#doc said he goes in tomorrow
incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Batfam at the dentist HCs/incorrect quotes, please?? 🤲 I have a big surgery coming up and I'm terrified
Dick: What's up, doc?
Leslie: What are you doing?
Dick: Daffy Duck. I'm thinking of a new career as a voice actor.
Leslie: Okay but can you not do it with a mouthful of sharp objects?
Cass: *brings a punch card and a knocked-out tooth*
Leslie, sighing: Here we go again.
Leslie: *stamps the card*
Leslie: Your next one is free.
Leslie: *in the middle of the checkup*
Steph, getting up: Hang on, my Uber Eats is here.
Leslie: You ordered takeout to a dental appointment?
Steph: Efficiency.
Leslie: You have a helmet. How did you still break your tooth?
Jason: *flashback to throwing his helmet at Dick, missing, and it bouncing back*
Jason: Enough with the questions, okay?
Leslie: Ever consider braces?
Kate: I don't want any part of me to be straight.
Leslie: Oh, you're early! Just check in with the receptionist and take a seat until I call you.
Bette: *goes up to the receptionist*
Bette: Checking in for Bette Kane.
The receptionist: Sorry, I don't have you down here.
Bette: Maybe try my full name? Mary Elizabeth Kane?
The receptionist: Still don't see you.
Bette: I should have an appointment for 2:00 today.
The receptionist: *typing*
The receptionist: I see you now. The doctor's right, you are early. Your appointment is tomorrow.
Selina: *using cat claws as a toothpick*
Leslie: This might be an issue.
Leslie: Say "ahh."
Tim: *screams*
Leslie: You're bleeding because you don't floss.
Harper, who came in after a mission: ...
Leslie: —but I cannot stress this enough, it's important to wear a mouthguard for all contact sports. And some non-contact sports. And training. And patrol. And walking through Gotham. And whenever you're around the Waynes. Actually, I'm just gonna give you the box. Take your time. Pick whatever colors you want. If you need me, I'm gonna be in my office questioning my life choices.
Luke: ...I just asked how her day was.
Bruce: Are you sure there's no tooth fairy? Because the Justice League has state-of-the-art tracking system that can locate them. I really think we can form a contract to expand social programs for children.
Leslie: Just shut up and let me do my job.
Leslie: Everything's looking good except for a few minor spots.
Barbara: Yeah, well, call me when they invent stainless coffee.
Leslie: I recommend removing your wisdom teeth.
Alfred: But that's where I keep my wisdom.
Leslie: I see you still have one last baby tooth. It should've come out by now.
Damian: Father said to keep it in.
Leslie: Why?
Damian: He wants me to stay a baby.
Leslie: Cullen, you're next.
Cullen: *climbing out the skylight*
Leslie: Wow.
Leslie: That's actually impressive for a non-vigilante.
Leslie: Hey, Helena. I thought you were off duty this week. How'd you knock a molar loose?
Students: *fighting in the hall*
Helena: Break it up! All of you go to the office! And delete that video!
Helena: I need a raise.
Carrie: I don't get it. I brush twice a day AND floss. How do I still have cavities?
Leslie: What do you brush with?
Carrie: Toothpaste, obviously.
Leslie: And what do you floss with?
Leslie: Carrie...
Carrie: The British call it candy floss for a reason, don't they?
Leslie: Well done today, Duke. Have a sticker.
Duke: Why are they all the Justice League?
Leslie: Funding comes with a catch.
Duke: *picks the Flash*
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: one summer. two idiots. what could possibly go wrong? you swore this was finally going to be a memorable summer, one where it'll be filled with adventures just like coming of age movies. but then jake sim just had to ruin it. how so? by taking over your head.
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PAIRINGS: childhood bestfriend!jake x afab!reader
GENRE: childhood bestfriends to lovers, angst, romance, pining
WARNING(S): miscommunications, parties, alcohol, profanities
WC: 4.7k
A/N: this has been rotting in my docs for AGES before i even created this account 😭 i wanted to free it so here we are 👹 apologies in advance if it's tacky/lacky writing since this short fic was written when i was starting to get out of my burn out >.< lmk your feedbacks as always! <3
masterlist | © jaylver 2023 all rights reserved
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Summer is the best thing to ever happen to mankind. 
Trips to the beach, ice cream dates, late night drives, house parties, the list goes on and on. And who else to spend it with? Of course, your one and only best friend and neighbour since you were four years old, Jake Sim.
Every summer was practically filled with him and him only. Ever since you were kids, you did everything together. Writing up lists and going on adventures, spending nights watching movies et cetera. But this summer, it seemed … different.
Maybe it was the problem of being seventeen. Seventeen is an awkward age. Period. But other than that, you couldn't understand the way he was acting.
Summer always started and ended with him. Always. But this summer, he wasn't anywhere near you. Occasionally popping by and disappearing after nightfall, declining late night movies together or beach trips. Rude!
It just felt weird without him. So, you found yourself turning up in front of his house one day, tapping your foot against the hard floor as you knocked impatiently on the door. 
"Y/N?" Jake appeared in front of you, his eyebrows scrunched with confusion.
“Jake,” you smiled innocently at him, which only made him look at you with more confusion. 
“Y/N it’s 10 pm?” 
“I just wanted to see you,” you admitted, to which you cursed at yourself for letting those words escape your lips so shamelessly because it was something you couldn’t deny. 
You could see the way his gaze softened, then proceeded to let out a sigh. “Is it … because I barely hang out with you these days?”
“So, you’re self aware this whole time?” you couldn’t help shooting back, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cold wind brushed past. But even without the wind, you felt your body freezing up from the sudden burst of nerves.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy,” Jake frowned, guilt evident on his face. “Wanna come in, we can hang?”
Just as he finished his sentence, his phone buzzed, a notification popped up. Your eyes averted to the screen of his phone, catching a slight glimpse. “1 new message from Grace”
Your heart dropped. You knew Grace. Hell, everyone knew her, she was the cheerleader of your school after all. Miss Popular, Miss Crowned Queen. And Jake was texting her? Your Jake?
“So, Grace, huh?” Was this what he was caught up with all along? You mentally scolded yourself, wondering why you were even thinking about this when it wasn’t even your business to care about in the first place. This unreadable feeling was brewing in your stomach and you didn’t like it at all.
“It’s nothing, really. She texted me lately, that’s all,” he shoved his phone into his back pocket, giving you a reassuring smile. “Still up to hang?”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s getting late anyway. Tomorrow?” You didn’t know why you said this. It was never too late when it came to Jake. 
“Sure. I–uhm–heard there’s a party hosted by this guy called Ethan? Wanna come along?” 
You considered for a moment, then nodded. “I’m down.”
“Sweet,” he flashed you that goddamned smile, the one that charmed you until you felt light headed. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow,”
“Cool,” you smiled a little, feeling the air turning still for a second once you locked eyes with him. Your heartbeat quickened, it was as though air was sucked out from your lungs and all you wanted was him. 
“W-Wanna come over watch a movie with me tomorrow before the party? I’m home alone all day and we haven’t hung out properly for a while now,” Jake offered, stumbling over his words as he fidgeted his fingers, ears turning slightly pink.
You grinned. “How about the new Spiderman movie?”
He let out a small laugh, returning a big grin back. “You know me too well, huh? Deal.”
“See you tomorrow then, Jakey,” you reached over to ruffle his hair, but before you could fully pull away, he took hold of your wrist. 
“I’ve missed you, can’t you stay a little longer?” he whined, swinging your arm gently. 
You cursed at him, at his words and the amount of butterflies they’ve caused. “You can’t just say things like that,” you murmured under your breath.
“Hm?” he hummed and you looked up at him. 
You dismissed your previous words, hoping he didn’t catch on to them. “Tomorrow we’re hanging out the whole day anyway. By then you wouldn’t be missing me anymore,” 
“I miss you every day, though. Stick to my side like the old days?”
“How could I say no, Jakey?” you sighed, your heart thumping louder and louder as seconds passed. “Now, go sleep dumbass, we need to wake up early.” 
“Alright, alright,” he threw his hands up in defeat. “Goodnight, Y/N. Don’t stay up too late too, or else you’ll get premature wrinkles.” 
“I’ll beat you up.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
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It felt natural.
You were resting on Jake's chest, his arms around you, a bowl balanced on your stomach, a movie blaring in the background, the lights dimmed. It was natural.
"Peter's pretty dumb sometimes, isn't he?" You spoke up, hand reaching into the bowl of popcorn, feeling Jake's hand brush against yours to get some as well.
You tried to excuse the fact that you were about to choke at the slight contact, playing it cool as you chewed on your popcorn.
"Totally. Why would he even do that?" Jake huffed.
You looked up at him from his chest, admiring his face slightly, not even caring about what misdemeanours Peter Parker was committing. 
Jake could feel you staring, and he decided to look down at you, your gazes meeting. This was what you two always do whenever you're watching movies, it should be normal by now, but why in hell were you suddenly nervous?
"Mum wants you to come over for dinner," you whispered to him, reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from his eyes.
"I'm more than glad to do so," Jake pursed his lips, watching your movements closely.
The tension seemed to grow thicker and the movie started to fade into the background as the two of you stayed in this close proximity. You unconsciously glanced at his lips, swallowing thickly once you noticed him reciprocating the same action.
You almost let out a groan, but instead you looked away, clearing your throat and removing yourself from Jake's body. You were absolutely flushed, thinking of the endless possibilities that could've happened. But in the end, nothing did anyway. And that was why you were about to strangle Park Jong Seong for interrupting. 
"Jay?" Jake fumbled to sit up, his eyes turning to you before refocusing on Jay. "Is it time to leave already?"
"Duh," Jay rolled his eyes, casually dropping onto the couch beside you. "How are you, Y/N? Been enjoying summer?"
"Quite," you simply shrugged. "Someone over here left me alone after he promised a summer full of adventures," you nudged Jake and he smiled apologetically.
"I got caught up with some things!" He defended but Jay raised an eyebrow at his words.
"Some things or some one?"
"What?" You turned to Jake, trying to mask your disappointment with sheer interest. "Is it Grace?"
"So … you knew?" Jay's eyebrows only raised higher.
"I only found out yesterday, indirectly as well." you said, clearly unimpressed.
Jake rolled his eyes, sighing deeply. "Come on, guys. She only texted me once or twice. I was busy cramming my work, okay?"
"That's true too," Jay nodded in understanding. "You practically procrastinated everything and now it's a pile,"
"Must you remind me of it?" Jake groaned, his attention to you, taking notice of your sudden silence. "You alright there?"
You blinked at him, humming in response. How could you tell him that your stomach churned with jealousy whenever Grace was mentioned? How could you even admit that you're currently harbouring some god forbidding liking towards him? Your childhood best friend? The one who once spilled chocolate milk all over his shirt? The one who cried when he was forced to go back home after a whole day together with you? Jake Sim? 
You were fucked. You liked Sim Jaeyun. And you had zero idea what to do about it.
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The house party was basically like every other one you've been to. Passed out drunks here and there, the dance floor crammed to the max, the music booming loudly in your ears. Overall, you felt regretful coming here.
What made things worse was Jake abandoning you to talk to Grace. Yup, Grace. Even after all the denial he fed to you and Jay, he's still laughing and talking merrily to her, leaving you stuck in the middle of an unfamiliar house.
What a great Friday night!
It was almost midnight, so you decided to storm out of the house for some fresh air before declaring your leave, but Jake somehow caught you sneaking out.
"Leaving so soon?" He was leaning against the wall, watching your tired figure semi-passed out on the chair.
"God, Jake, you reek of alcohol," you pointed out, scrunching your nose at the stench. "Also, I'm not that inconsiderate. I won't leave you behind … unlike someone over here," you grumbled.
"Look, Grace dragged me away the moment I entered. Plus, I think I got to start avoiding her now," Jake groaned, sitting down next to you.
"Broke her heart?" You assumed. It wasn't uncommon to see Jake reject girls and break their heart growing up. Well, look at him, it was a fact that he got girls lining up for him. But you found it weird how he's never had a long term relationship before, which only made you more wary about your feelings for him.
"I wasn't being a douche about it!" He threw up his hands in defence. "I kindly rejected her, that's all. She seemed cool about it though," he shrugged and you felt his shoulder brush against your arm, his thigh making contact with yours.
"Look at you, all grown up and no longer breaking girls' hearts!" You smiled sarcastically at him. 
"Hey! I literally rejected all of them in a nice way. I'm a kind man, you know?" Jake huffed, stretching his body, then proceeded to slyly place his arms around you.
You were genuinely trying your hardest to remain the best poker face you could even manage. Yet, you knew the facade would eventually fade. "Sure, sure, Jakey boy."
He turned his body to face yours, a challenging expression written all over his face. "Do you remember the time when we were five and I gave you my legos? I still remember how many hugs you gave me every day after that. So yes, I am kind." Jake insisted.
"You remembered?" You grinned at him, feeling your heart rate increasing once you saw the fondness in his eyes.
"Of course I remembered," he said softly. "You give good hugs anyway."
"Want a hug?" You chuckled, not expecting Jake to actually dive into your arms and hold onto you tightly.
"You smell like strawberries," he murmured against your skin. 
You swallowed thickly and started breathing heavily. "A–are you drunk?"
"Just a bit," he pulled away from your body, his brown eyes meeting yours, his hands slowly travelling up to your face.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He whispered.
"Don't do this," you mumbled, your hand reaching for his wrist.
"What?" He breathed, his warm breath fanning your cheeks. 
"Don't make me fall in love with you completely," you stared into his eyes, slight hurt and regret painted your expressions.
"Fuck, why did I say that?" you laughed pitifully at yourself, removing yourself from his arms and stood up. "It's getting late, let's go," you said, ignoring Jake's lingering gaze.
"Y/N," he held onto your wrist and you stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what you could even say or do. You felt like an idiot. "W–what did you mean by that?" 
"It's nothing," you dismissed his question, feeling yourself sinking into a deeper hole. Jake furrowed his eyebrows, clearly frustrated. The moment he got up, he stumbled slightly and his words slurred. The alcohol has finally seeped in.
"Y/N, come on," he urged, desperation in his eyes. All you could do was sigh. 
"I'm sorry, Jake." 
So you did what you always do every summer. You ran from your problems and hid from the fact you had lingering feelings for your "best friend".
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You found yourself avoiding Jake after that night.
It was ironic how you complained about him disappearing in and out of your life during the start of summer, but here you were, doing the same.
He came over to your house a couple of times, but you chose the cowardly choice of hiding away. All of his texts and calls were half answered. 
You hated doing this, you knew it was hurting both you and him. But what could you do? Confess? Well, it was the most obvious way to solve the problem, but you were unwilling to risk a life long friendship with him. Pathetic you were indeed.
The weekend rolled around the corner and you just had to face one demise after another. Jake and his family were coming over for dinner and there's zero chances for you to dodge him this time. Thank you, Universe, you thought sarcastically.
Your palms felt clammy and sweaty as you set up the table. Before this, your mother had specifically requested you to present yourself more formally instead of wearing your typical sweats, so now you were stuck in a black skin tight dress, just appropriate enough to not be deemed as slutty.
"They're here!" your mother announced, clapping her hands in excitement. You, on the other hand, were only filled with nothing but dread.
The door flew open and hugs were exchanged. Your mother squealed happily when she saw Jake and for a moment, you were about to do the same.
His hair was slicked back, only a strand was left hanging in front of his face. He was wearing a formal black suit paired alongside a simple black tie. He was about to be the death of you. 
"Y/N." He nodded at you, lips pressed in a straight line.
"Jake." You replied back, hands kept behind your back, trying to conceal the fact that you were actually fidgeting.
"You kids are matching!" Mrs Sim pointed out, laughing delightfully.
You felt Jake's eyes on your body for a tense moment, sensing them scanning you from top to bottom. You met his gaze once he finished checking you out so blatantly, and all he did was smile at you innocently. Jerk. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Why don't you kids go hang out yourselves?" Your mother patted your arm. 
"Sure," Jake shrugged, smoothing out the fronts of his blazer.
"Great!" Your mother beamed, then leaned down to whisper to you. "Don't do anything weird, okay?"
You grimaced. "Ew." Must your own mother put the mental image of you doing something 'weird' with Jake into your mind?
You turned around, practically dashing up the stairs towards your room. And as always, Jake followed you like a lost puppy. Once he shut the door to your room, he faced you with a blank expression, devoid of any signs of what he's about to say.
"So? Are you going to explain why you were ignoring me?" Jake leaned against the door, his hands in his pockets as he stared at you, unimpressed.
"What if I don't?" you replied, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"I'll force it out of you somehow, you know I always get my way," he replied nonchalantly and you only rolled your eyes at him, knowing how he wasn't completely wrong.
Jake seemed to have noticed your silence and decided to break the ice first. "I remembered that night, Y/N. You can't hide away from me forever just because of what you said."
You groaned, burying your face into your hands, completely flushed with embarrassment. "Must you remind me?"
"How can I forget about it when my best friend literally told me she loves me?" He kneeled in front of you, taking your hands in his. "Can't you just tell me how you feel? It's been days and nights since I felt at peace after what you'd said to me. What's worse is that I couldn't even remember it precisely. So please, just make it clear."
"Fine. Jake, I–"
You wished you could blow up right this instance. Out of every second, every minute, your mother just had to call you when you were about to come clean about your feelings. If you could, you would've liked to reach for the nearest pillow and scream into it.
"Well … next time, Jakey boy. Dinner calls!"
Before Jake could respond, you exited your room quickly, ignoring your thumping heart as you replayed everything in your mind. 
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Dinner was awkward.
Parents asking about each other's kids' situations and having deep conversations about life while Jake and you, on the other hand, were avoiding each other's gazes. Not ready to face whatever that had just happened.
You thought your torment was finally over when dinner ended and you found yourself dipping your legs by the pool when Jake silently joined your side, following your actions.
"You okay?"
You turned to look at him, kicking your legs slightly, you felt your shoulder brushing against his, thighs touching. "I'm fine. Just a little tired. Why?"
"Nothing. It was just that you were barely speaking all dinner and I got concerned," Jake pointed out and you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Everything's … complicated these days," you said. 
