#emo phase and stuff like that. I have knowledge about that.
skiiyoomin · 3 months
HII!! Idk if your taking requests rn but if you still do,can you please do Bakugou having a emo gf?? I honestly don't know if you still write mha stuffs, so ignore this if you don't!! 🙏🙏
ღBakugou having an emo gf
ʚCont: Swearing, fem! reader
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a/n hi!! idk if you wanted it to be texts or a oneshots or wtv so i went with headcanons!! and yess i still write for mha, my inbox is open if you get creative ;)) also, my conception of emo might but kinda stereotypical so i apologize in advance!!
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Bakugou had an emo phase in middle school and you can NAWTTT change my mind. Now that he´s older and more mature, he´s become closeted about this phase of his. But trust, if he hears any type of emo music, he knows deep down in his soul that he´s jamming to that shit.
That is why, in terms of how aggressive he is with people, emos are at the bottom of the list, including you.
Of course, when you first walked into class he was still the abrasive person he is. Nevertheless, it was clear to anyone who had known him long enough, that he treated you with just a little more respect than he did with others.
You never understood it, but you never questioned it either. What little bit of peace there was with the blonde was to remain untouched and unshattered. That is until Mina whispered ideas into your head that Bakugou had a thing for you. At first, you tried to convince yourself that it was just Mina gossiping as always. But that didn´t mean you weren´t just the slightest bit more aware of Bakugous mannerisms towards you.
During his infatuated phase, though he would rather die than call it that, he had walked past your room only to stop abruptly when the muffled music reached his ears. The rythm of Panic! At The Disco was heard through your speakers, your melodic voice humming the lyrics. He´d be lying if he said he didn´t know the songs by heart. He did.
And despite his embarrassment of people having this knowledge, his gut told him you wouldn´t judge. Hence why he found himself knocking on your door.
"Bakugou? Do you need something?" You ask, not having expected the sudden visit.
Why did he come here again? His throat suddenly felt dry and his tongue heavy.
"I heard your music down the hallway, it´s too damn loud" Smooth Bakugou smooth.
"Oh. Is it? I´ll turn it down"
Just as you turn back around, he abruptly speaks.
"I like it" Well that sounded dumb "The group I mean. It used to be my favorite"
If you weren´t surprised before you sure are now. Yet you didn´t dislike it.
"Really?....Wanna come in to listen?"
The friendship stage was blurry to say the least. Neither of you knew whether you were treading a line between friends or lovers. But it felt right.
The respect he held for you from the beginning grew the more he learned about you. Between all the dumbasses and extras he was surrounded with, you seemed to be the one with the most refreshing mind. Your passions and views about the world amaze him to no end and he finds himself learning from you.
Of course, everyone else could see the palpable tension between you. It was clear as day yet neither of you made a move. It was infuriating and your dear classmates could only take so much before they intervened. Luckily, a small push was all that was needed for things to go smoothly.
They went with the classic plan. Making plans with friends only to end up ditching you and leaving you all alone with your now crush. Bakugou caught on quicker than you did. And while he wanted to strangle the idiots, he knew it was now or never, he had to stop chickening out.
"What are we?" He asks out of the blue while walking back to the dorms. He could feel your eyes on him, but he didn´t turn his head, too scared to look.
"What do you want us to be?" You counterask, your heart inevitably thumping in your chest.
"If I tell you will you still stay?" You can only muster a nod.
"I want us to stop dancing around our feelings. I want to take you out. On a real date"
With a grin, you lean close and place a kiss to his blossoming cheek. "I´ve been waiting for you to ask"
The relationship wasn´t all that different. Rather, it was more like an upgrade. He still does the things he does but now under the claim of being your boyfriend. And yes, he came out of the emo closet, though it was pretty transparent. Don´t tell him that though.
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jester-lover · 1 year
She's in Parties
Twisted wonderland characters with a goth girlfriend feat. Trey, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, Rook, Silver, and Lilia cw- fem! reader, confident! reader, fluff, goth author freaks out about goth music, very long post
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I notice how often the fanfic community focuses in on the clothing/makeup relating to the goth subculture, and while there will be a lot of that in this post, I want more people to experience the music. I left a goth song recommendation I think fits each character, from gothic metal to softer new wave. No gatekeeping here.
Trey is definitely not knowledgeable about the goth scene, he listened to a few songs here and there, and probably had a minor emo phase in middle school
He does however enjoy the slower more melancholic goth songs you play for him, or more sweet/romantic songs
Trey is usually the one keeping law and order in his dorm, so sometimes he likes having calming activities like baking and picnics to get away from it all
Having a goth girlfriend, someone who can really understand his perceivable struggle of mundanity, and bring a spark of excitement to his life is a gift he will always appreciate
He would love body mods, like tattoos, piercings etc
Tattoos especially if they have meanings behind them, he thinks they’re like stories on your skin
This man has no clothing comprehension (fedora), he straight up doesn't care what you're wearing 
He does however, really like when you wear funky jewelry, and leather jackets
Something is just so sweet about your caring attitude towards him, contrasting with your look that tends to terrify people
We would make you bat shaped cookies 100%
A song that you and Trey listen to together would be Ecstasy by Strawberry Switchblade
“Maybe if you pair the red leather pants with the fishnet top, it’ll match your makeup.”
You might look like the dark, mysterious part of your relationship, but we all know that title goes to Jade
This boy is, unnerving to say the least, but you’ve always been a fan of strange things
He absolutely adores your aesthetic, even if you tone it down for school, or wear trad goth makeup every day, he’s obsessed
I feel like jade would enjoy gothic films, like The Crow, or Nosferatu, along with a long list of horror movies
“The movie itself is a bit overwhelming, but the plot is so delightfully dark, I think you would really like it dear.”
He probably does listen to goth music, more post punk and new wave type stuff, like The Cure, so a part of your music is not new to him
But he’d love to be introduced to more vibrant gothic music (it makes for a good hiking playlist)
He loves all types of gothic makeup on you, but especially enjoys 90s’ goth makeup, with tight black eyeliner, and burgundy red lipstick
Something about the simplicity of the style, along with the somber tone of the music you listen to makes Jade’s heart flutter (if he has one)
A song that would remind you of Jade is Heaven or Las Vegas by the Cocteau Twins
He’s a lil creepy guy himself! You guys are two peas in a pod! 
Floyd loves having a goth girlfriend, the fashion, makeup, music and general aesthetic are right up his alley
We know our boy loves shoes, so he would absolutely adore it if you had a funky shoe collection, from tall and heavy platforms, to cute yet sharp winklepickers 
He would love loud gothic rock, extreme music hypes him up before a big game
I read in floyd’s wiki that he dislikes restraint, so the loudness and brashness of gothic rock would be something he really enjoys
In terms of fashion, Floyd is one of the few boys who would definitely allow you to give him a makeover 
Tease and gel his hair, layers of silk over fishnet and leather, you can really go all out
Be careful though, because he’s also the type to come running for hugs and kisses right when you've finished getting ready
Floyd thinks that the best looks on you are the ones that require layering, he loves seeing you look like a shapeless bat creature
His most favorite part about having you as a girlfriend is how easy it is to find you in the stands during a basketball game
Floyd definitely gives you some freaky fish nickname, like ‘anglerfish’ just because he’s a meanie like that
"Anglerfish! I found a sweater you'll love, Its got bats all over it!"
A song that Floyd would like is Head like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails
Jamil caught your eye due partially to his dancing skills, and his hair
I mean look at it, the boy is a walking shampoo commercial 
He really is clueless about goth music, you really have to keep him on the shallow side before throwing him off the deep end
“So, you like music about coffins and funerals then?”
He really does enjoy your aesthetic quite a bit, every time you come home from a day of shopping (at a thrift store most likely) he encourages you to give him a little fashion show
Kalim might have been mildly terrified the first time he saw you, but then he realized how happy you made Jamil, and accepted you!
Pre-overblot, he enjoys more angry, loud gothic rock, but after, he asks you to introduce him to some softer goth music
Jamil has always dreamed of giving his significant other a life full of joy, so sometimes he likes fantasizing about a future with you, and dancing to romantic goth songs
A song you and Jamil dance to is Heaven by The Cure 
Ooolala a mysterious figure shrouded in darkness? He is intrigued
You definitely notice him, and you definitely ask him out first
(he swoons)
Rook is a perplexing character, he never really shows any interest towards your music, before suddenly turning up with a full playlist
Turns out, he’s been keeping track of the songs you mention in passing conversation and blast in your room
He loves you in long flowy black skirts, with full trad makeup, he thinks you look so beautiful
“Mon petit ange, you look absolutely breathtaking, villainous beauty like yours is dangerous!”
Rook is most definitely the of boy who goes out in the middle of the night with you for an impromptu photoshoot, or walk through a graveyard
You two have a very ‘Morticia and Gomez’ type relationship, considering just how obsessed this man is with you
He writes poems about you
Rook probably also adores romantic goth songs, especially the weirder ones
A song you two would listen to together is Temple of Love by the Sisters of Mercy
Scene bf x goth gf
Look at him and tell me he doesn’t avidly listen to My Chem? You can’t.
You two are two birds of a feather! (a crow’s most likely)
He absolutely adores your sense of fashion, and how it aligns with his own, just be aware that if you have any cool hoodies/jackets, he will steal them from you
Speaking of clothes, he loves any of them on you, especially bat-like clothes, like black shirts/dresses with long flowy sleeves and flared pants
“Hehehe we match in both clothing and personality!”
He also listens to goth music, and considering he’s ancient, he’s probably experienced some classic bands in concert 
Would love to share his most macabre stories with you, if you want to hear him ramble
Lilia is a fan of all genres of gothic music, especially the funky kinds of music often blasted in goth clubs
You two are very like minded individuals and that keeps you both very happy
A song you and Lilia would dance to is What’s Inside a Girl? By The Cramps
He’s so soft for you
You just cause fear wherever you go, and Silver’s just there, softly smiling
He doesn't listen to loud music unless he’s trying his best to stay awake, but when he is trying to sleep, he prefers the more mellow stuff
“Do you have any really calming music I can listen to?”
