#i’m so fucking sick of them
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
ignore my rant but it’s fucking HILARIOUS to me that i spent me ENTIRE childhood being blame for all the issues in the family bc i’m ‘too sensitive and over emotional’ and when i said we should get family therapy bc we didn’t know how to talk to each other i was attacked for it and now my family barely talks to each other and when we do it’s a huge fight and every interaction is like pulling teeth bc they all have decades of unresolved issues with each other than everyone refuses to talk about and now i’m the one who gets to try to keep things together when i tried to fucking deal with this all 12 FUCKING YEARS AHO
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ursamajori · 2 years
god i love being SOOO obnoxious about my ocs everyone should be 50% more obnoxious about their ocs right neow
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little-pondhead · 7 months
The Curse Of Hope
Danny is in another universe. He had a reason, but he doesn’t remember anymore. He can only stare, horrified and disgusted, at the sickest city spirit he’s ever seen. Shivering and swaying with every step, core exposed, and ectoplasm leaking from wounds that are decades old. A ratty blanket was thrown over their shoulders, barely hiding the spirit’s pale grey skin and protruding black bones.
The spirit didn’t even sense him until he reached out to touch its wispy shoulders. The spirit flinched, clutching at the dozens of trinkets hanging from their neck and tucking in on themselves like they were expecting a blow.
“Oh, shit,” He swore, floating back a few feet, hands in the air, to show he meant no harm. “I’m sorry. I promise, I’m not here to steal from you.” The spirit shivered again and rolled a pearl necklace in between their fingers. A nervous habit. “Uh, I like that pocket watch? It’s very nice.”
That got their attention. They peeked at Danny, and he saw that more tattered cloth was covering their eyes, blending in with the stringy hair that reached the ground. Their blanket fluttered weakly, revealing hundreds of thousands of tiny marks etched into their skin. Scars, really. Scars that wrote out curse after curse onto the spirit’s very being. They burned with evil intent, and even reached inside the spirit’s body and wrapped around their core.
Occasionally, blinding specks of color raced across their body, temporarily erasing the writing, but it always returned quickly. He watched, a little detached, as one particular line rewrote itself across their rough forearm, drawing fresh ectoplasm like someone was writing it with a thin knife.
“Are you…alright?” Danny stuttered. A stupid question.
The spirit cocked its head. He couldn’t see their eyes, but he felt their burning gaze as they pondered the question.
“The pain of others becomes mine own.” They rasped. “The lights of the city dim as rotten wealth clogs mine veins. Magicks long forgotten have eaten mine skins, pulled mine cloak, and darkened mine skies. Helios has refused to grace mine doorstep, and the seasons of the Earth have revoked their kindness.”
Danny held his breath. It felt like he was the one with the exposed core, not the spirit.
The spirit shivered once more. “Tell mine soul, little lamb. How could this Forsaken City know peace, when it was long since ripped from mine hands?”
Shit, he needed Frostbite. And maybe Clockwork. Now.
Danny meets the spirit of Gotham City. The villains and rogues that have plagued the city for decades are literal curses that are taking quite the toll on Gotham, and honestly, Danny isn’t sure how much longer they can hold out. The heroes seem to be doing some help, and are probably the reason Gotham made it this far, but the poor city needs help from the Realms if they want to get better.
Luckily, Danny can provide that help.
But only if he could get Gotham to leave their city behind. Because recovery is going to take a very long time.
