#if you wanna ask questions about my boy in theory i am open
derpy-thebdayclown · 1 year
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5 billion years ago (when i was like, 9) i used to go on the mlp roblox roleplay and i had a princess luna son oc that i played as A Lot. i used to talk about how cringe it was until my friend convinced me to redo him a couple months ago. and now i am obsessed with him again
me and my friends have a lowkey future au going on and he is the most annoying character ❤️ he is just a baby
(don’t like? keep scrollin’!)
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hangesslut · 5 months
Captain and his Soldier
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It’s another freezing day in the Scout’s barracks. It’s been snowing for what feels like 10 years. Due to the heavy snow, we have the day off. I’m grateful because there is NO way I would have survived out in that cold. I slide on my plain clothes and a jumper that Reiner lent me. It’s huge and cozy, it smells like him too. As soon as I’m about to open the main door it comes flying open. “Y/N! Breakfast is almost over, where have you been?!”
Ah, Sasha… the most food motivated individual I think I’ve ever met.
I laugh, “I was just getting dressed, I’m coming don’t worry.”
She smiles at me warmly, “Well then, come on! I’m getting seconds!” She whispers that last part out and I shake my head. We make it down to the dining hall and I see all of my friends sitting and chatting with each other. “Y/N!” My eyes travel the crowd until I see Eren waving at me from across the room. He’s standing next to no other than Captain Levi. “What on earth could he be doing with him?” I think to myself. I start to wave back when I see he’s actually calling me over. I send a glance back to Sasha and she jus shrugs. I sigh and head over to the two men. Well, one man and one boy. I make my way up to them and salute. “Captain Levi, sir.” He nods at me and waves a hand. “It’s okay Y/N, you can relax” Eren looks at me wide-eyed as he says this.
I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. I drop my salute and stand there somewhat awkwardly. “So, Y/N is it? Titan boy here tells me you’re one of the best soldiers here.” I glance up at Levi, dragging my eyes from the floor.
“I-uh, that’s kind of him to say, sir.” He tilts his head back lightly, I can feel my body tense. “Well, are you? Are you one of the best soldiers here, Y/N?”
I’m pretty sure at this point I’ve physically stopped breathing. I gulp. “I do believe that I am somewhat more advanced than some others here, sir.”
He laughs. He actually laughs! “Is that so? I’d definitely like to see for myself.”
He has a half smirk on his face as he stares me down. I look over at Eren who has the audacity to have an encouraging look on his face. That little shit.
“Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to, well, to…” I trail off, unable to come up with an excuse. Levi nods and steps closer to me.
“As far as I’m concerned, it’s up to me and me only to decide was appropriate and what isn’t, Y/N.” My breath hitches and I stare into his eyes. My body is incredibly stiff. “Y-yes sir!”
I let out a breath as he backs up against the wall once again. “You’re excused, soldier.” I salute him again and then run off back towards my table, Eren following me close behind.
“What the fuck, Eren?!” He jumps back slightly alarmed by me yelling.
“What?! Captain Levi was asking who I thought were the two best soldiers and I told him you and Mikasa!” I groan and slam my head onto the table.
“Now he wants me to ‘prove myself’ or something!” I pick my head up and look in the direction of where Levi was. He’s sitting at a table, a little closer and smirking at me. I hurry and send my eyes to the table. I hear Reiner laugh as he plops down next to me.
“Oh Y/N, you aren’t scared of little tiny Captain Levi, are you?” I roll my eyes and lightly push him as he throws his arm around my shoulder.
“No I’m not scared, Reiner! I’m just… he’s a little intimidating sometimes.” He laughs again.
“I think he just likes you. Probably got a little crush on our Y/N.” He pinched my cheek and winks at me.
I shrug, “I doubt that very much. He’s probably just picking on me like he does everyone else.”
Reiner smirks. “Wanna test that theory?” I turn to face him about to question what he meant when his lips slam onto mine. My eyes shoot wide open as he wraps his hand up into my hair and pulls me closer. My body starts to relax and I kiss him back. A couple people at the table hoot and holler, someone else whistles. This is…crazy. He pulls back slightly, my eyes flutter open and look into his.
“I-Reiner…” my words fail and he smiles lightly.
“Look at Levi, Y/N.” He whispers in my ear and I slowly drift my eyes over to the Captain. He looks, well, he looks pissed. Reiner fully pulls away and I catch Levi’s eyes. He quickly stands up, practically running towards our table. I feel two hands grab tightly onto my shoulders and haul me up and out of the seat.
“Captain, sir! What are you-“ Levi cuts me off.
“Shut up, brat. We’re going for a walk.” He drags me out of the dining hall and continues on until we reach an empty hallway. I’ve never been here before,
“Where are we?” My question falls on deaf ears and he pushes me gently against the wall.
“Y/N… a-are you with Reiner?” His body is touching mine, but his eyes are on the floor.
I take a deep breath in and sigh quietly.
“No, Levi. I’m not with Reiner…” I try to get his eyes to look at me. When he finally does he looks like he might cry. “Then why was he kissing you?”
I slowly reach up and place my hand on his face. He flinched and then relaxes into my touch.
“I-Levi, he said that you might have a crush on me and wanted to ‘prove it’ so he kissed me to see your reaction.” He scrunched his eyebrows up and then relaxes them, nodding.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did… I just, I’ve watched you for awhile. During training and out on expeditions. I know I don’t know you personally, but I think I’ve fallen for you.” My eyes are wide and widen at each word. Levi. Captain Levi. The Commanders right hand man. Humanity’s Strongest. He likes me. Levi likes me. “Y/N, please say something…” I snap out of my trance, hearing his voice again.
“I-I might like you too?” It comes out as a question rather than a statement. He smiles down at me and pulls me into his arms. I stand there for a moment, not sure what to do. “Please Y/N, hug me back.” I wrap my arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders. He takes a deep breath and slowly breathes it out, the warm air fanning over my neck. I slowly melt into his touch. Relaxing entirely, allowing myself to just be held. He pulls back and looks into my eyes.
Stepping back he smiles and grabs my hand. “Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?”
I smile back, wider and squeeze his hand.
“Levi, I would love to.” He pulls me in for another hug. Pulling away he kisses my forehead, “I think you should go finish your dinner.” I laugh at his comment while trying to conceal my blushing face. “I probably should… I’ll see you later, Captain.” He smiles down at me and pushes off the wall, “See you later, Soldier.” Walking back to the dining hall, all I can think about is what the hell I’m going to tell my friends.
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pro-mammonologist · 1 year
I wanted to answer your “would you really date the obey me Boys” question in an ask if that’s okay 🥺
For mammon, who is my absolute favorite. He would piss me off so badly in the beginning with how rude and stubborn he is, I just would hold a grudge. It would take me a very long time with us warming up to eachother to even be friends. Eventually maybe we could be something more when he opens up.
Solomon is another one of my favorites but irl I think he’d weird me out. Like he’d give me creepy vibes.
I would have the BIGGEST crush on Lucifer but would be so turned off by his personality bc he’s very brash.
Barbatos and I would never connect bc we are both quiet. It would take us a ridiculously long time to get to know eachother. But I would probably still have a crush on him.
I would find Levi incredibly irritating. I hate people who are overly self deprecating and I would think he’s rude. Eventually we would bond over needy stuff but we would absolutely never date.
Irl I do not like blondes so no Satan
Asmos and I would just be besties
Beel is not my type irl but I would think he’s so sweet I’d probably have a little crush
Absolutely fucking not for Belphie. I would hate him and think he’s so rude. A big one I only like in theory.
I’d like to think Simeon and I have a chance, but I think he’s way too nice for me.
And for Dia, I am very quiet so his loudness and big personality would definitely scare me.
But I read fics about all of them expect for asmo. He’s just really not my type. But in my head I can change the senarios to fit exactly what I want to I can work out with all of them. I am in a poly relationship with all of them in my head.
Lemme give my two sense too.
So I would think Lucifer is so hot and he’d turn me on so badly but then I’d see how he’s such as asshole to his brothers and I don’t really fuck with tough love all that much. After he softens up later then I’d go back to being turned on all the time.
Mammon would annoy me with his ego but seeing his personality and like his actual morals and stuff would make me mega attracted to him. His spending is my only problem just cuz I grew up poor and stuff.
Levi is like the guys I’d usually attract and I know I’d be uncomfy because I prefer people who have it more together like as much as I relate to the recluse vibes I need people who aren’t as afraid of the world cuz I’m TERRIFIED.
Satan is probably who I’d date fr fr. He’s basically a less mean version of Lucifer that really likes cats and he’s a lot less sadistic period. He probably is the most likely to share my political beliefs as well. (Mammon would too because he gives so much anarchistic vibes, Satan needs some structure)
Asmo would be my bff and I’d be scared to fuck him because I just know his standards are high. Would be horny with him all the time though.
Beel is perfect for real but he’s like too soft and sweet. I need someone with more personality and a bigger presence.
Belphie is a definite no. I enjoy sleeping and chilling and I get wanting to rest all the time cuz I’m like chronically fatigued but his “fuck everything” attitude pisses me off. He also seems to be very passive aggressive and I hate that shit.
Diavolo is probably also ideal for me minus the literal royal status of his. I hate hate hate hierarchies and rich people but Dia is so open and kind and not to mention progressive so I lowkey would vibe with him hard. I would absolutely wanna be dicked down regularly by him.
Barb is great but since he’s so hard working I feel like I would be lacking in a relationship with him. I’m more laid back and lenient and he’s not.
Simeon is cool and is also someone I’d realistically date but something about him just screams token gay friend. That’s the dynamic I feel I’d have with him.
Solomon is someone who I used to hate but in nightbringer I’m like “ooookkkaaaayyyyy” cuz he’s slowly becoming more my type. I think I would also find him creepy at first but then after some time id def get a lil 👀
So really
Lucifer: not at first, later on
Mammon: not at first, later on, but would be ideal for me
Levi: no
Satan: yes
Asmo: no
Beel: eh but would fuck fs
Belphie: no
Dia: yes
Barb: no
Simeon: ?
Solomon: yes later on
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
It’s Always Been You  Pt 6
(Kyoya x Male Reader)
Chapter six
-The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type!-
 A young boy wanders the Ouran academy’s many hallways, he wasn’t the usual highschool student shown by his dark green elementary uniform.
He finally heads to a door, and anxiously opens the door. He gets greeted by a rush of rose petals, he stumbled and fell backwards.
“Welcome to the Ouran Host club!” 
 The host club is adorned in Arabian style clothing.
 “Oh it’s just a kid.” Hikaru spoked.
“Not only that, it’s just a boy.” Kaoru adds on.
 “What’s wrong little boy? Did you come into my palace in search of something?” He spoke, reeking of confidence, the jewelry scattered about his body, shining.
 The boy stands back up, looks at the blonde.
 “Uh.. are you the king of this place?” The boy asked. 
 Tamaki’s eyes briefly widened.
 “Well are you?” The boy repeated.
 “Come closer lost one,” Tamaki said, as the boy walked towards him.
  “What was it you just called me, little boy?” 
 “The king.” The boy responded.
 Tamaki sighs dramatically.
“Ah, the king! Yes I am the king of the Ouran Host Club!” He celebrates, twirling around starry eyed.
 “I’m an elementary fifth year, Shiro Takaoji!” The boy states, causing Tamaki to stop.
 “I want the host club king to take me on as an apprentice!” He spoke, pointed at a shocked Tamaki.
The host club is now officially opened, filled with guests.
 “Oh my Tamaki, you have an apprentice?” A girl questioned.
 “Yes, he’s still in elementary school, but I like the fire in his eyes.”  Tamaki calmly spoke.
 “But are you sure it’s really okay for a young boy to become a host?” A girl worries.
 “Why wouldn’t it be? Love has nothing to do with age. Take us for an instance, whenever I look at you, my heart starts pounding,” He leaned closer to the guests face.
 “Suddenly, I feel no different than a love-sick little boy.”
 “Oh, Tamaki..” the girl dreamily sighed.
 The boy is right next to the two and glaring intently.
“Don’t you think it’s weird he’s making a kid observe him close up like that?” Haruhi question.
 “It’s not the weirdest thing Tamaki has done.” Y/n shrugged.
 “There is a theory that people are considered more beautiful the closer they’re viewed. Tamaki seems to live by that theory.” Kyoya spoked, writing in his notebook.
 “Well, let’s leave them alone.”
A cry runs across the room.
 “A carp!” One of Tamaki's guests shirks. 
 “Oh, don’t listen to him, he’s just a kid. You know how kids are, they can’t help but be honest.” Tamaki anxiously spoke.
 “Honest!” The girl yells even more hurt at Tamaki’s idiocy.
 “But that’s just his opinion! I wouldn’t say you looked like a carp, and even if you were you’d be the most beautiful carp of them all.” Tamaki spoke, digging his grave deeper.
 “So I am a carp!” The girl cried.
“That’s not what I meant..” Tamaki sweats.
 The girl runs off crying, calling Tamaki an idiot.
The boy rolls his eyes at the girl and sits down.
 “Man what a crybaby.”
Hikaru walks over to the irritated blonde.
 “So how’s it going boss? That’s an adorable little apprentice you got there.” He teased.
 “Hikaru.. Do you wish you had a younger brother like Shiro.” Kaoru quietly mumbles.
 Hikaru embraced his twin.
 “Don’t be silly. I could search the globe and I’d never find a better brother than you, Kaoru.” 
The girls squealed, at the display.
 “It’s forbidden brotherly love!”
Shiro backs up in disgust.
 “They’re homos! And they’re brothers! That makes this totally insectuous!” As he backs up
 “You mean incestuous” Tamaki corrects.
 Honey pulls the boy to the side and jumps on his back.
 “Hey Shiro-chan! Wanna have a piece of cake with me? We got all kinds!” 
 Shiro pushes honey off, and turns to look at him.
 “Hey back off! What grade are you even in anyways? And why are you wearing a highschool uniform?” Shiro spoked.
 Mori walks to Honey, towering over Shiro. 
“Something wrong Mitsukuni?” He quietly spoked.
 “That’s not fair! A little kid like you isn’t supposed to have a cooler older friend like him!” Shiro yells, and ends up bumping into Y/n and Haruhi, who is holding a tray of teacups.
“Are you alright? I know it’s kinda hard getting used to all the weird stuff that goes around here, it took me a while to adjust to the craziness, so don’t freak out, I’m sure you’ll get used to it.” Haruhi kindly smiled.
 But the boy only stared intensely at the two.
 Y/n furrows his brows and tilts his head.
 “Something wrong?” Y/n looked at the boy.
 “Are you a crossdresser?” He rudely asked.
 “Excuse me?” Y/n, baffled at the boy's manners.
 The twins and Tamaki rush in trying to conceal Haruhi’s secret.
 “Okay that’s enough, I think Shiro should take care of the tea for us! Don’t you?” Tamaki nervously spoke.
 Hikaru begins to pat Haruhi’s head. 
 “Wow Haruhi you’re looking extra manly today.”
 Kaoru also begins patting Haruhi’s head.
 “Now do what the boss says and let Shiro take care of that tea set, it’s part of his training. You're too macho for tea sets.”  
 Haruhi signs and hands the tray towards the boy. 
 “Now be pretty careful with it, it’s quite heavy.” As the tray gets handed to Shiro, he immediately drops it, shattering every single cup.
 “It’s not my fault I dropped it. It’s yours because you’re the one to make me take it in the first place.” Shiro spoke with the utmost entitlement .
 “Say what?” Haruhi mumbled.
“Haruhi, that’s another one hundred thousand yen.” Kyoya appears, writing in his notebook.
 “Huh?!” Haruhi yells.
“Hey you should make the crossdresser do your stupid chores! I’m not here to carry tea sets! I'm here to learn how to make women happy!” Shiro complained.
 “I am not going to let you disrespect Haruhi. Put this brat in isolation!” Tamaki commands.
 “You got it boss!” The twins pull a switch, and a metal cage falls and traps the boy inside.
“What’s going on here! Why’d you put me in a cage all of a sudden?” Shiro screams.
 “Yeah and where did it come from? This is supposed to be a music room, right?” Haruhi nervously sweats
 “What can I say, he had it coming.” Y/n joked.
 Shiro hangs onto the bars.
“This is no way to treat your loyal apprentice! Now let me outta this cage!”  He fussed, shaking the bars.
 Tamaki calmly sips on tea. 
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson. I made You my apprentice because I thought you were serious about becoming a host, but I guess I was wrong.” Tamaki sighed, glancing at the boy.
 “I am serious! Totally serious!” The boy yells
Tamaki sips on his tea, ignoring the kid's pleas.
 “I want you to teach me how to make women happy!” He falls on his knees. 
 “I’m gonna run out of time… Please won’t you teach me? You’re a host because you like girls. You like bringing a smile to a girl's face. That’s why you do it right? Please won’t you teach me to be like you? You're a genius at it. You’re the king!” Shiro pleads.
 Tamaki’s eyes widened at the compliment.
 “Well you may be a brat but I admire your desire to become a host, so I’ll teach you!” He exclaimed, now standing up.
 “You know Shiro, you and I are so much alike.” Tamaki hugs himself.
“Your poor kid.” Haruhi muttered.
 “You might want to aim higher, Shiro.” Y/n snickers.
“Then you’ll help me become the kind of man that can make any woman happy?” Shiro looked at Tamaki hopefully.
 “Of course, making women happy is the purpose of being a host. If this is what you really want, Shiro, then you’ll have to figure out how to use the material you already have.” Tamaki explained.
 “What does that mean?” Shiro asked.
“You see, here at the Ouran Host Club our policy is to use our individual personality traits to meet the needs of the guest.” Kyoya looks at the boy.
 “For example there is Tamaki, who is the princely type. There’s the silent type. The Boy-Lolita type. The Little-Devil. The Space Cadet. And the cool type.” Kyoya lists, as everyone groups together in front of Shiro.
 “It’s all about variety. And now our group is complete with the addition of Haruhi, the natural.”
 “The natural?” Haruhi points to herself.
“It would seem right now we have a perfect blend of characteristics. So it’s going to be difficult to find a new type for Shiro.” Kyoya continues.
“If you go by age, he should be the boy Lolita type.” Hikaru states.
 “But Honey-senpai already got that covered.” Kaoru joins
Honey bursts into tears, and hugs usa-chan. 
 “Is he gonna replace me?”
A motor goes off, and gears grind against each other, revealing Renge on the platform.
 “Oh come on, is that all you’ve got?” Renge's voice echoes across the room.
 “What’s up with this place? It’s supposed to be a music room!” Haruhi complained.
Renge sighs at the group.
 “Sorry to interrupt, gentleman but what’s with the lackluster character analysis? I must say I’m quite disappointed, I thought I taught you better.” 
 “Alright then Miss manger, how would you work Shiro into our collection of characters? He can’t be the boy Lolita because Honey has already got that covered.” Tamaki holds up a crying honey, similar to how you would hold a cat.
 “You just don’t get it do you? Now listen up! There are plenty of girls out there who have a thing for younger boys or boys with baby faces. These would be called Shota fans. Now Shota can be a fairly broad category. So it’s important to know that the genre can be broken down into many smaller sub-categories. For example, Shota fans, with an interest in Lolita boys, would favor a boy like Haninozuka-senpai, but this boy is different if I had to pick a character for him…” 
 Renge thinks for a moment before pointing at Shiro.
 “Yes! He’s the Naughty Boy Type without a doubt!” She confirmed.
 “The Naughty Type?” Shiro questions as the cage surrounding him lifts up.