He cares so very little about what you wear, but he likes you in velvet so you're soft to cuddle with
Silver cares a lot about you, so if he sees people making bad remarks about you, he’ll confront them, he’s scary when he’s mad
He enjoys watching gothic movies with you too, but might fall asleep mid movie
Since the Diasomnia uniform is all black, he gets a little kick out of matching with you
A song Silver and you listen to as you lounge about is Lorelai by the Cocteau Twins
Bonus! More alternative songs that remind me of the boys :)
Trey-  Linger by The Cranberries
Jade-  Nocturnal Me by Echo and the Bunnymen
Floyd-  Nasty by The Damned
Jamil- Kiss me, Son of God by They might be Giants
Rook- Gentlemen take Polaroids by Japan
Lilia-  Time by David Bowie
Silver- Sacrifice by London after Midnight
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Heyo! Thought I'd send In a silly one for the dmc men
Basically just having a reader who loves doing vocaloid dances (maybe k pop dances too but I feel like vocaloid is a different type of intensity)
And snice this is dmc it'd be fun if they're a hunter who mixes the dance moves into their fighting style
Gn reader is cool but it'd be neat if it was a masc reader snice you tend to get a lot of fem requests, you know, variety (and maybe plays on the dances being seen as primarily girly)
Love your stuff! Have fun!
Thanks! Hope you enioy!
Sparda boys + V x Vocaloid-loving!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you like changing your voice with software and/or listening to bouncy, upbeat songs made with said software? Great, so does he.
-It's a little known secret that Dante likes upbeat music with unnatural singing in addition to metal.
-He'll give you recommendations and will gladly accept any suggestions should you have some.
-He managed to get his hands on some vocaloid software with his boomer brain and spent a whole day making auto tuned noise with you.
-Thinks the dances you do are pretty cool, even if they're more "girl coded" than anything else.
-Guess what? He's started doing them too, and believe it or not, he might actually be doing them better than you.
■ Vergil ■
-Being the extremely motivated person that he is, Vergil scoffed at vocaloid and its somewhat annoying, perky beats.
-He first thought of the music as screechy, fake, and irritating, undeserving of his attention.
-Or so he said, for you see, after about a week of you forcing the bubbly, upbeat stuff into his ears, he started to enjoy it.
-Though he'd sooner die than let anyone else know this, he's added a great deal of vocaloid songs to his playlist, alongside Bury The Light, of course.
-He doesn't like watching you do your goofy dances because they're cringe, and they activate his innate desire to destroy all cringiness, which he must now suppress because he doesn't want to hurt you.
-Tried doing one of your dances in private and didn't like how it felt, or how it looked, so he stopped and vowed never to do it again.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought vocaloid was alright. It wasn't his favorite style of music, but it wasn't his least favorite either.
-Nero prefers edgier, borderline emo songs as opposed to this high-pitched squealing, so you'll have to understand.
-Another reason why he might not be so fond of the stuff is because he can't understand most of what the singers are saying, thanks to the language barrier, which, for some reason, bothers him.
-Won't stop you from enjoying it, though; to each their own.
-Thinks the dances you do are so ridiculous and exaggerated, so he teases you (lightheartedly, of course) about them nearly every chance he gets.
-Won't let anyone else do that, though. Nero and Nero alone is allowed to make fun of your dancing, not a single other soul.
● V ●
-V has little to no musical knowledge aside from Classical, so he was very interested in this all-new concept that he was discovering.
-Like a teenager falling into their first nightcore phase, (believe me, I've been there) V became obsessed with vocaloid.
-He listens to every song and playlist of songs he can find, getting really excited whenever you recommend something to him.
-You two gush about your favorite songs, singers, etc. nearly all the time.
-Thinks the dances you do are pretty cute (V is the definition of a simp) and wants to learn how to do them too.
-If you decide to teach him, you'll discover V would make a far better kpop idol than an old-timey poetry nerd.
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sandy926 · 3 months
Skid and Pump headcanons:
Side note: I headcanon Skids name is actually Beverly, but so this isn't confusing, I will just call Skid, Skid.
-Pump calls his friend "Skid" most of the time, but will sometimes slip up and say "Bev" when he's tired or out of it.
-Pump tries to start "prank war" type stuff with Skid, but Skid doesn't participate cause he doesn't wanna come across as mean.
-Skid will accasionally steal Pumps weapons (hammer,lighter, etc) when he wants to destroy something cause Lila makes sure Skid can't get that stuff at his house.
-Skid has an emo phase as a teen and Pump secretly gets really upset when he gets out of it (cause it was hot- FUNNY)
-Allow eachother to break into eachothers houses whenever, like if Skid wants a late night snack and doesn't have anything at home, he'll straight up steal some from Pump.
-Skid HATES Pumps parents. Like hate bad. Mostly because they aren't there for his friend, and also because they judge his shoulder length hair.
-Pump hates Skidsdad because he wouldn't allow Skid to be friends with him, in favor of making Skid learn about "spooky possession and stuff".
-Skid heard Pump wanted a pet, so he manually made a pet that resembles Eyes except he's smaller (he made them just like his dad made the og eyes). The smaller Eyes ran away before he could gift him tho.
-Pump grows to be a fan of animes like Naruto, DragonballZ, One Piece, animes like that. Skid on the other hand, likes stuff such as Sailor Moon, Ghibli movies, and Cardcaptor Sakura.
-Pump (jokingly) shames Skid for having no knowledge of the anime he watches.
-when they are older, they live together. Mostly to both save money and never be lonely
-Sing old time-y songs together. Pump does the back vocals, and Skid just goes off.
-My friend convinced me that Skid had ADHD. Mostly because, as my friend says: " Skid stims with his fast movements" or something like that.
-Skid likes reading horror books, but a sucker for romance, especially when he's older. Pump makes fun of him for it but in a joking manner.
This was longer than I thought it we would be...
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
Embarrassing Phases (Soapghost and Aledolfo)
I am going loosely based off of Ghost’s old backstory, but mashing it with modern stuff, so bare with me.
Oh You know this man was Emo
So Emo
He still wears eyeliner, come on
Still owns a couple of his old patchy black hoodies
Tried to be in a rock band at some point (like his dad) but this man cannot sing, and he cannot play any instruments
Okay, he can play guitar like a little but it’s the acoustic one
And, alright, his singing voice is actually pretty decent
But it was so far from the rock style, so it just never worked out
Very embarrassed about it, and Very mad when Price Brings it up (because of course Price knows about it)
Soap managed to get his hands on some old pictures of him during that faze and deeply treasures them
He got Ghost some spiky leather bracelets one time and Ghost just kind of froze like “He Knows”. Soap does in fact know
Has No Shame
Jk, had a weird obsession with Dad Rock in high school. Thought it made him look cool
It did not
Vampire Diaries
Also was weirdly into vampires and werewolves for a bit
Shockingly not twilight tho
Still actively going through a weird faze, look at the mohawk.
Warrior Cats Kid
A punk faze
Wore a black leather jacket and way too much hair gel
Oh and eyeliner too but it was really really badly done
Somehow still managed to make him look cool in high school
Rodolfo hated it, so much. He tried so hard to hide those stupid eyeliner pens. Granted, he didn’t mind the leather jacket 
Alejandro still owns a few leather jackets
He has, to his knowledge, burned all physical pictures of that phase
Rodolfo still has them. It is his job to keep Alejandro humble, and humble he will stay
Owned a motorcycle, though
Still has it
Keeps saying he’ll work on it and fix it back up one day but everyone knows he never will
Still lowkey into punk culture, occasionally goes to concerts and stuff
Also weirdly obsessed with Polaroid cameras
May or may not have some old polaroid photos of Rodolfo in risqué poses floating in his attic
Shockingly unscathed by any too embarrassing fazes
Didn’t have much time, honestly. Gifted student, and Alejandro was constantly getting into trouble.
However, got super into beanie babies and knows how much they’re worth
A couple fellow soldiers do ask him to “appraise” any they find occasionally, which he gladly does
Had two weeks of a wildly overblown slasher film obsession but lowkey gave himself a paranoia problem so he had to stop
Mostly just a bunch of small weird micro obsessions here and there
Knows way too much about Moths and refuses to ever explain how he has gained such knowledge
Also mushrooms. But like, deadly mushrooms.
Had a small foraging faze but hated having to walk around and gather plants
Also almost poisoned himself, so just kinda gave up
Most of his fazes just didn’t last long enough to be noticeable, honestly. Was constantly running through interests
Lowkey kinda sad about it, too, because there’s not one thing he can hold onto as an adult
Oh, Roman Cryptography
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ghostradiodylan · 6 months
What type of music would the counselors listen to?
I know some of my mutuals have answered this question before and I'm sure my headcanons will be influenced by theirs, AND I'm also significantly older than the counselors so they're probably listening to gen z stuff my late millennial ass doesn't even know about but here goes nothing!
Laura So much SIØBHAN! Just kidding. Laura feels like two completely different characters in the game so I have a hard time deciding what I think spunky but straight-laced, ‘this is my first cop,’ over-achieving pre-vet student Laura Kearney would listen to vs badass avenging murder spree Laura Kearney (but maybe she always had that inside her). Part of me wants to say, like, 80’s pop (Prince, Blondie, Tiffany, Michael Jackson, Pat Benetar, etc.) and part of me wants to put her in the hard rock/metal zone with Ryan. Maybe she’s a bit of both.
Max I believe it was Addie (@insertlovelyperson) who said Max would listen to country music where women murder their cheating or abusive husbands. That tracks to me. Maybe it's the use of Alma Cogan's version of 'Fly Me to the Moon' in the game, but I also tend to associate him with crooner type singers of the 40's and 50's (Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Dean Martin, etc), which is what I said he'd choose for karaoke. And because of this fanart I have no choice but to HC him as a major Ariana Grande fan, he's probably the one who chose the music for the drive to camp. So. Max has range.
Abi is the K-Pop/J-Pop stan to me but I know so little about that music beyond the crossover bands like BTS that I can't speak to it a whole lot. I think she'd also like some emo, pop-punk and moodier alt/pop. Avril Lavigne, Paramore, Melanie Martinez, Florence and the Machine, Metric, Lorde, Halsey, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Billie Eilish, Phoebe Bridgers/boygenius, etc. I feel like she's really into female fronted bands for some reason.
