#i would say i go to a party school but tbh every school over like 10000 students in the south is kinda a party school at this point
The fact that I have friends that regularly feel this hungover is absolutely wild to me like what? This is a bad feeling and being drunk is not this worth it. Or like not every weekend.
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kenlvry · 2 years
team craig + team stan w/ an energetic crush or s/o. I saw this with another writer and just wanted to see how you would write it. thank you <3 and please drink your water
energetic reader
an: hello!! thankyou i drink 10 gallons every millisecond. also no jimmy sorry :(
kenny mccormick
kenny loved how you are, its like you are constantly consuming sugar. everytime you see him your face lights up and you do that roblox wave "KENNY!!!!" and walks over to him, or sometimes you just hug him. he finds it so cute, the way you act so goofy, you always cheer him up if he's down and he just loves you sm for it
yk at first he was annoyed ngl, how can someone have so much energy he thoughts. its like you have an unlimited social battery, he'd observe from afar of how you always smile so widely to people and talk to them as if you'd known them for years, he eventually get used to it. usually when his friends are overly energetic it means trouble but for you it wasny, it was a change of scenery for him. he likes it, he loves how you always cheers up the class or how the mood changes whenever yr around.
he too, at first hated it. his life was tiring enough already now he has to deal with someone who overdoses on sugar? when he saw how you would always cheer up anyone he thinks your one of those annoying bitches who doesn't know how to shut up and when you talked to him he thought he had to hold in the thousands of curses he had in him but he actually was happy around you, you knew exactly what made him happy or you wouldn't judge him with his addiction to alcohol, i mean yr already act like a drunk person yrself. he grew a liking to it, he loves how you would greet him so warmly, how you always makes his day better and how you never get tired. he just loves you in general
hates you. he hates how bubbly and energetic you are, how can you be so happy and energetic at school?? whenever you greet him he make sure you know he hates you "not this bitch again" you tbh could give no fucks. he does eventually like it though, he looks forward to the "HI CARTMANNN" every morning or "HELLOOOOO" you do when you join in a conversation with anyone. he still acts like he doesn't like it, but trust he loves it sm
he's someone who's energetic too so he loves it when someone matches his energy, you are so funny he laughs so hard when he's with you. you are the girl version of him. you two are so competitive whenever he loose to you you'd bring it up for days "oh yeah who lost chess again?? RIGHT YOU DID FUCKING LOSER" he does the same to you dw, hes the type to say "SUCK MY DICK Y/N" if he wins ong. he'd take you to parties knowing damn well you are going to be in the centre shaking your ass or smthin. you have a really high tolerance on alcohol, he'd do bets with people saying like whoever gets drunk first has to pay up 100, you already act like a drunk so its an ultimate win. he swears youre like a golden retriever with a high alcohol tolerance and is never tired.
he loves it, he loves when you would go "OMG LOOK AT THIS" with such shock in your face and its literally a cat falling of a bed, your energetic energy is just so fun to him. he lives off of it. he loves when you go "tolkien my man!, literally" or the jokes you crack up.sometimes its tiring for him though so he'd let someone else deal with your behaviour, its like hes a mother who let his child run free. at parties you'd go around with him behind you "this is my boyfriend tolkien!!!!!!!" all smiley and happy like they don't know already
to craig youre like a highschool bully who is the leader of the popular girls, always parties, too many boyfriends and is popular as hell. he doesn't get how people could handle your energetic behaviour, he sighs and prays for whoever ends up with a girl like you. he prays for himself i guess, he actually likes it tbh, it wasn't at all tiring as he thought. especially when your with stripe its like you never get tired and always play with stripe. he needs some ruckus in his life apart from cartman and the others. he loves you sm and he will never get sick of you
he... he doesn't know how to handle you. he himself doesnt know how to take care of himself. he loves you though he js yk.. yeah. he needs some time to process you because of how energetic you are, its like yr always in a rush. he would observe from afar how you act with other people and wow, other people can caught on to you pretty well, especially Clyde. clyde is the exact copy of you its like you two are twins separated from birth. tweek eventually gets used to it. he loves the "TWEEKKKKKK" you do when you see him, or sometimes you even wave to him like your whole arm is in the air waving to him even though your talking to someone else. he has to drag you away from parties though, stan would text tweek like "pick up yo girl" with a pic of you chugging a whole bottle or alcohol.
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lacesoflove · 4 days
The Way Things Go ₊✧⋆ Hamzah x Reader
WC: 1.6K
Warnings: pure unbridled angst, mentions of substance abuse, implied body dysmorphia, suggestive (?) + bad writing and inconsistent tense use
Notes: y/n is written with a black reader in mind (i can't remember if it comes up or not), also hamzah and her barely even interact in this tbh. Highly reccomend listening to Hag by Nussy Andrews to elevate the reading experience
You couldn’t entirely fault the universe or God (if you still believed in one anyway), even if you tried your hardest to. Whilst the traps had been set like a predetermined force of nature, you had allowed yourself to fall into them like the hapless fool you had kept proving yourself to be.  
And once again, even as you fought against yourself and your fates, you found yourself in another entanglement, this time taking the form of a crowded house party in downtown Toronto with all those people and all their Pinterest-chic outfits and all the loud obnoxious 2010s top 100 hits. You were one replay of Hotel Room Service away from killing yourself, and with the depression blooming in your body, you weren’t quite sure how serious you were with that notion.  
In a dull attempt to soothe the irritation, you took a final swig from the red cup nursing your vodka Red Bull. It had quickly deteriorated in taste, going from ‘I’m going to have the best evening of my life!’ to mulling over every life choice you had ever made, with one of said choices being across the room.  
His body leaned over hers, and even through his thick mop of curls (the same curls you had remembered tenderly running your hands through in the morning, as the blinds filtered the sun through, casting a warm glow against his honey-browned skin), you could see the puppy dog gaze he held for her as his hands ran up and down against her slim back. She should have been you, and this wasn’t supposed to be the new normal. And suddenly, all at once, you had a void where you should have had a heart.  
You placed the disappointingly empty cup on top of the sound system (you had remembered him mentioning he wanted to get one; at the time he didn’t have the funds to— you guessed he did now) and decided that the new all-consuming task of the evening would be locating your friend Aisha. Truthfully speaking, you knew where she was—fucking some podcast bro, names of her former exes spilling out from her mouth in place of his—the sad part was that the dude was probably too coked out to notice. It didn’t really matter that you knew that if you walked to the guest bathroom to the right of the front door, you’d find her in a position that went against the very religious ideals that your Catholic girl’s high school had imparted on both of you; what mattered was that it would distract you, maybe even better than the vodka did.  
Unfortunately, getting to Aisha meant going past him, and going past him was the new equivalent of death. You’d much rather live, so you decided to head to the kitchen.  
It was dim and empty, besides one boy in the corner, his face illuminated by his phone screen. You ignored him and headed to the six-pack of drinks on the counter. You opened a can and downed it fully. It tasted like summers forever ago and peaches. You decided to go for another one.  
“Woah—” the boy from across the kitchen exclaimed. Suddenly, you realized how sad you must have looked, armed with one and a half empty cans of alcohol and a face riddled with anxiety.  
“Sorry, I didn't mean to look like an alcoholic,” you said, with a nervous chuckle, setting the cans down.  
“Nah, it’s chill,” he said. He cocked his head, and his eyebrows knit together—you were familiar to him in a way he wasn’t entirely sure how. You could say the same.  
“What’s your name?” he asked; it was a bit pointed but not exactly mean.  
“Y/N,” you responded, and you saw him still looking at you in confusion. The bells remained unrung. “My nickname is Dovie or Dove, though.”  
As if exclaiming bingo, his brown eyes widened as if he could suddenly place you to someone, and you were hoping it was not him.  
He snapped and pointed his fingers at you before asking the ill-fated question, “Do you know Hamzah?”  
In an idyllic world where you were the heroine, free with your own tongue, you would have slyly remarked how you wished you didn’t know him—unfortunately, you were not. What you were instead was a girl permeated by suffering and immense heartbreak—so instead, you settled your response with, “Yeah, I do—well did, anyway,” followed up with a quick “do you?”  
“Well yeah, I’m Martin; his friend. Me and him did YouTube together,” he replied.  
Suddenly, you could place the boy’s face onto the YouTube thumbnails that would occasionally pop up on your YouTube feed, which you’d often have to ‘press not interested’ on. Aisha always pestered you to block the channel, but you could never bring yourself to do it.  
You were unsure what to say, really; part of you wanted to pry and ask him everything about what Hamzah thought of you, said about you; instead, you settled on asking about Aisha.  
“Um, so anyway, have you seen a blonde chick?” In totally seamless (at least that’s what you told yourself) fashion, you managed to get the conversation away from him.  
“Unfortunately not,” Martin said with a head shake. “The only blonde here I know is my girlfriend, Mandy.”  
You noticed how a small smile crept up when he said the word girlfriend. It was cute in a way that reminded you of how sick you were with your loneliness. You wondered if your loneliness radiated off of you, like a contagion.  
“Ah, well, I’m sure I’ll find her,” you whispered under your breath.  
Through the open archway of the kitchen, you could see him from the other end of the living room, smiling and chuckling with the same girl from earlier. His hands inched up her legs, her smooth, buttery legs. Legs that you never had and weren’t yours. You supposed this was the part of the evening where you finally decided to go collect Aisha and you’d both go home together, and she’d quarrel with you about how you should’ve “gotten your man back,” and you would’ve retorted with some lie about how you’d moved on. But the universe always found a way to ruin you in a new way, and Aisha sent you a text about how she had gone home safely. You didn’t even bother to open the message in full, only reading the first few parts of it on your notification screen.  
Hey bb <3 going w a guy! Text me when you get back and how your…  
When you stared up from your phone, Martin was staring at you, concerned. “Everything okay?”  
“Yeah, no, my friend just went home—with some douchebag, I’m sure. I should leave too.”  
“Do you need someone to walk you back home or at least out of the building?” Martin asked, his voice laced with concern.  
“I can manage; I’m a big girl, after all.” That elicited a nervous but gentle chuckle from both of you. You gave him a small wave of goodbye before you set to leave, but you were disrupted by his voice again.  
“Hey, um—Y/N?” he asked.  
“Yeah,” you responded.  
“He’s sorry,” he said.  
“What?” You turned around, confused.  
“He’s sorry,” he repeated.  
“All he ever tells me about you is that he’s sorry,” Martin explained.  
You weren’t exactly sure what to do with that information, but it felt like there was a lump in your throat, and as long as you were in this—no, his—apartment, you would suffocate in your own misery. All you could do was nod before leaving the kitchen.  
As you left, you passed through the crowded living room. Sometime during your being in the kitchen, the living room had become somewhat of a small-scale mosh pit. You bumped into multiple bodies on your way out; it didn’t really bother you—you just wanted out—until you bumped into him. His brown eyes locked with yours.  
And in the following moments, you realised two fundamentally devastating truths at once.  
You were still in love with him, and seeing his face this close might make you fall in love all over again. And secondly, he hated you with every fibre of his being. You saw this in the way his eyes crinkled with disgust, the way in which his smile faltered ever so slightly, and in the way he distanced himself. The last part you weren’t actually sure of; the girl he was with earlier seemed to have taken him away. In that case, he wasn’t protesting, and either way, he didn’t seem to want to get any closer to you.  
As he disappeared as quickly as he bumped into you, you took that as your final cue to leave.  
You made it to the street and hailed a taxi. It smelled rich and perfumed with the faint hint of food. Part of you thought of what you were going to eat when you got home; another part of you ruminate over the girl’s legs, how Hamzah was so enamoured with them. How thin they were. You decided to get to bed hungry—it’s not like you were that hungry, right?  
You opened iMessages and shot a text to Aisha.  
Text me in the morning; also, next time maybe don’t invite me to my ex’s place for a party, then leave me at said party.  
You frowned. Too hostile. You added a couple heart emoticons at the end before shutting your phone and dropping it into your brown leather bag and letting your head fall against the window, the vibrations of the car allowing you to lull into a light sleep. Author's Note:
hope u guys enjoyed this <3 this was actually a scrapped intro to a whole series i had in mind but i don't think this was that good but i also know that hamzah fics are kinda getting less and less so this is my contribution to the drought 🫡
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING jacob bae x f!reader
GENRES fluff ﹒suggestive
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DNI yk all that jazz, mature language, younghoon being stupid, one bed trope 🙀, jacob is shirtless….. that deserves its own warning tbh, reader also is topless at one point but not for the same reason, reader is down bad for cobie, dry humping ig idk if it really counts but i’m including it anyway, this is kinda tame tbh but,,, the tension is there i swear!!
SUMMARY you swore you would never make any physical contact with jacob bae ever again to protect your heart. what the hell are you supposed to do now that you’re sharing a room?
MORE HELLO!!! she is finished 😼 finished her up in a day im impressed with myself ANNSNW ANYWAYS this is a request from my 100 followers event! thank u again moni (@zzoguri) bae i hope u enjoy this 🫶🫶 prompts used are: 10, 12, 13 <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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You know, you weren’t entirely expecting yourself to fall for Jacob Bae.
To be fair, it was very hard not to. From his infectious smile, to his genuineness, he was honestly the complete package. Even before you became friends, it was difficult to not fawn over the guy. You would see him across campus every now and then, laughing along with his friends or something of that nature, and you always felt a tiny ping in your heart.
Then came Eric Sohn and Kim Sunwoo’s annual back to school pool party.
Naturally, parties were the bane of your existence. You could never fully enjoy yourself, what with the clusters of people in one house and the strong scents of both alcohol and weed. However, one of your gal pals managed to convince you to tag along just to say you’d been to one of the infamous parties.
That was your first mistake.
Two hours into your eventual demise, you found yourself swishing around the contents of your red solo cup on the backyard patio, your friends having long disappeared. You were bored out of your mind with no one to talk to and now a near empty drink. A creak of the wooden boards behind you had you spinning around so fast you almost got whiplash.
Jacob Bae gives you a smile, stifling a laugh when you almost spill the last couple sips of your beverage. He sits himself beside you, sighing in either content or relief— to this day you’re still not sure.
“Hi, I’m Jacob,” he extends a hand towards you. “I saw you sitting out here and thought I’d introduce myself.”
Just like they say in the movies, the moment your skin comes into contact with his, there’s sparks. It’s like a jolt of electricity is running along your arm through your nervous system, shocking your brain. From that moment on, you made it a personal mission to never touch him again, out of fear it would happen every single time and you might do something extremely stupid.
Now here you are, ten months later and still just as whipped as you were day one.
Your friends dragged you on a little road-trip just to get away for a bit at the start of the summer. You were nervous thanks to the fact that a wheel spinner decided roommates and you got stuck with Jacob. If anyone asked, you’d say you were pretty good at pretending like you weren’t hopelessly in love with your friend. You looked at him normally, rather than with the want to rip his clothes off and go at it like bunnies.
“Jacob and Y/N sitting in a tree K-I-S-S— ow!” Younghoon rubs his arm where you’d just smacked him, pouting at you. “That hurt, what the fuck?”
“That was the point, bozo.” You roll your eyes, watching Jacob swimming around in the hotel pool. You hug your knees to your chest, resting your chin on top of them. How could someone make something so simple look so attractive?
Tonight would be a true test of faith, the ultimate challenge of whether or not you could truly resist Jacob Bae’s charms. Even if you’d stayed in the same house or same general vicinity, you always managed to dodge sharing a room. There were the few occasions you slept over at his and Sangyeon’s shared apartment, along with everyone else in your friend group. They’d both offered up their rooms for whoever wanted to bunk with them for the night since there wasn’t much room on the couches. You always picked the couch.
But there were no separate rooms keeping you apart this time. There was no couch. Just two beds and a couple feet between them. Oh God. You would be changing in the same room. Jacob Bae would be naked within your reach.
You blink away the thoughts creeping up from the back of your mind. You couldn’t have that mindset sharing a room with him. Couldn’t that be classified as immoral? Disrespectful? Your brain had to stay pure or you might not survive this trip at all.
