#fem Bruce Wayne
ayspooky1 · 2 months
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More Cat!BatBlob & BatMimikyu with wings.
BatMimikyu keeps the eggs warm until the hatch will soon.
Batman was injured badly, he turns into a Cat!BatBlob. His soul separated from the injured body. His friends tried to find a way to change him back.
BatMimikyu with Fluffy for @lovesick-joey
Pink BatMimikyu for @kiunlo
I hope you like it. 😉
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bruciemilf · 11 months
fem bruce ideas?
Gosh, it's so hard to like. Translate how a simple gender shift would change a character. Because on one hand I wanna be like, " nothing would be different. Why does it have to be different?"
But on another, sadder hand, it's everything. Everything would be different.
This might be kinda controversial, but I genuinely think fem Bruce would simply know, like Monday follows sunday: she wanted motherhood. That's just something she wanted. Maybe something she excluded from the realm of possibility, discarded in the trash when Batman crawled to life, but it was wanted.
EVERY Robin was wanted. Every single one.
Thomas and Alfred would put bee hairclips in her hair, because she wouldn't brush it otherwise. "The comb feels weird, dads!"
I'm melting at these two calling her "honeybee." Martha loved to let her daughter's pudgy hands paint her face clown white and give her cherry lipstick kisses.
Bryce wears the pearl necklace. Everywhere. It was her mother's favorite gift, from her mother, and many mothers before her. Why does a weak man decide what it means?
Listen. There's beauty, and there's Wayne beauty.
All I'm saying is; Dick learned very quickly to "accidentally" spill his drinks on people at gala. To "faint out of nowhere. Oh gosh, I seem to be struck by illness!"
I think it'd be absolutely adorable if Ollie and Bryce had a casual affection for eachother. Ollie fixes her hair in a braid, in rare moments where it sneaks out of the cowl. He can still recreate Thomas' patterns.
Alfred is the shotgun father but only in a hilarious way. I want him to pull a 47 on Pa Kent and Ra's Al Ghul for trying to adopt his beloved daughter.
Jason is the first batkid who calls her mom. It's hard and difficult and foreign for him. She say he doesn't have to, and he says, " well, you don't leave me much of a choice."
"I'm sorry if you feel forced."
"No, I mean, - that's how I know you are. I could do everything to you and you could do everything to me. We're going to destroy eachother. You'll forgive me for it. How can I not call you mom?"
She packs everyone lunches; Even Justice League members. Especially Clark. Even if he can't string two words together in front of her.
I think she wouldn't get lifts or voice alternators or try to appear more masculine to be intimidating. I simply think she'd be an intimidating woman, and that's it
Harvey never really falls for it.
To him, she's always going to be the girl he married drunk at 18, wasted on tequila and love, and never quite left
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havg02 · 1 month
Fem!Batman headcanons (part 1)
◇Still similar to Bruce. Bryce is still as cold, prissy, reserved, stoic and can be distant--although more scolding but only when she's Batwoman because it's the only where she gets to show her 'undesirable' side/get to speak bluntly as she pleases. She has a childish side too, but it's brushed off as being 'cute/haughty' and rather than broody, she's more gloomy like there's grief in the air around her that makes you feel sad too, and she's less likely to yell in an argument since she gets kind of emotional. If she's done something bad, she'll just be quiet as she's yelled at, but if she's in the right, she'll raise her voice but she'll usually give them this passive yet scolding glance as she sparingly doesn't berate them and simply brushes past the one at fault--the fact she doesn't bother scolding them makes them feel more hot in shame.
◇As Bryce Wayne, she's also the same except she gets to be shy as there's no need to hide it bc people just brush it off and even found it charming since she's a girl. Maybe she's also more humble/vulnerable since woman tend to face more criticism (ESPECIALLY if they're 'too confident') making her passive, elegant, refined, ethereal, lovely, fragile, dainty and soft--just pleasant to look at/be around that will make everyone immediately turn into a gentleman/gentlewoman--a sharp contrast to Batwoman so that no one would ever compare them together. She'll pretend to almost faint at the sight of blood or make herself pale when anyone talks about unpleasant stuff so that people would think she's too soft/weak to ever do something as brutal as Batwoman.
◇Bryce would either be the snobby queen of Gotham or be the Princess Diana of the DC comics by donating to charities/orphanage and be every mother's favourite celebrity. And rather than a playboy she gives more of a princess from a fairy tale vibe whose struggling to find the perfect prince to marry, but Bryce definitely made rumours of being a secret man-eater just so that men would stop courting her/scare off any creeps who like 'pure, shy, innocent' girls like her. Bryce Wayne=coquette/old money. Batwoman=dark feminine/gothic. But they both are give off victorian era style because its affiliated with death/grief. She dresses up like Elle from Legally Blond, like in the movie Pretty Woman or those vintage barbies-- just classy 1930s or 2000 fashion.
◇She speaks in a pretty silky lithe voice with some childishness to it bc she's still sort of mentally a child due to her traumatic childhood. Yet when she's Batwoman, it's more low/breathy (cuz she tired yet full of adrenaline) that makes criminals immediately freeze. It's a lot more dramatic change than Bruce and Batman since a lot of their traits can be excused as just simple common man traits but she's still just as admired and respected, though probably more feared. But even though Bryce's so intimidating she's so ethereal in appearance that no one can help but stare at her secretly at how lovely she is, and the vulnerable sadness about her which isn’t so secretive when she can't help show it when she thinks she's alone doesn’t help either, only charming everyone even more into gaining a soft spot just for her.
