#in and i noticed after my class had already gone in and i ran up to the teachers before they could direct the other 2 classes in
I was thinking about stuff from elementary school again
So like
At my school we weren't allowed to bring stuffed animals to school unless we saved up enough gold slips to have that as a reward for a day
I regularly disregarded this rule and kept a stuffed animal in my backpack without my teachers knowledge
But there were a couple instances where I got ratted out or one occasion in second grade where I'd let my stuffed dog have its head poking out of my backpack and because its head weighed more than its body it fell out and another kid grabbed it and I was sobbing and had to tell my teacher about it
And I got scolded for it every time
Not only do I think that rule is just fucking stupid
But as I was thinking about it
Having a stuffed animal in my backpack was like 90% of the reason I didn't just try to fuckin bounce at recess some days
Like I may not have technically lived within walking distance but I still KNEW how to get home from my school. Go down Princeton til you get to the big 4 way intersection. Turn left. Go straight til you get to the gas station. Turn right. Walk past the gas station. Turn right again then BOOM theres my apartment.
So there were days when I strongly considered just making a run for it at recess. Realistically I probably wouldn't have made it very far before they caught me. But my fear of getting in trouble might not have been enough to stop me from trying if I hadn't had a stuffed animal in my backpack that I would be leaving behind if I left then. And that was a distressing enough thought that I never actually tried it.
#hell i got left outside once cuz i didnt hear the whistle and was very absorbed in what i was doing so i didnt notice the other kids going#in and i noticed after my class had already gone in and i ran up to the teachers before they could direct the other 2 classes in#and that was the only reason they noticed i didnt go in with my class#so if id just hid out for a minute until they all went in i probably wouldve had a good 5 minutes before anyone realized i was gone#and couldve made a break for it#probably couldve made it at least to the end of princeton before anyone caught up to me#oh and there was that time in middle school when my science class did ''a walk through the solar system''#where the teacher had marked out to scale how far all the planets were from each other within like...idk a mile? 2 miles? from the school#and made us walk there and back for the class#and me and my friends werent super athletic so we ended up getting left behind on the way back#one of my friends called her mom to pick her up#but the teacher just straight up left us out there#that was another time id considered just saying fuck it and going home#and while i didnt have a stuffed animal in my backpack at the school waiting for me my anxiety was much higher by that point#so that held me back then#but i still considered it#honestly if i hadnt been so worried about getting in trouble i probably wouldve accepted my friends offer to ride#back in her moms car with her lol#one time we got my friend althea to ask the security guard at our middle school what hed do if we all just made a run for it#during our outside time we got after lunch#i dont remember what his answer was tho#anxiety also kept me from bouncing at lunch in highschool lol#we got to leave and go to any of the fast food restaurants near by at lunch and we usually had our backpacks with us#ik there were kids that did just bounce at lunch#but there were cops everywhere so i wouldve wanted to go home instead of just hiding out somewhere til the end of the day#and i didnt have a car til the last week of senior year#like yall were lucky i have anxiety otherwise i wouldve just peaced the fuck out when i wasnt feeling it#my dad certainly did#my dad is me with far less anxiety#except i probably wouldnt have ever set the bathrooms on fire
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bookishdreamer28 · 5 months
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You and Mattheo were laying on the couch inside the common room, with no one else around but just the two of you since you skipped another class today.
Mattheo had your body cradled in his arms, as he softly ran his fingers through your hair. He was watching you in admiration as you read your book and he felt his stomach flipping as you looked up at him to give him one of your tooth-rooting smiles, a warm light reflecting in your eyes. It was still unbelievable to him how he got so lucky to have someone like you, loving him the way you do and making him the happiest he could ever be.
The light from the fireplace was hitting your face just right. So beautiful Mattheo thought to himself as he kept his gaze on you, feeling so hypnotized by you.
No words were needed, because just the way you looked at each other alone, was enough to understand what and how the other was feeling. You moved up a little and captured his lips into a love filled kiss, which Mattheo melt into the kiss and hum with satisfaction. After a while, you pulled away and when you looked at each other, you let out a small laugh which made Mattheo's smiled wider.
"Gosh you're so beautiful" he whispered and kissed you again, with more passion. When you were done with your make out session, you just stayed there, snuggled up closer to each other and enjoyed each other's company.
"You know at some point we should tell them" you murmured against his neck and turned to look at him.
"You kidding? They'll start tormenting us about not telling them and they won't Ever, leave us alone again. And trust me the last thing I want, is to want to have my moments with my gorgeous girl, and having the guys eavesdropping"
He placed a kiss on your forehead and laid back as he looked at you with a smirk. You shook your head as you laughed and laid your head on his chest.
"I love these secret moments together. We don't need anyone else to know. Now that I finally have you, I want to cherish you every minute of the day" you giggled as he laid you now on your back and he got on top of you.
He kissed you hungrily and his hand traveled up to your thigh, squeezing the soft flesh. You softly moaned as he bite your lip and you wrapped your arms around his shoulder, pressing him closer to your body.
You suddenly heard a weird thudding sound coming from outside and you stopped kissing. He looked at the door and then down ar you.
"Whoever it is they'll leave. I can't stop now" he growled and was about to kiss you again but this time the sound was a bit louder.
"Who ever the fuck is out there you better get lost or else-" The door opened and slammed on the wall by the impact, and two bodies were laying on the ground.
"What. The fuck?" You and Mattheo said and two heads looked up at you.
"Annoying presences? Do you really find us annoying?" Theodore aksed with furrowed eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, were you eavesdropping the whole time?"
"I wouldn't call it eavesdrop-"
"Oh shut it " Mattheo said to Enzo and then turned to you ready to kiss you again but then he noticed how Theodore and Enzo hadn't left from the room yet.
"You're not going to watch me kiss my girlfriend pricks" Mattheo angrily said to them and the boys hurriedly stood up and just left the room.
"Well that was easy-"
"And just so you're know we're not annoying. Y/N loves me" Enzo's face appeared behind the door and smirked at you.
"Berkshire you have one second-"and before Mattheo could finish the sentence, Enzo was already gone.
You laughed and Mattheo turned his head to you when he heard the joyful sound, smiling too.
"And now, where were we?" He leaned down and started trailing deep kisses along the nape of your neck, making you forget about everything.
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💚 🙌
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Bad Teachings
College Professor AU! Miguel O'Hara x reader
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Smut (I tried my best, I swear ;w;) Mildly dubious-con. Age gap implied
Hope you like 🥹✨
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The last semester felt impossibly harder, nerve wrecking and it was as usual chipping away the little social life you had. Not that you had many friends really, mostly of the people you hung out with, were people that always ended either paired with you or gathered in group works.
Sure you were invited to parties here and there, but nothing too concrete.
But right now, none of it mattered, as you sat before your teacher, Peter B. Parker, at the verge of tears.
"Look, I know it seems like you'll fail, but you still have a chance." He was packing up his things and then looked your way. " I know you care for the other classes, but this one is also important. I just can't help you out this time."
"It was just one assignment! Mr. Parker. One! I had none to drive me out to that place."
"What about your friends?"
"Just... Please?, This is my last class, I can't afford another semester here."
Peter was one of the few lax teachers out there that would help out here and there when he was able to. One of your favorites actually, contrary to what people said, he was a good teacher.
"I know, I know, kid. Just let me see what I can do ok? Im not promising anything, but I can try. Mr. O'Hara isn't that bad."
You groaned hopelessly.
"God, Im so dead"
"He's not that bad. He's all bark and no bite, I'm telling you"
"Not to question your decisions, Mr. Parker but from all the teachers you could've picked, why Mr. O'Hara?"
"Not up to me kid, administration's doing. Besides, I'll be gone just a couple of weeks. You'll do fine. I'll speak to him, okay?"
You just nodded, hope hanging on a thread.
You were fucked . In fact, you could already picture your parents' mortified expression upon the news and the student loan could only stretch up so far . Miguel O'Hara was... brutal.
He took no shit from anyone, he had 'zero chill' or so you had heard among the other students that barely passed with him. However, you were learning what you needed and wanted to learn. He was demanding, but a great teacher.
"He's hot." One of your classmates admitted as you were gathered in study groups to do an assignment due in a couple of hours.
"I heard he's married."
"No, he's not. No kids, nothing."
"I heard his daughter died."
"He doesn't like talking about that, Jen."
You subtly glanced at him, so ever stoic, frowning and serious, checking and grading assignments like nothing. He was intimidating overall. Everyone behaved and actually studied when he teached.
Class ended shortly after you finished the study group. However you waited a bit longer when everyone had been out to submit your group's part. And also, probably have a chance to ask about your class status.
The first thing you couldn't help but notice was how snug the button t-shirt was on him, your nose detected a tingle of his cologne, His hair was long yet well kept and silky looking. Hell, he probably had a better hair routine than you. His hands movements were smooth and swift, as if they had memorized a pattern. He stopped and looked up to you. For being a man on his early forties he looked younger.
A chill ran down your spine.
"Leave it there." He went back to scribbling notes and you obeyed.
"Mr. O'Hara?"
You sighed quietly, fearful he might sense your fear.
"Sorry to bother you, Um... I was wondering if-" you swallowed as he looked back at you with a slight frown in his face
"If Mr. Parker left any extra work for me?"
His brow raised in confusion
"I haven't seen Mr. Parker in months, niña. I was just called two days ago to cover up his spot."
"R-Right. Uh, I just asked since he said he would-"
"Help you out? Yeah, that's not happening."
"I know it's just another day for you when students come here and cry-"
"You're not crying, so that's a first."
Your cheeks burned a little at his odd praising, but also you were embarrassed overall. Your favorite teacher had definitely forgot about you.
"Just... hear me out. This is my last class, my last semester's weeks And I truly cannot afford to repeat the class."
"And that is my problem because?"
Your lips tightened and soon your eyes turned glossy, but still you were determined to see it through.
"It's just 5 points I need to keep my score and have my record approved."
"The class ain't over yet. Better keep it up."
"Mr. O'Hara, pl-"
"I will buy you empanadas?" He snorted
"See you next semester, kid. Close the door when you're out."
His no was pretty much definitive. Sighing you marched away from the classroom and closed the door. You didn't cry. That was something.
The following days you spent holed up in the library, roomie to loud and messy to be around as you prepared for the pre evaluation for the finals, occasionally you caught a glimpse of Miguel O'Hara, working as usual in his favorite corner, un bothered.
What truly was pissing you is that some of your teammates hadn't submitted their part of the job, wich was due tomorrow. The whole report was half done and still it was alot left to do. You were trying. And just when you felt anxiety began worming it's way in you, the seat across you was dragged open and no other than Mr. Miguel O'Hara sat before you.
He looked at you with a blank yet curious gaze.
"You look like you're about to have a nervous wreck."
"I am."
"Right, here." He showed you a printed paper, "Meet me there, at 6. Don't make plans."
"What?" you squinted your eyes to read the information
"Thought you wanted help?" Exasperated at your obliviousness he huffed, "Guess not"
"Wait!" you snatched the paper out of his hands, "Sorry. Just.. Thank you" he smirked.
Your eyes lit up upon reading the paper and nodded. If it wasn't for you being so tired, and him being scary, you'd probably hug him.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" You spoke in between whispers.
"Si si, cállate. Look, it's a conference college is organizing, in a week, if you want those five extra, go. I'll be there. Don't make plans."
"Funny you think I have a social life, Mr. O'Hara. But thanks. I really appreciate it."
"At 6. Formal dress code."
"Gotcha." you nodded as you grinned. He left you alone.
You'd look like a liar if he saw you, a cocktail in your hand, chatting to a classmate that was nice enough talk to. It was a small celebration for a good score in the past assignment, you could breath a little, feel a bit hopeful.
"Did you saw Mr. O'Hara today? God..." the girl almost moaned in the spot.
"You kidding? He doesn't fuck his students."
"Who knows, I might be the first?"
"In getting reported maybe. Dude is scary. A friend of mine repeated twice with him."
"What about you, (Name)? I saw you in the library chatting with him."
The whole attention suddenly dropped on you.
"Ah, yeah he told me he'd see me next semester"
"Shut up. You're failing too?"
"Yeah. I mean, sure he's hot and stuff, but... yeah. I don't know how to tell my parents actually. Add me to the chat group, by the way"
Before the conversation turned into how half female college students wanted him, your classmate took you to another private spot. Mike Aguilar was his name, someone that like you, avoided unnecessary attention. What you didn't expect was that he stole a kiss from you. Between cocktails and making out with Mike for a long time, the loud music, it felt good. Felt good to experience the other side of broke colege student.
You ended up being taken to your room, railed up but Mike was gentleman enough to not indulge since you both were drunk. How long had been since someone actually indulged you? Even more so, that you had indulged  yourself? You removed your pants.
You were alone, but locked up the door, and grabbed your phone. Looking up in the group chat you looked for Mike's contact and typed.
"Hey Miky"
He replied almost instantly
"Sup, hlt stuff?" He didn't care for the typos
"Wanna see aumthin?"
You giggled as he send a "🥴" emoji.
Biting your lip, you put the phone in a pillow and began recording. Hands trailing on your clothed breasts as you sat down and spreaded your legs. One of your hands dipped inside your panties as the other one uncovered your breast to then squeeze and toy with one.
Your mouth had shaped in an 'o' as you bucked your hips to ride slowly your own hand. Your moans were needy and they turned more wanton as you kept toying with your nipples and clit, soon gasping for air, coming undone.
You then brought your slicked fingers to your mouth and licked them clean with a groan. You then giggled and stopped recording. The alcohol buzzed fully in your system, not only clouding your judgment, but also firing up a dirty mind.
"For your eyes only"
You uploaded the video and pressed send.
Tossing the phone on your nightstand, you went back to keep indulging in yourself before your roomie could get back. But this time, you had in mind a very specific scary teacher to think about.
The constant beeping in your phone bolted you awake. You turned off the alarm and saw your phone. Your eyes went wide awake as dread crept up to you.
"So... What was that you wanted to show me?"
Oh no.
Panic surged through your body as seeing Mr. O'Hara's chat open with a 'video' description. Shaky fingers opened it up, only to reveal the 'seen' mark in the chat.
Against all odds and what could go wrong, you showed up in class. Sure, sending a porn video of yourself to your scary teacher was a major fuck up. But failing class would be even a bigger fuck up of all times, You had one foot outside of it all. Once out of college you wouldn't see Mr. O'Hara, and eventually he'd forget it all. Besides, you were pretty sure that he'd receive that kind of messages on a daily basis.
Sighing, you entered the classroom and as quietly as you could you sat in the very back of it. Class went as normal as you could, but the feeling of being watched was always present. Thankfully class was over and just as you snuck to get in, you snuck out.
You couldn't look at him in the face, not after what you had done in that video. Another reason of why you didn't drink often. But now a new problem laid ahead. How would you face him on Saturday?
Talking about, you didn't even know what to wear. Maybe the universe was conspiring against you, but you were grateful enough that he didn't bring it up, maybe he didn't pay much attention. There were so many scenarios running your mind.
In the end, you wrote an apology. It was easier to just apologize without seeing his face, and maybe things would be buried and forgotten as days passed.
But no. He had requested to see you after class.
As you approached you squeezed the written apologize and sighed once you were before his desk, across him.
"I need you to sign here, to confirm your assistance tomorrow."
You gulped and took the pen, after sliding the letter to him. He cocked an eyebrow to you as you signed.
"What's this?" He took the crumpled paper and opened it up. Your eyes locked with his, and you could see, amusement in them. A knowing look seizing you.
"I'm so so sorry. The... The video I mean. It wasn't for you, I swear! But I was-"
"Drunk and stupid? Yeah. Noted." He tossed the letter in the trashbin and stood with his arms on his waist, "I thought you were better than that, (Name)"
Your eyes glossed over the disappointment in his tone.
"Has anyone else seen it?"
You shook your head.
His eyes glinted with something dark, something you couldn't actually pinpoint and to be honest you were too embarrassed to ask.
"Good. Anyway, 6 pm. Austen's Auditorium"
"T-That far?"
"Have a problem?"
"Uh, no. I'll be there. I'll call an Uber."
"I'll drive you."
"What? No! I mean, no. I'm uncomfortable enough as it is. Don't wanna make this even more awkward."
"Trust me, nothing that I haven't seen before, unfortunately."
"Yeah, no. I'll call an Uber. I'm financially fucked anyways. Thanks" His pupils dilated so ever softly at the way your lips muttered the word fucked. His face remained steely as usual, but his eyes gave away so much.
"Whatever. Meet me in the last row, second seat, then."
You showed up, high waisted, tight, black, upper knee length skirt with a small slit on the side, a cream colored blouse with matching bra and a black blazer with nude heels. It was the standar, and the only truly formal wear you had in your closet. Uber drove you to the venue and soon, you met Miguel and sat next to him. You could recognize some other students along some other teachers from other areas. Conference was about the new ways of teaching and learning, nothing too groundbreaking as you had originally thought.
The conference was two hours long and at the end, you signed up a paper sheet and was told to wait on the entrance as Miguel greeted and signed out.
"Let's go."
Miguel guided you by placing a hand on your lower back, and gave a gentle push for you to follow him.
"Car's on the third floor"
"I told you that I could get an Uber."
"And risk you to be kidnapped or something? Not a chance. Besides I wanna keep my job as much as I can."
"Gee, thanks for caring, Mr. O'Hara."
"Todo un placer, preciosa." He chuckled
Your knees trembled as he spoke in spanish, you were sat on the front seat and fastened your seatbelt. He started the engine but it just revved a couple of times before it went dead. And just when you thought nothing could go wrong, it started pouring. Hard.
