#gelato to ‘cool him down’
bri-cheeses · 9 months
Christmas Post!!
Okay so I just had this idea so sorry if it’s a little sloppy, but anyways here we go.
The Hufflepuff six and seventh years organize a huge Christmas party the night before everyone goes home. They leave the fifth years out of it because they’re way too stressed about school and homework and O.W.L.s, but the rest of the “upperclassmen” want to party. So they get to work inviting six and seventh years from all of the other houses, which is easy because they’re Hufflepuffs who have countless friends that they can invite.
But anyways, this is the Marauders’ seventh year and the Skittles’ sixth year, so both groups are invited. The day before they have to leave for Christmas break, almost every six and seventh year in the castle heads to the seventh floor, to this one very specific hallway where there’s a tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and a couple of pacing Hufflepuffs directing people to a door that is, quite simply, just suddenly there. (James and Sirius recommended it to the Hufflepuffs when they were looking for a place to host the party, but they conveniently forgot to correct the Hufflepuffs when they assumed that it was a very specific and odd room that only appeared the day before Christmas break).
When the students walk in, they realize that they were right to dress up in fancy outfits like the invitation card said, because it is decked out in there. Where exactly “there” is, no one is quite sure, but it seems to be a giant ballroom that no one knew about until today. There’s a large section a floor that’s been left open for dancing, and one side of it is ringed with a wide range of different styles of tables and chairs. There are low, rectangle tables that sit twenty or so, along with high, round tables that sit only two or three. The overall effect should be chaotic, but somehow the tables are arranged in a way that makes it look purposeful and aesthetic. There are also centerpieces at each table, poinsettias and candy cane towers and miniature figurines of reindeer and Santa’s sleigh, and it makes the whole place feel extremely festive.
In addition to this, there’s a long table that’s near the other tables (for convenience) that holds heaps of food. Since the Hufflepuff common room is so close to the kitchens, they’re quite good friends with the house elves and convinced them to cook a feast for tonight. Some of the Hufflepuffs even helped the house elves to make the food, and they had a blast hanging out and cooking with the elves.
Hung from the ceiling are garlands and strands of pearls, and mistletoe that grows in random places. There are also little fairies hovering up there, and it makes for quite a beautiful overhead scene. And, opposite of the side of the room with the tables, one wall is made completely of glass. It looks out over the dark lake, which adds to the beauty of the room because of the light of hundreds of stars in the night sky reflecting off of the black water.
It’s so beautiful that the Slytherin Skittles almost forget to breathe when they walk in, wearing their finest because Evan, their resident fashion expert, insisted on following the directions on the card they were given. They all look absolutely stunning, and certain Gryffindors ( *ahem* James *ahem* Marlene) are certainly not staring as they make their entrance. (For reference, the outfits I’m imaging the Skittles in are based on this post by @melemart ).
Pandora drags Evan off to go find Xenophilius, and Barty follows them because he’s a weak man who follows Evan everywhere like a lost puppy. Especially when Evan is looking like that.
This leaves Regulus and Dorcas with the task of finding a table for them, but since Evan insisted on arriving at a “fashionably late” time, most of the tables are already full. The only table with enough room for the six of them (5 Skittles, 1 Xenophilius), is one of the low tables that seats a ridiculous amount. And there’s already plates there, but they’ve been temporarily abandoned. Besides, the plates are all on one toward one end of the table, and there’s plenty of room for the Skittles to sit.
So they do, waiting for Pandora, Evan, and Barty to return with Xeno. When they do, they get up to go to the table with all the food, picking up delicate china plates that have swirling, moving paintings of winter scenes on them. They load up with all the food they can muster, and Barty gets particularly excited when he sees that they have arancini that look (somewhat surprisingly, he mutters) like they’re traditionally supposed to.
After the Skittles have filled up their plates with soups and salad and stir fry and pizza and steak and chicken and tacos and pasta and dumplings and everything else you can imagine, they return to their table. However, they return to find it filled with the owners of the plates of food—the so called “Marauders” and their friends.
Dorcas ends up next to Marlene, across from Regulus, who shoots them a worried glance. It’s no secret that Dorcas and Marlene are bitter rivals on the Quidditch pitch, and he, along with everyone else, is worried that they’re going to get into some sort of fight. It is a secret, however, that Marlene and Dorcas have been meeting up for the past month or so, and are no longer rivals—if they ever really were. In fact, Dorcas has been planning for a while now to ask Marlene to be her girlfriend once they get back from Christmas break. It’s hard keeping something as wonderful as her growing relationship with Marlene a secret from anyone—especially her closest friends. She’s not sure that she’s done the best job at hiding it, either, typically leaving whatever room she’s in when she realizes that Marlene has a free period, poorly made excuses flying out her mouth as she leaves in a hurry.
But Dorcas gets lucky tonight, because if she tenses up from sitting next to Marlene, her friends simply chalk it up to that old Quidditch rivalry.
Marlene smirks when she notices how rigid Dorcas has gone beside her. Then she simply starts digging in to her food, that infuriating smirk still on her face, and Dorcas wants to kill her. Not really though. But almost.
Across from them, Regulus has long since stopped eyeing them with a worried look. He has taken to staring intently down the table at a diagonal angle. For all their obliviousness when it comes to Dorcas, however, the rest of the Skittles know exactly who Regulus is staring at, and why. Barty huffs a laugh when he sees what Regulus is doing, and shakes his head. Regulus shoots him a glare before going back to what he was doing, this time managing to be slightly more discreet as he eats.
Barty and Evan sit next to each other, Barty gesturing animatedly about something while Evan watches with an amused expression. Barty is sitting next to Dorcas, and Evan is at the end of the table, which suits him just fine. It means that he can keep his full attention on Barty without feeling like he’s ignoring the person next to him.
He wonders distantly about what’s in the eggnog that Barty swiped a few glasses of as Barty’s gestures get bigger and bigger, and his words starts to get tinged with a hint of a Sicilian accent. It’s cute, and Evan sits there with an absentminded smile on his face as he nods along to Barty’s rant about he and his grandma make the perfect arancini.
Across from them, next to Regulus, is Pandora and Xeno. They’re currently in a debate about which would be more interesting to see—an octopus made up of jello, or a caterpillar made of a cheese puff. Pandora argues for the octopus, because one, jello is her favorite food (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t like jello?) and two, octopi are fascinating creatures. (“Seriously, Xeno, just imagine what it would be like to see a jello octopus juggling eight different things at the same time!”) But Xeno argues for the caterpillar, because what would it be like when it changed into a butterfly? Would it have a chrysalis that’s made of cheese? Or would it be made of puff? Or would it be made out of Cheez-It Puffs? And would the butterfly be a cheese puff too, or would it just be orange? Eventually Dorcas and Marlene get pulled into their conversation, despite being several seats down, and Marlene argues vehemently for the octopus while Dorcas sides with Xeno, because really, what would its chrysalis be made out of?
And Evan and Barty get up to go get more eggnog and to see what the new, sudden fuss about the food table is, and they see that it’s turned into a dessert table now. And Barty once again gets extremely excited because look, Evan, they have gelato! And so while Barty piles up on that, Evan grabs some cheesecake and a brownie.
They return to their table bringing the good news, and it causes a small stampede as those who are finished with their meals get up to go get dessert. Barty and Evan enlist Regulus to help them bring back eggnog, and they come back with a tray of glasses that they set in the middle of the table.
And eventually everyone returns, and most people snag a glass, and there is definitely something in that eggnog, Evan decides, because the conversation starts flowing so easily between both sides of the table that it starts to feel like they’ve all been good friends for a long while.
And then there’s mistletoe growing over Marlene and Dorcas’ heads and they don’t notice until it’s almost in their faces, and suddenly Regulus is laughing his head off because their faces are so red. He just doesn’t understand what the real reason why they’re blushing so hard is until Marlene says “Fuck it” and leans in to kiss Dorcas on the mouth. And then everyone is hooping and hollering and it’s chaos, but it dies down after a while.
And so Barty and Evan sneak off to go to the dance floor, and Pandora and Xeno leave to go find some of Xeno’s friends, and Sirius drags Remus off to go show him some of the constellations that you can see out the window.
And it’s a good thing that Sirius leaves, because maybe Regulus has finally had enough of waiting, or maybe there truly is something in that eggnog, because suddenly Regulus stands up abruptly, scraping his chair on the floor, and goes around to the other side of the table. No one knows what he’s doing until he grabs James’s face in his hands and kisses him hard, and then James is reaching up to grab Regulus’s face too and they’re practically making out in front of everyone.
And when Barty and Evan hear about it, they’re furious. Because what do you mean Regulus finally made a move, and they weren’t there to see it? After putting up with his whining and pining for years, they don’t even get to see the fruits of their labor?
And so Evan has to go running off in search of some more gelato for his boyfriend in an attempt to cool him down, and then they go over to the window to where there are some high tables that sit two, and they have a good time sharing gelato and looking out at the castle grounds.
Further down from them, Sirius is still pointing out constellations, oblivious to the uproar that just happened at their table, while Remus watches him with a fond look in his eyes.
Marlene and Dorcas take to the dance floor, and Dorcas has just worked up the courage to ask when Marlene blurts out “Do-you-wanna-go-on-a-date—I-mean-like-a-real-date—it’s-okay-if-you-don’t-but-I-just-thought-that-I’d-ask-please-say-yes.” And Dorcas stands shocked for minute, trying to process what Marlene just said. Marlene has just started to get truly worried when Dorcas smiles and leans in to kiss her for a good long minute, before she pulls back and grins and says “I would love that.”
And Pandora and Xeno have also started to dance, but they aren’t dancing in the typical sense of the word. They’re twirling around with their arms up, laughing and having a great time confusing everyone with what they’re doing.
James and Regulus are still at the table, talking to each other, and Regulus actually looks really, really happy for once.
Lily and Mary are standing by the desert table, having what looks like a very deep conversation, and Marlene and Dorcas start to bet on when they’ll get together. Marlene has fifty bucks on January, but Dorcas doesn’t think that it will be until at least Valentine’s Day.
Peter and his date, Benjy Fenwick, have struck up a conversation with some Hufflepuffs, who just brought out a game of Apples to Apples, and they couldn’t be having a better time.
When they all leave several hours later, they all agree that it’s the best Christmas party they’ve ever been to, and the Hufflepuffs start talking about making it a yearly tradition.
Leaving Hogwarts the next day is harder than it’s ever been, but spending Christmas with their families is a nice trade off. Barty gets to spend his Christmas with his grandma this year, since his father is away on a business trip, and he couldn’t be happier about it. Evan and Pandora spend their break in Switzerland, on their yearly skiing trip, and Regulus finally accepts the Potter’s invitation to spend Christmas with them. Dorcas and Marlene promise to send owls to each other, and the constant rapping of owls at their windows never fails to bring a smile to their faces.
All in all, it’s the best Christmas any of them have ever had, and they couldn’t be happier.
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pucksandpower · 7 months
Theories of Relativity
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: you don’t need TikTok theories to prove that your relationship is a dream come to life, but it doesn’t hurt when your boyfriend passes all of them with flying colors
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The Olive Theory
When you love someone, you have to be willing to make sacrifices and compromises for them (even if those sacrifices are something small like pretending to hate olives just so you can give them to your olive-loving partner instead)
You sit across from Charles at the long dinner table, smiling as he animatedly recounts the race from last weekend. His hands wave through the air, punctuating his story as he describes the final lap battle with Max down to the last corner. You’re only half listening though, too distracted by how handsome he looks in his dinner jacket, his tanned skin glowing in the low light of the restaurant.
As Charles pauses to take a sip of wine, you lean in and whisper, “I wasn’t really watching the race, I only had eyes for you.”
Charles chuckles, his nose crinkling adorably. “Oh really? So you missed all the action then?"
You shrug, trailing a finger down his arm. “What can I say, I find you far more interesting than the other cars going around in circles.”
Charles opens his mouth to respond but is interrupted by a mechanic sitting a little way down from you. “Oi Charles, why do you keep picking all the olives out of your salad?"
You look down, noticing the small pile of olives Charles has stacked onto the edge of his plate.
Charles glances at you, a faint blush rising on his cheeks. “Oh, um, I’m not a huge fan of olives.”
The mechanic frowns in confusion. “But I’ve seen you eat olives before. You always get them on your pizza.”
“I, uh ...” Charles stammers, clearly flustered.
Under the table, you squeeze his hand reassuringly. Charles looks at you and you give him a small nod.
“Well, the truth is,” Charles says, turning back to the mechanic. “I actually love olives. But Y/N loves them even more than I do. So I pick them out of my food to give to her.”
You smile softly at Charles, warmed by his thoughtfulness. The mechanic chuckles and shakes his head. “You two are so cute it’s almost gross.”
Charles just grins and pops an olive into your mouth. “Anything for mon amour.”
You crunch the olive happily, then lean in to give Charles a quick kiss on the lips. “People who say chivalry is dead have simply never met you.”
The conversation moves on, flowing from racing to travel and everything in between. Under the table, your fingers stay intertwined with Charles’ the whole time.
After dinner, you all head outside into the cool night air. Charles’ team members head off towards their own cars, calling out goodbyes.
You snuggle into Charles’ side as you walk towards where his Ferrari is parked. “Thank you for the olives,” you say. “But you really don’t have to deprive yourself on my account.”
Charles wraps his arm around you, pulling you close. “I want to though. I like making you happy.”
You stop next to the car, turning to face him. Running a hand down his chest you say, “You know what would really make me happy right now?"
“Hmm?" Charles murmurs, his eyes drifting down to your lips.
You grin mischievously. “A stop for gelato on the way home.”
Charles laughs and opens the car door for you. “Anything for you, mon cœur.”
The Bird Test
If you say something that could be deemed insignificant and your partner responds with genuine curiosity, that’s a really good sign that your relationship will last a long time
The Brazilian sun beats down as you wander hand-in-hand with Charles along the edges of the Interlagos circuit. It’s the day before qualifying, and Charles brought you out to the track in São Paulo to share the grid walk with you.
You stroll slowly, enjoying a rare private moment together during the hectic race weekend. Charles points out details along the track — the tricky off-camber Turn 3, the sharp left-right complex at Turns 5 and 6, the long full throttle blast down the back straight.
You love seeing him so in his element here, his passion for racing evident in his voice and gestures.
As you round Turn 12, heading down the home straight, a flash of bright blue in the trees catches your eye. Gasping in excitement, you grab Charles’ arm and point.
“Look, a hyacinth macaw!”
Charles follows your gaze to the large, vividly colored parrot perched in the branches. “Wow, that’s amazing! I’ve never seen one outside of a zoo.”
You bounce on your toes, thrilled at the sighting. “Aren’t they gorgeous? That bright blue is unreal. Macaws are pretty rare around here, I can’t believe we spotted one!”
Charles smiles at your obvious delight, then turns back to observe the macaw with curiosity. “What do they eat?" He asks. “Fruit, like other parrots?"
