#culinary kitchen
qwakque · 9 months
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quiddie · 5 months
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Actual footage of Suvi and the fox attempting to cook in her tower’s surprise kitchen
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nottheeconomy · 6 months
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Let him cook!!!
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hyuckonia · 6 months
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Ghost Chef 1 stronger than me. i woulda quit my damn job or conveniently placed a cleaver into one of my essential internal organs
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
The Library MEGA POST!
Hwello. This is a mega post of every information we have so far and where links to new information will be added. This is so chu can get to the information quickly and it will be more organized in this space.
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Clary Sage
Culinary Herbs
Bay Leaf
Veggies and Fruits
Russet Potatoes
Black Obsidian
Tiger's Eye
Lapis Lazuli
White Moonstone
How to Use Rosemary
How to Use Basil
How to Use Lavender
How to Use Mandrake
Water and Plants
How to Celebrate Samhain!
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
Complete Language of Herbs by S. Theresa Dietz
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Scott Cunningham
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Ann Nock
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Herb Magic by Patti Wigington
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine by Andrew Chevallier
The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes
Dictionary of Plant Lore by Donald Watts
The Magick of Food by Gwion Raven
The Complete Language of Food by S. Theresa Dietz
Nature Guide, Rocks and Minerals - DK Publishing
Guide to Crystal Grids- Transform Your Life Using the Power of Crystal Layouts - Judy Hall
Crystals- A complete guide to crystals and color healing - Jennie Harding
The Crystal Witch - Leanna Greenaway
The Crystal Bible - Judy Hall
The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals - Cassie Uhl
The Crystal Workshop - Azalea Lee
Crystals for Witches - Rituals Spells and More - Eliza Mabelle
More will be added as information is added to the little library. Remember you can support this library by tipping and maybe a pateron in the future.
Thank chu. Bye byes~
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thestarvingchef · 10 months
A Warm Welcome!
You can call me Tay. I’m a former chef with experience in fine dining, fast food, pizza whatever you name it. I spent a lot of time in my life experiencing food in all its forms. I haven’t used tumblr since I was a young teenager so I’m a little rusty here.
I’m gonna be completely honest here, I wanna post content and stuff on here but I have no idea whether there’s even an audience for it here. If you have any requests let me know, even if you just want cooking advice hit me up, otherwise imma just do me on here. If that appeals to you, chuck me a follow. DMs are always open aswell.
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gordiicore · 21 days
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mexican breakfast tutorial
bc huevos con weenie here would actually slap so hard
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batcavescolony · 1 year
Since in #7 Bernard Dowd is seen to want to be a Chef and I've had culinary arts schooling this is my list of oddly specific things pertaining to that. Use it as you want (just from my experience)
Having a callous on the base of your pointer fringer of your dominate hand from using a chef knife
Funky patterned chef pants
when you are moving with a hot pan or heavy items ect you tell everyone like HOT PAN! BEHIND. GOING AROUND THE CORNER. BEHIND!
small batches are cute but in a restaurant/bakery/etc you're doing big batches in industrial ovens and mixers. A batch of bread dough we made had 12lbs of flour and like a half gallon of water.
Culinary arts isn't just making food it's doing math, converting recipes, going over OSHA rules and restaurant regulations
After awhile you have enough knowledge to the point where you see a recipe on the internet and go "hey... I can make that. Like really easily" like you can just make curry or scallion pancakes or fancy food
You will notice the shitty knife cuts in like pre cut packages of fruit and veg at the store
You're not allowed to have nail polish or false nails (unless you want to wear gloves all the time)
You start to realise how easy it's is to do somethings for yourself. Like you can just buy a chicken and break it down yourself or make stock at home
Their will be at least one class day where you cut onions all day and leave in tears because everyone is literally cutting onions
Sometimes stuff gets pushed back in the fridge or it's after break and the food has grew a putrid smelling mold. Cleaning it is part of culinary, it's...Fun
Everyday you wear chef pants, a chef coat, a closed toe non slip shoe and a chef hat.