You groaned in frustration and Miguel smirked.
"Why the rush? Have somewhere to go?"
"No, Mr. O'Hara. Just wanted to rest. I'm not used to wear heels actually."
"Thought you were meeting with that guy you were making out the other night"
Your eyes widened in utter embarrassment as he stretched in his seat.
"Jesus... this can't be even more embarrassing."
"As your teacher, I completely disapprove such behaviors. Specially with that cabrón. He's not a good person."
"What do you mean?"
"He's conditioned. Likes to spread out intimate content of girls he gets."
"How do you know this?"
"I told you, nothing I haven't seen before."
You sank in your seat, mulling over his words.
"Hate to admit but... Im kinda glad knowing this. I mean, I'm really embarrassed though, but-"
"You're glad that little video fell onto my hands and not someone else?"
You nodded, unable to look at him as your face flushed.
"Yes, what?"
"Y-Yes, sir."
"Must admit though." His hands on the wheel tightened. "It took me by surprise. Out of all the female students, you, did a whole show."
You gulped as your breath hitched. His eyes squinted and that dark tingle was back at it again
"Hands in those cute ass panties, riding your hand like it was the last thing you'd ever ride."
His hand pulled his hair back as he bit his lip so ever softly. You on the other hand were trembling, unable to look at him in the eye.
"Who were you thinking of?"
"N-None. I swear. This is... really really bad"
"Maybe, but so is sending really explicit videos to your teacher, preciosa."
You shut your mouth and looked at him, he leaned in and studied your face. His index and thumb taking your chin.
"You're trembling. Why? A pretty thing like you shouldn't fear me. I'm not gonna hurt you. Quite the opposite actually." His thumb caressed your cheek and his lips brushed over yours.
"I wanna make you feel as good as you did in that video." He kissed your cheek and bit softly at your earlobe earning a shudder. It was like if another person had took over him.
"Can I? You want me to make you feel good, muñeca?"
He was overwhelming your senses, then you felt him unbuttoning your shirt. You nodded.
"W-Wait... what if someone sees us?"
Miguel unbuckled your seat belt and pulled you for a deep kiss. Moaning, your hands raked down his chest, stopping at his belt.
"Don't worry on it. It's fucking pouring outside." He riled up your skirt up, exposing the fabric of your panties. His lips went to your neck and kissed a soft trail as his fingers dipped between clothed folds, earning a whimper. His free hand managed to pull out one of your breast and then rolled his tongue over it.
"So sensitive" His fingers rubbed in slow circles your little flesh mount. He took a moment to pull one of the windows two inches down, enough for air to seep in.
"Spread those legs for me, preciosa. Lemme see that pretty pussy." Your hips accommodated as your skirt was pushed upwards, he then removed your panties and smiled.
"Sit on the back seat. Can't taste you properly like that." With trembling hands you moved on the back leathery wide seat as he moved the front ones forward, leaving more space in the back. He removed his blazer and his tie. Your heels long forgotten in the front seat. He seemed like a caged animal in a tiny space, and you a small snack for him.
His hands kneaded the supple flesh of your thighs, you removed the blazer and soon he finished unbuttoning your shirt, your bra was unclasped, spilling your breast freely. He groaned and kissed you once more. In your haste you unbuckled his belt but he stopped you.
"Are you on contraceptives?"
His fingers spreaded your legs further, exposing your slick flesh. You just nodded dumbly.
"No habrá problema entonces." He muttered more to himself than anyone as he bend over, one of your thighs dangled in his left shoulder as he brought your slit closer to his mouth.
He did a small cross blessing on himself and a little prayer and licked his lips.
"We've got to be grateful for this meal." His tongue went flat against your slit and dragged it up. Your toes curled up and you groaned.
"Mira qué lindo coño tienes, mi amor." His lips focused in the little bundle of nerves, giving it soft suckles, kisses as his tongue dribbled in your inner folds.
"Podría comerte todo el día" He mumbled as he gave feathery bites on your plush flesh. His hands held your thighs, you were too enraptured in pleasure to mumble a coherent word. Instead your hands latched at his head softly and applied pressure only when he grew closer to that very sweet spot.
His tongue lapped up and soon his whole mouth disappeared between your folds. The obscene sound of his mouth working made your spine arch. He held you in place as his face kept buried between your legs. Your breath hitched as your body went taut. He switched in between devouring your clit and fucking you with his tongue.
"Y-Yes!" You hissed as searing pleasure crashed hard. Your toes curled in, and your body trembled, coming undone on his mouth. He made sure to clean you up before releasing your flesh with a wet pop. You pulled him for a kiss as the rain kept hitting the car, drowning any sound.
"Such a pretty and naughty baby." He cooed as he tied your hands behind your back with his neck tie, then pulled his pants down his knees and brought your knees close to your shoulders, exposing once more your puffed and wet cunt.
"Sending videos for me to watch" He pumped himself a couple of times before rubbing his flushed tip in your sopping folds. You moaned as he entered you slowly, feeling the good stretch of his cock in your walls and gasped.
Hearing your classmates talking about the possibilities of what Mr. O'Hara had between his legs was nothing compared to actually experiencing it as it dug deeper in your guts.
You gave a shaky whimper at how full you felt, and he was barely starting. You could only watch as his girth disappeared between your folds with ease.
"You're so tight, princesa." He kissed your temple, as you choked on a thrust he gave, shaking your whole body.
"Wanna be a good girl for me?" Nodding you groaned as he tangled one of his hands on your front bangs and held you still, to then ram his hips against yours. It earned him a sweet wail from you. He closed his eyes for a second, relishing at your warmth and tighteness
"So fucking good. Will give you a lil' present before you graduate." His hips slapped shamelessly and viciously, leaving you with little room to breathe properly. Your hands desperately trying to hold onto something
"Gonna miss you and this pussy when you're gone, you know that?" His voice rumbled through his chest between heavy pants and soft growls.
You were too cock drunk to actually speak, the lack of air was making you dizzy, soon you felt like a zombie, just grunting and moaning as his body crushed you, over and over, almost fucking you in to the seat. Miguel O'Hara was anything but gentle, in all sense of the word. The car shook softly and soon, you gritted your teeth as the pressure in your lower belly increased until you came on his cock. Gushing and clamping down hard.
Your body shook, and he cupped your cheeks, smiling at the debauched look on your face as you came, proud of himself. Your hands had numbed out, but he then untied them.
"Such a messy baby." His hips didn't stop, one of his hands snaked it's way to your neck and squeezed.
Your hands found a little strength to cling to his arm, his eyes never left you.
"Give me another one, mi amor"
He cooed as his hips fucked you silly, tears piling up at the corner of your eyes, overstimulation making a mess out of your senses. Your nails scratched his wrist as his thrust turned erratic, sloppier and finally he came as he cradled your limp body closer to his.
It was almost possessive. You gave a pathetic cry as you came with him. He kissed you softly and laid you gently.
He then pulled one of the windows down another couple of inches, letting air to refresh your burning body.
Your clothes were soiled, except for the blazer, the rest was drenched in sweat or covered in fluids. The good thing was that rain could cover up all evidence.
He looked at you in awe and pride.
"You look lovely in this one."
Mr. O'Hara's chat was opened, revealing a picture of you sucking his cock in his classroom with your graduation gown, looking at him with doe-like eyes.
"Thanks. You taste great, btw." You typed back, with a smirk
"Call me, Miguel, preciosa. I'm not your teacher anymore."
Si si, cállate — "Yeah, yeah, shut up"
Todo un placer, preciosa - "My pleasure, gorgeous"
cabrón— Fucker
muñeca- Doll
No habrá problema entonces- "No problem then"
Mira qué lindo coño tienes, mi amor- "You have a pretty pussy, my love"
Podría comerte todo el día- "I could eat you all day"
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jasmines-library · 3 months
hi love! idk if you are interested or not but i had an idea of reader being friends with lilly and severus but also with the marauders untill the oh so fateful day were sev ruined his friendship with lilly and reader. i love the idea of lilly ending up in james's arms and reader in sirius's (they are my boys sorry sev🤭)
thank you and again, only if you want! have a wonderful day lovely!
Only Human
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Warnings: Slurs (mudblood), swearing bullying kinda, negativity but fluffy ending
Word Count: 1.7k
Severus Snape was resting against a tree when it happened. The castle sat opposite him, just a short way across the clear water. The small ripples created by the creatures in the lake and the summer breeze often distracted him from the book that he rested between his knees and his chest as he tucked them up closely. It was this exact reason that he hadn't noticed the band of robe-clad gryffindors trudging up the slope toward him. James Potter led the group, he wore his signature charismatic grin; a smirk that twinged the corner of his lip upwards and made his nose scrunch beneath his glasses, and he had his wand held loosely in his hand. He twisted the delicate tool between his fingers as you would a drumstick. Sauntering over to Severus, he chuckled at his friends, nudging them playfully with his shoulder. 
“Snape!” He jested, calling out to him. 
His head snapped up, but he kept his back planted firmly against the tree as the group of marauders ran up to him. He squeezed his eyes shut, just hoping that they would turn and leave. But they were bored and Severus, who had been particularly troublesome toward them, had caught their eyes. Severus inched himself up against the tree so that he rose to his feet and began to turn back in the direction of the castle. 
James frowned, a look of mock pity set on his face. “Leaving already, Snivellus?”
Snape reached for his wand, but kept his back to them.  “Fuck off, Potter. I don’t want trouble.”
“Don’t you know it’s rude to turn your back to someone when they’re talking to you, Snape.” Sirius asked him. 
Severus whipped around quickly, his wand poised to cast a spell at them but James beat him to it; with one flick of his hand Snape's wand went flying across the river bank. He paled, the four Marauders stepping closer to him. 
“Nice one, James.” Sirius cheered. 
The dark haired boy backed up slowly, setting his gaze. The four of them were edging closer, threatening him with their wands when you spotted them. You had just finished class and were heading over to the lake with Lily, arm in arm. The two of you were over there in seconds when you saw your friends threatening each other. Much to your boyfriend's dismay, you and Severus had been friends from the beginning of the first year. You met him on the train; a shy boy with long hair who didn’t quite seem certain of the world. Lily bonded with him quickly, and you followed soon after. It wasn’t long after that that you met Sirius Black. Charming, brave, daring; he was the complete opposite to Snape, but you supposed that was what drew you to him so much. It was their clash in personalities that made the two clash. It seemed as though they were always doing something to wind up the other.
This time it had gone too far. You were unsure of what Sev had done to wind up the Marauders so much, but you and Lily were skidding to a stop beside them in a heartbeat. 
James caught a glimpse of Lily’s fiery hair out of the corner of his eye. “Lilyflower-”
“Leave him alone, James.” It wasn’t quite a demand, Lily never had that sort of aggressiveness in her, but her voice was firm. She didn’t want her friend to get hurt. 
“Ah, Evans, Don’t make me hex you.” James sighed, a playful twinge on his tongue.
“I’m serious.” Lily repeated when James refused to lower his wand, letting it loll around between his fingers. 
“No,” Sirius smirked. “I am.”
You gave him a hard stare through narrow eyes, and his smirk dropped. “Siri. Please.”
The boy nodded, nudging his friend who promptly pocketed his wand. Severus seemed taken back, his steps faltering. He glanced gratefully in your direction, though his anger and embarrassment were unmistakable in his eyes. 
“You’re lucky that they were here to help you, Snape.”
“I don’t need help from filthy mudbloods.”
You had expected many things from Severus, but those words were not one of them. He spat them with venom; malice intending to bite deep. And bite deep it did. 
You froze, eyes glassing over with tears. Serverus Snape had made an incredibly low blow; as a muggleborn, it was safe to say that it took some time to come to terms with your letter to Hogwarts. You were excited, of course but your parents were far from keen. Lily experienced the same thing with her sister too. Things didn’t get much better when you arrived at Hogwarts either. Some saw you as ‘impure’. Unworthy. Sev knew this and he had chosen to use it against you. Perhaps it was in a moment of spite, perhaps he hadn’t meant to say it at all. But all that mattered in that moment was that Severus Snape was just like the rest of them.   
You could see Sirius glance your way out of the corner of your eye, but when he took a step toward you you backed away. 
“Fuck you, Snape.” You spat back at him, trying to hide the waver in your voice. 
“You should watch your mouth, Snivellus.” Lily glared at him before turning on her heel and making her way promptly back to the castle before anyone else could say a word. 
You were left standing between the two groups, both slightly shell shocked, in silence.
Sirius, now full of guilt, opened his mouth to talk, but you pursued Lily before he could even form the first syllable.
 The tears came flooding in quickly after that. 
Sirius hadn’t seen you for the rest of the day. and that was partly because you refused to come out of the girls bathroom. He had even tried to get Moaning Myrtle to coax you out to talk to him, but still you refused to show your face as you curled up on the bathroom tile. It made his stomach churn. 
His pit of guilt dug itself deeper as he sat in class. Sirius’ leg bounced restlessly during potions and there was just as much ink on the page at the start of the lesson as there was at the end. The detention he was also given didn’t help ease his thoughts. His mind wandered to the worse case scenarios. It was his fault for provoking Snape… What if you never wanted to talk to him again? He was up in an instant when the fateful day came to an end and he could return to the common room. He dragged his feet up to the portrait and muttered the words to open it. Every part of him itched to see your face mingling amongst the crowd. 
At first, he didn’t see you. But he managed to make out the crown of your head resting against an armchair tucked away in the corner by the fire. His face softened when he saw the tear tracks staining your face where you had failed to wipe them away properly.  
You had spent practically the last two hours crying. Everytime the flood stopped, it seemed to start up again. Severus was supposed to be your friend and he had discarded you just like that. The back of your eyes stung, glassy beads threatening to spill again. When you finally braved it enough to make it back to the common room, you couldn’t bear to go up to your room. You hardly spent any time there anyway because you spent much of it lounging around in Sirius’ bed with the other marauders…and you were angry and Sirius. 
No… perhaps angry was too strong a word. Hurt. Hurt by his actions and his and James’ thoughtlessness. Being up in your room would have just reminded you of that. So instead you settled down with a book by the fire trying to distract yourself and let the world move around you. 
It didn’t take Sirius very long to reach you. He crossed the common room in a few wide strides. 
“Love?” Siri asked hesitantly. 
You peeked up at him meekly. Your eyes were red raw and puffy, it made the boy frown. Sniffing, you wiped your eyes with the hem of your sleeve. “Oh.. hi Siri.” you mumbled, not quite meeting his eyes. 
“Oh Lovey. I’m so sorry.” He melted, sliding onto the arm of the chair beside you. 
“ ‘ts okay. It’s not your fault…”
Sirius scowled. You were far too kind for your own good. He knew exactly what you had been through and made him sick just thinking that you weren’t allowing anyone to take the blame for it. “But it is, Dove. I shouldn’t have provoked him. If I had stopped James and just kept my mouth shut then you wouldn’t have had to come over in the first place.”
A tear spilled from your eyes and all of a sudden you broke all over again. “He was supposed to be my friend, Pads.” You blubbered, voice wavering. “He’s just like the rest of them…”
Sirius took your hands in his, pressing a kiss to them. “You didn’t deserve any of this, my love. I am so, so sorry.”
“Maybe they’re right….” You trailed off. “Maybe I am worthless. If Sev thinks so too then-”
“Shh.” Sirius pressed another kiss to your temple as he scooped you up into his arms. Burying your face into his chest you continued to cry. He trailed his fingers over your back. “You’ve never been more wrong in your life, Lovey. You are worth so much more than that. You’re kind, brave and not to mention the most beautiful girl in the world. You’re worth everything to me. Who gives a crap what they think?”
You sniffled, unsure. 
“I mean it.”
You looked up at him, wiping away your tears; a ghost of a smile on your lips. 
“I love you.” Siri whispered, kissing you softly.
“I love you too.” You settled your head against his chest, shifting to curl against him. 
It was there that James and Lily found you later, entwined with each other and sleeping peacefully. Safe within each other's arms.
@hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx
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littledollll · 3 months
Ok but manipulative obsessive ballet teacher larissa keeping her star student after hours so they can focus on her technique in more ways than one
It’s to help your form she says, definitely not just to see how flustered you can get
Private lessons
Ballet teacher!Larissa x ballerina!reader
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A/n: is this becoming a thing? I think it’s becoming a thing. I’m kinda obsessed, could be a little AU for us?👀 also I’d like to note that while I’m not gonna specify age in hopes of inclusivity, reader is around their mid 20’s.
HAH I wrote that back when I thought I was gonna have the ideas and motivation keep writing. Anyways, this is my last draft. Hope you enjoy!!
Warning: unhealthy teacher/student relationship, touching, sexual undertones, little bit of mean Larissa
“I will say this once and only once. At this level none of you should not need me walking you through every little step like the girls from baby ballet!” Larissa spoke loud enough to fill the room, before signaling the pianist to begin playing.
Everyone ran to form a line across the back of the room, you ending up fifth in line for the exercise. Perfect spot. Only four in front to watch, and be done quickly.
“However you’d like to start, give me four pique turns to the center, four changing fouettés, pas de bourree and close with a triple.”
One by one each student went. Some being sent back to start from the beginning if they messed up, some going without comment, very rarely did she praise anyone.
Your turn came, you started in a simple fifth position, spotting towards the diagonal which just so happened to be exactly where Larissa was standing. You had no trouble keeping your eyes on her.
“Thank you!” She said in a very clearly annoyed tone. “Finally someone who knows how to spot correctly. The rest of you should learn a little from this starting position. Go on, my dear. I apologize for interrupting your start.” You gave a short nod and began your sequence. Everything was going perfectly until the final part, where you failed to complete the third turn, but saved it by landing on fifth.
