#joker x reader x bruce
angelkissiies · 2 years
Open hand or closed fist
(the joker x reader x bruce wayne)
part 3/?
CW/TW : paranoia, fear, mentions of trauma and injury, some fluff and bonding. other things I can’t remember so please read with caution because this series is not for the faint of heart or minors.
word count : 3136
a/n : my deepest and most sincere apologies for how long this took, im so sorry if it’s not what you expected. I hope you enjoy ! Also I did not proof read bc damn this is long.
part two here
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Sharp chills ran down your spine as you hesitated at the door of Bruce’s car. The weather had taken a plunge into the negatives as you’d been recuperating in the hospital, yet the chills weren’t from the harsh cold. It came from the realization that your life would be coming to an end, that you were walking directly into the hands of the man who wanted nothing more than the interface. One life to him meant nothing.
“(Y/n)?” Bruce spoke, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. He’d been with you through the entirety of your hospital stay, making sure you weren’t bothered by the GCPD during your recovery. He wished he could say that was his only angle, to be the support you needed- but if he did that would be a lie. He knew there was more to the story, more he needed to uncover to understand what The Joker could want with you. Was it just a random selection? Or was there something else locking you to the clown, something he couldn’t see. Despite everything, he was the perfect company. Card games and movies every night, lunch and dinner provided by some caterer that was much too expensive, and enough understanding of women to know when you needed some time alone.
His voice washed the intrusive thoughts away, like a bucket of cold water had been poured over your brain. “Yeah, sorry.” You apologized, ducking into the car. It was a nice contrast, seeing as you had begun to go mad at the endless off white of the hospital walls. His car was black, the interior a sleek gray- and it was made by some manufacturer you’d never even heard of. Typical though, he was, after all, a billionaire- it would make sense for him to have something expensive.
Bruce nodded gently, closing the car door with a soft click before coming around to the driver's side. The time with you had been fun, but not at all what he’d hoped. No new information could be expelled from you, nothing he didn’t already know so to speak. His only hope was the time you’d spend at the manor, somehow he needed to get you to confide in him. It made him feel guilty, he cared for you more than he’d be willing to admit and what he had planned felt like a massive betrayal. Some things required a filthy conscience. He slipped into the car, quickly closing the door to fight off the cold breeze. “All ready to go?” He asked, sending over a smile.
It took everything in you not to jump out of the car. “Yeah, we should hurry. We might be able to get there before the snow does.” Your body was ridgid, despite the warm air circulating through the car. You thought of the sleepless nights, jumping at every bump in the night. The persistent feeling of impending doom that had yet to subside in the weeks you’d been away, been safe. Something within you knew that you’d never really be safe, even within the fortress that was Wayne manor.. “I heard from the doctor before we left, they think it might turn into a blizzard.”
The car lurched forward, sending the two of you onto the main road. It was slick with patches of black ice, though that stopped nobody from speeding. The city was more alive than usual, the sound of sirens carrying through the streets as more and more people were bested by the elements. “Good thing Alfred stocked the pantries this weekend, or else, I fear we’d be reduced to cannibalism.” He joked, nudging you gently with his free hand. It was his best attempt, you had to give him some credit.
A light laugh fell from your lips as you threw him a smile, “I don’t suppose Alfred and I stand a chance against you.” It was true, the man was much taller, much faster, and much stronger than the butler and yourself.
“Oh definitely not.” The man boasted, taking a sharp turn onto the desolate road that led away from Gotham and towards the Arkham bridge that would take you directly to the main island. The road was barely ever used now, so much so that the Mayor considered closing off the road completely to avoid vandalism to the old asylum. It was pretty much immediately shot down, considering the other islands surrounding Arkham island would be almost completely inaccessible by car. Bruce was one of the voices opposing the shut down, more or less for the fact one of his family's homes sat on the land. “I don’t think I’d eat you though, you know too much about anatomy- you’d be too useful. I don’t think i’d be able to figure out which parts you can eat and-” He paused, letting out a slight laugh. “And I think I might be thinking about this too much. I promise I'm not a cannibal.”
You looked at him incredulously, letting out a deep belly laugh that sent a shooting pain into your ribs. “Bruce, I don’t think you could hurt a fly. Let alone eat someone.” It genuinely was one of the funniest things you’d ever heard, the man was probably the last person you could see yourself being scared of. The only hindrance in your joy was the aching that followed. Your ribs had taken to a steady throbbing pain, worsening with every deep breath- somehow, no matter what you did or even didn’t do, the constant reminder of the joker nipped the joy you felt.
Bruce had a content look on his face, biting back the urge to make a comment that might out him as the city's vigilante. It felt different after all this time, even though you were still the same person you were before the assault, he could feel something pulling you away from him. A nagging savior complex wanted to fly you away, somewhere far from this shithole of a city, though internally he knew The Joker had no limits to his insanity. He’d scoure the earth until he found his prize heffer. “So, have you been to Arkham Island before?” He asked, filling the silence that had settled thick between the two of you.
The trees passed by in a blur of white and green, the land around the cursed asylum finally beginning to heal. “Once, a long time ago. Wasn’t pleasant.” You responded, hugging your coat tighter as the frosty pane of the window came into contact with your hand. Even after all of this time, even after setting on the fact that Bruce could never know, you still had to resist the urge to confide in him. He’d stuck by you the past few weeks, sparing no expense to get you the best care, the best entertainment, the best company. He’d become a better friend than you’d imagined was possible, yet there was no way you could trust him enough to endanger his life.
Was anything really ever worth a life? Was your life worth this much effort? Why couldn’t you just end all of this? Whatever that might entail. Whether it be seeking The Joker out to live your life as he saw fit or taking matters into your own hands. Both were equally horrible outcomes, though they both seemed to be endgame. Which was the both of two evils, and would you ever be sure?
From the road you could make out the silhouette of a looming fence, the dark silver poking out of the snow like a sore thumb. It looked old, dated in style- which solidified your fears. This house wouldn’t be as protected as Wayne Manor would've been, sub par security from back before the Wayne’s were murdered and a lock and key gate made for a bad situation. Your eyes focused in on the tire tracks that laid ahead, the snow packed down where Alfred had arrived a day earlier. You had to admit, the idea of seeing the old man again lightened your heart. He had become a close friend during your stays at the manor, offering you tea whilst you worked on repairing the millionaire or steaming your coat without asking to make sure it would be warm for you before you left. His kindness was unmatched for the most part.
As Bruce parked outside the gate, he dug through his pockets- pulling out a key the size of an iphone before pushing his door open. “Just one second, the locks on the place haven’t been changed in awhile, so key it is.” He smiled, stepping out into the nippy winter air, the car door closing behind him. The man felt uneasy, though he played it off to his best ability, the creeping feeling of uncomfort being chalked down to your curious eyes that peered at him through the windshield. His hand shook slightly as he pushed the large metal key into the lock, turning it with a great deal of force before it gave way the the locking mechanisms yielded. The smell of copper filled his nostrils, making him cringe before pushing the gate inwards, as he mentally noted the fact that this place needed an upgrade. Truth was, he hadn;t been back here in years. The old place had been left to the elements, and with the sight of the manor, he definitely could tell the wear and tear was taking over the exterior.
The manor looked much larger than most would’ve imagined, built of stone and dark oak- it resembled that of a hunting lodge in the mountains. The rough stone had been left to the forest as moss began to creep up the sides of the building, creating a beautiful entanglement as if the history of the island had not tainted it yet. As you squinted towards the house to see more, a figure in the window caught your attention. The small lengthy frame belonged to Alfred, who stood waving the two of you in from the warmth of the manor. The sight brought a small giggle to you, imagining how long he had been there trying to catch the attention of the billionaire.
Bruce returned to the car only seconds later, causing a huff of freezing hair to rush in- violating the pleasant warmth that had settled on your skin. His hands were shaking slightly and his fingers had gained a bright pink hue from the harsh cold of the gate. “So, what do you think?” He asked, shifting the car into drive as he began creeping down the driveway.
You gave a small nod, letting your eyes explore the property. It was different, to say the least. After being stuffed inside of a dreary hospital room for so long, this was like being in a completely different country. The snow was pristine white, untouched. Unlike the melting, blackened snow you’d seen on your way out of Gotham. The air held silence, thick and looming in the absence of life. From the moment you;d crossed from the bridge onto the island, you’d heard nothing but the soft hum of the engine and Bruce’s voice. It was almost as if Arkham had become completely different in the weeks since your ‘visit.’ It was scary anymore, you could see every abandoned driveway and empty house. Hell, even the snow reflected that nobody else had been out this way, no tire tracks or footsteps as far as the eye could see. “It feels serene out here, It’s really lovely.”
A small smile tugged at his lips as he came to a stop at the front entrance, “I’m glad you like it,” He said, turning the car off with a slight twist of the ignition. “It’s you and me, roomie, till further notice.”
As if on cue, Alfred scurried out of the manor bundled in one of the largest coats you’ ever seen. Anything you might’ve thought had completely vanished at the sight, the poor man could barely bend his arms in the thing making it a rather funny sight as he attempted to open the car door. You let out a small chuckle before opening it yourself, allowing the man the chance to step out of the way.
He graciously took it as he held the door open, “Welcome! I’m glad you two made it safely.” He spoke, offering his hand as you stepped out onto the half frozen ground. The snow crunched under your feet, prompting a small smile from the man before you. “Isn’t it lovely? I’ve been trying to get Master Bruce here to visit for ages.” Alfred let his eyes move to Bruce, squinting as he poked fun at him.
Bruce groaned in annoyance, the hint of a smile evident on his rosy cheeks, “Yeah, yeah. Thanks for that, Al.” He moved around the car, ushering the two of you up the stairs like a cattle dog before the conversation went on any longer. He knew how carried away his butler could get, which would lead to the pair of you getting hypothermia. As the two of you disappeared into the home, he lingered at the front door for a moment, he could feel something. Though there was no reason to, he found himself looking over his shoulder, peering back to watch for a threat. Something didn’t feel right, though maybe it could all be summed up to the feelings that arose in connection with his family's manor, but he couldn’t be sure. After all, the whole reason any of you were here was to ensure your safety. The Joker could be around any corner, watching through thousands of hidden eyes, awaiting the perfect moment to strike- so if there was one thing he knew without a doubt, it’s that he couldn’t get comfortable here.
