#it got worse and no caffiene
multistoty · 2 years
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The air tasted like wonder. Like candied butterfly wings caught in sugared spiderwebs, and drunken peaches coated in luck. The scent of magic in the making. Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything. Every good story needs a villain.But the best villains are the ones you secretly like. The moon is a loyal companion.It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections. But there's something about the darkness, the stillness of this hour, I think, that creates a language of its own. There's a strange kind of freedom in the dark; a terrifying vulnerability we allow ourselves at exactly the wrong moment, tricked by the darkness into thinking it will keep our secrets. She was no lamb. She was a lion. Hope as a mixture of the beasts told in stories to scare children into behaving knew that letting out your full monostrocity would only make you the hunted. A mistake is a mere moment though regret was forever.When life becomes difficult. the only source of strength we have is love. Love of others, love of self, love of life in its entirety. We forget our dreams, but our nightmares linger with us evermore. Not everyone gets a true ending. There are two types of endings because most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, where the situation feels hopeless. But that’s when hope is needed most. only those who persevere can find their true ending. Dreams that come true can be beautiful, but they can also turn into nightmares when people won't wake up. No one is truly honest. Even if we don't lie to others, we often lie to ourselves. And the word good means different things to different people. Her heart was still a little heavy, but she'd decided carrying it around would only maker her stronger.  The future knows what things we desire, unless there is something greater in our path that chases us away.  He smelled of magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what he claimed, he wanted to be her hero. He might have been a liar and villain, but he made both things look very good. Her first impression of him, tall, roughly handsome, and dangerous, like poison dressed up in an attractive bottle. Once she had seen him, the annoyed movement of keeping her prey from dying while knowing witnesses could not be let out. But the copper scent of blood was portruding in the air around him and her wolf ears didn’t hear the unruly beat of a heart against the cage of their chest. He seemed about her age though more courted by darkness than she was. Hope had only killed once since turning. And it was the accidental one that flickered her curse. The length between them was cut like a knife through the night as she came closer to the handsome stranger with intellgence in her lives. She was named Hope to be that for her family. A monster always caught between two worlds. never a human, but never one completely sated in the bathing of blood. Yet, snark was her usual means of surviving. The murder of her mother all those years ago still making it hard not to completely hide your heart when faced with someone new, but the internal cut open and stuffed with sunshine version of herself still shined. It had been months since she had sunk her teeth into a living breathing person. It was a true allure of darkness. “Well, well, well, you definitely have neater eating habits than more of our kind. Not that we have some sort of conference. I don’t think I have ever seen someone look so beautiful bathed in the copper tinge of blood. My name is Hope. What about you lover boy?”
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hyah-lian · 8 months
So body numbing tired hhhhhhhhhh gotta go out and do things tho
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halfd3af · 1 year
I desperately need to get back on an ADHD medication again, because grad school is activating my executive dysfunction on a scale I never thought possible… I’m so exhausted all the time
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octopiys · 2 years
Switching it up a little, COD characters as things my friends have said
Soap: fuck burger king. I'd rather have herpes than burger King.
Laswell: my wife is touching your wife. Our wives are touching each other!
Graves: is he white? If he is, then we have that in common
Price: they just prefer... to be called a gaggle of gays
Ghost: I'm gonna Clinton myself
König: You can make be whoever the fuck you be!...shit.... You can be maked be whoever you make fuck make you be!
Rodolfo: did I tell you about the time I got babysat by an iguana
Valeria: I love having a Dr pepper and swirling it around like it's fucking champagne
Gaz: Price took our phones away so obviously we had to make spitballs and shoot them at each other
Ghost: why does everyone hate it when I have caffiene? Is it because my mom did drugs while I was in the womb?
Rodolfo: give me your phone or else I'll bomb your house
Alejandro: I took one, and then twenty minutes later I took another one, and I turned into a couch
Gaz: my dad is like Bon Jovi, but worse
König: you may or may not have a mushroom in your coke. What I'm saying is, you have a mushroom in your coke.
Soap: I did take biology once in high school! Well, until my teacher quit because we hung a skeleton and burned a frog
Farah: I just sold my watermelon tree and now all my dragons are mad at me :(
Alex: Farah can you hand me my nutty butties and my crack
Ghost: I'll trade you it for some Adderall. It's not mine though
Alejandro: I stole a book from a church once. It wasn't even the bible
Roach: technically all babies are biodegradable if you leave em long enough
Valeria: we're gonna crowdsurf the preschoolers
Nikolai, looking at a one eyed dog: so how big do you think that dog's blindspot is
Alex: never once did I think I'd see hank green talking about his love for crack
Find part 2 here
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Adore You
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PAIRINGS : minho × gn! reader
WORD COUNT : 2.8k and some change
GENRE : angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, slightly suggestive (very very slight)
WARNINGS : mentions of anxiety/depression (not descriptive), the world showing the reader the middle finger, established relationship, minho calls the reader bunny, lots of hugging and cuddling, minho is whipped, and a very respectful gentleman (except for when he gropes the reader but he's just a touchy feely person, okay), they're so in love, minho gets emotional and cries :(, also gets a little horny and almost pops a boner lmao.
lower case intended.
A/N : hi! here is some fluffy whipped minho for you. this fic is my first baby so please treat it well. feedbacks and reblogs are very highly appreciated! proofread like a thousand times, so we should be good as far as mistakes go. still let me know if anything needs fixing!
feel free to let me know what you liked and what you didn't, I'll try to change my future works accordingly. enjoy!
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"thank you"
"what for, bunny?"
"no one's ever done this to me."
"done what?"
"adored me like you do."
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what a shitshow of a day.
but you've been through worse, right? you can get through this, right? right?
as it turns out,
oh so very wrong.
the day was jinxed from the moment you got up on the metaphorical wrong side of the bed. being sleep deprived was nothing out of the ordinary for you, but even so, today it felt as if someone had replaced battery acid for your eye drops you put in the night prior.
great, now I have puffy eyes on top of my dark circles. how cute.
the geyser broke down so you had to take a freezing ice cold shower at 6 AM on a Tuesday morning in February (the weather reports later told you that it had been the coldest day in the last 3 winters in your country, by the way).
love that for me.
you somehow managed to teleport your shivering form into the kitchen. you had no motivation to make anything edible, so cereal it is. you got the milk out, not bothering to heat it up and dumped it into a bowl. lazily kicking open the lower cupboard, you snatched the cereal box, and tried shoving the cereal into the bowl to then quickly shove it down your throat and get this horrible thing called breakfast out of the way... only, nothing came out. the box was empty.
okay, wow. are you serious right now?
you were starting to get irritated.
doesn't matter. I don't like eating anything this early anyway. it's good. perfect, even. I'll just have my morning coffee and be on my way.
you were out of coffee pods. and when you begrudgingly went to make instant coffee, you realised you were out of vanilla syrup as well. already running late, grabbing coffee on your way to work was not an option either.
excuse you!? I can't function without caffiene in my system. I'm practically a zombie without it.
getting ready quickly, you slipped on your favourite pair of sneakers, not caring about your work place dress code.
it can go fuck itself for all I care. I deserve to be comfy at least if I'm not having any caffiene today.
all set, just as you locked your gate, and took the first step forward, you noticed a weight dangling off right underneath your sneakers. glancing down, you were met with the adorable sight of your sole barely hanging on to the base of your shoe.
not my favourite sneakers!
that was just the beginning of the most horribly horrible day in the history of horrible days of your horrible life. and no, you were not exaggerating. the subway was incredibly crowded and you did not get a seat, hanging off the grab bars, bumping against sweaty bodies.
why are they sweaty this early in the goddamn morning!? did they forget the concept of showers?
you were standing right in front of a dude seated on the train bench, shamelessly trying to look up your skirt. you told him off, taking off a part of your frustration on him, with a teenage girl looking up at you in awe. you got to work about a whooping 34 minutes late, which your boss rubbed in your face all day (yes, no round offs here, "you were precisely 34 minutes late. every minute counts after all!"). your best friend called in sick. the canteen was out of your favourite acai. the dry as fuck bread might as well have been sandpaper. you zoned out during the meeting and made a blabbering fool out of yourself when asked for an opinion.
so yeah, when you came back home with a pounding headache - we have the lack of caffiene to thank for that - feeling like shit, wanting to drown in your blankets, and sob yourself to sleep, it was pretty reasonable, you supposed.
so you did just that.
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minho was on his way over to your apartment after you had not replied to any of his texts all day. he sent you the usual morning message you loved so much, but never got a response. it was so unlike you. he sent another "are you alright?" message a couple hours later, only to be met with radio silence. figuring you were busy, he didn't bother you any further.
so here he was in an Uber with your apartment as his destination.
deftly climbing out of the cab, he knocked on your door softly a few times. and when he didn't get a response, he pulled the copy of the key you had given him and let himself in. even though he had a copy, he always preferred to knock. partly because he wanted to respect your privacy, which was very valuable to you. he had no sense of personal space or privacy when it came to dating, but it became clear pretty early on in the relationship, that it was something you deeply cared about. and he would always respect what was dear to you. the other reason was that over the course of time, he had come to enjoy seeing you open the door for him - wrapping him in your warm embrace, the blueberry scent that you carried with you everywhere flooding his senses and calming any lingering tension in his muscles - versus getting in himself.
entering your cozy place, he was immediately alert, fire alarms going off in his head upon seeing the darkness engulfing your apartment. the living room, kitchen, the small study room to the side, everything was plunged in darkness. you always kept the lights on and had some heavenly candle burning, which he had come to find comfort in. you never kept the lights off. he couldn't think of any other time when he came over and you had them off. never. except that one time when...
holy shit!
he dashed to the bedroom, swinging the door open, panic coursing through his veins.
at first, he thought the bed was empty with just a ball of blankets tangled together. but as he softly padded across the room to get to the bed, he saw a fluffy head of hair poking out from underneath the edge of the blanket.
gingerly, he tugged it down only to come face to face with your tear stained face. a look of pure horror flicked across his face, as against his better judgement - because you had clearly been through something and were finally getting some sleep - he softly whispers,
you didn't even stir, clearly exhausted. he felt bad for trying to disturb you from your slumber but he just had to know that his nightmare was not unfolding right in front of his eyes.
"hey, baby, you okay?" he gently nudged your elbow.
opening your eyes, peering up at him through tear drenched eyelashes, you go "minho?" voice groggy.
he gets into bed with you, sliding under the covers, wanting to comfort you. but he couldn't pull you into him just yet. keeping you at arms length, he mutters,
"you doing okay, bunny?" he studies your face and upon not seeing what he was fearing, relaxes a bit.
you don't say anything. instead, opting to slowly shift forward and sniffle into his chest.
