#funny how the fan is like a lullaby. calming and will put you to sleep if you're not careful lol .v.
keeps-ache · 4 months
sour apricots and loud floor fans. it's almost summer :D
#just me hi#i don't like sour fruits but today i will have them hfsh :>#+ turned on the fan cuz i like to be just-cool-enough and also the white noise <33#funny how the fan is like a lullaby. calming and will put you to sleep if you're not careful lol .v.#/also discovered that standing up while listening to my music lets me just start Dancing so we're doing that hbfvhs#fun stuff :D#//anywho i discovered a new way to set the nose on the face so i think i'm going to practice that today :3#and upside-down heart in the middle of the face seems to work pretty well! i tried a long triangle before but they always turned out Way to#long fghbhfsbv#the main problems i have with the face is putting the eyes too high + the nose too long. been working on that so yea!! :>>#Also i've been practicing drawing the jaw from below for a minute- i Am getting better :DD#//i <3 music ouhghguhguhogh#[boings and shimmies]#//also <3 cleaning up my email lol#sounds silly to me but it's nice :>>#//blah speaking of i have to clean my space#i haven't vacuumed in a hot minute. eeeuurghhh#cuz i have everything set up in the Most inconvenient way for a vacuum to pass through hhhghfsh#'why don't you just rearrange it?' this is the best way i can have my stuff set up to have maximum privacy so i dunno hhghfh#any other way and my desk will be facing its back towards the door; My back towards the door lol#i Could put it sideways but then you can still see what i'm doing when you walk in. not ideal !! hbfsh#oh wells. sigh. i will vacuum later at some point. hopefully today. i think it'll be today :>#//Okay gonna go do my things now#my things and stuffs. see you on the other side - ciao ciao toodles :3
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clownistyping · 2 years
S/O has horrible insomnia (falls asleep at 4-6 am), has dark circles under her eyes, and is sleepy by day. A funny scenario with Hellboy and Abe trying to find a medicine for her to fall asleep and have a good dream. (PS: I love your writings and have you a good day;)).
I am alive, and here to feed the Hellboy fans.
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“Little bit of this, a little bit of that.”
You watched Hellboy toss the crushed melatonin into the camomile tea, his face focused with the measurements.
“Now for the final ingredient.” Hellboy turns to a small box, opening it up he puts a glove on his smaller hand and takes out a bright blue dust. It shimmers in the light. Looking towards you and Abe who both sit at your respectful chairs in the small lab. You rub your face, trying to calm your nerves. Hoping and praying that this not very safe potion could help your insomnia for good.
“I know melatonin and camomile tea aids humans to sleep but I’m more worried about how this new ingredient will affect (Y/N)’s body. It’s never been tested before on humans.” Abe points out, not helping your nerves.
“Come on, Abe. Stardust never killed anybody.”
“That we know of.” Abe corrected his red friend. Hellboy shook the vile and the shimmer grew colder in his hand.
“If you’re so worried then how about I do a little test run instead? That make ya feel any better?” you quickly shook your head at Hellboy’s words,
“No way, your body is completely different than mine and I’d rather not find out demons are allergic to stardust the hard way.”
“We could say the same for you, (Y/N).” Abe crosses his arms and you scoff.
“Listen I appreciate everything you guys have already done for me, the lullabies and sleepovers. And for staying up with me all night. But I need this to end, I can’t function like this much longer or else the BDRP will be forced to fire me for sleeping during meetings and missions.” The two inhumans look at each other and agree to put this new concoction to the test.
“Alright, fine. But if you feel at any point uneasy, let us know and we will get your stomach pumped.” Hellboy says as he pours half the vial of stardust into the mug. Swirling it with a metal spoon, Hellboy lifts it. He sighs as he sees the spoon is still intact,
“Very funny.” you muttered and looked over Hellboys shoulder, the demon gently raised the cup and handed it to you.
“Well, just in case. Good Night.” the two smiled at you as you smiled back, taking a sip. You were delighted to find that the taste was warm, you expected a fizzle like a soda. But it slid down your throat like water. Though the taste was as creamy and sweet as Hellboy’s fresh coffee .
The two men starred you down as you drank the last drop of the stardust tea.
“How was it?” Abe asked,
“Really sweet, but not unbearably sweet. Smelled great too.” You commented, Hellboy studied your face and quickly noticed your dark circles clearing up. The tired lines on your face smoothed out,
“Seems to be a great facial cleaner too.”
“Really?” You asked and quickly reached for your phone, pulling it out you were shocked to find no more dark circles.
“No way!” You smiled and was quickly interrupted with a yawn.
“That's a good sign, what else do you feel?” Abe quickly turns from his seat to a piece of paper, writing it down to report back. You looked at Abe and slowly blinked with a tired smile.
“Like i'm ready for bed.” Hellboy loudly cheered but shrunken down when you yawned again, his smile was soft.
“Come on, ya lil koala. Lets get you to bed.”
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ageofnations · 3 years
Chamomile // drw // Pt.III
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Summary: Danny often feels overshadowed by his best friends and bandmates. You, however, can't seem to get your mind off of him.
Paring: Danny x fem!reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warnings: talk of mental health, hangover symptoms (and medicine for such symptoms)
A/N: i never could find the actual interview i based this from, so i just came up with one of my own. PLZ remember that this is fictional and in no way how i think the boys actually treat Danny. thank you guys for all of your support <3
Serie s Masterlist
Part III
It seemed as if the concept of sleep was foreign to you tonight. Despite the protest of the others, you chose the couch. You were adamant that they sleep in their own beds, even through their slurred arguments. But because of their drunken states, they didn’t put up much of a fight.
Usually, you found it easy to sleep on the boys’ couch. You had done it so many times before that it seemed almost second nature to you. The curve of the cushions and the familiar fragrant scents brought comfort similar to that of a lullaby. Tonight was different though. You were restless and found it hard to keep your eyes closed for long. You went from too hot to too cold, comfortable to uncomfortable. You tossed and turned until you finally gave up completely on trying to fall asleep. You picked up your phone off the table beside the couch, deciding to pass the time with more social media.
One of your favorite hobbies was searching the hashtags related to the band and looking through the mountains of fanmade content. You loved seeing videos and pictures of old performances, especially from the earlier years of Greta Van Fleet. You sometimes shared funny memes with the boys and read through stories to see how the fictional versions of the boys matched with reality. You were just about to switch the social media platform you were investigating when you came across a portion of a written interview with Danny. You read the caption before anything.
“This makes me so sad for Danny,” it said, paired with various crying emojis. The comments and tags matched the nature of the caption.
You were curious as to what the fuss was all about, so you decide to read the screenshots yourself.
Interviewer: So you’ve been going for a while now, but do you ever still get nervous when going out on stage?
Danny: Absolutely. I’d like to say I’m lucky that I sit at the back of the stage. Josh, Jake, and Sam are closer to the fans than I am, so they don’t get to mask their nerves as much. I’ve come up with strategies and tactics to calm down if I ever need them though.
Interviewer: Have you ever needed to use those?
Danny: More often than not, yeah. I had to work really hard to get where I am today, and I’m still trying to improve. I came into the band known as the “replacement,” and some days, I still feel like my spot in the band is fragile. Like they’d kick me out if I messed up. That feeling on top of performing in front of thousands of fans is terrifying.
Interviewer: And would they? Kick you out?
Danny: We’ve grown to be brothers essentially, so I’d hope they wouldn’t. But I can only hope they keep me around as long as the band is around.
Interviewer: But you’re the only one who isn’t a biological brother right?
Danny: Yeah, which is why I feel so fragile in the band. They all have a special bond that I could never have. Kicking out a family member would be much harder than just a close friend. Everyday I’m thankful that I’m still in the band.
Interviewer: Are there any perks to not being a brother?
Danny: Yeah, I mean, I guess I have a form of leverage over them. I can call things out how they are and mediate when necessary. I help things go as smoothly as possible, and I’ve been given the role of the middle man. When it comes down to it, I feel like that’s why they keep me in.
That was all the snippet included. There were no links, no sources, no context. You locked your phone and set it back down on the table.
You felt sad. There was an indescribable pain in your chest that you could only attribute to sadness.
Danny had talked to you about his insecurities with his playing, especially during and after his injury, but he had never expressed something like this. Feeling like he was only still in the band as a peacemaker for the others? It hurt to even imagine him doubting himself that much. He was an amazing drummer and an even better person to be around. He mattered more than he would ever know.
You wondered if the others knew about what was said in this interview. If he didn’t mention it to you, you imagined he hadn’t talked to his band mates about how he was feeling. You didn’t know if you should ask him about it or if you should just act like you hadn’t seen the interview at all.
You felt a stray tear fall from your eye, but you quickly wiped it away. You didn’t realize that you had started crying, and honestly, you didn’t know why you were crying at all. You felt a little helpless in the situation and guilty that you hadn’t noticed any difference until today.
You sat up and brought your knees to your chest. Before you could continue to overthink what you had read, you heard shuffling in the kitchen behind you.
“Bip?” you heard Danny’s groggy voice call out from the darkness.
Your body went stiff, but you turned your head in response. You were thankful that he couldn’t see your tear-stained cheeks.
“Did I wake you?” he whispered. “I’m sorry, I just got thirsty.”
“No, you didn’t wake me, Danny,” you rasped back. His apology caused your guilt to flourish even more. “I can’t sleep.”
He turns on a dim light in the kitchen. It barely lit the room, but it was just enough to be able to barely see in the living room. You heard him turn on the faucet briefly to fill his glass with tap water. “Me neither.”
“Is something wrong?”
He takes a sip before answering with, “Just a long day.” He quietly walks to you. “Care if I sit with you for a bit?”
You weakly smile at him. “Of course not.”
Instead of sitting at the other edge of the couch, he sits on the cushion directly beside you. His body heat prickled your shoulder, and you could’ve swore he was leaning into you a bit. You sat in brief silence, not looking at one another, before you finally started a conversation to keep your mind from drifting to the interview.
“How’s Josh’s hand?”
He let out an airy laugh devoid of any humor. “He’s okay. It’s burnt, but nothing a little Neosporin can’t handle.”
You laugh but wince when you feel a throbbing pain in your head. You were mostly sober at this point, but all of the beers were starting to catch up to you. Danny glanced at you as soon as he heard the noise come out, and his eyes stopped at the table beside you. Earlier, he had set out two painkillers for you to take before you slept to avoid the hangover symptoms. You still hadn’t taken them.
“You really should take those, ya know,” he noted. You could sense the worry in his voice, but you tried to put that out of your mind.
“I’ll be okay,” you said with a smile as you massaged your temples.
“I know you will, but I want you to be okay now. Here.” He handed you the glass of water he had been sipping on. Once you grabbed it from him, he reached across you to the table. You blushed at the feeling of having him so close, draped across you.
He grabbed the two pills and held them out to you. “Please take them. I promise it’ll help. Especially in the morning.” His eyes dig into yours in his best endeavor to persuade you away from your stubbornness.
You took the pills from him and took them with a swig of water. The feeling of being taken care of and looked after was comforting, but you were also embarrassed from being babied.
“Thank you,” Danny said sweetly.
The blush you wore grew as you realized he had dropped his hand to rest right above your knee. You felt his hand twitch slightly once you noticed the placement, but he never moved away from you.
“Thanks, mom,” you tease in an attempt to lighten the nerves inside of you. You think it works until he laughs at the joke and pulls away right after giving a small squeeze. You watch his reaction, secretly proud that you somehow made him genuinely laugh through his sleep deprivation.
Once the laughter dies down, you settle back into silence. You can sense the tension in Danny’s body language. He focuses on his hands as he picks at his cuticles. He licks his lips and clears his throat nervously to prepare his next sentence.
“Thank you, for checking on me today.” His voice had lowered to a whisper again. “Both times, I guess. It felt nice to know someone noticed that something was wrong, but I’m sorry to make you worry.”
You were slightly shocked to hear the openness in his admission. He had seemed so closed-off all day that this was a bit of a change in pace.
“You don’t have to apologize, Danny. You’re my best friend.”
He cracked a smile at you. “And you’re mine.”
“You know you can talk to me, right?”
He nodded. “I know,” he breathed. “I appreciate you so much, Bip.”
He always sensed the times that using that nickname would make you smile. You ran your finger around the rim of his glass that you were still holding. This was another time you wished you knew what he was thinking. This moment didn’t feel completely platonic, but you didn’t want to be the one to bring it up and potentially ruin what friendship you did have.
But you couldn’t deny the obvious feelings blooming for him.
“Sometimes,” he started again, breaking you away from your thoughts. “-it’s a little hard to talk about how I’m feeling, ya know?”
Of course you knew. You knew with every fiber of your being how he was feeling, but you didn’t respond, egging him to go on.
“I’m so used to taking care of other people that it’s difficult to process when others want to take care of me,” he finished.
“The helper needs help too,” you say. “It takes practice to get used to it, but you do so much for me, for all of us. You’ve got to let us reciprocate that.”
You could almost see the gears turning in his head as your words soaked in. He nodded and took a deep breath.
You hesitated before asking. “Do you want to talk about what has been bothering you?” You felt the tension return, and you immediately regretted asking. “You don’t have to-“
“I need to,” he interrupted. He silently sorted through his thoughts, trying to come up with a sentence that described all of his emotions. You could tell he was trying to not talk himself out of the conversation completely. “I don’t feel like I’m part of the band.”
There it was. The thing that has been bothering him for God knows how long. It was finally in the open, and he needed to talk about it.
“W-what? Danny, they love you.”
“They say that, yeah. I just don’t feel it sometimes.” He shifted his concentration to a string that was loose on his shirt. “The guys get front stage, I sit in the back. Sometimes I don’t even get a light that shines on me.” He sighed. “When it comes to concert outfits, the designers rarely even ask for my input because people won’t see me as much. It’s depressing.”
You opened your mouth, but he wasn’t finished.
“I feel like I’m a manager more than anything. I mean…you saw them today in the studio. It’s like that all the time. I didn’t even get a say in anything today, but the only reason they stopped arguing is because I reminded them that they could just use their other riffs and melodies in future songs.” His breath faltered once he cut himself off, and you could hear the tears forming.
You reach over to grab one of his hands away from the string he had been distracting himself with and rested your clasped palms on his leg. It wasn’t until then that he looked up at you.
“Danny, you have got to talk to them about this. I don’t know when, or how, but you need to. I noticed the way they treated you today, and you don’t deserve that. But I also know that they probably don’t realize that what they’re doing is hurting you. They’d want you to speak up.” You end your words by squeezing his hand.
He rubbed his thumb against yours, choosing to forego a verbal response.
“You're their best friend. They would do anything for you, just as you’d do anything for them. They are so lucky to have you, Danny.” Sincerity was dominant in your voice as you corrected yourself. “We are so lucky to have you.”
You two sat, shoulders pressed together, hands clasped as one, for a few silent minutes. You felt at peace knowing that he felt comfortable confiding in you. His fingers being intertwined with yours made you feel connected to him, in more ways than you could describe.
“I- I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/N.”
Of all things, that was not on the list of things you expected to hear come from him. You grin at him to try to mask the butterflies in your belly, which were growing every passing second. You hoped he didn’t take your silence as discomfort because that was far from what you were feeling.
He shifted beside you and started to stand from his place on the couch. The disappointment from the idea of him getting up made your blood run colder than it had been. You frowned to yourself, but quickly straightened your face.
“I could make some tea before I try to go lay back down. It might help the both of us go to sleep,” he chuckled.
And just as fast as your smile faded, it reappeared. He was back to the same ole Danny that cared so deeply for others.
“That sounds great, yeah.”
He started walking towards the kitchen, but he didn’t let go of your hand until he absolutely had to. You heard him laugh softly once your grasps were ripped from one another from the distance growing between you. While he started to make the tea, you thought to yourself, replaying the conversation in your mind while you patiently waited for him to return.
You had already started to drift in and out of sleep by the time he was done making the tea. He tried to lightly set the cup on the table beside you, but the soft clink made your eyes snap open fully.
“Looks like you don’t even need the tea anymore,” he taunts.
A laugh was forced out of you as you yawned. “And let all your hard work go to waste? Never.” You grabbed the cup and sipped away at the warm liquid. The drowsiness you were experiencing only escalated once the chamomile tea entered your system. You two carried on soft whispers of sleepy conversation until you had finished your beverages.
He took the cups to the sink and washed them as quietly as possible. You had rested your head on the back on the couch with heavy eyelids. He was wiping his hands as he hesitantly asked, “Do you…wanna sleep in my bed?”
You couldn’t hide the smile that crept onto your sleepy face. “As long as you’ll let me cuddle you like old times.”
“I don’t see how that benefits you, but I’m always down if you’re offering,” he shrugs and grabs the blanket you had been lying under. There was a baby pink tint on his cheeks that you couldn’t see. “Come on.”
Once you had transported your belongings to his room, you climbed under the warm comforter and blankets. He had turned on a fan, knowing that you slept best with white noise. As promised, he scooted as close to you as he could, his back flush against your chest. You brought one of your arms to rest under your head and play with his hair while the other arm was draped across his waist.
As you let your mind and body rest, you smiled at the familiarity of this position, having done this countless times before during sleepovers and movie nights at your apartment. Though, there was something different about it this time.
He was clutching the hand that you had placed over his belly.
>>>part IV
taglist (click here to join!): @gretavanflowerpower @joshkiszkas @teenagesublimefan @streamsofstardust @fireandsaltydogs @gretavanflipflop @kdarling1 @greta-van-chaos @stardustingold
thank you for reading <3
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nuitthegoddess · 3 years
 ~Luan’s Birth~
Twisted Wonderland future AU fanfic of my OC fan child of Malleus being born. Part 1
Angst, sad moments, death,
October 15th
The day of birth of a new soon to be ruler of Valley of Thorns.
It was Malleus Draconia’s happiest moment of his life time. He had met someone who he had loved dearly. He never thought after graduating Night Raven College to become king and to be in an arrange marriage for a while. Managing to find love. It was a huge celebration when he and his significant other got married. It was all over the news. The Next big that came out was the queen carrying his child.
When the news started to spread like while fire, The Valley of Thorns people couldn’t wait for months to come!
That day finally arrived,
The Queen’s water broke that made the servants to rush her to a hospital as the order from the king. He went with them along the way to the hospital. To his worry, his significant other wasn’t doing too well. They was struggling to give birth after hours passed. As soon as they finally gave birth to a baby boy. The queen was starting to pass out. Malleus couldn’t tell what was going on but Lilia and the doctor pulled Malleus aside. Malleus told them to do whatever they can to help them...
After hours later, the doctor confirmed came to Malleus and Lilia. Towards them as if he couldn’t look at them directly...He confirms the queen didn’t make it. Malleus felt as if a ton of bricks had hit him. The love of his life was gone...
He asked quickly about the baby. When they told him the baby was healthy. Malleus told them to bring him to him.
