#jon attends gotham academy with damian
ghostbsuter · 28 days
He was running late for school, Danny groans, it was a new one too!
Jazz had recently moved to Gotham and assured their parents that Danny would always be welcome. He still lives in Amity Park with his parents, but thankfully, they changed their mind and now he gets to attend Gotham Academy.
(Yes they know of his powers, knew he'd be back not even 30 min after school. What worried them was that, if anything happened to Danny, they wouldn't be able to reach him immediately.
That's when Jazz came in in clutch. She told them excitedly about her internship in Gotham, of the university she would attend and learn at.
Their parents helped set up her new apartment and sent her money to help, while Jazz also worked part time. But with Jazz there, Danny got to attend the academy now, too.)
So here is, first day of a new school and already late.
And then the impossible happened, because Danny bumped onto someone.
Why was this impossible you ask?
Danny was flying to school. He is in midair. Alone. The alone part is now debatable.
His head shoots up, and green eyes meet blue ones.
That's how a ghost meets an alien.
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x Dc AU: Damian and Ellie become friends, and for all his research into her ‘Guardian’ older siblings, he can’t seem to understand why they’re asking after his own homelife. 
Ellie was an annoyance to him from the moment they met, and this unfortunately meant that her and Jon got along like a house on fire. She’d transferred to Gotham Academy in the middle of the year and clearly had no idea what a private school was like politically- She walked right up to him and declared them friends. He’d retorted something about preferring to be enemies, she immediately had a shark like grin and after school they had their first spat- which Jon immediately flew into town for upon hearing Damian’s typically fight related biometrics (which, yes, he always listened for). 
Immediately upon Jon pulling them apart, Ellie asked again if they could be friends and Damian accepted. Jon is bewildered but hey! New Pal! And she can throw down! How Neat! (plus she didn’t ask how Jon appeared so quickly-he wasn’t caught flying because of their fight- success! Identity kept secret!) 
Ellie eventually invites them over to her place since she lives closest to the school, and the apartment is meager if not incredibly well kept. Jazz is the one home at this time, makes them all some apple slices and ensures that they did their homework. Jon declares that Lois would love her. Jazz asks if Damian is safe at home, and she has a weird green color to her eyes for just a second when she asks, but Damian assures her that the Wayne family is merely a rambunctious one with too many children. 
The next time they come by her older brother Danny is the one who is home, and he looks absolutely exhausted as he mixes instant coffee granules into his energy drink. Damian learns that he’s an engineer at WE and working night shifts- apparently Danny was home the last time they visited but was asleep. Danny also kind of looks at Damian funny for a second, and asks if he’s safe at home, Ellie protests that they can’t keep asking him and Damian defends his family once more. 
Damian goes home after one of their visits and at the family dinner table if there is anything about him that reads as ‘abused child’ since he keeps getting this treatment by the Nightengale siblings. Tim doesn’t add anything towards Damian’s predicament but does explain that Danny Nightengale is off limits from the rest of the family- He’s not to be adopted and he’s not to be researched, this dude is his main engineer on a Bat project and Tim’s personal project to crack. 
Jason, who happened to attend because it was Alfred’s Eggplant Parmesan night, voices that his new therapist is also a Nightengale. She’s great (the whole family has noticed) but he’s also contemplating dropping her as a therapist for... reasons. (The whole family understands that he’s in love with her and theres a betting pool around it.) 
Bringing the conversation back to the start, Bruce suggests that Damian invite them over for dinner so that they can see he has a stable homelife. Tim and Jason protest but it gets ignored. Damian asks Ellie at school and she happily accepts with “Great! I can’t wait to haunt your house!” 
The Nightengales arrive, and fit right in. The evening goes off without out any major issues or bumps in the road- although the entire family + Danny are all keen on Jason pursuing Jazz (who keeps refusing to comment despite blushing every other word he says to her). Ellie is adored by the whole family, though Damian does his best to threaten them away. Danny is incredibly loose lipped about the project he’s working on to Tim’s horror but Danny just kind of winks and says “this feels like a room of people that can keep a secret.” (Danny doesn’t know they’re bats, he just assumes this cause they’re all family and so nice.)
Eventually at the end of the night Bruce asks why they keep asking after Damian’s homelife and safety- what makes them so concerned? Danny just spills the beans: 
“I’ve met a lot of undead in my day, but Damian was brought back to life in a way I’m still trying to understand. Like Jason? Easy peasy, got dipped in the green stuff. Damian? So Strange. Plus like the kid is like 15, it took me until 14 to die the first time but I had a portal to another dimension under my house and he lives in a mansion.” 
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sheegons · 1 year
ppl still thinking jon is damians first and only friend let's go down the list of friends he made before jon (not counting pets or batfam members)
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Damians first revealed canonical friend
used to be an art teacher at the league, currently a good ally that helps and guides damian due to becoming blind.
basically his own alfred before he met alfred
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Colin wilkes/Abuse (hero name)!
Damians first gotham friend (again, not counting batfam members)
Him and damian were forced to join a child fighting ring and kicked everybodys ass
gave him a motorcycle that was named "the cycle of abuse"
went on a little adventure looking for his mother during lil gotham but failed and damian settled for just giving him flowers.
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Rose wilson!
commonly thought to only be friends with during the lazarus tournament but they actually met during her teen titans era when Damian was 10
only person in the teen titans that damian really hit it off with, they both enjoyed each others presence.
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Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi/Robin (kinda)
Big Batman fan that dresses up like Robin and really wants the title
went on a tiny adventure that got Damian expelled from the academy he was attending
he set her up on a scavenger hunt once randomly since she's a big batman fan
saved her from two-face and taught her how to use a weapon
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Maya ducard/Nobody!
The reason Damian met Jon in the first place
adopted damian as her brother when he was lonely and distancing herself from others
I'd tell yall all her adventures with damian but there's a lottttt I'd rather y'all go read robin: son of batman (#1-#13) to see his adventures with her
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Suren Darga!
young magician that befriended damian
got used as a weapon by his parents so him n damian kinda bonded over that
him, damian, maya and goliath saved the world
revived damian after dying (the second time)
shows up at the end of robin son of batman
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lily-drake · 1 year
Lesson 8: Find What's Worth your Protection
Random: *glares at Marin* Marin: *blinks* … Jon: *leans slightly towards her* what’s her deal? Marin: if looks could kill.. *grins* well, I still wouldn’t care but- Jon: she’s glaring at you like you killed her mother. Marin: *blanks* …. Jon: did.. did you ki- Marin: *snaps her attention towards him* no???? *smiles warily* at least I don’t think so- Jon: Marin! Marin: *pushes his shoulder playfully* what??? *looks back at the Random* I had many missions, who knows, maybe shes a cousin or whatever. Jon: *groans into his hands* ~~~~~~~ Marin: …you’re not fazed by this. Jon: you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has. Jon: again, you’re Damian’s sister. Marin: …which means? Jon: that you both were raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care? Marin: …you’re not fazed by my molds. Jon: *grimaces* Damian kind of.. explained the situation. Marin: *blinks* …did he? Jon: yeah… Marin: … Jon: sorry-? Marinette: *shrugs* its whatever, so what are we going to do later? Jon: uhh- homework-??? Marinette: sweet!! Let’s go. Jon: uh-huh..
Damian stared at the letter laid across his desk.  He had read it, reread once, twice, thrice, and yet he still couldn’t fully process the words. 
“ I don’t want to be found so don’t look for me.  I am going to be who I want, I’m going to act how I want, and I’m not going to force myself to do things that will make me feel terrible.  You will no longer be able to pressure me, and that means you will NOT pressure someone else instead. ”
Was he truly that terrible?  Was it truly his fault for pressuring her and unintentionally pushing her away in the process?  
“ I love my dearest little brother.  Stay strong and know that I will one day visit.  For now, I’m figuring things out for myself, and I finally feel like I have a grasp on my life. ”
He reread those few sentences over and over and over again reassuring himself.  She would return, she would come back.  She never broke a promise, not once.  He scowled when he had read the last part of the letter, Jon was afraid of him!  But then again, Jon still hadn’t told him despite the fact that Marin had been gone for three weeks now.  It was infuriating.  Speaking of Jon, he hadn’t heard his annoying voice at all yet, something was up.
Damian tucked the note away in his desk almost reverently before he stood up and marched out of his room.  He would check the kitchen first, but the only one there was Beast Boy.
“Where is Kent?”  He demanded while crossing his arms.  Beast Boy turned to him with a confused frown before he shrugged.
“No clue man.  Last I heard he had a “private call” to make, something about someone calling him, or whatever.”  Damian’s frown deepened.  It didn’t matter, he would just head to the training room, nothing defeating the highest level of holographic enemies wouldn’t fix.
______ Jon was on a secret mission, well, secret in the fact that he just didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing.  What was he doing, well, currently he was trying not to let the craziest of the al Ghul-Waynes cut his head off.  “Hey, hey!  It’s me Marin!  Please don’t kill me!”  He shouted, keeping his hands up and forward in a show of peace and surrender.  Her eyes were dark and predatory as she studied him.
“What are you doing here?”  She growled, baring her teeth in a way that was definitely threatening.
“Is it so wrong to want to make sure my friend is okay after weeks of radio silence?”
He could hear her heart skip slightly at that, she was surprised.  “What makes you think we’re friends?!”  She snarled, pushing the blade that no doubt had bits and pieces of Kryptonite in it, further against his neck.  He was so screwed.  Why did he think this was a good idea again?
“The fact that we spent years together attending Gotham Academy and you know, our side job.”  He replied nervously, making sure to keep perfectly still unless he really did want that dagger slitting his throat.  
Marin let out a small hum, thinking over his words while allowing the dagger to stay firmly planted against his neck.  “Fine, your answer is acceptable.”  And just like that, the dagger was removed and hidden in one swift motion.
Jon let out a sigh of relief, moving slightly away from Marin to catch his breath.  “Damian still thinks he’s scarier than you and I still don’t know how to convince him he’s wrong.”  Jon gasped, cupping his throat as if that would protect it.  He could feel the slight sting against his next from where the blade laid across the skin.
“Damian assumes much and understands little.  He will not allow himself to believe that others can be feared more than himself.  That’s one thing that will never change.”  Marin stated with a roll of her eyes,  “Now, why are you really here?”  She demanded with a simple raise of her brow.
“Is it really too much to believe that I just came to check-up on you?”  He asked, trying to show how sincere he was.  All he really knew was that there was a falling out between Marin and the rest of her family that was so bad that she refused to come back.  He wouldn’t pry or ask details, but he wanted to make sure his friend was okay.  Her heart quickened slightly.
“As it’s coming from you, I guess not.”  She replied flippantly.  Jon honestly could not tell what she was thinking, she’d always been hard to read.  
“So while I’m here, why don’t we go somewhere?”  Marin sent him a sharp glare, and Jon quickly put his hands up in surrender once more. “Somewhere public of course.  And it doesn’t have to be somewhere you visit often!  I just wanted to catch up with you is all.”
“If you try anything, I will disassemble you piece by piece with my strongest and dullest kryptonite knife.”  She watched the way the boy paled, enjoying the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed back his fear. Why did he think this was a good idea again?
Marin gave him a sharp nod before she turned on her heel and started walking away.  Jon stood there for a few moments more, still frozen in shock before he hurried after her.  “Wait up Marin!  Come on, it’s not like we’re in school right now.”
Marin just rolled her eyes, a small smirk on her lips as she watched Jon running after her.  Once Jon was right at her side, her smile was gone without a trace.  “Sooo…” Jon began, side eyeing her with a large grin.
“None of your business.”  She replied sternly.
“Come on, I didn’t even ask anything yet.”  He whined.  Marin rolled her eyes, but never faltered in her steps.
“Doesn’t matter, the answer is still the same.”
Jon sighed and crossed his arms, “I just wanted to know if you like anyone you’ve met here.”  They walked in silence for a few minutes, before she finally answered.  It wasn’t that she hated this type of silence, she just liked making people wait in suspense.
“There are a few people that I’ve come to tolerate.”  She replied flippantly.  His eyes lit up with curiosity.
“Oooh, is that so?  And what have these people done for you to even “tolerate” their existence?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“I would, that’s why I asked.”  Goodness, she forgot just how infuriating this farmboy was.
“Well isn’t that just a shame, guess you’ll just have to suffer in your curiosity.”  She mocked as she weaved through the crowded streets with ease, all while Jon attempted to stay by her side.  
“You never were the merciful twin.”  He muttered to himself.