“Yes exactly!” You reply eagerly. “Mostly palm nuts and acai berries. And they need a huge range of territory, something like 80 square kilometers.”
As you chat more facts about the brilliant bird, Charles listens attentively, asking more questions and commenting on its beauty. His genuine interest and engagement makes your heart flutter happily.
Eventually the macaw takes flight, its bright wings flashing blue against the trees as it disappears into the forest.
“Incredible,” Charles murmurs, watching it go. “What an amazing thing to see.”
He turns back to you, eyes shining. “Thank you for pointing it out, I never would have spotted it myself. I love seeing you so excited teaching me about something you’re passionate about.”
You step closer, looping your arms around his neck. “And I love that you always listen and want to know more, even if it’s not about racing.”
Charles wraps his arms around your waist, smiling tenderly. “Of course, your passions are my passions now too. I want to know everything that sparks that beautiful light in your eyes.”
The Orange Peel Theory
A partner’s willingness to perform small acts of service is indicative of a healthy relationship
Early morning sun filters into the kitchen as you sip your coffee, still wearing the oversized Ferrari shirt you slept in. Charles stands at the counter across from you, freshly showered and humming to himself as he browses his phone.
Setting your mug down, you grab an orange from the fruit bowl and start to peel it. Or at least you try. The tough rind puts up a stubborn fight, your nails scraping uselessly against it.
“Ugh, I hate peeling oranges,” you grumble after a minute. “Whose idea was it to make the peel so impossible?"
Charles glances up with a sympathetic smile. “Here, let me.”
He takes the orange from your hands and deftly digs his thumb into the top, effortlessly tearing the peel away in one long curl.
You watch in admiration as he strips the rest of the orange until it’s completely naked and ready to eat.
“Voila,” Charles presents it with a flourish. “One perfectly peeled orange for mon ange.”
“My hero,” you grin. You go to take it from him but Charles playfully keeps it out of reach.
“Ah ah, allow me,” he says. Holding your gaze, he gently pulls apart one glistening segment and brings it to your lips.
Happiness bubbles up in you at this sweet, unexpected gesture. You let Charles pop the orange slice into your mouth, savoring the bright citrus burst.
“Delicious,” you murmur. Charles smiles and leans in to kiss you softly, his thumb brushing a drop of juice from your lower lip.
One by one he continues to peel the segments and feed them to you, interspersing each with tender kisses that taste of orange and love.
You close your eyes blissfully, letting the sensual ritual relax you. Charles takes his time, not rushing. He knows this is your favorite part of the morning, stealing these private moments together before the busy day sweeps you both up.
When the last segment is gone, Charles kisses you again, deeper this time. You loop your arms around his neck, melting against him.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” you whisper when you finally separate.
Charles nuzzles your nose with his. “You may have said it once or twice. But I never get tired of hearing it.”
You lean into him contentedly. As always, his thoughtfulness and care warms you from the inside out.
Peeling an orange is such a small act but the meaning behind it speaks volumes. Charles knows your quirks and preferences, and cherishes these little opportunities to make your day brighter.
The little things that mean everything.
You’re still musing dreamily about this when Charles tips your chin up. “Where’d you go just now?” He asks with a curious smile.
You shake your head, focusing back on him. “Just thinking about us. And how perfectly you peel my oranges.”
Charles laughs. “Well I’m glad to be of service. I know how you hate getting orange string stuck under your nails.”
He kisses your fingertips one by one. “Can’t have anything marring these beautiful hands.”
You scrunch your nose at him. “Oh yes, I need to keep my hands soft and dainty in case a prince comes along to propose.”
Charles squawks in protest and tackles you against the counter, fingers digging into your sides to tickle you mercilessly. You dissolve into helpless giggles, swatting him away.
“No no, stop! I take it back!” You gasp.
Charles relents, holding you close and nuzzling into your hair. “Too late, you’re stuck with me now,” he murmurs, kissing your temple.
You snuggle into him contentedly. No fantasy prince could ever compete with the reality of Charles.
The Invisible String Theory
An invisible string connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance (the string may stretch or tangle but it will never break)
The living room is filled with laughter and happy chatter as you and Charles sit surrounded by both your families. Your wedding is only two days away, and his mother suggested gathering everyone together one night for reminiscing and quality time.
Looking through old photo albums is proving to be hilarious and heartwarming. Baby pictures, school plays, family vacations — memories preserved to embroider the story of your lives before fate brought you together.
Charles smiles wistfully as Lorenzo shows an album from their childhood. “I wish my godfather and father could have met you,” he says softly. “They would have loved you so much.”
You take his hand, leaning your head on his shoulder. His lost loved ones are always close to his heart.
Your mother passes an album to you with a smile. “Oh this one is from our trip to France when you were five! So many cute little Y/N photos.”
You roll your eyes but obligingly open the album, Charles peering over your shoulder. You flip through pictures of your younger self building sandcastles on the beach, wearing a hilariously large sun hat, beaming gappily with missing front teeth.
Charles grins down at you. “Adorable. I can’t wait for our kids to-”
He stops abruptly, staring down at the page. You follow his gaze to a photo of your family in Nice, taken in front of the Le Negresco hotel. And there in the background, almost out of frame — four familiar figures walking down the promenade.
A young Charles holds the hand of a teenage boy you immediately recognize as Jules. On Charles’ other side, his father Hervé carries a toddler Arthur.
Your breath catches sharply. The families fall silent around you. Charles’ fingers tremble slightly as they trace over the image.
“Of course we went to Nice often,” he whispers. “I had no idea ...” His voice trails off, thick with emotion.
Arthur cranes his head to see. “Is that us? With Papa and Jules?" He looks between you and Charles with wide eyes.
“Almost twenty years ago,” Lorenzo marvels. “And your paths were already crossing.”
Pascale wipes at her eyes, grasping Charles’ other hand tightly. “It was meant to be. Some invisible string tying you together even then.”
Charles’ fingers tremble as they trace over the image. For one brief, impossible moment, it feels like you’re all together — you, Charles, Jules, Hervé. Preserved in time, intersecting at the crossroads of past and future.
Though you never met in life, somehow you were all bound in that instant, tied by invisible strings of destiny. Strings that would one day guide you and Charles to each other.
It’s only a photo, yet looking at it you feel Jules and Hervé’s presence like a bittersweet embrace. As if across the years, they’re saying we know you. We love you. We’re so happy for you both.
You stare down at it, this captured moment of impossible synchronicity. A glimpse of the thread that wove itself silently through your lives until the day it finally drew you together.
Charles meets your eyes, his own shimmering with tears. Without words, you know he feels it too. The impossible link stretching back through time. Proof you were always meant to find each other.
He pulls you close, kissing the top of your head. “I believe that with all my heart, we’ve always been connected somehow.”
“Soulmates,” you whisper.
You cling to him, overwhelmed with certainty. Through accidents of time and geography, missteps and milestones, your story was always guiding you here.
Meant for each other. Destined, even then.
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coquettepascal · 26 days
like tiramisu
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summary: nothing beats summer vacation like a secret relationship with your dad's best friend, right? wrong! what really beats summer vacation is trying not do jump joel's bones every time you're alone.
tags: 18+, smut, fluff, beach fic, age gap (it's dbf!joel, imagine what you want), dbf!joel, misuse of sunscreen, semi-public activities (not sex), groping, massaging, reader has a dad and brother, overuse of the word pretty, nicknames like pretty___ and baby, oral sex (f!recieving), she/her pronouns for your pussy, joel gets blueballed, fluff, joel and reader are very much in love, established relationship, secret relationship, stereotypical oblivious reader's!dad, mention of food poisoning (nothing graphic), slight grumpy!joel, soft!dom joel (ish)
a/n: woo!! i did it :D this is my submission for @hellishjoel's hot dilf summer challenge (link to the masterlist.) i'm a big fan of their work so i'm just happy to participate. tysm for this opportunity!
(3.6k, not beta read.)
Every year you travel to the coast with your dad and brother, enjoying a week at the tail end of summer to really relax. This year, your brother got sick, and so Joel took his place.
Like Joel, your dad’s best friend. You know, the one that you slept with a month ago one night after everyone went to bed? Joel like kind-of-your-secret-boyfriend-Joel. Simple situation really, you don’t know why you nearly shit yourself when Joel was standing in your driveway dragging a suitcase behind him. 
But, as Joel does, he’s made this easy. It shouldn’t be easy to be separated from him, but it’s made the small moments you can get with him better. Besides, you still get to see him in his handsome glory, all tan and broad and…
The not-easy part is not jumping on him every time your dad turns around. 
“Why is this so much more expensive than ice cream?” Joel asks you, eyes squinted as he peers at the chalkboard that hangs above the gelato cooler.
The family in front of you orders and literally pays with a 50 dollar bill, still not getting anywhere near a justifiable amount of change back. Joel squints at the board harder and you smile up at him. He needs glasses, you’ve been telling him this whole trip. 
“Having trouble?” You ask teasingly. Joel’s head turns, face already scowling, but then the employee behind the counter is asking for your order before he can tear you a new one.
Joel is still scowling at you as he shells out 25 dollars for 2 “adult size” cones. 
“S’not necessary to spend this much money on vacation, darlin’, we’re already relaxed,” He grumbles as you walk out of the air conditioned business, back into the beachy heat outside. 
Innocently, you lick up a drip of the tiramisu flavored gelato that drips down the cone. Joel’s eyes narrow more, clearly not appreciative of your behavior so far today. His face eases up when he takes a bite out of his mango sherbet, cooling his flamed temper. 
Your hand snakes into his free one as you walk down the beach, back to where your things are. It’s a quieter day on the beach, luckily. The past week you’ve spent with your father and Joel has been a hectic race for who can find a good spot on the beach, who can find a good spot to sit and eat, and who can find a good spot where the three of you can be left the fuck alone. 
Today you’ve found a good spot, tucked away behind some larger rocks. It kind of looks like it could be dangerous to be there when the tide comes in, but it’s out far today. You’re fine, you’re with Joel, and most importantly, the two of you are alone. 
Your dad ate some bad shrimp last night at dinner and has a horrible case of food poisoning. He assured both of you that he’d be fine on his own, to go enjoy the sun. 
God knows you both will.
You hop over to the blanket you had laid out, cowering under the shade of the rainbow umbrella Joel had bought earlier in the week. He claimed it was so you wouldn’t get heatstroke, but you have a feeling it was more for the sake of his skin. 
As you kick off your sandals, Joel sits down beside you under the umbrella, slurping obnoxiously at the remnants of his mango cone. Most of yours is still intact, though a bit melty. It’s something to marvel at, how Joel can inhale any food of any temperature in the blink of an eye. But it makes up his soft tummy, the one you can rest your head on later when you want to soak up the sun. 
“Do you wanna try mine?” You ask, noting the hungry eyes he’s giving your gelato. He nods and so you lean over to him, extending the cone.
And just as he leans in to take a massive bite, you jerk your hand, smearing tiramisu gelato onto the tip of his nose. 
“Oh my fucking god,” he groans, pulling back, “that’s not fucking funny.” 
But it is funny. Seeing the white cream smudged on his nose, tangled in the bristles of his moustache. You can’t help but laugh at him. 
“That’s what you get for trying to chomp half of my treat!” You point out.
Joel’s head tilts at you, as if to say “really?” 
“Okay fine, I’ll fix it,” you huff. Passing your gelato to your free hand, you lean forward and suck the tip of his nose into your mouth, slurping off the remaining mess. 
Pulling back with a pop, you see Joel’s horrified face. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He groans, wiping your saliva off his face. 
Joel gives you a look, clearly expecting some sort of repayment for the ridiculous stunt you just pulled. Begrudgingly, you hand the rest of your cone to him, but only because you really should put on sunscreen.
The sun beats down on you as you lay against Joel’s chest and belly, his legs spread to make room for you. He’s wearing black board shorts that cut off around his mid-thigh, leaving more skin exposed. Joel didn’t wear these ones yesterday, or any day previous. It was just the same red shorts that went down to his knees. But today, he matches you and your black two piece. His thick thighs firmly frame you, keeping you in place. 
“You need to reapply your sunscreen, sweetheart,” Joel hums, blindly pawing the blanket for wherever you tossed the bottle earlier. 
Streams of sunlight bathe you where you sit, the sun no longer blocked by the rainbow umbrella Joel insisted on. You planned on tanning anyways, so you don’t mind as much as Joel seems to. He grabs the sunscreen and his sunglasses, tossing them on. 
Your chin is tucked to your chest, crunched as Joel leans over you more, opening the cap of the lotion. The liquid is so cold in comparison to the warm sun rays that blanket the two of you, a near-pained hiss escaping you.
“Don’t be a baby,” Joel grunts, working the sunscreen into your abdomen.
His hands work your soft flesh so gently, his calloused palms spreading the protective lotion carefully. Joel’s thumbs dig a little harder as he feels your hip bones beneath his hands, making you protest weakly. You know what he’s doing, taking this private opportunity for his own gain.
“Joel,” you warn whinily, squirming. 
His hands grasp you in place, holding you while the cords of muscle on his forearms pop. 
“I said don’t be a baby,” he repeats slower this time, his voice rumbling in your ear.
“We both know you’ve taken worse.”
Yeah. Yeah you do know that. It doesn’t shut you up anymore, whining as he reaches to massage your thighs, his hands slipping to your inner thighs fast. You can barely process his touch there before he’s sliding his hands back to a more appropriate spot, your arms. He’s keeping it PG for the most part at least. The nagging fear of your dad suddenly showing up despite his illness lives in the back of your mind. 
Joel massages your wrists and the palms of your hands, thumbs pushing the flesh soothingly as he murmurs in your ear about how soft you are, how perfect. 
He was keeping it PG, but he’s getting selfish now. The orange sun is painting your skin in a way that’s making it hard for him to think, and it’s been so long since he’s had you alone. Your eyes glaze over as he drips more lotion into his palms, rubbing it between them slowly. 
“Don’t wanna forget your chest, would hate for my pretty girl to burn,” is all the warning you get.
Joel’s arms loop beneath yours, his wet palms sliding up your abdomen and then beneath your swim top. Big hands envelope the starting swell of your breasts, coming upwards and smothering your sensitive skin in sunscreen. His name slips out again, choked and surprised, but this isn’t unwanted.
You miss Joel. Even as he’s been here with you for this whole week, you miss his kisses and his touch. Sleeping in the same room as him, but in separate beds, has been awful. To hear him snore without feeling the vibration of it on your own skin has been treacherous. 
So you’re letting him have this, because as much as you hunger for him, that man is ravenous.
His thumbs rub over your nipples, most of your top bunched up on his knuckles now. Joel’s voice is low in your ears, talking soft like you aren’t in total privacy on the beach. Everything is flying now, his mouth uncontrollable as he tells you how good you feel, how much he missed you. 
“So fuckin’ pretty, all week you’ve been so gorgeous, darlin,’” 
And then the kisses start. Hot down your neck, his scruffy face trails, tongue tracing the bitemarks he leaves occasionally. 
“Joel– Joel no marks,” you remind softly.
