#is this normal? am i wrong for this? of course i’m not going to act on it her friends are super sweet i just DONT UNDERSTAND WHY I FEEL THI
ducktoo · 2 days
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
5. Ramen Breakdown
Note: thanks for showing interested in the series guys! Enjoy the fluff!
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It had become something of a tradition.
After a long day of rehearsals, performances, or just surviving the chaotic world of the entertainment industry, Y/n would whip up some ramen for aespa (especially the bougee ramen that Winter always loved).
It wasn’t anything fancy, but somehow, Y/n had developed a reputation for making *perfect* ramen—something the girls had come to crave after late nights at the dorm ever since. No smoke alarms, no burnt pots. Just good old-fashioned comfort food.
But tonight was different.
Y/n had come over as usual, ready to make their favourite midnight snack as requested. The girls were all lounging around the living room, exhausted but still in good spirits after wrapping up some last-minute practice for their next performance.
Giselle was scrolling through her phone, while Ningning and Winter were sprawled out on the couch, chatting about the latest drama they were binge-watching. Karina sat in the corner, quietly observing the scene, the usual tension between her and Y/n slightly less palpable these days.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly at first. Y/n pulled out the usual ingredients, boiling the water and preparing the ramen just as he always did. The girls continued their chatter, the atmosphere relaxed and comfortable. It felt like any other night.
Until it wasn’t.
"Ya pabo, are you sure about this?" Winter called out from the couch, her tone half-joking, half-serious.
"Of course I am," Y/n responded, stirring the noodles with a grin. "I’ve been doing this for you for ages now. You know I’m basically a ramen expert."
"Yeah, but something feels off tonight," Giselle chimed in, her eyes flicking up from her phone. "I don’t know, maybe it’s just the vibe."
"The vibe?" Y/n was genuinely confused. "It’s just ramen, girls. Nothing to worry about. You watched too much K-drama now."
But then, without warning, the pot of water began bubbling more aggressively than usual. Y/n furrowed his brow, confused. He hadn’t changed anything about the recipe, and yet the water seemed to be boiling faster than normal. The noodles began to overcook, turning mushy, and the smell of burnt soup base wafted into the air.
"Dafuq...?" Y/n muttered, turning the heat down and trying to salvage the situation.
The girls all perked up, sensing something was wrong.
"Is something burning?" Ningning asked, sitting up straight on the couch.
"Y/n, what’s going on?" Karina asked, her voice slightly more serious now as she stood up from her spot.
"I don’t know," Y/n replied, frantically stirring the pot. "This has never happened before. It’s like the stove’s acting up or something."
Just then, the pot began to hiss and steam poured out, signalling that something had gone horribly wrong. The ramen broth, once the highlight of Y/n’s midnight snacks, had turned into a thick, sludgy mess.
"Uh... okay, this is definitely not normal," Y/n admitted, stepping back from the stove with wide eyes.
Before he could react further, the smoke alarm blared to life once again. The loud, piercing sound echoed through the dorm, sending everyone into a frenzy.
"Oh shit!" Giselle exclaimed, leaping off the couch as Winter raced to open the windows.
"Oppa, what did you do this time?" Ningning shouted over the alarm, already laughing despite the chaos.
"I swear, I didn’t do anything different!" Y/n yelled back, grabbing a towel and waving it under the smoke detector to stop the blaring noise.
Karina, despite her usual composed demeanour, let out an exasperated sigh and joined in the effort to fan away the smoke. Giselle ran over to the stove, trying to help, but the pot of ramen had already turned into an unrecognisable disaster.
"It’s like you’re cursed today," Karina said, her voice tinged with disbelief. “You’re like Junpei from JJK.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "I think you might be right. Mahito is trolling with me today."
Eventually, the smoke cleared, and the alarm finally quieted down. The girls, though slightly frazzled, were still giggling uncontrollably as they surveyed the damage. The pot was beyond saving, the ramen reduced to a sad, burnt sludge at the bottom.
"Okay, what just happened?" Giselle asked, wiping away tears from laughing so hard. "You’re usually so good at this."
"I genuinely don’t know" Y/n threw his hands up in defeat. "I swear I followed the exact same steps as always. This doesn’t make any sense."
Winter came over, inspecting the charred remains of the ramen with a teasing grin. "I think you’ve lost your touch, idiot. Maybe you should retire from cooking."
"And let you cook? Helll no" Y/n said, playfully defensive. "It’s just a one-time fluke. I’ll get it right next time."
Ningning, still laughing, pulled out her phone. "I’m totally sending this to the group chat. Youngji and Yunjin will love this."
Y/n groaned but didn’t stop her. He was too busy trying to figure out what went wrong. "This has never happened before..."
"Maybe you just need a break,” Karina said, her tone surprisingly soft. She handed Y/n a glass of water and gave him a small, almost teasing smile. "Even ramen connoisseur have off days."
Y/n accepted the glass, grateful for the gesture. Despite the tension that had lingered between them for weeks, moments like this—when they could share a laugh over something as simple as ramen—made things feel a little lighter.
After the chaos of the ramen incident had settled and the group had resumed their usual banter, the atmosphere in the dorm was light and carefree again. Y/n lounged back on the couch, the failed ramen saga now just a funny memory that would definitely live in aespa’s dorm history. The girls, still buzzing with laughter, circled around him, offering their usual teasing remarks and grateful smiles.
However, just when Y/n thought the night couldn’t get any weirder, Winter suddenly blurted out something that caught everyone off guard.
"You know what?" she said, stretching her arms over her head. "We should ask the CEO if idiot can move in with us."
Y/n choked on his drink, nearly spitting it out as he sat up straight. "Wait, what?!"
Giselle burst out laughing, while Ningning’s eyes lit up like it was the best idea she’d ever heard. "Oh my god, yes! It would make everything so much easier," Ningning agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "He’s always here anyway, and he’s practically our fifth member already."
"And imagine how convenient it would be," Giselle added with a mischievous grin. "We’d have our very own sl- I mean, chef, and he could handle all of the stuff that happens around here. No more running back and forth to help us at weird hours."
Y/n shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around the idea. "Guys, I’m not moving in. That’s not how this works."
Winter, undeterred, leaned forward with an innocent look on her face. "Why not? You’re here almost every day anyway. It would just make sense.”
Karina, who had been quiet during the initial exchange, smirked from her corner of the room. "I’m pretty sure the company would say no, but it’s an interesting idea."
Y/n’s eyes darted to Karina, a mix of surprise and amusement on his face. "Even you think it’s interesting?"
She shrugged, a teasing glint in her eyes. "It would definitely keep things organised. Plus, I wouldn’t mind having someone else to share the responsibility of keeping everyone in check."
"Exactly!" Winter chimed in. "And we wouldn’t have to call him at three in the morning to come fix the Wi-Fi or handle random emergencies."
Y/n groaned, but he couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips. "You guys seriously don’t want me to have days off, do you?"
"Not when it comes to convenience," Ningning quipped, her grin widening. "But seriously, let’s ask the CEO tomorrow."
Y/n opened his mouth to protest, but before he could say anything, Winter pulled out her phone and began typing furiously. "I’m sending him a text right now."
"Wait, Minjeong, no—“
But it was too late. Winter hit send, and the room filled with the girls’ laughter as Y/n buried his face in his hands. "Oh god, I’m going to lose my job over this," he muttered, only half-joking.
"Relax," Winter said, patting him on the shoulder. "He’ll probably think it’s funny. Besides, it’s not like we’re really expecting him to say yes.”
"I hope not," Y/n sighed, still overwhelmed by the entire situation.
“I bet 100 bucks he will move in” Giselle challenged.
“Aeri….” Y/n sighed. “I bet a month I’ll personally cook ramen for y’all”
“Deal, mister.” And they shook hand, with the remaining members stood as witness.
A few weeks had passed since Winter’s wild suggestion to the CEO, and Y/n had almost forgotten about the whole ordeal. Between managing aespa’s hectic schedule and his usual barrage of tasks, he’d pushed the whole “moving in” idea to the back of his mind. Surely, the company wouldn’t allow something as outrageous as that, right?
But Y/n’s life was never that simple.
One day, as he was going over some documents in the practice room, his phone buzzed again—this time with an official company email. His eyes scanned the message, and his heart dropped as he read the first few lines.
“Dear Y/n,
we’re writing to inform you that, due to recent scheduling and logistical changes, your move into the aespa dorm has been approved. Your role as manager will now include living in close proximity to the group to ensure better coordination and efficiency…”
Y/n blinked, reading the words again to make sure his tired brain wasn’t messing with him.
“What the f-“
He quickly scrolled through the email, but there was no mistaking it. His move had been finalised. The company had approved it. He was really moving in with aespa.
For a long moment, Y/n just stared at his phone, his mind racing with a mix of shock, disbelief, and a bit of panic.
How did this even happen? Was it Winter’s persistence? Or maybe the CEO just had a weird sense of humour?
Whatever the reason, there was no going back now.
Later that day, Y/n found himself standing outside the aespa dorm with a few suitcases and boxes of his belongings. He had no idea how to feel about this new arrangement—part excitement, part dread—but before he could dwell on it, the dorm door flew open, and he was greeted by the beaming faces of the girls.
"Oppa!" Ningning called out, bounding over to him with enthusiasm. "You’re finally here! Welcome home!"
"It’s about time," Winter added with a grin, already grabbing one of his suitcases and dragging it inside as if it weighed nothing. "I told you it would happen."
"Yeah, yeah," Y/n muttered, still in disbelief. "I didn’t think they’d actually approve it, though."
"Well, we’re glad they did," Giselle said, flashing him a bright smile as she took one of the boxes from his hands. "Now we don’t have to call you at all hours of the night to come over."
"You guys really think this is going to make my life easier, huh?" Y/n said, shaking his head as he stepped into the dorm.
"Oh, definitely not," Karina’s voice chimed in from behind him. She was leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, a small smirk playing on her lips. "It’ll probably be way harder for you now.”
Y/n let out a groan as he set down his remaining box. "Jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence, Jimin."
Karina just shrugged, her smirk widening. "Just being honest."
With the girls’ help, it didn’t take long to get Y/n’s things inside. They bustled around him, arranging his boxes in the small guest room he’d be using. Ningning hummed a little tune as she helped unpack, while Winter darted in and out of the room, offering unsolicited advice about where things should go. Giselle, on the other hand, took the opportunity to remind her manager of the bet.
"Hey loser, remember the bet?" she asked, eyeing one of the boxes suspiciously.
"Ah shit, right. There's that." Y/n groaned, completely forgot about the deal.
"Well, I'll be looking forward to your meal, Chef." Giselle quipped. "We can’t have you slacking off just because you live here."
"It’s not slacking off," Y/n protested. "And it's gonna be a month anyway*"
"Eh…nah" Winter teased, plopping down on the bed and giving him a mock-serious look. "We did say a month, but it might go on for…."
"…ever." Winter pouted, making the manager disgusted at his childhood friend's antics.
Y/n rolled his eyes, but deep down, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort from their playful teasing. Despite the chaos and unpredictability of his new living arrangement, it wasn’t as awkward or uncomfortable as he’d feared.
In fact, it almost felt... natural.
As they finished unpacking, Y/n couldn’t help but notice Karina hanging back, watching the others with a thoughtful expression on her face. Their interactions had been better lately—less tense, more relaxed—but there was still something unsaid between them. It lingered, unspoken, beneath the surface.
Before he could think too much about it, Karina walked over and handed him a small bag. "Here," she said, her tone neutral but with a hint of something else. “I picked up some snacks earlier. Figured you might need a break after all this."
Y/n blinked, momentarily taken aback by the gesture. It wasn’t much, but it felt like an olive branch of sorts—an attempt to ease the tension between them. He offered her a small smile. "Thanks, Jimin."
She nodded, her usual confident demeanour softening just a little. "Don’t mention it."
The room was quiet for a brief moment, the weight of their previous awkwardness still lingering, but for the first time in a while, it didn’t feel so heavy. Maybe, just maybe, things were starting to shift between them.
Tl:dr - Y/n has been added to the dorm.
Y/n lay in bed, still processing the day’s events, staring up at the ceiling of his new room. Living with aespa, being a part of their daily routine, their ups and downs—it all felt surreal. He was still getting used to the idea of sharing a space with them, knowing that tomorrow morning, instead of showing up at their dorm with coffee or breakfast in hand, he’d be here—part of the group in a way that felt strange yet... right.
He was about to drift off into sleep when he heard the door creak open. Before he could fully register what was happening, Winter barged into the room, casually plopping herself down on the edge of his bed as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Yah, Y/n,” she said with a grin, pulling her knees up and making herself comfortable. “You thought you were safe in here?”
Y/n blinked, too tired and too caught off-guard to respond right away. “I... what? Minjeong, what the f-”
“Tomorrow. Breakfast. You better be ready to cook it,” Winter demanded, poking him on the forehead. “We’re not going to let you slack off just because you moved in with us. Actually, now that you’re here, we expect better ramen.”
Y/n groaned, rubbing his face. “I knew this was going to happen...”
“Of course it was going to happen,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “And trust me, we’re not going easy on you. Especially Karina. She’s still skeptical about your skills.”
“Karina? Skeptical? You’re the one who made me cook at midnight last time. And also every single time since we auditioned together.”
Winter laughed, leaning back on her elbows. “Yeah, but she’s the one who’s going to make sure it’s perfect.”
“Great,” Y/n muttered, half-joking. “First day in and I’m already a chef instead of a manager.”
Winter chuckled before giving him a more serious look. “But, hey... welcome to the dorm, Y/n. We’re glad you’re here.”
Y/n felt his heart warm a little at that. Despite all the teasing and chaos, there was a genuine sense of family that had been building between them. And also Winter look even more dazzling under the moonlight.
“Thanks, Jeong.”
She grinned, getting up to leave but pausing at the door. “Oh, and one more thing... you should check your face in the mirror before you go to bed. You might find something interesting.”
Y/n frowned, confused. “What are you talking about?”
Winter just giggled and slipped out the door, leaving him baffled. He groaned again, pushing himself out of bed to check the bathroom mirror. As he flipped the light on, his eyes widened.
Drawn across his cheeks and forehead in colorful marker were doodles—smiley faces, stars, and a few other unidentifiable squiggles. His eyebrows had been drawn into exaggerated arches, and there was a tiny mustache inked above his upper lip.
2-0 towards Aespa girls. And Y/n definitely knew it was Winter's idea.
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insanechayne · 2 months
~ ~ ~
#every time I call someone my best friend they turn into a fucking problem that just hurts me and makes me sick#is it me? am I doing something wrong? am I not supposed to have close friends?#or am I just such a fuckup that by being myself it’s inevitable that I’ll ruin my friendships?#kissed my bro on the cheek last week when he wasn’t doing too great and in my mind I was doing it just as an extra way to be encouraging#and show my support and that I’m here for him cause tbh I’ve done that with plenty of other friends and it ain’t no thing#but after a week of wondering why he’s been distant and not wanting to be around me when I’m saying I just need some time with a friend he#finally admits that he thought that was weird and out of line. so I gotta backtrack and try to explain myself but now all the stupid little#pieces be fitting and I realize that he’s probably been misconstruing me wanting time with him as thinking I’m gonna try to flirt with him#or something else fucking dumb like that. despite the fact that that has never been the case and he knows me fundamentally as a person and#should know I wouldn’t ever do anything that could make either of us cheaters even incidentally. plus he’s basically like a brother to me#and I have an AFAB partner so it’s not like I’m trolling for cock anyway and he knows that too. but now I gotta go back through every#interaction we’ve had since that happened and analyze whether or not I was weird or awkward or inappropriate in some way that he could be#upset about at all. and also act like everything is fine and keep it pushing like normal and police every future action to be safe too#because of course he can’t just be straight up about anything or tell me if something bothered him no I gotta play a whole ass fucking#guessing game. and now I also can’t trust that my best friend who is supposed to know me so well won’t take things I say/do the wrong way.#can’t trust that my best friend won’t see me in a poor light now because it’s clearly been affecting the friendship#and like totally that’s my bad I overstepped a boundary I didn’t realize was there but you should have just fucking told me at the time#instead of pulling this shit and giving me anxiety and blowing me off and making me feel like shit#can’t rely on him or trust him or anything and what’s the fucking point of even having a best friend if this is what happens? I’m at the end#of my fucking rope right now so stressed and anxious and no matter how much I try to talk to him or anything he just brushes me off and#won’t let me explain or get my feelings out or anything else. but hey at least I was around for him the other day when he needed somebody#good thing I was there to keep him from going back to drinking or something else stupid and could help him out. cause that’s what really#matters right just being able to help somebody else when they need it even if they don’t reciprocate and are actively hurting me instead of#just being there for me as a friend. guess we try again tomorrow huh? what else can be done I suppose. just get to suffer and be riddled#with anxiety and stress and depression eating away at me and ruining my fucking life. can’t even enjoy the Olympics or anything else because#I’m stuck overthinking this dumb shit. just want this to be over and things to be back to normal. wanna stop being upset about this shit and#be able to let it go but I don’t fucking know how and I can’t keep losing friends because it’s killing me#personal
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emoreemadden · 2 months
hii! it’s been a while <3 anyways here’s a request from a friend.
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Outline: Gojo doesn’t want to be your friend anymore and tells you straight to your face. Unfortunately, you take it the wrong way.
Content Warnings: fluff kinda?, angst ish???, miscommunication trope 😭 idk not many tags or warnings for this one. lmk if i missed anything
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, fem!reader
A/N: i was supposed to finish this WAYYYYYY sooner 😭 my bad… word count: 1815
Gojo Satoru. An enigma for sure.
You both have been best friends for longer than you remember. Well, maybe best friends is the wrong term. You said you were best friends, but it didn’t feel that way. At least not to you.
Every time you saw Gojo, your heart would flutter. Perhaps it was normal, you didn’t know. All you knew was that you had some kind of feelings for him.
You just wished he felt the same.
“What’s wrong?” Gojo had noticed you’d been acting different recently. He puts a hand on your shoulder. “You’re being weird.”
You shrug at him, trying to act normal. Even though you’ve always felt this way about him, you’ve only just now stopped bothering to hide it.
“I don’t know.” Your eyes flit to the ground. “Just tired, I guess.”
And Gojo, being the nice guy that he is, pulls you into a hug. It shouldn’t make you feel this way, like there’s butterflies in your stomach. But it does.
You’re conflicted between wanting to cry and wanting to hug him until you two became one.
“You should get some rest.” He suggests, pulling away and flashing you one of his cheery grins.
“I’ll try my best.” You smile back, though it’s not very passionate.
Gojo pats your head. There’s a pitiful look on his face. “Are you still down for lunch tomorrow?” He asks. Always so considerate, yet he’s never realized how you feel about him.
“Yeah, sure.” You try to up the dosage of your weary smile. “You still working on that surprise?” You ask. Gojo’s been planning this for weeks, teasing you about his “lunch date surprise.”
He grins cheekily. “‘Course I am.” His slender fingers fidget with his sleeves. “What kind of friend would I be to go back on my word?”
The word taunts you like a bully, but you push the thought away. It’s all you’ll ever be, anyways. Friends.
You chuckle when you snap back to reality. “A pretty shitty one, I’d say.”
“Language, young lady.” He teases. You open your mouth to say something, but his phone rings.
“Sorry, I gotta go.” He gives you an apologetic look. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah? Be prepared!” He looks giddy.
“Yep.” You reply tightly. “Bye, ‘Toru.” You wave as he walks away.
“Do I buy her flowers or something?” Gojo says to Suguru over the phone.
“You’ve been thinking about this for weeks. Why has it only occured to you now to get her flowers?” Suguru replies, and Gojo can practically hear him rolling his eyes.
“Well I don’t normally confess to my best friend-” Geto tuts before he can continue.
Gojo sighs. “Okay, girl best friend. Better?” He asks.
“No, but continue anyways.” There’s an awkward pause on Gojo’s part.
“I’m nervous.” Gojo finally admits. “I’m like, really nervous.”
Suguru chuckles. “Gojo Satoru, the strongest Sorcerer there is, is nervous to confess to a girl.” He says, his laugh getting louder. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh shut up, would you?” And Geto only laughs harder, his chuckle turning into full blown howling.
“Fuck off!” And with that, the call clicks off. Gojo sighs, shoving his phone in his pocket and falling back onto his bed.
“I’m screwed.”
You sit at the cafe Gojo had invited you too weeks prior, sighing as you stare at the clock.
“Where is he..?” You mutter to yourself.
Suddenly, as if on cue, he strides in as giddy as ever, looking around for a minute before spotting you and grinning.
“There you are!” He says as he sits down at the table with you. He’s sweating slightly, like he’s anxious.
You smile back at him, and immediately it feels like there’s a thorny rose in your belly, poking you from the inside. “Hey ‘Toru.”
He beams at you. “Did I keep you waiting long?” He asks, giving you an apologetic look for being a few minutes late.
