#for like a second. and they look at me weird. and then resume what they were doing.
milkweedman · 2 years
Im like 5 rows into this scarf and have already hit the commission mood of 'why did i take a commission i hate doing them so much i am never taking another commission again' except i actually have 2 commissions and i mostly took this scarf one as some twisted procrastination technique for the other one
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
i know it's unfair and irrational to be mad at people to do things that hurt me, when the other option is also to hurt me, because the core of the problem is that one of us has to uproot their priorities and routine to solve the conundrum, and neither of us will do it. me the least so what am i complaining about really. but i dont know. i have no idea if THAT part is irrational but i feel like i'm trying my best to give people what they want. and then they don't give back. but how could they when the thing i want most is NOT DOING WHAT THEY WANT. and i feel. i don't know i feel like i've been kinda guilted and made to feel like it's my responsability, to be a good little obedient child and not deviate from the norm in any way, which is especially potent now that i'm older and it's simultaneously more achievable to appear normal and less acceptable to be abnormal. but at the same time it's either my overactive anxiety inventing shit out of thin air, or something they did completely innocently. so what can i say.
don't you dare be unhappy. im giving you what you want. you wanted your kid to spend time with you and eat what it's given and be a normal family. sorry i can't make myself enjoy it. sorry i'm fucked up. sorry the only way i know to be normal is to completely crumble down as soon as i can stop. sorry i can't shut the fuck up and suffer in silence so i don't have to pull you down with me. sorry. hope you feel bad and guilty enough that you kick me out. your love hurts me, your help hurts me. die in a fire.
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gureumz · 10 months
liar, sweetheart
rating: explicit
member: sunghoon
premise: your best friend, benj, is a twin but he's the complete opposite of his brother. his brother, sunghoon, is all kinds of sleazy, or so you've heard. knowing about your big fat crush on your best friend, this sorry excuse of a twin brother agrees to put in a good word, in exchange for a good fuck, of course.
notes: fem!reader, dom!sunghoon, sort of rivals-to-lovers, unprotected sex, slight breeding, dacryphilia, dirty talk, degradation, praise, clothed sex, accidental voyeurism, sunghoon is two people here lmao, lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: fifth entry for my 1k follower special! we're in the endgame now, people. one last after this and my 1k event is ending. how did that happen :') anyways, i really got back into my writing groove for this one so i hope you all enjoy!
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"what do you think of sunghoon?"
your ears perk up as you turn your head to give your best friend a look.
oh, benj. sweet, sweet benjamin park.
awkward but in a cute, boyish sort of way, tall almost to the point of gangly, but handsome in the way supermodels were.
benj is a figure skater, a very good one at that. he's at the level where if he did well enough, he'd be international news tomorrow. you've seen him skate and to you, it was nothing short of mesmerizing.
oh, you. clueless, utterly clueless you.
honestly, it was all so predictable.
a situation right out of booktok's latest favorite friends-to-lovers novel by some up-and-coming author. the comfortable silence, the memorized starbucks orders, the pining, oh, the pining. booktok lives for the pining.
sitting here in benj's room as he casually games, fingers lazily moving over his ps5 controller, you realize just how utterly shortsighted you were.
of course you'd fall in love with your best friend. it's law. it's fate. a canon event, as the kids say.
but, you're getting out of topic here. right now, benj is asking you about his twin brother.
"what do you mean?" you ask, swiveling around in the office chair by benj's desk. benj is perched on his bed, leaned up against his headboard as he plays.
"like...what do you think of him...?" benj repeats, as if in an attempt to rephrase his question but ultimately failing.
your forehead creases even more.
"you have to be more specific than that," you chuckle.
benj pauses the game, setting the controller down. he shifts on his side so he can get a better look at you.
"do you like him?" benj deadpans, raising an eyebrow.
you nearly choke on your own saliva.
sunghoon. benj's twin brother.
the younger twin, as benj always reminded. your thoughts drift to the other park brother, complete in all his dark clothes and equally dark hair.
while benj afforded himself the preference of dying his hair an icy blonde, sunghoon kept his own hair jet black. benj wore sweaters and cardigans and loose-fitting shirts, but sunghoon wore button-ups, with the first three buttons popped open, paired with jeans ripped to the heavens.
benj is the shining star in this family, a star figure skater, an overachiever. sunghoon battles his way around ice hockey, dabbles in dance, keeps his triumphs to himself.
benj is the sun, while sunghoon is the moon. yin and yang.
you get the picture.
oh, and sunghoon is a complete asshole. benj is not.
"he's okay," you finally answer. benj looks at you like he's waiting for more.
"that's it?" benj asks after a second.
you roll your eyes. "i don't know what you want me to say. i barely talk to him since i spend most of my time with you."
benj cocks his head to the side, as if curious.
"weird," he says. "he asks about you all the time."
this piques your interest.
"he does?"
benj shrugs, returning his attention to the tv. he picks the forgotten controller back up, resuming his game.
"yeah. asks if and when you'll be coming over," benj explains. he shoots you a quick side glance.
"you're not hooking up behind my back, are you?"
you physically recoil at benj's words, the idea initially repulsive to you.
"absolutely not," you practically spit out. "he's not my type."
benj bursts out laughing, his eyes forming cute crescents as he does so.
"you basically just called me ugly with that," benj points out, eyes unmoving from the tv screen.
you stutter for a second. "that's not what i meant. it's just—well we're not close, at least not like how we are and—"
you sigh, cutting yourself off. you've embarrassed yourself enough, you think.
benj shakes his head, one side of his mouth turning up in a half-smile.
"okay, no need to explain, ______. i was just asking," benj says. "but the way you're so defensive about it is raising a few questions, not gonna lie."
you rub exasperatedly at your temples.
"i am not sleeping with your brother."
you nearly jump a foot back in surprise. looking up, you're met with the stern gaze of sunghoon, black hair falling over his eyes. he's wearing one of those compression shirts, ridiculously tight against his toned upper body.
you turn away before it gets weird.
"oh, sorry, is benj home?" you ask, peeking momentarily past sunghoon.
"he's at training," sunghoon informs. "didn't he tell you?"
you glance at your watch. "he said he'd be done by now."
sunghoon raises an eyebrow. "well, he's not."
your mouth falls open, your mind momentarily going blank. you shift your expression to one of stony resolve.
"you know what, i'll just come back. sorry to bother you," you say, already turning away.
"i didn't tell you to leave, did i?"
you turn back, giving sunghoon a look. you stare hard, noticing just how much he resembles benj. but some things differ, naturally.
an extra beauty mark. the slightly sharper upturn of his nose. the seemingly eternal frown on his face.
"you can come in," sunghoon says with a sigh, stepping aside. you duck your head as you cross the threshold.
"and don't be so uptight next time," he adds. you can practically hear the smirk as he says this.
you glare daggers at sunghoon and he's still smiling as he closes the door behind him. he crosses his arms and studies you.
he leans back against the door and you straighten yourself up as much as you could.
"what's your problem, sunghoon?" you ask, planting your hands on your hips.
"what's yours?" sunghoon replies. you feel a twinge of annoyance spark in your chest.
"nothing," you emphasize. "and that's exactly it. i don't have a problem but if you don't stop acting like that, i might just have one soon enough."
"acting like what?" sunghoon questions, tilting his head to the side.
you swallow. you rack your brain for something to say, and don't be mistaken, you have a lot, but it's like your train of thought has halted altogether.
"like...that," you say, gesticulating vaguely with your hands.
sunghoon laughs, a hand coming up to run through his hair. you watch him, observe as his muscles shift beneath that stupidly tight, stupidly attractive shirt.
"are you this jumpy with my brother?" sunghoon asks, shoving his hands in the pockets of his grey sweatpants.
"i don't follow," you say, taking a step back. being close to sunghoon seems suffocating now, as if the air is stuffy with something you can't quite put your finger on.
"of course, you don't," sunghoon mutters under his breath.
it takes everything in you not to punch him square in the jaw.
"you like benj, don't you?" it's more of a statement rather than a question and it's so unexpected to you, you nearly stumble back in surprise.
"what?" is all you can say.
sunghoon snorts as if your confusion is oh-so-amusing.
"no need to deny it, _______," sunghoon reassures. "everyone with one working eye can see it."
you decide to stay silent. maybe if you don't react, sunghoon would drop the subject.
sunghoon seems satisfied with himself as he grins, nodding to himself, probably mentally patting himself on the back for his 'detective work'. he brushes past you and you get a whiff of his perfume and what you can assume is his body wash.
fresh. powdery. clean.
you wait a second before you hear his bedroom door close.
you let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding.
your phone vibrates with a notification and you're relieved to see it's a message from benj.
'are you at my place yet? i'll be home in a few. sunghoon will let you in. sorry, love u!'
you smile to yourself as you lock your phone.
you couldn't stop thinking about it.
were you really that obvious? or is it just some twin telepathy that's why sunghoon could tell? could benj tell?
you sit up, careful not to jostle anything in your immediate vicinity. you peer up at benj's sleeping figure from where you're situated on his spare mattress, positioned on the floor right next to his bed.
he seems to be deep in slumber, shoulders rising and falling steadily. you swallow, realizing how parched your throat has gotten. you get up on your feet, treading carefully around benj's room to get to the door.
you exit, walking down the hallway of the parks' penthouse apartment, trying to make as minimal sound as you can. you round the corner to where you know the kitchen is and you immediately stop in your tracks.
"shit—" you curse, startled by the figure standing by the kitchen island.
your eyes adjust to the dim lighting and you realize you've come face to face with sunghoon.
"hi, _______," sunghoon greets. "fancy seeing you here."
you huff, approaching the refrigerator. "ha ha. you scared the shit out of me."
you hear sunghoon laugh quietly from behind you.
you take the ice-cold pitcher out of the fridge, setting it on the counter before walking over to the cupboards where the parks keep their glasses.
you can feel sunghoon watching you, aware of the burning attention. you can feel your neck prickle with it.
you pull the cupboard door open and it's only now that you realize you can barely see. afraid to just reach in and possibly knock over and break something, you pause, willing your vision to adjust even more to the low lighting.
"hey, can you turn on the—"
your words are cut off when you feel warmth press up against your back. you flinch, watching with wide eyes as sunghoon's arm braces itself against the countertop in front of you. he reaches over you, his breath tickling the top of your head.
you shiver involuntarily.
you turn to face him, pressing yourself fully against the granite behind you. sunghoon pulls a glass down from the cupboard, handing it to you. his arm is still planted firmly to your side, half caging you in.
"here," sunghoon says.
you can just make out his face in the low light, his scent invading your senses once more. you take the glass from him and he steps away, freeing you.
you wordlessly return to the center of the kitchen, pouring yourself the water you desperately need. and boy, do you need it.
you gulp down mouthfuls of it, unsure why your legs are suddenly weak, your knees threatening to give out.
"hey," sunghoon calls out. you pause, turning to where he's still standing by the cupboards.
he has the same easy stance he had earlier in the day. leaned back, arms crossed. even in the dark, you can feel him staring.
"what?" it comes out a little more harshly than you'd like and you wince.
"do you hate me or something?" sunghoon asks brusquely.
once again, you find yourself rendered speechless by sunghoon.
"no," you answer simply, setting your glass down.
"then why don't you hang out with me like you do with benj?" sunghoon asks, approaching you.
"because benj is my best friend, you're not," you respond. sunghoon stops right in front of you and you have to crane your neck to meet where you think his eyes are.
"your best friend that you're in love with," sunghoon says, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"that's not true," you deny.
sunghoon snickers. "sure, keep lying to yourself, sweetheart."
you inhale at the term of endearment.
"you know, i never understood why you got closer to him but you stopped spending time with me altogether," sunghoon muses. "the three of us grew up together, remember?"
you do.
the afternoons spent in the local playground. you and benj sat on the swings while sunghoon pushed. you and sunghoon on the seesaw while benj attempted to balance in the middle (much to their mother's horror). the twins hiding while you played seeker.
a smile tugs at your lips at the memory. and then it falters just as quick.
"you were the one who stopped hanging out with us," you say, a little accusatory in the way you did. "you had newer ice hockey friends and when middle school rolled around, you decided those girls were worth your time more than us."
'more than me,' is what you wanted to say. but you swallow it down.
sunghoon stays silent at this. after what you estimate is a minute, he sighs.
"sorry," is all he says.
you shake your head. "it's okay, we all drift apart from our childhood friends at one point."
sunghoon steps even closer. you can feel him now. a strange crackle of electricity tickles your fingertips.
"that's not the case with you and benj," sunghoon observes.
it's your turn to say nothing.
"i can help you," sunghoon suggests. your head snaps up as you try to process sunghoon's words.
you can see him now, illuminated by the faint hallway lights behind you. sunghoon's looking at you, expression unreadable.
"help me?" you parrot back. sunghoon nods.
"i can help you get with benj, if that's what you want. plant the seeds, so to speak," sunghoon explains. "he is my twin brother, after all."
you consider this for a moment. there's no denying the giddy feeling you get in benj's presence. the comfort it gives you when you spend the whole day together. the butterflies in your stomach when he beams at you, all bright and shining.
this should be an offer you can't refuse.
"i just have one thing to ask of you," sunghoon cuts through your thoughts.
"what?" you ask.
sunghoon pauses, turning away as if gathering his own words.
"do you ever feel that there's this weird...thing between us?" sunghoon asks.
your whole body seems to stiffen. your hands turn cold, clammy.
"like tension," sunghoon elaborates. "something you can't really explain."
"no," you answer a little too quickly.
sunghoon chuckles. "there you go again, lying."
you avoid sunghoon's gaze, staring hard at a spot behind him where his shadow dances against the cabinets.
"if you agree to...try this thing with me just this once, i'll help you get together with benj," sunghoon concludes, bending lower so he's in your line of sight.
unable to avoid him any longer, you look into sunghoon's eyes. he's much clearer now, your eyes well-adjusted to the dark. he's looking at you, expression soft, unlike the other times you've come face-to-face with him.
"so, you're offering to be my wingman, but only if i let you fuck me?" you string your words out carefully. "is that it?"
sunghoon sighs, shrugging. "basically, yeah. sounds fucking weird but you can always say no."
"it is weird," you confirm. you cross your arms as you narrow your eyes at sunghoon.
"can't we just skip the part where we fuck and go straight to the part where you help me?"
sunghoon grins down at you, dipping even lower so you're eye level with him.
