#her voice is made of the stuff of which she sings
fruitcage · 2 years
In the hour of gold, the hour of lead We did forge our wedding bed On a hard and holy road We lay down our heads In the hour of gold, the hour of lead
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laughinglynx · 2 years
#wooo tag rant!#this feels too silly to talk to friends about (and also feels a little like bragging which I’m NOT but)#but some stuff has happened in the last week that made me sad so. here we are.#for some context: I’ve always loved music. I sang constantly when I was younger (much to my parents amusement and therefore belittling)#I took piano lessons for five years and cello for three or four#both of those my parents were hugely supportive of#but neither of them were really It for me#I really really wanted to sing#finally in early middle school I talked my mom into letting me take a group voice class at our nearby music school#I didn’t think that would go anywhere of course#but the teacher of the class disagreed#she moved her entire schedule around to make room for me to take lessons with her#she immediately had me fast tracked to the basically honors program in the school. super performance based super exclusive#I’m pretty sure she tried to get lesson prices lowered for me#it was. amazing.#and also the first time I really felt like an adult thought I had potential for something?#I took lessons with her for a few years. I was about to be accepted into the honors program. and then I got my wisdom teeth removed.#tldr we don’t really know what the fuck happened but the muscles in my jaw went insane. I was in constant pain for like two years.#I tried to stick with voice but I just. had to quit.#I went back with a different teacher later in high school but had to deal with Constant complaints about it from my parents.#and when that teacher fell through I just. stopped trying.#my jaw is a lot better now. but I still don’t sing much because it all just. makes me so sad.#it’s this constant reminder of pain and having to quit something I’d dreamed about for Years and having my parents just… not care.#I’m just. so angry and sad.#this was something I loved. and I was good at it.#and now I barely sing in private.#I went to a cool chapel a few days ago that had amazing acoustics and was empty. and it was the first time I had fun singing in. years.#but then I tried again today and felt miserable.#idk.#I miss singing. I miss music.
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dickgraysonsbitch · 4 months
3.3k words | divider by @cafekitsune | requests open !
summary: your relationship with dick grayson was history two years ago. as of yesterday, you were (not so) happily engaged to another man, and your relationship with him was swoon-worthy, but it seems like it could crumble like a house of cards. so when your perfect ex comes back into your life for help on a case, will you go back to him like a moth to a flame?
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you’re just a moth to a flame.
you were engaged. you knew this, this wasn’t new fucking information, and you were supposed to feel elated, on top of the world, like you were on cloud nine or some other shit people in love said—wait, no. you were in love with your fiancé, or at least you tried to be. he was sweet, and he looked good, with his fluffy blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and lean figure. nerd hot. just your type, but why did it seem like as every day went on, you kept trying to convince yourself that this was what you wanted?
you stretched your arms before lugging yourself out of bed, grabbing your phone to check your messages, which you assumed were the reason that your phone was buzzing so much that it was about to fall off your dresser.
PHOTOS NOTIFICATION: november, 2021, AMUSEMENT MILE THEME PARK. do you want to share this memory with DICKIEBIRD 💙?
you pressed your mouth into a line, reminiscing. that was probably the best time you’d ever had in your entire life. you, dick, wally and artemis, eating cotton candy and popcorn at an amusement park.
“one more bite of food and you’re going into carnival crime territory, wally,” you sing, your voice carrying its signature teasing lilt. “then i’m going to win, and you’ll have to pay for everything.”
“just make your stupid boyfriend pay, he’s the billionaire!” wally's disgruntled groan came from a foot behind you, were he was still struggling on his second milkshake. sucker.
dick threw an arm around your shoulder, spreading a hint of warmth over your torso. he was, as you liked to call him, your personal space heater. “hey, it’s the son of a billionaire. and i’d much rather see my super sexy girlfriend beat my best friend’s ass.”
artemis grinned, her phone ready to snap a picture of when wally would undisputedly hurl like a toddler who had eaten too many gerber puffs. “me too, so hurry up, wally.”
the memory of dick throwing up because of the amount of sugar he had consumed in the short span of three hours almost had you laughing out loud, with your fiancé in the bed right next to you. god, you were so pathetic.
“something funny?” his low voice was next to your ear, and you could almost feel his breath on your neck, but for some reason, you wanted to push him away.
your breath hitched, and the guilt crept into your heart again. you were in bed with your fiancé, and you were daydreaming about your ex-boyfriend, who probably forgot your existence. dick was charming, but even you knew that he had a steady stream of people on call to fuck. one of the plus sides to being the hottest person in blüdhaven, you guessed.
“uh, just checking the group chat. girl stuff, matt, you can’t see it.” your mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk, and you quickly stood up and walked towards the shower, rapidly checking the group chat that you opened up your phone for. curse dick grayson and his beautiful blue eyes, which were obviously the only reason you stared that that picture for so long. not the lovesick look he had on his face when looking at you, and definitely not his flirty smile when you made eye contact with him. that would be crazy, right?
maybe you should finally open the group chat.
rue: so how’d your night go?? 😉
annie: i bet she’s so tired that she can’t even walkkk
charlie: ofc she can’t, it’s matt myers!! he’s so fine 😩😩
the conversation then devolved into a discussion of which of matt’s photoshoots was the ‘hottest’, which should’ve made any other, self respecting friend group shy away from the conversation, but never rue, annie and charlie. no, they said that matt was too ‘sexy’ to be quiet about, and it was like they were waiting for you to mess up just to take your place. the sad part was that you wouldn’t mind letting them.
you had met matt, ironically, at a wayne gala that you were covering post breakup with dick, which was the only way that you measured time nowadays. he was hot enough to be… a rebound, and you were okay with that, until he started hounding you for a date. one date, two dates, and suddenly, a year and a half later, you were engaged. the next step, obviously (in matt's words), was the whole white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and living the rest of your days in your dream house. if it was so obvious, why did it make your stomach curdle like you had a flu? why did the idea of kids with matt, being bonded to him for life, make you want to toss your stupid ring at his face, pack your bags, and run? did he even know why your favorite color was dark blue? did matt myers know that the reason that the sapphire stone on your ring was because of dick grayson?
you glanced at your fiancé before looking at your phone and sighing. “matt, i'm going out for some fresh air.” your heart panged. maybe you should give matt some slack, because after all, he picked up the pieces of you after dick so abruptly left. maybe he was better than what you gave him credit for. maybe the two of you would work long term, and you could go the white picket fence with him. it couldn’t hurt. “wanna come with?”
“nah. get me some seaweed chips though, from erewhon. we ran out.” matt shot you a badly timed wink, which made you grimace, and in that moment, you realized a very disturbing fact. nobody could make your blood pump like dick grayson, and no matter who you were with, there would only be one man on your mind.
sighing, you quickly changed into a ratty hoodie and leggings, making sure you weren’t in some sort of nightmare dream that you weren’t able to get out of. because that was your dream, right? being engaged to an incredibly attractive, talented and kind person, and spending the rest of your life with him? you gave yourself a short pep talk in the mirror—“you are hot! everyone wants you! you are engaged!”—before slipping on your shoes and calculating the distance to blüdhaven’s nearest erewhon, which was an easy twenty minute walk away. maybe you could thank matt for the exercise that he was always hounding you to do.
step. step. step. your walk turned into the same banal rotation of the past year and a half of your life, always the same thing over and over, and the thought of what your life might have been like if you had just stayed clung in your mind like cobwebs. unwanted, unnecessary, but it made your heart ache just a little bit to get rid of them.
erewhon came faster than you expected it to, and you stepped inside, the chilly air hitting your face like a wall of ice, and you grabbed a basket, picking up those chips matt loved. he was safe. safe and comfortable, but why did safe and comfortable suddenly feel like boring and predictable?
you caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflective glass of the door, yearning to see the bright eyed, excitable girl that existed only a few years ago, but all you saw was… you. drained, unhappy, a permanent frown on your face. you attempted a smile, pulling your mouth from both sides, but the result was only a mix of a grimace and a clown’s toothy grin. you couldn’t smile right either.
your phone pinged, and a blue heart showed up on your screen. you hadn’t texted him in two years, but the icon still made your heart flutter with anticipation, before your squashed it like a bug under a boot.
DICKIEBIRD 💙: hey smartie pants! i need to talk to u about something important. let’s meet at 0900 at lux?
you bit your lip. the pros of this: you could finally get closure. dick grayson was hard to get ahold of, but maybe this was your chance to ask him—why did the two of you not work? was it you? was it him? or was it his true first love, nightwing?
you: hey. does 0930 work? i’m out running errands right now.
a beat.
DICKIEBIRD 💙: yeah! miss u lots, btw. see you then!
two hours later, after you had dropped off matt’s life-sustaining seaweed chips for a disgruntled “thanks, babe” in return, you walked into lux, your favorite sweater and skirt combo clinging onto you like a second skin. you’d worn a different, light blue dress on instinct, but you quickly realized that the dress you had picked out was dick’s favorite, so it immediately out of the question. shame, it was a damn hot dress.
“hey!” you heard a cheery voice from behind you. he said your name like it came off easy, like you hadn’t been each other’s confidants once upon a time. he said your name the way you wished that you could say his, with no meaning attached behind it. “it’s been so long, and you look great!” his eyes flicked to the stone on your left hand ring finger, and you could swear that his face fell the smallest amount, but if he felt anything, he didn’t tell you.
you didn’t have the same self control that he did. his name fluttered off of your tongue like a prayer, like he was a god and your only chance at salvation. “dick… um… hi. yeah, you look great too, but i guess enough people tell you that on a daily basis.”
“well, i hope you’re getting complemented just as much. what, your fiancé not doing it for you anymore, or is that just a pretty rock?” he grinned, his dimples highlighted by the dim light in the club. you suddenly kicked yourself for even showing up. how could he read you like a book by only looking at you for a minute or two, max?
your eyes widened, heart beating out of your chest. “uh, i mean… i’m engaged. matt. that’s his name. matt myers.”
as if reading your mind, dick’s smile fell, and he placed a comforting hand on your forearm. “hey, i didn’t mean anything by the pretty rock comment, okay? don’t stress, i’m not here to seduce you.” oh, dick. what you’d give for him to say the opposite. “i’m actually here about a case. not bruce related, by the way. my usual case partner on this one is having a little trouble, so i thought…” he shrugged, because telling you that you were a backup didn’t break his heart, not like being on the receiving end broke yours. it wasn’t a shatter, just a tiny crack to the ones that he’d been adding all this time.
“yeah, i can help you out. what’s up?” you tried to seem nonchalant, but maybe the pain seeped through your voice. you wouldn’t count it against your terrible emotional regulation skills, but a small part of you was itching to help—to get back into the routine that truly sparked fire in you, instead of the rabbit food conversations that had matt jumping around like it was Christmas.
dick pulled out a variety of manila folders, labeled with a variety of female names on them, and a type of flower. he pinched three different photos of the victims, you were assuming, who were mauled and then arranged into neat shapes, with their hands crossed over their chest like mummies, and a clean, crisp white flower placed on top of them. the flowers were all different species’, you noted, with some including a white rose, a white poppy, and a white petunia.
“what do you have so far?” your voice came off far too eager, far too fast and far too interested. no, this was a favor he was coming to you for, so why did it feel like you were a caged bird that could finally sing, stretch it’s wings and soar into the sky without inhibitions? dick pressed his lips together, running a hand though his tousled, raven hair. god, what you’d give to have the chance to do that one more time. maybe dick was right when he broke up with you, because if you couldn’t even control yourself when you had a fiancé, how did he know that you could handle being with him?
he hesitated—it was evident in the way that he froze before trying to say something again. perhaps he was also thinking about the other times that you helped him with his cases, spending late nights poring over pictures and elaborate pictures, only to end up watching the real housewives of beverly hills instead. or maybe he was rethinking, questioning, even, why he had even involved you in the first place. you wouldn’t hold it against him; you’d always been too interested for your own good.
“close to nothing. no prints, no dna, just these flowers, whatever they mean. i wanted to know if you could reach out to shy of your sources—see if they know anything. they’ve been helpful before.” his voice sounded tired, not the usual, cheery voice he pasted onto himself. it made you feel a bit better, if you could call it that, that he didn’t feel the need to pretend to be the golden wayne child in front of you. or maybe you were delusional in your belief that he’d even let his facade drop.
you bit your lip, and twisted the dark blue engagement ring on your finger absentmindedly. “is this a nightwing problem, or an officer grayson problem? because that makes a difference in which sources i use.”
dick grinned, and you were mostly sure that it was genuine, with a flash of teeth distracting you from the issue at hand (which was more like the issue on your left hand ring finger) but dick had always had that effect on you. “thinking about breaking the law, future mrs gr—future pulitzer prize winner? to answer your question, if you think about it,” he started, “it’s a both problem.” his face fell, and the wide smile that was there moments ago disappeared so fast that you almost thought that you imagined it. “they’ve started personally targeting people in my family. cass and damian both noticed a tail when they were walking out in the city, and i would be worried if they weren’t, you know, the deadliest people in gotham, but if anything happened to them, i don’t know if i'd be able to forgive myself. or worse, alfred…”
the look on his face is anguished, as if he’s imagining a lifetime of pain being inflicted on his family, and you know that he’s rather take it himself than let anything happen to them. “dick, don’t worry, okay? alfred is probably more dangerous than anyone in your family combined, and i say that after i've met cass and steph. nothing’s going to happen to them. we’re going to find this psycho, then we’re going to get justice for the victims and their families.” you reach out to touch his arm, but the moment your skin makes contact with his, you pull back like his forearm was on fire.
nodding, he looks back up at you, his eyes filled with an admiration you haven’t seen in quite a while. “yeah, i’m overreacting, right? and it’s not like they won’t be able to defend themselves. cass could probably kick my ass on one of her bad days.” he shudders. “she’s awesome and all, but scary as hell.”
you laugh, finally at ease, not on edge about what you’re saying or about to do. “yeah, well, clearly you’ve never seen her in the same room as a full english breakfast. i remember this one time that she came over to our apartment after patrol, and this was at three o’clock in the morning, okay? she walks in, starts getting the eggs out of our fridge…” your eyes catch a glimpse at dick’s face. he’s smiling, his face satiated and truly… happy. how long has it been since you looked like that? the earlier morning comes into your mind, and you stammer, recollecting how you looked in the glass of the fridge at the store. like a broken woman rather than the girl that you used to be.
now it’s dick’s turn to take your hand into his, and rub it gently, the way that he always used to do when you were nervous before taking one of your tests in university, or when you utterly messed up cooking dinner. it meant that he was here for you, that he would be there no matter what, but a small part of your brain wanted to question him nonetheless; if he had left you before, he would leave you again. that was the rule, the past precedent that he had kept for himself, and if he had wanted to stay, he would’ve.
his thumb brushes over your engagement ring, the one that you and forgotten even existed and now felt heavier on your finger than a ton of bricks, the one that your fiancé had given to you as a token of trust. you couldn’t break the one promise you had left, but clearly, dick must have been thinking the same thing. he pulled his hand away the moment he touched the ring, and looked at you with a guilty expression. “so… how long have you guys been…”
“last night.” you said, not an ounce of warmth in your voice. there never was, when it came to matt. it was more like a dry tone of obligation than anything else.
dick’s eyes widened, shame seeping into his expression. “i'm so sorry, sw—i mean, you shouldn’t be here on your engagement day. we can talk some other time, or i can send you—”
“if i didn’t want to be here, dick, i wouldn’t be.”
“good to know.” he smiled, before turning his attention back to the folder in his hands. “hey, i have to go. we’ll keep in touch, alright?” he stands up, about to lean in for a hug, but you stick your arm out, ready to shake his hand. cold and impersonal, but it wasn’t like you were doing a good job of that in the first place.
the two of you settle for a half hug-half handshake combination, somehow making the situation more awkward than it already was. he send you a crooked grin, and it cements itself in your brain, another blip of dick grayson in your grey life. maybe… maybe this isn’t a bad idea after all, and maybe you could rein in your emotions just to see a little more of him, his dark blue eyes haunting your dreams like an apparition. you could sacrifice that and so much more just to have his eyes in your life.
“see you later, right?” you smiled, the muscles in your face contracting in that direction for the first time in a few weeks, perhaps. oh, the things that he did to your poor heart. he waved, mouthing a quick bye to you before picking up a call on his phone, and you could hear a stern ‘jason’ before he vanished, out of earshot, out of sight, but not out of your mind.
you started on your path back home, deciding against taking a taxi when the fares would be the highest. maybe it was just an eerie coincidence on your part, but you swore that there was something behind you, a pair of eyes tracking your every move. you would have cast it aside as paranoia, but it was sending a creeping shiver up your spine, terrifying you to your very bones. perhaps that is what happens when one works on a murder case.
you brushed it off, but the feeling of eyes on your back did not dissipate.
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ooh spooky right? does anyone fancy a part two for this one or nah?
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avaf00rd · 6 months
Little Shits 4
Arsenal wfc x teen!reader
Auswnt x Teen!reader
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summary: you cherish some special and cheeky moments with you club team during your birthday week, and the end of Camp with you national team.
warnings: none, maybe that its edited shit - someone teach me to feel confident with my writing again so i can actually write something good
“You can’t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind!” You and Alanna screeched into the microphones on the team bus back from Marvel stadium.