You shake your head. “It’s alright. Now would you please tell me what your little surprise is?”
“Well I can’t give it away so easily!” He pouts playfully. “You haven’t even ordered.” He notes the empty table.
You sigh, before flagging down a waitress. “Can I please get two iced coffees?”
The waiter notes down your order and runs off, leaving you to stare at Satoru expectantly. “Yes I have.”
He tuts, rolling his eyes. “We’ll get to the surprise later. For now, tell me how your day is going.”
So you do. You two talk for a few minutes, and you practically forget about the surprise, until he reminds you.
“Alright, I’ll tell you your surprise now.” He says after the waitress leaves with Gojo’s order of a tiramisu cake and two spoons.
You perk up, curious to find out what he’s been alluding to for so long.
He takes a deep breath. “I don’t think we should be friends anymore.”
You can almost hear the sound of your heart crunching as he steps on it with his words.
“What?” You squeak, tears forming in your eyes.
Gojo stares at you, confused. “Didn’t you hear me?”
You swallow thickly, feeling bile rise in your throat. “But… why?” You feel your tears rolling down your cheeks.
Gojo is alarmed, staring at your crying face. “Why are you crying? Do you… not feel the same?”
You shake your head feverishly, about to open your mouth, but the waitress places down your cake before you can speak.
Gojo looks down at the cake and then back up at you, his expression dimming.
“So you want to be friends?” He asks, sounding heartbroken himself.
You nod, confused. “I thought you did too!” Your chest swells with hurt.
Gojo seems completely distraught. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out. “…No.” He finally says, looking down at the ground.
You stand up from the table with your purse, placing down a few bills before sniffling, trying to wipe your eyes. “I’m going home.” You mumble, turning to leave.
Gojo just stares at you walk away, feeling his spirit burn. “Oh.” He whispers, looking down at the cake on the table.
You hop in your car, tears streaming down your face rapidly as you grip the steering wheel tightly. Your head collapses against the wheel and your body convulses as you sob, shaking like crazy.
You knew Gojo would never feel the same way about you as you did with him, but you thought you’d at least always be friends.
You whimper as you curl up into a ball in the driver's seat, too upset to drive.
Meanwhile, Gojo is inside the cafe, eating the cake silently while he stares at the second spoon.
He’s so confused. He had a sneaking suspicion that you’d reject his love for you, but he didn’t expect you to do it so heartlessly. You cried, for god’s sake! He hadn’t predicted for you to be so opposed to the idea of being more than friends with him.
He feels his heart clench when he remembers your face after he confessed. He sighs, finishing his desert before leaving the cafe defeatedly, his hands in his pockets as he walks home.
The second he opens his door, he collapses against it, sliding to his knees and curling into a ball. He thinks for a moment, before calling up Suguru.
“Have you done it yet? What did she say?” Is the first thing that comes out of Geto’s mouth when he picks up. The reminder of the whole debacle just makes Gojo even more sorrowful than he already was.
“She rejected me.” Gojo says solemnly. The air falls silent for a few moments.
Geto is the first to break the silence. “What did you say?” He finally asks.
Gojo sighs. “I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore.” He replies.
A beat of silence passes.
“And?” Geto urges.
Gojo, confused, replies. “And what?”
“And then what did you say?” He asks.
Still extremely confused, Gojo pauses. “…Nothing.” He says, a hint of uncertainty in his answer.
Geto, with a loud sigh, rolls his eyes. “Are you dumb?” He asks.
“Huh? What’d I do?!” Gojo frowns.
“You goddamn idiot, she probably thought you meant you didn’t want to be friends at all!” Suguru slaps his forehead, which is heard from Gojo’s end of the line.
“Because I don’t!” Gojo protests, now even more confused.
Suguru heaves with annoyance. “She thought you didn’t like her anymore, dumbass.”
Another beat of silence.
A wave of realization hits Gojo. “Oh, fuck.” Is all he says before hanging up and hopping to his feet, running out the door to go find you.
Luckily, on his run to your house, Satoru sees your car still parked outside of the cafe. Panting like a madman, he walks up to it and knocks on your passenger door window, startling you back into your surroundings.
Your eyes widen when you see Satoru awkwardly waving at you through your window. Your eyes are puffy and red from crying, which he notices.
He taps your window, as if to say ‘open up!”
You sniffle as you roll it down, rubbing your eyes.
“Hey, I think you misinterpreted what I said back there.” He gestures to the cafe, his sentence broken up by loud, heavy breaths.
“Why are you so tired?” You ask in return.
“I ran here.” He replies, giving you a lazy grin before he continues with his explanation.
“When I said I didn’t want to be friends anymore, I meant because I want to be more than friends.” He begins, poking his head through your open window to get a little closer to you.
“I really, really like you.” He confesses, a light blush tinting his cheeks. “And I don’t want to be friends. I want to be your boyfriend.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, before letting out a breathy laugh. “Of course you screwed up like that.” You mutter, pinching the bridge of your nose as you smile.
He ignored your little jab. “So? What do you say?” He asks. “Please don’t reject me, I ran all the way here.” He begs.
You laugh again, rubbing your red eyes and unlocking your car door. “I don’t want to be friends either, Satoru.”
His eyes light up at your statement and he immediately throws the door open, fitting himself into the passenger seat before he turns to face you.
“Really, you mean it?” He asks excitedly, looking at you with hopeful eyes. “You don’t?”
You smile. “Not at all.”
And with your confirmation, he grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss, gently wiping your past tears as he does so.
He pulls back for a second to grin at you. “Thank god, because I was not ready to run all the way back home.” He jokes before going back to kissing you.
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teddypines · 2 months
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Sumary: Dick and Batmom!reader got into a fight which upset both of them in the end.
Dick x Batmom!reader, Fem!reader (Use of she/her pronounce)
Note: Dick might be a bit out of character in this. Art/picture is from Pintrest, credits go to whoever made it.
“Get back here, Richard!” Y/N yelled as Dick stormed off towards his room. The two of them had been in a fight. Dick had gotten really hurt on a patrol, but refused to seek medical attention. This, of course, upsetting Y/N. Hating to see one of her birds hurt like this. Yes, Dick was the oldest. yes he was old enough to deal with things on his own, but not with injuries like this. "Richard! Don’t you dare walk away right now!” Y/N yelled after Dick as she walked up the stairs. 
Dick ignored Y/N as he continued to struggle with walking towards his room. “Richard Grayson!!” Y/N yelled out one last time before Dick turned around to face Y/N. “Stop it! i am fine! I don't need you to baby me!” Dick hissed at Y/N. He was tired and just wanted to go to bed, but no Y/N needed to be a worried mother hen. “Just let me sleep! I do not need to be patched up!”
“Dick have you looked into a mirror? You look like hell, you need medical attention. Those wounds will get infected.” Y/N answered while trying to reach out for Dick. “I don’t need that, now stop being so annoying and let me be”
“Dickie, come on, please you really need to clean those. I am your mother, let me help you” Y/N Said, her anger slowly fading more and more as she looked at the beaten up boy. Something snapped in Dick’s tired mind and he got furious. “You are not my mother! Stop acting like you are!” Dick didn’t realize what he had said, because he turned around too fast to see the upset look on Y/N’s face. “I… I’m sorry Dick, i’ll let you be.” She said before Dick slammed his bedroom door shut. 
Y/N turned around and slowly walked towards the master bedroom, tears rolling down her face as she crawled into bed. After a while Bruce joined her in bed and wrapped his arms around her. “What’s wrong, love? Did something happen with Dick?” Bruce asked, but he didn’t get an answer. not until the next morning. Bruce understood Y/N didn’t want to talk about it just yet and just held her even closer to him.
The next morning Y/N did come down for breakfast, but she was rather quiet. Not like her usual self, not telling Damian to not mess with his brothers or telling Jason to put his book down. Everyone noticed but Dick. He was still upset, but he did feel bad. Once he shut his door last night he realized what he had said and that broke him more than the wounds he had. Breakfast was quiet but not awkward. 
After breakfast Y/N just got ready for work and waved Damian and Tim goodbye as they went to school. She kissed Bruce’s cheek when he went to work. Dick looked on as Y/N did her normal routine, only feeling left out since they didn’t give him his hug.
“Mom?” Dick called out to Y/N, but she didn’t answer, too busy getting her bag ready. Dick carefully tapped Y/N’s shoulder which made her stop packing her bag. “Yes?” She answered a bit on the dry side. “Mom… I…” Dick started but he couldn’t find the right words. “It’s okay, Dick, you don’t have to call me mom if you don’t want to.” Y/N said, upsetting them both in the process. She gave Dick a sad smile before leaving for work. 
Dick sighs and gets ready for uni. “What was that?!” Jason asked shocked as he looked at Dick from the living room. He had a day off so he was going to do nothing all day, maybe bother Alfred a bit. “Nothing.” Dick answered his brother. “That was most definitely not nothing!” Jason gasped. “Oh my god, you and mom had a fight!”
“We did not have a fight,” Dick said as he shoved one of his books into his bag. “I just said something I regret…” Jason narrowed his eyes and glared at Dick. “What did you say?”
Dick groaned a bit when he stretched his arm the wrong way when grabbing another book to put in his bag. “I might have said that she wasn't my mom so she should stop acting like it” This made Jason gasp. “Yeah, I know, I screwed up...”
A few days go by in which both Dick and Y/N are upset over what happened, everyone saw it. Dick did get some medical attention for his wounds but the sad smile Y/N wore that week hurt more than anything else. Dick sighed and started to make his way around the manor in search of Y/N. He eventually found her in the Batcave looking over some files and homework Damian did. He carefully sat down next to her at the Batcomputer. “Mom?” He said, which made Y/N turn her head towards Dick. “I’m sorry mom. I never meant to yell at you or say you’re not my mother. Because I do love you as my mom even with my own mom being, well not here… I was just so tired and patrol didn’t go well, and uni wasn’t great that day and… and.. I just don’t know anymore. But I don’t want you to be upset… That hurts…” Dick said through his tears.
Dick was surprised when he felt two arms around him. Y/N held Dick close to her. “I forgive you, sweetie, but please don’t ever say it again. It really hurts, when all I wanted to do was make sure you were taken care of. Maybe I shouldn't have yelled, though.” Y/N said as she slowly leaned back and started to whip Dick’s tears away with her thumb. She carefully leaned over and kissed Dick’s forehead. “I love you, Bluebird.”
“I love you too, ma”
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brokenmenswhore · 3 months
Hii🤭 I saw you writing for the marauders and I was wondering if you could do like a lover version of the poly one you already posted, totally ok if you don’t. Thanks anyway 🤍
don’t touch | poly!marauders
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pairings: poly!marauders x reader, remus lupin x reader
warnings: none, maybe just jealous remus?
a/n: wasn’t super sure what direction to take this but i hope this is ok! i’m so nervous that someone is gonna request something and end up hating what i write kfjkejejek
this is technically a reimagined drabble of this request!
────── ☾ ──────
Remus was never shy about showing his affection for you, especially in front of his friends. He was proud to be with you, and wanted to show off that he had you, but was still protective over your relationship.
He would often hold your hand or kiss you out of the blue when you were walking with Sirius and James, or sometimes he would hug you, lift you, and spin you around in the hug, almost knocking his friends over. It was clear that he was enamored with you, and with his friends always around, it was becoming harder for them not to feel the same way.
When it started, you told Remus to cool it down in front of your friends because you didn’t walk to make anyone uncomfortable. Remus said it didn’t matter and he didn’t care.
Sirius wanted the kind of love you and Remus shared, and he had a rather large crush on you as a result.
The four of you walked down the corridor, ready to leave classes behind for the day.
“Will you pleeeeeeease come to Hogsmeade with us?” Remus begged, throwing an arm around your shoulders and kissing your temple.
“You know I have to study,” you sighed, “otherwise I absolutely would.”
“Oh come on, all you ever do is study study study,” he continued, “don’t you wanna hang out with us?”
You giggled, “of course, but not more than I need to study. I’m going to fail charms if I don’t get my shit together.”
Remus groaned in defeat.
“Come on, give yourself a break,” Sirius started, “you’re too hard on yourself. One night won’t make or break a semester-long grade.” He smiled, tugging at the sleeve of your robes.
Remus noticed and glared at him, but Sirius had no intention of acknowledging him.
You sighed. Remus eventually gave up when you protested, but Sirius was stubborn. “Fine.”
Sirius nudged you, smiling and turning away from Remus as you blushed slightly. Remus pulled you in for a kiss, marking you as his.
The entire time in Hogsmeade, Remus didn’t let your hand go once. He would even keep your fingers intertwined when he used the hand clasped to yours.
“Rem, you’re being ridiculous,” you said, pulling him into an aisle away from Sirius and James.
“How so?” he replied.
“You’re acting like if you drop my hand it’ll fall off.”
“Am not,” Remus protested, “besides, what’s so wrong about wanting to hold your hand?”
“Nothing,’ you responded honestly, “but for someone who wants to make out on the couch sitting next to Sirius, you sure seem jealous that he nudged me.”
Remus sighed. “He knows he isn’t supposed to act all lovey-dovey with you. He only does it because he’s into you.”
“So? You’re not his dad, you can’t tell him what to do.”
“I don’t want him being all touchy with my girlfriend. That’s not weird.”
You let it go, knowing that Remus wouldn’t budge on his stance no matter what you said. At dinner, you sat between Sirius and Remus, James next to Remus and away from any tension.
“Oh, you’d love this,” Sirius said, pointing to the drink menu and showing you one of the options.
“Absolutely,” you said, “I’m getting that.”
Remus began to run a finger through your hair, brushing the strands out enough to make his actions obvious to Sirius. You didn’t draw any attention to it, and continued talking with everyone as normal.
Sirius could tell that Remus was intentionally working him up, and Sirius had trouble controlling his temper.
“You know, you really do have the prettiest hair,” Sirius said, curling a strand in his fingers.
“Oh, so we’re just gonna forget that you’re not allowed to do that?” Remus snapped. “Don’t touch” was Remus’ rule- he didn’t want either of them near you. You were his and his to kiss and hold and squeeze only.
“Isn’t it her choice what I do to her?”
His choice of words sent Remus spiraling. Sirius noticed, and scooted out of the booth as fast as he could. Remus was trapped in between you and James, so he just lept over the table.
“I’m gonna kill you!” Remus screamed, chasing Sirius out the door, leaving you alone with James.
“So,” you started. “maybe we should get going?”
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st7rnioioss · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 is there someone else?
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: matt sturniolo x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and matt get into an argument, but end up making up again.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: angsty, argument, happy ending, kissing, swearing.
a/n: hi guys. sorry if this sucks ass, ive never rlly attempted to write angst before. hope i did it somewhat right LMFAOOO.
i took inspo from @evie-sturns 's empty bed!! make sure to check theirs out if u havent already😉😉
───────── 🐇
The last few days had been rough for you. Work had completely consumed all of your time and energy out of you.
Your days consisted of waking up, drinking a redbull, work, redbull, more work, and sleep. This cycle had left you completely ruined Friday night.
Finally, you closed your computer, looking at the clock in your kitchen.
12:46 am. Fuck.
You slowly opened the door into your and Matt’s room, finding him sitting back against the headboard, watching TikTok. You slowly snuggled into bed beside Matt, wrapping an arm around his waist, trying to pull him closer to you. He didn’t budge. You kinda expected him to put his phone down and wrap his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace, but no.
“Matt, is everything alright?” you mumbled, looking up at him. He didn’t pay attention to his phone that was playing, but he was avoiding your stare.
“Hm,” was all he said, continuing to mindlessly scroll. This was very unlike Matt, which irritated you. What the fuck had you done to piss him off this much? Normally he wouldn’t keep his hands off of you.
“Alright..” you murmured, almost whispering as you turned your back to him, trying to fall asleep. Of course, you couldn’t. You never went to bed without a “goodnight” or at least a kiss on the forehead. There was silence for God knows how long, until he put his phone down to go to sleep. He turned his back against yours. This kinda pissed you off as well, but you didn’t act on it. Instead, you turned to face his back, running a hand from his shoulders down his back.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” he snapped, pulling away from your touch.
What the actual fuck? 
“Matt, what the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve been acting strange all day! Just tell me what’s going on. Is it me? Work? Your brothers? Fans?” you tried guessing, but he didn’t budge. He didn’t want to join you for lunch earlier, dinner, even when you asked him if he wanted to go for a walk, which he normally never let down.
You were sitting up, leaning over his body that was in a fetal position. He then sat up in front of you, looking down at you, his face serious.
“You wanna know what’s wrong? You’ve been ignoring me all fucking week. We haven’t exchanged a word, you’ve gone to bed without telling me, and we’re eating dinner at different times now, and you’re always on your goddamn phone! Are you avoiding me?” he yelled with a frown, his lower lip quivering. What? 
“Matt, you’re starting to sound like my mom! I’ve been working my ass off all fucking week, don’t put it all on me! I’m sorry that I’m busy working and can’t be all over you all the time, but I actually have meetings to be in, emails to answer, and reports to write!” you yelled back. Tears were now rolling down your cheeks. You didn’t realize it until now, but practically your whole body was shaking, from both anger, but also an intense amount of anxiety. You’ve only been in a fight with Matt once, and it never got to this point.
There was silence for a bit. Your eyes were darting between his, your breaths quickening.
“Y/n, is there someone else?” he then whispered, his teeth gritted. Tears were brimming in his waterline, ready to roll down his cheeks. You stiffened. Someone else?
“What- Matt, no! No, there is no one else!” you were blinking quickly, not even trying to hold back the tears that were forming in your eyes, once again.
“I’ll go sleep on the couch…” he whispered with a slow nod, grabbing his pillow from the bed, and standing up to walk to the couch. Um, what?
You lied in bed for an hour or two. Maybe three. Your mind was still processing what you and Matt had just discussed. Had I really been doing all that unintentionally? Am really such a shitty girlfriend? Then you decided to go down to the living room where Matt was. You just couldn’t agree to go to sleep while being mad at each other. 
Slowly, you listed down the stairs into the living, immediately spotting Matt on the couch, again tucked up in a fetal position.
“Matt? Are you awake?” you whispered, leaning over him to run a hand through his hair. Matt then slowly turned his head, opening his red eyes to look at you.
“Oh, Matt..” you cooed, frowning your brows. He had been crying, hard. Matt’s pillow was basically drenched. You sat down on the couch, cupping his face to pull him into your chest.
Matt immediately broke into sobs, wrapping his arms around your waist, just above your hip.
“I’m so so sorry, Matt. Work has been sucking the energy out of me. I’ve been such a shit girlfriend,” your voice broke a couple of times as you whispered, pressing a kiss to his head. Matt was still crying, nuzzling his face into your shirt (which had been his once).
“No, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have overreacted like that, I know how tough it can be. I’m so sorry, I just- I miss you. I feel like I haven’t spoken to you for a whole week,” he cried, pulling you even closer to him. His fingers were trailing up and down your back, occasionally rubbing circles against your soft skin.
“I know, and that’s my fault. I need to balance work and my life with you. You mean the world to me.” you chuckled slightly through your own tears. “And no, there is no one else. I’m so madly in love with you, you wouldn’t believe it,” you laughed, earning a soft chuckle from Matt as well. 
He raised his head from your embrace, looking up at you with a soft smile.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispered, pulling you closer to him, and leaving a gentle kiss on your lips. A small smile played on your lips as he kissed you. You then pulled away, resting a hand on his cheek, gently wiping the, almost dried-out, tears off of his cheeks.
“I love you even more. And I’m sorry for being an ass, again. I swear, I’ll make it up to you this weekend,” you whispered, a giggle leaving your lips as you realized Matt was blushing.
You ended the night cuddled up with Matt on the couch. The both of you were way too tired to go all the way up to your bedroom, but you didn’t mind. At all actually. The tight space, huge soft blanket, Matt’s body pressed up against yours, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Couldn’t get any better. He occasionally left small I love you’s, kisses to the back of your neck, down to your shoulder, and the crook of your neck, which made you chuckle tiredly since it tickled.
“Matt stop, I’m way too tired. We can do this all day tomorrow, I promise, just please let me sleep,” you yawned, trying to push him away.
“Fine,” he huffed, leaning closer to you. “We should go out for lunch on Sunday. I’ll pay,” he mumbled, his voice rasped from the crying earlier, his fingers playing with your hair.
“Is that an invite? Or an order?” you giggled, turning your head to face him in the dim light from the moon.
“Take it as I don’t have a choice, hm?”
