#i suspect that one of the four has a crush on me but doesn't know how to express it
propelbottle · 4 months
noooo my best friend is out of town so my options are to duo with my ex or five stack with ppl in my val server, 4 out of 20 of whom hate me but are pretending not to
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shygirl4991 · 9 months
Azure Potion Chapter 2 Let me In
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Summary: When SMG3 accidentally drinks a truth potion he ends up confessing his crush on SMG4 to Mario and Meggy. Sworn to secrecy the pair come up with a plan to find out Fours feelings and get the boys together. 
Fic inspired by Indigo Secret by @lizaluvsthis Later Chapter Next Chapter Tags: fluff, humor, truth potion, love confessions, secret crush, first kiss, coffee and bombs!
The moment SMG3 landed on the showgrounds he bolted to his cafe, locking it and making sure it was sealed before dashing to his room. Meggy sighs watching him “I should have the extra pages on me still, maybe one of them has a cure.” she starts looking at the pages, Mario sighs not understanding why Three doesn't just confess already. Meggy was so focused on reading the pages that she doesn't notice SMG4 was stepping out of the castle, Mario turns, sees Four and panics, shaking Meggy “Mario im trying to read!” She turns to glare at the plumber only to notice a nervous expression.  “SMG4 hello!!” he waves exaggeratedly to keep the man's eyes on him while Meggy shoves the pages into her pockets.  
SMG4 smiles at them “Hey, how was the dark web you guys got everything?” He looks around trying to find his partner.  Meggy lets out a nervous chuckle “It went amazing right Red?” Mario started to sweat as he gave a thumbs up “Pingas!” Meggy sighs as she turns to face SMG4.  Feeling something was off he looked Meggy and Mario up and down “You guys sure nothing went wrong? Usually when SMG3 gets things for a  bomb he would kidnap me to show me how they work, how the castle is still standing is a miracle.” 
Meggy nods “He said something about Eggdog needing a bath!” Hearing this SMG4 relaxed, pleased to know his friends were okay he waved goodbye and returned to his castle to finish editing his videos. Mario cheered that the pair managed to avoid getting caught in their lie, Meggy on the other hand turned looking at three’s coffee n bomb concerned.
SMG3 sits on his bed frustrated, he knows the dark web like the back of his hand and yet here he is cursed with a truth potion for a whole week. Eggdog snuggles up to his father sensing how upset he is, Three looks down giving his son a small smile “Thanks Eggdog, today just isn't my day now those two idiots know about..UGH!” he throws himself on the bed blushing. They know he is in love with his long time rival, what is he supposed to do for a whole week. Keeping closed would lose him money, he can't open because if one right question is asked the truth will be free.  He hears his phone ding, taking it out he sees its a text from SMG4.
His heart flutters as he unlocks the phone and see the message “Hey talked to M&M happy to know things went smooth, can't wait to see those bombs your making”
He chuckles softly at the text picturing the other man's face while reading it, and it seems the idiots manage to keep SMG4 from suspecting anything. He starts typing away “Just you wait this bomb is going to blow your mind with its power!” After hitting send he gets up and sighs. He just needs to stay away for a whole week. How hard could that be? 
A knock on the door caught his attention, peeking he saw Meggy waving at him “Three i have a few pages maybe one can help!” hearing this he ran and opened the door for her and Mario. Once they were in he blocks and seals the door again, Meggy takes everything out of her pocket.  SMG3 walks to the counter for Meggy to go over the pages, Mario on the other hand gets distracted seeing the glowing blue flower. SMG3 frowns looking at the other pages “Love potion, red string potion, ew a frog potion geez what a fairy tale. Squid none of these sound like they will help with the whole I CAN ONLY SPEAK THE TRUTH!”
Mario shrugs “Mario doesnt get why you don't just tell SMG4, you both are super gay for each other!”
SMG3 lets out a bitter chuckle “Right, hey SMG4 I know we just became friends but turns out i have a crush on you. That's how you ruin friendships idiot plus we all know he is married to his youtube channel, nothing can or will happen.” Meggy nods thinking to herself, how did SMG4 feel about Three. The pair were always together these days, naturally they would hold hands without there being any danger. She swears that Four spends more time at the cafe than anyone else in the crew, she remembers in the past how SMG4 would tell her how he hated coffee. That's when SMG3 joined the crew and offered for the first time a cup, Four drinked it with a smile and suddenly he became a coffee drinker.
Maybe there was something there, she looks at the pages and decides to ask something risky “What if we ask SMG4 for help?” Three’s eyes go wide from that “WHAT NO! That idiot finds out he will have all the ammo on me!” Meggy crosses her arms staring at the man “You really think SMG4 is that kind of person?” SMG3 stays silent looking down, suddenly he opens the door kicking Meggy and Mario out “I’ll figure this out on my own!” He slams the door and goes to the back room. He sighs sliding down the wall, now sitting on the floor he thinks of Meggy's words. It was risky, if SMG4 is still that person from before, how can he be so sure his secret won't leak cause Four will say something stupid. 
Meggy glares at the cafe before picking up the papers, she looks around noticing the flower she had was missing. Deciding it wasn't important at the moment she put the papers in her pocket, she turns to the castle and walks to it “Come on Red we need to tell Four that Three is in trouble!” SMG4 sat there staring at the pair as they explained everything to him, silently he gets up and dashes out of the castle surprising the pair. Four was worried he knows how important privacy is for the man, being an open book is asking for trouble. He takes out his copy of the cafe keys and goes in,  knowing that Three wouldn't want to see his face he would be hiding in the back room. He walks over to the wall and  sits on the other side saying “Hey Three…are you okay i felt something off.” 
SMG3 hugs himself, feeling the truth bubble its way out little by little. “No, today has been a shit show and I don't want you here.” SMG4 hums thinking of a way to get him to talk which was tricky knowing about the potion. He wanted to ask something that SMG3 would tell him out of free will, he smiled to himself as he stretched his hand so it could be seen by Three “I get your upset..but don't freeze me out…please let me in.” Three looks at the man’s hand and looks away “I’m sorry…it's best if you leave me alone this week, get it? I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE!”  SMG4 gets up and places his hand on the wall “SMG3 please, i hate feeling you in pain..i wont judge or hurt you arent we partners?” Three slowly turns to the wall placing his own hand on it, he slightly smiles as he feels the meme energy from the other side.
“I cant…it will ruin everything, so get out of here…baka,” with that he walks into the elevator hoping that Four wouldn't follow him. Four stands there thinking how he could gain Three’s trust, he walks out of the cafe and notices Mario smirking at him. The look sent a chill down his spine “uh Mario why are you looking at me like that?”
Mario hands him a bottle with a strange blue liquid “Is that the…potion?” he looks up to see a mischievous grin grow on his face. Mario’s plan was simple: if both men were under the truth potion then they have no choice but to finally admit how gay they are for each other. Slowly four reach and take the bottle “How..did you get this?” Mario takes out the recipe with a flower missing petals “Mario is very good at cooking!” The choice was now in SMG4 hand, if they both are under the potion  he could understand Three and help him last the week or come up with a plan for them to hunt for a cure. Then again Mario made this, can he really trust this wouldn't kill him or do something worse. As he stares at the potion he remembers the pain he felt from SMG3, closing his eyes he chugs the drink. 
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travalerray · 5 months
Rewatching Mysterious Lotus Casebook 5/40
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the intensity of his expression the moment Di Feisheng comes on screen......The bitter rage....(and perhaps some amount of heartbreak).
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You Sure Did. Might want to name this dog of yours?
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I wonder how he felt all those years....nursing a single hatred even after having given up on the rest. Biqiu? Forgiven. Zijin is barely in the picture. But man. Di Feisheng, who he had some sort of arrangement with, who supposedly went and had his shixiong killed.....and then he finds out that was a lie too. His shixiong isn't even dead. He's alive and he hates him. He has always.....hated him? All this time? What else did he miss?
What other people have been concealing emotions that he never realised?
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.... interesting ranking.
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sometimes you need to become your own matchmaker and cling onto your crush like a leech. Does it work? Well,
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my favourite part about their conversations is when Li Lianhua tells something to Fang Duobing as an advice but you know he's rebuking his own self. Don't trust the wrong person, check the body, you can't live up to the expectations of others, people must learn to forgive themselves....etc.
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Jiao Liqiao......honestly knowing the fact that she was the one who arranged the thundering bombs makes the conversation funnier.
DFS: Did you know about the bombs?