You quickly got up and were about to scurry back to the beginning but Larissa spoke up. “No need. You were perfect till the very end and at least saved it. Back of the line.”
You smiled, Larissa smiled back, giving you- a wink? Oh you must have been seeing things. She wouldn’t. What an odd thing it would be for her to do. Regardless, you nodded, looking down as you walked past her only for her to stop you in your tracks and tilt your chin up with her pointer finger. “A ballerina walks proudly. She floats with a straight back and gentle steps. Chin up, my dear.”
Surely she could see the dark red blush covering your cheeks, she nodded you off to continue walking, a smile still on her lips.
When she turned to continue the class, her smile fell, and the strict teacher was back.
When everyone was done with diagonal, she called back to center. “That will be all for today. Applaud yourself for the effort and I will see you all tomorrow.” She locked eyes with you as she spoke, before turning to talk to the pianist while everyone packed up and left.
“You. Stay back, my dear.” A few girls looked back, but she was very clearly talking to you. Her direct tone made it seem like you were in trouble, making your heart race.
“O-okay. Should I keep my pointes on?” You spoke as you stopped in the middle of untying the ribbon. “Yes, please do.”
“Is something wrong, ma’am?” You asked softly as you noticed her staring, watching you. She shook her head with a smile. “Nothing at all, darling. You’re a great student, I’d just like to give you a few pointers.”
By the time you finished tying your ribbons back on securely, and stood, walking over to her, everyone else was already gone, even the pianist. And Larissa had closed the door with the last one out.
“I’ll start with how you failed that triple turn. It shouldn’t be much of a difficult thing for someone of your level…” she mutters.
“Yes, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.” You said, lowering your head.
Larissa stepped in front of you, so close you could practically feel her breathing as she once again tilted your chin up. “What did I say about ballerinas, sweetheart.”
You blushed at the closeness, this woman was beyond beautiful, and talented. Having her this up close felt like an honor. You felt so small next to her. “They walk proudly.” You answered.
“Good girl. So you do listen.” She stepped back and you immediately missed her presence so close to yours. “Fortunately for you, I do know what happened.”
She rounded you. “Get into fourth, give me a clean double.” You did as told, a clean double pirouette, finishing back in fourth position.
“Good. Now give me a triple, this time focus on what you’re feeling.” Again, you did as told and just like last time fell on the last turn.
“Do you see the problem?” “Yes- I think so.” She nods. “Tell me.”
“My heel is on the floor by the time I’m in the third turn.” She looked at you proudly for a moment. “Very good. You’re dropping your heel. When you do a double it’s no issue because you’re still high on pointe. But you’re turning in demi at the third. No dancer of mine turns in demi at this level. That’s for the little girls. Tell me miss, are you a little girl?”
“I- well- no of course not.” She hummed, bringing a chair in front of the mirror, centered in the room. She pointed at you to move to the center as well as she sat down, crossing her gorgeously long legs.
Any dancer would die for those. You’re sure she was the envy of the whole school back when she was just a student. “You’re acting like it. You turn like it.” Her voice brought you back in the moment.
“Anyone can do a simple turn. I’m sure the damn pianist could come do one for us. Anyone can do a double too. Any one of the juniors at this establishment could. You’re failing, at this age and this level. I mean you can do it, but you don’t do it well.”
“I can. I promise you I can. I’ve done it before!” You rushed to prove yourself to her. She was the last person on earth you wanted to disappoint.
“Well of course you have. You wouldn’t be in this level if you couldn’t pull off a simple triple turn. So what is it? Are you finding the easy way? Is this you being lazy, in my class, miss?”
You wanted to cry at just the idea of disappointing her.. and this was how she saw you? Some lazy brat in an advanced class while she was God herself to you? That wouldn’t do.
“I’ll help you, my girl. You dance beautifully, you move and project emotions the way no other can. But you’re falling at the basics. All the talent and emotion in the world won’t save you if you can’t pull off a good turn. Try to think of any important role to dance which doesn’t turn.”
“There’s not many..” you said quietly. You wanted to bring your head down again, truly, you felt shameful. You could do it, both of you knew that. But you weren’t, why is that? Larissa wondered.
“Not any, my dear.” She sighed, walking behind you. “I want you to try for four turns with me here. I will spin and support you. Just keep that heel up.” You nodded, getting into fourth, and doing a plié before starting your turns.
Larissa’s hands moved quickly around your waist, guiding you through every turn and stopping at the four count. “You’re very capable. You can spot well, you could turn ten times with me here, I bet. But I trust you know that there won’t always be a pas de deux in every show or every dance. There won’t always be somebody to help you turn.”
“Yes I know, ma’am.” She smiled. “Of course you do. You’re a smart girl, my dear.”
“You trust that I won’t let you fall, yet you’re not trusting yourself.” She said, squeezing your hips lightly as she kept her hands in place. “You have the strength to stay up, no doubt. Trusting yourself is just as important.”
“Let’s try to balance on pasé for a few, hm? Get your body comfortable with staying up for a longer time.” She stepped back.
Her eyes were racking over your body. You could feel it, it only made your blush grow deeper. “Slowly. Take your foot from the ground up to your ankle first.” You moved as she spoke, she seemed to approve of that.
“Up your calf… and above your knee. Do not rest it, now hold.” You were perfectly still once she told you to hold position, settling all the shaking in an instant.
“Your breathing cannot interrupt you. I want it to look like you’re not even breathing. Keep that rib cage closed tightly and focus. Imagine there is a string going straight through the center of your body, pulling you up toward the ceiling.”
You breathed slowly, barely. Not even thinking about uttering a word at this moment. “Turning is much easier than balancing. You have more momentum to stay up, and as long as you don’t move and exaggerated amount you can get away with not being perfectly in center with your body. Though you should be.”
You felt the warmth of her hands again. You could see her blurry in the mirror, trying to keep your face straight. You stared right into your own eyes.
Her hands were under your breasts for a moment, pressing down on your rib cage gently. “Tightly closed. Very good, my darling.. very good.” She whispered.
Larissa’s hands caressed your thighs before reaching your knee, spreading your leg a little more open. “I should be able to see you in one line if I were to look at you from the side. Keep your knee aligned with your shoulder.” She spoke softly, having no need for loud words as she was practically pressed up against you.
Your balance shook as she adjusted you, but she didn’t let you fall. Instead helping you find your balance once more before moving on. “You’re focusing too much on me. I’m not even here. Now rest.”
You sighed in relief as she gave that command, letting your pointe trail down your leg the same way it trailed up, until you reached fifth position and got off pointe, allowing yourself to rest.
“That was very good.. I would’ve been a little disappointed had you not done that. Half the girls would rush, out of sheer desperation but you.. you did that stunningly. A very good girl, you are.”
“Thank you, ma’am.. I’ll be honest, I do my best to impress you…” Larissa quirked her brow. “Is that right.. Well, lovely girl, you do a good job at it. Let’s get those turns right and I’ll be even more impressed, proud, even.” Larissa hummed as she traced down your spine with her long fingers, and then reached your skirt.
Shamelessly, she began untying it, removing the garment from your body and throwing it next to her chair. “That thing only makes seeing the things I need to see harder.” You nodded in agreement, feeling your skin heat up as she held your hips for a few moments much longer than necessary.
“We will work on your left side another time. For now I want to focus on getting that left heel to stay up.” She stepped back, moving around you to be in front now. “Give me a triple pirouette.”
You took a deep breath in, breathing out slowly. You moved into fourth position, doing a deep plié before you started.
This time, you stayed up longer, but let your heel fall by the end. Larissa sighed. “Again.”
It went on for some time. Each time you would get closer to doing it right, finally. “Again.”
“Let’s try something. Think about doing four. Set your mind, we’re doing four turns, but remember you’re closing, cleanly, on the third.” You nodded, feeling anxious about how many tries this has already taken. No doubt you felt Larissa was tired of this.
With the thought cemented on your mind, you went for four. Just keep the heel up for four.
“Three, close it!” You landed it right as she finished speaking, closing on a tight fifth position, your arms rounded and lowered around your bellybutton.
“Absolutely perfect. You did perfect, my dear. That was the cleanest I’ve ever seen you turn.”
“Why’d you count?” You said in a whiny tone and Larissa couldn’t help but chuckle. “You all hate it when I count. But it helped you, didn’t it? I’m just guiding you, my beautiful girl.”
You smiled, “yeah it did help..”
“Come, sweet girl.” With hurting legs you walked to her, standing in front of her with little idea of what exactly to do. But she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards herself, wrapping you in a soft hug.
It was certainly an odd thing to do, but her warmth was something you seeked.. and God, was being in her arms delightful.
She rubbed your sides gently, caressing over your soft leotard. “You did very well, my star. I want to see this progress shown in the next class, yes?” You nodded, nuzzling yourself against her neck without even thinking about it. And breathing in.. she smelled expensive, a little woody but also floral. You wanted to bathe in whatever perfume it was she wore.
“Very good, my girl. It’s time for you to get home.” You almost whined as you pulled away from her, and Larissa hushed you. “Change out of your pointes, and don’t forget your skirt. I have to close up here soon.”
You nodded, going over to your bag and quickly changing into your street shoes and some shorts. “Um, thank you, ma’am. For helping me and everything.”
“It’s a pleasure to help such a delightful student like you, always.” You blushed, waving a quick goodbye before practically skipping out of the room.
Larissa smiled as she saw it written clear across your face, she had you wrapped around her little finger. What a good girl you truly were.
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lacroixwh0r3 · 2 years
Watch me, Touch me (part 2)
Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You've been avoiding Bucky after that night, but he isn't ready to let you go yet.
Part 1
Warnings: SMUT!!!, unprotected sex, creampie, spit, orgasm denial, dry humping, clothes ripping, alcohol usage, petnames (doll, honey, etc.), rough sex, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism, and teasing
Song inspo (feel free to listen if you want):
A/N: I am sooo freaking sorry for being gone for so long...I barely had a break this summer because I was taking classes and this is my final year in college (thank god!). But I will definitely try to write more when I can. Also I am so sorry about the errors in the first part...I did not read over it but I'll fix any errors when I get a chance lol. Anyway, ENJOY<3
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"God, how long is this going to take?" I asked myself out loud as I impatiently waited for the papers to come out of the printer so that I could get home before the storm started. I'll be damned if I have to walk home during a storm in a skirt and heels.
Once my papers were done printing, I sped to my desk with my head down to avoid anyone speaking to me. That was until I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I stop to check it and see that it's Bucky, once again asking if he did anything wrong.
I just sigh and shut off my phone before heading to my desk again.
It's been weeks since Bucky and I last spoke to each other.
After that night, we only spoke for a week until I realized I was getting too attached to him. I didn't want to end up with a broken heart because he seemed like an amazing guy, handsome, and his dick was like, really big.
I dropped the papers off at my desk, slipped on my jacket, and ran to the elevator. Once I was finally in, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the elevator walls, feeling exhausted. I wanted to do nothing more than just go to sleep right now.
I hear the elevator ding, indicating that it was going to stop for someone else. As it comes to a complete stop, I hear the sound of the doors opening, and someone walks on.
"Hello," a familiar voice says to me, causing my eyes to shoot open and me to jerk my head to where the familiar voice came from. Right in front of me was Bucky. He went to press the button for the floor he wanted, but I guess we were going to the same place.
Once he noticed that I was looking at him, he looked back at me, and his eyes widened at the sight of me in front of him.
"Y-y/n? "You work here?" He inquired, surprised that I was present.I break eye contact with him and look at the front of the elevator.
"Uh, yeah, I do," I simply reply, not wanting to look at him right now.For a moment, it was awkward, and for the next 40 seconds, which felt like hours, we both made it to the lobby of the building.
As soon as the doors opened, I dashed out of the elevator as I heard the sound of Bucky behind me. "Hey, Y/n! "Wait a minute, can we talk?" Bucky pleaded with me. The two doormen open the large doors as I quickly run out of the lobby, bidding them a quick "thank you" and "see you later" as I ignore Bucky.
As soon as I make it out the door, the rain instantly blinds me, causing me to almost run into a jogger. However, Bucky's vibranium hand quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his body before I could run into the person. "You need to watch out," Bucky says to me as we both stand in the rain, pressed against each other. "You could've gotten hurt badly, y/n." He whispered. Just hearing the way he said my name made me weak in the knees.
"Sorry..." I mumble as I try to avoid his hard gaze.
"How about I take you--"
"NO!" I said this before he could even finish his sentence. I can't be alone with him.
"It's raining, yes," he pleads with me. "I know you're avoiding me right now, but please let me take you home?" I let out a sigh and looked at him only to find him already staring at me with large, hopeful eyes.
"Please?" He begs again.
I finally give in, not wanting to leave him hanging even more.
"Fine," I say to him. I really hope I don't regret this.
"Thank you, my car is just up the street. We should start walking fast." He tugs at my arm as he begins to walk in the direction of the car. He was still tugging on my arm as I tried to keep up with him, but due to the wet clothes on my body and my uncomfortable heels, it was too hard.
Finally, we make it to what I assume is his car. He lets go of my arm to dig into his back pocket to get the keys to the car. I reach out my arm to open the door, but he beats me to it and opens it for me.I just shake my head and give him a look of disapproval.
"Thanks, Bucky," I say to him as I slip into the expensive car. As soon as he closed the passenger door, I looked around the spotless car and noticed the clean leather seats, cringing at the fact that they were probably going to be ruined now because of our wet clothes. Bucky finally gets in the car and instantly presses the button to start it up.
It was silent as Bucky made his way towards our apartment. I decided to speak up and lessen the awkward silence by saying, "I am so freaking sorry about messing up your nice seats." I say to him as I look over at him with a guilty look. He looked so good while driving with that concentrated look on his beautiful face that it made me clench my legs even harder.
"No, it's fine," she says.He takes his eyes off the road for a slight moment and looks into my eyes and down at my legs as my skirt goes farther up my thighs, but he quickly looks back at the road and clears his throat.
I swear, for a split second, there was a look in his eyes that could bring any person to their knees. In order to contain myself, I bite my bottom lip and look out the window. I was afraid I might say or do something I'd regret later. My mind then starts to drift off to the first time I "met" Bucky.
I soon snapped out of my daydreaming when I realized that we were sitting in the slightly dark parking garage at our apartment complex and Bucky was calling my name.
"Y/n? "Are you okay?" Bucky asked me with a concerned look on his face once I snapped my head towards him. I just nodded my head, still not trusting myself to speak.
"Are you sure, doll?"  "You were squirming in your seat for a while," he said, making my face flush with embarrassment. He was watching me get turned on the entire time I was thinking about the time we both watched each other through the window.
"Um yeah, I was just thinking about something—work!" "You know how work gets." I let out an awkward laugh, trying to get off the topic quickly. Bucky lets out a small hum and chuckles a bit as he looks at me and turns the car off, almost like he knows what I am actually thinking about.
He most definitely knew what I was thinking about, but I would never admit it out loud.
We both get out of the car and begin walking to the elevator. "Thanks for the ride, Bucky," I say softly as I give him a weak smile, causing him to smile back and brush his fingers through his long locks.
"Anytime, sweet girl," our stroll returned to silence, but not before he asked me a question."Do you want to come over for a drink?"
When he noticed my hesitation, he quickly clarified that it was only one drink and I was free to say no if I didn't want to. Even though I knew I should've said no, I still agreed.
Soon, we arrive at the door of his apartment. He quickly scrambles for his keys, unlocks the door, and pushes the door open. He allows me to go first and closes the door behind himself. Surprisingly enough, the apartment was one of the cleanest places I've been to.
"Your place is so clean, Bucky, I'm a little shocked," I say to him jokingly as I look around the apartment that was slightly the same as mine. I see him snap his head towards me as he drops his keys on the countertop.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Y/N?" Bucky lets out a laugh.
"I'm kidding," I reassured him. "Your place is one of the cleanest places I've ever seen."
He lets out a hum in response.
"So, I have red wine or some whiskey. Which one do you want?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes and leans against his arms on the countertop.
The dim light and the way he looked at me right now made me want to climb up and let him have his way with me, but I resisted the urge.
"Hmm, you pick." He bites his lip and turns around to grab the glasses. He grabs one wine glass and another short glass for the whiskey, which I would assume is for him. He sits them down and begins to pour the drinks for them.
"Here you go, sweetheart," he says to me as he hands me the wine glass. I felt my heart beat out of my chest due to the nickname and our fingertips touching as he handed me the glass.
"Thank you, Buck." I spoke to him softly.
"Of course," he says before taking a quick sip of his whiskey. "How about we have a seat, hmm?" Bucky leads me to the couch.
I put my drink down and plopped down on the couch so that I was facing him. We both sat there for a minute just looking at each other until a smile slowly crept onto his face, causing us both to laugh.
After a couple of seconds, we both begin to cool down, and he immediately asks me the question I've been avoiding. "Why haven't you answered my calls or texts, Y/N?" His face was now laced with concern.
"Was it something I did?" He followed up.
"Bucky, "It was nothing you did that caused me to stop responding," I sighed."I just didn't want to get attached in case you didn't want anything to do with me."
I look down, but he quickly grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Y/n, I would never lead you on." He reassures me as he searches my face and strokes my chin with his thumb.
"After that first night with you, I knew I needed to have more of you." He bites his lip once more, which causes my eyes to focus on his lips.
"Do you understand me?" Bucky asked me sternly. I just let out a hum, but I guess that wasn't enough for him because his grip on my chin got more firm. "Words baby."