At your words, Jake shifted a little. He knew what your "complicated" meant, it was about you and him. 
"What even are we?" Jake spluttered out and you froze beside him, the water temperature suddenly dropping to 0 degrees. 
"You really want to talk about that now?" You mumbled, frowning.
"Then when can we even face it? I'm tired of you running away and me being in the dark," Jake argued, turning his body to face you.
"Jake …" you were rendered speechless, your body still, guilt clawing its way into your system. "I just don't think I'm ready yet, okay?"
Jake seemed frustrated at your comment. "Y/N–"
It was his mother calling out for him and you heard him swearing under his breath. "Next time, Y/N. I'll wait for you."
With that, he left, leaving you completely dazed. He'll wait? 
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"Can you please come? They literally have a pool!"
Thursday night you found yourself at peace knowing nothing will ruin your weekend, until Jay's phone call. Being the party goer he was, he's now trying to convince you to tag along to some guy's party.
"What if I said no?" 
"I don't take 'no' as an answer,"
"Tough luck, champ," 
"Come on, Y/N," Jay whined. "Everyone is going. I mean, Jake is, and that cute guy you mentioned from school — Heeseung — was it? He's there too. You can shoot your shot!"
You thought about it for a moment as you cursed Jay for being way too convincing. "Fine. Since you asked so nicely."
"I know I could always count on you."
Safe to say the party was going considerably well and you weren't about to leave just after arriving for only a solid 15 minutes. Jay remained by yourself for the whole time, conversing with his own circle of friends while your eyes searched for a specific somebody among the sea of people. 
“I’ll go for a dance,” you nudged Jay, trying to get his attention.
“Be safe.” he simply said, but his words were filled with genuinity.
A couple cups of drinks definitely boosted your confidence as you shamelessly swayed your hips to the music playing in the background. The blinking lights blinded your sight, alcohol clouded your thoughts, unknowing to someone sliding close to you. Thankfully, your sixth sense never failed and you turned to meet the gaze of Lee Heeseung.
“Hey,” he casually greeted.
“Hi,” you breathed out, sudden shyness taking over.
“Wanna dance?” he offered and you nodded meekly. “Follow my lead,” he held onto your arms, circling them over his shoulder. 
“Is this okay?” Heeseung whispered and you nodded once more. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening. The cute guy from school was in fact dancing with you. You let yourself let go as you closed your eyes and swayed along to the beat of the music. This was heaven. 
No matter how you tried to shake off that weird feeling, it never went away. You knew someone was staring at you, burning little holes into the back of your head intensely. You opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the startling lights and almost immediately, you locked gazes with him.
Lo and behold, Jake Sim, sitting across the room, his jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed. He was clearly unhappy about whatever you were doing, and you loved the effect you had on him. 
You smiled innocently, leaning close to Heeseung's ear. "I'm going to take a break. See you at school?"
Heeseung grinned at you. "Sure thing. I had fun dancing with you."
Thankfully, you managed to waddle your way through the crowd alive and made your way out of the house for some fresh air. The atmosphere inside of the house was too heavy and the smell of sweat and cheap alcohol stuck in the air.
"Running away from me again?" 
A voice came from behind you and you knew who it was immediately.
"Not everything is about you, okay?" You grumbled, hugging your arms around your body for warmth as you sat down on the front steps.
Jake joined your side, placing his hands on his knees, glancing at you from time to time. “Care to explain why you’re actively avoiding me?”
“I’m not,”
You remained silent, not knowing what to say next. 
“You were dancing real close to Heeseung tonight,” he pointed out.
“Great observation, Sherlock,” you finally dared to turn to look at him. “Can we head back in? I’m craving for a drink,”
Jake only nodded soundlessly, following your movements as you stood up to head back in. You felt bad, guilty even, at the way you’re acting towards your lifelong best friend, but you couldn’t help it, your emotions were basically choking you hard. You tugged on Jake’s shirt, ready to say something.
“Jake—” Just when you two entered, Jake was pulled away, not even sparing a second for you to process, so now you were alone.
 “Great,” you mumbled unhappily under your breath, making your way to the drinks in the kitchen. Maybe they’ll console you instead. You genuinely wondered who’d cursed you countlessly whenever you were trying to confront Jake. 
To your dismay, the kitchen was filled with drunk teenagers who were all busy mixing their new anecdote for the night. Plan B, not the kitchen. 
You left for the living room instead, grumbling in annoyance since you couldn't get a drink. As you were about to turn a corner, you heard voices, very familiar ones and immediately halted your steps.
“You ditched Grace?” Park Sunghoon, the notorious figure skater who everyone was pining for, hissed.
Jake hummed.
“Is it because of Y/N?” Sunghoon asked, an undertone of suspicion laced in his voice.
"I don't like her like that," Jake murmured under his breath.
You froze. This couldn't be happening now, right? Out of any day, any place, it just had to be in a house, in the middle of an ongoing party. To be frank, you've already prepared yourself to face rejection every time you imagined confessing to Jake. But overhearing Jake's negative confession was surely not in your list.
"You're serious?" Sunghoon poked on.
"I don't know, man." Jake sighed in defeat. "Can we not talk about this now?"
You blinked away the confusing feelings you were currently having. Was it anger? Was it sadness? Was it hope? You couldn't tell. All you wanted was to be home, in your cosy bed.
There were many things you were afraid to do in life, such as talking to boys your age, socialising, confronting your crush and so on, but today, right now, you had zero regrets as you continued your steps, walking past Jake.
It was all white noises in your ears and blissful ignorance. Jake was calling after you, trying to reach you, but the crowd only ended up swallowing him whole. 
Once you were out of the house, you found yourself finally breathing again, suddenly thankful for the fresh air. But there's a rather unfortunate problem for you, Jake caught up with you.
"Y/N," he breathed.
"Fuck off," you snapped, an overwhelming wave of emotions clawing in your body.
"Listen to me, I didn't mean that," Jake's voice rose unintentionally.
"Yeah? So you're expecting me to be totally fine as if nothing happened?" You frowned. "Well, hi Jake, how was the party? Not good? Why-"
"Stop! Why are you even acting like this?" Jake grabbed ahold of your shoulders, making you stare directly at him as he could tell you were about to flee at any minute.
"Because–" You shrugged his hold away. "I like you, Jake! Ever since we were fifteen. But you were always so clueless to tell. And this summer, you were basically too hung up over Grace to spend time with me, then that night when you said those things to me, do you expect me to act oblivious after that? And today, you said those words … how am I supposed to know how you feel?"
You couldn't tell what Jake was thinking. He practically had a poker face on, seemingly trying to take in everything you've just said. "Y/N …"
"What do you want from me, Jake?"
Jake took a deep breath, his features ridden with frustration as he burst out.
"I want you. Okay? Happy now?"
To say you were stunned was clearly an understatement. You didn't know what to say or act, staring at him with your mouth ajar. 
"I–I have liked you since we were kids and I don't think I realised until this summer," Jake went on, clearly rambling in distress. "That's why I avoided you, Y/N. I was scared. I didn't know why I felt like that or what I should do. In the end, I figured it was you. It was always you, no matter what."
"Then have me, Jake."
It was one of those moments where it felt entirely out of a movie. Jake could only stare at you wordlessly while you breathed heavily, a million thoughts running through your head and you’ve finally accepted it. 
Oh no, you’ve fallen in love.
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you grumbled under your breath, taking his face into your hands and pulling him in for a kiss. 
When your lips touched, it felt as if countless emotions and unspoken words from over the years passed through like a connection. It felt right. Jake slid his hand around your neck, pulling you deeper into the kiss. This was absolute bliss. 
You put your hand on his wrist, pulling away gently, eyes not leaving one another for even a second. The two of you pant softly, trying to catch a breath from the kiss and you started to shy away, in disbelief that this actually happened. Jake noticed, smiling a little, leaning down to press a gentle peck against the side of your mouth.
“Wanna stay over at mine tonight? I can drive,”
“You already know the answer to that.”
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Laying in his bed with the lights off accompanied by the whirring of the A/C played in the background, his arms wrapped around you, the beating of his heart against your back, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest, it was something familiar yet so new. 
You turned around to face him, watching as he rubbed his eyes, stirring awake slightly. It was still dark outside, but Jake couldn’t fall asleep, finding himself treasuring your presence instead. You were brushing loose strands of hair away from his face when a strange look appeared and he spoke, voice sluggish.
"You're my best friend."
Somehow, you understood what he meant and you knew what it was. He is in love.
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elithe31st · 2 months
hey there! not sure if your writing for pjo yet, but i saw it on your list and i knew i had to come in!
may i request a percy jackson x male!reader who’s the child of aphrodite? maybe he’s really stylish and is considered really pretty since his mom is aphrodite.
if you also want plots (or if you don’t, ignore this part!), perhaps they’re sitting on the docs together and percys talking about how they should swim, but reader is all like “today is a great hair day, maybe tomorrow.” but percy pushes him in and reader is NOTTT having it. again, if you don’t take plots, ignore this part!
- anon
wow! okay! sorry about the wait!!!
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percy jackson x male!reader
"Nice out here, is it, sea boy?" You said, walking up to the dock where the infamous, known-by-all Percy Jackson was sitting. Percy turned his head, welcoming you with a smile that you're pretty sure out-rivals your own.
"Perfect weather, too. Yeah, nice." Percy says, patting the space next to him to prompt you to come sit. And sit you do, sitting knee to knee with the son of Posiden.
The silence lasted for a few minutes, just you two looking out onto the water, onto the bright, blue sky. Until, Percy speaks up, breaking you out of your trance.
"We should go in the water." He suggests.
"Uh," you scoff, "no. I spent too long on my hair, no way am I going in the---EERE!" Your voice goes high pitch as Percy manipulates the water, making it wrap around you and dunk you in the lake. Underwater, you can hear Percy jump in too, and your noise of frustration is muffled.
You come up for air and you look at Percy with raw, unfiltered hatred. "Oh, you---!"
"Looks cute when your hair is wet. I like it better like that." Percy gets chest to chest with you, letting his fingers flow through the strands. You huff.
"You're no charmer. Just a big idiot." You shake your head, but ultimately you blush, looking at him.
"Yeah? Seems like I am." Percy wraps his arms around your neck, wading around in the water with you as your legs tangle together.
"Whatever, Jackson." You two share a kiss under the sun.
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 4)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Under Age Drinking, and Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.4K
Summary: Everyone in her life is finally back on the island and she finally has her date with Wilson. But what happens when things don’t go to plan and she starts questioning her feelings. 
A/N: This was way longer than I though it was going to end up being because it was honestly supposed to just be a filler chapter but I honeslty just couldn’t stop myself. 
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Y/N and Wilson had been texting for a week before he finally asked her on a date for tomorrow night. She isn’t sure what he has planned, but he said the dress code is formal so maybe they are going to a fancy dinner. Not exactly her favourite idea, she could live with it though. Lacey returned back to the Outer Banks yesterday, so Y/N is going over to her house to cook brunch together. Even though Y/N and Mason picked Lacey up from the airport, the girls need some quality time together. Well, Lacey would do most of the cooking while Y/N snacks under the guise of quality testing and making smoothies for them. 
“I’m here,” Y/N sings as she waves the bag of smoothie mix she brought. Knocking is no longer in her vocabulary in regard to her best friend. “I missed you so much, Bitch! The men in Paris may be hot. But they got nothing on being with you,” Lacey screams as she blindsides Y/N with a hug. Y/N laughs and wraps her arms around the other girl, “I missed you too. But I literally saw you yesterday, babe.” “Yeah, but we spent so long a part for my month-long summer internship,” Lacey complains, “Let’s get cooking. Mama is hungry.”
Y/N moves toward the blender to begin mixing the smoothie blend. “So a little birdie told me that you and Rafe are actually starting to get along with each other,” Lacey teases her friend. 
“Yeah… He’s been acting like a totally different person lately. The teasing is mostly just verbal and he can actually be helpful.”
“Awwww, Y/N/N. It sounds like you have a crush on him. Should I start planning a wedding?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Plus, I met someone last weekend.” 
“Ohh, tell me about him.” 
“Well, he’s sweet, funny, likes to read, he really likes doc-”
Lacey interrupts her, “I don’t want those details. Show me a picture.” Y/N giggles and pulls up a picture on her phone to show her friend. Lacey also notices how similar Rafe and Wilson are but bites her tongue.
 “He’s totally cute, but he looks like he has a stick up his ass.” 
“LACE! He does not! Although, he doesn’t use contractions and goes to sleep at like 11 P.M., but I promise he is funny.”
 “Okay, but how is the sex?” 
"We haven’t gone on a date yet. We have our first date planned for tomorrow night.” 
Before the conversation could continue, the oven timer goes off and Lacey goes to take out the chocolate chip scones from the oven. “So what are the plans for tomorrow? Do you need help getting ready?” Y/N nods her head, “Yeah, could you help me curl my hair, please? He said to wear something fancy so I was thinking of wearing that black dress that I wore to my cousin’s wedding last year. You know the long one with a spaghetti strap kind of style.” “Ooh, you’d look so cute in that. I can definitely curl your hair. Maybe, I can braid it back like a little crown on your head,” Lacey gushes as she stirs the omelet in the pan. Y/N smiles at the girl and starts playing some music on her phone. 
Brunch is finished quickly and the girls settle in the breakfast nook to eat. “So let’s get back to the topic of Rafe Cameron because we both know you haven’t told me everything, bitch,” Lacey bugs with a shove of Y/N’s shoulder with hers. The slight blush on Y/N’s cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by Lacey. “There isn’t much to say. I mean…” Y/N stops not wanting to admit what she felt last week after having lunch with Rafe, Mason, and Wilson. “Girl, you better continue or else I’m gonna make you cook for us next time,” Lacey warns as she knows where her friend is going. “Fine, last week, after I had lunch with the boys and Wilson, I thought maybe… Maybe Rafe and I were going to kiss.” Lacey beams with excitement at this revelation. “No way! What happened?” “Kie and I jumped into the pool to sink the guys and… when it was just Rafe and me, he teased me about always getting him wet. He took my hand and we got closer, but I got a text from Wilson before it went any further,” Y/N wouldn’t admit it but even she could hear the slight disappointment in her voice. 
“You totally should’ve let him kiss you!”
“No, it was a mistake for us to even have gotten that close. He may be sweet today, but it doesn’t mean I can just forget about him being a jackass. Plus, he is Mace’s best friend. It would be awkward.”
“That’s true, but I’ve always thought there was something between you and Rafe. And I think if you guys really like each other, Mace will accept that and be happy for you.” 
“Maybe. Let’s not talk about this anymore. I have a date with someone else tomorrow anyways.”
“So how many parties did you throw and drag your sister to, Mason?” Cassie questions while she sits in her newly claimed passenger seat. Mason groans, “I was only able to convince her to let me throw one and even that was cut short. Not that it was your fault Y/N/N.” Mr. And Mrs. Y/L/N didn’t mind their children throwing parties as long as the police didn’t show up, everyone had a designated driver and nothing was broken. They’d rather be realistic about their children’s activities and ensure they do it safely. 
“Why? What happened?” Marvin looks up at his twins through the back mirror. “Owen was being an asshole when I went out to the gazebo. Rafe and Mace found me before anything serious could happen. Although I did punch him for insulting them, so I might need your help untangling that web.” Marvin shakes his head with a light chuckle, “Like that knucklehead’s lawyers can beat the Y/L/Ns. I swear that idiot’s parents were just as bad as he was when I was in high school.” “How was Bali?” Mason asks. “Amazing. You guys would love the beaches, we’ll have to go back with you guys sometime,” Cassie gushes to her children. “That’s a great idea, my love. Just, kids, remind me to put sunscreen on. I fell asleep on the first day when your mom was at pilates, I woke up three hours later as red as a lobster,” Marvin chimes in. This causes the whole car to laugh. 
Y/N is getting ready for her date with Wilson. She does her makeup while Lacey lightly curls her hair and braids the front pieces back to create a crown. “Has he given you any hints about where you are going?” Lacey inquires, returning to sit in the bed after finishing Y/N’s hair. Y/N pauses with her makeup sponge in hand and turns towards her, “Nope. If it’s just dinner, it should be fine.” 
“It’s basic though. You hate those types of dates. You need more excitement.” 
“Yeah, but at least it’s not like dumpster diving.” 
“I mean he could still do that. Maybe he just wanted it to be fancy.”
“Oh my god, could you imagine?”
Both girls fall into hysterics at the notion, which catches the attention of a certain boy passing by the open door. Rafe pauses as he walks past the door and upon hearing the laughter, stops. He wants to go inside to investigate the reason behind it. He quickly starts to walk again toward Mason’s room, “Where are Y/N and Lace going?” “Oh, they aren’t going anywhere. Lace is just helping Y/N/N get ready for a date with Wilson. Can you believe she actually wants to go out with him?” Mason states without so much as looking away from the video game he is playing. “A date? Really?!” “Yeah. Now, dude, hop in before I get creamed by these guys.” Rafe does as he is told but he could not stop thinking about what Mason said. Y/N has been on dates before, but something about Wilson screams bad news for Rafe. All of Y/N’s other dates were obviously not serious about her. They just liked the novelty of dating a Y/L/N and were not into dating men. Wilson seemed too serious at lunch to want to date around like the other boys Y/N has dated. 
“I have to go, my dad wants to go to the country club for dinner. Bye, love you.” Rafe hears Lacey say from down the hall. The sound of her footsteps and the front door opening prompts him to say, “I actually forgot to get some snacks while I was downstairs. I’m going to go get some now.” “Okay, dude.”
Rafe makes his way to Y/N’s room and leans up against her door frame to watch as she looks at herself in the mirror. “Well, don’t you look like a disaster, Y/L/N,” Rafe teases. “Haha, very funny. But seriously. Does this dress look okay?” Y/N asks timidly. Rafe wanted to say that it doesn’t just so that she would take more time looking for something else to wear and miss the date, but the look of uncertainty on her face makes him forgo that tactic. He also wanted to be honest with her; the truth is the dress she wore wouldn’t be the dress he’d want to see her in if he took her on the date. “While you looked amazing in that dress at your cousin’s wedding, I think this dress would be much better,” he answers as he walks towards her clothes and takes out her long black dress with a column skirt and halter top. He had seen her wear it last year to her dad’s 45th birthday bash. Rafe remembers having some inappropriate thoughts about the dress for a family event. Y/N nods at the suggestion and goes to try the new dress on in the bathroom. 
