#it hurts but in like a good way like a hug after a vent
hesitantvampirealien · 5 months
someone please tell me i'm not the only person who feels completely destroyed emotionally after listening to Summertime
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donutz · 2 months
Yandere Sebastian x reader if you okay with it?
Yandere alphabet Sebastian Solace headcanons
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When Sebastian gets TOO attached
— Credits to @dear-yandere for the prompt!! I probably won't do this again because I don't enjoy yanderes all that much. But don't feel bad for requesting this, I enjoyed this and had many laughs ^_^
Warnings: There's gonna be a lot, but there's no acting it out I swear; Mentions of abduction, fighting back, lashing out, escaping, punishment(NOT IN A 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 WAY), dying(You don't die), isolation, crying, screaming, exploition, hurting Reader, revere/worship, breaking, manipulation, and drugging Reader!!; Remember they're just mentions, so it doesn't happen; This turns out to be bad at the end, I think, I'm just tired
Affection(How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get)?
Sebastian would get the urge to just hug you, specifically hugging you really tight just so you can’t leave
He wouldn’t do it himself, because he doesn’t want to get too close to humans
You’d have to act out most of the affection, physical affection especially
He doesn’t mind doing acts of service, and loves quality time
Spending time with you is just so simple for him, and really builds trust between you two
That’s what he thinks
You’d have to be near dead or just really emotional in a moment for him to say he loves you
It’s not like he doesn’t! No way! Who wouldn’t?!
But maybe it’s better that others don’t love you.. Romantically of course
Family is important
It wouldn’t get too intense, just hugging you pretty tight to the point you can’t go anywhere
Or just keeping you in his shop for a long amount of time, he already took care of that radar thing, don’t worry
He really likes to stitch up any injuries or help you with them, even the smallest cuts can make him want to heal you
One time you were hanging around for a large amount of time, taking in all of the time you two spent together
You realized that you needed to go, standing up to go to the vent
He stopped you, holding your whole arm with just one of his hands, yelling for you to wait
You looked back at him shocked and confused
“... Sebastian”?
“Could you.. Just stay a little longer”?
Let’s say in this moment you had a crush on him
“Uhm. Yeah, sure, I don’t mind”.
That interaction was the start of it, of him clinging to you, wanting you to stay here
Here with him
He wondered why he felt this way
Blood(How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling)?
Not too bloody, he finds human blood disgusting… Well– it depends on the human
Not really, I mean he’ll admit that your blood smells gross, whether he loves you or not
He might even feel a little bit guilty after
Minus the monsters, if anybody else really touches you, he’ll just scowl but leave it alone
He’ll most likely act out on somebody who was making you uncomfortable
Maybe even kill them? But not in his shop, somebody else may smell it and allege that he had done it
He doesn’t want to hurt them… In front of you, he’d just scare them off
If they didn’t get scared off then he’d break their arm
Then you’re just in the back watching it all, looking at the prisoner and then Sebastian
“.... Oh my”.
The prisoner would yell out for help, then they’d pass out
Sebastian would try to explain to you that he was just— Removing a bad.. Prisoner?
“No it’s fine, I— I understand”…
Maybe he loves you even more after that?
Maybe you love him even more now?
Cruelty(How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them)?
Uhm.. I’m not sure!
I wouldn’t think Sebastian would abduct Reader, mainly because he wants to focus on getting out of the Hadal Blacksite
But hypothetically, if he were to…
I think he wouldn’t try to smile at you every time he saw you, to show you that he wouldn’t want to be messed with
“Sebastian, you didn’t need to abduct me”.
“Uh— What”...?
He isn’t very good at the abducting thing… Maybe that’s why those ropes are so loose…
While that’s true, it’s mainly because he doesn’t know how to tie a rope
It’s embarrassinggg… Don’t tease him too much about it
He would TRY to tease you, make it SEEM like you miss the outside
Yet in this universe, you don’t mind, at all
But that doesn’t mean you enjoy just being by yourself down here
He would never mock you! Seriously anyways
Minus me not really enjoying yandere things, I actually would think that Sebastian isn’t really good at yandere stuff
Other than just having those feelings for you, breaking your legs is… Crazy
Ugh, don’t even SPEAK about isolating you from the world, that’s somewhat worse
He knows what it’s like, and if you’re not working for Urbanshade, he wouldn’t want to put you through that
Not the person he loves!
Why would someone do that…?
Darling(Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will)?
No, I mean if turning off that detonation system counts then yeah
Why would he abduct you just for you to die in thirty minutes?
That’s dumb.
He wouldn’t do anything romantic to you without your consent
If he did then that would mean he’d be just like those Urbanshade ‘people’
Eventually he’d just let you go
Disappointed in himself for even thinking of doing this
Sorry if you’re into abduction☹️
Exposed(How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling)?
Since he feels this way already, he might as well spill out his feelings? Right?
He’d let you read his document for free, after knowing and loving each other of course!
Randomly he’d just reveal bits and bits of his past, of Urbanshade, that stupid company…
In those emotional moments, he would talk about what had happened
Possibly even how he feels? Like everyday I mean, not about you
Actually it’s both
He’d turn his back to you, which is very important for a scared creature
Like a cat, I’m not saying he’s like a cat
He might like cats, or hate them, I’m not sure, just a random headcanon
He’d LOVE to open up to you, he swears!
He trusts you too, a lot
But in order for him to do that, please, don’t joke about his past
Sebastian can be very vulnerable, one time he was resting his head in your lap
A huge creature on your lap, his head the size of your torso, it was nice
Fight(How would they feel if their darling fought back)?
There’s no point, he can crush your head with his hand
He would regret not drugging you
He’d slap you so you can pass out, but he doesn't want to hurt you! At all!
Please don’t fight back, you’re making it harder than it needs to be
You’re hanging up by the back of your shirt, with his claw, flailing
“Oh my god!! Sebastian I’m choking”.
“Oh, sorry”.
That wasn’t serious
He just might yell at you to stop fighting
Game(Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape)?
No, he’d be very annoyed every time you’d escape, it just shows how sane you are
The more times you try to escape, the more days you stay down here
Because if you escape then you might tell Urbanshade about him, they’re the only ones who know he’s alive so they might believe you
It’s better to just play into it, so you can leave earlier and be mentally okay
He doesn’t enjoy cat and mouse, not with you
I mean if he was hunting somebody down at that dumb company, he would LOVE it, temporarily
It’d get annoying after some time
He doesn’t enjoy watching you struggle and squirm in those barely tight ropes
He’d tell you to just give up, he’s not going to let you go
After many attempts of escaping, he’ll give you a HUGE tip
“If you want to escape so badly, then START loving me”.
If you’re smart enough, you’ll get that pretending that you love him will get you out of here
If you aren’t and keep escaping, it’s not going to go good for you
He may not be good at ropes, but he may be good with certain drugs
To keep you down here of course
He wouldn’t want to manipulate you into loving him
… He might have to though
Hell(What would be their darling’s worst experience with them)?
I would guess him giving you your ‘every-other-day’ drugs  so you can stay with him
Being convinced that you’ll stay down here with him forever is a bad one
Uhm… Him yelling at you?
God, he really doesn’t want to make it hard for you! Just LOVE HIM ALREADY!!!
Or maybe it is
Abducting you wasn’t the best option so you can love him
He doesn’t enjoy isolating you from the world, but he can’t just have you getting with anybody else!!
No he—... He could never let you with anybody else
Ideals(What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling)?
He’d hope you’d love him back
So he could let you go
He doesn’t want you to stay down here
He doesn’t want to drug you
It hurts
He doesn’t want for you to go through the same thing he did
Minus the experiments
Maybe not marriage, but being together romantically is a dream for him
He imagines being more happier
Happier with you
You’re so important to him :(
Imagining being at the surface, being Solace again
Oh what a dream.
He’d marry you if he was human
It’s not just the sex part, it’s having to deal with kids
Don’t tell anybody I said this but… I think Sebastian is asexual...
Shh shhh…
Jealousy(Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope)?
He can get really jealous, only if he sees anybody else being friendly with you
Unless it’s the other monsters, he’d be surprised but also proud
Of the monster, but it also depends on the monster
If it was Eyefestation or The p.AI.nter he’d feel very proud
Getting along with a human is… Strange down here
To realize they’re all not bad
Some of them are good
Anyways, if you start to talk about your (possible)friends at the surface then his face expression would change
From a restful expression to slightly stressed and furious
He immediately wipes that expression off his face
Sebastian doesn’t want you to realize he’s jealous
Too bad you already noticed
“What? You jealous or something?” You tease
“No I’m just.. Surprised you have friends”.
“Ouch, oh wow you hurt me”!
He tries to not lash out, but maybe a distraction can work or something
“Heyyy! Y’know I think that I wouldn’t mind ONE person leaving MY shop RIGHT NOW”.
You two look at him with confusion
Your friend flashes him with a flash beacon
“WH—” Sebastian wipes his hands over his face
You look at your friend and get close to them while looking at Sebastian, “Alright I think you should—” 
“GET OUT”!!!
After they leave, you talk with Sebastian, trying to figure out what was going on before he got beamed
Apparently he was, ‘tired of intruders’
Kisses(How do they act around or with their darling)?
He can act kind of bashful when it’s just the two of you
He seems annoyed when you tease him but he doesn’t mind all that much
He jokes or flirts at times
Whenever he’s flustered he looks away, and you can tell by the lean of his head
He doesn’t try to act nonchalant or extremely confident, he’s just himself
He gets more on edge around others, but they get softer and less rigid around you
 You guys would seem like really good friends from a different point of view
Not really with the back-and-forth flirts you two do
If you say something that’ll REALLY get to him, he’ll go silent
And if he could, he would blush
Love letters(How would they go about courting or approaching their darling)?
I would think you’d confess first
He really doesn’t want to ruin the relationship between you two
But if he ends up confessing first then it would be on accident
He’d be rambling and then all of the sudden,
“And that’s because I love you and—”
Something like that
He didn’t even catch what he said so you’d have to call him out on it
“Wait what did you just say”?
“Like— What was that last part”?
“Oh you mean ____”?
“No I mean before that”.
Then he’d look all confused until he realized what he said
“Don’t worry I love you too I just wouldn’t think you’d say it so suddenly.” You laugh
Maybe if he was corny and back in college or something(If he was even in college) and HUMAN, he’d give you a love letter
I would think Sebastian would be good with poetry
Mask(Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else)?
Yeah, but he wouldn’t make it too obvious that he likes you
Unless he was around somebody who’s emotionally intelligent, or intelligent in love
Then they’d definitely get the hint
He sounds more stern and angry around others, but with you he sounds more soft and calm
His voice is more lowered, not in a alpha🐺🐺 way but I mean more comfortable
Maybe even some voice cracks? If that’s possible
Make fun of him afterwards, it’s worth it even after he looks mad
Letting you hang around in the shop is diabolical, he just really hopes somebody doesn’t come across you two
Seeing him with his guard down and chilling with a human is his worst nightmare
Minus Urbanshade
It gets worse if they start to make fun of him for being around a human
He’s just more… Serene.
Around you
Naughty(How would they punish their darling)?
Oh uhm
We’re not getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 but, he would just make the days longer for you and give you MORE drugs
If you insult him he tries to not act out on it, he thinks it makes him weak
Letting insults get to you is weak
In his opinion
So the insults don’t have much consequences minus an annoyed stare
Oppression(How many rights would they take away from their darling)?
Maybe screaming?
I’m sorry I’m not too good with this yandere stuff
It’s uhh… Interesting to me😁
Patience(How patient are they with their darling)?
I mean unless you’re screaming for hours on end he can be pretty patient
But if you scream too much he’ll just have to put duct tape over your mouth
He’ll wait, and wait for you to just accept him
He really doesn’t want to keep you trapped down here
I know I’ve already said it but he REALLY doesn’t want you down here
If you’re obedient then he’ll just let you out early
If you’re obedient AND love him that is
He doesn’t want you to go telling others about what happens
Unless you make a deal
“If you let me go and we can spend more time together then maybe I could fall for you. Instead of drugging me and keeping me down here, I could actually love you”.
He’ll think about it then agree to it
And guess what!
You ended up loving him
Quit(If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on)?
He’d just give up after some time, expecting this
Expecting for people to leave him again
Let me split this up
— Dying
Holy MOLY.
He’s grieving forever
Your death would be the last thing he thinks of before crying to sleep
He HATES being reminded of your death every single day
Sometimes he thinks of not even meeting you in the first place
Then he wouldn’t feel this way, about a human
I mean seriously, if you couldn’t come back and I’m talking about realistically, he would be super duper sad!!
— Leaving
He knows it’s better for you, but he wants you with himmm
Unless you can get him out of here
Please get him out of here
He’s going to miss you, a lot
It’s been a year daddy
— Escaping
Oh my god!! How did you do that with those ‘tight’ ropes on your wrists!!
He’d be PISSED.
Searching for you, EVERYWHERE
It’s not like you’d go that far, or find those endless rooms
Pretty please don’t escape, he just might catch you
Then he’s not letting you go, since it’s OBVIOUS you don’t love him AND you’re not obedient
Regret(Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go)?
He would regret it everyday that you’re down here!
Sebastian doesn’t want to!! He just needs you!!!
He feels pretty bad for capturing you down here
Constantly worrying about if your head will pop from the pressure
Sometimes he thinks that he abducted the wrong person
He’d let you go if you loved him back, possibly even on the first day!
You’d be really lucky if he did that
Butttt, you’d HAVE to promise you won’t tell anybody about this
That he’s down here, other than the prisoners and monsters
A weight would be carried off his back when he would let you go
Stigma(What brought about this side of them [childhood, curiosity, etc])?
Loving you?... Or a sprinkle of no good human interaction?
He’s never gotten so close with somebody, except for family or having friends at school
Feeling this way about a human after the experiments hit him pretty hard
So I would think that the reason he feels this way could be because of the experiments
It’s affected him a lot, especially how he feels about the human species
He’s forgot some things, so he can’t really recall a good human action that’s happened to him
Him loving you and negative human interaction mixed together is the factor on why he feels this way
Tears(How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves)?
I wouldn’t say he’s a sadist, to you
If it were somebody bad dying then he’d smile
Heh… When I smile, RUN😈
I would love for Gianni to say that
Anywho, he wouldn’t enjoy seeing you suffer like that
It reminds him of the experiments he went through
Hearing your scream scares him in a way, to realize that he’s doing that type of stuff to you
To hear you screaming out of fear and pain
It makes him sad
He’s either going to let you go or just keep you forever
Depends on how he feels
Don’t scream, it makes him feel bad :C
Crying makes it worse
Are you really that scared?
Did he really do that to you?
The ‘person’ who loves you?
Is it really love if he’s torturing you?
If you were to isolate yourself then he’d think you broke
Just seeing you this way reminds him of lying on that cold table
Nearly alive and awake being poked and prodded at
Ughh, just shut up already and leave
That’s something he would say
Unique(Would they do anything different from the classic yandere)?
Letting you go and actually feeling bad for you
Not being fully insane
Feeling guilty
Actually being somewhat sane
Just feeling the way a good person would feel
Even after turning into that ‘monster’
He is definitely one in a million when it comes to yanderes
Vice(What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape)?
His feelings
And his trauma
Definitely his trauma
Not making fun of it, but more like speaking about it emotionally
“Did those experiments turn you this way”?
“The negative human interaction just— Impacting you when you realized that not all humans are bad”?
Yeah, make sure to use that against him
To make it seem like you know what he went through
Make it seem like his feelings are recognized
Manipulation 101
Wit’s end(Would they ever hurt their darling)?
That was a reference by the way
Aren’t I just so funny?
Xoanon(How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over)?
His respect for you is just average I would say
Before he met you it would be pretty small, then it would raise if you didn’t flash him with the flash beacon
If you show him genuine respect then he’ll do it back
Even if he loves you
He’s not going to worship you! Ughh, ew that’s… Nasty!!
He thinks it, not me!
Doing acts of service, like healing you, opening a door for you, things like that
He’d compliment you at times but it’s rare
He’d ask The p.AI.nter what are ways humans currently show affection
“HAH. LOSER.” It generates
Yearn(How long do they pine after their darling before they snap)?
If he gets hints that you love someone else
I’m getting tired it’s 11 pm
Zenith(Would they ever break their darling)?
He would think he did if you acted a certain way
But I don’t think he would on purpose
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I apologize if I've annoyed you in anyway from mentioning how I feel about yandere stuff. I just find it kind of insane to even think of those type of actions, especially romanticizing it.
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
How Can You Fluster Them?
