#instead he just ended up horribly awkward
lynxgriffin · 2 years
"I am Ralsei, I take care of the Castle Town while the Lightners are away"
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Wait, is this because they basically both have goat legs??
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strawbeerossi · 5 months
August - Prologue
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Chapter Description: You look back on the way that you bonded with Spencer over the course of the time you've known him. After one night spent between you both, you tell the girls that you want to ask Spencer to Rossi's wedding. Too bad JJ had other plans.
Content/Warnings: Spoilers for 14x15, unrequited love, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, JJ is a horrible friend (I’m so sorry), general heartbreak.
WC: 2.4K
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🏷️ @sadroses98
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Spencer’s love life was a trainwreck. Everyone knew that after the Maeve debacle, dating wasn’t something that he was concerned with. He saw the horrible things that could happen to significant others of the BAU members. Haley dying, Jack being targeted, and Savannah being shot were things he’d seen first hand and he wasn’t eager to have a loved one go through any of it. He’d never forgive himself.
JJ was always special, in his eyes. Even whenever they were both young on the field together, he always pined after her. She was beautiful, funny, and she didn’t always look so bothered to talk to him. Of course, their failed attempt at a date to the Redskins game was just an indication that he should admire from afar. Besides, he’d like to have her in his life regardless. 
He maintained a healthy friendship with JJ over all fourteen years that he worked with the BAU, the woman being by his side even whenever he didn’t deserve it. It was something he wouldn’t trade for the world. He appreciated her, loving her so much that his heart swelled every time she came near him. He buried all those feelings deep in his heart, keeping quiet on the subject. It wasn’t the healthiest way to handle unspoken feelings but it was the easiest. Work would be awkward, plus she didn’t seem romantically interested. Best not to push.
Whenever you joined the BAU, you were blissfully unaware of Spencer’s feelings toward JJ, instead meeting a version of him that was so dedicated to bottling up those feelings. He was a bit standoffish with you at first, which you didn’t take personally. You’d heard of the endless trauma he’d been through and you felt like you had to work overtime to gain his trust.The problem was, you did damn near everything and it was like it wasn’t working.
You learned how he liked his coffee and brought him a cup every morning, you asked for facts about zany topics, you even mentioned Doctor Who in an effort to reach out to him. It was like he didn’t even want to look in your direction.
You managed to chip away at him over the next few months, getting him to laugh in certain circumstances or even having him greet you in the mornings. It was something that you had to work for but it was all worth it in the end whenever he’d gotten fully comfortable with you. He learned that he enjoyed talking to you, having you around.
The both of you had grown quite close to the point where every Friday that you weren’t on a case was spent having a movie night. He’d even taught you how to sew a scarf after too much trial and error. All the time you spent together was causing you to fall deeper in love with the lovable genius with each interaction. Every silly complaint about a show not being true to science, his rambles on topics that interested him, even when you two would get into arguments. 
It was no surprise that you’d fallen so fast. You wore your heart on your sleeve, yearning for a deep connection that nobody else could take away. Spencer was your person, you could feel it. There were daydreams of having a nice home with a big backyard for your kids, Spencer teaching them magic tricks or helping them excel in their academics. 
It was a Saturday night after a successful case that the team went out drinking together to celebrate. You may have let Penelope and Emily influence you into drinking your body weight in whatever liquor was put in front of you. Spencer hardly drank, however he allowed himself to have a few drinks, his tolerance being so low that he could feel a buzz after just one. 
You were too far gone to remember the events of the night but you did know that you and Spencer left together. The night was spent with drunken sex and whatever else you two got up to within the span of seven hours. You both woke up the next morning and it was still okay. There was no sneaking out when someone was sleeping, no forcing them out. You two actually spent a good portion of the morning together. The only issue? You got more attached. It was like you associated the sex with mutual feelings, the dream of actually finding someone to settle with. 
You’d gotten so caught up with the fantasy that you just had to tell the girls at work during one of your morning gossip sessions.
“I don’t know, I just feel like this could be the start of something great. I really do like him, he means the world to me. I just wish that I could say it.” You admitted, leaning against Penelope’s desk while sipping from your coffee mug. 
“Well, I say just go for it! Our genius needs to settle down.” Penelope encouraged, her eyes widening with excitement. “You two can have babies! I don’t think we could ever have enough BAU babies.” She gushed. 
JJ was laughing softly from her spot in the room at her friend’s excitement. “I mean, the worst he could really do is say no. No harm in trying to ask, right?” The blonde let her shoulders bounce. In a way, she could feel a pang of jealousy in her chest. You and Spencer? That didn’t seem right at all.
“He won’t say no! I am convinced he loves you! I mean, you always brighten his day.” Penelope was piling on encouragement, pushing you to take the bull by the horns and just get yourself out there, to put your feelings first.”Plus, you can invite him to Rossi’s wedding!”
It was safe to say that it was working. You felt a wave of confidence rush over you, taking it with stride. JJ had a point, Spencer wouldn’t be rude about turning you down. The pain would still be there in the event he did but at least he wouldn’t be cruel, right? 
“I’m gonna go talk to him about it. It’s a paperwork day, so it’ll be quiet.” Plus, she could just delve into files that needed to be filed away if he did let her down gently. It was the perfect plan!
You were planning on talking to him later in the afternoon, just enough time to give yourself a pep talk. However, Emily and Penelope killed that idea with a snap of a finger as a case had come up. It came with the territory of your job – make plans and have them destroyed by some loser who decided to massacre multiple people for the fun of it.
The case had taken a turn for the worse whenever JJ and Spencer were hot on the unsub’s trail, being locked inside a bank with no way to contact the outside world. The only thing anyone had was shitty footage from the security camera inside with no audio to accompany it. All you could do was assume what was happening as you stared at the screen, Emily beside you as she was talking to Penelope about getting anything if they could.
Their body language said it all though, the way that JJ seemed tense and the way Spencer had a look of… Relief? You didn’t know what was happening in the slightest but it was like you could feel your stomach churn, your heart slowly cracking. 
You didn’t want to assume it was anything too crazy, you didn’t need to worry. You were being silly. Once there were shots inside, everyone was rushing to the back door of the building to get inside. You were frozen in place, eyes focused on the room now filled with agents and cops. 
The sound of everyone talking was muffled, your mind somewhere else as you were slowly turning to the screen before approaching the two agents when they were coming out of the building. “Are you two okay?!” She asked quickly, a shaky edge to her voice as she was bringing a hand to her face. “This job stresses me out,” 
There was lighthearted, yet awkward laughter as you were eventually heading back to the SUVs. 
There was a tension hanging in the air any time that Spencer and JJ were together, the two barely sharing glances as the rest of the team were rejoicing and ending the case and preventing losing innocent people as well as potentially losing two of their best agents.
There was something wrong but you weren’t going to say anything.
Clearly something personal happened in the moment they were forced to play along with whatever the unsub wanted from them. You were curious but you didn’t want to bring it up, maybe out of fear of hearing something that you don't wanna hear. 
You didn’t ask Spencer to be your date to Dave’s wedding, instead going on your own.
The whole environment there made you sad. You were thrilled for Dave and Krystall but it was an atmosphere oozing with love while you were alone, the man you wanted to ask being weird and not speaking to you the way he usually did. There was a lot you wondered about. 
Did you do something wrong? Was he angry at you? More questions echoed in your mind, feeling defeated on how such a good relationship has fizzled out to nothing. 
You were brought out of your thoughts whenever Penelope was passing out whatever concoction of drink she came up with. “Here you go, sour puss.” The blonde spoke while placing the mixed drink in front of you at the bar, you offering a small smile in response. 
“It’s a good day, don’t be sad in the corner all night.” Luke added soon after while you were waving it off. He didn’t know the extent of why you felt the way you did. He just knew that you had been in a funk for days, not being your usual self.
“I’m not sad. I’m just.. I’m not really in the mood.” It was honest, however you knew that you had to show up for Dave, he was family. You would’ve done the same for anyone else in the team for whatever event. 
In the midst of your denial, your gaze had fallen on Spencer and JJ, the two talking together at a table farther from the rest of you. It could’ve been some deep, poorly concealed anger that had you putting the cup down and walking over to the two who seemed to be having a great time together. You were falling apart and it was like he wasn’t even paying attention. It stung. 
“Spencer! JJ!” You announced your presence with a smile, your hands clasping together. “I didn’t get to come talk to you guys earlier. I wanted to say hi.” You began. “Also, why are you two isolated from the team?! Come on!” 
What felt like a knife to your chest was the way Spencer looked at you with a lack of interest, almost as if your presence was bothersome. “Oh, we were just talking. We are fine, we will catch up later.” The male answered, hoping the answer was good enough to be left alone again.
That was the moment you broke.
“What the hell have I done to you? You’ve been dodging my calls and texts for days and you barely talk to me anymore. What is your deal?” In an attempt to not ruin the beautiful ceremony, you were keeping a calm demeanor. Even if you could feel the cracks in the facade. 
“What? Nothing! You’re acting like a child. I’m just having a conversation.” Spencer frowned, his attention finally on you for the first time in days. “You act like we talk every minute of the day.”
“Because we normally do! Come on, Spencer. Just talk to me.” You were begging for a minute of his time, an explanation. For days you’d questioned every interaction and every word said. You thought your relationship was stronger than that.
“I am talking to you. I don’t know what else I’m supposed to say.” 
JJ looked visibly uncomfortable with the whole interaction, so that’s whenever you were turning your attention to her. “And you, I’ve been trying to talk to you for days and you don’t give me the time of day. What is happening? Do you both have a problem with me?”
“No! She has a point, Spencer. I’ll be honest with her.” JJ finally found her voice, although the nervousness was gone now, instead just taking the situation for what it is. “I’m sorry,” The words made your knees weak. 
You knew what was coming. 
“The other day, the key to us getting out of there and preventing any injuries, I played truth or dare. Which, I know what you’re thinking but it wasn’t a childish game in the slightest.” She said slowly while you watched her in disbelief.
“Anyway, I was told to give a secret that I’d never tell anyone else. Something I’d take to the grave and-” 
“You told Spencer that you loved him.” You finished, throat tight as you were restraining the urge to either sob or scream at the blonde. “It’s just funny that this all came out after I told you what I wanted to do. You never showed him the time of day before.” 
“I don’t think you pay enough attention. Spencer has always been my best friend and we spend time together alone quite frequently. Just because you had sex one time doesn’t mean that you both were in an unspoken relationship.” JJ responded, having the audacity to act as if she didn’t break girl code to the highest degree. 
There were a few moments of silence, every intrusive thought bouncing through your mind. Your gaze was briefly turning to David and Krystall, seeing the two happily talking with guests before you were tuning your head to the pair in front of you. 
You reached over for the glass of water that one of them ended up putting down, hand clutching the glass before you made the wise decision of throwing water in their direction, the glass emptying on the both of them before the same glass was being placed down on the table. 
Without a word, you turned on your heels so you could walk away from the two. The reception was over for you, no feeling of celebration. You leaving with tears brimming your eyes caught the attention of the small group of agents, the group now turning their heads briefly to look at Spencer and JJ.
“Oh no..” Penelope frowned, the normally bubbly blonde turning to Tara, Luke and Matt.
“Something tells me that JJ and Spencer are talking..”
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cozage · 9 months
Omg what the heck 2k!?! I’m so happy for you like I remember when you started this blog some time ago, and you blew up fast 😭 also that era when you got shadow banned. I wanted to request the monster trio with option 1. So how about a meeting their S/O after the 2 year gap but they ended on argument so now what would they say after not seeing them for two years.
A/N:😭😭i forgot about the shadowbanned era omg. I almost stopped writing completely then. That was a CRAZY time. Thank you for reminding me of that LOL 
Characters: gn reader x Sanji, Zoro, Luffy Total word count: 750
A Postponed Apology
“My love! You’re safe!” Sanji tackled you, both of you falling to the ground entangled in one another. 
He pushed back the hair from your face and covered you with kisses in between his words. “You’re here! I missed you so much!”
“Sanji,” you laughed, trying to push him off. “You’re smothering me!”
“I’ll smother you forever!” He pressed his head against your chest, humming pleasantly as he listened to your heartbeat. “I’ll never leave your side ever again!”
Your fingers ran through his hair as tears filled your eyes. You hadn’t expected this reunion to go so smoothly. You had expected Sanji to never speak to you again, maybe even come back with a new crew member recruit. You wouldn’t have blamed him, not after all the horrible things you said to him. 
“You’re not mad?” you whispered softly, afraid your voice would betray you. 
“Why would I be mad?” he asked, still listening to your heart beat in your chest. “I’m just grateful you’re okay.”
“But our fight…” Tears spilled out of the corner of your eyes and down your cheeks.
“Our fight?” he asked, clearly confused. He pulled his head away from your chest to look you in the eyes, and you could see his soul shatter at the fact he was making you cry. 
“Do you mean the one from two years ago?” he asked. “Darling, don’t even worry about that. All that matters is that we are here together now, and I’m never letting you go again.”
It took your eyes a second to adjust to the darkened room, but Zoro’s voice rang out. 
“So, you’re the second one to arrive, huh?”
You hadn’t expected Zoro to be there. He was always getting so lost, you had assumed it would be anyone but him. 
“Nobody else is here yet?” you asked, joining him at the bar. 
“Just you and me.”
Silence filled the air, the heaviness of your last conversation still weighing on your shoulders. 
“Don’t apologize,” he said. “It was two years ago. It’s not a big deal.”
“No.” You shook your head, finally turning to look at him. “I should’ve never said those things. If I had known-”
“But you didn’t know.” He sighed, picking his beer up and taking a long drink. “Are you still upset about it? Do you even remember what we were fighting about?”
“Well no, but-”
“Then it doesn’t matter. We’re together now. Let’s make up for lost time instead, okay?”
You smiled, relieved at his words. He had never been one to hold a grudge. 
You kept your distance from Luffy until everyone went to sleep. It had been a long day full of emotions, and he was busy enough with his captain duties. The last thing you wanted to do was inconvenience him any further. 
“Sanji!” Luffy called, entering the kitchen. “I’m-oh! Hey!”
Your heart quickened at his voice. You weren’t ready to face him yet. Even if you knew you had to. 
“Hey Luffy,” you whispered. “Sanji went to bed, but he made this ice cream sundae. You want it?”
Luffy’s mouth grew into a big smile, his eyes growing wide. He grabbed a spoon and slid into the booth next to you. “You’re the best! You know that, right?” 
You gave an awkward laugh. “I guess we need to talk, huh?”
Luffy looked at you, a blank and confused look on his face. “Talk about what?”
It was hard to look at him, but you forced yourself to. “Our last conversation?”
He was trying to remember, you could see his brain going into overdrive as he recalled your last moments together on Sabaody. Finally, he shrugged and shoveled a scoop of ice cream into his mouth. 
“I don’t remember our last conversation,” he admitted. 
You raised an eyebrow. “The fight? Because if you want to break up-”
“Why would I want to break up with you?” Luffy asked. “That’s the last thing I want.”
“Well, I said some pretty harsh things, Lu.”
He knitted his eyebrows in concentration, trying to remember. For a minute you watched him, and you could’ve sworn steam was coming out of his ears. But he shook his head. “Sorry, I don't remember that at all.”
You laughed. You should be surprised or offended. But that was just Luffy. “So we’re good?” you asked.
“Of course,” he said, offering you a bite. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
Reader in a situationship with König's son and then seeing the father for the first time at some awkward intense family dinner and her first thought is something like "Good god that's a fine piece of meat" and "I wonder if they're built the same everywhere"—
Sorry I'll show myself out
Oh god oh shit, i want to eat you, this is PERFECT. Konig isn't a good father, there is no doubt that it left some traumas for his son. And his son isn't a good boyfriend - commitment issues, probably an absent mother somewhere because Konig didn't choose his partners right, and so you end up in that cluster fuck of relationships that you didn't really want, but his son is tall, buff, and somewhat cool. Then you see his father and...oh god oh fuck. Konig is a horrible, horrible man who sees no problem in fucking his son's pretty lil' girlfriend behind his back. She is just so pretty and so young and she doesn't really need her dumb college and a part-time job, she might be his controversially young girlfriend instead! Konig is careful at first. He is making sure you're taken care of, especially since his asshole of a son clearly can't take care of a girl like you. You need a ride to the Uni? His father is home, he can take you! You were ditched on a date because his son has commitment issues? Don't worry, his father would take you to some nice restaurant and let you rant about guys your age, so fucking horrible as boyfriends...and if you end up getting fucked in his bed(not in his car, oh no, this man will treat you right and refuse for quickies and awkward masturbation sessions), deep and slow, well...you might as well become a step mommy for your asshole of an ex, right? Konig can treat you right - he is a retired army colonel, he has money and savings and accounts that gain even more money, and he has time to devote it for you. He doesn't even feel bad about ditching his son! Horrible man!
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night-raven-tattler · 2 months
First kiss, what bliss... maybe...
Summary: Neither you nor your partner have had your first kiss yet. What kind of shenanigans would that information bring?
Characters: Cater, Jamil, Vil × GN!Reader (separate)
Warnings: misunderstandings
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Facing Cater after what happened felt like the hardest challenge you've ever gone through
Curse Magicam and curse couple tags and couple selfies, curse all of it!
The memory was fresh in your mind, making you cringe at the situation
You just wanted to take a cute selfie with your boyfriend, like any normal person
And you thought it would be funny and cute to kiss him on the cheek mid selfie
But he happened to have the same idea...
