#gruesome and bloody but real
hvemind · 1 year
I know it’s been said before but the fact that one of the most important parts of Hannibal’s story is centred around Hannibal not only accepting, but actively admiring and loving Will because of the things Will abhorred most in himself, that he found ugliest, the things he tried to cut away… it just makes me warm inside. It’s the kind of love i think we all want, for someone else to see our flaws and not only say “i accept you as you are” but “i love you more because of them”. and it’s in a literal cannibalism show…
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
Maybe I’ve just been Thinking Too Much About the Concept of Justice due to...currently watching....something (Idon’twannatalkaboutit)..........but GENUINELY the way most of y’all talk about the death penalty and about ANYONE who decides to go through law school for ANY reason is terrifying.
#like. aside from the fact that y'all think thoughtcrime is real (to the extent that it's the Same Thing as actually committing a heinous#crime that affects real people) and would thus be punishable by death (fuck you if you think this btw)#I simply don't think anybody should have the power to decide who lives and who dies#that is a level of absolute and (in the case of death) irreversible power that I believe NO ONE is entitled to#and like. idk. maybe this is just the result of The OCD™ always telling me that because of [unrelated innocuous thing] I'm a terrible human#and should kill myself for the good of society. but. uh. given the inherent fallibility of human nature#and the fact that the justice system is fucked up in the first place#and the fact that marginalized people of any kind are ALWAYS demonized for being marginalized by the oppressors in power#I don't think it's worth risking all those innocent lives for what YOU consider a personally-satisfying idea of justice that could be#achieved through other means#idk man when your brain (inaccurately but still significantly) is always convincing you that you are an Irredeemably Evil™ person#it makes you scared to just. exist as a person in society when people talk like this all the time about people they believe don't deserve#human rights or who should ALWAYS be executed in bloody painful gruesome ways with NO chance of anything else#because you're gonna think that they mean you! that you are included in that!! even if that's not their intention#!!!!! aside from EVERYTHING ELSE I've mentioned that is gonna fuck up people's mental health SO much#(ESPECIALLY if they're stuck in a terrible church environment that condemns them for innocuous things!!!!)#I understand that we're all angry and the world is terrible but maybe consolidating ALL major decisions within One Justice Person or#One Organization is bad actually!!!! even if that person/group is you and you mean well!!!!!!!#tw: suicidal ideation#tw: death#my god I hope this doesn't breach containment I do NOT need people telling me I need to reevaluate my stance that 'human rights'#includes 'all humans'#this blog does not support capital punishment if that's a dealbreaker for you then...don't interact with me I guess???#also every single lawyer ever is not your inherent enemy it's not like cops
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salthammer · 1 year
horror game with kid-friendly mascots that turn evil and scary: cool and all, but kinda done to death as of recently. the original horror of the concept has kinda been washed out
horror game with beloved pet animals that turn evil and scary: new and innovative, has the same core element of something familar and safe turning hostile and dangerous, potentially super heartbreaking and tragic
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bingbongsupremacy · 24 days
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Marry Me?
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
Warning: I haven't seen criminal minds in a bit so idk if the Spencer in this is 100 percent accurate
Summary: Spencer asks you to marry him at the most random time. Garcia does not approve.
*Not Proof Read* ABC List Criminal Minds
" That's horrifying. " I wrinkle my nose at the sight of the bloody decapitated woman in the photos lying scattered around the table. This is why I work with Garcia.
Sticky notes are messily pasted onto the photos, illegible scribbles covering them.
" It is. " Spencer agrees.
" Why did you call me in here? " I ask, confused why my boyfriend called me in if he isn't going to expand further on the topic.
Spencer picks up a large Manila folder and shuffles through the contents. " I think I might have figured out the pattern we were looking for. " He pulls out a small stack of papers, each with the name of a high school in the corner. " The Unsub is killing girls from the same high school. Each girl attended the school at a different year. It's like he's going down the line of years. If I'm right, he'll been picking a girl from 2002 next. "
I scan over one of the papers he hands me. " Shit, you're right. " Excitement fills my body. We've been working on this for hours. He figured it out! " Spencer, this is fucking amazing! You figured it out! We need to tell the others. "
" Yes. I also think I might know who the next potential victim is based on other patterns I picked up along the way. " Spencer rambles on. " I think he might be going after Piper Johnson next, the woman we saw on the news interview. We need to check if she's okay. By the way, do you want to get married? "
His words come out so fast it takes me a second to process.
" W-What? " My eyes widen. Did I hear correctly?
Spencer is looking at me his gaze steady. He looks serious. " I know it's a little random, but this case really had me thinking. We don't know how much time we have together. God forbid one of us gets hurt or worse. I don't want to waste any more time with you. I love you and I want to be with you. I'd be the happiest man on earth if you said yes. "
For a moment I forget we're surrounded by gruesome shit. All I can think about is Spencer and our future. All of our plans.
A large smile makes its way onto my face. " Of course I will, Spence. I love you. " I smash my face into his, our lips meeting and immediately sending shivers through my body.
" I love you too, Y/N. So fucking much. " His voice rumbles against my lips.
" You did not just fucking ask Y/N to marry you in a room surrounded by dead women. Spencer, what the fuck. " A surprised voice interrupts us.
Surprised, Spencer and I pull apart to find the owner.
Garcia stares at us, her mouth hung open in surprise. " And you accepted his proposal? Are you insane? Don't get me wrong, you guys are perfect for each other. This proposal was just...so...gory. " She glances at the pictures around the room. " I'll help you plan out a real proposal, alright? Let's press pause on this until tonight. I'll have it all ready by the time you guys get back. " She says confidently, taking on the task we didn't ask her to do.
" It's really not that big of a deal- " I begin.
" It'll be done by tonight. " She says sternly, holding her hand up to stop any argument. " Now, you go let the others know what's going on with the unsub. " She points at me. " You are staying here with me while we set everything up. "
She gently pulls me towards the door, snatching the pack of information out of Spencer's hand.
" But-! "
She doesn't let me finish, swiftly kicking me out of the room.
Behind her, Spencer stand watching me in surprise.
Garcia shuts the door in my face, leaving me standing on the other side alone.
This day has been so confusing.
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jayke0 · 2 months
A Pleasant Surprise
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Summary: Steven has had something on his mind for a while now, and finally he divulges his fantasy to you; degrading was certainly not on your playing cards.
Rating: nsfw, smut
Warnings/Content: sub!Steven, dom!reader, fem!reader, “mommy” title, degrading, grinding, cumming in pants, lmk if there's anything else I should add :).
Word count: 1,441
Credit: @automnepoet for proofreading ily.
When Steven had come to you with a “fun idea”, you'd expected something along the lines of ”naive uni teacher gets fucked by his student”, but this was so much better.
“Love? I have a, uh…suggestion,” Steven calls from the bathroom between brushing his teeth. “Well, it's more of a proposal, really.”
“Yeah? Go on.” You're sitting in your bedroom reading some gruesome crime novel that Marc seems to have a real distaste for.
You hear the water running briefly before your boyfriend joins you in the room, warm morning sun streaming in through the cracked curtains and casting a soft glow over his face. “I mean, we don't have to do it now of course. I know you're reading and all that, and I have to get to work in a bit–.”
You close your book and pat the edge of the bed, making him instantly respond to your gesture by placing himself down. “I'm all ears, sweetheart, lay it on me.”
Blood rushes to Steven's face as he actually thinks about saying it outloud, feet shuffling a little on the creaky floorboards. The words feel stuck in his throat now that he has to speak them, despite the fact he'd thought about the whole image on numerous occasions... and in great detail.
“Heeyy c’mon,” your hand brushes his arm, and you move closer to him to wrap your arms fully around his, crinkling his blue floral shirt. “You know I can't read your mind, Steven… Though I wish I could, that'd be super fucking helpful, then the other two couldn't lie to me.”
His chuckle makes you smile and you feel him draw in a long breath.
”I wanna like… grind against you… and I want you to mock me for it, u-until I cum… in my trousers…”
The pauses between his words are almost comical, but you look up at his face and see that he's completely serious, looking at you with wide eyes and waiting for an answer.
“Oh! Right.”
“Ah, Gods! No no... no no no no no, forget it–.” He frantically shakes his head, his hands doing the same as his face scrunches. “It's weird, I'm sorry, pretend I never said anything. Me and my big bloody mouth.”
“Steven,” you say between giggles, hand resting on his soft face to pull his gaze towards you. “It's not weird, silly! I just didn't expect you to be the one that's into degrading.” Careful not to fall back off of the bed, you climb onto his lap, thighs either side of his as you examine his expression, how gorgeous he looks with his brows knitted together and his unruly curls that Marc would definitely be gluing down with copious amounts of gel right about now.
His chest deflates as he lets out a soft sigh, resting his head on your chest out of embarrassment while you link your arms around his neck to run your fingers through the long curls at the back of his head. You feel his hands graze up your back, gliding under your night shirt and making you shiver with the warmth.
“Are you sniffing me?”
“No! Well…” he pauses, “yeah, but not in a creepy way.” The man lifts his head and looks up at you with those big doe eyes, and you watch them close as you start rolling your hips down on him slowly. You're only in your underwear underneath that shirt, but Steven is fully clothed and ready for work… or at least he would be, if his eyes weren't fluttering shut and arousal wasn't growing in his tummy.
“I promise you, darling, I like your idea.” You reassure him with your hips drawing slow circles against the material of his trousers, creating a delicious friction. “As long as you tell me if it's too much, alright?”
The bed creaks a little with your grinding before he looks up at you, nodding with a kind of desperation in his eyes that lights a fire in your gut.
“You promise?”
“Yeah love, yeah I promise.” He says, his voice a little more whiny.
You don't bother yourself with working out the psychological reasons for why your boyfriend enjoys being degraded about how long he can last, chalking it up to his masculinity, despite your reassurances that he's just as much of a man as his other two alters.
“You've got 10 minutes, think you can do that?”
Steven groans at your question, since both of you know all too well that 10 minutes is more than enough time. Still, he nods, big puppy dog eyes looking up at you and begging you to divulge in his vision.
A smirk creeps across your face when you see those glassy eyes, your gaze trailing down to the blush dusting his cheeks and the straining muscles in his neck.
“God Steven, I love the way you look at me. Look at those big soft eyes, all for mommy, aren't they?”
He lets out a whimper with the use of that title, his cock stirring in his trousers and reminding you of the thin barrier that's stopping you from grinding on the rough material of his slacks all together. The man doesn't take his gaze off of you; he drinks in every one of your features as if he's seeing you for the first time.
Rocking his hips up, he pants.
“Yes mommy, all for you, I'm all for you.”
“That's right, sweetheart, those desperate eyes are for me. that dumb little face is mine.” You lean forward and nip his bottom lip, soothing it afterwards with your tongue as he gasps and bucks his hips.
“I can feel you twitching, baby. You just can't help it, can you? Always getting so worked up and hard when I'm around, maybe I should put this pretty cock in a cage, what do you think?”
Steven's shoulders drop as he leans forward into your neck, biting and sucking any skin he can get his mouth on while his hot breath and whimpers raise goosebumps over your skin.
The suction he had in your neck is broken as his head is suddenly jerked backwards, your grip tight in his hair and making him whimper pathetically.
“I asked you a question, sweetheart.”
His adam's apple bobs in his throat as he tries to suppress his moans, his head nodding wildly. “Yes mommy, I'd– agh–I'd love that.” His hips buck again.
“Mhm.. then you'd at least last longer than 5 minutes, you'd actually be able to fuck me properly.”
Steven's mouth hangs agape, his eyes now squeezed shut as his grip on your hips tighten and he guides your hips down on him harder, wanting more, anything.
“Sh–it… Ah- Feels so good.” His eyebrows knit together in a beautifully strained way. “More, gimme more–.”
You tut with a small smirk on your lips, rocking back and forth to coat his trousers in your own arousal that's seeped through your underwear.
“Oh, look at you, you gonna cum in your pants, baby? Gonna prove how pathetic you are to mommy?” You feel the muscles in his shoulders and back tighten. “C'mon sweetheart, cum for me, ruin those pants.”
Sweet moans and whimpers tumble from the man's rosy lips as he finally lets go, staining his boxers enough that you feel the wetness as it soaks a spot on his trouser leg.
His grip on your hips loosens, but he doesn't stop whimpering, soft babbles and huffs escaping his throat as he calms down. You stroke his head, combing your fingers through his hair as your hips slow. “Good boy, you're such a good boy, Steven.” You smile brightly at him, despite the fact his eyes are still shut.
They only flutter open when he feels your hand stroking his cheek and tilting his head down.
“Are you ok, baby? How do you feel?”
His cheeks are flushed bright red still, beads of sweat sitting on his forehead from the warmth of his button-up shirt. A smile cracks across his face as he nods shyly, “I'm ok– great, yeah.. I'm great, actually.”
“You sure? I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?”
He shakes his head and tilts face to kiss your palm. “No, you didn't, love. I promise.”
His eyes drift down to the wet patch on his trousers, your eyes following as you chuckle softly.
“Should probably change…” He mumbles while resting his head on your shoulder.
“Yeah, that's probably a good idea.” You place a kiss on his neck as you embrace him, ignoring the fact that he will most definitely be late to work… again.
Tags 🖤: @boredzillenial @cowboymarcs @chichimisaki @faretheeoscar @fanofstuffidk @minigirl87 @marisferasiop @red-hydra @summonthesoups @steven-grants-world @queerponcho @ominoose @mynamesstevenwithav @rinverse @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @mooksmouse @cupidysm
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calypsocolada · 2 months
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synopsis: chainsaw man saves you and you feel very thankful... request: "hi! can i ask for a denji one? like, one where he and the reader (fem!) are classmates and friends, it's late at night and they're texting, then the reader says 'me after saying i would give chainsaw man a big fat kiss if he asked' and denji is all shocked and stuff because she said that to him (but she doesnt even know he's chainsaw man) and the next day at school he acts all weird and giddy?" authors note: hii!! thank you so much to whoever requested this... this one goes to you! this turned out a lot longer than I thought... also this is another attempt at smut... big emphasis on attempt... i hope you all enjoy! ps. this could be a two parter if you all enjoy... keep an eye out cw: aged up to 20's, p in v, smut, fem reader, loss of virginites (both reader and denji), dirty talk, some gore, utterly romantic!denji, idiots in love, slightly clueless reader, touch starved!denji, not proofread wc: 5.4k
It started with a simple act of service. Well… a simple act of saving your life. When you were younger you idolized heroes. The ones in the tv to be exact. Heroes in cloaks and tights, the ones that swung from buildings and punched alien invaders into outer space. Those heroes were cool but those heroes weren’t real. The hero that you saw on the television a few months ago, the one that was practically a celebrity… that one was nothing like the fictional heroes you loved dearly. Chainsaw Man he called himself. He was exactly what his name was, a man with chainsaws on his body. Most of the time he fought devils the fight wasn’t shown on live tv because of how gruesome and bloody the scenes were after he was done. But you saw pictures online and to say it might’ve haunted your dreams was an understatement. You weren’t entirely sure how you felt about this Chainsaw Man. 
That was until you met him.
You’d been walking home when it happened. Your classmate Denji was walking with you earlier but you two parted ways the closer you got to your house. 
Denji was… unruly. 
You were forced to partner up with him on a project. Denji was brash, loud and certainly had zero qualms with asking for your number the second you walked over to him to talk about the project. You gave him your number but asked that he only text about the project… which he didn’t do. He texted you pretty much every hour. He’d send memes that unfortunately were pretty funny. He’d text pictures of himself working out and then say it was an accident. He sent a picture of a hamburger once and said he was thinking of you. You weren’t really sure what that meant but the hamburger did look pretty delicious. He’d ask how your day was and ask to meet for lunch. You’re not entirely sure how it happened but suddenly you two were somewhat friends.  
