#just to be able to fit everything in 1 inheritance session
got my Alcryst up to +4 on the legendary remix today. he started at +1 so today I was very carefully mulling over who to give 3 sets of his skills to before merging him
happy to say that Kagero, Halloween Niles and Setsuna all got some very good skills
#they're all characters I've really wanted to build but haven't gotten around to yet so#I am quite happy#Rearmed Heroes are kind of a struggle for me when I REALLY like them and REALLY want to merge them#such as...Alcryst#because like. they always have several good skills and it's impossible to know ahead of time#which skills I want to take from them in the future#so I have to hash it out BEFORE I can merge them#because if I implant their skills on a burner character just to hold them#then I might choose the wrong ones and need something else for a build I wanna do down the line#and I can't give that burner EVERYTHING that's good because#that's just a waste of fodder#like for example if I wanted to make a burner for Alcryst's fodder#I'd have to get Arcane Darkbow + Deadeye + Flash Sparrow + Def/Res Smoke 4 on them to have everything available#but then that'd mean I'd have to sacrifice a Swift Sparrow or Flashing Blade fodder and a Def/Res Smoke fodder#just to be able to fit everything in 1 inheritance session#when I could've used the Swift Sparrow or Def/Res Smoke fodder somewhere else#and then I have to do that AGAIN if I wanna transfer all 4 skills to the actual permanent home of this fodder#and like. that's something I'm fully willing to do for a character I actually WANT to build#but doing it twice for one character I want to build is a hard pill to swallow#cause like. the burner is literally just eating it for no reason at that point#I'm not made of Swift Sparrow over here!!#I have a decent number of Swift Sparrow fodders but not enough to just be throwing 'em in the trash!!#anyway rant over sorry#Alcryst //#Kagero //#Niles //#Setsuna //#Fire Emblem //#FEH //
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literate-simp · 3 years
Bakugou realizing that sometimes, bad things happen to good people
About: his s/o opens up to him about their trauma
Warning(s): mentions of trauma, slight angst, few curse words because Bakugou
Include(s): gn! reader, being comforted and understood by pomeranian, fluff
Note: i never get too detailed with trauma/bad childhood related content because i want my readers to feel free with whatever they're facing. i hope that anyone reading this fic for comfort has a wonderful day. I'm happy you're still pushing despite everything that's happened.
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To be fair, he hadn't even thought of it. Never crossed his mind, not even once.
It was 1 AM now; way past his bedtime, way past his much needed rest for an early morning and he hadn't even tried closing his eyes. For once in his life, he was left wondering.
His life was filled with praise and ego, to be his lover would mean being able to put up with him and giving him praise when he actually deserved it. He didn't need half-assed compliments or someone on his hands and feet -- he needed someone to see him grow by himself.
You see, it hadn't crossed his mind that you were in a dark place in the past or present. You were strong in your own way and he saw it as a powerful trait of yours. You wanted to be a hero just like him but not because you wanted to prove your worth, you just wanted to save those who couldn't protect themselves.
"Katsuki! Right hook, then left!" You'd yell during your spar sessions. He takes your advice seriously, knowing you wanted him to improve just as much as he does for you.
"Fuckin' idiot," He mumbled in the darkness. You seemed so fine with it too, laughed about whatever happened as if it wasnt a huge part of who you were now. You talked like it was the weather, mundane and nothing crucial.
Could people smile after that? You did. It was scary to him how used to the life you were. You must've been scared, who wouldn't be?
"Katsuki, I have something to tell you," You said right before his bedtime, around 7 maybe. He was confused why you didn't just walk up and strike a conversation with him like usual.
Must be serious, he had thought and damn was it serious.
On the balcony, under the dark sky with a faraway look in your eyes. You didn't even turn to him once, just went on and on; one story after another. Sometimes you'd laugh like it was funny.
It wasn't funny, he was mortified and worried -- rendered him speechless to a point that his body came to a standstill.
You're a good person, he knew that most. You were someone that shone brighter than his classmates, that was why he chose you to be his partner at first.
"You must be freaked out, huh," You stated, finally turning to meet his worried eyes with a smile. "I don't blame you, it's a lot to take in."
"I trust you a lot and I just wanted you to know what you're getting yourself into when you're with me, so take your time. I'll wait for you."
Is he feeling bad right now? What was he feeling bad for? That you had a horrible life? He hated pitying people but he couldn't help but worry for you.
Also, what did you mean by 'take your time'? Had you thought Bakugou Katsuki, Lord Explosion Murder and soon-to-be Dynamight, was going to run away the second you told him?
If anything he just wanted to hug you right now, but he missed his chance when it reached midnight. Now he's going to accept the consequences of shock by not getting a good night's rest like he intended.
This bothered him.
How were you sleeping right now?
Just as the thought crossed his mind, he was out the door. Midnight, shoeless feet, his plain black shirt and sweats, he walked down the corridor to your door and was tempted to knock.
What if he was bothering your rest? He didn't want that, not after the conversation you both had. He turned on his heel and was met face-to-face with his teacher's pet cat who wandered the dorms at night to check on students, it stared straight at his soul and kinda creeped him out.
He put a finger to his lips, trying to shush it from making any possible noise but it harnessed the loudest cat-like screech he's heard. Bakugou jumped when he heard your door creak open, turning as quick as he could to see you.
"Katsuki? What are you doing here at night? 's like...," You trailed off, looking back into your room for your clock. "1:37 AM. It's way past your bedtime."
"U-Uh yeah, sorry. Just wanted to check on you," He mumbled the last bit, shooing you with his hand. "Go back to sleep, I'll talk to ya in the morning."
It was silent for a moment and you sighed, reaching out to grab his retreating hand and pulling him into your room.
"What? Hey! This isn't allowed!" He scolded you, tapping your hand on his. He was grateful it was dark enough to hide the growing warmth on his cheeks.
"Not like it matters, it's almost 2 AM. Don't want you to go to class tired," You mumbled with a yawn. You pulled him to your bed, gesturing him to rest on top of your shoulder as you laid there waiting.
He hesitantly sits down and curls to your side, your hand playing with his soft yet spiky hair. Bakugou relaxes and focuses on your deep breaths.
"What's wrong?" You asked, eyes closed. "Rare t'see you staying up so late. Can't sleep?"
He shakes his head. "Just thinking about you."
"Awww, how sweet~," You whispered with a giggle. "What were you thinking about?"
Bakugou stares at you before grunting.
"Drop the act. I saw your puffy eyes the second you came out of your room," He snarls, sitting up and looking down at you. "Don't do that in front of me."
You frowned for a moment and smiled again, hand reaching up and caressing his cheek. It was always so soft and clear, probably from the quirk he inherited from his mother.
"Can't help it. Got used to it, hun," You told him. "Not like I could sleep either, cried 'til I could. Kinda worked until I heard Mr Aizawa's cat screeching."
Bakugou cringed with his eyes closed. "Sorry."
"No problem, I like his cat," You answered. It was silent again. "Do you think I'm pitiful?"
"No," He answered. "If you're looking for pity, you're dating the wrong guy."
Chuckling, you nodded. "Must be dating the right one then."
You sat up just slightly, kissing his chin. It was the most you could do in the position, and he didn't seem like the type to budge. He grabs your cheek and kisses your forehead.
"Whatever happened, happened. Just because you told me, doesn't mean my impression of you changed. You just...," He trailed off. "... Showed me how you need to be treated, the best of the best."
"You're a better fit for a hero than any extra. Trust me," He stated firmly. Tears welled up in your eyes and you smiled wobbily.
"Damn it, you Katsudon! I just finished crying too," You muttered, rubbing your eyes as you let the tears cascade down your cheeks. He smiles at your reaction, leaning in to kiss you on the lips gently and choosing not to point out the ridiculous pet name you gave him.
"From now on, tell me everything. What makes you uncomfortable, happy, and how I can make you feel better," He ruffles your hair. "I love you, idiot. You're stuck with me."
More tears fell from your eyes. He waited for your smile to come and his heart grew warm again.
"Thank you, Suki. I love you too." You laughed.
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♡︎ literate-simp
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loyalshipper · 3 years
May I introduce the Tumblr DC community to one of my two favorite Batfam AUs I have created. Bruce Wayne owns a hotel/museum near an ocean cliff and still has a chronic adoption problem but doesn’t fight crime. (If anyone writes this you can make it to where heroes still exist, the Batfam are the inly no capes)
WE still exists but it isn’t run by Bruce it is run by Lucius because back in the 60s Thomas and Martha bought the hotel and wanted that to be their legacy. They still die the same way but Bruce puts all his efforts into running and blossoming the hotel which was his parent’s dream project.
I’ll get back into the hotel in a minute I’m taking about the kids now
Dick is gotten a similar way, he visits the Cape with Haly’s Circus, his parents die because of faulty wiring sold to the circus by Zucco and Dick becomes an orphan. Bruce just so happened to use his one night off in a while to go see the circus. He keeps thinking about Dick and ends up adopting him. He helps Dick and the Circus bring Zucco to justice and sues the hell out of him and shuts down his business. (Adopted at 8))
Jason was found living in one of the shut down rooms of the hotel. Because his dad left and was in prison and his mom od. So Bruce treats him like a wild animal and starts to leave food out on a regular schedule until Jason gets comfortable with him and he adopts Jason. (five years younger than Dick)
Tim was the son of two wealthy archaeologists who were gone 11 out of the 12 months. Bruce met Tim because he liked to come into the museum and take pictures of the museum exhibits and hotel architecture and shoreline which he would develop and give copies to Bruce. So he opens his house to this little boy with a penchant for photography. Until one day Tim’e parents call Tim telling him that they are staying in Egypt permanently because the archeological dig is producing wonderous results and they’ll be hiring him an around the clock sitter. Only for Tim to wait three weeks and no one shows up. They went so far as to fire Ms. Mac but never hired a sitter for their son. So he goes to Bruce in tears and explains everything, because this is it-his parents finally did abandon him, and Bruce sues them for custody of Tim. (Three years younger than Jason, adopted at 7)
Damian was the result of a relationship Bruce had in college while studying hotel management and hospitality. Talia is the daughter of a hotel conglomerate owner who is currently trying to buy Bruce’s hotel so it can be torn down and Ra’s can built a new hyper expensive hotel in its place. Damian was sent to live with Bruce to try and get Bruce to have Damian inherit the hotel so Ra’s can get it and destroy it, but that backfired because instead Damian falls in love with the hotel and his new family (reluctantly) and wants to see the hotel and museum flourish, not tear down this historical piece of architecture to replace it with a soulless hotel only available to the wealthy elite. But something available to everyone that families vacation to because there is so much history and beauty in a thing that has stood for centuries. So Damian turns against Ra’s. Due not that while Damian and Tim do have a sibling rivalry it is not as vicious and cutting as it is in canon. They love each other they just don’t mesh well while in the same room. And yes, Damian still has his variety of pets (7 years younger than Tim)
Cass came to the hotel with her “father,” David Cain, who went to the Cape for business, and just ended up leaving and forgetting Cass at the hotel. He was still abusive and Cass had trouble speaking but he wasn’t “turn Cass into the world’s greatest assassin” abusive. After Bruce finds Cass, he sues Cain for parental custody and then ruins his life unrepentantly. (Couple of months older than Jason)
After Martha and Thomas died, Alfred took over managing the hotel while Bruce was still growing up and while he was getting his degrees, now he is the grandfather to Bruce’s many kids and helps to keep them running and cared for while they run and care for the hotel. He’s also the one that helps the new kids transfer into the life of running a hotel.
Barbara is the daughter of the Police Comissioner still who became friends with Dick and works, first part time at the museum/hotel and then full time. Same with Steph and Tim (1 year older than Dick)
Cullen and Harper work at the museum, Helena works at the hotel. Carrie does both. Duke is the newest acquisition. Only, his parents disappeared and no one has been able to find them yet. So Bruce currently had temporary custody of Duke who lives at the hotel with everyone. (Harper is a year older than Tim, Cullen is a year younger than Tim, Carrie is the same age as Jason, Duke is a few months younger than Tim)
Each person has different jobs. (Dick is concierge/check-in, Jason does guided history tours of the hotel/museum/grounds, Tim works in financials because he deals with the least amount of people, Helena, Carrie and Steph are both maids, Carrie also does janitorial stuff with Cullen, Barbara works hotel check-in with Dick, Barbara and Harper work cashier at the gift shop, Duke doesn’t have a job yet because he is still dealing with the disappearance of his parents, Damian does every job to see where he fits in best.
The hotel is still fully staffed with not-batkids, like grounds keepers and other hotel cleaners and janitors.
Location time!
I’m turning Gotham nicer and changing the geography of the city.
The hotel Museum rests about 200 yds from a cliff that overlooks a beach. There is a well maintained stair case put into the cliff for people to walk down, as well as a longer gravel path that follows the cliff edge down to the shoreline. It is frequented by seals, sea lions, and in the distance, dolphins and whales. The hotel it’s self has about 100 or so acres of land and a long drive but it is technically within walking distance to the city. And it’s a normal coastal town with a port and touristic areas. Kinda eerie at night when the fog rolls in but that’s part of the charm of the NorthEast.
Selina is just Bruce’s friend in this. She is Helena’s mother and Bruce was a surrogate for her. She decided she wanted a baby and Bruce offered to be a donor. So Selina had Helena and Bruce is part of her life but not as her dad, which was the agreement. Selina takes care of the stray animals on the grounds and favors the cats.