“Why do you look like you’ve just seen a ghost?” Younghoon asks with an amused lilt to his voice. You give him a nasty side eye in return.
“I might as well have. I hope I keel over and die right now so I can join them.” You huff, your head bobbing up and down as you talk thanks to your knees under your chin.
Younghoon snorts, standing to shake his hair like a dog would after a bath. “You’ll be fine, dude. It’s not that serious honestly. Just think of this as, um, a team bonding exercise.”
“You’re a fucking clown.”
After about another hour of swimming, playing chicken, and other pool activities of that sort, the boys decide to call it a night. Thankfully so, because you had a long day of sightseeing ahead of you tomorrow. You gather your things and part ways for your respective rooms. Some were on different floors than others; you and Jacob’s for example was on the top floor. You don’t know why, but the guys were insistent on swimming first, prior to checking out your rooms.
You waddle behind him like a lost puppy, following him to the elevator. The whole ride up is silent save for the soft lo-fi beat playing over the speakers. Jacob is still very shirtless, a towel tossed over his shoulder haphazardly. What was its purpose? Couldn’t tell you since there were still droplets of water decorating his back.
Good Lord, you needed to stop staring at him, lest you wanted to go into cardiac arrest.
Your feet padding against the carpeted flooring of the hallway is the only thing you can hear all the way to your room. You even watch sheepishly as he pulls out the keycard and holds it to the sensor. It quickly flashes green and he pushes open the door.
You’re too preoccupied gawking at his back muscles again to notice he’s stopped in his tracks, causing you to bump into him. He laughs that melodic laugh of his before turning around to steady you. You give him a weak smile in apology.
And then you see why he paused so abruptly.
“Oh no, there’s only one bed, what will we do now?”
You sputter at how nonchalant he is about the situation. You glance back and forth from him to the bed and repeat, sweat forming on your palms. It was already going to be hard enough just sleeping in the same room, now you had to sleep in the same bed? You wouldn’t be surprised if you were found dead tomorrow morning.
“W-We can talk to someone at the front desk? Maybe we can get things sorted out and get a room with two beds instead?” You avoid eye contact.
“It’s too late for that. Besides, we did book these at the last minute, so they probably gave us whatever they had available.” He shrugs. His attitude is kind of pissing you off. How could he be so calm right now?
“Well— uh— um— maybe—“ Your words falter as you struggle to come up with a solution. Jacob’s lips quirk up in amusement.
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.”
You make a sound similar to choking, your eyes widening as you process what the hell he just said. You keep blinking at him, mouth parted in astonishment? Shock? Surprise? Bewilderment? Did Jacob Bae really just say that to you?
When you don’t respond for a bit of time, he heads to the bathroom to presumably shower. You’re glued to your spot, unable to move or think. Your head felt like it was hollow, full of cotton. You had to be imagining that entire interaction. That was the only thing that made sense.
Even as the water in the bathroom floods your ears, you’re still dazed. You drag yourself to sit on the edge of the bed, holding the back of your hand to your forehead. You were going insane. That was the logical explanation. Your feelings for Jacob had been stuffed away for so long that you were starting to hallucinate.
Yeah, that’s what you were going with.
You were much too delusional to handle seeing him come out of the bathroom, so you decided to change while he was in there and get ready for bed. You wanted to face the other direction to curve any possible chance of driving yourself crazier. You pull off the oversized t-shirt you were wearing over your swimsuit and dig through your duffle bag for some fresh clothes. You were grateful that you didn’t let your friends peer pressure you into actually swimming, your desire to keep a healthy distance between you and Jacob overpowering wanting to join in on the fun.
As you go to untie your swim top, the squeaky hinges of the bathroom door have you tripping over your own two feet. You didn’t exactly have the best reflexes either, so you fail at catching the strings before they can fall completely. At this point, you’re frozen. You’re planted face first on the floor, topless, with the boy you’ve been thirsting over for months just feet away.
Okay, so perhaps you underestimated how long it took him to shower.
“Y/N, are you— woah—”
“No, don’t come any closer!”
Of course you’re too late and he does not heed your warning. Jacob squats next to you and you can just feel his presence. To everyone else, it’s calming. He’s the person most people go to when they have any qualms about life. He was the definition of the therapist friend. However, that was not the case right now.
His presence was intimidating and your heart was hammering in your rib cage. It was practically beating against the floor. It wouldn’t be beyond you if they heard it in the lobby. You refuse to glance over at him. This couldn’t be happening. It was seriously one unfortunate event after another.
There’s a ghost-like, feather light touch that trails the length of your bare back, sending a shiver down your spine. Just like the first time, it’s like you’d been statically charged. It was as if Jacob Bae himself created electricity. A sigh leaves Jacob’s lips. “Can you look at me, pretty?”
This was something torn straight from one of your wildest dreams. His words, his actions, even the situation you were in. A singular bed that you’re forced to share. This could very well just be the universe’s way of finally giving you a win. Divine intervention did exist, after all.
A peek at Jacob’s form shows you that he’s in nothing but a towel, and it leaves little to the imagination. You swallow thickly. Your lack of cooperation has his patience wearing thin, so he takes matters into his own hands, holding himself up with said hands on either side of your head and straddling your waist.
You can feel him through his towel and the flimsy material of your swim bottoms. He’s hard, pressing into your ass like he’s the one who’s needed to have you in such a visceral way the past ten months. His sculpted chest rests on your back as he leans down, his lips coming beside your ear.
“Tell me you want me, tell me you want me as bad as I want you.” He breathes.
It’s enough motivation to flip yourself over despite being nude from the waist up. You don’t even care anymore, caution thrown into the wind. Your infatuation with Jacob Bae was already concerning, but now it was dangerous. You were getting extremely close to crossing the line you told yourself you’d never cross. But he made it so easy.
Your eyes rake his figure, from his chiseled torso that was handcrafted by the Gods to the way he unabashedly keeps his lower half pinned to yours. You almost salivate at how good this feels. But it’s not enough. You need him in ways that could only be described as carnal. You release a shaky breath when he experimentally grinds his hips.
He leans into you one more time, lips hovering your own and noses brushing. Just a few more centimeters. That’s all that it would take for him to kiss you, but he doesn’t. He flickers his eyes to yours and then back down, wetting his lips as he does so.
“Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
You could’ve just spoken the words out loud, but instead you close the gap between you. Your mouths fit together perfectly, like a missing puzzle piece finally reuniting with its set. They glide in synchrony, your fingers coming up to tangle in his hair and run along the expanse of his toned back. He groans when your nails graze his skin. You both part to gasp for air, lips swollen.
“That works too.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
Lets Play Again
Child!Malleus & Child!Reader
Tags: Fluff, Child Malleus & Reader, No bad tags tbh just two children having fun in a playground
Summary: You were playing alone in a playground after a day at your elementary school, waiting for your guardian to arrive a mysterious boy came over to you
another regular day at your elementary school had ended and your parent or guardian has been running late to get you, feeling bored, you took your toy bucket out of your backpack and ran straight ahead on the playground near your school
You crouch on the sandbox with your figurine toys and shovel in your sand bucket, pouring them over and letting them sink into the brownish color of the sand. you scoop up the brittled and clumped sand to put into the castle bucket of yours and turn it down to shape it as a castle for your little toys
too distracted playing alone, you didn't notice a small boy about staring at you from just a distance being giddy with your toys. feeling brave, he came closer. a rustling of expensive shoes on the jagged ground of the playground caught your attention to turn your head on the direction of it.
a boy older than your age, small but tad bit taller than you watched the building process with curious eyes, you ignore his presence at first, not minding his observing gaze you continue to dig a pit in the sand, you don't mind any bystanders but you don't like the fact that he is just there to watch.
he looks like he's lonely
is he waiting for someone to take him home too?
it's pretty boring playing on your own and he is just boringly observing you so you picked up one of your small dragon figurines and hand it to him without saying anything.
which he gladly accepts, eyes brightly sparkling as if he just received a Christmas gift.
"play with me" you say as his green irises shift and the rest of his eyes widened, was that too forceful? your playmates probably all got home by now so if he rejects your request this would be a embarrassing story to tell your guardian later
"o-okay" was he just shy? his voice is really quite you almost didn't heard his response
he steps into the sandbox with you, dirtying his polished shiny shoes. you finally got a closer look at him, he looks like one of those kids you've seen in the cartoon movies. clean, pristine, and proper. something on a movie you would only see.
Your gaze must've made uncomfortable because of how he was fidgeting with your dragon toy "sorry" you say as you focus on trying to finish up your castle again, he just observed silently and the only noise anyone would hear is the tapping of your plastic shovel on the bucket.
"this guy would be the prince" you say picking up a cake design figure you got from one of your friend's birthday party
"would this be the evil dragon then?" he holds out the dragon toy you gave him earlier.
"Then, would there be someone for the prince to save?"
"uh...nope!! but if he kills the dragon he gets..." you rummage through the buried toys you plunged down the sand below
"..this dice!" you hold out your reward and give it to him. like earlier he accepts it with no objection and now holds both the dragon and the price
you two had fun playing with your symmetrically weird figure toys, and chose and ending where the dragon is actually the prince's dad and the dice was the real enemy who took over your sand castle, soon enough two of you got bored and scooped up the toys back to your bucket. feeling satisfied with the ending of the story you two made up. you grabbed his hand and ran to the seesaw
"i sit on this side, you on the other, got it?" you point your finger at the other side of the seesaw, he follows your instruction and sat then by there, your side was lifted a bit so you had to raise your small arms to reach it. he took your notice and held back his sitting position, squatting so you would be able to reach it to sit down.
the wind hits him every time he goes up when you go down, and down as you jump up. he can't help but smile, it is quite fun but the more he squats down and jumps up he eventually felt his legs soar and wobble
he was breathing kind of hard for you to easily notice it and comes down off your seat making him come down all of the sudden and jump off the tire supporting him off the ground
"are you alright?"
"yes just...a bit tired is all, but I'll be fine don't worry."
was it that overwhelming to get him huffing and sweating like that? you didn't mean to make him worn out already, you just want to have fun together. feeling kind of guilty you again once hold his hand, gentler this time and pull him towards the swing
"sit, I'll push you" you smile at him, leading him to the swing and setting him down
"you... don't want to go first?"
"nope! you first, and there's another swing i can occupy"
"but who'll push you?"
"myself! duh, you dummy" you giggle at him and started to push back his seat for momentum, since he does look a tad bit older than you he is pretty hard to push because of his weight but with your little strength, you managed.
"how?" his seat swung back at your hands and you push him harder so he could go further into the air
"it's easy! you just swing okay?" you shout as you move away before getting hit by his side of swing and ran over to the other one. you climbed up the swing with both of your feet and started swinging it with your body, just like that you started swinging as well, you carefully grip the swing handles between you and looked over to your new friend. his face was bright, a grinning smile was on his pale lips and his green eyes looked more alive than before as the wind hits his cool black hair revealing his pale cute face.
by more minutes come by the force of the swing died down and the two of you end up grinning to yourselves.
it was the first time he felt like that. his house was mostly dark and gloomy, he was pretty much isolated to this point. this was his first time being this dirty, having this so much fun and having somebody play with him naturally without getting scared or forced to do so
"hey, i know we should go to the slide next--"
"Malleus!!" you were interrupted suddenly a woman (?) wearing a business suit ran over to you two seemingly out of breath
"Hah...haah...oh Young Master you do know how to work up an old man..." oh it is a man, you couldn't tell with his girlish like appearance.
"Hm? what's this? have you found a friend?" his attention turned to you, still sat on the swing while he is still out of breath.
your "new friend" or Malleus as you should call him stood up and walked over to you, he grabs you by the hand, forcing you to stand up to get closer to the man that just ran to you guys
"Lilia, can i keep them?" he innocently asked, your hand still intertwined with his
"Wha-" Lilia looked distraught all of the sudden with a baffled face
"Sorry, young master but taking a random child in is illegal even if they are your friend"
"But why do you get to keep Silver? you also just randomly found him" It is a good thing you are the only one near him and is still a child, what Malleus had just said would probably just run over through your head, because if not, you would've reported him to the police and he has to explain again that he did not kidnap an infant to the authorities
"Malleus, it's different. there is someone you are waiting for here, right little one?" Lilia glanced over at you as you nodded
"see? let's say roles are reversed, your little friend get to ask their parent or guardian to keep you and agreed to do so, your grandmother and i would be very worried and miss you, you know? Silver would too!!" Lilia falsely whimpered to enchance Malleus's pity for your parent or guardian.
"So how about this, you get to play with them again tomorrow and we go to your grandmother for now? you two played a lot so their person is going to arrive soon too, so you don't need to worry Malleus." Lilia smiled at Malleus's worries glance at his new friend, you assured him by holding your hand but then an idea pops out on your head so you break out of Malleus's grasp to run over your toy bucket and rummages once again to find the dragon from earlier
Malleus on the other hand, thought you finally hated him and his mood began to spiral down but then you run over to him happily and hand him both the dice and the dragon once again
"You still get to be the dragon tomorrow okay?"
Malleus's mood lightened up, this means you are inviting him play again right? of course he'd accept it! he's grateful to have your invitation more than anything
he waves you goodbye as Lilia took his hand and walk off to the road until you couldn't see them anymore.
you two would have lots of fun tomorrow again.
oh how could he have the heart to tell him?
Lilia, still holding Malleus's hand as his other hold the toys with, was dying in guilt, how can he tell Malleus that they are leaving tomorrow morning when had just found a friend. a real one
Malleus had finally experienced a moment where he can be a normal child, he didn't want to ruin it for him (plus Malleus would definitely throw a tantrum infront of the other child it would most likely drive them more away)
other than that, he... feels more bad about that kid, they are going to wait for Malleus after all, so they could play again
he hopes they wouldn't be too lonely though
because Malleus isn't coming.
a/n: HELLO HELLO WORLD :DD I AM BACK WITH A FIC THAT JUST GOT UHH RANDOMLY SHOVED INTO MY MOND AND INSTEAD OF SLEEPING, BAAM I WAS WRITING THIS!! >:D sorry if i added a lil angst in the end, it's just a similar experience i thought some ppl would relate. like how you would meet a random kid in a random playground and you two become friends at that random playground and you never get to see them ever again? ouchie but same. i hope someday everyone relating to that would meet that random kid again and still become friends.
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maximotts · 2 years
𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙾𝚗𝚎; 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 :: 𝙲.𝚘.𝚆.𝙼.
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a/n: alright, here we go! I think I've mentioned it already, but most of these chapters are written and in my drafts so knocks on wood the schedule should stay as planned. I hope you all enjoy this series as much as I do and big special thanks to @furys-eyepatch for sending me the idea for Kinktober uh... obviously it got Quite Long
✎— priest's daughter!Wanda x college student!reader
✎— confessions AU; it's only been a few weeks, but Wanda won't get out of your head. With how small your campus was, you thought sure you were bound to run into her; until you realize she's the one person never on the invite list
✎— warnings: this is an 18+ series, minors DNI; this first chapter is pretty tame tbh, but we've got name calling, mentions of Wanda being an innocent little bean, allusions to bullying, and Brock Rumlow being a jerk
✎— words: 2.5k
series masterlist. || main masterlist.
That semester, you shared three classes, but your Folklore and Terror class was where you’d first seen her and just for that, it was your favorite. Three times a week you’d walk into the small lecture hall, barely on time, and Wanda Maximoff would already be settled at her chosen spot with her notebook open, books stacked neatly, pen and highlighters ready to be picked up as soon as your professors opened their mouths. She was like that for every class no matter what; from day one it was clear Wanda enrolled in college to learn, not socialize. 
Upon first glance, she’d single handedly convinced you she was the standard: focused, task-oriented, and studious. And just as quickly, you’d found Wanda was the exception instead of the rule. The rest of your classmates were exponentially more relaxed, talking to one another about anything from their massive workload to the current flatmate drama between dormitories. It was a tight-knit campus, most of the students having gone to school together since kindergarten and grown up in the tiny isolated town of Westview about an hour away. 