◇Shares the same trauma traits too ofc (unhinged, avoidant, pushes away, paranoia.....etc) but displays them in a different 'less obvious way' since I feel like as a girl she would hide all these 'imperfections' behind a 'proper lady-like' appearance like being dainty, level headed, gentle, kind.....etc, in a way that won't ruin the mood in the air and it wont make her look weaker as it's hard to look tough as a woman, and since she's born in a wealthy family it would be ingrained in her to act like a mature lady. Because of that, Batwoman is known to be quiet, cold, elegant with a shy side. I'd like to think Bryce isn't as strong about the no-killing rule as Bruce is, especially if it regards children due to her motherly instincts but still preaches it anyway for more people to not resort to killing despite rough times as she doesn't want people to start thinking they're just killing anyone, let alone go to jail for it as well.
◇This is a joke, but if everyone all have a sort of crush on her, that'd be hilarious-- The Justice League will be troubled as they'll have to be around her the most. She drops something? Flash will pick it up for her before it even hits the ground. There's a giant robot terrorising everyone and she needs help but is too prideful to ask? Superman will destroy within a second to save her time and energy (and lowkey impress her). Her safety is compromised due to an injury? Wonderwoman will guard her! Is the batplane broken? That's okay, Green Lantern will carry her like a gentlemen!--they all just show support in a way that won't make her mad and tell them she doesn't need help and when she catches them staring with her appraising eyes, they immediately look away blushing while internally freaking out. Even her enemies speak to her with a bit of politeness as if they can't help it and they hate it!
◇This lady is the it-girl of Gotham, the queen bee. The gothic version of Princess Diana. She'll spend most of her cash on orphanage and schools when she's got money to burn from all the photo shoots with fashion/cosmetic companies like Dior, Chanel, Victoria Secret, YSL, Kate Spade.....etc. But the number 1 thing she uses is perfumed body powder to help her suit not stick/sweat, like she would use a big swansdown puff to dust it on her and I could even imagine her make her own one with soothing ingredients/chemicals/scents which instantly calms victims that it becomes a well known smell of comfort in Gotham and Batwoman signature scent. So when the police goes to a scene, they know Batwoman was here because they'll smell it in the air or when someone is getting mugged, they don't have to worry because they'll know that she's around.
◇But scent could reveal her identity, so Bryce makes the body powder washable so no one can smell it on her when she's in public. The scent is purposely made to be comforting/familiar like childhood so it would be powdery like baby powder and floral like your mom's makeup or flower garden at home/school, warm spicy with cinnamon for the nostalgic smell, yet intimidating with gunpowder. It may even contain a chemical that can turn violent urges into fear to lower the criminal's defences. But overall it's supposed to be such an amazing scent that it helps release calming/dopamine chemicals from your brain to distract you from the traumatic smell of blood or pull you out of dissociation. And it works, there's been so many people online looking for a perfume that smells like her and begging her to tell them the name of it.
◇But alas, Batwoman can't tell or else criminals might mistake them for her and hurt them. She couldn't anyway since it's made for her where it only smells good on her skin that the Batfam are lucky that they're close to her. It's the iconic smell of Batwoman that lingers in the Batcave. Another thing, bc of the calluses and scars, Bryce has SERIOUS hand/skincare. She always wears hand masks full of sweet almond oil, rose wax, lotions and violet water to bed and put nail oil/ handcream to keep soft pretty hands. As for her scars, she knows a bunch of beauty tricks or goes to special clinics to be pampered since again, she'll face more critism about her appearance as a woman and it'll be suspicious bc it's not common for a rich lady with a famous malevolent personality while men just can be brushed off as a lot of mens interests consist of a lot of workout. Sure, she'll still use expensive stuff like Erno Lazlo, Elizabeth Arden, Estee Lauder, Lancome and Jill Stuart.
◇And that brings up the rest of her body appearance. She's bound to have a muscular figure from all that training so Bryce would probably find workouts where she can stay slim while strong at the same time but her muscles obviously end up still showing so she has to make excuses to people that she's working out in hopes of staying younger and in good health now that she's getting older or that she just wants to 'tone up' her arms. She'll maybe even upload videos of her doing exercising to explain it all at once to everyone and claim she wants to help change people's views that women can be just as strong. Also, I think after she finds out that she can't carry her kids again soon anymore when she realises they could be too big to be carried anymore, like Jason who's already tall as her, she'll keep training just so that she could still be able to hold them incase there's danger.
◇Jason definitely mocked she won't be as dainty like she used to be anymore, until he has a flashbacks in the middle of a battle where he just wants to hide somewhere small and Batwoman flutters down, landing softly like a petal and her cape fluttering behind her like butterflies. She'll envelope him in a firm protective hold like a warm blanket with her cape as his nose fills in with her scent that instantly pulls him out of his state back to reality with immediate feeling of pure relief as he knows Bryce will go through hell and back to make sure her kids are okay as she gets him out of there. The Batfam won't dare say it outloud because of their pride but they really love snuggling & hiding under her cape like they used to as kids bc it's the first coping mechanism they used to do when they first started being vigilantes.
◇Bryce is clueless to this and just thinks of it as a sign that her kids still love her but if she ever asks, they'll deny it and low-key gaslight her into self-doubt and Bryce will get flustered while using prepared excuses. This is probably what makes up the terrible traits of Bruce that Bryce doesn't have, she gets manipulated her kids easily or let's them go more easily with a little firm scolding as she's more sensitive about how she is as a parent than Bruce (motherly instincts are stroong) and her cluelessness to dealing with youngsters is a lot more endearing because she tries so hard to figure out on her own but ends up asking Damian for help in defeat/embarrassment with hot rosy cheeks. Everyone teases her about it lightheartedly while Dick cooes at her in reassurance as he's chuckling.