She comes out with a smile on her face and does a little twirl for him, “Rafe, this is perfect. Thank you!” She gives him a hug, which he returns. He was correct; she looks like an absolute vision and it kills him that he isn’t the one taking her on the date. That he was honest with her and now Wilson will get to see her in Rafe’s favourite dress for a date. Although, Rafe wouldn’t take her anywhere fancy on their first date. He knows it would make her nervous if he did, so he would take her to the bookstore first and buy any book she so much as glances at. Then he’d bring her over to his house to bake some cookies for their dessert after dinner, which would be a picnic on the beach at sunset. He would make sure to bring a sweater and an extra blanket for when the night breeze sent goosebumps up her arm. He has to shake himself out of his daydream before he stares too long, “No problem. Have fun on your date. Be safe and I’ll probably see you when you get back because I’m too lazy to go back home.” Rafe makes a quick exit back towards her brother’s room. 
Y/N notices the upset look on his face and assumes it is because of the thought of his father being home, the most likely reason why he is sleeping at her house again for the fifth night in a row. At this point, he might as well just move into their guest bedroom. Everyone in the Outer Banks knew that Ward Cameron had a favourite child and her name was Sarah Cameron. This caused Rafe to constantly try to get Ward’s approval so he could feel the same paternal love his middle sibling got, but no matter what he did it still led to arguments between the father-son duo. It didn’t matter that Rafe had continuously dominated the breaststroke events in swimming, he still wasn’t good enough in the eyes of Ward Cameron. She would be wrong though; the reason why he is upset this time is the fact that she is going on a date.  Before she knew it, a knock was at the door and she heard her father answer the door.
She walks towards the landing overlooking the front entrance. “Hello, I am Wilson Porter and I will be taking Y/N out on this fine evening. I hope you are in accordance with this idea, Mister …,” Wilson greets while holding out his hand for her father to shake. She realizes she still hasn’t told Wilson her last name yet. Her father takes Wilson’s hands and shakes it, “Hey, it’s Mr. Y/L/N. And I am fine with you taking her on a date as long as you have her home by one.” Y/N hopes Wilson doesn’t make the connection to her mom. Y/L/N is a common last name. “Of course, Mr. Y/L/N. punctuality is my specialty. Ah, there is the woman of the hour. She looks radiant.” Y/N is surprised she doesn’t blush at Wilson’s compliment; she could’ve sworn she was on fire when Rafe was raving about how she looked, “Thanks, Wilson. Are you ready to go?” “I absolutely am. Right, this way,” Wilson leads Y/N towards his car and goes to the driver's side. She thought he would open the door for her, but when he doesn’t, she quickly scrambles to get in so it isn’t awkward. 
The car ride was filled with pleasant conversation. Wilson mostly talked about Cassie’s books, which doesn’t surprise Y/N considering she knows he wants to become a writer as well and some of her mother’s earlier works are his favourite books. They arrive at La Fleur Bleue, an expensive French restaurant. She isn’t thrilled to be here considering the portion sizes are so small. They enter the restaurant and are led to their table. They look at the menu, when Wilson speaks up, “Do you think I could order for us? I think I have you figured out and can pick you something you love.” “Sure, I’m not too sure what I want to get anyways.” “Great,” Wilson waves the waiter over to order, “Hello, we are both going to have the quiche loraine with a bottle of champagne, please.” The waiter nods, takes their menu and goes off to put their order into the kitchen. “How did you get them to not check our id?” Y/N is astounded at the strings he could pull or hopes she isn’t dating someone who is 21 without her knowing. “My dad is a silent partner here, so they generally look the other way as long as the restaurant isn’t busy,” Wilson explains. 
At least, she knows he isn’t dating her for her money. While waiting for the food to come out, Wilson starts up the conversation again, “So have you had the chance to read The Wisp of Forever? Is it not a literary masterpiece? I mean hardly say this but Conan Austin’s work could rival Cassie’s”
“No, I haven’t had the chance yet because my tbr is so long. But also, it doesn’t really seem to be my type of book.”
“You should stop filling your time with Book’s Instagram and Young Adult Fiction. It’s all nonsense you will grow out of and look back on with disgust. The books I read help fill you with knowledge and enlightenment. They are also realistic.”
“Well, I like YA and Bookstagram. I actually enjoy the books I read from there. Also, it’s nice to read about people going through similar issues as me,” she says as nicely as she can. She is used to this response from most adults in the Outer Banks community, so she has the response memorized. Before Wilson could retort, the waiter comes back with their food and champagne on a tray. The first thing she notices is how tiny her quiche is. It definitely will not be enough food for her, but she doesn’t want to complain about it because of how expensive the food is. Even though her parents have generational wealth, Cassie and Marvin raised their children to be cautious of pricing and that just because they have the money now, doesn’t mean that it can’t disappear with one bad decision. She’ll just make grilled cheese when she gets home. As she eats, she notices she is shivering. The AC is on so high right now. With nothing to cover herself with, she tries to continue eating. 
Dinner went and passed with pleasant conversations about themselves. “Would you guys like to look at the dessert menu?” The waiter offers after clearing their plates. Y/N is about to speak up, but Wilson beats her to it, “No, we actually have somewhere else to be, so just the check, please.” The waiter returns with a check and places it on the table between the pair. Wilson pushes the bill close to Y/N. She isn’t one to expect the man to pay for the first date every single time, but she thinks that whoever asks the person out and chooses what to do should pay for the date. Or at least split the bill. She doesn’t want to make a scene, so she pays the bill without a word. Maybe, he just wants to reverse the unfair expectations of men always paying, which she could get on board with. Wilson gets up in a hurry and makes his way toward the entrance, leaving Y/N to run after him. He opens the door for himself and walks through. This causes the door to shut in her face. Y/N awkwardly opens the door for herself and gets into Wilson’s car. 
“So where are we going to now?” Y/N asks to break the silence. “We are going to a showing of Hamlet at Kildare Theatre. I hear it is an amazing performance.” Y/N is a little disappointed at the notion. She has nothing against Shakespeare and actually enjoys reading his comedies, but she finds watching the actually plays boring and can’t remember the last time she could stay awake through one of them. “Oh, cool. Sounds fun.” They arrive at the theatre house and settle down into their seats. As she watches the play, she has to gently pinch herself every time she nods off to keep herself awake. By the time the play finishes, Wilson takes her home and she gives him a peck goodbye before going inside. 
She enters her home and looks at the grandfather clock in the front entrance to see it is 12 A.M. At this realization, she notices how her stomach grumbles. She goes to change into Rafe’s Led Zepplin shirt and comfy shorts. She puts her hair up into a messy bun then makes her way downstairs to make a grilled cheese. “Did you have fun on your date, Y/L/N?” she hears from behind her while she is turned toward the counter wall. She jumps out of surprise, “God, Rafe. We need to tie a bell around your neck. And to answer your question. Yes, I did have fun.” She lied because although he planned a pretty boring date, she didn’t mind Wilson’s company. Rafe is wearing his light gray zip-up swim sweater on top of his salmon t-shirt with basketball shorts. His hair is all messy, he probably just woke up. She wishes she could just reach up and run her fingers through his hair. “I smell lies. If you had a good time, then why are you here making a grilled cheese in the dead of the night?” Rafe points out. “Even if the portion sizes are small, I can still have fun on a date, Rafe,” She argues. “Whatever you say, Y/L/N,” Rafe comes over and takes the pan out of her hand, “Come on, let’s go to McDonald’s instead.” 
He takes her hand and gently guides her to where he keeps his keys at the front entrance so he can pick them up. Once he has his keys, she opens the front door for them to head to his car. He jogs ahead and opens the passenger door for her. She whispers her thanks and takes the hand he offers her to help her get up into the high jeep. Wilson didn’t open the car door for her. 
Most of the car ride was spent making fun of Mason and singing along to Rafe’s playlist. She notices most of the songs are her favourites. When they get to McDonald’s, Rafe is quick to help her out of the car and open the entrance door for her. She has to admit it is nice to not have a door slam in her face. They pick a seat near the back close to the window and Y/N tries to get up to go with Rafe to order, but he stops her, “I’ve got this, Y/L/N. Just stay here.” Y/N listens to what he says and watches as he orders the food. She’ll have to remember to pay him back on the way home. A few minutes later, he returns with the food, “Ten piece chicken nuggets with fries and Sprite for you. And a BigMac with fries and a coke for me. I’ll get our ice cream after we finish,” he recites as he places her food in front of her. 
“Thanks, this is honestly exactly what I need.”
“No problem. Couldn't have you go hungry. So where did you guys go?”
“He took me to La Fleur Bleue, then we watched Hamlet at Kildare Theatre.”
Rafe chuckles at the look of slight disappointment he saw in her eyes, “I swear that place has the smallest portion sizes. It’s where Rose likes to eat when she wants to diet. However, you must’ve loved the play. You always looked so cozy taking those naps whenever we go to one for school.”
“Oh, it was so fun. I think I still have an imprint on my arm from every time I pinched my skin to wake myself up,” Y/N jokes back, showing him her arm to further the joke. The belly laugh that Rafe lets out causes heat to reach Y/N’s cheeks. She likes making him laugh like that. “I’m going to go get the ice cream now.” Rafe gets up and walks back to the counter to order. Y/N once again notices a chill overcome her tonight and sees how her arms are covered in goosebumps. She should’ve grabbed a sweater before she left. 
Rafe makes his way back to Y/N, noticing the bumps on her arms. Either she always forgets to bring sweaters with her or she is stubborn enough to not wear one to not disturb her aesthetic. He places the ice cream on the table; quick to remove his sweater for her. He hands over the sweater to her without saying anything. How come Rafe noticed she was cold and Wilson didn’t? She takes it and shrugs it on, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome,” Rafe watches as Y/N happily takes a bite out of the Oreo flurry he bought her, “Why don’t you eat any other flavours other than Oreo? Even when we get Dairy Queen, it is always an Oreo blizzard.” She is shocked he pays enough attention to her to notice it, “Oreos remind me of the one time when we were little that you, Mason and I would get along. Our moms would always bring us Oreos after soccer practice. It was the one time we could share without trying to kill each other. I loved the cookie part and you loved the filling, so I would always let you eat the filling from my Oreo and vice versa.” 
Rafe is a tad saddened by the mention of his mother; however, the fact that one of her favourite ice cream flavours is in relation to a memory of him makes him glad. “I didn’t know you remembered that. I have to confess though, after like the second time of us doing that I was sick of eating just the cream filling. The only reason why I kept eating the filling is because you were always so sad about wasting the filling if you didn’t eat it,” he confesses. “No way! Rafe, you didn’t have to do that.” “It’s okay. It made me sick, but my mom would cuddle me after to make me feel better so it was a bonus.” At the mention of his mother again, a comfortable silence washes over the pair. If she was with Wilson, she’d probably feel the need to fill the silence in a way that would prove her intelligence. They finish eating and head back to the car. 
“How should I pay you back? Do you want me to e-transfer you or I could get you the cash when we get back home?” She offers, pulling out her phone in preparation to make the transfer. “What? You don’t need to pay me back, Y/L/N. I asked you to come out with me, so I pay.” It looks like Y/N and Rafe are on the same page about who should pay when going out. Y/N begins to protest; however, Rafe speaks up again before she could, “I’m serious, Y/L/N. I won’t accept anything you try to give me, so don’t even try.” Y/N nods and looks out the window of the car. She turns up the car radio, beginning to sing along to the music. Rafe glances over at her and starts to sing with her. Much like their drive to McDonald’s, it is filled with laughter and music. Y/N can’t help but wonder why she can’t feel this way when she is with Wilson. She is dating Wilson and is supposed to hate Rafe, but why are they making it so hard to feel the right way about each one of them? 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog    
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multific · 1 year
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Doctor!Fem!Reader
Summary: In which he has a crush on the Doctor and asks her out.
You were convinced army men were a different species.
Like Soap, tall, handsome muscular, funny and yet when needed to be extremely dangerous.
Price, funny, kind, and always knows what to say to you after a hard day yet he is a captain and rightfully so.
Gaz, the one who you barely saw in your infirmary, and yet you still met him many times. Gaz always made you laugh and he was a proper gentleman, and yet when needed be, he would shoot anyone with zero hesitation.
And then there was Ghost. The man is huge, you remember the first time he came to you after he got a gun shot wound. He walked in as if he only had a scrape while the bullet was still in his shoulder. He always had his scary mask on, or a mask on, never showing his face. 
Anyone who would do the jobs they are doing would be a troubled person but somehow you felt like Ghost was the most broken.
And yet, being so big and scary, he was still extremely kind and respectful with you, barely talked and yet said so much.
His eyes were truly a window to his soul. You could only imagine how he was on the battlefield. Given his huge size and muscles.
You only heard stories about the missions Taskforce 141 went on, you mainly saw the aftermath. Like Gaz's dislocated shoulder or Soap's stab wound. 
They were for sure a different breed.
A very sexy breed.
You were sure the danger that came with them was one of the reasons you felt like this.
But even you had to keep up the professional look.
Being a doctor, you had to be strong and professional. But then why did they make you into a shy teen as soon as they entered? 
Simon especially. 
Now, you did hear other women at base talk about him and the things they would do, so you knew you weren't alone in your crush. But even so, you needed to stop.
Men like him don't go for women like you, they are basically married to their jobs. No relationships.
You knew your place. And so, you never went over the line.
"Hi Doc,"
"Jesus, Johnny, giving me a heart attack so early in the morning." you said as you placed your hand over your heart.
"It's 10 in the morning."
"Your point?"
"Alright, so just wanted to give you a heads up Lt and I are going on a mission."
"And you plan on getting stabbed again?"
"Of course not." he laughed. "But somehow, every mission Lt goes to, he ends up here. He's a big boy, and he never went to the infirmary unless Captain yelled at him, but now, he just willingly goes every time. So, just wanted to let you know." Perhaps Johnny was too oblivious to understand what he just said, but your heart skipped a beat.
Either he was coming to meet with one of the nurses. Or he wanted to see you. But you doubted he was there to see you.
He barely spoke so it had to be a nurse.
Johnny was right, after the mission both ended up in the infirmary, Johnny had a bullet wound while Simon got a dislocated shoulder which was poorly put back.
"Okay, so Johnny can leave if he promises he will come back tomorrow so I can change his-"
"I promise, Doc, thank you." MacTavish said as he rushed out the room. You could only blink.
"What's with him?" you asked Simon who only shook his head. "Alright, but you Simon, I need an X-ray, I suspect the reason your shoulder hurts is more than just a dislocation but when you put it back, you might have cracked or fractured the bone. So, I will have to ask you to please follow me so we can do the x-ray."
Simon followed in complete silence. 
"Can you please remove your shirt and stand facing me by that machine?" He did everything you asked. But your mind began to wonder as he wanted to pull his shirt over his head. But soon stopped and looked at you.
"Can you help? It hurts." was all he said.
"Oh, yeah, sorry, I thought you preferred to do it yourself." you really shouldn't let your mind wander as you helped him, of course his mask stayed, but you now had a better look at his body. Littered in scars and tattoos the man was fine as hell.
But you didn't want to use this situation to your advantage, yet you still couldn't help but feel warmer than a couple minutes ago. The fact that your fingers touched his skin when you lifted his shirt also didn't help your position.
You held the scan up before finally sitting down.
"Thankfully nothing serious. I assume when you put it back incorrectly, it must have hit a nerve and that's why it hurts more. Let's wait until tomorrow and see if it's better."
"Thanks, Doc." he said before he stood up and left. 
A couple days after, you still didn't hear from him or his shoulder. You assumed it got better, so you left it at that.
Not like you wanted to chase him down the corridors asking how his shoulder was. 
So, you just let it go.
One evening, you were working later than usual when the door opened. Thankfully it wasn't an emergency, only Simon.
"Simon, how's your shoulder?"
"All good." 
"Perfect, what brings you here then?"
"I saw the light was on and... you shouldn't be up so late." you looked at him, the black mask covering his face as usual, only his eyes visible.
"Yes, well, I have a lot of work to do."
"You should go and sleep."
"Thank you Simon, but I'll have to finish this."
"How long?"
"About 30 minutes." you watched as he sat down on the chair in front of you. "What are you doing?"
"I'll wait 30 minutes and then bring you to your room, you need to rest,  you look after our health, wouldn't want you tired and make mistakes."
Who were you to argue with him?
Instead, you just tried to finish everything up, because you saw him setting a timer.
"Time's up." he announced just as you closed the folder.
You made sure everything was put away before heading to your courters. 
"Are you sure you are okay Simon? Johnny said you  never went to the infirmary before but lately you come a lot." you asked as you two started walking, you didn't expect him to walk with you, but you weren't complaining.
"I'm fine, just wanted to make sure you are all good."
"Thank you, Simon."
You two arrived at your door as you turned and gave him a smile.
"Thank you again, have a good evening." you turned to open the door but he spoke up, making you stop.
"I-I was thinking...I have a mission but after if you are free, we could go for a tea or scotch or something?"
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Yes." his voice was pure confidence, not like before. "If you want to, of course."
"I would love to, but I thought you liked one of the nurses?"
"Wasn't there why you came so often to the infirmary?"
"Oh, actually I went because of you."
"Oh. We can go for tea of a drink after your mission, but you have to promise me something."
"Don't get hurt too bad." you knew asking him not to get hurt at all would be a stretch, given his position he would most likely get hurt, even if just a little.
"Copy that, Ma'am."
You gave him one last smile before you headed inside.
Your heart was hammering in your chest as you couldn't help but smile for the rest of the week.
You couldn't wait for your date. So, as soon as you got the news that they were back, unharmed, you couldn't hide your excitement.
You waited for him to come through those doors and take you out as he promised he would.
And one day, it finally happened, he opened the door and you smiled at him.
"Ready?" is all he asked, all he needed to ask as you ran to him.