He obliges with a grunt, clearly unhappy with the situation. Sometimes he can get away with little marks, ones like on your inner thighs or your tits. But not here on a beach vacation, not so close to your dad. 
Joel continues to kiss you regardless, tilting your head so he can awkwardly meet your lips as he gropes you, massaging the lotion in as if the sun would ever hit any skin below your swimsuit. The atmosphere is only getting hotter as he touches you, the sun blazing against your skin as Joel rolls your nipples between his fingers, making you cry out.
You want more, you need more.
You can feel him hard against you, slightly digging into your back. Sex on the beach is a terrible idea. Public indecency, sand in places it shouldn’t be… but it’s so tempting when you feel how badly he wants you, how badly he missed you. 
Desperately, you turn in his embrace, his hands slipping out of your top, leaving you exposed. You shove your face against his hungrily, feeling as his sunscreen greased hand cups your jaw, gentle even when he’s starving. You open for him easily, letting his hungry tongue taste where he wants. He tastes like waffle cones and tiramisu, you want to lick him clean. You breathe heavily when he slips off your mouth and kisses the side of your face.
“S’a good girl, lettin’ me miss her,” he says into your skin.
Your mouth feels rubbed raw, your nipples are buzzing, and the sun blazes across your back. Everywhere feels warm, his lips, his tongue, your skin, your cunt in these bikini bottoms that stick to you in the worst way. You want Joel’s fingers, spreading you open however he wants. 
Joel is so good at taking care of you, so good that he can hear the rambunctious group of people coming before you can. Hands tug down your top and flip you back around before you can realize.
“You’re alright, s’okay, just some people,” Joel says, sounding anxious himself. 
Just some people. Not anyone you know, just some people.
The two of you quickly switch back to how youwere, your head on his chest while you rest between his thighs. One of his hands rests on your abdomen as he squeezes you affectionately between his legs. It’s really frustrating, watching as the group of people sets up not too far down from the both of you. So much for your private spot on the beach, and potential sex. 
He shifts beneath you, the bulge in his swim shorts uncomfortable. Joel has settled for rubbing his thumb against the smooth skin of your tummy, catching his breath still. 
“You can sleep, baby. Jus’ enjoy the sun, okay?”
The last thing on your mind is sleep, you’re more focused on the conch shell in his pants, but whatever. The sun is warm, and you’re with Joel. His hand stills on your belly, a warm weight in an attempt to soothe you.
It works, you fall asleep as the sun sets, and wake up when the cool night air shivers past you. Joel has managed to snake out from under you, using an unused beach towel to make a pillow for you. He’s packed everything up, sans the towel pillow and the blanket you lay on. Everything is ready to go, he’s just been waiting for you.
You watch from where you lay, as he dips his toes in the water. His broad shoulders are covered by a white, linen, shirt, highlighting him across the shore. Something about this is so right, to be on vacation with him, to be taken care of by him. Laying back, eyes staring into the inky night, you wonder what would have happened if the two of you hadn’t stayed up late that night, chatting and flirting. How long would you have gone without feeling loved, and like you belonged? 
Being Joel’s girl is more than that, even if no one knows you’re his, you have come to know yourself through him. His hands brushed away the sands that blurred your eyes, you’re seeing clearly for what feels like the first time ever.
Your love for him crashes down on you hard when he turns, walking back to you with a soft, dorky, smile. That’s your man, that’s your stupid old man, and he loves you.
“You ready t’go, darlin?” Joel asks, clearly relieved you eventually woke up.
With a nod, you walk as a pair back to the hotel. Joel insists on carrying everything, claiming he “don’t need” your help, even as he grunts.
Entering  the lobby of the hotel is a reminder that you have to be normal again, you and Joel are just getting along swell, and not seriously infatuated with one another.
His eyes bear into you when you step into the elevator, you can feel his eyes on your back as you press the button for your floor.
“What?” You ask, stepping back to lean against the railing.
Joel’s mouth seems to be dry as he responds, eyes tracing something on your stomach.
“Your tummy,” he manages.
You look down instantly, concerned you’ve managed a sunburn despite Joel’s efforts. Instead though, you find a tan line. A tan line in the shape of Joel’s hand, where it rested as you slept. Ghosts of Joel’s lips and teeth on your neck from earlier murmur across your skin, misting tingles across your shoulders and chest. He wanted to mark you so badly, wanted to sink his teeth into you the way he should have been able to, despite your refusal. Now he has his mark, across your tummy in the shape of his hands, the ones that carefully nurture you. 
You can see how it’s making him tick, how his scruffy jaw is clenched as his eyes are entranced by the shape on your belly. He has to spend the rest of the evening, the last couple of days of this trip, with his mark on you. Joel has to do all of that and not jump onto you at every opportunity he can.
“Baby,” Joel breathes, but the elevator doors open, and your dad is right there.
Your arms instantly wrap around your middle, trying to hide away the Joel-hand shaped tan line. As sick as your dad was this morning, he’s looking miles better. There’s colour in his cheeks, that isn’t green, and he’s standing up.
“Hey kid,” he greets cheerfully, “I’m feelin’ a helluva lot better so I was gonna go out and grab a bite to eat.”
The elevator is so quiet, the doors try to shut and Joel slams a hand against it, to keep it open. Your dad looks a little weirded out, but just smiles. “I’m glad you’re feeling better,” you manage to say, sounding like your lungs have been cut out of your chest.
In the few months that you and Joel have been “together” you haven’t been caught, or even close to being caught. This tan line on your tummy could have been the cat out of the bag, but thankfully your dad seems oblivious.
He steps into the elevator between you two, gently nodding at the elevator doors.
“Y’all gettin’ out? Both of y’look kinda sunfried,” your dad asks.
Joel manages to respond this time as the two of you hurriedly leave the confined space. -
He practically dragged you down the hallway and back to your room once the elevator doors shut, leaving your dad in the dark. Joel dumped all your stuff on the floor near the door, pushing you off him when you tried to kiss at him.
“Naw. Bed,” he had grumbled, making a vague gesture to your bed.
You both knew you had limited time, your dad would be gone for an hour tops. Joel had peeled off his shirt while you shimmied out of what little clothes you had on, your swimsuit coverup falling away easily.
Now, you lay on your back, and if you could look down, you would see the sweat that’s soaking his back and the mess of hair on his head.
But you can’t look down, you can barely move as is. Your legs, which are tossed over his shoulders, shiver, toes curled. You want to ask if he can breathe down there, but your voice keeps catching, repeating his name again and again. The bristles of his facial hair might be chafing, but everything is wet right now, your cunt, his face, your thighs. He’s suffocating in your flesh, opening his mouth to sloppily make out with your pussy, licking at your clit as he sucks it between his lips. It isn’t gentle, he’s fucking famished.
“Joel– Baby, please,” you manage to whimper. 
He probably can’t hear you with the headlock you’ve put him in, soft thighs trapping his ears. Joel’s face slides down further to push his tongue into you, making you clench and gush as his nose presses to your clit. Reaching your hand down, you lace your fingers against his curls, trying to pry him away, but he just won’t quit. Your fingers slip from his sweaty strands, slamming onto the sheets as he doesn’t let up.
“Missed you, missed her,” he rasps between kisses. 
Joel loves this, loves pleasing you. This isn’t submission, this is worship. He talks to your cunt like he knows her, like he’s dating her too. Gentle as he is, he knows where your aches and cricks are, knows how to massage them with his fingers and tongue. Joel takes care of you both, it’s what he lives for. 
“I know, I can feel it, I missed you too,” you babble, hands flagrant between his hair and the sheets.
He laughs softly into you, smiling. You tug him closer, grinding onto his nose as a tease. 
Joel focuses on bringing himself closer, arms snaking up beneath your ass to curl his hands around your thighs, fingers digging in as he pulls you closer. “Been so patient all week, need you t’come for me, please pretty thing?” He groans.
Nodding your head, you start to work with him. Again and again you roll your hips into his face. The two of you are fucking on borrowed time and Joel hastily promises you that he can take care of himself in the shower later, that he just needs to focus on you.
“Just need to taste you, remember your cunt in my mouth, please?” Joel asks.
You nod even faster now, huffing out air as your hips rise and he pulls you closer, tongue and teeth and nose buried in you. Every movement he makes begs for your release, begs for you to give him what he wants. His voice rumbles around your head, a voice encouraging this selfish feeling of pleasure.
“C’mon darlin, I’ve been waitin’ all week to have you. Let go for me, I’ve been patient.”
It sends you over, the mixture of Joel getting pussydrunk on you and the thoughts of him in your head. Your thighs lock around his head even harder, and he powers through without taking a breath for himself. Thoughts of times with him previous flash through your mind as you shiver, thoughts of what he’ll do to you once you’re both home make you gush. He laps it all up, his reward for being patient. 
When he pulls away, your essence is all over his face. Slicked through his facial hair and even on the tip of his nose, like tiramisu gelato. 
Unlike the gelato, you decide not to suck this cream off his nose.
Gently, you swipe a finger over his nose, cleaning it off with your own tongue.
“Thank you, baby,” you hum.
Joel manages to drag himself up your body, caging you beneath him while he smiles. Soft kisses are shared between the two of you, enjoying the peaceful moment where you’re finally, truly, alone. His moustache prickles your upper lip as he smiles and pulls away.
“Can give me your ‘thank you’s’ in a few days time, sweet girl.” He says, pulling himself down to kiss the 5 fingertips of the hand tan line he left.
Looking down at him as he kisses your belly, you hope you'll be exchanging thank you's for a very long time.
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Thinking about Actress!Reader who finally got to change into a pair of shorts and a crop top after being in a corset and long dresses all day after shooting was done for the day.
Actress!Reader who gets invited to go get Gelato with Peter to help cool off after being stuck in such stuffy clothes for the past six hours.
Bodyguard!Miguel who had to suppress a scowl when you told him that you were basically going on a date with your fellow actor. But that didn’t deter him from volunteering to watch over you both when you went to walk through the streets of Rome. He’d rather be the one watching over you than Peter’s bodyguard.
Actress!Reader and Actor!Peter who didn't notice when a group of passersby recognized them, snapping a few pictures of you both without your knowledge. You weren’t completely used to the whole “having photos taken of you without your permission or contact” but that was unfortunately a price to pay when you’re new and on the rise.
Actress!Reader who finally went home to relax, getting a good night's rest now that the jet lag has finally stopped.
Actress!Reader who wakes up the next morning with 24 missed calls, 35 new messages and her name trending on twitter.
Jake (Manager): (Y/N).
Jake(Manger): (Y/N), call me when you wake up.
Peter 🐝.: Did you look at Twitter yet?
Peter🐝.: Or like any social media yet?
Bestie💝: Girl…
Bestie💝: You’ve got some explaining to do.
“What’s… happening?” You mumbled as you scrolled through your new messages as you waddled into the kitchen of your hotel suite, where Miguel was already drinking his cup of coffee. Glancing up at him for a moment as he greeted you.
“Morning.” He mumbled as he placed his mug down. “Your manager told me to have you call him when you're up.”
“Do you know why?” You asked him as you scrolled to Jake’s contact info, receiving a grunt in response, a no.
“(Y/N) (L/N), would you like to explain what went on yesterday after you finished up on set?” You felt like you were five years old and being scolded by your mom all over again, except you genuinely didn’t know what you did.
“Um, I went to go get a snack with Peter. Why-“
“A snack.” He repeated, his tone questioning despite it being deadpan.
“Yes, a snack.” You huffed, your confusion turning into irritation as your brows furrowed together. “Why? can't I have a snack after work with my coworker?”
“You can have a snack after work, but from what I’m looking at here it doesn’t seem like it’s with a coworker.” His words make you pause.
“What?” All attitude now gone, confusion settles back in. “What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t seen the pictures yet?”
“What pictures?”
“Oh dear God…” Jake mumbled under his breath, before letting out a sigh. “Go on twitter, and check the trending tab.”
You put him on speaker and did what you were told, waiting for the little bird app to load, before clicking on the explore tab. Eyes widening as you read out the headline at top.
“Peter B. Parker and (Y/N), coworkers on a new upcoming movie, spotted out on date?!?”
Miguel almost started to choke on his coffee after he heard you recite the words, having to hit his chest to clear his windpipes as you frantically started to scroll through the tag.
“No, no it wasn’t a date though Jake, it wasn’t-“ Your words died on your tongue as your finger stopped scrolling once you hit a particular picture.
A picture of Peter making you try his flavor, by spoon feeding you.
Fuck how can I be so dumb? How could I forget that happened? It was only 2 seconds Max. And now it’s trending.
“I need you down at set an hour early. We have some things to discuss with Peter and his team.” Jake sighed before you heard the dial tone of him hanging up the call.
Part 4<
Part 6<
Not proofread.
Word count: 600
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama @scaryplanetdestroyer
@migueloharastruelove @krentkova19 @genny1019 @maiyart
@stressed-cherry @haveclayeveryday @miguelzslvtz @scaleniusrm @xerorizz
@enananawoah @messicampeon @anastasia1972 @lauraolar14 @huniedeux
@bluesidez @nommingonfood @chrishy973 @m4dyy @night-spectrum
@electricgg (to be added click here)
367 notes · View notes
sweetteainthesummerx · 3 months
In which we visit the homeland...
series masterlist
Notes: ty for sticking w me and indulging me in my slow updates hehe
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or if you have any feedback!
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
charles_leclerc posted
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charles_leclerc famiglia 🇮🇹
liked by olliebearman, carlos_sainz55 and 75,092 others
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charles_leclercfannie just a man with his son, his sons gf, who is also his gf's gf
-- user1 family tree goes hard
-- user2 the two cutest couples on the grid fr
scuderiaferrari the motherland 🇮🇹
-- charles_leclerc ❤️
oscarpiastri was the spaghetti good
-- olliebearman it was very
carlos_sainz55 where was my invite
-- alexandrasaintmleux group trip w beck next break!!
gridfandom THE GIRLS ARE SO MOTHERRRR like do u need a family dog other than Leo I can bark
aubreyyang posted on their story
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caption: gelato and espresso 🍨☕️
tagged: alexandrasaintmleux
macecoronel replied to your story
you look hot
Aubrey frowned at the notification. Maybe it was time to finally block him. Ollie, now wearing her sunglasses as they boarded the yacht they'd rented out for the afternoon, leaned down to wrap her up in her arms.
"What's wrong?" he set his chin on her shoulder.
"My ex." she chewed her lip and showed him the text.
He took the phone gently, deleting the reply, "You're here to have a good time, love. Let's get you a drink and some sun."
She just about melted into a puddle.
She let Ollie press the block button and slip the phone into her purse, and let him hand her a fruity cocktail, and let him rub sunscreen onto her neck and back.
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang you're golden like daylight
liked by olliebearman, aubreyday1 and 75,092 others
aubreyday1 mama y papa
-- user1 new parents alert!!
