#can you tell Stephanie Brown was on the mind
enigmatic-robin · 23 days
Not to post about another project of mine but
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space-specs · 1 year
Dick Grayson 🤝 Roy Harper
Sidekicks successfully able to move beyond their mentor and more well-known for their own individual vigilante identity now.
Stephanie Brown 🤝 Bart Allen
Original heroes that carried a couple legacy names before going back to their own unique hero names.
Tim Drake 🤝 Conner Kent
Stuck in the same name retelling the same stories and unable to fully grow as a character because DC can't seem to give them their own unique identities that would allow them to move on past this narrow idea of their characters.
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Hi Elle!! Hope all is well 💕💕
Can I request a headcanon or fic of where Dick and y/n have been in a serious relationship for a few years and OC has become a “mom figure” to all the other batboys. So when the batboys misunderstand Dick and OC getting into a big fight somewhere, they both come home (either to their place or to the manor) to find that the batboys have moved/thrown out all of Dick’s things because they love OC that much??
Thank youuu ☺️
Ahhh this is such a cute little idea!! Thank you so so much for the request it’s lovely to see an old friend <333
Found Family - Dick Grayson x Reader
Steph gave you a sympathetic smile as she poured the rest of the wine bottle into your now empty glass. “What’s wrong hun? Because if it’s boy troubles I will personally castrate Richard if he hurt you.” Which only made you sigh as you nodded. Her eyes widened, you and Dick never ever fought, and this foreign emotional territory was a shock to you too- hence the wine.
“Dick asked me to move in with him, but I’m not ready to leave my place! I love Gotham, and I’m not sure Bludhaven is where I’m meant to be. But I also know I could never leave him. I just told him I needed more time to think and I think he took it really personally. It’s not that I’m not ready to live with him, I’m just not ready to leave my life here even if it is just a town over.” You said, happy to put into words the emotions swirling in your chest.
“What?! You are NOT leaving Gotham anytime soon. What on earth would I do without you here?” Steph exclaimed, putting down her glass to pick up her phone, fingers typing frantically.
Less than a minute later, Tim was jogging into the Manor kitchen, “Dick’s tryna take Y/N from us? Over my dead body.” And before you could tell him otherwise, the young hero burst out the room, clearly on a type of war path.
“No! I love Dick and you guys, Bludhaven is great! I just need-”
“Taking down Richard has always been on my bucket list.” Damian’s snarky voice echoed through the manor as he stalked out the same door as Tim. You scrambled up and after him, but Steph side stepped in front of you, “don’t you dare try to fix this, we’ve got it!” Which only made you more nervous for the future of your relationship.
Before you knew it, another bottle was opened, and the colors of the Manor living room were awfully fuzzy. You were pretty sure you’d seen Jason, Tim, and Damian zipping in and out of the manor, each repeatedly promising an increasingly violent demise for your boyfriend, who’s radio silence was only making you more anxious. Steph, while physically with you, was terrifyingly glued to her phone, sending text after text- even taking the occasional call, but she was speaking quiet enough that your tipsy-mind couldn’t process the words flying out of her mouth.
You truly weren’t sure how much time had passed when Dick burst through the manor shouting “Stephanie Brown where the hell did you hide her!” And before you could shriek with excitement, Dick appeared in front of you, his eyes frantic until he saw you were okay.
“Dickie!” You cooed, outstretching your arms so he would scoop you up into a hug. And he did. He was breathing heavy, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he took a deep inhale. You were just giddy to see your handsome man, squeezing him tighter, wrapping your legs around his waist, happy to be carried as you weren’t sure you could stand in your current state.
“What on earth did they do to you sweetheart,” Dick mumbled, walking back towards the kitchen so you could place you on a counter, you leaned back to look up at his eyes. He swiped a hand over your cheek, you assumed you were still warm from the alcohol.
“She’s. Fine. Can’t say the same about you you selfish monster,” Steph slurred her speech, pointing an accusatory finger at Dick who gave you both a confused look.
Almost like a sitcom, the three other boys burst into the room, as if on cue.
“Step away from the woman Grayson!” Jason shouted as Damian lobbed the nearest manor antique he could get his hands on at Dick, who of course caught it effortlessly, setting it down next to you on the counter.
“What the hell is going on?” Dick raised his voice, but Tim was already in between the two of you, pushing Dick backwards as Damian hopped up onto the counter next to you, silently handing you a glass of water which you graciously took, enjoying the plot unfolding before you.
“No questions at this time Richard, as Y/N’s personal advisor I’m here to state the case.” Tim began, Jason and Damian nodding in agreement. Steph had her phone out, clearly filming the entire argument.
Tim continued, “it has come to our attention that you intend to take Y/N from us.”
“I asked her to move in with me?” Dick looked exasperated but intrigued by the way his brothers had turned on him in your name.
“And in doing so, you’d be removing her from Gotham, and therefore the four of us!” Tim concluded, and at the statement, Jason, Steph, and Damian mumbled angry agreements.
Dick scoffed, “I’m sorry, I thought she was my girlfriend, and you guys love coming to Bludhaven! With Y/N there it’s more reason for everyone to spend more time over there.”
Damian piped up immediately, “we hate Bludhaven Richard, Y/N is the only thing that makes it manageable.”
Jason snorted, “ever realized we only go over for dinner when Y/N is visiting you? Or that Steph only wants Sunday bagels in Bludhaven cuz Y/N spends the weekends there? Did you seriously think we just went over for you?” You cringed as the harsh tone, but Dick didn’t look offended, rather, proud?
Dick opened his mouth to retort, then closed it. Tim spoke up again, “Don’t worry Richard, I’ve already mended the problem at hand.”
Now Dick spoke up, “what the hell did you brats do now”.
“To the Zeta Tube!” Jason called, scooping you and Damian up in one arm and sprinting towards the teleporter, with Dick screeching for him to put you down following close behind. For once, Damian wasn’t squirming out of Jason’s grasp, rather he had quietly grabbed your hand, saying “I hope you love your new home” to you right before the Zeta Tube activated.
When you came through, Jason set you and Damian down happily, and you were situated in a fully furnished apartment. Furnished with your and Dick’s combined furniture. You froze for a moment, feeling like you were in a different dimension until you notice the window in the apartment. You recognized the block corner instantly.
“We refurbished an old safe house! It’s south west Gotham, so close enough to Bludhaven that Dick can’t whine too much, but only a couple minutes drive, or instant Zeta Tube to the manor!” Tim exclaimed excitedly.
Damian piped up, “we stripped Dick’s apartment to the ground to furnish it! Not like either of you will be needing it anyway!”
Dick had been silent, drinking in the new view. But he came up beside you to stare out the window, “I think they just made a compromise for us, but I do want you to love it. What I should’ve said earlier, is that I don’t need to be in Bludhaven, I need to be with you. You’re my home Y/N.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you leaned back into his chest.
You spoke up, “I love it, and I love you, and I especially love you guys,” you turned around to face your family. Steph was grinning, Jason was nodding knowingly, Tim was off slightly adjusting furniture placements, and Damian was- wiping away a tear. Not worth pointing out, because he’d deny it anyway, but your heart was bursting knowing the little guy wanted you near just as badly as you wanted to be close to him.
“Tim! Get over here, it’s group hug time!” Dick called, throwing an arm around Jason and Steph while you scooped up Damian, who for the second time that day, wasn’t fighting back. Tim crashed into the hug and your swore you could feel your heart beating out of your chest with pride in your found family.
Tim’s phone vibrated and he shouted “Dick! You’re rich! The Bludhaven apartment just sold!” And Dick shrieked, “You put my apartment up for sale in a day!!” To which Damian shrugged, “not like there was anything in there after we were through.” Jason nodded in agreement saying: “yeah, you don’t even wanna know what plan B was if you said no to this place!” But Steph shushed him before he could divulge any more, most likely violent, secrets. You couldn’t help but grin knowing your family had your back no matter what, even if Dick was slightly concerned over his brother’s undying loyalty to you, it made staying in Gotham that much more worth it to you both.
“As your realtor I will be taking 15% of the profit! Gonna go meet the new tenants!” Tim called, beelining to the Zeta Tube before Dick could even try to tell him no. You gave Damian’s hair a ruffle, which he immediately tried to fix, as Jason and Steph nodded, knowing they could be over whenever, but you and Dick probably wanted a moment to get used to the new place.
And suddenly, it was quiet. The bustle of the Gotham streets was faint, and you walked through the apartment which was truly designed perfectly, imagining the dinner parties, late night adventures, and peaceful mornings you’d get to have in your new place.
“As much as I hate to admit it, they did good.” Dick broke the silence. You nodded in agreement, unable to wipe the heartfelt smile off your face, you gave him a peck and said, “They sure did, it feels good to be home.”
I hope you enjoyed!! Thank you again for the request!
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cocomuffy · 20 days
fun fact the waynes are all just actually just untamed adrenaline seekers (okay maybe that's an exaggeration)
Bruce is a ruthless vengeance seeker that is in his upper forties throwing himself across buildings.
Dick Grayson has a smile that could kill. He jumps off buildings, laughs about it, and can change a person's mind with only a few arguments.
Jason Todd is a master strategist that shows up behind his enemies with a cocky smile and converses with them for a couple minutes before stabbing them (real thing).
Tim Drake just... weird. He just kind of offsets people. He's really wacking people with metal sticks with no spleen
Stephanie Brown (from what I can tell) just goes against like??? All her father figures? Batman? Mhm. Her actual dad? Ha she's gonna spoil his clues.
(I still don't have Cass or Duke stuff so now I have moderate depression).
And Alfred?!?!?!? He just deals with these guys? Just like "Alright Master Bruce I understand Gotham is a dirty crime city but you also just broke your foot so no going outside for you." *Sprays with water*
Damian due to his League training's actually just kind of silent and deadly. New henchmen don't know whether to fear him or what, since that's a kid, but he's got a death glare and a sword.
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writing-blog-iguess · 13 days
Online Matchup 10
Summery: it’s been two months since Christmas, and there is a bit of distance between Jason and Y/N. but not to worry, Stephanie Brown is on the case!
Warning: swearing, fluff and sprinkle of angst if you squint I think?
Tag-list: @teapartydreams
Parts: ao3 series master list
Feedback is always welcome!
March 2
Unknown (5:30 am)
Are you guys still together?
Did something happen between you and Jason?
Do I need to kick his ass?
Do need to kick your ass?
What are you talking about?
And who even is this?
Please I just need to know if there’s something wrong
Your my favourite couple
And I haven’t seen Jason this happen in a long time
I need to know
Who is this?
How did you get my number?
Did Jason give it to you?
Did Conner?
But you didn’t get an answer. Sticking out your tongue, you set the phone down as you flopped back onto the bed. There weren't a lot of people who had your number, and the ones that do won’t give it away.
Rubbing your face, you thought back but no one came to mind. There was Tim, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't do that to you twice. Would he? Groaning, you weren't sure anymore.
Before you could ponder anymore your phone started to ring. Groaning you palmed for your phone and answered it without glancing at the ID.
"You still haven't answered my questions?" the person said the minute the call went through furrowing your eyebrows, you pulled the phone away to see who called. It was the same number who had texted earlier.
"How the hell did you get my number?" you asked once the phone was back ear to your ear.
"Not important," she waved away your concern. "What is important is what happened between you and Jason."
"No. Whatever is between me and Jason is none of your business."
"It is, if he’s my brother." she shot back. Covering your eyes with your free hand and sighed. There's only one person you could think of who would be ballsy enough to confront you. Granted, you met her once and that was through a video chat. Through Jason. But you could tell they mean the world to each other. Even though Jason doesn't show it, you could tell.
"Stephanie," you said, cutting her rambling off. "If Tim gave you my number I swear.”
“What? No, I went through Jason’s phone for your number. And I have to say, your conversations are wild.”
“I swear to god.”
“I didn’t read all of it. I just wanted to know when was the last time you guys talked. And that was Valentine's day. I am not counting that, by the way. You guys just said thanks. Lame, not really a conversation. The real conversation was at Christmas."