JLQ: Of course, of course! It destroyed parts of both Sigu Sect and Jinyuan Alliance! [Said as I, recall how meticulously I planned my yandere schtick by poisoning and blowing up people]
DFS: *stare*
"Those who betray me will become like these two corpses here, don't you agree" man I know that he doesn't really start to suspect JLQ until a little later but I wonder what he thought of the whole situation. He kills two people suspecting treachery, and perhaps the conversation between him and JLQ is really just to establish his character and to foreshadow her eventual death, but hm. Makes you think about how he trusted only the Four Kings since they established the Jinyuan Alliance together.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
💫rosestarkillerchaser fake dating au!!!💫
raahh i wish i could answer two asks in the same post since i got another ask for this one, but here we are:
ive posted about this au a bit before, though that was less of an in depth explanation as this is going to be lol
so, basically the population of hogwarts are making tons of rumors based on the four of them, stuff about each off of them being involved with each other in one way or another,
here is basically the basis of why these rumors came across:
Barty & James: Theyve been seen leaving parties together and Barty has been seen going to the Marauders dorm room (Barty is actually tutoring James and they will leave parties to walk around and talk because James gets overwhelmed by the noise sometimes)
Evan & Regulus: They are both prefects together and they talk in hushed whispers a lot that people think has tension (They are just close friends and Evan is one of the only people that Regulus doesn't act like he despises talking to, (must be a rosier twin thing))
Barty & Evan: Barty and Evan are almost always seen touching eachother, hand holding, arm around a shoulder, head in laps, etc etc (Barty is a very handsy person and his love language is physical touch, Regulus hates being touched most of the time, but Evan doesn't mind it so Barty usually will cling to him when they're together)
Regulus & James: People suspect something is going on between the two of them because of their sudden friendship & because Regulus always looks very flustered when they talk (Reg & James are partners in their Potions class, (reggie is in the grade above because he's advanced in the subject) and Regulus has no idea how to react to how verbally validating James is and how sweet and kind, so he just goes red and stares at him)
Evan & James: People think they have something going on because Evan is just overly soft and sweet about him, calls him nicknames and pinches his cheeks (Evan does this with all of his friends, but James is just louder & basically the definition of adorable so people notice it more)
Barty & Regulus: They argue all the time but in the way where its incredibly tension filled and Barty will flirt with him all the time and Regulus doesn't punch him so that counts for something (They are just both very bantery and Barty loves making Regulus glare at him when he makes flirty comments)
basically they all find these rumors ridiculous and end up using it for their advantage. Barty comes up with the idea to just confuse the entirety of hogwarts with being fucking impossible,
Barty is doing it mostly to give a huge fuck you to his dad, James thinks this will be the best prank ever, Regulus thinks itd be funny to piss of his brother, and to bring disgrace to his family name, Evan is just...well he's bored so he goes along with it
just picture the hogwarts student body as a huge fandom who have constant ship wars, where the actual people apart of these ships are just laughing at them
but..then the plot twist: they actually start to like eachother,
that starts up the drama because all four of them are like: "this is supposed to be a joke though, this isn't supposed to feel real" and they all think the others think of it as not real, but nope, theyre all gay panicking
plus, bonus points: James didn't even know he liked men before this
oh and, Evan's excuse of him being bored is actually to cover up the fact he's had a crush on basically all three of the them at some point in his life and hes just like: "holy shit this is my time to be y/n"
but anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble abt my stupid little ideas, thanks for the ask and have a good day!!
(original post/list: socks fic ideas )
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euovennia · 2 years
Hi! I have an Oc who is Malaysian so her accent is very heavy. She doesn't have much knowledge about other languages, just English. Then I had an idea.
Could you do something about the reader being the nursing assistant at the base, who is a little shy and decided to learn German on her own just to have some conversation with König, since she always had a crush on him. She is always seen very distracted reading something but no one knows what she reads so much, since she takes care to cover all the German books she has so that no one suspects her sudden interest in the language.
Thank you in advance! 🥰
bless the anon who requested this, i loved writing this out!
warnings: two goofballs being shy bc they're so into each other, not proofread
You're startled by the sound of four incessant knocks bouncing off your door. Your hands grasp onto the old receipt from a grocery run you made just over a week ago that you'd been using as a bookmark and quickly shove it between the pages of your copy of German for the Intermediate. You promptly shut the paperback closed and stack a few files on top of it before getting up from your seat and opening the door to reveal the head nurse and your boss, Juliette. She walks into the small office she'd assigned you and takes a seat on the chair you'd finished sanitizing not too long ago causing you to let out a puff of air in faux annoyance.
"I just got done wiping that down, Jules."
She waves you off as you shut the door and take your seat back at your assigned desk, "I'll wipe it before I go, don't worry."
You cross your legs and give the clock a quick glance before returning your gaze to the woman sat before you, "Everything alright? You look tired."
She quirks a brow, "That your way of saying I look awful?"
Your quick to shake your head, "What? No, of course not! I was just asking because it's only eleven but you look ready to walk out on us."
She looks down at her pants and flicks off a speck of dust you can't even see before responding, "That's because I am."
You straighten out your posture as your interest is piqued, "And why's that?"
She diverts her attention from her pants so she can look at you, "I got word KorTac is on their way back from that mission in Belgium. They've got three GSW's, five knife wounds, and an apparent concussion all on that flight.."
Your brows raise as your stomach falls, "Do you know who has which injuries?"
She shakes her head, "No, but I've been told all wounds have been stabilized by the on board medics. I'm thinking we might just have to stitch them back together once they touch down. We'll see about that concussion once they land."
Your heart rate slows down just a tad as you let out a small sigh of relief, "Well at least that's something, no? Could be a lot worse."
She runs a tired hand through her hair, "I know, I just can't help but think of all the paperwork we'll have to work through cause of it though. Is that messed up?"
You ponder for a moment before answering, "No, I don't think so. We all hate paperwork, but you just so happen to get the majority of it."
"Sometimes I hate myself for accepting that damn promotion," She lets out a wistful sigh, "You think you can take some files off my hands by chance? I'll let you have a day off any day you want."
"No need to bribe me with a day off, Jules. You know I don't mind the extra paperwork," You say with a kind smile.
She lets out a small laugh, "Right, I forgot you actually like paperwork."
You shrug, "It's cathartic."
She eyes you for a few moments and opens her mouth to say something, but is stopped by the sound of her pocket pager going off. She grabs onto it and reads over it for a moment before looking up at you, "They're here."
You lean back in your seat as you release the pen from your cramping hand. Your eyes rake over the now small stack of folders sitting on your desk before drifting over to the digital watch resting on your wrist.
You remain leaned back in your chair staring at different points in your small office for longer than you care to admit before eventually settling your gaze on the book nestled underneath the growing stack of completed files. You reach forward and carefully pull it out before opening up to the page you were on before Juliette knocked at your door. You combed through the words of the pages, soaking up every bit of information you could.
Of course, until there was another knock on your door.
Holding in the small sigh that threatened to spill from your lips, you opened up a drawer in your desk and placed the book inside before shutting it and turning your focus back to the files on your desk, but not before calling out a quick, "Come in!"
You paid no mind to the door as it opened, only bothering to look up from the patient report you were slaving over when the person who had, presumably, walked in didn't say anything. Your eyes widened and your cheeks warmed upon seeing the object of your affections staring down at you with those gorgeous eyes of his. You could only hope you didn't look as love-struck as you felt.
"König," You greeted as you wring your hands together, "What can I do for you?"
His hands moved to pull up his long sleeve where his forearm guards once rested, a small frown coming to tug at the edge of your lips as you're met with a particularly nasty looking cut.
"Miss Young said you could stitch this up for me," He started as he seemed to shift his weight from one foot to another, "I'm sorry if it's a bother, you look busy."
You shut the file on your desk closed before standing up and walking over to the small cabinet filled with medical supplies as you motion for him to take a seat. You grab onto your disinfectant and suture kit before taking a seat in front of him as you speak, "It's not a bother at all, König. I've been working on those for a while now, this is a welcome distraction."
He gives a nod that you don't see, far too wrapped up in tending to his wound, but also a tad nervous that you'd somehow mess up if you dared to sneak a glance at those eyes that plagued your dreams. Still, you can't seem to hold back the question that's been bouncing around your mind for the past few hours.
"Where were you when the rest of KorTac came in?"
You can't see the way his cheeks tinge pink at the sound of your voice cutting through the otherwise silent room.
"I didn't think I was hurt so I went back to my room. I only realized when I stepped out of the shower not long ago."
You try not to think of him in the shower as you thread the needle, but you can't help but take notice of just how good he smells now that he's in such close proximity. You look down at the skin of his exposed forearm before muttering out a small, "Sorry for the pinch," Before reaching forward with steady hands and pinching the needle through his skin. The small hiss of pain from him aches your chest, but you're enamored by just how soft his skin feels against your fingertips.
You're quick to stitch up his wound, even as your mind and body are going haywire from the man sitting before you. You tie a knot into the thread and cut off the excess before looking up at him, "You can get someone to take them out after seven days, should be good as new."
He gulps, "Would it be possible for you to take them out?"