"hey, hey, hey, talk to me, bunny. I'm here. I'm here. shhh." he started petting your hair, gliding his fingers through them, massaging your scalp just like he always did because it calmed you down.
"had the worst day." you barely mumble against his chest.
"it's okay. wanna talk about it?"
you slightly shake your head no, grip on him tightening.
"it's okay. everything's okay. I'm here now. we don't have to talk about it. just relax for me, yeah?"
you sigh at that, his hand in your hair lulling you back into the limbo between consciousness and sleep. your breathing evened out soon enough and you felt at peace at last, after the horrible fucking day - the day that could honestly go fucking fuck itself for fucking you over. the fucking irritati-
"woah, woah, bunny, what has you worked up again?" minho's words broke you out of the trance you didn't realise you'd slipped into.
"you're trembling." he wound the other arm underneath and around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest, his other hand still in your hair, his chin atop your head.
"you're with me, baby. you're safe."
as your shivering started to subside, he couldn't help but think back to that horrifying thought again. although he did somehow relax a bit initially, his mind was once again plagued with the possibility.. what if-
"no!" he didn't catch himself saying that out loud, until your head snapped up to look at him with bloodshot eyes. the sight broke his heart.
"are you okay, minho?" you whisper, somehow feeling selfish for not noticing until now that he seemed to be worked up too. as comforting as his hold on you was, you were just now realising his body was tense. did he have a bad day too?
as he looked down at you, he scanned your features, carefully trying to gauge out what was actually going on. he didn't see that look on your face. looking into your eyes, he didn't see that distant, far off, aloof emptiness that he once did - all those months ago. he kept staring at you for what felt like hours, eyes never staying at one place for long, nervously raking over every one of your features. but then why were the lights off when he came in? surely history isn't repeating itself. surely you're not-
he jumps at that, coming out of whatever rabbit hole he had gone into. you were looking at him with wide eyes, still bleary from tears and sleep. he found his resolve crumble. he really did want to give you space, to not rush you into telling him what was wrong, but the panic bubbling in his chest was making him downright nauseous with worry. so he says,
"you... you're no- you're not" he gulps "you..." he trails off, words forming an ugly lump in his throat he didn't seem to be able to swallow.
looking into his eyes, you could see the panic, the tension, the dread, his normally handsome face pale with terror.
as if a light bulb went off in your head, you suddenly knew exactly what he was thinking.
you lunge forward, knocking him back a little, clenching your hands into fists and balling up the material of the shirt in front of his chest, burying your face in his neck.
"no, baby, no. I'm okay. it's okay"
you could still feel him tense underneath your fingertips, so you pull your head from where it was nestled in his neck, looking straight into his eyes. steeling yourself, mustering up what little resolve you had left after the day, you spoke with as much assertion as you could,
"I'm not having an episode, minho. that was months ago," you stressed on the word "that was months ago, baby. I went to therapy, I got treated, I got well. it's all in the past now. I'm all healed."
"you know there's no such things as healed. we- we did go to therapy but it can resurface anytime." his voice was barely above a whisper, wobbling around the edges.
he always did that. even back then, it was always we for him. "we were suffering", "we went to therapy", "we'll get through this together", "we're doing better now", "we got over it", "we're gonna stay strong"...
when you look up at him, you see the beginning of tears starting to form in his sombre eyes. your heart clenched.
leaning forward, you softly cupped his face with both hands, voice low but still confident, if only to assure him,
"I know. but you know we can tell when it's happening, right? I can tell that I'm fine. but even moreso, you can see that I'm fine, right? you were always able to tell just by looking at me for a second."
he examines your face once again. after a beat, he's eyes droop into a relaxed stance, his body going limp beside you.
"yeah, you're fine. b-but i.. it scared me. I was scared, baby. it was a very difficult time for us."
there it is, us.
"I- I just.." his voice broke, tears now steadily falling down his pretty, pretty face, dropping onto the mattress, taking your heart with them.
you moved toward him once again, mushing him against you this time, his body plaint in your hold, seeking your warmth.
"I know, baby, I know. it was. but its over now, okay?"
he continued sobbing quietly.
"minho, look at me" he did. you forced a pained smile "I'm smiling, see?"
he let out a huff at that, what could've been a chuckle if he wasn't so out of breath from crying.
"that's obviously fake."
"but if i was indeed.. uh- unwell", you didn't know how else to put it, "I won't be able to fake it either."
which was true. if you were back to that state of mind where you felt breathless in your own skin - a place you might have still been dwelling in, if it wasn't for your boyfriend - you wouldn't even have the energy to talk, let alone try to fake a smile.
he just hummed and went back to snuggle his head in your chest.
"Mr. lee, are you using this as an excuse to cope a feel?" you attempted to lighten the mood.
this time, he actually did chuckle. the sound warmed your heart, healing all the exhaustion from your body.
"do I need an excuse to grope you, bunny?" he was back to his teasing self apparently, shamelessly dragging his hand down to your ass, cupping it and squeezing. hard.
you laughed at that, pecking his lips gently and let yourself relax, his hand still on your ass by the way.
you don't how long you lay there like that with him, listening to the quiet sounds of his breathing, once again floating in the blissful clutches of sleep, albeit, a lot more relaxed now.
and while you were still half awake, you felt something warm, and soft on the top of your head. the feeling travelled down to your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, warming you. it was only when it ghosted against your lips did you realise that it was minho peppering your face with doting kisses. in your dazed state, you could faintly make out his hands brushing your hair out of your face, tucking them behind your ear, tenderly caressing your back.
still more than half asleep, you murmur with your eyes closed, a stupid lazy smile on your face,
he smiled at the nickname, the look in his eyes growing even fonder. you never call him that. that nickname is reserved for when you're either trying to act cute to get something from him or during your sleepy incoherent mumbling, apparently. he keens at that, heart fluttering, refusing to stay in one place.
while he's busy swooning, you call out again, pouting, with the same goddamn nickname, sounding entirely too sweet and cute for a grown ass woman. it's almost a whine and is enough to make his head spiral down the gutter. how you whine when you're under him, looking up at him with wide doe-eyes, your face contorted in pleasure, his di-
snapping out of his train of dirty thoughts about an unassuming you, he looks down and is met with your closed eyelids, looking so peaceful and fragile in his hold, and immediately wills himself to calm the fuck down. how humiliating would it be to pop a boner right now. taking a deep breath all he manages to say is,
"thank you."
"what for, bunny?"
"no one's ever done this to me." you mindlessly mumble, not really answering his question, clearly out of it due to your sleepy muddle.
"done what?"
"kissed me like this while I'm asleep. adored me like you do."
his heart swelled at that. wounding around you even more, he spoke into your hair,
"you've got me now. I adore you, bunny. so much."
blissful in your sleepy haze, you shift closer, drifting off into the distant slumber, knowing that you were adored. by a person you adored just as much.
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© JEALUSTY 2022. All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting and translating any of my works are not allowed. Please do not claim any of my works as your own.
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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Day 9 - 90 Day Challenge 🎀
I really hope I'm on the right day because it seems like time has been going by slower since I've started this challenege? Maybe its just the way my silly little brain processes time. Or maybe I missed a few days and forgot. Who knows?
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
honestly, nothing. I over ate, didn't drink enough water, had way too much caffiene, forgot to take my meds, didnt leave my room much at all, and ate a bit unhealthy because i was so sad.
oh, but I did eat an apple and some red grapes as a snack! maybe that counts?
🧠 Mental Health
again, nothing. it got so bad that I did have to take an anxiety med (I have some prescribed as needed for insomnia/high anxiety moments) and it calmed my brain down right away.
❤️ Emotional Health
had another talk with my boyfriend about how I've been feeling, this time in regards to our relationship.
watched a movie with my boyfriend over video call <3
bought a new set of sports bras online as a form of retail therapy + I need them
📚 Intellectual Health
also, nothing. it was a holiday, I didn't want to stress myself out with school work. that's gonna be for today.
🏘 Adulting
cleaned my bathroom a little bit (finally). scrubbed and wiped down the toilet, disinfected the sink, faucet, and counter, and cleaned the mirror!
took out my bedroom trash and threw away old (moldy) plastic food containers that I forgot about for almost a week (so sad)
organized my never ending pile of tote bags and belts to make more space in my room
did a load of laundry and put away ALL of the clean clothes in my room (there were two very full baskets of clean clothes just waiting to be organized)
organized my desk
🥰 Self Love/Care
did my morning skincare
showered and washed my hair and put on clean, fresh clothes (in an effort to get out of my depressive slump)
tried to let in some natural sunlight (it was a gloomy, cloudy day but I tried)
My only *smallish goals for today is to drink an entire bottle of my electrolyte water (1 liter) + 3 more smaller bottles of water, finish my current psyc notes, a quiz, and maybe a writing assignment that's due on Monday, maybe study for my psyc final and work on the final paper, eat a bit healthier today, and try to get outside for maybe a little bit. and remember to take my meds.
I don't like feeling so down. but I know when I feel restricted or trapped or super introverted, that's when I start self sabotaging. I choose to stay inside because my brain gives me anxiety fueled excuses about why I shouldn't go outside. But that makes the depression worse. I try to compensate by over eating to get those dopamine hits, but that makes me feel bad and fuels the depression.
I just need to work on building sustainable, healthier, easy to execute habits for when I get like this. it'll be the best thing I can do for myself. and it'll make my life a whole lot easier.
that's my little mini rant for the day. if anyone has any tips for building healthy habits to work with their depression, I'd love to hear them.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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tartagliascumwhore · 2 years
Comfort Childe
You show up at childes door at the middle of the night in the pouring rain because of family problems and he invites you in and takes care of you <3
i'm procastinating studying for my midterm so you guys get this :)
This isn't spell checked or proof read cuz im delirious from lack of sleep and buzzed on caffiene
gn reader x childe
tw! implication of parental abuse ( this is just me projecting) let me know if there are any other trigger warnings i should add
comfort <3
Get back in here!
you heard your dad screaming as you ran to open the door. You just needed to get out of the hosue for a while, so you ran out barefoot in the pouring rain.
You didn't know where you were going, your legs were leading you through the harsh downpour, splashing through puddles as you heard deep rumbling in the distance indicating that the heavy rain would soon turn into a storm.
As you ran, you find yourself on a familiar street, and soon enough you were loudly knocking on the door of a house. After a few moments of waiting you saw a tall ginger opening the door in confusion, wh8ich quickly turned into concern as he glanced as you.
Oh god what happened? Are you okay?
before saying anything else, he pulled you into a hug, getting his clothes wet since yours were soaked. You were trembling due to the cold and you leaned into him for more warmth.