-- user2 waiting for them to be official that has to be ollie
olliebearman cool rocks
-- aubreyyang almost lost my life climbing them
-- charles_leclerc but you got a great photo TAKEN BY ME
-- f1fankinnie lmaooo hes so fed up with not being credited
dior.n.goodjohn I am no better than a man 🤤
-- alexandrasaintmleux same
-- charles_leclerc ???
"He's staring." Alex giggled from where the girls were tanning on the boat. The boys were a few meters off, talking with the captain and trying to convince the older, stern man to let them have a go at driving the boat.
"Your boyfriend of two years? I would hope he's staring at you." Aubrey rolled her eyes.
"No, your boyfriend of..."
"No, not-" she started, but Alex rolled her eyes so hard that Aubrey thought they would fall out of her head.
"He told you that your more to him than that and he thinks your better than any fame. I know these things, ma petite. That is a man in love."
"He is not-"
"Speak of the devil."
"Hey, guys." Ollie was approaching them, a mischievous look on his boyish face, and Aubrey immediately knew what he was going to do.
"No, no!" she tried to scramble up and away, but he was too fast. Quickly, he picked her up like she weighed nothing and jumped into the sun-warmed ocean, twisting so he hit the water first.
She climbed onto his waist, legs wrapped around him. He smiled proudly as she spluttered, wiping her hair away.
"Oliver! That was so uncalled for." she scolded, but she herself could even hear the laugh in her warning.
"You looked pretty. Wanted to get up close."
"And personal?" she snorted as he laughed.
His nose bumped hers, and the warmth that always seemed to bubble up when he was near resurfaced.
olliebearman posted
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olliebearman italia :)
liked by olliebearmanfanart, aubreyyang and 61,382 others
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landonorris nice view
-- olliebearman mate
-- georgerusselstance21 OH THEYRE TOGETHER TOGETHER HUH
olliebearmanfanart my parents fr they're adorable
user1 his old gf was better tbh...
-- aubersfan1 get tf out. they're clearly happier together and dont ruin it because ur an incel.
-- user2 OH WORDDD
alexalbon cool hat
-- aubreyyang why ty I bought one for lily u can steal it
-- lilymhe MY WIFEEE
-- alexalbon im literally right here like 🧍🏻‍♂️
aubreyyang ❤️
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls @destinyg237 @ilivbullyingjeongin @eiaaasamantha @1uvsptnik @yla-aira
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
146 notes · View notes
lunarw0rks · 1 year
Hiiii, saw that ur reqs r open and I'm (desperately) asking for a Soap oneshot <33 U can do whatever u want, just rlly asking for fluff with him pLEASE
Skinny Love // Drabble
Summary: Your best friend Soap confesses, reciprocating feelings you were convinced he didn't have for you. Warning(s): bsf!soap, friends to lovers, mutual pining, idiots in love, fluff, gn!reader, no use of y/n Word Count: 1k ꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ SOAP MASTERLIST // have a request? ˖⁺‧₊˚ ask box / ao3 ver. ˚₊‧⁺˖
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After nearly a year of friendship, things had changed.
You began to see him differently, like an object of your attraction you had to have.
It was almost unbelievable, considering the rocky start you two had in the beginning. He was a friend of a friend, completely plastered and obnoxious the night you met him. To add to it, he spilled his bear all over you, which was the final straw that evening.
In hindsight; it couldn’t have worked out any better. If it weren’t for that clumsy happening, you wouldn’t have reached out to him to apologize for snapping. Without that, you wouldn’t have conversed with him when he was sober, no longer a drunken prick. When you heard his pleas for forgiveness, how genuine they were, you quickly realized you two really had gotten off on the wrong foot.
Several months later, the unfortunate first impression was nothing more than a memory.
————— ୨୧ —————
Your laughter echoed through the summer air; warm and stuffy despite the setting sun. ❝She was totally flirting with you, Johnny!❞ You matched his speed, a brisk jog as he distanced himself from the ice cream shop.
The cashier was flirting with him, it was obvious, given the fact that she made little attempt to conceal it. In all fairness, you two were of similar age and out for ice cream together — you mirrored that of a couple. Though, Soap had gone quiet when pursued, eyes either on you or the menu, for whatever reason.
❝Aye, whatever you say, love.❞ He shovels some rocky road into his mouth to keep himself quiet, sitting beside you on the park bench. For the first time that night, he was looking at anything else but you. His hands had gone clammy, his face flushed and heated, all a foreign feeling to him. He was rarely nervous when making a move. But you weren’t someone eyeing him across from a pub, you were a dear friend — one he wanted to be more with.
Soap could let you think it was his own stubbornness preventing him from accepting advances or indulging in hookup culture, but it wasn’t. He only had eyes for you, literally and figuratively. Typically he read like a book, yet you were entirely clueless or pretending to be. You had no clue he was head over heels, you were too stuck in your own head. Confiding in you about his feelings wasn’t a question of him fearing rejection, it was more of a concern about causing you to distance yourself from him. That nearly a year of friendship would fizzle away until it was nothing.
You savored the taste of your own gelato — the one he ordered for you because he already knew your favorite. ❝You’re so lucky to have me, Johnny.❞ Your teases were chewing at him, piece by piece. It wouldn’t be long before he spilled his guts, not long at all.
Soap made his best attempt at playing it cool, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. ❝Would be lost without you, that’s for sure…❞ He murmured, which only made your stomach churn. Has your unintentional pining made him uncomfortable? He was uncharacteristically quiet right now and refused to look you in the eyes. On your end, it looked as if he loathed your existence, yet to him, it was merely nerves feasting on his confidence.
Playful flirting was inevitable with him, it was in his nature. There was a line that was never crossed, however. Tonight, it would be, though. Either that or his confession would do irreparable damage to a close friendship.
❝What is it? I was only kidding, Johnny, you know that.❞ You set the sundae down on the bench beside you, full attention on your suddenly distant best friend.
Soap’s head snapped back to you when he heard your concern, ❝I’m not mad at you.❞ It sounded like the lie of a century, but it wasn’t. This was his fault for being so nervous, for walking on eggshells around you.
You scoffed at his words, eyes lit up in a baffled manner. He had such distaste written on his face like he had seen a ghost. By now, your head was spinning with worst-case scenarios. ❝What is it, then? Is there something on my face? Or… are you trying to get rid of me? If you don’t want to be around me, you should just say it—❞
❝I’m in love with you.❞ His blunt statement overlapped with your expelling racing thoughts.
For a few seconds, your clueless rambling continued, until you froze when you finally processed his words. ❝What?❞ There was no chance you misheard him, not when he had interrupted you with such firmness. Him, in love with you? Meaning, he reciprocates the anguish of suppressing one's feelings for weeks? Now you were just frustrated. This whole time you had been dancing around the subject, purposefully attempting to set him up with dates, he had felt the same.
❝Johnny, you don’t mean that.❞ You wanted him to mean it, but you had already scrambled to sway his desires. Surely it was a rash statement made to shut you up, it had to be. But Soap was never a man with concealed motives.
In a sudden advance, his hands cupped your face, ❝when have I ever said somethin’ I didn’t mean, hm?❞ He asked with lips straightened into a line. He had a point, and he knew it. There weren’t any other excuses you could find to convince him to not cross that imaginary line in the sand.
You sighed heavily when you realized fighting your feelings wasn’t worth it. ❝You haven’t.❞
When his words were received with a slight crack in your worries, he eased up on his grip, though his hands remained on either side of your face. Soap leaned a bit closer, his heated sugary breath on your mouth.
His thumbs caressed your skin, both sets of eyes unblinking and yearning for the inevitable.
❝Now, are you goin’ to shut your mouth and let me kiss ye? Or do I have to do all the work?❞
415 notes · View notes
diasomnia ice-cream parlor au doodles
[Referencing this post!]
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Hello, yes, I’ve been thinking about the Diasomnia ice-cream parlor AU again 🍨🍦 I guess I must have been really hungry lately www
I see them as offering not just ice-cream, bur also variants like gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, etc. (They can afford it with support from the Draconia royal family’s funds 😂) The focus here will be ice-cream though, just because that’s Malleus’s favorite.
Imagine walking in and not knowing what to order (there’s so much to choose from!), so you ask the staff to pick something for you… (Yes, I’ve thought about this way too much and now I’m going to shovel this at you—)
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Malleus strikes me as a very traditional and old-fashioned guy, so I’d see him falling back on ol’ reliable. You can’t go wrong with a classic sugar cone and a healthy scoop on top!
He recommends mint chocolate chip because it adds an additional pleasant cooling sensation to the actual coldness of ice-cream. Malleus is fond of the flavor himself; it’s great for cooling down a mouth that’s hot from breathing flames!
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You’re brave if you accept anything Lilia hands you… You ask him what this is (the ice-cream looks… discolored in some places, and there’s all this weird stuff jutting out from it; is that a piece of lettuce???). He just winks at you and calls it “Lilia-chan’s Super Cute ⭐️ Special”, featuring a bunch of “unique” flavors he created himself.
It comes served in a cup because it’s easier to eat it while walking that way. For Lilia, who is a well-seasoned traveler, foods that are able to be eaten on the go are a plus!
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Silver picks out a waffle bowl (it resembles a sturdy bird’s nest) and encourages you to try a lot of different things. It’ll help you to gain an appreciation for the new and unfamiliar! With how wide the waffle bowl is and how many flavors and toppings are in there, this can be good for sharing with friends from all over.
The particular version featured in the doodle has three kinds of ice-cream, each one representing one of the three Good Fairies. A pink flavor, a blue flavor, and a green flavor—maybe rose or strawberry, blueberry or cotton candy, and pistachio? It’s a very naturey palate.
His animal friends have helped with the ingredients; there’s honey drizzled on top, as well as crushed nuts. Freshly picked berries and edible flowers garnish the bowl too—oh, and we can’t forget a generous chunk of honeycomb!
… I don’t know much about Kingdom Hearts, but I’ve heard that Silver resembles Riku from KH?? So maybe Silver can offer some sea salt ice-cream too as a throwback 😂
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… Was anyone surprised by this? No? No.
Sebek chose a tall parfait glass for serving so that the dessert can be as tall as possible. It’s a matcha and ube soft serve, swirled high. The green is Diasomnia’s color, and the purple is meant to be the color of the underside of Malleus’s cape. (Sebek wanted to include black ice-cream to for the Draconia royal color, but couldn’t find a good flavor.)
Art isn’t his forte, but Sebek did his best to “recreate the imposing, elegant image of wakasama” in his dessert. The cherry on top, flanked by two conical chocolate pieces, are meant to be Malleus and his horns. The wafer poking out is supposed to “enhance the young master’s presence”. All the other things are extra details in an effort to make the ice-cream larger than life: candied fruit peels arranged in a line (to resemble the spines on a dragon’s tail), mochi balls (“magestones”) piled to one side, and a chocolate biscuit stick + wafer that, together, look like Malleus’s staff.
Sebek tried really hard! … He will aggressively try to sell you on this item.
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If you’re really hungry or with a large group, why not go for the Diasomnia Family Fundae? It’s their take on a sundae, served in a glass boat. There’s a whole banana, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and three maraschino cherries! The bramble is made of dark chocolate.
Each student is represented by one scoop and a little candy or chocolate that helps to characterize the boy (horns, bat wings, lightning bolt, or sword). Sebek is a lemon-like sherbet, befitting of his loud, in-your-face personality. Lilia is a bright red berry flavor (strawberries, cherries, cranberries, etc.), like his favorite red juices, deep and complex. Silver is vanilla bean, pure, simple, and earnest. (He could also be a subtle lavender flavor, since that's a flower known to ease you into sleep.) And Malleus… well, that scoop is a pitch black, but the flavor is something you can’t quite place your tongue on. It’s a mystery, just like he is! (Maybe the shop changes the flavor every now and again. They can run a promo where if you guess the right flavor combo for that particular week’s Malleus scoop, they give you a discount or a free cone.)
A lot of chocolate sauce is dripping down from the Malleus scoop; this is because the sauce is supposed to be his “blot”. The bottom three scoops—Lilia, Sebek, and Silver—are blanketed by the chocolate thorns as a reference to how those three were sentenced to sleep.
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First Date
Yandere! Colonel Miles Quaritch x Female Mutant Reader
Based in the story line of love thy enemy.
One shot
You couldn't go to sleep well last night. You were so excited and nervous. This was the day your new and first boyfriend, the Head of Security has the evening off.
And he asked you on a date immediately after confessing his love for you. You blushed at the memory. Your crush not only "liked" you back but loved you!
You stuttered like a fool with your face turning red from embarrassment as you mumbled your acceptance and meekly nodded. The Colonel found your response amusing and he chuckled. He kissed your forehead then left for his job at the head office before giving you a cheeky wink.
Meanwhile, the Colonel walked with more confidence in his step. He finally got his girl. He refused to let anyone show it, he was nervous like a young bloke when he snuck you to the balcony where the air pilots flew their vehicles.
The scenery was like a Disney Movie. Then Quaritch cleared his throat and you blinked to look at him. He caressed your lovely sculpted cheekbone and said how he loves you.
He almost laughed out loud when you acted stupid but he didn't want to be mean so he kept his mouth shut.
The whole day dragged on and on. Then finally it was time. The Colonel texted you to meet him down the stairs in the hallway. When he heard your heels, he looked up and his jaw slightly dropped.
The crappy lab coat and nurse outfit was gone. You wore a nice button up dress and a tight skirt that made your ass look more noticable. He wondered how soft your cheeks were if he groped them. But, it's too soon. He doesn't want to scare you.
He took your hand and kissed it when you stood next to him.
While walking to the Marine cafeteria, he held your hand and you ignored the stares of the other staff. You chatted how Grace and Jake got these cool plants that made the quality of medicine better. You can send them home and to your beloved sickly father...
The Colonel was quiet when you mentioned him but he changed the subject by complimenting your makeup.
"I miss the nail salons." You pouted. Quaritch smirked and held out the chair for you to sit.
Quaritch talked about his rounds with the AMP suits and other predators he almost got attacked to help some scientists go to the jungle and get some resources.
The date went well till desert came. The Colonel ordered Gelato. You were minding your own business and eating your sweet treat till you noticed Quaritch looking at you with a naughty expression. You felt your face hot and then you shook your head.
"Don't get any ideas." You firmly stated.
"No ideas here." He grinned mockingly then took out a bite.
You rolled your eyes. "I mean I would never." You awkwardly gestures your index finger to his groin area.
The Colonel said nothing but stared. He looked like he was close to losing his shit.
Then narrowed your eyes. You stood up then dropped the gelato on the plate and began to walk away.
The Colonel grabbed your hand and spun you around. He titled your chin to look up. "Sorry about that. You are so cute when you get flustered."
He wrapped his strong arm around your shoulder then walked you to your room. Before you bid him good night. He kissed you square on the lips.
You blinked and then the Colonel winked. "We'll work on that." Then he walked away.
You closed your door and giggled and then you checked your phone to see missed video calls from your dad
"Honey, where have you been?" He looked concern when he picked up his phone.
"I met a man."
