#feminine aligned neutrois man
the-coiner-prince · 1 year
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Triple coining post !!
Non-feminine bigender woman flag
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[ flag ID : a rectangular flag with seven horizontal stripes , the colours from top to bottom are : sky blue , pastel blue , white , lavender , white , pastel purple , and pale purple . end ID ]
Feminine-aligned neutrois man
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[ flag ID : a rectangular flag with four horizontal stripes , the colours from top to bottom are : bright blue , white , pastel green , and green . on top of the blue stripe there's a thin pink stripe . end ID ]
Feminine-aligned genderfluid man
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[ flag ID : a rectangular flag with five horizontal stripes , the colours from top to bottom are : ice white , pale purple , blue turquoise , aqua green , and black . on top of the black stripe there's a thin pink stripe . end ID ]
All labels were coined by @big-transfem-sister , flags coined by the prince 👑
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[ PT : Anyone can use the terms that the charming has coined , but ke asks to Please DNI if any of these aply to you: racist, sexist, ageist, antimogai, antiliom, BaB, ableist, transmed, transcum, fujoshi, radfem, terf, proshipper, anti-agere, antifurry, NSFW blogs, (NO)MAP, zoophile, necrophiliac, incestuous or supporter of those who act on these types of paraphilias. end PT ]
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enby-iggy · 8 months
Im going to try and explain my gender to the 0 people who are paying attention to this blog, because I deserve to ramble a little bit I think
For context I'm afab. I've pretty much always known I wasn't a man, which is a big part of why it took me so long to question my gender at all. I specifically remember seeing the term transmasc online when I was first discovering queer terms and being like "hmm I wonder if that could be me" and then looking it up and seeing it listed as a synonym for trans man and just being like "oh ok then guess im still cis". I didn't start seriously questioning until like. April of this year I think
I don't know why it took me so long to consider the idea of being nonbinary, but it was actually a conversation with some of my trans friends that made me consider it. I remember saying something like "I may be cis but I'd trade my female body for a completely neutral one in a heartbeat" and one of my friends was like "r u sure ur cis lmao". Silly stuff. My whole thing was like, I want a body that looks like nothing, that I can make look like anything. If I want to wear mens' clothes I don't want boobs that get in the way of that. But I want to be able to wear a dress and not have like, idk body hair and a dick getting in the way of that. And I said stuff to my friends like, I don't rly want hormones but Id wear a binder to look more neutral, Id voice train and get my voice deeper, that makes sense right
My biggest hangup was on pronouns, because I was REALLY proud of being a she/her. But I decided, hey I can't knock they/them until I try it right? So I proposed a they/them test for a week, and never looked back lmao. I went through a phase of absolutely despising she/her for a month or two, but I've since made up with the pronoun set as you can see in my bio. She/her and I are good friends now we've settled our differences <3
Putting the rest under a cut for the sake of my 2 followers' TLs not being flooded because I still have much to say
My gender is very multifaceted, but in the physical realm you could call me transmasc. It took me a while to realize but I hate my boobs (or rather, took me a while to realize that disliking your boobs is not normal lmfao), to the point where I very quickly went from "eh I might get a binder for some outfits" to "I NEED to get top surgery". I'm also not a fan of my hips and ass, never have been but I don't think there's much I can do about that one. I also have solid evidence for vocal dysphoria, in that I can remember a specific time as a kid where I learned that your voice sounds deeper to you than it does to other people because of the way you hear it through your skull. This disappointed me GREATLY because I always prided myself on the idea that I had a boyish voice. I do think I'd like to train my voice lower, if possible. Lastly for physical dysphoria I've always had a thing about my height, but I mostly learned to ignore it since boys LOVE to make fun of girls (and other boys I suppose) for their height. I learned to shut it out and make fun of myself as well as a coping mechanism, because it really did and always has bugged me. But what can I do, I've 5 foot even at 19 years old and it doesn't seem to be changing any time soon.
As for my internal experience of gender...I think this low-quality ms paint chart will explain it best.
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Basically my gender exists on two simultaneous sliding scales--one of them a distinctly gendered outside-of-binary gender that I'm choosing to call neutrois, because it's an existing term that works for what I'm talking about. The other gender is a female-aligned gender that is distinct from cisgender femininity but is still feminine in nature, which I am choosing to call femme because I hate the words woman and girl and female in relation to my own gender. I can experience both of these scales at maximum intensity--bigendered as both neutrois and femme at the same time--or minimum intensity--essentially agendered, no distinct experience of gender either way--OR I can be some strange combination of these, such as minimum femme and maximum neutrois or half neutrois and full femme, etc. I've found that the strength of ANY gender fluctuates over longer periods of time, in that I tend to feel low amounts of gender for a period of about two weeks, followed by higher feelings of gender for about two weeks, during which the relation of femme to neutrois fluctuates on a daily basis.
As for labels, the best way I can think to describe this is bigenderflux, and also demigirl (or demifemme, as I prefer to call it). But for obvious reasons I usually just call myself nonbinary. I also like terms like librafemme, describing the property of being both agender and feminine, and juxera, describing the property of being feminine aligned in a way that is different from the way cis women are feminine. But it's...hard to label.
The funny thing about this is that it doesn't really line up with my gender expression much at all. There are days that I'm feeling fully agender or fully neutrois, and am strangely in the mood to wear a dress. Or days that I'm feeling mostly femme and want to present like a boy. So realistically my gender doesn't really have any bearing on anything at all. But I like charting it, because a few months ago if I'd woken up feeling feminine I would have spiraled into a panic about how I must be faking being trans. But this allows me to understand myself and predict how I'll feel so I know that when I feel a certain way, that's normal and part of who I am.