“Only when it suits what I need.”  She shrugged, stretching her arms slightly.  Jon gave a small exasperated huff before they continued walking together in silence.  It lasted all of five minutes before Jon slightly nudged her to gain her attention.  She raised a silent questioning brow at him, usually he just called her name.  She watched as he tilted his head slightly to the left in the direction of a middle aged woman that was glaring at her, and specifically her.
* Marin blinked a few times, trying to see if the woman was familiar at all, because no one glared at her like that without a reason.  She felt as Jon moved in slightly, whispering next to her ear, “What’s her deal?”
“If looks could kill,” she started, a small grin creeping up her face, “well, I still wouldn’t care but-”
“She’s glaring at you like you killed her mother or something.”  Jon muttered jokingly, cutting her off.   Marin didn’t falter in her steps, but it was a near thing as any signs of amusement quickly fled her face.  Jon actually pauses and stared at her with a mix of fear and worry in his eyes.  “Did…did you ki-”
Marin felt her body snap to attention, a jolt of fear rushing through her.  For a second, she thought Bruce was there, waiting to catch her slipping up so he could finally turn her away.  But he wasn’t here, she needed to remember that.  He. Isn’t. Here.  “No?”  She tried to give Jon a smile, pulling in as much of Rebecca as possible, but came out as more of a grimace than anything.  “At least I don’t think so…”  She said trailing off slightly, trying to recall if she actually had done that.  Rebecca was always getting lost in thought, she was always the dreamer.
“Marin!”  Jon hollered in shock.  She needed to focus right now, maybe Rebecca was the wrong mold to use.  But she was also very nice and playful, so she’ll stick with it.  Rebecca Marin playfully shoved Jon at his shoulder, before continuing her walk, almost skipping down the street, forcing Jon to pick up the pace after her once more. 
“What?”  She said with a smile, glancing at the seemingly random person one last time before looking forward.  “I had many missions.  Who knows, maybe she’s a cousin or whatever.”  She said in an almost playful tone.  She could hear Jon’s muffled groan, but she didn’t care, she just needed to get away from this place.  Get away from the people she may have harmed when she was in the League.  
Jon watched Marin, he could tell she was currently using one of her molds, it was a little jarring at times, but he understood why she did it.  As they walked farther and farther away from the crowds he watched as she slowly removed her mask, returning once more to being Marin.  He had seen her do this so many times when they were at school or on missions, but no matter how many times he watched her do it, it never took away the sense of hurt he felt for her.
They stayed silent for another long while, traveling everywhere yet nowhere at once.  This time, it was Marin to interrupt the silence, “...You’re not fazed by this?”  Her tone was flat, not giving away any of her emotions.  Marin was officially back.
“You’re Damian’s sister.”  He replied with a nonchalant shrug.  
“I’ve done considerably worse than my brother has.”  She countered.
“Again, you’re Damian’s sister.”  He responded as if that explained everything.  
With a small huff of frustration she asked, “Which means?”
“That you and your brother were both raised to be assassins and I? Don’t? Care?”  Marinette watched from the corner of her eyes as he tilted his head slightly with an unsure, almost sarcastic, smile.
“So, you're not fazed by my molds?”  She asked, raising her brow in challenge.
Jons smile became more of a grimace as he glanced away uncomfortably.  “Damian kind of…explained the situation,” he answered hesitantly.
Marin really shouldn’t have been surprised, but as she blinked at Jon, she could admit (never out loud) that she was a little shocked. “...Did he?”  Damian always tried to avoid talking about the League, and especially her molds.  Damian hated them, so it was a little shocking that he would even tell someone else about them rather than pretending she had Multi-Personality Disorder….Now that she thought about it-NO!  She wasn’t going down that rabbit hole right now.
“Yeah…Sorry?”  he still wasn’t looking her in the eye.  She didn’t like that, but who cares.  It’s not like it really mastered in the end.  When she looked away from Jon and back to the street in front of her, she noticed that she was in front of the bakery.  Well, if he wasn't fazed, then it didn’t really matter who she was right now.  
So, with a shrug of her shoulders and a lightness to her step that always seemed to follow Marinette, she replied.  “It’s whatever, so what are we going to do later?” She asked with her brightest smile, it almost felt real when she watched Jon’s reaction to her switch.  
“Uhhh, homework?”  he asked more than stated, obviously unsure where this was headed.
“Sweet!  Let’s go.”  She cheered as she grabbed ahold of his arm and started dragging him towards the bakery, and away from the eyes she could feel following them.
“Uh-huh.”  Jon let her tug him forward with a roll of his eyes, his farm drawl coming out slightly.  She would never admit this out loud, but it was nice to have an old friend teammate here, and hopefully for once, she wouldn’t be the reason they got killed.
@aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @doll246 @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @seraphichana @miraculous-ninja @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shreeing @achaoticmess1 @liquid-luck-00 @buginetye @stainedglassm @prettylittlebutterflie @laurcad123 @iloontjeboontje @heartsong18 @raeuberprinzessin @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @jennifer-rose123 @moon5608 @corporeal-terrestrial @skitarii-alpha-c6-555 @saltysugarysembei @phantom120 @kking13 @depressed-bitchy-demon @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @iamablinkmarvelarmy @fleursroses @buginetye @humanoid606 @ev-cupcake @blackroserelina @rainbowbunny0159 @bambicambi
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bewitched-forest · 10 months
Heya Quinn!!! :3
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh boy let’s go. This will be hard. I am not doing these ranked at all, just doing them in order of oldest to newest.
First of is How to Fowl a Bat! It’s a Batman x Artemis Fowl crossover over where Artemis hacks into the Bat Computer to protect the People and then gets catapulted into the world of Vigilantes and Superheroes. (Not so unlike he got dragged into the world of the fae and dwarves.) It was my first ever fanfic period so it holds a special place in my heart.
Next is Formula for a Crime Scene! It’s a DPxDCxArtemis Fowl fic where Danny and Artemis get forced to go to Gotham, for entirely applicable reasons, and attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. The Superhero, Ex-Con, and Vigilante of course clash and it’s very fun. It’s also a crackship fic. It was thought up of at 3 am by Ham and I when I was discussing How to Fowl a Bat and is easily my most gremlin (hehe) fic.
Third is The Rebirth of Tim Drake. It’s a DPxDC, with a Halfa!Tim Drake twist. Basically plopping this boy in another state to confront his trauma, grow as a hero, and develop new relationships. It is, of course, a Dead Tired ship fic as well. This is just a fic I genuinely enjoy. I’m enjoying the way the plot is evolving so much.
My fourth is Under Guiding Star-Lit Sky, We Will Learn How to Say Goodbye. It’s a DPxDC Spiritfarer Danny AU Fic. Danny became a the next Spiritfarer after Stella by Clockwork’s fucking around is forced to learn how to properly grieve the two families he loved and loss in his (half) life. It was started during a Spiritfarer hyperfixation and honestly, I think it’s a fanfic a lot of DPxDC readers will appreciate in a “oh I’m heartbroken but also happy” kind of way.
My last one also hit me during a hyperfixation and it’s Now We’re Stuck Here to Decay. It’s a Batman x FNAF Security Breach fic. (With a dash of Superman in the form of Clark and Jon.) It’s great. Some of the Bat boys, Cass, and Jon go to the Mega Pizzaplex only for Tim to get kidnapped, Damian to get murdered, and everyone’s else to get traumatized. Not that Tim and Damian aren’t traumatized either of course. Anyways, it’s my only Dead Dove fic which is an interesting exploration into the world of those fics.
Now to figure out who else’s asks to invade. I probably won’t get up to five. XD
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srose-foxfire · 2 years
Innocence ~ Damirae Week 2022 (1)
Day 1 “Love from Afar” (Shadow Hunters)
~”This innocence is brilliant”~
“Oh Damian! Welcome! I hope you found the ride okay! C’mon on in all of you! I see your brother brought you!”
Damian Wayne managed to show his best smile before Lois Kent as she opened the door to her home allowing him and his older-adoptive brother, Jason Todd, to enter. Damian grabbed his black backpack from the floor, swinging it over his shoulder as Jason followed carrying in a large suitcase. “Thank you for the hospitality Lois, Bruce wished he could have come himself, but he got held in his office.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing Jason! We’re happy to house Damian while he goes to school. Jon is super excited you two will be classmates and can I be frank? I’m sure with you there you can make sure he stays out of trouble and focuses on his schoolwork.”
“I will do my best, Mrs. Kent.”
“Why don’t you take that bag up to Jon’s room, he’s out with his father but made sure to get your bed ready and made room for your stuff so you can unpack.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate your hospitality.” Damian only kept a stern face as he nodded and turned around to grab his suitcase from his brother, mildly gesturing with his face that he wanted to do this on his own. Jason only eyed him carefully before smirking and ruffling his younger brother’s hair. Damian grumble at the act but manage to carry his things up the stairs, as both Lois and Jason left to go to the kitchen clearly about to discuss Damian’s stay.
Gotham Academy is an elite and private institution that offers the best education to the highest classed members of Gotham. Being the son to the most powerful and richest man in Gotham, Damian Wayne attended Gotham Academy. Though just at the end of his Sophomore year, the school decided to create a bridge program of sorts where they would partner with a public school, exchanging both students and resources. The vision of this plan is to create a connection between two cities. Thus, the partnership was developed with Metropolis High, this idea was both founded and sponsored by Bruce Wayne, Damian’s father.
Damian made it to the top of the stairs and quickly entered Jonathan Kent’s room. The boy couldn’t help but smile as he was greeted with a twin bunk bed, with the top being filled with comic books and Jon’s video games. The bottom bed was emptied with a plain blue bed sheet and two white pillows. Damian stationed his suitcase next to an empty spot in the room and placed his backpack on the bed before letting himself fall to his back, relaxing since he left that manor earlier that day.
The young Wayne had agreed to be one of the few students that transferred from Gotham to Metropolis as he could attend school with his childhood friend. Something he couldn’t do at the Academy since everyone feared his him for his social status. He would be starting his Junior year with Jon and –
“Mom! I home!”
Damian’s breath suddenly got caught in his throat as his heart skipped a beat. He got up too fast bumping the top of his head on the bunk bed. He groined but still got up and walked towards the doorway as he could hear footsteps going up the stairs. Damian opened the door just a little, enough for him to peak through as he watched, the Kent’s adoptive daughter leaning over the stairway listening to her mother calling from the kitchen.
Raven Kent.
Again, Damian could feel his heart stopped beating, his breathing becoming heavy, and his whole body suddenly becoming very hot. He swallowed the lump in his throat before opening the door wider as Raven turned her head to face him, a smile gracing her beautiful face. Which didn’t help calm Damian’s insides any better.
“Damian?! You’re finally here!” Raven cried happily as she climbed the last few steps and ran to hug him very tightly. “Wow! You grew! You’re just what an inch or two taller than me?”
Damian slowly pulled away from her as he had to now look down to lock eyes with Raven. It’s true he had grown a little just over his sophomore year, a year of not seeing Jon or her, Damian grew just that he was just a tad taller than Raven. Who for the better part of his childhood was always taller than him, but now the tables have turned he was no longer a boy but someone who was growing to be a man.
“Yeah, I grew, how have you been?”
“Enjoying what little summer vacation we have left; can’t believe you will be going to school with us. That sounds like fun.” Raven let go of him before grabbing his hand and leading him to her bedroom at the end of the hallway. “Jon might be out for a bit, but you hang in my room if you’re up for it.”
Entering her room, Damian couldn’t help but compared how organized and clean Raven’s room was compared to Jon’s. Her room was painted in the lightest paint of sky blue, while the ceiling was painted in a dark sapphire blue with glow-in-the dark stars glued and lined as actual constellations. A small light pink writing desk stationed next to her window perfect spot to read, her favorite hobby. Raven let go of Damian’s hand as she sat at the foot of her bed and motioned for him to take a seat on the chair across from her.
Raven sat cross-legged and rested her chin on her hands. “You excited for school?”
“Somewhat.” Damian confessed. “I am not so popular as my siblings hoped back at the Academy, so I don’t know how to feel getting a restart at a new school.”
“You be fine, you got us and besides the whole school body will see the Academy transfers as royalty.” They both chuckled and exchange warm smiles. Till Raven’s smile slowly left her face and she looked down at her hands as placed them on her lap. “Thank you for choosing to come here, I know the plan was for both Jon and I to transfer to Gotham but-”
“No need to explain Raven, I know,and I am happy to be here.” Damian scooted his chair closer as he reached and placed his hand overs hers and he eyed her carefully. He needed to contain himself or feared he would show too much, but his insides flutter and his heart sparked with a feeling he knew he couldn’t have. Yet he was, earning her in a way he could never have her. Panicked and fear mixed deep within him and for a brief second his eyes darted pass Raven and locked on an item laying on top of her pillow.