“Has it been that long since we talked?" you asked in wonder, and thought back to what happened.
"Yeah, so? What happened between the two of you?"
“Been busy I guess. With school and work.” That was a lie and you know it. Apparently, you weren’t the only one. Staphanie scoffed and you winced.
“Don’t give me the same bullshit Jason gave me,” she said, “every time we’d ask, he’d say that or change the topic. Please can you give me the real reason?”
“So you can fix it?”
“So I can understand,” she stressed. “Jason was the happiest when he was talking to you. Now he just mopes around and snapping at everyone.”
Guilt churned in your stomach at the realization that not talking affected him. To tell the truth, it affected you just as much. And it felt like too much time had passed to start again. Too afraid he wasn’t interested in you.
“So? What happened at Christmas?” Stephanie asked again, and you wondered where her patience came from. You dropped your hand from your face and sighed. It was no use, she was going to get it out of you one way or the other. You caved.
“He came to Metropolis after he called. So he spent the night. I, uh, woke him up from a nightmare and he didn’t react well.”
“What’d he do?”
“He attacked me I guess,” you answered, subconsciously rubbing your neck. The bruises had faded but for a while you were wearing scarfs and other clothing to hide them. Your friends had made fun of you for it, and you didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth.
Yeah. Later he told me the story of how he died. Well, not the full story. Just said it was an accident and he was dead for a while.”
“But he told you about the pit?”
That had sent you into a rabbit hole when you got home. When Jason had dropped you off at home you couldn't stop replaying your conversation and being curious you went online trying to find everything there was to know what the Lazarus pit was, and the group of assassins. Naturally it just gave you verses from the bible, and could find nothing on the League of Assassins.
Not one to back down from a challenge, you went diving into the dark web. There, you got all the information you wanted and plus some. The only downside was that you got someone's attention. Wanting to know more you followed the person and immediately closed the laptop.
You nearly destroyed your computer when you followed the single.
Not wanting Batman to find anything on you wiped it and just used it for school. Well not before creating a backdoor to Batman's computer. Who knows, maybe you'll need some information that only Batman has.
"Are you scared of him?” Steph asked, voice quiet. "Because then I get why there's radio silence from your end."
"And Jason’s end?" you asked not sure if you wanted to know the answer to.
"Sort of. He's scared of losing you. So he's keeping his distance. Waiting for you to stop pushing. He thinks it worked. Which makes him stupid, because he likes you and shouldn't do shit like that.”
"And I'm not helping.”
"And you're not helping."
"Okay. Okay, I have a plan. But it's going to take me a couple of hours "
"Ooh, tell me."
“Just going to do some baking.”
"Can I have brownies?"
"Only if you tell me what everyone else's favourite baked goods are."
"What? Boo, you shouldn't, they were going to come and bombard you. I talked them down."
"If you want your brownies, tell me.”
"Oh, I see why he likes you. Fine. But get my brownies first.”
You laughed, and grabbed a notebook and pen to write down your list. After your phone call with Stephanie, you made a list of the things that you need.
Quickly getting changed, you grabbed your keys and wallet, and left for the grocery store. An hour later, you were panting slightly in your apartment with grocery bags around your feet. You wondered slightly if you were going over bored. But waved the thought away.
Once gaining your breath, you began your baking mission.
Stephanie (10:30am)
How's it going?
There's a chance I might have gone overboard.
*A picture of all types of cookies, pies, cakes, and scones scattered around the kitchen.*
Holy shit.
I don't know what happened
One minute I'm making cookies, the next I come to and this is all made
I don't see brownies
*An imagine of brownies baking in the oven*
I've made two different types
If things don't work out with Jason
I'm available
I'll keep that in mind.
So, how are you going to bring that to Jason’s?
Is he home?
Uh, like me check
He is not, he’s at Bruce’s
I thought he hated spending time there
He sort of does?
What does that even mean?
It means that he mopes around the house
And Dick told him to go home it all he was going to do is mope
Jason said he would rather be where people are than at home
So! How are you going to bring me my brownies?
I think the fuck not
Then what do you suggest?
I'm so glad you asked
I have regrets
Dick is going to be around your place in an hour.
You didn't have get him to do that
What? He's my brother
Plus he wants those cookies
Not your brownie?
No, those are mine
And I will throw hands with anyone who thinks they can steal them.
Remind me not to come between you and your brownies
I don't want you to learn the hard way.
I like you.
I like you too.
Enough to leave Jason for me?
No, you'll just use me for my brownies.
So, can Dick come by?
You're not going to take no for an answer
Oh you know me so well
I've known you for a day, if even that.
Who says friendship can't form so quickly?
Wait, did you say an hour?
Make it two
An hour won't be enough time
You still have things to bake?
No, after the brownies are done, I need to let them cool before packing them up
Plus I need to shower and change.
I smell so bad all sweaty and stuff
I think I have flour up my nose
That is to much info
I thought we were friends?
We are
Were just not that close yet
Mm. See you in a couple of hours.
You and three others have been added to a group chat.
Something that actually makes sense, sometimes
Real smooth Conner
What the fuck is this?
I didn’t consent to this group chat
Answer the question y/n
Unknown number
Yeah Y/N
Answer the question
Who the fuck are you?
Unknown number
Jay’s best friend
Who the fuck are you?
You’ll have to ask him
Conner? What the fuck?
Oh, yeah that’s Roy Harder
He’s in Star City and Jason’s friend
Ellie, I’m going to kill your boyfriend
Yeah that’s fair
It was Connors idea
I told him not do it
Apparently he didn't listen
How could you?
Betrayed by my own girlfriend
Not sure what you expected
Whatever we have more pressing matters to talk about
Yeah, it’s a matter of life and death
Have you been talking to Tim?
Don't worry about it
I'm going to kill him
Please answer him
He wouldn't shut up about you and Jason
No we didn't break up
Just I don't know
Not sure what happened but in fixing it
Don't worry
I will worry about it
Jason deserves the world
Two hours later, there was a knock on the door. "It's open!" you called from the kitchen. From your place at the sink, you listened as the door opened and closed. Light footsteps made their way through your apartment, and soon their owner stood at the doorway.
"Do you always have the door unlocked?" Dick asked, thumb pointing over his shoulder.
You glanced at him with a shrug and turned back to your dishes. "No. I keep it unlocked when I know someone's coming over and when I'm busy that I can't answer the door."
"You still should have it locked.” he said with a frown, "you live in Gotham.”
"Ya but nothing happened yet.”
"Yet being the key word." You made a face but didn't answer. "So, want to tell me what's going on between you and Jason?"
"No, not unless you want cookies.”
"Shutting up now," he said, with a smile.
“That's what I thought. Now, help me with all this,” you said, putting the last dish away and gesturing at four bags of baked goods.
Dick whistled lowly as he looked through the bags. "Steph wasn't kidding when she said you went a bit overboard.”
"What can I say? I wanted to make an impression.”
“Yeah, but isn't this to much for Jason?" Dick asked grabbing two bags as you grabbed the other two. He followed you through the apartment, and watched with amusement as you struggle reaching for your keys that were in your pockets. You made a sound of victory when you pulled them out.
"Oh no, this isn't all for Jason. He has his own container of sweets,” you reply, turning around to your door and locked it. "See, locked." You said pointedly.
"Doesn't count, you're not even in there. You're leaving," he counted, you stuck your tongue out and made your way to the elevator. "Okay, then who are the rest for?" he asked turning the conversation back to the baked goods.
"You, your brothers, sisters, Bruce, Alfred and whoever else lives there.”
"Even for the dogs, cat, cow and bat?" You paused and looked at him as if he grew an extra head. The way he said bat told you there some washing more to that, and you’re not entirely sure you wanted to know.
"You have a pet bat? And cow?”
"It's a long story."
"Yeah, I don't think I want to know," you said, and turned back to the elevator. You both stepped in once it opened. After pressing the ground floor button you answered his question, “no, but if they're the jealous type then I can pick some treats from the store since I need to get something anyways. What do you get a bat and a cow anyways?"
"No idea, Damien is usually the one to fees them,” Dick replied with a shrug. "What do you need at the store?”
"Tea," is all that you said.
“Jason doesn't drink tea,” Dick pointed out as he stepped out of the elevator and made his way through the parking garage to his car. You followed close behind and shrugged.
"I know," you said, sniffing. "Doesn't mean I still can't get it. Do you mind?" Dick studied you for a minute, and you did your best not to fidget.
"Sure, but only because I'm curious."
"Sure Jan." Dick laughed and loaded the bags in the car. Once the two of you were seated and buckled, you told him which store. To which he proceeded to look at you in surprise, saying that it was an expensive store. "I know, but I also know what I can and can't afford"
"I guess you do," he mumbled and pulled out of the parking garage.
As Dick drove through traffic, you made idle chatter, talking about everything to nothing you could think of, when silence fell between the two of you, you debated on asking a question. Before you could, he pulled to a stop in front of the store.
“Thanks, I'll be back in a few," you said and left the car before he could say anything. You browsed through the store until you found what you wanted, and within minutes you were sitting beside Dick "See? I didn't take to long"
“No kidding, '' he said and pulled out into traffic. "Usually people take long when they say it won't take long.”
"I mean yeah but I knew where to find it."
"Plus you want to see Jason."
"Plus I want to see- hey! Don't put words into my mouth," you said, poking his arm. Dick raised an eyebrow at you. Slumping into your seat like a chid getting scolded, you signed. "Okay. So I want to see Jason. I miss him, sue me”
“And get my ass beat by him? I'm good," he said, and you snorted.
“This coming from the guy who almost fought a couch? I'm sure you could win.”
"Are you betting against your boyfriend?"
"I didn't say that!”
"Mm sounds like you're implying it," Dick teased, you stuck your tongue out and shrugged.
"Why'd Steph ask you to drive me?" you asked, changing the topic. Dick snorted and shook his head. "I could have just taken a taxi or something,"
"Yeah but she doesn't really trust public transportation," he answered, "it was either me or Alfred. And I don't think you'd like a limo drive up at your place." You winced at the thought. "Yeah that's what Steph thought too.”
"Okay, but why you?" you asked, ignoring his hurt pout he sent you. "You don't live in Gotham, and yet you seem to be always here. At least when I talk to Jason."
"I'm here on the weekends, but sometimes my job brings me here." You gave him a confused look and thought back to your conversation with Jason a while back.
"Oh right. You're a detective."
"You don't have to sound like it's a lame job," he pouted.
"I'm not saying that. I just forgot that’s all." You two lapsed into silence for a moment before you posed your question. "Did you ever find the missing college students?"
"Yup. It ended up being a human trafficking ring."
"Yikes. Did they find every one?"
"Yeah. some were a little hurt and traumatized but nothing too serious."
"That's good" you murmured, "I'm glad their okay."
"They should be thanking you," Dick said, turning right. "You were the one to bring it to the cops attention."
"All I did was talk to Jason. Asked if he could talk to you about it," you said, shrugging.
"Yeah but without you it could have been a lot worse.” You didn't have anything to say to that, so you stayed quiet.
With the conversation coming to a close and no other topics came up, you spent the rest of the drive looking out the window in silence. You liked Dick, but it wasn’t the same as talking to Jason.
With Jason, it didn’t feel like he was judging you. He encouraged some of your ideas and help spark others. He wasn’t afraid to call you out on your bull, and told you the things that you needed to hear.
With Dick, you had a sense that he was holding back. Like he was afraid to say the wrong thing that would make you run away.
Which was absurd, given what you know about Jason and all the research you’ve done after Christmas. It wasn’t going to make you run then, so whatever he wants to say won’t make you run now.
Granted, the two of you haven’t talked since Christmas, and you can admit that you needed time to process everything. But this all could have been avoided if you told Jason that you needed a minute. It also didn’t help that Jason pulled away too.
But you were going to rectify that starting today.
Dick pulled to a stop, bringing you out of your thoughts. You blinked in surprise at how big the Wayne Manor actually was, and wondered if it was possible to get lost in it.