Upon entering the home, you were hit with the strong scent of apples. It wafted through the hallways from the kitchen, the smell alone was enough to make your stomach grumble.”Alfred, It smells incredible in here, what are you making?” You wondered, taking in the decor of the house. It was definitely fancy, but it looked as if someone had a strong affinity for artwork as more than half of the walls were filled with beautifully painted pieces accompanied with framed family photos.
Alfred chuckled, turning briefly to make eye contact with you. “Apple strudels, they’re one of Bruce’s favorite sweets.” With that, he turned back and led you through a confusing labyrinth of a corridor. After a couple minutes of following the leader, he stopped before the bottom of a staircase which led to the left wing suites on the second floor. “I would accompany you up to your room, but I don't want to risk burning our snack. Your room is the third door down the right hall.”
You could tell he felt guilty, so you gave him a smile, nodding complacently. “Thank you, Alfred. Are my things up there by chance, I was wanting to maybe grab a shower.” During your hospital stay, the doctor was very adamant about keeping your stitching dry- so you’d only been able to shower three times, which left you feeling incredibly gross. The idea of being clean again was enough to make your entire night.
“Of course, The bathroom is also stocked with some things you might need.” He confirmed as he began back towards a door adjacent to the one the two of you had come through. He seemed to know this place better than Bruce did, which didn’t seem as much of a surprise- as he’d been with the family for more years than you could count.
The silence began to set in as you began up the stairs. It was reminiscent of your trek up to your apartment in Gotham. You’d spent months making the most out of the six floor hike up to your place, as the elevator had just completely given out randomly, so this was a piece of cake. Before you knew it, the landing was a few feet away littered with boxes filled with what looked like more framed photos. It was peculiar because the boxes looked old and worn, as if the Waynes had begun to pack up the house long before their deaths had transpired. ‘Not your business.’ You had to remind yourself. The topic had always (and would always) be a tender spot with the duo downstairs. You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly, taking the right turn down the hallway you’d be staying in. It wasn’t hard to pick out the door that now belonged to you, as it was the only one not covered in a thick layer of dust.
Upon first glance inside, you took note of the two bags that sat in the middle of the king sized bed. Undoubtedly, they were filled with fresh clothes and the other miscellaneous things you’d asked to be picked up from your apartment. As you gazed around you noted that the room was warmed by a fireplace, which sat burning behind a grill to keep the debris from entering the room. It all was incredibly beautiful, as the room took a rich red hue. Linens and decor alike were painted in shades of red and black, giving the room a gothic feel. You moved inwards, allowing the door to close behind you with a thud.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, moving to grab one of the bags. As you pulled it to yourself, a small box fell to the floor by your feet- seemingly after being wedged somewhere between your belongings. “Now, what is this?” You asked aloud, to no-one in particular, as you used your foot to bring the thing closer. Once within reach, you took it from its resting place on the floor. It was a small red box that had been tied shut with a white ribbon. It held no markings or branding, which is why you spared no time pulling the ribbon loose and gently removing the lid.
You felt yourself choke, letting the box fall to your feet once more. There was no way, this place was safe. It was Bruce Wayne’s house for Christ's sake. It hadn’t been empty since Alfred arrived yesterday, which meant that whoever snuck this in- was here when Alfred was, how else would they be able to get the box into your things? Your heart was hammering in your chest, eyes jumping down to land on the contents of your supposed ‘gift.’
A small silver chain with a dainty ‘J’ charm attached lay almost hidden in the carpet, the red hue enveloping it like a pool of blood. Inside the lid, which remained on the bed, was a note. With shaking hands, you unfolded it.
God, how you wished you’d never read it.
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undertheredhood · 8 months
random civillain who just moved to gotham: *having a mental breakdown after they accidentally kill a clown with a bad dye-job*
the red hood (notorious crime lord and vigilante): "are you from tennessee? 'cause you're the only ten i see."
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babyyoda234 · 2 months
Gotham is an environmental NIGHTMARE⚠️
This may be a really niche topic, but my degree is currently in Environmental science, so this is on my mind constantly.
Think about it:
The Joker is constantly messing with the air quality with his "laughing gas".
Poison Ivy's pheromones are definitely going to end up in the water supply.
Killer Croc lives in the sewers? Imagine having to deal with a sewer emergency and your boss goes "Dammit Waylon. Again?"
He's not even the only person who lives in the sewers canonically.
Bruce Wayne is constantly flying private. Don't even get me started on Batman and the Justice Leagues carbon emissions...
The Joker is constantly crashing planes/ cars into Gotham Harbor. You know that water is polluted beyond repair. Imagine having Aquaman step in because all the fish are in Gotham are dying...
Not to mention, Batman's rogues are constantly poisoning that water supply.
The Rogues' are also poisoning themselves by working out of old abandoned buildings that are riddled with asbestos....
On the topic of my girl Poison Ivy...
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Can you imagine having this woman in class? Freshman year she teaches the hardest intro level botany course offered. You spend every week going to her office hours hoping to pass her class, then a decade later she is bullying you for not remembering the exact equation for photosynthesis while you clean up the mess SHE MADE. The drama.
Might write a fan fic about this in the next couple months. Comment if you would be interested!
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dahliakbs · 15 days
Batfam x Reader: Unexpected Trip To The Future
❥synopsis: You sneak out of the house to hang out with your long time bff only to be caught in the cross fire and forcibly ripped away from your family.
Here you sat alone around the small camp fire, su itrrounded by the endless heaps of trash you'd found that were still of use. The night sky shone a prominent blue colour with the clouds being seen far off in the distance.
The air around you was calm and quiet and seeing as how you were the only human being left on this earth it'd be weird if you all of a sudden started hearing noises.
On nights like this you'd sit around the camp fire and think back to the life you'd lived before the accident occured.
You'd always reminisce back to the day you first came to the manor. Bright eyed and filled with joy and enthusiasm, your closest friend Richard Grayson obviously sharing the same enthusiasm as you.
The two of you were know to be quite inseparable, always being seen together no matter the circumstance. The only times you weren't with each other were when Dick had to go out on patrol, reluctantly leaving you in the cold and dark manor by yourself.
Even though at the time you understood why he had to leave you didn't want him to. Back then it was your clingy behavior that got you into the accident.
Both of you having lost your parents at such a young age had left you yearning for some kind of affection and Dick felt the same way. So at any moment of the day you two would be together, playing whatever games you two could come up with until Bruce came home.
But since you two were together every second of the day you didn't see why you weren't allowed to go out on patrol with them. So when you were sat at home by yourself waiting for Dick to come home you'd just decided that if he wasn't gonna come to you you were gonna come to him.
On that night you'd snuck out of the manor, Alfred having not noticed since you escaped through your bedroom window.
You'd somehow squired one the tracking devices B used to know your precise locations and used it to find your way, arriving in less than ten seconds.
"Dick- I mean Robin I'm here!" You yelled out as soon as you made it to the scene. Having not noticed the intense battle going on between your father figure and the joker.
"N/n what are you doing here?" you could see his eyes light up under the mask as he quickly sprinted of the battle field towards you, arms opened wide and awaiting your hug.
You'd returned it quickly, holding out your hands towards him in a silly manner.
"Don't tell B but I snuck out to come see you, I stole one of his tracking thingies and now here I am" you showed off the gadget in your hands to a wide eyed Dick.
"Wait you stole it?!" He exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention towards the two of you.
"Keep quiet or else you'll get me in trouble-"
"What do we have here" Joker suddenly appeared behind Dick, roughly pushing him out of the way to get a good look at you.
"What's a little thing like you doing out here, did you come to say hi to your old uncle Joker?" he asked, you liked down to his hand. Noticing the strange gun he held in his hand. It looked like any regular gun, just deformed and reeking of a strange acidy smell.
"Get away from them" Dick jumped towards the Joker only to be harshly side kicked away from the two of you.
"Well since your here" he grabbed onto your arm, harshly yanking you closer towards him before flashing his deranged yellow smile at you.
His eyes held a mischievous look in them, bloodshot and looking down towards you as if you were nothing more than a puny joke to him.
"I've been meaning to test this thing out and you seem to be quite eager to help your ole uncle J, right?" He asked, pointing the gun in some random direction and pulling the trigger.
The gun shot out a murky green colour, the murky green forming into a circular portal that led to somewhere unknown.
The panic set in for you as you noticed the smile in his face grow to inhuman proportions. Harshly trying to jerk yourself away from him as you called out for anyone's help.
"Someone help me, anyone" your eyes turned blurry with tears as you turned to Bruce then to Dick for help.
"Daddy please help me" you cried out before you felt yourself being thrown towards the portal.
The last thing you saw before being thrown into you the green portal was Bruce chasing after you, wearing an expression you could only describe as scared and desperate. Calling out to you before you were fully submerged inside the portal.
Immediately feeling your body be transported throughout time and space before finally ending up in the wasteland you currently resided in.
The wasteland being the ruins of the former crime city known as Gotham City. Apparently the world had gone to ruins a little after you'd gone to the future, leaving behind a vast dry land ready to be taken over by mother nature.
And all you could think of as you reminisced and watched over this forgotten city were the regrets you had, you just wanted to see your family one last time.
Seeing that expression on Bruce's face really shook you to your core, you didn't think he'd even cared that much about you until you saw how desperate he looked that night.
One of the biggest regrets you had was not being able to see Dick's face one last time, to atleast be able to see his expression before you left him and all you do about it now was cry and look up to the night sky. Hoping that if there was a god out there that they would send you back to the family you belonged to.
Hoping that if you'd finally be able to confess to tell Dick about the silly feelings you had for him when you were both so young. Or maybe hoping to finally spend some time with your cold and hurt guardian.
And as if someone was really out there listening to your pleas you saw a familiar murky green colour fill up the space between you and the campfire.
Immediately lighting up the small space you were in.
A couple seconds of staring at it later you heard someone speak from the other side before s figure emerged from the portal.
"Richard is that you?" You asked the figure. They looked exactly identical to him, only difference was that this person was much taller and looked around the same age as you. His suit was very different, instead of the bright red, green and yellow he wore when he was younger he instead sported a black and blue skin tight suit.
The figure kept walking closer, expression slowly crumbling as they inched closer and closer towards you before they stopped Infront you. Taking off their mask to get a better look at you.
"It's time to go home n/n" his voice trembled as he forced the words out of his mouth. He crouched down in front of you, placing his arms underneath your legs and hoisting you into the air without giving you a chance to think to much in the situation.
