#doing a crossword
music-orthemisery · 3 months
Hello! It’s me, anon who’s ranting about SP ) thank you for answering my rambling!
The most interesting thing is, that I totally agree with you, when I was high on my #feels for this tiny man, and was dreaming about this album meeting the light of the day in the more kind, more receptive timeline, what I was really wishing for is Patrick incorporating more songs from his album in his piano/acoustic guitar medley ))) or maybe even 8ball?? Because, unfortunately, you’re right, and the whole thing didn’t came from a happy place. And reliving it would be hard on everyone involved. Your relationship metaphor is so spot on, Pete taught us well )) Also, how funny is this, that this man can take the most serious, complicated topics and dress them up as dance, rock’ roll fusion songs … He does this on their latest album as well, it’s fascinating.
As about this famous pop artist whose album kinda flopped for me… I think I just hyped myself up too much, I heard good reviews, and thought it will be a bang of a record, but.. it’s not that bad, maybe I just need more time and some songs will stick with me ))
Anon, I’m going to subscribe to the insane delulu that Mr. Stump saw your ask last night because HE! DELIVERED!!!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!
Bad side of 25?!?! I’m dead and dying, honestly.
I am definitely holding your hand in terms of wishing that album could be released in the loving and supportive fan base that exists now. It kills me that he experienced so much pushback and vitriol. I fully believe him when he says that he was ok with it not being “successful,” but it was devastating to hear how much “fans” actively hated it. And be told this at his own shows!!
I try to remind myself that it was just part of the journey, though, and what helped make FOB what they are today <3
It’s easy to get caught up in the FOB feels. They have SUCH a story, and have come so far, yet have remained very true to themselves. That’s incredibly rare to find!
Totally agree that Patrick’s ability to take heart wrenching and serious topics and turn them into total bops is honestly unmatched. The beauty of all of his music is that you can either turn brain off and jam, turn brain on and cry, or do an odd mixture of both (<- me in the car tbh).
Feel free to express the feelings here any time!
(Ok but fr anon I am dying to know who you are talking about I do NOT get offended and prob will agree with you tbh hahahaha)
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Did you guys know that "Pepsi Cola" and "Episcopal" are anagrams
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Have some keychain designs I made a while ago and some gifs I made overnight :) -Ghost
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alena-draws · 7 months
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This arm of his will forever be an enigma to me, but with every referenced drawing, I'm understanding it a bit better…I think…
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marvel-lous-guy · 3 months
*in the lab*
Tony: Hey Pete could you stand up for a sec?
Peter: yeah, sure
Tony: *takes chair* thanks
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riickgrimes · 1 year
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#daisy and billy: besties era
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hiiii sleepy (✯◡✯) since I just see ur black ops oc and he is AMAZING i wanted to ask u if he is on Cold War or only black ops 6 ? also what will he say about bell :3 love your art so much (´◡`)
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Well-- There you have it-- 💀
Thank you so much for asking about Fletcher! Appreciate it a lot 💗
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blakedotpng · 6 months
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Father daughter bonding time
edit: Okay tumblr totally screwed the quality heres some close ups
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aversiteespabilas · 2 months
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Gossip buddies!
My commissions are always open if you'd like me to draw your characters!
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buglaur · 9 months
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inspo ✧
timelapse of progress shots so you can see how much i struggled with this one lol. the first shot in the timelapse is from july 27 and from then on i was just so indecisive about the bloody thing that i just gave up until today 😭
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it was going to be orthographic at one point but after 1 hr this is what the poll looked like. thank you voters <3
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it does look kinda cute like that though aghhh idk if i made the right choice lol
this was me testing if the rain was going to work out
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and finally an unrendered material preview vs the finished product!