The one of the other doctors brought the newborn baby to him. He handed him over to the king gently. The king held the baby carefully to his chest like a delicate feather. He was so small to him like a little ragged doll. It made himself go ill, knowing that this was all he had left from his dearly departed queen. He couldn’t stand looking at the newborn, it made him want to cry knowing this had happened… he gave the baby gently to Lilia by his side.
Later the news was happy about the baby being born but their hearts of Valley of Thorns broke knowing that their queen has died from childbirth. They were joyful of the baby being healthy. But days later of the funeral for their queen was a devastating moment at the kingdom.
They brought the flowers around the kingdom, it was almost as if a garden grew all around the palace.
The baby never got a confirmation about his name. Malleus couldn’t think about it. For a week he was isolated in his private office to work on to signs papers while his servants or guards were helping taking care of the newborn since it’s a king’s responsibility. Today, the servants, Silver or Sebek were having some trouble. He has cried none stopped to the point where they went to Lilia. His lullaby didn’t work on the baby! Lilia thought of an idea to handed the infant over to Silver for the elder faerie to go to Malleus’ office. He began to knock right at his door.
“My king, you’ve been overworking yourself. Please come out we need your help with something.” The long haired raven male said a loud in a calm tone.
Malleus pauses himself to lay his pen next to his paper work on the side of his desk. He sighed to himself, as if knowing what Lilia was going to tell him. He moves himself off his seat to leave his work place to open the door. He sees the familiar guardian that was always by his side standing before him with a smile.
“Hello Lilia, what is it?”
“You’ve been cooped up in there for a long while. You deserve a break for once to be with the baby for at least a half hour. Please. The poor thing hasn’t stopped crying.” Lilia told him, he knows he is still upset over the queen. But he must interact with his own child.
Yes being a king means responsibility, but he can be with his own child for a break. What kind of parent would he if he doesn’t? A terrible one at that.. He took a deep breath. Malleus himself knows that he has to be with his child. “Okay, I’ll try to help. But I must finish up the papers soon.”
Lilia nodded to him with a cheerful smile. “You might as hold it off now.”
Malleus locked the door to close it before leaving. The two wander over into a fairly nice room for a baby to be in with a cradle and some huge basket with baby toys. Gifts from others especially from Kalim.
Malleus stopped to hear, crying echoing in the room. Silver was holding the baby, rocking him for a bit. “Don’t cry anymore. Please.” He mewled a bit, upset with himself that the advice from his father to help this poor child.
“Silver! You’re rocking him too much! He must focus on the rattle!” Sebek snapped at him as he shakes the baby rattle for the baby to distract him from crying anymore. Silver’s eyes looked to Sebek,
“Please calm your voice down or he’ll cry more.” Silver said trying to sound quiet but baby wouldn’t stop whaling.
Lilia giggled for a bit as Malleus looked over to him. “Oh dear, we have a little situation.” Lilia took a few more steps over to the two young men.
Sebek looks back to see the king and Lilia. “Your majesty! You’re here!”
Silver sighed a bit, feeling as if this a terrible situation. But he was relived that they arrived. He handed the wailing baby over to his father who approached ot him. Lilia started to rock him gently,
“Ah you poor little one. There should be no crying in this castle!” He giggled a little he responds. His red eyes glanced to the king. “Just hold him. Maybe he’ll be happier.” He began to walk over to hand over the little baby prince. Malleus carefully holds him around his arms. The baby was still weeping none stop.
Malleus looks over the two guardians, “Have you fed him?”
“The maids have tried to but he would spit it out his bottles or a spoon full of food. I tried to have him have his pacifier but he would spit it out,” Silver explained what happened as he sighed a little, “we thought maybe he needed a diaper change so we changed him. We thought that would solve the problem but apparently not. He would still cry after that. We tried to have my father’s help for assistance. Not even his lullaby would help. The baby didn’t want to listen.”
“I woke Silver up when he fell asleep into the basket of toys.” Sebek said with a hand to his face.
“It was kind of funny,”. Lilia laughed to himself. He looks up to the king. “I thought he maybe ill but he isn’t. So we thought maybe he wanted you.”
Malleus’s green eyes landed down upon to the red faced scrunched up baby who was howling. Trying to remember how he handled Silver was a baby. Rocking the poor baby slowly, gently. 
“Please little one. I’m here. What is it that you want?” He kept trying to think of what could possibly made this newborn be this way? They said he was healthy, they changed him, a rare thing for Lilia’s lullabies not to work on him. What could it be?
Was it his fault? 
Was it his fault that he didn’t want to look at his own child? It must be it. Guilt strikes in the young king. He was making the dragon king down in ill. All because the loved of his life had such a cruel death. The thought of giving birth to the child you’ve been longing to meet since you’ve wanted a child, and then death takes you away. Not even at least letting them hold the newborn for at least for long...
Why them?
Before Malleus could get into deeper thought, a tug was pulled by his hair made him snap out of it. It was not a hard tug. His green eyes analyzed the small hand gripping onto his streak of long hair. Green orbs trailed to the baby starring right up at him with teary glittering eyes. Whimpering a bit. He never noticed he had the same green eyes as him. The watery eyes reminded him of little stars for some odd reason.
He wasn’t crying as much but his whimpers were fading. He placed the baby’s head onto his shoulder.
“Oh! He’s not crying anymore!” Lilia said with a grin.
“Thank goodness...” Silver mumbled.
“Hush Silver!” Sebek snapped at Silver.
“Malleus try the rocking chair. Maybe he’ll fall asleep if you’ll sit down.” Lilia insisted.
Malleus walks over to the rocking chair near the baby cradle. Malleus sits down rocking the chair with the baby still whimpering.
“Sing him a lullaby. Maybe with you it’ll work.” Lilia encourages the dragon faerie king.
The king took a deep breathe again, he remembers a lullaby by heart. He used to listen to when he was little from his grandmother or Lilia. An ancient lullaby that used to make children sleep every night. He started to sing the lullaby, hoping the infant would listen to the sweet song. It was soothing song, to anyone’s ears. The baby whimpers faded each time as Malleus was singing to him. His little head started to lay against him like a pillow. His little arms wrapped around his shoulder to grip onto. Lilia was smiling at this perfect picture of Malleus with his child. Sebek was in tears, it was such a precious moment in his life time to see his Young master with his baby. Silver had fallen asleep again as Sebek was holding him and shaking him to wake up. Sebek didn’t want to ruin this beautiful moment as in respect for the king. Malleus hears with his pointy ears the baby was sounding asleep.
Malleus didn’t want to let him go, he would to let this precious baby to stay in his arms forever.
Lilia tip-toed over to the king to whisper, “We should put him to bed now.”
Malleus nodded he slowly, feeling a little upset to let this moment end. But he got up from the chair to set the sleeping baby on his cradle to slumber. Lilia pulls the blanket over onto the boy. They slowly were leaving the room for the baby to have quiet. As soon as everyone walked out from the room. Lilia closed the door gently.
Sebek looks to his king as he started to speak quietly “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed with you, your majesty. Your lullaby was breathtaking.” Sebek was trying to stay quiet but his sniffles is what made Malleus worried for the baby to hear. Lilia wanted to laugh at Sebek’s reaction but held it and gave him a handkerchief instead to wipe away his tears.
Silver crossed his arms as he speaks to the king, “Malleus, have you thought of name? We never got a confirmation about his name since… You know.” Silver spoke no further in a quiet tone. It did bother him that Malleus never named the baby since he was grieving over the queen’s death. The King had a depression after all, he couldn’t come up with a name. He now thought about it for a moment.
“Hm your right. But I think I know what to call him,” The three looked at him, “The child of mine should be named, Luan.”
“It’s perfect!” Sebek exclaimed happily.
Lilia and Silver hushed him to keep quiet. Lilia’s pointy ears started to hear a little whimpering from the other side of the door as he made a sheepish smile. “Oh dear…” looking at the door.
Malleus quickly goes inside the room to go see the baby whimpering awake. He quickly picks Luan up into his arms.
“My deepest apologizes, your majesty! Forgive me!” Sebek cried.
“Sebek, just stop talking.” Silver said with a hand to his face.
Malleus cradling to look down to small prince. Luan doesn’t seem like he was about to cry. His eyes were closed and he scrunch his noses. He wiggled around in the king’s arms. The king was puzzled at the moment.
“What’s the matter, Luan?”
The baby opened his mouth to let out green flames at his father’s face. His bangs were on fire.
“Your majesty!!” Sebek and Silver both exclaimed as Lilia started to laugh hysterically.
Malleus uses his magic to evaporate the green flames. Although his bangs were crusty, the end of his tips of the hair were crumbled or a little burned out.
“That brought back some nice memories~!” Lilia said reminding himself of the nostalgic memories.
The little Luan stared at Malleus as he started to whine a little almost teary eyed. Malleus shushes him trying to soothing as he kisses the tiny forehead.
“I’m not injured, no need to worry.” Malleus said, uses his arm to hold the baby to push back his burnt bangs. Showing his mark on his forehead. His eyes looked down to Luan’s big green eyes looking right up at him. His baby arms squirmed around to grab Malleus’s hair. He uses his black nail-polished finger to dangle to the baby for him to grab it fully in the little palm of his.
Malleus’s corners of his lips started to rise.
It was the first time that Malleus has made that expression to anyone for a while….
Authors note:
Ya’ll I should have made this on Father’s day 🥺 Welp I guess. I hope you all enjoyed this AU fanfic! I took time on this write out and edit like crazy bc I wanted it to be good! If you want more let me know so I can more! :D if you have any questions or criticisms! Let me know! I am open to learn!
Please drink some water and eat food! And I hope you have a good/evening/night!
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adhdsix · 4 years
i gotta sleep soon so ive decided i will finally dump a buncha my headcanons here aswell adfhsf theyre all in here but im gonna copy paste them as a post as well because i wanna ill be updating the doc a lot but i probably wont edit the post much notes slight spoilers but not much? i dont think? mono is written to be the tallest because rcg is more like a bonus i guess? but she is the tallest + oldest (this goes for other similar things written abt six, mono and/or rk) some of these are more like what-if scenarios (ex. modern stuff mentioned like cars) that could fit maybe in an au of sorts rather than entirely canon all links are safe
Tasteblind, but sensitive to certain food textures
Shortest by a lot, youngest but not by much Zero sense of time
Likes lullabies, gets Mono to sing them to her (likes to make up her own versions sometimes) Short attention span, unless she’s insanely invested in something
Definitely bites ice cream Uses Mono like a cat tree, climbs all over him, loves to sit up on his shoulders or just literally drape herself around his neck like a scarf (Mono eventually gets used to it, but she still can’t stay there for long or it starts to hurt) (possibly a little random but think like .. them + )
Likes most toys but hates dolls, usually tears them apart/messes with them for fun Not a huge fan of rain, but the sound is calming, and she loves the aftermath, which includes the smell, dew on grass, just how everything looks, worms and snails coming out of hiding, and splashing in puddles
Likes teddy bears (big and cuddly, plus, reminds her of Mono)
You are not immune to her puppy eyes. Raincoat Girl is probably the only person who is
Collects things a lot, gets attached to certain items for a random amount of time When she learns a new phrase or word, she loves to repeat it to herself ( not really in the “ look at me i learned a new word and i'm gonna use it all the time “ type way, she just finds it entertaining, kinda like vocal stimming ) Does a similar thing when she finds something that someone else said funny, mocks them by repeating it and giggling
Likes making "nests" out of her stuff
Definitely occasionally runs on all fours, it's usually not for too long though.
Most of the time it’s momentarily while she's already in the middle of sprinting, to give herself a boost with a bound or two, or if she trips or feels herself falling forward while running she'll shift onto all fours which is is how she originally developed that "reflex", to prevent herself from falling while running, but eventually she started using it a little more often 
She can also just walk normally on all fours too but she usually only uses it while running 
She likes to show off her object collections to Mono, he’s very supportive :] Loves long car rides, as well as Runaway
Brings mono gifts (usually dead rats, birds, etc. or bizzare objects from her collection that reminded her of him for whatever reason)
Hates drinks like soda or sparkling water, anything fizzy is a no-no
Likes shiny things Her pupils widen (that cat thing) when she sees something interesting, or something/someone she likes Plus her eyes shine in the dark / in photos sometimes, they usually look red
Mono gave Six their lighter
Heterochromia, their right eye is a dark, reddish brown, the other is milky white
Always chewing on stuff
Fidgets lots, stim buddies with Mono Six stims by rocking on her feet, bouncing, cracking her fingers and shaking fists most often She also vocal stims lots, mostly by repeating animal noises
It’s got tons of freckles
She likes to sing, and is very good at it but doesnt get to very often
it’s favorite things to sing are hypno and sunshine ( 11:11 hypno, sunshine )
Not super into arts, but loves to draw, and is very fascinated by origami
Often refers to Mono as a nerd (affectionate) (also sometimes dork)
Purrs, growls, hisses etc. Because she doesn't talk much, she adapts more animal-like ways of communication, not only vocally but also physical stuff (slow blinking, headbutting stuff, mostly cat-like traits and reflexes. also she likes to drop stuff off of shelves and tables just bc its fun)
Doesn't know her own strength a lot of the time
Very touch starved (they all are) even if she doesn't realise it
Flinches and/or swats others away when touched Eventually they get used to Mono, he's the only person that can touch her at all, but she still has limits
No sense of others personal space though
She’s great at tracking things, mostly small animals
Super ticklish, not very happy that Mono found out 
Very visual memory
She really loves all types of music, ranges from things like 100 gecs type stuff, to calm instrumental kinda things, literally anything with maybe a few exceptions Shark teeth, very sharp, loves making dents in stuff with them
Cat-like claws too (retractable maybe?? why not.. it usually has them out though) Love-hate relationship with snow, they find it weird and kind of icky, but Mono teaches her how to make snow angels, forts and snowmen, and she loves snowball fights (Mono regrets teaching them about those though), plus she adores going back inside and just drinking hot chocolate with Mono and sometimes other friends :]  Mono he/she Tallest of the three, oldest as well  Colorblind He has vitiligo Loves all sorts if arts and crafts, often drags Six into making stuff with him Her hair is very soft, even if it doesn't look like it Very touchy-feely, with others and with objects Knows and respects others boundaries. Six does not He will often push his own boundaries though He’s very protective, usually feels the need to put others safety and health in front of her own A little naive, will protect even if she isn’t getting anything in return from the person(s) Likes skirts! Mono loves to learn about his friends and their personalities, strengths, weaknesses etc. to use for their own benefit! For example, he has a different way to cheer up each friend, and does his best to include them in stuff he thinks they'll also like Loves any happy sounding music the most, but listens to lots of other stuff too (a few songs that remind me of him not lyric-wise but like, sounds like he'd listen to them, are She Wants Me (to be loved), Dancing in my Room, Sunday Best and Sunkissed type stuff, I don’t know music genres so) Favorite drink is probably coffee Loves all sorts of soup!! Has lots of nicknames for Six! Mostly uses kitty and shortcake (it hates them but gets used to them, only from Mono though; some of the other kids use them to get on her nerves, doesn’t end well for them) Love loves bugs! Six likes them too, but isn't as interested as Mono and Runaway (she likes to eat them) Runaway he/they Almost as tall as Mono, noticable difference though He loves chocolate milk and tea Probably the most reasonable out of the three Despite this, he still likes to annoy them (mostly Six) Similarly to Six, he sucks at keeping track of the time Likes goldfish snacks a lot His nomes are always nearby when he is Really likes coloring books and puzzles They love the sound of pianos, not the best at playing it but likes messing with them in his free time with Six (their rare bonding moments) Loves any instruments really, pianos are just his favorite Has the biggest sweet tooth Also loves bugs!! Mono and him are bug buddies His favorite bugs are caterpillars and butterflies, he isn’t a very big fan of spiders though (Mono didn’t used to mind them, but after the hand incidents in the hospital, he finds them icky; too similar) Bonus; RCG  she/they Tallest as well as oldest (again, not oldest by much though) Big sister vibes Super supportive Usually in charge of keeping others in line, doesn’t mind a little chaos here and there though (even if it doesn’t usually end well) Also has a few freckles, not nearly as much as Six Lots of energy that often rubs off on the others when she’s around Probably the most responsible, great with kids younger than her Loves teaching the others how to do stuff, has the longest attention span which makes it easier Very playful and teasing, but still knows and respects boundaries when it comes to that kinda stuff Gets easily stressed out and nervous when she doesn't know what to do, as she feels like she always has to be responsible aaaand thats all 4 now! i might do more characters like comic kids if i get enough ideas but thatll be in the doc if i ever do pleas share with me ur hcs and ideas too!!!! if u wanna i would love 2 see them!!
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writing-fool · 4 years
mlqc | let’s hit rewind
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What kind of videos would the MLQC guys make if they were YouTubers? I think this is a youtube!au, but to be fair, Kiro probably has a YouTube channel in canon. See it as you will? I won’t really talk about their life outside of YT/internet so you can decide for yourself whether this is an AU or not, and whether they’re a full-time YouTuber or not.
As always, enjoy, and requests are open!
Warning(s): none
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Victor probably has a cooking channel
scratch that. he absolutely starts as one of those Aesthetic™ cooking channels like Cooking tree, HANSE, Sweet The MI or Nino’s Home.
his channel is called Souvenir because he’s not THAT original you can’t expect everything from a man, people. 
he starts off doing these voiceless cooking videos, but after a voice and face reveal at 2 million followers where he cooks something for his followers as a thanks...well, who wouldn’t want more of that sultry voice and glorious face
currently has about 4 million subscribers
Victor’s channel is kind of comparable to Junskitchen, a rather relaxed, casual atmosphere combined with exquisite, refined cuisine
if he feels like it, he does a voice-over, otherwise he just puts calm jazz, blues or r&b over his cooking
HAS done an ASMR special. low-key dislikes the video because he has to whisper voice-overs but people LOVE it
likes making all kinds of foods, but his channel features quite a lot of sweet foods and desserts because a certain dummy has a sweet tooth
a pretty popular feature during quarantine is Cooking w/ Sou, essentially a live stream where Sou (aka Victor) cooks a whole three-course meal while talking to and instructing his followers
his subscribers notice that he doesn’t really need editing to look clean during cooking because his technique is IMMACULATE
by the end, he’s made a themed dinner for two...which always raises a question mark
is Sou single? does he have a roommate? a girlfriend? a kid? WHAT?
after getting your explicit permission, Victor addresses the situation in one of his recent Q&As
“Why do I always make dinner for two? I have a fiancée, she edits my videos in her spare time. She works as a producer. *you wave your hand over the lens* Dummy.” he breezes over it like it’s no big deal even though he’s a tad nervous about exposing something personal like this
his fans blow up the internet, baffled but not entirely surprised that someone like Sou isn’t a bachelor
of course, some leave hate under the video honestly, people who do this to celebs who start dating are HORRIBLE
most subscribers are super supportive of your relationship and thank you for the editing that makes Souvenir such a well put-together channel...also did he seriously call his fiancée a dummy? such a tsundere!
sometimes, you’ll (well, your hands...we’re keeping a bit of privacy here) even be in the end shot of videos, munching away at the carefully plated food
one day, Sou will be making a video titled Wedding Cake.