He hurriedly passed through the portal, almost as if he was trying to get you away from the cursed wasteland as soon as possible. A wave of nausea overcoming before you emerged in the other side.
The intense feeling forcing you into a deep slumber before you could even get to see what was on the other side of the portal.
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jasonsknight3 · 1 month
Unwanted help
AK jason Todd x sweet waitress reader
Warning: Contains violence, slight gore, aaaaaaand weapons (figured I needed to start putting warnings.)
Gotham had always been a dark place with even darker shadows. A sweetheart like yourself would be swallowed whole, or at least, you should have been. Lucky for you, you’ve only been subjected to unwanted catcalling and unauthorized touches. Most of it happens at your diner job. However, most of the women there waitressing had been there a long time and came to your rescue. Tell them off if you will because unfortunately you are the shiny new toy. Originally you came to Gotham for a college education, and to get away from home. To your dismay you had to drop out. Not because you were dumb or anything it’s just, well, you didn’t have the money. It just didn’t work out. Your life has come to be what it is now. Being stuck in a waitressing job. At least you made good tips and enough money to still live in your apartment.
After a harsh shift you were instructed to lock up the dinner. Which wasn’t supposed to be your job tonight. It required more effort than people would think. Make sure dishes were done, the place was clean, turn off lights, make sure chairs were put up, all the other micro things that added up. As soon as you locked that final glass door you hastily made your way to your bus stop. “No. No, no, no, no!” You cry as you see the bus just pull away from your stop. “Wait!” You shouted running even faster only for your desperation to be ignored. “No.” You weezed as you came to a stop, your hands resting on the top of your knees as you fought to catch your breath. Sitting up you looked around, nothing but an eerily quiet street, dim streetlights, and trash. This could easily become a dangerous situation for you. You weighed your options. Taxi was out of the question, you learned from others not to carry cash on you, you couldn’t go back to the dinner, it was closed and it’s not like anyone could help you there and you boss would tanya Hyde if he saw you sleeping in a booth the next morning, no one you knew was awake at this hour, that left only one option. Walking. Taking a breath you prepare yourself for the journey home clutching your purse close.
Cautious was an understatement of your behavior. Looking around Constantly, jumping at tray cats and trash that crinkled in the light wind of the night. About six minutes into your 15 minute walk an extremely alarming sound of someone crashing on the pavement around an alleyway corner. Shortly after the sound of pained groans followed. Your heart hammered in your chest, should you help? What if it was a trick for kidnapping? Should I just leave? You wandered to yourself. Against better judgment peeking around the alley corner you see a man who was crumpled over on the dirty pavement. The man started to get up on his hands and knees, slightly shaking with a groan. His voice sounded odd. Upon closer inspection you notice this man was wearing a red mask that had a slight glow to it, armor, an interesting jacket, and boots. Along with the gray and black suit was red. Blood. An alarmingly large amount of blood stained his gear. Out of instinct you approach him “sir, I’m here to help. I’ll call-“ a soft clicking sound took your attention to his raised hand that had a gun in it. A small gasp escaped your lips. “Get lost.” The man said the mask does not allow any clear emotion to be heard or recognized. Freezing in place you take a breath and continue to talk to him. “You're hurt, bleeding. I’d hate to leave you like this.” You reasoned. “I don’t need nor want your help. Leave the ambulance out of it too.” An odd request but you didn’t worry too much about it at the moment. “Please, you’ll die if I don’t get you help somehow?” You argued. “Very unlikely.” He was certainly stubborn. “Well…” you thought for a moment. “At least let me take you somewhere safe so you can patch up.” The man didn’t reply this time but he lowered the gun and then put it in its holster.
Sticking your hand out to him you hoped to encourage him further to accept help. He looked at it for a moment before getting up himself with a small growl. His legs wobble a little, automatically you rush to his aid tryi go to ease his strain. In a split second she shoved you off hard enough you slammed to the brick wall. You couldn't help but cough and wheeze. Singly he knocked the wind out of you. You honestly would have fallen flat on your back had the wall not been there. “Don’t touch me!” He yelled falling in one knee from the entertainment it took to push you that hard. Still leaning on the wall you catch your breath and push through the itching pain you felt on your back from hitting the rough brick wall. “I wasn’t going to hurt you. I promise.” You explained quietly. He mumbled something as he got back up and started to walk out of the alley. “Lead the way.” He demanded. Cautiously you walk up to him. “Okay, I’ll do that.” Glancing at him you ask. “Is it alright if I give you a hand? Just to make sure you don’t fall.” A moment of silence passed before he sighed and lifted his arm which you went under and had it around your shoulder and started taking him to your home.
A fifteen minute walk turned into a longer one but when you made it to your apartment and got inside you sat him down on the couch. “Go get a med kit if you have it.” He wasn’t very nice to be honest . No manners or since of please and thank you. In your bathroom you searched all the cabinets and finally found the med kit. How would he use it, you didn’t have anything in there besides bandaids- Neosporin, Peroxide, and some burn cream that was in a little rectangular bag. Well at least it’s something you reasoned. When you were in the living room there he was, helmet off, top gear off, and his compression shirt off. Nothing but skin. Skin that had scars, some flat, some slightly rose above the rest of the skin, heck, some of them even looked like the shape of barbed wire. As if sensing your presents he looked at you. A fairly masculine face, hooded iceberg blue eyes, his face has major scars. One that crossed from his cheek over the bridge of his nose and up, two on his lips, and a big J on his left cheek. “Well…” he said expectantly. When you got closer you noticed in his hand he had a needle and thread already working on sewing himself up. Setting the box down on the couch next to him you step back and watch. With tactical precision he was patched up within minutes. “Got any pain meds?” His voice was a little gravely and tired. “Yea, I have some.” Again you moved from your spot and headed for your medicine cabinet. Searching through it you found it, some ibuprofen. Turning around you yelp as your eyes are met with the stranger standing dangerously close to you. As soon as he had your attention his hand reached out and held your chin tight as he yanked you close. Eyes wide you stare into his own. “Listen well. You keep this to yourself. You never saw me. You never saw my face. If I ever…catch wind that you spouted out you saw me, I will not hesitate to kill you. I promise I’ll make it slow.” His grip tightened just to emphasize his point. “Got it?” In your lack of responding, he nodded your head for you. “Is that a yes?” You managed a yes through your squished cheeks. “Good.” Taking the medicine he let go and headed to the living room. After a moment you follow suit. He was putting his shirt back on, along with his gear. “Wait- you should rest.” You protest, you hate the thought of him not making it home safe. “I can handle myself, lady.” With that he put on his jacket and helmet. Opening a window he looked at you “don’t forget, you snitch, I’ll find you.” His voice modulated. As quick as he came he was gone. In the silence you just stared at the window questioning everything. There was something different about him. As scary as he was part of you hoped he’d come back.
You brought him to your home, your safe space, a place he would start to visit often and just maybe call it his own.
Got motivated to do a quick sketch, had to hide the hands by cropping the photo…😭
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superyum · 14 days
It drives me insane that I can’t find a twerking scenario for dc characters yet. Like I wanna know Dick’s or Bruce reaction to reader shaking some ass in a club on a Tuesday night to release stress. Clark Kent getting a lappy for the first time, is he foaming at the mouth or WHAT? What about a girl days in with Harley and it turns into a twerk off?? Give me some fucking “baby grind on me~” content pleassse. I already know marvel does, very few, but it’s a hell lot more than dc.
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ledgerserious8 · 4 months
Help To See Love | Bruce Wayne (Bale) & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Drama And Flutter
Summary : Your Bat having trust issues
Word count : 1.6k
As you was the girlfriend of the famous billionaire Bruce Wayne your life was different and let the media put their eyes on you..they had always tried to see how your relationship with your boyfriend Bruce
Your boyfriend Bruce had been with few womans before you but they all wanted his money and never loved him for who he is
He was having trust issues even when he loved you more then anything else in this darkness world
There's someone take advantage of that thing and it's was...the joker
You never thought one day your Bruce your batman the smartest guy into your life
Will choose to believed his enemy..
After a malicious plan by the Joker Bruce was arguing with you in the Wayne manor and for the first time he fell into the Joker's game as if he had been brainwashed
He knew that yelling at you was pointless, and a part of him was ashamed that he had lost control. But after all the reason was Logical
You have." - Bruce spoke softly, his voice was sadder. - "To go away and never come back
His tears started falling as feeling betrayed but still trying to control his emotions
"Bruce are you serious? Stop shut me away from you you know he was lying" - you explained angrily and just hoping for him to see your side of this story
Bruce sighed deeply and looked at you, still unable to come to terms with what had just happened
"He told me you never cared about me, that you hated me, that you want my money, and that you thought I was a fool." - He whispered softly as turned around and give you his back
Your eyes widen After his words as Bruce's eyes filled with tears even more, thinking about them just broke his heart more
You just walked towards him slowly and wrapped your arms around him tightly trying to make him comfortable
As you did that, Bruce's tears dropped one by one
"But I don't know anymore, baby," - he said with a cracking voice, - "I just don't know anymore."
He was so sad after what he heard and what he believed that his heart was filled with so much doubt that he could no longer tell what was true and what was not.
Was it you? Or the clown..
But your touch and voice were able to alleviate those worries for a moment, for a moment until another idea crossed his mind
He just give a sigh out and turned around and face you, you felt his hands cupped your face and looked into your eyes
"Do you love me as much as I love you, Y/n? - he whispered as keep looking at you - "How can I truly trust you again?"
It was evident that his heart was not yet convinced that his trust in you was regained
"I promised you to love you forever" you whispered reminded him of your promise for him to never leave
"Say you love me, say it with all your heart and soul" he whispered softly - "Make me feel the love you have for me."
You felt your heart get melt because Bruce said it so calmly, but the tears in his eyes were still there, his mind was still flooded with doubt
He wasn't sure that he can believe you completely Even though he was already melting with your words about your promise for him
You know Bruce was a strong man but when it's come to his trust on his lover he just becomes so vulnerable and need someone to take his doubts away
Not just words but..actions to prove too so you decided to put your love for him in another language
As your lips touched his, a strange sensation went through Bruce's whole body bit was hard for him to put words on it
He knew what he felt, he knew that it was the love from your words and your kiss But he also felt something special, something unique, something that only he and you could understand.
