#for increasing the nutrition of the food as well as increasing the taste of the food. We are the largest manufacturer
helen-with-an-a · 6 months
I am an adult pt. 2
Hi. So this is part 2 to I am an adult. I already had an idea that I wanted to do another part but thank you to the Anon who gave me a good idea for it. I hope you enjoy it. <3
Barca Femeni x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 3.5 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Epilogue
TW: Angst
Word Count: 4k
Description: R realises she might not be as adult as she things she is
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Everything was wonderful for the first few weeks after they came to your house. They calmed down, and you calmed down. It was great. But something felt … off. They stopped treating you like a child. Which is what you wanted, right? You had asked for this. You had asked them to stop policing your actions and criticising you. You wanted this. Then why did it feel so wrong?
You didn't go crazy; you continued your life as it always had been; movie nights with Patri, dinner with Pina, coffee with Ona. Everything was totally and completely normal. Except you no longer came home to text messages asking about your location or concerns over your safety. You no longer had Lucy reminding you about your weekly food shop that needed to match your nutritional needs. You no longer had Alexia helping you fill out your official government documents. You no longer had Marta and Caro texting you about your upcoming schedules. You no longer had Paños checking to ensure you were up at the correct times. Your safety net had slipped away, and you were dangling in the middle of open water without anyone to catch you.
But this was entirely of your own making. You didn't realise it, but you had failed to apologise to them. You had failed to act like the adult you thought you were and own up to your actions. They didn't realise it either, not consciously anyway, until a few days later. Paños watched you from the corner of her eye, goofing off with Mapi when she got a sour taste in her mouth. Ingrid had approached her to apologise for her behaviour when she snapped at them. The adult thing to do.
"Hey, Ale?" Paños caught Alexia's elbow, stopping her from moving away. "Did Y/N ever apologise to you? For shouting in the changing rooms?" Alexia frowned. No, you hadn't. You had shouted at her in front of your colleagues, your friends, and you hadn't said a word. Never mind that she was your captain. You yelled at someone in public when they only tried to help. And never said sorry. She shook her head. Sandra hummed and began making discreet enquiries about whether you had apologised to anyone else; over the past few months, you had been rude to all of them. Even Ingrid and Mapi when they had expressed concern over you going out for the third night in a row. They had all apologised to you, recognising their own faults with the extreme actions they had around you. But you didn't extend the same courtesy to them. The older teammates pulled back even further, annoyed with your behaviour and lack of ownership over them – again, it was something you weren't aware of, too busy in your bubble of newfound freedom.
Over the next three months or so, you were finding things increasingly more difficult. At first, it was the food shop. When you were with Alexia, she always kept something healthy in the freezer for you should you feel like food shopping was too much for you but you needed something in the fridge or pantry. After long days at the training centre and after matches, the last thing you wanted to do was go to the always-too-busy shops. So, you began ordering food some days of the week. It wasn't like you ordered anything too unhealthy; you always got something vaguely nutritious with vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates. Everything you need for a well-balanced meal. But with the increased deliveries, the carefully constructed budget that Alexia and Lucy had worked out for you began to crumble. Soon, your bank account was much less full than it once was.
It was a sunny morning in early May when things really hit the fan. You had been pulled into a conference room. It all looked very official. Men with official suits you didn't recognise sat on one end of the long table. The Barcelona Big Bosses, as you called them, were along another. Jonatan and Alexia sat on the third side of the table, leaving a single seat on the fourth. Jonatan looked concerned, the Big Bosses looked stern, and the Officials looked bored. Alexia looked furious – she refused to look at you, her hands fiddling with the pen in front of her.
"Hola," you said as you took your seat. Introductions were made, and something small and square was placed on the table in the middle.
Buen día. "Soy Carlos Álvarez y él es mi colega Juan Ramírez; trabajamos para el Departamento de Estado y hemos sido asignados a su caso." You stared at the Official blankly. Your Spanish had been improving, but he spoke too quickly for you to understand. "Le gustaría que esta entrevista se realizara en inglés?" You looked to Alexia for guidance, but she stayed staring at the papers in front of her.
"Um, lo siento, um, no en-entiendo. No hablo español," you responded. It was the phrase Lucy had taught you when you first arrived. The man gestured to one of the other Officials.
"My name is Juan Ramirez, and this is Carlos Álvarez; we are officers from the State Department assigned to your case." Your heart stopped. Did you have a case with the State Department? How? Why? Your fear must have shown on your face as Jonatan took pity on you.
"Y/N, you haven't filled out any tax forms or completed your Right to Work visa." Tax forms? A right-to-work visa? You have never had to fill any of those things out before.
"But … I've not completed those before."
"Yes, you have. Look." Juan handed you photocopies of filled-out forms, all with your name and information on them.
"I didn't …"
"I did it for you, Y/N," Alexia answered. "We used to sit down together and do it." When did you do that? You don't remember any forms.
"It shouldn't take too long to actually fill out the forms, but because they're late, you must go to court to hand them to the judges. Due to your status and job, you can stay in the country, but you cannot participate in matches or training until you have received confirmation from the State Department that you can work again." Juan explained. Court? No training? No matches? "We will also have to freeze your salary. It will be back-dated once you have the necessary documentation, but as of right now, you cannot receive any more money for FC Barcelona or anyone else in Spain." No more money? You were really starting to panic. What did they mean you couldn't be paid? You tried frantically to get Alexia's attention, but she refused to meet your eyes.
The rest of the meeting was a blur. You had been escorted to the mercifully empty changing rooms and gathered your things. As you entered the main corridor, you met an incensed Alexia, with Marta, Paños, Patri and Irene standing behind her. The captains.
You went to open your mouth when Alexia cut you off. "I don't want to hear a word from you. How could you be so irresponsible? You said you wanted to be treated like an adult, yet you do something as stupid as this. You could be deported, Y/N. You could be banned from ever entering Spain again."
"I know, but-"
"Do you? Do you know? You said you wanted to be treated like the adult you claimed you are, but you are not acting like one. Adults take responsibility for their own actions. Adults apologise to their friends for shouting at them. Adults can complete simple forms that take only a few minutes to complete. Adults act like adults," she continued. You felt a singular tear roll down your cheek. "And now you're crying," Alexia threw her hands in the air. "You wanted to be an adult, and you failed." That stung. But it wasn't a lie either. And that made it hurt worse. "Adults own up to their consequences and deal with them."
"Alright, Ale. I think she gets it." Patri tried to help you. She was one of your best friends, after all.
"Does she? Do you understand? Do you understand how much trouble you are in? Not just with me or the club but with the government?"
"Yes," you whispered so quietly that she barely heard you. She straightened to her full height, chest puffed out, shoulders back.
"You will not have contact with anyone from this club until you have received confirmation that you are allowed to work here. I will not allow you to drag them into your mess. When you are allowed back to train, you will be on the pitch every day at 7 am. You will complete extra laps before and after training until I deem it appropriate for you to stop. You will apologise to every single person who works for FC Barcelona for the hassle you have created for them. You will have to earn your right to even sit on the bench, let alone play or be a part of the Starting XI. You will have to earn back our respect, not just as a player, but as a person." Alexia said icily before pushing past you. The others followed suit, slightly concerned for you but still following their captain's lead. Patri gently patted your shoulder as she went.
You made it about 5 minutes into your car journey home before you deemed it too dangerous to drive. You pulled into a quiet side street and sobbed. You had really fucked up. You had really, truly, absolutely fucked up. And you weren't talking about the paperwork. That terrified you, of course. You had never even spoken to the Police, and now you had an open case file against you with the State Department. But what hurt the most was how appallingly and horrifically you had fucked up your friendships. The older girls had taken you under their wings without being asked. And how did you repay them? By behaving like a little brat who wanted to sit at the big girl's table.
The next day, Juan and Carlos turned up on your doorstep, armed with a mountain of paperwork and a tough expression. It had taken you 4 hours to complete all the documents you needed. Your court date came through the post a few weeks later. It was set for a month's time. You had hardly left your house. Initially, you wallowed in self-deprecation and began to hate yourself for how you treated the people in your team. The women that had helped you settle into Spain without being asked. The women who let you sleep in their spare rooms and crash on their couches. The women who filled out essential documents for you without you even realising it. And you had never even thanked them. Instead, you had hated them, resented them for the suffocating feeling you thought they had created. Maybe it was you? Perhaps you were so insistent on doing 'normal' things that you made your own asphyxiating environment around them?
After a week of feeling sorry for … everything, you decided enough was enough. You dragged yourself out of bed and into the shower. You forced yourself to make food and do an at-home workout. After moving your body a little bit, you sat down and began to concoct a plan. Alexia told you you had to apologise to everyone under the FC Barcelona banner. So that's where you would start. You wrote a list with each department on it. You couldn't find individual names, but you knew roughly how big the department was. You wanted to do something that was genuinely hard as an apology.
Buying flowers with a printed note was easy. So, you decided baking was the best option. You could bake reasonably well, and who doesn't love sweet treats. You decided it was better to be safe than sorry, so you made as many cakes, muffins, doughnuts, churros, brownies, and cookies as possible. The works. You couldn't go near the training centre, so you couriered them each day, handing over your mountain of confectionary with a label attached to which department it should go. Inside was a handwritten note apologising profusely for the difficulties you had caused them, promising that you would come to speak to them in person as soon as you were able to. The team was slightly easier to individualise things; you knew their favourites, so you spent a few days baking up a storm for them. You knew they were under strict instructions not to contact you – you wondered what punishment would await them if they tried – but you couldn't deny the total radio silence hurt a little. Could they really cut you out of their life so quickly? But this was your own making, you kept reminding yourself. This was on you. You had to fix this.