“Alright then, as long as you pay you’ve got my attention,” you joked, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You’re sure he was blushing because the rest he was saying just came out as stutters and nervous mumbles.
a/n: heloo i hope u liked this🤗 i dont know why i linked the song, i just really like the cover LMFAOOOO
taglist: @chrissgirlsstuff @leah-loves-lilies @toriiniie @lacysturniolo @ukiyosturniolo @iluvmattyb @ratatioulle @sturniolho @cupidzsq
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rosyhoneydew · 1 month
As Long As You'll Have Me
My entry for day 3 of @bucktommywhumpweek - "You act like you’re expendable. But you’re wrong." | Prompts: Abandonment issues // Forced to leave the other behind
This is pretty brief whump but hopefully it still fits the prompt :)
"Are- Are you going somewhere?" Buck asks, there's a hollow kind of deja vu setting in when he steps into their bedroom to see Tommy packing a small duffle. "You're home!" Tommy says, startling and turning to face Buck. "Yeah, Ravi picked up the rest of my shift. Said he could use the extra hours." Normally he'd walk right up to his boyfriend, kiss him hard, maybe show him exactly how much he missed him during his shift. But right now Buck can't move from the doorway. Because Tommy's packing a bag. "I, uh, thought you'd be a little while still," Tommy says, something like a guilty smile on his face. And Buck... he's not exactly sure what's going on here but he can feel his face getting hot and his heart rate speeding up. He thought things were good with them. Is Tommy not happy? Did he miss the signs? Again? "Hey," Tommy says, "you okay?" "Are you leaving?" Buck asks in lieu of a response. It comes out a little harsher than he planned, but he's focused on not doing something like crying and begging his boyfriend to stay. Tommy sighs. “I wanted to surprise you,” he says, expression softening a bit. “You remember that I call I had up near San Bernadino?”  Yes. A hiker’s mom called in when her daughter didn’t check in along the trail. She’d been out there for a few days at least. Buck remembers the look of relief on his boyfriend’s face when he got home that night, the girl dropped off at the hospital, safe and sound.  “Turns out her mom’s got a place in Big Bear and she thought it would be nice to let me vacation there for a few days, as a thank you.” “Vacation?”  “It was supposed to be a surprise,” Tommy says, smiling and making his way toward Buck. His lightly grabs Buck’s arms, about to lean in for a kiss before he stops. “Is everything alright?” 
“Y- yeah, just…” Buck takes in the room before looking back at Tommy. “You’re not leaving me?”  “Leaving you?” Tommy seems genuinely shocked by the prospect. “No, Evan, no. Why would you think that?”  “Sorry, I’m sorry,” Buck says, shaking his head like he can dislodge the thoughts that way. Tommy rubs his arms and presses a light kiss to Buck’s cheek, seemingly content to wait until Buck is ready to talk. He takes the moment to let the pounding in his heart return to normal. He's not leaving, he's not leaving, he's not leaving. “You remember my ex I told you about, right? Abby?” Buck starts. Tommy nods. “That’s how I found out, when she was going to leave you know? I came home - I was living at her place then too - and her stuff was all in suitcases.” He pauses for a moment, remembering how he had believed her when she said it was just a trip. That she would be back for him. “At the time she had planned to come back, you know? Then she, umm, she didn’t.”  Tommy’s looking at him like his own heart is breaking, and, shit, the last thing he wants is for Tommy to feel bad when he was just trying to plan a surprise for his boyfriend. 
"I know you're not her," Buck clarifies quickly. "I just- I think I saw you packing and I didn't know where you were going and it kind of took my brain a second to catch up."
“Evan, I am so sorry,” Tommy starts. “I had no idea this would stir up those memories for you.”  “Don’t apologize,” Buck says. “Of course you didn’t know. You were just doing something nice.”  Tommy reaches up to rest his hand on the nape of Buck’s neck, softly brushing his thumb there and leaning his forehead against Buck’s.  “I am not leaving you,” he says. “I will never leave you.”  Buck huffs a little laugh at that, because, well, “You say that now.”  Tommy leans back a bit to look Buck in the eye, “Evan,” he says, “I love you, and so long as you’ll have me, I will never leave you.”  Oh. He means… is he saying… Buck lunges forward to wrap Tommy in a kiss, passionate and full of feeling. Tommy's right there to catch him, arms wrapped around him, letting Buck set the pace but never faltering at his intensity. “Let me try this again,” Tommy says with a smile when they part. “Evan, would you like to spend the weekend together in Big Bear? Just the two of us.”  “Yes,” Buck says, only able to peel his eyes away from Tommy’s lips for a moment to say, “I love you.”
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l0vem41l · 1 month
something's wrong with the morning.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited 2 the max, potentially ooc but WHO GAF (me. igaf), he misreads tone over text and it's totally not me projecting, bros just a little anxious and its totally not me projecting, richard "acts of service" grayson in the real, pretty heavily romantic implied but it can be interpreted as platonic becuz we fw that here!!!!! 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. richard "dick" grayson/nightwing
author's note: yes i am uh. doing More dc stuff. guys im really sorry but its literally leeching off my brain like a parasite i fear. enjoy!!!!!!! ♪(´▽`) <3 the lyric below is what i based this off of but as usual, GENDER NEUTRAL READER!!!
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"and how something's wrong with the morning / when he doesn't phone to say he loves me"
dick has been staring at the text since the minute he received it.
you sent two letters. and a period at the end.
immediately, there's a weird feeling he gets— a pit forming in the depths of his stomach as he reads it over and over again, as if he expects it to magically change in front of his eyes.
you usually send something… more in the morning. you greet him happily and use a silly nickname, he greets you and uses a silly nickname back. it's sort of tradition for the two of you, mainly built on the fact that him being a vigilante leaves very little time for the two of you.
so what the hell happened to that tradition? where’s his “good morning pookie!” or “hope you slept well, sunshine :]” that he's grown so accustomed to?
of course, he has to go on with his day like usual. at least, he's trying his best. to his credit, he does pretty well. after all, dick grayson is a performer at heart! even if it secretly feels like a part of his world just collapsed in on itself, he does not sulk about it.
but to the observant, there's obviously been a shift.
the slightly irritable mood he’s been in? definitely normal. the fact that he’s been swiping away every notification with disinterest if it’s not you? totally nothing.
more astute criminals in blüdhaven are a little off put by the fact that nightwing is still at full quip capacity while hitting just a little harder and being just a teeny bit more bitchy.
there nervous speculation going around that next week he'll be in the discowing fit
nightwing notices that his mask is slipping a bit. but does he care? well... not really. what's more important to him is what's going on inside his head. and he's been thinking— hardcore reflecting on every single recent previous interaction with you, looking back to everything that must’ve made things go wrong.
maybe he should’ve let you win that one argument last monday, even though he’d been pretty certain he was right because you really aren't supposed to stack cards in uno that way.
or maybe “anything’s fine” as a response to you asking what he wanted for dinner was the wrong move— he knew you hated when he didn’t help your indecisiveness.
was it the movie he picked for movie night on your hangout? fuck, that might've been it, you totally hate the main actor. how could he have forgotten?
either way, he’s dead set on the fact he did something to piss you off and now you won’t even greet him good morning.
later in the afternoon, you find a cute little basket on your doorstep containing your favorite flowers, your favorite snacks… and an apology note??
“dick,” you message, “what’s going on?”
he doesn’t reply back. instead, he calls you.
before you can even greet him, his voice chimes in with a whole spiel you didn't expect to be hit with.
“i messed up. i know i did and i should've done better. and i’m so sorry, i wanna make this work and i just— from the bottom of my heart— i really, truly apologize—”
you blink several times at your phone before interrupting. “oookay, woah, woah, woah. let's slow down. the fuck are you apologizing for?”
“...your message this morning.” he mumbles out, barely audible. you can hear the pout in his voice somehow.
“what? the one i typed up while rushing to work?” it’s hard to stifle your laughter. “dude, i just woke up a little late. i promise i still love you.”
he doesn't know whether to feel more relieved that you're not actually upset with him or embarrassed about the drastic, immediate measures he took to make things right. things being absolutely nothing, because obviously you weren't gonna be petty over uno rules, nondecisions, or movies.
"you should come over. we can share the snacks if you get here in time." click.
he'll be at your door the minute patrol is done. not for the snacks though it is a nice bonus but to see you. lord knows you need the time together.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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piedinthepiper · 9 months
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Your girl ☆
Soft!yandere!Jungkook x Namjoons gf!reader
Summary: He’s loved you for a long time and is certain that you also feel the same. The only problem is that you have a boyfriend…aka his best friend.
Warnings: dubcon, angst (arguing), male masturbation, swearing, Jungkook is an asshole, but at least he’s a loving asshole, he’s also delusional and manipulative
Wc: 2.7k
| pt. 2 |
A/n: A small one shot based off this (request). Wrote it real quick and didn’t proofread it, sorry;( hope you like it anon!
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction. I am in no way saying that this is how any member of bts would act. Nor do I condone the actions detailed in the story. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. If any of the warnings trigger you, or you’re under 18 ¡do not read! I’m not your mother, and I don’t take any accountability for what you decide to read online!
He initially picked the room next to Namjoons room to be close to you. Sweet sweet y/n. The girl of his dreams. Ever since you met in middle school he’s loved you. But he was shy, and nothing like the man he’s now. Perfect for you. But of course Namjoon had to have you first. Namjoon, his older friend that was so calm and collected all the time. Winning over any girl with his big words and romantic acts, and now he got you. And he’s kept you as well. As his own. As his girlfriend.
Of course the two of you would share a room. You’re boyfriend and girlfriend, that’s normal. And Jungkook specifically asked to be next door. Just to be able to hear your laughter in the evening, and seeing you peak out the door in nothing but the white robe the resort you were staying at provided. With cute tired eyes and a small smile. What he didn’t expect was to lay awake at night listening to the headboard knocking against the wall, and your loud screams of pleasure.
The first night he thought that you were just happy and excited by the nice resort Jungkook picked out for Namjoons birthday. It’s natural for a couple to have sex, nothing wrong with it. He thought to himself before putting on his headphones and going to sleep.
The second night he found himself listening for a little longer. He had never heard you moan before, and a familiar feeling in his groin started to appear. He stopped himself as his hand subconsciously started to move towards his half hard dick. It wasn’t right taking advantage of you like that. You were having an intimate moment with your significant other, it wasn’t for his ears, it was for Namjoons. So yet again he put on his headphones.
The third night he didn’t put on his headphones. He didn’t care anymore. Regardless, how would you even know? It’s not like he would ever tell you, and he was the only witness to what he was about to do. He closed his eyes and focused on your voice. Making lewd sounds that went straight to his erection. He imagined you on top of him, riding him as if your life depended on it. Telling him how good he made you feel, how he was so much better than Namjoon. He started following the ruthless rhythm of the headboard. Jerking up and down his cock like a mad man.
You moaned at the other side of the wall, but Jungkook only heard his name. And the simple thought of you screaming his name on top of his cock made him come all over his hand.
This continued for two more days, until the last day at the resort was upon you.
“So what do you want to do for your last day, babe?”
You said before putting a grape between your lips. All of you were assembled by the breakfast table. Namjoon swallowed what he was chewing on and looked in your direction.
“I don’t know, maybe we’ll just chill for today? We’ll travel for a long time tomorrow.”
The rest of the group nodded and came with assuring comments.
“Maybe we should go to the jacuzzi tonight?”
Jungkook who was sitting on your left, leaned closer to you and almost whispered. You looked over at him with a smile and opened your mouth to answer him.
“Great idea, Jungkook! Let’s bring a few bottles and chill in the jacuzzi tonight!”
Namjoon said excited as he overheard Jungkooks words. Namjoon wasn’t supposed to hear it in the first place. The invitation was only for you. But deep down he knew he would never be able to get you on his own. Especially not when Namjoon was there.
The evening came and Jungkook found himself in the jacuzzi as planned. He had made sure none of the other guys sat next to him. That spot was saved for you. Jin and Jimin had instead found their spot opposite of him. While Hoseok sat next to him on the other side. The side not facing the entrance to the jacuzzi. Now he was just awaiting your arrival, ready and eager to sit next to you. You and Namjoon arrived a little while after the rest of the guys had settled. The two of you came jogging towards them, wanting to get into the hot water and out of the cold night air. Jungkook couldn’t help but stare at you. You failed to notice the look Jungkook gave you, too focused on following your boyfriend. You completely missed the way his eyes scanned over your half naked body. Only wearing the blue bikini that Jungkook had grown to love during the week at the resort. He could already see your nipples through the thin bra. Your light jogging made your tits slightly bounce. He let out a sigh, feeling his cock stiffen as you sat yourself down beside him. You felt immediately relaxed once the warm water hit your body. The bubbles doing wonders for your sore back. Namjoon put his arm around you, pulling you closer to his naked torso. You quickly looked up at him, before pecking his lips softly.
“Jk! Why are you so tense? This was your idea wasn’t it?”
Hobi practically screamed over the loud bubbles. Suddenly everyone was looking at him. Even you. He was caught off guard. Not expecting anyone to notice his behaviour.
“I- it’s just that it’s our last day together. I’ll miss being around you.”
He lied. But what was he supposed to say? ‘Oh, Namjoon’s girlfriend gave me a semi, and now she’s sitting so close to me that our thighs occasionally brush past each other’. No. He couldn’t say that.
“It’s fine, Jungkook. You can visit our place as much as you’d like.”
You comforted him. Putting a hand on his shoulder. He gave you a short smile.
“But not too much.”
Namjoon added teasingly. You rolled your eyes at him, even though you were smiling. Suddenly you felt a hand on your knee. You didn’t think much of it at first. It was a cramped space after all. You had been resting your legs on Jin’s thighs this entire time, since he sat opposite of you. It’s just what you do in a hot tub. The conversation continued and you found yourself listening to Jin’s horrible jokes. Occasionally laughing with both Hobi and him.
The hand slid up your thigh, but stopping before it became uncomfortable. You tried looking down, just to see. But the bubbles were blocking your view. No one were able to see what was happening under water.
“It feels nice right?”
Jungkook leaned closer to you. You looked at him and gave him a smile. Leaning away from Namjoon to converse with him instead.
“It feels amazing.”
You answered as you closed your eyes and let out a sigh to demonstrate. Jungkook let out a small laugh. Trying to keep it cool. But all he could think about was the way you just moaned for him. He couldn’t help it anymore. He was too horny and too in love with you to not do anything.
“You look amazing.”
He almost whispered. You barley heard him say it due to the bubbles.
You asked, even though you heard what he said.
He answered and raised his hands. As he did the hand that was on your thigh disappeared. So it was him? You shook it off. Jungkook was clingy, not just with you with everyone. Right? Once he put his arms back in the water his hand found your thigh again, this time it was dangerously close to your bikini line. You suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable, and reached down. Pushing his hand off your thigh.
“Please don’t put your hand that close.”
You said as if you were just teasing. Trying to not make things awkward. He leaned in closer.
He asked and placed his hand back.
“No one can see it baby.”
He whispered in your ear. You looked at the others to see if anyone heard what Jungkook just called you. But they were all busy chatting about everything else to even notice that the two of you were out of the conversation. You placed your hand over his, making sure it didn’t go further up.
“Don’t call me that.”
You whispered back. He tried to slide further up, but your grip tightened and kept him in the same spot.
“Stop it.”
You said, getting really uncomfortable now. You were happy with Namjoon, and even if Jungkook was attractive you would never ever cheat. Ever.
“Let me make you feel good.”
He whispered.
You looked at him dead in the eyes now. He sighed and nodded slightly. His hand on your thigh flipped and suddenly grabbed your hand. You looked down on instinct even if you couldn’t see anything. He swiftly pulled your hand towards him and placed it on his crotch. You tried getting away without making a fuss. But he was way stronger than you and kept your hand firmly around his now hard cock.
“That’s what you do to me, y/n.”
“Let me go right now or I’ll tell everyone here what you’re doing right now.”
You whispered angrily to him. Sick and tired of his game. He contemplated it for a second, but let go of you hand eventually. You got up from your seat quickly.
“Oh, where are you going baby?”
Namjoon asked sweetly. You felt guilty for some reason, and his caring boyfriend voice almost made you cry on the spot.
“I’m done, I wanna go to bed.”
You said as you stepped out.
“Sleep well, y/n!”
Jin yelled after you. Jimin elbowed him in his side. Making him grunt.
He asked. All the guys looked at him.
“She’s clearly upset, man.”
Jimin answered him.
“I better go check on her, it was fun while it lasted guys.”
Namjoon said and started getting up from the water. Jungkook quickly got up and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ll check on her. It’s the last day of your birthday week, you gotta enjoy it.”
Jungkook said reassuring.
“Oh ok. Thanks, man.”
Namjoon said, completely oblivious to Jungkooks real intentions.
The bikini was cold, and the minute you walked into your room you stepped out of it on the bathroom floor. The cool bikini made your mood even more awful. You heard a knock on your door. Namjoon, as the good boyfriend he was, probably came to check on you. You sighed and put on your robe. Even if it was your boyfriend you couldn’t open the door completely naked. You opened the door, ready to fall into his big arms. But he wasn’t the one greeting you. It was Jungkook. Your face quickly soured, and you swung the door back at him. He stopped it before it shut and used his entire body weight to keep you from closing the door.
“Y/n, let me talk to you.”
He said as if he didn’t struggle at all to keep the door open. You on the other hand continued to push with all your might.
“I’m not interested in talking to you!”
You snapped back, slightly out of breath.
“Come on, we’re adults aren’t we? I’m sorry for what I did out there.”
He answered calmly. You stopped pushing, making the door snap back. Since he had leaned up against the door he followed, stumbling backwards until he met the floor. You crossed your arms and looked down at him. He gave you a small smile before he got back up again, closing the door carefully behind him.
“Look, I’m-“
“You’re not staying for long so you might as well open the door back up again.”
You said strictly, sitting down at the edge of your bed.
“Don’t be like that, y/n.”
Your head snapped back to him the second he uttered those words.
“Don’t be like that? Don’t be like that?!”
You got back up and started walking towards him waving your finger angrily in his face.
“Not only did you dirty talk to me right in front of my boyfriend, you also made me touch your fucking penis, Jungkook! You do not get to decide if I’m going to be ‘like that’ or not!”
You said in a fit of rage. His eyes turned big and innocent, not expecting you to lash out on him like that.
“I’m sorry, really I am. I didn’t mean to.”
You scoffed at him.
“Please, what you did out there is nothing that just happens on accident! You clearly meant it!”
You continued.
“Y/n, please just listen.”
“You’re unbelievable!”
“I’m sorry, ok?!”
He snapped back.
“I’ve tried to hide my feelings for you since the day we fucking met. Especially after you chose Namjoon over me!”
It was your turn to be surprised by his sudden reaction.
“I’ve tried to stay out of your business, I’ve tried to leave you alone. But I can’t! I can’t do this anymore, y/n. I can’t pretend that I don’t love you!”
You went quiet for a few seconds. Taking in all of the information you had been obvious to for years. You would’ve never thought he had those kind of feelings for you. He had always only been a friend to you. A good friend. And eventually a really hot friend as well. You couldn’t say that he didn’t look good standing there. In only his black bathing shorts, one leg rolled up over his big thigh. His hair damp and dripping onto the white towel around his neck. Some drops even made it down his muscular torso or his tattooed arm. But he would always be middle school Jungkook on the inside. The sweet, shy kid with a bowl cut and big doe eyes. No matter how many weights he lifted, or how many piercings and tattoos he got. He would still be just a friend.
“I didn’t know.”
You answered awkwardly. Not understanding how he could’ve been able to hide it for so long. You were friends after all, you told each other everything.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Maybe if I did we would’ve been together by now.”
You shook your head and took his hand. You needed to let him down gently. It sounded like he thought you felt the same, and it wasn’t fear of you to feed into his delusions.
“We could never date, Jungkook. I don’t like you like that.”
His eyes switched from innocent and vulnerable to harsh.
You sighed.
“Let’s sit down and talk, hmm?”
You asked, knowing that he easily gets emotional.
“No, y/n. I’m not doing this.”
He pulled his hand away from yours.
“You’re saying that you wouldn’t date me? Not even if I asked before Namjoon?”
“Jungkook, I love you. I really do! You’re an amazing friend. You’ve always been there for me. But that’s it, you’re my friend. I love you as just a friend.”
He went quiet. Jungkook had never been great with handling his emotions. You knew this would hit him hard.
“So you’ve friend zoned me? Without even giving me a chance?”
He said in a snarky tone. You shook your head and rolled your eyes. He wasn’t the one who was supposed to be angry in the first place. It was you.
“You do not have the right to get angry at me after you basically sexually harassed me out there!”
He scoffed at you and took a step forward.
“So this is what it’s about? You can’t love me just because I made one mistake?! Wow, Namjoon must be perfect!”
You stepped forward as well.
“No it’s not! I don’t like you the way I like Namjoon! You can’t get everything you want, grow up!”
You yelled back at him, as the two of you were now arguing with each other.
“I’m the one that needs to grow up?! You’re the one that made a scene, just because I touched you a little!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! You didn’t just touch me, you made me touch your fucking penis!”
“Come on! It was just over the shorts!”
“You’re disgusting!”