◇Is more thoughtful/considering regarding to her kids feelings than Bruce because Bryce's just scared of being a bad mother as mothers tend to be more judged than fathers who can get away with things like being too busy to play with their kids, and fully knowing how she is, she heavily relies on giving them affirmation or just actions as it's the least thing she can do--like when she first adopted Dick, she was hesitant to speak to him and avoided him by going to work during the day and going to patrol during the night from worrying about how awkward she might come off but when Dick asked if she only adopted him to make her look good in the public eye, she felt so terribly sorry for him that Bryce decided she wouldn't care how awkward she'd look anymore since she found that seeing her kids feeling reassured and not left hanging was much better.
◇And it can be about anything, just speaking honestly. Like casually telling them she's been worrying that she might be suffocating with her overprotectiveness and telling them to make sure to tell her if they ever feel frustrated with her since she admits she still needs to be told off as well despite her pride since she loves her kids that she'd rather admit defeat than them to resent her. Scared of looking silly due to being unable to communicate<<<<<Just get used to communicating. She sucks it up as she fears hurting them more than herself, so it's highly unlikely she'd ever raise her hand at them unless they crossed a line or something really bad. But she'll still end up accidentally saying something pretty harsh out of frustration, too. If she can't say I love you at the moment, Bryce will just go up to cuddle/kiss them randomly and everyone has gotten used to it.
◇She's a purse mom, she's got EVERYTHING like snacks or coffee candy for anyone feeling tired, a sewing kit to fix costumes, an mp3 with soothing music or white noise, mini umbrella, chargers, hand sanitizers, heat pads.....etc. like a real life Mary Poppins. When she sees a child in distress, Bryce has the exact things needed to calm them down. And honestly it surprises the batfamily themselves but ofc, she's the Batwoman so everyone jist accepts it. But it can't be helped when she pulls a thermos full of hot cocoa out of nowhere, despite it being perfect for warming up nonetheless. She carries those lavender or lilac smelling salts for herself though, cuz coffee can't really be enough sometimes.
◇Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all suffer from the hot-mom syndrome, everyone is drooling over Bryce, as Bryce Wayne AND Batwoman so they can't escape it in normal life and in vigilante life--like they are so OVER their friends asking about her and not so secretly crushing on her. But they mostly get bothered at how people look at her. There have been so many accidents of them punching someone in the face or breaking some bones as a civilian, and all of them are solely because they were saying something jaw dropping-ly sick or misogynistic, it brings this different type of rage in them. ESPECIALLY when they see them say it to her face and Bryce can't help but simply stand there with sad eyes despite the default kind gentle smile on her face, and just take it with grace. But not on their fucking watch, unbeknownst to everyone, these kids have their own personal level of anger issues.
◇Her relationship with her kids is the same except she's less of an asshole, just a suffocating mom who can't help but worry. With Dick, Bryce too made many mistakes with him the most with the one example above and tried to make up for it by spoiling him until she realised that was a terrible idea because the freshly grieving young Dick needed help and love, not be left alone and only given presents. She was also paranoid thinking he might think she's replacing his mother which she didn't like the thought of either so she made sure to tell him that she doesn't want to replace his mother and he can call her by her name, look at her as a mom, big sister or simply like an aunt. And she sees Dick understanding what she means, she's so relieved.
◇Bryce ofc tries to prevent ways to stop him from being a vigilante but when he leaves her no choice but to make him a vigilante, she's afraid what he might do if she still says no so she gets an idea and makes him a deal; she would train him until he at least became 16 where he would at least be almost an adult by that time. So she trains him as a way of also helping him with his grief which she enjoys because she feels like this is what she can really do as it was something they had in common. But the funny part is when Dick first sees her training, he's like ??? How does a dainty woman do something brutal like this?? Oh and we all know how angry Dick was as a kid that it made Bryce often not regret taking him in for his safety because she worried at the thought of him acting like that with someone else and be mistreated/misunderstood because of it then realise she's the perfect person to help him.
◇But Bryce still at least lets him join the young justice league/form Teen Titans as a way for him to experience firsthand and when he grows up to looking like he's actually doing well off, she starts to see his potential and relaxes, even thinking she could raise him to be better than her. Until one day when Dick gets shot, she realises she's been playing around her luck and the world had come to remind her of it so she fires Dick out of fear, like she fully has a silent panic attack which surprises Dick despite being mad. But being a kid, he doesn't understand and just wants to get out of her shadow so even though they don’t have a fighting match, he leaves, leaving her lonely again for the longest time but when she hears from Babs that he's doing well as she didn't dare ask him personally as she felt like she didn't have the right to, she's relieved that he's at least alright/happy.
◇Yet before Dick leaves, Bryce who knows she may not see him again after he spoke hurtful words to her, still asks him to graciously give her a chance to let him know that even if he wanter to leave him alone from now on, he's still welcome in this manor as he was everything to her. She even sent him birthday gifts/letters through Superman after he left since he was his favourite superhero, in hopes he'd let her do this too, saying how proud she is and what a good decision he made to leave her side as she admits to also needing to be 'faced with reality'. At first Dick is unsure what to think of her words at that day before he moved out and just ignored the presents but when he grows up to understands and reads the letters, he immediately kneels over, clutching his chest with heartache for her--maybe feeling guilt too as she wasn't as special as his mom, she was still one for the rest of his childhood.
◇He quickly returns to the manor to apologize at least for the hurtful words, only to be met with her gentle, forgiving smile and be embraced in welcome sorry arms that he didn't realised he had missed. He also missed being overprotected by her and secretly longings for her dotings again as it reminds him of his mother so he might be a little jealous of Jason at first, thinking she's shown him more love to him than she did with him. But Bryce is too scared of making him leave again so she doesn’t baby him again unfortunately, after all she appreciates him so much because he's like the blueprint for her in parenthood, he opened up/caved a way for her to know how to raise kids/deal with her kids moving on/to get used to viewing them as equals. Bonus points when she finds it funny when she sees Dick take on a parent role for others.