Clark is a reporter that was tasked to right an article on the hotel and it’s history, became good friends with Bruce and brings his family (Lois, Jon, Bizarro, Kon, Kara, Lena, Chris, Ma, Pa, and Lex) on vacation to it every year. Lex and Clark are divorced husbands that left on good terms and are friendly enough to coparent their son, Connor, who was made the same way as canon but less hush hush and illegally, Kara is Clark’s cousin and Lena is her fiancée, Lois is his wife, Jon and Bizarro are their two biological sons (Bizarro has autism), Chris is their foster son. Bizarro latches onto Jason in a way that he hasn’t before and always loves coming to the hotel, Jon and Chris are best friends with Damian, Connor and Tim are long distance dating.
Collin, Maya, and Maps are Damian’s best friends from school (Damian has a crush on Collin) and he’s trying to convince them to join the hotel staff like his siblings’ friends but they are a) too young and b) not interested.
Roy has all of his problems as in canon and gets help for it, so as a way to try and bring the family closer, Oliver and Dinah arrange a vacation to the hotel for them Roy and Lian. As a stepping stone kind of thing. Get away from daily stress. Roy is resistant at first until he and Jason hit it off and start talking and Jason talks sense into him and they strike up a friendship turned romance.
The Flashfam visit the museum diring a countrywide roadtrip and mad the stop because Bart is a history buff and wouldn’t stop talking about it the entire trip. He becomes fast friends with Tim and is the only person to ever get a Tim Wayne history tour. No matter what Kon tells you he is super salty about it. Wally and Dick were internet friends and used the roadtrip as a way to be able to meet up.
Thad is the obligatory complainer who doesn’t want to stay in a musty old hotel.
Ivy is the main grounds keeper and is in charge of the native wildlife sanctuary most of the land is used for, as well as taking care of the native plantlife and lives in town with her girlfriend, Harley. Harley helps the kids prank Bruce.
Harley is a children’s psychiatrist hired by Bruce to help the kids deal with their various traumas. Her coming to the hotel for sessions is how she and Ivy met.
They started dating between Dick and Jason and Dick talks up each of them to the other, but each individual kid that comes in think they’d be cute together (since they are both professional while working there isn’t immediate proof that they are dating. But they will flirt with each other if they see each other) and it’s basically a right if passage to try and convince their siblings to help them get together and then try and set them up on their own and find out the hard way that they’re already together. They love seeing all the different way the kids try and set them up. They tend to go along with it until either the kids realise or they take pity on them.
Their favorite was Damian’s where he set up an entire romantic dinner at the hotel restaurant and Dick managed to slyly convince him to set it on a certain day that turned out to be Harley and Ivy’s anniversary.
Alfred is the head chef for the hotel, making room service meals and the breakfast buffet line up. Jason will help him out if he isn’t busy with other things.
Victor Fries and his wife hold an ice cream social ever summer at the hotel with all the ice cream flavors they came up with over the last year.
Edward Nygma, famous escape room designer, is hired to make an escape room themed on the hotel and museum that is built on the grounds near the main building.
Another ritual that starts, begins with Tim, where the older siblings convince the newest one that the hotel is haunted and Jason takes them on a “haunted ghost tour” of the abandoned part of the hotel (the part that is too dilapidated and run down to remodel safely) while the others are stationed at different parts of the hotel and grounds to run whatever scenario to scare the new kid. The only one that hasn’t been done to is Cass because even after several years she still jumps a little too hard at loud noises. But one time Jason accident closed a door a little too harshly while Cass and Tim were doing something and it caused her to jump so hard she knocked over Tim and started crying. They were contemplating whether she was strong enough to do it or not and that cemented that she wasn’t.
Tim and Cass are nearly inseparable and are commonly referred to as the Wayne Twins. For Halloween they decided to go as each other.
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purple-dahlias · 3 years
recovering- chapter 1
word count: 1854
trigger warnings: eating disorders, disordered eating, mental health
this is the beginnings of me turning recovering!au into a multi-chapter fic, something i’ve been planning on doing for quite a while now. enjoy <3
She knew it was a problem, even before she had started medical school. Long before she knew about the intricacies of health and disease and diagnostic criteria. Knew it was something that wasn’t quite normal; that having these thoughts and plans wasn’t in the usual remit of a high school girl. It certainly seemed it wasn’t something any of her few friends had to deal with. But then again, even if it wasn’t normal, it wasn’t really like they’d noticed that anything was wrong. So maybe it wasn’t so bad. In any case, if she was questioned, she peppered them with excuses, ranging from not being hungry to needing to go to the library or not wanting to spit out the gum she’d just put in. It seemed to work. They didn’t bother her about it any further. Just a nod and a smile before carrying on.  
Yes, she hid it well, under layers and layers of clothing and her thinly veiled excuses. But it would have been nice for someone to really notice. Because to be noticed would have meant being known, which would have meant someone cared enough. Her own mother was hardly ever about, out being a big shot lawyer or whatever, and her father... well. That was something she didn’t want to talk about at all. Ever.
Days slipped by and so did the pounds off the scales. School became college and Sarah found herself in pre-med. It had always been her plan. She loved the order that science bought. The lack of messiness. The way there was an explanation to everything. It suited her just fine. Gave her something to channel her energy into. Something to focus on, even when things got tough. Which for her, unfortunately, seemed to be pretty often.
It was an unhealthy habit, she knew. Destructive, even. But it was something that she had control over, that she could manage. The one thing that was constant, because she could make it so. Monitoring portions and her proportions obsessively. It became a habit, something ingrained into her, second nature.
And so, it continued, unnoticed. Perhaps to many, it seemed there never really was an issue, how could there be? She looked fine. Mostly. It was only if you looked closer, beyond the façade and the walls and the excuses, that it could be seen. But that was hardly often. In fact, it was rare. Sarah Reese was good at keeping her guard up. It also didn’t help that her circle of people was so completely, incredibly small, which meant that really, most of the time, there was hardly anyone who could notice.
She also knew just how to manage things (so she thought). She’d take her vitamin supplements to ward off deficiencies, anything that might look like something was wrong. Continued to cover up in long sleeves and high necks. Perhaps it was a blessing when she was accepted to study medicine in Chicago. Certainly, the cold weather there warranted layers amply enough that no one would question it, no one would be able to tell.
There was a point, perhaps when this had first all started, although it’s hard to put a definitive moment or timescale on when all this began, it had become such a fundamental part of her, that she had wanted, hoped even at times, that someone would discover what she was doing, would say something, would tell her, help her, show her it was wrong. If that had happened early enough, things just might have turned out differently for her. Better.
It had, earlier, been a secret hope of hers, that maybe her mother would see, would call her to her, bring her in close, help her. That had never happened. Their relationship just wasn’t one where one could talk about such things. Confess to not be doing well. It was just expected of Sarah to carry on. To get on and excel with school and her work. And for her mother to know actively how Sarah really was, well, that wouldn’t go down well at all. Because from Sarah’s mother’s point of view, Sarah was fine. She had a good life, a roof over her head, was more than provided for, her grades were good, there was nothing she could complain about. Nothing that would warrant her not doing well, not mentally. Not her daughter.
And sometimes she still hopes for someone to discover it all. Thinks of doing something ever so much more reckless in order to be noticed, for someone to be concerned enough to do something. But she also doesn’twant that. Because that would mean stopping. And when a thing like this has been a part of you for so long that it’s become a crutch, a way to handle everything, it’s terrifying to think about who you would be without it.
Occasionally, though, there were moments where she’s wracked with guilt and regret, all because she knows this is all so wrong. Things shouldn’t be this way. She shouldn’t be this way. At those times, it’s a struggle. For a time, common sense will overrule and for a few days, maybe weeks, there’s a sort of clarity for her, and things go back to being as close to a ‘normal’ as Sarah can get. But there’s always a slip. With her there’s always a slip.
Medical school was proving to be lonely. Sure, there were people around, girls Sarah would want to know, to be friends with. People who probably would also want to be friends with her. Somehow, that had never happened. Yes, there were the occasional people who would invite her out for coffee or a study session or to the movies. But she always felt like she seemed to push everyone away. To her, it seemed she was to forever be the person on the peripheries, the one who walked through the outskirts of others’ lives, who would be easily forgotten. That she could never really be one to maintain any kind of relationship, evident in the way that as time went on, those offers and invitations to meet up became scarce. And perhaps that had something to do with the way she was bought up, the introspective part of her thought. The way her mother had always been different. The way her father had left. How, if her mother ever did speak of her father, she always said he was someone who could never maintain a relationship for long, always had a habit of burning bridges. Could that be a genetic trait? Something Sarah had inherited? Sarah pushes those thoughts down deep inside of her. She never wants to be like either of her parents. Hates that it is a very strong possibility, one that she’s not quite sure she has the power to overrule, especially if you looked at her track record. Instead, she goes back to what she can control. Restrict. Measure. Count. It goes on in cycles. Worse when she was on a downward spiral, slightly better when things felt clearer.
So, it was surprising to her, on her rotation in the ED at Gaffney Chicago Med, that everyone (almost) seemed to like her. That there was genuine care and concern for her. How Maggie and Dr Manning would, for wont of a better word, mother her. How Dr Choi and April and Dr Rhodes and Dr Halstead were always so kind to her, so helpful and patient. How they would all look out for her. It was certainly a far cry from what she was used to.
Family. That was what Dr Choi had called her.
It had left Sarah feeling stumped, but warmed inside, knowing that there were people who cared about her. And for the first time in a long while, she found she could breathe a little easier. That maybe, maybe, she wasn’t as alone as she thought she was.
Sure, when she started in the ED, it was only because it was mandatory, just a check box exercise and then she would be done, ready to work down in the labs. Exactly where she had wanted to be. But now she wasn’t so sure. The messiness of life and people in the ED had got to her, and not in a bad way. Yes, it was trying. But it had grown on her. She had learnt to love it.
But that left her now with a dilemma.
For as long as she had thought about a career in medicine, it was with no intention to be patient-facing. She knew she would be perfectly happy with a career tucked away down in pathology, somewhere she could hone her logic and scientific skill. And of course, there was Joey, who had supported her in her decision, and alongside everything else. (Although now she’s not quite exactly sure where things stand with him).
She just can’t shake the feeling that maybe she’s doing something wrong. And Sarah knows that’s dangerous, because whatever decision she makes will stand to influence the rest of her career. Not to mention that signing off on a residency post was a legally binding contract. Pathology was what she wanted though, wasn’t it? Even after all the time she had spent with everyone in the emergency department? And all that self-doubt just comes creeping back in, settling deep in her bones, filling every corner of her, making it just so easy for things to return to how they were. To slip again.
Perhaps at first it doesn’t accelerate intentionally. Mainly it’s just that she’s trying to keep herself busy, push herself, that she forgets meals. But then she finds she’s not missing out on anything, really. That she likes how it feels. It doesn’t help that she is so good at being able to conceal things now, underneath her scrubs, which were ill-fitting on anyone to begin with, anyway. Her shifts in the ED give her an easy excuse for missed meals, because of course, she has patients to be seeing. It’s a perfectly reasonable way to mask it all.
So she continues, unnoticed. And maybe, it makes her think, in those moments where she’s left solely alone with her thoughts, they never really did care. That it was because it was their professional duty to look out for her that they did. But other parts of her think that no, this is good. Them not noticing. It means she can continue on. Because that was the plan, wasn’t it?
Even when she practically faints in front of Will. But it’s just so simple to go with the excuse that seems most likely. She fainted because she was stressed. She was stressed because of match day. A vasovagal syncope. And because, at least to Will’s work-up, everything seems fine, no more is said. It’s deemed a one-off episode and she’s fit to continue. He doesn’t seem to be concerned about the way she hardly drinks the orange juice he gave her. So she shouldn’t be, right? There was clearly no reason to be. It was all just business as usual: she wasn’t sick.
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basilisklist · 3 years
harry/daphne (m/f)
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Fanfic: The Return of Double Black & Potter's Back Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
“Good Days and Bad Days” by swiggy3000
(68k words)
“One night Harry Potter walks into a pub and sees a honey-blonde woman sitting along and glancing his way. He decides to go over to her and the rest of his life is changed by this simple act.”
Fanfic: Good Days and Bad Days Ch 1, Harry Potter | FanFiction
“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Enigma” by VainlyInsane
(72,112 words) complete
“Harry’s parents were killed by a dark lord before he himself survived. Rather than interfering, Dumbledore let Harry get taken by the right couple to raise him.”
Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Enigma Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Making Miracles” by LyingPotato
(81,780 words)
“Harry saves Lily's life when Voldemort comes for them, but this has impacting consequences. Wanting to distance himself, Harry locks himself away until he's finally forced out into the open by his name being called from the Goblet of Fire (this happens in 5th year in my story).”
Fanfic: Making Miracles Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry Potter, Wizarding Savior?” by dbzdragonlanceman
(50,088 words) complete
“Harry in his anger at the Headmaster after the death of Sirius finally burns through the Memory Charm that the Headmaster cast on him just before third year and comes to some surprising revelations.”
Fanfic: Harry Potter, Wizarding Savior? Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry’s Secret Friend” by James Spookie
(137,084 words) complete
“Not everyone hates Harry. Some are just too afraid of what other people think.”
Fanfic: Harry's Secret Friend Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Champion’s New Hope” by Rocag
(274,401 words) complete
“Beginning during the Goblet of Fire, Harry looks to different friends for support after both Ron and Hermione refuse to believe that he did not put his name in the Goblet. Including one unexpected friend: Daphne Greengrass.”
Fanfic: A Champion's New Hope Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Living Dangerously” by CGPH
(157,268 words) complete
“An accident during a lesson forces Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass to work together for a detention. One thing leads to many others.”