And your lips unceremoniously clashed over each other
As if the situation wasn't very embarassing already, Cater's reaction made it worse
He awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of his head, then left the room in a hurry
Horrible feedback for your first kiss, really
Were you that bad at kissing? But you didn't even have time to be bad, it was barely anything but his lips landing on yours
Sevens, even thinking about it made you feel like your face was on fire
You cursed all teen rom coms for lying to your poor teenage heart as you buried yourself under your blankets
But soon enough your phone started buzzing like crazy
One, twice, thrice
Twenty times
You picked it up to check what was going on, when you saw none other than your boyfriend spamming you with apology texts
"i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry" "i'm sorry"
His apologies only made you more confused
"wait why"
You could tell he was trying to pick between keysmashing his way to forgiveness and trying to find a coherent response as the loading chat bubble appeared and disappeared on your screen for a few minutes
In the end all he sent back was one text
"nvm i'm coming back to ur dorm stay there"
You undug yourself out of your fluffy pity party and, before you could process properly the situation you were in, Cater knocked at your door
You combed your fingers through your hair before taking a deep breath and opening the door
Just to see a Cater just as frazzled as you were
"I'm so sorry I didn't know what to do I wanted to be cute-"
"I was so stupid, I don't know what came over me, I panicked and-"
You talked over each other, then stopped and sunk into a bit of an awkward silence
Not even your conflict solving skills were on your side today
"Uhm, Let's just... I mean, can I come in?"
"I will let you in... before Riddle hears you used 'can' instead of 'may'."
Cater's eyes widened before he snorted, and a small smile blosommed on his lips
"Alright, don't mind me~"
His sing songy delivery came out slightly tense as he hesitated before stepping into your room and making a bee line to your bed
Another awkward, albeit shorter, silence took over the room before you sighed
"Cater, I'm sorry. I wanted to be cute and kiss you on the cheek, I'm sorry if I overstepped something or-"
"Oh, no no no! That's not it at all!"
Cater's cheeks grew redder than you've ever seen them
"You have nothing to apologise for! It's just..."
His eyes went from your face to the floor, then to the lamp on your nightstand
"It took my by surprise, and I was not prepared at all, and I reacted very poorly... It was so much different than what I thought our first kiss to be."
He reached out to his hair and started playing with a strand, something you noticed he did when he needed something to do with his hands
You took a seat next to him on the bed and sighed
"To be honest... I have no idea how I wanted our... first kiss... to be like... Since that was my first and all."
Cater's eyes widened and he snorted
"Yours too?"
Hearing his words, you turned to face him, and saw an expression hard to read
"Wait, what? Really?"
Cater nodded
You snorted, then burst into laugher
He had no idea why, but Cater also joined in with his own confused giggles
"So both our first kisses kinda sucked. Man...!"
Cater lied on your bed, obviously more relaxed than before
"...Well, at least I know I'm not the only victim of the lies about the romcom first kiss."
"You know what they say about misery loving company!"
You lied next to Cater, thinking about how ridiculous everything was
And you were glad to see Cater back to his more relaxed self
"So... No hard feelings, then?"
His question made you giggle
"None. Only if you promise me a proper redo, though."
Cater turned on his side, prompting his head on his arm
"Totally! Not right now, though. My heart had enough of a workout today."
You spent the rest of the day watching cute videos on his Magicam feed
The atmosphere turned back to normal once again, and you almost forgot about the incident
Until a few weeks later, when Cater was finally ready for the proper redo
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You were leaving Sam's and checking items off of a list, making mental notes to yourself
Ingredients for chakli and shankarpali? Check. Enough paper to make origami jasmines until your hands hurt? Check.
The permission slip from Kalim that allowed you and Jamil to stay out of the dorm for the night? Check. The contracts from Azul binding your friends to the responsibility of keeping Kalim in check while you and Jamil are away? Check
Were your preparations a little extreme? Maybe, but you had a very important goal in mind
Several weeks prior, you were bestowed with a very valuable information: Jamil never had his first kiss
Neither did you, but you wanted to do something about it
After a lot of shifts at the Mostro Lounge, you finally were able to put together the perfect date
A picnic under the stars in the garden of Ramshackle dorm, where you could create the perfect opportunity to give your boyfriend the first kiss he deserves!
You skipped on your way to your dorm from excitement and prepared everything for the special night
But whatever deities ruled over Twisted Wonderland decided that it would be funny to cause an unpredictable downpour on the very night you were planning to be out
All Jamil could do to help your disappointed self was to help you gather your things and resume the "picnic" in your dorm room
Despite him trying to comfort you, you still had a hard time recovering, as the night you were so emotionally invested in was ruined
Jamil sighed as it sunk in that the issue was deeper than he thought, and he made you sit down with him
"This wasn't just a normal date, was it? Talk to me, Reader."
You sighed and grabbed Jamil's hand
"I'm just... really disappointed, I guess. I worked really hard to make this date special! And this stupid rain ruined the night. I'm sorry..."
Jamil raised an eyebrow
"Special? Were you preparing something for a special occasion?"
You hated how perceptive he was sometimes
You looked away, and your reaction to his question was all the confirmation Jamil needed
He still waited for you to tell him, regardless of how embarassed you grew with every second of silence
So eventually you caved after what felt like a whole hour of silence
"...You know how you told me you haven't had your... your first kiss?"
Jamil listened to your explanation with a growing blush on his cheeks
"I wanted to make it memorable! I haven't had my first kiss either so I thought it would be great to make it great for the both of us! But then it started raining, and it made the food all soggy, and I just wasted three weeks of my life for a stupid contract with Azul and my friends to make sure Kalim doesn't accidentally start an international conflict while I'm trying to smooch you!"
Your little rant left Jamil speechless
You were expecting some sort of snort or sarcastic remark, but you heard... nothing
So you turned your face to look at Jamil
And he was deep in thought, eyes not even looking at you
His mouth opened and closed a few times
Jamil's face never settled on an expression for too long, his conflicted feelings coming to the surface
The silence was making your nervous, but it was obvious Jamil was weighting his words very carefully
"Reader, I don't need a special setting for you to show you care about me."
"I know you don't need it, but you deserve it! You work so hard all the time and you never get the praise you deserve, I wanted to spoil you as much as I could and give you an unforgettable memory..."
Jamil was rendered completely speechless
And, when your words finally sunk in, his face started burning like a campfire, and he pulled his hood over his head
"You... You are impossible..."
Your hand was still holding his, and you gave it a squeeze in reassurance
The silence that befell on you was just a bit awkward, but you gave Jamil time to recover emotionally
A few minutes passed when he pulled the hood off and asked you to make a pillow fort with him in your room
"I can't let your efforts go to waste, not after... after everything you've said."
Despite your disappointment, you'd never say no to a night with your boyfriend
So you took the chairs, Jamil took the blankets and pillows, and you set up a pretty nice fort
It wasn't the starry sky you imagined yourself sitting under, but maybe Jamil was right
You didn't need anything fancy to have a special moment
And the way he was clinging to you while you were running your fingers through his hair was even more special to you than anything
You chuckled to yourself at the visage of Jamil Viper, the most tense and closed off teen you know, completely making himself comfortable in your embrace as if your body was made to hold him and cherish him
He raised his head, his attention caught by your chuckle
Maybe it was the way Jamil looked more relaxed than usual or the way that he was simply looking at you, expecting nothing but to satiate a small curiosity
But Jamil looked really beautiful to you in that moment
And kissable...
"This is kind of embarassing... I really wanna kiss you right now..."
Jamil smirked at you
"I thought you needed a meteor shower and a full course meal to get a kiss."
"...Never mind, you ruined it."
You were sure he wouldn't let it die until you actually kissed
A problem you could solve really easily
You started plotting another plan; this one was simpler, and it involved just you making him look at you and leaning in a little closer...
"Did you have any voice acting roles animated movies and stuff?"
Vil contemplated your question for a few seconds while he applied some skin cleanser on his face
"A few, yes. I prefer when people experience my presence fully when I act, but I don't mind bringing a different type of character to life if I like the project."
You were in Vil's room, using your priviledge of being the partner of a Housewarden to spend the night with your boyfriend without the need of a formal pass
As fair as Vil was, he didn't mind your daring actions as they amused him
To pass the time while Vil prepared himself to go to bed, you decided to play 20 questions
"Do you prefer open ended media or do you like to know what comes out of the fate of the characters?"
Vil was good at asking questions, as they really made you fall deep in thought
"Hmm... I think both are pretty great. It depends on the setting the most. An open ending works well with a thriller movie, but I like a proper ending for a romcom."
Your boyfriend hummed at your response
You watched Vil as he reached for his serum, and you caught a glimpse of a smile on his face
"Smart answer. That's the beauty of media, it allows you to tell different kinds of stories in different ways."
Vil opened the serum bottle and let a few droplets fall on his face
"Have you had your first kiss for a role or in real life?"
"Wait. Really?"
Vil snickered at your reaction as he met your eyes through his mirror
"What, is it really that shocking that I haven't had my first kiss yet?"
He was something else: usually people would be embarassed at the prospect of having to admit they haven't had their first kiss at all
"Kind of? I assumed that... well, I know that people who've been acting for as long as you have been exposed to a lot of things before the proper time."
"I can't deny that. I could say that I had a lot of people making sure I never did anything too... extreme."
Vil grabbed his moisturizer, and you had no idea how to feel about losing count of the products he has used so far
While he applied the product, Vil smiled to himself mischievously
"What about you? Have you had your first kiss?"
Your cheeks warmed up in embarassment
Your reply was followed by an awkward laugh, and it drew a chuckle out of Vil
For the first time in a while, Vil got up from his chair and sat on his bed next to you, leaning closer
His closeness to you and your confession made your cheeks grow hot
The floral scent of his freshly applied products and the teasing glint in his eyes made you dizzy
"Oh? Is that so?"
Your confusion suddenly vanished as you realised what Vil was about to do
Were you about to kiss?! Right now?!
Vil leaned in very close to your face while you panicked and tried to figure out what to do
He kept a distance of barely two centimeters for a few seconds
Then he kissed your nose, making you confused
"You've been able to go on this long without your first kiss, you'll be fine waiting a little longer..."
You were shocked as Vil backed away with a smile on his face and cheeks dusted pink
It finally dawned on you: he was only teasing you
He only laughed when you gave him a swat to his thigh, wordlessly accepting your offense as warranted
The audacity of this guy...
"You really though I'd allow our first kiss to be anything less than spectacular? My line of work has been advertising a life changing moment, and I feel it's my duty to... live up to the hype."
Your indignation, as lighthearted as it was, refused to allow your pride to be wounded by such teasing
You raised yourself from your spot and, with a courage fueled only by impulsivity, you put your hand at the back of Vil's neck
You pulled Vil close to your face, action that earned you a gasp from your beloved
Almost all courage left you but you still continued with your plan: you waited a few seconds before pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth
"Your... line of work also has teasers and trailers, right? Consider this one of them."
Vil was more than shocked; to your surprise, he seemed awestruck by your actions
A lovely pink took over his face as a proud smile bloomed on his features
"Maybe I will."
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chososdiscordkitten · 4 months
Good Boy.
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Pairing: Sub!Choso x GN!reader Content: SOFT DOM!reader, no plot, just filth, watching porn together (?), use of a vibrator, no penetrative sex, hand job, lube, PRAISE, conditioning(?), readers a lil mean, use of good boy, pup.........ect. multiple orgasms,...power play...., light Bondage (leather cuffs), use of mommy is HINTED, a sprinkle of Sadism, male squirting (?), AFTERCARE!!! Word Count: 4.4k
(a.n) I just about went insane writing this. and I over indulged- a lil too much in this one. (/≧ω\)
What he sounds like: twt link
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆
You and Choso had started this routine before sex- wanting him to fully explore what he liked and what he didn’t like. When there was time, you put your laptop between you and him, fully clothed- and watched porn. Not for any other purpose but for research. You found it easier to show him certain kinks and acts rather than explain it with your words. Oftentimes leaving you both with furrowed eyebrows and tilted heads not knowing how people find interest in what was being shown. 
At first this little act before sex was awkward- sure. Oftentimes squirming next to each other when you both found something intriguing, flashing your eyes over to him to see if he saw attraction in it as well. But with time, this became more like studying- preferring to watch it together than watching it alone. Finding humor when there'd be horrible acting, sometimes repeating the corny scripts while making out for a laugh. 
But tonight, you had clicked on one video. It was 10 minutes long, but the first few seconds caught both of your attention. On the screen of your laptop, a man laid on his back. Cock in the air as an exploratory hand came onto screen, carefully grasping onto the base to hold it still. The head of a vibrator coming onto the screen, you side eyed Choso- seeing his adam's apple bob harshly. Looking back to the screen when you heard a quiet whirr start to come from the vibrator. Inhaling when you saw the vibrator circle the tip of the man's cock. 
Usually around the 5 minute mark one of you would speak up- saying a comment to indicate if it was a yes or a no. But you both watched in silence as the man on the screen came, over and over again from the vibrations forced on his tip. When the video neared its end, you clicked pause on the screen, looking over at Choso who was trying to cover the growing bulge in his sweats. “You-” he started, looking into your eyes with parted lips and blushed cheeks.
“You have one of those… Don't you?” he asked, breath caught in his chest as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth. You nodded your head, making him inhale sharply.
“Do you-” your breath hitched, ears burning red from the question forming on the tip of your tongue. “Want me to do that- to you?” the corner of your lips curled into a smile.
Seeing him shyly blush ‘yes’ at your question. You hummed quietly, reaching your hand over and closing the laptop. 
Pressing a kiss to his forehead, leaning down to his ear and feeling him squirm beneath you. “Take your clothes off.” You urged quietly with a smile, placing a small kiss to the shell of his ear before leaning over the edge of the bed, hand trying to reach the box that held what you were looking for.
Hearing hasty shuffling as you reached into the box, a triumphant ‘aha’ leaving your lips as you turned around to see Choso in his briefs. You thought of chastising him for it- but instead you used it to your advantage. 
You hummed contently, placing the wireless wand onto the sheets. Looking over his body, making him writhe by feeling your heavy gaze. Taking an inhale, placing your hand to his chest lightly, tracing it down to his torso. Leaning down- noses brushing against each other as you smiled.
“God you're a treasure.” you hummed against his lips, hand trailing down his abs and grazing the band of his bothersome briefs. Choso hummed at your praise, cock dribbling in his bottoms as your fingertips threatened to push past the band.
Pressing an opened mouth kiss to his expectant lips, smiling against him as the palm of your hand brushed against his clothed cock. Pulling away from him and smiling as you caressed him slowly through the thin fabric of his briefs.
“You're already this hard for me?” you hummed contently. Hearing a shuddering exhale leave his lips as the corner of his lip perked up,
“Mhm, just for you.” he exhaled, pressing his lips up to yours with a groan vibrating against you, tongue slipping past your lips with an over excited whimper. 
Pulling away from his lips with a playful tsk, placing your other hand on his bare chest. Holding him down lightly as you looked down at him, nodding your head ‘no’ with a smile.
“Impatient aren't you?” You teased, brushing your thumb over the forming wet spot on his briefs. A small huff leaving his lips at the gentle sensation, bucking up into your hand as you smiled. Choso furrowed his eyebrows, reaching for your wrist. 
“Hurry-” he huffed making you smile at him sinisterly.
“The best part is in the anticipation-” you lectured, trying to pull your wrist from his grasp only for him to tighten it- Pulling you close to him again, breathing the same air as a smile crept onto his gasping lips.
“I disagree.” he hummed, making you quicken the small circles you were making on his clothed tip. Causing him to gasp, releasing your wrist and planting it back onto his chest. 
“I think you're just too eager Cho~” you hummed, seeing him close his eyes as you pulled your hand from his briefs. Taking the hand on his chest and going to pull his cock from the strained briefs.
Making him purse his lips with a sharp inhale, cock standing at attention, ‘just for you’ as he said. Crying silent tears as you smiled, taking the tip of your pointer finger, looking from his pained cock to his expression that tried hiding how excited he was. 
“I'll make you a deal.” you cooed, hearing a choked whine leave Choso’s lips as your finger made light circles on his tip. Leaning down and pressing your lips to his ear, “Be a good boy and I'll be extra nice to you-” you whispered in his ear, making him shut his eyes.
“How's that sound hm?” you asked, already knowing his answer from his soft pants.
“I'm always good-” he gulped, feeling your tongue lick a long stripe on the shell of his ear, you smiled with a huff against him. 
“That's what I'm hoping for.” you hummed, pulling your finger from his tip and trailing it down his shaft. Making a light trail of his precum down the skin. Feeling his cock twitch against your fingertip.
Trailing gentle kisses from his ear to the side of his neck. Softly wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, making him let out a struggled whimper.
Choso’s hips involuntarily bucked up to your hand when you tighten your grip, “Be good.” You hummed against his collar bones, soft goosebumps forming on his arms. 
“I’m-” he huffed, feeling your hand halt its movements, “I’m trying-” he defended with a whine, making you let out a soft giggle, looking at his hands unknowing where to grip, clutching tightly on the sheets as you continued dragging your hand up his shaft as slow as you could. Hoping he'd lose his patience and you'd get to punish him if you kept going.
Feeling the sleeve of your shirt start to bother your slow movements, you pull away from Choso quickly. Making him let out a defeated whine in your absence, slipping your top off and seeing his eyes crack open, scanning your bare chest.
Mentally asking you to take your bottoms off too and forget this tedious scene. Only for his lips to part in amazement as you pulled your cupped hand to your mouth, gathering the saliva you could and spitting it onto your palm, reaching down to his cock and grasping it in your hand. 
Taking a quicker pace as you stroked him, looking down at his desperate expression. A small smile forming on your lips at how worked up Choso got from a few touches, closing his lips tightly.
Trying his best to contain the whimpers that made an embarrassing blush form on his ears. Furrowing your eyebrows at his denial of letting you hear his pretty sounds, you licked your lips before quickening your hand, rolling your palm around his cockhead as he inhaled sharply.