◇Dick in canon feels like he can't get away from Batman and his shadows and I think with Bryce, he'd feel the same but without having to fulfill a role. After all, its Batwoman and he's not a woman. BUT people might still be expecting a Batman to be debuted anyway cuz patriarchy says there's got to be a guy when there's a strong woman as if she's not allowed to be self made 😮‍💨 and that annoys Dick a lot since he knows the whole purpose of Batwoman being made to be alone in the first place, but again! I have this idea that when Bryce dies, people are going to wonder about the new batwoman or a Batman to fill in the space so if Babs or Kate somehow doesn't take her role, Dick or Jason might end up becoming the first Batman. But if Dick and Jason don't, then he'll just simply feel like he's always kind of affiliated with her, at least.
◇So Dick turns out a little better than with Bryce but he's still finds his life being raised by her bittersweet/gloomy than lonely in canon. He's still terrified of disappointing her ofc but he warmly knows she'll slap him for thinking that. But when Bryce meets Jason, she adopts him only temporarily at first after finding out the orphanage she sent him to turned out to be sketchy. And with her knowledge about his life, she makes up for it with infinite patience/love while she finds another orphanage for him so when she sees him open up for the first time, she's charmed by just how lovely he actually is. After the scare with Dick getting shot, she doesn't turn him into Robin and doesn't want Jason who was raised with violence be met with more violence. If he did, she'd make it clear that she doesn't expect him be as good as Dick so he wouldn't feel pressured/unconfident so he wouldn't grow to resent her like Dick did from being in her shadow.
◇When Jason starts to call her mom, she's anxious/touched/heartbroken for him knowing that he didn't have anyone to tell what a good boy he is so she always made sure that he knew that, and Jason was bewildered by her passion by it at first then left feeling awkward/little sad/comforted cuz y'know. Bryce was surprised when Jason turns out to be more sweeter/good at grades than Dick despite his brashness and she didn’t expect anything from him but she loved him so much she went to find his mom Sheila because she believes he deserves to love with his real mom as she firmly believed a child should always be with their biological mother for that special bond that would affect the way they live in the future. And before she gets them to meet, she trains Jason basic self-defense so that he could learn to defend himself and maybe let him be Robin for a few times so she could test him. Or just not at all.
◇And when Dick gets mad, she's very guilty since she knows how personal the mantle is to Dick but at the same time protects Jason from Dick's words and makes sure to direct his anger at her/explain it was only just a few times for a test. This probably puts Dick in a bad light to Jason as he hates seeing her cry. After Jason is reunited with his mom, Bryce feels so relieved as if he would be safer with Sheila than with her but when she finds out that Sheila might be working with Joker, she immediately stops/alerts Jason as she invesitgates. And when Jason tries to stop Sheila anyway and dies, she just crashes. Bryce feels like anything she does just goes wrong and is meant to be alone, and dissociates with a panic attack again. I don't want to change Bryce too much but once again, motherly instincts are strong so she'll make sure to kill Joker or won't.
◇Then she'll spiral because she had just killed so Dick/Clark is there for her and either of them try revive Joker to help her but Bryce's still very unwell and unsettled for a long time, which hurts Dick to see. She'll notice that his body is missing in the coffin as she'll visit his grave often with the huge mom guilt she carriew, and freaks out again bc she just lost him again and tries to focus on Tim until Jason comes back. Maybe Jason will let her go as he has a soft spot for her since Bryce had been a better mother than Sheila and he still desperately longs for her but he will still feel like Joker should've been dead completely if she doesn't kill him. Bryce is apologetic anyway as she tried to make up the love he was missing his life yet she couldn't prove that he was to kill for. If she does kill him, then all is well but......
◇She's hesitant when Jason says he's going to live as Red Hood and insists on killing bc she's worried he might die again but he's quick to shut her up bc she did all she could do/gave him a reason to live. It's only until she sees a wind of his skills and is proud. Remembering that he was never apologized to as a kid when he was being abused and his death making it worse, Bryce can't have the heart to scold him but still tells him not to kill too often as she doesn't want him to go to jail. She’s so sad that she couldn't see him fully grow but seeing him as an adult so tall/strong, she's just so happy he's alive. So Jason doesn't resent her as much here, yippee.....? But due to her guilt, Bryce probably tries to please Jason a lot by letting him kill and even hope he moves back to the manor despite her happiness for him when he's living fine with the outlaws.
◇This annoys Dick so much that he argues with her as she stands there infuriatingly quietly as she knows she's doing something bad but Jason defends her calling him the usual Dickhead insult which she can't help but find it funny even when she scolds him. She may have called Dick that one time. Yes it was personal and yes Jason is proud of her while Dick stands there stunned/butthurt. Jason will be the one to kill for her when she can't for her comfort. BUT when he's having troubles, he'll immediately run into her arms where he turns into a little boy again and gets to be vulnerable as he pleases. Bc of Jason's death Tim doesn't debute as Robin (more of this bit below and in part 2) so Jason doesn't go after Tim's throat or resent him this time, except help Bryce on what to do with him when she introduces him and tells him how he managed to follow them to the batcave. Cue Tim fangirling and them having a better relationship at the start.