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hutahuta · 10 months
Thinking ab Pavia and his sweet tooth! He def takes his gf/partner out for gelato dates. What do you think his reaction would be if his gf made him a homemade dessert? Cute idea that maybe he’s been like “hmm where has she been going these past few days, she comes home late” and then he walks into the house and it is revealed she has been taking baking classes to make him something he’d like ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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fem!reader x pavia || baking desserts ::
hLEPDM THIS IS SO CUTE ARGHGGJ making cookies for my love, I stir and mix ‼️ ty for requesting buty beloved
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The kitchen is typically a cozy space that you found yourself drowning your thoughts out. A space adorned with the warmth of flickering oven light and the comforting hum of a mixer. There are shelves lined with various ingredients—flour, sugar, cocoa, and an assortment of spices—creating a vibrant palette for culinary creations. Countertops are adorned with mixing bowls, spoons, and trays of freshly baked goods cooling off, infusing the room with a sense of anticipation. The atmosphere is filled with joy, as you meticulously prepare his favorite treats, sharing not only delightful sweets but also warmth, love, and a sense of home.
You recall a time during one of the many dates you had together, Pavia would mark a question that highlighted at the back of your head which initially started this whole ordeal.
" You know, amore. I wish to try more than one flavour.. If I could, I'd bring you the finest desserts of Piemonte. "
More than one dessert? He deserves it. He works hard, day in, day out. So you made it a personal goal to set yourself a deadline to create a few sweets that can be savoured to share between the two of you. Cupcakes, Panna Cotta, Cannoli, Tiramisu.. Oh my, you knew he'd adore Tiramisu.
Weakly, you picked up the spoonful of batter and took a deep inhale of the sweet aroma that infiltrated your mind with a warm sense of joy. You knew what you were doing.
The recipes you could learn from the basic cookbook didn't offer you much help, but you did the best you can. The classes you took, though.. God, it helped a lot. From the moment you started, from the final touches you added to the batter as of right now; you can't help but admire how far your skills had advanced throughout the months. The skilful use of your fingers pinching and twisting the desserts to create a beautiful swirl, the mix of saltiness and sweetness drizzled into every bite one would take inside of the soft filling; you considered to think of yourself to feel as though you were truly a chef.
Even so, you'd ponder in the back of your head if he'd always wonder where on earth you'd be biding your time. That the worry settles in through the depths of his mind that he can't help but weigh the feeling of you potentially.. distancing yourself from him? Questions would probably plague his mind, had he thought, what did he do? Was it something he said to you before? You planned to explain all of it later, but you knew him well. You knew how he'd overthink quite so often.
Even if you'd been late going back home, it's all worth it.. It's thought that counts, right? Regardless, Pavia always told you that any act of thoughtfulness bespeaks a profound commitment, an investment of time, skill, and meticulous attention to detail, all orchestrated to fashion a sensory delight. So the thought of your worries of him being hurt in the process of your surprise was suppressed at the back of your head. Whatever though.. You knew he never had the time to do fluffy baking with you, but what if you made these yourself? What's more homey than to have a loving girl such as yourself welcome a tired man back to his safe space? A serene thought that make your head swirl with all sorts of concerts that spiralled down into something so deeply fuzzy and admirable..
" Hm.. More sugar? " You asked, quietly mumbling to yourself. Adding more wouldn't spoil the flavour, right?
" He won't mind. " You chuckled thereafter.
The concoction of these delectable treats isn’t merely a culinary endeavor; it’s a soulful expression, an artful symphony that harmonizes flavors, textures, and aromas to compose an edible testament of love. The careful selection of ingredients, the rhythmic blending, and the transformative process within the oven embody the care and consideration invested in the act. Or, that's what you would like to think anyway.
Yet, a soft click ticked in the chains of the door. Maleficent who firmly guarded themself near the entrance let out a quiet whimper that had you peeking your head to wonder if that is who you truly think it is? But the moment you looked down, you realised how dirty you'd become with the flour staining your apron and hands.
" [ Name ] ! I'm home! You're here, no? " Pavia's firm voice had you suddenly unfasten the knot on the back of your apron, throwing it elsewhere before you quickly checked the time on the antique clock at the back. Shit, what time was it? Did Pavia arrive before 10?
You stared at the soft ticks chipping away at the time, noticing how the vintage wallpaper that started to show marks of the cracks wearing in slowly.
You made a mental note to make sure to fix that later.
" [ Name! ] "
Oh, right. You still have time to clear everything away before—
A head slowly peeled out of the corner, the soft licks of Andrea heaping at bare skin of your ankles make you uncontrollably giggle as Pavia followed your voice into the kitchen.
" Something does smell wonderfully sweet. Dear cucciola.." He warmly pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. Suddenly, you witnessed him pause in his tracks to address the sudden situation caving into his mind, trying to piece in every piece of the missing puzzle engraved in his brain.
" But what the hell is this mess, though?.. " His eyes darted towards the counter that littered with sprinkles full of flour and icing peppered across the edge of your fingertips. The stern tone made you quietly snort, immediately casting your gaze away from him.
" N-Nothing, I didn't expect you to come home so early. "
" Likewise. " He stated, bluntly, still taking a good look around the kitchen to see how your quiet, timid self leaned against the counter-top in a sudden weary feeling of dread weighing down in your stomach.
" Ah.. "
You opened your mouth to speak, yet, you couldn't help but stare at him contently for a brief second. How on earth can you possibly tell him that you'd have been spending your time trying to learn how to make simple desserts yet also complex patterns to make them look somewhat luxurious ? You knew he loved the fancy food, but always thought it was a waste to enjoy something once and never have it again. So why not make them so he doesn't have to necessarily waste his money on fancy desserts? Even though this man made thousands.
" Ha.. Alright, you got me. " You raised your hands. Pavia raised his eyebrows at this with the quiet smile lingering in the back.. " You ruined the surprise though.. I expected you to be back home much more later than expected.. "
" Got off the job early today, amore. But, do tell.." He paused, almost in disbelief from the way you seemed to mark his eyes darting left and right to his kitchen being in somewhat of a complete mess.
" Are you.. baking? " He murmured, taking your warm, icing dipped hands into his own cold palms without even having to look at you. You knew Pavia wasn't too mad, (thankfully), but it made you feel quite.. appreciated in some way. Like you could almost tell how he adored the way your smaller figure could even muster such a task to make something as adorable as this?
On the other side of the table, though, it was purely kept clean for the sake of showcasing the desserts in order of height. You remember delicately choosing which place to put each one of them in, from descending or ascending order? Whichever never mattered to you, but now you think about it, arranging them into groups that settled with each other in colours would've been the more suitable order.
" A-Ah..Ha. Well, yeah. I just thought I might do something nice for you. You mentioned quite a while back you wanted to try something new, right? "
" Yes, but I never thought you'd take it quite.. literally. Jesus f*cking Christ, [ Name. ] " The man hastily pressed several kisses against your knuckles, tasting the icing into his own lips before he chuckled quietly to kiss your own. You never had a chance to even say anything before he started confining heated kisses into your face and arms.
" Why do you do such things? What did I ever do to deserve this, amore? " He chuckled softly the moment he pulled away, leaning into your ear to have his warm breath tickle the sensitive area within you. It's as if one part of him felt so relieved that you weren't up to some shady business. He trusted you, wholeheartedly. But could one possibly blame him for having sudden doubts when he thought you might be slowly trying to leave?
"Ha, don't answer that. Your actions speak so dearly.. And your eyes speak the truth of your devotion for me, huh? " And he remembered. He always remembers. All of this was for him. So if you did this, there's no other human or arcanist, be it man or woman or person, who would ever dare to replace you.
This is all your work. Your art. And Pavia guiltily admired every bit of it.
He murmured praises between shaky breathes, unable to stop peppering your lips with eager kisses that may leave you spiralling into madness full of eternal joy. But then, he sighed to let out a quiet mumble, looking directly at you in the face. " Was this why you were so—..?"
" Distant? Yes.. I took the remaining week to partake in some..uh— classes. Sorry.. I didn't mean to come off across as me trying to lea—" Your words, instantly cut off by the touch starved puppy of a man pressing his own body against yours; lips latching onto one another as his previous kisses continued to spill tales of how desperately in love he is with you.
" Jesus Christ, Pavia. " You closed your eyes..
" You did this for me, huh? " He trembled. The warmth of your cheeks heated up, his body starting to succumb into the rising temperatures that combated against the bitter coldness that sunk into his skin like ant bites.
You nodded, sheepishly. The mess was an embarrassment to say the least, but by the gods, if you could, you would describe how utter gratitude wafted over his face, eyes glimmering under the light of the bulbs that flicked a couple of times then and there. He didn't care about the mess anymore, but what he couldn't take his eyes off were the humble sweets you took your own time, money, and effort into making purely for the sake of his satisfaction.
And by the heavenly gods, was he satisfied.
" Come.. Let us clean this space and enjoy your creations, my dear. You truly spent this week to devote it purely for me..? " He still spoke in disbelief, unable to contain the inner childish words that wanted to latch onto this woman and giggle around like a boy that just found a few cents off the ground to buy an ice cream.
You guided yourself to rinse off the icing and batter staining your hands before you sighed to turn around to see your own beloved fawn over at how adorably cute these small treats were. Some were easy, some were as difficult as they looked. Andrea pressed their paws against the counter, equally as hungry as he had looked. The similarities between the two determined the reason as to why you'll forever stick with him and his kin. You are truly his angel, and for this simple gesture, Pavia promises, mentally, that he'd repay all of this back tenfold.
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berryfeilds · 8 months
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thinking abt a cmbyn au with sirius being forced by his parents into visiting a wealthy family residing in the north of italy with whom they're in contact. he'd gotten in special trouble that year and he was sent to the countryside as retribution for embarrassing the noble family name.
but instead of despising the humid air, the ineluctable work, and groaning small talk, he finds himself enamored with the estate's only daughter, you.
you with your glowing face and flower lips, your luscious legs glistening from the pond water, and your figure clad in that dangerous swimsuit -fuck this was bad.
first rule of staying with your despised family friend is not to get involved with said family friend; and there he was, longingly gazing at you sitting in the garden's bench as your ruffled dress flowed with the sultry summer wind. you were currently filling in some extra work for your parents while listening to whatever was currently playing on the radio. your hair shines in the wind while making quick work of the pages that beguile your attention. you're perfect; quiet but feisty, you keep up with his perpetual banter and have a way with words that renders him speechless -oh, and your voice- like the creamy gelato from that shop you both biked to when you both wanted to cool off the summer heat after showing him around the quaint town.
you were perfect but also off fucking limits.
how was it that he was stuck in the same house with radiant you and he couldn't even talk to you! and it's not like it was his damn choice either. on his first day, after the niceties and small talk, your father asked -well rather commanded- that he was not to disturb you; restricted in bold, red letters, but more posh, if you will.
"listen, Sirius, you're welcome here anytime," the overbearing tone of your father's voice and the grimace on his face upon his arrival said otherwise.
"but I need to talk to you about a pressing matter at hand," he turned around to face Sirius squarely, "i've heard about your rather dallying engagements at school, and i want to make sure that no one messes up the quiet environment that my family has worked very hard to build," he finishes with a sigh.
sirius quirks his brows up questioningly.
"i have a feeling you're not finished,"
your father clears his throat before continuing.
"that quiet environment includes my daughter, sirius. and i'd like it if you were not to meddle with her or disrupt her academics or life with your rough ways,"
sirius scoffs humorlessly, well the insults didn't take long.
"I apologize for being so blunt but it's all to protect her, i hope you take my cautions to mind." He ends with a nod.
before sirius can add his aggravated input, your mother comes barreling in with beaming smiles and open arms. "sirius, mon amour!"
after catching up with your mother as she painfully asks personal questions about his life and how his schooling is, he finally escapes her claws and spends the rest of the day getting accustomed to the mansion and ever-lasting gardens.
the walls are littered with grand paintings that probably date back centuries and bookshelves overflowing with old pages and maps that look well-loved and have been read about a thousand times.
at least i'll have something to do here. sirius thinks as he rounds out the room that he assumes was a library, before he bumps into something -or rather someone.
"oh, mi dispiace papa-" your sentence cuts off when your eyes pan up from the flying papers that slipped out your hand to see that the man you bumped into was certainly not your father.
"nessun problema amore," sirius steadies you with his arms grasping gently at your waist.
you survey the boy as you pull away from his large and warm hands. it's then that it hits you like a ton of bricks that one: this is sirius black, the guest your family was housing for the summer, and two: you've already made a fool of yourself.
"oh i apologize, i'm not used to watching where i go," you react.
you quickly bend down to the papers that were released upon impact. sirius quickly follows in your footsteps and helps you in your trek of the blown pages.
"don't worry, i usually have that effect on people," he smirks at you.
a slight huff escapes your pretty mouth as you reach for a paper between the two of you; your fingers touch and it almost feels electrifying.
a quick apology falls off your lips, but sirius ignores it as he grabs the paper. you both stand and face your perched frames. he hands you the stray paper as he stares at you, an easy smile playing at his lips.
"i believe this is the last of your fallen," he sits with a coy and cool aura.
"thank you," you reply softly, avoiding his piercing eyes. you fiddle for half a second before realizing that you were standing there like an idiot.
"how rude of me- i haven't introduced myself, " you offer your name and finally gaze into his blue eyes.
"flying papers tend to charm the masses," he chuckles.
his hands are in his pockets as he stands cooly. he looks at you with his tall build. you know he's not trying to intimidate you -but god does he have to be so tall?
"i hope your settled in alright," you offer an awkward nod of your head.
"oh yes, don't worry, your mother took precise care of me alright," he shrugs of jokingly.
"sirius by the way, it's lovely meeting you,"
you breathe in before raising your hand out for a shake. sirius stares at you with raises his eyebrows amusingly before taking your hand delicately; he swells your pretty hand to his face and plants a soft kiss on your knuckles.
the action has you burning and tingly, starry-eyed as he flows your hand back down.
"it's lovely to meet you too,"
you swiftly compose yourself before speaking again, hoping to break out from the awkward introductions.
"well, if you need anything i'm sure i'll be near by, don't hesitate to ask," you end with a tentative quirk of your lips.
you cross over to the library sirius just walked out from, swiftly avoiding him; possibly for the entire trip.
sirius turns to look at your leaving form -well running is more like it- before pursing his lips; he chuckles lightly and shakes his head before following you. he enters the room he's inspected once before and lays his eyes on you. the sunlight hits your figure perfectly as you work your way around one of the many desks in the library.
"not very chatty aren't you?"
you turn your head in surprise; you didn't think he was going to follow you, let alone keep the -rather uncomfortable- small talk going. I mean you hadn't given him much to work with, hoping you could be left to your own devices but you guessed the english aren't very fond of discerning body language.
you don't quite know how to answer him. should you joke? deflect? ignore? perhaps you could make a friend? it'll give you an opportunity to maybe get to know each other; be so close you can escape your parents' dictatorial attitudes. it wouldn't hurt to loosen up and say fuck all to everything. from what you've heard, sirius gets into all sorts of meetings with rascality and has made quite a name for himself in hogwarts.
