#catching myself like that. I mean it shocked me for a sec but the I was like no this is average me behavior actually
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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As much as I love bullying riddle for saying shit like “the rules of friendship” I literally catch myself also thinking that way jjsjwhdjfhgg like earlier today I stopped in my tracks on a train of though of like, what the correct course of action is for interacting with certain real people. The right way. The correct hypothetical dialogue options. Strategies for a favorable outcome. Breaking invisible social rules I maybe don’t understand??? About tumblr mutuals even. And I was like Omg I’m behaving very Riddle Rosehearts Book 6 right now bdbdnfngngngkffjf
Riddle 🤝 me
Some sort of neurodivergent social issues idk
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This may be an out-there one but stick with me for a sec! I remember Leona going off to Jamil about how Kalim’s best asset is that he’s friendly and he knows how to use that to sway people whether he knows it or not. With that in mind, may we see Kalim’s magical charms work on Maleficia?
Consider this interaction as a part 2 to this one! They just happen to flow together really well.
P.S. For no reason at all, you should totally go read Jade's School Uniform vignette :))
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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A single spot of sunshine lit up all of Diasomnia's dank, gloomy lounge.
Kalim, a gargantuan smile plastered on his face, was seated at a table, playfully swinging his legs back and forth. He had with him a portable stove and a tea set, both ridiculously fine and expensive. His friend Silver would soon be there, and the two would delight in sharing an afternoon snack and catching up on one another's lives.
I wonder when he’ll get here! Kalim thought, angling his head toward the doors that spilled into the room. He said he was meeting up with his dad first, so maybe they’ll come together?
From a corridor came faint voices, low and calm, like lost souls afraid to startle their own shadows. The shapes of two people extended along a stony wall, green candlelight haloing them as they approached. Their forms steadily grew larger and larger until they had, at last, consumed all light.
"Silver?" Kalim called as he hopped out of his chair.
A pair entered the lounge, chasing away the sun in favor of the stars. Cloaked in black and pale-faced, inhuman horns protruding from their heads, they heralded in the night and bad dreams like the monsters from under one’s bed.
Kalim greeted them with cheer anyway.
“It’s you, Malleus!! You’re with your family today, huh?” he cried out, excitedly waving at the duo. “Didn’t think I’d run into you. Usually you’re so hard to find for meetings!"
“Asim. I had not expected to encounter you myself.” The corner of the prince's mouth lifted into a slight smirk. "Perhaps you've not looked hard enough."
"Gahahah! I'll try harder next time then!"
“Who might this be, Malleus?”
“Excuse me.” His eyes slid to the woman beside him as gestured toward Kalim. “Grandmother, I give you Kalim Al-Asim, a fellow dorm leader. Asim, my grandmother, and current queen of Briar Valley.”
“Your grandma?!” Kalim’s exclamation echoed off the cavernous walls. There was no effort to conceal his shock, not in tone nor in face. “Whoa, I never would have known…! I thought she was your sister or something! You look a lot alike.”
Maleficia chuckled darkly. “We fae mature quite differently than humans. Our true age rarely shows.”
“So you look a lot younger than you actually are? That’s so cool!” Kalim laughed, oblivious to his own brashness as he ran his mouth. “There’s someone in my year level that’s kind of like that too. Have you met Riddle? He looks small but he’s actually super smart and responsible! I really look up to him!”
Maleficia nodded as she patiently listened in.
Next to her, Malleus slowly surveyed the room, then allowed his gaze to drift back to Kalim. “If I may ask, where have your own relatives, Asim? Were they not to accompany you today?"
“Oh, that!! Only dad could make it this year. He had to take an important business call, so he said go hang out with some friends and he’ll catch up with me later!”
Kalim indicated the canister beside his tea making supplies. “He brought back a new blend from one of his trading partners. It’s a rare tea made with petals and buds from the Queendom of Roses and Briar Valley. That’s where Silver’s from, so I wanted to share it with him!”
“A tea made in part with plants from the Briar Valley, you say…” Malleus cradled his chin in one hand. “Most intriguing. Our kingdom is a small, isolated one. It is not often that our culture is able to merge with that of another."
“The Queendom of Roses is the country east of our continent,” Maleficia said sagely. "It is not only known for its roses, but all kinds of flowers that blossom in the springtime. Being that our Briar Valley is more northward, our flora tends to be much hardier than that of the Queendom."
"That means your flowers and theirs are different somehow, right? It's neat how someone thought to bring roses from two completely different places together!" Kalim grinned widely. "It's like going to a feast where each guest brings a dish from their culture so everyone can have a taste of where they come from.”
Maleficia stared at the young man, her expression indiscernable.
“Oh yeah, if you guys are interested in it, you can try some!” Kalim offered.
Malleus cocked his head. "I believe you stated that your intention was to share the tea with Silver?"
"Don't be shy! It's my treat, and there's plenty to go around! I'll go and brew it. Take a seat while you wait!"
“Hmm, if you are offering… I suppose it would be rude of us to refuse your thoughtful invitation. Grandmother?”
“No objections.”
The Draconias slunk to the table and sat, their lithe forms melded with the quilted leather chairs. They looked right at home with their refined posture, commanding the lounge from their thrones without so much as lifting a finger.
Kalim appeared like nothing more than an attendant in the powerful presence of royalty, buzzing about and fiddling with various tools as he set to making the tea.
Removing the lid off of his kettle, he poured in enough water to fill most of the vessel up. Kalim set it upon the portable stove and cranked the heat up. A soft electric hum started, and the flat disc upon which the kettle sat slowly warmed.
“What a strange device," Malleus mused, his brows creasing at the various dials and settings on the stove. "Would it not be more efficient to prepare the tea with magic? A single puff of fire breath would also suffice to hasten the tea."
"Probably! But you two are my guests. It's my job to feed you and make sure you're enjoying yourselves! This is my way of doing that."
As he talked, Kalim kept his hands in motion. He popped the cap off of his cannister, scooping out unassuming mounds of dried leaves and flowers and letting them fall into each teacup. First, the queen's, then Malleus's, and himself last.
"In my home country, guests are always served before the host. It's to welcome people into our homes. 'You're my friend, and I respect you. I want to honor you with food and drink, to treat you like you're a member of my family.' That's the feeling behind it!"
“I see. So this is the hospitality that comes specifically from the Scalding Sands.” A small smile formed on Malleus’s lips. “I do recall similar kindness from my trip to Silk City. The people of the Scalding Sands are very friendly and warm, much like the sun.”
“The times have certainly changed,” Maleficia remarked. “Back in my day, the children of man were not quite so open-minded. To invite fae to any gathering was to invite danger—such was the common sentiment.”
“Ahhh, that’s too bad. Being left out of a party never feels good!” Kalim let a rare frown appear. “I guess I never realized how lucky I am to live in a time where all kinds of people can be friends.”
The kettle rattled on the stove, a high-pitched whistle erupting from its spout. He swiftly removed it by the handle, and set to pouring hot clear liquid into Maleficia’s cup, then Malleus’s, and his own. Curtains of steam rose up, hiding his features as he chewed on his thoughts.
“Silk City wasn’t always as big as it is now,” Kalim finally said. “My ancestors found a way to use the waterways for trade. It connected us to new information, goods, and people. Then over time, the population grew into the big community we know today.
“Things changed a lot! I’m thankful that they did, because that means all of us can experience so much more together, like this tea. The world really opened up to us.”
The leaves and rosebuds started to unfurl, their colors and flavors seeping into the hot water. A subtly sweet, mellow scent wafted up, filling the lounge with a flowery perfume.
“Indeed, it has.” Maleficia agreed. “Our Briar Valley is set in its ways, yet the world around it seems to constantly shift. I did not think I would live to see the day a child of man so fearlessly entertains me for tea myself—but here we are, fae and human, on equal terms.”
She reached over and squeezed Malleus’s hand. He laid another over hers and smiled back. There was something sad and haunting in their eyes, a mutual understanding of something far darker than their words would allow.
“Yeah, it’s great that we can do stuff like this without worrying anymore! Speaking of, I think the tea’s about done brewing. One last final touch…”
Kalim picked up his entire sugar pot and inverted it over Maleficia’s cup. Several cubes tumbled out and splashed into the beverage. The typically composed queen startled at the sugar and tea concoction (especially when Kalim produced another sugar pot and proceeded to do the same to Malleus’s cup).
“Is this… customary?” Maleficia carefully inquired.
“No, we’d usually add more! Luxurious tea is sweet tea!!” Kalim responded, totally oblivious to her shock. “I thought I’d just be serving Silver today though, so I bought way less sugar than I usually do. I hope it’s still to your liking though!”
“Ah, this style of tea would be the same kind I was served in Silk City. The… exceedingly sweet kind,” Malleus said warily. He spoke no more, but the warning had already made itself evident.
“… I understand. This dish is an integral part of your culture.” Maleficia lifted her cup with the grace and elegance befitting of a queen. “I shall partake in your saccharine fare… Asim, was it?”
“Yup, that’s me! Kalim Al-Asim.”
“Fufu. I will remember your name and face, Kalim Al-Asim. Of that, you can be certain. After all, I had the opportunity to hear many interesting things from you. It would not do to forget such an important individual—and a beloved companion to my Malleus.”
She swallowed her overly sugared tea without flinching. It was strong, peppered with floral notes—two adjacent springtimes at the same threshold. To one side, the Queendom with a sweet medley of rainbow flowers clustered around its roses. To the other, the once great Briar Country, its rosen blooms shrouded by bitter bramble.
So different, yet still meeting in the middle. Humans and fae, reconciling under the same sun.
“How is it?”
Maleficia slowly lowered the cup from her lips. They ached from the sugar in a single sip, yet she was satisfied all the same.
“It was delicious.”
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Kissing in cars(3)
Chapter3-time will heal
Vic x female reader
*the next day*
*the next day* I walk out of my room, to look for Vic. I told him how I really feel last night. He loves me too. I'm so glad. I couldn't have handled it he had left me. I walk into the living room, no Vic. I check the kitchen, his room, hell I even check the bathroom. Still I can't find him. Immediately my mind goes to the theory that he has changed his mind and left me. Then something catches my eye. A small piece of paper with his handwriting."Oh fuck, "I whisper to myself thinking it was some kind of I'm sorry or worst case scenario a suicide note. Considering we have both struggled mentally. I pick it up and read it. "Hey sorry if I worry you I'm out with Jaime right now I should be back around one pm" I sigh in relief."God, that fucking scared me". I walk away from the small table next to the couch and into the kitchen, to check the time. " twelve thirty-five" I sigh and grab a poptart and go back to my room. I get my sketchbook out and continue adding details to the concept art I made yesterday.
I hear the door open and close and Vic yell "I'm home". I laugh softly and get up to greet him. I walk out of my room,
" hey what were you doing with Jaime" I ask without looking up from my book. I now look up from my book when I realise how hard he is breathing. He is all sweaty,but it's really hot. As my mind starts to wonder I stare at him my face growing red by the second.
"I....went...on..a,run" he says finally catching his breath.
"Ohhh,that makes sense" I say walking towards him to hug him. It's not awkward we do it everyday. "Wait im all sweaty and gross" he says backing up. I stop in my tracks and look him in the eyes
"I really don't care" he laughs and hugs me. God damn this feels like heaven,his hugs are always the best thing I can ask for but this one feels different. It may be the way he smells, even with him sweaty as fuck I swear this man still smells and looks sexy. I pull back and smile at him.
"I'm gonna go shower" he says smirking at me. I smirk back and he walks to the bathroom and closes the door. I walk back to my room and just start drawing,I zone out for a bit and I see that I've drawn myself in one of vic's shirts. I like the drawing so I keep it but I just hope he never finds it.Just as I close my book he pokes his head into the door
"hey I'm done in the bathroom."
"Hey come here for a sec" I say for two reasons,when I gell asleep on him that was the best sleep of my life and want to cuddle again. The second one being I need to ask him about what he said yesterday
"Okay" he says with a small smile on his face. I smile just seeing the look on the look on his face. He stands in front of me so i pat a spot next to me. He sits down and I clear my throat.
"I don't mean to push you or anything but yesterday, you said you are scared you would disappoint me.why?" He takes a deep breath and rubs his face. With all the breakups I've been through,I'm scared I'll get hurt again, hell I'm scared I'll hurt you." He shakes his head and I sit there shocked.
"Vic,you know you could never hurt me" I say gently touching his arm
"I know but I'm still scared " I nodded nod my head thinking of what to say next.
"Time will heal this wound,and I will wait however long it takes to heal it,I will wait an eternity if I have too,I love you too much to give up" he smiles at me with tears in his eyes."Thank you so much Y/N for everything" he sniffles before hugging me. I melt into his arms we stay like this for a while until the tears have left his eyes and he is no longer sad. He moves his hand and when he does It knocks my sketchbook off my bed. When it hits the ground it opens to my latest drawing. Me in his shirt.
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
Work Meets Love.
Pairings: Madara x reader
Warnings: 18+ not for minors. Slight degradation. NSFW. 100% Smut. Slight fluff. Overstimulation. Mentions of pee
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You woke up to the sound of light rain hitting the window of the large office space. Wrapped in a black and white throw blanket comfortably sitting in Madara’s lap, your legs dangled on each side of his work chair, arms loosely wrapped around his abdomen while your head rest on his chest. You initially came here to cuddle for a little, snuggling into him while he worked on some important documents regarding the establishment of the Kage summits that would be taking place more often, to maintain peace amongst different villages.
The rise and fall of his warm chest lulled you into a nap you didn’t intend to take, but you had no willpower to fight the inviting slumber, Madara not having the heart to wake you up either, a smile pulling at his lips as he watched you rest. Madara worked more often than he took breaks, leaving you lonely most of the time. After voicing out your mutual need for affection and attention, you were both able to work out a way to cater to each other. One of solutions being that you’d get to cuddle with him while he worked in his office, as long as you promised to stay quite and be good. No trying to get off on him like you usually enjoyed, or else you’d be sent away to await a long and hard punishment as soon as he finished his work.
His chin lightly rest on top of your head, hands flipping through stacks of paperwork, peacefully signing away, the weight and warmth of your body against his own calming, helping him think through a couple of problems that were recently brought to his attention at the previous Kage summit. He lifted his chin as you lifted your head, instinctively pausing at what he was doing so you could get comfortable again. You shifted in his lap to try and find a cozier position, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, placing a few kisses on his cheek before nuzzling your head into his neck. Once your shifting had stopped Madara was able to go back to his working, careful about not being to loud with the papers on his desk so as to not wake you up. Even though he gave you specific instructions to not fall asleep on him while he was working, you obviously ignored them, which Madara thought he’d remember for later, but for now he’d leave you to your nap, seeing that you weren’t as distracting this way.
The small smile on his face from your kisses was gradually replaced with his serious work face again as he went back to reading and signing the documents. A few minutes later you shifted again, a minute later again, until your constant movements began to bother him. Your eyes slowly opened, your hips still shifting in his lap, realizing that you needed to go pee. You whined, deeply annoyed at the inconvenience of having a bladder. You reluctantly pushed yourself off of him, stopped by the large hands on your waist. You looked at him, your eyes half lidded as you attempted to shuffle off again, still being held in place by the strong hands on your waist. “Hey sleepy head”, he teased, pulling you closer to his chest to embrace you. “I need to pee!”, you whined out, voice muffled as he held your head down onto his shoulder, drowning you in his loving embrace. “Baby, I thought we agreed you were only to come cuddle for an hour twice a day?”, he musingly questioned. “You’ve been here for nearly two and half hours”. “I’m just really tired…and I miss you too much. I didn’t want to nap by myself”, you sleepily responded. “I need to pee”, you repeated, trying to break away from the embrace you couldn’t fully enjoy while being so pressed. “But baby I missed you too”, he said, holding you tighter as he planted small kisses on your cheek. “Madara”, you warned, a hint of mischief in his smile as you finally managed to lift your head up to look at him. “I need to go pee right now. Please let go”, your voice a little louder , growing slightly impatient. He leaned in closer to you, placing his a hand at the back of your head before pushing you in for kiss. You whined in his mouth, hands flat against his chest desperately trying to pull away. His arm snaked around your lower back, keeping you flush against him while the other kept your head in place, his mouth ravishing your own in a passionate kiss. The sound of the rain was much louder now, the pattering at the window coaxing you to pee all the more. You whined again before Madara finally broke the kiss, his lips slightly parted to catch his breath, loosening his hold on you. You were able to shuffle back and swing one leg off him to stand, the blanket dropping to the floor. Just as you turned your back to him his hands found their way to your hips again, pulling you back down to ungracefully plop onto his lap. He pushed you slightly forward, adjusting you so you sat on only one of his thighs, your crotch resting against the fabric of his pants. “Madara, I’m really going to pee, you need to stop!”, you warned, the tone of your voice serious, knowing exactly what he was up to. “Stop what?”, he teased. You couldn’t believe he was taking this as a joke. He slowly pushed his thigh up, keeping you firmly planted against it as his hand gripped your waist, moving you back and forth as he repeatedly pushed his thigh up into you, forcing you to ride him. The only thing between you and his thigh was the thin, black lacy underwear you wore, underneath the baggy shirt you borrowed from your husband. That didn’t help your situation at all! The pressure you felt on your clit mercilessly poking at your bladder. “Madara please”, you whimpered, knowing you stood little to no chance against his actions before you’d pee. Your husband simply ignored all your pleading. He pulled you back against his chest before spreading your legs wide with his own. His hand reached in between your legs, pulling out another desperate plea from you as his middle finger pushed against your clit through the the thin material covering your forbidden fruit. You felt your bladder about to explode, not sure if you could hold it any longer as Madara’s finger stroked your clit. “Do you think you can hold it in a litt- ”, but you finally let go, unable to hold it in , you finally let go, making a mess all over Madara. He felt the warmth of your pee quickly spread all over his lap, completely soaking him. He sat in complete silence, the sight of you peeing on him making his dick twitch in his pants. He should do this more often.
“Fuck baby”, he whispered directly into your ear. “Look at the mess you made. Peeing all over me. How filthy”. You couldn’t see the sly grin planted on his face as he spoke. Looking down in utter shame you apologized,“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to it’s just th- mmm!”, he cut you off in a kiss. His hands lifted the shirt you wore up, quickly pulling it up over your head, leaving your upper body bare. He infused chakra into his hand, damaging the fabric of your underwear easily enough to rip it right off of you, leaving you naked on top of him. His lips immediately returned to yours, one hand cupping your boob while the other possessively cupped your naked pussy. He ran his tongue along your lips, demanding entrance as two long and slender fingers stroked between your other lips, forcing you to open up for him with a moan. His tongue explored your mouth, swallowing all your moans. His fingers stimulating your clit in quick and rough strokes, flicking on the little nub to bring you closer to your orgasm much too fast. You couldn’t stop moaning into the heated kiss that threatened to burn you as he brought you closer to heaven, pinching and pulling at your sensitive nipple. You braced yourself, feeling the first wave of pleasure tower you like a tsunami about to wreck an entire city, when his fingers suddenly stopped, immediately snatching your orgasm away from you. “Nooo please”, you reached one hand up to bury it in his thick black hair, your other gripping his forearm as you desperately tried not to bring your hands to your pussy to finish the job. Kami help you if you ever dared to give yourself an orgasm after he denied you one. You whimpered, not looking forward to being edged tonight.