“Make it stop!” Kyra screamed over the extremely loud music, covering her ears, causing other girls to laugh and yell in agreement
“Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover!” You sung into Caitlin’s face in her seat, she recorded you as she laughed, you would later find that video on her insta story.
Alanna threw you over her shoulder as you walked back to your bus seats once you were both finished your karaoke song. Voices gone.
You and your national team had just won against Uzbekistan with a wicked 10-0 and were officially going to Paris. Something you had been losing sleep on for weeks.
“You have ruined Justin Bieber for me you two!” Mimi yelled over the rows
“Oh get over it!” You yelled back laughing
You had some of the sprite bottle that was in your backpack to cool down after the performance before Alanna laid on your shoulder from next to you. “Tell me I’m dreaming and we don’t have to get on a 3am flight”
You pinched her
“Ow don’t pinch me” she exclaimed as she rubbed the now red skin
“Dreaming?” You laughed “we are going to be awake the whole night before that it’s fine”
“I’m already tired” she said before muzzling herself back into your shoulder.
“You’re boring” you said already bored at her energy level, getting up out of your seat while the rest of the bus was still singing and going nuts in excitement.
When the bus reached the Hotel you all took the lift to your respected rooms. You all had roommates this camp, and you were with Caitlin as she would usually room with Sam.
When you reached your room you both plopped onto your bed's before you reached over to the phone next to you as Caitlin got up to use the bathroom.
“Room service?” You asked as she had left the room to shower, before she quickly popped around the corner again and pursed her lips at you grinning. Implying a cheeky ‘yes’.
You dialed in the number as the phone rang to the kitchen and greeeting the staff on the line. “Yes just two of your cheese burgers, two fries, one side salad, two chicken nugget meals please and your umm…chocolate Sundae as well as your strawberry one” you said, ordering a lot for you and the hungry brunette
Caitlin came into the bedroom once again, giggling at your requests on the phone.
“20 minutes is fine. Thank you!” Before hanging up the phone and putting it back on the bedside table.
“I’m not gonna have any room for my airplane food!” Caitlin said
“I don’t understand how you like that stuff”
“Airplane food is great” she shrugged
You both had 1 hour before you had to leave for the airport. It wasn’t long at all, considering you both had stuff scattered around the apartment. Caitlin’s face cringed in confusion at your choices but left it before she got on the phone with her girlfriend and your Arsenal Teammates Katie.
“No fucking about alright? Everyone is tired” Mackenzie warns you and Kyra as you are lined up for boarding, large carry ons in hand and an all too eager duo consisting of you and your best friend.
“Hm” Kyra shrugs at the tall brunette
“We won’t, I’m tired too you’ll be fine” you reassured Mackenzie
As you slowly made your way down the boarding bridge you yawned more than twice on your way you were sure. Greeting the flight attendants you and Kyra made it to your respected seats.
You had fallen asleep after an hour, which is what you were specifically not meant to do due to all of the London Aussies trying to align themselves back with European time. But you slept for five hours and now you were up. Bored as nothing else as basically the rest of the plane slept.
Peeking over the small separator of a wall between you and Kyra, you found her dead asleep. Mouth hung open like drool was about to drip out any moment. You sent a photo of the girl in her state to your Matilda’s group chat, attaching ‘I hope all you who didn’t have to leave at 3 are having fun🥰’.
Quickly deciding to get up and go to the bathroom, you found Mini waiting at the bathroom door for someone to come out so she could go. She found you walking down the aisle and smiled at you before opening her arms slowly to hug you.
You lazily accepted her arms and slumped into her embrace. “I fell asleep just before” you said leaning into her side, keeping your feet grounded as the plane slightly felt wobbly.
“Naughty” Mini chuckled
When the older woman came out of the bathroom, Mini offered for you to go first but you insisted she go. Then noticing a very tired toddler in her seat a few rows down from the bathroom as you waited, Harper yawned bringing her smaller arms up to stretch which made your heart melt. Her tired and slow eyes found yours as she smiled before opening her arms for a hug.
Even though you were quite a fair bit away for her, you made your way back down the aisle to sit next to her in her overly large seat. She crawled into your lap, resting her body there. You, Carefully stroking her arm and looking around the plane at some of the girls asleep, you had completely forgotten about needing to use the toilet before Mini came down the aisle once again.
“And to all those returning home, welcome home” the captain said sweetly over the overhead speakers, Kyra rolling her eyes. You had slung your carry on over your shoulder and prepared to get straight out of your seat once Kyra had gotten her over-head carry on out.
“Hello London” you said once you finally made it to baggage claim and stopped to stand and stretch for a moment, before resting on your suitcase waiting for the other girls to grab their’s. Katie would be picking both you and Caitlin up and would drop you home. Teyah picking Kyra up.
“Oh my gosh can I please get a photo y/n!” You heard an excited voice behind you. Your tired expression immediately vanished as you turned around on your heel to meet with the voice.
A girl and a boy that looked about 10 years old stood there cutely with their phones out asking for a photo. “Me?” You asked smiling
“Yes! Only if that’s okay” the short boy said
“Of course” you smiled before putting your handbag on top of your suitcase so you could take the photo.
“We are Australian too! We are on holidays” the girl explained once you handed her phone back to her after you all took the photo
“Oh I thought I heard some Australian accents” you laughed “what do you think of London?”
“It’s very cold” the girl said
“Yeah” they both laughed
“Oh I agree. Bit different from Australia. What are your names?” You asked them
“I am Emma”
“And I’m Luke I play soccer like you!” The small boy said after his sister
“That’s awesome wow!” You said excitedly.
“Hey y/l/n, Katie’s here” Caitlin said from behind you. Not seeing the two young fans that you were talking to just yet.
“Caitlin Foord!” The little girl said excitedly before they both ran off to her. The small boy waving to you as he ran.
You looked a little to the left to find the Irish girl standing there smiling at the interaction, you walked towards her before she started to do the same to you when she noticed you. You hugged, a hug that felt long because it felt soothing to be in her arms like always. Every time Katie hugged someone, it was liked she always framed them in her arms perfectly.
“How you going tiny?” She asked looking down at you with that wide and comforting smile.
“Good” Katie mimicked you
“Very tired but I’m happy” you shrugged before pulling her back in. Before feeling a slight tug at the hood of your jumper. Caitlin pulling you away from Katie, so she could greet her. You grabbed your suitcase quickly while they kissed and did whatever else you chose not to look at for too long.
“Let’s go” Katie said grabbing your suitcase off of you so she could hold it before you all walked to her car and out of the airport.
“Vivvy I don’t need your help” you groaned as Viv came over to where you sat at the dining table, attempting to help you with your homework for the 10th time tonight.
“We aren’t starting this movie until it’s done and unless you want to be hated from us collectively I suggest you pick up that pen” Viv stated trying to keep her words firm and clear.
“Kyra I’ll have one” you pointed to Kyra who was at the fridge getting herself a coke. Completely ignoring Viv who attempted to help you hurry up.
“I give up we are starting the movie” Viv said before walking back to the living room where most of the girls were already.
It was a team bonding night with some of the girls who lived super close to you, Kyra and Alessia’s building. Everyone forced the idea on you that you would host. As no one else was bothered to host and cook for everyone.
You were quite a good cook as the 16 year old yourself. So you gave in, but had deadlines for your online school due tomorrow that you were nowhere near done. The girls found out about your deadlines and made sure you finished them.
“I’ll just ask for an extension” you shrugged getting up and heading to your kitchen to grab the coke off the island that Kyra left for you.
“You can’t just ask for an extension every time” Caitlin, your Australian teammate, said from her position leaning against your kitchen counter, digging her grimey fingers into the leftover salad on the counter.
“out” you flicked her fingers out from the bowl and pulled her arm with you into the living room. “Yeah well I don’t know my teachers so I don’t care” you shrugged before you both sat down on the couch. Caitlin having to take the floor, sitting in between her girlfriend’s legs, due to there being no more space left in the couch nor the beanbags.
“Excited to be 17 tiny?” Laura said from her position on the couch next to you
“Very” you smiled sweetly. It was your birthday in two days.
“That reminds me. Game day in two days, so we can’t watch this full movie” Kim said from the other end of your couch
“Oh come on” Leah groaned like a child to her club Captain
The movie had been playing for around 45 minutes now. When Kyra’s intrusive ideas quickly sprung up and she was sharing them with you. “If we snuck out no one would notice” she whispered
You quietly chuckled at the comment that came completely out of no where, before some of the girls turned to look at you, as the movie scene playing was definitely not that funny.
“Mate how are you gonna do that”
“Your gonna do it with me” Kyra said, you laughed quietly dropping your head and shaking it.
“Yeah and where the hell are we gonna go”
“We can literally just go to my apartment or the lobby. Just to see how long they notice, or how long it takes for them to finally find us” she said finally now leaning back into the couch to act casual, but waiting for your response. Instead you headed to the kitchen
“I’m grabbing water” you said as the rest of the girls eye’s stayed on the screen, Kyra’s following you before quickly getting up and following you when you motioned her to do so.
“I’m in, come on” you whispered before grabbing your key and heading for your front door, which was luckily behind the couch where the rest of your friends lay.
“Should we take our phones?” Kyra asked looking back before she shut the door behind her.
“Nah” you shrugged before Kyra finally shut it, very, very gently.
Bad idea.
Vic’s Pov
I got up to use the toilet, softly apologise to girls as I stepped over their legs that sprawled out over the carpet before I made my way to the bathroom. I knocked, remembering that Kyra had gone in not too long ago.
“Kyra?” I questioned softly after hearing not response, knocking again. “Kyraaa” I dragged out as I very very gently opened the door slightly to see if she was even in there. When my head finally poked through, I saw no one there. Walking in to double check, there was no one.
“Guys where is Kyra?” I yelled from the bathroom not too loudly. There was silence for a moment as none of the girls bothered to respond to me.
“Where’s y/n?” Katie yelled back, making me exit the bathroom and go out to see the rest of them. “Y/n” Katie slightly yelled across your small apartment. Going to check your bedroom and guest bedroom. “Did you say Kyra was gone too?” Katie asked me as she walked to the rooms, the movie now paused.
“Yeah she’s not in the bathroom like I thought she was” I said before following Katie, me laughing slightly once we checked both rooms only to find them not anywhere.
“Fuck me” Kim said under her breath, now getting up front the couch, Teyah also getting up along with Lia. Viv and Leah asleep on the couch.
Kim went to the kitchen to grab her phone so she could call y/n and Kyra. “Kim” Katie said motioning for her to look at herself, holding up both there phones as she walked out of the room. Signalling they left them.
“Why do they do this” Caitlin said as she went to your front door to look out into the hallway, before completely disappeared down it to look for both of you.
end of pov
“You dumb kid why did you say no when I asked about taking phones?” Kyra groaned as you both sat up against the wall, the outside of your apartment building. You and Kyra had ventured down to the lobby, only to think that it was too obvious, so you walked outside into the dark and sat outside the building. Dangerous. Yep.
“Oi Don’t call me that. Why did you ask me then?” I rushed
“This is boring come on” Kyra said before getting up and reaching her arms out, offering for you to latch on so she could help you up. Kyra dragged you back through your libby and then out a door. Leading to the car park.
“It’s so scary down here no” you said standing in the emergency doorway that you had both snuck into. It was 11pm, pitch black, and Kyra was making her way over to the box trolleys. The trolleys that the residents used to take up large items.
“Push me” Kyra said sitting down in the middle of the trolley, putting her hands in her lap, and crossing her legs.
“No” you hummed
“Only if you push me after” you gave in. It sounded fun.
“Don’t push me into a car” Kyra laughed as you started to walk with the trolley “faster cmon”
After spinning the trolley around for no more than two minutes filled with laughter and Kyra screaming as the trolley headed for the cement wall. "Okay off, my turn please" you said tugging on Kyra's sleeve before you helped her out of the trolley. As you went to hop in, you both heard the squeaky but heavy door leading to the car park swing open from he other side of the lot. Thinking someone was here to kill you both, you shared a paranoid look before instantly moving behind the red car you were both near, you peaked through the car's back window to see if you could see the figures that had entered, you heard the voice of a female before your eyes landed on Katie, Kim and Teyah.
"Is it a man?" Kyra asked, not looking, her back against the car.
"what? oh, no, worse. Kim Little"
Kyra just looked up at you and smirked before pulling you away, further into the dark parking spaces filled with cars. "Oi!" a strong Irish accent was heard, you looked back as you and Kyra ran through the large car park, locking eyes with a stern Kim Little. "Get back here!" Katie yelled again, a slight goofiness in her voice.
Kyra pulled you behind a car as you noticed Teyah and Katie running up to follow you, you and Kyra ducking out again and running behind another car. "Stop" Teyah breathed out as she ran after you two again. You turned back around only to realise you were running straight towards your captain Kim.
"Ah shit" you chuckled as your jogging came to a stop "hey it was funny-"
"we didn't know where you were, everyone was looking for you two!" Kim exclaimed
"Why" you asked smiling and still breathing heavily, recovering form your chase. Hearing the squeals and laughs from afar, Katie and Teyah were still taking off towards Kyra as they basically played tiggy.
"cause we all care about you. And it worried me that you and Kyra just left"
"Kyra's 22!" you said throwing your arms up
"Is she" Kim said, motioning towards Teyah and Katie tackling Kyra into the cement ground while she broke out into a giggling fit. "besides you're 16!"
"and you're over reacting" you breathed out before grabbing your jumper off the ground near the door and making your way to the exit. Getting in the elevator by yourself, pressing the button with the number 16 on it, heading to your apartment again. Though the lift stopped at ground level, above the car park, someone also trying to get the lift up.
Once the elevator doors opened, a blonde girl with a messy bun and her head in her phone was walking in. Not seeing you yet. "Shit"
Leah looked up from her phone at you. "There you are" Leah said, hitting the back of your head before rubbing your hair aggressively.
"Ow" You groaned, rubbing your head.
"I was looking outside for you, where's Kyra?" Leah said as the lift dinged and you both walked up the hall.
"Kyra's with Kim, Katie and um Teyah" you said, now unlocking your apartment door.
"Where on earth did you go" Leah asked now
"first outside, then the car park" you grinned
"look who it is!" Viv said as you both walked in, from her spot on the couch next to Beth, Laura and Alessia.
"Where is the rest of yous'?" Beth asked you simply shrugged, not bothering to answer, before collapsing into Laura's lap on the couch.
"You're kinda sweaty" Laura said from above your head.
Your birthday happened to land on a Thursday, which was your day off. Which meant your birthday would be spent not in the gym, and relaxing, just how you preferred. You sat up in your own bed, in your own apartment face timing your whole family on your computer. Once that ended, you stayed in bed, smiling and your heart warming at the Instagram posts your friend's back in Australia had created for your day, and the one's from your teammates also.
After a slow 30 minutes, you finally left the comfort of your blankets and got into the shower to freshen up for the day. You would be meeting the 'London Aussies' for breakfast this morning. Which included you, Caitlin, Steph, Macca, Sam, Kyra and as of late, Mini and Charli. It meant a lot to you that they took the morning's out of their day off to spend it with you on your birthday. Something you weren't sure would've even been thought about when you nervously moved across the world.
Steph offered to pick you up. So after applying some light makeup to match your usually-bronzed Australian self, changing into a warm outfit consisting of Jeans and a crew neck, Steph had texted you that she was now out the front of your apartment complex.
A wide grin was plastered on both your faces as the glass door outside your lobby opened, Steph leaning against her car waiting for you, large bouquet of yellow flowers in her hand. "Happy birthday Dancing queen!" she exclaimed before engulfing you in a tight hug, slightly lifting your feet off the ground in the warm gesture, you giggled at the comment before she let go of you.
She handed the flowers to you, "for me?" you asked in awe of them as she smiled.
"Of course" Steph said warmly
"Thank you it means a lot to me" you said hugging her again.
"Okay let's go i'm starving" She said before skipping off to the other side of the car to drive. You chuckled as you got into the car
"Where are we even going" you asked on the road, curious as to where you and your Aussie teammates would be eating
"I forget what it is called but I have taken you here before, you loved it" Steph said. Moments later, the car pulled into the parking lot, you remembering the cafe now. You saw Kyra getting out of the car with Charli, from your window.
Meeting up with all your Australian teammates from all around London once again made you happy, almost was the highlight of your day. During the breakfast, you got photos together at the table, some of the girl's mentioning that they would post them on their stories later for Instagram. You spoke about the Olympics, Sam's recovery and wedding plan's, along with plan's of Steph's big day also.
"You're gonna love the present from me and Katie" Caitlin grinned, nudging your shoulder, You let out a quiet but excited squeal.
"What are your plan's for the rest of your day y/n?" Sam asked you before sipping her iced coffee.
"I have been invited over to Beth and Viv's place for dinner tonight. So just chilling at my place then I will head over for that" You said to the girls, them all nodding.
