if that's what you're into. I have experience writing/teaching scripts, plays, novels, short stories, personal essays, poetry, hybrid/experimental forms, memoirs, graphic novels, and academic articles. 
Contact me
If you're interested in any of these services, please message me here. Tell me a little about yourself, your work, and what you're looking for. If you're shy and have a question about something that's not addressed here, you can shoot me an anon. 
If you're not interested in services but still want to support me, you can reblog this post or become a patron.
Check out my newsletter Sure, Betts for updates on monthly availability.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 32 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: We know, these updates are slower recently. It’s intentional to give you time to catch up? Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Adore’s dreams came true, and Bianca was not pleased.
This Chapter: Katya struggles, Courtney turns a page, Violet works her ass off, and Trixie taps his best man.
“What do you have to say in your defense?”
An imposing man stood in front of Katya, she couldn’t recognize his face or his voice as he was wearing a mask. She couldn’t recognize the room she was in, she couldn’t move as she was tied into a chair, the chains digging into her skin as she tried to get away.
Katya looked around, the faces of all the people she loved most in the world looking at her. Pearl and Fame, Violet and Max, all of the children from her class, even her grandmother was there, all of them watching her, judging her.
“I… I…”
“Are you trying to deny that you have been drinking?”
“I haven’t, I haven’t, I swear!” Katya searched for Trixie with her eyes, desperately trying to find him, to locate her rock, the man who loved her, no matter what, but instead of Trixie, all of Katya’s loved ones’ faces merged into mirrors, forcing her to see herself for who she really was.
Katya realized why her children had been looking at her in disgust, her clothes were covered in what smelled like alcohol and pee, her tights were torn, her makeup smeared all across her face, making her look like a parody of the joker, her hair was disgusting and chunks of vomit were collected in it.
“Please! Please, this isn’t, this isn’t me anymore! I promise!”
“Katya Zamolodchikova.” The man stepped towards her.
“You have been found guilty on the charges of being a disgusting, worthless human being, and for that you will be punished.”
The man reached up and removed his mask, revealing… Trixie, making Katya burst into tears.
“Trix, please, please don’t do this to me! You love me! This isn’t who I am, not anymore!”
Katya was desperately fighting against her bonds now, trying to get free, if only she could get to Trixie she could explain, she could explain everything and he would hold her and kiss her again and they would be okay, but instead, Trixie only leaned forward, his face so close to hers that she could count the freckles on his nose.
“Please Trix.” Katya was sobbing now. “Please, I’m your wife.”
“Oh Katya, poor dumb little Katya, like anyone could ever love someone like you. Now drink up, it’s vodka, your favorite. Do svidaniya, bitch.”
Katya woke with a scream, her entire body covered in sweat, tears and snot streaming down her face.
Katya was like a doll in Trixie’s hands as he quickly undressed her, her spoiled pyjama bottoms and her shirt getting thrown into a corner of their hotel bathroom before Trixie helped Katya into the shower, the two of them standing under the spray together, silent tears still falling from Katya’s eyes, even if she had finally stopped shaking when she felt the hot water on her body, washing away the scent of urine and sweat.
Trixie had never seen Katya so scared before; she had nightmares, in fact she often had nightmares, but he couldn’t remember the last time she had wet the bed.
Katya finally, finally, finally stopped crying altogether while Trixie was washing her, the hot water and the lemony body scrub removing the last traces of her dream from her body.
They could hear the staff of the hotel out in their main room changing their sheets as Trixie had called them right before he got Katya into the bathroom.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
Trixie looked down at Katya. She looked so small with her wet hair and her red eyes, her shoulders slumped as she was fighting against her exhausted body to stay awake.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything, stuff like this happens. Remember when I shat myself because I ate that donut that had been sitting on my office desk for the weekend and you used your lunch break to bring me a new pair of pants?” Trixie smiled as Katya snorted, but that story usually made her double over in laughter.
“Katya,” Trixie gently pushed a strand of hair away from her face, “Are you okay?”
“No…” Katya’s voice was so small Trixie barely heard it over the sound of the water, but as soon as Katya had said the word, she started crying again.
“No?” Trixie felt panic creep into his body, but he pushed it down, he had to be there for Katya, and in that moment he made a decision.
“I’m taking the day off.”
“What?!” Katya looked up at Trixie. “No, no, you can’t. Trix, this is Pari-”
“I’m taking the day off. Fame will understand.”
“Fame is your boss, you have shows-”
“Fame loves you. We’re spending the day together. End of discussion.”
Katya smiled through her tears as she wrapped her arms around Trixie, the two of them standing together until the water turned cold.
Violet bit down a noise as Sutan moved, grabbing the ringing phone from the nightstand.
“Amrull speaking.”
Violet could hear how tired Sutan was, and she smiled as she cuddled even closer, draping herself over his chest. She was pleasantly sore, her body warm and relaxed.
“It’s 5:30, what do you think? Of course I’m fucking sleeping-”
Violet snorted, and Sutan looked down at her, a smile on his lips as he ran a hand through her hair.
“Yes, no, yes she’s here.”
Violet sat up on her elbows, the duvet falling off of her, and Sutan raised a brow, a smirk on his lips as he was very clearly looking at her breasts. Why was anybody asking for her on Sutan’s phone? Violet looked over at the table where she had been sitting last night, realizing with dread that she had forgotten her phone, the vibrations of it clearly not enough to wake her up.
“Yes that’s what normally happens when you share-” Sutan rolled his eyes. “I refuse to answer that. Yes, yes you can talk to her.”
Sutan held the phone out, and Violet took it. She quickly mouthed ‘who is it’ but Sutan just gestured for her to put it to her ear.
“Violet? Is that you?”
“Oh. Umh. Good morning Miss, is everything okay-”
“Spare me the pleasantries. Trixie has fucked us over.”
“... What?” Violet couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “I, what?”
“Apparently, when I tell my employee that he can have whatever he wants as an engagement present, that does not mean material goods or the watch I know he’s been looking at. Oh no, no no, it means a trip to some godforsaken tourist trap theme park during Fashion Week.”
“And what should I-”
“I need you to make new itineraries for everyone who’s covering his shows, making sure that no obligations are left undone.”
“I’m not sure I can-” Violet could feel her throat close up. She had no idea what Trixie’s schedule was, had no idea what Trixie even normally did during Fashion Week. He was the only one who didn’t have an assistant, so she couldn’t even call anybody.
“Violet, how long have you been working as my assistant?”
“A- about a year and a half?” Violet usually had a pretty good idea of where Fame was going most of the time, being her first and only assistant meaning that she had to be two steps ahead, but right now, this could go in every direction.
“Then you have plenty of experience.”
“Make this work. I refuse to end this week with a dissapointment. That’s all.”
Fame had hung up before Violet could probably process what the other woman had just said. Violet could feel her heart beating faster and faster, as panic tried to creep its way into her body, her thoughts swirling around in her head as she tried to make sense of everything.
She needed to get out of the bed, needed to move, needed to go for a run, to do something, anything, but then, she felt an arm sneak around her waist.
“So,” Violet suddenly realised that Sutan was still there, that she was still in bed. “I know you’re probably stressed-” Sutan took his phone, Violet not even realising that she had still held it pressed to her ear. “But there will be no crises before 7 am.”
Sutan’s statement was so ridiculous that Violet was momentarily pulled out of her panic, a smug smirk on his face.
“Oh yes.” Sutan nodded, looking completely serious. “It’s simply not allowed.”
“Well, if it’s not allowed…”
“It’s not.” Sutan pulled her down, almost forcing her to cuddle, but as Violet laid her head down on Sutan’s chest, the steady beating of his heart in her ear, she felt herself relax more and more.
“Yes lovely eyes?” Sutan’s eyes were already closed, and Violet knew he probably had every intention of going back to sleep, but he was also gently petting her shoulder, his thumb slowly running over her skin.
“Thank you.”
The more Courtney thought about Willam, the less sad she got. She wasn’t sad at all, in fact. She was angry--she was furious. How fucking dare he?
She’d been in a bit of a daze on Thursday, still in disbelief over the whole thing, but Friday was another story entirely. She ripped through her to do list like a beast, fueled by rage, and even began a few organizational projects of her own. The best motherfucking assistant ever, she told herself as she printed out new, color-coded labels for the filing cabinet.
“Heyyy…” a soft voice drawled from the doorway, and Courtney looked up to see Alaska in a stunning blue plaid skirt suit.
“Hi!” Courtney said cheerfully, giving her a little wave from the floor, where she was affixing the labels to the new folders.
“I just wanted to check on you. I meant to come by yesterday, but things just got-”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’m fine,” Courtney insisted.
“Are you sure? Because that was-”
“He’s a dickhead, I’m lucky I found out when I did. Thanks for looking out for me,” Courtney said emphatically.
“Okay, well, then...you’re welcome.” Alaska paused before before asking, “And you’re sure you’re alright?”
“Totally alright,” Courtney said. “I didn’t really like him all that much to begin with, so...good riddance, right?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess so,” Alaska said. “Well listen, I’m popping downstairs to grab a coffee, can I get you anything?”
“No thanks!” Courtney looked back down, her full concentration on centering the label perfectly before she pressed it down.
“Okay. See you around, Court!”
It wasn’t that Sutan had a problem with it per say, but he wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about the fact that it seemed like he’d have to start getting used to waking up a lot earlier than he’d like if he wanted to have Violet in his life.
He was sitting on the couch in his and Violet’s hotel room, drinking his morning coffee, watching as Violet was on the phone, her planner open as she was scheduling away.
He hadn’t really listened to Fame’s call, had only made out a word here and there, but he had felt Violet’s anxiety, Fame a very unpleasant person to be around when she was in the mood to ruin someone's day.
He had expected Violet to be a wreck when he had woken up again, had mentally allocated his morning to help her deal with whatever Fame had decided to throw her way, but as he had gotten out of bed, Violet was already fully dressed and seemed like she was handling everything on her own.
Strangely enough, it seemed like she was fine, and if he was being honest, it was beyond attractive.
“Mmh-” Katya opened her mouth, biting off the entire ear of the Mickey Mouse marshmallow she had just purchased. “Oh my god!”
Katya’s eyes widened as she was hit with an instant wave of strawberry sweetness, the marshmallow absolutely perfect in her mouth.
Her feet were achingly sore, but it didn’t matter because she was at the happiest place on earth.
“Trix!” Katya turned, practically thrusting it towards him, “You have to try this!”
“Aaah,” Trixie smirked, opening his mouth, a teasing glint in his eyes.
Katya giggled, feeding the entire treat to him, even though she had only meant to give him a single bite.
“Mmh!” Trixie’s eyes widened as well, and Katya felt her heart flutter, few things cuter than when Trixie enjoyed his food.
They were wearing matching Mickey ears, Katya’s backpack filled with little treats and souvenirs for her students.  Katya sometimes forgot that her boyfriend, no, fiancé, was a Department Head at a widely renowned fashion house because he usually had such simple tastes, but today he had swung his card left and right, buying everything Katya had put her eye on.
