#genz writer
jillianamena · 3 months
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aeroma-soyam · 3 months
Your present world has so much to offer yet you sit and collect sadness to grieve over? Don't you wonder about what must be the limits of a human body in different aspects, try to learn about all kind of plants and their benefits, there are languages out of your reach and you think knowing 3 languages might be enough? The biggest thing the world has offered you is the internet, you could learn to draw from the draft, be an artist. Write down your imagination, like a professional writer and know yourself as deeply as possible. Aren't you curious about the monumental places and their histories? Cut it, aren't you curious about your own planet and existence? Collect knowledge not "teas" to gossip over. You think they could be a good friend? Go and talk. Don't flex about lacking social skills. Let me remind you, this is the only life you get, it is meaningless indeed. And it still might be after your death, so you exactly have nothing to fear about. You have all the opportunities and options to improve yourself, the choice is your responsibility.
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author-mandi-bean · 1 year
How to Get a Literary Agent
Photo by Rodolfo Quirós on Pexels.com On this day six years ago, two literary agents requested full manuscripts of my novel Moody Blue, which ended up being published by GenZ Publishing. That publication journey took at least five years and that should be a lesson in patience and perseverance for me, but I’m still impatient and rejection still stings. I’ve sent 95 query letters to literary…
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genzthangs · 2 years
The heart will break yet brokenly live on.
Lord Byron
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genzrepresenter · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝?
hi everyone, do leave the topics you are interested in/ want to discuss about! i will be posting everyday on here :)
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roflwithradhika · 2 months
Gen Z lingo - A to Z and everything else in between!
The other day, I happened to glance over the husband’s shoulder as he sat cross-legged on the sofa placidly reading the newspaper. The headlines on the finance page went something like this – FM’s A-team for B-day. I snorted loudly and remarked, “So the Finance Minister is celebrating her birthday with her team mates. How is that even newsworthy?” And I gave a long and dramatic sigh to show my…
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grayh0und777 · 4 months
Food For Thought
I want to start a blog, or a magazine, or something where young artists and writers can get together to share their art. I'm not sure. I'm a huge writer and for the first time I'm interested in nonfiction, specifically journalism. However, art will always be my first love and it would probably be art focused. I want to include poetry, short stories, book reports, scientific journalism, activism, etc etc.
My biggest issue is that I have a LOT of hobbies and my focus changes every few months. I'm worried that I will only be invested for a few months then decide to move onto upholstery, or whittling, or something else equally random. I don't want to put effort into something and then leave my two whole readers hanging.
This could also be seen as a good thing. I want to this to be a showcase of the esteemed "homosexual audacity". People in our generation are extremely talented for our young age. We are passionate with many interests, I want to create a space to share all of our miscellaneous talents. So as the tides of our collective attentions change, so will the contents of the blog/journal/magazine, making for interesting and fresh reading material.
Thoughts? I'm looking for the harshest contructive criticism. Is this even an interesting idea? Will this last? I am asking for unnessesarily crude opinions. :)
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edmonthotel · 4 months
Welcome, I don't know what I'm doing either.
If casual mentions of suicide and talk of mental problems act as a trigger, DO NOT ENGAGE, there are plenty of other way cooler things on this website you could spend your time with and my pretentious ass ain't worth it.
Welcome to the Edmont Hotel!
You can call me H, and this is my first blog.
I don't really know how Tumblr works, nor much of the internet, so that's a good place to start.
Like a lot of people my age (I'm in my early twenties) I've had a relationship with the internet since I could read. However, unlike most people my age, I've been developmentally stunted on internet communication almost the entire time.
Basically everything I've ever posted has been layered behind intense levels of irony and self-obfuscation. I've started and scrubbed multiple twitter, reddit, and yotube accounts, rarely ever posting and definintely never ever commenting.