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Lucien’s channel LucidLight is a tad bit all over the place
he’s a man of many talents, and his channel reflects just that
i’m not saying it’s a disorganized channel, because the theme is very much there - the uniform theme in Luci’s content is a cozy background, a cup of tea and a soothing thumbnail
i mean that content-wise, his subscribers don’t really know what they’re going to get next...he has a slightly similar style to the YouTuber simon plant 
his content varies from interesting science theories to poetry reading sessions to ASMR to painting/sketching to cooking and much, much more
he has an heavenly soothing, smooth voice. it’s his trademark since Lucien doesn’t show his face on camera. ever. 
doesn’t have a TON of subs, because his channel is a bit of a niche thing, but I’d say he has 1,2 million subscribers and 400k followers on his added ‘business’ Instagram
he holds a lot of live streams on Instagram/YouTube (i know Moments exists in the game, but that’s more like a Facebook or Twitter kind of app...) and is always shown with just his torso and neck in frame. the lives usually include some poetry reading and generally just having a nice, relaxing chat with his followers. they can last up to 5 hours at once, and YOU know it’s because he doesn’t need sleep like a normal human being, but his fans are still asking questions about his timezone
his subscribers are strangely fascinated by his mysterious, gentle nature and also incredibly obsessed with his large, elegant hands
his ASMR videos are often roleplays of Librarian Lucien or Professor Lucien explaining to people why their rest is important
other times, they include soft affirmations, positive whispers, finger fluttering, hair touching and maybe kissing sounds...
Lucien paints a lot too, although he works primarily with ink and pencil sketches. you’ll find a watercolour or oil painting somewhere, but they’re not his most prominent media
his art videos are usually silent, although he might say something once in a while. there’s always some type of solo instrumental music playing in the background.
he does educational videos about biology and universe theories, but will also have reading sessions about scientific books
not intentionally secretive about your relationship, but he’s not one to mention it either
the first time you appeared on screen was when he was doing another live stream. he’s in his office talking about a play, when you come padding in to bid him goodnight.
“Yes, indeed. Laura’s glass menagerie, as the play suggests, is a symbol of fragility. Laura herself is very frail, but her favourite—”
“Good night, darling.” your soft voice rings through the room. viewers see Lucien’s torso turning a little bit, a hand on his shoulder and a curtain hair appearing from the top of the screen. his hand moves, presumably to cup the person’s cheek, before a soft kiss is heard through the mic. “Sleep tight, my love,” he murmurs.
“Ah. Laura’s favourite glass figurine is the unicorn, which...”
people are in uproar, but Lucien is a strong-willed man who refuses to explicitly announce the nature of his relationship.
his subscribers stop asking after a while, because it really isn’t any of their business, and they now know Lucien’s a taken man
you kind of appear on live streams accidentally a couple more times, but nothing’s really changed about Lucien’s content
the only thing he WILL say, and this is purely to give you credit, is “Ah. The background instrumentals in my art videos are played live. Yes, my lover’s very talented.”
you guys are the mysterious, talented, soft-voiced power couple of YouTube
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Gavin’s channel probably starts as a joint channel with you, something like Rachel and Jun
it’s relatively obvious from the start that Gavin from Birds&Cops is in a relationship, since you guys have a vlogging-style channel
your channel is filled with gym vlogs, travel vlogs to other countries and a lot of self-defence and sport at home videos. 
you guys also post a lot of funny vlogs talking about your day, going on fun dates, of course food vlogs in restaurants, all that stuff...
you often sit down and talk about your life, and maybe you’ll even do a mukbang during it for someone so fit, Gavin does eat a lot of food. 
Gavin’s channel didn’t blow up right away, because vlogging channels aren’t exactly unique, and he looks like the typical ‘straight boy with a girlfriend’
but he started gaining followers after people noticed how cute and blushy he acts, and how incredibly respectful and caring he is towards you
one of the most popular videos is Boyfriend Does My Makeup and it’s adorable. Gavin’s handling your face with so much care, and comments like “I know what this is, I’ve watched you do it many times.” or “Babe, does it hurt? Should I be more gentle? I’m sorry...my hands are rough.” make everyone SWOON
toxic masculinity left the chat. Gavin loves taking care of you in any way, whether it’s getting pads, chocolate and hot packs during your period or braiding your hair
in those yoga/celebrity fitness routine challenges, subs get to see Gavin in a tight singlet and sweatpants/shorts, and it’s HOLY
you’re very much aware of the attention Gavin receives from female fans, and how lucky you are to have found such a sweet partner
Gavin will usually see this type of comment while scrolling and will turn to you and go “Babe, you know I’m the lucky one here, right?”
anyways, a feature that you do to show fans the extent of Gavin’s sweet personality is Pranking My Boyfriend, where you set up the camera for a harmless prank like pretending to have a nightmare (similar to channels like Farina Jo)
that particular video was so fun to shoot, because it ended up with Gavin softly singing a lullaby to calm you down in his arms
“Baby, wake up. I’m here, you’re safe.” Gavin knows how to deal with panicking people, but he hates this prank afterwards because ‘he didn’t like seeing you in pain’
fans squealed. Birds&Cops gained like 50k subs through that video. the channel’s currently at 999k subscribers
overall, it’s just a really lovely, family-friendly channel
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Kiro knows his way around the web, alright?
not even just as Key, but he’s had a YouTube channel since the age of 15
his channel, CtrlAltChips is a hit with many people of many, many ages
he streams gaming sessions on Twitch and posts them on his YouTube channel afterwards
other content includes (primarily) covers & original songs, simple talking videos, thrifting & fashion videos, mukbangs and candid dance videos in a studio
think of chloe moriondo, doddleoddle, Victor the Drum Destroyer and Cat Strat
alternatively, for the ARMYs here, think of Jeon Jungkook as a YouTuber
Kiro has about 18 million subscribers, which is A LOT, but he’s been on YouTube for 7 years and he’s made a name for himself as a super likeable and bubbly guy with an angelic voice and killer moves
you’d think he’s just a cute boy when he sings acoustic covers, but his dance moves suggest that he’s not THAT cute
also how does he stay so fit with all those snack mukbangs?
he has a segment named In Our Kloset where he talks about social issues (because our boy uses his platform for good) around the world while customizing (not just pins. we’re talking patches, sewing, painting, embroidery) thrifted clothing to his liking. at the end he holds a little fashion show with his new outfits
after a while, you’ll see many of his outfits in giveaways or on sale for charity. Kiro tries to give back to his fans as much as he can, and how better than by sharing a piece of his unique clothing with them?
a great singer and performer. has held actual concerts before and has an actual music career (author-nim leaves it up to you readers to decide whether this is his idol career or some other musical project)
keeps his private life PRIVATE. he knows how the internet works, and he knows there’s no way he can keep your relationship a secret forever, but he’s not about to expose it to the world because of that reason
keeps tabs on information or rumours regarding you and makes them vanish
he’s simultaneously the most open and the most secretive out of the four boys. his fans know his favourite colour, what type of underwear he wears (trunks. Kiro wears trunks.), his birthday,...
but they know nothing about his past, his location, his close social circle or his family (teeechnically he’s an orphan but ig we’re talking about his mentor here. the blood of the covenant blah blah blah...y’know?). Kiro protects his loved ones fiercely
for someone who’s kept so secret, you’re actually really involved in Kiro’s virtual persona. you’re usually behind the camera during his In Our Kloset videos and are in charge of extra research regarding topics so he doesn’t spread any misinformation 
you also give pointers during filming (of course, these bits are edited out) because Kiro tends to trail off and get distracted when sewing
another way you’re involved is setting up the food during mukbangs. you have a great sense of aesthetics, so all of his videos in general will go through you.
while you like being low-key in Kiro’s life, you don’t want him to feel like he has to protect you from all the hate. 
he doesn’t particularly love keeping you a secret either, and it makes him feel guilty because he doesn’t want you to think he’s ashamed of you. he could never be.
you guys give it a good chat over how you’re going to announce it, and he just ends up making a video titled Miss Chips where the two of you sit down and talk to the camera
“Hello my little chips! Uhm, as you can see, there’s someone sitting next to me today. Maybe you already guessed from the title, but this is...my girlfriend, Miss Chips,” cue the cute jazz hands in your direction, “We’ve been dating for a long, loooong time, right, Miss Chips?”
“I just wanted to share this with you guys, since it felt wrong to keep such an important person in my life private. I hope you’re all kind to her, because I love her dearly, even to the point of giving up my snacks...so it’s serious.”
it really is that serious, hm?
Hope you enjoyed reading! 
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9 Taylor Swift Moments That Didn’t Fit in Our Cover Story
By: Brian Hiatt for The Rolling Stone Magazine Date: September 30th 2019
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Taylor Swift had a lot to say in our recent cover story (on newsstands now), tracing her eventful path to Lover, her political views and many other topics in a lengthy, revealing interview. There was even more to the caffeine-fueled conversation, which Swift made it through on four hours of sleep after staying up greeting fans at her parents’ Nashville house. Here are some highlights:
On releasing “The Archer” after “Me” and “You Need to Calm Down”: That’s sort of the world in which a lot of the album lives. It’s weird, because in pop, I love hooks and bop and catchy melodies so much. And I also love writing the songs you need to ugly cry to. So I really enjoy “You Need to Calm Down” and the brattiness of “damn, it’s 7 a.m.,” and then the next song being like, this is how I feel about myself in my lowest moments… It was unexpected when people liked “The Archer” seemingly sort of unanimously, I was like, What? This doesn’t happen to me. This almost feels like foreign and strange.
On Lover‘s place in her catalog: Reputation was so far from what I usually do. And Lover feels like a return to the fundamental songwriting pillars that I usually build my house on. It’s really honest; it’s not me playing a character. It’s really just how I feel, undistilled. And there are a lot of very personal admissions in it. And also, I love a metaphor. I love building on the metaphor for a very long time. You know, the whole of Reputation was just a metaphor, but this is a very personal record. So that’s been really fun.
Writing the title track of Lover: I was sitting up at the piano up in my loft, and I had the chorus. It just kind of happened immediately. It was one of those ones that I wrote very very, very quickly. And I was working out the cadence of the first verse and it just sort of fell together. But then I took some time to write the bridge because I wanted to really level up with that bridge. That one would for me be less of a ranting bridge and more of a story-time fable type bridge. Sometimes I like to imagine a bridge as like a sort of fairy-tale lullaby fable expanding upon a song that has been not as detailed until that point. “Can I go where you go/ Can we always be this close forever and ever”  is less detail then when you go to the bridge and you realize like, oh, it just got really personal in the bridge. It expands on it all.
Writing “Paper Rings” We just were messing around, just wanting to make something really, really fun. And I had all these lyrics about all these funny memories of how something can start off in a really quirky way and surprise you. Like how it says, “I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this.” So I wanted to show the quirkiness of a relationship and how it’s like, wow, this really fell together in really interesting, funny, playful, cute pieces. And now it’s something we’re both really stoked happened exactly the way it did.
On her creative burst circa 2016: I was writing constantly. And a lot of the things I was writing ended up being songs for Reputation. So after 1989, I didn’t write really anything. After I made 1989 and put it out, did all the promo stuff, went on tour... The Grammys happen, which is like this unbelievable blitz of excitement, followed by me going, “Oh my god, what am I going to make next?” I had no idea what to make next, because I was so proud. 1989 — I’m still so, so deeply proud of that record. But I was like, where do we go from here? I have no idea what comes after this. And so, when my life took a very dramatic shift, all of a sudden I knew what to make next — which is a strange dichotomy to feel like, ‘whoa, this is all really weird, twisted, dark and dramatic, but I can’t stop writing.’
I think I would have made Reputation whether or not I actually put out the album or ever made another album again. That album was a real process of catharsis, and I thought I experienced catharsis before, but I’d never had until that album, because it was creating this strange defense mechanism. And, I’d never really done that in that exact way before. The only way I’d done it in the past, was with “Blank Space,” which I wrote specifically about criticisms I had received for supposedly dating too many people in my twenties. I took that template of, OK, this is what you’re all saying about me. Let me just write from this character for a second.
On the Reputation Tour: That’s just such a fun album, Reputation. I’m so proud of how that whole process was because I’d never had an album that made more sense to people after they came to the concert. Literally people would be like, “I came to the show and now I completely love the record.” Now I get the record. Whereas before with 1989, I felt like it was such a great listen but it was harder to portray it live because when you when you see it live, you’re like, “Oh, I love that song and now she’s performing it live.” But it never had songs that came alive live.
With Reputation, I wanted to keep my head down, not say anything, but work harder than I ever worked. It was really motivational for me to just have the stadium tour to prepare for and prove myself almost. My career was in a weird spot, but still have that kind of ignite something in you to work harder, to practice longer, to think of bigger, better concepts for the live show. I was thinking, if anything can pull me out of this weird disillusionment I have with the way that things have gone in my career that I was feeling back then, I knew it would be playing live. If I could be proud of the live show and if I could feel that connection with fans, that would remind me of why I love this.
On the challenges of choreography: It’s really hard for me to memorize choreography. Dancers keep count, but I can’t memorize choreography that way. So I have to assign movement to an exact lyric. Everything in my brain has to be assigned to a lyric. Because I have to learn choreography in a way that reverts back to songwriting. My vibe is I have to rehearse so, so many times for so long that I can do the choreography without thinking about it. Because when I’m thinking about choreography, my face says it. You can see it in my eyes. There’s a fear and, like, a deadness to my eyes if I’m trying to remember choreography.
On being less caught up in chart battles: I’m just a little more chill about stuff like that now. Obviously, you want to do well, and you want to do things that people like and you want people not to make fun of you for that. A lot of the pressure that I feel in my career is just the fact that I’m compared to everything I’ve ever accomplished in the past and also new artists. I can’t live in that pressure cooker. Charts — I truly, truly do not understand how they work anymore. My friend Ed [Sheeran] is such a chart monger. He’s obsessed with how it works and the math of it. I have no idea what goes on with the math with it now, it used to be so easy. I don’t even get how, people get a big release week, because they sold T-shirts, or they sold concert tickets with their albums. It’s just very confusing. But I was stoked about the “ME!” music video getting that many YouTube views. I was like, well, that’s like, that’s something to write home about.
On the longevity of songs: I think it often takes a lot of time for people to understand how they feel about music. And I know that now because there’s a song on Red called “All Too Well” that I’m really, really proud of, and it took people about three years to note that that was one of the best songs. I didn’t see that starting to pop up when people would talk about my music until about two or three years after the album had its moment. So one thing that’s actually really comforting about music — and I know that people consume at a crazy speed now — but I think that things settle for people after a long period of time. My music kind of assigns itself to maybe a moment in somebody’s life; that’s the way that my fans usually describe it. So when you’re dealing in memory curation in a way, if they have memories that include one of my songs, they go and they live their lives and those memories become further in the past and more nostalgic to them, and the music becomes more important to them.
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alolowrites · 4 years
A Beautiful Blessing
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Summary: Someone leaves a mysterious box outside your apartment in the middle of the storm. Fortunately, no one gets hurt. 
Author’s Note: This is my first story for @bnhabookclub​‘s Hero Camp Bingo event happening right now! It officially runs from June 5th until August 15th and I received my very own bingo card to fill out. Fun fact, I wrote this story prior to the bingo event happening (lol), so I’m glad it worked out! 
I posted my bingo card below. Each time I submit a story for this event, I will cross off the prompt I used as well. The first prompt I crossed off was Adopt a Pet! Please enjoy!
Word Count: 1.5K
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A powerful storm rages through your neighborhood.
It is the perfect excuse to stay inside and watch random Netflix movies with your favorite person by your side. You snuggle closer to Shinsou, resting your head on his shoulder; his arm comfortably holds you and acts like a weighted blanket that nearly puts you to sleep. You suppress a yawn as an impromptu lullaby emerges from the raindrops pelting against the glass window.
The movie ends, and you stretch forward, “Pick the next one.”
Shinsou reaches for the remote, moving the bowl of popcorn sitting in the middle. You snatch it before the snack falls, avoiding a great tragedy. Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said for last week’s popcorn mess; the couch wouldn’t stop crunching up a song that night. Shaking your head, you shove a handful of the buttery goodness into your mouth and check some text messages. Your ears perk when a distinct sound rings outside.
“Did you hear that?” You glance at the window. A ray of lightning scatters across the dark clouds, which looms above the apartment building, “It sounded like a high-pitch mewl.”
Shinsou shrugs, “Probably your thought process at work.”
You whack his stomach. He snickers and continues scrolling through the selection.
“Very funny,” you dryly remark. The wind howls as the storm picks up its strength. A bright, white sheet temporarily blinds the entire sky, followed by a ferocious thunder that shakes the apartment complex. Through your munches, you hear the high-pitch noise return. With narrowed eyes, you stand up from your couch, “I’m gonna go check it out.”
“I’ll start the movie without you if you take too long.”
“Pfft, sure.” You stride toward the door, but regret opening it when the rain rudely greets your face. Groaning, you rapidly scan around until something catches your eye. An odd, medium-sized cardboard box sits near the door, a raggedy shirt flapping on top; you become suspicious.
“Hitoshi!” His eyes immediately peel away from the TV at the sound of your worried voice. You look over your shoulders, “There’s a random box outside.”
Shinsou springs into action, “Don’t touch it and get away from the door!”
He snatches his scarf and rushes to the entrance. Just as you turn around, the same mewl cries from inside the box; it sounds like a baby animal. Your curiosity ultimately wins as you kneel to inspect the package. Shinsou screams out your name, but you ignore him like an idiot. Tossing the torn cloth aside, you gasp at the sight below—it’s a little kitten.
“Oh, you poor thing!”
The frightened animal shivers in the farthest corner from you. It helplessly cries like a broken record, and your hands reach inside to comfort the wet bundle. Shinsou arrives with his scarf ready to protect you from an attack. His defensive stance weakens when he sees a black kitten in your grasp.
You shield the animal from the rain, “Let’s get inside! Find me a towel!”
A trail of water droplets follows you to the kitchen. Shinsou hands you a towel before heading outside again to inspect the box. The kitten meows as they get dried, their head twisting nonstop and body squirming around. You couldn’t blame the innocent feline for being petrified. After a few minutes, you uncover the kitten and scratch behind their ears to calm them down; it works like a charm.