Training drills begin, with Renge blowing a whistle for every drill, and Shiro's patience grows thinner by the minute, he’s now covered in fake sharpie scars and bandages.
 And before his torture to go any farther, he finally had enough.
 “Agh! I’ve had enough of you people! This is so stupid, none of this is gonna make her happy.” Shiro gritted his teeth and ran out the club's doors.
“Wait Shiro, we haven't taught you how to apply the techniques you’ve learned yet!” Tamaki yells.
 Renge’s motor turns on as she takes back down.
 “I swear, younger boys are good for nothing, I went through all of the trouble of training him and he calls it quits!” She complains before disappearing.
“I can’t believe he just ditched us just because he didn’t like the lesson. What a selfish little brat!” He complains.
 “There aren’t many people who would like that sort of lesson. But never mind that, did you hear what he just said?” Haruhi states.
‘I’m gonna run out of time. Please won’t you teach me?’
 “What do you think it means by that… maybe it’s a girl?” Haruhi spoke, thinking out loud.
A few hours pass and the host club is now in an elementary-Middle school building.
 “How did we let them talk us into this?” Haruhi questioned. Now wearing a middle school uniform and a long brown wig.
 “It’ll be okay Haru-chan, it was so easy to sneak in, and wearing this uniform makes me really look like I’m in elementary school.” Honey whispered. He was now wearing the same uniform as Chiro.
 “Yeah you do.. I can understand why they wanted you to wear an elementary school uniform, I mean we are sneaking into an elementary school and you totally fit in senpai. What I don’t understand is why they made me dress up in a middle school uniform.”
“Why did we even bother with disguises, we stick out like a sore thumb.” Haruhi complained, as Tamaki peered through a door.
 “Oh there’s a reason, a damn good reason.”
 Honey pulls Haruhi by the hand.
“This way Haru-chan!”
 “Isn’t she just the cutest!” The twins swoon.
 Tamaki sighs dreamily.
“Oh look at her in that mini skirt!” Tamaki slightly blushes.
“Haruhi looks like a wittle doll.” 
“So basically you just wanted to see her dress up like that?” Kyoya states.
 Y/n laughs, as Tamaki sweats.
As Haruhi and Honey open a classroom, the rest of the club follows.
 “So the kid's empty classroom is it?” Tamaki spoke while looking around. 
 “This sure takes me back.” The twins state.
 “I wonder if the doodles are still on my desk.” Hikaru looks at the top of the desks.
“Doubtful, the school changes out the desks every year.” Kyoya spoke.
 Haruhi is irritated by the group.
“Let’s check out the cafeteria after this.”
“I want to see the old gym.” 
“Hey, if you guys are just gonna barge in here like that then why’d we wear these stupid disguises.” Haruhi half whispered.
“Don’t worry about it, no one is going to catch us.” Hikaru looks towards Haruhi.
 Footsteps echoed throughout the hall, getting closer each step.
Haruhi gasps and the rest of the club crouches between the desks.
 “If the teacher find us-“ 
“We’re gonna have a hard time explaining why we snuck in.” The twins spoke.
Haruhi puts her finger to her lips and shushes.
“Shut up you guys! Just keep your lips zipped.” She makes a zipping gesture.
  The twins, and Tamaki blushed.
Haruhi discretely looks out the door.
 “It’s alright, he’s gone but if you guys we came here to get the scoop on Shiro.” She reminded the group, now standing.
 “So what do you think we should do now?”
Kyoya stared at a framed photo hung on the wall.
 “Well here is something interesting.”
 All the hosts look over to kyoya.
Y/n walked towards him.
“What did you find?” 
Kyoya points towards the photo, in it was Shiro and a girl playing piano.
 “Oh hey that’s Shiro.” Y/n looked.
“So he’s in the classical music club.” Kyoya states with a knowing smile.
 “He looks like he’s enjoying himself. Never thought I could see him this happy.” Y/n softly smiled.
The club's hosts make their way to the music room.
“There he is! There’s Shiro-chan!” Honey spoked excitedly.
 Shiro was sitting in a window sill, looking out the window.
A young girl walks up to Shiro holding a music sheet.
 “Excuse me… Takaoji? I’m sorry, but have you been practicing tye new piece Teacher gave us?” She stammered, hugging the sheet to her chest.
 “The new piece? Not really.” Shiro answered, looking at the girl. 
 “If you want I can show it to you. Do you want to come play it with me?” She hopefully asked.
 “No thanks, you go ahead. After all there’s only one grand piano. You should use it Kamishiro.”
Hina smiled.
“Thank you, I will then!” She closes her eyes.
 “And if you want to join me, just let me know.” She giggles slightly, and sits down at the piano, and begins playing.
 Shiro closes his eyes and listens to Hina’s playing.
A little girl walks out the music room.
“Pardon me mademoiselle.” Tamaki politely spoke. And the girl turns to look at him, as he offers a white rose.
 “I’ve never seen a rose more lovely than you my dear.. here.” Tamaki hands the rose to the girl.
 “I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the lady playing piano there?” 
“That’s Hina Kamishiro, but you better now fall in love with her.” The girl states.
 “Why?” Tamaki asked.
 “Didn’t you know? Hina has to move soon. Her dad just got a new job in Germany. They will move there by the end of the week.” 
Shiro rushed out of the room noticing the club.
 “What'd you think you’re doing?! I want you idiots to leave!” He yelled.
Tamaki looks at him before picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. And walks away with the host following.
 Shiro screams and hits Tamaki, trying to leave his grasp.
 “It’s time to go gentlemen!” He announced.
 “First we put him in a cage and now we are kidnapping him. I think we hit a new low.” Y/n causally spoke, following the club.
Shiro gets placed back in the host club, as Tamaki scolds the boy, he pulls back a curtain revealing a piano.
 “Wait a minute… since when did we have a piano?” Haruhi muttered.
 “It’s a music room, why wouldn’t there be a piano?” Y/n smirked.
 The rest of the club chimes in agreement.
The host room is quickly decorated, with a piano in the middle of the room, and when Hina arrived, she’s greeted by the hosts dressed in all white suits, and Tamaki pulls an empty chair for the piano
 “If you please, princess.” Tamaki spoke.
Shiro, and Hina play the piano, finally finding his own way to her heart.
“It’s really incredible how Tamaki puts his entire heart into helping people.” Y/n calmly whispered only for Kyoya to hear, watching the two play piano.
 Kyoya looks at Y/n who is mesmerized by piano.
He smiled 
“It truly is.”
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rekiilysm · 2 years
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・
⇨ 「pairing— steve harrington x fem!henderson!reader」
⇨ 「a/n— IM SO SORRY!! i’ve been super busy lately with school and haven’t been able to write a chapter but here it is!! and there’s only one more chapter/episode until season 2!! anyway, i hope you enjoy this final steveless chapter!」
⇨ 「warnings— swearing, character death (sorry barb), that’s really it」
⇨ 「word count— 3.4k」
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After sitting at the police station for a little bit, Joyce and Hopper walked through the door in distress; especially Joyce. "Hey. Jonathan?" she asks him as she walked up to the desk we're sitting at. "Jesus, what... what happened?" she pointed to her son's hands and cuffs.
   "I'm fine," Jonathan reassures his mother as the other officer, Powell, tries to talk with her.
   "Why is he wearing handcuffs?" she questions the officers, wondering what the hell her son got into. I feel bad for Joyce, she doesn't know about the monster and now this? Unless, she does know about it.. somehow.
   "Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why," Callahan explained to her.
"Take them off," Joyce insisted.
"I am afraid I cannot do that," Callahan replied, but Joyce wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"Take them off!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her before looking over to Jonathan who sat back awkwardly.
Hopper spoke up, "You heard her. Take 'em off."
Powell walked up behind me, Nancy, and Jonathan, "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see." The three police officers left the building, only to come back a few minutes later with our supplies in hand. Hopper dropped it on the table, making the three of us nervous.
Joyce sat up from her spot next to Jonathan and looked through the box, "What is this?"
"Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car," Hopper spoke straight.
"What?" Joyce said in shock.
Jonathan scoffed, "Why are you going through my car?"
"Is that really the question you should be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office," Hopper stated. Uh oh.
"You won't believe me," Jonathan replied and I nodded. He definitely wouldn't believe us if we told him what was actually going on.
Hopper got up close and spoke softly, "Why don't you give me a try?" Oh boy, this'll be interesting.
Now all three of us were in Hopper's office, and Joyce and Hopper were sitting in front of us. We sat nervously, Jonathan was biting his nails, Nancy was looking down, and I was drumming my fingers on my chair; a habit that I picked up from Dustin. The police officer was holding a picture, examining it before looking up to us. "You say blood draws this thing?"
"We don't know," I said. We're not for sure, but I think we're right.
"It's just a theory," Nancy spoke up.
Joyce then took Jonathan out of the room to talk, and after a few minutes, Hopper left the room as well, leaving me and Nancy alone. We sat in silence for a moment until I decided to speak up. "So... you and Steve?"
Nancy looked up from her lap with wide eyes, "W-what?! No. Not anymore." I nodded. I was going to speak up, but Hopper opened the door quickly to tell us that we needed to leave. Oh boy.
After what felt like the longest car ride ever, we finally made it to the Wheeler's house. Hopper started talking about some girl with a shaved head, and my mind immediately went to El. I hope she's okay, and I hope the boys are okay too. We were parked a little bit away from the house, watching a bunch of people put Mike's stuff in their cars. "I have to go home," Nancy said as she watched the men in suits fill their vehicles with her brother's belongings.
"No you can't," Hopper stated, not looking away from his binoculars.
I pat the girl's shoulder, "My mom.. my dad are there." I frown, I know exactly how she's feeling. My brother is out there somewhere in danger and I have no idea where he is.
"They're gonna be okay," Hopper told her, but Nancy had other plans. She began to walk towards her house, but Hopper grabbed her and stopped her. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"
She tried to shove him off, "Let go!"
"Hey! Listen to me. Listen to me. The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this," the officer told her.
"Mike is over there—" she started. They're probably not over there, luckily. I really hope they're not.
Hop sighed, "They haven't found him. Not yet, at least." He pointed to the helicopter flying in the sky. Oh god.
"For Mike?!" Nancy exclaimed with wide eyes.
Hop tried to lead her over to the car, "Come on, get in the car." The three of us were crammed in the back seat, me sitting in the middle of my ex-best friend and my best friend. As Hopper closed his door, he turned to us, "Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"
Nancy shook her head, "No, I don't."
"I need you to think," the officer told the girl. I might have an idea to where they went, but I'm not for sure. I wouldn't want to lead us to where they might not be.
She shook her head, "I don't know. We haven't talked a lot. I mean, lately..."
Joyce looked at us, "Is there any place that your...your parents don't know about that he might go?"
"I don't know," Nancy said again.
I spoke up, "I might." They all turned to me.
"What?" Hopper asked and I sighed.
"I don't know exactly where he is, but I think I know how to ask him. Wherever Mike is, Dustin has to be with him," I tell them. Of course I'm worried about Mike, Lucas, and El, but I just hope that Dustin is okay and with them.
A bit of driving later, we pull up to The Byers' house and quickly get out of the car. We bolt inside and head directly towards Will's room. Nancy stopped and looked around at the destroyed home in shock. Jonathan was the first to barge into his little brother's room, going straight to the desk. I was right behind him, walking right to Will's nightstand, opening all the drawers and scrambling through them to find his walkie. At first we tried mine, but unfortunately it died because I forgot to change the batteries the night before. Joyce got down on the floor and looked under the bed, "I got it." She shimmied her way from the bed. Jonathan and I stopped searching for the found item, turning to Joyce as she stood up.
   "Mike, are you there? Mike? Mike, are you there? Answer. Mike, we need you to answer. This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike, do you copy? I need you to answer," Nancy pleaded over the walkie. The five of us are now sat in the Byers' living room, nervous if the boys are going to answer or not.
   After a couple of minutes of no answer, Hopper grabbed the walkie from Nancy's hands, "Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you're there, pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl. We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over." There was still silence from the other side of the walkie. Gosh I hope they're okay. Hopper sat the walkie on the shelf near him and turned to us, "Got any other ideas?" He asked, but we all shook our heads.
   "Yeah, I copy. It's Mike. I'm here. We're here," Mike's voice said. All of our eyes lit up, they're okay, and now we can go find them.
Hopper dropped me, Jonathan, Nancy, and Joyce off at the woman's home, telling us that he'll bring the kids back safely. Nancy and I had persisted that we went with him, but he made us stay back.
It was now dark, and all four of us were sitting on the couch waiting. My knee kept bouncing, but luckily we didn't have to wait anymore because bright lights came through the window. We all got up quickly and scrambled out of the door. "Dustin!" I exclaimed as the sight of my little brother came to view. He looked over and ran over to me, engulfing me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, thankful that he was safe.
"Mike. Oh, my God. Mike!" Nancy exclaimed, giving her little brother a tight hug as well. "I was so worried about you." They pulled away, but Nancy still had her hands on his shoulders.
"Yeah, uh, me too," Mike said awkwardly, not used to his older sister acting like this. The older Wheeler girl then looked over to El with an eyebrow raised.
"Is that my dress?" She asked and we all looked over to El.
After our reunion, we all sat in the living room while Mike explained the flea and acrobat metaphor. "Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara, and that monster, they're this flea." Mike pointed to the flea with the pen he was holding. "And this is the Upside Down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."
"A gate," Dustin said.
"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab," Lucas spoke after Dustin.
"With our compasses," I told them, adding onto what the boys were saying. They all looked confused, so I tried to explain to them as best as I could. "Okay, so the gate has a really stringe electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle."
"Is this gate underground?" Hopper asked, making us all look over to him.
"Yes," El said quietly.
"Near a large water tank?" Hopper asked again, seeming like he knew what we were talking about.
El nodded slightly, "Yes."
"H-How do you know all that?" Dustin asked the chief with a slight stutter.
"He's seen it," Mike stated in realization and our eyes widen.
Joyce spoke up, "Is there any way that you could... that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this—" She started, but El interrupted her.
"The Upside Down," she said.
"Down—yeah," Joyce whispered.
"And my friend Barbara? Can you find her, too?" Nancy asked the girl, who looked at her.
We then found ourselves at the kitchen table, and El was trying to reach Barbara and Will. There were two pictures of them on the table, and static noise filled the room. The small girl sat in a chair while the rest of us stood up around the table. The lights started to flicker, and El then opened her eyes. She sat there in silence for a moment while we all looked at her. "I'm sorry," she whispered quietly.
"W-what—What's wrong? What happened?" Joyce stuttered.
"I can't find them," El said, her voice breaking. My heart broke for the girl, and also the news. She then went to the bathroom to cool off, and we all waited.
"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak," Mike explained to everyone.
"The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets," Dustin said along with Mike.
"Like, she flipped the van earlier," Lucas said.
Dustin smiled, "It was awesome."
"But she's drained," Lucas stated.
"Like a bad battery," I said and Joyce sighed.
"Well... H-H-How do we make her better?" she asked, hoping that there would be a way.
"We don't. We just have to wait and try again," Mike said, but everyone else sighed.
"Well, how long?" Nancy asked impatiently.
"I don't know," Mike shrugged sadly.
"The bath," we heard a quiet voice from behind us. We all looked over to see El standing there.
"What?" Joyce questions the girl in confusion.
"I can find them. In the bath," El said, making us all look at each other.
A little while later, we decided it would be best to call Mr. Clarke, who would definitely know what to do. "Mr. Clarke? It's Dustin," my brother said over to phone to his science teacher. I feel bad that we have to call him this late at night, but we don't have another choice. "Yeah, yeah. I just, I... I have a science question.." He paused, letting the teacher talk for a moment. "Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? Specifically how to build one?" He paused for another second, "Fun.." All of us watched as my little brother talked on the phone, hoping that Mr. Clarke would give us answers. "You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curiosity door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?" He stopped for a moment before grabbing a small notepad and a pencil. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh. How much?" He wrote down ingredients for the deprivation tank on the notepad. "Uh-huh. Yep, Alright. Yeah, we'll be careful. Definitely. All right, Mr. Clarke. Yeah, I'll see you on Monday. I'll see you on Monday, Mr. Clarke. Bye," he said, finishing up his notes and hanging up the phone. "Do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?" Dustin asked Joyce.
She looked at him in confusion, "I think so. Yeah."
"Good. Then we just need salt. Lord of it," Dustin said.
"How much is 'lots'?" Hopper asked my brother, who looked down at his notepad before looking back up at the chief.
"1,500 pounds," he said and all of our eyes go wide.
"Well, where are we gonna get that much salt?" Nancy asked, shocked as to how much you need for this tank.
We then found ourselves driving to Hawkins Middle, pulling up in front of the gym. We got out of the car, and quickly made our way inside to set up. Lucas, Dustin and I went in the gym and started to set up the kiddie pool. I was carrying the pool, and to be honest, it was pretty heavy. "This damn thing is heavy," I said with a grunt before setting it down on the ground. We then started to open it up, but it was being very difficult.
"Son of a bitch!" Dustin exclaimed as one side kept falling over. I groaned at the dumb kiddie pool, and Lucas grabbed one side of it.
"Pull it back. Pull it back," he said, and we grabbed the other sides as well.
"We are!" Dustin said.
"One, two, three," Lucas said before we all tried to pull it out and lay it down. "Shit!" Dustin exclaimed at the stupid thing. I grunted at the pool as well, feeling fed up with it.
Nancy and Mike then came in with hoses a bit after we tried to hold up the pool. Mike set the hoses in the pool and it started to fill up, "Colder!" Lucas yelled to Nancy while holding a thermostat in the water. "Warmer!" Lucas yelled again to Nancy, who was controlling the water temperature. "Right there!" Lucas yelled to her one last time.
Jonathan and Hopper then walked in with a bunch of salt, beginning to pour it into the water. After pouring some in, Dustin got an egg carton out so we could see if it was enough salt. The egg should've floated, but there wasn't enough salt. The boys and I groaned in disappointment while we watched the egg sink to the bottom. Jonathan and Hopper got more salt and added it to the water, and luckily, it made the egg float. Dustin smiled to himself and the boys punched his arms lightly with smiles on their faces as well. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and hugged him, feeling proud.
Mike got out his walkie, setting it on a table next to the pool. He turned it on, the sound of static filling the room quickly. El put on the goggles that Joyce had made her before stepping into the pool and lying back. The lights flickered for a moment before turning off completely. We all looked at each other before looking back at El. "Barbara?" she said out loud, making us all perk up. The lights then began to flicker, looking like they're pulsating before turning off again.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked looking around.
Mike shrugged, "I don't know."
Nancy began to panic, "Is Barb okay? Is she okay?" She asked the girl, fear spreading all over her face.
"Gone. Gone. Gone," El kept repeating in fear. Nancy held a hand up to her mouth as she started to cry. I frowned at her, feeling her pain of losing her best friend. It's like you lost half of yourself, and you couldn't do anything to stop it. Joyce starts to reassure El, but she was still freaking out. "Gone!" She screamed, but Joyce was quick to her side.
"It's okay we're right here. We're right here, honey. It's okay. I got you," Joyce said as she grabbed one of her hands. "Don't be afraid. I'm right here with you. It's okay. It's okay, you're safe." She kept on reassuring her, and she calmed down.
"Castle Byers?" El said, making Joyce look over to Jonathan. "Will?" she said again, making Joyce gasp. A small gasp also left my lips as I watched the girl, hoping for her to say something else.