"it's as if you don't know me at all, _______," sunghoon says lowly. "that hardly seems fair, sweetheart."
you grit your teeth.
"besides, do you want to skip the part where we fuck?" sunghoon presses on the last word, holding your gaze as he said it. you feel a warmth spread all over your body.
you take a deep breath, steadying yourself. your mind is at war with itself, warning you that this is a bad idea. if you get together with benj after, what then? take the secret that you fucked his brother to your grave?
"just this once, and when we're done, you'll help me, correct?" you say, raising a brow at sunghoon.
sunghoon nods. "exactly."
you pause. you want it. what 'it' is, you're not so sure.
you reach your hand out.
sunghoon grasps your hand in his, squeezing firmly. his fingers envelop yours easily, your palm almost cartoonishly smaller than his.
and he's warm. so warm.
your eyes meet his and it's like something snaps.
you feel sunghoon grasp at your waist and your own arms come flying up to wrap around sunghoon's neck. he kisses you fervently, harshly, desperately. you respond with the same enthusiasm, pulling him closer to you.
sunghoon pushes you against the fridge, the contents rattling within. you gasp as the cold metal presses through your thin pajamas, but sunghoon drinks in any noise from you with his mouth.
"fuck," sunghoon mutters softly.
"god, ______," sunghoon continues, hands splayed against your back, his lips exploring the expanse of your neck.
"sunghoon," you whisper, clutching onto his wide frame. you mewl softly when you feel him suckle on a spot just above your collarbone.
you pull sunghoon away from your neck, guiding his face back to level with yours. you kiss him some more, a strange feeling bubbling within you.
it's making you want more of sunghoon, as if your whole being craved him.
you hear a soft click of a door opening somewhere down the hall and your eyes fly open, your hands forcing sunghoon off you. he jumps back as well, a panicked look on his face.
footsteps echo in the hallway and a voice immediately follows after.
benj. it's benj. his voice is thick with sleep and you look over at sunghoon, eyes wide with alarm.
"i-i'm in the kitchen," you call out. "just needed a drink."
you rush out of the kitchen and into the hall, running right into benj's firm chest. he catches you before you stumble and he holds you at arm's length, looking at you through half-closed eyes.
"there you are," benj says with a laugh.
you let out a nervous giggle of your own, gently pushing benj back towards his room.
"i'm right here," you assure him. benj rambles on about hearing noises from his room and you quickly dismiss it as you just messing around in their kitchen.
just as you herd benj back into his room, you look back down the hall and see sunghoon sauntering casually towards his own door. he catches your eye and winks, stepping quietly into his room.
"i know what you were doing last night."
you stop dead in your tracks, hand frozen in midair just as you're unwrapping your hair from your towel.
you had just stepped out of the bathroom adjacent to benj's room, dressed in his shirt and your shorts from yesterday. it's the morning after your little tryst with sunghoon and you were nearly a hundred percent sure you had successfully lied your way out of an explanation to benj.
it turns out, you haven't.
"you were hooking up with sunghoon, weren't you?" benj says, looking at you expectantly.
you put on your best attempt at an appalled expression, eyes wide an lips turning down into a frown.
"no, i wasn't," you muster up with as much disgust as you can.
benj just laughs. "i've lived here for nearly half my life, ____. i know the sounds of this house better than you."
"well, you thought wrong," you argue, busying yourself with brushing through your hair. you keep your eyes trained on the full body mirror in front of you, setting your sight on your own face.
benj comes up behind you, looking at you as if he could see right through you.
you think maybe he can.
"you're such a bad liar," benj accuses.
"i would never hook up with your brother," you protest, raking through your hair aggressively. you're getting antsy and you pray that benj would just drop the subject.
"why not?" benj questions.
you look at his reflection, scowling. "i don't like him like that, benj."
"hooking up with him would feel like hooking up with you," you add. 'a red herring, yes,' you think. 'distract him, make him feel weird for even asking.'
benj gives you a look. "what's so bad about that?"
you stare open-mouthed at benj. a million thoughts are flying through your head and something pinches at your chest.
"you're my best friend, benj," you try to reason. "that's weird."
"and hooking up with my brother isn't?"
you groan, letting your head fall into your hands.
"i didn't hook up with sunghoon!"
benj nods, pouting as if not fully convinced. "okay, whatever you say."
he steps out through the door, leaving you in his eerily quiet room.
you sigh, turning back to your reflection.
"not yet," you whisper to yourself.
"aren't you leaving yet?"
you look up from your phone and you're met with sunghoon peeking through benj's door. his hair is damp and you can smell his aftershave from where you're sprawled out on benj's bed.
"nope," you reply curtly, turning back to your phone.
"you've been here two days," sunghoon points out, stepping into the room. you ignore the jolt of excitement in your gut.
"i'll leave once benj comes back from training," you say.
"oh sure, then the two of you will get caught up again in whatever nerd things you do, and then it's the evening and you'll stay another night, walking around in your skimpy pajamas," sunghoon rambles sarcastically.
you narrow your eyes him as you sit up. "what's wrong with my pajamas?"
"they make me impossibly hard, _______. that's what's wrong," sunghoon admits, expression unchanging.
your eyebrows shoot up in mild surprise. "that down bad, huh?"
"nah," sunghoon replies nonchalantly.
"whatever you say, sweetheart," you say, throwing the pet name back at sunghoon.
sunghoon lets his eyes travel over your body, expression darkening, and you feel every hair on your skin stand up under his unrelenting gaze. you shift around, unsure of what to do with sunghoon's undivided attention.
you watch as sunghoon approaches, his jaw set as he pauses right before benj's bed. he meets your eyes and before you know it, sunghoon is crawling over you, stopping once he has you caged in between his arms.
"you're seriously not thinking of fucking me on your twin brother's bed, are you?" you whisper. you're nearly nose to nose with sunghoon now.
"i am," sunghoon answers simply before kissing you, effectively driving you back against the plush mattress.
the same bubbling feeling reappears and you grab at any part of sunghoon that you can, hooking your legs around his waist. he grunts against your mouth and you feel him harden against your core.
"this is my shirt by the way," sunghoon grins against your lips. "benj stole it from me a while back."
you moan at the thought of it. you feel sunghoon reach under your—his—shirt, chuckling when he feels the absence of a bra. he cups one of your breasts in his hand, kneading as he continues his assault on your lips.
"lose this," sunghoon commands, his other hand tugging your shorts down harshly. you oblige, reaching down to discard the piece of clothing along with your underwear.
"but keep this on," sunghoon adds as he kisses along your jaw, referring to the large shirt swallowing your frame.
you kick off your shorts and underwear the same time sunghoon pulls back to undo his own joggers. he throws them off to the side unceremoniously before hovering back over you, his eyes scanning every feature of your face.
"if you're so in love with benj, why are you about to sleep with me on his bed?" sunghoon asks, his fingers trailing down delicately from your chest down to your stomach. you flinch, fighting the urge to curl into yourself at the ticklish feeling.
sunghoon continues down towards the space between your legs, wasting no time swiping through your folds. you gasp, back arching as sunghoon rubs up and down, finger circling teasingly around your entrance.
"you talk too much," you counter, voice shaking. "are you gonna fuck my brains out or what?"
sunghoon sneers, shoving two fingers in without warning. you yelp, turning to bury your face in benj's pillow. it smells like him, but you barely register that, seeing as his twin's fingers are knuckles deep in you.
"go on, run your mouth like you always do, slut," sunghoon taunts. you involuntarily clench down at his use of such a degrading word and sunghoon notices, of course, his mouth curling into a smirk.
"should have known you were into that," sunghoon wonders out loud. he moves his fingers in and out of you, pumping his thick digits into your wanting hole.
you clamp a hand down on your mouth, suppressing every noise that threatens to escape you.
"let me hear you, pretty, come on," sunghoon coos, prying your hand off your face. "it's just the two of us here."
you bite your lip but let yourself be heard as sunghoon continues to fuck you with his fingers. he curls them up inside you and you thrash about, the pressure building within your abdomen.
"gonna cum already? you're so fucking easy," sunghoon comments, leveling his face with your cunt. he blows softly against your clit and you cry out in pleasure.
you feel the wet heat of his tongue press against your bundle of nerves and coupled with sunghoon's fingers, you can't help but curse loudly at the sensations.
"shit, sunghoon!" you whine. "yes, just like that, please."
sunghoon wraps his lips around your clit, sucking and running his tongue over it alternately. you feel like you're about to lose your mind. you're seconds away from orgasm and you barely have any time to warn sunghoon.
"i'm gonna cum, sunghoon i'm gonna—"
you're cut short by your own loud moans as you feel yourself come undone, your whole body seizing up. you grip at the sheets beneath you with one hand while the other reaches down to thread through sunghoon's hair. you hear him grunt against your pussy as you tug at the strands.
eventually, you relax, easing up on sunghoon's hair. he comes up to face you, his mouth glistening with your release. he licks his lips, smirking at the way you watch him with awe.
"you still with me?" sunghoon asks with a raise of his brow. you nod weakly, hands coming up to cup at his face.
sunghoon leans down to kiss you tenderly and you moan as you taste yourself on his lips. he moves his lips against yours slowly, savoring each pass of your tongue over each other's, tugging on your bottom lip with his teeth as he pulls away.
you peek down and see that sunghoon's cock stands red and angry against the black of his shirt.
"fuck me raw," you say before you can stop yourself.
sunghoon's eyebrows shoot up.
"are you sure?" he asks.
you nod, angling your hips up. restraint be damned, you want sunghoon and you want him now.
sunghoon chews down on his bottom lip as he lines himself up against your dripping hole. he coats his tip with your juices and you throw your head back as he teases you with his leaking cock.
"please," you whisper.
sunghoon presses a kiss on your cheek. "i got you, angel."
you feel him push in, stretching you out more than you anticipated. your mouth falls open in a silent moan as sunghoon slowly but surely bottoms out. your heart races and your mind loses all coherent thought. all you can register is that sunghoon feels like he's splitting you open with his dick.
"fuuuuck," sunghoon drawls into your ear.
"so fucking tight and so fucking good," he continues, bracing himself on either side of you. he moves his hips experimentally, pulling out then thrusting in and the two of you moan at the same time.
"give it to me," you pant, pulling sunghoon closer. "don't you dare hold back."
sunghoon grunts as he snaps his hips forward. you whine and moan like a whore as sunghoon fucks into you with reckless abandon. he keeps his eyes on your face, observing every expression that passes over your features.
"look at me," sunghoon orders as you let your eyes flutter close. "i said, look at me."
you obey, peering up at sunghoon through your lashes. he grabs your jaw as he hammers even harder into you. you cry out brokenly as you feel him deep within you. he's like a man starved, eyes wild as he takes you like this. rough and uncaring and oh so desperate.
"waited so long for this," sunghoon grunts. "to have you moaning and begging under me."
you feel tears prickle in your eyes, half from sunghoon's sharp nails digging into your cheek and half from the way his cock repeatedly punches against your cervix. it hurts but it's a pain you'd like to savor.
"god," sunghoon says, his face scrunching up in pleasure. he momentarily closes his eyes as he moves his hips even faster. he turns back to you, and by this time, your tears have escaped, streaking your face.
"fuck yeah, cry for me," sunghoon curses. "my pretty slut, weeping over my dick."
"oh, fuck—"
it came so suddenly, so unexpectedly that you can physically feel your body jolt. your second orgasm of the day rips through you, brought about by the filthy words escaping sunghoon's mouth. you hear him practically growl above you as he stills, your cunt clenching down so hard he's unable to move. you feel him twitch inside you and a second later, the warmth of his cum follows, shooting deep inside.
you're full-on crying now, mind hazy from pleasure as sunghoon catches himself before completely crushing you with his weight.
you wrap your shaky arms around sunghoon's shoulders, stroking his hair as the two of you calm yourselves down. sunghoon pulls out a minute later and you wince, immediately clamping your legs together to keep all of him inside you.
sunghoon plops down next to you, breathing heavy as his eyes stare at the ceiling. you hug your knees to your chest, hoping that nothing stains benj's sheets.
"fuck, that's a good girl, keeping all my cum in," sunghoon says through breathless chuckles. you groan, swatting at his chest.
"get tissues or something," you demand weakly, rolling over to your side. sunghoon pulls you close and cradles you against his chest.
"later," he murmurs, kissing you on the forehead. "just wanna hold you."
you hum in agreement, letting your eyes droop close. the two of you lay there, unmoving for a few minutes.
you initially think it's your imagination but you can hear faint footsteps coming down the hallway from outside benj's room. just as your eyes fly open, a loud knock thunders against the door.
"are you done?" comes benj's muffled voice from the other side.
"as much as i wanted to stay and watch, that might not be something you guys are into, so i gave you your privacy," he continues.
you and sunghoon look at each other, clearly panicking.
"but please, for the love of god, don't do it on my goddamn bed next time!"
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literaila · 1 month
How would gojo propose? Would he be serious or would he lock in and ask 👁️👁️
there is not one single proposal. oh no.
it’s starts off fairly simple—
“you have to fold it at an angle so that it doesn’t bunch up when you—“ you glance at satoru out of the side of your eye, sighing. “are you even listening to me, satoru?”
“marry me.”
and you drop the sheet in your hands. you turn to him, eyes as wide as can be. “excuse me?”
“marry me?” he’s smiling at you, leaning down so that you’re eye to eye. “please?”
you blink at him. staring for just a moment. the laugh that falls out of your mouth next is nothing short of bewildered, disbelieving. “i can’t—“ you scoff, returning to your sheet which satoru is supposed to be learning how to fold. “no, thank you.”
he pouts. “no? why not?”
you laugh again, kissing his cheek. “nice try, baby.”
and then he stands there with his arms crossed, just staring at you for almost an hour.
or maybe it’s date night and you’re just walking down the street, and satoru points out a lantern that’s bouncing colors off of the wall, a rainbow of light on both of your faces.
and you’re walking arm in arm, just looking at each other.
“marry me,” satoru whispers, his voice lithe and warm, something tangible.
you’re already smiling at him, so you don’t stop. “are you flirting with me?”
“c’mon, just one little marriage. i’ll even buy you a cake. and a ring.”
“wow. that’s a temping offer.”
“marry me?” he repeats, stopping you so that you’re just looking at him.
looking at the light in his eyes, and the colors on his face, turning his skin all sorts of magic.