He totally ignored you, his hand lightly slapping your wet pussy, causing you to whine at each slap, before tilting your head up so he could kiss you again. You were way too lost in the kiss, Madara groaning into it as he slipped two fingers into your heat, remembering how good this would feel on his dick, your tight pussy swallowing him in. His fingers immediately setting to a slow and steady pace, curling as they stroked your g spot. As much as he lived for tongue fucking you, he broke away from the kiss only to hear the pretty sounds you made as he slowly finger fucked you. His other hand joined the assault, two fingers spreading your lips apart as his thumb came up to massage the little nub. You moan aloud, almost screaming as he introduced you to shocks and jolts of intense pleasure. “Fuck yes baby, is daddy making you feel so good?”, his voice much deeper as he groaned into your ear, his dick pressing against your ass as you squirmed on his lap, enjoying the pleasure he was blessing you with. “Answer me!”, he growled this time, startling you to respond, “Yes! Aaahhh, ooohhh fuck daddy! That feels so….aaahhhhh! Please don’t stop!”, you pleaded, nearing an orgasm you knew was about to destroy you. You screamed as he added more pressure to everything, generously stimulating you to a shuddering, drooling mess before he stopped. You let out a high pitched whine at the loss of his fingers, all stimulation stopping at once. You bucked and squirmed in his lap. You couldn’t even babble any words, having to wait for the pleasure to subside before you could complain once again. “Why would you stop!”, you were finally able to cry out. Madara kissed the tears flowing down your cheeks, bringing both his hands up to massage your breasts, his second favorite part of your body. The first being your ass, he swore the sight of your ass jiggling as he pounded into you would be the death of him. Especially when he fucked you in front of a mirror and he got to see your boobs bounce and ass jiggle at the same time, prepare the funeral because you stole his fucking heart with how gorgeous you were. He never lasted too long when he fucked you like that. You strained your neck to look him in the eye. He looked back at you, relishing in the intense eye contact as he rolled your pretty brown nipples between his fingers. “Please, can I c-cum. Please daddy”, you sniffled, hoping that he would sympathize if he saw the needy look in your dark brown eyes. His heart fluttered when you called him daddy. Having a beautiful and strong, young woman like yourself totally submit to him definitely boosting his ego. But unfortunately for you he was the in the mood to make you cry tonight. Especially since you interrupted his work with your cute self.
“Give me one good reason to let you cum and I’ll gladly make you squirt all over my lap my love”, he said, trailing his hands back down to your pussy. You stuttered as his fingers took their position again. Two thick fingers sinking into you, the other hand spreading your lips apart as his thumb pushed up against your sensitive clit making you throw your head back, a long whimper leaving your lips. You were so beautiful like this, completely submitting to him without him even having to ask for it. “Let me know when you’re ready to answer”, he spoke before lowering his head to latch onto your nipple, his warm tongue flicking around it before he started sucking. His thumb began massaging your throbbing clit again, his fingers curling has they repeatedly stroked your g spot, the tantalizing actions leaving you a whiny mess. “I n-need t- to… to.. cum d-daddy pleeeaasee”, you cried out, trying your very best to keep up with such blissful cruelty. “Why?”, he breathed out, your sweet sweet nipple leaving his mouth with a pop, his hot breath fanning over it. “Because! I..I-I’m daddies angel, oooooh fu- aaahhhh!”, you tried your best to answer. “My sweet baby, of course that’s true, but did you forget that falling asleep here in my arms while I’m working is against the rules?”, he spoke loud over your cries, unrelenting in the way he lovingly stimulated your private parts. You broke down, your juices adding to the mess you made earlier on as you neared your orgasm. Your piercing cries were slightly muffled by the rain pouring outside as you came closer and closer, body shaking and drool falling down your chin as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Madara watched his wife convulse in his lap, the erotic sight proving to be too much for him at the feel of his painful erection straining against his pants. A soft moan left his mouth, completely inaudible to your ears, your body violently shaking as you finally came, Madara trying hard to continue stimulating you through it. He wouldn’t stop until you’d let it all out. Even if he was mercilessly over stimulating you he didn’t care because you asked for this anyway. You couldn’t handle the orgasm that possessed you, the vice grip on your husbands hair forcing a deep warning growl out of him. He knew you probably wouldn’t hear him because of how far gone you were, his big hand cupping your pussy as you came, preventing you from squirting all over the place, creating a little puddle in his hand until you were finally done.
“Shhh, baby…I know, you’re fine. Just breathe. You need to relax”, he whispered in your ear, his arm wrapped around your waist and his hand running up and down your tummy, holding you flush against his warmth, slowly bringing you back down to earth. “Look at all this mess you made, my angel. You and I both need a shower don’t you think?”. “Mmmhmmm”, you hummed in response. Basking in the glow of your orgasm. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Let’s get you all cleaned up my love”, he spoke, standing up with you in his arms. You clung onto him as he carried you to the bathroom. You were ready to spend the rest of the night making long and hot sweet love.
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stufftippywrote · 3 years
not an astronaut
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This is based off a personal experience. Tw for fat-shaming, homophobia, and general assholery from an asshole kid.
The bell rings cheerfully as Bitty steps through the doorway. This was one of his favorite places when he was younger. The eclectic curios, every shape and size and color, packing the shelves were an endless source of fascination for young Eric Bittle, and the owners were friends of the family, so they knew Bitty well and didn't freak out when he picked up a ceramic pepper shaker or glass figurine and held it in his hands like an ancient treasure.
He walks through the store with that same sense of wonder now, 30 years later, and brushes his hand reverently over the shelves. They’re not looking for anything in particular today, but Bitty has told Jack about this place so many times, he simply couldn’t help but visit. Besides, you never know when you might find the perfect accent piece for the new home.
Chicken-shaped serving bowls, a porcelain figurine of a girl dancing, a set of silverware in a dusty wooden case. Bitty is spoiled for choice. As he browses, there’s a movement at the back of the store, and he catches a glimpse of someone hauling boxes through a door. He wonders who runs the place now. The sign still says Thompson’s Antiques, but he knows Mrs. Thompson passed and Mr. Thompson is getting on in years. Could it be that…
A prickle of fear runs through him.
The figure in the back drags the box to a nearby aisle and starts unpacking it, placing items on a low shelf. Bitty’s curiosity overflows. He moseys into that aisle and begins to speak, but the man raises his head before he can get a word out. He has to catch his breath all over again.
The man’s face goes slack. “I know you,” he blurts.
Eric puts his hands on his hips and gives a bright smile. “Davey Thompson. So you’re here after all!”
“Davey, this is Eric. Eric, this is our little boy Davey.” Mrs. Thompson’s smile is bright as she urges her son forward. “Why don’t you two go play at the playground while Mommy and her friend talk?”
The kid is tough-looking, with ruddy cheeks and a thick build. Eric reaches out his hand to lead Davey along the way. The minute they’re out of earshot, Davey snatches his hand back like he’s just touched a hot stove. Eric turns, surprised.
“You’re fat,” Davey says.
Eric blinks.
“You look dumb,” Davey adds on. And thus a quote-unquote “friendship” was born.
Davey stands up. He still has the same tinted cheeks and stocky build that Bitty remembers, but his face is sunken somehow, and he’s built up muscle where baby fat used to linger on his arms and shoulders. He’s got a tattoo on one arm – a Japanese koi fish, mid-splash.
“Nice ink,” Bitty comments.
And Davey Thompson, for possibly the first time in his life, smiles at Bitty. “Thanks.”
“The shop looks nice,” Bitty says, surveying the shelf like it’s his domain. “Hasn’t changed much since I used to come here.”
“You’re – you’re Eric Bittle, right?” Davey says, sounding almost scared of the answer. “From school?”
“From way before school,” Bitty responds. “You’re looking good.”
“Uh. Thanks. Same to you.” Davey looks uncertain, almost sheepish. There’s a moment of awkward silence. Davey tries to break it. “Um. So. What are you –”
He doesn’t seem to have the strength, or the will, to come up with the rest of the sentence. Bitty picks it up. “I’m a pastry chef,” he says. “I have a bakery and I cater, and I’ve put out three cookbooks. Can you imagine that?”
Davey looks kind of stunned. “Wow,” he says slowly. “Good for you. Where’s the bakery?”
“Up in New England. Providence, Rhode Island, to be exact.”
Davey snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you went to college up there. For hockey, wasn’t it?”
Bitty takes a swing at the ball. He misses, and it goes tumbling behind him into the net.
“Hah, you’re the worst goalie,” Davey says.
Somehow, Bitty finds the courage to say, “Let me play forward.” But his words are swallowed by the passing of a car on the cross street.
“You be goalie.” Bitty gives the phrase all the menace he’s got in an eight-year-old body.
Davey laughs, a cruel laugh that sounds like ripping paper in Bitty’s ears. “Why? I can score on you all I want. That’s why we made you goalie.”
Resentment simmers like a low sun in Bitty’s gut. He wants to challenge Davey to play him on actual ice. He knows Davey can’t skate. As bad as he is, Bitty can’t possibly lose to him there. But the words stay stuck inside, plastered to the inside of his stomach, making him feel sick.
“Worst goalie ever,” Kevin chimes in.
“The worst, the wooooorst,” all four of them sing to him.
Bitty crouches low and is glad they can’t see much through the oversized goalie mask. Someday, he thinks, someday I’m gonna get them.
“Something like that,” Bitty answers easily. “And you’ve been here running the store?”
“Pretty much.” He doesn’t look very proud of that fact.
“I remember you used to say you were going to be an astronaut.”
“Ah, well –” The rose tint on Davey’s cheeks grows a shade deeper. “We were kids. I figure I missed my shot to make something of myself.”
All of Bitty’s nurturing instincts come alive. “Don’t say that. You’re doing well. Doing good, honest work. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Nah, man. It was just the easiest thing to do, once Mom got sick. I had to be here for her, and I … just stayed.”
Bitty gazes at him. This isn’t the attitude he expected from Davey Thompson, not in the slightest. He seems so defeated, as though Bitty’s arrival has reminded him of everything he isn’t. Bitty doesn’t want to be that for him, but he doesn’t think he has a choice in the matter. He quashes the small, self-satisfied demon that’s cackling in the back of his head. He’s not that kid anymore, either.
Just then, the chimes jingle at the front of the store. The babbling voice of a young child brightens the room. “Ah,” Bitty says, “there they are. He had to keep them outside a while before they calmed down. Little kids just work themselves up into a dither sometimes.” He offers an apologetic smile to Davey and retreats down the aisle toward the front of the store.
Suze is quiet, but it’s clear she was crying her eyes out earlier. She hangs on to her Papa with a fierce fist. Robby’s eyes are bugging out at the sight of the store. “What’s that?” he keeps asking, tugging on Jack’s slacks. Jack himself looks a little the worse for wear, but happy. That kind of tired-happy that they see in each other’s faces every night once the kids are in bed.
“Come on, Rob,” Bitty says, holding out his hands. “Want to see Daddy’s favorite store?”
Robby holds out his hands to be picked up. Bitty obliges, despite the warning creak of his back. He turns to take Robby further into the store and sees Davey standing there, staring them down.
He points. “I know you, too.”
“Ah, here we go,” Bitty says with a laugh.
“Were you in school with us? I don’t think that’s right, but—”
Jack holds out his hand for a shake. “Jack Zimmermann,” he says. “And you are?”
“My old friend Davey,” Bitty fills in. He can’t help but put a pointed emphasis on the friend part.
Davey clasps Jack’s hand but doesn’t seem to want to let go. “You’re Jack Zimmermann? The hockey player?”
“Yes, that’s me.”
Davey pumps Jack’s hand about four more times before finally letting go. “It’s – it’s good to meet you.” He looks at Suze, still curled up in Jack’s other arm. “And these are your kids? Or—” He turns to Bitty, face contorted in confusion. “Are they your kids?”
“Both,” Bitty answers cheerily. “Davey, meet my husband.”
Davey Thompson very nearly has a coronary right there.
“Hah, you’re just small all over, aren’t you?” Davey says with a pointed glance at Bitty’s crotch.
“You can’t help how you’re born,” Bitty retorts, but he pulls up his boxers right quick.
“Yeah, some people are just born stupid,” Davey agrees. Bitty instantly regrets replying at all.
Kyle whispers something in Davey’s ear. They both laugh.
“You’re right,” Davey says. He turns back to Bitty. “He’s right. They do say things about you.”
Bitty’s heart drops to his stomach. “W-what things?”
“You know! That you’re—” Davey flaps his wrist.
He doesn’t seem to have the nerve to say the word, but he doesn’t have to say it. The others in the locker room laugh.
For not the first time, Bitty is tempted to just ask, “So what if I am?” But he can’t. Not to these people. This isn’t how he wants his coming out to happen. So he just turns away and pulls on his sweatpants, ignoring the rills of laughter that echo against the lockers, and feels small. Small all over.
Davey recovers from his shock and nods his head rapidly. “Oh, I get it. Uh, congratulations. Uh, Bittle, could I talk to you a sec?”
He has that sheepish look again. Bitty watches as he retreats into one of the side aisles. “Gimme a sec,” he tells Jack, setting Robby down, and follows Davey.
When they're isolated, Davey turns to him sorrowfully. “I, uh—” Davey looks at the floor. “I was pretty mean to you in school.”
It isn’t what Bitty expected, not at all. To be honest, demons in the back of his head aside, this sort of thing doesn’t bother him so much anymore. Why should it? He’s married with two kids and a brand new home. He doesn’t spare a lot of time thinking about the distant past. “Um,” he starts, suddenly terribly embarrassed.
“No, let me—” Davey raises a hand. “Just let me. I said a lot of nasty things to you back then. I’m really sorry about it. I think about it a lot, and I’m just – I’m really sorry.”
There is a piece of Bitty that’s happy, even smug, at hearing this apology. But mostly he just pities Davey at this point. What a thing to carry around your whole life. “We were kids,” Bitty says. “Kids say dumb things. It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Still.” Davey says.
“I can’t say it didn’t hurt me,” Bitty goes on. “But I turned out okay, don’t you think?”
Davey laughs grimly “Yeah, look at you … and look at me.” He shrugs.
“You seem to be doing all right,” Bitty says charitably.
“I’m not an astronaut,” Davey says.
Bitty laughs. “Neither am I. We’re all good.” He pats Davey on the shoulder. A moment passes between them, silent, as they both listen to the sound of the past giving way to a new, kinder present.
After the moment passes, Bitty grins “Come on, I’m going to introduce you to my kids. Do you have kids?”
Davey flushes. “Yeah, I got a teenager. A real smartass. I wonder where he learned it.”
“Pictures!” Bitty declares. “Get that phone out, I demand pictures.”
Davey struggles to pull his phone out of his jeans pocket. This time, he flushes with pride. He narrates the story of each photo as they walk back toward the front.
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zodiacrant · 4 years
🍩My experiences with each Moon sign🍩
(Cause yall are messy)
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I have done this a few times before but for Sun signs and did rank placements but never shared my thoughts and experiences with the Moon signs.
Now I know how this goes, so if you get mad or sad then go off I guess. Aint the first time I get cursed out or attacked in this bitch. Plus, I am a Cap moon so naturally I won’t do well with some Moons and I will be nitpicking everything about everyone.
🍩Aries Moon🍩
My dad’s moon. Yup, that tells you alot without me even starting. Having our Moons in Square shit was hard to say the least. It took a long time for us to be on middle grounds and because I don’t feel comfortable talking about my problems here I will continue on. The Aries Moon that I really like and can think of is Rihanna, so I would say it’s unfair to make a whole judgment but from what I saw and heard they’re not exactly the best to be around. So I give them a 3/10 for being bold and having nerve.
🍩Taurus Moon🍩
Now this Moon right here I know people from ( a close friend and my sister, plus some others) and I don’t have many strong opinions about it. As a Taurus Sun, it can be a challenge to work with a Taurus Moon. I am stubborn at my core and they’re stubborn with their heart, so everytime we disagree it’s like a rope pulling contest. Way too stagnant for me but I think that’s because of my other placements and they don’t take any advice or open up no matter what. On to the good, I never disliked someone with this placement. No matter how much of an asshole they can be, to me it is difficult to hate them or stay mad at them. They’re warm, kind, and sweet but a bit aloof and naive, also they don’t like to touch and hug as some people might think. I will give them a 8/10
🍩Gemini Moon🍩
(⚠️TW⚠️ mention of rape and erratic behavior)
I only had one best friend with this placement and I don’t I want to meet any more, and I am at peace with that if they resemble her in any way. She was a maniac. She loved to lie, create drama, blow shit up, act crazy and basically be shocking. I do find similarities with Gemini Sun where they do shit for reactions but with her, she will take it to the next level. Lie about being raped, act possessed, or pretend that she is being followed. It’s not fair to associate her with people who share the same Moon as her but that was y’all’s representation in my life. She was erratic so it’s difficult to see where her Moon was in effect and where she was just off. I’ll give them a 1/10, would not recommend until proven otherwise.
