#check out that cool party trick!
the entire party is staying at an inn. they hear rhythmic creaking from Acetarion and Ace!Tav's room. what not-sex activity is going on in there?
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Here’s a random list in no particular order
Ace!Tav is trying to teach Astarion how to dance
Astarion is reading them something and Tav is trying not to laugh but they’re still shaking the bed
They’re giving each other massages
Astarion wants to keep up his reputation as a rakish scoundrel with the group and doesn’t think they need to know the truth about he and Tav’s nonexistent sex lives so makes noises on purpose because it’s funny and provides a great excuse for he and Ace!Tav to have some alone time
They’re not having sex but that doesn’t stop them from having the occasional make out session
They can’t decide on who’s going to be the big or little spoon and just keep switching off all night
Ace!Tav has never been in a bed this big before and is just crawling around because what does anyone even do with this much space?!
Ace!Tav brought crackers into bed and now Astsrion is annoyed because street urchin or not, don’t leave crumbs in the bed, some of us have to sleep here leading to tackling, wrestling crackers out of Tav’s hand and some attempt at cleaning the mess
Astsrion is showing them some cool slight of hand tricks and Tav keeps bouncing in excitement
They’re trying to reorganize the room, but both of them have a -1 to strength checks so it’s taking a while
If anyone comes up with anything else, let me know! I’d love to hear it.
Astarion x Ace!Tav Masterlist
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jaehvuno · 8 months
Trick or Treat- J.J
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PAIRING. jaehyun x afab reader
GENRE. smut
WARNINGS. unprotected sex, choking, squirting, creampie, jaehyun watches reader get off
WC. 1.4k
A/N: happy october 1st!!!🎃🖤 a nice repost from 127kive (rip..) as i work on this haechan fic that’s been in the drafts collecting dust... hope you enjoy! feedback is v much needed.. PLEASEEE
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Jaehyun didn’t mean for this to happen.
He didn’t mean to watch his sexy new neighbor from across the street get off. But.. Could you blame him? You sat directly in front of your window blinds wide open chest on display as your fingers toyed with your clit. The first time he came across you he only looked for a second before quickly closing his curtains and looking away. He figured you didn’t mean to have your blinds open, probably just forgetting to close them.
Jaehyun couldn’t help but take a peek through his brown curtains yet again ears turning bright red as he watched you push two fingers in your cunt. He felt his pants become unbearably tight, quickly unzipping them pushing his pants down just enough to free his cock.
Biting at his lip as he watched you finger your cunt lazily stroking his cock letting out a groggy groan of your name tossing his head back
“fuck y/n”
Jaehyun quickly cleans himself up mentally slapping himself in the face for getting off to his neighbor he’s met once. He tried splashing his face with some cool water telling himself he would never do something like that again. Of course… that was a lie.
Jaehyun would constantly check to see if you were back on your couch in the same position touching yourself again. and to his surprise you were. At this point Jaehyun swore you were starting to do it on purpose. And he was right.
You didn’t notice Jaehyun until the third time you got off. Always in crunch time you figured why not just do a quick one again on the couch. When you went to close your blinds you could see Jaehyun peeking through his curtains making you quirk an eyebrow. Huh. You didn’t think Jaehyun would do something so pervy but you didn’t mind it. In fact you liked it. Jaehyun has always been your guy next door crush so the fact he watched you get off made you even more horny for him. Though you enjoyed having him watch you, you were tired of getting your own self off. You shot him a quick text letting him know you were throwing a halloween party and would love for him to come.
Replying within seconds sending you a small ‘i’ll be there;)’ in response. Your face felt warm from the text not being able to contain your happiness.
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“Trick or Treat!” you smiled at the kids on your doorstep holding their bags open as you dropped candy in each of their buckets wishing them a happy halloween. Looking at your watch knowing that your guests will start arriving in seconds you decided to put more drinks out. Hearing the doorbell rang again shouting a quick ‘coming!’ as you rushed to grab it smiling when you saw Jaehyun.
He was dressed as Jack from Titanic, a grin on his face as he teasingly asked “trick or treat?”
“come in” leading the way jaehyun closing the door behind him following you into the living room. “You're here early, the party doesn’t start till 9” you handed jaehyun a cup sitting across from him. “Well we do live across the street from each other” he chuckled taking a sip of his water
“That's true.. or maybe you came early in hopes of watching me get off again” Jaehyun choked on his drink putting the red solo cup on the coffee table. “I—I’m sorry what?” he asked with a nervous smile on his face. “you think I didn’t know?” getting up from your chair walking over to Jaehyun.
He rubbed his sweaty palms on his khaki pants as you approached him. “I saw you every time you peeked through your curtains watching me play with myself” Jaehyun's ears begin to turn bright red, feeling humiliated. Not knowing if he should fall to his knees and beg for your forgiveness or just straight up leave.
“Why did you sit there and watch me when you could of came over and fucked me?” Jaehyun froze.
You.. liked him watching you? He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His eyes followed your hands as you undid his shirt legs coming up to straddle his waist. Grabbing his face roughly making him look at you “Can I touch you?” Jaehyun nodded the best he could as you gripped his chin “please” he mumbled. Smiling at how desperate he looked, releasing his chin as you kissed down his neck and chest. Licking a long strip up his nipple making him jump slightly at the feeling as you blew cool air on it watching it harden.
Sucking on the right nipple your hand playing with the left one Jaehyun’s hand squeezing at your thighs as much as he can. Feeling your red and black striped tights sticking to your core as Jaehyun moaned. “Come here” Jaehyun said breathlessly, grabbing you by your neck and gasping as he kissed you. You let out a moan wrapping your hand around Jaehyun’s as he held onto your throat grinding down on his bulge.
Jaehyun pulled back from the kiss making you gasp again “need you to fuck me before the guest get here” quickly locking your legs around his waist as he laid you down on the couch not even bothering to pull your tights off ripping them open a cocky grin appearing on his face.
“No panties? You had this all planned out huh?” questioning you as he undid his pants watching his every move, mouth watering at the sight of his cock. “Wanted me just as bad as I wanted you” he mumbled in your neck as he lined himself up with your cunt
“wanted you so bad jaehyun.. so ba—“ slightly arching your back off the couch as he pushed himself into your tight hole a loud gasp leaving your mouth from the stretch. It hurt so good. Jaehyun gave you no time to get used to his size fucking you like there was no damn tomorrow. Lazily kissing at your neck as he fucked you. Moans and whimpers spill from your mouth pulling Jaehyun by his hair to kiss his lips. Groaning in the kiss reaching a hand down to toy with your clit.
“I-It feels so g-good jae” whimpering as Jaehyun held your face “yeah? you feel good baby?” nodding repeatedly letting a tear slip down your cheek. “so.. fucking good” you say in between breaths Jaehyun smiles at you raising your leg on his shoulder to thrust deeper making you squeal in surprise.
“oh my fucking god! so—“ clawing at his shoulder barely able to form a sentence “s-so deep! Jaehyun, it's so— deep!” you whined out feeling your orgasm approaching quicker and quicker.
“I know baby I know” Jaehyun cooed while kissing your ear. You felt your legs begin to shake uncontrollably as you hit your orgasm scratching at Jaehyun’s back even harder. “Fuck! Fuck! Please” squeezing your eyes shut as Jaehyun thrusted in you overstimulating you like it was nothing while he chased his orgasm.
“Jaehyun please! i-i-“ your vision was beginning to blur letting jaehyun use you as much as he wanted his cock stretching you out so good and filling you up so well. “D-Don’t stop” You grabbed his hand bringing it up for him to wrap around your neck “Look at me” Jaehyun groaned out. Your eyes barely opening as you felt your second orgasm coming “w-want it in me jae” holding onto his hand as his thrust got sloppy and needier
“want you to cum in me please Jaehyun please” you cried out cumming for the second time legs shaking loud whines and whimper leaving your dry lips
“fuck y/n shit” Jaehyun groaned thrusting one last time filling you up to the brim with his cum. Your legs shook as he filled you up, his hand unwrapping from your throat pulling out and laying on the other side of the couch. At this point you didn’t have it in you to have a party anymore. Jaehyun fucked you like he was never gonna fuck you again leaving you limpless and tired. Jaehyun sat up pushing his damp hair back buttoning up his shirt and tucking himself back into his pants.
“was that your first time doing that?” you raised an eyebrow at him confused. “you squirted” quickly sitting up seeing the huge wet spot on your couch cursing to yourself. How the fuck were you gonna cover that up before people arrived?
“yes it was.. i don’t know why you’re surprised i did you were fucking me like crazy” Jaehyun laughed at your comment ear’s turning bright red again. “Let me get you cleaned up before everyone gets here” Jaehyun reached down to pick you up asking you which way to your room
“How about I tell everyone the party is canceled and we watch halloween movies instead?” giving you a warm smile Jaehyun pecked your forehead before agreeing with you.
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miss-nandini · 9 months
Hello I found your blog and loved your writing!!! I was wondering if you could do “Saying I love you” to the house wardens from twisted wonderland (fem reader if possible) and what their reactions are? ( o///o )
A/N: Hey there! I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for requesting. Enjoy and have a good day/night/afternoon! 💜💜
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HC: Saying "I love you" to him (F! Reader)
You must be a little crazy to have chosen me. How did you hear my unspoken words? You are like the day, and I’m like the night. Let’s get together like the evenings. Love, wonderful love. It will break your heart and then heal it like the ethreal thing it is.
Or, the headcanon, where you confess to him.
I Love You!
Riddle: You broke a rule and he was mad at you. Not to mention he is supposed tutor you as well. Which meant only one thing— nobody's gonna here the end of it. You could tell he was trying hard. He didn't want to lash out. Maybe that's why, he was quiet. When the study session ended, you couldn't take the silence anymore. You didn't want him to be upset with you—not when...you love him so much. He deserves to know that! 
"Riddle, I love you."
He stopped in his tracks. He never expected to hear that words, specially from you. Not after everything. He didn't deserve it. He was supposed to be mad at you, yet...