Your hands will get chapped af because you're washing them all the time, lotion is your friend
You do refer to your head chef as 'Chef' or 'Chef ____' (or at least we did)
You will fuck up except it and move past it. (I once put too many chips in the fryer, it over flowed and we had to clean it up)
Kitchens get hot and you're wearing pants and a coat that are designed to protect you from like boiling water being pored on them, so drink water.
You will get cut/burned/stabbed/squished fingers it's part of the job just don't get bodily fluids on the food
You're standing like the whole time no matter what
You know that gallon conversation thing you learned in elementary? You will see that in your sleep. Gallon to quart to pint to cup. Also 8oz to a cup. 3t to a T. 16oz to a Pound ect it's ingrained into my head now
With a bit of knowledge you now know things and you can use it. Like add Xanthan Gum to a blended drink to emulsify it and it's just like Starbucks.
On the down side people want you to make things
You start wanting things for your kitchen like a KitchenAid or a portion scoop or dehydrator and having that feeds back into "I can make anything"
Figuring out exact prices for things is crucial and a pain. Like you have to take the price of baking soda and figure out how much a 1/4t costs. It's not horrible ig but when you're doing it for a whole recipe or menu it gets repetitive.
Ok that's all I'm putting you get the idea
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Lmao Bernard, Jason and Alfred team up to bully Tim on kitchen hygiene. Like tim, my guy why is none of your appliances useable to actually cook food.
so real. alfred walks in and sees the flesh-eating amoebas in the blender and launches into the biggest lecture of tim's life. "i'm not mad, master timothy. just-" / "don't say it alfred." / "-just disappointed."
jason walks in, sees the kitchen, and leaves a note taped onto the cabinets that says "i should've finished the job at titan's tower"
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reciperadar · 2 years
Easy Supréme Croissant by Turkuaz Kitchen
3/4 cup water (165ml)
2 tsp instant dry yeast (6g)
1/2 cup milk (110ml)
4 tbsp granulated sugar (48g)
Pinch of salt (2g)
4 1/4 cups flour (560g)
4 tbsp butter (55 g)
For the Butter Layer:
2 1/2 sticks European butter (282g) (butter is the most important thing for the perfect croissant so avoid using butter that softens too quickly)
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blind0raven · 3 months
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... what culinary expertise?
Bitch you have NONE!
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Out of everyone you get the 1 person in the entire campus with disasterous cooking skills and taste buds
Rip Ace
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Ace legit having fear in his eyes about Lilia teaching him how to cook oh no
Yay ghost chef saving Ace! You know what else yoh can do?~ :D
*ahem* I mean... no yeah, pull a spongebob on Lilia
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lesbichens · 1 year
@jegulus-microfic’s prompt knife (212 words)
“Oh woah, wait,” James turned down the stove so he wouldn’t burn the sauce he was stirring, turning all of his attention onto Regulus.
Regulus immediately froze his movements. He figured he’d do something wrong at some point, since he’d literally never cooked a day in his life, but he hadn’t even done anything yet.
James simply chuckled at the wide-eyed look on Regulus’ face and moved in close to him. His hands slid over Regulus’ where he was preparing to chop vegetables. One hand adjusted the fingers he had wrapped around a carrot so his fingers were curled inward, the other moving the tip of the knife to rest against the cutting board rather than hovering precariously through the air.
“You’ll want to move the knife like a seesaw, the blade shouldn’t fully leave the board. Suppose I should’ve told you that before handing you the knife. Can’t have you cutting those pretty fingers, now can we?” James takes advantage of Regulus’ hands being full to plant a wet kiss on his cheek before hopping back towards the stove.
Regulus scowls and ignores the pleased thrum in his chest.
“Do that again while there’s a knife in my hand and my fingers will be the last thing you’ll be worrying about.”
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lunasapphire · 5 months
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Anyone else use numerology and witchcraft when doing culinary and mixology?