🍩Cancer Moon🍩
The first that comes to my mind is Taylor Swift and to me she is the ultimate Cancer Moon. It juat makes sense how fast she takes it to the next level with people. Whether getting serious quickly with someone or throwing down and feuding. She just always at a 100. Personally, I never got close with someone who has this placement, maybe it’s because I am a Capricorn Moon myself, but I would say the ones that I have met were nice. I’ll give them a 5/10
🍩Leo Moon🍩
I only had one best friend with this placement but the people I have met with this Moon I still remember. They all had one thing in common and that was being emotionally traumatized and have lost one parent. My best friend was super loyal, very confident in what they believed in and represented, were always there for me and had an amazing ability in motivating others. But they were also super prideful and there’s no coming back with them. Fight once and it’s over. (Yes I am looking at you Jonnie). One of the other people was with me in uni and always had the to urge won up me and my friend. He had scars all over and he doesn’t remember how he got them. But he was super proud of himself and his home country, which I respect and admire. I’ll give them a 6/10
🍩Virgo Moon🍩
I know two people with this placement, my mom and a professor at uni, and oh boy it makes sense that they’re a Virgo Moon. Me and my mom are too alike that we clash strongly at times. She thinks she can do it better and I think I can do it better and we just have like a competition on who done it better basically. From cooking, to how you light the stove, to how you put on clothes, to how you lay down on bed. Both my mom and my professor are super critical and precise, althogh my professor is a double Virgo (Sun and Moon) so she will go even further. They have to do everything as it arises and act like there’s no time and everything is about to go wrong. Like damn sis chill the fuck out for a sec and this is coming from a Cap moon so you know it’s bad. But I really like Virgo Moon, even though people might hate such a personality but I can relate to them in some ways. I’ll give them 7/10
🍩Libra Moon🍩
My only online friend that I talk to all the time got this Moon. Other than her I met only two people and they were something. Okay so for my friend, because I never actually have seen her physically with my own eyes I can’t say how she acts all the time, but she is one of the best listeners I had in my life. She likes to hear me ramble for an hour about a dumb encounter that lasted a second, talking about astrology and some nerdy things and then not so nerdy things. I believe that it’s a Libra Moon quality to be emotionally versatile and attentive. I think because she is a Leo dominant she acts much fiery and fiercely than a Libra would. As for the other people I just thought they were fake. One acted as a friend but then would just disappear so I was over it quickly and the other was super passive and pretentious that I think she shits out plastic. All in all I think it’s a great Moon. I’ll give them a 7/10
🍩Scorpio Moon🍩
One of the hardest Moons I ever delt with but I find that I love them too. My oldest sister had this Moon and she is such a mystery. Because I am a Taurus Sun, it is only natural for me to have a hard time with a Scorpio Moon. Even though she is an extrovert, she rarely talks about herself and her feelings, you will never catch her slipping or show vulnerability. I can see how difficult it may be for her being a Cancer with a Scorpio Moon and have Gemini dominance. But she’s a bitch at heart and I am cool with it. I’ll give them 5/10 cause I am not a big fan of paradoxical people
🍩Sagittarius Moon🍩
A moon that I always babysat. I had two best friends with this Moon and if I was born a second earlier, it would mine too. I don’t know if it’s because of my Gemini Venus or my 0 degree Capricorn Moon but I love Sagittarius Moons. I was fortunate to see some of their weaknesses and for them to trust me enough to be vulnerable. But boy do they get themselves into the dumbest situation because they wanted to see what would happen. I had to babysit them and help them do everything like shopping, cooking, cleaning, assembling furniture, be their body guard when buying weed. (Shhhh it’s a secret). They’re in many ways immature cause they run from things and everytime you try to be real with them, they say “stop being negative”. I’ll give them a 9/10
🍩Capricorn Moon🍩
The grande dame of the Moon signs, sitting at it’s opposite planet. I have met many Cap Moons and honestly we are bitches 😂. The energy of sitting next to a Capricorn Moon is too fucking much like I never knew it’s like that. I noticed the way they stare, talk, walk and sit can be so aggressive and intimidating. I see why people might label us as bullies, cause the energy is definitely there and I myself was such a cunt (still a little but I am more aware of myself now) that I get where both are coming from. Life as a Capricorn Moon is emotionally flat. If wasn’t for my other placements you will never see me even flinch. I think we just take everything and let it process in our head before we let it into our hearts. So to me, we’re not mean, we just don’t see how something might be hurtful. But also that tone and that blank face, goddam! That’s why I try to smile cause bitch no, I didn’t know I was walking with a death stare this whole time. Anyways, I will give us 10/10 cause I am self appreciative like that 😂✌️
🍩Aquarius Moon🍩
I have always tried to understand Aquarius Moon and it was only a month ago that I have realized they themselves are not sure of who they’re. I had one best friend with this placement and three cousins (all siblings). First, my cousins are super competitive with each other on who gets to do what and if it happens that they’re similar in something they will get pissed. The person that was my best friend was like that as well. Only he would drop a an entire hobby, interest, something close to his heart, shit even a personality trait. I find them to be constantly changing and trying, so they shift between one end of extreme to the other until they center themselves. I’ll give them a 4/10
🍩Pisces Moon🍩
Now let’s talk about a depressing placement, in my opinion of course 😅. I don’t know if it’s the influence of Neptune on the Moon or is it the just the demeanor of Pisces, but good god girl get a grip (they call this the five G’s). My youngest sister is a Pisces Moon, and as creative as she is, she is pessimistic and overly cynical. I mean I am all for being critical and real but looking at everything with jacked up black sprayed glasses is just too much for me. Other than my sister I don’t know any Pisces Moon very well but I had a few acquaintances. I noticed that they talked about a specific thing and that’s it. I have found them to be amazing at drawing, painting and have an incredible artistic sense. At times twisted and dark, but I love the art that comes with it. I’ll give them a 5/10
Here’s the tea. It’s Pisces season so remember I am sensitive right now, and also it’s my life and I wish I met someone as amazing as you might think you’re. (Maybe that was a little too aggressive)
Okay love you ❤️
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thekillingjoke-haha · 3 years
We’re Batshit Crazy
@spnquotebingo​ Word count:1,609
Summary: Love isn't all that perfect sometimes love is crazy especially when the Hero is in love with said crazy.
Gotham AU
Jason Todd(Jensen Ackles) x Villan!Reader
Enemies and Lovers (none of that "to" bs)
Gotham Recasting: Batman=John, Dick Grayson(second Robin not first) =Sam ,Tim Drake=Adam, Joker(ledger style)=Lucifer, Harley Quinn=Lilith,ect.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, guns, and violence
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The mad laughter rung out into the night sky as the purple Lamborghini hit corners with violently sharp turns. "Oh puddin I just love family night!~" The pale platinum blonde giggled as the man with green dyed hair licked his smiling lips. A bubble of laughter came from the back seat he turned around to see his princess looking out the small back window. "Batsy batsy batsy" Her low/high pitched giggle caused a crazy chain reaction as the bat mobile hurried to catch up. "Always ruining our fun,huh,princess?" The clown king shifted his gray-ish blue order into the mirror grinning making the scars on his face raise into a sinister smile at the look of pure chaos in his daughter's e/c eyes. "Not tonight! Not on my birthday!!" She said as she smiled reaching under the seat to pull out a Tommy gun. Climbing to the front seat sitting on her mothers lap she leaned out the passenger window. "Go back to the Rat cave your not gonna put a downer on my weekend!" Y/n yelled shooting off round towards the tires,windshield,and headlights.
The mobile didn't seem to have a scratch as as a motorcycle pulled up beside it. Slipping back in the car the younger women pouted looking at get parents. "He called his little birdie no doubt the replacements in the car." Y/n huffed as she dug around for more fire power. "Puddin we have a visitor.~" The red mask gazed at us as he lifted a forearm pistol. Shots were fired and Joker took a hard right almost like tron the motorcycle quickly turned into a ally to avoid being hit. "Sorry Princess might have to cut tonight shot." He said licking his lips as a thump came from the roof making the youngest clown snarl her eye crazed as she shot above her as the purple car swerved wildly. "YOU'RE RUINING MY BIRTHDAY,BATS!!!" Y/n cackled madly a mixture of her parents laughed till the magazine ran out.
They got to one of their warehouses where Jokers men were armed to the teeth. The clown mask had black soulless eyes and immediately fired the moment the batmobile entered. Y/n skipped out of the purple Lamborghini she got on her tippy toes and kissed her dad on the cheek. "I got the hooded punk. Can you clip the bats wings for me...a little present?!" He laughed as he armed himself with a shotgun. "Anything for my princess." The f/c sf/c female clown skipped away knowing that the motorcycle riding vigilante was hot on her tail. That's how she found herself on the roof tops jumping the gaps as heavy footfalls followed. Her loud laugh echoed as she leaped to a smaller building hiding behind a vent the moment the brown leather jacket came into view she tackled the tall man. They were both panting as a grin pulled on the clowns lips.
"Caught ya,Jay bird." I giggled pulling of the helmet his apple green eyes covered by a second mask stared at me he chuckled as his hand slipped above his head in mock surrender. "Yeah you caught me,beautiful." Leaning down I kiss him my hands pushed into his cheeks my thumb running over the scarred J. We've been dating for awhile now ever since dad kidnapped the second Robin at seventeen. I was fifteen at the time and dad had me at his side as he tortured him.I was always there to stitched him up and put burn cream after shock therapy I didn't know how we got attached maybe because he wanted to rebel a little by talking to me or someone around his age saw the same if not worse shit.
Six years ago(Y/n 15 Jason 17)
"Why are you helping me?" Looking up his head was strapped down along with his arms and legs. I shrugged my shoulders I knew who he was if I wiped off the make up and temp dyed my hair I was the honor student in the same class as him. Jason Todd anyone with eyes had a thing for him,but after removing his mask it wasn't hard to piece together who the bat fam is. "I know what my dad has planned for you Jay. This is just a band-aid on a gunshot wound and might I say that's very unhelpful." This was the first I spoke to him and it wasn't long before Dad beat him to death.
Two years later.
I sat in the back of the car as Frost drove. We just left the cemetery. "Why are we doing this,n/n." He asked looking in the rear view mirror at me. I'm seventeen now my thoughts screamed at me. Why was I trying to bring him back? "Because I crazy that why!" I giggled as we grew closer to the lazapit. He was dressed in a black suit with red tie his body sunk into the water as I waited. A loud gasp drew my attention as he shot up a white streak in his hair. "Heya sleeping beauty." Looking over in shock he lowly made his way looking like a baby deer. "I'm alive,but h-how?" His green eyes looked at me. "A Ghoul owed me a few favors I just asked to use his fountain of youth." Handing him a towel and some clothes. "Sorry about the outfit,but Arkham does have one size fits all." Jason chuckled as he started to dry off.I realized why I brought him back. I was crazy about him.
Two more years later(two years ago)
Jason wanted to stay dead he didn't go back to His dad and brother after he realized that neither of them tried and save him. It was sad to see,but it brought Jason closer to me and he started to trust me and I gave trust in return. Blood coated my hands while some was on my face. Looking at Jay some was speckled on his cheeks taking the pockets square out of the mobsters coat I wiped it off he looked down at me his arm slipped around my waist pulling me closer my breath hicked. "Will you be my girlfriend,my little jester?" A large smile grew on my face as my arms went around his neck pulling him down further. "Gladly,Jay bird." I kissed him not caring if my lipstick stained his lips and he didn't seem to care either as the kiss grew more intense. We shared our first kiss at nineteen surrounded by dead bodies as sirens and the unmistakable sound of the armed batmobile. At least he's as crazy about me as I am about him.
One year ago. (Jason POV for a sec)
I came to Bruce I hate to admit it but I needed advice about the one think he knew best. Women. It was just a couple of months ago he found out I was alive and shocker he managed to drive Dicky boy to Blüdhaven to get away from him to get his own image and not just Robin. Oh and surprise surprise when out of robins he had a spare like a tire and it's name was Tim. Nevermind that I stood across from Bruce in his home main office he had a frown on his face. "You're dating someone and its serious and I didn't know about it?" He asked trying to deduct everything. "I've been dating her ever since I came back. As strange as it might sound,but I want us to be something more." That's when the billionaire playboy stood up standing just a inch shorter then myself.
"Life is short Jason and you've experienced that first hand if you feel that both of you are perfect enough to be more then go for it." Perfect wasn't realistic nothing was ever perfect my life isn't perfect her life sure as hell isn't she's the clown princess I'm a bat son. Maybe that what makes us so good together the fact that it would have never really happened any other way life is just crazy like that.
Staring into those vexing green eyes always brought me back. We're both twenty-one him being older only by a couple of months. "Happy birthday,gorgeous." His voice brought me back as my smile grew. We were standing up now he held a box wrapped in my two favorite colors. "Awe you shouldn't have." I grab it and opened it a gun was inside it was red and gold revolver it looked like my moms love/hate gun,but it said King/Queen. Looking at Jay I reached to hug him when suddenly he dropped to one knee pulling out a box with a beautiful f/c ring and ruby gem. "This feels over due. You took care of me when I was considered enemy number one. You brought me back from the grave when my own family didn't try. And this might sound stupid,but I had a crush on you in middle school you were one of the only people that didn't give me pity after Bruce adopted a street kid." He licked his lips as he gave of a small smile. "Together we are far from perfect, but we are good. You complete me...Y/n M/n Napier become my queen?" My eyes glossed over with tears my make up running down the pale foundation. "Oh my god of course!!!" I jumped into his arms hugging him tightly before letting him slip on the ring. "I love you." "I love you more crazy." I chuckle it sounded watery in my throat. "If I'm crazy then that makes two of us. You wanted to marry me." Yep we're both batshit crazy.
A/n: Quote= We are far from perfect, but we are good. ~Supernatural
Is it just me or does Jensen look fucking hot as Red Hood?! I'm mean he's definitely a reason to move to Gotham
Well first crossover AU in my bingo card
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milksbigbookosin · 4 years
Helpless (Philza x Reader)
Oh boy here we go, exposing my dilfza side!
Once again I hope you guys enjoy and feel free to send requests in my ask box!
Word Count: 1,673
You absolutely adored spending your time in the town’s library even since you were little along with Wilbur. Ever since you were younger you tended to be far too awkward when it came to starting friendships. Wilbur would come into the lounge for the teens, sitting around the computers with the other kids yelling and joking around. He had seen you being rather sheepish, oftentimes peering over your book to see whatever they were up to only to quickly avert your gaze when he caught you. If anyone asked him, he’d say he walked over to you to say hi just for you to start following him around like a puppy. In reality, he had started to pester you when he caught you looking. He was so stubborn to talk to you and wouldn’t let you be whenever he saw you from there on.
Regardless of how he claimed the two of you met, you were grateful that you did. He was one of your first friends growing up and you wouldn’t trade the world for him. That being said, he drove you nuts along with the kids that had started to follow him around like he was some big brother. Tommy was by far the worst of the two, constantly making little jokes towards you trying to “flirt”. You know, as much as a 12 year old could flirt with a 20-something year old when he was barely over his cootie phase. Thankfully though today it was just the two of you.
A sigh from Wilbur caught your attention, peering over your book to him. He was looking around from his seat, a bored look on his face. God you already knew he was about to be overdramatic...
“Doesn’t this ever get old to you,Y/N?” he asked,eyes looking desperately for something, anything to give him some sort of excitement but he was instead met with nothing but countless shelves of books and the occasional noises from who knows where.
You hummed to yourself, seemingly thinking it over before bluntly saying “Nope! We always go to the library on Saturday Wil, this isn't new.” He turned his gaze to you and pouted, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as you went back to your book. “Come oooon,” he leaned across the table, pushing down your book so you were forced to look at him “You’re telling me that you don’t want to go out and do something for once? I’m sure Techno is probably doing something cool, probably going in the Nether or something else fucking bonkers.”
Was he serious right now?
The Nether, especially with Techno, was far from a fun idea to you. Techno wasn’t as impulsive as Wil or Tommy but that didn’t exactly mean it would be a calm trip. Techno was a little strange to you, always going on and on about chaos and little philosophical rants about politics and such. He was one of Wilbur’s friends from before he met you and if you were honest, he was weird back then too.
“Yeah, just so Tech can get us lost like he did last time in the woods when you guys wanted to find a dog?”
“Hey! We got home didn’t we?”
“Wil it took us till sunset to get home and you almost broke your leg on a log-”
He once again sighed, this time louder and more dramatic than before. It was kind of cute when he went on these little tangents, now going on about you having to learn to ‘live a little’. Yeah right, because living meant taking dumb risks for literally no reason. Part of you wished you had the guts he had, making friends with so many kinds of people and going on crazy adventures but you knew better than to get wrapped up in all of that. Something suddenly caught your eye, something dark poking out from one of the aisles behind Wilbur as he went on talking. There was someone standing in the aisle, the strange object seemingly fluttering when they moved. Your mind was wandering, curious of who lingered out of sight before finally walking out from behind the shelf.
Blonde locks rested on green clothed shoulders, bright eyes glancing over the spines of books. The dark objects you had seen now were much clearer, turning out to be a rather large pair of what seemed to be raven wings. You had seen some rather interesting people around L’Manburg but, wow, they were rather gorgeous.
‘The wings.
The wings were gorgeous’ you thought to yourself.
Goodness what was wrong with you?
“-I’m just saying, I don’t want you to be so damn sheltered that you cease to function if I ever had to leave or anything you know?” He said, looking up at you expecting to see you giving your usual pained smile you gave when it came to serious talks but, strangely enough, you weren’t even paying attention to him. He raised an eyebrow, tilting his head in confusion before following your gaze behind him. It was silent for a moment as Wil looked at who had your attention, feeling even more confused to see his friend Phil. Why were you looking at Phil like that? Granted, he never introduced you two but it wasn’t like you to just stare like that at people. He turned back to you, waving one of his hands over your eyes.
“You alright there, Y/N?”
You flinched, snapping out of your little trance and looking back to Wilbur. Oh goodness, how long was he done talking? You didn’t mean to space out on him so bad. “Yeah- I'm sorry about that..just got a little” you paused cheeks heating up, trying to think of how to word it without Wilbur possibly prying “spacey.”
Something seemed to click in Wil’s mind as he saw your cheeks darken, looking back to Phil then back to you as he worked it over in his head. Suddenly his lips curled into a mischievous smirk, watching you try to look back down at your book that now rested on the table. You had no idea just how guilty you looked, failing to catch that look on Wil’s face as he suddenly stood up from the table.
“Gimme a sec-”
Before you could question him he scooted his chair in, turning around and walking right up to the winged man. ‘Oh god,’ you thought as Wilbur started talking to him. You couldn’t hear anything they were saying so all you could do was watch helplessly as they chatted away. After what felt like an eternity Wil leaned in closer to him, turning to look at you while he seemed to whisper something to him ‘Oh god what is he doing?!’ You felt like your heart was going to burst when the stranger’s eyes looked right at you, shifting from Wilbur then back to you. You quickly looked down at the book again, unable to look either of them in the eye. You wanted to sink into the floor, why is it the moment you get the slightest bit of a crush you had to be with Wilbur? If only you didn’t stare, if only you just agreed to something different today..Maybe you could just leave honestly. Wilbur would probably tease you for a week over you being a chicken but at the very least you’d still have some breath left in you.
Your eyes shot up at the new voice, shocked to see the blonde in front of you and even more shocking, Wilbur wasn’t behind him taunting you silently. Nope, instead it was just you and the raven winged stranger. You swallowed nervously, trying your best to give him a friendly little smile that came out making you look far too small and mousey.