"(Y/N)... No..."
"What do you mean, no?"
"I- we can't do this. You shouldn't—you shouldn't love ME out of all people. I don't deserve that. N-not that—
"Riddle, that's for me to decide. Say, do you reciprocate my feelings or not?"
"I-I... I do."
His voice was barely above a whisper. His face felt like it was on fire. Why do you have such an effect on him?! Despite all the doubts he couldn't help but melt in your touch as you wrap your arms around him.
"I love you too, my rose, I love you too."
Leona: He was being petty again and he was aware. But Leona is a little shit when he wants to be and we all know that. You were tired of the back and forth bickering. He just wouldn't hear you out. So, you had one last trick up your sleeve aka confess to him.
"Leona, I love you."
He was surprised. Huh? You? Love him? It took him a minute to process your words and when he finally did it he smirked like a crazy person.
"Huh, of course you love me herbivore."
His lips were on yours in no time. Congrats! You just skyrocketed his ego even further.
Azul: "I love you, Azul."
One day you dropped the bomb on him outta nowhere. He was flabbergasted. He is dreaming, right? There's no way in hell that you love his dumbass self! But there's the thing. You do love his dumbass self and when you tell him that, he is ready to crawl in his octopot. His face was redder than a tomato. He can never keep up his cool facade when you are smiling at him with literally hearts in your eyes!
"I-I-I d-don't u-unders-stand?"
He was a stuttering mess.
You took a deep breath and repeated yourself.
"You heard me right, Azul Ashengrotto, I love you."
"I-I-l-love y-you t-too!!!"
You would've sworn he was going to faint when you pecked his cheek.
Kalim: "I love you, Kalim!"
"I love you, (Y/N)!"
Yup, both of you confessed at the same time and ended up becoming a laughing mess, until the realization sank in.
"Wait... (Y/N)... you love me? Like love-love me?"
"Yes, Kalim!"
"Me too!!"
He is so happy that he ends up throwing a party in Scarabia that day. Jamil just hopes that you will keep Kalim in check. Ace and Deuce are quite surprised when they receive an invitation for the party. Well, as long as the two of you are happy.
You gained a whole sun for yourself, congrats!"
Vil: He was doing your make-up. According to him, applying make-up can make your mood better. You didn't really think so. But, oh well, he was passionate. Also, there's another reason for not saying 'no' to him. Because, this is one of the times when his complete focus is on you and you get to see his work. He loves to try out new things with you since you are the only female in the whole campus. (He likes you, but, he will never admit it.) So, it's a win-win situation for the both of you. His dedication makes you smile. Maybe, it's time that you tell him about your true feelings.
"Vil, I love you."
His hands dosen't stop, like he wasn't even surprised. But inside, he felt his heart bursting with overwhelming joy. He is overjoyed that his sweet potato feels the same for him.
He leans in.
"Let me show you my feelings, (Y/N)."
Idia: You decided to confess to him during an anime marathon in his room.The anime was romantic and that felt like a perfect timing. You locked your fingers with his, so he dosen't run away.
"Idia, I love you."
His hair literally was flaming red. He is dead sure that he heard wrong. But, the serious look on your face said otherwise. That's when he noticed how you were holding his hand and man he was sure that his heart will burst out of his chest. How can you even like a pathetic otaku like him?! That dosen't make any sense!!
He couldn't even form a proper sentence. His eyes widened even more when you leaned in.
Idia exe. has officially stopped working.
Malleus: Confessing to Malleus was proving to be harder than you thought. This guy gives off mixed signals. Not to mention that he is the future king of Briar Valley. It's really hard to understand this dragon. But, oh well, if you need to find out, then you have to confess. End of story.
So, when he arrives during night time, like he always does, you straight up admit that you love him.
"Malleus, I love you."
His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, showing his little fangs. He is adorable, you have to give him that. But then, a huge smile spreads across his face.
"My dear child of man, I see that you beat me to it. I wanted to confess too."
Even if his cheeks were red, you decided to ignore that as his lips landed on yours.
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rhadamanthes · 3 months
Private lesson. Hiromi x reader
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word count : 1,6k
warnings: established relationship, piano sex, soft sex, fingering, humping, fluff, pregnancy kink, lot of pet names, breeding kink, doggy style, slight oral sex, this is soooo soft omg i can't believe it, fluff fluff fluff.
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"Mimi, look there's even a piano!" you squeal, dragging him toward it by his hand.
"Yes, it's nice baby" he chuckles following behind.
Hiromi, your boyfriend rented a hotel room for the night. For the past few weeks he's been working on a big case for his law firm and he finally finished it yesterday. You threw him a little surprise party with a few of his friends when he came home. He was happy but also told you that he wanted you to relax as you supported him through it: hence the hotel room. The sun is setting, giving the luxurious room a nice orange hue. 
"Before we order food and champagne let's give the room an inspection" you chirp excitedly, intertwining his arms with yours. Going through every room you praise the decoration claiming you want the same back home. In the bathroom you are ecstatic over the golden claw foot tub and all the products laying there. 
"Oh my god mimi can I take these back home? they're so cute" You say grabbing the miniature soaps and shampoo. 
"Let me check their policy first, yeah?" he laughs, rubbing your back softly.
"Avoiding me jail time? you're the perfect boyfriend!" you purr pressing a kiss over his cheek, he leans into the kiss pressing his nose on top of your head inhaling your scent. 
Going back to the living area you still can't believe there is a  grand piano in the room. Taking a seat on the large bench you pat the spot next to you inviting him to join. 
"Play me something" you ask with a dopey smile. Hiromi sits close to you nudging your thigh with his own.
"As you wish" he grins, focusing on the tiles. He extends his fingers and lets them move graciously on the white ivory. The sound coming from them is nothing offbeat like you thought, it's actually harmonious and  you recognize  "Sea of love" . You open your mouth in awe, not aware of this hidden talent. 
"Whaaaaat, Hiromi ! I didn't know you played piano, why didn't you tell me!" you gasp, hitting his shoulder lightly. 
"Well it never came up in the conversation and it would have felt like bragging" he answers with honesty.
"Who cares, this is so cool ! Teach me a few tricks" you say excitedly clapping your hands. 
"Ok" he laughs. His hands cross your shoulder to hover each of your hands, then place a warm kiss on your shoulder "You're ready?" he asks in a deep voice. 
The proximity makes you shiver as he's almost talking in your ear. Pursing your lips you nod your head.His fingers guide Yours over the tiles. You really try your best but you're not used to stretching your fingers like that, Hiromi guides you as best as he can with his own fingers being above yours but it ends up sounding messy. You both laugh at the broken melody. 
Taking a moment to really look at him you get lost in his dark eyes, his hair is combed backward but some stray strands graze his forehead, his nose, god, his nose. You like to trace it with your fingertips when he's asleep, when he's busy but still allow you in his lap, it's one of his most beautiful features, really. Beyond his good looks, he's a selfless person, he makes you feel safe, heard and more loved than you ever felt. Feeling your eyes on him, Hiromi feels the heat cripping up his cheek in a pinkish tone. You kiss him before he can say anything. A passionate kiss to show how much you care for him and how proud of him you are. 
His fingers that were hovering yours are now intertwined with each other he squeezes them as he moans into the kiss.Biting on his lips you let your tongue enter his mouth twirling it against his. Out of breath he breaks the kiss.
"I love you" you whispers looking in his eyes
"I love you too darling" he wastes no time answering.You feel butterflies in your stomach, smiling like a fool.
"Where were we ?" you giggle refocusing back on the piano.Lifting you from your spot, Hiromi helps you up on his lap. 
"It will be easier like that, don't you think, doll?" he asks, kissing the back of your shoulder. You nod your head and place your finger once more on the tiles. 
With a few tries you manage to make it sound less catastrophic but there's definitely room for improvement. Hiromi takes off his right hand from yours.
"You got this one right, let's focus on the other hm?" he asks, resting his free hand on your belly, tracing circles on it. His hands progressively go lower until it's tucked against your pussy. You're only wearing a skirt with stockings, you can feel the heat his skin radiates. You adjust yourself on his lap in an attempt to get some friction against your clit.
"Teacher, what are you doing ?" you tease.
"Giving you an encouragement, get the left hand right and you'll have a reward." 
You hum, grinding a few times against his crotch feeling a slight bulge. The pressure he applies on your cunt makes it hard for you to focus, you start to moan incoherently, vision blurring with the need to feel him all over you growing by the second. 
"What's wrong my dear ? you don't want to play anymore" he whispers in your ear biting at your skin. You just groan, grinding on him harder. "Hands on the frame." 
You oblige, grabbing your ankle he positions your knees on the bench. Understanding where he's idea is going, you arch your back to stick your ass out. glancing back at him with a sultry look. Never taking his eyes off you, Hiromi lifts your skirt, and slides down your panties. He chuckles a bit at how the piece of cloth sticks to your wet pussy. You groan as the cold air hits your private part. Hiromi smiles, petting your rump before spreading your folds with two of his slender fingers. 
"My pretty little pussy"he coos, kissing your entrance softly. you moan resting your head on the cold varnished wood. He licks at your clit a few times dipping his major and ring finger inside of you. 
"Mimi please fuck me" you beg feeling your palms sweating on the frame of the piano.
"Sure thing" he says curling his fingers one last time, making you shiver.
He spreads your legs wider on the bench and you feel his tip teasing your entrance. You back your ass on him to feel him inside, both of you moaning in the process. Gripping on your sides, Hiromi thrusts into your gummy walls, squeezing him in. His cock makes you feel full and he reaches deeper and deeper as he keeps fucking into you but it's not enough. Grabbing his tie you yank it toward you, needing him as close as possible. Surprised by your sudden move, Hiromi let one of his hands fly to the keys so he doesn't crush you under his weight. The disoriented sound steals a laugh from you, locking his lips with his in a heated kiss. His nail digs in your side, you know that I'll leave the mark you like. 