“You’re reading that?!” Damian simply blurted before letting go and standing to retrieve the thick cover book.
“City of Bones? Yeah, it’s this new book series known as ‘The Immortal Instruments’ and that’s the first book… why the interest… don’t tell me the Damian Wayne enjoys reading these kinds of novels?”
“You will never catch me picking one of these up… it’s Cass… she suddenly became obsessed with these.”
“Well so far I enjoy the plot and the storytelling, you should give a try though it’s interesting.”
“I think Cass finds it most enjoyable because there’s these sorts of assassins fighting off demons and monsters, right?”
Raven smirked as she punched his arm lightly before grabbing her book back and opening to the page, she had her worn-out-paper-made bookmark. “The correct term for these ‘assassins’ is shadow huntersand yes, they hunt for the demons of the night. They’re like this secret organization of elite fighters that keep the world safe from the beings born from the dark. Each hunter as their own way of fighting, their weapons, and most importantly they get to draw these runeseach a different symbol to activate a type of spell to fight off the darkness.”
Raven had her face glued on her book, but Damian didn’t mind this part of her, the way she becomes captivated by a book always intrigued him. It’s one of the many reasons why…
He fallen in love with her.
Hello Everyone! I hoped you all been well and are excited for all the Damirae Content that will be coming in! I sure can't wait to see what everyone as in store for Damirae Week 2022!
Till next time!
You can also read my completed story from last year’s Damirae Week 2021, I wrote my spin-off version on Beauty and the Beast. Find it here!
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novemberandmay · 3 years
As She Falls
Daminette Day 27, Falling
Warning: Mentions Suicide, Bullying, Trauma, Kidnapping, Character Death, and Lowered Self Worth
If you are uncomfortable with any of the topics above, please DO NOT READ. You have been warned.
Chapters: Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
And as she fell from the roof top, her eyes glistened with tears. At least this way sh won’t get in the way. At least this way everyone’s happy.
“At least this way, everyone’s happy.”
Marinette has been attending Gotham academy for a few months now, but couldn’t make a single friend in that time. Well, unless you counted her desk mate, Damian, but he was more of an acquaintance in her opinion. So as she sat on the top of the roof, she sighed.
Making friends wasn’t this hard in Paris, but, well, trust issues probably play a big roll in her friendless status.
But as she developed deeper into her thoughts, the bell snapped her out of her musing.
“I’M GOING TO BE LATE!” She screamed to the sky, hurrying to pick up her stuff. She ran down the staircase, barely making it to class in time.
As Marinette left her final class of the day, she slipped on a piece of paper. Groaning as she picked herself up, she looked down at the paper now in her hand. It hand her name, but it wasn’t her handwriting. She looked closer, noticing a sentence scribbled on the back.
“Go die loser, no one wants you here.”
It also hand some words scrawled all over it.
Those four being the nicer ones.
Well her being bullied put a pause on a friendship goal.
“Will she live, doctor? Please tell me she will..”
A Few Months Later..
It’s been almost a year since she transferred, but things have only gotten worse. The girls who’ve been bullying her got physical lately, pulling her hair and burning her homework. But she also got a friend! Two of them, actually! Her old desk mate, Damian, and a sunshine boy named Jon! Life was looking up as she hung out with them, enjoying her days of freedom.
Her parents died. All three of them were caught in a fire at their bakery in Paris, she being the only survivor. Marinette had took her break off school to visit her parents, and came back to Gotham an orphan. She was 18, a legal adult, so no one had to take custody of her. She was left on her own, burn scars adorning her body.
“I’m sorry.”
Damian and Jon had noticed something was off with their friend Marinette, but collectively decided to ignore it. It was probably something temporary, she’d be fine in a few weeks.
It was not fine- she was not fine. Her bullies had decided to hire someone to kidnap her, hoping she would learn her lessons after a few days. But she did not return after a few days. It took two months to find her body, her almost lifeless body.
If only the cops had found her sooner.
If only the girls hadn’t hired someone.
If only someone paid attention to her.
If only Damian and Jon didn’t shrug it off.
If only...
When Marinette had returned to school, she was a shell of herself. Jumping at every touch, she closed herself off to everyone. But even with her new trauma, the bullying didn’t stop. Even when she begged them, they didn’t stop. And her friends, Damian and Jon, hadn’t even talked to her, electing to give her some quiet.
So as she stood on top of the academy, one foot already dangling off, she cried. She cried as softly as possible, for her parents, wherever they may rest, for her friends in Paris, who don’t have a clue at what was happening, for Jon, who will feel guilty for ignoring all the signs, for Damian, who she had fallen in love with, who will break down in shock after hearing what happened, and for herself. For the orphan who stands on the top of the school, ready to jump. For the one who lost it all.
She looked up to the sky, thinking only one thing.
“At least this way, everyone’s happy.”
And jumped.
Notes: Should I continue this? Or not? Anyways, this is pretty much unedited, and very rushed! Should I add anymore warnings? If so, please comment them below! Have a great day/night y’all! (If I do continue this, there will be way more Daminette, don’t worry. It wasn’t the main goal of this part of the fic, so I couldn’t write much. But I do have ideas! If anyone wants me to continue..)
If you want to be tagged for any of my fics, please comment below! Please mention which one, or if you want to be tagged for all of them!
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Meets Her 2nd Wayne #6
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 7
  Panic. Panic wasn’t an uncommon feeling but one that was not welcomed. She had felt it everyday in Paris. The alarms with their high pitched screeches alerting everyone of the danger. That it was time for their heroes’ to come out and save the day like every time beforehand. Akuma alarms were something she was all for but the sounds they made terrified Marinette to her core. Yet, this wasn’t what was causing her to freak out. No, it was something else entirely but the same amount of panic.
Marinette was running late to school. Her first day of school.
You would think she would have kicked the habit but Marinette still couldn’t get her life together enough to wake up with her alarm.
‘Maybe she should change the ringtone to an akuma alarm? That would surely get her out of bed.”, she thought while hopping down the sidewalk pulling her sock up.
Once secured just below her knee, Marinette took off into a sprint towards her school.
‘If I changed it into an akuma alarm I might transform and jump out my window half-asleep.’, she reasoned with herself.
Slowing her speed down to a fast walk, Marinette started her way towards her first class. She had just toured this god-forsaken building and couldn’t remember for the life of her where to go! Everything looked so different with students now in the hallways, most taller than her. Seriously, what did people in America eat? Everyone looked like they grew like weeds.
Focus! She stared at her schedule shuffling her feet to ensure she didn’t trip. Shifting her gaze just above the paper to avoid bodies coming towards her Marinette began to commit it to memory. There must have been a crowd because she got stuck behind people not walking and had to maneuver her way past all of them. What she didn’t realize was that they were surrounding someone. Then she walked straight into that someone.
  Damian was anything but a ‘happy camper’ this morning. Jon had left that summer on some out of this world mission for who knows how long. His father no longer wanted him to attend the school the two had previously gone to and transferred him to one closer to home. It was his first year of high school and to add to it, he was given the task of babysitting one of Selina’s pets. So no, he was not looking forward to this school year. As if it couldn't get worse, many of Gotham’s Academy's students knew of his name and decided that the best way to interact was to gawk. Seriously, Damian was only rich; it's not like he was an idol or something. He was trudging his way to his class when he felt something ram straight into his back.
‘Breath. Father would be disappointed if you snapped at a fellow student on the first day’, he told himself. Luckily, the person who ran into him spoke before he could insult her.
  Marinette was panicking. Again! Isn't she carrying the goddess of luck in her backpack? Why is her life so unlucky? Not only did she bump into someone, they were super tall compared to her. They were also the person the crowd had been surrounding. Which in turn meant they were important. So what did Marinette do?
“Je suis vraiment désolé monsieur! Je ne voulais pas faire ça, mais je dois y aller!”, she rushed out before walking past him.
( Translation: I'm very sorry sir! I didn't mean to do that, but I must get going! )
Why did she speak in French! Stupid fight or flight instincts making her switch to her native language. Hopefully no one paid attention and wouldn’t question her on it. Cover story, cover story, think of your cover story. Oh who was she kidding, Marinette couldn’t lie to save her life!
  She calmed down before entering the classroom. The desks were the standard science class tables and you were supposed to sit with a partner much like Ms. Mendeleive’s class back in Paris. Most students already knew others from previous grades so it would be easier for her to stay out of peoples ways for now. Her mind drifted back to Paris as she claimed an empty seat. They would have already started school last week. Could they be struggling on the information? Hawkmoth interrupted a lot of school days with his akuma’s. Then again, it was only Ms. Bustier’s class that ever ran off then followed the school's protocols. Alya who would risk anything for the scoop. Lila or Cholé would run because they would be the main targets. Her and Adrien would have run to transform and defeat them.
Marinette knew the Kwami magic protected their identity but she still kicked herself for not recognizing it until Adrien detransformed in front of her. He was very upset that she took his ring without giving him her identity. Adrien eventually understood that as Grand Guardian it would be a liability.
  The bell ringing drew her back to reality as she turned back to what the teacher was saying.
“ Good morning, everyone! I’m Ms. Jones and I’ll be your Pre-AP Biology teacher this year. I’ll call roll while you guys get out your science journals! Be sure to say ‘here’ when I say your name.”, she explained.
Marinette pulled her black bag onto her lap and smiled as she took out the 3-subject spiral. The Kwami’s had encouraged her to make a bag to carry the box back in Paris. It was a simple backpack but had the symbol for each Kwami. Tikki explained the symbols were forms of blessings. Like how Master Fu’s box actually represented prosperity in Chinese culture. Each Kwami symbol gave her blessings, like good luck and protection with Tikki and Wayzz. It even had a false bottom where the condensed version of her Ladybug egg fit. Neither she nor the kwami’s wanted to leave it at the apartment all day. So she sewed some extra material to cover it and put all her school supplies on top. Setting it back down under her desk, she flipped to the first page of her journal. She said here when her name was called and tuned out until Ms. Jones started speaking again.
  “Now that I have taken attendance, feel free to talk to your neighbor while I hand out this year's syllabus! These will be your seats until the end of the six-weeks.”, the teacher announced. This would have been fine for Marinette if it wasn’t for who decided to sit next to her. She turned in her seat to meet the boy from the hallway.
“Je m'appelle Damian. Ravi de vous rencontrer.”, he said. In French.
“I can speak English. My name is Marinette, again sorry for running into you! There were just so many people, some weren’t even moving and I wasn’t paying attention and I am rambling. Sorry.”, she muttered with a shy smile at the end.
“It’s quite alright. May I ask what caused the language change? Usually I make the mistake when I am passionate about something. Though, I don’t think you are passionate about apologizing.”, Damian asked.
  This could go two ways. She could admit she was terrified of him or play it cool and stick to her backstory?
The latter of the two for sure!
“This is my first time in Amer- real school! I have been homeschooled until now. I got nervous about what I was supposed to say, overthinked, and reverted to my first language.”, Marinette explained.
He let out a hum as the teacher put the syllabus on their desk with information on the class, tutorials, and how to contact her. They were told to glue or tape it onto the first page.
“So, your language trigger is the feeling of being overwhelmed. How many do you know?”, he asked.
“I guess you could say that. For sure French, English, and Mandarin. I learned the basics of Japanese and Vietnamese for old acquaintances. Oh, and Italian because of my grandmother!”, she exclaimed. The Guardian language couldn’t be mentioned but that made seven.
  That’s what they did in their free time. The two talked about everything they knew and had learned. Turns out they both were ahead than normal students, but Marinette knew she was anything but normal. They actually had five of the seven classes together. Neither he or she knew sign-language so that was deemed a fun class to Marinette. American school was not as bad as Marinette had thought it would be as she walked to work.
  She tied her apron on before starting her task of meeting each plant's needs. The Daisies were already complaining about how thirsty they were and begged to be water.
“Ah, Hello Mari-gold! Wasn’t today your first day of school?”, Ivy questioned.
Marinette grabbed the water mister, “Yup!”
‘Well, how was it? Harley and Selina would want to know.”, she continued.
“Hmm. It was great! The clubs will be opening in two weeks so I plan to join an art one. Do we have more plant food in the back?”, Marinette said.
“Yes, just behind flower pots. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”, answered Ivy.
“I think I’ll have to start packing lunch, however. I know it’s an academy but the cafeteria food is still terrible.”, she joked.