Slowly turning into a kitchen witch day by day😅
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tiredwitchplant · 9 months
How to Use Herbs: Basil (Sweet Basil)
Hwello again! This time we shall be talking about how to use basil in different forms. If you want more information about basil, please click this link to get to my basil post: Basil Let's get started.
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Alchemist Formulas:
*Remember always try to see one part as a teaspoon before going into other measurements. Doing a smaller amount first and then trial and error is better than making too much and a mess.
two parts red sandalwood
one part honeysuckle flowers
one part basil
one part ginger oil
one part juniper oil
one part frankincense (Sun; vitality)
one part basil (Mars; energy)
one part cinnamon (Mercury; nervous system)
one part bay oil (Sun; health)
one part sandalwood oil (Moon; Inner Self)
Basil Essential Oil:
12 ounces olive oil
2 ounces basil, 1 packed cup
Remove basil leaves from stems.
Place olive oil in a pint sized mason jar.
Carefully stuff basil into mason jar and close the lid.
Store on a sunny windowsill for 1 day.
Use a funnel to strain oil and a spoon to smash last bits of oil out of leaves and discard the leaves.
Transfer oil to a decorative jar and refrigerate for up to 1 week.
Prosperity Oil:
1 part mint
1 part basil
1 part cinnamon
1 part pine
Carrier oil of your choice (olive oil, jojoba oil and etc)
Simply take a small mason jar and fill it a 1/4 of the way up with your chosen oil.
Add in your herbs while thinking of your intentions of prosperity and abundance and swirl the jar around clockwise.
Then add a little bit more of the oil before closing the lid.
Awakening Oil:
*This needs to crafted on a full moon
1/4 cup carrier oil
Mason jar
2 drops of basil oil
2 drops of thyme oil
Pour your carrier oil into the mason jar and then added the drops of thyme and basil
Swirl it gently in a clockwise direction so it will mix thoroughly. Say, "I awaken, I listen, I see. Enlightenment come to me. Awareness, mindfulness, clarity. Illumination come to me."
Anoint your temples on your head and pulse points with your oil before doing divination work.
Basil Growth Spell
Chop fresh basil into fine threads.
Warm honey gently over the stove. (A double boiler or bain-marie is recommended, as honey scorches easily.)
Add the basil to the honey and simmer.
Remove the basil-enhanced honey from the source of heat and murmur over it something like this: "Flies flocks to honey, Customers flock to me, Bears flock to honey, Business flocks to me, Ants flock to honey, Contracts flock to me."
Run a warm bath for yourself.
Rub the honey over your body, and then enter the bath.
Soak in the water for a while. When you emerge, before you drain the water, reserve some of the used bathwater.
Toss this on the grounds of your business.
Sex Worker’s Better Business Spell
Dress a lodestone , a magnetite rock, with essential oils of basil, bergamot, and lavender. (In theory, the lodestones' gender may be coordinated with the gender of the clientele you wish to draw.)
Sprinkle with magnetic sand and a pinch of ground cinnamon.
Carry or wear to charm up added business.
Exorcism Powder
Blend the following ingredients together and grind into a fine powder:
Dried basil
2. Blend this powder with arrowroot powder.
3. Sprinkle as needed.
Basil Cleansing Bath
Pour approximately one cup of boiling water over one heaped teaspoon of dried basil.
Allow this to stand until the water cools, creating a strong infusion.
Add this to your bath.
Financial Dreams (For Solutions)
Sprinkle either infused basil oil or essential oil of basil onto a lodestone, just before going to sleep.
Get into bed, turn out the lights and gently rub the scented lodestone in a sunwise direction on your forehead. (When you awake, your forehead will probably be dirty. Don’t panic; lodestone dust is lucky.)