A small tsk leaving your tongue “Lemme hear you pretty boy~” you cooed, making his nose crinkle at the pet name. With a small gasp you felt his cock pulse in your hand, knowing how much he liked your praises.
With one more roll over from your palm, he let out a strangled moan from deep in his chest. Making you grin at his obedience, cracking his eyes and looking up at you, mouthing a soundless- ‘can I cum?’ as your hand sped up.
You smiled, looking into Choso’s big eyes, struggling to hold himself at that edge waiting for you to say the words- his bottom lip pouting as you watched him writhe. Needing to hear the words you had conditioned him to hear anytime he wanted to cum. 
His hands balled into fists with the sheets clutched between them, cock twitching from ignoring his question. You smiled seeing his hips start to shudder from your grasp, “Go ahead.” you smiled with a huff, hearing him let out a soft whine at your words, your hand stroking his shaft faster. Choso’s eyes fluttered shut- hips lifting from the sheets as his body trembled in your hands. “There you go~” you hummed. With one hearty groan, his tip started dribbling small pumps of thick cream colored tears. His chest panting softly, feeling your thumb caress his frenulum. “Wait-” he gasped, taking his hands from the sheets and going to stop your wrist from continuing. Looking up at your unimpressed expression, “Just-” he huffed, shaky hands holding onto your halted wrist. “Just one second-” closing his eyes and relaxing back into the pillows. Trying to catch his breath as you pulled your hand from his cock. 
Hearing him settle his breathing, and look up to you. Smearing an overly sweet smile onto your lips as you looked at him, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his temple. “If you can't keep your hands to yourself I'll tie you up.” You smiled, making his eyes flutter closed, mumbling a quiet ‘okay.’ in defeat.
Guiding him to sit up a little more, cock twitching as it awaited your hand again. “Where do you want me?” you asked sweetly, giving him a single thing to control. Choso looked at you with soft eyes, blinking them back to the discarded wand you had left on your side of the bed. “Up here- with me.” he whispered, not wanting to sound demanding, knitted eyebrows knowing you'd be crueler if you couldn't see his face up close. You hummed a quiet response, taking your free hand and pushing a few strands of hair from his forehead.
“One more with my hand then i'll use the wand, kay?” you cooed against his skin, looking at him sweetly as he nodded. 
With a small sigh from Choso’s parted lips, you pressed your hand to his cock again, starting slowly to drag this out as much as you could. Wrapping your other arm around his head, laying your palm flat on his temple as you stroked his cock with the other. Smiling as you felt his head ease onto your chest with a sigh. 
His eyes closed as he felt your gentle hand twist over his cockhead, with a shudder he parted his lips, “F-feels so so good-” Choso moaned with a hic, making warmth pool in your tummy. He placed his palm onto your knee and pressed his fingers against your skin.
Planting a light kiss to his ear, “I know sweet boy, I know~” you crooned, making a tingle rush to his cheeks. Slightly twisting your wrist on the upturn as his hand started gripping harder into your skin. 
A throaty whine left his lips as you quickened your pace, making sure not to work his tip too much so he wouldn't start squirming. “You wanna cum for me again baby?” you hummed, seeing his blushed chest start to heave and his cock pump out a fresh string of precum at your words.
A choked ‘Mhm-’ from his lips as you tightened your grip on his shaft, a few firm strokes on his cock was all it took for the tips of Choso’s fingers to turn white against your skin.
Making sure to keep his head nuzzled close to your chest as he let out a drawn out groan, “I’m- I’m close-” he muttered in the shape of a whimper, you huffed a breath against his ear with a smile.
“Go on then~” you premissed, watching intently as your hand twisted around his tip- with a shuddering inhale his abdomen flexed. Exhaling as his hot seed cried from his reddening tip. 
Your hand unwilling to halt its movements as Choso tried his best to keep his hands to himself. Though there wasn't as much of it as the first time- his seed was still thick, burning with adoration as you kept your pace on his shaft. Back arched and spasming, shameless moans and whines pulled from his chest as you thumbed the edge of his tip. 
Pulling your hand from his jumping cock with a content hum, looking at his expression with an endearing smile. Pressing a tender kiss to his damp forehead, hearing him let out a hum at your softness. 
Slowly shifting from his side, Choso slumped against the wall as you shifted to rest your bottom on the back of your calves. Holding the wand in hand as you scanned the sight before you. Trembling lips as he caught his breath, beautiful blushed cheeks and trailing droplets of sweat. You hummed contently at how you left him from just two orgasms, excited to see how he'd take being over-stimulated. 
“Ready pup?” you hummed, making Choso’s eyes flutter open and his cock to ooze a clear tear at the name. Only nodding his head up and down limply with an inhale. The feigned sweet smile plastered on your face let Choso know that your patience was wearing thin. He saw it in your depraved eyes.
He gulped harshly when he heard the low vibrations from the wand, holding it in your hand. Placing the palm that was previously on his cock back onto his shaft. 
With a wince from his lips you gave him a few shallow pumps, inching the silicone wand closer and closer to his member. Pressing it lightly onto his base to start, earning a small huff from his lips at the light sensation. Trailing it up the bottom of his oozing cock slowly, your lips parting in a small ‘o’ at how pretty the wand looked pushed up against his cock.
“It’s not so bad now is it?” you crooned, Choso looked at your entertained expression with a pout. 
Flashing your eyes to look at him as you rolled the edge of the wand head against his tip, mouthing the words again, ‘Is it?’ making Choso bob his head up and down, “Use your words.” your tone dropped into a demand.
“No- no.” he breathed, feeling you trail the wand back down his shaft slowly, “It's-” he huffed, “It’s actually nice-” he gave you a half smile. Placing his hand back onto your knee and caressing it gently with his thumb. 
Holding your thumb on the button that accelerated the speed, seeing his eyes blink shut softly at the gentle vibration. With no warning you clicked the button. Hearing a louder whirr from the wand in your hand. Choso involuntarily bucked his hips up, making the toy brush against the v formed beneath his cock head.
A choked whimper fled from his throat, easing his hips down in hopes to relax. Not wanting to see if you were being serious when you said you'd tie him up.
Balling his hands into fists to keep from pushing the toy away, but Choso’s hips didn’t listen to his own thoughts. Biting his bottom lip with hot tears brimming in his eyes, trying his very best to focus on not cumming so soon- but all it took was a breathless “Doin’ so good for me-” with an upturn of your voice, not being able to see it but he knew you were smiling.
Thick trembling thighs as you held the edge of the wand to his purpling tip, this time he didn't even show signs that he was close.
Without warning his cock spurt out a good 3 pumps of clearer cum- lips parting in a silent whine as his hips aimlessly bucked up, knuckles turning white from how hard he was digging his fingers into his palms. Moving the wand in small circles on his tip.
Choso’s fists threatened to unball and pull the toy from his oozing cock. He cracked his eyes open, feeling the hand that you planted at his base to keep his cock still applying pressure. He looked at you in hopes his whimpers would be enough to convince you to pull the toy from his tip. 
They weren't. 
He knew it the second you flashed your stern eyes to his face. Knowing his fists were close to unballing, “I don't want to have to tell you again Choso.” you clarified in an unforgiving tone, all but reading what he was thinking.
Choso closed his lips, a hum with the sound of an ‘m’ threatening to form the pet name he only used to win you over. 
He inhaled sharply as you pressed the toy firmer onto his tip. Eyes clenched tightly as he pinched his eyebrows together, with a frustrated whine his hands extended, pushing your wrist away from his cock without thinking.
Cracking his eyes open not feeling the vibrations torture his cock anymore. 
Trembling lips stuttering to find the words to say- seeing the last of the patience you held for him dissolve in your eyes.
“M’sorry!” he huffed, releasing your wrist. “M’sorry I won't do- won't do it again-” he swore, worried eyes scanning your expression. You looked at him- forming sweet smile on your lips giving him hope that you'd forgive him- “I'll be good from now on-” he huffed, “I promise.”
But the darkness in your eyes showed him you were serious about what you threatened earlier. Placing the toy callously on the bed, not caring if it dirtied the sheets.
Leaning over to his face, taking the hand that held the toy to his warm cheek, thumb brushing away the tear that fell from his eye. “S’okay,” you assured quietly, pressing a quick kiss to his plump lips. “It's okay.” Shifting your knees back, standing from the bed calmly as his eyes followed you. Reaching into a drawer, calmly searching for the tool you've been itching to use. Choso gulped watching the aura around you turn dark, hearing the clink of metal in your hands as you turned around. 
Worried eyes looking at the black leather cuffs in your hands. If you weren't a lil sadistic, you would've put them on him since the start, knowing he has grabby hands and a tendency to squirm.
You kneeled back on the bed, looking at him softly, your expression a firm contrast to the aura you had around you. Choso swallowed harshly, accepting the punishment you inflicted on him. 
“Take your briefs off.” you demanded, and he did as you asked. Not wanting to push you further. 
Back flush against the wall, cock leaking from the sight of you holding those cuffs like a crazed person. Choso looked away from you, shaming himself as he reached his wrists out to you. Obedient as he was- this was needed.
Choso held out soft fists as his wrists rubbed against each other. “Awe-” you let out a tsk, “Don’t pout Choso-” you cooed, buckling a wrist into the snug cuffs, making him avert his eyes from your quick working hands.  
Tugging the strap to make sure he wouldn't be able to remove them, the short chain making you grin. With a forceful tug you pulled him close to your face, “Your cock is telling me how much you like this.” You whispered, making his blush deepen and his pupils to dilate even further. 
Shimmying out of your own bottoms that had been bothering you since the start, his eyes followed your movements. Trying to figure out what followed next. When he met your gaze, he dropped his head, looking down at the mess of his leaky cock that betrayed him by telling you how he really felt.
You looked over at the discarded wand, knowing this wand business would be fruitless. Looking at his cock for a solid second as you thought of how to fully overstimulate him.
Choso didn't like that you were taking a second to think. He didn't want to imagine what you were conjuring up in that pretty little head on your shoulders. With a smug smile you reached into your nightstand, reaching the small bottle of lube that you knew would do the trick. 
Holding it in your hand as you kneeled above his thighs, looking down to his fearsome expression that made the sadist part of your brain itch.
“You love me Choso?” you smiled, eyes soft as you coaxed a soft huff from his chest.
“With everything I have.” He looked up at you with sparkling eyes, pouting lip showing you just how much he meant it. Easing down his thighs as your bottom pressed against them. 
Now straddling his lower thighs, to fix that little squirming problem. Straightening your back as you cracked open the lid of the lube, “You're always so sweet to me.” you smiled, Choso’s eyes followed your hands, squeezing a plentiful amount of the slippery substance onto your cupped hand.
Choso made sure to listen to your tone, “Even if I'm a little mean to you,” a toothy grin on your lips, almost in disbelief. 
His hands were placed softly on his tummy, the short chain clinking as he tried to hold his hands back.
Pressing your slick hand onto his cock, seeing him squirm from the sudden sopping liquid that leaked down his shaft, he let out an appeased huff from his chest. Feeling your hand give him a few gripping strokes, “You like me even if I'm mean?” your tone sounded pleased with the state you put him in. 
The question sounded irrelevant to him, if he could think straight he would've asked himself ‘how is that even a question?’ but at the moment Choso trying to focus on the wet squelches that invaded his ears.
You gave his shaft a few firm strokes, waiting for him to answer. “Yes-” he breathed, “I lo-” your palm brushed over his tip quickly making him let out a high pitched whimper, “I love y-you even if-” he tried his very best to form the unfiltered sentences that oozed straight from his heart. 
“Even if your m-mean.” He finished, making you let out a pitied ‘awee.’ slowly tightening your grip on his lathered cock as his moans became clearer.
“My sweet boy.” you enunciated the pet name he all but cried for. “I think you like when I'm a little mean.” you whispered, brushing the ridges of your cupped fingers over his tip as the cuffs clinked at his lowering wrists.
His thighs trembled beneath you, his shivering lips that spewed out whimpers and whines mouthed one thing that made your cheeks tingle, ‘I do-’ and with those two words, you felt merciful, no longer wanting to tease him, you cupped the head of his cock, loud squelches coming from your hand as you swished your palm on his cockhead.
He did a good job in keeping his hands to himself, inching them further up his chest as various throaty groans left his lips.
“There you go~” You smiled, “Good boy.” you cooed, Choso’s bottom lip quivered. Threatening to curl into a smile at your praise, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Pride swelling in his chest knowing you were pleased with his restraint. 
A whine huffed out of his mouth when you quickened your palm, the warmth from your ass making it very hard to concentrate.
His shoulders shuddered, mouth opening with a jagged exhale. “F-fuck-” he practically forced from his throat, throwing his head back as you worked his poor tip.
The corner of your lips curling into a cruel smile as his back started arching. Hips trying their best to not move below you. Only for your hand to refuse his soft pleads, unknowing what he himself was asking for. ‘pleasepleaseplease’ The back of his head tilted onto the soft pillows, mouth hung open in a silent moan as his lower body started bucking up.
“S’okay sweet boy-” You cooed, knowing he was waiting to hear the special words, “Cum.” you spewed, seeing his pearly teeth tug his bottom lip between them and squeeze.
“Cum for me Choso.” You huffed with an entertained smile, making his cock to twitch in your palm. With a loud groan his cock gave you a few spurts of clear liquid.
Sloshing against the copious amount of lube you had purposefully used. Your hand was persistent- not even working him through his orgasm. If anything, immediately pushing him to the next one.
He muttered various pleads of ‘wait-’ and a slew of jumbled words, but you could only make out one, ‘please.’ If you thought he could take it- you’d tease him with a sly ‘That doesn't sound like a safe word.’
Only for those pleas to go into one ear and out the other, smiling happily at his chest heaving and his hips trying. Trying to escape your ruthless hand, the other planted on his lower abdomen firmly, ready to push off any attempts at pulling your hand away again.
You admired your work with an adoring smile, seeing the tears spill from his closed eyes and his hips moving recklessly. Face scrunched together as he used every effort to not call you the name that was on the tip of his tongue.
Working your fingers to the ridge of his cockhead, not wanting him to get used to the circles you made on his tip. Your thumb moving up and down gently on his frenulum. Giving him a brief second to catch his breath.
Only for your trailing thumb to reach over and rub harsh circles on his tip. His body started spasming, not being able to feel it- but his shut eyes and bucking hips told you he reached that pinnacle once more, kindly gifting you another with knitted eyebrows.
Turning your fist over his tip, wrist flipped over as you slowly pumped him. Choso’s knees bent quickly, pushing your ass up along with them, now inches away from his expression.
Being able to feel the heat radiating from his searing skin soak into yours, “If you wanted a kiss you just had to ask~” you hummed, firming your grip on his tip, leaning in and pressing your parted lips to his. The lube descending down his shaft, making a mess of his emptying balls and the sheets below him.
Giving his all trying to kiss you back, tongue in his mouth slotting against yours sloppily as you hummed. His whimpers spilling onto your tongue as he took heavy breaths from his nose. Pulling away from him as your palm cupped around his tip once more, looking up close at the expression you fought tooth and nail to see. 
You couldn't help but smile, “Just one more-” you demanded, “I know you can do it for me.” your tone was more urging, making him buck his hips up- almost simulating he was fucking into you.
His bound hands started reaching for your wrist weakly, so very close to the point you were getting him to. 
Only for his bound shaky hands to press atop the hand you held on his tummy, assuring you that what you were doing wasn't a cruel punishment. 
With one throaty groan, his wet eyelashes opened, looking into your eyes as he inhaled a heavy breath. His cock twitching violently in your palm, feeling the last orgasm he could muster drip out of his overworked tip into your slowing hand.
Panting softly as you pressed your lips to his again, being able to feel his heartbeat pumping against your chest, planting a gentle kiss to the side of his lips.
His eyes fluttering shut as your hand pulled from his cock, trailing kisses on the side of his face, placing a lasting one on his side burn. “You did so well-” you smiled softly, earning a mindless hum from his closed lips.
“M’so proud of you Choso.” you cooed into his ear, making goosebumps form on his arms from the praise. 
Straightening your back and looking down to the mess you made of him, hazy eyes looking back up at you, his skin dropping in temperature little by little. Shifting off of his limp thighs and untucking a clean edge of the sheets, placing it on him as he eased himself up to sit up.
“How're you feeling, hm?” making sure to keep a soft tone, his lips curled into a warm smile, nodding his head weakly “M’okay.” you hummed at his response. Leaning over slightly and placing a kiss onto his forehead, seeing him ease back into the wall with a blissful expression. “Hands please.” you smiled, seeing his cheeks blush at the reminder of the cuffs. Hesitatingly he raised his wrists, watching your hands slowly undo the silver buckles. Scanning his wrists and seeing there weren't any marks. In the moment he expected to see light indents but his skin was as untouched as you meant it to be. “I'll get you some water okay?” You whispered, placing the cuffs onto the sheets with the discarded wand and easing off the bed with a spring in your step as Choso mumbled a small ‘okay’.
Stopping at the bathroom quickly, plugging the bathtub drain and turning the knobs, pouring a tiny bit of foaming soap into the water, sitting on the ledge as you checked the temperature. Humming quietly as you walked into the kitchen and filled a glass of water. Walking back to the bedroom and seeing Choso waiting for you patiently, eyes lighting up when you walked through the door. Seeing his easing hand reach out to you, sitting on the edge of the bed as his hands clasped the glass and drank slowly. 
Watching him intently, “Hows a bath sound?” You hummed, glimmering eyes blinking to look at you. Holding the glass in his hand as he leaned in to kiss you, welcoming him with soft hands on his shoulders.
Batting his eyes open to look at you gently, “Sounds really good.” he murmured, placing the glass on his nightstand as you eased off the edge of the bed. 
Holding his hand as his wobbly legs stepped off of the bed, making sure to hold his hand tightly as he took an exploratory step, assuring himself he could walk. 