“Yeah, I think it’s just a school thing. Oh, that reminds me, Harley wants to bake more of those cookies with you. I quote, ‘I would totally adopt her if we had more room at our place just for cookies.’ She has a serious love of chocolate chips!”, sighed out Ivy.
“While the thought is nice, I have to decline the adoption. How does Friday sound?”, Marinette laughed.
Guess What! I actually have the outline for this story and how it will end and everything! Now I just have to write it all... T . T
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hateswifi · 4 years
No More Second Chances: Chapter Two
So you all voted and your wanted to read this one more! So I hope you enjoy!
The Master: Master List
No More Second Chances: Master List
When the plane landed, she got off the plane and got her luggage. She entered the main area of the airport, where three people with a sign stood. She smiled and walked towards the group. “Hello, are you Marinette?”
“Yes, are you my host family?” She smiled, holding out her hand.
“Yes, I’m Jon, this is my dad, Clark, and my mom Lois,” Jon said, pulling her into a hug.
“Well it’s nice to meet all of you,” Marinette said.
“It’s nice to meet you too, are you hungry? We were wondering if you want to stop for food on the way,” Lois said, warmly. 
“That would be lovely,” Marinette said, following them to the car. When they were sitting in the Chick-fil-a (love their food btw), Lois informed her that she would have her own room, every other weekend Jon and her will go to either stay in Gotham with friends or Smallville to stay with Jon’s grandparents, and that she will be starting school the upcoming Wednesday,
“We wanted to give you a day to get acclimated to the time difference,” Clark said, throwing out the trash, The drive to their apartment in the city was full of light chatter. She learned that he is a year younger than and even though he lives in Metropolis, he attends Gotham Academy, he takes the early train to school. She also learned that her host parents are none other than Lois Lane and Clark Kent.
She spent the next day sleeping and getting settled. She got up Wednesday earlier than she would’ve at home. Lois was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee and checking emails on a tablet. “Good morning, Marinette, there’s coffee on the counter. Jon will be out of the shower in a bitf for when you want to get ready.”
“Thank you Lois,” Marinette said, grabbing a mug from the cabinet, before pouring herself a cup.
“Good morning, Marinette!” Jon says cheerfully, skipping into the kitchen, his hair wet, sticking to his forehead. His smile is as bright as ever.
“Good morning, Jon!” Marinette greets back, equally cheerful.
“I can’t wait for you to see the school, it's so nice, there're so many nice people there,” Jon said, grabbing Lucky Charms from the cabinet.
“Ok I’m excited to meet your friends,” Marinette said, leaving the kitchen to get changed. She cringes at the uniform she was told to wear a black skirt, button up white blouse, a red tie, and a black blazer with the Gotham Academy symbol. She brushes her hair out, leaving it semi-wavy, and puts on light make up to cover up her tiredness. She smiled, looking in the mirror, before leaving the bathroom. Jon was waiting by the door, holding her backpack out for her. 
“Merci Jon,” She says, taking her backpack. “Come on! Let’s go catch the train,” Jon said, whipping open the door. He rushed down the hall and pushed the button. The door was opening as Marinette caught up to him.
“How do you have so much energy?” She asks, leaning against the elevator’s wall.
“Sorry, I’m just excited,” Jon said, him rocking on and off his heels.
“For what?” “For you to meet my friends! And of course my best friend,” He said, the elevatoring dinging, they’re on the first floor. 
“How far is it to the train station?” As they leave the lobby.
“Just around the block, we have all year-around tickets.”
“Cool, how long is the train ride?”
“About a half hour,” Jon said, taking a seat. Marinette pulls out her sketchbook, letting herself be inspired by the outfits around her. Jon put on his headphones and just to cut down on the noise of the crowded subway. It was not long before Jon tapped Marinette, drawing her out of her mind and back to reality. “It’s time to get off. School start in half an hour and it's a three block walk.” As they walk, Jon points out things and talks about everything he knows about the place. As they walk up to school, a black car pulls up Jon, runs up to greet the person. Marinette shakes her head before joining Jon.
“Why do you keep doing that?” Marinette asks, reaching the two raven-hair boys. She looked at the new boy, smiled and said. “You must be Jon’s best friend, he’s been really excited for me to meet you.” She holds out her hand.
“I’m Damian, you are?” He asks, taking her hand, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m Marinette, Jon’s exchange sister? Is that how you would say it?”
“We’re hosting Marinette, so host siblings?”
“That works,” Marinette laughs.
“Class is starting soon,” Damian said curtly, ending the previous conversations.
“I have a favor to ask,” Jon smiles, bringing out his puppy dog eyes.
“And what is that?” Damain sighs, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
“Since I'm a year younger than Marinette, and you both happen to be the same age. You probably have some of the same classes, would you be able to help lead her around? I really only trust you not to hit on her,” Jon pleaded, smiling widely. “I’ll owe you one, maybe help you get out of a gala or out of one of your family nights.”
“Fine,” Damian grumbles, as Jon hugs him.
“Jon, I can take care of myself ya know?” Marinette sighs, turning to walk away, leaving the two boys alone, or as alone as you can get in public.
“Sorry, I may not know her well but, she’s independent, doesn’t like assumptions, and apparently, hates liars, and will be the crap out of anyone. She’s stubborn but a complete sunshine child, like she challenges my sun shining-ness,” Jon says, quickly. “Bye.” he exclaims, skipping off.
“whatever,” Damian groaned, following the ravenette. When he found her, she was talking to the secretary.
“Here’s your time table, your locker number, and password.” the secretary says, handing her a couple of pieces of paper. 
“Thank you, monsieur!” Marinette exclaims, before turning to Damian. “Are you going to be that slow all day? I don’t want to be late.”
“Are you going to be rude all day, no? Ok let's go then,” He grumbles, leaving her no room for an answer. He started walking away towards the senior hall, where their lockers are. She stared at his back, shocked, before following him. When she caught up he asked, “what’s your first class?”
“I have business first period,” She answers, quieter than before. He raised an eyebrow and sighed.
“I have that as well, why are you taking it?” He says grabbing his books.
“I want to own a business,” Marinette said, stating the obvious. “What about you?”
“It’s an easy class,” Damian says. “What’s your locker number?”
“358.” (fun fact that’s my locker number cuz I’m not creative.)
“That’s this way,” Damian says, once again, walking away. She puts her things in her new locker, before following Damian to their first class. When they enter the class there is practically nobody. “Mrs. Waters, this is Marinette, she’s an exchange student from Paris.”
“Hello Madame Waters,” She greets, shaking her hand.
“Hello, are you staying with Damian?”
“No, he’s not my host family, I’m staying with Jon… Damian, I forgot his last name.”
“She’s staying with Kents, but Jon is younger than Marinette so he asked me to show her around and probably has something with me being able to speak French,” Damian explains.
“You didn’t really come at a good time,” Mrs. Waters sighs. “I just introduced a project yesterday, Damian you didn’t pick a partner, would you be Marinette’s?”
“Madame, with all do respect, he doesn’t need to help me, just let me know the parameters of the project,” Marinette smiles.
“Nope! I’ve decided, you’ll be partners,” She smiles, adding a clap before walking behind her desk. She opened a drawer and grabbed a stack of papers, and put them on her desk before walking and opening to the cabinets. She pulled out a textbook and also put it on the desk. “This is the material, including your project,  you need for this class, you’re lucky that you’re starting at the beginning of the semester.”
“Is this only a semester class?”
“Yep! Now take a seat next to Damian, and when class starts you can introduce yourself!” She says, enthusiastically.  Marinette takes her seat, groans, and lays her head on the desk. Damian rolls his eyes at her dramatics. He was about to comment, when the bell rang. Mrs. Waters went through role call, Marinette responded when her name was called, and didn’t flinch at the mention of his last name.
“Good morning student, as some of you may have noticed, we have a new student. Ms. Dupain-Cheng can you come to the front?” Marinette drags herself out of her seat, still feeling the anxiety of a new school and the tiredness from the change in time zones. 
“I would prefer to go by Marinette Fu, but you may all call me Mari. I’m part of the exchange program from Paris, my host family are the Kents, and that’s all you really need to know,” Marinette says conscily, before walking back to her seat.
“Perfect! Now moving on,” Mrs. Water says, adding a clap for emphasis. Before starting her lesson plan for the day. As they were leaving Mrs. Waters pulled her aside. “Marinette, I’m excited to have you in my class for the rest of the year, I’ll also be your English teacher. Also if you need any help don’t be afraid to come talk to me!”
“Thank you Madame, have a good day,” Marinette says, waving goodbye.
“Are you quite finished, we’re going to be late for our next class,” Damian says, pushing himself off the wall, where he had been leaning.
“How do you even know we have the same next class?” Marinette asks, adding an eyeroll.
“It was on your desk during first period, after that we have a different class, but it’s back in Mrs. Waters’ room,” Damian says. “Then we have one different class after lunch.”
“Whatever, I’ll sit with Jon at lunch,” Marinette sighed as they entered the next class. The classes were as good as classes can be. They walked to lunch together, before Marinette was dragged off by Jon, Damian joining, with a sigh, soon after.
“Sooooooooo! What do you think about school? What about Damian?! Has he been nice to you?” Jon say, excitedly, almost vibrating.
“Everything and everyone has been great. Well, Damian is a bit grumpy, but he’s bearable,” Marinette answers with a small smile.
“It’s not like you’re an angel either!” Damian defends.
“Whatever,” She says with an eye roll. “See what I mean.”
“Noo! You two have to get along, I wouldn’t be able to stand my sister and best friend fighting,” Jon whined.
“Speaking of fighting, Damian, when do you want to work on the project?” Marinette asked, ignoring Jon’s complaints.
“You should work on it at our apartment!” Jon exclaims, earning a raised eyebrow from Damian.
“We would get more work done there than at my house,” he agrees with a sigh.
“Ya! Your sibling can be loud,” Jon adds.
“But so can you,” Damian deadpans.
“Jon, as much of a sunshine you are, this isn’t your project, kay?” Marinette cuts in.
“He’s right though, my brothers are unbearable,” Damian groans.
“How many siblings do you have?”
“I had none, now I have Jon around,” Marinette smiles.
“You think of me as a brother!” Jon exclaims, tackle-hugging her.
“Be careful! I need to breathe765,” Marinette said, before opening her mini bag, she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Well then, it’s settled, you’ll come home with us this afternoon,” Jon exclaims, before standing up to throw away his trash.
“I’ll call Alfred,” Damian says. Marinette follows Jon and throws away her stuff. When they got back, Damian was hanging up. “Time for our next class.” He states, standing. 
The last couple of classes were just as boring as the first had been. She had been so happy to leave, just to realize her and Damian had a project to work on.
Next chapter coming soon, don’t be afraid to leave comments, asks, or to chat with me.The support is amazing! (also quarantine is boring as heck)
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otpnessmess · 5 years
Daminette December Day 1: "Just A Friend"
Here we go my darlings! Hope you like this and a giant thanks to @little-kitty-kanny for being awesome and beta reading this <3
Ao3 - Masterlist
When the new french student arrived in their class at Gotham Academy, Jon had made it his mission to befriend her before anyone else, and unfortunately for Damian, he had dragged him along. It wasn’t really that hard. Once she found out they spoke French as well as English, she was much more willing to engage in conversation with them. Had it not been for the Wayne boy dragging both of the giggling idiots back to class after lunch, they would’ve probably missed it altogether.
After that first day, wherever Jon and Damian went, so did Marinette. She was joined at the hip to the boy who looked so much like her that everyone took to calling them twins (not that they were aware of it since they kept to themselves, mostly for Damian’s sake).
Weeks went by as they explored this new found dynamic between them. Jon, being observant as he was, found it more and more amusing to witness what he was very sure was his best friend falling in love with their new friend.
The blue-eyed boy took it upon himself to get them together because, even if he would tease Damian mercilessly about it, the truth was he was worried about how closed off his friend still was, despite having lived away from his mother for the better part of 5 years already. Hell, he was not about to disregard this opportunity, seeing as how comfortable the pair were together effortlessly. Marinette had been drawing out a side of Damian that he hadn’t ever seen before. He was laughing openly in the cafeteria. If the looks everyone was throwing at their table were anything to go by, they were all as baffled as he was.
The next day, Operation “Oblivious Idiots” was a go. The first phase was set to start immediately.
Jon began discreetly giving them more and more space, making excuses to leave before lunch ended to see if they could work it out by themselves. If he was honest, he didn’t think he was lucky enough for the operation to be done before phase two, but Jon could at least hope he would have to do the least work possible.