You’d expected to turn into a loner for a while, especially with transferring here in your third year, but new people were exciting front page news to young adults who’d seen the same faces for two decades and soon enough, invitations for study sessions over coffee, bonfires, and late night parties with weed brownies came pouring in. Everyone was surprisingly welcoming and you were grateful for the introductions, the companionship, all of it.. but wherever you went, Wanda was absent.
Eternally polite and quiet Wanda was nowhere to be found outside of class, and it only piqued your curiosity further.
After some casual prodding, you found out Wanda also grew up in Westview, but she was only a topic as an excuse for a few particularly annoyed girls to roll their eyes and sneer. Smart as she was, Wanda wasn’t ever invited to study groups, not that she asked either, no, she didn’t speak a word to anyone besides instructors and a few select people you recognized from your transfer orientation— the only kids that didn’t know her from town. 
A handful of times you’d caught her staring your way, but as soon as she noticed you looking back, she whipped around or turned her eyes back to her notes. For the first few weeks, you tried to pretend her avoidance didn’t bother you, but seeing her chat with other students made you wonder why she wouldn’t do the same with you. Sure you hadn’t approached her yourself, but honestly, you hadn’t worked up a good enough excuse to past “hey you’re pretty cute, please talk to me” and it just sounded too weird in your head to say aloud. 
Unfortunately, before you’d gotten a chance to think of a better conversation starter, Wanda started walking to your desk after class and your brain went into panic mode not only wondering what to say, but also what she could possibly want after seemingly avoiding you since the semester started. It was fine, everything was fine, she didn’t look mad at all, maybe… nervous?
You were moments away from speaking up as she made her way over… only to stop dead in her tracks when Brock Rumlow slung his arm over your shoulder. Just as soon as he began running his mouth about the next soccer game, Wanda spun around and made a beeline for her chair as if she hadn’t acknowledged you at all. While he ranted on and on, you tried to quell the disappointment, but it tugged the corners of your mouth down into a frown anyways. Not that the loud athlete noticed. “Shut up for a second… What do you know about Wanda?”
He only scoffed, both of you turning your attention to where the shy brunette now hurriedly packed her stuff into her red messenger bag. With all of her notebooks and pretty stationary, you wondered if her bag ever felt heavy… and if she’d let you carry it to class for her some time. “That religious little daddy’s girl? Stay away from her.” 
The strong reaction shouldn’t have caught you off guard, not when anyone who talked about her did so with the same distasteful tone, but it never failed to feel kind of… harsh. You didn’t need to grow up with a group of people to know how easy it can be to target one person and exaggerate every aspect of them until they grew to be a much bigger monster than they ever were in the first place. 
“She seems sweet though… Is she really that bad?” It was hard to believe anyone could dislike her that much when she was all oversized knit sweaters and gentle enough smiles to make you melt from across an entire lecture hall.
“Hey! Put those heart eyes away!” Brock poked your hip until you looked at him instead, ignoring your annoyed huff, “What’d I just say? She’s a total narc who goes running to her father as soon as she hears anything. I’m assuming you’ve never been to Westview?” You shook your head; the drive to your new school didn’t take you past the town and you’d been too busy with classes to explore yet. “Right, well Wanda’s dad runs the church, the one all our parents go to; whenever he got wind of something going down, all of us got a speech at home. Bit of a shame, she’s kinda cute, but can’t tell that bitch anything unless you want it blown to shit-” 
You might not have been friends with Wanda yet, but that didn’t mean you’d let someone, especially anyone as sleazy as Brock, demean her so boldly. It was in that sentence you discovered Wanda most likely kept her distance because of your new friend group. If so many people treated her how he did, you couldn’t blame her for staying away.
A hard elbow to the stomach left him choking on his own words, killing two birds with one stone to both shut him up and force him to let you go; you never liked how touchy he was anyways. “We’re all years into college now. She can’t still be like that.” 
“I’m not gonna chance it,” he shrugged, slinging his bag over his shoulder as if you hadn’t just knocked the wind out of him, “She goes home a lot more than anyone else, heard Mr. Maximoff picks her up too even though he pays for her apartment here. Something about her needing her own space to stay focused without ‘distractions’... weirdos, don’t know how her brother turned out normal. Trust me, the most you’ll get with her is maybe a walk through the courtyard.” 
A walk didn’t sound too bad right about now, particularly far away from this eye-opening, but awful little chat. “Well her dad doesn’t know me or my parents…” Maybe one day, hopefully, if you played your cards right, he would. 
Clumsily grabbing your stuff, you rushed out the door Wanda crossed through just a few seconds prior, looking around and finding her rushing down the stone path. “Wanda!” She had to have heard you, stopping briefly before continuing on, walking purposefully away even as you yelled out her name again. “Wait up a sec!”
It was a quick sprint to catch up with her, speeding a little ahead to jump ahead, forcing her to stop so as not to collide with you. “Wanda.. Hey!”
“Hi,” Even after weeks of lectures, you’d never seen her this close and already Brock was wrong; Wanda wasn’t just kinda cute, she was beautiful. Green eyes regarded you cautiously, narrowed ever so slightly. Her stiff posture showed she was already on guard, so different from the easy way you’d seen her open up to anyone else and you couldn’t lie, it stung a bit. You didn’t want her to be so worried; maybe the people you sat with didn’t like her, but you’d never said a mean word and even if you tried, you couldn’t think of one to say.
You could barely think of a coherent sentence to offer her.
“Hi… sorry for yelling,” You were a little out of breath, weighed down by your bag and still groggy from your professor’s boring lecture. For a second, you were scared Wanda would simply side step you and keep walking, taking advantage of your fatigue to avoid you entirely, but her expression softened, turning almost apologetic for her hostility. She even had a cute pout. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?”
Faint laughter sounded out behind you and the classroom was a ways away now, but Wanda’s eyes darted over her shoulder, catching Brock and a few of his various pals now on the grass, waving your way. You would’ve shouted at them to quit it, but you heard Wanda’s sigh and chose to ignore the ruckus for now, not wanting to accidentally egg them on further. “I hear a lot of things. Doesn’t mean I should pay attention to them.”
“Right…” Shit. She must’ve caught bits of your conversation, Brock wasn’t exactly a subtle guy. Wanda was gone by the time you cut him off; given how openly disliked she was, it couldn’t have been the first time she’d overheard herself being talked about. No wonder she practically ran out of the room. “Sorry about that.”
You felt for her in a sense, could empathize with being ostracized from your peers. Typically, going away to college fixed that, but Wanda was still stuck with the same group of people. Not that you wanted to talk to her out of guilt, not even close; the first thoughts you’d had about Wanda were far more lustful than pitying. All you wanted was one chance to get to know her for yourself. “Can I walk you to your next class?”
Wanda didn’t even try to hide her shock and you tried to pretend her reaction didn’t scare you that your other classmate was right about the courtyard walk. “That was my only class today.” 
“Mine too,” In truth, you had two long classes filling your afternoon; missing them just once wouldn’t hurt. Besides, you’d still be learning, replacing Wanda Maximoff for Governmental Statistics and World Literature. “Have lunch with me then?”
You could see her working through the proposition in her head, gauging your persistence against your seemingly genuine smile. She’d wanted to talk to you just as long as you had her, but there were…obstacles. Not only the crowd that drew you in, but also the beginnings of what she was just recently coming to terms with as a crush. Initially Wanda brushed it off as you being brand new, but when she caught herself making excuses to look your way and thinking about you while she grocery shopped, she knew her feelings wouldn’t pass by so easily. 
As much as she knew her inexperience combined with her bottom tier social status meant she had about zero chance with someone like you who she’d seen flirting with more than one girl already in your short time here, Wanda couldn’t get herself over it— over you. 
And Wanda wanted to have faith in you, to trust this wasn’t some awful prank you got roped into after you and her constant tormentors somehow sussed out her growing feelings and decided to poke at her new weakness for a laugh, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d fallen into that trap. 
The first experience was traumatizing enough, Wanda would rather not have to relive it as an adult. If the words religious little daddy’s girl weren’t still ringing in her head, she wouldn’t have thought twice. “You want to have lunch with me?” 
“Well I’d ask you out to dinner, but it’s only 1pm.” Not to mention, you’d been helpless thinking of some introduction that wasn’t clearly leading her on. Your usual smooth pickups felt too forward for a girl like Wanda, given what you knew about her; she’d take a lot of work to get to where you got with some people in just a few minutes and you really, really didn’t want to mess this up. 
Wanda’s cheeks blossomed pink at your cheeky comment and you were glad to have caught even a glimpse of it before she could hide her face behind her notebook. At least you could bank on her not being too extremely prudish, that gave you some wiggle room. “To make up for that asshole back there, please? We can get whatever you want, I’ll even pay.”
The terms sounded like a date, a lunch date, but it was all the same to Wanda who’d never successfully been on a date as well as to her fluttering heart. You learned right then Wanda was beautiful when annoyed, but positively gorgeous when she smiled at you. There were a million and one ways she could’ve responded, from disgust to polite rejection to even an overly gushy yes, but Wanda had to at least try to reply with a fraction of your ease. “I didn’t say no the first time.” 
“Well then, take us to your lunch spot of choice, sweetheart.” You stepped aside to let her go ahead, just missing Wanda’s cheeks darken to a tomato red from the sudden nickname, following close behind as your date led the way to her mystery destination. 
“There’s not much around here, you probably know where you’re going…” She was right, all walkable campus things were familiar to you now, but you could care less. 
“Shh, let me have this surprise-” Your phone buzzed in your pocket and unlocking it revealed an obnoxious text from Brock filled with kissy faces and laughing emojis. By the end of the day, it’d surely get around that you decided to hang out with their Public Enemy No.1, but you’d choose watching Wanda’s pretty pleated skirt bouncing ever so slightly as she walked with her adorable cautious glances, making sure you were actually still behind her, over the smell of sports sweat and hefty doses of Axe body spray any time. “I think you’re taking me the prettier route there anyways.”
Wanda’s mouth fell open when she realized your gaze wasn’t on the sidewalk or the leaves, but her, bashful yet again as she whipped back around. With less self-restraint you would’ve pulled her in for a hug, maybe nuzzled into her hair if you thought she’d accept that out here in the open. But girls like Wanda were a special kind, requiring time and coaxing and just the right words. 
You were willing to give her all of that and more. If no one else wanted her, you’d sure as hell take her before some other idiot could.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
My hottest take of all time is that Mike is (was) the main character of Stranger Things.
Now, do I think he still is? No. Not really.
TBH I would argue that ALL the OG's are main characters in their own way at this point, with them all getting somewhat similar amounts of screen-time across the board by s4.
But if we're talking about the first two seasons, Finn was indeed credited before both Millie and Noah. The only actors that were credited before him were Winona and David (respectfully).
Just rewatching s1-2, you can see very clearly that Mike is being framed as the main character, with his perspective being favored in big group sequences, with us following him places that we don't really follow others, and for longer periods of time.
What I find interesting, is that even though Noah revealed recently that the Duffer's have been slowly building up/hinting at Will's feelings for Mike since the beginning, it's Mike whose perspective we were usually seeing in all those moments.
In s1, we see Mike looking for Will, with Noah only having like a handful of scenes that entire season. We also get more of a focus on Mike's reactions in comparison to the other party members.
In s2, we see Mike making every effort to support Will all season. It's Mike whose reaching out to Will constantly, calling to see why he's not at school, going by his house, sleeping over for days and staying by his bedside at Hawkins lab. Although Will arguably plays a bigger role in the upside down aspect of the show this season, a large portion of Mike and Will moments focused on Mike's feelings for Will being shared through Mike's POV, and not so much the other way around.
It isn't until s3 that Millie starts being credited before Finn (and respectfully so, as she was arguably bringing in more hype in terms of fandom excitement back in those days, so I do get it). And so we're arguably going from Mike centric (s1), to Will centric (s2), to El centric (s3).
As a result, we also started seeing less of Mike's POV. Though, to be fair there are 10+ new characters joining every season, so EVERYONE is getting less screen-time, every season.
But isn't it so convenient, that when we start getting less insight into Mike's POV, he starts acting strange...? And we don't really get outright answers as to why? Answers that we would probably have if we had Mike's POV as much as we used to?
S3 is when we started getting Will's POV more when it came to him and Mike's relationship. Their dynamic sort of flips between s1-2 vs. s3-4.
Not to say we never get Mike's POV anymore, but when we do, it's hard to discern and so most people overlook it completely on the rare occasion that it does pop up.
Anyways, this whole concept reminded me of the main character shots we got at the end of s4.
These were shots that had multiple characters in the frame, but with only (1) person specifically at the forefront...
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Arguably, these three main characters storyline's are tied together in a substantial way, and how it all plays out could have been foreshadowed, by the very order and even blocking of these shots.
Think about it.!?!.
Mike was arguably the main character of s1, which means getting his POV at the forefront again would be going back to the shows roots.
Will is arguably the main character of s2, and so blending Mike's arc (ending with Mike hugging Hopper hmmmmmm... Mike accepting his sexuality??) with Will's unreliable narrator arc being resolved (ending with Will and Mike side by side hmmmmmmm... Will getting the boy??), and this combined with Will's connection to the upside down, blending perfectly with his wonder twin, El's storyline (El walking passed Mike and Will.... El dumping his ass again??), with her now at the forefront as the main character, arguably just like in s3, except now she has full autonomy for the first time in the show, she knows her worth, she's accepted herself. And this all coming to a head with those three and everyone in the shows arcs being resolved by the end??
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artdcnaldson · 2 months
ok…….. thinking about when the summer is like. full of tension. when nothing happens until months after u get to stanford. but like. thinking like patrick’s parents r going on vacation. his siblings aren’t there (idk he gives middle child. maybe his younger sister is at like. horse camp. or vacationing in sweden with her friends. his brother has a fiance and they’ve fucked off to boston or somewhere idk). the staff at his estate don’t gaf what you guys do tbh. so you guys get like a week to yourselves playing house. the boys making you dinner. raiding the wine cellar and getting drunk. dancing around. sigh…………
also like. his mom isn’t there to be suspicious of you three (his dad doesn’t pay attention.) and the staff doesn’t care enough to snitch when the parents aren’t there. so you guys all share a bed like every night they’re gone. wine drunk in bed the boys getting handsy with each other…… with you…. it’s fine you guys won’t remember in the morning!!!! skinny dipping with them…………… patrick throwing parties………………. etc…. sigh….
sorry this is just one big brain dump. please match my freak please please i’m begging pl
AURRRRRR im stuck on the wine drunk part.
Popping open bottles older than you are and drinking them like water. Respectable people would put it in a glass, smell them, comment on the notes, swirl the glass, taste and savor. They’re worth more than a semester at school, after all.
But instead you’re just chugging straight from the bottle, letting them spill down your chins and stain your clothes. They leave your skin sticky. One bottle in and you’re already handsy and giggly. You’re in Art’s lap basically, playing with his hair, twisting his curls around your fingertips.
“You’re so pretty, Art,” you say, nuzzling against his jaw. “So, so, so pretty.” He’s flushed so red, from the wine, because of you, everything. Patrick pulls you backwards, so you’re sitting in Art’s lap but laying in his, peering up at him. He puts the wine bottle to your mouth and pours a swallow in and you grin.
“What about me?” He asks. His thumb grazes your bottom lip, wipes away the excess that spilled from your pretty, pretty mouth. He brings it to his lips and sucks the wine from it.
You blink, half-lidded and dizzy with the wine and with them. “Very pretty, Patrick.”
And maybe by the second bottle you’ve all got wandering hands— Fourth of July all over again. Art’s hands up your shirt, Patrick’s hands slipping beneath the waistband of your pants to rub and tease at your clit. You moan into Patrick’s mouth. He’s not kissing you, he’s just. His mouth is just on yours.
Art mouths at your throat, tugs at your nipples and you buck against Patrick’s fingers. They’re good— they’re so good. You feel so dizzy with them, so overwhelmed. Patrick’s finger slips inside of you so easy— you’re soaked and filled with need.