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Characters: Heartslabyul, Savannaclaw, Octavinelle
Ace Trappola:
- Pretty easily, actually.
- As smug and teasing as he can be, there are quite a few things that get him flustered.
- Bring up how sweet he's acting or how sentimental he seems to watch him sputter furiously in denial; show him direct affection and kindness to watch him blue screen for a second before embarrassedly scoffing about how lame you're being.
- You can fluster him even further by teasing him about how smug he was a second ago. That really gets him.
Deuce Spade:
- While you could tease him about being 'stupid', yes, that is a bit hurtful, and it isn't really the best way.
- Just the opposite. Genuinely complimenting his intelligence, his strengths? That's what catches him off-guard. He doesn't quite know how to acknowledge it when someone truly, genuinely tells him he's not dumb, and him not being an effortless scholar doesn't mean he is.
- There are other ways, of course, like sudden acts of affection, pranks, or even dodging his kisses.
- He gets all red, and a tad defensive. It's the funniest sight.
Riddle Rosehearts:
- Most affection flusters him.
- Seriously. He's never really received it, considering his upbringing, so even things like hugs or kisses on the cheek leave him red. You're not quite certain whether it's more cute or sad.
- He'll get rather huffy if you point it out. It's rather comedic, but you might want to refrain from laughing too much, lest he ends up chastising you.
Trey Clover:
- Pointing out his true brilliance.
- That's the main method. Although he's used to affection, to being told he's a good baker, a nice guy, and whatnot, he's not quite used to having his true potential acknowledged.
- He'll look away with a flush, denying his true intelligence, the true strength of his Unique Magic, or whatever it is you've opted to praise him for.
Cater Diamond:
- Allowing him to be genuine.
- It will take a while, frankly. With most people, Cater dons the personable mask of Cay-Cay the friendly senior, but with time... And patience, he may warm up to you enough to be himself. Be moody, the ultimate hater of sweets, and whatnot.
- He can't help but feel oddly flustered, caught off-guard, really, when you let him complain about the way Riddle was before his overblot, when you make him something salty for a dessert of sorts.
Leona Kingscholar:
- There are quite a few ways.
- If you two are together, he might tease you quite a bit. Reciprocating said teasing is certain to get him huffy and flustered. Teasing in general, really. Dodging his kisses? Headpats? Photoshopping him in cat ears? If you're close enough to him, they'll all work wonderfully.
- And... Genuine understanding flusters him as well. Prioritizing him in small ways, like taking a break from your gaming to talk to him, or allowing him to vent to you.
Ruggie Bucchi:
- Caring for him.
- Ruggie is used to having to act incredibly mature for his age, yes. He's cunning, clever, and responsible, important traits to make up for his disadvantages in life.
- So, when you (jokingly, I would hope) babytalk him, pat him on the head, or ask if he'd like to be the little spoon, it gets him terribly huffy. What's that supposed to mean, huh?
- It's even worse when you genuinely care for him, making him meals, or offering him a massage. It's hard for him to accept help. He's not a kid! He doesn't need the babying! It's worth nothing that he has a very broad interpretation of what counts as "babying". However, he will accept after a while, and be very, very flustered about it.
Jack Howl:
- Teasing him.
- He's always in denial about his softer side, no matter how apparent it becomes that he truly admires or cares for something or someone. He gets terribly flustered at his own sentiment.
- Teasing him about it just makes things worse. Dramatically exclaim how cruel he is because he said he "wasn't concerned for you or anything". Play dumb when he tries to ask for a kiss in a roundabout manner. The result is hilarious.
Azul Ashengrotto:
- There are so many ways to do this.
- Teasing him about his affections, for one. This is the same man who couldn't even admit to caring for his business, who claimed that love made one exploitable. He's already terribly mortified by his own so-called exploitability. Asking if he likes you gets him rather pouty before you're dating.
- Genuine, continued kindness is also rather flustering for him. You- care for him? Wish to see him succeed? You accept his flaws? You don't view him as pathetic for his tears? It's all territory he's terribly unused to.
Jade Leech:
- Standing up for him when he's insulted, for one. Telling the stranger that, no, his mushrooms aren't creepy, they're impressive, they just need to get a hobby. That leaves him shocked for a bit.
- There's also things like being the one to tease him, caring for him, listening to his rambles about mushrooms.
- Those leave him red-faced for a good few seconds. Calling out his flustered state garnets a pointed "Let us move on".
Floyd Leech:
- Initiating affection.
- Really, although he seems lackadaisical most of the time, impossible to fluster, it isn't quite that hard. He isn't used to being kissed, or hugged, or even praised without a certain business-oriented touch.
- So, when you suddenly kiss him, or offer to be the big spoon, or whatnot, he freezes up.
- If you point it out, he gets comedically defensive. Someone needs to tell him how terrible "I-I'm not blushing or whatever, that'd be laaame, so shut up!" Works as a method of denial.
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jetii · 15 days
i loveeeeeee ur writing. its like a masterpiece. mwah. i was wondering if you could do an angsty fic with the prompt "I loved you!" with any clone boy you want (maybe crosshair 👀) I was listening to Cardigan by taylor swift and it lowkey set the mood.
sorry if the request is very vague cause i never watched bad batch yet im a huge simp 🥲 so do whatever you want.
I know you got like a tonnnn on your plate and i lowkey feel bad requesting but you write really good so take ur time to take care of yourself.
hiiiii anon. if you are who i think you are, then you'll have already been watching TBB by now, but if you're not, what are you doing!! /affectionate
after listening to the song (i have a sister who is a swiftie but alas i am not) and thinking harder about your prompt, i was inspired to write this for Echo, so i hope that's okay!
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The Way Back
Pairing: Echo x fem!Reader
Words: 9,621
Tags/Warnings: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, established relationship, dramatic reunion, reader is a lawyer, Tech is a good brother, Echo needs a hug, allusion to panic attacks/alcoholism/depression
Summary: Echo always knew you were it for him, but the idea of seeing you again after so much has changed is more than he can take. Until one day he finds himself outside of your apartment, and the choice is made for him.
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Echo doesn’t leave the ship when it docks on Coruscant.
His eyes are locked on the city-planet, lit up like a giant firefly, watching the endless stream of ships coming in and out. Their trails of light make the whole thing seem dreamlike, surreal. Even that feels like too much, reminds him too much of the view from your apartment, and he tries to close his eyes, but his eyelids are made of glass.
The first time he saw Coruscant, there had been a moment of... what, awe? Terror? Something. Something big, anyway. He didn't understand then that you can have a feeling be a lot of things. He'd looked down on the galaxy's center of power and felt something bigger than he could possibly contain. Now, sitting alone on the Marauder with only the whirr of the vents for company, he thinks maybe the feeling was dread.
The first time they came back here after Echo joined the Batch, the others didn’t notice his unease. Or at least they didn't mention it. It was an adjustment period for everyone, Echo most of all, and his brothers gave him space to do things on his own terms, even when it meant he did nothing at all.
This time, it's different. He can tell they've noticed how he's been acting, and they're not just leaving him alone anymore. He can tell, because they're giving him looks. The kind of looks that ask questions he doesn't have answers for. They make excuses to stick close by, like they're afraid he might take off or that he's going to break down and have another panic attack. It makes him want to hide even more.
He's not going to, though. It's not so bad. Coruscant has always been a source of good memories for Echo, despite what happened. The sights, the sounds, the tastes — they're all still the same. He'd spent a long time on Coruscant before the Citadel happened, and he'd gotten used to it, the way the air smells, the feel of the rain against his skin. He had a whole life here. He was happy.
It's not so bad. He just... doesn't feel like going out, is all.
He knows he’s being stupid. He knows that he should be out there, enjoying what little downtime they’re afforded. Instead, he's on the ship, trying not to stare out the windows, trying to pretend that he isn't bothered by the thought of leaving, of the possibility of running into you again, however small that may be.
The worst part is that he's not sure why.
It's not that he doesn't want to see you. On the contrary, he does. More than anything. He hasn't stopped thinking about you, wondering if you're okay, if you’re happy, if you've thought of him. He's kept his ears open, and has managed to overhear a few stories here and there about you. The most recent had been about you winning a case for a group of Houk refugees who had been seeking asylum in the city, a big deal for a young lawyer to handle.
It had made him smile, a real, genuine smile, the kind he rarely got to have.
But there's something about seeing you again, about you seeing him that makes him hesitate, makes his stomach turn over and his throat tighten. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to know for certain, doesn't want to see that you're happy, that you've moved on, that you're doing well without him.
Maybe it's because he doesn't trust himself. He's different now, he knows that. He's different, and so are you. He doesn't know if he can face you, doesn't know if he'll be able to handle whatever is waiting for him. 
When he woke up in Rex’s arms and realized the galaxy had kept moving without him, he hadn’t thought much of it, solely focused on survival, on the fact that he was alive at all. He hadn't cared about what he'd missed, who he'd left behind. He hadn't known how much time had passed, and the thought that he was a dead man hadn't even crossed his mind. He hadn't thought about you, hadn't given himself the time or space to consider the consequences. You'd been the furthest thing from his mind. He'd had to keep fighting, to keep living. But once he had the time to think about it, to regret, well, it was...
It's different.
There's no other word for it. Everything is different.
Echo has had time, too much time, to think about you, to regret losing you. It's kept him up late into the night cycle, lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to sleep, thoughts running a mile a minute.
You'd been a good person, a better one than he could ever hope to be, and he had loved you, and then he had died.
Or, he had thought he'd died. Turns out he hadn't. That had been the only mercy.
You'd been the first and only person in his entire life to see him as something other than a soldier, and he'd loved you for it. You'd seen him, really seen him, and you hadn't run. He had been terrified by that, but it had also been the best feeling in the world. And he had taken advantage of it. He had let you in, he had let himself fall in love, and then he had died.
It's different, now. He's different. The galaxy's moved on, and he's a ghost, and he's scared. He doesn't know how to face you, doesn't know if he can. So when they’d made it out of Skako Minor and Rex had asked if he wanted to comm you, he’d said no. And he's been saying no every time since.
A small voice inside his head, one that sounds a lot like Fives, tells him that's bullshit.
His brother would have called him out on his cowardice, and Echo thinks that's a fair assessment. But even though he misses you and wants nothing more than to hear your voice, it's better this way. It's better if you don't see him like this, if you never find out the truth. The thought of you seeing him, of you seeing what's left of the man you knew, is too much. He can't do that to you.
It's better if you never see him again. It's better if you have closure, if you've moved on and don't think about him anymore.
You deserve more. You deserve someone who hasn't lost as much as he has, someone who you won't have to worry about, someone who will be there for you.
Someone who can give you the life you want.
Echo knows he can't do that. And maybe if he says that enough times, he'll finally believe it.
“Why are you still here?”
The sound of Tech’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts. He turns and finds his brother watching him from the doorway, an expression of vague curiosity on his face, a soldering iron twirling absently in his hand.
Echo shrugs.
Tech gives a short, impatient huff.
"That is not an answer," he says, crossing his arms and looking pointedly at Echo.
"I was just..." He trails off. Just what? Just looking out the window and moping? He sighs. "Nevermind."
Tech steps into the cockpit, looking unconvinced. Echo can tell he has a question on the tip of his tongue, can see him considering his options. Tech is not the most tactful person in the galaxy, and Echo isn't really in the mood to hear his thoughts, not when they're bound to be blunt. But instead of asking, his brother simply takes his seat beside him and begins tinkering with the dashboard, checking the systems.
The two of them are quiet for a moment, the only sound the clinking of the tools. Then Tech pauses and looks at Echo. 
Echo fidgets under his brother's gaze. "What?"
Tech doesn't respond right away, taking a second to look Echo over. His eyes flicker around the cockpit, as if the gauges and switchboards will give him some kind of clue, before coming back to his brother.
"There is nothing wrong with the ship," he says.
"Okay," Echo says, confused. "So?"
"So," Tech continues, "there is no reason for you to be here. We are scheduled to remain docked until 600 hours, and you have the day off. You could be anywhere."
Echo rolls his eyes, a prickle of annoyance flaring in his chest. "Yeah, well, I'm here, aren't I?"
"Yes, you are," Tech agrees. There's a moment where he considers something, and then he speaks again, "If I may offer a suggestion?"
"Go for it," Echo grumbles, not bothering to look at him.
"Go for a walk."
"A walk?"
"Yes. Physical activity is proven to improve mood and mental health. And you could do with the fresh air."
Echo frowns. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," Tech says, not even pausing in his work, "that you've been spending an inordinate amount of time locked away in here."
"I'm not locked away," Echo protests.
"No, I suppose not. But you have not been yourself since we arrived."
Echo doesn't have an answer for that.
"Go for a walk," Tech repeats, and this time he does stop and turn to Echo. He leans back in his chair and removes his goggles, letting them rest on his forehead, and the intensity in his gaze makes Echo squirm a bit.
Tech gestures towards the open space in front of them, the sprawling metropolis. "There are a number of options available, I'm sure. There are parks, shopping districts, museums, restaurants..." He ticks the ideas off on his fingers one by one, and then points back to Echo. "Perhaps you should find out for yourself."
Echo snorts. "Thanks, but no thanks."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to," he says, the words coming out more defensively than he intended. "I'd rather just stay here."
"Yes, I can see that," Tech says dryly, and Echo gets the distinct impression that his brother is making fun of him.
He scowls.
Tech is undeterred. "But I don't think that is what you actually want to do."
Echo's mouth opens to argue, but then closes it just as quickly. He's not sure what to say, not sure if he wants to say anything. Tech isn't wrong. He doesn't really want to stay on the ship, not truly. The idea of getting out and going somewhere is tempting, and if he's being honest with himself, the last thing he wants to do is sit here, stewing in his thoughts alone. Or worse, with Tech.
And he does need to stretch his legs.
He looks out the window again, taking in the sight of the planet before him. He's not sure what's going to happen once they get the signal for the next job, if they'll ever be back. He might never have this opportunity again.
He takes a breath.
"Fine," he says, throwing his hands up in the air. "You win."
Tech's lips twitch, a barely contained smile. "As I usually do."
Echo shakes his head, a grin playing on his lips. He starts to make his way towards the door, and stops beside his brother.
"Thanks," he says, placing a hand on Tech's shoulder.
"You are welcome," Tech nods. “Try to be back by 0600 hours. If you are late, we will leave without you.
Echo snorts. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
He leaves Tech there and heads to the ramp. His steps slow as he reaches the bottom, but he forces himself forward, out into the bright sunlight and fresh air.
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Echo spends the next few hours wandering around Coruscant, letting his feet guide him.
He goes wherever the crowds take him, stopping at whatever catches his interest. It's nice, being able to let his mind go blank and not have to worry about where he's going. He doesn't have to think about anything, doesn't have to consider the consequences, or the risks.
He just exists.
And it feels good.
When he eventually decides to turn back, he's a bit surprised at how far he's come. He hadn't intended to venture so deep into the city, had just wanted a walk to clear his head. But the area he's found himself in is one he recognizes.
Your apartment is nearby.
Echo can feel his pulse start to quicken, his palm begins to sweat, and he stops in the middle of the walkway.
The sun has begun to set, and the crowds are thinning. You’ll be on your way home from work soon, if you weren’t already. His brain helpfully supplies the route you would take, and his eyes flit up towards the skyline. He can't see your building, but he knows it's there, not far away.
The knowledge sits heavy in his chest.
No, he tells himself, shaking his head. I shouldn't.
He has no way of knowing if you're even home. For all he knows, you could be busy, out with friends or maybe on a date.
Don't, his mind warns him. She's moved on. You shouldn't.
He hasn't been to your apartment since the morning he left. The memory is a sharp one, a jagged knife cutting through the fog of his past. He remembers the way your bed had felt, the warmth of your body, the sound of your breathing as you slept tucked against him.
It had been so peaceful.
It had been so easy to leave.
His mind starts to replay those moments, the goodbye you had given him, and it's like a punch to the gut. He knows how much you care about him, knows that if you were to see him again, that wouldn't have changed. You wouldn't turn him away.
The night before, you talked for hours. Your conversation had been punctuated with kisses and caresses, laughter and confessions. You told him how much you wanted him to stay, how much you wished he didn't have to leave, how much you wished things could be different. You talked about what the future might hold for the two of you, and he remembers how that felt, how it made him believe, even for just a moment, that things would work out.
They didn't, of course.
But Echo is still here, and so are you, and he can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, the galaxy might be giving him a second chance.
He takes a deep breath.
There's no harm in taking a detour, he thinks.
He walks, following the familiar path, trying not to think too hard about what he's doing.