I feel like I had more to say in this post but I guess this is purely a gender summary. Now you know I guess
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genderstarbucks · 10 months
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Demiboy (also known as Demiman, Demimale, Demiguy, Demilad, Demidude, or Demibloke) is a non-binary gender in which one is partially, but not fully, a boy or man. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to being partially a boy. The other part of one's gender can be any gender or combination of genders, including a lack of gender.
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Bxy (pronounced Boy-X) also known as Mxn (pronounced Man-X), can be used in two different ways. The first way is a gender that is both male and agender/greygender or otherwise genderless. There are several ways one can be a bxy, such as:
- Being multigender, with one gender being agender and one being boy.
- Being agender or greygender but being slightly a boy or having a connection to masculinity, similar to demiboy or libramasculine.
- Being genderflux between feeling male and not feeling gender.
- One may also identify as a trans bxy.
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Atriboy, also known as atrinboy or atrinaboy, refers to an atrinary boy. This is also abiatrinary. As the definition of atrinary states, it is referring to any genders that are completely unrelated to maleness, masculinity, femaleness, femininity, neutrois-ness, or neutrality, and is nowhere in between those things, while not necessarily feeling genderless. One's gendered part of themselves is a boy. Someone who is a atriboy may feel as if they're a boy while not being related to maleness, masculinity, femaleness, femininity, neutrois-ness, or neutrality, and feel as if they're nowhere in between any of them. This could be due to feeling a connection to boyhood rather than maleness. An atriboy may feel as if they're a boy while also not being a part of the gender trinary.
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Blankboy, also known as blankman, blankmale, and blankguy, refers to a boy who cannot explain their manhood any further than being a blank space. It is a subset of genderblank.
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Boyish is an umbrella term for any sort of male-aligned, man-aligned, boy-aligned, or masculine-aligned gender. It was made as an easy-to-understand alternative to labels such as mingender, mascgender, and miaspec.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
Can you explain how your transfeminity works with your transmasculinity? I wanna use transfemmasc but I wanna hear why others actually use it before I decide.. And also, how does your transfeminity work with the butch label?
yeah! those are very good questions, thanks for taking the time to ask! ^ _ ^
i think i'm going to start identifying with the label genderfluid again, because i think i do experience fluctuations in presentation and identity- sometimes we are femme, sometimes we are butch, mostly due to the nature of being a system, so i think including the element of fluidity in our identity is very important!
as for transfeminity and butchness, you can be a transfem butch! amab and intersex transfem butch lesbians are still transfem, it's just that you're transitioning to a masculine kind of femininity. you might identify as a woman but a butch one, or, in my case, a butch fem and woman aligned nonbinary person. i'm not taking estrogen due to the fact that it makes me feel extremely fucked up, but i am still transfem in the sense that i have very femme days due to having femme gay men in my sytem as well as femme lesbians, and when i identify as butch i am identifying as a woman aligned gender, just not a binary one- i don't feel comfortable saying i'm a trans woman, but i'm the closest nonbinary equivalent- demigal/demigirl is pretty good. the fluidity makes things a bit wobbly at times as well. technically i identify heavily with the term lesboy but that's due once more to bigenderism & butchness
my transmasculinity is a bit tough to describe these days, but the way i best describe it is my transsexuality. i needed my body to be more masculine because my physical dysphoria was crushing. my body was all wrong. my family would NOT let me keep my beard, they kept forcing me to use nair to remove it and i was so tired of that sensation. i also liked my facial hair and just... didn't like the way i looked without it. i snapped and stopped taking estrogen and went on T and suddenly i felt so much better in my body and more comfortable as a person.
i identified as a trans man for a very, very long time, and i've been questioning that label lately, as i'm not sure if it's a good fit. when i came out in 2011 - 2012, i told my family and friends that i was "a person". and when they couldnt' accept that and kept gendering me as male since i said i wasn't a woman i complied. i went well. if you won't see me as a person, i'll settle for a man. and i did this with the rest of society. i appreciate you sending this ask because i've been wanting to personally step away from the trans man label. i don't think i'm a trans man. i have some alters in my system who are men, but on the whole idon't think we ever really identified as a man OR woman- we've always been "people". it's also hard to really have an identity label designed for a single person when you have so many people living in a single body.
i think i can experience multiple genders at once at times, and i also experience fluidity between them due to systemhood. but, if you want a simplified answer, i'm a genderfluid bigender transmasculine transsexual (in reference to my HRT) neutrois & agender person, and a transfeminine butch demigirl/enby. at times it's easier to say transfemasc/transsexual bigender nonbinary person, but i think after dropping the trans man label, i feel a lot better, and i feel this is the most accurate. =) i'm reclaiming my neutrois & agender identities from when i first came out, i'm not going to let people tell me who i am anymore =D
that being said i am perfectly fine with helping trans men, as i lived as one for a decade! and i really love helping trans men realize that it's okay to be a man, it's okay to be masculine, and also how to get on testosterone, and get the help they need. so i don't want trans men to stop sending asks, i still <3 trans men and the community, i just don't think i identify as one anymore, i'm tired of adopting a label that just isn't me. but i'm okay with being seen as an honorary trans man of sorts. also due to my intersex condition it makes things very difficult :'- )
anyway thanks for taking the time to ask! if there's anything else you're curious about let us know we're happy to help! take care, good luck in your own journey
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revenant-coining · 1 year
hii :3 ♡ am trying to reach 300 genders .. currently at 291 .. so heres my gender and if you know of any labels more pls dump them /nf : masc ,, masc in a fem/neu way ,, fluffy ,, meows ,, voids . - pup
here ya go ! i looked for masc, / msac fem / masc neu genders that weren't connected to other things. but if u are interested in those radiomogais min (link), fin (link), and neu (link) tags would be good to look at !