“You mind if I sit with ya?” he asked, a knowing smile on his face that made you jittery. Not wanting to seem weird you simply shook your head, grateful as he didn’t pry for a verbal answer and instead took Wilbur’s seat across from you. Goodness that smile was going to be the death of you. He propped his elbow up on the table resting his chin on his palm as he watched you shift in your chair nervously. “So,” he finally said “Wil says apparently you were givin me the eyes”he teased, loving the way your cheeks darkened at that far too much.
“He’s such an ass” you muttered to yourself,nervously playing with the pages of your book as you tried to search for some sort of way to get yourself out of this “I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to be weird or anything.” This was so embarrassing, having to admit that you were being some weirdo and staring at him.
“Honestly I think it’s cute if it means anything” he admitted, once again catching you off guard. You haven’t felt so helpless before. You didn’t feel uncomfortable in a bad way or anything but to have a much taller and very handsome guy right across from you was really something for sure. You knew now that you’d never hear the end of this and in all honesty? Wilbur was going to probably die if she didn’t melt by the end of this. He extended his hand, giving you a patient smile “I’m Phil.”
You gave a slightly more comfortable smile to him, gently taking his hand and giving a shake “Y/N…”
“Well Y/N, I mostly came over here to introduce myself since Wil had to be a little tattletail” he joked, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and standing up“Hopefully i’ll actually get to see you around when you’re not all frazzled, yeah?”
You could only manage a nod again, melting as you heard him chuckle at you being so nervous. You think you heard him say bye as he walked off but you were much too focused on how you were going to kill Wilbur later.
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bungeenomin · 4 years
Professional- Jung Jaehyun
genre: ceo!jaehyun x reader angst, smut and full (in that order)
word count: 7k
summary: when you and your ‘no strings attached” fuck buddy that you happen to catch feelings for, end on bad terms, you completely block him out of your life, that is until four years later, when you get a job working for one of the biggest ceo’s in Korea, Jung Jaehyun becomes your boss, and you his assistant
warnings: angst(gets resolved), slight degradation, dirty talk, unprotected sex(wrap before you tap), rough sex, thigh riding, slight overstimulation, orgasms
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4 years ago
“Fuck Jae i’m gonna cum” you moan loudly in his ear, resulting in a grunt escaping from the back of Jaehyun’s throat as he picks up his pace. 
“Mmh cum with me baby” Jaehyun moans, and that’s all it takes for you both to come undone together, moans and swear words bouncing off the walls as you come down from your high. 
Jaehyun’s pace finally comes to a stop as he throws his body down beside you, still panting. This was a regular night for you and Jaehyun. For about six months now you’ve been fuck buddies and at least four times a week you end up in one of your dorms. Quick fucks whenever either of you wanted them or needed them, or late night fucks. Even though you were fucking each other with no strings attached, it never became awkward between you too, although the small crush you had on Jaehyun did make the whole no strings attached thing slightly more difficult. You never meant to catch feelings for Jaehyun, it just, happened. 
“I”m gonna go clean up, i’ll be back in a sec” Jaehyun said, caressing your cheek softly before getting out of the bed and moving to the bathroom. 
You didn’t mean to look at Jaehyun’s phone while he was gone. You really didn’t. You heard a phone notification and while checking if it was yours, you accidentally picked up Jaehyun’s, who had the same model phone and happened to not have a case on his either. 
“What the fuck” you whisper to yourself as you see the message displayed on the screen. 
‘Baby i miss you :( come over, i wanna pick up from where we left off the last time ;)’ the text read. You almost forget how to breathe as your eyes begin to swell with tears. You know, no strings attached, but for the last six months, you and Jaehyun had been exclusively fuck buddies. You know you would certainly tell him if you were letting someone else stick their dick in you, yet here he is, fucking other people and not having the audacity to even tell you. 
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you get up and start collecting your clothes from the floor and dressing yourself as fast as you can. You just want to leave and never have to look at his stupid face that you’re so obsessed with ever again. Jaehyun walks back into the room as you pull your shirt over your head, confused as to why you’re suddenly in such a rush to leave. “Hey, what’s up? where are yo-”
“What’s up? Why don’t you check your fucking phone Jaehyun” you spit, anger seeping out of you. Jaehyun gives you a concerned look before picking up his phone, his face dropping when he see’s the message on the screen. “Yeah Jaehyun, that’s whats fucking up, except, you didn’t even feel the need to tell me” 
“Y/n- we said no strings attached” Jaehyun says, not knowing what else to say. 
“There are no fucking strings attached Jaehyun! Funnily enough i fucking hate you right now, but don’t you think i have the right to know that my fuck buddy is fucking someone else?” you question. 
“I didn’t think it matt-”
“Of course it fucking matters Jaehyun. But you’re such a fucking self absorbed fucking prick that all you care about is getting your fucking average ass dick wet. Fuck you Jung Jaehyun” you spit as you walk towards the door, “if i never see you again it’l be too soon”. 
After that night, you didn’t see Jaehyun again. You blocked his number and all his social media platforms. You completely cut him out of your life. It hurt, but it didn’t hurt half as much as what he did to you. You know, what he did shouldn’t have mattered, but it did, and that wasn’t very no strings attached of you. You shouldn’t have fallen for Jaehyun put you did, and before you could even tell him, he broke your heart. You hated him for that. 
Present day
Your legs are decorated with goose bumps as you walk in your black, skin tight pencil skirt through the busy street. The cold winter air is intense, but you know that first impressions are everything, and so here you are, freezing your ass off to make a good first impression on your first day of work.
Honestly, you still can’t believe you’ve got this job. You applied for it late one night just by chance, not at all thinking you could get a job as the ceo of one of the largest companies in Korea’s assistant.
You take a shaky breath, before pushing the large doors open and stepping into the building. The interior is more expensive than you expected. Modern design, glass chandeliers, velvet couches, glass cases full of awards and pricey looking ornaments and antiques. It’s so beautifully decorated.
“Ah you must be y/n!” an older woman in sophisticated clothing says, a clipboard in her hand.
“Yes! That’s me. I’m starting work here today” you reply, a gentle smile on your lips.
“Yes of course!” the woman replies as she begins walking, motioning for you to come with her, “I’ll bring you to Mr. Jung’s office right away. I have to warn you though, he can be, well, difficult. He’s a very determined and work orientated man”.
If you weren’t nervous before, you certainly are now. This job would be just perfect if the ceo was bearable. “Good luck” the lady whispers, as she opens the door for you. “Mr Jung, your new assistant is here” she announces, before leaving you to your own devices.
As you take a step into the large office, you see a tall man, facing away from the desk and looking out at the beautiful view of the city the office has. “It’s funny isn’t it? How people meet again” the man states, not moving from his position.
You know what voice. Hell, you wish you didn’t but you do. You never wanted to hear that voice again, or see that face, and now he’s your boss? The male quirks an eyebrow and turns to face you at your lack of response, and there he is. Jung Jaehyun.
“Yes” you reply quietly, completely shell shocked at his presence. After all these years. Jaehyun from college is one of the most successful ceo’s in all of Korea, typical. 
“Ah ah, yes sir to you. Where are your manners?” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his lips. 
“Yes sir”
“Much better” Jaehyun replies, moving to his seat. “Your desk is there, take a seat” he points towards a large desk, although much smaller than his own, placed not too far from his desk, but far enough for you both to have personal space.
“Let’s get a few things straight” Jaehyun starts as soon as you sit in your seat, “other people don’t run my company for me, i run it. My company has no shareholders, it’s entirely mine, so don’t even consider thinking you can help me with my business. Your job is not that hard, a child could do it. All you have to do is keep track of my meetings and schedules, i’m a busy man y/n, if you forget, consider your self fired. I don’t have the time to work both of our jobs. You’ll accompany me to meetings, you are to write down every detail that is spoken about. I never do business on the day, i go home and reflect, which is why you better have every last detail on that paper. It’s also your job to go through my emails, but nothing to do with business deals, that’s none of your concern. My business deals are in my own email, so don’t worry. The email i’m going to give you is for promotional deals, sponsorships and the likes, deal with them accordingly. Don’t fuck it up y/n, it’s simple work. If i had two of me, i would do it myself but unfortunately, that’s not the case and well, here you are. Oh and lastly, if i want coffee, that’s on you”
He’s changed. He’s changed so much. He’s not the Jaehyun you knew. Not your Jaehyun. Well, the Jaehyun you knew was never really your Jaehyun. He made sure of that. Maybe this is still old Jaehyun, and he was just nice to you so he could get his dick wet. Maybe. 
“Do i make myself clear, y/n?”
“Yes sir” 
“Great, you’re only in for an induction today really so just set up your desk and go i guess” Jaehyun says monotonously, his eyes back in work mode as they stare at the large computer screen in front of him. 
“Oh, okay sir” you reply, taking your stationary out of your bag and displaying it neatly on your desk. 
“See you tomorrow” Jaehyun says, eyes failing to lift from the screen that illuminates his face. “My coffee better not be on my desk a minute after 8am, i’m very punctual, so 8:01 won’t do”
“Yes sir” you reply, trying your best to keep your calm, “see you tomorrow” and with that, you leave the man to his work in the office, releasing a sigh you didn’t know you were holding in the second you exit the room.  
When the next morning arrives, you do everything you can to make sure you don’t piss off Jaehyun. You arrive fifteen minutes early to set up your computer and get his coffee, but of course, by the time you reach the coffee machine, there’s a line. 
You check your watch as you quickly walk towards the office, coffee in hand, and just as you reach the door you see the time switch to 8:01. Of course. You open the door, in hopes that you will have beaten Jaehyun to the office but you didn’t. He is sat at his desk, looking through stacks of paper work, wearing a serious expression. 
“Late on your first day? We really aren’t getting off to a good start now, are we dear?” Jaehyun questions, the same serious expression displayed on his face as he looks over the frame of his low hung glasses at you. 
“I’m sorry sir” you reply, before walking towards his desk to place his coffee. 
“Let it be the only slip up” Jaehyun grumbles, his focus now back on the documents in front of him. He was never much of a morning person, but from what you saw yesterday, you aren’t sure if he’s much of an evening person now either.
“What’s todays schedule?” Jaehyun questions a few minutes later, taking a small sip of his coffee, and humming in satisfaction. 
“It says here you just have a call with Mr Wang at 9am sir” you reply, as you read the schedule, insuring you weren’t missing anything. 
Jaehyun leaves out an unsatisfied scoff at that, “Fine, it’ll be on speaker, write the details. He’s very persuasive so i will need a lot of reflection before signing anything with him, make sure you write down everything”. 
So you did. You felt as if your hand was going to fall off due to how quickly Mr Wang spoke, but you got everything written down. You typed it all out in a neat format so Jaehyun would understand it perfectly. 
Jaehyun was on his third cup of coffee since sitting down to reflect on the business deal that Mr Wang had offered him, and the man looked stressed. Heavy sighs left his lips over and over again as he weighed out his options, desperately trying to make a decision. He looks so attractive when he’s worked up. He always has. Any time he was stressed during university, he would call you over and just fuck it out of his system. He’d never do that now though. Not anymore. 
“More coffee?” you question hesitantly, looking at the empty cup sitting on his desk, as Jaehyun sits with his head in his hands. 
“No” Jaehyun simply replies. “There’s a bottle of whiskey over in the cabinet, bring it over with a cup”. 
It would be nice to hear a please from Jaehyun, but right now, you know he’s up to his eyes with stress. 
“Here you go sir” you announce, leaving the glass and bottle in front of him. 
“Are you done your tasks?” Jaehyun questions, pouring himself a glass of the alcohol. 
“Yes sir” you reply. 
“Go home then” Jaehyun responds, chugging the drink down his throat in one gulp. 
“Thank you sir” you reply, to which Jaehyun just nods. The atmosphere between you two is unexplainable. Weird. 
Day two of working with Jaehyun is no better. He’s narky. Worse than yesterday.
“Coffee” Jaehyun demands, as he’s busy writing on the documents in front of him.
You bring him his coffee, leaving it in front of him and go back to your work.
“The coffee isn’t nice” Jaehyun announces, shoving the drink further away from him.
“Would you like me to make you a ne-”
“No, you’ve put me off the whole idea of it now” Jaehyun huffs, eyes flicking between the documents and his computer screen.
“Sorry” you sigh, before returning to your desk. 
“Sorry what?”
“Sorry sir” 
“That’s what i thought”
The nice lady who greeted you on the first day was right. He is a lot. You never thought he would grow into such an arrogant person, but here he is. 
“Sir, you have a call with Mr Huang in ten minutes” you announce as you look at the schedule in front of you. 
Jaehyun nearly chokes when you say it. “Ten minutes? You have one fucking job and you decide to tell me ten minutes in advanced? You’re fucking useless” Jaehyun shouts, very pissed off at this point, before storming out of the office. 
Ouch. Jaehyun never, ever raised his voice at you before. Never. Jaehyun would always be so calm, so collected. He never once called you anything degrading, outside of the bedroom that is. After sex, he would even go as far as assuring you know that you are none of the derogatory names he called you, always praising you. This hurts, a lot. 
A few moments later, Jaehyun enters the room again, arms full of files and a freshly made cup of coffee, one he made himself after your previous attempt. His face still carries anger. 
“Do you want me to help you carry th-”
“No, your help isn’t necessary. Just note down the meeting details” Jaehyun cuts you off bluntly, before beginning the call.
A week into the job, and it’s been one hell of a week. No matter what you do, Jaehyun seems to be angry at you. No matter how hard you try, it’s not enough for him. Slightly feeling like deja vu. 
“Mr Jung?” you question sheepishly, standing in front of his desk. 
“I prefer sir, but what?” Jaehyun responds, still focusing on his work. 
“I know you don’t like me and that’s okay, but, is this personal? or is it that you just don’t like the way i work?”
Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow, dropping his pen, folding his arms over his chest and staring at you intensely. “So you’re getting bold?” 
“I’m your boss, and you’re speaking out to me”
“It’s not like th-” 
“Then what’s it like? Hm?” 
You stay silent, regretting ever opening your mouth. 
“To me, y/n, it seems one of us is being extremely unprofessional, and that someone is certainly not me” Jaehyun starts. “I hate unprofessionalism, it’s something i will never be. You don’t get to come up to me all soppy because i think you’re not doing a good job. I didn’t ask you to do a shit job, nor do i pay you to do a shit job. So change. I don’t want this unprofessional shit from you again, do i make myself clear?” 
“Y-yes sir” you stutter, “i’m s-sorry” 
“Mhmm” Jaehyun responds. Jaehyun returns to his work, accidentally pushing one of the documents he was working on off the side of the desk, pages going everywhere. 
“For fuck sa-”
“It’s okay sir, i’ll pick them up” you reply, bending down to gather the documents before Jaehyun could get up. 
Jaehyun can’t help it. He can’t help but to look at your ass in that skirt he finds oh so sexy as you are bent down beside his desk. Lewd thoughts begin to fill Jaehyun’s mind, thinking back to old times with the two of you. His mind also strays to thinking of how good it would feel, fucking you at his office desk. But Jaehyun is a professional man after all, as he claims. 
Jaehyun awkwardly clears his throat and returns his gaze to the work in front of him, right before you stand up and hand him the documents. “Here you go sir” you smile softly, allowing the documents to sit carefully on the desk, completely oblivious to Jaehyun’s antics only moments ago. 
“You can go no” Jaehyun announces, rubbing his temples, you assume to relive some stress. “Tomorrow, i have a lot of work to get through. I’ll be working extra hours, and so will you. Probably working until midnight or after”
“Oh” you reply. That’s a lot of overtime. You are always so drained by the end of a 8-6 hour day with Jaehyun, you can’t even imagine how you’ll feel by the end of tomorrow. 
“You’ll get payed accordingly, don’t worry. Just clock in and clock out and you’ll get payed for the hours you work, and receive double pay for the hours you work after 8pm” Jaehyun looks up at you, waiting for you to approve. 
“Okay sir” 
“Good. Well, see you tomorrow then, you can go”
The second you leave the office, a deflated sigh leaves your lips. As if the embarrassing discussion you had to have with Jaehyun wasn’t enough, now you have to deal with him for hours extra tomorrow. At least you’ll get good money for it. 
What you aren’t aware of as you exit the building, is the state you left Jaehyun in. As soon as you leave the office, Jaehyun locks the door, ensuring he has no surprise visitors. When Jaehyun returns to his desk, he unbuckles his belt, ridding himself of his slacks and boxers and sitting in his seat, bare legs against the cold leather. 
Jaehyun throws his head back the second his hand meets his hard length, finally getting some well needed release. A small, airy moan escapes Jaehyun’s lips as he runs his thumb over his angry tip, collecting up his pre cum before he starts lazily pumping his length. 
Jaehyun releases heavy breaths, with one imagine in his mind as he pumps his dick faster, his grip tightening. “Mmh fuck” he groans, the images in his mind making him harder and harder by the second, as his pace just quickens. Jaehyun is quick to unbutton his dress shirt with his free hand, knowing where this is going. 
“Fuck y/n” he moans deeply, getting completely lost in his pleasure, images of you and him performing far from professional ministrations cloud his mind. 
“Mmh wanna fuck you so good” he groans, as he feels his dick twitch in his hand. “Fuck” he breaths out, squeezing tighter, teasing his tip again. 
Loud moans and groans fall from Jaehyun’s lips as he reaches his high, his load covering his toned abs. “Fuck” he breathlessly sighs, running a hand through his hair. 
Jaehyun is very glad he soundproofed his office now. Moaning your assistants name certainly isn’t professional, and Jaehyun has a reputation to uphold, even within the four walls of his own company. 
The next morning, you are determined for this day to go well. It’s too long of a shift for Jaehyun to be in a pissy mood. 
Today, you reach the office before Jaehyun, coffee in hand. You leave the coffee on Jaehyun’s desk, before heading to your own and setting yourself up for the day. 
Jaehyun is surprised to say the least that you were for once, in the office before him, coffee waiting for him. Maybe his talk with you finally knocked some punctuality into you. 
Jaehyun didn’t say anything to you, but what you’ve come to learn with Jaehyun is that silence is better than words. When he’s silent, he has no complaints, or at least none prominent enough for him to voice. When he speaks on the other hand, he is complaining, the vast majority of the time. 
Before you realise it, it’s already 9pm, three hours past your usual finish time. “Take a break” Jaehyun says, before standing up from his desk and walking to the couch on the other side of the large office, taking a seat and admiring the night time view of the city. He always found it relaxing, just watching the world go by, even if it is full of hustle and bustle. 
Jaehyun looks over at you, as you just silently sit at your desk scrolling through your phone. He returns his gaze to the window before speaking up. “You can come here”.
You whip your head around to face him, kind of shocked at his words. “Oh, uh, it’s fine, don’t worry i wi-”
“Y/n” Jaehyun says, turning his gaze to meet yours. “Come sit here”. 