He felt the love the both of you had for each other and it's made him so calm
"You love me," - he mumbled as he kept moving his lips along yours, - "You do love me, you truly love me."
"I do but don't believe him" - you whispered as looking into his eyes - "remember who you are my bat,"
He didn't want to get away from your kisses, he let you kiss his eyes and his forehead As your lips touched his face, he felt your love coming out with every single kiss on every inch of his face
"I promise but please Say it once more," - he whispered at her, - "Say that you love me, one more time and I will be happy forever."
"I'm so fucking in love with you" you whispered against his lips made him put a grin on his cheeks
As your lips touched his again, you and him were in heaven again
Bruce wanted nothing more than to kiss your lips for the rest of time He had never felt this way with anyone before He didn't want to let go of the moment the both of you experienced together
"I love you," - he said once again with all his love, - "I will always love you."
The both of you were the best for each other, the both of you were suit each other so much you understand him and he does
You know his past relationships that's why you always try to be better and different lover for him..you will always try
Even if he need from you a...
Help To See Love
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ateliersss · 3 months
...is part of The Bookshelf.
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The Joker
Sweet Dreams Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Summary: It wasn’t the first time you stayed up worrying about him. After all, his occupation was an incredibly dangerous one and you knew his life expectancy was significantly shorter than most. From the moment you realized you were head over heels in love with him, you’d been trying to prepare yourself for the day when he didn’t come home.
Memories Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Summary: When they took you, J lost his mind for the second time in his life…
The King and His Queen Summary: Waking up in the hospital, unsure who you were, you believed what the nurses told you, that is until one day, when you got home and found a strange man in your home.
Done Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Summary: After a fight with the Joker at the club you decide you are done.
Love at First Sight Part 1, Part 2 Summary: The reader was a detective at the MCU the night the Joker escaped from the interrogation room, blew up the room, then escaped with Lau. After the briefest of interactions with the infamous Joker, she feels… different and is haunted by their meeting. One year on, and the Joker has finally broken out of the Asylum. 
The Damned Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Summary: Imagine being raped and left alone to die in streets. Your savior comes in the form of Gotham's most wanted criminal. What will happen once the two of you start to get closer?
Rescue Me Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Summary: Imagine after the Joker saves you, he falls for you and wants to help you get revenge on the man who abused you.
Asking For It Part 1, Part 2 Summary: Imagine the Joker breaking into your apartment to hide out from the cops. However, he doesn’t know what kind of surprise is waiting for him.
Joker and His Jester Part 1, Part 2 Summary: Imagine your the biggest fan of the Jokers. You have control over Gotham City while the Prince of Crime is locked away in Arkham. You decide to plan his long waited escape so you can have him all to yourself.
Run Away Summary: You are fed up with the Joker's bullshit and decide to turn yourself in.
First Kick Summary: Imagine being pregnant with the Jokers child and in the middle of one of his business deals both of you get excited when the baby starts kicking. 
Drugged Summary: Imagine going to the Jokers club and almost getting drugged.
Interview Summary: Imagine being a writer and your boss wants you to write an article about the Joker, no matter how dangerous it could be.
Forget You Summary: Imagine getting in an argument with the Joker. In his anger, you get hurt and end up with amnesia. Will your memory come back? Will you forgive him?
The Deal Summary: Imagine being the Jokers girlfriend, you’re kidnapped and tortured. To make it all stop, all the Joker has to do is turn himself in to Arkham Asylum and give up his freedom forever. Regardless of what happens, there is going to be a lot of pain.
Addiction Summary: Joker and you were a couple in the past, but you broke up. Years later you come across to each other and you both admit you missed each other a lot. Harley doesn't like that at all.
Damaged Summary: Imagine being the Jokers Queen. And weeks after being kidnapped and tortured, you’re finally brought back to him.
Fame Summary: Imagine being a writer for the Gotham Gazette and you try to get perfect picture of the Joker for your article, but you get caught. 
Mine Summary: Imagine the Joker being protective of you and not being happy when Harley tries to kill you.
Distress Summary: Imagine almost losing your baby when a deal goes wrong and it causing the Joker to go crazy.
Just Go Summary: Imagine the Joker breaking up with you because he wants to keep you safe. Only to have you get kidnapped anyway.
The Cure Summary: Imagine being poisoned and the Joker never leaving your side as you both wait for the cure.
The Watcher Summary: Your life changes after a bank robbery sends you into the arms of Gothams most dangerous criminal. Little do you know, he’s had his eyes on you for awhile.
Surprising Summary: Imagine your the Jokers new girlfriend. Everything is going fine until Harley tries to get revenge, little does she know that your a force to be reckoned with.
Saving Mr. J Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Summary: You see Mr. J in an alleyway injured and alone so you help you.
Smile Kitten Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 Summary: The Joker finds you wandering the streets of Gotham and decides to take you home.
Imagine: giving birth to your child with the Joker
The Article Part 1, Part 2
Close Call
I Don't Love You (I Do)
Joker x Chubby!Reader
The Worst Surprise Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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Bruce Wayne/Batman
Convenience (Series) Summary: After his oldest friend loses everything, Bruce suggests a marriage of convenience that will benefit them both.
Apart Summary: You and Bruce have been married for a few years, but unfortunately for you he's never been much to show his affection. Will you two work your relationship out when you see him acting stranger and being further apart from you?
Into the Abyss Summary: Bruce should’ve known that nothing in Gotham City ever is smooth sailing. But when the one person in his life who means most to him gets kidnapped, he feels the darkness descending on him.
Long Overdue (Series) Summary: Reader was with Bruce in the past, but grew distant after Jason’s death. No one tells her when he comes back from the dead until Bruce is forced to bring her in on a raid when they're overwhelmed.
Batmom (Series)
I Want A Divorce
Rescue Mission
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Jason Todd
Cravings Summary: You are pregnant and really want pickles. What you don't know is that your little escapade searching for pickles will lead to you finally meeting Jason's family.
Serendipity Summary: Jason Todd goes missing and his brothers investigate...
A Mother's Love Can Never Be Outgrown Part 1, Part 2
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Victor Zsasz
Undecided Summary: Imagine finding out you were pregnant and wanting to talk it out with Victor.
Walk Her Home Summary: Working at the Iceberg Lounge, it’s inevitable that you’ll come into contact with a wide range of criminals. But only one manages to catch your eye - famed assassin, Victor Zsasz.
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Killer Croc
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neiveel3llson · 4 months
Alfred: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I believe.
Dick: I lost Damian.
Y/N: How did you LOSE Damian?!
Dick: To be fair, he is very small.
Bruce: Did you have to stab them?
Jason: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Bruce: What did they say?
Jason: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Bruce: That’s fair.
Y/N: *screaming while holding something large.*
Dick: *Chasing Y/N, screaming at them to not throw the large object.*
Jason: *Crouching at the car window, begging Damian not to call Bruce.*
Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergancy?
Tim: We locked our baby brother in the car and people are judging us!
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Jason: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Tim: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Y/N: if you want information it is
Dick: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Jason: What are you talking about Dick? You love it here!
Dick: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
Damian: You need to be more careful!
Bruce, who was dragged into Damian's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Damian: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs.
Y/N: Those are bones, Damian.
Damian: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
Bruce: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Alfred: Sir, did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Damian: But what about Y/N?
Jason: Don't worry about them.
Jason: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Tim: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense.
Y/N: I’ve got plenty of common sense!
Y/N: I just choose to ignore it.
*Playing house with Damian and Jon.*
Jason, at Jon: You're my significant other.
Jon: Yeah I am!
Jason, at Dick: You're my child.
Dick: *Rolls eyes* Yes boss.
Jason, at Tim: You're my bitch.
Tim: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Jason, at Y/N: My bestie.
Y/N: Naturally.
Jason, Damian: HA, GAY!
Damian: Fuck you.
Alfred: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
Bruce: You mean you stabbed them?
Alfred: They ran into my knife, sir.
Bruce: Breaking News, Dick has disappointed us.
Tim: Why do you look like that?
Damian, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Tim: Like you’re dead.
Damian: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Alfred: Young master Damian accidentally called Y/N “babe” in front of everyone today.
Damian: *sobs into the floor*
Alfred: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Y/N: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Alfred: It’s four in the morning, young master.
Y/N: Turn the light back off.
Bruce: This is a judgement free zone.
*Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm*
Bruce: And I mean it.
Tim: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Y/N: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Dick: That's because she's a prostitute.
Bruce: Tim, why are you crying?
Tim: This book is so sad!!
Bruce, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Dick: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Y/N: Why? It was important.
Dick: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Damian, shrugging: The people need to know.
Y/N, to Jason: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Jason: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Y/N: You just told me you're pregnant.
Damian: Congratulations Jason, you're glowing!
Y/N: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
*When Y/N and Jason were young and new.*
Bruce: Where the devil is Alfred?
Y/N: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Tim: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Jason: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Y/N: All good bro, any time.
Jason: Fuck you.
Damian, over radio: Testing. Testing. Bruce, can you hear me?
Bruce, standing next to Damian: I’m standing right here.
Damian: You’re coming through good and loud.
Bruce: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
Alfred: Perhaps, the true treasure was friendship all along. Although, I hope not, because I cannot spend friendship on new suits.
Damian: You wanna fight?! You got one!
Y/N: Okay! *raises fists*
*Bruce runs in, scoops Y/N up in their arms, and runs away carrying them because he just didnt want them to fight. Yet.*
Damian: What?
Y/N: Any questions?
Y/N: Uh, a plan, duh...
Damian: Dick, chill, I know it’s weird, but Y/N has a point.
Joker: Any questions?
Joker: Uh, a plan, duh...
Harley: Y/N, chill, I know it’s weird, but Joker has a point.
Bruce, answering the phone: Hello?
Damian: It’s Damian.
Bruce: What did they do this time?
Damian: No, it’s me, Damian. It’s actually me.
Bruce: What did you do this time?
Dick: Everyone thinks you suck.
Joker: I think you have the wrong number…
Dick: Damian?
Joker: Nope. Joker.
Dick: Well, you probably suck too…
Y/N: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Tim: And?
Y/N: And you are.
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toecrust69 · 1 year
Y/n: why don't you trust me?
Damian: Because you think Instagram likes are more important than starting your own company and making money
Y/n: But it is!
Damian: Really?
Y/n: Yes!