Gold / Aur (link): a masculine gender element.
Megender (link): masculine gender or gender masculinity;
M-gender (link): any masculine gender identity.
Mingender (link) (shortened to MIN) is an umbrella term for all genders which are masculine in nature (MIN).
Masc fem:
Femasc / Femmasc (or Mascfem) (link): being feminine and masculine (and/or masculine and feminine); feminine masculinity; masculine femininity; masc+fem (and/or fem+masc).
Mascfem(me) (mascfem or mascfemme), mascufem(me), femasc or femmasc (link): someone who is both fem/femme and masc; being masculine and feminine; a folk that experiences masculinity and femininity; a masculized and feminized person; an effeminate and virile folk; a xaemel gender; a gender identity comprised of femininities and masculinities.
Phœmian (phœbian + artemian) (link): describes someone who is mascfem-aligned [simultaneously masc(uline)-aligned and fem(inine)-aligned]. This includes partially lingendered folks, those who are connected to androgyny (with or without actually being lingender), someone whose gender experiences are similar to lingendered people, etc. A subset of sollunarian.
Femmasc / Mascfem (link): a gender identity based on both masculinity and femininity. it is not necessarily feminine or masculine in nature, just connected to both in some way. the specific definition mainly depends on the user.
Liliac / Femsculine (link): Liliac is an ideobinary identity that describes a combination of femininity and masculinity. Femsculine it's completely unrelated to man/male and woman/female.
Macs Neu:
Neumasc (link): a neuter masculinity; a masculine neuterness; neugender + mascgender(/manugender); possessing both masculine and neutral gender qualities; a neutromasculine presentation; an intercidogender/centrigender of neutrois(/centrois) and masculitrois(/masctrois); a gender combination (genderpotion/shuffler) of neu. and masc.; a neutramasculinity (masculigender-neutragender); multitude or ambitude of niaspec/ningender/nideogender (niabinary/nideospec/nideobinary) and miaspec/mingender/mideogender (mideospec/mideobinary/miabinary) or N-gender and M-gender.
Genderfluff /  Fluffgender (link): an aesthetigender that is light, soft and fluffy or related to fluffiness or fluffy things. It can make one feel warm and fuzzy inside. It could also mean having an attachment to pastel femininity, as well as fluffiness. Fluffiness includes fluffy pillows or plushies as well.
Genderfluffy / Fluffygender (link): an aesthetigender or noungender related to fluffy/soft textures and/or objects. This can include pillows, fluffy plushies, and fluffy animals like bunnies, or just fluff and softness in general.
radiomogai fluffy search (link)
Meowstimmic (link): a gender related to saying “meow” as a vocal stim.
Meowstimmic (link): a gender related to the vocal stim “meow”! Can be related to neurodivergence but not necessarily.
Meowlexic (link): a lexic gender related to the word meow.
radiomogai's theme: void tag (link)
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themogaidragon · 3 years
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Agenderfloren is a form of genderfluidity that never encompasses binary genders (binary man or binary woman) while still being connected to genderlessness. One can can experience genders that are completely unaligned such as neutrois, maverique, agender, etc. They can also experience genders that are partly connected to masculinity or femininity, such as demiboy/demigirl, proxvir/juxera, libramasculine/librafeminine, etc. They are never a binary man or woman and are connected to genderlessness. Some may consider agenderfloren to be a subset to genderfloren and agenderflux.
Examples of agenderfloren include:
Being both agender and genderfloren.
Being genderfloren and (almost) always agender to some degree.
Having agender as a base gender and having a fluid connection to non-binary genders.
Being genderfloren and currently agender.
Being librafluid in a way that aligns with the genderfloren definition.
Term and flag coined by @themogaidragon (aka me). Feel free to use with or without credit!
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do you happen to have a list of masculine-aligned identities?
Yeah, I do :D 
This is going to be quite a short list since there are like, dozens of identities lmao, but if you want to read more, here’s the link to the LGBTA wiki page for all masc identities, which is the longest list I could find! This obviously isn’t complete either, but it’s a pretty good list!
LGBTA Wiki: Masculine Gender Identities
Here are some of the ones I know of and their definitions—click the word to be directed to the LGBTA wiki page where you can read more about the identity!
Masculenby is a term for any sort of non-binary/male gender identity. It includes things such as demiboy, enboy, genderfaun, non-binary/boy bigender, and anything else. It's an overarching term for anyone in those groups, especially if one swaps between them often, uses multiple labels, or is unsure of the specifics of their identity but know they're some form of non-binary and boy.
Enboy is a term for someone who is a non-binary man. It can be used by anyone who identifies as both a man and as non-binary. It can include: multi gender people with a non-binary gender and man, gendervast people, people who are genderfluid or genderflux between non-binary and male, a male-aligned non-binary person (solarian), a neumale (neutrois male), etc.
Genderqueer male is a combination identity in which one identifies as both genderqueer and male. As a second definition, it can also be a specific identity defined as having a masculine body or base while still being genderqueer.
Genderfaun is genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling feminine. This is different from the binary gender male because its fluidity may include genders other than male and female, for example, nonbinary genders. So basically, genderfaun people are fluid between male, masculine and unaligned or nonbinary genders.