It doesn't take him long to reach the building. He hesitates in front of it, looking up at the facade. It looks just as it did the last time he was here. Same lobby, same doorman, same lift. They haven’t even fixed the panel that's been sticking, and it takes a good deal of force for him to press the button for your floor.
The doors close, and he stares at his reflection, at the dark circles under his eyes, the scruff that has accumulated on his cheeks and chin, the lines that have appeared at the corners of his eyes and across his forehead. And then his gaze wanders to the ports and implants, the reminder of what was taken from him and what he was left with. He traces the outline of one with his thumb, remembering how he used to be.
He looks tired.
What are you doing? He asks himself.
He's not sure what he's expecting, doesn't have a plan for what will happen. All he knows is that he can't get the image of you out of his head. He imagines you coming home from work, and him being there, waiting. Would you be surprised? Happy? What would you say? What would he say?
Echo sighs.
He's an idiot.
The lift dings, and the doors slide open.
Your apartment is halfway down the hall, and Echo's stomach clenches with each step he takes. He reaches it and stands outside for a minute, running his fingers over the metal door, staring at the numbers painted on the surface.
It's just a door, he tells himself. Nothing special. Just a door.
His hand moves on its own, hovering over the bell. He waits, listens. There's no sound coming from inside, no music, no voices. Maybe you're not home yet.
Or maybe you're out. Maybe you're not alone.
He rings the bell and holds his breath, counting the seconds.
One. Two. Three. Four.
Echo rings again, this time holding the button down for a few extra seconds, listening for any sign of movement.
There's nothing.
The knot in his stomach tightens, and he releases the button, letting out the breath he'd been holding. He runs a hand over his face, feeling the heat of his skin through his glove. He's sweating.
Well, that's it, then.
He'd thought he was prepared for this possibility, but hearing the silence behind the door and knowing that you aren't home has shaken him more than he anticipated.
Maybe this is for the best, he thinks. It's better this way. Safer.
But the disappointment is palpable.
He's not sure what to do. He considers waiting a little longer, just to make sure, but the more he thinks about it, the more stupid it seems. He doesn't belong here anymore. He shouldn't be here, standing outside your door, hoping for something that won't happen.
He needs to go.
As Echo turns away from the door, a voice calls out behind him.
"Can I help you?"
For half a second, he's sure he imagined it, sure that it's just his brain playing tricks on him, taunting him. But then the voice speaks again.
"Are you looking for someone?"
Echo spins around, heart leaping into his throat, and there you are.
Standing there, a few paces away, is the woman he's been dreaming about, the one he's thought about every day, the one he's missed so much that it hurts.
Your hair is different, longer than he's ever seen it, pulled away from your face. You're wearing a dress, something he's only seen a handful of times, and your makeup is impeccable, but he can still see the hint of tiredness behind your eyes. He wonders how many hours you've put in at work this week, how much you've had to fight for your clients.
But the most noticeable change is that you're looking at him. Your datapad is held loosely in your hands, a bag of groceries on your hip, and you’re staring at him, your brow furrowed in confusion.
He doesn’t blame you.
This is a strange situation, and you must be wondering who the hell is standing in front of you, why they rang your bell and then walked away.
"Um," Echo says, suddenly aware that he hasn't spoken. He clears his throat, trying to gather his wits. He didn't think this through. "Hi."
You blink, clearly not expecting that response.
"Hi," you reply, warily.
Echo tries to say something, but the words won't come.
He's frozen in place, staring at you, unable to do anything except take in your appearance, drinking in the sight of you. He didn't realize how much he needed to see you until now, and the relief he feels is overwhelming.
"Do I..." You trail off, studying him carefully. "Do I know you?"
He feels his heart break, just a little.
You don't recognize him. Of course, you wouldn't. It's been so long, and he's not the same man you knew. His face is one of thousands, identical and interchangeable. He doesn't even look like a clone anymore, not really. He's more machine than man, now, and he has no idea how he expected you to see him.
"Yeah," he manages to say, his voice hoarse. "Yeah, you do."
You raise your eyebrows, waiting. When he doesn't say anything else, you take a step towards him, squinting a little. He can feel the tension in his body, can sense your scrutiny. It's not comfortable, but it's not unpleasant, either.
"Sorry," you say, sounding frustrated, "I can't quite —"
You stop, your eyes widening, and Echo can see the exact moment it clicks.
"Oh," you gasp, covering your mouth with a shaking hand. The motion makes the paper bag of groceries on your arm start to slip, and Echo rushes forward to catch it, placing it on the floor by your feet. He stands up, and he can feel your eyes on him, can see the tears beginning to well up, can hear your breathing quicken.
He waits.
"Echo?" Your voice is soft, tentative, like you're not sure if he's real or not. Like he's some kind of ghost. He's not sure that's not what he is.
"Hey, cyar'ika," he says. His voice cracks, and he clears his throat again.
A small, incredulous laugh escapes you.
"Hi," you breathe. You cover your mouth again, trying to stifle the sob that rises from your chest. "I —" 
You let out a shaky breath, and then another, and then all of a sudden, you're crying, tears streaming down your face. Your hands come up to wipe them away, but more keep falling, and Echo is overwhelmed with the desire to hold you, to take away the pain and the sadness, to make everything right. But he doesn't know if he's allowed, doesn't know if it would be welcome. So instead, he just stands there, helpless.
"I'm sorry," you hiccup, wiping your face with the back of your hand. "I can't believe it's you."
He smiles at that, his own eyes burning. "It's me," he confirms. "I'm here."
You're shaking your head, your eyes never leaving his face, as if you're afraid that he might disappear if you look away. He doesn't blame you, and he does his best to stay as still as possible. The last thing he wants is to scare you, or make you think he's going to leave. Not when he just got here.
"I thought..." You start, and then trail off.
"I know."
You swallow hard, taking a moment to compose yourself. "I thought you were dead."
Echo winces. He's heard those words from a lot of people, but coming from you, they hurt. "Yeah, I, uh... I thought so, too, for a while."
He sees the look of horror that crosses your face, the way your eyes grow wet again, and he wishes he hadn't said it.
"How... How long have you been back?" you ask. Your voice is quiet, strained, and Echo can hear the question underneath, the one you're afraid to ask. The one that makes his stomach twist into knots.
"Not long," he answers, trying to keep his tone even, light. "Only a couple months, really."
"Months?" you repeat, incredulous. "You've been back for months?"
Echo shifts uncomfortably and nods. "Yeah."
You stare at him, your mouth opening and closing as you search for words. "And... And you didn't comm me?"
"I, uh... No."
You let out a sharp exhale and turn away, bringing your hands to your face, and he can see that you're starting to shake again. You're silent for a moment, and he can feel his heart pounding, can feel the blood rushing in his ears. His stomach churns, and he feels like he's going to be sick.
"Why?" Your voice is tight, controlled. It's the same voice you use when you're working, the one you use to keep yourself calm, to keep yourself from getting angry.
"I just... I wasn't..." Echo trails off, not sure what to say. I wasn't sure if I was coming back? That's true, but not the whole truth. I wasn't sure you'd want to see me? Also true, but also not the full answer. I wasn't sure I was worth it? Yeah, that's the one.
But he can't say it.
He doesn't know if it's fear or guilt or shame, but whatever it is, it keeps the words stuck in his throat. You're waiting for an answer, and he's not sure he has one.
"Echo," you say, your voice a warning. You turn to face him again, and he can see the hurt and frustration in your eyes. He wants to hold you, wants to apologize, wants to take it all back. But he doesn't move. He can't.
"Why?" you repeat, more forcefully this time.
"I didn't want to bother you," he says. It's the best answer he can come up with, and the worst part is that it's also true. At least, that's what he tells himself.
But the moment the words leave his mouth, he knows it's the wrong thing to say. You stiffen, and then your jaw tightens. He can tell that you're barely holding it together, and he wants to say something, to explain, but he doesn't get the chance.
"You didn't want to bother me," you repeat, and Echo can hear the anger in your voice, can feel the sting of it. "I'm sorry, did I not make it clear how much I care about you?"
"No, you did," Echo says, backtracking, trying to placate you. "You did, I promise."
"Then please explain how you thought keeping me in the dark about the fact that the man I love was still alive and well was not a bother."
The word "love" hits him like a punch to the gut.
You love him. You still love him. You're still here, and you're still loving him, even after everything. He doesn't understand, doesn't know why. Doesn't know how. But he doesn't have time to think about it, not with the way you're looking at him, the hurt and confusion clear on your face.
"That's not what I meant," he says, his voice low, pleading. "It's not that. I promise."
You let out a shaky sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. "What's the difference, then?"
Echo opens his mouth, and then closes it again, not knowing what to say.
"I mourned you," you say. Your voice is soft, almost a whisper, but it sounds loud in the silence between the two of you. "I loved you, and I mourned you, and I was doing okay, and then you just show up, and act like it's no big deal, like I didn't spend weeks, months waiting for you to come back, hoping you'd come back, and..."
Your voice cracks, and a fresh wave of tears begins to roll down your cheeks. Echo reaches out to brush them away, and you flinch. The motion stings, but he doesn't say anything, doesn't push it. He lets his hand drop to his side.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Yeah, well, you did," you say, sniffling.
The words hit him harder than he expects, and he feels his throat tighten.
"I didn't know what to say," he admits, his voice breaking. "I didn't know what to do."
"Why not?" you ask, and your anger has softened, turning into something else. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No!" Echo says quickly. "Of course not. You were perfect. You were... You were amazing."
You look at him, and there's a vulnerability in your eyes that makes him want to gather you in his arms and never let go. He thinks maybe he should. But before he can, you speak.
"So what happened?" you ask. Your voice is quiet, but Echo can hear the desperation, the need for an answer. "Where were you? Why didn't you come back?"
“I—“ Echo looks around, suddenly aware of the hallway and the closed doors surrounding him, closing in on him. The space is too small, the walls are too close, the air is too thick. He feels trapped, like the world is closing in around him, and he takes a step back.
"Can we... Can we not do this out here?" he asks, trying not to let his voice betray his panic.
You study him for a moment, considering. He doesn't blame you. After all, he'd shown up out of the blue, and you had every right to be suspicious. You're still crying, but there's a steeliness in your gaze, and he can tell you're weighing your options, deciding if he's worth it or not. His heart hammers against his ribs as he waits, praying that you'll give him a chance.
Finally, you let out a sigh and nod.
"Yeah," you say, "sure."
You bend down to pick up the groceries, and Echo rushes forward, scooping them up before you can. You look at him, surprised.
"Let me help," he says. "Please."
You hesitate, and Echo can see the worry on your face, but then you nod, fumbling for the keypad. The lock clicks open, and you push the door open, motioning for him to go ahead.
He steps inside, and the familiar scent of your apartment hits him hard. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed it, how much he'd come to associate it with safety and comfort. It makes his chest ache, and he takes a moment to steady himself, willing the tears to stop.
Your apartment is the same, and yet so different.
It's still cozy, but there's a coldness to the air, a lack of warmth. The curtains are closed, and the room is dark, the only light coming from the dim bulb above the stove in the kitchen. There are dishes stacked in the sink, and a few pieces of dirty laundry have been discarded on the couch. The floor is littered with shoes and other miscellaneous items, as if someone came home and kicked everything off their feet, leaving it all in a pile. Echo’s brow furrows at the mess, and he wonders when you started to let the place get this way.
"I'm sorry," you say, sounding embarrassed. You take the bag of groceries from him, your cheeks flushed. "I wasn't expecting company."
"Don't worry about it," he assures you.
"Here, let me..." You trail off, disappearing down the hall, and a moment later, he hears a door slam shut.
Echo stands there, unsure of what to do. His gaze wanders around the room, taking everything in, trying to find something to occupy himself with. It feels like years since he's been here, and the sensation is both comforting and strange. He remembers the nights he spent curled up next to you on the couch, the quiet mornings in the kitchen, the lazy afternoons spent in bed.
He shakes his head, trying to focus on the present.
You're back now, and he needs to concentrate.
He takes a seat at the kitchen table, drumming his fingers against the wood.
It's quiet, but Echo can hear you moving around, and he wonders if you're trying to clean up, trying to make the place a little more presentable. He doesn't care about any of that. He cares about you.
And he doesn't know what to say.
He runs his hand over his face, pressing the heel of his palm into his eye, trying to think. He's rehearsed this moment in his head, has imagined all the different ways it could go.
And now that it's actually happening, he can't remember a single one.
He's such an idiot.
The minutes pass, and you finally return. He hears you enter the room, the soft sound of your footsteps, but he can't bring himself to look up. Not yet.
"Echo," you say, and he can hear the hesitation in your voice. "What happened?"
"I don't know where to start," he confesses, dropping his hand and glancing up at you.
You've changed into something more comfortable, a pair of sweatpants and your favorite sweater, and your face is scrubbed clean, makeup-free. It's nice to see you this way, a reminder of the times you shared together, and the sight makes him smile.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Nothing, it's just..." He pauses, his eyes wandering over you. "I forgot how you looked in sweatpants."
You roll your eyes, but there's a hint of amusement on your face. "Seriously? You're sitting here, after being missing for months, and you're making fun of my fashion choices?"
"I'm not making fun of you," he says, chuckling. The pressure in his chest eases slightly, and he takes a breath. "I just meant that I missed seeing you this way."
You let out a quiet, disbelieving laugh, and then shake your head.
"You're unbelievable," you mutter.
Echo smiles, and for a moment, he feels normal. As if the last year never happened, and this was just a day like any other. As if he'd just come home from a mission, and you'd greet him with a kiss, and everything would be fine.
But then you sigh, and the moment is over.
"Look, I get that this is... Well, I'm sure this isn't what you were expecting," you say. You move to sit across from him, leaning your elbows on the table and resting your chin in your hands. "But we can't keep pretending like nothing happened. You have to talk to me."
Echo stares at you, his eyes taking in the familiar lines of your face, the curve of your lips, the color of your eyes. They aren’t as bright as he remembered, not as full of life, and the realization breaks his heart. This isn't how it's supposed to be.
"Okay," he begins, clearing his throat. "So, uh, this is going to be a lot."
"That's okay," you say gently. You give him a reassuring nod, and Echo feels a swell of gratitude for you. "Just... Start at the beginning, and we'll go from there."
"Right, the beginning." Echo nods, trying to organize his thoughts, and then he starts to speak.
He tells you everything, from the moment the explosion happened, to the moment he woke up and found himself in Rex's arms, everything in between. He tells you about his injuries, the surgeries, the physical therapy. He tells you about his time with the Batch, his newfound abilities, the things he's been able to do, the things he's learned. He talks about the missions, the jobs, the danger they've faced, and the risks they've taken. He tells you about the planets, the people, the experiences. He tries to leave nothing out, even the hard parts. The loss, the pain, the fear. He doesn't want to spare you any of it.
You sit there and listen, asking questions when necessary, but mostly staying silent. And when he's done, he sits there, feeling a strange sense of relief. He hadn't realized how much he needed to talk about everything, how much he'd been holding in. And he hadn't realized how good it would feel to tell you. To have someone who cared, someone he trusted, who knew him better than anyone.
When the words run out, and the room is silent, you let out a long, slow exhale. You sit there, your hands folded together, your gaze fixed on the tabletop, and Echo waits, not sure what to expect. But the longer the silence drags on, the more worried he gets.
"Cyar'ika?" he asks, his voice hesitant.
You take a breath and look up at him, and Echo is startled to see that your eyes are glassy, and there are fresh tear tracks running down your cheeks.
"Sorry," you apologize, wiping at them with your sleeve. "I'm not — I just..."
You take another breath, and then let it out, composing yourself. "Thank you," you say. "For telling me. I know that can't have been easy."
"It wasn't," Echo admits, and his throat tightens a little. "But I'm glad I did."
You offer him a small smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes. You look like you’re far away, lost in your own thoughts, and Echo has a feeling you're not fully present, not in the moment. And he doesn't blame you. His words can't have been easy to hear.
"Is there anything else you want to know?" he asks, trying to break the silence.
You glance at him, your eyes focusing, and then look away, your jaw clenching. Echo can see the emotion on your face, can tell that you're struggling to stay calm, to hold it together. You've always been good at that, he thinks.
"I just..." You pause, taking a shaky breath, and Echo can see the tears forming in your eyes again. "I just don't understand."
He frowns, confused. "What do you mean?"
You close your eyes, taking a moment to collect yourself. Then, you stand up and begin pacing around the kitchen, your hands clasped behind your back. You move slowly, deliberately, your gaze fixed on the floor, like you're trying to make sense of something, figure something out. 