Damian: Ok then, name someothing you can gain from Instagram likes
Y/n: Some bitches
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angelkissiies · 2 years
open hand or closed fist
joker x reader x bruce
TW : trauma, healing, needles, anxiety, slight betrayal, paranoia, stalking, mention of blood and bruises.
word count : 3060
part 2/?
find part one here
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The lights above your bed blinded you as you attempted to focus your vision. It was as if you’d gone blind, the cloudiness persisting despite your efforts. Your body felt heavy as you sat up, wires and tubes twisting up and catching as you finally gained some clarity. It was a hospital room, the sterile smell wafting as you moved around in bed. It was quiet, despite the hustle and bustle of hospital staff from outside.
You glanced around, trying to wrap your head around what was going on. The last thing you could remember was pain, so much of it. Your hand automatically shot to your jaw, which now sat as it did before The Joker had maimed it. You could only assume the doctor had fixed it while you were out, which was refreshing. Your memory had begun to piece together, tracing back to fit in all the pieces of the puzzle which was last night.
“Ah, nice to see you awake!” A chipper voice called from across the room, and as you turned to see who it was- you were met with a familiar face. Angela, your coworker. During the shock of it all, you just happened to forget you worked at gotham general. It was almost comical, until you saw the brief look of disgust cross her face. ”How are you feeling?”
A pang of embarrassment shot through you as you moved your hand to cover your face, playing it off as messing with a few loose strands of hair. “I-im okay.” You mumbled, your jaw preventing you from opening your mouth all the way. Your words were barely audible, but she still seemed to understand as she began to move closer to get a better view of you.
She sat the clipboard down, the table having barely enough room for it. You hadn’t noticed before but there were a couple vases filled with beautiful flowers sitting just about a foot from your bed, as you squinted to get a better view of them- one in particular caught your attention. It was filled with white lilies, which was odd. Yes, they were your favorite flower but nobody knew that. At least you didn't think anyone knew that. You brushed it off as just simply a slip up that you’d forgotten about. Angela was focused on the bags of medicine that hung by your bed, slowly dripping into the IV’s that were connected to every available vein. Both arms and both wrists had needles jammed in, making a rather uncomfortable situation as you attempted to move around.
“Can we take these out?” You asked, holding up both wrists as you took a short glance at the medications being pumped into your body, they weren’t necessary. Painkillers and saline you could live without. As you held out your arms towards the woman, you took note of the bruises bracelting your wrists. They were dark purple and black, the edges having begun to turn a sickly green as you slept. “They’re really uncomfortable.”
Angela nodded, turning the knob on the tubes to stop the medication. She moved to turn off the others before her nimble hands hesitantly reached out for your wrist, her eyes shot a nervous glance your way before gently pulling the needle out. She sat it down on the tray attached to the side of your bed, a couple drops of blood escaped the small wound before she could press a cotton round to it. It barely registered as your mind clouded, every detail from your encounter with The Joker surfacing. It was like a constant reminder of your job, the one thing he had asked you to do. The one thing that would ensure he didn’t kill you next time he summoned an audience with you, in the moment you didn’t realize it, but the way he looked at you made you want to dig your own grave. It wasn’t something you couldn’t describe very well, but there was something behind his eyes that chilled you to the core. It made you think back to the stories you’d been told as a child, the ones where the boogeyman would eat little girls up as they slept unaware in their beds. It all felt too familiar.
“There’s someone here to speak to you,” Angela spoke, snapping you from your thoughts. Her hands had small blood stains on her fingers from touching the needles which were all now sitting grotesquely on the side table. She hugged the clipboard to her body tightly, sparing a sympathetic glance before heading towards the door. “May I send them in?”
You nodded curtly, stretching your wrists out to release the tension they’d gathered. Your entire body felt ridgid, like you’d been frozen and had just begun to defrost. As you waited for your visitor to enter, your eyes settled on the vase of lilies. It stood proudly in the center of the others, no card or indication of where it came from. The other two bouquets held small message cards on sticks woven into their intricate designs, evident that someone had cared enough to go to those lengths to show their support.
“(Y/n)?” It was Bruce. He’d come all this way and it seemed he wasn’t alone. Behind him was Jim Gordon, a lieutenant with the GCPD. You’d met him before, seeing as he frequented the hospital. He usually bit off more than he could chew with some thugs and landed himself in the waiting room with a broken nose. The amount of times you’d stitched the man up evaded you, though it had now bypassed ten. “My god, are you okay?” Bruce looked beyond stressed, his eyes carrying bags that rivaled yours. You could only imagine the anxiety you’d put him through.
“I’m alright.” You spoke, attempting a smile though it didn’t quite register on your face. The air was thick as you looked for the right words to say, there was nothing you could do to comfort his worries as you didn’t even know exactly what he was looking at. You hadn’t had the opportunity to look in a mirror yet, to see the injuries you had sustained. Your imagination went wild with the horrendous possibilities of how maimed you'd become. A monstrous anxiety loomed over you as your hands clenched onto the hospital blankets. You’d become well acquainted with the man over the past few months, to see how you’d caused him such disarray was comforting. He cared, you could see that.
Bruce furrowed his brows, pulling a chair from the table a little ways away. He positioned right next to your bed, sitting down to rest his hands on the edge of the thin mattress. “What happened, (Y/n)? Who did this to you?” He questioned, behind him, Gordon had pulled a small notepad from his pocket. As much as you liked to think this whole visit was out of concern, it seemed to just be an interrogation.
“It's all fuzzy..” You began, glancing over at Gordon. His eyes seemed to be trained on your chest, more specifically the area right under your breast where The Joker had carved his brand into you. He knew, the doctors must have told him. What did he know? You looked away from him, meeting Bruce’s gaze. There was so much to unpack in his stare, it added so much weight to the growing burden on your shoulders. If you told them anything important, you'd end up dead. Surely, they would too. Their lives were sitting in the palm of your hand and every word you spoke could be the death sentence. You wanted to tell them everything, to spare no detail and go into hiding somewhere he could never find you- but it wasn't possible. No matter how far you ran, no matter what desolate corner of the earth you hid away in, he would always find you. There was no escape. “All I really remember was how bad it hurt. When I thought it was over, it just kept going. Like they were having too much fun to remember I was a person. A living, breathing person who could feel everything they were doing.” The words brought tears to your eyes, the pressure in your chest building as you sought out a distraction. Something to keep you grounded.
Gordon spoke first, stepping towards the bed slightly before Bruce halted him. “So wait, you’re saying there were two attackers?” He asked, using a thumb to swipe his notepad onto the next page. He seemed intrigued but not surprised, scribbling down whatever he was thinking at the moment.
You nodded gently, turning away from Bruce’s stare. You looked for anything that might serve as a beacon for your thoughts. A large window sat on the wall looking into the hallway, you could see doctors and nurses rushing back and forth. It made your chest ache, you were supposed to be doing that. You shouldn’t be stuck here, lying in the most uncomfortable bed in all of Gotham, picking up the pieces of your life because of one night. A moment passed and as you went to turn away from the window, someone caught your eye. He was familiar, though you could’ve sworn that you’d never seen him here before. You knew almost every nurse on the staff roster, though as you tried to get a better look- you realized he was staring. His eyes bore holes into you as the pieces clicked together.
It was one of The Joker's men. The same one from that night, his face was familiar because it was the last thing you saw before being drugged.
Bruce’s hand moved to rest on yours, giving you a reassuring squeeze. “I know this is hard, we’re going to do whatever we can to help you though. Okay?” His voice felt like a warm breeze, the type that envelops you in a blanket of comfort as summer turns to fall. As much as your mind screamed at you to trust him, you couldn’t. He was one of the last good people left in Gotham, you couldn’t knowingly put him in danger.
“Thank you, Mr. Wayne. It means alot that you came at all.” A smile graced your tense lips,now that you knew you were being watched- this all became much more deadly. If The Joker thought for even a second you were going to betray him, you wouldn’t be leaving the hospital at all. You’d stay right here, only just a couple floors down in the morgue. you needed to figure out a way to infiltrate his home full-time. When you were called over it was only for an hour at a time, it wasn’t enough to pull off Joker's plan. You needed something more permanent.
The older man sighed loudly, tucking his notepad away in his jacket pocket. His face was contorted in an anxious contemplation as he stepped towards the door. “If you happen to remember anything that will help us, please don’t hesitate to call. Bruce has my number, he can give it to you.” He seemed frustrated, seeing as he knew that you knew more than you were letting on. Never once did you touch on the ache in your ribs, the deeply carved ‘J’ that marked you as his. Something you’d never be able to get rid of.
“I will, thank you, JIm.”
With that, he exited. Leaving you and Bruce in silence. Did Bruce know anything? How much did he know about what happened, was he also waiting for you to slip up- to reveal something he already knew? It made you tense up, how could you figure out who was really trying to help and who was trying to get something from you? If Bruce knew, he was waiting for you to slip up with more information. He could tell Jim and then Jim would tell Batman. It was always the same story, and if the word got around to Batman- you were a dead woman walking. It would be like putting a target on your forehead. There was nothing The Joker hated more than the masked vigilante.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. Is there anything I can do to help?” Bruce asked, eyes focused on the black that surrounded your eye. It was still swollen, lessened only enough to allow it to squint open. It made him sick to his stomach, the sight of you was enough to bring him to his knees. Through the past few months, he’d grown attached to you. Every night when he’d come home from fighting the scum of Gotham, he had you on speed dial. He could always count on you to show up and patch up his wounds without a second thought. You never asked too many questions, but instead, asked him questions about his day and things he liked. Nobody ever really asked those things, it made him feel special. He hated to admit it but he was more attached to you than he’d like to admit. To know that the one day he didn’t call you from work early-this happened, caused an ache to form in his chest.
You smiled at him softly, you had tried these past few months to distance yourself from him. As they all said, he was a playboy- he turned on his charm for any lady he set eyes on. Not to mention you were only there to steal from him. It did you no good to get close to him, to catch feelings. It would only make your job harder in the long run, and that had come true. You had allowed yourself to feel for him, become friends with the billionaire. “I-I don’t know, honestly. I’m just scared to go home, what if they come back?” The air caught in your chest, your eyes cast downward as you awaited him to take the bait. This was your chance, all you needed him to do was invite you into his home.
His face fell and he squeezed your hand once more, shaking his head. “I won’t let that happen. I can protect you, (Y/n). Do you have anything specific you need from your apartment, I can have it picked up.”