"Ready." you replied before locking the door behind yourself.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​ @paola-carter​​ @stunkbiggu
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hi. alot is happening. bumming off wifi rn. i'm copy/pasting someone from a doc i started in libra office with no internet.
The landlady has made excuses to not give us back the security deposit. She keeps having Dave’s boss call him in a foul mood will all kind of threats and accusations of things we supposedly broke/ruined.
1.) On our first night out of there she has already threatened to call the cops on us by claiming that we filled the house with perfume before we left so it’ll hurt her. What happened was we cleaned it because she demanded that it was clean like it supposedly was when we moved in(it wasn’t clean when we moved in). We used that Meyers shit, which has a pretty muted scent and is supposed to be safe for the environment. And it was just basic sweeping, dusting, and then doing up the ktichen and bathroom just to be safe.
2.) Today she has claimed that we filled the washing machine with motor oil to ruin it as punishment before we left. She swears the whole house smells of oil, after screaming about it smelling like too much perfume that was supposedly used to hurt her breathing. Mind you, mom is an asthmatic so we can’t use things with strong scents because it will fuck her up. If we bought oil, it would be for the van cuz that shit is expensive and we wouldn’t be wasting it on HER of all people.
By now, Dave’s boss is aware that she cannot legally withold the deposit and that she’s trying to use the fact that Dave is a dumbass, against him. Mom however, knows the laws, and the lease said nothing about not using scented cleaners OR perfumes, and she does not have a legit reason to not give us the $1600 back. If she took it to court it would not hold. She has to make an itemized list of her claims, Dave has to acknowledge whether or not they are true, and then it goes to court.
fyi I took videos of everything in the house. Bethy’s Room, Mom’s Room, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen. All items that were hers, such as the Oven, Fridge, Washer, Dryer, Toilet, Sinks,Tub/Shower, random Recycle Bin, and Wall Hangings. Inside and Out. All details were recorded before we left. I even recorded us leaving at exactly 11:23 PM Feb 15th 2024, and recorded turning the light off.
Let’s see if she comes up with something else tomorrow. ~5:22 PM Feb, 17th 2024
Feb, 21st 2024:
I’ve just been informed by Bethy that Dave has gone on to further embarrass us. He insists that he’s got all these racing friends(and tbf they promised to help fund a big event to raise money for us 2 years ago, and then ghosted him AND Bethy when they asked what they had to do to help) who will help and has been harassing them for money.
One of them, an active dirt racer, posted a screenshot with Dave’s full name in a text convo begging for cash. And then half a dozen other dirt racers, active and retired, shared that he’s been hitting them up for money too. How he was in people’s posts about random shit beggn for money and then how he got swindled under his own comment by someone mocking him and posting the same thing he did with a small wording change about leaving an abusive house and Dave not only fell for it but then said he’d try to help them.
And now the greater dirt racing community is aware of this and are mocking him and us and some are making inquiries about Bethy’s well-being in connection to Dave. And their wives are having things to say about how he’s a bad parent and she should be taken away from him.
And I need to remind everyone that this is to pay off a blackmailer who is demanding $300 a week now. Bethy got a bit more info out of him on that and it apparently involves a photo. And there are only 2 types of photos that can get him in legal trouble(since he believes he CAN go to jail over this). So either he sent an unsolicited dick pic, which won’t receive much punishment cuz he’s a man who LOOKS white enough. OR it’s child p0rn, and he’s never given that vibe out of everything fucked up with him so I’m not exactly sure.
But he walks around demanding to know ‘did anyone give us money yet’ and people have donated to the GFM and Mealtrain, and I’ve earned about $100 on Ko-Fi recently, and we haven’t told him cuz he won’t use it for anything good.
He’s been bumming extra money off his boss despite knowing that the van need fixing, we need hot water and heat, and several other problems that need fixing ASAP. And his boss is asking questions and is getting nastier and nastier cuz he doesn’t trust Dave’s intentions and shitty lying.
There is no lease. The owner of this house knows Dave's boss and they supposedly came to an agreement that so long as Dave fixes up this house, we can stay here in the mean time for free. They supposedly made an agreement that Dave's boss will buy everything we need to fix the house up and then send all the receipts to the friend who will then pay him back.
And now Dave's boss is getting so fed up with Dave and his wishy-washy behavior and begging for all this money all the time that he does not earn, that he is now saying he never made any such promises. And he refuses to contact the owner of this house at all. There is no recording. No contract. No signatures. No proof that such a discussion went down at all. It is Dave’s word(unreliable) against the boss’(the one with money and power here) word.
Dave has no way to contact the owner either. Cuz he didn’t think that was necessary apparently. He was perfectly fine making his boss the go-between until his boss got angry.
So our ability to even stay here is hanging in the balance.
Can’t wait to see what other bad news I’m gonna find out.
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cherrifire · 1 year
Archived in the Southlands: Martyn's Mix
Case #0211905-C
Original recording from Martyn Littlewood's personal supplemental tape.
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
Word count: 2244
Be sure to read Case #0211905-A and Case #0211905-B before this one.
[AU Masterpost]
[Martyn] Ello, ello! I'm Martyn Littlewood, also known as the Archivist. I reckon I've had that title for about 3 years now? And this is my new personal supplemental tape.
But to start, this tape is NOT meant for research or theories. I get enough conspiracy theory rubbish at the Institute. Something destroyed the place I was living at with BigB and Grian. And if I have to think about that case one more time, I'll crawl into a grave and let the Buried claim me.
I genuinely just needed a personal tape of my own to ramble on to. Lots goes on in this massive brain of mine. I just need something to talk to and get those thoughts out. This could technically be used as a memory log? Something for me to just look back on later down the line. I actually used to keep a log like that before the Archives and I kind of miss it.
I'm going to leave this tape in my flat so I don't get it confused with the hundreds of other tape recorders floating around the Archives. Maybe I'll be able to catch some fun stuff of my new flatmate too.
Speaking of Ren, I'm going to try and convince him to grow more than just roses. He seems to know a lot about caring for flowers, so I wonder if I could throw him off his game with something completely different. Oh, maybe something we can eat would be cool! I'll mention it next time I see him.
Though, I'm not sure when that'll be. I've noticed he tends to go out a lot, but that doesn't surprise me. He probably gets invited to all sorts of parties and events. Probably for the best.
(a pause)
Oh, good grief! For the record, I am NOT turning this into a gross emotional audio diary either!
[Martyn] Someone knocked on the door today looking for Ren. I'd never seen him before but he said his name was Doc. The name reminded me of someone I used to know, but again, I'd never seen him before.
It's not unusual, people come by looking for Ren all the time. It's actually really sweet how many folks just stop by to check on him.
So sweet, it makes me sick. He's usually never here, but I always like to take messages and relay them back to him when I see him. It's hard to forget things nowadays, so it's not an issue. Though, I guess it doesn't really matter, since I like to change the message anyway, just because I can.
When Ren gets home, I'm going to tell him that Doc wants to make a diss track with him about Grian.
[Martyn] I wouldn't do it.
(Jimmy's voice is coming through a phone speaker)
[Jimmy] Martyn, I promise you, I'm quitting if you do it.
[Martyn] (laughing) Right, but I wouldn't do it.
(Movement is heard as Martyn starts to look for something.)
[Jimmy] (frustrated) No- but you're saying it like you are going to do it!
[Martyn] But I wouldn't though!
(something falls, making a 'thud' sound as it hits the floor)
[Jimmy] I can hear you rummaging through your things!
[Martyn] (wheezing) But I-
[Jimmy] If I walk into the archives tomorrow and you scare me with a stupid party popper again I promise you I will leave.
[Martyn] (wheezing) I just wouldn't though.
(another object falls)
[Jimmy] Martyn.
[Martyn] I wouldn't.
(something else falls. Martyn is probably doing it on purpose)
[Jimmy] STOP!
(Martyn laughs)
[Martyn] I think my favourite thing about Tim is that I could tell him anything and he'll think I'm messing with him. I told him today that I was looking into a case about a cult dedicated to darkness. His immediate response was:
(mocking) "That's not funny, Martyn, stop it!"
(Martyn laughs)
(a pause)
I’ve known him since we were kids, but Jimmy doesn’t know me enough to tell when I’m joking, I guess.
Ah, wait-
(a pause then a light knock on the door)
Come in!
(door opens)
[Ren] Hey dude, is there a reason your rent paperwork has a completely random name on it?
[Martyn] Oh, Martyn Littlewood isn't my legal name. It just sounds cooler.
[Ren] That checks out. I looked at the name on this thing and was like "who is this loser?" 
[Martyn] (laughing) I'm a different person now. My loser days are behind me.
[Ren] Well, thanks for letting me know, Phillip Watson.
[Martyn] Don't you dare!
(Ren laughs as he closes the door.)
[Martyn] If he starts calling me Phil, I swear to God-
[Martyn] That play Ren's been rehearsing, The Rise of the Red King–it's starting to grow on me. I remember helping him practice a little the day I moved in, but I'm forcing him to let me help more since I caught him rehearsing it on his own again.
He was in his room just repeating the lines quietly on his own. I imagine he was only holding back so as to not disturb me, but the unfortunate curse for the beautiful Archivist is I hear everything.
Which means I heard the awkward silence between each line he read out. So I took it upon myself to start responding, to fill that gap.
He said something like, "and as you know, every king must have a hand."
And I, charming as ever, poked my head in and said, "two is preferable, so you can hold things."
Then he continued, "I can think of no greater person than you." 
And the accent he chose for this character was like a mix between Scottish and Irish with like a bit of pirate. It was so bizarre. I'm doing the best I can to imitate it but I just can't do it like Ren. And I-
(door opens)
[Ren] Good afternoon, Martyn.
[Martyn] Good day, my liege.
[Ren] Martyn, will you do the honour of being the Hand of the King on this fine day?
[Martyn] Oh my word. Do I get a little pin badge?
[Ren] Definitely, dude.
When a kingdom is formed, loyalty must be proven. Later there will be a test for you. And if ye pass, it'll be ye and me to the end!
(Ren clears his throat and returns to speaking normally)
It's shopping, your test is grocery shopping. I'm heading out, did you want to come?
[Martyn] Only if you do that voice in public.
[Ren] You're insane, dude.
The King likes it. And you shall follow in his footsteps! Today, both our mettles will be tested.
[Martyn] Oh geez. I don't think my metal is very dense, so I'm gonna struggle.
[Ren] Alright, chat over. Let's get out of here, dude. But um- are you recording this?
[Martyn] Ah-! 3 years and I still always forget to turn these-
[Martyn] Good evening, my liege.
[Ren] Hand of the King. To what do I owe the pleasure?
[Martyn] The carrots, m'lord! It will be a bountiful harvest!
[Ren] Oh, dude! No way! Show me right this instant.
[Martyn] I took your teachings and successfully grew a small handful of carrots. Come see!
(a pair of footsteps then a sliding door being pushed out of the way)
(Sound of dirt shifting as a carrot is pulled from the soil)
[Ren] (excited, high-pitched) Oh! Dude! Look at that!
[Martyn] That's right boss, fresh produce right here in our garden. They're a little small, but size isn't everything.
[Ren] Let's get these out of the ground and wash them. We could make a carrot cake with these!
[Martyn] This is why you're the boss. I would have never thought of that.
[Ren] (laughing) But what's a King without his loyal Hand?
(the recording starts while Martyn and Ren are in the middle of laughing)
(there's the sound of cake batter being aggressively stirred underlining the recording)
[Ren] Martyn, you're wasting batter!
[Martyn] You said to mix well!
[Ren] Dude! Not that well! You're getting cake giblets all over the kitchen! Stop it!
(Martyn and Ren laugh)
[Ren] (mocking) Statement of Ren Diggity Dog
I have no idea what you actually do at the archives, but I bet that's what you sound like.
[Martyn] Dude! What are you-
[Ren] Yes, I'd like to talk about my strange roommate-
[Martyn] Ren, don't even joke like that! Now give it here-
[Ren] You always use this to record me anyway. Why? Is it your personal audio diary?
[Martyn] No! That's not what that is!
[Ren] Then what is it?
[Martyn] How about you just hand it back and-
[Ren] (laughing) You're deflecting, dude! Oh, this is definitely a diary.
[Martyn] (laughing) Ren, give that-
(all sound is muffled as if through a wall)
[Scar] Knock knock!
[Ren] Scar-
[Scar] Ren! It's been a while!
Oh man, I missed this place. It's been, what? Four months since I last saw you?
(a pause, then Scar laughs)
As talkative as always.
How's your new roommate? I haven't seen the Archivist in ages! Is he good?
(a door opens and Scar's voice is no longer muffled) 
Oh wow. There's a lot of interesting stuff in here.
(Scar hums something as he thinks)
(he starts to rummage through Martyn's things)
Ah! There it is.
Ren, you won't miss these, right?
[Ren] No- No, you can have them.
[Scar] Wonderful. Pleasure doing business with you, Ren.
(extended silence)
[Martyn] I thought I could trust him...
(a pause)
(Martyn makes a frustrated sound and tosses the tape onto his bed)
(fading as he walks out) Ren, did you touch the thermostat again!?
(door opening)
[Ren] Sorry, Martyn.
(Ren sniffs the air then he enters the room)
(extended sound of papers being rummaged through)
[Ren] There you are- erm, whatever you are.
Statement of Pearl Moon. Okay. I can work with that.
(a pause then footsteps approach)
[Ren] When did this turn on?
[Martyn] (whispering and panicked) Ren has been standing on the other side of my door for an hour now. Waiting...
I don't know what he wants. I know he's been taking Hunt statements, but I have no idea why. I can't even tell how far gone he is or why he's hunting m-
(a knock on the door)
(Martyn holds his breath)
(extended silence)
(distant footsteps as Ren walks away)
Yeah, fuck that. I'm not sleeping tonight.
(distant sounds of screaming, everything muffled as if through a wall)
(there's a collection of a dozen heavy footsteps all quickly getting further away along with the screaming)
(Ren and Martyn are also muffled through the wall)
(Ren is laughing, hysterical and manic)
[Martyn] Ren, get a hold of yourself!
(Ren continues to laugh)
[Martyn] Hang on, I'm just going to grab a few random statements then we can go!
[Ren] (distant) Take your time!
(sound of a small handful of papers being picked up)
[Martyn] It's going to be fine...
(Martyn takes in a deep breath)
(he releases his breath, quivering like he's cold)
(a pause)
[Ren] (whispering) Martyn passed out the moment his head hit the couch. The statements he read helped heal his wounds a little. They're still... bad, but at least he's sleeping through it.
Me, though? I think I'm going to be awake for a while.
So I'm trying what Martyn does. Talk complete nonsense into a tape just to turn thoughts into words. I had to grab his audio diary from his room since the one we had ran out of tape. I'm sure he won't mind this one time. Plus, I know he listens back through this one all the time and I...
I kind of want him to hear this.
I guess first, Martyn looks terrible. I'm staring at his filthy face right now from across the room. He's covered in dirt and his sweater is completely ruined. Although, I guess that's my fault. But he's been wearing that same sweater for months now. Good riddance, I say.
I'll find him a proper style when he's ready to go out again.
(Ren chuckles to himself then pauses)
Only if he wants to, of course.
(another pause)
I think... I think he's stuck with me now. After my... change, he said the hunt was over but... I know he only put it on hold. I can feel my blood waiting, itching for him to run so I can chase him down again. He said he wasn't going anywhere but...
[Martyn] (groggy and distant) Ren?
[Ren] Oh- Martyn. I'm sorry, did I wake you, my friend?
(movement as Ren gets up and walks towards Martyn)
[Martyn] No. I've been up this whole time. Listening.
[Ren] I didn't mean to keep you up, dude. My bad.
[Martyn] Can I have the tape?
(the recorder is passed to Martyn)
Ren, did you know the cold is typically an attribute of the Lonely?
[Ren] So what's your theory on the snow back at Dogwarts, then..?
[Martyn] My current theory is that you're too much of a social guy to be attracting the Lonely.
(a pause)
[Ren] Oh, Martyn...
[Martyn] I meant it, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you.
[Ren] It's you and me to the end.
[Martyn] Yeah. To the End.
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mamaholligay · 7 months
Day One
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So, the first full day in NYC was a sheer delight! It started out with the most amazing breakfast sandwich known to man. Now, if one does not eat pork, breakfast sandwiches are often not worth the pain and suffering attached to trying to find a meat product that goes into said breakfast sandwich that does not contain pig. I usually do not go there! This place had turkey ham and turkey bacon and never once said…. We don’t do pig…Clearly pig was not available anywhere on the entire menu. The whole thing was piping hot, melting cheese and totally delicious. We then took a beautiful walk across Central Park to arrive at the MET. This museum is so big, there is no way you could even begin to see everything. I think my favorite things were the rooms that they have set up all over that show what rooms would look like for a particular time period. The furniture, the walls, rugs and the whole bit. There were so many of them and it made history come alive. Doc has a museum game that was really fun. When you are looking at things in a museum, think about,
“What would I steal?”
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“What is super ugly?”
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“What is something that I learned?”
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I came up with a new category called, “What would I steal for Doc?” 
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So we got the point where we were all museumed out and Doc says, there is another place I want to take you, bu. t if you don’t like it, we can leave. So off we go, again walking as that is what we do. We go down this street and Doc stops and says, “Well, it says we are here. I was not sure what was happening, but we open a door and step into a little shop/room sort of situation. I about lost my mind! We were in the Frederic Malle perfume shop. Now bear in mind that I started to lose my cool. I was so excited. It was like a little cozy place with a couch and a desk with a couple of chairs. Roberto asked if he could help and I turned to Doc and just about screamed how excited I was! This is my favorite perfume house and I had no clue they had one in NYC. I got the full exciting experience, we bonded with Roberto and he brought me around to loving a perfume I never would have tried. We won’t talk about how much money I spent, but Roberto and I are besties for life! He is also shipping my perfume home, so we don’t have to deal with it on the rest of the trip. I am still telling Doc how much I loved the experience! 