Art pulls up your shirt, mouths at your tits, sucks your nipple into his mouth and moans hot against your chest. Your fingers twist into his curls and you cum so easy for them— like they didn’t even have to try.
You don’t forget in the morning, none of you. But what’s there to say? What’s there to do, with his mom’s words still bouncing around your brain.
“I want to have a party,” patrick says as you eat contraband cereal his parents never would’ve allowed— sugary and gross in the best way. “Tonight.”
What Patrick wants, Patrick gets.
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andscene-if · 8 months
Move over, LIs, I am all about MC here! Big MChead over here and I have QUESTIONS!!
How old is MC?
Do they have siblings?
Did their parents keep them out of spotlight or was MC always around at premieres, red carpets, etc.?
Did MC willingly get involved in their parents' films? Or did they try to avoid appearing in them first before realizing no one else is willing to hire them for (insert reason here)?
Related to #4, did MC have a say in appearing in the family films?
Did MC have non-acting experience, like modelling, singing, backstage work?
Does MC use their normal name when acting or do they have a stage name?
Did they go to a performance/filming school?
Did they act in indie films?
How will MCs that normally wouldn't fit into the mold of a "Hollywood Movie Star" be treated? Like queer MCs, trans MCs, male MCs who are small and/or feminine, female MCs who are muscular and/or butch etc. Or for the sake of the story, will such things be ignored, which is more than fair?
wait, we're kinda in sync cause i've got an MC article queued haha
i imagine them in the 20-22 range, so relatively young
yes, one older sister and their age gap is 8 years, so you had slightly different childhoods. when MC was only 1/2 years old is when things really started picking up in your parents' careers, so you've never really experienced the "struggle life" per se. bc of this age difference MC and their sister tend to clash, especially if you're someone who parties 24/7. but your relationship can improve or worsen even more over the course of the story
they did take you to premiers, events, galas, and such. MC quickly got used to that, because they raised MC at the beginning/height of their career, so that's definitely a world MC knows very well
all their film creds were in their early/mid teens, so i'd say MC was pretty excited to be invited onto their parents' set as a legit actor, just bc i think lots of kids would be. and it was a calculated move on their parents' part to get MC's foot in the door. so, it's not bc people wouldn't hire them, they actually got plenty audition interest, but your parents were adamant on finishing school first + it's not like they were dependent on MC for money
maybe some films they were less ecstatic about, but it's not like they were casted as the lead/main ones. it was kind of like the Apatow family with their kids, where you play a minor role, get your name out there, and then have something to show off your acting experience
they received lessons in the big 3 (modelling, acting, and singing) during their childhood!
you can decide but that doesn't mean the media/public will respect that! (lots of them drop your parents' name when reporting on MC)
nope, the nearest performing arts private school was too far, so they decided on weekly lessons, and a private school within the area, so that their busy schedules didn't put too much of a strain on family time together
yes, a couple, after highschool. some they made with friends, unpaid and for fun, and others they were hired to do. but people don't really care about all that; they hear "nepo baby" and see the family production creds, and immediately stamp you as "undeserving & talentless". so only very few people know of those films in which MC actually performs quite well in
tbh, there might be a few comments here and there, but majorly it will be ignored for story purposes, as it would be very hard to add something unique to every person!
hope this gave much more insight!!
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conanssummerchild · 7 months
im bored as shit so im going to asign a community person/ship to every conan gray song bcs i really just use this site as a stream of my conciousness, if anyone has a better one for any of them feel free to tell me, also fair warning abed is my fav character, i'll try not to make everything abt him and troy but no promises
grow: the whole final episode really but im thinking mostly jeff tbh or also abed leaving for LA, or even maybe troy leaving on his voyage ☹️
idle town: the 'town' being greendale i feel like this applies to jeff also 😭 like its abt all of them but its jeffs pov
generation why: im thinking my girl britta hehe idk how to explain it but the vibes are so there
crush culture: im thinking annie, but also maybe jeff, aro king 👑
greek god: im thinking maybe abed in high school? i would say annie but she seemed to care more about fitting in while abed had accepted he couldnt, also hes like insightful and observant yk
lookalike: oh my god, brittas pov and its about jeff and slater oof
the other side: troy and abed, specifically in geothermal escapism 😭</3 im killing myself why would i do this
the king: okay fuck this is so trobed coded, abeds pov
comfort crowd: the whole study group tbh <33 in more specifics i was thinking jeff + the study group and honestly abed and annie
wish you were sober: i mean this one has to be either jeff and britta or britta and troy, though troy and britta could be taken either as britta wanting to go party and smoke weed or wtv and troy not rlly doing that stuff or britta feeling rejected bcs of troy giving all his attention to abed 😭 (like as in wish u were sober being wish u werent a raging homosexual)
maniac: probably i'd have to say jeffbritta from either pov
(online love): i... dont know tbh. the vibes are giving annie and troy for some reason, maybe once troys already left?
checkmate: the fond eyeroll i had to give, jeff and britta again. maybe annie being pissed at jeff over their kiss but i dont ship them romantically
the cut that always bleeds: idk, maybe jeff and annies weird ass relationship that keeps fucking happening is the closest, from annies pov
fight or flight: idk tbh, maybe trobed and britta if i had to go with smth, this one is mostly EXTREMELY byler coded (from stranger things) and im never fucking letting that go
affluenza: ok i mean ive gotta give this one to jeff dont i
(can we be friends?): troy abed and annie <3 im so soft for them
heather: ok fuck i HAVE to say trobed and britta and its abeds pov and if we're being specific them in virtual systems analysis becuase i'll never get over this episode ("ive run the simulations, i dont get married :/") bcs i fucking love abed being jealous of britta while she was with troy in the cool way but also in the sad if troy cant love me no one will way
little league: this is troy and abed when troy leaves :(((( and this is canon bcs my beloved wife and i are so troy and abed coded and she loves little league sooo
the story: ok so the boy and the girl are hmm annie and abed, the boy and the boy are troy and abed duh doy, him and his friend are maybe idk britta and troy, i dont wanna say jeff or abed bcs their dad/mum abandoned them and that bit's abt wanting to get away from ur parents yk
fake: (😭) maybe jeff (alan's pov 😔😔💔💔) nah but fr i see people joking abt his song but its lowkey fire
telepath: jeff 😔 and 😔 britta 😔
movies: ok i literally cant say anyone other than abed, the king of movies. im not really feeling troy tho, maybe rachel, like maybe when abed kept trying to super speed run their relationship and he was anxious abt not passing the relationship tests
people watching: the MOST annie coded song ever holy fuck she is so people watching coded i love her so much
disaster: abed. or britta. my abandonment/commitment issues babies <33
astronomy: would it be absolutely too painful if i said troy and abed. honestly i actually think im feeling more jeff and abed but not like at eachother just both of them together in their sadness, from their pov to someone else (britta and troy probably seeing as these r their main romantic interests)
yours: AHH THIS SONG DEAR GOD </3 can i say abed jesus fuck im killing myself this one for abed hurts so much, not really directed at anyone in specific, or more like just directed at everyone, just his abandonment issues :( ("i dont always see it coming" PUT ME DOWN)
jigsaw: oo britta, my queen she just wants to be loved so bad </3 but also a bit abed ("if being less insane would make you stay" oof)
family line: okay. jeff.he actually invented having daddy issues
summer child: ok its abed bcs i kin him idc, im conans summer child™ and i said so /lh
footnote: not quite sure, very annie coded imo. maybe trobed? either pov ig but im feeling troy
memories: hm, trobed after troy leaves? abed trying to get over him but he keeps imagining troys still there with him like as in one of the hallucinations he has bcs i read a fic like this yesterday and it was sooooo good, idk maybe this is a little far fetched
the exit: im not rlly sure actually, either jeffbritta after the whole i love you in front of anyone fiasco or trobed when troys dating britta 🤷‍♂️
never ending song: ok, jeffbritta.
winner: THE MOST SONG EVER. ok this one is abed. it will always be abed. family line i feel like is more about a hostile home enviroment and jeff implies that his was, while winner is more pain of neglect or disconnect so i feel like its more appliable to abed because of how hes shown to not be understood by his parents and feels responsible for his mother leaving and this makes me think of the line "you dont really wanna hear the truth, do you?" because like his mum loving him on paper but not actually loving who he is or be willing to accept hes different and has different needs FUCK abeds mother all my homies hate abeds mother (what im not projecting at all my parents definitely love me and accept that im autistic /s)
killing me: im not quite sure actually. conan did write this song about someone who gave him tonsilitis and abed cannonically had tonsilitis though so 🤯
lonely dancers: hmm i feel like this song is upbeat enough to be trobed being silly tgth but maybe its more jeffbritta coded, or jeff and abed abt britta and troy, or vice versa, not sure
sorry i never mentioned shirley i do love her
feel free to take any of these as platonic or romantic idrk, a lot of them i couldve meant either way anyway
if u even made it this far u can have a gold star ⭐️ there u go
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vibratingskull · 3 months
Hiiii I love your fics so much that I'm genuinely suffering from Yandere Thrawn Brainrot 😭 can I pretty please request Yandere Thrawn x fem reader where the reader is just accepting of his behaviour? like maybe she's a rebel who has been just abandoned by her friends so she just gives in because actually the attention he gives is really nice when she behaves or maybe she's one of the emperors daughters who is always kind of forgotten about in comparison to her sisters so Thrawns attitude isn't a red flag for her because he treats her so nice and has never once sidelined her or forgotten anything about her! I just think it's an interesting idea to play with like I'm sure Yandere Thrawn would be ecstatic to have a partner who doesn't bat an eye to his behaviour and soaks it up desperately, even the brothel fic you made could fit with Yandere Thrawn (look at how bad the brainrot is LMAOOOOO) ofc I'd have to request some smut in it like maybe he eats her out on his command chair 🤭 (that's all I can think about since the last Yandere thrawn AU you just posted haha make it as crazy as you want it to be tbh I love giving you full reign over this your smut is like high quality wine for me at this point!) Anyways! Before I get completely off track and send you a whole essay of ideas I just wanna say that I cheered when I saw your requests open and you don't have to write this idea or if you prefer to tweak it then that's absolutely fine! I hope you're doing amazing and I'm looking forward to your beautiful creations!!!
Yandere Thrawn is best boy, you cannot change my mind! He can be a murderous psycho or a complete puppy if you play your cards well. Aaaaaaaw thank you dear ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm really happy you like my silly stuffs, even the smutty ones (i'm so not confident about those), it will be a 2 parters !
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Tags: Yandere behavior (duh), possessive, painting, meet cute
You sigh, sitting alone at the table. You make your drinks twirl in your glass, silently observing the ballroom. Your hand supporting your chin you look at the couples dancing, the lively discussions around the room, the laughs and smiles, the kisses exchanged behind closed doors, and the champagne flowing freely. 
You catch one of your sisters dancing with a suitor, a metal and gaz magnate infinitely rich, they have been glued to one another during the entire party. You turn your head to see another one leading a political discussion with her natural charm, they all laugh at her witty comebacks and believe every word she speaks like gospel. You turn again to see your third sister on the stage, singing softly a beautiful melody, admired by the rest of the audience. 
And then there is you... 
The fourth. 
The last one. 
You do not have the charisma, the talent, or the political gene to rival any of your sisters. No one knows what to do with you. Everyone planned a beautiful future for all your three sisters to make the Empire shine brighter but you? Nobody has any idea. All your professors searched for a secret talent, a hidden jewel, hoping you are simply a late bloomer. 
But nothing came. 
Oh, you tried. You tried so hard! Spending sleepless nights working on your studies to at least hope for a well-made brain. But you are so average, both in looks and intellect. Nothing shines about you, nothing is worth noting. 
You sigh and finish your drink. 
Your only little quirk is your paintings. That’s the only thing distinguishing you from your sisters, you not failing art class. It is quite fondly regarded when you’re five but when you’re an adult princess of the Empire you need other qualities and skills than a good brush move. 
You just wanted to go to art school and live simply, not that overdramatic life wrapped in politics and secrecy. You wish not for the power and the riches, they bring you too much headaches. You want to leave the Palace, find a small apartment, get a cat, and for everyone to forget your existence and leave you in peace. 
But no... Not a chance. 
This very party is a shining example. It is officially a diplomatic meeting between high political top hats but the true goal of your father is to show off his daughters in the hope you find a future husband, wealthy and powerful, and then marry you off. 
Nothing more. Nothing less. 
You are a prop to your father’s politics. Good to lure a man and his funds into the imperial bank. 
And right now you are failing spectacularly. Now that you mind per se, but the man you call father and emperor will inevitably learn about that and you don’t want to anger him. You still value your life. 
You sigh again mentally preparing yourself to stand up and try to “seduce” men, feeling a headache rising, when- 
“Will you allow me to join you?” A rich deep voice makes you turn your head. 
Grand Admiral Thrawn, a hand on the back of the other chair of your table, is looking at you with a small grin and sparkling eyes. 
“Oh...” You can only say, surprised for him to spawn out of nowhere, “I mean yes! Of course Grand Admiral.” 
“Thank you, your majesty.” He bows his head. 
He elegantly sits down next to you. Even his manners are impeccable, full of grace and dexterity. You feel so slow and clumsy next to him. You see his long, delicate fingers hovering over the canapes before choosing one and lifting it to his mouth to bite into it.  
Maker, even Military officers are more dignified than you... You subconsciously straighten your back to at least match the energy he brings to the table, trying not to appear too sluggish.  
You know this man for being the first and only alien to have reached the Grand Admiral rank, which is really impressive, you will give him that. He always struck you as a balanced and polite man. He revealed himself as an art enjoyer on your first meeting and very nicely proposed himself as a model for male anatomy. You accepted and you meet every other month when he comes back from his campaigns. He lets you draw and paint his body in silence for long hours before coming to take a look and give you advice from time to time. 
And then he leaves. And that’s the end of that. 
Or it is the end of your relationship because he seems to roam around the residency aisle of the palace a lot. Numerous times you caught the back of his head disappearing behind a corner when you left your studio after a long painting session. You have no idea what he comes here for in the residency wing of the Palace, nothing interesting for a Grand Admiral around here. 
As a matter of fact, you do have an idea why he comes to this part of the Palace, you suspect he comes to visit one of your sisters regularly. And he must be seriously enamored for risking the wrath of the Emperor! You don’t even want to imagine his reaction if he discovered the Alien got access to one of his dear eldest! 
You just hope the sister in question takes her precautions to not get caught. 
That would also be a huge waste for the Grand Admiral, if an alien such as him managed to reach this rank it means he must be terribly good at what he does! Not that the Emperor shares any tactical info with you, his daughters, it is a simple observation. And he looks rather dashing too... Your vain side would be devastated to learn such a handsome man would be executed, that would be such a loss for the Galaxy you nod to yourself. 
You remain silent, observing the guests and your sisters shining in their dresses and jewelry. They are so radiant, you think with envy. Typically the type of women a man as handsome as the Grand Admiral would pursue, they are in the same league. 
Contrary to you. 
You start feeling a tingle at the back of your neck and you turn your head to discover Grand Admiral Thrawn silently looking in your direction smiling softly. You spin your head again to see what he might be watching with such tenderness in his red gaze, only to see... 
You frown. 
“It is you I am looking at.” Thrawn’s deep voice rises again, with a touch of controlled amusement. 
You turn back to him with an embarrassed smile. 
“Oh, I just thought you saw... Nothing.” 
He tilts his head slightly. 
“What did you think I saw?” 
“I don’t know, something interesting.” You take your glass to your lips to sip, feeling your throat going dry. 
“But I am looking at something interesting. The most interesting person in this room.” 
Oh okay. 
You know where this is going, you know that sweet sugary tone. 
“What do you want Grand Admiral?” You put your glass back with a clank, “What demand do you want me to ask my father?” 
He cocks his head again, squinting like he didn’t understand your question. 
“I have no demand to ask your father.” 