Jacob likes pretty much whatever is on the radio. He's a top 40 guy and has no shame about his enjoyment of Ed Sheeran and Justin Beiber, or about ugly crying to Taylor Swift and Coldplay. He rarely listens closely to the actual lyrics (and often gets them humorously wrong), he just goes on vibes. He discovers half the music he listens to via TikTok (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Emma is a theater kid through and through and loves broadway musicals. She goes through phases with each popular one. She's had a Waitress phase, a Mamma Mia phase, a Wicked phase, and a Hamilton phase, of course, and now she's into Mean Girls, Heathers, and Hadestown. Beyond that, I think she'd be a dedicated Swiftie, big Adele fan, and a lover of Britney Spears's entire body of work from the 90's through today.
Nick probably listens to stoner bro music. Like jam bands and psychedelic rock and stuff. He probably likes Dave Matthews Band and the Grateful Dead/Dark Star Orchestra, Sublime, Widespread Panic, Tame Impala, and O.A.R. Googling jam bands to remind myself which ones exist led me to the knowledge that there's an Australian psychedelic rock band called King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard and that name is so bonkers that I've decided without listening to more than a few bars that it has to be Nick's favorite band.
Ryan is a little bit emo and a little bit goth and a little bit old school punk. He needs music that's loud and moody to help sort out his feelings about life and drown out all the excess noise inside his head. He's into metal, the harder side of emo/screamo, goth rock, hard rock, punk, and post-punk. He definitely listens to Nightwish, GOJIRA, Mastodon, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Nine Inch Nails, Deftones, Thursday, Alkaline Trio, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Bad Religion, Black Flag, Minor Threat, The Misfits, Ramones, etc. He doesn't hate more accessible pop and rock music, but the closest he gets to choosing it for himself is probably something like The Cure or The Smashing Pumpkins or Depeche Mode, maybe some of the creepier Weeknd songs and Muse tracks too heavy to go on the Twilight soundtracks. He and Abi listen to Babymetal together.
Kaitlyn classic rock and 90's alternative. This girl likes the Stones more than the Beatles, though she'll listen to both. Led Zeppelin, Joan Jett, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Black Sabbath, the occasional hair band. She especially loves the 90's girl rockers like Alanis Morisette, Garbage, Hole, Veruca Salt, and No Doubt (Kaitlyn can't believe Gwen Stefani is married to pop-country dork Blake Shelton who sings that song about being your honey bee, because Gwen used to be so cool [I'm definitely not projecting]). I feel like she'd also love Bikini Kill and Sleater Kinney, Le Tigre, and The Donnas.
Dylan is the Music Guy ™ (and my personal bias/url namesake), so I've admittedly thought about his musical tastes more than most of the others'. The official Quarry website mentions his 'deep musical knowledge' and I imagine he has pretty broad views on what constitutes good music. He's got kind of a vintage vibe to him, maybe it's the reproduction band shirt from 1988, or the fact that he's into analog technology, or both, but I've noticed he's often depicted playing Queen or Bowie or something of that era in fics, which I think is realistic. This kid goes to the used record store and just buys whatever looks cool.
Fun Fact: According to the datamine, the chapters originally had literary or musical quotes at the beginning of each, and Chapter 5: White Noise (the radio hut chapter) was originally headed by the opening lyrics from Queen's 'Radio Ga Ga':
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He's also the only character we see play music in canon, so we know he likes... songs from random compilation albums with inexpensive royalties. XD Just kidding, but these are the diegetic (in-universe) songs we get to hear from Dylan's playlist at the bonfire party:
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All pop music of varying subtypes, so we know he appreciates a well-crafted pop song. I honestly am a fan of all of these. I think Dylan genuinely listens to everything but he seems like the type to especially like alt and indie pop, classic rock, garage rock, a bit of the more melodic side of punk, emo, and pop-punk, new wave, synth pop, electronic, and a little bit of hip hop that’s sufficiently nerdy white boy friendly (probably Beastie Boys, Run the Jewels, Post Malone, emo rap like Blackbear, etc). I also tend to gravitate towards early-mid aughts indie for him, like MGMT, Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, OK Go, LCD Soundsystem, etc. Just seems to match his vibe. I think he'd really like BØRNS, Hozier, COIN, Mitski, and K.Flay and probably have a fair amount of overlap with Ryan's more melodic picks (MCR, Muse, The Cure, etc). Dylan probably hates Morrissey but begrudgingly loves The Smiths and definitely cranks up The Killers in his car. He’s also listening to bands right now that you’ve never heard of but will be huge in a couple years. He can probably tell you the difference between subgenres like chillwave, dream pop, and shoegaze but don’t ask me about it because I have no fucking clue.
Since we’re on the subject, here’s my absurdly long and ever-growing Rylan/Radioheads playlist because I have a problem.
And my Sweet Summer Jams playlist, that’s just a bunch of random songs I think would be clean enough to play at a summer camp as long as the kids/your boss don’t ask too many questions.
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hello. here a unhinged but fun ask. if you could give these characters below a song(or songs. no limit of course) what song would it be?
Lilith Clawthorne
Shelley Byron
Mary wardwell
(and just to make sure I am being clear the songs can be anything. it can be a song you think character would enjoy or relate, can be a song you feel describe the character or part of their arc)
*and take your time if you need to :)
Hi! I love that you said "or songs", because of course I am *not* going to be able to just go with one song each 🌞 I am obviously going to be shoving a lot of odd little songs in your face :> I'll put one song each to start with, and I'll write & link more below the cut. (It's going to be quite a lot.)
Lilith Clawthorne (aka Bad Girl Historian):
Shelley Byron:
Mary Wardwell:
Lilith Clawthorne: I once saw someone headcanon Lilith as someone who would enjoy metal, and I *agree*! My knowledge of metal isn't very extensive though so I can't list a lot of that. I think she might also enjoy steampunk music (see the song at the top, bad girl historian), (emo-leaning) rock music, dramatic classical music and anything with a poetic quality. (...I can see her having a phase of going to a poetry nights in some dark basement where everyone wears a black beret.) She probably listens to some silly stuff here and there too but nobody better call anything she listens to silly, she's not ready for that... 😂
Songs: if we pretend we don't know anything about Star Wars I feel like The Imperial March matches her vibe quite well for when she was still a respected coven head. I think Surface Pressure (from Encanto) and Pulling Rabbits Out Of A Hat are lyrically good matches for her perfectionism, her constantly having to prove herself, and never really being seen or appreciated for all she can do and who she is. I think she might enjoy listening to Nemo (by Nightwish) and Corpo-Mente. Final one: Nemuro Memorial Hall from the Utena soundtrack. It's very "prissy little Lilith", I love this track very much. (I'll be throwing in a track from Utena for all 3 of them because that soundtrack is amazing and very varied. More people should know about that.)
Shelley Byron: I expect Shelley would have a very interesting music taste. I think she'd enjoy cabaret music, Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill, experimental music (all sorts, and I think she herself would also enjoy messing around with synths and generating music from organic material like for example hooking up different kinds of plants/mushrooms to a synth to see how they'd sound), new wave, perhaps also some jazz. She'd definitely enjoy lyrics with a poetic quality, too, music drenched in deep feelings.
Songs: I listed a David Sylvian song and I could list so many more David Sylvian songs for Shelley, I think she might really enjoy his work. (Or maybe it's just me who's the big fan of David Sylvian, which I obviously am. Listing songs for characters you relate to is of course a self portrait in a way.) So here's another one by Sylvian: I Should Not Dare. (The lyrics are a poem by Virginia Woolf, geesh the emotional load.) Here's one for a sisterhood silent film: Black And White Rag (which was written by Winifred Atwell). The next ones are songs that make me think of the safe space that she's built for herself and others who had to seek refuge for their being different, I haven't double checked the lyrics for full accuracy but the vibe is certainty there. Disenchanted by The Communards and Confide In Me by Kylie Minogue. I could list quite a few songs that would be a good fit for "Shelley The Absolute Charmer" but that would make me personally feel profoundly awkward, so I'll stick with listing just the one Correspondents song. I think early Correspondents overall is a good match, see for yourself: Washington Square. (*chuckles* that song is actually probably too forward 🤣 ... This specific song may not be the right choice. Oh well.) Next up: Shelley getting her heart broken. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Evelyn Evelyn (though the original is great too, I think she might like Evelyn Evelyn for its very much an art project - a bit dark, but still) and Why Did You Make Me Care? by Sparks. (If she's at some point feeling angry or apathetic enough within being heartbroken to destroy the salon over it somewhat... Tearing The Place Apart by Sparks.) I've already told you about Klaus Nomi in the past, but Klaus Nomi - After The Fall (either for surviving the war or in an "After The Eternal Flagellation" kind of way). (I'm going to put this one below just because it's such an amazing song.) I also think Shelley would enjoy Laurie Anderson's work, especially the Big Science album. Some more new wave she might enjoy (not very original choices): Visage - Fade To Grey, and Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams. And here's my choice from Utena: Radio Waves.
Mary Wardwell: I think I would have the least in common with Mary when it comes to music. Obviously she may be surprising with her music taste (as she usually is surprising), but I expect she enjoys different music from the 30's to 70's than I do, or it's music I may not know. (Bad Moon Rising which she was jamming to in the car in the first episode isn't to my taste, but it does show she enjoys music and enjoys music of the time, too.) I do think she'd like the song I put before the cut, and that might be a song we have in common. I expect to have a different taste in classical music as well, I like extremely bombastic classical music and I expect she'd be more likely to go for the soothing classical pieces. I think she would have a fair share of "silly" songs that she'd enjoy, odd radio jingles from the past for example. ...I'm not thinking of the old chiquita banana jingle that Russell likes, I am not thinking of the (...) I am thinking of the chiquita banana jingle. Dr. Cee's shop might actually have a thing or two in common with Ron and Russell's mum & stepdad's shop, and we know Mary enjoys Dr. Cee's... So there's a connection to strange little songs that my brain just made. ...Maybe she would have also enjoyed listening to horror movie soundtracks, Before Hell. (I've spent a lot of time over the years specifically thinking about pre-Hell Mary. After Hell some of her more odd/dark interests might not be fun to her anymore. I like guessing at who she was before the big trauma, and who she could have been had the story treated her better. #justiceformary)
(I feel like bringing up religion is important here, too. Mary grew up in such different times and I suppose she would have her religious background also influencing what she had access to music wise in her formative years, though we can't know for sure exactly how devoted she truly was Before Hell. The cross was on the fireplace obviously and she was engaged to Adam, but she also really enjoyed horror and knew about witches being part of the village's past. I personally take those as activities deviating from the religion she's part of, and not as like... Witch hunter qualities from an extremely devoted Christian. (... Which she was turned into later. Damn you, caos.) My personal take is that she perhaps prayed more After Hell in hope to find answers and perhaps also safety, no longer "messing around" because she's got a real concept of hell. But what I wanted to say about that is that maybe she has affection for certain hymns. I don't know much about hymns though so I can't list any that would have Mary vibes. Also I've mostly been spending time in the AfM verse, where her relationship to religion changes.)