The words were enough to send your plan into motion. “I can write out a list,” You began, forming a frown as you averted your eyes from his. The conflicting feelings were bubbling up, you didn’t want to do this to him but on the other hand- you had no choice. If he ever found out, which he definitely would, could he ever find it within himself to forgive you? You wanted the answer to be yes, for all of this to melt away once you did your job and got the information to Joker. That was a fantasy though, as with all of The Jokers plans- there was a catch. The thought had been brewing in the back of your mind for awhile, piecing together a survival plan once this was all over, until you realized it would never be over. Using the interface would give The Joker a backdoor to any building that used WayneTech, meaning that every single building in Gotham would be in his control. You’d have nowhere to hide and that meant neither would Batman. He’d use the tech keeping Gothamites safe to expel the vigilante, no matter what the cost might be. It made you sick, to have to keep this charade up for the sake of staying alive another day. “But where will I go, Bruce? I don’t have any family and even with as much as you pay me- i can’t afford to leave Gotham.” There was a quake in your voice, a telltale sign of a false truth, something that Bruce had caught on without your knowledge.
The man tensed slightly, suspicion raising in his chest as he took you in. His first idea was to have you take up residence at Wayne Manor, seeing as it was the safest place in the entire city. Now, as he considered the odds of the situation- his faith in you wavered. He knew from the beginning there was more to the story, from the far off look in your eyes and the initial branding you- he knew what was behind this. Who was behind this. He couldn’t help but wonder if you were in with him. It felt cruel to even consider it, seeing as the woman he’d grown so fond of was sitting in front of him barely holding herself together. Despite the nagging feeling in his chest, he still wanted- no, needed- to protect you. “You can come stay with me,” He began, choosing his next words wisely. “I have another house on the island, I used to stay there when crime got bad in Gotham.” That wasn’t a lie, he did stay there when crime got bad- but only because he hated the commute back and forth off the island when delivering criminals.
Your mouth opened and closed, no noise coming out as you looked for the right words. The idea sent chills down your spine, as the last time you were there- you’d left looking like this. Not even considering how much easier The Joker would be able to get to you, seeing as he had taken up residence in the old asylum. Bruce had no idea the perial he’d be putting you in. Joker would love this. “Really? You’d do that for me?” You asked, hands clasping his gently. “That’s too much, I don’t think I can accept it. I don’t want to intrude in your home.”
Bruce shook his head firmly, a smile pulling at his lips. “Trust me, it’s more than okay. We can stay there until the man who did this to you is found. Until then, it’s you and me, roomie.” He joked, nudging you slightly. He couldn’t let you know that he had caught on, that there was something more beneath the surface. He saw the way his offer affected you, the life seemed to drain from your body. It was fear and something else, something more primal. Whatever happened to you was somehow tied to Arkham Island.
“I don’t know how to thank you, Mr. Wayne.”
“You can start by calling me Bruce.”
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Speak in Flowers
Flowers speak their own words and show their actions. And your man loves to speak it out loud.
Includes: Victor Creed (Sabertooth), Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers (Captian America), Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Clark Kent (Superman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), Orm Marius, Joker, Duncan Vizla (Polar)
All my knowledge about the flowers I found on this link
Enjoy this little fluff piece!
Victor Creed (SABERTOOTH)
PINK CAMELLIA: Longing for you
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Victor lives his long life with little to no memories, as most are filled with shocking trauma and events. As years passed and you met him, he was emotionally stunned, fearing what to say and show. The relationship was blooming and bubbling into a fresh memory Victor did not want to miss, but his life did not build him that way. Books helped a lot to him, for him to communicate in ways he needed to express to you his love, his devotion, and his happiness.
You keep every single post-it note, notes in your books, phone, and bathroom mirror he has left. Victor wished to show more of himself in small ways. And therefore, he went for a long walk around the city trying to find a token he could present to you with pride. And then he stopped in front of a flower shop, not looking at all the roses it had on display but at the daintiest petals—pink Camellia. An older lady approaches him, saying.
"Their meanings are Longing For You."
Victor's mind clicks, "I'll buy it."
Returning home, he presents the flowers to you with a slightly spoken tone "I thought of you when I saw them."
HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of Love
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Ever since Loki decided to take the position as Thor's right hand in governing New Asgard, he inescapably made date nights a fantasy to have. Seeing him several times a month and a few weekly calls doesn't leave much to it. It was as heavy for Loki as for you. Two lovers from different realms trying to make it work. With that, the distance made Loki a nuisance to your delivery man. Every day at 11 am, at your door with a package in hand. At this point in time, you are on a first-name basis.
"Morning, Y/n. Back again."
"Morning, Stephen. Thanks again. Have a cookie."
Loki sent small things that could be delivered easier and faster so you could feel his presence somehow. Most of the packages held a few popular treats, accompanied by letters from him depicting how his day was and always, at the end, writing how much he misses you and cannot wait to have you in his arms. In a new package from today, this one was the most fascinating. Opening the brown box, Hologram butterflies exited the box flying around the room, glowing slightly green as they dispersed into thin air. Looking down, you see delicate branches colored with pink and orange petals, each branching out in their own direction, forming a halo-like shape. Opening your phone, you snap a picture and google search for its name
"Honeysuckles? Hmm...Thanks, Wikipedia. Now let us see the meaning."
Bonds of love.
"Oh, how I miss you, Loki."
MARJORAM: Joy and happiness
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Thor was in a tight position. He was now leading New Asgard on Earth and managed to convince you to try and live in this new area so you could be with him. Not ready to fully move there, you decided to live there for the next 3 months, taking a well-deserved break from work. Living there was a new experience, and you were there to witness the city's first town meeting, first competitions, first restaurant openings, and, as of this moment, the first festival with Thor in hand. Even Loki was there looking somewhat happy but primarily absent.
"You good, Loki?"
"A bit. Seeing the Asgardian people happy makes me joyous, but I miss my lover."
"When are you seeing them?"
"In a few days. They do not know. It will be a surprise."
You looked at him, offering a comforting hug as the people walked around enjoying themself. The sky rumbled, announcing Thor's imminent arrival. Thor's step continued to rumble, and Loki stepped away from you, joining the crowd. Thor was now in front of you, smile beaming and hands full of... green leaves?
"MY DARLING!!" Thor shouted
"Thor...no need to shout. I am in front of you."
"Excuse me! Here you go!"
Thor offers the bouquet of green leaves to you. You accept, sniffing the faint smell of herbs.
"Are these used for... cooking?"
"Yes, I mean, no. Well, the nice lady in the flower shop told me they complement any meat, fish, or vegetable."
"Thanks, I guess..."
"That is not the point of those flowers. Their meanings are Joy and Happiness. Which I feel those feelings when I am with you."
Thor explained nervously, glancing at you with hearty eyes, hoping you would like them as much as he loves you.
"I love you... and the flowers." you replied
Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
BLUE AND RED SALVIA: I think of you/ Forever mine
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Bucky loves love. Because of you. He cherished the moments he got to experience in this new modern life when he thought it would be a throw-away line. He adored each of those love-filled moments and loved making them even more. Bucky had a small notebook at all times with him where he wrote each moment he did with you, keeping an excellent timeline as well as future notes on what he should do next time. While looking at his notebook, he noticed the lack of gift-giving, especially flowers. Flowers for Bucky where a personalized and live-like message for your lover. And therefore, he decided to find flowers that were the definition of BUCKY. Walking to market place, Bucky walked among the fresh fruits and produce, looking and thinking until his gaze was filled with so many flowers. Stopping at the sight, Bucky hears a thoughtful voice inquiring
"Looking for a unique flower?"
"Yes, for my partner. Something that would depict me as a flower, if there is a flower like that." Bucky speaks self-doubt lacing his voice
"Of course there is; flowers speak many languages."
Bucky nodded, looking at the flowers stopping at two different versions of the same densely packed tubular flowers with velvety leaves. Red and blue.
"Those are Salvia. The red ones mean 'Forever Mine', and the blue ones mean 'I Think Of You'. Hummingbirds and butterflies love them."
"I do call Y/n hummingbird from time to time." Bucky whispered while taking out his wallet to pay, "I'll take them both."
Arriving in a better mood back home, Bucky found his love lounging on the couch. Walking to you with light ninja steps, he placed the flowers in front of you.
Steve Rogers (Captian America)
HOLLY: Defense, Domestic Happiness
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Steve was on many missions, which were given with his work/lifestyle. So he relished in it when he was home with you. His housewife kink was really showing (if you know what I mean *wink wink*). He adored it when he was doing the laundry with you, doing the dishes, decorating the room the way you like, and planting new herbs and vegetables in your garden. Steve was sold on the whole fantasy he has with you. And he wanted you to show you that. Everyday. Every second.
With that, Steve went on a hunt to find flowers he knew would communicate that. Steve hopped onto a public train in his best 'don't look at me, I know I am famous' disguise, glimpsing at the passing city inching closer to the town center and hopping off his stop going towards a flower shop as he goes cautiously to the lady
"Good day, ma'am. The name is Frank Castle, and I am looking for a flower that would communicate that I love my home and my partner." Steve said, trying not to be suspicious of his 'real name.'
"That name rings a bell, but you don't seem familiar from the photos I have seen of 'Frank.'" The lady says with a hint of suspicion in her voice, looking at the tall blonde up and down. But he wasn't the only one who appeared in front of her with a fake name, and she was a pro at sniffing out a fake. Nonetheless, she wasn't going to put the man in a tight spot.
"Is there a flower you like? Any flower that speaks to you?" She asked. Steve, I mean Frank, looks at the flowers, seeing all kinds of colors and textures in an ecstasy of nature's artistic expression. Finding a dainty four-petal flower so tiny and minuscule an untrained eye would not catch its beauty.
"That is a Holly. They mean 'Defense' and 'Domestic Happiness'." Steve smiled at the flowers that were the size of a pin, smiling gleefully, "I'll take them."
Walking back home with a bouquet in hand, steve opens the door seeing Y/n making dinner. "Y/n? Turn around." Turning around, steve smiles at your surprised smile, appearing in a second when seeing the flowers.
"A little something so you know what I feel when I am with you."