Eventually, your time in court came as you handed over the documents. The judge was strict and disapproving, but you could tell the man behind the gavel was nice enough. Your official confirmation documents came two days later, with instructions on who to give them to and when your next form deadlines were. You took out your phone, recorded the dates in your calendar, and wrote them on a piece of paper to pin to your fridge.
All that was left for you to do now was go to training.
Go to training and face the team.
Go to training and face the older girls you had been so rude to.
Go to training and face your captains.
Go to training and face Alexia again.
You set your alarm for 6 am the following day. You completed your usual daily routine – showering, brushing your teeth, getting your protein shake and breakfast, getting changed, getting in the car, and driving to the grounds. You had hoped it would calm you, but as the building got nearer and nearer, your nerves began to skyrocket. Taking steadying breaths, you made your way to the changing rooms. The building was eerie, being this quiet. Typically, the hallways were filled with loud chatter, and the changing rooms were filled with laughter. You made your way onto the pitches at 6.45. You were early, hoping it showed Alexia that you were trying to fix things. You initially decided to stand and wait for her, but then you remembered that she had told you you would be running until she decided you would stop. So, you start doing your stretching and activation. You didn't know this, but the Captains watched you from the conference room. It had floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the training facility. After your stretches, your phone buzzed. Alexia had texted.
Ale <3: 30 laps.
Cariño: Hi. Yes, no problem. Will you be coming outside?
Ale <3: No, but I will know if you cheat.
30 laps was a lot. But you didn't want to cheat; this was your punishment for all the stress you had caused, so you would do it, and you would do it honestly—even if it killed you. You had asked because you wanted to see Alexia. You tried to apologise to her first, but that wasn't an option at the moment.
Ale <3: It's 7. Start running.
You filled with your watch as you took off on a gentle jog.
"30? Are you trying to kill her?" Irene asked as she watched you complete your 20th lap. You had only been running for about 35 minutes, but she was mildly concerned. This was the first time you'd done any significant form of movement in a while.
"She won't be needed in matches for a while. She'll be fine." Alexia wasn't about to let you off the hook.
"I know she won't be at matches for a while, but come on, Ale. She's got to do a full day's training after this. And laps afterwards." Marta pointed out. They had all been disappointed and hurt by your actions, but she thought Alexia might be taking it too far.
"She's fine. And who said she won't be at matches?" Alexia smiled, slightly evilly, Patri thought.
"You did?" Paños looked at her, confused.
"No, I said she won't be playing in matches. She will still attend them." They all shared mildly worried looks but let Alexia have her way.
When you eventually finished, you walked around with your hands on your head, taking deep breaths and trying to slow your heart rate down. 
Ale <3: You can go. Be at breakfast at 8.30.
Your heart sank a little as you felt the iciness behind her texts, but this was your own doing. You had to deal with the consequences—like an adult. You headed to the showers to get dressed for the next training session, your shoulders slightly drooping. Alexia couldn't deny that it pulled on her heartstrings a little, but you must be taught a lesson about accountability.
When you arrived out of the showers, the changing room was busy. Everyone stopped talking as you walked to your cubby. You decided to utilise everyone staring at you to your advantage.
"I would like to take this time to apologise to you as a team. I will be coming and doing it individually as well, but I wanted to do this as a team. I am so, deeply, truly sorry for the way I have been acting in these last few months. I was angry and frustrated, but instead of talking calmly like an adult, I raised my voice and lashed out. I am so sorry. I am also sorry for causing a rift in the team – that was never my intention. I am also sorry for the issues I have caused by not completing simple forms. I apologise." You nodded and turned around, hoping the eyes wouldn't keep looking at you. Ona first broke the silence, nudging you slightly and smirking as you met her eyes.
The training was brutal, and Jonatan was not taking it easy on you (and you were reasonably sure it had a little bit to do with Alexia). You used the time you were allowed to talk to apologise to everyone personally. Most people shook you off, but the older girls listened to you and told them how much you hurt them. They accepted it nonetheless – they could see you were trying to make amends. You got through training without complaints, like an adult. You helped collect the equipment before stopping in front of your 4 captains.
"H – How many laps?" You asked, not quite looking any of them in the eyes.
"5," Alexia commented. You nodded and set off running again.
"Ale, aren't you being a little harsh? You're making her run about 6km today on top of training." Marta looked at you. You looked a little weak, running slower than this morning. But you had the determined glint in your eye that told her only Alexia could make you stop.
"She needs to learn her lesson." She shrugged and moved away.
It continued for about three weeks before Jonatan put his foot down. He was starting to get more than a little concerned by your and Alexia's behaviour. You had made up with the rest of the team entirely. The older girls, bar Alexia, asked you about your evenings, and you asked about theirs—just like any group of adults would do.
"Alexia. You need to stop this. She has proved herself. She has said sorry to every person in this building. You need to stop punishing her. I want her back on the team sheets for matches, and I can't do that with you slowly killing her." Jonatan had called her into his office after training. He hadn't initially questioned her behaviour; he had supported it at the beginning. But he could see that the constant rejection from her was getting to you. You were still young, after all.
"She hasn't," Alexia said, watching as he furrowed his brow in confusion. "She hasn't apologised to me."
"Maybe that's because you keep looking at her like you're going to kill her. I see her come up to you, clearly trying to apologise, and then you stare at her, not unlike how you're staring at me now." She quickly fixed her face. "You're terrifying the poor girl."
Her talk with Jonatan made Alexia question her methods a little bit. Yes, she made you run an additional 35 laps daily, but you had to learn your lesson, right? This was the only way to make you see how you were behaving. She was sure of it. In actuality, she was hurt. Your actions had really hurt her. Disregarding you shouting at her in front of everyone, you hadn't wanted her. And that really stung. She may have wanted you to also feel that pain … just a little bit.
As Alexia walked up to your door, she was slightly … nervous? No, that couldn't be right. She was Alexia Putellas, she didn't get nervous. But she was. It was the same feeling she got as a teenager when she knew she had run late at training, missing her curfew, and knowing that her mother was waiting for her behind the door. She decided she was more apprehensive than nervous. Alexia did not get nervous. As she raised her hand to knock, the door disappeared.
"I really don't know what to do," you jumped slightly as you registered that someone was standing before you. "Oh, hi," you said uncertainly. "Ona, I've got to go … Ale, um, Alexia's here … bye." You hung up the phone, putting your coat back behind the door. "Would you like to come in?" You offered meekly.
"Por favor. If that's ok." You smiled hesitantly and stepped back.
"Would you like a drink? I've got water, juice, tea, coffee … wine?" You sounded so unsure of yourself. Had she caused this?
"A tea would be lovely." You both settled yourself with the standard social conventions.
"I wanted to talk to you, actually," you said as you gestured to the table. "I wanted to apologise to you. I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I was rude. I should have been adult enough to discuss my feelings properly," you stared hard at the table, fidgeting with the mug in your hands. As Alexia opened her mouth again, you continued, pushing through before she could comment. "I would also like to apologise for what happened with the documents. I was so stupid not to fill out those forms. I made something that would have taken an afternoon at most into a massive thing. I'm sorry if I caused any embarrassment to you, as a person or as Capitana." You thought you embarrassed her? Yes, what you did was irresponsible, but you were living alone for the first time in a new country. Alexia should have made you do the forms earlier when you still lived with her, not doing them herself without your knowledge.
"Gracias, cariño." You looked up, shocked at the term of endearment. She hadn't called you that in a long time. "I would also like to apologise."
"You have nothing to-" you interjected.
"Sí, cariño, I do. I was so harsh on you. Harsher than what was warranted. I'm sorry. I'm not embarrassed; I never was. I was hurt. You said you didn't need or want me anymore. That hurt me," she explained.
"Ale … Alexia, I'll always want you around. I didn't want to go cold turkey on you. I just wanted you to treat me like you treat Cláudia, or Jana, or Ona. But I never wanted you to not be in my life." She smiled softly at your response. Although, she didn't like that you hesitated to call her Ale.
"Look at us, cariño, talking like the adults we both are." She joked as she sipped on her tea.
"Like the adults we both are, Ale." You smiled back.
So that was part 2. I hope you liked it. I don't think I'll make any more parts, but we shall see.
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Writing Reference: Symbolism of Food
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We need food to live, so it comes as no surprise that we have accorded many ingredients with "magical powers".
Indeed, some of the things we eat every day carry both constituent elements and meanings which go far beyond mere nutrition.
Below is a list of some foods, real and mythical, which have become symbols in themselves.
For the Greeks, ambrosia was the food of the Gods.
Given that it conferred immortality, the deities on Mount Olympus guarded it jealously.
As well as ensuring eternal life, ambrosia could be used as an ointment that could heal any wound.
However, for a mortal, eating ambrosia was a big mistake.
Example: The story of Tantalus. He was invited to eat with the Gods, and so, presuming that he was accepted as one of them, he ate ambrosia. In the tradition of all good dinner party guests, he decided to return the favor and invited the Gods round to his place. Deciding somewhat sycophantically that they should feast upon all the good things that they had given him, he served up the flesh of his own children, and was banished to Hades.
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Long before the Western discovery of the Americas, the natives of Brazil, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America used the seeds of the chocolate tree to make a stimulating drink. These bean-like seeds were cacahuatl, or cocoa.
Primarily symbolic of love, chocolate is a sensual food with aphrodisiac properties that are due, in part, to association.
However, its melting point is the same temperature as blood, a very satisfying sensation.
The botanical name of the plant gives a clue as to its sacred status. Theobroma cacao means “food of the Gods,” from the Greek “Theo,” meaning God and “Broma,” meaning food.
The beans were so highly valued that the Mayans used them as currency.
Possibly the world’s first chocoholic, their ruler Montezuma was completely addicted to the beans.