After such a wonderful day, we went back and changed for dinner. I didn’t know where we were going, which was hilarious, since apparently I was the one that picked the restaurant many months ago. It was super delicious! We went to Momosan, which is a ramen place. This place is owned by Mori Moto, which if you don’t know, was on Iron Chef! The Chicken Ramen was super good and I found some Sake I actually liked! After dinner we killed some time, walking about the streets of NY. It is definitely an experience! Then it was time for the show. We went to Drunk Shakespeare. The show was so good and fun and crazy! They get one of the cast members drunk and then they do an abbreviated, often hilarious version of a Shakespeare play. They actually did Macbeth, which is my favorite Shakespeare play. It was audience participation and it was a super fun night! That wraps up our first full day. I can’t wait until tomorrow as I have no clue what we are doing!
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aleksa-sims · 3 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, serious illness
Totally done and still sad because I saw Daniel and this stupid girl today I came home after work. Nico wasn’t home yet. I was kind of relieved about that. I wasn't sure, if I should tell him? I mean, nothing happened, but what I said to Daniel today was just not ok! It was totally unfair and selfish.
As soon as I got home, I went for a walk with N.’s dog. Back home I took a shower & I lay down on the bed. I wasn’t feeling so well. I got serv pain in my right knee and my hands also hurt. It bothered me so much, that I had to take a painkiller. After that it slowly got better while I fell asleep.
A little later N. came home. I heard him come up to the bedroom and watch me sleep. Nico has an extraordinary talent for disturbing me while sleeping. No, tbh it's really cute. Every morning before he leaves the house, he comes back to the bedroom to me, while I’m mostly still sleeping. He kisses me and tells me quietly that he loves me. In the beginning I found it hard to get used to. It's annoying to be woken up by him in the morning (5.00 am!) just because he has to kiss me. Yk? It wasn’t until he was gone (abroad), that I realized how much I missed being woken up by him in the morning.🩷 But back to that day, it was not in the morning, but in the evening.
N. saw the painkillers I had taken next to me on the bed, thinking I was sick or something.
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Nico: Hey babe.... Are you ok?
Me: M-hm... Yea, I'm ok.... Where were you? I missed you.
Nico: I said good-bye to Damien and the others. They’re going back to Italy tomorrow.
Me: Yea, without you.... You stay here, with me. So happy about that. Right now I need you with me. I've had a really, really bad day N.... And you? How is your new team? Are they nice?
Nico: Agh...well, what can I say? Germans, yk?🤷‍♀️😉 But it was ok and it’s nice to be home, not somewhere alone abroad ..... Did you see Dilek today?
Me: No, she’s sick. She stayed home.
Nico: Are you sick too? I see you’ve taken painkillers.
Me: My knee hurt again. Somehow my whole body hurts, my hands and legs... But I'm fine. 🙂
Nico: You should tell your doc. You are pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with it?
Me: Yea, but don't worry. I know this pain. It's nothing. I’ve had this pain since I was a kid. It comes and goes, but it’s not serious. My muscles and bones are just very sensitive to pain. 🫤
Nico: It’s all right, babe. But if I see you get pain again, I’ll take you to your doc. I don’t want to scare you, you know that! But you don’t hurt for no reason. Sure, it's nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out before you need to take painkillers again.
Me: Chill Nico!! I know you’re afraid I might get addicted to painkillers . But c'mon, N.! It's just ibuprofen. 😄🤷‍♀️My pill addiction is past. I know I was difficult for you back then, but I promise, this won’t happen anymore. Love you.
Nico didn’t worry about my pill addiction, but actually about the pain I had. A few days ago, my knee hurt so badly that I could not walk. I even cried. But after I took a painkiller, it stopped again. That pain I had in my muscles and bones will get really bad after delivery. Not immediately after delivery, a few months later. But I do not want to draw too much attention to this issue now. Later, when the time comes, I will explain this in more detail. These were the first symptoms of a serious illness. Since CML is not so easy to diagnose, it will take a while for me to get the diagnosis.
And about Daniel I didn't tell Nico. I was happy with N. and we’re about to have a Baby, so I decided to somehow forget Daniel and let him go. But something happened that night!😞 Daniel texted me at 1:00 a.m. I’ll see him tomorrow again. 😢
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
194 for the smut prompts bc Dabi is the most baby gurl of all even tho he doesn't know it lol
Prompt: 194. "You can take it like a good girl, right?"
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: BDSM, Feminization, Humiliation, Lingerie, Multiple Orgasms, Subspace, Biting, Mild Blood Play, Hand/Finger Kink, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Creampie, Dacryphilia
It's honestly a miracle that he finishes his work early in the afternoon, honestly a shock that Duster has apparently also finished for the day, because his lover is in their room, already changed out of his suit, when he comes in. 
"Don't you have a million things to do, oh grand commander?" He asks, throwing his coat over the back of a chair and plopping down on the couch in their little sitting area beside his lover. Surprised to find him on his phone instead of his handheld console if he really is finished working. 
"Mm, have a million things that can wait until tomorrow while I dote on you, firefly." He twists so he can press a kiss to the top of his head and Dabi presses in closer to get one against his lips too. Gets that kiss and then Duster goes right back to scrolling on his phone. 
"I am not feeling very doted on right now, Shig." 
"Still going to spoil you, just trying to pick out a new present for you, baby." 
"Thought the doc said you weren't allowed to give me any more nomu after what happened to the last two?" 
"Other kind of present, Dabi." 
Really glad that his face is so heavily scarred because he would be blushing to the tips of his ears otherwise. Has a whole drawer and section of their closet full of 'presents' from Tomura. Everything from plugs and cockrings to lingerie and spreader bars. Can't tell if Duster loves spoiling him or if he just loves watching Dabi blush and squirm until he puts his new presents to good use. 
"Also want to get you a new collar, baby." 
And that distracts him from his embarrassment, perking up. Lost the last one during his fight with Geten, burned too hot for the leather to survive. Was just a dog collar, best they could do while they were on the run and low on funds, but Tomura lets him peek at the phone and he sees that he's browsing a custom shop for the accessory. Already got him a new day collar, but it's really just a thin black choker, just a flimsy piece of jewelry. He's happy to wear it, of course, loves anything that marks him as Tomura's, but he has been missing having a real collar that his lover can yank on and use while they're scening. The ones on this site are the thicker style with embellishments, ones with pulls to choke him, spikes, extra chains, the heavier type that he likes but only wants to wear for Duster in private. 
"Thank you, sir," Nuzzles in and presses kisses along the side of his neck.  
"Do you want 'firefly' or 'baby' on your tag?" Oh. Dabi hesitates and of course Tomura notices. "Or something else?" 
Worries at a staple piercing through his cheek as he considers, "Want something that you only use for me when we're playing." Duster waits for him to think about it, other hand straying to his hair and stroking through the locks and dragging lightly over his scalp. Had asked him when they first got together if he had anything he wanted to be called and he hadn't known so he told Duster to just call him whatever. Shig had mostly stuck with 'firefly' and 'baby', sometimes peppered in a 'sweetheart' or 'darling', occasionally 'brat' or 'whore' when he was misbehaving. But nothing else really stuck for him. "How'd you settle on 'sir' and not 'master' or, god forbid, 'daddy'?"
Gets a little tug at his hair in retaliation, but then Tomura lowers his phone and actually gives his question his full attention. "Tried other things," tugs again when Dabi opens his mouth, "Yes that too, with other subs. Different ones had different preferences coming from their previous doms. None of it felt right." 
"Was really hoping you'd have better insight than 'vibes', Shig."
"You keep this up and I'm going to be punishing you instead of spoiling you once I'm finished with this, brat." Dabi manages to keep his mouth shut and Duster continues, "Different for everyone, but for me, it's about what I wanted it to feel like having that power over my sub. Didn't like 'daddy' because thinking about family in any way took me out of it. I didn't like 'master' either because I don't want my sub to be a slave. Like controlling you, but not all the time. 'Sir' is just the right amount of deference, can use it in every scene, and it can be used in public without raising any eyebrows. Depends on what you want to get out of hearing me say what you pick, baby. Know you like it when I make you feel special," has Shig pressing in then, lips against the shell of his ear, "my pretty firefly," embarrassing even something so small can have him shivering a little. "And like it when I remind you that the only reason I bother to give you any attention at all is because you're a convenient fuck. Easy too, greedy hole always begging to be stuffed up." More embarrassing that makes his whole body go a little hotter. Noticeably hotter if Duster's little chuckle is anything to go by. "Just have to find something that works for you, that will elevate one or both of those feelings, baby."
About to start really pestering Duster to get him being mean faster when Shig presses a kiss to his temple and passes over his phone.
"Here, they have some stock options too, why don't you look at those and see if any of them jump out for you?" 
"Okay," he takes it, and Tomura gives him some time to scroll through the list, actually picking up his console as he browses. Tempted to peek at what his lover already has in the cart, but he does like being surprised and trusts Duster to pick something he'll like. He starts to look through the options, a lot of them that he expects; slut, whore, brat, puppy, kitten, and over a dozen others. Scrolls through them and tries to imagine them on his lover's tongue, dismisses a lot of them because they're fine, but they don't elicit any kind of strong response. Is considering giving up and just getting 'baby' when he hesitates. Goes back over the ones he'd dismissed out of hand as not for him. The ones he thought would be humiliating to be called. Likes it when Tomura humiliates him. Would happily, has happily, let Shig tear his pride and dignity to ribbons time and time again. Never floats higher than after he does when he whispers the sweetest things against his skin while he's still sobbing and trembling.  
Thinks when he gets to the option that makes his skin go hot again he's probably found it. Of course Tomura notices he's not scrolling anymore, that his skin has gone hot again. Stops what he's doing, "Did you find something, firefly?" And tries to peer around to see the phone screen. Dabi shifts it quickly away from him, knows he's blushing. 
"If you make fun of me I'm going to set you on fire." 
"When have I ever made fun of you for anything you wanted to try in bed, sweetheart?" Never, but Dabi can't help how sharp his embarrassment goes as he finally passes the phone back over. Shig looks at the tag he picked and blinks. There's a slight pause before he looks back up and opens his mouth, 
"Immolation, Duster." 
"Not going to make fun of you, Dabi. Was just going to ask if you wanted to try it out before I place the order." 
Oh. Knows he's bright red despite his scars when he mumbles, "...Okay." 
Duster gives a pleased hum. "Why don't you go put on something pretty for me, firefly." It's not a suggestion even if it's framed like one, already playing, already desperate to behave for his lover. 
"Yes, sir. Which set?" 
"You can pick this time, I know you'll make the right choice." Which is such a fucking trap and he knows it. Gives him an easy excuse to be disappointed in him if he doesn't magically pick the one he wants, if he doesn't just change his mind for the hell of it anyway. 
And he just murmurs, "Yes, sir," happily accepts the soft kiss Tomura presses against the staple at the edge of his lips before he slips off the couch to go get changed. 
The array of lingerie that Duster's bought for him is pushed towards the back of their closet, someone would really need to be rooting around in here to find it and if they did, then being humiliated would definitely be the least of his problems. He has a few favorites despite himself. Had only ever started wearing it because Duster asked if he would, still doesn't wear it all the time, but occasionally Shig asks. Occasionally he puts it on without asking because just wearing it is a clear indication of where he wants his lover's filthy mouth to lean towards on the scale of praise and humiliation. Dabi starts to pick something out, hesitates. Fuck, already going to be embarrassing himself. It takes him a second to dig out the set. Has worn everything Tomura's gotten him except this. The soft pink lace of the babydoll top and the matching panties, embellished with tiny bows, had felt too feminine, even given the fact he was already wearing lingerie. Had nearly ignited with his embarrassment when he'd received it and promptly pushed it to the back of the closet. 
Dabi doesn't look at himself in the mirror once he pulls it on, doesn't want to see it. Is already flushed, the same thready nervousness that always comes before he plays with Duster starting to hum under his skin. Comes back into the room and finds his lover where he left him. Doesn't even look up at him as he moves over to the edge of the couch. Fucking, already playing, going to make him desperate for his attention even though he's already flushed and squirming. 
"Did I give you permission to speak, firefly?" Duster's tone is completely disinterested and cool, eyes still not even flicking towards him. Dabi immediately shuts his mouth and waits. But Shigaraki doesn't do anything else, focuses on continuing to browse on his phone. After a second, a nervous neediness building in his gut, Dabi gets a little closer. He doesn't sit back on the couch, instead moving to kneel between his lovers legs, head down, waiting. Feels like an eternity before Duster's hand goes to his hair again, soft light touches across his scalp that makes a little shiver go down his spine. Slowly starts to ease a little of his tension, relaxes him enough that he's able to wait to see what his lover has in store for him without squirming. And then three fingers trail along his temple and down his cheek. His eyelids flutter as three fingers become four as he traces along his staples, Duster's fingers cool and deadly every place they touch. 
He already knows that his brain is absolutely fucked, but it's never been more obvious than when he has Tomura's hands on him. The threat of mutilation, of death, is ever-present. Would just take the slightest slip and he would be gone. Hasn't ever slipped before, but he's felt the sting of Decay a few times now, and each time he's never cum harder, never floated higher in the aftermath. Shig doesn't do it very often, but the potential of having that again makes his skin buzzy. Has him letting out a breathy sigh as his fingers pass lightly over his lips. Dabi parts his lips just enough to flick his tongue over a fingertip, satisfaction humming through him when Duster stops, leaves his fingers pressed to his lips. He doesn't hesitate to press kisses along them, tongue flicking out too. Starts to work his mouth over his hand like he does his cock. Loves sucking Tomura's cock, loves doing this almost as much. Something so heady about wrapping his lips around his fingers and feeding them into his throat knowing that now, with his quirk awakened, even a single one could bring the sharp agony of oblivion. 
When his fingers press up against the roof of his mouth he thinks that pain is going to come for a second, but it doesn't. Instead he uses the leverage to make Dabi look up. Meets hot red eyes that are watching him so intensely that Dabi feels embarrassment color his cheeks again. He starts to pull away, but the fingers press in deeper, would have made him gag if he didn't know how to suppress that reaction so thoroughly. Instead the more insistent pressure against the back of his throat has him moaning softly, the sound turning into a thin whimper when Tomura chuckles lowly. 
"Always like having something in your mouth, don't you, baby girl?" 
Shame scorches across his nerves, his face, his whole body heating with it, only made worse when that heat pools lower and his cock starts to harden. Oh fuck. He is never going to live this down. His lover might not make fun of him but if anyone else ever finds out about this he is going to light himself on fire. Can't nod, can't speak with Tomura's fingers pressed deep into his throat, but he manages another little moan, as he sucks more insistently. 
His lover's eyes are bright with his delight, clearly enjoying the way he's starting to squirm. "So cute like this and you picked such a lovely set. Wanted to feel pretty for me, princess?" He pulls his fingers out of his mouth and Dabi tries to follow them. "You can speak now, baby girl." 
"Yes, sir." 
"Good girl," Oh fuck. His whole body goes even hotter, blushing so much he smells the smoke starting to trickle from his seams. "What color are you, baby?" 
"...green." Even more humiliating to admit that, to tell Tomura how hot this is making him. Maybe he doesn't have to because it feels like Duster's eyes are just as hot on him. 
"Come on, baby girl, let's go over to the bed. So pretty, want you all spread out for me." He's blushing as he gets to his feet but Tomura pulls him in as he does, presses kisses along his flushed skin as he starts to steer him towards the bed. Tomura trails his fingers under the edge of the top, kisses softly along his jaw and down his neck, touches so light that Dabi's whole body is thrumming with anticipation as his legs hit the edge of the bed. Knows that such soft touches means that there's going to be more coming soon. Duster watches him get onto the bed, eyes trailing over his skin hungrily, and Dabi tries to keep from flushing any darker. Drinks him in but doesn't get into the bed with him, doesn't keep touching him. Watches him until Dabi is doing his best not to squirm, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than he wants to admit to. 
"What is it, princess?" And there's a slight mocking edge starting to tint his tone.
"...Touch me, please sir?" 
"Already so desperate for it, baby girl?" Definitely mocking him now, and the mean twist of his lips paired with that pet name has his cock hard and aching, straining visibly against the delicate panties. but Tomura does climb down into the bed with him and Dabi automatically spreads his legs, inviting his lover between them. Wants to close them immediately and set himself on fire when Tomura wraps a hand around the back of one of his thighs, thumb stroking along his staples, and gives a low, mean laugh. "Such a needy whore, aren't you, princess? Always so eager to spread your legs. Barely touched you and your pretty clit is so hard you can barely fit in your panties." 
His embarrassment spikes so sharply that he can't quell the heat or smoke, his cock absolutely too hard for how little Duster has done to him, visibly leaking as a little bloom of pre starts to soak into the fabric of his panties. For a dizzying second he wonders if Tomura has been waiting for this because the words come so easily for him, fall off his tongue the same way any of his others always have. Tomura looks delighted, catches his chin between his fingers before he can try to shift to hide his blush, and kisses him hard. Licks into his mouth, teeth and tongue demanding and all-consuming. Has him moaning loudly as he reaches to tangle his hands in his lover's hair when he feels Tomura's going against his skin. Drag down his side as the other runs up his thigh until his palm is pressed against his aching cock. Oh fuck, sparks going off behind his eyes, wants to cant his hips up for more friction, knows he's not allowed to. Expects the touch to be taken away, for his lover to mock and tease him for his reaction. 
But Tomura said he wanted to spoil him today. Keeps stroking him, mouth moving to nip at his jaw, sucks bruises no one will be able to see down his throat, the other hand pulling down his thin top so he can play with his nipples. Sends his nerves alight and starts to build his pleasure. Goes until, 
"Look at that, baby. Getting so wet for me, are you going to make a mess, princess?" 
"Please, Tomura," whimpering, doesn't know if he's allowed to. Doesn't know if he's going to be punished or rewarded as his hand keeps working over him, pre-cum soaking into the thin fabric as he drips against his palm. 