A few stumbling steps before you reached the cold tile of the bathroom, hand in hand as you eased him into the tub. Seeing the bubbles engulf his lower half, crouching next to the white porcelain as you looked at his blissful expression.
“M’gonna clean up okay? I'll be quick.” you muttered, scanning his peaceful expression as his eyes closed, ‘mhm’ he hummed as he eased his shoulders into the rising water. 
You tried to be quick, stripping the bed and throwing a few stray blankets from the closet onto it. Sitting bare on the bed as you cleaned the tools you were thankful for. Making sure to put them where they went before slipping off your panties and walking back into the bathroom, Choso looked like the epitome of peace. 
Turning off the knobs of the bath and looking down at him, seeing him crack his eyes open and smile. Tilting your head and raising your eyebrows to get him to scooch forward, for him to comply. Stepping into the warm water and easing down behind him, feeling the ends of his wet hair press into your chest with a sigh. 
Pressing your damp hand to his temple and a kiss to the back of his head, “I love you too.” you smiled, placing your hand onto the edge of the tub, only for his hand to follow. Caging the top of your knuckles with his as he clutched onto you tightly. Basking in the warm silence that hung in the air.
the cigarette I lit as a reward once I finished this was insane.
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆
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downbadf0rficppl · 4 months
you're on your own kid
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You had a rough childhood, what with an absent father and a piece of shit mother. When a family dinner goes wrong, how do you stop your brain from spiraling? How do you convince yourself you're not alone? A certain blue-eyed, metal-armed avenger, of course.
Word Count: 3.3K
Warnings: Eating Disorders/Weight Related Talk, Blood, Injury, Kinda Self Harm, Child Abuse [PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THESE TOPICS MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!!!]
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You squirmed in your seat, fidgeting with your sleeves. It was awkward being at home after so long. You hadn't been home for four years almost - and it had probably been even longer since you'd sat at this table. Your mother sat across the table from you - her gaze heavy on your head. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, your brother had joked.
He was sitting next to you, his knee gently brushing against yours. A placating movement. He was trying to keep the peace - enjoying the first meal that you had had as a family in a long while. You don't know what it was that made you seek them out. Maybe if you had waited a week, you would have thought about the facts, rather than the feelings. Maybe if you had waited a week, you wouldn't be sitting here with the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You sat in silence, playing with the food on your plate. Your mother was of the almond variety, weighing out plates before passing them around the table. You didn't have much to talk about. Things hadn't ended well the last time the two of you spoke.
Your brother chimed in with the odd question - 'How's your gardening coming along, mom?' or 'How's the new job, sis? What's it like working for the Avengers?'. You'd humour him until your mother's disapproving stares became too much and then you'd shut up. He'd give you a sad sort of pitying smile, before returning to his food.
Dinner was long - even it was less than the traditional three courses. Your brother packed up some extra food, and took it home - he only lived about a half mile away so it made sense for him to go home. You made to go with him but your mother insisted you stay with her. "I made up your room, just the way you like it."
You doubted it. But you smiled anyway and hugged your brother tightly. He whispered that 'you would be fine' and 'it's only one night' and maybe for a second you believed him. As soon as he left, you headed to bed, claiming that 'The trip was long, ma, I'm super tired.'
The look on her face screamed that she didn't believe you. But she waved you good night and headed to the kitchen to find her favourite bottle of scotch.
You opened the door to your childhood bedroom to find it almost the same. The pink walls and bedcovers were suffocating, the blinds drawn shut to create this overwhelming feeling of being trapped. You were. Trapped.
You took your jumper off, laid it over your vanity chair, and jumped onto the bed. It was comfortable, but lying there staring at the ceiling brought back all the horrible memories you tried to suppress. Diet pills and weighing scales, small plates and vomiting, screaming and crying, sirens and hospital bills. Tears streamed down your face as curled up onto your side.
It was almost midnight when you heard your mother walk up the stairs. You knew she was drunk - her steps were loud and out of sync, and the bottle in her hand frequently tapped the banister as she tried to stabilise herself on it. You half expected her to keep walking, cross the landing, and fall dead asleep on her bed.
Instead, your door creaked open and you came face to face with her. Her glassy eyes were rimmed with red - she'd been crying too. Her eyes raked over you and suddenly you wished you'd never come back at all.
"Such a shame," she whispered, "You could have been so much more."
"You were always... the best. The prettiest. The skinniest. You could have been incredible. Instead, you are... nobody."
Her words cut deep but you tried to ignore them. You were somebody. You worked for the Avengers, you were a top-level agent for SHIELD. You helped save the world.
"I tried my best. To help you. But you were ungrateful," Your mother stalked closer, her sadness giving way to anger, "conceited, convinced that you could be anything more than what I made you. But you were wrong. I created you. Without me, THERE IS NO YOU." She launched the bottle at your head and it shattered at the wall behind you.
She kept screaming, but you tuned her out, slipping off the bed and grabbing your jumper and keys. You ran past her, shoving her hard as she tried to grab you and ran out to your car. She watched you go screaming abuse after you, telling you to 'never step foot inside her house again.' You weren't planning to.
You drove like a madman back to upstate - traffic was pretty light considering the ungodly hour. You parked haphazardly - Tony would probably murder you for it in the morning but you couldn't find it within yourself to care. You trudged upstairs, footfalls far too heavy for someone is literally a superspy, but this was your home. You weren't running from anyone in here.
You were so stuck in your own head that you didn't realise that Bucky was sitting in the living room, watching as you walked into the kitchen. He'd heard your footsteps and he was worried. You never walked that heavily.
"Everything ok, doll?"
You looked up at him, not registering a word he said. He stood up and walked over to you, fingers reaching up to stroke your face.
"You good?" He whispered, his forehead almost touching yours.
You pulled away from his touch, even though your body was screaming for you to collapse into his open arms. "Yeah, Buck, fine. See you in the morning for training." You stepped past him, heading for the stairs.
"Yeah, doll. See you in the morning."
The morning came around far quicker than you'd hoped. You had barely slept, tossing and turning all night, your mother's words ringing through your head.
Eventually, you realised it was a futile effort. You might as well get up and be productive. You found yourself in the gym just as the sun came up, face to face with a heavy bag. You clenched your wrapped fists before shaking the sleep out of your system.
Your hits were precise, measured, calculated. If there was one thing no one could fault you for, it was your skills. You were an impeccable agent. If only your mum could see that. You took your rage out on the heavy bag, pouring every ounce of resent in your body into your punches. Sweat beaded on your forehead, the exertion making your breaths heavier and your knuckles sting. You kept punching, time slipping away from you.
You heard the door to the gym open, and someone was talking. Their voice was muted, almost as if your head was underwater. Between the punches and your tiredness, nothing registered in your foggy mind. From the distance you could hear footsteps, getting louder almost as if they were walking towards you.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when a hand brushed against your shoulder. You spun around ready to cuss out whichever stupid rookie decided to bother you so early in the morning. You were surprised to see familiar eyes boring into yours.
"I called your name, you know," Bucky said, his hands moving to rest on your waist, "twice. I even dropped my bag next to yours to get your attention."
"Sorry, I was thinking."
"I can tell," Bucky's thumbs drew circles on your waist, absentmindedly, "Where's that pretty mind been at lately?"
"What do you want, Barnes?"
"I'm worried. About you. You haven't been yourself lately. What's going on?"
"Nothing." You sighed, removing yourself from his grasp, "Missions, reports, meetings. It's tiring."
"Maybe you take a holiday? Try and relax a bit?" You could hear the genuine concern in his voice but you still rolled your eyes.
"Maybe you mind your own fucking business, Barnes? Don't you have other shit to be doing apart from hovering over me?" You grabbed your stuff, refusing to make eye contact with him, and walked out.
"I'm still seeing you for training right?" You hear him call after you, but you keep walking. You let out a shaky breath as soon as you got into the elevator.
He didn't see you for training. Or after.
You'd skipped training in favour of going on a run with Steve and then you had to file a few mission reports. You'd holed yourself up in your office, manila files piling up on the corner of your desk your fingers brushing over the keys with seasoned speed. Bucky had wanted to stop by but given your odd behaviour in the morning, he'd decided against it.
You were glad. You hated that Bucky could see right through you, even when you tried your best to hide it. Especially because you were irrevocably in love with him.
You'd been in love with him ever since you'd started working at the compound. Bucky was one of the few people to notice you and your efficiency. You became one of his preferred mission partners, a fact of which you were very proud. You quickly became one of his favourite people, period, and Bucky even went so far as to blow off Steve to spend time with you.
It hurt you to keep him at arm's length but you knew it was for the best. You remembered what your father told you the night before he left. You're on your own kid. You always have been.
You were given a mission assignment in the evening, with strict instructions of 'wheels up at 0600.' The early pickup time wasn't strange and you were itching to get out of the compound. You packed your bag up, leaving it by the door, and headed to bed.
Another restless night of sleep was the last thing you needed, but you were up and at the hangar waiting for Captain Rogers by 0600. He smiled when he saw you and handed you a coffee. You smiled. Your first real smile since you visited your parents.
"Good luck out there." A voice calls from behind you. You freeze. Bucky jogs towards you both, his eyes betraying his tiredness. Steve's face breaks into a grin at the sight of his old friend. Steve throws his arms around Bucky.
"Don't do anything stupid until I get back," Steve says, his joking tone making Bucky laugh.
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you."
You want to smile at the sight of the two of them together but you held yourself back. You walked towards the quinjet, ready to get this show on the road when you hear Bucky clearing his voice behind you.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Onto the quinjet?"
"Not without a hug, you're not." You sigh but trudge down the steps to give him a half-arsed side hug. He pulls you in tight, and whispers into your hair, "When you get back, we're gonna talk. Okay?"
You don't respond, brushing him off and climbing into the jet. Steve follows you in, dropping his bag next to yours, before turning back to wave at Bucky.
"Don't worry, Buck, I'll take good care of your girl."
His girl. That sounded nice. You shook the thought away before elbowing Steve in the sight. Jokingly of course, but he still doubled over for effect. Bucky burst into laughter.
That was the last thing you saw as the door went up.
The mission was hard. Not terrible - no one died, which was a win in your book - but it wasn't fun. Multiple shootouts, car chases, and three hours of hiding in a dumpster later, you were ready to nap for a week. But, alas, Fury had set a debrief at 8 the next morning, which meant that you had - you checked the clock on your microwave - 6 hours at best.
You dropped your bag on the sofa and headed into the bathroom. You unzipped your utility vest, dropping it on the floor. You needed to disinfect it - god knows what had stained that vest. You pulled up your compression shirt, wincing as the flecks of red came into view. You quickly stripped it off, dropping it in the washing basket, before whipping back around. You caught your own reflection in the mirror and tilted your head, taking in your reflection of your body. Your mother's words played back in your head. Maybe your mother had a point.
You quickly shook your head, dispelling those horrible thoughts from your mind. But still, you continued to stare at your body, scrutinising every feature. I mean, sure you weren't as skinny as you used to be, but that's because you had muscle now, right? And the hamburger you had for lunch was a treat - you know for completing the mission? The super important mission that you were on because you are important and you are somebody and you have value and you are someone without your mum. Don't you? And it's ok that you can't see your ribs because actually you have abs now and that's way more attractive. Right? And.. and... and....
Broken glass was shattered all around you, fragments piercing your skin. Your mirror now had a fist-shaped hole in the middle, from where your sadness had quickly bled into anger.
You cradled your bloodied fist in your hand, sinking to the ground as sobs racked through your body. Glass dug into your knees as they hit the floor and you curled your hands into your chest. Hurtful 'what ifs' swirled through your head, stealing your breath and making it almost impossible to breathe.
Pounding on your door broke you out of your thoughts. You tried to regain your bearings. It was 2 am. You were in your apartment, the apartment that was miles away from the compound, that you lived in alone. Who the hell would be at your door right now?
You were silent, breath bated as you waited for the stranger to go away. They banged on the door again.
"Doll, I swear to god, if you don't let me in, I'm going to break your fucking door down."
You knew that voice anywhere. The knowledge that you weren't alone, that he was here for you, that Bucky wouldn't make you suffer alone brought new tears to your eyes. Fresh sobs burst from your chest as you tried to move. Glass shards were stabbing into your legs, and one of your hands was bleeding profusely. Bucky, your safety net, was so close and yet so far.
"Doll? Doll, I can hear you. Doll, please, please let me in." You could hear the panic in his voice as he struggled with his conscience. You tried to move but the pain was excruciating. A pained scream erupted from your lips.
A loud bang came from your front door, followed by heavy and fast footsteps.
"Where are you, doll? Come on, just come and talk to me." He said, sweeping through your living room. You whimpered from the bathroom, his enhanced hearing focussing on even the smallest of sounds.
He quickly found his way into the bathroom, his eyes raking over your hunched figure, before flitting to the broken mirror and the shards of glass on the ground.
"Oh doll," he whispered, bending down to scoop you up from the floor. He cradled you gently as he carried you from the bathroom into your bedroom. "What happened, doll? Talk to me."
You looked up at him, trying to figure out where to start. You blanked. You couldn't find a good place to start the story that would cause you the least pain. Your mouth opened and closed a few times with no sound coming out. Bucky rested his hand against yours, trying to reassure you to take your time, but the sound of your wince drew his attention to your hands.
"Doll, your hands." He grabbed your hands gently, peering at your knuckles. They were mauled, glass sticking out of torn-up skin, "What did you do?" He stood up, walking into your kitchen to grab the first aid kit he knew was under the sink. Watching him walk around like he owned the place made some small part of your heart happy - it was almost as if your dreams, your darkest-held fantasies, were coming true.
Bucky kneeled in front of you, placing the first aid kit beside him. He brushed all the glass shards off your legs - luckily none of them had been embedded into your skin. He cleaned any small scratches before turning to your knuckles. The sight of your knuckles made him wince and you started to pull them away. Bucky leveled you with a look that said, let me take care of you. You let him. He sterilised a pair of tweezers and got to work pulling the shards of glass out of your knuckles. You sat in silence for a while, Bucky diligently working on your knuckles, and you watching the swiftness with which he worked.
"Why did you punch the mirror, doll?" Bucky asked after a while.
"I was angry," you whispered, your voice deathly quiet. Now that the rage was gone, all you had left was embarrassment.
"And why were you angry?" Bucky coaxed, his eyes pleading for some answers. He pulled out the last shard of glass before swiping an alcohol wipe over your knuckles and bandaging them up. He packed up all the items back into the first aid box and went to put it away and wash his hands.
You were still sat on the bed contemplating your answer when he got back. He knelt in front of you again, before he rested his hands on your face, "Why were you angry doll?"
"I didn't like it." You whispered, pulling your body away from him.
"What didn't you like?" Bucky's eyes stared into yours and you suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. You tried to remove yourself from his all-seeing, mind-reading gaze, but he didn't let you. He pulled you into his lap, and you hid your face in his neck. His beard tickled your forehead as you nestled into him, trying to seek out the comfort you so desperately needed but didn't know how to ask for.
"Me." You said, your head turned away from him as you stared at your hands.
"I didn't like me." Your voice started to shake as you tried to find the right words to tell him the truth, the whole honest godforsaken truth, but you couldn't.
Bucky seemed to read your mind, "It's ok, take your time. We don't have to talk about this today. We can come back to it later, when you're feeling up for it, okay?" You nodded, burrowing further into him, "You wanna sleep?"
You nodded again, and Bucky shifted, wrapping his arms around you so he could gently place you down on the bed. He removed his arms from underneath you and tucked you into bed, gently kissing your forehead as you turned to leave. You whined.
"Pleasedon'tgoBuck-" You mumbled, sleep quickly pulling you under. He smiled, perching himself on the end of the bed.
"You sure you want me to say, sweetheart? Not sure you'll ever get rid of me if I stay?"
"I promise. Never want you to go." You said, clinging to his arm and pulling him back into bed.
You slipped into an easy slumber as Bucky shuffled around in your room. Maybe you didn't have to be on your own anymore.
buy me a coffee
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jade-len · 6 months
i think it'd be funny if someone transmigrated as xin mo. the goddamn evil sword. instead of taking it seriously, they just really fucked around with bingge. and, somehow, ended up having the opposite effect of what it's supposedly rumored to do.
picture this: bingge, on the quest for revenge and power, comes across the almighty xin mo. this demonic sword killed everyone that dared to even try wielding it. and, the few who were lucky enough to have it by their side, eventually succumbed to the swords' will.
it is said that the sword is unlike any other, that it etches into your head and eats away your brain, until eventually it consumes you whole. it whispers, speaking in lust, greed, and hatred. it slowly beckons the wielder into giving in to the worst part of themselves and feeds off of pure sin. but to him, it is no matter; luo bingge will surely tame it.
and then he gets to the sword.
demonic qi practically oozes from xin mo. the aura surrounding it makes every part of luo bingge scream, "run; get away, away from that monster." his gut prods at him, begging bingge that this is probably a really bad idea. it's a little terrifying, how even luo bingge, the determined, vengeful demon, is now getting second thoughts about wielding xin mo from just being in its presence alone.
but luo bingge is too, a monster. so he ignores the screams of plea; pushing every thought of doubt in the back of his head, and tightly grips onto the handle. the world around him seems to spin and shake, tumble and crack, from the amount of force bingge needs to use in order to pull the sword of sin out of its place.
when bingge finally has it perfectly fit into the palms of his calloused hands, he hears whispering. he knows that the sword has accepted him as its new host.
the sword's language crawls up to him, as if it were feeling around his body and mind. checking every nook and cranny for it to settle into bingge's form, truly becoming one with the embodiment of sin. the words flow through his brain like a tragically broken guqin, a melody that holds him in a frighteningly familiar trance - all while simultaneously eating away at his brain in the worst ways possible, akin to a child and their favorite snack. it seems to beckon something, but even with luo bingge's impressive hearing, he cannot make out any words from the tone-deaf musical notes xin mo sings.
and then, it is clear. the land around him settles, and everything is still. xin mo itself seems to be.. content. at least, that is what luo bingge believes.
the language of this wretched sword reflects the state around these two monsters.
luo bingge expects it to demand for bloodshed, for the erotic ecstasy of multiple women, for bingge to steal the last of the finest gems of these horrible, vast lands.
instead, he hears this:
"yoooo damn that shit was crazy. did you see what i did there? man, you know, it feels so fucking good to get out of the dirt. hey, do you know if people can like, feed their swords or something? i'm kinda craving something spicy. we never know, in this wack world! wait, don't hold me like that, buddy. it'll make things real awkward."
but luo bingge is determined to get his revenge, so he puts up with the swords' constant rambling about.. whatever the hell it's thinking.