Your heart soars at the prospect of seeing him again, "If you'd like me to."
He nods, "I would."
You smile at him, "Then I'll see you in a week."
You watch as he leaves just a few moments after your short lived interaction. You quickly clean up the supplies you used before settling yourself back into your chair and taking a deep breath, but it doesn't do much to calm your frazzled nerves because you can still smell traces of his shampoo in the air.
The seven days pass by much slower than you'd anticipated, but it gives you more than enough time to move on from your copy of German for the Intermediate to your copy of German for the Advanced. Which, is what you're currently catching up on before your door flings open. You jolt in your seat as you toss the book to the corner of your desk haphazardly as your eyes fly over to the sudden intrusion where you see Juliette standing there with a sheepish smile on her face.
You let out a small sigh before running your hand over your face, "You scared me."
She takes a seat, "I'm sorry! I just wanted to ask if you were gonna cash in that day off any time soon."
You give her a playful eye roll as you speak, "You've been bugging me about this the entire week. I'm starting to think you don't like me."
She waves you off, "As if. You're easily the most competent person around here, I'd probably drown if you weren't around."
Your brows furrow in confusion, "Then why ask so much?"
She shrugs, "I don't know. I just figure most people would've cashed it in by now, you're making me think you like working just a little too much."
"I just don't see a need to have a day off, I like my job."
"But that's not the point! You rarely ever take a day off and you're always more than happy to come into work if I ever have to call you in. Everyone needs a break, even people who like their job, don't you think?"
You open your mouth to respond, but stop when you see König poke his head though the opening of the door that Juliette hadn't closed all the way, but upon seeing the two of you wrapped up in a conversation he seems to falter.
"I'm sorry, I can come back–"
Juliette stands up and opens the door for him before he can finish his sentence.
"No need, I was just asking a question and I got my answer. Feel free to take her," She says before moving past König with a kind smile.
You try not to get too giddy with the fact that Juliette showed herself out before König could scurry away from your office. You'd been eager to see him.
"Take a seat, I just need to grab some tweezers and a pair of scissors."
He nods before occupying the seat Juliette once had before you return with the aforementioned supplies. You sit before him much like you had a week ago and watch as he lifts up his black long sleeve once more. You lean forward to get a closer look, your heartrate picking up as the smell of his shampoo completely overrides your senses. Much like last week, you make quick work of undoing his stiches and discarding the supplies.
You look up at him with an almost shy smile, "Seems like you're all set now...Unless you needed something else?"
He seems to ponder over your words for few moments before giving a hesitant shake of his head, "No I...I think I'm okay."
You give him a small nod, "Okay then...I think you're good to go."
You watch as his shoulders fall slightly and you're so close to slamming your head against your desk. You've practically kicked him out of your office despite waiting for him to stop by all week. You watch with remorseful eyes as he gives a quick nod before standing up and walking over to your door. You're desperate for him to stay, even for just a few minutes longer so you blurt out, "Schönen Tag König."
You watch with nervous eyes as he whips his head around and looks at you, a glimmer of curiosity shining in his eyes.
"You...You know German?"
Your heart nearly bursts at how shy he sounds.
You gulp as you reach out for the book you tossed aside earlier with a shaky hand, "I've been practicing," You admit as you hand it over to him.
He opens up the book and he finds himself completely mesmerized by the amount of annotations and highlights decorating the pages. He runs a careful finger over your loopy handwriting as he soaks in this newfound knowledge before closing the book and looking over at you who is not sporting a blush on your cheeks, "Why did you want to learn?"
"For you," You quietly admit.
His body warms at your admission, "For me?"
You nod, "I know there's not really anyone else on base who speaks it and I," You let out a small breath to calm your racing heart, "I just thought you'd like to have someone to speak to in your mother tongue."
His lips stretch into a small smile as his eyes bounce between you and the book in his hands. You had just made this so much easier for him.
"Well...If you're tired of reading from a book, maybe I could help teach you?"
Your head snaps up at his words, "You'd do that?"
He nods as he tries to resist the urge to sweep you into his arms, "I always wanted to ask you to out, but I never had a good reason."
You stand up from your seat and walk over to him as you look up into his eyes, "You never needed a reason."
He lets out a shaky breath as he tries to process your close proximity, "I didn't want to make any assumptions," He supplies lamely.
Upon seeing his obvious hesitance, you can feel a surge of confidence bubble up inside you as you reach out for his hand and interlace your fingers, "I would've said yes no matter what."
He's so entranced he can barely think straight, "But your job...It keeps you busy, no?"
Your eyes sparkle, "I think I can manage to get a day off."
That's all he needs to hear.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Undercover investigating as the local bully is yielding mixed results. Can't say I'm surprised. Probably should have seen that coming.
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This. Presents. A conundrum. There are four notable lockers in here, one for each major girl. Presumably intended to be opened as each particular girl.
This one is Karen's.
Okay. So. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad of an idea would it be for me to have Desuhiko turn me into Karen so I can open this locker? Is that a good idea? Super good?
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Well, while we mull that over, let's check out Waruna's locker. See if there's anything suspicious in there.
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Hmm... This could have information from six months ago, about Aiko's death. I want in. I want to know what Waruna thought about that event.
Dammit, if only I could rifle through my own pockets and find things that the true Waruna has on her person. But Desuhiko's powers aren't that perfect, it seems.
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Oooo. That is incriminating. Waruna shuffling the glasses slowly seems to imply that she was slipping the poison in while she was doing it.
Doesn't make a lot of sense that she would but it's a fair argument that she did, and did takes priority over would. Okay. Waruna's beginning to emerge as the prime suspect, overtaking Yoshiko.
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So apparently Yoshiko had a huge crush on Aiko, according to the high school rumor mill. If Karen killed Aiko, that would give Yoshiko a motive to kill her in retaliation.
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Weird thing to do but it doesn't imply murder.
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Okay good, we do get to try on different personas.
Let's do Yoshiko next. Everyone will be eager to talk to the bubbly and selfless production assistant, who cares more about the group than herself!
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Maeve Rojas Rant
I read One Of Us Is Lying before I watched the TV show so I had a good understanding of the plot and the mystery. Unpopular opinion, but I actually don't mind Cooper's secret being revealed earlier in the story. In fact, I don't mind a lot of the changes they made because I think they separated the book from the TV show really well. The one change that I didn't necessarily like was the complete change of one character, who you've probably guessed from the title, is Maeve Rojas.
(in case you couldn't tell, spoilers for One Of Us Is Lying)
Maeve Rojas is Bronwyn Rojas's younger sister. In the book, she is only a year younger, I'm pretty sure, and her main role in the book is to be a supportive little sister. I like that they made her role more prominent in the show, but it saddens me the way they decided to do so.
One Of Us Is Lying is a very dark, heavy-themed book. It covers neglectful families, abusive relationships, drug abuse, coming out, etc etc. The whole shabang. Not to mention the entire book is centered around four characters who are the prime suspects in a murder investigation. Everybody is feeling anxious and gloomy in some way. In my opinion, when Maeve was a happy, supportive teenage girl who just wanted what was best for her sister, she offered a break from all of the heartbreak and drama. In the book, she's spunky and kind. Bronwyn still tries to baby her and protect her, but Maeve doesn't lash out in any way like she does in the TV show. I believe that her TV persona isn't a good portrayal of her character because it all just feels so aggressive. Bronwyn is a character who already has a good deal of angst with her Yale aspirations conflicting with her feelings for Nate. Maeve acts as a good contrast to Bronwyn, adding some lightheartedness into Bronwyn's character. It gives her a soft spot.
I do enjoy how Maeve was given the role of computer genius(I can't remember if she was in the book) and I like how she helped them more but I just think the change in her character was completely unnecessary. If anything, they could have had her character start out spunky and sly and then as she gets more and more affected by the trauma of the events of the story, have her be a little more subdued.
Season 3 was canceled, so we'll never know what the show was going to do for her character, but if they made her a villain in any way, it would have been much more interesting if she was the last person you'd think to be a murderer. I like her betrayal of Murder Club at the end of Season 2 because it makes her character a little more interesting other than annoying angsty little sister. The fandom is kind of divided when it comes to opinions on her support of Fiona. I personally believe that she was in the wrong to go behind Murder Club's backs, because like Janae said, she almost got Addy and the rest of them killed. I do agree that Maeve had a point though because the plan wouldn't have worked without Fiona's fingerprints on the gun. I also like Bronwyn's comparison of herself to her sister. I think it was an interesting detail to give Bronwyn and Maeve the same "god-complex" but for the two sisters to portray in different ways. It was really interesting.