You take a deep breath, although a shaky one, before standing up and making your way over to the couch, sitting on the opposite side to Jaehyun. Not daring to look at him, you also look out at the beautiful view, a small smile creeping onto your lips at the sight of the city. 
“Nice view, isn’t it?” Jaehyun questions, throwing you back. He hasn’t tried to speak to you at all unless necessary since you got here. 
“Yeah it’s really nice. You’re lucky you got such a beautiful building” you reply nervously, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Jaehyun. 
“I am” he replies, “one of my dads associates happened to be selling it when i was buying and gave me a good deal on it”  
“I see” you reply awkwardly. What is even happening?
“Mmh. I’m very proud of this place. Very proud of my company” 
“You should be. It’s a beautiful building and the company is so successful. You built it by your self from the ground up, that’s something to be proud of sir” you reply, eyes now staring at Jaehyun’s side profile. 
“I’m very proud. This company means the world to me” Jaehyun replies, your eyes still glued to his side profile. 
“Are you just going to stare?” Jaehyun questions, with a raised eye brow, causing you to panic and blush, breaking your gaze on him immediately. 
“No sir, sorry i wasn’t s-staring i was jus-”
“Just what?” Jaehyun questions, amused at how easily flustered you are. Still are. 
“There was just something, on your face” you lie, trying to play it off. 
“Then come get it”
“Come get it off my face then” Jaehyun states as he stands up from his seat, waiting for you to do the same. 
You stand up, looking Jaehyun in the eyes, as he nods, signalling he meant what he said. Obviously, there isn’t anything on Jaehyun’s face but you’ve gotten yourself into this situation. You take a step forward to be directly in front of Jaehyun, your eye contact not once breaking. Your eyes move to Jaehyun’s cheek, where you decide to pretend to wipe. Grabbing onto Jaehyun’s forearm with one hand, you wipe his cheek with the other. 
“There” you whisper. Your bodies are dangerously close. Jaehyun has still not taken his strong gaze off of your face, causing the air between you to be heavy. Your eyes meet his again and you feel so small, so vulnerable, your stomach full of butterflies. 
“Back to work” Jaehyun announces, stepping past you and walking back to his desk, a smug smirk on his lips, leaving you in shock behind him. 
A couple of more hours pass by, and before you know it, it’s 12:30 am. Jaehyun sighs, taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can call your boyfriend or whoever to collect you if you don’t drive here yourself”. 
“Oh, i don’t have a boyfriend sir” you reply, internally slapping yourself for so unnecessarily announcing that. “I’ll be walking home sir”. 
Jaehyun looks up at you, his eyebrows knitted. “Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t walk home by yourself in the dark at nearly 1 am. I’ll drop you home” 
“No sir honestl-”
“I said i’ll drop you home” Jaehyun replies sternly. “No if’s or but’s”  
The drive home was short as you don’t live far, but none the less, it was awkward. Neither of you speaking, the only noise being the radio quietly playing, and the sound of the cars engine. 
“Thank you for the lift home sir” you smile gently, as you step out of the sleek, black, expensive sports car. 
“It’s no problem” Jaehyun replied, and you could have sworn you saw his lips turn up at the edges slightly. “I’ll see you Monday” and with that, he drove off into the night.  
The next week to come was surprisingly bearable. It’s Friday, and you’ve gotten through the week without any big issues with Jaehyun, no big arguments, no leaving work feeling like busting into tears. 
Just like last Friday, Jaehyun has asked you to stay behind with him for a few hours, to finish up everything before the weekend.
“Let’s take a break” Jaehyun announces as he stands up, stretching before moving over to the couch like last week. You assume just like last week, you have permission to sit on the couch with him, and so you do. 
“Did i say you could sit on the couch with me?” Jaehyun questions. 
“Oh sorry sir i-”
“I’m kidding, chill” he chuckles softly, something you certainly haven’t seen in four years. Something you missed so dearly. 
Jaehyun drapes his arm over the back of the couch, stretching it passed your shoulders. You turn your head away, nervous that he’ll see how red you are. 
“It’s nice to see you still blush over the smallest of things” Jaehyun teases, eyes on the view ahead of him, and to him, the view isn’t the city. 
“Do not” you pout, turning to look at him to see him already staring at you. 
“Cute” he simply says, tapping your pouted bottom lip with his finger. “But you were always cute” he continues, eyes locked on yours. 
He places his hand on your cheek, caressing it gently. “You were always cute, but i always found you so sexy, even now, you look so sexy for me every day. Make it so hard for me to concentrate baby. Always wearing those fucking skirts and dresses that drive me crazy. Then if that wasn’t enough, bending over in them right in my face baby. So naughty of you, distracting your boss like that”. 
Jaehyun’s eyes are dark, bold, looking at your shocked eyes. Were you hearing him correctly?
“Sir i-”
“Shh baby, no talking. Bosses orders” Jaehyun winked before kissing under your ear, sucking on it lightly. He remembers you love getting kissed here. His mouth moves lower on your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses in his trail, as he sucks harsh marks all over your neck. 
“S-sir, we shouldn’t be doing this” you whisper breathily, although your words contradict your actions as you grab Jaehyun’s toned thigh. He’s bulked up more since university. 
“Who’s the boss here baby?” Jaehyun asks against your neck.
“You sir”
“Mhmm, so listen to me like a good girl. I’m saying it’s okay, as long as you wan-”
“Oh course i want to” you cut him off, your voice a whisper. 
“Mmh, so needy for me, are you gonna be a needy slut for me?” Jaehyun questions, eyes now back on yours. 
You nod, feeling so small under Jaehyun’s burning eyes. That’s not enough for Jaehyun though. 
“Words princess” he says sternly, placing his pointer finger under your chin, ensuring all your attention is on him. 
“Yes sir” you whisper. 
That’s all Jaehyun needed to hear, as he pulls you in by the back of your neck, connecting your lips for the first time in four years. A small gasp escapes your lips the second he pulls you in, Jaehyun using that opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. He never changed, always impatient when you were kissing, adding tongue as soon as he possibly could. 
You move yourself to straddle Jaehyun’s lap, your lips never leaving each others, kissing each other with such hunger. “Mmh, you want me that bad huh?”
“Yes sir, so bad” you mumble against his lips. Jaehyun groans, lifting your skirt up to your waist to reveal your bare ass, a stringy thong the only thing covering it. 
“So sexy for me. Just me right?”
“Yes sir, only you, no one else” you breathe out. “Sir, can i please ride your thigh?” you ask shyly. 
Jaehyun places a chaste kiss on your lips, “how could i say no when you ask me so nicely doll?”
Jaehyun helps you to pull off your thong, leaving your lower half completely bare, before he places his hand on your waist helping you align your dripping heat with his thigh.
A soft moan escapes your lips the second your heat touches his thigh, before you even begin moving.
“Mmh i missed your pretty noises” Jaehyun whispers in your year, nibbling softly, his voice sensual, driving you crazy.
You place your hands on Jaehyun’s broad shoulders for support, before you slowly begin rocking yours hips against him, heavy breaths and whimpers escaping your lips.
Jaehyun can feel your wetness already through his slacks, proud of how wet you already are for him. “Good girl” he mutters against your neck, dragging at your shirt to have more space to suck on.
As you pick up your pace, you can’t help but throw your head back in pleasure, as Jaehyun flexed his thigh muscles underneath you. “Mmh sir, feels so good” you moan, as Jaehyun now unbottons your shirt, moving his mouth further and further down your chest, littering your skin in hickeys. Marking you as his.
You’re so lost in your pleasure, so close to coming undone that your pace slows down, not being able to push through the feeling of the knot forming in your stomach.
Jaehyun notices, grabbing your hips and pushing them back and forth quickly against his thigh, resulting in loud moans and swear words to spill out from your lips.
“F-fuck sir, i’m gonna cum fuck, feels so good, i need to cum sir, please let me cum for you”
Jaehyun moves his thumb to your sensitive clit, rubbing clockwise circles around it at a rapid pace, “cum for me baby girl, show me how much of a good slut you are for me”
He didn’t have to tell you twice, as you come undone on Jaehyun’s thigh, completely soaking his slacks. Jaehyun deciding to tease, continues to stimulate your clit after you came down from your high.
“F-fuck fuck fuck stop, sir i already came stop” you moan at the overstimulation. You forgot how much he loves it.
Jaehyun finally pulls away his hand, bringing his fingers to your lips and immediately shoving them in your mouth, allowing you to suck on them.
“You taste so good baby hmm?” Jaehyun states, more so than questions, as you nod your head in agreement. “Such a good little slut for me angel. I missed you so so much, did you miss me?” Jaehyun questions, as he unclasps your bra, throwing it on the floor before latching his mouth around and running his flat tongue over your hard, sensitive nipple, squeezing the other one between his fingers. 
“Mmh fuck sir, yes i missed you so so much” you moan, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling on it, causing Jaehyun to release a small moan against your nipple, the vibrations causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. 
“Sir” you moan, “this is so, wrong, so unprofessional”
“Fuck being professional” Jaehyun groans, lips still on your nipple.
Jaehyun moves back up to your lips, kissing them softly before whispering darkly, “I can’t wait to fill you up so good. Gonna make sure you can’t walk tomorrow doll”
“Sir please, fill me up, fuck me hard, i need you so badly” you whisper, need present in your voice. 
“So pretty and needy” Jaehyun coos, tucking a stand of hair behind your ear. “I can’t wait to hear you screaming for me”
With that Jaehyun practically rips his shirt off, pulling his slacks and boxers down almost as fast. You’re taken by surprise when Jaehyun grabs you in his arms, carrying your body back to his desk. Once he reaches the desk, you’re more surprised when he pushes everything off of his desk and onto the floor, placing you down on the desk. “Wanna make you feel so good baby girl” Jaehyun mutters against your neck, as he pumps himself in his hand.
“You always do” you whisper, pulling on his hair gently.
With no warning, Jaehyun aligns himself with you, snapping his hips inside of you, a scream leaving the back of your throat at his sudden action.
“Mmh fuck sir i forgot how big you are, how well you fill me up” you moan, pulling Jaehyun almost impossibly closer to you.
Jaehyun’s pace is ruthless, slamming his hips into you, filling the room with sounds of skin on skin and loud moans from the both of you. “So tight for me doll”
Jaehyun decides to change position, moving you from your seated position on his desk to having you bent over it, ass on perfect display for him. “So fucking sexy” he grunts, before pounding into you from behind, hitting your g spot with every strong thrust.
“F-fuck sir, feels so fucking good” you moan loudly, grabbing onto the desk for support as Jaehyun pounds into you mercilessly.
“You look so fucking good like this, bent over and needy for me. You need my cock so bad don’t you?” Jaehyun moans, his head throw back in pleasure, always finding great motivation in praise from you.
“Yes sir, fuck i need your cock so badly. No one fucks me like you do, you fill me up so good” you moan, knowing it’s driving him crazy.
“Fuck” Jaehyun moans out breathily, feeling his dick twitching inside of you. He knows he’s close.
Jaehyun grabs you by the ponytail, pulling you up so your back is against his, his pace not faltering for a second. Jaehyun’s hands immediately find their way to where they know you need them, one hand pinching your left nipple harshly, while the other hand is rubbing quick circles on your clit, your eyes rolling back in your head in pleasure.
“F-fuck sir i’m gonna c-cum fuck” you moan, grabbing onto Jaehyun’s forearm, looking for any sort of support.
Jaehyun groans in your ear, “mmh cum for me pretty girl” and that’s all it took for you to come undone. Both you and Jaehyun fill the room with moans, as you release your loads together, fucking each other through your highs. You feel weak as you grab onto Jaehyun with all you can. You always enjoyed sex with Jaehyun, but this, this was nothing you’ve ever experienced before.
Jaehyun places a soft kiss on your forehead, “let’s lay down, mhm?” Jaehyun questions, to which you nod in response, not recovered enough to give him a proper answer.
Jaehyun carried you in his arms back to the couch, before laying you both down, cuddling you in his arms. “You did so good for me my angel” Jaehyun whispers sweet words of praise as he runs a hand through your hair.
“I missed you a lot sir” you reply, looking at him with a soft smile. You really did miss him, but you can’t help but be thankful for how things worked out all those years ago. Everything happens for a reason, and who would have know what would have happened if that day didn’t go how it did. You may have never gotten to meet Jaehyun as a fully grown and matured adult.
“Don’t be silly my baby, you know it’s Jaehyun” he replies, a loving smile on his lips.
“I know your name is Jaehyun obviously but you wanted me to call you sir” you pout.
“I did, because it’s professional. But, i will let you in on a little secret. I have every one else call me Mr Jung” Jaehyun chuckles softly, placing a kiss to your nose as you scrunch it up.
“Why do you make me call- oh” you blush, realising why he makes you and no one else call him sir.
“You know i always liked it when you called me that” he teases, poking at your side, causing you to roll your eyes.
There’s silence for a few minutes before Jaehyun finally speaks up, “hey y/n?”
“Mhm?” you reply, drawing little love hearts on Jaehyun’s chest. 
“Did you mean it when you said i have an average sized dick?” 
“The last time we fucked, and you were angry at me, you told me my dick was average sized”
“You fucking dork” you giggle slapping his chest lightly, “how did you even remember that?”
“It bruised my ego” Jaehyun replies jokingly.
“Well tell your dick’s bruised ego that it’s much bigger than average” you giggle against his chest
“Will do” Jaehyun replies, a small chuckle leaving his lips. 
This time, it’s you that breaks the silence that washes over you “I really did miss you” you pout against his chest. “I like this. A lot”
“Yeah?” Jaehyun questions.
“Yeah” you reply. “I like having sex with you, i like cuddling with you, i like joking with you, i like talking with you”
“Well then, i guess i’m gonna have to correct my past mistakes and act on it, hmm?”
You look up at Jaehyun, seeing his genuine eyes. “You want to act on it?” you ask, looking at Jaehyun with doe eyes.
“There’s nothing i want more than for us to work out. The day you started hating me, i hated myself. I never forgave myself for losing you, before i could even call you mine. I’m not going to let that happen again. Life brought us back together, and this time, i’m not letting you go”
4 years later
“Ah Mr and Ms Jung, welcome back from the honeymoon” you receptionist happily exclaims, as you and Jaehyun walk hand and hand into the company building. 
“Thank you very much” Jaehyun smiles appreciatively. 
“Was it a nice break?” 
“It was beautiful” you reply “it was so nice to get away for a week, leave work behind. But we’re back and have our company to run” you giggle. 
“Mhmm, all three of us” Jaehyun smiles, wrapping his arms around you from behind and placing them on your stomach, where the tiniest bump has made itself present. 
Your receptionist gasp, eyes glowing with excitement, “You don’t mean you’re expecting, do you?”
“We are! Baby Jung will be making an appearance in a few months” you smile, placing your hands atop of Jaehyun’s, your fingers playing with his wedding ring. 
A lot has changed in the last four years. After this crazy world dragged you back together, you and Jaehyun worked perfectly. Dating not only the love of your life, but also your best friend was the easiest thing to do. Within only a few months of dating, you moved into Jaehyun’s apartment with him, which a meek year and a half later turned into you both buying a house together. 
With the company expanding rapidly, and Jaehyun deciding he wants you to be his forever, Jaehyun gave you half the company. He knew he couldn’t handle it all on his own anymore, and he knew that you both balanced each other out, one of you always bringing something to the table that the other didn’t, making you perfect to be ceo’s together. 
As soon as he signed over your half of the company to you, he was quick in proposing to you, wanting to make you each others officially for the rest of your lives. Three weeks before the wedding you were both blessed with finding out that baby Jung was going to be with you in nine months time, the news putting you both on cloud nine. 
The wedding was a beautiful, expensive and elegant day. Very you and Jaehyun. You celebrated the day with close friends, family and work associates, and you could never in a million years have dreamed of how magical the day was. Now, here you are sat where you and Jaehyun’s second chapter began, on the couch in the office, looking out at the beautiful view of the city. 
“Good to be back?” Jaehyun questions, as you lay your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around you. 
“Very good” you reply squeezing his free hand. 
“Who would have thought this would be our life, huh?” Jaehyun states, a lazy smile on his face, mind replaying all the memories you’ve made together. 
“I know” you sigh contently, “who would have thought?” 
“I love you Ms Jung”
“I love you too Mr Jung” 
With that Jaehyun leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your lips, which ends up turning into a slightly more heated make out session. Jaehyun hums in satisfaction as he brings one hand to squeeze your covered boob, causing you to pull away. 
“My Jung” you dramatically gasp, “that’s not very professional of you”
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artzyleen · 2 years
My meet and greet experience with Joe ~
One week ago today 9th of July ,2022 I took this video while waiting for my turn to meet & greet him...I will never forget that shaking nervous feeling while me and my friend @lexie_lui slowly approaching his table, having on and off mini panic attacks while deciding who shall talk to him 1st ..
I constantly had to drink water every 5 min, my mouth was super dry from all the exitment ..4 people Infront of us..oh god ..no idea at this point what is reality, 3 ppl..I see him talking to the guys Infront of us , he is so close...all of a sudden I catch him doing that random sticking his tongue thing when he is concentrating , I turn to my friend hiding my face with the fan project book in order for him not to see my face,and I tell my friend that he just did the tongue thing 😝 ,she looks at me with shocked and exited face ...2 ppl left , me and my friend look each other ..
at this point we are both silently freaking out and agree that I go first...1 person left Infront of me..my heart is pounding, I can almost hear myself screaming ...for a split sec I tell his assistant to write my name for the autograph ... The last person is gone ..