Your birthday breakfast was over and Steph had dropped you back home, after taking you to the super market. To buy you whatever Sweets or snacks you wanted for your own apartment. You heard a knock at your door so you walked over to it and peeped through the door. Only to be met with a man in a fluro green vest and black hoodie.
"Y/n y/n/n?" the man asked. You hesitated at first, the multiple worried chats from Leah pondering into your mind about not talking to people who just show up at your apartment. That was before you looked down at the large box with pink wrapping paper and yellow ribbon, the object softening your initial expression. You quickly nodded at the man, before singing on a line from the form he put in front of you.
"Thank you" You smiled before he headed off, leaving the pink box at your door. You went to pick it up, it was heavier than you expected, but you brought it inside and placed it on your dining room table. You unwrapped the gift and saw the card from Katie and Caitlin. Their sweet words about how they were proud of your journey and their love for you had you smiling to yourself. You had received multiple gifts, most of them at training yesterday though, they all made you extremely grateful for the teammates you could call home now. The gift from Katie and Caitlin was a light pink Smeg mixer for baking may not seem to exciting, but baking and cooking for the people closest to you was your love language at this point.
Your teammates had become used to you hosting dinners, with your cooking skills. Also getting used to and comfortable with you regularly bringing them baked treats you had made. Some of them like Katie, Leah and Kyra had become quite demanding that you visit them with treats now.
On the cardboard box the mixer, Katie had written largely in thick-red sharpie 'I expect a shit ton of cookies now', her writing taking up the whole left side of the box. You laughed to yourself at her antics before opening up the box and taking a look at your present.
You and Viv got out of her car, where she had parked it outside her and Beth's flat. You were here to spend your birthday dinner with them. "Ready?" Viv asked before she opened the door.
"Uh yeah why" you questioned. Quickly before the door swung open and lights were turned on
"Surprise!" yelled a group, you shooting your head up.
You were met with the beaming faces of your whole family. Including your parents, older siblings, grandparents and closest cousins. Your jaw hung low really fast in shock. Your Australian family was all her in front of you. "What are you-" you yelled in excitement before running into your mother's arms. You greeted your whole family eagerly before hugging Beth who watched you interact with a proud smile.
"who did this?" you asked looking up at her, Beth still holding you
"i may have organised it. But you can thank your siblings" she grinned at you before you hugged her tighter.
You spent the rest of the evening eating pizza and talking with your family. You ended up having to get takeaway as Viv bought the wrong meat from the butcher to make for dinner. Forever grateful for your biggest supporters in your life and your Arsenal and Aussie teammates.
Not my best fic at all so i apologise. And i'm so sorry it took so long. Uni is kicking me in my ass daily so it's hard to edit a such.
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stolasdearest · 8 months
hey!! it's me again, the same anon requested a Reader with anger issues :3
could u do platonic headcanons with Alastor and Rosie x Male Overlord! Reader who is the opposite of them? the three of them are best Friends but Reader is like the opposite of them? He rarely smiles, isn't chatty and is rough? and maybe, since alastor and Rosie LOVE singing and dancing, the Reader is kinda shy about it cause he doesn't like the way he dances/sings?
hope I'm not bothering! i just really like your writing :)
Rosie & Alastor x Reader (Platonic) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
AAAAA HII welcome back!! thank you <3 youre never bothering me dear I always love seeing you! I made a banner for this (and incase I get Combined Rosie n Alastor stuff again
Not Proofread!
Male!Overlord! Reader
Song listened to while writing this!
♪ These two will have energy you "lack' these two are always bouncing around you and talking, to each other and you; impatiently awaiting an answer from you
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♪ Rosie often coos at how rough and violent you are, saying you need to add 'sparkle' it at which you just shrug; nothing changes
♪ Alastor thinks your nature is— intriguing; you're very intimidating.. Not to him hells no! Everyone else; but he thinks you should do something special instead of just, mauling everyone who crosses you, not that he minds how you currently behave, it's very fun to watch
♪ Anytime you go out together Rosie is trying to convince you to join her and Alastor, you just wave her off, a polite "no thank you." And you sit on a couch alone. And watch them, if you're feeling generous you'll tap your foot to the songs while standing near them.
♪ Alastor is the one to try and usher you to sing with him; he says your voices "would sound delightful together" and jokingly pities you when you say you feel uncomfortable singing; doubting your own ability but he quickly assured you that you're gonna do great. He'll silently go off the walls if you agree.
♪ these two are almost constantly smiling, Alastor specifically.. Anyway— so whenever you crack even a small smile these two are looking at each other like "did you just catch that??" Often they'll even tease you on it.
♪ will verbally (and physically) defend you with their lives, in front of you and when you're not there. Anyone who dares speak ill of you in ear shot of them is gonna never hear the end of it or hear ever again at all! Depends what type of day they've had!
♪ walk with you in the middle of them, you have them both blabbering in your ears constantly, not that you mind; they wouldn't be seen with you constantly if you did.
♪ ask for your input on things, especially Rosie she will ask you every time "I did my hair differently, what do you think?". Alastor is the kinda guy to say "notice something?" Only for him to have his shoes polished and nothing else while you stand there quietly tweaking.
♪ Rosie always has her arm hooked with yours, like teenage girls in the city while she looks past you at Alastor and talking about their hottest new news.
♪ Alastor usually scans you to see how you're feeling, you're very stoic and hard to read..Rosie doesn't care she's smothering you even if you're about to punch the next sinner you see.
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AAAAAAAA I hope this is what you hoped it'd be!!! LOVE U POOOKIEEE
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call-me-strega · 1 year
Dc x Dp Prompt #4: Ghost Selkie
Disclaimer: references and facts about Selkies are based on Selkie folklore, true facts about seals, and stuff I just made up because it works well with the story
Okay so Urban Fantasy inspired au where turns out there is some Selkie blood mixed up somewhere in the Fenton bloodline. As such Jazz and Danny exhibit a few Selkie-like traits but nothing too serious: a playful nature, a certain grace and agility, attraction to shiny things (stars and microscopes), a decent singing voice, being strong swimmers, and seeing in the dark better than the average person. After The Accident™️ and being more involved with the super natural world some of those aspects get a bit stronger for Danny but he just chalks it up to being a Halfa. That is until Skulker catches him on an off-day and manages to capture him by snagging the back of his jumpsuit. Phantom, in a moment of panic and desperation, decides to try and rip off his bodysuit to escape. The suit comes of alright but out tumbles Danny Fenton rather than a de-clothed Phantom. Skulker, in a moment of shock, drops the suit and Danny catches cradling it to his chest while every fiber of his being screams “MY COAT. MY PELT. MINE, DONT STEAL IT.” Skulked realizes what’s happened before Danny does and nopes out of there bc “ This is not what I meant when a said I would have your pelt whelp!” Danny is left sitting there feeling stunned. A quick round of experimentation leads him to figure out that he is now able to take off the suit in Phantom form, but it will de-transform him into Danny. Furthermore, the regular "going ghost" transition still works both with and without him physically holding the suit.
A quick consultation with Clockwork and Frostbite reveals the Fenton Selkie heritage and he goes back to report to Jazz and his friends. Due to Jazz’s instance the siblings get a crash course in Selkies through a community of Selkies and Part-Selkies in the Infinite Realms as well as having a younger ghost show them where to find the modern underground Selkie-Community. Which leads to them getting emotionally adopted by their (dead and alive) Selkie mentors. They learn about eating habits, behavior, culture and customs (including the in and outs of courtship and mating), and camflouge/blending into society.
Jazz learns to tap into her vocal magic/manipulation. Her voice has a deeply calming effect on others and they feel more compelled to listen to her. This comes in handy with some of her more rowdy patients at her internships and stuff. She’s also to taps into the physical aspects of her Selkie blood and gains enhanced dexterity, agility, balance and reflexes. She’s also working towards improving her strength and stamina. Needless to say her aim has definitely improved. Nothing too wild but as she gains more liminality, those aspects become stronger so she’s definitely a cut above the average human though not as crazy as Danny.
Danny on the other hand gets the ability to “shed his pelt” by being able to physically take of his suit and de-transform as well as how to disguise the suit as a jacket or something (maybe a romper or a cardigan?) so that he he can keep it on him for quick, more discreet transformations if he wants to. His ghostly form takes on more Selkie traits like fangs for a powerful bite and more muscle mass and fat in certain areas to improve his endurance and cold resistance. He also learns to manipulate his ectoplasm to be able to shapeshift into the seal version of a Selkie. He is able to practice and manipulate his Ghostly Wail and hone it into a Siren Song and Sonic Singing too.
So basically both the Fenton siblings get cool Selkie power-ups (and unbeknownst to the two, admittedly already quite attractive siblings, their looks take on an otherworldly allure too). As well as a new community eager to take them in and provide them with support. That's why when Danny decides he wants to get away from Amity for college (the ghosts have agreed to a truce as long as Danny pops in for a spar and some shenanigans every now and then. He acquiesces because playing and roughhousing is a part of building social relations for both ghosts and selkies) some of their Selkie contacts help him apply for the Wayne Scholarship at Gotham University and get him set up in Gotham.
Let’s switch gears for a moment here. Gotham has always been a weird place full of weirdos, magic, and cursed energy. Basically, overall chaotic, edgy, and somewhat rancid vibes. It also is entwined with the supernatural. Lady Gotham, the spirit of the city, has allowed many a supernatural community to remain well hidden in her realm including but not limited to fae, witches, gargoyles, vampires, and of course, selkies. There is a huge underground supernatural community in Gotham, part of which is the Selkie community. Most of the Selkies moved out of the harbor and onto land due to pollution. The luckier ones who managed to gain some quick wealth settled in the Upper East Side or Coventry while others ended up in Burnley, the Bowery, and Crime Alley. However, family is very important to Selkies, so there is little resentment between the areas. They try to help out each other and the other members of the supernatural community in Gotham whenever possible. The overall magical community is spread out over Gotham with a few hot spots like Old Gotham, Robinson Park, Crime Alley and the Bowery, and Chinatown.
Now enter: Jason Todd (or a different member of the batfam of your choosing but you’re on your own to figure out how that’ll change the story). Jason grew up around a large portion of Gotham’s supernatural community. There were plenty of fae, selkies, sirens, vamps, and various other magical beings within Crime Alley. He discovered the community early on when he found out that the abuela who used to feed him tamales was in fact a Bruja (witch). Her name was Señora Mariana Soliña and she swore him to secrecy and taught him some basic knowledge on how to recognize and avoid being screwed over by the supernatural.
When his mother died Señora Soliña revealed her surprisingly large amount of wealth to him. She chose to live in Crime Alley to be closer to magical friends and people who would seek out her services as a witch doctor (her cover bc the best lies have a hint of truth). She offered him a hot meal and some spare cash when she could but they weren’t able to run into each other as often as they liked. After getting adopted and becoming Robin Jason made periodic visits to her before his death.
Jason’s resurrection didn’t happen in a Lazarus pit but when he crawled out of his grave. It was due to the magical energy(read also high ecto-concentration) in Gotham he had been exposed to that he became a Revenant. He was able to develop a core through the latent energy and become a spirit/reanimated corpse that sought to avenge both his death and countless others at the hands of The Joker. His dip in the Pits (polluted ectoplasm) brought him out of his catatonic state but triggered his obsession and left him with Pit Rage. Yada yada yada, trains with the League of Assassins, yada yada yada, trains with All-Caste and gets the ability to wield the magical All-Blades, yada yada yada, returns to Gotham for revenge becomes a crime lord, etc., etc., you know the drill.
Fast forward to when he’s made up with the BatFam and is now an antihero. His pit rage has gotten more controllable as the natural ectoplasm and magic in Gotham is slowly filtering out the polluted ectoplasm in his system but it’s still a long process. The supernatural community, however, is happy to have him there. You see Red Hood is actually quite a popular vigilante within the supernatural community. Among his many monikers, they were the ones who gave him the nickname “Avenger of the Unavenged”, and nod to his nature as a Revenant, as well as the aura of the All-Blades (which are meant to defeat absolute evil) that most magical beings recognize.
Jason is fully aware of the presence of the supernatural community in Gotham, as well as members of it who live within his haunt. Once things reach a new “normal” for him he tracks down Señora Soliña only somewhat surprised to see her alive and kicking. He asks for her guidance in the supernatural past the basic knowledge she gave him as a kid. Señora Soliña recognizes his magical aura and status as a Revenant and agrees. (Note: Jason is aware that he has some magic in him, but he attributes it to the All-Blades. He is not fully aware of his status as a Revenant. Señora Soliña assumes he knows and thus does not inform him.) She teaches him and helps him start getting integrated into Gotham’s supernatural community. She offers to “adopt” him as her grandson "Jason “Pedro” Todd Soliña" so that he can take on a civilian identity and attend college. He agrees, eager to resume his education and take on a semi-"normal" life.
And thus we've reached the part of our story where two worlds collide. Jason and Danny first meet peripherally during orientation at Gotham U. They don't really have a direct interaction, just learning each other's names during the icebreakers and some eye contact during the tour. Danny is dorming and Jason commutes so the don't see each other much past running into each other on campus or in the dining hall. That is until they spot each other at an underground, supernatural beings-only, cafe called Xenia a few blocks away Robinson Park.
The two realize the other must have a supernatural connection and start up a conversation. The conversation is illuminating as they learn they're both fairly new to the supernatural community and mostly ghostly. Danny reveals himself as a halfa and of selkie descent and Jason uses his cover to introduce himself as the grandson of a bruja with magic, a brujo-in-training if you will. Upon being asked what a halfa is Danny realizes Jason doesn't know a ton about ghost culture and gives him a quick crash course leading them both to figure out that a) Jason is a Revenant and b) Danny could probably help the Pit Rage by giving him some ecto-supplements. Due to this newfound information Jason conveniently forgets that his new friend mentioned having Selkie blood.
The two meet up more after that, intentionally this time so that Danny can continue teaching Jason about ghost culture and just to hang out. (Note: Danny isn't teaching Jason about selkie culture as he assumes the grandson of a bruja would know that stuff already. Jason has been taught a bit about selkies but they haven't thoroughly covered the topic of courtship yet). As they hang out and develop a friendship with each other the seeds of romance are planted.
One day after they wrapped up lunch at Xenia, Danny left the cafe, accidentally leaving his pelt/jacket on his chair as he's still getting used to having to keep track of it. Jason not realizing the significance of his actions picks it up and takes it with him. Later that day Danny freaks out realizing he left it behind when he runs into Jason. Jason was actually looking for him to return the jacket. So he's like "Hey man you left this at the cafe so I took it and now you can have it back" assuming the redness on Danny's face is just embarrassment. Danny, while mortified, is also extremely flustered. Selkies typically only let close family and lovers have access to their pelts because it implies a deep and intimate bond built on trust that they'll give it back. For Jason, who should know about such Selkie customs, to not only take his pelt but then also return it so easily is some very straightforward flirting. But hey, Jason is good friend... and easy on the eyes too. He wouldn't mind if there was something more there. So Danny decides that he wouldn't mind courting/being courted by Jason.
Jason on the other hand has in fact caught feelings for his friend but hasn't realized he already initiated courting by doing this. He plans to do it the ghostly way engaging in some bonding through sparing and roughhousing and building up their feelings before asking him out. Unfortunately for him, there is a lot of overlap between Selkie courting and ghostly courting so Danny believes that Jason has been courting him for some time now. There are also some things that are specific to Selkie courting Jason unknowingly does, such as buying Danny a bracelet (shiny rocks as a courting gift), beating up a couple of guys trying to mug Danny (defending/showing off for your mate), and introducing Danny to his family/agreeing to meet Jazz (family is very important to Selkies).
That's why when they go out to dinner, and Jason embarrassedly corrects a waitress who thought they were on a date by saying "Oh we're just friends", Danny is understandably upset. He was under the impression that their courtship was getting rather serious since Jason had met Jazz and Danny had met Jason's family. When he asks Jason why he told the waitress they weren't dating he replies "Umm because we're not?" in an uncertain tone. Danny feeling hurt and upset takes his glass of water splashes it onto Jason's face and storms out of the restaurant. Jason is left there soaking, confused, and wondering what he did wrong.
That night Jason goes to visit Señora Soliña to see if he messed up some ghostly custom for Danny to get so upset. When he arrives one of the first things she asks him is how it's going with Danny. When he recounts what happened at dinner and explains his confusion, the bruja takes a deep sigh before smacking him upside the head. Jason is like “wtf abuela?!” And she just shakes her head at him and calls him an idiot. She then reminds him that Danny is part Selkie and explains all the ways Jason has been courting him during the past few months. Jason, realizing he screwed up grabs one of his leather jackets and goes off to track down Danny.