Hiromi gets lost in the feeling of you as always. It's your scent, the way your skin feels under his, the way you desire him and don't hide, your voice. Fuck it's you. From the day he first saw you he knew it was always going to be you. Pulling his tie incredibly closer, you thrust your ass back on his dick needing always more. A familiar knot forms in your belly, you want to cum in sync with him so badly. 
"Hiromi I love you" you say out of breath, tears menacing to rise at any moment. His brows furrowed his cheeks a light shade of pink, a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead.His pace accelerates and you can feel your legs give up under his powerful thrusts.
"Shit, I love you too baby" he says, calling your name between hushered breaths. "My angel, i'm going to put a ring on your finger" he groans "a-and make you a mom" His dick twitches at his own word. You're not better than him, clamping hard on his cock.
"Hiromi please yes!" you beg "Fuck, can't wait to see you with a swollen belly and tits full of milk" he pant keeping up his pace. 
A few more thrust and you cum undone reaching your climax. Hiromi follows you soon after, shooting all of his cum inside of you. Your body slumps on the piano producing hitting various keys and you can't help but laugh again. Hiromi's back shakes behind you laughing silently. Catching his breath Hiromi sits both your bodies on the bench and makes you face him. He caresses your hair, kissing your temple in a comfortable silence. 
"Were you serious about what you said ?" you ask in a weak voice, scared that he said these things in the heat of the moment.  Encasing your face with his hands, he makes you look at him.
"A hundred percent serious, the rest of my life is with you" he says pressing the back of your hands to his lips. The tears well up in your eyes. 
"We're getting married?" you ask cheerfully. 
"Yes my love" he smiles, kissing your hand once more. 
Overjoyed you lock your arms behind his neck and squeeze him in a deep kiss. This is the beginning of a long night after all. 
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cryptidghostgirl · 4 months
Lets say that Alastor and cat-demon! Reader are friends, both of them are staying at the hotel. Alastor gives them catnip just to mess with them.
A/N I love this mischief. Also, I am 100% basing the character off of Catra from Nate Stevenson's She-Ra remake.
Prepare for Battle (Platonic!Alastor x Platonic!Cat Demon!Reader)
Pairing: Platonic Alastor x Platonic Reader
Warnings: None but please correct me if I am wrong.
Word Count: 1,276 (Sorry it is on the shorter side, most of my fics recently have been super super long and I needed to do something different.)
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
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Y/n had showed up around the same time as Alastor did to the hotel. She was a cat demon, like Husk, only much more humanoid. The only real traits she had to show for it were the claws, tail, ears, and, of course, the wild mess of her hair.
Much to everyone's surprise, Alastor had greeted her upon her arrival with a genuine smile, even a hug. A warm welcome by anyone's standards, not just the frigid Radio Demon's. According to Husk, the two had been friends for longer than he'd known either party, possibly even when they were alive although neither spoke much of their pasts. She was never involved in his work as an overlord, but she was always there, according to him. Y/n lurked, waiting, watching for the opportune moment. A mischief maker were the exact words Husk had used.
Y/n and Alastor balanced one another out. Where she was practically feral, he was calm and composed. When he lost his cool, she kept an even temper. When the pranks had started, they had taken everyone by surprise, even with Husk's vague warning. She had just seemed so together in an odd way, so imposing. Not in the way Alastor was but she still held her own. No one expected this sort of juvenile behavior from either of them but once it started, there was no stopping it.
The first one had occurred just a few days after the cat demon's arrival. It had been small, nothing too crazy. Alastor's microphone had simply been replaced with a bright red and white striped candy cane when he had left it leaning against the fireplace to go handle something for Charlie. It wasn't often he left the device unguarded but, he was only a few steps away from it and had figured there was no reason to worry when all the hotel's inhabitants were people trying to be redeemed.
Y/n had watched giddily from the couch, her legs crossed and sporting a failed attempt at a poker face, as Alastor had picked it up again. It had taken him a second to realize the switch had occurred and when he did, his eyes went wide. Y/n had burst out into laughter.
"Here we go again." Husk had sighed, shaking his head slightly.
Thats when the inhabitants of the Hazbin Hotel learned two things. One was that Y/n was not in fact a guest in the sense that she was trying to check out of Hell and into Heaven but rather a guest in that she was there to visit Alastor. The second was that the two had been engaged in a war of practical jokes for the past several decades at least.
From that point forward, the game was on. Each prank became more and more destructive, more and more insane. They took turns with it too, a highly civilized format for an extraordinarily childish pursuit.
Y/n brought out a different side of Alastor, one they had never seen before. It was a youthful side, a side of non-threatening laughter and genuine smiles. While unnerving in some ways, it made them all a bit more at ease with the notorious Radio Demon, to know he had friends and a bit of a soft side beneath his persona.
After the microphone switch, Alastor had tricked Y/n into sitting on a stool beneath a bucket of water. When he had dumped it on her, he had not only made a mess for Nifty to clean up but caused the cat demon to shoot up into the air, hissing loudly. Y/n had gotten him back by changing the locks on the door to his recording studio and used some of her own special brand of magic to block him from teleporting within. The result of this was a very irritated Alastor who broke a fresh hole through the wall. Y/n had been forced by Charlie and Vaggie to be the one to fix it, it was her fault after all, but she insisted it was worth it.
Next had been the vacuum cleaner. The fucking vacuum cleaner. Charlie had had to repaper a whole wall to get the claw-marks to go away after Alastor had used the machine to chase Y/n up it. For her revenge, Y/n had been crafty. She had rounded up a group of several demons she knew had it out for her dear friend and set them on the hotel.
Vaggie had tried her best to kick the cat demoness out after that one but, Alastor had, surprisingly, stepped in. He had fixed the wall with a snap of his fingers and they had both promised to tone down their competition, but never to stop it entirely.
It was Alastor's turn now and as he approached Y/n with a cup of tea, everyone knew something was bound to happen. It was out of character for the man after all, the random act of kindness. She was cuddled up in a sunspot on the couch, reading. So engrossed in her book, she barley looked up at him as she took the cup from his hand with a muttered word of thanks.
Alastor had retreated to the bar beside Angel and Husk with a satisfied expression on his face.
"What did you do now?" Angel asked as he watched Y/n take a sip from the cup.
"Just you wait." Alastor hummed in response.
Five minutes was all it took for the cup to be empty and suddenly, Y/n was on the floor. She reveled in the sunlight, her book now forgotten on the couch as she rolled around.
"What the fuck?" Angel laughed, turning to Alastor, "What the fuck did you give her?"
"Cat nip?" Husk asked, his eyebrows raised, "Really? I mean, that's low. Even for you."
Alastor shrugged.
"Charlie and Vaggie made us promise to tone it down."
Angel shifted his gaze back to Y/n who was wide eyed, staring up at the ceiling intently. The sun reflecting off Angel's glass as he raised it to his lips shot across the ceiling over her head and she immediately rolled over onto all fours, her tail flicking back and forth.
"She's certainly 'toned down.'" Angel noted, laughing once again at Y/n's antics as she tried to grasp the spot of light.
"She's gonna kill you." Husk scoffed, shaking his head slightly.
Angel moved his glass again and Y/n shot forward, clasping her hands around the spot of light once more. It was ten more minutes of the guys laughing and Angel fucking with Y/n using the glass to reflect light before she finally came back her senses.
She sat up from where she had lain on the floor moment's ago, a hand to her head.
"Jesus." she grumbled, "Why... how'd I get down here?"
"Three." Husk said, crossing his arms.
Y/n took her hand from her forehead, looking around the floor of the lobby curiously. Her gaze shifted to the sofa. Her book, the empty cup.
Y/n turned to face Alastor, her eyes narrowed.
"You fucking drugged me you dickwad!" Y/n exclaimed as she pulled herself to her feet, "Catnip? Really? That's low even for you."
"Your turn." Alastor hummed placidly in return, seemingly undisturbed by her anger at the situation.
"I..." Y/n trailed off.
With another look thrown over her shoulder at the empty mug, she marched up to him. Determination glinted in her eyes, Y/n smiled, her teeth bared.
"You are so fucking in for it now."
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italiansteebie · 1 year
something you'd never expect about steve harrington is that he loves halloween.
i mean, he really gets into it.
he dresses up, decorates the house, hands out candy and even goes trick or treating with the kids as an excuse. "i'm keeping an eye on you guys!"
"you didn't have to dress up though,"
"yes i did, dustin. you don't know everything."
even after the upside down bullshit, he still loves it, and maybe he kept his scoops uniform with blood and barf stains so he could use it as a costume. and maybe that was kind of fucked, but he's coping with it.
now, steve's love for halloween is one of robins favorite things about him. especially since his house is equipped for an exceptional party, what with the size and the decorations steve is going to put up anyways? it's perfect.
so the halloween after scoops, they throw a masquerade of sorts. it's quite a rager, despite steve's expectations.
he decided to go as a masked cowboy.
he got the boots, the hat, and he wore a leather vest that ended up giving him a chill for the night since other than some chaps, it was all he was wearing on his body. he did the whole nine yards with a red bandana and some sunglasses.
"hey cowboy."
steve turned, taking in the sight in-front of him.
a guy, with long curly hair, somehow making a jason voorhees costume work.
he tipped his hat, always committed to the bit, "jason." he said simply, thanking the bandana gods for hiding his blush.
"never woulda thought king steve would throw a party like this."
"why not?"
"i dunno. it's cool though, guy seems to have changed."