..and now is my turn..I'm trying casually to slide right Infront of him, first thing goes out of my mouth is 'Hiii, how are you today ,how are you managing this crowd?' he goes smilling 'Hey ,so far so good ,how are you?'..and then my mouth starts speaking faster than me brain
... I took my time explaining what massive impact he has on us, it felt time was frozen for me and now was mu chance to tell him all of my emotions ..my mouth was so dry but I managed to say most of the exact words I was thinking of how much he inspires me as an artist, and that I'm super exited for his future projects and that we all follow him along the way
He was looking at me straight in the eyes and listening to every word I say, I kinda felt intimidating ,I'm usually shy talking to ppl I adore ,imagine what I felt while Joe was litterally listening to me so intensely ..I was swallowing my words a bit fast and had brain dead for couple of seconds , I was afraid he will get annoyed but no, it was fine, I felt that he kinda knew how nervous I was , all of a sudden he took my right hand and still looking at me said 'Thank you so much for your words, means a lot! '
I could feel his gratitude ,he was really touched! I said, 'It's all from my heart"
While he was signing the picture I picked up for the autograph he asked me where I travelled from, I said I came from Bristol, and he was like, OH cool! Then I had to show and explain him my small gift from my country Bulgaria, lol, he was actually touching it and check it out (was a magnet and small rose oil)
Then I showed him my drawing and he went 'Oh my God' and he did this crazy funny face expression like he was amazed, it was funny ha! Then finally I showed him the fan project book we all worked on ,(and he stood up from his chair ) I opened couple of the pages to show him what exactly this is ,all the fan appreciation of everything he does, I told him to read the messages whenever he has time for,he was really amazed and just said 'Wow'
Then he straight hugged me for about 4/5 seconds which I felt long enough ,not sure if he said anything but I remember him smelling like fresh clothes and then I just told him in his ear 'Thank you so much for everything '
I said I will remember this for the rest of my life, he said he hopes to see me again of there is another com, and I said I have 2 more photoshoots with him, ha, not sure if he heard that, then he said, "Really nice to meet you, see you soon "
After the meet and greet ,me and my friend went for the photoshoots ,we split cause I had to go first to the Upside down shoot and she went to take something to drink..on the Upside down shoot before my turn I quickly gave my bag pack and glasses to the assistant to hold, I went smilling saying 'Hiiii, he smiles back and goes Heey,nice to see you again! 💕😭 (I'm 99.99% sure he actually remembered me after that 5 min spill of my emotions on the meet nad greet table) I hug him and he does the rock sign 🤘🏻 and we took the photo...for a second the photographer checks back the camera ...
..me and him stay at the same position frozen thinking the photo went bad and we need to take another one, (he keeps me close to him while waiting ) all of sudden the photographer goes "Yeah, go,that's it" I look at him and say "Thank you,see you again!" He smiles back waving 💕 (I think he did say 'See ya')
After a while...I went for the Diamond photo shoot, massive crowd ahead, I see him right Infront of us ,looked super tired but still managing the rest of the massive crowd...my turn, I go there I ask him, "Are you ok?", he goes smilling, "Yeah I'm fine, how are you? " I hug him do the 1st pose(he immediately went for it doing again the rock sign 🤘🏻 ) second photo I get stuck for a second , don't know what pose to do
I look at him and he looks back at me, places his hands on his head with his devilish grin and says 'Yeah, that one ' I smile back and we both do the shoot with devil horns pose, and then I go looking at him ' Thank you so much, enjoy your day' and I slightly touched his belly area (I'm not even joking) he just smiles back super tired 😭💕 . In the end I felt so bad for him, me an my friend went back to the extit, before leaving I glanced at him one last time while he was doing pics with the rest of the ppl.. I feel he will never do this again! We got really lucky to meet him on his first ever con ..he felt super overwhelmed ..
In the end both of my friends had to go , I had one last photoshoot with Aiden Turner ..one last time I went to check Joe and his second afternoon meet and greet..he was again at the autograph table greeting ppl and smilling ...
I that's was it..I went to my other photoshoot knowing that Joe is litterally metres away from me ,so weird.. One of those experiences of a lifetime..I hope to meet him again someday but most of all I wish and I hope he can cope with this ridiculous massive fame he got going on,I'm super excited for all of his future projects and I'm definitely going to follow his journey for a long time 💕 nicest ,sweetest soul I've ever met!
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happyselves · 3 years
Wine { Daniel Ricciardo x reader one shot }
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You were invited to a garden party, one of your neighbours was throwing one for the launch of his wine or something, you heard of it before receiving the invite in your mailbox. Weird cause you didn't really known anyone here since you just got here and that neighbour, he was never here but you know from his house that he was rich as fuck.
Anyways you weren't planning on going but free food convinced you, but what to wear now ... to a garden party ? At 7pm ... who does that ? He must be an arrogant prick. You were torn between a sexy dress or a chill outfit ... and you end up with a combination of both, a sexy top and a chill pants . You didn't forget your purse and took your keys, do you really want to drive there ? Well no you were living next door but you did make the walk barefoot cause you didn't want to have sore feet already.
You arrived at your destination and entered the huge house and gave your invitation to a security guy, he did look at you with questioning eyes cause first you still weren't wearing your shoes and secondly you weren't really the type of guest this reception was expecting. What the fuck were you doing here plus more you were actually looking more you didn't see any other neighbour that you recognize.( you didn't know them personal but you always greet them when you see them )
Your shoes back on you start to look around, pretty decoration, very aesthetic and very chic but simple, a bit like yours but you could see some helmets and paintings of cars ? Super cars like the one being driven on circuit ... Formula 1 it was called ... ohhh that would explain a lot about your neighbour ... he must be a F1 driver then. The curiosity was growing inside of you, you knew Lewis Hamilton from this sport, you mean ... knowing is a big word, you've heard his name and saw a picture of him from one of your friends somewhere. If all the drivers were as handsome as Hamilton then your neighbour was getting interesting. What was his name again dammit.
You found the food and took some, not too much to not sound like a bizarre person, you were already underdressed and you were alone, that does look suspect. Socializing wasn't really your forte but some of the guests came to talk to you, they were wearing chill outfits like yours, you felt relief in your heart, like a big weight lifting up, those you will stick to them all evening that was decided. They were his friend to that mysterious guy that you only remember the first letter D. So the friends of D were making you feel at home and asking you random stuff not pressuring you but making you feel so comfortable, so maybe D will not be a prick after all if his friends are this nice. One of his friends, Scott, directed you towards the true star of the party .... THE WINE !!
As soon as you tested it your taste buds went into paradise, the sweet texture, the raspberry taste that was prominent, you liked it right away and wanted to have more. During the whole evening you end up maybe drinking more than you should have and food wasn't making it better. You weren't drunk like a crazy drunk. You just felt more relaxed and laughed with D' friends until you excused yourself because you wanted some water and there was none in the living room. Scott points at you in the direction of the kitchen and tells him you will be back in a sec. His friends were so nice and it felt like you've always known them, they have the same vibe as you and you were already planning on seeing them again this week.
What was strange is that after all this time you still haven't seen the host of the evening, you thought he was speaking with everyone but you would have met by now, you were with his friend after all.
In your thought, the glass of wine in your hand you didn't see the tall person in front of you as you entered the kitchen and kinda crashed into him, the glass of wine ruining his cream pullover. Fuck ... you watch the red spot trying to clean it but you made it worse.
You : Oh I'm so sorry I was in my thoughts, my lord come down here.
You close your fist on his pull and bring him towards the sink without even looking at him or asking him if it was okay. The dude just follows you without complaining, you turn the water, get the closest thing you could get to help and clean it. You were so focused on the spot that you didn't notice he had put his hands on your arms, very warm hands and his chest was firm.
You : Nah take it off I won't be able to take the wine off on you.
Stranger : It's okay really
You hear his voice for the first time and what a voice, sweet like honey but deep as well, from what you could pick from it, he feels amused. You finally look up to see your interlocutor's face and you stay shocked at his, you couldn't react, you froze literally and your cheek went red ... he was handsome and you had way too many glasses of alcohol to behave like a normal being without being embarrassing. Trying your best to put some composure on you but of course he noticed it.
Stranger : We should introduce each other before you take off my clothes, don't you think ? He joked
You throw your name so quickly which made him giggle.
Stranger : Hi nice to meet I'm Daniel
He tried to shake your hand and that's where it hit you, Daniel !! Your neighbour Daniel, the host, the one with the wine !!! You were freaking out in your head but shook his hand
You : Oh I see, I was wondering where the host of the evening was, but I see hiding in the kitchen.
Dan : And I was wondering where the neighbour that my friend kept talking about was and invited me.
You were feeling the alcohol in you taking the place and you knew that the next phrase coming out of you will be out of character.
You : Well if I knew that you were this handsome and hiding here I would have come get water much sooner.
It was his turn to feel shy and scratch his hand, looking away from you he cleared his throat.
Dan : Well I know that's kinda impolite of me to not be with my guest but I've been on the phone all evening, it wasn't planned at all. I'm sorry, am I a bad neighbour ?
You : Don't apologize and you don't have to explain yourself, you are a busy man after all from what I saw. But not to sound too neat freak, your pull over might be ruined. I should be the one apologizing for that.
Dan : Oh it's okay it's not like it was my only clothes.
And with that he took it off, finally you whispered in your head, or by the face he just made you think it was in your head. Damnit ... again not in your head freaking wine
Dan : Ah I see you liked the wine ? I will give you some bottles then, free of charge in the house cause I'm a terrible host.
You both went silent, it wasn't awkward but he was curious about you and why you were looking at his chest like that ... he was wearing a white tee shirt underneath, not like he was naked.
For you it was the layered gold necklaces that threw you off, you loved men wearing jeweled jewelry especially because you had a thing for neck, large neck and god damn that an F1 driver had to have a large neck. You snapped out of it, almost feeling dizzy.
You : Wooo I'm sorry I zoned out ... I think it's the wine, I'm not a bad drinker but the raspberry touch in was my favorite.
You didn't notice you were getting closer to him, like night butterflies attracted to light, your hands were moving on their own, putting the wet tissue you had in one of your hands since you started cleaning his shirt, on the counter and bringing it to his necklaces playing with it. Daniel didn't move, he couldn't. It was like a flash of lightning was striking him down on his feet. He was looking at you helplessly, catching the counter with his hand to keep you both balanced cause he felt like his legs were about to give him up at this instant. That were he takes the time to admire you, how beautiful you were with that sunset lightning hitting you
from the window. His secondhand automatically pushed away the hair that was stopping him to look at your pretty face.
You : I don't know what's happening, you breath out
He heard you thought
Dan : I don't know either but it's not like I want to stop.
You lock eyes with each other and in a last movement you close your fingers against his necklaces, bringing him closer to you, collapsing your lips together, the taste of wine was intoxicating. He responds to your kiss instantly, slowly catching your lips and making you forget every kiss you had before him. You both were in sync, kissing slowly but deeply that it was sloppy. His hands were now on your hip, not letting you go and you were glad anyway cause you just couldn't have enough of this man. The romantic kiss turns to a more ferocious one, bringing teeth and tongue to the party. He was making you moan at every chance he gets cause it was already obsessed with the sound that was leaving your body. You were soon out of breath and had to make your lungs full of oxygens again so you were the first to break the kiss not without having him complaining with a groan.
Your eyes still close, you take a huge amount of air.
You : That was ...
You didn't had the time to finish
Dan : Unexpected
You both : but so good
You both opened your eyes at the same time, they were different from earlier, dark and full of lust for each other.
After a little while catching your breath you were both fighting the urge to kiss again but control yourself.
Dan : Well I'm so glad my friend invited you, they said I needed to know my neighbours, I thought they would invite everyone but I guess they only saw you.
You : Well I'm glad to have forced myself to come even if I didn't want to.
You both laughed and his hands joined yours on the counter, first caressing your skin before intertwining your fingers.
Dan : So do you think it would be impolite of me to just tell everyone to leave ?
That picked the curiosity in you
You : Perhaps yes, since you didn't even show up but I might have an idea.
Dan : I'm listening ...
You : You could simply eclipse yourself by the back door with a couple of wine bottles and I join you outside so we can go to my place and finish whatever is going on between us right now.
Dan : Ouuhhh I dig that plan a lot.
He quickly catch oyu lips before leaving them again
Dan : Meet you outside at 5 ?
You : Yes
You find your best lie to excuse yourself from Daniel's friends, telling them that the wine was getting into your head and that you needed to go home, it wasn't technically a lie though. Of course they ask you if you needed someone to come with you until you're home safe but you reassure them that it was only 200meters away and they let you go.
You felt like a teenager again, meeting Daniel outside of his own house, ruining as quick as you could to go back to your house and spend the most scandalous night you ever experienced with a man.
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Demon Shit [Part 2]
I’m making this a whole ass series, we’re gonna call this the demon shit au or whatever, feel free to send in asks about it and stuff, and get ready for more parts!
| NSFW - no actual secs scene in this one
When you woke, you felt like you’d been hit by a train. You struggled to move, shifting a little and groaning. A light chuckle came from slightly above you and you pried your eyes open to look into Dabi’s cyan ones.
“Sore?” he teased, running his fingers through your hair. You gave him a look and he clasped his hand dramatically over his chest, “not the kicked puppy look, doll,” he pulled you close and inspected the bite on your neck, stroking along the marred skin carefully with his thumb before letting his hand rest on your shoulder.
“That doesn’t hurt anymore, right?” He asked, giving it a little tap. You craned your neck, reaching up to feel it yourself and finding only ridges like an old scar and not the gaping wound that it should be. You looked up at him, intrigued by the look of concern on his face, and shook your head.
“Good,” the corner of his mouth twitched up and he leaned in, placing a chaste kiss to your lips. You trailed your fingers lightly along his bare chest, skin catching on the metal of his staples.
“Do these hurt?” You asked, meeting his eyes again. He gave you an expression you couldn’t read.
“Yeah, but not to the touch,” he paused, “They’re sort of like a punishment. I’m not as nice to everyone as I am to you, little sacrifice,” he teased, half-smiling and planting another soft kiss to your forehead. You felt you shouldn’t press the matter, settling back into bed and burying your face in his chest.
He hummed, stroking your hair for a minute before giving your back a pat and detaching you from himself, standing and opening the curtains. The lighting outside hadn’t changed at all in the hours you’d spent in the house. He stretched, and your eyes moved across the taught muscles in his back and arms.
When he turned to face you again he materialized the same outfit he’d had on yesterday. He helped you stand, shaking a bit and clutching the soft, white bed sheet around your body. He sighed,
“Shit. Shouldn’t have ripped your dress,” he muttered, looking down at your little sheet-clad form.
“Can’t you make clothes?” You asked, giving the sleeve of his jacket a little tug. He shook his head,
“Nope. I can only do that to myself. Technically speaking they’re not real. And I can only do a couple things,” his hand curled under his chin, one finger tapping against his jaw. “It’s fine,” he said, ruffling your hair, “You just stay here for a bit and I’ll be right back, okay? Take another nap or bath or something.”
You shook your head, grasping his sleeve again tightly, “Don’t leave me here by myself,” you felt a lump form in your throat at the thought. This place wasn’t even real if your assumption of what a “pocket dimension” was was correct.
“It’s safe, sweetness,” he cooed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You shook your head, tears welling in your eyes as you pleaded with him with your expression. He tutted at you, giving your forehead a light flick.
“Less than an hour. Promise,” two fingers tilted your chin up as he leaned down, swiping his forked tongue along your lip and flicking it into your mouth when you opened for him, followed by his lips meeting yours. He groaned softly against you before pulling away, wiping away the strands of saliva that followed.
“Be right back,” he trailed his thumb down your cheek, planting one more brief kiss to your temple, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. You followed, opening the door to find him gone.
With a little shiver, you pulled the sheet up around you tighter, bunching up the material so it wouldn’t drag behind as you explored the house. You went down the stairs, wincing as several places on your abused body flared in pain, and padded through a little sitting room. The whole house was like a doll’s house, and everything downstairs seemed to be fake. The sinks didn’t work and the fridge didn’t open, and you quickly grew bored, deciding to take Dabi’s advice and have another bath.
Entering the room he’d ...had you in, you took in the sight of the disgusting bed.  The blankets were bunched in various places, shredded in others, and the whole thing had pools and specks of blood, sweat, and cum on it. Your sacrificial dress was in shreds in the corner. You awkwardly turned away, into the attached bathroom.
You dropped the sheet in front of the mirror as you gasped at your reflection. Your hair was a mess, and your body was covered in bruises and scratches, mostly hand-shaped or matching the spacing of his staples. You hadn’t even noticed them scraping along your skin, but they definitely had. The bite he’d left looked like an old scar. You noticed your lips were a little swollen, too, and not just the ones on your face.
Starting the bath, you tried to comb through your hair with your fingers and splashed a little cold water from the sink on your face. You sat on the edge of the tub, blankly staring into space. Was this a dream? You knew the witch meant business, she’d told you if you fucked up her ritual she’d kill you and she definitely meant it. You laughed in spite of yourself at the thought. You’d fucked up the ritual and then fucked her demon.
Lowering yourself into the hot water you sighed, stretching and letting it soothe your sore muscles. You wondered what it meant to be a sacrifice. What did he mean when he said he was going to “keep you”? There was too much to try to sift through, so you pushed it all to the back of your mind and decided it didn’t matter. He clearly didn’t have any intentions of killing you or he’d have done it. And at least some part of him seemed to care about you. Your face burned whenever you tried to place your own feelings, though.
What you thought was roughly half an hour later you heard movement in the house. Feeling shy you grabbed the sheet off the floor and pulled it over the top of the tub, covering most of the rim. The footsteps stopped outside the door and Dabi knocked, opening the door without waiting for a response.
“Got you something to wear, little sacrifice,” he held up a bag from a store you’d never heard of, setting it aside and crouching beside you, “What’s this for?” He trailed his finger under the sheet, raising a brow at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and sank further into the water. He chuckled, grabbing the sheet as he stood and holding it out for you to use as a towel, keeping his eyes on yours.
You begrudgingly stood, cold air making goosebumps raise on your skin. Dabi wrapped the sheet around you and helped you out of the tub, rubbing the fabric over you to dry you off.
“So shy,” he taunted, running a thumb along your cheek affectionately. “I know I fucked you stupid earlier but you remember me seeing you naked, right?” He crouched, bunching the sheet up and drying your legs. Eye level with your hips, he reached and gently dragged a finger along your puffy, still sore folds, making you whimper.
“Poor little thing,” he withdrew his hand, placing a brief kiss to your pussy that made your breath hitch before reaching for the bag and rustling through it and producing a white dress, similar to the one he’d ripped off you, “We’re doing another ritual. The dress isn’t necessary but it’s traditional and you looked so cute in the first one.”
You stepped in, using his shoulder for support, and he pulled the soft material up your body until it was settled in place. It was very similar to the first one, but made out of sturdier material. You shifted a little, squeezing your thighs together uncomfortably.
“Um, Dabi?” Your brows knitted together as you looked up at him. He hummed in response, shifting through a different shopping bag, “Could I have some other stuff to wear with this? Like under it? And shoes…?” You trailed off, trying not to sound ungrateful for what he’d already given you. He gave you a wink,
“I’ve got ya, doll,” he lifted your feet one at a time, guiding them through the lace panties, pulling them up around your hips and giving the waistband a little snap. You stepped into the stockings he held up next, his hands gliding up your legs as he fixed them for you, planting a soft kiss on each knee as he finished.
“Why are you dressing me and stuff?” The question came out quiet and nervous as he pulled the dress down to affix a bralette around your chest.