"Yes, Bucky," I whisper back to him. At this point, I wanted to climb into his lap and fuck him into oblivion. I needed him.
"Good girl." He was now looking at my lips as his thumb swiped across my bottom lip.
The sexual tension was out of control, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to control myself much longer.
He suddenly pulls me onto his lap, causing me to let out a yelp. I could feel his cock pushing against my pussy through my tights as I was sitting right on top of it. I knew he could feel the warmth of my pussy due to his cock stirring in his pants and his thighs slightly flexing as he pushed his hips against me to get more friction.
"Did I do this to you, Bucky?" I whisper in his ear as my breathing gets heavier. I feel his lips slowly ghosting down my neck.
"Fuck yes, Y/n." He lets out a breathy whisper, causing me to shiver. I feel his hands move down my back and stop on my ass.
He pushes me down farther as he grinds against me. I could feel my puss pulsing. I needed him right now. I've been craving him, and now that I have him, I'm not sure I can let go.
He kisses my neck softly as we both let out gentle low moans and dry hummed each other like teenagers.
"Bucky-shit—I need you in me right now, baby," I whined out to him as I threw my head back in euphoria.
"Yeah? "Are you going to be a fucking good girl for me?" He grunted as he left his hand up and quickly brought it down to spank my ass.
"Ye-oh, my god!"
"What was that doll?" He spanks my ass once more as he waits for my reply.
"Fuck, yes, Bucky!" I moan out loudly. "I'll be your good girl, only for you."
"Only for me?" Bucky whispers in my ear, causing me to push my pussy down on him more and to clench around nothing.
"Only you, Bucky." I say as I bite down harshly on my lip. He grabs the back of my neck and pushes down on my ass as he flips us over so I'm laying on my back on the sofa and he's sitting between my legs.
Bucky bunches my skirt up some more so that he has better access to my pussy. He then rips my thin tights and rips my underwear, which were apparently too flimsy.
"Bucky!" I let out a gasp, getting ready to scold him because he ripped my underwear, but I was quickly interrupted by my own moans as he brought his rough yet soft fingers down on my clit and slowly began to rub it in small, gentle circles.
"I'm sorry, baby, I needed to get to this pretty little pussy fast." Bucky says as he leans in for a rough kiss. All I could do was moan into his mouth.
However, he suddenly pulls away from the kiss and removes his fingers from my clit. I let out a small whine out of frustration.
"I'm sorry, baby, I know you're wet already, but I'm going to need to get you even more wet." He says this as he brings his fingers up to his mouth and spits onto the tips of his fingers. Bucky then rubs the spit-covered fingers onto my clit as I let out a loud sob of pleasure. I know I'm loud right now, but I couldn't help it.
"You like this, huh?" He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes as he keeps himself up with a metal arm. "You like it when I please you like this, darling?"
"Fuck, Buck. Yes more!" I let out a groan.
"I'll give you more doll, but can you take them?" He teased me as he continued to play with me. I whine again as I pull his head close to my chest.
"Who am I kidding? I know you can, my little whore, isn't that right?" All I could do was just nod my head. I couldn't even form words at this very moment.
He suddenly stops once again and says, "Bucky." I moan loudly, becoming more and more frustrated as he teases me. This time, he jumps off the couch and stands on top of me, unbuckling his pants.I could now see the outline of his thick, erect cock through his boxers.
Bucky then pulls down his boxers too. His cock springs out as it is released, causing me to gasp. Even though I had seen it before, touched it, sucked it, and had it in me, I was still shocked by his size. He chuckles at my reaction.
"Oh, baby, don't be shocked now. I know you can take it just like the other times, right?" He chuckles and lets out another beautiful moan as he begins to stroke it slowly. The way his arm flexed as his hand moved back and forth on his cock while his metal arm stroked his torso made me even more wet.
"Buck baby, please—I need you in me now," I beg him as my hands inch down to my pussy. The ache inside me only grew stronger and stronger, and I had to relieve it somehow.
"Fine, baby, since you've been good." Bucky says as he spits on his plump, pink lips.He climbs between my legs and pushes my legs open so that I am exposed to him. I could feel his thick, warm cock rub against my pussy. We both let out loud moans.
"You're getting me so wet already, baby, and I'm not even inside you yet." As he continues to thrust his tongue between my lips, he says. "Do you like it when I do this, hmm, doll?" Bucky looked at me before lifting his shirt and biting his lip at the lewd view. I decided to look down too and was met with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Oh Bucky, look at us, baby." I breathe out. He moans in response and continues his thrust, but once he goes back, I decide to reach between us and guide his cock into me. We both let out loud, sharp gasps once he thrust in again. I felt myself stretch around his length.
"Holy fuck!" He moans as he slowly thrusts into and out of me.Bucky decides to lift both of my legs and push them up as his strokes begin to go faster.
"Oh my god, Bucky," I almost yelled out. "You feel so fucking good, so fucking deep inside me!" This only encouraged him to go even faster. I felt as though his balls slapped against my ass, causing a loud sound of our skin meeting together. He bent down and attacked my lips with his. Both of our tongues moved against each other as he let out a few grunts here and there in the kiss as I whimpered.
I sucked at his bottom lip, but he jerked back, looking down, and pulled up his sweatshirt, which had felt down his chiseled abs. His once perfectly slicked back hair was now unkempt. I had begun to feel my pussy clench down on him tighter as that familiar feeling that we both were chasing got closer. I was ready to release.
"Baby, I'm about to come!" I moan out as I throw my arms above my head, unsure of what to do with them at that moment.
"Yeah? You're going to cum for me, good girl?" He asked me teasingly.
"Yes-Fuck Bucky!" I moan and close my eyes, ready to release, but I guess Bucky had other plans because he pulled out of me before I could even complain.
This dirty motherfucker
"Hmm, I'm not so sure, dirty girl..." He lets out the sexiest laugh as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock. He pushes my legs up again with his metal arm and begins to flick the tip of his cock against my clitoral. I was becoming overwhelmed by the feeling.
"Bucky, what are you doing to me? Oh my god!" I moan. I reached around my thighs as I tried to get him to slow down his fast motions. He then pushed inside of me again, but this time he had gripped the back of my thighs as he roughly gripped me. I couldn't even breathe at this point—all of my senses were overwhelmed.
Bucky was concentrated as he thrust into me hard, never making a single sound as he looked deeply into my eyes. The loud clapping sounds could be heard throughout the whole apartment, most likely in the hallway too. The thought of someone hearing us only turned me on more.
I opened my mouth to let out a moan, but nothing came out. His thrust never slowed down, causing beads of sweat to begin to form and roll down the side of his face.
This was a different side of Bucky I had ever seen; there was almost something animalistic about him right now. That didn't frighten me though...I only wanted more.
His grip on my thighs tightened as he got closer to coming. "Are you going to cum for me, big boy? Hmm?" I moaned. He didn't respond to me, but he began to let out deep moans. His thrusts started to get sloppy as his orgasm got closer.
He lets go of my thighs and leans his body onto mine so he can kiss my neck. The sensation of his breath hitting my next, his cock repeatedly hitting my spot...I knew that I was going to cum. As he came inside me hard, he let out the loudest moan I've ever heard from him. This caused my orgasm to hit me like a truck.
"Oh my god, I'm fucking cumming Bucky," I moan as I pull him closer to me by his hair.
"You're cumming all over me, pretty girl." He moans into my ear. We were both cumming together at this point and loudly moaning. I feel his hot soup begin to fill me up. His body shook and hardened against mine as he reached his release. My pussy clenched even tighter around his cock.
"Do you like cumming around this cock as I feel you up?" Yeah?" He kissed my neck some more as he was coming down from his orgasm. I just whimpered and nodded my head as I was coming down from my orgasm too. I couldn't speak even if I tried. His hips were now slowly moving until he decided to stop and just lay on top of me.
We both sat there in silence for a little bit, as his cock was still in me. Bucky then finally decided to pull out, causing us both to gasp, and he looked down at my pussy as his cum slowly leaked out of me.
"Doll, look at you. My messy cum is leaking out of that beautiful pussy." He almost coos at me as his finger tips gently swipe the cum back inside me.
I decided to sit up and stare at the handsome man in front of me. I felt like I was glowing, like I could be whatever with Bucky.
He looks up at me as I stare at him, causing him to tilt his head like a lost puppy. "Are you okay, honey?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face.
"Of course I am Buck; I was just looking at how handsome you are." I smile at him sweetly wanting to do nothing more than sit there and cuddle with him on his comfy couch. His cheeks began to get red as he blushed and looked back at me with a shy look.
I made Bucky flustered. This causes my heart to flutter against my chest.
"Aww, thank you, honey. You look amazing right now too." Bucky tells me as he leans forward to kiss my head and pinches my cheek afterwards.
"Come on, let's go get in the shower and get some food after. Does that sound good to you?" He asked me as he climbed off the couch and reached for my hand.
"That sounds great, handsome." I grab his hand, and he begins to lead us to his bathroom.
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zeenelly · 5 months
(because I currently have it so---)
Tw: slightly angst, fluff, maybe suggestive? depression, negative feelings. This is for me, but I'll begin to take requests (and yes, I will make that WHB for you person) some are longer then others.
Riddle rosehearts
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Riddle noticed the way you were beginning to become distant from just about everyone. You called out of class the last few days saying you were 'sick'. He did worry about you, don't get it twisted, but he didn't exactly have a chance to go over to Ramshackle to check on you. Until he got Trey to take over for a few hours while he went out to see you. He even made sure to bring a few tarts Trey made for you. When he knocked on the door the 3 ghosts opened up
(I named the ghosts Eddie, Joe, and Markus because they old like that-)
"Ah you must be the dormleader of that uh-" the plump ghost Eddie said before snapping his fingers
"Heartslabyul." He spoke.
"Yeah that's the one. Now why are you here?"
"I'm here to see MC" he held up a basket.
"Oh, uh... well, they should be locked up in their room. Grims been worried, too. They say that they are okay, but it's a tale tell sign of burnout." The slimmer ghost Joe said.
Riddle heard the words burnout and shoved by them and into Ramshackle. He ran to your room knocking softly
"MC...my love...it's me riddle" he spoke and opens the door.
You laid in the bed that was, well, really uncomfortable. But you didn't care. You were so burt out on life it was unreal. Riddle slowly walked over to see you closer. He set the basket of tarts down and crawled into bed with you, his face red.
"MC.. I know it's hard to keep up with everyone, but know I'm right here with you." He spoke and held you in his arms.
You were already feeling better.
Leona kingscholar
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Leona has noticed you have been skipping out on lunch with him. In fact, he's realized you've been gone for the last few days. He slowly stood up and streched out. He slowly began to walk to Ramshackle. Leona just entered Ramshackles dorms without a care in the world.
"Mcccc! Are you sick my love?" He asked. And out came Grim.
"No they're fine just having burn out"
Leona eyes widened. Burn out? Mc was having burn out? He sighs
"Damn Herbivore...always taking care of everyone else and not themselves.." he sighs and texts ruggie something. "Grim will you go comfort MC for a bit. I need to grab some things."
"Hah? Your leaving?" He asked upset
"I need to get all their favorite things together. I'm gonna make sure they feel better. " he walked out towards savannaclaw.
Leona gathered his blankets as Ruggie put them in a travel bag. Leona threw in some stuff and hands Ruggie his credit card.
"Go and buy some sweets. And some new bedding for mc. You know what just buy them an entire new bed. Their bed is so uncomfortable."
"Shihihihi alright alright"
Leona was gonna make sure you were gonna have the best rest possible to make you feel better.
Azul ashengrotto
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Azul was working on contracts when he saw Floyd carry you in. Azul dropped everything upon seeing that all too familiar face. Burnout. He quickly tells Floyd to make some of your favorite food. And after Floyd quickly left
"Mc... you went and done it again.." he ran his fingers trough his hair and sighs.
Tears trickled down your cheeks and you hugged him tightly. He blushed brightly at the fact that you had hugged him so suddenly. He pets your hair slowly and brings you to his room to rest.
"You need to put yourself first sometimes, angelfish..." he placed a kiss on your head and wraps you in his softest blankets. "I'll be right back angelfish"
He walked out and into the lounge. He snaps his fingers and jade and Floyd came over.
"Find Crowley. I want him to know my angelfish is burnt-out because of him. They will be staying here."
"Fufufufu~ I'll make sure to give him a tight squeeze!~" Floyd smiled. Jade nods and they both walk off.
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers
A/N: this is a nod to booktok. Also…two fics in one day?? Who am I?? Please enjoy!
Pairing: Eddie x fem!reader
Warnings: fingering, oral f receiving, choking, use of pet names (baby, kitten, slut just once), p in v, creampie
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Her back was pressed against the wall with his hand firmly around her throat. His face was only inches away from hers with a devilish smirk adorning it.
“I hate you!” She snapped.
“Is that so, sweetheart? I bet if I slid my hand into your underwear you’d be soaking-“
“HELLO? IS ANYONE HOME?!” Your best friend yelled, breaking your attention from your book.
“What?” You grumbled.
“Did you find the last answer to the history homework?” You handed her your paper and went back to your book.
“You know, I read something the other day that said whatever you like to read is what you look for in a relationship.”
She wriggled her eyebrows at you but you just scoffed.
“That’s not true at all. I love enemies to lovers and if that’s the case- I’d be into…” your gaze crossed the cafeteria to the metalhead who was talking animatedly to his club.
“Which you totally are,” she smirked.
“I am not!” You shrieked. The cafeteria went silent for a moment while people looked at you. Even the object of your ire looked your way. You shot him a dirty look to which he returned one of his famous, stupid faces with his tongue sticking out.
“And just like the characters in your book, you’re in denial,” your friend laughed. You simply rolled your eyes and went back to the pages in front of you. You couldn’t focus, however, your eyes flittering back to “the freak” more often than you would’ve liked.
You didn’t actually believe he was a freak, just insanely infuriating. He had been paired with you for a project where you had to do all of the work while he just messed around. He found it incredibly fun to irritate you and that’s how your rivalry began. And while you loved your enemies to lovers trope in books, it was far less fun in real life.
It seemed the universe didn’t agree as you kept running into Eddie for the rest of your day. He actually showed up to your shared class which he usually skipped and you had a hard time not staring. He even ran into you in the hallway before your final class- quite literally.
“Maybe if your nose wasn’t always shoved in a book, you’d watch where you’re going,” he snapped.
“Maybe if you actually read a book every once in a while you wouldn’t be such an idiot,” you shot back.
“You know what, you’re right. I’ll start with this one.” He snatched the book from your hands and ran down the hallway. You went to chase him just as the bell rang. You knew you’d never catch him in time to not be late for class.
You might as well have skipped, you couldn’t focus at all. You were hoping Eddie wouldn’t snoop through the book and would be satisfied enough just by taking it from you.
After class had ended, you stalked through the halls in search of the thief. With no luck in the school, you made your way into the parking lot where his van was already gone. Guess you weren’t getting your book back any time soon.
Luckily, you had a stash at home of other, similar books to keep you entertained in the evening. The hours melted away into night time without you even noticing. Your attention was drawn away by the grumbling of your stomach. The kitchen didn’t have many options so a sandwich would have to do.
You were about to dig in when someone knocked on your front door. You opened it a crack and when you saw who it was, your heart sank into your stomach.
“Hey, princess.”
“Eddie? What are you doing here?”
He pressed your door open further and waltzed in past you. “Excuse me?”
“Figured you’d be missing this,” he said, holding up your book.
“So you thought you’d invite yourself into my house? My mother could’ve been home,” you said nervously.
“Last Thursday of the month, she works the overnight,” he said nonchalantly, taking a bite out of your sandwich.
“You remembered?”
“Well duh, that’s the only day you’d let me come over to work on our project,” he laughed.
“I’d hardly call what you did ‘work’,” you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t think it’s wise to sass me, sweetheart,” his tone was darker before as he set the food back onto the plate. He stalked toward you before stopping, his eyes catching sight of the book you had been reading previously.
“I see you have a collection.”
“They're just books,” you said nervously.
“Hmm I disagree. This is some juicy stuff, kitten.” Your heart began to race at his use of the nickname that was made popular in the book he stole. So he did read it…
“Eddie…” his voice came out as almost a whimper as he stopped in front of you, your back pressed against the counter.
“Who knew the quiet nerd was such a naughty little freak?”
“I’m not…”
“Your books would say otherwise, baby. I never took you for the type to like it rough. Should we see if you can really handle it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…I want to fuck you into next week. I want to make all your fantasies come true.” His hand caressed your cheek before moving down to your throat, giving it a quick squeeze.
“And what makes you think I want you? In case you haven’t noticed, I kinda hate you,” you snapped, your senses returning momentarily.
“Well much like your book, I guarantee if I touched you, you’d be soaked. Oh, but wait, you never got to that part. Guess I’ll just have to show you-“
Eddie crashed his lips to yours in a feverish kiss of tongue and teeth. He nipped at your bottom lip harshly making you whine.
“Bedroom- now,” he demanded.
“Don’t be so bossy,” you snapped. He turned you around and slapped your ass.
You decided to obey and hurried off to your room with Eddie hot on your trail. You weren’t even a foot inside your room when he spun you around and brought you to him for another kiss.
He backed you over to the bed until your knees hit the edge and you fell backwards. He wasted no time in tugging your pants and underwear off.
“Shit, baby. I can see how wet you are already. You get this wet for everyone you hate?”
“Just you,” you said. “Just hate you.”
He brought his hand down to slap your pussy, making you jump.
“Lose the attitude,” he growled.
“Fuck it out of me- if you can,” you challenged. You opened your mouth to send another insult his way but the only thing that came out was a gasp as he dove tongue first into your cunt.