A loud knock stopped both of you from arguing. The two of you looked over at the door. You scoffed and pushed him aside when he didn’t do anything. You opened the door, still visibly upset from the argument. Outside stood Namjoon, with the rest of the guys behind him. They all were completely in shock, and they were definitely not hiding it. Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“These walls are pretty thin aren’t they?”
Thank you for reading! Do you want to read more?
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Adopt a Jock Part One / Part Two / Part Three PART FOUR YOU ARE HERE Part five 
As always I own my entire soul to  @chalkysgarbagefire
Steve didn't show up to lunch that Monday. 
This was a problem, because Gareth and Eddie had carefully prepared the entirety of Hellfire to help make Steve play a D&D one-shot. 
(Well, mostly Eddie--and he'd left out the parts about how the entire goal was to acclimate Harrington to hugs and high fives. 
Gareth assumed that was a more careful conversation they'd all have later, outside of school grounds.) 
"Eds, if you jiggle your legs any harder the table is going to take flight." Gareth complained, scooting away before he got jabbed in the gut. 
"Where is he!?" Eddie muttered, glancing at his watch for what had to be the twenty-fifth time. “Are we sure he showed up to class this morning?" 
Stewart, the only person to share a class with Harrington, gave their leader an exasperated look. "Yes, I’m sure." 
He flicked his spoon, pointing it towards Eddie. "And yes he looked fine, yes, everything seemed normal, no I don't know why he's not here and no, no one fucking abducted him, or threatened him, or any of the other crazy excuses you keep coming up with!” 
Eddie’s frown deepened as Gareth and Grant traded concerned glances. 
"Maybe he just didn't want to sit with us today." Jeff remarked, approaching the topic with the same care a technician had when approaching a live bomb. 
Gareth thought it was a smart move, considering Eddie looked like he was about to rocket into the ceiling. 
"He's sat with us everyday, why would he change now?"  Eddie argued. 
"Maybe there's a basketball thing happening. Or he's saying hi to his jock buddies." Gareth tried, using the same cautious tone Jeff had. 
"We’re his friends!" Eddie snapped, looking two seconds away from losing his shit entirely.
 Almost unconsciously, Gareth and Jeff both raised a hand almost to try and help calm him.
Like he was a wild horse and they were the preteen girls in the movies determined to establish a bond before he killed their grandpa or some shit. 
This was what happened when one deviated from a predetermined Munson-made plan. Not that Steve had known that of course, but then, he wasn’t exactly catching the fallout, was he?
‘I am making Harrington buy lunch after this.’ Gareth thought, as Eddie returned to bouncing both his legs almost frantically. ‘From someplace expensive.’ 
"Maybe Hargrove ate him."  Grant suggested, as if the very thought of Billy Hargrove wouldn’t set Eddie off on a rampage. 
"I could see it." Stewart agreed. "Dude has cannibal vibes." 
"Not. Helping." Jeff hissed, his palm still in the air and hovering vaguely over Eddie’s shoulder. 
Sure enough, Eddie’s entire body tensed at the mere mention of Hawkin High’s new King. "That’s it. We’re going to find him.” 
“Have fun.” Tiff said, waving him off. 
Eddie glared. “We’re all going.” He practically spat.
With a put upon sigh, Tiff set her food down. "You really want to spend the rest of our lunch period stalking around the hallways looking for Harrington?" 
Eddie gripped the edge of the table so hard his knuckles went white. 
"Yes Tiff, I do." He said, a manic gleam in his eyes. 
He shoved up from the table, striking the kind of pose he often used during his rants. “This is a break in a pattern of behavior. A veer from an established path! This is the very first sign in every horror movie that something is wrong!” 
He went to put his foot up on the edge of the table, like a pirate captain looking to the seas ahead, but instead missed it entirely and fell forward. 
Eddie flailed for a moment, before managing to catch himself on the edge of the table. Instantly he began acting like he’d intended to fall like that from the start. 
“I refuse to let any of us behave like idiotic, stupid, horror movie characters.” He finished dramatically, hair hanging in his face. 
“You’ve been watching that Sherlock Holmes show again, haven’t you?.” Jeff asked him flatly. 
“Among other things.” Gareth muttered, because as usual, he was the one who’d been watching said shows and movies with Eddie.
Not that it bothered him any, just that it meant he got to watch his best friend adopt new behaviors in real time. 
Eddie flew back up, flinging his hair out of his face with a dramatic toss of his head. 
“Come on my Watson’s! Let’s go find Harrington. I have a one-shot to pitch dammit!” Eddie outright yelled, flinging his arm skyward once again. 
He got several startled glances in the cafeteria for it, but as used to Eddie as they all were, no one bothered to say anything to him. 
“Why the fuck would we all be Watson?” Stewart muttered as he stood. 
“I agree. Obviously, I’d be Watson.” Gareth said, also getting to his feet. “You’d be Mrs. Hudson.” 
“Oh fuck you, I would at least be the other crazy smart dude.” 
“Mycroft or Moriarty?”
“Mycroft.” Grant and Jeff chanted as one, the both of them putting their food away. 
“Not one of you is any Sherlock Holmes character. Except maybe the dog.” Tiff cut in with an eye roll as she finally gave in and stood herself. "Now come on, let's go take Eddie for a walk." 
Said metalhead flipped her the bird, but otherwise didn't protest. 
(Probably because this wasn't the first time they'd had to do laps with Eddie.) 
"Maybe he just went home." Gareth said reasonably some fifteen or so minutes later. 
They'd made their way through the school, Eddie obnoxiously bursting through all the bathroom doors to loudly (and embarrassingly) yell for Steve.
They hadn't seen hide nor perfectly shaped hair of their wayward jock, and none of them were looking forward to trapezing around the outside of the school to hunt for him.
Thankfully, they didn't have to. 
"Wait.” Tiffany asked, as they passed by the small little hallway leading to the art and photography rooms. “Is that Steve?"
Immediately all heads turned towards the direction she had pointed in. 
"I think so?" Jeff guessed, eyeing the guy standing in the hallway down from them. 
Gareth squinted, trying to get a better look. "Looks like." He agreed. "Also looks like Tiff was right, he is hanging out with other people." 
Eddie tensed at that. A true feat, Gareth thought, because he was already wound so tight he looked in danger of snapping in half. 
 "Fucking useless." Tiff muttered. 
Louder, she said; "Let's try that again. Isn't that our idiot jock with his ex-girlfriend and the guy she supposedly cheated on him with?" 
The lot of them watched as Steve stood in one of his classic defensive positions (arms tucked into his sides, back rigid and chin down, like he was about to perform some kind of football tackle.) 
Nancy Wheeler faced him, her own chin raised and her arms crossed like she was about to give the lecture of a lifetime. 
In between them stood Jonathan Byers, though he was angled more towards his girlfriend than Steve. The guy practically radiated discomfort but seemed to be managing. 
Even if his shoulders were practically above his ears.  
It didn't exactly look like a two on one situation, but then it didn't not look like it either. 
"Shit." Gareth said, which summed up the situation rather nicely. 
"Should we go save him?" Grant asked, concerned. 
Not one person moved.
 Instead, all eyes went to their fearless leader--who was uncharacteristically silent. 
Gareth took in the narrowed, frantic-turned-furious look upon his friend's face and wondered vaguely if he was going to have to stop a murder today.
Possibly two, depending on Byer’s involvement. 
"Defensive position boys!" Tiffany called out, breaking the spell with sheer volume as she made the decision for them. "Eddie, you with us or not?" 
Brave words for her, considering Gareth knew damn well that Tiff was often more bark than bite. 
Thankfully, it worked. 
"Right!" Eddie barked, jerking in place as he came back to himself. "Our Stevie needs us, men and Tiff!" 
He pointed forwards, like a war general leading a charge. "Hellfire, move out!" 
Fanning out into a triangle behind their club president, the lot of them followed as Eddie marched forward. 
"You know I didn't mean it like that." Nancy was saying, and even though Gareth didn't know her he could tell she was frustrated. 
 "You have people you can talk to. You have m--" she cut herself off when Eddie strode up next to Steve. 
Then blinked rapidly, reminding Gareth of a startled cocker spaniel when the rest of Hellfire fanned out around Harrington like wolves guarding their young. 
(Or brightly colored and very angry ducks, but wolves sounded cooler. 
Plus the last time he'd said something like this aloud; Grant had loudly informed him it was actually Muskox that made protective circles, Stewart brought up that triceratops were cooler, Jeff decided they should be bees and Tiffany had gone off on a tangent about badly done animal behavioral studies.) 
"I daresay I agree!" Eddie said, taking a dramatic leap forward and startling Steve and Byers both. 
That alone was a cause to worry--Gareth couldn't recall a single time Steve wasn't hyper-aware of his surroundings enough to get properly lost in it. 
At least lost enough that he missed an entire group of people approaching. 
"Steve is more than welcome to talk to people! His people." Eddie leaned forward a touch, the smirk on his face the one he used when he was playing up his role as the town's satanist cult leader. 
To her credit, Nancy recovered remarkably fast. "I take it you believe that's you?" 
Eddie reared back, like a cobra rising to strike. "Why Nancy Wheeler, Stevie here is an adult and can choose who he wants to talk to.”
He turned, one hand over his heart and the other held out to Steve. " Ain’t that right, big boy?”
Nancy and Byers both just stared. 
Gareth couldn’t blame them, he was staring too. 
Apparently deciding Eddie was too ridiculous to deal with, Nancy returned instead to talking to Steve--who, Gareth noted with more than his fair share of pride, looked a bit more grounded now that Hellfire had arrived. 
“I understand that we’re in a weird place right now, but you have to  know I still care about you, right?” Nancy bit her lip, clearly unhappy to have an audience but plowing ahead anyway. 
"I'm fine, Nance.” Steve told her, voice steady, but growing flat. 
 He was shutting down--shutting her out, if not everyone out. Gareth knew, if only because he’d watched Harrington do it to them more than once. 
(Knew because he himself had shut downs just like this. Eddie and Nancy were the kind of people who got loud in their anger, demanding people see and face them. 
Gareth on the other hand, even with his more explosive temper, often ended up more like Steve when faced with breakdowns with people he cared about. He didn’t want to hurt them. To say the wrong thing, to lash out when someone was just trying to help.
It was safer to shut up, back away and put some distance between yourself and whoever had pissed you off.) 
Either Nancy wasn’t aware of that or was too deep into her own emotions to see it, because she took a half step forward. “I know you’re not fine. I know you, Steve.” 
“Not anymore you don’t.” Steve responded, and Gareth wondered if he realized he was leaning away from her--and towards Eddie. 
Considering the way Wheeler’s eyes bounced between them, he knew she definitely had. 
Quite possible Byers too, from how he had to stop himself from pulling Nancy away. 
“I’ve been working hard to become someone else.” Steve added. “So you don’t have to feel responsible for me. I’m not your problem anymore.”  He spoke without malice, just with the pure emptiness of someone who completely believed everything he said. 
“Steve-” Nancy protested, but Eddie cut her off. 
"You heard him." He said, peacocking his little social win in a way only Eddie could. "Now if you don't mind, I have extremely important things to discuss and you have cut drastically into my time." 
He flicked his fingers in a shoo gesture, one that made Nancy's eyes spark in a way that quite frankly, terrified Gareth. 
"Fine." She grit out through clenched teeth. "You know I’m always available to talk, Steve." 
She strode off, passing Steve and the rest of Hellfire without a glance backwards. 
"Sorry man." Jonathan muttered apologetically to Steve as he passed, following after his girlfriend. 
Steve waved him off. 
"Well she's just a delight." Jeff muttered, once Nancy was well out of hearing range. 
Steve's entire chest heaved in a sigh, swaying slightly backwards as if the entire confrontation had physically drained him. 
"She's trying to help.” Steve muttered softly, scrubbing a hand down his face. “She's just...coming at it wrong." 
He turned, seeming to finally notice that all of Hellfire was there. "What are you all doing out here anyway?" 
"Rescuing you." Grant informed him. 
"From Nancy and Jonathan?"  Steve said in disbelief. 
Like Byers hadn't supposedly kicked his ass already. Nevermind the moping Wheeler had caused. 
(The entire school had witnessed the moping. 
It was, after all, part of what had drawn Eddie to Steve.) 
"Yes." Tiff replied bluntly. “Also if she corners you like that again, I will make it my personal mission in life to top all her test scores.” 
"I--okay." Steve blinked rapidly, clearly unsure of how to process that.
“Not that I needed rescuing,” He continued after a moment, staring at the whole group. “But why were you looking for me in the first place?” 
His voice was slowly recovering, coming out of that weird flatness it had scrunched itself into. It was an excellent sign, a sign of trust, and Gareth leapt to keep it before someone could say something stupid and fuck it up. 
"Eddie needed you to pitch his next one shot idea and couldn't wait for you to show up." Gareth admitted. “We decided to hunt you down since you were missing lunch.” 
“Oh.” Steve blinked again, and though it’d be concerning on anyone else, the guy just looked like a lost puppy. “I’m sorry man.”
“It's alright Stevie. I just thought you'd totally ditched us.” Eddie sniffed dramatically, looking like he was going to wing an arm around Steve’s shoulder but thought better of it. “No biggie.” 
He pouted, and made absolutely sure Steve could see him do it. 
“Is this you trying to get more of my M&M brownies?” Steve asked after a moment. 
“Oh my dear, sweet, athletic friend. Not at all. Instead, you are going to play the one shot I worked so hard on.” Eddie bounced his shoulder into him as he spoke.  
 It was a weird little compromise the two of them seemed to have, since Gareth had regularly witnessed Eddie ping-ponging off Steve’s shoulders. “Let us break your tabletop cherry.” 
“Or what?” Steve asked, the tiniest bit of humor peaking through. 
Eddie stared at him, abruptly still and completely serious. “I will cry, Steven. Loudly.” 
It brought a small smile to Steve’s face.
“Fine. I’ll play your dumb dweeb game.” He said, and couldn’t seem to stop the smile from overtaking his face when Eddie threw his arms in the air and cheered. 
“Come on, I’m pretty sure the bell rang forever ago.” Jeff said, as they began to venture out back to the main hallway. 
(“Hey guys?” Steve asked, right before they all split up to go to their various classes. “Thanks. For the save.”
Eddie positively beamed. “Anytime, Steve. Anytime.”) 
“Hey Gareth?” Steve asked a few days later, joining Gareth in the library during his free period. 
(Gareth himself was skipping, because if he had to listen to yet another lesson on the Crucible he was going to declare himself a satan worshiping witch and demand to be hanged.) 
Gareth hummed to show he heard, as he carefully took stock of the loot he’d gotten from their last game. Eddie had been pretty good about it for once, and he wanted to look things over before the one shot. 
“Can I ask kind of a weird question?” Steve rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. 
“Shoot, Stevie.” Gareth replied, finally comfortable enough to use the main nickname Eddie had nailed the poor guy with. 
“Did Eddie give me a character with bad eyesight or “night vision” or whatever, because he thinks I have bad eyesight?” Steve’s fingers made sassy little air quotations around “night vision” because he knew damn well it wasn’t called that and didn’t want to get chewed out. 
It was appreciated, even if it was cheeky as shit. 
Gareth stopped writing. “Why’d you think that?” 
“He just keeps acting like I’m my character.” Steve replied with a shrug. “Like all that stuff we planned  about how my character gets around and relies on the group since he can’t see that great in the daylight? He does it for me too.” 
“It’s Eddie, he’s eccentric.” Gareth struggled to keep a straight face, trying not to give the game away. 
Laughing would absolutely clue Steve in to the fact that Eddie was doing it on purpose. 
“He just keeps telling me before he touches me. Outside of the game.” Steve continued, utterly baffled. 
Of course, Eddie was doing far more than that, in order to keep up the appearance that he was just being a weirdo who was too into his game. (Instead of trying to alert Steve to the fact he was going to lean on him, hug him, or do any other thing involving skin to skin contact that usually made Harrington panic.)
“If you don’t like it you should tell him,” Gareth said. He knew it was the better option, encouraging Steve to communicate. They could come up with something else if this was too weird (as frankly, many of Eddie’s plans could be. 
Bless the guy but he had a habit of going for the dramatic over the practical.) 
“No!” Steve protested, far too quickly. 
He cleared his throat with a cough, and continued in a much calmer voice, “No, I don’t wanna ruin his fun or anything.” 
As far as excuses go for letting something happen it was a weak one, but Gareth wasn’t going to call him on it. If Steve wanted to hide behind Eddie and his “fun”  then Gareth would happily pretend to buy it. 
Would buy whatever excuse Steve needed, to help make the guy feel more comfortable and like himself than the still often vacant ghost that hung around now. 
“Just wanted to know if he actually thought my eyesight sucked.” Steve finished in a mumble. 
“Well you did trip over the curb that one time.” Gareth teased playfully, and shot a grin at Harrington when that awkward look of his melted into something more offended. 
“I was walking backwards!” Steve defended, his normal, almost bitchy tone returning. 
“Uh-huh. And what about when you almost ate shit over that garbage can and Eddie had to save you?” Gareth taunted. 
He grinned, watching as a blush overtook the older boys face, Steve glancing away frantically and--
'Oh-ho, ho, ho!' Gareth thought with absolute glee. The entire fucking school knew what Steve looked like when he had a crush, (Steve himself had made sure of that with Nancy) and Gareth recognized the beginning of it happening all over again.
Steve Harrington had a crush.
On Eddie.
Gareth could work with this.
“You know….” He  paused, grin turning sly as a sudden idea came to him. “If you want to mess with Eddie a little bit I have an idea.” 
Steve stared at him, confused. “Why would we want to mess with him?” 
Gareth leaned forward. “Because pranks are fun, Harrington. Legend has it you even used to do them.”  
Steve still didn't look convinced, but the nice thing about a man like Steve was that all Gareth had to appeal to was his sense of adventure. 
“Now." He clapped his hands together in a move that had very much been stolen years ago from Eddie. "How good are your acting skills?
Meant to post this yesterday but I got surprise laid off last week and that pushed me back a bit, sorries! Absolutely related, I have a Ko-Fi now lmao. It’s https://ko-fi.com/sp0o0kyghosthost 
Unemployment should go through just fine so I don’t really think I need to full panic but hey if you wanna throw me a dollar and yell “Dance writer dance!” I’ll do a lil tippy-tap jig. 
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uzuitengensfourthwife · 3 months
Home - Atsumu x reader (fem reader)
You dated in Highschool, but broke up after Atsumu lost against Karasuno. 6 years later, you meet again.
Warnings: bit angsty, otherwise none! Just fluff hihi.
Word-count: 2411
Author’s note: Well hi there! I’m back from the dead. So….. i haven’t written sth in a long time so I apologise in advance if it’s badly written or contains tons of mistakes! But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
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Atsumu never made life easier for you. Back in Highschool, when you two dated, the girls always gave you dirty looks whenever Atsumu and you walked down the hall, hand in hand. But it only worsened over time. The longer you dated Atsumu, the worse his fangirls acted towards you. Insults were thrown at you, judging looks were shared whenever you walked past them and even shoving you out of the way whenever they felt like it.
What you regret most, was stopping with your hobby to become Inarizaki's manager, of course upon Atsumu's request. You were once a very talented ice skater, but due to your relationship with Atsumu, you had stopped.
But even though all of this had hurt you, you stayed for him. His love towards you was so pure, he made sure to let you know he loved you. He was never too busy to not see you, even if it meant he had to sneak out his house to meet you at your place late at night.
However, that changed as well after Inarizaki lost against Karasuno. The once long nights you spent together, were suddenly spent alone. The Atsumu that once made sure to squeeze you in whenever, was suddenly long gone. His ego was more than hurt after this match, you remember it so well. He pushed you away even weeks after that match, he barely saw you and during practice nothing more than a little kiss was placed on your cheek, followed by a half assed "Sorry, love".
And when summer came, you've had enough. You've spent months alone. So you've asked Atsumu to meet up with you in front of the Convenience store you've usually hung out in during late nights. Surprisingly, he agreed to meet you at 4 p.m.
You waited patiently, well aware of the fact that he'd be running late. 15 minutes later he then appeared, still in his gym clothes.
"Hey love, how ya doing?" he pulled you in a hug, squeezing you tightly. "I'm fine 'tsumu.., how bout you?" you hugged back, knowing well this would be your last hug. "Ya know, good als always." He smiled as he let go of you again. However, his smile faded upon seeing you nervously fiddling around with your hands. He raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong with ya? Yer nervous as hell."
You sigh loudly, trying to keep yourself from crying. "I.... I think we should break up." - "Yer not serious, right?" He's staring you down, his eyes clearly showing that he hoped for it to be just a silly joke. "I'm very serious Atsumu. I'm moving to Tokyo next week and you need to concentrate on your career anyway." He laughs out loud, he's not believing you one bit. "I've already talked about it with Kita and Suna. They're well aware of this." - " Tokyo or not, we'll still be able to date." You shake your head. God, you should've known this would happen. "No, Atsumu we can't." - " But we haven't even tried yet. How would ya know we wouldn't make it?" He said, his pleading eyes trying to read you. "We're done Atsumu Miya." And with that you turned away and just ran. You ran away from him and the fact you still loved him very dearly.