Fanfic: Living Dangerously Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Cage and Key” by Faromir
(216,210 words)
“It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways. Harry is prepared to do anything to protect those he still has left, even use the Dark Arts extensively if he has to. The question is; will he be the same person in the end as events, and a shadowy figure risks to change him? And how does the eccentric Daphne Greengrass fit in? Sixth year.”
Fanfic: Cage and Key Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Novocaine” by StardustWarrior2991
(240,478 words)
“After the end of the war, Harry has a meeting in Gringotts that changes his life. Given a unique opportunity to rebuild the world, he takes it upon himself to restore what was once lost to the wizarding world, while falling for a charming witch at the same time.”
Fanfic: Novocaine Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Birds and Monsters” by Freudentraene
(295,652 words) complete
“A slightly different purchase planning during his first visit to Diagon Alley means that Harry meets a completely different person than Draco Malfoy at Madam Malkin's. How will this encounter change the fate of the world? And will two restless souls together be able to find some happiness and love in a ruthless world?”
Birds and Monsters - Chapter 1 - Freudentraene - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent” by Petrificus Somewhatus
(71,575 words) complete
“This is the story of how Voldemort and the tools he created to defy death were destroyed by Harry Potter and me while sitting in an empty Hogwarts classroom using Harry's idea, my design, and most importantly, our intent. Set during 6th Year.”
Fanfic: Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry Potter and the Unexpected Friend” by CaskettFan5
(143,919 words) complete
“During Chamber of Secrets, Harry finds a friend in someone he'd never thought about before. That was the beginning of an experience that opened his eyes to what he had been missing.”
Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Unexpected Friend Ch 1, Harry Potter
“The Grass Is Always Greener” by kb0
(100,620 words) complete
“During the second term of Harry’s sixth year, he ends up saving Daphne Greengrass from a fate worse than death. To repay him, she teaches him Occlumency and they get to know each other well enough to learn that labels are not always useful…”
Fanfic: The Grass Is Always Greener Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Days to Come” by chris400ad
(137,062 words) complete
“Harry Potter, famed auror and Boy-Who-Lived, was hoping after having won the war and got the girl he would find some peace. But life had other ideas. See how his life fell apart and how one simple chance encounter could change everything.”
Fanfic: Days to Come Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Contractual Invalidation” by R-dude
(90,127 words) complete
“In which pureblood tradition doesn't always favor the purebloods.”
Fanfic: Contractual Invalidation Ch 1, Harry Potter
“The Snake Within” by arkkitehti
(161,138 words) complete
“During the Christmas holidays of his fifth year Harry realizes that he should do something to keep things from spinning completely out of his control. He proceeds to make new allies and embraces his more Slytherin side to make use of his considerable resources.”
Fanfic: The Snake Within Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Moving On” by Xavras
(189,969 words) complete
“A chance encounter by two people in an unlikely place...a pub...and what follows... Starts 2 1/2 years after the Battle of Hogwarts... *this story DOES contain some Weasley bashing*”
Fanfic: Moving On Ch 1, Harry Potter
“The Lion Tamer” by James Spookie
(142,618 words) complete
“First in the Lion's Trilogy. Daphne likes Harry, and decides she wants to get to know him. Harry is receptive to her advances. Little do they know of how their blossoming relationship will change the course of fate.”
“If not for Umbridge” by chris400ad
(150,270 words) complete
“It might never have happened. In fact, it was a decision she nearly didn't make, and yet she did. See how everything can change when Dumbledore's Army recruits a Slytherin member, Daphne Greengrass, who just wanted to pass her O.W.L's.”
Fanfic: If not for Umbridge Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry Black Book” series by AuthorK
- Harry Black Book 1: The Hero’s Return (188,841 words) complete
- Harry Black Book 2: The Rising Darkness (227,890 words) complete
- Harry Black Book 3: The SPIRE (191,927 words) complete
- Harry Black Book 4: The Coming Dawn (93,698 words)
“Sirius had made a slew of different decisions that night he had arrived at Godric's Hollow. With Sirius' focus on Harry rather than revenge, a very different Boy-Who-Lived is going to make his return to the wizarding world at the age of 13. But the question is, why did Harry return so late? And will he still be the Hero the Wizarding World needs?”
Author: AuthorK
“On the Flip Side” series by MusicMelis
- On the Flip Side (113,166 words) complete
- On the Flip Side II- Uprising (84,159 words) complete
- On the Flip Side: Glimpses (27,674 words) complete
“After Harry runs away from his relative's during the summer and gets in a fight the first day of school, Snape argues that he needs to be watched more and have more guidance. His argument backfires when Dumbledore suggests Harry be in Slytherin for a term. Will Harry see another side to the Slytherins? And will Snape finally see the real Harry?”
Author: MusicMelis
“Harry Potter and the Slytherin Ice Queen” by Hugo L.R. Reed
(87,281 words) complete
“After Harry's name is released from the Goblet of Fire, only Hermione seems to believe he didn't enter himself, that is until a chance meeting one day by the great lake. What will become of a Gryffindor and Slytherin trying to be friends with each other?”
Fanfic: Harry Potter and the Slytherin Ice Queen Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Fine Spot of Trouble” by Chilord
(132,479 words) complete
“Post Book 7 AU; A little over six years have passed since the events that ended the second reign of Voldemort. Now, Harry Potter is the one that needs to be rescued. Rising to this challenge is... Draco Malfoy?”
Fanfic: A Fine Spot of Trouble Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Into the Snake Pit” by Byakugan89
(59,691 words) complete
“How would Harry's life be different if a single thing was changed? Little Harry Potter finds a new home and learns that things are not always as they appear. Dumbledore-bashing Weasley-bashing.”
Fanfic: Into the Snake Pit Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Dumbledore’s Apprentice” by PotterBlackRosier
(36,475 words)
“After the events of fifth year, Dumbledore agrees to train Harry as his apprentice. Meanwhile, Harry comes into his own as the head of multiple families and has to deal with a marriage contract.”
Fanfic: Dumbledore's Apprentice Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Dancing in the Green” by Pheonix Dawn
(35,786 words) complete
“Harry gets an unexpected date to the Yule Ball during the Tournament. Or rather, he gets ordered to be a girl's escort...”
Fanfic: Dancing in the Green, Harry Potter
105 notes · View notes
tundrainafrica · 4 years
1) about the social class headcanon that you write, that’s actually makes sense, but isn’t exactly what i meant. According to Isayama, Hange when she was young looked very much like Eren in the way of acting (even more with the titans), and (this part I am not sure if it is true) she lost her family at the fall of the maria wall. Eren looked like a rebellious teenager angry at everything, and recently I found out that depression in teenagers and children tends to manifest itself that way
2) (anger and rebellion), well, we know Eren was depressed (it only got worse with time) but what about Hange? seems to me she learned to hide her feelings so it wouldn't be between her and her job. We don't know her past, she probably didn't grow up in a violent place like Levi but it doesn't mean that her life was all joy and happiness you know.. 
---------------------------------------------   MY ANSWER   --------------------------------------
Hello Anon, 
Thank you again for your ask! Woops, sorry if I didn’t answer your  questions. I answered those two asks in a row so I ended up just building off of the last one. 
I don’t think it was ever confirmed if Hange lost her family at the fall of Wall Maria. I did some research and couldn’t find stuff on my end. If you could send me some on that, I’d love to read it.
I am aware at least that no one’s life is all joy or happiness. I think there is a difference though with growing up without ever having to consider your next meal and living in abject poverty. 
There are people who have had time to be a child and there are people who haven’t. So I think to a degree, Hange had more of a childhood than Levi. And a normal childhood is incredibly important for every single child. The early years are crucial because that’s where children build wonder, curiosity. That’s one of the psychological reasons behind children’s books. They make everything so fantastical to heighten the senses of the children. Because in fact, children only get full control of their senses later in life. Before they are even able to make sense of everything, everything is just a huge bubble or conglomeration of senses. That’s why children are so perceptive, imaginative and quick to learn things like languages. Their view of the world isn’t set yet by the rules and norms of the society they live in. 
That’s why asking children questions and exposing them to so many different things at a young age and providing for them is important. Children need to see the wonder of the world while not having to consider their next meal, their danger. A childhood is generally where curiosity and imaginative thinking is most easily built. 
And that’s why I say, that Hange somehow is a lot more curious, sees a lot more wonder than Levi. Similar to Erwin, he had a pretty comfortable existence, he went to a good school, he had a father who engaged him and that’s why Erwin was able to think beyond what was within the walls. Same for both Eren and Armin. Eren had his father who probably fed him some info and Armin had his parents books and his parents who were curious enough to build that hot air balloon
And, I know about that scene in the manga that explained that it was the lightness of the titan head that got Hange curious about titans. I think kicking the titan head was a good catalyst for titan research but I suspect that even before that, Hange was curious about the outside world. Hange’s interest extends beyond titans for sure because it was confirmed by Isayama already that Hange would have been studying botany outside the walls if it wasn’t for the titans. Also, the way Hange is handling the new world where she’s constantly on top of developments in Paradis etc, also shows that titans are only one facet of her scientist personality.
Besides, if she didn’t have that wonder and curiosity about the outside world, I don’t think she would have done something as ridiculous as join the survey corps in the first place.
“Eren looked like a rebellious teenager angry at everything, and recently I found out that depression in teenagers and children tends to manifest itself that way”
Although depression can manifest itself in anger, similar to Eren’s probably, there’s no exact formula for how humans react to anything. It’s incredibly complex that the field of psychology (or any other field) is just a conglomerate of people and a bunch of reports and the people trying to make sense of all the results of the experiments they made. This is particularly true in the social sciences where any findings won’t point to anything as exact as those in the pure sciences.  
Anger and rebellion could also stem from someone having grown up in a rich family with strict rules on how to go about this and that is generally how it fits into my head canon. Someone can have a good relationship with their family while at the same time have qualms about how they were raised. To be honest, I’m probably the same way. I grew up in a relatively well off family, I was a generally angry teenager but I admittedly have a generally positive relationship with my family. 
Okay to tackle the issue on depression
 <Trigger Warning on Depression>
I don’t want to be quick as to define any action or any emotional analysis as depression. Depression is an incredibly complex subject, there are biological causes, life events and it manifests itself in so many different ways. So many different ways in fact, that people are rarely diagnosed with just depression. There are always diagnoses which accompany it. 
To be honest, I went through a period in time also where I was considering ending it. I was sleeping a lot. I quit everything. I went straight home from school. Barely talked to anyone.  I talked to a counselor about it, then a therapist but it took them months before they wanted to give the diagnosis of depression. I actually never pushed through with the sessions after a while, got busy with school and eventually, this cleared up on its own weirdly. I’ll never know actually if I was depressed during that period in time. Was I going through very stressful life events, definitely. Were my answers to the tests they were giving me alarming then? Probably. They could have pointed to depression. But I generally got past it and am generally a happier person now without much intervention. So was it even considered depression? I’ll never know. Some people who are probably much stronger than me needed interventions to stay functional. They needed to make radical life decisions, like move out from their parents place, change their courses to keep going. They needed meds to keep functioning everyday. 
Depression is a complex and  terrifying condition and manifests itself in so many different ways. In fact, talking to some friends who really watched their life spiral down because of this shitty condition. Towards the later stages of depression, they weren’t even feeling anything anymore. 
Could Hange have been experiencing symptoms similar to depression? Definitely. General teenage anger and hormones can manifest as symptoms of depression. Grief can manifest with symptoms of  depression. Loss can manifest with symptoms of depression. Trauma can manifest with symptoms of depression. Hange will have experienced a lot of things that 
Note : Also Eren’s depression? I honestly think given the experiences he had, inheriting the founding titan and inheriting centuries worth of trauma, I think his experience is beyond fathomable for the average person so I chalk that as completely something else. 
Okay, to answer your question, Hange was probably not in the best mental state late into Season 4. 
Of course she wasn’t, she lost Moblit, she lost Erwin and suddenly she was pulled into a place with so much responsibility. And she was probably suffering from a case of survivor’s guilt on top of that.
Hiding emotions comes down a lot to discipline, self control and the general strength of your inhibitions.. Emotions are manageable like I could say, I have successfully stopped myself many times from punching someone in the face. Someone’s ability to stop themselves from acting on impulses, someone’s ability to manage their inhibitions is dependent on numerous factors like home environment etc. It is also dependent on the context of that moment where someone has to choose between punching someone in the face or walking away, on the context of that moment where people choose between lying in bed and letting the day go by and standing up and plastering a smile on their face. I guess, that’s the point I wanted to make in a previous post. If Hange did grow up rich, she probably found it a little easier, to plaster a smile on her face because not ever having to experience desperation at an early age, coming to the realization that you’ve had it easier than a lot of people growing up, can do that to people. 
But yes, towards the end of season 4, she was going through something. She was struggling, despite her smiling face. But really, in attack on titan, who is happy post chapter 122? Like I cannot think of a single person in that manga who is happy at that point. Please tell me if you can think of anyone. 
Would I chalk up Hange’s true feelings to depression?
Manifestations of depression maybe? Post traumatic stress? Stress with little time to process anything or rest? Exhaustion? Not being in the best mental state? Maybe.
I wouldn’t use the word depression definitely. 
Depression is an incredibly heavy world with so many implications. In fact, it’s a medical condition which needs to be diagnosed thus, I wouldn’t use that at all to describe anyone’s situation unless they have had multiple consultations with multiple doctors and have been laid a final diagnosis. 
I hope this clears things up.
Thank you for the ask again. I appreciate it :D
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lonestarbabe · 3 years
Learning to Speak
Chapter 1: Channeling the Noise
Moments of TK in therapy.
