#he deserves to punch jason as a treat
oifaaa · 10 months
ppl want tim and jason to be besties so bad they will ignore everything about canon to make it happen and push aside other characters 😭 alas. when will we get jason and damian bonding.
Like usual you're absolutely correct it actually drives me insane especially when it comes to tim who has so many great and complicated relationships in canon only to have people turn around and go tims so lonely and isolated he needs Jason to come save him - dc are scared to actually let Jason and damian bond bc that would actually be sometime fun and interesting to read and they're not in the business of doing that anymore
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rubydubydoo122 · 7 months
As much as I hate to say it, and as much as I love Jason ToddI'm gonna need DC to kill him again, and keep him dead this time.
Now before you come at me, let me explain why I think this. Jason Todd is a character that while alive will always be connected to Gotham, and because of his differing morals with Batman, he will always be in a cycle of conflict with him. We saw it in UTRH, we saw it in RHATO, we saw it in Gotham Wars. Because Jason isn't a villain (I feel like in UTRH he was an anti-hero, and any actions that didn't align with the morals he set during that time is because he was villainized by Batman) Bruce's actions feel overtly brutal (batarang to the neck, beating him so har his helmet broke, chemically altering him to feel fear) especially since it's towards his SON the one he claims to have mourned. It's a vicious cycle that isn't fair to Jason, and it's major character assassination of Bruce. It's overdone and I am sick and tired of it, but I do not see either characters backing down from their moral stances.
Now you might be thinking, just because Bruce and Jason don't get along doesn't mean they can't make up-- they've tried. Multiple time. Every time Jason and Bruce take a step in the direction of being close to each other again, Bruce becomes a control freak and abuses Jason like he's his own personal punching bag, and there's only so many times someone can forgive someone before enough is enough.
But I still haven't explained why specifically I think Jason should die again. And it's because of two reasons. Jason deserves peace, and as long as he's a ghost walking on earth, he won't be able to get that. Also because it would make Great Angst. We all know Bruce would break if he lost Jason again. He's going to push everyone away, and if you're going to have Bruce push everyone away, give him consequences for his actions.but we saw how protective Dick got during Gotham Wars. Just imagine Dick walking up towards Bruce and saying, "It might've been my fault last time for not picking up his calls, but this time, you can't deny that this, is all your fault." "How dare you! He was my son!" "You lost him once, and when he came back you treated him worse than any of the loonies in Arkham. You don't miss him at all. You only feel guilty because of your goddamned savior complex. You only treat him like your son when he's dead."
and while we're at it, maybe Tim can have a complete crisis. He had to pick up the pieces of Bruce in the aftermath of Jason's death last time, and look where that got him. All of his friends and family died. He was never truly recognized for guiding Bruce out of the dark, and we all know that Tim is one inconvenience from killing a bitch. Maybe this is it. I actually think it would be hilarious for Tim to take up the Red Hood mantle, Only to screw with Bruce. Because he knows that's what Jason would've wanted.
Have Damian afraid of what Bruce has become in guilt. Have Damians castle of worship for his father come tumbling down, because Damian always knew his father loved all of the previous Robins more than him, and if his father no longer wanted them, what was stopping Bruce from sending him back to the League.
Like DC if you're going to use Jason as a catalyst for an event, kill him off again. last time it was on a whim. This time, do it on purpose. This time, give his death a purpose. This time, make sure his death changes something, because god, Bruce has fucked up so much.
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igotanidea · 1 year
First choice : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Summary: you don;t know what you have until it's (almost) gone.
A/N: this is lightly based on one particular scene from "little women". If you watched it, you'll know.
Warnings: usual Jason ones - swearing and a bit of angst. Apart from that fluff.
„Don’t leave with him.”
„I’m sorry?”
“Don’t. Leave. With. him.”
“And why exactly shouldn’t I?” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, putting down the t-shirt she was folding before packing it into the suitcase. She was supposed to leave Gotham. Most probably – for good.
And she was not doing this alone.
She was about to go with Tom, the guy she met a couple months ago at work. At first, there was nothing but friendly feeling between them, but he clearly wanted more. So once he got a promotion and was posted to the branch of the company, he went as far as asking the CEO to second Y/N with him. And that got the girl slowly falling for Tom as well and convinced her to give him a chance. Since then, they have been on a couple dates and shared some innocent kisses but this acquaintance was promising. Finally Y/N found someone who would treat her right, who would give her peace, unlike the bats. Of course she loved all the Waynes , but it was a nervous lifestyle and it was slowly taking toll on her health.  
And that’s how Y/N ended up picking up her clothes, getting ready to take off and leave everyone and everything behind.
Leaving Jason.
“Why Jace?” she repeated scanning his face “Tom likes me and I like him. Maybe we can work things out between us. Shit, I hope we work things out, cause he might be my only chance for getting in a good relationship.”
“That is bullshit!” Jason exclaimed “You know that! That fucker is doing nothing more than encircling you like a prey! You mean nothing to him.”
“How dare you?!” she took a few steps towards him raising hand, almost slapping him across the face but stopping in the last second. “Nah.” Her eyes flashed “that’s what you want, isn’t it? You play your games, you want to mess with my head. Well, it’s not gonna work.”
“You’re gonna die out of boredom with him.  He doesn’t know a single thing about you. For your last birthday he bought you a ticket to the rap show! You hate rap! And one time he took to the restaurant with sea food, which you are allergic to! He’s ordinary! And you know you need thrill! You need night actions! You need working with Babs, with bats, with Red. That’s who you are. ” Before she could move away he grabbed her wrist in an iron clad  grip. “
“Let go of me.” She hissed warningly
“I said…. Let. Go. Of. Me.”
“And I said no.” their eyes met and this war of nerves and tensed gazes made them both shiver. It was like a lightning between them. The question was, who was going to give in first. “I can’t do that……” he whispered
“Why?!” she cried out “Why are you trying to destroy my only chance for happiness?!”
“Your …. Only chance? Fuck! Y/N are you serious!?”
“YES! For God’s sake, you do nothing but cause havoc! It’s been like that for our whole life!” she yanked free of his hold and moved a few steps back.
“You deserve someone better!”
“Huh. Really? Someone like you, Jason? Someone who will give my heart attacks every night? Someone who will make me worried and creating scenarios of getting hurt, injured, captured or killed? Someone who will ignore me, cut me out, won’t talk to me, keep me in the dark?”
“Stop calling me that….” She sobbed and started punching his chest. “Why can’t you just let go?”
“You know why….”
“You are being mean. This is not fair!”
“How am I  being unfair here?!” he shouted “ME? How can you even say that? I’ve spend half of my life loving you and yet, I’ve always been a second choice for you! How do you think that feels?!”
“What…..? But….?” She stuttered but now he was on the roll.
“Let me remind you. You were 20 when the first guy broke your heart and …..”
“You broke my heart first!”
“What…..?” now it was his turn to stutter
“I cried at your funeral, Jason! I mourned you after you got buried! I was in deep depression for months. Don’t you think that leaves a scar?!”
“But I came back. I came back to you!”
“It doesn’t mean anything!  It’s in the past. It’s too late. And don’t say you care, cause you are just acting selfish, as always.”
‘No. No princess. This is not how this Is gonna go. If you need a memory refresher, here we go. When your first boyfriend broke your heart, who was it that hold you, hugged you and did not let go for the whole night you were crying on the couch? Who was there for you? Say it!”
“You were.”
“Yes. And then the next day you were just acting like nothing happened. You run back to him the second he called to apologize. Don’t you think that hurt me?”
“And every other time when you were broken, scared, worried, shaking in fear or pain who was there for you? Who picked up the pieces? And even then you were always looking up to Dick! My freaking brother! Tell me something, Y/N” he came closer, and she had no way to run, cornered, “why am I always second best for you? Why?”
“Fuck!” she yelled and without any hesitation pushed herself into him locking his lips, letting all the anger, passion and craving for him out. At first he was taken aback, a bit, and the first thought that came to his mind was that he was going to end up alone and played by her again, but the way her body aligned with his, so damn close, so damn perfect got him crumbling. Out of instinct, he took a step forward, trapping her between the wall and his body, grasping her neck and tangling hand in her soft hair, the other gripping her hip pulling her closer. “you were never….” She gasped pulling for air “you were never second….. fuck, Jason.” Y/N fisted his jacket with a mix of anger and frustration.
“Don’t leave with him” he begged caressing her back, desperate to keep her with him, desperate enough to swallow his pride and get on his knees “I don’t want  you to leave. Please Y/N. Stay. Stay with me.” He nudged her nose with his, mouth hanging open, brushing over hers, so damn close,  wanting nothing but to kiss her again, but at the same time unable to.
‘I’m tired of playing games, Jace…..” she whispered closing her eyes.
“This is not a game, you know it….”
“Then say it. Say it to prove it to me.”
“I love you. I’ve always loved you. But I was so scared of this feeling. For so fucking long.”
“And now….?”
“Now I want you. If you’ll take me…’ he couldn’t hide that pleading tone in his voice. He was begging her to want him, to need him.  So desperate to not be tossed away like a used cloth, to not be forgotten and abandoned, not again. He begged her to love him back.
“I will.” Tears started falling down her cheeks. “I…. I will….I love you too, Jace…..” She sobbed and her whole body shook because of that. “But….” She swallowed hard and took a sharp inhale “Promise me you won’t hurt me. Promise me you won’t break my heart. Promise me you’ll love me right and won’t hide things from me….. please….I don’t want to be hurt again…..”
“Oh, baby….” He wrapped his strong arms around her, engulfing her in his warmth, hiding his own tear-stained face in her hair, kissing her head repeatedly. Only now he realized that they were both equally broken, life in Gotham and their past making them so similar. They were both scared of being alone, unloved. Having that belief that all life would offer them was scraps. “I swear. I swear to you……” he struggled to say those words because of the lump in his throat. ”you are my first choice too….” Jason added and her arms tightened around his waist. “will you stay now?”
“Yes….” She pulled back and looked into his eyes, filled with hope, relief, love and care, just like hers. “I’ll deal with tom later, but now… can you just hold me like this more? I need this. I need you.”
“You have me, baby. I’m yours. And don’t worry about a thing. I’ll take care of the man who wanted to take you away from me…..”
“I seriously hope that’s not a death threat, Red.” She laughed lightly and it was the prettiest sound Jason ever heard.
“Can’t make any promises on that…..”
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reyislikesotired · 1 month
i might doodle smth for this later dont quote me on that and so here is my very self divulging list of:
the batboys with who i would think would make an excellent emotional support greenbean
izuku and tim
probably the most obvious team up but it deserves to be APPRECIATED
tim would prob figure out one for all rq
after seeing the mediocre training, tim takes it upon himself to make sure izuku has a better training regime and diet
they go hero watching and take notes together
the rants they have,,, god tier
izuku sees tims self destructive night binges and is the only one able to get him to sleep without the use of drugs (izuku literally just hid his coffee stash, cuddled up to him and boy was passed out in SECONDS, new record)
dick offered to pay izuku to stay at the manor just to get tim to sleep
collei and damian
its crazy ik but hEAR ME OUT OKAY
damian is a too serious person who i can see loosening up around collei
damian, frustrated after seeing collei not read the information as quickly as him: what, are you illiterate?
collei, sheepish: i learned how to read properly just a few years ago, im sorry
damian, blushing in embarrassment and wanting to now take over her education because HOW-: *proceeds to quickly summarize the information*
after that damian lets collei take her time and even aids her by explaining certain words
collei asks genuine questions and damian answers them almost kindly
damian thought collei would be dead weight but then he saw her shoot an arrow and throw her cullei anbar and was pleased to see she could also throw a good punch
he also trains with her, obviously he has given her some help but she has even given him pointers on how to deal with certain elements and how to treat injuries in the field more efficiently and how to make certain cures and ointments from stuff found in the pantry and outdoors
idk i can just see damian adopting collei and collei just treating damian like the little brother she would dote on whenever she could
tim sees this and thinks the apocalypse is going to start, jason's here just to see how someone was able to tame the demon brat
huohuo and jason
jason and tail teach huohuo how to use a gun
huohuo is close to fainting every time she pulls the trigger and jason is sure to have tea and a spa day planned out after
huohuo texts jason often and jason reassures her whenever she gets insecure about it
huohuo is jumpy 25/8 so jasons pit rage does spook her but she's been with tail all her life, she's used to her life being in some kind of peril; after it, huohuo prob gifts him smth as an apology for the rage even tho it wasnt her fault and jason just protects the lil bean more
gon and dick
gon: so my dad left me to become a hunter so i became a hunter to find my dad :D
dick: oh thats so cute of u, mind if i tag along? i would love to talk to ur dad 😇🔪
zoro and damian
i would really just like to see them talk technique and spar
damian would prob be so flabberghasted at first seeing the use of 3 swords but then sets his whole regime in understanding and countering it
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
You Belong With Me
Summary; Y/n has helped Eddie work up the courage to ask Chrissy out but Chrissy rejects him and y/n's own feelings for him come out in the process...