6 years. It had been 6 years since you've moved to Tokyo. You've only kept contact with Suna and Kita, both of them still texting you regularly. Suna himself even moved to Tokyo, after joining a Volleyball Club within Tokyo, which led to you both meeting up regularly.
Outside of meeting your friends in your free time, you were working. A well paid job within a law firm and a nice apartment, which was close to Shinjuku. You were leading quite the normal life.
Until Suna asked you to join him at a party on a random Friday.
"You free after work?"
"Yeah I am Rin, why?"
"There is a party in Shinjuku, wanna join?"
"Do I have to?"
"Yes :) I'll pick you up at 8 p.m."
And with that, you knew you had no choice but to join Suna Rintarou to this party. You yourself weren't really into parties, however Suna always dragged you to go with him, since he didn't want to go alone.
So when you came back from work at 7 p.m. you took a quick shower and made sure you got ready by 8 p.m. And on 8 p.m. your doorbell rang, so you quickly grabbed your purse and ran to the door to open it. "Ready to go?" - " Good Evening to you too Rin, and yes, let me just put my shoes on!" you chuckle, grabbing your pretty black high heels. "I'm warning you, I'm NOT going to switch shoes with you again." - " Yeah yeah, don't worry. I'm not planing on staying for long anyway." He raises an eyebrow und holds your purse so you can put on your heels. Once you're finally ready, you take back your purse and both of you make your way towards the subway.
On the way to the club, both of you exchanged about your day. You exchanged some laughter and without really realizing, you had already arrived at the subway station. Within 10 minutes you had already made it to the doors of the club.
As you wanted to get in line, Suna grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the VIP entrance. And wishing seconds you were inside the club, marked as VIP guests with a wristband. "I keep forgetting you're quite the star within the Volleyball scene." He grins at you as the loud music surrounds you both. Without even telling you, he starts dragging you towards a lounge, solely reserved for VIP's. As you were let in, he starts looking around frantically.
You nudge him, letting him now you want to say something. He bends down, putting his ear towards your lips. "Looking for someone?" - "Yeah." he answers immediately. You thought it was just the two of you, however it turns out that he was dragging you to meet some friends of his with you.
Suna then seemed to have spotted the people he was looking for, which led to him dragging you towards a table with a few seats. They all greeted him with big grins. But before you could say anything, he pushed you forward, so you were able to see who was really sitting there. You greet them all kindly with a little bow, before your eyes met with dark brown eyes that you knew too well. Your smile immediately vanished.
It was none other than Atsumu Miya.
You froze in place, not really sure what to say. It has been 6 years since you've last seen Atsumu. This must've been some bad joke, you thought. Yes of course, Suna was trying to pull a mean joke on you, nothing else.
"You okay?" One of Suna's friends asked, pulling you back into the harsh reality. "Uh.. yeah!" You put on a forced smile, trying to hide behind Suna, but before you could do so, he disappeared to get all of you some drinks. Without any other choice left, you sit down as far away from Atsumu as possible. "I'm Bokuto!" One of Suna’s friends says. He was quite big and had a very well built body. His big eyes looked at you, while he flashed you a grin. "I'm Y/N." you answered, smiling slightly. The others also introduced themselves. So Sunas friends were called, Bokuto, Hinata, Kageyama and Wakatoshi, and turns out they were all part of the Japanese national teams.
"I'm Atsumu. 'Tsumu for short." Atsumu said, shooting you a quick but forced smile. He was pretending to not know you.
Before any of this could get more awkward, Suna appeared with some drinks for everyone. Everyone grabbed a drink and that's when the conversations started to strike. Since it was your first time meeting them, besides Atsumu, you just sat there quietly listening here and there.
"What do you do for work?" Wakatoshi suddenly asked, looking at you quietly. "I'm a Lawyer!" you answered , smiling proudly of your profession. "Woahhh! No way!" Bokuto exclaimed excitedly while slapping Suna's back harshly. You chuckle lightly at Suna's slightly annoyed face. Atsumu looked at you, slightly amazed.
The conversations continued and you kept listening to them all. You definitely enjoyed your time there. Yet, after some time you just needed to get a drink by yourself at the bar, but to still be polite you asked everyone if they wanted a drink at the bar as well. They refused, so you made your way to the bar and sat down on a stool to order a drink.
However, you were disturbed by a male presence next to you. It was a man that seemed quite drunk. "Hey there cutie..." He smirked, watching you up and down. You just shook your head and ignored him. Giving him attention would only fuel his ego. Yet, ignoring him was not enough. He leaned closer towards you. "Oh come on... don't ignore me princess..." He groaned, totally frustrated. Glaring at him, you got up to see if there was another seat possible, but he grabbed you by your wrist. "Let go." you said. "Beg." He grinned disgustingly. You were aware, that he had no good intention with you.
Before anything could happen, someone appeared behind you. The presence strong and dangerous. "She said let go." Atsumu's voice rang in your ear. The man instantly let go, mumbling something incoherent. You looked up at Atsumu, who was watching the man disappear amidst the people. "Ya should be careful, ya know?" He said, sitting down where the man sat before. He watched you quietly, before nodding towards the seat, indicating for you to sit down next to him. And so you did.
Atsumu ordered you both a drink. You decided to stay quiet, not sure how to even talk to him after all that happened between the two of you. On top of that, you never talked again after the break up.
"How have ya been?" He asked you, breaking the silence. "Been well... what about you?" Nodding at your question he answers "Can't complain, 'm part of the national team after all." - " Congrats, by the way." you said, smiling sincerely this time. "Thanks." he replies, handing you your drink. You take a sip, making a face as you taste the strong alcohol within the drink.
He chuckles lightly, observing you from the side. "M glad Suna made me come today." He suddenly said, looking at his drink. " It feels good knowing yer doing well." His words took you by surprise. You were expecting everything but this.
Atsumu slightly smiled to himself, while taking a sip from his drink. "Atsumu..." - " I've thought of ya every day... just wishing ya would be doing well." He turns back to you with a big grin. " Ya should be thanking me!" This was all an act. You've known him long enough to know that something inside of him hurt.
"How 'bout we get some fresh air?"
And suddenly you both were sat outside, barely covered up in midst of the cold autumn night. You tried to warm yourself up by rubbing your arms, but it barely helped. "Here." He said, while wrapping his Jacket around you. "No, you'll be cold yourself." You say, taking off his jacket, but he immediately reacted wrapping it around you again. "Such a gentleman." you chuckle, wrapping his jacket around you tighter.
Like. every other night, Shinjuku was lively. Lots of people were walking past you, enjoying the night for the time being. You watched the people passing by, while holding on to Atsumu's jacket. "You've really become even prettier." You turn your head to him with flushed cheeks, you weren't sure whether it was because of the cold air or him.
"I.... I'm sorry for what happened 'Tsumu." You said quietly, looking at the ground. You were ashamed at how everything ended back then. "Don't apologize. It was my fault... I.. I was an asshole." He stuttered. "I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just.... broken I suppose." - " I know Atsumu..." You whispered, sliding closer to him. "I was an asshole too. I should've tried to talk to you before even making such a harsh decision."
He shakes his head. "No..it was best for ya. See how successful you've become without me?" - "I would've been happier if you were with me." You didn't even mutter. It was the truth after all. Yes, you were successful but you were more than sure that you would have been happier on this journey if he would have been part of your life. But you had cut him out of it, out of stupidity.
He looked at you surprised. You knew he didn't expect an answer like this from you. But it was the harsh truth, even to you. "I never stopped loving you Atsumu. I was just... scared. Scared you'd leave me if I had said anything. I was scared of conflict." His eyes widened in shock while you tried to stop yourself from crying. It didn't work. Suddenly tears streamed down your face.
Atsumu immediately pulled you into a hug. "God no.... I would've never left ya love...!" He whispered while pulling you closer. You've never felt better before, it felt like you were home again. You've found your home within Atsumu again.
"I... I still love ya... and never stopped loving ya while ya were gone.. Ask 'Samu, he's heard all about it.. " he joked, laughing slightly while rubbing your back in a calming manner. A chuckle escape your lips.
You felt inner peace, as if you've been lost for an eternity and then finally finding back home. Your home was Atsumu and nothing else mattered to you at the moment.
You pulled away slightly, looking up at him. His cheeks were red and before you could make a funny remark, he placed a sweet but quick kiss on your lips.
"I see you two lovebirds have made up, hmm?" Suna was leaning against a wall, watching them with a big smirk on his face. "Oh shut up Rintarou!"
You were more than thankful that Rintarou dragged you here, if he hadn't, you wouldn't have found your home again.
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apute11as · 11 months
My saviour - Alexia putellas x reader
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Author note: Hey guys this is my first attempt at fanfiction so please be nice! Any comments are lovely and really motivating! Sorry if there are any mistakes but yeah hope you enjoy ❤️
Warnings⚠️: tiny bit of violence and minor SA
Alone in a bar. You stood there questioning how on earth this was your Saturday evening. Never really one for drinking and partying but here you were.
The past week had been increasingly stressful, with your corporate job managing to overwhelm you in every way possible, from overdue spreadsheets to unread data the list was endless.
The dim light of the bar, the crowds of people, and the constant bass acted as a distraction from it all. You began to get lost in the atmosphere, but it was short lived as you felt a jab in your side. Wincing slightly, you were met with the deep grey eyes of a man perhaps in his early 30s.
“Sorry pretty lady” he said sleazily.
It was evident that he was under the influence of a rather heavy amount of alcohol.
“Don’t worry about it” I replied emotionless
“What’s a beautiful girl like you doing all alone here anyways?” he slurred with an uncomfortable grin. “How about I take you back to mine and I can offer you a proper apology” he added.
“I’m waiting for someone actually but thank you for the apology” I responded, shifting my weight slightly, ready to make an exit. I quickly realised this was feeble act as more people had gathered around the bar, my exit being blocked from all ends.
“Aww come on little girly, I can treat you right.” he said getting closer so I could now smell the pungent liquor on his breath.
“No I’m sorry but I’m really not interested” I answered. Clearly it was the wrong answer as he took another step forward and settled his hand dangerously close to my ass; his front was pressed up to mine. The situation was nearing critical as I became more and more uncomfortable with each unwanted advance. I scoured my eyes around the room helplessly, looking to meet anyone’s gaze who could potentially offer help.
What I hadn’t realised was a woman amongst a group, who had been watching the entire interaction and whilst she couldn’t see the look on my face, she felt extremely uneasy just watching the scene unfolding in front of her.
Alexia had been sat amongst her Barcelona teammates for a couple of hours, celebrating a win of El Clásico and with the weekend off, the bar seemed the perfect place to go. She of course opted for a lemonade which was a comedic sight next to her teammates heavy spirits and liquors, so in complete sobriety, her attention was completely focused on you.
“Alexiaaa come and dance stop being boring” called Mapi from the dance floor with Claudia in one arm and Patri in the other.
“No, gracias María, te diviertes. Estoy bien aquí” (No thank you Maria, you have fun, I am fine here”) responded Alexia, her gaze not leaving the couple at the bar.
“Suit yourself Reina” Mapi retorted
Returning to her staring, Alexia began to tense further at the interaction in front of her, finally deciding to make a move over there when the intoxicated man leaned into your neck, in an attempt to press a clearly unwanted kiss there.
The man was almost successful in his attempts reach your skin with his stubbled mouth, before you felt an arm snake around your waist and pull you backwards. Heart rate increasing even further, you turned around to discover that the owner of those arms was in fact a woman, much to your relief.
“This woman clearly isn’t enjoying your company so move a long por favor.” she seethed sternly, her grip tightening protectively around your waist.
“Woah got yourself a girlfriend little missy, that’s ok maybe I could watch instead” he smirked disgustingly.
That did it for Alexia, normally one to conceal her anger, she shoved him back harshly and watched as he stumbled into the empty seats. You watched in terror as to what his response would be but just as he rose to retaliate, security arrived and gripped onto both of his arms, preventing him from moving.
“Did you just see what that b*tch did to me, I didn’t do nothing to her me and this lady here were just having a lovely conversation” he slurred.
To your surprise, the security guards ignored him completely and turned to the woman who still held onto you (not that you were complaining).
“Alexia I’m so sorry we didn’t see this misunderstanding before”. Said the taller of the two guards
“Thank you Davide but it’s not me you should be apologising to it’s… sorry I didn’t catch your name amor” she replied calmly
Amor you thought, so she was Spanish “Y-Y/N” you stuttered, still bewildered at the event that just occurred.
At that, you were sure you heard the word “guapa” muttered under her breath and even your minimal Spanish could decipher the meaning.
“Yes of course we’re very sorry miss Y/N, we should’ve been more alert” the guard said turning to you.
“Sí you should have but it’s done now, but please take that filthy scum out of here” the woman, whose name you’d learned was Alexia replied gesturing to the man now passed out on the floor.
“Of course miss Alexia” he replied, nodding his head.
“Gracias Alexia, my names Y/N, wait sorry I already said that but thank you- I mean gracias for the rescue I’m not sure what would’ve happened if you hadn’t got there. Oh and I’m sorry for ruining your nigh-“
“calmate amor” she cut off your rambling “you don’t need to thank me at all, are you ok, he didn’t do anything did he?” She asked intently, the anger burning in her hazel eyes.
“No, no thankfully you got there in time” I replied, maintaining comfortable eye contact.
“I’m glad mi corazón, are you with anyone?” She questioned, only breaking the eye contact to blink.
“No I’m not but I’ll be fine now he’s gone, thank you though” you responded
“Now we can’t have that, my friends are just over there in one of the private booths” you looked over at a large group of women, who seemed not to have noticed the commotion that had occurred previously. “It’s quite over there, secluded, no one will get to you. Only if you want to go that is, I think you’ve been pressured enough tonight.” She smiled pitifully.
“I think I’d like that if you don’t mind” you replied, unsure.
“Of course!” She exclaimed enthusiastically. “They don’t bite I promise, actually maybe Mapi does but I’m sure she’ll make an exception” she beamed.
She released her grip from your waist finally and you found yourself immediately missing the contact and warmth that her body offered. Seeing you stood still she offers out her hand and you wrap your hand eagerly around hers and allow her to lead you over to the large group of girls in her booth.
Part 2 coming soon! : Alexia introduces you to the teammates
Author note:
Hey guys thank you for reading, please leave any feedback on the comment or any requests in the ask section! I write for pretty much anyone woso so request away! I’ll do smut, angst, fluff or anything really 🫶
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
pt 2/2 of the crybaby reader x earth42 Miles Morales
MAJOR MAJOR spoilers!! read with caution.
i said tomorrow night but I worked my butt off to get it done today!!
Aaron makes his way to Miles and room not even bothering to knock, I mean why would he? He just watched his nephew make his own girlfriend who would do anything for him cry. He was beyond furious.
“So now we are just going around making people cry?” Miles smirks at him “man I am literally the prowler? all i make people do is cry and beg for their life” he says almost laughing.
Aaron sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.” you are not supposed to let your job interfere with your normal life, you know that. Now you’re chasing your girl, the girl your supposed to love away? are you serious?”
Miles looks at him annoyed “ why wouls you care all she ever does is cry, shes happy she cries, shes mad she cries, shes sad she cries, man even when shes bored she cries. its annoying” he says holding his face in his hands.
Aaron walks to the bed and sits next to him. He’s never been put in this situation so he doesn’t know what to say. “ you’re dad was a lot better doing this than i ever was.” Miles visibly stiffens, this was the first time he’s brought up his dad since his funeral.
“ Miles I know you have been through a lot, more then i ever will but that doesn’t give you a reason to act that way towards her, she only wants whats best for you and she loves you with everything shes got. I would kill for a person like that to be in my life. I know you reacted like this because you feel you don’t have anyone to talk to but i’m always here man you know this.”
He wrapped an arm around his shoulder.” So don’t be taken your anger out on your girl she just loves you ok?” Miles sighs realizing, he was way to harsh in you you shouldn’t have been ignoring you and now he feels like a fool.
“ Yea, ill talk to her tomorrow” Aaron smiles, “ good I don’t need the only person who can get you to open up gone, now do i?” he says laughing a bit.
* Next Morning *
You didnt get a wink of sleep that night you where thinking about all the things you could have done to upset him that much. You werent mad just confused, confused as to why he would react that way. Of course you will still love him but this still hurt.
You were lost in thought when you realize someone texted you, it was Miles? You wasted no time to open it.
miles. can you come over later today?
you. yea
miles. dress comfortable
you were nervous, was he breaking up with you? You had no idea what to expect with how you guys left everything yesterday there was many directions this could go.
Hours later ( im lazy )
You got ready and made your way over to his place. Knocking on the door he answered “hola cariño ven conmigo” he helped you in with a warm smile taking your hand. Shutting the door behind you he led you into his bedroom sitting you down on his bed. He stood looking at you kind of nervous? he started:
“Voy a decir esto en español para que todo salga bien. Te amo mucho y siento mucho haberte tratado de una manera que nunca te mereces. Lamento haberte hecho llorar y haberte hecho sentir que hiciste algo mal. Todo lo que haces es amarme y tratarme bien, pero yo te traté como si no me importara. Y por eso lo siento mucho y espero que lo encuentres en tu corazón para perdonarme.”
(I'm going to say this in Spanish so that everything goes well. I love you very much and I am so sorry that I treated you in a way that you never deserve. I'm sorry I made you cry and made you feel like you did something wrong. All you do is love me and treat me right, but I treated you like I didn't care. And for that I am very sorry and I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me.)
You waited and listened to him through and through and when he was done you spoke. “ Miles I will forever love you, you know that. I know that you are going through something but why didn’t you tell me? why don’t you talk to me? why wont you let me in?” you said holding his hands.
“No quería que pensaras menos en mí, que me consideraras débil.” You look at him sympathetically “ Miles I would never, never ever think of you as weak ok? Whenever you need me I will be there with you, I love you miles so much.” and with that, you were crying.
(“I didn't want you to think less of me, to consider me weak.”)
“mi princesa por favor no llores odio cuando lloras” he said wiping your tears away “ I know and i’m sorry that i’m always crying about everything i know it annoys you” you say sniffling. He feeling you pulling at his heart strings, feeling the worse he has felt since his father’s passing.
("My princess please don't cry I hate when you cry"’)
“ahora me tienes a punto de llorar mami, te quiero mucho y me arrepiento de haberte dicho que te encontré una llorona. Nunca debí haberte dicho eso, eres mi todo, ¿lo sabías? Debería disculparme contigo, lamento haberte tratado de esa manera, ¿me perdonarías?” He said with tears in his eyes.
(“Now you have me about to cry mommy, I love you very much and I regret having told you that I found you a crybaby. I never should have told you that, you are my everything, you know that? I should apologize to you, I'm sorry I treated you that way, would you forgive me?")
You held his face looking into his eyes with so much adoration. “ Miles I will forever love you, I forgive you, I will forgive you ten times over.” You said resting your head on his. After a few minutes he wipes his tears saying “ I forgot I wanted you to watch a movie with me if you forgave me.” You smile at him giving him a kiss.
“ Thank you Miles,i appreciate it all.” he sighs “ Ma, stop saying stuff like that I need to be saying sorry to you” he says looking you in your eyes.
And with that he sits on his bed back against the headboard with you tucked into his side, eating snacks and watching your favorite movies.
( this or this )
He suddenly turns to you and says “te amo mas que la cantidad de estrellas en el cielo” he says looking into your eyes. You turn to him resting your hand ok his face, hearing your voice that sounds like honey.
("I love you more than the number of stars in the sky")
“yo tambien te amo mi principe”
( "I love you too my prince")
Part 3 of the earth 42 Miles spoiling you will be done as soon as I can 🙏🏾
A/n: overlook the fact that i spelt honey as hunny 😔 ( its changed now)
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straykids-97 · 1 year
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“Soft? I’m too soft?”
Warnings: Reader confides in Felix, relationship woes, mentions of drinking and parties, soft!dom Chan, sub!reader, dirty texting, slight exhibitionism, pet names (goddess, baby etc.), unprotected sex, LMK IF I FORGOT ANYTHING
Word Count: 5.2k
AN: This was only read through once, so please bear with me. It probably has errors and as I am half awake, the end seems a little rushed to me. Anyway, enjoy you filthy sluts :) I also don't put a warning for minors on my stuff bc I feel like it's obvious that minors should not be reading this stuff, but I cannot do anything about that... HOWEVER I am for this one. Reader's discretion is advised and encouraged. There are mature themes in this fic so please, do not read if you a triggered by rough things!