Cradling the fur baby in your arms, you search for a warm blanket and head to the couch. Shinsou finally joins you with a puzzled expression. His eyes land on the kitten comically wrapped up like a burrito. The animal sneezes and owlishly blinks at Shinsou; the hero fights back a snort.
“Was there anything else inside?”
“Nothing. Not even a single note.”
You frown, stroking the kitten’s forehead, “Who the hell left this poor baby outside in that dirty box? Especially in the middle of this horrible storm! What if we weren’t home to save them? I don’t even want to imagine how much this fur ball would have suffered.”
“I’m wondering why they chose our apartment,” Shinsou mutters, his mind trying to remember anyone who might know his address. He tries to keep his personal life under wraps, even if he works more as an underground hero. Only his closest friends know where he lives, but they never would do something like this. Shinsou didn’t find any explosives or deadly chemicals inside the box, ruling out a villain. Maybe a crazed fan? He’s had a few run-ins with them before. Your giggles interrupt his brooding thoughts.
Lilac eyes shift down and watch as the kitten chews on your finger. A small grin curves on Shinsou’s lips at the adorable sight. You loosen the blanket so the kitten can move more freely. Little paws press on your thighs as its button nose sniff your clothes.
Shinsou tilts his head, “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?”
“Good question,” you hum and inspect the kitten’s behind, “It’s a girl!”
“We need to take her to the vet tomorrow,” Shinsou’s hand immediately gets attacked by the kitten’s paws and he chuckles while playing along. The exuberant fur ball distracts him from his thoughts, nipping the hero’s fingers with their sharp teeth. It does not hurt Shinsou one bit; if anything, the bite feels more like a small prick. He then grins, “Got to get this little rascal properly checked out for any injuries and see if she’s a lost pet.”
“I doubt she’s a missing pet.” An annoyed thumb jerks behind you, “This little angel was left outside our doorstep in a wet cardboard box. If anything, I want to find the person who abandoned her like this and kick their ass.”
A meow squeaks below. You gesture at the kitten and chirp, “See? Even she agrees with the idea!”
“Let’s take this one step at a time,” Shinsou smirks before searching for the nearest veterinary office on his phone. You roll your eyes and continue to play with the energetic kitten. Shinsou does not react when you reach for his scarf to entertain your new guest. Dangling the fabric in the air, you squeak when the kitten jumps and grabs it; the scarf quickly engulfs the fur ball’s tiny frame. After a few shuffles, her head pops out, and you laugh.
“Got the address,” Shinsou takes a screenshot of one location. He glances at the kitten who endearingly tilts her head at him; he shakes his own, but a faint smile creeps on his face, “I guess we’ll create a make-shift bed for her in our room.”
“Ooooh, yes! I got some old clothes we can use.” You scoop the kitten in your hands and jump off the sofa. Heading to the bedroom, you cry out, “C’mon! She needs some rest; poor baby has been through a lot for one night.”
Shinsou doesn’t argue with you as he snatches his scarf off the couch and follows closely behind.
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“Well,” the veterinarian does a quick once-over at her patient. You wait with bated breath for the doctor’s results. Shinsou stands beside you with arms crossed, “Despite missing some vaccinations, she appears to be a healthy three-month-old kitten. I gave her a couple of shots, but she will need to come back in a few weeks for the next doses, though.”
You are relieved, “Thank you, Dr. Sasaki!”
“You’re welcome,” she smiles, bopping the animal’s nose, “The kitten also has no prior owner since I did not detect a microchip. She’s all yours!”
The curious kitten almost falls off the exam table, but you grab her with lightning speed. As soon as the doctor leaves, you face Shinsou and slice the air with your hand, “We have to keep her!”
“I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer. She has no home, and I don’t want her ending up in a shelter. Besides, look at her!” You raise the kitten to his eye level and pout to strengthen your case. Shinsou arches an amused eyebrow. “How can you say no to that itty-bitty face?”
On instinct, the kitten meows and instantly melts the hero’s heart. He scratches the back of his neck while saying, “Okay, fine. We’ll keep her.”
You squeal, cradling the bundle of joy closer to your chest; she purrs softly in your arms. Shinsou enjoys seeing you this happy. Unbeknownst to you, he already made his decision after yesterday’s events. You and Shinsou played with the kitten all night long, laughing as she eagerly swatted a piece of yarn dangling mid-air. Once the mini tigress tired herself out, Shinsou tucked her into her make-shift bed.
Your smile brings him back to the present, “We still need a name for our little girl.”
“How about Emi?”
“Emi…” You test out the name and your eyes sparkle, “It’s perfect!”
Shinsou wraps an arm around your waist and fondly looks at his new child while grinning, “Welcome to the family, Emi.”
She is indeed a beautiful blessing.
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Which prompt will be crossed off next? Who knows, depends on what my brain comes up with lmao. 
As always, thank you for reading! 
Hero Camp Bingo Masterlist
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Incorrect Quote Dump (1/?)
Warning, this post is so fucking long.
Thrill, writing in his diary: February twenty-eighth, 2020. Today I watched a crewmate fall and eat shit.
Ghoul: So you all fucked up pretty badly. Good luck finding new tires for this thing. Kit: *scoff* I think the ones we have are fine for at least another fourty miles. Ghoul: *pointing to the blown-out tires that have all but shredded off the rims* You fucking fubar'd the tires on this and you think it can go for another fourty miles!? Toxin: *cackles* Kit: You both shut up.
Jet: Wait a minute. Jet: Share...skill... Jet: *inhales* AA-
Poison: So what exactly do you and your little band of assholes do? Kit: *looking at the chaos that is the Pistols* Tss...ooh...hard question...auh...?
*after they find the Zone Four motel* Kit: *enjoying a cold shower for the first time in a while* Poison: *opens the door and walks in* Kit: Who the fuck's there? Poison: It's me, I have to piss. Kit: Ok, you do that. Try anything and I'll shoot you though. Poison: Whatever. *silence* Kit: Flush that toilet and I'll shoot you. *silence* *toilet flushes* Kit: *is sprayed with boiling hot water* POISON-
Thrill: I am your God now! Bring me your virgins! Ghoul: What virgins? We're all sluts here. Jet: Who's 'we'? Ghoul: *points at Poison* Poison: Hey!
Kobra: So what are we doing out here exactly? Poison: Kit wanted us to find something called the... Poison: *takes off glove and looks at smudged writing on hand* Poison: ‘ Hellements of Armony’.
Toxin: *scurrying through The Zones* Squeedly-dee, stay out of the desert!
Widow: So, ok, I go over to Poison's room. Here I was expecting their PC to have burned down because of all the decomposing moth carcasses in their CPU fan. But no. I was not that lucky.
Kit: *drunk and draping herself into Kobra's arms* Oh doctor! What's the diagnosis? Kobra: *sighing and playing along* You're horny for Poison... Kit: Oh my! Horny for Poison, you say? Well, do you have a cure? Kobra: *dropping her and walking away* Yeah, leaving me the fuck out of this.
Poison: *obviously drunk* BATTERY CITY! CAN SUCK! MY! D- Kobra: *slaps his hand over their mouth* And that's enough tequila for you. Poison: *muffled* LET ME SPEAK!
Widow: Thots on Val Velocity? Poison: So Val has thots now. Kit: Crawling all over him like weevils. Jet: I think they're the Ultra Vs, actually.
Widow: Why don't you listen to Cherri Cola's Poetry Corner and maybe you'll calm down.
Poison: *is fucking dead* Thrill: Thrill: Wake up, piss boy.
Toxin: Are you fucking stupid? Kit: How long have you been friends with me? Toxin: Three years? Kit: Am I stupid, Tox? Toxin: Maybe a little bit. Kit: It's ok, you can call me an idiot. Toxin: Yeah, you're a fucking dumbass.
Widow: *after settling an argument* Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
Poison: Hold on. Poison: *leaves the motel and stands outside* Poison: *SCREAMS* Kit: Kit: I'm fucking that.
Poison: FOR THE LAST TIME! Poison: STOP CALLING ME 'PISS JACKET'! Ghoul: IT SMELLS LIKE PISS! Poison: IT'S COLOGNE! Jet: Are you sure though? Poison: Ghoul: Jet: Poison: Fuck yourself.
Kobra: Hey, Poison, check this out. Poison: *fiddling with their raygun* Hang on, I'm busy. Kobra: Hey, look at me. Poison: Give me a second. Kobra: I'm more important, give me attention. Poison: I said give me a God damn second. Kobra: I'm getting very upset. Poison: I don't give a fuck how upset you are. I said give me a second. Poison: *puts their raygun down* Hello, what is it? Kobra: *points to his helmet upside down on top of his head* I can balance a helmet on my head.
Poison: *standing in Kit's doorway* I'm sad, can I lay on your floor for a sec?
Jet: *standing outside* Don't you come in this room, Korse, I will dust your ass.
Thrill: Party Piss Jacket Peepee Pants Penishead Poison, will you please come here? Poison: *>:(*
Widow: Can I ask you something? Kit: What's good? Widow: Why are you such a whore? Kit: Drive sidestreet and get dusted.
Kit: *yelling into the other room* Jet! Jet Star! Jet: *doesn't respond*  Kit: Destroya damnit. Thrill: JETTY! Jet: *looks up* What? Kit: You wanna get food? Jet: Huh? Kit: Do you wanna obtain edible substances? Jet: What? Thrill: YOU WANT FOOD!? Jet: Oh, yeah, I do! Kit: Then come outside, there's an angel cake in the next Zone over! Jet: Make me. Thrill: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET FOOD! Jet: Alright.
Thrill: *flipping Kit off with both hands* Kit: Thanks, Thrill! *:D* Thrill: Fuck you! *:D*
Ghoul: They broke it, they blew up the school, they own a trenchcoat, they have a gun- Poison: This started about Diamond accidentally stepping on my headphones.
Kobra: I overheard Poison yelling at Toxin about banana bread and something about 'I've made a shitload of banana bread, don't you dare put that much sugar in it, it'll be grainy as shit-' Thrill: I think we should regulate humans...with guns...
Toxin: Skibidefuck!
Kobra: *takes off his helmet* Toxin: He looks like a baby. He looks like a literal infant. I wanna caress his cheek and put him in a crib and sing him lullabies. FF and MLP: Toxin, what the f u c k?
Kobra: No one here is gonna make fun of you. Except he might. Ghoul: Yeah, I might.
Pony: *tries to create a sense of calm by lighting incense only to discover that the sticks were sparklers* Widow: That's painfully on-brand, actually.
The Girl: *whispering into walkie talkie* Poison, the Pistols are drinking beer, I need you to come pick me up-
Ghoul: Hey Poison, do you think I can get this egg into that jar without it cracking? Poison: No. Ghoul: *throws it at Kobra* Guess you were right.
Toxin: Dude, I thought you could do a kickflip. Ghoul: I can! I can! I did one this morning!
Val: Hey Vaya, do you have any gum? Vaya: *spits their gum out at him* Val: *blinks* Ok then- Vamos, do you have any gum? Vamos: *spits their gum out at him*
Kit: *walking into Ghoul's room* Hey Toxin, Ghoul- Oh, you guys are doing dress rehearsal. Shiny. Auh, I'm gonna go to Tommy Chow Mein's shop real quick, you guys need anything? Hair dye, Power Pup?
Widow: *holding up a jack-o-lantern* I made a goblin, what'd you guys make? Toxin: *holding her pumpkin turned into a bong* I made a kick-ass bong. Widow: ...creative! Diamond: *cutting a hole in theirs* I'm gonna fuck this pumpkin.
Ghoul: *looking through a telescope* I love this Zone! Widow and Kit: *play wrestling in the dirt* Poison: Lemme see- *looks through telescope in the other direction* Kobra and Toxin: *fucking on the hood of the M240* Poison: Gorgeous.
Diamond: *has been staring at the same ray gun for the past thirty minutes* Tommy Chow Mein: Buy something or fuck off.
Val: Hey guys. Good alternative recycling; when you're done with a glass bottle, eat it. Fucking eat the bottle.
Kobra: *reading sign outside the shower* No shoes, no shirt, no pants, no socks, no underwear. Kobra: Ok, I think I'm good. *gets in*
Widow: Look at the buns on that guy. Jet: *laying on the ground covered in burger buns* Korse: This is the comedy police, the joke's too funny! Widow: *holding her ray gun* I'M NOT GOING BACK TO THE ICEBOX-
Jet: *while he's in tears* It's a mental break down... Jet: *plays kazoo to the tune of Final Countdown*
Dr. Death Defying: What'cha doing on the roof, Tommy? Tommy Chow Mein: *on the roof of his shop* I lost a frisbee. Dr. Death Defying: Are you smoking battery acid up there? Tommy Chow Mein: ...yeah.
Pony: Keep drinking, Val, don't be boring! God! Pony: *to Diamond* I want him to fucking pass out so someone finally notices me.
Poison: *wearing the Mousekat head while they’re standing in the empty hotel pool* Thrill: What the fuck? There's a furry in the pool. Poison: *raises their ray gun* Thrill: AA-
Ghoul: *sliding into the trans-AM* What's up, pussy? Poison: How do you know what I ate yesterday? Ghoul: Poison: Ghoul: Yeah, you right. Poison: *starts the car* Mhm.
Poison: *driving* Diamond: *in the backseat* POISON! Poison: Yep-? Yeah-?? Diamond: *pointing out the back window* LOOK! *there's a car full of Draculoids on their tail* Poison: OH! OH FUCK! floors it NO, NO, NO, NO! NO-
Val: *lays on the floor* Ooh, I'm exhausted. Thrill: Yeah, you're really sweaty. Val: You should've seen the other guy- Girl- Your mom- What? Thrill: What? Val: What?
Dr. Death Defying: *coming in at three AM over the radio* Stop it. Get some help.
Jet: I'm gonna tell you what I don't do. I don't know shit, I don't get stuff, and I don't understand things.
Thrill: So you'll do it? Kit: Yeah, man, I'll dust him. Thrill: For how much? Kit: How about thirty? Thrill: Thirty thousand carbons? Kit: *spits out drink*
Widow: Can you sing the song? Dr. Death Defying: *singing* Shut the fuck and go to sleep- Widow: Thanks *:>*
Toxin: *wielding a water gun* Put the carbons in the bag, right now- Tommy Chow Mein: That's a water gun. Toxin: *throws it at him* Tommy Chow Mein: Ow! Fine, asshole, just take it-
Val: *walking out of the V's hideout* Last one out is a stupid idiot! The V's: *have been standing outside for the past hour*
*before they got with the Pistols* Tommy Chow Mein: *over the loudspeaker* Would the owner of the lime green Honda please come to the front desk. Diamond: *walking over* Are my lights on? Tommy Chow Mein: No, I just wanted to see what you looked like. Your car's fucking ugly.
Poison: You ready for the best night ever? Widow: You mean sleepy time tea and a good night's sleep? Poison: ...we're going to a Mad Gear concert. Widow: ...I already made the tea.
Dr. Death Defying: *over the loudspeaker* Attention shoppers, our store closes in ten fucking minutes. Get your shit and let's fucking go. Tommy Chow Mein: *distantly* Hey, you don't fucking work here-
Diamond: Pony is so annoying. Pony: *outside the window of their room* I heard you were talking shit about me- Diamond: WE ARE ON THE THIRD FLOOR-
Toxin: 'Tommy Chow Mein' is short for 'Thomas Chowder Mainstreet'. Tommy Chow Mein: Get the fuck out.
Diamond: *a sand pup* What up? I'm Diamond, I'm nineteen, and I never fuckin' learned how to read.
Ghoul: *looms over Diamond* Diamond: *looks up from writing in a notebook* Ghoul: Diamond: Ghoul: Diamond: Diamond: I'm writing porn, what the fuck do you want? Ghoul: *loses it and fucks off*
*at dinner* Jet: Short-ass. Poison: Cuck. Jet: Fuck you. Poison: No, fuck you. Jet: Eat shit and live. Poison: You look like you bite deodorant sticks. Jet: *holds up bowl* I will cut your hair to look like this. Poison: GHOUL, HE THREATENED ME-
Val: *wild cackling* I GOT ANOTHER HEADSHOT! *cackling continues*
Toxin: Oh Destroya. You don't think- Ghoul: By the way it's looking, Tox, I'd say Val's a dirty... Toxin: Oh Destroya- Ghoul: Collectivizing... Toxin: No- Ghoul: Gemini. Toxin: GEMINI! GEMINI! Ghoul: Yeah, go get him, Toxin! Toxin: REEEE- *runs in Val's direction* *screaming*
Toxin: *holding her pet possum* Yeah, and spray him down with that shit in the bottle there. Kobra: *reading the label* For fleas and ticks, huh? Ghoul: *starts laughing in the distance* I'm sorry, for a sec I thought you said 'fleas and piss'! *laughter continues*  Thrill: We could get some of that for Poison then! *laughs* Toxin: *quietly* Party 'Piss Jacket' Poison.
Diamond: *walking down to the kitchen* Fuck it, I'm hungry enough that I'll eat the stale cereal. Jet: It's five AM, also that cereal is beyond fucking stale. Diamond: *disappearing into the kitchen* I'll probably hate myself afterwards but, eh, am hungy.
Widow: Kit, I think your dress rehearsal partner is gonna slap me. Kit: ...I'm sorry? I can't really stop 'em. Poison: *raises hand* Widow: AA-
Kobra: It's almost six in the morning. What the fuck? Jet: Hi, almost six in the morning. I'm dead. Kobra: *-_-* Kobra: *0_0*
*in the Nest* Val: *sits down with a can of Power Pup* Toxin: You happy? Val: Mhm. Toxin: Good. Your happiness distracts from the fact that I poisoned that Power Pup. Val: Good. I don't like my foods unpoisoned.
Vaya: *eating a piece of bread* This bread is, like, on the precipice of being stale. Vamos: That sucks. Vaya: Yeah. Vamos: I wouldn't be too happy. Vaya: Yeah, it's the worst snack I've had the misfortune of eating. Vamos: Then stop? Vaya: No, I hate myself and therefore I'm gonna finish it. Also Val would kick my ass if I wasted food. Val: *from the next room* I would! Vaya: See? Vamos: Fine, finish your fuckin' bread.
Thrill: You- You've been- Been- You've been- You've been hit with a distraction spell. Thrill: *punches Val in the thigh* Val: OW, YOU FUCKER- Thrill: *gets up and runs*
Val: *opens pack of fruit snacks with teeth* Poison: *intense stare* Val: ...what? Poison: *points at fruit snacks* Val: No. Mine. Poison: I will fucking dismember you, give them to me.