His hands had a bruising grip on your hips while he are you out like a man deprived of food. Your head was swimming and legs were shaking within minutes.
“Eddie, holy shit!”
“Still hate me?” He chuckled, sliding two fingers into you.
“So much,” you said stubbornly.
He started to thrust his fingers into you while his tongue resumed its assault on your clit. Euphoria washed over you as your orgasm came out of nowhere. Your back arched off the bed but Eddie didn’t relent. You had to physically push his head away from your center when you couldn’t take anymore.
“You know what happened next in the book?” He asked. You shook your head and watched as he undid his belt and shrugged his pants off. “Your little heroine got her brains fucked out and pussy claimed by her so called enemy.”
“Yeah? And how’d he do that?” You asked.
Eddie pushed his underwear down, allowing his cock to spring free. He stroked himself a few times before lining up with your entrance.
“He came so deep inside her pussy she could feel him for days after.”
He thrust into you in one push and your eyes rolled back in your head. Eddie held your hips up so he could fuck deeper into you.
You couldn’t stop the moans from escaping, too blissed out to care.
“Are you gonna cum on my cock like a good little slut?”
He reached one hand to your throat and grabbed it. Between the grip he had and the bruising pace he had set, your vision started to get blurry. The coil was quickly tightening in your stomach.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart. Watch me while I cum in this pussy. Who does it belong to?”
“Y-you,” you gasped. The dam broke and your second orgasm washed over you. Eddie’s grip loosened and rhythm faltered until he stilled deep inside you, his cum coating your walls.
“That’s right, baby. I own you now,” he chuckled before kissing you again. He pulled out slowly, watching as his cum dripped down your folds.
*knock knock knock*
Your eyes shot open, chest heaving with deep breaths. A thin sheen of sweat covered your forehead as you jolted awake from your sinful dream.
*knock knock knock*
You looked around- your book was still open on the armrest of the couch where you had fallen asleep. You quickly got up, shaking the images of Eddie fucking you from your head.
You opened the door, eyes popping from your head.
“Hey, princess.”
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mpregandproud · 5 days
The man of my dreams
Getting pregnant was the best thing I've ever done in my life. I used to be the invisible kid in class. I was skinny, unattractive, nobody noticed me. I never had a boyfriend, and I had a hard time finding a guy to fuck. But sometimes life has surprises in store.
One night at a fraternity party I got drunk and woke up the next day naked on a bed. I didn't remember anything that had happened the day before, but something in me felt different.
It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what it was. That night I don't remember I got pregnant. I was carrying a baby.
A month into the pregnancy, my belly was already showing a little. My skin glowed, my hair looked better than ever and my body grew. Something clicked with my fellow faculty members because from that day on I started getting visitors in my room or they would offer to accompany me to the bathrooms every time I had to leave class to pee. And it only got better as the months went by.
Frank, Isaak, Daniel, David, Aaron, Scott, Bruce, Bob… there wasn't a guy who didn't approach me since I got pregnant. Tall, muscular, blondes, brunettes, attractive, and with huge dicks. My ass had never had such a good time as it had these past few months.
But there was only one problem. The one guy I'd always liked, the one I'd been talking to at that party nine months ago, George, was the only one who hadn't paid any attention to me. He was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. Tall, athletic, intelligent, dark hair and beard. Someone mysterious, but successful. The man of my life, even if he didn't know it yet.
These last few weeks, on the other hand, my sexual activity has slowed down quite a bit. My huge belly, I am expecting triplets after all, prevents me from going to class every day. The doctor has recommended me to rest, so my encounters have gone. My pleasure lately is to eat like a pig, while lying in my underwear on the couch watching episodes of Friends.
One of these days, while I was devouring two huge pizzas, the doorbell rang. With great difficulty I got up and approached the door. I had to stop a couple of times, because for the last couple of days the contractions have started. I'm about to give birth, it's nothing unusual.
When I opened the door my water almost broke. The man that was waiting only lives in my dreams. George was standing there, wearing a tight white T-shirt that showed all his muscles. I didn't know how to react, I didn't know what to say, I was speechless:
- "Hello, handsome" - He said to me with a perfect smile.
- "H... h... hi. What are you doing here?" - I answered with a blush on my face. Was that a dream I was seeing?
- "I think you have something that's mine… ours. Don't you?"
- "What do you mean?" - I was speechless again. What would I want to say.
- "Nine months ago we were together... don't you remember? I was scared after fucking you, it was my first time with a man and I never felt that good with someone. I was stupid, I ran away and I haven't dared to come back here".
- "You? Was it you? Did you get me pregnant?"
- "Yes, I think I did. I spent the night with you, we were together all the time and after many drinks you took me to bed."
- "Thank you. I couldn't say anything else..."
- "Thank you?"
- "Yes, thank you for giving me the greatest gift of my life." - We were both crying and smiling at the same time.
- "Get the over here!" - He grabbed my face with his two strong hands and kissed me with a passion I had never felt before.
We kissed and went to the bed. He helped me take off my boxers and ate my whole cock. Fuck, what is this, I've never been so hard. If I didn't cum four times I didn't cum any, and this had only just begun.
With the same confidence with which he appeared in my house he grabbed my belly on both sides and kissed every inch of my skin and sucked my breasts that were already a considerable size with milk. My body was filled with an electricity that I had never experienced before. I was in heaven. This is real love.
When I thought it was all over, he opened my legs and pushed his penis in. A slow, gentle movement. The gentleness, the pleasure, the rhythm. Again, this man is a sex god, and the father of my children. He is mine. He is mine. HE IS MINE.
And then... the waters broke. A whirlwind of water rushed out of me. The three little people who united us forever were coming. In the end I will not give birth alone, George is here with me. Dad and daddy, finally together.
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yagirlwrites · 2 months
Drinks & Misunderstandings
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Hiii! It's been a while! Here's a little The Sounds of a Good Boy blurb about another encounter where Rafe makes a fool of himself and she thinks he's a dumbass🙈 this is set right after The Night We Met ❤️ Hope you like it!
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Series Masterlist
My work is my own; it’s not to be copied, transferred or translated. Reblogs are welcome! Happy reading!🥰
Drinks & Misunderstandings
It had been exactly a week since their encounter at the party. Rafe had been able to think of very little except her. It was extremely inconvenient and fucking frustrating. He thought about the way she looked at him in the kitchen more times than he could count and it ended up making his pants get tighter every time. He didn’t understand what it was about her that made him so obsessed. He was also incredibly angry and tired of her running through his mind given the fact that she spoke exactly three words to him- when he asked if her friend was okay. Oh but her voice was stuck on repeat. He had felt butterflies in his stomach when she finally spoke to him.
It hadn’t mattered that she only said “I don’t know.” He was so taken aback that he didn’t even manage to respond before she left. She seemed distressed and he wanted to ask more, to offer to help -something! But she was gone before he could process and he spent all night kicking himself for not being quicker. Though he knew she probably wouldn’t have wanted his help anyway, given that she had ignored him all night.
This Saturday, the usual frat party scene was exchanged for a birthday bar hop for one of his frat brothers. Rafe wasn’t really feeling it. Though the alcohol was welcome, the company and the loud music was not. He had been drowning his sorrows all week, barely paying attention to his classes. His mind always on her. He wondered what happened to her friend, if she was okay; wondered if he’d ever see her again. He mostly wondered why the hell he was wondering about all those things in the first place. He couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation, not understanding how she managed to have such a hold on him when he didn’t even know her name.
The bar they were currently in was one of the classier establishments they visited that night. If the interior hadn’t made it clear the prices of the drinks left no room for doubt. It was crowded and hot but at least the music wasn’t as loud as in the bar they were in last. He was starting to feel a headache coming, so he welcomed the slightly queieter albeit pretentious environment they were in now.
The guys had spent all night circling the group for drink duties, he had befallen the faith of getting the next round. He was already feeling the effect of the alcohol as he made his way to the bar to order more drinks. Slightly leaning onto the counter for support after stumbling a little on his way over, he bumped into the person to his left, throwing a quick sorry as the guy glared at him.
Waiting for the bartender to notice him he lazily ran his eyes over the girl to his right. Her back was facing him as she leaned on the bar, almost mirroring his position. She was hot. Wanting to see her face, he leaned slightly closer, hoping she’d turn around if she senses his presence. Her perfume hit him and he swore he smelled it before but his drunk mind couldn’t place it.
Just as he expected, she could feel him behind her so she turned around to glance at him. As soon as their eyes met he felt like he had been struck by lightning. It was her. The same girl who had been plaguing his thoughts for a week straight, same girl who made him feel small that night, same girl he hoped he would run into again. And there she was, standing right in front of him, wearing a sexy little black dress and looking at him again.
He could see recognition in her eyes and he felt a rush of excitement at the prospect. She remembered him. If his mind had been slightly less hazy he might have considered that wasn’t the best thing, that perhaps if she hadn’t remembered him he would have had a chance to start over, not make a fool of himself again. But all he could feel was excitement because she was there and she remembered him.
When she turned to see who had so blatantly given himself the right to stand so close to her, the last person she expected to see was him. The guy from last week’s party, same guy who had annoyed her that night, same guy who surprised her by showing concern for her friend, same guy she had thought of more times than she would ever admit to herself over the last week.
He was looking dumbstruck and she knew he remembered her. She expected him to look sheepish or even smug but he actually looked... happy? He looked like he was happy to see her. She thought it might have been an act but seeing the way his eyes were glazed and he was supporting himself on the bar, she realised he was genuine, clearly drunk and not capable of hiding his emotions. It was pretty damn adorable. She was sure after their last encounter he wouldn’t be happy to see her but there he was - right in front of her, smiling like a little kid. It took her some effort not to smile at the sight. He looked so innocent, with his bright dimply smile and his floppy hair- but she knew better.
If a by-stander had been watching them they might have noticed they were both standing there, staring at each other for a beat too long. The little moment interrupted by the bartender laying down the drinks she ordered in front of her. She broke eye contact and reached for her wallet. As she was taking it out of her purse an arm reached in front of her, black card making it to the man’s hand before she could process it.
“Drinks are on me” he said. The bartender made quick work of scanning the card and handing it back to him. He looked to her, hoping for a smile. He finally got a second chance to make a better impression on her and he jumped at the opportunity. Being a gentleman, buying her and her friends their drinks.
Her face though, wasn’t happy. She looked pissed, in fact. If this were a cartoon, Rafe imagined steam would be coming out of her ears in that moment. He didn’t understand what happened. Paying for expensive cocktails as a peace offering seemed like a good idea. Now he wasn’t sure what her problem was. Maybe she was just a miserable person.
She took the drinks in her hands, trying to balance them on the little tray. She felt like she could burst. The nerve of this asshole. The entitled douchebag. A total prick. That’s what he was. Any trace of her prior thoughts about seeing him again went out the window. The gall of this guy to just pay for her without bothering to even ask. Like she wasn’t capable of it. Like he had the right. Flashing his daddy’s black card like he owns the place, like owns her. Hell no.
She was quite done with him now.
So without looking back she took off toward their booth. The plan to get away from him as fast as possible before she caused a scene hindered by the fact that she had to walk carefully not to spill the drinks on the tray. Damn it.
As she turned and started walking away without a word his confusion grew and his annoyance resurfaced. What the hell? He wasn’t gonna let her blank him again. No way.
A hand wrapped around her bicep effectively stopped her in her tracks. His grip was firm and he pulled her back slowly, making sure the drinks she was holding didn’t fall on her. Her anger was bubbling up dangerously by now and him putting his hand on her pushed all thoughts of not causing a scene out of her head.
The look she gave him when she turned around was one that could kill a man, or at least chill him to his very bones. But Rafe was angry and he hadn’t realised the huge warning sign so he opened his mouth. Had he been less drunk he would have known that would be a terrible mistake.
“Are you serious? Not even a thank you?” He asked her, not releasing his grip from her arm. The longer his touch lingered on her skin the hotter her anger burned inside. Untill it spilled. And boy it spilled.
“Excuse me?” Her tone was dangerously low, she was barely keeping it together.
“You’re just gonna walk away again? No thank you or anything? What is your problem?” Big mistake. Huge.
“My problem?” She took a step closer, close enough so the tray ended up pressed against both their chests, the metal object the only space between their bodies. “What’s my problem?”
“Yeah. Usually people say thank you when someone buys them a drink, you know. Let alone five.” He pressed on.
“You know what. You’re right. How rude of me.” She spoke sarcastically. “Thank you so much for going over me to settle my tab without asking me, like I wasn’t even there. Thanks for thinking I need you to pay my check and swoon over you for swooping in and saving me 60 bucks. I really appreciate it.” Her voice had risen and at this point the people around them were paying attention.
“I was just being nice-“ he tried to reason.
“Nice? Doing things for me -that I’m fully capable of doing myself by the way-without my consent, is not nice. It’s patronizing. Acting like I should have no say in something, like I have as much agency as that barstool over there is not being nice- it’s being a dick. So is this.” She motioned to his hand still wrapped around her arm. At that he let go. She took a step back. His face a picture of confusion and frustration.
“Normally I would leave the drink but these are for my friends. I’ll let them know you spent a whole $20 for their cocktails, maybe one of them will give you their number.” With that she turned and walked away. This time he let her.
Taglist: if anyone wants to be tagged in future work let me know; @r0und3bitch @lovelornanonymity @mentallynot-here @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @clinelyn @magnificantmermaid @mannstarkey @harringtonstudios @totallynotkaibiased @popcrone818 @fangirlwithlou @rafesxgold @malfoytargaryen @theyluvmesblog @withbeautyandrage @sierrahhh @harrys-humble-housewife @piceous21 @ditzyballerina @xoxo3m1ly @jessmaybank @palmwinemami @dustbunniess @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @starkowswife
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lyxyhii · 1 year
Summary: a harmless, fun party at the Slytherin common room turns into sleeping with Draco Malfoy.
Y/n x Draco Malfoy
Warnings: drinking, sexual dancing references, drug references, sex, making out, fingering,
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I arrived outside the Slytherin common room, a person standing outside deciding who can come in.
Once me and my friend, Clara Mchill, arrived at the door, we were immediately let in. No questions.
We giggled and walked in, the lights flashing and people dancing everywhere. I looked over at Clara and said,
"let's have some fun tonight."
A smirk came to her face fast and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the make shift bar.
Stood behind it was some random Slytherin boy, he probably learned to mix drinks in a class.
"could me and my friend get 3 shots of your best vodka?" Clara asked loudly, trying to be heard over the noise.
He nodded and poured our drinks out for us on the bar ledge.
"I've never really drank this much before Clara" I said worried.
"don't be scared, you'll loosen up soon." She giggled.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my first shot and took it. My face cringed at the kick. Than once I was ready, I took the other 2.
Clara laughed at me. My lightweight ass is already gone. She took her shots shortly after.
We ran to the dance floor and started dancing a bit. Laughing and making jokes.
I had forgotten I wore a shorter dress, it definitely has ridden all the way up, just under my ass basically.
I pulled it down once or twice but had forgotten.
"y/n, I'm going to find some coke, I'll be back," screamed Clara.
I nodded and kept dancing. Suddenly, a person grabbed my hand and pulled me towards them.
They were tall, had a white button up and black pants. I tried to make out the face but I couldn't see.
"he bent down and whispered in my ear "y/n, I woul sod never think you at of all people would be here."
I whispered back, "All I needed was a couple drinks to loosen up."
I could feel a smirk against my face. I giggled a bit.
I swayed my hips a bit. I was long gone of any conscious I had before taking those shots.
He put his hands on my hips and swayed a bit with me. I turned around and I started dancing against him. His hands still on my hips.
He put his head next my ear again and said,
"let's go somewhere quieter."
I smirked and grabbed his hand, leading him towards the doors that go into the a room our couches.
Once in there, I found a couch without someone on it and laid down on it.
I could finally see his face, it was..oh my god.. Draco?
I was dancing on Draco Malfoy, the boy who I've never had the guts to talk to.
He crawled next to me and we began to makout. His hands exploring my waist.
I moaned a little into the kiss. Draco smirks a bit than moved one of his to my thigh. Moving it up slowly.
I pulled away for air, resting my forehead on his.
I may how been blacked out moments earlier but I'm very aware of what's happening right now.
Dracos hand is slowly going up my thigh, making me gasp.
"is this okay?" He asked me.
I nodded quickly, desperate for his touch. His hand continued up and brushes over my clit.
"holy crap," I gasped.
He moved my underwear and began to rub my clit at a slow pace. He's such a tease.
I put my head on his shoulder to try to hide my face. Muffling my moans the best I can.
"oh god," I softly said.
He began to pick up his pace, making it even harder for me to hide my moans.
"it's okay, let go. Everyone is to drunk to noice you and I," he joked.
After his words, I started to let my moans out. They weren't loud but noticable if you were sober.
"good girl," he muttered into my ear.
The knot in my stomach was building and building, my moans louder and louder.
I had no more shame, all I felt is pleasure.
"I'm close!" I moaned out.
As soon as I said that, I came. I'm not lying, I've never came before.
Draco was right, I'm not the person to be like this normally. I'm such a goodie tushy girl with all A's and never party's.
"that was... amazing," I whispered.
"how about we go to my room for more... privacy.." he hinted.
He stood up and held his out, I grabbed it and stood up too. I fixed my dress, than we walked to his room.
We arrived at his door and he opened it slowly, pulling me inside.
I walked towards the bed, the king size bed with large bed posts in each corner.
Draco shut the door and locked it, than began to unbutton his white shirt. Afterward, he folded it and put it on the dresser.