“i’m think i’m going to pass.”
he groans, almost falling into you. “why not?”
“that’s just too easy, satoru,” you say, kissing his cheek, and then you drag him along as you resume your walk.
the colors fade, and so does satoru’s dejection. your smile is too contagious for him to keep up the act for long.
but then it molds into something else—far more desperate.
you’ll just be opening the fridge, looking inside.
“did tsumiki already pack her lunch?” you’ll ask him.
and satoru will nod. “yes. marry me.”
you just roll your eyes, shutting the door.
or you’ll be in the shower and satoru knocks on the door, peeking a head in. “what time will you be ready?” he asks.
“half an hour?”
“okay…” there’s a pause.
“satoru?” you ask, when you don’t hear the door shut.
“marry me?”
you scoff. “go check on megumi.”
or you’ll be in the store and satoru will put another carton of ice cream in the cart, which you scold him for.
“put it back.”
“only if you marry me.”
“i want you to redact that sentence in the next three seconds—“
or you’ll be exorcising a curse, just finishing up, still panting when you get a phone call. “satoru?”
“marry me.”
“do you actually need something? i’m kind of busy.”
“yes. marry me.”
“i’m hanging up.”
and this goes on for months. it will spread into a year, and at some point you stop feeling guilty for rejecting him every time, and satoru stops looking sad each time you do.
it’s like a habit, some weird tradition the two of you have. you come to anticipate it. appreciate it for what it is—easy, something ridiculous.
megumi personally hates it. “she already said no,” he’ll grunt at satoru, passing him through the door. “just get over it.”
tsumiki just sits there, waiting expectantly every time like the answer will be different. but it never is.
and then there’s one day. you’re both at jujutsu high, both working, and satoru just happens to be sitting on the steps of the entrance.
it’s been a long day for him. maybe something happened with one of his students, or maybe yaga said something just to get under his skin.
or maybe it’s just one of those days—the ones where memories cling to his skin like dirt.
it’s hard being here, sometimes.
and you’ve been looking for him for twenty minutes (because you always have lunch together) when you finally find him.
“hey,” you say, hand going to his shoulder as you approach. satoru doesn’t flinch because he heard you coming. “not hungry?”
he just shakes his head.
and there’s something about him, sitting there with his legs spread out, chin resting on a hand, staring off into the distance like he’ll never be able to see far enough.
he looks like a boy, for just a moment. a boy you used to know well—a boy you fell in love with, almost a decade ago, now.
and you smile, but only a little. because it’s always been easy to be here with him, even when he’s this quiet, and even when his eyes are this haunted shade.
so you’ll sit there, sipping on some tea you brought out—a soda you brought satoru sitting between the two of you.
your thighs are just barely touching, hands inches away from each other. you could cozy up to him, remind him that everything is okay—somehow. but you won’t.
sometimes you just have to sit with it.
but eventually, you’ll start to get goosebumps for sitting outside for too long, and you can hear satoru sniffing as his nose runs.
so you sigh, looking to him. “satoru,” you whisper, voice lilted like you have a secret to share.
he looks over, face mercifully blank. “hmm?”
“will you marry me?”
and then satoru’s face stills. the air is calm, the wind shifting, and he turns right towards you.
it takes a couple of seconds, but his face is like the flash of a camera, sullen one moment, and lively the next.
his incoming smile is almost intoxicating.
“really?” he asks, almost breathless.
you laugh, moving over to him, finally wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your cold face into his neck. “next time you ask,” you tell him, “you better make it count.”
and satoru only smiles, wrapping an arm around you.
“okay,” he says.
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seonghwaddict · 4 months
falling and sleeping — choi jongho
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in which falling in love with you felt like falling asleep; natural and unnoticed.
best friend!choi jongho x fem!reader. genre. fluff, crack, friends to lovers. warnings. cursing, none he's just a little nervous. wc. 1.5k. rating. pg-13
lilo’s notes. hiii here's a fluffy little jongho fic because i love him. this isn’t proofread btw i’m sorry for any errors! also, my upload schedule is now on saturday's :3
listening to. from the start, laufey
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jongho burst into the living room of his shared dorm with wooyoung and hongjoong. hongjoong was nowhere to be found, likely at the studio or something, and wooyoung sprawled on the couch, watching a drama on the tv, scrolling through his phone, and taking occasional sips of his comically large coffee cup simultaneously. at the sound and sudden appearance of jongho, he looked away from the screen.
“something wrong?” he yawned, turning his phone off and dropping it on his chest.
“yes. i figured out my problem-“
wooyoung snorted, eyes drifting back to the television screen. “yeah? which one?”
“shut the fuck up, i’ll strangle you,” jongho paused what was supposed to be his dramatic monologue to glare at the dark haired fox-resembling man on the couch. he waited a second before sighing. “my y/n problem. i figured it out. so-“
“you have a problem with her?” at the mention of jongho’s best friend’s name, wooyoung’s attention was captured. if he had a problem with you, that meant something terrible must have happened. truthfully, wooyoung would hate that. he’d been rooting for the two of you for years, even if neither of you were aware of how perfect you were for each other.
“hey! stop interrupting me,” jongho kicked his shin lightly before continuing, “well, no, we don’t have a problem but things felt weird for some reason and i have come to a conclusion.”
“okay… and…?” wooyoung gestured for him to continue, his dramatic pause putting him on edge.
“i’m allergic to her.”
“… excuse me?” it was then that he decided to turn off the tv, giving his full attention to his younger friend.
“i’m allergic to her.”
“oh, for the love of-“ wooyoung groaned and threw himself back on the couch, screaming into a pillow, “CHOI JONGHO YOU’RE IN LOVE WITH HER!”
a confused expression crossed his face as he watched his friend’s dramatic antics and jongho sat down, forcefully pulling the pillow from wooyoung’s face. he should’ve found hongjoong instead, maybe he would’ve been more helpful.
“no, no, don’t be silly,” he tossed the pillow aside and spoke, hands flailing around to emphasise his point. wooyoung was on he verge of banging his head against a wall, “lately when i go near her my stomach itches and i feel all warm and sometimes it gets hard to breath and…”
the realisation that spread across his face was a picture wooyoung wanted to take and print out, plastering it on his wall and also adding it to his resume with the caption ‘i’m literally cupid.’
“… and oh my god i’m in love with her.”
a loud cheer left wooyoung as he sprang up from the couch, going on a five minute rant about how long he’d been waiting for this and how he always knew there was something. “you should go tell her right now.”
“w-what- no! i just figured out i’m in love with my best friend and you expect me to just… go and tell her?”
“that’s exactly what i expect,” he nodded, crossing his arms and leaning his weight on one leg, “didn’t she tell you about how she overheard someone say some guy from her workplace wanted to ask her out for valentines?”
“well, yeah… but-”
“no buts!” he held his palm up, silencing jongho. “you can’t let that home-wrecker ask her out before you. so, get your ass off that couch, change into something nice and go tell her you love her. and buy some flowers in the way.”
“it’s not home-wrecking if we aren’t even toge-“
“that’s besides the point, now do as i say if you ever want a relationship with her.” wooyoung rolled his eyes and turned on his heels, walking to where his jacket hung on the coat rack. he pulled out his wallet and, surprisingly, fished out his credit card to give to jongho. “this is for flowers and some chocolates only.”
and so half an hour later he was walking down the hallway of your floor of your apartment building, wearing an all-black ensemble of slacks a shirt and a trench coat, holding a bouquet of various flowers he didn’t know the names of in one hand and a small box of your favourite chocolate ms in the other. he could still abort and leave without you ever knowing he was there in the first place. you’d given him a key to the building a while ago, trusting him with it since your apartment was practically his second home.
he considered doing just that again, but the bought of you going out with another man who wasn’t him had his heart aching, giving him some courage to finally step in front of your door. he practiced what he wanted to say to you under his breath as he stared at the familiar dark grey door. when he thought he was ready, he reached out to ring the doorbell.
only to pull away at the last second and begging pacing back and forth nervously. eventually, he stopped, clenching his eyes shut and forcing himself to ring your doorbell. there was no going back now.
when you opened the door and you looked at him with your bright eyes and enchanting smile, he felt the nervousness in his stomach melt away and get replaced by butterflies and a soft pink tint on his cheeks. “oh, hey, jjong-“
“i love you.”
you blinked at him, not noticing the very obvious items in his hands, eyes fixed in his face. not quite understanding, you chuckled lightly, “you know i love you too.”
“no, you don’t get it. i mean, i in love with you. i fucking love you and i’m not sure if i’ve ever felt so strongly about someone in my life. i smile when someone mentions you, my heart flutters when i’m around you, fuck, when i see your smile it feels like all my problems have been solved and… your presence, god, it just fucks me up in the best way possible. i can’t believe i didn’t realise this sooner, but i’ve fallen for you, y/n. though, i suppose i didn’t realise it because falling felt like sleeping and sleeping feels so natural and easy that i never realised it until now.”
you stared at each other. he stared with all the admiration he could muster and you stared with mild shock and, under that, relief. “you… you love me?”
“oh my god, i… i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have- i’ve made things awkward, haven’t i? just- just forget that-“
you soft palm covering his lips drove him to silence, looking at you with wide eyes as you pulled him into your apartment, closing the door with your unoccupied hand. his heart skipped a beat as you grinned and whispered your next words.
“jongho, i love you—in that way—too.” you dropped your hand from his mouth slowly, looking down at the flowers and the chocolates, giggling, “you really didn’t have to get all this.”
you took them out of his hands slowly, avoiding his gaze, flustered as you placed his gifts on the marble counter of the kitchen behind you. he hadn’t said anything since your confession, cheeks burning and jaw dropped slightly. he couldn’t believe it. he couldn’t believe you liked loved him back.
he drew your attention to him, breathing out your name. “you… you love me too?”
“yes, you dense cabbage, i love you,” your laugh was melodic as you took both his hands in yours, nodding, “now shut up and kiss me.”
jongho’s expression finally changed into a giddy grin as he pulled his hands out of your grasp to hold your waist, leaning forward and brushing his lips against yours. when you didn’t protest, not that he expected you to, he deepened it into a proper kiss that he hoped conveyed his need for you. he felt like his knees would go weak as your delicate hands trailed up his torso to his head, brushing his hair absentmindedly as you kissed him back with equal intensity.
eventually, you had to separate to catch your breaths and jongho mentally cursed the human need for oxygen. he liked kissing you, your lips slotting together like puzzle pieces. when he felt like the tension had gone completely, he leaned forward to press repeated pecks to your lips, basking in the way you giggle and tried to meet each one of his quick kisses.
“i think i have a tiny crush on you,” you muttered once he decided he kissed you enough (it was never enough, really, but he wanted to let you breathe), fighting back a stupid grin.
“you think?” he snorted, one hand coming up to cup your cheek, thumb tracing your jawline and eyes full of affection.
“yeah, a teeny tiny one.”
he laughed heartily, giving you one more peck “i paid with wooyoung’s card, by the way.”
“in that case you should’ve gotten at least five more bouquets.”
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network. @cromernet
taglist. @ad0rechuu @sankatchu @mlink64 @yeosangsbb @seonghwasbbgirl @likexaxdaydream @dreamingofyeo
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th3secr3th1story · 1 year
gojo and geto when you don't say "i love you" back
biggest losers ever
"baby, i'll see you soon, ok? don't miss me too much," gojo whined, attached to your hip as you rubbed his back.
he was assigned a mission somewhere in rural japan and likely wouldn't be back for a couple days, which was especially hard for the both of you seeing that you were never separated for more than 12 hours. (you and gojo were typically assigned to missions together, but this one wasn't a special-grade curse so it was only given to him. what a loser.)
"i should go," he sighed into your shoulder. "don't cheat, call me every day, don't start any new shows, don't go out, don't let anyone talk to you, buy tons of sweets for me, annoy megumi, punch nanami for me, don't for-"
"'toru! it's just a few days, i'll see you soon. just be careful, ok?" you giggled.
he (begrudgingly) removed himself from you, turning towards the door with a massive pout.
"alright, baby, i love you," he grouched.
"stay safe, 'toru! bring me back souvenirs," you smiled, waving at him.
except he didn't leave. he stood there, grinning at you expectantly, one hand on his mini suitcase and another on the doorknob.
when you simply kept waving at him, confused, his smile dropped.
"okay, fine. i guess i won't come home then," he said with a pout, glaring at you.
"huh?! what are you talking about?"
"well, since you clearly just want me to kill myself because you don't love me anymore, i guess i'll find someone else to marry," he sniffed.
"stop playing around, 'toru. you know i love you."
and just like that, gojo satoru was grinning like an idiot.
"okay, sweets, see you soon!"
and just like that, gojo satoru was out the door.
the two of you were currently coddled up in your bed, you on top of geto as he massaged your scalp.
you weren't sure how long you both had been laying there, but neither of you wanted to move.
geto listened to you talk about your day, mainly filled with complaints about gojo and his weird behaviors.
you were currently telling him how itadori pranked fushiguro earlier that day in your class, barely able to suppress your giggles.
"-and then he put a fake spider on his shoulder. i swear, when fushiguro saw it i thought he was going to cry. it's so hard being a teacher sometimes, i forget that i can't laugh at the students."
geto chuckled lightly at the story as he listened to how happy you sounded retelling jujutsu high's antics.
once you finished, the two of you laid there in silence, simply enjoying each other's presence.
"you know i love you, right? you're the most important person in my life, y/n," he said softly.
you simply sighed and kissed his neck, happy to be in geto's embrace. but after a few seconds the head massaging stopped.
you whined and looked up to see why he paused. you were met with his dead stare.
"why'd you stop?" you asked, confused.
"'cause you don't appreciate me," he teased.
"no! you're my favorite man ever. i love you so much, suguru," you wailed, pressing his hand back on your head.
"fine. you're my favorite person ever."
"you're my favorite...organism ever?"
"that'll do, i guess," he mumbled, smiling.
geto resumed his ministrations and slowly lulled you to sleep with his light humming of a song gojo couldn't stop singing earlier that day.
(it only sounds good when it comes from him. no offense, gojo.)
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buckyhad · 7 months
Guys my age
Pairing: Sebastian Vettel x reader x Charles Leclerc
Tw: cheating, allegation to smut
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Charles Leclerc, an amazing driver, after just one year in formula 1, he got to drive for the red team, his dream, Ferrari. Showing his talent and driving was everything ge wanted to do, at least thats what it looked like to you, his girlfriend.