Which is why when you saw multiple reports of devil sightings in your area you texted him and asked if he would walk you home after class since you two were getting dinner after and it would be dark when you walked home. He readily agreed. And he took it very seriously. His head was on a swivel the entire walk home, you could barely get a conversation going because of how focused he was on keeping a look out for devils. It was… endearing. 
“Okay… that’s far enough.” You said as your street came into view. Denji looked over at you. 
“Isn’t your house just a bit farther?”
“Yes but… if my dad or mom see you walking me home they’ll kill me.” You say, a bit embarrassed. You were in college but you still really feared what your parents thought of you. They were currently trying to set you up with a boy from their church and if they saw you walking home with a trouble maker like Denji they might push you harder towards that other boy.
“You sure?” Denji asked, cocking his head slightly, his hair falling slightly from his forehead.
“Yeah… Don’t worry.” You smile. “Thanks for walking me home.” For a moment Denji doesn’t respond, his eyes glued to your lips, a blush spreading across the tops of his cheeks and nose. “Denji?”
“Huh? Oh…! Y-yeah that’s no problem. If you want I can walk you home everyday until I die.” He rambles and then blushes even brighter at his clearly not well thought out words. You let out a surprised laugh.
“I’ll… keep that in mind.” You say, walking towards your house, turning and waving when you turn down your street. You glance back a last time, blushing as you watch Denji turn to leave. You’d never much thought about Denji in the ways that were seeping into your brain now. You turned to walk towards your house and wondered if it would’ve been so bad letting Denji walk you the rest of the way. You felt safe with him on the walk home. Suddenly your phone dinged in your pocket. You grabbed it, clicking open the message. 
Denji (from psych): text me when you get home, okay?
Your heart tumbled around in your chest at the message. Just as you went to text back it all sort of happened so fast. It was dark out and you heard the approach before you spotted the thing. Whatever it was it was fast and had snatched you off your feet before you could even blink. The scream that escaped you died in your throat as you were dragged off towards the forest near your house. Your hands flailed out, grasping for anything to hold onto as claws dug into your ankles as it tugged at you. You screamed as the thing paused and that's when you were able to turn and look at it. Just as something revved and the damned thing holding you was split completely in half. The nails that dug into it released and you scrambled back until your back hit hard against a tree. You watched the creature burst apart and something emerge from behind it. Chainsaw’s glinted in the moonlight. You screamed at the sight as the man who saved you ran to you, gently clamping a hand over your mouth. 
“Shh. Shh… It’s okay.” The voice that left the monstrous thing’s mouth was surprisingly gentle. You knew instantly who you were looking at. The hero from the news broadcasts. The Chainsaw Man that killed devils. 
“Fuck… what… uh,” You breathed out, your voice ragged from screaming, tears wet against your cheeks. 
“Are you hurt?” Chainsaw Man asked. His hands on your face, wiping your tears away with his thumbs. You stared at him dumbfoundedly. Seeing him this close was… strange. Uncanny… you felt as though maybe that devil from earlier had killed you and you were dead. “Y/n-- eh… M-miss, are you okay?” He asked again, you swallowed, wide eyed.
“Uh-- I think… so.” You forced out as Chainsaw Man sighed with relief. 
“Let’s get you home then, can you stand?” He asked, moving back slightly. The Chainsaws that once enveloped his hands were no longer there… just regular hands that reached out to pull you to your feet. You shook as you let him pull you to your feet.
“Ah-- fuck… my ankles.” You hissed in pain, forgetting that the devil from before had dug its claws in you. Chainsaw man reacted quickly as you wavered on your feet and swept you off them into his arms. You gasped in surprise.
“I’ll get you to a hospital.” He said. He carried you like you weighed nothing and as the adrenaline and fear calmed in your chest you couldn’t help but slightly blush at the moment. “Do you have your phone on you?” He asked, you nodded your head, unable to say anything. He clicked a few buttons and you heard the sound of a text sending.
“What? Did you text someone?”
“I texted a friend of yours to meet you at the hospital.” He explained. 
You didn’t work up the courage to speak until the lights of the hospital came into view. He lowered you into the grass as you looked up at him.
“What’re you doing?” You asked as the hero backed up towards the forest. 
“Your friend will meet you here and take you the rest of the way… I don’t want to startle anyone else.” He said.
“W-wait!” You called out, he paused, looking back at you. “Thank you… You saved my life.” You gushed, smiling thankfully up at him. The cool facade this man wore moments ago faded in an instant. He tripped over his feet the moment he saw you smile and fell back into the woods. You startled. “Mr. Chainsaw Man… are you okay?!” You called out, unable to go to him. He stood quickly. 
“Of course! Damn branches jumped out at me.” He kicked at the ground, clearing his throat. “And… you’re welcome… don’t walk home alone anymore Miss… it would be better to walk with a friend. A male friend…” He specified as you slowly nodded your head. 
“Uhm… okay.” You said as he backed into the woods. 
“Yeah… a strong one… the friend of yours I texted looks strong so… yeah maybe him.” Chainsaw Man said as you nodded your head, an amused smile growing on your face.
“Thank you again.” You said. Again the devil killer tripped and this time disappeared in the brush.You stared for a moment. “Chainsaw man?” You called out. Squinting into the darkness. Suddenly someone stumbled out from the woods startling you. 
“Ah! There you are! I-- I uh got a text that said you’d be here!” Denji said, running over to you. You gasped, relieved.
“Oh! Denji… thank god!” You said and when he got close you pulled him into your body, hugging him tightly. Denji froze, you felt him stiffen. You didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable but it was so nice seeing a friendly face… although Chainsaw Man wasn’t exactly someone you’d be opposed to see again. When you went to pull away Denji’s arms closed around you and you relaxed. 
“What happened?” Denji asked, muffled against your hair. You pull back finally, his hands still holding you loosely. 
“A devil attacked me and… and Chainsaw Man saved me.” Even saying it out loud made you feel silly and surely enough Denji would laugh at your words but he didn’t. He looked surprised. 
“R-really?” He stuttered as you nodded your head. 
“I know it sounds crazy-“
“No… no I believe you.” He says, then seems to remember why he’s here. “We need to get you inside.” He says as you nod your head, not being able to ignore the stinging pain. 
“I can try to walk,” you say, trying to push to your feet because surely your classmate couldn’t carry you but… but you’d be wrong. 
“No… I got you.” He says and just like Chainsaw Man from before you are lifted with ease into Denji’s arms as he carries you across the way to the lobby of the hospital. “Are you sure you’re okay? Only your ankles got hurt?” He asks as you nod your head. “I— should’ve walked the entire way with you.” He says guiltily. You instant shake your head. 
“No… don’t say that. It was my fault I should’ve just let you walk me home.” You say, the exhaustion of the night and the calmness of Denji’s heart made you tired. “Thank you for coming to help me.” You whisper. At that you hear Denji’s heart race. 
Your parents picked you up from the hospital. They scolded you the entire way home, saying that the boy who helped you should officially walk you home everyday. You knew Denji wouldn’t mind in fact when you got home around four a.m. and checked your phone you saw a couple texts from him already. 
Denji (from psych): sorry I left, I saw your parents and didn’t want to get you in trouble. 
Denji (from psych): please text me when you’re home so I can have peace of mind.
You: hey! sorry just got home hopefully you didn’t wait up for me this late. 
Denji (from psych): oh thank god. everything went okay?
You: yeah I’m fine! The cuts weren’t too deep. I saw news reports of that same devil that attacked me. It had already killed a few people before me. I got super lucky. Looks like I owe Chainsaw Man a big fat thank you kiss.
You stared at your sent message for a moment, blushing. Why in the world would you say that? You moved your hand over your face. Admitting that you might now have a crush on Chainsaw Man to your classmate had your stomach in knots and you're not entirely sure why. You thought about your other friends and how all of them had crushes on Chainsaw Man but for some reason telling that to Denji made you nervous. 
The next morning you checked your phone. Denji had read the text the moment you sent it but didn’t text back. You're not sure why it embarrassed you so much so you thought up a plan that if he asked you’d say you were on pain meds or something. But truthfully… you’d do a lot more for Chainsaw Man if he asked. He saved your life… his voice still swam in your mind. So calming. He was so strong and wasted no time rushing you to help. It was hot. You hadn’t had a crush on someone in a long time and you felt that little flutter in your stomach and knew all too well what it meant. That’s when you heard the doorbell ring. Both of your parents were already gone for the day and you were about to start walking to college. 
You opened the front door and to your surprise a blushing Denji was standing there in the rain. You blinked a few times. 
“Denji?” You asked, he was soaked through with the rain. For a moment you two just looked at each other. Denji unable to speak just at the sight of you. You smiled slightly, a soft laugh escaping your lips. “Denji?” This seemed to snap him out of whatever stupor he was in as he blinked, sputtering out as he spoke. 
“Y-Your mom called me and asked if I could walk you. Didn’t know it would be raining today.” He explained nervously. You stared at him. He was acting very strange.
“Come in.” You ushered him inside which made him act even more nervous. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah!! Yes yeah of course yeah I’m good.” He stuttered out. You laughed softly. 
“Denji, you're absolutely soaked.” You laughed and he seemed to notice he was dripping wet all over your carpet. 
“Oh- oh shit! Sorry!” He went to step back outside but you caught his arm. 
“Wait- it’s fine, Denji, really come on in.” 
“Your carpet?”
“I don’t care about the carpet.” You smiled with a soft laugh. When you looked at him his eyes were glued to that smile. It made your stomach flip. “I think my mom thought you had a car.” You said after a moment as Denji’s eyes snap up to yours. 
“Don’t be.” You laughed. “I think… we should skip. What do you think?” You asked as his eyes grew large and he visibly swallowed.
“Really?” He asked as you nodded your head. 
“I mean… My legs still hurt a bit and if we walk we’ll probably catch colds… which reminds me you need to get out of those wet clothes.” You said, unknowingly wreaking havoc on Denji’s nervous system. “Come with me,” You said softly. He dropped his bag and kicked off his shoes, jogging to catch up with you as you led him to your dad’s room. You grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt and handed it to Denji. “Here, change into this and give me your wet clothes so I can toss them in the dryer.” You said. Denji nodded obediently and started to pull off his shirt. You blushed instantly. “Wait.. wait… let me get out of the room.” You laughed as Denji laughed nervously. You closed the door behind you and paused. Your heart in your throat. You blew out a breath, walking towards the kitchen. Denji joined you a few minutes later and you smiled at him as you took his wet clothes and tossed them in the dryer. 
“How’re you feeling?” Denji asked. 
“I’ll be okay. I’ll probably have a cool scar down there.” You joke but Denji’s face was slightly serious. You wondered if he still felt bad about letting you walk alone and just at the thought you blushed. 
“I’m… really sorry you got hurt.”
“It’s just some scratches, Denji.” You reassure him. “I’m really okay.” He looks at you and a moment builds between you two before he swallows and nods his head.
“Thank god I- ah uh… Chainsaw Man got to you fast.” Denji professed as you nodded your head with a wistful sigh. 
“Yeah… he’s my savior.” You laugh, walking to sit across from Denji at the counter.
“Savior…” He said softly. “You still gonna give him a big fat thank you kiss?” He asked and suddenly went entirely red, the look on his face told you he hadn’t meant to say that outloud. You let out a surprised laugh.
“I… am not ashamed. I would. He saved my life.” You say earnestly and watch as a lot of stages pass Denji’s face. His dark brown eyes wide. You laughed, shaking your head. “What? I’m hardly the first person to say that. All the girls at school have crushes on Chainsaw Man.” You wave off. Denji suddenly looks overwhelmed and perplexed.
“They… they do?” He asks as you nod your head. He hums in response as though he’s taking this information in. “All the girls?”
“Probably.” You giggle. He clears his throat, looking sort of serious.
“Do… Do you?” He asks.
“Why? Are you jealous?” You ask teasingly. But it seemed you were right on the money because Denji choked on air, coughing. “I-- I was just joking, Denji.”
“Yeah! Yeah of course…” He said, slightly hiding his face.
“Do you… do you like me?”
“Of course I do!” Denji answers and for a moment you two stare at each other.
“Oh,” You breath out, a violent blush spreading across your face. 
“Oh! Oh.. you-- you meant..” Denji hides his face even more and you dissolve into laughter, slightly relieved he misunderstood. You could deal with a crushing on Chainsaw Man because he was unattainable… but Denji… he was here, real. Really seemed to care for you. It made your heart race in ways Chainsaw Man never could.
“Let's… just forget I said anything. Are you hungry?”
“I… yeah I could eat.” Denji forces out. You grab some stuff for you and Denji to snack on and lead him to your room. The entire time Denji is nervously fidgeting and you're not sure his face has stopped being red. You wondered if he was getting sick from walking here in the rain. When you opened the door to your room and walked inside Denji paused in the doorway. You turned back, his eyes were drinking in his surroundings. “Wow… this is cool.” He walked deeper in and immediately went to your manga shelf. “Holy shit!” He said as a warm smile fits to your lips as he looks at all the titles on your shelf. “You like this series?” He asks, pulling out one of your favorite mangas. You smile excitedly, nodding your head. You two gush about the series for a bit as he finally settles a bit. You put on a movie for you two to watch and scoot over, making room for him. He sits sort of uncomfortably as you laugh gently. 
“Come on, Denji, I don’t bite.” You say. Denji laughs slightly. 
“Of c-course… I’m just not… used to being… alone with a very very pretty girl who said she wants to kiss me.” He struggled with his words. You laughed. 
“I never said I wanted to kiss-” The laugh dies on your lips as Denji and your eyes meet. Everything clicks into place there and then and you feel like a fool. “Holy shit.” “Oh fuck.” You and Denji speak in tandem. You continue to stare at each other in shock. Denji realized his mistake with his words.
“I… I misspoke.” 
“No… no you didn’t.” You say, sitting up slightly. Denji jumps to his feet.
“I-- I did!”
“Your… holy shit… Denji are you Chainsaw M-”
“No! No, of course not!” Denji tried to laugh it off but everything started to click into place. After All that calming voice… you’d been hearing it almost everyday. You felt like a complete idiot for not realizing. Then your entire face burned red because you had just professed your want to kiss Chainsaw Man in front of Chainsaw Man himself. 
“Holy shit… you,” You started to laugh softly, it grew slowly. “You’re really him. Your Chainsaw Man.”
“You… You can’t tell anyone!” He said quickly. He gave in pretty quickly. “Please… promise me you’ll keep this to yourself.”
“I won’t tell a soul.” You said, a gentle smile on your lips. Denji stared at that smile. You should’ve known it was him, he always trips up when you smile. “You saved my life, Denji.” Denji’s eyes grew, for the hundredth time today he blushed. So he wasn’t sick after all, you were just causing him to malfunction it seemed. “And you pretended to text yourself.” You laughed as Denji sunk down on the bed, covering his face with his hands.
“I’m so embarrassed.” He mumbled into his palms. You reached, gently grabbing his wrists away from his face. He stared at you dumbfoundedly. You moved a bit closer. 
“Don’t be. I… I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me anything! Seriously, I would save you anytime you need.” He expressed.
“I don’t doubt that.” You grinned, letting go of one wrist and sliding your hand into his with the other. You could see the nerves building in him. Nothing to be done about that, you were only going to make it worse. “But I do owe you. If… if Chainsaw Man wants it.”