"You tell him... tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming," Joyce told El.
Everything was silent for a moment until a faint, familiar voice came from the walkie. "Hurry." It was Will.
"Okay. Listen, you tell him to-to stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey," Joyce said, tears in her eyes. The boys and I look at each other before looking back at El. Then we started to hear whimpering on the radio before the girl shot up from the water with a gasp. She took off the goggles and was breathing heavy. "I got you. It's okay. I got you. I got you," Joyce told her softly, wrapping her arms around her shivering body.
A little bit later, the boys and I sat around El, who had a towel around her. I had got her one before she stepped in the pool so she would have something to warm her up afterwards. Hopper, Joyce, Jonathan were standing up talking. "So this fort. Where is it?" Hopper asked while putting on his jacket.
"U-uh, it's in the woods behind our house," Joyce said.
"Yeah, he used to go there to hide," Jonathan nodded. Hopper then began to walk away, but the Byers followed him to his car. I rubbed El's arms to try and warm her up, but I noticed that Nancy wasn't here at all.
I stopped rubbing her shoulders, "I'm gonna go find Nancy. You guys keep her warm and safe, all right?" I stood up from the bleachers and they nodded to me. I then looked over to El and smiled at her before walking away. I wandered down the halls for a minute, but I eventually found Nancy and Jonathan sitting next to each other on the ground in silence. I sat next to Nancy, hugging my knees to my chest while also sitting in silence.
"We have to go back to the station," Nancy spoke up. Jonathan and I give her a confused look.
"What?" I asked her.
"Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there like bait. That thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too. We can't," she said, making a good point.
Jonathan sighed, "You still wanna try it out?"
"I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it," she said looking at the two of us. I nodded along with her. I wanted to kill this thing too.
Without telling the kids, we left the school and drove to the police station to get our supplies we had gotten a earlier. Once we got there, we snuck in quietly, trying to grab attention to ourselves while we walked by an officer watching TV. As the three of us reach Hopper's office, Jonathan goes in and grabs the box of monster hunting supplies. He quickly rushes out and Nancy grabs a fire extinguisher before we all get out of the station to kill this thing.
@milkiane @novacrystalli @stepasidefilth @whore-for-eddie @maggiecc @star-flecked-soul @obsessed-with-a-fictional-man @dallysnecklace @yuuki4646 @jinxed-jk @mvaldez7821 @seriously-ok-not @okjaeminn @m-rae23 @untitledarea @gracella0709 @lycaonpictusphotography
lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next chapters!! :)
also, if you commented to be tagged i probably didn’t reply back but you should be on here!
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insomnicbypasser · 10 months
Ho boy what a past two couple weeks am i right guys??? This post will just be me throwing my thoughts at the wall dont expect any sense of consistance im going to be topic hopping probably also just to let you all know this post wont have much if any neg because i honestly font hold those feelings towards purgatory sorry xD however if yall do have neg stuff feel free to have an open discussion in the replies i wanna study yall under a microscope
Alright first of all lets give it up for Bolas guys lets be honest no one not even they themselves thought they were gunna win fr
As a sole Bolas watcher ill have to say these streams have been the most fun ive had watching a stream in a while ive legit fixed my sleeping schedual just to watch these streams lemme tell you
I know that alot of people are unhappy with the ending that we got today but just to remind everyone that i dont think the admins or quackity would do anything TRULY permant without discussion with the cc's
Maxs death was obviously planned days in advance and seeing as the cc's didnt know anything about the eggs conditions or whereabouts i think its safe to assume none of them are actually dead
I trust quackity and qsmp not to do something that would obviously be so unsatisfiying to both the players and the fans, mostly because several months of build up definitely wouldnt lead to that
I think purgatory will be used as a learning experience for qsmp staff as how to make events more enjoyable, and i have no doubt that the week(s) inbetween this purgatory event and the next will be spent working out bugs and making qol changes, we cant expect everything to go perfectly without making mistakes
I think that the ending to purgatory played into the whole theme thats been hammered on over and over again by quackity both in and out of game: this event is made to make you unhappy and uncomfortable. It was tailored to brew conflict and make you unsatisfied, whivh judging by peoples reactions worked very well!
This event is definitely going to make past and future experiences sweeter. Were going to look back on pre purgatory as the good ol days before disaster and look at post purgatory as the catharsis period after a disaster. Puragatory is defintely the growing pains need to bring new life into the server, ots the absence that makes the heart grow fonder.
I have a serious question to ask people down in the replies: how many of you came back to qsmp or started WATCHING qsmp because of the purgatory event. Ill be honest after the first couple months i only tuned into mr charlie slimecicles streams and those were few and far between but after puragtory started i began to feel the insatiable lust for more qsmp so i began to watch recap videos and vods at a horrifiying pace. I started watching other povs because of how well bolas played off of each other and i didnt want to miss a single second of their shenanigans.
This single event has made me more excited for qsmp content then anything in the past couple months. I got a fucking twitter account for christs sake just because i wanted to know wehn people were going live and to see recaps on what the other teams were up too.
I know these past two weeks have been stressful and uncomfortable for some people so i ask yall to take a step back and detoxify so we can come back to this with clearer and fresher prespectives so we can focus on the fun and intruiging aspects of the event
Lets wallow in the angst and let chaos take the wheel with theories and ideas on how everything will pan out from here, i have hope that everything will turn out in the end even if its brought about woth blood sweat and tears :) as long as we all have fun in the end thats all that matters yall
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noroi1000 · 2 years
I've read one of your match-up asks for jujutsu kaisen and thought "ooh they're so on point! I should ask one as well!" So if you're willing and have the time setting me up with one of the bois ~ ^^
How should I start this.. (honestly first time asking anything lol),oh well:
Im 24 y/o gal, gemini sun (libra moon and rising if it means anything), and an INFJ. Apearance wise im an averege height and weight, green eyes~ hair changing all the time cause I love coloring it lol. I love animals, learn and experience new things, and the color pink :p
Used to be super shy and quiet and some people would say I still am, but I've become much more social thru the years. I'm very curious about people and.. anything really- I believe the more you study the world and talk to more people the closer you are to what we call "god" (So I'll be glad if we could become friends too lol). So its not a surprise that i dvelve pretty deep in conversations and subjects- if something peeks my interest I'm obsessed with it for a loooong time.
As a partner I usually pretty affectionate,light hearted (unless I'm in a bad mood), love to surprise and just vibe with whatever feels like it in the moment.
Umm.. wellp idk what else to add. Dont wanna write a whole autobiography here.
Cant wait to see who u picked to be my boo~♡ lol
And thank you in advence ofc 💕
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
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You wrote that you used to be shy, but now you are more and more open. Well, with him you can say it's the other way around.
He's not shy. More mysterious and sometimes eerie. That would be a good term.
He likes to spend time with people, as long as they are people close to him. People around him must be someone he can trust.
He keeps quiet and ignores strangers. Among friends, he is almost the soul of the party. He talks, he laughs, he'd do the wildest shit there is. Even though he is a more reasonable person. If you look at it another way, he always takes responsibility. He does not blame anyone, but evaluates the situation rationally. If anything has a greater share of his fault, he will take it all upon himself.
Topics that attract and interest him will be explored by him. It doesn't matter what people think about it. The important thing was that it caught his attention and he couldn't look away.
Besides, every theory can be explained. Anything that doesn't make sense to someone else may actually make sense. That's why he always finds solutions. Even if it's to find out the truth or win something through manipulation. But he would never do that to his loved ones.
He cares about someone he cares about, he is kind and affectionate. He shows affection and closeness. He supports at all times and there is no moment when he will not be there. He is always with you, especially when you need him.
• The first encounter is almost terrifying. He saw something intriguing about you. And if you were interested in him too? After all, anyone can meet anyone. What matters is that you both want it.
There are different types of people. You are someone who learns more after each conversation. Guessing the state of a person. Understanding other people's feelings. Perceptiveness to the intentions of others and to lies.
During your first meeting, there was not a very developed conversation. It was more quiet. Your friends may have told you to sit with him until you finally get along. Same with him. A moment longer made you find out that your behaviors are similar.
You learned more about the mysterious man who was just too observant. You found out that you caught his eye 😉
• Finding answers to all your questions. It's something that connects you. Even though he finds the answer often by accident.
The more you talked, the more you found answers and learned more and more about him. Making it always nice to surprise him and making him smile.
• The most carefree, calm and minutes when you are alone at home. Where you can be together and just cuddle. He would let you do anything. He pampers you. You get everything you want. And he does all this just so he can always see your smile on your face.
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k-kizkhalifa · 10 days
episode 10 --
okay i want you all to know how much i struggled to wait to watch this! i was gonna watch it at the gym, today, but like i have a feeling this is A BIG EPISODE SO I FORCED MYSELF TO WAIT UNTIL I WAS HOME AND COULD TYPE OUT MY EXACT THOUGHTS AS THEY HAPPEN.
alright here we go: shion and rei being domestic.
ALRIGHT LOL AT SHION: im a good boy. but if you wanna be a bad boy.... REI: IM A BAD BOY.
damn rei you are fkn whipppppped. awe man shion is soooo in love with rei. ugh. i pray for the best. i really do. (i know that one anon be acting like im so hard on rei and shion, i just think there was more to be desired from rei based on his age.)
OH ITS HISASHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh look how beautiful he is. im crying. not hisashi being jealous. awe look at him. bro that was a year ago! damn hiashi was in love back then.
mao is so soft and cute. aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the first name thing. I LOVE THIS. ALRIGHT IM PAUSING SO I DON'T MISS ANYTHING. I just... wow. their cute banter and comfortableness. the giggles as they laugh. just ugh they're so cute!
omg mao with the "forever and ever" moment.
alright jin is outside meeting ichikawa. LMFAO NOT THEM DOING A BACK DOOR DEAL FOR BL. BROOOOOOOOOOOOoo. YOU'RE DATING YOU FKN IDIOTS. also, ugh, here we go ichikawa being a fkn drama queen. bro chill. its manga. we get it you lvoe some angst.
the commercial. LMFAO.
not jin demanding they see each other. good lord. tahnk god he stopped talking about manga. awe the hands <3 okay not ichikawa saying: call me anytime, i'll come see you.
alright i'll forgive your rant. for now.
AHHHHHHHHH SHION FELL ASLEEP AND ALL HE WANTED WAS A DAMN MOMENT WITH REI. (I feel like i have to clarify i am not dogging rei for this, i am just expressing my feelings. i feel like that anon got me nervous you all think i hate rei.)
oh shion is such a cutie guy. awe rei and the apology. shion thinking it's adorable. SAY SOMETHING SHION. OKAY THANK YOU. oh, can't say i am shocked that rei got the kiss in.
HISASHI IS BACK. oh him and mao are so adorable. OH THE PICTURE IS SO PRETTY!
oh goodness not hiashi trying to get it in, after, clearly, a night of getting it in and mao being like, "we've done it so much!" alsjdfalskjfalskjf BROOOOO. YOU'RE YOUNG AND IN LOVE. enjoy the feeling mao, please. enjoy that.
omg it's been 3 months!
lol mao is the responsible one. lmfao.
awe their date!
gawwwwwwwwh mao is just so in love with this man. i will fk him up if he hurts mao. i am not EVEN PLAYING ABOUT THIS.
mao: i like him. he makes my heart tingle. i would do anything for him. WAIT HISASHI DOES EVERYTHING! I WANNA DO NAUGHTY THINGS TO HIM!
sweet mao. you'll learn. (you know me by now i love when the uke gets some sexual confidence! *cue me pushing misaki*)
yeah mao you're asking those questions about the future and stuff and and i wanna know the answer to bc i am SCARED MY HEART IS GOING TO GET RIPPED OUT.
oh no mao is hiding them so much. i feel like hiashi is gonna ask for more from this eventually. ugh Y'ALL I AM SOOOOO NERVOUS RIGHT NOW. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO MY BOYS?!?!?!?
awe hiashi and the recharge line. awe.
oh this scene about the upload. is.... intense. lol at hisashi not being interested in all the request. but also i'd love for mao to get jealous of the interest. okay?!
0 notes
sitpwgs · 9 months
Hi! How are you? Are you feeling any better? I hope so. I'm mostly fine..it's just a few things from last month kinda carried over to this month and it's more an ongoing thing so that's why. It will be most likely the rest of the month so i'm just letting you know if I don't reply. You can still share your book or regular goals for the year though.
Ya I decided to wait until I watch the movie since I think that's the best way to judge it anyway. I think the premiere was last the other night and I saw a few people say they liked it. Maybe they knew it was a musical already or maybe they didn't, but I'm sure I'm going to like it anyway. I think someone said the girl playing Cady..i forgot her name, was the weakest part in the movie and also she couldn't sing the best so maybe that's why. I find the song pretty meh as a song but I agree about the character development and also haven't heard it in a while. I feel like they are just trying to give it a more modern or realistic high school vibe than the original movie lol so maybe it can be totally different and it's own thing too..even from the original musical. I think Renee will be the standout. I like Not My Fault, but I don't think it's in the movie or anything.
I'm pretty excited for it! I always like her writing and I'm thinking those will be my favorites too since I haven't read People We Meet or Happy Place for a while. That's good to know..I also technically never finished New Girl but I do like it a lot. I am the worst with finishing things clearly lol. Oh okay..I might read a snippet of the Starless Sea soon and I'll tell you if I like it but I'm sure I will. I was wondering why you weren't putting ratings in your reading updates but it's fine if you don't want to. I don't think I will be able to finish any books this month but that just means I'll have to read more than two a different month to reach my goal.
Brand New Eyes is so good! I'm glad you liked it. But it makes sense to take a break to listen to Fall Out Boy. I actually haven't ever listened to all of their songs and albums so if you do, tell me if I should. I am familiar with the Maine and they had an album in August last year so maybe listen to that. I enjoyed it and am pretty familiar with their last few albums mostly. My favorite song by them is called Black Butterflies and Deja Vu. I forgot the other openers. When is your show? I think they do something similar to Taylor and perform a different song every night which makes it fun. I hope you have a great time! I know that might have been a lot so there's no pressure to listen to everything and especially if you don't like something. I can also always give my favorite song recs to start with when you're ready. Call your mom was one of my songs of the year.
So Taylor showed up to the Golden Globes and looked so amazing! I looooved her dress so much! I'm pretty sure i am making it my new lockscreen on my phone haha..something for the new year. She never really wears green or that bright color and it's my favorite. Recently I can only think of the green folklore dress which I also love. At first I thought of green for debut but then everyone was saying green is rep..like a snake duh. I don't really read into outfit theories as much but it made me notice both rerecordings can be green apparently..but Rep is black and debut can also be blue so idk. Unfortunately she didn't win..but I thought Barbie deserved it also. So far, Barbie is the only oscar movie I have seen actually. I will probably watch Saltburn soon though. I also really wanna finish the Bear, which won and the actors won their categories. . Emma Stone also looked amazing and she won her category too, but I haven't watched the movie yet. Unfortunately, we did not get another pic of my queens..but Emma got asked a question about Taylors standing ovation for her and jokingly called her an asshole lol..I just love them so much. She was also there with Selena.
Ooh I really enjoyed Troye's album but do not know any of the stories. I wonder how he explained them since to me the album seems more like a vibe. I think it's interesting you say that though cuz that is exactly how Taylor describes Midnights..as 13 stories throughout my life. So idk if you mean more like that or more like Folklore. I'm not sure Midnights was totally that and it's more like a feeling, and that's how Folklore is to me too. Actually, I think Evermore has more songs that seem like stories than Folklore, and I don't know if I always like that when listening the first time lol. Like it seems like it comes from nowhere almost at first for some reason. It's hard cuz before I always liked hearing about her life, but maybe I would prefer a mix..which I think Folklore mostly is. I do think her next album will be more about her life though after this year she had and I think everyone will want to hear it lol. But we also don't know how it will be either. I do know what you mean and also miss Taylor talking about the music.
So I forgot to mention that a lyric from Electric Touch could be my resolution..just breathe, just relax..it'll be okay lol. I also noticed I see many similarities with Taylor and Paramores albums too. All we know is debut, Riot was their Fearless...they were both nominated for Best New Artist at those Grammys where they met! Brand New Eyes and Speak Now are similar to me or I just played them around the same time. I used to think the instrumental of All I wanted and If This was a Movie is sooo similar with the sound of the guitar and still do. That was before she put it on Fearless and took out most of the guitar though. It's one of the few rerecordings I hear a noticeable difference cuz of that. Paramore, also a self titled album..haha, but it matches with Red. After Laughter has an 80s sound and more poppy like 1989. When I first heard This is Why..it also reminded me of rep..cuz all the loud media/the world songs are near the beginning but then gets softer as it goes on. Hayleys solo albums match up with Folklore and Evermore but I can't really choose which is which. Also I forgot to say that back in 2021, Mr Perfectly Fine and Shy Away from top was released the same day which was a big deal cuz we weren't expecting it. like Taylor released the song on a Wednesday when she would never do that and usually alternative singles release on a Wednesday. I am hoping something like that happens again haha. Anyway for top I forgot to mention that their songs have to do with mental health, especially their older music, just so you're aware and could be another reason I like them so much. I became a fan with the Vessel album in 2012 though. Have a great week! 🩷
hello friend!!! i'm feeling much better, thank you for asking 🥺 🤍 answering under the cut because this got long xx
i'm trying to take things slower book wise, and focus more on quality over quantity / not getting overwhelmed with committed books (arcs/gifted reads) to the point where i'm not having fun reading anymore (which is what happened last year)! those are really the big goals, but i'm also just really trying to read things i already have access to (arcs, gifted reads i've let pile up for far too long, my physical tbr, etc). i do have a numerical goal (100) but i'll adjust it as needed throughout the year! and i didn't realize someone would notice i edited my reading tracker — i ended up changing my reading tracker on tumblr because i always end up adjusting the star ratings after — sometimes i'll update the tracker and then i'll go wait ... i feel like that book wasn't as good as i thought it was or i'll be like "i have not been able to stop thinking about this book, it's definitely more of a four or five star", so i figured i'd just do dates that i read a particular book instead! i hope you like your reads; keep me posted!!!
a friend of mine saw the mean girls movie last night, and so they told me their thoughts on it — i probably won't see it anytime soon, but i did spend a bit of time last night relistening to the cast recording and i forgot that i genuinely do like the score! i wish it was wittier, or even like ... better (?) like legally blonde, but i do enjoy it a lot. i've been in a musical theatre mood in the last 2 days; i've been listening to hadestown off-broadway, mean girls, amelie, alice by heart, spring awakening, and then just my favorites playlist on repeat. i also listened to the shucked cast recording today, which was my album of the day! and yes, definitely think that renee will be the standout for the mean girls movie musical, although have also been hearing really good things about auli'i, and jaquel too!
i listened to this is why again, and i think after laughter is still my favorite of the paramore albums (which apparently is not a surprise — i asked a few of my friends who love paramore what they thought my favorite album would be and they were all like "after laughter, hands down", which i found funny). i hope you saw my post about the new paramore song too! my concert is march 1st! so i have some time, but it'll take me a couple listens to actually memorize lyrics, so i should reallllly get on it! ugh call your mom is so good; i just love noah kahan. i can't wait to see what he has next in store; it looks like he's been teasing another collab (i think it's with sam fender), and i'd love to see him collab with maisie or olivia too!
taylor's been wearing a lot of green lately! i did see a lot of theories about green / reputation — especially with the snake print boots she wore yesterday, so i'm assuming rep is next! i hope you like the bear; i really loved it! and i was surprised barbie didn't win anything, although i haven't seen most of the other movies, so maybe i'm just saying things haha!
i think a mix between folklore, evermore, and midnights in concept would be cool? i always forget that midnights is "13 sleepness nights", but would also just like to see taylor write more fictional/storytelling things! i was thinking about how detached i feel from taylor for many reasons lately, but also just because i'm someone who loves to go down a rabbit hole and read as much about someone's creative process as i can. i really really wish that we'd gotten more insights about the inner-workings of the eras tour; the choreography, the staging, the set, how they came up with the projections, the lighting, etc. and i think i feel that way about a lot of her projects post-folklore (including the rerecordings).
i appreciate the warning for TOP! and your similarities are always so fun to read about! here's a little text that i sent to my friend about after laughter — so i definitely agree with you with the 1989 vibes haha. i still haven't listened to hayley's solo albums, but will do so soooooon !!