Not related to what I was saying earlier, but Maeve and Janae seemed really unnecessary as well just because the writers have seemed to acknowledge how much chemistry Janae and Addy have, so I don't understand Maeve and Janae as a couple because in my opinion, they didn't have anything in common or any directly contrasting aspects of their respective personalities that would have made the ship interesting. I do like that Janae had a crush on Maeve, but her reciprocating that attraction feels forced. Janae was right. Maeve was probably projecting her feelings for Simon onto Janae.
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twoofcupstarot · 11 months
Hello! I hope your having a wonderful day!☀️ Could I please request a tarot reading if you have the time? I would really appreciate some clarity on how my crush M ♏ feels about me? Is there anything romantic there or just he see me purely as a friend? I've known him for a few months and feel a strong attraction from my end, but I do hope it's both ways 🥹 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! ♥️🌷
~SRK ♉♊
Hi! Thanks for your ask, this is the reading I got.
Five of Swords (CB Reverse Four of Cups)
Wheel of Fortune (CB The Devil)
Queen of Swords (CB Ace of Wands)
BOD Knight of Wands Reversed (CB Ten of Cups)
I think so this person may indeed have feelings for you.
It seems this person is now just breaking free of a toxic situation that wasn't serving them. I suspect it may have been another romantic matter, but it doesn't have to be. In any case, things weren't going very well for them for a while, and it was causing them to hold back in their romantic life. They're finally starting to break free from this and try things from a new angle. This person though... I feel like they're out of touch with their heart and spirit... It's like they come towards matters of the heart with so much cold logic they don't know how to use their intuition to their own benefit. I think they desperately want a fulfilling love life, but they keep falling into these cycles of mistakes.
The presence of the Wheel of Fortune in the middle gives me that impression. My books description goes into how it represents how what goes up must come down, and vise versa. The left side has a heavier defeated feeling and the right side has a more refreshing hopeful one. It's almost as if they've repeated this cycle a few times and may continue to repeat it again with their recklessness. That's just a theory though, and there's an entire possibility that if it's true they can break out of this cycle soon. I don't get the impression that this connection is hopeless, just that this person keeps making a lot of mistakes. But they're also trying to move forward! There's just a sense of a truth that they need to face to change the energy of their love life to a more positive one. I think their mind, body, heart, and spirit all need to come together into alignment.
Best of Luck- and remember, nothing is set in stone, energy is always changing, and you have free will.
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Once more into the fray...
Mind is doing its 'lil jigg again, making me overanalyze and overthink things. I wonder if maybe I'm simply love-starved, if that's why my mind keeps deciding I should catch these half-crushes.
Before I get into the details. I shall define what I mean by a half-crush, I'm not actually into these people, I think. These half-crushes happen when I for whatever reason begin to suspect that someone may have some kind of feelings for me. I'm fundamentally aware that in actuality it's highly unlikely that there are any feelings from the other person's side. Since my mind has decided that one of my friends might like me, it then gets this somewhat awkward feeling while interacting with them. I don't change my way of interacting with them, but I read into their actions and get this somewhat excited feeling about interacting with them.
Now that we now what kind of half-crushes I'm catching, I shall explain what's going on right now.
I've this friend, and she's a great friend, one of the first people I came out to and one of the top two most supportive about it. She also used to be a classmate and I had a crush on her when we were both like 14-15, though to be fair I had crushes on almost all the girls I interacted with regularly so that means nothing. I've been entirely over her for years, and I really don't think we would make a good couple, probably. Add to this the fact she's in a long-term relationship with her boyfriend, who she lives with. And the fact I'm a trans woman, pre-transition but still, and for all I know she's into guys. Altogether I've never entertained seeing her in any light besides that of a friend. "She's a good friend but I wouldn't want to date her" I would have said a week ago, and I'm not saying I now disagree, I don't know.
So what happened with this friend? Well there was this gathering, with four friends and I, at my home. We ate good food, drank some alkohol and hung out, it was great. In the last, roughly, hour of the night I had two thirds of a wine bottle since no one else liked the wine. Unsurprisingly for the light-weight that I am I got quite drunk. But this isn't actually the part that matters. The thing that made my mind flip out was the fact that this friend got touchy, with me specifically, she grabbed my arm multiple times during the night and held it for multiple seconds each time. Something she has never done before. Now the logical reasoning here, which I myself came up with while being the drunkest I've ever been (not saying much), is just that she gets touchy when wine-drunk and I was the only one within reach. But another part of my mind is naturally spinning up a storm, maybe I'm just touch-starved.
What past happenings is my mind latching onto? For one her boyfriend seems to see me as a bit of a threat, which when I joked about it at one point she basically said "yeah, it sort of seems that way". She also greeted me with "hey hottie" at one point when I was to drive her and her boyfriend somewhere, which I pretended not to notice because it made me somewhat uncomfortable since I have zero interest in stepping on her boyfriend's toes. Regardless of the consequences, I had no interest in being even remotely flirty with someone who is taken. She has also complained about her boyfriend to me multiple times, and at at least one time said I'm more interesting to talk to. Altogether somewhat uncomfortable behavior, which I've shared with a mutual friend who agreed.
Like, she's cool but I hope she doesn't have feelings for me. For the sake of her boyfriend and the fact that I doubt I would even enjoy dating her. Another excuse I'm lathing onto is that maybe she is just beginning to see me as more of a fellow girl, maybe this is just the way girls are and she is including me in it. And I'm unused to it since I've been raised male. I hope that is the case. But my mind is spinning, imagining a future I don't think I would even actually like where in multiple years we end up together. Altogether this is all very inconvenient, I hope my mind gets over this half-crush.
She is also planning to get me shit-faced drunk at some point, or at least she was during the gathering. For the simple reasoning that it would be fun and I haven't had that experience yet. A part of me fears she is trying to get me drunk with some ulterior motive, though I don't think she would ever do that.
And thus, my ramblings conclude for the moment, I'm very tired. It'll be interesting to read this back later.
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guestfriendship · 2 years
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Deleting my dating apps as a form of self-care
Listen, I know you're rolling your eyes at this post because – duh. I don't know, is it obvious that dating apps are bad for you? But like aside from the usual suspects as to why dating apps ruin your life (they make you feel bad about yourself and hyper sexualized, you only meet duds, etc), I am finding that the biggest benefit has been not feeling like I have to be dateable ALL the time.
For four years, I have been living under constant threat of a date. The thinking was: At any given moment, the love of my life could demand a date tonight, tomorrow or in several days, and I had to be ready.
If you're thinking that doesn't sound insanely stressful, you are wrong. Like, having to constantly watch my weight, wash my hair and be otherwise presentable is a fucking nightmare. And I've been living under these conditions for four. long. years.
I may be bored, but at least I am free.
I may feel unloveable, but at least I can come home and be the disgusting feral rodent that I am.
Also, I was telling Bestie Kalani that I feel like I'm returning to a person who I used to be. Like, yes I feel ugly because I currently receive zero male attention. But I don't know. Now, I see men in the wild, at the cafe where I work, and the urgency is like, gone.
In other words, there's more a space, in my brain, for little crushes on everyone that don't have to end in *love.
*read: heartbreak disaster and trauma
Hopefully one day soon, I can be one of those people who has platonic friendships with hot men. That is my real goal right now. Who needs a boyfriend when you can talk to hotties by day and binge-watch Girls, binge drink Diet Coke and write really pathetic blogs by night. Not me!
I know that sounds a bit like "the lady doth protest too much," but I mean it. I mean sometimes I feel deeply lonely, but not as much as I feel deeply happy that I get to choose what I eat for dinner every night. And sometimes that is a rice cake with butter on it, and that is not something you can eat when a boy is watching. Because then he would be like fully disgusted and find some dumbass reason to dump you like, "I'm not looking for a relationship right now," which is actually code for "I'm not looking for a relationship with you, specifically, ever, specifically."
I digress. Anyway, I am going to go back to my peaceful evening of being a total slob and no one, not even the love of my life, can stop me.
Tonight, anyway ;)
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linawritestwst · 2 years
I was wondering if you could write pining headcanons for the heartslabyul group(them being the ones to pine after their crush plz) (also since ur limit is 4 you could take cater out)
heartslabyul pining headcanons (gn!reader)
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✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
your request is okay, anon! my limit is four characters, but i'm okay with doing more for specific character groups, like dorm leaders or dorm members!
riddle rosehearts.
♡ this boy.. he has no experience with romance and relationships at all! what is he supposed to do with these feelings? he just feels so.. weird when you're around! and he realized that what he's feeling is love only when he asked trey about it. and learning that didn't make it easier. in fact, it only made everything worse, riddle didn't know what to do when he's in love with someone!
♡ riddle wanted to hide these feelings and he hoped that they would go away. what if these feelings for you distract him from his dorm leader responsibilities? or you don't feel the same? he was sure that you didn't love him back. you two are just friends, nothing more! he doesn't want to believe that you can possibly love him too, because.. he doesn't want to be disappointed when he hears the opposite.