Is it okay if i spend the night here?
he simply pulled you into the house and closed the door behind you. he told you to wait as he grabbed some warm clothes for you to change into.
As you were changing he made you a cup of lavender tea since he knew it was your favourite, and handed it to you while leading you to the couch.
Ajax knew about your family situation and was hesitant to ask if something had happened in fear that it would make you feel worse. So he sat next to you as you sipped on your tea, waiting for you to speak.
After a moment of you silently drinking your tea, you turned your body to look at him, the face of concern not leaving him for a moment.
I'm sorry for intruding like this, i just didn't want to stay at home.
He shook his head smiling
You could never intrude, you're always welcome here. You must be tired, i can make the bed for you.
No no, i can sleep here on the couch
What kind of host would i be if i let my guest sleep on the couch
okay fine
and with that he got up to grab blanket for you and placed them on the bed. he then grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom, making sure you had what you needed.
Do you want a glass of water in case you get thirsty?
No thats fine, thank you.
He got up to turn off the light, about to leave when you stopped him
Um, could you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone.
Of course
He turned off the light and jumped into bed with you. he wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you rested your head against his chest. You felt safe.
He kissed your forehead whispering,
You know i love you right?
You nodded your head
I love you too.
You slowly fell asleep while Ajax rubbed circles along your back, making sure you were as comfortable as possible.
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anavatazes · 9 months
Woke up this morning to the migraine even worse than yesterday. Mister wanted to know if he should take me to the ER, and even Mara just blinked at him. But, I can't blame him for worrying. I told him caffeine and my meds and snuggles with very little worldly stimulus, and I would be fine. So, he got the kids up to take care of animals and house. He called the store that was out of my brand of caffeine yesterday (that sparked this) and headed out the door to get food and caffeine.
So, hours later, after Mister and Mara nursing me back to somewhat health (gonna be a day before my head fully forgives me), I can tolerate noise, most light, and my eye sockets aren't trying to evict my eyeballs. Tired as fuck, starving (I have little to no appetite during migraines) and in need of new scenery, but feeling alive.
Caffeine is apart of my medicinal regimen to combat my 24/7 cluster fucks. My neurologist loves the fact that I found a juice energy drink, seeing as I don't drink soda, don't do regular or diet energy drinks, can't stand caffine pills, and there is not enough sugar and honey in the world for me to be able to drink coffee or tea. So Ocean Spray is my friend with a low sugar, all natural caffiene drink. Still not the healthiest, but it suits my needs since V8 stopped making theirs.
In other news, tax season is starting up for me, and I can't wait. Already helped my brother with his stuff and what he needed to do for Mom's stuff (basically nothing) for this year. Next year, he might, but that's only if there are changes in the estate tax laws. I think Monday I will go full swing. Give myself a few days to recover.
Youngest is supposed to audition for an advanced dance program this Saturday. With her being sick and out of school the last week before break started, it really has left her behind in preparing. If she makes it, she will be able to get scholarships, etc, for arts schools, etc. Be able to continue dance class throughout high school and have other opportunities. She will also have a chance to go to an art magnet school that is located on the Naval Weapons Station. I would love for her to go, but I know the only way she will is if her friends are there. Because it's on base, only the military and certain other children are allowed to attend. She technically could already attend because of her grandfather, but she wanted to stay with her friends. If they choose to go, however, it would be to her advantage. She would have so many opportunities available to her through that school. One of her sisters went, and she did so well there. Never did anything with it, sadly, but she has lots of great memories of it.
Ok, Mara says it's time to stop running my mouth and time to snuggle the puppy 🥰. So, snuggle the puppy I will.
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My Nursemaid and the Queen 🥰
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Had a really gross morning. I've been trying to detangle and rethread everything I was feeling into something cohesive because the only clear emotion there were a sort of imposter syndrome: I felt anxious and unhuman.
I usually work alone during my midnights, 9p-9a. The guys I care for are nearly entirely nonverbal, but they tend to sing some, even on days when they don't talk. It can be isolating, going in and not talking to anyone all day except the incoming and outgoing shifts, and my partner before I go to bed, but it's honestly really nice being able to let my guard down.
I know that these guys don't care if I'm weird or if I sing badly, etc., so I'm not as particular about hiding my weird characteristics. This is especially helpful because I'm also coming out of a midnight, and I experience chronic paranoia. Not having to maintain an image (besides being calm. I can't let them know I'm anxious or they will be too) helps me be less anxious, which, in turn, lessens the paranoia.
All I have to do is prep for interacting with a neurotypical coworker when they come in at 9a, and I know the other three people that tend to work this house, so I'm more comfortable with them, especially two of them. And if it's an odd person, I have my list of things to ramble off about the shift before I ske-dat-fast.
The problem this morning was that someone came in at 8am, and they were someone I knew, but had never worked with.
My day was prepped to be time-efficient for a one-person team, and I wasn't ready for interacting with others. I locked down. I could barely even talk to the guys I work for. I managed, but my throat felt tight, and I was tense all over. I knew I was being weird, but I wasn't ready to become anything else. She didn't really communicate either, so the day wasn't smooth like it should have been.
Don't take me wrong, typically this person is a good worker. She does really well with the population we support, and she can typically hold her own. And she did do well for what we had. Everything was done, and I was leaving by 9:07a, and that was with me rechecking that there was nothing else I could do twice. I was so thrown and anxious from being unready to see another person, that I know I wasn't holding up to my typical standards, so she honestly did a significant portion of what needed to be done.
I drove to the park around the corner after I got out of there, and I cried. I just... I knew I was behind when I was able to be reintegrated into normal society after all my years living in AR. I've spent 11 years figuring out my actual thoughts and beliefs, while also trying to understand all these stupid social mechanisms. I spend so much time thinking about what I should be doing. I have to hype myself into a new person for important events. It's exhausting!
To describe it in the best analogy I can think of right now: I just want to parallel play with the rest of the world sometimes. I want to be close. I want to show you my sandcastle or playdough figure or completed puzzle or whatever, but if either of us says one word, I'm going to implode.
I can't tell you how much better I felt when I went from 8.5 years of schooling to midnights, where I had to see no one. Such an infinite difference in weight. My anxiety slowly got better. My paranoia got better. Hallucinations? Better. Delusions? Better. I don't feel like something is coming to attack me as much. I don't feel like I'm being watched as much. I don't feel like the world is simulated as much. I still have my suspicions, but it's much easier to tamp down and ignore.
It's been worse since I took my promotion. I have to not only engage in conversation with coworkers and clients, but I'm still doing 2-3 midnights, during which I'm expected to do some of my paperwork, so my caffiene consumption is up, so my anxiety, hallucinations, delusions are up, just not to the same extreme as they were during college days.
I'll be back to this later. I'm at 14% and need to get back to work.
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
Well, America is just a shit show right now isn’t it? Having seen the ruling about Wade vs Roe, and how things like abortion pills are still available by post, i wanted to share my experiences with this kind of thing so those that have to consider the option have an idea of what will happen with their bodies. To clarify, i am pro-choice, i will block anyone that throws shit at me or this post. I am a middle aged CIS woman from the UK where USA 3rd world laws do not affect me.
Over the course of my life i have experienced: . Miscarriage at 12 weeks . Being Induced into premature labor . Had to take the morning after pill (plan B equivalent).
I want to explain the physical and mental ways these three things affect you and to let you know what it feels like so you can prepare yourself, as if you are taking an abortion pill, it will be a combination of all three of the above through symptoms and feelings.
First up Miscarriage. I miscarried naturally a few years ago when i was around 12 weeks pregnant. The first sign was slight spotting, but within 12 hours i was getting stomach pains very similar to period pains. Over the course of 72 hours these pains got increasingly worse to the point where the waves of pain would cause my back to arch and i would scream, little did i know these were labor pains. I passed the fetus and placenta at home without really realising what was happening. I had contacted my Doctor but was in a very emotional state at the time over the loss of the baby we had been try for a considerable amount of time to have. They never explained that if i’d had an evacuation proceedure at hospital the labor would have been over much quicker, but that is now in the past. I bled for a standard period for about 3 to 4 weeks afterwards. Around 4 days after the start i had a HUGE wave of depression. This is where your body has a hormone imbalance where you are meant to be bonding with your baby post partum, however without a baby to look after, this is basically the start of post partum depression.  Thankfully i did manage to pass all the foetal material, i had a smear test about 3 months afterwards, however i know that sometimes foetal material can be left behind.
Now being induced. When i had my son i was induced 2 weeks early as he’d stopped moving. Turns out he was just so tall/long he didn’t have room to move, but never the less, i was induced. Similar hormones that are involved in being induced will be in the abortion pill. First up it took about 3 hours to get started, but i started to feel very hot, like a flu sweat, where your skin was cold but you’re burning up. Then you have waves of stomach pain/cramps. It will make you feel very nauseous, so ensure you drink a LOT of water, it will help. After about 12 hours i was in full labor, which is basically very very strong period pains like mentioned above in the miscarriage story.
Finally morning after pill/Plan B. Literally a case of accidents happen. Myself and my husband were using condoms and it slipped off during a rather weird position, just as hubs was ejaculating. It was mid cycle so i was literally ovulating, and i got filled. Even married couples have accidents. We do not and did not want another child, and furthermore i can no longer carry a child to full term due to fibroids on my womb. Anyway, went to pharmacy, got given morning after pill. Took it around lunchtime, but 5pm i was feeling an irrational anger, it was like i was seeing red. Again with the hot flushes, but also insomnia and nausea. It did not advance my period, but my cycle was a little early that month, and not as regular for around 3 months following.
So that is my experience. I have no opinion on what you choose to do, its your choice. You’ll need to drink a lot of water. Have painkillers to hand and 3 to 4 weeks of sanitary supplies. Remember to eat, but keep it simple like toast and perhaps dried fruit. Stay away from caffiene and soda’s. Codeine will make you constipated which you absolutely do not want if your inside are already in a lot of pain. 
Stay safe. 
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Over-Tired OM Boys HCs
Here's the initial thing that got me started thinkin bout the boys, but here ya go-
- this man, once he hits overtired, is extremely gullible, which is why he locks himself in his office until hes done what needs to be done
- also cannot keep a train of thought for more than 20 seconds and it drives him nuts
- and then he loses his focus even more because he's upset
- you tried knocking on the door once, and told him when you closed your eyes, you couldnt see and needed to go to the doctor
- man went from frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat, only after opening the door realizing how foolish he had just come across
- but now the door was open and you had access to him, and reluctantly he let you drag him to bed
- Will deny it ever happened, and if you bring it up, expect a punishment.