“Of course you don’t.” You snort. 
They always do that. Come with a sweet voice and a compliment and then beg you to interfere with your father in their favor. 
You are no political genius but you recognize a freeloader when you meet one! 
“You always come to me! You think I am the weakest and easiest to manipulate for your benefit, you come with doe eyes and then ask outrageous demands, in the hope of gaining political powers. Well, I am sorry, go knock on another door!" You speak irritated but low to not start any drama. 
Vice Admiral Thrawn blinks at you. He shakes his head, trying to disarm the situation. 
"I assure you, Your Majesty, I did not come to ask any political favors of any kind.” He reiterates softly, “I simply saw you, so beautifully dressed and dolled up and could not help but come to you.” 
You sniff with disdain. Lies. If he doesn’t want political favors from your father then he wants access again to one of your sister's beds, another classic you had to deal with!  
“I am sorry Grand Admiral.” You say coldly, “I have nothing to give you.” 
His smile widens and you hear a low chuckle. 
“But on the contrary, it is me who wants to give you something, Your Majesty.”   
You look at him suspiciously as he takes something from his pocket. He puts a little box hermetically sealed in front of you. You tentatively take it and open the lid to discover a colorful powder in a tangerine shade. 
You look at him mouth agape and mute with surprise. 
“I heard you needed this shade to finish your latest painting.” He says softly, “I traveled the galaxy and found this powder made from local seashells in an isolated world. I saw it and knew I needed to get it for you.” 
This shade... 
Is the exact one you need, down to a t. 
“How... How did you...?” 
“That is not important, Your Majesty  I know how much you care about this painting and wanted to help you.” 
This painting, you saw it in your dreams. 
It was a flash of a faded memory of your dead mother, smiling at you before the sunset. Long, long ago... 
This powder is the perfect shade for her eyes... 
“Oh dear Maker...” You start sobbing, hiding your mouth behind your hand. 
“Your Majesty?” Grand Admiral Thrawn asks, “Are you all right?” 
You nod, wiping any tear that might have rolled down your cheek, getting back control over your sobs. 
“Yes... Yes. Thank you Grand Admiral, this is a very thoughtful gift.” You smile at him. 
Now you feel dumb to have given him the cold shoulder. 
But how did he know about that painting? You don’t remember talking about it to anyone? You specifically hid it behind a sheet. 
“You are welcome, Your Majesty. It is my pleasure.” 
His hand furtively reaches yours and caresses your finger with the tips of his own. You let him do it. You don’t know why. It is simply not unpleasant... 
“I just thought... I’m going to sound stupid, bear with me, I thought you wanted to use me to get close to my sisters.” You chuckle embarrassed, “It is a bit stupid...” 
“Why would I want to get close to your sisters when you are here?” He asks. 
“Because... I am just me.” You shrug like it is evident, “Nobody knows what to do with me.” 
“I have plenty of ideas of what we could do together.” He whispers, taking your hand gently to kiss it, his red eyes looking brazenly at you. 
You feel heat spreading on your cheeks. 
“Vice Admiral!” You choke “How dare... We are in the middle of a ballroom!” You chastise him. 
“We can leave anytime you desire...” He licks your knuckles with the tip of his warm tongue, looking insolently at you. 
You feel yourself melting into a puddle at that gaze on you. So many unchaste images cross his read shining eyes while devoring you. You feel stripped naked before him. You gulp and turn your head away, you cannot hold his gaze, you feel like you’re about to combust. 
He chuckles and kisses your hand again. 
“I am merely joking, Your Majesty. I know you cannot simply fool around with any man. But maybe  you will allow me this dance?” He stands up, still holding your hand but awaits your response. 
You gingerly look at him. Dear Maker, he is so tall... 
He looks at you with a small smile, gently squeezing your hand. 
“I... Can allow one dance.” You concede. 
“You are so generous with me, Your Majesty. I thank you.”  
He helps you stand and guides you to the dancefloor, his warm hand on your lower back. He spins toward you and grabs your hand, pressing your two bodies together. 
“Hold on to me, Your Majesty.” He says sensually. 
And he makes you spin and twirl on the dancefloor, holding you so close you can feel his high body warmth through your clothes. He is a very, very good dancer you realize.  
The dance starts normal and modest as it should be but it slowly dissolves into... something else.  
You can feel his large hands roaming your entire body, playing with the straps of your dress, raising the hem of your dress to touch your naked thigh, he grabs the pin and frees your hair in your back, he grabs your hips to press them against his in a sultry move, almost grabbing your butt... 
It feels like he is making love to you, fully clothed and in public. You fail to put a stop to it and protect your modesty, he is just so good at it that you blindly follow him, losing track of time. 
You gulp, losing your breath as he makes your head spin dangerously. He never once stops looking at you, devouring you with his shiny rubies, hunger lying deep in them. 
You are breathless, straps down your shoulders, your skirt high on your thighs and your legs trembling terribly, threatening to give out under you if Grand Admiral Thrawn wasn't holding you firmly against his tall body. 
“Gra.. Grand Admiral...” You can only say. 
“Is there a problem, Your Majesty? We are simply dancing, like I promised we would only do.” 
“This is not a dance! This is...” You try to get angry at him but your beating heart only pumps blood to your cheeks even more. 
“You did not stop me once.” He tilts his head, “If you said no I would have stopped immediately.” 
“Someone could see us! Someone-” 
“There are a lot of people around us. They hide you perfectly, no one will ever know. You can let go entirely, let me guide you...” He whispers sultrily in your ear.  
His hand on your back slowly caresses his way down towards your butt and his hand on your leg slowly brushes his way up towards your crotch. 
This... This is so indecent! 
So scandalous! 
So obscene! 
You should slap him across the face and ditch him there but you want more of it. You feel fire starts in your loin, slowly spreading in your veins, coursing through your entire body.  
Quite unexpectedly he lets you go. You look at him without understanding, he grins and kisses your hand gallantly again. 
“Have a nice evening, Your Majesty. Thank you for this... Delicious moment. I will see you for our next modeling session.” He rolls his ‘R’ like a purr and leaves. 
Did he... 
Is he the one who ditched you? At the height of the tension? When you were about to say ‘yes’ to him? You remain standing still in the middle of the dancefloor, mouth agape, breathless, hair and dress in a mess. You walk back to your seat, your legs wobbly at every step. 
You feel played. 
How dares he come around to set you on fire and just leave you, arms dangling, craving for so much more?! Such a ... Tease! You readjust your dress modestly, making sure none of your sisters saw anything of this... Outrageous display. None of them are looking in your direction, they are fully focused on their friends or songs. 
You sigh, feeling like an idiot. Typically a thing that wouldn’t have happened to your sisters, they would have either put a stop to it or enchanted him so much that he would have dropped to his knees, begging for more of them. 
You're the only one dunce enough to get played like that. 
But... You cannot help but like it. It felt good to be someone’s center of the universe, even for two fleeting minutes, feeling his daring hands exploring your body so... immodestly. No man ever treated you like that, even less a man so handsome... 
You shake your head. Stop that! It is blind lust speaking. 
Your eyes lay down on the little box. You reopen it, to be sure of its content. Exactly the pigment you needed, the exact shade and vibrance...  
How did he know? 
The first time he saw you was during an Imperial ceremony, from far away. The youngest of all the daughters, dressed in gold, pearls, and Orichalc. He was still a simple commodore back then, without as much power to himself. He was from very far away, not able to discern the features of your face, but it was clear from your body language and posture you didn’t want to be here. 
Like himself. 
Pryce was unavailable, a rarity for a shark like her to miss a political event like that, but she pressed him to go, to form alliances with as many senators as possible. How on the Warrior’s Blue Csilla was he supposed to do that? He is surrounded by sharks and snakes ready to eat each other for their selfish benefits, something so beyond him he simply forgets this is actually a thing people do instead of worrying for the good of the many... 
Saying he was terrified would be false, but saying he was comfortable would be a lie.  
It takes a lot to make him uncomfortable, but politicians always do the trick.  
So in a weird way, he felt kinship towards you. He knew nothing about you, he was not even sure of your rank at that very moment, but like him, you wished you weren't there at that moment. 
The massive difference was that he was anonymously sitting in the grandstand while you were on the big stage, to be looked at and admired like a pretty doll by everyone else. How uncomfortable it must feel... He felt sorry for you. 
Despite your discomfort, you accomplished your duties with grace, obeying your role. It was commendable of you.  
“Who are those young ladies on the side of the stage?” He leaned towards his sit neighbor. 
“Do you live under a rock? They are the Emperor’s daughters, the Imperial princesses.” He got chastised. 
He nodded thankfully and returned to his silent observation of the ceremony. 
It was not so long in retrospect, but isolated on this stage it must have felt like an eternity for you. 
After the ceremony was the real challenge for him, for two hours he had to remain comfortably seated in silence to observe a stage, now he was truly meant to go out of his way and meet politicians.  
He had to take refuge to the buffet or the corners of the room more than one time. Why can’t he read and anticipate politicians’ maneuvers? Why was he so blind to this type of warfare? After a new uncomfortable discussion that ended up with him pissing off his interlocutor because they couldn’t meet eyes to eye he caught a cozy area, almost hidden behind heavy curtains with sofas and a fountain, isolated from the rest of the busy party. He entered, hoping to find some peace and quiet but he found a young woman here, dressed in gold, pearl, and Orichalc. 
“Your Majesty.”Thrawn bowed respectfully, “I did not want to disturb your peace, I will leave.” He immediately excused himself and turned to go away 
“You may stay, sir.” You simply responded, not even looking up from your drink twirling in your glass. “I do not mind...” 
“I thank you, Your Majesty.” He bowed again and took a seat. 
Not on the same sofa as you, it would be terribly improper to impose his presence on a woman like that. He chose one a little removed from you to leave you in peace. 
He was gathering his thoughts, but you kept catching his eyes, something about you was...interesting him. And he didn’t know what, nor the true nature of his interest in you. 
“What?” You asked out of the blue, “You keep giving me side glance, you never saw a woman before?” 
“My apologies, Your Majesty. It was impolite of me” 
“Yes, it is. My father killed men for less than that.” You added acidic. 
Something in your tone and demeanor... Like a heavy lassitude, like you were crushed by something. But what? 
“I will keep it in mind, then. Thank you for the warning, Your Majesty.” 
You sniffed with disdain before looking back down to your drink. 
“So it’s you....” You finally added after several minutes of silence, “the Navy’s favorite pet.” 
He turned back his gaze to you, squinting. 
“The Navy’s pet?” He repeated politely. 
“The only alien in the Navy, and a Commodore at that. You pissed off a lot of people, my congratulations.” 
He was not able to judge if you were sincere or sarcastic. 
“I do my best to do my job. But some people never seem satisfied, I cannot do anything more to content them, I am afraid.” He humbly admits. 
“Like me.” You let out with a little voice. 
You did not say more and he did not pryied. 
“Why are you not enjoying the party, Your Majesty?” He asked, curious, “Your sisters are getting their fill.” 
You snarled in response. 
“If you came here to flaunt my dear sisters in my face you can leave, sir.” 
“My apologies, Princess. I was simply curious why a young adult would not enjoy such a party.” He explained. 
You turned your head and for the first time your gazes crossed. 
“What about you? You do not seem the type to enjoy parties either.” 
“My young years are behind me.” 
You frowned. 
“Are they?” 
Well technically he is still considered rather young for Chiss standards with their longer lifespan but for humans, he is middle-aged. But you don’t know that. 
“I am over 45.” He informed you. 
The way your beautiful human eyes rounded up in surprise was quite delectable. 
“You’re kidding.” 
“I am not.” 
“You barely look 35.” You responded astonished. 
He came to understand it was a compliment on his physical appearance. Something he was not used to. 
“I thank you, your Majesty. You look ravishing yourself.” 
He stopped dead. Was ‘ravishing’ too much? How do you respond politely to a woman appreciating your physical appearance, and what is the proper and polite response when that woman is an Imperial Princess? 
You gauged him up and down before exploding laughing. 
Not one of those overly musical and false laughs of politicians and freeloaders, a true, pure, and sincere fit of laughter. Something coming directly from the heart. 
Something fresh. 
He remained still, not knowing how to react. Your laugh was quite pleasant to hear, and the smile you tried to hide behind your hand enhanced your features gracefully.  
“Oh Maker.” You breathe to calm down, “You are quite funny, sir!” 
He failed to see what was funny in his response but he was not starting to question a Princess. You sighed deeply, still shaken by the remnants of your laugh. At least you were smiling now, that heavy sentiment hovering over you seemed to have disappeared. At least for now. 
“Thank you, your Majesty.” He diplomatically responded. 
“So tell me truly, why did you come hiding here?” You asked, a bit more lively. 
This time he was the one looking down at his drink for a fleeting moment. 
“Politics... Evade me entirely.” He finally reveals. 
He looked at you curiously. 
“But you are a Princess of the Empire.” 
“That doesn’t mean I can lead. I dislike politics. I prefer my studio.”  
A studio? The type he is hoping for? 
“What type of studio?”  
“Oh ... Just.” You gave him a side glance and lowered your gaze, embarrassed “No. You will find it stupid.” 
“I will not judge, Your Majesty.” He solemnly declared. 
“I ... Paint. A little...”You revealed, fidgeting your fingers. 
His heart jumped and all of his social anxiety and restraints lifted up like a cloud. You paint? It’s marvelous news! He loves paintings, why not tell him sooner? 
“This is not stupid, Your Majesty. Art is a very noble and respectable hobby, I am a humble art enjoyer myself.” He explained calmly, keeping his growing enthusiasm on a leash. “Would you have pictures of your work to show me by any chance?” He daringly asked 
You looked at him absolutely horrified.  
Please, do not look at him like that...It displeases him, even though he doesn’t quite know why. 
He likes it when women are comfortable with him, it is gratifying to be perceived as a protector. He wants you to feel relaxed around him. 
Especially you 
For some unknown reasons... 
“I... No!” You hurriedly responded. 
He tilted his head. He wanted to see some of your work. It is so important for artists to be seen and perceived for them to flourish in their talents. 
He just wanted to give you a positive boost... But you denied him. 
“I understand.” He responded, a bit disappointed to have lost this opportunity to speak about art. 
You looked at him, embarrassed before rising on your feet to close the curtain entirely, giving the little salon a cozy and very intimate atmosphere. You took out your imager of your little purse and approached him shyly, suddenly self-conscious. 
He looked at you approaching with an impassible expression, but hope constricted his heart. 
“Do you promise to not mock me?” You asked like you weren't an Imperial Princess with significant powers. 
No. At this very instant you were a shy, but hopeful young artist, ready to expose herself intimately to a fellow art enjoyed, pressing your imager against your chest.  
You were taking a leap of faith... 
And he was ready to catch you in his arms. 
“I never mock an artist, Your Majesty.” He declared with all the serious in the world. 
You gulped and sat down next to him, handing him the imager with a slightly trembling hand. 
“This is not very good...” You warned him. 
Who cares? If you are a beginning artist with a low level he will be more than happy to give you references and art currents to study to help you in your art journey. 
But you were actually really good with a brush. No need to get all shy about it, you should be proud of your paintings! 
You studied a lot of subjects and tried a lot of different techniques and materials, your style could be soft and appeasing with pastel colors, bold and brash with vibrant brush strokes, or gloomy and eerie, creating a haunting atmosphere. 
But no matter how different your paintings might be there was one very clear constant for him. 
Your innate good and soft nature. 
Not in a fragile or virginal way, no. But something bright, shining like a real sun, luminous, warm, inescapable, and unstoppable... 
How could you be Emperor Palpatine’s daughter? 
How was that possible? 
He silently observed your work under your worried gaze, awaiting his judgment. It is clear you hid this part of yourself from everyone else, and maybe he was the very first person who took interest in your hobby, the very first one you let gaze upon yourself so intimately like that... 
Because it was very intimate, he knew it. He stripped your soul naked before him and he ogled without any shame, taking as many details as he could. 
And he very much liked what he saw. 