Warnings; angst with a happy ending.
Reblogs, comments, etc are very much appreciated! ❤💞 I do not give anyone permission to copy my work.
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"So will you do it?". Eddie asked hopefully and she nods. Only because Chrissy deserves someone nice after that prick Jason and Eddie was sweet.
"I just think that Chrissy is beautiful, I'd treat her way better than that dickhead Carver ever could".
She agrees to help him. Chrissy would have a nice boyfriend in Eddie and everything would be fine. What could go wrong?
She didn't know that one conversation would bring her so much heartache.
Now she couldn't stop crying. No matter how much she tried. Eddie's disappointed face keeps playing back in her mind.
Why did she have to confess how she felt? He wanted Chrissy, not her. When Eddie came to her and asked her for help in asking out Chrissy she never expected to fall for him.
Yet, they spent so much time together, that they got to know each other and she found that he was kind, funny, sarcastic yet sweet, he was easy to fall for.
But after Chrissy turned him down and she comforted him those feelings came out and ruined everything.
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Eddie was nervous as he waited for Chrissy to give her answer. He had just asked her out after much help from y/n and he was anxious for what she was about to say.
Turns out it's what he expected.
"Oh, Eddie you're a sweet guy but I don't feel that way about you and I'm back with Jason, so sorry". He kinda feels like he's been gut punched it hurts but it's not as bad as he expected.
"I am sorry, also y/n is my best friend and shes the other reason that I wouldn't date you". He's confused now.
"Why would us dating bother y/n?". She gapes and looks at him like he is an idiot.
"Eddie how can you not know?". He is still confused and decides to ask y/n.
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Eddie was quiet after speaking to Chrissy, unfortunately, she hadn't been there for the entire conversation but Chrissy had let him down gently but she could tell that Eddie was hurt by it.
"Kinda expected it you know? Why would she want to date a freak?". He mutters and sets up for Hellfire and she softens. Desperately wanting to say something to help him feel better.
"Don't do that Eds, you're a great guy. I'm sorry Chrissy doesn't see that, that she is back with Jason now but someone will see it". Someone already does, she adds as an afterthought but doesn't say it.
"Yeah, but Chrissy is a cheerleader, Queen of Hawkins high, the ideal you know?". The ideal. Her heart sinks and she nods.
"Right, ideal". He stares at her confused and stops what he's doing for a second.
"You okay?". She nods and feels quite nauseated, what happens when there's another Chrissy? When she has to see Eddie fall for someone else? It makes her heartbreak to think about it.
He's her friend now though and she can't be selfish but at the same time, she knows she can't torture herself either.
"I'm fine Eddie". He frowns not convinced and his hands interlace through hers.
"Sweetheart?". Hot tears burn in her eyes and she wipes the tears away.
"I wish you wouldn't put yourself down Eddie, you're amazing, kind, handsome. I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes".
He blinks stunned.
"Y/n, Chrissy didn't feel the same, she told me that but she also said she didn't want to because of you. What did she mean by that?".
Shit... Chrissy had suspected for a while that she had feelings for Eddie, and as much as she tried to deny it Chrissy wasn't dumb, she figured it out.
"Eddie, it's nothing". He looks annoyed now and it breaks her heart in two.
"I thought you were on my side y/n? Were you? or were you belittling me to Chrissy behind my back?". What the fuck?
"No! All I've done is help you, Eddie, every damn day".
"Then why is Chrissy saying that then?". She groans.
"Are you really going to make me say it? Chrissy might not have fallen for you but I did". There's silence as he gazes at her, she doesn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes and gets up feeling shaky.
"What?" He whispers in disbelief and she swallows the sick feeling getting worse.
"I know that you don't feel the same. I get it, sorry to disappoint you that it's me who's fallen for you and not Chrissy, I'll leave you alone Eddie". He gets up and grabs her hand.
"You don't have to leave I..." She turns to him and sighs sadly.
"Eddie, it's been so hard trying to hide how I feel, I didn't expect to fall for you. I didn't but I did. It's Chrissy now and then it will be someone else then someone else and I... I want so badly to be your friend but how do I protect my own heart from breaking every time?".
The rest of Hellfire comes in at that time and Eddie strokes her cheek.
"You can't force feelings, Eddie, don't feel like you need to. I know you don't feel the same and I have to deal with that. I just need some time to deal with these feelings, they'll go away".
He freezes.
"Time. You mean away from me?". Heart heavy she kisses his cheek and the tears come again.
"I'm so sorry Eddie". She rushes out and to her car cursing herself for falling for him so deeply.
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It had been a few days since speaking to Eddie and she missed him more than anything.
She had to get over these feelings quickly but she didn't know how.
All she knew is that Eddie would never feel the same way and she needed to move on from that at some point.
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Eddie didn't expect to miss y/n so much but he did. He didn't expect there to be a deep ache in his chest when he looked at her but there was.
He didn't expect to finally accept what Dustin ( the little butthead) and Gareth have been telling him for weeks now.
"You know you're falling for y/n right?". Dustin told him one night after Hellfire when he invited y/n to join them and she asked so many questions and got so invested in the campaign.
Gareth teased him for looking at her with a big dopey grin on his face all-night.
"I don't have feelings for her, she's just a friend, she's helping me with Chrissy". Dustin just stared at him disappointed.
"Dude, the perfect girl is right in front of you. You need to wake up and realize that before it's too late".
And the shrimp was right. Chrissy was the ideal he told y/n but now he was starting to see how wrong he was.
What the fuck does he do now? He broke her heart, she has always liked him and he broke her heart. She thinks he's disappointed because it's her that has feelings for him and not Chrissy.
Jesus H Christ this is a mess, he asks Jeff and Gareth for advice and Dustin rolls his eyes.
"What is it Henderson?".
"Dude seriously? Go and tell her how you feel and stop being a huge asshole. You're over Chrissy right?".
"Yes, yes I am". He's been falling for y/n for weeks now. Things with Chrissy would never have worked out even if she did say yes. He gets that now.
"Henderson is right man, go and get her". He nods and rushes out of his seat. He knows exactly where she will be.
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It's nice being in nature, deep in the forest near Hawkins High, this was Eddie's spot but she hadn't seen him near here today so she relaxes.
It's been hard without Eddie, she misses him a lot. Then suddenly if by magic he appears looking like he's ran all the way here.
"Jesus H Christ, I shouldn't have run that fast". She gets up and helps him catch his breath.
"I knew you would be here". He murmurs relieved and his eyes soften as he looks at her.
"Are you okay?". She asks him concerned and he shakes his head.
"No, I'm not. I miss my girl. I'm an idiot because it took me so long to realise what she meant to me even though my friends constantly told me".
She stares at him stunned. But he likes Chrissy? It's always been, Chrissy.
"What about Chrissy?".
"We wouldn't have worked out. I know that because she's not the one that I'm meant to be with. It's you. I'm falling for you and I can't stop and this week has been hell, please tell me you still feel the same and I haven't made an ass of myself".
She can't believe it, she didn't expect this at all and she doesn't waste any time, she gets up and kisses him which he returns pulling her closer to him.
"Of course I do Eds, I haven't stopped". He kisses her forehead and then drops down to his knees while taking her hand.
"Princess. Would you do me the honour of being my girl. Officially". She giggles and he kisses her hand, then gets up and his lips meet hers once more.
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agirlwholovesrockstars · 11 months
at the end of the day, I choose you
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summary : you got involved into a ridiculous case that Eddie falsely accused some kind of a "satanic cult" at school, people called him "freak" just because how he dress and listens to metal music, you didn't knew him very well but in the short amount of time you're with him, he is innocent and he is not exactly what they think about him, they would've loved him like the way you loved him
word count : not gonna make this long, I always keep my word 😩
warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, Eddie and reader are both 20, no use of y/n, Jason Carver appearance 🤮, I don't know if this is considered a warning but Eddie will face bullying, pure discrimination against him, and the townspeople will be just really mean to him, so yeah, expect this little bit soul crushing but you'll survive lol
what to expect : angst, drama, crime, thriller, suspense, romance and fluff at the near end! hehe 🤫
note to reader : I just had a thought of this, how about Eddie and reader will be at the court room without Vecna and the upside down exist? This is just an ultimate tear-jerker and romance films you've seen hahaha
author note : I just really hope you'll enjoy reading this one! 🥺🫶🏻
You're not exactly close with Eddie
You don't know him very well, but you knew him of course
You love to watch him annoying those jocks at lunch time
more like..... jerks
But you shared classes together, interacted a bit, he seems nice
You didn't care about the social cliques and about your social status
All you wanted to do is to learn, graduate and hopefully you can get to find friends
and you did.....sort of?
It's very rare for you to vibe with someone has the same age as yours
Jonathan, Steve, Robin and Nancy are the only ones you befriended
They all seem very real to you and you're grateful to have them
But most of the time, you love to bond with Will
You enjoy his company and he is very dear to you
You treat him like your own brother
"How's California?" you ask Will while you're playing with the straw of your vanilla milkshake
He popped a fry on his mouth and he stops chewing "it's good" he lies, and then he swallowed
you moved your milkshake to the side and you lean down "I know when you lie, Byers"
He rolled his eyes as he pushed away his food
"Where do I even begin?" he starts "Me and El had a hard time to adjust in the new environment" he softly says with his eyes flickering with hesitation
You quickly noticed this so you said "You know can always talk to me, right?"
"Yeah" he sheepishly smiles
"Is there someone bothering the both of you?! I would gladly to punch them all so they won't bully you guys anymore!" You jokingly says and Will threw his head back in laughter
You smile at him while he calms back down from his laughter
"There are some mouthbreathers" he admits with a glint of affliction in his eyes
You nod "I completely understand how you feel, just don't mind those assholes" you scoff
He chuckles "I just wish people could be just more open-minded and not mean, you know?"
A smile grows on your lips "This is why you're my favorite in the group" you think to yourself
"I totally get that" you paused "when you try to socialize with people and it feels like they didn't want you, that's okay, just move on and mingle again, and if it has the same energy then it's good! there are more people that willingly to be your friend and much more deserving than those mouthbreathers" you say as you finish your vanilla milkshake
He continues to eat his fries while he listens to you
"Thanks" he beamed and this time you made his eyes light up and that warms your heart
"Don't mention it" you say and you wave at him dismissively
"Have you talked to Jonathan?"