"wait, dude, did you seriously fuck a dying girl? that's wild. yeah, like i know she was dying but it doesn't sound like you wanted it. yo, listen to me, consent is very sexy."
"HAHA hey, dude, sir, man. you wanna play some 'i spy'? we don't have anything else to do. no? too bad, we're playing it. i spy a loser who doesn't wanna play i spy. hint: he's holding me right now."
"okay i know i'm supposed to be this super evil sword and beg to be used - woah that sounded real wrong - but can you at least clean me when you're done killing shit? if you don't, i'm gonna refuse to respond to you and you'll look like a dumbass trying to wield me."
"i can't hear you lalalalalalala you're not being very it girl right now lallalalaalalalla-"
somehow, this is worse than if xin mo was actually eating away at his brain.
weirdly enough though, as luo bingge starts spending more time with this weird ass, seemingly possessed sword, it starts to become more of a.. comfort to have it by his side than pure annoyance. he finds himself responding to it more, like, actually having full on conversations with it. it puts him at ease, wielding xin mo. the hatred doesn't consume him, instead, it seems to soothe the burning rage (and, admittedly, just replace it with small irritation) that holds onto his darkened heart.
xin mo is actually quite kind and caring, for a sword that's supposed represent and be the literal embodiment of sin. sure, it is a hassle to have it cooperate with him sometimes, and it does just ramble on and on about the most random things ever, not giving a single shit if bingge was in the middle of sleeping with maidens and slaying those who get in his way. for the first time, bingge feels so comfortable around something.
it's.. odd. what was supposed to be the turning point in his life, a big step in his plan for revenge, is now something akin to an... acquaintance. not like mobei-jun, or any of the women he's come across, but an actual, dare he say, friend.
sometimes, he finds himself thinking all of this delusional. is this what people were driven mad by? perhaps they simply could not handle dealing with a talking sword. he understands that xin mo was undoubtedly unbearable to be around at the beginning of their alliance, but it has never actually beckoned for blood, power, and sex. if anything, it does the opposite.
maybe he's the delusional one. maybe this is xin mo's way of getting to him.
maybe, xin mo should be considered a thing. the thought feels terribly laughable, as if he were witnessing a person horribly explain themselves. it also makes his teeth grind together in pure agitation.
"hey, you know, you didn't deserve any of the things they did. it wasn't your fault, binghe. the fact that you're half heavenly demon doesn't make you a monster, or any of that wild stuff.. uh, i'm here for you, okay? i know you don't really like talking about all of this or opening up, but i just want you to know that you can.. talk about it. it's not like i can tell anyone else, anyways.
hey- shit i didn't mean to make you cry! wait, wait it's okay to cry! you need to let it out anyways, i promise it doesn't make you weak. there, there. i don't have any hands, so me patting you on the head with my handle will have to do. there, there.. everything will be alright, you'll be okay. i'll be here every step of the way, even if you want to get rid of me."
xin mo, the demonic sword, is more of a person - a good person - than anyone he'd ever come across.
...and then bingge and the xin mo transmigrator become besties or he falls for the damn sword. knowing him, he probably doesn't even know the difference between platonic and romantic attraction anyways. maybe bingge gets a plant body for xin mo using airplane's wack writing. idk i typed all of this down in one sitting.
(plot twist: it's not that the transmigrator xin mo had the opposite effect, it was literally just a placebo effect. luo bingge thought that, and thus it actually did help him lmao)
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 17 days
Twisted Wonderland First Kiss Headcanons:
Diasomnia, Savannah Claw, and Heartslabyul
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Your first kiss with him was absolutely awful
First off, he started with the French kissing
When I tell you, his tongue is like the facehugger from the alien series
His split tongue is going to the back of your throat.
Gag reflex is trying to work but he’s not stopping
Literally won’t stop kissing you either until you run out of air or
When he accidentally burns your tongue because his fire breath was activated.
He’s just a very awkward kisser. It’s not his fault though
He’s trying.
You make him watch a how to kiss YouTube video afterwards.
Shoujo Prince#1
When he kisses you, it feels like roses are in the air.
The perfect kiss
It’s like being kissed by a Disney prince.
Says the most romantic or cute afterwards
“That didn’t feel weird, did it?”
“No, not at all 😍”
It’s just too much for one person
He’s too perfect.
Awkward but not awful
It’s the perfect representation of a teen’s first kiss.
It’s not perfect, but not horrible either
He did accidentally bite your bottom lip though
One he realized your lip was drawing blood, he stopped kissing you and started his shouting antics.
“Somebody help! My lover is bleeding!”
“I’m fine-“
“We have to disinfect the wounds so my superior fae bacteria doesn’t cause an infection!”
“What? What kind of logic is that?!”
“The right logic!”
In the end, you end up with a a cute little band aid on your lip.
He’s a good kisser.
When he kisses you, it’s the type of kiss that has enough passion that could lead to sex.
That’s how good he is.
Doesn’t use too much tongue
Not too forceful
Not eating your face or lips.
Leaves a hickey on your neck afterwards
He’s the one using his tippy toes to kiss you in the relationship.
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Shoujo Prince#2
Kisses like a broody anime prince
Tilts your chin beforehand then kisses you
Has his tail wrapped around you
His tail brushes your cheeks
Says the most romantic thing ever
“Don’t go around getting into trouble without me beside you, ok?”
Didn’t expect Leona to be so romantic but it’s accepted.
His kiss is adorable
His tail is wagging the whole time
The whole experience is so cute
He starts off on the lips, stops, blushes, sees you smiling, then makes his next move.
Jack begins to pepper your cheeks with kisses and you go to the ground
Basically like having a dog lick you but instead it’s kisses.
“Aww, Jack I love you too!”
His ears are perky the entire time.
It’s adorable.
He’s a sneak kisser.
He kisses you after a snack steal gone right.
“Thanks for helping me steal all these snacks!”
“No problem-mmph!”
He gives you a quick smooch, then runs off.
“See you later!”
“Ok! What just happened?”
You just accept the new title as his lover/partner in crime.
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A mix of Sebek and Malleus
The kiss is too long so it becomes awkward
But he doesn’t use tongue
Afterwards, he’s a blushing mess
“So are we like dating now? Because if we’re not that’s totally cool! I can be friends with you after this-“
“Just shut up and kiss me, Ace.”
He does as you say and it’s happily ever after after that.
He’s a surprisingly good kisser.
In his delinquent past, he had a couple of girlfriends.
He learned what worked after a while(couldn’t lose his street cred because of his inability to kiss well)
His lips are soft.
And they taste like cherries.
“Is that cherry flavored lip balm?”
“Oh yeah! I bought some chapstick to repair the damage from my lips from all the fights I used to get into!”
“Wow. Good for you.”
Continues kissing you and it lasts for seven minutes.
This boy watched several how to kiss videos
But despite that, the whole experience is awkward.
“Do you want me to squat down?”
“Just stay still, I can reach you without you having to squat down.”
Riddle tries to jump to your lips several times.
Finally he jumps on you and wraps his legs around your waist.
When he kisses you it feels ok but in an unnatural way.
In theory he knows how to kiss, but because he’s never done it before, it doesn’t play out the same way as when he kisses his fruit.
“So, how was it?”
“Umm..it was ok..”
“Riddle, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“Yes, it is! I’m supposed to be a good kisser to impress you!”
“Riddle, really it’s fine.”
“In that case, I’ll have to kiss you more so I know what to do.”
This man is a freak.
Straight up had you banging on his door for help.
When he kisses you, it starts out normal.
Then he starts using his tongue.
It moves around in your mouth inspecting your teeth and gums.
When his tongue runs over your teeth you scream.
“Trey! What are you doing?!”
“You’re neglecting to properly brush your front teeth. There’s a bit of plaque on them. Don’t worry, I can’t get rid of it with my guest dental kit.”
“Help! Someone help!”
“Now say ah…”
“Help, he’s going to brush my teeth!”
Trey brushes your teeth but everyone else it sounded like sex.
Especially because all they heard was your screams, something vibrating, and Trey saying things like “It won’t hurt” and “Be still for a minute.”
You ended up with clean teeth, but that’s where it got weirder.
Trey got amped up and continued where he left off.
At that point you just accept your weird boyfriend.
He’s a good kisser.
He’s had many short term girlfriends over the years from moving around so much.
“Don’t be nervous, Cay Cay knows just how to make it your best kiss ever!”
When he kisses you, he doesn’t use tongue at first.
When you’re comfortable enough, that’s when he asks.
“Do you mind if we take it up a notch?”
“Oh, sure. I don’t really know how to do stuff like that…”
“I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead.”
He led you through the whole experience of kissing while using your tongue.
By the end you’ve learned things and are going to keep learning things with Cater.
“See, I told ya Cay Cay would help you!”
He kisses your cheek and wraps an arm around you.
You both smile and giggle.
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lovings4turn · 10 months
Okay, I promised you some cute F1 thoughts, and Mama’s here to deliver!!
What about Max having an S/O who’s always really sweet to him and showering him with compliments and is always there to pick him up when he’s down, and he just kind of… doesn’t know how to deal with it? (Because that boy is SO starved for unconditional affection, you cannot convince me otherwise.)
my dearest dolly i have been WAITING for these and i'm so ready to provide,, especially for a touch starved n slightly awkward max!! thanks for sending it in,, your ideas always make my mind go wild🖤
it's not that he doesn't appreciate it, no. in fact, max would trade most of his worldly possessions if it meant that you would keep treating him the way you currently do. the 'problem' - if you can even really call it that - lies in the fact that he doesn't really understand why. he's never really been on the receiving end of so much praise and love, or general kindness and patience, even, so he doesn't quite know how he's supposed to respond.
you've heard the stories of his father, of the things he's said and done to max, and your blood boils every time you have to be in the same room as the man.
post-race congratulations are met with a deep hug, max resting his head in the crook of your neck and letting your words wash over him like treacle, coating him in a thick, saccharine feeling. he has no idea how to respond, whether to thank you or refute your claims, so instead he says nothing and hopes you don't notice the pale dusting of pink across his face as he gives his post-race interviews in the media pen.
even in his worst moments, when he's furiously raving about a strategy that could have gone horribly wrong, you're there for him. a gentle kiss between his eyebrows is enough for him to relax his face and look at you, inquisitive. he doesn't quite know what he did to deserve this, or how he can ever repay you for it, but he's thankful, and he'll do everything in his power to show you that.
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lustlovehart · 4 days
Hi there, i saw ur blade fics & omg 😳 So i came here to send a req for another blade content with gn reader. No yandere blade, but kinda dark (related to ur latest fic of him & i hope u r ok with my req, feel free to decline it).
So, ur latest fic said the reader leaves all of the 'sinning' to him. What if the reader wants to kill someone cz that person is somehow related to their past (in terrible terms with them & it haunts the reader like how it haunts blade). But the reader remembers to leave the 'sinning' to him, so they ask blade to do it (even though they apologize afterwards cz they feel like burdening him).
I hope my req is all safe, im sry if it's complicated 😭 But thx a lot!
Hell Is A Place Without You
A/n: Ahhh!!! I’m so happy you enjoy my Blade writings ^^, I actually already was planning on making a part 2 for it so this req was perfect | pt.2 of I’ll Suffer Your Sin
Summary: Your mind is dirtied with unwanted memories, who knew that nightmare would come back to haunt you? Only you decide who ends your dream. [Date with Blade goes horribly wrong]
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Being watched while you sleep, Awkward Bladie trying to court you, Minor Character Death, horrifically written fight scene
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It’s impossible to truly escape your past, the traces and scars it left behind on you will always remain on your body, no matter how hard you scrub it off. Even in your own dreams, you aren’t free of such a hell. The way that they had betrayed you is etched so deep into your skin tearing your flesh to reach its core will never be enough to absolve you from the memory. The past you remember is buried in blood, their laughter ringing in your ears as you watched them destroy everything you had, yourself as well.
You dream of being free, alas, you'll be chained by it as long as they have you.
“Is something wrong?” The way your heart pumps as gasps of air rush in and out of your lungs doesn’t fail to go unnoticed by the man next to you. He’s bare, the only thing covering his torso being the bandages wrapped around his waist. The way the light from the moon gazing through the window highlights his prettiest features, his muscular stature, his face, and even the scars that adorn his skin are beautiful.
You're sure you would've liked the sight more had you been in a regular state of mind. The events from yesterday still continue to stir you up, and the nightmare only made it worse.
"I-It's nothing just a… Wait, have you slept at all Blade…?"
"No, I haven't"
"Why? I know you have sleeping problems but you should try."
" I was making sure you're okay." For a moment his eyes lock onto your wrapped hand, a cruel reminder of what he had done yesterday, 
"Were you… Watching me sleep…?" he blinks a few times at you before turning back towards the window. Maybe that cold chill up your spine was caused by him instead of your nightmare.
“If I said no you wouldn’t be convinced.” He’s right, even if he did you would most definitely tell he was lying. Well to be fair, he never lies to you, so it wouldn’t be hard to tell in the first place. Now that you think about it, there are some moments in which you wish he would’ve created a fake truth, alas, him and his “that will change nothing” mindset won’t fulfill that wish.
“You’re right, I probably wouldn’t.” You lift yourself from the bed, the sun still hasn’t risen, in fact, it’s still evening, but knowing you have a serial sleepwatcher in the room with you, it might just be better to stay up.
His eyes follow your groggy form slowly putting your work outfit on, his gaze not at all straying. It’s only when you look straight at him that he finally decides to not stare.
He breaks the silence while you’re trying to put on your shoes, his words making you pause and look back up at him for a moment, a null feeling hidden in your chest makes you consider telling him, but in the end, you choke it down and pay no mind to his words, going back to putting your footwear on.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I said it was nothing—“ You don’t feel like announcing your personal problems as of the moment. When you finish, your body stands back up to its regular height, a small scream escaping your lungs when you turn around and find your coworker standing too close for comfort behind you. His stone-cold face is only inches apart from your own, each breath that escapes him being felt on your skin.
Despite how intimidating the situation is from an outsider's perspective, this proximity of closeness is usual between the two of you, so it doesn’t bother you as much as it should, but that doesn’t stop the chill in your body from happening.
“I don’t lie to you, I never would. Why don’t you hold the same sentiment?” His voice is soft, it’s a dead giveaway of his feelings for you, at least, you think it is, he’s not exactly the type to directly say “I love you”, so you have to gauge his current emotions through his body language and actions. It’s not a problem for you, that doesn’t mean it’s easy though.
“But I’m… I’m not lying.”
“Yes. You are. You’re not very good at it.” Sometimes you wish the two of you didn’t work as well as you do, if that was the case, maybe he wouldn’t be able to see through you so easily.
“You’re right I’m lying. But… I don’t know why you care so much… It has nothing to do with you.” Your sentence starts soft before branching out into a firmer tone. This change in attitude made his breath, though barely audibly, hitch in his throat. You don’t speak any more words, only letting his sight linger on you a little longer. His eyes close when he finally retracts himself from your body.
The breath you had held in your esophagus was finally sighed out from the sudden free space. When you look up again, you see the man walk towards the door, the handle clicking as he unlocks and turns it open.
Is he gonna leave…? No is he… Brooding…? The door swings open quickly, his body maneuvering so he’s on the side. He doesn’t look at you, but with the way he’s holding the door, you assume he’s holding it open for you.
“Let’s go.”
“Wha? It’s practically midnight… Where would we go? Nothing's open, and the script is meant to start in a couple of hours—“
“Do we need to have something to do?”
“Well, usually, yeah.”
“Then we’ll walk.” His eyes still don’t make contact with yours, but you can feel the very feint feeling of him wanting you to agree. As you walk forward your body can’t help but hesitate for a moment. The Stellaron hunter is quickly taken by surprise when he feels your previously injured hand grab onto his wrist and drag him along behind you.
The planet you both are currently residing within is a metropolis filled with millions of stores. Maybe if you hadn’t dreamed in your sleep you could’ve gone shopping, too bad they’re all closed.
“You could always go when we’re done with the script.” His deep voice breaks your train of thought as you look down at the tiny lights. You don’t look at him but a quiet “mm” is all he needs to hear to know you heard him.
“By the time we’re done, the city will be in shambles, I don’t think that’ll work.” It’s sad really, looking down at the little glowing wisps reminds you that there are people who live here, not just people, animals, and robots, all with their own lives.
“I didn’t say you had to buy anything.” Sometimes though, not all those lives are worthy of happiness.
“Are you implying we should steal during the aftermath?” You don’t hear the silent steps walking towards the two of you, too absorbed in your conversation with the one your coworkers describe as your “bodyguard”.
“I could do it for you.” They’re close, close enough to hear the words you speak to the man.
“Would you really? I thought you were the type to not stray from the script.” You finally turn around to face him, despite the solemn mood, a slight smile can be seen from your lips a teasing demeanor exuding from your mask. Your body leans on the railing, Blade's eyes occasionally shifting to where you stand, you take it he’s worried you’ll fall.