Trixie finished the treat, and Katya leaned forward, pressing a kiss against Trixie’s sugar sweet lips.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Trixie grinned, and Katya couldn’t believe how lucky she was, kissing the man she loved on a Disney bench.
“Now, Ms. Zamolchikova-“
“Yes?” Katya smiled.
“Are you ready for the haunted mansion?” he asked, making his voice as spooky as possible.
“Please.” Katya snorted. “I’m Russian. Nothing can scare me.”
“Princess?” Raja waited for a beat, her voice ringing through their hotel suite, her fingers tapping on the nightstand, but she didn’t receive a reply. “Raven?”
Raja almost rolled her eyes at the lazy, non committed sound. They were flying home that afternoon, and Raja was packing everything up, Raven’s mountain of suitcases neatly stacked in the corner.  
“Have you seen my earrings?” Raja knew she had left the diamonds on the nightstand, the jewels the last thing she needed to tuck away.
“Your earrings?”
“Yes, my earrings.”
“No.” Raven drawled. “Haven’t seen them.”
“Raven-” Raja rarely, if ever, got annoyed with Raven, but right now, it seemed like her fiancée insisted on pushing every single button she had.
Raja knew she had promised to spend their last day in Paris with her, that they had planned a day of good food, drinks and luxury shopping, but since Fame had allowed Trixie to take the day off, Raja had been forced to work, Raven therefor going by herself to the several boutiques Paris had to offer.
“Don’t lie to me.” Raja stepped out of the bedroom, “You know exactly where-”
Raja stopped dead in her tracks, the sight of her fiance taking her by complete surprise.
Raven was lying on the white couch, one hand under her chin, her legs in the air, her black hair spilling over her shoulders and back as she was lazily flipping through this month's issue of British Vogue, looking for photos of herself.
She was completely naked, her perfect ass on full display, her tits pressed against the velvet of the couch.
“Are those,” Raja coughed, her mouth dry. “Are those my earrings?”
“These?” Raven looked up, a pair of diamonds dangling from her ears. “Perhaps.” She smiled, closing the magazine. “Why don’t you come check?”
Fame took a deep breath as she stepped out of the airport. She was exhausted, the flight home from Paris long and harrowing with upsettingly high turbulence, though everyone else had argued there hadn’t been any.
Violet was still in Paris, her assistant unable to get on Fame’s flight because her ticket got booked last minute, so she had called for her car herself, her driver already on his way thanks to Patrick.
“Uh!” Fame looked to her right, Pearl raising her hand, her black Gucci luggage at her feet. “Taxi!”
She had been sitting with Pearl on the flight, her hand holding the blonde’s the entire time, but now that her feet were firmly back on the ground in her own continent, Fame realized that she had completely neglected to address the rumor she had heard.
“Pearl,” Fame grabbed the collar of Pearl’s jacket, the fact that they were in public the only reason she hadn’t smacked Pearl’s velour-covered ass, the knowledge that the high-waisted tracksuit pants were Prada not enough to make them something Fame approved of.
“You’re coming with me.” Fame pointed to her car. “I need to go over the new website design.”
“Hmm?” Pearl smirked, and if Fame had been anyone else, she would have felt embarrassed about how obvious her lie was. “Message received, Miss.”
Pearl followed behind Fame, her driver putting their luggage in the trunk as they waved goodbye to Raja and Raven, Fame texting Patrick that she was on her way home as the driver rolled the partition up, the engine starting when she felt a hand on her thigh.
“So…website design, huh?” Pearl asked, and Fame turned her head to see a teasing glint in her eyes. “You know, Miss, we did just spend 7 hours together.”
“Because the mile high club is so my brand.” Fame knew she sounded sour, but she was still a little surprised at how abruptly Pearl stopped, her hand freezing on her thigh.
“Wait,” Pearl’s brow furrowed. “Do you actually want to discuss work?”
“Of course not.” Fame rolled her eyes, looking directly at Pearl. “I know that you’re toying with Adore Delano.”
Fame had expected it to be a reveal, for Pearl to look at least somewhat embarrassed, but instead, Pearl simply smiled.
“Oh, that.” Pearl laughed, “Since when do you care who I toy with? Are you jealous?”
Pearl grinned, her perfectly white teeth on display.
“I know who you are,” Fame said, touching her chest, “but Adore is someone I care about,”
“Please.” Pearl gave a good-natured eye roll and sat back against the seat, her hands slipping away from Fame’s thigh, the blonde clearly preparing for a lecture.
“Adore is sensitive and trusting, and doesn’t have the good sense to reject your charms like Violet.”
Fame knew Pearl thought she had been subtle, but Fame had noticed how much she had flirted with her first assistant, and had even seen how Violet had blushed, though thankfully though, nothing had come of the ridiculous situation.
“Mmmh.” Pearl looked weirdly injured, her lips pressed together, and Fame felt her heart soften, Pearl so obviously caring about Adore in her own way.
“I just,” Fame reached out, touching Pearl’s arm. “I don’t want you hurting her, Pearl. Adore is, Adore’s...” Fame knew that it was Adore’s story to tell, that she didn’t have the right to share all the things she knew about her from Bianca, but it was so hard to stay silent. “She’s-”
“Listen.” Pearl put her hand on top of Fame’s. “Don’t worry about Adore, she’s a big girl, and so am I.”
“Pearl, be serious please.”
“We’re, you know, we’re having a good time. She’s a good time. It’s not that serious.”
“Does she know that?” Fame rubbed her thumb, gently petting Pearl. She cared so deeply for the blonde - Pearl, one of the few people she felt truly comfortable around, but that didn’t mean she was blind to her flaws.
“She follows me on Twitter. She knows who I am,” Pearl laughed, resting a hand lightly on Fame’s thigh. “Tell Bianca to stop worrying.”
Fame’s eyes narrowed. The fact that Pearl had just assumed this message came from Bianca was annoying, even if it was mostly right. “Watch your mouth.”
“Sorry...Miss.” Pearl fluttered her lashes innocently.
“Just be nice to her, okay?” Fame sighed, shifting her gaze out the window. She supposed she should just let this fling, or whatever it was, run its course.  
“I’m always nice.” Pearl smirked, leaning in for a kiss.
Pearl opened the door, finally home, flinging her bags to the ground.
“Hey Pearlie! Welcome home!”
Pearl grinned, making her way to the kitchen where Trixie was standing at the stove, stirring what appeared to be a big pot of tomato sauce, meatballs simmering away in a pan beside it.
Pearl loved Europe, but she hated traveling back, everyone leaving on different flights, though she wasn’t about to complain at the fact that Trixie had returned home first.
“Where’s Katya-Kat?”
Pearl had been planning on treating the happy couple to dinner in Paris the night before, but Trixie and Katya had canceled to live their Adult Disney fantasy, and then left the hotel at the crack of dawn to get on the earlier flight home.
“She’s in the bedroom, scrapbooking.”
“Oh no, is it that bad?” Pearl asked, suddenly concerned. Katya loved arts and crafts, but scrapbooking was a sign that she was deeply troubled. Pearl felt guilty--fashion week was such a whirlwind, she hadn’t really been checking in with her friends much.
“It’s been a rough week,” Trixie admitted.
“Shit. Should I leave her alone then?”
“You can go in. I think she’ll be happy to see you.”
With a slightly relieved sigh, Pearl walked over to her bedroom, knocking softly on the door.
“Come in,” Katya said, her face breaking into a huge smile when Pearl pushed open the door. “Pearlie!”
“Hey girl!” Pearl surveyed the bed, where Katya was sitting cross-legged surrounded by stickers and photos and an array of crafting supplies.
“Come here and hug me!” Katya demanded, and Pearl laughed.
“I don’t want to mess up your whole situation…”
“I said come!”
Pearl climbed onto the bed and wrapped her friend up into a huge hug, settling in to watch as Katya explained her scrapbooking process. After a few minutes, Trixie appeared in the doorway, a soft smile playing on his lips as he observed the girls for a few moments before clearing his throat.
“Hey...mind if I steal Ms. Liaison? I could use some help in the kitchen.”
“I can help!” Katya chirped.
“Uh uh, no way. You relax, I told you! You’re not lifting a finger tonight,” he chided. He put his hands on his hips, attempting to look serious, cutting Katya’s next statement off with, “And that’s final!”
Katya giggled, leaning back against the pillows, rolling her eyes slightly. “Yes, sir.”
Pearl pressed a soft kiss to Katya’s cheek and slid off the bed to follow Trixie into the kitchen.
“I hope this kitchen help is for me to stand around watching and maybe drink, because that’s all I’m qualified for.”
“Actually, I have something kind of important to ask you.” Trixie put an arm around Pearl’s shoulders and squeezed, guiding her towards the kitchen table.
“Oh yeah?” Pearl swiped a piece of carrot from the cutting board and popped it into her mouth. “What’s up?”
“Well… You know we’re engaged now. And we haven’t set a date or anything, but I was thinking about the wedding, and all that and...uh...will you be my best man?” Trixie’s big brown eyes looked as hopeful and bright as a little boy. Pearl would normally laugh at such an embarrassing display of sincerity, but somehow Trixie made it cute.
“Your best man? You know I’m a woman, right?” Pearl teased, pretending to think it over, as if there was any answer to this besides ‘yeah dude of course!’
“I know, but you’re my best bro. And come on...can you imagine like...Max, planning a bachelor party?”
“Oh god, what a disaster.”
“Exactly!” Trixie laughed.
“Well...okay then. Anything for you...bro.” Pearl gave him a light punch on the shoulder.
Trixie grinned, sweeping her up into a hug.
“You’re such a fucking sap, I can’t even deal with you,” Pearl said, voice muffled by his shoulder, but in spite of her words, she hugged him back just as tightly.
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chromium7sky · 4 years
The Devil wears armani| Chapter 10
A/n: hiya guys, enjoy this another update!! And uh Happy birthday to me! 😁😁🎉🎉🎂 This is my present for you guys and thank you, thank you very much for 2k follower ❤️❤️😭😭 you guys can follow these story by #damirae and #devil wears armani tag 😁
It was night and Raven is stuck between calling him or not to call him. She seems nervous as she paced around her living room while looking at her phone with Damian's number (which have been saved recently.)
She then slump herself at her cream colored couch in the middle of the room. "Come on, Rachel. Both of you have confess and DONE IT. Why are you still embarrassed to call him?" She muttered herself.
Sighed as she slowly rise and place her feet on the floor. Her finger press call on the cellphone screen. Quickly, she put it on speaker.
Before it rang two time, Damian's voice already at the other speaker. "Miss me already?" He teased her.
Like a spark ignite the matches, her face tinted rosy color as she chew on her bottom lip. "No. I wanted to show you the sketch design."
"So you don't miss me?" His voice sound like a bit disappointment which made her irritated.