Keep the lodestone near the bed, so that you can inhale the basil
Since two of these spells ask for lodestone, here is where you can get some and arrowroot powder. Lodestone , Arrowroot Powder
Kitchen Witch Recipe:
Wisdom Soup
Serves: 4
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes, plus a little bit until it’s just right
1 cup red lentils
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can coconut milk
1 lime, sliced into thin wheels
Oil Options: Olive oil, toasted sesame oil
Sour Options: lemon juice, lime juice, rice vinegar
1 onion, diced
Sweet Options: Sugar, honey, agave
2 sprigs basil, de-stemmed and chopped
Salt Options: Soy sauce, sea salt, sweet miso (make a paste with miso and water before adding)
2 inches fresh ginger, minced
2 cups water
2 sprigs cilantro, de-stemmed and chopped
2 sprigs mint, de-stemmed and chopped
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
In a pot, place the lentils, coconut milk, and water, and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and simmer.
Add the onion, garlic, ginger, cayenne.Stir. Do not cover.
Once the lentils are cooked and not firm (about 15–20 minutes), add one thing from the sour category, one from the sweet category, one from the salty, and some oil (add about a teaspoon of oil at a time). Taste. Repeat with a different item from each category.
Garnish with sliced wheels of lime and minced-up basil, mint, and cilantro.
I hope you enjoy these spells, recipes, and formulas and put them to good use. Use them wisely and bye byes~
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foodandfolklore · 3 months
Using Sigils in your Kitchen
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If you are not familiar with sigils, in a nutshell they are created by people using words, imagery, and symbolism to communicate intention through a magic symbol. These can be personal and super specific or just really general and shared by many. They're highly recommended to try since it works well for witches still in the broom closet and witches on a budget.
So what are some ways we can use Sigils in kitchen magic? A lot, actually! I touched on this briefly on my easy ways to kitchen witch, but I thought I'd go over them again, as well as offer more ideas.
Cook your food in your sigil Adding heat is one of the most common ways to activate sigil powers. So, if you got a hot pan and are about to pour some oil, why not draw a sigil? A sigil of energy to help give you a boost in the morning. A sigil of co-operation for those tense family dinners. Or maybe a symbol of beauty cause you're just so fabulous.
Eat Your Sigils So once you're done cooking, maybe at the end you want to add some sauce. Draw a sigil on your food with your sauce. Different sauce types may also help enhance your sigil. A sweet tomato based sauce like ketchup could enhance self love sigils, for example. But don't think too hard on it. Focus more on the sigil rather than what you're making it with.
Stir your Sigils I've mentioned before that I prefer to mindfully stir towards me and away from me; instead of the traditional clockwise and counter clockwise. However, if both of those methods don't work, try stirring your intentions in by recreating the sigil. Stir as though you were trying to create the sigil one stroke at a time.
Add Sigils to your Appliances I don't see this talked about nearly enough, but you can add sigils to your appliances. Maybe add one to your coffee maker or toaster to help infuse your food and drink with specific energy. I have one for my fridge to help food last as long as it can. But take a look at your appliances. Is there anything you want to work better? Anything you want to last longer? Maybe consider creating a sigil for it.
Sigils on your Work Space There are a lot of other places you can put sigils as a kitchen witch. Your spoons, your cutting board, measuring cups; add one to your cupboard to protect from broken dishes or just charge whatever dishes are in there. You can add a sigil to the bottom of your table where you eat to encourage communication and keep away negativity. If you got windows in your kitchen, maybe use a window writer to make a sigil for motivation. Do not feel like kitchen witchcraft is limited to food!
Charge Your Spices I feel like most people, when they get dried spices, will transfer them into a jar. This is for easy access and also helps preserve the spice as it's protected better from the air. So if your spices are in glass containers, why not add a sigil to charge your spices? I mean, if they're just sitting around while you do stuff like sleep and work, they may as well be doing something. I feel like general sigils will work better in this case like "Prosperity" or "Calm" sigil.
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miredball · 11 months
I forget carmy is a wunderkind in the culinary world like of course he has a place and boat in copenhagen to send marcus and his photo is up in kitchens across the world and he “tells” chef terry about richie and can ask thom browne for last minute custom chef whites and I mean cicero is probably so giving with his money because it’s his nephew but also it’s carmen berzatto
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