“I am. I’m following it. Elio says I’m to “make [Name] enjoy the planet”.”
“Oh? So you’re only doing it cause you have to?” Your body lifts from where you once leaned, his own staying unmoved as you advance toward him.
“No, I would’ve done it either way.” Your smile widens a little more, his words are simple but it’s nice to know he’d do something like that for you unprompted. 
The way your face exudes such a warm expression doesn’t go unnoticed, going from a formerly teasing to a more heartfelt look, making his mouth almost quirk up. Almost. As he stares, his mind is taking at least 5 mental pictures to not forget the look on your face.
Perhaps he’ll use it in the future whenever his mara needs quenching. Who’s he kidding, it’s not perhaps, it’s for certain that he’ll use it.
“Would you buy-- or rather, steal me a drink 'cause you want to?“ your finger lifts causing the man's attention to shift, looking at the vending machine in the far distance filled with different juices and beverages. He can feel you gently open his palm, placing credits in his hand. He doesn’t say words but nods his head, turning to walk towards the machine. 
A machine that was quite the stretch away from you.  
Your head turns to look at the pretty lights at the city below, unsuspecting of the person hidden behind you. 
A crunch sounds out through the air, your body immediately spinning to see the figure hurling towards you, the glint of steel highlighting the weapon in their hand. 
Clash of Blades continue to spiral out in the space until you’ve successfully pinned them to the railing, their body leaned over the fence, a small edge laid on their throat. Right there, in your hands, is the chance to leave your history behind in the dust. But, your hand can’t help but tremble. Your knees are weak too, despite it, your hand continues to press deeper, blood drawing from the wound. 
“Take me, as much as you need. All of it if you have to.“
“is that it?“ a sadistic laugh escaped from the depths of their throat. The cold feeling of a sharp point is directed in your stomach. “I’m fine with you coming back if that’s what you want-“ 
“... I don’t need it. So have it.“
The figure is shoved to the side, their head making contact with the floor, the weapon in your hand unmoving from its place as you look down to where their body lies. They’re still alive, the harsh breathing of their crumpled form on the floor is enough to tell you. A hand intertwines with your own, the familiar touch reminding you of the events from yesterday. 
Blade's hand is warm as he holds your fingers in his, the reds in his eyes looking down at you. 
For a moment, your eyes make contact, keeping a steady connection. The light from the city accentuates his looks, the expression on his face pensive, yet still pretty at the same time. 
“I’ll leave the… ‘sinning’, to you then.“
Slowly, your grip on the handle loosens, the only thing keeping your hold on the weapon being Blade's hands clinging to yours. 
“Blade… Please–“ Your head is turned down, the gentle tilt of his hand making you look at the floor. The knife is finally released from your possession, your eyes not looking up to meet him at the trade. From the edge of your vision, you can see Blade shrug off his outerwear, hanging the piece of clothing on your head, further sheltering you from the gruesome sight soon to come. 
The smell of Citrus and Herbal tea invades your nostrils, both comforting and horrifying. But, the scent is enough to distract you from the harsh sound of a knife swinging and the wheezing that accompanies it. A few quick jabs and the sound of breathing slowly dissipates. 
Even then, Blade's attack on the body does not stop, he keeps going until he can discern the sound of heavy breathing being yours and not his own, finally breaking him out of his trance and allowing him to turn back to you. 
Your hands slowly begin to lift the jacket from your person before swift footsteps halt your actions, quickly tugging the fabric back down. 
“Not yet.” 
He’s quick to take you by the waist, the pungency of iron breaching the protective layer of cloth between you and him. It isn’t until minutes pass does he delicately lifts the jacket off your head and rests it on your shoulders. 
The sight, it’s one you’ve seen dozens of times on him, deep scarlet liquid splattered and smeared on his body, hollow eyes, sullied clothes with fresh blood on his soft hair. 
You continue clinging onto his jacket. Looking at him, but not at him. The barrier serving as a blockade for the beast in front of you. 
Neither of you speak, only listening to the sounds of the sleeping city as you indulge in one another. His mouth leans towards his bloodied glove, the teeth behind his lips revealing themself and serving as a removal for the piece of fabric. 
He reaches for your hand, the scars on his skin evident as you allow him to place your palm on your chest. 
“You’re alive [Name].” He’s right, the beating in your chest is proof of that fact. But so what? “You’re alive in the same way that I’m dead.” What? The look he holds in his eyes is empty, not giving you any telltale sign of what he means. 
“But even then, what would the living know about the words of the dead.” A quote from Kafka that she had restated is all you can remember in your mind. His grip on your hand doesn’t relent for a moment, only pointing his head in the direction of the city, signaling you to turn around and see. 
The once-slumbering city has now awoken. A beautiful sight that will eventually fall despite the morning's hope. 
A ding sounds from Blade's phone. 
Kafka 🕸️: Are you ready dears? 
This took way longer to finish than I wanted it to
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onepiece-fics · 9 months
How would the strawhats react to you having a nightmare?
Content: x reader fluff. Established relationship. No particular warnings.
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It’s 3 am and you wake up in a cold sweat. You’ve just had a horrible nightmare that felt too realistic. You look around your room to make sure you’re in reality before you decide to sneak away and go to your s/o’s bed.
It takes you a few tries before you manage to shake Luffy awake, he is quite a heavy sleeper after all. When he opens his eyes you’re not even sure that he’s fully awake yet, his eyes darting around the dark room before they settle on you.
“Huh? Y/n what’s wrong? What time is it?” he asks you, confused. You look down at the floor, embarrassed to say.
“I had a nightmare, Luffy. Can I sleep with you for the night?” you ask him with a blush on your cheeks. A sleepy grin forms on his face and he snickers.
“Of course you can” he says and pats the place on the bed next to him. As you lay down he tangles his limbs around you and falls back asleep almost immediately. You lay your head on his shoulder as you too fall back into deep, sweet slumber.
When you got to Zoro you hesitated. Should you wake him up or should you just cuddle into him? It’s not like he’d wake up anyways, right?
You end up trying to climb over his sleeping body as you try to get into the other side of his bed, struggling to not accidentally punch him in the face. As you lay down you lightly hold on to his bicep for comfort, you had just woken up from a nightmare after all.
Suddenly, Zoro stirrs in his sleep. His eyes open up slowly but surely and when he sees you laying next to him, he just stares. You smile back at him, unsure if he’s still sleeping or not. He raises his head to look around the room, trying to see if any of the other guys noticed you, but theyre all asleep.
“What’s up?” he whispered, voice deep with sleep. You shiver at the sound of his voice.
“I had a really scary nightmare,” you tell him “it felt so real that I didn't dare to be alone”. He gives you a lazy smile and wraps his arm around you so that you end up with your head on his chest.
“Well, don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me” he says before closing his eyes once again. 
When you had walked over to Nami’s bed you saw how incredibly cozy she looked. It would be such a shame to wake her up, so instead you try to sneak into her bed to cuddle her from behind. The moment your knee hits her bed though, she stirrs.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks as she sits up and rubs the sleepiness out of her eyes. You shake your head. “I just had a really scary nightmare so I figured that maybe I could sleep next to you…” your sentence falls off, feeling awkward having to explain yourself. She takes your hand and pulls you down to lie next to her. Your arms tangle around each other and Nami starts playing with your hair.
“Do you wanna tell me about it?” she asks. You shake your head, her fingers in your hair already relaxing you enough where you dare to close your eyes.
As you finally fall asleep, Nami smiles and gives you a kiss on the top of your head before she too drifts away to sleep.
“Usopppp… Psst, hey!” you whisper at him, trying to carefully shake the man awake. His eyebrows furrow as he wakes up and his eyes light up as he sees you standing by his bed. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” he asks as he takes your hand in his. You start climbing over his body to lie down next to him.
“I had a nightmare and I can’t go back to sleep”. Usopp yawns and does a big stretch before pulling you into his warm embrace.
“Would you like for me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asks, a tired smile forming on his face as you nod. 
He starts telling you a story that you could swear he’s already told you 5 times, but in all honesty, it didnt matter. His voice and his embrace was enough to soothe you back to sleep. 
When Sanji finally woke up after you poking him, he first thought he was still dreaming. With a goofy, dreamy smile on his face, he looks at you, his eyes full of love.
“My dear, what are you doing up so late?” he asks you as he caresses your cheek.
“I had a nightmare… And I was hoping that maybe I could sleep next to you tonight” you tell him. His face immediately lights up, waking up faster than ever.
“Of course my love,” he says and scoots over and pats his bed, “come right here”. You climb under the blanket with him and he twists and turns to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
“I’m afraid Luffy’s snoring is quite loud, I hope it won’t keep you awake” he says, giving a dirty look to where the captain is sleeping. You giggle and shake your head.
“As long as I’m next to you, Sanji, I’ll be alright” you whisper. Sanji could swear his heart skipped a beat and he has to hold himself back from making any loud, excited noises.
“That makes me very happy to hear, dear. If there’s anything else I can do for you, just tell me, okay?” He says as you enter his embrace. Listening to his steady heartbeat and feeling the sensation of his fingers running across your back is well enough to make you fall asleep right away, despite the captain’s snoring.
You climb into Robin’s bed silently, thinking that you won’t disturb her sleep, but as you plop down next to her, she suddenly opens her eyes.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks, worry in her voice. You smile at the concerned look on her face and shake your head.
“No, I just had a nightmare and I got scared” you whisper. The look on her face immediately goes back to normal and she moves a hairstrand out of your face. 
“Are you okay, dear? Is there anything I can do for you?” she asks. You take her hand.
“I’d just like to sleep next to you if that’s okay”. She gives you a soft smile and moves the two of you over in a better position so that you can bury your face in her neck as she plays with your hair and gives you kisses on the top of your head randomly until you fall asleep, having completely forgotten about your nightmare. 
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 3 months
Headcanons of the boys that I think are 100% valid and no one can tell me otherwise:
• just dance legend
• is not allowed anywhere near the stove
• has the best sense of humor, only because he isn't trying to be funny, he's just very dry
• takes extremely good care of his teeth
• can nap literally anywhere
• king of gentleman. pulls out chairs, holds open doors, and will gladly give you his seat when you walk in the room, even if there's other places to sit
• will allow you to vent but doesn't hesitate to tell you when he thinks you were in the wrong
• big fan of greys anatomy
• weeb.
• he 100% is a wine guy.
• horrible at math
• not a physically affectionate guy but let him do things for you.
• head patter
• health nut but has a huge sweet tooth
• he may seem high strung, but the guy knows how to have a good time
• best hugger ever
• will ruffle your hair all the time
• he can and will pick you up just to move you out of the way
• emotionally in tune enough to be dangerous
• can sing very well
• 2nd best cook in the house
• loves cop shows
• showers twice a day just cause he can
• definitely an acts of service guy over physical affection. he can and will google how to fix your sink instead of calling donnie (who ends up there anyway). makes you gifts all the time
• loves puns
• big animal lover, cats specifically
• the loudest sneezer there ever was
• he has allergies and makes it everyone's problem
• very patient
• closeted swiftie and that speaks for itself.
• black coffee drinker
• has the worst hygiene due to his work schedule
• loves real housewives
• can and will eat his weight in pasta
• physical affection is nice but he's more of a words of affirmation guy. he'll happily hug you but will never hesitate to tell you how he feels about you (after you get through the awkward stage)
• worst dancer
• very heavy sleeper when he does fall asleep
• king of sarcasm
• can speak multiple languages
• has the best laugh
• will stare at you until you pay attention to him
• heavy metal music is his favorite
• loves dirty jokes
• the biggest baby in the world when he's sick
• silent but deadly temper
• king of nicknames
• most empathetic and emotionally aware person you'll ever meet
• type to pick you up to hug you
• cooking is his specialty
• physical affection, quality time, you name it, he loves it. he craves attention and connection. please show him your favorite things because he loves trying new stuff
• loves to gossip (definitely a girl's girl)
• lightweight
• extremely good at drawing
• very observant
• best dancer and can tango like it's no one's business
• really good at impressions (especially trump)
• very abstract thinker and good strategist
• very ticklish
• allergic to cats but loves them a lot
• not easily provoked but puts raph to shame when full blown angry
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ohbo-ohno · 7 months
If I chant noncon puppy play enough times will you grace us with more ghoap x reader noncon puppy play?
I would really love to see what you could do with Ghost coming across Soap and reader who are in a relationship but it’s rapidly becoming toxic with Soap becoming pervy and flirty with other people and reader being frustrated with it and the unsatisfying sex she’s having now because of it. And Ghost just takes one look and goes “yeah, I can make them happier” and then puts them in crates.
I like to think he’d put them in separate crates so they can’t actually touch each other but he’d make sure they were tied together so they couldn’t escape each other -💙
if you THINK noncon puppy play hard enough i'll probably feel it through the force and try to write it
also i fucking LOVE this ask and concept i love you for sending it in. this post is kinda scatterbrained though because i didn't want to write an actual drabble lol
im not a big fan of cheating in fics so im gonna exclude the idea of soap flirting with other people, but!!! i really really enjoy the idea of soap and reader being wrapped up in a toxic relationship and ghost going "let me get in on that". peak humor tbh.
i think this version of ghost would be sort of like howling and barking ghost - way more... subtle? puppy play. he's not taking you two home and shoving you in cages, he's getting you two conditioned to certain tones of voice and his whistles.
this is kinda difficult to come up for something with, because im trying to think of ways for ghost to slide himself into your relationship that even feel a tiny bit natural
my fave one (off the top of my head) is maybe you and johnny have been trying to pick up a third like every weekend to spice up your sex lives (you end up having near violent sex and arguing through the third person, and they're usually not down to hook up again) and one weekend you just so happen to ask ghost. he'd usually never take up an offer like that, but he sees the little fissures in your relationship pretty immediately and figures "what the hell?" might as well wreak a little havoc. unfortunately for him he gets far too attached as soon as he gets his hands on you two
i like to think he sort of just... becomes your third. at first it's just hookups (regularly, because you and johnny are fighting a lot recently and you love to do it with a third there instead of alone in your apartment and ghost never says no a threesome) but he pretty quickly establishes himself in your lives
from there, the training is easy. you and johnny are both fighting for power in your relationship, and you're too focused on your little game of tug-of-war to realize that ghost is swooping in and taking control of both of you instead. you're too busy working against each other to realize what he's doing to you
to be fair, he actually is helping you and johnny out quite a bit. you two are both hotheads with a lot of energy, fights happen very quickly and get very heated. ghost is there to step in, to knock the two of you on your asses and make you talk. you would not believe how often he sticks you in time-out, otherwise you two would say things you don't mean and end up pissy
he kinda literally talks to you two like you're dogs. a sharp "hey!" for bad behavior, scruffing one of you by the neck to hold you back, whistling to get your attention instead of saying your name, one word commands like "sit", "stay", and "come" instead of "wait a minute" or "come over here". pups need simple commands they can actually understand
he works on fixing your manners too :/
first step is to get you two waiting for permission to start dinner. sits down at the table and glares when either one of you eats before him, clears his throat all obnoxiously, does that horrible "thank you" when you drop your utensil. it's too awkward to push back against him (especially when you know how quickly he could stomp you down) and it's easier to just... listen. you get a pleased hum and a solid pet over your hair, a "good boy/girl" and the trade-off of waiting for permission to eat is worth it
(ghost places both yours and johnny's plate in front of you, smirks when he walks away and neither of you move to eat. fixes himself a plate, sits down, takes a few bites. neither of you move, you both get a little squirmy, huff a bit. he gives you the command word, and praises you both so good in bed that night. neither of you even notice that he's the only one at the table with utensils)
he sleeps between the two of you in bed because you both get jealous and possessive :/ wakes up to johnny snarling over his chest at you, grabs him by the jaw and hisses don't make me fuckin' muzzle you, rumbles all satisfied when johnny settles a bit
anyways you and johnny genuinely are happier with ghost <3 you're also more well-mannered and understanding of your positions!!! you're just a pup, pups shouldn't have an attitude, and they wait to eat until they're told, and sometimes they have to sleep in a crate when they've been bad :/
(when he crates one of you he has to crate the other. if he locks johnny up you spend the whole time trying to taunt him, and vice versa. also you two are more well-behaved when you know you both get in trouble for your misbehavior)
it took a bit of work to get you two used to the crates. really ghost fights you with the pure power of nonchalance. you're both already Attached, and he's in control of so much of your lives (more than either of you really know), and he treats the crates like they're normal. Expected. he's not someone who changes his mind, and both you and johnny know that. you can pitch as much of a fit as you want, but you're going in that crate no matter what. there's just... a sort of inevitability around ghost
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virginsexgod69 · 3 months
Hey, I love your writing! Could you write a story about Rick Grimes and a female reader?
It's two months after Lori's death and you and Rick have been sneaking around keeping your relationship on the DL
And during one of the hookups, he ended up calling you Lori instead. The hookups stopped for a while, and he went crazy because you had been avoiding him since the awkward moment. He ended up doing everything in his power to get you back
Please don't rush take your time :]
❝ Sweetheart ❞
pairing Rick Grimes x f!Reader
cw smut, unprotected p in v, angst, pining
note you are very kind, @hutchersonsgurl and i really enjoyed writing this request! sorry i took so long, but ty for your patience! i hope you like!
4.7k words
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 This was the nth time you woke up naked, laying against Rick's bare chest in the uncomfortable cot of your cell. The first time this happened, you felt horrible. His wife had died barely two months ago, and here you were fucking him in secret. Maybe this was his way of grieving, or maybe he actually liked you, but either way the sex was too good to stop. 
"Mornin' sweetheart," he said, his voice still raspy with sleep. Your heart swelled. You loved when he used that nickname. You responded by pressing a gentle kiss to his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you closer. 