"for the better?"
jason tilted his head, "yeah man. for the better." he said it as though the decision had been made, and locked in place.
so they sat.
and talked.
all night.
and the rest of the party seemed to fade away. that is until a drunk robin, dressed as micheal myers laid across his lap, "kick everyone out, im tired."
he checked his watch, it was 4 am, probably about time for them to go home. so he stood, gearing up to say his farewell to jason, maybe ask him for his number, but when he turned again, he was gone. only the smell of weed and cheap cologne remained. (and later, he'd find, a lone 36 sided die, that he'd end up asking dustin about).
it's silly to think that steve was falling in love with this guy after only just meeting him, but he'd grappled with his sexuality on a bathroom floor, appropriately, and was ready to dive back into the dating pool. or maybe the puddle, because halloween jason, seemed to be the one.
the only thing is, steve has no idea who the guy is.
that is at least until, none other than eddie munson had a broke bottle pressed against his neck. now he didn't figure it out in that moment, but when they were fleeing for their lives, eddie's hand found a way into steve's, and back at eddie's trailer, steve caught a glimpse of none other than the jason voorhees mask he'd been searching for ever since that party.
and maybe it was a sappy declaration of love, but steve was nothing if not a hopeless romantic.
"don't be heroes."
it was pleading.
steve tossed the dice eddie's way, watching fondly as he struggled to catch it.
"steve- wh?" he could see the moment it clicked in eddie's eyes. steve turned, ready to finish this mess, so he could talk to eddie, to jason, and figure out some shit.
"hey, steve?"
he turned, meeting eddie's eyes.
"make him pay, cowboy."
it was done.
they did it.
a few were in the hospital but, hey. they did it. eddie had been in a rough way for a little while, eventually pulling through but not before some physical therapy.
steve was there when he woke up.
had been ever since he'd explained to eddie's uncle wayne how they knew each other and what eddie meant to steve.
eddie cracked open his eyes.
"howdy, cowboy." it came out scratched, and rough.
"eddie," steve breathed, grasping his hand.
"i knew i liked those chaps."
steve rolled his eyes, smiling while tears rolled down his cheeks. "you saved my life." eddie said, reaching a hand to steve's cheek. steve shook his head, "how can i ever repay you?" eddie said, a glint in his eye.
steve laughed, "no thanks necessary," he said, tipping his imaginary hat, leaning into eddie's touch. "there must be someway," he said, southern drawl creeping into his voice. "how about a kiss?" steve asked, eyes flickering down to the metal heads lips.
wayne shook his head at the boys' antics. "will y'all just kiss already? im getting old waitin' for ya!"
eddie laughed at his uncle's testimony, before nodding, "c'mere, cowboy," he said, before closing the gap between him and steve.
"was it rootin' n tootin'?" eddie asked, a cheesy grin on his face as he pulled away. "sure was, partner."
"oh my god."
"hey robs,"
"steve, shut up. eddie's jason! jason from-" robin stumbled into the room. "from the party!" she all but squealed. steve laughed, nodding, "yeah, babe. we figured that one out ourselves."
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steelsartcorner · 12 days
If you wouldn’t mind sharing your secrets, can you drop a quick tutorial for the hades art style? You seem to capture it very well!
Hey anon! Thanks so much, I’m flattered you think so!
To be honest there's really no secret, just a lot of trial and error. I am an amateur, but I’ll point out a few of my observations of the amazing Hades team’s work that I attempted to incorporate into this Astarion drawing, especially SuperGiant Games art director Jen Zee. Everything below is just my layman’s observation of her much, MUCH better work. You should check her out yourself!
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First off, here’s a simple split out of the whole process (this will be long, more below the cut:)
Hades art is full of personality so the first challenge was to pick a pose that illustrates just one or two aspects of the character. For example, Dionysus from Hades 1 below has a languid, draping pose that reflects his chill-guy party vibes. Just looking at him you get an immediate idea of his personality.
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And as much as I love the later wet-cat version of Astarion as he matures as a person, for the purposes of illustration in this style I chose a pose and expression that leaned into his early, less complex, more wily self. The dagger, wink, jaunty hips and head tilt are meant to communicate, without additional context, that he’s both trying to be appealing and is not trustworthy. 
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Next is the linework and blocking! The Hades art team tends to use a combination of near-mono-thickness black lines, where exterior lines are thicker and interior lines are thinner or have no lines at all. They will often forgo an interior line to communicate form via color blocking instead. The style also makes heavy use of absolute black for the deepest shades, especially on more sinister characters or spooky aspects of a characters design. (See: Zagreus’ three dog head skulls and his red eye perpetually cast in deep shadow.)
It took some back and forth to find the right balance of black shading for Astarion. Too much and he looked too sinister and not approachable enough. Too little and he looked too innocent. 
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Picking a strong light source helped with determining the direction and placement of the shadows so that just enough was obscured/revealed. It also helps in differentiating forms from each other so that, for example, the arm doesn’t disappear into the chest and become unreadable.
Using heavy black shading was a particularly useful trick in Astarion’s case, because his camp clothes color palette is fairly monochromatic between his light hair, pale skin, and white/cream shirt. That much light color can easily blend in too much and become boring: the flats I used were slight variations of white, from a warm reddish-peach to a yellowy cream to a cool light gray for the dagger.
Last is color! In Hades 1 and even more so in Hades 2, the lighting schemes are deceptively complex. There are often multiple light sources and use of bounce lighting to add a lot of visual interest. For example, check out this lighting on Polyphemus from Hades 2:
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Not only does he have a cool moonlight hitting him from above, he also has a warm orange rimlight lighting him from the left, AND cool lavender bounce light bouncing off the ground and hitting him from below. All these combine and layer on top of one another to help emphasize the forms of the cyclop’s musculature and the textures of his sheep wool coat. 
I don’t think I was as successful in my own lighting scheme, because I’m an amateur, but I determined that the scene in which I was placing Astarion has a high sun and was outdoors. This means that the light hitting him from above would be a light, warm yellow and the bounce light hitting him from the left would reflect the nearby water and blue sky of the environment. 
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To achieve this, I made use of different layer modes in my art program (Clip Studio Paint) to apply purple shadows (via the Multiply layer mode) and highlights (via the Soft Light layer mode) in a light sky blue and a light yellow for the primary and secondary light sources.
I ran into trouble with the blade, because it was also a light metal in an already light-color-heavy color scheme. At first, it was blending in too much and hard to read. So I decided to give it a bit of a magic teal glow to help it stand out, which meant adding a few specks of magic light reflecting back onto the face and clothes as well. 
Speaking of, Hades style art makes extensive use of adding little speckles of high-saturation color to add visual interest and cohesion. See this Zagreus portrait which is primarily made of grays, a tan bone-color, and reds: 
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But sprinkled in are neon teal and magenta that don’t relate to the lighting at all. It’s just there to break up the blocks of color, bring unique colors like his green eye into the rest of the portrait, and direct the viewer’s eye. These highlights are slightly less bright in Hades 2, but still there, such as in this depiction of Apollo, who mostly glows with a warm sunlight but also has random pops of sky blue and green flecking his armor and hair.
The pops of color are often placed more centrally on the figure to keep your eye on the important parts of the portrait, like near Apollo’s face and on his armor. The color pops aren’t as frequent at the extremities; too much on the arm and your eye would be drawn away from his face.
I took a similar approach where I grabbed some of the brighter colors (like Astarion’s red eye, and the teal glow of the dagger), to add dabs of color that normally would not “make sense” from a lighting perspective, but add a little visual interest:
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Also I totally studied their approach to Apollo’s curly hair to create the impression of Astarion’s curls!
Anyway, I think that's all I got for now, I hope this helps! There's more but this is already REALLY long so I'll stop here. In the end, it's really just a process of observation and replication of things you love in artwork you admire. Give it a try, it's a lot of fun :)
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tokidokitokyo · 7 days
Cool Kanji Party Tricks
Or “How I Use Kanji to Impress My Friends”
Learning kanji can be daunting, especially for those just starting out in their Japanese studies. There are two thousand standard kanji needed to read a newspaper, but Japanese people know and use many thousands more. There are several methods available to self study kanji (just do a quick Google search to find the most popular), but any serious study of kanji takes time. Lots of time. It can feel like studying kanji over and over is a waste of time, especially since you have the internet at your fingertips to look things up at any time. However, I really believe that having a good foundation in kanji is essential to mastering Japanese, and I wanted to share what I call "cool party tricks" to encourage you in your kanji studies.
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What are "cool kanji party tricks"? This is just a list of things I have noticed that having a solid understanding of kanji will allow you to do. I have been studying Japanese for more than 10 years, and most of these things I just noticed one day in an a-ha moment, and even though someone had told me for years that learning and practicing kanji is important, it took several realizations for me to truly grasp what that meant. I would say that many of these require an intermediate grasp of the language to be able to use consistently, but I think that you can start doing any of these after achieving a basic foundation in the Japanese language.
So when your hand is cramped from writing the same kanji for hours, when on'yomi and kun'yomi have become swear words, and when you lost that one little point on the exam because the kanji you were supposed to use was only off by one stroke from the kanji you actually used... I hope you will remember this post and feel a little bit encouraged.
Find the appropriate kanji to use when typing in the romaji/hiragana on a computer/phone
Since I started my Japanese studies during high school, the formal classes I was taking had me writing out kanji for homework in order to remember it and to be able to pass the quizzes and exams. So I spent many hours writing out kanji only to end up with hand cramps and ugly looking written characters. It took ages and the stream of kanji that I had to learn seemed endless. However, one benefit I quickly saw was that I was able to quickly adapt to typing in Japanese on a computer/phone because I was able to correctly identify the kanji that I had practiced, and knew which one to select when several choices came up.
In Japanese, many words have the same sounds but different kanji and meanings (these are called homophones). So when you type in the hiragana or romaji for a word into the keyboard, it will prompt you with a list of kanji to choose from. Being able to correctly select the right one is something I suddenly realized I could do one day, even if I hadn't used the word often. I knew and could recall a larger number of kanji than I thought, and I could eliminate any incorrect kanji for the word I was trying to use. Having a good solid foundation in kanji characters means that you don't have to go look up every word in the dictionary to check that you have the right kanji, and you also don't have to leave the word in kana because you can't guess the right kanji, but rather you are confident enough to pick the correct kanji for the word on your own. This makes typing more efficient and saves time!