He drank them infused in cold water with no seasoning. He served this sacred drink in goblets of beaten gold, and at the coronation of Montezuma II in 1502 a concoction of chocolate and psilocybin mushrooms was served to the guests. This must have been a heady mixture.
Cortés cultivated the plant primarily because of its reputation as an aphrodisiac; this secret was divulged by one of the nineteen young women given to him by Montezuma as a tribute. Perhaps the 2000 chocolate trees that he consequently planted were testimony to the efficacy of the beans in keeping the ladies satisfied.
By 1550, chocolate factories were operating in Lisbon, Genoa, Marseilles, and other European cities. The recipes became more and more refined.
Catherine de Medici slowed down the progress of chocolate for a while because it was so good that she wanted it all to herself.
However, although the Church tried to ban many of the foodstuffs that had been discovered in the New World, especially those that were considered as stimulants, their advice was largely ignored and it is possible that this disapproval increased the popularity of this illicit substance.
Neither Catherine nor all the forces of the Church could stop the world becoming chocolate coated.
Today, the form of chocolate has changed so much that Montezuma would probably find it unrecognizable, both in taste and form. However, it is still unrivalled as a token and symbol of love.
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Legislation decrees that all packaged food carry a “best before” date, but this seems to be particularly unnecessary in the case of honey, since jars of the stuff found in the tombs of Egyptian kings of several thousand years ago has proved to be perfectly edible even now.
It could well be because honey is so long lasting, and because it is used as a preservative, that it is a symbol of immortality and is used in funerary rites.
The bees that make the honey have their place in the realms of magical creatures accorded with supernatural powers, but more of that in the Fauna section.
The Promised Land is said to “flow with milk and honey” as being the very best that the Gods can offer.
The sweetness of honey is believed to confer gifts of learning and poetry.
We’ll never know if the story that Pythagoras existed on honey alone is true, but the fact that the rumor exists is in accord with his God-like status.
As well as being edible and fermentable, honey has healing and antiseptic qualities, and a dollop of honey smeared onto a wound will soon draw out any impurities and speed the healing process.
Honey is said to be an aphrodisiac and to encourage fertility and virility, wealth and abundance, and is a symbol of the Sun, partly because of the flowers from which it is made but also because of its color.
Like honey, mead also carries the gift of immortality.
The Celts believed it was the favored drink of the Gods in the Otherworld.
It is a sacred drink in Africa, too, where it is believed that drinking the stuff will make you more knowledgeable.
It is very simple to make—it’s simply honey mixed with water and allowed to ferment—and this process of fermentation is akin to a magical process in itself, which is akin to transmutation in alchemy.
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Given that milk is the first food, it’s not surprising that it is associated with many stories of the Creation, and is a symbol of divinity.
Amrita, or soma, the absolute nectar of life for Hindus and the equivalent of ambrosia, was created as a cosmic sea of milk was churned.
The curds that were created by this epic stirring formed the Earth, the Universe, and the stars.
Along with honey, there is an abundance of milk in the Promised Land, and Indian myths tell of a magical milk tree in Heaven.
Because of its color and its association with the feminine, milk is a symbol of the Moon.
The main food source for milk for us human beings (once we’re weaned) is the cow.
The cow is sacred in India because during times of famine it made far more sense to keep the animal alive for its milk rather than slaughter and eat it purely for its meat, so all parts of the cow are accorded sacred status and are ruled over by one or other of the Gods or Goddesses.
In the hidden symbolic language of alchemy, the Philosopher’s Stone is sometimes called the Virgin’s Milk.
Nectar is often referred to as ambrosia, but has secrets of its own to tell.
Flowers create it, and its scent attracts the bees, which then transform the nectar into honey.
Seemingly insignificant, nectar is nevertheless a very magical ingredient, created from flowers, sunshine, and bees working together in a collective consciousness known as the “hive mind” in an environment which itself is constructed from one of the key shapes in sacred geometry, the hexagon.
Like the Greek Olympians, the Indian deities had a type of food, like ambrosia, that ensured their immortality.
This was soma, or amrita. Whereas dire consequences befell any mortal that dared to partake of ambrosia, the Indian Gods were more generous with their soma, and any mortal that ate it was immediately given immortality and access to Heaven.
The ancient Indian Vedic scriptures, the Ramayana, tell the story of Rama, an epic hero, the perfect man:
Rama was born after his father was visited by an angel.
This angel brought with him some magical food.
Eating this soma meant that Rama’s father was able to sire offspring that were the human incarnations of the God, Vishnu.
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The symbolic meanings of wine are generally attached to the red variety; it seems that a nice dry white or a sweet rosé carries no hidden mystery.
The red color means that wine is often linked to blood, particularly since the wine is the “blood” of the grape.
Because it looks like blood, wine is often used in rituals where blood would otherwise be called for, and because ceremonial wine is often drunk from a shared chalice, it is seen, like bread, as a unifying principle.
Wine is male, and bread is female.
As a partner to bread in the ritual of the Eucharist, the consecrated wine is transformed into the blood of the Christ, a reminder of both sacrifice and immortal life, and it’s this transformative power that accords wine with much of its mystique.
When the water is turned into wine in the story of the Marriage at Cana, what is really being shown here is the transformation of the mundane into the magical, the Earthly into the Heavenly.
It is this magical process of fermentation at work that explains why wine is associated with Bacchus/Dionysus, and the intoxicating power of wine is symbolic of divine possession.
The phrase, “In vino veritas” links wine to the truth and is a reminder that those intoxicated by perhaps a little too much of that nice claret will be more likely to speak the truth than most, which can be good or bad, depending on the circumstances.
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rosemarydisaster · 2 months
The Batfam and cooking
Alfred: we have so much canon info about this one. He takes pride in meeting the demands of his grandkids, but the kids sometimes just pretend to like it for his peace of mind.
Bruce: No. And I don't mean in the meme way. He's more than capable of sustaining himself and following instructions. He also chooses to subsist on those "nutritional milkshakes". Like to him is not a matter of learning how to cook, he's a chemist measuring his exact nutritional needs in a cup. It's disgusting and he shouldn't be allowed near the blender.
Barbara Gordon: not the best, not the worst. She has cooked, she will cook again. She's also not trying to make anything too fancy. She prefers take out mainly because she has (and will again in the future) burnt her food to a crisp because she got distracted with oracle stuff. A quick check while the potatoes are in the oven is a very dangerous thing.
Dick Grayson: he would love to be that guy that takes Instagramable pictures of his food. Sometimes he manages to do just that, but that's not sustainable for him. He has a few fancy recipes he likes to bring out to impress people or to feel like a responsible adult. Most of the time he's sauteing random vegetables with some rice and chicken and calling it a day. It's good, healthy and filling but is not much in the great scheme of things. I feel like he'd make really good salads too for some reason.
Cassandra Cain: she's not very good at being people. Cooking is part of that, a survival skill and not much more. She really appreciates nice food but doesn't see the point in learning herself when her time is better spent elsewhere. I can see her breaking into the other's houses to join them for dinner because she forgot to make her own.
Jason Todd: this man cooks. I don't care if the whole "Alfred's favorite" thing is a bit fanon, it's fun fanon. I think that since he is aware of how they lie to Alfred sometimes, he'd be an even better cook. He's the kind of guy to make any recipe work first try, even if he keeps workshopping it until it's perfect. He's also very neat and cleans after himself. Cooking helps him wind down after a hard night. If he messes up though he might cry.
Stephanie Brown: she took the whole "cooking is like science" and decided to be a mad scientist. Her cooking works for her because she has crazy tastes. Like she'd make a salami and Nutella sandwich and consider it her Magnum opus. She loves baking too just so she can fuck around and find out. Steph usually leaves the mess there until she needs the space to cook again. Not because she's dirty it's just that she gets so caught up in trying the final product she forgets about it. She stresses the fuck out of Jason.
Tim Drake: he's more of an utilitarian, closer to Cass. He learned a few simple recipes when he was a kid and that's all he needs. Through the years he's had to add a couple more to make it more balanced and fit his needs (first with the increase of physical activity and then the asplenia). He has a very healthy but very limited diet. He refuses to add anything else because there's no need. He already knows how to cook the things he needs and likes well, thank u very much.
Duke Thomas: this man can cook. It takes him a while to get into it, but he has great instinct for it. He's more of a "vibes only" kind of cook, which makes him an awful baker but Alfred has the sweets covered anyways. Part of his process includes picking the spices from the back of the rack that Alfred pretends don't exist. He's creative but not in as much of a messy way as Steph. And unlike her, he does have functioning taste buds so sometimes he ends up a victim of his own hubris. Most times it works out for him.
Damian Wayne Al Gul: he helps his siblings whenever he mooches food from them (because Alfred is the only one that tolerates idle hands in the kitchen). He loves Jason's cooking but he has more fun with Duke and Steph. They allow his input and suggestions which makes him feel like he's contributing. He prefers Duke though, because his success rate is higher.