Songs: one somewhat light-hearted choice that I find describes her well, before we go into darker subjects (I'll put cheerier ones at the very end): Self-Effacing by Sparks. TAKE UP SOME SPACE, QUEEN. YOU DESERVE IT. Okay, here we go... My choices for "dealing with holes in her life and having returned from hell". Rock'N'Roll Suicide by David Bowie. I think the lyrics are actually a really good fit and the end of the song brings some comfort ("OH NO LOVE, YOU'RE NOT ALONE", let someone please hold her hand throughout all this holy shit). I think that's a song that would have her back in dealing with everything. Which Way To Turn by Bryan Ferry, another song for the ones lost in life... Then we have Mary dealing with the mystery and loss of Adam: Don't Go Away by Sparks & Max Richter. (Geesh okay I'm having no mercy on myself here, that song gets me emotional anyway and now I'm mixing it with Mary's suffering. But okay, in a similar vein: Irreplaceable by Sparks might also apply.) I'm being very Sparks heavy here, because also I'm going to mention the Give Me Something collaboration by Yoko Ono & Sparks. Onto some cheerier ones. A song that makes me think of her doll collection (I love her for this, whether she intended them to be creepy or not. I think her doll collection is pretty badass): Wicked Little Doll by David Byrne. (It's not really a song with ultimate Mary vibes or anything, but it matches how I feel about her having those dolls hehehe.) Here's one that's entirely about the lyrics: With All My Might by Sparks. I've linked to the song but what you should really do is read the lyrics. It's a song of ultimate devotion and determination, and those are very much qualities Mary has in abundance. It's very much who Mary is, you'll definitely feel that if you end up reading AfM. (I am certain Adam was that way about Mary, too.) You may find more songs that Mary likes when reading Ro's fic, she actually put proper research in to figure out what songs fit the timeframe and what songs Mary would like. Here's my last one for Mary, from the Utena soundtrack. I simply think Mary would like this song:
(As a little bonus (you didn't ask but I'm telling you anyway) some Sparks songs that I felt were a good match with some other characters you know: My Other Voice for caos Lilith (this is purely about the lyrics, the sound is not a match with Lilith, but the lyrics are A Threat). I Married Myself for Missy/The Master at the end of S10 (...I am easily amused, I had considered making a video edit). Left Out In The Cold for Crowley (apply it to the fall). Onomato Pia for Aziraphale (I think he'd enjoy the song, but also they sing about "angelic hair" and a charm that surpasses the inability to speak a language, and Aziraphale is both very charming and terrible at French.))
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kiroonsmoon · 1 month
12 :]]!!!!
Any personal headcanons? Feel free to ramble! (You can ask for a specific character as well.)
Hmmm, cuz you didn’t give me a specific guy im just gonna ramble about my agang headcanons because those are the ones I have to most headcanons for due to lack of canon info on them :). This mainly relates to my ideas of their backstories.
Aevis - He was adopted by two lesbian moms into a big family where he was the older brother to a lot of lil sisters/brothers. His siblings also went to Pheonix Academy just were in different classes/grades. This is kinda why he became the quote on quote leader of the Agang because he was already the big brother to his siblings anyways. Also I like to think the legacy designs are canon to an extent. So yes, he had a emo phase. Yes the rest of the gang found out about this and never let him live it down.
Aevia (+Nancy?) - Welcome to “I ignore canon because I like the thought of this”. Nancy is actually Aevia’s mom as well as the only surviving parent of any of the Agang. Nancy and Aevia look to similar for me to not think they aren’t related. Canon be damned. Nancy’s the teacher and social worker for everyone else but Aevia is HER baby. The two lived on a farm before the disaster with Aevia’s other parent. Aevia helped a lot with the horse pokemon and other things. She can ride pokemon the best out of everyone. Certified horse girl tm. She can also care for pokemon the best and has some minor vet knowledge because of this! She’s very strong despite her looks. Usually the first one at school because of Nancy being the teacher lol.
Axel + Ariana - Twins! I DO NOT CARE WHAT JAN OR ZUMI SAYS YOU CAN TEAR ARIANA AND AXEL TWINS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS. Anyways, their parents were highschool sweethearts and were both rangers. They were very loving and supportive of Axel and Ariana. Their parents would tell them stories about their work (with a lot of exaggeration) to them. They were the sporty kinda parents who’d take Axel and Aria hiking, fishing or biking a lot. This obviously rubbed off on the two. Ariana going into cheerleading and Axel going into track (Axel also went into theater!). Ariana would use Axel’s track practice as moments to practice her own cheerleading if she didn’t have anything else to do!
Aero - Came from a a home that struggled with money a bit. Their parents weren’t bad persay but Aero also wasn’t very close to them either. Aero started work a bit younger in order to help support his family. Aero began to train pokemon at a young age too to get pocket money from other trainers too. Which is why they’re generally considered the strongest because he’s been battling for a lot longer than the other Agang members.
Alain - Unlike pretty much everyone, Alain came from a single mother house and their mother wasn’t nice either. She tried to push a lot of her ideals on to Alain, which never worked out. This lead to a lot of fights and stuff. It wasn’t a really healthy situation for either of them. This is why Alain is so guarded and rude at first. The only time they felt they could truly relax is after a few months with the rest of Class A.
Is it likely canon will come a disprove these headcnaons? Yes but there’s nothing canon right now so these are my thoughts on their backstories :).
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trutletruffle · 2 years
so i watched ten minutes of Wednesday against my will and it caused me such a burning hatred in my soul that i needed to talk about it because im a hater to the core. anyways first of all ive never seen any addams family stuff so i dont have a frame a reference but her entire thing is just being super emo and edgy and just an absolute bitch to everyone like theres being caustic and self-deprecating and then theres just being awful to everyone because you think it make you seem cool and wednesday is way over the line. like itd be one thing if i felt like there was emotional depth to the way she acts but to my (admittedly extremely limited) knowledge she never shows regret or conflict over how she acts she just derives pleasure in hurting people who havent done anything to deserve it. most of my feelings can be summarized by you dont get points for being more of an edgy bitch than everyone else. anyways then theres all of her edgy comebacks that everyones so scared of for no fucking reason like youre telling me a high schooler or (especially) a high school teacher hasnt interacted with an aggressively edgy child who says weird and vaguely concerning shit all the time? no one would be phased, or at the very least no one would be backing up in terror for christs sake. anyways then theres my gripes with the fucking fencing shit. her fucking stupid jacket and all her shit being black like for fucks sake thats so dumb i know youre so special and goth and allergic to color but a) white is not a color, b) a black uniform (forgot the fancy name forgive me) literally defeats the entire point (i will elaborate) and c) get over your fucking self youre not better than everyone else this is also how i feel about her getting her own special snowflake black uniform in case you were wondering. anyways fencing uniforms are white because before they had electric scoring and all that the best way to tell who got the touch was but the shadows from the indents in your uniform, which show really well on white. this is also important for practice because nobody uses electric gear for practice so you gotta be able to tell somehow if youre bouting. so basically Wednesdays special snowflake fencing gear makes it almost impossible to tell if someone else scores a touch on her and it pisses me the fuck off. also dont fucking talk about underfunded schools when your school has a pool shut up. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 1 year
What was the year/make/model of the last car you drove? I don't drive.
Have you ever been in weather below 0 Fahrenheit (-17 Celcius)? Gah, noooo thankfully I have not.
What was the last thing you used your phone for, besides calling/texting? Ha, it's rare that I'm using my phone for actual phone things lol. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it was TikTok.
Do you have more male or female coworkers? I don't have a job.
Did you enjoy high school? I liked some parts of it. Like, I actually enjoyed the pep rallies and assemblies. Honestly, while a lot of it truly was tough and I'll still stand by that, I think as I've gotten older and looked back some of the stuff maybe wasn't so bad after all.
What's an unusual food combination you like? I haven't had it in so long, but I actually think adding mayo to ramen is good.
What's the longest stretch of time you've spent completely alone? Just like half a day.
Have you ever lived in a studio apartment? No.
Did your parents allow you to drink soda when you were a kid? Yeah.
Do you always check the prices of things when you buy groceries? Of course. I don't have money coming out my ass. However, I do sometimes randomly throw stuff in, but it's a snack or drink and I know it doesn't cost much.
Do you like gyoza? I've never had it.
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed a lawyer? No.
Do you use Instagram? If so, what's your current profile pic? Very, very, very rarely. I don't even spend much time on it scrolling through my feed or watching people's insta stories. I just posted something for the first time in a few years for my birthday.
Did you ever go through an emo or goth phase? I had my emo phase when I was 16, but let's be real it was never just a phase.
What are your thoughts on kids being given iPads to keep them entertained? I don't see an issue with it. However, I personally wouldn't use a screen as a babysitter and I'd set limits to screen time. Otherwise, I definitely see the educational benefits. It's just wild how kids literally come out the womb nowadays knowing how to use a tablet or phone like wtf.
Do you get regular check-ups with your doctor? With one of my specialists, but not my primary doctor.
What was the last thing you felt apprehensive about? I'm apprehensive about everything.
How many nights per week do you cook dinner at home vs. going out to eat? I personally don't cook, so in that regard zero. As for how many nights I eat at home vs in my case how many nights I get takeout, it's something like takeout 4-5 times a week.