#dpxdc#pondhead blurbs#Gotham is very lanky and tall and had dozens of necklaces around their neck#the necklaces are just cords filled with lost things the citizens have lost over the years#like bits of glass or wedding rings or hag stones made from a destroyed gargoyle#actually I have a weird picture of Gotham in my head I might draw it#it’s giving Bloodborne to me but idgaf#basically Danny meets Gotham and is trying to convince them to go with him for medical help because what the fuck#those curses are the equivalent of leaving hundreds of leeches stuck to your body for ten years#Danny is BEGGING Gotham to come with him#there’s potential for angst but if you want crack then Danny probably replaces Gotham#I think there’s already a similar fic where he becomes the new spirit of Gotham but I haven’t read all of that#anyways the Batfam are like#invasive animals that are actually helping the ecosystem recover from an even WORSE invasive species#but they aren’t supernatural heroes and they don’t understand that the issue is deeper#I’m calling this the Curse of Hope because Danny is offering hope to Gotham#but Gotham is just so tired and sick and hurt that they don’t want to risk it#they think Danny is another curse come to plague them#should he just straight up adopt the city at this point?#idk it probably depends on how it’s written#sad course is to let Gotham die. happy ending is where they are treated and returned#crack ending probably has Danny adopting the city and introducing them to his own city spirit Amity Park#oh shit is that a new ship#guys please I can’t keep doing this#Gotham City x Amity Park#how the fuck do you come up with a name for that#Burger Joints?#Wet Pavement?#bro idk I’m putting this down before I make something I might regret#low key wanna write this but like. I have so much to do
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pixlatedvampire · 1 year
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It’s been ten years since I finished a drawing so please enjoy these two idiots I drew all the way back in 2021 😭🤣
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
What if Good Omens were about two women (and no, don’t try me with that whole “they’re not technically men/they’re women sometimes“ deal. Yes, it is strictly speaking true, but it’s incredibly hard to tell when they’re being women on screen and they’re men most of the time)
What if IWTV were about two women
What if OFMD were about two women
What if all of these Tumblr darling shows were about women with sapphic romance or sexual tension. Cis women, trans women, women of various ages and races and classes and abilities
What if genre media about queer women got the same love from its showrunners and from fans alike that genre shows about M/M couples get now. What if that trend hadn’t briefly flared into glorious light in the 2010s and then died again
Damn I might actually watch those shows then
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cheekyboybeth · 3 months
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kacievvbbbb · 6 days
I need someone that believes in magic to get ahold of Batman again. He is an overly serious man that runs around in an admitted bat suit fighting a gimmick rouge gallery. And he is doing it because he sincerely believes in a better tomorrow and somewhere along the way we have lost the plot. Batman wasn’t created to punish the guilty that is actually completely antithetical to his beliefs he is not the fucking punisher.
Batman just like wonder woman and Superman primarily wants to save people! sure he doesn’t do it in a sunny way but that is still what drives him. Hell he even goes a step further and actually builds a case he’s not just waiting for criminals to commit the crime he is shutting down smuggling and trafficking rings foiling plots he is a detective! For Christs sake it’s what made him so unique and fun as a superhero.
Also His desire to save people is literally what compels him to adopt Dick, Jason, Stephanie. Cass because he wanted to give these kids a chance, to save them in ways 8year old him wasn’t. Someone who just wants to punish the guilty wouldn’t do that, And now they have turned him into a borderline physically and emotionally abusive absentee parent all in the name of making him an edge lord. Where is the heart! Where is the fucking heart in it all! Where are the kids and the bright colors and the zaniness. Let Batman and Gotham be FANTASTICAL! I’m tired of the greys and the browns.
I’m tired of “grounding a story” meaning sucking all the joy and color out if it. Also superhero stories don’t need to be grounded in your fucking abysmal reality they are literally superheroes they exist outside of reality, let them!
A story does not have to be joyless to have depth and it does not have to be nihilist to be compelling.
I am sick and I am tired of it. 😔
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A lil rant about my experience with this god forsaken fandom
I made this blog around 2020 when I was 13 years old. This was my first shot at a dedicated fandom blog and I was pretty excited for it, to make friends, draw fanart, post fun stuff and what not.
All fun right? Right, so tell me why was it that literal 20 years olds felt the need to harass me, a then 13 year old girl with a relatively small blog, for the dumbest reasons possible?
What did I do that subjected me to 2 and a half years worth constant daily threats and harassment? Hmm???
You wanna know my crime? Apparently I showed interest in an antagonist character, which is so awful that grown adults felt the need to bully me. And following those adults came young impressionable people my age, that joined the bandwagon of hate against me.
