#creativewriting fiction
plotandelegy · 1 year
Crafting Future From Ruins: A Writer's Guide to Designing Post-Apocalyptic Technology
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Photo: Standard License- Adobe Stock
Crafting post-apocalyptic tech involves blending creativity and realism. This is a guide to help you invent tech for your post-apocalyptic world:
Tinker, Tailor, Writer, Spy: Start with modern tech. Take it apart (conceptually or literally if you're feeling adventurous). Using the basics, think of how your character might put it back together with limited tools and resources.
Master the Fundamentals: Understand the basic principles underlying the tech you're working with. Physics, chemistry, and biology can be your best friends. This understanding can guide your character's resourceful innovations.
Embrace the Scrapyard: The world around you has potential tech components. Appliances, vehicles, infrastructure - how could these be deconstructed and repurposed? Your characters will need to use what's at hand.
Cherishing Old Wisdom: Pre-apocalypse books and manuals are the new internet. A character with access to this knowledge could become a vital asset in tech-building.
Indigo Everly
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Welcome to "Character A Character B"!
Calling all fandom enthusiasts! Step into a world of possibilities as we bring you the ultimate writing and art challenges!
Are you a fanfiction enthusiast looking for a welcoming community to share your passion? Look no further! We're thrilled to announce the launch of "Character A Character B" – a vibrant and inclusive space open to all fandoms and all ages.
What we offer:
Exchanges: Dive into creative collaborations with fellow fans.
Word Count Competitions: Challenge yourself and showcase your writing skills.
Prompts: Get inspired and explore new story ideas.
Flash Fests: Engage in quick and fun writing challenges.
Celebrations: Write about stories based on a holiday, occasion, or specific event.
Bingos: participants complete a 3x3 grid of prompts based on a specific theme.
Join us and be part of a supportive community where creativity thrives! Whether you're into fanfiction, original stories, or simply love discussing your favorite characters, there's a place for you here.
Spread the word and invite your fellow fandom friends! Let's create unforgettable stories together.
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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girlfromthecrypt · 1 year
Nosleep author new to Tumblr --- Here to say hi!
It's great to see you here!
In case you're a stranger stumbling across this, I am an author on r/nosleep over on Reddit. I write first person POV dark fantasy/horror stories, mostly with a light touch. Topics include but are not limited to fairy-infested theme parks, frustrated dimension hoppers struggling with unemployment and women in wedding dresses roaming haunted forests. If any of that sounds interesting to you, feel free to check out my Reddit account. Or maybe you'd care to take a look at my subreddit, r/CrypticPark. As of now, the bulk of my work can be found there.
I suppose everyone who's following this blog knows me from Reddit. I plan to post my stories here as well as to r/nosleep. I find that the landscape on that subreddit has changed a lot lately, and not exactly in the best way. So maybe branching out will do me and my creative work some good. Let's see how it goes!
I gotta admit, I'm not at all used to how Tumblr works, so this post is as much as a greeting as it is me dipping my toes into what's sure to be a raging sea. Do folks even post texts like these here? Guess I'll see. Have mercy on me, is what I'm saying. I'm about as social media-savvy as your stereotypical granny. In fact, I am typing this with my screen dangerously close to my face, squinting at the keyboard like a vole. Still, I'll try my best to figure out this platform and make your stay on my blog as pleasant as I possibly can. I admittedly had fun playing with colors and fonts for my profile, so I hope there'll be good things to come.
Thanks for following my stories! Cheers
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theneptunianmind · 2 months
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stars-forever · 4 months
Fellow writers and fanfiction enthusiasts! I'm excited to announce that claiming for the @character-a-character-b “Spring Into Writing” flash fest is officially open!
The Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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alchemists-eve · 1 year
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“Look upon yourself and ask the questions, Ask the questions that give you butterflies. Warp and change who you think you are And know these questions are meaningless."
"Nothing is created to be understood. Yet you were created to understand.
Who are you? What do you do? Why do you keep doing it when all things tell you not to? Who hurt you? Who healed you? What pushed you to take that next step?