"not used to having many guests, that's all,"
you settle on not upsetting your parents. you already have too much to worry about.
plus the truth doesn't hurt. short and sweet. maybe he'll leave you alone soon if you keep your answers brief. last thing you want now is for some random guy whose in trouble with his parents, to come in and mess up your quiet life; your bubble.
"do you have friends?"
"do they come over often?"
"we don't have many guests," you end matter-factly.
merlin, have conversations been this hard? why is it so difficult to talk to you? i mean you're not exactly giving him anything to work with but usually, he's not this...nervous.
he nods as he walks around the room he's already inspected once before. he picks up a stray tennis ball and throws it up and down distracting himself from the tension you've built. he clicks his lips as he stands in front of a world map sat on the wall.
"so what do you do all day? i can't imagine sitting and filling in work for your father is a particularly exhilarating activity,"
"im sure arranging futile stunts and ogling at girls is a better way to waste the day, huh?”
you keep your eyes on the desk below, effectively avoiding the wince on sirius face. of course you would know why his parents all but threw him out on the street like an unwanted dog to stay with you.
"ah so you know of my endeavors,"
"very little,"
"i could tell you all about them, me and my friends get into quite the mischief," he's desperately trying to make a good impression but it all seems to fail -you won't even look up at him! god, forbid you give him a full sentence!
"sounds exciting,"
avoiding you won’t be a problem at all seeing as you can barely stand him talking to you. but the problem is: he’s bored. Incredibly so. and he has nothing to do here at all, except help your father with his work. maybe he should brush up on his italian; if he’s going to the town and meet the people living. perhaps they would be happy with his company. or he could find someone to help him run away from this impromptu and not desired vacation. he'll have to pen james and get him to help.
you pause your fuss with the endless pages and inhale for a second. you weigh your current odds and think about the situation at hand. you don't have many friends, considering the fact that your father picks and chooses who you hang out with; all snobs and money-hungry freaks who care for nothing of the world. you only ever talk to them for absolutely necessary occasions -and even then you tend to avoid them. maybe this would be good, a fresh start and a new soul who is nothing like your parents, seeing as he defies every rule his own guardians bestow on him.
maybe it's time to pop the bubble.
you turn around and clutch your hands to your front before remarking quietly to his previous question.
"there's a secluded river i like to go to when it gets a little too hot. i usually spend the rest of my days there, reading, writing, whatever comes to mind,"
he turns his head to look at you in slight surprise, he hadn't expected you to -well, talk to him- but this is a step!
"i also like visiting downtown on occasion, there's a family-owned store that sells homemade gelato. it's exceptionally better than what i recon they have in england," you try to joke; hopefully you aren't overdoing it.
"oh, believe me you would fall dead if you saw what they serve there," he jokingly gags.
you softly chuckle at his antics and rest your bottom on the desk.
"if you have errands to run you're welcome to join me; im going downtown for a little bit to grab a few things for father,"
sirius' mouth is agape as he stares at you. maybe being an idiot pays off. he quickly regains himself. not now! do not fuck this up!
"you know what, i think i will -only if you show me this lovely gelato shop." he bites away at a forming grin as he eyes you.
"we have a deal then." you throw him a small smile of your own.
"we have a deal."
maybe summer in nowhere italy wouldn't be so bad.
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© berryfeilds 2024
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blue-disco-lights · 10 months
One Year as a Beta!
@gallavich-fic-club said Sprinkle Some Joy on our writers this month, so I thought I'd compile all the incredible stories I've had the chance to help beta over the last year! It's been such a great experience and I've loved meeting and working with all of you!
✨ === ✨ Fics Below! ✨ === ✨
🌟 Miss_SnowWhitePink ~ @look-i-love-u
Puppy Love: People say nothing good happens after two a.m. Mickey's life experiences have told him that this rumour is very much true. At least till now - Enter a cute puppy which turns Mickey's life upside down and changes it for the better...
Sirens: Being an EMT during the holiday season is bad enough without having a TV crew watching his every step, so Ian hates everything about his superior`s new project. Including the members of the crew. At least till he sees the guy manning the huge camera as if it weighs nothing and isn't afraid to speak his mind...
🌟  IanGalagher ~ @ian-galagher
Africa: When Ian lands himself an internship with famous wildlife photographer Mickey Milkovich he can't believe his luck. Spending one month traveling through South Africa with his big hero is a dream come true. The two are off on a wild adventure but there's something mysterious about Mickey who seems to be holding more to his chest than just the tricks of the trade Ian had hoped to learn from him.
🌟 Pink_Ink ~ @palepinkgoat
The Ink is a Witness to This: six chapters about the stories tattoos can hold and hide.
🌟 tooschoolforcool95 ~ @too-schoolforcool
Ghosts of a South Side Christmas: After a fight on Christmas Eve, Mickey and Ian spend some time apart. Mickey gets a little hope and learns to be brave while Ian learns more about his crush.
🌟 sam_writes_fics ~ @sam-loves-seb
you make my dreams come true: post-canon: ian and mickey host their first thanksgiving
🌟 sweetbee78 ~ @sweetbee78
The Reunion: ... The ski resort that the reunion is held at looses power, Ian and Mickey are then sharing close quarters. Ian does tell him what had happened after high school; they agree to start over. Mickey finds out Ian was originally planning on hooking up with someone else...
Not So Secret Santa: Ian and Mickey are co-workers and are each other’s Secret Santa. Mickey is a manager at a financial company while Ian is a temp who was hired to work in the call centre.
🌟 NotAWriterButITry
What If?: What if Mickey was released from prison in season 7 instead of escaped? What if Ian found out because he got a call to the Milkovich house and Mickey turned out to be their patient? What if Ian has to choose between his new life with Trevor, or his old life with Mickey?
🌟 commonthugs ~ @stocious
lava java: He's being really unprofessional. Mickey might not even be gay. He might be hitting on a straight man through takeout cups.
🌟 MaySunshine ~ @honeyvanillin
Apple Tart and Salted Caramel: Stoneridge is a small but very picturesque town on the edge of the state. Surrounded by majestic mountains to the north, icy ocean waters to the west and impenetrable forests to the east, it is safely sheltered from tourists and GPS....
All Roads Lead to Rome: This story is about the breath of life with the berry aftertaste of Passito di Pantelleria wine, about the transience of time with lemon notes of magnolia blossoms, about the thrill of first kisses with the cool sweetness of creamy Gelato.
Lead the Way, Jedi: "Me?" the mechanic exhaled, mostly surprised that the Jedi had chosen to entrust him, a throwback from the filthy depths, with his droid buddy. "I'm sure you, proud droid dad, can handle it just fine. It's no big deal."
🌟 Itsuki59 ~ @shinygalaxyperson
Where is my Jell-O?: A conversation about the past makes our boys horny.
On His knees: Day 11 - “Open your mouth.” Ian definitely wants to try the glory hole. (Gallavich Kinktober 2022) Home at last: Day 29 - punishment X “Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me"Ian wants to spend some quality time with his husband (Gallavich Kinktober 2022)
You are Mine: Usually, I don’t care about humans. I hunt them, bite them, kill them and throw them away in some sordid place. But not him. I don’t know what makes Mickey Milkovich so special.
🌟 roseapothecarys ~ @babygirlmickey
Designs on You: At twenty-four, Ian has just moved out of his family home to live on his own for the first time. Working as a paramedic, he’s finally happy, stable, and moving forward with his life. But first, there’s one last remnant of his past self that he needs to let go of: his accidental porn tattoo of his late mother. It’s nothing but a reminder of all the bad decisions he’s made. At his best friend Mandy’s behest, he makes an appointment with her brother who has just opened a tattoo shop nearby. Upon arriving for his consultation, he meets Mickey: intimidating, foul-mouthed, overall living up to the Milkovich name, yet somehow running a clean, professional, and legal business.
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icerisotto · 5 months
Hi do you think you could write about la squadra and a new teammate who’s quiet and reserved majority of the time but one day they catch them laughing their asses off at one of formaggios really bad stupid jokes?
‹ honestly, i've imagined two scenarios this request: la squadra under diavolo's reign and la squadra under giorno's reign.
‹ it may look inaccurate regarding the gw timeline, but i'm using my headcanon timeline (which can be seen here) in which sorbet and gelato actually died in mid-2000.
‹ with that being said, double scenario!
⌦ warnings: gender-neutral character, mentions of death, mentions of depression, referenced violence, non-canon information, canon events.
➢ scenario one (diavolo).
☆ sorbet and gelato's death impacted the group in every single way it could. it blew their confidence, ruined their already-strained relationship with the boss, and brought shame to their name.
★ as a way to make sure they weren't trying to plot against him again, diavolo assigned a newbie to the team to halt any attempt of betrayal weeks later. a young, reserved and quiet person, enough to unnerve any traitor.
☆ it worked, as la squadra felt too uncomfortable around the newbie to make any other move. some of them even theorized that the newbie was sent to supervise them. naturally, their discomfort turned into hatred very quickly.
★ prosciutto deliberately hated the newbie because of their mysterious personality, even though he tried to keep his cool to preserve his image as the second-in-command. he'd never talk to them aside from missions, and would constantly use training or punishments to take his anger and frustrations on the newcomer.
☆ ghiaccio also openly hated the newbie and believed them to be a spy of the boss. he wasn't afraid of beating the shit out of the newbie if they ever cross his path or boundaries (something extremely easy to do, considering his mood swings). as a fellow, ghiaccio hardly acknowledged the presence of the stranger.
★ pesci is a gentle guy but loyal to his brother. when he realized prosciutto despised the newbie, he automatically avoided being seen talking to them. it didn't mean he was rude or cold like the others: he was willing to welcome the newbie instead of distrusting them over something they had no say in, giving them knitted gifts and food behind the others' backs.
☆ illuso knew how it felt to be hated by his teammates, especially because of his rough start in la squadra. he still decided to ignore the newbie's presence, much like ghiaccio but without the violence part. he simply distrusted them and refused to be friends with them, sometimes walking out of the room or into the mirror world whenever the newbie showed up.
★ risotto welcomed the newbie normally but lacked warmth due to his friends' deaths. he couldn't embrace the newbie as a true part of the team and only stepped up for them in extreme cases. in general, the capo kept his distance from the newbie and barely talked to them outside their working hours.
☆ formaggio was the closest friend of sorbet and gelato, almost a third party of their couple. he was miserable once the lovers died to the point he almost died of depression. a newbie wasn't what he wanted, not in the slightest. at first, he was hesitant and even resented the newcomer, but he soon overcame his grief and returned to his normal self. he's the only one to treat the newbie like a friend.
★ melone was neutral. while he also was very close to sorbet and gelato, he knew it'd be stupid to lash out at someone who was a mere pawn of diavolo's wicked plans. he was skilled enough to detect any malice in someone, so his suspicions died down after a few months. of course, he still kept his distance just for the sake of his friends' feelings.
☆ la squadra started changing their minds after a year went by without any incident. the newbie proved to be a strong-minded person, not giving up or cracking even though they went through many incidents and violent outbursts caused by the team.
★ some of them regretted their behaviors, some didn't. however, they all agreed the newbie wasn't trying to betray the team nor represented any risks, thus being worthy of their trust and decent treatment.
☆ the newbie was always accompanied by formaggio ever since their arrival as he was the only welcoming member of the team. they were extreme opposites: while the newbie barely talked, formaggio kept the mood bright.
★ during a celebration among passione members, everyone gathered at the bar as formaggio told them one of his silly, overused jokes. at that point, 2/3 of the team was drunk.
☆ formaggio's joke was interrupted by a cackle. everyone was surprised to hear the newbie's laughter for the first time, as they always looked neutral 24/7. some of them could recall hearing a similar sound at midnight when walking down the hallways, but who could think the newbie was responsible for that?
★ formaggio bragged about making the newbie show their soft side, happy to be the one to achieve this. pesci and melone laughed, illuso sneered, while prosciutto and ghiaccio were visibly surprised (although they pretended to not care). risotto remained stoic with a hint of a smile, secretly enjoying seeing his friends bonding.
☆ it still took them a lot of time to accept the newbie completely, but they were embraced after a long period. even though la squadra still felt hesitant around the newcomer, the display of humanity eased their minds. finally, they were ready to move on and let go of their grudges.
➢ scenario two (giorno).
☆ la squadra was livid once diavolo died. having a teenager controlling the mafia was concerning at first, but giorno's management deeply pleased them. they got raises and territories, all they ever asked for.
★ however, after cutting their main income (drugs), passione struggled to keep their balance. as a new alternative, giorno split the drug division and sent their members to other teams. that's how la squadra gets a newbie after so long.
☆ at first, prosciutto didn't appreciate the new member. he was stressed enough with five idiots under his belt, so another one was hell. however, he felt less grumpy once he came to realize the newbie was reserved and silent, something he appreciated. generally, he made small talk always related to work.
★ ghiaccio hated the idea since the beginning and vocalized his dissatisfaction very often. again, he'd throw hands if he ever felt disrespected or cornered. he still kept his distance once he realized the newbie was nothing like the others. they looked annoying in his eyes.
☆ pesci felt excited by the arrival of a new friend, that is until they met. serious people scared him, so he started avoiding the newbie much like he did with risotto, illuso, and ghiaccio in the past. prosciutto and risotto's serious face was enough for him, he didn't need anyone else scaring him (even if not on purpose). it took him a while to get used to their personality.
★ illuso didn't care much. he felt a little pissed about the disruption of their team dynamic at first but quickly overcame it once the newbie proved to be a decent asset instead of a crybaby or loser. in general, he didn't initiate any dialogue and felt relieved the newbie was reserved.
☆ risotto was secretly happy about the newbie's personality. from the hardheaded (illuso and prosciutto) to the silly (formaggio), weird (melone), coward (pesci), and violent (ghiaccio) members, every entry on the team was probation to the capo. he almost knelt and thanked god once he met the newbie, appreciating their reserved behavior. in general, the capo treated them like he'd treat the others.
★ once formaggio met the newbie, his new goal was to make them crack. he wanted to be friends with them and share nice moments. it became a full goal of his, and he'd spend 100% of his time chasing the newcomer everywhere they went while trying to squeeze a single smile out of them.
☆ melone, much like formaggio, became intrigued with the newbie's cold facade. he and personal space were enemies. he wanted to decode every inch of the newcomer's personality, often asking them personal questions to no avail. he cherished every nugget of information he got.
★ by the second or third month, everyone got used to the newbie's presence. some of them still felt hesitant around them but had some respect. pesci, melone and formaggio were the ones who actively befriended the newbie, even though they were stiff and quiet.
☆ somehow, the newbie accepted an invitation to play poker with la squadra after formaggio begged on his knees for them to join the game. even prosciutto got forced to participate by risotto.
★ a few empty bottles later, the game got serious and the bets started. melone had lost a bet and had to remove his shirt, revealing a so-then-hidden tattoo. it looked botched and silly. as formaggio made a nasty joke about it, the newbie snorted.