♡ other heartslabyul students notice that riddle has been acting kinda strange lately. he didn't pay that much attention to people breaking the rules, others often found him deep in thought about something or someone and something just felt.. weird? when some of them find out about riddle's feelings, THEY ARE SHOCKED. their strict and serious dorm leader?? has a crush on someone?? oh, but when the shock goes away, they would never shut up about it, especially ace and cater.
♡ riddle wants these feelings to go away, but also.. he acts nicer to you, he keeps inviting you to walk with him in a garden or drink tea with him, he offers you his help with homework.. why is he doing that? he wanted to avoid you, he wanted to forget about this huge crush he had on you, but he couldn't.
ace trappola.
♡ ace would definitely be that type of guy who teases his crush more to get their attention. but at the same time, it feels like he becomes softer around you? you notice that he blushes more often and he keeps asking you to spend more time with him. wanna go to this cool place cater's been talking about? it's not like ace actually thinks it's cool, but he wants to go there with you, because you make everything fun.. you haven't heard that from him!
♡ ace would also think that deuce is his rival and he would fight with him to get your attention. deuce would just be like "??" what did he do wrong? he was just helping you, why is ace so mad? but honestly, ace would fight anyone for your attention. you're just so nice, you have so many friends, what if someone will steal you away?
♡ but on a more sad note, ace would understand you not loving him back. after all, he is kinda mean sometimes, so you would probably not want a boyfriend like him. he keeps trying to cheer himself up and think something like "y/n is totally in love with me!" but he's actually.. not so sure about it.
deuce spade.
♡ HELP HE'S EVEN WORSE THAN RIDDLE. what is he supposed to do?? deuce is different from riddle though, because he kinda suspects that it's a crush, but it doesn't make the situation better. he just hopes that ace doesn't find out. NO HE HAS TO DO EVERYTHING HE CAN SO THAT ACE WON'T FIND OUT.
♡ deuce would try to ask for help anyway, like maybe he would ask his mom or trey. (everyone just goes to trey, like he's an expert in this kind of stuff, but no, he's just heartslabyul's only braincell) deuce's mom would be very excited to hear that her son has a crush on someone and would try to help him. trey would also support him!
♡ like riddle, he tries to help you out with anything you have trouble with. you have to carry these heavy books? let him help! a device that you own broke? maybe he can fix it! he just really wants to show you that you can trust him and rely on him! also hearing "thank you" from you feels nice..
♡ he hopes that you will accept him despite his past as a delinquent. he wants to be a good boyfriend for you, he will understand if you don't love him back, but.. he just really hopes you will give him a chance, even if he was not the best person in the past and he has zero experience with dating.
cater diamond.
♡ this guy. he gets hit with feelings for you and he's that type who thinks it's better to avoid you so that he could stop feeling this way AND HE ACTUALLY DOES AVOID YOU. he stops talking to you, he walks away every time he sees you and he pretends to be busy every time you invite him to go somewhere together.
♡ cater doesn't want to have these feelings for you. they're distracting, they're annoying, they're tearing him apart, he doesn't want to have a crush on someone. why should he? he knows that you don't love him anyway or you love only his fake persona. but he can't even say that you wouldn't love real cater because.. at this point he's not sure who real cater is and what his personality is like.
♡ he might snap at you, if you continue to try and talk to him. why do you like him so much? can't you see that he's actually not this cheerful and fun-loving guy that he tries to be? you're not gonna be happy with him, leave him alone. but when you actually listen to him and do what he asked, he feels weird. he asked you to leave him alone, so why does he can feel his heart breaking when he sees you walking away?
trey clover.
♡ this guy would try to help all other heartslabyul boys that i've mentioned before, but he also has no idea what to do when he catches feelings for you. they distract him from helping riddle and others and people notice that he's been acting strange lately. however, trey is good at hiding his feelings.
♡ he's also that type that helps you with anything you need, but he does that all the time, so again, it's not that suspicious. it gets suspicious when trey's smile disappears after he hears you say how much you enjoy spending time with someone. but it disappears only for a second and he says "i'm glad to hear that. it's good that you're so close with other students."
♡ he wants to be a good partner for you and he really does love you, but he's not sure if you feel the same. and he doesn't want to confess to you yet, what if you feel like you absolutely have to accept his feelings? you're a really kind person and you don't like to hurt others, so trey wouldn't be surprised if you agreed to date him only because you don't want to make him sad.
♡ trey would prefer to wait a bit before confessing to you. maybe his feelings will go away eventually? though something tells him that they most likely won't. but for now, he'll just continue to act like he was before and treat you the same. maybe if you're lucky, you will notice that it has become easier for you to fluster trey now.
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columboscreens · 2 years
i gotta say i disagree wholeheartedly with people calling columbo a himbo. did we watch the same show? the whole point is that he’s smart and clever, he’s not just stumbling into the solutions for cases he solves them with his huge brain!!
you're absolutely right! though he is a little bit of a himbo. i'll explain.
a friend of mine recently told me about how their film professor said in earnest that columbo was just a Dumb Guy, only solving cases by sheer luck. now aside from the fact that you're beyond not qualified to teach a film class if you think that, it goes to show how some viewers genuinely fall for the bumbling act--not usually the most discerning amongst them, but viewers nonetheless. really more than anything, it's a testament to peter falk's acting and superior treatment of the character.
i think generally though, most people do understand that columbo is "actually smart". it's that they don't always appreciate just how capable he is and/or why.
there are lots of little ingredients involved, but the primary recipe to columbo's brilliance lies in his striking blend of intuition (empathy, manipulation, common sense), "fluid intelligence" (logic, strategy, problem solving), and most importantly, insatiable curiosity.
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as @nonbinarycolumbo put it: he has to be nice or else he'd be killed for being annoying like socrates
his most well-worn trick is simply the socratic method. he will ask questions until he is blue in the face. anyone can be naturally astute or street smart; columbo is more than that. he is a philosopher at heart and this is where his true strength lies--in his tenacity and desire for truth, his insistence on inquiry until sound resolution.
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the guy also genuinely loves to learn something new. when he needs to learn more to keep up with the killer, he enters autodidact mode. wine, art, photography, bullfighting, it doesn't matter. he is a diligent student who will sit there and hit the books and learn about anything he puts his mind to. part of the joy of each episode is seeing him in different elements, learning.
without fail, every murderer who even approaches his caliber of intellect comes to acknowledge and on some level appreciate this. they're the ones who realize too late that it was all but a game of chess--incidentally, falk himself was an avid chess player.
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anyway, the real beauty of it all is that columbo clearly knows his merits--he bashfully shies away from revealing his IQ despite crushing every puzzle thrown at him--he just attributes his success almost entirely to his rational, methodical nature and love of learning, rather than to any of his more innate gifts.
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THAT SAID, to explain why some people call him a himbo. i do maintain that while he may not BE one proper, he has...qualities, like many exceptional minds:
utter mess, loses things constantly (even when alone)
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easily distracted
easily lost
often late
likely not the best with money (mentions on multiple occasions to non-suspects that his wife handles taxes, finances, budgets, etc.)
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admits several times to having struggled in school
can't spell or pronounce for shit (in hand w/academic struggle)
bimbo driver. causes like four car accidents over the show's run
subpar technological aptitude
not inherently a flaw of course, but is clearly some flavor(s) of neurodivergent (adhd, autistic, whatever, pick your poison)
so yes, he may be only pretending to not know how to pronounce "fibrillation", but there's no denying that these are all real flaws central to his character, mistakes he DOES make even when no one else is around. he's self-aware and a master manipulator, why wouldn't he tell the easiest and most sustainable lies of them all: about that which already comes naturally to him?
tl;dr, he's foremost a brilliant mind but does have himbo-like tendencies which he plays up to seem actually ditzy. exceptional genius detectives are a dime a dozen, but columbo being one who's also a crumpled mess who can't spell is part of what makes him Him.
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his-breath-catches · 2 years
GO GO GO, tell me about the byclair headcanon!!!!
what you need to know because this takes place in my fic, is that mike wheeler has kissed a boy before but will hasn't or so we thought
"So is it better than a girl?" Mike asked, a smile on his now-reddened lips.
"What do you mean?"
"Kissing, uh, kissing a boy," Mike said, blushing even harder than he had been when he finally kissed the boy he's loved for years.
Now it was Will's turn to blush.
"You're not the first boy I kissed," he said.
"What?" Mike was taken aback.
"Yeah it was, uh, a while ago though," said Will a bit more shyly.
"Who?" Mike needed to know.
"It was years ago, it doesn't matter," said Will.
"Do I know him?" Mike asked. He quickly went through every single boy in their junior class and which ones could be gay. There was one or two that tucked their shirts in just a certain way that made Mike suspect.