"Don't make me choke you when we meet again." She grind her teeth.
"Didn't know you were into that kink. Maybe we should try that next time." He chuckled and hell, that makes her more flustered.
"No. No choking."
"Oh? You prefer something else?"
She bit her lips. It's getting complicated to talk to him after that morning. " I'll video call you to show the sketch."
"Wait, wait."
"Uh?" She make sound in her throat as she puzzled.
"I'll call you." And he end the line.
Her eyebrow furrowed as she looked at the screen. "He call?" Then her phone ringing showing video call icon. O dear.
Breath in and out, she tidy up her hair and her long pyjamas dress before she click open.
The video screen shows darkness then there's light on and someone pick up the phone. " Hello, my love."
Raven shocked to the point she drop her phone."Oh ,god." Her face were red from her ears to her neck. What did she saw that made she drop her phone?
"You know, it's rude to drop the phone while video chatting." His voice on the speaker.
"Sorry, sorry. Butter finger." Raven pick up the phone as she look at the screen and now she knows why, he's SHIRTLESS and practically LIE ON HIS BED while video calling her.
"Are you okay? You look feverish." Damian narrowed his eyes as he try to focus on the screen.
"I was, I was working out just now." She makes excuse for her flustered condition. "As I said before, I AM a healthy concious person." She huffed.
"Sooner or later you don't have to when you're with me." He smirked as he put his other hand beneath his head.
Raven press her lips. That is such a SEXY pose. She clear her throat. "Are you doing on purpose?"
"What purpose?"
"Flexing your arm? Showing your ..." He eyes travel to his body. "Your..torso." she closed her eyes try to contain her embarrassment, her hidden desire.
"I AM trying to be comfortable while chatting with you." He smirked.
"Too comfy."
He chuckled. "See what you like, Rachel?" He raised his eyebrow.
"That's a nice comfy pillow."
"You rather choose pillow over me?" He arched his eyebrow. "I don't this pillow can give you pleasure that I do."
Raven swallowed.
"Like this morning." He whispers.
She sighed as heat start to creep on her cheeks. She can't even stare directly at him even though their were just video calling.
As she look at her sketch book she takes it. " Enough beating around the bush, we need to focus on this subject." She put her handphone on tripod stand.
"Alright then..." He sit up from his bed as he put his phone on table or something while the screen shows of his body half naked with black cotton pants as he stared on the screen." What do you got?" As he rest his hand on his chin, judging the design.
"We start with this..." Raven shows him the first sketch.
"Too mundane. Next!!" He wave his hand as a gesture for her to turn the pages.
"Okay...how about this one?" She shows the second sketch.
"We've already done this design." Damian stared intensely at the screen. " I guess, after time we DONE IT, it really lit up your memory." He smiled.
"I need your decision, Damian." Raven with red tinted cheeks holding the sketch book.
"Need a fresh of breath air design like what Mr William said. Next!!" He waved his hand again.
Raven sighed then she shows the third one. Damian then look closer on the screen.
"This is. This is."
Raven brace herself to accept his criticism .
"Well done."
Raven jolt as she heard it. "Uh...well done?"
"I can see the culture rich culture in this. Wait...is that middle east pattern I see?"
"Yeah. I thought it would look classy and a bit exclusive." Then suddenly Raven realise there's a tint of red on his ears. " Uh, Damian?"
"Are you trying to court me?"
"Because if you do, I will go to your house right now."
"Wh-what?" Raven getting more flustered. What is happening? All she does is she shown her third sketch to Damian about his suit but why he's suddenly become like this?
He chuckled as he saw her reaction. "I was kidding but seriously..." As he stared at her. " I will propose at Gala if I could."
Raven swallowed her breath. What?
"If you would agree." He chuckled.
Raven sighed as she tug her hair behind her ear. Three years is a huge gap between them and yet, after that three years, her muse who had known that he's her subject in that little purple notebook shown advance to her. Which. Is. Either it's Coincidence or something else.
"How I would agree if I still have my own company to focus and run?"
"We'll collaborate. Rook & Raven collection." He smiled as he gestured his hands. " Like the ol' days before."
"Ahh..." She rest her sketch book on her chin as she remember when they creating their outfit for presentation and those MAKE OUT scene.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing." Raven tighten her grip on her sketchbook. " It's just. You're, suddenly, into me."
"It's weird. But I feel, happy. Some sort."
"Some sort?"
"Uh..it's like too good to be true. Still I have this doubt feeling." She bit her lips.
"So you going to chicken out from this?" Damian raised his eyebrow and his voice seems a bit strained.
"What do you mean chicken out? I mean, both of us want it, and we've...done it. Soo..." She looked at the other way as her hand touched her red jewel necklace.
"Do You need some time to think?" Damian suggested to her.
"Do you?" She looked at him.
"You. I want your decision." He stared at her as he crossed his arm.
"If.." She wet her lips. " If Rook and Raven Collection are success perhaps..."
"Perhaps both us could go to another level."
"Like engagement?"
"Well, maybe."
"Maybe is not confirmation, Rachel." As Damian getting nearer to the screen.
Raven shrug it off. " Maybe yes." Her face soften as her hand cover her smile.
"Shit. I miss you already." Damian ruffed his hair as he sighed then he looked at the screen. "It's getting late. About sketches, proceed with sketch number 3."
"Yes, your highness." Raven said sarcastically.
"You will worship me like a king later." Damian cross his arm with smug on his face.
"Pshh, Yeah, right." Raven rolled her eyes. "I'll make you kneel before me, before that happens."
"I remember it vividly." He lips curled as he stare at her with those dangerous aura. " Perhaps I'll do it again. I AM your king after all."
Raven puffed her blushed cheeks, following by Damian's soft laugh as he sees her reaction. " Are we done yet?"
"Seeing you getting flustered really makes my night." Then he whispers as he comes closer to the camera. " And I hope we meet again in our sweet dreams."
Raven bit her lips as she heard it. Damn, he really knows how to make her heart melt like butter.
"Well, good night, then. Have a sweet dreams."
Damian smiled. He kissed his finger then put on the screen. "Have a Sweet dreams of me."
Raven almost died as she seen that.
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 21: The Tea Party (Part 1)
Previously: we went on a very stressful and very emotional trip. We finally learned Hanako’s brother’s name: Tsukasa and he continued to unsettled me like he does every single time he appears. Mitsuba actually passed away, this time for good, it seemed and it made me tear up a bit ngl. After that, the chapter decided I hadn’t suffered enough so it punched me while I was down and showed us how Hanako feels about the existence of the dead as ghosts in general and how that reflects in his own sense of self. We also got another glimpse of the mermaid and she said some real ominous shit :)))) if anything happens to Nene istg :)))))) Sigh And last but not least, Natsuhiko went to see Nene at her classroom and I’m,,,,concerned,,,,
Now onto the next chapter!
Personal update for the 50 (holy shit?) of you that still follow this blog: Well…..hi there, it’s been a while ^^;; Looking back on it, quarantine really hit me like a bag of bricks and burned me out. It’s not the first time that has happened, and what it means to me is that I just can’t bring myself to consume new content; I might have loved it so far but my brain is like “nope, we’re not doing that today” and well, this time it happened for almost two months. Also, one of my cats went missing for a little over a week (he’s home now, thankfully) and that just added to the general distress I was feeling. But over the last week I actually wrote small fics for another fandom and it finally pushed me back into a creative state, so I went back to re-read the last couple of recaps I did for JSHK and it made me realise that I miss my babies and I really want to know where the story goes, so here I am c:
Ohhhh that’s right, we’re starting a new volume with this chapter! Our main trio is front and center and judging by the colorful pastries and the tea, it is a reference to the tea party that was alluded to in the preview of the last chapter. Also, I see the ropes are back again, but this time Kou also has some around him! Nene and Hanako seem to be tied together with pink, blue and yellow ropes, Nene and Kou seem to be tied together with an orange rope and both Hanako and Kou seem to have another rope each that it’s not connected to neither Nene nor each other. Hanako’s is red and considering the way in which we’ve seen him tied up before, I would guess this represents his connection to Tsukasa. Kou’s is pink and considering everything that just happened, could his rope represent his connection with Mitsuba? Like, I know he’s dead dead now and their actual friendship was short-lived but I would also like to think that even though he’s gone, his memory will live forever with Kou, hence the rope. But I’m speculating and I already went on a long enough tangent for the cover page so let’s move on.
The next color page has the main trio again as the central focus in what seems to be the inside of a place that has a clockwork-like mechanism. On the corners of the page we have who I assume will be important character during the following arc(s): Aoi, Akane, Yamabuki and Teru (the latter one worries me slightly ngl). 
Ohhhh okay, the content page says that one of the arcs is called “the three clock keepers” so the art on that page now makes more sense.
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……….I really don’t trust him hhhhh please be careful, Nene, please don’t let your weakness for pretty boys cloud your judgement.
Ohhh it could be because of Nene’s dress and the bunny ears (and the twins) but the title page gives me strong Alice in Wonderland vibes. It’s a cute picture but Tsukasa is there and Nene is tearing up so I’m,,,concerned 
Okay so Nene followed Natsuhiko outside and 
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Are you reciting her your dating profile or something? also “call me Natsuhiko-senpai ♡” omfg he’s one of those, huh? Like, it could all be an act but he’s looking less and less threatening by the minute lol
Nene, bless her, has the common sense of asking him why he wanted to talk to her all of the sudden and he says it’s because “someone wants to meet her”. Gee, I wonder who that could be :)))))
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…………….oh, oh no. Nene, sweetie, I need you to run and to run fast because this boy is up to no good and you’re not gonna  like what’s gonna happen. (Edit note: also this brings up a question: how did the chaotic trio know that Nene turns into a fish when she touches water? Like, I know they had been keeping tracks on her and Hanako for some time, so maybe they found out that way? Oh, maybe they use the Mokke? Because the Mokke were there in Yako’s boundary when Hanako pushed Nene down the waterfall)
Hhhhhhh and to the surprise of no one, there’s Tsukasa here to make Nene’s day more difficult.
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asdasgdjash please do not make my daughter share the same fate as the puffer fish, she doesn’t deserve it (゚д゚;) (゚д゚;)
Nene fainted (can’t say I blame her jfc) and now she’s waking up in what seems to be the tea party and the floor is wet! so she thinks she could be on another boundary. Interesting, I wonder which number would this one be? Because the boundaries are assigned to the seven mysteries, right? So one of them should be in control of this place. Could Tsukasa be in control of this one? But that wouldn’t make much sense because he managed to get his “physical” form only recently, right? However, Hanako also spoke of a traitor that was changing rumors and we know that these three are responsible, so if they’re not the owners of the boundary maybe they somehow managed to manipulate the mystery that does control it? Oooor it could also be that there’s another boundary that managed to go under the radar and in turn the other mysteries don’t know about it.