Genderfaunet is gender fluidity between male, masculine, nonbinary and feminine genders, but never 100% female. Fluid between all genders except fully female.
Boyflux is a gender identity in which a person can experience varying degrees of maleness. For example, one could feel 0% (agender), 50% (demiboy), 100% (man). The intensity can fluctuate over any period of time.
Boyflux is a form of genderfluidity and a subset of genderflux which is a term used to describe any person’s gender idenity fluctuating. Boyflux is a specific gender identity off of genderflux.
Libramasculine or libraboy is a gender in which one is mostly agender but experiences a small amount of attachment to being masculine/male. It's similar to demiboy, but is more specifically partially masculine and partially agender, with the agender part outweighing the masculine part, while demiboy is partially male, partially any other gender(s). 
Demiboy is a non-binary gender in which one is partially, but not fully, a boy or man. They may or may not identify as another gender in addition to being partially a boy. The other part of one's gender can be any gender or combination of genders, including a lack of gender.
Paraboy, also known as paramasculine or paraguy, is the male subset of paragender. Paramasculine people identify mostly as a boy/man, but not entirely. The male portion takes up 51-99% of their gender. The other 1-49% can be any gender or combination of genders, but the most commonly reported is agender. Paraboy is similar to demiboy, but it is more specific as with paraboy the boy part outweighs any other gender(s).
Boygender is a gender for those who identify with the term "boy", but reject manhood and/or feel disconnect from the term "man".
Boy+ is when one identifies completely as a boy, plus additional genders. One doesn't feel partially boy, one isn’t fluid - one is entirely a boy, plus more. One may not know specifically what the additional gender/genders are, so boy+ may be the best way to describe it. Or, one may have a lot of genders, but they all feel like they are simply additional while one's main gender is boy/man/guy/male, etc.
Boyish is an umbrella term for any sort of male-aligned, man-aligned, boy-aligned, or masculine-aligned gender. Boyish can also be an identity on its own for one who feels like they are sort of a boy, not quite a boy, not fully a boy, almost a boy, a little bit of a boy, or any other sort of variation of that could be described as boyish. 
Mascgender, also known as mascugender or manugender, is a non-binary gender that is masculine in nature. 
Mingender is an umbrella term for all genders which are masculine in nature. It can be used as an umbrella termfor any genders that are primarily related to masculinity. Mingenders may or may not also be related to manhood.
Proxvir is a gender that is strongly connected to masculinity, but in a different way to how men are connected to masculinity. Proxvir is something separate and entirely on it’s own. It may be described as a gender that is masculine aligned or mingender, but is not man aligned or miaspec, and has no connection to manhood.
That’s all the terms I know!! I hope I could help you out, and I wish you luck on your gender journey! Lmk if you have any more questions, and have a great day/night :D
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crying-roses-moved · 3 years
Muscusexual, latamascusexual, solariasexual, or muscuxi is the exclusive attraction to men, boyflux, demiboy, or any other gender that is fully or partially, in any way, connected to being a man/boy/guy/male/etc, manhood/boyhood/maleness/etc, miaspec, man-aligned, man-related, MAIN (male in nature), MIN (masculine in nature), masculine-aligned, eiri (man, man-aligned, or masculine-aligned), a mingender (masculine in nature), or are characterized by masculinity, and/or a relation to manhood in some way. They are also attracted to agender people, and may also, include agiaspec, agingender and agenrinity such as singularian people, but doesn't have to. Muscusexuals generally like many masculine aligned genders but don’t have to like all masculine aligned genders or agender.
Muscusexual people can be attracted to all miaspec/mingendered people, not just masculine ones, such as masculine, androgynous, feminine, and other presentations miaspec/mingendered people.
Simplified def:
Attraction to any masculine gender, mingender, miaspec, maingender or eiri and possibly agender people of any presentation.
Original Muscusexual Flag
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The Original Muscusexual Flag was designed by me under my FANDOM account RoseWatera on the LGBTA+ wiki on the 18th of November, 2020. The black is to symbolize attraction to agender individuals, the cyan is to represent liking demiboy individuals and those who are boyflux, the sky blue is for their attraction towards all masculine-aligned genders, and the blue symbolizes their attraction towards all men.
Muscusexual Flag Redesign
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The Muscusexual Flag Redesign was made by me under my FANDOM account RoseWatera as a redesign of the first on June 15th, 2021. The light cyan represents their attraction to walnutians and hypergender men. The dark sky blue is for attraction to men/miaspec. The darker blue represents liking any man/masculine-aligned gender. The black-ish blue represents their attraction to libramasculine people and demiboys, and the black is for attraction to agender/genderless people.
Muscusexual Flag Unsimplified
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Muscusexual Flag Unsimplified was coined by me under my FANDOM account RoseWatera as an 'unsimplified' version of the main flag. Every stripe is supposed to represent a different masculine gender.
Muscusexual Flag Unsimplified Redesign
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The Feminaesexual Flag Unsimplified Redesign was created on the 30th of July 2021 by me. Every stripe represents a different masculine gender.
Clear.Skyes' Muscusexual Flag
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This flag was created by FANDOM user Clear.Skyes on the 15th of December, 2020. It was based of the original flag but has more shades to give the sense that it goes for masculine-aligned genders.
Homesick Moonstone's Muscusexual Flag
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This flag was created by FANDOM user Homesick Moonstone on December 16, 2020. Purple represents attraction to bigender folk, blue represents attraction to binary men, the lighter blue represents attraction to people who aren't 100% male but still have a masculine gender, white represents attraction to agender people, yellow represents attraction to abinary people, light green represents attraction to neutral-aligned people, and green represents attraction to neutral/neutrois people.