I looked over at him, his small but muscular figure made me just feel faint.
He looked away for a second and quickly took my dress off, throwing it to the side.
Now, I was left in my underwear. I felt so bare and vulnerable. I tried to cross my arms to hide myself.
He turned around and saw me standing there, my face red with embarrassment.
"don't be embarrassed, you look... amazing," draco confessed.
He walks towards me and put his hands on my hips like earlier, than leaned in and kissed me.
I kissed back slowly, putting my hands on his face. He grabbed one of my legs and brought it up to his hip, making me feel him more.
This Time, he pulled away. He grabbed my other thigh and lifted me up, than carried me and laid me on his bed.
I sat there and stared at he undid his black pants.
He jumped on the bed and crawled on top of me and we began to makout again.
the room was heating up, the passion in the kiss grew.
Draco sat me up and undid my bra and slipped my underwear off, leaving me completely nude.
I felt so ashamed of what I was doing. I look down at my purity ring on my finger. (hint to the last thing I wrote ;) )
Draco began to kiss down my neck, trying to find my sweet spot. And once he found it, he abused it.
Leaving hickeys all over my neck. I gripped his hair tightly and moaned softly.
Whenever he makes me feel good, my shame goes away. But the moment that pleasure and fun goes away, I'm ashamed and worried.
"y/n, I must ask before I go farther, are you okay this?" He asked with a sincere look.
"I'm more than okay with this." I stated.
I grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. His dumb smirk seeped through the kiss.
Draco took his boxers off and aligned himself with me, slowly inserting himself.
I winced in pain, this pain was horrible.
"shh, shh, I won't move till your ready." He says calmly.
My eyes were squeezed shut, I was trying to fight it.
After many minutes of just sitting there, it started to fade.
"I'm...I'm ready," I stutter.
I'm worried this will be nothing like how my friends make it out to be. They say it's amazing but who knows.
He slowly moves his hips, thrusting in and out.
A wall of pleasure hits me suddenly, and the loudest moan leaves my mouth.
"oh god!"
Draco laughs loudly and picked his pace up.
I put my hand over my mouth but draco ripped it off.
"you don't have to hide how good you feel y/n"
I nodded and just let go.
I threw my head back into his pillows, so my friends really didn't lie.
I was so lost in the pleasure that my purity ring had flewn off my finger.
I felt the knot building slowly.
"Draco..Im..I'm close!" I spoke.
"just a couple more minutes," he stated.
I held back, trying my hardest not to cum. But it's hard when he keeps hitting my sweet spot. It feels too good.
"cum y/n," draco groans.
I squeezed around his and came, he pulled out right after and finished on the bed sheets.
He got up and grabbed a towel, cleaned me up.
I stayed still for a couple minutes, trying to come down from my high.
"that was amazing, Y/n. " Said as he laid next me on the bed.
I looked over and smiled, than said,
"I never would have thought at the beginning of the year I would go t a Slytherin party and sleep with draco Malfoy"
"I could say the same with you." He laughes.
I took in his sweet laugh and smile, I never see this side of him. I see the dark scary side.
We talked for a bit than I cuddled next to him and fell asleep in his arms...
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
“I didn’t miss you. But now you're here and… god, fuck me,” with teen nat preferably angst/smut please. thank you!
❤️I'm Out of Time - Natalie Scatorccio (2000) x fem!Reader❤️ (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked)
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Summary: You hadn't seen Natalie for years. Not since she'd come back after the crash, and you where alright with that. You'd taken time for yourself and you'd moved on. You were working on your degree and finding yourself. You weren't anticipating any interruptions…
Warnings: Post-crash, 2000 (Natalie and reader are both 22), angst, swearing, Travis, toxic dynamics & smut (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked) - fingering, praise kink, oral fixation + some spit, top!Natalie, dumbification, minor primal but only if you really squint
Word Count: 3,618
A/N: Hello loves! I'm knocking out two requests with this one, as the quotes felt like they worked together well, so I hope yall don't mind! To make up for it I've made it a much longer than some other one-shots. I also felt like this could be read as sort of a sequel to my other Natalie fic, Blame Game, as both of these have pretty similar theming going on. As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!
Natalie Scatorccio Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy @damagnificentcookie
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
You’re day had gone on relatively average compared to most days. You’d gone grocery shopping after class and work for the week as you desperately needed to restock your fridge. Normally, it was your roommate’s week to do the shopping, but she was out for the weekend visiting family back in Jersey, so today, you bit the bullet and got it done. You were currently fumbling with your bags as you talked to your mom on your cellphone, all while trying to get out of your taxi. Your mother always tended to call at the worst times. 
“No, Mom, I’m fine! I’m just trying to get inside, is all,” you huffed when she asked why you were breathing so hard. “Yes, money’s fine. I’ve just gotta balance work and school, is all” She cut you off again, and you had to stifle your sigh of irritation. You fumbled to pull your keys out of your bag as you approached your doorstep. 
Only when you looked up, did you notice the figure sitting in front of your apartment’s door. Your apartment mainly was single girls or girls who didn’t live with their boyfriends, so you assumed it was some strange suiter till the figure noticed you and stood. They brushed the hair from their face, and your blood ran cold, freezing you where you stood. 
“Ok, Mom? Can I call you back?” Your mother was already pestering you for a reason why before you could finish asking her. “I’m just trying to get inside all with full hands. I’ll call you back. I love you,” You had to talk over her to hang up, followed by a struggle to get your phone out from under your ear and shoulder and into your bag. 
Only after that did you acknowledge Natalie, who had simply stood watching you the whole time. You gave her a pointed look before letting out a stuffed breath and approaching her. When she opened her mouth to speak, you shook your head without stopping or skipping a beat as you went to unlock your door. 
“No,” was all you said, fumbling with your keys once more. 
“I didn’t even say anything,” she started with an exasperated scoff in her tone, following after you. 
“No, but I knew you would,” 
“Oh, you knew I would say what?” she hadn’t even seen you for five minutes and was already getting defensive—typical Scatorccio behavior. You groaned and just unlocked the door to your apartment complex and walked in with Natalie in tow because there was no getting rid of her now. 
“If you’re going to insist on following me, at least take something,” you aggressively shoved a paper bag in her arms, freeing up one of your hands to get a firm grip on your keys. She took the bag with a grimace but didn't further complain as she climbed the stairs with you. Of course, the elevator was still broken after a week, but you might as well get a little cardio in. You dramatically let Natalie into your apartment behind you, taking the bag from her after dropping your keys into the bowl by the door. You gave her no time to try the conversation again as you disappeared into your kitchen. You weren't going to let her derail your task. You wouldn't let her be a disruption. 
Eventually, she found you after wandering into the apartment. You only gave her a glance of acknowledgment as you unpacked your groceries. She’d cut her hair, but she hadn't bothered bleaching it again like she always said she would. It now rested just above her shoulders. Her shabby bans could use a trim. The ends were falling in front of her eyes and had to be obstructing her vision. She’d also gotten her lip pierced since the last time she’d darkened your doorstep. 
She kept her hands firmly shoved in the pockets of her leather jacket as she watched you. She was acting as though she hadn’t anticipated getting this far. You took a bundle of groceries to the fridge, and upon passing her, you scrunched your nose as you inhaled a familiar sour staleness. 
“I thought you stopped smoking,” you commented offhandedly, neglecting to hide any condescending tone. Natalie, not expecting the sudden comment or conversation for that matter, gave you a confused look, her eyes following as you maneuvered around the pocket-sized kitchen. 
“I'm sorry?” was all she could ask. You declined, looking back up at her as you turned your back to stick cans in you’re cupboards. 
“You smell like cigarettes again,” she scratched at the back of her neck, looking away. 
“Yeah, I picked it up again,” she acted as though she was about to be scolded by her mother. You turned around and gave her a hard look, trying to figure out what might be going on in her head. But Natalie was always tricky. She didn't let on what she was thinking. You could never figure her out. When you looked your way again, all you could do was groan and cover your eyes, practically boiling with frustration. And to think, just ten minutes ago, you thought to yourself that you’d been having a good, average day. 
“Natalie, what do you want?” you forced yourself to ask, hands gripping the countertop of your kitchen island as you watched her. “Why are you here?”
“Do I need to want something to come and see you?” You were shaking your head before she could finish her thought.
“Yes! Yes, you do, Natalie, because you don’t just drop in,” You maneuvered out of the kitchen and into your living room with Natalie on your heels. “You always want something, even when you refuse to admit it,” You opened a window and stuck your head out, taking in a long breath of somewhat fresh city air. The sun was already starting to set as streetlights turned on one by one. Squeezing your eyes shut, you forced yourself to stick your head back into your apartment and face your “company.” 
“I’m assuming it's money again,” you gave her a cold stare, crossing your arms and leaning against the windowsill. Natalie gawked at you, her jaw slightly hung wordlessly open till she scoffed, running a hand through her hair in exasperation. “What, am I wrong? Or maybe you thought you could crash on my couch,” you egged her on. This, of course, pissed her off, which you thought ‘good. If I have to be pissed, then so should she,’. 
“Wow, so college did make you a stuck-up bitch,” she said under her breath, immediately regretting her bitter tongue based on the deer-in-headlights look she gave you after, but even with the apology pressed to her lips, you didn't have it. 
“Fuck you, Scatorccio. You can leave right now for all I care,” you got up as you spoke, hands clenched into fists as you pointed at her chest. You raised a hand to shove her and get her out of your house, but she acted faster, grabbing you by the wrist. Her grip was tight, but not painful, but still enraging. That is till you looked into her eyes for just a little too long, and you gave up, your anger melting into pity and frustration instead as your brow knit and you frowned with a trembling lip. 
“What more do you want from me, Natalie,” you asked weakly, holding from screaming despite the urge you had. But Natalie couldn’t immediately give you an answer. That or she didn’t want to answer. Instead, she just held your wrist, her eyes searching your face for something you couldn’t pinpoint as she frowned. That is till she couldn’t take it, her eyes waving from you, and she shook her head, lips parting as she found her wording.
“I guess I missed you,” you couldn’t help growing angry again. You tugged your wrist from her, which didn’t take much effort, and gave her a point, hurt, look again. 
“You ‘guess?’ What, Travis not doing it for you anymore, so you thought you’d just come back to me as backup, once again?” It was now Natalie’s turn to get angry. 
“This has nothing to do with him-”
“Oh, it always does, Natalie,” you argued back, throwing your hands in the air in exasperation as you began to pace the room. “It’s always gonna be about Travis because you only want me when you can’t have him,” 
“That’s not true!” she yelled back with gritting teeth.
“When was the last time you came to see me when you weren't on a break?” you pressed, feeling the sting of tears begins to sting your eyes. 
“When was the last time you thought about me when you were with him, huh? I’ll tell you because you don’t think of me when you’re with him. You only think about me when you’re all alone, and I’m your last resort because you push everyone else away,” You finally let yourself yell, choking on tears. You knew you didn’t mean what you were saying, not wholeheartedly anyway. You just wanted her to go. You wanted to hurt her so she’d leave and never come back because you couldn’t keep doing this. 
You couldn’t keep feeling like second best or being around for a quick fuck when she was feeling lonely. You’d moved on! You were living your life for you and finding your way in the world. But then Natalie has the nerve to walk back in when she feels like it and when it is convenient for her. What about when it was convenient for you? 
What about way back when, when you’d waited for her, your best friend, to see you standing there, wanting her that whole time, only to pick a douchebag boy over you. Natalie said nothing as you began to cry. You felt like you were caving in on yourself, morphing back into that sad, lonely teenager who longed to be noticed as someone more than a friend. 
“I didn’t miss you,” you finally managed to talk again through choked sniffles. You sounded pitiful; you knew it. But what else was there to do now but to keep being honest? “I was finally feeling good! But now you're here and- god, fuck me,” you ran your hands through your hair, shaking your head as you pulled your eyes away from her, biting your lip. You took your fist, wrapping it around the thumb on your other hand, allowing your hands to shake as you started to pace once more. 
God, you wanted her to leave, but still, the thought of being alone after all this felt unbearable. And despite the anger you were feeling, you still wanted her. You wanted her to hold you, caress you, make you forget all the bad things you'd been feeling. You just wanted it all to go away. You hadn't even noticed that you shut your eyes again till you felt Natalie’s hands caress your face, thumbing at the tears that fell as she wrapped her hand around your clenched fingers. You couldn’t help looking up at her, your cheek eagerly seeking to lean into the warmth of her palm. She looked down at you with sad, wet brown eyes that you couldn’t help being captivated by.
“I’m sorry, y/n,” she murmured rather stiffly, swallowing thickly as she nodded. “You’re right about all of it. And I’m sorry,” you took in a long sniff and shook your head. 
“No, no, you're not. You're just saying that” You began to argue, but she urged you to listen. 
“I am sorry, and I’ve missed you. Fuck, I’ve missed you so much,” she urged, squeezing your hand. “I just don’t wanna drag you into all my bullshit, you know? Because you don’t deserve that,” she explained weakly. 
“I could have taken it,” You urged her, but she shook her head. 
“I wouldn’t let you,” You sniffled again, relenting in a silent nod. You let that silence hang in the air till you couldn't bare it.
“Make it up to me?” Natalie knew the implication behind your request. You used that phrase with one another some times before, but now she wasn’t so sure. 
“I don't know if that’s the best idea,” She murmured, taking her rare turn to be the rationally thinking one. But you shook your head as a final tear rolled down your cheek. 
“Please,” you begged, squeezing her hand. “Just this time. If I regret it, it’s for me to deal with in the morning,” you knew you sounded miserably helpless, and you'd be embarrassed by your neediness when your mind cleared again, but for now, you leaned into it, excepting the mess you where when it came to Natalie. It was a bitter cycle; you knew it, but you could deal with the ramifications in the morning. After looking into your eyes for too long, she relented, taking your lips in with hers as your hands found refuge dug deep in her hair. 
She pressed you hard into the bed, aggressively tugging at your shirt to come off over your head as she straddled your hips, letting out hot and heavy breaths against your ear as she struggled to swallow the moan that threatened to push past her lips. You started to tug at her ripped shirt as well, only for Natalie to stop you and take it off in one swift motion. You are about to reach out for her till she gets off your lap, scooping under you to move you up the bed. 
She kneeled on the bed above you and between your legs, messing with the buckle of her belt, smiling down at you with a wicked grin as her eyes lingered on your exposed, rising chest, then down to the band of your pants. Wordlessly you understand to take your pants off and sit up to do so as Natalie does the same. With the last major layer removed, your both left clad in your underwear. That is till you took your bra off, leaving your chest bare in front of her.
Natalie lunged forward, straddling your hips once more as she caught your lips in a heavy, messy kiss. Teeth scrape at your lip, and you meet the cold metal of her lip ring. Her breath was hot as it fanned over the skin of your face till she moved on to your neck. She sat above you, holding herself up with a knee and embows as she started marking up your neck. Her knee shifted into place between your legs, forcing into your core, and you let out a heavy moan from your throat. You could feel her smiling against the spot she now soothed on your neck, knowing what she’d done. 
“That's a c-cheep shot,” you managed to stutter out as she moved on to scrap her teeth over your collarbone. She’d done that long ago on accident but recalled the reaction you'd had then too. Your hips began to gently rock against her knee, already craving any friction available for the growing ache down below. Of course, Natalie only found this to be further amusing. But she eventually relented, her hands pressing your hips down and still, as she moved down your body, kissing your stomach as she pulled her knee away and practically pealed away your underwear. 
She dared to look up at you through her lashes with that blown, lusting look in her eye that had you turning your head away, fust clenching the pillow under your head as you bit your lip to stifle the moan in your throat. Of course, this wasn’t acceptable as she always liked seeing your eyes, so her hand snaked into your underwear, the pads of her pointer and middle finger finding your clit with ease; she moved up your body again, taking your chin between your fingers. You knew your face was flushed and hot, your chest heaving up and down with labored breath, your brows creasing as you strained to suppress the sounds pulling at your throat. But all the same, Natalie smiled down at you, her eyes full of unfamiliar warmth and affection that you craved. 
“Don’t be quiet for me,” she purred, tilting her head as she held your chin. She squeezed your cheeks just enough to part your lips, which released a breathy moan, and she grinned, nodding along as her fingers began to circle your clit in rhythm with the roll of your hips. You were already feeling the oncoming brain fog as she continued her circlings, and without giving it any thought, your hands reached out, caressing her cheeks as she smiled down at you proudly. 
Looking into her eyes, your mouth hung open as you let out every moan that surfaced as she circled your clit, going round and round till you felt like you were dizzy, but it wasn’t going to be enough. You were greedy. You needed more from her, more of her. 
“Natalie, please,” you managed, your expression straining with every swipe. She shooshed you, cooing so gently as she nodded.
“I know, baby, I know. I’m getting there. You’re being so patient,” she finally moved on from your clit to test the waters of your entrance, which you knew was embarrassingly soaked by now. But Natalie didn't mind. She seemed to enjoy the way her fingers glided in with ease and how you let out another shuddering moan against her ear. After some adjustment, she began to pump and curl her fingers in a timely rhythm with the rocking of your hips. 
She fawned at the way your eyes rolled back as her palm met your already sensitive clit, cooing muffled praise amongst the sound of your moans. 
“That’s right. Keep up those pretty faces for me,” she purred just before she began messily kissing your jaw. After all these years, it still amazed you how she had you memorized. Fucking you was like riding a bike. Natalie never seemed to forget what she was doing. You tightened around her fingers, thighs squeezing around her hand to make sure you weren't going anywhere as you climbed your high. 