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The World Food Summit of 1996 approached food security through the principles of ensuring there is enough safe and nutritious food that can be accessed daily to meet healthy dietary needs and food preferences. By definition, this is a desirable and worthy goal. However, in the years since, food security has developed into a paradigm which does not question the underlying power dynamics and the reproduction of material conditions that make food insecurity a permanent feature of the global order. At its core, the food security paradigm deals only with access to food, without challenging the political and economic structures that determine and control access, as well as distribution.  By failing to address the root causes of hunger and famine, the food security paradigm makes it impossible to end hunger globally. Of course, many people worldwide possess food security, but this is restricted to increasingly limited geographic pockets. In terms of the people localised in one area, food vulnerability is influenced and determined by class, race, gender and, of course, citizenship status. Globally, “underdevelopment” and “de-development” lead to widespread food insecurity across areas. Another problem with the food security paradigm is that it is easily co-opted to generate partial answers that pose no threat to the corporate food system, or worse, that even open up new profit opportunities. Accelerated by other crises, the food security paradigm becomes ever more dependent on aid, be it through direct food delivery, cash transfers or small development projects that cannot compete with the food giants and their price-setting powers. In practice, a “science of food security” emerges, one which takes as its focus calories and the output that is compatible with precision agriculture having the aim to increase crop yields and to assist management decisions using high technology sensor and analysis tools. This model tends to be reliant on “Green Revolution” technologies that rely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides and that are tied to colonial projects and corporations, in order to optimise resources in aid response and/or development projects.  In this rationale, food insecurity can be addressed by reaching optimum yields of certain crops that should meet the demand for fats, fibres and protein. All of this is carefully managed and data-driven. Precision farming is advocated by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) with the objective of optimising, “agricultural value chains […] critical in advancing food and nutrition sufficiency without increasing the size of land under cultivation.” The framing of food that reduces it only to “optimal input” relegates vital elements of food production and the culture of eating, like territory ownership, taste, heritage, care, well-being and connection as secondary. This reductionist approach has, though, proved useful to corporate agriculture, since it reinforces the case for genetically modified crops (GMOs), more efficient fertilisers, and the standardisation of food production for market purposes. Advocates of plant breeding technologies (including GMOs and hybrid seeds) argue that government overregulation is an obstacle to achieving food security. Overregulation, as the argument goes, denies populations the opportunity to grow crops that have increased nutrient use efficiency and are more resilient to climate shocks. 
The paradigm of food security is about optimising productivity. It’s true that productivity matters – after all, feeding the world requires enormous quantities of food. But if productivity is approached solely as a technological problem, it reinforces the tendency to fragment the quantitative and qualitative aspects of food production and consumption. On the quantitative side, production for food security is viewed as a challenge of multiplication. Whereas division, that is, distribution of food, is left to logistical planning. This ignores what Raj Patel identified in his influential 2007 book Stuffed and Starved, as the bottleneck of power that concentrates international food distribution among a small set of corporations. This bottleneck excludes the poor and small-scale food producers from decision-making. It also normalises worrying tendencies, such as an overreliance on industrial animal exploitation as a protein source, which has direct health implications, as well as longer term consequences like the proliferation of new viruses, greenhouse gas emissions and inefficient use of water and soil.
28 May 2024
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propertyofkylar · 10 months
Normally I send Whitney asks (probably will send one later) but I need to give my baby Kylar some love. Poor thing needs a good home cooked meal, he needs fruits too bc he has scurvy from his awful diet.
every time you say kylar has scurvy it makes me CACKLE it's so fucking funny. because it's so true.
but you're right giving kylar a homecooked meal needs to be more than just the headcanons i wrote before it deserves a full fic so let's fucking GOOOO
m!kylar x gn!pc, no cws just wholesome, tooth-rotting fluff ^_^
"Sit down and be patient, Kylar."
Your boyfriend sulked, but sat down in the kitchen chair anyway. You paid no mind to the fact that he pulled the chair directly next to where you were standing.
"S-sorry," he mumbled. "It just smells so good!"
You rolled your eyes affectionately and placed a hand on his cheek. He immediately beamed and leaned into your touch.
Ever since you had started spending more time at Kylar's manor, the amount you worried about him had only increased. The boy was almost always alone, staring at his six computer screens and only ever seemed to be eating instant ramen or fried food he bought on the way home from school. It was a miracle he hadn't suffered some severe nutritional deficit yet - though while you were certainly no doctor, you were pretty sure he was anemic.
So you had promised him you would make him a homemade dinner, and he had reacted as you had anticipated: by crying and thanking you repeatedly.
Now, here you were, cooking in Kylar's kitchen. It was pretty fun, honestly. Not only did you get to spend more time with Kylar, you got to do something you rarely got to do in the orphanage. Here, there was no Bailey to yell at you.
You had opted to make Kylar a katsu curry. Something simple that you were sure he would like, and something you could pack with veggies to make sure he got plenty of vitamins. Of course, you were pretty sure Kylar would have eaten anything if you were the one making it. But you figured you couldn't go wrong by appealing to his love of Japanese things.
"Do you want a taste?" You asked, dipping a spoon into the pot. Kylar eagerly nodded and jumped up. You guided the spoon to his mouth and he happily took it, grinning widely at you.
"It's good!" He said. "I knew my love would be a fabulous cook!"
You smiled at his over-exaggeration. "Okay, go grab a plate. It's ready."
He did as he was told - grabbing an extra plate for you as well - and you served up the dinner.
The two of you took a seat at the table, but the way Kylar was practically bouncing in his chair made you stop before you could begin eating.
"What's going on?" You gestured over to him. His excitement was palpable.
"My love made me dinner! We're eating it together! It's like we're already married..." Kylar sighed dreamily, gazing down at the plate.
You shook your head, but you were smiling, too. "Come on. You gotta eat before it gets cold, or you won't get any dessert," you teased.
He nodded seriously and starting digging in, a little too enthusiastically. "It's so good!" He choked out between bites.
"Kylar!" He paused and looked up at you. "Slow down. I don't want you to choke."
Kylar nodded again, making sure to slow down. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "It really is that good..."
You took a bite of your own, pleasantly surprised at the taste. "Huh. I guess you're right."
"Thank you," Kylar said, staring at you lovingly. "My love is so good to me!"
"Then I'll keep cooking for you. God only knows what vitamin deficiencies you have. You probably have scurvy," you joked. But what Kylar had said before was ringing in your mind. Being married to Kylar...it might be pretty nice, actually. You had never been able to think about a real future, one where you weren't trapped under Bailey's thumb. Maybe one day you would be able to actually live here with Kylar and you could cook for him every night without worrying about where your next payment was going to come from.
Kylar noticed you zoning out. "What are you thinking about?" He asked curiously.
"How much I love you," you replied, and were pleased at how his face instantly flushed bright red. It made you laugh. "But really, I'm glad you like my food. I had a lot of fun making it and getting to spend time with you."
Kylar smiled, but seemed flustered still. "T-then...I'll be in charge of dessert..." his hand came to rest on your thigh and started to move up.
"Let's finish eating first," you said, and Kylar drew his hand back, looking disappointed.
"R-right..." he mumbled, going back to his plate.
You laughed again and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. "I'm looking forward to it."
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tigergirltail · 6 months
First/Prev - Next
It's been six months. Six months since that weird doctor and his inane little test to prove I'm ready, or at least, ready enough. Six months since I signed a stack of liability waivers forfeiting my right to pursue legal action for any reason up to and including untimely death. Only DAYS left before I can finally claim the entire reason I was there in the first place.
I came home today to find an information package in the mail - things I need to know before making my final commitment to the treatment. It's somewhat reassuring, really. By the sounds of it, this guy has to deal with all kinds of odd requests - I heard a rumour that someone went to him for a chimera treatment at one point - which means that he has to do all this research into side effects personally. …Although there's no telling how much of this is speculation. Concerning.
The information package is divided into different headings, roughly organized by risk factor and how outwardly noticeable they are, as if he's right here with me, trying to scare me off from it.
I decided before I even went to him that I wasn't going to let myself be scared again. Let's see what I'm in for. I sit down and start reading…
"Subject's height will noticeably increase. Increase of six inches is expected, increase of one foot is possible."
Huh. I guess I wouldn't mind being taller, but that's definitely going to affect what kinds of clothes I can wear. And I guess I might also get a bit wider proportionally? I'm already plus-size, maybe it'll just level it out.
"Subject may experience a conversion from plantigrade (walking on soles) to digitigrade (walking on toes)."
That makes me stop and think. I'd basically have to re-learn how to walk, and no doubt there's going to be an awkward intermediate period. Will my feet get bigger as well? They're big enough to make me dysphoric as it is. I wonder if I can get custom footwear made… I wonder how much that will cost…
"Subject will experience a reconfiguration of fingers to allow for retractable claws. Persistent soreness is to be expected."
Bluh. I've bitten my nails too close enough times to know how much it sucks not to be able to put pressure on my fingers without pain. I wonder how long that particular effect will last. Due to the lack of timeframe, I can only guess. Months, maybe. Years, I doubt it, but possibly.
"Subject's cranial and facial structure will experience long-term reformation. The effect this will have on brain function is unknown.
And here we get into "you signed a waiver" territory. I had accepted at the outset that death was a possibility, but I'm not sure how to feel about the risk of permanent brain damage. None of the other accounts of therian HRT I've heard seem to mention this, though, so maybe it's just speculation? I move on to the next heading.
"Tigers, like all felines, are obligate carnivores. Subject will be required to eat real meat (no substitutions) at every meal, or risk symptoms of starvation."
This had already occurred to me, to be honest. Part of the reason a white tiger is my fursona in the first place is because I am an unrepentant meat enjoyer. Heck, maybe a feline body will make meat taste even better.
"Lingering human characteristics may make it possible to digest other food, but the nutritional benefit to subject will be negligible."
…Ah. This was less expected. Does this mean I'll have to start thinking of things like bread and fruit as basically candy? Worse, will I have to avoid it? I love me a good grilled cheese, and poutine is basically an addictive substance, am I going to have to swear off some of my longtime favourites? Out of all of the effects so far, this is the one to give me the most hesitation. Yes, I love food, I'm not afraid to admit it.
"Subject is likely to lose cravings for non-meat food entirely."
I have to sit back and process this one. Back when I started human HRT, one of the things that gave me pause was the idea of decreased libido. That was one of the few things about my body that didn't make me dysphoric, unlike a lot of trans people whose stories I'd read. In the first few months, though, I found it settled into a pleasant sort of medium, where I could have it if I wanted, but it wouldn't show up out of nowhere. Maybe this will be the same way? Maybe poutine can still be a sometimes food? Cats eat weird stuff that's not healthy for them sometimes, but it's fine, right?