As if other fandoms don’t have people literally dedicating themselves to a villain, no one bats an eye to that. Why did this fandom have such an issue? I also apparently dared to criticise the main character for a few of his flaws. Such a horrible thing to do right? I need to be burnt at the stake for it right?
I didn’t follow the “fixed” standards of the fandom so I was to be sent de*th/r*pe threats daily?? For not following the “rules” I was to be ostracised?
No please someone explain…I’m but a dumb bitch, I don’t understand what I did so terribly wrong to deserve this? Did I start a war? Did I rip open someone’s plush? Did I bully someone for not having the same ideology as me?
No it was but the fandom itself that for some reason found it so fun to bully a 13 year old, send her de*th and r*pe threats all because of not being of pjo fandom standards…let’s go and bombard her with hate!!
Do you realise how fucking stupid…this all sounds? Do you realise how low this is? Was bullying a child so fun? So trendy at the time?
Then came the victim blaming- I laugh everytime I remember people saying I must have done something really bad to get such harassment, that it’s all for attention. What kid wants to get hate everyday of their life for 2 whole fucking years? Tell me?
You know wanna know what I did wrong? Fight back, call the hate anons out for their bigotry. I was vocal about it, that’s what I did wrong right? Stand my ground? People said to ignore it and I did. But I still got bullied daily even if I didn’t respond. What was all this for?
I can imagine people asking why I didn’t simply leave the fandom? Why the fuck should I? I enjoy the stories, I enjoy the characters, they were my escape from real life struggles. It was the bullying I didn’t enjoy. Everyday I’d log on to enjoy posts and a few minutes later when the bigots found out I was active I was sent an anonymous threat.
Many of my oldest friends had to reduce the amount they interacted with me in fear of receiving harassment themselves. The extent of this is bigotry is beyond my understanding.
I did not deserve this much suffering AND ALL FOR WHAT? A STUPID LITTLE REASON THAT HAS BARELY ANY WEIGHT TO IT. Do people even realise the extent of what happened is beyond me. And Idc if I sound selfish, I want a fucking apology from all those bigots. I want compensation for the 2 and a half years of abuse I endured alone. I just want this bigotry to end, which surprise surprise! Still continues to happen.
Why do I bring this up now that it’s all over you ask? I’ve actually brought it up once before, but it was swept under the rug, (My deepest appreciation to the very few people who supported me when I first talked about it) I’m just finally being more vocal, because this has stuck with me. For all those 4 years this has stuck with me. It doesn’t mean if it’s over for now that all the trauma doesn’t linger. It still affects me to this day.
In fact I’m still being stalked by one of the people who sent me hate anons. One of the hate anons was revealed to be one of my bestest friends, they had admitted this to me and had the nerve to beg me to still remain friends. They were also the person who groomed me. They have left the fandom scene and I’ve rid of them from my life but they still continue to stalk me.
What do I get from ranting about all this? A bit of solace, a bit of weight off my shoulders. But nearly not enough for me to actually fucking heal. I also want people to realise how bigoted some are and how horrible the mentality of “fixed fandom standards/ideologies” is and that we as a fandom need to fucking change. Heck I know this issues in every fandom. But can we at least start with ours for a change for once?
Along side all of this there’s also a lot of racism and trans/homophobia that still actively prevails. Just look at what Leah went through when her casting was announced. Did she deserve all of that?? “Not my annabeth” do you realise how horrible that is to say to a CHILD? She is Annabeth whether you like it or not. And you are very welcome to leave if you wish to stick to your stupid racist nonsense.
I bet there are many others who have probably suffered the same may it not be for the same reasons, but everyone of them deserve their apologies and compensation as well.
Idc if I’ll get hate for this. I said what I said. I’m just so done.