- Though he is grateful you made him rest so he would not become the laughingstock of his brothers
- over tired bby will ramble until he forgot what he was talking about and space out for a solid ten seconds before snapping back
- it doesnt matter if you're listening intently or only half listening, he makes no sense what so ever.
- If you can record him without him noticing you (which is easy to do in this state) and play it back once he's rested he's either facepalming and blushy for the nonsense he spewed or he managed to pick out what he may have been trying to say and gets super excited, going off on another more understandable tangent.
- Gaming is a priority
- Sleeping is not
- Levi usually ends up just tired, not wired but dear lord when he does-
- All that energy and passion he pours into the way he speaks about anime and manga?
- Its physical now...oh and hes slightly more extroverted
- Though its a rare sight, over tired Levi works out and rambles about whatever it was that made him stay up that long, and hes doing it all in your room
- Over tired Satan is a rare sight, though it happens often, as he holes up in his room
- He gets an impulse to clean, and will tidy and clean and organize his books, though it never lasts
- and theres no escape, he will start crying if he feels you arent paying attention or if you're about to leave
- Depending on who you are, he either becomes 10000000% testier, or hes a giggly mess, there is no in between
- Finds everything funny, but will get pouty if it came from someone he doesnt really like
- Over tired Asmo is rare, likely the rarest of all the boys to see, save for Barbatos
- but he is a chaotic little fucker
- dear god
- He will raid the fridge and pantry worse than Beel, specifically when hes on a diet-
- Then MC you're either in for one hell of a story from Asmo, most of them his not-so-proud drunk moments that he never talks about for that reason but he cant stop himself-
-his laugh sounds even more high pitched than normal, and a little maniacal, and he finds everything he says hilarious
- you will go on an adventure probably
- spaces out randomly, and also cries easily, dont point this put to him and say yes to his adventures, he'll change his mind a thousand times on the way- just go with it
- overtired Beel happens quite a bit, usually after the victory of a game and the adrenaline starts to wear off- and then he still has stuff to do
- but instead of "oh" and maybe a small laugh when he realizes what happened its more ".....oh" and then he looks like he's having an existential crisis
- you will have to physically lead him to bed after that, he's too busy thinking and slowly eating whatever is in his hand
- he snacks to keep himself awake, and poor himbo man is even more gullible than usual
- will want to cuddle, but wont ask when hes like this
- out like a bulb immediately
- The Avatar of Sloth? Over tired? yes it happens unfortunately-
- He gets even grumpier than usual because he can’t sleep
- Then at night its just restless tossing and turning
- yes even the seemingly flawless butler gets overtired, but opposite of Asmo, he is far better at concealing it
- Usually happens when he intentionally sleeps through important meetings and days for Lucifer back to back to back
- It’s another excuse to hold you though, so he might make himself over tired more often
- You will see him stifle yawns
- And when given instructions, his eyes widen slightly with concentration as he whispers the instructions over and over under his breath so nobody can hear, but its clear his lips are moving
- he cannot be bribed
- he can be intimidated though, and how you ask?
- “threaten” to go tell Beel or Dia because you know full well if they were asked, they would carry Barb back to his quarters if you can’t do so on your own-
- no he will not sleep
- Usually that’s enough to convince him, but you have to stay near to make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s well-rested, otherwise he’ll leave as soon as possible and try to get back to work
- buuuut if you’re “on guard” or in bed with him- well he might have a few extra minutes or hours to spend with you
- overtired Diavolo is rather rare, as Barbatos is very strict with the prince's schedule
- Still though if Diavolo truly wants to keep going...all Barb can do is prepare for the future
- Which uh...just means being able to drag the prince to his quarters
- If you thought he was lively before, being overtired is kinda like giving caffiene to a squirrel for him
- Until he suddenly crashes....which, depending on how you like his company, can be unfortunate as his kick can last for hours
- Simeon goes into zombie mode when he's overtired
- He hates to admit it, but it tales every oumce of strength to not fall asleep in the middle of classes
- Not that Luke would let him
- He's a little dazy, a little slow, but even just a power nap gets the angel going again
- Babie boy, don't stay up with the big kids-
- an overtired ten year old follows a certain progression
- grumpy, denial in need of sleep, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatt- oh he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence
- will not acknowledge anything in the morning, even as he walks out of his bedroom instead of the random place he slept, instead carrying on the conversation he left half finished the night before
- hah
- he has spells
- who needs sleep?
- bastard also pushes himself too far, but disguises it with more ease than anyone else, at least until its just the two of you
- He tends to run his hand through his hair more often, fidgets more
- hes a little jumpy too, so continue with caution if you dont want to be turned into a frog-
Anyways, I know its been a hot minute since I posted anything really uh...substantial? I guess this will have to do?? I'm going to be travelling for a bit, so I apologize for slow updates, also dont have the patience to make a queue
Thank y'all for supporting me anyways, it means a lot!! Keep an eye out for the next OC Hunger Games~
Love ya!!
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hayley566 · 3 years
Terry McGinnis and Miguel O’Hara roast each other
(this is inspired by The Panda Redd’s “Robin Roasts” on TikTok and Youtube)
Terry: Nice to see you ditched the white costume and went back to the one you wore that helped your brother instantly figure out you were a superhero.
Miguel: Yeah, well, at least I have more than one costume. You’ve had the same one since the 90′s and I can smell from all the way in another universe.
Terry: Hey, does whitewashing hurt?
Miguel: Did being replaced by a caffiene addicted bird boy for a few years hurt?
Terry: Yeah but it probably hurt more when you were this close to getting your own cartoon in 2000.
Miguel: Yeah, some edgy little shit in a bat-themed gimp suit stole a lot of things from me and my own comic because Dini ran out of ideas.
Terry: Well, at least I have a dad who isn’t a piece of shit while you got stuck with two of them. Which dad is worse, the fake dad that was an abusive drunk or the real one who is a corporate asshole that drugged you for trying to quit?
Miguel: Yeah, well, at least my mom wasn’t artificially inseminated with edgy billionaire jizz to have me. 
Terry: No, your mom just had horrible taste in men. 
Miguel: How’s that theatrical movie of your’s coming along? Mine’s coming in 2023.
Terry:....Diet Spidey.
Miguel: Robin in denial.
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danny-chase · 3 years
if you want, maybe you could do "severed artery" with Dick and have Roy (or one of the other Titans) take care of him? love your writing and I hope you're having a nice day!
AHH thank you so much! I hope you enjoy!
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Severed Artery - read on AO3
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Titans (Comics), Nightwing (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roy Harper & Dick Grayson Characters: Roy Harper, Dick Grayson, Garth (DCU), Donna Troy (minor) Additional Tags: Can be read as pre-slash, POV Roy Harper, POV Dick Grayson, vomitting, Blood, Guns, Hospitals, Canon-Typical Violence, dick is a little shit, Roy is a Little Shit, Homophobia, Roy Harper Needs a Hug, Roy Harper gets/gives a hug, Dick Grayson Whump, Roy Harper emotional whump, Protective Roy Harper, Hurt Dick Grayson, Garth is the best, Titans as family, Confused Dick Grayson, Medical Inaccuracies Series: Part 6 of Bad Things Happen Bingo Summary:
Dick and Roy are little shits to each other, until the night takes a turn for the worse.
Full story under cut
“Aight, Donna, you ready to go?” Roy chirped, taking a second to look himself over in the mirror, running his fingers through his (surprisingly) soft hair (he’d be stealing Dick’s shampoo more often) – getting that perfect messy, but stylish look. He fired off finger guns at his reflection – he was killing it, somehow listening to Gar of people had worked out – he gave shockingly good fashion advice.
Feeling optimistic, he sauntered into the hall, only to be met with Donna’s confused expression.
“Roy, I’m going out with the girls tonight, I told you like four times.” She leaned against the wall, gesturing to Jesse and Toni, car keys dangling from her hand. Jesse stared at him, an eyebrow cocked judgmentally, as Toni smiled, offering a little wave. He waved back, watching Jesse’s expression morph into disapproval.
“Hey, I didn’t even do anything!” He complained, glaring at Jesse. She rolled her eyes, not deigning to verbally respond. Ice queen.
Reaching out, Donna patted his shoulder, waiting until he met her eyes. “I’m sorry, hun, but we’ve got tickets to a concert, could we go out next weekend?” She fluttered her eyelids slightly, sending chills up his spine. “Why don’t you take one of the boys with you?”
“Terrible company, but babe, have fun, I’ll figure something out.” He cupped her chin in his hand, leaning forward to peck a kiss to the top of her head, ignoring the fact she squatted down to make the moment work.
“Mm, thanks.” With that, the girls were off for the night, leaving him stranded in a deserted hallway.
Well. He could do what Donna suggested and take out one of the guys – he had the reservation, and Lian was already situated with the sitter. But which guy was the question… Wally was out with the league, Garth was visiting home, Vic was with Gar, and Grant had a date. Which left Dick – no - Dick was busy working – actually yes – he likely needed a break.
Actually – was he even here?
He started towards the central control room, poking a head in Dick’s room on the way and had to do a double take.
“You’re actually in <em>your room</em>?” Dick threw a pencil at him without looking up from his desk, child’s play to dodge – Dick speak for hmm, maybe something like ‘asshole’, but he took it as an invitation to enter. But if Dick was going to call him an asshole, he had expectations to live up to.
He took a standing leap, twisting and flopping across Dick’s immaculately made bed, sending blankets and pillows careening off the side. Dick ignored him, scribbling down some notes on a pad of paper. Roy waited for a few minutes, listening to the scratch of pen on paper. Quick and noisy – Dick was likely stressed – he was pushing down harder than normal; he gave it an eighty/twenty chance something was up.
Ripping paper proved him right, as Dick frustratedly crumpled up the page of notes, throwing them behind him, hitting the recycling bin with ease. Groaning, he dropped his head into his hands, rubbing his eyes.
“Showoff.” Dick startled, jumping out of his chair, Roy’s own reflexes were the only thing that saved him from taking a pen between the eyes.
“What the fuck, Richard?!” He yelled, yanking the little missile out of the air. A faint flush tinted the top of Dick’s ears.
“I forgot you were there.” The admission was almost too quiet to hear, but combined with the minute sign of embarrassment, it rang of truth. Roy could milk this, oh he totally could.
“What was that, why did you almost kill me?” If he played his cards right, he wouldn’t be dining alone tonight.
“I didn’t think you were…” Dick trailed off, glaring at him. “You heard what I said.” He retorted, catching on. Sucks to suck, Dickie – he was obviously tired if that spooked him – he was likely running on caffeine.