Understand the meaning of a word just by looking at the kanji
When you know a significant amount of kanji and what they mean, sometimes when you encounter new compound words you can guess at what they mean. Or if you are like me and sometimes forget how to read words you are already supposed to know, you can magically relearn them by looking at the kanji and interpreting the meaning. So sometimes when I am reading text in Japanese and I see a compound I don't know, I can interpret the meaning from context and from my understanding of the individual kanji, and continue through the text without stopping to look up the word. This helps you to get the gist of a text without having to look up all the words, and is how you can start reading more advanced books or manga.
Guess at the pronunciation of a word from the kanji
On the flip side of the previous cool party trick is being able to guess how to pronounce a word by knowing the on'yomi and kun'yomi of the kanji, and therefore being able to guess at the pronunciation of a word. Unless the word has 人 or 生 in it. This helps most when reading out loud in class or to another person. It will also help you to feel smug about yourself while reading a book that is of a more advanced level and being able to determine the reading of several compound words in a row.
Understanding a new word using kanji clues
As an extension of the previous cool party tricks, I eventually reached the point where I could hear a word in conversation that I had never heard before, and figure out the meaning using kanji clues.
For example, not all Japanese people know English (shocking, right?), and busting out your phone to look up every single word you don't know can become burdensome in continuing the flow of a conversation. So, if I hear a word that I don't know during a conversation (and the continuation or flow of the conversation hinges on my understanding of the word), I will stop the person and either ask what kanji the word is written with, or if I have a guess I will ask "is this using the kanji for X?" This way I can gain clues to the key word without stopping the flow of conversation too much. (It's also a fun way to show off to Japanese speakers.)
For example, if you hear the word jishin (じしん) in conversation, and you aren't sure which meaning the speaker intended:
自信 self-confidence
自身 one's self
You can ask:
"Did you mean 自信 (jishin) with the "shin" from 信用 (shin'you) or did you mean 自身 (jishin) with the "mi" (another pronunciation of 身) as in one's body?"
Then the person can respond:
"Oh, I mean 身 (mi)! As in, 自分自身 (jibun jishin), or one's self."
Then, you can continue the conversation, having an understanding of what the speaker is saying and not having to take out your phone to translate as often. This also can give the person you are speaking to a better sense of your level and help them to tailor the conversation to you.
[I hope this conveys what I am trying to illustrate ^.^]
TL;DR: Kanji is Fun
Honestly, when kanji clicks and you can read words or understand their meanings, it's like deciphering a secret code, and this is one of the things I find so cool about Japanese, and why I have studied it for so long. So if you are just starting out and are daunted by kanji - don't worry. I am still daunted by kanji, but I also find it a useful tool to improve my knowledge of Japanese and to communicate in a way many people cannot. I hope this information was useful and inspires you to suffer through learn more kanji.
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moonlit-imagines · 7 months
Headcanons for Halloween with Peter Parker
Peter Parker x reader
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you were spider-man for halloween (of course)
“really?” -peter
“there’s no better costume i could have picked” -you
peter was…iron man
“don’t tell mr. stark about this. ever” -peter
“too late” -you, taking a picture
you sent it straight to tony
and he called almost immediately
“you could have told me you were gonna be me, im flattered. i could have lent you an old suit of mine so you didn’t have to wear that cheap mask” -tony
“that’s so kind of you, but i dont know how safe it is to wear a military grade weapon to any halloween parties or like, on the street” -you
“well, you guys wouldn’t be on the street. you could fly!” -tony
“thank you, mr. stark. i just think i’ll fit it better with this stuff!” -peter
“well, suit yourself. cheaply.” -tony
you guys took so many pictures together
remaking all kinds of poses and such
(you colored a paper plate to look like captain america’s shield and did the spider pose on peter’s bed)
you both recreated the peter/tony picture together
“can i draw the goatee on your face” -you
“it’d be my greatest honor” -peter
it was sloppy but it was a fantastic addition
“‘FRIDAY, how many hours of sleep should the average human being get each night?’” -peter, mocking tony’s voice
“‘eight hours, mr. stark’” -you, mocking FRIDAY
“‘no, you’re wrong FRIDAY. the answer is two hours every two days’” -peter
fighting the urge to go trick or treating
“i mean—aren’t we a little too old for that?” -you
“i don’t really think there’s an age limit” -peter
“yeah, but like, i was thinking more of a party and some scary movies afterwards” -you
“…i have to call ned” -peter
ned showed up to peter’s house dressed as a spider
“we coordinated this. im the spider that bit you” -ned
may was basically babysitting you guys with a camera during all of this, too
constantly snapping candids
“guys, squeeze together so i can get a few more” -may
you guys ended up finding a party thrown by a midtown student and it was…
not exactly your speed, you know?
ned actually was kind of into it though
“shots! shots! shots!” -the crowd
ned did one shot
“UGHHHHHH” -ned, hating every second of it
“told you” -you and peter
okay, so maybe the party was a blow
(you guys stole a bunch of candy out of a bowl and left)
the neighborhood had really cool halloween lights, you were able to wander and check out the decor
“that’s so me” -you, every 60 seconds
“no, that’s me” -peter
“no, that’s you” -you, pointing at an inflatable spider that had been deflated
when you got back to peter’s, you found may obsessively baking “halloween treats”
“hi guys! okay, so i have witch finger pretzels, ghost marshmallows, pumpkin cookies—oh! and those tiny pumpkins with paint. go ahead, take some stuff!” -may
you all three squeezed together on the couch and turned on the halloween movie (og of course)
“no one draw any more spiders!” -peter
*you and ned freezing and trying to cover the spiders you just painted*
“oops” -you
cracking up the whole time
peter trying to poke you with the witch finger pretzel
then pretending to pick his nose with it and eat it
“ew, peter! stop!!” -you
“hey, did may just stick some sprinkles in this marshmallow and call it a ghost?” -ned
“yeah. it’s a ghost.” -peter
“yeah, ned. are you too good for it?” -you
*ned quietly eating the marshmallow*
every once in a while you’d start paying attention to the movie again
“gross. fake. dumbass. ew.” -you
eventually you guys all crashed (on the couches, of course) and may made sure to give each of you a blanket so you had a good night
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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noneorother · 8 months
The grand unified theory of Good Omens S2 hangs on - you guessed it - a double meaning (and art). *Part 3*
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l The End? This is major spoilers for season 3 territory. You have been warned. I'm also going to split this into parts because wow, I have so many ✨Clues✨! My peeps, before I show you the prestige, we need to discuss Maggie. Maggie is SO WEIRD.
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Right up top we get her telling us this. Who loves something since they were a baby? Since you were a kid sure, but how can you remember loving something since you were a baby?
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This one's fun. The double meaning here is 1) I was a huge uptight nerd so I never went to parties and/or 2) I wasn't a human teenager so I never got to go to your earth parties. But check out when Nina and Maggie *first* meet in her coffee shop. We spend a lot of time in this scene, because it's framed as a meet cute, but it's also full of weird dialogue.
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So i'm not a writer, someone feel free to tell me I'm wrong, but Maggie is remembered by Nina AS A COFFEE. She IS a skinny latte. This works on two levels again. 1) You're not important enough to me to remember you as a person, just as an order. 2) You do not fit into my memory of people I know, but subconsciously I remember you as NOT a regular human.
And then again when she leaves the shop, Nina isn't paying attention and just sort of subconsciously replies:
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Again, two meanings. Maggie is unimportant to her, Maggie is also a *coffee*.
Which is weird, because as far as I can tell Maggie never drinks a coffee, or anything for that matter. Sure she orders stuff in the shop, and is offered food and alcohol, but we never see her actually drink or eat any of it. She stirs the tea but never takes a sip.
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So what IS Maggie then? Many people have pointed out that Maggie and Nina are a coffeeshop AU of our heroes. Their visual presentation seems to be screaming Nina = Crowley! and Maggie = Aziraphale! And they *work* on opposite sides of the street and everything! So is Maggie just a stand-in for Aziraphale then, to make the parable work? Cool, then what's the parable?
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Uh oh. What possible AU fiction ends up with the main love interests breaking up with their toxic ex, dancing in a ball and fighting demons together and then... just not ending up together? An AU written by kind of a bad writer who wants to show the two lovebirds he's trying to separate that it will never work. Oh hey look The Metatron is here:
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Now, I think the same guy that has been adding bits and pieces in the past would have no problem adding stuff and/or people in the present to make a point. Maggie also seems to be pretty sure about quite a lot of things that I wouldn't be sure about, given the context.
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Maggie's knows it's not going to do any good, but she has to tell them anyway? Tell them what, that Nina and Maggie talked it out and never ended up together? Wow, what a great message. Thanks Maggie. Maggie isn't just a downer of an example though, remember she's also A COFFEE! Shoved in Aziraphael's and Crowley's faces, asking them to take it and help her since the beginning.
There's a concept in magic tricks called a force, where it seems like someone has free will ; to put a card anywhere in a deck, or pick a number, or volunteer, but actually the outcome has been chosen for them by the magician for the trick to work. The actual trick is about getting the person to think they've freely chosen to participate in the trick, not the act of revealing the card. The real trick was never making Maggie and Nina try to fall in love, it was getting Aziraphael to think he had freely chosen to help Maggie get this whole thing going. And if we know one thing about Aziraphael, it's that he's actually terrible at magic. Aziraphael has been primed to take the coffee in S2E6, because he's been taking the coffee the whole season. Ready for the prestige reveal after the force? We're going right to The Metatron in Part 4.
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🎃Tokyo Revengers Dad's : Halloween edition 🎃 Ft: 20+ daddy's TW: none (unedited) Resident: @enchantedforest-network Photo: Tokyo Revengers x Tower Records Cafe
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-one of his kids would dress as a shark (tell me I’m wrong). When he sees them walking in front of them he could see the sale of the costume mimic like a shark's tail. -Would his kids trick or treat in the upper scale areas in Tokyo they get the good candy (the king size candy bars). -Would be the type to finish trick or treating early so it wouldn’t get too late.