Dick laughed and you turned to him confused. “It’s possible to get lost, trust me.”
“Good to know,” you mumbled, flushing that you’ve said that out loud. Quickly getting out of the car, you grabbed the bags from the back seat.
Before you could even walk towards the door, it opened and Stephanie came bounding towards you. “Brownies!”
“Steph! Wait!” But it was too late, she tackled you into a hug and the two of you tumbled to the ground. You grunted at the impact, and watched as the bags fell to the ground around you.
“Oops,” she said as she looked at the bags. “Sorry.”
“If I would have known you’d tackle me, I wouldn’t have gotten them out of the car,” you said, waving away her worry. “No worries. I should have seen it coming.”
"So," Stephanie said, arms and your neck as she leaned in with a knowing smile. One that you didn't trust one bit. "Brownies?" The question startled a laugh out of you, and you shoved her off of you.
"Help me bring them inside and you can have them,” you answered, and she jumped up and offered you a helping hand. Which you took.
"I can do that," she said, grabbing a bag or two.
"You know, if I didn't know better I would have guessed the two of you were dating,” Dick said in amusement, watching the two of you from where he stood. You laughed and shoved a bag into his arms.
"She only wishes,” you said, threading an arm through Stephanie’s.
"Damn right I do." She laughed and the three of you made your way to the house.
As you walked towards the kitchen, Stephanie and Dick chatted while you looked around the house in wonder. This place was huge and more than you could ever afford.
"So, why’d you bake so much?" Dick asked, putting the bags on the counter. You blinked in surprise that you made it to the kitchen without realizing it.
"Don't know," you answered with a shrug. "Felt like doing something nice. And yeah, I'm sure Alfred could do this and it'd taste twice as good, but I figured I could give him a break, you know? Since he’s taking care of a lot of people, the man needs a break."
Silence fell in the room as everyone stared at you in shock. “What? What’d I say?”
"You're like the opposite of Jason," Tim said, breaking the silence. "I am unsure what you see in him." You blinked and looked up from your unpacking and shrugged.
“Guess that's something you'll always have to wonder about," you replied and went back to sorting everything. "Okay. Steph your brownies," you said, pushing two containers towards her.
You winced as she squealed, and hugged them to her. "I have chocolate chips, snicker-doodles, and oatmeal cookies. Apple pie and pecan. And the tea is for Alfred. So if you could tell him that. I would appreciate that," you said as you pointed out the different snacks out to everyone.
"What about Jason?" Stephanie asked, peering into her containers of brownies. "You did this for him right?” You held up a special looking container and smiled when she pouted. "I see how it is. Jason gets the special treatment while us nobodies just get boring."
"You have brownies, but if you have a problem with that then I’ll just take them back," you replied, reaching over the counter as if you were going to take them back. Stephanie pulled the brownies further from you and stuck out her tongue. “That’s what I thought.”
You looked around and frowned when you noticed that Jason wasn't here. “So, where's Jason?" you asked. And your stomach flipped with nerves when the exchanged looks.
"Todd's in the library," Damien answered as he walked in. "He needed a moment before joining us later."
"He doesn't know I'm here, does he?"
"No, I made sure no one told him,” Stephanie replied before stuffing a brownie square into her mouth.
"Cool cool cool cool," you muttered and reached for Jasons container full off sweets. "Mind telling me where it is?"
"I'll show you,” Dick said, already moving to the door. "Like I said, you'll get lost if you don't know where to go."
You nodded and quickly followed him after waving to Stephanie. The walk to the library from the kitchen was silent and you felt there was no need to fill in the silence. Dick motioned towards the door of the library and wished you luck before leaving you alone.
You looked at the door for a minute, your stomach in knots wondering if this was a good idea before you could change your mind you took a deep breath and opened the door. Your jaw dropped at how big the library was, and you wanted to spend time walking through. Wanting to discover what kind of collection Bruce Wayne had. But the need to see Jason outweighed the need to explore.
You walked further into the room and found yourself coming to follow a slight shoring. The closer you walked towards it the louder it became. And soon you found Jason sleeping on a couch in what looked like a reading nook. Your gaze softened as you studied him, before looking for a blanket. Finding one you grabbed his book that was lying on his chest and covered him with the blanket.
You set the container of sweets and his book down before picking a random book from the shelf and sat down willing to wait for him to wake up. Judging by the black bags underneath his eyes, he could use some sleep.
Jason woke up to a soft humming coming from beside him. He groaned and covered his face with a throw pillow. "Steph, I said I wasn't in the mood. Shut up and go away,” the humming stopped, but only because the person he thought was Steph scoffed.
"I don't know whether to be flattered or offended that you see me as your sister.” The voice said and Jason froze at the familiar voice. "But considering I would like to kiss your stupid face, then I'm offended."
Jason peaked over the armrest and blinked in surprise. You were indeed sitting on one of the sofas, peeking over your book hiding the smile he knew was there. "What are you doing here?"
"A little birdie told me that we've been avoiding each other. And I plan to fix that."
Jason made a face. "Was it Tim?"
"No. It was Stephanie," you replied. "You should really keep an eye on your phone.”
"I'm going to kill her," he growled and moved to get up but you were quicker, and pushed him back on the couch. Now sitting beside him, you nuzzled into his side.
"Don't be mad at her," you said, wrapping your arms around his waist. "She cares about you and I'm glad she said something. I'm sorry for being distant for the last two months. It was a lot of process and I guess I needed time. Sorry I didn't say anything. That's on me."
Jason signed, and wrapped his arms around you, while resting his head on you. "I forgive you. I'm sorry too, guess I thought you were too scared or something so I thought l'el let you go." You scoffed and poked his side, smiling when he squirmed.
"Don’t think you’re not getting rid of me that easily," you said, "like I said at Christmas. I trust you no matter what. Besides, I've read some of the stories about the group of assassins. And let me tell you, if those didn't scare me off you wouldn't.”
"Good to know," Jason mumbled, and pulled back when he realized what you said. "What do you mean you've read some stories about them.?" You avoided his gaze and shrugged. “Y/N,” he said and your shoulders dropped.
"So my curiosity got the better of me and I went into a rabbit hole of research."
"I doubt Google would have anything on them," he commented wryly. You nodded and scratched your nose sheepishly
"You would be correct," you said, "on another note. Did you know Batman monitors certain words on the dark web?"
"Please tell me you didn't?" Jason groaned, head falling onto back of the couch exaggerated.
"M’kay I won't."
Jason groaned and closed his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?"
"I don't know, but at least I can keep you on your toes," you answered with a giggle. Jason only grunted. "Anyway, hungry?" Jason cracked an eye open to glance at you questioningly. "What? I did some baking this morning. "
"Why not?" you questioned back and pointed towards the container of sweets on the table beside him. Jason reached over and set it on his lap before opening it.
'That's a lot," he commented as he looked at all the goodies in it. You shorted and reached for a chocolate chip cookie.
"You should see the stuff in the kitchen," you said, taking a bite. "I baked so much it's a bit ridiculous."
"How long were you awake?"
"Uh, I think Steph woke me up around five five-thirty-ish. But I didn't start baking until seven. Don't worry, the ones in the kitchen are for everyone else. These are for you that way you don't have to share. Well, except for me if that's okay."
Jason looked at you in awe as you continued eating your cookie, unaware. "You are amazing," he said, leaning in to kiss your temple. "Have I said that yet?"
"No, but you could say it more often," you said with a smile. Jason only grinned and grabbed a cookie.
"I think that could be arranged."
"Good, and don't you forget it."
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froggibus · 1 year
Valentine's Day HCs - Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, platonic! Damian Wayne
Includes: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas and platonic! Damian Wayne
Summary: how your fave batfam member would treat you on valentine's day
CW: gn! reader, some are a little ooc cause its my first time writing them, fluff and sweetness all around, dames is strictly platonic!!!
another part to my valentine's hcs!! if you guys enjoyed this, consider checking out some of the other ones!
Valentine's 2023 Masterlist
Bruce Wayne:
probably one of the only nights you can actually convince him to take a break and pay attention to you
(read: Alfred would ground him for weeks if he forgot to do something nice for you)
leaves you a big gift box on your bed stuffed with fancy tissue paper and a little card 
it just says ‘wear me’ and when you unwrap it it’s a super formal outfit 
Bruce doesn’t tell you where he’s taking you until he shows up at your house in one of his cars, holding a dozen roses 
he ends up taking you to his private airstrip in Gotham 
he flies you to Monaco and takes you to a restaurant you always wanted to try!! 
and since you’re away from Gotham, the press isn’t even bothering you
after dinner, he takes you to a nice speakeasy for drinks and dessert 
he even turns his phone off so that he can focus on you 100%
you guys stay the night in a penthouse suite above Monaco 
“I know I don’t always have a lot of time for you, but I hope you know that I do really love you.”
Dick Grayson:
this man is CHEESY I’m sorry 
like he goes all out and he’s not even embarrassed about it 
probably asks you to be his Valentine in like a cute promposal-esque way
he’s somewhere between between Bruce and Jason on Valentine’s plans 
like he doesn’t want to go all out to all these fancy places, but he doesn’t want to just do a date at home 
so he ends up taking you ice skating!! 
(unrelated but I HC him as a really good figure skater)
holds your hands the whole time and does like some cutesy couples skate 
also he definitely shows off what a good skater he is and does some cool gymnastics moves 
after skating, you guys go through a walk through the park 
he takes you to get some yummy street food and hot chocolate too 
“Thanks for always sticking out the good and the bad with me, y/n. Whenever you’re with me, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do.”
Jason Todd:
I feel like this man is secretly super romantic 
he doesn’t really like big crowds and don’t even get him started at fancy restaurants where the portion is way too small 
also he’s a big softie so he probably plans something super intimate for you guys
picks up a copy of his favourite book and annotates his favorite passages 
and writes little stories and things he loves about you in the margins 
he invites you over to his place to cook dinner for you
has a playlist of your favorite music playing while he cooks
definitely something super yummy and comforting!! 
he gives you the book after dinner while he waits for dessert to be done
you guys eat dessert and cuddle on the couch and talk about books and movies 
he would definitely dance with you in the living room too!
like cute dorky dancing where you stand on his feet and just kinda sway around the room 
“I’m pretty sure you know how I feel about people, but y/n? You make me think not everyone is so bad.”
Tim Drake:
he is definitely the type to not care about Valentine’s Day 
anytime someone brings it up he has to go on this tangent about how it’s not a real holiday 
however, if his partner cares about it, he can put his own feelings behind him and suck it up for the day
definitely stays up for several days trying to plan out a perfect for you guys
but since he’s so tired he ends up sleeping in past when he’s supposed to pick you up :((
you don’t mind tho because Tim sleeping is a gift in itself lmfao 
he scrambles to get ready and picks you up not much later than he was supposed to 
he takes you to a super cute video game cafe 
you guys get some yummy drinks and cute little heart shaped cookies and snacks 
and then you guys hop on the computers to play some games!! 
he probably plays some fun little coop games with you so that you can actually spend quality time together 
takes you home and you guys just relax on the couch and watch tv 
(Tim definitely watches Criminal Minds and relates a little too much to Spencer Reid)
“I know I said I don’t really care about Valentines and honestly I don’t but I know you do and I know it’s not a lot but I just really wanted to give you the date you deserve.”
Stephanie Brown:
this is HER holiday 
like it might as well be St Steph Day
she has MAJOR plans for the two of you
and she definitely asks you to her Valentine with this cute little homemade Valentine she made just for you
she brings her camera with new film because she’s going to take so many pictures!! 
probably coordinates her outfit to yours just so you guys look all cute and matching
she takes you to a light dinner first, probably like sushi or ramen or something 
and then you guys go to a special Valentines concert in the park!! 
of course Steph knows all the songs and all the choreography 
she dances all goofy and tries to get you to dance with her too! 
sends you copies of all the pictures she takes after and posts them on her Instagram with a cute caption like
“Best Valentine’s Date Ever!! y/n truly is the loml !”