Always running behind him, cheering for him and doong everything to help when he had his bad moments.
But now that he was in this new spotlight, living his dream, you felt forgotten, like an outsider on your boyfriend's life.
You tried to ignore it, as hard as you could. But it came to an end that day you didn't pass that exam that was so important on your career.
2019, after the qualyfication for the Monza GP, you knew you couldn't say anything, Charles was on pole position, in fucking Italy, Ferrari's home.
While he was out celebrating with the team, you stayed behind on the garage, sulking on some random corner, wiping your tears after checking your e-mail.
"Fuck" you mumled as you saw the german driver watching you with raised eyebrows while making his way towards you.
"Why is it with all the tears?" He asked.
"Just failed an exam, nothing big" you tried to shrugg it off.
"It is big, its making you upset" Sebastian said while reaching to put a comfortable hand on your shoulder.
"I know, I just dont want to ruin Charlie's day, he's so happy"
"He can be happy while being herr for you, that's not an excuse"
That was the first interaction of the weekend, the second one, the night after the race, after Charles won the race.
Hiding away in some table while your boyfriend was drunk and happy, while you were drunk and sad.
"Sad and alone again?" The older guy said.
"Yeah" you sighed.
"That's a shame, Charles should be taking better care of you" he choose to put his hand on your tight this time, giving a squeeze.
"Yes, he should be doing that" you said parting your legs a little more, revealing your panties to him.
"Come with me, I can take really good care of you".
Swimming through the crowd reaching for your boyfriend, feeling kinda off for what you were going to do, but you got your needs too.
"Charlie? Im going to the hotel" you said.
"Okay, see you there" he said trying to kiss you but failing in his drunken state.
The ride back to the hotel was quiet, weird and quiet.
Till you reached the german's room.
His kisses were hot and wet, making your braing fuzzy and warm.
"Fuck Seb" you whimpered between kisses.
"I'm going to take such good care of you, you would never want to come back to his side, going to ruin you for him" Vettel said.
"Do it, please, please Seb"
"Charles" Sebastian called his teammate.
"Seb" he said giving him a greeting hug "I didn't see you last night".
"I was taking care of something" he chuckled, making the monegaaque raised his eyebrows "talking of that, you should take better care of your girl, mate. I always see her alone" he patted Charles' shoulder before resuming his path, leaving a confused Leclerc, thinking again about that hickey on your neck.
CS55/OP81 LH44/GR63
A/N: this is short, rushed and not proof-readed so probably bad af but I just NEEDED to get this out of my head. Would yall like a second part?
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ashtxrie · 2 months
plot twist! (sunoo)
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PAIR. hogwarts student! sunoo x gn! hogwarts student! reader GENRE. hogwarts au, best friends to lovers, fluff, idiots in love, sunghoon is a real one (no house specifications mentioned!) WORD COUNT. 1.2k WARNINGS. none :) NOTES. everyone needs a sunghoon in their lives… + can you tell that i love the best friends to lovers trope with sunoo IN WHICH: you were trying to get kim sunoo to reveal who he liked while brewing amortentia, yet somehow sunghoon tricks you into revealing your feelings instead. what a jerk.
sunoo stares solemnly at the potion bubbling in his cauldron, fiddling with his fingers. the opalescent sheen of amortentia reflects in his eyes, and he turns to look at you, shrugging helplessly.
“just smell it,” you offer helpfully. “what could go wrong?”
sunoo looks at you mildly. you can already tell he’s beginning to think of everything that has gone wrong every single time you say something like this.
“right.” he cracks a smile. “like when you convinced me to eat two sugar hexes in one go?”
“that was once –”
“and when you told me to walk through the bloody baron?”
“i was in first year–”
sunoo laughs. “just wow. that’s horrible advice.” he leans backwards from the cauldron, his fingers still pinching his nose.  “but like sunghoon said,” he begins melodramatically, swiping a hand across his forehead, “amortentia makes lovesick fools of us all.”
you raise an eyebrow. “yeah, i doubt he’s ever said that.”
sunoo scowls, though not really meaning it, continuing to stare intently at the amortentia. “shut up,” he says, now resorting to waving the wisps of spiraling steam away from his face. “let me have my moment.”
“yeah, which you’ll have if you just smell the potion for once,” you say with a gleam in your eye. “what, are you afraid that it’ll be mint choco or something?” 
“i will not smell mint choco oh my god–”
“oh you definitely will.”
“i love mint choco but not like that– what is wrong with you how are we friends–”
“then what are you so afraid of?” 
your question catches him off guard, and he stays silent for a moment. he opens his mouth, about to say something, then closes it again. he shakes his head, eyes darting to look at something behind you. “i– i don’t know.” 
the seconds of silence that follow are broken as sunoo stands up too quickly, apothecary vials jittering. every eye lands on him, and he flushes, saying a quick “sorry!” before he turns back to you. “i’m just going to go and,” he gestures vaguely. “get more ingredients for the potion.” he sticks his hands in the pockets of his robes and makes for the cupboard, until sunghoon park stretches out his hand and pulls sunoo into the seat beside him.
the class snickers, rolling their eyes, and resumes their creation of the potion.  somewhere near the stained glass windows, the professor reprimands jake for attempting to slip a bit of his amortentia into a small vial after a dare niki gave him.  
sunoo and sunghoon whisper furiously at the desk near yours, and you can hear a little bit of what they’re saying.  
sunoo holds his face in his hands, shaking his head repeatedly as he groans. “i can’t!”
sunghoon whispers something back, rolling his eyes. he looks up to meet your gaze, then shakes sunoo, and leans down to whisper something.
sunoo peeks at you from behind his fingers, then abruptly shuts his eyes again and slams his head against the table.
you frown, tapping on jungwon’s shoulder. “watch my amortentia for me, will you?”
the boy nods, shrugging, as you get up and sit across from sunghoon and sunoo.
their conversation cuts off immediately. sunghoon looks immensely pleased.
“why are you acting so weird?” you reach to fix an apothecary bottle that lies skewed on the desk.  
sunghoon nudges sunoo. “why’re you acting so weird, sunoo?”
sunoo laughs quickly. “weird? i’m not weird, never!” he flushes, pulling at his hair. “nevermind, don’t answer that. i am weird. the weirdest.”
meanwhile the color from sunghoon’s face drains, and he widens his eyes in exasperation. “shut up,” he hisses.
sunoo nods while sending sunghoon a look, trying to stop his hands from quivering. “okay yeah you’re right.”
sunghoon looks at you dryly, pushing the cauldron of amortentia toward you. “what do you smell?”
you waft the potion towards you, smirking. “the real question is what sunoo smells. he ran away before i could get him to tell me.”
sunoo stiffens.
“i personally think he’ll smell mint choco,” you offer, nudging his shoe with your foot.
“oh really?” sunghoon smirks, his eyes boring into you. “that’s interesting. very interesting, actually.”
“you don’t think he will?”
“definitely not.” sunghoon folds his hands on the table and devilishly stares at you and sunoo. “oh, this is golden.”
you roll your eyes, beginning to rattle off all the things you smell. then you pause. “there’s something else too, it’s sort of odd.”
sunoo looks up curiously, his hands stilling. “what is it?”
you frown. “it’s like citrus, freshly washed clothes and–”
“–white peach?” sunghoon inserts casually, his voice a little too light, a little too innocent.
you brighten. “yeah. you’re right, actually.” you look at him curiously, tilting your head. “how’d you–”
recognition ticks in the back of your brain and you freeze. “shit.”
you don’t notice the way sunoo’s face turns a bright shade of pink, the smallest smile beginning to flutter at the edges of his lips. 
instead, you stand up from the table and return to your desk, frantically stirring your amortentia.
sunoo walks by your seat after a while, standing near your desk. “um,” he says.
you shake your head and glare at your potion. “go away.”
“okay.” and then, “sorry.”
you watch out the corner of your eye as he returns to sunghoon, who facepalms.
the clocktower chimes and you rush out of the classroom.  
you spend the rest of the week avoiding them until one day, sunoo taps on your shoulder.  there’s no one else in the corridor.
he looks down at his feet, his hands shaky. “i think you know why i want to talk to you.”
you shrug. “just forget it.”
sunoo leans back, eyes hurt. “forget it?”
“yeah. i don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“what if i don’t want to forget?” he looks up at you, his eyes soft. “would that be so bad?”
you stare at him, something happy bubbling inside.
“i didn’t tell you what my amortentia smells like because i already knew.” he smiles. “like foggy days in the astronomy tower.” he stares at you hopefully. “and trying new skincare while talking about anything into the night in the common room. and eating mint choco ice cream in hogsmeade– so, i mean, in a way, you were right, i kinda of did smell mint choco too…” 
realization dawns on your face. “you should’ve just told me!”
sunoo gives you a teasing look. “you should’ve just told me!”
you smile happily. “take me to hogsmeade next weekend.”
“of course.” sunoo wraps you in a hug, resting his head in the crook of your neck and smiling against your skin. “i really, really like you. i always have.”
you nod, breathing in the lingering scent of white peach. “me too.”
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rad-batson · 1 year
The Robins as RA’s Because I Said So
Credentials: I’m an RA, trust me.
Dick Grayson: The “Cool” RA
His friends told him he’d be great at it so he applied
Holds your hair back when you’re throwing up in the bathroom
Gives life lessons at every opportunity even when you don’t want them
Sees his residents in the hallway and proceeds to talk their ear off
Knocks on your door if he hasn’t seen you in a few days to make sure you’re doing alright
Has the “I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed” face on point
You actually feel bad when he catches you drinking in the halls :(
Jason Todd: The Cool RA
Wanted something to pad his resume so he applied
Will help you hide a body. “Just ask.” You didn’t, but you can’t remember how it came up either
Doesn’t care about the Rules, per se, but he will judge you for lacking common sense
“You know what, Derek? I’m writing you up just for being stupid. You could have at least put it in a paper bag.”
Organizes all of his events last minute, best attendance in the building
One day, he lets it slip that he has a 4.3 GPA
No one believes him until he actually shows them with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face
Tim Drake: The Invisible RA
Didn’t want to go apartment hunting so he applied for the free housing
Do you even have an RA? Does he even live here?
Apparently, he’s like triple-majoring or something, but like…no one knows what for. Or how. (He's really Undecided)
Does the bare minimum, but somehow still excels at his job
Everyone who sees him has a completely different description of what he looks like
One person starts the rumor that he’s a vampire, which is only made worse when someone sees him looking ghostly pale while chugging some weird red drink (Ultra Red Monster) in the middle of the night
Stephanie Brown: The Best Friend RA
One of those people who actually likes living in student housing so she applied
Gossips with everyone
“You didn’t hear this from me but-“ and “What am I, your mother?” are her most common phrases
Will probably get fired just because of how many university secrets she’s spilled
Keeps her door open at all times, her room is super cute too
One of her residents walks in and says, “You won’t believe what my boyfriend did this time!” Stephanie is already popping popcorn.
Will let you get away with shit if you make a good case for yourself
Damian Wayne: The Try-Hard RA
It’s a tradition in his family now, and he takes those very seriously, so he applied
A troublemaker’s worst nightmare
He will catch you drinking. No one knows how. Even his boss thinks it’s suspicious.
Seconds from a mental breakdown at all times of the day
Absolutely livid when the event he spent the least amount of effort on gets the best attendance (He just brought all of his art supplies to the lounge and taught people how to draw)
Writes incident reports like they’re addressed to the Pentagon
A resident comes to his door crying because her grandmother passed away, and Damian completely blanks on what to do so he lets her into his room and gives her a really long hug while she calms down, then he sits her down and lets her vent for an hour. A week later, she comes back and thanks him for being there when she needed it. It sticks with him for years.
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q-nihachu · 5 months
Timestamps from Niki's stream with summaries of the Tubbo-Herobrine lore!
2h 39m - Empanada and Niki wonder why Tubbo is on so late with a weird skin. They decide to go talk to him.
2h 40m - They find Tubbo dressed as Herobrine, spinning on his back on the ground to music. Bagi explains that he has a date with Fred and is probably nervous.
2h 46m - Bagi uses rainbow jelly on Tubbo, and he resumes standing upright. He seems to have a sort of weird power where, when he points at people, they disappear or reappear.
2h 53m - Tubbo makes all of the eggs disappear and reappear. Niki asks him if he’s evil, and he shakes his head. She gets blinded for a few seconds.
2h 55m - Tubbo flies into the air and logs off.
3h 9m - Niki, Bad, Empanada, and Richas are working on Empanda’s egg carton room when they see Herobrine-Tubbo on the tablist again. Niki goes to see what’s going on.
3h 10m - Tubbo, in a different voice: We are not done yet. Take me to shells. Shells now. Small little shells.
Niki figures out that he means the eggs but refuses to take him to where they are. He calls her the “Keeper of the Shells” and continues to ask to be taken to them.
3h ?m - Niki: Do you know Tubbo? Are you Tubbo?
Tubbo-Herobrine: Unimportant.
3h 26m - Empanada arrives.
Tubbo-Herobrine: Shell, I must share news. Are you important?
Empanada: to my family and friends yes
Tubbo-Herobrine: In everything?
Empanada: oh I don’t know?
Tubbo-Herobrine: What is everything to you?
Empanada: my family and friends
Tubbo-Herobrine: So you are important.
3h 30m - Tubbo-Herobrine points at Empanada, and she disappears. He thanks Niki, but she asks him to bring Empanada back. He says “In 60 seconds.”
3h 31m - He asks Niki if she’s important. She says everyone is important. He brings Empanada back.
3h 33m - Tubbrine says he needs a home, and Niki says they can help.
3h 34m - They find out Tubbrine is a creation of Tubbo from the Tubchunk. He asks them not to tell Tubbo about it.
Tubbrine: Creator will not be mad. Just will have to start over. When start over, I end. I end forever.
3h 38m - Tubbrine now says he needs the “Jump keeper,” seemingly referring to Niki.
Tubbrine: I struggle with jump.
3h 41m - Tubbrine stands in the water and says that it hurts. Niki puts down scaffolding for him.
3h 48m - Niki figures out that there’s a conflict Tubbrine needs help with. It seems to have something to do with Tubbrine’s ranking of the eggs’ importance. Niki thinks he’s looking for Sunny.