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hope you're having a good week! have a good weekend 🤍
0 notes
fairy-tale-writer · 2 years
Thin Ice Chapter 1/2
Malleus Draconia x Reader
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Prompt: The reader is sledding with Malleus when the ice begins to crack beneath them. MC pulls Malleus out of the danger zone but she falls in. Someone saves her and she wakes up in the Infirmary in a rather...interesting compromise 
Note: LEMON SCENTED!!! I would call it enough to be NSFW so read at your own risk. 
I am super sorry for my inconsistent posting schedule a lot of stuff has came up in my life or writer's block which makes everything difficult. Also if anyone wants to talk about TW theories with me PLEASE DM ME. I am so deep into theories and lore and I am fully invested in the time loop theory and who is supposed to be the one to betray us. 
As this game is such an iceberg I LOVE it. 
Anyways, this story is about 4K+ words and would be more but I split it into two before it could get way too long. 
Winter was in full swing.
The blizzard last night had frozen the air solid with below negative temperatures. Any source of water outside had become solid, slippery ice--good for the lakes and ponds, not so much the knees and hips.
The blizzard had even dumped inches of snow, which thankfully with the help of magic could easily be swept up and out of the way with ease.
You hadn't expected much to do with the snow; until you heard a knocking at the door.
"Yoooo! Prefect! Let's go sledding! We got you your own sled." Ace said when you opened the door.
Both he and Deuce had wooden sleds trailing behind them but Ace had an extra sled.
"Go sledding?" You repeated, dumbfounded.
Of course, you had heard of sledding before, but the last time you sledded was when you were little, a few times when you were babysitting your younger siblings.
"Huh? Have you never heard of sledding?" Deuce asked.
"No, no I've gone sledding before it's just...I haven't gone sledding in a very long time. Sure I'll go! I'll go see if Grimm wants to go too!"
"Hurry up!" Ace called as you shut the door.
Grimm who was curled up by the fireplace eagerly agreed and scrambled to get his little snow booties. You slipped on your fleece-lined leggings and a tank top layered under a plaid long sleeve shirt.
You put on a thick hoodie, scarf, gloves, hat, and finally your snow boots.
"Ready to go?" You asked Grimm.
The cat was laying on his back struggling to slip his last boot on. Finally, he slipped his paw on and with a heavy sigh answered, "Yep!"
Grimm scrambled after you to the door. It was still snowing, but it was slow with very light fluffy droplets. You took the sled from Ace and Grimm hopped on.
"My brother told me about this really big hill where you can go sledding! It's right next to this pond where you can go ice skating too!" Ace rambled non-stop.
You paused noticing Tsuntarou was walking out of Sam's shop with his dorm mates.
"Eyo! Tsuntarou!" You called waving your arm.
"Who's Tsuntarou?" Ace asked.
"Does she mean-" Deuce gulped.
They followed your waving to--oh shit!
Ace and Deuce stiffened seeing you were gesturing to Malleus Draconia.
And you just called him Horned Dude!
"Child of Man? What are you doing out here in the cold?" He asked with a chuckle.
"I was just about to go sledding with my friends Ace and Deuce here, you wanna come with?" You asked.
Malleus' eyes widened in surprise well Ace and Deuce felt their souls leave their bodies. It was clear you had no idea who he was if you were offering the Prince of Thrones to do such child-like playing.
Then again, he hadn't gone sledding since Silver was just a little boy.
With a grin, he said, "Alright I'll join you."
"Wakasama! You just got hot chocolate, you'll spill it all over yourself!" Sebek barked.
"Oh, hot chocolate? May I have a sip?" You asked, pointing to the plastic coffee cup in his hand.
"Of course." Malleus chuckled.
"Is it hot?" You questioned as he transferred it to you. You could feel the heat beneath the fabric of your gloves.
You brought it to your puckered lips gently blowing on the mouth hole. Once you were sure it was cool enough you took a gentle sip. Indeed the chocolate was a bit hot, but you could feel it warming you up as it traveled down your throat.
You licked your cold lips as you pulled the cup away, "That's very good hot chocolate."
"You may have the rest," The Fae smirked, "After all, humans are very weak to the cold."
"Aye!" You playfully blurted.
"May I join? This old man hasn't gone sledding in so long." Lilia added stepping forward.
"Uhh...Ace? Deuce?"
"Uh, sure." Ace said too scared to see what would happen to him if he said no.
"We are going too! We must protect Wakasama!" Sebek blurted.
"The more the merrier, right?" You sighed.
You knew Sebek meant well but dear god, he was annoying at times. At least Silver seemed the slightest peaked, he didn't look as drowsy as he usually looked.
"Oh, what about sleds?" You asked.
"We have our own, I can summon them when we arrive at our destination."
"Lucky." You mumbled.
You set off with the group walking beside Malleus. The group was heading deeper into the forest surrounding NRC following a trail. The crunch of snow beneath your feet was satisfying, but it was also a struggle to pull your feet out and pull the sleigh with Grimm.
"Allow me to pull the sled, you look like you're struggling." Malleus offered.
"It's fine, Tsuntarou." You lied between heavy, white puffs of breath.
He took the leash and you sighed and let go allowing him to pull it instead.
"How much longer until we arrive at this hill?" Grimm whined. You were tempted to strangle the fuzzy furball since he had a good time just chilling on the sled.
"We just arrived!" Ace announced.
Not even a minute more of walking and you saw you were on top of a rather large, steep hill. Down the steep slope further down was a large pond.
The sun peeking through the flurry of clouds cast a glittering shine on the layer of ice on top.
As much as you loved to see the sight, you needed to catch a breath. You sat down in the snow, leaning back on your arms.
"Prefect?" Malleus asked.
"I'm good," You huffed, "Just resting."
"Human, this is a lovely sledding area," Malleus said.
Ace shrugged trying to play cool.
"So who goes first?" You asked.
The atmosphere felt like when a teacher asked a question to the class. Everyone avoided eye contact grimacing at the slope--or sleeping in the snow.
"How about you (Name)?" Ace chuckled rubbing the back of his head.
"Seriously? What are you a bunch of chickens?" You scoffed.
"The hill is a bit scary..." Deuce muttered.
"Fine. Wimps, I'll be the guinea pig and prove that it's fine." You pulled your sled over to the curve.
The snow at the curve was dangerously glossed with a thin layer of ice making the sleds faster, but it would be easy to slip and slide all the way down.
You straddled your sled as you pulled yourself closer.
"I can push you, dearie," Lilia offered
"A push would be lovely." You answered.
Lilia knelt down and grabbed onto the edge of the sled. With a nod, he pushed you off and down.
You couldn't deny you sounded like a professional scream queen as you flew down the hill, at one point hovering over the ground before landing. The cold air whipped past your eyes and face like diamonds.
At first, your screams were of fear but halfway through they became screams of delight.
The only issue was slowing down. On the flat ground your sled skid until you put your feet down.
You stood up, your legs shaking a little as you let out a cry of excitement with your arms raised, "Whew! That was fun!"
On top of the mountain, the others were belly laughing from the hilarity. 
The only issue was making your way back up to the top of the hill. It wasn't the worst ever hill climb despite the height, but it was challenging. Halfway through your climb Ace and Deuce were skidding down the mountain in a competitive race.
Tsuntarou greeted you at the top with a big grin, "How was the ride?"
"Very fun! You should really try it!" You chuckled.
Lilia was next and he wasn't as fast due to his small figure, but he did get a lot of air time. It took a little bit of convincing and the help of Malleus to get Sebek to race down with him and Silver.
It was hilarious, but your ears hurt as the crocodile screamed the whole way down. When he arrived at the bottom his sled tipped over and he tumbled into the snow. Despite the harsh tumble, it was surprising to hear the usually uptight fae laughing.
Even Malleus was laughing the entire ride down, getting a chuckle out of it.
Lilia used his teleportation spell to move all of them back to the top.
"Hey! How come you didn't do that for me?" You asked, crossing your arms.
"You didn't ask, dearie." Lilia chuckled...
You never felt so much joy when you first arrived to Twisted Wonderland. You raced against Ace and Deuce both separately and in a three-way race. Raced against Malleus, Malleus accompanied Lilia, much to Sebek's worry.
"(Name), can you count down for us?" Deuce had asked.
You stood between him and Ace with your hat raised high up in the air.
"Ready? Go on go! Three, two, one...Go!"
You dropped your hat and the two boys pushed themselves off and down the slope. You snatched your hat, watching as the two boys let out the most hilarious shrieks of terror.
They both tied but Deuce had gone farther causing the two to bicker about who truly won as they made their way up.
Once you started to get braver, you got a running head start going down on your belly. Ace tried following your lead but with a much terrible result. He completely missed hitting the sled and instead, he scorpioned* right into the snow.
*For those who don't know it's when you face plant so hard your feet come up and tap the back of your head
He continued to slide down the hill on his belly, keeping his limbs spread to slow himself down until he arrived at the bottom. There was the occasional pause in between all the chaos to relax and enjoy some hot cocoa.
You sat rather close to Malleus as you took a sip before offering it back to him. He gladly accepted it enjoying touching the plastic where your lips just were.
Nothing of importance happened until you decided to share a sled with Malleus.
You were upfront with the fae behind you, leaning against you. His arms were by your sides taking a hold of the leash as well.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Ready!" You nodded.
He pushed you off giving a good shove. Sure enough, with your both combined weights, you picked up a lot of speed. The air was like a high pitch howl as it wiped past your ears, you could feel your hat leaving your head.
You thought nothing of it until you arrived at the flat area, but you weren't slowing down at all. If anything you were going faster, heading straight to the lake.
In an attempt, you stuck out your feet but there was a very thick layer of ice over the snow, causing your feet to bounce off.
The sled spun out of control.
You could feel Malleus wrap his arms around you to shield you.
"Wakasama!" Sebek called.
"Malleus!" Lilia shrieked.
He outstretched his hand but you were too far away for him to use his magic.
"Let go!" You shrieked.
You released your hold on the leash and Malleus followed allowing you two to fly off.
Instead of soft fluffy snow, it was pure ice.
You were sure you could feel a rib or two break as you slammed onto the ice and continued to skid. Malleus let out a harsh grunt beside your ear taking the brunt of the blow.
You reached the lake at this point and were sliding on the layer of ice. His arms loosened around you sending you sliding away from him.
"Tsuntarou!" You called.
The gloves made it harder to grip the completely smooth surface until all the momentum finally ended. When you opened your eyes you scanned for Malleus calling him.
He was knocked unconscious, further in the middle of the lake having more mass than you.
"Tsuntarou! Wake up!" You called.
You moved and heard the worst possible noise for your situation.
A crack.
You glanced down and saw the ice below you was crackling. You could hear your name being called and saw your friends were sliding down the hill, but they were still too far away.
You shifted your attention to Malleus who was still unconscious, you could see cracks beneath him.
You had to assess the situation like an author to their story; what would cause the desired ending?
Malleus had the short end of the stick; unconscious and in the deeper end of the pond with the ice cracking faster than yours.
There was a large branch just a couple of feet away from you.
Waiting for the others wasn't an option, they were much too far away, the ice was cracking fast, and with the ice, they would be sliding all over the place.
There was no way they could help you or Malleus without risking themselves as well.
You could carefully crawl your way back to the land, the ice seemed to be thicker closer to the shallow shore, but that would mean you would leave Malleus to fall in and most likely drown.
You could take the branch and crawl to Malleus. You could wake him up with the stick without risking pooling your weight, or you could hook onto his clothing with it and pull him to safety.
It was a risk, but it was the only way you could save Malleus and yourself. You shifted your weight outstretching your arm to grab the large stick. You could feel freezing cold water on your knees.
You carefully and slowly army crawled across the ice, ignoring the other's frantic calls for you to stop. You arrived close enough to him you could see the ice sinking slowly, the water up to his knees.
"Tsuntarou! Tsuntarou!" You shrieked at the top of your lungs.
You had to be quick.
You could see his face twitch before his eyes slowly opened.
The cracking got louder.
"Tsuntarou! Grab onto the other end!" You called.
Malleus seemed to be dazed as his hand firmly gripped the branch.
With the adrenaline rushing through your muscles you were able to pull him completely out of the ice.
You crawled further until you were just a few feet away from him. The cracking got louder as you rose to your knees.
You grabbed onto Malleus's hood and tugged with all your strength throwing him across the ice.
"(Name)!" He cried.
He slid across until he arrived at a much more stable area near the shallows. His knights slipped and slide as they ran over to the shore calling for Malleus to crawl just further enough for them to reach him.
Ace and Deuce were calling for you to get your attention to hurry back to shore.
You smiled in relief.
A loud crack was the only warning before you felt yourself submerge.
It was cold.
The water was very, very cold.
You were struggling to swim, but your winter clothing may as well have been heavyweights tied to your ankles. You ripped off your gloves and scarf but you couldn't kick off your boots, they were tied too tight.
You managed to breach just long enough for a breath, scrambling to grab onto the ice. Your name was being screamed with urgency and panic. The ice in your grip only broke off sinking you back into the freezing hell.
You scratched at your coat undoing the velcro, scrambling to find the zipper.
You were losing oxygen fast and it was getting harder to keep your eyes open as the water stung. At last, you found the zipper and yanked it down until you could free yourself from it.
You were going numb.
There was a gloved hand that pressed itself into the water.
With one last good push, you used the last of your oxygen to push yourself to the hand. They grabbed onto your wrist and pulled...
"Quick! Pull her boots off!"
"Is she going to be okay?!"
"Her lips are blue. I don't think she's breathing!"
"I have to do CPR. Her heart has stopped."...
The last place you expected to wake up in was a bed in Night Raven's ICU.
You were expecting more like a coffin or a death bed.
Were you dead?
Your swollen eyes slowly opened feeling something hard and very warm holding you to them.
"(Name)! She's awake!" You could hear a voice call.
"Is my Minion alright?" 
Your sluggish brain failed to recognize who it was speaking to. Faces were surrounding you but they were all blurry and hazy. A hand that was gently holding a warm compress to your neck. When you glanced up you saw it was Malleus carefully holding you as if you were glass.
Through your blur, you were able to see he was smiling down at you in a calmly happy sort of way. You couldn't help but rest your head on his chest trying to absorb his inhuman amount of heat. He was so warm you felt like a chickling in an incubator.
Malleus pulled a blanket up to wrap around your shoulders from where it had pooled down at your hips with your shifting. You tensed realizing you could feel the wool of the blanket against your bare back.
Where was your top? Where were your clothes? Why was Malleus...was he naked too?
Malleus mistook it as you were cold and pressed the cooling compress to the top of your spine.
"Puppy, do you remember what happened?" A voice asked.
"Sledding," You answered hoarsely, "And...I fell through the ice."
"Good pup, good. Stay awake now," The man muttered.
It must be Mr. Crewel
"She's no longer blue, but she is still quite colorless." A voice said. 
"Why does Malleus have to be the one to hold her?" Another asked. 
"Malleus is a fae, he can produce more body heat than humans. To warm up safely, she must have shared body heat." The third voice explained. 
"(Name), do you feel warmer?" A smooth, deep voice asked above you. You could feel the vibrations of Malleus's voice through his smooth chest.
You nodded, your cheeks unable to warm enough to even send blood to blush. You felt the blanket lift and whimpered at the rush of cold air at your feet.
"Your toes are thankfully no longer a shade of purple, do you feel anything in them?" Mr. Crewel questioned. You felt him pinch your toes and you nodded.
"Just a numbness then, the frostbite isn't severe."
You felt a gloves hand and a bare hand grope around your legs.
"Can you feel my hands?"
You nodded.
"The blood is moving then, very good; you are a strong one." Divus flipped the blanket back onto your legs and feet.
A hand gently shook you awake, yet you didn't realize you had fallen asleep.
"We can't afford you falling asleep, we need to keep you awake to monitor you," Malleus said beside your ear.
You cracked open your sleepy eyes.
Lilia was sitting very close to the bed allowing you to recognize him easily. He was grinning, but the two knights behind him were displeased and uncomfortable about you cuddling their Wakasama nude. 
On the other side of the bed were Ace and Deuce with Grimm on the heart suit's lap who for once wasn't teasing you or each other. The Heartslaybul boys were uncharacteristically silent giving you worried stares chewing on your lips or fingers. Grimm was sobbing but you couldn't tell if it was from happiness you were alive or remorse from you dying for several minutes. 
Your main focus was on Ace who looked guilty, his arms tucked into his stomach, looking anywhere but you. There was a brush of gauze against your upper arm gaining your attention; Malleus's lower arm was wrapped in bandaging. 
"Malleus...you okay?" You wheezed out.
It wasn't hard to breathe, it just felt like talking took all the strength out of you.
"You do not have to worry about me, I made it back to land safely--you were the one who drowned in the ice water."
There was a clicking of shoes and your eyes traveled to Divus with clothing draped over his arm.
"There is no longer a complete need to huddle, she's warm enough to wear clothing to aid her body further," Divus announced. 
Malleus nodded and pulled you away to wrap you in the blanket like it was a shawl. He stood from the bed revealing that he did at least have boxers on—thank god. Lilia handed him his pants and he nonchalantly slipped them on then and there. Divus set the clothes down on the bed beside you
"Let's discuss outside to give her privacy," Divus ordered.
The guys nodded and Malleus gave you a worried look as he slipped on his collared shirt.
"Will you be fine dressing by yourself?" Lilia asked, politely.
"I'll be fine." You nodded.
"Do not try to stand up pup, there's a good chance you might collapse." Divus reminded.
Ace gave you a glance for the first time before leading the way out. It was hard but you managed to slither your leggings up your legs. It was like getting into skinny jeans in the morning after you just woke up but you didn't want to get out of bed. The only issue was you were shivering so much it was harder. Your cold, numb fingers weren't very nimble, and struggled with hooking the straps of your bra. 
At last, you slipped on the socks but you still felt rather chilly. You waited for a couple of minutes for them to return but soon you grew impatient from your fatigue. You wrapped the blanket around you before placing your feet on the floor. The second you applied pressure a sharp pain traveled through your toes when you pressed them to the floor, but you wanted to go see them. You avoided the pain by walking on the backs of your feet and gripping onto anything stable enough to support you.
Your legs trembled violently but you had gone so far the door was closer than your bed. At last, you arrived at the entrance where Mr. Crewel was explaining recovery plans.
"I still recommend to continue to warm them, but in gentle ways. Not direct, intense heat. Their toes are still a bit cold so they would probably experience pain walking. I would recommend soaking their feet in warm water--not hot."
The door creaked open as you stumbled out. 