Echo watches you, feeling uneasy. You're not giving anything away, and the silence is starting to get to him. He's never seen you in the courtroom, but he imagines this is the stance you take when you're interrogating a witness. 
It's effective.
"Can you say something, please?" he asks. He knows he sounds desperate, but he doesn't care.
"I'm thinking," you say, and Echo bites his lip.
He feels like he's going to crawl out of his skin. He wants to get up, to follow you around the room, try to coax a response out of you. He wants to make this better, to make this right. But he knows that pushing you won't help, so he stays seated, trying to keep his patience.
 You continue to pace, your expression blank, and the seconds tick by, the only sound the muffled noises of the city outside. It feels like an eternity has passed when you finally stop, standing in front of him, your arms crossed.
"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't want to see you," you say. Your voice is low, almost a whisper, and there's an edge to it that Echo doesn't recognize. It's not anger, not exactly. It's something else, something deeper.
"I know," he replies, his voice just as quiet.
"I thought you were dead," you say, the words coming out in a rush. "I grieved you. I mourned you. And then you show up, and you're... You're alive, and you're here, and you think the best thing to do is to leave me alone?"
"I didn't know what would happen," Echo explains, trying to keep his tone calm. "I wasn't sure if I was coming back, and I didn't want to —"
"No," you say sharply, cutting him off. "That's not an excuse. That's bullshit, and you know it."
Echo swallows, and nods, not sure what to say.
"We made promises," you continue, and Echo can hear the anger in your voice, can see the frustration on your face. "To each other. We talked about our future, we said things that... We made things that were real, and then you just decided it was too much, and you walked away. What the hell is that?"
"I'm sorry," Echo says around the lump forming in his throat. "I shouldn't have —"
"No," you interrupt, your eyes burning. "You shouldn't have."
Echo looks at you, and he feels like he's going to shatter. You’re staring at him with such intensity, and there's an anger in your gaze that he hasn't seen before. It's so different from the gentle look you usually give him, and it makes him ache.
"I didn't mean to hurt you," he says. "I swear, I didn't."
"Then why did you?" you ask, and there's a note of pleading in your voice. “I spent so long wondering, worrying, and you just... You didn't care."
"Of course I did," he argues. "It wasn't about that."
"Then what was it about, Echo?" you demand. "What was so important that you thought you couldn't tell me? That you couldn't comm me, or send a message, or do anything that would have let me know you were alive? That would have told me you were okay?"
"I didn't think —"
"What, that I'd care? That I'd worry? That I'd miss you? That I'd wonder where you were, and if you were okay, and what the hell happened to you?" you say, your voice rising.
Echo can feel the frustration building inside him, and he knows he shouldn't respond, knows that getting angry won't help, but the words tumble out before he can stop them. "I'm sorry," he snaps. "I wasn't exactly thinking clearly."
"That's not an excuse," you snap back, and Echo blinks, shocked. You're the most level-headed person he's ever met, and he's never heard you yell before.
"Yeah, well, it's the best one I've got," he says.
"Echo, I loved you," you say, and the past tense stings. "When Fives told me what happened to you, I —" Your voice catches, and the fight goes out of him. He can see the pain on your face, the hurt in your eyes, and he can't help but feel responsible. "I can't even describe it. It felt like my whole world was ending. And I don’t blame you for doing your duty, but I do blame you for not coming back to me."
"I know," he whispers. "I'm sorry. I really am."
You shake your head, turning away from him. "Why didn't you comm me?"
Echo hesitates. He doesn't want to admit his fears, his worries, the insecurities that have plagued him. He doesn't want to tell you how much he doubted, how much he doubted you. It feels too vulnerable, too raw. And it would only make you feel worse. But the longer the silence stretches, the more you deserve the truth. And he can't avoid it forever.
"I didn't think I was worth it," he says, his voice low. He can feel the heat in his cheeks, the sting of embarrassment. He can't look at you, doesn't want to see the pity, the disappointment, the anger. "I didn't think I was worth it."
You turn to face him, your expression softening.
"You were all I had left," he says. He feels exposed, and it's not a comfortable feeling, but he can't stop now. Not with the way you're looking at him. Not when he's so close to fixing this, to getting you back. "After everything that happened, I just... I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't think you'd want to see me."
"You really thought I'd just leave you?"
Echo can hear the hurt in your voice, and he's surprised at the sharpness of it. He expected to be met with some amount of anger, but he didn't expect it to cut so deep. He didn't think his insecurities would upset you so much. He's used to it, by now. After everything he's been through, the doubts and worries have become a constant, an almost comforting presence. But you were never supposed to know about them.
"It's not that," he says. "I know you wouldn't have left me. It's just... I didn't want to drag you down with me."
"That's stupid," you reply. There's no malice in your voice, but there's no sympathy, either. "What makes you think I couldn't handle it?"
"It's not about what you could handle," Echo says. "You didn't sign up for this. You didn't sign up for any of it."
"I signed up for you," you argue, and Echo is startled by the fierceness of your tone.
"And look at what that got you."
You fall silent, and Echo regrets the words the second they leave his mouth. He's always known he wasn't good enough for you, but it's different to actually say it out loud. It makes it real. And he's not sure he's ready for that. But you're looking at him like you can't believe he said it, and the disappointment in your eyes makes him feel even worse. 
Your eyes rove over him, taking in the scarring, the metal implants, the ports and wires, the armor. You look like you’re seeing him for the first time, and the disgust and fear he’d thought might appear are nowhere to be found, just a profound sense of sadness and resignation.
"Oh, Echo," you breathe. The words are quiet, but they feel like a slap, and he has to look away, not wanting to meet your gaze.
"I'm not the man you knew," he says. He sounds defeated, even to his own ears. His eyes are burning, and he has to fight to keep the tears from falling. He hates how weak he feels, how small, how vulnerable. "I can't be. I'm... I'm not him anymore."
"Yes, you are," you insist. You reach out and take his hand, squeezing gently, and the sensation makes him jump. He'd almost forgotten how warm you are, how soft. How safe. He wants to hold on, to pull you close, to never let go. "You're still the same man, the same Echo, I just..."
"What?" he asks, when you trail off. "You just what?"
You sigh, dropping his hand and running your fingers through your hair, tugging lightly. The familiar gesture makes him ache. "I don't know, Echo," you admit. "I'm... I'm sad. And I'm angry. But I'm mostly just... Confused."
"Confused about what?"
"I'm confused as to why you didn't come back to me," you say. "I'm confused as to why you thought I'd want anything else."
"I thought you deserved better," he says, the words sounding hollow, even to his own ears. "I thought you deserved someone who was whole, who could give you a normal life, who didn't have a hundred years of baggage and trauma to deal with. And I was terrified that you already had that."
"Had what?"
"A normal life," he answers. "Without me. And the more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself it was true."
"It's not," you say. Your voice is quiet, but firm, and Echo looks at you, searching for any trace of doubt, of hesitation, of insincerity. But all he finds is determination, and it makes his heart clench. The intensity in your gaze is too much, and he has to look away. His eyes trail over the walls, the ceiling, the floor, lingering on the groceries on the table, the dishes in the sink, the empty bottles of wine shoved into the trash, the pile of laundry on the couch. There’s a dent in the wall that wasn't there the last time he was here, and the carpet is worn. He wonders when that happened.
He feels a tug on his arm, and then you're reaching up to cup his face, your hands soft and warm. You turn his head to face you, your thumb stroking his cheek. The touch is gentle, comforting, and Echo can't stop the sigh that escapes him. It's been so long since someone touched him like this, and it's nice. It's more than nice. It's familiar. It's safe. It's home.
"I only wanted you," you whisper.
"Even after everything?" he asks. He doesn't mean to sound so incredulous, but he can't help it. He's spent so long convincing himself that you were better off without him, and now, hearing you say the opposite, hearing you say the words he'd only ever hoped for, the ones he'd tried to convince himself were true... It's a lot to take in.
"Even after everything," you affirm.
"You could have had anyone," he says. "Why me?"
"Because I love you," you answer, as if it's the simplest thing in the galaxy. As if it's the most obvious thing in the universe. "And I don't want anyone else."
"Cyar'ika..." His voice cracks, and the tears are falling freely now. You wipe them away, and the touch makes his chest ache.
"I've never stopped loving you, Echo," you say. Your voice is barely audible, but Echo hears it. And it's the best sound he's ever heard. "And I don't plan on stopping now."
"I'm sorry," he says. "I'm sorry I left you, and I'm sorry I didn't comm you, and I'm sorry I was such a coward, and I'm —"
"Shh," you murmur, cutting him off. "I forgive you."
Echo can't speak. He's not sure he can move, can't even breathe. The relief is overwhelming, and it threatens to knock him off his feet. His chest tightens, and the tears won't stop falling, and he doesn't know what to do. He's missed you so much, has regretted leaving every single day, and now that you're here, now that he has you back, he can't find the words to express how grateful he is, how relieved, how happy.
"You really thought I was going to leave you?" you ask, and Echo can hear the note of humor in your voice, can see the ghost of a smile on your face. It's reassuring, and he lets himself smile, too.
"Honestly? Yes," he admits.
"Never," you reply.
Echo leans down and rests his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. You move your hands down his face, brushing the tears away with your thumbs, before bringing them around his neck, wrapping your arms around him. He moves to do the same, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms around your waist. You let out a quiet gasp of surprise, and Echo chuckles, holding you tighter.
"I missed you," he whispers, and it feels good to say the words out loud. "So much."
"I missed you, too," you say, your breath warm against his neck. You tilt your head and press a kiss against his throat, and Echo feels his heart stutter. "More than I can say."
Echo hums and pulls away, bringing his hand up to brush the hair away from your face. Your skin is warm, and soft, and he leans in and presses a kiss against your forehead, savoring the contact. You sigh, and he can't resist the urge to kiss you again, this time on the cheek.
"Echo," you murmur, letting out a shaky breath.
He kisses the corner of your mouth, and then your jaw, and your grip on his neck tightens, your fingers digging into the fabric of his blacks. He moves down your throat, trailing kisses along the column of your neck, and you gasp.
"I missed you, too," he murmurs, and you laugh.
"Yeah, I got that," you say. "Now, will you please kiss me?"
Echo smiles and obliges.
The kiss is soft and sweet, and it tastes like home. He cups the back of your neck, his scomp moving to rest on your hip, and you let out a pleased noise, your hands sliding down to his shoulders. The warmth of your mouth, the way your lips part, the little gasps and sighs you make, it all makes him want to get closer, to be nearer.
You break the kiss, and Echo lets out a quiet whimper. You chuckle and rest your head on his shoulder, and Echo brings his hand up to stroke your hair, his fingers combing through the strands. You sigh and lean into his touch, and he can't help the contented smile that spreads across his face.
"I'm glad you're here," you murmur. "I'm glad you came back."
"Me, too," he says. He tilts your head up and presses a kiss to your temple, his lips lingering. You close your eyes and nuzzle his neck, and Echo sighs, holding you close. It feels so good to have you in his arms again, to be able to hold you, and he wishes he could stay here forever. But the reality of the situation catches up with him, and he can't help the wave of guilt that washes over him.
"I'm sorry, Cyar'ika," he says.
You frown, and pull away slightly. "What are you apologizing for?"
"I didn't think this through," he admits. "I... I didn't know what was going to happen, and now..." He pauses, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I just... I'm sorry. I’m leaving soon, and I know it's going to be hard, and I know you're going to have to say goodbye again, and I'm —"
"Echo," you interrupt, and your voice is firm. You put your hand on his chest, and he can feel the heat of it, even through the layers of armor and clothing. "I know what I signed up for. I'm not expecting anything different."
"But —"
"No," you cut him off. "No buts. I knew what this was, Echo. And I still want it."
"But you shouldn't have to," Echo argues. "I don't want to put you through that."
"Well, it's a little late for that," you reply. Your tone is sharp, and Echo winces. "Look, Echo. I know the situation isn't ideal, but I'm not going to walk away because it's hard. And I'm not going to stop caring just because it hurts." You look at him, and the determination in your gaze makes his heart skip a beat. "You're worth it, okay? No matter what."
"Cyar'ika —"
"No," you say, shaking your head. "You're not changing my mind. You can try, but it's not going to work. So don't waste your time." You give him a stern look, and then your face softens. "Okay?"
"Okay," Echo agrees. He knows it's futile to argue. He's never been able to say no to you. Not when it matters. "I'm still sorry, though."
You roll your eyes, and then stand on your toes and give him a quick kiss. "You're lucky I love you," you say, and the words make him feel lighter.
"Yeah, I am," he agrees, grinning.
"So, what now?" you ask.
Echo shrugs, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. He's been so focused on finding you, on convincing you to forgive him, on making things right, that he hasn't thought about what comes next. The prospect of it is both exhilarating and terrifying, and he doesn't know where to start. There's so much to do, and so little time. And he doesn't want to waste another second.
"Do you want to stay?" you offer.
"Here," you clarify. "For a while. I don't know how long you can, but..." You pause, a flush spreading across your cheeks. “I was going to make dinner. If you wanted to stay."
"Dinner?" Echo repeats, and he can't hide the excitement in his voice. The idea of a home-cooked meal is so far removed from his life now, so distant, that the thought of it almost makes him lightheaded. "Really?"
You laugh, and the sound fills him with warmth. "Yes, Echo. Really."
"What are you making?" he asks. The question sounds childish, and he can't believe how eager he is, how excited.
"Just a simple dish," you say. You move towards the counter and begin putting the groceries away, and Echo follows you, a smile spreading across his face. While you tell him about the recipe, he moves toward your sink, picking up a dish and turning the water on. You look over at him, and the fondness in your eyes makes him blush. "You don't have to do that, Echo."
"I know," he replies. "I want to."
"Well, alright then."
The two of you work together, talking and laughing as you wash the dishes and prepare the food. Echo feels lighter than he has in months, and it's a relief to be here with you, to have something normal and familiar to do. Something so domestic, so ordinary, and yet, so special.
He wants to remember this.
When the food is ready, you gesture to the table, and Echo takes a seat. You sit across from him, and for a moment, the two of you just look at each other. He's missed you, missed this. Missed being here, missed having someone who knew him, someone he could trust. Someone he could love.
You're both quiet, and Echo can see the wheels turning in your head, can see the way your eyes dart over him, taking everything in. You're cataloging, committing him to memory too. The realization hits him, and his chest tightens. He'll be leaving soon, and you're doing what you can to make sure you won't forget him. It's a sobering thought, and he's not sure how to handle it.
"Hey," you say, and Echo looks up, meeting your gaze. "It's okay. We'll be fine."
"How did you know?" he asks, startled.
You shrug. "It's written all over your face."
"I'm sorry," he murmurs. "I wish I could stay."
"It's okay," you repeat. “We have the night, and that’s more than enough. For now, let's just enjoy the time we have."
Echo nods.
You're right.
You always are.
You smile, and it's so beautiful, so genuine, that it takes his breath away. You reach across the table and take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He squeezes back, and you lean forward, resting your elbows on the table and putting your chin in your hand. The way you're looking at him, the affection in your eyes, it makes him feel like he's the only thing that matters, like he’s home.
And, right now, he is.
He's missed this.
He's missed you.
And as the two of you sit there, enjoying each other's company, Echo knows he's made the right choice. He knows that coming back was worth it, that finding you, fixing things, making things right, it's all been worth it. And he knows that, no matter what, he'll be back.
He'll find his way back to you.
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Taglist: @baddest-batchers @covert1ntrovert @stellarbit @bruh-myguy-what @qvnthesia
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catoslvt · 5 months
Newt (TMR) x Reader
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you confess to Newt as he's a crank.
this is probably gonna be very quick.
As Newt jumps on me, sending me spiralling backwards into the floor, I look over at Thomas, who is standing clueless
"Go get the cure! I can handle him!" I scream, Thomas gives me a concerned look before running off anyway.
My attention is suddenly grabbed again by Newt, who now has a knife. Where did he get it from? I've got no clue, but all that matters is getting it out of his hands.
"I don't want to hurt you." Newt snaps, his tone certainly sounding like someone who wants to hurt me.
"You don't need to, please." I beg, but his eyes have faded over again, and he lowers the knife to hover above where my heart is, but I quickly knock the knife from his grip, and it moves far away on the concrete meaning I'm now gonna need to fight Newt with my hands.
"Keep talking!" Newt screams, his eyes flashing only a slight bit of normality before the flare comes back over him, and he's trying to hit me, so I do what he told me to do, talk.
"I've been in love with you since the scorch trials." I say as my hand connects with his jaw, and he stumbles off me, allowing me to stand up, and as I look at Newt, I realise he landed beside the knife.