3h 51m - Tubbrine says he wants the egg with the aggressive personality that “may be powerful.” Empanada guesses he wants Moon, Sunny’s alter ego.
Tubbrine: May be childish.
Niki: Sounds like Richas.
3h 53m - Tubbrine says he can’t say Empanada’s rank, but she’s high.
~ 3h 56m - Tubbrine disappears.
3h 57m - Tubbrine reappears while Niki is afk and insists that Empanada go with him. She leaves a sign for Niki explaining and does.
3h 59m - Niki returns and starts to panic, searching for them, but quickly finds them nearby. She continues trying to decipher what he wants.
4h 5m - Richas arrives with Bad, and it seems to be what Tubbrine was looking for! Tubbrine questions him in a similar fashion to Empanada about importance.
4h 14m - Tubbrine makes Richas disappear, saying he was dangerous.
Tubbrine: Shell is now safe. 
Tubbrine: The rank dictates.
4h 15m - Tubbrine: What does shell want?
Niki: We want him back. Can you bring him back?
4h 17m - They ask his name, and he says “I am Creation.” He brings Richas back (about now? I might have missed it).
4h 20m - Creation says “Done” and leaves. Niki explains everything she knows to Bad, and they agree to respect his wishes and not tell Tubbo. They decide to go investigate the Tubchunk.
4h 26m - After not finding anything at Tubchunk, Bad and Niki plan to ask Tubbo questions without revealing exactly what happened.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 months
tw: female reader, sadism/emotional torture, death threats, talk of death, degradation, Adamverse again (i am literally obsessed with his emo ass no joke)
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You don’t know exactly what you did wrong. Maybe it’s because the dinner was just slightly less crispy than he likes, maybe it took you just one second too long to return his kiss - or maybe he just felt like torturing you - sometimes he got into these weird, sadistic moods, and you could never tell exactly where you had messed up. And you wish you did - oh how you wish he would tell you straight up, so you would be able to avoid the pain in future; alas that would never happen. Why would he let you in on the secret, why would he make the rules known if he has so much fun with you once you inevitably break them? He doesn’t need a reason to hurt you, because he already owns you, but sometimes he likes to have one; just so you’d blame yourself a bit more - just so you’d ask yourself what you could do better next time.
All you know now is that he’s mad, red - hot fury plastered all over his thin pale face. His expression, already deadly and hostile, at this moment looks simply demonic. All you know now is that he’s gripping your wrist and sinking his sharp nails as deep into your prickled skin as possible while dragging you somewhere unknown. Somewhere deep within the forest. 
You take in the smell of cold, fresh rain as your naked feet splash into the soaking grass, leaving a muddy trail behind. The forest feels alive - living and breathing into the early winter, the earthy scent of wet wood and linden heavy in the air. It’s breathtakingly beautiful, all this green scenery, even the icy air filling your lungs and the silent song of the sparrows left to die in the cold. You’re trying to appreciate this short moment of peace and quiet, of finally feeling the earth beneath you for the first time in what feels like years, but you just can’t ignore the biting, freezing chill that wraps around your body like a coat woven by Death herself. 
You’re wearing nothing but a flimsy white nightgown that sticks to your body, pretty and way too long it drags against the damp soil, sullying the beautiful lace. It’s almost funny, you think. The delicate fabric seems red under the soft moonlight - like blood, and it makes you feel like some fucked up fairytail metaphor of a princess, a trembling virgin waiting to be deflowered by the beast. But this can’t be further from the truth - there is nothing left for him to take.
Adam stops suddenly, making you trip and swing towards him - but instead of catching you, he pushes you to the side.
“Watch your step.” He hisses through gritted teeth, once again reaching to grab your hand. “We’re almost there. If you don’t want me to leave you to the wolves, you better keep up.” He adds, resuming his quick step ahead. Somewhere in your rational mind you know he’s just trying to scare you into walking faster - there is no way there are wolves this far up north, and even if there were, he would never let them hurt you. Would he?
“Alright. We’ve arrived.” The man stops after a while, letting go of you. You turn to look at him, eyes full of confusion. You’re in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing here aside from a few bushes and a big hole covered in dry leaves. “What is–”
“This will be your grave.” He interrupts you before you can even question him, gesturing to the wide open pit as he shoves you closer to the edge - so close you’re staring at the pitch black void that awaits you at the other side. You freeze in your place, unable to move an inch, cold sweat running down your back. 
You’ve pictured this night countless times before - the night when you finally die. Somehow you imagined it would be different; a lot less romantic. You thought your heart would stop due to the constant stress and paranoia, or Adam would squeeze your throat just a bit too tight - your face would get just a touch too purple and you’d kick the bucket. He’d force his length down your throat and you’d choke on your own vomit, or he would simply beat you up so badly you wouldn’t wake up the next morning. You never thought your end would be so picturesque - wearing a beautiful, sensual robe under the moonlight, slowly bleeding out as the sun rises over your cold, unmoving form. He’d probably kiss your dead lips and hold your hand too. 
No. You can’t let this happen. You don’t want this to happen. He doesn’t get to decide whether your death is pretty, ugly or fucking gruesome, whether your guts stick out for the world to see. You can’t let yourself die beautifully. You can’t let him see himself as some romantic gothic hero from the old books. He has to be the grim reaper, he has to realize he’s nothing more than a sadistic, lonely creep with vengeance and a sick fascination for blood that just happened to be yours.
“Are you going to kill me?” You whisper, voice as smooth as you can force it to be. You can’t let him know you’re scared. His eyes, so far sharp and calculated, suddenly narrow with a crazed glint - and he takes a step towards you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You can feel his weight resting against your body, a clear signal that one wrong move and you will both slip down the drain. “Maybe I will.” Adam leans in just slightly to whisper in your ear, chuckling at the way your shoulders stiffen completely - fists clenched to remain balanced. “Maybe I won’t.” His hot breath hits the freezing skin of your neck, but instead of another human’s warmth, all you feel is ice - cold fear. “It doesn’t really matter.”
“You fucking asshole–” You hiss inaudibly, small angry tears forming in your eyes. You can swear you’re not angry - or at least you shouldn’t be. One can only be angry when their expectations are being met - you should know better than anyone what the man is capable of. Yet somewhere far inside you still find the courage, the patience to feel rage, to feel cheated; tricked. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter? It’s my fucking life on–” Your sentence gets cut off by the deep guttural sobs tearing off from deep within your lungs. If you weren’t a second away from falling into your literal grave, you’d be beating at his chest right now with all the energy you have left - which isn’t a lot, but you’d give it your damn best.
“Shh, baby, it’s alright.” Your captor wraps his arms around you, breathing in your sweetness mixed in with the rain and the light earthy scent of the forest. For a second he can imagine laying you on the wet soil, not even shoving you down like usual, just gently pushing your body deeper and deeper into the mud until all that’s left unburied is your lips. “You always say you want to die, don’t you? I mean, you obviously seem to think that being with me is a fate worse than death.” He slaps on a big taunting smile, and you can’t decide if it makes you scared or furious. “So what’s different now?”
You inhale slowly.
“You-you–!” You feel your cheeks heat up with ire as your whole body prepares to attack the very source of all these complicated feelings, when… Nothing. Your fists can’t reach him, nor can your poisonous words break his heart for the second time. You’ve slipped into the world of the dead, somewhere far away. It’s darker than the winter night and more quiet than you had anticipated Hell would be - the only thing you hear is your own shallow heartbeat.
“Look at what you did, you stupid girl.” Someone pulls you back into the human realm, forcing you to open your eyes. “You’re fucking pathetic, you know that?” The voice sneers with the same old malice you can recognise even with your hands covering your ringing ears - so you must still be alive. Or maybe people are right, and Hell is on here on earth. “Scared of life, yet terrified of death.” Adam keeps mocking you, stepping closer to the pit so he can see exactly how pitiful you look, squirming in the dirt. “Also fucking clumsy at that. You know, I was just teasing you, but you really went and got yourself into that filthy hole. Just how useless can you be.”
You gulp, your dry throat straining against your tonsils. You’re alive - and you’ve made a fool of yourself just like always. Sometimes you wonder if you only exist to entertain Adam, if the whole reason for your being is one big excuse for him to hurt you until whatever is haunting him goes away. Yet it never does, and you’re not sure which of you is more pitiful.
“P-please…” You whimper weakly. You’re not sure what you’re even begging him for - to stop talking, to go away or to help you get out of this black, bottomless pit. You’re so cold, so wet - you just want to go home, although… Maybe your home doesn’t exist anymore.
“I can’t hear you, sweetheart. Speak louder.” The man coos, his shadow towering over you in a cruel reminder that even in death he’d still follow, somehow. “Do you need a hand? You’d have to be more convincing than that if you want me to help you, baby. Why should I waste my time saving a woman who doesn’t even love me?”
Your stomach turns, you’ve been here before. It’s a trap question - whatever you say, it’d still be the wrong answer, because with Adam there are no right answers. There is only suffering and dread over and over again until you’re both old and decaying in your own filth somewhere in the basement of his late mother’s cottage, surrounded by rats just waiting to feast on your flesh once your hearts finally stop. And even then you’d know no peace - he’d probably find you in Hell. You’ve been sharing his pain for too long, whether you like it or not, whether you love him or not, you can’t deny your souls are tied, glued together with blood and bile and sweat and tears.
“Please stop playing around, Adam. Just get me out of here, okay?” You make your voice small and whiny, just the way he likes it to be when you plead with him. Part of you is fighting against the survival instinct to snap into pure submission - to promise him anything and everything, because you will, and then what? He’d take you home, he’d be sugary sweet for the next two days, approximately, before you inevitably fuck up again. It’s all pointless. This love of his is nothing more than an exercise of nihilism - you’re just unsure why he feels the need to drag you along.
“You’re just hopeless without me, aren’t you?” He says rather softly, recognising the clear retaliation in your tone. Then he jumps down the pit, landing on his two feet like a panther - like he had rehearsed for this moment alone. It goes as usual. He stretches his hand towards you. You take a quick look at him. You reach in, just barely hanging on. Fingers hovering under his clenched fist. Shivering. He kisses your wrist. Standing up slowly. You’re dizzy. He wipes the mud off your face. Headache. Your chest tightens. 
And he gets to hold your hand and carry you away as the sun approaches, bright and blinding under the clouds just like a bloody fucking fairytale. 
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piratefishmama · 8 months
Finders Givers | Part 5
“So why’d you freak out?” Eddie expected the grilling, the second they left that extravagant building, he expected the grilling. “I mean, they were both super nice, I mean… Robin was… wow, I mean did you see her? I just—” he also kind of expected that, with the way Chrissy had just frozen at her entrance? Yeah. he expected that. “Wowzers y’know? But Steve was really nice too! He’d have probably offered us those jobs Eddie, we need jobs! Just cause rent is frozen doesn’t mean we don’t need jobs, we could save up our wages and use it on like, a holiday or something, we could go to Hawaii an be dumb white people tourists like in Lilo and Sti—”
“Did you not feel the vibes that guy was giving off?” Eddie didn’t usually interrupt her, she could go on a tangent, and the tangents were usually pretty cute so he’d often just let her go on with herself until she ran out of topics, allowing her to feel comfortable to just talk without feeling like she shouldn’t, but this time… he couldn’t hold it in.
“Steve?” She didn’t seem to mind though “yeah, I almost offered to let you two have some alone time, he was giving you serious bedroom eyes—”
“Chrissy no, nope! Not that! No he’s—he’s weird.”
“Weird in a hot way? Cause in my humble opinion he was working that suit. Do you think that tan was natural because oo-wee was it working for him.”
“Well yes, we both have eyes, but also no, dangerous weird, y’know? Something felt wrong about him, Chriss.” He felt like he was drifting in open waters and Steve was a huge leviathan type thing just waiting in the depths beneath him to drag him down away from light, away from life.
“You’re just saying that because he’s the boss of this big multimillion dollar company. Next you’ll be saying he’s capitalism personified or something, rich man buys out the neighbourhood, blah blah I can’t do your infamous table speeches, but listen, Eddie, he’s… he seems nice, maybe he is just nice.”
“And maybe he’s the mafia.”
“HE COULD BE! We don’t know that he isn’t.”
“This isn’t a movie, Eddie, c’mon let's just go home, maybe we can call up later about those jobs, yeah? It couldn’t hurt to work at a place you play at. Lenny wouldn’t give us the time of day when we tried applying for jobs there before, maybe we can get one now, it’s like… fate! Maybe Steve and Robin will come in one night and we can wow them with our fancy bartender skills, which we’ll of course learn through extensive trial and error, maybe a training montage, I’ll get my very own uptown girl an you’ll get your own hot rich man who’ll buy you fancy things and pamper you like I know you won’t admit you like but I know you’d eat that shit up.”
“Thought you just said this wasn’t a movie.”
“Some movies are based on real life stories! It could happen! It’s more likely than the mafia, c’mon.” Well… she had a point, they did need jobs, and Steve had… well he’d been nice hadn’t he?
There could be so many ulterior motives to what he was doing but why would it have to negatively affect them? It could just negatively affect some dude called Phil who lived two states over, it didn’t even have to involve them, really. Besides getting them a new job, right?
“…Fine, but you can send over our resumes, I don’t want anything to do with this! If the handsome rich devil man decides to give us the jobs, and comes into the bar, and I HAPPEN to serve him, and impress him then I will concede that the universe would like me to have a nice thing happen, but I will not go looking for fairytale endings, okay?” He knew better than to get his hopes up.
Steve Harrington had looked at him like he was dinner, he’d done the whole stuck staring stupid bit, and it’d been endearing, cute, surprising considering holy shit Steve was like… way out of his league, but… if the universe wanted it to happen then the universe would make it happen!
Eddie would have no part in the process of it happening! He’d just… indulge a little in the end result.
“Someday, Eddie. Someday I’m going to convince you to go and find good things for yourself, and you’ll see just how easy it is to make yourself happy.”
“Someday perhaps, but today is not that day.”
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“Be honest now… what did you think of him?” It wasn’t a common thing, Steve sat in front of Robin’s desk, in the chair opposite her big floor to ceiling windows, with Robin looking pretty menacing in her high backed chair, shadowed, her hands steepled at her chin, thumbs pressed into her own throat in thought, her silence stretched long enough for him to tack on “think from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“I think he looks like a passel of Opossum in a trench coat. A domesticated raccoon, a wet rat that some cruel individual permed for some reason.”