“I take good care of my things,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head as he fixed your sleeves back into place. He reached into one of the bags and pulled out a long black coat, draping it around your shoulders. Pulling out a pair of boots and helping you step in, he tied the laces for you as you spoke,
“What are you going to do with me? After we summon your friend?” You fidgeted with the hem of your dress, not looking directly at him as he stood, adjusting the coat on your shoulders.
“Sacrifices usually live in pocket dimensions like this one. Sometimes their demons will let them stay in what you’d call the real world, but they can’t visit as often like that so it’s not as popular,” he explained, tilting your chin up to look at him, “I’m going to keep you in a bigger pocket  and you’re going to live there. I’m also gonna use you to summon my friends and they’ll be able to visit you. You don’t have to do anything, just keep a couple demons happy for a few thousand years.”
Your eyes widened and his hand wrapped around your shoulders to stabilize you.
“Thousand?” You gasped, gripping his wrist and gaping up at him. He laughed, flicking your forehead as he’d done earlier,
“Yeah. Thousand. You’ll live as long as I do so probably another six thousand or so,” he pressed his lips to the spot he’d flicked, clearly amused at your shock, “So,” he continued nonchalantly, “Time to go.” His fingers threaded through yours as he pulled you out of the bathroom and down the stairs.
Once you stepped through the front door with him the pocket dimension was gone and you’d stepped into a busy street, struggling to keep up with Dabi’s fast pace as he dragged you behind him. You tugged on his hand to try to get him to slow down, but he just tugged back, making you stumble a little. Pulling you off to the side he lifted you onto his back, continuing down the street quickly, weaving through the crowds of people easily.
“What’s your friend’s name?” You asked, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Tomura,” he paused for a second, “he’s… not as used to people as I am. Women especially. Just, uh, be aware of that,” he finished, still sounding unsure of his words. You tensed a little and he rubbed his thumbs gently along your thighs as he supported them.
The streets became less crowded as he carried you, eventually setting you down and holding your hand as you maneuvered through desolate alleys. You came to what looked like the back door to a business and Dabi entered, pulling you in behind him before slamming the door shut and leaving you both in darkness.
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gummy-friend · 3 years
An AU where Wilbur and Techno are borrowers in Phil and Tommy's house
Masterlist • Next chapter
Chapter 7
Cw: language
Wilbur ran
The tile has gone loose, and it revealed one of him and Techno's smaller storage rooms along with him to the human.
Wilbur ran. He ran as fast as he can, heading towards the path to their smaller corridors, because Wilbur can't be too certain if the human's hand can't fit in the storage room
"Wait!" The human exclaimed. All too familiar. This feels like a deja-vu, the only difference is the location and the volume of the human's voice. Wilbur sprinted through it all.
"I'll give back your notebook!" The human called out. Just as when Wilbur was about to enter the corridor, Wilbur stopped, feeling intrigued, but doesn't turn around. Because why the fuck is the human going to give the book now? It's a bait. It has to be
"Here— wait a sec" and Wilbur was about to leave, not even bothered to wait for the human. But was proven to be unachievable, as the human really took seconds— Wilbur's pretty sure it's a two seconds interval, even. "Your book." the human's voice behind him echoed, and Wilbur turned around. And he quickly regrets doing so.
The sight terrifies him. The fairly-small opening(from the human's perspective) acted as a frame for the human's massive hand— the sight alone made Wilbur gave his past self internal claps for not freaking out when working with Phil— and his notebook is right outside of the opening. Meaning he have to be exposed to the human. He repressed a shudder from the thought alone.
Wilbur took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down. His voice shouldn't be shaky, he shouldn't look scared "Put the book in the opening!" He yelled out.
"Well, no" the human replied lightly.
"Why?" why not? just slide the fucking thing in he adds internally
"We made a deal, big man" The human answered, and Wilbur doesn't know if the "big man" phrase was used to mock him or not "Either you come reveal yourself and ask for the book yourself, or you answer my question." the human started "And since you've technically revealed yourself, all you gotta do is take the book yourself"
Well that's fucking stupid.
"A deal is a deal, and I won't try to hurt you or some shit, don't worry" the human's hands shifted, now not visible through the opening. And Wilbur honestly don't know if that's a good or bad thing— because he doesn't feel all that anxious anymore now the hands are out of the way. But that also mean he doesn't know where the hands are. For all he know the human's hand may be above the opening, preparing to catch him.
"So are you coming out or no? If not, I'll take the book, you know" the human's voice echoed, maybe impatient maybe curious, Wilbur doesn't want to fucking know.
But he do know that he doesn't have any fucking choice, does he?
With a "Fuck it" grumbled in his mouth, Wilbur stomped through the entire room. And when he reached the opening, he instictively gulped. because damn looking up was not a good idea
This is the second time Wilbur had been so close to a human in his life— the first one being Phil— but that time was different, Phil is nice. This is the second time Wilbur had been so close to a human, and looking at the practically wall in front of him, Wilbur froze.
The human literally towers over him. Not to mention even the human's hands— that is right beside the opening's exit on both sides— that can oh so easily trap him in their grasps... Wilbur unconsciously shuddered at that thought.
The previous annoyance gone, Wilbur meekly stepped out of the shade that the wall gave him, and damn that felt fucking weird. His body was exposed to the air and the human's gaze, and even though Wilbur did not dare to look up at the human's face, he can feel the human's anticipation and excitement when he sees him. Oh fuck it felt weird.
Wilbur snapped out of his thought— damn he froze multiple times today, fuckin' hell— and continued walking, with each steps placed carefully— like there's some sort of trap will set off if he walked the wrong way.
When Wilbur reached the book, he tried stopping himself from looking up, but he failed. Wilbur was expecting to see a face of annoyance— maybe even a bored or a smug look— but to Wilbur's surprise he's looking at a face of awe from a smiling human Wilbur thought he had seen sparkles in the human's eyes. That was a weird feeling, by the way, being stared at so intently. Besides that, Wilbur also looked at the human's hands beside him, and they both remained unmoving— just like when he was walking towards the book.
Huh. He stuck to his words.
This is the second time Wilbur had looked at a human's face from up close, and both times are a really contradicting experience from the stories he had been told.
The stories he had read and told tells him humans are cruel— they will not help those who are different from them. The stories he had read and told tells him that humans are liars— lying in the way that will hurt others for their own sake. And the stories Wilbur had read and told tells him that if he was found by a human, he will not escape.
But here he is. Free after getting found and being helped by a human, and before him a human who stuck to his words stands tall.
So Wilbur asked.
"Are you nice?"
If Tommy was asked if he's nice, he'll answer that of course he fucking is. He thinks everyone will answer that too. Because who the fuck thinks they're a bad person?
But being asked that out loud and in that careful and scared tone, Tommy finds himself wondering about it. Is he nice?
Well now he doesn't fucking know that himself
And so Tommy sat down— ignoring how the tiny immensely flinched— finally having to look at the tiny without looking down, "I dunno, big man. Am I?" he breathed out. Feeling more... concerned than anything, really. To which the tiny responds with a dumbfounded look. "Do you think I'm nice?"
For a few seconds, both Tommy and the tiny held a staring contest. Not knowing what to say themselves— the tiny looked deep in thought though.
"I do." The tiny finally said, breaking up both the silence and the staring contest. Tommy blinked. "You stayed true to your words, and you haven't done anything bad yet to me. So I think you're nice"
"Well that answers that, innit?" Tommy sighed. The tiny looked at him with a new type of realization. Like Tommy just said the most useful knowledge there is to mankind. "I think I'm a fucking nice person, sure, but if the person who asked doesn't fucking think so, then I'll just look like a shit person"
"O-Oh.." The tiny said, letting his voice waver rather than the strained bravery Tommy had heard earlier. "So you're not going to hurt..." the tiny paused "Us. You're not going to hurt us, right?"
"Well, yea" Tommy said, noticing the drooping shoulders from the tiny "Unless the two of you are assholes." Tommy supplied. Receiving a slight shock and a laugh from the tiny. Similar to the one that revealed the tiny. "I'm Tommy." He said, holding out his hands for a handshake— or a finger-hand-shake— to the tiny.
"I—" The tiny cuts himself, taking a step back from the hand, hesitating.
"You don't have to tell me your name, I just think that it'd be a nice time to introduce myself" Tommy added, noticing the pale look from the tiny. Tommy still held his hand to him, though.
"...Wilbur" He finishes, taking a deep breath as he accept the finger-hand-shake.
Tiny hands shook againts massive finger, and Tommy smiled
"Already knew your name though" The tiny— Wilbur adds, grinning.
"Okay dickhead."
They both laughed.
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realcube · 4 years
waking up the hq boys at midnight to get ice-cream hcs🍦
characters: tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, ushijima, sugawara,  oikawa,  kageyama 
note: yes, this was very much inspired by that one tiktok sound where the girl wakes up her bf to get ice-cream- 
also, i use midnight as like..the middle of the night- not actaully 12AM lol
tw// fluff, sangwoo- 
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Tsukishima Kei
you did not need to wake him up at 1AM to get ice-cream
man was already up, having just came off his phone and laying like this 😐 in bed as he either waited for himself to fall asleep or was thinking about an awkward interaction he had earlier that day 
anyway, as soon as you turned to him like ‘tsukki, do you wanna come with me to get ice-cream?’
he was suddenly 😴 fast asleep, fake snores and all
you were stubborn though, so you hopped out of bed up to go get ice-cream by yourself if he was just going to ignore you 
although, once you threw your coat on, tsukishima decided to start questioning your unusual behaviour, ‘why do you want ice-cream? it’s night; can’t you just sleep like a normal person and have ice-cream in the morning?’ 
honestly, tsukishima probably finds your nightly antics more endearing and cute rather than annoying 
he’d never admit it though- 
if you talk to him after midnight, on the outside he always looks displeased but really, he loves talking to you period
whether it is at 5PM or 1AM
you shrugged, without an explanation for your craving, ‘i don’t need to reason my midnight urges to you.’
with that, you turned on your heels to head out the door with the full intention of going to get ice-cream - this wasn’t a game 
tsukishima groaned as he finally deduced that you were being dead serious and not just doing this to irritate him
‘ugh, wait.’ he scoffed, forcing himself out of bed to follow you, ‘we have ice-cream downstairs, dumb-ass. don’t bother going out.’ 
you didn’t spare him a glance, continuing to venture to the front door, ‘yeah, but we don’t have strawberry.’ 
tsukishima glared at you, realising that persuasion would not work in this situation so he’d have to resort to brute force and trickery
‘ah, alright.’ he let out a sigh of defeat, ‘at least give us a hug before you go then.’
you paid no mind to how he referred to himself as plural, which is something he only does when he is lying or guilty as he is talking on behalf of his two faces 
also, you should’ve realised something was up when he actually asked for a hug instead of just expecting you to give him one
obliging, you wrapped him in a hug; allowing him to scoop you up into his arms, throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the kitchen
‘let me go, you whore!’  you squealed, lightly slapping his back as if that’d make him let you go 
tsukishima snickered at how childish you were being, ‘you can’t go out in the middle of the night to get ice-cream. you’ll die.’ 
‘i won’t die!’
‘you definitely will.’
anyway, he ends up making you both a bowl of ice-cream and eating it with you at the kitchen table while watching Spirited Away
and despite the fact he had some too, he’ll tease you about this for..the rest of your life 
like sometimes he’ll just wake you up in the middle of the night (during holidays ofc - he respects your sleep schedule) and whisper in your ear, ‘(y/n), do you wanna come get ice-cream with me?’
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Tanaka Ryūnosuke
ik most ppl would think he’d just go with you without a second thought or that he’d be the one asking you to go out for ice-cream but- no- 
well, yes; he wants to 
but when you wake him at 1AM 
(which he doesn’t mind btw bc  sometimes he accidentally wakes you up at like 3AM bc he’s ragin’ on Battlefield oop-)
and you’re all like ‘ryū, wanna go get ice-cream?’ *puppy eyes*
he’s like ‘sure!- but i ain’t got money so- no ❤’ 
then he goes back to sleep 
however, if you say that you’ll pay..he’s already standing with your bags by the door
so you’re definitely gonna have to fork up some cash for that good quality pistachio gelato for him if you want his presence 😌
but tbh, if you said that you were just gonna pay for yourself, he’d come anyway-
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Nishinoya Yū
y’all go out at midnight for ice-cream at least once a week-
and it literally began bc you were watching ASMRs and Mukbangs together at 1AM during a sleepover 
and one person was having some lemon gelato and it looked 👌✨ immaculate
in that moment, you both looked at each other and neither of you had to utter a single word for you both to know that there was a mutual goal in mind; to get ice-cream, ASAP
so yeah ig you didn’t have to wake him up but you did need to awake the desire for ice-cream inside him
needless to say, y’all ran to the nearest ice-cream place 
and you made a race out of it 
(you won, ofc)
and y’know the trope where you have food on the corner of your lip/chin etc and the person kisses you to get rid of it? 
yeah he tried to do that with the trope in mind but he deadass LICKED you IWFBVBBFRI
he was like ‘omg (y/n), lemme get that for you’ 😋👅
honestly, ig it depends if you are into that kinda stuff but ik some ppl would leave fast af ( ゚д゚)つ Bye
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
sorry i might have a bit of favouritism going on but i feel like ushijima would be a bigger bitch about it than tsukishima (at first)
but it’s like- solely bc you woke him up y’know?
‘ushijima, wanna go get ice-cream?’
he’s just laying there with his bed-head like :/
silently livid bc you messed up his potential 9 hours of sleep
pester all you want but that is the best you’re getting out of him that night
HOWEVER, the following afternoon (after practise ofc), he took you out for ice-cream 😊
and unlike some would believe (by ‘some’, i mean myself 2 secs ago.) i don’t think he’d be all ‘ice-cream is horrible for your health, (y/n)’ or ‘i can’t believe you’re eating that filth. your body is a temple.’
but that rather he’d just happily eat gelato with you; everything in moderation ig :)
‘(y/n), do you want a bite of mine?’ and give you a spoonful to try like the romance king he is  
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Oikawa Tōru
you wouldn’t wake him up bc mf needs his beauty sleep
plus, it was during a sleepover at your house so ofc you didn’t want to wake up your guest 
but he’s a light sleeper so when you’re shuffling through your stuff at 1AM, sneaking around the house to find a jacket (trying to be as quiet as possible so you don’t wake him up); his eyes are open and he’s speculating that sangwoo is near
until he turns around to notice that you’re not laying next to him and he is in fact being spooned by a large pillow (probably a sangwoo body pillow smh)
after that, he hops to his feet and storms through the house in search of you so he can yell at you for ruining his sleep grr
however, once he finds you and realises that you look ready to head out, he feels inclined to firstly ask, ‘where are you going? you know it’s 2AM, right?’ 
you replied by explaining your plan to sneak out for ice-cream and he just stared at you, absolutely bewildered for a few moments
he stood like a statue with that stupid expression on his face for ages so you asked him if he was alright, to which he responded, ‘that’s such a stupid idea.’
‘so, you’re not coming with?’
‘of course i am.’
so you both ended up sitting with your ice-cream cones, in your pyjamas, on a park bench somewhere, admiring the moonlit sky along with the stars adorning it
oh, and that was actually the first time he said ‘i love you.’
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Sugawara Kōshi
if feel like suga would be exactly like the guy in the sound/video: confused, tired and extremely reluctant but ofc inevitably he ends up standing outside of a dessert place, hand-in-hand with you
he’d wake up, weary from fatigue and he barely has the strength to argue with you during the day - so how exactly was he supposed to do it in the middle of the night? 
thus, he lugged himself out of bed and threw on a coat but as soon as the cold winter air bit at his nose, he was flooded with the energy and will-power to try convince you stay in with him
(It’s his parental senses) 
‘you’ll catch a cold, darling!’ (yes, he does call you that.) ‘and it’s night too, there’s probably a bunch of creeps out and around!’
at that point, it was just a battle of will
bc you both had each other’s wishes at heart
you wanted him to have peace of mind and he wanted you to have ice-cream
(and he was kinda craving some himself tbh)
so you both decided to stay in, tucking into the half-eaten tubs of Ben & Jerry’s in the fridge 
and after that, neither of you got any sleep bc you both stayed up watching movies and cuddling 🥺
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Kageyama Tobio
he was wide awake at 2AM, laying beside you on the bed, practising sets 
so ofc the time wasn’t an issue
but kageyama wasn’t big on sweet treats so when you suggested that y’all should go out for ice-cream, you were shocked - to say the least - when he simply replied 
like why would he oppose? he was already awake. plus, he was kinda craving something sweet tbh
also, he could tell it’d make you happy and he’s whipped tbh
so you took advantage of this indifferency by immediately jolting up and dragging him to your favourite dessert place
the whole time, he acted as usual - it was as if he was just on a regular walk to school
when you got there, you both shared a sundae and he paid; what a king (❤´艸`❤)
(it was bc you had forgotten your wallet/purse at home- but still a kind gesture 💕)
you both just sat in a booth, pecking away at the sundae while talking about anything and everything that came to mind as the low, distant R&B music from the shop’s speakers played in the background
 ‘it is flat. have you ever been on a plane before, (y/n)? did you see a single curve? no.’
you rolled your eyes, finding it physically painful how stupid kagyeama could be sometimes, ‘it’s science, kags. the earth is round! the curves are just very subtle.’
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maryannaugerbooks · 3 years
The Beginning of Something Good
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Makeout session
This piece is on AO3, Wattpad and Tumblr.
Océane is the new farmer in Pelican town. She quit her job at Joja Corporation and decided to follow her grandfather's footsteps and take care of Blue Coral, the farm he left her when he passed away.
After her initial shock of seeing the farm in a pitiful condition, she admired the wonderful beach surrounding the cabin she would call home. When she found out her grandfather was leaving her a farm, she didn’t expect it to be a beach farm!
Thankful for not being stuck in an office anymore, the long ash-colored-haired farmer got to work. She watered the crops, explored the mines and spent her afternoons fishing.
She settled into a routine, every day looking slightly different but also very much the same. That is, until that Tuesday evening.
Océane had realized she was out of seeds. She wanted to extend her garden and grow a bigger variety of vegetables but Pierre’s General Store would be closed the next day. Determined to get her seeds so that she could start planting them in the morning, she ran all the way to the store, swung the door open and greeted Pierre with a big wave.
“Hey Pierre. Sorry for coming in right before you close. Can I get some potato and green bean seeds please?”
Pierre handed over the seeds and Océane placed them in her bag. She wanted to get home quickly in order to cut down a couple trees to make more space to till more soil.
She swung her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards the exit. She half-turned around to wave goodbye to Pierre when the wind got knocked out of her.
Before she fell to the ground, a sturdy – and soft – hand grabbed her arm.
At first, she was too shaken to see who she ran into. Then, she regained her senses and saw a young man with long brown hair and mesmerizing green eyes.