He shook his head and avoids your eyes
He is troubling opening up to his big brother, when they grew apart, the time when he is going for college, but since Jonathan is also your friend and he is always has been vocal about how much he cares for his brother... you know, nothing has changed between the two of them
"He might not be able to reach out to talk to you, but, believe me, Will, he truly does care for you and he always talks about you"
"Really?" he says softly with a small smile
"Yeah, and don't ever, my god! don't ever think of a second thought that he won't be there for you"
He snorted yet again "It's so good to be back at Hawkins"
"You missed me, don't you?" You smirk
"Well, duh" you both laugh together
You grab your purse and you pick out your wallet and slam a $10 on the table "Now, come on, let's go home before Joyce might grounded you"
He chortled and stands up after you stood up and you ruffle his hair while you hug him walking towards to your car
You're in the Hawkins High Library and you're headed towards to your next class
Until.... a boy with a varsity jacket pulled you in the corner where no else can see you
"Hey, there" it's fucking Jason Carver, you despise him
He kept hitting you up and he won't stop, you turned him down more than a million times already and you're getting exhausted of it
"What the hell, do you want, Carver?" You say bitterly with rage on your eyes, you had enough of him
"Oooh, feisty! still going on strong?" He says ignoring the way you're obviously not interested at him
You shake your head "Leave me the fuck alone!" You say in a whisper-shout and you push him
The action that you just did, angers him, he is so full of himself, thinking that all the girls want him but not you-
You would rather kill yourself than be with him
He grabs your wrist and tightens it, you try to rip it off but he won't let go
"Take your hands off at her" a serious tone coming from the other side of the room
You know that voice, you turn around and you saw Eddie
He menacingly laughs "What you gonna do about it, freak?"
Your face scrunched up of what he just called him, it's too distasteful to you
Sure, you're only classmates but come to think of it
He is more nicer than this douchebag, despite of him wearing the clothes that he's wearing that other people wouldn't approved
He made a death stare to Jason and he says sternly "I'm not going to ask you again, let.... her.... go"
He shoots a pointed look at the bully and he just looks at him up and down, he huffs
He looks back at you and he finally let go of your wrist and you wince at how hard he holds you
"You're not even worth it" Jason spews at you in frustration and you taken a back at his words and he walks away
giving Eddie a hard push at the side and he scoffed
"yeah, right, you bastard!" you shout at him
"What a dick" Eddie watches him leave and you walk past by him and he stops you by holding your hand gently
You halt your tracks as you look down where he holds you "Yes?" You ask
"Are you okay?" he says softly trying to make you look at him
"Yes, Eddie, I'm fine" you reassure him not looking into his eyes
Your eyes softens when he checks your wrist, when he runs his thumb around it, you flinched
He raises his brows at you and you click your tongue
"I'm alright, Eddie, it's just a bruise!" you shrug
"No- I'm taking you to the clinic" He says as he pulls you with him
He is much more respectful and a gentleman than most guys at the school
The fact he is a stranger.... he has much more kindness to those who claim themselves as the good person when in reality
They're the ones who have real bad intentions
Sometimes, people calling someone a "freak" have the purest hearts
after he took care of your wrist, he asks "Can I walk you to class?"
"Uh- yes, you may" you smile at him
He opens the door for you "after you" he gestures outside
You nod at him shyly
"Hello?" a voice coming from the walkie-talkie on your bedside table is making you wake up from your sleep
You groan and you turn yourself on the side and you place a pillow on your ear but the noise is still clear as day
"Hey, I know you're awake! Pick it up!" His voice becomes more maddening
you sigh and you remove the pillow from your head and you sat up on the bed and pick up the walkie-talkie
"What is it?" You say trying not to sound crabby but Dustin always caught it and you rolled your eyes
"Have you seen, Eddie?" He asks, he sounds jumpy and it confuses you
You glanced over your wrist where Eddie took care of it and you blinked
"Uh- no, I haven't yet, why?" your eyes draw side by side something feels off
"Turn on your TV, right now" he says plainly
You furrow your brows but you did what he asked you to do
You slip off from your blanket and you walked towards to turn on the TV
You sit down on the edge of your bed
"Just In : A student from Hawkins High, female, aged 18, was found dead by unknown circumstances, Jason Carver claims that Eddie Munson is a crime suspect of this murder"
"What the fuck?"
"I know, It's bullshit" Dustin says over at the walkie-talkie
"You haven't heard from him ever since?" you say still looking at the television screen
"Nope, Nada, that's why I've been asking you for over an hour ago!"
Your face crumpled up "Why are you asking me this? You should've known where he is since two of you are friends, right?"
"I know the two of you aren't close but Lucas saw you and Eddie at the clinic yesterday"
"So I'm just guessing.... maybe... you knew something else before he got missing in action"
"No, uh- after the clinic, he walked me to class and I went home afterwards"
"Uh huh, okay, well, thanks for the info"
You take a last look on the TV, this isn't right, he shouldn't be treated like this
"Can I help?"
"Oh- We don't have all day! I'll be at the Wheelers, I meet you there!" He exclaims
Not the response you expected but you get up and grab your purse and drove away
You sit back and watch all of the kids discussing about the situation
"I-it doesn't make any sense! Eddie might look scary but he would never do this" Mike paces back and forth
"Exactly, we all know that Eddie and Jason didn't get along together, but no matter how mean is Jason to him, he wouldn't lay a finger on that, man!" Lucas added
"I hope he is somewhere safe" Will says
"How can you be so sure that he didn't do it?" Max looks at Dustin in question
"You don't know him like I do, Max!" Dustin raises his voice and all of you got the attention
He glances at Lucas and he gives him a small smile as he took a deep breath
"High school can be tough, when Lucas made all of his sports friends, Mike and I we had no one" he paused
"No one except Eddie" he says as he sats down beside you and your gently rub his back
He looks at you with a light nod, he really wants to find his friend and you can tell he is worried for him
Max looks at Dustin with empathy on her eyes
"Listen, man, Jason" Lucas nervously swallows
All of you look at him in confusion
"He won't stop looking for him, he is blinded by his own rage, I-I ran away before they can get suspicious, but I guess I am also wanted too"
"What do you mean?" You ask him
"They knew that I was playing D&D and they saw the picture of us, The Hellfire Club, a-and I saw him burning it"
You, Mike, Dustin, Max and Will shared looks that are filled with disturbance
"I felt unsettled, the last thing that I heard from them, I think they're going to-" Lucas and the look in his eyes, you know what it is already
The tension in the room is dark and it feels like tying a knot into your stomach
"Oh, god" you cupped your mouth
"We need to look for him right now!" Dustin shouts
"Will you stop making fun of me, Robs?" Steve grumbles while fixing the tapes in the front desk
She flashes out a smug smile "I just love to see your face turns bright red" she laughs
Steve gives Robin a look that says "I will annihilate you"
Robin raises both of shoulders with a soft "Fine" jumps out of the seat and picks up the other VHS tapes
Hopper and Jane enters inside the Family Video
Steve and Robin eyes both light up and Jane does the same
"Hi" she says shyly
"Good day" Hopper greets them
Steve nods to him and Robin "Good day to you too, chief!" with a dramatic salute and making Jane laugh
Robin exits the front desk and walks around towards to Jane
"What can I help you?" Robin excitement in her eyes glowing
Jane looks up to Hopper and says "You go ahead"
"I want a movie with fantasy and adventure" she says with a soft smile
"With a bit of romance?" She winks, of course, she knows that this is Mike's girl
She chuckles "Yeah"
Steve and Hopper watch them as they look over the Fantasy/Adventure section
"Is she always this excited to other kids?" Hopper asks
"Uh, I guess? I see her hanging around with the others but I think she likes Jane's company a lot more" Steve leans down on the counter with his hands locked together
Hopper grows a smile on his lips while he listens "I don't blame her, she radiates positive energy, you know"
Steve agrees "Yeah, she does" he ends it with a smile on his face
Two townspeople entered the premises
Steve immediately knows who they are, Mr. Ron Cunningham and Mr. Jake Carver
They headed on the side of the room
"You don't have to do this, Jake, you know it is not right" Ron trying to convince Jake about his plan
Ignoring his words by saying
"Thank god for my boy, Jason Carver, he is like the god's messenger, what he said about Eddie Munson? is a true vessel for Satan" he delusionally said
Steve overheard their conversation as he halts to what he was doing as he quietly says "What the fuck?"
He stole a glance from Hopper, only to find out that he also heard it
They both shared a knowing look as they continue pretending not to hear about anything
The two chatted with each other, the sound becomes clearer and clearer as they walks closer to the counter
"They even made a fucking cult, what is it called again?"
"Hellfire Club" Ron answers, he exasperated sighs
"my god, I wonder some of our children got brainwashed by that kid!" He exclaims
"Look, Jake, just because that boy, Eddie Munson likes to listen metal music or play D&D doesn't mean they love to sacrifice lives?!? HE IS JUST A KID!" Ron shouts at him
Ignoring him yet, again
"Rock Music is nothing more than satanic cyanide, I bet it hypnotizes you, just a little game? That's what they wanted you to think" Jake throws the VHS on the counter
Ron rolls his eyes at him as he places his tape on the counter
Robin and Jane, overheard it while they're waiting for their turn to pay for the VHS
Their faces dropped in such tension, all of them started to wonder, what will happen to Eddie?
They're not as close to Eddie, but all of them know that it is not right to punish someone who is clearly innocent
While they're paying for the VHS, Jake recognizes Steve
"Hey, you're a Harrington right?"
Steve raises his head with a serious look and glances over to Hopper before he could answer
"Yeah, I am"
"I heard you used to be like so popular back then like Jason but now" he looks up and down at Steve disgustedly
"You're one of those freaks as well"
"Like father and son, both of them are assholes" he thinks to himself
"My son outshined you, Steve"
"Yeah, well, at least I'm not falsely accusing someone" Steve bites back but Hopper gives him a look that says "Stop"
Before Jake can respond, Ron pulled him away, dragging him outside the exit
"Sorry about that, Steve" Ron shows a small smile
Even for a short second, Steve can already pick up, he can see in his eyes, the sadness and heartache
It's Chrissy, his daughter is the one who got brutally murdered
"We need to call Dustin right now!" Robin whisper-shout
You manage to find Eddie by asking Gareth and Jeff, his safe place, the one place where he could be truly be himself
All of the gang reunited, on the search for Eddie
The house is empty with no lights are on
There is one however open, on the side of the house
The moment you opened the door
Eddie, jumps out of nowhere on Steve pins him against the wall with a broken glass bottle, startling all of you
"Eddie! It's me! It's Dustin! This is Steve!" Dustin shouts
"We're on your side" he emphasizes his point with his finger pointing to all of you and back to him "I swear on my mother!" Dustin exclaims
Even when it's dark, only flashlights that all of you using, you can see the fear in his eyes, he is terrified
"Eddie?" your soft voice eases out the tension from him
He looked back at you, seeing you standing there beside Dustin
He turns back at Steve again, with Dustin saying "Steve, would you drop the oar?"
It clatters and making Eddie bringing up the broken glass closer to him
"Eddie, please, we're with you"
He looks back at you again, he takes a double check, that it is real, he is not dreaming
It is really you
His gaze softens and as walks away from Steve
You gave him and Dustin, a moment together
Police car wails pass by the area, you saw while looking at the window
"Hey" Dustin speaks up behind you
"He wants to talk to you"
You looked over to Dustin's shoulder, you see him sitting all alone outside fidgeting with his rings
"Don't worry, he's all good" Dustin says
"Okay" you pat him back and give him a small smile
You walk towards him slowly, you say "Hi" softly
He only nod in response, you sat down beside him
"What are you doing here?" He asks not looking at you, his eyes were on the soft waves of the water
"I- uh, I just wanted to help" you say while raise your one knee close to your chest
"Do you believe it?"