"You are, can tell from how hot you're getting and that lovely blush on your cheeks. So pretty in this one, baby girl, going to have you in it more." And the hand retreats from his cock and he whines at the loss, trying to pull his lover back. Tomura laughs at his desperation, but presses a kiss to his cheek, then both hands are at his hips, coaxing them up. Dabi lifts readily and lets his lover slip the fabric over his hips and pull the wet panties down his legs. He kicks them off and as soon as the fabric is free, Tomura is wrapping his hand around his cock properly, rubbing along his piercings exactly the way he likes. Has his back arching as his pleasure races along his nerves as his lover starts to stroke him in earnest. Moves hard and fast, the way he does when they're between meetings, when they only have time for something fast. The kind of movements that have him sprinting towards his orgasm instead of forcing it away to the very edge of their play. A litany of little moans and gasps are falling from his lips, making it so hard to speak, 
"Ah, ah, please sir, please,"
"Like having my hand on your clit, don't you, sweetheart?" Dabi whimpers, the words making him drip more steadily, pushes his orgasm even closer. 
He manages a desperate nod. 
Tomura shifts, lips brushing against the shell of his ear, strokes going lighter, "You know you need to use your words, baby girl." 
Can't make himself open his mouth again until the touches stop, and even then has to take a gasping, hungry breath in the hopes of steadying himself enough to speak without igniting, "Feels good, sir, please, feels so good to have your hand on my clit," his voice trembles, face flushed hot enough he's afraid his staples are going to start burning.  Moans so loudly as he starts to move again. "Please, sir. Close, please let me--" 
"So cute like this. Of course you can cum, my good girl." Glad he got permission because he can't stop himself from going over the edge, pleasure crashing through him as he spills his release all over Duster's hand. 
Is still trembling through the aftershocks of that when Tomura shifts, more soft kisses along his cheek, trailing to his lips. Dabi kisses him back the best he can as he tries to catch his breath, hands tugging weakly at the hem of his shirt. His lover lets him pull it off as Dabi starts to squirm, Shig's hand still working slowly over his cock, smearing him with his cum, making the slide of it easier even as he stings with the stirrings of overstimulation.
Turns into more than stirrings when his lover doesn't stop even as he lets out a sharper sound of distress as he pulls at his piercings the way he usually likes, but that is way too much so quickly after his orgasm. 
"My pretty girl, wonder how many times you can cum," his hand moving a little faster as he speaks, the overstimulation going sharply unpleasant, has him whimpering and trying to shift away. Not a girl, can't go again so soon. 
Tomura doesn't give him a choice though. Keeps stroking him until his breath hitches on a weak sob before he pulls his hand away. Doesn't get more than a few seconds to be relieved before Shigaraki is moving down his body, hands wrapping around his thighs and lifting him easily, rolling his weight higher and spreading his legs even wider as his whole body goes even hotter as his lover nips and kisses along his thighs, trailing lower. Nearly ignites when he murmurs against his skin, 
"Been so long since I've tasted your cunt, princess." Barely gets a chance for breath before Duster's mouth is against him, tongue licking over his hole and sending a jolt of pleasure through him. Can't even tell if the pleasure spiraling out across his nerves is from the humiliation of being called that, of being treated like this, or the actual sensation of Tomura's tongue flicking over him, teasing at his entrance. Hasn't had this in a while because it's a reward and Dabi can barely ever behave. But Duster wants him spoiled and he begins to eat him out with the same patient methodical dedication as he does everything else in bed. Doesn't start to press his tongue inside of him until he's shivering, his cock starting to harden again, and he's making short desperate gasps as he tangles a hand in his hair. Pretty sure that Tomura likes to eat him out as much as Dabi likes to suck his cock, also knows exactly how to flick his tongue over him, how to push it in, how slow and how fast to go to have Dabi sobbing and trembling, his thighs shaking hard in his grip, and feeling like he's going to fall apart. 
The pleasure starts to build again, until his cock is hard again, sticky with his cum and curved up against his stomach. Is expecting Duster to stop, to get him wet, and stretched, and needy and then stop so that he can fuck him hard. But he doesn't stop. Keeps eating him out as his hand wraps back around his cock again and starts to stroke him again. Makes him gasp and whine, his cock starting to drip, the pleasure building so insistently along his seams that he's afraid he's going to tear open around it. Is babbling the closer he gets, begging, not even sure what for, doesn't know if he wants to cum again or if he wants Duster to slow down so he can cum on his cock, just knows that if Tomura keeps this up he's going to fall apart again. 
Duster keeps working his tongue inside of him and his hand over him, doesn't let up until his muscles are going tight again and Dabi is cumming with his lover's name on his tongue. Duster eases up a little, goes slower, but still doesn't stop. His limbs are all heavy and weak from the aftershocks of his pleasure, can only lay under the other man, whimpering, little hitches of sobs breaking out of his chest as Tomura keeps working him over. Doesn't even protest this time. Can't. Head floating and far off, absolutely lost to the sensations that his lover is giving his body. When his mouth finally leaves him Dabi thinks he'll be able to breathe for a moment, but then his hand is reaching, pulls the lube from the nightstand and he's whimpering again as Shig's mouth moves to his thighs. Starts to pepper the sensitive skin with nibbles and kisses. 
Doesn't push his first finger inside until he's got his teeth settled in his skin hard enough to bring up little beads of blood. But then his fingers are inside, already loose and wet from his mouth and orgasm, gets them inside and stroking against his prostate. 
"Tomura," his voice is so thin that he barely recognizes it, hard to find his tongue when he's so foggy and everything has already been so much. 
"I know, baby girl, but you're doing such a good job," Licks away a little of the blood on his thigh before he moves back up his body as he sinks another finger inside of him. Kisses and words pressing against his throat as he does. Has Dabi squirming and sighing, so much, the pleasure pulling him so deep into the heady fog of his subspace. "I just want to keep making you feel good, princess, you're going to keep letting me, won't you?" 
He gives a weak nod, shifting a little to try and catch Tomura's mouth. He allows it, kissing him, blood still lingering on his tongue. Dabi sighs against his mouth, the sound blooming into a thready moan as he rocks back on his lover's fingers as he strokes over his prostate. Hurts when his cock starts to stir again, but this time his lover doesn't keep stroking him through that. Eases off of him, starts to lessen the pressure inside of him. 
"That's it, being so sweet for me, baby girl." Lets out a thin moan at the words, knows his lover felt his muscles tightened around his fingers, his eyes drenched with his own lust. "Like that so much, don't you, princess? So proud of you for finally figuring out what you want. So happy to have you be my good girl. Going to make you fall apart so many times that even your greedy cunt and clit won't be desperate anymore."  
"Please, sir." His limbs are weak and heavy, but he still manages to grind back against his lover's fingers. So much already, but wants Duster's cock. Has made him feel so good, wants to do the same for his lover. 
"You can take it like a good girl, right?" 
Whimpers, a flush painting his cheeks again as he gives a little nod, Tomura's tone mocking against his throat as his fingers pull out until they're just barely inside. Leave him empty when he tries to rock onto them. "...want to make you feel good, sir." He admits, trying to hide his flushed face against his lover's chest. His fingers circling his rim again teasingly. 
"Yeah? And how do you want to do that, baby girl?"
"...Want your cock in my cunt." 
Pretty sure his lover likes that as much as he does because he's catching him in another rough kiss, fingers pulling away from his hole and one hand spreading his legs even wider as the other goes to the button and clasp of his pants. Through the wonderful fog he's in, Dabi feels a sharper sting of anticipation. Already feels so good himself, half-drunk on the pleasure his lover is spoiling him with. Knows that it's only going to become even more overwhelming when his lover starts to fuck him. 
Doesn't have to wait much longer for it before the slick head of his cock is starting to tease his rim. "Tomura," 
Gets another kiss peppered on the edge of his lips as he starts to sink inside. The press of him against his already oversensitive walls has his whole body arching and trembling, smoke and broken little moans slipping from his lips. His lover doesn't give him long to adjust, knows he doesn't need it when his fingers and tongue and the echoes of his own pleasure have him so pliant and ready for whatever Tomura wants to give him. Starts to move, fucking him slow and hard. Dabi's hands scrabble over the sheets, end up curled around the headboard so that he doesn't slip with his quirk as he tries his best to find something to anchor his floating head. 
"Fuck, princess, never get tired of how hot your pretty cunt gets when I have you like this," his lover murmurs, hitching one of his legs higher so he can go even deeper on the next thrust, his other finding the edge of one of his scars, dragging his fingernails just over his staples. Has his temperature creeping up even higher. More embarrassing because his lover laughs at him when he feels it and Dabi's cock twitches, drooling pre as he's mocked. But it all feels so good. Always feels good, doesn't always get spoiled like this, but Tomura always makes sure he feels good even when he's misbehaving. But this is different, this is more. Always has a filthy mouth but these words are ratcheting up his pleasure even higher than usual as his lover fucks him so deep. So full of him, head so full of this wonderful fog that he can't even tell if he's still crying. Just knows that each time he tries to meet his lover's thrusts he's struggling, limbs so weak from his orgasms. 
Tomura said to find something that would elevate the feelings, thinks he's definitely found it when that intoxicating thready shame stinging at his nerves surges even higher when he manages to gasp, "Tomura," doesn't have to beg for him to keep talking. Knows that his words can bring him over the edge as well as his cock can. Knows that Dabi always wants both when he's being fucked like this. 
"So cute like this, baby. Love seeing you so messy and hazy. Been such a good girl for me," Gives his own low groan when Dabi's muscles tighten around him as he speaks. "Oh, baby girl, like that so much. Going to keep letting you be my good girl. Going to have you wear your new collar out so everyone knows how much you like that." 
Definitely sobbing again as his orgasm starts to build again. Can smell burning too, knows that he's leaving fresh handprints on the headboard, knows he doesn't want anyone else to see him like this, to hear Duster talk to him this way. But he's achingly hard and so, so full, can't really think clearly through both sensations. Just knows he'd do anything to keep having Tomura spoil him like this. Would take any humiliation his lover would heap on him if he always makes it feel like this. "Yes, sir, yours. Your good girl, show everyone, please sir," absolutely drunk on the pleasure, crying out loudly when his lover starts to move harder, faster, at his babbling. Has him gasping and moaning with every hard thrust, "Tomura please, fill up my cunt, please, want your cum inside--" 
"Dabi," never gets his lover to slip, to call him his name while they're scening. Not prepared for the heady rush that goes through him at that. Sends him over his peak again, cumming hard and staining his top, muscles going so tight around his lover who still doesn't relent. Keeps fucking him hard through his orgasm until he's crying even harder with the overstimulation. Can barely breathe when Duster slams in on one last rough thrust and spills all along his walls.
Can't move at all, limbs jelly, after so much. Only lays there sniffling and panting, trying to get his breath back into his starving lungs as his lover starts to pepper his skin with soft, lazy kisses as he gently strokes along his arms, coaxing his hands from around the headboard. His arms tremble a little as they fall back to the pillows beside his head. When he's let go, Tomura pulls out of him and shifts back, eyes dragging over him again, still filled with heat. Dabi wonders how much of a mess he looks like when he feels so absolutely gone. Knows he's sticky with cum, his own painted over his stomach and the hem of the babydoll top, still pulled low enough to expose his chest, blush and tears staining his cheeks, Tomura's bite mark bleeding on his thigh, his cum leaking out of his hole. But clearly Tomura likes seeing him like this. Gets more kisses and soft touches. Doesn't seem to be trying to work him up again. Doesn't know if he'd even be able to manage it if he was, just lavishing him with affection and attention. 
Still spoiling him by letting him stay in his fog as he helps to clean him up and get him settled again, lets him cuddle in close. Deadly hands on his skin in the softest way as he pets along his back and hair. Takes a long time for him to find his voice, 
"Absolutely not wearing that in front of anyone else."
"You seemed so enthusiastic about it a little while ago, princess," and Duster definitely sounds a little mocking again as he says it, but he's too tired for the humiliation to do anything more for him. Weakly knocks his knuckles against his lover's chest. Tomura gives a soft laugh and presses a kiss to his hair. "That's fine, Dabi. You're sure you want it?" 
Is still blushing as he hides his face and gives a little nod, mumbling against his lover's skin, "I will set you on fire if you ever call me that where other people can hear." Tomura hums in acknowledgement, as private as him when it comes to their sex life no matter how much he likes to tease while working him up. Blushes a little hotter when he remembers, "Thank you for spoiling me, sir."
"You're welcome, baby girl," fuck. Absolutely mortifying how that sends another little jolt of pleasure weakly across his nerves. Knows Tomura feels his temperature go a little higher because it gets another soft chuckle out of him. "Why don't you change, baby? I'll order us dinner and if you want me to keep spoiling you later, we can see about that too, princess." 
"Yes sir," 
"Good girl." Absolutely mortifying. 
Definitely going to need Tomura to spoil him again if he keeps this up.
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cherriesfromeden · 11 months
bruce yamada with a reader who fights a lot pt. 2
[style : headcanons]
[requested : yes]
[pairing : bruce yamada x fem!reader]
okay so this is a continuation for how y'all met <3
if you haven't read it - read pt 1
so he's probably heard of you/knows who you are but has never actually talked to you
like he's heard your name around school but he just doesn't really pay close attention to it
but then he gets held after school for something the teacher needed help with
cause bruce is an angel who never gets in trouble
anyway so he's a little late coming out of school
and he hears a bunch of yelling coming from the back of the school so he goes over to check it out
low and behold
it's you
in a fight
you 🤝 fighting
your opponent is this giant asshole bully
he probably said something behind robin's back in front of you
and now you best believe you're throwing hands
so you are just whipping this guy's ass and bruce is standing there like 🧍
bc wtf???
how did he not notice you before???
you look so pretty when you're beating the shit out of someone <3
so after you finish with him you grab the guy by the shirt and say
'say anything about my best fucking friend again and you'll wish this is all i do to you'
and drop him to the ground and walk away like a badass !!
the guy : destroyed
the crowd : going wild
bruce's jaw : dropped
road work : ahead
someone take my computer away from me😭
moving on
the next day bruce is asking everyone who you are and he's like
'wait it was that one girl???'
and keeps an eye out for you hoping he'll see you again sometime
luck is on his side (who wouldn't be)
and he meets you again walking toward the baseball field
cause you usually swing by there to see what's happening in the games and move on
but he sees you and waves at you
then he's like
'shit she doesn't know my name'
but you walk over and go
'bruce right? i've seen you play, you're really good'
'you have?'
'yeah i watch the games sometimes, i'm y/n'
'hey do you want to walk with me to school tomorrow? i can meet you here'
bruce shooting his shot
and no surprise
'sure, don't be late'
'i won't dw'
the walk to school has so much tension you could cut a knife through it
he's debating asking you out in a more straightforward way when he catches a glimpse of your bruised knuckles
'ooh, wanna get some ice for that? looks bad'
second date (kinda) scored
'sure, patch me up doc'
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sprout-fics · 22 days
Hey so I would definitely recommend seeing a vet if your baby is sneezing excessively. I’m not trying to scare or fear monger or worry you but… my girl, Bailey, was sneezing so much that she sneezed blood!! I took her immediately to the vet and my vet said that it’s not normal for cats to sneeze the way mine did. Bailey’s all good now but I just wanted to let you know and to be on the lookout for lil drops of blood.
Tumblr media
Oh goodness! No fortunately lil Ollie isn’t sneezing blood or anything. No watery eyes or loose stools or anything as far as I can tell. His energy levels are good, he’s eating/drinking fine, he just kinda sneezy. He goes to the doc tomorrow and is under close supervision until then.
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randomprose · 3 months
plans for the future
written for the satosho server weekly prompt: wedding [ao3] set after 221
“Hey,” Shoko calls Satoru’s attention as she pulls off her surgical gloves and he’s getting dressed. “Don’t die.”
“Of course, I won’t. Didn’t I say I’d win?” Satoru scoffs as he pulls down his shirt. “What, you doubtin’ or something?”
Shoko’s check-up is more thorough than usual and her reversed cursed technique practically swept him from head to toe despite Satoru not needing any healing. Not since he got out of the Prison Realm days ago anyway and even then it’s not like he sustained any real damage from being sealed in the box for nineteen days other than severe boredom. But Satoru supposed that’s just a necessary precautionary measure for tomorrow’s fight and Shoko is a pro after all.
“No. It’s just that…” Shoko chews the inside of her cheek, mulling over her words as she leans on her table. Her eyes trained on Satoru still perched on her examination table. “I have plans for us.”
“Oh? And what would those plans be?”
She reaches back to the drawer under her desk for a small back velvet box and casually tosses it in his direction. Satoru deftly catches it, eyes widening when he looks down at what it is.
Whatever thoughts Satoru has when Shoko said she has plans for them goes flying out the window. He opens the box to see what’s inside and—yep this was definitely not one of them. Not even his all-knowing Six Eyes saw this one coming.
“Shoko!” Satoru gasps as the ring glints up at him. “Shoko!”
“What? I’m right here.”
“You’re not serious?!”
“As serious as five hundred thousand yen.” 
“Five hundred thou—You’re seriously not serious?!” 
Shoko, Ieri cheapskate Shoko, whom Satoru has rarely ever seen pay for anything (if at all!) in her life since becoming friends with him, just bought him a five hundred thousand yen engagement ring.
“I can just take it back if you—”
“No!” Satoru turns and raises his arms so the box is out of her reach. “No. You said you have plans for us.”
“I did.” Plans which got derailed because of this whole shit show but, eh, it is what it is. “I do.”
“Slow down, doc. I haven’t even said yes and you’re already saying your I do’s?” Satoru smirks, all too giddy and smug at this sudden development. “A little presumptuous of you, no?”
“Like I said, I can always take it back. Those plans aren’t set in stone anyway.”
Satoru doesn’t rise to her teasing this time, too caught up staring at the ring nestled in blue velvet cushion. It’s a platinum band with six diamonds embedded in it. No doubt customized because the diamonds are the same purple shade as her eyes, which Satoru always said he likes. 
But the best thing about it is that Shoko has infused each diamond with her cursed energy.
Fuck. Dammit. Satoru thinks he’s going to cry.
“You bought me an engagement ring,” Satoru says, soft and reverent. “And you have plans for us.”
“Yes, Gojo, we’ve already established that.” Fuck sakes. He’s holding the damn ring in his hand. “And?”