“Wants… what?” Denji breaths out.
“A kiss.” You say and watch Denji’s world turn on its axis. He mouths the word ‘kiss’ and immediately his eyes go to your lips. You can tell how badly he wants it. You move a bit closer. “Do you want-” Denji shoots forwards, his lips slamming against your own. You gasp, surprised. The unexpectedness of the kiss jolted your system. The shock of the moment leaves both of you breathless. Denji’s quick and needy kiss, his hands sliding around your back as he pushed you back against the headboard of your bed. You made a sound against his lips that only spurred him on even more. Your bodies melted together, lips slotting together in perfect harmony, intertwined in a slow, sensual rhythm. A sort of primal desire comes over Denji as he presses even closer to you, his kiss trailing greedily from your mouth down your cheek to your jawline then your neck. You shiver, sucking in a breath, your eyes fluttering closed, hand sliding into his hair to gently grip his hair. Denji whimpers against your neck and your stomach bottoms out at the sound. “If you… leave marks on me… I’ll be in trouble.” You murmur, biting your lip. Denji trails his kisses back up to your lips and you grab both of his cheeks and hold him there.
“Mark me up then,” He says against your lips. You blush at his words. 
“Denji…” you breath out, this all was happening so fast. 
“Ah..I.. want to be yours.” Denji implores. “I… I really fucking want you to… own me.” He confesses. You let out a shaky breath and gently swap places with Denji, pushing him back against the pillows of your bed. He burns beneath you, hot to the touch. If he wanted to be yours it was more than fine with you. You duck down and press a kiss to his lips before gently ducking lower, pressing chaste kisses to his neck. 
“I really fucking like you too, Denji…” You whisper against his neck. Denji sharply gasps at your words, a strangled whine escaping from his parted lips. His body sort of twitches beneath you as you slowly slide your legs over him, straddling  against his clothed waist. He’s hard, so achingly hard that when you press against him he can’t help but let out a stifled moan. This was escalating very quickly… and you weren’t at all dissatisfied with this moment. 
“Y/n…” Denji groaned out when you gently bit his neck.
“You… don’t have to-- d-do this…” Denji forced out between noises of pleasure. You lifted your head.
“What?” You asked softly. He swallowed, forcing himself to pay attention at this moment. 
“I… want you to want me. Not feel like you owe me because I saved you.” He explains the best he can with you on top of him completely muddling his mind. You could tell how badly he wanted this and wanted you and the fact he was second guessing for your sake made your heart swell. 
“Denji…” You breathed out.
“Let me take you out sometime… you deserve a date, s-something romantic.” He elaborates and you bite the smile on your lips, slightly tilting your head. 
“You want to take me out?” You ask as Denji nods his head quickly. 
“I know you like Chainsaw Man… but I want you to like me as well.”
“Oh… Denji.” You croon, sitting up. “We can go out. Anytime you want. And… yes I do like Chainsaw Man, he’s very cool… but he… he wasn’t the first person I wanted to kiss, ya know.” You say and watch the realization dawn on Denji’s face.
“Wait… you-- wait… when?” Denji asks, halting hope and half in utter disbelief. 
“When you walked me home. You were so serious about keeping me safe.”
“I am very serious about that.” He doubles down. You smile at that and watch his eyes drift to it. Like a moth to a flame. “It wasn’t the shirtless pics of my muscles?” He asks as you scoff out a laugh, reaching and gripping his bicep gently.
“Wow… just like in the picture.” You tease. 
“My friend said that would work.” Denji tries to hide his face in shame but you catch his wrists again, shaking your head in amusement.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like them.” You purred, gaining just the reaction you were wanting. Denji’s face got all red like you liked and when you let go of his wrists his hands fell and rest just on your hips.
“I-- I think I should leave.”He says suddenly. You softly furrow your brow, wondering if you’d made him uncomfortable in any way but know the thing pressing against your core meant he was enjoying this little chat.
“Okay… I’m sure your clothes are dry.” You say and when you move to get off of him his hands tighten slightly on your hips. You look back at him, his face was scrunched up slightly. “Denji..?”
“I-- don’t want…” He thought about his words carefully. “I don’t want to go. I don’t want to let you go.” His fingers flex on your hips. You smile down at him.
“Then don’t.” You say and he looks up at you.
“I really should, ah--- y/n,” Mid sentence you gently ground your hips against his and watched as his sentence fell apart. His grip tightened even more as his head fell back on the pillow. “Please… oh ah-- please don’t, Y/n… I really want to- ah ah fuck… please.” He can’t even form a coherent sentence.
“What is it, Denji?” You ask innocently as you slowly pick up speed. The moans and groans that escape his parted lips are heavenly. You could listen to them all day. 
“Ah-- fuck… Y/n. I can’t-- don’t make me… in my pants…I’ve never… done this…before.” He says, cheeks flushed from embarrassment. You didn’t let up, just reached and gently grabbed him by the chin and angled his lips up to yours so you could kiss him, a fire of your own building below your stomach. You desperately wanted to rid you both of the layers of clothes between you and just at that thought you felt the tips of Denji’s fingers dip beneath the waistband of your pants, sliding back towards your ass. You shivered and kissed him harder as a reward. “Ah… am-- am I yours?” He whimpers helplessly against your lips. “F-fuck me like I’m yours, p-please.” Your stomach bottomed out at that. Jesus… You raised up slightly and pulled your pants off as fluidly as possible, tossing them aside. You helped Denji out of his own pants and paused because you’d never done this before. It was clear he hadn’t either. Despite it all you blew out a nervous breath and pressed on, lining up your entrance with his cock, letting it slide inside you. The noises you both made made the entire room heat up and spin around you. You moved your hips at a decent speed and wrapped your arms around the back of Denji’s neck, tucking your face in his neck as well. Your heart was in your throat thumping loudly as you fumbled your way through the motions, unsure of what you were doing. “Y/n…” Denji’s voice spoke softly, you pulled back and when your eyes met his all the fear an anxiety of the moment drained away. He kissed you hard and rocked up into you, muffling the moan on your lips.  The want that built inside you tightened like a ball in your stomach, slowly being wound free. Denji kissed you, he kissed your cheeks and your forehead and when you came it was together. It was more romantic than you could’ve ever, ever imagined. All those horror stories of first times that all your friends had told you back in high school. You were damn glad you waited. Denji kissed your lips a last time as you two unlatched from each other. That’s when you heard the sound of the front door downstairs opening. 
“Oh fuck.” You said suddenly, jumping up, grabbing your pants. You tossed Denji his and ran to your door, poking out your head. Sure enough your mom was home early. Your face flushed as you pressed your door shut quietly. Sure it was embarrassing to some that you still lived with your parents but you were a broke college student and nowhere else. But right now you would rather perish than your mom catching you with a boy in your room. 
“Your parents?” Denji asked wide eyed as you nodded your head, running to your window, pushing it open. 
“I am… so sorry but you have got to go. Run around to the side of the house and I’ll meet you with your stuff okay.” You say as Denji nods his head, vaulting out of the bed, running to the window. He put one leg out, turned and kissed you quickly before sliding out of it, jumping to the grass below. You gasped, sticking your head out to check if he was okay just as your door opened. “Jesus, mom!” You gasped out.
“Y/n, I thought I heard you,” Your mom said as you pulled the window closed. “Are you feeling okay?” She asked as you nodded your head. 
You snuck out the front door about fifteen minutes later and ran to the side of the house. Denji was waiting there and startled when you finally came around. 
“Sorry,” You apologized, handing him his stuff. He wasted zero time dropping the stuff you handed him, hands sliding on your cheeks to bring your lips to his. You smiled against his lip. 
“We didn’t get to talk after,” He said after a moment. “Was that… are you okay?” He asks, your heart exploding in your chest. “I’ve never done that before… Was I good enough for you?”
“Denji…” You swooned. “You were perfect. And for the record neither have I.” You said and Denji’s lips parted in surprise.
“Really?” He asked as you nodded your head. He swallowed, letting out a breath. “You were heavenly…” He said, making you blush. 
“Alright Mr. Chainsaw Man… you really need to go.” You laugh as Denji pouts. 
“When can I see you again?”
“I’ll leave my window unlocked.” You say and watch Denji’s face erupt in another glorious blush. 
“No… I have to take you out properly before I sneak into your room again.” He says as you laugh, biting your lip.
“Alright… plan something, I’ll be waiting for your text.” You say and Denji nods his head, kissing you one last time before leaving. You shake your head laughing, as you head back inside. You grab your phone from your room and scroll through you and Denji’s messages until you find one of his shirtless pics, you send it back to him with the caption, new lockscreen <3.          
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kurogxrix · 10 months
Love It Loud
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Mob!Bucky Barnes x Wife!reader
IN WHICH you help your husband relax after a long day of work by pleasuring him.
WC: 5.6k
Warnings: SMUT, cowgirl, unprotected lazy fuck, creampie, size kink, fingering, oral (M), subby!bucky, pure filth.
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Frustration was running thick through Bucky’s veins since way before he’d even stepped foot into the mansion’s doors, and by the way that he’d slammed the two wooden doors open, you could easily tell that he was still very fed up. You knew that Bucky’s occupation was far from easy. There were days where he’d come back home all bruised and bloody to the point where you had to stitch him up. 
Though you understood why he did what he did, it never helped to ease your worries when he’d spend days away on some dangerous trip somewhere far from home. Before officializing your relationship with the mobster, you had received far too many warnings from your peers and family members. They’d warn you that he’d put you in danger, that he’d neglect you and return home at night with signs of unfaithfulness freshly visible on him.
Though they didn’t even personally know the man, they still found ways to berate him on a further level. You’d never once listened to a thing of what they had to say, instead deciding to chase your romance with the man of your dreams. Bucky was far from what those people had described him as, at least in his relationship with you. On the outside of your marriage, he was still a fearful mobster with blood stained hands. Nevertheless, your security was his number one priority. He had hundreds, with no exaggeration, of loyal guards pacing around his home whenever he wasn’t around to watch on you himself. 
He was always there for you, treating you like a real-life Disney princess as he spoiled you with his riches. Bucky loved you like no other, and he vowed to dedicate his life to you in a claim that he valued your life before his. A five year long relationship and a set of rings accompanied with a marriage certificate was as much as Bucky had to prove true to his promise for the time being. 
Much to contradict the stereotype of men with shitty jobs, Bucky was nothing but undyingly loyal to you. Be damned that any woman dares to even look him in the eye, he’d always reject them without a second thought. You were it for him, and he didn’t need any side chicks like the other shitty men in the business. Though you did believe him and lay all of your trust into his hands, he’d even go as far as taping a fucking live camera onto his suit to proof to you that he wasn’t even batting an eye towards no other woman. Though he feared that the idea was a little too extreme, and furthermore he didn’t want you to catch sight of the more gruesome and bloody parts of his hobby.  
The forceful opening of your bedroom door had you jumping in your seat on the bed. The book in your hand nearly slipping out as you quickly closed the explicit romance novel that you were so engrossed in. The loud entrance was enough to tell you that something was wrong with your husband today, but his excessive grunting and furrowed eyebrows just confirmed your observations. 
He’d greeted you with a chaste kiss before moving to the bathroom to freshen himself, but lord forbid you caught sight of the blood that stained his hands. He didn’t want you to deal with this kind of filth, he’d had a shitty enough day, he didn’t feel like ruining yours too. He removed the upper pieces of his suit to take care of the blood that soaked through the white shirt of his expensive suit, crimson liquid that didn’t even belong to him. Once Bucky had managed to clean his hands from the dried blood that clung onto his skin, he hadn't even bothered to remove his pants before joining you back in bed. 
Of course he’d removed his shoes before sitting on your shared bed, because otherwise you’d literally strangle him to death, and he didn’t feel like dying today. Bucky must’ve realised that he was staring into nothing for a solid minute, because your noises of concern were soon to reach his ears. He didn’t have the physical words to ease you, so instead he took you hand in his, rubbing a comforting thumb over your knuckles as he gave you a tight smile.
You chose to let it go for now, obviously sensing his frustration ever since he’d gotten back here. Sitting back on your side, you watched as your husband pulled out a half-read book from his side table. You laid down on your side as you enjoyed the view of Bucky squinting like an old man to try and comprehend whatever was written in that book of his. He didn’t even give the poor book a minute before slamming it back down on the desk, a loud sound resonating around the room as Bucky raised a hand to rub at his tired eyes. 
“You want me to help you relax?” It wasn't hard to see the exasperation pooling in his blue iris, and you were sure that he’d rip that book apart if he’d kept it in his hands any longer. You didn’t necessarily want to ask what was the cause of his situation, because as much as you knew that your husband would never voluntarily even raise his voice at you, you knew what extreme frustration did to people. 
“I’d love to fuck my frustrations away into that tight little cunt of yours, sure.” you couldn’t help the way your eyes widened at his crude insinuation, even though that wasn’t necessarily what you’d thought of at first, you definitely wanted to help him ‘relax’ in that way now. Your hand moves up to cup his cheeks on its own, your thumb rubbing comforting circles into his skin 
 “But I'm so worn out today I'm not sure I'd even last.” you feel your heart tightening at the admission, always feeling so bad whenever your husband comes back home so beaten up. You sat up once more as you eyed the stubble on his jaw, wanting nothing more than to run your palm along the spiky hairs. There was a tinge of desire in his eyes, something that told you that he was dead genuine about his previous statement, and you wanted nothing else than that too.
“Nobody said you had to move, just let me take care of you.” you whispered out the last part before moving up to him, testing the waters as your lips laid millimetres away from his. After a couple of seconds where he didn’t back away, you finally closed the space between you both to kiss him. He accepted it without any second thoughts, because who was he to decline your affection? The kiss was sloppy but all the more intimate as he cupped your cheeks with his large, calloused palm. 
From a second to another, you’re were top of Bucky, your legs on either side of his hips as you straddled him. He didn’t even have time to comprehend your free hand moving downwards on his body because he was too busy with the passionate kiss that you were both sharing. The sudden feeling of your palm against his clothed cock made Bucky gasp, and you took it as your chance to slip your tongue onto his. 
His tongue fight was weak, given that he was usually the one that was dominating you, and you felt yourself growing wetter at the newfound dominance that you’d just acquired. You could feel the way that his half-hard cock was reacting under your touch as the bulge in his pants only grew bigger and bigger by the second. Bucky was nothing but a whimpering mess under you as his tongue slipped inside of your mouth, entangling with yours in a sultry kiss. 
His hips were buckling into your hands with desperation, and by then his cock was fully erected and painfully throbbing in the restraints of his boxers. You could practically feel the heat radiating from it through all of his layers of clothes, but you weren’t even close to complaining. 
You pulled apart from Bucky for a split second, your mouth and your palm leaving his body as he grunted out a noise of complaint. 
“Come back here.” The dark rasp of his voice only sent tingles down to your core, but this moment was supposed to be about him. Bucky grasped your wrist in between his fingers, trying to drag you back onto him so that you could continue the sloppy match of making out that you’d previously offered him. Though his complaining faltered as he watched you fumble with the zipper of his pants, a teasing grin on your face as you watched him eyeing you like a prey. 
“Please, doll…” he ran his hands tenderly down your arms, trying to charm you into pulling his cock out faster so he can just fuck you already, or get fucked by you just like you’d offered to do. He was impatient, a sliver of despair swimming in his beautiful blue iris as he did nothing else but stare at you greedily. If he wasn’t so exhausted you could’ve been sure that he would’ve already thrown you down onto the mattress and pounded you unrelentingly for being a tease, but you currently were the one with the upper hand. 