“Well that’s mean, and definitely not from a non-lesbian standpoint.”
“That’s from a person with eyes standpoint.” Steve rolled his own eyes and slumped backwards in the chair like a petulant teenager, arms crossed over his chest. “He looks like he’d scamper, Steve.”
“What’s wrong with scampering?! It’s cute to scamper!”
“It’s reserved for tiny critters, not fully grown adult men.”
“Men can scamper if they want to, don’t you impose your weird masculine rules on us, Robbie, it’s problematic.”
“I swear to god if I catch you on twitter—” shook her head, hand lifted to cut herself off “Steve… is this guy really worth all the money you’re throwing at this?” It was a lot of money, a lot, and they wouldnt get any of it back.
“I mean… I don’t know, but then I didn’t know if Jane would be worth it, or if she’d get any use out of the bakery I bought for her, I didn’t know if paying Nancy’s debts off would be worth it, I didn’t know if any of you would be worth the effort and money I put in to bring you all in and keep you all healthy and safe, and I still did what I did for all of you, so… why is this guy any different?” So far he’d been a spectacular judge of character. “Plus!!! He comes with a very cute blonde!! I’m sure you noticed the very cute blonde.”
“Aren’t you worried that they might be dating?” It was a very good point, and one he hadn’t actually considered. But then—
“If they are then they are, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t give them a chance like I gave all of you guys a chance.” Anyone who’d knock the shit out of their manager for their friend or partner was alright by him, it showed a loyalty that laughed in the face of authority, he LIKED when people laughed in the face of authory. Authority figures needed to be laughed at sometimes. And punched other times. Robin’s shoulders slacked, her expression shifting to one of soft amusement. “Yooooou wanted me to say that didn’t you?”
“Maybe a little. Just making sure you’re not thinking entirely with your dick. They’re not dating by the way… she’s not even a little bit his type.” Eddie had been quite open about his own sexuality, on purpose or just as a spur of the moment thing, Robin didn’t know, but it was nice to know Steve’s interest wasn’t entirely a lost cause.
“I was wondering why you dropped my relationship status in there.”
“Mmm… I did notice the very cute blonde… she seemed nice.” Bubbly, cute, like a cheerleader “and only because Chrissy seemed very nice… only because I would very much like to see her again… am I going to agree to go along with this nonsense without further complaint.”
“You cant agree to go along with something without complaint while calling it nonsense.”
“Watch me, Dingus.”
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bloodynectarine · 2 years
Pants are for the weak, and I'm strong af
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MC refuses to wear pants. Chaos ensues.
tags. male mc, amab reader, shameless mc, mix of crack and fluff, slightly suggestive content (a healthy dose of horny grip), all the brothers.
notes. this is my first fic ever and my debut post, oof, sweats. what does one says. open up? enjoy the meal? come back soon?
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After everything you've been through since your arrival at Devildom, including (but not limited to) a murder (yours, to be precise), you've slowly but surely carved your own way into the brothers' chaotic life.
Every time you wake up tangled in Mammon's arms and legs, you simply snuggle in, even when you were pretty sure you went to sleep to an empty bed the night before.
Walking around school holding Satan's arm feels as natural as breathing, and if you end up close enough to lay your head on his shoulder, so be it.
Whenever Asmo crosses the room to fix your hair or touch your face, rambling about how long your lashes are, how soft your skin feels, you lean in and bask in the attention.
Naps with Belphie are an everyday thing now: you let him lay on top of you, hide his face against your neck and snuggle anywhere between fifteen and forty minutes.
You already know every single one of Beel's eating habits. You can tell when a 108 seeds salad will do the job, and when you'll have to phone Barbatos, asking for his Bloody Terrine recipe.
Anime binges with Levi have introduced you to so many new series you love, and the amount of inside jokes the two of you share is probably a bit unhealthy.
If Lucifer decides to make eye contact with you from across the table at dinner, you have no problem to hold it, and if you let out the secret smile here and there, you're rewarded with an identical one.
They love it. They indulge in the way you let one wall down after the other, relishing in your company, constantly wondering, how close can they get? How much can they take from you before you stop them?
And still, when yet another wall crumbles down, and you show up late for breakfast one fateful Sunday morning with nothing but a long white t-shirt on —rubbing your eyes, tumbling in, clearly more asleep than awake—, the silence is loud, deafening.
“Legs” is the first thing that Asmo blurts out, immediately shutting up at the glare he gets from Lucifer. Nothing and no one can stop him from looking though.
“What? What leg?” You ask, voice low, slow, and drowsy as you sit down on the only available seat, between Levi and Beel.
Not even half a second later Levi gets up, muttering something about someone please switch places with me, do you want me to die, is that what you want, a shitty otaku like me isn't built for this, this is one of my favorite tropes--.
On cue, Mammon and Satan get up and rush to take the now free seat. The winner is Mammon, “That should teach ya!! Taste the power of the second born! THE Mammon!” he shrieks, loud but uncharacteristically evasive, face and neck as red as they get whilst holding intense eye contact with Levi's cereal bowl.
You laugh, as you always do, no longer surprised by their weird antics. “What's with that? Already fighting, so early on?” Elbow on table, cheek on hand, and the oversized t-shirt slides down, flashing an incredibly soft-looking shoulder.
While Levi chokes up with his own saliva and Beel reminds him he needs to breathe, Belphie sighs and shakes his head, unfazed, biting into his toast “Humans are pretty oblivious, uh? So dumb”, and if he moves his chair a little bit closer to try to get a better look, it's no one's business but his.
“Calling me dumb as soon as I get here? Mean”, you halfheartedly complain. Belphie might be onto something this time though: you have no idea what's going on.
Beel resumes chewing as he puts down a half-eaten cookie in front of you, “Saved this one for you”, which gets him a smile. In the next breath, Asmo puts two cookies (unchewed) on your plate “And I saved these for you, honey”, which gets him an even brighter smile.
Before everything gets out of control —he can already see his brothers wrestling until filling up your plate to the brim—, Lucifer decides it's time to intervene, “MC. Where are your pants.”
It's not a question, you notice. You scratch your neck and tilt your head, suddenly overly-conscious of your attire (or lack thereof) “Well. In my room. I hope.”
That gets you an exasperated sigh. Weird, that was even faster than usual. “Let me ask once again, and this time answer accordingly. Why are you not wearing your pants.”
“Oh. Haha. Actually, it's super funny” It's not. “But, you see, back in the human world I used to do this all the time.”
“This as in… Walking around naked?” Satan is the one asking, but while Lucifer sounds every bit of judgmental, he sounds playfully curious, his voice carries an obvious smile, even as he tries to hide it behind his mug (it's the one you got him, with cat ears, and a heart-shaped tail as the uncomfortable-looking handle).
“Not naked” How ridiculous would that be? You roll your eyes, reaching for your own mug (the one that has “Why be a demon hunter when you can be a demon kisser?” in bold red letters) and stopping halfway, thinking. “Surely I'm wearing boxers right now.” And to corroborate that you are, in fact, not walking around naked, you look down and lift the shirt. Just to be sure.
You've barely got a glimpse of black fabric (great, you didn't forget, that could've been embarrassing) when Mammon comes back to life, reaching out with both hands and pulling down to cover you once again, with more than enough strength. “Oi, oi, oi! W-w-what do ya think ya're doin'?! Are ya really that stupid?! Don't go around lettin' them s--”
A glimpse of your left nipple as the t-shirt slides even lower is apparently the straw that broke the demon's back, if the multiple gasps and squeals, delighted giggles (pretty sure those are Asmo's) and Lucifer's loud groan are any indicative.
“Enough. From now on, pants and t-shirts that actually fit are mandatory in and out the house.”
“Thank you, but no, thank you. I can't go back to wearing pants, they're suffocating. Also, it's only inside the house, so it should be okay, right?”
“It wasn't a question, this isn't about you agreeing or not, it's regulatory, and--”
“I say, if my darling doesn't want to wear pants, let him be, maybe it's a strange human tradition? We should join him!”
“That can't be the case, I haven't read anything like that before.”
“C-couldn't you at least wear a longer t-shirt? I'm going to pass out, it's exactly the same as in the second episode of I Turned Into a Bat Thinking My Childhood Friend Wouldn't Care But We Ended Up Married in The Afterlife where the protagonist--”
“It looks comfortable, MC. You probably can eat a lot in that.”
“And naps in a long t-shirt are the best, right? We should test it out. Right after breakfast.”
“Oi!! No! It's a no-go! Don't ya think I don't see ya lookin' at my human all over! Do I need to remind y'all who his first man is--”
“I don't see why it is such a big deal”, you mumble, pointedly not looking in Lucifer's direction, finally biting into a cookie as you let the t-shirt slide and move as it pleases, feeling snug and comfy in its embrace. So soft. “Aren't we all guys? There's nothing that I have that you don't.”
You continue chewing, eyes widening at a sudden realization “Or there is?” you ask, mouth full of cookie, trying to recall your limited knowledge in Demon Anatomy. Not your best subject, if you're being honest.
And thus a new round of shouting and squealing starts, so chaotic that getting a word in is impossible.
Or, at least was, until the ringing of the bell stops everyone in its tracks. Getting a few crumbs off your hands with the help of your very controversial t-shirt, you get up, walking towards the door with all the confidence of someone who's actually wearing pants.
It seems like ages since the last time all seven siblings agreed on something, but right now, they all scream in unison “Don't open the door!”.
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ao3 ― writing tag
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girls-alias · 5 months
Mental - Dean Winchester
Title: Mental - Dean Winchester
Words: 1,169
Relations: Dean Winchester X Reader
TW: Mental health, mental breakdown, SH.
Saw a TikTok edit of Dean and it inspired me.
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I excused myself from the table as I hurried to stand. I didn't look at Sam and Dean before I left the room. I was slightly hyperventilating but once I rushed to my room I couldn't breathe. I practically threw myself into the back of the door. Needing it closed and need privacy. I slid down the door trying to control my breathing, to bring air into my lungs but the panic attack didn't end.
How could Dean like me? I'm a mess, I'm crazy.
Nothing has even gone wrong and I'm still miserable. I should be happy, it's a day off, and I should be enjoying quiet time with Sam and Dean.
Dean doesn't like me. He just confessed it to find a way to let me down slowly.
I shouldn't have told him about my crush, I should have just hidden it like I have done all year.
He is so out of your league. He'd never like you. Remember when he would check out other girls, he doesn't like you,
Oh, my God. I'm an idiot.
My mouth was dry from breathing so heavily, I wanted to gulp to try and gain some control over my own body but it wasn't working. My vision seemed to be clouded by dark spots. I knew there was only one way to gain some control but I cried as I thought about it.
I feel like my only solution right now is to self-harm, I need to get control of myself. I'm acting manic. I have been clean for 78 days. I'm doing so well. I can't break that now. It took me years to get that far.
I cried as I crawled to my display knife that sat on my desk. It was a real knife, sharp enough to cut paper easily but it was only ever decorative. I pulled it from the stand. Resting my back against the drawers I brought my knees up close to my chest. I put my arm facing me in the divet between my legs. The tears evacuated my eyes as if an alarm was ringing.
"Y/N," Dean's voice called through the shut door, worry lacing his tone. "Are you okay?" He asked, worry more evident. I slowly put the knife down not wanting him to hear it. I cleared my throat softly.
"Yeah, why?" I asked but instantly winced as I knew I would never normally say that and Dean might recognise that.
"You just ran off," He explained not seeming to hear my error.
"Yeah, I just needed the bathroom," I lied. I waited anxiously in those few seconds it took Dean to reply. The door isn't locked, I hadn't thought of that. I gulped watching the handle afraid in case he came in and saw me. I don't want to think of how upset Dean might be.
"Oh, are you sure you're okay? You sound a little weird," He explained, his voice a little cheerier but suspicious.
"Gee, thanks Dean," I played it off. Smiling as Dean chuckled seemingly happy with my response.
"Okay, well come back when you're done," Dean explained, I listened to his steps as he walked away. I sighed with relief and sorrow. My tears quickly resuming. A part of me wanted him to come in, to save me but I was too scared to say anything.
I buried my hand into my sleeve, bringing it to my mouth to quietly sob into it. I screamed as the door swung open forcefully. I looked up to see Dean had burst into my door, eyes on me instantly. He looked completely startled, maybe even scared. I didn't have time to compose myself before Dean was crouching beside me. He held my hand, sneaking a glance at my wrist before his eyes dived deep into mine.
"What's going on?" He asked softly. I sighed, not caring to try and compose myself. I look like a mess anyway.
"You shouldn't have lied to me. You should have just turned me down," I sobbed as he moved closer, His hand on the back of my head bringing me closer to him so I could cry onto his chest, comforting me as he stroked my hair.
"I didn't lie to you, baby," He's never used a pet name for me before. He's just feeling sorry for me. "I do like you, I've always liked you. From the second you walked out the room when we first met I told Sam, I wanted you," He explained but I shook my head as I sobbed.
"You're just saying that because I did this," I stated as I lifted my arm.
"No, baby. No, I've liked you from the second I met you. I was too scared to say anything because I didn't think you'd like me," He explained as he hugged me a little tighter. "I want to be yours," He added. I sobbed, sitting up as I shook my head to look at him.
"You're too hot for me," I exclaimed but Dean shook his head. I could almost see hearts in his eyes as he looked at me.
"I want to be yours," He repeated. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him.
"I'm emotionally unstable," I argued but he smiled softly.
"I want to be yours," He repeated once again. I shook my head.
"Dean, -"
"I want to be yours," He interrupted. He placed his hand on my cheek, his eyes peering into my soul. Like earlier, all the air seemed to leave my lungs but this time I knew it was coming back. "I want to be yours," Dean commented before leaning in to connect our lips. My brain frazzled as I realised Dean was kissing me, we'd never kissed before. This is a bit far if he was lying. He has to be telling the truth. I should believe him.
I kissed him back, my hand coming up to the back of his neck as our lips moved in sync. His tongue graced my bottom lip. I allowed his access as our tongues met in the middle, dancing around each other. I could taste his morning coffee. He smiled against my lips as he continued to kiss me. I melted into his arms.
He slowly pulled away. I couldn't stop the smile on my face from spreading as I saw the joy on his face.