-Three kids dress them as lock, shock and barrel from the nightmare before Christmas. -Definitely cause mischief with his kids and teach them the fun of ding dong ditching or TP’ing someone's house if they didn’t give candy out. -Would pick some of the candies from his kids bucket but they would happily share with him
-His child would be either a black cat or a witch and carry around a stuffed black cat. -Go with group friends and they all take their kids trick or treating. -Check his kids candy to make sure it is safe for them to eat.
-When his child said they want to be a superhero he goes all out for them, cape, mask even giving them a super cool hero name. -spend hours trick or treating till it gets every late. -His child would get tired and he would end up carrying them all the way home while they slept.
-Wouldn’t settle for ordinary costumes would make sure his kids had the best costumes made out of the finest materials. -Throw a Halloween party with a big candy bar they kids would be in heaven. -Have a decorated wall so he could take pictures with his kids in there costumes 
-would spend hours at the Halloween store trying to pick out the best costume for his kids. Enjoys every minute of it to see his baby's eyes light up with excitement. -One of the dads that would dress up with his kids.  -Would rehearse with them and teach them how to say ‘trick or treat’ 
-Kids would be some type of battle character either from mortal kombat or street fighters.  -He has confidence his kids would win any kind of costume contest. -Scoping the competition on the kids costume contest give a smirk ‘my kiddo got this in the bag’ waiting for them to announce his kid was the winner of the costume contest.
-Twins he's gonna have one angel and one devil. IF one kiddo a little devil with a pitch fork. -Taking his kid trick or treating when there is a full bowl of candy left in front of the step no one is looking takes handful handy putting it into his littles one’s bag -Then he decided to empty the full bowl into his little one's bag and take off quickly.
-Taking his precious little one to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. -When finding the perfect pumpkins they would crave them together but the pumpkin carving he would be the one carving them he wouldn't let his little one do it.  -They would pick out the face then he would cut it out. -When taking out the seed from the inside he would see the gross yet funny look on his baby's face and laugh.
-His baby would definitely be wearing a mini Toman uniform just like daddy would on Halloween. -He and his sibling would all take their kids trick or treating together.  -Would start telling the kids which candy they wouldn’t like so when they give him that candy he secretly wanted those candies all along. 
-Having a Halloween party knowing it may be a challenge for him to take his kids trick or treating due to him being recognized by fans. -If his kids are going to be a certain theme he would join them like the Adams family or the Munsters but have his own style in it.  -All the desserts and foods would be themed all around Halloween like cupcakes that look like brains, drinks that would call witches brew, and spider cookies.
-Would make his babies their costumes every year like the best daddy. His baby wanna be a ‘rainbow pony princess’ daddy got you. -Would let them know every time when they are trick or treating to say thank you after getting candy from the house they got it from. -would make sure they wouldn’t eat all the candy in one sitting and would give them one piece before bed.
-Baji would send photos to his mom with photos of the grandkid(s) and their costumes. -Would go to the same houses to get double the candy. -If they get home late from trick or treating he would make them some yakisoba noodles to eat
-Attend his littles ones' school Halloween parade record the whole entire parade.  -If his little one is unable to take the steps at someone's house because the steps are too big he would pick them up and place them on the top step. -When they get home they would watch a Halloween special of his kids favorite show.
-He and his kids decorate the house from head to toe with Halloween items.  -If his babies wanted their face painted he would paint their faces and do a decent job on it. -The following day he would prank his kids about eating all their Halloween candy but when he sees them crying he would apologize and give them the candy.
-Would have enjoyed taking his kiddos out for Halloween festivities but when they get older the enjoy more of watching scary movies -Watching classic slasher movies, ordering food and buying the candy they want to eat. -he would also have a large bowl of candy when he gets trick or treating and give them handfuls of candy. 
-if he sees his baby scared to go up to a house because the decorations are too scary he would go with them to make sure they are comfortable. - He would dress up like Dracula and his baby a little vampire he would tell them ‘let’s go my little bat’ -When his baby empties there bucket they would go through the candy and would randomly give him candies that they think he would like. 
-He sees a haunted house on first instinct ‘oh hell to the nooooo’ but if his kiddo wants to go in he has to put a brave face on.  - He would be jumped scared a lot in the haunted house he would try to control his reflexes so he doesn’t knock anyone out -He admires that his child don't seem to be afraid of these types of things. Would go through every haunted house they wanted to for the night
-When practicing for the Halloween performance he would want it recorded so he could have memories of them when they were in their costume being so small. -He would enjoy making the sugar cookies with ghosts on them during this time of year. -Keep every Halloween costume because you don't have the heart to toss them, they hold valuable memories to him.
-Blog entire Oct month from when the kids find their costumes to the day it was Halloween. -Teach his kids ‘trick or treat that smells like my feet.’ -He and his kids would learn how to do Thriller or the monster mash dance.
-Kids would dress up in classic 50’s attire pompadours and leather jackets   -Making sure the brush their teeth before bed to avoid cavities from the amount of candy they got -If the kids watched a scary movie he knew that they would be staying in his bed for the next few nights. 
-If he missed trick or treating the way he would make it up to the kids is to take them to the store and let them pick out which candies they want.  -That cart would be filled up in 0.5 seconds full of candy picked by his kids.  -He would promise them that next year he will make sure he will be there with them so they can trick or treat together. 
-If he saw his baby crying because they were took scared of a character or a person he would tell them ‘you have 5 seconds to leave or I will kick your ass for scaring my child’  -would cheer up his baby and make sure they won’t cry anymore let them don’t daddy wouldn't let anything happen to them. -Avoid homes that are too scary for his baby. He wants to make sure they have a great time. 
-His kids love hearing him do scary stories and would make them think they are true on how he tells the story like the boogeyman.  - if his kids doubt on of his stories he would hear like the wall/floors slightly creek and catch the kids attention then he would speak ‘they are listening to you.’ -Google how to make spooky snacks with the kids. He would enjoy creating snacks and eating them with the babies. The kitchen would be a mess. 
Trunk or treat (all dad’s)
-If each man showed up with their kids they would have candy for days. -Big party for the kids to enjoy with a variety of things to do. -Each man would compete about who’s kid(s) the cutest. Because in their mind there are kids who are the cutest. -One big photo of all the kids together in their costumes even the older ones who aren't in costumes, because no matter how older they get those will still be there babies T^T
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Interested in joining the taglist please fill out the form below to get a notification of your favorite characters when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist
Tagging: @the-haitani-baton, @satanlovesusall666, @galactict3a, @ratlovecat, @niko-ash, @iluv-ace, @captainmycaptainn, @strawberrychrome, @missgab, @anxious-chick, @livefromraleigh, @kei-b-gurlll, @spookiisopium, @bontensbabygirl, @txna04, @intheafterall, @stygianoir, @kira-rrh, @intheafterall, @staygoldsquatchling02, @nightqueensk, @alexanderlightwoodii, @ilovenats01, @sintyu, @missgab, @elmakimaki_ , @hana-patata, @thesleppybitch @ancient-vivarium
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sweethibiscus · 10 months
here’s me slipping into ur inbox! u don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but here’s a little request i have!
loser!ellie who’s like the notorious shit-head of your neighborhood. always playing her music too loud, you can tell she’s coming cause you’ll hear her skating, and if she sees you at the park she messes with you and tries to impress you with tricks! (falls on her ass)
ofc ill do this tysm for the req (btw ily and ur writing sm !!)
i got a little carried away but i hope this is atleast somewhat what you were envisioning <33
ellie is lowk kinda stalker ish and theres also some smut so mdni !!
loser!neighbor!ellie who made her presence known shortly after moving in when you were just about to fall asleep on a saturday when you heard and felt the bass of music and the sound of people just two houses away.
loser!neighbor!ellie who when you confront about the obnoxiously loud music and guests apologizes but her next party she makes the music louder on purpose and invites more people 100% out of spite and definitely not in hopes that you’ll scold her again.
loser!neighbor!ellie who keeps apologizing when shes confronted about it but never actually does anything about it so after your third or fourth try you just gave up and invested in some earplugs that barely work
loser!neighbor!ellie that skateboards by your house every morning while your out on your porch checking the mail or watering plants just to have an excuse to see you in your pajamas and wave at you and if shes lucky enough she’ll muster up enough courage to say a quick mornin’ to you
loser!neighbor!ellie who acts super confident but is really terrified to talk to you and thinks you would never go out with her
loser!neighbor!ellie who ‘accidentally’ memorized your daily schedule. not because she watches you leaving for work and getting home or anything she just happens to notice when you leave when you get back what you wear who your with and makes a mental note in her mind of it. shes just a concerned neighbor! who also happens to have a whole section in her journal dedicated to you and your daily activities!
loser!neighbor!ellie who one day gained enough courage to ask for your phone number, for safety purposes of course! so she can make sure your safe and not with anyone else when you dont come home at your usual time and also occasionally invite you to her parties (that you always say no too)
loser!neighbor!ellie who when she passes by your house tries to look as cool as possible by doing tricks on her skateboard that she almost always fails and gets all red and embarrassed especially when you giggle a little bit but you find it kinda cute?
loser!neighbor!ellie who when skating by your house one morning notices you left your curtains open and looks inside to find you running around in just a bra and jeans. you were probably just running late but she stood there for a good minute just shocked watching you before she snapped herself out of it and continued skating back to her house
loser!neighbor!ellie who engraved that memory of you in her brain as best as she could and masturbated to the memory of it even moaning your name as she circled her clit. that night she came the hardest shes ever cum on her own
loser!neighbor!ellie who found your instagram and stalks it daily but one day accidentally liked one of your posts from 6 months ago and a few minutes later received a screenshot of the notification of her liking it from you with a message asking her if that account was her. she said yes and threw her phone across the room cause now you definitely think shes a stalker and will never talk to her again but when she shakily grabs her phone she sees that you’ve followed her and liked her posts going as far back as a year ago!
loser!neighbor!ellie who when skating by your house the next day was stopped by you. she felt her palms get sweaty as she thought of all the things you would say to her. is it about her stalking you on insta? or did you somehow know she saw you in your bra that one morning? or were you a mind reader that somehow knew every disgusting and unholy thought shes ever had of you. she was already planning on where she was going to move to when you finally came up to her but the last thing she expected was to be asked on a date by you. she stood there taken aback for a minute and you thought you were about to be rejected when she finally said yes and nodded her head vigorously
i just love loser ellie sm i cant i need to write her more
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where-dreamers-go · 2 years
"Halloween Mission" Connor x Reader
(Imagine: Connor searching for you when your phone's battery dies.)