Cassandra Cain: 
she’s probably never celebrated Valentines before
just never did as a kid and then never had any interest as an adult 
but you seem so excited about it that she wants to try 
she definitely goes to Steph and Barbara for advice on what to do for you
and of course her girls have her back!! 
she’s really shy when she asks you, but she decides to go the simple route and straight up asks 
she’s so relieved when you say yes!! 
she gets you a potted plant instead of flowers cause she doesn’t really get the point of getting you something that’ll die soon 
she packs you guys a really nice picnic and the two of you go for a hike by her favorite spot 
there’s a really nice waterfall up there and some dry rocks where she spreads out a picnic blanket 
the two of you snack on the food she brought and just chat 
you’re honestly really touched that she was thinking about you this Valentine’s Day and wanted to do something special for you 
“I know it’s not much, but it’s my first time celebrating and I really wanted to do something nice for you.”
Duke Thomas:
he’s super nervous to be celebrating your first valentines together
and knowing him he just has to make it perfect 
he’s probably had his dinner reservation for like a month at least 
picks up a bouquet of your favourite flowers too (bonus points cause he gets them from a local florist instead of a supermarket) 
spends hours and hours picking out the perfect outfit too
probably calls Steph and asks for her advice on his outfit, cologne, his gift for you etc. 
is at your house ready to pick you up super early 
waits as long as you need to get ready and his jaw DROPS when he sees you 
all flustered and shy and stumbles over his words while he tries to compliment you!!
he definitely relaxes a little on the way to the restaurant
by the time you’re eating, you guys are making easy conversation and by dessert he’s holding your hands across the table <3
insists you guys go for a walk after dinner to look at the stars !!
“so, how did I do? did I nail it?”
Damian Wayne:
he is a complete stranger to the concept of Valentines 
And much like Tim he simply does not care 
however his teacher makes them make little mail boxes in school and teaches them about the history of the holiday 
and he gets a bit of a heavy heart realizing this is something normal kids do and he just really wants to fit in even if he’ll never admit 
which is what leads him to you the day before Valentine’s Day 
and of course you can’t say no to him because he’s being vulnerable with you and he’s just so fragile :((
that’s how you end up taking him to the craft store to pick up foam and ribbons and glitter glue and stickers 
the two of you sit down at the table and get to work making cute little heart shaped valentines for all of his classmates 
he probably handwrites a message on each of them individually 
things like “I tolerate you” and “you’re not the stupidest person in our class”
the spirit is there lol 
Steph and Dick definitely join in and help you guys make them at some point 
and Alfred makes sure you guys have snacks and drinks the whole time 
at school the next day he’s so nervous to give them out but when he gets his first ever Valentine he’s so happy !!
and when he gets home you’re waiting there with the rest of the family with more Valentine’s for him!! 
pretends he doesn’t care but he’s smiling and blushing and hides them in a shoebox in his closet
he looks at them whenever he’s sad :((
“As stupid as Valentines are, thank you, y/n, for helping me join in this year”
pretends he doesn’t care but he’s smiling and blushing and hides them in a shoebox in his closet
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disillusioneddanny · 1 month
The Bats and TTPD Songs
This is just me sharing what songs I think matches each of the bats and why :> i take no criticism /j
Bruce Wayne-- Cassandra
Hear me out okay, the lyrics:
So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst And tried to tell the town So they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say Do you believe me now?
This whole song just reminds me of Bruce and his contingencies, like he's constantly prepared for any situation and he's had people who have gotten mad at him for it before.
Dick Grayson-- Who's Afraid of Little Old Me
God where do I even start? I want to write a whole fucking fic based off of this song and Dick Grayson.
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream "Who's afraid of little old me?" I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth" Who's afraid of little old me? Well, you should be
In this case, he was bright eyed and innocent until his parents were killed in front of him. Then he became Robin, then Nightwing and this man went through fucking hell and he has survived.
Everyone sees Dick for his smiles and his kindness but this man should not be crossed by any means. He's fucking lethal and has gone through so much shit in his life and he's just not the same bright eyed, innocent kid he once was. And you should be scared of him.
Jason Todd--Robin
So technically this song is about Christopher Robin from winnie the pooh, but I think it also captures Jason really well.
You have no idea The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness Way to go, Tiger Higher and higher Wilder and lighter For you
I feel like this song focuses a lot on loss of innocence and growing up tbh, like the person this song is aimed at has no idea how hard the world is, how painful things can be but that they'll learn to handle it and bounce back. IDK the first time I heard it, it reminded me of how Jason believed that Robin is magic and maybe even like Bruce or Dick singing this to him knowing what was going to happen to him one day.
Tim Drake -- Clara Bow
okay, so there's not just one lyric that really sticks out to me but the overarching story that this song tells. It's all about being replaced with the next big thing. Taylor Swift is compared to Stevie Nicks who is compared to Clara Bow and one day T. Swift is going to be replaced with something shiny and new and that just reminds me of Tim.
Tim is the third Robin, he replaced Jason who replaced Dick and one day he himself is going to be replaced. There's a lot of HC where he's aware of this fact, that he knows that his role as Robin is not a permanent thing, that one day, he too will be replaced. And eventually, he is.
"You look like Taylor Swift In this light We're loving it. You've got edge she never did The future's bright ... Dazzling."
Cassandra Wayne -- The Albatross
okay Cass was really hard for me at first to pin down what song fit her but then I listened to The Albatross and holy cow.
The devil that you know Looks now more like an angel I'm the life you chose And all this terrible danger So cross your thoughtless heart She's the albatross She is here to destroy you
I don't know quite how to explain how this song makes me think of Cass except for how it just makes me think about how she decided to take her life in her own hands and become her own person. She was pretty much created with one thing in mind and that was all that was expected of her but she's become so much more than that. Now she's strong and powerful but in more ways than just how David Cain made her out to be. She's caring and loving and she's going to destroy the idea that she was ever just a weapon.
Stephanie Brown -- I Can Do It With a Broken Heart
Listen, listen, this woman has been through so freaking much and she has come out on top and with a smile on her face the entire time. She is resilient and she isn't scared to fight Bruce Wayne himself if she needs to.
'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did
I know this song is about dealing with a break up but when I hear it, i think of everything that Steph has been through. Her dad who's a rogue, her mom who is struggling with addiction, getting pregnant and giving her baby up for adoption, not being considered good enough to be Robin, the list goes on and on and yet she does it. She rolls with the punches and she swallows it down and she smiles through it all and I just friggen love Stephanie Brown so much.
Duke Thomas -- Florida!!!
Admittedly, I don't know as much about Duke as the others (I'm so sorry, I just haven't gotten there in the comics quite yet, I'm just now getting to the aftermath of the Red Robin run and I haven't read New 52 yet. so this is purely based off of WFA )
Little did you know your home's really only The town you'll get arrested So you pack your life away just to wait out The shitstorm back in Texas
This song just makes me think about Duke because from what I've learned, kid's been through a lot and he's had to move in with the Waynes after what happened to his parents. I think of Florida as a song of starting over, picking up your broken pieces and finding yourself once again and that just feels like Duke.
He's been hurt and he's now having to figure out what to do and where to run. Now he's with the Waynes and he's slowly finding his place with their insanity.
Damian Wayne-- thanK you aIMee
Okay but imagine this song is Damian at Ra's al Ghul okay? Stick with me buddy.
I built a legacy that you can't undo But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you
And maybe you've reframed it And in your mind, you never beat my spirit black and blue I don't think you've changed much
Damian has grown so much since the days he was still with the LOA and he recognizes that not only has he grown but he's done it DESPITE what Ra's did to him and that maybe a part of him is created by Ra's and he has learned to love that part of himself and he recognizes he wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Ra's and his mother being conniving and evil. He's created a name for himself as Robin that goes against so much of what Ra's brainwashed him to believe.
Barbara Gordon-- The Bolter
And I can confirm she made A curious child, ever reviled By everyone except her own father With a quite bewitching face Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless Excellent fun till you get to know her Then she runs like it's a race
This song just gives the brave, strong, independent vibes of Babs. Someone who lives her life to the fullest and embraces who she is. She's just powerful and she knows that she's amazing and she doesn't expect anything less from herself. She has gone through hell and she's come out of it stronger. She rolls with the punches, she doesn't let it stop her from her dreams, her desires.
Alfred Pennyworth-- I Hate it Here
I hate it here so I will go to Secret gardens in my mind People need a key to get to The only one is mine
This song just makes me think of Alfred when Jason died. That time where it's just him and Bruce and he's struggling to take care of his ward and he's also going through his own grief and unable to heal. I think Alfred has his own methods for taking care of himself, I think he's like the world's greatest compartmentalizer.
oh my god that got so freaking long lol. I'm so sorry. Anyway, y'all can listen to these specific songs here
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soleminisanction · 6 months
The thing I keep coming back to, now that I've wrapped up the first part of "Batgirl, Repentant" and am starting to outline the second, is how much the book's hyper-focus on Steph hamstrings the story I think they're trying to tell.
I say I think because obviously I can't read the writers' minds so for all I know they taped the random lip service about hope and justice and fighting for the little guys onto the Stephanie-love-fest in a half-assed response to criticism, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that when the first arc ends with:
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And that gets followed up two issues later with Steph telling Damian:
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I want to take them at their word that that's what they're going for. But it's not the story they tell at all because, for all the lip service paid, there's not a single plot point that actually backs those themes up. Every single narrative element is instead 100% oriented around Stephanie, her feelings, her desires, and her ambitions, none of which involve helping or protecting other people.
Batgirl's first appearance in issue 1 isn't about bringing hope or protecting anybody, it's about, "Ooooh, who is this mysterious new Batgirl who's such a badass but looked down on by The Man for being a little chaotic? Ta-da, it's Stephanie Brown!!"
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When she talks about promises being made to her mom (by which of course I mean lies, she's just lying to her mother) or the supposed "promise" she didn't actually make to Tim Drake, it's all framed as unreasonable expectations that other people are piling onto Steph's shoulders, without so much as a second thought for how the person she supposedly made these promises to might feel.
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When Cass leaves her the Batgirl costume, it's not with requests to carry on the legacy or protect Gotham in her absence or even to look out for Barbara, it's all about Cass's relationship with Bruce (as though that was ever her motivation!) and then "Now the fight is yours, Stephanie" while she vanishes into the rain in her underwear. Like Batgirl is a toy she's letting Steph have her fair turn with now that she doesn't want to play anymore.
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When Steph thinks about the symbolism of the Bat and of Batgirl, it's not about how it can be a symbol of hope and protection in the darkness of Gotham, it's about how it makes her feel powerful. Even when she worries about messing up it's framed as, "Nothing I do ever ends well" and "It's just a matter of time before I get caught," not concerns about the harm her previous attempts that "didn't end well" wound up doing to other people.
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And despite the fact that there's a riot going on in the next few pages, she's not inspired to go out and help with that, but to assist a single dumbass cop who got in over his head.
And then again when Babs shows up to chew her out in the next issue, it's all about Steph and her safety. "You already died" this and "You have a death wish" that. Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl, only gets to talk about the symbolism of Batgirl as it relates to Stephanie Brown -- "Wearing that Bat on your chest might scare off the smaller thugs, but you're literally asking, no, begging for attention from more dangerous criminals. You're a mark for anyone who wants to make theirs."
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Again, even the fact that she fucked up in the past and hurt people is framed around Steph -- "The last time you tried being helpful, you accidentally brought Gotham to its knees." And while Steph pays lip service to "doing this instead of sleeping" because she "thinks it's right," she doesn't ever elaborate on what exactly is "the right thing" she thinks she's doing, and it's not like she's gone out to protect people. You can't even argue, like you maybe could with the street race, that she's doing a flashy display to show ordinary people there's someone on their side -- she's beating up random goons in an isolated chop-shop.