"Uh, yeah, kinda," Will said. He took a deep breath. "Lucas."
Neither of them had ever kissed a boy.
Will had liked boys (or one boy) for years, and Lucas had definitely had crushes on boys before. And this particular night had found the two of them sitting cross-legged on Lucas's carpeted bedroom floor, poring over comics.
"Have you ever wanted to kiss a boy?" Lucas asked, cutting through the comfortable silence.
"Well, I mean yeah, but how different can it be from girls, right?"
Both of them had kissed girls before. Throughout sophomore year, Will had had a few (temporary) girlfriends, and Lucas had of course been dating Max off and on (they were broken up at the moment).
"Right. Right. It's just that, we both like boys, right?" Will nodded. "Max broke up with me again, and you have nothing going for you right now, so we might as well, right?"
Lucas was blushing like crazy, but he was able to hide it a lot better than Will, who was also beginning to entertain the idea of kissing a boy.
"Are you for real, Lucas?" Will asked, scared that somehow, in some cruel twisted way, Lucas was messing with him.
"One hundred percent," he said with the faux confidence of a star athlete.
"Your parents aren't home, and Erica's at Tina's," Will said, building to a point.
"What are you suggesting?"
"Your dad has beer in the garage, right?"
Their eyes met, a mischievous glance shared between these two lifelong friends.
Fifteen minutes later, a six-pack rifled from the old fridge in the Sinclairs' garage on the carpet in between them.
Lucas had downed a beer, and was now finishing Will's. Will was a lightweight. Go figure.
Both a little tipsy, they looked at each other, sharing a reassuring look.
"And we're sure?"
"We're sure," Lucas responded, then leaned in and kissed Will.
Will might have had a bit of a crush on Lucas back in the day. It was just a childhood crush, though. Lucas was the fastest runner out of the four of them and he had the biggest comic collection. What a dreamboat.
And now, more than a little bit drunk, they were kissing.
This was Will's first time kissing a boy. And Jesus Christ, it was amazing.
Lucas's lips on his, Lucas's hands quickly reaching to Will's back, pulling him closer. Holy shit, were they making out?
His hands somehow knew what to do, on Lucas's waist, pulling them together.
The beer impaired his judgement. That was the sole reason for Will pulling Lucas practically on top of him, to the point where they were lying down, making out on the carpet.
Okay, maybe Will was drunker than he realized. And Lucas was too. And now Lucas was straddled over Will, lying down, tugging at the hem of Will's shirt.
Will let Lucas's deceptively soft hands slip under his shirt as Lucas continued to kiss him. Lucas's tongue inside his mouth. What was going through Lucas's mind?
Damn, Will was a good kisser. No wonder all the girls at school liked him.
Like, obsessively. After he moved back, the mean notes in his locker turned into phone numbers written in glitter gel pen, notes in loopy cursive asking him out. And now Lucas saw why.
Going into this experience, he was genuinely curious as to what kissing a boy was like. He had only ever kissed Max, and she was amazing at it, but she was only one person. And now he was broken up, drunk, and making out with his best friend.
Will tasted like an awkward combination of cherry chapstick and beer. He broke the kiss, just for a moment, to smile at Lucas. His lips were red and swollen from kissing and he was breathing heavily.
They smiled at each other, then burst in to giggles, Lucas rolling off of Will so now they were lying side by side.
"Kissing girls sucks," Will said, after.
"Agreed," said Lucas, even though he didn't believe it.
For the rest of the evening, they read comics and watched movies and laughed and laughed. They had fun. They were best friends who loved each other enough to get drunk and make out because where else in Hawkins, Indiana did you get the chance to kiss a boy just to see what it was like.
They had been through hell together, and now they were reaping the rewards in the form of casual, comfortable moments like these.
"Mike doesn't have to know about this, right?" Will asked, and they both knew they would never hear the end of it if Mike found out about them kissing, much less Dustin or Max.
"Right. Spit swear," Lucas said, spitting into his palm and outstretching his arm to Will.
"Gross," Will said plainly, but spit in his own palm and shook.
For once, they had a secret that was just for them, just for fun, that wouldn't end the world.
"Mike, it was a long time ago," Will said defensively, although he was trying to fight back a laugh as Mike reacted to this news.
"I mean, I get it, but Lucas?" said Mike, still fuming.
"We were drunk, it was years ago," Will stated.
"The summer after sophomore year! That was like, barely a year ago!" said Mike, and he was right. The leaves on the trees were only just turning to a deep red, striking yellow.
Will blushed.
"Do you- do you still like him?"
"No, no, no, I mean, I haven't liked him since fourth grade," Will said.
"So you guys have always been just friends?" Mike asked tentatively.
"Are we, I mean, are we just friends?"
"Mike," Will said softly, before reaching his head up to kiss him.
A blush spread quickly across Mike's cheeks as Will pulled him closer.
They weren't just friends.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 3 years
other 22 blupjeans?
22. "We'd make such a cute couple."
"Barry," Lup said, the most serious he had ever heard her. "I need you to take me to the prom."
"Wh- what?" Barry asked, flushing. "What???"
"Listen," Lup said, taking his hands. "I have a plan."
Was Barry sick? He felt sick, all of a sudden. He was ninety percent sure this was a fever dream. Granted, he hadn't felt sick a few minutes before. He and Lup had been sitting on top of the brick wall that boarded their high school, watching as everyone started leaving school after the last bell had rung. As seniors, they both had their last period off.
And it was good, doing his homework next to Lup. Or at least pretending to do his homework while he subtlety looked at her out of the corner of his eye. In a non-creepy way. To be fair, she had been staring a few times too. Barry tried not to think about that. She had probably been staring to make sure he wasn't staring, which was perfectly okay.
But then she had actually looked up at him and said things and ughghhhhh Barry was so deep down into crush town, he was suffering. He couldn't tell Lup he liked her, because that would ruin their friendship, and if he ruined their friendship, then that's like, four of his other friendships ruined because of course everyone would side with Lup, she was perfect-
"Taako's gonna ask Kravitz to go with him tomorrow," Lup said urgently. "So I need to be there to make sure neither of them kills each other. Or kisses each other. I don't know which one is worse."
"Kill- kills each other?" Barry got out and Lup nodded gravely, like this whole thing made sense. Maybe it did. Something about being around Lup made his brain go stupid.
"They might," Lup said. "Like, six months ago Taako was like "oh I hate Kravitz, he's the worse" and now he's like "Lup, how well do you think Kravitz kisses?" Like, I don't know Taako! I don't want to know! You shouldn't want to know, you broke his nose! Barry, tell me, if you liked someone, would you break their nose?"
"If they asked me to?" Barry said, still blushing very much.
"If they- yeah, but he- he didn't!" Lup said. "And I don't understand why Kravitz doesn't understand that! He's an asshole, Barry. He stole first chair from me."
At the start of the school year, the orchestra director had reorganized the chair order to account for skill. Lup had been the violin section's first chair for the past three years. This year, Kravitz had transferred to their school and taken the first spot. Barry, personally, thought Lup should have it. But Kravitz was good. Lup said Kravitz was good, even if it was begrudgingly.
"So," Lup pressed on. "I need to go to Prom to make sure he hasn't like- cast a spell on Taako or whatever. And I'd go with like, a friend group, except everyone has already got a date-" this was true, their friend group had been very quick to all pair up with someone. Except for Barry and Lup. "But you don't and I'd rather not be a third wheel all night so I'm asking you. We'd- we'd make such a cute couple, so it's perfect! No one would suspect a thing!"
Lup was flushed by the end of her speech. Barry assumed it was from how passionate she was about it.
"That makes sense," he said. "I- yeah, Lup, I'd- I'd love to go to Prom with you." God, even the words made him flustered. But he had to ignore it, because Lup swept him into a big hug, nearly toppling them off the wall. When she pulled back, she was grinning, eyes sparkling.
"You've got no idea how much this means to me, Barry," she said, sounding tearful. "Should we bring stakeout things? D'you think they'd let me bring binoculars to Prom?"
"Um," Barry said. "We can try?"
"I like your spirit," Lup said, nodding determinedly. "We're gonna save Taako."
"Yeah," Barry said, transfixed by the passion in her voice.
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👀 So... Nightshade for... YOU THOUGHT IT WAS PUCCI BUT IT WAS I! Weather Report
But fr why is there so many good yan prompt for pucci 😭
Srry about that I have no chill with this man you know that. ANYWHO this has been through like four rewrites ever since I saw this ask but hey, last night I struck gold and got this bit on paper! I talk a big game but this is actually my first time writing yandere content so I hope you enjoy 🙏
Electric Love
(I rlly wanted to write some more so this fic could go with the title better but I got too excited and wanted to post it now
WARNINGS (pay attention please): Torture, waterboarding, "cheating", this starts off pretty messed up I'm just saying. Also not beta read
Trashy rave music vibrated against the bar's walls and could still be heard from outside, as Weather Report escorted his lady down the sidewalk. The woman in her leather jacket used him as a crutch, as her giggling fit had her tilting this way and that. With a sly smirk to his face, he used the momentum to throw himself and his date into a nearby alley, pushing her into the wall just the slightest. The impact brought a gasp from her lips. She had to look up to see his face from the angle. His electric blue eyes stared her down with a sinister glaze over them. She has to admit, such a soft spoken man taking a turn, sizing her up like a piece of meat was a turn on for her.