"What?" He chokes, and I nod tears at the brims of my eyes.
"When Aris led me to your rooms from the vents, I was terrified to meet you, but somehow, I managed to persuade you to leave WICKED and I fell inlove with you almost straight away, I've never looked back. I've never wanted any other boy the way I want you." I continue to talk as a few tears fall from my eyes, and Newt now stands up with the knife, his step staggering as he approaches me, but I suddenly see Thomas, Frypan, Minho and Gallys shadows about to turn round our corner, so I take a few footsteps towards Newt as he stands and stares, either fighting the flare really well or it's about to take over for good.
as I step closer, Newt opens his arms for a hug, and I can't help but do it, crank or not. I just confessed my love for him.
as he wraps my arms around my waist, I momentarily forget he has the knife until it gets plunged into my lower stomach before pulling out, and I step away with my mouth hanging open, clutching the knives enterance wound as blood pours from it.
"y/n!" I hear frypan scream, but it's too late, I've passed out.
I wake up in a small hut with a curtain as a door confused, where the fuck am I?
I quickly go to sit up, but I let out a huge groan as a pain shoots from my lower stomach, so I decide to take it slower and once I'm sitting up, I kick my legs off the bed and stand up, grabbing onto the wall for support before I slowly make my way out the room.
Okay, where the actual fuck am I.
there's tons of people here, mainly people my age or younger who are all walking around, there's huts, there's hammocks and there's even Gardens.
Gardens. Newt.
the thought of his name brings a huge pain towards my stomach, and I groan and almost double over, but Aris sees me and rushes over.
"You're up!?" He exclaims and I nod confused.
"Where are we?" I ask, my throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry as though those three words took away all my willpower.
"The safe haven, a real one this time." He answers, gently grabbing my wrist as he begins to steer me to what seems like a kitchen, and when we walk in, frypan is cooking up dishes.
"Morning shuckface." He says with a small smile as he raises his eyes momentarily to fall onto me.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask and both Aris and Frypan shrug.
"A week or so? Newt got banned from your hut because he was constantly in there speaking to you, Vince thought he was gonna wake you up." Frypan answers, and my eyes almost bulge out my head
"Newt?" I gasp, and they both nod, confused.
"After you passed out, Thomas managed to give him the cure. It worked quite quickly, except there's still dark veins in places." Aris tells me before pointing over at Frypan.
"Can y/n get some water and a sandwich or something?" Aris asks, and Frypan nods, turning around and rummaging around in his make shift kitchen.
I sit alone at the edge of the beach, eating my sandwich and ever so often taking a few sips of water.
"How was the sleep?" The all too familiar voice of Newt asks with a slight laugh as he sits down beside me, but I don't turn to look at him, because the last time I saw him I confessed to him only to get a knife plunged into my stomach.
"Fine." I respond and listen, I'm not too pissed about the knife thing, I'm just scared in case he can remember what I told him.
"Nobody ever told me that turning into a Crank means getting memories back." He sighs, and I turn to look at him, Frypan was right, there is still some dark veins, but it's better than what he looked like as a crank.
"All of them?" I ask, and he nods.
"I remembered Sonya from your maze is my little sister, only her name was Elizabeth back then." He first of all starts, and I gasp slightly.
"I remember every shank from my Glade before we got sent up." He begins listing little things that must mean a lot to remember.
"I remember you." He then states, and I gasp a bit.
"we would've been held separately. How can you remember me?" I ask.
"Minho, Alby, Thomas, Teresa, and I used to all sneak into a maintenance closet somewhere in the WICKED building. One day, we walked in, and there you were, as innocent as ever eating a chocolate bar." Newt tells me and we both laugh slightly.
"From that day forward, you joined us every night in the closet, and I knew from the very first moment I saw you that I'd do whatever I could to protect you." He goes onto say before frowning.
"But I couldn't. You told me you loved me, and i stabbed you." He mutters, and my eyes widen.
for fuck sake did he need to keep those memories?
"we don't need to talk about that Newt, you got the cure, and you're fine, and my stomach is healing. It wasn't your fault." I say as I reach one of my hands over and grab his hand with mine giving it a small squeeze which he returns.
"I tried so hard to fight the flare, even momentarily to tell you that I love you too, tell you that from that closet I knew it was always gonna be you." He tells me, and I look into his eyes, really confused, what did he just say.
he loves me too?
he's joking.
he has to be.
maybe he still has the flare.
"What?" I finally ask, and he nods.
"I love you y/n, I always have." He states, and I smile widely.
"I love you too!" I exclaim, and he kisses me, being gentle with the movements to not hurt my stomach.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Mochi, mochi! Hear me out. I love the shrimpy-mer Yuu chronicles, and PTM, and just *kicks feet*
So, let's just imagine. Every relationship has its ups and downs right? Maybe our shrimp has an argument with their eels. Maybe one of the guys hurt their shrimpies feelings. Maybe it was a dumb fight. So Yuu needs a break and maybe some comforting.
If we're going octo poly they go and hang out with Azul. Lots of comfort cuddles in a cozy spot, wrapped up Azul's tentacles while he lets you vent.
Or .. what if you got the rest of the families(s) involved. We kind of can already tell the twins are spoiled by their parents, but I just picture in my mind that Shrimpy/Yuu is adored by the Leech parents, especially Mama leech. So you got Yuu hanging out with Mama or Papa and the next thing you know they're sharing stories about dumb fights they had when they were courting or giving advice dealing with their sons "oh yeah, one time I pissed her off when I was trying to court her so she bit me in the tail hard, still have the scar!" "Listen, give him the cutest pout possible and Floyd will crumble, trust me, he won't admit it but he's just like his dad when it comes to cute things."
or or! Let's get Mama or even Grandma Ashengrotto involved. What's Mama's best comforting method? Food of course! Sharing food is love under the sea after all. Mama Ashengrotto cooking up comfort food. She cooks so much(Yuu's so tiny, please eat!) Sends Yuu home with leftovers, but tells them no sharing with the twins until they apologized.
Grandma Ashengrotto! If I remember correctly she's good at magic/potions and was teaching Azul when he was younger. So Yuu ends up hanging out with grandma. Hugging one of her tentacles as she's working something in the cauldron. Maybe grandma's got some sass(I love me some sassy old lady), "You know, I could send you home with a couple potions. Lot easier to handle a mer if he's the size of your palm..." "Nana no!" "I'm just saying!"
Ah they're so cute too! I think that the boys are each mama's boys and have always been attached to their hips. Mama Leech has been repeatedly referred to as a worrywart, checking in on her boys nearly daily (?) to make sure they're safe. And while we haven't heard as much about Mama Ashengrotto, Azul has mentioned having a close relationship to her, so it's safe to assume they're pretty attached. They're stark defenders of their boys.
They're also fairly aware of what their sons can be like, and are quick to coddle you over them. It's quite sweet, their sons think, until they realize that Mama is showing just a bit of favoritism and telling you all the ways to make him melt into your arms again. Ah, but can they really be mad when their spouse is fitting into their family so well? Plus, they can never really stay mad at you for long for silly arguments, you just too cute sometimes!
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themoonitselff · 7 months
Alastor as a bf <3
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I think that Alastor as a boyfriend would not be like a pink fantasy. He would search for a weak person, someone as powerful as him but with a soft mind, just for him to break and possess, for him to care and love, for his to own. In a relationship, he would not be a PDA fan, but you would always wear his gifts as a way to express your love to him, like necklaces and hats.
Yeah, he likes the idea of being loved by someone, worshipped by someone and becomes crazy at the thought that you would do anything for him, it raises up his ego, it makes him feel that he's a god and you're his believer. His favorite treasure.
He's definitely Ultraviolence—Lana Del Rey. At first, it starts beautiful, he hunts you from far away, studies your likes, dislikes, your routine, your whole life, and then he attacks, he makes you feel like you're the only one in the world that he would settle for (and it's true), but here comes the problems.
You discover how he is actually, you realize that he's not just polite, handsome, divine, he can be rough, selfish, maniac and obsessive, he likes you as a toy, as something that has no voice or opinion, he knows what you're capable for, he knows your powers, so he rathers having you as his partner than his enemy. Because god, he's so fucking smart he knows what's the best for him.
Even if you don't agree, he is in love with you, but he doesn't know how to show it. He's a killer, he doesn't have feelings for anyone, but then you came. You're his first time, you're the one that made him feel like a highschool girl, and fuck he's trying to understand you, but please, understand him too.
He shows his feelings by material things, by acts of service, and when you became intimate, he whispers you the sweetest things in your ear, he hugs you tight to his body, he smells your hair as he admires his cute little thing.
Is he aggressive? He would hit you if you get out of his control, yes. Is he manipulative? Yes, he would run after you then with flowers and gifts to make sure you don't leave him.
What's the thing he liked most of you? You're quiet. He loves quiet, he loves the fact that he can tell you the nastiest things and not even a word would come out of your mouth. He loves that you're easy to handle, so he doesn't feel weak. He loves that you're loyal, he gets hot by thinking that even if he's not good for your mental health, you would still look for him. He loves the idea of you.
And if someone hurts you, he'll make sure they know what they did. I promise, you don't wanna find out.
As the time passes, he gets more empathy with you, and learns how to love you the right way, he listens, he tries to let you do your things by yourself, and he becomes more in love with you, with your trueself, like, no, he doesn't stop being a psychopath bf, but he realizes that you're not just a thing he can throw away, and if he wants to keep you with him, he has to treat you the right way.. Because if he doesn't, he's more than sure that you would never ever go back with him, after how he abused you.
Alastor as a boyfriend is not the best, but he's learning how to be human.
YEAH I KNOW IT'S KIND OF SAD BUT I had to vent in some way, hehehe, love ya
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solarsmash · 4 months
For you will stay a while longer
Mechanic!reader and Boothill
NO SMUT, comfort, self harm, more so an outlet to let out my own things, fluff to angst(?) at the end, father/daughter relationship, Boothill sees you as a second daughter, implied parental abuse, not proofread
Song —*⁠.⁠✧ 'please help me' by d2s1
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It was a tough night—to say the least..
Relapse was common and afterwards you never really thought about it.. doesn't mean it wasn't there and that the sting didn't annoy you.. but your biggest concern was an appointment with the galaxy ranger Boothill, you were supposed to do some basic check ups and possibly just chat as good friends so now you had to hide any sliver of pain because trust, he will notice.
It was kinda stupid to think you could pull off hiding anything from him, almost as soon as you rubbed your arm a little too much, or refused to look him in the eyes he knew something was up. "Sugar, mind telling me what's wrong?" He glances at you while you are looking through some tools.
"..its nothing. I just didnt get much sleep last night-"
"Now don't lie to me, you know i hate it when you keep things from me.." he wasn't mad, more concerned than anything. Boothill knew to be patient with you, you had been through a lot, just like him, and you had odd ways of showing or hiding it.
You glance at him, wanting to just let it all out but that wasn't how you were raised.. you were never the type to let everything out even if someone offered a shoulder.. it wasn't seen as venting or a healthy outlet when you grew up, crying and talking about your issues was seen as attention seeking—playing the victim, if you will.
Boothill could see your hesitation and walked over, " I won't push you, but i want you to know I'm here for yah'." He wrapped an arm around you but when his hand held your upper arm and you flinched in what seemed like pain. It's almost as if he knew immediately, don't ask him how.. maybe it was parental instincts kicking in, a part of him saw you as the child he never got to see grow up, so his protective instinct sprung up a red flag and he turned you around so you would look at him.
"lift up your sleeve for me."
"p-pardon—?" You tried acting confused but the Galaxy Ranger was sharp and he already knew, he just hoped you would trust him enough to tell him and lay your burdens on him..
"Don't play dumb, Sugar.." He grabbed your wrist surprisingly lightly and it took everything in you to not flinch and swat him away.. to say you were scared was an understatement, after all the last time anyone other than Boothill had seen your own self inflicted wounds was your parents.. and it didn't end well.
"Can i?" Boothill asked with a softness only heard with you and close friends. He lifted your sleeve and saw the badly taken care of gashes on your arm from whatever you used along with the other scars he was already aware of, "oh baby... C'mere.." He gave you a hug, being mindful of your arm.
Whenever Boothill hugged you or made you feel safe, it never felt out of pity or like he was doing it cause he felt he HAD to.. he made you feel safe without any strings attached, something THEY never did.. something it seemed THEY avoided...
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He finished wrapping your arm as you stared off into nothing.. "m'sorry..."
"Don't apologize, Baby.." He said as his gaze softened. He sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulder once again, this time his metal hand rested on your head, rubbing his thumb in circles, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
You just shook your head, tears filling your eyes for 'no reason'.. the amount of emotions building up just had to come out, after all you cant keep filling a bottle and acting like it wont overflow.
He laid his chin on your head and snuggled you closely, "its alright, m'here for yah, you can cry as much as you want."
And just like that tears overflowed, pouring down your cheeks as you leaned into him.. it's as if the pain from hurting yourself only just hit, he made you feel human, as dumb as it sounded.. He understood you like no other in the galaxy..
"It's alright kiddo, i gotcha'... I'm here..." He murmured as you sobbed into his chest.. the feeling of being comforted was foreign to you, unknown and now that you felt it with him it's like you never wanted it to end.. "Why aren't you mad...!?" You stammered through sniffles, barely able to say a sentence without stuttering..
"Why would i ever be mad at you for something like this..?" He gazed down, he already had a feeling something was wrong with your childhood, not in a rude way but.. the vibe you gave off just doesn't come from people who had fulfilled childhoods.. Boothill just never knew the full extent of what happened to you but he wouldn't pry.
"They always got mad— i- i thought— that if you found out- that you wouldn't care- or- or you would hit me—" When you were younger it was normal, it wasnt 'child abuse'(it was), you were just a problem child- thats why... Right?
if Boothill could cry he would be, he cant understand how people can beat their kids or treat them in such ways, he lost his only daughter and feels hatred for those who take their kids for granted. "No- no.... Sugar i would never hit you.. Whatever they told you was stupid.. it was a fudgin' lie.. You shouldn't have to feel like a burden for feeling hurt.. you deserve to be heard as much as everybody else.." He held you closer, tighter, but made sure not to hurt you.
"I didnt back then though— n-not now either—" Boothill cut you off.
"I don't want you sayin' things like that.. no matter what you did to think you didn't deserve to be comforted, it doesn't justify leaving you to help yourself.. you are worth so much, kid.. so fudgin' much.." he spoke softly, cracks in his voice like he would cry.. even if he couldnt.
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After awhile you had fallen asleep, it was alright, the check up could wait.
The sounds of your soft snoozing was better than your tears, he hated seeing you cry and he would do anything to make you feel better and hurt anyone if someone was the cause.
He smiled as he glanced down at you, he wondered if his own daughter would have liked you.. though she was extremely young, he couldn't help but imagine if maybe, just maybe, the three if you could be happy together in a different universe.
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mur4sak1 · 6 months
How would elves behave during an argument?
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A/N: Remember that English is not my first language so I hope I wrote in the best way <3
Characters: Rog, Galdor, Glorfindel, Maedhros, Legolas (bonus)
Rog: guys, this elf would be really scary. Contrary to what you might think, he would lose his temper very easily; he works all day in the darkness of the forges and when he leaves he just wants to have a good rest, so further stress from an argument would drive him out of his mind. He's the typical person who screams without thinking twice and says things he doesn't mean in anger. His way would destroy you every time, making you burst into tears from how bad he made you feel... but as soon as he saw a small tear running down your face he fell silent, forgetting everything that was happening; Was it him who made you like this? He was making the only person who loved him and who had always supported him in his darkest moments cry. He would stay still for some time, with a thousand thoughts in his head when a louder sob from you would bring him back to reality. He would apologize to you but he would do it without meeting your gaze, he is suffering too much for what he did and he wouldn't have the courage to see your destroyed expression. But you knew that he loves you more than anything after all. With difficulty you would get up and hug him as tight as possible, telling him that everything was fine, that you knew he didn't think those things and that you loved him... You couldn't see his face, but a tear fell from his eyes.
Galdor: NOW LET'S ALL GIVE A HUG TO THIS WONDERFUL ELF TOGETHER. He would always try to find a solution peacefully, without discussions and the need to argue, but if this happens you should not fear anything from him. He would NEVER scream, he would NEVER raise his voice, he would NEVER say anything mean to you just to hurt you or win the argument. I mean, it would be fantastic. Maybe due to particular circumstances you would have become so upset that you felt angry against the elf, but in any case he would have spoken to you in a calm and reasonable tone, making you understand that you didn't need to react that way. If the pain brought you to tears, he would hug you and console you like a defenseless child, helping you and trying to get you to vent so that he could fully understand what was troubling you so as to avoid misunderstandings. Galdor would have been able to understand and love you more than anyone else, always.