"Come on, we'll get you cleaned up and I'll take you on the date I've been planning all day," He explained cheerfully. I chuckled softly as he stood up. I tried my tears, looking up to see Dean offering to help me up. I smiled as I accepted his hand, and he pulled me to my feet. He took the opportunity to kiss me again. A shorter but passionate kiss. "I want you to wear something cute," He explained playfully as he led me to the bathroom. I smiled knowing now that Dean likes me and I am enough for him.
Working On
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palmofafreezinghand · 1 month
suspenders: on ao3 here.
A wolf whistle stopped Carlisle mid-step as he walked down the second-floor hallway. 
“Someone’s getting lucky,” Emmett sang, his signature heavy footsteps coming up quickly behind Carlisle. 
“That is the hope,” Carlisle said quietly, eyes fixed on his freshly shined shoes, mindlessly twisting his wedding band. 
“I’d fuck you,” Emmett chuckled, his strong hand briefly landing on Carlisle’s shoulder as he used the leverage to push himself forward. 
Carlisle’s brows furrowed as he looked over at the young man. “If you were a woman and my wife, of course?” 
“Don’t be weird. I’d do it as me,” Emmett frowned as if Carlisle was broaching the confines of their relationship with his suggestion. 
“Oh, thank you?” 
“Anytime, Buddy,” Emmett elbowed Carlisle’s arm as the two began to resume their walk down the hall. “She’s been gone what, a month right?” 
“Two months, three weeks, and six days,” Carlisle responded a second too quickly to seem normal. 
His wife had been offered the opportunity of a lifetime, lead designer and contractor of a historic restoration project. The original architect had been one she had admired for nearly a century, and the chance to fully restore his work had been one she under no circumstances could refuse, even if the project required her to live on-site. 
“Not that you’ve been counting,” Emmett chuckled. 
“Of course not. I support my wife in all her endeavors, even the ones that require her to live in a different country for two months, three weeks, six days, and seventeen hours.” “That was almost believable,” Emmet said as they reached the staircase. 
“Good, I’ve been practicing.” 
“Have fun,” Emmett grinned, punching Carlisle’s arm one last time, before jumping over the railing onto the first floor — an act he was strictly prohibited from doing while Esme was home — and bounding out the front door. 
Carlisle made his way down the stairs in a dignified manner, futzing with the drape of his sweater as he walked. He stopped in the first-floor foyer, examining his reflection in the entryway mirror. He ran his fingers through his hair once, twice, a third time. The lock at the front of his hair refused to stay gelled back, stubbornly falling on his forehead. His wife once remarked it made him look like ‘Clark Kent’s’ alter ego, he thought it made him look like a bum. 
“Someone’s dressed up,” Rosalie said from the living room. 
“Do I look alright?” Carlisle asked, turning to face her, holding his arms out at either side. 
“Better than you usually do, but that’s not saying much,” she said from her spot on the couch. A disassembled speaker lay on the coffee table in front of her. A soldering iron in her hand as she pieced two parts back together. 
“You know some people do find me half-decent looking.” 
“I am painfully aware. You forget Esme and I are friends,” she sighed, turning her attention back to her project. 
Carlisle took the move as a sign the conversation was over and turned back to the entryway mirror. His focus was fixed on his tie this time. It was light blue floral silk. Esme had bought it on one of their first trips to Paris, remarking it complimented his eyes. 
“Speaking of Esme,” Rosalie said, dropping her voice so the rest of the house could not hear her unless listening intently, “did you know she enjoys a high-waisted pant?” 
“Does she? I feel as if most of her pants have a reasonable - Oh, you are referring to my trousers.” 
“I did not say that,” Rosalie said but he could see in the mirror she was nodding her head. “I did not say she thinks a pant like you used to wear in the thirties are becoming or quote accentuates your hips.” 
“Good to know,” Carlisle said, turning to walk back up the stairs, appearing to be nonchalant. “On other news, I believe I forgot something upstairs.” 
He was halfway down the hall when Rosalie quietly called after him, “Suspenders.” 
“Yes, but wear something over them.” 
“Thank you,” Carlisle said, resuming his walk toward his bedroom. 
“I didn’t tell you that.” 
“Of course not.” 
Once in his bedroom he fetched a pair of dark brown high-waisted wool trousers from the very back of his closet and tried them on. He examined himself in the floor-length mirror, turning and posing. He supposed they did accentuate his hips. Was that a good thing? He clipped on a pair of suspenders and slipped a slate blue sweater over the ensemble. With one more glance in the mirror, he admitted he did look better. 
He switched the pants he had previously neatly tucked in his duffel bag for two pairs of high-waisted trousers that he had not worn since 1974 when Alice broke the news they were dreadfully out of style. Another set of suspenders was thrown in the bag, just in case. 
Truthfully he did not need to primp as if he was courting her again. His wife would surely arrive at the private airpark smelling of construction crews and latex-based paint, in a pair of dusty stained coveralls. Yet, there was something exhilarating about the preparation, a giddiness similar to the first time he asked her to accompany him on a hunt. As close to a date as they could manage back in those days. Hopefully she still found him as charming. 
Two at a time he made his way back down the stairs. He looked over to the entryway mirror one last time, running his hands through his hair, brushing the lock of hair back, it promptly fell when he removed his hand. With a sigh, he turned away from his reflection. 
 Before leaving he popped his head into the living room doorway, Rosalie had been joined by Edward, Renesmee, Alice, and Bella. Bella and Edward were tucked into an armchair reading from the same book. Alice was scrolling on her laptop. Renesmee sitting on the couch next to Rosalie, picking up a piece of the speaker turning it over in her hands, and then putting them back in the wrong place on the table. 
“I’m off to the airport,” Carlisle said. “We will be back soon. Do not burn down the house, please.” 
“Can I go with you?” Renesmee pleaded in a manner that was not age-appropriate, but he suspected was a result of being raised by nine adults she had wrapped around her finger. 
“Yet again, no you may not,” Carlisle said.  
“Why not?” 
“Because I said so.” 
“Ugh,” Ness groaned, slumping in her seat. “I haven’t seen Grandma in months. I have so much to tell her.” 
“I assure you she will want to hear every detail when we’re back in a week.” 
“A whole week?” Edward asked quietly, looking up from the book he and Bella were reading. 
’You have absolutely no room to talk. How many times I have served as a babysitter?’ Carlisle thought with a raised brow. 
Edward nodded in concession, pressing his lips together as he returned his attention to the book in his wife’s hands. 
“This outfit of yours is awful,” Alice complained. “Why do you never wear anything I buy you?” 
“Your last purchase was a lobster-patterned three-piece suit,” Carlisle said. 
“It was nautical.” 
“I think he looks fine,” Rosalie said, glancing up briefly. 
“That’s quite a compliment, coming from her,” Edward teased. 
“Thank you, Rosalie,” Carlisle said, picking his keys up from the entryway rack, and opening the front door. “Goodbye, don’t cause any chaos, please. And if you do… I am begging you, don’t call.” 
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were roomates (part 19)
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A/N: leave feedbacks on this one! also I have been nice enough lucifer and i decided to spice things up.
Warnings: ADULT CONTENT? SEXUAL CONTENT 18+ mentions of death
"Oh fuck…" you moaned..
You had lost your panties already, the summer dress lifted as your legs were wrapped around his waist. Your lips clashed in a messy tangled need. His belt and pants were lost, his freed cock at your entrance. He was enjoying every second he had to tease you, not allowing you to slip it inside. 
"Please… Simon…" you begged. 
He chuckled. 
"Alright darling, alright…" 
His tip softly pushed through your folds, as you hid your face in his neck. The stretch sent a shiver down your spine. 
"Oh please… Simon… please fuck me…" you pleaded. 
He didn't wait to comply, bottoming out. His pace was soft and passionate. He wanted to show you he wasn't angry, that he was sorry. 
You tried to stifle your moans by hiding in his neck, biting and sucking there making him groan or growl. 
"Hey guys! So you finally talked it out?" Soap's voice rang. 
You gasped as Simon chuckled. He did not stop thrusting into you, your pleasure building up. 
"Guys? I'm gonna open-" 
"No!" You yelled back. 
Simon picked up his pace, making you moan out loud. 
Simon stopped as you and him burst out laughing. 
"Simon… he's going to be traumatized…" you chuckled. 
"His own fault…" he whispered before capturing your lips. 
He resumed his thrusts, you let him fuck you against the wall, feeling his hands on your thighs holding you up. 
It burnt, it burnt so good. You felt like you wanted to burst out crying. It felt intense, emotionally. 
"Fuck… Simon.. ah…" 
"My beautiful girl… your moans… fuck…" 
"I …I love you…" you whispered against his lips. 
His pace increased, his balls slapping against your ass, his length hitting the right spot. You bit your lips trying to hold back your voice, Simon didn't like it. He captured your lips, deepening the kiss, only making you shiver again. 
"S..Simon" you tried. 
"I know. I know baby…" 
His deep voice only made you melt, feeling yourself so close to your orgasm. You felt yourself wanting to cry out again, that you needed to feel him deep inside, spilling himself. But you tried to keep it to yourself this time. Unfortunately…
"I know… I know you're right there… fuck… say it. Say you want me to fill you up." He ordered. 
You crumbled. You whimpered, a few tears slipping out. 
"Say it bunny… shit… I'll give you what you want…" 
"Please… ple…ease" you begged. 
"Come on. Say it." 
"Please cum inside me! Please!" You whined into his neck. 
"Good girl."
His hips thrust into you, faltering slightly but you were there already. You felt yourself burn as you came, the sensation of him spilling himself into you making it even more intense.
You kissed him, messily, but he didn't hesitate to kiss you back. You rested your head in his neck, both of you catching your breaths. You felt weird… something telling you that you wanted more. However, you bit your lip and kept it inside. 
Simon slipped himself out of you before dropping you very softly on the ground. He made sure to steady you before reaching for your jacket where he knew you kept some tissues. You felt yourself explode with emotions, the way he always took care of you after fucking you raw. You looked down at him, watching him, feeling his soft touches. And you felt warm again. But you tried to breathe through it. 
"You alright bunny?" 
You nodded at him, smiling at him. You grabbed his face gently, bringing him down to kiss you. You poured your emotions, love, patience, craving into a soft touch, a link between the both of you. And he responded just the same way. 
"Should we head back?" You whispered to him. 
You were trying to avoid asking him to just take you again. He chuckled. 
"I can read you like a book…" he let out a dark chuckle. 
You blinked, breath catching in your throat. 
"The way your pretty eyes look up at me. Soft. Melting. The way your body reacts to my touches. The way your cheeks turn pink even if I can't fully see it now." 
You bit your lip again. 
"The way you bite your lip…" he finished, looking at the object of his desires. 
"Simon… we shouldn't…" you explained. 
"I don't see a reason…" he debated. 
"Our friends are outside." You countered. 
"They're not going anywhere." He grinned. 
"It's not polite to leave them to go fuck somewhere." You giggled. 
He sighed, looking at you. 
"You're adorable when you laugh." 
You hid your face in his chest, whining in embarrassment. 
"Alright. Let's go back bunny." 
He matched his words, pulling you close to him with an arm as the other knocked on the door to gain soap's attention. 
"Poor boy won't get close to the door anymore…" you chuckled, voice muffled by his chest. 
"He fucking better. Even if I had a wonderful time in here with you baby, he can't get away like that…" 
"Well… go get him, after all, I'll still be in your bed tonight Lieutenant." You whispered close to his clothes lips. 
"Fuckin hell…"
The next day you had breakfast together, the boys had run off to base already with the girls. You took your time to enjoy your time together, alone. With Riley of course. Little touches, cuddles. The way he'd put your legs over his lap, to let his hand caress your skin. You wore his shirt, making him glance at you with a hint of glee in his eyes. He was happy. You could see it, feel it. And it only added to your own happiness. 
All was well. And it felt amazing. The relief, the peace was making you feel weightless. You had gotten dressed together, hands all over each other making it a difficult task. You'd giggle every time he'd wrap an arm around your waist to drop kisses to the back of your neck, your shoulders, sometimes letting his lips kiss your cheeks, nose, softly. 
"Y/N, did you buy another blanket?" He asked in an amused voice, looking at the black fluffy blanket with skulls on it, draped over the chair. 
"Hum… yeah… it was cute." You tried to justify. 
"Oh I don't doubt it. It goes well with the 3 other blankets with ghosts, bunnies and teddy bears. And perfectly with Reaper and the 4 squishy pillows on the bed." He added in a teasing voice, crossing his arms. 
"Oh…" you let out in a small voice, looking around. "I.. I'm sorry. I'm expanding my stuff all over your room… I..". You felt a ping of guilt. You hadn't even asked. You were used to spending all your nights together in his bed, especially since he came back from the mission. You hadn't realized it.
"Don't worry. I don't mind. Fuck, you can move all your stuff in here." You blushed at the offer. 
He walked to you, holding you close, his hand reaching your face to let his thumb run over your jawline. 
"Just find it funny how you're nesting here. God it's fucking adorable." 
You whined, smiling at him. He laughed. 
"Come on. We'll be late. Got a lot of paperwork." He concluded. 
You nodded, running off around the room under Simon's amused gaze. 
Thirty minutes later you were on the base, as he parked his car in front of the building. You had stepped out of the car, Riley following you. The boys were waiting for your lieutenant. 
"Ah finally! You let go of each other!" Soap teased. 
"Sorry… it's hard to let him go." You teased back. 
"If you were ever bitten by a zombie, I'd be a bit sad. But I'd shoot you in the head twice without a single thought." Simon said. 
You blinked at the most random thing he had said so far. By the look on the boy's face, it seemed to be an inside joke. 
"What…?" You asked confused. 
"Nothing love." He added, his hand at the small of your back. 
"Well. Y/N. You are glowing this morning." Price said. 
You smiled at him, slightly giddy from his compliment. Gaz added a little 'yes you are ma'am', while Konig nodded frantically. 
"Thank you boys. It's adorable of you." 
After some small talk, you parted ways, all heading towards your place of work. Simon walked away with a wink, Riley following him.
The morning passed by in a rush. You had managed to get some work done through the memories and flashbacks of bodies intertwining, kisses and touches that made you feel warmer than they should. 
When lunch time rolled in you had been spending 30 minutes wondering if you'd run to Simon to tease him and get what you needed. You decided that whatever or not you'd end up playing around you wanted to see him anyway. 