I find it personally uncomfortable performing in such a flattened enviornment, if that makes sense. I maintain some social media accounts that I pretend not to have, everyone I've personally met since graduating highschool has no idea that I operate any social media and I've in fact told them that I don't have any. Because of this my social-media feed is dominated more-or-less by people that I 'used to know' i.e. people from my highschool. Even in the brief thirteen or so months where I actively used social media as a means of communication I found that I do not understand what motivates people to post the things they do.
When I type it like that I feel like an asshole, like some old-man-yells-at-clouds shmuck. This is how social relations are done now, people regularly talk to people they don't know from half the world away and those relationships can be just as fulfilling and intimate as the person-to-person kind, I keep hearing. I wouldn't know I don't have any relationships like that, I only talk to people I can reasonably visit. I don't want that to come off with a false sense of superiority either, I don't think my social life is any more 'authentic' than anyone else's just cause I don't use social media. I'm just confused, and I always have been, I DON'T GET IT. I have never wanted to update people about what's going on in my life, usually because there's nothing going on, but even when something is going on I feel even more protective of my experiences.
I do not feel like the things I do and say and think are worth sharing, that my life is so boring or un-noteworthy that I'm obliged to keep it for myself to prevent humiliation by comparison to all my friends active and normal lives. But it's actually and obligation that I'm relieved to have, as it keeps me from some truly nasty thoughts and feelings. Every time I've tried to use social media in a 'real' way (i.e. posting, commenting, talking in group-chats) I get a series of rapid-fire gross feelings that somehow always ultimately coalesce into suicidal ideation. Everything feels like its piling on, it feels like when your caught in a big lie you've told more than one person. Even though there's no external pressure there, no one's calling me out, no one even thinks I'm lying they're treating all my posts the way they're supposed to and I guess that's what makes it feel wrong, that I'm being treated like I belong.
Needless to say I'm petrified of the prospect of having to use an app for anything. I go to university, and my university encourages it's students to download numerous apps to schedule, register, submit assignments, communicate with departments, and even park and pay tuition. I have downloaded exactly zero of these. The idea that my information has to be collatoralized and coupled with a peice of technology that I keep on my every single day in order for my school to be navigable is a giant fucking fear of mine. I'm always afraid that my shit didn't go through because I only use desktop, and I'm perpetualy afraid that the school's going to mandate smart-phone-participation de jure or de facto.
Very few fellow students share my concerns. Many of them have a bunch of social media apps they do not need. The one that fucks with me the most is LinkedIn. I'd honestly rather fucking kill myself than get an app that combines the hell of the American workplace to the hell of modern internet communicaitions. The very concept of networking (without bullshit apps) already has the fuckin Warszawianka playing in the back of my head, cybernating the labor market in this clean friendly blue-and-white backdrop somehow enrages me more than actual injustice.
I'm really getting away from my point here so I'll just summate my thoughts in a series of questions:
Why do I feel so entitled to privacy where it seems my peers don't?
Do they actually value privacy and use soical media as yet another tightly-controlled public performance? Why am I unable to do that?
What does it say about me that one of the scariest things I can think of is being in constant contact with all people that know me?
I do not have answers but I'll try to delve deeper into these questions in later posts. Or not, it's my blog. I definately have more thoughts on this and it kinda got away from me there, but I still think it's important for me to spit all that out before I get on to what I actually want to do here: introduce my blog.
I'm starting a blog because I clearly need an outlet for my thoughts, and I really don't want my friends seeing the things that I write and knowing that I wrote them. It'd be humiliating for anyone I personally know to find this blog and ask me questions about it. I have this almost compulsive need to share my thoughts in the written and spoken word, but the dread social media usually gives me has so far kept my thoughts to 'deep' conversations with friends and acquatiences. Multiple of these friends have suggested that I start a blog in order to get these things out of my brain instead of dwelling on them for months and spewing them at people ad nausuem (pun very much intended).