Where were gentle souls like yours in the galaxy? They appeared so rare and he would very much appreciate one in his life. A friend honest and deeply good by nature... 
That sounds terribly enticing to him. 
He knew nobody on Coruscant, spending his entire leaves in art galleries. But maybe now he could visit them with a nice company at his arm? Simple rendezvous filled with passionate discussions about art, speaking and debating a subject until you both lose your voices and only look into each other eyes to continue the discussion. 
That sounds terribly nice... 
But you are a Princess and him a Commodore. How would that work? He was not even sure he had the right to be in the same room as you.  
But the idea was just so nice... An art partner, being friends with an actual artist, getting to witness the intricate process of creating a masterpiece.  
That is just so alluring to him... 
“So?” you asked with a short breath. 
“This is high-quality work, Princess. You have an undeniable talent and obviously worked really hard to get to this level.” He praised, “I can only encourage you to continue.” 
“You think... I could live on my brush one day?” You inquired, hope lying in your voice. 
“It is a real possibility, I can see it happening.” He nodded with a tight encouraging smile. 
“... Thank you.” You let him knew, “I...” 
You seemed to be about to say something else but suddenly jumped on your feet, the heat signals of your face through the roof. 
“I need to go! Good evening Sir!” And like that you left him, speechless, still holding your precious imager. 
Maybe the tension of showing your art to someone else for the first time was too much for you. This was quite endearing and he let out a little chuckle amused. 
He resumed his art exploration on your imager, he will find a way to send it back to you. 
He didn’t sent it back. 
He kept it, he has it every day in his inner pocket, close to his heart. He rummages through it when he can, seeing you through the pictures, getting to know you through each paint stroke.  
He innocently thought about you two becoming art friends to satisfy his knowledge cravings, but instead, he developed an... interesting bound with you. 
Without your knowledge.  
He tried several times to come to see you at your art studio to give it back, only to remain at the door, silently spying on you painting through the cracked door. 
He wished not to disturb the holy inspiration flow so precious to artists. He would break your entire rhythm if he knocked at the door and stopped you. 
How could he dare disturb the process of art? Especially yours? So he remained at the door for long hours until you decided to exit the room or he heard someone come by. 
When you weren’t here he forced the door open to tidy up the place and look at your last pieces. 
But one day you were simply preparing yourself to paint so he entered. Unannounced, unwanted he walked in like he owned the place. You didn’t see him at first, focusing on your flimsy sheets when you raised back on your feet to discover him observing your latest piece with attention, his hand holding his chin, appreciating every detail. 
“Oh dear Maker!” You jumped back. 
He turned his head to you with a tight smile. 
“My apologies, Princess.” He said not at all sorry. 
“What are you doing here?!” You asked in some sort of panick. 
“Your father requested my presence today, and I had hoped to be able to catch you paint.” He mundanely explained it like it was evidence. 
“And why is that?” You asked suspiciously, hiding some sketches behind you. 
“My apologies Princess, I got ahead of myself. I have something belonging to you and wanted to give back.” 
He took out the small imager of his pocket to hand it to you. He already has several copies and backups of all your art. 
“My imager!” You shouted, relieved. “Where did you get it?” 
“You actually gave it to me years ago when I was still a Commodore.” He explains gently. 
You took the imager back and looked in the gallery, with an elated smile.  
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, Mister.” You raise back your clear gaze at him. 
Of course, you knew his name, he was the only alien of the fleet, surely his name traveled the corridors of the Palace and he knew it. But Politeness and etiquette demanded you asked. 
And you are a very polite woman. 
He put his right hand on his heart and bowed to you. 
“I am Vice Admiral Thrawn. I am delighted to meet you again, Your Majesty.” 
You elegantly bowed back. 
“I am (Y/n) (L/n).” 
“Are you not a Palpatine?” Thrawn tilted his head. 
You bite your lower lips, like you spoke too much. 
“I... Prefer to identify with  my mother’s name.” You explain. 
“It is a very beautiful name, it suits you marvelously.” He reassured you, “Do you mind if I remain for your next session? I long to observe an artist in their element.” 
“Oh well...” You spin your head towards the holo clock on the wall and all of your glee seems to melt, your smile disappearing, “I am afraid there won’t be a session today... Yet again.” 
Thrawn squinted. 
“Is there a problem, your Majesty?” 
“No its...” You sighed deeply, “Another model ditched me apparently. He should have been here an hour ago...” 
“If you allow me, your Majesty, I can replace him if you wish.” Thrawn proposed immediately. 
“I...” You purse your lips, thinking “I usually book models for three to four hours, are you sure you have that time?” 
“I do today.” He answered politely, hiding his enthusiasm, “By a splendid hasard I have nothing booked for the rest of the day. I can model for you as long as you need.” 
He very carefully planned today’s agenda to have his afternoon and evening free after his visit to the Emperor. It will postpone some operations on the Chimaera, but nothing he cannot catch up on, he made sure of it. 
You hesitated, your gaze traveling from Thrawn’s stern face to your flimsy sheets. 
It is the fifth model ditching you. 
The fifth Thrawn got rid off.  
When he entered your studio in your absence he got the occasion to detail your work and picked up on your... attraction, towards those young men. 
Something that infuriated him greatly, even though he wasn’t sure why. He never felt like that before, longing for your presence, to get to know you better and well. This is a very new sentiment to him, he desires to be with you, to listen to you talk, to help you, to just be here in the same room as you. You could be silent and still, sitting on a pedestal and he would sit and look at you with all his attention, trying to pierce your secrets. 
Why are you doing that to him? Where does this deep sentiment of covetousness come from? Right now he just wants to grab your hand and flee away from the Imperial Palace with you, take the first shuttle and take off for the never-ending universe, take you far away from that man you call father and Emperor for you both to live free. 
He always feels so cold all day long, but in your vicinity, everything warms up, the ice melts, and the sun dares from its rays on his flesh, bringing him back to life and waking him up from a long coma. Laying his gaze on you he feels like opening his eyes for the first time and taking his first breath. 
Is that... Love? 
Did Cupid finally hit him with an arrow after ignoring him all his life? 
He quite likes how that sounds. 
He wants more. So, so much more... 
But for now, he looked at you hesitating, patient, with a tight polite smile of someone only desiring to help. 
“Well... If it isn’t too much trouble for you, I would appreciate it. What about a portrait to start?” 
“But of course, Your Majesty. I am here to serve.” He bowed his head again deeply pleased that his plan worked. 
He cannot help but wonder, how do you see him? Is he handsome or repulsive to your eyes? Is he powerful or weak? 
He will soon know it through your primary sketches... 
“What are you thinking about Grand Admiral Thrawn?” You call him back to reality 
Thrawn blinks, realizing he is posing for you once again in your studio. It is quite rare that he lets his memories take the forefront of his mind but his mind drifted off observing you painting him like that. 
You took great care to not look at him in the eyes since that party and he is greatly pleased by the turmoil he stirred within you. Today again you cannot look in his direction without your face’s heat signals rising. 
How delectable... 
You draped a long fabric on him and gave him a staff to hold, ordering his pose, and started to paint. Holding the pose is hard but that only pushes him to appreciate art even more. He feels your focused gaze skimming his skin, detailing his muscles, observing the crooks and crannies of his flesh, taking in the different shades of blue of his skin. 
He feels his heart accelerating with your eyes traveling his naked form. 
He never exposed himself in such a way to anybody before. 
It is so intimate. 
So erotic... 
He feels great under your gaze, he feels... Empowered. Like he could become what he was always meant to be under your brush, that through your gaze he truly could realize himself. He feels his chest puffing up with pride and satisfaction. That surge of warmth spreading in his chest and heart when your eyes skim his skin feels so soft and right... 
“You truly have mesmerizing eyes, I hope I will be able to do them justice...” You say almost to yourself, fully focused on your sketch. 
“We could do a series of portraits after, you could study them in detail.” He proposes. 
“Thank you Grand Admiral.” You smile. 
“Please, call me Thrawn, Your Majesty. I am a simple man at your art service in this room.” 
“Then call me (Y/n).” You decide, “Let’s just be a man and a woman for this afternoon.” 
“I simply cannot, Your Majesty. You are an Imperial Princess, I cannot address you with such familiarity.” He counters. 
Who is he to address you so casually? He will not strip you down of your titles and grandeur.  
You pout, visibly displeased by his response. 
“All right...” You say very disappointed. 
He clenches his jaw, conscious of his misstep. 
“If you truly desire it, I will address you as you wish (Y/n).” He responds softly. 
But in his mind he will keep using your titles, they suit you so well. 
You nodd enthusiastically, relieved by his new response. 
“Do you want to take a look?” You ask. 
He descends from the pedestal and passes on a gown to modestly cover himself, but he doesn’t close it, coming to admire your genius on the canvas, discovering himself through your own eyes. 
You take a picture with your imager that he gave back, adding it to your collection. His heart sprints at the view of the imager in a very Pavlovian response. 
He had... other uses for your imager. 
He will never admit it, not even under torture, but... He furiously masturbated several times using your art collection on the imager. He has no rational explanation for it. One day he was terribly bothered, to his utmost inconvenience, and hoped that some nice paintings could distract him. 
But instead  
He just got such a clear picture of you, of your good nature, of your amazingly sweet personality that he became hard like wood, worsening the situation. He found a self-portrait of yourself, looking straight back at him with such a clear and assured gaze... And he just lost it. 
He fisted himself, entranced by those expressive eyes looking brazenly at him. 
He never came so hard before, his entire body struck by lightning, setting fire to his very soul. He was left breathless and disoriented, his large chest rising up and down rapidly, your impudent gaze fixing him intently. 
The high was so high the descent was devastating, leaving him craving more of you, by any means necessary... 
That’s when he decided to enter your studio for the first time. 
Thrawn discovers the canvas. 
He discovers himself slouching regally on a throne like he is presiding over a tedious political case and is about to give his royal judgment. 
You remain a step behind, fidgeting your fingers. 
“What do you think?” You ask a bit worried. 
An idea flashes in his mind, a bad idea, but oh so delicious... 
“Technically very interesting and avant-garde. But there is something...” He teases sadistically. 
“Something? What? What is wrong? What did I do wrong?” You immediately panick. 
“Are you familiar with male anatomy?” He asks, falsely investigating. 
Of course, you are familiar with it, he saw you paint it plenty of times. 
“Yes! I am!” You protest. 
“Let’s see...” He gently takes your hands to place them on his large pecs. 
Your eyes round up in surprise and your breath is caught in your throat. 
“Feel the muscles, how they are built in the body.” He casually instructs while he takes your hands for a jaunt on his body, caressing himself with your soft palms. 
“Hum... Grand Admiral?” You try. 
“Feel where they start and end, where they cross paths and attach to the bones.” He slowly pushes your hands down his abdominals. 
You audibly gasp as he directs your hands on his naked body. While your body heat skyrockets in your embarrassment and confusion, he revels in the softness of your touch and the freshness of your hands on his thick skin. 
Your touch is delightful. Delicate and tender. He has all the pain in the world to not moan in bliss... 
He presses your palms on his abdominals, pushing them farther and farther south. 
“It is very important you understand how the muscles twist and bend.” He lectures you like you didn’t already know that. 
“Grand Admiral...” You press him more and more embarassed. 
He takes a step forward and you take a step back. 
He takes another one and you do the same. 
He finally blocks you against the desk where you keep all your colors and pigments. You jolt when your back hits the wooden table, caged between his half-naked body and the furniture. He stops your hands on his groin region, right above his cock.  
He looks at your flustered face intently, how you evade his gaze and your heat signals are the worst he ever saw. He refrains from licking your face as he so desperately wants to. 
Your sex is irradiating a warm light to his infrared vision, well awake and demanding attention. He takes great pride in the reaction of your body to his daring advances, but you also appear tense. 
“Feel how my male body is different from your female body, feel it deeply... within you...” He whispers, looming forward to press his forehead against yours to look at your eluding gaze. He pulls your hands to wrap your arms around his waist as his own hands come to seize your hips, slightly slipping them under your corseted top to caress your smooth human skin. 
You cannot help the gasp escaping you, shocked to your core but indubitably... interested. Curious and craving for more. 
Still, the uneasy feeling remains in the pearl of your eyes. 
He presses your hips together and rolls his pelvis, delighting himself in your hot and bothered reaction. Your hands are trembling and sweaty but they hold on his lower back. You slowly and timidly raise your gaze to meet his, mouth agape and with a short breath. 
You gulp as he smiles, satisfied.  
Are you a virgin? Will he be your first? 
His heart pumps harder! 
You first... But more importantly your last! 
He lowers himself with a satisfied grin, but right before he is about to kiss you, he suddenly grabs your ass to lift you up and put you on the table, making you yelp in surprise. His hands lift your skirt to caress your round thighs, dividing them open to slide between them swiftly. 
His blood is beating furiously, his hands caressing and exploring your gorgeous body eagerly, mentally pesting against those useless clothes hiding your naked perfection to his burning rubies. You let out a weak moan between precocious fear and irrefutable excitement. 
Your hands circle his shoulders and you dig your nails into his blue flesh, to his utmost pleasure, pulling you tighter towards you. 
Everything comes to a halt as you look into each other eyes with heavy breathing.  
He wants you. 
He craves you. 
And he will have you! 
In one way or another, you will be his and his alone.  
He will rip you out of your father’s claws and build you a life of comfort and love.  He will hold you close and tight, showering you with adoration every day, worshipping at your feet. 
Thrawn taunts you with his lips, hovering them over your parted mouth, making your throat go dry with anticipation. He teases you with a kiss on the tip of your nose, before letting out a low growl as your gazes meet, you cannot help but moisten your plump lips with your tongue with a short breath.  
Thrawn hand seizes your lower back to pull you close and tight against him, his second hand embracing the back of your skull to pull you ever so slightly closer to his tempting grin. 
You look at each other in a suspended moment, listening to each other heavy heartbeat, feeling the sheer tension in the room before Thrawn lowers himself with the intent to kiss you. 
“Please... Do not hurt me...” You ask with a voice so low and feeble he barely hears you, tears in your eyes. 
He stops his motion. 
Why would- 
“Sorry for my late arrival Princess, I-” 
A man enters the studio unannounced, absolutely ruining the moment. You yelp in surprise, pulling on your skirt to cover your bare legs while Thrawn merely turns his upper body towards the intruder to shoot him with his glare, making no effort to cover his modesty. 
The man is clearly embarrassed to have walked in during an intimate moment, but Thrawn wants him more than embarrassed. He wants him repentant and desperate.  
“I am sorry, Sir.” You jump off the table, flustered, pushing your hair behind your ear to put up a front, “Thrawn, I present you Sir Hatway, a curator of an art gallery I invited to judge my art.” You gesture towards the impudent. 
The man clearly doesn't know what to do with himself in front of a naked Chiss. 
“Sir Hatway, this is Vice Admiral Thrawn of the Imperial Navy and one of my favorite model.” 
Thrawn heart speeds up at the compliment, but outside he is still shooting down Hatway, frowning, displeased. 
“Should I... Wait outside, Princess?” The impolite man asks. 
‘Yes he should!’ Thrawn thinks, clasping his hands behind his back. 
“No! No...” You hurriedly respond, “It is all right, you didn’t interrupt anything. We can look at my paintings now.” 
Thrawn gaze slides to you. 
What do you mean ‘didn’t interrupt anything’? He wants to ask impudently.  
He chastises himself. You are an imperial Princess. You cannot just fool around with anyone like that without consequences from your father, you must preserve your reputation. 
The insolent nods unsure, still uneasy, before turning towards Thrawn with a smile he surely hoped to be affable, but honestly is just pathetic. He takes a step forward with his hand extended. 
“Please to meet you Grand Admiral Thrawn.” 
Thrawn consciously takes his time to gauge him up and down from all his height, straightening his back to look at him with all the smugness his rank conferred him. He finally took the man’s hand to shake it. 
“The pleasure is mine, Sir Hatway.” Thrawn tightens his grip until the man winces in pain, “You will obviously not say a word of what you saw.” He asks, deadly cold. 