Some part of me considers holding a funeral for the abstract concept of poutine.
On to the final heading…
"Subject will gain heightened night vision and hearing. This will cause sleep to become significantly more difficult."
Trust a doctor to find the one downside to one of the coolest effects of the treatment… Do you even know how much I want to hear every beat of the world around me? Do you even understand how useful it would be to be able to see in the dark effortlessly? Having a tiger's eyes and ears would be almost worth every single downside by itself.
Besides, I'm a very heavy sleeper.
"Subject's hearing frequency range will become significantly more broad than a human's. High-pitched noises such as dog whistles will be audible and painful."
Well, I'm sure that's going to suck sometimes, but I don't think I'm exposed to such noises on the regular. Although… I suppose I wouldn't know, with my feeble human frequency range. It's something that might be fine or might suck, I guess.
"Subject's sense of touch will be strongly affected by fur growth."
Sure, that tracks, but I'm kind of looking forward to it. Maybe it's comparable to wearing a full-body fursuit? I've actually missed having opportunities to fullsuit, and I've thought about commissioning a new one if I saved up enough money, but I suppose that won't be necessary now.
Much of the rest of the document is a reminder that everything listed is Permanent and Irreversible short of Major Surgery, with some reminders of the various rights to litigate that I've waived. Ultimately, it sounds like I've got some big changes ahead, but nothing I've seen here is a dealbreaker.
It's slightly terrifying, but I'm excited.
I can't wait to hear the rain through a tiger's ears.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips For Mindful, Healthy Eating
Be mindful of the foods you keep at home: While I'm not a fan of restriction (especially of entire macronutrients), know yourself well enough to help yourself prevent binging on trigger foods that you start overeating when stressed, tired, etc. My rule of thumb is if I would be uncomfortable having 2 servings of something in a sitting, it doesn't belong in my fridge/freezer/pantry. Keep those treats for socializing or outside of the home.
Discover a selection of healthy meals, snacks, and staple items you love: Physical, nutritional, and emotional satisfaction are all essential to keep your cravings in check. Consider the 5 or so lunches/dinners you love and 1-3 breakfast options, at least 1-2 sweet and savory snacks (like fruit, popcorn, edamame, etc.) to create a simple rotation to keep you satisfied throughout the week. Experiment with different recipes/produce/spices/low sugar & low-fat condiments and seasonings to find what combinations taste the best to you.
Check-in with yourself before eating: Ensure that you're eating due to true hunger rather than feelings of boredom, stress, sadness, etc. If you have the urge to emotionally eat, try to get moving by shaking your arms, dancing around your room, taking a walk, etc. for at least 5-10 minutes before considering getting something to eat.
Enjoy mindful eating: Eat with as few distractions as possible. Take your time to enjoy the food. Take small bites, put your utensils down between bites, and chew slowly. Check in with yourself throughout the eating experience to reconnect with your hungry cues as you get through the plate or bowl of food. See if your hunger is decreasing and how full you feel throughout the experience. Make eating its own separate and enjoyable activity whenever possible.
Have indulgent teas, coffees, and fruit water on hand: Eat if you're truly hungry. But, for the times you're bored or stressed, having a vanilla or cinnamon tea, a cup of cold brew, or a lemon/fruit-infused water can satisfy your desire for some palette simulation
Don't get into a binge-restrict cycle: Allow yourself to eat when you're truly hungry, otherwise, you will overcompensate at a later date. A good litmus test to see if you're truly hungry is to reflect on whether multiple food options could satisfy your current desire for food. If only one food or unhealthy options sound desirable, you're probably experiencing a craving rather than true hunger.
Stay hydrated & get enough sleep: Drinking enough water and a full night's rest are essential to prevent energy crashes that increase your hunger and decrease your inhibitions to give into stress binges or choose unhealthy options. Always keep a glass of water by your side when working, watching TV, etc. to prevent dehydration or a general lack of fluids. Give yourself a loose sleep schedule with an hour or so grace period for your ideal bedtime and wake-up time for the workweek and the weekends.
Ensure you're meeting all of your vitamin requirements: Your body will naturally feel sluggish and more susceptible to cravings if you're not getting enough of certain nutrients on a regular basis. I always supplement with B12 and vitamin D as someone who's been vegan for over a decade. Make sure your diet incorporates nutrients like iron, magnesium, and zinc (common nutrient deficiencies).
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thegamingcatmom · 1 month
Would the sisters know when MC is about to get her period? And how would they deal with it? Like as vampires would the blood bother them for example, or make them feel hungry(hope not yikes) or make them uncomfortable? Uncomfortable bc I think that kind of blood doesnt have the same scent as fresh blood from another source. What if MC got unbearable pain for a couple days with fever and such so she had to be on bed? (Maybe projecting myself there, is terrible) I have a feeling they would spoil her to no end after the panic fades away, perhaps Carmen would need to intervene, we can call it Divine intervention 😂😅
Would the sisters know when MC is about to get her period?
Yes. Defo. 100%.
I´ve made a post about this quite a while ago actually (I´d search my blog but...am too lazy atm tbh 😅). Basically, it´s all about those subtle changes that occur in and with the female body just before period hits. Yknow, things like-
hormonal shifts (estrogen levels and all that stuff)
release of pheromones (due to the hormonal shifts)
physical changes (bloating, tenderness, cramps)
mood swings (those are dangerous)
While mood swings are a dead giveaway, stuff like hormonal shifts isn't as obvious. At least not to your typical human. Meaning:
They can smell it. They can smell any changes occuring in- and outside MC´s body. They´ll probs know she´s about to bleed long before she does.
How would they deal with it?
I don´t think it would make them uncomfortable in the sense of making them hungry. They got centuries of experience when it comes to dealing with their bloodlust, so I think MC´s quite safe there, lol.
However, I can´t imagine that, in all their years, there hasn´t been an opportunity for them to get a taste. For a vampire, there´s gotta be some curiosity whether there´s any difference to their "usual" source. So I think the sisters very likely gave into their curiosity at some point. Especially during their Succubus phase in which they pretty much acted like horny teenagers 24/7. (Good times. When we leave out the why...)
Also, perhaps it works as some kind of...nutritional supplement? For some vamps? Like, I don´t think they could sustain themselves SOLELY on that type of blood. It´s just entirely different in composition, and the amount they´d get from it pales in comparison to their usual food source. Let´s also not forget the fact that it´s only available for a limited amount of time, then they´d have to wait for a new cycle to begin, literally lol. It´s just a very taxing way of getting blood because you constantly have to be on the move to get that good stuff before it runs out again. Can you imagine the pressure?? 🤯
Right, to get back to the sisters:
I don´t think it would bother them. On the contrary:
The need to be close to MC would probs increase tenfold because something about the way she smells is just so...addicting? But also kinda soothing?? Like you said, the smell is probs different because there´s other stuff mixed in that blood as well, so I´d like to think the experience wouldn´t be as intense for a vampire. It´s more like a cat getting a healthy dose of catnip I´d say:
The sisters just wanna bury themselves into MC, rub themselves in all that is their mate whilst purring aggressively, only to flop over and cease to function for a while. It´s like a drug. 😅
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(Yes, that stick is MC. And there ain´t no way they gonna let her go anytime soon. And yes, they might also try to lick-)
Also, their protective instincts would go through the roof because of all those hormonal/pheromone changes. In the animal kingdom, lots of the communication happens through that stuff. Vampires are more on the animal side of the spectrum imo, so the need to defend what is theirs might be stronger than usual.
What if MC got unbearable pain for a couple days with fever and such so she had to be on bed?
(I feel that. Luckily for me, I only gotta deal with that crap twice a year. ✌️😎)
Right, as I said previously, there ain´t no way they´re gonna leave MC´s side if there´s no need for it (like to go hunting). Especially not if their fragile hooman is in pain. No power on earth could tear them away from her while she´s in that state. In fact, they might even cease to take care of themselves-
Carmen: "You need to feed, my loves."
The Sisters: *refuse to even acknowledge her presence*
Carmen, realizes she needs to get out the big guns: "For her."
The Sisters: *reluctantly lift their gazes from a sleeping MC to share a look, only to realize all the gold has indeed been swallowed by darkness*
The Sisters: *turn to regard Carmen*
Carmen: *has that I told you so look on her face*
I mean, they very likely would have thought to go hunting before that period hits. Especially because they´re aware of its presence before it´s even there. So, a scenario like that probs won´t happen unless the sisters weren´t able to hunt for some reason. BUT STILL-
It´s just so ugh to imagine, ain´t it?? 😩🤌
So yes, there´s defo gonna be lots of pampering and spoiling to no end. Anything MC desires shall be hers. In fact-
They´re a bit too overzealous. Bringing MC stuff that she didn´t even know existed. (They purchased it for that exact scenario.) Like, all MC wants is some chocolate, perhaps a heating pad and her wives showering her with their love. Which means lots of cuddles and kisses.
And what does she get instead?
Literally anything else because the only time the sisters aren´t on the move is when MC is asleep. Thus, they´re never stopping, always searching for something to get her and make her feel better-
Enter: The Divine Intervention
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(I fucking love that btw.)
Carmen´s gonna have that look, yknow? The one that says how utterly charming she finds the attempts that have been made, but also *affectionate* wtf are you even doing, you fools? Like, yknow, she´s gonna go all "Oh, honey..." on them.
In other words: Carmen becomes (even more) Momma.