I want to write, I need to write, it's the only thing I can do and feel 'productive' at the end of it, the only time that doesn't feel wasted on me. I write multiple times a week, fanfiction, short stories, quasi-journaling, but I never publish any of it anywhere for anyone to see. For the record, writing is also a fucking miserable self-critical experience, but everything's a fucking miserable self-critical experience for me.
I've never read any of Robert Hass' poetry, but I did read a quote of his somewhere that I fall back on when explaining how I feel about writing to other people: "It's hell writing and it's hell not writing, the only tolerable state is having just written."
The thing is since I never share any of my writing with anyone, I never reach that 'tolerable' state, I just keep hacking away at something until I can't make myself anymore and then act like I'll come back to it some day.
Having a blog like this is kinda the only way for me to release my writing in a way that I can half-way tolerate. No-one I know is going to find this, if anyone at all is going to find this, which gives me the self-obfuscation social media usually does not give me. But posting something also finalizes my writing, makes it possible for me to move on and thus write more, and it's at the point where that's more important to me than the possible bad feelings I'll get by posting something.
That being said I'll try to offset the bad feelings by keeping this thing loose and sporadic, and about a series of themes that I think are true to my experiences. If your reading these, I hope that you find them interesting. I sure hope you don't agree with me or empathize on everything, but I hope you get something out of seeing how I interpret things in my very personalized semi-self-absorbed way.
You can expect highly personal thoughts / rants on:
The Internet (again)
Other people's Politics / Worldviews
American Situation Comedies
Body dysmorphia
Substance Use
And more!
WARNlNG! These rants may contain:
Profoundly cisgender male takes
Shaky applications of Jungian spirituality
Frequent historical and political references
A clear inspiration from David Foster Wallace
A pathetic fascination with detail
Attempts to remain anonymous that will make things harder to read
Run-on sentences and frequent repitition
Pointless Salinger refrences
And a bunch of other pretentious nonsense
Thanks for walking in the tall grass with me,
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stoclav · 8 months
Ma génération
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On a souvent tendance à entendre des générations plus vieille que notre génération n'a pas d'avenir, que l'on perd notre temps sur nos écrans et j'en passe. Au yeux des autres, ma tranche d'age n'a rien pour plaire dans les thermes généraux.
Mais je pense au contraire que ma génération est incroyable, cette technologie qui aide au quotidien, internet qui nous apprend des choses que l'école ou la vie ne pourrait pas, sa franchise, son humour avec ses références , sa musique, ses livres en tout genres, ses échanges de cultures qui nous font découvrir le monde. Même si ça n'en a pas l'air, je suis sûre et je sais que ma génération fait partis des plus cultiver.
Quand elle n'est pas sur internet, ma génération s'amuse comme jamais, les soirées, les balades, les fou rires. Ma génération est aussi humaine et vivante que les autres et peut tout faire, c'est ce qui la rend magnifique à mes yeux.
Ma génération est forte, car elle à survécu au confinement et commence à apprécier chaque détails de la vie avec le temps, elle commence à comprendre que le plus important, c'est d'être heureux.
C'est ma génération, elle est cultivé, ouverte d'esprit et magnifique. C'est ma gen Z
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rancidexpression · 1 year
Some Small Poems
Every single four-leaf clover I have ever found (2)
were signals that it was time to let someone go, and time to move forward.
The first one I found was at my grandpa’s funeral, in a small patch by a swing-set.
The second one I found was a few days before my first partner and I broke up. This was after a few months of decline.
I am so very lucky! To be granted permission from the world,
a delightful push and shove,
that brought together growth and grief in each green leaf.
I am scared, for the future, the inevitable, to face the face of my next four-leaf clover.
I told myself I understood my identity.
No, not me-
Not directly.
“Better to feel guilty, a liar”
Something as bad as seeing
myself in opposition to moral.
I give comfort to the enemy.
Would I ever forgive?
Tea Time
Oh, but I have so much love
to seep and sip on you’re
My porcelain cup and I
the chamomile tea.