"No, I don't"
Now, this time, your eyes meet, he stares at you for a while and goes back to the water
You raise a plastic bag in front of him
He furrowed his brows together, he turn his head to face you and you smiled "it's for you"
You gave it to him and he picks out a bag of pretzels, his eyes goes wide and a six pack beer
"How did you know that these are my favorite?" He asks while holding up a bag of pretzels
You shrugged "I saw you all the time with it, especially at lunchtime"
He genuinely smiles that reaches to his ears
"Thank you, sweetheart" he says while opens the bag of pretzels and he grabs a handful and chomps on it
You chuckled lightly on his action, how in the world would people think he is dangerous?
The demon in question, is literally devouring pretzels cutely
You shook your head at the thought
"For the record, I didn't only helped, Dustin"
He stops chewing for a second while he looks at you closely
"I came because I want to help you"
He blinks and he swallows, he glances at your wrist the one he took care of yesterday, still covered with a bandage
You stand up "and I don't believe them"
"What do you believe?"
"You, I believe you" you say while you give a small squeeze from his shoulder
You smiled at him and you walk away
He laughs under his breath, he watches you and opens a can of beer
He takes a sip of it, feeling oddly tingles on his stomach and brain
He became infatuated for you
A loud banging from the door, all of you woken up, you straighten yourself up
You saw the police cars outside, you saw Gareth and Jeff with Jason's goons
They looked.... beaten up
Your heart starts beating speedily, you look for Eddie, he is already staring at you, he is afraid
"Did anyone told where we are?!" Dustin with his eyes almost bulge out from his skull
"I didn't told a soul" you give a pointed look at Dustin
"Unless" Lucas says
"Unless, what?" Mike speaks up
"Someone is already watching in Gareth's place, before you came" Lucas gulped and all of you looked at each other with the same thought
"Hey, open up!" Officer Calvin Powell demands from the outside
"I'll handle this, kid" Hopper reassures Eddie sniffles and frozen in place
You walked towards to Eddie "You need to hide" you whispered to him
"I'm done hiding, I'm not running away again"
"But, Eddie, you've done nothing wrong"
"I-I know, I am not scared anymore because-" he paused tearing his eyes away from you in a moment
"You're here" his eyes roams around your features with a sad smile on his face
You sigh "Eddie- this isn't the time to be heroic-" he place a finger on your lips cutting you off, you knit your brows together
He holds both of your shoulders "you gave me hope"
Your eyes became glossy "Eddie, please, don't do this"
"It will be okay, we can get through with this" he says while he moves his hands up and down on your shoulder, raising one up to tuck your hair behind your ear
You stare at each other, smiling to one another
Before you know it, your little time together has cut off
Officer Callahan came into the scene "Eddie Munson on your knees, put your hands behind your head!"
You gasped and you frown at him, Eddie follows the instructions carefully
The protest from Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, Jane, Steve and Robin voices drawn out from your ear
It was loud at first until it feels all blurry to you
You can't even hear some of your friends begging not to arrest Eddie, your heart drops at the sight of him, cuffing his hands
He gave one last smile at you, "I'll see you again soon, sweetheart" he says
You hold his cheeks with sympathy on your eyes
You glanced over to Jason with infuriating look to him
He crossed both of his arms with a smug smile on his face
While heading towards the police car, Steve jogs to reach Eddie
"Hey, man, look, I know a lawyer that can help you" he points to himself and the group
"We will help you"
Eddie only chuckles "Thanks, dude, you don't need to do that, Harrington"
"Please, let us help you, Eddie" Steve sighs
Before he can respond, he heard his uncle's car arrived
He gets out of the car, just to see his nephew with cuffs on
He ran towards to him only to be stopped by other police officers
"No! What are you doing?!- Stop this! My boy is innocent!" His voice cracks up and Eddie ducks his head down, he doesn't want to see his uncle distressed
Your heart crushed into pieces when you heard his uncle cried out for his nephew
You sharply inhale and you close your eyes, if Eddie says it will be okay
Then you'll just have to trust him and have faith
Steve did kept his word for him, he found a perfect lawyer
The case goes on and on for days and weeks
The real suspect is still at large and people are just wasting their time on the wrong guy
There's got to be way to end this
You had an conversation with Chrissy's father over at diner, you thought he'll be fuming at you since the whole town is clearly.....
Hate everyone who is friends with the town freak
People seriously need to wake up
You had a couple of death threat's and it feels like the whole world is against you and your friends
Ron Cunningham stopped being friends with Jake, he had enough of his behavior
He is sick as fuck like his own son
"Of course, I was mad, but it isn't right to be violently revenge on someone who is innocent" he says while he takes a sip of his coffee
"Yes, you can be angry, you have the right to be angry of losing your loved one but I just-" he shakes his head
"It's wicked to do something like that, ending someone's life when there's like no proof at all?!?" he laughs in disbelief
You stare at him directly while listening to him "How are you so certain of this?"
He clears his throat "My daughter once told me, Eddie helped her while she's having hard time with herself, mentally and physically"
You nod and he added "She doesn't open up to me a lot but I know my daughter, I knew that fucker, Jason wasn't good for my little girl but..... she loves him so much i couldn't bear to see her like that so i let her"
"Wait- do Jason, knew about this?"
"About her personal problems?"
"Not that I'm aware of"
"Can you testify for tomorrow?"
He quickly averted his eyes from you while he looks out at the window "I-I can't"
"Why not?"
He remains silent until you know the reason why he hesitated, he is petrified of the Carver's
"You could bring justice to your own daughter, Ron and you could also do the same for Eddie"
You lean in closer "I-I know im not in the exact same world with Chrissy but I interacted with her before, she is an angel such a sweet soul"
His eyes became misty and sniffles, showing you a sad smile
"It is unacceptable to ruin someone's life, only to find out a few years later, they realized that Eddie has done nothing wrong"
"Jason and Jake are just people who need guidance for their wrong point of view at beliefs about everything" you pressed your lips together
"Whoever that person is still out there, everyone life's are in danger because they focused on the wrong person" you place a one dollar bill on the table
You stood up before you leave "I hope I'll see you in the court room, Ron"
Your words made him think deeply, he despises the Carver's, they will get karma from what they've done
While at the courtroom, you twiddle with your thumbs, anxiously or wishes a miracle would happen
"Did you get to talk with Ron?" Steve asks, scoots closer to you
"Yeah, but"
"Oh no, it went wrong didn't it?"
"No, from what I just said last night, I think I pulled a string from him"
"So, where is he then?"
"I just don't know if he'll come around"
"He is a Cunningham, those people won't let you down"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Him and my father, we're pals back then" his eyes searches for Ron but no sign of him
"Oh" you raise your brows
Eddie steals a chance to glance at you everytime he can, he thought after you found him you'll stop but there you are again
Present at all times, helping him yet again
It's unbelievable to him that someone like you are devoted to get him out of here
"Again for the last time, did you bring someone to testify?!" The judge is impatiently waiting for the 2nd consideration
If Eddie's lawyer asked for more 5 minutes, the judge will dismiss this case and declaring that he is guilty
You and Steve panicked, both don't know what to do
"They did" Ron enters the courtroom heading towards on the side
You and Steve both sigh of relief, Ron glances at you and you smiled
Mouthing a "Thank you" to him
The courtroom with him is going well, until it's shit again
is Ron Cunningham isn't enough evidence?
"I'm sorry, guys, I think we're almost there, we just need to keep trying" Ron reassures all of you
"There's definitely something's fishy in this case" Hopper agrees
"It's corruption" Lucas added
"They're fucking stalling if you asked me" Dustin scoffed
"I hope the bad guy will face conscience to what mess he just did" Will shoves his face into his hands
"I smell bribery in that place" Mike frustratingly groans
"It's a room full with liars" Jane huffs
"Jane, you're a genius!" your voice was so loud to make all of their attention goes to you
Wayne smirks and you too making them more confused than as ever
"I am?" Jane points to herself, puzzled at the situation
"My boy, Eddie never lies" Wayne says
"We need a proof that is so strong that they just can't turn it down, I gurantee tomorrow is our lucky day" you say while you whispered into Robin's ear
You told them about your plan and it is excellent idea
Robin goes back to the room saying "I called the two of our allies, they're game for tomorrow"
"Great, let's just sit tight and wait for the magic begins" you chuckled
It's the last court day
Eddie is aware of it, he is nervous as hell
You sneak up from behind, startling him, you say "sorry" softly
"It's going to be okay" you say while holding his hand, you echoed the one he told you before
Eddie looks into your eyes and all he can see is filled with bravery and confidence
He is taken a back from it "I admire all of this, sweetheart"
You smile at him making him genuinely smile at you again, you're missing this
He always asks for you to hold your hand before the case begins, it helps with his anxiety
The judge came in saying "I think it's time for the jury to-"
"Not so fast, there's one more thing left to discuss" Nancy holds up one of the folders
"Justice for Eddie!" Jonathan yells making your side of the room cheered
Eddie's lawyer tackles the mysterious folder that is given to him
He catches up to what this means already
"It seems like the paperwork that I have right here with me proves that my client is truely innocent" he starts
30 or 40 students from Hawkins High, boys and girls told the whole court that they we're bullied and harassed by Jason Carver
One student claims that he gets away with anything, stating that he never holds accountable for what he has done
Jason slumps down from his seat, his father is now pissed off at him
Jason looks at you across the room, staring daggers at you, while you just flip him off
"Eat your own medicine" you mouth to him
This commotion earned a look from the judge, the jury and some of the townspeople in the room
"Can I testify?" You get up on your feet, all of your friends turn at you shockingly
Eddie with his lips apart at your voice, you can feel his eyes on you
"You go ahead, young lady" the judge proceeds
"I admit that I don't know Eddie personally, but a few small interactions with him, he is far more different guys that I met, I felt safe whenever I'm around him, I guess Chrissy might felt the same as I did" you took a deep breath
"Eddie might look scary to some of you, but he only did that just to protect himself" your eyes meet Eddie's
You look over at the jury "Can you imagine the life of being an outcast? Bullied most of your life, of course, you need to look tough so that people will leave you alone" you holding back the tears from your eyes
"About the music, most of us, rely on that, is what keeps us going, you don't know maybe it inspires us, it helps us to whatever we're going through"
"Open your eyes and look hard enough, think deeper, be more emotionally available to your children, just listen and try to understand"
One of the jury asks "Are you saying that you trust Eddie?"