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
IRIS: Faith, Trust, Wisdom, Hope, Valor
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Bruce knew he had it good with you. Really good. You were so, so SO understanding of him, his actions, and his double life. Not even once doubting him but being there with him. Bruce wanted you to know how much he loves you for that, and there were so many ways he could show you that. Trips, gifts, new adventures in new parts of the world, you name it, he will give it to you in seconds. But Bruce remembered that the smallest things mean the most, something he learned from his father when he saw him give his mother flowers every single day when returning from work. As Bruce was in his 'day' office, he called up a number of the oldest flower shop in Gotham, knowing the owner quite well.
"Mr. Wayne. Good to hear from you." The lady said happily
"Mrs. Flowerbottom. Always good to hear from you as well. I would need your expertise. I have been with my lover for a few months now, and I would like some flowers that describe them."
"Of course. And how would you describe your lover, Mr. Wayne?" "They are smart, brave, trust me, and I trust them, and quite simply, they are my hope for a better future." The lady chuckles at the honey-covered words from the billionaire former playboy looking at flowers that describe y/n to the bone.
"I am looking at them right now. Would you like to add a note?" "Yes, it would be: "Thank you for being yourself. I love you with all my strength and heart. Yours always, Bruce.""
Hanging up and finishing up the day, Bruce entered his car smiling, knowing that in a few hours, his lover will a unique surprise back in their shared home. Arriving back at Wayne manor. Bruce looks at the enormous bouquet of Hydrangeas standing proudly in the middle of the living room, a small note with a definition of irises at the bottom of the bouquet
IRIS: Faith, Trust, Wisdom, Hope, Valor
The keys jingle again as you enter, seeing Bruce standing next to the bouquet, saying softly
"These are for you."
Clark Kent (Superman)
YARROW: Everlasting love
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Clark was a Boy Scout. Everyone called him that; the man was a boy at heart personified. His smile never dropped, he was always ready to help others, and he was a lovesick puppy at heart. So lovesick. Clark breathed you. His demeanor changed completely when he was with you. He was and still is diving head-first into the relationship. Telling you about his plans with you having a house, having kids, and an all-around perfect life. He wanted it with you.
Clark made it his everlasting task to bring you home flowers every day after work. To show you that he loves you to the ends of the universe and back. One day when he was going to his usual flower shop he saw new flowers, flowers that weren't there yesterday. And those flowers beckoned him to come closer, sniff them, and be entranced in their intoxicating smell. "They are called Yarrow." the lady said, smiling at the glasses-wearing dork. "They mean Everlasting Love."
Clark smiles at the yellow droplet-like flowers taking them in hand and smelling the sweet and tangy fragrance. Waving the lady goodbye, promising to arrive again tomorrow as he heads home to his love. Hearing the door open, you walk towards Clark, ready to give him his welcome home kiss, but before you can do that, Clark shows you yellow flowers with the tangiest smell.
"For my everlasting love."
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
ASTER: Symbol of Love and Daintiness
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Arthur loved to scare and surprise you. He loved to go behind the couch to scare you and then present you with a small gift to make you not angry at him. Trinkets such as seashells, funny coffee mugs, or even t-shirts were out of context and confusing. It was funny, really. And sometimes Arthur can go overboard with the scares to the point where you get mad at him and make him sleep on the couch. Like today, Arthur woke up with a stiff neck and aching back while you were well-slept and making yourself your morning tea. Arthur messed up big time, and he was on a mission to make it better by the end of the day. Running like a headless chicken to town, Arthur zoomed past people startling them along the way. Halting to a stop, he sees his salvation, a flower shop. Walking inside, he is greeted by a lady seeing him disheveled and out of breath.
"Please, help me. I messed up with my dove, and I need your best flowers." He pleaded
"Look around the store and see what flower catches your attention." Looking around the room, Arthur spins a few times around, his mind starting to blur, dizziness taking over his decision process. Slowing down, his body turns to a corner of the room with purple-colored daisy flowers.
"The daisies!" Arthur exclaimed, pointing at them like a 3-year-old kid. The lady chuckles as she walks over to them, taking them out of the vase. "They are called Asters. They mean Symbol of Love and Daintiness."
"Well, my dove is dainty and my symbol of love. I'll take them." You watch from the window as Arthur walks back home with flowers in hand, a big smile on his face. The door unlocks, and you make yourself busy by staring blankly at your book as Arthur inches closer, extending his hand which held the flowers. Looking at him, uninterested, he says
"They are called Asters. They are symbols of Love and Daintiness. And to me, you are both. And I am sorry to scare you so much, and I love you."
"....fine. I accept your apologies.Dumbass."
Orm Marius
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Orm had a first relationship with a human. A surface dweller. Someone he held no positive emotions, and yet...he was smitten. So much so that he decided to live with them a few days a week as a start. Orm felt himself stumble into a new world, a world where some souls expressed themself with care, actions, words, or even presents, the most popular being flowers. As Orm walked around town with his chosen love, he saw a flower shop looking at the offers they had. Letting go of Y/n's hand, he walks over using the given time while Y/n's distracted by the fountain waterworks. Stepping closer, he stops at tubular shape flowers.
"They are Calla Lilly. They are extraordinary flowers." the lady working speaks to Orm. "Why are they special?" Orm asks, looking confused at the white flowers.
"They mean beauty. In their own language," she explained.
"The flowers have their own language?"
"Yes, in a way. The flowers you give to your loved ones can be interpreted in a special way beyond the aesthetic." Orm thought for a second before taking out 5 dollars." I have one paper on this currency. Is that enough to cover the whole store?"
The lady laughed at his bluntness as she took the bill and handed him 3 Lillies. "No, but it gives you 3 calla lilies."Orm grunts at his failure but nonetheless smiles as he walks back to Y/n, handing the Lillies.
"These are for you, my beauty."
YELLOW JASMINE: Grace and Elegance
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J tried to keep his job away from you. he tried to divide his "job" away from your eyes, ears, and hands. But it was not something he had complete control over it. Most of the time, he arrived bruised and bloodied while you played nurse. And he wanted to show you in his own way what you mean to him. So he took you in his purple Lamborghini towards the end of the city, a place that would not be considered part of Gotham, a shrouded place, abandoned houses, people looking at you like with a predator-like gaze. Joker held your hand as you walked towards a tiny restaurant you would surely miss if you did not see the small sign at the bottom of the floor spelling out 'Eat in, not out'.
Entering the place, you and J sit next to each other, and you start to ask questions. This wasn't the place where you two would usually go. No glitz and glamour, expensive tiny dishes that would cost an arm and leg, views that would depict the whole Gotham feeling as if you were running the town. It was all swapped with a one-room-sized restaurant without photos, calendars showing the year 2012, and an elderly woman standing in front of you
"Good to see you, J." She spoke her voice gravely, but her perfume was flowery intoxicating
"And you as well, Mrs. Flowerbottom. For tonight I brought my special person here, and I would like your best dish combo."
Mrs. Flowerbottom smiled lovely at you moving back into the kitchen, and you felt just more question bubble in you.
"You come here often?" You asked, looking at him with more question marks in your eyes.
"I was living here at one point. When I had no money when I was younger, I slept on the floor where we are. This place means a lot to me."
While J spoke, Mrs. Flowerbottom brought out chicken soup on a tray, the bowls big enough for 3 people. And next to the food on J's side, she puts flowers with the same sweet perfume Mrs. Flowerbottom was shrouded in. The small clusters of starry, pure-white petals with rich green leaves. J takes them giving them to you.
"I know that I am not good with words, but I have learned that yellow jasmines mean grace and elegance. And I will give you that. By opening myself up and my history with you."
Kissing his lips, you reply, "I would love that."
Duncan Vizla (Polar)
LOTUS FLOWER: Purity, Enlightenment, Self-regeneration, and Rebirth
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Duncan felt his way of life changed because of you. You two lived in his cabin next to the lake, shrouded in snow, away from people, enjoying nature's ambiance, feeling thankful for the experience you are sharing with your Donut. Duncan felt himself being happy. He enjoys chopping wood outside in the freezing cold, knowing that he is chopping them for a fire where he will sit behind you, telling his stories about when he was 'working' back in the day. But Duncan wasn't too much of a gift-giver. He was still finding himself in this relationship. And while Duncan was chopping wood, he saw you peaking outside the window, a blanket on your shoulder looking so cozy and inviting him in. Seeing you wave and then moving back in the room, Duncan stopped his actions and walked behind the house and behind a few trees into the woods, seeing the small Polly dom he made no bigger than a 1-meter squared cube. Removing the shrouded small man-made pond was holding his hard work. He managed to grow louts flowers in this weather and in this land. But thanks to the guidance of a sweet lady, he did a good job.
"Thank you, Mrs. Flowerbottom." He said into the cold wind. Taking his flowers and putting them in a basket, he walks into his home. The warm ambiance melted off his cold shake. And you see Duncan with a small grin, and you know he did something he shouldn't
"If you killed someone and buried them in the back, I do not want to know, Duncan." Duncan laughs as he hands you the cloth-covered basket.
"I didn't kill anyone, but I did something for you." With a puzzled look, you remove the cloth seeing pink lotus flowers, the fragrance filling your nose."
"When did you buy them?" You asked, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I didn't. I planted them a few months ago."
"Why louts? They are so hard to grow here."
Duncan sits down, looking at you with a warm smile as he holds your hands, rubbing small circles of comfort.
"Because I learned they mean Purity, Enlightenment, Self-regeneration, and Rebirth... which reminds me of you. And a bit of me as well. More so, the rebirth. I feel like a new man with you, with a new life."
Feeling eyes prickle in your eyes, you say with a soft chuckle, "You really know how to make me ugly cry, Donut."
Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think.-V
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babyyoda234 · 4 months
Nobody warns you what happens when Superman doesn't catch you
The howl of the wind as it rushes past your ears. For a moment, It's like you’re flying. The city’s dazzling from above. Take a moment to appreciate it, before gravity takes its course. Imagine the sound your bones make as they shatter against the pavement. Each moment pure agony as your bones splinter to pieces. How each atom of oxygen is thrust from your lungs.
Nobody warns you what happens when Superman doesn’t catch you. The crowd that inevitably forms. Camera flashes capture every twisted angle of what used to be whole. Poor girl. She’ll never be the same. For a man who can fly at the speed of light, It’s fascinating how long it took him to leave. Falling was easy. The months following repeat the same cycles of Hell. Newscasts flood the public with details: How could Superman let his girl fall? 
“My life is outside of Smallville. They can’t expect me to save everyone.”
The wild rush of emotions that follow. Friends you lose along the way. When the world perceives his light as the sun, every shadow casts has a similar silhouette.