◇Bryce is immediately alert after finding out Tim managed to follow them to the batcave and interrogates him rather scarily to scare him off. She's incredulous at how a kid like him managed to track them down and would be impressed if she weren't disheveled by the loss of Jason and speaking of which, she does NOT like this and tries to figure out a way to stop Tim from convincing her to be Robin. Dick doesn't bother suggesting on making Tim Robin to help move on from Jason like in Canon because she'll give him a look that could kill. At the end up Bryce will just do what she did with Dick (training Tim until he reaches at least 16) due to the paranoia that this boy could get into danger now that he knew everything. So, Tim doesn't debute as Robin yet and is kept a secret from the world until Jason comes back to life.
◇Being careful, Bryce is worried thinking she might treat Tim coldly out of grief and voices it to Dick but he just smiles softly reassuringly that if she were worried about this even before training him then she wouldn't and besides he would help. At these times she's reminded that Dick is capable on his own but soon after finding out Tim's life, she has what she thinks is some affection for him out of pity which she feels guilty since he deserve better treatment from her than but in reality it's motherly love mixed with guilt of moving on from Jason. She really does her best to not be mean and just at least speak level-headed with Tim. Only after Jason comes back, she realises she did care for him and is so relieved that she did her best on still being kind to him and remember to still make sure to praise Tim despite distancing from him when they weren't training.
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bonniesfamiliar · 7 months
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"SIC PARVIS MAGNA" = "Thus great things from small things (come)"
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killer-kittyluv4u · 1 year
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This isn’t my work btw. I am simply reposting this. I found it on rule 34 😭
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imsorrybruce · 1 year
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@brucewayneweek Day 4: Matches Malone
I decided to do the female version :3
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sunshine-tattoo · 1 year
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Sapphic power couple Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent.
Bruce is a trans woman and Clark's gender is Alien. Literally.
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emma-d-klutz · 2 years
AU where Bruce is genderbent but Jason is not and everything happens about the same as it did/does regardless, except now Jason is drawn with tears down his face at all times because he can’t fight with his mom without crying
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superbeth18 · 3 months
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Probably in future I'll fix Fem Bruce 😔
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southernpeach13 · 2 years
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Superbat: Sleeptight
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moider-time · 2 years
Fem Bruce would absolutely be a BLACK PINK Fan no doubt about it.
Damn y'all are quick and wtf anon you're so wrong, she would be into Dreamcatcher
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Hi! some headcanon about Fem!Bruce, please?
OOOOO lady of the night asks!!
Honestly in a bruharvey mood, so let's go
I think that if DC will ever write a comic where Bruce is a cis woman, if they haven't already, her and Harvey would've fucked 10 times in less than 3 pages
So anyway, high school sweethearts.
Bruce keeps a ring Harvey used to propose to her in a little jewlery box, kept precious under her pillows
It's made of counterfeit silver and has the first words they've said to eachother inscripted inside
Harvey's ring has " h" and hers is " Hi. You're pretty" from when they were like. 8. Harvey wears his EVERYWHERE
I only hate Canon when it doesn't benefit me. I will, however, utilise it to maximise profit.
Harvey canonically is a good partner and husband and you cannot tell me he wouldn't be so obsessed with his wife. He also knows Bryce is Batman by her mannerisms, little details.
Bryce is right handed but she makes sure Batman isn't. Their handwriting isn't the same. All these small insignificant details that anyone would look over.
But. Harvey gets punched in the face after doing something stupid and he's like Yep that's my girl
Whenever Jason and Dick fight they always use the " I'm gonna call mom, " "Oh, you're gonna call mom? Do it, pussy. Wait wait WAIT-" move
It never works with Harvey,
" Oh no don't call dad. Is what I WOULD say if I was a little bitch"
Bryce and Damian always match outfits and Damian makes sure to sketch her at every opportunity. His mothers are his muses. Bryce loves all his art, even if Damian is too shy to show her
" how could a mortal hand hope to capture your beauty on paper" basically Damian is a mommy's boy
Harvey catcalls her when she arrests him. She likes it
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havg02 · 1 month
Fem!Batman headcanons (part 2)
◇By the time she realises she did care for Tim, his parents are dead and she immediately takes him in and only then raise him with actual full love as a sort of apology. She's still hesitant about him being Robin since Jason's death ran deep but seeing that the Teen Titans needed a Robin and Tim's intelligence, with Dick's reassurance, she decides to have another go. And soon enough, everything seems fine. Bryce dotes on Tim like she did with others and is very protective when he gets sick bc of his spleen, constantly scolding him on drinking too much caffeine and fickling about his scrawny appearance as if he's seconds from dying from starvation while Bruce wouldn’t be over the top about it like her. Tim and her have literal showdowns on stopping him from having caffeine.
◇Tim loves it the most when Bryce takes him out to picnic on a nice place and asks him to take pictures for her, then when she's at the gala party, she'll go show the pictures and his grades off for everyone to see how smart and talented he is--Bryce probably becomes more extroverted because of this well since she actually has something to talk about and not rely on her shyness to not talk more often. And when people saying how much she seems to love him and how important he must be reaches his ears, Tim is all mushy inside since he's not used to all this and Bryce can't help but find it amusing when his ears go all red whenever she holds his face and plants a kiss on his head. He's unsure what to feel when she bites his cheek and pinches his baby fat skin out of cuteness aggression.
◇Bryce knew that Dick and Jason couldn't take over her role of being the ceo of the Wayne enterprise so she didn't bother expecting Tim to take it up but when she sees that he's doing pretty great, she's kind of lost at the amount of new free time she has now that she doesn't need to work anymore. Like.....she can actually rest a little longer? It's.....so new. But boy is she thankful for him, maybe a little sorry when he's looking tired from balancing patrols, managing the Teen Titans, and work so she does still the paperwork for him to allow him to rest. And when Tim is having a hard time, he'll go straight to her to cry or for some comfort and curl up while taking whiffs of her scent that he's come to take it as a comfort smell like it's crack, with no fear of looking/feeling like a baby. Cuz everyone's a baby around Bryce!