Muscuxi Flag
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The Muscuxi Flag was created by me on the 18th of August 2021 as a flag to go with the alternate name, muscuxi. The Dark Blue is for aro-spec people, the blue stands for the split attraction model. The Dark Sky Blue is for attraction to all masculine genders and agender. The Cyan is for other types of attraction, such as queerplatonic, and the Light Cyan is for ace-spec people.
Latamascusexual Flag
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The latamascusexual flag was coined by me on the 28th of July, 2021 as a flag to go with the alternate name, latamascusexual. The Dark Blue represents non-conforming masculinity. The Sky Blue represents miaspec/mingenders. The Cyan represents masculinity. The white represents agender people. The light turquoise represents men. The Ash Green represents all masculine genders. The brown represents rosboys, mascboys, and androgynous-boys.
Solariasexual Flag
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The solariasexual flag was coined by me on the 20th of August, 2021 as a flag to go with the alternate name, solariasexual. The white represents genderless people. The light yellow represents attraction. The gold represents miaspec/mingenders. The Dark Gold represents gender.
Original Coining
The term was originally coined on the LGBTA+ wiki by me under my FANDOM account RoseWatera as a masculine counterpart to Feminaesexual.
Umbrellas It Falls Under
Exenusexual/Exenuic/Latali/Univer Orientation System
Similar Terms
Original Coining + Original & Unsimplified Flag- https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Muscusexual
Clear.Skyes’ Flag- https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000050616/r/4400000000000119674
Homesick Moonsick’s Flag- https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000050697
Redesigned Flag- https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/User_blog:RoseWatera/Remade_Old_Flags#Muscusexual
Everything else was created here.
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mourningmogaicrew · 3 years
Understanding Gender Loving Gender acronyms
(The backstory here is that after @inclusive-flag-edits enlightened me about some GLG acronyms, I realized I had forgotten some of my knowledge on the subject and my brain found this unacceptable so here’s a guide for myself and others.)
GLG- gender loving gender. This is the blank template. You fill the first of G with a person’s gender, and then the second G with a gender they are attracted to. Both these genders are represented by 1-3 letter abbreviations. If someone is multiple genders and/or is attracted to multiple genders, you just make multiple GLG acronyms for them. The attraction is not necessarily sexual or exclusive.
Ex for multigender: Trace is trigender (a man, androgyne and neutrois) and likes nonbinary people. They would be MLNB (men loving nonbinary), ANLNB (androgyne loving nonbinary) and NLNB (neutrois loving nonbinary). But if you didn’t want to specify Trace’s three gender identities you could just say that they are TRLNB (trigender loving nonbinary) or in dynanian format SLNB (spectrum loving nonbinary).
Ex for multiple gender attraction: Abby is a woman and likes men, women, and nonbinary people. She would be WLM, WLW, and WLNB. 
Ex for both multiple gender attraction and multigender: Char is genderfluid (between agender and a xenogender) and likes men and women. They would be AGLM (agender loving men), AGLW (agender loving women), XLM (xenic loving men), and XLW (xenic loving women). If you didn’t want to specify Char’s two gender identities you could just say that they are GFLM (genderfluid loving men) and GFLW (genderfluid loving women).
(Some) letters for the genders:
More common ones are in bold.
AB- abinary people
AG- agender people
ALIA- aliagender people
AN- androgynous or androgyne people
APO- apogender people
APR- aporagender people
B- bigender people
CM- cis men
CW- cis women
D- demigender people
DB- demiboys
DG- demigirls
FAUG- faunagender people (do not remove the letter U! It won’t end well)
FLRG- floragender people
GQ- genderqueer people
GV- gendervoid people
GVA- gender variant people
GF- genderfluid, genderflux, or genderfluix people
GFID- genderfluid people
GFIX- genderfluix people
GFX- genderflux people
GFAU- genderfaun people
GFLR- genderflor or genderfloren people
I- intersex or intergender people
IS- intersex people (not a gender but I’m including it because of acronyms like IS4IS)
K- kenochoric people
M- men
MG- multigender people
N- neutral people (sometimes nonbinary people)
NB- nonbinary people
NE- neutrois people 
NG- neurogender people
NBM- nonbinary men
NBW- nonbinary women
PA- pangender people
PG- polygender people
S- spectrum (multigender people). Used only for dynian orientations basically
T- trans people
TM- trans men
TR- trigender people
TW- trans women 
UNB- unaligned nonbinary people
W- women
X- xenic or genderless people (sometimes nonbinary or intersex people, or used as a blank fill-in letter)
XB- xenoboys
XG- xenogirls
XE- xenogender people
XM- xenic men or xenic masculine-aligned people
XW- xenic women or xenic feminine-aligned people
ZG- zodiacgender people
2S- two-spirit people (not always considered a gender. Also note that the acronym 2SL2S is culturally considered bad and you can read more about it here)
0- zero. Can only be put after the L, and means attracted to no one
Similar terms:
AGL- All Gender Loving. Not a GLG acronym, but similar enough that I’m including it here
SGL- Same Gender Loving. Also not a GLG acronym
BU and FE- represent butch and femme. Not technically genders
Other stuff:
Most GLG identities also have names for example WLW is called sapphic. Here’s a chart full of them. They also have pretty flags!!!!
Sometimes the L is replaced with a 4 (for). An example is that TLT (trans loving trans) can also be written as T4T (trans for trans).