You quickly wiped a tear that escapes from your eye "Yes, I trust him"
You turn around to look at the judge "People at my school called him names "Freak" "Weirdo" and "Loser" you laugh incredulously
"Sometimes people who are seem odd to you maybe the one who saved most of your children lives"
Another one from the jury speaks up "I'm not following this"
"He gathered a group who doesn't find their place in the school's environment, he never left anyone out"
Another group of students just barge in inside (this wasn't part of your plan and it shocks you)
Claiming that Eddie Munson, helped them
You, Eddie and your friends light up at the scenario
Eddie became teary eyed, even he's a little bit far away from you, you can see his hand shaking
"I rest my case" you say as you go back from the seat with your friends
You placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder and he pats it with a grateful smile
Everyone is appalled and began rethinking decisions since the proof felt so real to all of them
"I may have come to the conclusion, a review of the alleged falsely accused crime of murder, Eddie Munson, who you people believe is a devil worshipper, when there's people out there have bad intentions, but for my observation, these people right here,"
The judge points to all of you, you feel frightened and your heart starts racing
"Spoke the truth and they indeed preach and fight for what is right, so therefore, I pledge NOT GUILTY of all the charges" he finishes with the bang of the gavel
All of you screamed in victorious mood
Dustin jumped, Steve starts whooping, Robin whistles, Mike, Lucas, Gareth and Jeff give themselves a high five, Jane and Max both said "Oh my god" at the same time, Will hugged you completely overjoyed at the success
Nancy and Jonathan salutes to you with a wink and you laugh
Hopper watches all of you, he smiles in content
"Those kids never stopped believing do they?" Ron laughs in a cheerful way
"They're not giving up that's for sure" Hopper says as he shoves his hands down on his pockets
You saw Wayne embraced Eddie, and both of them cried in such happiness, your felt your heart warmth with jubilant
You let yourself enjoy of this blissful moment
It's been 2 months since the case happened
The suspect finally turn himself in the Hawkins Police, after the case was finished, he is ashamed for what happened to Eddie, he is now put behind bars, Ron Cunningham avenged his daughter, he can feel that Chrissy is smiling down at him
Justice was served on both sides
Eddie is much more open and felt welcomed than before
He also noticed that there's an improvement after the impact that he has done
It felt good to him, felt safe and sound, the school takes bullies very seriously now
No more social cliques, no more who's popular and who is not
The hatred is gone, Eddie never felt this alive since he never knew this could happen in his life
You and your friends hang out a lot, all of you got more closer together and more caring to one another
Meanwhile, at Steve's place having a movie night, with foods and drinks for everyone
"Hey" a voice from your beloved person
"Oh! Eddie!" You didn't think twice of hugging him and he melts easily at your touch
"Can I have a word for you?" He asks in a serious tone and you got intimidated
"Uh, sure, Ed's" you beamed at him
You're in Steve's backyard and he closes the door
The gloomy breeze hits your exposed shoulders, Eddie noticed this he gets out of his jacket and offers it to you
Before you can say no, he give you a warning look and you chortled
The warmth tender that gives you from his jacket, you felt bubbly all over
"What's up, Eddie?"
"I've been meaning to ask you" his voice sounds shaky and you find his doe eyes cute
He wastes no time and he just blurted it out
"Can I ask you on a date?" He sheepishly smiles
Words got caught up on your throat but you recovered, you didn't expected this
"I would love to go out with you" you smile widely
He blinks rapidly "You do?" he grins
"Yes" you nod aggressively and it made him laugh
"You're so unreal"
"I've never knew that I will have the girl that I always wanted"
Your eyes sparks with adoration "I will always be your girl, Eddie"
He places his hand over his chest "Well, shit my darling, I think you got me all over the floor now"
You giggled "I have something to tell you too"
He nods motioning you to continue
"I-I think I've fallen in love with you, ever since the day at the clinic"
His eyes almost popped out of his skull
"How about now?" He says softly while reaches down to holds your hand and runs his thumbs over your knuckles
"I love you" you confessed
"I really do"
"There's no one else?" He looked down, he tries not to look into your eyes
You frown, you cupped his cheek to make him meet your gaze
"Eddie, why would I do that? when you captured my heart in the first place"
He chuckles, he places his hands over your shoulders, you blushed
"Sweetheart, I love you so much, you're so good to me, you're amazing and the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me, you never had a thought of giving up to me, you believe in me when no else did, you cared for me even when your life is endangered, you willing to do anything just to save me, I'm so blessed having you in my life, I am truly indebted to you" he leans in closer
You gasped, you never been this close to him before
"Thank you for everything, I wouldn't be here without you" he does the same thing, he tucks your hair behind your ear
"For all the problems, liars and dirty cheats of the world at the end of the day, I choose you"
"And we will get through all of it like we always do" he says
You make a quick kiss on his lips and he flustered by your action but he smirks
"You call that a kiss?" He raises a brow
You acted all coy and until he pulled in closer for a real kiss
He gave you a kiss like no other, it's electricfying and pure love
You both smile in the kiss fondly, he savors and treasures this moment
Having you in his arms and hugging each other
You know, you'll be okay for the rest of your life as long as you have him on your side
You got nothing else to worry about....
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slytherinlesbians · 9 months
Whumptober 2023, Day 6: Recording/Made to watch/"It should have been me."
fandom: criminal minds | characters: derek morgan, emily prentiss, aaron hotchner, jason gideon, penelope garcia, jennifer jaraeu | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: 2x15 revelations, the tobias hankel case, kidnapped spencer reid, team as a family | word count: 507.
Morgan stares at the screen, rage boiling hot and furious in his stomach at the sight of the person he considers his little brother being treated like he’s evil. Like he’s nothing more than a piece of meat. Tortured, drugged, dying. There’s a long list of people Morgan despises in this world. There’s a long list of people he would like nothing more than to kill. Right now, Tobias Hankel trumps every single one of them. He balls his hands into tight fists, digging his nails into his palms to stop himself from punching the screen. 
I’ll get him for you kid, he repeats to himself over and over. I’ll kill him. 
Emily stares at the screen in horror. She hasn’t known Spencer for long, but she’s always been good at making friends fast. Moving around will do that to you. She knows she’s not quite part of this strange family yet - on the outskirts, perhaps - but seeing Spencer in such pain makes her ache. He doesn’t deserve this. She stays glued to the screen, searching every inch of it for something, anything, that could help them figure out where he is and how to save him. 
I’m hunting, Reid, she repeats to herself over and over. I’m searching for you.
Gideon stares at the screen, numb with shock. This is his fault. He has prepared this kid - that’s all he is, a kid - for this job for the last several years, but he could never have prepared Spencer for this. This is all his fault. There’s only one thing he can do now: get Reid the hell out of there. He turns away from the screen, shaking himself out of his stupor. 
I’m coming for you, Spencer, he repeats to himself over and over. I’ll get you out of there. 
Penelope stares at the screen, tears streaming down her face. Her sweet friend - her first friend in the FBI - her first friend since her parents' deaths - trapped. Tortured. Broken and bruised. She feels utterly helpless, despite the fact she hasn’t stopped working since Spencer was taken. All she wants is to gather him in her arms and never let him go. 
I’m right here with you, boy genius, she repeats to herself over and over. It’s going to be okay, sweetheart. 
Hotch stares at the screen, unable to breathe deep enough to gather enough air in his lungs. It wasn’t until this moment he realized just how much his youngest agent means to him. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forgive himself if Reid doesn’t make it out of this alive. But despite Spencer’s difficulties in the field, despite his awkwardness and vulnerability, Hotch reminds himself: Reid is strong. Much stronger than anyone ever gives him credit for. 
I’m rooting for you, Reid, he repeats to himself over and over again. You’re going to get through this. 
JJ can’t look at the screen. 
I’m so sorry, Spence, she repeats to herself, over and over. It could just as easily have been me. 
It should have been me. 
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 2 years
girls like you // eddie munson
Summary: You'd had enough of Jason Carver's insults to your boyfriend and decide to take matters into your own hands.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word count: 725
Warnings: none
A/N: As always, remember English is not my first language. Also, this hasn’t been proofread, so I apologize for any grammatical error it might have.
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You got yourself  bruised knuckles and three days of suspension but it was all worth it. Nothing compares to the satisfaction you felt when you punched Jason Carver's smug face and wiped the smirk off of his face.
The prick asked for it. Taunting you, bad mouthing your boyfriend. You weren't a violent person; on the contrary, if you asked anyone they would say you were “a being of light” , always kind and nice to others, and with a sweet smile on your face. Perhaps this is why Director Higgins was taken aback when you were accused of starting a fight in gym class.
“When did you stand so low to date Munson, Y/N? Didn’t know you were into fucking the devil,” He laughed, and the rest of his friends did it too. It almost seemed like they had it rehearsed.
"When did you become an idiot, Carver? Oh yeah. You've always been one!" You lunged at him, hand fisted and ready.
 You were way past the satanic cult “joke”. Eddie didn’t seem to mind, or if he did care, he didn’t show it. 
When the bell rang, signaling the end of the classes for the day, you made your way to your boyfriend. Eddie was leaning against his van. He had his arms crossed across his chest. He was waiting for you as he did every day. 
You hadn't seen him since lunch; you usually sat with him and the other Hellfire Club members, though you didn't really intervene in the conversation when they started talking about D&D; you knew nothing about the game. Eddie tried to teach you how to play, and you accepted because you liked how eager he looked and how much he liked the idea of you being a part of his club. And although you didn’t want to disappoint him, you eventually gave up.
“Hey, baby,” Eddie said, opening his arms and encircling you in a tight hug. Your nostrils were filled with the aroma of weed. “I heard you were up to no good today.”
You rolled your eyes, detaching from him. “He deserved it.”
Your boyfriend raised his hands in response to your defending tone. “I’m not saying he didn’t. Kinda wish I was there to see it, though.”
“Don't worry, you'll be staring at Carver's broken nose for a while.”
Eddie’s smile faded from his face, and he appeared more serious now. “How bad?“
Eddie appreciated you going out of your way to defend him, but he knew you weren't going to get away with it. And the last thing he wanted was you getting into trouble because of him. 
“Three days of suspension, and this,” you showed him your bruised knuckles. “When you saw Eddie's worried expression, you jokingly said, "Asshole has a hard face." He took your bruised hand in his, gently caressing your knuckles and kissing them with a feather kiss.“It’s just superficial.”
“Higgins also called my mom, so I’m pretty sure I’m grounded.” 
“She’s gonna like me even less now.” 
Since the first time you brought Eddie home, your mother has never tried to hide her dislike for your boyfriend. She made the dinner awkward and uncomfortable. Subtly, she insulted Eddie whenever she could. You apologized profusely to your boyfriend, but Eddie dismissed it, saying that everything was fine and that you didn't have to apologize for your mother's actions.
In that moment, you fell in love with him even more. He was such a wonderful person, and he didn’t deserve the way people treated him and the reputation this shitty town gave him. 
“You can still sneak in tonight. You know my window is always open for you.” You smiled, and it caused a smile to break on Eddie’s face too.
“What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my girl alone while she’s injured?”
You shook your head as you laughed at his antics. You grabbed the leaps of his leather jacket and dragged him to you. His hand moved quickly to your waist. Eddie's warm, soft lips send shivers down your spine every time. You'd swear no one had ever kissed you like that before. Since your first kiss, every kiss has been laced with such passion, eagerness, and care. You love kissing Eddie. And you don’t intend to stop doing it anytime soon.
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betterthanbatman1 · 9 months
bman and jason have a seriously strained relationship as is, and our braindead coma patients at DC have no interest in fixing it because Drama Sells, so what do you think would genuinely help these two get back to something real?
Ooh, great question, Anon! Thank you :)
So, right if the bat (pun intended) we know that Bruce and Jason don’t get along well, specifically because of their dissimilar morals.
In DC comics, Bruce only sees in a black or white, this or that way of thinking. It’s either ‘continue to fight crime and leave the rest to the justice system’ OR ‘focus on controlling crime and killing criminals to protect others’. Jason on the other hand sees both of these as opposing morals, and he also recognizes that there is a middle ground which is ‘get rid of the absolute worst of them’. Because Jason understands Bruce, he knows that nothing will make Bruce take a life or do things differently (I mean, his own death didn’t make a difference to Bruce’s morals), but Jason also believes that Bruce doesn’t have to change who he is, he just needs to accept that Jason’s methods are right for Gotham. Ultimately Bruce killing Joker for Jason would have helped their relationship, because Jason would have known that he was loved and his life was worth more than the clown’s. And in UTRH Jason says “I’m not talking about cobblepot or riddler or Dent… I’m talking about him, just him” Bare with me, I know that Jason says this regarding Bruce killing Joker for a different reason being -Joker’s crime was a lot more personal. However I still feel like regardless if Joker hadn’t killed Jason, Jason would still feel the same way about Joker- meaning he’d still think Joker deserves to die because of the sheer brutality and sadism and absolute power the clown has on Gotham & it’s people. (More than any other Gotham city rogues!)
So back to the point, if Bruce acknowledged (like Jason does!) the middle ground of killing the worst of the worst, then that would bring the two closer together.