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sjdgjjasd she’s so done with them lol I know I call them the chaotic trio but it’s really the chaotic duo + Sakura. I’m so curious about how this whole *gestures wildly towards them* arrangement came to be.
Ohhhh this great! So Sakura got everything under control and from her introduction to Nene we now know that she’s a third year and we have confirmation that she became Tsukasa’s assistant in the same way that Nene did, in exchange for a wish. B U T, again, that brings up even more questions because Tsukasa said that while Amane granted the wishes of the living, he granted the wishes of the dead. So like (⚆.⚆) what’s up with that?? Is she an exception? Is she dead? Another supernatural? Or, maybe, even though it should be impossible considering what we know so far, could her wish have something to do with her being ‘alive’ in the school right now? Mhmmmm…...suspicious.
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Okay but like, I actually really want to know how he fits in all of this because okay, Sakura and Tsukasa are linked together by the wish she made, but why is Natsuhiko here? Who is he? How did he end up working with these two?  He seems silly and completely whipped for Sakura, so maybe they knew each other before she made her “contract” with Tsukasa?  Hhhhh idk let’s keep reading.
Sakura says that she wanted to meet Nene because they’re in similar positions and she thought they could be good friends. And like, that’s a fair point…...but I don’t trust like that, no sir. Even if she didn’t want the boys to be so rough when they brought Nene here, the fact remains that they still kidnapped her so if this was just a friendly meeting, why would they need to do it in such a convoluted way?
Okay good, Nene is suspicious because of their methods and the amount of knowledge they have about her.
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………………...sigh, I shouldn’t be surprised but bby no please don’t trust them so easily. She’s venting to Sakura about Hanako’s unpredictable behaviour and Sakura says that she can empathize with most of her struggles while Tsukasa is sitting on top of her shoulders and wrapping his arms and legs around here…...I can definitely see why she said he was cat-like because my cats do things like that when I’m sit down to write at my desk. But again, I know he’s technically a kid but I really need him to stop acting so cute because it unsettles me a lot.
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Even he can see the romantic chemistry between those two. Well, thinking about it, that’s probably why they dragged her here, because she’s important to Hanako.
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(;;⚆.⚆) NOPE, no, no thank you, I need you to back tf up please jfc
Nene snaps out of it and realizes that she let herself be drawn in by girl talk. She thankfully knows it was a stupid thing to do but she was just relieved and happy to have found someone who seems to understand what she’s going through, so I’ll cut her some slack. And she mentions that they don’t look like bad people but like I did, if they had innocent intentions, they wouldn’t have had to bring her by force.
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………………...I feel like I’ve mentioned this before but I really hate it when either of them does this fucking face, it’s so creepy >n< also, Nene, sweetie, once again I’m asking you to run, run far and don’t look back because that look doesn’t spell anything good, especially paired with Sakura’s scared/resinged look (which makes me think that maybe her own intentions had been more innocent that I had originally given her credit for)
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Hmmm. This is concerning; like, yes, Nene has to help Hanako with whatever he needs as his assistant as part of their deal and he does threaten to turn her into a fish when she pouts but I never got the feeling that it was malicious. On the other hand, Sakura’s wording (especially calling Tsukasa “Master” and saying she “can’t” disobey) and the look Tsukasa gave her make it seem like her punishment for not following his orders would be much more severe. hhhhh I really don’t like where this is going
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“We’re gonna have you disappear now” okay so, yeah, he’s doing this specifically to upset his brother. the room is fucking sinking though and omfg what even is this room?? is it really a boundary? Since this happened at this very moment, it looks like they do control it so my questions from before remain, the biggest one being “how”. Also I’ve just noticed that the eyes all over the place are very similar to the ones in the broadcasting room and now this tells me that those weren’t an artistic choice and that is terrifying.
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…………………..excuse me, w h a t??? why? hello??? “she’s like this sometimes” ????? Sakura what???? I have….so many questions, the main one being why do you let her treat you like this??
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……………………………………...oh…..y’know, I hate the term simp with a passion because I feel like it’s been memed to death but wow.
Hhhhhhhh it looks like she can’t stop sinking and that (and the fucking eyes) tell me that this is not normal water (since she would have turned into a fish already). She’s yelling out for Hanako and that’s how the chapter ends. I’m still :)))))) concerned :))))))))
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mochilici0us · 4 years
 One New Message | jjk (3)
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➳ 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: angst, thriller, stalker au
➳ 𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: Skye realizes she has to deal with a ruthless stalker when the messages she’s constantly receiving are getting more and more threatening. A stalker that makes her recall memories of the past she swore she would never rake up again
➳ 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2,4k
prologue, part one, part two, part three, part four
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March 2013
‘‘And then he said <<I have a girlfriend but we can still meet>>” I mimic my crush’s stupid voice
'Shit, that's so bad...''
''I like him Ruby, he looked different but he's actually a piece of shit'' I take a big sip of my drink enjoying the burning sensation of the alcohol
''Thank God you didn't have sex''
''I know right'' My gaze travels on my friend noticing how she's  just fiddling with the glass. She looks unusually concerned
''Why aren't you drinking?'' I question
''I...what?'' She finally gets back to reality. Her reaction makes me chuckle
''My parents aren't home, we have no one to control us... We can drink as much as we want''
"Not today Skye..." she shakes her head
"After a long my parents are finally out and we won't take advantage of it? Don't be a party pooper" I tease her biting the black straw
''I know Skye and I'm sorry I just don't feel like drinking alcohol today''
My eyes quickly study her stiff figure ''Are you ok?''
''These days I feel kinda... off'' her asnwer worries me even though I was expecting it
''Why? Is everything ok with Carlos?''
''Yeah...we didn't fight''
''Then?''I can feel her discomfort, it brings me down too
''I don't know...'' she mumbles, her eyes never leaving her lap
''Cheer up Ruby, everything's gonna be fine''
''I'm sorry'' our eyes finally meet ''Is Susan coming?''
''No, she fought with her dad and she's not allowed to leave the house''
''I swear to God this girl...'' we both burst into laughter. It's a pleasant sight to see her laugh again. I sip my drink whereas she goes for plain water. After a few minutes of comforting silence I speak
''The sky is beautiful tonight''
Ruby nods and leans back on the armchair "It's full moon" she remarks
As I observe the breathtaking sight I notice something moving in the sky
''Ruby, Ruby look'' I yell
''What?'' Ruby jerks up
''It's a shooting star'' I can't contain my excitement. This is my first time seeing a shooting star
''Skye darling it's probably an airplane'' she leans back again and covers herself with the beige fuzzy blanket
''Don't be pessimistic'' I slap her thigh through the thick blanket and she yelps
''Make a wish''
She just growls
''Make a wish Ruby'' I order again impatiently
''Don't believe in such things Skye''
''Just do it'' I plead desperately She exhales defeated and hushes for a few seconds.
''You did?'' My eyes widen
''Me too'' I smile brightly like a kid making her crack a smile too
''Happy now?'' my face falls when I notice her irony. It's not like she did me a favor, the wish counts for her not for me. However, I choose not to reply because I don't want to upset her, she's already alarmed enough.
''You're angry?'' she asks as if she had read my thoughts.
Again, I stay silent
''I'm sorry If I offended you. It's just... your wish won't come true because of a shooting star''
''Don't lose your hope Ruby. You've been through difficult times I know but karma is watching'' I explain fondly
''It's not about karma or hope or whatever sweetheart....'' she stops trying to find the right words ''You're young and can't process what I'm saying but one day maybe you'll understand'' I can't find a proper answer so I just stay silent and glance at the woman next to me.
''One last thing. Did you make a wish? Answer honestly'' I find myself asking in soft voice
She smiles warmly ''Yes''
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''Did you make a wish Skye?'' Grace's eyes look brighter than ever as this is the first time she sees a shooting star.
''I did. You?'' I gently caresss her hair as she lays in my arms. The view through the huge window in the living room is amazing especially those starry nights with full moon, Grace and I love cuddling like this gazing at the stars. Tonight though it's different, I feel like I experience moments again as the shooting star made the already similar situation even more familiar, awfully familiar. I'm experiencing a deja vu that reminds me of very dark, hard times.
''Of course but I can't tell you because it won't come true'' I laugh softly at the child's innocence.
She was right eventually. Wishes don't come true. Shooting stars is just a myth.
I can't ruin the moment so I let my sister live her dream. We must not taint childens' innocence. After a couple of minutes she's asleep. I carefully carry her to bed and tuck her in giving a goodnight kiss on the forehead.
Lying in my bed at the end of a hectic day has to be my favourite part. My bed is always so warm, so welcoming, soft, cuddly, a good sleep fills me with so much energy. This night is different now. I shake uncontrollably, memories coming back,haunting me, never leaving me to rest.
''I understand now'' I whisper as I finally calm down and smile sadly.
I close my eyes waiting for sleep to come. Surprisingly, I drift off instantly.
But the demons of the past I expected to face in my dreams after the deja vu I exprerienced previously never came. On the contrary, smiling angels with colorful wings visited my dreams flying with me and leading me on beautiful places.
After a long time, Skye had blissful dreams.
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''It's my pleasure to work with you mr Park'' I extend my hand for a handshake
''The pleasure is all mine mrs Westbrook'' he captures my hand and instead of firmly shaking it he lowers his face and places a soft kiss.
His sudden intimacy catches me off guard but I choose not to show my discomfort so I plaster on a fake smile.
''We're getting started next week. I'll keep you updated''
''I appreciate it. See you next week'' he smiles at me and quickly leans his head to greet Taehyung. We greet his partner as well, a tall, good-looking yet mysterious man with sharp eyes covered by glasses.He must be the smart guy Park Jimin always carries along in order to make better negotiations.
''What do you think about our new business partner?'' I ask casually while fiddling with a pen even though I already know his answer
''I don't like him'' he mutters while walking across the room
''Why?'' I chuckle entertained
''Why? Did you see how he kissed your hand? Who does he think he is? God I hate these cocky idiots''
''Taehyung calm down. This is about our profit, I don't care about his kiss on my hand or whatever''
''He should stay in his lane or else...''
''Or else what Taehyung?'' our eyes lock ''Stop being so possesive. We spesialize in public relations we must be diplomatic, what has gotten into you?''
He breaks our eye contact breathing heavily ''You're right I'm sorry, I overreacted''
"He's a strong business partner that's why I insisted we talk about a potential cooperation. And now that he finally agrees you're mad because he kissed my goddamn hand? You're so unprofessional sometimes"
He hangs his head low without replying. He's hurt, I shouldn't have gone so hard on him. I exhale loudly as I realize my mistake ''Let's have a coffee'' I suggest but he instantly shakes his head
''No, I... I need to take a walk''
''I insist, I shouldn't have talked to you like that"
He chuckles humorlessly running his hair through his head.
''I'm sorry" my eyes search for his but never meet them. Instead of replying he turns on his heels and opens the door walking out
''Wait'' I stand up and grab my purse. I can't let him leave without apologizing properly.