She´s gonna bring MC that chocolate and a heating pad, she´s gonna give her the biggest hug and a kiss on the forehead, and then she will proceed to fluff up that pillow, tuck in that blanket nice and tight, basically turning MC into a burrito-
And MC? Finally at peace, in heaven even. Can´t contain her sigh of utter relief and satisfaction. This is the shit-
...And the sisters?
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What can I say? It´s the simple things, sometimes. 🤷‍♀️
The sisters will get it. Eventually.
Only the best is good enough for their darling mate, aight?? Don´t judge them. 😭
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] The Joys of Cooking - Adonis Otogari 4*
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Character(s): Adonis Otogari, Tetora Nagumo, Izumi Sena, Yuzuru Fushimi
Summary: Adonis wants Tetora to eat nutritious food so offers to cook for him. Izumi and Yuzuru turn up and Adonis is eager to make sure Izumi is eating enough.
Season: Winter
Location: Dorm Kitchen
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Tetora: Ah, Otogari-senpai! What’s up?
Crazy to see you here~. Are you cooking at the moment?
Adonis: Yes. If I cook for myself I can eat as much meat as I’d like. What are you up to?
Tetora: Me? I was feeling a little bit hungry so I was just gonna grab some instant ramen~
Adonis: Instant ramen…? It’s easy to make but I’m concerned about how nutritious it is.
I’ll make you a portion. You’re a growing boy, so you should eat meat too.
Tetora: Oh wait, is that alright? Thanks man!
I couldn’t just stand around and watch, so lemme help you out.
I’ll do whatever you need me to do~♪ I’m a bit clumsy so last time I blew up the oven but I just like to do it a little different to everyone else…☆
Adonis: You’ve blown up an oven before? That seems like it requires skill.
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Izumi: Oh? Nagumo and Otogari. What are you do— well, you’re in the kitchen so you’re obviously cooking.
What are you making? Ah, is that shogayaki?[1]
Adonis: We haven’t decided yet but why do you say that?
…Oh, like from that cooking contest we took part in?
Izumi: That’s the one. The one where people who thought they were good at cooking entered.
You were just making food that you dip in sauce but somehow made it into such a big problem, remember? You realise how much of a mess you made, don’t you Nagumo? [2]
Tetora: Uhuh! Everything turned out fine in the end though.
(Whispering) But then it was Sena-senpai who got involved first, right…?
Izumi: What did you say?
Tetora: No, nothing!
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Yuzuru: Apologies for making you wait, Sena-sama. I’ve brought the ingredients with me…oya?
Adonis: Fushimi? Are you cooking as well?
Hm… That box only contains vegetables.
Izumi: I want to make a dish that's simultaneously low calorie yet highly nutritious, tastes good, and is good for your skin. Vegetables are the starting point.
Yuzuru: Sena-sama is doing this for his body, however I am learning how to cook with Niki’s Kitchen for the Young Master.
They’ve hit it off as they both believed that if they shared their ideas, they could come up with the ultimate nutritional food.
Well then, shall we begin Sena-sama? I look forward to working with you.
Tetora: Oo, I’ve never seen so many vegetables before…
They look like they’re really putting their whole body into this. We can’t let them win!
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…Otogari-senpai? What’s with that face?
Adonis: ...They’re not planning on just eating vegetables, are they?
Meat has just as many nutrients as vegetables do. I wish they’d have some…
Tetora: That would be good~...
If you still don’t know what to make, why don’t you make a dish that the both of them will eat?
Like, dishes that have a lot of meat and vegetables!
Adonis: Ah… Of course, what a good idea.
But my knowledge of cooking is limited as we don’t have a recipe. All I know is how to skewer, fry, and boil things in a pot.
Unlike those two, I do not have the smarts to come up with my own ideas. Should we go to the library and borrow a cookbook?
Tetora: Or we can just look it up on our phones? Lemme see…
Ah, I’ve thought of something! Bend down, lemme whisper it to you…
Adonis: Fumu. That sounds like a plan.
—Sena-senpai, Fushimi. We have something we’d like to say.
If you are still unsure on what you are cooking exactly, would you perhaps like to cook with us?
Time: A short time later
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Tetora: Woa. It’s bubbling like some sort of hellish cauldron~
Adonis: Oh, have you been to hell before, Nagumo?
Tetora: I haven’t actually, I’m just making a guess!
Izumi: I was considering a lot of different dishes, but I ended up not having mizutaki.[3]
Yuzuru: Fufu. It’s not surprising, and this is perfect for the cold weather.
Adonis: Umu. Warming up your body increases your basal metabolism therefore you burn more calories. That means you can eat more boiled vegetables than usual.
Better yet, the chicken is delicious. It’s the joy of cooking that is able to satisfy us all.
Nagumo, you are well-acquainted with mizutaki.
Tetora: It reminded me of what Taishou came up with at the heart and soul training camp. Eating a lot of vegetables and meat is pretty popular at our club activities too ☆
Adonis: Really? I shall have to thank Kiryu-senpai later on.
…Hm? It seems that Sena-senpai has only been eating the vegetables.
Izumi: I’m eating more than just vegetables. I’ve got soup too.
Adonis: Soup is a drink.
Whilst it is true that soup made from boiling meat is beneficial to your skin, if you do not eat the amino acids contained in the meat itself the benefits are not as potent as you'd think.
Izumi: Jesus dude, you know a lot.
Adonis: I like meat. There must be something you like that you know a lot about?
Izumi: I guess. I know about my beloved Yuu-kun in detail.
Adonis: Umu. Therefore you should eat some meat.
Izumi: You say "therefore" as if those two statements are related.
Whatever, I get it. If you’re gonna reach that far, I’ll try a bit.
…Hm, it’s nice.
Adonis: Fufu, I’m glad.
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After all, meat is good. It makes people smile.
Alright then Sena-senpai, I’ll give you the biggest piece.
Izumi: Wait, you’re being so considerate.
Yuzuru: Fufu. Seems you’re the hotpot boss now, hm?
Adonis: Hotpot boss? I don’t really get it, but it sounds like a title that would come up in a period drama. I like it.[4]
From today I’m the hotpot boss…♪
pork fried with ginger
reference to the story Cooking where theres a cooking contest and anzu and sena partner up and adonis and tetora partner up. They're making shogayaki and tetora burns the meat like four times and it takes adonis and kuro physically standing in the way to stop him from turning up the heat lol
food like vegetables n meat boiled in PLAIN, UNSALTED, NO SEASONING water
the word used is 鍋奉行 which is a playful way of just saying the guy who somewhat bossily takes charge of the food at a hotpot. The last two characters are bugyou which means a “shogunate administrator​” which is why adonis says that
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🌟 The Healthy Choice: Plain Yogurt and Greek Yogurt Over Flavored Yogurt Introduction 🌟
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Yogurt is a versatile and nutritious dairy product that has gained immense popularity among health-conscious individuals. While the yogurt aisle at your local grocery store may offer a rainbow of flavors, it's essential to understand why plain yogurt and Greek yogurt stand out as the healthier choices. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why opting for plain yogurt can be a smart move for your health.
Minimal Added Sugar: One of the most compelling reasons to choose plain yogurt is the absence of excessive added sugars. Many flavored yogurts on the market contain high levels of added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, increase the risk of chronic diseases, and disrupt blood sugar levels. In contrast, plain yogurt allows you to control the sweetness by adding natural sweeteners like honey or fresh fruits, keeping your sugar intake in check.
Probiotic Power: Yogurt's reputation as a gut-friendly food is well-deserved, primarily due to its probiotic content. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut microbiome. Plain yogurt, whether regular or Greek, tends to contain a broader spectrum and higher concentration of these probiotics compared to flavored counterparts. These friendly bacteria aid digestion, support the immune system, and may even impact overall well-being.
Versatile and Customizable: Plain yogurt provides a blank canvas for culinary creativity. You can tailor its taste to suit your preferences by adding a variety of ingredients, such as fresh berries, nuts, seeds, or a drizzle of pure maple syrup. This versatility ensures that you can enjoy a different yogurt experience every time you consume it.
Lower Calories and Fat: If you're watching your calorie and fat intake, plain yogurt is the way to go. It typically contains fewer calories and less saturated fat than flavored alternatives. You can relish the creamy texture of Greek yogurt while maintaining better control over your dietary choices.
Healthier Ingredients: Plain yogurt is a purer form of yogurt, containing just two primary ingredients: milk and live active cultures. In contrast, flavored yogurts often include artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives. By opting for plain yogurt, you're choosing a simpler and cleaner ingredient list.
Weight Management: Due to its high protein content, yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, can be an excellent ally in your weight management journey. Protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overindulging between meals.
When it comes to yogurt, the choice between plain yogurt and flavored yogurt is clear. Plain yogurt, whether it's traditional or Greek, offers superior health benefits by providing you with control over added sugars, a broader spectrum of probiotics, versatility in taste, and cleaner ingredient lists. By making this simple swap, you're not only taking a step toward better health but also opening up a world of delicious, customizable yogurt creations. So, the next time you reach for that yogurt container, remember that plain is not boring—it's a smart and healthy choice!
🌟 Dressing up your Greek yogurt or plain yogurt can turn a simple snack or breakfast into a delicious and satisfying treat. 🌟
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Here are some healthy and tasty toppings and mix-ins to consider:
Fresh Fruits: Add sweetness and natural flavor with fresh fruits like berries, sliced bananas, diced mangoes, or chunks of pineapple. The combination of creamy yogurt and fruity goodness is delightful.
Nuts and Seeds: Boost the texture and nutrition by sprinkling a handful of chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, or pistachios) and seeds (e.g., chia seeds, flaxseeds, or pumpkin seeds) over your yogurt. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a satisfying crunch.
Honey or Maple Syrup: A drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup adds a touch of sweetness without resorting to processed sugars. It pairs wonderfully with Greek yogurt's tanginess.