(A/N: This got out of hand and is basically an insert reader. Guess this is my first one with rk800!
Warnings: none. Unless you count a mild reference to Assassin's Creed.
Word Count: ?? I'm on my phone.)
Of all nights, it was Halloween.
People were trick or treating, going to parties, working late shifts, causing mischief, eating candy, and a list of over fifty activities.
Connor had thought of them all and more unsavory ones. He had hoped that this year would be calm in the city. A big hope, but his nonetheless.
Deviancy tended to do that. Emotions.
Along with deviancy came new experiences and friendships. You were both of those surprises for Connor.
A friendship that may have started oddly, however neither of you would trade a second of it. Connor valued you as a friend. He cared. He could talk to you about anything. He trusted you.
Halloween night he worried.
Already knowing you were joining other friends to an event, Connor didn't want to interrupt your fun. Yet, you sent him photos throughout the night nonetheless. That wasn't the problem.
The issue arose when his texts were left unread. A promise of another set of photos was left empty. Your voicemail being the only reply Connor could receive.
He waited fifteen minutes. After that he checked to see your location via your phone. Nothing. No update.
Thirty minutes later, Connor was passing the third long line of guests as they waited to board an attraction.
In his life, he had not scanned so many faces in such a short amount of time.
Connor needed to find you. In a place that crowded, there was no telling what could have happened to you.
Hopefully nothing, Connor thought. This could be a sign of overreacting. He shouldered passed a group of people dressed as hooded assassins.
"Need help, man?" One of them asked.
"No, no, no." Another said with a grin and then said dramatically, "he's on a mission. He's got a contract."
The friend bumped the other and rolled their eyes.
Connor decided to amuse them. To add to their fun target than load them with his worry. Smirking, Connor backed away saying, "I always accomplish my mission."
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Leaving the excited chatter behind him was one of his many steps. The event space was large. It was a challenge he didn't hesitate to take.
He eyed an enthusiastic crowd in front of a live band and hesitated.
They said they were thinking of skipping--
His thoughts were interrupted by a voice. Connor turned around.
"Connor!" You called out in surprise and relief.
The android ran up to you without delay. "Are you alright? You didn't answer your phone and your location was offline--"
"The battery died."
"What?" He looked bewildered.
"I had it charged, but that new app sucked it up." You grabbed his hand, cool to the touch. "I'm sorry. I'm fine though. A little cold maybe, but I'm glad to see you."
Connor gave your hand a light squeeze.
"Did you... I freaked you out, didn't I?" You asked, frowning. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I....admittedly thought the worst." Connor sighed. "You said how your friends were going on a ride without you and I wasn't.... comfortable with the idea of you being alone. Here."
"But you're here now."
He nodded. Sheepish in your presence. A little too aware of how you still held his hand.
"We can't waste your ticket, right?" You smiled, hopeful.
"Right." Connor matched your smile. "Where would you like to go?"
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @cubedtriangle​
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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jocelynscrazyideas · 18 days
Summer lakehouse- Arrival | Quinn Hughes x Reader
Summary: this episode reads… Zoey, Trevor’s twin sister and Trevor Zegras go on a roadtrip to Michigan to the Hughes Home. Summer is calling!! And so is love.
Warnings: language? Not proof read.
A:N- this is the kickoff to the series!!! Also sorry to mention but Trevor’s actual sibling don’t exist in this story (sorry!)
“Zoey!” Trevor calls for me from my kitchen. Trevor and I are at my house in Minnesota. I’m currently upstairs getting packed for our trip to Michigan. Normally, Trevor would fly out to Michigan and I would be left at home.
Trevor, my older brother, only by 7 minutes has been super successful in his hockey career. He had just suffered in an injury so lately, Trevor has had time to check up on me, especially since I had just went through a breakup with a relationship that lasted about three years. I live in Minnesota, Trevor is in Anaheim, and our parents moved back into New York. I feel so special being able to literally be going to Michigan with The HUGHES brothers. I’ve known Jack for a long time, but I have never really considered us friends. I only talk to Jack because he’s Trevor’s bestfriend.
“Are you coming?” Trev bellows out for me again.
“Yes! Just calm down and eat an apple.” I yell back from upstairs in my room.
“Incoming!” I exclaim cautiously chucking my bags down the stairs. Trevor runs under the botttom of the stairs and catches my bags. I packed about three bags knowing I’ll be in Michigan for half the summer.
“Okay give me your keys.” Trevor motions for my pocket. “Um.. now.” Trevor barks back at my nasty stare.
“No! I’m driving.” I look him up and down, I pick up one of three bags and throw it at his chest.
“ZEGRAS IS DOWN!! ZEGRAS IS DOWN!!” Trevor screams out flailing his arms as if he’s trappped under my bags. I grab one and throw it into my car. I run inside and grab my other two and throw those into the car. I hurry to my side of the car and notice that Trevor isn’t outside. I unlock the car, knowing he may be tricking me and he could steal the drivers seat.
“Fine.” Trevor murmured in defeat as he walks out f the house. He gets in the passenger seat and he turns in the radio.
Umbrella by Queen Rihanna is on.
I open our windows as we are still driving in to town towards the nearest highway.
“Can we stop for some drinks and food?” Trevor, being a former big back asks.
“Yeah sure, you’re paying.” I say as I’m still locked in into one of the best songs ever.
We pull into Starbucks as he orders for me and him. We wait for 15 minutes, and my dragon fruit lemonade refresher comes out followed by Trevor’s black coffee and his cake pops.
“You know this song is going to be your summer.” Trev indicates as we approach the freeway.
“No, I’m going to have fun thi summer, and having fun is being single.” I say trying to get rid of the conversation.
“Well yeah never mind you’re still a virgin.”
“Trevor shut the fuck up. You can’t keep your girlfriends! You scare them off!” I say yelling back at him. Yes, I have lost my virginity, but I haven’t had sex in like 8 months. Which is normal.
We make it to Wisconsin and we stop at a rest place, I use the bathroom, Trevor goes to throw our trash away. “You know I’m serious. You could get a boyfriend this summer. Quinn throws seriously cool parties.” Trevor still not letting this go.
“No, I just got out of a healthy relationship, and I’m still hurt.” I explain, trying to give him signals.
“Good. You can get a rebound. I mean You’ve met Jack. Michigan men are hot.” Trevor goes on and on about me and the idea of “hot men”.
I drive for another four hours and we stop at another rest place. I get out of the car and stretch my legs and start to walk into the buildings for the bathrooms. I get some water, grab a few snacks and head back to the car. Trevor and I switch seats, and he drives really scary.
Trevor swerved in front of a deer. I punched Trevor in his right bicep, and he winced. He looks over at me and he drives off. He throws his phone at me telling me to turn on some music.
“Why do you get aux?” I reply in a snap.
“Well you get to pick the playlist that’s on MY Spotify.” Trevor sassed back.
I press on his “lover girl/wedding vibes” playlist. Interesting.
“What’s this?” I say as I laugh. I know Trevor was hurt when I told him he’s the reason he can’t keep a girlfriend. I felt terrible.
“WHAT IF HES WRITING MINE ON MY UPPER THIGH.. ONLY IN MY MINDD!” Trevor breaks out into song. And I follow.
“Taylor the woman you are.” I say as I hold trevs hand. We make it to Michigan. We both pulled all jighters.
“10 hour drives aren’t for the weak.” Trevor says as he pulls over into a parking lot. We switch seats once more. Trevor puts the Hughes address in my google maps. I turn in the aux and play Lovers by Anna of the North. So teenage girl coded. I back into the driveway, and I knock on Trevor’s head.
“Wake up.” I whisper trying to get him up but still he quiet for those around us in the block.
“Mhm” Trevor moans out in a sleeping bliss.
“Zegras?” Quinn says as he walks out of the newly renovated home.
“Oh yeah! Hey buddy!” Trevor instantly gets up and opens the trunk. Quinn helps us bring our stuff into the house. I get my own room, for now.
“So Trevor I didn’t know your twin sister was like super hot.” Quinn mumbles to Trevor.
“Uh, yeah she’s hot.” Trevor looks over at me and winks.
“Yeah she is! And she’s mine!” Jack says as he run into me and grabs my bags before I get the chance to.
“Hurry up! It’s cold.” Luke says. Luke’s hanging half way in the door way and half way out. He held the door for us and he walks me to my room.
“So you jack know eachother?” Luke mentions. Luke is 6”3, really tall, like taller than Trevor. I’m 5”2 and on a good day I’m 7”.
“Yeah, but only through Trev.” I respond, Luke seems so chill. I think out of all of the Hughes, I’d get along with Luke the best.
“Chill. I’m glad you could come this summer!” Jack says. I’ve never thought me and Jack were so buddy buddy, but I guess we are.
“So I’ll wake you up in the morning, so we can go down to the beach, and buy some avacodoes from the store. I know you like avocado toast!” Jack hypes up. We past their parents rooms and I settled into my bed.
Now that I mention it. Jack and I are actually best friends. Trevor met jacks through me when I told Trevor to tryout for USNTDP U18 because I knew the captain. It’s been years since me and Jack talked, I mean Jack and Trevor hang out, but it’s not me and Jack going on walks everyday.
I can’t believe I forgot Jack and I’s friendship. I feel terrible. Jack was the only person who really knew me for me.