''Taehyung wait'' I yell and scuttle trying to catch up with my furious friend.
My new 11cm stiletto high heels make it so difficult for me to keep up so I just walk as fast as I can and pray for my physical wholeness.
''Taehyung''I repeat before he reaches the elevator.
And just as I thought everything was fine and I had became a stiletto master I stumble and fall on the ground, the loud crack sound making it clear that it's not a simple tumble.
Well thank you Susan for your stupid heels...
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The doctor will see you in a few minutes'' the anxious nurse replies
''That's what you said 15 minutes ago nurse, she's in pain'' Taehyung is pressuring the poor girl for a more specific answer.
''We have so many patients to attend and the doctor is alone today. Please bare with us'' She bows and leaves
''We should have gone to a private clinic. The treatment here sucks'' he exhales annoyed and takes a sit next to me
''It's ok Taehyung I can cope with the pain, it's not that intense anyway they gave me pain killers after I had the x-ray''
''I'm so sorry Skye'' he caresses my thigh and no matter how much he tries to hide it, he's about to cry
''Stop apologizing, it's not your fault'' I grin and he averts his glassy eyes
''Itis my fault. I should've waited for you''
''No,it's my fault because I wore these damned, sky high heels'' I grab his chin making him face me "And I'm sorry for being rude, my nerves have been bad lately"
He chews his lower lip nervously ''Skye you're not angry, are you?''
''I'm not. Don't feel guilty'' I assure him with a fond smile
''Excuse me mrs Westbrook'' the nurse finally appears ''The doctor can see you now'' once I realise what she's carrying I freeze. A wheelchair? I'm going to sit in a wheelchair? Even the thought makes me sick. I can't believe how unlucky I am..
Taehyung instantly lifts my shaking figure and helps me sit.
''Do you want me to come along?'' he asks
''No''I shake my head ''Wait here''
He nods and once the nurse makes sure our dialogue is over she pushes the wheelchair.
I suddenly feel so vulnerable, so powerless, how am I supposed to drive now? Work? Take care of my sister? I'm unable to keep up with my busy everyday routine. My thoughts overwhelm me, I suddenly feel like I'm about to pass out.
However, I swallow my tears as we finally enter the doctor's office. The empty doctor's office.
''Where's the doctor?'' I ask
''He's coming don't worry. I have to leave now, can you wait here until he come?''
''It's not like I can move anyway" I joke, mentally facepalming because of my terrible sense of humor. Thank God the nurse appreciates my humor and laughs warmly. She is sweet, at least I don't have to deal with a stupid, rude person.
She takes some files from the office and leaves. And now I'm all alone, intimidated, expecting the worst...
After a few seconds the door behind me opens
''Oh you're here? I'm sorry for the delay'' I listen a deep yet sweet voice. I'm curious to turn and have a look at the doctor but right now I can hardly move.
''It's okay I just got here''
The doctor finally walks and stands in front of me. The moment I lay my eyes on him my breath hitches in my throat. He can't be a doctor, he's so young, so.....
''Can you show me your x-ray please'' he politely asks as he takes a sit. I'd rather he keeps standing though so that I can catch a glimpse of his pretty legs again.
''Here''I hand him the x-ray avoiding eye contact, which is very unusual for me but I'm afraid that eye contact with him would make me look embarrassingly flustered.
He analyzes my x-ray silently taking notes, giving me the perfect chance to finally examine his face closer.
There's no doubt he looks youthful, flawless complexion without wrinkles or signs of aging and fatigue, chiseled jaw, strong neck, small pink lips and a pair of big, piercing eyes. Very interesting face.
''So...'' he raises his eyes just to meet my wandering ones. He just caught me checking him out. I quickly avert my gaze and keep my cool.
''Thankfully, you just sprained your ankle''
''Thankfully?''I repeat in a low voice
He chuckles revealing his cute front teeth. He chuckled? HE CHUCKLED?
''Your injury is not concerning. Your ankle will be put in a cast for 2 weeks and you'll be perfectly fine after''
''Oh..'' I'm too confused to answer properly. Only 2 weeks? I thought my injury was serious.
''I have to move you to the clinic bed'' he walks towards me and pushes the wheelchair closer to the white, leather furniture.
Clinic BED?
''Why?''I find myself asking. Shit, watch your mouth you stupid.
''To put your ankle in a cast. Excuse me'' just as I finally digest all the information he places his hands under my thighs and behind my back and carries me effortlessly towards the clinic bed.
I'm not sure whether it is because of the fact that I haven't been intimate with a man in a long time or not but right now I think I'm going to melt in the doctor's strong arms. And his musky, warm cologne makes me go even crazier. It feels like he's doing it on purpose, he's aware of how sensitive I am to smells and holds me like that, so that my head is placed right next to his neck.
Is this how he carries every patient?
He sits me in the cold clinic bed and gently rolls up my bottoms. I can't help but droole as his long fingers touch the soft material of my white crepe pants revealing my pale, thankfully shaved skin.
''Um.. Can I ask you something?'' I speak first
''Of course'' he opens a drawer searching for his tools
''Are you sure my injure is not severe? I mean.. I even heard a crack sound when I fell''
''You didn't break any bone. There's a little bit of swelling, no bruising..'' he strokes my ankle ''the pain must be mild, am I right?'' his eyes meet mine waiting for confirmation.
Even though I have hard time talking, I answer a ''yes'' without breaking the eye contact.
''There's just a minimal tearing that's why you probably heard this sound. The recovery time is very short and not painfull that's why I said you're lucky'' he wraps the cast around my ankle.
His touch is so affectionate, it resembles a caress.
Is every doctor that gentle?
''So you fell?'' he grins
''What?''his question catches me off guard
''You said you fell''
''Oh yes I'm not accustomed to wearing high heels so...'' I laugh akwardly
''You're ready'' he announces and takes a sit in the bed next to me clearing his throat.
How can a man look so attractive in tight black pants? I was never into men with tight clothes, I prefer baggy pants and shirts, a more comfy style but this dude right here made me change my mind completely, flexing his glorious thighs shamelessly.
''Some final instructions. Don't overwork your foot, your ankle is lightly injured but still injured. If you feel any pain take a painkiller, paracetamol is fine. I'm going to give you crutches, this is how you're moving for the next two weeks even though I strongly suggest you avoid walking.'' he stops and takes a quick glance at my red toe nails licking his lips.
''Last but not least, be careful when you shower. If you get your cast wet, irritation or infection of the skin could develop. You can find waterproof cast covers at pharmacies, they are really helpful. That's all you have to do these two weeks. Do you want me to repeat something?''
''No I'm okay'' I answer honestly as I repeat every single instruction in my head
''You're coming back in two weeks to remove the cast. If you have any question feel free to call. I'll probably not be able to talk but my co-workers gladly will''
''Thank you doctor'' I nod and smile sadly realising this might be the last time I see him.
''And be careful. Avoid high heels maybe'' he jokes and runs his hand through his rich, black hair. I was ready to answer when the nurse arrived
''Are you ready mrs Westbrook?''
I stare at the doctor and he nods.
The woman helps me sit in the wheelchair and opens a display rack full of crutches. I can feel the doctor's gaze on me the entire time but my eyes remain glued to my ankle. Many thoughts are running through my head right now. Sad thoughts. After a long time I finally feel attracted to someone, a man I'll probably never see again.
That's the reason I don't stare back, I don't want to give myself false hopes.
''Let me help you'' I hear his voice as he moves towards the nurse to help her carry the pair of crutches.
It's now or never, my heart whispers overpowering my mind's voice.
So before leaving the room I catch a glimpse of doctor's right side of his chest.
The nurse pushes the wheelchair. Neither the doctor greets nor I. This is how our first and last meeting ends. So impersonal, so cold, pure professionalism not a single sign of emotion.
''Jeon Jungkook'' I whisper as we're moving through the corridor.
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''Do you want anything to eat?''
''No Susan I'm full''
My friend spent the entire day here cooking her speciality for me. She's very attentive but her habit of overfeeding me gets on my nerves.
''Are you sure?''
I roll my eyes fondly
''Just as you said you would start working out...boom'' she gestures at my sprained ankle giggling because she probably knows I would never go to the gym anyway.
''Don't laugh because you're the reason I'm hurt''
''I'm the reason? How? Did I push you?'' she cocks her shaped eyebrows 
''You made me buy these heels, I couldn't walk properly''
''You need practice with heels''
''I know right, I can practise perfectly now'' I slightly raise my right leg annoyed
''Calm down and stop talking nonsense''
I growl and keep studying ''It's so hard to work from home''
''Then stop working Skye. This incident is your chance to take a break these 2 weeks. Taehyung and the rest of your employees won't let you down we both know that''
I run my hair through my oily hair thinking about her suggestion ''Yeah but...''
''The doctor said you should rest. Come on Skye...'' she moans in exaggerated despair
Oof the doctor... I didn't tell her about the gorgeous doctor I met yesterday, there's no point anyway...
''Okay okay. I guess you're right'' I nod my head defeated
''I'm always right'' she pinches my cheek making me yelp ''I have to pee''
''TMI'' I yell as she walks away
My eyes wander around the room. They land on my cellphone. Head full of thoughts.... What a stupid  idea, let's do it.
Once I hear the bathroom door lock I grab my phone and log into facebook. Jeon Jungkook I type hurriedly feeling my heart beating like a drum.
I place my finger right above the ''search'' icon.
Is it worth it Skye? I hesitate Besides, if he was interested in me he would have searched for me, he can seemy name in the record of the hospital, he's a doctor so he has access to these files. And why would he be interested in me in the first place? He didn't even spare me a glance yesterday.
''Fuck it'' I throw my phone away along with my business files and lean back in my bed.
Indeed I need a break, these days I've overworked myself to the point I feel abnormally exhausted. A good, sleep would be perfect now, Taehyung's in the company, Susan is picking up the kid, I have no responsibilities.
Just relax Skye, close your eyes and relax, close your eyes and...
*Knock knock*
I open my eyes and jerk up as soon as I hear faint knocks in the front door.
''Susan'' I speak loudly
''Someone's knocking the door''
She gets out of the bathroom and as much as I can hear from my bedroom she walks towards the door. ''I didn't listen anything but ok'' she yells from the living room
''You were busy extracting the urine''
''TMI'' she jokes making me crack a smile
Who's knocking the door? Probably Taehyung came to check on me. He feels so bad because of my accident, he has even convinced himself it's his fault. Well I mean it is his fault partially, he should have waited instead of running like the wind.But I would never put the blame on him for something I did.
Susan comes in my room. Alone. A puzzled expression on her face.
''Who was it?''
She gulps trying to find a proper answer ''Um.. Skye darling... Are you sure you heard someone knocking the door?''
My eyes widen ''Yeah... I heard it clearly''
''That's weird because...there's no one there''
''A-are you sure?'' I stutter
''I just checked''
''I... how is this even possible?''