“Oh, you misunderstand.” Scooching off the edge of the bed, he hopped lightly onto the balls of his feet. “Why’d the batboy forget I was there, hmm?” He pulled a half-eaten energy bar off the desk, inspecting the wrapper. Dick casually rocked back in his chair.
“See, completely decaf, I told you I’d-” Roy yanked open a drawer, Dick darting to stop him. “This is my desk!” He slammed the drawer shut a moment too late – Roy had good eyes after all.
“Hmm, so how do you explain the-”
“Get out, I have stuff to do – aren’t you supposed to be on a date with-”
“-CAFFIENE PILLS IN YOUR DRAWER!” He shouted through Dick’s response, effectively shutting him up. There’d been an intervention years ago after too many days spent on one hour or less of sleep. “You know the deal.” Dick groaned as he ruffled his hair.
“I have to-”
“Eat, shower, and sleep. And I have reservations. For two. You’re coming with me.” Ah yes, a romantic dinner date with Dick Grayson. People would kill for this. Dick crossed his arms. Roy picked up his chair, staggering towards the door. Dick was going whether he liked it or not, a real meal (not protein shakes or energy bars) would do him good.
“No one’s even done this to me in like, a year.” He noted, gracefully leaping out of the seat. “Asshole.” Grumbling he lightly punching him in the arm before heading into his walk-in closet, stripping off his shirt as he went. Automatically, Roy scanned for any new injuries, his eyes lingering over a few of the old.
“Liar, Wally caught you two months ago. Besides, the restaurant is nice, Donna likes it and you two are basically the same person, so you’ll love it.” Dick scoffed, stepping out of view.
“Is that all I am to you? Your replacement for Donna?” He sounded mildly offended.
“Nah, you’re too ugly to replace her.” Dick hmphed. “And your personality sucks.” Roy added.
“Why the hell am I going with you?”
“It’s not like your night could get any worse.” Dinner was better than casework after all.
Dick’s head poked out the doorway, looking completely unamused. “Asshole.” He chirped a second time, ducking back away.
Roy sat across from him, speaking between mouthfuls of pasta, smacking his lips together. “So anyways this kid, Johnny is like, sitting next to Lian in class, and he keeps taking her crayons and won’t give them back.” Dick thought for a moment, watching Roy drum his fingers rhythmically on the table. “And the teacher is being ridiculous, she just believes Johnny over Lian. My Lian! Can you believe it?” He slammed his fork down, articulating the point.
<em>And you’re sure Lian gave you the whole story?</em> Was what Dick wondered, but he’d prefer not to die for questioning Lian’s integrity tonight. “Why don’t you mark her crayons with a sharpie and let the teacher know?” Roy’s fingers stopped.
“Huh, hadn’t thought of that.” He leaned back in his seat, distantly looking out the window. People trickled down the street, passing by the little café, kicking up crimson leaves from half empty trees. Streetlights flickered on; fairy lights crisscrossing the avenue, as the sun lazily sunk in the sky. It was a beautiful night – Roy was right, he did love it, the food was good – catching up with Roy was refreshing – and the location was stunning; as always, Roy always picked the perfect places for dates. Dick was past the point of being annoyed at the situation but was still determined to give Roy a hard time.
“Well, maybe if you thought about that instead of harassing me.” He leaned forward, resting his head on his hand, dramatically looking out the window – Babs was going to kill him for being late with his case reports. Again. Roy smirked as he rocked forward, reaching across the table to lay a hand on his forearm. He at least had the decency to look apologetic.
“Look, you know the deal.” Brushing his thumb against his skin placatingly, he waited until Dick met his eyes. “You’re working full time, and have your nightly duties, and you’re with us.” His voice dropped, his nostrils flaring in irritation. “It’s not like you’ll leave Bruce alone any time soon either. Dick.” His eyes crinkled around the edges – concern. “You’ve got to start taking care of yourself.” Dick rolled his eyes; he was doing fine.
“You’re working with Ollie, you have a daughter, and you’re working with us, look I had one breakdown-”
“More than one-”
“-Only one that wasn’t the result of external influences.” Fuck Brother Blood for the other ones. “We made the caffeine deal after,” he grimaced reflexively “I broke up with Kory but, Roy.” He clasped Roy’s hand with his other hand reassuringly. “I promise I’m doing better now.” Tilting his head to the side, he cracked his neck. “Plus, you only brought me along because Donna was busy, that’s not what the deal was for.”
“Okay, maybe that was shitty of me, but it’s nice seeing you without the tights.” Roy flashed a winning smile. “Not that I don’t like seeing you in them, the new stuff looks great.”
“Oh, so I don’t look great now?” He teased. He’d picked out his brightest shirt for the occasion – a polo patterned after bowling alley carpet paired with the tightest red jeans he could find, and of course, a pair of heels borrowed from Donna. A single giant hoop earring dangled off his left ear. If he was going out with Roy, he wanted people taking pictures. Payback. This would be in the news tomorrow.
“Babe,” Roy lifted up his hand, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “You look stunning.” He grinned goofily, seemingly happy to play along. Welp. If that’s how they were going to play it. He booped Roy’s nose, watching his pupils dilate. Dick recoiled in surprise – Roy wasn’t -
“Wait, you’re not actually-”
A scream cut him off, whirling around in his seat he saw a large man storming into the café brandishing a gun, his face red beet red and angry. He turned back, squeezing Roy’s hand, nodding towards the silverware.
“No-no one else move!” The guests around them stayed frozen in place. Three older ladies on their right, a family of four on their left (he guessed it was the young girl who screamed), and a couple across from them. The staff ducked behind the counter as people outside the restaurant scrambled away.
Dick raised his hands slowly. “I said no one move!” The gun pointed directly at him. Perfect.
“Okay, I won’t move.” He said steadily, watching sweat bead on the man’s head – he was nervous, his hands twitched uneasily on the gun – possibly his first time, and he kept muttering to himself. He watched Roy’s hand carefully creep towards silverware in his peripheral. “Do you want money? My father is rich.” Watching the man jitter about, he slowly stood up. Roy’s hand closed around the fork.
“Okay? You-you can get me money?” The man mused to himself, shifting his weight back and forth. He started lowering his gun, taking a step forward, he reached out his other hand. Dick took a few steps to the right, away from his chair, shifting attention away from Roy. “Okay the-”
*BANG* The world sped up around him, he rushed forward as the man fell-
*BANG* The man hadn’t even hit the ground – he was already dead – already-
*BANG* Blood and brain matter poured out of the man’s head, someone was screaming, it didn’t need to-
“STOP!” Someone slammed into his side, and he hurtled to the ground. “HOLD YOUR FIRE!”
Roy’s face hovered above him. “Dick! You’re going to be fine.” His hands clamped napkins to his left shoulder, one on his front the other on his back – and shit – that was a lot of blood. “Hey, look at me.” Pain radiated out for the spot as Roy doubled the weight on the wound, blood seeping out past his fingers, waves pulsating in time to his heartbeat.
Cops burst in through the door, rushing to swarm the dead body. One glanced their way. “Oh shit, you hit the fa-”
“Fucking call an ambulance you dipshits!” Roy’s voice sounded farther away. “Slow your heart, fuck, do your Jedi weirdo bat tricks.” He hissed. Too late, sometimes, things happen too fast. “They hit an artery.” The blood wasn’t stopping, the napkin was soaked through, Dick felt himself slipping into shock. “Dick, stay awake!”
“Lo-ve y-ou.” He stumbled over the words as the world exploded – a million things happening at once – his thoughts scattering as black tinged his vision, overcoming everything.
Roy scrubbed his hands, pausing over the sink, watching the pink water rush down the drain, gurgling as it went. He rubbed a hand further, tackling the blood crusted over his elbow. He made a mistake of catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror –Dick’s blood was everywhere, coating his shirt, arms, pants, even some on his face. His stomach flipped, clenching tightly as he started to gag - fuck.
Throwing himself over the toilet, dinner rising back up in his throat, he threw up the seat. Shaking, he held himself over the porcelain toilet, fingertips staining it red, as he heaved. Soap bubbles dripped from his hands over the edge of the bowl, spattering on the ground.
Each drop spurred a recollection of the night’s events.
*Plop* The man was dead before he hit the grown, brain matter spattering the wall.
*Plop* A bullet whistled through the air, missing Dick by millimeters, lodging six inches next to the little girl’s head. He ran, screaming <em>“Dick!”</em>
*Plop* Blood sprayed out, a bullet ripping through Dick’s shoulder, as he kept moving towards the man.
*Plop* <em>“Stop!”</em> Tackling Dick out of the way, he screamed for them to stop, ripping napkins off a table and desperately trying to stop Dick’s life from slipping through his fingers.
He fell to his knees, a pit growing in his stomach spreading to his chest, rooting him to the spot. He curled his knees to his chest. Fuck. Dick had been shot before. But this? It was different. They weren’t in costume, they hadn’t been ready – the man hadn’t even shot anyone, only the bastard cops had.
<em>“Love you.”</em>
What kind of final words were those! He sat on the tile floor, banging his head into the side of the wall. Dick couldn’t die. Not because he forced him on some dumb dinner date! It wasn’t fucking fair!
His vision blurred, but he couldn’t do anything to stop the tears, unless he wanted blood in his eyes. Just – fuck. “FUCK!” His shout reverberated around the room. This was all his fault – he should have stayed home with Lian, guilt pooled in the bottom of his stomach. Why couldn’t he just leave well enough alone? Why’d he always have to have the last word? What was wrong with him!? Normal people didn’t antagonize each other like that!
The door creaked open. “Roy?” Garth called, the door squealing as it slowly opened. “Donna’s here too, are you ohhhhhhhhh-kay?” His jaw dropped, though he quickly recovered. Roy looked away, in a failed attempt to hide the tear tracks on his cheeks.
Garth stared at his hands. “That’s a lot of blood.” He muttered, his eyes darting around the room. “I mean, I brought you clean clothes.” He placed pair of sweats and a ratty t-shirt he’d stolen from Dick years ago on the counter. Roy’s eyes lingered on the shirt, no doubt the choice had been intentional.
The sound of rushing water cut through the silence, seeming to grow louder with each passing moment. Garth leaned back against the counter, hopping up next to the sink. “He’ll be fine.”
“Yep.” Dick was always fine. Always fine until he wasn’t.
“It’s not your fault.” Wrong.
“Debatable.” Garth frowned at the response but held his tongue. Instead, he let his head fall back against the mirror, staring up at the ceiling.
Softly, barely above a whisper, he continued. “I left you all alone for one day and this is how it ends up.” Roy bit his lip. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Guilt bubbled in the bottom of his stomach, and annoyance overcame him; they’d had these conversations before.