Glorfindel: It was rare to argue with the blond elf, but sometimes it happened and the situation became quite lively. Glorfindel always tried to keep his problems to himself and not involve others because he was convinced that difficult moments should only be faced with those you love. Furthermore, he certainly wanted to avoid all that useless gossip that many elves had on any topic that might attract their curiosity. Although his character was often extroverted and playful even in the saddest situations for this reason, when he argued with you it wasn't uncommon to hear shouts and snorts coming from your rooms. They would not be screams that expressed malice, but screams that asked to be listened to; it was natural for him to raise his voice when he wasn't listened to and in that way he expressed all his frustration and the pain that the discussion with you was bringing him. He always acted for your good and feeling attacked made him suffer, he wondered what he was doing wrong, what more did you want from him. But the intense mix of emotions inside him prevented him from acting rationally, forgetting how to express them and focusing only on everything you said. After a long time arguing like this you would have reached the point of being exhausted and progressively raising your voice would have left you breathless. You would stop to breathe for a fraction of seconds, with the certainty that everything would soon start again. But after rubbing your eyes, you looked at your elf's face and saw in him all the pain that he was trying to say to you through his tone of voice; his fists were clodes, his head was bowed, his forehead shiny with sweat and a few blond hairs stuck to it. In an instant you understood everything... You breathed a heavy sigh and quickly approached him to hug him, starting to beg him to forgive you and sobbing heavily between one apology and another... Caught off guard, after a few seconds he relaxed his arms and reciprocated the hug. Finally he let himself go to his feelings; he rested his head on your head and the wet of sweat combined with the wetness of a few tears. So he was able to express everything he felt and only at that point would you be able to clarify and return to being happy and in love as always "I just want to always be perfect for you".
Maedhros: I'm sure fights with the red-head would be very peaceful. Having grown up in a large family and in the role of an older brother, he had developed a lot of patience thanks to which he could easily handle any type of conflict with you. Contrary to what many might think, after Angbad Mae would not have vented the pain on you with shouts and insults, but quite the opposite. After the terrible torture he suffered, the only thing he wanted was to feel accepted and in you he found his salvation; in all the darkest moments where his mind couldn't differentiate reality from dreams you were there by his side to help him, without ever making him feel wrong and making him understand how strong he was to have overcome such a trauma. For this reason, he would feel like a terrible elf during arguments. He only wanted to offer you the support that you represented to him every day but instead he felt more like a burden to you. This would make him cry a lot, but in silence and alone, because he feared that with every little clash you would abandon him. He just needed time, time to understand that you would never, ever abandon him; you always told him that you loved him more than anyone else and that he needed your support to be able to return to the sweet, confident elf he once was, and you would do anything to help him. Needless to say, every time the arguments were resolved without even face them... there was too much love that bound your hearts to ruin it for superficial reasons.
BONUS. Legolas: So, I honestly see Legolas as the kind of elf who would be capable of walking away during an argument. Perhaps due to stress, lack of patience or lack of desire for confrontation, he could stop the conversation, pick up and leave the place where you were. But in reality his behavior would be the solution to the problem. In fact, the much anger that you had accumulated would have faded with distance and the passage of time and would have made both of you understand how much you cared for each other. Solitude would have helped Legolas to think clearly about the problem and find a possible solution to make them both happy. When you met again you would have made peace, both apologizing for your abrupt ways and organizing something to spend the evening together.
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itsthestutterforme · 6 months
My Sleepy Girl (Rafe Cameron Drabble)
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Summary: Rafe rushes you to the hospital after you fainted in his arms.
Prompt credit @eddysocs : “Stop that broody look and come over here.”
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, protective Rafe
“I mean really? The luck that I have right? Every single team that I’ve bet on fucking lost. Three fifty down the drain-“
Rafe was in the middle of venting to you about how he lost money betting fantasy football- yet again- when he notices your head bobbing whenever the car shakes when it hits a pothole.
He keeps an eye on the road but occasionally glancing at you and shaking his head.
Throwing the car in park, he tapped your shoulder and you jolted awake, hitting him in the chest.
“Relax, Bruce Lee. Jesus,” “Sorry,” you said through a yawn. “You didn’t have to come if you were tired baby,”
“It’s fine, Rafey. I just wanted to spend some time with you.” You told him, giving him a tired smile.“
“My sleepy girl,” he coos pecking your lips softly before opening his door.
You slid out of his BMW and shut the door, tugging Rafe’s North Face jacket closer to your frame at the cold chill.
Rafe holds his hand out for you and you place your hand into his. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles before leading you inside.
He peered over his shoulder at you when he feels you pull away from his grip.
“I’ll head to the bathroom to freshen up,” you explain. “You want me to wait outside the door?”
“It’s okay, Rafe. I’ll come find you.” You reassure but he wasn’t budging.
Rafe watched you push through the crowd and decided to go with you anyway.
What kind of boyfriend would he be if he let his girl walk to the bathroom alone in a crowded restaurant full of drunk dudes?
You felt a hand on your waist and immediately knew it was Rafe from the signet ring.
He stood in front of you protectively, occasionally nudging some guys that were in his way until he reached the bathrooms.
“I said I was okay, Rafe.” You said when he opened the door to the bathroom for you.
“I know you did, baby. I’ll be right out here, alright?” You nodded, locking the door after you closed it.
Thankfully it was a one stall so you could have a moment to yourself.
You haven’t been feeling yourself lately. Sure it could have something to do with your period coming up or the birth control pills you’ve been taking. But it feels like something else.
You’ve been feeling more tired more frequently and get lightheaded when you stood up too quick.
You secretly hoped that Rafe hasn’t noticed because he can be such a helicopter boyfriend when he thinks you’ve been hurt.
Bending low into the sink you let the cold water run over your hands a bit before throwing some on your face.
Bringing the cold water on your face a few times, you turned off the sink and dried your face with a paper towel.
You felt rejuvenated but a yawn still escaped your lips. You applied some lip stick after you washed your hands, giving yourself a once over in the mirror before leaving.
Rafe’s eyes met yours when you open the door. He was leaning against the door, crossing his arms as he waited for you.
“You sure you’re alright, baby?” He takes your head into his hands, gently scratching your scalp to calm you.
“Mm, you know I fall asleep when you do that.” You tell him, melting into his warm hands with a pleased smile.
He chuckles at the sight of his hands squishing your cheeks.
“M’okay, Rafe. Let’s go find the boys.” You took his hand and let him pull you through the crowd until you met Topper and Kelce.
“Y/N, you made it!” Topper’s face lit up when he brings you in for a hug.
Kelce lifted his fist and you gave him a first bump. “Good to see ya as always,” he greeted.
You and Rafe sat down and the boys immediately started talking about how the game was going.
Meanwhile you flagged down the waitress to order a drink and some boneless wings.
By the time the third quarter hit, you were back asleep. Kelce cocks his head to you sleeping, resting your head on the palm of your hand.
“Is she okay?” “I dunno man. She’s been.. tired lately. I think she needs to make a doctor’s appointment,” Rafe explains.
“Baby,” he states, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Your eyes peeled open. “Oh, sorry. I think I’ll head home. You can stay here, I’ll call an Uber,” you stand from chair and your head felt like it was floating off your body.
“I don’t..” you trail off. Your knees buckled sending you to the floor.
“Whoa, whoa,” Rafe’s catches you, holding your chin in his hand as he called your name.
“Y/N, baby. Look at me.” He tells you. When you tried to speak, he noticed your words starting to slur.
“I’m taking her to the hospital,” he takes out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and set it on the table in to pay for your food.
Throwing you over his shoulder, he walks to his car and buckled you in the front seat.
There you laid asleep in the hospital bed with the constant beep from the heart monitor. Thankfully, you didn’t need an oxygen tank.
The doctors ruled out brain damage, which they were worried about when Rafe mentioned your speech slurring.
After hours of tests and blood work, the doctor ordered the nurses to give you an IV with the necessary nutrients that you were lacking.
With just an hour on being on a drip, you were feeling much better.
Rafe paces in the room, biting on his thumb anxiously. He stops pacing when he heard the door click open.
“Hey doc,” you greet. “So we figured out what was wrong. Y/N, do you have history of anemia in your family?” He starts.
“Uh y-yes, my grandmother has it and so does my mom. I just.. haven’t been the best at taking pills.” You said with a grimace, feeling Rafe’s burning stare on the side of your face.
“Mm, I see. Well your blood tests came back and we can determine that you are teetering between mild anemia and severe anemia. And you also have a potassium deficiency.”
“That’s not fatal is it?” Rafe asks, crossing the room until he was next to you.
“If it goes untreated for a long period of time, yes. But thankfully, she’s nowhere near fatal ranges,”
You glanced over at Rafe who looked like he was going to kill someone. His expression caused the doctor to take a step back.
“No need to worry about him, doc. He’s just protective.“ you reassured, wanting him to continue speaking.
“Good news is that you can be discharged within the hour. I suggest swinging by the nearest GNC to find iron and potassium supplements along with monthly blood tests to make sure you’re headed in the right direction.” He finalizes, giving you a nod before leaving.
The room went silent until Rafe scoffs. “Here we go,”
“Because you haven’t been the best at taking pills, you passed out. Are you serious, Y/N?” He held a hand out for emphasis.
“Look, I know it’s a stupid move alright? I just don’t like taking pills. Especially big ones. It makes me feel like I’m going to choke or something.”
“But you don’t have a gag reflex,” he said and you gave him a flat look.
“I know you’re struggling to keep a straight face after that,” you said after a long pause.
“I couldn’t help myself,” he says with a soft chuckle. “Leave it to Rafe to make sexual innuendos,”
“Please, you know you love this mouth.”
“I do. Now stop that broody look and come over here.” He slumps his shoulders and approached your open arms.
Resting his head on your shoulder with a low grumble. He wrapped his arms around you cautiously.
“I’m just worried about you,” “I know, baby.” “I’ll make sure you take your pills every day. You hear me?”
“Okay,” you said in defeat. “Hey, none of that. You need to get better.” He reprimands as he pulls away from your shoulder.
Sighing when he sees your pout, he adds, “Fine I’ll order us some take out from the Cheesecake Factory after we go to GNC. Deal?”
“Deal,” he leans down to give you a quick peck.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 2 months
In the Beginning, In the End (A-Train)
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Description: Y/N is Hughie’s sister and hated A-Train until he started saving them.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 2,928K
Being Hughie’s sister was a roller coaster. There were the good times and the bad times and the times that couldn’t be described. Ever since William Butcher entered Campbell's lives nothing has been the same. When Y/N got the call that Robin had died and more tragic than anything. Y/N ripped off the poster she had of A-Train and got rid of any merch. She hated his guts after that and the second Billy offered a way to kill him Y/N said yes faster than A-Train could run. Hughie loved the idea of his little sister wanting to protect him but he was scared she would get hurt.
When A-Train apologized to him she laughed in his face and told him he was a cold blooded killer. So anytime she was face to face with him it wasn’t a nice battle. A-Train made fun of Hughie anytime he could about his little sister being his protector. Y/N told him a billion times that if she had powers A-Train would be dead. When A-Train’s girlfriend passed, Y/N laughed in his face when he tried to blame Hughie. “Your girlfriend died because of you! You’re a no good lousy piece of shit that needs to get the fuck out of here or else.” A-Train was amazed by her. She didn’t fear him or care what happened to her as long as Hughie was okay. A-Train wanted out.
He couldn’t handle Homelander anymore. This wasn’t what he wanted. “Why are you here?” Y/N asked walking up to him. “Leave.” She said before he could answer. “I’m here for your brother.” He said. “So you can kill his girlfriend? Get the fuck out. She saved your life and frankly she shouldn’t have.” A-Train’s eyes widened at her words. She was harsh. “I know about your dad and I’m sorry. Hughie wants to give him V so I stole some from Homelander.” “What?” She asked no longer aggressively. “He wants to save your dad so he told me he would forgive me if I helped. Don’t know if that means your forgiveness but it’s a start.” She didn’t have any words.
He risked his life just so Hughie could forgive him? The stunned look on her face made him smile a little. Hughie walked in the door and was about to question what was going on when A-Train gave him the V. “Thank you.” She said to him before he left. He felt his heart beat faster at that. The next time A-Train would make her feel funny was when he saved Hughie and her from Homelander. One second they were in the vents the next in an alley. “You saved us? Why?” She asked. The look of hate wasn’t in her eyes. “Do you forgive me now?” He asked her. She nodded and gave him a little smile.
He ran away and since then she’s had a funny feeling in her heart. When they had to spy on Victoria and Homelander A-Train did something that made him a hero. He saved MM. Y/N was with Billy at the time but when she found out she ran to him. She knew where he lived thanks to Vought. She wore a black hoodie and had the hood on as she snuck into the tower. She found his room and knocked on the door. He answered it and was shocked to see her. He quickly pulled her inside, “what are you doing here?” He asked, shocked. “You saved MM.” She said. “Why?” She loved asking the question. It was something he got used to. That’s when he told her everything.
He wanted out of Vought and he was done with it. Y/N listened to him as he talked and told her all of this. He had a fear that she would use it against him but was shocked when she hugged him. It took him a second but he hugged her back and had tears in his eyes. “You’re not alone, A-Train. Why do you think we’ve been planning to take down Vought for years?” He pulled away from the hug, “Did you ever want to kill me?” He asked. Though he knew the answer. “At first, yes. Now, No. You’ve done a lot and proved yourself better than anyone in the Seven. You’re a hero.” She said and cupped his face. “You know when I saved MM there was a kid there and he smiled at me. It made me feel like a hero and I didn’t hate myself.” She kissed him.
The amount of shockness in his body could have killed a regular person. But he kissed back. All of the times that she threatened him and told him he was horrible played back but that memory went away when she straddled him on his couch, not breaking the kiss. His hands moved to hold her hips that were covered by the large hoodie. She pulled away from the kiss to breathe. He stared at her as she closed her eyes and caught her breath. “Why’d you kiss me?” He asked. She opened her eyes, “I’m gonna tell you a secret and you have to keep it.” He nodded and in her hoodie she pulled out a poster. It was the poster that she had on her wall of him.
“This poster was on my wall for years up until what happened with Robin.” She said, “You were a fan?” He asked. She smiled and nodded, “A big fan.” He took the poster and looked at her. “So do you think you can get me another poster?” She asked. He chuckled and threw the poster on the ground and pulled her back into a kiss. His hands gripped the end of her hoodie and she pulled away from the kiss to help him take it off. His eyes fell to her bare chest and she smirked. She was too turned on for him to just be staring so she took one of his hands and placed it on her breast.
He squeezed it a little causing her to moan. He was harder than a rock after hearing that. Her panties were soaked and she perfectly lined up with his crotch. He thrusted his hips up causing her to gasp. He smirked and kept doing it causing her to whine. His hand traveled down her body to her clothed pussy. He ran a finger up her slit and nearly groaned. She was soaked. “You’re so wet.” He said and pushed her panties aside to see her wet pussy. She gasped his name when he made contact with her. “Reggie.” He said.
“Call me Reggie.” Reggie. She liked that. That name was all she knew now. His finger that was circling her clit flattened out so she could hump it. He grabbed her hip with the other hand to steady her movements. He looked up at her in pure awe and she humped his hand and whined his real name. His middle finger circled her hole that was dripping on him. She whimpered as he inserted a finger in her. Her head fell back with a pornographic moan. Her hips got faster as did his finger. “Fuck you’re so beautiful.” He said and she moaned at his words.
He smiled and watched as her eyes were rolling back and her pussy was going wild on his finger. He inserted another one and she whined that she was going to cum. “Cum for me baby. I want your cum all over my fingers.” She screamed his name so loud that he was positive that everyone in the tower heard but he didn’t care. She came all over his fingers and he let her ride out her orgasm with moan after moan about how good it feels. He pulls his fingers out causing her to gasp. They both stare at his cum drenched fingers. She took his hand and put his fingers in her mouth causing him to moan. “Fuck baby you’re so hot.” She licked his fingers clean and began sucking on them.
He twitched in his pants as she let him know what she wanted next. She moved off him and took off her panties. He pulled down his pants and his dick was big and hard. She felt herself get wet again. She straddled him again but by his legs so she could give him a blowjob. He watched as she licked up his shaft causing his mouth to open. She licked every inch of his dick before taking him in her mouth. He threw his head back for a second trying not to be too loud but her mouth was amazing.