''You're just tired. Please sleep'' she approaches me and covers me with a blanket
''I am not hallucinating Susan,don't act like I'm crazy. I'm 100% sure someone knocked on the door so please go and check again-''
I stop talking as soon as I hear the familiar noise.
''Is this what you heard?'' Susan asks relieved
''I think so. Why?''
''Because that's your neighbour hammering nails into the wall Skye'' Again this noise, 3 hits, 3 knocks at the door as I initially thought.
''It was just a misunderstanding.'' she clicks her tongue ''Sleep now, you need to rest.I'm picking up Grace and feeding her don't worry''
''Thanks Susan'' I smile feeling better now
Well as it seems I misunderstood things. I tend to become paranoid sometimes but that's normal isn't it? I'm a young, wealthy woman raising a little child, there are so many dangers out there. I have no private security, no bodyguards just an alarm and the hope that this neighbourhood is indeed as safe as everyone claims. I close my eyes and wait patiently till I drift off to a sweet sleep.
But no matter how hard I try to convince myself, deep inside I know that the sound of my neighbour hammering nails into the wall was completely different from what I heard and that someone was outside my apartment knocking the door.
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eyessharpweaponshot · 5 years
A friend that I was more-than-friends with got into a relationship out of the blue and now I’m trying to get over someone I never dated... send hELP (and maybe some fic recommendations for some cathartic tears?)
Aw darling, so sorry to hear that. It sucks to have feelings for someone and watch them with someone else. I don’t know what advice to offer you on it without knowing more of the story, but I definitely can include a fic rec list. I made one previous to this which included a LOT of my favourites, which you can find here. So, in an effort to avoid repeating myself with those favourites, here’s a brand new one for you. I hope they distract from the heartbreak.
1. Simple Pleasures by @pawprinterfanfic
Right - first of all, this girl is a dear friend of mine and I basically love everything she writes. Her talent is out of this world, but this fic in particular just blows my mind. It’s a Hunger Games au with some angst, fluff and breath holding moments. It’s a multi-chapter, going to be about 48 chapters - so if you’re looking for a good, old long and brilliant read, this is for you.
2. Give Me Your Fate / Where The Light Won’t Find You by @asroarke
Okay, so I’m cheating here. Including two fics for the price of one ;) but I love this author, she’s incredibly gifted at writing. The first fic mentioned is a political au where Bellamy gets hooked into an arranged marriage with Clarke. It’s AMAZING and to be honest, politics is something I don’t have much interest in. Yet, this girl seems to have a knack for sucking me into fics I would never normally be drawn to. The second fic mentioned is a high-school au that unfortunately is written from experience on her part. It’s truly brilliant though and I can’t wait to read more.
3. Looking For A Lifeline by @illgivethatoyou
I LOVED this and I read it far too quickly. She writes it so beautifully and it has everything I look for in a fic. Lots of angst between Bellamy and Clarke, lots of pining and lots of these two dancing around their feelings. Ugh. It’s one I re-read and to be honest, I don’t do that with a lot of fics.
4. When There’s Nothing Left To Burn, You Have To Set Yourself On Fire by @octannibal-blake
I’m not sure if this fic is being continued or not? But all the same, I ADORE it. An angsty, Bellarke boxing fic which makes me want to cry when I read it because she writes SO GOOD. Like major envy vibes here. You can probably see a pattern here with the fics that I like, haha. Check this out though because I’d read every single chapter if she continued it indefinitely.
5. Talking With You In The Dark by @bettsfic
Bed sharing. Need I say more? So nice and fluffy and like everything this girl writes, brilliantly written. I’m including a lot of my favourite authors on this list because I feel like if you like one of their fics, you’ll like the rest. I really enjoyed this one and would 10/10 recommend it.
6. I Don’t Need Your Love (I Just Need You Now) by @talistheintrovert
I don’t even know how to describe this fic. Like. JESUS! Starts out with Bellarke not getting on and obviously ends up with them in love. Protective Bellamy, angst, fluff - UGH I loved this fic to no end. You’ll understand when you read it (and also, Talis is fucking amazing as well).
7. Devil Side / Waste It On Me by @eyessharpweaponshot
Feel like now is as good a time as any to plug my own fics. Shameless. Devil Side is a Bird Box au with tonnes of angst, self sacrificial Bellarke and lots and lots of love and tension (the best combo, in my opinion). Waste It On Me is a soulmate/reincarnation au where Clarke has sworn off love until she realises fate has a different path for her, one with Bellamy Blake at the end. Both fics are my two baby’s and I love that everyone is enjoying them as much as they are. Thank you all
8. The Color of Grief by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky
This girl has incredible fics everywhere but this one in particular stands out the most to me. Again with some angst, but lots of fluff and an amazing storyline to boot. I enjoyed this fic so much and everyone needs to read it.
9. Don’t Wake Me, I’m Not Dreaming by @grumpybell
This is one of the most original fics I’ve ever read. Clarke has the ability to visit other people’s dreams and she visits Bellamy very often. Oh my goodness, I think I’ve read this three times already. Again, the author always writes fics that I love to read so I’m not one bit surprised that this amazing fic came from her. A must read.
10. Stardust, In You And In Me by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
I am very fond of this girl and VERY fond of this fic. Soulmate au’s are everywhere and I love them, but this one definitely stands out to me. She wrote it in such a way that it had me gripped and waiting for updates desperately. I loved it so much and if soulmate au’s are your thing, this one is not to be missed.
11. The Way We Used To Be by @hawthornewhisperer
Is it any surprise this girl is on my fic rec list? I adore everything she writes and this one in particular is amazing. An exes fic full of smut and angst and ugh, everything I crave from fics. I actually want to write my own exes fic and this just inspired me even more. I will re-read this fic until the day I die.
I’m afraid that’s all I have the time to recommend, but other authors that are phenomenal writers are: @thelittlefanpire @arysafics @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @carrieeve @the-most-beautiful-broom @candybellarke
There’s fic’s that I’ve read from those authors that are utterly brilliant too and some of them I’ve mentioned in my previous fic rec list. But yeah, I hope this helps you, anon. Much love from me
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writing-in-winter · 5 years
dream catcher (prologue)
three things that didn’t make sense until they did.
characters: tony stark x gifted!reader
word count: 2k
trigger warnings: depression, suicide
summary: you wanted a fresh start. you have it. but then the avengers find you, insisting that a life, which you have no recollection of, is yours.
a/n: i am finally posting a series, holy shit. i understand the prologue makes absolutely no sense, but hopefully, with the upcoming updates (i am finishing high school in two weeks hooray!) things start to become clear. in the prologue, y/n does not know she is gifted, because her memories has been locked away. also, i am blatantly ignoring canon *cough* especially iw and endgame *cough* (i’m too lazy to thoroughly proofread this because i have a paper to sit for tomorrow so feel free to slide into my inbox if you catch any mistakes. love y’all for reading!)
one—it is true when they say ‘what if’s haunt you forever.
you couldn’t remember the reason you were looking for tony, but you wished you hadn’t. it only reopened doors that you worked so hard to shut a long time ago. what despairs you the most is that it only took a short second to unwind the effort you had put in, for the insecurity and doubt to pour out of the tiny crack.
and then the emptiness you thought you had left behind for good comes rushing in all at once without a warning. it hits when you were crunching on cereals alone at the oversized island, which was meant to fit ten people comfortably.
most of the avengers are either away on a mission or had breakfast earlier that morning, and tony is… you look down at the cereal floating around in milk, frowning. you didn’t know where he is. when did that start?
you relish in the silence – it meant you need not bother with putting on a front and shrouding your unexplainable sadness from anyone – but after a while, it became deafening.
sliding into his audi, you draw your hand over the steering wheel, recalling the last time you drove this car. it was another aimless drive, but with tony in the passenger seat and you stepping on the gas on a lesser used road.
now, in his place is your bulky coat instead. it’s an complicated feeling. to hate the constant supervision, but wanting him with you. just the two of you alone, with no worries or fears for your safety or your unborn child’s.
for miles in the distance, all you can see is the white snow collecting on the dirty brown earth. finally, the car whirs to a stop at an abandoned park.
you just cannot resist the pull of it and the calm nature brings you, especially when you are alone.
the world lulls to a quiet hum as you drew the thick brown fabric closer to your body and wrapped your arms around your belly. your child. she wouldn’t be here if tony hadn’t insisted on keeping the accidental pregnancy. but as the months flew by, your love for your unborn daughter grew in size until it is rivaled only by your love for your fiance.
early winter is soft, though still a stark difference against the colors of spring. white blankets the ground, the arching tree branches, and everything in your vision. oh, how peaceful it is, to be away from any human and an extremely smart ai.
the silent supervision is suffocating at times, sending someone to assist you with the slightest of things when tony isn’t around. courtesy of him, no doubt. you had protested against the protocol, though you eventually relented, knowing that it gives tony some peace of mind when he isn’t near you.
how perfect would it be, if you could go back to the woman you were, free to roam the end of earth without anything or anyone holding you back? seemingly impossible, given the lengths of your love for tony, that you would leave him behind. but just for a moment, you imagine if you had never met him. perhaps you will still be the lone traveller, doing what you love in person.
you close your eyes, resting at the metal bench. just a minute, you told yourself. just a minute.
the steady beep emanating from the device beside you sends you gasping awake. the bright lights in the ceiling are blinding to your unfocused eyes, making you wince and twist away from it. wait, ceiling?
it is white all around, but for a minute you couldn’t get your eyesight straight. you curse at the contact lens which probably slid when you were asleep. heavy breaths run through your lungs, working, pushing, to make sure you stay alive. tony appears in the clear vision in your right eye, eyes lined with worry and rubbing your back in a soothing manner.