Then of course there's the fact that nothing about Scarecrow's whole Thrill plot makes any sense because he's not being written with any kind of coherent villain motivation, it's all just being done to set up moments for Steph. Why do some of his goons decide to spike the punch at a random college party and then run away at just the right moment to make themselves look as suspicious as possible? Because Stephanie's going to be there and they need to hook her into that plot.
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And when Steph argues with Babs later about why they should work together to solve this case, does she express concern about her classmates or her university, or even point out that Barbara isn't working with an on-the-street agent like she has in the past and hey, maybe you'd be a little less stressed if you had someone to share the load?
Nope. It's just "I'm just as much a part of it now as you are!"
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To say nothing of my eternal, teeth-grinding frustration over Barbara's characterization. "I'm only being so hard on her because I'm jealous that she's Batgirl and I'm not anymore." Fuck all the way off, Bryan Q. Miller.
This whole thing is so bad that when you get to the climax of this arc -- when they've tracked Scarecrow and his goons to their creepy hospital lair -- the stakes aren't that anyone is in danger, or that there's any chance that Scarecrow might be able to escape in the next five minutes before the police arrive. In fact, if Steph's actual motivation was to make sure Scarecrow saw justice, it would've been a better strategy for her to stay outside watching the exits so she could jump him if he tried to make a run for it.
But she doesn't do that. Because the actual stakes for the climax of the first arc are that if she doesn't swing in and beat the shit out of Scarecrow right the fuck now, the police will beat her to it and then Stephanie won't get the credit for saving the day.
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They even try to clumsily raise the stakes by implying that Scarecrow works for Black Mask, a plot point that goes absolutely nowhere because -- whoopsie -- Black Mask is dead at this point and has been since before Steph came back to life. He only ever showed up again as a Black Lantern in Blackest Night, at which point Ivy fed him to a plant.
(They did not fix this in the trade paperback version BTW, I checked)
There's some effort to turn Steph's fight with Scarecrow into something more by having him spout some weird nonsense about how he's controlling people with drugs because, "Nobody truly has a choice little girl" while she represents free will fighting back against attempts to take it away, but that's seriously hamstrung by the fact that writing is all over the place.
Like, at the start of Steph's big dramatic speech, she's all but arguing against the concept of free will, echoing an earlier classroom discussion I've bitched about before, saying that people (by which of course she actually means herself) stay when things get tough "Because we don't know how to do anything else."
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But on the very next page she poses the question again and answers it with... frankly complete nonsense.
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Because the point isn't actually 'control vs. free will', the whole thing -- all of the forced, misunderstood philosophy that fills out this entire arc -- is actually just repeating the same question Babs was asking earlier, this time in metaphor -- why does Stephanie keep throwing herself into danger, why doesn't she just quit?
And her answers, apparently, are, "because this is who I want to be" and "because I don't know how do anything else." Neither of which spare even a passing thought for anyone but herself, which is kind of a problem if you're trying to present Batgirl's mission statement as bringing hope to the people around her.
Then there's the bit about "facing your worst self," which refers to slightly before this, when Scarecrow drugs Steph with Thrill (a move that makes no sense in-universe because again, Scarecrow is only here to set up set pieces for Stephanie and has zero internal logic of his own). What Steph sees during that sequence is her ex-boyfriend and previous identity tearing her down and telling her that she's not good enough to be a superhero, which implies that her 'worst self' is self-doubt, or possibly "letting other people make you doubt yourself." Again -- all about her, with other people framed as nothing but obstacles to her happiness.
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And just to remind you-- she has no actual reason to be here. She's not "saving the city," the city is not under threat. She's not doing anything heroic by throwing herself into this fight. She's only doing this because she wanted the credit for saving the day. That's the only stake the story ever establishes.
It's like there's this standing assumption that she must obviously want to be superhero for selfless reasons, therefore they don't need to bring that up ever and can just focus on how much she wants to be one and how noble it is that she's willing to fight through pain and hardship to be one.
But that's just not how it works? Maybe if you were still writing for the Golden Age when the storytelling was simpler and characterization was optional, but not in 2009. Part of the purpose of a solo book's first arc is to establish/re-establish the core hero's motivation and, if it's changed, explain how and why.
Just as a contemporary example -- Red Robin sends Tim Drake off on what's literally a personal quest and spends its first arc establishing how he's darker and more alone than he's ever been before... but it still opens with him rescuing a kidnapping victim, reaffirming that, whatever he's going through and whatever he has to do to accomplish his goal, he's still, at heart, a hero who will put his own needs aside to protect an innocent. That's also the role that Tam Fox essentially plays in the second arc, giving him someone to protect even when he's isolated from the normal push and pull of the DCU.
Whether you're approaching Batgirl (2009) as a new reader who's never met Steph before in your life, or as someone who read her previous material, there is nothing in this first arc, or those that follow, that establishes her motivation beyond, "I want to be Batgirl and I won't let anyone tell me no." She'll occasionally say she's being selfless and heroic, but it's not backed up by her actions or her thoughts.
Perhaps the most blatant self-contained example of this "It's all about Stephanie and obviously she's a perfectly selfless hero so we don't need to bother establishing it," mindset comes in the denouncement of the first arc. They recreate the vow in the dark -- not the most iconic scene in Batman history but still one that's well-known, a moment that goes all the way back to the first appearance of Robin, when Dick and Bruce vowed an "undying oath" to fight together against crime and corruption and never to swerve from the path of righteousness, symbolically committing themselves to act as a light in the darkness and protectors of the innocent.
Batgirl (2009) recreates this scene... by having Barbara vow to support Stephanie Brown and only Stephanie Brown in everything that she does "for as long as she wants it" so she "won't go out alone" and end up in a chair like Babs did. Meanwhile, Steph's response boils down to, "Oh yeah totes me too," because, according to the book, she doesn't need to take an oath, it's just completely self-evident that she's already made her right choice and will obviously continue to do the same forever and ever, no doubt about it.
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Two extra little details scattered throughout:
Through the entire series, Steph is constantly doing this obnoxious humble-brag thing of, "I'm Stephanie Brown, and I'm just a normal girl tee-hee" over images of her doing badass Batgirl things that are obviously supposed to be ironic, and she always uses her full name. The trade paperback version is literally called, "Batgirl: Stephanie Brown" because there's nothing else to say about this story. Tim Drake: Robin didn't use his full name this much and it was actually in the title.
And that's not even getting into how often they waste entire pages on splash images of just... Stephanie. Not Stephanie doing anything special, just, Stephanie, and we're supposed to be very awed and impressed by her because she's Stephanie Brown and she's Batgirl now wowie wow wow.
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That one tiny little caption box in the upper-left corner of the last page of the storyline? That's literally the first and only time that the concept of "Batgirl makes sure everyone gets home to see tomorrow" is ever mentioned.
This his is all just the first storyline. This same pattern continues on into the rest of the book, only getting worse as they add in other Batfamily member guest-stars for Steph to show up and prove wrong, and stock civilians who do nothing but shower her with praise and adoration. The tiny little sprinkles they offer up of, "Oh yeah I'm doing this to bring hope to the people of Gotham!!" just don't compare to deluge of "Steph gets to be Batgirl because she wants to be Batgirl, that makes her the coolest motherfucker on the planet, and if you disagree you must be sexist."
TL;DR (and sorry this got so long) -- Bryan Q. Miller et. al seem to be either under the impression (or want to give the impression) that they're telling the story of Stephanie Brown, the plucky young girl who never gave up on her dream of being a superhero no matter the haters or setbacks she faced, and how seeing her succeed despite being so average and relatable inspires other average people to have hope and fight for a better tomorrow.
But the story they actually tell is of Stephanie Brown, a teenage girl utterly obsessed with becoming a superhero to the exclusion of all else, including her own well-being, future, and relationships with her friends and family, apparently just because she likes the way it makes her feel, has no self-control and can't imagine herself doing anything else, who is applauded and cheered for this by everyone she meets, save for a small handful of haters who are just there to be proven wrong, beaten up, or both.
The first could've been a good-ish story -- ish, because it doesn't actually engage with Steph's previous characterization, but that's a different post -- but it's just not the story they told.
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ruenii · 1 year
Tim gets hit by a huGE dose of cuddle pollen Ivy made, but she modified it to make the victim more...loopy, or lower their inhibitions. It basically makes them not give a shit and do what they ACTUALLY want, but the fluff version.
So since Tim deep, deep, deeeeeep down is a huge fuckin sap. (You can never, ever take away this headcanon from me.)
He pounces on someone (read: Duke) the second he wakes up in the medbay. And since the batfam doesn't know that Tim isn't a corny ass sap, they think it's the pollen doing it, but nope, Timmy is just very touch-starved and wants to share his affection.
Duke gets pounced on first (he's Tim's favorite) and gets a clingy leech whose arms and legs are wrapped around his body very tightly and is also nuzzling the crook of his neck.
He's also trying very hard to control the blush on his face when Tim praises him, whether it be from training, school, or his personal achievements. Even if Tim constantly praises him when he wasn't dosed, he still couldn't get used to the sheer support.
The boy just huffs and carries Tim like a teddy bear, and the others are just watching silently at the display. (Dick seething in the bg but lets ignore that–)
Cass is the second, she doesn't dodge as Tim pounces on her back, his arms tucked around her head and legs wrapped around her neck.
Tim tells her how he's so glad that he's her sister and how he loves her very much, and would actually commit genocide for her—
And Cass just smiles cutely and pats him on the thigh, and continues to walk to the library, with Tim still on her shoulders, who is still complimenting and praising Cass, and also still wanting to commit war crimes for her.
The third one is Jason, it's a slow night, nothing's really happening, just some regular drug busts, gang fights, and burglars, but other than that, everything's just very relaxed. Well, as relaxed as Gotham can get.
It's during this patrol when Tim slowly comes up beside him and intertwines their hands together, careful and gentle, because he knows Jason is still kind of uncomfortable to touch, not so much now, but it's still there, but he's working on it bit by bit.
Of course, Jason knows Tim knows about his fear of touch, I mean he'd be pretty surprised if he didn't, but he doesn't mind that Tim doesn't force Jason to hug or cuddle him vigorously, but does it in a subtler, gentle way.
Jason huffs and squeezes Tim's hand as thanks. Tim grins and squeezes back. They share a comfortable silence as they walk to a nearby cafe.
The fourth is Stephanie, and since they're exes-turned-to-best friends, and very cuddly, she wasn't that surprised but was more excited that this Tim doesn't hold back on the mushiness of it all.
They have a competition to see who can call the other the most cringiest, corny names that they can think of.
(Spoiler: (haha spoiler) Steph's in the lead)
The fact that Tim was hit by the pollen didn't change anything drastic to their dynamic, it sort of just, well, evolved it, they're still the cuddliest of buddies. And if they get more cringier and exhausting to the rest of the batfam? Well, it's their problem now.
The fifth is Dick, who is still very bitter that Tim didn't hug him first-
"Uhhh...respecting his boundaries? being normal and not overbearing or being allergic to emotions? just being a friend to him in general to be honest-"
"..." )
And was also very relieved that he wasn't seriously hurt.
He's at the living room watching some random Rom-Com when Tim appears and stands closely to the couch Dick was on, curious about the movie as well.
Dick doesn't get a chance to say anything until something hits his chest. And when he looked down to see what it was, he almost cried from joy.
Tim was hugging him!! He was hugging him!! HA TAKE THAT DUKE–
Dick adjusted their position so that they're more comfortable, Tim's legs were on his thighs and his head was leaning on his shoulder.
Tim didn't really seem to mind as he was manhandled, but squirmed a little bit when Dick hugged him too hard.
Dick's just happy to see his little brother showing affection first!! He's come a long way. He says dramatically as he wipes a fake tear out of his eye.
The Sixth one is Damian, he was unnerved to see Tim being openly affectionate to the family, as he was used to seeing him being sarcastic and reserved, but not this... Grayson 2.0 clone.
(and also because he's a little, a tiny, bit offended that he wasn't the one who he hugged and looked for first. I mean, hello, Timothy? I am the youngest?? We trauma bonded?? I cradled you in my arms?? I'm Robin???)