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skelecentral · 5 months
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Day 26 of bad Sansuary (hosted by @owl-bones!): pajamas
He’s too chisp-drunk to notice you leave him alone
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breadandblankets · 8 months
duke starts every morning by doing the crossword in the paper, unfortunately sometimes duty calls before he can finish, leading to hilarious situations where after pulling off a daring rescue, The Signal asks a nearby firefighter if she knows what a four letter word for decent equipment is
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hitlikehammers · 4 months
seven across
rating: t ♥️ cw: established relationship, SUCH FLUFF ♥️ tags: marriage proposals, crossword puzzles, slice of life, softness
for @steddielovemonth day twenty-seven: Love is watching them do the stupidest things and falling harder for them every time (anon) + Love is just a four-letter word (@sal-si-puedes)
@pearynice said both of these prompts could be together and I said...let's try! ♥️
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“Thing I want to be for you every single moment always, past the day I fucking die.”
They’re not, like, particularly serious about the crossword in the newspaper. As in, they don’t spend all morning on it, they don’t judge the tenor of their whole day based not on whether they finish it, but instead how fast they finish it, they absolutely do not do it in pen—
Basically, they’re not Nancy about it; but they do have fun with it. It’s just a quirky little…nerd thing they share before their coffees are done, before they kiss at their car doors and leave for work, or like this, on the weekends: before they start another pot of coffee and kiss about the clues they couldn’t figure out while it brews.
“Head,” Steve answers, off-handed, looking down his nose with his glasses perched low as he reads the middle section of the paper, something about stocks…probably.
“There’s no indicator,” Eddie snorts at Steve’s response, shakes his head but doesn’t bother to smother his grin; “it’s not what I want to give you every single moment.”
“So you agree you do want that, though,” Steve peeks up so sly, so teasing, so fucking gorgeous it hitches in Eddie’s chest when he so much thinks about it, about him, about his Steve—let alone when he’s face-to-face with the genuine article, grinning in all his glory.
“Was that in question?” Eddie recovers, but he knows his tone’s a little lovesick, knows his smile’s a little dopey for feeling, but this man.
Just; this man.
“Love,” Steve grins around a sip of his coffee, glances down at the crossword in front of Eddie to indicate another guess but his eyes sparkle in that way of his, just so, and Eddie knows it’s…not just a guess.
“Again,” Eddie huffs but can’t help the way a smile stretches wide enough to strain, to ache in his cheeks in the best possible way: “not a thing I give,” and he lets the hand not holding the pencil reach for Steve’s, which is waiting for him, grabs when Eddie’s close and laces thiner fingers together so Eddie can squeeze tight as he breathes out:
“But also never in question.”
Steve’s reading again, so it takes Eddie a little by surprise when his hand’s been lifted, and then pressed to Steve’s mouth with a kiss and when he looks up Steve’s already staring at him, the look there so fucking tender.
“I meant it was a noun,” Steve says so softly, his tone tender, too; “you are what love means to me.”
And Eddie’s pulse does a little double-skip for that because Steve can say those things forever, and it’s won’t ever stop fluttering around in Eddie’s chest like something miraculous.
In fact, Eddie really hopes Steve will say it forever.
“Sap,” he tries to volley back but it mostly comes out sappy, and a little too choked to be anything but a fucking compliment.
“Just honest,” Steve shrugs, smiling soft and playing with Eddie’s fingers before setting them back on the table, but not letting go as he gives another guess a try:
“Also not in question,” Eddie sighs a little…fuck, yeah, a little dreamily before tacking on: “you’re all I need, to know that I’m home.”
And it’s true. It’s so fucking true.
Eddie’s floating on the truth of it, and the fact that he gets to live that truth like this, and he’ll blame that as more than good enough reason to miss how Steve scoots his chair closer and leans over his shoulder to look at the paper he’s writing on.
“That’s more than four letters.”
Yep: Eddie will absolutely blame the high of just…being with Steve, of loving like this, for distracting him from the whole fucking pointof the conversation.
“Oh, I, umm,” Eddie fumbles a little, flustered where he really shouldn’t be, this was actually kind of the plan and he reminds himself of that sternly before he chuckles, and it’s only a little forced to get his footing back: “forgot to say we were past those.”