"Get 'nough sleep?" he asked, a teasing quality to his voice. He had kept you up all night and he knew it. You had the sore thighs and marks littering your body to prove it. 
“You kept me up all night and wore me out. I think I should be exempt from my duties today.”  He laughed at your suggestion. 
“S’too bad. I wanted to go out for a quick supply run, jus you ’n me.”  You perked up at this. Supply runs that involved just the two of you were always more than supply runs. Even if they ended up just being regular supply runs, you still enjoyed spending time with Rick. 
“When’re we leavin’!?” You asked excitedly as you untangled yourself from Rick’s arms to get up. He pulled you back into the cot and held you in a tighter embrace. 
“It’s still early. Let’s stay like this for a bit, yeah?” He asked before tenderly kissing your hairline. 
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"You seriously wearin' that?" Rick asked as you approached the car. You wore a form fitting tank top paired with some denim low rise short shorts. You knew it wasn't the most practical outfit, but you couldn't resist teasing him. 
"Somethin' wrong?" you asked with faux innocence. He couldn't answer you seeing as he was too busy gawking. Piercing blue eyes stared at your cleavage before drifting down to your thighs where the marks he sucked on them peeked out from beneath the shorts. He's seen you naked and been inside you so many times, yet the sight of you in that simple outfit damn near brought him to his knees. 
"You gonna keep starin' or are we gonna get goin'?" You asked, arms impatiently crossed beneath your chest. He playfully rolled his eyes before opening the passenger side door for you, ushering you inside. He got in the driver's side and began driving to the department store you spotted the other day. 
 Rick's hand rested comfortably on your thigh as he drove and as you alternated between admiring him and admiring the view outside. Being alone with the man gave you the perfect opportunity to ask him all the questions swimming in your head about your relationship. You couldn't decide between enjoying the peaceful, comfortable silence or initiating a talk with him, but eventually decided on the latter. 
"What am I to you, Rick?" you asked with forced nonchalance. You could've sworn you saw him tense up, but he recovered so quickly you couldn't even be sure it happened. 
"What do you-" he took a breath, "what do you mean?" 
The lack of an immediate answer made your heart sink a little. You weren't expecting a speech followed by a marriage proposal, but anything else would've been nicer. 
"Am I a rebound? A friend? A bootycall? A..." you hesitated for a moment, "girlfriend?" You hated how hopeful you sounded at the last suggestion. 
 He ran a hand over his face and sighed before answering. "I don' know what you are to me." Your eyes burned with tears that you refused to let fall. His hand grabbed yours, squeezing it comfortingly. "But I know you're special to me and I could never live without you." You reciprocated his hand squeeze. Although it wasn't exactly what you wanted to hear, his words made your heart swell. 
  You held his hand for the rest oft the car ride, until the department store came into view. It was worn down on the outside, like most places were, and some of the letters were missing from the sign. Some windows were broken and others were boarded up. Pickings were slim so even if you thought there'd be nothing in there, it'd be worth it to check. You exited the car and grabbed your backpack full of snacks, water bottles, and a few weapons along with an empty bag for your finds and slung it over your shoulder. Rick grabbed it from you and carried it instead, a simple but gentlemanly gesture. 
 Hand in hand, the two of you entered the store. You were shocked to see fluorescent lighting and feel the cool air conditioning. The rest of the store was a mess. Dismembered mannequins, clothes, and clothing hangers littered the floor. Empty clothing racks were tipped over along with shopping carts. 
"Just grab a bunch of these clothes for everyone, I'll go look for some baby stuff," Rick said. You agreed and began shoving as many clothes as you could fit into the empty bag. With Rick off somewhere else, you began looking around the store. It all looked the same aside for a few different items strewn across the floor. You threw an apple scented candle into the bag because why not, and shoved in some blankets. The bag could barely zip, which was your sign to stop "shopping." You continued exploring the store until you came across the mattress aisle.
   It had felt like ages since you've felt the comfort of a real mattress and it was far too tempting not to give in. You set the bag down, but kept your knife and holster on you in case you ran into any trouble. You ran before jumping onto a random mattress, bouncing a little before settling on it. The fluffy comfort soothed your achy body. It hadn’t even been a minute, but your eyelids already started feeling heavy. Rick calling your name jostled you from your short sleep. You debated on ignoring him so you could drift back off to sleep, but that was far too dangerous and you knew that. 
“Over here,” you called back. He found his way over to you, baby clothes and other items in his arms. He looked at you skeptically before setting the stuff in his arms down. 
“What’re you doin?” 
“When was the last time you felt a real mattress, Rick?”  He looked up in thought, but took too long to answer, so you patted the spot beside you. He flopped onto the mattress, settling down next to you. You turned to face him. 
“Comfy, right?” His face cracked into a smile. 
“Yeah, too bad we can’t take it back to the prison,” he lamented. 
“Yeah,” you trailed off, eyes darting between his eyes and pink lips, “We better make the best outta this while we can.” You couldn’t help the way your mouth pulled into a smirk. His face mirrored yours as he pulled you in for a kiss. You tangled your fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss. His hands slid down your body, gripping your ass before pulling you into him, grinding his crotch against yours. He moaned into your mouth, allowing you to slip your tongue into his, tasting him. Out of breath, he pulled away, panting with pink cheeks and pupils blown with lust. He flipped you from on your side to your back before kneeling on either side of your hips. You sat up and went for his belt buckle, but he pushed you back down into the mattress. 
“C’mon, Rick, what’re you waiting’ for?” You whined impatiently. He leaned down and grabbed your face between one of his large hands, lips puffing out from the way he squeezed your cheeks. 
“Patience, little girl, or I won’t let ya cum,” he threatened with a lustful darkness in his eyes. Your stomach flipped and your pussy throbbed. You loved this side of Rick, but you hated waiting. You nodded your head and he relinquished his hold on your face. The pout on your face was quickly wiped away when he began sucking on the space where your neck and shoulder connected. You were too caught up in the moment to worry about him leaving marks on hard to cover places on your body, and he didn't seem to care too much either. He nipped at your collar bones as you tried to stifle the giggles that the ticklish feeling of his beard caused. When your tank top got in the way of his descent, he made quick work of removing it, almost tearing it in the process. His eyed went wide when he realized you weren't wearing a bra, but you just smiled innocently at him, causing his pants to tighten. The cool, air conditioned air hardened your nipples, which Rick pinched, earning restrained whimpers from you and making you squirm beneath him. 
"Nah, no holdin' back, I wanna hear you." 
"B-but what if walkers-" your own moan cut you off when Rick took your breast into his warm mouth. He captured your nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth as he sucked all while his other hand continued pinching the other. Your hands tangled in his hair as you pathetically whimpered. He pulled away from your breast with a wet pop and continued kissing wet, sloppy kisses down your stomach, until he met the waistband of your little shorts. The way he strained against his pants grew painful and he knew he wouldn't last much longer. 
"Turn 'round, wanna see your pretty ass in those little shorts," he ordered, gripping your hips to flip you over. You supported yourself on your elbows with your back arched and ass in the air, per Rick’s command. 
“God, you look so damn good in those shorts.” The complement sent heat flooding to your core. 
“Hurry up, Rick, I need you!” You whined wantonly. You knew Rick didn’t have patience for your impatience, but could he take any longer? Rick slapped your ass, leaving a pleasurable sting. 
“What’d I tell you ‘bout bein’ patient?” Rick snapped. You glanced at him behind you with pleading pout on your face, silently asking for forgiveness all while begging him to hurry up and pound you into the mattress. He already couldn’t say no to you, but when you looked at him like that it took almost everything in him to not give into your every whim. 
“Goddamn, sweetheart, you drive me crazy,” he groaned as he hurriedly unbuckled his belt. His hands were on you again, yanking your shorts down to your knees. With the way your arousal coated your inner thighs, Rick gave up on taking his time with you. You looked so delectable as you eagerly laid there desperately waiting for him with your own wetness leaking down your supple thighs. His hand held your hip in place as the other lined himself up with your entrance. He slid in effortlessly, filling you up so perfectly. A guttural moan escaped him once he bottomed out.  Every vein along his shaft you could feel as he thrusted in and out of you. His grip on your hips hardened to the point of leaving bruises as he pounded in and out of you. 
“Yer takin’ me so good, princess,” he said between his own pants and occasional breathy moans.
Your elbows shook as you struggled to support yourself, weakened by the pleasure and the pounding you were getting from the man behind you. They finally gave out, leaving you face down in the soft mattress. Rick’s thrusts were becoming sloppy and rhythmless as his breathing shallowed. 
“Rick, ‘m gonna cum,” you whined. 
“Me too, jus’ wait a sec.” 
He continued his tired thrusts, his hips bumping your ass with each one, filling the store with wet, erotic sounds.
“Oh, god! Rick!” You screamed as you came around his cock. Your velvety walls squeezed him as your eyes rolled back while your orgasm overtook you. He let out a guttural moan as his hot release flooded your tired cunt. After pulling out, the man collapsed beside you on the mattress. You turned to face him, a sleepy smile on your face as you cuddled up to him. He took you in his arms and held you to his chest, peppering kisses all over any part of you he could reach. 
“You’re so good to me, Lori,” he said between kisses. You froze and Rick did too. You forced yourself out of his arms. His arms were once your favorite place to be. You felt safe, warm, and comforted, like the world hasn’t ended. But now it felt like your world ended. The arms that once gave you safety and comfort left you feeling vulnerable and weak. 
“Sweetheart, I-I’m sorry, it was a genuine mistake,” he pleaded. His blue eyes held unshed tears which he blinked back as he desperately apologized. You ignored him, choosing instead to redress yourself in an angered frenzy. 
He called your name in that firm tone he uses when he’s serious. “It was an accident, I promis-“
“Shut up, Rick!” You snapped. His eyes widened in shock and honestly yours did too. You never snapped at him and not in a million years would you have told him to shut up. But you were just so angry. He hurried off the bed and pulled up his pants before hurrying to catch up to you as you stormed off. He grabbed your arm, successfully stopping you. 
“Just,” he sighed, “just listen to me. Please?” He pleaded. You refused to look at him, not wanting him to see the tears you couldn’t hold back. You snatched your arm out of his grip and grabbed your previously discarded bag. 
“I’m goin’ back to the prison,” you said cooly, grateful you were able to keep the waver out of your voice. The lump in your throat burned and your chest ached, but you refused to look back at the man, despite him calling after you. In all honesty, you just wanted to run into his arms and cry into his chest, but he was the one who had you feeling this way. 
 Rick had caught up to you once you were back outside in the Georgian heat. “You can’t walk back to the prison by yourself. It’s far and it’s dangerous,” he bargained. You turned to glare at him, facing him for the first time since he called you by his recently deceased wife’s name. 
“I can handle myself just fine out there and you know that!”  Rick was only rubbing salt in the wound, intentional or not. It already hurt that he called you by the wrong name, but to underestimate you like that only cut deeper. 
“I don’t doubt that one bit, but it’s dangerous out there and I’m jus’ tryin’ to protect you!” 
 Normally, you reveled in his protectiveness. It made you think that maybe there was a chance he loved you, too, but now it only made you angrier. How dare he hurt you then pretend to care about your safety by claiming to protect you. 
“Why? Cause you couldn’t protect your precious Lori!?” You spat before your hands flew up to cover your mouth in shock.  Rick’s face fell as he stood there, frozen, staring at you with heartbreak evident in his eyes. You regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth. It wasn’t even his fault she died. An apology burned on the tip of your tongue, but you swallowed it, wanting Rick to hurt just as much as you did. Your turned on your heel and resumed your trek back to the prison and this time he didn’t stop you. 
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You cried to yourself quietly in your cell that night. It had been the first night in a while that you spent without Rick under the covers with you. His Freudian slip was more than an innocent mistake to you, it solidified every insecurity that had been brewing in the back of your head. Rick didn't love you, he loved Lori and you were just there to wet his dick while he grieved her death. You looked at him like he hung the moon, but when he looked at you, he just wished you were someone else, and that hurt. Eventually, that hurtful feeling of emptiness was overtaken by a dreamless sleep. 
When you woke the next morning, you just wanted to go to sleep. You wanted to skip out on all your responsibilities and re-enter that state of dreamless sleep that kept you from thinking about Rick. Once you got ready for the day, you trudged over to get something to eat. Footsteps rapidly approached behind you and you felt a hand gently grab your forearm. 
"Can we please talk?" Rick asked. You didn't even want to turn to face him, your urge to ignore him too strong. Honestly, you hoped he'd be mad at you too, for what you had said, but he didn't sound mad at all, just desperate. When you turned to face him, all of your emotions from last night came flooding back tenfold. 
"There's nothing to talk about," you replied, struggling to keep your voice even. You hated how broken you sounded almost more than you hated the way he was looking at you. His red rimmed eyes hinted that he had also been crying, but the way hurt and remorse swam around in his blue irises tugged at your heartstrings. You just wanted to give in and hug him and have him tell you everything was alright while he kissed your tears away. But the thought that maybe he used to do that to Lori upset you all over again, sending tears burning your already puffy eyes. You snatched your arm out of his grip and turned away from him once again.
"I, um... There's lots of walkers at the fence," you mumbled before hurrying off. 
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All week, Rick didn't give up on trying to win you back. It honestly confused you. Did he miss you, or did he just miss having sex with you? Either way, you refused to give in. As much as you wanted to, you wouldn't. You didn't want to keep being a replacement for his late wife, so you just ignored and avoided him whenever you could.
 Whenever you would pass Rick in the halls, you'd go another way so he couldn't talk to you, which he always tried to do. He'd either try to apologize or beg you to talk to him, neither of which you wanted to listen to. You ignoring him really started to take a toll on him, and everyone started noticing. 
"Wha's goin' on between you 'n Rick?" Maggie asked you in the watchtower when she came to switch shifts with you. 
The question caught you off guard, stilling you in your place. "Nothin', why?" you replied as casually as you could. The mention of the man always made your heart beat a little faster, apparently that remained true when you were mad at him.
"He's seemed a little...off lately, and honestly, you have too." 
You trusted Maggie, you really did, but just the thought of telling her what happened felt humiliating. 
"Why do ya say that?" you ask, still trying to play it cool. 
"Well, ever since the two a' ya stopped seein' each other, you both've been miserable and it's kinda been affectin' everyone in here too," she explained. Your eyes went wide in shock knowing that she knew about your hookups with Rick. She must think you were awful for getting in bed with him almost as soon as his wife died, and it made your stomach churn. 
"Y-you knew?" you forced out through your dry throat. 
"There isn't much privacy in here," she said matter of factly. 
You looked down at your feet in shame, unshed tears burning in your eyes. If she knew, it was likely everyone else knew too. 
"Anyway," she said, digging in her pocket. She pulled out a few wildflowers. "Rick wanted me to give you these." You accepted them before you could even think of rejecting them. 
"Thanks, Maggie," you said, offering a weak smile. She returned the smile. Your turned to leave the watchtower, but before you could go, the sound of her voice stopped you. 
"Just so you know, nobody's judgin' Rick 'n you." You felt some of the weight on your shoulders dissipate. It was nice to know nobody hated you for hooking up with Rick, but that didn't matter much since you two were essentially broken up. 
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 Rick missed you. He was more distraught now than he was when he was seeing his dead wife in different places. He hadn't been able to sleep without you wrapped up in his arms. Guilt crushed him whenever you avoided him around the prison. Guilt because he hurt one of the most important to him. He didn't even care about what you said that day, he just wanted you back. It wasn't even the sex that he missed, it was you. Seeing how you ignored him whenever you were unable to avoid him, he figured the chances of getting you back were slim. Apologies and wildflowers wouldn't be enough. He needed to do whatever he could to get you back. 
He wanted to give you your space as much as he could, which is why he didn't try to pursue you other than when you crossed paths, but he was losing his mind. Which is why he found himself outside of your cell. He hesitated before knocking on the wall beside the curtain covering the cell's bars. He heard shuffling and grumbling before he saw you peek out from behind the curtain, which you quickly drew shut upon seeing him. 
"I need to talk to ya. I promise I'll leave you alone, but only after you hear me out," he whispered, not wanting to wake the others. The silence on your ended lasted for what felt like a while before you finally let him in. You sat down on your cot as Rick stood there awkwardly before eventually sitting a respectable distance away from you. 
"What do ya want?" you asked, not looking at him. 
He took a deep breath as he gathered his words in his head. He had some idea of what he wanted to say to you, but his mind went blank when he saw you. You looked sad and tired, the complete opposite of how you were before that day at the department store. 
"I came in here because I wanted to apologize. I dunno why I called you Lori, but it wasn't 'cause I was thinking of her," he insisted. Your only response was huffing and crossing your arms over your chest, still not looking at him.
"Please, look at me," he pleaded. He sounded weak and desperate because he was. You made him weak and he'd do anything just to have you look at him like you used to. You finally turned to face him, but your gaze was cold and distant. 
"Did you even mean it when you said I was special to you? When you said you couldn't live without me?" you asked guardedly. Rick hated that he made you feel like you couldn't be vulnerable with him anymore. He was ready to bare his whole heart out to you and wished you could do the same. Your walls were up so high that he couldn't even read you anymore. 
"I meant every-" 
"Or were you thinking about Lori when you said that," you spat. 
Rick sighed and ran and hand over his face. He took a minute to compose himself, blinking back the tears that sprung forth at your words. He didn't realize he had hurt you that badly. He glanced around your cell as he blinking back his tears, noticing the flowers he picked for you sitting in an small can filled with water in the corner. It gave him some hope that you'd forgive him. 
"You are the only one for me." He reached for your hand but you snatched it away. 
"Rick, I'm not just some hooker you can call over whenever you get sad thinkin' 'bout your wife" your voice broke as your lips and chin began to quiver, your tears failing to stay put in your eyes.