Granola: Crispy granola clusters are a classic yogurt topping. Choose a low-sugar or homemade granola to maintain a healthy balance.
Nut Butter: Swirl in a spoonful of almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter for added creaminess and nutty richness. It's a fantastic combination with sliced bananas.
Dried Fruits: Chop up dried fruits like apricots, raisins, or cranberries to infuse your yogurt with a chewy sweetness.
Cinnamon or Nutmeg: A sprinkle of ground cinnamon or nutmeg can add warm, comforting flavors to your yogurt.
Vanilla Extract: A drop or two of pure vanilla extract can enhance the overall taste of your yogurt, making it feel like dessert.
Coconut Flakes: Toasted or untoasted coconut flakes provide a tropical twist and delightful texture.
Dark Chocolate Chips: If you're in the mood for a touch of indulgence, add some dark chocolate chips for a hint of sweetness and chocolatey richness.
Spices: Experiment with spices like cardamom, ginger, or cloves for unique flavor profiles.
Savory Options: Don't forget that yogurt can go savory too. Try adding chopped cucumber, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of olive oil for a refreshing, savory yogurt bowl.
Fruit Compote: Top your yogurt with a homemade or store-bought fruit compote or jam for a burst of flavor.
Mix and match these toppings to create a variety of yogurt bowls that suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you prefer a sweet, savory, or balanced flavor profile, dressing up your yogurt can make it an exciting and nutritious part of your daily diet.
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aaenvs3000w24 · 6 months
Plant chemicals are so cool! Unit 9
The most amazing thing I know about nature is the ability of plants to produce compounds that serve incredible health benefits to humans. I think it is other-worldly that the flora that has existed alongside humans for so many years can provide us with so many cures to various ailments. Getting personal, I have a very unfortunate family history containing cancer, diabetes, and immune deficiencies that has taken a lot from me. These devastating occurrences have made me all-too-aware of the impacts that lifestyle and food have on human health, and in many ways being in science does not ease my anxieties. However; learning about plant secondary metabolites that serve as phytonutrients in the human body has made me hopeful and inspired to learn more, not just for interest, but to serve my health as well. Buckle up for many science terms and lots of plant facts that I have stored in my brain through my academic career!
Throughout my summary on plant phytonutrients (plant compounds that serve proven health benefits in humans), I will strive to present this information as a whole by connecting plants to human health to satisfy some of Tilden's Principle's of Interpretation (Beck et al. 2018, p. 84). Did you know that the colour of the fruits and vegetables you eat actually correlate to their nutrition? The different pigments produced in plants, such as your orange carrots and red peppers, are caused by secondary metabolites. Orange colouring is caused by the production of beta-carotene, this is then utilized by our body to make vitamin A, making it crucial to our health because we cannot synthesize this on our own. Colours such as purple and dark reds are caused by anthocyanins, these are compounds that aid in our bodies ability to fight tumour producing cells. Actually many plant metabolites, such as glucosinolates from Broccoli, aid in tumour-suppression and have anti-inflammatory properties. Spices such as turmeric have been used for centuries as a treatment for inflammation and diabetes due to the compound 'curcumin'. This bioactive molecule has been increasingly applied to modern medical studies due to its efficacy in improving glucose regulation and suppressing various cancer cell formations.
I won't add in too much more, as I know that was a lot of information. One more area I do want to touch on is the use of genetic engineering to increase yields/improve taste, but decreasing health benefits in the process. An example of this is removing the class of compounds "cucurbitacins" from common cucumbers due to the bitter taste it gives them. These compounds provide various health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects, and through the removal of these it has made cucumbers far less beneficial to our health.
I believe much of what our bodies need is provided by nature, not to say I disprove of modern medicine in any way, but our values in food as a society has been greatly impacted due to prices/availability. I want to work plants to improve nutritional concentrations of food, and helping humans be healthier through what has already been granted to us by nature.
Thanks for reading!
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage: For A Better World. Sagamore Publishing.
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quirkwizard · 10 months
Hey QuirkWizard! since it’s around the Thanksgiving time depending on when you see this, how about a quirk based around thanksgiving? You could do something based around increased crop growth or maybe something about pilgrims? Maybe even something with agricultural tools? Either way I want to see what you come up with since you always come up with creative quirks! Thank you!
Considering that I can't really make a Quirk around the icon of Thanksgiving, as there isn't much to work off of for a turkey Mutant type Quirk, I'll go with the next best icon of the cornucopia.
I see it working as a Transformation type Quirk that allows the user to sprout out a curved horn in the shape of a funnel from their body. The user can place food inside of these horns and make more of it, coming out of the top of it like a fountain. The food has all of the same quality and nutrients as before, tasting indistinguishable from the original. The user can control the rate at which food is produced, like gently placing a baked turkey on a plate, launching out slices for various sandwiches, or firing out a frozen one like a cannon. The user can choose to mix food together in their horn, like making cameral and apples into candied apples. This gives the user good utility power, making sure that everyone is well fed and happy. If nothing else, it can actually make for a good combat tool, rapidly firing out food at their enemies. Though it only works with food that is put inside the horn, and quality of the food will degrade if they use it too much, losing its flavor and nutritional value until it's turned rotten and comes out as flavorless sludge. The actual effectives of using food as weapons will depend a lot on what the user gets. A possible name for the Quirk could be "Cornucopia".
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spiritboxxhoe · 1 year
General Tips for people with EDs
Water :
We absolutely must drink water to survive, and it has zero calories, so there's no excuse to not drink it. As we typically get much of our water content through foods, when we reduce food intake we begin to dehydrate ourselves, which is dangerous. Also, cold water chills the body and may raise metabolism to get warm again.
Reasons to drink water:
It lubricates the joints
It forms saliva and mucus
If delivers oxygen throughout your entire body
It boosts skin health and beauty
It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissue
It regulates body temperature
Your digestive system depends on it
It flushes body waste
It maintains your blood pressure
Your airways need it
Prevents kidney damage
Weight loss
Finally, it reduces the chance of a hungover
Vitamins and Minerals:
We must have these, too, to survive and so again there is no excuse to not take at least a basic daily multivitamin (which may help reduce some cravings as well). Vitamins are vital in keeping our bodies functioning and our skin / hair / teeth nice. Particularly be aware of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, salt, along with water balance) and calcium.
Reasons to take to help with weightloss....
Vitamin C: it has been proven that people with low vitamin C status tend to burn less fat when exercising
Vitamin B12: Faster metabolism
Omega 3: Increases fat breakdown, decreases muscle inflammation, large amounts are usually taken by big time athletes
Ashwagandha: Increases muscle mass which results in a faster metabolism, improves sleeping patterns(Lack of sleep = High blood sugar = weight gain)
Vitamin B2: Helps your body break down fats, carbs, and proteins
Fenugreek: it’s an herb that works as an appetite supressant, just be careful with it and do research
Vitamin D: Helps with hairloss, dry skin, and depression
Protein is necessary, particularly if you're exercising. It maintains and repairs our muscles, including heart muscle, which is (last I heard) kind of a requisite for continued survival.
Reduces appetite and hunger levels
Increases muscle mass and strength
Good for your bones
Reduces cravings and late night binging
Boosts metabolism and increases fat burning
Lowers blood pressure
Helps maintain weight loss
Helps your body repair itself after injury
Helps you stay fit as you age
Fat Intake:
Fat has, per gram, more calories than any other source of energy and is stored more easily. Switch to low fat everything, then progress to nonfat. Nonfat food tends to taste like crap (in my opinion) and you may end up eating less because of that.
While caffeine can be an appetite suppressant and can increase your metabolism, it will also act as a diuretic. Drink a glass of water for each cup of tea, coffee, or diet soda you have. Again, dehydration is a potentially serious problem.
Always read labels to avoid nasty surprises. This happens to me all the time and makes for some panicky stress-moments. Also, look up food charts and be aware of the caloric / nutritional content of everything you eat.
Understand yourself. Learn what you need, and when, and why. Everyone is unique and there are no hard-and-fast universally applicable laws. Our bodies are very good at telling us what we need, and knowing what you need gives control over how you choose to satisfy those needs.
Find your binge triggers, be they food or places or people or feelings. Avoid them at all costs. Figure out more acceptable ways of dealing with those triggers than stuffing yourself silly.
Learn when you tend to eat and why you eat then in particular. Plan to be doing something unrelated to food at those times. Many of us find night to be the hardest time to avoid food.
Get plenty of sleep. Steal naps whenever you can and rest when you need to rest. Sleep deprivation increases appetite and makes you age faster.
The end! Thank you for reading <3
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Honey Bee Day
These little creatures are nature's buzzworthy superstars! They're responsible for pollinating a third of our food supply and creating delicious honey.
We often take nature for granted. We don’t think about the pivotal role that all of life’s creatures play. However, World Honey Bee Day gives you the perfect opportunity to pay honor to the incredible honey bee. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this day, as well as the critical role that honey bees play in our everyday lives.
Learn about World Honey Bee Day
World Honey Bee Day is an awareness day whereby honey bee enthusiasts, beekeeping associations and clubs, and beekeepers celebrate the honey bee. It is a day to recognize the contribution that honey bees make to our everyday lives, as well as learning about the different steps that we can take in order to protect this vital species. On World Honey Bee Day, we also pay homage to beekeepers. After all, it is their efforts that make sure that there are healthy and well-managed bees to pollinate crops.
The health benefits of honey
Of course, honey bees provide us with honey, and this is one of the many reasons why we should be thankful for them! Honey is a golden, thick liquid, which is produced by bees using the nectar of plants that are flowering. The kind of flowers that bees visit will impact the texture, smell, and taste of the honey, resulting in different types of honey, including orange blossom, clover, acacia, and manuka honey.