You shift and lay your chin on your forearm as you stare out the window covered in raindrops. You heave a sigh as you watch traffic drive past, waiting for your dear friend Felix to come back with his drink. The Cafe wasn’t very full, but then again, it was the afternoon, and it was normally full in the morning or early evening. You two always hung out at the Cafe- Felix always joked that this was the only place where he could talk to you without one of his bandmates interrupting or eavesdropping. He could tell that something was weighing on you heavily, so he decided to take you to the one place that could be just for the two of you. 
“Ah,” he announces his arrival with a satisfied sigh, sliding into the booth in front of you. You sit up slightly, adjusting your posture when he settles. “This is the best place for an americano.” He snorts and takes a sip, “Are you sure you don’t want a coffee?” You shake your head, “Felix, you know I hate coffee.” He smiles, nodding his head, “Yeah. I know, but I thought I would try one more time.” Felix offers you a soft, lopsided smile as he leans forward, “Are you gonna come clean, or am I gonna have to torture you?” You grin at him, waving your hand at him. “No.” You lament, leaning back in the booth seat. “You don’t have to go to that length. I’ll just come clean.” He offers you a teasing smile, “Good, cuz I sorta forgot them at home.” He shrugs, “I thought you would come clean anyway…” He trails off for a moment, before dropping the question, “So… What’s wrong with you? You’ve been kinda acting-” 
“Distant?” You give him a sheepish smile before shrugging one of your shoulders. “Yeah, I know… I just… I don’t know if Chris… Likes me… Ya know?” You pick at your fingernail polish, fidgeting to try and distract you from the lump in your throat. Felix didn’t speak for a while, probably unsure of what to say. Of course, Chris liked you- he loved you. Worshiped the ground you walked on. Felix was more confused as to the why, more than anything. 
He cleared his throat, “Well… What makes you say that?” He shifts awkwardly in his seat, unsure of how to navigate this very unfamiliar territory. Chris was like the brother he never had, and you the sister he always wanted, so the fact that you were presenting a possible relationship problem, something he didn’t have much knowledge in, was something he didn’t know if he could steer accurately. 
“Well, for starters, he’s super against PDA, ya know. And I understand that-” you hold your hand up in defense before going on, “I do. He doesn’t want someone to capture a picture of me before the company is ready for us to come out as a couple officially and all that.” You sigh, “But… He just acts…” You puff out your cheeks, unsure of how to explain your frustrations to Felix. “So… Nice?” Felix frowns at your words, “Nice? Isn’t that a good thing?” You sigh, holding your head in your hands, feeling your skin turning bright red. “Oh my goodness, I don’t even know how to explain this to you- I shouldn’t. It feels like I’m confessing a filthy sin to a pure nun.” He laughs at your analogy, “What are you talking about? Y/n, I’m your friend. I knew you before Chris, if anything, you owe me an explanation for him making you feel this way. Cuz I’ll talk to him if I have to-” Your head snaps up and Felix stops talking when he sees your beat red face. His mouth parted slightly, “Y/n, what- why are you so red?” He chuckled at your face and reached across the table to pinch your cheek teasingly. You bat his hand away, “He doesn’t like… Ask for anything… I feel like if I initiate it… It’ll feel like I’m begging or something…” You trail off and it suddenly hits Felix like a tsunami, “You haven’t had sex yet?” His voice drops to barely a whisper. Your face turns even redder, “Felix!” You hiss at him, “Lower your voice!” He tosses a quick look over his shoulder, “You and I both know, the barista should be retired right now. We’re lucky if he wore his hearing aid’s today.” You slap his forearm, “Lee Felix!” He beamed at you, “What? I had to repeat my order a million times.” He rolled his dark orbs before leaning back into the conversation, “How have you guys gone almost a year and not fucked?” You want to cover your ears but you can’t. This was the conversation you had planned to have anyway, but you just weren’t mentally prepared to hear someone so sweet and kind like Felix talk like that. 
“Well, you guys were gone for the tour, and then you had to travel to promote the album so Chris and I spent the beginning of our relationship over the phone.” Felix bobbed his head, “Yeah… But that leaves like, five months unaccounted for.” You sigh, “Yeah… I know… I figured, ya know, the distance and time spent away would spark something…” Felix has completely forgotten about his coffee and is utterly consumed by this new information. “But, he just acts so sweet, like usual, so kind and caring… The second I want to do something, then he’s on it. No dragging his feet, offering to do things like going on dates and stuff but…” 
“He’s leaving you hanging?” You groan, “Sorta? I hate to be like, ‘All this stuff is great but when do we start banging?’ Cuz then I feel like that’s all I see him as and I don’t ya know? I feel like if he wants to, he’d tell me or try to ya know, at least grope me.” You whisper the word like God would come down to smite you if anyone heard it. Felix looks perplexed, that much was clear by the look of confusion on his face. “What?” Felix does another scope of the Cafe before leaning to speak, “Are we talking about the same Christopher Bang?” I snort, “Of course we are-”
“That man is always…” He raises his eyebrows, suggesting something. “Frustrated?” You snort at him trying to be coy, “Yeah, sure you can say that… Maybe you’re the reason it seems to be worse these days.” He grabs his coffee, taking a few sips before going on. “He doesn’t even try to pat your bum?” You blush slightly, “No.” You shake your head and peek over your shoulder at the middle-aged man who is staring at his computer very intently, a pair of headphones humming with the beat of a tune you didn’t know. 
“He just acts so… cautious. Like I’m a piece of paper or glass he doesn’t want to break.” Felix bobs his head. “Have you tried to ya know-” 
“Yes!” You hiss, your cheeks burning red. Felix blushes slightly at your frustration, the conversation you two were having wasn’t one to be talked over coffee in a cafe either. “Ok… Well, why don’t you talk to him?” You groan, holding your head in your hands, “And make him feel ashamed? No thanks, I’d rather dig myself a whole and cover up for eternity.”  You huff, “I’m hoping that maybe he brings it up.” You watch Felix shrug, “If he doesn’t, we’ll be having this conversation again next time.” 
The black off-the-shoulder dress you chose to wear tonight hugged your curves just right. It exposed just enough but covered equally just as much. The small diamond necklace on your neck was a gift from Chris, a random one, which you were used to. But, since you were too nervous to wear it every day like he wanted you to, you decided to wear it for the occasion. They were celebrating a very big award win with staff and friends. Chris guides you through the throng of people to an area designated for the boys and close friends. Chris pauses slightly, his fingertips on your elbow, “Are you alright? I know how you feel about crowds.” His sweetness never seems to melt you, even now. You smile up at him and you can feel heat crawl up the back of your neck, your heart squeezing in your chest. “Yes. I’m ok. This was part of the deal, remember?” He smiles down at you, giving you one of those earth-shattering, blindingly sweet smiles of his that he’s known for. “And what would that be?” He asks, pulling you in by the waist. You feel your pulse throb in your veins as a small gasp escapes your lips and you bounce off his chest. Chris didn’t do PDA. “Uh- um, the parties, the cameras, all that stuff.” You wave your hand and lightly tap his chest, unsure of what to do with your hands. He smiles at you, “All that stuff?” He leans in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “What would I be without you?” He murmured, making you giggle and pull away slightly, “Perfectly fine.” You remind him, causing him to roll his eyes, “Fine. But dull.” He admits with a shrug, pulling away and offering his palm to you as you walk toward where Felix and the boys are sitting playing what looks like a card game with jax and random little balls. 
You settle beside Minho, who gives you a playful nudge. Chris sits by Felix and Hyunjin, who look to be in a heated debate about something, which is why you decided to sit by Minho. Seungmin, Minho, Changbin, and I.N., were all in the midst of the game when you settled into the couch. You watch them for a while, trying to follow the game but getting confused by all the complicated rules that it has. You sigh and lean back into the couch, tossing a look to see that Hyunjin had left to sit by Changbin, watching the game as well. Felix and Chris seemed to be deep in conversation, but Chris’s eyes were on you. You watch as the muscle in his jaw flexes for a millisecond, and you know what that means, he is annoyed by something. You reach into your bag and pull out your phone, typing a message to him really quickly. 
Are you ok?
You know he gets the message, but he ignores it. Instead, he turned his attention back to Felix who looked as if he may have had one too many to drink. You take a breath in and it catches in your throat when you realize that Felix gets a little too chatty when he gets drunk. And that it had been almost two weeks since you had talked to him about the lack of sex in your relationship. Panic sets in as you slowly turn your face to Felix and Chris. Felix was still talking, sipping on water now; Chris probably made him start drinking water out of fear of what else he would say. You watch as Felix leans forward to eat what looks like pretzels, and Chris takes that moment to pull his phone out of his slacks to see what you have sent him. You watch with mixed emotions as Chris’s jaw flexes and unflexes, his eyes and face illuminated by the darkened screen of his phone. You knew that Chris didn’t like having his phone out while at a function but he couldn’t seem to help himself this time. You watch as his fingers dance across the screen and you immediately stare at your screen, waiting for his reply. Your heart nearly falls out of your colon when it does. 
Felix has loose lips when he consumes alcohol… Care to share?
As soon as you look back up to him, you pray that the couch will open up and swallow you whole. Anything to escape the way that Chris glares at you. You do a double take, unsure if you should look at your phone or at Chris. Finally, your brain synapses start working once again enough for you to form a reply. 
What did he tell you?
He doesn’t offer you the same courtesy of delaying a reply. And you watch with bated breath as he messages you back so fast that it might as well have been said. 
What do you think he told me, goddess? 
Your breath almost comes out in a squeal. Chris called you Goddess when he was teasing you once. A name that he has mentioned in passing a few times because of the topic of him heckling you about being a muse to him. You told him it made you feel like you were in a Greek story about heroes and villains. So then came the nickname Goddess, because in his words, “Goddess are cooler than muses.” 
You try not to shake as you stare at your phone, trying to keep your mouth closed but failing as your eyes gawk at the screen. Before your brain can form another coherent thought, he sends another reply. 
Do you think I’m too soft?
You feel your soul leave your body, and heat rushes through your body. But not the embarrassed kind. You squeeze your legs together and toss a quick glance around to the boys who were all oblivious to what was going on between you and Chris only a few feet away. 
As your eyes land on Changbin you are talking a little too loud, and slurring so much that he is about to start drooling if he doesn’t slow down. Han hands him a tissue from beside Minho, “Rapper down!” You can’t help but smile as Changbin snags the tissue from Han, fluttering it in the wind. None of the boys waste a second to mimic a damsel in distress, I.N. holds his cheek, fluttering his eyes, “Oh no, I’m drooling! Someone save me!” Changbin puffs out his chest and starts to say something, but the buzzing of your phone causes you to become distracted by the boys teasing Changbin. 
Eyes on me baby. I’m not done talking to you. 
Your eyes almost fall out of their sockets. What has gotten into him? He never talks to you like this. Not even when you guys get into a heated makeout session. You slowly raise your gaze back to Chris, who smirks at you. Smirks. Fucking smirks. You watch as his eyes lower to his screen for just a moment to type out another reply. 
I’ll show you what you’ve been missing then, baby.
You gulp, your stomach doing somersaults as you watch him shift slightly. Chris swipes his dark beverage off the table in front of him, swirling it a few times before looking at you over the rim. His forefinger rubs the rim, and you can’t help but think that he’s trying to work you up. It was working. A heated pulse thrums through your body to your core, causing you to cross your legs for friction. You feel a faint sheen of sweat start to form, and the room seems a little too loud and the people all seem to disappear as he focuses his dark irises back on your face. You watch as he swipes his tongue over this bottom lip before taking a swig of his dark alcohol. With one hand, he types a reply. 
Take your panties off. Bring them to me. 
You blink a few times; rereading those two sentences over and over again. Your brain didn’t seem to process what it was reading. That or it was short-circuiting. Either way, your brain was not functioning properly. You glance around, before typing a quick reply. 
Here? With everyone around? 
You glance up to see Chris looking down at his phone. His forefinger was playing with his bottom lip, the rest of his fingers holding the small bourbon glass as he messages you back. The phone vibrates and your eyes read the message before your brain can process what it's reading. Once it sets in, you swear you’re about to faint. Ever since you met Chris all those months ago, nothing could have prepared you for this moment. To read the text that flickered across your screen… 
You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself. 
You sit there, dumbfounded and you aren’t sure what to do. You were surrounded by a mixture of friends and strangers, and what he was demanding of you… Was something straight of an E.L. James novel. 
You heard me. Don’t make me repeat myself. 
You huff out a sigh, flopping back onto the couch. How the hell were you going to somehow, manage to shimmy out of your panties in front of 7 other men? They might be drinking and some close to drunk, but they weren’t stupid. They’d know what you were doing by the time your dark silk panties hit your knees. You glance at the phone in your palm, shaking your head. You don’t have to do this- Chris was just drinking and feeling frisky. But, you can’t help but bite your lip slightly at the thought of what you would do if you somehow managed to get them off. What would you do once they were off? Your face pales and you turn to look at Chris a few feet away. 
Chris’s dark eyes seemed to be ignited with something you hadn’t seen in them before. 
Power. Authority. Desire. Dominance. 
You can’t conceal the shudder that runs down your spine as he tilts his chin up at you, gesturing to your phone with his eyes. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even realize that he had messaged you again. 
You have five minutes to have them in the palm of my hand.
Your eyes bulge and you choke slightly on your spit. Five minutes? Only Five minutes? It was going to take at least that to get them passed your hips. Your brain was kicking into high gear for the first time since you had sat down, “Fuck.” You hiss to yourself. Time was ticking, and you had to get moving because you didn’t want to find out what was going to happen if you didn’t do as he said. You put your phone into your purse and begin to shift your silk panties, which were hard to feel through your dress, down to your thighs. It was surprisingly easier than expected but now came that part that you were unsure of. 
How to get them over your bare thighs, knees, and to your ankles without anyone noticing. You take a brief look around, looking twice, three times before taking a deep breath and shoving your dark silk panties to your ankles and swiping them off your ankles. You managed to get them into a wad in your left fist before Minho leaned over to see what you were doing. “Y/n-ssi, what’s wrong?” You giggle, “Oh, I think there’s a hair or something on my leg.” You have your empty hand at him. “I think I got it.” You watch as he smiles at you softly, “Ok.” He turns part way, before turning back, “On your leg?” Your face falls for a split second. He wasn’t as drunk as the others, and you didn’t calculate that. “Well, I’m not sure what it was. I honestly felt like a bug.” You come up with a lie on the spot, kicking yourself for not thinking that Minho hadn’t really drunk at all since you had arrived. He nods his head, “I hope not. I hate bugs.” You nod, “Me too…” You trail off, glancing over to Chris who looked amused by the interaction. You feel a blush creep up your neck when you see that he watched Minho catch you with your panties around your ankles. 
Damn him.
“I think I’m gonna go sit by Chan.” You smile and collect your bag before crossing over to the boys’s game, earning a few groans and slaps on the arm as you pass. You wave them all off and make your way to Chris, who sets his glass aside as you approach him. You almost, almost sneakily slide him into your panties. But instead, you stand there, knees almost touching his as he stares up at you expectingly. “Do you have something for me, Y/n?” He asks, his voice dripping with false sweetness. As if this man wasn’t trying to make you melt from the inside out. You clasp your hands in front of you, “I might…” you trail off, meeting his gaze. You watch as he raises a single arched eyebrow and you remind yourself to find out who did his makeup because damn them. 
It takes everything in your every molecule to not shift under his stare. But still, he waits. After a few moments, he picks up on what you’re meaning and slowly raises his hand to you, palm up. It was high enough for the boys to see if they were watching close enough, for anyone who was looking your way to see that you were putting something in his hand. It didn’t take much of a rocket scientist to put two and two together and figure out what was happening. 
You stretch out your hand and put your black satin panties in his large hand before sinking to the seat next to him. 
“Happy?” You grumble, eyes on the boys who were all too focused on the second round of their game. “Elated.” He replied back, crossing his leg and spreading out your panties on his thigh. You gasp, “Chris-” You start to hiss but stop when you realize his OCD ass was really folding your panties in a small square. You watch as he replaces his breast pocket handkerchief with your panties. He smoothes a hand over his chest as he twists his body to you, dangling his handkerchief by your face, “I think we’ll be needing this.” You frown at his words, “Why?” 
He grins, face falling for a moment as he wads it up in his fist. What was he about to do- “Are you ok, y/n?” He puts a hand on your forearm. “Is it getting too loud?” You don’t have to look at the boys to know that they’re all watching you now. The boys all knew what crowds did to your tiny little introverted soul. “Y/n? Are you ok?” Felix finally started to sober up a little enough to not be slurring. You gulp, shrugging, “It’s getting a little warm.” You admit, truthfully. “I think I might be getting a headache.” 
“I’ll take you outside, yeah? Maybe some quiet and fresh air would help?” You ruefully nod. Chris helps you to your feet like the dutiful boyfriend he is, holding your hand as he guides you skillfully outside of the small gathering. You started to shiver and you weren’t sure if it was excitement or what it was really but adrenaline was coursing through your veins regardless. 
You were panting as Chris pulled you into a small alcove right outside the party. It was dark and hidden and no one would see either of you unless they got within a few feet of you. Chris pushed you flat against the wall, his breath on your face as you stared up at him with wide eyes, “Too soft?” He growled, wrapping a hand around your jaw. “Baby, I am greedy when it comes to you.” His voice is so low that it feels like it’s rattling your soul. “I want everything you give me- I want more than you give me.” His lips crush on yours. It wasn’t the usual sweet kiss, no. This was hot, heavy and fuck it felt amazing. You mewl and wrap your arms around his shoulders as you feel his hands grip your thighs. He pauses only for a moment, pulling that light-colored handkerchief out that was in his pocket. 
“If this come back wet,” he leans in, his tongue dancing on the bottom of your lip, “then we’re leaving.” Your breathing was ragged and your mind was already fuzzy. “Holy shit-” You gasp, gripping his forearm as he chuckled. It sounded like thick molasses. 
This Chris was someone you had never met before. And fuck, no wonder he kept him hidden. If he was out running around you probably wouldn’t be walking or a functioning member of society. 
You feel his fingers delve into your folds and a heavy shudder rips through your body. “Oh my god-” You hiccup, eyes rolling back into your head as Chris rubs soft, quick circles around your clit. He doesn’t go any further, the teasing bastard. And to no one's shock, when he stepped back into the hallway, the fingertips that were covered by the fabric were darkened by your slick. You gulp as his eyes slowly raise to you, “I suppose we have our answer then.” 
Chris didn’t even wait for you to get through the doorway of your apartment before his hands were on you. He didn’t move to take your clothes off, no. He just grabbed, groped, ripped at your body like a hungry man who was so starved of food that he was threatening to eat you. You wrap your hands in his locks as he picks you up by the waist, shuffling you back to the hallway, stumbling slightly. You squeal and he laughs into your lips as he digs his fingertips into your thigh skin, “Whoops.” 
He manages to get you both into your room before he puts you back on your feet. You blink up at him to see his puffy lips even more swollen from kissing so hard that your teeth were gnashing together. Chris’s white dress shirt was rumbled, but otherwise intact. He took off his jacket in the car and left it there. He wasn’t really interested in it currently. “Don’t move.” He ordered. His tone was low, full of authority. You stand there as still as a statue as he shifts to walk around you in a slow circle. 
Chris stands directly behind you, “I want you to take your dress off for me.” You inhale sharply. “Like… Strip?” You hear him chuckle before you feel his hand dance up your shoulder to your throat, “Yes.” He lightly squeezes your throat before letting you go. You turn to look over your shoulder to Chris who was moving to sit on the shoe ottoman at the foot of your bed, legs spread as he settled. You moan softly to yourself and turn to look at him. 
You slowly reach to your shoulders, tugging at the fabric of your dress. You pause for only a moment when it dawns on you that you’ve never been bare in front of Chris before. “Don’t worry goddess.” He laughs softly, “I’ve been dreaming of this day ever since we went to the park and you wore a skirt.” That was before their tour. 
“You’ve been holding off that long?” You ask, almost dropping your hands. “Baby, I don’t like to be gentle all the time… I wasn’t sure if that was what you liked, so I was testing the waters gently. I don’t want to make you do something that you don’t want.” You gulp, figuring that was a conversation for another time. 
The burning in your gut and between your thighs was what was most important right now. 
You take a deep breath and push the fabric down to your waist, exposing your bare chest to Chris before shimming the fabric the rest of the way off, leaving you completely bare to him. You slowly raise your gaze to him to find that he was staring at you so hard that you thought perhaps he was trying to catch you on fire. You almost reach down to put the dress back on but the noise Chris made almost made you fold. 
He made a strange mix of a moan and a feral growl. “Jesus fucking christ.” He groans, “Come here.” He almost barks. You don’t wait and he has you pulled into his lap. It takes no time for him to, quite literally, rip the buttons off his shirt and pants to get him bare as well. 