After a week, he had to admit his current plan was going nowhere. With a defeated sigh from behind the pillar he was using as a cover to spy on his friends, he mentally kept the tally: phase two takes off right now. With that, he put on a smug expression and sat next to Marinette, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leaning into her side. “Hey, my dad just needed to ask me something, so I’m back to bless you both with my presence.” Mari’s smile could have eclipsed the sun as she snuggled against his side comfortably under the scrutiny of Damian’s eyes, who looked ready to murder his best friend. He couldn’t have known that was exactly what Jon wanted.
Superboy would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying riling up Robin. Just watching as his face contorted, while trying to hide the fact that he was very much bothered about how close and touchy Jon and Marinette had been the last few days, was incredibly entertaining in and of itself. With each passing day Jon tried to lay it on thicker and thicker each passing lunch, until one day, Damian finally reached his limit. He had been trying to keep his touches platonic enough to not make Mari uncomfortable but not innocent enough that his best friend would ignore it. This day in particular, he had started to feel a bit frustrated. It seemed like he would have to start planning out a phase three if the two dumbasses he called friends decided to keep ignoring their feelings, so he decided to just land a low blow as a last resort.
It hadn’t been a grand gesture like he had done a couple days prior, just a sassy comment whispered in Marinette’s ear that made her laugh and a soft kiss to her temple. Nevertheless, it was more than enough for Damian to scoff and take a quick leave in the direction of the stairs that led to the roof. Jon saw him leave with a little smile. ‘How predictable.’
“You should go see what’s wrong. He usually trusts you to talk about these things.” With a nod and worry etched into every nook and cranny of her face, she got up and followed in Damian’s footsteps, leaving Jon to silently root for her.
By the time Mari reached the roof, he was leaning over the railing with a scowl on his face. She wasn’t completely sure why that was, like sure, Jon had been acting sweeter to her that week, but it wasn’t really that strange. A lot of her friends back in Paris were just like that. Damian seemed angry at something, which made her approach him the way one would a sleeping bear, careful not to poke it with a stick.
“Dami?” Her soft voice made him glance at her, and for just a second she could see the anger dissolve into something she didn’t want to put her hopes on. “Are you okay?” Marinette walked closer and leaned on the railing next to him, not wanting to invade his personal space right now.
“I’m perfectly fine. Don’t worry.” He tried to make it sound nonchalant, but she could see his white knuckles as he was gripping the railing, as well as his furrowed brow. Gathering courage from the deepest parts of herself, she gently ran her fingers over his clenched fists trying to get them to relax. “I don’t believe you.” Once she felt his hands give way, she wrapped them in hers, not caring how this could come across, as long as it helped calm down the boy she had fallen for during the course of the months since she came to Gotham. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed something has had you on edge the whole week, Dames. What is it? Maybe I can help.”
Green eyes met blue ones, and he didn’t know how to explain it to her. The word jealous was something he would never acknowledge could apply to him, but seeing the worry and need to help the tiny French girl was harbouring within herself made him feel guilty about it. She wanted answers, and he wasn’t about to back out like a coward.
“You’ve been awfully close to Jon.”
Once blurted out, the words hung out in the space between them, freezing them for a moment. Damian could see a shadow of confusion clouding her eyes and could only sigh before elaborating. “He’s always touching and hugging you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he hasn’t been able to keep his hands off of you.”
Marinette’s face quickly morphed from confusion, to understanding, to (surprisingly) smugness. “Damian Wayne, are you jealous?” A smirk wormed its way to her lips as Damian’s brain short circuited, supplying only the thoughts of ‘Danger’, and ‘That’s...kinda hot’. However, his face remained stoic as ever out of sheer muscle memory.
“I am absolutely not jealous about whatever little thing you and Jon have got going on. It just annoys me that I have to spend my lunch watching you two make googly eyes at each other and clinging to whatever body part you can.”
A flash of hurt across her face was all it took for Damian to want to hit himself for being an idiot. “No, wait, I didn’t mean-”
“Then, you probably don't mean that if the situation was reversed you wouldn’t mind it if it was you clinging to me?” ‘Wait what.’ Damian was left reeling in an uncharacteristic manner while Marinette looked like she was about to hit him. “Tell me Dami, would you still be complaining if you were the one that got to hug me?”
Despite the bravado display on the outside, she was positively terrified on the inside. What if he really was just annoyed at her hogging his best friend all to herself? If she went through with her plan and messed it up… There would be hell to pay. But, she wasn’t willing to back off now, and she held onto whatever confidence she had left.
Hearing a mumbled no fall from his lips made her incredibly relieved and made her giggle. “Are you laughing at me, Dupain-Cheng?” His remark only made her giggle more as she looked at his rosy cheeks. That was new.
“Maybe” she chuckled. “I only wish you had told me before, it might not have taken me so long to do this.”
Damian had a grand total of 0.5 seconds to register how Marinette stood on her toes, reaching to cup his face and gently pressing her lips to his. Once he did, though, his possessive side appeared. He pulled the girl closer by the waist and pressing their foreheads together the moment they had to break the kiss to breathe. The boy knew the nagging in the back of his mind wouldn’t cease until he cleared his doubts, so he stared into Marinette’s eyes as he asked. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you and Jon?”
She looked extremely amused at this. “100% He’s just a very good friend to me, almost like a brother. Now, you on the other hand…” She just had to blush and avert her eyes, didn’t she? As if the overload of cute would help Damian organize his jumbled thoughts.
When the duo came back down from the roof, lunch had finished, as well as the class they were supposed to attend after it. Jon was waiting for them next to the doors with the biggest grin he could muster. “You’re very welcome you two. Now I’ll be happy to accept ice cream, and an invitation to your wedding as payback, if you don’t mind.”
Woo! And there you have it. I am planning to write at least something short for each day and maybe swap out some prompts I don't feel too confident in doing so look forward to that! Also if anyone wants to be tagged in whatever I make during this month feel free to ask. Much love <3
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Miraculous Future (3)
Justice League England/Saturday Evening
Ok. Here is the next chapter of the kids from the Future AU. We’re closing up the chapter of their lives from Dupont and the class and starting to get into their lives together. At least that’s what I had in mind this chapter.
Enjoy the reading.
Beginning Previous Next Masterpost
Once they were at the London Division of the Justice League headquarters the Paris group was divided into smaller parties. Another three children and 5 young adults had joined their group for the trip to England from Marne-la-Vallee, France.
Marinette’s group, which included Sakura, Terry and Helena got a larger conference room as they waited for a medic to take the samples they needed.
With the medic came, a file clerk who went down a list of questions asking about the children, their affiliations, their parents future selves, and their affiliations. Terry, Helena, Emilie and Thomas all mentioned attending ‘The Academy for Future Heroes’ or ‘Hero Academy’ as it was affectionately called, for their schooling. They said that Damian and Jon continued their current affiliations with the League.
Before they left Marinette asked if they could get food for the kids and the rest of them. The last meal was around 1 when the children arrived and it was getting to be 8 and little Louis was beginning to fuss.
They were led to the cafeteria where many of the displaced children and families were getting meals as well. Marinette drafted Damian and Jon to help her get food for everyone while Adrian, Luka Terry and Helena were deputized to keep the Litterbugs together and calm.
Meals were served and children were eating when someone approached their table.
Marinette and the rest looked up to see a nervous Nino standing next to them. He glanced at Marinette and Adrian before looking down at the top of the table. “Would it be possible for me to have a word with the two of you?” He asked them.
Adrian looked at Marinette for her response. When she stood, he went with her to an empty table that was a bit farther from theirs but within eyeliner if needed. Marinette and Adrian took seats next to each other on one side as Nino sat across from them.
“I’ve been listening to Dahlia and the twins talk about the future. They’ve had some eye opening things to say about Lila and,” he grimaced, “even Alya. But it’s made me think about how the class has been for the last couple of years and I think they might be downplaying how bad it gets.”
Marinette waited for Nino to get to the point he was trying to make. Under the table Adrian had taken her hand because it was hard to see his old friend, his first friend in school, struggle with this. Marinette gave it a squeeze as Nino continued.
“I owe you both an apology. I let Alya and Lila tell me lies that if I thought about for myself for even a moment I would have known they weren’t true and believed them to be truth. I hurt the both of you with my words and my actions over the last couple of years and you didn’t deserve that.” He had tears in his eyes when he met their gaze head on and finished, “I’m sorry I wasn’t a good friend to you.”
Marinette looked down at the table as she found the words she’d wanted to say since the whole class schism had begun. “I accept your apology Nino,” she looked up at his eyes for the next part, “but I can’t forgive the hurts you’ve caused. You were one of my oldest friends and you know me. But you still chose to believe a stranger over me. You turned your back on me when the class was bullying me and your turned a blind eye when Alya and Lila themselves would harass me.”
She stood up and finished her speech, “I wish you have a good life Nino. Cherish those little girls that are waiting for you but I can’t have you as part of my life anymore. Goodbye.”
Marinette turned and walked away from the boys and back to the large table with her future at it. Where there was silence behind her there was laughter, noise and chatter in front of her. She found her pace quickening so that she could get back to that table faster.
Adrian looked at Nino who was freely crying in front of him. “You were my first friend you know? The first friend I made by myself and of my own choice.” He smiled at Nino when he looked at him. “Thank you for offering your friendship. You helped me to see the world beyond the walls my father built. But Marinette showed me what it meant to be family. She’s been there through every change since we were 15 and she’s stood with me when my Dad would have turned Lila into my keeper at school.”
“Have a good life Nino. You deserve it too,” Adrian left the young man at the table and joined his boyfriend, his best friends and their family at their table.
They returned back to their conference/waiting room when everyone finished eating. By this point Baby Louis was falling asleep and Jon was holding the baby since he had cried when anyone else had tried.
According to Terry and Helena he was like that in the future as well and insisted that either Mama or Dada, his name for Jon, hold him when he was sleepy.
Batman came into the room with J’onn J’ones. The Martian Manhunter himself went over the results of the kids tests.
“So the results of the LitterBugs,” he stumbled over the nickname but continued on, “was as you had said. Marinette is the biological mother for all with fathers as previously stated.”
He turned to Chloé, Kagami and Sakura, “Mademoiselle Bourgeois is the biological mother, no matches were found for a biological father.”
“And Miss Helena is who she says she is. Which leaves you young man,” he closed the files and looked at Terry who was sitting with Helena.
“Congrats. It’s a boys,” he smirked at Bruce in his costume.
Bruce removed the cowl since he was pretty well resigned to having the Parisians in his house until the children could be returned to the future and everyone else here already knew.
“How?” He asked. Since Damian came to them
Bruce had been as responsible as he could to ensure they didn’t have a similar situation occur.
“Relax,” Terry said leaning back into the wall, “I don’t think you had any say or control over my birth. There was a mad science group.”
“Is a mad science group?” He asked looking at Helena who shrugged back. “Anyways, they managed to get DNA from blood left at one fight or another. Used it to create a nano-virus which they gave to my Dad Warren. Changed his doodads into genetic replicates of yours. Mom and Dad got busy and nine months later a bouncing baby boy is born with your DNA”
“Didn’t make a difference to either of them while they were alive, but when my dad died, mom didn’t want me. The state did a DNA test to see if I had other family out there. Imagine the surprise when ‘Billionaire Family Man’ Bruce Wayne had a secret son.”
“It was a pretty bitter pill as a kid who just lost one parent, when I got shipped to my older brother Damian and Marinette’s place for a few years. But I get it now. After I found out the family secret,” he jabbed his chin at the bat symbol on Bruce’s chest, “you wanted to keep me out of it. Keep me safe if you could. And Damian, who was semi-retired to help care for the LitterBugs was a safe place for me to go.”
“I’m sorry,” Bruce said.
“Don’t be,” Terry replied. “I got to see a lot of you, Selina and Helena. You guys came pretty frequently, about a week or two every couple months to get to know me. And I spent time with you guys in Gotham or on Vacations. You were just trying to protect me from what you could.”
“And Helena was telling the truth, that was the year she turned seven and started spending long summers in France.”
Bruce sighed and gave his attention back to the group. “Damian has already asked but I wanted to offer again, our home is open to all of you for the duration of the kids stay. But if you would prefer we are arranging living quarters at the various League Headquarters and London has offered you rooms to stay with the kids or to find caretakers if needed.
“My maman and papa have already given me permission to stay with the kids Mr Wayne.” Marinette looked at Damian and the rest of her group. “We’d be open to accepting your offer.”
“Helena and I are technically your kids B so we’ll go where ever you think best,” Terry added and looked to the side.
He may have tried to dismiss it but being sent away as a kid did leave hurt feelings behind.