There are a lot of nutritional benefits that are associated with adding a bit of honey to your diet. High-quality honey offers a number of benefits because of the antioxidants that are included. These include phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, as well as organic acids. The antioxidants that are found in honey have been linked to lowering the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and some forms of cancer. They are also believed to assist in terms of eye health.
There have also been studies that have shown that honey can help to improve your cholesterol levels. If you have high LDL cholesterol levels, then you are going to be at a greater risk of having heart disease. This sort of cholesterol plays a massive role in atherosclerosis, which is the fatty buildup in your arteries that can cause strokes and heart attacks as well. There are more and more studies that are showing that honey can help to enhance your cholesterol levels. This is because it significantly raises the good HDL cholesterol while lowering the total of bad LDL cholesterol.
Honey cannot only benefit you in terms of consuming it, but it has been used for many years as a topical treatment for healing burns and wounds. In fact, this can be dated back to Ancient Egypt. Researchers have concluded that the healing powers of honey come from the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects it has, as well as its ability to nourish the tissue that surrounds the wounded area.
Bees are disappearing
Bees are critical to our daily living, yet they are in decline on a worldwide scale. This is because they face a number of different threats. The use of toxic pesticides is one of these threats. They are also at risk due to habitat loss, as there has been an increase in invasive farming methods and urban developments, meaning that places that honey bees used to call home do not exist anymore. In honor of World Honey Bee Day, it is good to do your bit in order to raise awareness regarding the risks that honey bees all around the world face and the steps that we can take in order to help them. You can begin by researching this issue so that you can find more information about the different challenges that bees face and the reasons why their population is on the decline. By doing this, you will then be able to educate others and we can all do our bit to make sure that the number of bees starts to increase again, rather than decline.
History of World Honey Bee Day
World Honey Bee Day, previously known as Honey Bee Awareness Day, is an idea put together by beekeepers in the USA, who petitioned the USDA in 2009 for an official day to honor honey bees and beekeeping. A few years down the line, people across the globe are holding a date of observation every year.
The organizers of the event, on the concept of the World Honey Bee Day, have said:
Bring together beekeepers, bee associations, as well as other interested groups to connect with the communities to advance beekeeping. By working together and harnessing the efforts that so many already accomplish, and [by] using a united effort one day a year, the rewards and message is magnified many times over. We encourage bee associations, individuals, and other groups to get involved. The program is free and open to all.
How to celebrate World Honey Bee Day
Honey Bee awareness enthusiasts will likely put a bee in your bonnet and say this is not so much a day to celebrate honey bees, as it is to promote their involvement in sustainable farming.
On this day, bee lovers everywhere decorate their gardens with lavender, borage, and marjoram, the bee’s knees in pollinator lures. If you have the time and patience, bake some honey chippers and make your own honey fruit cobbler.
We also recommend that you take the time to learn more about the honey bee on this day and how we can all do our bit in order to provide them with a supportive environment. When we plant orchards, wildflowers, and other types of flowering plants, we are supporting pollinators, which includes honey bees. Honey bees depend on the nectar of different plants in order to survive. We also need to recognize that we depend on honey bees for our own survival. After all, if they did not pollinate, a lot of the nutritious plants that we need would not reproduce. It’s all about the circle of life, and we should do our bit to help other specious along the way.
Another way to celebrate World Honey Bee Day is by enjoying a honey-based treat. There are lots of different options for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a tasty dessert or you want to incorporate honey into your main meal, we have got you covered. Here are some tasty suggestions to consider: honey-roast confit of duck, honey cake, vanilla and honey madeleines, stir-fried pork with honey and ginger, salted honey fudge and chocolate tart, honey mustard grilled salmon, homemade crumpets with burnt honey butter, and crispy honey buffalo wings. Is your mouth watering yet?
And because you’ve been as busy as a bee all day, sit back and watch Hitchcock’s ‘The Bees’. You’ll count your blessings honey bees are nothing like South American killer bees!
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Why You Should Buy Organic Fruit: Protecting Your Family's Health and Wellness
As we become more aware of the impact our food choices have on our health and the environment, the decision to buy organic produce is becoming increasingly important. When it comes to fruit, opting for organic can have profound benefits for your family's health. Studies have shown that non-organic fruit can contain such high levels of toxic pesticides that the juice of a conventionally grown strawberry could theoretically be used as a pesticide spray on fields. This alarming fact underscores the importance of making informed choices when purchasing fruit.
The Dirty Dozen: What Are They and Why Buy Them Organically?
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases an annual list known as the "Dirty Dozen," which highlights the fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides. These foods are tested for pesticide residue, and the Dirty Dozen consistently show the highest levels of contamination. For 2024, the Dirty Dozen includes:
Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens
Bell and Hot Peppers
Purchasing these items organically is crucial to minimizing your family's exposure to harmful chemicals. Pesticides have been linked to a range of health issues, including hormonal disruption, developmental problems in children, and an increased risk of certain cancers.
The Health Benefits of Organic Fruit
Reduced Pesticide Exposure: Organic fruit is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. This significantly reduces the risk of ingesting harmful chemicals that can negatively affect your health over time.
Nutrient Density: Some studies suggest that organic fruits contain higher levels of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients are vital for maintaining good health and boosting your immune system.
Better Taste and Quality: Many people find that organic fruit tastes better than conventional fruit. Organic farming practices often focus on soil health and plant nutrition, leading to more flavorful and vibrant produce.
Environmental Benefits: Organic farming practices are designed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. They help to preserve biodiversity, reduce pollution, and conserve water and soil quality.
Making the Switch: Tips for Shopping Organic
Start with the Dirty Dozen: If you're new to buying organic, begin by prioritizing the Dirty Dozen list. This will help you focus your budget on the fruits that most need to be bought organic.
Shop Seasonally: Buying seasonal produce can often be more affordable and fresher. Visit local farmers' markets where you can find organic fruits that are in season.
Use the Clean Fifteen: Complement your organic purchases with items from the "Clean Fifteen" list, which includes fruits and vegetables that typically have lower pesticide residues.
Grow Your Own: If you have the space, consider growing some of your own organic fruit. This can be a rewarding way to ensure your produce is fresh and free from pesticides.
Protecting Your Family's Health
As homemakers and caretakers, one of our primary roles is to protect and nurture our families. By choosing organic fruit, we reduce the risk of exposing our loved ones to toxic chemicals, support sustainable farming practices, and provide our families with the most nutritious options available. Small changes in our shopping habits can make a significant difference in our health and the health of our planet.
Making the shift to organic fruit is a step toward a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment. The next time you’re at the grocery store or farmers’ market, remember the impact your choices have. By investing in organic fruit, you're investing in your family's future and well-being.
Here's to healthier choices and a brighter, more vibrant life!
With health and happiness,
Kimberli Almonla
(Owner & CEO of Restoration Wellness)
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
How to have self control with things like food and stuff❤️
Hi love! Here are some of my tips:
Be mindful of the foods you keep at home: While I'm not a fan of restriction (especially of entire macronutrients), know yourself well enough to help yourself prevent binging on trigger foods that you start overeating when stressed, tired, etc. My rule of thumb is if I would be uncomfortable having 2 servings of something in a sitting, it doesn't belong in my fridge/freezer/pantry. Keep those treats for socializing or outside of the home.
Discover a selection of healthy meals, snacks, and staple items you love: Physical, nutritional, and emotional satisfaction are all essential to keep your cravings in check. Consider the 5 or so lunches/dinners you love and 1-3 breakfast options, at least 1-2 sweet and savory snacks (like fruit, popcorn, edamame, etc.) to create a simple rotation to keep you satisfied throughout the week. Experiment with different recipes/produce/spices/low sugar & low-fat condiments and seasonings to find what combinations taste the best to you.
Check-in with yourself before eating: Ensure that you're eating due to true hunger rather than feelings of boredom, stress, sadness, etc. If you have the urge to emotionally eat, try to get moving by shaking your arms, dancing around your room, taking a walk, etc. for at least 5-10 minutes before considering getting something to eat.
Enjoy mindful eating: Eat with as few distractions as possible. Take your time to enjoy the food. Take small bites, put your utensils down between bites, and chew slowly. Check in with yourself throughout the eating experience to reconnect with your hungry cues as you get through the plate or bowl of food. See if your hunger is decreasing and how full you feel throughout the experience. Make eating its own separate and enjoyable activity whenever possible.
Have indulgent teas, coffees, and fruit water on hand: Eat if you're truly hungry. But, for the times you're bored or stressed, having a vanilla or cinnamon tea, a cup of cold brew, or a lemon/fruit-infused water can satisfy your desire for some palette simulation
Don't get into a binge-restrict cycle: Allow yourself to eat when you're truly hungry, otherwise, you will overcompensate at a later date. A good litmus test to see if you're truly hungry is to reflect on whether multiple food options could satisfy your current desire for food. If only one food or unhealthy options sound desirable, you're probably experiencing a craving rather than true hunger.
Stay hydrated & get enough sleep: Drinking enough water and a full night's rest are essential to prevent energy crashes that increase your hunger and decrease your inhibitions to give into stress binges or choose unhealthy options. Always keep a glass of water by your side when working, watching TV, etc. to prevent dehydration or a general lack of fluids. Give yourself a loose sleep schedule with an hour or so grace period for your ideal bedtime and wake-up time for the workweek and the weekends.
Ensure you're meeting all of your vitamin requirements: Your body will naturally feel sluggish and more susceptible to cravings if you're not getting enough of certain nutrients on a regular basis. I always supplement with B12 and vitamin D as someone who's been vegan for over a decade. Make sure your diet incorporates nutrients like iron, magnesium, and zinc (common nutrient deficiencies).
Hope this helps xx
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