“N-no, sir. I saw nothing and know nothing...” He pitifully responds 
“Good...” The Chiss nods, venomous. 
“You can go, Grand Admiral.” You say, fidgeting your fingers, still visibly agitated, “We are done for today.” 
“If you allow me, Your Majesty. I am interested to witness your audition.” 
“I...” You bite your lower lips again, thinking, “All right.” You concede. 
When Thrawn exits the changing room in his pristine white uniform, Sir Hatway is no longer the pitiful man who entered the studio. He stands proudly before your paintings, detailing them and judging them imperially. 
You remain a bit behind, full of apprehension and hope. Like the day you showed Thrawn your imager. 
“This is not very good to be honest with you, Your Majesty. This is amateurish at best, and I am being generous.” 
Thrawn stops dead in his tracks. Did he hear right? 
“But I...” You try. 
“It will not be possible I am afraid. You should abandon painting entirely, this is not a world for a fragile flower like you...” 
Thrawn takes a single glance at the painting you are presenting right now. 
Your dear mother’s portrait. 
You spend long hours on this one, pouring your tears and blood in the paint to bring it to life and honor that woman. 
And that... Uncultured fool rejects it?! Calls it amateurish?! Thrawn never saw such passion in a portrait in a long long time! 
He heard enough. 
He walks to the man with three long strides, catching both of your attention. 
“Sir. I will invite you to take back your words immediately.” He said very coldly, camping in front of the fool, towering over him with all his height. 
“Who do you think you are to teach my job?!” The impudent retorted, any traces of the former shy man long gone. 
“Who do you think YOU are?! Is your heart so dry to be so blind before such a shining jewel, before such explicit talent, before such an evident masterpiece? I can not let you say such things.” 
The man looks at Thrawn afraid and confused but sticks to his guns. 
“No! It is my job to evaluate artists that wish to enter our art gallery and she doesn’t have the level expected.” 
“Can you not see she is ahead of her time? That she is avant-garde in so many aspects? I pity your gallery Sir, we must only find mediocrity inside.” 
“Are you insulting me?!”  
“You insulted her first.”  
“Grand admiral please...” You try to calm them both 
Thrawn raises his hand to sush you. 
“She has no talents, and no future in the art world. I am doing her a favor by telling her early.” He bites. 
Thrawn feels about to punch this man. 
Instead, he takes a step back and takes out his pair of gloves from his pocket, and throws them at the impudent’s face. 
“I will protect her honor, I challenge you sir.” 
“What?! No! This is getting ridiculous, stop-” You try to interject again. 
“Fine! Whenever you damn please Alien!” The fool retorts. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037 @davesrightshoe @holylonelyponyeatingmacaroni @leo4242564
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Going back to our roots here what’s your brutally honest opinion about lucaya and joshaya if you’re up for some throwbacks
this message physically aged me 45 years 😭
lucaya- like, it was obviously planned from the beginning, but here's the thing: their dynamic was tired as hell. you see it in every piece of media ever. they were BORING. also I just genuinely almost never liked lucas lmfao. there were a handful of lines throughout 3 seasons that got a laugh out of me- and it was always when he was playing the idiot or confused part, if they had just let him be the wannabe eric of the show it could have been amazing. as for maya, I definitely wasn't as attached to her as I was riley, she just kinda got on my nerves a bit, but Dear God Did She Deserve Better. the triangle was drawn out WAY too long. by the end of it both girls should have left lucas in the dust. we see the 'official' triangle plotline start on new years eve, and end in late september/early october. in no world should it have taken him that long, ESPECIALLY when he knew what a strain it was putting on the girls relationship. if he really cared he would have stepped back, like, literally, it is very very possible to have feelings for someone and not date them, oh my God. farkle had the girls fighting over him ONE time and was like 'hey no I love you guys too much to see you upset'. lucas friar you will always be hated<3
joshaya- I need to get this out of the way because I saw it so much: maya was not trying to date josh when she snuck into the college party. the college girls were not telling josh to date maya. one of josh's friends hits on maya and riley and maya said We Are In Eighth Grade. she's not delusional. the whole episode was how she wanted josh to stop ignoring her. there's subtext ladies!!! cory and topanga were practically raising maya since she was 5. even if it's not addressed too well on screen, you have to be aware that maya and josh have known each other practically their whole lives. considering how close josh is with cory, riley, and auggie, that tells us he saw the family on a regular basis growing up (he literally left his parents and took a train at like 4 in the morning just so cory could open his college letter with him). so josh and maya were likely good friends as children! what we see with his introduction to the show is he starts treating her more as a kid, as his niece's friend, and thinks her feelings are silly and she says No. I need you to take me seriously here. I don't want our friendship to change just because you're in college now. my feelings are not stupid and I want you to respect me. (also. side note. they never said josh's age in the show right?? because for him to start college when he did would make him older than he should have been based on the boy meets world timeline...like, I was kinda working under the assumption he skipped a grade or two in high school but everyone else was like Known Grown Man And Pedophile Josh Matthews Asked A Toddler To Go To The Movies As Friends lmfao). anyway. she asks him to respect her and he does!!! genuine shock and awe! lucas friar found dead in a ditch! lmao. their vague 'let's see how we feel in a few years' talk reminded me a lot of the cory/topanga yearbook quote scene, and they had great chemistry! it didn't feel like something I've seen a thousand times before. it's not like they promised to swear off dating and wait for her 18th birthday, she was basically dating zay by the end of the show. they just said 'we've known each other for a while, there's definitely something between us but this isn't the right time for us to explore it, so let's be friends like we used to' (see: what lucas should have done during the triangle). josh had a tiny bit of an edge to him, but with the dorky matthews heart, which tbh was exactly what maya wanted. I loved how maya acted around josh, it lead to some of her funniest and most open moments in the show. I loved how gentle josh was with her even when she was being annoying. I love a good childhood crush to actual lovers story! sue me! lmao I think if the show had gotten as many seasons as boy meets world they really could have been something special
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becauseplot · 7 months
it’s Stupid Hours (aka way too early in the morning) and after 0.2 seconds of searching on YouTube ive come to the conclusion that there is no qsmp John Mulaney “The One Thing” animatic yet and ive gotta say guys. im disappointed.(/lh) im so used to every fandom having at least one The One Thing animatic that realizing there isn’t one for qsmp is bonkers to me. i’ve watched so many of these over the years that if you played The One Thing audio, i could probably recite it in time w the audio (i won’t say from memory bc my memory is shit.)
anyway here’s what i would personally do for a The One Thing animatic if i could draw. remember that this is gonna be skewed to the POVs im more familiar with so im sorry if your cubito doesn’t make it into the role you’d expect. i tried to include as many people as possible.
Edit: "Back in high school..." - not really necessary, but i imagine this story/"AU" taking place during the egg disappearance, which would explain the overly chaotic behavior of the islanders. not that they ever need a reason to be chaotic.
Narrator - Charlie. he’s not on the server as often but bc of that he would make a good “outside” pov narrator. also he’s just a got a really quick-with-it type of humor, cracking jokes and puns and doing wordplay/inprov’d songs at the drop of a hat, and he also loves telling stories.
Mr. Macnimara - Cucurucho. “And Mr. Macnimara was an asshole.” need i say more?
Jake Macnimara - Jaiden. beloved bird of the Federation, though that absolutely would not stop her from throwing a wild party for her friends in their offices if she could. Edit: also Quackity would make a really good option here. Cringefail man that the Federation likes to toy with, we love to see it. Also with his shit luck it makes sense that a party that he decides to host at the Fed offices (a bad idea in the first place tbf) would blow up in his face so hard.
(Bonus: Mrs. Macnimara - the Duck. the Watcher. ElQuackity. idk who’s funnier just whoever your heart desires.)
“And we all got up individually and thought: okay, let’s go over there, and destroy the place.” - split screen of Cellbit, Baghera, Maxo, and Bad. there could be more, like Mike, Etoiles, Phil, Tubbo, really anyone who hates the Federation and/or has an affinity for chaos. Foolish would be a really fucking funny option for this one because yeah he works for the Feds but He Absolutely Would. all of the characters would get up calmly, and on the word “destroy” flip to a Chaos Mode Engaged expression (Cellbit with a grin and bloodstains on his cheeks, Baghera w flames behind her and in her eyes, etc etc)
“People were drinking like it was the civil war and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off” - Tubbo and his backpack of 3749588383 chainsaws. tazerraft could also be a good option considering Pac’s love of beheading people and Mike’s generally unhinged behavior. tbh just anyone/everyone in morning crew.
Person who breaks the pool table - Etoiles. someone would dare him to and he’d get so fucking excited he would absolutely HURL himself at that pool table. (dogboy behavior)
Person who takes a shit on the computer - … look ive been blankly staring at this one for like 7 fucking minutes. my heart says Aypierre but i could not tell you why. just. anyone who would absolutely do some rancid, unhinged shit when given the opportunity. Foolish again maybe. idk.
Edit: "Something something, police." - Jaiden, if she isn't Jake Macnimara. She would totally say it in a "LOL UH-OH" manner. If not, I could also imagine Missa, Bagi, or Fit nervously/bluntly trying to warn people while laughing.
“Fuck da police!” - “Fuck da Feds!”/“Fuck da Federation!” from what i can tell, Charlie doesn’t have an active animosity towards the Federation, but a lot of his friends do, and he will do anything, ANYTHING to commit to the bit. he will do ANYTHING for the funnies, and if he thinks that shouting “Fuck da Feds!” at the top of his lungs is going to get a reaction out of people, he absolutely will.
Edit: "'I served my nickel, you come and take me!' confidence." - Mike. I have such a strong mental image of Mike drunkenly shouting this while Pac and Fit hold him up/hold him back. Fuga references my beloved. Also the fact that he was put in a Fed freezer for a while.
The Police - the Federation workers. obviously. bonus points for one unnamed guard/officer being impressed like “wooooow :0” and then widening the shot to reveal an unamused Agent 18 standing next to them, leaning into his walkie talkie saying, “Get the paddy wagon.”
“SCATTER!” - Phil. (if you know you know.) generally, people who don’t know Phil tend to think he’s pretty chill, so no one would expect him to do something like that. also when Charlie says “And my friend John—” it would cut to a ‘pause screen’ over the scene, Charlie coming on screen to clarify the “father” and “baby” parts by providing helpful pop-up images of family pictures with Chayanne, Tallulah, and Missa on screen. Resumes, presses play and the screen clears: “He grabbed a 40…”
Edit: "Until, two years later..." - again, not really necessary, but it could be something like, "Until, after Purgatory..."
Alex (guy who stole the photos) - Roier. HEAR ME OUT. Roier, similar to Phil, is just such an unassuming guy. he’s cheery and laughs a lot and cracks jokes, but deep down, he’s smart and he’s got a burning HATRED for the Federation. he’s not the kind of guy to start fights, but with everyone else causing chaos at the party, breaking shit in the offices/house, he would absolutely take the opportunity to steal Federation documents for his husband’s investigations. (or antique photos, if you want to keep with the high school setting/theme.) i mean he stole a fucking lamp from their offices once just because there was so much shit going on and he knew the Feds probably wouldn’t notice (iirc).
Edit: SOMETHING I FORGOT TO MENTION ABOUT ROIER. you could totally make the line “because it’s the one thing you can’t replace” a reflection of Bobby, who the Federation ‘killed’, so now he’s getting back at them. (i’ve put way too much thought into this.)
anyway that’s all! feel free to contribute if u want i just really love The One Thing. it’s an older fandom meme but yeah it still checks out.
(the sheer number of edits to this thing really speaks to how much it lives in my head lmaooo. there's more details but im not gonna include them here bc they're too visual.)
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thewriterghost · 11 months
Purely platonic friends reader x bucky Barnes???maybe reader goes out on Halloween to a few parties and begs Bucky to tag along but ends up takes care of reader when they have wayyyy too much fun 😆
Hello! Thank you for your request! Since Halloween is over, I wrote it more like a normal party but it can be read as either tbh.
Feedback is much appreciated!
You fasten your steps towards the sound of banter in the living room. As the blue couch and the TV comes in to your view, your eyes meet with the sight of Sam, who is crouched in front of the dvd's and trying to pick a movie, and Bucky, who is rejecting every movie just to be an annoyance to his dear friend.
"Hey." You feel the need to announce yourself, before popping next to Bucky on the couch.
"Hey, Y/N. Please tell this annoying man to choose a movie already." Sam sends you a smile but it turns to glare when his eyes meet with Bucky's.
"Uh, annoying man? Sam wants you to pick a movie already." You play along with a grin.
"I told him, I don't even want to watch a movie." He grumbles next to you. You see this as an opportunity to propose your plan.
"Then come with me to a party?"
He turns to you, an eyebrow cocked. You add before he asks.
"I've been wanting to go but I need a chaperone. Please?" You stretch out the last syllable. "Pretty please?"
"I thought you go to these things with Scott." Sam chimes in, his attention shifting from the dvd's to you.
"He is taking Cassie to a school event or something, I don't know the details." You shrug. "The point is, he is busy." You look at Bucky again, trying to send him your best puppy eyes look.
He hesitates.
"We don't have to stay long, just for a couple of drinks." You wait his answer with anticipation, biting your lip.
"What? You have other plans or something?" Sam's shit-eating grin makes you giggle. Bucky's baby blues turnes to him, narrowed. He rolls his eyes in answer.
"Fine. Fine, I'll come with you." Your face lights up with a grin, but before you can say anything, he adds with his index finger pointed to you. "But just one party."
Of course it wasn't going to be just one party, especially when he couldn't say no to you.
After your third party that night, he decides to take the matters into his own hands and carry you out despite your protests.
"I didn't get to finish my drink! Bucky!" You whine as he carries you out of the building and starts to walk towards his car.
"You drank enough, Y/N. Trust me." If your voice and talk wasn't enough he doesn't know what would be enough.
"But it's too early!" You try again with a different approach, yet it meets with the same result.
"It's almost 3 in the morning." He answers, trying his best to not sound like he wants to facepalm himself. Not at all. 'One party, yeah, right.' He thinks as he shakes his head to himself.
You pout. "You're mean."
"I'm not trying to be." His answer is casual but drunk you feels bad already.
"I'm sorry I called you mean. You're not." Your immediate retreat makes him chuckle.
"It's fine."
You drop it. Or more like your eyelids drop. You can't help it, Bucky's arms make you feel safe and they are really comfortable.
The car ride goes better than he anticipated. You were so occupied with trying to keep your eyes open and count the pretty things you see that the motion didn't seem to affect you.
"You look soooo pretty with those blue eyes." Your slurry voice emerges from next to his ear. He tightens his hold, not wanting for you to fall as he carried you to your room using the stairs.
"Thanks, doll. You look pretty too." He adds lightheartedly, a smile finding its way to his face. It is fun to chat with drunk you. Especially when she looks at everything with awe.
"That couch is soooo pretty too... Look at it." You look at the blue couch in the living room of the compound. Then turn your eyes to him, whining. "Bucky... You're not looking at it."
He can't help but chuckle. "Sorry, I was trying to get you to your room, baby."
"Oh." Your pout turns into a smile. "You're soooo nice.... Sorry I called you mean before." He is surprised you remember that.
"It's fine." He says again.
"You're so nice, looking after me..." You repeat like you're trying to convince him and rest your head on his shoulder, eyes locked on to him. He can swear he just turned into a puddle because of your cuteness.
"That's why you invited me, right?" He finally gets to your room, and opens your door. The blue walls and birch furniture comes into your view.
"No." You say it like he was just being silly. To you, he was. "I invited you because I wanted to hang out with you. Duh."
He lays you down to your bed and gets off your black high heels that's been bugging you all night.
"Right, sorry."
"I'm serious, I like hanging out with you." If your voice didn't sound so tired and slurry, he would've thought this was a serious conversation.
"I like hanging out with you too." He pulls the covers on to you. "I'll leave a bucket here for you. Use it if you need to get it all out, alright?" He adjusts your position to your side as you nod.