☆ all eyes were on them, as everyone felt genuinely surprised to see the newbie laughing so hard over such a silly joke. it was the first time they ever saw their teeth. tears of joy slid down their face, mostly because of how intoxicated they were.
★ even though they agreed not to make the newbie feel ashamed about that incident nor comment on it later, la squadra felt more comfortable about befriending them after realizing they only needed a little hand to be likable.
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abbatoirablaze · 7 months
Mini Interviews, F1 Drivers
Word Count:  1.5k
Warnings:  None
*Just some of the most precious team interviews where I could see how it would be if the drivers had to take their child/children with them because why not. 
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Carlos Sainz and Lando Norris, Ice Cream, Mclaren
Carlos chuckled as he watched his godchild propping himself up on his elbows and partially army crawling as much as he could across the small distance on the table where the cup of espresso and ice cream was waiting. 
Lando was smiling, trying to talk to the social media coordinator while keeping his hands firmly on his carbon copy’s waist to stop him from being entirely on the table. 
And little Landon Norris, briefly glimpsing back at his father, making sure that his full attention wasn’t on him, before dipping his finger into the cooled beverage and popping it into his mouth.
“EWW DADDY!” the three-year-old squealed, wriggling around until he was far away from the caffeinated cup as possible and back into his father’s lap, “that’s icky.”
“What’s wrong bud?” he asked, his full attention now on his son, knowing that if Landon had any issues at all he’d have no problem telling his mummy when he got home that ‘daddy wasn’t keeping an eye on him,’ like he’d promised, “what happened?”
“That goes on the ice cream!” Carlos said with a smile as his godchild looked between the coffee and treat, silently questioning it, “it makes it taste better, Landon.”
The man assisting with the video walked beside Lando’s table and lifted the cup, pouring the beverage over the sweet treat while the small child’s face scrunched up, then switched to a look of horror.  He was quick to turn in his father’s arms, clinging to them, “daddy make him stop.  He’s ruining the ice cream!”
This time the elder Norris frowned, “no, no no, no no!  Oh, you ruined my ice cream!”
Carlos was chuckling beside him, while the child’s eyes went wide once more, “UNCLE CARLOS HE’S GONNA RUIN YOUR ICE CREAM TOO!”
“No thank you sir, I’ll do it!” Carlos said simply, stopping the man from pouring the espresso over his gelato, “thank you sir!”
Landon leaned over his father’s arm and towards his godfather, “Uncle Carlos…I try?”
Carlos softened, instantly reaching out for the child, and Lando frowned, “it’s not fair that you get to try it without the coffee!”
“Come, Landon!” Carlos smiled as the little boy giggled and went into his arms.  He settled down in his lap, and Carlos sipped on the coffee before readying the spoon so that Landon could have some of the ice cream, “keep clean, yes?  Your mother would not be happy if your father brought you back covered in food.”
“Thank you Uncle Carlos!” Landon smiled as he looked up at his godfather. 
“Good boy!” he praised, before readying the second spoonful for himself, all the while Lando was pouting at the coffee drenched ice cream in his bowl.
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Danny Ric and Max Verstappen, Holiday Message, Redbull
“Let’s start by cheersing to 2017!” Danny Ric grinned, holding up his glass of sparkling lemonade.
Max giggled, correcting his best friend, “18!”
“I don’t know,” he laughed, “I’ve got two kids that are two years old.  I don’t sleep let alone remember what year it is!”
Max burst out laughing as he went to take a sip from the drink, the fizzy beverage spilling over the top of the table.  Daniel laughed as well and the people behind the camera had to look away to stop their own laughter so that they could get through the video.
“DADDY YOUR GIFT FOR MAXIE!” the elder of the twins yelled, running up with a box that was nearly as big as she was.
“MAXIES GIFT!” her twin echoed, pulling her sister towards their favorite ‘uncle’ so that they could give him the gift Daniel picked out.
“To max,” Max read, as he took the gift wrapped in pink paper from the twins, “you are my rock.  Love.  Much love.  Daniel!”
Daniel nodded as he tried to stifle his laughter.  He looked behind the camera to see his wife giggling as well and he picked up one of the twins who came to sit with him, so that he could hide his own growing smirk. 
“You’re my rock!” he repeated between giggles, “Keep reading.  The next part is from the twins!”
“WE DID!” his other daughter grinned, pulling on the hem of Max’s shirt, “just for you MAXIE!”
“XO XO.  Heart heart heart.  There’s a lot of hearts here!”
“Because we love you!” she giggled, smiling the trademark Ric family smile at him. 
Daniel smiled back, picking her up so that she could sit on his lap, “aww, I love you too.  Are you guys going to help me and your dad unwrap our gifts?”
Both girls smiled even more, nodding along. 
“So, you got me a gift too?” Daniel asked. 
Max rolled his eyes at his best friend, and while one arm was looped around Daniel’s daughter, the other reached down to grab the gift that he’d stashed by his chair for his teammate.  Daniel smiled as he read off the little note, and both drivers went to town unwrapping the boxes, with the help of the twins.
“Good job Emma!” Max praised the twin in his lap.
“Thank you for helping us, Lynn!” Daniel told the twin on his lap as he kissed her temple, “you girls are a big help for me and your uncle Maxie!”
“Alright girls, come over here so daddy and Maxie can try on their gifts!”
“Go see your mum!” Daniel agreed as he and Max stood, and they showed the girls back to Daniel’s wife. 
The drivers disappeared momentarily to put on the Christmas themed suits, before coming back and restarting the cameras.  The twins watched eagerly as their father and his teammate did a small interview, asking one another about their favorite memories as children during the holidays, and telling the jokes that were inside little presents, until they started to break down into another fit of giggles; Daniel waving his girls back into the frame, and giving them the fake food to throw at Max.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Max giggled as he threw some of the fake food at Daniel, “three on one.  Disqualifications.  Penalties.  The ankle biters can’t both gang up on me with you!”
“Get him girls!” the honey badger smiled. 
The twins squealed, both attacking Max with hugs and praise.  Max leaned forward and dabbed, “dab with me, Emma…Lynn…dab with me!”
The girls giggled and wriggled around, not quite getting how to do it. 
Daniel cupped his hands around his mouth, “Ki Ki Ki-“
“AY AY-“
It quickly devolved into a mass of giggles and the boys yelling.  The girls started picking up more of the fake food from the floor so they could throw it at Max and Daniel. 
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Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda, Language Exchange, Alpha Tauri
Both men giggled as they looked at the paper, Pierre more so.  His head cocked to the side, “merde…”
“Mama, papa said a bad word!” three-year-old Jaques cooed, looking off screen to his mother from his father’s lap. 
“How do dogs bark in French?  What?” Yuki asked, looking to the cameras, where a few people were giggling.  He looked down to his one-year-old, who was half asleep in his arms.
“How is it in Japanese?”
“I don’t know,” Yuki laughed, “regular noises.”
“What noise do they make?”
“Wang wa wa!”
“Good job, Hiro!” Yuki praised the sleepy baby.
Pierre and his son couldn’t stop laughing, “wang wa wa?  What noise is that?”
“What, is normal!” Yuki said quickly, adding his own little bit of laughter in as he cradled his son against himself, “wang, wa wa.  Why.  How do they do it in French?”
Pierre burst out laughing, slapping his leg. 
Jaques’ eyes went wide, and he slipped off his father’s lap, running to his mother.
“Oh, Jaques…I didn’t mean to scare you buddy,” he apologized as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes.  He turned his attention back to Yuki, “where-did you ever hear a dog do this noise?”
“Yeah?” Yuki said quickly “Why so c-what does a dog make?  What noise with you?”
“Woof!” Jaques answered as his father calmed down.
“Yes! He said quickly, pointing to his son, “Woof woof woof!”
“Oof?” Yuki asked, confusion crossing his features.  He shook his head, “that oof oof is someone punching an old man in the stomach.  He goes oof!”
“How you say in Japanese, I want to know!” Pierre giggled, encouraging the noise from Yuki once more.
“Wang wa, wa.” He repeated.  Pierre continued to laugh, “What?”
“What dog is that?”
“A normal one!”
“Doggy wang wa, wa!” Hiro repeated, snuggling into his father’s chest. Yuki smiled down proudly at his son while Pierre continued to giggle.
“No, doggy go woof woof!” Jaques said, coming to the rescue once more as he rejoined his father’s side.
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Strawberry field
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warning : fluff, tiny comfort, kiss, implied secret relationship, cheating, having feelings for eachother
Samuel Lafferty x fem reader
The warm summers in Utah were long, tough and warm above all. Besides the normal things to cool off like ice cream, a fan, swimming or just escaping into the shade. There were also the sun worshippers and beach goers who just looked forward to the sun and the tan - a good day at the beach. Or a day in the cool house with the family playing board games.
Whatever you did, there was always something to spend. Or you went to an ice cream parlour and bought an gelato, to the lake for a swim or just to walk around it. Or just jumping into your own cool pool, there really was a lot to do - at first glance everyone seemed to be having fun.
But then there was Y/n, the young saleswoman/cashier at the large field of strawberries at the edge of the town, which adjoined the whole field and stood there. Under the small shelter that looked like a big red strawberry and showed a sign with prices and opening hours.
Although she almost died from the heat and her vision showed once too many strawberries, she was still quite stable. Even though the movement to the baskets she handed to the shoppers was now automatic. Just like the collecting and weighing before she hid the visitors from the consumers with a ,,I hope you like them".
As well as removing a spider from small children or helping them up and shouting at them when they stepped on the strawberries. ,,Only two more hours" she muttered as she looked at her watch and sighed for the hundredth time as the sun seemed to torment her even more.
But her colleagues had also finished their shift an hour ago and she was left behind. ,,Only for a tenner more" she grumbled and inwardly slapped herself on the forehead that she had let herself be persuaded to do the extra shift. It was just too hot and too much and definitely too many kids.
Laying back down at the wooden counter and drinking her soda, which was already warm, she almost choked when she saw Samuel Lafferty coming towards her with his daughters in tow. Thank you dear sun for bringing him here she prayed to the celestial body as she felt her senses seem to go out of control.
Concentrating on him and completely blocking out the screaming children. She hadn't really gotten over him since she had to look after his children. It might have been a little more than a crush, but this one was unexpected, wasn't it?
Smiling at him, she straightened up slightly from her tired posture and leaned forward slightly. ,,Good day Samuel, how are you?" she asked and already had three baskets in her hand which were taken from her by his children who did not listen to their father and just ran off.
,,Little beasts as you can see we are doing too well" he mumbled with a chuckle and looked after his children before turning to her and taking out his wallet. ,,And yet we love them," she replied and saw his smirk as his bright blue eyes caught hers before she took his money and gave him a basket as well. Just as she was about to take her hand back, he suddenly held it more firmly.
It was not painful, but rather friendly, engaging. Caring. ,,How about I pay you a ten more and then you come and pick strawberries you have to get back before you get here so one round?" he asked and gave her a smile even though there was a hint of excitement in his eyes as if he was just waiting for a suitable answer.
,,I don't know," she mumbled and looked around the shelter as if her boss was standing there watching her. ,,Come on, it'll be fun," she heard his voice before a defeated smile spread across her face and she came out of the shelter before standing next to him and the two of them walked behind the children.
She felt her gaze land on him again and again his hair, which he had tied into a braid, had lost a few strands that played around his face. Not here, she admonished herself as she suppressed the urge to brush the strand of hair from his face and began to pick a few strawberries with him.
Choosing the most beautiful among the remaining ones left behind, she put them one by one into the small basket. She heard him murmur a song she had already heard him sing. Together with his family in the church, she had only gone because of him.
But every damn minute had been worth it. To have received the body from him, to put the plate on her tongue, not breaking eye contact, and to drink the wine from the chalice he held out to her. A pleasant shiver of memories came over her as she thought back to the many services.
Looking at Samuel he saw him looking at a relatively large, well-formed strawberry, his fingers lightly rolling it back and forth before he murmured, ,,You look good," before gently placing the strawberry in his basket and Y/n seriously considered for a moment whether it was still about the strawberry or something else entirely.
Agreeing with him, the two continued to collect strawberries before they heard the happy laughter of the children running back to their father who greeted them happily. ,,Well then, let's go back," he announced, carrying all the baskets with him, even if a little crookedly, but still with a proud smile.
The first few metres, on the other hand, went well. Well, except that the cry of one of his children jolted him out of concentration so that he didn't see the root on the ground in front of him and took a lunge.
Before some of the inherited berries scattered on the ground. After realising that his children were fine, he sighed and knelt down to put the strawberries back into the basket. Y/n didn't waste a second before she knelt down and helped put the strawberries away, earning a ,,Thank you my dear" from Samuel.
In a typical cliche, they both grabbed a strawberry at the same time and neither really knew who to let go. ,,Thanks again for doing all this," he said suddenly, handing the heirloom to her even though a fonger remained on her hand for a moment longer than was necessary.
Watching him rise and help her up, she replied, ,,Sure, I'd be happy to do it for you and the others". Before the two of them looked at each other one more time before they went back towards the beginning and with it the shelter.
Adding her own basket to the ones already there, she stood behind the trusses and began to pack the earth berries. Completely absorbed, she watched Sammuel look at another strawberry and then ate it.
How do I become a strawberry? she asked herself before she turned back to packing, shaking her head slightly. ,,Say, sweetheart, how would you like to babysit again like you did back then?" he asked, leaning slightly on the wood and leaning forward, the smell of wood and leather coming clearly to her.
And once again she felt the connection flash. ,,Of course, when should I come?" she agreed, already feeling the anticipation of not only taking care of his enchanting children again, but also of being with him indirectly.
Slight surprise showed on her face as he came closer and closer. ,,Tonight would be best and well...I would like to reward you with a dinner in a restaurant" he spoke more calmly but not full of shame.
On the contrary, he seemed more than sure of himself. No direct payment but a meal alone with him she thought and the smirk on her lips seemed to please him more and more.
She felt his fingers go to a strand of her hair and twirl it slightly before he slid his fingers down her arm to her hands. ,,I'll take that as a yes...see you later my dear" he mumbled.
In a moment when they both seemed alone he kissed her hand gently before taking the strawberries and giving her one last loving look before walking back to the car with his children. ,,A date how scandalous" she muttered as she realised that the normally devout Samuel Lafferty was anything but. No, he was a sinner in his lust eaten inerem. And she was his sin that wanted him all the more.
@707otto , @roryculkinsbf thought you too might like it
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franklyshipping · 8 months
Tickle-Hungry ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
Here we have our next glorious anon prompt, this one pertaining to an interesting ship between the snazzy Bim Trimmer and courageous Silver Shepherd! Let's explore this cute union and DO THIS!