The acronyms aren’t always written in all caps because they’ve become popular enough that people recognize them as acronyms without needing capitalization. For example NBLW could also be written as Nblw or nblw but would be still mean nonbinary loving women.
GLG can also stand for girls loving girls and is used as an alternative to WLW.
Sometimes you’ll find orientations in the GLG format but instead of genders it’ll be other traits such as identity, orientation, gender presentation, neurotype, etc. An example is Queerian/QLQ (queer loving queer). It’s pretty common for these terms to use a 4 instead of an L and a lot of them aren’t meant to be capitalized. Examples are bi4bi (bisexual/romantic for bisexual/romantic), bu4fe (butch for femme), and auti4auti (autistic for autistic).
DNI in bio!!!
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So like I've always felt disconnected from my gender. I present as female and I am technically a cis female, but it's definitely not what I think of first about myself. If this makes sense, I am always first my name and then it's an I guess also female, bc I'm definitely not a guy. But I'm not attached to either and nonbinary feels off. Theres no question here but a soft plea for advice on labels lmao
Okay, I'm gonna throw some label spaghetti at the wall here and you just see if anything sticks, alright?
(fem) agender
agender woman
Woman Lite (TM)
(girl-flavoured) neutrois
woman-presenting gendervoid / voidgender woman / anything involving void and possibly woman
genderweird / genderqueer (woman)
"gender happens to other people"
Not A Man (TM)
fiaspec / woman-aligned
fingender (fin = feminine in nature)
* Here's why I put that one first: "Demigirl may also be used by AFAB people who feel little to no connection womanhood or femininity" - LGBTA wiki
I'm sure there's more but I haven't had coffee yet, if anyone wants to throw more spaghetti to help anon out
Anyway always remember the most important rules of labels: People can suggest them but not decide them for you, they should feel like a comfort and not a prison, your relationship with a label can be complicated and you're allowed to be as creative and have as much fun with yours labels as you want.
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ogligenders · 4 years
Ogligender subsets that already exist (more may be added to this list as time goes on):
Female + male = Androgyne
Androgyne + male = Androx or Mascandrogyne
Androgyne + female = Gynx or Femandrogyne
Nonbinary + female = Nonbinary Girl/Woman
Nonbinary + male = Nonbinary Boy/Man
Neutrois + male = Neumale/Neuboy/Neuman (can also mean gender neutral man)
Neutrois + female = Neufemale/Neugirl/Neuwoman (can also mean gender neutral woman)
Agender/Genderless + neutrois = Neutrisa/Neutrix
Agender/Genderless + jux(t)era = Nijux(t)era
Agender/Genderless + proxvir = Pronixvir
Agender/Genderless + LINgender/Androgyne(-aligned) = Nixangi
Agender/Genderless + female = Nixera or Gxrl [girl-x] or Agender Girl
Agender/Genderless + male = Nixvir or Bxy [boy-x] or Agender Boy
Agender/Genderless + pandrogynous (pangender + androgyne) = Nixpangi
Agender/Genderless + girl+boy = Nixavire
Agender/Genderless + juxtaneu = Nixtaneu
Jux(t)era + proxvir = Juproxevira
Agender/Genderless + neutrangi (epicene + androgyne) = Nixtrangi
Agender/Genderless + nonbinary = Nxnbinary [nonbinary-x]
Agender/Genderless + pan-/omnigender = Omnixic
Péra + LINgender/Androgyne(-aligned) = Pérangi
Péra + maverique = Peraverique
Péraverique + agender/genderless = Péraverisa
Agender/Genderless + maverique = Maverisa
Maverique + male/masculine = Minverique
Maverique + female/feminine = Finverique
Agender/Genderless + proxangi = Pronixangi
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lgbtqiarchive · 4 years
Gender alignment terms
Masculic/masculinic/minic: short for masc-aligned; a min/masculine alignment.
Femic/feminic/femininic/finic: short for fem-aligned; a fin/feminine alignment.
Neutralic/neutroisic/ninic/neuic: a neutral/nin/neutrois alignment.
Androgynic/gynandric/angic/gianic/linic/androginic/ginandric: an androgynous/lin/androgyne/gynandrous alignment.
Based on xenic (xeno-aligned). I lunarian/solarian already exist but they are used interchangeably with man-aligned and woman-aligned, so these are meant to be more specific.
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sid-ridiculous · 5 years
LGBT+ vocabulary
40 words you need to know if you’re a member of / interested in the LGBT+ community.
agender / gender neutrois / gender neutral / genderless - a person with no (or very little) connection to the traditional system of gender, no personal alignment with the concepts of either man or woman, and/or someone who sees themselves as existing without gender.
androgyny - a gender expression that has elements of both masculinity and femininity  
aromantic - experiencing little or no romantic attraction to others and/or has a lack of interest in romantic relationships/behavior. Aromanticism exists on a continuum from people who experience no romantic attraction or have any desire for romantic activities. Many of these different places on the continuum have their own identity labels (see demiromantic) 
asexual / “ace” - experiencing little or no sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest in sexual relationships/behavior.  Asexuality exists on a continuum from people who experience no sexual attraction or have any desire for sex. Many of these different places on the continuum have their own identity labels (see demisexual). 
bicurious - a curiosity toward experiencing attraction to people of the same gender/sex (similar to questioning). 
bigender - a person who fluctuates between traditionally “woman” and “man” gender-based behavior and identities, identifying with two genders (or sometimes identifying with either man or woman, as well as a third, different gender). 
bisexual - a person who experiences attraction to some people of their gender and another gender. (mostly thought of as their own and the opposite gender) Bisexual attraction does not have to be equally split, or indicate a level of interest that is the same across the genders an individual may be attracted to. Often used interchangeably with “pansexual”. 