“Are you kidding me? I know what you want me to say. It’s not your fault – of course not. But then you’ll say ah but it’s not my fault either.” Angrily throwing his arms in the air, he continued, his voice growing louder. “And no – Garth – actually it is my fault!” He could feel the blood rushing to his face. “I’m the one who made him go to the restaurant. I’m the one was too late getting him out of the line of fire!” His voice resounded around the cramped room. He banged his head against the wall again. “Look, I know what you’re trying to do and thanks. But no thanks.”
Nonchalantly shrugging, Garth gestured to the water. “Wallowing here won’t make you feel less guilty. Apologizing when he wakes up will help, and I’m sure you’d prefer to be clean when the time comes.”
“Garth? Could you just…” He trailed off; anger quickly overcome by a wave of guilt. Shut up? Leave? Stop? He wasn’t sure, but he was sure he didn’t deserve whatever pity Garth was feeling. A wet paper towel smacked him in the face.
“Kick you in the rear so you’ll get off your sorry ass and clean yourself up?” Hopping off the counter, Garth strode over, lifting Roy by the elbow. “That’s not my style. But I’ll help you get cleaned up.” He let himself be dragged towards the running water, facing himself in the mirror once more, though this time he focused on Garth.
Sometimes Dick could swear he was actually a time traveler. Or maybe had latent teleportation abilities. Realistically, he’d probably just blacked out from blood loss or a concussion, but eh, that option wasn’t as fun. Blinking, he found himself in a familiar setting; a hospital room in a private wing, at – a clock ticked to his left, looking up – it was 4:19am.
He waited a minute, watching the clock turn to 4:20 - nice.
What was he doing again? How long was he out?
He struggled for a moment before remembering that he went out with Roy at 6pm last night, so he was out for… god math was hard. Six to twelve is six hours plus four, uh, ten hours and twenty minutes. Right. As long as it was the same day, he was set.
“Shit.” He promptly realized he couldn’t move his left arm. A sling. UGH. “Son of a-” he cut himself off, realizing he wasn’t alone in the room, Donna was gently snoring in a nearby chair, a little throw blanket covering her. The patterns had fish people… there was a word for that… mer-somethings-maids, mermaids. Mermaids – Garth – Garth was here, that was his blanket.
Dick scanned the room, checking for signs of life. Someone’s bag was on the floor, but he didn’t feel like expending the brain power to figure out who’s. Alright. He steeled himself. Now was the perfect time for escape.
The room spun as he sat up, turning around and round again before his eyes. Hah. Count Vertigo was way worse than this. Yep, head empty, room spinning, this was fine. Swinging his legs over the bed, an alarm blared next to his head.
“Fuck!” He jumped out of his skin, springing to his feet, in a defensive position. Well. He thought he did. The room was tilting on its side, the high-pitched noise shattering his thoughts. Instinctively, he tried to run.
“Woah there, shorty.” He found himself held by strong arms, the world turning once more. The familiar scent of Roy’s aftershave overpowered his senses. Distantly he was aware of the alarm turning off, his legs hitting the back of the bed. Roy’s face swam into view as he was guided back onto the bed, now propped up by soft pillows. So much for escape…
He closed his eyes, waiting for the rush of dizziness to pass. “Roy?” Warm arms wrapped around his torso, snaking tenderly around the sling. “What?” He mumbled - not that he was complaining, as he nestled his chin on Roy’s shoulder. He sighed contentedly, pressing his face into Roy’s stiff neck, closing his eyes and basking in the warmth.
For some reason, the wheels in his brain began turning. Roy. Dinner. Gunshots. His eyes shot open. “Fuck did you get hit, are you okay?” He pulled back, scanning Roy for injuries.
“I’m fine.” Roy facepalmed.
“You got shot and you’re asking if <em>I’m</em> okay?” Roy shook his head, exhaustion clear in his voice. Dick looked at his sling again.
“I got shot?” It was like a piece of a puzzle clicking into place. “I got shot…” Wasn’t he supposed to be somewhere else? “How the fuck am I supposed to explain this to my boss?”
Sighing, Roy took a seat on the edge of the bed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why are you like this?” Turning, he looked Dick in the eyes. “Don’t answer that actually. Look, I’m sorry I made you go out to dinner.”
“Why? It was nice.” The food was good. Sputtering, Roy searched for words.
“Well. Don’t say I never apologized.” A little bit of a blush crept up his neck.
His mind abruptly recalled something he’d heard Roy saying to Lian. “Apologies come with hugs.” Roy rolled his eyes but moved closer anyways.
“You don’t even know why I’m apologizing.” He mumbled, brushing Dick’s bangs to the side. Dick grinned as Roy pecked his forehead, sweeping him into a second embrace. Two hugs in one day – that was a pretty good day. Roy’s fingers stroked through his hair, as Dick leaned into his muscular side, the world spinning slightly, though he’d found a solid rock to lean on.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Melodies. -Yamaguchi Tadashi-
 One of the works I’ve wanted to do of my own accord, I promise I’ll be back to answering requests soon haha! Please enjoy this fic of my favorite freckled server, he needs all the love<3 Turns into kind of a song fic at the end! 
Set in a college AU-  (warnings: mild swearing)
WordCount: 2766
the one in which the shy freckled boy discovers a playlist with his name as the title on his best friend’s phone
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The first day of college calculus had started off absolutely horrendous. 
Your anxiety had continued bubbling up immensely as you laid wide awake in your bed the night before, the fearful result being you waking up a good six minutes after you were supposed to be in class, freshly prepared and showered with a caffienated drink in hand. 
Only you weren’t. 
So that’s how you stumbled into class a solid fifteen minutes late, hair thrown up in some sort of messy knot accompanied by a simple outfit of leggings (you slept in those), and a hoodie that was much too massive for your figure. To make matters worse, along with the pointed stare from your professor and the other near a hundred, most of the seats seemed to be filled at full glance. You withold the urge to tug at your hair and kick the wall. Your worst expectations had become a reality. 
“Nice of you to join us, Miss...L/N, is it? You’re the only one I wasn’t able to call out from the roster, and I usually do not take attendance. It’s the first day of the semester, in case you forgot. “ 
You suck air through your teeth before nodding once, ignoring the searing heat on your cheeks as a few chuckles chorused through the large group of students. 
“Take your seat. And don’t bother coming next time at all if you’re going to interrupt my lecture.” 
You nod once again before awkwardly walking up the steps, feeling all eyes on you as you willed yourself to get through the nightmarish situation. So he was one of those.
 The seats were full, to your dismay, and you felt heat rise to your eyes as you wished the professor would continue teaching, to get the attention off of you. 
“When you’re ready, Miss L/N.” 
Every cell in your body urged you to get out of there until by some stroke of luck, you saw movement in the scarily still classroom. A freckled boy had been waving his hand just high enough for you to see it, pointing downwards a bit shyly to signal the seat next to him was free. 
A rush of relief washes over you as you make a beeline over, plopping down in the offered shared desk as the professor finally begins to speak again. You had been saved, your savior moving his bag over some more to give you more room. 
“I promise I don’t usually look like this.” You whisper, getting your notebook and materials out. “But thank you sooo much, you don’t even know how close I was to crying.” 
“D-Don’t mention it.” The freckled boy whispers back, fiddling with his pen as you realized how shy he seemed, knowing that almost everyone on the first day of semester wanted friends, the shy ones being too scared to take the first step. Your eyes brightened at his phone screen, seeing a familiar song light it up before nudging him by the shoulder, your professor’s words of a syllabus becoming background noise as he looks towards you a second time, eyes kind in case you needed anything. 
“A man with taste, I see.” You grin, and the dark haired boy blushes before brushing some of his hair out of his face. 
“You listen to lovelytheband?” 
“Yamaguchi. L/N.” You both straighten immediately, ‘Yamaguchi’ turning a darker shade of red as he stands at attention, bowing immediately as you sat awkwardly next to his aplogetic figure. The professor sends you a scolding look as you shrink down in your seat, hating college already as he resumes class once again, figuring you had been placed on the bottom of his spectrum of students. 
However, you take just one more chance, scribbling on the corner of the now embarrassed boy’s syllabus with a small, secretive smile as the red ink appears on paper. 
Yamaguchi, was it?
Yamaguchi’s lips quirk up the slightest bit at the childish antic of writing notes to each other before blue ink touches below your note, red fading from his cheeks and taking on a pink hue. 
Yes. L/N-san?
All previous embarrassment forgotten, you figure all the awful events leading up to meeting your first friend had been worth it. 
Call me Y/N. 
“Tadashi, I don’t want to go! He’s hated me since day one, and you know it.” 
“Y/N, I already bought your coffee, don’t waste it please.” Yamaguchi sighs, shrugging his own bag off before placing it on your bed, taking a seat on the edge of it as you talk to him through your bathroom door. The first year of college seemed to whizz by in a flash, most memories being with the awkward, freckled kid that had soon become your closest friend seeing as you had been each other’s first.
“You’ve made it through the entirety of the semester, right? You’re going to pass this final.” 
“Shut up, you’re smart, you don’t get an opinion!” You pout, emerging from your bathroom in jeans and a bra as Yamaguchi reddens, turning immediately to face the wall respectfully as you withold a giggle, knowing Yamaguchi had seen a lot more than that after helping you back to your dorm after nights of getting wasted at your high school friend’s fraternity house. Bokuto and Kuroo pretty much got shit-faced every weekend. 
“We studied-” 
“You studied, Tadashi. I poked the seeds out of strawberries with a toothpick half the time.” You correct, braiding your hair back when fully dressed. “You can look now, Mr. Purity, I won’t corrupt you.”
Yamaguchi ruffles your hair, bending slightly to match your height as he stands from your bed, a key to your dorm dangling from his bike keys. “You’ve got this, alright? Don’t doubt yourself, you were at least doing math when counting the seeds-” 
You snatch your coffee as Yamaguchi chuckles, following you out of your dorm as you ensure the halls are mostly empty, not needing your RA to scold you for bringing Yamaguchi in here again, even after seeing he was harmless. Yamaguchi takes your phone and keys, your hands full from the beverage and your bag as you meet your other two friends in the morning sun. 
“Oh look. The fuckbuddies who apparently don’t fuck are here.” 
“Well hello to you too, Tsukishima.”
 You blink, unfazed as Yamaguchi blushes at the cynical blonde’s crude language, Sugawara swatting the blonde’s back as Tsukishima simply shrugs in reply. 
“Are we meeting up with Kuroo and the others after finals are over?” You grin excitedly as Suga clicks his tongue, flicking your forehead in a parental like way as you pout, Yamaguchi chuckling from alongside you. 