But he was forced to accept this new Timothy. This new Timothy who gave him head pats for a good job, who scooped him in his arms in the morning when he's too tired to notice everything, who sets him on his lap and watches Animal Documentaries when he feels like Damian is too angry or is having a tantrum.
This new Timothy treated him like how he would treat his own little brother. He doesn't force him to do something he doesn't want unless it's absolutely needed. Respects his personal space when Damian was not in the mood but shows how he cares about him in other ways.
And, and. . . .this Tim was just affected by the pollen. It was not real, he was just forced to do this because of some stupid, meaningless, pollen. He doesn't really love Damian, he's just hallucinating.
But Damian doesn't push Tim off of him when he carries him up the stairs like a toddler.
Or when he praises him on how much he grew as a person, how much he learned, how he's so glad that he's with them now and comfortable in his own home, how kind he is to animals, or when he softly leans down and kisses his forehead good night.
Maybe tomorrow. Damian thinks, as Tims soft voice sends him to sleep.
The seventh, is obviously, Bruce.
He wasn't a perfect parent, that much he can say at least. He was a broken man, who couldn't deal with his emotions properly.
It's getting better now though, as he's been seeing Dinah Lance twice a month. It's not going to be easy to change things that have been engraved in his heart for a long time.
But if it's for his kids? Bruce would do it in a heartbeat.
Tim walks over to where Bruce is, perched over the Bat Computer, looking at evidence of another human trafficking ring that had yet to be found.
He can see Bruce's shoulders stiffen, his expression carefully blank, but his hands were gripping the console too hard.
Bruce hears Tim approaching him from behind. His brilliant, intelligent, and lovable Tim. He doesn't deserve him, hell, he doesn't deserve any of his children
He feels like he failed them, and he had yet to apologize to all of them, some more than others, but he's working on it together with Dinah.
He's shocked when he feels Tim hug him from behind, nuzzling his head into his back. Bruce, still unmoving decided to turn his head to look at Tim, who was drowsy as he just woke up from a nap and wanted to find Bruce. (His son, his beautiful, capable, strong son.)
"Tim? You should go to your room if you're still tired—"
"You'reee. . . doing your besttttt, Bruceee...I'm proud of youuu...!"
Tim keeps on complimenting him, and god does the guilt fucking eat him alive
Bruce is shaking, Tim can feel it, but he was so sleepy, so he has to say this before he has to go upstairs to his room and fall asleep.
"I love you."
And Tim passes out, his hands loosely falling from Bruce's waist, but he catches him just in time before he hits the floor.
Bruce picks him up in a bridal carry and leaves the Bat Cave. He stays silent for most of the trip until he arrives at Tim's room and tucks him into bed.
A lone tear slid down his face as he cupped Tim's cheek into his much, much bigger hands. Looking at his son with pure adoration.
"I love you too."
He kisses his forehead before he leaves the room and turns off the light. Wondering why his throat feels likes there's a lump inside of it all of a sudden.
When they finally get to Ivy, she just laughs at them, cackling even.
"You idiots! That pollen was to just make someone show how they really feel, the nicer kind, I mean."
She rests her chin on top of her hand.
"It was supposed to be a prototype but hey, at least we know it works now."
Ivy looks at them and their glares bore holes into her skull, too bad she doesn't care.
"It takes their nicest qualities and times them to a ten. So Tim?"
She points at Red Robin who's busy hugging Harvey and is being cooed at by Catwoman.
"Is just a soft guy at heart, it wasn't forced or something, the pollen just helped him amp up his confidence and makes him do what he always, truly, wanted."
Ivy turns her back on them and goes over to Harley and Catwoman, and Tim beams at her, Ivy gives a soft smile and pats his head.
"Oh, so you guys didn't know Tim was a huge sap?"
"Being a normal person man, it gets you anywhere."
"Babybird's soft as fuck, and also very cuddly, you guys just don't have the privilege to hear or see it like normal lol."
"Todd, you have five seconds until I dismember you–"
"Oh please Dami, you're just embarrassed!"
"Very true. His ears are turning very red."
Bruce is just there in the middle, staring out at nothing, the only thing on his mind is just Tim saying I love you to him, echoing every 5 seconds.
Tim is just on cloud nine, happy.
Loopy, but still very happy.
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starrygemi · 1 month
Taylor Swift songs that remind me of Stephanie Brown
Just finished up Steph’s pre-n52 appearances, so I have a right to do this now /lh /hj
These are songs that REMIND me of Stephanie Brown! The short list version without explanation, then the explanation in the second half. I tried very much to be unbiased, as most songs I listen to have imagery of Steph (or TimSteph) right now. Again, songs that REMIND me of her. I don’t think she’d like Taylor deeply, and honestly, I don’t think that hard towards what character would listen to.
Better Man tolerate it Dear John Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve A Place In This World* The Outside this is me trying* Tell Me Why* Fifteen Never Grow Up You’re On Your Own, Kid
When you fall in love with a character so deeply, every other interest you’ve had starts intermixing into and with them. Quite literally, everything starts reminding you of them, and your mind is just jumbled with all your interests trying to redirect it back to the character you’ve fallen in love with—and when you like something that the majority of the fandom dislikes, it’s kinda sad.
I’m not going to get into it, because this is a DC/Stephanie post—so just be nice to each other <3
Anyway! Lighter notes! I think Stephanie would be a Speak Now and Fearless girlie. I love Speak Now, so that may be a bias I have there. (Also Speak Now’s purple, soooo… /lh) This post also will not have anything from TTPD, because I need that to marinate a little longer. If I feel any of those songs fit Steph, I’ll add a reblog to this.
I've gotten a headache trying to figure out what's not allowing this to show up in tags, so here are just the screenshots of what I wrote. I can't keep "/"ing words 🤮🤮
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Honorable Mentions:
I do think there are many songs from Taylor’s discography that can relate to Steph, but these were the ones’ that made it to my short playlist. In actuality, these are in honorable mentions, because I can't re-explain what's clearly given or I couldn’t articulate my reasoning properly, so you get this <3
A Place In This World "I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know / I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on / Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world" "Maybe I'm just a girl on a mission / But I'm ready to fly"
this is me trying "I didn't know if you'd care if I came back" "That this is me trying / At least I'm trying"
Tell Me Why "You took a swing, I took it hard / And down here from the ground, I see who you are" "You tell me that you love me, then cut me down" "But you know you got a mean streak / That makes me run for cover when you're around" "Why do you have to make me feel small / So you can feel whole inside?"
If for whatever reason you got here—please befriend me if you like Taylor and DC, I’d love to be friends 😭 If you have any Taylor songs that remind you of Steph (or honestly any of the Batfam), let me know!!! Because that’d be fun to dissect together!!
In regards to TTPD, I’ll reblog and add those later, but for now, I really still need to digest the album. 
If I get attached and infatuated on a ship, they are no longer safe from every song being related back to them, so erm...I plan to do a “Taylor Swift songs that remind me of TimSteph,” because I already have a playlist for them 💀
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smartycvnt · 11 months
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Title: Cozy Pairing: Stephanie Brown x Reader Prompt: 14. "It's a little chilly." "Here, take my jacket." NR WC: 735
Summertime in Gotham was unlike anything that Y/n had ever experienced before. Gotham City itself was unlike any other city in the world. The brand of criminals alone was in a league all of their own. That wasn't what was currently on Y/n's mind, despite the fact that it should have been. Instead, Y/n was shivering as she wondered how the hell it had gotten so cold within the span of just a few hours. Y/n had been sweating whenever she started her patrol with Stephanie, but now the blonde was bound to notice that Y/n was shivering. That was the last thing Y/n wanted, she had begged Stephanie to come along on this patrol.
"Hey, are you okay?" Stephanie asked as she dipped her head down a little to meet Y/n's eye. Y/n looked up to see Stephanie's big blue eyes staring into hers with pure concern. Y/n forced a small smile and nodded. "It's fine if you're tired or bored. My assignments have been pretty shitty lately."
"I'm sorry," Y/n apologized as she slid her hand into Stephanie's. A part of Y/n felt responsible for Steph's patrol assignments being awful. She had been the one who had slipped up and kissed Stephanie in front of everybody during one of their sparring sessions. Everybody had been pretty supportive, but both of them knew that Tim wasn't actually happy for the two of them. He still wanted Stephanie and wished that they could work things out. He didn't seem to understand that Stephanie had come back wanting something different.
"Hey, I've got the best patrol partner a girl could ask for, I'm not complaining. I do wish that you'd tell me what's bothering you. And before you tell me that it's nothign, I can see the look on your face that is screaming otherwise," Stephanie said. She gave Y/n's hands a couple of little squeezes for good measure as them sat on the edge of a rooftop with their legs dangling over the edge. Y/n let her legs kick back and forth excitedly, freely expressing her excitement about being around Stephanie.
It had been a hard few months keeping their relationship a secret. Y/n had always been protective of Stephanie whenever nobody else would. Bruce's mistreatment of Stephanie had always been the thing that drove a wedge between the two of them. He had wished that wasn't the case as Y/n had always been seen as the first adoption of Bruce's. She had been much younger than Dick whenever Bruce took her in after the death of her birth parents. He had been the only father that she had ever really known, and if Bruce wanted to keep Y/n in his life, he'd start treating Stephanie more like she was one of them. Stephanie had begged Y/n to keep quiet, but now that Bruce knew, she wouldn't have to.
"It's really nothing. I'm just cold I guess. It's a little chilly, I didn't expect it to be," Y/n admitted. Stephanie immediately shrugged her leather jacket off of her shoulders to extend towards Y/n as an offering.
"Here, take my jacket." Stephanie didn't really wait for Y/n to respond before she was draping the jacket over the smaller woman's shoulders. Sitting on the balcony, Y/n had forgotten momentarily how much bigger than Stephanie was. Stephanie was nearly an equal with Bruce in terms of height, and Y/n was pretty sure that Stephanie was in a bulking competition with Jason. Her body was impressive, and Y/n loved the extra bit of squish to cuddle whenever they got back to Y/n's place after a night of patrols.
"What about you? I know you get cold easily," Y/n pointed out. Stephanie shrugged it off, but Y/n could see her starting to shiver a little already. "I won't let you freeze."
"I won't. If it gets too much, I can just snuggle up next to you." Stephanie smiled like she had figured out the solution to every problem they could ever had. If it was up to Y/n, that would be the way to fix everything. A hug from Stephanie often felt like it was the universal cure to all ailments, Y/n just didn't have a way to test that theory out.
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Oracle of Jersey
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam, Birds of Prey (Comics)
Summary: Barbara Gordon runs a podcast that results in six teenagers looking over a dead body.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Barbara Gordon, Dinah Lance, Renee Montoya, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Lori Zechlin, Wendy White, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Ted Kord, Jean-Paul Valley, Dick Grayson, Helena Bertinelli, Zinda Blake
Relationship(s): TBA
Additional Tags: Mentor Barbara Gordon, No Powers AU, Podcast AU, Murder Mystery
Chapter Two: Family Dinners & Flirtatious Texts
Barbara sat at the table, gluing tiny trees into a diorama with tweezers. "Tell me why I'm doing this for you again?" Barbara asked. Lori took pictures of Barbara from across the table. 
"Because you love me," Charlie replied. Barbara sighed and glued the small rooves to the tiny apartments. 
"You should use this picture for that dating profile you don't have," Lori joked. Barbara shushed her. “Wait… Do you have a dating profile?” 
“No, I don’t have a dating profile… Anymore,” Barbara mumbled. Lori’s eyes went wide while Charlie remained focused on the diorama. “Lori, can you at least pretend to work on this project with your sister?” 
“Don’t say we’re sisters,” Lori and Charlie replied simultaneously. 
“And yet,” Barbara joked as she gestured to both girls. “You act like it… Lori, you promised to paint the background. Get started on that. Charlie, please start attaching the fire escapes to the apartment buildings.”
“Where are you going?” Charlie asked. 