Ghoul: I don't see how you can sleep with that fucking blanket. I tried to once and it was so fucking hot. It also weighs more than me, probably. Poison: *curled up in a blanket* It's not my fault you're cold-blooded. Ghoul: *hisses* Jet: What'd you say about the cold-blooded? Poison: I was talking about Ghoul. Jet: Ah. Ghoul: Yeah, Jetty, you're friends with a reptilian. Kobra: *quietly* You're not Leafy. *the other three lose it*
Poison: *slaps Kit's ass* Night! Poison: *goes to their room*
Kobra: *walking up to his room* Widow: Why is it that whenever he walks on stairs, it sounds like the stairs are trying to eat him? Kobra: *turns around and squints*
Diamond: Eugh, this off-brand ramen tastes like ass. Widow: Yeah, it really does. Diamond: If it's not Better Living brand, it's not ramen. Widow: That's what I told Thrill. Of course, I was ignored. Kit: Thrill has small pea brain.
Val: Fight me. Ghoul: No. Val: Fight me. Ghoul: Diamond already tried to fight me in the kitchen, I don't wanna fight anybody else. Val: Beat my ass. Ghoul: I cannot. Val: Why? Ghoul: Ghoul: I'm small.
Toxin: Hey, I said Kobra was cute, I didn't say he was smart. Kit: That...applies to me... Kit: Why does that apply to me??
Toxin: *licks Kobra's cheek* Diamond: Don't lick that, you don't know where it's been! Kobra: *>:(*
Poison: I'm too sober to be having this conversation! Toxin: No, we're having this conversation! What the fuck do you mean!?
Val: I suck? I suck?? You died! You died! You just died and you’re saying I suck???
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blu-joons · 5 years
Pregnancy with Hoseok ~ BTS Headcanon
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Finding Out You’re Pregnant
Hobi was a mess when you told him you were pregnant; he didn’t quite know what to do with himself
Neither of you knew whether to laugh or cry with excitement, cuddling each other
He was so excited, he’d dreamt of having a little baby for years, yet here it was, finally happening for you both
“I’m so happy that we can finally have a baby together.”
All his family were ecstatic and excited, especially his sister, you knew how close the two of them were
You weren’t let out of his sight, even in the first few days, he’d do anything to protect the mother of his child and child
Together you chose to keep it a secret from the fans for a while, even if Hobi nearly spilled the news in interviews a few times
Of course, the boys were chuffed, although they were a little concerned, you’d have two screaming humans to look after, not one
“How are you going to deal with two squealing humans needing your attention Y/N?”
Hobi was always around, he would make lots of excuses to leave the studio just to come home and cuddle you for awhile
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Being Pregnant
You decided to not tell the Army at all, waiting until you had the baby as the ultimate surprise for them all
He created a scrapbook of photos of you throughout the pregnancy, tracking the progress your bump mad
“One day, when we are old, they’ll love to sit down and see all their photos.”
“That’s really cute Hobi, a really nice memory to look back on.”
He was always on hand to cheer you up, he had plenty of jokes to make you smile when you were feeling down
Hobi could never quite decide on if he wanted a boy or girl, he was forever switching between the two
Every appointment Hobi attended, you always remember one time he flew back from Osaka just for a scan
If he was honest, the things he bought for the baby, he loved playing with himself
Anything that made a noise he’d take to work in order to make Jin jump
Whenever you were feeling down about yourself, Hobi cuddles were always on offer
“You look beautiful sunshine, you are carrying a new life, there’s nothing more beautiful than that.”
Morning sickness was a bit of a struggle, it took Hobi awhile to adjust, he wasn’t great with things like that
He tended to be on hand once it was finished with a hot water bottle and some tablets
Decorating the nursery was a huge deal for Hobi, he wanted everything to be perfect
You decided not to find out the gender so created a neutral colour scheme
He filled it with stimulating things, and toys, that weren’t in his dorm at the studio for the boys to mess with
Both of you had sleepless nights, Hobi with excitement, you with just pain and discomfort
Hobi was forever going on about how thrilled he was, he had a countdown up in your leaving room until your due date
The boys were forever on the phone to you to calm him down because he couldn’t focus at work
He would always include the baby in conversation, he loved talking to bump
“I reckon when baby is born, we should go on holiday, what do you think?”
“Sounds amazing Hobi!”
“Oh, no I wasn’t talking to you.”
Slowly you began wearing more and more of his shirts, they were so loose and comfortable
Hobi ended up having to buy himself a whole new wardrobe as everything disappeared
The boys were heavily involved with the pregnancy, inviting you to the studio all the time
Your nursery became filled with blue and pink gifts, just to be on the safe side with either gender
They loved mocking Hobi, screaming and shouting, preparing him for the future
Any time you were at the studio Hobi made sure you laid down and tried to get some sleep, he didn’t want you tired or overworked
Your bump, was only ever referred to as ‘bump,’ it naturally came about
Hobi wasn’t afraid to tell bump off whenever they were causing you a bit of pain
He would poke the side they were kicking, tickling the skin until they calmed down and stopped
“You can do plenty of kicking when you’re born, particularly towards your Uncle Jin, he deserves it after all.”
Most nights he would fall asleep with his head by the bump, curled around your body
But if you were wanting a cuddle or a massage, he would gladly do it to take away your discomfort
The first kick was massive, Hobi couldn’t help but squeal in excitement, applauding his child for being so active
He would be forever feeling the bump on the off chance there was movement
You remembered one night when he showed you a rap he created for his new family, promising to add it to his next mixtape
Hobi would sing sweet lullabies and slow songs to help you sleep at night
“Is it helping? I know this is one of your favourites.”
“How about a bit of quiet time love, I’m the sure the baby can do with the peace.”
He loved having midnight feasts with you when your cravings were particularly bad
It became quite frequent as you stayed up later, struggling with the size of the bump
As the last few weeks of pregnancy came around Hobi was a little bubble of glee
You, on the other hand, were getting a little nervous about the daunting, inevitable thought of labour
He sat you down most nights to talk through your worries, assuring you he would be right by your side
The two of you would lay in bed, talking about your plans for the future and all the adventures you wanted to take your baby on
“I’m going to teach them to dance, my baby will be the best mover in the world.”
He loved to slow dance with you at night, keeping his hands on your belly
Somehow you managed to go the whole pregnancy without anyone you didn’t want to know, finding out
If he was honest, he never wanted pregnancy to end, adoring how close the two of you had become during the journey
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The two of you were up one night for a feast when you began to feel a horrendous pain in your tummy
Standing up, your waters quickly broke, panicking you, and grossing Hobi out
Composing himself, he took you to the car, breaking all speed limits to get you there
“Just stay calm love, you’ll be in the hands of the midwives soon, they’ll look after you.”
As much as you appreciated his support, the last thing you could do was stay calm
Once you were in your delivery suite you began to feel a bit better
Your contractions started slow, yet quickly worsened, taking you by surprise
Hobi tried to tell a few jokes to cheer you up, but you struggled to find them funny through the pain
It was his way of coping with seeing you in so much pain
Whatever pain relief they made available, you took, under Hobi’s instruction
“I feel like I might need some of that soon, I’m hurting for you sunshine.”
When the time came, Hobi was right beside you, holding your hand, wiping the sweat off your forehead, whispering reassuring words
Your eyes were scrunched shut in pain, just wishing the baby out of you
“Keep breathing, keep going, I’m so proud of you.”
He was a nervous wreck as the head came out, desperate for it to be over for you
Hobi never left your side as your baby was born, the cries instantly ringing through the room
Immediately Hobi started crying, cuddling you close
A little boy you were blessed with, the midwives taking him to be weighed
You were knackered, holding tightly to Hobi to stop yourself falling asleep
Hobi was desperate to hold him, rocking him side to side, pulling funny faces at him
You sat back and watched, tears brimming, building up the strength to give him his first cuddle off his mummy
Slowly the pain relief kicked in and Hobi rested your son in his arms
There were a few baby name options, but as soon as you saw your son you knew exactly what you wanted to call him
He couldn’t take his eyes off of his son, not letting go of his hand
Both of you were emotional wrecks, just like you had been when you first discovered you were pregnant
“He’s just so perfect, I can’t get enough of him, he’s got your eyes, but he definitely has my smile, a cheeky lad.”
There were a lot of cuddles, neither of you could put your son down
He couldn’t wait to finally tell the news to the whole world
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The First Few Hours
You had to convince Hobi to put your son down for his nap in the end, Hobi didn’t want to let him go
“I’m scared if I put him down, he’ll miss me.”
“He’s barely an hour old, he probably hasn’t even got a clue who you are.”
The two of you sent a picture to the boys first, then your families, all of them absolutely thrilled about the safe arrival
Hobi was forever peering over at your son whilst he slept, encouraging you to sleep too
Your phone erupted with calls from the boys, desperate to FaceTime you and see the new addition to the family
You had to warn them all to be quiet as they cooed over your sleeping son
It was all Jin’s fault though when your baby woke up screaming just like his father
“I’ve already warned him you’re the target hyung when he wants to kick something.”
“Yah! What have I done to deserve that! You’re the worst parents in the world!”
Hobi sat with you the entire time as he slept, helping you as the pain wore off
Anything you wanted Hobi was on hand, of course checking on your little one every time he stood up
Quickly his jokes emerged, happy to see you laughing at them again like you usually do
He couldn’t wait for all the firsts, feeds, nappies, day trips, adding them all to his scrapbook
You were happy to sit back for awhile and let Hobi do some work, seeing as you had done nine months of it
Soon, you were allowed to take your son home, finally able to begin the next chapter as a family of three
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The First Few Days
You went home just a day later, pulling up outside the door to see banners in all the windows
His sister ran out, greeting you both, although all her attention was on her new nephew
The house was super tidy and babyproof, a job his parents had done whilst you were in labour
None of them could wait for cuddles, taking photos, and smothering him with kisses
Hobi couldn’t wait to show him off and tell them all about how the first day was
“He’s just an angel, everything about him is so perfect, I feel like I’m dreaming.”
The two of you quickly adjusted to life with a baby, creating your own perfect system
Sleepless nights were unbearable to begin with, but you soon got used to it, taking turns to check on him and make sure he was okay
He took an extensive break from work, leaving the boys on the promotional tour, they encouraged his decision
Everyday your son was introduced to a new toy that Hobi had bought, a big collection gathering
“Half your toys are still at the studio for when you visit little one.”
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Meeting The Boys
Your first trip to the studio was exactly one week after the birth, the boys throwing a little one week birthday party
Of course, your son was drawn to all the toys, half of them not even working after they boys had played so much with them
Jungkook recorded the whole day, creating a video of it all as a congratulations present for you both.
Namjoon was in awe, he’d never seen an actual baby before, yet had done plenty of research on what to do to make your son feel comfortable
Taehyung bought lots of baby toys to replace the broken ones, hiding them from the boys, playing with your son
Jimin was mesmerised, his favourite thing was to hold his pinkie against your son’s, finally meeting someone with smaller hands
“I don’t think it counts when you’re in your twenties and our son is only a week old
Jin was on hand for tickle attacks, baby limbs flailing everywhere, practicing those kicks early
Yoongi couldn’t wait for cuddles, he would just lay with your son and help him get to sleep, he’d take any excuse to get a nap in himself
It was a struggle trying to get your son back when it was time to leave, the boys shielding him from you both
They made you promise to come back the day after, and the day after, and the day after that
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The Future
Hobi couldn’t get enough of his new family, he just wanted to stay in the moment forever
He found a new lease in life, something else to prioritise other than just the band, finding a new balance
As well as this, he found a new love for you, seeing you with his son melted his heart, he couldn’t get enough of it
Hobi was desperate to have more children in the future, wanting a sibling relationship for your son like he had with his sister
He couldn’t get enough, forever adding to his scrapbook, treasuring his family closely
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geniedocroe · 4 years
hi, so if you’re not too busy could i get a ship request? i’m 5’4 and i have thick brown hair that reaches my shoulders. writing and music are my passions and i want to be a psychologist when i grow up because i’m really good at taking care of people and giving advice. i’m definitely a hopeless romantic but i do get quite flirty sometimes. i’m all about pda and i live for cuddles. i do get really anxious whenever i’m in the house and it rains or there’s a storm. thanks x
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as an s/o:
i feel like everybody gets shipped w our bb luz but like he’s perfect so i’m not apologizing
if i thought i was a whore for web then CLEARLY i thought wrong. my heart belongs to this one
george luz supports every single one of your dreams
he is your number one hype man
you and george have dance parties all the time
(meredith grey & cristina yang type of dance parties)
there is always music playing when the two of you are together
maybe that’s just the wedding march idk
george is a very good singer and i stand by that
the two of you could be laying in bed and george will start to sing softly & it’s like the most perfect angelic heavenly lullaby
suddenly you’re asleep and when you wake up in the morning you’re pissed because all you want to do is listen to george’s amazing voice but he always lulls you to sleep
like the two of you could be hanging around the house
you’re writing & sitting at the dining table or at your desk or laying on the floor (idk where you like to write) and george will start to mindlessly sing and you fall asleep
it’s like he puts you under some spell
it’s like he’s a non deadly siren
sometimes george will come home really upset and you’re right beside him to comfort and try to help him
on occasion he doesn’t want to talk and will just start to sob right as you ask him what’s wrong or if he’s okay (i’ve def done that before)
he will cry and you will hold him
eventually he’ll tell you the issue and you’ll do your best to help him but sometimes there won’t be an issue
people just need to cry
and when you’re as bright as he is it’s hard to stay positive for everyone else when you feel your whole world is crashing down around you
sorry is this abt me or george
there is constant flirting
the two of you could be married for 50 years but the flirting & pickup lines never stop
it’s honestly disgusting
everybody gets tired of it but it melts your heart and george is so so so in love with you
idk how confident you are when you first meet people but when you first saw george you were like ooooo hot stuff
ew who says hot stuff what year is it how old am i
ANYWAYS you approached him and started flirting with him in front of all his friends
his friends were like ohhhh shit get it georgie
he was very shocked and fell in love with you right then and there
and then he found out you were a superior officer & was like oh shit i’m totally in trouble
he actually was not because you liked him a lot
he was glad
you are one of the only people that can make him blush and he constantly gets teased for it
you do a lot of the teasing and that causes some more blushing
a blushy george is the best george
your friends love the two of you i mean that’s why you’re friends but the pda gets to be too much sometimes
joe toye has THROWN things across the room
he is angry
so you two do it to piss them off
the kissing and hugging and hand holding and the touching is extreme when y’all are with your friends because the both of you think it’s so funny to fuck w your friends
you have been threatened many times
the both of you have been threatened many times
specifically by mr toye
maybe he’s jealous idk maybe he’s in love w george idk
georgie fought in a war so he has some ptsd
the storms scare you and the storms scare him
it’s good to have one another
storms can get loud (i’m from washington and they get bad on occasion)
so the best thing for the two of you in to turn the fan on high, pile up some blankets, turn off the lights, hold one another and try to sleep
if george is too anxious to sing you to sleep then you try to sing him to sleep
he can tell when you get very anxious and he pushes away his own trauma to sing to you
after you fall asleep he’s left with his own thoughts but if he focuses on your breathing then he can fall asleep easily
now if george wakes up from a ptsd induced nightmare then you’re right beside him to tell him eveything is gonna be okay and that he’s at home now and not in bastogne
and george does the same for you
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as a bestfriend:
idk why but i see ron
it’s extremely random but i think he needs someone like you in his life
there are far too many people afraid of him (including george) which means he doesn’t have many close friends & has a difficult time making friends
ouch this hurts i wanna give him a huge hug
but i can’t so you will
ron tells you everything
and you listen and try to give him the best advice you can
just like george, ron spends a lot of time crying on your shoulder (he would never admit it tho)
he also fought in the same war george did so you know what to say to calm him down if it’s trauma induced
during the war you and ron were basically inseparable
the both of you were officers so you spent a lot of time together (even if you were in different companies)
people didn’t understand how you (an angel) could be friends with someone like ron
you were always talking him up and telling everyone abt how amazing he was
nobody believed you
they asked you abt the rumors but you never confirmed or denied
when george isn’t around to sing you to sleep or hold you at night you tend to have trouble falling asleep
soemtimes you’ll call ron at like 2 am and he’s pissed but he always answers because hey something could be wrong and he’d feel really bad if he didn’t answer and something happened to you
so he talks to you on the phone until you’re exhausted and then he hangs up on you right after ordering you to go to sleep
and on the nights when george isn’t there and there’s a really bad storm then ron is knocking at your door with a few overnight things
you immediately let him and thank him profusely
he tells you to shut up and leaves you standing at the front door
he cranks up the heat (nobody wants to feel like they’re backin bastogne) and builds a fort
everybody needs a bestfriend like that
and ronald speirs is definitely not as scary as everyone thinks he is
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redcrossroads · 5 years
With You I'll Stay As You Allow Me To Remain
Summary: Mana’s suffering from nightmares. Allen decides to do something about it because the man’s misery is contagious.
Nightmares are a common occurrence. A constant companion of Mana’s much like Red—Allen, he’s Allen now, he reminds himself, hoping it will stick soon—himself is. Every other night ends up with Mana whimpering and crying. Stricken beyond belief from something that isn’t even real or at least nothing but a mere memory.
It pisses Allen off.
Like a bad reminder of the time he spent in that hellhole of a circus, he finds himself scowling and frowning more often as days pass. He recalls going out at night to catch the man sitting by himself in the cold, curled into a ball so small and full of misery even Red couldn’t help the tug of pity inside his chest.
Unlike then, he can’t justify ignoring the obvious anguish of the man with the excuse of him being a stranger.
As convenient as it would have been to be in denial, Allen isn’t a liar, no matter what that Bastard Cosimo insisted upon, so there’s no point in denying the inevitable. Seeing Mana upset makes his insides twist into a tangled heap which makes him lose all appetite.
Allen loved eating more than anything, yet remembering Mana’s shaking, the wideness of his eyes, the haunted expression on his white face turns his stomach inside out and he finds the thought of eating whatever they decided to eat on that day revolting.
He blames it all on Mana’s weirdness. The way he smiles like a lunatic most days, trying to think of new tricks to practice and babbling on about things Allen pretends to listen to even if he understands nothing of what is said. How he would try to keep his hold on Allen’s hand, ignoring the bristling and the curses while swinging their joined hands with the joy of a kid on Christmas morning. It was all so irritating, Mana’s patience, the kind words he had to spare for everybody. But the man took him in despite the rough edges and foul language he so dislikes and Allen still finds it hard to believe he’d gotten to tag along at all, much less to find the man trying to take care of him.
So, it’s unacceptable for Mana to be sad and try to hide it when Allen can do something about it.
“You can’t stay up all night long, Allen!”
“Watch me.” Allen says with a snarl, because even half blind, the dark circles underneath Mana’s eyes would have been visible like bright bold letters written across his forehead. Not a stranger of exhaustion, Allen doubts he’s ever felt tired like Mana had these past few days.
“It’s not healthy.” Mana chides, voice soft and in the dim-light of their fire, he looks so old. Wrinkles prominent in his face, lips pursed into a weak parody of a half-assed smile, he looks into the fire with unseeing eyes.