Her tongue swirled around him and her hand was jerking off what wasn’t in her mouth at the moment. “Fuck shit.” He whispered as he tried to keep his eyes open to watch her but knew that he would cum faster if he did that. She looked so pretty with his dick in her mouth. She looked up at him and he almost came. She took in more of his dick until it hit the back of throat. She had a pretty good gag reflex. His hands gripped her hair that was down and he tried not to fuck up into her mouth. Luckily she was moving fast enough for him that he began twitching very fast in her mouth. “I’m cumming Y/N fuck.” He whined and came down her throat.
She swallowed all of it and smirked up at him. She wiped her mouth and looked up at him. He was breathing hard but looked peaceful. She crawled back on top of him and they kissed again. Their lips moved fast and lustful as he felt himself get hard again. She took his dick in her hand ready to line him up but he stopped her. “Let me fuck you.” He begged and she smiled and laid on the other side of the couch. He took off the rest of his clothing and got in between her legs. He smiled down at her and she pulled him in for a kiss. They made out for a few and he moved down to kiss her neck.
He definitely left a hickey but she was too horny to care. “Reggie please.” He pulled away from her neck to look at her. “Please what baby?” He asked and went back to kissing her neck. “Fuck me Reggie. Please.” He smiled against her neck and lined himself up with her hole. He slowly pushed in wanting to feel every inch of her wet pussy. She gasped feeling him tear her apart. She had sex before but he was a supe and he was huge. He closed his eyes, enjoying it until he was fully inside of her. Her legs wrapped around his waist pushing him deeper.
He pulled away from her neck and looked at her face. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were blown. She looked so fucked out and he didn’t even fuck her yet. He began thrusting causing her mouth to drop out and her eyes to close. He kept his eyes on her as he fucked her. She moaned out his name and she gripped the couch with one hand and scratched his back with the other. He grabbed her hand and laced it with his as he moved faster. “Fuck.” He whispered as the feeling got better. “Reggie.” She whined and he kissed her neck again. He didn’t want to make a bunch of noise as he was enjoying hers but her pussy felt amazing.
The couch started making noise as he was thrusting as fast as he could without hurting her. Her whole body was wrapped around him. Both of them were fucking noisy and he pussy started clenching him. “I’m so fucking close.” She whined and gasped. “Me too baby fuck.” He moaned and she gasped loudly and came all over his dick. He kissed her face repeatedly as she came. He followed after and they both moaned so loud. Her pussy milked him so much until he was soft again. He stayed inside of her as they caught their breath. “I love you.” She said and he looked up at her shocked. 
After that day Y/N and Reggie were together but nobody knew. Though he has helped The Boys she wasn’t sure how any of them would take it especially Hughie. Billy, Starlight and Y/N walked into the office and The Deep was there. But he wasn’t alone and Black Noir was also there. Of course Homelander sent them to kill them and they fought.
Billy and Black Noir were fighting and Y/N helped Starlight with the Deep. He hurt them both pretty badly especially Y/N but A-Train showed up and helped them. Y/N gave him a smile and he picked her up and zoomed away. He laid her on his couch and she coughed. “Thank you!” She said and he kissed her head. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there sooner.” He said and she shook her head. “You’re my hero.” She whispered and cupped his face.
He gave her a soft smile and grabbed her hand, “I think you’re mine.” They leaned their foreheads against each other. “I’m leaving and I want you to come.” He told her. She looked at him, “Leaving where?” She asked. He chuckled, “Anywhere Dubai? France? Anywhere that’s not here.” “Reggie why the rush?” “He knows now that I’m the leak.” Y/N looked down completely forgetting about that. She sighed and shook her head, “We can defeat him.” She said. “Yeah maybe someday but I can’t let you get hurt and I need to protect my family.” He tells her. “I need to protect mine too.” She whispers. “Can you think about it?” He asked and she nodded. 
Hughie and her walked back to her apartment. She needed to tell him about A-Train. As she got to her door she turned around. “I need to tell you something.” She said, “Okay.” “I’m seeing A-Train and he’s leaving and asked me to go.” Hughie shook his head in shock. “What? When? How?” She laughed at all the questions. “I love him, Hughie and he saved Annie and I yesterday and I think I’m gonna go with him.” “He’s leaving The Seven?” “Homelander knows about him being the leak so he has to go.”
“You hated him Y/N and now you love him?” “I loved him first, remember?” Hughie smiled at the memory of her obsession with him. “You know I forgive him about Robin.” Hughie said. She smiled at him and nodded, “I do too.” “If you want to go I support it but come visit me some time will ya?” She had tears in her eyes. “I have to. I have to protect my big brother.” She said and they hugged. 
The next day Y/N ran to A-Train who was no longer at the Vought tower but with MM. The building was empty but him. “Reggie.” Y/N said and he turned around. “I’ll come with you.” She said and ran up and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss. For the first time in his life he’s truly happy. “When are we leaving?” She asked. “Tonight.” He said. That gave her time to pack. “I love you Reggie.” He smiled, “I love you more baby.” She pulled away from him to gather her things from the building.
She wrote a note to Billy and sighed as her and Reggie had her things. They sped to her apartment and he helped her pack. “Well that’s everything.” She said as she looked around at an empty apartment. He moved the last of her things on the truck. She walked out of the house and closed the door for the last time. She sighed and turned to Reggie. “Have you talked to Hughie?” He asked her. “He knows and he supports it.” He smiled and took her hand as they walked to the truck. “Is your chip gone?” Y/N asked him as she drove. “Yes and my family is already gone.” He said. She smiled as she drove away from Vought and everything.
Hughie smiled at the text she sent him. She was in Dubai with A-Train and she had her phone shut off so nobody could contact her but him. Reggie came into the room of their new home. He felt secure and safe with her. “Hey.” She said as she shut her new phone off. “Hey.” He said as he sat next to her. “I texted Hughie but that was all.” He nodded, “How’s everyone doing?” “Well it’s been 3 days so they are still trying to beat him.” “Do you think they will?” She shrugs, “Billy is a hardass and frankly he’ll die before he gives up.” She turned away from him to grab something and when she turned back around he was on one knee. “Reggie-” “Will you marry me?” He asked, holding a beautiful diamond ring.
She gasped and her eyes were filled with tears. “Reggie, are you serious?” He nodded, “So serious.” He said and she fell to her knees and hugged him. “Yes Reggie of course I’ll marry you!” She cried. He slid the ring on her finger and she looked at it in awe. “This is to our new life and away from the bullshit.” He said. She laughed and nodded. As their lips locked she gets a call from her brother. It seems that maybe they weren’t done with the Vought bullshit just yet.
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writeyouin · 2 months
I love your writing so much! Honestly you need more credit. Could I get a request for a medic femme that died while saving another bot on a mission and their s/o (Rodimus, Rung or Whirl) had/is having a funeral service? Thank you so much and I hope you have an awesome day 💕💕
MTMTE / LL Bot X Reader Drabbles – Funeral
A/N – Hey, this was a long time coming, so I hope you’ve had many good days in the time you have waited for this.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Rung thought he knew what heartbreak was.
He has been around for a long, long Yet, he never felt old until now.
He has seen friends come and go. The deaths of so many people he knew, but he wasn’t close to any of them, or rather, not as close as he could have been.
He never lost an Amica Endurae, or worse… a Conjunx, until now.
So many of his therapy sessions revolved around him comforting other bots through the worst losses imaginable. He has seen this before, known what it looks like, and felt the related compassion, but to go through it himself? Nothing can compare to this feeling of emptiness.
You were a medic. You followed the rules. You really believed it when you said: “Do no harm.”
Rung had seen you do commendable things. You even had to be dragged from a DJD bot once because you refused to distinguish between any bot that needed medical care.
It was Ratchet who had dragged you away, knowing that you were wrong and that the bot wouldn’t be thankful for your help; he would have killed everyone around him as soon as you brought him back online.
You had cried for weeks after that, letting Rung comfort you over the loss of a prospective patient.
For you to die when you weren’t even fighting- For another bot to murder you while you were trying to resuscitate a fallen friend- It was unspeakable.
Rung removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his olfactory sensor, overcome by grief and tears.
He vented a few puffs of air through his systems and tried to compose himself, surprised when he felt a servo resting gently on his back.
He looked up to Drift, who nodded grimly at him, eyes alight with understanding.
Rung nodded back, replaced his glasses and stood up.
He would cry as soon as this was over, but first, he had to give a eulogy in your name as was his duty. It was the hardest thing he had ever had to do.
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“You know kid, it’s okay to- Hell, to anything! Scream, cry, break something. Please!” Hound begs. He wishes that he wasn’t the one who had to tell Rodimus but he was there when you… When Rodimus’ Conjunx Endurae died.
Upon hearing it, Rodimus didn’t say anything. He sat down against the wall and looked to the floor. It’s like he hasn’t heard a word that Hound said, but Hound knows he did. Whether he’s processing it is another matter.
“Rodimus, I-”
“How did it happen?” Rodimus asks quietly, clutching at his knees hard enough to make dents.
Hound likes telling stories. He likes to tell bots what it’s like on Earth, about the best places he’s visited, hell, he even enjoys regaling the crew with his best fights, but this? The story of your death? He doesn’t want to recount it. It’s too painful for Rodimus to hear.
Instead, he shakes his head, “I don’t think-”
Rodimus shoots up, enraged and shouting, “HOW DID IT HAPPEN?! TELL ME. HOW DID-” His voice breaks as the coolant starts pouring from his optics, “How did (Y/N)- Why did it have to be (Y/N)? Why? WHY?”
Rodimus is being irrational. They both know it, but Rodimus is hurting too much to be reasonable, and Hound isn’t going to argue.
Hound hugs Rodimus, feeling awful for the young bot. He doesn’t exactly answer the full truth of what the DJD did to you for getting in the way of their mission, albeit accidentally since you didn’t know who the bot you were treating was, let alone that he was on the DJD’s list. Yet, without answering the full question, Hound gives a half-truth. “I couldn’t provide enough cover fire.”
That much was true, but Hound wasn’t the only bot with you. It had been Drift to call a tactical retreat, and by the time everyone had looked back, you weren’t with them. You had stayed with your patient, till the very end.
They went back for you, of course they did, but they needed backup and their communications with the Lost Light had gone down over a cycle prior.
When they found your body… Hound felt sick at the memory. Sufficed to say, there wasn’t much left to find.
“I’m sorry, kid,” Hound says, and he repeats the words over and over as Rodimus clings to him. Rodimus is also stuck on his mantra. “It should have been me. (Y/N) was too good. It should have been me.”
By the time your funeral rolls around, Rodimus is a disgrace. He doesn’t attend the funeral. He hates such events. Instead, he sits alone in his room, crying. Some people come by to try and coax him out, but he ignores them all.
He can’t bear to be around anyone.
Now, after the funeral, he hates himself. All he keeps thinking is that he should have gone. He should have been there, and now it’s too late.
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When Whirl is told about your death, there are bots on standby, waiting for the inevitable rampage.
Sure enough, it happens but at first, they leave him to it, seeing as Whirl is only destroying the furniture and given the circumstances, that’s reasonable.
Then, Whirl devolves into a shoot-the-messenger mindset, running at Rodimus with a knife he’d concealed in one of his subspaces.
Rodimus does little to defend himself. Frankly, he’s also in shock by your loss, and losing any crew member, especially one as sweet and kind as you takes a heavy toll on him.
But, that’s what the other crewmembers were for, and even though Rodimus never called for backup, they ran to defend him.
It takes Whirl a very long time to calm down, and he only does so because there’s nothing to destroy in the brig.
Whirl feels like shit. On the last day that he saw you alive, the two of you had been in an argument which he had started.
And even though he had been a complete aft, you still put your arm on his shoulder-plate to try and apologise, even though the argument hadn’t been your fault. Then Whirl shrugged you off and told you to join the slag heap.
He’d felt you sigh at that, but you somehow managed to put up with it. You told him you loved him, and to take care of himself, and- and that you’d be back soon.
Whirl can’t apologise for the things he said. Worse, he hadn’t even meant them.
The only reason he’d picked that stupid fight with you was because he was terrified of losing you.
That morning, you had brought up the subject of performing the Conjunx rites with him, and Whirl had this feeling of dread. Dread that you would be trapped with him, and by extension that he wasn’t good enough for you.
So, Whirl did what he always did. He fucked everything up and tried to push you away, even though he always wanted to be with him.
Then you had gone to work and- ARGH! Whirl didn’t want to think about how you died. You were gone and there was no bringing you back!
Still, that’s all Whirl can think about. He spends the next few cycles alone, stuck replaying the stupid argument in his head and wishing he was dead.
When Ultra Magnus has security cautiously let Whirl out, Whirl doesn’t bother to fight.
There’s no point.
Besides, he won’t do anything to jeopardise attending your funeral. It’s all he can do to make it up to you.
So, when the day of the funeral arrives, Whirl makes a speech, and for once, everybody listens to him. No hatred or derision, only sorrow.
Whirl speaks about your character, strength, and how in a perfect world, this wouldn’t have happened. He lists your greatest medical achievements, brings up your proudest moments, and shares some of his private memories of you.
Ultimately, Whirl gives the perfect eulogy. He had to. He owed you that much. It’s the only way he can think to apologise to you.
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Obey Me X Twisted Wonderland Prompt
Sort of a Solomon x MC prompt! 
This goes for an MC that goes to Twisted Wonderland after they go through Nightbringer, but the Obey Me Boys from the OG game come to get them from Twisted Wonderland.
I think that if this were to happen, MC would immediately turn to Solomon before they even considered happily and affectionately greeting the brothers or the others. Because they don’t know if these Obey Me Boys come from the past or the present, but they do know that no matter where they were, Solomon was himself and was there for them. 
Obviously, the brothers would be hurt, but if Solomon told them about what happened during Nightbringer, they might understand. If he hadn’t, then they will be extremely jealous, wondering why they’re human is acting like this with the Shady Sorcerer. 
I can imagine MC seeing Solomon, stopping whatever they were doing, and immediately rushing over, tackling him into a hug. Like this, maybe,
MC: No, no, Crewel wanted us to measure it in percentages of weight, not percentages of volume. No wonder you’re not doing too well in that class.
Deuce: How do you know all this? I don’t have it anywhere in my notes that we’re supposed to do it that way. 
MC, glancing down and thinking about their favorite person: Just, had someone tutor me a while back. They were a very good teacher.
Epel: Was it Vil? He’s good at potions, but I don’t know anyone who could last against his teaching.
MC, laughing: No, it wasn’t Vil.
Vil approaches angrily.
Ace: Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
MC, trying to avoid another Overblot: What’s up, Vil?
Vil: The new exchange student put in my dorm!
MC, realizing he’s come to vent all his problems to them, as they’re the unpaid therapist: I forgot Crowley was doing that today. I wasn’t invited because my dorm is unofficial and too small for new students. What’s wrong with your new student?
Vil: He’s just so infuriating! It’s like he’s only ever relied on his looks, and acts as though the world revolves around him!
Epel, under his breath: Reminds me of someone else I know.
MC, smacking Epel: Well, surely there has to be something good about him?
Vil: His social media skills are commendable, and he seems very good at reading people. But it’s hard to approach him. He seems rather attached to two of the Diasomnia exchange students.
MC: That’s a little surprising. Most people are afraid of Diasomnia students.
Sebek: Clearly this new exchange student just has good taste!
MC, slowly putting the pieces together: You know, the description of the exchange student reminds me of someone I know.
Ace: Think it’s them?
MC: It’s possible, but doubtful.
Solomon, approaching the group: Never doubt my abilities, dear apprentice.
MC immediately drops their notes and other things, rushing past Vil and their friends towards Solomon.
MC, tackling the sorcerer: Solomon! I missed you so much!
Solomon, laughing, and patting their head affectionately: I missed you as well.
Asmodeus: Did you miss me, darling?
Solomon, helping MC up, waits to see their reaction.
MC, unsure of how to approach the demon: Of course I missed you, Asmo.
Asmo, blinks when he is not also bombarded with affection like Solomon was: Then, where’s my hug?
MC: Did you want one?
Asmo, pouting: Of course!
Or with any of the brothers and others. 
If MC is dating Solomon they could tackle him into a hug and then start kissing all over his face. It’d be really funny if the brothers and others didn’t know they were dating and were just so shocked to see them being so romantically affectionate with Solomon. 