In asking the question your understanding of yourself changes. You ask. You answer. You know. You grow. You’re different. You ask again. The answer has changed. If you ask, you are the kind of person who would ask. If you don’t ask, you're the kind of person who doesn't ask. You cannot observe the world from within.”
A sense began to develop.
You watched as your body extended indefinitely through time, forward and backward. You are nothing along the spectrum of all of existence. Tiny. Floating through space. A spec on the windshield of a car on a road in a city on a continent on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a universe.
You ask the infinitum of space and time who you are. But it does not hear you. You are nothing.
Within you something develops further.
You dive into the world around you, falling and shrinking into the space between molecules and atoms. You descend into worlds far smaller and complex than you could ever imagine. A body with a heart with veins with blood full of cells comprised of proteins composed of molecules built from atoms formed by electrons.
You ask the infintesium of the atom who you are. But it does not hear you. You are nothing.
“Listen to the fire. Listen to how it snaps and crackles. How it moves with the wind. It is distinct yet the same as the air around it. Take a photo. Look at it. It’s different now. Yet it is still fire. It burns. It does so because, by its nature, it is powerful. And when all things tell it that its strength doesn’t matter against the blazing sun it doesn’t stop burning the hands that touch it. When it is abstracted to a chemical reaction, does it stop heating a room?”
You grasp the chains in your hand, and listen. You feel the warmth of the room vanish, coallessing in your burns. You grip the chains harder, as the warmth concentrates into your palms.
The fire grows strong and wild, the flames lick the edge of the fireplace, and the crackles and snaps become pops and bangs.
“I still don’t get it.”
"You will."
The chains snap
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Don't forget that Alchemist's Eve is now on Instagram. If you've enjoyed the story, please reblog and tell your friends.
***Next Part******Previous Part***
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whatifjesuscameback · 5 months
What if Jesus came back?
Visit the Site! Visit the Site!Gospel stories retold for the present day.
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addieredgrave · 1 year
There’s are many times in my life that I regret so, But none as much as the way I treated you.
To my mother, to the woman I fear to become.
And the woman I aspire to be.
The woman I fight with most.
The woman who makes me feel a level of anger I didn’t know possible.
The woman who is my sole provider of comfort.
The person I love the most.
I want you to know, that when I gave up. When I was too tired to breathe any longer. You were my reason, my only reason. The saddness I would bring upon you, stopped me every time.
Sometimes I figure we are too similar to get along. I blamed you a lot, growing up. I was angry with you. I felt disappointment by you. I felt unwanted and unloved.
But now I see, that you are only a child. You are only that little girl who’s mother died at her own hand. You tried everyday with no given guidelines. You tried your best, I know you did. So for that I am sorry, for the anger and disappointment I bestowed upon your love, I can never apologise enough.
I love you mum to the moon and back, forever will tie our souls.
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austin-friars · 7 days
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I'm about to slice this up and make it a nice mood board but omg, the prologue for my new wip
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penofglen · 4 months
‘Mickey Mouse Degrees’: The Battle for Creativity in Education
Is it fair to label creative arts degrees as 'Mickey Mouse' or should we be embracing the arts? Read my thoughts at my #blog below #generalelection #election #mickeymousedegrees #education #art #music #drama #author #vote #gsce #school #government
As we honor National Creativity Day, it’s crucial to confront the stark reality of creativity’s place in our education system. Reflecting on my school days, the landscape was bleak for those of us yearning to create. Art classes were less about expression and more about replication, a hollow echo of true artistic endeavor. We were taught to admire Picasso from afar, but never to unleash our own…
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unnamedunknown · 2 years
I'm unclean
discarded, unlovable, a toy.
Not the one you wanted
Not the first nor the last
I picture you with lovers from the past, present, future
my throat tightens, hands shake
I read the messages till my brain is scattered
till one thing is clear--
you don't want me anymore.
you never did.
your face, hands, lips,
haunting my dreams
I can't picture you with someone else
without picturing my death
why do I crave a love I can't have?
why did I start when I knew it wouldn't last?
did I say the wrong thing
get my lines wrong?
if I was prettier
played my part
kept my mouth shut...
the morning paralyzes me
the night terriozes the mind
I wish I could take it back
I want to turn back time
The only thing worse than not having you,
Is having known you.