Listen, I get that Bruce killing would forever change ‘The Batman’, but Bruce doesn’t have to kill people to accept the ideology because he knows Jason is right, he knows crime is down because of Jason. But NO!, DC has to make him beat the shit out of his son instead of having a fucking conversation.
Which brings me to this point. For some reason DC seems to think that these two have to fight no matter what. If they went to have soup with Alfred they’d still end up punching each other for whatever reason. It’s ridiculous. Is this what they think readers want? I completely agree with you, Anon. Drama sells, unfortunately.
The next point is that Bruce needs to actually have faith in his son because guess what?, Jason needs his father’s support to do good. Actual good. Bruce second guessing Jason and not trusting him with missions is exactly what gets Jason frustrated, causing him to feel inferior, worthless, or unlovable in Bruce’s eyes. From a psychological perspective, if Bruce trusted Jason and told him he trusted him, Jason would feel so much better about himself and their relationship. It’s so much better for a child to prove their parents are right for trusting them (motivating them positively) than having a child strive to prove their parents wrong (motivating them negatively). Bruce needs to stop being so condescending and Jason will finally feel heard. Bruce treats him like a child which is just so wrong and demeaning.
Last point is that Bruce needs to spend more time with Jason as Bruce and not as Batman. Sometimes Jason needs his father and that’s okay. It’s up to Bruce to be there for him. Whether Jason is an adult or not, he should be able to feel like he can call or visit or ask for help from Bruce without Bruce getting angry or telling him he’s off the mission.
At this point DC just needs to get the whole family seeing some therapists.
In conclusion, things that would help mend Bruce and Jason’s relationship:
Finding a common middle ground among their morals
Bruce should not beat his sons regardless if they are ‘criminals’ in his eyes or not
Bruce killing the Joker (this would bring Jason closer to Bruce, but it does cause some changes in Bruce’s character).
COMMUNICATION (this is the first step in therapy probably)
Having them be partners and act like partners. Bruce needs to get off his high horse and stop being so condescending to Jason.
Similar to the above-Bruce needs to trust Jason and make sure Jason knows Bruce trusts him.
Spend more time outside of crime fighting. Idk go watch a baseball game or go fishing. Have some family dinners and talk about the times when things were easy and fun and silly, before everything went to shit. Jason deserves his dad and Bruce deserves his son.
Therapy (The whole family would benefit).
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
Back at it again, with me haunting your ask box~ ,(^○^)/
But? I think I cracked it. The kink code for my current writing phase! Distilled for purity and ready to be shipped! Lol Is a combo of service tops, overstimulation, and toys. But how do these fine fruits come together in a wine, you may ask? Glad ya did!
May I present to you o/~~☆ : The Pollen Kink. 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
But What 🤔 Is this marvelous invention? I hear you ask, in your smart and sexy voices! How smart and sexy of you! Why, thanks to our dear friend Dr. Pamela Isely? Pollen can be anything from a Fuck-Or-Die powder to a Hallucinogenic Fuck Powder! Something to ride out while helpless and emotionally vulnerable. It depends on the plants she has and her mood!
But WAIT! There's MORE! You may be asking? How does this terrifying and marvelous powder become a kink? Why, it's simple my dear friends!
You simply need to have the emotional vulnerability of a brick wall, equal communication skill, AND routinely agitated the good Doctor! You'll be Pollened in no time!
Thus? As, say, a local Caped Crusader? You'll have to create Counter Measures! Now, we'd all LIKE to think we can just jab our selves with a counter-agent and skip along our way, after being hit by the good Doctor's creation, but this is simply Not So! While such counter-agent agents exsist, they are medically QUITE harsh on the body! To many back to back risks the liver and kidneys!
It's medically? Not recommended to USE such agents unless you test positive for one of the lethal strains! And even then, you'll be in for at LEAST an hour of "discomfort" as it were.
Now! Show of hands 🤚🤚🤚 ! Who here knows how we used to treat "female hysteria"? I see some dots connecting 😃😘😏! Now, AS a Batman? (For there are many.) What do you DO when you've been hit? Punish yourself. Obviously. You have deep, DEEP seated issues! Pleasure? In THIS good Bat themed Cave? Absolutely not!
But it CHANGES when you introduce your SONS, doesn't it? Do THEY deserve to suffer? To hurt? Of course not! But... how... EXACTLY? Can you HELP? Touch Them??? You'd sooner set fire to both your hands. But! They would be SUFFERING! But Bad Touch(tm)! But-!
And then it occurs to you! Machines. THEY can control what THEY feel comfortable with and need! Oh thank god! No conversations needed. And it mostly works! Yes, there are terrifying moments where it does not, but that is solved with a jab of counter-agent. With bundling your son up in blankets and ignoring the frantic movements of their hands. Being there for them, when they are scared. No different to fear toxin.
It sets a precedent... don't it~ Isn't Superhero life such a mess? If only you had all TALKED about this. But~ it is what it is~~
Because Jason dies. Robin number 3 comes crashing into your life. He is clearly a he and you're trying to ignore him. Why do an indepth medical? Or even check his current medical files? THAT certainly won't haunt you! Oh? Ivy's having a girls night? Time to suit up! Aaaaaand?
Well shit. Congratulations on entry to the "I want to punch Ivy in the dick she doesn't have" Club! Tim has been hit by Pollen~
Bruce, awkwardly explains protocol as he runs the standard "does it need a needle jab?" Test. Tim is getting hornier and honier. He squirms, nods to Batman, goes to check The Box Robin's Don't Talk About(tm). Dead silence. Longer dead silence. A sniffle. Bruce doesn't want to be here. But Would Not abandon ANYONE in such distress. No matter his complicated feelings about them. He sighs and walks over.
Does Tim need help understanding what they are? Or is he overwhelmed?
Then the devastating blow Bruce will not recover from. Big, teary eyes turn to him. Shoulders curling in when they usual square so defiant and bold. A tiny trembling voice. These all require a... a... he doesn't HAVE a...
And Bruce is not a stupid man. His eyes dart to the box, back to his miserable and apparently TRANS sidekick. He's fucked up. Tim is CRYING. Bruce Does The Panic(tm). Thankfully DOESNT blurt out anything stupid. Small miracles. He nods. See? He is accepting and supporting you in this time of vulnerability, doing a Mentor. Not panicking in the slightest as he digs through the box. He's NOT.
He finds one with a vibrating component. Uses a near by set of tools to break the bead vibrator free. Tim has curled in on himself. A miserable little ball on the floor. Bruce is still Not Panicking. About to hand the vibrator over when... his paranoid little brain drop kicks him. Power slam! Straight from the high bar!
What if this sets off a bout of disphoria? Or Tim refuses to use it out of fear of being perceived as feminine? Does he even know HOW to use this? What if it sparks or was rendered unsafe because removing it from the toy it was attached to, made it no longer water proof somehow? Would be be cognizant enough to STOP before he seriously hurt himself? The toy stays gripped, dangling like a noose from his hand.
Tim is making the sniffling little huffs of a someone about to burst into tears. Bruce changes his plans. There... IS a precedent... sorta. And most importantly? Someone NEEDS him. Needs help. He strides over and scoops up his miserable Robin. Who blinks at him with DEVASTATINGLY effective, teary doe eyes.
It's quick work to change them out. Throw an oversized shit on Tim. Then he's up in his room with a pile of blankets. Guest rooms would have been better but... it felt WRONG somehow. And Tim doesn't HAVE a room to take him back too. Not like Dick or Jason. He should fix that. But first? The softest blanket he has. To separate them. So it's... less wrong...
Wraps himself like safety and security around his Robin. He's here. He's gonna make it okay. Gonna make the fire under your skin STOP. He hesitates... but then turns on the bead... slips him hand between those legs. Finds that little virgin clit. Holds Tim as he jerks and sobs and orgasms, again and again. Murmurs soothing words and praise. Feels the wets against his fingers. The way he gets warm and boneless and shake-y in his arms.
He tries not to notice how... GOOD it feels. To take care of someone like this. To do nothing but make them feel good. Make them feel WANTED and SAFE and to be so completely, utterly trusted. To CREATE something purely good in the world. Like whiping away some of the hurt. And... and not having to drop HIS gaurd to do it. No nakedness. No messy, physical vulnerability.
Just the sweet, warm glow of intamcy. The after glow. Like being a cat, basking in sunlight.
Yes, he CERTAINLY makes no notice of that. Nope! He is WELL versed in denial! But if he does more RESEARCH then you would expect? To expand the Ivy Exposure Box? That's his business.
Except... EXCEPT! Fate is LAUGHING at him. Ivy keeps getting OUT. Tim apparently can't dodge for SHIT but ONLY and SPECIFICALLY when Ivy is involved. Worse, the NEW variant of the Pollen makes you... needy. Causes actual near physical pain if you are not being touched. Cuddled. Held. It's apparently to help speed the whole process along. Bruce may personally strangle Isely himself.
There is ALSO a lose of coordination added, thanks to years of him chasing after her. Which means? Tim can't... can't Take Care Off himself. So Bruce does. But! This isn't.. isn't some sex thing for HIM! So he has to use whatever TIM needs! Of course. And if TIM needs to fill full?
Well he has to be responsible. Can't let Tim HURT himself. Will hold him and gently work bigger and bigger toys into that tight little hole. Impossibly tight at first. Let him feel full, and rock it in and out, while it buzzes so nice. Or patiently work in a string of beads until he feels like he'll burst. And... and if he REALLY needs fingers...
It would be cruel righ? To make him sit there, suffering cold unfeeling plastic, while he literally cries for the kindness and warmth of a friendly hand... right? So maybe he slides a hand, now so familiar, down to rub and rub. To slide deeper and IN. To gently take care of his Boy.
And maybe at some point, Dick is visiting. He SEES this new protocol. And he-! A moment of fury! But then Tim's miserable little face turns towards him. An arms works its way free of his blanket burrito. Reaches desperately. Bruce is calling him over, Tim NEEDS him. And... and.... his Fury crumbles
Because this? It's sparking something in his brain. Everything lighting up with pleasure and RIGHT. He... he HATES being objectified. The constant lust. Always AT him, never WITH him. But... but the AFTER GLOW. The warmth and cuddles and-! That softness? He might just die without it. Is ADDICTED to it. T-This is... he can have?? And with Timmy???
He takes SUCH good care of his baby bro. All soft touches and gentle words as he drags Tim over the edge so many times they blur together. Until his boneless and brainless. And neither he nor Bruce bring up the kink the DEFINITELY have developed. They wait for the inevitable. Pretend.
Jason? At first he's mean about it. Fucking machines and ignoring him. Getting his ass handed to him him be Dick and Bruce for it. He figures FINE. If they'll leave him the hell alone about it. He'll be sweet and gentle with the princess.
It rocks his world. Holding his replacement close, like a lover, wrapped up in his arms. Gasping and shaking and needing him as the guy falls apart on his fingers. Getting so... so WET. And he's not... he doesn't DO casual sex. Barely likes being touched some days. But this? The quiet, domestic, almost sacred nature of it? The soft noises and how desperately he clung? How warm and trusting he was after?
It's amazing.
Damian of course takes longest to realize this. He's still trying to fight everything. But protocol is protocol and with just the two of them? Be greatful Drake. But oh? What's THAT Damian? You're deep rooted love for taking care of soft, vulnerable things? Your desperate need for acceptance and warmth? Softness? And suddenly you're AWASH in ALL of that? Oh dear >:3c how that doesn't AWAKEN anything in you~ (it doooooes)
But! Unlike the others? Damian has NO CHILL. Patience? What name so? So Tim wakes UP to Damian deciding... his day off? Timmy Fuckies Day. All orgasms, all day. Your welcome. Brace yourself. And the others of course wonder where they went! Find them! Wait, Damian, you can't do that!