What's a trend you've seen recently that you thought was really dumb? I will never understand the whole Crocs trend or the little charm things you put on them. I just can't.
Do you know anyone who has been evicted? Not to my knowledge.
When did you last wash your sheets and pillowcases? A couple weeks ago.
Have you kissed more than 10 people in the past 10 years? I've only kissed 3 people total.
Have you ever been caught outdoors away from shelter during a thunderstorm? Gah, yes. I was at an outdoor festival and it just randomly started POURING. It was crazy.
Did you leave the house before 10 AM yesterday? I didn't go anywhere yesterday.
What's your favorite macaron flavor? The Fruity Pebbles one.
How often do you have friends over to your house? --
Have you ever had a boss who acted unprofessionally?
How many times have you stayed at a hotel in the past year, and where? I last stayed at a motel in March of 2022.
What kind of technological advancements do you expect there to be 100 years from now? >> I can't fathom this
Have you ever done a flip on a trampoline? No, I can't go on a trampoline.
What about a flip off of a diving board? I can't do that either.
What was the last hot beverage you had? Coffee.
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mars-ipan · 1 year
ok well now i’m curious! what’re your stanley parable headcanons?
hehehehehehehehehehehehehe (<- has been granted power)
heads up this is gonna be a lot. also this is a mix of general hcs and design hcs! basically the same thing to me :]
first off stanley and the narrator are both autistic but in complete opposite ways and yes it leads to a lot of arguments because they both suck at compromise but also sometimes it works out for them. some of these dichotomies include:
narrator is “line all my toys up in a row” autistic and stanley is “knock down another kid’s block tower to get to the racecar i want bc i didn’t see it oops” autistic
(this is a popular hc but i like it bc it is canon-compliant) narrator is chatterbox autistic and stanley is nonverbal autistic
the narrator is very eloquent with his words and Needs Them To Be The Right Words when he articulates a sentence like he needs to describe the exact meaning of what he’s going for. he uses shit like “pontificate” in casual conversation. STANLEY however is a why use many word when few word do trick kinda guy and regularly uses shorthand when he signs
stanley would sooooo love an aac device (button + he doesn’t mind choppier sentences) but alas. the parable does not have them and the narrator wouldn’t be able to make a properly functioning one (think abt the jim button)
narrator stims: little vocal stims (humming, tutting, popping noises), flappy hands (smaller motions not big ones), bouncy legs, fretting with the corners of papers + hems of clothing (tho he hates messing up his clothes so he tries not to), taking things apart and putting them back together
stanley stims: button pressing (duh), clicking pens, CHEWING on everything (i am projecting but he is SUCHHHH a biter he has had a pen explode in his mouth several times), drumming his fingers on things (bucket good for this), foot tap a la sonic the hedgehog, bouncing, pressure/gravity (helps with parable-induced dissociation)
stanley practices his facial expressions a lot bc they’re one of his main forms of quick communication and he needs to make sure he’s understood. the narrator enjoys watching him practice and takes notes- if he has a physical form at that point in time he tries to mimic them so he can understand what they feel like
both stanley and the narrator are trapped in the parable. the narrator has no clue how he got there but he did so he took the space and made it an office
the narrator may be trapped in the parable but he is not confined to it. he can influence things outside of the parable (stanley’s world, our world) and he has partial control over the parable itself
along this line stanley is both the narrator’s oc and an outside person he brought in. the narrator wanted a character for his story so he made up stanley’s backstory and ported stanley into the parable from his actual job. stanley was chosen bc being nonverbal means he can’t talk and interfere with the story (so he thinks) and also he looked generic and those were his only criteria he had no clue stanley would be Like That (affectionate)
stanley doesn’t remember much pre-parable. he remembers stuff about himself but not places or other people or events
the narrator remembers pre-parable but has no clue why he’s in the parable now
stanley is expressive when communicating to others and only when communicating to others. when he’s not being actively social he is completely blank faced
stanley had braces as a kid
stanley also had several alt phases (namely goth, emo, scene, and skater) as a kid. some of these overlap with his braces era. he still has his ear piercings but he doesn’t wear anything in them anymore. he wanted small gauges as a kid but was too scared to get them so he wore earrings with mirrors in them to fake it
stanley already knew asl upon entering the parable. the narrator offered to give him knowledge of bsl so they could properly communicate but stanley refused bc Ew British He Is An American (skwaaaaa (<- bald eagle)) Thank You Very Much. so the narrator had to go learn asl to understand stanley
the narrator can read stanley’s mind but stanley HATESSSSS it bc it’s violating and feels gross so it doesn’t happen without his express permission. after a long enough time (eons) they become so close that the narrator can understand stanley really well through body language anyways so it’s kind of unnecessary
stanley can also eventually project his thoughts into the narrator’s mind which he hates less but still doesn’t like so he only does it when he can’t sign
the narrator is Not Human but he is also so painfully human
the narrator is equally disgusted and intrigued by humanity. he wants to learn but every time he learns something new he goes “ewww gross why do you do that” but most of the time it isn’t even the gross parts it’s just like. blinking
the narrator starts having an appearance after stanley spends about a century’s worth of resets pestering him about it. at first he’s just animated textures that show up in shadows and screens and reflections and such
but eventually stanley’s like “make a model like u did for me >:((“ and the narrator’s like “ugh FINE” but he doesn’t wanna make another super detailed person so he grabs one of the low-poly 3-frame audience models from the press conference ending and edits it in blender to be “him.”
issue is he’s not good at designing humans he doesn’t quite get it. stanley he basically imported into the game so it was more like converting him into a compatible file but the narrator doesn’t have any outside thing to port in. so he gets a lot of details wrong and ends up just a little uncanny
most of these get ironed out when stanley points out how weird it is (arms don’t bend like that, your hair needs more polygons, can you separate your fingers so we can hold hands so you can hold things i throw at you) but some of them stay. these include (but r not limited to):
his glasses, tie, and headpiece (over-the-ear because “in-the-ear is horrible for your hearing stanley i read an article on it really do you expect me to subject myself to that”) all float like they have no physical attachment to his body. the glasses have no frames the tie has no tie thingy to go around his neck (or clip) and the headpiece has no headband. they’re just On There
his outfit is not something an actual human being would come up with. he wanted the author sweater-and-collared-shirt look but more “sophisticated” so he went with a turtleneck a blazer and a tie (which he themed after The Adventure Line™️ partially because he thought stanley would like it) with slacks and dress shoes. stanley regularly makes fun of him for it [how r u not sweating to death you fucking dork] but the narrator REFUSES to change it
all of the narrator’s teeth are flat, like the ones in the front of our mouths. he had yet to look at a human mouth that closely (why would he look at a gross wet hole (<- lmao)) so he guessed. his thought process was “front teeth flat -> humans aren’t scary so probably no fangs -> they must all be flat.” he was wrong
i actually have a comic idea where stanley points out how creepy his teeth are and he “fixes” it to fuck with stanley. i would be throwing the monsterfuckers a bone with this one but it would also be a treat for me because teeth r really fun to draw
there’s something going on with his eyes (beyond their unnaturally yellow amber color.) maybe he blinks with his bottom eyelids or he doesn’t blink enough or the texture for his eyes is on both his glasses and his skin like a low poly ps1 model. not quite sure which yet but it’s something simple like that
he/it narrator supremacy. he prefers he/him when he has an appearance but in voice form is equally okay with both and doesn’t care if u switch it up
the narrator can scale his model up and down as he pleases so he’s a sizeshifter teehee. he likes to be taller than stanley (who is somewhere btwn 6’1” and 6’4”) but stanley likes when he’s more human-sized (aka abt a 1/2 foot shorter than him.) they argue over who’s “actually taller” a lot and yes the narrator uses Tall Mode for physical intimidation
the narrator switches between voice mode texture mode and model mode a lot. usually he’s a voice or a texture but sometimes he is a model As A Treat for stanley
the narrator is arospec + acespec (you can take my aspec hcs out of my cold dead hands). idk if he’s quoi or gray or what but essentially he doesn’t fully Understand This Thing Some Humans Do and he’d like to learn but he gets overstimulated easily so he needs a lot of time (especially with more physical stuff). he’s okay with it (and eventually even enthusiastic) but he needs to go slow
stanley is more than a bit impatient about this internally (he is So Touch Starved and also probably sexually frustrated) but he knows better than to be an actual asshole about this and waits as long as the narrator needs. thankfully they have forever
speaking of which it takes a Very Long Time for them to get their shit together. they Hate Each Other for a long time and then they Tolerate Each Other for a long time and then they become uneasy friends then frenemies then besties that insult each other and VERH INCREDIBLY SLOWLY they fall for each other but i mean they’ve loved each other the whole time. that being said they also have a lot of “Oh. Oh Shit I Am In Love With Him Huh” moments of varying sadness and horniness (stanley once realized he redid the countdown ending over and over not because he thought he could find an actually working combination but because there was something addicting in the thrill of it and the Monologue and the danger and the way his name was said and he needed. a Moment to process that. and also sometimes stanley would give the narrator A Look (usually some brat shit but sometimes it had deeper emotions??? maybe??? the narrator wasn’t good at reading them yet) and the narrator would get A Feeling and he’d be like “what was that what just happened what did he do to me just then whadda hell”)
while they’re figuring it out there is So Much Shame between the two of them. stanley fucks around and someone gets hurt and he feels bad or the narrator is a bit too mean and someone gets hurt and he feels bad etc. they’re both garbage at communicating but they do try to show each other they’re sorry. stanley will be less of a nuisance or will replay the freedom ending over and over and maybe even sometimes sign “sorry” at the ceiling and the narrator will try to make stanley laugh or throw little easter eggs in to try to get him to smile as an apology. there’s a lot of stepping on toes from both of them
this remains a thing when they eventually get together (this happens a while after the narrator makes his model) but they’re better at communicating by this point and this is around when they actually start talking about setting boundaries and understanding each other. the narrator wanted to avoid the conversation bc he was embarrassed and The People Pleasing but stanley strongly emphasized that it needed to happen which was good of him. they talk things out when someone oversteps or gets too mean and they very slowly get a little healthier
while stanley is the one to initiate the What Are We conversation the narrator is the one who actually does the dramatic sigh and turns with the wettest saddest eyes and goes “oh, stanley, what are we..???” and it takes all stanley has to not laugh at how cliche it is bc he knows it would hurt his feelings and this is a Serious Conversation That They Need To Have so he bites his tongue and signs smth along the lines of [what do you want to be?] and they move on with the conversation
they are still very codependent tho. Do Not Separate Them. infinite time together means they have some WILD fears of being alone
it fucked with stanley a lot actually. he wants more than anything to be independent but he can no longer envision himself without the narrator’s presence. he never fully makes his peace with it
anyways their boundary conversations include sexual boundaries (both because stanley had trouble knowing when was too much for the narrator and because the narrator had trouble controlling his strength). also kink discussion teehee :3 !!