“It’s not like I could sleep with all the ruckus ya make while yer sleep.”
Allen wrinkles his nose, giving the man a dirty look as he crosses one arm over his chest. Mana blinks, startled if the sudden alertness of his gaze means anything and he actually turns to look at Allen now, instead of dozing off inside that head of his.
“Don’t act all innocent,” Allen glares, because the ache in his chest burns when he thinks back to the tremors wrecking Mana’s body in the night and how long it had taken him to calm down after shaking him awake. He’s no fan of waking up to terrified screams.
“You’re havin’ trouble sleeping. With all your turning and yelling it’s not like I can sleep either, so I might as well be useful if I have to stay up all night.”
He expects Mana to brush the issues off with a joke, to say it’s no problem, silly Allen, he’s being harassed by bed bugs lately, he has no reason to worry but it’s cute he does in that cooing voice of his, which never fails to make Allen flush to the shade of his hair as he hurls one insult after another at the man for daring to embarrass him.
The reaction he anticipates isn’t the one he gets.
Mana laughs, a sudden sound full of amusement and warmth, and it makes the shadows disappear on his face like sunlight chasing away rainy clouds. Shoulders shaking and eyes twinkling as his lips quirk up Allen gapes for a moment, speechless at the turns of events before he explodes.
“What the hell is so funny, stupid Clown!? Are ya laughing at me?”
Jaw and fist clenching as his heart sinks to the bottom of his ribs, heavy as lead and dropping like a stone, he glowers at the man sitting opposite to him.
Stupid! So, stupid. I should’ve known caring would bring me nothing.
“Stop laughing! It ain’t funny!”
He’s ready to throw a rock at the man, when he stops and gets his chuckling under control. Mana directs a soft gaze at him and the smile spreading across his face is genuine and gentle.
The suffocating rage crawling up his neck fizzles out like a matchstick fire in the downpouring rain, leaving behind the smell of burnt wood and smoke drifting off into the air. Wavering in the face of such a loving expression, Allen twists his face into a scowl, kicking out at the burning wood of their fire place.
“I wasn’t laughing at you, Allen.”
“Huh uh.” Giving the man the cold shoulder, he mourns the absence of a stick for poking the flames.
“But I wasn’t!”
Mana insists and Allen may be stubborn, but Mana’s persistence combined with his begging was on a whole other level of thick-headedness. Knowing when to cut his losses, but still sulking Allen squints at the man from beneath his bangs.
Seeing he’s caught Allen’s attention, Mana perks up on his seat, arms resting on his knees, he leans forward, his face gaining a healthy dose of color from the glow of the fire. It brings out the gold in his eyes, another one of Mana’s odd features, and instead of shrinking away from the tall figure looming over him or pushing out his shoulders to seem bigger, Allen sighs, raising a brow to complete his picture of a reluctant listener and leans back.
He asks, when the silence continues to drag on. Mana’s habit of staring isn’t as creepy as it used to be but still unusual enough to make him squirm and dig his heels into the floor.
“Nothing! It’s just…I’m happy you care so much.”
Continuing, like Allen isn’t spluttering on his protests, Mana hums, eyes crinkling at the corners as he slaps a hand over his heart.
“Allen used to snap at me quite a lot, always so mean and grouchy, but now you’re being so kind to me, worrying over me it truly warms my heart! I’m so happy I could cry.”
“Don’t even start with that!”
Allen makes a face, because Mana’s dramatic antics are a sign, he’s feeling better, but it’s late and having to deal with them when he knows there’s a good chance Mana could be crying later sets his nerves on edge.
“Listen, if I stay up, I can wake you if you start getting uncomfortable sleeping. There’s not much else I can do to get you to sleep better.”
Mana gives the idea some thought, scratching at his chin and Allen knows from the gesture alone, the man is only doing it to humor him. He ends up being right when Mana shakes his head.
“Thank you for your kind offer, but I couldn’t possible accept this generosity my boy. If you watch over me while I sleep, you’ll not get the sleep you need to grow.”
Oh, bloody hell—
“Well, what am I supposed to do then!? Either you sleep or I won’t.”
He regrets those words leaving his mouth as soon as they’re out because Mana snaps his fingers, grin stretching from ear to ear like he’s got the best idea and Allen knows from last time, the next thing Mana will suggest is going to be utter nonsense.
He’s still holding a grudge over the man forcing him into that stupid clown costume and forcing him onto the walking globe for a show. Falling from that height had hurt.
“Allen could sing me a lullaby!”
“No way.” Short and merciless, he rejects the idea without batting an eye. Not to mention there might be a chance he’ll end up crying if Mana gets him to hum that familiar melody, he’d taught him. Which would happen over Allen’s dead body.
Head falling at the harsh refusal Mana sighs. “I guess you’re still too shy, but we’ll work on that. I’m afraid then there’s nothing you can do.”
Bullshit. Allen thinks, but doesn’t say. There must be something he can do! If he has to take another day of Mana clinging to his blanket like a scared child afraid of the horrors of the dark, he’ll end up pulling out all his hair or he’ll starve to death at this rate.
He’s come too far to give up, so he tries to come up with a way to get Mana to sleep.
Absently rubbing at his eyes, he watches Mana put out the fire to get them ready for their beds. They’re camping inside an abandoned run-down house which is more of a ruin than an actual house with the half-broken roof, but it shields them from the cold and keeps what little warmth they manage to create inside long enough for them to fall asleep comfortably.
Throwing the man, who rolls out their sleeping matts with care a glance, Allen chews on his bottom lip.
“It’s time for bed, Allen~.”
“Alright, stop nagging me already.”
Standing up, Allen kicks of his shoes and pulls off his jacket. The rustling of clothing tells him Mana’s doing the same, of course, neater and actually folding his clothes to put them aside. Risking another glance between his sleeping matt and Mana’s, Allen comes to a decision.
Oh, to hell with this.
Reaching down to lift his sleeping matt, he drags it over to Mana’s, dumping it right beside him before getting his blanket. The stare drilling into his skull is uncomfortable and makes his ears burn. Sitting down on his matt to arrange his blanket, he pulls it up to his shoulder and rolls onto his side, daring the man to comment with a sharp look thrown over his shoulder, he waits for Mana to settle down next to him.
“Isn’t this a nice surprise—”
“Don’t make this weird!”
Allen bursts out as Mana lays down next to him, his shoulder and side brushing against Allen’s back and he knows he’ll regret this in the morning because Mana seems like a person who cuddles like a leech but if this gets him a night of undisturbed sleep it’s going to be worth the mortification. Trying to relax now that Mana’s laying down next to him, knowing he wouldn’t have been sent away hadn’t put a rest to the feeling of anxiety crawling up his spine, Allen closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep.
“If you roll on top of me, I’ll suffocate ya with a pillow.”
“Of course,” Mana’s hushed voice is soothing in the night. The smell of burnt wood, smoke and paint helping him get comfortable in the chilly room. The heat the man emits like a furnace helps to keep himself warm and cozy. “Sweet dreams, Allen.”
“Night.” He mumbles, feeling the edges of sleep drawing him in. He hears Mana’s steady breathing, feels the phantom caress of a hand stroking his hair and the gentle hum of a melody and lets himself fall into embrace of sleep.
The next morning, he wakes up to Mana’s quiet snoring, an arm thrown over his waist resting on his back with his cheek pressed to the man’s clothed chest, his head carefully tugged underneath the man’s chin. It’s a lose but comfortable embrace Allen hesitates to pull himself out of. He decides to let Mana sleep a few extra minutes and denies any snuggling having taken place with vigor.
Mana’s nightmares don’t stop, but they do lessen, so Allen keeps their sleeping arrangement and is thankful for what rest Mana manages to get during the night.
At least, he can enjoy his food again, now that Mana’s nightmares have become manageable.
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Superdad in Training
A/N: A follow-up to a piece I did a while ago called Eating for Two? A bunch of people asked for a followup and I felt the inspiration for it so here you go. If you expressed an interest in a follow-up in the replies, I tagged you :D
“Are you sure, Spence?” 
After six months of being home day in and day out with your three beautiful six-month-old babies, Spencer was taking a few weeks off so he could give you a break and you’d decided to go out with a friend for dinner and a movie. It would be nice talking to an adult again and not using baby voices and baby language. “I can stay home if you need me to.”
Spencer shook his head and assured you he would be able to handle it. “You deserve to have some fun,” he said, glancing toward the playpen where Spencer Morgan Reid, Diana Emily Reid and Jennifer Brooke Reid sat happily. “You’ve been doing this for six months. I can handle a day or two here or there by myself.”
He didn’t think it was easy by any means, but they were his babies too and you deserved to have some fun. 
“Okay, babe. Call me if you need me?”
“We’ll be fine,” he said, standing up to press a kiss to your lips. “Go have fun. I love you.”
“I love you too, Spence.”
Once he’d convinced you it was okay to leave, Spencer collapsed into the couch and sighed happily, a dreamy smile painting his face as he took in the picture before him. Junior, Diana and Jennifer were playing together, drooling all over everything and eating their own hands, as was a baby’s want in life. “How are my babies doing?” He asked softly.
Junior turned toward him and started reaching for him so Spencer went to go and pick him up. Of course, what one did, the others wanted too, so soon enough Diana and Jennifer both wanted his attention as well. With all three of them out of the playpen, he grabbed a bunch of their toys to play with them. He was gone for about two seconds but when he turned back around Junior and Jennifer were crawling in opposite directions and Diana was trying to put her foot in her mouth. “Woah! Babies! All together now!” He laughed, picking up the two crawl-aways.
For what felt like a beautiful eternity, he had all three of them content and playing together, playing with him. They laughed when he hit himself in the eye with a block so of course he continued throwing them in his own face to get them to laugh. A baby’s laughter was just about the most beautiful and soul-nourishing thing in the world, so hearing all three of them going at the same time nearly made him explode.
In reality that beautiful eternity lasted about 20 minutes and then one of them needed to be changed. After sniffing at diapers like a feral animal, Spencer found the culprit. Diana. He put Jennifer and Junior back in the playpen with a few toys and took Diana inside to change. “How can one baby, such a cute baby, smell so awful?” He smiled.
She giggled back at her Daddy’s funny voice and kept on eating her hand while he cleaned up the absolute mess that was her diaper. “No more smelly baby.” Just as he was about to fasten Diana’s diaper closed, he heard the other babies starting to cry. 
Running outside, he made a silly face as was able to stop the tears in their tracks. “Whew,” he said. 
Nearly two hours passed where the babies were content playing in their playpen, so Spencer took advantage of the opportunity and did some of the chores that he knew you needed done. With three babies, laundry was endless, so he threw in a couple of tubs. Dishes were even worse with all the baby bottles and spoons, so he washed everything by hand and left it to dry on the kitchen counter.
He could’ve vacuumed because that was something you also needed to do, but he didn’t want to disturb the babies, so instead he went about cleaning the counters and some of the babies’ toys off the floor, getting interrupted occasionally by one or the other needing their diaper changed.
Time flew while you were having fun, but time also flew when you were busy beyond all comprehension. Spencer was shocked by the time when all three of his children started crying at the same time. “Oh crap, dinner time!” He said, getting all of them placed into their highchairs. You and Spencer were starting to introduce solid foods into their diet so taking turns, he put spoonfuls of baby food in their mouths. Junior loved banana food most of all. According to his own mother, that meant junior took after Spencer in many ways. Jennifer was his little weirdo, he loved spinach baby food more than most things, even cheerios, which he also gave to them (just a few) and Diana was a fan of carrot and peach, but peach wasn’t happening tonight as she kept spitting it out, so Spencer switched to carrots. 
Three drool-y babies made quite the picture, so he took one and sent it to you before wiping their mouths and throwing the dirty towel back over his shoulder. One by one, he burped them with one hand, using the other to entertain the other two and finally, he got them in their bassinets. Thank god they didn’t have any more than 3 babies at one time because otherwise he wouldn’t have had enough limbs. He was able to use both hands and a foot to move their bassinets so they could sleep.
With just an hour or so to go before you got home, Spencer leaned back and took a deep breath. All of the babies seemed to be asleep. 
Next thing he knew, he was awoken by loud screeching. His eyes darted immediately to his wrist. Apparently, he’d fallen asleep for about 30 minutes. As soon as he was conscious again, he realized why they were screaming. All of them needed to be changed.
“Okay, this will be my true test of strength,” he muttered. Somehow, he managed to grab all three of them at the same time and went into the nursery, placing Diana and Jennifer into a crib so he could changed little Spencer. “Alright buddy. Cooperate with me.”
His girls cried louder and louder while he changed his son. One minute he was cooing at his daughters to try and calm them and the next he was holding a diaper in front of little Spencer so his son wouldn’t pee all over him. “Behold Daddy’s ninja skills,” he laughed nervously, all the commotion around him starting to overwhelm him a bit. 
He managed to get Spencer’s new diaper on but not before he grabbed at the stack of diapers beside him, knocking a bunch to the floor. “No! Don’t test my ninja skills! I’m not good enough yet!”
With Spencer clean, he turned to Jennifer who sounded as if she was being murdered. He was pretty sure he changed her diaper in record time. The crying, except for Diana, had subsided, puffy red eyes pulling at his heartstrings. Spencer wasn’t much of a singer, but he started humming a few lullabies while he changed Diana. “Okay, are we good now?” He asked sleepily. 
They all stared at him and Spencer laughed again. How did you do this every day by yourself?
Despite his lack of a voice, the babies seemed to like it when he sang so he continued, not realizing that you’d walked back in the door. “Hey love,” you giggled upon seeing the exhausted look on his face. “How’d everything go?”
“Pretty good. Up until about an hour ago. Then they all wanted to be fed, sleep and be changed at the same exact time. I’m not a ninja, so we had a few missteps, but I’m alive and they’re alive so...” He gave her two thumbs up and stood to hug her. “How do you do this by yourself every day?”
“Because I love them and I have to,” you replied. With three babies at home, the one who made more money worked out of the house and this case it was Spencer. You did some work from home when you could, but again, with three little people needing your constant attention, not a lot got done.
Spencer had always appreciated you, before and after motherhood, but after this experience, his respect for you grew exponentially. “You’re Supermom,” he muttered. “I still need training to become Superdad.”
“We’ll get you there,” you giggled, raising an eyebrow. “Soon, I’ll have you changing two diapers at once.” 
Spencer’s jaw dropped. “You can do that!?”
@prettyboyeffect @jamiemelyn @iammostdefinitelyonfire26 @rmmalta @lukeassmanalvez @kalie-bee @veroinnumera @lookwhatyoumademequeue @cynbx @tippy06 @smolldork @marvelouslyme96 @literallyprentissstwin @adropintheocean1234567 @skrrrrrrrrrrt @mysticpansy @tenaciousarcadeexpert @jason-gideon-is-my-dad @dionnaea @boywonderspencer @multifandomizer @hogwarts-konoha @girlscrushes @bucky-smiles @ggyolo17 @chickenstringlights @sebba-hiddles @hellaqueerangelofthelord @shalomnovak @likeamothtothedark @princess-criminal @rawritsmolly @twodirtymindedgirls @wonderwall-dreaming @katnissgirl12 @chichosinver
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Tea and Coffee
Introduction Part III: Mellifluous
Note: Contains fluff, comedy and angst. There may be mature themes and course language but mainly softness.
Time ticked away, the sun slowly making its way to the horizon to sleep. Jai still had not returned, obviously distracted by something adorable Eliza had presumed.
Still it wasn’t terribly busy, only a few patrons had come and gone, the morning hours of the day usually being more of their peak time so a quiet evening was expected. During this time if it was quiet Eliza would sit down and catch up on her reading or art, sitting by the table booth in the corner that caught most of the afternoon sunlight plus had the bookshelves right by it. Jai had outfitted the cafe with them when they had first opened and already they all were packed to the brim with various books and mangas she had collected for the store, Eliza wagered soon they would have to add a few more shelves if they wanted to add more to their collection.
The barista took her normal seat and began reading her current novel, keeping an ear out for the door to make sure she wasn’t startled again as she was earlier in the day. While she did so she kept an eye on the time as well, knowing that soon as it hit four o’clock sweet music would begin to play outside the cafe. And exactly as the hour came around beautifully plucked guitar strings began to sound, the tune gentle and calming like a lullaby made even more so by the deep but light singing voice accompanying the song.
Eliza put her novel away and quickly went back to the counter, making up an iced cappuccino as the musician outside continued to play their soothing melodies. Once she completed the drink she went outside, the busker finishing up their current song and looking up at Eliza with a large goofy smile,
“Hey Liz! Is that what I think it is?” The fluffy haired man asked excitedly as he rested his acoustic guitar down,
“Yup, one fresh iced cap with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles for Mr Chanyeol,” Eliza announced as she handed the drink to him. Park Chanyeol was a regular of sorts, coming to busk outside the cafe fours days each week at exactly four in the afternoon. It was like clockwork each time, the neighbourhood blessed by his music for the hourly periods. Chanyeol was definitely charming, with both his tall muscular figure and soft chocolate eyes, he drew in many passerbyers each time he sang. Which also aided the cafe in bringing in more clientele to. As a thank you for such Eliza would make up Chanyeol’s favourite drink, which he gladly accepted though he would also add that bringing in customers was more of his payment to the ladies for letting him busk in the first place. He was a gentle giant, never failing to brighten Eliza’s and Jai’s day with his presence and music.
As he took a few sips of his coffee Chanyeol glanced around confusedly,
“Huh your partner in crime isn’t with you today?” He questioned noticing Jai’s absence,
“Yeah she’s currently on a stock up run, though mind you she left three hours ago. Something tells me either she’s seen a cute animal, person or both and is completely distracted with that,”
“Hopefully she’s advertising your business while she’s at it,” Chanyeol added with a slight chuckle, Eliza rolling her eyes with a smile,
“She probably is. One good thing that comes out of Jai being side tracked is the fact she brings back plenty of people wanting to chat her up more. It’s funny seeing suitors chase after her though, brutally finding out later on she has zero interest in relationships beyond one night stands or that she just wants to see their pets instead,” Eliza shook her head as she continued,”I almost feel sorry for some but she tends to have her reasons so I stay out of it,”
“She is a quirky one,” Chanyeol noted as he placed his drink down and picked his guitar back up, absentmindedly strumming it as he spoke,”I’m sure that there’s still plenty of customers who come by to talk to you to,”
“What makes you say that?” Eliza asked in reply, the musician quietly focusing his gaze on his instrument,
“Well um, you’re an interesting person to...as well as very kind, beau-“ He had started but cut himself off as several women rushed up to him, each giggling and blushing as they addressed Chanyeol,
“Oh my gosh! We are such massive fans of yours!” One started and politely bowed, her friend batting her eyelashes as she spoke,
“We admire you sooo much! Please can we get a picture! And an autograph to?!”