“Has anything important happened since your last session?” Melody Janson asks, a warm expression on her face. T.K.’s seen her for a couple of sessions already, but he’s still getting used to her therapy style. He’s been to a lot of therapists in his time, some of them good and some of them bad. He isn’t quite sure where Melody falls yet, but he likes her as a person, which is enough that he’s going to take the sessions semi-seriously, even if his willingness to share about himself is still limited. There are still some things that he can’t say and he’s not sure he will ever be able to say. He’s made peace with the antsiness of the things that go unsaid. The thwarted words bounce on his tongue like it’s a diving board and they are waiting to plunge into the icy waters of hard conversations.
“Depends what you consider important.” He pinches his lips together. He continues when she doesn’t say anything. “I don’t know. It’s been the same mostly. For all the action I experience, my life is boring most of the time.” Boredom is one of the things that makes him want to use, so he craves the moments of action, but there are never enough of them. He could tell her about calls he’d had on the job— like the baby in the tree—but he hadn’t done a whole lot in that rescue. The brunt of the work had been all his dad, ever the hero, and T.K. doesn’t feel like bringing up his dad because Melody always hones in on that topic. As nice as she is, she’s a vulture when it comes to certain discussions, which is probably what he needs, but he doesn’t want to need it. Some days he loves therapy, and other days, he hates it.
“Have you still been feeling restless?”
“Since birth,” he jokes. “I don’t know how to keep myself busy. Time is slower when I am sober. I only used oxy that once, but it feels like it’s sent me a million steps back.” One slip up, and he feels like he’s ruined everything. It feels like things will never be back to normal, and how can they be? He’s moved across the country to a hot and stuffy place that lacks the cool veneer of New York City. He misses Manhattan nights already. He doesn’t need stars. The New York skyline has always been more dazzling, and since he was a kid, it told T.K. stories that the constellations could never tell. New York may not be a natural wonder, but it’s a wonder nevertheless.
“Progress can be slow and isn’t always linear,” Melody reminds him. “How have the urges to use substances been?”
T.K. shifts in his seat. The urges are there, and that’s enough to send a wave of self-hate through T.K. It bothers him that he’ll never rid himself of those urges. He can lessen them, but he can’t stop them from existing. “Okay, I guess. They’ve been more manageable lately. I’m still fucked up, but I always will be.” Melody raises her eyebrows at “fucked-up,” and he knows it’s not because she’s concerned about his foul-mouth. He can tell she’s noting that to talk about later.
“What techniques have you been using to keep them manageable?” He has a whole toolbox of techniques that he’s collected from various stints in therapy, but some of them have become rusty, and it’s taking time to make them usable after neglecting them.
“I’ve been able to notice when I feel on edge more.” It’s like looking at the radar to predict a storm. He was never able to do that before. He’d always ignored that feeling of creeping closer to a cliff until he was staring down at the abyss below and gravity pulled him over.
“Sounds like you’re learning a lot about yourself. When I saw you in our last session, you were very on edge. You said you were feeling antsy about being in Austin. How are you feeling this week about being here?”
“It’s never going to be home, but I’m getting used to this place. I’m not getting lost as much, and it has a weird charm.”
Melody understands what he means immediately. “Yeah, it sure does. Have you been keeping up with thought-behavior logging?” The thought-behavior log is a worksheet that she gives him each week to explore how certain situations can lead to beliefs that produce unhealthy behaviors and negative feelings.
T.K. nods. “I’ve been filling it out, but I don’t know that it’s doing anything.”
“You did say that you were more aware of when you felt anxious. That’s progress. Did you make any helpful observations when you were logging your information? Even something small can be important.”
“That distractions are good for me.” Getting his mind off what was wrong with him is the best way to pretend that he was okay. He isn’t sure if that was an unhealthy way of coping or not. Knowing himself, it probably leaned towards unhealthy.
“What kind of distractions do you mean?”
“Anything I can find.” Anything but that one thing that he shouldn’t do, shouldn’t even think about.
“What’s the first one that comes to mind?” She’s persistent enough that she can get past the resistance that T.K. can’t help but have when some tries to get to know him.
“I met a guy— Carlos— and he’s been keeping me busy enough that I can keep my impulses in check.” He adds, “It doesn’t hurt that he’s hot. Between seeing Carlos and my job, I don’t have too much time to think. I can’t be tempted if I don’t have tempting thoughts. It’s a win-win.” T.K. is enjoying the no-strings relationship he has with Carlos. He’s glad they haven’t decided to complicate things by defining a relationship. He’s not ready for a real relationship. He gets attached too fast and that only leads to heartbreak.
“So these distractions are the main tool you use to stay sober?”
“I guess. It’s been working so far. I haven’t relapsed.” He’s thought about substances— a lot— but he hasn’t acted on those thoughts. He doesn’t let himself be proud of that fact because staying sober never should have been a challenge to begin with.
“I think that would be a good topic to add to our session today. But before we dig too deep into that, I want to know what else you’d like to cover today. Is there anything you think we need to talk about beyond this new relationship and the other distractions you may have going on?”
“It’s not a relationship,” T.K. tells her. “It’s… complicated.” T.K. chuckles to himself. “I’m sure you’ll want to unpack that.” So much to unpack, so little time.
“You’re as much responsible for our agenda as I am.” He doesn’t want that responsibility. He wants someone to shove him through this process as quickly as possible so that he doesn’t have to think about it anymore, but Melody has explained how important it is that he takes an active role in the process, so he’s trying to meet her halfway.
“I guess we can add it. It can’t hurt.”
“Okay, T.K.,” she says, “I think we should also touch on how you’ve been feeling about your sobriety.”
“We can talk about it, but I’m feeling fine.” He’s not happy, but it’s not like he’s ready to swallow a handful of pills— again. He wants to be sober. He wants to be alive. I’m good.
“You seem apathetic about most of these topics,” Melody observes. “Why do you think that is?”
“It’s just been that kind of week.” Work’s been hard. He isn’t sure what to think of his new coworkers yet. He likes them, but he doesn’t know them yet. It doesn’t take long for firefighters to bond with how much time they spend together, but T.K. is overwhelmed with having to basically reset his whole life and try to make sense of his new situation.
“What kind of week is that?” Therapy is a lot of questions, so many questions.
“The kind where I don’t want to think.” He wants to clear his mind and forget he exists because that’s easier than having to sort through the influx of feelings that he has. It’s the perfect kind of mood for substances to creep in and screw everything up.
“I see. Is something weighing on your mind?”
T.K. shrugs both shoulders. “Just the usual stuff. Work, getting used to this crazy place. I haven’t slept well.”
“Have you been having trouble adjusting?”
“It’s hard not knowing anyone. I’m good with people, so I can fit in, but it’s still hard. ” He puts on a big smile and acts like his normal goofy self and that seems to endear other people enough, but it doesn’t bring them too close. He’s not sure if he’s ready to get too close.
“That’s something we can explore some more because you’ve expressed in past sessions feeling like you don’t have a good support system here in Austin.”
“Another item on the agenda?”
She nods, a pleasant look on her face. “Does what we have sound like enough?”
“We’ve got a lot on the agenda,” T.K. says with a sigh. “So, yeah, sounds like enough.”
“You always rise to the challenge. Remember that we can always be flexible to suit your needs, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.”
“Let me ask, what is the most important of these items for you, T.K.?”
“Let’s start with the distraction thing,” T.K. tells her because he’s not sure where he wants to begin and the first thing on the list seems easy enough. Might as well just knock them out in order. “Or the guy thing. They’re pretty much the same topic.” His heart gets fluttery when he thinks of Carlos, and he’s not sure if it’s in a bad way or a good one.
“Okay, the male distraction. Do you want to tell me about him?”
“His name is Carlos. I met him on a call.”
“What do you like about him?” He’s nice to me. He has the best smile. He was the first person who made me forget that I was an outsider in Austin.
“I think the sex might be better than drugs.” He says the sex part before thinking about it, and then he feels weird because he’s talking about his sex life with a woman he barely knows. He’s always been pretty open about that kind of thing, a trait he inherited from his parents, but it’s different in a clinical setting. The faded, geometrically-patterned chair feels stiff under him like it’s judging him.
Melody’s face doesn’t change from neutral. “What about sex is satisfying to you?” Everything. T.K. doesn’t really believe that sex is better than drugs, but it is close and it helps him to pretend that it is better than drugs. Sex is a release. It allows him to escape his head for a while and give in to his carnal urges. “Like I said, it’s a distraction.”
“What does it distract you from?” Everything.
“If I think about it too hard, that defeats the purpose of distraction, doesn’t it?” He doesn’t like to use the words addict or drugs or substances, which probably doesn’t bode well when drugs are what got him in therapy in the first place, but at the end of the day, the drugs are a symptom of the feelings he has that he can’t deal with. Those stiff words hang in the air and then he keeps thinking about them, and if he thinks about them, he figures that he’ll give in eventually, and he doesn’t want to give in. He doesn’t want to disappoint his dad, lose his job, or hurt anyone else. He doesn’t care much about himself, but the way his addiction impacts other people holds him back when he’s on the edge between resiting and relapsing. Sometimes, it is enough. Other times, it is not.
“What do you think will happen if you talk about it?”
“I’ll lose control?” Control— that sounds deep and pathological, and therapists like that, right? He’d had a therapist who had been obsessed with the control thing, so he ran with the idea, thinking it was something he could hurry Melody through. His real answer is somewhere behind a wall in his mind that he doesn’t want to peak through let alone tear down. He keeps a lot behind that wall, just beyond the point of easy access. It’s a cluttered wasteland, but with the wall, he doesn’t have to look at the mess of life. He can pretend it’s not there, and if he can’t easily access it, he won’t think about it.
“Lose control of what?” she pushes him.
“Just in general,” T.K. tries.
“What is it about control that alarms you so much?” she asks again, and the question is oddly unsettling as flashes of him being high or drunk rush through his mind. He brought this up, and now he’s regretting the can of worms he’s popped open thinking it was just a normal can. He suddenly and ironically feels like he’s lost control of this line of thought. He should have thought this through, but he didn’t. That’s what he’s always done; he didn’t look before he leaped. He’s not afraid of losing control, he realizes with dread. He’s afraid of taking control. Maybe Dr. Bundting wasn’t such a quack about this control thing after all.  There’s something alluring about spiraling. He disarms himself so that no one can do it for him. He hands his life over to substances so that he doesn’t have to take the reigns and navigate through it himself.
T.K. crosses his arms over his chest. “No one likes to lose control.” Except for freaks like me. T.K. feels his chest clench, and his heart is pounding.
“The question seems to bother you. Was there something I said that made you uncomfortable?”
“It’s complicated.” Complicated is the way T.K.’s life works. Nothing is clear-cut, and it makes deciding what the fuck he is doing with his life eight million times harder.
“Can you explain what makes it so complicated?”
“It’s weird,” he tries, but Melody has never been stopped by that excuse before, so he’s not sure why he thinks it will work now.
“Austin is weird,” Melody says with a reassuring smile. “We like weird here.”
T.K. takes a breath. “I used to lose control all the time, and it didn’t bother me. I liked being out of my mind and not caring about anything.”
“And how does it make you feel about yourself when you’re in that state of mind?”
He swallows. “Like I’m defective.” He adds a laugh so it doesn’t sound so pathetic. “But also like I’m alive. It takes away the worries for a while.” He shakes his head. “But, mostly defective.”
“You remember how we talked about core beliefs?”
T.K. rolls his eyes. “I’ve been hearing that word for years.”
“Then you probably know where I am going with this. What makes you think you’re defective?”
“I can’t do things that normal people can.”
“What can’t you do?”
“Handle things in a normal way. When anything goes wrong, I spin out.”
“You’ve been managing your cravings. That doesn’t seem like spinning out to me.”
“It’s more of a feeling, and then the feeling is what makes me want to do things that I shouldn’t.”
“Can you define what ‘spinning out’ means to you?” Wanting to give in and wreck my life just to escape my head for a while.
“I go crazy. My mind starts to race, and before I can think better of it, I’m doing something dumb.” He hates to think about all the stupid things he’s done just because he doesn’t have the mental clarity to resist those impulsive urges.
“What kind of ‘dumb’ actions are you referring to?”
“Relapsing, fighting, fucking up opportunities— those kinds of things.”
“You called those actions dumb, so can you tell me what do those actions have to do with your intelligence?” Because I am an idiot who can’t control himself.
“Because I should know better than to do them. That’s pretty dumb, right?”
“You seem to use that kind of language a lot about yourself. Do you think addiction or mental illness makes someone dumb?”
“I know it makes me dumb.” My mistakes could have all been avoided if I only used my head.
“Okay, so your addiction makes you feel dumb, but if you saw my other patients behaving because of their illnesses, would you call them dumb? Or did your dad’s PTSD, for example, make him dumb?”
“He went through a lot, so it makes sense that he would react in the way he did. He wasn’t acting dumb, not really. He was just trying to survive after a shitty situation put his life in danger.”
“And what’s different about you? When you talk about your dad, you blame the circumstances, but when you talk about yourself, you attack your core characteristics.”
“I made choices. That’s what created his problems. My dad was powerless. Something happened to him while I happened to me.”
“I’m all for taking accountability, but don’t you think you’re showing yourself none of the mercy that you offer your dad or other important people in your life?”
“He deserves that.” I don’t.
“What has he done to deserve that? You’ve talked about how his actions hurt you, so why do you forgive him for those actions that hurt you but not your own actions that hurt you?”
“There’s nothing to forgive. He never meant to hurt you.”
“Did you mean to hurt yourself?” she prods.
“I tried to…” T.K. trailed off. “I nearly died.”
“If you got to choose how you feel, would you choose to hurt?”
“No. Who would?”