“i think the left contact lens slipped to the back.” you blink, slightly panicked at the sure ache at the back of your eye. your fingers make to force the lens out, but he grips your hand and tells you to lie down as he calls for a nurse. ah, so the compound med bay then.
shortly after the contact lens issue is resolved and the doctor on duty successfully convinced tony for the hundredth time that ‘no, sir, ms (y/n) is not experiencing frostbite’, you move back to your quarters.
apparently, instead of a minute, you had fallen asleep at the park, for two whole hours. you feel guilty for being a constant worry on his mind, promising to check in with him whenever you left the compound. you just didn’t realise the extent of the damage done until vision phases into the garage as you unlock a car.
he is a terrible actor. you knew FRIDAY sent him, but still, you listen as he asks to accompany you to wherever you are going because he needed to get something from the grocery store. you lie that you are simply retrieving your belongings left in the car.
that is when you knew you wouldn’t be leaving the building without supervision anytime soon. it shouldn’t suffocate you as much as it does.
two—it is true when they say family hurts you the most.
his lab is locked. again. FRIDAY confirms that tony is in there, but she isn’t allowed to let you enter the workspace.
you would ask her to connect you to tony, but he had been snappy lately. the sadness was gaining too, and normally you would be outside, soaking in the vastness of nature. you had long since gave up trying to sneak out the building by yourself. it is annoying and embarrassing for FRIDAY to keep sending people to find you. once, steve caught you as you were descending the emergency staircase with your pajamas on underneath the winter coat. with FRIDAY watching, you don’t even know why you are trying at all.
talking to tony about his protocols is a dead end. the last time you attempted to sweet talk him into lifting his most recently added protocol, it ended with him giving you the silent treatment for two days straight.
too tired to argue with anyone, even FRIDAY, you made to leave. you decided an early dinner with yourself would be nice. maybe some wine.
the kitchen is eerily silent without your playlists humming in the background. ironically, it brings you some peace. what a horrible resonance, reflecting your state of mind. when will this end?
you hobble around the wide kitchen for a little bit, bringing out the pot and the utensils you needed to make soup. loud clicks that must have came from stiletto heels make you look up from your chopping board.
you break into a smile at the sight of your best friend waving the bouquet of tulips at you. she wraps you into a tight hug, exclaiming her wonder at how far along you were in your pregnancy. pulling back to actually look at you after kissing your cheek, she frowns.
“i’m bloated, i know” you laugh for the first time in forever, accepting the bouquet from her.
caressing the indigo petals, and just relishing in the beauty of the tulips, you thank her. it has been so long since you have set foot outside that you miss the feelings of fresh morning dew on grass under your feet so badly.
you place the tulips on the countertop, careful not to squish any of the buds. it is a little hard to bend with the large baby bump, but you manage alright to bend and open the lower cupboard where you stored your vases.
your favorite china vase with tiny red buds dotted along the blue vines is missing. a frown sets itself on your brows as you purse your lips and straighten your back with a hand supporting your lower back. you begin to rummage through the rest of the cupboard.
“are you looking for this one?” she passes you the vase you are looking for.
you huff good-naturedly but exasperatedly. “tony loves misplacing my things.”
“oh, it isn’t his fault, i bought a new vase for the flowers he got the other day and i had no idea where to keep this one here.” she leans over you standing at the sink and fills the vase with water.
you are still standing there stunned by her seemingly offhand comment. “when?”
“like last last week? i can’t remember.”
“oh.” the smile is forced this time around. you pretend as if everything was alright. as if you are not bitter about tony blowing you off for someone else. everything is fine.
“friday, can you ask tony if he is joining us for lunch?”
you pray she hadn’t replied in a heartbeat before friday could respond. “he’s going out.” was she in there while i am locked out?
the ground is ripped from under you in an instant. you are drowning, struggling for air, but everything is fine.
three—it is true when they say truth kills.
he had been tip-toeing around you for two months now. and he doesn’t look at you the same. maybe it’s been awhile, but you only started to notice after your best friend paid you a visit that day.
to be so familiar with your kitchen, you gather, she had to have been over frequently. more frequent than you know of anyway.
it hurts. it physically hurts. to see him look at her with even a fraction of that glint that was once reserved for you. and only you.
you should have known better. you should have trusted that pit of darkness rolling in your belly. no man can be trusted. and yet, you maintain the facade.
the torture of knowing and seeing the man you love fall for another when he has promised you forever was an unending agony. death may be your only reprieve, but even then, would he allow you to be free?
would you allow yourself to be free of him?
pretending feels like the only way you seem in control of your life.
so you pretend. you pretend you didn’t mind when he said he is taking her sightseeing around New York City. you pretend you didn’t see him taking her out to the most expensive restaurant on the magazine cover. you pretend you didn’t see his hand on her thigh during dinner. you pretend and pretend and pretend.
and when you saw him kissing her on the driveway, you pretend.
as if every single day, every waking moment, even in your sleep, every breath you take, fire isn’t burning you alive. as if you aren’t hollowed out by the lies you are both making. as if the cursed image isn’t burned into the back of your eyelids, haunting you whenever you close your eyes.
it is a burning hell with no end in sight. no peace to be had. and you just wanted it to end. you wanted to start over. and maybe, just maybe, you can run away and never look back before this drives you insane.
but the only way you will be able to truly leave is through death. because he will never let you leave.
so you wait. you play by his suffocating protocols until you forgot what it felt like to be free. you smile and nod until your love turned to resentment and finally, acceptance. you lie and say you dreamt of him dying when all you see when you close your eyes is him kissing her and fucking her like his life depended on it. you smile through the pain and the rot of your former self until you can no longer tell the difference between hallucination and reality.
you pretend everything is fine when nothing is.
everything will be alright. you hug steve, who accompanied you on your daily walk. then, with his back facing you, looking for your phone that you dropped on purpose, a real smile graces your tired face for the first time in months.
you plunge down the cliff laughing.
reblog previous chapter to be automatically tagged in next chapter. (you will be tagged in one if you reblogged prologue, and two if you reblogged one, etc.) i do not keep a taglist.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Does it make you nervous when someone does something dangerous showing off? >> No. Have you ever had to take a pee test? >> Yeah. Have you ever had to supply someone with clean pee? >> No. Are you a bit of a nerd? >> I assume so. Are you in charge of cleaning anything in your household? >> I usually do the vacuuming and will often tidy things or go through old shit and get rid of things that no one is using, stuff like that. And of course I’m in charge of my own room.
Are you good at HTML? >> I used to be, but that’s the kind of knowledge that requires constant updating, and I haven’t done anything with HTML in so long that I’m positive a lot of my knowledge is obsolete. Ever carved/written anything on a park bench? >> No. Most interesting place you’ve ever visited? >> I don’t know. Have you ever had anything tailored? >> No. Fan of Walton Ford artwork? Ever even heard of him? >> I’ve never heard of him. Do you keep your eyebrows more thick or thin? >> I don’t keep them, they keep themselves. What color is your bedroom door? >> Brown. Do you value your personal space, or do you hate being alone? >> I don’t think those are opposite concepts. Even people who love living with others value their own space, don’t they? I assume they do, anyway. (Personally, I have a pretty intense need for personal space, so I do value it extremely highly -- maybe even more than most people.) Have you ever been hunting? >> No, but I’d like to go one day. Your take on one-night stands? Are they okay? >> They’re fine for people who want to have them. They’re not fine for me (and I wish I’d not had so many before I realised how awful they were for me). Do you always wear a bra? >> I usually wear a binder, but sometimes I’ll give my chest a break and just wear a sports bra. (I guess that’s not that much of a break, but listen.) At home, I don’t bother with either. Do you have a wrist watch? >> No. Do you usually jog or go for walks? >> No. Could you be happier? >> I guess? But I don’t need to be. I’m happy at this level of happiness. Don’t you just love aerial views? >> Sure. Do you own a pair of Dr. Martins? >> No. Do you like wine? >> Yeah. Do you scrapbook? >> No. Have you ever been told not to do something you desperately wanted to do? did you listen? >> I mean, yes, and no I didn’t. Why are the angry birds so mad at the pigs? >> I never did learn the lore behind that game. Would you feel bad about breaking up with a kid on his birthday? >> --- Do your shoulder blades protrude? >> Not that I know of. Have you ever sung anyone the happy birthday song? >> Yeah. How many followers do you have on Twitter? >> --- Do you like Hello Kitty? >> Yeah, Hello Kitty is mad cute. Have you ever won on one of those grabber machine things? >> No. I’d be in awe if I saw someone win one of those, ngl. Is there an actual word for those? >> I call them claw machines. IDK if there’s a more formal term for them. Have you seen the movie Remember Me? >> No. Do you like thunderstorms? >> I love thunderstorms. Have you ever been horseback-riding? >> No. Have you ever seen your naked back? >> Yeah. Are you gonna French kiss your hubby at your wedding? >> I’m definitely not french-kissing at my wedding, fuck that. We don’t even do that normally, so....... Do you think girls generally look better with their natural hair color? >> --- Who is the last person you held hands with? >> King Crimson, maybe? Don’t remember. Would you agree that wedding cake is so much better than any other cake? (: >> --- Do you feel awkward with strangers in elevators? >> No. I like, barely pay attention to the fact that there are other people in the elevator. Do you cuss excessively when you’re upset? >> I mean, maybe. I also cuss a lot normally, though. Would you rather cheat and tell your other about it or be cheated on? >> *slow blink* Do you own a pair of shorts that could be mistaken for underwear? >> No. Have you ever felt free after losing something once important to you? >> Oh, yeah, definitely. Religion or logistics? >> What? Have you ever been to a rave? >> No, and I’ve always been gutted about that. I think I would have had a lot of fun at a rave back when I had the energy for that kind of thing. How many bananas have you ever eaten in a row? >> One. Have you ever felt like you can burn the world down? >> I mean, I guess? I don’t know? Can you read/speak in any language(s) other than English? >> No. Have you ever had sex outside? >> Yeah. Have you ever been outside naked? >> Yeah. Do you like guys with long, brown, shaggy, flippy hair? >> --- Do you have a beauty mark? >> No. Have you ever been in a shrubbery maze? >> No. Do you think you’re the best thing that’s happened to someone? >> No. Is the best thing that’s ever happened to you a person? >> --- What’s your boyfriend’s style, or what style tends to attract you? >> --- Do you know anyone who works in a cafe? >> No. How many songs do you think you know all of the lyrics do? >> Several dozen at the very least. Do you enjoy jazz or blues music? >> I’d be more likely to enjoy a blues song than a jazz song, but I’ve enjoyed songs from both genres. What’s the most emotionally painful thing you’ve ever been through? >> Oh, who fucking knows. How many band t-shirts do you own that are black? >> All of the band t-shirts I own are black. Can you make a clover shape with your tongue? >> No. Would you agree that Beck is a musical genius? (: >> I don’t know anything about genius. Do you ever feel like the main people in your life don’t know you at all? >> *shrug* Do you like Ben Folds? >> I have no opinion on Ben Folds. Do you watch The Voice? >> No. Do you have a protective father? >> I had an overprotective and authoritarian one. Have you ever worn a headdress? >> No. Last thing that caused you to get sick? >> Some bug that Sparrow brought home. I’m betting the only reason I caught it is because that was back when I was still sleeping in her room. What’s the biggest misconception about you, personally? >> *shrug* Have you ever seriously thought you loved someone without telling them? >> Probably. Are you squeamish? >> Not about blood and gore, but I am very easily disgusted by various other things.
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itsblissfuloblivion · 6 years
Kindle - Chapter 2
A/N: WOO we’ve reached chapter 2 and we hope you’re just as excited as we are! 