Natalie groaned against your throat as the feeling but kept going. She’d moved so she was laying beside you, her head buried into your neck, biting at your shoulder as she grew increasingly aroused just by listening to the sounds from your throat and your cunt. Realizing how close she was to you among your building haze, you managed to think it wasn’t enough. So in a moment of desperation, thanks to your impending orgasm, you rolled over just enough to force your mouth against hers as a hand grappled at her still-clothed breast, slipping your fingers under the red lace to find hard, sensitive nipples waiting for you. 
You strummed over her nipple with your thumb, and Natalie let out an unfamiliar, strangulated sound that ended in an animalistic whimper. The feeling caused her to pump harder into you and ultimately was the final push to send you over the edge with a similar howling cry as you curled in on yourself, your forehead falling to Natalie’s shoulder as you grappled at her bare arms. You could hear her hiss at the sting of your nails clawing at her skin as you started to come down. 
Her hand slowed gradually as she continued to pump in and out, steadying you off of your high. She pulled away from you ever so slightly, nudging your thighs apart with her free hand to take her fingers back from you. She made a big show of licking her fingers clean till you gained enough self back to reach out, taking her wrist in hand and cleaning her fingers yourself. You watched her, doe-eyed and still hazy, as you let her fingers pass your lips, tongue running around her digits as you moaned at your taste. She appeared jealous watching the action but seemed to enjoy it nonetheless. 
“Well, look at you,” she murmured under her breath with a turned smile. She sat up on her side, propping herself up with her elbow. You let her fingers go with a pop as they passed your lips, and she grinned as she wiped your spit off on her underwear. You smiled contently without saying a word as you reached up, brushing Natalie’s bangs from her forehead where they stuck with sweat. Your hand ran down her jaw, guiding her back to your lips for another long kiss. As the kiss went on, your hands began to wander, but she stopped you before you could make your way into her pants. She held your wrist and shook her head, kissing your palm. 
“Not now. Just get some sleep,” she murmured, unclasping her bra from behind to throw it over the edge of the bed as she got up. She ducked away into your bathroom. You lie naked in the dark, listening to the sound of the tap turning on and running for some time before it turned off as she retired with wet cloth in hand. She helped you under the covers as she got in with you and slipped the warm rag between your legs, casually helping your clean up. The rag was also tossed to the floor with the rest of your clothes as Natalie crawled into bed with you. She didn’t often stay the night, but in your growing groggy state, you smiled, feeling her wrap around you, holding you tight. Maybe she wouldn’t stay, but for now, she was here and you were going to be content with that.
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ranhaitanisgf · 5 months
Hi! Headcanons of “delinquent and class president” with Senju and “stolen bag”. Someone steals your bag and Senju helps get in back for you. You decide to treat her for some bubble tea to thank her. Thank you.
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— senju kawaragi (akashi) // delinquent & class president // stolen bag
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☆ ˎˊ˗ hellooo thanks for requesting senju !! i luvvvv writing for her omg :D i think the senju lovers r gone from the fandom cause i never see any fics abt her .... its ok tho im here to revive senju love bc she deserves the world ! hope you all enjoyyy xoxo
☆ ˎˊ˗ gn!reader
☆ ˎˊ˗ wc ; 1.1k+
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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❥ coming out of school, you were already dog tired, having run around all day doing errands and completing your responsibilities as class president, (sometimes you wonder to yourself why you ran for the position). all you had on your mind was going home and flopping on your bed for a while, and who knows, maybe you would even make a nice snack and watch a movie! 
❥ you probably should have known that it wouldn’t be that easy, especially after the day you’d just had. 
❥ as you were walking out of school, you got shoved to the side, feeling your bag get yanked from your shoulder. you managed to balance yourself enough to not fall, which gave you a perfect view of the punk who had just stolen your school bag off your shoulder, running away snickering. all you really could do was sigh; of course this was happening to you. why wouldn’t it?
❥ you were too tired at that point to try and chase the culprit, much less even yell for someone to help, (really, do people ever actually help in these situations?). you weren’t sure what this punk thought he was going to get out of stealing your bag; all you really had in there were class notebooks and class budgeting documents you were taking home with you to complete. if he wanted to complete all your work for you, then he can be your guest for all you care. 
❥ you were ready to just continue your way back home, but out of the corner of your eye, you noticed someone sprinting in the direction of the culprit, wait no, how is this person running so fast?!
❥ you watched in the distance as the person roundhouse kicked the punk, grabbing your bag from his fallen body and casually walking back towards you. you just stared at them in shock, realizing who the person had been once they got closer to you.
“no way…senju-chan?!” “yo! i got your bag back, (y/n)-chan!” 
❥ all you could do was stare at the girl in front of you as she held it out to you; there were so many questions running through your mind at the moment, though the first question you had was is she wearing a gang uniform?!
❥ after your moment of shock, you decided to put all your questions aside. no matter how she did it, senju had gotten your bag back from you, saving you from a lecture from your teacher about losing class documents. you gratefully accepted your bag from her, trying to think of a way to pay her back. 
“ahh, you really didn’t have to get it for me! i’d already accepted it…”  “nonsense! i won’t allow anyone to dishonor my beloved class president!”  “haha, i think you’re exaggerating a bit, but thank you, truly. actually, are you free right now?” “hmm, i think so…? why?”  “let me treat you to a meal as a thank you!” 
❥ and so the two of you set off, casually chatting as you searched on your phone for a nearby place to take her to. you kept repeating to yourself in your mind that this is not a date, that you were just treating her as a thank you! after all, she helped you out in a big way, so this is normal, right? 
❥ the two of you eventually ended up at a boba restaurant; although you knew that this was definitely going to hurt your wallet, you just couldn’t say no to senju’s pleas when she saw the place, talking about how she’d been wanting to check out it for ages. 
❥ as the two of you were ordering and you saw the price kept going up on the register, you knew that your wallet would be lighter when you put it back into your pocket, (you decided it was a necessary expense, so it was fine). 
❥ when the food came out, the smell of it made you realize just how hungry you’d been from staying after school for so long. from the way senju was eyeing the different dishes, you were sure that she felt the same way, which made you feel better when the both of you started chowing down. the boba that you had gotten was especially good, and by the time the two of you were finished, there was absolutely no scraps of any food left. 
“wahh, that was so good!! thank you, (y/n)-chan!” 
❥ you’d felt a bit sad at the fact that the two of you had finished already, but you supposed that you already knew senju wouldn’t be able to stick around too long. when the two of you exited the restaurant, you began to say your goodbyes to the girl, which made her look a bit confused. 
“huh? why’re you saying bye? i’m gonna walk you home, of course!” 
❥ her statement took you off guard, especially when she was acting like it was an obvious thing to do, (were you crazy? do normal people do this after hanging out with friends?). you just went along with it, feeling happy that you got to spend a little bit more time with senju. 
❥ you had to admit that you felt safer with her by your side, especially now that it was getting a lot darker out, (seeing her roundhouse kick someone like it was nothing highly contributed to this). at some point during the walk, she looped her arm with yours, happily continuing with your conversation as if she hadn’t done anything. 
❥ when the two of you arrived to your house, you thanked her, bowing in gratitude for her getting your bag back for you. she’d brushed off your thankfulness, saying that it was nothing, she was glad to help! she started going on about how she would never let anybody dishonor her class president and favorite classmate, and that nobody would be bothering you now that she had claimed you, (what was she talking about? actually, you’re not going to ask). 
❥ before you went into your house, senju suddenly grabbed your hand, pulling you a bit closer to her. her lips pressed against your cheek for a moment, giving you a peck. she pulled away a moment later, giving you a big grin and saying that she would treat you on your next date. 
“bye bye, (y/n)-chan! i’ll see you tomorrow!”  “wait, senju?! come back- ah, she’s gone…”
❥ you stood for a moment, staring at her as she ran away, watching as she faded into the distance. while that wasn’t exactly the outcome you had been expecting…you supposed it was okay for now, (you were absolutely over the moon). 
❥ you were definitely going to be having a talk with her tomorrow.
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @writingkitten, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @ghostlypie, @verysmolnerd (can’t tag don’t know why), @freddiefredfive
warnings: drinking, swearing, Otto has a slight panic attack and the actuators go a little crazy
running across campus, I clutched my bag to my shoulder. The flyer in my hand fluttered in the wind as I ran. One more class then I could go see Norman Osborn and his special guest talk about whatever it was they were going to talk about. A scream to my left made me pause. Turning my head slightly, I noticed an actuator turning slowly from person to person. The red light caught my eye as it focused on me. Slowly, the light changed color; going from red to pink to light blue. I looked past the actuator to find the man it would be attached to. Standing in the middle of the campus green, turning his head this way and that was Otto Octavius. As the actuator moved closer to me, his head snapped over. Reaching up slowly, I gently stroked the arm. The claw closed and I could hear a faint humming sound coming from the machinery, making me smile softly at it.
“I’m sorry.” Otto said as he walked over, causing the actuator to move away from me. “They get a little…overzealous when…well when my emotions get high.” I shrugged it off, smiling brightly at him.
“it’s alright.” I said. “I’m late for a class anyway. Might as well have a good excuse.” Otto nodded, his cheeks dusted pink as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“in that case, do you uh…” he cleared his throat and gently pushed an actuator out of the way as it tried to peer over his shoulder at me. “Do you have a phone I can borrow? Just for a minute. I need to call a friend to figure out where I’m supposed to go. See I’m…”
“you’re the special guest at the event with doctor Osborn!” I exclaimed, already digging into my pocket for my phone. I unlocked it after a few attempts. Holding it out to him as he nodded, I held up the flyer with my other hand. “I was hoping to go to that after the class!” Otto blushed deeper and smiled.
“I can highly recommend it. Norman has thought up some pretty interesting topics for this.” Otto said softly. “Mainly about physics but it could be beneficial even if that isn’t your major.” Our fingers brushed as he took my phone and typed in Norman Osborns number. He turned away from me and took a couple steps in the opposite direction but the actuators remained fixed on me.
One drew closer cautiously before closing its claw and gently nudging my arm. I gently pet it again, getting a look from Otto as the humming sound started again. I laughed as the other three actuators came over and surrounded me. Gentle nudges and a few claws clicking continued to make me laugh as they all fought for my attention. The light in the middle of the claw had gone white now as one wrapped around me fully. I looked around me as it did, arms up so they wouldn’t be trapped against my waist. “No. Down. Don’t…don’t do that.” Otto said sternly as he turned back to me to see exactly what the actuators had done. they pulled back almost bash fully and I gave one a quick pat as it passed by.
“sorry. I…” Otto shook his head at me and I blurted out before he could speak. “They act like kids.” Ottos eyes went wide and he nodded.
“they do. How…” he took a deep breath and gulped before trying again. “How much do you know about what happened to me? And Norman?” I smiled sadly at him.
“I was here in New York at the time. In high school.” I started. “Doctor Osborn tested some high grade super soldier serum on himself and went mad. Became the green goblin. When the fusion reactor…I had just started college. And you…” it was my turn to gulp. “The inhibitor chip was fried when you…so the AI…they…took…over.” I whispered. Otto nodded, his gaze downcast. “But you guys were cured. The details are hazy but you’re…better.” Otto nodded again. “So with a working inhibitor chip, how…why…children?” I stumbled, a quick look at the time on my phone told me I was better off just skipping my class. To prove my intent, I walked over to a bench and sat down with my backpack on the ground. Otto looked around at the deserted campus and sat down next to me, carefully keeping the actuators away from me.
“How much do you know about AI?” Otto countered. I shrugged, a small smile on my face.
“I know that one of the things we’d like it to do is learn. From mistakes and things we feed it. To better itself and improve.” Otto nodded. “But there’s also dangers and of course the overarching worry of people of a certain age that this will create skynet and lead us into the robot wars.” I laughed and Otto joined in.
“you aren’t wrong.” He smiled at me. “Are you in that age group?” I snickered.
“subtle way of asking my age doctor octavius.” I smirked at him as he slowly turned red. “When you don’t even know my name yet.” Otto stuttered and I bit my lip. “It’s (Y/N) by the way. And not really. I mean I’m old enough to have seen terminator but to buy into the idea that we really will create skynet, nah. That’s a little far fetched for me.”
“so…” Otto cleared his throat. “So since you understand the basics, you will get this part. When I made the AI to control the arms, I set it to basic parameters. To be controlled by my thoughts and my thoughts alone. When the chip was fried, the AI connected to my subconscious. The desire to finish what I had started. That if I did I would avenge my…Rosie…even though…” he broke off abruptly and I reached over to grab his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It tapped into baser instincts. And started to build a base line for the AI off that. With the new chip, it still has that base line but it also has my conscious and subconscious helping it tell the difference between right and wrong. What it should and shouldn’t do.” I nodded.
“but it still has a mind of its own.” I said. Otto nodded.
“exactly. So they explore. Meet new people.” He shot me a shy smile. “Try new things. And I can hear them. Not like it was but I can hear them in my head. Have conversations. They build up from the baseline to continue towards what they could and should become.” I nodded again.
“I’m not gonna lie. That’s pretty cool.” I smiled at him as one of the actuators finally got passed him and settled against my leg. I started to gently stroke it the same I would a dog. “Having those voices in your head…how do you tell them apart? Doesn’t it ever get to be…too much?” I asked. Otto shrugged.
“second question first. Sometimes. But they tend to know the limit and stop right before they cross it.” Otto watched me as I kept petting the arm. “I uh…I named them. They have distinct tones. In my head. And I named them. To…kind of differentiate who I was talking to.” My eyes lit up.
"Really?!" I exclaimed. Otto nodded. "Who is this?" I asked, pointing at the actuator in my lap.
“that’s moe.” Otto said. I smiled down at the actuator on my lap and then looked up at the other three. “This is flo.” Otto touched the one resting on his right shoulder. “This is Harry.” A vague gesture over his left shoulder. “And the one hiding behind me is Larry.” I nodded.
“hello.” I whispered to them. My phone going off broke us out of our little world.
“oh shit!” Otto exclaimed, standing up quickly and getting a mess of chatter from the actuators. “I’m late! I’m sorry. I have to go.” Otto started to head in the direction of the theater.
“oh!” I checked the time and realized that I should probably head to the presentation too. I started towards my dorm to drop off my backpack.
“(Y/N)!” Otto called as he rushed back over. I turned towards him with a smile. “Norman and I are going to a bar afterwards. It’s called the spot. Uh I’d…it would be…do…” Otto stumbled over his words. I gently reached out and grabbed his hand.
“I’d like to grab a drink with you.” I said softly. Otto sighed in relief and squeezed my hand back. “Good luck Otto! I’ll see you after!” Otto turned back and ran off to the theater. I headed back to my dorm and dropped off my bag before leaving again to grab a seat at the presentation. Making sure I sat front and center, I waved at Otto as he came out with Norman Osborn. He smiled at me and mow moved in a waving motion. I smiled back and paid attention to the best of my ability. After the presentation, I had a slight headache but headed towards the bar anyway.
“(Y/N)!” Otto waved at me from a back corner booth. “Over here!” I smiled over at him as I headed over. Pulling my sleeves down over my hands, I blushed as Norman Osborn turned around in his seat to look over at me. Ottos eyes flickered to Norman as he said something. The smile never left his face though.
“hello.” I waved at the two of them with a small smile before moe pushed into my hand. “Hello to you guys too.” A small laugh escaped me as flo came over to usher me into the booth next to Otto. The man in question was blushing bright red while I sat down next to him.
“I’m Norman Osborn.” The man across from us offered me his hand and I shook it, awestruck.
“Dr. Osborn, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I gushed. Moe had slid into my lap and flo was trying to lay over my shoulders. Otto seemed to be having a conversation with them, trying to rein them in before they caused any trouble. Norman laughed.
“you can call me Norman.” He waved his hand at me. “And you must be (Y/N). Ottos already told me about you. Seems like you are one of the only people on campus to not be freaked out by the actuators.” I shrugged.
“what can I say? I’ve been fascinated with them ever since…” I trailed off, knowing better than to go too far into my obsession with how they worked in front of other people. Otto stared at me.
“that’s why you understand AI so well.” He blurted out. I turned towards him, blushing. “You’ve studied them already.” I nodded slowly.
“not in a creepy weird way. They were the first of their kind. Case studies were done but nothing definitive. Mostly speculation on how you did it.” I explained. Otto blushed with a smile.
“it also explains why you aren’t scared of them.” Norman added. I nodded, shooting a glance at the older man.
“I’m not looking to study them. But I do admit, they are as fascinating up close as they are on paper.” I admitted. Otto drew me into conversation easily, changing the subject to what they had been talking about in the presentation. Norman was largely left out, watching the two of us with a slight smile on his face as Otto opened up to me more. At one point, Larry started to drift away, making Otto realize what was going on and excusing himself to go to the restroom.
“i haven’t seen him so happy in years.” Norman finally spoke up. “It’s been rough on him, everything we’ve been through. It’s why I asked him to come speak with me. I thought it would get him out of his shell a bit.” I laughed at that. “But I mean come on. I became a third wheel to something that was my idea in the first place.” Norman chuckled. “The bar. Not asking you to come here. That was all otto.” I blushed.
“thank you for letting me stick around. You don’t have to.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “You haven’t really…” Norman held up a hand.
“I have and I don’t mind. Otto needs this. Even if it’s just friendship. So continue on. I’m going to head out once he comes back.” Norman winked at me and I nodded. Otto returned a few minutes later and Norman took his leave. “You two have fun. My tab will be open all night so stay as long as you want.” He patted Otto on the shoulder as he left and Otto chuckled nervously.
“he’s a nice guy.” I offered. Otto nodded.