butch - a person who identifies themselves as masculine, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. ‘Butch’ is sometimes used as a derogatory term for lesbians, but is also be claimed as an affirmative identity label. 
cisgender / “cis” - a gender description for when someone’s sex assigned at birth and gender identity correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, and identifies as a man). 
closeted - an individual who is not open to themselves or others about their (queer) sexuality or gender identity. This may be by choice and/or for other reasons such as fear for one’s safety, peer or family rejection, or disapproval and/or loss of housing, job, etc. Also known as being “in the closet.” When someone chooses to break this silence they “come out” of the closet. (see coming out) 
coming out - 1 noun : the process by which one accepts and/or comes to identify one’s own sexuality or gender identity (to “come out” to oneself). 2 verb : the process by which one shares one’s sexuality or gender identity with others. 
demiromantic - little or no capacity to experience romantic attraction until a strong sexual connection is formed with someone, often within a sexual relationship. 
demisexual - little or no capacity to experience sexual attraction until a strong emotional connection is formed with someone, often within a romantic relationship. 
fluid(ity) - generally with another term attached, like gender-fluid or fluid-sexuality, fluid(ity) describes an identity that may change or shift over time between or within the mix of the options available (e.g., man and woman, bi and straight). 
FtM / F2M; MtF / M2F - female-to-male transgender person; male-to-female transgender person. 
gay - 1 experiencing attraction solely (or primarily) to some members of the same gender. Can be used to refer to men who are attracted to other men and women who are attracted to women. 2 an umbrella term used to refer to the queer community as a whole, or as an individual identity label for anyone who is not straight (see LGBTQ and queer)
gender binary - the idea that there are only two genders and that every person is one of those two. 
gender expression -  the external display of one’s gender, through a combination of clothing, grooming, demeanor, social behavior, and other factors, generally made sense of on scales of masculinity and femininity. Also referred to as “gender presentation.”
genderfluid - the internal perception of an one’s gender, and how they label themselves, based on how much they align or don’t align with what they understand their options for gender to be. Often conflated with biological sex, or sex assigned at birth. 
gender non-conforming - 1 a gender expression descriptor that indicates a non-traditional gender presentation (masculine woman or feminine man). 2 a gender identity label that indicates a person who identifies outside of the gender binary. Often abbreviated as “GNC.” 
genderqueer - 1 a gender identity label often used by people who do not identify with the binary of man/woman. 2 an umbrella term for many gender non-conforming or non-binary identities (e.g., agender, bigender, genderfluid). 
hermaphrodite - an outdated medical term previously used to refer to someone who was born with some combination of typically-male and typically-female sex characteristics. It’s considered stigmatizing, inaccurate and offensive by the intersex community and shouldn't be used to refer to them. (See intersex.)
homosexual - a person primarily emotionally, physically, and/or sexually attracted to members of the same sex/gender. This [medical] term is considered stigmatizing (particularly as a noun) due to its history as a category of mental illness, and is discouraged for common use (use gay or lesbian instead). 
intersex - term for a combination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitals that differs from the two expected patterns of male or female. Formerly known as hermaphrodite (or hermaphroditic), but these terms are now outdated and derogatory. 
lesbian - women who are primarily attracted romantically, erotically, and/or emotionally to other women. 
lipstick lesbian - Usually refers to a lesbian with a feminine gender expression. Can be used in a positive or a derogatory way. Is sometimes also used to refer to a lesbian who is assumed to be (or passes for) straight. 
outing -  involuntary or unwanted disclosure of another person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status.
pansexual / “pan”- a person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction for members of all gender identities/expressions.
queer - 1  an umbrella term to describe individuals who don’t identify as straight and/or cisgender. 2  a slur used to refer to someone who isn’t straight and/or cisgender. Due to its historical use as a derogatory term, and how it is still used as a slur many communities, it is not embraced or used by all LGBTQ people. The term “queer” can often be use interchangeably with LGBTQ (e.g., “queer people” instead of “LGBTQ people”). 
stealth - a trans person who is not “out” as trans, and is perceived/known by others as cisgender. 
transgender - 1  a gender description for someone who has transitioned (or is transitioning) from living as one gender to another. 2 an umbrella term for anyone whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity do not correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, but does not identify as a man). 
transition(ing) - referring to the process of a transgender person changing aspects of themself (e.g., their appearance, name, pronouns, or making physical changes to their body) to be more congruent with the gender they know themself to be (as opposed to the gender they lived as pre-transitioning). 
ze / zir -  neopronouns that are gender neutral and preferred by some trans* people. They replace “he” and “she” and “his” and “hers” respectively. Alternatively some people who are not comfortable/do not embrace he/she use the plural pronoun “they/their” as a gender neutral singular pronoun.
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quasarkisses · 4 years
Hi feel free to ignore and delete. But I'm curious as to how you knew you were non-binary? I saw a post about not experiencing gender and I just don't know what that means. I'm not uncomfortable with being a woman, but I don't feel anything about it? I don't think about it and the more I think on other genders I just have no call to any, but I don't know if my comfortabilty with being a woman makes me cis or my lack of caring makes me NB. Do you "experience" gender and if so what does that mean?
first part: you are the gender you feel you are. unless you feel strongly like you’re a woman, you’re probably not one
i personally feel like a lot of cis people only connect with their assigned gender at birth because they think how they feel about it doesn’t give them a choice, that they “are” the gender that “matches” their genitals because they’ve never been given the option to be anything else. what you are is how you feel, the words you use about it are up to you.
second part: the label “non-binary” isn’t referring to a single gender which is neither male nor female, but describes every gender which isn’t strictly “man” or strictly “woman”.
there are hundreds of different specific labels which people use to describe their gender that are non-binary, and thousands of different ways people feel they connect to each one.