"Pup! What are you doing standing?" The teacher snapped.
"I just wanted to..." You honestly didn't have a very good reason other than you were impatient. 
Malleus pulled you to him just seconds before your legs collapsed beneath you. Your breathing was shuddering along with your body from how violently shivering you were.
"Don't be so dumb--you're in no shape to wander! You will rest in bed for a couple of days--no strenuous work. This especially includes sledding," Divus ordered. 
"We will make sure she rests up!" Lilia nodded, his voice just as stern, "She should be safer at the Diasomnia Dormitories than her own." 
Divus nodded, "Make it so. Howl for me if she worsens and obeys my recommendations." 
The teacher gave you an almost empathetic gaze. "Do get well soon (Name), I cannot afford one of my puppies to become ill."
That was the most empathy anyone was going to get out of Mr. Crewel. 
Lilia beamed at you, "Bundle her up and let's get going then..." 
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Friends To Arranged Marriage To...Wait, How Many Kids?
Bruce Wayne x Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Y'all ever write a self-indulgent Friends To Lovers fic? 'Cause that's what this is. Enjoy! -Thorne
It wasn’t unusual for her to suddenly appear in his office. She did it most days. Okay, it was more like every day but that’s not important. The fact is, she showed up and he wasn’t at all the least bit surprised when she barged through the office door and slammed it behind her.
“Morning,” he murmured, taking his eyes off the screen but a moment to lock them with hers.
“Good morning, Bruce,” she responded with a polite smile. “We need to talk.”
That wasn’t unusual either. When she came to the office it was because she wanted to either complain about something going on or because she was bored and didn’t have anything to do, so badgering her best friend seemed like the best option. It wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.
“What do we need to talk about?” Bruce questioned, clicking at the mouse until his screen loaded.
“Something important. Something especially important.” She replied and with one hand reached behind her and flipped the lock on his door.
Now that was unusual. And Bruce saw this going one of two ways and he hoped it wasn’t the first way that involved her pulling a gun.
“Okay,” he said and watched her out of the corner of his eye as waltzed around his desk and perched herself on the corner. “Am I in trouble, (Y/N)?”
“If you disagree with me, you will be,” she retorted and she started fumbling in her tote.
“You sound serious,” Bruce noted.
(Y/N) harrumphed. “I am quite possibly the most serious I’ve been in years.” She pulled out three manila folders and handed them to him, watching as he opened the first and started reading through it.
He didn’t say anything as he opened the others and read them but frowned when he set them aside and went back to his computer.
“I’ve already planned on a new secretary, (Y/N).”
She watched him with careful eyes and explained, “Those aren’t secretary files, Bruce. They’re marriage candidates.”
At that, his entire body went rigid and ever so slowly he drew his gaze from the screen back to her, staring her straight in the eyes.
“I…beg your pardon?” he asked as if not understanding what she’d just said.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and picked up the files. “Each of these women are successful elites from either Metropolis, Star, or Central City. You have arranged marriage meetings with them Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to decide which one you want to marry.”
This was happening way too fast, and he still didn’t know what “this” was.
“I’m not opposed to marriage, (Y/N), but why?”
She pointed to the picture on his desk, and he briefly glanced at it. Him, Dick, and Alfred on Christmas morning last year.
“Dick needs a mother.” She was never one to mince her words. “A father can raise a son, but the boy needs a mother’s love too, Bruce.”
“I think you’re a bit out of line here.” He remarked, brows pulling together. “We’re fine at the manor.”
“Bruce…please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re not a soft man. You’re hard edges and firmness, and while that isn’t a bad thing, Dick needs a mother who can be the parent that isn’t firm. He needs a mother’s guiding hand.”
She handed him the files again. “I’ve met each of these women. They’re good women who will make wonderful wives and even better mothers.” She stared at him. “You should know how important it is for a boy to have a mother.”
Bruce was on his feet in an instant, in front of her, eyes narrowed into a glare as he bit out, “(Y/N), now you’re out of line.”
“Really?” she challenged, not at all threatened by his towering figure. “Look my in the eye and tell me which parent you miss more. Thomas…or Martha?”
“I miss both of my parents. Every day.”
“And I don’t doubt that. But I know you miss Martha the most. Isn’t she the one you promised to save Gotham for?” (Y/N) questioned and his mouth snapped shut, jaw clenching tightly as he averted his eyes because he knew she was right.
She reached out and rested a hand on his forearm, forcing his eyes to hers once more; her gaze softened and she murmured, “You miss your mother more than the world, Bruce. How do you think Dick feels every night when he goes to sleep? Fathers are the protectors for their children, but mothers are the comforters—there are going to be things that you can’t help him with, but a woman can.”
(Y/N) gazed at him and pulled her hand away. “At least go and meet them,” she requested and when he didn’t say anything, she sighed and picked up her tote, making her way to the door.
She flipped the lock and paused, glancing over her shoulder to say, “At least think about what I’ve said, Bruce. For Dick…and for you.” He met her eyes and she added, “I think getting married would be good for you too.”
He nodded, and since that was all they could hope for, she left the office and Bruce collapsed into his chair, turning around to stare out the window.
His theory that she would show up Friday evening proved true when she waltzed into his office and took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk, delicately crossing one of her legs over the other.
“How’d the interviews go?” she asked, not even bothering to ask him how his day was or how his week had been.
“My day was great, (Y/N), thanks for asking,” he mocked with a glare and she waved it off.
“Interviews, Bruce. How’d they go.”
He let out a sigh. “They went well. Each of them was polite and kind.”
“And?” (Y/N) gestured for him to continue.
“And nothing. That’s it.”
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “Seriously? You just met them for a singular purpose and all you’ve got it, they’re polite and kind?” She glared at him. “What’d you talk about?”
Bruce sighed again and reclined in his office chair. “Humanitarian works, college days, high society—you know, the usual.”
(Y/N) gave him an unamused look. “Did any ask for a second date?”
“All of them in fact.”
“Did you agree?”
Her head lolled back, and she glared at the ceiling. “Did you even think about what I talked about a few days ago?”
“I still am.”
“Then why didn’t you agree to see one of them again?”
“Because there wasn’t anything we had in common.”
“Most people who have arranged marriages don’t, Bruce. That’s why you go on dates and get to know them.” Her eyes were still on the ceiling. “What’s the real reason you said no?” She always knew when he’d lied to her.
After a moment, he murmured, “…I didn’t think any of them would be suitable to be Dick’s adoptive mother.”
“I guess that’s…fair,” she agreed and they both fell silent.
A couple minutes later, he said, “I’ve been thinking about what you said though, (Y/N). About finding a wife who would be a good mother for Dick.”
“Uh huh.”
“I think you’re right. I do offer Dick everything a father could. Support, protection, guidance…but he is missing that love only a mother can give a son.”
“And how’s that making you feel?” she questioned softly.
His voice got quiet. “Like how I was when I was growing up without mother. (Y/N), I…I don’t want Dick to feel that way.”
At that, she drew her gaze from the ceiling to his eyes and she reasoned, “Then I think you should call one of the girls back and agree to a second date. You won’t find perfection in one day, even with how intuitive you are.”
Bruce shrugged. “I just want to find someone closer to Gotham. Someone who is familiar with us already.”
(Y/N) grunted. “I purposely moved away from Gotham because no one is.”
“That’s fair,” Bruce chuckled, and they fell into a silence again.
Suddenly, a thought flashed across her mind and she sat up. “Us.” She blurted out and he looked at her.
(Y/N) gestured between them. “Us, Bruce. You and me.”
“I don’t follow,” he replied with a confused expression and she huffed, rolling her eyes.
“You’re an idiot,” she griped, then she stood and planted her hands on his desk, leaning over to get in his face. “You and I are the closest to Gotham as you’ll get, and I’m familiar with you and Dick.” She smiled. “Marry me.”
She could count on one hand how many times she’d ever stunned her best friend silent and that was number two because his jaw went slack and his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, steel blue eyes wide.
(Y/N) frowned. “Oh, come on, you can’t tell me the thought didn’t cross your mind at least once.” Silence. “Oh my God, are you serious? You didn’t even think about it at all? Like ever?”
He shook his head, mouth still hanging open.
“Oh, for God’s sakes, close your mouth and wipe that stupid look off your face. It’s not a completely inconceivable idea, you moron.” (Y/N) held a hand up, counting off her fingers, “I’m of acceptable status, I dress well, I’m thoroughly educated, I do humanitarian work all over the world, I love your son, and I’m probably the one woman that doesn’t make you wanna stab yourself in the eye with a fork.”
She grinned at him. “You’re not going to find anyone better than me here in Gotham, Brucie-boy. Besides, I think (Y/N) Wayne has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
Finally, he managed to make himself speak and he blurted out, “I stopped thinking like five minutes ago. I’m not even sure how to do that anymore.”
(Y/N) pulled a face and griped, “You’re an idiot.”
“I am not,” he retorted with a glare. “You can’t just propose to your best friend out of the blue and expect them to function like it’s normal!”
“You’re Batman,” she whispered. “Figure it out.” (Y/N) pointed at him. “There’s another plus on my side! I already know your deepest secrets! See, aren’t I a catch?”
“Was this your plan all along?” Bruce suddenly questioned and she gaped at him for a second before shaking her head.
“(Y/N),” he drawled, and she sighed.
“Alright, it crossed my mind a couple times but that’s why I started with the other women first. I was kinda hoping you’d pick one of them.” (Y/N) looked at him. “I really don’t see anything wrong with us getting married though. We’ve been friends since we were babies, we have a lot of the same interests, and we both care for Dick.”
She shrugged. “I mean we might not be in love, but our marriage doesn’t have to be. We’re stepping up for a greater good. For a young boy who deserves to have two parents.” (Y/N) reached out and held out her hand. “So? What do you say?”
Bruce gazed at her for a long time, longer than she was comfortable with because she knew he was mentally pulling her mind apart. After a few moments he stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of her.
She pulled her hand back in and gave a curious look. “Bruce?” His hands gently took hold of her cheeks and he leaned forward, even as her eyes went wide and she whispered, “Bruce, what—”
He softly brushed his lips against hers and (Y/N) all but melted against him, her hands pressed flat against his chest. They pulled away a moment later and he rested his forehead to hers.
“I think we can make it work, (Y/N).”
She couldn’t fight the giddy smile that came over her face. “Yeah?”
Bruce matched her smile. “Yeah.”
“So, you’re tellin’ me,” he started dubiously, looking at him. “That you and Ma only got together because you guys wanted to make sure Golden-boy had two parents instead of just you?”
Bruce didn’t even take his eyes off the screen as he responded absentmindedly, “That pretty much covers it.”
Jason threw his hands in the air. “There’s no way! There’s no way that shit was arranged! You two make googly eyes at one another when you think no one is watching and you kiss Ma before you go to work every day!” he looked at his brothers. “Y’all know what I’m sayin’ right?”
Tim nodded. “Jay’s got a point, dad. For an arranged marriage, the two of you are really in love.”
Dick placed a hand over his heart and smugly admitted, “You’re welcome everyone, for bringing mom and dad together in real love.”
A chorus of “Fuck you’s” echoed from Jason and Tim, and Damian placed his hands on his hips.
“When did you know you loved Umi, Father?”
Finally, he pulled his gaze from the Batcomputer, and even behind his cowl, they could see the love he had in his eyes and in his voice as he said, “Your mother and I dated for a year before we married, but the night of our wedding, we spent it at the manor and Dick crawled into our bed and spent the night wrapped in our arms.”
Bruce smiled. “I woke up early that morning and saw him curled in (Y/N)’s arms and all I could think was that I’d never loved a woman more than that moment then.” His eyes shifted to all of his sons. “And I’ve only fallen deeper in love with her with each of you that’s come into our home. You make us better parents every day and I wouldn’t change what I was given for anything in the world.”
He barely had time to breathe before all four of his sons were crashing into him, squeezing him as tears spilled down their cheeks.
Bruce huffed a quiet laugh and took a moment to brush a hand through each of his sons’ hair. “I love you, boys.”
A chorus of “I love you too’s” came back at him and before anyone could speak, they heard someone coo, “Aww, that’s so sweet!”
They spun around to see (Y/N) with her phone out, a mile-wide smile on her face, eyes shining with tears.
“Ma…what are you doing?” Jason questioned and she clicked something on her phone.
“Oh, nothing, my sweet boy,” she smiled, and all of her sons started pulling away from Bruce.
“Did you just record that?” Tim asked and she took a step back.
“I would never!” and she stared them down for a split second before spinning on her heel and hauling off towards the stairs. Her sons sprinted after her and she let out a squeal as she skipped the steps two at a time to get away from them.
“Ma come back here!” Jason shouted.
“Umi! Our dignity is on that phone!”
“I dunno, I think it’s sweet!”
“It’s not going to be sweet when she sends it to the group chat that every superhero is in, Dick! We have reputations!”
“Oh…that’s a good point, Tim. Mom! Come back here!”
(Y/N) gasped as someone’s arms wrapped around her waist and she came face to face with Bruce—well, Batman, and she yelped when he pulled her phone out of her pocket.
“Bruuuuuuce!” she whined. “Please don’t delete it!” (Y/N) reached for the phone and he held it out of reach. “Darling, my sweet darling, Bruce, please,” she plead. “If you love your wife and mother of your children, you won’t do that.”
His gaze darted to hers and she pouted, sticking her bottom lip out in the way that she knew he’d crack. “Please, my heart. Let me have a reminder of my beautiful boys.”
“You won’t send it to the chats?” he asked, and she crossed a finger over her heart.
“Cross my heart, darling.” He handed her back the phone and she smiled, leaning up to peck the corner of his mouth. “Thank you, Bruce.”
He cupped her cheek with his gloved hand, thumb brushing over her cheekbone and he pulled her into a real kiss, ignoring the exaggerated gags behind him.
“I love you,” he murmured as he pulled away from her lips. “More than you know.”
(Y/N) hummed, her eyes still closed, and she whispered, “You might love me more, but I love you most.” She opened her eyes and gazed at him. “All my boys.”
Suddenly, her phone started dinging like crazy and he stared at her, his Batman voice coming out as he surmised, “You sent it to the chat, didn’t you?”
She gave him an innocent smile and giggled, “I might’ve.”
“You’re going to pay for all the teasing that Hal and Barry are going to give me, (Y/N) Wayne,” he warned, and she scoffed.
“Oh, boo hoo, I’m so scared of what the big bad Bat is go—” a gasp escaped her when he hauled her up against his body and she stared at him with wide eyes.
A siren went off down in the cave and he looked towards the boys. “Go.” They all hurried off, complaining about the various texts they were all getting.
Bruce looked back at her, voice lowering as he growled, “After patrol I’m coming up to the bedroom and you’d better be ready, because I’m not going to stop ravishing you until you’re begging me for release.”
Something hot, tight, and fierce shot through (Y/N)’s gut and she could only flounder like a fish as he pulled her into another searing kiss before he spun on his heel and descended into the cave.
She gathered herself and called out after him, “You can’t just say something like that and then leave! That’s not fair, Bruce! Bruce, are you listening to me!”
Only his laughter echoed from below.
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kiridarling · 4 years
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d.kaminari and h.sero | f!reader + corruption + weed/shotguning + praise + threesome + more! minors dni!
— 3.6k words
"I knew I wanted you the second I saw you."
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Denki’s addicted to the pre-concert high.
His veins hum with a song that has yet to start, fingers drumming some mixed beat on the body of his electric guitar as he assumes his place on the dark stage. The theater’s dead silent, the room suspended in a titilating anticipation—and the steady rhythm Denki's heart dissapates into chaos when the faint crack of Eijirou's drumsticks bounce off the walls, and the click in his earpiece begins.
Eijirou hits the kick drum once. Twice. Then his hands fly across the set in a flurry, the rolling beat echoing into the packed arena and spurring the crowd to explode, fans flying to their feet to render their vocal cords for the night.
As the other instruments fill the blank space, Denki's hand grips the back of his guitar's neck, on hold for his solo, and by the time the electric blond steps up to the mic, pavlov's theory has already kicked in overdrive.
"Who’s ready to feel good tonight?”
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“Dude, I’m on fucking fire!” Denki vibrates, nearly glowing in comparison to his bandmates as they sift through a flurry of fans at a meet and greet. It always seems like Denki and Eijirou are the only ones with energy after a good show—but what can he say? Being on stage lights him up like a live wire.
"You said that last concert, buddy," Hanta snorts, before his a fan ran sacks his attention by shoving a tiara into his hairline.
"And? My point still stan—" Denki cuts himself off with a gasp as a bra slings across his face, followed by a burst of pain when the metal hits him in the cheek. He peels the lacy thing off with an eye on the audience and an eyebrow raised in question, unsure of what to do with the undergarment (other than put it on) until someone screams:
“Sign it!”
Denki shrugs and pops the Sharpie cap with his teeth to sign the crest of both cups before flinging it back into the audience—he can only pray it pinpoints its rightful owner before the meet and greet ends.
Katsuki clicks his tongue (because he hates these events) and as the next round of fans lineup in front of their table, Eijirou stretches like this is a sport, saying, “Guess it’s go-time.”
"Go-time is when we perform," Katsuki grumbles in the seat to Denki’s right. "Go-time is when we're in the studio makin' a goddamn album, not meeting crazy fuckin' fans—no, I’m not gonna marry you, you obsessed fuckin—“
“Oh, you're just salty you're not popular with the ladies~“ Denki gushes, wiggling his eyebrows, and a fan hands him a canvas the size of his upper body. “Un—oh wow, did you make this for me—Unlike me, of course.”
"Okay, pretty boy." Hanta rolls his eyes, before signing a phone case and returning it to an overzealous fan. With a hand covering his mouth, he whispers, “Can you believe this guy? So full of himself, I swear.”
The fan giggles and Hanta meets the blushing cheeks with a satisfied smirk. Denki huffs from the disrespect, crossing both arms over his chest. “Full of myself? It’s not my fault I’m sexy—*an autograph? Of course!"
Katsuki chuckles, scratching under his chin with ink blue fingertips, "Call yourself sexy one more fuckin’ time and I'm projectile vomiti—no, I'm not signing your tits, give me a goddamn paper or somethin—"
"What?” Denki scoffs, chest collapsing with the disbelief that one could make such a lie. “I'm literally the definition of I'm sexy and I kno—"
"Um, excuse me?"
His gesticulations freeze at the passive voice, arms stretched wide and to the sky, and Denki knows he has to look absolutely ridiculous as he blinks down at the next person in-line; who's stood with bambi eyes and such a sweet smile the electric blond thinks it might make him sick.
"I-I'm your biggest fan! Could you—um, please sign this for me?"
She comes alive, shoving a poster into his chest with pink cheeks and shifty irises. Out of all the bras, all the breasts he's been asked to sign today, and here you are, with your pocket-sized poster and your lamb countenance. Denki beams.
"Of course, Sweetness! What's your name?"
"[Y/N]!" you say, giggling, and it's so. Cute. Denki opens the Sharpie and struggles to focus on signing instead of your gorgeous fucking face.
"Anything specific you'd like me to say?"
And he knows there's a rule—there always are when it comes to these things, and it's simple: don't fuck the fans. As tempting as it is, don't invite them back to your hotel room because there are too many uncertainties, and if something leaks to the press that’s possibly career ending, that’s it. So, Denki holds his tongue. For the future of himself and the band.
"Uhm, just write what you want! I...I think I'd like it best if it was authentic and came straight from you, so."
Fuck. Of course she does.