Deciding to spare him the pain of having to stay much longer in the tight and uncomfortable restraints of his clothes, you finally unzipped his suit pants and slipped your fingers under the waistband of both his pants and boxers at the same time. He aided you by lifting up his hips lazily as you slipped his clothes off in one smooth movement.
His cock sprang straight at his lower stomach right after you removed his pants, a wet sound following as his pre-cum covered tip slapped against his smooth skin. You nearly drooled at the familiar sight of his thickness, his cock freshly shaven apart for the oddly attractive line of hair starting at his lower stomach all the way down his V-line. He was so long and so fucking hard that you worried for your guts the moment you’d let him slip inside. 
Bucky’s thick length twitched upon his stomach as he watched you sit on your knees to lift your shirt above your head. Once his gaze finally fell on the sight of your breasts perfectly sitting in that satin bra that he’d bought you, he threw his head back into the pillow with a dramatic groan that you couldn’t help but laugh at. 
You left the mattress to undress for merely a few seconds, but you could practically already feel your husband’s lustful gaze from behind. You decided to offer him a show and lower your panties painfully slowly while exaggeratedly bending over as you slipped the pair off your ankles. You kind of regretted not being able to see the look in his eyes once he caught sight of your seeping cunt, but the one that he had one his face once you’d turned around was not deceiving at all. 
“Come here, lemme touch em’” he whispered, his eyes never once leaving your chest as he spoke.
Your eyes didn’t miss the way one of his hands wasn’t at his side, but down to his waist and stroking leisurely at his pulsing cock while he stared hungrily at you. He used his thumb to smooth the pre-cum gathering at the slit of his top, the feeling making him shudder. 
“This night is supposed to be about pleasing you, we can think about me tomorrow.” 
“Your tits are all the more pleasing to me, c’mon darling,”  Bucky forced his bottom lip into the painful grip of his teeth to prevent himself from embarrassingly groaning at the sight of your hips swaying with your every move, and he felt relieved as you moved closer to him finally. 
Once you reached the side of the bed again, you grasped the hand that was sinfully stroking down his hips to place them on your side as you straddled him once more. Bucky would love to complain because of the loss of friction, but he’d be glad to ignore the impatient twitching of his cock because the sight before him is straight up heaven. 
His eyes were centimetres away from your hardened nipples, and he didn’t need a green card for him to engulf your breast into his mouth. You moaned as he twirled his tongue around your sensitive bud, his other hand squeezing the soft flesh of your side as he got lost in the moment. Soon your other breast was to receive the same treatment as he left the other with a wet ‘pop’. You were fully sitting on his torso by then, relishing in the pleasure that he was offering you, under the di guise that it was pleasuring him. Yet it did, somehow. 
“Enough, you big baby,” you laughed as you pulled your upper body away, finally gathering some strength to retreat from his grip. Bucky glared at you half heartedly as if you had taken something precious away from him, and yet, you had. 
He jumped slightly at the sudden feeling of your lips against his skin, dragging wet kisses down his torso to the abs resting perfectly along his stomach. You made sure to suck the skin just right to leave a hickey that would last, even if no one else got to experience the sight of your shirtless husband other than you. You had to mentally fight yourself against the idea of littering his entire chest in bruises, and you almost lost against your own impulses. 
Instead, you continued to drag your lips further and further down until you reached the area that Bucky was so impatiently waiting for you to please. Carefully, you wrapped one of your manicured hands around the base of his cock, holding his thick length up straight so you could take him in your mouth.
Bucky shuddered as he watched you spit onto his cockhead, using your tongue to lick a teasing strip along the side of his length. He threw his head back once more into the pillow in ecstasy once the warm heat of your mouth enveloped him, even if it was just the tip. The way that your tongue slid along his slit and under the fat head of his cock was sinfully stimulating, and with shame did Bucky involuntarily bucky his hips up into your mouth. 
You weren’t necessarily in the mood to take him all the way down your throat, but he was so big that he was damn near it and there was still more length for you to wrap your palm around. The sight was more than filthy, drool beginning to dribble down the side of your mouth as you continued to suck him off like you had little time left. Despite keeping up your steady pace most of the time, you thought that there was no better thing to do but tease your husband from time to time.
You suddenly slowed down your pace, sucking him off in a painfully slow and overstimulating way possible. You relished in the way he whined greedily, his hips bucking into your mouth as you fought off a grin. You were lucky that Bucky was too fucked to even be able to glance down at you, because fuck would he keep that against you for weeks. He’d probably tie you up to the headboard and edge you just about everyday until you couldn’t even gather up the voice to beg anymore. 
Your smile quickly fell as you felt one of your husband’s large hands fall onto the back of your head, his fingers were quick to pull your loose hair into a closed fist. His grip was so tight that it stung your scalp, but the pain was all the more pleasurable. You could tell how much good you were doing to Bucky by the way his eyes were shut tightly, that adorable expression plastered all over his flushed face was an indication that he was close.
As much as you wanted for him to finish inside of you, you decided not to edge the man any further and just let him fuck into your mouth until he was satisfied. Bucky didn’t need any further notice as he continuously buckled into your mouth, a series of whines and groans falling from his mouth as the grip on your hair was unrelenting.
Your previous statement to not take him down your throat was clearly revoked as Bucky pushed your head further down to take him whole, your nose nuzzling against his pelvis as tears gathered by your waterline. The discomfort in your throat was quickly lived down as you felt Bucky’s sloppy thrusts slow down, eventually tasting the salty release flowing down your tongue as you quickly recovered to lap on the underside of his tip, helping him ride out his orgasm. 
His grunts were like heaven to your ears, nothing better than the sound of a man submitting to his wife. After thoroughly cleaning him with the help of your mouth and sinfully swallowing his release, you released his softening cock gently away from your mouth in an attempt to reach the bathroom. 
You barely had the time to stand as you heard the obvious sound of your husband shuffling along the bed. You felt two huge arms argulfing your waist and bringing you back into Bucky’s toned body, making you sit across his lap as he himself sat along the edge of the bed.
“Thought you were tired huh? What happened to that?” you questioned, a hint of genuineness and playfulness lacing your words. You sighed pleasurably as Bucky stuffed his face in the crook of your neck, leaving wet and desirable kisses behind like the tease that he was. Both of his hands were running up the sides of your bare body, leaving goosebumps behind as you wished for nothing more than for him to destroy you with those fingers of his.
One of his hands slowly worked its way downwards towards your inner thighs as he continued to trail kisses down your neck, even moving to your jaw as you threw your head back against him. The sudden feeling of his thick finger against your clit rightfully took you by surprise, urging a whine out of you and not failing to make you wiggle in his grip.
His hold was inescapable, you could never pry the heavy muscles of the mafia member currently holding you down by the waist, but you didn’t want to anyways. Your hand jumped to latch onto the wrist of Bucky’s hand that was currently between your legs, and it didn’t nothing more than boost his ego. 
“Wanna make you feel good too, baby,” he grunted into your neck, pretending like you could comprehend anything as his fingers began lapping at your folds. Within all of your squirming, you could feel how his cock began hardening behind you once more, which you’d gratefully deal with in a moment. The feeling of your ass all pressed up against his growing erection had Bucky pressing your hips further into his. 
You couldn’t help but shiver as your husband ran his fingers up and down your folds, aching for him to stuff his fingers into your aching core already. Your arousal coated his fingers in a thick coat of your slick, allowing him to move faster against you. You had to force yourself to swallow back a moan as the tips of his middle and ring finger poked past your entrance finally. 
Opening your legs slightly to give Bucky more space to work with, you tried to bury yourself impossibly further into his chest as his fingers entered you knuckles deep. Your hand squeezed at his wrist with a force that he ignored you had, but it was still nothing to your mob husband. He’d gone through worse, this was nothing that he couldn’t handle. Felt more like a little scratch compared to the amount of times that he’d gotten grazed by 15 inch blades. 
The room was filled with the filthy sounds of your whines and moans and the wet sound of Bucky pummeling his fingers inside of you. His pace was unrelenting and he barely even gave you a second to breathe. He knew your body by heart, knew which ways to curl his fingers to have you stuttering. He knew at which angle to stuff his fingers to make your toes curl, and he wasn’t afraid to make use of his skills. 
At the feeling of your cunt tightening against his fingers, Bucky couldn’t help the grin that grew on his face. He wanted to help and make you come like you had done so gracefully to him earlier. Though that clearly never came as he felt the hand on his wrist pushing his hand away in a hurry.
“Wait! Shit.” you rushed out, a little louder and a little more panicked than you wanted it to. At the sound of your plea, Bucky’s fingers suddenly came to a stop inside of you, hastily pulling out as you struggled to make up a proper sentence. 
“What’s wrong, love? You’re okay?” the concern filled tone of your husband appeared as he rubbed your sides comfortingly, afraid and wondering if he’d done something to hurt you. Atlast in your fucked out state you couldnt necessarily tell him how he’d made you feel anything but amazing, he allowed you the time to calm down. He littered soft kisses to your cheeks as you recovered, fully aware that he could sometimes get a little too caught up in pleasuring you that he pushed you past you limits. Like that one night that he’d given you 6 dreamy orgasms all in one night all because you claimed that you were craving him. 
“Just- jus’ wanna finish when you’re inside.” you managed to grit out, your chest heaving because you had been dangerously approaching your orgasm, just before ruining everything for yourself. Once you heard Bucky’s short chuckle, you knew that his once worries had now vanished away as he focused on caressing your sides until you were ready. He’d never refuse an offer like this. To decline the sight of your wife bouncing greedily on your cock must be for the saints, but Bucky was nothing more but a sinner. 
With a newfound force, you turned around in Bucky’s lap to flush your chest against his. He groaned as your wet cunt made contact with his twitching length, but he hadn’t even had the time to react as you’d greated his lips in a fiery kiss. None other than the first one, it was yet again a match of tongue dominance won by you. Just that Bucky wasn’t really all that tired anymore, you’d quite literally sucked the weariness out of him earlier. He just craved the sight of your ascendancy tonight. 
Bucky’s tongue was busy with yours but his hands were freely roaming around your body, occasionally gripping onto your ass as he grinded your body against his, trying to find some relief for the raging boner that was currently sitting firmly against his lower stomach. He couldn’t wait to pump you full and watch as it dribbled down his own length while he fucks up inside of you, god were his thoughts running wild. 
His nor your brain had fully acknowledged when Bucky had pulled you both to the middle of the bed, but he did notice the way you’d push him back down flat onto the bed with such gracefulness, forcing your lips apart as you sat down on his thigh. Bucky crooked his neck in a funny angle to get a look at you, but he couldn’t care less of what he looked like at a moment. You looked like a total angel in his eyes, and he couldn’t take his gaze away from you. 
Bucky watched patiently as you kneeled before him, both your knees caging his hips as you lowered your whole body weight on them. His straining cock twitched as you took him in your hand, pumping him once or twice before running your thumb against the slit of his cockhead. A shiver ran down his spine as you sat further onto his lap, bringing his cock to lay against your stomach to show him just about the size difference. It was something that he was used to, but it never failed to make his body react positively. 
He nearly came from the sheer size of his massive cock compared to your smaller body, watching as it reached your belly button from outside of your body. He couldn’t wait until you’d lower down on his cock, watching you squirm as his tip kisses your cervix while he isn’t even buried all the way. You used your hand to drag his fat tip onto your clit, tapping his cockhead against your bundle of nerves and effectively coating him with your slick. 
You finally lowered yourself slowly onto him, immediately feeling him stretch you. Unlike his already big fingers, they felt nothing like the stinging stretch of his dick. Bucky’s hands flew to latch onto your hips, and what you might’ve imagined as an innocent reflex at first turned out to be far from that. You couldn’t have expected him to pull you all the way down onto his length in one movement, but the sudden sting told you that he had in fact done exactly that. 
You were sure that your neighbours from miles away must’ve heard the gut wrenching yell that Bucky had forced out of you, your hands flying to his chest for stability as you tried to recover. All the while he was grinding your hips onto his, slowly thrusting up into you from under. Something you loved about your husband was his neediness and impatience when it came to intimacy, it made you feel so desirable. 
It didn’t take long before you started rolling your hips against his on your own, pushing up against his torso to sit up again. Your dishevelled state had bucky forcing his head back onto the silk-case covered pillow. The movement had your clit rubbing against his pelvis at each roll, and you felt like you were floating with ecstasy.
The position made it as for Bucky to be buried all the way into you, his balls flush against your ass and the faint outline of his cock traced onto your stomach from how deep he was sheathed. Despite claiming that you wanted to take care of Bucky, he could see how the exhaustion was starting to catch up to you. The way your legs trembled from the pleasure and tiredness, he knew that he had to take over. 
His big hands squeezed at your hips, his grip almost bruising your skin as he used it to help you bounce on his cock. He manhandled you like you weighed nothing to him, freely moving you up and down to pleasure the both of you. You could’ve sworn that you could feel every single vein that ran along the length of his cock, alongside the way the slight curve of his dick kept on slamming against that spot inside of you that made you see stars.
Fuck did his body fit yours perfectly like some well assorted puzzle, you could feel your upper body seizing with the sheer amount of satisfaction that ran through your veins. You just couldn't take it anymore, instead deciding to let him take over as you laid down against his chest, your breasts splaying satisfyingly against his torso. 
Bucky wasn’t one to wait, so at the sight of you leaning down on him, he was quick to take over. He still wanted you on top of course, even if it meant that you weren’t dominating anymore. His arms found a home around your lower back, his muscles bulging with his every move. Bucky moved his legs from the laid position that they were currently in, folding his knees up so he could continue to ram into you mercilessly. 
You could’ve honestly written a whole essay about how the new position had you borderline drooling, but a series of stuttered moans was all that you could utter out for the moment. 
“Fuck darling, you’re squeezing me so tight here. Don’t think I can last much longer.” he said like it was a bad thing, asif you could last any longer even though you were currently seconds away from bursting. Bucky found it hard to resist the need to come deep inside of you with the way that you were squeezing around him, his balls full and aching with the urge to release. To say that he was impatient to see you dripping with his release was an understatement, instead it motivated him to slam his hips faster against yours. 
It didn’t take much after that to have your thighs shutting tightly together, body shaking as your orgasm washed over you. A shrill moan caught in your throat as you came, tight cunt contracting impossibly further against Bucky. He wasn’t far behind with his sloppy thrusts as he pushed deep inside of you, filling you fuller than you were before as his balls were pulled flushed against ass.
Bucky grunted as he dumped his load in ropes deep inside your wet cunt, eyes shut closed as he kept his hips moving in tiny thrusts to ride his high. He wished you both could’ve fucked upright infront of a mirror so he could’ve seen the way that his cum was dripping out of you, both of your arousals trickling down his softening cock as he stayed burried inside your heat. 
He wanted nothing more than to finger his release back into you but one look at your spent  figure was enough to take his mind away from the idea. You both laid there regaining your breath for a second before you finally pulled away from him, groaning with discomfort as you felt his softened length leaving your sore hole. The emptiness that you felt after pulling away nearly made you want to beg him to stuff you full of his thickness again, having his curved cockhead slamming that spot you loved so much again. Yet you physically couldn't. 
You didn’t have the stamina that your mafia husband did, and you could already feel the painful aftermath of sex with a big dicked man kicking in. 
You suddenly remembered that you were supposed to take care of your husband, not the other way around. You had vowed to care for him tonight and damn if you wanted to keep your promise real. Though you couldn’t stand much further from the bed without having to hold onto something because damn did he fuck up your ability to use your legs. Your thighs trembled like you’d just ran a marathon, and the sight had you and Bucky stifling out a laugh because of the way he’d fucked you sore. 