I myself feel like i have a gender defined outside of male and female, which has both masculine and feminine elements but is overall a disconnected gender of its own. there are a couple of words that come close, like “stellarian” and “neutrois” but most of the time I just use “nonbinary”. I figured it out mostly due to a dream where I took testosterone to sing lower and grew a beard which I got really attached to, and looking back there are some signs I can think of from my childhood, but everyone’s experience is different and there’s nothing wrong with being a gender just because you feel like it.
third part: just from your description, I’d suggest the non-binary label “agender” for you.
from my experience, agender individuals don’t feel like they align with a gender, don’t have feelings about their gender, or feel that they don’t have a gender at all, which sounds generally like what you’re talking about.
google is your friend, and feel free to explore. there are a myriad of genders, names, and pronouns to try out, or you can stick with what you’re used to! you don’t have to decide at all either, that’s the great part about exploring this stuff, it’s all up to you.
 sorry my answer was so long, I hope this helped! I’m happy to help out if you have any more questions too 
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trans-advice · 5 years
I'm an unaligned nonbinary person looking for better words to describe my identity. Could you explain what neutrois, androgyne, agender, and stellarian are? Maybe what the differences are, too?
Agender: a lack of gender identity
Neutrosis: When you feel your gender-neutrality is a distinct identity in itself separate from masculinity & femininity. The point being you feel this is an identity
Androgyne: an identity that combines masculinity & femininity.
Note that all of the above have enough overlap that their real world usage might be different than described above. These are more like textbook definitions. (I remember our former mod named Fade described how there was a lot of overlap between agender & neutrosis, so nuance is there for people who need it, but still.)
Stellarian: This has to do with gender attribution, gender coding & perceived gender. It is not about gender identity. However, it can refer to style too since all "clothing" is gender neutral when folks stop being ...freaked out about it. This refers to things that aren't masc/solarian (sun) or fem/lunarian (moon).
So like back in the day (within the past few years) since binarists would dismiss masc-aligned & fem-aligned as men & women (whether trans or cis), this convention of sun/moon/stars (solarian/lunarian/stellarian) came about.
The point being, solarian/lunarian/stellarian places the source of the gender coding on other people not yourself. (Just as the sun, moon & stars aren't alive, but people attach legends & meaning & gender to them.) An example I can think of if you prefer wearing buzzcuts that might be solarian in some cases (or butch or masc-of-center), but it wouldn't in itself make you a man. This is also important because discussions about butch women & trans men can get confusing & distressing for both of them (at the very least) since there wasn't vocabulary to discuss gender-coding as opposed to gender identity.
I hope this helps
Good Luck, Peace & Love,
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revenant-coining · 2 years
looking for terms for a dad!gaster (undertale) fictive
themes are
parenthood, specifically fatherhood
masculine in a nby way
nby in a masculine way
science & interdimensional research & the core (undertale)
any source related terms
here's what i could find:
Paerengender: a non-binary - in - nature gender which is influenced somehow by parenthood. this gender is not female, male, feminine aligned, or masculine aligned, despite having a relation to parenthood.
Patregender: a non-binary - in - nature gender which is influenced somehow by fatherhood. this gender is not male or masculine aligned, despite having a relation to fatherhood.
Patreneu(tral): a NIN & non-binary - in - nature gender which is influenced somehow by fatherhood. this gender is not male or masculine aligned, despite having a relation to fatherhood.
Masculine in a nb way/Nb in a masculine way:
Enboy, also known as manby or guyby, is a term for someone who is a non-binary man. It can be used by anyone who identifies as both a boy/man and as non-binary. It can include multigender individuals with a non-binary gender and man/boy, gendervast individuals, individuals who are genderfluid or genderflux between non-binary and male, a male-aligned non-binary individual (or solarian), a neumale (neutrois male), etc.
Mascfalleric is a term to describe masculine gender expression and/or presentation by someone with a nonbinary gender identity.
Mascgender, also known as mascugender or manugender, is a non-binary gender that is masculine in nature. It is similar to mingender.
Faintmasc/male/boy: when you feel a vague connection to being a boy, male and/or masculine.
Science/Interdimensional Research/The Core (Undertale)
UTCOREic: a gender connected to The Core from Undertale.
Plasmagender: A sciencegender related to plasma as it is defined in physics
Chemigender: A gender that is a chemical, is multiple chemicals, is related to a chemical, or is related to multiple chemicals! It can also be related to science, discovery, experiments, lab equipment, etc, but it doesn't have to be!
Sciencecoric: a coric xenogender related to sciencecore and things such as test tubes, experiments, studying, nature, space, etc.
Sciencegender: an umbrella term that encompasses any xenogenders that are related to science. They may be described or conceptualized using scientific concepts, are linked to science or scientific concepts in some way, or are aesthetically connected to scientific concepts.
Unmulnati: A natiden identity that can only be fully understood with context from cultures / societies in the Undertale Multiverse.
Ruinsic: a gender connected to the ruins location from the game undertale
Snowdinic: a gender connected to the snowdin location from the game undertale
Waterfallic: a gender connected to the waterfall location from the game undertale
Hotlandic: a gender connected to the hotland location from the game undertale
Newhomic: a gender connected to the new home location from the game undertale
Radiomogai's undertale theme tag
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