And maybe Denki just can't help it when he leans down to speak, perhaps a little lower, "You want something more authentic, cutie?"
You light up like a kid on Christmas, gasping, "Yes please Mr. Kaminari!"
So eager, too.
"Awe, you can call me Denki if you'd like," he coos, and you nod so quickly he starts to worry about whiplash. "Meet me out back, in the alley behind the venue if you wanna get to know me better. Sound like a deal?”
"O-Okay!" You nod, and when he returns your sign you grip it tight between both hands. "I'll um, see you soon Mr. Kami—I mean, D-Denki!"
You flush from the mix up and bow in apology, and Denki knows he's made the right choice when you light up, indicating you have no idea what he meant at all.
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"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream," you hum, sniffling. You’re unsure if your nose is running, it's too frozen to tell, and it has you patting to confirm it’s presence. With your hands stuffed in your pockets and a jacket wrapped tight around your body, you'd think you'd be warm, but no.
The alley is dark. It's dank enough that you can smell it and you're positive what you're dancing in is vomit, but none the matter—today, you met your favorite band. Literally the people you'd die for.
"Merrily, merrily," kicking the loose rocks in the gravel every which way, you enjoy the sound of them scattering against the surrounding brick walls. "Merrily, merrily..."
"Life is but a dream," a voice finishes, a yelp rips from your throat and you jump twenty feet in alarm. But you’d know that voice anywhere; Denki chuckles at your reaction and it has you recoiling with timidity, unprepared for the surprised audience. "You have a lovely voice, Cutie. You should use it more often."
"I..." but you're not exactly sure what to say to that, knowing Denki's heard so many professional voices in his career to last a lifetime, and yet yours is lovely. "T-Thank you."
Denki watches your reaction with a hum and a smile, his visible breath escaping between the slit of his lips and into the cool air.
"Of course, Cutie."
Another voice sighs, shattering the friction that fills your gut when Denki gives you that look. You're not sure what to call it, but it makes you shiver, and that's enough to make you to run and hide.
"...Denki, who's this?"
"Um," the blond places his frozen hands in his pockets and swivels his head around to Hanta, guilty written all over his face. "A fan?"
Hanta sighs again, head tilting to the right in exhausperation, “Denki—"
"I know, I know," the electric blond sighs, waving him off. "But it's fine as long as we don't get caught, right?"
Hanta's black hair threatens to fall into his face so he combs through it, and you try not to drool at the sight of his bicep flexing. "Yeah, until we get caught."
A honk blares and it has you shrieking, to reveal a parked tour bus in the alley once the lights flicker on. Denki points the car keys at the vehicle and the doors swing open. "Awe c'mon, don't be a sour puss. It's a one-time thing, alright?"
Hanta's eyes narrow into slits.
"Seriously, dude! I'm a man of my word! On God."
The noirette's shoulders sag, but he waltzes around both of you to get on the bus. Over his shoulder, he warns, "Denki I swear to fucking god—"
"I'll be careful, I'll be careful~" he singsongs, hopping onto the stairs after the pianist. When Denki notices not you're not moving, he stills at the top step. "You coming, [Y/N]?"
"O-Oh, am I um, am I allowed?" You ask, biting your cheek at the thought of what Hanta just said as you peer around the electric blond’s body. Denki snorts, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, you're allowed," he exits the bus, only to tug you on via your collar. "Now c'mon! Let's have some fun, yeah?"
Denki steers you through the bus and into a space that looks a bit like a living room, with a couch, tv, and a makeshift kitchen in the corner. Following Denki to the kitchen, you look around.
"Where are Kirishima and Bakugou?"
"Out drinking," Denki tosses, flicking open a RedBull. You wonder if this is always the post-concert routine. Hanta fiddles in with something on the couch, but he still has yet to look you in the eyes tonight, even when you ask him:
"What are you doing?"
It seems he didn't realize you’ve relocated from the kitchen to the couch next to him from the noirette nearly jumps. The green stuff in his fingers crumbles, and you scrunch your nose at the smell.
"It stinks," you add. Denki snorts, jumping onto the cushion to your right. There isn’t a whole lot of room and his addition causes your shoulders to slush between the two of them, but it’s strangely comfortable.
"It's weed," he explains like it's obvious. "You smoke, Cutie?"
"Obviously not," you and Hanta say at the same time. You turn his way, and for the first time that night, Hanta looks you in the eyes—and it's a smile, with his eyes crinkling in the corners, but there's...something else. Something else hidden behind the thinnest veil that makes you cower, if ever so slightly.
Something feral.
Denki, unaware of the crushing grip your hand has around your thigh, huffs, and tosses the energy drink down his gullet, "It was a genuine question! Geez."
"What are you doing?" You ask again, and the electric blond whimpers from being ignored.
"Rolling a joint," he utters, lifting the paper to his lips to lick the length. You watch, semi-disgusted, as Hanta finally folds over the last bit of paper around the crest of the joint, gluing it together.
"Know what a joint is?" The noirette implores.
"Yeah," you breathe, shifting at the new closeness Denki provides when you feel his chest against your back. "My roommate smokes, so."
Hanta taps it on a tray, or what Denki describes as "packing it down," before twisting the tip and tossing it back onto the tray in conclusion. Denki cheers.
"Aha! The joint-rolling master has blessed us! Everyone say thank you, joint-rolling master."
"Thank you, joint-rolling master!" You giggle when Hanta's face turns a ruddy red. He reaches over to pop Denki upside the head. Denki gasps, before lunging to return the favor, and you squeal from being jostled between two men.
"Okay," when Denki returns to his seat he's panting and so is the noirette. He picks the joint off the tray and though there isn't much room, turns so he's facing you, your legs smushed against his body indian style. "You ready, Cutie?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," you huff, swinging your arms in preparation despite the lack of space. Just in case.
Hanta snorts, holding the joint to your lips, and Denki raises the lighter and raises it to the end until it's hot enough to burn on its own.
“Now suck."
You do, cheeks puffing, and you blow the smoke straight in Denki's face. It's...a lot.
"Not quite," Hanta chuckles, and flips you via the waist so you're facing him. Denki whines from the change but finds solace in hooking his chin over your shoulder. "Suck, and then inhale. Act like it's a big breath—you gotta hold it in your lungs for a sec."
"Okay," you assert with a nod, eyes burning with a new determination. When Hanta holds it to your lips, you suck and inhale, and start coughing your throat raw, in a flurry of smoke and tears, eyes watering and nose burning. You scramble for water, but by the time you get some, the only thing that's left to soothe is a sore throat.
"Here," Denki offers, grabbing the joint before flipping you his way again. "Take smaller hits, like this."
Denki's mouth wraps around the tip and smoke pours from his lips so smoothly you're determined to do the same. With a raised eyebrow, he passes it back to you, and though it takes a moment, you try again.
The back of your throat tingles but the glide is much smoother, and you find that it doesn't burn on your next exhale. So you do it again. And again. And agai—
"Okay," Hanta picks the joint from your fingers with a click of his tongue, before taking a hit himself. You frown, making grabby hands.
"Hey, wai—"
"Nu-uh," he tuts, pushing you down by your forehead. "You'll feel it soon enough, trust me."
You whine, crossing your arms over your chest. Hanta gives you nothing but a raised eyebrow as he takes another hit, and you're convinced it's to taunt you. "I'm not eve—"
But then the world blurs, a bit, and your legs hum in a way they haven't before; it's warm and it's nice, and it has you blinking down at your hands in bewilderment. Whoa.
"And there she goes," Denki announces, and somehow seized the joint from the noirette when you weren't looking. Your mouth drops to say something, but all you can produce is a light giggle before it melts into a guffaw that only comes straight from the gut, your hands trying to soothe your cramping belly. Tears come to your eyes fairly easily, and when Hanta asks if you're okay he sounds like he's underwater, and that's enough to send you flying through another fit of laughs.
"I—y-yeah, I'm just—just fine," you snort behind a hand, chest spasming as you finally gather yourself enough to calm down. "I'm good. Mhm."
"Yep. Totally fine," Hanta says, but something in his tone suggests he doesn't believe you at all.
You nod, biting your bottom lip to avoid another laugh attack with your hands bunching the bottom of your shirt for extra purchase. Hanta narrows his eyes while taking another hit, so you sock him in the shoulder with a huff. "Stop looking at me like that."
The noirette snorts, "Like what?"
"Like..." you start strong, but falter under his eyes. "Like you want to eat me."
Hanta hums at the comment but says nothing, and you're not sure if your mind fabricated the quick look he gives the electric blond sat behind you. Denki speaks first.
"Do you know what shotgunning is, [Y/N]?"
You frown, "Like a shotgun?"
"So no," Hanta answers for you.
"Here," Denki offers, turning you again. Plucking the nub of a joint from the noirette, he takes a big hit before picking your face up by the jaw and hovering your lips over yours. You're not sure what to do, but once your lips connect, smoke fills your lungs, and you don't exhale until Denki pulls away. You blink, a little dazed.
You just kissed Denki Kaminari.
"Feel good?" He asks, never leaving your personal space. You nod, and he grins. "Wanna do it again?"
Your hands fist his shirt, teeth tearing the inside of your cheek due to the amount of embarrassment this question encourages. "I wan—can we do it again but without the um...without the smoke?"
Denki's hands find your hips and it's hard for him to contain a sly smirk, biting his lips to move in on his prey.
"I knew I waned you the second I saw you."
Denki's lips feel much better when he puts a little weight into the kiss, pinning you between him and the noirette. You're not exactly sure what you're doing but he takes the lead, titling his head and kissing harder, rougher, so your lips are pink and swollen by the time he pulls away.
"A-Another," you whimper, tightening your grip around his tee.
Denki hums in contemplation, picking your head up by your chin. "Ask nicely, Cutie."
Flushing deeper, your eyes dart to the coffee table.
“Another, please."
"Good girl," Denki coos, and he's propping you up against Hanta's chest. You shiver at the comment, finding purchase on Hanta's thighs as Denki kisses you on the lips again. "Wanna feel even better?"
"Yes," you nod vehemently. "Yes please."
Denki hums at that, climbing down your body as his hands glide from your waist to the band of your pants. You frown, "What—What are you doing?"
"Eating you out, Cutie," the electric blond says, hands freezing once his thumbs dip under your waistband. "That okay?"
"Oh okay," you breathe, relaxing against Hanta's chest. "Y-Yeah, that's fine."
Denki rips your pants off at that, tossing them towards the corner of the room and ultimately, to a place you'll probably never find them. Pushing your panties to the side, he licks his lips at the sight of your pussy, and flicks your clit with a smirk. You jump.
"H-Hey, that's not—"
He flattens his tongue against your slit and chuckles when you shudder, and after tossing both of your legs over his shoulders. You're not sure what he does after that though, because Hanta picks your face up by the chin and presses his lips to yours.
Denki slides a finger inside and you squeal against Hanta's chapped lips. You hear the electric blond moan, readjusting himself between your thighs, before you finally peel your lips off the noirette's, chest having from lack of oxygen.
"Such a pretty pussy, Baby," Denki gushes before his warm lips fold around your clit and he sucks, humming in surprise when you buck against his mouth. Hanta hooks his chin around your shoulder with a second joint dangling between his lips—and where it came from is beyond you.
Once he exhales, the joint finds its way between your lips and he instructs you to inhale, and the head rush afterwards has you digging your head into his chest.
"You're so wet, holy shit," Denki pulls away, lips strawberry pink and glossed with slick as he trades his both for his thumb and inserting another finger. It crooks just right and that's enough to make your hips buck, nails carving crescents in Hanta's thighs.
“T-There,” you whimper, wiggling your hips again, and Denki grins, thumb pressing into your clit. Your thighs quiver with the strain it takes to hold them back and Hanta’s calloused hands skip to your waist after dropping the burning joint off in the tray.
“Pull his hair,” the noirette commands, but you hesitate, hands glued to his thighs. Hanta sighs, reaching over you to tug for himself.
“Mph—fuck!” Denki’s eyelids flutter as he moans into your pussy with a new passion, his hands wrapping around your thighs to hold you in place. You gasp at his reaction, fingers scrambling under Hanta’s own to thread through his electric blond hair.
“Move your hips—grind against his face, c’mon,” Hanta’s grip tightens around your waist as he offers the suggestion, and you whimper with a nod before your bucking into Denki’s mouth without abandon. As the noirette trails butterfly kisses up the column of your neck, the coil in your gut snaps, and you barely have time to squeak out a warning before you’re flooding Denki’s mouth.
“Good girl...ride it out—there you go,” Hanta coos, biting your ear. You shiver as Denki pulls away with a final (and obscene) slurp, grinning like he didn’t just shatter you to pieces with nothing but his tongue and fingers.
Denki’s lips are on yours in a blink—you moan, legs still buzzing from the afterglow as you weakly grope for the small hairs on the back of his neck.
“Taste good, don’t ya?” He says with a click of a tongue after pulling away.
“I guess so,” you flush, the humiliation from so shamelessly digging your heels into Denki’s back finally settling in. Hanta reaches under your arm for Denki’s chin.
“What? Want a taste too?” The electric blond giggles, wiggling his eyebrows. Hanta snorts.
“If you could be so kind.”
Denki hums at that, placing a hand on your inner thigh for balance as he slams his lips on the noirette’s for the first time that night. He dives straight for the kill, tongue and teeth and everything, and Denki moas when Hanta’s teeth sink into his bottom lip; you find that you like it a lot.
Though eventually you tired of watching, and press the heel of your hand on Hanta’s hard cock through the fabric of his jeans. The pianist hisses, and you grin—you’ve got their attention now.
“Whoa Sweetheart, what are y—“
“I...I want more,” you assert despite the tremor in your voice. Hanta raises an eyebrow in question which has you pressing harder in hopes he’ll cave just as easily as before. Just in case, you add, “Please.”
Denki redirects your attention by squishing your cheeks until you’re looking him in the eyes. With dark eyes, he says, “You sure you want more, Cutie?”
You nod despite the restriction, “Wanna...wanna get to know you better.”
You watch Denki’s pupils dialate at that, and he can’t even hold back a groan when he says:
“Gods, Baby. We’re going to ruin you.”
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unpopular opinion: bakugou's the bassist and kirishima's the drummer. fight me.
not me projecting 12yo sun's fantasy of getting railed in the tour bus by 5sos um—
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gamerwoo · 3 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader
genre/warnings: idol au, best friends to possibly lovers?, fluff ig?????
word count: 752
summary: it started with a whisper; and that was when i kissed her; and then she made my lips hurt; i can hear the chit-chat; take me to your love shack; mama’s always gotta backtrack; when everybody talks back.
a/n: things in bold are in english
previous song | next song | back to playlist
“Oh-ho-ho,” Soonyoung snickered as Hansol opened the front door to the dorm and entered, still in his sweatpants and sweatshirt that he’d worn the day before. The members knew he was out with you last night but apparently, he’d slept over. “Another night out with _____?”
The way Soonyoung cooed your name definitely implied something.
“How was the sleepover?” Junhui smirked as he sipped his drink.
“Yeah, anything interesting happen?” Jeonghan pressed, wiggling his eyebrows.
Hansol just yawned and asked, “What?”
“You know exactly what,” Josh stated. “What's the deal with you and _____?”
“What deal?”
“You’re like, obsessed with her,” Soonyoung snickered. “When are you gonna ask the girl out? I mean, we all approve.”
Hansol just burst into soft laughter, shaking his head and trying to make his messy hair somewhat contained, “It’s absolutely nothing like that. We’re close, but not like that.”
“News claims otherwise,” Jeonghan told him matter-of-factly, “and you never addressed any rumors. Seems like you just don’t wanna deny it.”
The boy in question merely shrugged, “I don’t see a point in giving any of that the time of day if it’s not true. Besides, nobody has directly stated we’re dating so there’s no reason to worry about it, y’know?”
“Fans definitely think you’re dating,” Joshua stated.
“And shouldn’t you, y’know, talk with her about it? To make sure?” Mingyu suggested. “If we think you’re dating, what if she does? There shouldn’t be any miscommunication or confusion.”
“She absolutely doesn’t think we’re dating,” he chuckled. “We’re seriously just friends -- we both feel the same way.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Jeonghan nodded.
Hansol shrugged again, not giving his friends the reaction they were hoping for, “Okay.”
Soonyoung sighed, “You’re too lax. Even if you were dating her, you’d probably never know because you’re too laid back about everything.”
“Yeah well,” Hansol chuckled as he took his things and went to go to his room, “good thing we’re not.”
Back at your dorm, unknown to you while you were washing your face and brushing your teeth, the morning conversation was about to be pretty similar. As soon as Hansol left, conversation erupted about you and him, but none of your members would actually go to you with their questions and theories – well, except Mira.
“I found out that everybody talks, everybody talks, everybody talks,” you muttered along to the song playing from your phone as you rubbed some face serum into your skin that you weren’t really sure what it did but you were told to buy it because one of the girls in your group swore by it.
“Soooo…” Mira began as she swung around the open doorway and stood just in the bathroom, a small mischievous grin on her face, “how was your sleepover?”
You shrugged, “It was fun.”
“Do anything…interesting?” she asked with a quirk of her brow.
Slowly, you turned your head, your gaze moving from the mirror to narrow at your friend and bandmate, “What?”
“C’mon, it was a sleepover, _____,” she said. “We all know what’s going on between you two so just tell me.”
“What’s going on between us? Who? Me and Sol?”
“No, you and the monster under your bed,” she quipped, rolling her eyes. “You know, some fan saw him leave our complex today and now it’s all over the internet. So you may as well just admit it now.”
“What am I admitting…?”
“Did she say what happened yet?” one of the other girls, Eunji came over to ask Mira.
Mira rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in what seemed to be annoyance, “No, she’s completely clueless.”
“Clueless to what?!” you burst.
“Aren’t you and Vernon and item?” Eunji asked innocently, eyes wide as she looked at you in equal confusion.
“Me a– No!” you chuckled. “God, is that what this is about? C’mon, we can’t just be friends?”
“Nobody else thinks it’s platonic,” Mira told you. “Maybe even he doesn’t but he’s too nervous to tell you because here you are thinking nothing of it.”
“Why would I think anything else just because people are gossiping? I shouldn’t read into it unless I have reason to,” you stated.
Mira just shrugged, mumbling, “Just saying…” before she left with Eunji.
The pair left you alone just as the chorus kicked in, like you were in some bad teenage romcom. You sighed and went back to your morning routine, trying to ignore the dumb timing and the thoughts that Mira had now planted in your head.
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Hiya! May I request a sirius x reader imagine where the marauders are all hanging out by the black lake. James or remus (probably James tbh) pranks the reader by throwing them in the black lake. What he didn't know is that they are scared of deep dark waters and almost drown and sirius saves them? Fluffy fluffy ending please?
I hope you have a good day!~
“You’re right, nobody can be as lovely as me”
Summary: James thinks it’s funny to throw you in the water and Sirius is there to pull you out
A/N: omg look who decided to post :=)
Warnings: drowning/not be able to swim and there's like one swear word
Word Count: 1401
Masterlist + Characters and ships I write for
Requests are always open <3
Fluff Dialogue Prompt List
Join my taglist here!
“Please enjoy your dinner and relax this evening!”
You sat with your friends, directly next to Sirius while Dumbledore’s voice boomed through the Great Hall, food appearing down the table in front of you.
There were only a couple days left of your sixth year at Hogwarts, the summer holiday so close you could reach out and grab it.
“So what are we doing after dinner?” James asked.