“I would say we should do foreplay, but you’re wet enough for the entire night.” He teases, his teeth clamping down on your bottom lip. You groan, “Chris-” you start to complain but stop as you feel his cock at your entrance. You both moan, and he pants raggedly, obviously struggling. “Baby- I’m trying so hard-” 
“I’m not glass.” You snap, digging your nails into his biceps, “Quit being a pussy and just-” Before you can get the rest out he thrust into you so hard that it knocks the wind out of you. He wastes no time wrapping a hand around your throat and squeezing it. “Do not say things that you can’t take back, y/n.” The way he spoke made a shudder rip through your body so violently that you thought it would tear you apart. 
Chris pulls out ever so slowly and then drives back into you, causing you both to moan into each other’s mouths. This was so good- fuck, better than you ever could have expected. 
Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any better, his free hand adjusts the angle of your hips and he starts to fuck you hard and fast. You both become a mixture of animalistic grunts, moans, and whimpers as he fucks you so thoroughly that you debated thanking Felix in the morning. 
You felt yourself spiraling toward a third orgasm as Chris moaned, “Fuck-baby- one more, please.” He whimpers, letting go of your throat and holding your hip along with the other hand. You could come at the sight of him whimpering for you, fucked out of his mind, drunk on you, and holding your hips as he fucks you like he hates you. Your eyes roll as your back arches off the mattress, your toes curling and your hands flying down to grip his wrists. “Chirs!” You nearly scream as he slams into you a few more times before frantically pushing away from you, coming all over your thighs and lower stomach. 
He sits there, staring at his mess and panting for a moment, before slumping into your body. “Why did I wait?” He scoffed, talking mostly to himself. “Felix and I were talking about that very same thing.” You snort sleepily as you run your fingers down his clammy spine. He sighs, “No- I mean, why didn’t I just say something? I could have been easing you into this so you won’t be so sore in the morning-” 
“If I’m sore,” you interrupt, pulling his face up to look into his eyes. “That just means that you did a good job.” He grins at you sleepily, holding himself up just enough to give you a few sweet, passionate kisses before pushing away, so that his chain necklace dangled just above your chin, “I would say let’s go have a shower. But, I’m tired. You’re tired. The shower isn’t going anywhere. And if I have my way, taking a shower would just be wasting water because we’ll need it again.” He winks, before flopping down beside you and pulling you into his side. 
Perhaps, talking to Felix was a good thing. 
Now, if only you could get it into Felix’s little thought process about the choking part…
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lightlycareless · 6 months
How do you think make up sex with Naoya would be? 🫣🤭
Heya anon 😏
Well, I hope this will offer some insight.... (more at the end)
warnings: smut. MINORS DNI. breeding kink I believe. Naoya would give you everything in the whole universe just to make you happy.
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Make up sex with Naoya normally occurs after he teased the living hell out of you, and you got really annoyed by it. And of course, the way for him to fix that is to proceed by teasing you even more…
But let’s make it a bit more serious, let’s say Naoya acted stupidly, said something he shouldn’t have and instead of apologizing, made it worse. Probably prodded at an insecurity of yours.
Or more specifically, didn’t defend you from his imprudent family.
“You know I don’t like it when your family says that!” you’d gasp once the two are alone, eyes silently telling him you wished to speak. “Why didn’t you do anything?”
“What was I supposed to do? You know how they are—it’s better to just stop wasting your energy and ignore them.”
“I don’t think ignoring them is doing any good anymore! By doing nothing it’s like we’re telling them there’s no consequences to their actions!” you snap back.
“I’m not going to spend my efforts on fighting a useless battle! There’s nothing I can say or do to make them change their mind! If you want to do that, go ahead!”
“So what? You’re just going to leave me alone, then?”
“Don’t say things I didn’t say.” He frowns. “You know damn well I wouldn’t do that.”
“Then you should at least try to do something… or am I not worthy of that either?”
“Where did that even come from?? Do you even know what you’re saying?!” Naoya scowls.
“… I don’t want to talk anymore.” You say, quickly turning around and retreating, faster than Naoya could attempt to hold you back.
Though honestly, he lets you go, for he too is bothered by the way this conversation went on, a seemingly silly issue that shouldn’t have gotten that much attention to begin with (before his eyes, at least) moving on to focus on his other duties instead, thinking that in time you’ll come around.
You have to, since you were well aware that his family had always been like that: with their annoying, unwanted commentary. It’s not like you ignored that, nor accepted it when marrying him!
But though you knew what you were getting into, he was greatly miscalculating your willingness to tolerate it, for everyone had limits, especially for someone who grew up in a completely different environment to him.
Just as it did today.
Yet, what Naoya believed to be the problem, it turned out to simply the tip of the iceberg when it came to your feelings, the issue being much bigger, deeper, always, than what was seen at a simple glance—and that much he’d understand when the day went on and you were nowhere to be found, besides your shared bedroom.
Naoya was elated to see you on the bed, fearing that he wouldn’t given your prolonged absence, yet, as much as he wished to convince himself everything was fine, it wasn’t.
He wasn’t to simply lay down next to you and act like nothing ever happened. Move past this issue without speaking about it, or without feeling wrong about it.
Guilty, in other words.
So, your husband does his best to close that gap between the two, let you know how sorry he was…
If not by his words, then by his actions.
“Y/N.” Naoya would murmur. You know it’s serious when he doesn’t call you by any of the millions of pet names he has for you, but still, as much as he wished to portray assertiveness, you do not acknowledge him immediately. “I’m sorry, you know that right?”
“No. I don’t.” you snap quickly, and Naoya, who now laid down on the bed, proceeds to embrace you—only for you to try and move away, failing in the process. “Naoya—”
“What? I’m just getting more comfortable.” He adds nonchalantly, resting his chin in the crook of your neck in the same manner. Hands just below your waist, he pulls your hips towards his, keeping you close and steady even when trying your best to fight against him. “This is my bed too, you know?”
You frown, letting out a small grunt in return before eventually accepting your unwanted fate.
After a few seconds of quiet and realizing you were not to do anything else, Naoya acts next by moving his hands further down your body, fingers taking in the softness of your nightgown (incomparable to your skin, he notes) before stopping just by your thighs, fingers quickly clinging to the edge of the fabric and lifting it up, just enough so his hand could gain access to your underwear, and soon enough, your mound.
“Naoya!’ you cry, tensing when feeling the touch of his fingers hovering over your slit, before pushing past it and deep into your slick, warm walls. “Stop—”
“I’m just checking how she’s faring.” Naoya adds, rubbing his clothed member against the cleft of your ass, giving you a tease of what is yet to come. “He wants to know too, hm?”
You always hated the ridiculous way he had when referring that; it was childish, stupid, and above all embarrassing…
But most of all, you also hated how hot it got you, the lewd connotation making your walls tighten for the slightest of seconds, a gesture that did went by unnoticed from Naoya given how he chuckled, further sliding down your panties, enough so he’d be able to do the same with his pants and move his cock in between your thighs, right next to your slit—he smiles the fact that, even when upset, your body will never deny it’s true feelings for him.
“D—Don’t move…!” you whine when he starts to do so, the heat of his member rubbing against your slit, alongside the girth and the hardness itself makes you instinctively tighten your thighs, pressuring his cock in a way that makes his movements falter for a second before continuing, exactly the opposite of what you asked. “You shouldn’t—”
“But we’re the ones having problems, my mochi.” He murmurs against your ear, you could feel him smiling, clearly enjoying teasing you. “Our issues shouldn’t come in between them.”
“Stop saying that!” You gasp at the particularly harsh trust that gives you a jolt of pleasure, instinctively leaning back onto him as you struggle to reject his advances or succumb to them. “It’s—It’s weird!”
“Yet, the truth.” Naoya adds, his hands sliding their way up to your breasts and comfortably resting them there, occasionally kneading and pinching them in the way he knew you loved, though you’d always whine otherwise, further igniting your guilty pleasure. “They never like it when we get angry, princess… me neither; so why must we hurt them?”
“Naoya—I’m going to—you should—” you grith your teeth, trying your best to hold back the orgasm building up in your cunt. “I don’t want—to—"
“I know—I can feel it.” He smiles, pressing a kiss against your cheek before giving you another sharp trust and making you shriek. “See? They feel so good together, and when they’re apart they always miss each other so terribly… so why put them through that painful endeavor, when we can always be like this?”
At the feeling of his and your orgasm fast approaching, the heir quickens his pace, the air soon filled with the lewd noises of his body slamming against yours, followed by his breathy grunts and your whines that solely demonstrated how deep both were getting into their carnal enjoyment.
“Or feel like this every night? All day too, if you want.”
It wouldn’t take long after that, just a few more thrusts and squeezes before he finally cums, cock twitching as it spurts his seed into your soft, warm thighs, engulfed soon after by the slick of your cunt, a sensation that has you instinctively clamping even more around his member and Naoya moaning louder while resting his face deep into your neck.
He keeps you so until your release eventually dissipates, alongside your breath slowing down, and soon enough, silence.
Naoya hoped that by his gestures he was granted the opportunity of an apology, the reflection of his true feelings and the understanding of how much you truly meant to him—and perhaps on a deeper, selfish level, a repeat of this endeavor, hopefully from your desire as well.
But far from obtaining the simplest indication of the former, he gets a soft, almost undetectable sniffle instead, which to his anxious, attentive ears was nothing but loud, making him tense up and immediately rush to your aid.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Did you—did you not like it?” or worse. “Did I hurt you?”
Not necessarily, at least not at this moment.
Having spent the past few hours ruminating on your last discussion with him, you get back to your room tired, still battling through the turmoil of whether to continue being angry with him or simply move past this issue and accept that indeed, you knew what his family was like.
But sensitive from this battle, his actions would provide you the last piece needed to achieve an answer, reminded of how much you truly loved him, enjoyed spending time with him, day and night, anytime whenever possible—and how hurtful it would be to not be with him anymore.
Especially for issues caused by others, ones that perhaps maybe wasn’t even yours to struggle with, yet still affected this relationship.
Now you agree that this was a situation that shouldn’t have grown as much as it did; you shouldn’t have avoided him for the rest of the day, and Naoya shouldn’t have acted as dismissively as he did.
Both should’ve instead communicated, expressed the things that bothered the two from this problem and worked on a solution from there.
But if there was a silver lining to make out of this moment, is the realization that even when anger clouds their judgement, they still looked for one another, for love prevailed far more than any obstacles life might send their way.
“I never wanted to be angry at you!” you sob, now allowing your tears to freely fall down your cheeks, the same as your emotions. “And for something so stupid too! You were right, I know what your family is like, and yet, I still allow it to bother me and take it out on you too! Like you’re responsible for their actions! I’m so sorry for all I did—It’s all my fault—”
“No, Y/N, I’m the one that should be sorry.” Naoya murmurs, hugging you tighter against him. Your cries will always feel like a stab against his heart, no matter how many times he hears them. “I should’ve been more sensitive with my approach, especially with something I know only hurts you.”
“…Not all of your family hurts me.” You sniffle, reaching for his hand and intertwining his fingers with yours. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
“But enough of it does.” He answers, squeezing your hand. “I promised to keep you safe and happy, and yet the place that is supposed to do that only brings you harm.”
“It was never issue for me to do so.” You confess. “I wanted to do this so you can continue your duties as heir, and eventually, leader. But sometimes… It’s just too much.”
“If that is the reason of your suffering, I can do that somewhere else. I can make it possible—I’d rather die than to see you like this.”
“Don’t say that.” You frown, he chuckles. “But… will you do that for me? Would you really do something that will anger your family… just for me?”
Wouldn’t be the first time, nor the last.
“The only thing I fear is that I might need time to arrange something different.” Naoya adds. “But for a long time, my family has only been you—it might take a while before I can get a house where it’ll only be us, but I’m determined nonetheless, if… you’re willing to wait for me.”
You slowly turn around to see him, a smile on your face as you gently hold his face. “I waited years to marry you, surely I can wait a bit more.”
Naoya’s heart tightens at your words, motivating him to turn you over completely so he could get a better look at you, before leaning down to take your lips into a soft kiss.
“Though I will not make you wait any longer to show how much I love you.” Naoya reassures, taking your lips into another kiss and marking the mere beginning of his promise to cherish you through thick and thin, which his heart always knew he was meant for since seeing you for the first time all those years ago.
“Naoya—don’t—don’t do it so quickly.” You gasp, tightly holding onto the blankets beneath you as he heatedly slams his hips against you from behind, pushing his cock as deep and deeper as possible, bruising your cervix each time and making you shriek in response. “It’s—It’s too much—!”
“It’s only my love for you, princess.” He groans, completely hypnotized by the way your ass jiggles whenever slamming into you; so tempting, Naoya naturally needs to raise his hand and strike it, leaving behind for you to always remember in the subsequent days who is the only one that can make you feel this way.
Whom you belong to.
“But if you don’t want it, I can simply—”
“No!” You gasp, leaning back onto him the moment he begins to slide out from you, a reacting that has him laughing, amused by your debauchery. “Don’t you dare leave!”
A reward is only expected with a wife so dutiful…
“Can you feel that? —Can you feel my cock deep inside you?”
You whine, agreeing with his words as you continue to move against him, the mere thought of being empty is enough to fill you with unparalleled eagerness, which you did not hesitate to show.
“Nnghh, Naoya—you’re so—you’re so big—!” you gasp, and your words alongside your lovely whines, make him grow even harder. “Ah, it’s—it’s getting bigger—how?!”
“Because you keep squeezing me like that.” He growls against your ear, taking your breasts into his hand and kneading them tightly, you cry. “That’s what you do to me, my wife—your lewd cunt is squeezing me so tightly, it’s like you don’t want to let go.”
“I don’t want to….!” You whine. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop—I’m going to die if you do!"
“Keep saying that, whore—keep telling me what you deserve.”
“My pussy—my pussy deserves your hard, hot cock!”  you breathe.
“It's like falling in love with you all over again.” he murmurs.
“I love you, Naoya.” You gasp, mind hazy from the pleasure yet keeping you conscious enough to keep seeking him. “I love you so, so much…  I never want to be away from you!”
“You won’t.” He darkly promises, having long made up his mind on how exactly he plans to do that. “I won’t let you—!”
Naoya’s hips begin to move faster and faster, each time his cock prodding onto your sensitive spot that he knows will have you undone in a matter of seconds, just around the same time he comes to the conclusion that will ultimately make his promise real.
“I’m going to get you pregnant.” He darkly declares, gritting his teeth as he pushes his cock deeper as he utters those words. “I’m going to fill you with my seed until you have a baby—and even then, I’ll keep filling you until all you could think is when you’ll get pregnant again.”
“Nao—Naoyaaa…!” you moan at his promise, his words washing over you with another layer of pleasure you never considered possible, although the thought has crossed your mind before, bothered you enough late at night, wondering about the arduous attempts the two would have to commit to make it happen…
“I can’t wait to see your breasts full of milk—I bet it’ll taste just as sweet as your cunt.”
“Don’t—Don’t say that!” you shriek, feeling impossibly lewder at his connotation and tightening even more your walls, making his breath hitch.
“But it’s true.” He groans, moving his hand down to your clit and beginning to rub it eagerly once feeling your orgasm just a few instances away, frantically desiring to be engulfed by the choking sensation his cock deserves after it’s diligent work. “All that comes from you is unbearably sweet…”
“I’m—I’m going to—I’m going to cum!”
“Do it. Do it now!” Your husband hisses. “Cum, Y/N!”
A few thrusts later, you do, followed by a quick gasp and a long groan, the knot in your stomach snapping undone and making your vision go white, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you moan, falling limp onto the bed while Naoya’s seed fills you to the brim, the burning promise to make you pregnant reiterated by his lips taking yours into a heated kiss…
“Can you—Can you feel that?” he murmurs, cock twitching as it spurts the last ropes of his cum. “It’s my love for you. And now, our baby…”
“Naoya…” you whine, squeezing your walls ever so slightly when feeling him twitch; he groans. “I want it—I want your babies…”
“Take it—take all of it—” he smiles, looking down to your cunt. “Looks like she also wants that—can you see how eager she is to milk me?”
You glance downwards, eyes hazy by pleasure but still capable enough to see what he meant, unwilling to deny his words… before gasping when realizing the gravity of what transpired next.
“Naoya! It’s spilling! Don’t let it spill!”
“If you think we’re done, you’re gravelly mistaken.” He smirks, fingers quickly cleaning up his seed and pushing deep into your cunt, where it belongs, before adjusting you into the next position. “I’ll give you as much as you want, my love, whatever is necessary to make you a mommy.”
You moan when he begins to move again, feeling impossibly fuller the deeper his cock went, an endeavor that would go on and on until you were unequivocally reassured of his feelings for you, his immeasurably desire…
As well as the first semblance of a future together, hopefully soon, as a family.
“I love you.” You breathe once he finally unsheathes himself from you, many hours later from the beginning, as you laid beside him and rested your head over his chest.
“I love you too.” Naoya responds, wrapping his arm over your shoulders and holding you tight, his head resting over yours while his hand made way to your full stomach. “And our baby.”
“It’s still too soon, love.” You say, gently reaching for his hand, smiling. “But hopefully it’ll take…”
“Guess we’ll have to do it a few more times, just to be sure.” He chuckles, you pout.
“I don’t think I can fit any more, I feel so full already…” His cock invertedly twitches at the thought of proving you wrong, which you don’t fail to catch immediately after. “Naoya? We’ve just—it’s 3 in the morning!”
“Then why did you say something like that?” he asks, already adjusting you into position yet again. “If you wanted to rest, then perhaps you should control your words.”
“I didn’t even say anything!” you gasp, cunt twitching when he rubs the head of his cock against your slit. “Naoya— I don’t think—I don’t think I can take anymore! What’s gotten into you? Aren’t you tired?!"
But for a man like Naoya, that was impossible.
To ask him to be tired of his beautiful wife, the same one that has endlessly doted on him, shown him a world of color where previously all he’s seen was darkness, as well as demonstrated the future the two could create, by simply setting their minds into it, was like asking him to stop breathing.
He just couldn’t, because doing so would kill him.
And all for one particular reason:
 “I’m not, Y/N.”
“Because I simply love you too much.”
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This could really go down like a:
Naoya: My wife is angry... what can I do? Oh, I know! *gets her pregnant*
I mean you do want to have a family with him!! but not like that hahaha.
Anyways, I've had this thought for a while but guess it finally came out with this small drabble: The Zen'in estate is not a good place to have a family lmao. I keep writing our favorite couple there but lets be real, Naoya wouldn't want her there.
Naomi is out of the question too! I literally just thought about how neither you or Naoya would allow her to have sleepovers at the estate because the Zen'in are just a bunch of pricks.
I like to think that he'll either have a whole area secluded for his family, or just live somewhere else. Maybe when he's leader tho he'll change a lot of things.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small thing!! Naoya and his domineering ways will always come to bite you in the butt some way or another much to your dismay, but it'll also be the reason you remember why you love him so much 🥺
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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formulaonesmut · 1 year
Better in red – CL16
important message
writers note: I have dyslexia, which means that writing is difficult for me, but I really want to continue doing this. Sorry if everything isn't always right!
Warnings: Smut 18+, P in V ( be safe!) sort of first time, sweet Charles turning into dom. Insecure reader.
Sorry for not posting this but I really don't like this fic, I don't know but I'm not happy with this one.
let me know who you want to be next!
this is my work and i do not consent to use this
Saturday 19 November 2022 ahu Dhabi Final race,
Exactly on this day, 4 months ago you met the one and only Charles leclerc. A dream that came true. You started a year ago with your new job at F1, you started with being a extra hand. That meant that you helped with the interviews, making it ready, making sure everything was there in time.
Almost a year later your dream came out, you started officially working as a journalist for f1TV. And there it was, questioning drivers about their races was amazing but not the easiest job. And it didn’t got any better when you started to gain feelings for Charles leclerc. At first you thought that it was only a crush and he didn’t seemed interested, until 4 months ago. You were standing alone in the doorway, Charles passed by but within 10 seconds he called your name
´´yn is it right?´´ he smiled, offering you a hand, of course you took it before you gently shaked it.
´´ yeah i am. Is there anything wrong?´´ you blushed, he totally caught you off guard and you were already preparing yourself
´´ so ehm- im not really good in this, and if you don’t want too is that okay, but eh´´ Charles rumbled but you were quick in stopping him.
´´ hey, its okay! Go on spit it out leclerc´´ you chuckled, your finger pads slowly running up and down over his hand palm.
´´do you wanna go out with me?´’´
There is were it all started, and now you guys are dating. It still feels unreal sometimes, your dating the one and only CHARLES LECLERC!!!!!
Its weird and iknow many people wont believe you, but you guys haven’t had sex, or something you needed to be naked for. Yes hand jobs and fingering were something, but Charles knew that you just had sex, for once. He always letted you set the pace, and making sure YOU were comfy with it.