Your husband sighed before sitting up, easing the tense muscles of his neck before gathering all of his left energy to meet you by the end of the mattress. He looked like a masterpiece in all of his glory, chiselled body with the mix of your arousal coating his soft dick, running all the way down his toned thighs. 
“Sorry. It was supposed to be me cleaning you up, not the other way around,” his smile fell at the sound of your dejected tone, sounding like you were genuinely sad that you weren’t going to be the one taking care of him. Instead you felt guilty, because he came back home so spent and you wanted nothing more than to help him relax and take care of him. Instead he’d spent half the night fucking you and now he had to carry you to the bathroom. 
“It’s okay darling, I don’t mind really. Plus unlike somebody I can actually make use of my legs.” he joked, coming up from behind you to wrap his arms around your shoulders. His eyes bore through the mirror as he took in your body, baby blue iris filled with adoration as he stared at you like you meant the world to him. And you did. 
Bucky couldn’t keep his eyes from trailing downwards onto the mess that dribbled from your cunt and down your legs, wanting undeniably to fuck you more until it became nothing but a creamy mess between your thighs. If you’d allow him tomorrow, he’d be sure to make that become reality. 
“I wanted this night to be about you, I wanted you to be able to relax but of course it ended up with you pounding me sore.” you voiced out your sorrows to your husband, and he didn’t miss the way you tried to soften the self-blow with a slight joke at the end. Though he’d taken none of it, his hands were pulling at your shoulders for you to turn around to face him. 
“It’s okay malyshka we can always relax after this. I’ll take a day off tomorrow and we’ll lay lazily in bed while Steve runs the mob for a day. How’s that sound to you?” his thumb ran loving circles into your cheeks as he held your face in between his huge palms. You couldn’t deny him when he looked at you with those adorable eyes of his, so a silent nod of your head is what he’d received. 
Needless to say that you’d both quickly fallen into slumber once the now clean and more than tired you had made contact with the soft mattress. Limbs all entangled in a mess with the bed sheets, the late wake at 11am was exactly what you’d needed. Needless to say once more, that once you’d agreed to let Bucky fuck you senseless again, he make sure to keep his promise and stuff you full until your thigh became home to nothing else but a frothy mess. 
this isn’t proof read because who tf has the time?
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ravenna-reid · 4 months
Battle Scars
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Reader is from a planet of warriors. A planet where each scar is seen as honourable rather than ugly. When she accidentally sees Jason's scars, she can't help but look at them in amazement, much to Jason's surprise...
I really hope ya'll like this one...lmk!!
"Come on, lift you arms."
With an agitated sigh, Jason did as Dick asked and raised his muscled arms. Dick quickly pulled Jason's bloodied and torn shirt from his body and threw it to the floor, analysing the gash that sat across Jason's chest.
"What, did you get into a with Catwoman or something?" Tim asked, grimacing as he looked at the gruesome scene.
""I'll break your nose replacement." Venom coated his words, and Jason's expression read that he wasn't joking, so with that, Tim shook his head and left the room.
Just outside wandering the empty halls of Wayne manor was the girl Batman had found just a month prrior. Tall and toned, carved muscles on your arms and legs. A slick scar the colour of pearls ran down the side of your jaw to the top of your neck. A few more decorated your back and arms. A stern expression and soft eyes. You were a warrior from another planet Bruce had told everyone. He wasn't sure what planet though, seeming as whenever you told him the name, no records of it could be found. Not even those on the Justice League could find the unusual planet you were calling home. .
You weren't Kryptonian and you weren't an Amazon, even though your ideals and principles aligned with theirs. Nor were you a Martian, or an Atlantean or a Tamaranean. So what the hell were you?
Well, you kept telling them over and over. You were Idorian, from Idoria, but your home planet was apparently non-existent. 'A part of another timeline' was the theory.
"Non-existent as far as you're concerned." You had muttered with the roll of your eyes.
All they knew was that you'd accidentally been dragged to Earth when an incident a few months back involving portals and timelines threw you down from the sky into Bruce Wayne's garden. They also learnt that you had immense strength and durability. You could fly. You almost bested Wonder Woman in melee combat, almost. And electricity didn't affect you one bit. Other than that, you were a complete mystery.
And a certain seemingly uninterested vigilante seemed to liked that.
Tim watched as you looked out the grand windows lining the hallway, still amazed by the fact that Earth only had one sun.
A warm smile grew on his face. "Hey y/n, what are you doing?"
"Nothing much. You?"
Tim shrugged. "I was helping Dick mend Jason until I was threatened." He scoffed, trying to mask it with a bitter laugh.
A warmth grew in your cheeks at the mention of his name. Why? You had no idea.
"Why, what happened to him -?"
"Tim! You took the antiseptic with you!" Dick suddenly called out from the room, Jason's annoyed mumbles following.
Tim let out a huff, much to your confusion, "I don't wanna go back in there with that son of a bitch."
"It's alright, I can if you want." You offered, holding out your hand and questioning what a son of a bitch was. Humans were easily injured compared to your people, so it would be interesting to see the healing process.
"Are you sure?" Tim asked, his brow raising, "He can be a real ass, especially when people are trying to help him."
"Yeah, I'm sure." You replied, so Tim placed the odd looking bottle in your hands before you walked into the room.
Your footsteps echoed through the atmosphere. Instantly, Jason's eyes snapped up to meet yours, his cheeks burning a subtle red before he quickly looked away. A wince escaped him as he tried to subtly cover up his body. Too bad my shirt is on the damn floor he thought to himself. Picking up on Jason's change in demeanour, Dick turned to look at you, a charming grin appearing on his face immediately.
"Y/n! I haven't seen you in ages, how are you?" Dick had just finished pulling out the last shard of glass from Jason's slash and dropped the bloody tweezers on the tray beside him.
"I'm fine thank-you. Here is...well, this." You said, holding the bottle out to him. "Tim gave it to me."
"Thanks, y/n." He grabbed the bottle from you then looked back at the array of medical supplies sprawled across the table beside him. Hands cupped together in his lap, Jason stole glances of you here and there, glad that you were more interested in the odd looking tools Dick was focusing on rather than him.
"Shit, I just realised I forgot the stuff for the stitches," Dick turned to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, "I'm just gonna run and grab some things. Can you watch him for me real quick?"
"I don't need a babysitter Dick." Jason quipped, his eyes trained on his brother. Please just let her leave.
"I don't mind." You responded, and that usual glint of joy passed through Dick's eyes.
"Thanks, I'll be back in a sec."
With that, Dick left the room, leaving you two alone.
"Why did you do that?"
You looked over at Jason with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?"
"You don't have to watch me. You can go if you like." Jason swallowed hard, doing his best to act unfazed by the fact that you were standing right there.
"It's alright, I'm kind of curious to see how this all works on your planet."
His gaze averted back onto the floor, his body instinctively turned from you. You, however, were watching him. The wound had stopped bleeding, and it didn't look too deep, but it stretched across one side of his chest and onto his bicep. Looking at his arms, you couldn't help but think about how he looked like those perfect sculptures back home.
"Does it hurt?"
"No." So curt. So closed off. You were going to remain quiet until you did a double take. Silver streaks painted his chest. His abdomen and arms. There were even some on his back that caught your eye.
"Wow." The words fell from your lips, and Jason's eyes cut back to you.
"What?" He asked, meaning to sound more curious than defensive.
You walked over to where he sat, eyes trained on all of his scars. All of his accomplishments. Back at home, whenever someone attained a scar, it meant they had cheated death. They had been lucky and strong enough to survive. It was why you never hid yours. A scar is a victory. A glorious one too. And Jason had many victories.
A sickening tightening sensation began in Jason's throat as you neared, still obviously oblivious to personal space, especially Jason's. He watched as you stared at his biggest insecurities, the things that would taint his body forever and remind him of the horrors he was forced to endure. Immediately, he grew even more self-conscious. Sick. Angry.
"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped, but you ignored it.
"If the elders back home saw this, they'd call you a war hero." You let a light laugh.
His frown faltered a little, his glistening eyes watching you intensely. It was as though your eyes were tracing each and every tarnished bit of his skin. "You have so many."
His frown was back, a shot of anger burning through his chest at your comment. Why did you of all people have to say that? Jason drew in a deep, shaky breath, but before he could speak you told him how impressive it all was, and now the frown was even deeper than before. "What?"
You looked up at him, and suddenly his head was reeling. Jason found that some part of him, a hidden away part that was deep deep down, wanted you to look at him like that for the rest of his life. A look that said he was worth something. That he wasn't this ugly, scarred monster. Skin crawling and muscles tensed, he managed to ignore it. Just for now. Just this once. He quickly cleared his throat as he waited for your explanation.
"Your scars...they- you have so many victories." You repeated, "Many more than me." You pulled the sleeve of your shirt back to show him. Jason's eyes ran along the silver lines on your arms before his attention turned to your skin. The muscles on your arms. The glossy hair that ran over your shoulder. His eyes drew up your neck to your lips...
He quickly looked away, shame and bashfulness so blatantly evident on his face.
"What do you mean..." His tone was distant, until he paused. "Victories?" Now he was curious.
You frowned. "What do you mean? Scars are honourable. They show strength. Tell stories. You must be a valiant fighter. A survivor." You smiled at him gently, pointing your finger at them. And it was like something got caught in his throat.
Silence washed over the room like a soft wave. Jason kept to himself as his big, bright eyes watched you. He turned your words in his head, amazed at how you viewed this topic. He almost waited for you to correct yourself or take the compliment back. Because there was no way. No way you were truly being honest about how you viewed the ugliest parts of himself. Everyone had always looked at his scars that same way, with pity and aversion. And yet you...
"You really think like that?" He asked, looking up at you through his dishevelled, raven hair.
"Doesn't everyone?"
A soft, subtle smile tugged at Jason's lips, and suddenly your heart was hammering in your chest, faster than a hiccup. Jason watched you attentively now, still shy, but not as ashamed or ill at ease. Since when was he so comfortable around others, especially a stranger? Especially about the things that kept him up at night? Especially with someone that was on his mind 24/7....
Dick suddenly bursted back into the room, a needle and bobbin of nylon string in his hand. "Sorry Jace, had to get Alfred to look for it."
Jason shook his head at Dick as he got started on stitching him back up. "I can do it myself you know -"
"Shut it." Dick responded.
Jason's gaze fell back onto you and he almost felt like collapsing when you said you'd leave them be and see them later. You realised the longer you stood with him, the lighter your head was becoming. So with that, you left the room, and all Jason could think about for the rest of the day was you.
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wileys-russo · 5 months
Ella toone, reader is a doctor or nurse in the hospital, assuring her that she won’t loose her finger after the darts game on national camp 😂 fluff
drama queen II e.toone
"is that ella?" you heard a scream in the distance and looked up from the stack of papers you were palming through with a frown. your coworker gave you a shrug, the question answered for you as esme barreled in a few seconds later.
"tooneys took her finger off with a dart!" the blonde breathed out shakily as your eyes widened. "she's what?" you exclaimed, grabbing the med bag and hurrying after her toward the rec room of base camp.
ellas cries of pain echoed after you as you and esme burst through the doors, a small crowd gathered around your girlfriend. "alright girls give me some room here please." you ordered gently as they parted and you dropped to your knees.
"what have you done this time el?" you sighed, a bloodied rag wrapped around her hand as she sobbed. "oh baby i've lost it! i've lost me finger! i'm only gonna have four now!" ella cried out choking back tears, head slumping to your shoulder.
"not helping!" you mouthed toward alessia and niamh who couldn't seem to help giggling at the girls expense. "fuck off the pair of ya! this is your fault charles!" ella sobbed angrily, good hand pointing at her threatningly.
"my fault! tooney its not my fault you decided to use your hand to block a perfectly good shot. what were you thinking? your hands not dart proof!" niamh scoffed as you gave both her and alessia a look, the taller blonde carting her off as ella huffed.
"did you try to use your hand as a dart board babe?" you teased, hoping to try and lighten the situation as a few of the older girls started to usher everyone away to give you and ella some space, most of them still hovering nearby in concern.
"no! god baby i've lost my finger! its gone!" ella cried out with a groan as you warned you were going to unwrap the rag from her hand. you sucked in air through your teeth seeing the amount of dried blood as ella covered her eyes with her spare hand.
"i can't look. is it bad? can ya sew it back on?" ella questioned anxiously. "i just need to wipe away the blood so i can get a better look love, this is gonna sting." you warned, mary dropping to her knees on ellas other side and nudging her to hold her hand.
"you sure maz? of all people we need your hands unbroken." you joked but there was a hint of seriousness in your tone carrying over the real warning, mary moving back as esme took her spot and ella clutched onto her hand, eyes squeezed shut.
"is it bad? baby i need updates!" ella fussed, groaning in pain as you gently started to wipe away the blood, the cut still oozing out fresh stuff as you went, squeezing her leg reassuringly.
"is it barely hanging on? will ya have to amputate? can ya play football with four fingers?" ella asked question after question, cursing in pain and trying to pull her hand back as you held on tightly.
"alright. give it to me straight baby, how bad?" ella let go of esmes hand to gently pat your cheek, eyes still squeezed shut as your own rolled. "this is gruesome babe, i think we'll need to amputate the whole hand." you sighed, mary smacked your shoulder gently as you looked up with a grin and ella shrieked.
"el you muppet i don't have to amputate anything, your finger is very much so still attached to your hand and staying that way." you chuckled before she could kick off, eyes glaring daggers at you as you smiled.
"look at it! thats not fine! its danglin!" ella huffed nodding furiously down at her hand. "you're very lucky you've missed the tendon and the nerves that would have been bad, but fingers just bleed a lot. the cut is about three and a half deep, i'll need to pop a few dissolvable stitches in and you'll be right as rain." you assured but it did nothing to stop her moaning about.
with a nod mary and esme helped her up as you all headed for the medics office where the rest of your supplies were, you quietly murmering to esme to go and let sarina know what happened as the blonde nodded and took off.
"el you will be fine my love, your finger is fine!" you smiled as she groaned out in pain again, taking a seat as mary sat beside her and you rummaged around in the first aid kit. "its not fine i almost lost it!" ella cried out with a huff as mary rubbed her back trying not to laugh.
"i know i know and you're being very brave." you cooed, sitting in front of her and softly grabbing her wrist. "careful!" ella shouted with another groan as you withheld the urge to roll your eyes at her dramatics.
"so did it drop off? is she gonna have four fingers now? i think you should keep it in a little jar tooney as a momento." alessia poked her head inside with a wolfish grin as you shot her a look and ella kicked off again.
"less be supportive or go away." you warned with a ghost of a smile as the tall blonde stood beside mary, opting to remain quiet. "gentle woman jesus!" ella hissed yanking her hand away.
"ella i haven't even started yet that was just me wiping away the dried blood." you sighed, motioning for her hand again as she mumbled something and curled into marys side, hiding her face in the keepers shoulder as alessia reached over and rubbed her back.
"now i'm starting and i need you to sit very still please baby." you warned rather firmly as ella nodded, face still hidden away in marys shoulder as she groaned out in pain every now and then.
"ella i said still!" you sighed impatiently as you started on the first stitch and she flinched, your grip on her tightening. "alessia talk to her please, take her mind off it." you requested as the blonde started to ramble some stories of her countless clumsy moments making ella laugh.
"okay. done!" you announced a couple of minutes later, gently wrapping a bandage tightly around her finger to stem the bleeding. "leave that on tonight and i'll re-dress it tomorrow morning." you ordered, ella sitting up with a nod.