"I had a great time with you tonight." He whispered to her, words landing soft on her ear like clouds. The analogy, paired with his nickname made her giggle.
His lips trailed up her neck to her ear, his plump lips hitting her skin. "I don't want to leave you. Not yet."
"Weather Report~," She moaned back. Her dainty little arms wrapping around his neck, fingers gliding through his short cut hair and knocking off his hat. "Join me at my place tonight, why don't you? It doesn't have to end just yet." Her lips touched his neck, burning like acid. The man in blue let her hear his soft sound of arousal, egging her on more. "I'm afraid not. If I'm not at Y/n's apartment when she gets off work, she'll suspect something."
"That's too bad~." Cassidy whined. "Tell her off, tell her she's being too needy. I want you now." The red head's teeth nibbled at his taut skin. A stray hand ghosting up his thigh made Weather Report stiffen. Her devilish hand was already trying to undo his pants right there in that dirty alley.
"Careful there," He warned lowly. "You don't know what I'm capable of."
"But I want to," Cassidy murmured, mistaking his venom for lust. "Show me, weather boy. Don't make a girl beg, unless you're into that~."
He left her neck. He let her see his smile. But there was no love behind it. A hand shot up to her unattended throat, catching her off guard for just a moment before she had the idea of what he was doing.
She pushed into his hold, letting the older man see her breathless, lustful face, with cheeks burning red like her hair.
Her lungs burned, but she craved more of his rough approach. A quiet man with a kinky side, what wasn't to like?
Until she realized this wasn't normal. Choking was exciting and harsh but it shouldn't leave your insides burning like this. She pushed and pulled at his hands but he didn't budge a bit.He just looked on with that happy, electric smile. Only once tears began to stream from her eyes like twin waterfalls did he finally let go. She collapsed immediately to the filthy ground, sputtering and heaving water from her lips.
"C...Can't. breath.!" The read head wretched. She coughed out, "What's..happening?!"
She noticed the third pair of feet down there. She trailed them up legs, standing behind Weather Report was something else. Something unworldly, with inhuman spikes and glowing eyes and radiating enough negative energy to where it was crushing.
"What the hell is that?!" She shrieked, orange eyes wide with horror.
Weather Report took his eyes off his hand, the one holding her neck before, to gaze back at his Stand. How curious.
"This is Weather Report, my Stand. It can control the weather's elements, but that had to've been obvious." He drawled. "You see, I don't remember my past, my memories were taken from me years, and years ago. My original plan was to deprave you of oxygen. But just then, your lungs began to fill up with water. It's so bizarre, it's something I've never done before, and yet," His teeth bared in anger, his hand twisted into a fist at his side. "It feels so nostalgic.
"This past year I've been out of prison, I've only walked aimlessly, waiting for something to overtake me, even death was welcomed. Until I found Y/n. She made everything seem a little less worse. Days were brighter... but, looking on that, that was probably my Stands work. Even now, whenever she leaves work, I always try to give her the brightest suns after rainfall, whenever I'm there with her... I love Y/n, and I'd do anything for her, if she only asked."
His eyes fell on the pathetic state at his feet. Like lightning, something sparked behind his eyes.
"But sometimes, I have to bring matters into my own hands, without her say."
Cassidy cried out as Weather Report's hand wrapped around strands of hair, raising her up to his level with ease. She clawed at his fingers for freedom but to no avail.
"It's a shame my last little sunshine has to be tainted by such a wretched bitch... But I promised her I'd settle things between her and whatever hell you were giving her during work."
"I-I'm sorry!" Cassidy sobbed. "I'm so sorry! I'll stop, I'll stop talking to her, I'll stop forcing her to do everything in the kitchen, whatever you want and more, just please let me go!"
"I know you will. Because you're going to call your boss, and you're going to tell her you quit, you're leaving the city, and you'll admit to all of your stealing, and robbing from the registers. Got it?"
"B-But I need this job! This is the only place that'll take me–! Ow! Ah-haah, okay, I'll do it. Please let me go!" He dropped her to the ground, strands of fire sticking to his palm, while Cassidy sniveled and sobbed in a ball. He twisted around to fetch his fallen hat. The side was dirty from where it landed on dirt and leaves. He was angry, but he didn't let it show.
"Good girl."
Cassidy's mascara was ruined now. She was still a crumbled sniveling mess on the concrete even after she got off the phone with her manager. She'd just lost her only job. Now, she had to leave town or else this obsessive murderer was going to kill her. Cassidy wiped her running nose clean, "There. I lost my job. I'll never see my friends, or Y/n, again. Are you happy?!"
Weather Report stared her down, not impressed. "You've done what you were told, like a puppy. Yes, I suppose I am."
"S-So you'll let me go, right?!" Cassidy breathed a sigh of relief, looking up to him with happy amber eyes. Her enjoyment was short lived.
"About that. The thing is," The light in her eyes died as that familiar feeling from before seeped in. Her breathing fell, she grabbed at the ground as water began to fill her lungs once more. She coughed, and gagged, and water dripped from her lips with each heave, but it did nothing to save her from drowning. The last thing to escape her vision was Weather Report's sinister stare, glowing in the dim night. "I lied. You didn't actually think you could believe an ex-convict, did you?"
You heaved yourself forward into the door, pushing it around it's rusted hinges. It cried at the force, but you shut it up with a kick from behind you. Your arms hung at your sides, exhausted from two shifts in a day, and doing the work of three women, you just wanted to collapse into the arms of–
Oh, there he was.
Your boyfriend wrapped his sturdy arms around you, pulling your tired frame into his warm embrace. You melted into his built chest, diving into his scent, the scent of home.
"I missed you." He muttered into your hair, driving his fingers through the frazzled friz that couldn't be tamed.
"I missed you too!" You cried into his chest. "Tonight was terrible! So many customers were so rude, and the new girl wouldn't get off her phone, and Cassidy didn't even show up! She quit over the phone! I had to work three jobs at once!"
"Oh, you poor thing," Weather crooned. His low voice sent you reeling, "I'm so sorry it had to happen. But your home now, and I'm going to take care of you now."
You sighed happily and inhaled deeply into his shirt. Your breath hitched at the smell of citrus. That wasn't there before. It made you tense. It was new... And feminine. "Are you wearing perfume? Why do you smell so. Well, good?"
"Bath soap." He gave you an award winning smile. "I had a bad feeling tonight would be difficult, so I went out and bought some things for you. I have a bath waiting for you now, let's go before it gets cold."
"Oh! Aw, thank you Weather~! What did I ever do to deserve you?"
Nothing. You don't need to prove yourself worthy for my love.
"Hey, you're missing you buffalo hat! Where is it?"
"Hm? Oh, I bumped into someone while I was out. Big sturdy guy, he knocked my hat clean off into some rain water. It's drying right now. Now, enough questions, your bath is gonna get cold."
"Ack, hey!" You were left giggling into Weather Report's shoulder as he lifted you off the ground, he spun you a bit before beelining to the bathroom and a steaming tub of water, fit with bubbles and your special rubber ducky (a gag housewarming gift from a friend).
Blue eyes stared lovingly into your own, even as his deft fingers unbuttoned your work outfit. Having his intense stare on your naked body makes you flushed. But your boyfriend only gives your neck a soft, loving smooch, before he lowers you down into the warm waters. The heat and steam had you almost moaning out on reflex, it's magic work wonders on your tired muscles and sore feet.
"I'm gonna go fix some dinner up for us. You stay here and soak." He says patting your head.
"N-No! I mean, please stay here, with me? I just wanna be in your company." You tried giving him puppy eyes, but there was no need. He was already sitting back down with a happy smile rivaled by no other. Of course he'd stay with you. Hell, he'd walk to the ends of the Earth if it meant staying by your side. You were like lightening in a bottle, he couldn't possibly think of letting you go, now that he had it.
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I’m No Good - o n e
Summary: Tallulah Forester isn’t a bad person, she’s just made one too many bad decisions. Which is why she has now found herself four hours away from her home in Seattle, to her estranged fathers little home in La Push, with her stepmom and two half sisters, whom she has only been with a couple of times in the past 15 years. Her mother and father had agreed, shockingly, that the small town lifestyle would be beneficial to their wild child, but bad habits die hard, especially when it comes to being in control.