“How about we take our Calculus final first, and then you can focus on the party.” 
“Yes, mother of mine.” 
You dodge the next flick to the forehead as Yamaguchi puts a single hand on your shoulder, reading something on his phone as his eyes suddenly widen. “Crap! Last minute turn of events, we’re getting put into two separate rooms according to our last names! Y/N, you and Suga’s room is farther out!”
Suga groans, tugging your forearm along as you share in that groan. “So we have what, eight minutes to get somewhere all the way across campus?” 
“If we run, we’ll make it!” You exclaim, beginning to drag Suga with you as you break into a run, offering Yamaguchi a bright smile before doing so and promptly flicking Tsukishima off, who responds in the same fashion without missing a beat. 
“Wait, Y/N your phone-!” 
“Keep it! Get it back to me after I fail this test! Love you Tadashi!” 
“Y-Yeah, l-love you too!” 
“Have fun failing!” 
“I took notes on how to do it from you, Kei, don’t worry!” 
Tsukishima rolls his eyes as yours and Suga’s figures fade into the distance, your coffee splashing within it’s cup as Suga laughed at how easily tired you seemed. Golden brown eyes examine his friend, noting how Yamaguchi had a far off look in his eyes as your laughter died down in volume the further you got, soft smile set on his lips that was almost sad. 
“If you like her, just tell her.” Tsukishima had continued walking casually as Yamaguchi chokes on air at the sudden heavy words hurled in his direction. 
“Don’t even bother trying to hide it. All of us guessed it, and you just confirmed it with that reaction.” Tsukishima shrugs as Yamaguchi races to his side, heart beating in his ears as his shoulders seemed to sink in defeat, almost as if he had been fighting a losing battle yet still wanted to be on the frontlines. 
“Y/N’s way too good for me.” Yamaguchi finally said as the pair lucky enough to walk the normal distance continued their stroll to class. “I’m happy just...being close to her. I don’t need anything more.” 
“Hm. Oh really?” The blonde yawns, carelessness in his tone. “Even if someone else wants to be even closer?” 
Tsukishima smirks a little at the lack of reply as the exam building comes into view before patting Yamaguchi once on the back, done stirring up the sensitive boy’s emotions.
“Definitely not the right time to get your head stuck with that dumbass. You coming?” 
“Y-Yeah, just let me turn off my phone-” 
“Better hurry up.” 
Tsukishima’s continued steps sounded in Yamaguchi’s ears as he hurriedly turned on and swiped open his phone, heart dropping when realizing he had accidentally grabbed yours. Going to turn it off after seeing it open to your music application, something else catches his eye. 
Issa Vibe
At least try to study, dumb hoe
Shit Kuroo wants me to listen to (don’t) 
Yamaguchi Tadashi:)
Red spread across freckled cheeks before he finds himself sending the playlist to himself, deleting the message afterwards as if he was in a trance before turning off your phone, wanting nothing more than to sit back and listen to the music inside the playlist named after him. Guilt in his chest, he steps into the building, head spinning with something that was definitely not calculus.
“Wow, well fuck me then I guess.” 
You laugh out loud as you enter the fraternity house Bokuto and Kuroo resided in for the end of semester party, throwing yourself into your high school friend’s arms after not seeing Bokuto for awhile. Kuroo scoffs when you go to hug him next, pretending not to enjoy it as he scolds you for how short your skirt is. 
“Where’s Tsukki and Yama?” You question over the music as Bokuto grins, jutting a thumb backwards where Daichi and Suga were playing an intense game of beer pong against Tsukishima and Akaashi.
“I saw your freckled pet go upstairs earlier.” Kuroo grins as you feel a twinge in your chest. 
“Like with a girl?” 
“Have you met the kid? No way, he said something about wanting to lie down and he’s in Kenma’s room right now.”
You nod your head thanks, suddenly serious as Bokuto whoops childishly, causing you to roll your eyes as Suga sends you a questioning, overprotective stare on why you were going up the stairs of a frat house. You mouth Yamaguchi, before waving back to Daichi with a bright grin. 
“Go get your boy, Y/N!” 
“Akaashi, please scold him-” 
“On it. Kenma’s room is on the left by the way.” 
The many doors were confusing, accidentally opening one to Oikawa Tooru’s (who coaxed you to come in, what a tool), one to Terushima Yuuji’s (same thing, god you hated frat houses), and finally to Kenma’s, one of the few normal ones living in the house mainly because of Kuroo. You had opened the door right as Kenma had been planning to leave, and he nods to you once before glancing behind him to your best friend’s figure laying on his bed on his back, eyes closed with a pair of earbuds in. 
“He asked to borrow a pair of headphones and he’s been like that for awhile. Those are sound-cancelling, so do with that information what you will.” 
You pout, knowing Kuroo probably told Kenma about how much of a crackhead you were sometimes. “Aw, where’s the faith?” 
“Apparently none, with you.” Kenma cracks a small smile in response before leaving the room, turning back once to leave some parting words.  
“If you’re planning on doing anything, do it in Kuroo’s room, not mine.” 
Before you can deny that suggestion, Kenma’s already closing the door behind him as you groan and roll your eyes, wondering why everyone seemed to have the two of you figured out when in reality,
 you were just friends-
nothing more. 
You turn your attention to your best friend, careful not to make any sudden noise before realizing Yamaguchi was intensely concentrated on what he was listening to. Your eyes trace over his features, from the hands that helped you at your call, to the spread of the even freckles that were reddened half the time, and even to the length of his eyelashes, wanting nothing more than to lay next to him. You stop yourself, shaking your head- 
nothing less.
Just like that first day in class, you tap on the screen to see what music would brighten his phone screen and keep him in such a trance.
The lump forms in your throat before you can stop it, wondering how the hell he suddenly developed a taste for mxmtoon’s Falling for U, remembering how when you showed him that artist, he had claimed it wasn’t for him. 
Fearfully, you swipe into his phone to see your off-chance suspicions had been correct as you sit on the edge of the bed hastily, startling Yamaguchi to sit up from his laying position, panicked. He relaxes slightly when seeing you, only to panic again when he sees his brightened phone screen. 
“U-Um, Y/N, I-” 
You stand, eyes downcast as you brush your skirt off, walking towards the door as a fake laugh cuts his stuttered explanations off, heart pounding in your ears. 
“H-Haha! Uh, I didn’t mean to wake you, you just looked so peaceful.” 
Your pace quickens.
“I’ll see you downstairs, okay? They have a really cool cereal dispenser and I want some cereal all of a sudden-” 
You hear the creak of the bed, signalling he was to his feet as you begin to pull open the door.  
“Hey, how was the exam by the-?” 
You take a shaky breath when Yamaguchi’s arm extends, hand closing the door shut once again as you stand there, noticing the slight tremble of Yamaguchi’s arm before turning, pressing your back against the door as one of the freckled boy’s arms trap you in, proximity so close you can feel each other’s breaths. 
Yamaguchi takes one of the earbuds, putting one in your ear as the lyrics sound in your ears, and you look away, hearing the familiar tune as Yamaguchi takes the other one, slowly as to not startle you.
(IT’S CUTER IF YOU LISTEN TO IT: Falling For U- mxmtoon)
But I can't help it I'm falling for you And I can't quit it 'Cause I'm stuck on you
Your eyes brim with unshed tears before you can stop them, feeling Yamaguchi’s hand cup your cheek gently, droplets falling onto his knuckles.
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me, boy
Fear filled your chest, the secret you tried so desperately hard to keep locked away becoming exposed without your knowledge. You were scared of how the boy you loved would react, how would Yamaguchi look at you after knowing you had kept it a secret for the sake of the friendship you cherished so?
Can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
“Tadashi.” You whisper, seeing a whole other person from the shy, freckled boy with the blue ink on your first day of class as Yamaguchi smiles softly, nodding once. 
I'm scared... Of telling you how I feel
“I love you.” 
Maybe It's better If I just try to conceal The truth
“Y/N L/N.” 
For me And for you
“I’m pretty sure I loved you first.”
And then from the close proximity, the distance was closed, a hand slipping into yours tightly as the wetness on your cheeks become unnoticeable, Yamaguchi Tadashi kissing you with a gentless so sweet you could melt. 
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emu-lumberjack · 4 years
Don’t Answer the Phone tired Part 3
Damian’s left at the mercy of his brothers, and he really needs to start paying attention.
Hi guys, I’ve had probably too much caffiene late at night but heres the next part to Don’t Answer the Phone Tired. Some backstory and croissants are in order. I promise next time more Marinette. also as a side note, the Kipo soundtrack is amazing to write too. 
Part one
Part two
Part four
part five
“Since you pricks are insistent on being social, tell me how Gotham is.” Damian asked his brothers, downing a swig of coffee.
“Oh you know dark, gloomy, and full of rouges.” Dick said “But enough about Gotham. Tell us about Paris, specifically a special somebody.”
“No.” The voice he used was cold and curt. “Where do you want to eat.”
“I think there's a bakery nearby.” Jason said with a grin, the exhausted Damian didn’t put two and two together until they were at the door of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. “Shit.” Damian turned around to leave, only for Jason to pick him by his hood and look him straight in the eyes.
“Now listen here Demon spawn. We’re hungry and poor Timmy over there is freezing cold after the nice little ice bath you gave him.” A glance over to Tim saw the poor boy shivering in his still wet clothes. “So we are gonna go in there and grab some nice warm pastries. Unless there's a reason we shouldn’t, but I couldn’t think of one could you?” Damian silently cursed his mother for teaching Jason to be such an ass, more so than he normally was. He kept his mouth shut knowing it would be worse for him to say that this was Marinette's bakery.
The party walked there normal mismatch of aesthetics. The bakery smelled like warm bread and freshly baked cookies. Like Marinette. It was enough for Damian to temporarily relax and let loose a breath he’d been holding for the last hour. This change in demeanor wasn’t missed by Dick but the elder boy chose not to comment.
“Hello and welcome to the Dupain-Cheng Bake…… Oh Damian it’s you. Wait, why aren’t you at school? Is Marinette alright?” Sabine came out from behind the counter, turning off her customer service voice the minute she saw it was Damian.
“Yes Sabine she’s completely fine. In fact she made sure I got up in time.” He motioned with his coffee mug. “A real lifesaver. The reason I’m not there now is because my brothers decided they just needed to come visit me in Paris so my dad called me out for the day.” Sabiene looked at the 3 other men in the room before responding,
“Oh how delightful, you never speak of your family. I was starting to think you just hatched out of an egg somewhere.” A snicker from the boys in the back, “well no matter we must sit down and talk, I’d love to get to know them!” it was then that she noticed Tim in all of his drenched glory, “I can also lend you some of Tom’s old clothes while yours dry.”