“You’ll be coming to the manor then,” Bruce said, “All of you.”
@g-arya @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @fertileleaf @mystery-5-5 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @maya-custodios-dionach @a-marlene-s @eve-valution @multifandomscribette @mochinek0 @zebrabaker @northernbluetongue @bluerosette23 @thepeacetea @vivilakitty @actualaster @sassydepression @mindfulmagics @bee-wrecker @bloody-no-kissu @yokizu @niza13149 @dragonflyswing @echpr @kris-pines04 @daminett4life @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @iglowinggemma28 @corabeth11 @chocolate1721 @drarryismylife101 @blackrosee3 @zalladane @missadorable96 @jardimazul @silvergold-swirl @loysydark @lirulua @fandom-trapped-03 @that-feeling-wyn @loveswifi @whatsupwithjinx @lntimancy @dagnysdawn @abrx2002 @darknightchan @queen-annaira @indecisive-mess-named-me @magic-miraculous @random-fandoms7
Tag list is full, but I am changing how I tag. If you want to be tagged for the next chapter, leave a comment. I’ll probably be starting my list over each chapter.
Meanwhile I hope you enjoyed this
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burningdreamunknown · 4 years
Althea Prince Part One
He was the first thing that she saw as soon as she stepped off the plane. 
Damian Wayne. 
The name alone sent tingles down her spine. He grew taller, and much bulkier over the summer. Aphrodite had done right by him, and made him into an adonis. He took Althea’s breath away. Sure, he was cute before she left for Themyscira, but now? Now, there was no ignoring how handsome Damian was. 
Althea took a deep breath, and walked towards him. Soon, she noticed that his family had shown up as well. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Alfred. Bruce most likely had other concerns, as well as Cassandra, Stephanie, and Barbara. Though it was a wonder on why her mother wasn’t with the Waynes picking her up at the airport. Perhaps she would be at Wayne Manor, where Althea’s welcome home dinner was to be. 
Suddenly, Damian’s second older brother started to whistle. 
“Hot damn, Thea! Look at you! The hell did they feed you in Themyscira to make you look like a model?” 
Thea blushed a bit, only to bite back at Jason, “The hell did Alfred feed you to make you look like shit? Or did you eat your own cooking again?” 
Jason was shocked into silence for a few moments. Only to open his mouth back again. 
“Baby Wonder’s got sass, guess you got that from your aunts.” 
Before Thea could say anything back, Alfred turned to her and began speaking. 
“Miss Prince, how wonderful it is to see you again. I hope your time with your family was satisfactory for your training and education. Now, we best be on our way to Wayne Manor for supper.”
“Certainly Alfred, while I love my home, I certainly do miss Gotham.” Thea said as she grabbed her luggage and followed the older man through the airport. The others trailed behind. 
“Alfred, have you gotten the chance to read the book that I had recommended?” Thea questioned as she stepped out of the car. 
After an hour long car ride through the city, they had managed to make it to Wayne Manor. Wayne Manor was home. Though her mother worked and lived in Gateway City, Diana Prince had wanted the best education for her daughter. With the help of Bruce Wayne, Althea had gotten a scholarship and attended Gotham Academy with Damian, though she was a year above him. 
In doing so, Alfred had managed to get his way and have Althea live in Wayne Manor since her freshman year. Before her higher education, she was educated by tutors in Themyscira and by her mother in Gateway City. 
“If you are speaking of ‘Madame Bovary’ by Mr. Gustave Flaubert, then yes I have. If you are speaking of ‘The Crucible’ by Mr. Arthur Miller, then no, that is my current read, Miss Prince.” The older man answered as he led the young woman inside the manor. The manor was large, dark, and quiet, not that Althea noticed as she kept speaking to the man beside her. 
“Was it as you expected Alfred?”
“Even better Miss Prince. However, tonight is not about me, it is about you, returning home.” 
And suddenly, the whole world went loud. Her mother, Bruce, Jon, Dick, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Barbara, and Damian had shouted ‘Surprise’ That was the moment that Althea truly knew she was home. 
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thewriterwithnoplan · 5 years
Smallville (Part 3)
Summary: Y/N’s just Gotham Academy’s new rich girl, the daughter of Bruce Wayne’s friend and the confidant of bilingual protegee son Damian. She’s just the next pawn in fates little game of soulmates. Or rather she’s being forced into the role of pawn, but Y/N is anything but. Against the fates themselves, her destiny and her heart Y/N must fight in order to keep her family’s secrets. Pairing: Jon Kent x Soulmate!Reader Word Count: 788 Warnings: None.
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Conner gave her a welcoming smile that was quickly wiped off his face when the boy behind him began violently coughing. Both of Lex Luthor's experiments turned to face the man who Y/N figured was Clark's son. He was keeled over, hands on his knees as Damian thumped a hand against his back. The Wayne heir sent her an amused look and rolled his eyes at the chocking man.
"Alright there, Jon?" Clark - who paused on his way out of the room - asked in concern.
Jon looked up through messy curls that had shifted to cover his eyes. He made a noise somewhere between a grunt and a hum of assurance. Damian pulled the boy up by his collar - a feat made all the more impressive through the fact that Jon stood a few inches taller than Damian himself - and shoved the coughing boy into a nearby dining chair. Where Jon continued to gasp for breath in an attempt to gain his bearings from whatever the hell had just happened. Did he have asthma or something?
"Yup, yup. It's just that name." Jon held out his arm and gave a vague motion to where his soulmate tattoo was inked. The soulmate tattoo that she could see. A beautiful scrawl of letters - her handwriting - permanently marking with the name Prince.
E/C eyes turned onto Damian, hard and unflinching as she glared daggers at him, "Si tuavais prévu ça, tes morts.(If you planned this, your dead)."
"prévu quoi? (Planned what?)" He asked in an unfortunately awkward accent. "Je n'aiaucune idée de cequise passe en ce moment." (I have no idea what's going on right now).
"Menteur. (Liar)." She hissed lowly, at this point she was up in the boys face and growling between clenched teeth.
"You know I don't tell lies, fatatdhahabia. (Golden Girl)." Damian reverted back to English and his native language. "And since when do you know French?"
Y/N scowled deeply at him, ignoring the question completely, "First it was cannibals and then it was the fucking League of assassins and now? My soulmate?"
"Wait, what?"
"Are you trying to ruin my life?"  Y/N seethed. "If they find out I have a soulmate. That I have a weakness- Why on earth do I let you take me on these trips? I either end up half-dead or unable to sleep for the next week."
"I-" A shrill ring cut off the Wayne heir.
A grim smile stretched the girl's face, "Saved by the bell, Wayne."
Y/N turned from the assembled men. Conner was starting confused at the room, Jon was still gasping for breath, Clark still stood eyebrows furrowed and Damian looked like a kicked puppy. She pressed the phone to her ear, took a calming breath and greeted.
"Hello, Mitèra, (Mother)." The native word rolled off her tongue. "It's nice to hear from you. How is Greece?"
"It is beautiful this time of year, you should see it." Y/N could almost hear her mother's smile. "Are you being good for the Waynes?"
"Yes Mitèra, (Mother)." Y/N had been staying with the Wayne family so she could attend Gotham Academy. It had originally been her mother's idea that she attend only the best that they could find, but Y/N was more there to spend time with her only friend. Whom she had just been yelling at.
"Listen, Paidi mou, (My child)." Diana Prince murmured to her daughter. "There's something I need you to do. μια αποστολή (A mission)."
Y/N turned slightly, just enough to meet Damian's eyes. The boy gave her a hesitant look as if wondering what had changed her mood so unnaturally fast, "Of course Mitèra, (Mother). You know I'm always willing to prove myself. Truth, Justice and all that stuff, right?"
"I will send you the details but only if you agree to my conditions," Y/N could almost hear the frown in her mother's voice. The girl turned it over in her mind for a good while, wondering what on earth her mother would ask.
"Deal," Y/N huffed a small breath. "A deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable."
"Call in your team."
"Wait, no-"
"You Promised!" Diana said quickly, "Σ 'αγαπώ το παιδί μου (I love you, my child)."
Y/N was frozen for several seconds after the trill beep of her mother hanging up sounded. Had that just happened? Had she just been assigned her first proper assignment away from her mother? Only for the woman to tell her to call in her 'team'? Wait... Did that mean she was in charge? Green eyes met E/C as Y/N gave the Wayne heir a fiendish grin.
Damian didn't like that expression. Not one bit.
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renaroo · 4 years
Super Brothers (2/12)
Disclaimer: Superman and associated characters are the creative property of DC Comics. Warnings: Child Abuse, Gender Dysphoria, PTSD and Anxiety, Character Death Rating: T Synopsis: Jon Kent knew he pretty much had the perfect family life, but something still felt wrong with himself. At the height of feeling like an alien in his own skin, however, his world got turned upside down when his parents took in a troubled child who embodied everything he felt he lacked. However, becoming a brother ended up being the smallest of the trials brought by adopting Christopher Kent. And being best friends with Damian Wayne has not exactly helped keep a neutral perspective on the matter.
A/N: This is almost late and I apologize. I have no excuses other than my brain is turning into as much mush as everyone else’s. But I really am enjoying where the future of this story is going and am really excited to get there. But, first, we have to reach some difficult places first. 
Before we go further, I must say this: TRIGGER WARNING. There is overt child abuse and child harm in this chapter. It’s not super detailed and it gets cut off, but I do not want people to get upset from it without warning. So please take care of yourself first and foremost.
I’m blown away by the support this fic is getting so far and I appreciate you all so very much! Special thanks to the lovely comments and promotion from @secretlystephaniebrown, @spiralcass, @noartificialfruitjuice, @fred-astairs-dark-impulses, @karagordon, and elietrope on AO3 and tumblr!
Chapter Two: Pay in Full
Damian isn’t surprised when he is the lone attendant of breakfast the following morning. His wrists are still bruised up and a little painful from his restraints, but he ignores them under the cuffs of his school uniform and is the picture of polite society and manners. He eats confidently and alone.
It isn’t unusual, only disappointing.
Fortunately, Alfred is nothing if not an excellent reader of the atmosphere and does not force conversation or dullness on Damian that is unwarranted. He leaves the youngest Wayne to a peaceful meal.
The quiet makes it easier for Damian to overhear Alfred conversing just a step or so into the hall.
“Ah, Miss Cassandra, it is unusual to see you up and about at such an hour,” Alfred’s voice carries with a genuine mix of praise and surprise.
“Yeah, um,” Cass mutters, speech slurred with sleep, “can you, um, take me? Soon? He wanted to talk to me.”
“But of course. I can take you as I take Master Damian to the academy this morning.”
Starring toward the door, Damian lets his oatmeal slip off of his spoon and carelessly plop back into the bowl. He doesn’t even pay attention to the splashes of oats which end up on Alfred’s meticulously cared for table runner. He’ absorbed by the implications of the conversation happening in front of him.
After an encounter with Professor Pyg which ended as eventfully as his did, Damian anticipated some negative news getting to either his father or Grayson. And while Damian didn’t want for Dick to hear about Damian’s poor performances without him, there was at least some trust.
Grayson would be annoyingly supportive and want to use the entire event as some sort of learning experience.
Father is something else entirely.
After a few moments of subconsciously holding his breath, Damian glances down to his oatmeal and finds it suddenly subpar.
He pushes out from the table, chair legs protesting loudly, and tosses the handkerchief from his lap onto the table. Damian is on his feet and in the hall before Cassandra even has time to leave Alfred and redress herself for the day.
“Alfred, I do not need to attend the academy today,” he announces.
The butler tilts his head slightly and raises his eyebrows minutely. “I believe the education system would disagree with you entirely.”
“I have things to discuss with Father,” Damian elaborates stiffly. “Important information that outweighs any supposed social-developments I am pretending to make.”
Cassandra scratches at her jawline and frowns at Damian. She’s assessing him, her dark eyes boring into Damian’s soul and evaluating every tremor of his muscle.
Which makes it even more annoying that her choice of commentary is to say, “Bad at it. Pretending,” she jokes.
“Silence, you,” Damian hisses ferally. “The entire first year I lived here, I had to listen to everyone talk about you and never once did they mention your sass.”
She offers a half-shrug. “Forgot the best part.”
“Tt, more like the worst,” Damian teeters, hands on his hips.
For a moment, Cassandra seems to be ignoring him as she looks over Damian’s head at Alfred and rotates her shoulders. “Maybe shouldn’t go to school,” she offers, surprising Damian entirely.
Alfred seems just as taken by the suggestion and looks at her suspiciously. “Why so, Miss Cassandra?”