◇Like with Dick and Jason, Bryce puts effort in protecting Tim from Damian’s attacks so they wouldn't be estranged bc she knows that Damian depends on his biological genes with her to only prove his worth and might be jealous of the others who got to be with her before him, and she definitely makes sure Tim knows that too. Like she'd sit him down to tell how brainwashed Damian is by the League and how Dick used to resent Jason too yet was still a big brother to him, and while he's not her real child, she still wanted him and chose him so he's still just as special. Tim is worried at first thinking she was going to neglect him too in favor for Damian but is happy again. Especially when Bryce says he's allowed to hit back if Damian is really gonna kill him and she promises she's going to do her best to calm him, and that he just needed to keep patient.
◇When Tim feels the absolute worst from receiving endless pain from Damian, Bryce makes sure to praise him by saying he's good as Dick who also joins her to get the two to get along, and it works. Tim is fangirling and probably ends up staying in the manor too. When Bryce dies, Tim is an absolute mess as he is in Canon when he doesn't have anyone like her to use their bat-senses to immediately know that he must be suffering from something and be there without him calling. He might go sleep in her bed with Damian like he used to do when he had nightmares and even bond with him as well by telling him all the stories of Bryce so that Damian who didn't get know her as much. Then he'll remember her praises and really get the idea of what being an older brother is about, and get along with Damian more. Cue Dick gushing like a school girl and telling Bryce in heaven would be proud.
◇When Talia introduces Damian to her, Bryce also goes r u srs like Bruce but mostly bc of the running joke of her having so many kids and she'd just sworn she wouldn't have anymore right before he showed up, yet she can't turn him away because IT'S HER BIOLOGICAL CHILD this time, who she never got to see at birth as a baby. Regarding the fact Damian has been raised in the league, she knows he'd been spoilt & only taught to kill and her kids may feel a little insecure around him since they're not her real children like Damian is so Bryce makes sure to be firm with him when teaching him respect/boundaries and everyone else to know she's not favouring him. She tries to get close to him by sparring and allowing to be as deadly as he wants so she could evaluate his weakness/strengths at the same time/learn about his life with the Leagues.
◇Bryce will also asks him to show off his art and music skills so she can praise him to make sure that Damian knows she IS proud of him and loves his skills so that he doesn't think she doesn't approve of him or that he's a bad person when she tries to tell him that his skills are too deadly. She tries to please him by taking him on missions where he could destroy enemies like robots so he can go ham as much as he pleases but she struggles so bad on trying to get him used to normal stuff that she wonders if that's how Dick felt with her when they went to eat McDonald's and she cut the burger with a knife to eat in smaller pieces. Luckily speaking of who, Dick helps Damian with that for her too that she's so thankful for him bc she believes that Damian should still get to experience having a dad figure too.
◇Bryce is super careful with him but does end up raising her voice at him at one point to get a message through and Damian gets scared for once, but she really wants him to know that he's not at fault for his violence as he would've feared being punished for failing and that he shouldn't feel ashamed for having be taught over again. So when Damian actually starts following orders, even though the criminals are still suffering more than they should be, she accepts it anyway since Jason does the same.
◇When she dies, Damian would probably be a little scared she's not around because she undid the fear of disappointing the League and taught him how things are meant to be, making Bryce his comforting figure to run to when he feels weak and vulnerable as Talia has never done that for him except worshipped him as the Batwoman's blood heir. Dick literally had to try gently coax him out of her bed he was hiding, but ofc, Damian doesn't like to be seen in a weak state. When Tim comforts him by telling how amazing Bryce was and he could be just as good as her, Damian begrudgingly appreciates it and remembers how she told him to let Tim have a chance, so he does try to respect everyone like she had requested. So when Bryce comes back to see this, she is SO relieved/happy.
◇As he softens, Damian becomes a little more awkward and shy around Bryce, but VERY super protective. Like I said in part 1, he's disgusted by people who don't bother hiding their hots for her and has gotten into many accidents at school or in public in general, just because he was catching them saying something perverted about her or looking way to grossly. Bryce has to thank him yet tell him that it can't be helped so as long as they don't lay a hand on her, it was fine but Damian can't fathom how it's 'fine'--this should be punished through death, because how dare you to his mother who taught him to live?? Fortunately for him, he has Dick, Jason and Tim to support and cover him up. It's the only time they'll ever help him.
◇Bryce may be known for her sons, but she was built to be a girl mom 💯. When Cass who is similar to her shows up, she is so excited to think of having her own daughter. Although she doesn't speak often, Bryce never really spoke as well as a child so she knew exactly how to interact with her. She tried to get close to her by teaching her to read, doing ballet which Bryce still remembers what she learnt as a child, taking her out to teach her of the normal life unless it's too loud because she's scared that Cass might find it overwhelming. But Cassandra was her first daughter and doted on her probably a lot more than she did with the boys, and for a moment when they complained about it, Bryce actually almost agreed. But no, moms aren't supposed to pick favourites but everyone knows.
◇Cassandra is like her hypeman when she scolds someone and probably low-key the instigator. Like, she would giggle outloud on purpose even if it was none of her business and hand her a rolled up newspaper when Bryce is looking for something to smack someone with. But in serious situations, she is the one to tell Batwoman when she's doing something wrong when Dick’s not around and Bryce really appreciates her for that and depends on her too to go out of their way to stop her from doing something messed up since she still is pretty unhinged. Yet Bryce thinks she shouldn't have to as she's still a kid like Tim, she doesn't want to be anywhere near like her dad. Bonus points if Cass asks Bryce to do her hair like her and feeling happy when people actually mistake her as her biological child.