“Uggghh,” Satoru groans because he’s dramatic and a diva and a goof and Shoko wants to marry his ridiculous ass. “What the hell, man? This is sooo unromantic!” Shoko rolls her eyes and Satoru has to fight tooth and nail so his petulant pout doesn’t turn into a giddy grin. “Like, where’s the build-up? The romance? Dude, you didn’t even get me flowers! And what? You couldn’t even get on one knee and pop the question properly? So unromantic, Shoko. Seriously.”
He’s joking, of course. Satoru knows Shoko doesn’t have the time or the patience or even the imagination (or the stomach) for all that mushy shit. In any case, he doesn’t really care about all of that because he’s already so fucking ecstatic. 
Sure, it’s not his dream proposal exactly, but that’s only because he’s always envisioned it would be somewhere grand and romantic (like Paris or their high school classroom or in spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom), and he would be the one going down on one knee (in his best suit with his hair styled slick back for a more devastating effect and a sure ‘yes’) and catching Shoko off guard. 
Then again, Satoru thinks as he looks at Shoko across from him lips quirked in a minuscule smile, the woman has somehow always been three steps ahead of the Six Eyes. 
All in all, Satoru supposes the school infirmary with Shoko saying she has plans for them and beating him to the punch isn’t a bad way to get engaged.
“Tell you what,” Shoko says as she crosses the short distance between them and gently pries the box from his hand. “When you finish the fight and come back alive—that’s a requirement, dumbass, you hear me?—then I’ll propose. Properly. I’ll give you romance and the build-up. I’ll buy you flowers and have a speech. The whole shebang. Hell, I’ll even get down on one knee.”
Because not only is Shoko always three steps ahead of him but she also never ceases to surprise and defy Satoru’s expectations.
“Really. I promise I’ll get down on my knees.” Shoko pockets the velvet box and shoots him a heavy look through long lashes and half-lidded eyes. “In more ways than the one.”
“Oh.” Satoru is slow on the uptake but his eyes follow the way Shoko smirks as she licks and bites her lip and finally gets it. “Oh.”
“Hey! Can we get this thing wrapped up quick?” Satoru shouts after Sukuna amidst the rubble. “I’ve got a proposal to get to!”
“Oh, you’re proposing? How cute.”
“No, I’m getting proposed to,” Satoru says primly, firing another Red. Sukuna is hit but easily regenerates. “But that will only happen after I finish you! So. Chop-chop! Come on!”
“It’s the reverse cursed technique user, isn’t it? Good for you I guess. You couldn’t do better than her,” Sukuna shrugs, getting ready to use Dismantle again. Satoru barely reinforces Limitless at how weirded out he is that he and Sukuna are agreeing on something. “She certainly could do better. My condolences to her though.”
“I know, right?! She’s really great! The best! I’m so—hey! What do you mean by that?!” 
“Hey, uhh so,” Satoru rubs the back of his head sheepishly, sunglasses dipping down his nose as he looks down. “Listen. So, Shoko. She’s—”
“Yeah, I know,” Suguru cuts him off.
“You do?”
“I’ve been watching this whole time, idiot. Of course, I know.”
“Pfft. Creep.”
“You’re the creep.” Suguru shoves him and then smiles. Genuinely. Beatifically. “Congratulations.”
“Yeah. Yeah, thanks. I, uh—” Satoru sniffles, and looks away before thinking ‘fuck it!’ and pulling Suguru into the tightest bear hug they’ve ever shared both in the living and the afterlife. “I wish you could be there, man,” he chokes out.
“Me too,” Suguru answers. His voice breaks at the end and his eyes are shiny when they pull apart. “Take care of each other, yeah?”
“I’ve been trying, but you know how she is, dude! Swear to god she only listens to you,” Satoru grumbles as he rolls his eyes and Suguru chuckles. “Well. I’ll head for North for now.”
“Yeah. You kept her waiting and worried long enough. Good luck with that, man.”
“Tch. Don’t remind me. I’ll be lucky if she still hasn’t changed her mind.”
“She hasn’t,” Suguru assures him, all-knowing. “See you later, Satoru. Tell Shoko I said hi.”
“Yeah. See you later, Suguru.”
Satoru wakes up to the blinding fluorescent light and the familiar sterilized smell of the school's infirmary. 
“Hey,” Shoko comes into his line of vision and Satoru smiles. What a sight for sore eyes. “Welcome back.”
“I’m back,” he croaks as he nuzzles into the palm caressing his face and the familiar curse energy it’s emitting. “I talked to Suguru while I was out. He says hi.”
“You did, huh? Only took him this long to check in on me and he even had to do it with a proxy? Bastard.” Shoko smirks and rolls her eyes in jest. Then her expression softens into a small smile, eyes losing their sharp edges as she looks down at Satoru and runs a hand through his unruly grimy hair. “Scared me there for a second. Thought I went all the trouble to buy a ring for nothing.” 
“I changed my mind.”
“Oh? You talked to Suguru and suddenly you got a change of heart? Tch. Men. Figures.” She still hasn’t let go of him, touch ever soft and gentle as she continues to run healing hands over him, pumping him with her reverse cursed technique and breathing life into him. “That’s fine, I suppose. The ring is still well within the 30-day return period anyway.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. What the hell? You think you’d get out of it that easily? Fat chance, lady. I just…” Satoru takes one of her hands in his. “I don’t want all the trimmings. Just ask me now, Shoko.”
“You sure? Infirmary’s full so we’re in the morgue right now, you know? So. Not very romantic. And neither of us has showered in days and I literally just put you back together. Are you—”
“I don’t care.” Satoru brings her hand up to his lips. “Shoko, I really don’t care.” A giddy smile spreads on his face and is mirrored by her even as she purses her lips to contain it. “Ask me now, Shoko.”
“Tch. So impatient. And to think I made all the reservations and ordered flowers too. I even had a speech typed up and memorized.”
“Oh, shut up. As if you did. Cut to the chase already, Ieiri.”
“Gojo Satoru, I’m giving you a lifetime pass to be a pain in my ass. So,” Shoko gets the velvet box from the pocket of her lab coat, ignores Satoru’s delighted crow of ‘Has that been there the whole time?!’, and smiles when he hears him gasp as she kneels on one knee in the infirmary’s linoleum floors. “Wanna get hitched?"
Satoru thinks about fooling around, of making a quip or two as he is wont to do.
But Shoko is kneeling on one knee and her hands are pink and red stained with his blood as she holds up the ring she had customized and infused with her cursed energy so everyone can know who Satoru belongs to. Her eyes are bloodshot and bruised, evidence of the long hours she spent breathing life back into him. There’s a tired but soft smile on her face, and she is so, so beautiful.
In the end, the only thing that came out of Satoru was a breathy ecstatic, “Yes.”
notes: satoru's ring | shoko's ring
12 notes · View notes
themaribatpit · 1 year
The Lost Wayne: Chapter 4
Synopsis: On the night of her parents’ anniversary, Marinette was shocked to learn that all this time, she had been the long forgotten daughter of an American businessman named Bruce.  When she is given the chance to visit him that summer, she learns that she’ll also be spending the summer with his many other children.
Rated T: Language
Ships: Gen
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! It has been a while, and not helped by the fact that I’ve been busy with life stuff. DC Boy and I take time to brainstorm, edit, proofread, and we do it together. We’ve got continuations of ongoing stories coming, plus some other ideas that have been sitting in notes apps and Google Docs for a while now. This community of people who enjoy this crossover have been nothing but kind and supportive, and we appreciate your patience as we return to trying to post fanfic chapters more regularly. - Maribat Girl
Taglist: @laurcad123, @k8s-things, @miyatalksshit, @raeuberprinzessin, @jeminiikrystal, @jjmjjktth, @tinybrie, @angelwreckedd, @talia-scar123, @maybeanalien0-0, @depressed-bitchy-demon, @timetravelassasin, @its-maemain,  @lex-am, @iloontjeboontje, 
Chapter 3 - Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Next morning, Marinette walked down to an empty dining room. She awkwardly took a random seat and sat quietly for a few moments; she hoped that the family would join her for breakfast. After about 10 minutes she gave up waiting for them, “Um, Alfred?” she asked in what she assumed to be an empty room. Alfred, almost by magic, appeared before her with breakfast. 
“Good morning, Miss Marinette,” he greeted, “Today’s breakfast is an assortment of pastries and a cup of chocolat chaud.” 
“Thank you, Alfred, where is everyone?” Marinette asked as she gestured to the empty table.
“Ahem, Master Bruce is a late riser as he is usually up late. Master Dick returned late last night, so he won’t be up until later. Master Jason stayed up into the night reading, so he won’t be down for breakfast either. Master Tim has been awake for over 48 hours and I've made him rest. Miss Cassandra has left early for ballet practice, and Master Damian has fencing practice and would rather not be disturbed,” Alfred recited, his explanations prepared long beforehand. 
“Oh,” Marinette muttered, “All right then.”
“You know, every month, we all gather and chip in to help the people of Gotham. Master Dick will be going to local orphanages tomorrow. Why, Master Damian goes to the animal shelters every week. Would you like to follow me to help give food to the homeless?” Alfred offered.  Marinette blinked for a moment as she tried to picture Damian, with his usual sour scowl, being surrounded by cute animals.
“That sounds great Alfred, would…would anyone mind?” Marinette asked.
“Not at all,” Alfred said before leaving. 
Later, Marinette sat in the back of the limousine with a few baskets beside her, all filled to the brim with sandwiches made by Alfred. Her heart sank the deeper she went into Gotham City. She could never truly get used to the state of the city. “Where are we?” Marinette asked.
“Gotham City’s East End,” Alfred answered, “where most of the unfortunate souls reside.”
The car slowly came to a stop in front of a small alleyway. The entire street grew silent as everyone focused on the car. It wasn’t everyday a luxury car came to this part of Gotham, it attracted all sorts of attention. Alfred got out first and locked the car, and as he walked towards the side to open the door for Marinette, he was accosted by a man.
“Nice ride old man, wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to it.” The man spoke with a malicious glint in his eye. 
“Let’s keep this amicable, Gentlemen. Please go away.” Alfred answered monotonously.
One man drew his arm back for a punch, only for Alfred to deliver a swift kick to the groin. The man instantly collapsed and writhed on the floor. Alfred opened the door and Marinette nervously stepped out and watched the man on the floor in worry and pity. She whispered a quick apology to the man. People on the street began to gossip, was this girl the heiress to a crime family? Gossip began to die down as Alfred gave them a stern glare, and people began going about their business.
Alfred quickly collected the baskets, “Miss Marinette, please stay close.” Marinette followed Alfred through the streets until they reached a shanty town filled with children. 
Marinette gasped at the ragged children living on the streets and took an unconscious step back. Tears pricked her eyes for a moment as she saw the conditions they lived in, but this was replaced with a determination as she walked up to them and offered a sandwich. The children eyed her suspiciously, the closest one slapped her hand aside. “How stupid do you think we are?!”
Marinette froze at the hostility coming from the children, “But…I…” she stammered.
Another child shouted, “That's how they kidnapped Bob and Bill last week, two people came in dressed as the Mayor's Homeless Outreach Project. They threw Mackey through a window and even killed old man Steve.” 
Marinette began to panic as the children of Alleytown began to yell at her. "All right, that's enough," a voice behind her boomed and all the children were silent. Marinette looked back to see Jason standing behind her.
“Jason?” Marinette said in shock, “What are you doing here?”
“I just happen to be around," he said unconvincingly. He turned to the children, “She’s with me,"
“Well well, if it isn’t Jason Todd, what brings you and your friend to Alleytown?” a voice came from nearby. Marinette turned around to see a blonde woman perched on the sill of an open window with one leg crossed over the other. 
"Holly," Jason greeted plainly, "Marinette's a friend visiting from Paris. She just wants help out while she's in town." Marinette felt a twinge of shame, did Jason not refer to her as family out of contempt? She looked down at the floor, unable to meet Jason's eyes. "She's one of the good few, trust me."
Marinette looked up tentatively at Jason. She wasn't sure how to react, but here he was vouching for her to strangers. "I brought some food…" she said as she held out a sandwich.
Holly leaped off the window sill and landed in a roll, she strolled towards Marinette and picked up the sandwich offered to her. Marinette seemed a little startled by the ease with which Holly managed to do that. "Well, don't mind if I do," she said as she took a bite. Marinette nervously looked at Holly chewing, all the Alleytown kids stared too, suspicion still in their glares. "Hey, this is good. Come on and have some," she told the kids. In a split second their suspicious glares disappeared and the kids crowded around Marinette for free food. 
The children swarmed and overwhelmed Marinette, she frantically gave everyone sandwiches.
They then quickly dispersed back into hiding after taking their portion, Marinette, Jason and Alfred were then left alone. Marinette breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from her brow.
“Would you like a lift home, Master Jason?” Alfred asked as he gestured to the limousine.
“Sure, why not?” Jason shrugged. Alfred got into the driver’s seat and Jason joined Marinette in the back. Marinette sat quietly beside Jason, refusing to make eye contact with him. Instead she preferred to stare at her feet the entire ride home.  As the car made its way back to Wayne Manor, there was a deafening silence in the back seat.  Marinette felt like her siblings simultaneously wanted nothing to do with her, and yet one of them was nice enough to vouch for her back there.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked bluntly. 
“Nothing, I’m fine,” Marinette snapped back.
Jason sighed and crossed his arms, “For the last two days, you looked as if someone kicked your puppy. Didn't think Gotham would make you miserable that quickly.”
“What's it to you?” Marinette asked, almost grumpily. 
“Because there's only room in that manor for one miserable person and that's usually Bruce. And it seems like you inherited Bruce’s ability to brood for days too. Now are you going to tell me what's wrong?"
"Did I do something wrong?" Marinette whispered, her voice slightly cracked.
Jason looked at her in confusion. "Do you even think of me as family at all?"
"Is it because I called you a friend back in Alleytown?" Jason asked, Marinette nodded.
"It's something the public isn't ready for yet, it's to protect you. The moment someone finds out, you can kiss goodbye any privacy you have." Marinette nodded slowly as she processed Jason's words. "If it makes you feel any better, you're probably the only normal kid Bruce has," Jason said offhandedly, only to suddenly grimace. He swore internally at the careless remark. Marinette perked up at Jason's comment and looked towards him curiously. "Dick, Tim and I are all orphans. Unlike those two, I grew up on the streets similar to the kids you helped back there. Eventually we were all adopted by Bruce, one way or another. Cass ran away from an abusive home, and Damian’s mom travels around a lot.” he recounted, carefully wording it with half-truths. “And even though Steph has her mom and isn’t adopted, her dad was always in and out of jail."
Tears began to form around Marinette's eyes as she listened closely to her siblings' life stories. By comparison, her mother and father cared for her all her life, she couldn't even begin to comprehend what they have all been through. 
Jason sighed and pondered what he could do to calm Marinette down. After a few moments of tolerating Marinette’s crying, he tentatively placed a hand on her head. “Still, you did good. Not many people would reach out to help the children of Alleytown. I’m sure it meant a lot to them.” 
“Thanks…”Marinette sniffed. “I just did what I felt was right.”
Jason’s face changed to one of annoyance, though he turned to look outside the window. He groaned internally, at the very least Marinette wasn’t a Robin or a superhero of any kind. He was sure the very first thing she would do would be to jump in front of a bullet out of pure selflessness. 
Early the next morning, not long before sunrise, the family sat around Batman. "I have bad news…"
"Well, that's ominous," Nightwing quipped.
"Just get on with it," said Red Robin.
"Marinette has caught the attention of Vicki Vale," Batman admitted, the entire room erupted in groans. "Quiet." Batman ordered. "Alfred and I have discussed it and we decided we should take the initiative. We have agreed to reveal Marinette but on our own terms."
Alfred spoke up, "We hope to cultivate a positive reputation for Miss Marinette and her family in Paris. Who knows what nonsense these tabloids can spew."
"So that's why you suggested to her to give food out yesterday," Red Hood summarised.
Alfred nodded, "Yes, I took photos too.”
“Any suggestions?” Batman asked.
Spoiler rubbed her chin for a few moments, being the only person in the group who actually reads tabloids of her own free will. “Why not a photo shoot? Have her look her best.” 
Alfred took out his notebook and began writing. “Not a bad idea. I was considering a debutante ball or a formal introduction at the next gala. Though, she will require etiquette lessons.”
Red Robin raised his hand stiffly, “Will there be an interview?” he asked.
Batman nodded in response, “Yes, Ms. Vale is asking for one.” 
“Then I suggest it be pre-recorded then broadcasted, or at the very least a strict script for both Marinette and Vicki to follow,” Alfred suggested.
Nightwing sighed and facepalmed, “I hate the paparazzi,” he groaned. “This is our fault for not being careful. We need to make sure her and her family’s reputation stays intact.” 
Red Hood laughed, he grabbed Nightwing by the shoulder and with his free arm waved across the space in front of them “I can see the headlines ‘Gotham's Homewrecker!’” Nightwing elbowed Red Hood in the ribs. “Come on, this is exactly the kind of shit to expect.” 
“He’s got a point,” Oracle chimed from the screen, “The Gotham Gazette can be ruthless.” 
"Then it's settled, I'll break the news to her later," said Batman.
After another quiet breakfast alone, Marinette quickly went back to her room. She curled up and sat on her bed, her knees against her chest.
"Are you okay?" Tikki asked.
"I want to trust my family, to trust my father and siblings. I want to believe in Dick, Steph and the others. It's just…been hard, especially with what we saw out there."
"Hmm, I understand how you feel. Maybe it is just your father, after all, he did mention most of the others were adopted,” Tikki remarked, “Besides, Dick, Cass and Steph seem nice."
"You might be right Tikki. Who knows, maybe the adoptions were publicity stunts,"  Marinette said.
There was a knock on her door, Tikki quickly flew into Marinette's sleeve. "May I come in?" asked Bruce from outside. Marinette slapped her hand over her mouth, worried that he heard what she just said. She shakily opened the door slightly to peer out.
Bruce gave her a polite smile, "Good morning, how are you?" 
"I'm g-good" she stammered as she opened her door to let him in. Bruce stood inside for a few quiet moments, he ran his hand through his hair nervously. This in turn made Marinette more nervous. 
Bruce broke the uncomfortable silence, "It seems, the paparazzi found out about you," Marinette's eyes widened and was about to speak before Bruce interrupted her. 