"needs one more thing though baby." you quirked an eyebrow curiously as a smile graced the midfielders face and she held her hand out expectantly. "you're unbelievable sometimes toone." you sighed in amusement, gently kissing her bandaged finger.
"ya comin up baby?" ella asked, trailing behind once mary and alessia had stepped out. "in a bit, i've got a bit more paperwork to get ahead of love." you smiled apologetically as your girlfriend nodded.
"thank ya, my little nurse." ella grinned, leaning across your desk to kiss you sweetly. "anytime for my favourite patient." you chuckled and waved for her to go, really needing to make a dent into the files scattered in front of you.
"i'll be expectin some extra kisses tonight yanno, since i almost lost me finger today!" ella warned from the doorway as you smiled with a shake of your head, eyes focused on millies file you'd just flicked open as your girlfriend stepped out.
"oi less, niamhy! rematch?" your head snapped up at that as you hurried to the door, poking your head out and watching your girlfriends figure retreat back toward the rec room.
"ella ann toone no more darts!"
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Wanted to write something short and angsty but also with the dabble of fantasy. Enjoy
Yandere Short Stories: Loved By Death
Yandere GN Grim Reaper x Afab MMA Fighter Reader
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A meadow full of forget me note greeted (your name) when she finally opened her eyes. The baby blue flowers felt unwelcoming despite their delicate scent. Where was she? All she remembered was winning the tournament and then… and then it was all blank.
“You’re not supposed to be here yet.” A familiar voice reached her ears which made her freeze. (Your name) whipped her head around to come face to face with her little sister. The young girl still had the same innocent appearance she had the last time she saw her… before she was murdered. “It’s not your time.”
(Your name) rushed forward and grabbed the little girl’s hand. She didn’t want to leave her sister, she didn’t want to live without seeing her face again.
“Ava, I’m here… I’m here with you.” (Your name) muttered, her expression hopeful. “Please, I want to stay this time. Please let me stay with you…”
Ava frowned and bent down to grab her older sister’s cheeks. Her thumbs brushed away the hot tears. Why were Ava’s fingers so cold? She was never so cold…
“You have a bigger purpose, big sister. You’re meant for so much more than chasing after death.” Ava whispered. “You need to let me go. There are people that will love you-“
“I don’t care about other people, I simply want to stay with you. I want to wake up from this hellish nightmare to see my precious little sister.” (Your name) clung to her sister who wrapped her small arms around her. Ava was cold like ice and it upset (your name) even more. “It’s my fault I couldn’t protect you. It should have been me-“
Ava placed her fingers over (your name)’s lips to silence her. “It’s not your fault, it was never your fault.”
(Your name) nodded her head and held Ava closer to her body. Her chin rested on the small girl’s blonde locks. Even though they were not related by blood, Ava was her most precious person. Her pillar and strength.
When Ava gruesomely died at the hands of a rival, (your name) couldn’t forgive herself. If she hadn’t gotten into a man’s world of martial arts, would the outcome have been different? Would Ava still be alive? What if she had just settled for an idyllic life rather than one of glory and gore?
(Your name)’s head spun with many what ifs, yet none satisfied her desire for a different outcome. So (your name) always settled for putting herself in the path of death every time. All so she could see her little sister once more, to sit in this picturesque field of flowers.
“You’re over thinking again.” Ava hummed while she pulled back. Her small fingers poked (your name)’s furrowed brow. “You keep furrowing your brow and you’ll put wrinkles on your pretty face. Then how will you ever get a husband?”
(Your name) bitterly laughed. “How could I ever love a man when they have only ever shown us violence.”
“You’re such a Debbie downer.” Ava sighed, the young girl pointed at the sky that showed a bloody (your name) receiving CPR by the paramedics. “You’re going to be in so much pain when you go back. You better hurry before you shorten your life even more. Stop your dance with death, before you do die for real.”
“And what if I don’t?” (Your name) asked in a hushed tone. “If I continue down this path… will I see you again or will I burn?”
Ava chuckled. “I thought you weren’t religious? We just won’t be able to meet for awhile is all. This is the fiftieth time this year that you’ve come to see me, you mad woman.”
“Is it so strange to want to see my most precious person?”
“It is. People are starting to think you’re the undead.” Ava stood up and held her hand out for (your name) to take. “Walk with me.”
“Of course. It’s what I look most forward to.”
The two girls walked together in the field of flowers for a few short minutes before they stood in front of a golden door.
“This is where we part again. Big sis?” Ava smiled warmly at (your name). “Please take care of yourself. I better not see you here again. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah. No promises.” (Your name) put her hands in her pocket, the young woman giving Ava a warm smile. “I love you more.”
The two sisters then parted ways, Ava now left alone once more in her field of flowers. The young girl turned around to stare at the hooded figure that stood on the hill.
“For how long do you and my sister plan to dance, death?” Ava asked in a hushed tone, she was perplexed by the reaper’s fascination. “Do you enjoy this game that much?”
Death nodded, the skeleton’s red eyes admired the flowers that slowly began to rot and decay as they walked closer to Ava. “Until she begs me to take her.”
Ava rolled her eyes at the reaper whose bones rattled with excitement. Never would the blonde have thought Death was a lovesick fool.
The reaper sighed before he turned to Ava. “Do you think she’d like me if I had flesh? Should I be more masculine or feminine presenting?”
Ava glanced the skeleton up and down. “I don’t think she’s ever dated before so I don’t think it’d matter.”
The reaper hugged themself with their skeletal arms. How badly they wished to hug (your name), to hold her tightly and never let her go. They could picture it! They were sure (your name) would love to stay in this flower field with Ava and them till the end of time!
“You’re a freak.” Ava muttered at the skeleton who held their cheeks like a school girl with a crush. “Stop that. You’re supposed to be a grim reaper, not a grim simp.”
“You have no idea the magnitude of my feelings. To roam my entire existence reaping the souls of the deceased.” The reaper replied in a hushed tone. “And then to meet someone who just won’t die… whose soul will not stay in my real… she’s perfect.”
Ava sighed and sat down in the flowers. Her poor, unsuspecting sister was loved by death.
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ceasarslegion · 10 days
In retail you get more karens overall but in airport security the karens you get are nuclear. Like i dont deal with them every day like i did in retail but when they do come through they land themselves on the selectee list over 2 dollar shampoo. Real example btw a guy said he knew when i work now and threatened to come back on a specific date and time and decapitate me because i told him his shampoo was too big and i recognized the fucking brand and knew for a fact shoppers sells it for 2 of jesus herbert christ's canadian dollars a bottle. Again, thats in canadian dollars for the americans that follow me. Karens in security lines threaten your gruesome bloody death over something that costs the world bank's shittiest currency's equivalent of 2 construction paper child's drawings worth of money. Before getting on their international flight to europe that they paid 1,200 non-refundable buckaroos for.
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m-ayo-o · 8 months
seeingdouble ɘldυobϱniɘɘƨ
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KINKTOBER IV: DRUGGED starring: f!reader, megumi [25+], toji [mid 40s] synopsis: megumi is led down a dark path by his assassin father. his moral compass askew, lacking any real social experience, he's left to his own devices with a cute girl. thankfully, toji shows up in time to take control. warnings: murder, violence, spiking, drug use: narcotics + psychedelics. stripper!reader [who sometimes offers sex work]. virgin!megumi. restraints. choking. unprotected sex. incest [pussy sharing, dp, anal] guidance. non-con; reader starts to enjoy it [she is drugged] wc: 4.5k
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⋆⁺/ don't like it? block it / do not interact i do not condone taking drugs. spiking is illegal. this is fiction
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When Toji’s wife passed he managed to sell off his daughter to the notorious Zenin clan for a pretty penny, but decided to keep the ten shadows boy for himself. 
Without his wife, daughter and clan, Toji’s life spiralled out of control and he took Megumi down with him. 
Toji left everything behind, so did Megumi.
Toji became invisible, so did Megumi. 
He corrupted him and dragged him into a cursed life of killing for money. 
Leaving his boy in cheap, dusty hotels, Toji would go out to commit murder– it was as simple as grocery shopping for him, only returning home with his shirt all bloody and ripped. Young Megumi would eye his clothing curiously, his gaze wide and innocent, but would be too scared to utter a word. He knows his father has a terrible temper.
This routine continued until Megumi got older, into his late teens, when Toji thought it would be appropriate to start telling the young man about what he did. Then in his early twenties he started taking him along on his sinister missions, hunting. Lacking any formal education or training, he doubted his son would be of any use. 
But Megumi had become intelligent and strong in his solitude, reading for entertainment and experimenting with his powers, his shikigami the only life forms to keep him company.
Despite his independence, having Toji as his only guiding light led the younger man to have a somewhat twisted view on reality, and as far as sound moral judgement goes, he simply does not possess it. 
As an assassin, Toji likes a quick kill; clean and efficient, usually with a gun or a knife. He can get paid faster that way, delivering the body swiftly and avoiding any trouble.
But he’s noticed his son taking a liking to finishing his victims more personally.
Another murderous evening had drawn to a close, their hands stained red once again, when he carelessly took his eyes off his son and their victim.  
A young, powerful sorceress who’d seemingly pissed off the wrong crowd. Still, a surprisingly easy target for the assassin in training.
“Megumi, s’time to go,” the older man wipes his knife and cautiously looks along the alleyway.
His son is unresponsive. 
Toji gets closer, squinting in the dark to find his hands wrapped around her neck. 
She’s still alive, barely, but clinging on nonetheless, fading in and out of consciousness. 
“What are you doing? Just– just fucking–” 
The younger man’s stern voice halts Toji from slitting her throat.
And he watches his son squeeze the life out of the young woman. 
His lips twitch when her eyes roll back. But still, his hand remains over her windpipe, feeling her pulse die when the last breaths escape her body. 
“Megumi. We need to go.”
His son finally pulls away, and they become invisible once more. 
Despite his grisly methods, not only did Megumi prove useful, but their missions also provided for some much needed father-son bonding time. 
So, with his son reaching 25 years old, they got into this gruesome habit together, becoming partners.
Another habit Megumi picked up from the older man was his tendency to visit strip clubs after their kill. They were great places to hide, especially if you knew the owners well enough. And Toji knew each and every member of staff in this place; the managers, the bar staff, the girls.
And he knew a certain pretty little girl very well indeed.
Despite his many visits he never made any inappropriate advances, only paid to watch you dance. Maybe a lap dance every now and again if he was feeling particularly self gratuitous.
You share few words, but seem to have a mutual understanding of one another. You know that he loves watching you, and you’ve come to like his stern demeanour and surprisingly respectful attitude, enjoying his ability to scare off creepy customers. He’s kind of like your personal bodyguard at work. You feel lucky to have met him.
Unlike some of the halfwit scumbags that frequent the club, he’s a real man. From his assertive, deep tones, those muscles, perfect for manhandling little girls like you, and those sharp eyes, staring as if he wants your body as much as you want his.
But you have no idea what he does for work– he almost seems nocturnal.
Then you notice that he starts bringing someone else to the club.
His younger brother? His son? You can’t tell. But you know for certain that they’re related as soon as they step in together– their hair is styled differently, but is the same absolute black. The strobe lighting illuminates different colours in the younger man’s eyes, but they have the same glare. Their faces are a slightly different shape, but they have the same wicked smile. 
How could there be two of him? One was already enough.
“Meet my son.” 
Oh. He might be the same age as me. You think, studying his features– bags under his eyes, more height than muscle, cheeks slightly sunken. 
His exchanges are awkward. He looks uncomfortable.
You offer him a dance, not knowing what else to do. You’re here to work, after all.
Toji pays for a private dance and you walk with his son to a booth, the older man giving him a wink and a devilish smile.
You draw the curtains and pause, looking at the way he’s fidgeting. 
“Got a girlfriend?”
“No,” he replies tersely, narrowing his eyes. 
You ask if he wants a lap dance, but he’s so hesitant that you just end up sitting next to him and chatting instead.
“So, do you enjoy working here?” he sounds less nervous now he’s gotten to know your name, at least. 
“Yeah, nice customers for the most part, but the hours are pretty long.”
“Same with my job– the hours, I mean.”
“You don’t work with the public?”
“Sort of…” he trails off, dark eyes darting over your features.
You notice, despite your clothing revealing most of your body to him, that he’s focusing on your lips more than anything.
“You’re um,” he takes a long pause, dragging his gaze back to your eyes, “very pretty.”
How sweet. Your eyes widen slightly, a smile forming on your lips. You’re not used to sweet. 
“Th-thank you.” you can’t help the stuttering– the way he’s looking at you with sudden intensity catches your tongue.
“Shall we–” you reach to open the curtain of the private booth, your arm caught in his strong grip, your body freezing. 
“You– you can’t touch me–” does he not know that?
“Sorry” he retracts his hand, fiddling with his fingers. 
“You change your mind or something?”
“No, I just wanted to… look at you, for a little longer,” you turn to face him again, “if that’s ok.”
So you nod and sit down.
He has a hungry look in his eyes now– he starts with your face, your eyes, in fact, making incredible, unwavering contact until you can’t take it, your pupils darting away to his amusement. Then he finds your mouth, and the way you’re chewing the inside of your cheek.
Then your neck, where he focuses intently on the slow thrum of your jugular. He licks his lips, making you squirm and wish he would’ve accepted the lap dance.
His gaze darts over the rest of your body and you watch the clock tick over to midnight, signalling fifteen minutes and the end of his private… whatever the fuck this was.
“Time’s up.” You stand and reach for the curtain, feeling his eyes remain over your figure as you step out and waltz back to the changing rooms. 
You get off early tonight, having a final smoke with your colleagues when you see a text pop through from Toji. After exchanging numbers months ago, he barely contacts you, only asking where you are if you’re not at your regular shift.
[00:14] Toji 
Come over?
You’re surprised he’s asking. 
You’re tempted– after all, it is for Toji. You’ve been wanting him to reach out to you, thinking that he would’ve made his move much sooner. Every cell in your body is telling you not to do this, but you ignore the feeling, finding his hotel.
You enter the room– luckily for you, in a slightly nicer establishment than usual– still, one that is filled with the smell of alcohol and cannabis, the TV blaring on some late night gambling channel.
So they sit you down, welcoming you into their little games and bets, offering you hard liquor and joints till you’re tipsy. 
After Toji’s multiple visits to your workplace, and seeing you at other clubs with your friends, he knows you’re into all kinds of drugs. 
He caught you with white powder under your nose on one occasion, your pupils the size of the fucking moon another night, and with a blunt hanging out your mouth after work one evening.
He’s seen it all. He knows you’re a fiend. So… what’s the harm in pushing you a little further? Surely you can take it.
Your eyelids are growing heavy, your body slumped on the floor against the coffee table while you stare at the TV in stupor. Their joints were just so packed it's nearly finished you off, and the last few drags tasted kinda funny.
“Can we tie her up now?” 
You’re not sure if you heard that right, swivelling in the direction of the voice and blinking in disbelief.
You turn to find Toji with his legs spread wide, slouched back on the sofa where you left him, while the younger man stands holding some kind of cord in his hands. 
Your eyes widen, your mind jolting awake when you see the way he pulls and grips it, stepping closer to you. Your body lags. 
“Mm” Toji grunts, not taking his eyes off the TV. 
Megumi takes this as permission to pull you up and drag you to the bedroom, your legs stumbling after your body, your mind succumbing to panic. 
His hand tugs at your wrist, while you’re distracted by something strange in the edges of your vision. It’s subtle to start with, colours fading in where they weren’t before, shadows starting to move. 