“Oh if that wouldn’t be too much of a bother, someone thought they were funny and tried to get me up in a not so polite manner.” He glared at Damian, the latter pointedly ignoring him.
Sabine caught on to his meaning quickly and stifled a laugh “Oh it's no problem at all, they might be a bit big though.”
Ten minutes later they were situated around the table on the upper level, hot coffee in front of Jason, Tim, and Damian while Sabine and Dick both had tea. The boys had chosen different pastries. Dick went with a blueberry scone, Tim who was now sitting in a much too big white shirt and comically oversized pants for his frame had a classic butter croissant and Jason went with a pain au lait. Damian having already eaten just sat sipping his coffee.
“So Ms. Dupain-Cheng..” Dick Began.
“Oh please just call me Sabiene” She interrupted.
“Alright Sabine, Damian’s been less than forthcoming about his time here in Paris, would you be able to fill in some gaps? Like how he and Marinette met.” Damian kicked Dick from underneath the table.
“Oh I’d be happy too! It’s actually a rather cute story. Damian had just moved to Paris and was having trouble making any friends, Marinette had taken note of that and asked me and Tom, he’s my husband you’d meet him but he’s out of town right now, so she asked Tom and me to help make this boy in her class some macaroons to help him get more accustomed to Paris. We thought to remind him of Gotham so we made them Batman and Robin themed. We actually probably have a picture of them around here somewhere.” She mumbled the last bit to herself as Damian steadily slunk down in his chair attempting to hide from looks his brothers would throw his way. “Well anyway the next day they were in class, and since they sat next to each other she tried to offer him the macaroons then, but Damian being Damian didn’t want to take them. Something about not liking sweets. Instead of shying away she just split one in half and asked him to just try that.”
“I can take it from here Sabine.” Damian's voice surprised even him, but the boy knew what was coming next and it would be less embarrassing if he said it.
“Of course, you were there so you probably know it better anyway.”
Three predatory gazes settled on Damian taking note of everything he said to rely to Bruce, Damian took a breath and continued, “I took the half she offered me out of politeness, after all Sabine you and Tom worked very hard on them. They were probably some of the best Macaroons I’d ever had. Marinette left the box between the two of us on our desk and went back to her school work. When she wasn’t looking I took another one, I hadn’t eaten breakfast and it was a very nice gesture.” Damian looked up to see Dick holding his hand over his mouth, concealing a squeal most likely. Todd was looking at him with laughter in his eyes, and even Drake had a shit-eating grin on his face. “Anyway I ended up eating the entire thing, after class Marinette and I started talking more, and eventually we just ended up hanging out outside of class playing video games and the like.”
“Oh my Gosh that is so adorable.” Grayson was the first to speak after Damian finished. “Damian I never knew you could be so… so…”
“Nice?” Tim supplied.
“Yes nice!”
“I’m mainly focusing on the fact that Damian was kind enough to actually have her keep up conversation after the first one.” Jason was looking at Damian incredulously.
“Ah I see his prickly attitude is not a recent development.” Sabine said, taking a sip of her tea.
“That would be an understatement. Although believe it or not he’s actually a lot better then when we first met him.” Dick said politely.
The five of them sat quietly trading stories of Gotham and Paris, Damian firmly keeping them off the topic of him and Marinette. Cups of tea and coffee came and went until a cheerful voice called from the foyer “Mamman I’m home!” Damian immediately sprinted downstairs and tackled Marinette in a bearhug.
“Please never leave me alone with them again.”
She just laughed and said “Was it really that bad Dames?” Tim who had just walked downstairs startled chuckling.
“What’s so funny Drake?” Damian said icily.
“The fact she called you Dames! Last time I think someone tried to do that you had a katana at their throat and they were found hanging upside down from one of the gargoyles at Gotham academy.”
“Did you seriously do that Damian?” Marinette focused her gaze on him.
“Ok in my defense it’s also because he wouldn’t stop coming onto me even though I had said no. I mean he wasn’t even my type.”
“Oh and what is your type then?” She asked.
“Blue hair with gorgeous blue eyes. A complete klutz half the time, while still somehow managing to keep seven layer cakes from falling down. Someone who will draw and sketch to their heart's content, while simultaneously dealing with a dumbass. Also doesn’t hurt if they can make the most beautiful clothes.” He planted a small kiss on Marinette's cheek just to emphasize.
“Seriously, how did you do that.” Tim’s voice cut through the moment, Damian turned towards him annoyed.
“Now that is a story for after lunch. How bout we go grab some sushi and we’ll tell you.”
Not again.
Tag list (I’m assuming if you wanted to be tagged in part two you want to be tagged here, if not: welp you are anyway): 
@ur-average-reader @kristycocopop @k-laconia-bug1 @smolplantmum @dast218 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @acoursedprophetwithasmothie @g-arya @loysydark @mewwitch @itsemeanne @hauntedstudent99 @shippernaturalsanderspjoandscifi @purplesundaze
general writing tag: 
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emotional-blender · 4 years
“you’re fucking ridiculous,” (luke hemmings x reader)
a/n: just a little thing about dreams and hurt feelings. feedback is always appreciated and loved. as always, if you’d like to be added to the taglist send me a message or an ask and i’ll happily add you!
warnings: swearing.
word count: 1247
your eyes follow luke around the kitchen as you sit at the island in your pyjamas. your hands are wrapped comfortably around a large mug of tea, urging the caffienation of the cream of earl gray to kick in so you can feel human. he can feel your stare boring holes into his back as he pours his coffee, turning to face you with his own mug in hand.
"why are you so grumpy?" he asks, eyes a little wide, brow raised just a bit, already feeling like he might have to defend himself. from what? he doesn't know but he isn't wrong. you don’t answer him immediately, taking another silent sip of your tea as you shrug your shoulders. 
“i’m not,” you finally use your words and his brows lift a little more because he knows you and he knows you’re lying. The truth of it is, if you told him the truth he’d laugh you right back to bed, so you stay quiet, your mind flashing back to the dream you’d been startled awake from a half-hour ago. It’s not often that you’re startled enough to actually leave him in bed, not unless you have to work but today is your day off and normally you’d still be sound asleep, fighting the same slumber fight you always have, trying to wrestle covers away from each other to take the edge off of the chill. 
“well you’re not… not grumpy,” he points out. He wants to come to you but just like he knows you’re not… not grumpy, he knows he’s better off keeping his distance than trying to blanket you in affection, even if that’s his go to move to make you smile. the thing is there are regular grumps and there are these grumps; the kind where he instinctively knows he’s the cause, even if he isn’t always sure why.
“i said i was fine,” you snap even though you definitely hadn’t said that exactly. it’d been what you meant. you don’t even feel that bad when you see the flicker of hurt dance over his sleepy features before he puts up his wall and shakes his head. 
“okay, you’re fine. not grumpy at all,” he agrees with you even though you can hear the pout in his voice. it’s annoying. it’s especially annoying because when you look at his face all you can think about is the way it had looked in you dreams, taunting you and teasing you about how his new girlfriend was so much prettier than you were, nicer than you were, that he couldn’t believe he’d spent so long wasting his time with you. 
the way your eyes filled with tears as you looked at your tea couldn’t be helped. stupid. that’s what this was. so so stupid.  clearing your throat a little, you hopped down off of the stool you were sitting on, taking one last sip before looking at luke with your eyes glassy. 
“you were very mean to me last night,” you half explained. you just barely caught the confusion marring his face, brows furrowed, mouth hanging open as you turned and left the kitchen to go back to bed. it was, after all, your day off. 
“what the fuck are you talking about?” the confusion was as evident in his tone as it had been all over his face, and you shook your head, feeling even more stupid as you heard his footsteps behind you. 
“just lea-” you started but stopped as his hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you where you were. turning your face to him, you couldn’t help the deep warm blush you felt settled there. all you had really needed was a few moments to compose yourself after waking up, to reason and logic that luke - your luke - would never say those things to you. you needed the time to come to the conclusion that the luke in your dreams was merely a vessel for your own insecurities; the voice your brain had picked to hammer your fears in most effectively. 
you ended up in a staring contest, his blue eyes staring into yours. you could see the hurt in them, even if you hadn’t managed to get out the words ‘leave me alone’ he knows what you were about to say and the longer you stand silent, the more hurt you can see him getting. you relent at the same time. whatever grip he had on your wrist is gone and your mouth is opening again, even if words don’t immediately come out. It takes another beat of you staring at each other, him waiting and you trying to find words that won’t make you sound like a fucking lunatic. 
“in my dreams,” you finally manage quietly, wincing inwardly at how it sounds. “you were very mean to me in my dreams last night,” the clarification sounds worse but somehow the look on his face softens. The look in his eyes changes as he looks at you and it’s your turn to put your wall up, to get ready for whatever it is he’s about to say to you. he’s the one who should be angry with you; sure dream luke had been a dick but real you had been one, too, and one of them definitely counted more than the other. 
instead of words, he reaches back out for you, an hand on your forearm as he pulls you closer to him. you go, following him helplessly and letting him pull you to his chest as he presses his cheek against the top of your head.
“you’re fucking ridiculous,” he finally mumbles against you, quiet for another couple of seconds before he continues. “what did dream me do that was so awful,”
you swear he’s only asking to make you endure the embarrassment of how ridiculous you are, but you answer him, voice barely above a whisper against his chest. 
“got a new girlfriend, told me how much prettier she was, how much nicer. And then you told me you shouldn’t have wasted this much time with me,” your admission got quieter and quieter as you went on. your heart thudded in your ears as your words were met with silence. he didn’t say anything but he didn’t let you go either. finally, after what seemed like minutes - it’d been seconds, really - you felt him clear his throat, the sound hitting your ears simultaneously. 
“i love you, you sassy little shit,” he pulled you closer to him somehow, a hand rubbing up and down your back while the other stayed wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you tucked to his chest. “but jesus christ you’re insane,” 
you couldn’t help the way you busted out into laughter at his words, head lifting, tipping upward so he could look at him from where you stood. his hand didn’t take long to move up, pushing your hair out of your face, low laughter tumbling past his own lips. 
“i’m serious,” he continued, but leaned down to press a kiss to your lips. “you’re fucking ridiculous. just tell me the next time you hurt your own feelings so i can tell you how much of an asshole dream me is. we’ll make sure to handle him when we go to sleep tonight,”
more laughter falls out of you and you shake your head against him, moving to nuzzle your nose against his.
“i fucking hate it when you’rethe one who makes sense,” 
“i know,”
taglist: @calumscalm @thesubtweeter @treatallwithkindness
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