 Seeing you fall apart crying broke Rick's heart, making it harder for him to hold back his own tears. He didn't know what else he could say to make you understand that his life wouldn't be the same without you. So he pulled out a piece of paper with a letter he wrote for you. He was originally going to have someone else to give it to you for him since you'd been avoiding him. But now was he chance. He placed it on your cot before letting himself out.  
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You paced back and fourth in the prison fiddling with the letter Rick gave you as you anxiously waited his and the others’ return. You had all presumably defeated the Governor, but the others went after him anyway to tie up any loose ends. Having been a part of the initial fight, you wanted to go too, but Rick wouldn’t let you. You arguing with him on why you should go had been the first time you talked to him since he came to your cell that night a week ago. 
Worrying about Rick made you feel guilty for ignoring for all this time. You spent all this time ignoring him, too afraid to admit to yourself that you still loved him. And now he might be dead somewhere, never knowing that you forgive him and love him too. You stared down at the letter and reread it for the nth time, seeking comfort in his written words. 
 When you asked me what you were to me, I couldn’t find the right words to answer. It shouldn’t have taken me losing you to realize that you are my everything. In such a short time, you became my world and I wouldn’t be able to live a day without you. Every time you’re away from me, I yearn for the moment of your return. I don’t know how much time we’ll have together, but no matter how much or little we have left, I will spend all of it trying to earn your love again, because I love you, (Y/N). 
 Tears welled in your eyes. You felt so foolish wasting so much time you could’ve spend loving Rick being angry with him. You folded the letter again and shoved it in your back pocket. The sounds of the gate opening and Daryl’s motorcycle approaching took your attention. You ran outside, hurrying past everyone else headed the same way. You saw Rick standing there unscathed talking with Carl. Tears blurred your vision as you practically charged at him. He opened his arms just in time for your to jump in them. You sobbed into his shoulder as you held each other tight. You pulled away from the kiss and held his face in your hands, staring into his beautiful, blue eyes. He leaned down for a kiss which you happily accepted. 
“They back together again?” Daryl asked. 
“About time,” Carol responded. 
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With the addition of the Woodburians, privacy was even harder to come by, but you and Rick made sure to get some the night he returned. You sat perched on his lap with your arms wrapped around him and face nuzzled in his neck. He rubbed soothing circles on your back, happy he was yours again. 
“I’m so sorry for what I said that say,” you mumbled. 
“Me too, sweetheart,” he said soothingly. You sat up and stared at Rick. He looked tired, but at peace for the first time in a while. 
“What?” He asked with a smile on his face. His smile made your own face split into a matching one. 
“I love you.” He pressed his forehead to yours. 
“I love you, too, Sweetheart.” 
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this was partially proofread.
anyway, thanks for reading! <3
join the taglist?
@banquetwriter @fuckedbydaryl
317 notes · View notes
gardnhee · 4 months
can we start over? - c.yj
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✸ tw/content. intentional lowercase, cussing, angst(very little), fluff, use of baby (only like once or twice.), reader is slightly antisocial in the beginning, not really proofread
✸ exbsf!yj x afab!reader
✸ note. yj drabble cs i love him an unhealthy amount
✸ song rec. start over - jacquees
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you stood in a corner like the awkward person that you are. away from all the chatter, laughter, yelling, and horny crowd. this is how you liked it, you indulged in your solitude.
the unbearably loud music rang in your ears, the fact that you were standing just a couple feet from the speakers didn’t help either.
you decided to drown the ringing by taking a sip of your cup, inhaling a sharp breath as the liquid cascaded down your throat.
“…who hired this dj? music’s unbearable…” you murmured as you frowned at the dj who stood a couple steps from you.
it was fairly boring for a while, the music slowly started to feel faint as the stuffy atmosphere began to push its way into your already tight space. you slightly squeeze the plastic cup in your hand, pressing your back against the wall.
you felt trapped.
deciding you’ve had enough of this, you walk away from the corner. as if you were popping a bubble; like a puppy opening its eyes for the first time, but instead of meeting with a fascinating world, you’re met with drunk shit heads who can’t dance, let alone walk in a straight line.
“where is she…” you huffed, looking for the coworker who invited you to this party, if you can even call it that. it’s more depressing than a fucking funeral.
pushing through everyone was a literal pain in the ass, the environment reeked of alcohol, and the air was incredibly thick. you were starting to regret even accepting the goddamn invitation.
go they said, it’ll be fun they said, “fun my ass.” you utter a small ‘tsk’ as a man twice your size bumps into you, not even having the common courtesy to apologize. god, this is horrible.
you somehow ended up in the kitchen. sighing in frustration, you rest yourself against the counter.
“i’m going to fucking kill-“ you started, but were rudely interrupted when someone walked into the kitchen.
your eyes slightly widened as you acknowledge the person. your ex best friend. fun.
he was whistling along to the horrendous noise these people call music, happiness basically oozing from his pores.
he turned his head to you, looking at you from head to toe in shock, shock which soon subsided and was replaced with an expression you can’t quite describe.
“oh.. hey.” yeonjun waved, mullet drenched in sweat as some loose hairs stuck to his forehead. he breathed heavily, his once joyful demeanor now engulfed in…uncomfortableness? melancholy? nostalgia? it’s been so long that you can’t tell anymore.
he slowly made his way to the fridge, giving you an awkward smile as you bite your inner cheek and look away.
it was silent for a while, you could feel his eyes burning holes into your face.
“yn?” he quietly said, arms crossed over the open fridge door. he looked at you, waiting for a response.
in all honesty, he didn’t expect one. at least not after ghosting you completely and then coming back a couple months later like nothing happened.
he scoffed and shook his head with a sad smile, sighing in disbelief. he was disappointed in himself.
yeonjun shut the fridge door and begun to lead himself out the kitchen, “yes?” you replied with urgency, you didn’t want him to leave. not again. not after losing him for months.
he chuckled, looking back at you. “you’re…not mad at me?” he asked, feet moving in your direction. he realized you aren’t so closed off anymore, you’re more…awake, as if you’ve come to terms with the gravity of things, and for that, he’s thankful. he can make things right now.
you grew nervous, a prominent lump built up in your throat, making it difficult for you to breathe. “i wouldn’t say i am - or was - mad, i guess i..“ you stopped yourself as yeonjun stumbled, falling onto you.
you tried backing up, but couldn’t. fucking counter…you thought, swallowing slowly as the smell of alcohol invaded your nostrils.
“yeonjun? yeonjun, you’re drunk.” you tried pushing him off, but he didn’t budge. instead, he laid his head on your shoulder, “not drunk, just… tipsy.” he blabbered.
it was silent for a couple seconds until you heard him sniffle. he was crying.
“wha…” he grabbed your waist, sobbing into your shoulder. “i’m so-“ he hiccuped, followed by a groan. “i’m sorry, yn, i’m sorry!” yeonjun cried, lifting his head in an attempt to look at you. you stood there, dumbfounded. heart hammering against your chest. he’s drunk. it was evident, yet he still denied it.
he peeked at you through his wet lashes, incoherent sounds slipping past his lips as he wiped his runny nose. “and you say you’re not drunk? look at you! why are you crying?!” you raised both brows in confusion, stroking his hair softly.
you’re supposed to be cussing him out for all the hurt he’s caused you, for leaving with absolutely no explanation, yet here you are, combing your cold fingers through his sweaty strands as he bawls into your shoulder. you’ve seen him like this more often than not; always manages to surprise you, though.
“i’m not drunk…. ‘m sorry” he hesitated, wiping the wetness from his eyes with the back of his hand. as you realize how close your bodies are, you nod, circling around him.
yeonjun turned, biting his lip. he wants to say something. you know he wants to say something, but he’s holding back and it’s making you anxious and impatient.
“would you maybe…want to leave?” you blink, all previous feelings of discomfort disappearing. “what’re you planning?” you question, crossing your arms as you sternly stare at him.
“maybe grab some drinks and then go to my place?” he smiled, which quickly disappeared when you displayed a doubting look. “i mean, i just want to talk to you…without all the noise…and the multitude of people.” your heart shattered, and you were sure your eyes softened, because his did too.
“fine.” yeonjun’s ears perk up, big smile on his face. “let’s go.” you nodded, grabbing his arm before he left the kitchen.
“i’m driving.”
“but-“ his eyebrows furrowed, “no buts, deny it all you want, we’re not risking it.” he sighed, defeat poking through the pout on his lips. he lowly hummed in agreement, walking out of the kitchen with you trailing close behind.
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“home sweet home!” yeonjun exclaimed, arms flying in the air as the bag of soju dangled in his hand. “yeonjun, be quiet, it’s late.” you slowly grabbed his arm, taking the bag of soju away. “i shouldn’t have allowed you to drink on the way here.” you sighed, placing the bag on the counter and taking out the already opened box of soju.
he pouted, stumbling towards the little coffee table that sat in the middle of his living room. “bring some soju, please!” he slurred.
you grabbed the box, nestling it under your arm as you made your way towards drunk yeonjun.
you sat down, setting the box on the coffee table. “oh…i forgot to bring shot glasses.” you groaned, fixing to stand up when yeonjun stopped you.
“no, it’s okay. i’ll go get them.” he smiled, patting your hand.
“it’s okay.” he shook his head, standing up and making his way to the kitchen.
in a matter of seconds, he was back, sitting in front of you with soju in hand, two shot glasses already set on the table.
yeonjun held the bottle from the bottom with one hand, and swirled it vigorously with the other. you watched him closely, how his hands wrapped around the bottle, you wonder how they’d feel on your face-
“yn?” you blinked, snapping back into reality. “yes? i’m sorry.” you gulped, noticing a full shot glass in front of you.
as you were about to reach for the glass, you stopped midway. sighing as you plopped your arm down on the table. yeonjun noticed this and raised a brow, “is everything…alright?” he asked, pouring soju into his glass.
“yes…and no.” you admitted, “i mean i just…i missed this, you know? spending time with you. i missed being here. i missed this apartment.” you paused, staring at yeonjun who was now looking down at his thighs.
“i missed you.” you leaned forward, arms now crossed on the table. yeonjun snapped his head up, quickly grabbing his glass and gulping the liquid down.
“ahhh…” he set the glass down, frowning as the liquid burned his throat. “i missed you too yn…” he smiled weakly, you realized he wasn’t in the right mind for all the sappy stuff right now, so you decided to change the subject.
“tell me, what have you been up to?” you smiled, grabbing your glass, tilting your head to the side as you swallow the drink.
“me? hm…not much….” yeonjun leaned forward, smile spread across his flushed cheeks.
✸ ✸ ✸
you lost track of time, it seemed. but you weren’t the only one. yeonjun, too, lost track of how many shots he took. not that it mattered, he was already drunk out of his mind to begin with. “baby…..” he slurred, reaching out to you as you gasped. baby?? are you serious??
“yeonjun what…” you decided to stop yourself, not even questioning anything that came out of his mouth.
after looking around for a minute, you groaned. there is so much to clean up.
an unfinished 20 pack of soju on the table; only 4 remaining, some snack wrappers thrown on the table, and a drunk yeonjun who can’t even utter a proper sentence.
“‘m s’sorry” he hiccuped, head lulling as he smiled like an idiot. his lips glistened under the dim light, most likely from all the constant licking and drinking he’s been doing.
“let me take you to your room so you can sleep.” he shook his head violently, backing up against the sofa behind him as you made your way to him.
“no!” he pouted, looking at you with tears brimming his eyes. “oh you’re such a child, come on let’s go!” yeonjun pushed your hand off his arm, whining.
you stopped and huffed, sitting down beside him in order to comfort him, “why are you crying?”
“i f…feel like shit” he cried, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. “why do you feel that way?” you knew this was just a drunk fit of his, but you had to at least hear him out.
“‘cuz i ruined my chance with the person i love” he sniffles, staring into your eyes with his teary ones. you blinked, wiping his tears with your thumbs. “and who may that be?” you question, stroking his shoulder in a comforting manner.
“you.” you inhale sharply, blinking in confusion. you shook your head, chuckling awkwardly, “you’re just drunk, come on.” yeonjun stopped protesting, defeated by his own tiredness.
you wrapped his arm over your shoulder, dragging him while leaning against the walls for support. “goddamnit, what have you been eating? you’re so heavy.” you strain, sighing in relief as your eyes find his bedroom door.
opening the door was one thing, laying him on the bed was another. you pant, his body weighing you down. as a result you slipped and fell.
on top of him.
jesus fuck.
you froze when he groaned. “i’m so sorry!” you scrambled to stand up, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you against him.
“sleep with me tonight, please.” yeonjun whispered, lazy smile spreading across his face. you shake your head, “yeonjun, you’re drunk. we can’t be doing this. you’re not in the right mind!” you faintly shake your head, “please?” he insisted.
you sighed, pressing your forehead against his chest. “fine. but i will be leaving first thing in the morning.” he chuckled, nodding. “if you want to get comfortable, my shirts are over there-“ he hiccuped. you nodded and patted his chest in understanding. “just sleep, okay?? i’ll be right back.” yeonjun hummed, closing his eyes.
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you wake up groggy and disoriented, staring at the window as a ray of sunshine peeked through the curtain, making you squint and smile lazily.
you rub the sleep from your eyes and stretch, “good mor-“ you stop as you notice yeonjun isn’t in bed with you anymore. you look around the room once more, no sign of him.
a pang of worry and confusion washed over you. one would think it’s stupid considering the fact that you’re in his house, yet you can’t help but be alarmed.
what if he left you again?
‘oh that’s stupid, yn. pull yourself together.’ you shake your head and scoff, but the panic settles at the pit of your stomach nonetheless.
throwing the blanket to the side, you stand, yawning as you wobble towards the door.
“yn-“ yeonjun stops, doorknob in one hand and breakfast tray in the other. he eyed you as you stood there, eyes wide in confusion.
yeonjun blinked, “good morning?…” he lets out a breathy laugh, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him with his foot. “i made you breakfast.” you felt your heart squeeze at that. he smiled, walking over to the bed and signaling you to lay down.
and you did. you laid down, placing the warm blankets back on your body and smoothing them over in order to create a flat enough surface for the breakfast tray.
“thank you so much..” you gush as yeonjun placed the tray in front of you. he sat down, crossing his legs and smiling like a total idiot.
“you’ve been nothing but smiles since you walked in the room…did something happen?” you question, making yeonjun hang his head with an even bigger smile on his face. “you look so beautiful.” he mumbled, adjusting his position on the bed.
“what?” you looked up, cheek stuffed with food. he snorted, scooting forward and leaning towards you. “i said,” he wiped your lip with his thumb, eyes traveling to yours, holding them dearly. “you look so beautiful.” he chuckled at your expression, making his heart skip a beat.
“you’re making a mess, be careful, yeah?” you grab the tray, placing it to one side as you choke on your food. yeonjun stands with you, stroking your arms with his soft hands.
“hey, you alright?” you nodded, grabbing onto his shoulder for support. “it’s just…” you stopped, swallowing the lump in your throat. “you caught me off guard, that’s all.” yeonjun’s eyes softened, “i meant it.” he caressed your face as a warm smile tugged at his lips.
“why…why are you being so nice to me?” you stepped away from his hold, sitting back down on the soft bed. he sighed and flopped down beside you, staring at the curtains that blocked the sunlight.
“because i’m in love with you.” his eyes traveled from the window to you, “i’ve been in love with you.” you waver, eyes widening in confusion. “and i don’t want to mess up again.”
“so last night-“
“i remember.” yeonjun nodded, fidgeting with his thumbs as he bit his bottom lip. “i guess i was drunk enough to let that slip but not enough to forget.” he reasoned, gazing at you briefly before staring at his feet.
“it’s okay if you don’t want anything to do with me, i mean-“ you placed a hand on his, drawing circles on it with your thumb. “yeonjun, im in love with you too.” he stopped, shifting on the bed.
“im in love with you too.”
he stuttered, mouth opened for a few seconds before closing it again. you saw the glint in his his eyes before being pulled into a hug.
a long, warm, cozy hug.
a hug you’ve been craving for a while.
his hug.
you broke into tears, nuzzling your face into his shoulder. “oh god, yn, i’m deeply sorry. i’ve hurt you so much.” yeonjun ran his fingers through your hair, cooing softly.
you stained his shirt, but he didn’t care,“i missed you so much, you know? we stopped talking for so long. i thought i lost you for real…” you say between sobs, lightly punching his chest.
“i forgive you, dumbass.” he stayed quiet, you’re too nice. he didn’t deserve you, he didn’t deserve your forgiveness. yet you gave it. you gave something so precious to someone who doesn’t even deserve a single look from you.
yeonjun held your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs. he smiled, “how about this, you finish breakfast and then we can go wherever you want. i’ll explain myself. i’ll explain everything.” you nod slowly, grinning.
“there’s my yn, i missed you.” he quipped, earning himself a slap to his arm. he winced, rubbing the spot.
“is this a date then?” you question, grabbing another bite of your once forgotten food.
“hmmmmmmm” yeonjun tapped his chin, laughing as you whine. “yes dummy, it is.” he flicked your forehead lightly as you giggled.
you grab his arm, “let’s get ready then.” yeonjun didn’t budge as you tried dragging him along, “but the food…” you shook your head, “it’s gone cold, plus i know you’re somewhat hung over so let me treat you to food, hm?” you tapped his hand reassuringly.
“i’m not taking no for an answer.” he pursed his mouth, slowly nodding in defeat.
“perfect, where do you want to go?”
“how about…”
you both disagreed the entire way to the bathroom, laughing and giggling as jokes were thrown around between sentences.
you missed this.
you missed yeonjun.
he was willing to start over, and you were willing to let it happen.
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© GARDNHEE 2024, do not copy, modify, or upload on other platforms.
💌: im sorry this is lwk ass, i hope you enjoyed regardless! please make sure to leave a like, comment, and reblog!! thank you 🫶
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