Danny has returned to his dorm to cry and eat ice cream in his pjs from the comfort of his own room. He’s about to watch some comfort tv when there is a pounding at his door. He gets to find a disheveled looking Jason standing at his door. Danny frowns and questions what he’s doing here. Jason’s like “Look I know you’re upset and understandably so but please let me in and I can explain”. Danny’s care for Jason wins out over his anger as he resigns himself to letting the other in. The first thing Jason does is apologize for hurting Danny, saying it was never his intention to do so. He then goes on to explain how he hadn't realized that he had been courting Danny in Selkie customs. Danny is understanding but still upset and voices his feelings to Jason. Jason allows the other to get his anger out and then continues to say that he was actually trying to court Danny through ghostly bonding, and he would still like to date him if he’s open to it. Jason then takes off the leather jacket that he brought with him and offers it to Danny, saying that he doesn’t have his own pelt to offer, but this is the next best thing. This gesture nearly brings Danny to tears and he throws himself to hug Jason, accepting the jacket. The pull back and look into each other's eyes before sharing a kiss and spending the rest of the night cuddling before Jason has to leave.
From then on Jason ramps up the courting to 12, determined not to mess it up again. He reasearches selkie and ghost courting customs in depth to properly woo Danny and personalizes dates to their personalities. Danny is happy to be lavished with the attention and returns the favor. The two of them also make an effort to make sure the have clear communication to avoid having misunderstandings again. A few months later Jason decides to re-introduce Danny to the batfam as his partner and brings Danny along to Wayne Family Dinner with a ring around his finger. It’s a promise ring not engagement ring, but what Bruce doesn’t know will surely give him a heart attack and Danny is happy to go along with it. Danny and Jason become the longest and most stable relationship in the batfam. Tim and Damian even come to them for advice when they try to romance their own partners.
The story kind of just finishes off with the two of them being happy with each other and leaves an open ending to add in small scenes that happened during a time skip or after the story (e.g gushing to siblings, an actual proposal, identity reaveals, batboys seeking advice, them engaging in pda, interaction with other supernatural beings, gossip surrounding their relationship, ect.)
[Edit: additional oc info now found here]
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blondehya · 4 months
I love how u put “ name ur desire” vsahjlhiaskuhskhuahiksjai
can I request mizu x reader, in which reader is an artist and they do very very much nsfw stuff in reader’s art studio? pretty pleaseeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵
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best mizu voice line fr 🫡🫡 KASKSJK glad u like it, anon! 💕 but let’s talk… i’m not that experienced on writing nsfw stuff so i’m already apologizing for any mistakes 😭 but your request is so creative, thank you! 🩷🩷
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nsfw warning | masterlist | mizu x fem reader
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it was another late afternoon in your studio, just you with your brush in front of the easel.
mizu’s voice suddenly could be heard, and it was getting closer. your best friend was kind enough to bring you food all week just for you.
“y/n? i’m here, brought your stuff.”
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she approached while leaving the food on the table, looking at you for a few seconds.
“what happened? don’t lie, i know that face.”
“client wants this for tomorrow afternoon, but i can’t end it. nothing comes on my mind…”
the blue eyes studied you. she knew you were a completely chaos inside, and wouldn’t show it. so she went back to studying the painting.
“may i know what is this about?”
you explain to her about ‘phantom of the opera’ and all the client's demands right after. mizu was thoughtful for a few moments, but she managed to notice your body shaking.
“i can help you, if you want.”
“what are you going to do? sing opera for me?”
if it were someone else, they would probably be confused by the way you spoke. but mizu knows you and understands well the reason for your harsh speech.
she turned towards your little music box, and suddenly the musical's theme song began to echo throughout the whole studio.
“would you do me the honor of this dance?”
you burst into laughing. but mizu approaches and you start dancing with her, arms around her neck and hers on your waist. it was a funny experience, actually. the slow dance didn't fit in at all with the beginning of the song.
but it was when you two stopped in front of the large mirror that the rhythm of the music changed. mizu tightened her grip on your waist, held your chin towards the mirror and made the knee thing.
“if i could be erik, oh… you would never escape from me.” she whispered very close to your ear.
“mizu?! what are you do–” she holds you closer to her body and starts trailing kisses from your jawline to your collarbone.
you try really hard to resist, but you give up when she carries you and sits you down at one of the tables. papers flying and brushes falling in some directions.
“…The Phantom Of The Opera Is There…”
“i thought you were going to help me with the painting…” your pants were already coming off your feet at this point.
“i’ll make you fucking sing for me.”
mizu takes off your panties with a ferocity never seen before, and she gets very close to you ear again.
“if i were erik, i would have taught you so many things besides singing...”
two of her fingers touched your wet cunt gently. they were delicate and icy just like the ones of a ghost.
“if i ever knew that some duchess dared to touch you...” she buries her fingers inside you, letting you scape a loud moan. “i would have to do something. wouldn't i, angel?”
your legs instinctively open to give mizu more freedom. the slow speed was like real torture. but this was making her very satisfied. she watched your face hiding into her neck, you trying to contain your moans were entering her. even though they were almost silent, they were like a complement to the background.
“…Since The Moment I First Heard You Sing, I Have Needed You With Me To Serve Me...”
“sing for me, angel. just like that…”
you close your eyes feeling the speed increase. but, something different happened.
mizu's hot tongue began to dance at your entrance in complete balance with her cold fingers. your moans almost overcame the music. she could feel your hand grabbing her hair, only encouraging her even more.
it was a mess of varied sounds. the table creaking with you bringing your hips closer to mizu’s mouth, the song repeating itself several times and your loud and incessant sounds.
she could feel your walls tightening. mizu got up and started kissing you, her fingers didn't stop on your entrance. when finally cumming into her fingers, your moans were muffled by the shared kiss.
“that was the most beautiful melody i’ve ever heard from you…” she gets up and taste her fingers, all soaked with your juices. “hope you got the inspiration you needed.”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Hiiiii! I love your clarisse stuff!!!! Can you pleaseeee do a fic where Clarisse says something mean to R and they get upset so Clarisse goes to comfort them!!! You’re free to make it your own. i love your writingggg!
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- don’t say I’m to much -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Girly! Reader
An - guys send me more clarisse FIC ideas but also request Abby to pretty please
An Pt 2 - this lowkey sucked ass bc I was distracted while writing it but yall will live
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Sitting by the bonfire, Clarisse beside and the comforting atmosphere brought you a sense of comfort. Clarisses Hands found themselves under your tanktop, rubbing the small of your back as you continued to sing with everyone else.
“What are You doing” You giggled once the song ended, looking up at clarisse with a dumb smile. “I’m keeping my hands warm”
“There’s a fire right there”
“This was is warmer though”
Laughing some you tilted your head up just to give her a kiss. Most nights clarisse wasn’t this clingy but on a special occasions she preferred to have you close to her.
After a few moment you had noticed a long forgotten face across the fire. One of your first friends at camp was a son of Hermes names Logan “Oh my gods Logan!” You excitedly yelled.
Giving a kiss goodbye to clarisse you quickly ran to the blonde tackling him in a hug. Clasisse knew you were close with the son of hermes but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Watching during your conversation with him, his hands rubbed your waist and hips which rubbed her the wrong way. What finally set her off however was the sheer audacity this man had to slide his hands under your shirt but to also peek at your showing cleavage.
Without realizing it clarisse got up and walked towards where you two stood— away from the fire.
“Oh! This is my girlfriend clarisse” You happily introduced the girl, quickly being cut off though as she decked him in the nose making the boy fall over, blood dripping down his face.
Standing in shock you turn led to clarisse yelling at her “what is wrong with you!”
“He was being a creep am I not allowed to defend you anymore” she scoffed trying to play off the entire situation.
The campers around the fire went quiet, turning to watch what had just happened. The Apollo and a few hermes kids ran over worried.
Watching as they helped the boy to the infirmary clarisse tried to grab your arm only for you to push her off of you and walk away. “Babe wait!” Clarisse yelled after you.
Once at your cabin you stumbled to open the door giving clarisse just enough time to catch up. “What’s wrong”
“What’s wrong?! Your seriously asking me what’s wrong? Clarisse you just decked my best friend!” You spoke louder than you should of.
“Well excuse me for protecting my girlfriend from a Fucking Creep”
“He’s not a creep!” Both of you yelling at each-other to the point that your voice had broke. “I don’t need you to beat the shit out of ever guy who looks at me wrong”
“Well maybe if you didn’t dress like a fucking slut all the time then I wouldn’t have to.!”
Clarizse knew she had fucked up as soon as she said it. “Wait pl—“ you finally managed yo get the door open, slamming it in her face.
In her cabin That Night all of her siblings knew to just leave her alone, especially with a few new holes in the wall none of them wanted to face her anger.
You couldn’t sleep. The thought of clarisse calling you a slut replayed constantly. Did she really think that low of you..
Shaking that thought out of your mind you went upstairs. Going to the balcony all you wanted right now was some fresh air. However what. You didn’t expect to see was clarisse lifting herself up and over the wooden railing. You both made awkward eyecontact
Crossing your arms you looked her up and down. “Go”
“Wait please” clarisse grunted finally getting over the railing and walking towards you, grabbing your arm she turned you around. “Please just five minutes, no arguing no yelling… Ill just talk, I won’t say something that I’ll regret please I’m just asking for five minutes.” Her tone breathless most likely from the climb up
Being with clarisse for as long as you’ve been not once have you seen her act this vulnerable.. nodding your head slowly you relaxed letting clarisse speak. “Im sorry.. im so so sorry… your not a slut I should of never yelled that to you I just, I got mad.. Logan had his hands under your shirt and he was blatantly looking at your cleavage and it’s not that I don’t like you wearing revealing clothes I do I just..I don’t like seeing people taking advantage of you”
It was quiet at first. Clarisse letting out a deep breath, only to be met with you kissing her lightly. “Next time.. you feel like that, don’t deck someone in the nose maybe talk to me about it and use your words not actions”
“Yeah.. Yeah” she mumbled, kissing her once again. “I’m still mad at you though”
“I know”
“Good” You remained neutral but led her inside.
You both laid down on your bunk, laying close in clarisses arms you were finally able to fall asleep. Were you going to have a talk about it in the morning, probably. But right now you didn’t care about that all you cared about was Her.
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mopopshop · 5 months
Ur Best Friend
Inspired by the song “Ur Best Friend” - Kehlani and Kiana Ledé (such a good song oml 🙏🏾) 
Paige x fem!OC (cause ion do that y/n stuff, no hate but I don’t🧍🏾‍♀️)
Featuring: Jalen Suggs
Words: 2k
-cheating (sorry fam)
-slight sexual content
As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden hue over the backyard, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. It was my boyfriend Jalen's twenty-third birthday, and I had spared no effort in planning the perfect party. A few weeks earlier, we’d just celebrated our five months, so I had to have a party to top the last. The decorations were up, the music playlist carefully curated (tons of Rod Wave and Bryson Tiller), and the scent of food filled the air.
Among the guests was Paige, Jalen's best friend since eighth grade. I've always been cordial with her, exchanging polite smiles and casual conversation whenever she was around. But something had shifted in the past few weeks. A subtle tension lingered between us, sparking whenever our eyes met, igniting something unfamiliar yet exhilarating.
She'd gotten more touchy with me as well, a hand on the lower back and a hushed "excuse me" to get past, a casual arm over the shoulder during group hangouts, a hug or two, but up until a few weeks ago, I'd seen these as nothing less than innocent.
She's a friend, you know? Jalen's friend at that, so no way in hell I'd ever try anything with her. Not to say she's not, you know... good-looking. She'd 100% be my type if it wasn't for Jalen. Paige's tall, she's blonde, she's funny, has a nice smile—did I mention tall? Sometimes she wears these glasses which make her look—
I'm pulled from my thoughts as my friend Gigi waves me over to her.
"Come on, we're about to sing happy birthday," she smiles and rushes over to me, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the kitchen.
As I followed Gigi into the kitchen, my heart skipped with something unfamiliar upon seeing her. Paige was already there, chatting with a few other guests and standing next to Jalen. She was wearing a grey Nike tech sweatsuit under the jacket, a white tee, her classic braided ponytail, and topped off the look with white Jordan 4’s.
As I moved through the crowd, I couldn't help but steal glances at her. At times, we made eye contact which deepened the flush in my cheeks.
I’d told Jalen earlier that week that I wanted to toast to him before we sang for the cake, and I’d prepared something ahead of time, but now as the moment approached, something about it just hadn’t felt right. In the midst of my thinking, I don’t notice Jalen coming up to me with open arms.
“Hey baby, you good?” He says with a look of worry.
I’m startled by the sound of his voice and am quickly ripped from my thoughts.
“Hey! Yeah yeah I’m fine… just hoping you like my toast,” I breathe out, praying he doesn’t press the issue.
He smiles and says nothing, placing his hand on the small of my back and directing me towards the front of the crowd… towards Paige.
I lock eyes with Paige again and I rush to look away, but as I go to look back, I notice she’s still staring.
What was this tension between us? And why was it becoming harder to ignore?
Gigi nudged me playfully, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Girl what is going on with you today, you gonna do this toast or what?”
With a deep breath, I grab my shot glass and get everyone’s attention.
“Hey y’all, before we sing happy birthday, I just wanted to make a toast to my man. Tonight, let's raise our glasses to celebrate Jalen's 23rd birthday. Jalen, you're more than just a boyfriend; you're my rock.”
Even as I say these words and the more I go on, I don’t feel as though they’re genuine. All I can do is think of Paige…
“Your kindness, strength, and passion inspire me every day. Your laughter lights up any room, and your presence warms my heart. Here's to another year of smiles, laughter, and adventures together. Happy birthday, Jalen! Cheers!”
I tip my head back and down the shot, feeling the lukewarm liquid burn its way through my throat. Bringing my head up, I catch Paige’s gaze once again, and this time I don’t look away.
Suddenly my view of her is obscured as a group of Jalen’s friends come from the hallway with his birthday cake. Everyone gathers around Jalen, me on his right side and Paige on his left while Jalen holds the cake in the middle. We quickly sing happy birthday, and he blows out his candles. He turns to me to go in for a kiss, but I catch sight of Paige behind him and end up swerving his kiss.
“Yo.. seriously you good babe?” Jalen spews sort of irritated.
“Fine! I’m fine,” I squeak out, “Just…”
My gaze falls over to Paige, seeing her fight back a smile or maybe a chuckle at the sight of me rejecting Jalen’s kiss.
“… distracted.”
“Uh.. cool, okay,” I see him look to his friend group.
“I’m just gonna go and talk with the boys for a minute,” and he presses a brief kiss to my cheek.
“Have fun!” I turn around and try to yell over the music, but I can tell he’s already forgotten about me.
When I look back, I see Paige again. She makes prolonged eye contact then trails her eyes to the porch outside. Cocking her head towards the door as if to say “let’s talk out here” and promptly turns around and heads out the back doors.
I wait a few minutes before heading out to follow her because as much as I long to talk with her, I’m not trying to look desperate. Slowly but surely, I make my way over to the doors, pushing them open to see Paige leaning with her forearms on the railing.
“What are you following me out here for?” Paige teases turning her head with a smirk. I laugh quietly, not knowing how to continue the conversation.
She stands up straight, turning around to face me, leaning her back on the railing, crossing her feet and arms.
“You're trying to be shy so bad, get your ass over here,” She laughs.
I throw my hands up defensively, my voice pitching up a little bit, “I’m not being shy! I just don’t know what to say right now.”
Paige reaches out and grabs my hand, pulling me entirely too close to her. “You don’t have to be so weird, it’s just me,” she says softly while caressing my fingers.
“I just- I.. I don’t know! Everything’s just so complicated right now,” I confess.
“Well talk to me about it,” she continues caressing my fingers, which makes it increasingly hard to think straight.
“I can’t.”
“Why not, mamas?”
That god damn nickname.
“I can’t because it’s about you.”
“What about me?”
“I can’t say! I just- it’s like- If I say how I really feel about.. you know everything, It’s gonna be real, and I’m not sure if I want it to be real.”
“Ma, you’re not making any sense right now.”
“I know!” I throw my hands up in frustration, I feel hot and flustered, and Paige being less than two feet from me isn’t making it any better.
Paige grabs my chin, bringing me closer and forcing eye contact.
“Hey, hey, look at me. Seriously breathe through it, you’re okay,” She says calming me down. “Just tell me what’s on your mind.”
I take a deep breath and back away from Paige slightly, letting the word vomit take its course.
“Every time I see you, my heart races, and my palms get all sweaty. I try to play it cool, you know. But let's be real, I am desperate. Desperate to talk to you, to be near you, to just be in your presence. And when I finally gather the courage to make my way over to you, my knees feel like jelly, and my words get all jumbled up. But you! You just stand there with that smirk on your face, teasing me, and you know you have this effect on me, you love it. I know you do.
And then you show up to Jalen’s party, making all the faces and giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes, and it’s just- it’s a lot to deal with! So I come out here to shut it down, but you make it so fucking hard by pulling me closer, rubbing my fingers and shit, making it impossible for me to think straight. And then by asking me what's on my mind, what's bothering me, you’ve become a better partner to me in ten minutes than Jalen ever has in these past five months.
And I know I should just spill my heart out to you, which I quite literally am doing right now, and tell you how I feel and hope for the best. But it's not that simple. I am scared, scared of losing you, of ruining our friendship, of making things awkward between us. But I can't help the way I feel, Paige. I just feel like the biggest asshole for doing this to Jalen because even though he’s not the best boyfriend, he’s still a good guy. I don’t know…”
I take a deep breath after that, looking at Paige’s face for any sign of disgust.