TAGGING: @bimlee-trimmer @bim-trimler and @silvlee-shepherd
Silver Shepherd, as usual, was being a complete and utter sweetheart, and Bim Trimmer was smitten. The charming gameshow host had taken a swan-dive into the whole “new year new me” vibe, and had begun this process by giving his studio a complete revamp in anticipation of a new panel show he was going to be filming. All the basic decorating had been done and everything he needed was on-site, but now it was a case of getting all the heavy apparatus and props in position… and the workforce he normally used had all come down with the flu! Naturally of course, Silver Shepherd was eager to jump to the rescue and be the hero of the hour, and for the past few days had been placing podiums, installing rows of seating, as well as positioning heavy cameras and light fixtures.
Bim was helping too of course… though mostly by bringing Silver drinks and snacks whilst he himself mostly watched the hero at work. Silver didn’t mind, and honestly was glad because the last thing he wanted was for Bim to pull a muscle! So he accepted the sustenance and chat happily, honestly loving having Bim’s constant company… and the occasional subtle flirting that came with it. Silver pretended not to notice, but he saw how Bim would glance over at him (or sometimes just straight up stare) whenever he stretched or flexed amidst his work. Silver found it very flattering, and as a result had slowed his pace a little, just to make the fun last.
‘Where do you want this camera going?’
‘Just over there please, we’ll use that one for the wide podium shots.’
‘Okey dokey!’
Silver went about moving it, his shirt raising as he did so, and Bim had to bite back a grin when he got the chance to catch yet another glimpse of Silver’s delectable midriff. Bim didn’t know what was coming over him, but something about spying Silver’s adorable tummy or waist made him feel–
‘So what’s it about?’
Bim blinked at Silver, realising Silver was stood in front of him, smiling curiously.
‘The new gameshow! Is it a quizzy one?’
Bim used all his willpower not to blush as a charming smile appeared on his face, and he laughed lightly.
‘O-Oh, hah, yeah yeah it is.’
‘How will it work?’
Silver asked, his eyes bright with curiosity which made Bim feel like his heart was going to melt. Bim subtly neatened his hair as his smile grew, subconsciously trying to look smart and charming as he replied.
‘Well um, the questions are in different categories. If you answer enough questions in one category you can get prizes related to it, and there are a list of themes people can pick from. For example if someone went with the theme of Italy and they answer three questions right, they’ll get a dinner for two at a 5 star Italian restaurant. Answer six questions right they’ll also get a six year supply of authentic gelato, and if they answer all ten questions correctly then they also get an all expenses paid 4-night holiday to Florence! Also all the questions are multiple choice, so it’s not super hard.’
Silver looked utterly awestruck, mainly because the prizes sounded so generous!
‘Woah, that sounds so cool!’
‘You really think so?’
Bim asked, and Silver nodded as his beaming smile grew.
‘Yeah! I mean… I think all your ideas are awesome.’
Silver’s words hit Bim like a freight train. Bim was used to compliments, he got them from colleagues and fans practically every day… but to hear words like these from Silver just got to him in a totally different way. Bim couldn’t hold back the warmth blooming on his face, and when Silver saw he’d made Bim blush he himself felt his own cheeks turn rosy. But of course that’s fine between really close friends! Silver figured it was totally normal that his tummy was full of flutters and that his fingers were twitching with the urge to play with Bim’s hair and stroke his face– oh boy. Silver blinked, getting his thoughts straight, and opened his mouth to ask what Bim wanted moving next.
But he didn’t have a chance to get his words out, because Bim too had been swirled about in his own head. All he could think about was how damn kind and sweet Silver was, how generous and selfless… but also how goddamn pretty he was. I mean he was a superhero for goodness sake! Not only that, but he was so strong, so soft looking… and that midriff was a whole treat all by itself. Bim couldn’t resist anymore… and so he pounced.
‘So shall I do one of the podiums next or–AHH!’
Silver’s words were cut off as he suddenly found himself pinned to the floor, eyes wide. As he locked eyes with Bim he spotted a twinkle… a very, very familiar twinkle. Silver had been tickled by Bim before, so he knew what his ler mood looked like… but for Bim this was even more than that. There was something feral in that twinkle, and for a moment Silver could have sworn he saw his eyes flash violet and his teeth momentarily gleam with sharpness.
‘B-Bim what the heck?!’
Silver giggled nervously as he squirmed, but Bim’s hold was strong as he kept him playfully pinned down. Slowly he leaned in and whispered in the hero’s ear.
‘Do you have any idea… how tempting you are?’
Silver’s pink cheeks suddenly darkened to a distinct red as he stuttered.
‘T-Tempting? H-How?’
Bim chuckled fondly down at him, and gently lifted up Silver’s t-shirt to reveal his stomach and waist. With a few fingertips he started tracing the bare skin, and he purred in a low voice.
‘Soft, sensitive… tasty looking…’
Silver’s eyes went wide as he realised what Bim was getting at, and the traces already got his giggles started. Bim’s way of tickling was legendary in the manor…in the most wild and chill-inducing way. Bim slowly licked his lips, grinning and revealing his teeth as his face hovered closer and closer to Silver’s stomach.
‘N-Nonono Bim Bim w-wait yoou know I c-can’t take it when you–EEEEP!’
Bim pressed his open mouth against Silver’s stomach…and started nibbling. In an instant Silver was struggling wildly as he giggled and snorted, his blush creeping down his neck and he started babbling.
‘Nohohoho stahahahappit! Yohohour teheeth ahare shahaharp!’
‘Mhmm, all the better to tickle you with!’
Silver giggled even harder as Bim nibbled all over his soft, plush stomach. He wasn’t leaving any marks to speak of, but those canines in particular was just impossible for Silver to ignore. Plus with Bim holding his hands down, their fingers interlaced together in a totally normal friend way, there was nothing he could do to fight back!
‘Mmm, has anyone ever told you that you taste as good as you look?’
Silver was flustered into near speechlessness as he gazed up at Bim, gaping and stuttering.
Bim laugh, giving Silver’s lower belly a nip as he growled warmly.
‘Aww, did I embarrass you?’
Silver resumed his wild giggles and little shrieks as Bim’s teeth continued their tickly feasting. The rest of the hero’s energy translated into him frantically kicking his legs as he replied.
‘Why ahahare yohou dohoing thihis toho mehehehe?!’
‘I already told you, because you’re just so tempting!’
Bim retorted, nipping at one of the hero’s hips to make Silver squeal and whine.
‘Buhuhuhut why?!’
Silver’s eyes were wide with cute confusion, and Bim hesitated as his own cheeks got hotter. He decided to hide his face by bowing it to nip Silver’s hip again – but even as the hero squealed… he caught the edge of Bim’s smile as it turned noticeably shy.
‘Maybe I… like you.’
Silver’s breath hitched and both men went still. Silver’s smile didn’t fade as the tickles paused and Bim gently released his hands, sitting up and clearing his throat softly as he glanced away from Silver. Bim’s heart and head were racing. Did he really just say that? Would Silver be happy because of what he said? Would Silver know exactly what he meant when he said that he liked him? Bim’s mind was threatening to run away with him, until he felt a squeeze on his hand.
‘You like me?’
Silver whispered, and when Bim looked at him he saw an expression full of a smile, a blush… and hope. Bim cleared his throat softly, gently resting his chin on Silver’s tummy as he nodded, looking at Silver tentatively. The Silver’s face was hot as his mind raced with his own thoughts. Was this really happening? Did Bim say what Silver thought he said? Did they both have the same feelings? Silver knew how he felt for Bim, that’s for sure… he’d felt things for Bim for such a long time, but a lack of confidence had always gotten in his way. Until now. Silver reached out and gently stroked Bim’s cheek, encouraging him to look at him.
‘Maybe… maybe I like you too.’
Bim’s face lit up, and he instinctively pressed his cheek against Silver’s hand. One look in his eyes told him that he and the hero were on the exact same page. Bim also saw that the smile on Silver’s face was vibrant, and a tad cheeky. Flirty. Bim grinned, and leaned down to nuzzle Silver’s already pink hip – he figured there was no harm in flirting back, just a little.
‘Oh really?’
Silver squeaked with surprise… but didn’t push Bim away as he continued to softly nuzzle along his waist. He hid his face in his hands as he giggled, nodding as he peeked at Bim through his fingers. If Silver had been looking for confirmation of their relationship, this was definitely it. Bim chuckled, showing of his pearly whites as he grinned broadly. This was the best day ever.
‘I think you like it when I nibble you, don’t you?’
Silver got butterflies in his stomach at the thought of admitting that of all things… and he also liked the thought of keeping up that subtle cheeky streak he had bubbling in his chest. He snorted softly as he mumbled.
Bim smirked at that, raising a playful eyebrow. He could tell Silver was playing coy on purpose which he thought was adorable… and he knew exactly what the perfect response would be. Bim took a deep breath, and started blowing raspberries along Silver’s exposed waist as he chuckled.
‘Only maybe? Are you sure?’
Needless to say, Silver was an absolute giddy mess of shrieks and yelping-laughs as his eyes widened cutely.
‘I am being nice, I’m giving you one of your five a day!’
Bim continued his raspberries as Silver kicked and batted at him. Though he didn’t fight back with any genuine force, it didn’t take long for the one-sided tickles to transform into a full-blown tussle of pokes and half-hearted wrestling. Neither man could stop smiling.
‘Yohohou’re ahaha meheanie!’
‘You take that back!’
‘Oh you’re really gonna get it now!’
Silver’s giggles were bubbly and full of squeaks as they continued wrestling, and Bim’s giggles were similarly unstoppable. He leaned in close with a growl, and the hero shrieked and flails when he felt a sloppy raspberry against his ear.
‘Ooohhh, I didn’t know your ears were so ticklish!’
Bim laughed, and playfully grazed the shell of his ear with his teeth.
‘Aww, so sensitive and delicious! I think these might be my new favourite snack!’
Silver was a mess of flustered laughter, but once again wasn’t truly trying to push Bim away. In fact, he was doing the opposite. His arms were wrapped around Bim’s waist, keeping him snug and as close as humanly possible, which was keeping Bim’s heart racing with delight. He treated both of Silver’s ears to a load of nibbles for a while, before he dimmed down to more soothing kisses, until finally leaning up and having mercy. Silver was panting as he giggled residually, and he beamed when he saw the shy smile return to Bim’s face.
‘Was that… okay?’
Silver giggled, and didn’t hesitate to nod.
‘Yeah… more than okay.’
Then, before he could let his nerves cloud his judgement, Silver leaned up and gave Bim a peck on the lips. Bim’s face lit up, his eyes flashing with those magical glints of violet once again… and he kissed Silver back. They were connected, warm and soothed for a few sweet moments before they briefly parted for air, and Silver whispered.
‘Do you still want me to move stuff–?’
‘Are you sure–?’
Bim cut him off with another kiss, making the hero giggle and melt – if he had to pick between moving light fixtures and kissing the most handsome gameshow host in existence, he was going to choose the latter every time. Especially when said gameshow host pulled him to his feet with a grin and a growl, holding his hand and pulling him out of the study and he mumbled about still being hungry. Silver figured his grin was probably permanent now, and his step had a skip to it as he interlaced his fingers with Bim. After all, he wasn’t the only one hungry for tickles – and that, darling readers, is the greatest prize of all.
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healingskywalker · 1 year
TBB Boys as Desserts
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This has been something I’ve been wanting to do for over a week now, but I’m just now getting around to it. This idea was made by the prompts of the @renegade-force-99 team and our discord. I absolutely took this way too seriously, but here we are, and I regret mostly nothing. 
Enjoy our sweet boys and my headcanons for them, and why they match with certain deserts! 
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Crosshair is a macaroon. 
The process of making a macaroon is of high difficulty, at least from my understanding and experience, and I feel like Crosshair, as a person, is just as high difficulty. They are very particular, and require the exact right type of environment in order to ‘come out right’, or in Crosshair’s case, function healthily. 
They are stubborn, particular, and time-consuming. They have a hard exterior, but a very soft interior. Despite all of the hardness and difficulty, they are worth every second of effort and time, and deserve to be cherished - they are highly sought after, and considered a delicacy, just like our sniper. 
Echo is gelato. 
Gelato has some different ingredients than ‘reg’ ice cream - there are some extra steps, or pieces, that exist in Echo, and in gelato, that regular clones and regular ice cream don’t have. Gelato, and Echo, both need to go at a slower pace in order for them to efficiently function. You can’t push or rush them, otherwise, that can spoil it. They need time to warm up, cool down, and it’s better if you let them take their time. 
It is a very healthy option, and I feel like Echo is one of our most healthy boys, emotionally and physically. It is dense, as well - as for how this translates into our boy, it doesn’t mean stupid - I’ve taken it to mean more ‘info dense’ because that boy can recite whole reg manuals off the top of his head. 
Gelato, and Echo, tend to be more intense than regs as well, but they are still an easy go-to, as well as a comfort item for plenty of people. Repetition (or ‘echoing’ a process) is important to them as well since there is a specific way of going about things. 
Hunter is red velvet cake. 
A lot of this is just based on vibes. This man screams ‘red velvet’ to me. Like all cakes and most clones, they are good with kids and are a good, easy option to interact with. Hunter and red velvet both are easily loveable, and aesthetically pleasing, as well as a classic to gravitate to. I consider them a leader in the cake world and clone world. They are ahead of the game, and setting out a strong example for others to follow. 
At its roots, it is technically ‘regular’, but it’s made to look different - for red velvet, it is simply for the sake of being pretty, but in Hunter’s case, he looks the most like other clones, and while being almost exactly the same as the base, he had to find a way to stand out (i.e, long hair), and be different while still ‘being basic’, while also not being basic at all. It’s special. 
Tech is cheesecake.
One word: pie. Cheesecake isn’t technically a pie, but it’s also not technically a cake - it’s a funky middle ground that I think works well with Tech, as well as the joke of him being smart and having the name of a mathematical number. In my experience, cheesecake people are always vehement that they are right, and cannot be disproven. Remind you of anyone? 
It is straightforward but quirky. They could be left as a base, or add toppings for more flair - in cheesecake, this could be strawberries, but in Tech, it’s his adaptability, ability to work in most situations, and plenty of variety in personality. 
They are multifaceted. They are also much more sturdy than they appear to be. (Example: if they fall from a tall height, they are perfectly fine, even if the composition may be a bit broken, they made it, and are still function as a dessert, or a human.) They are also a fan favorite. 
Wrecker is cookies. 
Unlike Crosshair, Wrecker’s difficulty setting is on easy. How can you look at a cookie, and not enjoy it? It brings you joy, plain and simple. They are straightforward - no lies, complications, or anything difficult here. They are classic, enjoyed by almost everyone, and how you enjoy them depends entirely on how you treat them - they can be hard or soft, depending upon your attitude and approach. 
Cookies are easy to cook, which also makes them a good contender to be good with kiddos, just like Wrecker is. There are so many options with them, even if most people gravitate towards one or two ideas, or perceptions, of them. They can be unassuming and ‘stupid’ but they can be much more complicated.
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divider by @saradika​. go check their stuff out! they have some gorgeous stuff!
 remember to like and reblog if you enjoyed! <3
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