Let me fill you, let me warm you
skin to skin to lips to inside you to
I wouldn’t mind tea time together
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Eco-anxiety and India’s young
It was December 21, 2012, and 14-year-old Shaarvari Shreenath was satisfied that the world was ending. The date was considered the tip of a 5,126-year-long cycle within the Mayan calendar, and the media was rife with hypotheses of cataclysms that might quickly ensue. “I keep in mind hugging my buddies, and saying to them, ‘If I don’t see you tomorrow, that is how I really feel about you’,” says…
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jillianamena · 1 year
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Happy Pride Month! I just want to let you know that my new book June and Inobe's Dating Game is coming out this August!
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cosmicpoutine · 3 months
My favorite thing about fanon tim drake is that he's so funny. like. you can tell when somebody hasn't read the comics. Like. You can tell when their only exposure to tim is other fanfic writers, bcs they take that fanon-ness and TURN THE DIAL WAY UP like It's so fucking funny when you read like a fic or smth and then you look right back at the comics like "no goddamn WAY this is the same person"
Don't get me wrong!! he's one of my faves bcs I think he's pathetic. but. not like THAT
Also I remember that I used to see so many fics where he was an anime nerd who called himself by some japanese name 😭 😭 😭 and authors being so unironic abt this was peak comedy to me,,,,
"hes pathetic. but not like THAT" SENT ME LMAO KDJSGHSKLJ so real and so true.
i love tim being a stupid lil loser because it's the vibes that he gives off in the comics, he's very natural on his own way even in civies but somehow it works for him and people like him canonically.
i stopped reading fanfics when i got deeper into the comics because you can tell that fanon and fics are just a giant game of telephone at this point, idk who this is but that ain't tim drake. and a lot of the time the base knowledge is waf (i dont hate waf, i never read it, but i know for a fact is not as deep as the comics).
i truly don't know where this weaboo tim drake thing comes from but i HAVE seen it so much. this and the girlie pop tim drake shakes his ass are the most out of character thing i've ever seen fanon do. this caricature of tiktok genz teenager is so boring to me.
i could sit here and shit on fanon tim drake for ages, but i think it's funny, it's like a brand new character lmao
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author-mandi-bean · 2 years
It's Day 2 ... how's NaNoWriMo starting for you?
It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here! I’ve been looking forward to NaNoWriMo so I could finally institute a writing schedule, which is something I’ve been meaning to do for quite some time now. I’m still working at it, and that’s fine because it’s only the second day, but my writing schedule is more irregular than it is anything else. Yesterday, I wrote at school but today I’m trying to…
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genzthangs · 2 years
भली सी एक शक्ल थी
भली सी उस की दोस्ती
अब उस की याद रात दिन
नहीं, मगर कभी कभी
- अहमद फ़राज़
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Do you have any slenderman father figure type ff recommendation?
I don't currently read creepypasta fanfiction at the moment unfortunately, so I don't know any other blogs to reccommend for that, but I went ahead and went through my own blog for my dad Slender type posts for you, but a couple are Y/N is his partner and they have/want to have kids together.
Click below for each post;
Slender finding Y/N asleep in his office (Dad!Slen or partner, it's ambiguous)
Wholesome Dad!Slender
Slender finding out he's going to be a grandfather (GN reader)
Adopting a teen reader who has IDGAF GenZ energy
Slender as a parent (but implied reader is his spouse and they're raising kiddo together)
Slender's partner wants to have a child with him (still GN)
Slender giving his young adult child advice/telling them he's proud of them
Slender raising his child figure to learn piano
SlenBros child figure living in the mansion with the others
Slender finding a kiddo and taking them in
Slender teaching his child figure how to inherit his business
Slender and his child figure bonding over their mutual love of coffee
Slender's child figure is inheriting his business, but is a ray of sunshine (wears pink suits, glitter pens, perky personality)
I THINK that's all of my SlenDad content. I combed through my blog for them, and I believe that's it. I hope that can satisfy you a bit, sorry I couldn't link to any other writers.
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