"I've decided that, if we don't have a choice, we need to make sure your introduction is flawless."  Marinette quietly nodded as she listened to her father. "Alfred will provide you the details, and he will give you lessons on etiquette. We have a photo shoot planned and you'll be formally introduced during the next gala." 
Marinette continued to nod, an awkward silence enveloped the room again. "Just be careful, gossip magazines can be ruthless. This may also affect your family," Burce said ominously.
Marinette didn't respond, she just looked down at the floor. Bruce checked his watch, "I'm sorry, I have an appointment soon. See you later,” Bruce then quickly left the room. He had hoped he conveyed the message to Marinette that all this was for her sake. 
Once he was out of earshot, Marinette slumped onto her bed and screamed into her pillow. Tikki flew out and tried to console her. "I can't believe it, that jerk! Now that his secret love child has been revealed he expects me to be the perfect child? All for what? To protect his reputation?!" 
She sighed deeply, before turning on her TV, she flipped through the channels, and froze as the news came on screen. “Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne!” the reporter yelled as she pushed through the crowd. The cameraman followed the best he could, the camera shook as he pushed past the large group of people gathering. The view slowly came into focus and she saw her father in a fancy suit, scantily clad models on either side, his arms over their shoulders. She didn’t have the energy to be any more shocked, she could only stare at the screen blankly. Watching billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne appear before a large crowd at some party. He was chatty, sociable, flirty, he winked towards the camera with a bright smile. It was as if he was a completely different person in public. Frankly, it made Marinette feel uneasy and reaffirmed her earlier beliefs, Bruce Wayne was someone who valued his reputation above all else. And it made her sick.  The interview that followed was vapid and uninteresting, though she was amazed to see her father acting like an absolute airhead.  She stared in shock as she watched her father act like a loveable fool for the cameras, she was almost impressed by his acting. 
"Why don't you go for a walk, try to clear your mind?" Tikki suggested. Marinette signed and nodded, she got up and left her room. 
She wandered the empty halls of Wayne Manor aimlessly. She spent much of her time staring at the floor instead of its architecture. Fear began to slowly creep up as she thought what would happen when word got out, what would happen to her? Her friends? Her parents? Would an angry mob try to burn down the bakery? Just as her anxiety began to spiral she noticed a familiar pair of shiny shoes in front of her. She looked up to see Alfred in a frilly apron dusting a few portraits.
"Ah, what brings you here Miss Marinette?" asked Alfred as he worked. 
Marinette took a closer look at the portrait, some man who, from what she gathered, passed centuries ago. The entire length of the hall was decorated with portraits of serious looking men. Their stares felt judgmental, as if all her ancestors deemed her unworthy. "Uh, I just wanted to know who the people in all of these portraits are," she said.
"These are portraits of all the heads of the House of Wayne, starting all the way back to 1640 with Nathaniel Wayne," Alfred explained as he walked to the corresponding portrait. 
"The Waynes have been here for that long?"
"Indeed, the Waynes have been around since the founding of the old Gotham Town. By the way, has your father told you about your predicament?" Marinette nodded. "Good, first we should focus on your photoshoot and interview. I've arranged an appointment at the tailor's later and asked Miss Cassandra and Miss Stephanie to join us."
"Actually," Marinette interrupted, "I was wondering if maybe I could design my own dress for the event? In fact I did design something for Gabriel Agreste." Marinette thought this might save her from being poked and prodded by a seamstress while everyone argued over what would look best on her.
"Why, that's wonderful" Alfred said with a smile, "we can just get the fabric as well as any tools you may need. Why don't you wait for Miss Cassandra and Miss Stephanie in the living room?"
Alfred opened the door and ushered Marinette into the living room, she froze slightly as she saw Tim sitting on a sofa. He seemed busy as he worked on his laptop. Marinette awkwardly walked in and sat across Tim, on a different sofa. The two sat in silence until Cass and Steph walked in.
"Hiya Marinette," said Steph as she entered while Cass gave her a wave. "Ready to go shopping with us?" 
Marinette glanced over at Alfred, who gave her an encouraging nod, before walking towards them.  The two girls ushered her out of the room, waving back at Alfred behind them.
Before they walked out, Marinette said, "I was hoping to make my own clothes, I want to be a fashion designer. I even designed something for Agreste Fashion."
"What? no way, what did you design for Gabriel Agreste?" Steph asked excitedly as she sat beside Marinette.
"Sorry, wait, you designed something for Agreste Fashion?" Tim said as he looked up from his laptop.
Marinette nodded, "Yeah, it was for a competition at school. My design was featured on the front page of a magazine," She took out her phone and showed them the photos of her hat in various stages of production along with the front page with Adrien as the model. Everyone crowded around Marinette's phone to take a look at the hat she designed. "I also embroidery my signature into it, as proof of authenticity." She turned her phone upside down and lo and behold the golden etching spelled her name.
Everyone's jaws dropped, as Marinette's name was spelled clearly in the hat.  The three of them crowded around her phone screen to get a better look.  Marinette was starting to get overwhelmed from their excitement, she took a step back to try to compose herself. Lucky for her, Alfred had stepped in just in time. "Ahem, shall we make our way to the tailor's?"
Tim had decided to join their shopping trip at the last minute, Marinette sat quietly unsure as she hadn't really interacted with him other than mealtimes. Steph and Cass conversed with each other, it was more like Steph doing the talking for both of them.
"So other than fabrics, what else do you need?" Tim asked.
"Um, let's see…" Marinette thought of what she may need, she considered her budget based on the pocket money she brought with her. "Some pencils, a ruler, thread, needle…" she listed.
Tim listened intently, before turning to Alfred. "Alfred, do we have any empty rooms near Marinette's for her to work her dress?"
"Yes, Master Timothy, there is an old unused study near her bedroom," Alfred responded quickly without even taking his eyes off the road.
Shopping at the tailor's became a blur for Marinette, she was introduced to many materials, each with their own pattern. She struggled to decide which to pick as she didn't have inspiration just yet, she was a very long way away from the place in Paris where she used to sit and sketch out  her best ideas. Normally her work would be based on the materials available to her, yet this new found freedom of choice made it hard to pick a specific fabric. At Tim's suggestion, they purchased almost all the fabric available at the shop. Tim even offered to pay for it all, much to Marinette's surprise, she tried to stammer a protest that this was too much but she was cut off by the others.
Next came the tools, she asked for a simple set much like hers back home. A needle and some thread, with some basics like pencils and rulers. Just like earlier, Tim had again purchased all the tools needed, an entire sewing machine, a mannequin, tables, chairs, racks and shelves for all the fabric. 
After a long and hectic day of selecting everything she needed to make her dress, that and so much more, she sat in her new workshop in awe.  Her workshop looked like a professional tailor, in fact even better equipped than the tailor she went to earlier that day. She slowly walked around, examining each and everything in the room, Tikki quietly followed behind her. Marinette reached out to touch a piece of the fabric, vicuña wool, the world’s most expensive fabric. Beside it, a large roll of guanaco, she ran her hands through the roll of the finest wool she had ever seen. But at what cost? Perhaps this was their way of showing their support and helping her, at the same time, it felt like she was cheating her way to the top. It felt like a dream come true, she now had a studio beyond her wildest dreams. But at what cost? She now had to make a dress like her life depended on it.
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hottombstone · 1 month
This is a fanfiction between Doc Holiday x(Fem) reader! I might make it into a series lol!
DISCLAIMER!! The series will have smut😏
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I’ve been riding my horse jack for what seems like years. The heat was stinging my lungs and having me in desperate need for water. Tombstone was just up ahead as you were relived to arrive after all the train ride before riding jack was nothin fun. As I ride into town there were men already drunk and women trying to keep their innocence from them. I hitched jack at a post closest to a trauf, he definitely needed the water more than me.
I go into the Oriental to grab myself a drink before heading to the hotel. I walk in and the immediate smell of cigars and whiskey is intoxicating. It was very crowded as I make my way to the bar. “What can I get for you miss?” The polite bar keeper said. “Just a whiskey on the rocks” I smile at him and he seems surprised that I dainty girl as myself would order something like that.
He hands me the glass and I pay him the money. I sit looking around my hat low so no one would really take notice of me. I was in a very simple black dress nothing fancy to make an impression. I hear a familiar laugh come from the poker table and I’ll be. It was your good friend Wyatt Erp! I get off the chair trying not to bump into all the drunks. I approach the table where he’s dealing. “Hello there ma’am what can I get started for ya?” I smile as I lift my head to show my face.
“Well a hug would be a good start and I’ll buy in with what I can.” He stands up and smiles big. “Y/n girl! I haven’t seen you in ages. Look at you!” He spins me around. “I can’t believe you’re in tombstone!” I grin. “Well Daddy always said I had a heart for adventure!” Wyatt laughs “He sure did!” “So you gonna deal me in or what?” He smiles and sits down. “Of course where are my manners.” He deals me in and shows me to the table.
All the men at the table don’t even look at me till I take my hat off and my beautiful long hair tumbles down showing soft waves. The two men are looking at me in a way that’s not attractive to you in any way. I hear a voice to my left “This isn’t usually a game for pretty daisys like yourself darlin.” I smirk to myself. “You’ve obviously been playin with the wrong women.” The other men laugh and I roll my eyes. “Who are you woman?” The dirty toothless man says.
I give a confident answer “I’m the Daisy who’s gonna bet you at cards.” They both laugh. I look to my left and the man raises his head to reveal his dashingly handsome face. He smirks “Let’s play then..”
“I raise..” I push my chips in. The other two men through down their cards in a fold. “That’s an awful lot a money you bettin on darlin.. I think you want to rethink your decision.” My face still straight showing no emotion. “I think I’ll take my chances..” he puts down his cards showing a flush and everybody’s in awe laughing he goes to take the pile. “Not so fast there handsome… I think my cards have a say in the matter..”
I put down my cards to show a full house. The room gets quiet. “Well..” I say to break the silence. “Thank you for the wonderful game but I best be on my way to rest.” I put my hand on the handsome man’s shoulder. “For your troubles..” I put a few chips in his hand and a kiss on the cheek. I stand up to leave.. “What’s your name darlin.?” “Y/n” “Well miss Y/n I’m Doc Holiday.” He says kissing my hand. I roll my eyes and smile “Well Mr. Holiday I’ll see you tomorrow.. but a game like that has a girl like me wore out.”
I take my hand away and give him a flirtatious look and walk out of the Oriental. I put Jack in a stable and get into my hotel room. I lock the doors and open the window for some cool air. I strip to a simple yet elegant sleep wear and close my eyes as butterflies flutter in my belly thinking of Mr. Doc Holiday…
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anurst · 2 years
Summary: Natasha goes to the bar with the other pilots and tries to keep whatever is going on between you on the downlow. It doesn't help that you also show up at the Hard Deck later that night. Also, you show up with a woman on your side. The night doesn't get any better when some guy decides to push test your patience.
Warning(s): language, d-slur(censored), alcohol, fighting
3- $3 million dollar hand
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Natasha was in a daze the rest of the day after she got off the elevator. She felt dizzy as she packed up all her things to go home. Her head hurt and her lips longed to be against yours. She remembered the words you whispered to her when the two of your were lying next to each other on the floor of your house.
"I'm someone who you have to get to know to love, Sunshine."
'Yeah, right', she huffed. She barely knew anything about you, and yet here she was, pining to be with you again. Tomorrow was gonna suck. Her phone lit up as she saw a text from Bradley pop up.
[Mother Rooster] Hard Deck at 8?
[Best Pilot] Sure
She 100% needed a drink right now
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It wasn't a surprise that the Hard Deck was packed when Natasha finally showed up. It was a popular spot for civilians and anyone who was currently stationed at the San Diego base. Everything was going good. The team, although they were tired from a long day of getting shot down, was having fun playing pool and drinking beer.
Everything was going good until Jake opened his mouth when he noticed how quiet Natasha was. "Still thinking about that hot doc?" he asked, his smirk as wide as ever. Natasha felt her cheeks burn as some eyes turned to her. She felt Bob shift uncomfortably besides her and sucked in a breath before meet Jake's eyes.
"Nope. Just thinking about what your face is gonna look like when I beat you in pool." Whistles and howls were heard as Bradley grinned, hanging Natasha a pool stick.
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Everything was going good.
Everything was going good for Natasha before her eyes landed on you walking through the door. You had ditched the white lab coat and now was wearing an old Stanford crewneck and some jean shorts. You looked good. Way too good. You smiled as you passed by people, and offered a wink to some nurses, and your hair. Your hair was as perfect as ever.
Actually, your hair was the first thing Natasha noticed about you. She remembers standing in this exact same spot just looking around the bar when she saw some of the silkiest hair she's ever seen. Your (h/c) silky hair had small curls, barely noticeable if you weren't looking properly.
Shit, Natasha swears that you're the most perfect person on this planet. And that said person is currently smiling down at a shy red-haired nurse. The nurse grabs your hand and leads you through the crowd and to a table where other nurses and medical staff is sitting. At the sight of your connecting hands, Natasha swears that she almost hits Jake with the pool stick in her hand.
Bob notices that his front seater is distracted. She isn't looking at the pool table, so he follows her gaze and sees you seated at a table surrounded by many women and men. They're all laughing at something you said and Natasha is entranced by your appearance.
Bob hasn't known Natasha for long. He's known her for a short while, and already knows that she's gonna be vital in his life. So, for the sake of his front seater's pride, reputation, and their future friendship, he extends the pool stick so far that it hits Natasha straight in the gut.
The brunette clutches her stomach as Bradley and Reuben quickly ask her if she's alright. Jake and Javy are giggling but quickly move on as they discuss their next move. Waving the two boys off, Natasha glares at Bob before seeing his expression. His eyes shift to your table before meeting hers again. Understanding the WSO's action, Natasha punches his arm and lets out a laugh. "Who knew you were pure muscles, Floyd." Everyone lets out chuckle and the group of aviators goes back to laughter and smiles.
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You're not really interested in what any of your co-workers are saying. Sure, you're listening and making comments and jokes every now and then. But, your attention is on the stunning Natasha who is currently celebrating with Bob since they won against Jake and Javy.
Molly tugs on your sweater and you're brought out of your fantasy. She leans closer as you bend your neck down to hear her, "You're out. You want another?" Nodding, you let her take your empty glass and refocus on Liam's story about his intern years. He goes on about how one patient kept puking on him and how his attending yelled him to change his shirt every time. Giggles go around the time and you smile lightly before stuffing some fries into your mouth. You like your staff. They're nice, funny, and most definitely kinder than the staff back at your old hospital in New York. However, there's a glum feeling as you think back to people you basically grew up with.
'Stupid Addison and Mark...if they didn't cheat I wouldn't be here...'
An angelic laugh seems to be drift through the bar as you stuff more fries into your mouth.
'On second thought, thanks Addison and Mark. I've found the love of my life cause of your cheating.'
"Doc. What you thinking about sunny San Diego?" Ronny asks, everyone turning to you. You shrug, "It's hot." Everyone chuckles as Daisy starts talking about the amazing beaches.
"Any good surf spots nearby?" you ask. Daisy lights up as she beams at you. "You like surfing?! Molly loves to surf!!" Nodding, you look over your shoulder for the redhead. Not seeing her immediately, you excuse yourself before making your way through the crowd.
You lean on the counter as you flag Penny down. "You seen a small redhead around? Molly. She was gonna get us refills but hasn't come back." Penny shakes her head and says that she'll call you if she sees her. Pursing your lips, you spot her being corner by some brute. Discomfort is clear on her face and you quickly make you way over.
"There you are, Mol. Been looking for you," you says, you arm wrapping around her waist. Your eyes met the guy's and you see annoyance start brewing in them. Molly looks up at you and smiles, grateful someone has come to her rescue. "Excuse me and my girl, but our friends are waiting for us."
You start leading the nurse away before a rough hand grabs the back you crewneck. Annoyed, you turned to look the guy, a glare already forming. "I wasn't done talking to her," the guy says.
Scoffing, you yank your sweater out of his grip. "Yeah, well, she was done talking to you." The guy's face starts turning red and you can feel Molly bubbles with fear as she shrinks into your backside. Not wanting to spend another minute around this guy, you turn around again and start pushing Molly back to your table.
Molly turns to face you with tears in her eyes when your friends came into view. She's about to apologize but is cut short when she gasps. Cold beer drips down your backside as everything seems to stops, the music and talking in the Hard Deck stopping. Eyes turn and voices whisper as you take a deep breath in.
"Dude, this sweater is like 10 years old. If you wanted to ruin a better shirt, then you should have picked a different night. Lucky for you, I'm not a bitch about clothes. But, if you ever hit on Molly again, or anyone for that matter, you better hope I'm not around." By the time you're done talking, you've fully turned around to look at the guy. Over his shoulder you see, Natasha and her friends. For a split second, your subconsciousness tells you to walk away, to not pick a fight.
"As if I'm scared of some d*ke." On second thought, maybe you'll pick a fight.
"What'd you just say?" you whisper, taking a step closer to guy. You're both around the same height, 5'10, but your sneakers give you an extra inch. A hand pulls your sleeve and the sound of Penny ringing the bell makes you turn away from guy. People start to move again as Bradley, Jake, and Javy start making their way towards you so they can kick the guy out.
Molly's ushering you to sit with everyone before the douche decides to grab her arm and all you see is red. Before you know it, you've tackled the guy to the ground and your fist is pounding into his face again and again.
The screams around you don't even register in your head and arms pull you off the guy. Liam, Ronny, Daisy, and Molly lead you towards the bathroom as Bradley, Jake, Javy, and Reuben are grabbing the guy and ushering him out. Penny is trying to get people to leave and is grabbing ice for your hand.
Shit, your hand. Your hand is worth more than $3 million dollars. Your staff is moving you around as they assess the damage to your hand. Penny passes them ice and Molly is the one who presses it to your hand. Your eyes momentarily leave the ground as you see Natasha frantically speaking with her friends. They're all looking and Bradley is one who softly leads her out the building. You don't even bother to see if the rest of her friends follow her, because Penny is cradling your face.
"Pete's on his way now."
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