He looks up at Steve thought his lashes, honestly a bit sheepish and yes, he does bask in Steve’s endeared eyeball, in his indulgent smile before he takes another sip of his coffee, and Eddie thinks he’s in the clear when Steve asks:
“What’s the real clue?” Because they do this, they play with the clues more than they probably don’t when the answer’s obvious, because this is something they do together, and if whichever of them’s manning the writing utensil knows what to write in and they just move onto the next, that cuts down the fun, the soft moments they get to have like this.
And Eddie wouldn’t fucking trade this for…for anything.
“Umm,” Eddie draws out, not just the keep the moment but also because woah, wait: Steve’s putting his mug down and he’s leaning in and that’s not how this goes, nope, not even a little, hold the fuck on—
Also Eddie is supposed to be composed for this, because it’s important, it’s so fucking important, and when Steve’s pressed up against him like this, soft and casual in the mornings together, Eddie cannot be expected to focus, or else: not to focus on anything but the blissful warmth of Steve’s body against him like it belongs, because it belongs, and—
“Wait,” Steve’s nose scrunches, fucking delicious but he’s very close, and he’s reading over Eddie’s shoulder and…okay, okay, this was part of the plan, he just didn’t expect it so fast, or maybe he just didn’t expect the way his mouth’s all dry and his throat’s all tight, and his heart’s beating so goddamn hard but none of it’s like it’s nerves exactly, or maybe not mostly nerves, because mostly it’s just Steve, being near, and something like…excitement, but still:
Still: some of it’s nerves.
“This one’s wrong, babe,” Steve points to one of the verticals feeding down into the number they’re working on: Eddie hadn’t asked about it, and Steve’s frowning maybe for that reason first, before he notices…it’s not even close.
Because none of these were really supposed to match the clues; that wasn’t the point.
And Eddie watches, while Steve reads the other lines that feed into the not-four-letters he had asked after, the actually-seven-letters he’d asked Steve to give to him with a very specific clue, and Eddie’s breath catches when Steve turns to him, eyes big and swimming with questions as he exhales so so soft:
Because Eddie’d filled in some of the word, with the wrong-other-words.
It’s…not hard to guess when you see it:
_ U _ B A _ D
And Steve’s breath catches too, then, because, well: with Eddie’s clue, it’s kinda…it’s kinda really easy:
Thing I want to be for you every single moment always, past the day I fucking die.
Steve’s lips part, and his eyes get shiny, shimmery, and Eddie swallows, grabs Steve’s hand and moves the edge of a plate that’s been hiding a ring, breathes in the little gasp Steve give when he sees it like nectar to the gods but sweet, more life-giving than even that, and Eddie trembles a little as he holds it out and meets Steve’s gaze: the tears as slow to fall down Steve’s cheeks, and Eddie knows his are no better, and he means to ask immediately but…Steve is so fucking beautiful, and Eddie’s just a man, y’know?
He cannot help but to stare, and savor, and soak in this moment and this image, to etch it in his memory and call it perfection, and marvel at how it’s been his all this time but then…how Steve’s glowing and his lips are quirked the slightest bit and he’s, he’s…
Eddie opens his mouth to ask, he really does, but Steve’s letting go of his hand and reaching to frame Eddie’s face, and then he’s pulling Eddie to him, practiced and sure and Eddie leans because he knows exactly where he fits, always, and, like, maybe the question’s not even necessary.
Maybe Steve's lips are an answer in themselves.
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson @estrellami-1 @bookworm0690 
divider credit here
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adharastarlight · 2 years
Sirius: *crawls into bed* so apparently calling my mother a bitch did not go over well. You'd think after all this time she'd be happy I hadn't tagged on several other expletives. I mean honestly, the ner-
James: how the fuck did you get in my house???
Sirius: wowww, no "how was your journey"? no "hey mate, nice hair cut"?
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toxintouch · 19 days
Hyperspecific modern era Ais Headcanon:
He still collects physical newspapers. He likes to do the crosswords.
He knows he could do them online or buy a book of crosswords, but something about the smell and the feel of the paper and the morning routine...
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uh-ohspaghettio · 21 days
chronically supernatural obsessed pt 4
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hint 15 & 14 submitted by @i--ihavemoney
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