“Had a bad night,” she explains. “Probably does have important stuff to say.”
Heat flushes into Damian’s face. His eyes glaze into a distinct red hue and his shoulders tremble as he clutches his hands into fists by his side. There is almost certainly steam coming off of him as anger overtakes him in a way that it hasn’t for ages now.
“How dare you!” he roars.
All too casually, Cassandra glances down to Damian and raises an eyebrow at him. She doesn’t say anything with words.
“How dare you assume so much about me! You don’t even know me!” Damian continues, bringing his fists up as if ready to brawl. “Perhaps what I’m going to do is while you wish to tattle to Father, I’ll tell him the truth about how you are nothing but an interference here in Gotham! That you do not deserve to trespass on my affairs! And that absolutely everyone wishes you would bugger off again so that everyone can go back to the way things were!”
“Master Damian, that is enough!” Alfred says coolly. He never raises his voice, but he never needs to.
Despite himself, Damian snaps his jaw closed. But he doesn’t stop glaring into Cassandra’s face, her eyes. His anger is still boiling over, no matter how much he’s contained it.
Cassandra looks back at him, her face drawn and unreadable.
It makes Damian even more upset.
“That is no way to speak to anyone, certainly not family,” Alfred reminds Damian. “Considering your injuries—“
“I am not injured that gravely, Pennyworth!” Damian sputters again.
“—I can see the benefit to a day of recuperation from school, so long as we do not continue this theme habitually,” Alfred persists. “We will leave for your father’s office as soon as Miss Cassandra is ready to leave. And we will not leave a moment sooner than that.” He looks to Cassandra and pats her shoulder. It’s the only thing that gets her to pull her gaze away from Damian. “I encourage you to get ready for the day at your leisure, my dear.”
After that, the conversation is over, and Damian ends up sitting in the foyer waiting for the better part of an hour as Cass does just as Alfred insisted.
“There he is!”
Jon is still wiping at his eyes as he stumbles through the apartment. It’s difficult, in these early mornings, for him to focus on appropriate amounts of strength, so he shoulders into furniture a touch too hard or bangs into the doorframe with enough force to send pictures lined down the walls tumbling down.
Some things that are less natural to him since his coming into power, like flight or his special types of vision, take more effort and alertness. Not his super strength, however fortunately or unfortunately.
He stumbles his way into the kitchen, his feet padding over the shift from hardwood to tile. He can smell the scrambled eggs before his dad even set them on Jon’s prepared plate.
At the table across from Jon is his mom, already in a beautiful silk top with a gold necklace of large geometric squares. Her chin-length hair is curlier than usual which means she hasn’t straightened it. Her lashes are long, nearly swooping down to her cheeks as she looks down to her iPad as she reads. When she takes her cup away from her lips, a dark purple lip stain is left behind on it.
Jon admires her for a moment, scooting into his seat but not pulling up to the table.
“Good morning, honey,” his mom says full of affection. Her violet eyes glance up to his face.
“Good morning,” Jon says back, smiling brightly.
“Leave walking room, champ,” his dad says from behind. Before Jon can even think, two massive hands close in around the edges of Jon’s backrest, then his whole chair is lifted and scooted up until Jon’s chest nearly bumps the table.
“Sorry, Pa,” Jon says automatically, sparing a glance as his father moves over and plants himself in one of the two chairs between Jon and his mom.
Even in a collared shirt and sweater vest, Jon can see what a massive shadow his father leaves for him. He is broad-shouldered and firm, even with his softness. He has a body that exudes power and strength. It’s only with folded in shoulders and deflated presentation that Clark Kent can convince the world there is a difference between himself and Superman.
At home, among family, as Pa, Jon knows his dad is unmistakably Superman.
When Pa’s large hands reach for his cup of orange juice or poke at scrambled eggs with a fork, it makes Jon look at his own hands.
They’re thin, nimble hands. Soft.
Mom has said on more than one occasion that with fingers as long as his, Jon needs to either learn piano or practice keyboard typing. And Jon is certain he has no ear for tunes.
“I almost came to get you a second time, young man,” Pa says between bites of eggs. “I warned you before about staying up late. I know there are plenty of things an eleven-year-old boy thinks are cooler than sleep.”
Curling his nose, Jon shifts uncomfortably. “I’m almost twelve now,” he reminds them. “You said I could push curfew when I turned twelve.”
“And you’re still not twelve,” Mom says, closing out the tabs on her iPad. She looks very seriously at Jon. “And it doesn’t matter what age you are, my mother’s intuition tells me you’re watching scary movies with the Wayne kid again.”
“No, I wasn’t!” Jon squeaks. “I promise I wasn’t!”
“You had nightmares last night, Jon. We share a wall with your room,” Pa says, face the picture of sympathetic. “And it’s okay to have nightmares sometimes, but you’ve been having them a lot lately. Something like that would usually require something scaring you.”
“Like movies,” Mom adds, still eyeing Jon suspiciously. “Is it Gotham? Maybe we shouldn’t let you go to Gotham so much. Especially this time of year. I hate that stuck-up little island, Clark. No wonder he’s scared.”
“Wait, no, it’s not anything to do with Gotham or movies or Damian,” Jon argues emphatically.
Both of Jon’s parents stop and do the thing Jon has come to hate most during their meals. They look up, toward one another, and seemingly carry out an entire conversation with each other through micro expression alone.  It would be adorable if they weren’t his parents.
Jon decides to take the time to begin shoveling in his eggs. His dad’s cooking may be simple but it’s always filling.
“Do you want to talk about these nightmares you’re having, Jon?” Pa asks gently. “You and your body have been put through a lot of changes very quickly over the past year or so. You’ve gotten your own powers, you’ve moved schools twice, your mother and I both are back at full time. That’s a lot.”
He chews over his father’s words for a long moment and considers them.
For most of his young life, Jon Kent has been able to tell his parents positively everything on his mind. They are loving, supportive good people. The best people. Whether they’re superheroes or super reporters, they make Jon proud with almost every second of every day.
But his nightmares make his throat fill closed and tight in ways that are impossible to express. He likes to think they could know, but it feels like they couldn’t.
They couldn’t know how certain words or certain looks or certain things make him feel like he’s crawled into someone else’s skin. Like he’s been lying to everyone on accident this whole time. That what people see him as is undeserved.
What could he ever say to explain that?
Not to mention, explaining that he was patrolling in Gotham and got captured by some madman like Professor Pyg is probably worth far more trouble than simply admitting to scary movies with Damian.
“I don’t remember them,” Jon lies through his teeth.
“That can happen,” Pa says warmly.
When Jon looks up, it’s unsurprising to see that his mother’s face is fairly neutral. She looks at him worriedly and unconvinced.
If she plans on saying anything, however, the moment eludes her. Her iPad lights up simultaneously with the default ding of her phone. She glances at them both before getting to her feet. She’s a full inch taller in her heels and wearing Jon’s favorite skirt of hers.
“Clark, are you going to take Jon this morning?” she asks. “I can use it to excuse you from any early bellows from Perry.”
“Of course,” Pa says, leaning back and tilting his head for the optimal kissing angle.
Mom comes around the table and ducks down, holding back her hair delicately as she kisses Jon’s forehead. “Have a good day, hun, I love you.”
“Bye, Mom, you look beautiful,” Jon informs her as she leaves.
He watches her go and takes a breath. His gaze is only broken when his dad holds his glasses out in front of his vision.
“Don’t forget these,” Pa reminds him.
“Oh, thanks,” Jon mutters, taking the thick frames. His motion is stopped, though, as his father doesn’t let go. He glances back up to Pa and raises a brow.
“Jon, do you know how polygraphs work?” Pa asks, still not letting go of the glasses.
“Um, not really,” Jon admits.
“They measure your heartbeat, because if someone’s not a good liar then they will increase their heart rate, and the machine records it,” Pa explains as he finally lets go of Jon’s glasses.
Despite himself, Jon’s heart picks up its pace. He glances down to his lap. “Do you always listen to my heartbeat?”
“Since before you were born,” Pa says softly, running his broad hand over Jon’s hair. His thumb strums the locks affectionately. “And you thought I was the easy parent, huh?”
“I just don’t want to talk about my nightmares yet,” Jon explains worriedly.
“That’s okay,” Pa assures him, letting go of Jon’s hair. “But I’d appreciate you not lying to me or your mother.”
Jon frowns. “I won’t, Pa, I promise. Sorry I did.” He glances toward his mother’s seat and notices her coffee mug sitting where she left it. Her purple lipstick is still staining the side. “Do you listen to mom’s heartbeat?”
“Practically since the day I met her,” Pa laughs, picking up both of their finished plates. “I always listen out for the hearts of the people I love. It’s,” he pauses in thought before continuing his walk to the sink, “it’s comforting to know everyone’s safe.”
Humming some, Jon puts his chin on the kitchen table and focuses. His mom should be in the elevator on her way down. If he uses his x-ray vision he could even watch her. But instead, he listens. It’s hard to focus on the beat alone, to isolate it. It could give him a headache until he’s better at it. But Jon can do it.
It’s one of many things he can do, he can be because of his father — a polygraph.
But as he listens for his mother’s heart, Jon wonders if there are more things he can do and be because of his mother.
“Pa, it’s a good thing to want to be more like mom, right?” Jon asks before he can stop himself.
His pa lets out a deep laugh over the running water in the sink. “Jon, everyone wants to be more like your mother. It’s the most natural thing in the world.”
And that, Jon decides, is comforting.
Lor-Zod learns through the sunstones in silence. His eyes are transfixed on their histories and piloting and mathematics, but his mind is distantly occupied.
His mother has stood vigilant at the door, unmoving, the entire morning. She has not greeted him yet, has not introduced herself to him. Standing, quietly, scathingly.
The moment Lor finishes his aeronautics lesson, he feels his mother’s hand close around his wrist. He is reaching for the next lesson, but she is suddenly upon him, stopping him. Her face is mere centimeters from his own. Her nose snarls.
“You are summoned, Lor,” she tells him, as though he should already know.
“Where, mother?” he barely has air in his lungs to ask before he is jerked into the air and guided through the halls of their palace.
As they travel swiftly through their palace, Lor notices for the first time that he has not seen servants or even heard servants all morning. That is beyond unusual, and it makes their giant crystalline halls even more empty than normal.
Something sits unsettled and worrisome in Lor’s chest. He can hear his own heartbeat in his ears.
“What are we doing, mother?” Lor attempts again, voice tight with fear.
“Is a child to speak out of turn?” she asks angrily, her brown hair whipping across her face as she looks over her shoulder.
Lor obediently shakes his head. “No,” he answers.
“Then you have no turn,” she informs him. When she looks ahead once more, her fingers tighten around his wrist. “There is a lesson to be learned today.”
Silence overtakes Lor as they reach the grand hall and entrance of their palace. There still are no servants to be seen, and there is also no sign of the general. Every hair on Lor’s body stands on end as he realizes just how wrong everything is set up to be.
But he cannot even force himself to speak. He knows better. His body knows better.
As they bound out of the giant doors to their palace, Lor realizes that they are opening up to an enormous gathering. There are purple-skinned Jekuul natives for as far as Lor’s unaided vision can see. They all face forward, toward the intimidating staircase to the palace’s entrance. And to the general.
General Zod does not even turn his shoulders toward Lor and his mother as they come to his side. He is facing forward, over the crowd.
Lor is positioned harshly, stood in front of his mother. She swiftly shifts her hand from his wrist to his shoulder, her other hand matching it. They grip him fiercely, nails clicking against the Kryptonian armor beneath.
When Lor looks up to his mother’s face, he can only see her chin as it faces the general obediently.
Then, when Lor follows her gaze, he lets out a soft gasp.
They are not the only ones standing on the stairs. There is also a familiar, tiny purple girl in his father’s grips.
“Ti’ahl? What’s she doing here?” Lor asks before his mother’s grip becomes even more constricting. He feels his chest freeze up, his heart pounding again.
“You are out of turn, child,” she hisses down at him. “Watch.”
Swallowing, Lor looks back to the General.
The General seems satisfied after Lor falls silent, and he begins speaking out in a tongue so strange but familiar. His voice booms and echoes over the silent crowds below. He’s speaking in Jakuul, Lor knows that much, but still not what his father is saying.
For a moment, Lor tries. He tries desperately to understand what is being said, but none of it makes sense. There aren’t even the familiar possibilities of understanding like he had with Ti’ahl just the day before.
Thinking of Ti’ahl, Lor glances down from his father’s face to where Ti’ahl stands trembling in the General’s grip.