“gave me a job at oscorp. Funded the beginning of my project.” He said hurriedly. “We were friends since college. I’m lucky to have someone like him on my side.” I nodded.
“you really are.” I agreed. I looked at the time and sighed. “I should head back to my dorm. It’s late and I have classes tomorrow.” I stood up, dropping a bill on the table. “For the tip.” I explained when Otto starred at it.
“can I walk you back to your dorm?” He asked suddenly. I nodded in agreement and took his offered arm. We walked back in relative silence and once we got to the door, he hesitated. “We’ll be on campus for a few more days, if you want to meet up again.” Otto said. I nodded with a smile.
“I’d love to!” I exclaimed. Otto smiled sweetly at me.
“my number is in your phone.” He said as my eyes widened. “Let’s call it wishful thinking.” He rubbed the back of his neck before leaning in to kiss my cheek. “Talk to you soon (Y/N).” He said before turning and walking back across campus. I stood there stunned, with a hand on my cheek before turning to go into the dorm with the biggest smile I’d ever had on my face.
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marksbear · 2 years
How you met!
WARNINGS: Stalking, fighting, mentions of guns, Scars, implied murder, chains. Shouting, B/n= Best friends name. C/n= Character name, G/n= gang name BUNCH OF RANDOM PEOPLE/CHARACTERS
James Mcavoy: You met James at Oscars you had just won an award for Best Supporting actor, and you just finished your speech. Once you got back to your table you started to cry of happy tears while your co-stars hugged you and praised you for your work. People started to walk over to your table congratulating you for winning. And one of them was James Mcavoy once y'all started to chat y'all hit it off fast. You both were talking to each other like y'all have known each other for years. After hours it felt like even though it was only twenty minutes James gave you his number and walked off to his table.
Arthur Fleck:You didn't know why you chose to stay in Gotham. I mean like you knew this was a horrible place to live there, but you wanted to stay close to home and your family. One day you took the wrong path to work, and you saw some kids jumping a clown. "Hey!" All the kids turned around and faced you "Back off of the clown unless you want you to handle me I'm not afraid to fight brats like y'all." You stood tall trying to seem more tough. And you reached for your back pocket trying to trick the kids that you have a gun. So the kids saw your arm reach back and they ran away. You made sure they were gone for sure and looked at the beaten up clown on the floor, you walked up to him and crouched down to him checking his pulse to make sure he was alive. Arthur turned around and stared at Y/n handsome features Arthur faced beamed with red ,and started to get embarrassed and flustered. Arthur felt like he met his soulmate, the one. "Hello pal?" y/n waved a hand in Arthur's face "Uhm- Hello thank you for helping me..." Y.n gave him a big smile and said "No problem Uh-" Arthur! My name is Arthur." Y/n reached Arthur's hand and helped him up. "Stay safe Arthur" Y/n lets go of Arthur and walks away back to his way to work .
Peter Parker: You were the nice guy type of jock. You had good grades, didn't really get into trouble unlike your friends and you were great at sports. One day in chemistry class your teacher allowed partners. Usually you always picked your friends but you felt like you wanted to meet someone new. So you looked around for someone that peeked your interest, so you picked Peter parker. At first it was really awkward and after a couple minutes later it had gotten less awkward and y'all even exchanged numbers.
Joe Goldberg: It was love at first sight...well to Joe once you stepped foot in the book store Joe was already thinking about your every feature. He thought you were breathtaking and he started to feel the same feelings he had for beck but even stronger. He didn't think you haven't noticed his starring yet, but you already felt it the moment you entered so you acted dumb looking around for the book your boyfriend asked for. Once you found it and went to the cash register Joe got to see you up close with all your glory. He memorized the way you smell, how your hair looks, the way you dressed Joe thought he was blessed to witness you and all your beauty. After minutes of Joe starring you finally spoke up "Uhm hello" Joe stopped daydreaming and greeted you back "Oh sorry hi." You placed the book on the desk and said "How are you today uh...Joe" you had read his name tag and gave out your hand so he could shake it. Which he gladly took "I'm good...-" "y/n." you had cut him out. "Well nice to meet you Y/n, lovely book you picked out." Joe spoke with a smile, "Thanks it's one of my boyfriends favorite books." Joe dropped the smile quickly and told you the price which you paid for and said your goodbye and left. Joe was heartbroken but it didn't stop him from loving you...
Aaron Hotchner: You were held captive by the unsub aka your father. Your father had killed people who looked like you and wanted to save you for last. He hated you so much, he had dark thoughts about the ways he wanted to kill you like chopping you up to pieces, burning you alive, and shooting you down. He killed others like the way he wanted to do you. The BAU tracked you down to save you after they pieced the puzzle. You were in the basement chained up all bruised, your thin/chubby/athletic body had cuts and blood. The only thing you focused on was the pain in your body not evening noticing the shots and gunshots and the footsteps all over the house. The door had slammed open and you looked up at the bright lights and your sore eyes trying to adjust to it. You heard someone say something but you couldn't make it out ,so you shouted "Over here!" voice sounds dry and in obviously in pain. The tall man jogged to you and started asking questions while taking the chains off of you, you weren't listing you were just hypnotized at his handsome features "Do you know how long you were her-" "Im y/n l/n nice to meet you and thanks for saving me sweetheart." You spoke in a flirty tone with a weak smirk on your face. The man's cheeks had a light pink "Nice to meet you as well y/n" he spoke in a soft tone. You sat up and took his hand and shake it "your name is?" you say in a curious way "Agent Hotch" "Well agent Hotch I think we should get out of here" Hotch nods and picks you up bridal style leaving the basement you were thinking that you wished that you'll be able to him again.    
Hannibal Lecter: It surprised you that you got an invitation to one of Hannibal lecter dinner parties. When you arrived you'd hope it wouldn't be to awkward since you only knew one person really and that was your bf/gf/s/o. You and your s/o walked around exploring the house a little until y'all reached the dinning room. You'd both talked only to each other while when people tried to talk to y'all you both only spoke a few words since you had different interest then most people at the party. Your s/o excused themselves to go to the bathroom and Hannibal lecter excused himself as well after fifteen minuets had passed and you grown suspicious of how long they were gone for, so you left to find your s/o. When you creaked open the bathroom door you didn't see them so you searched the house for them at your last destination you reached the basement door and opened it and peaked it in. You didn't see anything and walked in carefully. You stopped walking heart beating rapidly you looked at the floor that's where your s/o is laid there chest and stomach ripped apart and the heart in their hands like it was trying to give it to you. You felt disgusted hands shaking as well your legs you can smell the strong stench of blood...Then you heard it. The door had locked the you tried to move but your legs and arms stayed still. Some footsteps walked towards you and felt breathing in your neck and hands on your waist and pulled you back making you lay on their body. "Do you like it?" the deep voice spoke. You didn't reply at all and just stared at your s/o lifeless body part of you wanted to scream and fight back but the other part of you just wanted to expect your fate. "I'm Dr lecter and you are?" you didn't reply  straight away but after a while you said in a scared tone "M/n..." "Alright M/n... this will only hurt a little" "Wha-?" SNAP your body dropped to the floor knock out cold... Hannibal Lecter isn't gonna kill you no he was gonna keep you.
Tom Hardy: You were the leading actor and Tom was your love interest. Today was the day for the big kiss. You were more than nervous you never thought you were gonna kiss a top tier actor like him. When in the dressing room on Facetime with your best friend and you were just gushing about Tom hardy and making up embarrassing scenarios that could happen. "Tom Hardy is so so cool and I'm so lame I could never be on his level!" you say whining "What if I slip on air and kiss him by mistake mid dialogue!! That would be so embarrassing." "I should just retire from acting before I humiliate myself..." You sigh heavy "I-" "SHUT UP M/N!!!" Your best friend yelled into the phone "It's gonna be okay just  say your lines wait for him to say his lines and kiss. easy as that m/n." "M/N!" one of your cast members called out of your trailer. "Coming! bye b/n!!" You hung up and walked outside with your cast member mumbling your lines to yourself. You scanned the set it has with the scented candles , roses,  and a bed. You thought your life was over you looked to your left to see a shirtless Tom Hardy with a silk robe loosely on and black sweat pants. You couldn't help to get dirty thoughts and become flustered. Everyone was ready to get the show on the road. You were shirtless and wore sweats that showed your (Athletics,chubby,thin.) body that made people fall in love. The cameras started rolling and you saw Tom  open the door slowly with the robe on but this time without the sweatpants you swallowed hard you felt your face heat up "You like what you see c/n?" Tom spoke in a seductive tone and did a 360 for a better look. You wanted to go off script so bad and straight out make out with him right now. You stood up and walked to him and looked at him and his body with longing eyes "You look so handsome my dear, it's a shame that you'll have to take off this later" pulling on the robe softly. Tom giggled and you placed some kisses on his neck softly going off script a little slowly bringing him to the bed "C/n?" "yes my dear?" "Do you love me?" "Of course I do my love!" "So... you wouldn't mind if I do this?" "Do what-" You were cut off by Tom's soft lips you naturally leaned into the kiss and placed tom onto the bed and got in between his legs  making out with him. "CUT!!" The director yelled and you pulled blushing so hard "Good work everyone! the director said "See ya at 30." everyone left.. You turned around to Tom and you felt someone grab your arms and pull you down onto the bed. Tom leaned in and whispered "Would you like to get dinner ye?" he spoke in a calming tone. "Yes dinner would be great!!" You gave Tom a huge smile and walked away.
Tommy Shelby: You are a leader of your own gang. You own clubs and bars but mostly the clubs bring you more money. Some of your men got into trouble with the Peaky Blinders, so you arranged a meeting with the Shelbys to try to solve this problem. Currently you're waiting in one of the private rooms in the club smoking and just out of space. "Sir the Shelby has arrived" one of your dancers says and leaves the room quietly to get him. Moments later Thomas Shelby comes into the room. You were hooked on his eyes and his body figure. You were barely listening only to some important things. "Do I make myself clear Mr L/n?" you took a minute to get yourself back together "Yeh" and you nod your head yes. "Good well I'll be off" Tommy says and starts to leave and one of the dancers starts to escort him to the exit.  Once he was out of an ear shot one of your favorite dancers says "Were you even listening?"  "Nope."
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jiaoji · 1 year
April fools
As usual, the classroom was silent when Lan WangJi entered the room. Except it was for a different reason than it normally would be.
Lan WangJi's robes were completely black and he didn't even have his forehead band on.
The room was graveyard silent as confused glances were exchanged between the younger ones. Lan WangJi, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind and started teaching normally.
Lan JingYi was still trying to figure out if HanGuang-Jun hadn't noticed that he was wearing the robe from Wei-Qianbei, when movement caught his eye. The door opened, revealing Wei WuXian with clothes that were too big for his body and HanGuang-Jun's forehead band.
The worst wasn't even that! Wei WuXian was not wearing his usual smile and he looked cold and hard.
Lan JingYi couldn't help himself, "What's going on?"
Wei WuXian, "JingYi, don't speak loudly during classes."
Lan JingYi, "?!?!?"
Lan Sizhui, equally confused but knowing that they would soon speak at the end, just tried to keep up with the class.
It was difficult as Wei WuXian was stiff and posture perfect, not making any comments or laughing.
Meanwhile, Lan WangJi smiled, making him look more like ZeWu-Jun than he already was and still making occasional jokes.
Lan Sizhui was diligently copying when a paper landed on his desk without either of the two teachers noticing. He discreetly opened the paper, Lan JingYi's handwriting was a complete mess, as if it had been done in a hurry.
"Sizhui, I think Wei-Qianbei and HanGuang-Jun are possessed!!!!!! Let's warn Lan Xiansheng and ZeWu-Jun and plan an exorcism without them knowing!!!"
A voice above him called out harshly, "Sizhui."
Lan Sizhui was startled when he noticed Wei WuXian standing beside him, with a null expression.
Wei WuXian, "It is forbidden to exchange notes during class."
Everyone tensed, especially Sizhui, who was being targeted at that moment.
Lan JingYi then stood up, "It was me! I gave the note, Sizhui is innocent."
Wei WuXian, "Well then, the two of you will be punished to write Conduct three times."
Lan JingYi, "Huh? Wei-Qianbei, that's not fair."
Lan WangJi, "Hmpf! Why is that? It's just a note."
Lan Sizhui was horrified seeing Lan WangJi like that just like the other students, but no more than Lan JingYi.
Lan JingYi, "You guys can only be possessed!"
Wei WuXian scolded him, "Lan JingYi."
Lan WangJi, "The class is almost over, you can go and we'll sort it out later."
The students looked at each other with nervousness and fear.
Lan WangJi laughed softly, "Go, you can go."
Without a second longer, all the little Lans rushed out of the room, including Lan JingYi and Sizhui.
After the door closed, Wei WuXian started to laugh frantically and Lan WangJi's smile disappeared.
Wei WuXian, "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan hahahahahahaha did you see their faces?!"
Lan WangJi, "Mn."
Wei WuXian, "I thought JingYi was going to have a deviation! Not even Sizhui-Er escaped."
Lan WangJi, "They will still be punished for the note."
Wei WuXian, "They think we've been possessed hahahahahaha! We should go after them before they try an exorcism."
Lan WangJi wiped away Wei WuXian's tears, "They must have gone after Uncle."
Wei WuXian, "Great! Let's get him too, Er-Gege."
Lan WangJi smiled again, "Mn."
Lan JingYi ran with Lan Sizhui at his side, the two of them should have been heading to their punishment, instead they rushed straight to Lan Qiren's residence.
As soon as they caught sight of the old teacher, Lan JingYi ran faster.
Lan Qiren heard the footsteps and his face immediately crumpled, "It is forbidden to run in Cloud Recesses."
Lan JingYi quickly caught his breath before bowing down, "Lan Xiansheng! HanGuang-Jun and Wei-Qianbei have been possessed!"
Lan Qiren, "That— how is that possible? WangJi wouldn't let that happen," he stroked his beard, "Unless that's Wei WuXian's idea, always pulling WangJi into his nonsense, knowing he won't refuse."
Lan JingYi, "You'd better let ZeWu-Jun know!"
Lan Qiren, "Xichen is busy, I'll go myself- Wei WuXian?! What does that mean?"
The two turned around, seeing Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi walking together, with Lan WangJi clinging to Wei WuXian's arm.
Wei WuXian bowed with an impassive face, "Lan Xiansheng."
Lan WangJi did the same, with a small smile, "Shufu."
Lan Qiren looked at the two of them and her face turned red, "What does that mean?!"
Wei WuXian, "It is forbidden to make loud noises in Cloud Recesses."
Lan Qiren, "WangJi, what are you doing?"
Lan WangJi, "I'm with my husband."
Wei WuXian, "We came because Lan JingYi and Lan Sizhui didn't show up for the punishment assigned to them in class today."
Lan Qiren could understand why, "Stop it you two, stop playing around."
Wei WuXian's face hardened, "With all due respect, Lan Xiansheng, but students' bad behavior should not be covered up."
Lan Qiren, "How is it?!"
Lan WangJi, "The two passed notes in class."
Lan JingYi felt a bit of resentment towards the smiling HanGuang-Jun.
Lan Sizhui took the lead seeing how Lan Qiren trembled and reddened by the second, "We apologize Qianbei, we are going to the library immediately."
Lan JingYi, "What?!"
Lan Sizhui let out a sharp "JingYi" after that. He grabbed his friend's sleeve and pulled.
Wei WuXian, "Looks like we're going to have to increase the punishment."
Lan WangJi, "How cruel."
Lan Qiren, "You two are going to kill me! I'm going to die and it will be your fault!! Out of here, both of you!!!"
Wei WuXian, "Shufu, please rest, at your age, you can't get too emotional."
Lan Qiren, ""WEI WUXIAN!!!"
Lan Xichen heard his uncle's shout, the name he shouted made him sigh and smile. Rather than going to the Hanshi, he decided to see what made Wei WuXian for his uncle to scream so loudly.
Before turning the corner into one of the residences, two figures in black and white walked past him.
Lan Xichen, "...?"
Smiling Lan WangJi in black robes and impassive Wei WuXian in white robes.
Lan WangJi was the first to notice him.
Lan WangJi, "Brother, how are you?"
Lan Xichen felt like looking into a mirror, "WangJi, you look... different."
Lan WangJi, "Do I look like it?"
Lan Xichen looked at Wei WuXian, "You too, Wei-gongzi."
Wei WuXian greets him without even moving his face, "ZeWu-Jun."
Lan Xichen understood his uncle, it was a bit scary, yet funny, "I see...", he says goodbye shortly after, "I was just going to see Shufu, I'll let you go your way now."
Lan WangJi, "See you later, brother."
Lan Xichen let out a stifled laugh, "See you later, WangJi."
When he reached his uncle's house, he knocked softly on the door, Lan Qiren opened it with a frown that worsened upon seeing him.
Lan Qiren, "What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone!"
Lan Xichen, "...?"
Lan Qiren, "I will still have a deviation because of you and your disgrace of husband, WangJi!"
Lan Xichen, "It's Xichen, Shufu."
Lan Qiren, "..."
At Jingshi, Wei WuXian fell to the ground in laughter.
Lan WangJi, "Careful."
Wei WuXian was in a ball and clutching his stomach, "Lan Zhan.... hahahahahahaha.... your brother... and uncle... hahahahaha..."
Lan WangJi let out a soft laugh, "We have to go to the library."
Wei WuXian, "I think that's enough, let's stop torturing the little one.", calming down a bit more, he sat back and smiled mischievously, "Let's do this with Jin Ling next time!"
Lan WangJi couldn't deny him anything, "Mn."
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