“Aniyah, I…” she starts.
“See, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I told you it was stupid! I knew you didn’t feel the same, and I opened my mouth anyways,” I quickly backtrack.
“Paige, I’m sorry, I’m just acting all crazy because Gigi’s birthday dinner's in a few days, and I have an early exam tomorrow, just super busy with things! Again, so sorry I-“
I’m quickly cut off by the feeling of Paige’s lips crashing onto mine and her arms wrapping around my waist.
“Don’t apologize for anything,” she breathes out in between kisses.
After a good minute or two of deep kisses, we break apart with our foreheads touching. I bring my arms around her neck while hers stay around my waist, rubbing the material of my black mini dress.
The air around us feels charged with electricity as we stand there, our breaths mingling in the warm night air. Paige's touch sends shivers down my spine, and I find myself lost in the moment, forgetting everything else except her and the connection between us.
"Aniyah," Paige whispers, her voice barely audible over the distant hum of music and chatter from the party.
"Yeah?" I respond softly, my heart still racing from the intensity of our kiss.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," she admits, her blue eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation or regret.
“Same,” I smile, and we both laugh.
“This… this is not a good idea,” I sigh out.
“Probably,” she jokes. “But I really wanna kiss you again, so maybe let’s have this conversation in the morning,” Paige tilts her head back down to kiss me again.
I squeal, “Paige! Hold on, Jalen’s still here. So is literally everyone else.”
“C’monnn.. Jalen’s probably blacked out or cross-faded by now. Let’s just sneak past everybody…” She leans down, kissing up my neck.
“I… Paige..” I breathe out.
“Seriously.. hold on two seconds. Just let me check on him.”
She rolls her eyes sassily, gripping my waist again, “Fine.”
I pull her hands off my waist, interlocking our fingers and dragging her with me back into the house full of drunken young adults. We continue to weave our way through the house finally getting to the room packed full of loud frat guys, including Jalen.
As Paige predicted, Jalen’s 6’3 self passed out on the couch surrounded by his friends in equal states.
“I fuckin’ told you dude,” Paige nudges me with her elbow.
“Shut up!” I laugh turning around and pushing her back slightly.
She grips my wrist, pulling me into her body. “Now can we…? You know..” she says smirking.
I burst out laughing, “Yes! Jesus, you—horndog.”
“The fuck is a horndog, bruh?” She replies chuckling.
“Girl I don’t know! And by the way, don’t call me ‘bruh’ when you’re trying to shove your fingers ins-“
Slapping a hand over my mouth, “Okay okay!”
We both laugh to ourselves as we stumble up the stairs with our mouths attached, bumping into walls and pictures along the way. Finally reaching my room and falling through the doorway.
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luveline · 2 years
Okay but what about Eddie and reader having been going strong for awhile and Eddie wants to take things further and ask reader to marry him, but he wants to ask Roan’s permission first bc he cares about her opinion.
I thought this was so cute! it's almost entirely eddie and roan but r is mentioned lots and lots and is also a bit long my bad 🥺 ♡ fem!reader
He really wants to get you a ring.
Eddie Munson can be stupid. He makes rash decisions all the time. He bets on the wrong horses and he's almost always late to parent-teacher conferences. He buys Roan's clothes by holding them up to her body in the middle of the store and asking her if she likes them. He knows there's a thousand wrong decisions to make and half of them he's already made, but he really thinks this is the right one.
He just needs Roan to agree.
You're at your own place for once. Not for Eddie's lack of trying — he'd asked you to move in twice already, and though you'd kissed him silly and told him you loved him an insane amount, you'd reasoned that you should keep your place. (Though you had, in a way, moved in anyhow.)
"I don't want us to rush anything, Eddie," you'd said carefully, eyes on Roan's dark head of hair across the room. He'd followed your gaze. "I don't want to be the evil step-mom."
He'd promised that could never, ever happen.
He probably shouldn't have. While Roan literally loves you so much it makes her cry, things can change.
Right now, Roan thinks that she's sharing Eddie, and she's doing a great job at adapting to all the changes that come with that. Your clothes in his room, your coats on the hangers. Your work stuff where her princess ponies used to live, your fancy shampoo next to her jellybean two-in-one. Getting married would make you her bona fide mom. Eddie's not sure Roan realises that she's the one who'd be getting shared.
Though you act like you're her mom already. It's one of the many reasons he loves you. You've never once made Eddie feel bad for being a dad, or for having Roan full time. You genuinely miss her when she's at Wayne's. You love his daughter. You play games and you sing songs and you cuddle her whenever you can. You wash her hair and take care of her curls, you do plaits and bows and bunches. You'd learned how to do all of that stuff without ever having been asked.
Eddie wants to marry you so badly it's a physical ache.
Which is why he's as scared as he is to ask her about it.
"Roan?" he calls, stretched out over the couch with a coke can on his chest. Moping, maybe.
"What?" she calls back, voice littler still because of the distance.
"Are you busy?"
He hears the tap running and then she appears, water dripping down to her wrists. Eddie swaps her for the coke can, rubbing her wet hands dry with the excess fabric of his shirt.
She sits on his stomach. She's incredibly big and small at the same time.
"What, dad?"
"I got something to ask you."
Roan squirms until Eddie brings his legs up to let her lean against his thighs like a chair.
"It's a big question," he says tentatively.
Roan crosses her arms in front of her, hands on his stomach. "Like, big as you?"
"Right. Super big."
She nods thoughtfully before flashing a huge, charming smile. "Okay."
Eddie lifts his hands to her small face, tucking her freshly shorn locks behind her ears. Long hair like daddy had been a good idea in theory, but she just can't stand all the fuss of it.
"I'm asking because... You're five now. And I know you have lots of big feelings. I wanna know what you think about-" He doesn't chicken out, per se, more like opens softly midway through. "Uh, how you feel about Y/N."
Roan wrinkles her nose. "I love her."
"I know you do. And you don't mind that she spends so much time here?"
Again, Roan looks perplexed. How many times has she cried now because she wants to see you and you're busy? How many times has Eddie told her you can't spend all your time here? It probably doesn't make much sense to her that he'd be asking.
"No. I wanted her for my princess party after and you said no."
He grins ruefully. "I didn't say no, babe. She couldn't come because she's at her own house tonight."
"Why can't she be at our house?"
Brilliant question.
"She has stuff to do." Like make sure moths haven't eaten your clothes. And dust.
You don't really spend a lot of time there.
Roan harrumphs. "Whatever. Why can't we go to her house, then?"
He takes Roan's hands into his and toys with her smaller fingers. "I can't really explain it. But you like when she's here all the time?"
"Yeah," Roan says, clearly bored of this conversation.
He laughs under his breath and steels himself for a bunch of huge questions.
"You know I love you more than anybody else?" he asks.
"I love you more," she argues.
"No, like. Out of everybody in the world, I love you the most. I could love Uncle Wayne the most, but I love you the most." Sorry, Wayne.
And while Eddie loves you so much (and Wayne, of course), it's the truth. You're always gonna be that tiny fraction below, though Eddie's not sure he likes the word below. It's a different kind of love, regardless.
Roan seems really, really happy with this prospect. She giggles for a second and throws her arms out toward him, face landing perfectly under his chin.
"I love you, daddy," she says. She manages to sound both shy and exuberant, little face digging into his collar. "I would pick you out of the world too."
"You would?" he asks. Eddie's not too proud to admit he wells up. He laughs it off, wrapping his arms around her as tightly as he can.
"You first. Um, and Uncle Wayne and Y/N and damnation and Stacey P. second most."
"Damnation your imaginary dog is on the same level as Uncle Wayne and Y/N?" he asks, laughing hard enough to shake under her hug.
"Sorry. Your totally real and invisible dog."
"Well, maybe not as much as Uncle Wayne and Y/N."
"No, I thought so."
She hides her hands inside of his short sleeves. Eddie lets her get on with it, happy and honestly buffeted by her affection. He feels both the euphoria of having a great kid and the self-satifaction of a parenting win.
"Do you think Y/N loves me that much?" Roan asks. "In the world?"
"Yes," he says without hesitation. "Of course she does."
"Mm," Roan hums, pleased. "I miss her."
"If I ask you my really big question, maybe we can go see her afterward. But it's- it's a big question, Roanie, I mean it. And it's okay if you don't know the answer, or if you feel mad or angry first."
Roan looks very concerned, climbing up on his chest to giggle at him. "Ast me, dad."
He blows her hair out of her eyes with a breath from the corner of his mouth. Heart in his throat, he grabs a hold of her waist in one hand and tries.
"I want to ask Y/N to marry me."
She blinks.
"I don't know if she'll say yes, but if she does that means lots of things would change. We would live together, and we'd maybe not live so close to Uncle Wayne, I'm not sure. Do you know what I mean?"
Roan leans forward. "Marry in a wedding?"
"Yeah. A big wedding. Or actually maybe a little one. I haven't really asked. Roan..."
He drifts off, distracted by her lovely tiny face growing more and more excited by the second.
"She would-"
"She would be my mom?" Roan shouts, eyes wide with a blazing amusement. "She would be my mommy?"
"Sweetheart," Eddie says apprehensively, "I'm not sure-"
"Oh my god," Roan says, already climbing off of his chest.
"Roan, I really need to finish talking to you," he says, listening to her sprint away in defeat. He rubs his eyes for a second, stressed, though slowly he starts to smile.
That's a good reaction.
That's a great reaction.
"Roan, if we get married, that means more- It means a lot of things," he calls, struggling to keep the smile out if his voice as he gets onto his feet to track her down.
"Yeah!" Roan calls.
Eddie walks down the hall and finds her in the middle of her room, backpack in the middle of her floor and upheaved. She's crammed three different teddies inside and a mismatched pair of pajamas, and now seems to be deciding between her pens or her long crayons.
"Babe, what are you doing?"
"I'm getting my stuff!"
He bites back a ridiculous smile. "For what?"
"You said we'd ask the question and go see Y/N," she whines, expecting a rejection.
"I didn't ask my question yet."
Roan shoves her crayons into her backpack and stares at him expectantly, a frenzy of ringlets and a palpable excitement.
He feels suddenly sheepish. "So can I... Is that okay? If I ask her to get married?"
Roan starts laughing like a maniac, the smallest, most intense vestibule of joy that's ever existed. "Dad, I need my shoes."
"No, but you can't tell her! It's a secret!" he warns seriously.
"You said we could go!"
He looks down at his girl. She's frenetic, jumping on both feet with her hands bunched into fists like she's willing to fight him for this. She wants to see you so badly now she's practically vibrating.
"Alright. Alright, come on. Let's get your shoes on."
Roan screams and runs past him, almost barrelling him down. He picks up her backpack and zips it closed, standing in the middle of her room for a few private seconds.
"Holy shit," he whispers.
"I'm coming, Roan," he says, closing the door behind him.
more eddie and roan
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tiyoin · 6 months
Twisted anxiety reader in a singing contest show (MHAHAMHAHAH) It would be a reason why she was singing in the woods.
✨ imagine✨
MC is feeling useless and unhelpful and just wants to pull their weight in supporting the dorm and stuff. Just overall trying to be more useful to Yuu.
So she overhears smth about a anonymous singing contest and the winner will get $5000 which for mc, Yuu and Grimm that's a lot of money. And 2nd and 3rd also has cash prizes. I think she goes for 2nd place ,so she has the money of 1st without the popularity of 1st. So she puts her fears to the side (🤨no she doesn't) to help her friend and cat.
I see this contest being an online voting type thing. Also celebs 😉 do go on the show to help promote it, to judge them and what ever else they do.
In the show they give the contestants a "wish"/ charm that can help them with their performance (enter ✨shimmers✨ & instruments magic that was talked about). It what makes the show popular
Now we give MC song/writing abilities. She honestly has a diary of kind. She needs it.( Torture her bout it later😈)
Now I'm sure we wondering how does this come into play
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They'll all find a way to connect the songs to themselves. If songs says an eye color or hair color the characters with said color goes crazy about it.
Enchanted by Taylor Swift is one that comes to mind as a song that everyone relates to.
Rook/ jade would send clips of MC singing on the show and "THIS IS THE VOICE I HEARD"
I have so many sub-plots for twisted singer reader.
Also I'm really glad to like hearing things like this. I was really nervous to send the asks.
More to come along at one point or another ☺️☺️
i immediately thought of “ivory skin and eyes of emerald green” from jolene and rook just going:
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shout out to @/a-twistedheartslonging because i WILL NOT stop using this cute little rook meme they made fldkaldkakwkdkxkakdkfhx
they’re physically reacting to thinking about it. they’re nervous tics come out (that happens to me, whenever i’m suppppper nervous i start chanting and get anxiety induced tics) and yuu and grim are getting worried because nothing has happened, so why are you so anxious?
*clears throat* anyways 🙂
reader : *sings enchanted*
ALL of the guys she made eye contact with that week: …so you’re proposing?
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idk maybe there’s some super duper advanced magical technology (marvel’s equivalent of ‘quantum’) and y/n gets an invitation and they’re like????
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“non non! roi du poison you must come with me avec hâte!” (with haste)
and they’re crouched behind a rock for a few minutes and vil is annoyed because rook is doing rook things again and he does not have time for this. especially not today because he has to find someone to endorse for the music show he volunteered to judge.
only problem: EVERYONE SUCKS OR HAS AN UGLY PERSONALITY!! vil is disgusted by the cockiness and the greediness of these… influencers who paid their way to be on the show.
it puts a horrible taste in his mouth, especially with how shameless they are to try and win his favor. he’s not some cheap executive they can bribe to put their foot through the door, especially with their lack luster… abilities.
vil almost called it talent, but you had to be good to have that.
just as he’s about to voice his complaints and leave, rook’s grip on his shoulder stopped him from moving and the finger to his lips stopped him from breathing. vil was visibly shocked because rook never put hands on him, especially like this.
there was a snap of a twig up ahead. rook’s forest green eyes flicked to the horizon a few times, head too, urging him to look.
and he’s more than pleasantly surprised to see… you- well as much of yourself that you would allow the watchful eyes of the trees see. your ceremonial robe covering your short stature.
rook looked at vil expectingly, but vil was still confused, so what if a student was in the woods? unless it was his own this was a problem rook should bring up to the other house wardens. and it wasn’t illegal, nor against the school rules so-
then, you started singing.
he couldn’t recognize the song. but he could recognize the passion. yes you were untrained and flat in a few sections but that didn’t matter. you were good, pitchy but good.
song after song, sometimes repeating a few as you danced and bowed your heart away.
he wasn’t sure how much time passed but it was a considerable amount since the sun that once well over the trees now peeked through the canopy and was gazing longingly at the moon.
cursing, you looked around, bent down to collect the things you brought with you, and scurried away towards another entrance towards the forest.
vil was quick to react, to follow but rook stopped him. looking down at his vice house warden with an incredulous look, rook only shook his head softly. there was a reason you were alone in the woods and not in the various music clubs.
this was your little secret.
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vil who WAITS for your submission so he can back you but you never submit… hm,
with a snap of his manicured fingers, rook is on it! maybe rook knows who you are, maybe he doesn’t, vil could really care less since the whole show is based off of anonymity.
(vil side eyes the influencers and other contestants who practically spell it out for the audience who they are so they can vote for them)
maybe to… put you on the right track vil has rook go to your little forest spot and place a flyer there, practically ENCOURAGING YOU TO SIGN. UP.
you think someone would get a hint right?
“huh, that’s weird… maybe i should change locations since someone else was here”
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that’s it. rook’s sending in your video and you’re getting a flyer stapled to the tree saying you’re accepted. yes yes this is because of your fairy god mother’s NOW SING
vil also giving y/n some song recommendations he thinks that are good, up until he sees you gently pull out a FUCKING LOADED BOOK from your backpack filled with songs.
yes darling those are great but lol at all the nice songs he gave you! they’re in your range too!!
vil slowly finding out who you are because he heard you hum a song in the hallways that only the mysterious ‘forest nymph’ (what a ludicrous myth the students came up with) sang.
and yes he’s shocked that the ramshackle neet (ouch vil 😿) has golden pipes.
VIL THINKING WHAT TO SEND THEM TO HELP THEM IN A CUT THORAT BATTLE ROUND AND ROOK OFF HANDEDLY COMMENTING ‘if only there were an orchestra here to play along with their beautiful singing’
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*cue golden instruments*
but in hindsight sight:
we’re gonna give her so much anxiety she’s not gonna know what to do😈 sorry pookie!! there’s no safe space at night raven college☺️🫶
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
HIIIII! Okay so this idea has been living rent free in my head. But what if Miguel was away on a mission, and Sunny saw it as an opportunity to go ahead and jam out with headphones/earbuds/AirPods. Sunny’s a pretty good singer she just.. doesn’t like bringing it to people’s attention much. And I recommend listening to Can’t Tame Her by Zara Larsson. Sunny’s having the time of her life singing and dancing. Miguel gets back, and Sunny’s still jamming out until she eventually turns around and practically screams seeing him just standing there and all embarrassed 😂 what happens after that is completely up to you.