You grabbed a spoonful of mashed potatoes, starting to make a plate of food for yourself. “How about we hang out by the lake?”
James quickly swapped his plate for yours, leaving you to give him a lovely middle finger.
“Prongs,” Sirius chastised as you laughed. You laid a head on his shoulder, telling him it was harmless.
Your boyfriend pushed his own plate over in front of you, urging you to sit up and eat.
James shrugged his shoulders, promptly digging into the wonderful food in front of him.
“Y/n,” Lily started. “I really like that idea. We can all go—”
“But y/n never swims,” Peter cut her off, nearly whining.
“Yeah, it’s not fun without you,” James added. “Why can’t you just go in for even a little bit?”
You glared at the two of them. “Absolutely not.”
Sirius grabbed your hand under the table, squeezing it before placing a kiss to the top of your head. “You better not have just gotten crumbs in my hair,” you whispered, shoving his shoulder.
You stepped outside, hand in hand with Sirius as the warm glow of the sun setting lay a blanket on the world around you. Your friends had already made their way out here, the only reason you two are arriving now is because of the boy next to you.
“C’mon, I need to go back to my dorm. I wanna bring a towel in case I decide to go in.”
“Well do you want to swim or not?” you asked.
“I haven’t decided yet,” he laughed.
“You are the most indecisive person I know, Sirius,” you took his hand, following him up to Gryffindor tower.
“Am not.”
“You are,” you laughed. “Well I’m deciding to lay out, maybe read a book. I’ve also decided that I’m stealing a blanket.”
“Hey, stop rubbing your decision making skills in.”
“Oh, and I’ve decided I’m stealing a jumper.”
He gave a dramatic frown.
You gave a quick kiss on the side of his cheek as he stepped through the portrait hole.
“Well can I at least pick which jumper you steal?”
“Hmm, I don’t know if you’d be able to decide which one.”
You spotted your friends and they waved, casting you smiles from the lake.
Sirius dropped your hand, skipping a couple steps to be in front of you, walking backwards.
“I have a question for you, y/n.”
“Ask away,” you sighed, a smile curling at the corners of your mouth.
“Be honest. Would you still give me a hug if I were to have just gotten out of the water? A kiss perhaps?”
You burst out laughing. “No. No way. Not when I’m perfectly dry.”
“Well maybe we’ll have to test out that theory.”
You deadpanned. “You’re hilarious.”
“I am, aren’t I?”
You spread out your blanket, lying down and soaking in what the sun had to offer before setting completely.
Sirius made his way to the water before the light had disappeared entirely. You closed your eyes, enjoying some much needed rest.
You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep for, and it didn’t really matter now. All you knew that you were hovering over the lake. You had to be dreaming.
You couldn’t tell how high up you were, you were barely able to make out the silhouettes of your friends.
“Ha-ha, very funny!” you called out. “You can put me down now.”
James’s voice echoed up to you. “What? You don’t want to come in for a little swim with us?”
You looked down and saw his little grasp on his wand as he controlled how far you were from falling.
“James, please put me down on the grass.”
You could hear it in his voice. You could hear how he expected this to just be a harmless little prank of his.
“But it will be much funnier if you plop into the water. Just a small plink.”
He didn’t even give you time to respond before you were plummeting into the lake. Your friends were further away than they seemed to be. James had thrown his head back in laughter, ignoring you. Ignoring how fear took over your body, making it nearly unbearable to relax and just float. It was hard to breathe, you could barely even cough as you struggled to stay above water.
“James? What the fuck?” Sirius was at your side in a matter of moments, his arms wrapped around you as you clung onto him for dear life. You had gotten yourself into a coughing fit, as soon as you were steady afloat. You didn’t know if the tears streaming down your face were from embarrassment or genuine fear.
“I feel pathetic,” you finally whispered to Sirius as he swam to the grass.
“Everyone has something that gets to them like this. James didn’t know,” he whispered back while he lifted you out of the water, pulling himself up after. “Are you alright? Can you breathe okay? Do you need to see Madam Pomfrey?”
You sat up, wiping at the tears from in your eyes, your hands moving to fumble with the grass blades in front of you. “I think I’m alright.”
Sirius called for a towel with a near perfect wordless spell. He caught it before it flew right into the back of your head, wrapping it around your body snuggly. He ran his fingers over your face, wiping away the droplets of water, pushing your hair back out of the way. “I’m really sorry about all this, y/n,” he said. “I wish I would’ve seen what was happening.”
The overwhelming feeling had pooled tears in your eyes. You slouched down, leaning into his side. “No, it’s alright. It’s not your fault,” you choked out a laugh, wiping under your eyes.
He took your hand, curling his fingers around yours, rubbing gently against the top. “Want me to go get James? Rough him up a bit?”
A smile crept upon your face. “No, it’s alright.”
A genuine laugh bubbled up in your throat. He hugged you tight, speaking quietly. “How about we go back up to my dorm? Get settled in some warm clothes?”
“I like that idea,” you said. “But only if you carry me.”
And that’s exactly what Sirius did. He carried you all the way up to his dorm, letting you change into dry clothes and slip under the covers first.
He didn’t take long himself, turning the bathroom light off as he made his way over to you. He pulled back the blanket atop of you for a brief moment before laying down and pulling you up against his chest with one swift movement of his arm. You turned your head upwards, opening your mouth to talk, yet failing to produce any words. Your voice cracked, tears appearing once more.
Sirius rolled you over, brushing the hair out of your face and wiping away the tears as they spilled over, muttering soft notes of reassurance. “You’re okay now, y/n.”
“It was really scary,” you whispered, the lump in your throat aching as you spoke.
“I know, darling. But look where you are,” he smiled, kissing your forehead sweetly. “Let’s focus on the present: you’re in bed with me, you’re in comfortable clothing, and you have a blanket to keep you warm and safe.” He tucked the material closer up under your neck.
“I’m right here. Nothing like that is going to happen again,” he trailed off. “I’m here to hold you, darling.”
“Thank you.”
He kissed your nose and wiped away the last of the tears. You turned over once again, tucking yourself in his arms.
It was quiet for a mere moment.
“Hey, you’re sure you don’t want to get back at James? I could make a wonderful polyjuice potion over the summer. James would make for a lovely black dog I know of.”
You contemplated. “I don’t think James could pull off being that lovely.”
“You’re right, nobody can be as lovely as me.”
Sirius Black Taglist(if your name is crossed out I couldn’t tag you :( and send me an ask if you’d like to be removed): @violetrainbow412-blog @wisedreamcatcher @scorpiobaby22 @emmaev @harrypotter0addict @siriusbarnesslut @talksoprettyjjx @onyourgoddamnleft @ilovejamespotter @florqlness @l1lli @confuscita @niceandspicy @emmysworld @i-do-random-things-do-not-ask @daedreamss
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 4: Just friends
summary: You wake up to find Rafe Cameron in your bed. Even though nothing happened, you’re still left trying to make sense of it all.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 5k
a/n: thank you so much to all of you who have been reading along <333 sorry in advance if you want this to progress faster haha, it simply must be this slow, sorry I don't make the rules (even tho I do lol). Not canon Rafe!! 
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Your eyes slowly flutter open as the early morning rays wake you up. You didn’t even remember falling asleep. As you slowly gain consciousness you’re startled by the weight of Rafe’s arm draped across your body. What the hell? When did that happen? He spent the night in your bed?
Your mind races at a million miles an hour as you slowly slip out from under his hold. You were careful not to wake him up, not wanting to face any awkwardness. You throw on fresh clothes and grab your backpack, desperate to make your escape. You had wanted to get to school early today to work on some homework anyways, never before so eager to trade in the comfort of your bed for the library. 
After a quick pit stop to pick up a coffee and a croissant, you swing the heavy wooden doors open. You liked campus at this hour, the morning light still soft, the air crisp, and the atmosphere silent. As you scan your eyes for a spot to sit, you notice the unmistakable sight of fluffy brown hair hunched over a table. 
“Liam?” your whisper. “What the hell are doing here?”
That classic cheeky grin spreads across his face as he looks up to find you standing in front of him. “I go here, Y/n. Forget already?”
You roll your eyes, “I just didn’t know you were the studious type.”
“Not gonna lie to you babe, I’m not. But Rogers is already all the way up my ass over this class, and I’m not letting that prick hold me back a year.” 
You pull out the chair across from him and go to sit down, spreading your books out on the table. 
“Who said you could sit with?” he asks, and you shoot him a look. You’re not in the mood. “Geez alright, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed… you good Y/n?” he slows, taking in your disheveled appearance. You hadn’t so much as brushed your hair. 
“Can you promise not to tell anyone,” you stare dead into his eyes. 
“On my life,” he extends his pinky, and you accept. 
“Rafe… slept over last night…”
“Oh shit!” he exclaims, and your eyes widen at his echoing voice. 
“Not like that,” you hiss, not wanting to draw anymore attention to the two of you. “Nothing happened… like he just came over to watch a show and then we talked for a while and just accidentally… fell asleep. I panicked when I woke up and realized he was still in my bed so I ran out of there as fast as I could and now…. well now I’m here.” You nervously chug your coffee, heart racing. 
“So he hung out with you all night and didn’t make a move?”
You nod, nervously awaiting his analysis as you take a bite of your croissant. 
“Damn, boy must really like you,” he muses. 
“What? Definitely not,” you scoff. 
“Y/n, let me tell you a little something about guys. If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what. The fact that he’s coming over your room to watch a show and hanging out with you until he physically can’t stay awake - I mean I can’t make it any more obvious to you.”
“I don’t know I just don’t think so… You don’t know Rafe like that, he’s a total player back home. He can pull any girl he wants, so if he liked me like that he would’ve done something by now. This is probably how he is with all his friends and I’m just reading too much into it. I’m sure Lily Colts will be in his bed soon enough,” you mumble. That last part stings in particular, you had already thought it, but saying it out loud made you feel… icky. 
“I may not know Rafe like that, but I know guys like him. I am guys like him. He likes you Y/n. So what if he pulls a lot of chicks, he doesn’t actually care about them. But he cares about you, probably can’t even understand why, and now it’s like bam Uno reverse. He can’t pull the cards he normally does, and now you’ve got him confused and he doesn’t know what to do. Man’s down bad. Give him time though, he’ll come around,” he explains to you calmly, stealing your coffee cup from you and taking a sip. 
“Honestly can I just start paying you to figure my life out for me. You make everything seem so simple.”
“Because it is simple. You insist on complicating it. But I know how you could pay me,” he adds with a wink and you shoot him a glare. You know he’s just joking (partially), he loves pushing your buttons. 
“Well whatever. I’ll believe it when I see it,” you resign on the Rafe matter. You wanted to believe what Liam was saying but it didn’t quite make sense to you. You were only going to drive yourself crazy trying to read between lines that you weren’t sure existed. Rafe was just used to situations like this with girls. To him last night was probably no big deal. It was to you though. You would never let ‘just a friend’ stay over like that, with his arm around you no less. But Rafe didn’t need to know that, you decide. 
You manage to avoid Rafe all day, not having any classes with him on Friday’s. As soon as your last class is over, you sprint home, relieved when you’re the first back at the flat and can quickly slip into your room undetected. You set down your bag and sit on the edge of your bed. Your hand slowly runs over your comforter, still ruffled from where Rafe had been laying the night before. The indent of his head is still on your pillow; you can almost smell the scent of him lingering in your room and hear the sound of his soft whispers. You wonder what his first thoughts were when he woke up in your bed alone - was he confused? Embarrassed? He probably thought nothing of it at all. You can just picture him casually getting up with a stretch, like it’s the start of any typical day.
You slip into the shower and let the water wash over your body. It’s warm and soothing, and it’s reminding you of Rafe laying next to you, of his arm wrapped around you. God if there was only a way to shut your brain off once in a while. As much as you tried to suppress it, there had been a tiny part of you that was happy to have woken up in his embrace, giddy like a school girl with a crush. You’d always wondered how a moment like that would feel, or how a moment like that with him would feel. You had conveniently failed to mention the “arm” detail to Liam, maybe because in the back of your mind you knew it would only help prove his theory right.  
When you make your way back to your room, your phone buzzes and the Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 group chat appears. 
Olivia: who wants to go out tonight 😈
Topper: me and Rafe have to be up early tmrw for soccer - rain check on this one ladies 
Olivia: :( 
Olivia: girls night out??
Millie: you know I’m there!
You’re a little bummed that Rafe won’t be there tonight. But a girls night sounds like just what you need to get him off your mind. 
Y/n: I’m in :)
Not even a few minutes later Olivia and Millie are barging into your room, causing you to let out a startled yelp. 
“My god, heard of knocking,” you exhale with your hand coming to your chest. Your statement falls on death ears. 
“Which jeans with this top,” Olivia asks, holding the clothing items against her body. 
“Should I curl or straighten my hair with this,” Millie follows, holding her outfit up. 
“Uhh,” your mind scrambles, “those jeans Liv. And straight, Mills,” you reply, shocked by your own decidedness. “But now you guys have to help me, I have no clue what to wear.”
“Say less,” Olivia flashes a smile. 
Within minutes they tear through your closet, picking out your outfit. Things were always much more clear with a fresh set of eyes. The three of you discuss the night’s logistics before making your way to the kitchen - couldn’t go drinking on an empty stomach. Rafe and Topper are already there, and you try your best to act natural even though your stomach ties itself in a knot the moment you catch a glimpse of his face. You haven’t seen him since you ran out this morning. 
“Uh hey I’m gonna run to Sainsbury’s real quick, I wanna get a chaser, anyone need anything,” you ask, avoiding eye contact with Rafe. Your nerves get the best of you and in terms of fight or flight, you were ready to flee. 
“Hey wait I’ll come with you. Gotta pick something up for dinner,” Rafe stands grabbing his jacket, and before you can interject, he’s leading the way down the hall and out your shared flat. 
“So what are you chasing tonight?” 
“What?” you ask startled, his question pulling you back to reality. Your mind had been running in a loop, trying to read him and the thoughts in his head. You wished now more than ever that you knew what Rafe was like behind closed doors back home, so you could somehow make sense of it all.
He chuckles at you, lost in your own world. “You said you needed a chaser?” Those intimidating blue eyes have found their way to yours again and you hastily look away, focusing in front of you instead. 
“Oh yeah- uh just for the vodka,” you laugh nervously. 
“Basic,” he mocks. You scoff in surprise and lightly hit him on the chest as the laughter leaves your lips. He’s sporting a shit-eating grin, having successfully egged you on. 
“You’re funny if you think I’m gonna do shots of whiskey before going to a club.”
“Well you do owe me one…” he says.
“Oh so he remembers?” you reply, amused.
“Of course,” he states so calm and so sure. Your head swirls at that, his cool confidence making you melt. The automatic doors slide open in front of you, fluorescent lights stealing your attention from the boy you were finding dangerously more attractive by the second.
“I thought we’re supposed to take it together? But someone’s being lame and not coming out tonight,” you say sarcastically, playing it as cool as you can manage. Rafe’s confidence seemed to come naturally, but you were more of a fake-it-till-you-make-it kind of gal.
“Hey you know I have soccer,” he defends. The Kook Prince was not one to turn down a party without cause.
“Excuses excuses,” you shake your head.
“Actually, speaking of soccer, you uh- you and the girls should come tomorrow. If you’re not doing anything. Or not too hungover I should say. Game’s at 12.”
“Can’t make any promises Cameron, but we’ll see,” you smile, earning a satisfied smile from him in return. 
You make your way to the frozen food aisle, Rafe explaining to you how they call a soccer field a football pitch here, as you laugh at him grabbing 5 frozen pizzas (dinner solved for the next week, of course). You ask him which chaser you should pick. He points out a cola, so naturally you decide to get blackberry seltzer water, Rafe twisting his face in disgust (who would voluntarily drink that tv static). You always felt so nervous at first, to be in Rafe’s presence, but all it ever took was a few minutes for you to completely relax around him. He was intimidating, yet inviting. Mysterious, yet open. He was somehow the cause of your anxious nerves and yet the source of your comfort. The fear of facing Rafe after running out this morning had paralyzed your thoughts all day, and now you could hardly remember why. He hadn’t mentioned it at all, as if nothing happened. His normalcy confirmed for you that him sleeping over was in fact no big deal, and you almost want to laugh at yourself for how much you had worked it up in your head. You two were just friends, and perhaps Rafe was used to being… a friendlier friend than what you were used to. But that was okay, you could learn to be friendlier too.
Rafe and Topper had decided to accompany you guys in the kitchen as you pregamed. They slowly sipped beers as you, Millie, and Olivia pounded back shots, laughing at the way you guys got progressively drunker and progressively louder before finally heading out. And much to your surprise, the boys were still seated in the same spot hours later, when the three of you stumble back into the flat, McDonalds in hand.
“Oh look who’s still up,” Olivia slurs, taking a bite of her cheeseburger. 
“We can’t go out, we have soccer,” Millie mocks, almost falling to the floor as she trips over her heel, Topper and Rafe not making any effort to hide their clear amusement. 
“Fun night huh?” Topper quirks his brow. 
“The funnest,” Millie holds her head high, sinking down against the wall until she’s sat on the floor. You had made a beeline for the dining room table, silently admiring your chicken nuggets. In that moment, they were the best thing you had ever tasted. 
“I want Jake,” Olivia pouts, and before anyone can say a word she’s turned on her heel, burger in hand, off to crawl into her boyfriend’s bed. 
“Alright you drunk, let’s get you to bed,” Topper laughs, scooping an incoherent Millie up to her feet by her elbows. 
“M’not drunk,” Millie protests, even though she’s leaning her full body weight against Topper who sarcastically nods at her, escorting her down the hallway. Rafe sits on the couch, silently playing with the cards in his hand again, not the least bit uncomfortable with sharing your company in silence. 
“I’m mad at you,” you say matter of factly, taking a bite of a french fry. At this point, the alcohol is doing the talking. 
“Mad at me?” Rafe stops shuffling the cards and raises his head to look at you, intrigued. 
“Yeah because you didn’t come to the club,” you furrow your brows, chucking a fry at him. He catches it instantly, laughing to himself with a shake of his head. 
“Don’t worry I saw all your guys’ snaps, I feel like I was practically there.”
“That’s not the same,” you frown, throwing another fry which he catches yet again.
“I’ll try to be there next time,” he laughs.
“That’s better I guess,” you grumble, eating another chicken nugget. The room grows quiet, Rafe training his attention back to the cards.
“When are we watching the next episode Cameron,” you break the silence, chucking another fry. He barely has to look up to catch your latest throw, shaking his head with a chuckle. He puts the cards down and makes his way over to the dining table, standing right above you now. 
“Come on, time for you to go to bed,” he beckons you toward him with his arm, to which you only furrow your brows in indignation.
“I’m not done with my food,” you protest.
“Now you are,” he says, grabbing your last fry and finishing it with one bite. “Now c’mon.” You reluctantly grab onto his extended arm to help you get up. You walk down the hall together and he opens your door for you, letting you in as he leans against the frame. You immediately fall back and collapse on to your bed with a gasp, you didn’t remember it feeling so soft when you were sober. 
“Goodnight L/n,” Rafe laughs, staring down at you. 
“Goodnight Rafe,” you mumble, seconds away from passing out. He smiles to himself at the sight of you still in the outfit and shoes you had been out in, bent in surely the most uncomfortable position possible, legs half way off the bed, yet somehow already asleep. He’s about to head back to his room, but he hesitates, turning back to you with a sigh. As slowly and quietly as he can, he pulls your shoes off for you, lifts your legs onto the bed, and covers you in your blanket. And just as quick, he slips out of your room and back into his.