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warmsol · 7 months
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i'm gonna puke (affectionate)
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navnae · 2 years
Isn’t it crazy how we saw Eddie cry in front of the group but Steve has never shed a single tear in front of them even though he’s had so many near death experiences, he deserves to cry his little heart out. I really think that Eddie could’ve been the one to show Steve that all the built up emotions that he felt were valid and if needed to let it out he can. It becomes a routine for Steve to go to Eddie’s trailer and just let out the most heartbreaking sobs you’ll ever hear while Eddie wraps his arm around him to give him that comfort that he desperately needs. They just need each other and that’s the bottom line, I will not discuss why I’m so passionate about them.
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donnieisaprettyboy · 4 months
“baby gays treat queerness like some kind of exclusive club they’re always arguing about slur discourse and they refuse to learn their own history-“ SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP
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foursaints · 5 months
i need to hear more about lucius and pandora. you are insane for coming up with this ship. it's amazing. did they ever actually date or was it just mutual obssession that never evolved in anything more, but they both knew and never got over it? did it affect his relationship with narcissa? did he see pandora in cissa?
okay i’ll take this as permission to yap because!! they’re always in my brain. i see the ludora thesis as: two characters who are entirely different, but who are both utterly convinced they’re Smarter Than Everyone Else Around Them. what conflict stems from that? what connection?
it was always just mutual obsession. sneaking around at the very most, but nothing publicly Real. to me, they end up married to narcissa & xeno respectively because narcissa & xeno are like… the socially acceptable versions of each other?
in my head xeno is a lot older than pandora (7-10 years), and he’s very kind, but too absentminded to be an attentive husband, and she likes him for a lot of reasons. but she’s also subconsciously like… Maybe this could resemble lu if i squint. meanwhile lucius has convinced himself that his rich lesbian wife is everything he’s ever wanted (she actually Obeys him!! unlike pan!!!) & it only takes him 3 years to realize he fucking hates this. they both got Exactly what they said they wanted, which is the opposite of each other. because they can’t stand each other. but they’re miserable.
like…. lucius should have been pandora’s ornery stay-at-home trophy husband she drags on expeditions for rare potion ingredients. they’re an Adventure Couple™️. him with his head wrapped in a mosquito net in a jungle wearing designer shoes, bitching at his beautiful wife at the top of his LUNGS, swinging a machete at vines (<- guy who has never been happier) (he is shouting: DO NOT TEST ME, WOMAN!!!!!, she is shouting: you are such AN INFANT !!!!!!!!, and they’re aggressively making out against a tree)
you have to imagine lucius at a posh ministry function being sooo smug about it too. he’s like “Ah yes, my wife, THE PROFESSOR, is publishing a book on MANDRAKES this month, arent you, darling?” while pandora is soooo thrilled to have a captive audience to subject to her rants about her publications. completely insufferable couple. united by thinking they’re better than everyone else (except? they are? i think they maybe actually are.)
+ remind yourself that this ship could ultimately result in Draco & Luna being brother and sister. so perfect. except none of this ever happened because they never let themselves be together.
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luminousstardust · 1 year
ashton and fearne severely weakened by the lava dive… the whole party low on spells bc it’s been a while since they’ve had ANY rest… can’t teleport out with fearne restrained and no easy way out of the very tight cavern…… LUDINUS FUCKING DA’LETH showing up………… REVIVAL MAGIC NOT WORKING……………… i think i’ve seen this film before and i didn’t like the ending
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knightforflowers · 4 months
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drew slightly updated ref sheets for myself for my Ethersea designs !! (this time with some bonus outfit designs under the cut!)
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I would have liked to have done some more outfits like alternate casual fits but I got tired lol I’ll do them another time soon!!
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rotomartsblog · 5 months
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Little concept doodle of some redesigns for the Crumbs and Ginger
Helga and Gus look a bit too young woops
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vroomvroomsposts · 5 months
Fun Fact of the day:
Carlos Sainz Jr still remains the only non Redbull driver to win two races (Singapore GP 2023 and Australian GP 2024) since Abu Dhabi GP 2022. 🥰 One of which he won after two weeks of surgery.
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Thought I’d remind people of this glorious fact since someone cannot stop bringing it up and then only undermine him.
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