“I-I um please not to close, uh thank you-“ He nervously stuttered. Chanyeol was a soft spoken person and gentlemanly, so he wasn’t used to these sort of interactions especially with females. Jai was usually here to help sort overly excited fans out but it looked like Eliza would need to step in this time,
“Alright ladies please give him some space, he will get to both your requests if you wait just a moment and calm yourselves,” She sternly spoke up as she moved forward in front of Chanyeol creating a small barrier. One of the girls frowned upon seeing Eliza, her eyes growing green with envy. She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by her friend who subtly pinched her arm,
“We’re sorry, we got a bit over excited there. We’ll wait of course,” She apologised, elbowing the noticeably angry friend who mumbled a sorry.
“Thank you, I’ll grab some pens and papers for you both,” Eliza cheerfully said, rushing off to retrieve such items. They calmly waited as Chanyeol signed autographs for them and posed for selfie as well, the two walking away happy and satisfied though the jealous one did throw Eliza several glares which the barrister ignored. There was plenty of people like that these days and Eliza had learnt to take no heed of them, it was a waste of energy and time being envious especially over guys.
Chanyeol let out a heavy sigh of relief,
“Thank you so much, I’m really not comfortable when those sort approach me. They just want so much and expect to get it,” He breathed and looked at Eliza gratefully,
“It’s no big deal, people need to learn about personal space mind you,” She responded shaking her head,”I best head back inside and let you continue your set, just give me a shout if any trouble rises again,”
“Ah wait!” Chanyeol shouted and hastily jumped to his feet, almost knocking his guitar over,”Before when I talking, before those girls I...I um...”
He was trailing off and getting quieter with each word that Eliza couldn’t make out what he was saying at all,
“It’s alright I know I have a few customers who take interest in me as well, I’m not envious of Jai more so happy I’m not bothered constantly by random strangers,” She reassured him as Chanyeol paused. He stared down now at Eliza with a troubled look. He was a good several inches taller then her, flustering the shorter girl slightly,
“Have you ever considered...actually dating any of them?..”
“No, not really. I rather date someone I’ve actually talked to after some time or I myself am actually interested in,” She ruminated, growing curious to why Chanyeol was inquiring on the topic,
“Can I ask why you’re so concerned on this matter?”
She caught him off guard with this question, Chanyeol quickly looking away. Was he blushing?
“I...I...” He tried speaking but seemed to have the words caught in his throat.
Before Eliza could press more the two were suddenly tightly embraced by a third party, a giggling voice perking up,
“Look at you two cuties! Is this one of men Jai spoke about that was crushing on you Lizzy? Man it’s so great seeing you!” The person in question let go and moved back a few steps smiling, Eliza grinning herself in recognition,
“Levi you’re back! How was Japan?” She hugged the puffy black haired girl back, Chanyeol bowing to her in surprise at her appearance,
“It was great as always, Lucy already wants to go again. She can’t get enough of Kyoto and wants to go to Hiroshima next,” Levi explained and bowed to Chanyeol,
“Chanyeol right? Jai has told me heaps about you and the other guys, it’s nice to meet you!”
“Other guys?...” He managed to say as he grew pale, but the ladies didn’t seem to notice as Eliza started to lead Levi in inside,
“Come on you need to tell me everything! Where is Lucy by the way?”
“Oh she’s helping Jai bring back a bunch of coffee beans, I’m assuming she was on a stock run,” Levi guessed while Eliza nodded,
“Yeah. Good thing Lucy is with her, she can keep Jai on track to actually get back her,” She joked, waving to the frozen musician,
“I’ll catch you Friday Chanyeol, we’ll pick up on our convo then. Take care!” She finished as she and Levi went inside, Chanyeol slowly taking his seat again and running a hand through his hair,
“I need to tell her...” He whispered to himself and nodded his head thoughtfully. He resumed busking, filled with a new sense of determination on having decided on a course of action for the next day.
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lordsicheng · 5 years
Im currently in love with lee eunsang💖 i even looked up his chart😳 i didnt expect a gemini moon but hes so mercury and mars libra!
omg EUNSANG he’s very good looking??? and i’m surprised at the gemini moon tbh he seems... calm LOL but the libra placements a definite YES!!!
okay so my current top 10 broduce list goes like this atm?? (only the top 4 are sure idk about the others sldkflsd)
2. NAM DOHYUN!!! dude i’m not gonna lie at first i thought he was gonna be one of those hip-hop wannabe trainees (probably bc of the editing in the first ep) BUT BOY HE IS ACTUALLY A FLUFFBALL?? HE REMINDS ME OF A TIMID PARK WOOJIN.... he’s so young??? and awkward??? but so many talents in him I’M AMAZED i love him!!! (just not his management i’m so sorry)
3. Son Dongpyo!!! HE IS LITERALLY LIKE... THE DAEHWI OF THIS SEASON LMAO I LOVE HOW STRAIGHTFORWARD HE IS BUT DAMN HE’S LIKE A WILD CARD.... okay he may be the center of X1-MA but he?? deserves? it? i won’t lie he’s shortly becoming my #1 pick he’s just so talented and very headstrong!! he seems super childish but i believe he’s quite mature for his age!
5. Yohan.... yeah you may kick me if you’re very iffy about the final lineup being mostly about visuals but he’s? actually quite a talent? HE SAID HE’S A VOCAL BUT HE ACTUALLY GOT THE RAP PARTS FOR BOSS IN ONE GO... he’s improving a lot as the show progresses and it’s actually very refreshing to see this in a trainee (all of them are improving a ton, but Yohan’s one of those trainees that I notice a lot of progress from)
6. Ham Wonjin!! DUDE IF HE AIN’T ONE OF THE CUTEST AND MOST CONSIDERATE LEADERS.... He led the Starship trainees and even cried for those who got an X..... the fact that he focuses on others a lot in comparison to him, who is very up there in ranks, makes him very much a good leader. He’s softhearted!! I adore
7. MOON HYUNBIN!! HE REMINDS OF OF A LITTLE KIHYUN LIKE BOTH VISUALS AND THAT TONE OF VOICE??? STOP! SLEEPING!  ON! MY! BOY! Mnet y’all better give him some shots on the latter eps
8. Kim Shihoon!!! DUDE EVEN BEFORE BRODUCE I LIKED HIM A LOT ONCE I KNEW THE OTHER BNM TRAINEES I really hoped for him to get into AB6IX tbh but he’s def one of those trainees to keep an eye on!!
10. this is so hard but I’m gonna cheat and put Lee Hangyul, Kim Wooseok and Song Yuvin together in this because they’re all VERY strong competitors. Yuvin has been my fave vocalist since Superstar K6 tbh my irl friend and i are huge fans!! and Myteen has good songs?? y’all slept on them :/ Hangyul is also very strong I forgot he was in The Unit, I would say... he could have one of those very good leadership skills! Kim Wooseok is also quite strong for me, he may look intimidating but honestly I think it’s because he’s a little bit more experienced than the majority of the trainees (also Jinhyuk!!! I’d add him here too).
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter two ❥ | original
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"James Potter, come down here this instant and set me right!" came a screech from the first year girl's dormitory, which could be heard from all across Gryffindor Tower.
James Potter, who was currently daydreaming up more plans to make Y/n l/n's life at Hogwarts miserable, chuckled softly to himself as he heard Y/n scream at him.
Sirius, his best friend, frowned slightly. "Maybe you should give Y/n a break, James," he said seriously.
"No way! Torturing L/n  is way too fun to give up. Besides, she's the one who tricked me into thinking that small bottle of water was a Truth Potion! I swear that I'd get her after that."
Remus smiled and said, "Well, James, the teachers are still calling you 'Y/n and James Potter'. The name goes quite smoothly."
James colored. "I told you, the teachers are howling mad. McGonagall obviously wants revenge of some sort, and she's being nice to Snape!" All three boys shivered, and Peter, who was still sleeping, stirred awake.
"Who screamed?" he asked wearily, sitting up.
"You heard L/n," informed James, grinning at the little boy. "She wake you up? That gives me another reason to kill her."
"Not exactly," said Peter, frowning. "I thought I heard her voice—and yours—and she was singing a lullaby to a baby."
Before anyone could say another word, Sirius gleefully cried, "A ha! I told you Jamie-boy, that you and Y/n were going to get married and have a kid! Didn't I?"
James blinked. "Peter," he said, ignoring Sirius and turning to the sleepy boy, "did this dream seem—real?"
"I think so," replied Peter. "I mean, I don't know why I dreamt it, but I saw myself cowering as two men tried to kill me, but this boy—he stopped them. I was yelling, 'Remus, Sirius, have mercy, I never meant to betray Y/n and James', and the boy saved me. He looked exactly like you, James, but his eyes were like y/n's —they were e/c." He shook his head. "I don't know what kind of dream it was, but—it seemed so real."
There was silence all around the dormitory. Peter felt frightened, Remus was thoughtful, Sirius was confused, and James was bewildered at the dream. Peter...betrays him and Y/n? What madness was this?
Then the silence was shattered, again by Y/n's  voice.
"That James Potter!" she was yelling. "I'll get him one day! And the teachers call me 'Y/n Potter'. Completely mad!"
"Y/n," said Violet's voice. "Calm down. We'll all help you get revenge from James Potter. Don't worry, and come down and have some breakfast."
The girl's dormitory door burst open, and Y/n was flying out of it. She stormed right into the boy's dormitory, despite her friends' protests, and started to scream right in front of James' face.
"James Potter, you idiot, look at my hair!" she screeched.
It was a very funny sight indeed. Y/n's  hair, instead of its h/c, it was dark d/h/c and shining like gold. It would have looked very nice indeed, but it clashed horribly with Y/n's  iris-like delicate complexion. Her e/c hues  were sparkling malevolently.
"Change it back!" she demanded.
"Not unless I get a kiss," said James, pouting. The effects of these simple words were astounding. Sirius, Remus, and Peter all rolled over on their beds, laughing, while Y/n slapped James with all the strength she could muster. That sent the three boys laughing even harder, while Y/n  looked as if she were going to cry.
"If I kiss you," she said, shaking with anger. "Will you turn my hair red again?"
"Depends," replied James smugly, "but most likely."
Y/n, now blushing beet red, kissed James gently on the lips, which sent Sirius, Remus, and Peter into hysterics again. James, flushed with pleasure, waved his wand, and Y/n's hair turned h/c again.
"My God, Y/n, were you that desperate?" asked Sirius, still chortling.
"Yes," huffed Y/n, and stalked away, still red, back to her dormitory. Shouts of laughter could be heard a few seconds later, and Violet, Arabella, Jennifer, and Y/n burst out of their dormitory and into the Great Hall for breakfast. Y/n was still red from rage, but the rest of the girls were laughing.
"Hello Y/n," came an oily voice from behind them. Severus Snape was hurrying down from the steps of his dungeon common room, beaming.
"Severus," said Y/n, nodding curtly.
Snape's smile faded a little at Y/n's cool manner towards him, but he smiled pleasantly at the four girls. "So, why the laughing faces? Pleasant dreams?"
"Y/n just kissed James!" gasped Arabella, unable to conceal the information any longer. "Oh, it was hilarious!"
It was amazing how someone could change moods so fast. Snape's face twisted in anger, and he glared coldly at all of them with his empty black eyes. "Did you?" he asked, directing his question to Y/n.
"Well, Potter changed my hair into dark brown," said Y/n carefully, "so I was mad. Then, for some particular reason, he said he'd turn it back if I kissed him. And I was not to go into the Great Hall looking like a hag, so"—Y/n was now blushing to the roots of her hair—"I kissed him."
Snape frowned. "Potter likes you then?" he asked softly. "I mean, why would he have asked you otherwise?"
"Oh, probably to embarrass me in front of all my friends and his friends," replied Y/n  bitterly.
Snape, sensing Y/n's bitter tone, said brightly, "Y/n, would you—well—care to accompany me to—" He was interrupted by James, along with his friends, talking loudly on their way to the Great Hall.
"My God, Jamie-boy, are you in love?" crowed Sirius in delight.
"Nah, he just wanted to embarrass Y/n in front of us," said Remus sympathetically.
"You know, Moony, I sometimes think you're a mind-reader," said James.
"Oh no, look, there's trouble," murmured Peter, distracted, as he saw Snape with Y/n and her friends.
"Snape," said James coldly, as they approached the girls. "What are you doing here?"
"I heard Y/n kissed you here," replied Snape, his tone equally cold. "I suppose you want Y/n? Well, too bad, she's mine." The words went out of his mouth before he could stop himself.
Everyone stood there, stunned for a minute, but they started laughing the next minute.
"Oh, Snape that was a good one!" cried Sirius, slapping his knee. "Y/n—yours?" He started laughing again.
Y/n smiled wryly, but she had a temptation to burst out laughing like Sirius had done. "Since when have I been yours, Severus?" she asked coolly. "I don't remember belonging to anyone like I'm a piece of property."
Snape was beet red. "Well, what I meant Y/n, was that—" He trailed off, looking quite embarrassed, but controlled himself and strolled over to his friends.
"What have you been doing?" they heard Rosier demand.
"Torturing Potter and his fan club," came Snape's oily voice.
"Good, good. Severus, we must discuss your—er—feelings for the L/n girl..." Their voices trailed off, as James, Y/n, and their friends sat down at the Gryffindor table.
"Don't worry, Y/n, we won't tell what happened," said Violet sincerely, as she spread butter over her bread.
"Oh, won't we?" teased Sirius.
"Sirius," warned Violet in a dangerous voice.
"Oh, all right," said Sirius in a would-be disappointed voice. Then he added gleefully, "Still, I can't believe old Snape thought that you were his, Y/n! Oh, it would have been a perfect opportunity for blackmail if we didn't have a camera."
"I've got one in our dorm," said Jennifer suddenly. Then her eyes glinted mischievously.
"Oh, I have an idea! Y/n can pretend to seduce Snape and make him believe that she loves him, or something. Then we can take a picture and blackmail old Snape! What do you all think?"
"Jen, you're a genius!" breathed Violet. "What do you boys think?"
"Ingenious!" the four boys chorused.
"Hey, no one asked for my opinion!" demanded Y/n.
"Don't be such a spoilsport, Y/n, we don't need your opinion," snapped Violet good-naturedly.
"What? Why not?"
"Because we know you'd say no."
"Fine, I'll be considering, but as long as I don't have to kiss Snape. Yuck." She made a face.
"Of course you have to kiss Snape," said Jennifer practically. "That's part of seduction, right? Oh, and maybe you could be really extreme and we can lock you two into a room with a bed all night..." She grinned wickedly.
"I can't imagine a baby who looks like Snape with e/c eyes," put in Sirius.
"Ugh! You two are so disgusting! Me, sleep with Snape? You have got to be JOKING!" Y/n shook her head furiously.
"We are, N/n," reassured Violet, laughing. "We just wanted to pull your leg, that's all. You think we'd make you kiss Snape and sleep in bed with him? That's evil beyond Slytherin-evil."
"We also wanted to make Jamie jealous, too," added Sirius.
"Why would I be jealous?" asked James.
"'Cause you love Y/n too much."
"Sirius, you little—"
"Now what would eight Gryffindors such as yourselves be saying that must be loud enough to scream the Great Hall down?"
They all turned around to see Professor Hurst sneering at them. No one spoke.
"Dear, dear, L/n, I expected better from you." He tutted scoldingly, then returned to his seat at the High Table.
"Miserable bat," muttered Sirius, as he shoved sausages into his mouth.
Y/n and James were in Dumbledore's office. McGonagall, for some particular reason, had sent them there, and the two puzzled Gryffindors settled down and looked at all the strange objects in the office. A phoenix was fluttering its golden plumage, looking at them with beady eyes.
"Why were we sent here?" said James, cursing angrily.
Y/n tutted loudly. "Language, Potter. This is the headmaster's office."
"Hey—what's that?" He pointed to a crystal ball on Dumbledore's desk.
They scurried over and peered inside. It was a crystal ball, but it didn't look like the ones they saw in the pictures of thick books in Flourish and Blotts, and unlike regular crystal balls, it wasn't foggy. Instead, it was clear, and pictures were moving vividly.
As they peered closer, pictures began to form. A girl, who looked like an older version of Y/n, was running through a meadow. A handsome man much like an older James Potter was chasing after her, laughing. Then they drew in for a kiss, which went on for quite some time. The pictures blurred again, and formed a new one. An older version of the girl before was bending over a baby. It had jet-black hair that stuck in all directions, and bright e/c eyes. Then the man bent over the baby and the couple began to laugh. Then this picture disappeared as well, and a new one appeared. A boy, who looked much like James, except for the eyes, was flying on a broomstick, obviously pleased about something. Another boy and a girl were standing on what looked like the Quidditch field, cheering on the boy in the air. The boy on the ground had bright red hair, and the girl standing next to him had bushy brown hair. All three of them started laughing, having a good time. Then the picture dissolved together, and the crystal ball went blank.
"What was that?" said James aloud.
"Looks like a crystal ball," said Y/n. "Maybe it shows the future."
"Yeah, me and you kissing," said James sarcastically. "I suppose that will happen in the future."
"Must be our nightmares, then," snapped Y/n.
"I wonder who that boy was, though," said James thoughtfully. "You know, the one on the broomstick. He looked a lot like me, but he wasn't me, though. His eyes are e/c, like yours, and he had a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead."
"And the boy and girl standing weren't familiar, either," put in Y/n. "Maybe they're just people that are coming to Hogwarts later on."
"So what does that concern us for?"
"I don't know! You think I'm a Seer or something?"
Before the two could say another word, however, Dumbledore had just entered his office. He smiled at Y/n and James, and gestured them to sit down.
"Now, why have you been sent here?" he asked, still smiling.
"Er—" The two looked at each other and James admitted, "We honestly don't know. Professor McGonagall just told us to wait here for you, sir."
"I see." He looked between the nervous kids, and glanced over to where the crystal ball stood. "I think I know what it's about."
He went over and tapped the ball lightly with his wand, and it began to glow. "You see, Mr. Potter, Ms. L/n. This ball is no crystal ball. It tells the future to anyone who looks at it, even people who are not destined to be Seers. It is very rare, and—let me ask you something. What did you two see when you looked through it?"
Y/n hesitated. "Well," she began, "we first saw older versions of ourselves—er—kissing." She blushed furiously. "Then I saw my older version holding a baby, with James bending over it, laughing. Then—I saw a boy that looked like James, except he had e/c eyes like mine and a scar on his forehead. He was on a broomstick, and he and the red-head boy and brown-hair girl below him were laughing together." She frowned. "I don't know what it has to do with me."
Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses. "Ah, Miss L/n. It is because that it showed the future—your destiny. The boy on the broomstick—he is your son. And he is James' son as well. But I cannot tell you anymore than this. You'll have to find out for yourselves." He ushered them gently out of his office. "Now, why don't you head off to dinner while I examine this ball more."