You hopped your way through the hallways to Simon's 'office'. You stopped midway, watching a young man look around confused. 
"Hi. Do you need help?" You asked. 
"H-hi! Sorry. I'm looking for Lieutenant Riley's office." He said with a shit grin. 
"Well I'm heading there. Follow me." You answered with a smile. 
He nodded his head as a thanks before you started walking and he followed. 
"Why are you meeting with the lieutenant?" You ask full of curiosity. 
"Hum, I'm a new recruit… well not new but, i want to be a sniper. I'm good at it. I know I am. But that Lieutenant doesn't seem to like when people are better than him." He said, practically gushing over himself. 
You rolled your eyes. That boy was in for a treat. Simon was good. He was the best ever. Especially in your eyes. You knew how he hated boys like these, who thought themselves higher than everybody. 
"What about you? Why you going there?" He asked with a wide smile. An obvious, flirtatious one. 
"I have something I need him to take care of. I wanted to see if he was free. Turns out he isn't." You said with a grin. 
"Oh well I'm quite early. Since I didn't know where his office was. I think you'll have time to ask him." 
"Depends how early you are." 
"25 mins." 
"Hmm… I can deal with that." You answered. 
You finally reached the door of Simon's office as you knocked softly. 
"So you are in one of LT's recruit teams." You asked again. 
"Yes, but… I kind want to ask you something before you saunter away." He said, biting his lip. "Can I get your number?" 
The door swung open. Oh boy. Simon's murderous look was on the boy instantly. You wanted to laugh but you bit your lip. 
"Well. Actually, I'm afraid I have a boyfriend." You said. 
"Oh… really? Who?" He asked, with a lot less confidence now that his lieutenant was standing there. 
"Your Lieutenant." You finished with a smile. 
The boy paled. Turning his head to the lieutenant he seemed terrified. 
"Oh… hum…" 
"Sit down. I'll see you in a little moment, soldier." He ordered in a very terrifying tone. 
Simon grabbed you by the waist pulling you in before slamming the door again. You were giggling your head off. He had lifted his mask and captured your lips. 
"Simon…" you huffed against his lips. 
You wanted to laugh. But he was adorable and hot. He was furious. His shoulders were tense and his touches were rough. He had switched to your neck, biting and bruising the soft skin. 
"That… asshole." He growled. 
You couldn't hold your laugh. You stopped him. He looked down at you. 
"He's an idiot. You're okay… I'm yours. You know it." You reassured him. 
He nodded softly. The tension hadn't eased off at all. 
"Are you giving me a sweet surprise? You came to visit me?" He asked. 
You bit your lip, looking up at him through your lashes. He let out a dark chuckle. 
"Been missing me?" He teased. 
"Yes sir… couldn't stop thinking about you… I kept remembering how well you take care of me…" you whined softly. 
His hands were softly roaming your body, a hand over your ass, squeezing and the other pulling you flush to his body. 
"Really? Perhaps I should remind you more vividly." 
"You have an appointment I think…" you teased. 
"He'll wait. Actually. I think I need to make sure… he knows who you belong to." 
You blushed. You tried to say something but he had caught your breath by picking you up and kissing you. You heard things falling to the floor roughly before realizing that what was on the desk was now on the ground. Cleaning up will be quite hard. The cold of the desk made you yelp, the dress you wore lifted up your thighs. It was rough, primal and messy. 
The sloppy kisses, the hungry touches. The little moans and grunts. Twenty minutes. That's all you had. 
"Simon… we don't have time…" you whined. 
He pushed you back on the desk letting you lay down. Your panties we're shoved down your legs. 
"Are you complaining? Want me to rip them up?" 
You moaned at the thought. You could only blink and he was in between your legs, lips biting and sucking at your thighs. When his tongue finally met your folds you let out a relieved moan. You had needed it all morning. All morning. The way his tongue danced over your clit, teased your entrance made your voice raise. You tried to muffle your voice but Simon had other plans. 
He grabbed both of your wrists, pinning them to the desk next to your hips. You tried to keep your mouth shut but he knew exactly how to torture you. He rose, a little string of saliva from his tongue and your wetness. 
Letting go of your wrists he looked down at you. 
"Fuck… you're beautiful. I'm so fucking lucky." 
You tried to hide your face but he was faster. 
"Don't hide yourself bunny. You're mine. You're beautiful, adorable… fuck. And you're all mine." 
"I'm all yours…" you answered his praises. 
He grinned, hands letting you go again as he reached for his belt. Your mouth watered, you wanted to squeeze your thighs together but he nestled right in between. He freed his cock, precum at the tip glistening. You reached for him, your hand wrapping around him. 
He cursed as you pumped him softly, spreading the precum all over your fingers. You watched his eyes close, head falling back at your own torture for him. When you let him go, his head snapped back to you, eyes feral. You brought your fingers to your mouth, licking off the salty drops. 
He pressed his tip at your entrance, making you sigh, your heart rate spiking up. He coated himself in your juices making you squirm underneath him. 
"Fuck… you have been thinking of this all morning, haven't you?" 
"You've been sitting at your desk… squeezing your thighs together… thinking about how my cock fills you up…"
He pushed his hips forward, tip slipping through your entrance slowly. 
"Haven't you bunny?" 
You nodded frantically, hips trying to meet him. 
"Go on. Beg." 
He stopped in his movements not letting himself push any further into you. 
"Beg. Say it." He ordered again. 
"I'm begging you please…please lieutenant!" 
"Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need." 
"I need you Lieutenant! Please I want you to fuck me…" 
"Good girl." 
He finally bucked his hips, slowly filing you up to the brim. You let your head fall back, arching your back. Your knees over his forearms, hands on your hips. 
"Hold onto something." He warned. 
You didn't have time to finish, words choking in a moan. He pulled himself out before slowly letting himself bury his fat cock inside you. He started off as slow, but the pace increased to a steady rhythmic pace. The desk was shaking, you tried to hold yourself, hands grabbing the edge behind you. You were trying really hard to keep your voice to an acceptable volume but Simon refused. 
His hand wrapped around your neck, making you look at him. 
"I want to hear you. Don't hold back." 
"Louder. I want this whole fucking base to know who you belong to." 
You let out a louder whine, the feeling of him sliding in and out, bottoming out each time, hips slamming into yours. 
"Scream if you want to. Let them hear you." 
The more he spoke, the louder you let yourself be, completely forgetting the whole world but this room, but him. 
His thumb inched closer to your clit, rubbing soft circles, watching every twitch and every louder moan to find the perfect spot and speed. 
"Fuck! Lieutenant!" You let out, way too loud for people not to hear from outside. 
You clenched around him, feeling that tingle in your cheeks and pleasure building up. His pace increased, angling your hips to make sure to hit your perfect spot, sending shivers down your spine. He went deep, and fuck was it good. 
"Please…" you whined. 
"You'll get it. You'll have all of it. But you'll cum for me first…fuck…" 
He leaned forward, switching to a mating press that made it almost overwhelming, tip hitting right into your G-spot. You couldn't hold your voice anymore, mind lost in a fog, pleasure washing over any rational thought. You felt yourself ready to break so fast. 
"Si..Simon…fuck I'm.." 
"I'm close too baby… cum with me." 
He kept his pace, as the knot deep inside of you broke, his own hips faltering as you felt him cum, thick ropes deep inside. You were pretty sure you screamed at some point but you were exactly sure.  
You tried to catch your breath as Simon let your legs down from his shoulders. 
"Breath Y/N. Deep breaths." He teased. 
You smiled, moaning again as he slipped out of you. You felt his warm seed slipping out of you before his fingers reached for your entrance, pushing it back inside.
"Simon!" You scolded. 
"Don't waste a single drop." 
You shook your head. He finally helped you sit back up on the desk as you looked around the room. 
"Simon, your paperwork is on the floor." 
"I'm aware. Urgent matters took priority." 
"Am I the urgent matters?"
"Absolute priority." He threw back, kissing you. 
You separated, smiling up at him. 
"Wish we could go home… I want to cuddle with you…" you complained. 
"I know… I promise we will." 
"Wait. I wanted to pass by Melissa's house. It's been four days and I'm getting worried." 
He thought for a second before nodding. 
"Alright. If it'll ease your mind we'll pass by. The boys will want to join in." 
"I don't mind." 
He nodded again before kissing you again. 
"Can I have my panties back?" 
You watched him wide eyed as he pulled down his mask over his massive mischievous smile. 
"I have an appointment, young lady. And isn't it your lunch time?" 
"But… My panties…" 
"Go on..hop off."
You pouted hoping off the desk feeling the wetness in between your legs threatening to drip. 
"Let me walk you out." He said, walking you slowly to the door. 
The door opened, your eyes fell into the soldier outside, he was looking away clearly looking embarrassed. You made a show of kissing Simon through his mask and winking his way before walking away. 
You passed by the bathroom first, cleaning yourself up. You were way too afraid to be naked and full of his cum. Walking out you decided to go for lunch because you were actually starving. You wanted to eat something salty… preferably cheesy.
The thought made you happy as you walked towards the cafeteria. Suddenly you felt dizzy, you froze, holding on to the wall for support. You tried to take a few deep breaths but you decided to lower yourself to the ground to avoid a big fall if your mind decided to take a nap. You kept breathing trying to look for your phone before realizing you forgot it at your desk. Shit.
"Hey hey hey" 
You looked up, relief washing over you as you saw Soap running to you. 
"Johnny…" you let out. 
"What's wrong?! Are you ok?!" He worried. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine." 
You could feel yourself getting better. 
"What happened?" 
"I got dizzy…" 
"I'm going to take you to the med bay." 
"No, Johnny, it's fine. It's probably because I haven't eaten. I'm starving honestly." 
"Are you sure??" 
"Yes. Happened when I joined you on a mission, remember? Exhaustion, not enough food and water? It's probably that." 
You were finally able to stand with soap's help. 
"You should be more careful. Come on, I'll help you get to the cafeteria." 
You smiled up at him thanking him. 
You were sitting down, happily eating some cheesy pasta, coupled with some chips and fruit snacks.
"You really were starving.." soap joked. 
You rolled your eyes but didn't care much, letting yourself enjoy your meal. 
"I want some donuts soap." 
"Do you think they have donuts here?" 
"Hum.. I don't know, I can ask." 
"You'd do that? Thank you!" 
Soap shook his head before getting up. 
You grabbed your phone that soap had kindly asked someone to pick up from the IT's room. You texted Melissa, trying to get some news on Amy and her. 
"They do have donuts! Look!" Soap cheered. 
"Ohhh!! Yes yes yes!" 
"I took one for me too." He said with a smile.
You happily grabbed the round desert as soap sat down. You took a bite chewing before frowning. 
"What's wrong?" 
"I.. I don't want it anymore…" 
"I'm so sorry…" 
He looked confused for a second before grabbing yours and biting it too, a pout on his face. You smiled apologetically before looking at your phone. No message. You frowned. 
"Everything alright?" 
"No, Melissa isn't answering my texts." 
"Want me to go check on her?" 
"I asked Simon if we could pass by after work. You guys can come with us." 
"Sure, absolutely." 
He smiled at you as you munched again on some fruit snacks. 
"By the way… are you going to tell me how you blew up the cartel's base?" 
You pretend not to hear him. 
"Come on!" 
You smirked, turning back to your food. 
You sat in the car, leg shaking from anxiety. Riley could feel it, he stood on guard in the back seat. A hand dropped to your thigh, squeezing softly. 
"Calm down bunny. I'm right here." 
You smiled trying to ease your nervousness. 
Soap, Gaz and Konig were in another car while Price followed on his own. You were reaching her house, as you practically jumped out of the car, Riley following you. Simon was quick to catch up to you as you knocked on the door. The rest of the team joined you quite quickly. 
No answer. You knocked again. You started to get fidgety. Simon grabbed the back of your pants, rubbing small circles at the small of your back. Riley sniffed your hand. It helped you to know they were next to you. You knocked again, louder this time. But when no answer came, you turned to Simon, a scared expression on your face.
"Where's the soldier who's supposed to keep guard?" 
"Calm down bunny. Maybe they're out. Do you have the spare key?" 
You nodded as the rest of the team stepped closer. You looked through your bag, grabbing the spare keys Melissa had given you. You put in the lock before turning and unlocking the door, opening it. 
"Someone home?" Simon called. 
But what he didn't seem to notice, was something that you immediately did. 
"What's this smell?" 
You frowned, feeling nauseous. 
"The smell? What smell?" Gaz asked. 
Simon was silent until he stepped in front of you, not letting you step further into the house. 
"Soap. Get her in the car. Now." 
You frowned now feeling yourself hyperventilating. 
He grabbed your face, looking at you. 
"It's alright love. I'll be with you in a minute. Be a good girl and get in the car with soap." 
You wanted to cry. What was going on. Riley growled as Simon turned around and Price stepped closer to him. He frowned at the smell looking at Simon before they both reached for their firearm. You felt dizzy again. 
"It's alright, come with me." Soap gently wrapped his arm around you, making you walk back to the car. You refused to get inside but you remained close to him. 
Gaz had also checked the smell before walking back to you two. 
"What's going on?" Soap asked. 
"The smell. We know it." Gaz simply said. 
"What is it?! God please someone tell me!" You yelled. 
Gaz was frozen unsure of what to say. 
"Just fucking say it, what are you talking about?!" Soap added. 
"It's the smell of a dead body decomposing." 
Your ears started ringing. You rushed towards the door before soap caught you. 
"No! Y/N!" 
Gaz followed him pulling you back. You were fighting their grip. No please no. 
"No.. Johnny please… no!" You screamed. 
Price came running out, Simon right behind him. Simon hugged you trying to calm you down. 
"Please! Please Simon tell me it's not it!" You cried out. 
"They're not here! Y/N breathe!" He rushed, drying your tears and trying to calm you down. 
"Where are they? Where's the smell coming from?!" Soap asked. 
"The guard." Price only said before he dialed someone on his phone. 
"Simon.." you cried into his chest before looking up at him. 
"We'll find them. I promise. Look at me. We're going to find them." He assured. 
You hugged him tightly. You'd find them, yes. You were about to end Hopkins' whole career and roam the whole earth to find them. You couldn't bear to lose them. The laugh of Melissa, the conversations. The bright blue eyes and blonde soft curls of the little girl. 
The bright blue eyes of Amy.
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