they r soo bdsm both sexually and non-sexually like. that’s just the truth. fucking look at stanley he is incapable of being anything but a brat the whole game is a fucking power struggle. anyways. they are Not Healthy about it at first but stanley sits them down for a talk specifically about sex stuff and they spend a long time hashing things out. the narrator made a spreadsheet for both of them about it because he’s a big dork. they have dos and don’ts and safewords/signals and all that. i won’t get into specific kink hcs here but i might some other time bc bdsm/kink is interesting as hell :)
when the narrator narrates stanley “speaking” (like he does in some in-game lines) stanley’s mouth moves and air leaves his chest against his will but no sound comes out- it’s all the narrator. it’s one of the things the narrator has control over in the parable and stanley HATESSSSS it like viscerally. it makes him want to vomit. when the narrator realizes this he stops doing it unless he has to because when an in-game line is triggered he Has to follow the script he has no other choice (unless stanley cuts him off by triggering another line)
i’m projecting SOOOO hard with this one but as an artist the narrator has all of those Creative Mental Issues. he’s a people pleaser (lives for the validation of the fans and fears their scorn), he’s a perfectionist, he procrastinates, If Someone Interprets This In A Way I Did Not Intend I Will Be So Upset (unfortunately the nature of art is that no interpretation is wrong (within reason)), the only thing he hates more than creating is not creating, he is a major escapist, The Whole Shebang
that’s all i can think of for the main boys for now so i’m gonna go into other characters! 432 time yippeee !!!!
ok so in my mind 432 has like many many names that stanley gives him. the main two are Esper/Espie (from settings person- S P(er)) and Teeks (from TK/timekeeper). to 432 the full versions of these r like titles, and 432 is like a full legal name- it’s a bit more formal
funnily enough stanley refuses to give the narrator a name that isn’t “the narrator.” he makes a list of names and stanley vetoes them all. the narrator is jealous that TK gets so many names but he gets just his title
speaking of the narrator TK has INCREDIBLY mixed feelings on him. he hates him for trapping stanley in the parable, he blames the narrator for his current state of existence, but he knows the narrator makes stanley happy and he doesn’t think he’s that bad of a person, even with his (many (endless)) flaws. so he’s kindaaaa conflicted as all hell
when he realizes he and stanley are into each other (he learns this way before they do) he immediately gets SOOOO exasperated. world’s biggest hater. he’s like that guy from that post the fucking “can you guys not do that in public. i’m not homophobic i’m just a hater” that’s TK. it is really funny
he/they TK supremacy. i’m sticking to “he” for simplicity’s sake rn but after becoming entwined with the parable tk kinda felt a bit detached from humanity !!! but it/its felt dehumanizing in a bad way to him so he uses they bc it’s a lot more comfy.
oh yeah the nature of TK’s existence. unlike stanley TK never existed as a person outside of the parable. TK sorta willed himself into existence as a result of the narrator’s worldbuilding. this happened sometime between the release of the og game and ultra deluxe. because TK wasn’t meant to be a character as well as the erratic nature of his personality due to backstory, when he popped into existence he got glitched the fuck out and eventually became entwined with the parable. he both loves and resents this
TK loves it for many reasons. for starters, he likes stanley. he has memories of stanley in the office (memories that stanley doesn’t have)- stanley wasn’t mean to him, they had sort of a mutual “weird kid” solidarity- even if stanley never spoke to him. stanley never reported him to HR, or grimaced when he asked for a pencil, or gossiped about him with his coworkers. TK also likes the responsibility that being the settings person gives him. he likes the sliders, and the yes/no questions, and the talking- he can use it all to keep the wheel turning, keep the parable running- and that brings him comfort
however, TK hates being part of the parable as well. he knows he’s fiction, that he was never meant to exist. he knows that his memories of the office, of stanley, aren’t real, even though he also knows that He Knows Stanley. he feels bound to the parable, and he hates that he’s gone from being under the control of his horrible higher-ups to being under the control of whatever the parable even Is. it’s an uncomfortable truth for him
that being said, he needs the parable in order to exist, even moreso than stanley or the narrator, which is a part of why he’s so insistent that it go on forever. this ties into his obsession with keeping the wheel turning very nicely and i commend the writing of the actual game for that tasty little parallel
let it be said that the narrator is NOT TK’s dad. TK’s existence was influenced by the narrator but he came into being entirely independently. they have no familial relation
TK sees the narrator grab a model from the press conference and thinks “ohhhh i can do that!!!” so he does but the issue is he doesn’t know how to use blender so his model is REALLY janky and low-poly and he still moves at about 3 frames per second. his texture form can move faster but it’s still janky bc he still doesn’t know what he’s doing. interestingly enough while the narrator is confined to the hitboxes of the objects he projects his texture onto TK is not and can manipulate the shapes of shadows or pop out of mirrors n shit. perks of being literally a Part of the parable teehee :3c
unfortunately the rest of my TK design is still in the vague concepts stage so that’s all i know abt him physically. teehee !
TK is sooooo silly like even more than stanley. he’s very very reactive and emotional imagine if sodium were a person. incredibly volatile creature
the narrator had no clue that TK existed until TK started manifesting himself actively in the parable. it was a fucking jumpscare. the narrator still finds TK very offputting and kinda doesn’t like him but he’s more passive-aggressive about it. TK is straight up aggressive abt his dislike for the narrator
neither the narrator nor TK know everything about the parable. they are both wrong about several things and each other. not a single reliable narrator (heh) in this fucking universe
the parable is alive but not in a way we can comprehend. sorta animalistic but also omnipotent but also sentient but not. too complex for us to get
the curator (curie) is the same species as the narrator (also eldritch and unknowable but on a smaller scale than the parable. atoms to cells kinda deal)
the curator and the narrator know each other! i once saw a hc that they were siblings and i really like it but i don’t know if that’s my own personal hc. i don’t think their species has relationships like that but they do know each other
the curator is not trapped in the parable she’s just nosy and made her own little hidey-hole in it so she could spy on the narrator
she actually really likes what he’s done with the parable which is why she made her hiding spot into the museum. she also finds artistic processes interesting.
unlike the narrator who is an emotional and mental mess the curator has her shit together. not many problems with that woman
the curator has yet to make a physical model in my mind but if she did she would use stanley’s “wife” as a base (copying the model so the narrator wouldn’t notice it missing)
the curator is very supportive of stanley and the narrator being a thing (she thinks it’s good for both of them to learn to communicate better and if this is how they do that then sure!) and when stanley fucks up he sometimes comes to the museum to get advice from her. her advice can almost always be boiled down to “talk about it” but stanley appreciates the push very much. the narrator would never do this because he is far too prideful
mariella!!!! mariella is a semi-verbal autistic (the autism parable). she doesn’t speak often but if she starts going she may not stop for a while
unlike stanley, mariella doesn’t mind when the narrator “speaks” for her, and it’s how she likes to communicate when she’s not feeling like talking herself
while the narrator did import mariella’s model, her personality is entirely made up by him. she isn’t so much trapped in the parable either- she lives outside of it and sometimes interacts with it for story purposes
mariella is a well-adjusted human being but she likes to Party
stanley TK and mariella are besties and brunch buddies and they talk shit together and are silly
mariella is also supportive of stannarrator but she’s more actively excited. sometime over brunch stanley’s like “….guys i think i’m attracted to my narrator” and TK’s like “i’m well aware can you stop it” but at the same time mariella goes “oh thank you for noticing go bag him !!!!!” she hypes them up (much to TK’s dismay.) it makes stanley laugh but the narrator finds it just as embarrassing to have mariella cheerleading as he does to have TK praying on their downfall
i woke up today with more headcanons so i’m glad i queued this one moment :3
the narrator is sooooo agoraphobic he’s freaked out really bad by lots of people and big open spaces. it’s why the parable is mostly confined and why his discovery of TK is a big scare. it’s also why the curator doesn’t immediately alert him of her presence- she doesn’t want to over crowd him
this agoraphobia eventually spreads to stanley bc he got so used to being in the parable. similar to how he’d freak out if he was ever truly alone he’d panic in a big public space because all the people and stimulation would be incredibly overwhelming- if it gets loud enough for him to struggle to hear the narrator or crowded enough for him to lose sight of him he’d panic
if they ever escaped the parable they would be INCREDIBLY non-functional. they’d need therapy but i don’t think either of them could make the call to get an appointment. the narrator would be happy with a suburban-sized house but with the crowds and their lack of cash they’d probably need to squat somewhere rural where they wouldn’t be caught. but then all the empty space would freak the narrator out so after food and water the first priority would be building a fence so he doesn’t feel so lost. i don’t think either of them could get jobs but maybe stanley could get wifi working and do stuff remotely. MAYBE. stanley would be the only one with legal id in the first place but idk if it’d be valid
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calronhunt · 2 years
on the topic of the young cob cast what were they like as young teens? like if there were bands and stuff what bands were they into? would they have emo phases?
-cracks fingers- finally my useless Knowledge of these characters lives comes in handy
Mattias first cause hes easiest: hi mattias is a Swiftie. Sorry. He listens to You Belong With Me and goes "Its Just Like Me." Other things that he was into as a teen (and still is as a 25 year old): pokemon, digimon, dnd, anime (but specifically like, wolf's rain, soul eater, bleach. That shit), etc. Etc. Mattias has a very wild imagination as a kid and teenager that his mother really encouraged so hes very passionate about the things he likes and doesn't care if they "childish" or not
Theron: if theron had access to MCR as a kid it would blow his mind. I know it would. Sadly, he was a little greek shadowhunter boy getting told that being gay is terrible and awful by his mother and father. Basically how we see him at the start of the flashbacks in cob is how he was when he was like 10-14. He really wanted to prove to his father that he was serious and wasn't childish. Didn't have many hobbies. Liked to read, but mostly trained.