I go to bed and I dream about nothing. Mind is empty. Except…
I’m thinking of how Wuinn called me hot. Maybe Trevor was right, maybe I could find a love this summer.
I wake up to knocking on my door, last night before I fell asleep I put all of my clothes and shoes away, I unpacked my hygiene stuff into my bathroom.
“Hey? Are you wake?” I hear from behind my door. I can’t decipher the voice but I know it’s not Trevor.
I get out of my bed and unwrinkls my bed sheets. I slide my slippers on and walk over to the door. “Hello?” I whisper. “What time is it?” I ask as I look up to the owner of the mysterious voice.
“Yeah. Sorry for waking you up.” Quinn apologizes to me, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of my room. My door shuts behind me, Quinn pulls me down the stairs and I’m following the tall man all the way to his car.
“Jack told me to take you to get avacidos.” Quinn told me as he opens his car door for me. “It’s like 5:30.” I told Quinn. Just making sure he knows it’s way too early to buy avocados for breakfast. Especially in the summer.
“I’m aware. But if you wanted to go sneak out like Jack and Z told me, then this is the time. Besides, I know a sport downtown.” Quinn backs out of the neighborhood and he drives off to a small shop. Some farmers markets are open so we buy organic avocados, four of them.
“You like the ocean?” Quinn asks me. He places a blanket on the sandy stone. We sit on a cliff on top of a lake.
“Yeah, you?” I respond. I wonder if Jack and Trevor put him up to this. Or if Quinn genuinely thought of taking me.
“Uh- yeah no I love the lakes here in Michigan. I hear you’re from Minnesota, the place of 10,000 lakes.” Quinn mocks the Minnesotan accent.
“Yeah I mean it’s nice, especially during the summer because of the weather, but during the winter there the lakes are fun to skate on, and I have friends who ice fish- it’s really easy to have fun in Minnesota.” I explained, I look at Quinn and he’s staring into my eyes. It’s like he’s reading me.
“Yeah? Maybe I should drive back with you and Z.”
“You should, Trevor loves to annoy me.”
“Well he told me most of the stuff you’ve been through before this.”
“Like what? My breakup?” I say as I turn my head towards the lake instead.
“Maybe we should head home, it’s been a couple of hours since we left.” Quinn excused out conversation, knowing I was offended.
We got home around 8:41- about three hours since we left to get avocados. I bring in my favorite ingredient, and Quinn opens the door for me.
I set the avocados on the counter and I head to my room. “Zoey!” Quinn runs up the stairs after me.
“Sorry for getting in your biz.” Quinn apologized to me, he must truly care.
Jack comes down from his room and makes us our avocado toast that he promised us.
We went boating and I tanned on the deck while the guys barbecued and grilled some burgers.
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braxlrose · 11 months
Can you write about Bill having a partner that’s essentially like Avril Lavigne? That could be cool
a/n: I envy avril lavigne sooo let's do this, I scrolled all the way down through my asks and I never saw this so sorry this is so late!
also a shout out to @millzieraa cuz ik you lost your old account which was @krav3nn, so go check her account out you guys!!
bill w/ a avril lavigne wannabe gf who's like avril lavigne
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-he literally is obsessed with the way you dress. he thinks you look so cool and yall borrow eachother clothes all the time. im not joking, he actually thinks your style is the awesome and loves how close it is to his style
-he goes to skate parks with you and watches you do a bunch of tricks. like whenever you do one and do it really good he's smiling and clapping and all this shit. he also would love it if you taught him or tried to teach me how to do some tricks.
-if you do end up teaching him some stuff he totally shows it off on tokio hotel tv
-he also loves you a lot because you and tom get along really well. you and tom are a lot a like a tons of ways so he's happy that you're able to get along with his brother. he doesn't date girls who can't get along with tom.
-would literally dieeeee if you made a song about him. like he thinks your musik is amazing so he would love it if you made a song about him.
-he also writes songs about you. he can't help it. he's just so in love with you and thinks you're the coolest person ever. he loves you so much and will write multiple songs about you.
-one of the reasons he fell for you is because you weren't afraid to be yourself and didn't want others to hide who they were either. (let's pretend avrils music is music you actually make). like the song complicated, he loves how you just want people to be themselves and not change for anybody
-he also loves how fun and accepting you are. he likes people who are fun and spontaneous and you're just that
-totally does musik collabs with you and your band
-helps you dye your hair colors
-you and your band and tokio hotel go to parties together all the time. you and Bill both get equally drunk and just make out and dance together all night
-if there's a language barrier between you two, he'll figure out a way to communicate with you
-loves watching you play guitar and tom always gets kinda jealous if you play something better than him
-you two go shopping together at thrift stores allll the time to find new cool clothes
-is literally the best at giving you birthday presents since you and him have so much in common
-he gets your name tattooed on him
-he loves going to your concerts and watching you sing and play guitar. moving around stage and just listening to your amazing voice
-he also loves it when you come to his concerts, he gets so happy when he can see you in the crowd or if you're backstage and you give him a kiss for good luck before a concert
-thought it was the coolest thing when you wrote Sk8ter Boi (let's pretend it's about tom, and that the end of the song is changed bc obviously you don't end up w/ tom). but yeah he loved it and thought it was super awesome
-the band is really important to him and since you're in the musik business you're able to understand that the band is the most important thing to him and he really loves that about you. he had his last girlfriend break up with him because she said he didn't have enough time for him so he's really glad you're able to understand how much the band means to him and everything
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @billybabeskaulitz
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 21 - Tough
@jegulus-microfic January 21 Word count 922
Part 1
The party didn’t take long before it was in full swing. Sirius and Mary urged people to drink and dance. James had tried hard not to drink too much, but his friends were incorrigible, pushing fresh drinks into his hands once the previous one was empty. At some point, Marlene’s punch was given to him. It was sweet and delicious, hardly tasting of alcohol. Which, made it all the more dangerous. After that one cup, James felt pleasantly drunk. 
He started doing the rounds as any good host would do. Checking in on people he knew and introducing himself to those he didn’t. He found himself wrapped around Sirius, trying to concentrate on the story he was telling. His mind wandered, and he caught sight of Regulus propping up another wall, a half-drunk cup of something dangling from his fingers as he looked around, bored at the drunk partiers. James extracted himself from Sirius’s side and stumbled to the wall. He had to use it more than he thought he’d need to to keep himself from falling over. He smiled goofily at Regulus, who was purposely ignoring him. 
“Having fun little Reggie?” He asked, leaning over and prodding his finger into Regulus’s side. Regulus flinched away. “Sorry,” James mumbled as he tried to right himself. Regulus’s hand shot out and pushed him back upright. 
“I need some air,” Regulus said before disappearing out the French windows into the growing darkness. James felt bad, wanting to follow him and apologise. However, before he could take one step, Mary came over, pressing another cup into his hand. He took a grateful sip only to realise it was yet another cup of Marlene’s punch. To hell with it, he thought as he downed it.
The room started spinning as this last mixture of alcohol hit his system. He ended up in the middle of the room dancing with Lily. Both of them giggled as they tripped over each other’s feet. Panting and sweating, he left her in Marlene’s capable hands after dancing to a few songs. 
He needed some air. The house had gotten very stuffy, and he felt like he might throw up. 
He made his way as quickly as he could to the doors leading outside. The loud sounds from the party muted as he shut the doors behind him. He leaned against the brick wall and let his head fall back, enjoying the cool breeze playing across his forehead. 
He started at the click of a lighter and the flash of a flame. A face was lit as the flame was used to light a cigarette. 
“Skipping out on your own party, Potter?” Regulus smirked, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the night. James blinked a few times, taking in what was happening. 
“It’s not my party.” Was all that he could think of to say. 
“Sure seems like it. It is at your house, after all.” Regulus continued, taking another drag on his cigarette. James shook his head. 
“No, it was Marlene’s idea. I just happen to have a house.”
“I have a house,” Regulus countered. “Why didn’t Sirius offer it up.” He looked generally interested in the answer. 
“Now don’t be offended, but your house is a bit scary.” Regulus pulled a face. 
“What do you mean scary?”
“Well, just the antiques for starters. They’re everywhere and so very, very breakable.” Regulus nodded thoughtfully. 
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“That,” James continued, emboldened by the fact that Regulus was allowing him to talk and not pulling his usual trick of running away. “Let’s be honest, Reggie. You’d hate having all these people in your house, even if they were sober.” Regulus chuckled quietly.
“Yes, you are correct. Better they destroy your house than mine.” James couldn’t help it, a huge peal of laughter burst out of him. Oh, he was very drunk. He stopped and took in a deep breath. Hoping the night air would help sober him up.
“And I won’t mention the decor.” He added, breathing in and out as evenly as he could. Regulus snorted. 
“Well, that was my family’s doing. They’re very old-fashioned, as you know.” James nodded knowingly but said no more on the matter. The Black family was a sore spot for both of the brothers.
He glanced over at Regulus as he brought his cigarette to his lips again. James’s heart stuttered in his chest. He’d never noticed how slender and delicate Regulus’s fingers were.     
“Do not let Sirius see you smoking those.” He blurted out, trying to keep Regulus talking and his mind of the strange feelings beginning to bloom inside him. “He’ll want to take it up, thinking it makes him look tough.” Regulus choked slightly as he exhaled. 
“Does that mean you think I look tough, Potter?” He snickered as he took another drag, staring deep into James’s eyes. 
James had to swallow hard. His breathing hitched, but he couldn’t break the eye contact that Regulus had captured him in. He took a slow, steady step forward. Giving Regulus time to move away if he wanted to. He didn’t even know what he was doing. Marlene’s punch was making his thoughts fuzzy. All he knew was that he wanted to be closer.  
“James, what are you doing?” Regulus looked at him, confused. Regulus lowered his cigarette and licked his lips. James’s heart pounded in his ears. 
Before his brain could catch up with what his body was doing, he was kissing Regulus and to his immense surprise, Regulus was kissing him back.  
Next part
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