He most certainly can and is! And Tim is letting him! *various buffering noises* Wait... that... That was An Option!?
So now? Not unusual to just... find a Bat hauling around a stuffed full and twitching Timmy, like a teddybear. Just watching TV. Doing some research. Playing a video game. All while Tim is bundled up and panting, gushing, getting brought off for the fifteenth time today. Their warm, cuddly, lil bundle of Good Vibes~ *smooch* *turns up the toys* They DO gave to schedule who gets Tim which days though, or there's fighting.
them using tim's body as a little plaything🥺🥺🥺at first it was because of the pollen, all of them rationalizing it to themselves but then 👀👀👀👀👀 it was because tim was sooo perfect for them so sweet and wet and they just couldn't help but use his body like it was a toy, watching every twitch and expression he made 👀
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disniq · 1 year
Season 1, Episode 2, “Hawk and Dove”.
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We are introduced to Hawk, AKA Hank Hall, who is already captured and being tortured! Listen, I don’t often side with torturers, but he probably deserved it.
Dove, AKA Dawn Granger, saves his ass and then we get a gratuitous bathroom shot because Alan Ritchson is hot, and also to show that the superhero life fucks you up, kids.
I’ll be honest, I don’t really understand what their plan is here? They’re taking out arms dealers and stealing the money for themselves until they have enough to “retire”. Dude, you’re both in your 30s, just get a normal fucking job that isn’t destroying your body and mind, maybe?
(This is a recurring theme with these two. They talk about quitting, one of them goes back on it, they fight, they make up, they talk about quitting… It’s a whole thing.)
Dawn is so pretty, fuck me.
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She rescued him and plays nurse afterwards? Dawn, honey, he does not deserve you. He can't even fuck.
Flashback time, and Dickie-boy is hanging out with the Bad Kids against Batman’s orders. (I say “Kids”. All of these people are in their twenties at least. And, also. This is four years ago, but in s2 they say the og Deathstroke stuff is four years ago. Don't think to hard about the Titans timeline, good lord.)
DO LIKE; the fight choreography here! Dick is all flippy acrobat but Hawk and Dove are like pro fucking wrestling lol.
DO NOT LIKE; this weird fucking love triangle, and I use the term “love” extremely loosely. Poly supremacy man, you all have bird names and a shit ton of fucking issues, you could all be each others problems instead of inflicting yourselves on others <3
(oh my god, I’ve only just hit the titlecard. This episode is *so* long)
(Or maybe it's just that I find it incredibly boring.)
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I'm sure that's not relevent
Dick is taking Rachel to Hank and Dawn, so he calls Alfred for some money to… pay them to keep her?
(on a related note, there is such a frustrating interesting dissonance between what we are told and what we are shown in this show. We are told Dick has a rep for being great with kids, but he doesn’t really know what Rachel should be eating or watching at her age, and he tries to get rid of her the second he can. Rachel says she’s not a kid, and then the very next scene is her sprawled out on the bed surrounded by snacks. Rachel says she can tell when people are lying, but her "Mom" was lying to her her whole life?)
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I’m trying really hard not to get too bitter too quickly here, but god the difference between how Dick treats an upset Rachel to how he later treats an upset Jason makes my heart hurt :(((
Oh, The Family are fucking creepy okay. It’s the heteronormativity.
Dick is a terrible fucking liar, omg.
Rachel: You’re gonna leave me too, aren’t you? Dick: Dick: Dick: Dick: No.
Dick introduces Rachel to Dawn, Rachel gets a little sneak peak of their former sex life as a treat. Awkward.
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“I’m outta the life,” Dick says, like he didn’t put the Robin suit back on like. A day ago. (another tell vs show)
I do love when people say Dick’s name like the insult.
(Unfortunately, it’s Hank being an insecure macho fuck over Dawn “Sure, I cheated on you with him before, but it’s not like I’d do it again how dare you not believe me” Granger. They’re so unhealthy, fuck. And the manufactured melodrama is so bleugh.)
The Family ambush and torture Amy, and she somehow tells them where Dick is despite him literally never telling her. Because plot.
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Astute readers may have noticed I'm not a big fan of Hank but idk folks, I just think maybe it’s a little tasteless to make a “pants off” joke (TWICE) about a character that has long term trauma from repeated childhood sexual assault :/
Okay, fuck, Dick is already making me work for that body count list.
He castrates the torture guy, stabs another guy in the eye with a birdarang and drops a guy from the ceiling. I’m pretty sure they’d all live, if be permanently disabled. BUT. The last guy, he throat punches and then hits in the head so hard with his own gun that there’s a huge fucking blood splatter on the window, so I am counting that as a half-kill.
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I’m OuT oF tHe LiFe - Dick Grayson (definitely not wearing the Robin suit again. Nope.)
Ah, more meledorama.
Rachel finds the money and Dick’s custody arrangement letter. She is not happy about it. She shows Hank, who isn’t ever happy about anything.
And then The Family show up to kidnap Rachel, so problem solved I guess?
[More Titans Rewatch here :D]
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multifandom006 · 2 years
Seventeen Going Under
A/N; before I start this I recommend listening to the song Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender, the fic is kinda based off the song, just a little not a lot.
No warnings, nothing serious just J*son and reader punching him, and just some fluffy fluff.
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Eddie Munson x Carver Reader.
You hated your brother Jason, full on hatred. normally you'd say being his sister is a god damn curse, he picked on your best friend Eddie and it pissed you off.
It was another random school day at Hawkins high, you were sitting with your friends at the hellfire club table talking and laughing about the stupidest things.
Eddie had entered the cafeteria walking in and over to the table, Jason and his jock squad spotted him and decided to start their shit ''Whats up freak!' Jason called out with a grin on his face, you had heard him and shot a glare his way.
Eddie didn't give them the time of day and just kept walking ''hey! I'm talking to you freak!' Jason got up from his spot and grabbed Eddie's shoulder.
You had noticed Jason's action and you got up from your seat ''Jason!'' you called out and walked up to your best friends side ''ah, little sister'' Jason chuckled ''protecting the freak now?" he asked you and god that pissed you off.
''I honestly find it sad Jason, you pick on Eddie because he isn't a ball throwing loser like you and the rest of your jock squad'' you said causing the whole cafeteria to watch the two Carver siblings.
''watch your tone with me Y/N'' Jason said spitting venom, you scoff ''you don't scare me It's funny that you think you do'' you said laughing softly, Eddie watched you in amazement.
''you don't even know Eddie and yet you pick on him for playing a fantasy game, you call him a freak for it, are you gonna call me a freak dear brother? because I play DND?'' I asked stepping closer to him ''oh wait, you can't say anything because I'm the one covering for your ass so no one including our parents find out your little secret'' you said and everyones silent whispers were heard.
Jason's face dropped and looked at his sister ''don't'' he said warningly clenching his fist.
''you know Jason, I used to be scared to stand up you and far to scared to hit you'' You said bawling your hand into a fist and threw a punch right against his jaw causing him to stumble back ''but, id hit you in a heart beat now, so I'm gonna say this once leave Eddie Munson alone, if I hear the word freak come out of yours or your friends mouth? I'll do more than punch you. do you understand?" you said staring at your brother ''Screw you'' Jason mumbled rubbing his jaw ''I said do you understand Jason, say it.'' You said getting ready to punch him again ''shit...okay I understand'' Jason said and went back to sit down.
You turned to Eddie and he was grinning ''you Y/N Carver are a god damn legend'' He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walked with over to the table ''well what can I say, you don't deserve to be treated like garbage'' you said and kissed his cheek and took a seat, Eddie just smiled and went to sit down in his spot while the group practically fan-boying over you punching Jason.
Eddie watched you and just smiled to himself 'she's really amazing' he thought to himself.
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cyb-by-lang · 1 year
Welp kei is pissed. The bats brats made a big mistake by underestimating kei now its gonna cost them because any trust or good will just about evaporated. Especially since the girl is so stressed and worried sick about her missing little brother. Red hood is gonna get it even though it's not really his fault he didn't put 2 and 2 together sooner. And we haven't even met bats yet.
Tim's friend circle includes an Amazon (with an asterisk), a half-Kryptonian coming into his powers maybe a bit late, and a straight-up speedster. If he's wigged out by the danger factor here, it's because Kei's temper induces a fear reaction equivalent to a half-dose of Fear Toxin. Or more; per Naruto canon, an unmitigated dose of killing intent from a strong shinobi can cause victims to hallucinate their own horrible deaths, even with no chakra investment.
Kei learned from the best (her mom) and is reinforced by a secondary supernatural option (Isobu).
It certainly didn't win the Batclan any points with her, no. Kei, however, retains her ability to determine, with reasonable accuracy, which persons deserve to get their teeth kicked in. The idea of scaring Robin and Spoiler scared her.
(Also, Kei never directly told them she was looking for her brother and that her plans are to grab him and skip town, because Gotham sucks.)
As for Red Hood...well, he's been treating Hayate as a little brother. Aside from the initial bit where Hayate got shot, the kid's been unharmed and at worst bored for his whole stay in Gotham. As a result, Jason's in a better position to avoid being punched by Kei than by half the people he knows are after him.
Technically, Bruce appears briefly in Tim's first POV section before he goes on patrol and then meets Kei for the first time. But no, he's not spent much time on screen, so to speak.
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fishfrommars · 2 years
(Based on what I have read. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR: REBIRTH, New 52, pride issue 2022, Robin 2021)
So does it go:
Batman becomes batman around age 25(?)
Flying Graysons die
Dick becomes Robin
Barbara becomes Batgirl
Dick stops being Robin
Dick becomes NightWing - has his Titans run, Chicago run, Blüdhaven run, etc. Boy is everywhere tbh.
Batgirl gets shot in the spine - becomes Oracle sometime
Jason becomes Robin
Jason dies
Batwoman in here somewhere(?) sorry Kate I have no idea when you start but it is in the beginning I know for sure :(
Dick and Bruce have a big fat fight *insert Batman slaps Robin meme* (i always thought it was about Jason when Bman slaps the bird but I think it's actually about Superman)
Tim and Bernard meet, their families are rich, etc they always end up at galas together, possibly the Waynes are there too...
Tim confronts Bruce and Dick about Batman and Robin
Tim becomes Robin
Tim's dad dies
Jason comes back, tho no one knows yet I think(?)
Timmy and Batman split up - cuz Bruce is a dick holy shit
Timmy is working with the Teen Titans
Jason tries to kill Timmy
Jason becomes mean Red Hood
Damian comes into town - which everyone (the three previous Robins) is mad about.
IDK when Stephanie becomes Robin but she is supposedly the fourth Robin - but becomes Batgirl and then Spoiler
There are two working Robins - Tim and Damian
Bruce goes missing - something about a time stream(???)
Dick chooses Damian to be his Robin - Timmy and Dick have a bigass fight
Everyone thinks Bruce is dead except Timmy
Connor dies
Steph dies(?)
Wally dies
(Holy shit Timmy's edgy time begins as he searches for Bruce) as Red Robin YUMMMM
Batman (Dick) catches Red Robin YUMMM (Tim) as Ra's al Ghul kicks him out a skyscraper window (holy fuck i loved that issue)
Bruce comes back - holy shit why does no one listen to Timmy
Jason forms the Outlaws(????)
Jason and Bruce reconcile (somewhere in here I am not sure where tho, suddenly Red Hood has a red bat on his chest and is occasionally out with the Robins and either only used rubber bullets or shoots people in the legs)
A little very short time passes where the batfam gets to hang out and do missions, which leads to the next event.
Damian dies
Wayne family fortune goes away(????) idk when it happens but here somewhere
Dick "dies" but the batfam doesn't know that he is an agent of Spiral
Batgirl comes back, Babs has her spine fixed with technology, so it works kinda like a conputer(????)