Find the update on FF and AO3 and please enjoy :)
One particularly hot summer’s day later (which included three distinct instances where he thought he’d be dying of dehydration), Harry leaves his campus office and lazily shuffles his feet towards his single apartment. Luckily for him, it was in the near vicinity of the campus, if the lady from the real estate company’s words are to be taken for granted. Two bus stops and fifteen minutes of trying to walk - or if he’s honest more like sleepily crawling - in the morning in order to arrive on time is not what Harry would call “in the near vicinity”, but he takes what he can get for a reasonable price. Turning the key twice in the lock, he makes his way out of the building and outside on the sun burnt grass of the campus yard. Privately, he starts questioning his decision to move his paperwork home and everything it entails. Apparently, carrying ten kilos of paper through humid weather thick enough to be soup is not the best idea he could come up with, but he weighs the discomfort of powering through against having to go back to his cupboard of an office any time he wants to work, and the former wins by a landslide.
Keeping his eyes on the ground to avoid tripping on his own shoelaces, Harry almost jumps out of his skin in fright when he bumps into something soft and very much alive.
“Ouch! Watch where you’re going, you loon!”
Harry thinks he recognises the voice, but being sans glasses courtesy of the impact leaves him rather blind, thus making the recognition process a wee bit difficult. Feeling the grass with his palms frantically, he manages to find said glasses and shoves them onto his nose - all without more damage than a few fingerprints.  Slowly but surely the image of a redheaded young woman forms in front of his eyes. Harry gulps. He definitely knows the woman.
“Funny bumping into you here. Quite literally,” Ginny remarks, hands on her hips as she scrutinises him from head to feet.
“Erm - H-hi,” he replies, rubbing the back of his head. Quite the wordsmith today, Harry, quite the wordsmith, he thinks to himself.
“Here,” she says, offering a hand to help him up. “Where’s your son?”
“My who?” Harry is confused for a second or two, questioning his past and opportunities to father children. “Oh, you mean Teddy? He’s my godson,” he laughs.
“Oh! Oh, right. Sorry,” Ginny smiles and her cheeks color pale pink.
“No worries, happens more than one would think,” he responds and stretches his hand to lightly pat her on the shoulder. Catching himself mid-stretch, Harry cringes and rapidly closes his fist as though he just caught an annoying fly or bug. He cringes again. Very smooth, Harry, he mentally grumbles.
“Anyway, I was heading to the library so feel free to join,” she quirks her upper lip into half a smile. Harry notices the bags under her eyes and the book bag filled to the brim with giant tomes she probably has to go through until morning. At a quick glance, Harry’d guess she has to be about at the final weeks of her Master’s writing process.
“I’m finished for the day, thanks,” he grins, already regretting that he has to decline her generous invitation, but dinner with family is not something he can make a habit of missing - no matter the beautiful temptation - as he is a man who values his own life. Lily Potter is not someone who can take no for an answer, if the answer does not come accompanied by extensive and sorrowful explanations. At the moment, he doesn’t quite feel a wild desire to confess to his parents plus Sirius that he is ditching them to study with a pretty girl he just met.
“Well, somebody’s been productive today,” Ginny raises one ginger eyebrow.
“Yes, such are the days when I’m not on Teddy duty,” he grins, ruffling his jet black hair.
“Teddy duty. Sounds fun,” she laughs, flashing him a smile of her own for good measure.
“Of course it is, whenever he’s not screaming bloody murder that he wants doughnuts and that is like 90% of the time.”
“The kid knows his doughnut flavours, I must give him that,” Ginny laughs.
“Yeah, he’s a natural. But so are you, I reckon,” Harry says and prays he hadn’t been too straightforward the second the words roll out his mouth.
“You should remind my brother of this very important little fact, actually. He tends to experience momentary lapses of memory whenever he has to pay me or give me the occasional doughnut eating break,” she pouts and Harry notices again the way a wave of freckles clash on the soft skin of her face. He fights the urge to lean down and have a closer look.
“How long have you been working with Ron, though? I haven’t seen you around until yesterday.”
“Oh, I do it every now and then. Whenever he might need a hand or whenever my wallet feels lonely,” she answers easily.  Harry can’t help but admire her easy confidence - he’d never quite managed the ability to project that level of casualness when chatting up a beautiful woman.  Not that he’s a beautiful - anyway. He’d been lucky enough to never need to work in his university years and god knew that academic books cost a liver and a toe. James and Lily had always supported him and now he started wondering if it really was the right thing - Ginny seemed much more down to earth than he’d been in his MA era.
Ginny sighs with something he’d maybe call regret.  Though he’s not taking full credit since she’s leaving him to lock herself in the stuffy library for the foreseeable future.  “Well, then I’m off to the library. Don’t try to stop me, I’m dying to have one more sleepless night for the sake of academia,” she jokes, pulling on the most convincingly excited face anyone could manage under the circumstances.
Harry watches her as she leaves and sighs. A thought is forming at the back of his head, nebulous but relentlessly niggling like an itch he can’t quite scratch.  Still, his eyes refuse to leave the small form capped by a waterfall of ginger hair disappearing in the distance, the rush of students moving to and fro between the dining hall and the library. It takes him a moment before he realises he’s been holding his breath.
“Harry, love, you’ve barely touched your food,” Lily points out later that evening, wiping her hands on a kitchen cloth. Harry looks down to see his plate still full, which is weird in itself since he distinctly remembers bringing the fork to his mouth several times throughout dinner.
He finds that he must pause the introspection process when a green pea arrives uninvited and lands between his eyes, followed by a second that chooses to rest inside his left nostril. Harry exhales loudly, making the pea pop on the table and roll over, hitting the culprit’s elbow. Or, rather, culprits - plural.
“Cut it out, you too,” Lily huffs, half-amused by her husband and best friend’s antics.
“Aw, Lily, but it’s fun,” Sirius flashes a devilish grin and Harry acknowledges he’s onto something. “My young godson here is clearly disturbed by something and it is my duty, as godfather, to intervene and ensure that everything is quite alright.” To the young man’s chagrin, Sirius lays on his most sincere and angel like face, batting his eyelashes in Harry’s direction.
“That’s correct, son,” James joins in. Oh-oh, double trouble. There’s nothing more dangerous and potentially harmful for his sanity than the powers of James Potter and Sirius Black working in horrible, life ruining unison. “Allow your old man and godfather to kiss it all better, what d’ya say?” James asks, mirroring Sirius’ innocent appeal.
Rolling his eyes, the youngest Potter excuses himself from the table and walks over to the kitchen to do the dishes in a desperate attempt to escape the upcoming interrogation.
“At least tell me that you’ve got her number,” Sirius approaches, casually leaning against the sink, rendering it difficult for Harry to further ignore him.
“No,” he mumbles, squishing a wild desire to stomp one foot on the ground in a Teddy-like manner. “And, might I add, it’s none of your business,” the dark haired man continues, feeling very much like an adult.
“Fine,” Sirius crosses his arms, “have it your way. But don’t come crying to me when she says no.” As he pushes away from the sideboard to leave, his right hand briefly covers three quarters of the tap’s mouth and Harry is greeted by a rainfall he is definitely not prepared for. He simultaneously coughs and growls abuses under his breath, grasping his glasses to wipe them on his black jeans.
“Will you two ever grow up?” Lily firmly plants her hands on her hips, her hair afire in the pink dusk glow reflected from the spotless windows that fill an entire wall in the living room large.
“No,” James gives her a lopsided smile and kisses her cheek. “And you don’t want us to,” he whispers close to her lips, earning some disgusted mutterings from Sirius between two obviously fake coughs.
“Maybe not,” she winks and walks over to place an arm around Harry’s shoulders. “Although this has unlimited potential to turn into a captivating debate, it’s not the main focus of our family get together this evening.”
Harry looks at his mother, green eyes reflected mirrors of his own. His breath catches for the second time this day.
“Am I going to have a brother?” His question is greeted by silence. “Or a sister?” He lamely tries again, seeing as no one is willing to break the uncomfortableness of the moment.
James is the one to recover first. “Not that one of us is not trying,” he quickly glances towards Lily, who blushes furiously and shrugs. “That’s not the news,” he pauses.
“The three of us have been offered contracts in the US, love. Really well paid,” Lily says, stroking her son’s cheek. He grasps her hand and squeezes, as he did since he was a little boy.
“And? Have you given an answer already?” Harry inquires, struggling to keep his tone even.
“We did,” Sirius is the one to mouth the dreaded news. “We’re going to work at the New York Presbyterian. For the year to come, at least.”
“We’ll be starting at the end of this month,” James adds on and Harry gets the feeling that his parents might have rehearsed this moment a couple of times before acting live before him.
“That’s...brilliant,” he replies, feeling like he’d rather melt on the floor into a depressed puddle than hug Sirius, James and Lily and pat them on the back in good health. He’d never been one hundred percent alone, even though he moved out as soon as he started university. He always had Sirius to visit him, James and Lily to break in uninvited. He always had family dinners, weekends with his parents, unplanned holidays with the whole crazy crew, and someone to come by when he felt like he couldn’t really handle life. And what about Teddy? Of course, he was his official and legal guardian since Tonks and Remus - well, since they weren’t around any longer, but somehow it seemed easier to take care of him knowing that James and Lily were one phone call away.
“Harry,” his mother lifts his chin and he can’t avoid her gaze. His heart aches and he isn’t even ashamed to admit that, yes, he is a momma’s boy and he can’t face life without his mother. “Harry, my love, you really are ready to start something on your own. Even if it might not feel that way right now, you are. Trust your mother, I know you better than anyone,” she smiles and brings her plump lips to his stubbled cheek. Harry takes his mother into his arms and holds her tight, filling his lungs with the scent of her hair enough to last him until the three of them come back home.
“What about Teddy? Am I prepared to take care of him too?” he mutters into Lily’s dark red hair.
“Oh, darling, you’ve not needed our help with Teddy for a long time now. It’s simply that you never realised it,” Lily draws her hands through her son’s dark locks, admiring how it sicks up all over, just like James’. As much as she’d love to stroke his hair every day and watch him grow old, she understands it is the moment to take a step back and allow him to tackle obstacles and hardships at his own pace.  “It’s not forever, love.”
“Teddy wants cartoons!” a small boy’s voice booms throughout the room. His shoes muddy from playing in the backyard pond, he leaves little marks on the polished floor as he runs as fast as his feet can carry him to hug Harry’s legs. A smile creeping on his face, the young godfather decodes the message as “let’s go home now” and notes the urgency in the little boy’s actions.
“Sorry everyone, it’s Friday night and Teddy’s special will be on in about fifteen,” Harry chuckles as he checks the time on the old watch perpetually strapped around his wrist, passed down directly from Fleamont Potter ages before Harry was old enough to know how to tell time, let alone comprehend the significance of the gift.
“Completely understandable,” James replies, raising his palms in front of him and nodding his head.
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want to miss the new adventures of Babbity Rabbity either,” Sirius comments, picking Teddy up and spinning him in the air, airplane style, an action met by laughter and squeals of joy.
Lily squeezes her boy’s calloused palm and he sighs, yet reciprocates. Closing his eyes, a flash of ginger hair and two freckled cheeks pass before his mind’s eye and something inside him tells him that, somehow, everything will be alright.
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