"Thank you." You mumble with a lazy smile. He can't help but lower himself and kiss your forehead lightly.
"Anytime, doll."
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I noticed that with the TWST Dazai!MC prompt you didn't say anything about how the Dorm Leaders might react to their multiple attempts at suicide, and just, I'm curious.
However if you feel that that's to heavy of a topic, well, I am curious how to Dorm Leaders and Vice Dorm Leaders would act around a Fukuzawa!MC! Especially Lilia because dad to dad communication lol.
Dorm leaders + vice dorm leaders with a Fukuzawa!MC
notes: honestly i think i mostly just forgot to wrote abt the dazai!mc multiple attempts💀im sure the mc will get their ears pulled if the dorm leaders found out tho
•dont ask if theyre occ, i barely played the game now LMFOAOAOAOAO
•also, if the parts are somehow a mess again, pls point ur fingers at tumblr. i have no idea how to fix this thing😔
You're a serious person, capable of maintaining your calm expression at every time. You prioritize the welfare of your subordinates or friends before anything else.
You are not one to hesitate seeking help from someone, especially if it's someone you know. While you're emotionally reserved and impassive, you have quite the scathing sense of humor.
•he's not one to be intimidated but your aura really scare him sometimes that he actually flinched😥
•but other than that, hes fine with u!!
•you're reliable and is really independent (unlike ur friends thats from his dorm🙄esp ace)
•when he got to know u and u guys started getting close, he finally got to witness ur... humor💀
•he's fine with it since its not like u joke often anyway💀💀
•but sometimes ur jokes makes him competitive😭😭can u blame him tho⁉️⁉️
•"you're getting better at being a dorm leader" "thank-" "not better than me tho"
•feel this small sense of pride whenever u go to him and ask him for some help
•like wow this person who's very independent and rarely show emotions is asking ME for help????
•speaking of ur emotions, he went😰⁉️at how quickly u gave up at smth bc its cute (example: grim or cats in general)
•one time grim accidentally burned some bushes in the heartslabyul's garden and u were glaring at him
•so grim look at u with these shiny eyes asking for forgiveness
•and u instantly forgave him💀
•riddle was the witness to all this
•kind of glad there's someone like u with the adeuce duo💀
•can u blame him tho? someone needs to watch over those two (plus grim)
•he is quite thankful that you're the way u are tbh
•bc like not only can he ask u for help
•he also feel kind of relieved when he saw the duo getting punished by u instead of riddle for causing troubles (give riddle some rest man)
•he actually noticed ur soft spot for cute stuff🤔
•bc like he noticed u feeding random cats u found bc they're cute (all cats are cute fight me)
•or that time u instantly forgave grim just bc he gave u those shiny eyes thats cute💀
•so he made these treats with cute decorations just for u
•like when u got invited to a unbirthday party or if its ur birthday
•ur face still looks like this😐 but ur hands were busy taking pics of the treats
•and u hesitated touching the pastry since u don't wanna ruin it😭😭
•he thinks its kind of cute and surprising honestly💀
•he wants to tease u but uh ur aura is kind of intimidating😭sorry man
•btw he caught u pulling out some cat treats from ur sleeves while he was walking to the cafeteria💀
•he didn't catch u do so the first time u feed the cats in front of him btw
•he went🤨⁉️
• "u... u keep cat treats there?!?"
•well he just... add it into the list of things that makes u weird but in an endearing way???😭😭
•smelt cat treats on u the first time yall met and was wondering if that was what u ate for lunch😭😭
•hey u can't blame him for thinking like that💀why'd u smell like different kinds of cat treats
•and then u pull out some cat treats from ur sleeves for him
•get it? bc hes a lion
•and lions are big cats
• and u like cats
•and u kind of see his ears and go 😐✨
•leona: 🤨😟
•kind of avoids u for that HELP
•spotted u feeding random cats u found with the cat treats u kept in ur sleeves everytime he went to find a nap place
•he sighed but he left u alone
•honestly? he thought you'll be more like riddle or smth bc of ur usual facial expressions😭
•so when u pull this shit he just go🧍🏻‍♀️
•this is the guy i can see ur humor target everytime🎯💀
•he kind of have the same humor as u so like🤔🤔 unexpected match made in heaven???
•but it kind of looks like an argument sometimes to the people around u so uh💀
•well until leona laughs that is
•and u have that small rare smile on ur face
•leona is ashamed to admit he laughed at ur joke😔
•lowkey proud hes the first one to make u smile tho💀
•bold of you to assume azul would be intimidated
•students are scared of HIM (his payment)
•and bc he's been around the tweels so much, ur aura had no effect on him
•probably accidentally made u mad with his first contract😥😥
•man was trying so hard to survive then bc u were threatening to pull out ur sword
•and u had this scowl on ur face💀
•it was not a fun experience
•thank the seven u let him off
•(ngl saying thank the seven makes it feels like I'm thanking 707 💀)
•well it is now half fun being with you
•half because u would stop him if he ever thought about making some students work for him in some slave contract again
•(he won't again btw he is a new man‼️(in a way))
•the other half is because you're actually so much fun to be around
•all because of all ur weird quirks💀
•even azul couldn't guess what you would do next
•saw ur soft spot for felines and it got the gear in his head spinning
•"hm🤔maybe if i give the prefect a cat they would let me off again🤔"
•tried and is pretty successful💀
•now he knows how to get u to instantly forgive him
•offered to make u a high quality bag so u can put ur cat food in instead of ur sleeves💀
•u said no btw
•yes, it was because it definitely wasn't free
•definitely not scared
•he is the one you should run from
•but instead u gave him this stern look
•so he is very interested
•you're literally his new test subject /hj
•bothers u daily
•all because u run into each other pretty often
•if u want to ask if jade did it on purpose or if it's actually an accident, i am not able to answer
•ran into u one time when i saw a cat
•was about to greet you until u pulled out some cat treats💀
•well congrats? he was genuinely flabbergasted
•like huh🤨😮⁉️the stern and always serious prefect have some cat treats with them⁉️
•no wonder u smell like cat treats💀
•makes it a mission to tease u about it everytime
•u going "so what🤬it's for cats😤"
•you're genuinely so interesting for him💀
•goodluck staying alive with him hot on ur tail ig
•he does get intimidated but not for long
•it goes from like "yikes u kinda scary but hi" to
•and it lowkey reminds u of ur coworkers so u just let it be
•like kalim is clinging onto ur back and is just hanging by ur neck?
•sure you're strong enough to hold the both of u up anyway
•he suddenly dragged u to a random party he hosted?
•this is fine.
•remember the concept for today? cat foods in sleeves? yes.
•he saw that. he def saw that
•i highly doubt theres no cats with how many animals he brought in sometimes
•so u can already tell just WHAT happened when u come across one
•kalim is very 🤨WOAH😧‼️‼️
•which almost scares the cats and thankfully didn't
•asked a lot of question which he only gets like a one sentence answer of
•notices ur fondness of cats + he always dragged u to visit scarabia anyway
•so guess who have a lot of cats in the dorm now btw😂🙏‼️ #BLESSKALIM
•the one begging through tears and snot to not have that many cats in the dorm
•spoilers: someone didn't listen!!
•so now he may or may not be a catsitter once youre away from the dorm
•also makes u regularly visit the dorm bc its partly ur fault there's so many cats there now anyway
•u dont seem to mind so he takes it as an absolute win
•yes, he absolutely knew abt the cat foods under ur sleeves
•he does not care as long as it does not give him more troubles
•if anything he encourages it since he barely have to take care of the cats because of u
•also, u make his job easier since u naturally help kalim if needed
•which is getting him out of the consequences of his own shenanigans which jamil is very thankful for
•more rest for him + time to rebuild his reputation
•u helped him around in the kitchen here and there too so he is very thankful☺
•is pretty neutral honestly??? u look like any other person to him
•except not too ugly, not too eye catching
•youre a perfect middle PLS
•idk if yall can even have a convo
•if yall ever did talk its probably just vil talking and u nodding with some verbal answers here and there
•well its nice having someone hear u talk sometimes so he doesn't mind🙏‼️
•fusses abt the cat fur on ur clothes i bet
•and rhen rook came in and snitched on u
•gave u a perfume for ur birthday bc u smell of cat food💀
•theres that one image in my head and i canr stop thinking abt it I'll google later
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•a non verbal action of u stink!!
•weapon partners??? 😳🥺😚
•i mean who else brings their weapon around campus other than the two of u💀⁉️
•he can watch ur back with his arrow i forgor❤‍🔥u can idk close combat idk anything abt fighting❤️
•so fire couple🔥🔥🔥 /JOKE
•rook is an empath so u can tell he is EXTREMELY affected by the greatness of ur aura /j
•shining eyes, cupping his face, meek voice following u around /j
•I'm using /j alot for rook help
•whenever u went to feed the kitty, he just starts to LOUDLY praise u
•that scared the cats away NOOOO😢
•u almost sliced him off
•rook did apologize at least LMFOAOAOAO
•he even almost went to hunt the cats back down for u until u stopped him
•pls dont kill him
•saw it through the cameras and absolutely supports the idea
•like yes!!! show him ur geniusness of how to get cats to get near him more!!
•"that is a very good idea bc not only will the cats get near me more because of the smell of cat food, but I'll also be able to make sure they won't be hungry. yES, i TH-"
•leave him be he hasn't slept in like a week
•bonus point for u he thinks you're very cool and he's more than willing to let u be his friend☺🙏
•but unfortunately that will never happened bc u are very intimidating and he does not like that^^!! esp since u look like you're 0.1 sec away from murdering someone^^!!
•and unfortunately, he jinxed himself
•ortho heard everything and absolutely snitched to u so yall could be friends
•u couldn't refuse ortho hes too cute
•so guess who's stucked with idia trying to think of a convo!!
•its ok a cat walked past and yall started bonding over that little furball
•yknow the cat ladies club LMFAO
•had this one intense staring contest with each other but its really just you guys trying to find what to say to each other
•its ok sebek lowkey saved yall
•by yelling at u btw
•so true i would also worship the ground malleus walks on anyway
•he got cut off so good for ur ears!!
•"sebek stop😐" "yeah stop😐"
•aww look at u two bonding already!!
•no conversation starts after that btw its back to silence woops ig
•well i mean someone did talk at least after a few mins of just walking in silence and the three of u suffocating in it!!
•its just u going "oh what are those?" at a uh how do u spell gorgalous gorgaylous gogalus wait lemme google ok i think its gargoyle😥☺
•anyways u asked so now hes ranting abt every single knowledge he have of them
•youre quite interested so y'all became friends in no time!!
•he sure do love humans and their unique quirks!
•he was on his way to his class one time when he saw u from afar
•u were crouching and all so he was pretty interested in what was holding u up esp since its class time
•thankfully with his super amazing beautiful 1480p quality eyes, he was able to see what u were doing even when he was so far away from u
•which was pulling out cat treats for some random strays u found and probably attract with how u smell
•he was so amused he appeared on top of u
•not likr a handsome male lead "hey bbygirl" being on top of u but
•like "what you got there."
•and just kind of hovers on top of u
•u almost attacked him btw but shh
•he is very interested in u:D!! as a friend AND someone who he will tease for a long time
•since when are we friends? u may asked from afar but he ignored u
•he can be in diasomnia dorm and u can be in the ramshackle dorm and he can still see everything
•that was a joke btw hes no creep and i highly doubt peepaw can see THAT far anyway(i think) •anyways u cant complain but u may or may not found urself in one of their tea times
•malleus isnt there. he forgor /j
•but hey yall have a pretty great time during the entire tea time!!
•peepaws bonding time💋💘💕
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
DC Pride 2022
wee! i don't remember liking this one as much, but we'll see.
the foreword is very sweet, i'm endeared by it. The first story though... not so much.
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"Pride's been a party for decades" - Jon Kent
Gay marriage in the United States was legalized in 2015. This story came out only 7 years after same-sex couples were legally recognized nationwide. We have also been actively dealing with anti-lgbtq legislation for a while now. It's some head in the sand bullshit.
I have strong and complicated feelings about this story. First off, I wonder how much say authors get in which character they're in charge of? Could they just not find any queer writers who knew who Jon was? This is probably the worst story I've ever seen from Devin Grayson, it's just so weirdly and blatantly tone deaf. I saw some people critique her portrayal of Damian on a racial basis when this first came out, but honestly I think it could be chalked up to that he was raised by assassins, I don't think it's an immediate racism-red flag if he's characterized a little too violently. He also very quickly shifts gears to telling Jon his dad would be proud of him, and caring about him in his own Damian way. I'm more hung up on how it's... Some of these stories are lighthearted and don't touch on oppression, but this story actively dismisses the idea of oppression. It almost feels sarcastic, a part of me yells that it's mocking Jon's shallow worldview, but that doesn't really make sense. It's weird. Damian is written off as strange and paranoid, and Jon is meant to be the main character, but it's Damian's perspective that I'm able to most relate to it through. This is also just a weird story for Devin Grayson to be writing. She thrives the most in angst/tragedy/drama, not... whatever that was.
Second of all, I can never get past Jon/Jay. Jay seems to be a queer asian character that was introduced by, as far as I'm aware, a white cishet author, and was introduced through a three page school shooting which was used solely as a plot device to make Jon look #badass. Every time Jay comes up, all I can think about is Tom Taylor's hack work and that damn school shooter introduction. Congrats to anyone who can get over that, but I cannot.
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i'm too unfamiliar with the characters to properly enjoy it, but i do love the recognition for the absolute gayness that is wrestling.
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i do have a soft spot for the queer stories that touch on the complexity of parent-child relationships. hawke's not really hostile but incredibly uncomfortable relationship with ollie hits a specific nerve. a few of the stories in '21 were like that too, where they build onto some specific yet relatable struggles that children and their parents run into. the letter, the metaphors, everything about this one is so sweet. another tear-jerker for me tbh. seeing damian and hawke interact at the end is so cute, and i do kinda wish that the gang from lazarus island could've stuck around and been damian's "ensemble cast" so to speak. ah well. they'll have a groupchat in my heart.
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not to be a downer again, but the stories that reference the very real struggles that queer people still face really serve to make the first story feel worse and worse. anyways, god i love alysia. yeah i don't have anything interesting to say, this comic was more action focused which isn't my strong suit, but it's a fun read.
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it's nice to see a light-hearted meeting the family scene every once in a while. i'd say this story does a better job than the last one of making me feel for jackson, and gives a bit about his backstory. i don't know how it lines up with the rest of his comics, but it stands alone nicely. it also ventures into feelings of displacement, home, family. i like it.
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are noir wlw a thing now. they should be a thing. i think as far as stories that're in direct reference to a different series go, this one manages to not be too confusing when going in blind. the cannibalism could very well be a metaphor, and the story touches on what is pretty specifically a biphobia thing, which is all pretty interesting. im also a sucker for "monochromatic comic gains color at the very end to portray a change for the better" ngl.
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they act like ray shunned his bf but like. he gently blocked a kiss and whispered that he didn't want to in front of the team. i get that the message is about internalized shame and all that, but what they call "freak out" i call "gently setting a boundary".
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simple, to the point, made me tear up. again.
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tim story :/ i like him i swear, he's just been so boring recently. it's simple fluff. there's just none of the insanity or weirdness that made me like tim and bernard in the first place is all.
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i absolutely adore the art in this one. are they play fighting to figure out who gets to top? it sounds like they're play fight to see who gets to top. harlivy canon prey roleplay and/or CNC kink? very cute end, if not a bit corny. we now know they're top4top.
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both jesse's stories end up feeling more "flash" than "pride", but they're still fun. also holy shit earth-11 dami and jon are SO cute what the hell??? dami w the buns and the sleeveless top and the belt, jon w the headband and the ripped leggings under her shorts, ohhh im so in love. fem klarion is also super cute. i wasnt expecting the masc donnaraven but ill take it.
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you know that thing in shows where the single tear rolls down? yeah. it's a must read, really. devastating and healing all the same.
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