She looks paler than yesterday, her purple skin lighter in the face and almost blue in her cheeks. Her big, dark eyes are tear-filled and sunken, her hair messy. It occurs to Lor that she is wearing the exact same clothes that he last saw her in.
Only at that moment does Lor realize she never made it home last night. But he can’t imagine why.
Deep down, Lor wishes to speak to her, to comfort her, to offer his cape once more, but she doesn’t even have it now. Lor wonders, idly, where it might be.
The General’s voice picks up in fervor, growing in a tempo as the crowds below become unsettled.
Lor doesn’t know what to think, what’s going on when he sees his father wrench Ti’ahl’s arm back and up into the air at a frightening angle. It makes the little girl scream in shock and begins crying, tugging.
Not sure what is going on, Lor opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
With a flick of his wrist, the General turns Ti’ahl’s arm completely upside down and a hideous snap echoes through the hot Jekuul air.
Stunned, Lor stares at his father and at the little girl he played with yesterday. The air erupts with high pitched squeals and sobs from the crowds below. Ti’ahl herself hangs limply unconscious, only held up by the General’s tremendous grip on her arm.
His mother holds him down with so much force, Lor feels as though he will sink through the stairs. He can’t look at her, can’t hear her past the thundering pulse in his own ears. He stares only at his father who is happily soaking in the shock and awe of the crowds.
Then, Lor snaps.
All he can see is red and then his father’s shoulder is smoking, singed.
And, for the first time since the night before, General Zod looks at Lor.
“I am disappointed, Faora,” the General says angrily. “You assured me that our child was being raised in the traditions of Krypton. Are those traditions not that punishments are handled by the mother?”
“They are,” Lor’s mother says, aghast, before yanking Lor into the palace doors.
Lor hits the floor before he even sees the smack coming. And it is only the first.
He hardly feels any of it, numb to everything with the sound of that crack echoing throughout his whole body.
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bewitched-forest · 1 year
Formula for a Crime Scene - Ch 1
Circumstances leave Artemis Fowl and Danny Fenton living in Gotham to attend Gotham Academy with Damian Wayne. More circumstances lead to the three boys becoming unlikely friends, and eventually something more. Now the three must navigate a world of superheroes, fairies, and ghosts together.
The worldbuilding of this fic was co-written by my friend, @half-dead-ham, and myself! They will be posting their own Crime Scene (The name of the ship as dubbed by another friend, @thetoyboxs) fic that will have similar plotlines, as we made them together! So behave!
[Ao3 Link Here]
} ~ – ~ {
Damian stalks into the school, eyes polished into a glare sharp enough to cut diamonds. Once again, he walks the halls of the insufferable school known as Gotham Academy. Completing his education could surely be done at home, where he can use his free time to help with their true callings.
He scans the rooms, taking account of his fellow students as well as the room numbers. He pushes the door to his first class, World History, stepping inside to take a canvas of the room. There are several fellow students already moving about the room, coalescing into their many social groups to prattle about their summers. In the back corner, he can see a mop of black hair settled onto a pair of arms. Damian raises an eyebrow, walking over.
“Jon?” asks Damian. As the boy raises his head, Damian notices very quickly that this is not his friend.
This boy, despite sharing black and hair and blue eyes with Jon, had more slim features. Jon, like his father, had a more square face where this boy’s was more what would be described as heart-shaped.
“Huh?” mumbles the boy. So he was asleep.
“Nothing. I mistook you for someone else,” Damian says.
“Ah. Cool,” says the boy, dropping his head again.
Damian sits down next to the boy before hearing heaving footfalls, looking forward to notice the teacher. He shifts in his chair, crossing his arms to glare at the balding man. Just because he was a student of this man’s class did not mean he deserved respect. That will be determined through study.
The man glances over everyone, ignoring Damian’s glare before pulling out a folder. He starts prattling, calling the names of everyone in the class.
“Daniel Fenton?” Damian glances over as the boy next to him raises his hand. So, that is his name. Damian will have to remember so as to prevent confusion again.
“Danny, please,” says Fenton, setting his head in his hand to remain upright.
Damian resists a Tt, looking back at the teacher as he continues. Leave it to high schoolers to be completely undisciplined.
“Damian Wayne?”
Damian sits up straighter, boring holes into the teacher. “Present.”
The teacher just looks at him, deadpan, before marking off his name and turning around. Clearly, the man has already heard of Damian. Damian listens as the man goes over his syllabus, squinting at the relevance of some of the topics. At least 2 things could already be considered inaccurate, due to recent discoveries.
He stands up when the bell rings, intending to get to the door. However, he is beaten to it by Fenton, who is out before Damian even gets there. He squints his eyes, looking around the halls. Upon not being able to spot the boy, he tuts and continues on to his next class. The fact that someone was quicker than him to the door bothers him more than Damian would ever admit.
He passes through his annoying day, until lunch time. After getting his lunch, he ducks into the halls in order to consume his meal, and to get away from the insanity of the school lunchroom.
He straightens up when he picks up on someone following him. Turning around, he’s faced with a familiar face.
“Harrison,” Damian sneers.
The boy huffs, readying his fists. “Wayne. I believe I owe you a beating from last year.”
Damian sets his food down on the floor, crossing his arms. “Like you’d even be able to land the punch.”
“I could definitely hit harder than you-” Harrison growls, arm readying for a whirl.
“What’s going on here?” Damian looks over to see a teacher stomping over.
“He’s harassing me,” Damian says, pointing at his opponent.
“You were first!”
“Now boys. You can’t be starting fights in the halls,” says the lady.
“Brown hair started it.”
No, Damian did not flinch. He simply reacted to the sudden addition of another presence. He squinted at the source, raising an eyebrow when he recognized it as Fenton, the sleeping kid from his history class.
“Where did you-?” The reacher goes to ask before sighing. “Are you sure, Danny?”
Fenton nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I’m positive Ms. Bailey. I was walking back to the cafeteria from the bathroom. What’s his face trying to sneak up on…” Fenton takes points at Damian. “Damian, right?”
Damian huffs. “Yes.”
Fenton smiles, turning back to Ms. Bailey. “Yeah. He was trying to sneak up on Damian, but he turned around and then I saw him raise his fist to punch Damian before you walked over.”
Ms. Bailey sighs, rubbing her temple. “Mr. Harrison. Come with me. Mr. Wayne, be aware that you may be called into the office later today so we can get this all sorted. Thank you, Mr. Fenton.”
Fenton smiles, and Damian can’t help but notice the hint of mischief in it. “Of course Ms. Bailey.”
Damian glares at Harrison, noticing Fenton waves out of the corner of his eyes, as the ingrate walks away. Once out of sight, he crosses his arms to glare at Fenton.
Fenton raises an eyebrow with a small smirk. “Hey, that isn’t any way to look at someone who helped you.”
Damian scoffs. “I was capable of handling this myself. I did not require your assistance.”
Fenton just chuckles. “Sure. Whatever you say. See you around, Damian.” The boy waves as he walks off, much to Damian’s chagrin.
“Tt. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Damian grabs his food, retreating to his back corner to finish lunch before his next classes.
When the bell rings to signal the end of the lunch hour, Damian gets up and heads to his next class. An English class, as if Damian needed it. He walks in, sitting down in the chair closest to the back door. He opts to glare at his desk.
“Damian!” shouts a shrill voice. Damian looks up, squinting when he sees Jon bounding for him.
“Jon,” he says curtly.
Jon pouts. “Come on, Damian! Smile! It's the first day of sophomore year!”
Damian rolls his eyes. “I don’t need to be here.”
Jon sighs, sitting next to Damian. “I mean yeah, sure, you’re super smart and stuff. But it's fun! We get to come here and make friends.”
“I’m just fine without it,” says Damian. And he meant it. He had the Titans, not to mention Jon. Random civilians would just complicate things. And put everyone at risk, seeing that they couldn’t know their identities.
Jon’s face knits together as he thinks before seeming to remember something. “Hey. I heard someone stopped you from getting into a fight with Harrison.”
Damian glares. “I did not need it. He was interfering.”
Jon pouts again. “It’s nice to stop a fight.”
“Tt.” Damian crosses his arms, shifting his gaze to the front of class. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Jon go to talk again before the teacher taps his desk with a ruler.
“Alright class. My name is Mr. Johnson, and I’ll be your Honors English Language 10 teacher.”
Damian tuned the man out as he droned on. It's not like he’d have anything useful to Damian anyways. He scans the room, noting the students. One of Harrison’s lackeys is in this class, Damian notes, though he was smartly looking away. Other than Jon, however, there was no one Damian even remotely cared about.
He thinks back to the altercation at lunch. The fact that the other boy, Fenton, managed to sneak up on the both of them was curious. Damian was not one to miss the presence of another, no matter what he was doing. He had noticed Harrison, after all.
Damian would have to keep an eye on Fenton. He wouldn’t allow the boy to ‘help’ him again. He was Robin, heir to Batman. He didn’t need some insignificant child acting like Damian needed any help in a fight.
Damian looks up as the bell sounds, signifying the end of their class. After bidding a goodbye to Jon, he gets up, exiting the room and heading to his final class of the day.
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
(More) ideas
Ugh I can’t turn off my brain, I’ll just be reading Super Sons or rewatching Young Justice or something and it’ll be like “ya know what’d be a great idea?”
Anyway here are some of the ones I couldn’t get out of my head, feel free to comment or use the ideas for fan fiction (if you do please tag me because I want to read it!!!) also tell me if I should write any of them (I might wait until after my Teen Titans AU is finished, it is extremely close to ending though).
Mari as a part of the Young Justice team
Most likely season 1 lineup (no Rocket or Zatanna though)
Marinette was a protégé of Wonder Woman after the defeat of Hawkmoth
She got fed up with being a sidekick and she and Diana talked it out and decided for her to go to Mount Justice
She attends Gotham Academy with Dick and Artemis, she figures out Artemis’s identity quickly (you know because they literally have the same name), but not Dick’s
Most likely a Dick x Marinette ship
Love square shenagind probably, because Dick won’t be able to figure out Marinette’s super hero identity (I was considering having her be Scarlett Cat or something and have the Ladybug miraculous merged with the cat) because the miraculous magic thwarts all of his and Batman’s attempts to figure out who she is and Marinette doesn’t know who Robin is because she’s blind af.
Mari in Metropolis!
This fic would include original characters (Kay would make an appearance as one of the main characters)
Marinette gets picked to go on a school exchange trip in America (Metropolis specifically) for a whole year.
She meets Kay Khan on the plane and they hit it off right away, she was the other girl who was accepted to the program for the Metropolis branch so they would be living together.
The host family who takes them in is none other than...the Kent’s- hahahaha just kidding I’m far more evil than that.
The host family who takes them in is none other than...Lex Luthor!
He heard a little about what was happening in France, not a lot because miraculous magic and the mayor trying to keep things under wraps, but he knows that the jewels the heroes have can grant wishes and hold immense power, so he wants to exploit the kids he takes in to learn more about the miraculouses and situation in Paris.
Kay and Marinette at first think he’s amazing but when they go to Metropolis high (where they meet Jon Kent) Jon tells them Lex sucks
Marinette does some digging and realizes he does suck, she snoops around with Kay and finds out the real reason he took them in
Can they thwart his plans from getting the miraculouses? (Wiggles eyebrows)
Marinette is Mar’i Grayson
I briefly discussed this with some of you, basically Mar’i was in Paris because her parents (Starfire and Nightwing) were on a mission for the Titans.
When they left her with a babysitter while they took down a drug cartel, the babysitter and her go out to the park where a criminal in the cartel shoots the babysitter causing Mar’i to flee in a panic
Mar’i flies to a bakery because she smells sweets and assumes she’s safe there
Sabine and Tom take her in when they realize who’s daughter she is (they are actually the heads of the cartel, but Kor’i and Dick did not know that)
They basically grow to love her and tell her her old parents abandoned her, so Tom and Sabine raise her as their own
She ends up with the Ladybug miraculous, and she’s happy because she can fly around without people suspecting she’s an alien, all she has to do is say that it’s part of her miraculous powers
Dick and Kor’i never stopped looking for her but they were extremely broken and depressed.
The batboys get called on a mission in Paris, Dick almost doesn’t go because too many bad memories, but he does hoping he might see his daughter again.
Damian goes to DuPont high school as a cover and meets Marinette, he gets a teeny tiny (gigantic) crush
That’s all I have for now. Let me know if anything speaks to any of you! (Please give feedback too!)
Tag list (this is my current Maribat taglist, let me know if you’d like to be added or if I missed you):
The Target Taglist
(Honestly I’m so tired, I think I might have clicked on the wrong list of tags so sorry!)
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