“So, that brings me back to the question, why can you forgive others more easily than yourself.”
“It hurts me more not to forgive him.”
“Does it not hurt you more to not forgive yourself?”
“Because maybe he’s not perfect, but I’ve burdened him with my issues, so I owe him forgiveness. It’s not his fault that I’m overly sensitive or whatever. He made mistakes.” But I am the mistake. “But he’s a hero, and the hero’s kid always has to make room for the heroics, but I was always too selfish to see that..” T.K. doesn’t mention how he still has a kernel of resentment for Owen, one that he has never been able to forgive away.
“What about you? You save people every day. Aren’t you a hero? If being a hero is why you are merciful with your dad, shouldn’t you extend that to yourself?”
“Yeah, but it’s my job to save people, and I haven’t sacrificed anything to help others. My dad lost his whole crew on 9/11. That’s a sacrifice.” What about my loss? the childish part of him wants to say, but he’s learned that that part of him is the one that drives him further from his dad. When he lets his inner child say his piece, the tension between T.K. and Owen smothers any goodwill they’ve forced into existence through years of close proximity and the common goal of saving other people’s lives.
“It takes sacrifice to be a hero?”
“Yeah, if you don’t lose anything from doing something, it’s not a big deal.”
“You sacrificed many moments with your Dad. You sacrifice time and energy at your job. Wouldn’t that make you a hero too under your definition?”
“It’s not like I had a choice.”
“Why not?”
“Firefighting was the only thing I’ve ever considered.”
“Okay, and why’s that?”
“Because I knew it was what I wanted.” He didn’t need to think. While other kids his age had been debating what they wanted to be, he never had to make that grueling decision. He just knew. My fate had been decided for me already, and it was nice not to have to think about what kind of future I wanted. It had always been written for me.
“What was it that you wanted?” A dad.
“To be like my dad.”
“And are you like him?”
“Not in any of the good ways.” T.K.’s sure that he and Owen are both headstrong. They’re both passionate and like grand gestures. T.K. knows that he’s a lot like his Dad but not in the ways that would make him proud.
“In what ways aren’t you like him?”
“Well, for one, I’m constantly making bad decisions. I nearly died before I came here, remember? I was so dumb. What was I trying to accomplish by nearly killing myself?”
“You’re back to using the word ‘dumb.’ Do you know the early meaning of dumb?”
“Probably not,” T.K. admits.
“In Old English, it referred to someone who was mute.”
“Yeah, and?”
“And people conflated the inability to speak with the lack of intelligence. Dumb was a word used to degrade and mock those who couldn’t speak because other people didn’t understand muteness”
“What’s that got to do with me?”
“While the behaviors that result because of your mental illness may feel dumb as in stupid, you’re conflating your inability to speak with the lack of intelligence. Mental illness doesn’t rob you of your intelligence; it robs you of your ability to speak and communicate your feelings. Your ‘dumb’ behaviors are attempts at communication, but in these sessions, we figure out how you can break your silence.
“So I’m learning how to talk to people?”
“Not just how to talk to people but also how to talk to yourself. Your self-dialogue fuels your feelings and behaviors, so if we can change that dialogue, we can change your experiences with the world. What I want to accomplish with you goes beyond just talking.  What I’m teaching you is how to communicate healthily, which can come in more forms than just verbal language. There are lots of ways to speak, and what you need to do is find the ones that work for you.” Melody’s words linger with T.K. as he carries on the session, and he wonders if happiness is that easy. Is it nothing more than learning to speak?
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babi-correia · 4 years
Finding Fire (Part 5)
Words: 1345 Warnings: None (?) Pairing: TBD 
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Sinclair, is the rope secure?"
"Yes, Lieutenant!" He answers. With that, you jump off the bridge and into the river below.
The water rushes into your ears as you plunge. You open your eyes underwater, looking for any sign of the girl before coming to the surface for air. 
"Espino!" You shout out, and his head peeks from the bridge. "Keep your eyes peeled for a girl down here!"
"Yes, Lieutenant!" He shouts back, his head darting as he tried to find the girl.
You take a deep breath before diving again, swimming downwards and looking around for any signs of the girl. You spot something pink towards the bottom of the river and dive deeper, fearing for the worst. Then, when you look to your right you see murky water rippling. 
You go back up briefly, taking a lung full of air before swimming to your right for a bit and diving again. You see the little girl, not older than 4, staring back at you while struggling to get back to the surface and grab her arm, pulling her up and raising her above you as you breached the surface, hearing everyone on the bridge cheer.
"Pull me up now!" You shout, tugging on the rope and helping the little girl cough out some water. The rope tugs you back towards the bridge and you brace yourself against one of the pillars, pulling the little girl onto your chest as you climb partially hoisted by the rope. 
When you're back on the bridge you hand the girl to the paramedics and take the towel Thorton gives you, undoing your bun and patting your hair as dry as it will go. 
"Alright," Severide calls out, making you turn to him. "We'll help with the clean-up, you guys get back to the firehouse."
"C'mon Severide, both trucks are almost off shift, we can help you and go home." You negotiate, but he shakes his head.
"We've already swept the road and everything, all that's missing is the tow truck for the car. Go home (Y/L/N)."
You and your crew get in the truck and make the drive back to the firehouse, enjoying the silence for a bit. When you reach the firehouse, you exit the truck and make a beeline towards the locker room with the intent of showering quickly before you could get home to settle for the night. 
You stop in front of your locker, removing your civilian clothes and a towel,  rolling your shoulders. A quick shower now, a full pampering session after dinner when you got home, and you can already feel the blissful sleep you'll have. 
"Hey, (Y/L/N)!" You hear Casey call, turning around with a slump on your shoulders. "You have no date for the gala?"
"I'm going with Sylvie and Emily, actually." You smile, and he looks amused. 
"So, if I was to ask you if I could take you, you'd say no?" He asks. You raise a brow. "As a friend."
"I don't want to ditch my friend like that." 
"Fine by us!" Sylvie pops in, grabbing an abandoned bag from the bench and winking at you. "But we're still doing the glam session at your house."
"I-" You start, but as fast as she came, she's gone. The dumbfounded look on your face must be obvious.
"So?" Casey asks, the expectation clear in his voice. You step forward, looking up at him and he raises a brow. "What are you doing?"
"I'm checking what size heels I can wear." You smirk at him, turning back around to head to the showers. "7.45 PM at my place, and we're taking my car."
Saturday you wake up in a startle, reaching for your phone as it rings. 
"Hello?" You answer groggily, receiving no reply. "Hello?" 
You look at the screen, seeing it was an unknown number calling you. 
"You know what, fuck off." You cuss, declining the call. The watch on your phone shows 2.26 PM, and you are over the moon at how much sleep you were able to get. 
You heat up the left-over food from dinner and eat it, with the TV on as background noise. Your ears perk up when you hear something about a rescue.
"Just yesterday afternoon, a car accident took place on the bridge on W. Lawrence Avenue. A small family of 3, but upon arrival, the firefighters were only able to find the parents on the car, their 4-year-old daughter Emily nowhere to be seen. Thanks to the quick thinking of the two crews from Firehouse 51, they quickly realized what had happened: little Emily had been projected." You cringe as it cuts to amateur video from the rescue, showing you stripping your turnout and cutting to you diving into the river. "In the footage, we see Lieutenant (Y/N) (Y/L/N), commander of Truck 21, diving into the river in a desperate effort to rescue the innocent child."
"Desperate, my ass." You mumble, glaring at the TV. "Everything was calculated, even though I'm bad at math."
"A few minutes of restlessness pass, with the Lieutenant searching for the child, before she turns up victorious, holding the child as she resurfaces. Another successful rescue from the Chicago Fire Department." You scoff at the news anchor, chewing on a potato. "Which brings us to the next bit of news. Tonight, a fundraiser gala is the highlighted event, with its' profits going to the Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Police Department, and Chicago Med. It will take place at Artifact Events-"
You turn off the TV, putting your dish and cutlery on the dishwasher before going back upstairs into your room to gather your outfit. 
Opening your closet, the glistening red silky fabric almost jumps out at you, and you pull it out, laying it out on top of your bed and smoothing it out. It's a dress you wore once to a wedding and it had been collecting dust ever since; off-shoulder with a drop-down neckline, fitting snuggly from your chest to your hips and droopy from there to the floor. 
You go to your closet again, opening the jewelry drawer and pulling out a simple zirconia necklace, earring, and bracelet set, setting it next to the dress. 
The doorbell ringing snaps you out of whatever trance had taken over and you tie your robe, going down the stairs and opening the front door to find Sylvie, Emily, and Stella, holding a bottle of champagne each.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sylvie squeals as you step aside to let them inside. She hands you the champagne bottle before turning on her heels. "I'm going to get our dresses and stuff." 
You guide Emily and Stella to your kitchen, putting two of the champagne bottles on the fridge and setting the third one on the counter while you grabbed some fancy glasses. Stella pops the cork and pours the champagne on the glasses while you grab an ice bowl to put the bottle in upstairs. 
Sylvie comes back inside, closing the door with her foot, and the three of you meet her in the hallway, you holding both your and her glasses, and Stella and Emily take some things from her, beginning to climb the stairs. 
"It's the last door on your left!" You instruct, following behind them. 
"It's a pretty good house (Y/N), damn." Stella remarks, nodding. 
"Thanks! I inherited it from family I didn't know I had and just refurbished it." You say, smiling. "Got lucky."
"Oh wow is that your dress?" Emily asks, looking at the dress on your bed. "All eyes are gonna be on you!"
"Something tells me she's only interested in the eyes of her date." Sylvie says, wiggling her eyebrows. "You're gonna kill him, girl."
"We're just friends, stop putting it like that." You chuckle. "He only asked me to go with him because Stella has a big mouth and he overheard and probably felt bad for me. New girl and all that."
Sylvie laughs, setting their things down. 
"Do you wear glasses? You should."
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bewakoof-blogs · 3 years
15 Best Bollywood Actresses Without Makeup Nailed The Natural Look
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If you think celeb beauties would never and cannot bare it all, you’re about to be proven wrong. This is an ode to every bollywood actresses without makeup that was brave enough to flaunt her flaws!
Bollywood Beauties! Ahh who doesn’t want to be a Bollywood beauty or atleast look half as good as them. Welp, their beauty comes at a great price- healthy diets, extensive beauty routines, expensive treatments and a lot more. Like Queen Bey said “Pretty Hurts”!
It's not everyday you see an actress without makeup. They have a certain image of beauty to live upto, people expect them to be flawless porcelain dolls, every minute of their life. Keeping up with such expectations comes with a heavy price and it's not easy.
Here's a list of 15 incidences when a Bollywood actress stepped out without makeup or minimal makeup and showed the paparazzi that their camera didn't matter and absolutely slayed their natural look.
We applaud these celebrities without makeup, for giving unrealistic beauty standards a Big Finger!
From airports to gyms and everywhere in between, these actresses have time and again bared it all and beautifully!
Bollywood Actresses Without Makeup
1. Deepika Padukone Without Makeup Is Still A Queen!
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This long-legged bombshell is a perfectionist- with thick eyebrows perfectly lined in shape, her chiseled cheeks highlighted and lips colored pretty, everytime she makes a public appearance she is impressively dressed to the T! Dressed in a casual grey 3/4th sleeves t-shirt with a tan side bag and no makeup, Deepika is seen keeping her style simple, comfortable and classy.
You’ll hardly see this actress without makeup. Only on a blue moon would you see Deepika at her raw best but when she bares it all, she certainly is not afraid of flaunting her natural beauty, she wears it proudly!
Honestly with her smooth, shiny tan Deepika padukone without makeup is just as beautiful as deepika with makeup.
2. If You’re Born with It, Wear It Like Anushka Sharma Without Makeup!
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Anushka’s dewy, lush skin speaks for itself. She’s one of the few lucky people who are genetically gifted in the beauty department.
Tbh Anushka sharma without makeup is healthy skin-spiration!
It’s not unusual to see her sport the #NoMakeup look. From red carpet events to casual public appearances, Anushka is seen keeping it simple with minimal makeup and opting for fresh looks all the time. Solid color tees paired with basic denim pants and white shoes apparently turn out to be Anushka’s mantra for her stylish airport looks. It’s a rarity to see her wear heavy makeup, this beauty is not about the OTT life.
3. Sonam Kapoor Without Makeup Makes It Up With Her Fly Style!
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This ‘Fashion Royalty’ has Expensive written all over her, in bold!
Popular for her unconventional, avant-garde, unique style, this B-town beauty doesn’t shy away from getting raw and filter free in front of the camera. Thus sonam kapoor without makeup is a frequent feature on her instagram too.
This fashionista knows exactly how to slay a no-makeup look. Spotted in a grey checkered power pantsuit with oversized black shades to hide the eyes and a brown handbag, Sonam Kapoor makes a powerful statement and absolutely nobody even notices her bare face. Lately one can witness Sonam Kapoor posting no filter and no makeup looks on her instagram profile making her support for raw and bare-faced looks more prominent.
4. Alia Bhatt Without Makeup- Young, Fresh & Healthy!
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Nobody does casual as cool as Alia!  Spotted in a black t-shirt, Alia almost always has fresh glowing skin and with a charming smile like hers, makeup is not a necessity. Alia’s young, healthy skin is a result of power juices, a healthy diet and extensive exercise sessions with Yasmin Karachiwala.
It’s not often that you see heroines without makeup but she being the carefree millennial that she is, Alia Bhatt without make up is a common sight and if you’re lucky you might just run into her on a walk around town!
5. Priyanka Chopra Without Makeup, Owns It Like A Boss!
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A patron of natural beauty and embracing flaws, Priyanka chopra has never turned face from giving the world a taste of her glam.