Or, if they got married as a sort of formality, they were practically already married in Nightbringer as they lived together and acted like a married couple, and no one knew. Like, just one day they went and filed a marriage certificate and didn’t tell anyone so when the Twisted Wonderland characters ask who this person is, they very easily respond with “My Husband”, and everyone on both sides is in shock
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
Good Enough - Edward Nashton (The Riddler) x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Edward has never felt good enough for anyone or anything. When the self-help resources fail to work and the feelings of inadequacy grow stronger by the day, he begins to doubt that he's even worthy of being loved, but you're there to comfort him and remind him of just how much he matters.
Contents/Possible Warnings: Minor spoilers for Riddler: Year One, a lot of angst, hurt with comfort, fluff, mentions of smut (but no actual smut)
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Repulsive. Broken. Unwanted. Not good enough. The words he told himself had buried their way into his thoughts, repeating themselves like a twisted mantra that never ended, even with the constant use of every self-help tip and coping skill he had learned. That same mantra had been there so long that he couldn't remember when it had first started.
Maybe it was never something new at any point; maybe it was just the truth that he kept trying to deny with ledgers filled line to line with positive affirmations that he could never convince himself of. 'You are good enough.' No, he wasn't. He never would be. He was fighting a losing battle against himself.
At least at the end of the day, he had someone to come back home to, someone who told him every day how much she loved him. Before he had met you his only form of salvation was his puzzles, like it had always been since he was a young child. With you here, though, he had more than just riddles and crosswords online and in the local paper to look forward to after a long workday. You were the only good thing that Gotham City had to offer. You were an angel, his angel.
He unlocked the door to his apartment and closed it behind him, a smile making its way onto his face at the sound of your shoes against the wooden floor as you made your way from the bedroom and toward him. You grinned widely as you saw him, your arms outstretched and wide open before you wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Hi," He murmured in greeting, hugging you back as he nuzzled his face into your soft, beautiful hair. You smiled even wider, looking up at him with eyes that always made him melt with just a single look into his own. "How was work, Eddie?" You questioned, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"It was—" He paused, trying to find the right words. Shit. It was shit. His boss was a condescending, passive-aggressive, arrogant prick who slacked off more than he worked and still managed to be more successful in his career than Edward had ever been. As much as he wanted to vent, he didn't want to burden you with more than he already was by being with you.
"Fine." He finally decided, putting on a fake smile. "Same old calculations and whatnot. Nothing interesting." He lied. It was another day of statements from Zach that were insulting enough to strike a nerve, but not obvious enough to report to HR. Not like it'd matter, it would probably get swept under the rug and forgotten about. Some days Edward wondered if his superior was actually the pompous dick he thought him to be or just an idiot with confidence.
"Oh." You could see right that smile on his face. Something was bothering him like it had been for days now and you could tell. It broke your heart knowing he was struggling and that same struggle left him unable to feel okay confiding in anyone. "Are you sure...?" You questioned, a hand moving upwards to cup his cheek gently, the man leaning into your comforting touch.
He had lied to you. How could you lie to her? You manipulative, disgusting freak. As the thoughts filled his head, guilt washed over him. God, he didn't deserve you. He didn't deserve your affection, and most certainly not your love. Did he deserve any love at all? Was there anything to love about—
"Eddie?" Came your soft voice, the sound like that of an angel. He broke himself out of his thoughts, smiling at you again. "I think I'm gonna go pick us up some takeout for dinner. What do you want?" He changed the subject, moving away from you and back towards the door.
"No." You said a bit sternly, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the nearby couch, sitting down with him. "You're not getting out of this that easily. Tell me what's wrong, Eddie."
"It's not you, I promise that it's not." He insisted quickly, afraid he had upset you with his earlier lie. She's going to leave you. She never should've been yours to begin with. You ruin every good thing you get. He grew tense as the fears filled him and threatened to consume him whole. You were so perfect, so deserving of every amazing thing the world had to offer and more, and he was just... Edward Nashton.
"Woahwoahwoah!" Your hands shot forward at the sight of tears beginning to well up in his eyes, your thumbs wiping them away as they fell. "I'm not mad, honey. I just—" You stopped, unsure how to phrase things. "I'm worried about you. You can tell me anything, as cliche as that sounds. You're not a burden to me; you never have been, and you never will be."
He buried his head into your shoulder, sobbing into it as your arms came to hold him close to you. "Why? Why do you love me? I–I don't understand..." He cried softly against you. "All of these years you've spent with me and I can't comprehend why. Is it out of pity?" He asked. While to anyone else it would've sounded like a bold accusatory remark, you knew that the question was genuine. He needed to know.
"Look at me, Edward." You commanded gently, him moving so he could face you and meet your eyes with his own. The sight of tears running down his face and wettening his glasses broke your heart. "Three years we've been together. In those three years, I've fallen more in love with you than I have anyone else. We've made love more times than I can count. I even wait for the day you'll put a ring on my finger, no matter which one it is. It could be made out of scrap metal for all I care, as long as it's from you.
You're smart, Eddie. Tell me, does everything I just listed sound like I only pity you? Or does it sound like I'm head-over-heels in love with the man in front of me? You are good enough. I love you, Edward Nashton."
That made him cry even harder, but you were there to hold him, just as you had been since you stumbled into his life. If he wasn't good enough for himself, then at least he was good enough for his angel. You wanted a ring on your finger? He'd get you one in due time. Anything for the one who showed him that he could be loved, that he wasn't some type of vermin in the cesspool that was Gotham City. You are good enough. For once, he believed it.
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Hi! How was your day? Good,i hope?
Anyways,I found your account recently and I really liked your partner squad AU! It's so wholesome and funny 😭 And I love Polyamorous relationships (i guess that's what it is?)
Here's a little headcanon (?) request for them,because I read the 'loosing colors' HC and I think that was just my favorite thing out of the partner squad thingies-
Honestly,I just want some hurt/comfort. I like crying (/j)
I give total freedom to you about what angst it is,but if you want,or are out of ideas,here are some:
-Reader comes back home after being harassed (not s3xually,maybe just about the way they act? Maybe they just stick out a lot and some people don't like it??? Some people are bullies man..)
-Overworked reader (Maybe breaking down??)
-Socially anxious reader?
-the reader fainting suddenly??
Something like that! Anyways,I hope this isn't too vague of a description,and that you have a fantastic day!!
okey dokey folks! we've gots some ✨A N G S T✨ to go through so it's-a time to get-a cooking!
Here's the Loosing Colors post btw and I'm gonna use that one just for this first scenario (omg. a sequel, yes!)
💙♥️🖤Partner Squad Reacting to Gray!Reader getting harassed💙♥️🖤
💞 As a whole 💞
💞 Oh, they pissed. As soon as they find out that you've been having trouble with some inconsiderate trolls being nasty to you for having lost your colors, you can bet they're practically up in arms and very eager to have a talk with those bullies.
💞 (You're mortified and somehow manage to convince them to Not Do Anything To Harsh for your sake, though.)
💞 Lots of reassurance!
💞 Your partners won't allow you to sulk or dwell too much in the whole ordeal and they'll make a combined effort to always lift your spirits up whenever you start to believe the rude and flat out unnecessary things the bullies said to you.
♥️ Barb ♥️
♥️ She's easily the most outraged out of the lot. She hates bullies (kinda ironic, yeah, but you get the idea.).
♥️ Particularly, she hates bullies that joke and tease about such sensitive topics as losing your colors. Because, c'mon, that's just straight up professional huge a-hole behavior.
♥️ Whenever she wants to help you feel more comfortable with your situation, she'll take your hands in hers and raise them to your eye level, as if wanting you to take a good look of your laced fingers.
♥️ “Y’see? I'm sorta gray too, if you think about it. But I think you rock those grays way better than me, babe.” (She's intentionally corny to get a smile out of you and it works every time.)
♥️ She tries to get back at the bullies, but she's always too obvious and you never let her have the payback she's so adamant you deserve.
🩵 Branch 🩵
🩵 He can relate.
🩵 Oh, he can relate a lot. He grew up gray and, man, can trolls be cruel even if they seem to be all sunshine and rainbows. Not to say ‘he’s had it worse’ when he was younger, no, he's not the type to downplay a situation like this, ever, but he's definitely the best candidate to help you go through this ordeal because of his past.
🩵 Lot's of open-heart talks, venting, hugs and, yes, lots of tears from both sides as well (just don't go around telling everyone, please).
🩵 He's still devastated that something as awful as losing one's colors could ever happen to you but he can't mope about it forever (never in front of you, at least); he remains strong for your sake.
🩵 He also tries to ‘avenge’ you in whatever way he can, almost begging you to let him at least do something to deal with the ones that bothered you, anything, but you never give in and eventually he gives up (very reluctantly).
🧡 Hickory 🧡
🧡 Now, Hickory over here, he's actually the only one that manages to evade your suspicions and he flat out threatens the trolls that harassed you to buck off (in an eerily peaceful and very cowboy-ish manner, might I add).
🧡 After that, you don't ever get bothered again and Hickory lets you believe that those trolls simply had a change of heart.
🧡 His way of helping you go through this hardship is not by ignoring the issue, but he just rather not mention the obvious unless it's absolutely necessary.
🧡 It's not like he's in love with you for your colors or whatever, but he does care deeply for your mood and feelings. He just wants you to be happy, y'know?
🧡 When the time comes that your colors gradually start to show up again, he just smiles and he'll go out of his way to always remind you of how beautiful those shades and tones look on you even if they're still a bit dim.
🩷 Poppy 🩷
🩷 She's frustrated, very, very much so. Why and how can other trolls be so mean and nasty???? Like Why?
🩷 After finding out about the way you were harassed, she gets clingy. She gets clingy because now she doesn't want to leave you all on your own, exposed to more mistreatment.
🩷 Just like Branch, she's familiar with the subject of color loss and she doesn't take it lightly for a second.
🩷 You could even say it's a bit of some sort of guilt she feels about the way Branch used to be treated in the past that she's now worried 24/7 about you.
🩷 She refuses to allow anyone even think about ostracizing you; she'll go feral if she ever catches someone even batting an eye at your lack of vibrant colors, let alone comment anything on the matter in a negative way.
💚 Tresillo 💚
💚 He's still not entirely used to seeing you without those lovely colors of yours and he's not shy to admit out loud that he misses them.
💚 But he doesn't do that to make you feel bad, or inadequate or guilty on any level; he's just honest like that, and he hopes for the day that your beautiful colors return.
💚 Then, and only then, he'll know you're really and truly okay. And if you're happy, he's happy.
💚 Like Poppy, he gets overprotective and almost overbearing just so he can keep an eye over you so no one else dares bother you in the slightest about your color loss.
💚 He won't threaten anyone like Hickory did, but he will glare and give the worst of stink eyes at whoever steps out of line in his presence, and man, he can look kinda scary when he's serious like that.
💙 Trollex 💙
💙 Like mentioned before, Trollex once lost his colors too after the passing of his parents, but that particular experience he has on the subject is what gives him the reassurance he needs that you can get better, just like he did and just like Branch did as well.
💙 The thought of someone bullying you for your situation makes his blood boil but he's more concerned on how you feel and what you think.
💙 Forget those bullies, they don't matter now. Now it's all about you and how you feel and what you need.
💙 He becomes a bit of a mother hen, always asking about your mood and hoping that one of these days, your bright colors will shine bright once again.
💙 He's a great listener, so if you need a shoulder to cry on or just vent, he'll always be there, ready to give you advice and make sure you always leave with a huge smile on your face.
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bberetd · 1 month
Mario and Daisy Headcanons
Currently on the road to go on vacation for the next week (and then go back to uni two days later 🫠) so I decided to take some time to write up some headcanons for Mario and Daisy! They’re a lot fun to draw, and just as much to write ☺️ I was originally going to pair it with the short ‘prologue’ story I had for them, but it got too long, so I’m gonna have it separate.
@vulpixfairy1985 @kelbreyworshipper @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @supergay-64 @megamagimugi @pinkcreamypeach @wahooitsamee @silenzahra (when you’re ready <3) @mikibaby94 and @akiiame-blog I think you guys will like these 🤭
Meeting Each Other
• In their first few months of knowing each other, Daisy absolutely THRIVED on getting a rise out of Mario. “It’s funny seeing tiny people mad,” her reasoning was. It was always a good day for her, but it was a GREAT day when a vein was popping out of his forehead.
◦ Of course because everything is a game to Miss Daisy 😗
• The two had a rocky start… well, more on Mario’s end; Daisy was just there for a good time. For the most part, he remained civil towards her because she was Peach’s best friend and Luigi seemed to really like her (somehow).
• Not that Mario could never handle the truth, but to him, Daisy was ALARMINGLY blunt, ESPECIALLY around him, and had energy like he’s never seen before.
• What made him uneasy about her was how she interacted with people. She’s a physically affectionate person, so she’d do little things like shoulder punches/shakes, arm around the shoulder, hand on shoulder, playful pokes, etc. this was especially the case for Luigi, adding on spontaneous hugs, sometimes in the air.
◦ Luigi had to assure Mario over and over that he wasn’t uncomfortable, but the deep shade of red on his face around her convinced him otherwise.
◦ What made Mario snap was when she took Luigi on a solo tour around Sarasaland, but unintentionally got him badly hurt (more on this here), and immediately wanted nothing to do with her, no exceptions.
◦ Despite her questionable ways of showing affection, Daisy grew to genuinely like the bros, so she was disheartened when she heard the news. She wrote several letters to explain herself to give to Peach so she could give to Mario, but he was having none of it.
◦ A month after Luigi fully healed, Mario thought that maybe he was too harsh, but he still kept his distance.
• [insert event where Luigi is in trouble and they come together and bond over how much they care about him and learn a little more about each other in the process but NOT THERE YET… but at least Mario can stand to be around her again]
• What DOES make them closer is their love for sports and hands-on activities. Daisy is more eager to get her hands dirty unlike Peach, and unlike Luigi who would be more reluctant and stand behind Mario most of the time (of course the company is always appreciated)
◦ What starts off as a mission to annoy Mario (affectionate) turns into hours of cracking jokes, banter, life vents learning more from each other (whether it was what they were doing in the moment, from life or both).
• Mario’s nicknames for Daisy are Testa di spina (thornhead), D, Firecracker, Sriracha Queen, Crazy Daisy (more frequently when they were just meeting), and Petals
• Daisy’s nicknames for Mario are Red, Shortie, Short stack, SuperBoy, Fire hydrant, teletubby, Mawio, Mar-maid Man, Mustachio, Cap’n Lou (ironic right? also if you know you know), and Stimpy
Misc Headcanons
When these two work together in sports, they are a FORCE. They’re both jack of all trades on the field and on the racetrack.
When competing against each other however, it’s war. No mercy, no going easy on each other, but it brings out the best in them. Just to show respect and a sign of leaving their rivalry on the field, they do a long handshake.
Mario: *breathes*
and she’ll never go a day without letting him know it, but finds a unique way to show it each day.
They’re THE best hug givers. Mario and Daisy are incredibly warm people (Mario with his firebrand and Daisy ruling in a bright and humid environment). Mario’s stocky, so he’ll completely cover you with his love and warmth (and there’s plenty of him to hug in return), while Daisy’s hugs are tight but meaningful.
When these two hug each other, uh, let’s just hope they don’t squeeze the life out of each other 😅 they’re so competitive that they even need to compare who hugs better (creds to @teegeeteegee)
[Luigi and Peach walking and talking, then spotting Mario and Daisy either hugging or choking each other]
Peach: …What are you guys doing?
Daisy, not moving her head: We’re hugging, duh.
Peach: Why? (Not used to seeing the two showing this much affection to each other)
Mario: To see which of us hug better.
[L&P share a glance]
Luigi: Do you guys wanna, you know… unhug?
Mario and Daisy, realizing how nice the hug feels: …nah.
They’re partners in crime! They love pulling pranks on the koopas, goombas and other baddies, and maybe a harmless prank or two on the Toads and citizens over in Sarasaland.
It would take a near-death experience for either of them to ever say an emotional “I love you” to each other. At least Daisy mostly; Mario is more willing to say it. Daisy would usually say it lightheartedly (ex. “love ya!” followed by a punch to the shoulder or “you too” when Mario expresses his love out of habit). But they do show their care/love for each other through actions.
Mario knows Daisy is far from a princess who needs saving, but he still can’t help but have the need to protect her when the time comes.
Oh, and if you insult or hurt Mario, you better hope Daisy isn’t standing within a ten-mile radius with a steel chair.
Daisy loves to mess up Mario’s hair beyond recognition, while Mario loves to come up behind her and poke her sides (i imagine her making the “ah!” noise if you know, if not then this at 0:35)
When they feel playful, they talk to each other in funny accents.
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