Dance With Me
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(Miguel O'Hara x Female Reader)
A/N: I'm BACK!! lol. I'm so sorry for the long wait on your request and I absolutely love this song!! Such a bop. I honestly changed some details of your request and I added some details that my lovely Latinx spiderlings mentioned.
A/N: If you guys wanna read some more of my stuff, check out my master list. I have closed the tag list, but if you guys want live updates, a meeting place for simps, and maybe get your ideas added to fics, then come join the discord!
WARNINGS: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/ Female Pronouns, Pregnancy, Fluff, Embarrassing situation, and Deepl Translated Spanish ((Y'all let me know if the translations are better with this new site some of y'all recommended.))
“¿Segura que vas a estar bien sola, mami?” Are you sure you're going to be alright on your own, mami? Miguel mumbles as he looks at his love standing by the oven. His eyes cautiously watch her hips sway softly as she hums softly to herself and makes her French toast. Her swollen stomach makes her movements seem more imbalanced.
“I’m sure, Miggy.” The heavily pregnant woman reassures her love. The woman turned back to her worried lover as he stood by the door in his blue spider suit.
Hitting the third trimester of pregnancy has led to Miguel becoming more of a protective force than he was before. He already had to fight his stubborn little sunshine to be benched during the first two months of her pregnancy, which resulted in the compromise of her moving into this apartment to appease both of them. Now in the sixth month of bringing this new little life into the world, the man had to basically be pried away from his apartment in order for him to go on missions outside of his dimension.
For example, if there wasn’t another Spot on the loose again, Miguel would be content with staying home with his girls and gorging on the trashy romantic comedies that she kept playing on repeat. Of course, he would never voice his disdain for the films. Not when he gets to see her eyes light up in delight as her voice floods the apartment in laughter.
“You really don’t need to worry about us, mi amor.” She calmly assures him as she wraps her arms around him. Her bump made it difficult for her to embrace him, but the little flutter of feet against his abdomen made up for it. “We always know that Papi will always keep us safe.” She mutters as her bright smile cuts through Miguel’s heart.
Cupping her face, Miguel whispers softly, “¿Qué hice para merecerte?” What did I do to deserve you? He presses gently kisses on her forehead, cheeks, and lips as she giggles at the feathery light affection. Miguel knees down and pressed a firm kiss on her bump while whispering, “Pórtate bien, Estrellita. No quiero que le causes muchos problemas a tu mami mientras no estoy.” Be good, little star. I don't want you to cause your mommy too much trouble while I'm gone.
A strong kick meets Miguel’s lips unexpectedly as he chuckles at Maria’s attempt to tell her father to get on the road. 
Standing up, He gives his love another kiss before heading out. As he swings away, the pregnant woman looks down at her bump and mumbles.
“Now that Papa is gone, we can have some fun.” 
“Lyla, si vuelves a mandarme a algún sitio así, te pondré en el monitor de bebés de Mayday.” Lyla, if you ever send me anywhere like that again, I will put you into Mayday's baby monitor. Miguel seethes as he limps out of the portal with the rest of the team.
The mission was a lot more difficult than the team was briefed on. They knew that The Spot was involved, but Lyla didn’t mention Doctor Octavious and a Prowler would be there as well. Miguel had handled the two while the others worked to capture The Spot, but the task wasn’t easy as the large claw marks along his sides and heavy bruising proved. Luckily, they managed to capture the enemies, but everyone receive a significant amount of damage. 
Lyla laughs as she plays with some weird virtual version of a toy Gwen had yesterday. The annoying popping of the rubber bubbles causes Miguel’s already sour mood to worsen as she muses, “ No need to fuss, Miggy. You guys are still alive and ready to kick ass tomorrow.”
“I don’t think being alive is a good thing right now…” Pavitr groans as he plops onto the floor as Hobie grumbles beside him about his destroyed guitar.
Jess rolls her eyes as she plops herself in Miguel’s normal spot by the monitor and throws Miguel a knowing glance.
“Why don’t you head on home, Migue?’ Jess offers which causes him to look at her a little surprised. “You need to be home with Sunny. Believe me, I understand how uncomfortable she is right now.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.” Miguel argues, “What about your-”
“My husband can handle Little Bit while I finish this report.” Jessica shuts him down as she shoots him a familiar glare he recognizes from his own mother. God, he hopes his sweet sunny doesn’t develop a glare like that. She would have him running for his money.
Miguel silently thanks his friend as he leaves, opting to swing home instead of the portal. Deciding to pick up some takeout from her favorite restaurant on the way.
As Miguel approaches the door to their apartment, the soft buzz of pop music filters through the thick walls of the building. His eyebrow quirks up as he softly opens the door. The young black and white mass of fur greets with silent chirps as Miguel shushes him. He closes the door quietly as he kneels down and scratches behind the cat’s ears. 
“¿Qué hacían nuestras chicas mientras yo no estaba, Moony?” What were our girls doing while I was gone, Moony? He coos as he stands up and places the bags of food on the counter.
Moony runs off as the soft voice he loves fills the apartment. 
“Don't need no one, she can dance on her own
Club is closin', but she ain't goin' home
Night is still young, where the hell will she go?
Nobody knows nobody knows”
The hyper-pop music boomed from the sound system as Miguel rounds the corner and his face splits into a bright grin. His red eyes soften as he watches his pregnant love freely dancing around the living room with a pint of ice cream in her hand. His worn sweater consumes her frame as she twirls and blurts out lyrics.
“Can't tame her magic energy
She's so magnetic, pulls you in every time (every time)
Every time (every time)
But she don't care, she gonna do what she wants (she wants)”
Watching her ridiculously move with a large bump almost made Miguel chuckle, but he didn’t want to disturb her yet. He waits for her to twirl one more time before stalking toward their bedroom. 
She continues her private concert as she shoves a spoonful of ice cream before using it as a microphone. The utter giddy from these past few months filled her being as she sings out.
“And you can't tie her down
When the night comes around (around)
Said she gonna party all night (all night)
And you can't change her
Can't blame her, can't tame her”
A pair of warm arms wrap around her waist as her heart stops in her chest for a moment before a warm purr rumbles in his chest. She relaxes as her purring lover mumbles, “Parece que tuviste un día divertido, mi amor.” You look like you had a fun day, my love.
“I did.” I giggle as she can feel his hips sway to the music with hers, playfully dancing with her. His warm hands gently rub her stomach as their little one happily greets her father with little kicks. “She’s gonna be ready to fight crime by the time she gets out of there.” She jokes through a particularly hard kick. The mother was now sure that Maria is gonna be as strong as Miguel with the bruises she was starting to have.
“Bien. Quiero que aleje a todos esos niñatos de ella hasta que tenga treinta años.” Good. I want her to fight all of those little boys away from her until she's thirty. Miguel grumbles as he thinks about his little girl possibly dating little punks in the future.
“Papi, she’s not even here yet and you’re already so protective.” She giggles as she turns around in his arms. Her eyes light up as she’s met with her grumpy boyfriend’s bare chest and low-hanging joggers, but a pout appears as she sees the large claw marks and bruises running on his sides.
“Por supuesto que sí.” Of course, I am. Miguel smiles mischievously as the music transitions into a familiar upbeat tune that causes his love’s concern to fade to amusement. “Tengo que proteger a mis hijas y mostrarles cómo los hombres de verdad tratan a sus hijas.”  I have to protect my girls and show them how real men treat their girls.
A whirlwind of laughter fills the room as Miguel starts to pull her into the Cumbia. Her moments of imbalance missteps were soothed by his strong hands as he catches her. The couple spend their evening in each other’s arms dancing and loving their growing family.
@ameliadraws @tojisrightnut @whyareyoubored @silly-lovestruck-em @luvil1y @chims-kookies @himesuedi @22carolina08 @chaoticevilbakugo @boredwithlifeatthispoint @hoshhoshh @isaidoop @pheroineux @rosiepetalss @aniya7 @savannahlynnes @boldlypessimistic @dilfaddiction @xsuvs @bunnybopug01 @tanakaslastbraincell @brivers @mistermouseshideyhole @paranoiac-666 @reypolaris @beeframon @sofiahowland376 @bby-lupin @thesrtuggleisveryreal @arminarmout15 @mintellaine @maddsunn @sleepyamaya @meshuao @scaraza @nobarasgfriend @kurxxmi @lemoonandlestars @pix-stuff @galaxieshearme @sunshiines-stuff @iytatsworld @corpsebridenightamare @p-rspective @almostjollypizza @celestiayxl @christinaatyourservice92 @marisolpusheen @hereliespumpkin @lordelvr @shadowlover321 @internal-soundtrack @lotustv @0sftom0 @whosace16 @namjoons-crabssss @baefys-world @namioom @20forty9 @cicithemess2000 @hailssss222 @cityofvoldemort-blog @snow30285 @serenssuga @miguelluvrinnit @sammywammy1 @dameronshandholder @moonlight-fox @miwagila @alexthebootyeater420 @mariaatp @10-jiku2 @uselsshuman @cookiezxx @randomhumans-blog @mothsicn @gingerdissapointment @outspokenmatters @cookieshakr @alex-river1 @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @luna-usagi-chan @icantsleeplol809 @tiredweeb7 @4ishere @i-heart-marvel @mooomeadows @king-julian6201 @local-mr-frog @superbjealousy @wonwuz @lokisnumber1whore @deloe18 @all4koo @gothicgay14 @perrins161 @ghost-with-a-teacup @addictedtothefictionalworld @stevenknightmarc @loxbbg @some-lovely-day @thisisanaccountokaydus @keepingitlokiii @stevenknightmarc @maxi-ride @juneonhoth @fa1rybubbl3z @strxngegirl @iytatsworld @dilfrs @stfugenderfuck @ben-is-a-hoe @coralineyouareinterribledanger @fallinallinmendes @im-sure-its-fine @mirophobic
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all-mirth-no-matter · 7 months
Time After Time | Chapter Seventeen
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader, Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character
Summary: You meet the new Inspector and have a heart to heart with Tommy.
Warning: language
ao3 link | catch up on tumblr here
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Chapter 17: Change on the Rise
What good’s a man, who’s lost his soul? Can’t take a stand, mmm when his flame’s gone cold.  Mmm fend off the enemy, sing out the jubilee. WIth all the fire we can breathe, we’re singing all day, and you can’t tame it.  — Change on the Rise, Avi Kaplan
There were a few things you were still getting used to about the 1910s. The smell. The smoke. The actual shit on the ground. The misogyny. The cold water. The lack of knowledge of what was toxic for your body and what wasn’t. 
You thought about the last one every morning as you got ready for work, trying to stay away from any unsafe words you knew, but slightly frightful of a lot of the stuff you didn’t recognize. 
Typically, you tried to remain as natural as you could. And if you were honest with yourself, you only really wore make-up or did a double check on your hair when you knew you’d be seeing Tommy — it was only slightly pathetic, you tried to convince yourself when you realized what you were doing. 
What was mostly pathetic was recently, when you noticed you started putting in more effort after Grace began working in the pub full time. The woman looked like a movie star from your time, and you hated how insecure it made you feel about your own appearance. 
And then there was the singing. 
There was a moment, the night of her first shift, when she’d begun to sing in an attempt to distract a fight breaking out. She stood on the table and began to sing something you definitely didn’t recognize, though the rest of the room obviously did. The whole pub had joined in by the time she was nearing the end of her third song (that you still didn’t know), when the first of the Peaky boys entered the pub. 
You hated yourself for how envious of Grace’s ability you were in that moment. Just a month ago, you and Tommy had been in this spot, alone, you singing him a song from your own time. It’d been your thing, it felt. And now, he was captivated along with the rest of the bar with Grace’s siren voice. Soon though, everyone finally noticed his entrance and slowly lowered their voices, save for Grace who ended the verse properly despite her confusion of the sudden end. When Harry approached him to comment on how there hadn’t been any singing in the pub since before the war, Tommy met your eyes. For a moment, you thought he was going to tell them to stop — but instead, he said a soft “carry on” before moving into the snug and shutting the door. 
But your insecurities with Grace were your problem, and you tried to keep it from affecting you in any significant way, especially in how you treated her. You’d worked in bars long enough to push down the green monster that came with the territory sometimes, which luckily got easier the more you spent time with her. Grace continued to be nice and polite, but she was soft spoken and sort of skittish, innocent almost – something you warned her wouldn’t mix well with the company they maintained at the Garrison. Finally though, you seemed to manage to break her reserve and loosen up during the slower periods of the day, and she was quite funny when she wanted to be. 
But still, no matter how well you seemed to get along, you just couldn’t shake the weird feeling you got from her. There was something in the way she over explained herself, like she was trying to convince the room of her place in it. It was an unease you saw in yourself, but mirrored – you often felt like you under-explained, or kept quiet, in an attempt to blend in with your surroundings. 
Despite your own reservations of the girl, there was one thing you knew for certain. She definitely lied about her previous experience. She was clumsy with the bottles, needed remindings on drink orders, and thought far too hard on her pours. It made training much more taxing than you’d originally anticipated. 
The good news was that she was smart – smart enough to handle money and inventory, at least – which was an area you thought you’d have to overcompensate for. 
Still, due to the amount of time you’d been spending training Grace, you started coming into the pub early on the mornings you didn’t have to be at the Shelby’s to catch up on the books. 
You heard a loud crash and some shouting outside, causing you to jump up from your seat in the back room of the pub. You rushed to the main room to find a tall man standing in the doorway, a bowler hat on his head. He was significantly taller than you, his long jacket giving him a looming presence as he took up the majority of the entryway. 
“Morning,” he greeted in a heavy Irish accent. “We haven’t had the pleasure.” 
You crossed your arms, “We’re closed–”
“I’m not here for drinks.” 
Behind him, through the closed doors, you heard more shouting. The man noticed your eyes drift around him, and smiled. 
“Oh, don’t worry. My Specials have been told not to touch the Garrison. You’re safe,” his eyes giving you a once over, “for now.” 
Specials, you thought, looking at him more closely. “You’re the Inspector from Belfast.” 
His right cheek pulled up into a smirk. “You’ve heard of me?” 
You gestured around the room, trying to convey an air of indifference. “I work in a pub. Your presence has been a big topic lately.” A loud crash came from outside followed by more shouting. “What are they doing out there?” 
“Routine inspection,” he shrugged. “I’m here to clean up this town.” 
“And that includes ransacking innocent families?” you asked, your face doing nothing to hide your disapproval. 
He chuckled. “Innocent. As if you can’t see the degradation and sin that lies beyond these walls.” 
Your mouth snapped shut at that. He wasn’t exactly wrong. You’d noticed a drastic change over the last couple months in the town. The high of the war's end was beginning to wane – and the streets of Small Heath were slowly eating away at itself. Veterans were scrounging for jobs, widows were desperate for stability, and children ran wild throughout the city. Brawls broke out in the middle of the streets at least once a night, crowds of men betting on outcomes. Men had women pressed against the walls, not even bothering to make into the alleyways. When you saw some girls who couldn’t even be in their teens, you felt your chest clinch even tighter, the dread and disgust building higher for this place. Every day you felt even more hardened by the harsh realities of the world and your place in it.
Despite this, you’d come to know a good majority of the families who lived on Watery Lane, and regardless of the badness out there, you knew there was good that didn’t deserve whatever was happening just outside of your establishment. 
“What do you want, Inspector?” you said, your voice stronger. You gestured around you, “If you’re here to inspect, feel free. You’ll find nothing here but alcohol and cigarettes.” 
“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true,” he took another step toward you, tilting his head as he rose his brow, the sly smirk still tight at his cheek. “You’ve heard of me, well, I’ve heard of you as well. Though oddly enough, no papers on ya.”
Your back straightened at that and he continued his walk closer. You tried not to let it show, but truthfully, that’d been a fear of yours after you’d come to terms with your new timeline. You didn’t have any identification or historical papers, nor did you have any bank accounts (not that you would have been able to have one of your own anyhow, since you were unmarried and essentially orphaned). You’d even masterminded a big story about there being deaths and a fire that burnt whatever record you would have had that said you were a citizen. But after a while of no one asking or no one caring, you let the story fade and your fear along with it. Now, you were wondering how much trouble exactly you would get in, and if there was a way you could acquire some new papers. 
Seemingly happy with the threat settling in, the Inspector shrugged. “Lucky for you, I don’t have time to worry about runaways or travelers at the moment. What I am interested in is the company you keep. As I understand it, you’re quite close with the Shelbys, are you not?” 
“My friendship with Ada is no secret–” 
“And what of the brothers? 
You shrugged, “What of them?” 
“Are you friendly with them as well?” he rose a brow suggestively, your own furrowing at the implication. Ignoring your reaction, he continued, “If so, you should know that Arthur agreed his people would help us.” 
You thought about Arthur’s face, how this man in front of you had beaten a man then asked for his cooperation. You weren’t foolish enough to believe he wouldn’t do the same to you if you were to give off any hint of what you knew. Knowing this, you kept your composure. “As I said, Inspector. I can help you with a drink or a smoke. But if you’re not here for either, then I’m afraid there’s nothing else here I can offer you.” 