Maybe it was weird, but you guys didn’t wanted to make it official for the world, so you both decided to not share a room. This so no one noticed that you guys were almost a couple. And to be honest, it was hard to act normal when you were in the paddock. This guy had you around one finger and you loved him so so so much.
You were running late for your interview with Carlos in the Ferrari hospitality. Yes, when i say running you were running.
´hey princess´ Charles smiled when he saw you running through the halls.
Your eyes quickly scanned the room before running up to him.
´´ how late are you back? When are you done´´ Charles smiled down to you. God this guy.. so handsome, every time you saw him you just could not hold your self in and just started smiling.
´ may i.. kiss you?´ he asked you, his hand came upwards to cup your cheek. Brushing some hair behind your ear.
´yes .. please Charles kiss me´ you half begged him before he dipped down to your level and kissed you.
It felt so unreal and you just couldn’t stop searching for his touch, his fingers intertwined with your hair both off you don’t want to let each other go.
‘’ah here you are. Love birds I have a interview’’ Carlos chuckled before leaning in the doorway.
Carlos was the only one along side Pierre that knew that you guys are something. Not that you wanted them to know but they caught you already a few times kissing.
‘’I’m sorry Carlos’’ you sight before letting Charles go.
‘’I'm done at 6 babe’’ you smiled before giving Charles a quick kiss.
‘’good, see you tonight baby’’
- later that night –
When your phone ringed you immediately rushed too it, your hands quick in grabbing it and picking it up while you were fixing your hair.
´´ there is my pretty girl´´ Charles smiled through the phone.
´´ hi handsome´´ you smiled while your bottom lip was stuck between your teeth.
The call was innocent, a lot of talking about F1 and small other things. But something inside you snapped when Charles started whining.
´´ baby, cant you pleeeaaase come over i really miss you´´
´´ Charlie, you already saw me today´´ you smiled
Charles is really nervous because he is starting 3th tomorrow in the last race off 2022. There is a lot off pressure that’s on his shoulders, he is standing second with 290 points amazing right? Not really.. checo has the same amount off points and is starting second.
Charles was so hectic today, picking his hands, moving his leg up and down and he was talking non stop. That was for you a easy sign to see that he was nervous, and it wasn’t weird.
You knew you had to do something to take his mind off racing for a night, you knew you were ready and this was the perfect timing to.
You walked to your bed before laying on your belly, lifting yourself up on your elbows. So you were Giving Charles THE perfect look, your shirt was hanging down a bit giving him a sneak peak off your boobs that were covered in your new red and gold lingerie bra. you could see his eyes immediately shooting down, he was really trying not to look. But it just happened and he wasn’t sorry for it, Charles loved your body and always tried to help you start loving yourself.
´´ baby.. don’t make it harder for me to stay in my room´´ he smiled, his cheeks already heating and coloring up.
´´’what’s wrong handsome?´´ you questioned him, but of course you knew what was wrong. And once again his eyes shooed down and stayed there.
´’i can see my pretty baby’s´´ he smiled. ´´ oh come on baby, you know what i mean´´ Charles winked, his eyes quickly shooting from your boobs to your eyes.
´´oh? Do you want a better view so you can sleep well?´´ you teased back, Charles quickly nodded yes before you tugged your shirt over your head. Charles mumbled a quick ´fuck´ before he turned his head away, a big smile was on his face and his cheeks were even more red.
´´were are you staying handsome? I wanna come over´’
´´room 418, be quick. The door is already open´’ and with that Charles ended the call, and fuck he knew what your plans were.
The tension between you two was unwritable, from little teasing through out the day to sending him a photo in your new lingerie.
You were quick in chancing, grabbing only your phone and a bathrobe. You shooed it over your lingerie and rushed out, and yes. The door was already open and when you opened it you could only gasp.
Charles had changed into a white blouse, it was hanging open and the room was dark, but filled with candles. On the bed was drawn a heart and there was music playing on the back ground.
´I knew that you were quick´ he smiled before walking up to you, his hand brushing over your shoulder.
´´ you didn’t had to do this Charlie´´ you smiled while your eyes where wandering around the room.
´´ I wanted to make it special for my special girl´´
You could feel Charles his eyes burning on your skin, even when he stepped a little closer to you. His body pressing against yours, his warm breath on your skin and his eyes trying to look what you were wearing underneath the bathrobe.
´´ give me a kiss handsome´´
And within 3 seconds Charles his lips were pressed onto yours, his tongue parts your lips and you could feel his body shivering with desire,
Charles his hands shooed to the back off your thighs. That was a signal for you to jump into his arms, you slammed your legs around his waist without braking the kiss. And before you knew it your back was slammed against the wall.
´´fuck handsome´´ you moaned into the kiss, giving Charles perfect access to explore your mouth, Charles had trapped you between him and the wall, and on this moments he was so happy that he was an athlete.
You could feel that One off his hands sneaked upwards trying to open your bathrobe.
´´ no no Charlie ´´ you slapped his hands away from your bathrobe while you broke the kiss. Your head overloading with ideas. And one perfectly matched.
´´oh. Didn’t knew you were in charge´´ Charles smirked, that goddamn cocky bastard.
You softly pushed yourself away from the wall before jumping out Charles his arms.
´´what are you-´´ Charles frowned slightly before you pushed him backwards.
´´ come on sit ´´ you patted the edge off the bed. Charles wasn’t a person that loved to obey someone but today, he wanted to give you a chance.
´Your hands slowly moved up and down his chest and his breathing was already gaining up in speedy mode.
You slowly took a step backwards, your hands made a way to the knot in your bathrobe before untying it. The bathrobe perfectly fell from your shoulders, completely exposing your body in the brand new red and gold lingerie set.
It was the set you got from Charles, and he was always complaining about it. He wanted to see you in it.
´´ fuck... so pretty baby´´ Charles breath out, and just completely sat there, admiring your body. his hands came up to feel your body, almost as if he was dreaming this.
´´ fucking hell baby. you look so so good in red baby´´
And yes it was such a beautiful set! The bralette just covering enough off your boobs, it perfectly hugged your skin and it made your body look like you were on fire, but you still felt insecure about it.
Before Charles could talk again you took place on his lap, facing him and Each leg beside his. His mouth hung open and his eyes are locking in with yours.
´´you look so good baby.. Fuck your driving me crazy´´ he repeated, his eyes scanning you up and down again before reaching out for your hands. he could tell you a thousand times how good you looked.
´´feel what you do to me baby´´ he blushed, his hands took yours to his chest. Placing it on his chest so you could feel his heart beating.
´´fuck i cant take my eyes off you. and im so proud to call you mine´´
´´don’t stare so much Charles.. that’s rude´´ you chuckled but he definitely could hear the in secureness in your voice.
´´’don’t see what’s wrong with your body, your perfect the way you are I’m just disappointed that you don’t know how gorgeous you are´´ Charles smiled while one of his finger traced your jawline.
´´ its just.. i think i could be a little more .. trimmed´´ you sighed while looking down.
´´ Cherrie i love your body, everything you ´hate´ about it is what drives me crazy.´´ Charles smiled before softly grabbing your jaw, making you to look at him.
´´fuck you don’t know how many people in the paddock are looking at you when you enter i almost feel jealous the way they look at you´´ he told you. His eyes searching for yours before he brought you in a big long hug
Its almost weird how comfortable you felt yourself in his arms, it immediately felt safe
´´you don’t have to be shy or insecure around me okay? Your my perfect girl and i want you to feel special baby.´´ Charles smiled before he placed his hands on your waist, he adjusted you a little bit better on his crotch before his hands started to roll your hips over his crotch.
´´ mhm fuck Charlie´´ you breath out while you hid your face in his neck. Planting a few kisses in his neck while his hands kept rolling your hips.
Charles his hand shooed to your ass before grabbing the back of your thong, pulling it a bit upwards what made you moan. He pulled it backwards so it was more pressuring your clit and once his hands started moving your hips again you could only moan in his ear.
You have done this so much together, just like two honry teenagers. Grinding on each other, he even made you ride a pillow in front off him because you didn’t dropped your attitude.
´´fuck Charles please i need you so badly´´ you say while kissed his neck.
´´ you sure Cherrie?´´ Charles asked you, he waited 3 months long for his moment. But he had too make sure that you wanted this just as bad as he wanted.
´´ yes Charlie I’m ready and i want you now´´ you smiled while you tried to hide the blush that was coloring your cheeks.
´´ then you don’t hear me complaining, do you want me to be in charge Cherrie´´ Charles was always so caring and it really made your heart melt.
´´ you please. Please please pl-´´ before you could finish Charles connected your lips with his´. His tongue was exploring your mouth while he was quick in flipping you over so he was hanging on top of you, one of his hands came upwards to push the hair that had fallen in front off your face behind your ear before reaching his destination around your throath. He squeezed it gently but enough to make you head go fuzzy.
He took this as a opportunity to get more power over your body, he tilted your jaw up, placing kisses alongside it while his hand is still around your throat. And he clearly enjoyed the feeling when you swallowed.
´´ open that pretty mouth Cherrie´´ Charles demanded you, you were really quick in obeying. You opened your mouth and sticked out your tongue. A string spit quickly followed from Charles his mouth to yours.
´´now swallow it like a good girl´´ Charles breath out. The feeling off your throat moving underneath his hand gave him a powerful feeling. Small whimpers and whines were heard as he licked a stipe down your neck. Charles moved his attention lower, trailing more kissed to the exposed parts off your neck, before sucking a hickey.
You and Charles talked a lot about sex, so knew you that Charles loved to be in control but also loved your mouth, and he quickly knew that you loved it to got treated as a bad girl.
His mouth was lowering to the straps of your bra before grabbing one in his mouth. He carefully shoved it down your shoulder, the feeling of his stubble and the warm breathing on your exposed chest were giving you goosebumps.
When they both were hanging loose around your shoulders he easily flipped you around, his body still towering above you while he settled both knees on the outside of your thighs.
His both hands came down, his fingers tracing from your neck down, over your shoulders down to your bra, too your waist and stopping by your ass.
´´ such a beautiful back baby´´ Charles mumbled before pushing his hips forward, pressing his crotch against your ass, you could feel the outlines of his harding dick against your ass. Each off his hands layed on one of your ass cheeks before gently squeezed it.
´´oh god please... Charlie do something´´ you whined.
´´ I’m going to show you´´ he says while running his hands up and down over your bra before taking it off. ´´ who your god is Cherrie´´ he continued.
His fingers were playing with the end off your thong while he bended down and licked one long stripe up from your ass to your neck.
´´mmhm Cherrie turn around´´ he said while he hangs in a high plank above you.
And so you did, pushing yourself upwards just like a push up before coming up with your knee to help you. Your ass perfectly pushing against his crotch before you could turn around.
It made you both laugh because it seemed easier then it was. And just for a second you didn’t realized that your boobs were fully exposed to him.
´´ such as beautiful as i thought Cherrie´´ he smiled and leaned down to give you a quick kiss, his mouth immediately wandering down, to your jawline, neck and slowly down to your breasts. His tongue painfully slow running over your nipple before giving it a quick suck.
´´ please char do something, i cant- just cant wait any longer. I really need you´´ you whined out, your eyes were almost glued to his arms, those veins that were running over his arm, they looked like they were going to explode.
´´ you want my fingers baby?´ ´Charles groaned
´´ mhm´´
´´ come on use your words Cherrie, where do you want them´´
´´please inside me.. please daddy´´ you could see Charles swallowing by the nickname ´daddy´ even tho he never wanted to admit that he liked it.
He settled himself on his knees between your legs, after his hand quickly made work off your thong.
´´ spread your legs wider princess´´ Charles told you. He could see the scariness in your eyes and it wasn’t easy to just spread them, but you trusted him.
His finger easily found his way down to your already wet pussy, his fingers dipping into your wetness, spreading it over your pussy before circling his finger pad on your clit.
´´ so wet already´´ Charles mumbled ´´ come on darling let me hear you´´
It was scared but you tried to take your mind off that, the way charles his fingers perfectly circled over your clit made you already see stars.
´´fuck yes Charles!´´ you moaned out. Hands gripping the sweets. Nails digging into the fabric.
His finger teased your entrance before giving in and slowly inserted his finger.
´´fuck you feel so good already baby, cant wait to feel you clenching around my dick´´ charles moaned
Charles was definitely a talker in bed, and fuck that was so hot. The way he can turn you on so easily just by words.
His finger started pumping in and out you, those hands can make a woman dream so easily.
he brought his thumb to your clit. Circling it over your sensitive bud The squelching sound of your wetness reached your ears while he pumps his finger in and out you.
His thumb sets a faster pace on your clit, making your toes curl and your nails dig into your hand palm.
‘’ that’s it princess’’ he said while adding another finger , curling them upwards, making sure the pads of his finger where touching that sweet spot inside you, your body begins to shake, your walls clenching around his fingers.
‘’your going to make a mess on my fingers princess?’’ you nod while moaning heavily.
‘’’yes .. yes char.. I’m s-so close’’ your mind falls blank, just feeling and hearing his fingers inside you, touching constantly the sweet spot that was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
And then it just hits you, your back arched off the bed, goosebumps all over your body, toes curled while you moaned Charles his name.
Charles gave you a little bit time, his hands slightly massaged your upper thighs
´´ I’m not done yet baby, I know that you easily could have a second run without a brake´´ Charles winked before diving into your dripping pussy. His tongue perfectly lapping your clit while he pushed 2 fingers inside you, his fingers angled a little bit upwards. Making sure to hit your G-spot inside you.
‘’oh fuck ..’’ a slightly louder moan had slipped out, suddenly as his nose dragged over your clit perfectly while his tongue continued to make your toes curl.
He hummed in appreciation of your praise, sending vibrations through your core before he moved his lips to your clit, managing to slip a finger inside you.
‘’ come on princess, let the neighbors hear who you belong to’’ he practically cooed up at you, not wasting any time in adding a second finger, pumping them in and out you in a fast pace.
‘’ oh god charlie.. ‘’ you moaned out, stomach twisting. His lips where back at your clit, causing you to roll your eyes back. He did everything right every time, his fingers stretching you out did not make a wrong move as they thrusted in and out you, his tongue flicked perfectly over your sensitive bud.
´´ you taste so good Cherrie´´ Charles mumbled
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer, the knot in your stomach was already forming while Charles settled the pace even higher.
‘’char.. I’m c-close’’
‘’your not allowed to cum baby, keep it in I know you can’’ Charles commanded you.
His fingers perfectly hitting your G-spot while his mouth and tongue were perfect in stimulating your clit.
‘’i-i- cant ..’’ you breath out.
‘’you cant what?’’’ he asked you while he took his mouth off you.
‘’im so close I cant h-hold it’’
Charles didn’t wanted you to finish that quick because he had all the time to make you feel special. He took carefully his fingers out before licking them clean
´´you taste always so good baby´'he smiled before leaning down and kissing your forehead.
‘’you did so good baby’’ he whispered.
*not a while later* ( small time skip, don’t know what to put here XD)
You turned his hand slowly before you pressed the tips on his middle and ring finger against your lips, you gave them a kiss before slowly wrapping your lips around them.
A grunt rumbled through his chest as both fingers sat in your wet mouth, tongue running between and around them. You pulled them out before pushing them right back in, lips tight around them as you slowly moved your head back and forth.
Your hand drifted towards his waistband, Charles was quick in grabbing your hands.
´´let me help you please Charlie´´´ He was making sure you 100% wanted to, and not the feeling you had to. Charles was quick in letting your hands go as you dragged his pants down his muscular thighs. Leaving him in his tight white Calvin’s.
Painfully slow you pulled his Calvin’s down, his hard cock slapping against his lower stomach, the tip coated completely in pre cum. Charles had propped himself up on his elbows to be able to look at you.
´´mhm so big char´´ you blushed.
You teasingly pressed a kiss onto his tip, watching it as it twitched and smiled to Charles who had already his eyes closed in anticipation.
´´ mhm fuck baby you know you don’t have too right´´ you only hummed in responds before your lips closed around his tip. A hissing sound left Charles his mouth, this was the first time he had you around his dick.
Your mouth was slowly bobbing up and down, spit dripping from the tip down his shaft.
Charles thought he was dreaming this. Fuck you were so perfect and just what he imagined
You kept bobbing your head up and down, charles was big but you managed to fit it all. You had no idea what to do so you kept repeating your movements.
‘’your doing it amazing baby- so goo-d’’ Charles moaned one hand intertwined with your hair helping you to hold your hair out off the way.
´´ tu le fais si bien ma princesse´ ( your doing it so good my princess) charles moaned out when the tip hitted the back off your throat.
You sped up your movements a bit in witch charles twitched. Moans filled the room and gosh it sounded so good.
You clenched your thighs together trying to get some friction. Even tho you had the most mind blowing orgasm 5 minutes ago you felt yourself so horny. Your body was feeling hot and it was almost if you could cum without even touching yourself.
Charles his hand came down to your head his fingers intertwined with your hair trying to make a swift ponytail.
´´'is this okay baby.. Fuck!´´ he cursed when you took him down your Throat
´´look at me baby.. fuck those eyes..´´ you followed his instructions while you kept sucking him. When you made eye contact you could only moan.
But before you knew it charles gently tugged you off his dick. And all you could do is whine.
´´stop whining so much or i will make you whine baby girl´´
´´ make me.´´ you told him, your bottom lip tugged between your teeth. You had no idea where the confidence came from but you needed to say it.
´´oh?´´ he smirked before leaning down and almost swallowing your lips. His tongue danced against yours. His hands grabbed the back off your thighs before turning you around, making you lay against the headboard on your back.
His mouth found once again your neck, sucking a hickey. His hand came down to his dick before his tip runned up and down your folds.
´´merde tellement mouillé pour moi´ ( fuck, so wet for me) he groaned before he looked at you.
´´you still sure you want this baby?´´ he asked you.
´´yes yes yes charles please ... please i need you to fill me up please´´ you begged him, your legs slammed around his waist trying to pull him closer.
He was slow and made sure you were okay. He slowly pushed his dick inside you, making you moan out loudly. The tight feeling made charles see stars too.
The way he filled you up was perfectly, the stretch, the sound and not to forget the feeling it was so amazing. His dick already Pressing against your G spot as he stilled his movements, giving you a moment to adjust to his size.
´´fuck you feel so so good and tight baby´´ charles groaned. his fingers digging into your hip making you move a bit.
´´fuck baby´´ charles groaned ´´are you okay baby?´´
´´yes Charles please.. just fuck me” you moaned, rolling your hips into his making him groan.
You could feel Charles twitched at your words, his hips gaining speed. Your mind falling blank at the feeling. His dick perfectly hitting your G-spot making your eyes roll back in your head.
‘’fuck, eyes here darling’’ he muttered between the heavy breaths, one of his hands were on your throat, his finger pads digging into the skin. Making your eyes rolling back even more.
‘’I said eyes here princess” he corrected you, his hand was on your neck to hold you in place when the other one rested beside your head.
He had you under his grip, moaning at his touch and begging him to keep going. His lips kissing and pinching at your skin as loud moans escaped your mouth, his trust became harder and harder.
But out of nowhere he stopped, trying to catch his breath while pulling out you.
“Don’t stop Charlie pleas-“ you whined
‘’ get on all fours baby’’ charles commanded you,´´ get on all fours don’t make me tell you again´´
You were quick in obeying him, you felt 2 hands grabbing your ankles and pulling you to the edge. Making your knees hit the small couch that was standing before the bed while your chest was on the edge off the bed while Charles settled himself behind you.
He got quickly his pace back, hitting every sweet spot inside you, your pussy clenching around him making it even tighter then it was, he spanked your ass having you jolting forward. A load moan escaped your mouth when he slapped you again, harder this time
‘’please charles.. don’t stop.. I really want you’’ you whined out
At that moment he thrusted his hips into yours making sure to fill you full, before pulling out to the tip and slamming in again.
‘’fuck so tight.. ‘he breathed out. He laced his fingers through your hair, pulling it to his chest, so your chest was raised off the bed. With every thrust from charles in his new position, your hips were slamming against the bed edge, causing you pain but the feeling inside you barley even allowed you to register it in your mind.
You let a small giggle at his words ‘’you act like you didn’t like it but we both knew that was a lie’’ he pushed you back onto the bed, his hand that was in your hair was coming down to your neck, his finger slowly wrapping it around your neck as the other was grabbing your hip.
“Fuck you look so good with my dick inside you baby” he groaned
You were grabbing onto the bed so hard that your knuckles were turning white. Charles picked up his pace and with every thrust he was getting deeper than you even knew was possible.
“Ah- I’m so close-“ you breath out, your hands grabbing the sheets digging your nails into the fabric.
“I’m gonna cum” Charles moaned in your ear.
The knot in your belly grew bigger and bigger and before you knew you felt your orgasm take over you as he continued to thrust into you at a steady pace allowing you to ride out your high. Once your orgasm was complete you felt him fill you up.
“ you did amazing my cherrie”
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