Dominic: shy, but spoiled little guy. Cicero really gave him the world and tried to do everything for him. Dom didn't have many other kids to interact with before the academy so he mostly just consumed whatever media his dad consumed. So he read a lot of books, listened to a lot of weird Dad Music (you know the kind), etc. He also wasn't great at talking to adults either though. He was really clingy to cicero and was like. Super super worried about going to the academy because he'd never been without cicero before (and also it made him worried about being abandoned again).
Ava: she was the Art kid in school. I DON'T THINK IVE ACTUALLY SAID THIS ANYWHERE, YEAH AVA DRAWS DHAJHSJD. She has basically the same attitude she has now, but a bit more carefree and less rule-followy. Id anyone were to have an emo phase before the academy it's Ava. Probably did. She probably has pictures of her wearing some all black outfit to middleschool that she doesn't show anyone. Listened to MCR uhhhhh other...emo bands. I can't think of many rn. She probably still listens to them but not as much as she did.
Nerissa: Nerissa as a teenager was being emotionally neglected by her parents oops! She mostly read books that they had in their personal library and didn't do much else. Her parents weren't ever around to train her, and they had a nanny but she wasn't a shadowhunter, just a mundane with the sight. So Nerissa didn't really get taught how to properly fight like a shadowhunter. Which is why she is an archer. Nerissa was maybe a biiiit more expressive as a teenager, but nothing like. Groundbreaking. She's always been very mute with her emotions, and also why shes very blunt
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humannish · 28 days
Just asking out of curiosity. I'm trying to get into more genres of metal, so if there's any recommendations for black metal, please do share, as I am still in my nu-metal phase, and I feel like a dork 💔 have a good dayyyyyy :]
incoming yap session. sorry i just love black metal.
so as far as black metal i say start with the classics/ basics: mayhem, burzum, darkthrone, old school Satyricon, emperor, venom, bathory. from there youll discover and find more stuff that youll like. other bands like blasphemy, conquerer and archgoat are some bestial black metal bands witha more primal and chaotic death metal sound. i reccomend using bandcamp (website and app) and rate your music (website) to discover more bands, as well as black metal dedicated youtube channels that release demos/albums by all kinds of bands. theres so much good bm out there bro.
take time to learn about the different styles of black metal. not only is it helpful to be knowledgable but it makes it easier to find what you like. for example theres raw black metal, symphonic black metal, bestial black metal, melodic black metal, depressive suicidal black metal (DSBM), atmospheric black metal, blackened sludge metal, and so on and so forth. its a schizophrenic amount of bm genres out there atp.
Dark ambient and dungeon synth are common genres Black metal fans like so Id check those out too. Ghöest is a nice dungeon synth band I like to listen to.
STAY AWAY from "DSBM" blackgaze emo retarded ass bands like lifelover, happy days, decalius, whatever the fuck those bands suck theyre just emo larping as black metal. they are not DSBM. stick to the real stuff.
Also NSBM is National Socialist Black Metal its where alot of Nazis and shit like to hang out so I reccomend staying away if youre not into that kind of thing.
Overall dont worry too much about how "problematic" a band is and just enjoy the music.
End of yap session sorry i just love talking to ppl about metal.
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hi hi hello its your srs im so sorry for disappearing the end of semester is always super busy for me 😔 i will get better i promise
ah so you're the Tech Dude (gender neutral) of the film industry! it's such a huge responsibility to manage all that during performances, especially live ones! do you feel like a wizard when lights begin flashing at the wave of your hand? :D you said you like directing and writing, do you get to do that or do you still have to like, climb the ranks of the industry? and what kind of movies do you want to direct?
ooohh that boy is CHUNKY. such a serious guy. very businesslike fellow. he looks like a Grant to me. and you call him baby 😭 adorable omg. i would like you to give him one thousand kisses on his cute little forehead on my behalf
ugh it would be cool if it wasn't so politicized. which is logical, because it's politics after all, but sometimes the amount of sheer propaganda really grates on my nerves. i can now impress relatives with my scattered knowledge during family gatherings tho 😂 and it helped me realise that i don't want anything to do with politics whatsoever in my life so that's something i guess. i would like to translate books for a living, or become an editor, or video games writer, something similar to that.
well i havent been doing art very long so im still on the "redrawing photos" stage to get the hang of anatomy and lighting. i can't send any pictures or links while im on anon, but when the secret santas are revealed i can give you a link to my art blog, if you'd like :)
ah i love a lot of music from all the decades starting from the 60s, but my fave will always be the 80s glam metal i think. it's just so outrageously self-indulgent. but the emo and alternative music of 00s and 10s is a close second because of its concentration on emotions and inner life. also because ive never left my angst emo teen phase im a huge fan of hard rock and metal with female vocals too. my taste is firmly located in rock and metal genres but within those it's all over the place really 😅 and what about you?
p.s. if you ever feel an urge to attach photos of your cat to your replies, do not hesitate to do so <3
you are ABSOLUTELY okay, i've also been swinging wildly between everything. i hope that the end of the semester has been kind to you!!
i am!! and YES I DO,, i have Ultimate Power (well. to an extent...) and when i did the spotlight operating it was very amusing to watch people realize there were people up there, and then that they suddenly couldn't see those people because we got the light board turned on d:^)
because i'm still a student (and still learning how things go), i can do some work with it now (which i'm SUPER happy about)!! admittedly, i don't have a ton of experience yet... but that's what this is all for d:) ideally, once i can do the just-work part, i'll be able to go right into it... but there is a decent amount of having to climb up, depending on how things end up going for you!! which is okay with me, too, as long as the work is pleasant. and unfortunately,,, i'm still not quite positive what movies i'm most interested in working on, though i'd love to do something spies, or horror movies, and i also have some hopes for a few documentaries if i can get them to let me do it!!
YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!!! he has a little business-like grant face. little working man, working hard at the bread factory (so i can steal all his bread) AND being a bedside doctor-nurse (there was one time where i was very sick and fell asleep in the floor and he jumped over to lead me back to the bed <3) he has been given SO MANY LITTLE FOREHEAD KISSES and he appreciates them all. he gives you many many purrs and also a little cheek lick in return d:)
ohhh god yeah that makes sense (and i’m so sorry you have to deal with all the propaganda stuff,,, it’s Super Very Not Good) BUT!! that’s still SUPER cool (you’re the kind of person to have for trivia nights!!) and it’s good that it’s helped you figure out a little bit about what you’re interested in!! anD ALL OF THAT SOUNDS SO COOL??? i think it could be possible to do a little of all, if you wanted to!! (also--once you can come off anon, don’t let me recruit you to my silly little project, too. ...do you happen to know any german?) 
that’s very fair!! any work is still work, though, and i’m very proud of you!! i’d really like that d:’) 
and YESSSS it’s about the same here--sometimes, having fun IS best!! you really are just A Legend™ and i’m honored to know you ALREADY, 
i will!!! i’ll be attaching as many as possible. here, have the creation of catam d:) 
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fireandspiceland · 3 years
Can I get an uhhhhhhh TurSic or TurGre with the attached Plutarch, Alexandros, 11, (Fig. 1) TurSic maybe referencing how the Ottoman Empire last tried conquer Sicily in 1571 (and had their ass handed to them by the Sicilians under Spanish Leadership in Fontane Bianche), when Michele was just a teenager, or just some TurGre, with Herakles referencing his own growth and being a bold little shit like Alex the pretty alright III. Or, OR, Third Alternative, some Cat. 56 (Fig. 2) with TurGreSic, in the vein of 'Oh, haven't you heard? About our open relationship?' Or if you prefer seperate acts, have the funfact that the 'threat' of oral sex was more associated with humiliation, while anal sex with punishment. Thinking along the lines of degrading your rival and punishing your girl.
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(Fig. 1)
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(Fig. 2)
I'm actually so sorry for having a breakdown in your inbox but. if I have ANYTHING to look forward in the next two weeks that isn't Uni, I'd be eternally grateful. I'll probably also get whiplash when I see this insane ask again (I also DO NOT CARE for any historical inaccuracies, you should not have to do any research for this, my brain is just Wired Like This & sees ancient texts as viable inspiration). HDGDL, sorry for being your friend, you can also 100% refuse this ask <3
you stop being sorry about sending long asks and being my friend this instant okay?! I love getting requests and you even gave me stuff to work with! What could be better than this? :D I hope you like what I wrote for you.
OC(s): APH Sicily - Michele Vento
-> infidelity, but not really. it's more of a roleplay between them, no one's really mad. open relationship between Sadik and Herakles, Michele makes them both feel like they are the third wheel.
The groan that fell from Michele's lips was a mixture of pleasure and annoyance. He gripped Herakles‘ sides a little tighter as his body was rocked back and forth with each thrust. The man hovering above him leaned down to place his head on Michele's shoulder. Sweat dropped from Heracles' forehead onto Michele's hot skin, making him shiver.
"Just a little..."
Another powerful thrust had Michele cry out, his painfully hard dick trapped between their bodies, but it still wasn't enough. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes from the need to find release so badly. When he noticed Herakles' movements getting more lazy again, he pushed the other man with a grunt and flipped them over.
Taking advantage of the new position, Michele quickly found his pace, riding Herakles who held onto the others' hips. He tried to take the lead again, but soon gave in to the pleasure Michele’s movements brought them both.
“Fuck,” Michele exclaimed, his voice strained, “I think I’m gonna-“
“Now that’s a sight to behold.”
Both Michele and Herakles froze with Michele collapsing on top of Herakles’ torso. A sob rippled through his body, mourning his now ruined orgasm. The pain from being so close to coming was still apparent and he gasped when Herakles sat up while still inside him.
“I thought you were out for the night,” he stated towards his husband, who was leaning against the doorframe to the living room.