Damian comes back(?????)
Bruce loses his memory???
Dick comes back for a second - gets his stupid face punched by Jason, (timber and jaybird have been through a lot losing Damian, Bruce, and Dick in such a short time span holy shit) and he deserves it
Robin school(?????) (i did not finish the "Grayson" series so IDK what the frick that is about)
The world somehow forgets who Dick Grayson is through comic book magic????
Tim is back to being regular Robin(????) so there are two Robins?(???)
Alfred loses his hand (idk when this happens I just know it is in here somewhere)
Bruce's memory comes back
Dick gets shot in the head - honestly just... there are so many questions I had about this, the main one is why the fuck the Joker(s) are not dead yet, after everything they have done to the bats and the birds
Dick becomes Ric after losing his memory - we don't talk about it because - well - DC fucked up :/ (i have a lot of rants planned out for this tbh. Starting with how the bat fam treated Ric, and how after Nightwing went missing none of the bats decided Blüdhaven was worth defending, and how they did Bea dirty even tho she was an ideal partner to someone like Ric / Dick....)
Alfred dies
Robin - Timmy and Damian both in Gotham as Robins - i think Timmy is pretty independent at this point, also he is legally emancipated at this point so he doesn't answer to Bruce anymore...
Dick's memory comes back
Damian and Batman have a falling out(????) and Robin goes off on his own - the newest Robin (2021) series (which I totes recommend if you need to understand Damian a little more - also bonus all five Robins have a scene in it (issue 5 i think) and it is fantastic)
Fun fact all of the Robins have died by this point (though idk if Dick's counts cuz his heart did technically stop but there was no lazarus pit to bring him back just pure adrenaline shot to the heart...)
Tim and Bruce get along again?
Tim and Bernard go out after reconnecting (?????) new thing, waiting for the issue in August 2022 I think?
Tim gets shot in the neck(?????) new issue july 2022
Duke and Cass come into the picture as (?) Outsiders(????) i forget their group name I am sorry) So Spoiler, Signal, orphan now a team since Bruce adopted them I guess. Also Batwing is there (is that his name?) - it's Luke Fox, the guys who had a rescue mission and stole some cool Bat tech to get Bruce back after Talia kidnapped him (also a cool guy to check out. He is a good one to keep up with too. Butts heads with Bruce a lot when it comes to raising the bat babies - which GOOD).
Idk about you, but there is defs over 80 years worth of history here that is supposed to happen over the span of like 20 years (holy cow) and Bruce is supposedly supposed to pick up the mantle of Batman at around 25 or so, and a year and a half in he adopts 9 year old Dick Grayson. Holy shit these kids....
@ me if you think I forgot something or if I need to fix it :)
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tiredbitchposts · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Sure i'll try my best to answer this for you
10-) Gaara from Naruto
Reason: He's the first antagonist i've ever rooted for, not for his plans but for his mental health. When i first saw his backstory i just wanted to riot bc damn, people really treated this boy like a monster since day one and then got surprised when he started acting like it, i just wanted him happy and at the least i got that at the end of the anime (No, i refuse to watch Boruto on principle)
9-) Tsukiyomi Ikuto from Shugo Chara
Reason: We all have our problematic shoujo male leads that we love. In my defense i watched Shugo Chara when i was 12 years old and it wasn't until later when i realized the age difference but even then i still have a soft spot for him in my heart. He and his sister suffered so much and i just want them happy, healthy and taken care of (he's also the reason why i'm into catboys now that i think abt it)
8-)Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto
Reason: He's my baby boy (not in a carnal way), i watched this boy grow up rooting for him to achieve his dreams, he's the first male protagonist i was emotionally invested in and ngl to this day i still read fix-it fics for his childhood because in my heart of hearts he deserves it (Still refusing to watch Boruto tho)
7-) Haruka Nanase from free! Iwatobi swim club
Reason: The reason is not as deep as the others i'm afraid, i genuinely loved Free! When it first came out, i was obsessed with Haru's character and the way he was as a person, he's extremely attractive and i want to crack him open like an egg and study his insides (he's also very shipable and i like that in a fictional man)
6-) Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu
Reason: He's my awkward lil guy. I loved the way he developed as a character, from a temperamental, lonely volleyball genius to the type of guy that still uses the signature his upperclassman came up for him in high school as a pro player. I also really liked how we only got the reason why he was acting like he did in middle school only at the end of the end of the manga and how it made everything make sense in retrospect
5-) Hinamori Amu from Shugo Chara
Reason: Shugo Chara was my first magical girls anime and i still have a really soft spot for Amu in my heart. I know she's not the most well written deep characters around but i really like how she was an escape for me when i was younger. She was a pretty, popular, preteen girl who was an awkward mess and while i could only relate to the awkward mess, the fact that she got publicaly rejected by her crush and her taste in fashion i still watched her go because it felt good to see her do so
4-) Jason Todd from the Batman franchise
Reason: He's my babygirl (not always in a carnal way), this boy suffered so much in life, was happy for a few years, got brutally murdered, then brought back to suffer more. He's one of Dc's favorite punching bags and my dream is to see him happy, healthy and in therapy. Really hate how his own father won't avenge his death or let him do it himself, just fuck that clown already since you like him so much
3-) Wei Wuxian from Mdzs
Reason: I really do have a thing for red wearing, died but got better, on his second life but sluttier than ever characters. This boy deserves the world, he did do many morally reprehensible things in his time but it's all justified because i said so, he deserved his happy ending and my only complaint is that it didn't come sooner
2-) Shen Qingqiu from Scum Villain's self-saving system
Reason: This man is a whole ass clown, a walking contradiction, he's the reason why some people describe Scum Villain as a greek tragedy with clown music playing in the background. I've never seen someone so in-tune but detached from reality, bro doesn't even know his own emotions, on the inside he's a chronically online millenial on the outside he's the milfiest shizun in the Cang Qiong mountain sect and everyone knows it
1-) Kagome Higurashi from Inuyasha
Reason: This is my girl and i'll not take any criticism for it. She's a 15 years old middle schooler having to go back in time to fix a magical jewel to save japan and she's being so brave about it. She's an extremely kind person, does her best to see the good in everyone, even in people that attempted om her life before, she's a bit immature at times and has a temper but again, she's 15. She deserved better in general and because of that, and many more other reasons, that i fucking refuse to ever watch Yashahime, i just think it sucks she didn't even get to raise her daughter
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let me into your heart
eddie munson x f!cheer!reader
[this is a comfort fic cause im having a shitty day]
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you were sitting at your usual table.with the jocks and the preps.you fidgeted with your tray,and nails,and the skirt you wore.needless to say you werent having a good day.it felt like everything was going wrong.like there was this big weight on your chest.you were on a thin line between bawling your eyes out and smacking that jason upside the head.
so when jason sat down next to you and started yelling insults at the hellfire table,you crossed that line.
"shut up jason." and just by saying that all the attention turned to you.
"what,youre on that freaks side?"
"im not on anyones side,youre just being an asshole."
now it was quiet."i see what this is,"jason began "your womanly emotions getting to you?"
and before he could finish his sentence you had punched him right in the face.he was stunned and just sat there for a while processing the whole thing.and you took the oppurtunity to get your shit together and leave.
you wound up in the woods behind the school.you sat on the old bench and put your head into your hands.and now you were crying.god everyone was going to think you were hysteric.send you off to a psych ward.you didnt even know how you were going to explain this to your parents.or to yourself.
your head snapped at the sound of footsteps.you were met with the one and only eddie munson.
"i come in peace" he half smiled.he took a couple steps forward as you looked forward again,wiping away the remnants of your tears.he took a seat down next to you,but his movements were slow,like he was worried he'd scare you off.
"you know,"he started off in a whisper,speaking up after a while "you didnt have to do that for me."he was playing with his hands and looking at anything but you."jasons always a dick to me.and i appreciate it but im not worth your reputation."
"what reputation is that?"
"you know,youre cheery." he said with a fake cheer pom pom motion. "everyone thinks youre this bubbly princess."
you sniffed and let out a small laugh at the irony.
"im no princess,munson.and i didnt do that for you."
his eyes widened finally looking at you.
"well partially,"you continued "bad day ya know?jasons always deserved to get punched in the face,and today he was pissing me off.i hate how he acts like hes some king.i hate how he treats people.how he treats you."you hadnt meant to say that last word as soft as you did.to show how much eddie munson really meant to you.
"why do you care how he treats me?you dont even know me." eddie smiled.
"yeah,i know,i dont know why i did that." you said,brushing it off.
"well,either way," he said,leaning in "it was pretty badass."
and that made you smile."well if its enough to make eddie munson call it badass,then im happy i did it."
there was a comfortable silence that fell on the two of you.
"so,what could possibly make the princess have a bad day?" despite the nickname,he really did care.
"its just stuff" you said,not sure if you wanted to open up.
"ah stuff" eddie said with this meditative voice whilst nodding his head ,he had this old man contemplation look on his face, like you had just said something incredibly serious.causing you to let out a tiny laugh.you sighed and turned to him.
"its just,i get these moments.when the world feels like its too much.when everyones crowding me and i cant think because theres so much going on.like-"your voice broke at that,to your own suprise you were crying. "like everyones talking about me,judging me,because im not this perfect princess.i just,i cant handle it sometimes.and it feels like i should.and because i cant,everyones,i dont know,dissapointed." you wiped the tears from your face and looked up at the sky."im sorry,im just being stupid.i dont know why im telling you this."
eddies right hand slowly went to your face.he wiped a tear and paused.wanting to make sure you were okay with the contact. "hey,you arent being stupid.everything you feel makes sense.its okay."
you looked at him,into those beautiful eyes. he gulped,and wiped his left hand on his jeans.he was sweaty and nervous.you thought it was cute."everything hurts eddie,everything inside of me aches."you whispered.
"its all okay.dont worry,nobody is dissapointed or judging you.not out here,okay?" you nodded. "i got you.right now its just me and you." he said,placing his other hand on the side of your face.
you laughed,a loud one,a stupidly loud one.which made eddie look so confused you felt bad.
"three years eddie munson," you explained between laughs "three years repeating twelfth grade and you still dont know its 'you and i' "
the trees echoed with your idiotic laughter,and then eddies.and then your conversations.you two talked about your home lives.about your taste in music.you could talk to him like this for hours.
"oh shit" you muttered "what?" "i think we should head back to school,i already missed a few classes." the concerned look on your face met with the sound of eddie munsons stifled laughter.
"you really wanna go back in there?" he asked between giggles."back to jasons banged up face and a million cheerleaders asking you a million questions?" "you make a good point,munson.so what now?" "i dont know.but i do know you gotta stop calling me munson." "alright then,as long as you stop calling me princess." "deal"
"so what should i call you?" eddie asked.
"anything you want." "anything?" you nodded.you couldnt care less what he called you.as long as he called you it.
"just so long as it isnt something you call all of your girlfriends." you smiled.
"im afraid ive got no girlfriends."
"really, the eddie munson?" you emphasized 'the' "im surpised you dont have the babes falling head over heels for you." you joked making him smile another big smile.
"nope.and what about you?"
"nope" you said,repeating him.
"really,captain of the cheer team and you dont have some douchebag jock taking you out?"
"not one" you whispered that,leaning towards eddie.you waited for him to speak,but he didnt.instead he sat there,cheeks turning red and breathing becoming faster and faster.you realized just how close you were.
you pulled back."oh im so sorry,i didnt mean to make you feel uncom-" you were cut off by eddies lips on yours."i was just-" he began "working up the courage to kiss you." you smiled before slowly leaning in again to kiss him.your hands tangled in his hair and his hands on your waist.
you really could stay there forever.
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