She is often seen gracing posters and magazine covers without makeup, she is unafraid of criticism and can handle whatever’s thrown her way. One to defy norms both social and beauty, Priyanka Chopra without makeup still rules our hearts and the style scene.
This Boss Lady owns her flaws!
6. Kareena Kapoor Without Makeup is Literally BAE!
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When you’re born with good skin,silky hair and beautiful eyes, do you even have to worry about what you look like?
Bebo sure seems to not bother much about makeup! Often spotted in round neck full sleeves t-shirts or a tank top with skin fit jeggings, sports shoes and a high ponytail, Kareena Kapoor without makeup still lives up to widely acceptable Indian standards of beauty. It’s not out of the ordinary to see her go ‘au natural’.
Whether it’s a workout sesh at Bandra or a beach vacation in the Maldives, taking a break from makeup sure seems easy for this Diva.
7. Katrina Kaif Without Makeup Serves Freshness!
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You’d hardly ever see Katrina Kaif wearing heavy makeup. One to levitate to softer looks -  even in movies, at red carpet events or high profile weddings this actress has time and again shown the world that she doesn’t rely much on makeup.
The Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara actress Katrina Kaif, without makeup is everything that every woman wants to be. She has a clear, blemish-free, fresh skin that anybody would kill for and is often seen flaunting her hot-bod and post-workout clear skin in Bandra.
8. Shraddha Kapoor Without Makeup Makes Me Believe In Herbal Tea!
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Maybe detoxicating does do your skin wonders because Shraddha Kapoor without makeup is like a ray of light on a dark night! A healthy lifestyle advocate, Shraddha sure seems to be practising what she preaches! Often spotted donning a comfy crop top and joggers, Shradhha Kapoor never fails to flaunt her glowing skin and beautiful smile in front of the cameras.
You don’t just stumble upon fresh, dewy and glowing skin. Sometimes you have to work for it, work hard for it!
9. Jacqueline Fernandez Without Makeup Is A Winner!
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Jacqueline’s happy and energetic laugh is enough to make one fall in love with her, her long luscious locks and beautiful face are like a cherry on top.
Even when Jacqueline Fernandez steps out without makeup, her positivity and happy spirit reflect on her face. She’s winning our hearts and giving us the confidence to embrace our perfectly imperfect skin.
10. Madhuri Dixit Without Makeup, Can Give Actresses A Run For Their Money!
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This evergreen actress is the epitome of classic Bollywood charm! This B-town Mohini  (enchantress) has enticed Indian audiences with her beauty over two decades and is still ruling hearts.
A champion of healthy living and keeping fit, she dances her way to organic beauty. Known for her impeccable style and charismatic smile, Madhuri Dixit is a perfect example of beauty with brains. Unafraid of what her critics have to say, Madhuri Dixit without makeup often makes appearances at dance sessions and public events alike.
11. Hina Khan Without Makeup Gets Honestly Bare-Faced!
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ou have to be really brave to be able to go bare faced everyday for months on national T.V. especially when you're a much-adored celebrity from the silver screen.
Well Hina Khan without makeup was a regular on our tv sets during her stint on Big Boss. Her workout looks are so well put together, that they serve as an inspiration to all for opting a healthy diet and a perfect fitness regime. The television actress Hina Khan doesn’t shy when it comes to putting out her transformation pictures or no makeup workout selfies.
12. Kajol Without Makeup  Is Carefree! Well, She’s Always Carefree!
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This Bollywood actress is known for her zesty, feisty personality. She speaks her mind and has made her strong opinions about celebrity airport looks and all the efforts that go into creating eventful celebrity looks quite clear. She really isn’t about all that effort. Mother of two, Kajol likes to keep her look minimal and yet never fails to take us by awe with her zealous nature.
Naturally it’s not really a big deal to see Kajol without makeup. It’s no big deal to her, shouldn’t be to us either right?
Nevertheless, she’s beautiful.
13. Do It Like Sunny! Sunny Leone Without Makeup - A Heartthrob!
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Sunny Leone is blessed with good skin and beautiful eyes. You will often see Sunny Leone without makeup especially during her workout routines that she usually shares with her fans online. Apart from that she is often spotted at airports wearing full sleeve tops and distressed jeans carefully paired with bomber jackets and sneakers. She often shares pictures with her kids and husband Daniel Weber on Instagram while enjoying her casual days out in L.A and Mumbai.  
Even dressed at her simplest, she reflects positivity and a natural glow!
14. Kajal Agarwal Without Makeup Is Super Casual Chic!
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It's not unusual to see a Tamil actress without makeup, they are pretty famous for sporting natural looks.
Kajal Aggarwal without makeup is a common sight around town, she is often caught at her casual best on outings with friends and family. We must say she slays casual like no other celebrity! Known for opting a fuss-free casual look, it is evident from Kajal Aggarwal’s Instagram profile that she likes to chill in comfy yet stylish crop tops and track pants.
15. Sara Ali Khan Without  Makeup or With, Is Always A Charmer!
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Making her Bollywood debut with Kedarnath, this fresh-faced beauty has certainly inherited good looks from her mother. Almost a young clone of her mumma, Sara Ali Khan without makeup has a fresh charm that no other actress can match right now. Despite being new to Bollywood, Sara Ali Khan has already got herself quite a fan base because of her chirpy and carefree attitude towards most things in life. Known for her famous “ Namaste”, Sara is often seen flaunting her carefree side by choosing comfy denim pants and round neck tees or sweatshirts while traveling.
Even at her simplest, in a plain suit and no makeup at all, Sara Ali Khan is a pretty spectacle.
Everything said and done, there’s no denying that these actresses are just as prepossessing with or without a made-up face. Take inspiration from your favourite Bollywood actresses without makeup, go makeup free and embrace your natural beauty and don't let anyone else tell you what's best for you.
What your critics say ,don’t matter! How you feel about yourself is all that does. So love yourself girl!
Source: https://www.bewakoof.com/blog/actress-without-makeup
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scribbles97 · 4 years
Left Behind - Chapter 44
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
And now I get to whump Scotty :D 
It was just a relief to be able to sit down and kick off her shoes, their three days in New York as busy as they could possibly be, but equally productive. The meeting with the company that owned the Calypso had been long on their first day, pushing through both lunch and dinner until persuasion had finally won and she and Scott had gotten what they had wanted. Cost, as always had been the main issue. Even though Hiram had done that calculations, sworn that the ship had more than enough reserves to sustain both the two crew on board as well as Jeff, the company had wanted it back as soon as possible. Future endeavours and projects would have to be delayed until its return they had insisted.
Lucy would have put any number on the bank transfer if it meant they would agree.
Physio had been the order the second morning, leaving her exhausted for the rest of the day but still determined to actually spend some quality time with her boys before the youngest four returned home for duty. Hiring out a cinema for a family evening in had been something none of them had realised they had needed, away from the looming threat of a call out, and the rest of the household unintentionally interrupting. Just her, and her five boys.
Catching up on business had taken over much of the third day, followed by a late physio session. Between them, Scott and Hugh seemed to have a pretty good handle on things. It had surprised her just how much Scott had picked up in the weeks she had been out of it. Not that she would be surprised if he was ready to hand back control, the endless lists of reports and signatures exhausting to only think about.
“Are you sure you’re alright with me going out tonight?” the son in question asked her as he turned to the kitchen of the apartment, “If you’re struggling after physio I can--”
“No!” She exclaimed, pushing herself up from where she had flopped on the sofa to glare at him wide eyed, “You are not blowing off your date for me young man!”
He chuckled as he poured two mugs of coffee adding cream to one before crossing back to the lounge, “Alright, alright. I’ll have my phone on though, if you need anything you promise to call?”
She resisted the urge to swat at him as she accepted the coffee, “I’m stiff after physio, not old and decrepit.” Nodding, Scott perched on the coffee table, looking down to his own mug with a shrug, “I just don’t want you to overdo it. Not when we’ve only just got you back.”
Reaching out to him, she smiled as she squeezed his arm, “I promise, I’m not going to hurt myself.”
As he had said, she was just getting back into things, she wasn’t going to let anything happen to set herself back. Not for so long as she could help it.
“I did want to ask though,” She started, keeping hold of his arm until Scott met her eye, “Do you want me to take things back? The business, the kill codes?”
His shoulders fell as he glanced down to his mug, head tilting slightly to one side as he obviously thought about the offer. She hadn’t expected it to take much thought, Scott was a man of action, much preferring being out in the field than sat in an office somewhere filing paperwork.
“I actually like it,” He admitted looking back up with a shrug.
Something must have shown on her face as he laughed and nodded, “I know, it’s a surprise to me too.”
“Hang on,” She stopped him, “Which bit are we talking about here?”
Shrugging again Scott looked to the floor length window of the lounge, “Both. I mean, I know I always said I didn’t want to be part of the business when I was younger, but now… I dunno, now it’s been forced on me, it kind of feels like my calling.”
She knew there was more as he scratched the back of his head, “I was actually looking at doing a college course come new year.”
“Hang on,” She shook her head, “You’re not just saying all this to take the weight off of me, are you? Or because you think it’s expected of you? We’re past the era of business being inherited by the first born you know? The only reason it went to you was because the injury was something I could recover from.”
Frowning at her, Scott tilted his head again, “So you want it back?”
Stumped she gaped, trying to find an answer. The business was effectively her second baby, born not long after her pregnancy with Scott had forced her from the Air Force. Of course she never would have minded one or more of the boys taking over the reigns some day, but she had let go of that hope when IR had formed and each of the boys had shown a clear preference for where their future lay.
“I--” She started, frowning and shaking her head.
Scott sighed, looking down, “You don’t think I’m qualified enough to keep it do you?”
“No!” She exclaimed, knowing that was anything but the truth, “Scott! I just…” She took a breath, calming herself briefly and taking the second to get her thoughts in order.
“I thought today how good you were at it son.” She smiled, reaching to squeeze his arm again, “You’ve got that charisma that can put anyone in the palm of your hand. Maybe you don’t know everything yet, but if you’re willing to go back to college for it, then I’ll talk to the board -- heck-- we can talk to the board. Up until now the decision has been down to them who inherits the CEO title,” She held up a finger as he went to protest, “But! Only because I didn’t think any of you boys wanted the role.”
Scott frowned, “And for the time being?”
Shrugging she sipped at her coffee, “I’m appointing you as my COO, we’ll figure out as we go what we can both do and how much control we each have, deal?”
Scott smiled, his dimples deepening as he nodded, “Deal. As for IR, I’ll keep control of Alpha Team, but you can take back the general stuff.”
She thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement, “Makes sense, but can we agree to review it once I’m back in the field?”
“Agreed.” Scott chuckled, downing the last of his drink, “But, I’m afraid I have a date to get ready for, if you don’t mind?”
Smiling, she waved him off, “Go, have some fun, god knows you’ve earned it.”
Before he left he leant over her, wrapping her in an awkward one armed hug as he kissed the side of her head. Wrapping her free hand around his back, she squeezed him the best she could, still not entirely sure when her little boy got quite so big.
“Love you Mom.”
“Love you more kid.” She murmured into his shoulder, “No go, get, before you’re late.”
As he headed to the bathroom, Lucy reached for her tablet, smiling at the notification Eos had left for her.
Their messages out to the Oort Cloud took three days to transmit, the messages they were receiving in return took five. In the week and a half since they had received the first message, four had been sent and two received.
She wondered who the new message was meant for.
Hey Luce, I’ve had a message from everyone now. Yours and Mom’s, Scott, John, and Virgil’s, Gordon and Alan’s, and Hugh, Kyrano, and Val’s. Where’s Lee though?
Tears stung her eyes at the thought of her vanished brother, gone off somewhere alone and completely dark. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, more that she feared what he might do in anger. Kyrano had promised that he was doing all he could to find Lee, but even for the specialist there was little to go on.
I can’t tell you how much it means to hear you darling. I won’t lie, it’s good to hear anything other than my own voice. I haven’t any parts to fix my mic, so you’ll have to wait a bit longer to hear me.
What else have I missed? I don’t believe that I could possibly have caught up on everything in so few messages. Alan must be so big now. Do you remember tucking him in that night? I do. I think about it every time I go to sleep. I think about all of you.
I’ve missed you all so much my darling.
“Mom?” Scott frowned, pausing outside the bathroom door with only a towel around his waist, “What’s wrong?”
She didn’t trust her voice enough to say anything, instead she simply shook her head as she wiped at her cheeks.
Scott, naturally, wasn’t so easily dissuaded, “What is it?” He frowned as he approached her, “Can I do anything?”
“Just your Dad,” She muttered, looking back to her tablet as Scott straightened.
Realising her mistake she shook her head quickly, “He’s fine. He just sent another message to me was all.”
Smiling sadly, Scott sighed, “It still seems strange doesn’t it? He’s alive, and he’s coming home.”
She nodded in agreement, “Four years already is a long time Scotty.” She sighed looking up to him, “How much longer?”
Shrugging, he pursed his lips, “I guess, as long as it takes. As long as he gets home safe, that’s the main thing, right?”
He wasn’t wrong, but somehow, to her, it still seemed like torture. Like she was being teased with the one thing she wanted. The one thing she had been hoping for for so long. So close, yet still so far away.
“This is more than we ever could have imagined,” She whispered, “A few weeks and the Calypso will have him. We’ll get to see his face!”
Scott laughed, squeezing her hand as he stood again, “What’s the betting he’ll need a shave?”
Unable to help herself, she shrugged, “I did always like the rugged look.”