Still puzzled, Y/n and James went out of Dumbledore's office, when James broke into a tirade.
"I'm marrying you? And we have a son together? Am I mad?"
"Hey, I'm confused too," snapped Y/n.
"Obviously. But we'd better not mention this to anyone, Sirius will never let me hear the end of it."
"Deal," agreed Y/n.
Their friends were rushing towards them, grins plastered on their faces. "What was that about?" asked Sirius loudly. "Did Dumbledore yell at you or something."
Y/n and James exchanged nervous glances. "Er—McGonagall made some sort of mistake," lied Y/n. "Dumbledore had no idea what we were doing in his office."
"Right." You could tell that they didn't believe a single word Y/n had said.
"So Y/n," began Arabella, "did you make up with James?"
"No!" chorused the two enemies.
The rest all sighed. "So much for that," muttered Sirius.
"Hey, I tried," argued Arabella.
"I wasn't blaming you, Bells. Those two are just so stubborn sometimes!"
"Hey, it's not like we can't hear you," stated Y/n. "We're still here you know."
"I know," said Sirius, irritated. "Just leave me alone." He waved his hand casually and left for Gryffindor Tower.
"What's eating him?" wondered Jennifer as they climbed through the portrait hole.
"Maybe it's a boy thing," suggested Violet.
"Who knows."
As the four girls scrambled into their dormitory, Arabella stopped. "I think I'll go see Sirius," she said, ignoring the whistles that followed.
"Aww, I didn't know you liked Sirius, Bella. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," replied Arabella loftily.
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just tell us if any saliva is exchanged between you and dog boy."
They all giggled, leaving Arabella stomping off to the boys' dormitory. Minutes later, James entered the girls' dormitory to find three girls giggling furiously.
"What do you think is happening?" asked Y/n excitedly.
"They're probably having a kissing session," said Jennifer disgustedly.
"How romantic," said Violet dreamily.
James cleared his throat, and the girls turned around.
"What are you doing here, Potter? I didn't remember inviting you."
"I didn't think I needed an invitation," said James dryly. "Though I do think you would want news of how my best friend is doing with your best friend."
Y/n's  eyes sparkled. "All right then. I'll be civil to you, and you can tell us what's happening."
James grinned. "As Jennifer predicted, they are currently kissing"—he grinned at Y/n's delighted face, Jennifer's disgusted one, and Violet's dreamy one—"but it took quite a lot of convincing." He explained the whole story, and Violet sighed dramatically.
"That's so romantic," she sighed. "It's just like it's out of a fairy tale!"
"Violet, please," scolded Jennifer. Then she added, "We wouldn't want Y/n and James to be next."
"Not this again," groaned Y/n. "I told you guys, I hate Potter."
"Then you could marry Snape—"
"Ugh, what do you take me for? I'm not marrying that slimy, greasy hairball git!"
"You're right, Y/n Potter sounds much better," said Jennifer, trying not to laugh.
"Jennifer Dean, you've got some nerve—"
"I'll be leaving now," said James loudly. He turned to go, but then the door burst open and Arabella walked in with a dazed expression on her face.
"Ah, finally done, are you?" he said teasingly, watching Arabella's face twist in fury and horror. "Don't worry, the girls already know." He left without another word.
"You guys know?" asked Arabella, rather shakily.
"'Course we know, Y/n did a bit of coaxing," said Jennifer, grinning. "So...give us the details! Potter would never tell the more juicy parts to us."
"Tomorrow," promised Arabella, trying not to laugh. "Guys—I think I'm in love."
"At age eleven?" questioned Violet, raising her eyebrows. "I wouldn't know, but it's just a minor crush."
"Yeah, whatever."
The snow was finally melting, and spring was in the air, which meant another Quidditch match was approaching. James and Sirius, though they desperately wanted to get on the team, finally stopped pestering the Gryffindor captain and decided to try out next year. Y/n was excited and nervous as well. It would be Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, the second match of the season.
She was quite nasty to Snape as well. Though it wasn't against Slytherin House this time, Severus had been trying to keep the team players out of action along with his Slytherin gang, causing Y/n to slap him harshly one day in the corridors. Sirius had howled with laughter after that, and Snape never taunted any of the Gryffindors in front of her after the incident.
Of course, Y/n and James continued to pull pranks on each other. Y/n, furious at James for turning her hair into brown, had performed a little charm to make Deanna Jackson, the girl James always mooned about to make Y/n  jealous, to fall in love with James for a day. This had caused James into one of the worst days of his life, having the second year Gryffindor girl follow him around like a puppy. He had gotten his revenge, however, by declaring to the whole Great Hall that Y/n liked Snape, performing charms that sent shooting stars into the bewitched night sky. Y/n, who was already fuming by then, had stood up and declared that James Potter was a liar and that she hated Snape as well as all Slytherins, then storming out of the Great Hall amid the shouts of laughter heard afterwards.
On this particular day, however, Y/n seemed nervous. Her friends had demanded what was wrong, but she wouldn't say.
"Fine!" she snapped, after the fifth time they asked her. "The exams are in three months, what if I don't pass?"
Violet burst into laughter. "Are you still worrying about that, N/n? Y/n, they're ages away! If James Potter isn't worried, then you shouldn't be, since you're much cleverer than he is."
"Oh, I suppose," sighed Y/n, but she was in a lighter mood after that.
Meanwhile, James was complaining in the boys' dormitory about Deanna.
"If L/n hadn't put that charm on her, then she wouldn't be following me around!" he whined.
Sirius, who was sick of James' complaints, had said, "Oh, come on Jamie-boy, it's not like Jackson's the only girl that's fighting over you. A group of Ravenclaw girls had a catfight in the corridors because they were arguing if you liked them or not, and one of them ended up in the hospital wing with a bloody nose." He shook his head. "Honestly, James, get yourself a girl and settle down."
"I don't even like girls!" he exclaimed. "Yeah, sure Arabella, Jennifer, and Violet are my friends—sort of, but that L/n." He shuddered.
"Y/n's nice," cut in Remus, who was interested in where this conversation was going. "You should be friends with her, James, she has a side to her that you probably never expected."
"She actually studies?" suggested James.
"No. She's actually really funny, and can really help you in your times of trouble. Really, Y/n makes me laugh all the time. You guys should get together as friends, James, or else you'll be missing a lot of great times."
"I couldn't have said it better myself," agreed Sirius. James turned to Peter, and the little boy nodded, showing his assent, which made him groan loudly.
"So how come L/n  hates me so much?" he demanded of his friends.
The three boys looked at each other. Finally Remus said in his gentle voice, "Because, James, you hate her. If you two made up, I'm sure Y/n wouldn't hate you so much."
James laughed at the irony of this statement. Y/n had once threatened to tear him apart from limb to limb if he embarrassed her again. Soon their dormitory door opened and Y/n walked in, grinning. James groaned again. She must be planning a new prank, he thought to himself.
"Hey Y/n," greeted Sirius, grinning at the redhead appreciatively. James scowled.
"What do you want, L/n?" he asked.
"I just wanted to see my friends, Jamie," replied Y/n, pouting. "Is that such a crime?" She shot him a smile, which made him relax a bit.
"See Potter, I'm not so bad," she said, nodding and smirking at the black-haired boy.
"Right." James crawled onto his bed and drew the curtains so that everything was hidden from view.
"You know, Potter isn't so bad," remarked Y/n.
James couldn't believe his ears. Had Evans gone mad?
"Really?" he heard Sirius' voice say.
"Yep. Pretty cute, actually. I can actually imagine why those silly girls chase after him like wolves."
James, much to his horror, found himself grinning like a Cheshire cat. Oh, now L/n was humoring Sirius.
"You know, Y/n , James can hear you," said Remus.
"I know," he heard Y/n say. "I'm just going to see what Potter's reaction to this is –"
James panicked. What if Y/n saw him listening through his curtains intently? He quickly lay in bed and pulled out a battered old copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, and began reading. Soon Y/n,  pulled the curtains back, and disappointingly, James was reading, not paying any attention to their conversation. Or so she thought.
"Oh, hi L/n," said James, looking up from his book and speaking nonchalantly.
"Potter," she said, smirking. "Nice book?"
"Oh yeah," he replied quickly. "Very, um...interesting read."
"Is that why you're reading it upside down?" she asked, smiling sweetly. James blushed. So this was why she was grinning.
"I was experimenting," he said grumpily.
"Sure you were," said Y/n, still grinning.
"I was," said James, aggravated.
"Do you normally read books upside-down? I didn't know even wizards were capable of that."
"Oh, well—I'm special," said James proudly.
Y/n snorted. "Yeah, well, I'd better get back to my dormitory. I have to put some common sense into Violet, since she secretly 'likes' you. Ridiculous!"
"You're just jealous," said James smugly, sounding oddly like a five-year-old.
Y/n snorted. "Of what?"
James scratched his head before answer. "Er—I forgot."
Y/n laughed.
That night, she had the strangest dream.
Y/n was softly humming to a baby, which she recognized to be the same baby that she and James were laughing over in Dumbledore's crystal ball. An older version of James was standing next to her, his arms around hers, and he was whispering to a tear-streaked Y/n. They were both whispering and comforting the crying bundle in Y/n's arms, and there was a loud bang that shattered the silence. Then James' voice began to panic.
"Y/n, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off..." Then he stumbled into another room while Y/n rushed to the kitchen.
There was a high-pitched cackle, and then silence. All of a sudden, a scream echoed through the night, and there was a thump as something heavy hit the floor. Y/n could only guess that her husband was dead.
Then the cloaked figure who had killed James advanced towards her. He was ready to attack, to kill, as he held up his wand.
Then Y/n's voice rang out. "Please, not Harry, have mercy..."
"Stand aside, you silly girl, stand aside now..."
"Please, I'll do anything, kill me, kill me instead..."
Then Y/n was screaming like she had never screamed before, and fell to the floor with a dull thump. The cloaked figure had advanced towards the baby boy named Harry, but could not kill him. He let out a piercing scream, there was a blinding flash of light, and an eerie silence afterwards. The baby boy was still alive and fast asleep.
Y/n woke up with a start, sweat pouring down her face. Now she understood what Dumbledore had said. She and James were to die, but her son—Harry, he was to live. But what did this all mean?
"Y/n?" She heard a muffled voice, and Arabella was slipping on her school robes, looking exhausted. "Was that you screaming?"
"I screamed?" asked Y/n, confused. Arabella nodded, and Jennifer and Violet began to stir awake, too.
"What did you dream about?"
"I dreamed—I dreamed about this...wizard. He came to my house and he—he killed James. Then he killed me, but only because I wouldn't let him kill a baby boy. But he couldn't kill the baby boy, who was probably my son."
There was a nasty silence after her story. Arabella, Violet, and Jennifer were too stunned to speak. Then their dormitory door opened and James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter filed in, looking as tired as the girls. Sirius looked grumpy, while Remus and Peter were yawning. James, however, was wide-awake with round eyes.
"What are you guys doing here?" asked Arabella curiously.
"Well," said Sirius, his voice full of agitation, "I was sleeping soundly, when James here started yelling like a maniac. This woke me up out of my dreams, and then we heard one of your scream. So we came here to investigate."
"Y/n said something about a wizard coming to kill James and herself, but he couldn't kill her son," said Violet, frowning.
"That's what I dreamed about," said James, looking terrified.
Y/n choked back a sob, and Bella put her arm around her best friend. "Don't worry, N/n, it's all right..." She glared at the boys. "What do you think you're doing, scaring Y/n like this? Now, either we all send James to an insane asylum or..."
"Hey, your friend dreamt the same thing!" pointed out James angrily. "I'm not the only one who's insane!"
"Y/n's not insane!" screeched Arabella.
"What in heavens is going on here?" They slowly turned around, only to see Professor McGonagall turn up in a flowered nightgown and holding a lit up wand. She was frowning.
"Boys!" she cried. "What do you think you're doing in a girls' dormitory? Potter, Black, you two should have known better!"
The bowed their heads. Then Y/n said, "Please, Professor, J-James and I, we had a bad dream and the boys came here to see w-what was wrong." Her voice was shaky.
McGonagall looked astonished. Then she said swiftly, "Well, you all get on back to bed. Potter, Miss L/n, I would like a word with you two." She marched out of the portrait hole and near the stone gargoyle with James and y/n at her heals.
"Sherbet Lemon," she barked, and the stone gargoyle jumped to life and sprang aside. She marched into the office and Professor Dumbledore was hurrying out of the dark in his robes, looking concerned.
"Minerva," he said, frowning. "What is this?"
Professor McGonagall nodded her head to Y/n and James. "Those two—they just had a dream about you-know-what."
Dumbledore nodded, relaxing. "Very well, Minerva. You may return to bed now. I will speak to them."
When McGonagall left, Dumbledore turned to the two. "I want you to tell me exactly what your dreams were about," he said, in a gentle, but firm voice.
Y/n  and James told the headmaster exactly what they dreamt about, and Dumbledore looked thoughtful. "I knew you would dream this sooner or later," he said, smiling at their stunned faces. "You two have a long destiny together and will change the course of the world. Of course, you probably think it's perfectly ridiculous right now, seeing how much you—er—rather loathe each other. But time will come when you will understand what the right thing to do is. Now"—he glanced at the watch on his wrist—"I think it is time for you two to return to bed. And please do not mention what I have told you to anyone. It's dangerous to share secrets these days."
They both nodded and left the office, whispering to each other.
"What did Dumbledore mean, 'change the course of the word'? Dad must've known something like this would happen, that's why he told me to be nice to you in the letter."
"Yeah...he sent me one just before Christmas yelling at me and telling me to be nice to 'the L/n girl'. I tried, but you're obviously not easy to get along with."
"There's no point of trying if it's impossible," snapped Y/n.
James was amazed. "Still—it's pretty bad to disobey my dad. He can be powerfully mad when...hey, who's that?"
There was a shadow moving along the walls, and Snape came out, very red in the face.
"Oh, hello," he muttered, carefully not meeting their eyes. "I was—er—taking a stroll..."
"In the middle of the night?" interrupted James. "Really, Severus, you out of all people to break school rules—" He tutted the way Y/n would when someone broke a school rule.
"I—" Snape now looked extremely uncomfortable. "You're out of bed," he said instead.
"The headmaster wanted to see us," replied Y/n  hardly. She was rather cool to Snape after the match against Ravenclaw.
"Oh, well, that—that's different, then," stumbled Snape. "W-well, I m-must be off." He ran off, not to another corridor, but to the direction of where the Slytherin common room was.
"I took care of him," said James proudly. Y/n scowled.
"I helped!"
"Yeah, well, I did most of the work."
"Arrogant pig."
"Withering flower."
"Daft—" began Y/n, but her eyes filled with tears. "I am not a withering flower!"
"Well, I'm not an arrogant pig and a daft whatever-you-were-going-to-say!"
"Yes, well, a withering flower—" She suddenly ran off to Gryffindor Tower, sobbing. James halted. What had he said wrong?
By the time he got into the common room, all three of Y/n's friends were glaring at him menacingly, their arms around a crying Y/n. When he saw his friends, they were also staring at him coldly and shaking their heads.
"Why is everyone mad?" he asked wonderingly, strolling over to where Sirius, Remus, and Peter stood.
"You called Y/n a withering flower," said Remus quietly, not looking at James.
"So? She called me an arrogant pig!"
"Yes, James." It was Sirius speaking, and he was looking serious, for a change. "You know how strong Y/n is. A withering flower would indicate that she was weak and cannot face the world. And you know how that's not true. Y/n's stronger than all of us, and can go through many hardships."
James' heart sank and he suddenly felt terrible. "Well, I didn't mean...what I meant was..." He trailed off, looking away.
Remus patted his shoulder. "I know you didn't mean any harm when you said it, James, but next time, be careful of what you say to Y/n. She's one girl you shouldn't mess with."
James gave his friend small smile. "You can say that again. I've had too much experience to mess around with her."
Sirius laughed and Remus chuckled. "You're right about that, Jamie!"
Then James walked over to where Y/n was still crying. But before he could say one word, she rushed up to the girls' dormitory, tears coursing on her cheeks.
"You should go after her and apologize," said Violet quietly, watching her friend disappear. "That was a really mean thing you said, James."
"I know," said James, his head bowed. "I—I never meant any harm..."
"Of course you didn't," said Jennifer swiftly. "Y/n's just a bit stubborn, but she'll get over it. Just watch your mouth next time, sonny." She grinned and Arabella stepped forward.
"I'm not mad," she reassured. "But I'll be happy again if you'd apologize to my best friend."
"I will," he promised, and rushed up to the girls' dormitory. Then the girls started to grin at each other excitedly.
"D'you think they'll kiss and make up?" whispered Violet.
Arabella shook her head. "Nah, I know Y/n too well, she and James will still stay enemies after James apologizes. But they'll become friends later, for sure."
"It happens when both people are as stubborn as mules," agreed Jennifer.
Back in the girl's dorm room, James was apologizing endlessly to Y/n.
"Look, y/n, I'm not forcing you to be friends with me, but I really want you to forgive me for calling you a withering flower. I was really mad at that time, and I wasn't thinking properly and...well..." Seeing that Y/n was looking away and not speaking, he tried again.
"Y/n, I think you're beautiful. I've thought that ever since we first met at King's Cross and, well, I've never told anyone. I know that Sirius would tease me to no end, and your friends would probably say 'we knew it'. So—I've kept it to myself. But now I'm telling it to you, and...can you please not tell anyone that I've said it?"
Y/n turned around, and James was astonished to see a smile plastered on her face. "Sure James. You know, you're not such a bad guy after all. When I first met you, I thought that you were the worst thing since rules, but I guess I was wrong and Remus was right. There is more to you than I've ever imagined. But we're still enemies, right?"
Y/n grinned mischievously. "Right. Much to our friends' disappointments of course."
"So...let's go down to the common room."
They marched down to the common room again, where their friends were waiting eagerly.
"Did you make up?" asked Arabella, though she knew what the answer would be.
"Nope," they both replied.
"And you two would have made such a cute couple," sighed Sirius, pretending to be disappointed.
James laughed. "Come on, Sirius, we know you don't want us to be friends. When we play pranks on each other again, you'll have the pleasure of egging us both on."
"Jamie-boy, sometimes I think that you can read minds."
"Funny thing really—I was thinking that Remus can."
They all laughed. Then James went over to Y/n and said, "Enemies?"
"Enemies...for now," said Y/N, hiding a smile.
"Hey!" exclaimed Sirius suddenly. "You didn't say, 'Enemies forever'!"
"That's right, Sirius," explained Y/n, smiling. "Because James and I know we won't be enemies forever."
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
a/n; go check out my rewritten version! you can find it in my masterlist!
masterlist of it’s a hate-thing original version
masterlist for rewritten version
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