Barbara headed toward her bedroom. “Podcasting stuff,” Barbara replied. She disappeared into her bedroom and shut the door. She opened her podcasting email and saw an email from her sponsor. Ted Kord was a tech executive. 
He always left a little joke and his phone number at the end of every email. She smiled as she read the coding screenshot he sent her. She called the number and let it ring, and when Ted answered, she lost her nerve. “Hello? Hey, is this—?” Barbara hung up and pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“Stupid… That was so stupid,” Barbara muttered as she formulated a lie about a pocket call. She replied quickly and was shocked to see him reply at a similar speed. 
From: Ted Kord <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:25 PM
Subject: Personal Correspondence, Re: At Your Leisure
There’s no pressure to call. I don’t mind emailing back and forth. It’s the highlight of my day. I anticipate these minor correspondences with the so-called mystery woman who doesn’t think poorly of me for mixing business with pleasure… And speaking with you is pleasurable. 
I can’t lie and say I wouldn’t be interested in meeting you or hearing your real voice, unaltered by filters and fanciful old Hollywood accents. It’s merely curiosity. 
Barbara smiled, relieved at his calm reply. She didn’t answer immediately, opting to check emails about the podcast. 
From: Zinda Blake <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Oct 12, 2016 at 4:32 PM
Subject: Information on Anna and Edward Stanfield Case; Remain Anonymous
Hello, I’ll make this short. I pilot private jets and have a friend in security who would like to remain anonymous. I’m sending this to you because the police said they’d look into it, but it hasn’t helped anyone. I hope you find the attachment below useful. 
Barbara saved the video and sent it to Dinah and Renee. The other emails weren’t as informative, so she replied to Ted’s email. “I’m going to regret this… I’m going to regret this,” Barbara groaned. 
“Barbara! Helena and Tim are here!” Charlie shouted. 
Barbara sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as she sent a reply shut her laptop, and dropped her phone in her lap. She joined everyone in the living room and looked at the neatly set table. “What are we eating?” Barbara questioned. 
“Helena found a seafood place. She said their lobster mac and cheese is killer,” Tim replied. 
Helena opened the first bag and looked around. “Where’s everyone else?” Helena questioned. 
“Cassie, Steph, and Wendy?” Barbara asked. “They’re probably running late. Tim?” 
“I’ll text them,” Tim replied. 
Barbara’s phone pinged. She hesitated before checking it. “Tim, did you text the group chat?” Barbara asked. 
“Nuh-uh. I texted Steph,” Tim answered. Barbara checked her phone.
TED : When are you gonna let me take you for a night on the town?
BARBARA: You don’t even know my name
TED: Barbara, you called me on your personal cell. Your name came up on my caller ID
BARBARA: Got me there… It depends on where you wanna take me ig
TED: I’ll take you wherever you wanna go. Say the word
BARBARA: There’s a cute Italian place my friend recommended. I have to ask her the name. About to have dinner. Let me know when you’ll be in town
TED: Catch you later
Barbara looked up and everyone sat staring at her with varying degrees of amused grins. “Who was that, Boss?” Charlie asked. 
“Nobody, Charlie. It’s business,” Barbara lied. 
“Looked like pleasure,” Helena teased. 
“Oh, hush,” Barbara chuckled. Tim looked up, not noticing the exchange. 
“Steph said they’re on their way up,” Tim announced. Barbara grabbed a pitcher of lemonade from the fridge. “I’ll go let them in.” 
“Thanks, Tim,” Barbara thanked him. “Helena, do you remember the name of that Italian place you ate at last month?” Helena sent Barbara the restaurant’s address while the noise from the hall burst through the door. 
“Dude! Oracle is trending!” Steph shouted. Barbara held back a laugh. 
“Do you talk to everyone like you’re at a concert with them, or is it just me?” Barbara joked. 
Steph plopped down beside Charlie, and they immediately started talking about the podcast. Lori helped Helena put the food on the table. “How was everyone’s week?” Barbara asked. “Clockwise from Cass, please.” 
“I taught a little girl how to throw her brother at the gym two days ago,” Cass replied.
“Should I call Harvey?” Tim asked. 
“The parents aren’t gonna sue,” Cass replied. 
Lori finished chewing before talking about her week. “I’m hanging out with a friend next Saturday—.”
“Someone’s about to have a vampire weekend,” Charlie whispered, eliciting a laugh from Steph. 
“Says Jesse from Toy Story—.” 
“Hey,” Barbara slightly raised her voice. “Lori, is she picking you up here?” 
“Yeah, he is,” Lori replied. 
Helena took a sip of lemonade. “I graded every essay and test from this past week in three hours yesterday while on a date,” Helena replied.
“Who are you dating?” Lori questioned.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Helena grinned as she tapped Lori’s nose. Helena was the only person Lori allowed to do that. 
They continued going around the table while they ate, and Barbara’s thoughts went quiet. She would never admit it, but the Sunday dinners were the most pleasant part of her week. Sometimes the topics on her podcast were dark and left her feeling murky, but dinner with her friends pulled her out of that. After dinner, Tim took Helena, Wendy, and Steph home in his car, but Cass stayed with Barbara, Lori, and Charlie. Cass showered first and fell asleep in the guest bedroom without saying goodnight, but Barbara didn’t mind. Cass never said goodnight or goodbye. Charlie and Lori printed out their halves of their report, and Barbara made them do a run-through before sending them to bed. Once the house was quiet, she poured a drink and watched a movie. She sent Ted the address of the restaurant.
TED: Saturday night? 7-ish??
BARBARA: Sure. What are you up to?
TED: Watching a movie. You?
BARBARA: Same. What are you watching?
TED: Murder in the First
BARBARA: Get outta here. I’m watching the same thing. 
TED: Can we talk about how dreamy Christian Slater looks
BARBARA: Ha! You’re so right
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felinemotif · 4 months
ik i could just ask this on discord but it’s not urgent so i didn’t wanna like. @ you or anything
i just had a couple of steph questions!! first: i swear i remember reading that steph was a vegetarian or had attempted being vegetarian at some point? but i can’t find anything about it & am starting to think i imagined it shsjjdkdjd
& then my second question: is she mentioned to like. enjoy any particular shows/movies or genre of shows/TV??
(these are for fics but like… minor, single sentence details so. def not urgent <333)
also feel free to throw any other interesting steph facts at me!! esp things you feel ppl forget / leave out 💞
ahhh you know i am always happy to talk about my girl <333 it’s after midnight for me so i am sorry that this isn’t the most eloquent answer and i am sure i am forgetting some things (i’ll add to this later/dm you if anything hits me) but to the best of my knowledge:
yes, stephanie is/was(?) a vegetarian. not sure off the top of my head if it was stated anywhere else but i dug up this screenshot from batgirls #13.
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(for clarification this was when steph and cass body-swapped)
so no, you didn’t imagine it! though i can’t recall if she is still a vegetarian now, sorry.
now, your other question was much harder lol. i actually went and skimmed through all of the comics i have marked down as my favorite reads for her (+ a few non faves that i thought might have smth relevant) and most of the time when stephanie is shown watching tv or in front of a computer, all that’s ‘on’ is the news.
but! for you, livvy, i didn’t give up.
in nightwing #106, stephanie, cass and dick are all sitting down for their movie night. it’s cass’ pick that week but since steph did stay to watch, i think we can go on a limb and say that she at the very least doesn’t mind horror/sci-fi.
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i know that she’s also referenced harry potter throughout her comics— usually just a throwaway line like ‘accio’ so from there we can infer that she does like fantasy/adventure as well.
(took some digging but i found an example in batgirl #18)
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she’s referenced star trek as well, and at least in one conversation has been shown to know enough about game of thrones and star wars to joke about it with cass in batman: urban legends #5
i know that’s toeing the line of pulling at straws but given her more delved into interests in the action and fantasy genre i feel like it’s okay to assume that she does like those shows :) and if not who is going to tell me i’m wrong :) stephanie brown would love arya stark
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all of this to say that stephanie has been shown to enjoy and understand pop-culture. a good portion of her civilian friends are alt as well, and i’d go so far as to say that given that, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that she would enjoy independent films.
she’s a self-confessed music snob with an interest in art. i could easily see that playing into a joy for film festivals.
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(didn’t include because this is already so long but after this panel — i already had it screenshot but i believe it comes from batgirls #1 — was her saying that they were looking for models and steph did consider it so i’d argue that she would enjoy fashion shows as well, though probably ones that are entirely student-run or by small designers)
(she hung that poster up on her bedroom wall next to her bed later on)
i know this isn’t covering everything, but i hope it’s enough to help!!! so excited to read your upcoming fics 🫶🏻 and as always if you have more steph questions or need a panel dug up, i am your gal
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willsonlmt · 8 months
In that batcave Damian wayne going harder than usual and Stephanie is watching him from the side.
Damian cuts down the final holographic target.
Damian: Run next simulation!
Damian starts running toward a new target.
Stephanie: Stop simulation.
Damian: Brown! How dare you inturpt me.
Stephanie: Hey you've been going hard at this for over an hour take a break.
Stephanie hands Damian a bottle of water. Damian takes it with force looks angrily at her and starts to drink.
Stephanie: So wanna tell me whats wrong?
Damian: Nothing is wrong brown.
Stephanie: You can either tell me or ill go grab Dick and he can find out whats wrong?
Damian: NO! I can not take the feelings song again. Father is forcing me to go to my schools winter formal dance. Happy?
Stephanie: Dances are lots of fun though. Why are you upset about that?
Damian: I have better thing to do with my time brown.
Stephanie: You don't know how to dance do you? Do you want me to teach you?
Cut to the too them practicing some simple dance moves to a simple upbeat song. Stephanie teaching him to dancing and stepping to the beat.
Stephanie: If you think about it fighting and dancing aren't so different. A series a moves that flows together to result i an action.
Damian: i think im getting it.
He says starting to throw his own flair into it.
The song ends and Stephanie starts to clap.
Stephanie: Very good. So lets learn to slow dance now okay.
Damian: I don't intend to ask anyone to slow dance.
Stephanie: Well its still good to learn besides you might change your mind. Well just learn a simple box step okay.
Stephanie places Damians hands correctly on her and start a simple slow song.
Stephanie: Alright. Left together right together. Left together right together. Very good.
They keep practicing the box step together for a minute then the lights go off. A blue spotlight appears on dick and dancing queen by abba starts playing. He busts out some sick dance moves finally he slides on his knees up to them as the song finishes.
Dick: Are you impressed?
They both walk away from him.
Damian: Thank you for the lesson Brown.
Stephanie: Remember just have fun okay.
Dick: Guys i just wanted to show you that i can teach you to dance! Please let me show you how to dance like a pro!
Dick lays on the floor and plays untitled by simple plan.
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seatsaverheartbreaker · 9 months
The BatFam as Reputation Tracks
In anticipation of the re-recording of Taylor’s best (controversial opinion I know) album, here’s my take on which Reputation track would the bird/bat/cat anthems.
…Ready For It? - Stephanie Brown
A dramatic start to the album.
“Are you ready for it?” In Taylor’s smug tone is so Stephanie Brown coded.
“No one has to know, in the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do” you can’t convince me that Steph doesn’t love kicking ass and being a badass hero, to the point of dreaming about her alter ego.
“Are you ready for it? Oh are you ready for it? Let the games begin, let the games begin.” Is such a cocky way for Steph to hype herself up to go out on patrol and cause some chaotic messes within Gotham.
I Did Something Bad - Damian Wayne
Okay seems obvious, being an ex assassin and all but hear me out.
“I don’t regret it one bit because he had it coming” feels like something Damian would absolutely use against Bruce to validate making a hard decision within the field, but also as an excuse for threatening to stab Tim for touching his sword.
“You gotta leave before you get left. I can feeling the flames on my skin, he says ‘don’t throw away a good thing’” feels like an instance where Damian’s abandonment issues and insecurities and self-doubt would kick in and he’d try to run away from the Manor. Dick would catch him trying to sneak out, leant back against the living room’s door with a raised brow and a brotherly expression. Of course Dick would tell him not to throw away his chance at a real family, one that loves him, and would help him seek the redemption Damian wanted.