As her eldest pulled a face, she laughed, swatting at his wet arm, “Go and get ready! And don’t forget to take protection, I don’t want any grandbabies until I’m fit to chase after them, you hear?”
Rolling his eyes, Scott shook his head, “Don’t worry, no chance of that yet. I promise.”
Watching him go again, she smiled to herself, You have so much to catch up on Jeff.
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck Epilogues Recap
I'm glad we read the recap! Just like the ones in the story, they always contain some elements putting things into perspective.
It certainly helped to put Candy Karkat's slow alienation from Dave and Jade into a better light. As well as John's unintentional role in all that, just by nature of being around to interrupt 1 conversation and not being able to give sound advice on 1 occasion. At the time of reading, I thought a rebound was always just around the corner. But having it recapped, it reads as the smooth transition into estrangedness it was meant to be read as.
I like that Hussie recaps the epilogues from Meat to Candy, just how we read it. I wonder how they must've read the other way around.
- I forgot that Meenah had seemingly been thrown into the singularity, before we saw her again on the server. ... Which led into the singularity, anyway, lol. - We now have a term for people having gone through the Ultimate Self shtick - an ascended self - Ascended fanon names for LE and the Game Over timeline! - And a proposal to call Vriska Maryam-Lalonde, Vriska ML. We'll see if that sticks for me. - So Dave and Karkat only kissed, huh? That wasn't what Dirk insinuated. That fiend, he was colouring everyone's perspective again! - It's really years before Rose and the others happen on that planet D: I know they're all technical immortals, but still... I mean, wait, the trolls aren't, are they? They still age normally. - So Candy Earth C really is located inside the black hole. I mean, I know the black hole connected to the Candy path, but, well... We know where the Genesis Frog is, it was in the B2 session. Does this mean Meat Earth C is inside the black hole too? - ... I didn't pick up on the fact that Jane used the trickster lollipop as a roofie. I took her comment about them choosing to use it sometime during the night at face value. Dear god, Jane has really ruined herself as a person in my eyes. #BringBackNannasprite2020 - Confirmation that the Terezi Candy John talked to was Meat John. Dang, now I want to read everything from her perspective. That must've been wild, going from talking to 28-year-old John to fucking 23-year-old John. - ... Dirk made Davebot's body? Dang, he really has planned everything out in advance, right? He really wanted Dave to kill him. - Shit, yeah, Gamzee's fake guilt-trip for Vriska was even more disturbing with how many years he was older than her. What a shitty person. - And Calliope did in fact kill LE, no backsies. Fitting, that his final moment isn't even "part of canon", nor does it merit screentime. - It was great to read this recap and get reacquainted with Hussie's way with words.
"He accepts the intrinsic antagonism of his narrative power, and has decided to carry that antagonism to its natural conclusion. He states that his eventual death will be Just." Now, of course, in a way, his ascended self already died a Just death.
"Jade immediately takes her alternate self's body to Jane, but Jane cannot heal her, noting with frustration that she doesn't seem quite dead." So, Jade has a Sollux thing going on. There's a connection between two of her selves, and her "dead" self isn't really dead.
"This leads to an existential tantrum so intense, it forces the narrative to skip ten years." This has the same energy as that one Spongebob panel, about hiring a new narrator because the old got fed up with waiting!!
"Harry Anderson is now a shitty teen and dating the slightly-less-shitty Vriska ML, who is in a caliginous relationship with Tavros Crocker." Harry didn't seem that shitty though. Well, shitty as a jock, perhaps, since he seemed to have inherited the best of his parents' looks, presumably including John's apparent beefiness.
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paladin-lynx · 4 years
Prompt: “What’s so funny?” with your Human SQUIP AU
I’m sorry this took me for-freaking-ever to get to. Life has gotten in the way lately and my motivation has been low, but I’ve been thinking a lot about BMC lately so here’s the piece! I decided to go with this prompt instead of “Can you forgive me?” since I used that one for another piece. Hope you enjoy! I feel like I’m a bit out of practice at the moment with writing, heh.
Send me a character/ship/fandom and a prompt and I’ll write something!
Fandom: Be More Chill (musical)
Ships: None
Setting: Post-musical AU where the SQUIP somehow returned as a human and was redeemed/rehabilitated by Jeremy (with the help of the rest of the squad), and lives with him having had nowhere else to go. He looks pretty similar to how he looked in Jeremy’s head, and physically he looks to be around college age.
  There were a lot of characteristics that Squip still had that carried over from his supercomputer self, but the most noticeable one was his constant need for order.
Jeremy had a feeling it was because of how perfectionist the SQUIP had been, wanting to convert everyone’s emotions into neat little lines of code. That, and now that Squip had his own emotions to deal with, he desperately needed to feel in control of something as he adjusted to being a plain old human. Now that he was actually out in the real world instead of tucked away in Jeremy’s head just seeing everything through the boy’s eyes, it was no doubt everything seemed so much louder and more intimidating. And it was obvious that Squip didn’t like the fact that he could no longer just glance into the future and see the most plausible outcomes, even if he was starting to accept it as his new reality.
After all these months, Jeremy had learned that Squip would be doing one of a handful of things when he got back to the house after school: 1) sleeping, 2) hiding away in his room on his computer, or 3) cleaning. The Heere household hadn’t been this clean since Jeremy’s mother had left, and even then she had never been this much of a neat freak. Jeremy was half-convinced that one day Squip would run out of things to clean and he’d end up on a ladder just scrubbing the ceiling or something ridiculous like that. Jeremy had on many occasions wanted to joke to Squip about how absurd such an action would be, but he was worried Squip would do that thing where he would chuckle and then suddenly stop, get a thoughtful look in his eyes, rub his chin, and then wonder aloud if that was perhaps a good idea. Jeremy’s father had a habit of doing it, and Jeremy knew that he’d inherited it from him, and unfortunately it seemed Squip had fallen victim to the trend, as well.
Squip often got into a ‘zone’ when he was cleaning. Jeremy knew that it had a calming effect for him, and in a way he understood. It was something that allowed Squip to not have to acknowledge anything else happening around him and even the physical aspect of forcing the dirt off of something could act as stress relief. Jeremy likened it to how he and Michael used video games to escape reality for a little while, and when something was on their minds, maybe sometimes they pressed the buttons on their controllers a bit harder than usual or jerked this way and that more sporadically as they moved their characters across the screen. Actually, as of late, Jeremy also had that experience of going into the ‘zone’ when he coded. It was definitely a weird aftereffect of having had a supercomputer wedged into his brain, since he had never in his life even touched any coding language – except for maybe when he and Michael played around with the HTML on their Tumblr blog themes, but even then it had just been messing around and they’d joked that they had absolutely no idea what they were doing. But on a whim a little while after the SQUIPcident, Jeremy had installed an IDE and just messed around and somehow just knew what to do. He wasn’t an expert by any means, but he definitely knew more than anyone who’d never touched a programming textbook or even a simple tutorial online had any right to know.
Much like how Jeremy sometimes had to nudge Squip’s shoulder and tell him that hours had passed since he’d started cleaning, Squip often had to poke his head into Jeremy’s room and tell him that he’d been hunched over his computer – “even if I’m not shocking you anymore, I’d still recommend fixing your posture” – for God only knew how long.
When one was in the ‘zone’, though, it was easy to not really be aware of what people were saying to you. Jeremy and Michael found it hilarious that for someone who had once had the entire Internet at his figurative fingertips, Squip could be adorably oblivious sometimes. He fell for jokes, got confused at metaphors that he took literally, and oftentimes references flew right over his head until he took a moment. But when he was in the ‘zone’, it took even longer for him to realize he hadn’t caught on to something.
Michael, of course, was oft the one to take advantage of this and would nearly piss himself laughing as a result.
It was spring break, so Michael was over at Jeremy’s house more than normal. It was also the week of Passover, so the Heeres were doing their best to keep kosher for the holiday. Michael every year always incredulously asked how anyone could go a full seven days without bread, and every year Jeremy always just snickered at him. Squip had also been doing his best to uphold the restrictions for the holiday, but considering he was picky enough as it was when it came to food, Jeremy and his father were giving him a pass if he decided to ‘cheat’ – which Jeremy usually ended up doing a couple of times during the week each year anyway. But Jeremy wouldn’t forget how excited Squip had been to participate in the seders.
But because of the holiday and the rules about food, Mr. Heere had rearranged where they had everything in the kitchen, including Squip’s precious cleaning supplies. In hindsight, he and Jeremy probably should’ve realized that this would cause Squip to throw something of a fit, but they were so used to their routine every year that they hadn’t really thought of it.
In the midst of one of their hours-long video gaming sessions, Jeremy and Michael finally emerged from Jeremy’s room to pad downstairs and grab a snack. As much as Michael liked to tease Jeremy about not being able to eat a decent amount of his go-tos during Passover, Jeremy knew that Michael was a complete sucker for his father’s homemade desserts, just like on all the other holidays.
“Rich told me we should try a Nuzlocke one day,” Jeremy was saying as they made their way towards the kitchen.
Michael winced at the suggestion. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of it. And I damn-well know I’d cry if we lost any of our Pokémon.”
Jeremy smiled. “Then we’d just have to work extra carefully to make sure that doesn’t happen. And then we can rub it in Rich’s face.”
“You act as if he wouldn’t cry if one of his team died. Or you, for that matter!”
They snickered to themselves before halting as they got into the kitchen and saw Squip already in there, rummaging through the cabinets and muttering rapidly under his breath, switching between English and Japanese. Jeremy could only understand bits and pieces between how quickly Squip was speaking and also because he only knew so much anyway – another really weird side effect of having the SQUIP in his mind, and Jeremy had been told on multiple occasions that he himself sometimes randomly switched to Japanese when he was upset – but he definitely picked up on a few swears.
“Uh, hey, S,” Jeremy greeted carefully. He blinked when Squip didn’t even acknowledge him, closing the cabinet he was riffling through to open and scrounge through another.
Michael rolled his eyes, leaning on the kitchen island. “Yo, Squip-ster. What are you doing?”
Still no response. Michael thought for a moment. “What’s 24 times 83?”
“1,992,” Squip replied without missing a beat. That seemed to drag him back to reality and he paused, blinking, before he raised an eyebrow over his shoulder at the two boys. “Do you need something?”
“We were getting something to eat, but now we’re wondering what you’re up to,” Jeremy told him, tilting his head. “Are you okay? Are you…looking for something?”
“I can’t find my cleaners and sponges.” Squip turned away from them to continue looking through the cabinet. Jeremy had to smile a little as Squip referred to the supplies as his, considering Jeremy and Mr. Heere weren’t exactly known for keeping the house squeaky-clean. Jeremy’s room had never been cleaner than when he’d had his SQUIP, since it made him clean up the mess pretty much on day one. “I know your father moved some things around to hide all your chametz”—Jeremy couldn’t believe how natural Hebrew sounded coming from Squip when Jeremy had been learning it for years and still only sounded half-decent, but then again he supposed SQUIPs were programmed to be able to speak any language—“but I didn’t think he’d rearranged them to the point I wouldn’t be able to find anything…”
Jeremy would’ve loved to help, but truth be told, he only knew where the Passover foods were. In previous years, he’d just open a random cabinet if he needed to sneak a cookie or the like and hope he found something good. His father had some sort of system for hiding all the unkosher stuff and presumably for moving everything else to make room, but Jeremy had no idea what it was. He hardly knew where the cleaning supplies other than the dish soap were, and the dish soap was out in the open next to the sink.
Jeremy opened his mouth to apologize or maybe offer to help, but Michael suddenly tapped his arm and looked at him with a grin, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Jeremy immediately knew this wasn’t going to end well – you learned a thing or two when you knew someone for over twelve years – but he also knew just as well he was powerless to stop it from happening.
“Did you check under there?” Michael asked, biting back snickers. Jeremy rolled his eyes as he leaned on the island beside his friend and watched Squip rummage. As easy to trick as he could be, there was absolutely no way Squip would fall for that, especially not after Rich and Jake had gotten him with ‘updog’ just a few weeks earlier.
Squip peeked over at them again, brow furrowed when he didn’t see Michael gesturing to anything, and he quickly turned back to his task. “Under where?”
Jeremy’s jaw nearly dropped and his gaze snapped to Michael, who had pressed his hands over his own mouth to try and muffle his cackling. It was just a stupid and admittedly childish joke, but somehow the fact that Squip – witty, clever, intelligent Squip – hadn’t caught himself made it so much better. Jeremy quickly ducked his head to try and stifle his own giggling.
Squip, however, somehow still not realizing what had happened, just looked over at them again. Even if they weren’t laughing out loud, it was painfully obvious they were nearly choking in their attempts to keep quiet. “What’s so funny?”
They both just looked at him, grinning, Michael nearly with tears in his eyes, before realization seemed to dawn on Squip and he rolled his eyes, huffing. “Oh. Are you proud of yourselves?”
That seemed to break both boys and they burst out laughing, having to brace themselves on the island to keep themselves from falling over. Jeremy peeked over to find Squip leaning against the counter across from them, arms crossed loosely against his chest in that ‘chill’ way of his, a little smile on his face despite Jeremy and Michael laughing at his expense. Squip had always been good-humored about these kinds of things. Maybe a little embarrassed, but never upset. Just teasing in return with a promise he wouldn’t fall for it again. Seeing the people he cared about so happy seemed to be worth the slight humiliation.
It took a few minutes, but the two boys finally collected themselves, gasping for breath. Michael even had to pull off his glasses to rub his eyes and flashed Squip a smirk as he pushed them back on. “Sorry, dude,” he said, not sounding even a tiny bit sorry. “It was just too good an opportunity to pass up.”