Nobody warns you what happens when Superman doesn’t catch you. The divergent routes taken. Old betrayed by new. So when you get a job in a new city: You smile. Looking at the new horizon with hope. Knowing damn well that if any of these Jokers come after you, there's a new friend watching from the skyline above....Not that you need them though
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morgansunflower · 8 months
Our Home & Our Hearts
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, blood, injuries and angst
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V. Grayson and Jason are 2 years apart. Dick is 14 Jason is 12.
Dick is deeply concerned for his friend who is left without a, home. Which leads to Grayson being there when Joker tries to kill Jason.
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Dick plops his school backpack on the counter. Instead of a smile that the weekend was here, he let out a troubled sigh. He hadn't seen Jason in 2 weeks. He hated he was living on the streets and he was stubborn to let, him help him.
"is everything alright Master Richard?" Alfred asked
The kind butler had certainly took notice that the young man has been uncharacteristically quiet since he picked him up from school.
"I'm totally whelmed" Grayson said forcing a smile
Patrol was... stressful. Keeping secrets made him extra tense which brought in much unintended distance between him and his, parents. He hated not telling them about Jason. He knew his parents were not going to let the kid stay on his own. Which would ultimately lead to them adopting Jason. Was he ok with that? Would he be a good big brother?
As the family returned from patrol Dick planned to tell them goodnight quickly. He was going to sneak out to find Jason again... Maybe bring him some snacks and some games..
"ok good nigh--" Y/N put her hand up
"hold on there a minute young man we need to talk" she ordered with a kind tone.
The blue eyed teenager panicked "I'm not hiding anything! I didn't do anything! It's not my fault! I have been good! I've behaved!"
"Grayson calm down son" Bruce said with a small smile. He was humored by his son's quick needless defense and insistence, he had done no wrong
"you're not in trouble kiddo. We just wanted to say if there is something you're going through.. We're here for you" she smiled softly to her boy.
Dick tried to keep his heart from falling to his gut. Secrets always made him feel sick and anxious. He promised but... But Jason deserved a family.
"my friend Jay" he informed. To which his mother nodded. He sighed "Jason's mom overdosed and his dad is in jail. I have been trying to find him for 2 weeks now.." Grayson blurted out.
Y/N felt sick to her gut as she feels the need to rush to Jason and make sure he's OK ".. 2 weeks"
Jason had his arms folded annoyed he had been caught by the Bat. He almost had the tire. He could've traded it for a bike or some food. As he parks Jason jumps out with Bruce. Dick rushed to his friend stunned he was really here. Jason stared quite confused why Robin was concerned for him.
"you're OK! How you doing kid? I was so worried about you-- I mean I saw, you roaming the streets all alone" Grayson wanted to hit himself for giving himself away.
"I'm fine" he rolled his eyes "seriously" Jason scoffed connecting that Dick is Robin and Batman.. Is Bruce Wayne which also meant Y/N was H/N.
Y/N stepped in, wearing her H/N uniform, seeing Batman with Robin and Jason. She sighed relieved. He's OK without a scratch.
"hi Mrs Wayne" Jason greeted with a, smirk that, he figured it out...
"hi Jay.. You told him?" she casually asked her husband
"no your son did" Bruce said
"it's not my fault he figured it out it's not like I said my name to him" Dick defended
"you kinda gave yourself away with the needless concern for me" Jason scoffed "plus I'd recognize that tiny little voice from anywhere"
"my voice didn't crack that time!!" Dick said offended.
That night for the first time in such a very long time.. Jason had a bath, ate a good dinner and had fresh change of clothes. The boy's played video games together for hours. Y/N and Bruce look in the room seeing them both asleep.
"he needs to be cared for Bruce. We can't just leave send him to a orphanage" she said holding his hand. "how, do you feel?.."
"our home and our hearts are big enough for more" he said with a soft smile kissing her head.
2 years later a tragedy struck that could have ended a tremendously amount worse.
Grayson hears a slight sound from a heart monitor. He'd heard one so many times throughout his life, he recognized the sound of it instantly, like he could recognize the sound of Bruce's grunt with his eyes closed. He feels the bandages covering his burned and bloody skin.
Bruce had been sick with fear. He knew he would wake up but to see his eyes open. He was overwhelmed with relief.
Dick's relaxed face becomes clenched as he then feels pain. The cracked rib from the crowbar. The headache from the excessive blows. His legs are in so much agony from being battered and the explosion. What made his, gut twist and his heart break was that Jason was in pain just as he is.
Dick relaxes his face "hmm" why was it so hard to talk "Jay o-OK?" Dick asked
"your brother is recovering in his room. Your mom is with him. Are you thirsty?" Bruce asked him
Dick nodded Bruce takes a cup that had a, straw and puts it to Grayson's mouth. The older teenager drank the water. As he finished he rested his head back.
Grayson tightly closes his eyes from emotion rather than physical pain.. He had his fair share of brushes of death but this.. This was different. He really thought that he wasn't going to make it and to have Jason with him. Looking at him like he needed protection. He felt responsible for Jay almost getting killed. Had he been stronger. Had he been faster. Bruce must've wished Dick had been better Robin.. A better big brother.. A better son. His lips tremble.
Bruce's heart breaks for his son. He gently rubbed his temple surprising Dick.
"it's natural for you to feel shame for what happened son, but don't for a second think I'm ashamed of you"
Dick was not the only one crying. Jason was being held by his, mother as she cried with him. She tried to be careful with his bandaged wounds and the electrodes from the heart monitor, as she gently rubs his forehead.
"I c-could've g-gotten him killed" Jason stuttered shutting his eyes tightly as his guilt ate at him
"baby, baby don't you dare blame yourself. We all make, mistakes but Dick is OK and so are you. He doesn't blame you. He loves you"
Bruce and Y/N had now swapped places with their sons. Bruce was, laying on the bed with Jason resting on his chest asleep. Superman had head of his godsons current state and promised to look after Gotham until they recover.
As much as it was destroying his heart his boys were hurt it was nice to spending so much time with them. Though it also brought guilt that he had not spent more time with them, the times when everything was, ok.
Y/N laid beside Grayson, has he rested his head on her shoulder she was holding onto him. Just like his was, a little boy again. Right now he felt like he was so small. She held her son comforting him in a mothering love.
That morning Bruce and Jason sit together eating breakfast. The door opens gently to reveal two faces Jason genuinely missed.
"care if we join you for breakfast?" Y/N said as, she pushes the handles of Dick's wheelchair.
"D-Dick!" Jason cried sounding more excited to see his big brother than he wanted to.
"hey Jay!" he takes a shallow breath feeling sick how little of Jason's skin was without a, bandage "how you doin' kiddo?"
"I..." Jason felt his guilt hit harder to his gut seeing Dick in so much pain "you look pretty beat up"
"you don't look too bad yourself little bird" Grayson laughs
Grayson touched Jason's arm holding it Jay did the, same to his big brothers arm. Jason cursed his tears unable to hold them back.
"I should've listen to you" he slurred still pained to speak and was quite emotional to.
Dick go's back to that moment of him telling Jason not to pursuit Joker and then Grayson went after him. Which resulted in Joker taking them both.
"yeah, but it's OK. I'm not mad at you for thinking you were strong enough and I am so sorry it happened like this"
"me too"
Every year on the anniversary of their brush of death.. Dick make sure he calls, Jason to talk to his little brother and every time Jay acts immensely annoyed.. Though Dick knows the truth.
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batman-dc-imagines · 2 months
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Character Interaction primarily, (ex. asking Jervis Tetch a question and getting a in character response)
Any kind of fanfiction since I can’t list them all.
Headcanons (character limit is 9)
I ship you with...(describe yourself)
Letter from a character
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Any, just be specific in your ask on which version (gotham, btas, movie adaptations, etc...)
Tell me the character(s) name and what versions you want. My main focus is villains but again you can request other characters like Bruce(Batman), Damien, Barbara, etc.
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Additional: Key things to keep in mind
Key thing to key in mind is that I’m busy. I do this for fun and on my own time. I try to answer asks from oldest to newest but depending on how big or short, I might answer yours sooner. Just keep that in mind.
When I say any kind of fanfiction, I mean that. Any kind. For now, there are no rules. Just send in a request (please try and be semi-specific) and I'll decide if I'm okay writing/answering it or not.
Looking back at the first bullet, that also means I will delete or ignore any ask I don't feel comfortable with or don't know any way to respond to it. Respect that.
I'm also okay with criticism on what I could do better to improve my writing for example tips on how to better accurately write a certain version of a character. Just know I won't take the kind of criticism like (ex. "Your work is terrible. It's obvious you didn't put any effort into it." or "You're a terrible writer. Your grammar is awful, and your ideas are all over the place.") It's rude first of all, and secondly, words like that doesn't help me improve my writing at all.
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Wish to see my other works? Here’s my main @adalwolfgang
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jasonsknight3 · 6 months
Random headcanons for Jason
plays the guitar. Man can play really well too. He likes playing some of the classics like; Wayfaring Stranger, some Elvis songs. He’ll play about anything though
Going off of the last thing, he likes to sing too. He’ll sing and play because he’s that good. (Sometimes he may make a song of his own.)
He likes the sound of piano, mostly the mello or chill stuff that others may deem as sad.
He knows a lot about food. Not just how to cook things or spice them. He is knowledgeable in food portions, food groups, all of that good stuff. (He still enjoys a good take out hamburger)
He knows how to cut just about any fruit and vegetables. Sometimes the way he cuts them is odd but you realize it’s actually faster and more proficient than what you normally do. (Probably learned it from Alfred and his own experience.)
knows when fruits and vegetables are ripe, over ripe, or not at all. Like I said, this man is a good guy. Very knowledgeable in it.
This guy had a thing for physical touch. If it’s from him. Great. If it’s from you. Even better! He loves being held just as much as he likes holding you!
Jason likes all kinds of women. He’s not picky, however… I think he likes a girl with a little extra. He’ll say things like “there’s more to love” or “I like a girl with a little extra chonkin. (He actually said this in character ai and I love it.
Jason gets a moment where he looks at you and just wants to bite. Not hard or anything painful, he just wants to bite. Sometimes Jason takes you by surprise when he bites your arm, shoulder, tummy or thighs. Whatever he can get he’ll bite it. You can always tell. There’s this look in his eyes. He has this focus. You think it’s funny though.
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