“They say I did something bad, then why’s it feel so good?” Could refer to later when Damian starts to settle within the family, rethinking the ways he had been taught by Talia to see attachments as weakness. How could they be something bad if they brought him joy and love.
Don’t Blame Me - Bruce Wayne
The OG drama queen to the family has to get a dramatic song. This whole song represents the alter ego of Batman as a whole and you can’t convince me otherwise
“Don’t blame me, love made me crazy” his love for his parents, and his loss of them, made him just crazy enough to start dressing up as a bat and beating up bad guys.
“Just play things for me to use” could refer to his playboy behaviours but it could also refer to his cat and mouse game he plays with his villains too.
“My name is whatever you decide, and I’m just gonna call you mine” applies both to his relationship with Selina Kyle, but also his relationship to Gotham as a whole. He’s fine to be called whatever they want to, but that was his city and he will continue to protect it.
“Echoes of your name inside my mind. Halo, hiding my obsession” Bruce hides behind the Batman mantle, using the inherit goodness of it to further his obsession with the Joker and his need for revenge.
Delicate - Selina Kyle
Something about this song literally gives slinky catsuit vibes, I can’t describe why. A secret relationship due to reputations and alter ego? Sounds familiar.
“My reputation’s never been worse, so you must like me for me” Bruce saw more than just the cat burglar Selina started out as, seeing past her actions.
“We can’t make any promises, now can we babe. But you can make me a drink” is so Bruce and Selina coded it’s almost insane. They couldn’t exactly take their relationship very far due to their polar opposite alter egos’ morals. But Bruce could make her a drink.
“Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs. Stay here, honey, I don’t want to share. ‘Cause I like you” Bruce was a playboy, Selina knew that. But she really did like the billionaire underneath it all. And she wasn’t the type to share her play toys anyways.
Look What You Made Me Do - Jason Todd
I know it was obvious but I could really see Jason listening to this song as his pre-hype for patrol, loving the drama of it deep down. Every verse in this applies to his life in one way or another, with “look what you made me do” being aimed at The Joker and the criminal and Bruce.
“I don’t like your little games, don’t like your tilted stage, the role you made me play of the fool…” would be spat with pure venom at the thought of the Joker and what he did to turn Jason into the Red Hood.
“I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined. I check it once then I check it twice.” You can’t tell me that Jason doesn’t have his own list that he ticks off as he tackles the criminal underground. It would totally be the same shade of red as his helmet too, the drama queen.
“The world moves on, another day, another drama but not for me. Not for me. All I think about is karma and the world moves on, but one thing’s for sure; baby, I got mine but you’ll all get yours” is such a Red Hood verse. While everyone got over Jason’s death, moved onwards after the second Robin, Jason was still back there buried, resurrected, left feeling an immense amount of anger and resentment. Towards Bruce for replacing him. To The Joker for murdering him. To everyone who had wronged him at one point or another. But it was okay, because he was going to help them get the karma they deserved what they did. They would all get what was coming for them.
Dancing with Our Hands Tied - Cassandra Cain
Okay this one was so hard. Besides the obvious of Cass being a dancer [I literally can’t remember if this is cannon honestly], I think this song represents her background and her need to prove herself.
“Dancing with our hands tied” could refer to her pulling punches due to her background of being raised an assassin, trying not to go too far when she first became Batgirl.
“I’m a mess but I’m a mess that you wanted” Bruce saw her potential and aided her to do the good she wanted to do. He took her into his family voluntarily even though she had made mistakes within her past, and was raised to do bad.
“People started talking, putting us through our paces, I knew there was no one in the world who could take it, I had a bad feeling” could refer to people viewing her purely as a weapon versus Bruce’s idea that she could be more. It surely raised some self doubt within Cass that maybe she couldn’t be more than what she was born to be, maybe she would always be someone who hurt people.
There’s a quiet powerfulness to this song that I think represents Cass.
Dress - Dick Grayson
Arguably one of Taylor’s horniest songs, which seems suiting for Playboy 2.0. There’s an underlining romance to it which I feel represents Golden Boy, and is totally related to his relationship with Babs.
“Our secret moments in a crowded room, they’ve got no ideas about me and you” Bruce and Dick would attend galas and charity events and Wayne Enterprise events and nobody would know that the pair were vigilantes.
“My hands are shaking from holding back from you.” Is such a Dick Grayson move. You can’t tell me this man wouldn’t have the shakiest hands when it gets down to it.
“Everyone thinks that they know us, but they know nothing about…” His alter ego was secret, his relationship was secret. Everyone thought they knew Golden Boy Dick Grayson but they didn’t know past the flash suits and the charismatic smile. The scars, the trauma, the things hidden behind steady hands in public and shaky hands in private.
“Flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes, even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me” applies not only to Barbara, and Bruce, and his whole family really, but also to the city that loved Nightwing so much.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things - Tim Drake
I love this little gremlin, but you can’t tell me he doesn’t blast this after someone diverts from his plans while on missions. His plan or the pettiness that may ensue. Riddled with resentment (unconscious I’m sure) and pettiness, and it kinda feels like it was written while on a coffee high???
“So why’d you have to rain on my parade? I’m shaking my head and locking the gates” he would absolutely sulk in his room afterwards, finding Jason crashing into the mission a headache and a half since the Red Hood didn’t follow instructions.
“This is why we can’t have nice things” is such a mumbled response to anything to do with his family. Dick broke the chandelier trying to show off some acrobatic trick? Jason put bullet holes in all of Bruce’s suits? Damian and Titus let Batcow out to run awry within the Manor? Stephanie hacked his twitter? This is why we can’t have nice things.
“Here’s to my baby, he ain’t reading what they call me lately” is a huge shoutout to Bernard who ignored the articles on Red Robin being caught napping on the high rise of Wayne Enterprise.
Call It What You Want - Barbara Gordon
This song is all about coming back from the lowest point.
“My castle crumble overnight, I brought a knife to a gun fight” offft this song could be so representative of Babs after what occurred with the Joker. She went from Batgirl to being a victim again, a hard thing to settle into.
“All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm, he built a fire just to keep me warm” Dick was by her side through it all, waiting in the hospital at her bedside for her to wake up. And he stayed by her side, helping light hope within her again.
“I recall late November, holding my breath, slowly I said you don’t need to save me” The fire itself turning into her becoming Oracle, taking back her power and continuing to fight for what she knew was right.
New Year’s Day - Alfred Pennyworth
This song feels very sentimental to me. It reminds me of the love Alfred showed and held for the whole Batfam, even when they weren’t at their best and made mistakes. It reminds Alfred of his memories of all of them growing up, the moments that were sparkling and filled with joy.
“But I stay when you’re lost, and I’m scared that you’re turning away” Dick would still relay on Alfred for advice, showing up with his chipper grin and a store bought cake as if he had to repay Alfred for raising him. As if he needed to repay such a thing. And Alfred would give him full attention, weighing in as a father would to his second ward.
“I want your midnights” And Alfred never minded patching up Bruce after midnight, never questioned Cass taking up the kitchen table to eat cereal early into the morning.
“You squeezed my hand three times in the back of the taxi” Cass would still reach for Alfred’s hand when he dropped her at her dance recitals, squeezing tightly with her smile before leaving him to join the audience.
“Hold onto the memories and I will hold onto you.” Jason would miraculously show up in the Wayne Manor library one night, caught by Alfred who would sit with him into the early hours of the morning. Even in the silence, Alfred didn’t want Jason left wondering if he had a place within that house. He always did, no matter his mistakes.
“Please don’t ever become a stranger who laugh I could recognise anywhere.” Was something Alfred never wanted to happen to his family. While they might not all live within the Manor, he still encouraged them to return home. He loved that family more than he could put into words.
Special Mention
Getaway Car - Harley Quinn
This song is Harley’s emancipation anthem and you can’t convince me otherwise.
“I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason” The Batman gave her that reason, seeing how their cat and mouse game represented love to the Joker more than Harley’s affections ever did.
“Think about the place where you first met me.” Has a whole new meaning now.
“It was the great escape, the prison break. The light of freedom on my face, but you weren't thinkin' and I was just drinkin'. While he was runnin' after us, I was screamin', "Go, go, go!" But the three of us, honey, it’s a sideshow and the circus ain’t a love story” side eye. What was that about the Bats obsession with the Joker? Harley always saw it, she just didn’t know how deep it really went. Until he abandoned her to drown within their getaway car, being rescued by The Bat himself.
“Ridin' in a getaway car. I was cryin' in a getaway car. I was dyin' in a getaway car. Said goodbye in a getaway car.” Her love and affections for The Joker was her Getaway Car and she had finally said goodbye to it. She betrayed him to the Bat and switched sides, not quite a hero but no longer a villain.
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
Fic Showcase Game
Thanks for the tag @river9noble!💕💜💜❤️
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
Oh boy~
-> First Fic Published: Ice to Meet You
Maribat, Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • A short and sweet meetcute inspired by my parents' story.
-> Last Fic Published: There Is Just No Stopping This Thing Called Love
(I'm not counting my half-a-fic JaySteph dating alphabet headcanons)
DC, Jason Todd x Stephanie Brown • It's a Gotham by Gaslight AU I wrote in about two days (JaySteph really gets my fingers flying across the keys😆) that I'm pretty proud of. I did a lot more research than I thought I would because I'm a perfectionist who wanted historical accuracy.
-> Fic I Wrote for a Ship/Fandom Once: Hard Right to Greece
MLB, Luka Couffaine x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • This was a co-write, but so far it's my only Lukanette/MLB-only work. It was my first collab fic and I really enjoyed the process. My co-authors (who I'm sure did most of the writing) were lovely and it was a great experience overall. (Check out the lukanette server hosted by @/quickspinner). Road trip plus mutual pining? What's not to like??
-> Favourite Fic Written In My Largest Fandom: toss-up between Burned my Wings and The Best Bat(?)
DC, Gen • Can you tell I like hurting my already traumatized blorbo? I enjoy exploring character's reactions to what Jason has been through, because we all know DC is a coward.
-> Fic I Wish More People Read: Rival Mob Boss Jasonette Series
Maribat, Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • I don't go into my stats expecting large numbers so I don't get the no-dopamine crash. That said, I did think the series would be more popular.
-> Fic I Most Agonized Over: Hmmmmm maybe The Very First Night?
Maribat, Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • The agonizing is usually over getting the motivation to write than struggling what to write. I tried a new writing style in it (non-linear narration), so I was unsure how it would turn out. I'm happy with the end result, though.
-> Fic Sprung Forth Fully Formed With No Effort: Long Live all the Magic We Made
Maribat, Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • I had been plotting a bit more of this fic every tike I listened to Long Live, so by the time I sat down to write it, it only took 2 or 3 days.
-> Fic I'm Proudest Of: Invisible String or Stars Around My Scars
IS: Maribat, Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • My first songfic and probably my longest fic (only about half is posted; the epilogue is as long as the main work😆). I got some absolutely lively comments that I will forever cherish, which makes me proud that people liked what I wrote so much.
SAYS: Maribat, Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng • This was originally a short 2k fic I wrote to get out of my head. A couple years later, I dusted it off and polished it up, and then the ideas wouldn't stop flowing (I still have several outtakes and bonus scenes to write & post). I'm proud of myself for sticking to it (it was my longest fic on ao3 for a while) and not rushing it when the dopamine high faded. I think it's a testament to my improved writing skills and it's special to me, as it was my first long fic for the Maribat Fandom that I posted. I also became close to the absolute love of my life @sarcasticbambi, who was my beta for the fic and gave me some lovely, absolutely heartwarming and forever-remembering-worthy compliments that really boosted my confidence in my writing.
No-pressure tagging @boldlyanxious @velveteenshadow @wildbookcat @the-coffee-fandom and anyone who wants to play, consider yourself tagged!💜💜
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