He hummed amused, finally stopping a hair closer than socially appropriate in what you interpreted as an act of intimidation. “We’ll see about that, won’t we? You will cooperate, one way or another.” 
Throwing a coin on the bar counter, he turned and left the pub. 
When the doors shut fully, you ran toward them and latched the locks. Despite the Inspector’s promise that his men wouldn’t be coming into the Garrison, you knew you needed to take whatever precautions you could to keep yourself safe. You moved to the snug and peeked through the window, seeing the streets covered with men in uniforms and people pushed and beaten against the side of the building. 
After some time, when the final copper rode off, you joined the people outside and began to help tidy the streets. Harry showed up soon to help you open the pub, many of the patrons coming in gripling about the incident. 
“They let em do it!” one of the men slurred. “The fuckin’ Shelbys! Copper told me ‘imself. Why do you ‘hink this is the only pub not knackered?” 
You and Harry shared a confused look, not sure yourselves why the Specials had hit the other local pubs, but not the Garrison.You suspected it was a power play, intent on this very reaction from the townspeople, since this pub was the favorite amongst the brothers. The fact that the Inspector had paid you a visit was something you kept to yourself, even from Harry. You didn’t say a word about it until you arrived at the Shelbys.   
“Jeremiah said he saw the Inspector walk out of the Garrison when the lane was getting turned over,” Polly had said immediately when you walked into the house after your shift. “What’d he say to ya?” 
You shrugged off your jacket and took a seat at the table, recollecting your conversation. “That’s not true, right?” you asked when you got to him saying Arthur had agreed to helping. 
“‘Course not,” Polly blew out some smoke from her cigarette. “But that copper wants to turn the town against us. The boys are out now paying off the landlords and cleaning up. Showing their faces, and all that. Well, except Tommy. He’s preoccupied with the bloody horse he won against the Lees this morning.” 
You weren’t surprised, having been privy to his goal of starting a fight with the Lees. You’d asked him the day before if he really thought it was smart to continue with his Kimber plan now that he had the guns to deal with. Tommy had been adamant that this would only further benefit his efforts, and concluded that not taking advantage would be a waste of an opportunity. You’d given up any argument, mostly because deep down you knew he was right. 
But now, after seeing the extent this Investigator would go to, you worried that Tommy may be in over his head. 
“Best to stay in tonight,” Polly said, interrupting your thoughts. “Tommy has a plan to push back, get the people back on our side.” 
That night, you did as Polly instructed. Close to midnight, you saw the flames through your apartment window. In the street, a bonfire was lit, with what looked like portraits being thrown in. In the middle of the crowd stood Tommy, his face illuminated by the flames as he smoked his cigarette and talked to the men around him. 
After finally making out the subject of the paintings, you chuckled. “God, the balls on this guy.” 
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That was on Sunday. On Monday, Ada had determined she was pregnant. On Tuesday, Tommy confronted her and found out it was Freddie’s, who’d disappeared during the copper raid. On Wednesday, your Monaghan Boy finally lost his first race, earning the gambling den more money than you’d ever seen. On Thursday, Polly tried to convince Ada to terminate the pregnancy. 
It was now Friday night. You were walking out of the pub, leaving Grace to her first closing shift, when you ran into a rain soaked Tommy. 
“Y/N,” he greeted you, though you could tell there wasn’t something right. “Going home?” 
“Yeah,” you answered cautiously, turning back to the locked door. “Did you want to go in?” 
“S’it empty?” You shook your head no. “Do you have whiskey at your place?” 
Still confused, you nodded, “Um, yeah. I snagged a bottle last week after the raid.”
“Then no,” he confirmed, walking instead toward your flat. 
You stood there for a moment, before he turned back around and asked if you were coming. 
By the time he settled into one of your dining chairs, you handed him a double shot, grabbing the bottle and another glass before joining him in the second chair. 
He threw back the drink, poured himself another finger, then threw that one back as well. “The Lee bastards cursed my horse.” 
It was the first words uttered by either of you since you’d left the Garrison, so his choice of conversation starter was a surprise. “Wha– How do you know?” 
“‘Cause I started a war, and this bullet with my name on it wasn’t enough,” he pulled out said bullet and set it on the table. As he poured another drink, you lifted it up carefully, running your thumb against the scratched letters, the meaning behind the literal token causing your chest to tighten. “She wouldn’t have been able to stand by sunrise.” 
Wouldn’t have, you caught the past tense of his phrase and knew the beautiful white horse you’d met just a few days ago was not alive anymore. “Poor girl,” you said softly as you watched Tommy wipe his hand across his face.
“You know, in France…” his eyes wouldn’t meet yours, instead staring off to the side. “In France, I got used to seeing men die. Never got used to seeing the horses die. They die badly.” 
He blinked, shaking his head as he reached into his jacket and pulled out the cigarette case. He ran his thumb across the silver casing for a moment, before opening and pulling out a stick. 
“You knew about Freddie, didn’t ya?” 
Ada had sought you out after her confrontation with Tommy in the movie theater and told you everything. You’d been both surprised and not surprised by her news, knowing that she’d been sneaking away to be with him any chance she got, and guessing that the birth control of the time was lacking. She was determined that Freddie would return for her, that the Inspector couldn’t keep him hiding away forever.
“Yes,” you answered. 
“You didn’t tell me.” 
He sighed, “Why not?” 
Your brow furrowed genuinely surprised. “You of all people should appreciate my aptitude for secrecy.” 
“Aye. It’s the secrets you hide from me that I don’t appreciate.” 
You let out a breath, feeling the hint of passive aggression in his statement. “It wasn’t my information to share, Tommy. It’s as simple as that.” 
He took a long drag of his cigarette. “Fine.” 
Guilt began to creep in as your eyes moved to the dresser drawer where the box Madam Desponia still lived. The leaves and vial were gone, but you kept the box as a token. You weren’t sure why you hadn’t told Tommy yet that you’d dranken the tea. Part of you wanted to keep the experience a secret for personal reasons — it was your dead mother, after all. The other part of you was still insecure about Tommy finding the whole thing crazy. You were finally beginning to gain his acceptance with his surlier world, you hadn’t wanted to push it by throwing in talking to dead people. 
“I met with the Inspector today,” he finally said, breaking the silence and pulling you out of your own thoughts. “I told him I had the guns.” 
Your mouth dropped in surprise. “Tommy—”
“I struck a deal. No interfering with my business, or future business with Kimber.” 
Your mouth hardened into a tight line. “And you think he’ll hold up his end of the deal?” 
“I warned him of what will happen if I’m taken into custody. The last thing that man wants is for these guns to land into the hands of the IRA back in Belfast, undoing all his hard work.” He took another long drag of his cigarette. “Campbell didn’t serve; reserved occupation. I anticipate he would do anything to keep his reputation among Mr. Churchill. As long as he doesn’t find out where the guns are hidden, my plan with Kimber remains.” 
Happily, you didn’t know where the guns had been moved to after Curly and Charlie lifted them from the stables. And you didn’t want to know who knew either — hell, you weren’t even sure yet if his own brothers knew Tommy even had the guns in the first place. The less you knew the better, in your opinion. You anticipated that your meeting with the Inspector wouldn’t be your last, especially now that he knew Tommy definitely had the guns. You wondered if he’d approach you again, or instead have you watched. 
“Just in time for Cheltenham,” he continued. “Which reminds me, you’ll need to pick out a nice dress.” 
Your brow creased. “Another race?” 
“Not just another race. It’s where we’ll show our strength against the Lees, convince Kimber of our partnership. Monaghan Boy’s win finally caught his attention — I’m told he’ll be paying us a visit soon.” 
He poured himself another glass, then yours. 
“I didn’t mean to attack you,” he said after taking a deep breath. “The weeks just been—”
“I understand,” you reassured, meaning it. You couldn’t imagine the mental hoops he must be going through trying to juggle everything he had going on. 
You shared another glass of whiskey before he ran his hand across his face. 
“I don’t know what to do about Ada and Freddie. She has no life with a man on the run.” 
You licked your lips, resisting weighing in. Instead, you took a sip of your drink. 
Tommy rolled his eyes, but his smirk remained. “That was an invitation. You should know better by now.” 
Your cheek flinched at the comment, but you sobered it to match your response. 
“I think she’d follow him wherever he goes,” you said plainly, shrugging your shoulders. “Your sister and Freddie seem to have real, deep feelings for each other. He may be gone for now, but I do believe he’ll be back for her.” 
He let out a breath, “I think you’re right. Why’d he have to turn into such a fuckin’ menace.” 
Your cheek flinched again, knowing he was referring to his communist strikes. “He deserves to know about Ada. Give him the chance to do the right thing.” 
“You sound like Pol.” He took another sip of his drink. “Fine. I’ll get him a message. Maybe he’ll actually bloody listen to me and stay gone.” 
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On Saturday, Billy Kimber and his men paid a visit to the Garrison, just as Tommy had predicted. 
“You’re what?” your voice giving away more than you intended. 
Tommy took a long drag of his cigarette. “It’ll be an advantage.”
“Yeah, but–”
“But what?” Tommy asked, rising his brow. “It’s a good plan. Kimber took a liking to her, I saw it on his face. I can use her to sweeten the deal.”
Apparently it’d all gone according to plan. It’d been your night off, just Harry and Grace tending to the packed pub, when Kimber’s car arrived. 
He’d come to punish them for fixing races without his permission, but began to sway when Tommy proposed an alliance in exchange for help combatting the Lees. Tommy mentioned that Kimber’s accountant and advisor seemed to be the brains of the operation, and felt like he was already warming up to him. They left the pub with a promise to speak again at the races. 
What Tommy hadn’t expected was Kimber’s lustful intrigue with Grace. 
“Do you trust her?”
You met his eyes. Your default was to be nice, give her the benefit of the doubt. But you wouldn’t lie to Tommy. “No.” 
“I looked into her–” 
“You did? Why?” you asked, quicker than you wished you had. Tommy didn’t need to know of your insecurity.
“I look into all of the branches of my business associates. I had someone ask around about the pub she used to work at. No one’s heard of her. She lied.” You must have shown a knowing look on your face, because he chuckled sardonically. “But you knew that too, didn’t you?” 
“I guessed, but I didn’t know for certain,” you answered honestly. “I just knew she wasn’t as experienced as she’d claimed to be. At least not with the bartending side of things. I didn’t think she was a threat, just a little green, I guess.” 
He hummed, “I’d agree. And it seems the town likes her songs.” 
You waited a beat, conflicted with the topic opportunity dangling in front of you. But you’d spent too much of your life not saying something or asking questions because of some arbitrary anxiety. Since you’d met Tommy, you’d adopted a certain ‘fuck it’ bravado when it came to awkward conversations. 
“You know, for a second, I thought you were going to tell them all to stop singing.” 
He took a puff of his cigarette. “I was.” 
Your brow creased, “What changed your mind?” 
“You,” he answered simply, his eyes meeting yours again. For the first time that night, his gaze began to soften. “How can I disallow what I’d specifically asked from you in that very pub?” After a moment, his brow creased. “Why don’t you ever sing?” 
“I can’t sing to crowds,” you said with an embarrassed shake of your head at the mere thought. “I don’t have near the range that Grace does, or half the confidence. I love music — me singing is just my way of hearing the songs I miss.” 
“Good.” You rose your brow at his response. He offered you a rise of the corner of his mouth, “I enjoy being one of few who get to hear you sing.” 
You couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks. God, you were so far gone. 
“Well,” you deflected, “since you have Grace, I guess you won’t need me at Cheltenham as well.”
He chuckled softly, “On the contrary. I have a job for you. One week, and we’re off to the races.”
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chaengluva · 6 months
Fear Me, Love Me
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I was inspired by Regina in the all black outfit to write this
Regina George x Reader: 2.2k words: Masterlist
Requested: Yes/No
Regina rides a motorbike in this :)
Everyone knew when Regina George was coming to school, they could all hear her coming, which made everyone tremble in fear.
Almost everyone, except for one girl that was, Y/n 'Imi'ike, which happened to be you. When you heard the sound of you girlfriend coming into school, you got excited and rushed out to greet her instantly.
The loud sound of Regina's famous motorbike engine made the ground vibrate and the school freeze in fear, then there was you, a drama freak, (Lowkey a dork) Smiling brightly as you waits for Regina to park her motorbike.
As soon as she steps off the heavy vehicle, you run after her, giving her a hug before she can take her helmet off, making her jolt back in surprise before chuckling under her breath, hugging you back, "What a warm welcome." Regina says happily, removing her arms to take off her helmet, but there is something that's stopping her.
"I missed you." you smile, still having your arms wrapped around her, which makes the taller girl giggle. "Baby, move your arms away." You do what she told you, moving your arms so she could take of her helmet, as soon as she does, she leans closer to give you a kiss, her hands wrapping around your waist to pull your body closer.
When she pulls away, she takes off her gloves and reaches out her hand, silently asking for you to hold it, which you do, the two of you were so lucky to have homeroom together, the whole class knew about your relationship with the queen bee, no one would dare question it, but everyone was wondering how did you end up with Regina George?
For more context, let's back track. You have always been a loner, being the younger sister of Janis 'Imi'ike already set your reputation low with everyone as soon as you started at North Shore.
Everyone thought you'd be crazy obsessed with art and they were surprised to see you were hopeless at the subject. You were talented in other things but you're main focus was musical theatre, you thought this would stop everyone from calling you an art freak but you were wrong, they still did.
After musical theatre, you're favourite subject was Maths, you were doing AP Math which resulted people calling you a nerd, it didn't hurt your feelings, but nothing would prepare you for what happened on April 12th.
You nervously held your books as you walked to the theatre, you were just praying that you would get the lead, Heathers as your favourite musical and your dream role was Heather Chandler. As you got closer, your nerves grew stronger as you saw the crowd around the door, Janis and Damien said that you were definitely going to get this role, but you still had denial.
You pushed through the people to be able to see the paper, you read over the names and a bright smile landed on your face as you saw that you got your dream roll, you screamed, texting your sister. Then happily walking away to your locker.
You were taking your stuff for first period, you felt a tap on your shoulder that was a little aggressive so you turn around to face one of guys on the football team, James Brown. "Hi James, what do you want?" You say with a bright smile on your face, still feeling happy about what happened earlier.
James wasn't happy, he had an angry expression on his face. "You stole my Girlfriends role!" He yelled, shoving you into the locker, you groaned in pain, "I'm sorry, I don't understand?" You say, confused with what he was so mad over, "My girlfriend's dream role was Heather Chandler! And you stole it! You're not even talented! You can't sing!" He yelled, making you flinch.
"I'm sorry but I don't know who your girlfriend is.." You say in a calm voice, hoping it would calm him down. Spoiler alert, it didn't, "Jessica Dove. She's much more talented than you, the only reason you got the role is because the directors want to fuck you!" He yelled, you tried not to take offence to what he was saying, you knew he was just trying to offend you.
As soon as she noticed you weren't taking offence he threw a hard punch to your face, you were taken back by what he did and was in to much shock to fight back, even if you did have fast reflexes, James held both your wrists preventing you from hitting back, he hits you in the face a few more times.
You can see he reaches up his arm to throw another punch, you squint your eyes, waiting for it to happen but it never comes, when you open your eyes, you see another hand, covering James' hand, and throwing him back.
You see that his facial expression turns to frightened and he rushes away, you don't know who saved you, before you can take a look at the figure, everything goes black.
You wake up in a different place, you panic, rushing to sit up because you don't know where you are, strong arms are on you, pushing you down slowly, you turn to look at the girl, you gasp and you're heart stops, you see the girl you have had a crush on your whole high school life.
Regina George, the name you have heard from your sister but you still couldn't help follow along with everyone else and liking the tall blonde. "R-Regina? What are you doing here?"  You ask, voice slightly breaking, "I saw James hitting you and I couldn't allow it to continue," She said, voice sweet as honey as she runs her fingers through your hair, you look to the side and see a mirror, you see that your face is ruined, a black eye and many bruises and even a bit of dried blood covered your face.
"My face is ruined. I won't be able to do the musical." You say, turning around, not wanting to face the mirror anymore, Regina George shakes her head, still playing with your hair, "No. I spoke with my Dad and he called the school, they agreed to postpone the musical."
You open your eyes and smile at the girl, leaning in to give her a hug, she giggled at your cuteness, when you pulled away, the two of you looked into each others eyes, you thought she was about to kiss you but you shook your head, "If I'm being honest I thought you would just leave me there." You say, slightly giggling.
Regina grabs your hand and looks at you with a shocked expression on her face, "I would for some normal losers but you're different Y/n." She smiled, looking into your eyes, then back to your lips.
Then it happened, the thing happened that you have been wanting to do since 9th grade, you felt her lips against yours.
So that's how everything happened, Regina skipped to stay with you in the hospital and you came back wearing some of her clothes and her arm wrapped around you possessively. No one expected the relationship, but it mostly a shock to your sister. When she first saw the two of you, she was in heavy denial and thought it was two people who just looked exactly like you but as she got closer, she realised it was you and Regina.