“Change of plans.” Sadik shrugged and mustered his half dressed husband on the floor and their naked neighbour on top of him. “And it seems they changed in my favour.”
Herakles rolled his eyes at Sadik and petted Michele’s back, who grumbled something into Herakles’ pecs. They had been in similar situations, but this was still a little embarrassing.
“What are you doing?” Herakles frowned at Sadik and watched him step closer to where Michele and him were still lying on the carpet in the middle of the room.
Sadik reached out to pat Michele’s back, making the other man shiver at the hot touch on his now cold, sweaty skin. “Get up. Did you really think you could come into my house and fuck my husband without any consequences?”
The accusation made Michele stiffen. Sadik noticed the muscles in his back tense up before they relaxed again and Michele slowly pulled himself away from the protective space against Herakles chest.
“Is this really necess-“ Sadik lifted a hand to silence his husband. Another roll of Herakles’ eyes made the corner of Sadik’s lip quiver upwards.
In the meantime Michele had found his breath and voice again, with a glare directed at Sadik he quipped “For once I agree with your husband, whatever you think you’re doing seems very uncalled for.”
Sadik snorted at the comment and raised a curious eyebrow. “Now look at you little slut thinking you’ve got a say in this.” Now it was Michele who rolled his eyes at Sadik. The last comment had been more than just cliché. This could’ve been right out of a porno.
With a sigh Sadik shook his head, but his expression was still one of amusement as he undid the fly of his jeans. “You two are no fun. At least try to look guilty.”
Michele opened his mouth to say something but Herakles was faster. “You want me to play embarrassed because oh no!” Herakles shot Sadik with his best puppy eyes. “You caught me! Fucking the hot neighbour while I thought my husband to be at work!”
For emphasis Herakles put his hands on Michele’s hips while lazily fucking into him, drawing a surprised moan from the man on top of him. Sadik chuckled at the display and pulled his half hard dick from his pants.
A deep blush crept onto Michele’s cheeks as he mustered the thick head of Sadik’s cock as he stroked himself to full hardness. He felt Herakles twitch inside him and gasped.
“Suck it.” Sadik nudged the wet tip of his cock against Michele’s cheek, making him turn his head. “Since you like married men filling your holes.”
Only reluctantly Michele parted his lips when Sadik prodded against them. Herakles watched him take his husband’s cock further in his mouth and bob his head a few times before Sadik took a tight grip on Michele’s head. He hit the back of Michele’s throat repeatedly, his thrusts soon becoming more sloppy.
Herakles shivered at the thought of his husband marking the man on top of him and snapped his hips upwards, causing Michele to lose his balance and choke. Sadik only let go for a moment to let him catch his breath before going back to fucking Michele’s throat, never letting his look go anywhere else than his now teary eyes.
Without looking at his husband, Sadik lifted one hand to shut him.
“You’re not getting away so easily either. Just wait for your turn.”
The demanding tone had Herakles throw his head back and roll his hips again. Michelle jerked as he grazed his prostate and moaned around Sadik’s cock. The vibrations sent a final wave of pleasure through Sadik’s body and he pulled Michele’s head back, watched thick ropes of cum splatter his cheeks and lips.
A noise of discomfort came from Michele, who had his eyes pressed shut tightly, but the feeling of Herakles twitch and jerk inside him quickly eased the tension. When he opened his eyes, Sadik was crouched down next to him. He gripped Michele’s chin and pressed a kiss to his cheek, licking up a little of the cum in the process.
Michele cleared his sore throat and gave him an impatient look. “Am I done here? I don’t want to-“
“Of course not. You came here to get fucked by my husband, didn’t you?” Sadik looked down at Herakles in disapproval. “But from what I saw you can’t even satisfy a slut like him, so I’ll show you how it’s done.”
Herakles wanted to protest, but was cut off by his husband’s instructions for Michele to get onto the couch and for him to kneel behind him. The soft cushions were a welcome change for Michele’s knees and he settled himself onto the sofa - ass up, head down - without any protest. Might as well finish what we started.
Michele gasped when Herakles pushed into his hole again, sliding into it easily. Since he got to know about his neighbours’ open marriage, he had been involved with them several times, and Sadik being there to guide Herakles got his hopes of getting off tonight up again.
“What are you- Fuck.”
Herakles bucked his hips into Michele when he felt Sadik slick fingers scissoring him open. He leaned forward to give him better access, fucking deeper inside Michele. His hole was still stretched from being played with earlier this night and Sadik tsked with mocked disappointment. It didn't take long for a litany of curses to fall from Herakles lips, his desperation only making Sadik's arousal grow again.
“I’m gonna fuck you so you can learn how fo satisfy a man.”
With that Sadik lines himself up behind Herakles, pushing inside in one swift movement. Herakles nearly collapsed onto Michele, but tried to keep himself upright.
“Just follow my lead.”
The pace Sadik set was relentless, his thrusts hard enough to let Michele feel the force of them as well. He gripped Herakles' hips, changing the angle slightly to make Herakles hit his prostate with every combined thrust of the husbands.
After a few more thrusts, hitting him just like he needed it, Michele finally found release, coming into the space between his stomach and the cushions beneath him. His body went limp from exhaustion, aftershocks still rippling through his body after Herakles had slipped out of him.
Michele still felt Herakles’ hard cock dragging against his back with every one of Sadik’s thrusts. The sounds he made were desperate, pleading, Michele swore he heard a sob at some point, but was too blissed out to care. He only hummed in response when he felt Herakles’ cum on his back and heard Sadik scream out in pleasure.
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comicaurora · 2 years
If you don’t mind, what are some of the other characters form the urban fantasy thing? This seems really interesting!
Hoo boy, aside from the stock characters I by law must include (the entire cast of A Midsummer Night's Dream, etc) there's a bunch, of which this is a few-
Nadia, wielder of Nuada's silver hand and his Claíomh Solais. Very slowly singlehandedly repelling an invasion of Fomoire from the sea, where they were banished by the Tuatha Dé Danann millennia ago. While Nuada is only dead, the other Tuatha have completely faded away and can no longer affect the real world, and Nuada's silver hand is his only physical anchor to reality. Nadia, for her part, lost her arm in a car wreck as a child caused by something that was definitely not a deer, and this sudden traumatic induction into the knowledge that there is a reality beyond her own caused her to be more than willing to play host to an ancient dead god if it meant she could fight back. Technically one of the world's most powerful sorcerers, but since she's using ancient divine magic it's considered a bit of a cheat by other wizards.
Leda, a former "swan bride" who was trapped in human form by a wizard whose ass she subsequently kicked. Runs a shelter that's broadly for anyone who needs it but fills the specific niche of helping out Secret Worlders who need support or a place to stay. The most well-established Secret Worlder in the "real world" since she needs to do stuff like rent a location and pay taxes. Has no magic abilities but a lot of social connections and doesn't seem to age.
Logan Lee, one of the oldest vampires in the world. Died in the Goryeo-Khitan War in 1009. Looks like he's in his late teens, which is young enough that certain real-world things are inconvenient for him. Discovered several centuries back that the energizing properties of coffee can keep him going without needing blood as long as he drinks a lot of it, so obviously his only recourse was to smuggle coffee beans out of Arabia and jumpstart the entire global coffee trade. Works as the man-behind-the-man-behind-the-man running the global coffee corporation this grew into, and works his day job as an innocuous low-level barista in the same chain. Bankrolls a lot of secret world stuff that otherwise would never be able to break even. A bit detached from reality, but tends to show up whenever things are getting complicated, because he sort of collects interesting heroic people and the experience of going on adventures with them.
Erik. His father is a selkie, his mother was a marine biologist and lighthouse-keeper, it's a tale as old as time. They've recently and abruptly moved inland from the coast and Erik kind of hates having to adjust to a less-coastal life, and he knows his dad is also uncomfortable having to suddenly live in human form almost full-time, but neither of his parents are willing to tell him about all the monsters that have started coming up out of the ocean. He's going through a bit of an emo phase.
Aila, descendant of Tam Lin. Everyone in her family line is marked by a streak of silver hair, reflecting that Tam Lin's hair became colorless during his time in the fairy realm. Aila is the first descendant born with her hair entirely white, and she's since dyed it an innocuous brown and buried herself in oversized green sweatshirts and antique cast-iron jewelry to stave off attention from her "fairy godmother", who has been trying to re-abduct Tam Lin's descendants ever since Janet "stole" him away from her. Aila is accompanied by an emotional support dog, Lucille, that is very good at identifying things human eyes can't see. Her parents are very mild-mannered and absolute experts at warding off fey.
Jonah, a werewolf. His extended family is enormous, wealthy and structured like an actual wolf pack - as in, run by a couple generations of extremely organized parents and alarmingly willing to adopt everybody. Looks like a classic good-hearted golden retriever jock, and basically is. Very clicked in with the "real world" but from a rather sheltered and privileged angle, and the most likely of the cast to indulge in casual superheroics. Has needed "emergency pants" on several occasions.
Aden, an incubus from a Mesopotamian dream realm who decided he wasn't into any of that stuff and left for the real world to live a Normal And Totally Chill Life. Not a demon in any meaningful sense and not susceptible to any traditional methods of exorcism, but he is preternaturally attractive and sets off the alarm bells of any wizardy people around. Unconvincingly attempts to pass for a completely normal person who knows absolutely nothing about any secret worlds. He's kinda like if Helen of Troy went into witness protection. Jonah's roommate.
Serena, a young witch who lives in a beautiful extradimensional island with her moms Morgan and Hildr. The pocket dimension may or may not be Avalon. Very sheltered in her own way, with a touch of the Erin-like hubris, eg "I know everything that matters and everything else is irrelevant." Uninterested in reshaping reality but curious about life on earth, as both her moms decided they weren't interested in staying there a very long time ago. Has a tendency to sneak out. Specializes in a form of magic that involves summoning the spirits of constellations.
Bruno, Serena's cousin. A completely normal human with absolutely no powers. The only weird thing about him is his mother is Gunnr, a valkyrie shieldmaiden with a big spear and a flying wolf. She isn't home very often. When Serena sneaks into the real world, Bruno is the one who shows her around and explains the lay of the land. He knows a lot about the secret world but doesn't really think this is much of a big deal and mostly minds his business.
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