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annawritesworld · 1 year
#17 Truth or Dare
“Boys are only mean to you because they like you”,
As if I was supposed to care.
Instead, we sat together everyday at the back of the bus,
And he sat across from us.
He had a big crush on you,
He was mean to me because I scared him.
“I dare you to kiss Nova right now”,
As if it had to be a dare.
I can't recall whether we ever kissed or not,
But I recall the curve of her cupid's bow as well as I recall it singing in a dazzling tone.
I liked being scary to the boys,
I hated when she was mad at me.
But, still, I passed “I love you” notes to him in class,
While I sat next to her everyday.
I loved anything she liked,
Became red at her touch,
Thought she was the prettiest creature I’d ever seen,
As if I was supposed to know.
I have not heard from her in years,
In my sophomore year I was told she tried to kill herself,
And then none of my texts would send.
I still wonder if I ever got my kiss,
When we rolled a dice and were told I’d end up with him,
I wrote it down as a joke,
As if you would ever go.
— anna
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Unleash Your Creativity With Our Flash Fest!
Fans and authors of fanfiction, take note! Get ready for an incredible literary journey. Character A Character B's debut Flash Fest is almost approaching, and you're cordially invited to take part in something extraordinary.
Writers from all genres are welcome to participate in our Flash Fest, regardless of their preference for romance, fantasy, sci-fi, or everything in between. Allow your creativity to go wild and approach the task from your own viewpoint!
The theme is being kept under wraps for the time being, but be assured that it will be a challenge that sparks your creativity and imagination. On April 22, 2024, be ready to solve the puzzle and go on an unforgettable journey through the power of words!
Compete for awards such as the Wit and Wisdom Award, Titan Award, and Plot Twist Prodigy Award. Show off your skills and win recognition for your talent.
To participate in the event and to receive updates on prompts, submission requirements, and announcements, join the Character A Character B Discord server.
Our Discord Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
Set the date on your calendars, tell everyone about it, and get ready for an exciting journey that will both challenge and inspire you. We look forward to seeing you at Flash Fest!
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clinically-mad · 2 months
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OC Spotlight: Francis
Francis grew up in the upper class, constantly questioning his father Stefan Cartier's corrupt beliefs. Though Stefan was a respected official with a positive public image, he was abusive behind closed doors. Francis's mother wasn't in his life, and he had no idea what happened to her, which only fueled his hatred for his father.
From a young age, Francis was subjected to his father's unfair and manipulative views of the world. Despite the luxurious lifestyle, he longed for a life beyond the gilded cage, to experience the world as other kids did. His father, who was one of the governor’s assistants and head of the transactions/goods department, often hid his true nature behind a facade of respectability. But behind closed doors, he was strict, stern, and physically abusive, tolerating little to no dissent.
Francis's life was a constant struggle between obedience and the desire to break free from his father’s oppressive control. He often kept to himself, simmering in the darkness of his father's shadow, attending to his chores and lessons with a heavy heart. Despite the abuse, Francis's spirit remained unbroken. He knew there was more to the world than the lies his father fed him, and he was determined to find it.
After a particularly heated argument, Stefan decided to send Francis away to work for S.E.R.A.P.H., an organization that his father was in charge of funding. Stefan hoped that this experience would instill fear and respect in Francis, making him more compliant. However, this plan backfired spectacularly.
At S.E.R.A.P.H., Francis found something he had never experienced before: camaraderie and support. He formed close bonds with his new group of friends and found parental figures who cared for him genuinely. These relationships helped Francis see the world in a new light and strengthened his resolve to fight against the corruption his father embodied.
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theneptunianmind · 2 months
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stars-forever · 2 months
Fellow writers and fanfiction fans! I'm excited to announce that claiming for the @character-a-character-b “Echoes of Elsewhere” flash fest is officially open!
The Server Link is: https://discord.gg/pCjeXgV4VV
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