It took a while to get used to and she is still grossed out but she has never seen you this happy to go to school so she's fine with it, but if Regina ever does anything to hurt you, she won't be afraid to mess up Regina George's life.
That brings us back into the present time, Regina was holding your hand very tightly and couldn't help to notice how tired you looked, when she sat down, she grabbed your waist before you could sit down and dragged you to sit in her lap, none of the other students said anything because this was normal for them.
"What time did you get to sleep last night baby." You stay silent and don't say anything, she looks at you with her scary eyes, which always makes you spit the words out. "I didn't" You whisper very quietly, "What was that?" Regina asks, because she couldn't hear what you said, "I didn't get any sleep." You repeat louder, followed by a big yawn right after. Regina looked at the smaller girl in concern, you were always rehearsing or studying, she felt bad that you had no time to sleep, she allowed you to sleep on her chest for homeroom, you feel asleep quickly.
When she knew you were asleep, she pulled out her phone, texting Janis if its okay if she takes you home and looks after you, Janis said the Idea was perfect and that you needed the rest, Regina gulped knowing that she would have to do a lot of convincing for the next part. So she called Janis, thinking that it would be easier.
Janis picked up, wondering why Regina decided to call her, "What's up Regina? Are you taking Y/n home?" She asks, "I am but.. I came here on my motorbike." Regina says, Janis nods like Regina can see her, "Yeah that's fine but-," Janis slowly processed what that meant so she stopped talking, "Do you have a helmet for her? and safe clothes to wear?" Janis asked, Regina quickly answered with a smile on her face, "Yes! I bring a spare one everyday just in case." Janis hesitates before saying, "Okay."
The tall blonde girl smiles brightly, hanging up the phone and waking you up, she doesn't say anything she just garbs your bag and her bag and holds your hand and walks out of the school, you were to tired to process what was happening, when she brings you to her motorbike and just stands there, your worries go up high, "What are we doing? We have school!" You yell, starting to panic, the blonde pulls you in for a hug, calming you down.
"Your sister agrees that you need rest, so I'm taking you home." You frown, not even denning the fact that your so tired, she puts on your helmet and your motorbike clothes on, making sure that you're very safe, you have ridden on her motorbike before but it was scary every time. She put on her helmet and helped you on before she got on herself, you wrapped your arms around her tightly, not daring to let go once.
When you got to her place, she took you to her room right away, allowing you to rest on top of the blankets and she ran a bath for the two of you, it had only been 10 minutes but when she was done setting up, she came back to you sound asleep, she almost felt bad waking you up.
It was worth it, she woke you up and guided you into her on suite bathroom, you looked at her with happy puppy eyes when you saw what she did for you, she lit the room with candles and the bath was filled with warm water, bubbles and flower petals.
Regina undressed herself first, taking off all her clothes until she was completely stripped, you started at her for a few seconds but brought back to reality when Regina clicked her fingers and started to help you out of her clothes, Regina hoped into the bath first, she allowed you to come in after her, your back against her front with you in between her legs.
She started to wash your hair, making sure to massive the scalp, her fingers were so relaxing, you ending up falling asleep, while you were asleep, she cleaned your body, trying her best not to wake you, 30 minutes later, she had to wake you up, she lightly shook you causing you to let out a whine. "It's okay baby, you can go back to sleep soon." She whispers, helping you out of the bath.
She dried you up, giving you some of her clothes to change into, guiding you to the bed, she knew you wanted to get under the covers and sleep but she had another plan. She lied you down on your stomach after she took off the shirt you were wearing, putting some cream and oil in her hands she started to massage your body, starting at your shoulders, you were so stiff she made sure so massage every muscle to make your body less tender.
When she was down she put your shirt back on and pulled the covers over you, walking down stairs to set up another surprise for you, when you woke up, you felt happy, you felt stress free, you weren't thinking anything other then, "What is that amazing smell." You got up quickly and rushed downstairs, smiling when you saw your tall girlfriend, cooking you some pasta.
You walked up and wrapped your arms around her waist, still feeling slightly sleepy, she smiled at your cuteness, bringing you turning around to pull you in for a hug, "How you feeling baby?" Regina asks, hugging you tightly, you look at her smiling, "Hungry." The blonde girl giggles and nods her head, serving you and herself some pasta.
When you were finished you put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher and rushed up stairs, you were excited to get back to sleep but stress came back when you realised you had school tomorrow, but all stress went away when you felt Regina's arms wrap around you and you felt calm.
This goes to show that even the motorbikes don't hide how soft Regina George is for you, and everyone knows it.
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darkbluekies · 5 months
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Me: *dying pigeon noises*
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Noooooooo but srsly imagine a mother brings candy for her sick child and for the other children too. And since nurse!darling is such a sweet, innocent person and the child's favourite nurse, she gets candy too after happily helping the mom handing out the sweets first. 😂😭
During lunch in Dr. Kry's office, she told him about the wholesome moment. He listened intently and smiled about the great moment she had during her shift. She was so cute, provided with a pure heart of gold which never failed to impress him from time to time. But once she had eaten her lunch, she grabbed the popsicle as a sweet treat for herself (after all, she had eaten her all her veggies).
Dr. Kry had to inner slap himself in order to manage not looking at his darling right now, a blush creeping down his now hot face. He tried to remain cool and slighty shifts in his seat while his brain was screaming. Forcing to look away, his eyes were darting to the furthest corners of his office room. Nurse!darling however noticed his rising nervousness and caught him stealing a glance to her popsicle in her mouth.
"Are you okay?" Her honey-sweet voice filled the awkward silence in his office. He clears his throat, fumbling with his tie around, as a faint hope to breath better. "Yes, I'm fine", he manages to squeeze his answer through his lips. But he couldn't help himself looking again at his nurse. Her lips were... so soft.
She gave him a worried look, mindlessly rolling the goddamn candy in her mouth that was nearly giving him stroke. He could tell her brain gears started to turn. Her thinking face made his spiraling thoughts even more worse and primal instincts started to flood his mind. No... focus.
"Oh. OH, I get it know!"
"WHAT?!" His head snaps to her, so fast in fact he almost gave himself a neck strain. His icy blue eyes are wide open in shock. How could she-? No... Oh no no no no no no no no no no no!!!
The blonde was about to defend himself, that he didn’t meant it like that. But before he could utter his first words he was met with a beautiful smile that instantly took his breath away and flabbergasted him. The nurse turned around, fishing another popsicle from her pocket and handing it to him.
"A sweet treat for the hard working doctor too!~ I did not forget you!", she sing-song to him, her smile now growing bigger. He could swear her body was illuminating the room because she happened to be a walking sun. He wordlessly stared at the popsicle in her small hand, slowly taking it with a tender smile and pressing a shy "thanks" from his mouth. His heart was beating up to his ears, now his face crimson red of shame, lovely embarrassment, filled with mortified adoration as her amiable words stuck to him.
Gosh, you are soo lovely!
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That mf popsicle knows whats up
I lowkey may have drawn other stuff but they are mainly crack too lol
Help😵‍💫😵‍💫 i love this so much omg😵‍💫😵‍💫
now i feel like i have to write my input for the scenario BUT HEY YOU WROTE THE NURSE READER WE TALKED ABOUT!!!! 😆😆😆
The drawing is so funny QND THE POPSICLE 🥹🥹 Why is it sweating...? Please show the crack ones too I beg youuuuu
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Bake, Eat, Run (1)
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Chapter Summary: Y/n tries to follow her Dog hybrid friend back home to make sure he's okay, when she ends up in a dead-end alley what will she do? Why does she feel like someone's watching her? Is she safe?
 Word count: 2k
 Warnings: Mentions of Bruises, Mentions of Unsafe areas
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Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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   My keys clattered against the glass as I turned them to unlock the door, pushing it open the tiny bell chimed the sound filling up the small bakery café. The morning light shining through the various windows illuminating the place. Closing the door and walking over to the counter, I placed my bag and keys before heading over to the light switch flipping them all and turning on the radio, the café lit up as the low noise of the radio flooded through the room.
 Over on the other side of the café I quickly reorganized the books on the shelf that customers from yesterday had been reading, I choose a cd from the pile before inserting it into the player, the music tying everything together and bringing the place alive. A small smile splayed on my face, my feet moving me to the kitchen I grabbed some wipes and begin to wipe down the counter before moving on to the benches swaying with the music and humming the tune.
 The bell chiming brought me out of my trance, turning to look at the door I saw Seoyeon entering the store, her dark hair framing her face, a halter top paired with some baggy jeans and light-yellow cardigan. She placed her bag on the table I'd already wiped down before turning to me, a smile clear on her face, her infectious aura affecting me, a grin began tugging at my lips as she walked over.
 "Morning" She vocalized in a sing-song voice "How was yesterday? Sorry I couldn't be here, mum insisted that I went with her".
 "You left me with the shop all by myself." I grunted remembering the events of yesterday, Seoyeon had rung me around this time yesterday saying she wouldn't be able to make it because her mum had needed her help with planning a garden party for her business associates.
 "You weren't alone."
 "Yes, I was."
 "No, you had Nali and Haewon here," She sassed "I know they're young, but they work hard. They're good kids".
 "I know but they're only here after school Seoyeon." Sighing I smiled up at her from my leaning position of wiping tables. "It's fine, but maybe next time try to give a heads up so I can organize someone to come in."
 "Okay boss!"
 "Yah! Stop that" I rolled my eyes and wacked her with the rag before her screech of disgust ripped through the air causing a laugh to ripple out of my throat.
 "Okay! Okay! ...meanie" Pretending not to hear that last part I moved on to ask her about the planning, shuffling over to start another table.
 "It was boring, honestly what do you expect? A bunch of old people sipping their wine and discussing who has the most successful grandchildren. The food was nice though".
 Humming in agreement I finished wiping the benches and started touching up some of the table condiment sets.
 "Yeah, well I'll go put my stuff down and start helping open up shop. " I heard Seoyeon say.
 Standing up we both went back over to the kitchen to finish opening shop.
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                     The café had been busy this morning, but it was slowing down now before the lunch rush. It was nearing 11am which was my lunch break, I was making the last coffee before my shift ends.
 "One Vanilla Latte for Chaeyoung?" I spoke out eyes scanning the waiting customers before a young lady with blond and black hair appeared in front of me.
 "Here you go, Have a nice day."
 "Thank you and you too".
 Turing around I took off my apron and rinsed my hands before heading into the kitchen. Walking the oven in the corner I slipped on some oven mitts before opening it. A rush of hot air hit my face and I grabbed the tray of pastries I had made earlier placing it on the counter.
 Removing the oven mitts, I looked over the pastries to ensure they were cooked, grabbing a small plate I moved a few over before putting the rest in the cooling rack.
 5 should be enough besides there's a few different options anyways.
 Holding the plate, I got some drinks from the fridge.
 "Seoyeon I'm going on my lunch break!" I yelled to her. "Okay! Say hi for me" She responded from the front sounding quite busy serving customers.
 "Will do!" I opened the back door keeping it ajar with my foot while trying to squeeze through with my hands full. Stepping outside I put the plate and bottles on the small table we had before sitting down myself.
 It didn't take long before I saw a head of blond hair accompanied by golden dog ears walking down the alley cautiously trying not to be spotted by the wrong person.
 "Hey Jimin!"
 Worried brown eyes met my own upon realizing who I was his eyes soften and a smile splayed on his face. He got a bit closer before speaking, I stood up to greet my friend.
 "Hi Y/N.." Jimin spoke quietly, by now I was used to his small quiet nature, trying not to be noticed by people. Thankfully customers didn't come out here and not many people walked down this alley.
 Jimin had been coming to have lunch with me for the past few weeks, I had caught him going through our trash one day looking for food, I had startled him as at first, I had yelled thinking he was a criminal. After that day I would leave some food out on our back table for him with small little notes introducing myself and labelling the foods. Whenever I left chocolate muffins out, they were always left behind. Eventually I walked into him while going for my lunch break, he didn't talk much but he sat down with me, and over time we developed a friendship.
 We sat down at the small outdoors table with the food "Seoyeon says 'Hi'. I've got muffins, some croissants and an apple danish, have whichever you like. " I began "Oh and some banana milk and water. I hope this is okay".
 Jimin look astonished at the array of pastries on the plate. "Y/N, I can't-" "Yes you can, and you will." I cut him of "Please, I don't have anyone else to spend my lunch break with Seoyeon is working" Although both Jimin and Seoyeon knew of each other they hadn't properly met per Jimin's request when we first started having lunch together, but I'd relay greetings and hellos for each of them.
 Jimin smiled but I could see the guilt behind his eyes. "...Okay" a grinned spread on my lips as he reached for a croissant, before he picked it up, he looked to me nervous. I gave him the biggest approving smile I could letting him know it was okay, I grabbed the danish myself before taking a bite.
 This batch came out well I thought to myself before swallowing and looking over to Jimin.
 "How have you been?" I asked him.
 "I've... been okay".
 Not noticing the small hesitation in his voice, I continued "That's good to hear" Munching on my food. "How about you? He questioned. "I've been good, been trying to come up with some new dishes for the new menu."
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                        Jimin and I continued to talk for the remainder of my lunch break, I noticed that today, much like the past few weeks Jimin hadn't eaten much. I always let Jimin talk any of the left-over pastries from our lunches but recently he's been leaving more left over to take for later. At first, I thought he just wasn't that hungry or wanted to save some for dessert or something later, but it seems like it's more than that. I wrapped up the pastries in one of my food bandanas making sure to include the banana milk he refused to drink but still wanted before handing it over to him.
 "Thank you for joining me for lunch again Jimin" I beamed.
 "Thank you for letting me have lunch with you and-" he gestured to the bag of foods not continuing his sentence.
 I nodded at him, and he smiled back at me.
 "I'll see you around yeah?"
 "Of course."
 We parted ways as Jimin continued down the alley before taking a turn, I went back to the shop walking inside closing the door, I walked through the kitchen placing the plate in the sink stuck in thought.
 Why is he saving so much food? Is everything okay? Maybe he just doesn't like my baking? Where does he even go after lunch, he goes down the alleys but where do they lead? I hope he's not in trouble or anything. There is a lot of criminals in those alleys, I hope he's safe...
 "What's wrong? You seemed lost in thought" Snapping me from my train of worries and thoughts Seoyeon's voice saves me. Turning to look at her she looks concerned.
 "It's just-" Not sure if I should continue, I look to the door biting my lip. "I'm worried about Jimin, he's saving most of the lunches and not eating, and he's always walking through those alley ways by himself. I swear I saw some bruises on him the other day." I mumbled just loud enough to hear.
 "Oh no.." The worry was clear in her voice despite not having met Jimin, Seoyeon worried about him also. "That's terrible..."
 "I know" Sighing and looking back at her.
 "Go" Her soft voice flooded my ears "Go after him and see if he's okay, see where he's going".
 "But the shop-" "It's not very busy right now I can manage, beside Nali and Haewon will be here soon. " Seoyeon grinned before nodding at me.
 Giving her a thankful look and smile I headed for the back door to go follow Jimin, surely, he couldn't have gotten too far.
 I jogged down the alleyway from the café before making it to a turn, remembering which way Jimin went I took the correct turn before speeding up again.
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 My legs were burning from the excessive running and walking.
 Geez I need to work out more.
 Stopping to get a breath I looked ahead of me an intersection of different alleyways, slowly walking up it, I looked down the left seeing it led to a single right turn, I could hear cars, so it probably led to a road. Straight ahead seemed to also lead to a road after a turn. I rotated to my left to see a dead end, but it had some random boxes and bins around. It even had a few pare pieces of furniture around that had obviously been abandoned by its owner. Something felt off, it gave me a weird feeling and this alley it was way too quiet, I pressed forwards despite the unsettling feeling in my stomach.
 As I got further in the alley, I could see things had been thrown about, raggedy, ripped, dirty clothes littered the abandoned couch and surrounding floor. One end of the couch had a jumper stuffed with other clothes and tied at the end almost like a pillow.
 It was almost as if someone was living here... Something caught the corner of my eye as I turned to look what I saw shocked me.
 Poking out from underneath a mattress that was standing upright leaning in the wall was thick, long, black tail. "What the..." I stepped closer to it, but it flicked away and hid itself behind the mattress. jumping back a glanced around the rest of the dead-end alley. turning away from the mattress and back to the couch I noticed some of the clothes that were littering the lounge had shifted. Panic flooded through my brain as I slowly started to back away from both the mattress and couch.
 "I need to leave..." I mumbled backing up to where I had thought the entrance was only to back into a hard structure obscuring my clear path out.
 A wall.
 Trying to calm myself down I relax my shoulders, my breathing perfectly in sync with the wall behind me, the matching movement helped calm me down, lowering my heartbeat, but only until I realized.
 Wait... walls don't breathe...
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             A/n: It's here! It took me awhile as I wanted to get the first few chapters written before publishing any, I hope you all enjoy this series as much I have enjoyed writing it so far. Why is this wall breathing?! (Part of the crew, part of the ship 👀 ) Have a nice day & Thankyou all for reading! 💜
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