You try to ignore it, blaming the weed and flickering lights playing tricks on your mind.
You’re pulled from your daze when Megumi jerks your arms roughly, your vision readjusting to find yourself on the bed, your wrists forced to the frame in a tight knot of coarse, black rope.
“Mm– Megumi,” your voice comes out more slurred than you expected, confusion crossing your features, “w-what’re you doin’...”
“What does it look like?” He shoots back, his sharp tone making you recoil.
“I, I don’ know– jus’, w-where’s Toji?”
He watches your eyes dart about, enjoying your fearful expression.
You notice a sinister glint behind his indigo irises, his face looming closer and starting to cloud your vision.
You’re squirming now, pushing yourself up the bed, trying to distance yourself from him. But he keeps coming.
“Stay still…” he stops your motions with a single cool hand closing around your ankle, dark eyes trained on your throat again.
Time stops still when he leans in and places a single, chaste kiss over your neck.
He does it slowly. Gently. As if you’re the only one he’d kiss like this. His silent intensity makes you tremble.
He pulls away with a pleased hum, the feeling of your heartbeat making his lips tingle, his dark mess of hair illuminated with a dull halo.
He’s not too far gone. You could still go back.
“Y-you don’ have to do this,” you stumble, your voice cracking.
“I know,” he presses another kiss over your jaw, becoming ravenous now he can almost smell your fear, “but I want to…”
His voice disappears into the crook of your neck, where he starts sucking and tonguing.
He wants to taste you.
There’s a deep ache inside you now, gripping at your heart and filling your lungs, where it spreads to your throat– to where you can feel his mouth over you.
Nobody has ever kissed you like this before.
The way he sucks and bites is cruel, your body starting to flood with pain. If he does it any harder you’re sure he’s going to taste your blood. He’s going to puncture your neck and let it spill.
“M-megumi– please–” your whispered sobs only urge him on, till he’s dragging his canines over you and sinking them into the soft flesh.
His impassioned movements finally ebb as he switches to tending your marked skin with his tongue and lips, inhaling your scent deeply.
He sits up now, looking longingly into your tear stained eyes, his pupils drifting to where your lips are quivering with his name.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he lies, stroking your ankles gently.
Standing up, he watches you shake your head again, begging him not to go any further and that you’d anticipated being with Toji tonight, asking where he is again.
“He’s a little busy…” he cranes his neck to ensure his father is still transfixed by the TV.
“Plus, you should be grateful,” he tugs off his belt, “you get to take my virginity.”
Your eyes fly wide, your mouth dry and gulping for air stupidly.
Just the way he looks puts you on edge– and now you know he has no experience, you can’t begin to fathom what he’s going to do to you.
“Nn-no– thought, thought Toji w-w–”
His next movements are too swift for your idle, drug induced brain to comprehend.
He’s over you, your arms twisted uncomfortably above your head, his cock nudging at the sweet bud of your clit.
That’s the only ‘foreplay’ you’ll be treated to before he slots himself up against your tight, unprepped entrance, shoving your dress and panties aside.
“Toji!!!” you cry out for the older man, “Toji, god–” but your voice is interrupted, choked by his cock sinking into you, hard and deep.
The man before you has changed, his resting scowl paling in comparison to the now fierce arch of his eyebrows.
Why are you crying for his father when he has everything you need right here?
“Ah– haah—” you shake and squirm, struggling with his untamed, crude thrusting.
Your head flies back when he pushes deeper still, slowly working your raw pussy open to the shape of him, while he watches fresh tears trickling over your waterline and gathering beautifully in the corners of your wide, glassy eyes.
“Hm,” he lets a little laugh escape, enjoying your quiet sobbing and whimpering as he gets rougher and dirtier, grabbing and marking your skin.
Your arms start to jostle and tug in the bindings, your wrists aching from the pressure.
“Untie me…” you sniffle.
“Untie you? But I haven’t even got started yet…”
He wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, trailing his hand down your face and stroking the marks on your neck.
“Might untie you after I hear you scream,” he gives you an experimental squeeze, then leans closer, bringing his face down next to yours.
The way he’s talking has you wondering if he really is a virgin, your thought quickly dispelled by his hedonistic thrusting.
You can hear his shaky breath in your ear now, your legs lifting instinctively when you feel him haphazardly pressing on your g-spot.
“Yeah, open up f’me,” he whispers, sucking on your earlobe, his free arm encircling your head to cage you in closer.
You can feel his hips start to jolt unevenly. He’s close.
“D-don– don’ cum inside,” you beg, your eyes getting bleary as he constricts your windpipe.
You feel him smirking over your skin, speeding up his ragged motions, squeezing.
Your pained breaths consume him, urging him to crush your throat with a look in his eyes that makes you believe he’s going to take your life.
His pale, beautiful face hovers above yours, eyes enrapt by every miniscule expression of terror that passes your features.
Your voice is gone, you can only fight for breath now, your body succumbing to a helpless fit.
You struggle. Kicking. Hips bucking.
He drinks it all in, thrusting mercilessly now.
“You can’t do that to her.” 
You hear a sudden deep, booming voice, hands pulled from your neck, air flooding your lungs as you sputter and cough.
Toji takes his son’s arms and bends them behind his back, restraining him instantly and pulling him off you; out of you.
He lets the sight sink in for a moment, words failing him. 
Toji’s affected by the drugs and booze, but he can still get some kind of hold on this fucked up situation.
“Look. Just let me show you… what you’re supposed to do,” he drawls into the younger man’s ear before releasing him.
Sure, he needs to take responsibility. But he can’t let you go. Not yet.
You shake your head again, watching the younger man struggling with his achy, hard boner after being denied his first raw dogging orgasm.
His father readjusts you on the bed to his own liking, leaving you tied up and taking your thighs in his beefy hands. He dips his head low, lips skimming over your neglected clit. 
“‘M feelin’ hungry…” he mutters, proceeding to swirl his tongue through your heat, where his son’s cock was digging moments ago, humming while parting your labia and licking sensually at your little jewel.
However done you are with this situation, overcome with lightheadedness from your choking, you’re glad to at least be sent reeling through a few much needed orgasms.
And now you’ve had a chance to breathe and relax a little, you’re becoming aware of a shift in your consciousness. 
Your body is right here, in this moment, experiencing every fleeting detail in high definition. But your mind is somewhere else, overcome with a feeling of simultaneous presence and dissociation. 
The older man sits up, patting the bed for his son to join him.
“You ok, doll?”
He watches you look around curiously, taking in the room that’s now bending and changing before you.
“Think the lsd’s kickin’ in…” he mutters, “just lay back, promise we’re not gunna hurt ya.”
“The-the what?” you stutter, your hands starting to tense and grip in the restraints.
“Look, there were a few drops of acid in that last wrap, jus’ relax, ok?”
Fuck. You knew you shouldn’t have come here.
You let it sink in, taking a deep breath so you don’t lose your cool. You cannot let your mind spiral on this drug.
“That’s it,” he encourages you, “good girl. Jus’ let go.”
You give up trying to fight it, obeying his gentle tones, working past the nausea to find your mind and body entering a different headspace.
Reality fades in and out, feeling their tongues on you, one after the other, switching and exchanging till you’re unaware of what’s happening to you.
You can only sense their touch, submitting your body to the chemical pleasure.
Your clothes are torn off now, soft, deep words being exchanged until you feel them shifting around.
You feel the unmistakable nudging of a hardened cock at your entrance once more. Only this time, it slips through your folds easily, your slick hole welcoming the long, hard member.
You blink slowly, your vision wobbling as your mind enters a trance in sync with their rhythm.
“Megumi?” no, “Toji?” you honestly can’t tell, your faculties slowly dulling as the powerful drug takes over.
You reach out your arms hoping to discern who’s inside you, only for their body to move away as another frame enters your view.
You feel his cock sink in, hips rolling and stimulating your senses till you’re creaming and moaning around his girth.
“T-tojii–” you’re sure it must be the older man. He feels strong, manhandling you and pushing you wider.
But he pulls away too soon.
You focus hard, seeing both of them now, one figure in front of the other, one man guiding, the other following.
“...like this… take her… deep…” you can only make out a few words, wide eyes distracted by the scar on his lips.
But the way Megumi’s cock slides in is completely different than before– the feral jackhammering transformed into long drags, smooth and hard.
They exchange words, Megumi’s movements getting greedier until you feel his body consuming yours in a display of lust and passion so strong you let out a scream of his name.
The sound of your voice, combined with the grip of your pussy that’s drenched with the slick of a fresh orgasm, rips a groan from his depths.
You hear him panting and moaning, his thrusts getting sloppy, until he’s drawn out of you again.
That was close. You think, realising his father pulled him away before he could spill inside you.
Things are getting blurry now. They’re both over you, on you, in you.
With the surreal visuals taking over, your mind enters another realm while they kiss and fuck and share your body.
Spiky black hair, blue and green eyes flashing, hard muscles and sadistic smiles are all you can see.
Their images burn into your retina, becoming a blurred mirage of nightmarish beauty. 
A sight that you will never forget.
Now that Toji’s brought his son up to speed and you’re all wet, you honestly can’t tell who is who.
So you sink into it, enjoying the spiralling visions behind your closed eyelids while they draw waves of orgasmic pleasure from your body.
They bend and move you, pinning your legs back, pushing deeper, then onto your knees. You’re getting so absorbed in the trip now, the euphoric energy taking over, that you’re only partly aware that you’re being lifted.
You’re off the bed, you know that much.
You’re in a pair of strong arms. It’s Toji. You smile, your eyes clearing to see his roguishly handsome face before you.
“Hey pretty girl,” he places tender kisses over your lips, and you accept them with pleasure, “gunna try somethin’ fun now…”
You giggle, liking the sound of that very much.
He holds you, his massive cock melting into your core so deep he’s going to become a part of you, then slides his fingers over your ass.
You feel another body behind you. Megumi.
You turn, feeling his lips over you as well, murmuring sweet praise in your ear the whole while.
You feel him sliding over your ass now, through the wet juice of your pussy, pushing into the tight ring.
“Oh, oh my– fuck–” he edges in, his father thrusting slowly while urging him to be gentle.
“Haahhh–” you breathe out, your head falling back onto Megumi’s hard shoulder where he caresses your skin with his lips.
“That’s– that’s fucking good,” he hums in your ear, pushing himself all the way back while grabbing your ass.
They cradle you, thrusting in tandem, as you reach a new level of bliss.
Hearing them, feeling them takes you higher, until you can only sense their deep moans vibrating through you, the drag of their cocks.
Your thoughts turn slippery, losing focus on the world around you, wondering how you ended up here in the first place, realising that you don’t care.
Right now, you care about the man in front of you, tall and broad, scarred lip between his teeth with dark green eyes fixed on yours.
His ever sombre stare resides behind those fiery irises.
It captivates you.
Your body is convulsing with dopamine once more, slurred thank yous leaving your lips, and all you can concentrate on is counting the shades of green in his eyes.
Flecks of amber shimmer within the emerald, his lashes blinking slowly, eyebrows quirking.
“Watcha lookin’ at?”
“Mm, pretty,” is all you can muster at this time, earning a snort of laughter.
He mutters under his breath and starts taking you harder till you feel him pulling you off his son and pushing you down on the bed.
Your legs spread, wide and obedient, holding yourself by the knees while he takes your nipples between his lips, between his teeth.
“How many times s’that now?” he feels you clenching and bucking again.
You just giggle and sigh, stroking his obsidian strands in a dreamy state.
He hums with pleasure; you feel his nose dipping into your neck, where he places soft, gentle kisses, in contrast to his now animalistic pace.
Letting off hot grunts and moans, he finally spills his hot, wet cum.
He pulls away, his son entering your vision once more.
Angling your ass up, he guides himself in again, enjoying the way your tight muscle spasms around him, but takes him all nonetheless.
His hips get nasty, drawing whimpers from you until he nears his release, growling and sinking his teeth into your marked skin.
“Fuck– fuck–” you tug at his jet black spikes, encouraging him to take all he needs until you feel his hot load shoot deep into you.
“Ugh, oh princess– fuck me–” he sighs, strong muscles overcome with exhaustion as he watches your beautiful features relax once more.
You feel peaceful, watching the gentle rise and fall of his chest, the way his hair hangs over those dark eyes.
Your wavering vision absorbs his graceful figure in all his glory, your mouth opening before your brain catches up.
“Art” you poke at his hardened stomach, earning a slight smile, “artist.” You look up at his father now, appreciating the view as he stands before you.
You giggle, laying back and focusing on the ebb and flow of your breath, feeling your senses leave you, your eyes resting as you enter transcendental sleep.
You wake to find your body bare, but clean.
There’s no longer white liquid oozing from you– just soft, warm sheets and the fresh smell of soap.
You climb out of the bed, stepping to the bathroom, eyes still half lidded and hazy.
You look in the mirror, finding kaleidoscopic visuals in the reflection, where the glass bends and trembles.
But you can see your face. Unscathed. Unharmed. You look down. It’s just a few bruises. You’re fine. 
Despite their questionable methods, this has been a good trip… and you have to admit, a very good fuck.
So in your giddy state, you tiptoe out to the main room, watching their heads turn from the TV, grins emerging.
“Mornin’ honey,” Toji coos. It’s dark outside. You have no idea what time it is.
You step over to the sofa, sinking between the two men again, taking their lips and tongues while their hands roam and fondle your body.
You sit back, enjoying how they’re drawn to you magnetically, allowing their pleasure to fill your body once more while you ride out the most ethereal high of your life.
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⋆⁺ [see you in hell]
toji | m.list
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
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“Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire” - Olivia Rodrigo
Content includes: Blood, knife, biting, like lowkey gruesome.
“Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise. I loved you truly, gotta laugh at the stupidity”
“Ethan?” Your eyes squinted in shock as he smiled back at you, Ghost mask face in hand. “Hi baby, you weren’t expecting that were you?” Tears filled your eyes as Tara held you close, your heart shattering at that exact moment.
“Cause I've made some real big mistakes. But you make the worst one look fine. I should've known it was strange, you only come out at night”
“You’re fucking evil! You squirmed under his touch, your face sweaty and covered in Kirby’s blood. “Don’t be mean sweet thing, I hinted at this the entire time. Don’t act stupid now” You didn’t put two and two together, it still didn’t make sense. You were blind to it, absolutely clueless. Your admiration for him got in the way and now he was the one admiring you. Blade to your throat, pretty face covered in the liquid that Ethan yearned for.
“l used to think I was smart. But you made me look so naive”
You felt so dumb, stupid. Love blinded your vision and now that you wiped your eyes it burned, bad. “There were so many signs y/n, come on” Sam shook her head “The attack? The masks? Don’t tell me you didn’t think something was up” Sam cried as Quinn slashed her arm, holding down the bloody wound. “No…” your eyes looked exhausted, too tired to fight Ethan off of you.
“The way you sold me for parts. As you sunk your teeth into me”
You squirmed as Ethan bit down on your shoulder, a loud and agonizing scream coming from your lips. “You know I like the taste of blood” Ethan mumbled, spitting out the chunk of skin he had bit from your shoulder. “What the fuck?” You felt woozy, absolutely out of it. The sight of blood made your vision blurry, feeling yourself drop to the ground.
“Bloodsucker, famefucker. Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire”
A/n: not my pookie killing me
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jamil-s-wifey · 10 months
Howdy~! Loved your writing! Can I request a fluff/angst scenario in which Jamil Viper suddenly had a nightmare of hurting his fem! s/o during his Overblot and when he wakes up, he quickly rushes over to Ramshackle to check on her, make sure she’s okay? Please and thank you!