You wake up the next morning, letting out a groan when you realize you’re still in the outfit you had worn clubbing. Your head dully aches and your throat is desert dry so you force yourself up and to the kitchen. When you see the aftermath of McDonald’s containers on the table, vague memories start flooding your brain in horror. You couldn’t have… could you? Did you actually throw french fries at him? You close your eyes and slowly run your hand over your face in realization. Great, you think to yourself, Rafe probably thinks you’re an annoying idiot. Good grief.
You hear the door of the flat opening and Olivia appears in the kitchen, holding a plate of breakfast sandwiches, your mouth watering at the sight.
“Thank the lovely lads in apartment 4E,” she laughs, placing them on the table. “Oh god, we went hard last night didn’t we,” she says, taking in the sight of the flat.
“A little too hard…” you remark.
“No such thing, darling! Now eat up and get dressed, we’ve got a match to catch,” she declares before disappearing down the hall where you can hear muffled groans of Millie being reluctantly dragged out of her bed. You sigh and sink down into a chair, grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite. Heaven. You make a mental note to thank Jake for his chef skills. You had completely forgotten that you and the girls were supposed to go watch Rafe and Topper’s match today. Your worries about having to face Rafe yesterday had been quick to melt away, but today they were back with a new vengeance.
“Okay no one wander off when we get there. Y/n, fair warning, these games get… rowdy,” Millie says, as the three of you walk toward the field, arms linked.
“Things get pretty crazy at Kildare too,” you laugh, “so yeah, don’t fucking let me out of your sight.”
The three of you shake off your fits of laughter as you stumble toward the stands, finding a spot amongst the already packed crowd. You’re finally able to take in your surroundings, glancing at the field ahead. The opposing team is warming up on the pitch, clad in red. Westheath’s team is off to the side, the boys stretching and getting ready in their white uniforms. The dirty blonde immediately catches your eye. He’s jumping and jogging in place, headphones in as though he’s tuning out the physical noise around him, and probably the mental noise too. You wonder if he’s listening to one of the songs he showed you the other night. 
He pauses his jogging to stretch out his arms, his eyes glazing over the stands, when suddenly they lock with yours. Your cheeks flush pink, embarrassed at having been caught staring, but his face just pulls into a wide grin and he gives you a wave. You wave back, and he does a quick hand motion that everyone does at Kildare games back home. You laugh and do the responding gesture, as he smiles cheekily at you before a teammate comes up to him, pulling his focus away. The exchange was brief, but oddly intimate. There was a whole field and a couple dozen people between you, and yet you two were the only witnesses to the interaction. You smile to yourself, relief in the fact that maybe getting a french fry chucked at him wasn’t enough to make him hate you after all. You wonder briefly if Rafe spends half as much time overanalyzing things the way you do. Liam was right, you do insist on overcomplicating things. 
“Hey, earth to Y/n!” Olivia laughs, waving her hand in front of your face. “The game is starting!”
The final score flashes on the screen: 4-2, a win for Westheath. The students are going nuts, rushing the field. Olivia and Millie lead the way, pushing through the crowd until you guys reach Rafe and Topper.
“Let’s go boys!!” Olivia yells, jumping up and down with the sea of bodies and beer around you. Rafe and Topper react with equal enthusiasm, pulling each of you in for a hug. You and Rafe are the last to hug, him pulling you in brief but close against his large sweaty body, arms wrapped around you. You don’t even mind the stickiness of the hug, feeling deja vu at the warm feeling of being in his embrace again; a feeling that is foreign yet familiar, one you hadn’t felt before. 
“Did you guys see Rafe’s goal in the second half!?” Topper asks, clapping his friend on the back.
“Of course we did, super star!” Millie cheers, giving Rafe a high five as he humbly shakes his head and laughs at his friends. The mental image of his goal was burned in your head, one that your mind would certainly play for you involuntarily over the next coming days. 
“Alright we gotta go do some stuff with the team, but everyone’s going to Central Bar later. See you guys there?” Rafe asks.
“You got it,” Olivia replies, and they jog off with quick waves, you meeting those blue eyes in silent acknowledgement once again. It was that gaze that always made the rest of the world seem to disappear while his eyes met yours, making your heart skip a beat. He’s just a friend, you remind yourself. Just a tall, attractive, soccer-playing friend…
“Y/n! Liv! We’re doing a round!” Jake calls you and Olivia over to where him and Liam are already at the bar, four shot glasses ordered and lined up.
“On three! One, two-“ Liam chants, as the four of you down the alcohol. Central Bar had been buzzing with what felt like half of Westheath’s student body all day. After the game, you and the girls had gone back to your flat to nap and eat, before meeting up with Jake, Liam, and the rest of their boys to head to the bar. Rafe and Topper were already pretty buzzed when you guys got there, playing a round of table tennis with you before the rest of the soccer team and their other friends pulled their attention away. You couldn’t help the way your whole body tensed when Rafe greeted Lily with a tight hug, humbling you with the confirmation that Rafe’s actions toward you weren’t anything special. You resolved yourself to a night of drinking and dancing your worries away with Liv and Liam instead.
“Alright, round of table tennis? You two against me and Y/n?” Liam challenges.
“Please, I saw Y/n playing before, you guys have nothing on us,” Olivia flashes an evil smile, her competitive side coming out.
“Oh it’s on Liv,” you laugh, as your foursome stakes your claim at the pong table. While Olivia and Jake gather the balls and paddles, you notice Liam grimacing off into the distance. You follow his line of sight, landing on Topper and Millie drunkenly dancing together across the bar, a bit too close for comfort.
“What is she doing with that geezer,” he mumbles.
“Liam! Jealousy is unbecoming of you,” you gasp in mock disbelief.
“I’m not jealous,” he scoffs, and you quickly realize that he actually is, even though you had just been joking. Your jaw falls slack as you put two and two together. Liam and Millie were always by each other’s side, at school, at the pub, when you were all watching a movie at his apartment a few nights ago. He would tease her relentlessly and his own words rang in your ears If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what. 
“Shut up! Shut up!,” you whisper yell, hand coming to your mouth. “I should have realized this whole time… of course you like Millie! Everything you’ve been telling me you think exists between me and Rafe has actually been about her! She’s your Uno reverse card!” You’re shocking even yourself at these revelations.
“No no no, you can’t use my own words of wisdom against me, that’s not how this works Y/n. So what, maybe I slightly give a shit about Millie? Who cares. Her and I both know that’s never gonna happen. I still stand by everything I said about you and Rafe so don’t think your getting off so easy on that.”
“Then tell me why you’re staring at Millie while Rafe hasn’t so much as glanced my way since the minute Lily Colts got here, hmm?”
“Oh Y/n, Y/n Y/n Y/n,” Liam tuts, shaking his head laughing as he turns to the game your group of four is about to begin. You don’t have the energy to argue with Liam over the matter right now, oblivious to the fact that Rafe had indeed been glancing your way, several times. In fact, he was glancing at you right now, as Liam reached his arm over yours to help you actually hold the paddle the right way. You just hadn’t been glancing back to notice, scared of what you may or may not see between him and Lily if you did. 
The night dies down and it’s time for the pilgrimage back to your building. You’re walking with Millie when Liam quickly falls in step with you two. You give him a knowing smirk, to which he responds with a glare behind Millie’s back, but you let the two banter as you fall behind, now walking alone. You stare ahead, eyes mindlessly settling on Lily walking in between Callum and Henry at the front of the pack. You don’t notice the pair of legs that begin moving in pace next to your own. 
“Tonight, by the way,” Rafe’s voice startles you as you jump next to him. He chuckles at the confusion written all over your face. “You asked last night when we’re watching the next episode. And my answer is tonight, L/n,” he states.
“Haven’t you been up since like the crack of dawn? Aren’t you tired?” you ask incredulously.
“Too tired for Game of Thrones? Never,” he scoffs, Liam’s words ringing in your ear. If we really like you, we’re gonna make the time to hang out with you, no matter what.
“Well then tonight it is,” you smile. “Sorry about the french fries last night by the way,” you say meekly, looking down at the sidewalk in front of you, cheeks burning.
“Seriously L/n, talk about a horrible throw. Room for improvement,” he jokes with a comforting smile, saving you from yourself.
“Good game by the way,” you add, grateful for the way he was letting you off. 
“Thanks,” he looks at you, shoving his hands in his pocket. You turn to look at him too, and after a few moments laughter is taking you both apart. Nothing funny was said. Neither of you knew why you were laughing. And yet it felt natural, not an ounce of awkwardness in the air.
As your whole group walks into the building, people begin to peel off, splitting towards staircases and off elevator stops. 
“I’m fucking beat,” yawns Topper, as you and all your flatmates file into your hall. 
“I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight,” Millie yawns in agreement. One by one everyone files off into their rooms. You open your door, backing into yours, Rafe across the hall from you backing into his. Laughter tugs at both your faces once again, as you let your doors close. You manage to change into your sweats and brush your teeth before you hear the light rap on your door. Rafe enters, in a t-shirt and gray sweatpants, your weakness. But you feel comfortable being alone with him now. The Rafe jitters had finally began to subside. 
“Alright L/n, episode 4, you ready for this?” he asks, plopping down in his spot next to you. 
“Oh I’m very ready,” you reply, sitting up to reach for your laptop which was resting by your feet. As you lean back, you find yourself in Rafe’s arm. He had extended it out before you sat back, effortlessly catching you against him. His hand rests casually on your arm, and you gulp, pressing play. You pray he can’t feel the way your heartbeat quickens and your body flushes. So much for those jitters being gone. 
The episode plays, you and Rafe making comments here and there before your chatter eventually dies down, leaving just the sound of the show to fill the room. You can feel Rafe’s body lean further and further down, becoming heavier and breathing slower. You very slowly turn to check, and sure enough he’s fast asleep. You sigh, and shut your laptop, careful not to stir him. You could easily shake him awake, tell him to go to his bed, but for some reason you don’t. You don’t mind him here. In fact, you almost prefer it, his body heat keeping you warm. He had already slept over once before and it clearly hadn’t been a big deal, so what was the harm in letting it happen again? You’re just friends after all, you remind yourself, not sure who you’re trying to convince. And so, the two friends fall asleep in the same bed again. 
🏷: @hopebaker​ @pogueslandia​ @mardema​
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Hiya! I love your writing so much 💜 May I pretty please request a sirius x reader imagine where they have passed the honeymoon phase of their relationship and now struggles with opening up to each other emotionally. Happy fluffy ending where they promise to love, protect and comfort each other?
I hope you have a lovely time wherever you are! Much love 💜
Until the very end
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Warning - Cursing.
Summary - Realising you are in love is tough and expressing it is quite difficult. But for Sirius Black, it happened in a short period of time and in the place where he would have never expected to confess his undying love yet he promises.
A/N Ahhhh THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I had fun writing this although I cried a bit in the end, curse my emotional personality. I had to take some time to understand how you struggle with expressing all the emotions in being in a relationship cause I have never done that so this is practically very much based on imagination and theory. Hope you like it!
Sirius Black. Your boyfriend of two months and within the short span of time he proved you what an amazing gentleman he could be all the while make you feel loved and cherished. It was beautiful being in his arms, kissing or not. Or just stand next to him, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you to his side as he casually chatted made you feel things that you couldn’t describe in words. All you knew was you wanted to be with him till the end of your life, all the worries and hurt long forgotten with just simple grins on your face.
And Sirius was in no good condition. He was over the moon after the first month of your relationship, he knew the moment you tightly held him in your arms while a tear rolled down his eyes that you were the one. The one who would make him feel loved, safe, happy, like the luckiest human alive. The one who acted as his best friend, a sibling, a parent and…a partner for the rest of his life. He craved to just simply old you in his arms after a tiring day rather than kissing feverishly. He wanted to mutter that it would all be alright and he is right there but gulped all the words of comfort in fear.
Sirius desperately hoped he could gather the courage to at least blurt those three words. How stupid of him to think he would get the courage in two months while he had waited two years to ask you out. He always heaved a huge sigh when he thought of it and today was no different.
“Look at that,” James said, staring at Sirius who had occupied the couch in front of the fire in the comfort of his common room. Sirius sat up straight from his hunched position, rubbing his hand and pried his eyes away from the dancing fires to his best friend’s warm brown eyes, “No one is attached to your hips. What a surprise!”
Sirius resorted to a small chuckle and stared at the fireplace again. James scrunched his eyebrows, the Sirius he knew, never, no matter what could remain silent for this long…unless he was asleep.
“You alright?” He asked, taking a seat next to him, “Are you guys fighting or something?”
The fright in his eyes scared James as Sirius hurriedly said, “No, no. Merlin, no,”
“Then what's wrong?” James asked, getting comfortable so that he was looking at Sirius with his full attention. The fire danced maliciously in his grey eyes. James would never not admire how striking they look but he never would admit it to Sirius.
“I…I want to tell her,” he said, and gulped, “I wanna tell her that, but, I just dunno how!”
“Tell her what?” James asked, confused.
Sirius looked at him weirdly and shook his head, “No wonder how Lily had accepted your date offers yet,”
“Hey!” James whacked him over the head. The two boys laughed later falling into a comfortable silence.
“Do you love her?” James asked, this time both of their eyes on the shimmering fire.
“I-I don’t think so,” Sirius sighed lightly, “It's not exactly love, you know. That would be an understatement,”
James whipped his head to look at him. “Not like the usual definition of love. That “I would die for you” and all that shit. It's more like I would live with you, hold you, protect you kinda…thing. It's like, I want to be with her for every second of my life and…do things, have things I never knew I needed or wanted for me,”
“Oh, Merlin,” James breathed, “Is this how I talk?”
Sirius looked at him for a second before laughing and pushing him jokingly, “Piss off,”
James chuckled, “I say you tell her. I am sure she would think the same way,”
Sirius looked at him, “You think so?”
“Nope. I know so,” he said, with that little smirk that Sirius had grown to find mild comfort in.
“How do I tell her then?” Sirius asked.
“Are you seriously asking me? And look what I did there? Sirius-ly,” He said.
“James,” Sirius looked at him warningly.
“Look, if it is anyone, I should be the last person for you to ask advice on how to tell a girl you love her,” James said, “I have been struggling on my own for years, mate!”
“Then should I ask Remus?”
“He would ask you to get a book for her and say “I fucking love you”,” James said.
“Right, then Peter?”
”Uh, Marlene?”
“She herself is hanging on thin ice,”
“Alright then who!?”
James thought of it for a second before he said, “Think of it yourself you know, come up with a nice, new amazing idea!”
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Where is Sirius?” you asked Remus the next morning in the Gryffindor common room.
“That shit is asleep like a log upstairs,” He mumbled.
You blinked, “Mr Potter, you gotta do something about your ward’s extensive cursing,”
James laughed as Remus rolled his eyes, “Of course, Mrs Black, I will ground him until he stops cursing.”
Your eyes widened at the name he called you. Mrs Black. You knew he wasn’t talking about Walburga Black but the feel of being Sirius Black’s was something new and exciting and beautiful. Something you loved and feared at the same time.
“Shut up, Mr Evans,” You said, wiping the smirk off his face and making him blush.
“Good Godric,” Remus shook his head looking at the two of you, “Just please for Merlin’s sake get going,”
You chuckled and walked upstairs, the sound of James saying Mrs Black echoed in your head. What would happen next? In a few days would he find you boring and leave? Will you confess…the actual feelings? What would happen then? When will it happen? The questions in your head were overwhelming and now you just needed to see Sirius.
When you reached the boys’ dormitory, you gently pushed the doors open and slowly stepped in trying to not make much noise.
Sirius laid asleep on his four-poster. His hair a wild mess on the pillow, his face turned towards the door, a small smile on his face. You tip-toed to his bed and crouched to your knees to look at him. He looked so peaceful and indeed sleeping like a log.
He looked divine. Relaxed yet gorgeous. You knew how much he impacted your life when you pushed away the hair on his face gently and leaned down to press your lips to his forehead. While you moved to pull the blanket over him properly, you felt him grab your hand with his eyes closed.
Holding your breath, you stood still for a second before realising he was still deeply asleep. He mumbled something strangely similar to “love you, puppy”, before shifting to lay straight on his back, his head inclined to the opposite side but the clutch on your hand never losing its grip. He held your hand as would at any other time.
You didn’t want to disturb him and you had no reason to either. You tried to gently pry his fingers but it was of no use as he woke up with a start. Looking around wildly before spotting you. He laid back on the bed, with his eyes wide open and looking at you accusingly but with a smile nevertheless.
“Sorry,” you muttered.
“It's OK, puppy,” he said, in his hoarse morning voice that you wished to hear for every day of your life, “C’mere,”
You took your place in his arms, snuggling closer to him. Sirius gently kissed your forehead, “Something’s wrong, my darling?”
“No,” you lied, moving closer to him. The warmth radiating off him was extremely comforting, those three words sitting on the tip of your tongue ready to slip out of your mouth any minute.
“Are you sure?” Sirius asked, shifting you in his arms so that the two of you were face to face. You nodded lightly.
With the mere months, Sirius had honestly get to know you rather than hiding behind and taking discreet looks, if he learnt anything it would be to identify every action of yours - he would immediately know if you were hiding something from him and usually Sirius wouldn’t pry the information but today was a different case. The hidden distress in your eyes was somehow blatantly visible to him, and he wanted that to disappear once and for all.
“Love, you know it’s okay to tell me anything, right?” he asked, looking intently into your eyes.
You let out a sigh, you could never hide anything from this boy, he knew every move of yours for your own good. You buried your head into his shoulder, his grey eyes too bright for you to look into.
“What is gonna happen next?” you mumbled. Sirius’ face took a look of confusion as he thought of it. What is gonna happen next?
“I dunno, get ready for breakfast?” He resorted to the more silly answer just to hear your laugh.
You pulled away to look at him, a beautiful smile on your face, “Not that, idiot. I meant like what do we next?”
Sirius leaned up to kiss your forehead, “Whatever my princess wants,”
“I love you,” You blurted without giving it a second thought. With wide eyes, you watched as Sirius' jaw dropped, a look of utter disbelief painting his handsome features.
In a state of panic, you scrambled to get out of the bed. Shaking your head, you muttered, “Forget it, forget I said that,”
“Wait, wait, darling!” Sirius threw the blanket away from him and stumbled to his feet. He rushed to you before you could leave the dorm and took hold of your wrist, pulling you flush against his chest. That’s when you saw it, the inexplicable amount of happiness mixed with disbelief in his eyes that would rival the stars themselves.
“Can you-what-can you say that again?” Sirius said, his eyes watering as he leaned down to place his forehead against yours, gently.
You wiped your own tears, taking his face in your hands as you whispered just for him to hear, “I love you,”
A dry sob escaped Sirius lips as he smashed his lips to yours, his arms around your waist tightening as he kissed you passionately with all the love poured into. He pulled away to look at you in the eyes, his chest blooming with pride and love, engulfing his entire being.
Sirius peppered your face with kisses and pulled away to look into your tear-filled eyes, “I love you too, puppy. I always have and always will, until the very end,”
“Until the very end?” you asked, smiling widely.
Sirius tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “Until the very end, darling. I still don’t know what we are going to do next but I know whatever it is, it’s going to be with you,”
You leaned up to press your lips to his, letting the two of you drown into the pure mixture of love, bliss and happiness.
And Sirius Black finally understood the feeling of being loved and loving someone.
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