◇Before Cass there was Barbara, despite having an almost sadistic side that Bryce couldn't believe Dick wanted to date her, she had her utmost respect and was the go to gal on top of her list. Out of all the batfamily, she was the most headstrong and when Batwoman couldn't get something into her head, Babs would do that. She might even trust Babs more than Dick cuz girls are there for each other, and that's how it was at the first with just the three of them. When Babs gets sent to a crippled state from Joker, Bryce's mama bear mode goes on and she sees absolute red because how dare you cripple this young girl with the most pretty red hair who has nothing to do with you?? She's the one to be there for Babs during her recovery as she feels like she's at fault when she just could've been the one to get rid of Joker with her abilities when the government themselves weren't doing anything about him.
◇Since Dick might not have to feel like he has to worry about taking after the Batwoman mantle since he ain't a gorl💅 Babs will. At first Babs will wonder if she can stay as Batgirl even if she becomes older as a woman and will start to feel bothered like she has a role to fulfill and has to catch up to be as good as her. She obviously doesn't want to become Batwoman and it bothers to the point that she ends up telling Bryce who's taken back since she doesn't expect anyone to even take up the role of Batwoman (like, Dick doesn't even want to be Batman) so she has to reassure Babs that she doesn't have to since Batwoman was made of her own personal inner darkness that Babs might not understand and she likes her better as her lovable friend Batgirl than be like her. And that washes away all of Barbara's worries but the people expecting her to be the next Batwoman anyway still affects her anyway.
◇But after Bab's accident, Bryce is scared to let any girls in the team because she feels as though the girls would suffer more than the boys since there are jerks like that in the world, even when Babs has recovered and could still kill someone despite being wheelchair bound. So when she met Stephanie, she was about to stop what she was doing because there were already enough in the batfamily to help around but when she sees that Tim likes her and her background with Stephanie expressing the only reason she doesn't kill is because of her, Bryce let's her do her thing but still is worried. She doesn't even let her be Robin in the first place since she'd end up like Jason while keeping Babs in mind. And when Stephanie is tortured by Black Mask, Bryce is even MORE scared shitless because that just proved her fear.
◇Nonetheless at the hospital bed, Bryce holds her tightly like shes her own child as she makes sure to let Stephanie she was a special case for her and if she had felt more comfortable, she would hire her in a heartbeat. With her paranoia of not anyone understanding what she means and having already expressed why she doesn't want Stephanie to have been Robin or be a vigilante in the first place, Stephanie gets it and doesn't mean any harm because yeah, Babs had it rough and having children's death in your hand is pretty harrowing. But after that, Bryce tries to put more faith again and welcomes her with open arms, trusting her to take care of Tim for her and trusting Tim to look after Steph from danger. Otherwise, she cannot handle her energy and vibes, because she's not as youthful, even though they're both tireddd.
◇Also when Steph gets pregnant she might ask Bryce for help on what to do since she still was a mom, and tell her plan to have someone adopt her child. As an adoptive mom who adopted Dick, Jason and Tim so they could have a better life/still have a chance to have a parent in their life, Bryce would let her know that she wasn't the best person to raise the boys so Steph could do better than her by getting someone more better to raise her child otherwise the child might live in danger like Jason. She might help her by finding the best foster people to raise a child but otherwise she'd give Steph space and have Tim to do his role as her boyfriend to comfort her. This is random but Steph probably low-key has a puppy crush on her and feels like a kid around her despite being a little older than Tim.
◇All three girl maybe make up a girls only sleepover and use puppy eyes to get Bryce to join in, and totally not because she wants know her luxurious makeup/skincare routine and try use the said luxurious products. Or they could help her go shopping or just simply have fun dressing her up. The girls all low-key love being part of the batfam because Bryce gets so many gifts from admirers that she doesn't know what to do with them so she just dumps it on them to keep the manor from getting cluttered and give Alfred some break, which is just the best because they get to try new products and don't have to go blow any budget from shopping for cosmetics. Or else, it'll just be thrown into the dressing room for disguise/ shower room down at the batcave.
◇Duke is probably the only normal child she's ever had. At first Bryce assumed that kids were normally just this quirky but no, everyone she had was just that unique. And my gosh it's a fresh of air. But after being to used to it, she's not even sure how to approach him sometimes. Though of course she loves him dearly like everyone else, also something about him being weirded out by everyone else was kind of endearing. Like, she can't help but marvel at how 'clean' of darkness he is while pinching his cheeks. Duke has already long gotten used to it, ironically making her just as nuts as everyone else lol. She might feel a little sad though because that might be proof as to how unhinged her life is and looks at Duke as an example of how she and the kids are supposed to be.
◇Bryce doesn't even ask anyone to come with her to a gala. Well she did have some hopes that there was someone who could do well in fancy events, but not anymore when she found out that neither of them were fit to be in a place like that. Tim and Babs could be great if Tim isn't sleep deprived every time and Babs liked to talk as much as she was smooth at it. Dick was perfect since he was a gentlemen but Bryce knows he wants to be alone in his thoughts nowadays (or that's how he seems to look in canon), so she can barely even make phone calls except only in emergencies. Not that she doesn't like going alone, she's learn to enjoy to take this time to just have fun with the rest of the world instead of fighting. And what could be more better than dressing up finely a gown, dusted with glitter and hair pinned with jewelry? She tries to appreciate what others dream of, no matter how empty it feels so it feels less guilty.