Timeline: Takes place a few years after the events of Breaking Dawn
Pairing: Paul Lahote x OC (Tallulah is 18)
Warnings (future chapters): Drugs/Alcohol, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension, Jealousy, Mental Health, (Mentions of SA, but no details)
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There are losses that rearrange the world. Deaths that change the way you see everything, grief that tears everything down. Pain that transports you to an entirely different universe, even while everyone else thinks nothing has really changed.
Tallulah stared out the window in the back seat with her knees tucked up to her chest, arms wrapped around them tightly as her father drawled on, switching from topic to topic, your sisters and Kira are so excited your coming to we’ve already enrolled you at the school to do you remember this person or that person? Anything to fill the silence from creating a  suffocating atmosphere in the car. It all sounded like white noise to her, she barely remembered La Push. 
She moved to Seattle with her mother when she was six and the two of them never looked back, whenever she would see her father or half-sisters, they would meet halfway in Port Angeles and then head their separate ways. It was easier that way for everyone involved. 
Josette and Lenna, her half-sisters, were ten the last time she spent any actual memory inducing time with them. Although they are only two years younger than her, they were so different. So in tune with the tribe, whereas she barely knew anything about the histories. She doubted anything would have changed in that respect.
Tallulah's headaches from her hangover, or maybe lack of sleep, she thought, and as she laid her head against the window she listened to the sound of passing cars and her dad's voice as she slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Tallulah awoke to the sound of the car door shutting and a nearby dog barking, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, grateful her headache was gone, but now in its place was a lump in her throat, as she looked around her surroundings outside of the car. The little blue house she vaguely remembers. The tire swings in the old oak tree. A woman's laugh caught her attention, as she looked to see her dad and stepmom, chatting away, happier than ever. Tallulah felt so out of place. Like she was an intruder coming in to ruin her fathers happy, little family with her black cloud of disappointment. 
Tallulah groaned to herself as she unbuckled herself, might as well get this over with, she thought to herself while opening the car door and slowly stepping out, stretching as she did. She could feel the two adults eyes on her as she shut the door gently, looking towards them, Kiras big smile, that if she didn’t know better would look insincere, but she did know. Her stepmom was a tryhard, doing anything and everything to be the perfect wife, the perfect mother and stepmother, no matter how hard Tallulah pushed against her kind persona. She was the reason her family was in pieces. Kira and her father were no doubt in love, even when her parents were still together, they never looked at each other the way she sees her father looks at Kira and vice versa, like they are each other's reasons for being. She moves, he moves. Tallulah nearly physically cringes. It's not something she ever wants for herself, that fairy tale love.
She walks toward them slowly, Kira meeting her halfway, wrapping her arms in a bear crushing hug that she doesn’t reciprocate, looking past her at her father who has that ‘be nice’ look on his face, and clearly, she was in no place to fight that. She couldn’t help but think, if this doesn't work out the way her parents think it will, where is the next place she would be shipped off to? 
Kiras' soft, sweet voice shakes her from her thoughts, “it's so nice to see you again. Your hair has gotten so long.” Tallulah raises an eyebrow before stating, “I've cut it a few times since I saw you last.” Kira laughs off the dig, before walking towards her father and saying, “the twins are out, we’d figured you'd be better off getting settled without a full house.” Tallulah nodded in response as her father spoke up for the first time since arriving, “besides, we have some things to discuss. Expectations and what not,” 
Tallulah eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “Rules? I’m eighteen. I don’t need to have any rules.” Her arms crossed over chest, as if she were a child. 
“If you think that you will be continuing your..extracurricular activities that you have picked up in Seattle, you are wrongly mistaken” he says in what she assumes is his fatherly tone that works on the twins, but not her, he gave up that right fifteen years ago. “Your mother has filled us in on everything, Tally” She rolls her eyes at this, as if she knows everything, she thought to herself.
Kira stood up on the porch, just inside the doorway, “Joseph, let her settle in, we can have this conversation tomorrow, after the bonfire.” she said in ‘dont fight me in this tone’, to which Tallulah appreciated, yet was confused, “Bonfire?” she asked, as she made her way up the steps of the house leaving her dad to bring in her few bags, “The tribe bonfire party happens once a month, the girls love it, plus you can meet some of your classmates before you start school.” Kira spoke as if this was something she should look forward to, but in all honesty, large gatherings were not Tallys scene, despite what her mother thinks. But, she would attend, save face and hope with good behaviour she would be back in Seattle with her friends in no time. This thought reminded her to shoot them a text quickly explaining her situation, hoping they would see it as an SOS, before shoving her phone back in her pocket and following Kira around the house like a little kid, listening to where things were kept, which rooms were which and then finally a stop at the room in which she would call hers. The walls were a blank, cream color, with light blue bedding and a wooden desk shoved in the corner, along with what looks like textbooks sitting on top.She nods politely as Kira mentions they will be leaving within the hour but try to settle in and suggests she may want to change out of her cotton shorts, as it “gets quite cold compared to Seattle” as she put it.
7:14 read the time on Tallulah's phone as they walked up to the beach, the sun had just begun to set and the temperature had, in fact, dropped quite a bit, thankful for Kiras advice, Tallulah had changed into a pair of loose, blue jeans and had tucked her hands into the pockets of her oversized, black hoodie, fingers curled under the long sleeves to keep them warm.
She walked slightly behind Kira and her father, standing off to the side as they were greeted by people, before they had reached whom she suspected to be the twins. They looked so different from what she remember, her father lowly spoke to her, as Kira caught their attention, pointing out the smaller of the two as Josette and the taller, as Lenna. Josie dawned a baggie pair of dark pair of overalls, with a striped sweater underneath, her hair in two space buns, which was quite different from her sister, in her plaid mini skirt and form-fitting long sleeve shirt, her pin straight, dark hair fanned out behind her back. Tallulah could already tell they wouldn’t get along.
 She watched as Lenna stalked away from her mother to a group of people who looked around their age, before snapping her eyes back at the sound of her name being called, to see Kira and Josette waving her over, before she could even move her feet willingly, her dad was nudging her in their direction, as if she would turn and walk the other way. 
Josette moved over so she could sit directly beside, a friendly smile that resembled Kiras on her face, “ Hi Tally” she spoke her childhood nickname softly, “it’s been awhile, you look so much older, not in a bad way, like mature, adultish, but obviously your only two years older than me so not technically an adult..” she rambled off, “Hey Josette” and before Tallulah could say anything else, she was interrupted by the younger girl, “Its Josie or Jo, whichever fine, just not Josette” she spoke quickly, a pale blush crossing her olive toned skin, to which Tallulah just nodded and asked, “How long do these things last?”
“That depends,” Josie spoke, “Typically the adults leave once the stories and tribal matter finishes, so maybe an hour or two. But we usually stay later, or at least Lenna does.” she said, looking in the direction of her twin, who was now surrounded by a group of other rambunctious teenagers. “Sam Uley's crew is here tonight, so who knows if that will even happen, especially after last time.” Tallulah didn’t question the younger girl, mainly because she just didn’t care to. She looked away from Lenna and her friends, her eyes gazing on all the unfamiliar faces sitting on logs or picnic tables surrounding the growing fire. 
Her eyes stopped on what seemed to be a couple, the girl was beautiful, her long black hair was tied up into a neat ponytail, she was talking to a man in a wheelchair beside her, who looked like he could be her dad, her eyes shifted to the man sitting next her, his arm wrapped around her shoulders, he was in shorts and a shirt and looked perfectly comfortable in the frigid air, he was joking around with the boys next to him, as if the beautiful girl next to him was really there, despite his arm around her, “Thats Paul Lahote.” Josie said from next to her, causing her to flush from her obvious staring, he looked in their direction, as if he had heard Josie say his name, they locked eyes for a split second before Tallulah looked away embarrassed she had been caught. “Don’t worry, Lenna stares at him too,” Josie laughed jokingly, “I wasn’t staring” Tallulah spoke defensively, Josie raised her hands in surrender before leaning in close, “looks like he's the one staring now” Josie grinned, watching as Tallulah looked back at the older boy, noticing that he was staring at her, almost like a deer in headlights. He looked so familiar, though she doubts that they have ever met before. He smiles at her slightly, his arm retracting from the girl beside him despite her protest to his movement, and now the beautiful women is also looking at her, causing Tallulah to look down at her sleeve covered hands that lay in her lap, only looking up again when her father sits in the spot next to her, asking if she's alright, to which she absentmindedly nods her head. Is she alright after her entire life has been altered in the last 12 hours? What kind of question is that?
Her eyes are drawn back to the spot Paul Lahote was sitting in, or had been sitting in, the seat was now vacant, the man nowhere in her line of sight, and she can't help but feel a little disappointed.
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