Hi, hello hun! Thank you very much, I'm glad my writing brings a smile to people's faces! I love writing comfort fics, so this is right up my alley! Every comfort twst fic has been consumed by yours truly! I hope you enjoy!
WARNING: Dead bodies and mildly gruesome imagery. I kind of went overboard with the nightmare portion-
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Drip drip drip
The only sound which could reach his ears was the incessant dripping of ink, covering the ground beneath his feet.
Slithering snakes obscured his peripheral vision, red hot rage filled his veins. The school was in shambles, in every corner there were bodies littering the ground - weakened and malnourished students, who lost their lives under his fanatic dictatorship.
He was the master, but the master of what? Of ruins, of a rotting building, of a dying student body, controlled against their will, of darkened cold nothingness hidden behind lavish feasts and glittering gold. And then there was you - his jewel in the rough, his biggest treasure, kneeling before him, eyes filled with hatred, fear... and exhaustion. You dared not look him in the eyes, but your downward gaze spoke volumes - the love of his life who refused to succumb to her master's wishes.
"Pitiful. You keep disobeying your master. Haven't I taught you manners?"
You refused to answer him, gaze never leaving the ground.
"My treasure, have I not given you everything?" His voice lowered threateningly. "Or perhaps you'd choose to follow in your classmate's footsteps. Perhaps it was foolish of me to believe you'd be anything different than those mindless slaves."
You didn't answer.
"Or perhaps they've contaminated your brain. That must be it, why else would you refuse so adamantly the life of a goddess. Oh, my love, we must cure you."
He grabbed you by the hair, pulling you up. On instinct, you closed your eyes, refusing to catch his gaze.
"Smart little girl." He whispered in your ear. His snakes left painful bitemarks on your skin - covering older ones who'd begun to fade.
That's how it had been for a while - you'd lost track of time. He'd call upon you, lavish you in expensive jewellery, feeding you feasts made by the bloodied hands of your classmates, whisper sweet nothing in your ears. Then he'd get angry at your lack of response and throw you away, leaving you alone in your chambers.
Only this time, it was different.
"Perhaps I should turn to a more radical form of treatment?" His strong hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing.
Your breath became ragged, strained.
"You chose this. I am merely delivering."
You grasped his hand, trying to wiggle away, but it was useless. You felt the ink on his hand seep into your skin and clothes, contaminating your very being.
Your gaze slowly faltered, eyes closing, before he threw you on the ground.
As the heavy thud reached his ears he opened his eyes, frantically looking around. He was in his room, it was the middle of the night. He was sweaty, breath ragged. He'd fallen off his bed and that's what woke him up. He searched around for any indication that indeed it was all just a nightmare. With trembling hands he pushed himself up to sit on his bed. His hair was a mess, his heart was beating so loud he felt it might burst through his chest. He felt sick to the stomach, a twisted feeling of guilt, despair and disgust eating at his very core.
His gaze turned to the framed picture on his bedside table. It was you two, on your visit to the Scalding Sands, your arms are wrapped around him and a cheerful smile graced your features.
Was that smile...even real? Or were you being controlled?
Without thinking, he grabbed his shoes and sprinted out of his room, dead set on seeing you, rules be damned.
You were woken up by a hurried, frantic knocking on Ramshackle's front door. You slowly got up, cautiously making your way to the entrance. Even though you knew it couldn't be anybody threatening, besides you had the ghosts and Grim as back up, a little caution never hurt anybody.
What you didn't expect to see is your frazzled boyfriend, engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug the moment you opened the door.
"Whoah, Jamil. Are....are you okay?" You gently hugged him back, fingers gliding through his hair, untangling any knots he might have.
He didn't respond, instead pulling back to look you in the eyes. You looked at him dead in the eyes, no fear or disgust in your gaze whatsoever. All he saw was worry and perhaps curiosity. His eyes were glassy with untold emotions, gaze heavy with guilt.
"M-may I come in?" He inwardly cursed himself for stuttering.
"Of course, you can. Come in, come in." You grabbed his hand, leading him to your couch. "What happened? Here. I'll get you some water, did you sprint here?"
Before you could get up, he pulled you to him, hands gently cradling your face.
"Jamil, my love." You breathed out, reaching out to cup his face, "Did you perhaps have a nightmare?"
His guilt-ridden gaze moved to the floor. Somehow, only from you, he couldn't hide a single thing.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He wasn't sure what to answer. Now that he was with you and his head had cleared up, he realised how bizarre the situation was. Of course it was a nightmare.
But that didn't get rid of the weight on his heart.
"I... dreamed of my overblot. I saw... destruction everywhere. And I was hurting you. Constantly. And the fear in your eyes, it looked so real. I -" he sighed deeply. "You died... By my hands." He felt a lump forming in his throat.
"Oh, Jamil."
"And I know it's just a dream, I know but-" he couldn't keep talking. It all overwhelmed him so much.
"S/O, I-"
He snapped out, turning to you.
"Jamil, I have never, ever, for a single moment, felt afraid or disgusted around you. Your overblot happened, we can't change that, but you didn't hurt me. You didn't then. And you haven't since. And I know very well, that you'd never intentionally hurt me in any way. I trust you and I feel safe around you."
He let out a shaky breath. "How do you know you're not being controlled even right now?" It was stupid of him to ask, but his mind wasn't letting him rest.
"Jamil, both you and I know you can't keep using your unique magic indefinitely. So far, every single thing I've done, I've done on my own accord."
"And you don't fear me..?"
You looked at him dead in the eyes, with the most unwavering, serious gaze you could muster.
"How could I fear the man I love?"
He pulled you in for a gentle kiss, which he poured all of his emotions into.
"I promise you, I won't let any harm come your way, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and content, and free." He mumbled, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Love, you sound like you're about to propose." You teased, trying to lighten the mood.
A small smile graced his features. "Perhaps in the future.", He thought to himself.
"How about we go back to bed, you are most certainly staying the night here, mister. I'll be right next to you when you wake up."
"I'm sorry for barging in at such an ungodly hour."
"Oh, shut up~. You know you're always welcome here, and besides, I'd always prefer to have you next to me when I sleep."
He didn't really understand what he did to deserve you, but you were his beacon of light and he swore to treasure you and keep you safe for as long as you let him.
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reneeluv154 · 6 months
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Hope you enjoy🤍🤍🤍
In this imagine Newt finds out you have frostbite and takes care of you.
(More on my profile if you like this.)🫶🏼🫶🏼
I was cold, so cold but I wouldn’t let the others know, we had been walking in the scorch for weeks, although I wouldn’t call it the scorch anymore. It was cold, cold enough to make your lips blue and your skin crack and bleed. Newt tried to offer me his gloves when it first started getting cold two days ago but I denied them, instead wrapping them up in my sock’s.
Now the sock’s were just to hide my gruesome frostbite rather than keep them warm. “Guys, let’s stop here, we’ve been waking for far too long.” I couldn’t agree with Minho more, the blisters on the back of my heels and my toes making it to where I could barely walk.
“Y/n are you okay?” Thomas asked wearily before watching me stumble to the ground. “Woah hey.” Thomas tried to catch me but I hit the ground with him and Newt on either side of me. I began to weep which then turned into sob’s of anger. I punched the ground, “I’m fucking done! Do you hear me!” I screamed out as loud as I could, causing a vicious pain to shoot through my head. Everyone was crouched down forming a circle around me, fear and worry plastered on their faces.
“Hey, take a breath Y/n.” Newt was calm with a comforting hand on my back, the other on the sand, trying to keep from slipping. I violently sucked in air never fully finishing a breath. I truly couldn’t breathe. I looked at him with panic in my eyes as I tried to breathe, tears still rolling down my cheeks. “Okay, everyone back up.” His voice was stern enough so they understood but calm enough to not scare me. He gently grabbed my face.
“You’re gonna be okay. Focus on my heartbeat alright?” He grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest gently, leaving me to feel the calm, steady beating of his heart. After a few minutes, my breathing slowed, and my tears were gently wiped by his simple calloused hands. “You're okay.” He whispered, bringing me into a tight hug. I believe more for him than for me. He knew I never liked hugs. Although I had always wanted one from him, I hugged him back knowing that’s what he needed at the moment. I didn’t want to let go but loosened my grip leaving him to let go.
“Thomas, help me walk her over to that building.” He nodded over to what was more like a small shack a few feet away. So with Thomas on my left and Newt on my right we carefully walked over to the shack, taking a few minutes to settle down. I sat on a small crate while the others cleared spots to sit and sleep for the night. I was staring at the ground when Newt came, sitting down beside me, offering me a cup with something in it. Not bothering to zone back in, I shook my head.
“It’ll warm you up.” He said, setting it by my foot on the ground and kneeling in front of me. “Can you take these off for me?” He asked gently, laying a hand on top of mine. I finally zoned back in still not looking directly at him but carefully taking the socks off my hands trying not to let the fabric pull on the cracked skin.
His eyes widened when he saw the purple and blue, bloody knuckles and fingertips. ‘Fry, can you make a fire real quick?” He asked, not taking his focus off of my hands. “Already on it, Newt.”
“Why didn’t you tell someone Y/n?” He asked gently, trying to warm my hands with his own as well as blowing on them.”I don’t know.” I was quiet, barely even audible. “My feet are pretty bad too.” The look he gave me was the sweetest yet saddest thing I had ever seen. “They don’t have frostbite, just lots of blisters.” He nodded. “Go ahead and take your shoes off, the cold should make them feel a little better.”
I nodded, taking my shoes off while he went and grabbed a thin blanket we had stolen from W.I.C.K.E.D. wrapping it around my shoulders. He was right, the cold felt good on my hot blistered feet. “Here, let’s go sit by the fire.” He handed me the hot cup making my hands sting but I knew that meant it was helping. I was caught slightly off guard when he picked me up and carried me to another crate, this one close by the fire, my feet still being cooled off by the patch of cement underneath me.
I decided to sit on the ground closer to the fire. Newt came and sat on the crate behind me, his legs on either side of me. “Newt?” I asked and received a small hum while he set down his cup which I learned was just hot water, and started to play with some strands of my hair. “Is it okay if I just give up?”
“Give up?” He questioned. “Yeah, If I just quit trying to make it out alive.” I was ashamed of asking such a question but I knew he wouldn’t judge me. He grabbed both my shoulders leaning in close to my ear. “Y/n you can not give up, I won’t for one second let you believe that you can give up because I would never let you do such a thing.” And for the first time in a long time, a small smile made its way onto my lips. It felt so good to smile, especially with someone like Newt.
Around an hour later he had braided my hair and wrapped up my hands now everyone was getting ready for sleep. “Where are you sleeping, love?” He hadn’t called me that since the first time I came to the glade but it made me feel special.
“Can I…sleep next to you tonight?” He nodded, “Of course, c’mon.” He laid out some clothes on the ground and used a jacket as a pillow. “Go on, I'll tuck you in.” He smiled, so I laid down letting him lay two blankets overtop of me, given that was all we could spare. He then laid down, a small bit of space between us. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Blondie.”
I woke up a tad bit cold and a bit scared. There was thunder and rain all around us. The small shack was the only thing keeping us safe and that wasn’t promising. I moved over to where Newt was lying and rested my head on his shoulder, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. “Are you okay?” He whispered, his voice still sleepy making me blush. “Yeah, I’m a little cold but more scared than anything.” Just then lightning struck close making me jump. “Shhh it’s okay. I’m here, I’ll keep you safe I promise.” He rubbed my back and gave me a small kiss on the head now wrapping both arms tightly around me. Humming a small song, which soon put me to sleep.
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
too shy to come off anon but how about dbf hotch comforting reader after a case made national news so they ended up seeing how dangerous his job can really get?? love ur writing :)
word count: 0.9k
warnings: age gap, mentions of danger, aaron is reader's neighbour, dbf aaron
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You hadn't said a single word since you'd sat down for dinner and Hotch was notably concerned. It had become a sort of unspoken tradition for him and Jack to join your family for dinner the night after Hotch closed a case and this tradition though not at all in your honour was one of the only good things about being a university student still living with your parents. You and he hadn't quite found your footing in terms of managing your secret relationship yet, you didn't always find the right time or place to meet up without suspicion which meant that moments like these where the time and place were already set up, it was like a gold rush for you. You'd spend the whole night talking his ear off, absolutely drowning in nerves every time you'd catch one of his stolen glances while your dad was talking about some boring business deal that he'd settled.
"That last case of yours was a real tough one," your dad noted before a bite of pasta, your mom humming in agreement as she snuck another roll into Jack's plate, the little guy not all that fond of her broccoli pasta surprise, especially when he found out the surprise was cauliflower. "We were watching the news just before you came," you cringed at that, you attempted to hide it by taking a sip from your wine glass, but you weren't all that smooth, trying just a little too hard to avoid his gaze when he looked over at you.
You tried your hardest to ignore the rest of the conversation, helping Jack put butter on his roll and talking softly about what he learned at school that week, completely ignoring the other side of the table. It was a good thing because if you were paying attention, you'd have heard Hotch changing the subject in favour of staring at you and when you finally looked up from your plate you were surprised to find yourself alone at the table with him.
"Honey," you stood up, nearly knocking your chair over from the speed of the gesture, gathering the remaining plates from the table and walking with the pile to the kitchen. You knew he'd follow, knew he'd be concerned with your silence, your odd behaviour, and if you were any better at hiding your feelings, you'd have tried to act normal, act unbothered by the very detailed, very gruesome clips you'd seen of your partner, your person, all bloodied and bruised explaining what terrible person he'd just come face to face with.  You'd always known that what Aaron does is extremely dangerous you'd have to be foolish to act like it wasn't, but seeing him like that, hearing what he had to go through it was more overwhelming than you thought it would be. Having a vague idea and knowing explicit details were very different, for your head and for your heart.
The door closed behind you, your hands frozen in place as they hovered under the cold water running from the tap, heating up slightly every second, his footsteps were piercing in the otherwise silent room and when he stilled behind you there was a suffocated breathe that filtered into the air, your lips retracting into a tight pout shortly after.
“Honey,” the repetition of the simple word made your heart clench into a ball inside your chest, and you realized that though you had no true control of the urge to give him the silent treatment, it was also not entirely fair, so you leaned back, hitting his chest, sighing softly and allowing his arms to circle your waist in an instant. “I’m okay,” it was a simple statement, nothing more than you needed so you nodded, drying your hands before folding them over his.
“You sure?” he hummed lightly, kissing the back of your head and you felt his grip tighten around you, it was all a little backward really for him to be comforting you when he was the one you were worried about. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” two squeezes, one for you and one for him and third just because he felt the moment needed it. There was more to be said, a bunch of questions still fuzzy in your head, a bunch of explanations still ready in his but `it wasn’t the time, you didn’t need some big declaration, you wanted to know he was okay, and he needed to know you believed it. “I should go check in with your dad.”
“Bear, can we just…” your fingers dug into his skin before he could even think of stepping back, letting your head lull back onto his shoulder, satisfied when he kissed your forehead in the new position. “Can we just have a few more minutes, just need a few more seconds in your arms.”
“I think we’re safe for a little longer,” he concluded, and you melted, his arms were like a safety net, and you were happily cocooned in his hold, eyes closed and swaying lightly. He wished he could allow himself to sink into the moment with you instead of staying hyper-aware of every sound and movement in the rest of the house, count the seconds to consider how much time it was taking in the kitchen when he was expected back in the living room but he did allow himself a guilty fourth squeeze, eyes full of love stealing a longing glance to fill every fleeting second with you.
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