Oceane was pretty sure her mouth was still open when the man said “Hi. I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s Elliott. I live in the cabin on the beach.”
She slightly shook her head and said, “Oh. I live on a beach too! How fun.”
She internally cringed at herself. How fun she said mockingly in her head.
Elliott chuckled and it was the most beautiful chuckle she’d ever heard.
Get yourself together. She scolded herself.
“Thanks for... catching me. I’ll see you around.” Océane left the store quickly and walked home, her heart beating fast and her face flushed.
When she got home, the farmer got straight to work. She didn’t want to think about what happened. She was definitely embarrassed but there was something more underneath her bruised ego that she didn’t want to admit.
After a few days of mining and fighting monsters - trying to reach the bottom of the damn mines - Océane was tired. Her shoulders were aching. Scratch that, her whole body was aching.
Feeling like she deserved a break, she made her way to the Stardrop Saloon. It was Friday night after all. She was excited to speak to Emily. She hadn’t seen her all week as they were both too busy working.
They became friends soon after her arrival in Pelican Town. They had met when the farmer got to the Saloon on her second day in town, desperate for some food. She had been fishing all morning and afternoon and had forgotten to eat. Her grandfather’s old house didn’t have a kitchen so she had hungrily made her way to the bar for a bite to eat. After ordering, Océane had sat at the bar and Emily and her talked about clothes, the universe and everything in between.
The local bar was booming with the regulars. Océane sat down at her usual spot, the barstool in the middle. Not the one closest to the cash and not the one closest to Shane. She didn’t particularly feel like getting cold remarks from the disheveled young man.
Also, by sitting in that spot – although not the original intention behind sitting there- Océane’s main goal was trying to hide Emily from Clint’s view. He was notorious for sending furtive glances her way all night. Emily was friends with Clint, but the farmer didn’t like him.
“Hey Emily. How’s your night?”
The blue-haired girl who was facing away from the bar cleaning some glass turned around and flashed a bright smile to Océane.
‘’Hey girl. Tonight’s pretty busy but that’s usual for Friday. How was your week? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.’’
Océane brought her hand to her forehead and rolled her eyes. ‘’I made a huge fool of myself on Tuesday. I’m still embarrassed.’’
Emily gave her that tell me more look so Océane continued, ‘’On Tuesday I went to Pierre’s to get some seeds and as I was walking towards the door, I turned around to say bye to Pierre and I ran into someone - hard. I think he said his name was Elliott. I had never seen him before.’’
Emily squealed which made Océane shush her. ‘’People are going to hear you!’’
Completely ignoring her friend, Emily subtly nodded in Elliott’s direction with her head. He was sitting at the table near the Jukebox with Leah.
After seeing the one who had made her heart race - from embarrassment, of course - Océane looked at Emily with wide eyes. ‘’Does he come here every Friday? How come I haven’t noticed him before?’’
Emily shrugged, ‘’He’s pretty quiet’’. After a pause she adds, ‘’you could buy him a drink. He likes a strong beer.’’
Appalled, Océane interjected ‘’Why would I do that? I don’t even know him!’’
‘’But he’s cute,’’ Emily said as if that was a good enough reason.
‘’I guess I have nothing to lose. If he rejects me, I’ll just dig a hole and bury myself in it.’’
Emily laughed, ‘’stop being so dramatic and hand him this beer. You’ll thank me later.’’
After staring at the beer for a couple of minutes, contemplating running away, Océane decided to get up and give Elliott the beer before it got warm. No one likes a warm beer.
She awkwardly walked towards his table, her feet feeling heavy. She was suddenly feeling self-conscious about the way she was walking.
When she got to the table, she realized that Leah had left. She was relieved. Océane set the beer on the table and said, ‘’I heard you like a strong beer.’’
He looked at her, surprised. ‘’This is for me? Marvelous!’’
‘’It’s for saving me from further embarrassment on Tuesday.’’ She said nonchalantly even though that’s not quite how she felt.
Elliott took a sip of the beer, licked his lips and motioned her to take a seat.
Her heart felt like it was about to explode in her chest, her face was warm but she kept it cool on the outside. ‘’How’s the beach life treating you?’’
‘’I like it. I moved here so I could get away from the big city and write.’’
‘’That’s why I moved here too. To get away from the big city, I mean. I couldn’t stand working at a desk all day,’’ Océane said, ‘’what do you write about?’’
“I typically write poems but I’m looking for inspiration to write my first novel.” Elliott took another drink. “What kind of books do you like to read?”
Océane’s cheeks got even warmer. “I like romance. It really helps me unwind and it gives me all the feels.”
The writer chuckled, “maybe my novel will be a romance in that case.”
Was he flirting with her?
“I would love to read it when you’re done.” She was genuine. She loved a good book, but she also wanted to see if Elliott was the kind of romantic she imagined him to be. She may or may not have been imagining scenarios between her and the writer as she was tilling the soil, planting her seeds and doing all her other farm work this week.
“It would be an honor to have you read my book,” Elliott responded with a smile.
Océane made to get up, gently pushing her chair away from the table with her hips. “I wish I could talk some more but I should get going, it’s getting late and I have a lot of work to do in the morning.”
“Let me accompany you home.”
Océane stared at the writer with wide eyes. Elliott quickly added, “only if you’d like me to, of course. It’s dark out and...” He hesitated before continuing, “it would be my pleasure to spend more time with you.”
The farmer’s heart started racing but she gave him a big smile before saying, “Sure, I’d love that.”
The cool spring air chilled her skin as they started walking towards the farm. Elliott noticed her rubbing her hands on her arms in an attempt to warm up. She watched as he removed his red jacket and handed it to her. “Thanks,” she said gratefully. His jacket smelled like old books.
They made small talk until they reached the front door of her cabin.
“Thank you for walking me home. I appreciate it,” Océane said. “Hold on a sec, I’ll give you your jacket so you don’t get cold on your way back to the beach.”
She removed the piece of clothing, already missing the warmth of it and the smell of books. Elliott’s gaze was on her as she handed him his jacket, their fingers brushing for longer than necessary.
Océane licked her lips and Elliott’s green eyes seemed mesmerized by the movement. She could tell he wanted to say something but he was hesitating.
“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this in case you don’t feel the same way, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that day at Pierre’s.”
“Me either,” she breathed. He took a hesitant step forward and gave her a searching look. He was waiting for her approval. She looked directly in his eyes and nodded.
Elliott closed the distance between them, lifted his hand to her hair and brushed his lips against hers. Océane felt like she was going to melt on the balcony of her cabin.
She deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Elliott brushed his tongue against her lips and she opened to give him access.
The wood door of her cabin was now pressing against her back. One of Elliott’s hands braced him against the wood of the cabin while his other hand settled on her waist.
Océane lowered her hands from his neck to his chest, feeling the muscle there before lowering them towards his lower belly. She fidgeted with the hem of his shirt before sliding her fingers underneath feeling the warmth of his skin. Elliott gasped at the touch and Océane smiled against his lips.
His hands explored her curves like he wanted to remember the shape of her forever. They couldn’t get enough of each other. Océane finally allowed her hands to linger dangerously low.
Elliott pulled back, out of breath. “Let me take you out on a date first. Then, you can do whatever you want with me.”
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at 6 then,” She winked at him and kissed his cheek before entering her cabin, closing the door and leaning against it, heart racing.
She had a feeling this was the beginning of something good.
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ithehellisbucky · 3 years
Fake Smile
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Request: for @marvels-writings
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Hatred, grief, suicide, etc
Author's Note: This is for @marvelxreaderfanfictionfest's contest last year, it's already on ao3 here. They have a great contest opening on may tenth for the mcu ladies, so go check that out! There isn't enough wlw fanfiction in this fandom (or really any).
You could swear her skin was glowing. Or at the very least reflecting the colors around her. Soft golden light shone around onto her face from the cracked window next to her chair, and she basked in the light as if she had just won every award the world had to offer. She didn't have the right to be this fucking pretty.
Her golden hair floated around her head, almost literally, forming a halo that made her look even more like an angel. Her skin was only several shades lighter, and her cheeks scrunched up in a way when she laughed that you could only describe as euphoric. Her piercing blue eyes only complimented her features, and your eyes were instantly drawn to her impossible beautiful cheekbones.
If only the woman below that was as beautiful as the face it belonged to.
Carol was the enemy. Not literally, of course. But she was the enemy. Utterly unsympathetic when you had told her about the death of your best friend in the dusting, you had grown to despise her within mere minutes of a word coming out of her mouth.
She laughed like she didn't notice you glaring. And when she finally locked eyes with you, her lips formed a smirk and kept on giggling.
In the brief days that she had returned to earth, she made it her mission to do everything for the sole purpose of lighting rage inside your chest. No one had the right to make you feel this way, least of all her.
She had returned to earth to "check-in." In the past 3 years since the snap, the world had taken a turn for the worst. Not only was every other person gone, but the death toll was slowly rising. Crime rates were increasing, and the suicide toll was only getting higher.
Every single damn day of your life you had dedicated yourself to helping the people on earth, and the only thing she had on her mind was the big picture. Trying to bring people back that couldn't be brought back. Bullshit.
All you were trying to do was make sure that the people who had left stayed alive.
"Ava? Would you like a scone." She said it in a normal voice, but you could feel the passion behind the words.
"No thank you. I'm careful about what I let others feed me. Because I'm careful. Unlike some other people I know." You say in the most passive and sickly sweet voice you could muster.
"I'm very cautious about keeping myself, and others, safe. I'm just nice enough to do it politely." She responded in the same voice as before.
"Carol, Ava. Do I need to remind you that this is a professional meeting, where we are to talk about important topics only." Nat said in a stone-cold tone. Natasha was never the most playful person, to begin with, but in the past 3 years, things had taken a turn for the worse.
When someone is already flying by the seat of their pants and is about as stable as a bull in a china shop, you tend not to provoke them. And by provoke, I mean of course murdering half of humanity.
"I was being professionally, just Carol here was-"
Natasha sharply cuts you off. " Ava. "
"Fine." You say, internally rolling your eyes.
Carol looks you dead in the eyes and gives you a smirk. Damn this woman.
You had been through hell. You had talking people of bridges, you had stood up for abuse victims in court, you had watched the people you had loved die. You were a stone-cold bitch. But with Carol, you might as well be a 2-year-old with a pair of scissors and a disturbing lack of adult supervision.
Once the meeting was over, you sparked a conversation with Natasha. "Hey Nat, do you wanna get some lunch?"
She looked at you, and then down at her phone, and then at you again. "Um, I can't. Not today." She looks behind her shoulder, and a sinister smirk creeps onto her features. "But I'm sure Carol would love to go out with you."
"Natasha, no. I said no."
Her menacing grin only intensifies. "Oh come on Ava, you could cut the sexual tension between the two of you with a knife."
"It's not sexual tension. It's just tension. Because we hate each other."
"Mm, I don't think so." She turns over her shoulder and calls to the blonde. "Carol, could you come here for a sec?"
Carol's head perks up, and she walks towards Nat, a scowl forming on her face when she sees that you're next to her. "What is it?"
"Do you want to go to lunch. Will Ava and I?" She questions politely.
"That sounds great, but doesn't Ava have to do that... Thing?"
You turn on your sickly sweet smile for what seems like the ten-thousandth time. "No, I canceled it. Just. To. Have. Lunch. With. You."
Natasha is almost guffawing at this interaction between the two of you. "Alright then, lunch it is!" She starts walking right without any hesitation, and both you and Carol have to run to catch up to her.
"I saw this cute little Italian place. Do you want to go-"
"Chili's." Natasha stops her pace and looks back at you.
"What. It's an incredible experience that I'm sure we'll all enjoy."
It's now Natasha's turn to wear the fake smile. "Great."
You reach Natasha's car, and she quickly whips out her car keys.
"Oh, we're riding together?" Carol exclaims with disgust.
"Yeah, saves energy," Natasha exclaims as she checks her phone.
"I call shotgun!" You counter, trying to do anything to get away from Carol.
"No shotgun. I think it would be nice for the two of you to bond. I wish it was in a bedroom, but a car will do." Natasha says, still looking down at her phone.
"What was that?" You asked, hoping that you didn't hear what you thought you heard.
"No shotgun, window's broken." She replies, opening the door.
You and Carol squeeze into the back seat. It wasn't a tight fit, by any means; but anywhere that isn't 50 feet apart from her is hell on earth. How was she so fucking pretty.
Every time your skin brushed together you shot up as if you had just touched a shock wire. The glares passed between the two of you could freeze even the darkest parts of hell.
As you were getting out of the car, you slammed the door in Carol's face. She opening it, and it was obvious she was pissed.
"Oh come on, you're a fucking superhero, if you're afraid of a car door then you're in the wrong line of work."
She doesn't respond to you and instead flashes you one of her infamous fake smiles.
The Chili's is cozy, with only 15 or so booths, less than 5 of them preoccupied. The hostess kindly led you to a booth, in the corner of the room. You slide into the booth first, and your shoulder pushed against the plastic wallpaper when you moved into your seat.
Carol takes her position in the seat in front of you. Natasha doesn't sit down.
She makes deadly eye contact with you as she pulls her phone out from inside her pocket. "Oh look, I just got a text message." She exclaims, not breaking eye contact.
Natasha quickly flashes you the screen of her phone, showing that in fact, she had not gotten a message. "I have to go. Emergency."
"Are you sure." You say, yet again feigning a smile.
"I'm positive, there's an emergency at work."
Carol attempts to get up and join Natasha before Nat gives Carol a disapproving glance.
"There's always going to be an emergency, but there isn't always going to be lunch." You say, cocking your head and putting on a smirk.
"No," Natasha says. And smiles at the two of you. "Have fun."
You flip her the bird, and without even turning around she returns the favor.
"This is going to be fine." You say.
"Yep," Carol responds, popping the p.
The two of you study the menu for a couple more minutes.
You begin to notice that whenever you adjust yourself Carol does the same, and you do as well, subconsciously.
The waitress walks up to you and politely introduces herself. She asked you what you wanted and, without skipping a beat, you ordered yourself the best thing on the menu, and Carol the worst. She looked as if she was going to protest, but at that point, the waitress had walked away. And all you did was sit there and smirk.
The tension in the room was not sexual. The hatred you felt in your heart for her and the simultaneous need to kiss her and have her kiss you back was not sexual, in any way shape or form.
"So." You promptly exclaimed, in the most positive voice that you could muster.
"Yes," Carol responded, deadlocking her eyes onto yours.
The longer you stared into her eyes the more love you felt. You lost yourself in the depths of her eyes as if you were Alice just entering wonderland. The smile lines surrounding her lips were faded and it seemed as if she hadn't cracked a grin in decades. Her fair hair fell into her eyes, and she quickly brushed it out of the way with one unmanicured finger.
"Why the fuck are we doing this?" She asks, avoiding your gaze.
"What do you mean?" You counter, plastering on another one of your on-brand fake smiles.
"Forcing ourselves to sit in this hell-ish place just for the courtesy of Natasha."
You tilt your head slightly and regain eye contact, "oh, so you want to leave?" You politely ask, knowing all to well the stir that you would get from Nat if you left now.
"No, of course not." She said, rolling her eyes. "But, why would she ever think that I would ever want to be around you for longer than the 5 seconds that are already peeling off my eyes."
"It's nice to see how kind you are to the people around you." You respond, attempting to be as harmful as she was even though you were internally hurt.
"But now that you mention it, I'm realizing how shitty it is that I have to engage in conversation with someone as horrible as you." You winced, and you were positive that she didn't notice either, because she was doing the same.
"What are your powers then, fixing computers?" She mocked you with a smile "oh, the world is ending. Look, someone to get rid of a faulty line on my phone."
"Oh yeah, I forgot that you were a dinosaur. I'm sorry, we don't use phones bolted to the wall in national security." You exclaimed. You wouldn't usually be so harsh, but her words were causing you to lash out.
"At least I can hold up in a fistfight." She said, putting on another mask of a hollow smile.
"I can hold up in a fistfight just fine, but can you hold up with a speakerphone button on an iPhone?" Ah yes, another hollow shot at her prehistoric days.
"You know, for someone how talks all this talk, I'm shocked that you can't actually do anything. Oh wait, I'm not. Sorry, Princess, you're all bark and no bite."
"Excuse me, I forget I was talking to someone who flies around in a space-suit and mohawk." Yet again another fake smile.
The two of you continued to bicker for another few minutes until the waitress comes over with your food.
"I can't believe that you would do such an ignorant f-"
"Hi, I have your food." A woman with a positive attitude and a braid crown places your meals in front of you.
You quickly stopped your argument and the both of you put on yet another fake smile to make it seem like you weren't two seconds away from causing an avengers level threat.
"Thank you so much."
"Really, we really appreciate it."
The second the woman walked away you were back at each other's throats.
But, somehow, Carol was still gorgeous all the while she was yelling at you and eating a shrimp on top of a salad drenched in vinegar.
"Seriously, you're so incompetent." You quickly burst out when she notices you staring.
"Maybe you wouldn't worry so much about me if you were actually doing your job." She responds, rolling her eyes.
"I am sweetie; I'm just good enough at it to be able to pay attention to your uselessness."
"You're too kind." She exclaims as she reaches for a napkin that you quickly pull away from her.
"What I find especially depressing about you is that you will never grow. You're the same person. You're stuck in a box. You will never be better than what you are now. And what you are is shitty." She looks up at you, " Princess ."
You pull back from your meal in shock. You couldn't believe that she had said something like that to you. It pointed out everything you had ever worried about yourself.
"I can't believe you. Why are you so relentlessly horrible to me? What have I done to you? I get when you take cheap shots. I take cheap shots all the time. I don't hate you. Why do you hate me?! I don't hate you! I love you!"
Carol freezes up. Everyone in Chili's looks at you. You were screaming. And you had just told Carol you loved her. You told her you loved her.  You loved her.
"What?" She says in a meek voice.
"I'm so sorry Carol, I was just-" She kisses you.
Carol kisses you.
Carol puts her lips on yours and kisses you.
And you kiss you back.
She's leaning over the table and knocked both your plates off the table and knocked you drinks over. You feel the liquid on your knees as you climb onto the table and place yourself on top of it. You kiss and you kiss until the rest of the world is null and void.
You only pull away for air, and when you're doing so Carol whispers a careful "I'm sorry."
You keep on kissing and kissing.
"I love you, I love you, I'm sorry, I love you." Muttered between you.
You finally pull away and stare into each other's eyes for a minute, basking in the beauty of her blue orbs.
"I feel god in this Chili's tonight." You breathlessly exclaim.
She laughs a beautiful, glorious laugh, and then leans in to kiss you again.
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