◇I'm pretty sure at the start, there would be a lot of rumours of Batwoman and Superman dating to the point that there were people online making fanart of them much to Bryce's annoyance and Clark's awkwardness (while scared of Batwoman's wrath). But through the end Clark would be her right hand man when she needs advice on being kinder to not just children and Bryce would teach Clark to be firmer/scarier to protect him from being used and stuff. If they weren't a couple, then they would be like a black cat sister and a golden retriever brother. Bryce is good friends with Lois but Lois would have felt jealous of her because Bryce is a superhero who's a genius with lots of money while she's just a journalist. Though if Bryce ever found this out, she'd avoid Clark and have Babs to delete fanarts/fanfics and spread the news of her being uncomfortable with it so the fans would stop.
◇By the way, imagine secretly being 'best friends' with Selina in secret? They go shopping together, listen to crap about the superheros and the villains, share lipsticks (and by share, I mean by kissing since logically and efficiently, it's quicker). Maybe Selina will trade money and presents to help her in a mission or give dirt on another criminal, or Bryce constantly blushing around her alluring and sexy air and stubbornly denies it, and will be there for her when Selina looks for help or advice since her villainous allies wouldn't be good enough to give her any. Like when Selina went to Bruce about Helena, Bryce will also immediately but gently warn her Helena might end up living in danger and help her get adopted, and be there to comfort her while telling her she's still a good mom for thinking about her safety anyway unlike when Dick got shot while he still lived with her.
◇They even might have been the worst enemies at the beginning and have catfights, but soon Selina ends up warming up and holding her hand out to Bryce first, then become secret friends from there--making them probably have the first unique friendship. Like, they're so painfully almost a couple but not?? She and Harley have friends but they'll have this special one with Bryce when they genuinely need help but have no one to turn to since they're villains and Batwoman is the only gal who will understand them despite their evil background. Harley mostly, because Bryce just cannot stand at how she's allowing Joker to be such an ass to her and if there's anything she learnt from her parents, men aren't supposed to hurt their ladies!!
◇Lois isnt the only one jealous of Bryce, Harley despises her out of jealousy bc of the rumoured unsaid chemistry between her and Joker, constantly feeling like on a compeition with her as Bryce tries to make her see how awful Joker is everytime. And when Harley finally realises, she looks to her for help like Selina does--oh, and don't get me started on the Joker. If Joker likes her like with Bruce, he'd be looking at her like she's a gentlewoman in shining armour. But the Batfamily (especially Jason) will be so protective over her, knowing about this crush. Joker is striking again? No worries Bryce, the Bat team will take care of it, you don't need to go. Did the Joker just force an annoyed Scarecrow to help make one big valentine heart balloon filled with fear gas dedicated just for you? Just stay home with Tim and Cass who are totally not distracting you. They'll take the choice of their friends crushing on their mom over Joker being creepy on her on any other fucking day.
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martiniluvr · 3 months
18+ minors dni
dick! jason! bruce! triple-whammy so y’all forgive me for going AWOL xoxo
dick grayson fantasises about making you cum in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror over and over again. he wants to spread your legs apart while he holds your back against his chest, fucking you with his fingers as he whispers in your ear about how fucking pretty you look like this. the thought of you, all shy and flustered, clenching around his fingers as your nails dig into his arms, makes him smirk; he knows he’d have to tell you to keep your eyes on him—what’s the matter, baby? don’t get shy on me now.
“dick?” you ask, furrowing your brows as you point to the large mirror in front of you, and he blinks. “did you hear me? I asked if this mirror would look good in our room.”
jason todd fantasises about stripping you down and fucking you while he’s in his full red hood gear. he’s been surveilling a suspected drug den for hours, and all he can think of is the contrast of your soft, delicate skin against the rough material of his pants as he drills into you from behind. his breathing quickens under his mask as he imagines running his gloved hands over the curve of your hips, squeezing harshly as you whine at his cock splitting you in half.
he pictures himself pulling you back towards him, so you’re forced to look into the thin white eye-slits of his mask as he fucks into you harder, towering over you in all his armoured glory—until a bang from the building across the way snaps him back into the real world. he swears under his breath as he checks his ammunition again. someone’s gonna pay for that.
bruce wayne fantasises about fucking you in his seldom-used executive office in wayne tower. disinterested by the stacks of financial reports in front of him, he imagines you on his lap, your skirt bunched around your waist and your panties pulled to the side as you grind down on his hard cock. his eyes flutter shut at the thought of you biting back your moans and clinging to his shoulders, gasping when his lips find your neck, and the image is so vivid he swears he can almost smell your perfume.
he’s about to send you a be ready at 7 text when the phone on his desk rings, and he swears under his breath as he answers it harshly. mr. wayne? his receptionist murmurs. miss—I mean, your…um…friend is here. he sits up in his chair at her words, smiling to himself as he loosens his tie. “send her in.”
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arkhamslvts · 4 months
size kinks and jason todd laying you flat on your stomach, your bed faces the mirror and one of his hands keeps your hands pressed flat against your back while the other is pressed against the back of your neck. the position doesn't help considering jason was already huge, it felt like he was bruising every part of you and he knew it "c'mon baby.. take it all" " 's too big sir.. slower" "nuh uh, you like mouthing off so much, you're so big and strong right baby? stay still and fucking take it"
with bruce wayne i feel like it's a little different, it's more subtle. he doesn't mock you the way that jason does, its simply something that's in the air. it's on display whenever he holds you up with one arm firmly wrapped around your neck and the other wrapped around your torso. your back pressed against his chest and he completely dwarfs you, and he knows you like it "that's it... such a pretty girl, taking me so well. fuck, fits like a glove."
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kimjun · 9 months
Jason: how do I make a date really romantic?
Dick: be mysterious
Jason: got it!
*later, while on a date with Y/n*
Y/n: where are we going?
Jason: none of your fucking business
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