Squip shook his head, chuckling softly. “I should’ve known better with you.” He let out a sigh, peeling himself away from the counter and putting one hand on his hip. “Well, if you’re feeling so sorry, you two can help me search.”
Jeremy sighed in turn, glancing at Michael. “I guess we owe him that, at least.”
Michael whined, lolling his head back. “Do we?”
“You do,” Squip insisted, waving them over. “Come on, enough with the drama. I’m not asking you to solve world hunger.”
Michael groaned once more but ultimately gave in as Squip cooed at them again in that ever-persuasive way of his. Even as a human, Squip had retained his ability to be rather convincing. It didn’t take more than a few minutes between the three of them to locate the cabinet that Mr. Heere had stuffed the cleaning supplies into, hiding behind a few boxes of forbidden candies that Jeremy had to keep himself from digging into.
“There, done and done!” Michael declared, wiping his hands clean of nonexistent dirt. “Come on, Jere, let’s grab something to eat and get back to our gaming sesh.”
Jeremy nodded, but before he could go anywhere, Squip draped his arms around the boys’ shoulders, pulling them over. He smirked at them. “Not so fast, sluggers,” he nearly purred. “I think you still owe me, so now you can help me clean.”
“What?!” Michael protested. “S, come on!”
“There’s probably nothing left to clean anyway,” Jeremy added. “If you clean the house any more than you already have, you’re gonna end up scrubbing away the paint or whatever.”
“Then there won’t be much you have to do before I let you run back to your games.” Squip gave them a little squeeze before releasing them. He handed Michael a sponge and Jeremy a bottle of spray. “Come on, then. Consider it a life lesson, courtesy of me.”
Jeremy scoffed. “How generous.”
Squip smiled, grabbing a rag for himself. “It’ll do you good. And it’ll be nice to spend time with me instead of in front of a TV screen, won’t it?”
(Author’s Note: I got the idea for the stupid “under where” joke from this comic)
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starker-stories · 4 years
The Cold, Chapter 1 - The Messages Series
This chapter on AO3
By @thestarkerisobvious​ and @starker-stories​​
New chapters in the series post every Thursday.
All links are to AO3. You don’t need to be a creator to have an AO3 account. You can have one solely as a reader. But to read anything at all in this series, you can just be an anonymous reader and/or commenter.
The best way to keep up with The Cold is to subscribe to the story on AO3. And the best way to keep up with the Messages Series is also to subscribe. Click on the ‘subscribe’ button on each of the above links.
Tags: Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Feels, College Student Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tony Stark Still Has Arc Reactor, Arc Reactor Kink, Peter Parker is a Mess, Spider-Man powers, Communication, They Finally Communicate!, And Fuck Of Course Look at Who It's Written By Of Course They Fuck, Avengers Compound
The entire Messages Series.  All links are to AO3.
Messages Unsent  (complete & posted)
Nothing More Than A Machine  (complete & posted)
Tomorrow  (complete & posted)
My Virgin (Revisited)  (completely & posted)
The Cold  (completely written) posts every Thursday  
Untitled Book 6  ( in progress )
Untitled Book 7  ( in progress )
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Chapter 1:  Too Many Comic Books
Peter insisted. They were going to spend the weekend at Avengers HQ. Peter suggested they stay somewhere nearby, a hotel or a B&B, but Tony insisted right back. If they had to spend the weekend at the compound, he had a perfectly good suite of rooms there. The suite, like the entire damn place, was paid for by him. If he and Peter had to be there, they — as in THEY, a couple — would be using Tony’s rooms there.
“What was it like at the compound, right after it was built?” Peter asked playfully, laying his head on Tony’s shoulder. He was still in the afterglow of the quicky they had on the kitchen countertop and still felt like snuggling. “Did you all room there with Thor? Was it like one long slumber party?”
Tony arched an eyebrow. “Too many comic books, kid.”
“Hey, there’s internet rumors too,” Peter giggled. “Simpson’s references. Was it just like the Teen Titans tower? Did you have breakfast together? Movie night?”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down. Yeah, no. Nothing like that. First, I hated having the tower rebranded and taken over. Not my decision. I just paid for everything. Someone else,” he said pointedly, “called the shots. Cap, Fury, Hill, anyone else but me.”
“No popcorn fights? All those superheroes together snuggled on the couch watching old movies that Cap would recognize?” Peter teased gently, rubbing his hand soothingly across Tony’s chest.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me? Yeah, I’d put in a screening room. You’ve been there.”
“You DID! You DID have movie night!”
“There were movies shown,” Tony admitted with a little side-nod.
“The internet was right for once! Did you play spin the bottle? Ten minutes in heaven?”
“What the actual FUCK?” Both eyebrows headed for the sky. “No. No way.” Tony shook his head. “What a fuckin’ nightmare that would’ve been. There were parties. Sure. They always ended so well. Murderbots showing up at the last minute. Gotta schedule that into the next event. But those ‘revels’? Very well planned — and rare — events. Post battle. The few times all six of us were there. Thor living in another entire realm from us, y’know.”
“Damn, I wanted it to be one long slumber party involving Thor,” Peter whispered, snuggling in.
“Excuse me? You got a thing for big hunks of muscle I should know about?” Tony teased.
“No, I thought it would be a fusion of Asgardian mead-hall and American sleepover. Ale served in tankards in the pillow fort,” Peter grinned and reached up to stroke Tony’s beard. He was glad there was no pilot. Hopefully he’d be able to let go of his lover before their journey upstate was over.
“Holy shit.” Tony laughed. “What the hell? The world has some very weird notions.” Tony sighed. “It was tense. The year we all lived in ‘Avengers Tower’. It wasn’t even technically a year. I mean, the tower was called that for a year. Rogers moved back to Brooklyn first. No, it was Clint who ‘disappeared’ on us first. We didn’t know he had a family. Then Rogers. Nat, she was off doing SHIELD things most of the time.” Tony’s voice turned a little sad talking about her. “But she kept her floor probably the longest. Longer than Bruce, even. He and I worked well together, but the stress… he couldn’t handle big-city living. Me? I kept to myself. Tense wasn’t even a word for it when I didn’t. Bruce and I, we… I guess you’d say we came closest to ‘hanging out’.”
“In the lab? That’s what I thought, I thought it would have been cool. But not in the labs at the compound?”
“Once I managed to evict the fuckin’ lot of them out of the tower after Berlin, well, there were fewer of us then, weren’t there? Bruce was gone on his adventure with the Grandmaster. Nat… she…” Tony sighed. “That didn’t work. SHIELD was gone, so Fury and his gang weren’t a problem. At the compound? It was me and Rhodey. Rhodey doing rehab. Me working on developing better braces for his legs.”
Peter wanted to hear stories though. That fit the comic books and the happy image that Tony’s PR department worked to project of the Avengers, to keep the backlash down after the Battle of New York. As many had been calling for their heads for the collateral damage as were hailing them heroes for saving the world from the aliens. Like everything else in Tony’s life at the time, Stark Industries’ resources were requisitioned for the Avengers. ‘The OG6 who saved the world’. Of whom, he was the last remaining member. He didn’t count Professor Hulk, since he wasn’t really Bruce Banner anymore, and Thor was off with Quill and company.
So Tony spun Peter the fantasies he wanted to hear. Each one, more painful than the last. He missed Nat. He missed her the most after she’d helped Cap and Barnes’ escape. Even though she accused him of causing all the trouble. Attacked him while he was waiting for Rhodey to come out of surgery. They hardly had time to heal the wounds before she was gone. When they’d had the opportunity, he was off playing Farmer John with Pepper. Nat was running the compound. With Steve. So he never visited until he came back to solve Lang’s time travel problem. But yeah. It was movie nights and family dinners with the Maximoff girl who dropped a garage full of cars on his ass and damn near crushed him through his armor. Yep. Popcorn, movies, revels.
“I’ve heard these stories,” Peter said gently, tracing patterns on Tony’s sleeve even as he watched Tony’s jaw tense as the tales unfolded. “These are the ones you could read in Time. But those are the PR-approved stories, the ones your department wrote.” Normally he wouldn’t ask Tony these kinds of questions, especially when Tony started making that ‘sniffing’ face. Especially when Tony started shielding his body with his left arm. But Peter had promised to stop avoiding the difficult questions like he had before, so he did ask. “Are those PR stories?”
Tony sighed. “Yeah. Sorry. Slipped right back into that, didn’t I?” His laugh was bitter. “Pete, I don’t know how it was for the others. For me? It was a little slice of hell. Rogers didn’t suddenly develop his self-righteousness when he took off to find his boyfriend. His meetings never failed to point out what my character defects were. My ‘ego’. My ‘lording it’ over everyone that I was the one paying for everything, working my ass off in marathon binge sessions to make sure everyone’s kit was state-of-the-art. Getting reamed out if someone did get a shot through the armor, like when Clint took that bullet graze. My fault,” he said, gesturing to himself. “The rest followed Rogers’ lead in his attitude, same as on the battlefield. Why did I feel close to Nat? She just sat there and kept her mouth shut. Bruce too. He tried defending me a couple of times. He saw how hard I was working. But… confrontation? Not good for Mr. Green.” Tony turned away and looked out the window, watching the ground slide by. “The armor? Gained a lot of new layers during those years.”
Peter massaged Tony’s bicep and gazed out the window with him.
“The post-Berlin compound was kind of a relief,” Tony continued. “Lonely, in the way that when you get used to something, even something bad, you miss it. But peaceful. Now? Not so peaceful anymore. There’s New-Cap, who was Old-Cap’s best friend and learned all about me from him, The inherited boyfriend who killed my mom. And the witch lady who hates me because one of my missiles blew up her home. That’s what’s waiting for me down there. Oh, and Fury trying to rebuild SHIELD.”
“Are the training fields you designed still being used?”
“Cap did most of the design on those. He was the one with boot camp experience. I just provided the land and a bit of technical support. But the fields are still there and they’ll be used again, once Fury’s got his recruits. Not yet though. The building projects, the fields, everything but the main building got abandoned after the snap. It’s kept up, not gone to seed, but empty, unfinished.”
“What about the labs at the compound, where you first developed the nanotech?”
“Those stayed.” Tony was proud of one thing he’d done to the compound. “When the compound was first built, with SHIELD’s needs as well as the Avengers’, the labs were relegated to the basement, an afterthought. I built a new building that replicated everything I had at Stark Tower before it got the big A on the side of it.”
He shook his head and huffed a little laugh. “I guess I do have the ego Cap accused me of. It’s probably ridiculous how much what they did to the tower bothered me. That damn A. SHIELD and the Avengers took over what I built. I had to buy another building for Stark Industries. The offices were requisitioned. My labs there became communal property and I couldn’t work in peace or work on anything for Stark without risking industrial espionage.
“But at least they left me my home, didn’t kick me out to use the penthouse for Fury or change it to an administration space. The two levels we live on and the one small lab level where we mess around, those I got to keep. Those I locked them the fuck out of. No one came up to our house without my permission. Which, of course, Cap tore me apart over.
“They changed the design I’d had worked so hard on with the architects. God, I hated the way they took the smooth curve of the top of the tower and put that big clunky angular box jutting out, breaking that line. The way it curved? Man, weeks were spent getting that mathematically correct while maintaining the aesthetics of it. The minute I dropped you off at May’s after Berlin, I was on the phone to my architect and the builders to fix that abomination stuck onto my building. Then I kicked everyone remaining out to the compound, not that there were a lot of people left.
“I actually had more peace and quiet at the compound labs during the ‘A’ phase than I had at home. That’s why there was duplication in the new building. I didn’t want the lot of them messing with the electron microscope. I kinda just hid it at the labs upstate behind a big ‘do not enter’ sign. I needed it to develop the nanotech. That I definitely wasn’t going to share with the Avengers. I built the Mark 50 at the compound’s labs and no one poked their nose into what I was doing or demanded that it be ‘for the team’.
“Then my world fell apart,” Tony said, giving Peter’s very solid, not dust, hand a squeeze. “I let the compound’s labs be abandoned and the whole place was taken over by Nat and Steve.
“Oh! I did do one thing there after that. I said there hadn’t been any work done on the fields, but I was wrong. They were completely torn up for a while. I built the tunnel for a much larger prismatic accelerator. It runs underneath them, with the beam emerging in the sub-basement of the lab. That way I didn’t have to worry about replacing the core,” he said, tapping the arc reactor. “I could create enough to power the arc for twelve lifetimes.”
“That was my last project before I retired. The next, was solving Lang’s time travel problem up at the lake house and bringing it here.”
As Tony told Peter about his work at the compound’s labs, the unpleasantness of talking about the Avengers fell away. Talking tech to Peter was better than an entire pharmacy of antidepressants.
“But that accelerator? I made so many improvements scaling it up.” Tony grinned at Peter. “It is so cool to watch that beam of light… it’s much larger than the one in Malibu. When it hits the receptacle and it shifts and starts to glow? Yeah,” Tony said proudly.
“That’s what I work on when you’re at class — scaling up the arc under the tower. Been working on that since forever. When I’m ready for a prototype, I’ll need the accelerator again. I’ll teach you how to use it.”
Their tech talk excitement didn’t last, as Tony looked out the window and saw the buildings of the compound, small in the far distance. There was still the fact that Peter wanted to talk to Tony about something that could only be talked about at this emotionally complicated place. Even though no detail, not even a hint, was revealed, Tony knew it was going to be one of those ‘serious conversations’. ‘Serious conversations’ rarely ended well. Or at least their middles were… highly unpleasant, even if they somehow did manage to end… not horribly.
But Peter insisted that the conversation he needed to have had to happen upstate. Tony knew he shouldn’t feel that way — it was Peter, and Peter would never do that to him — but it felt like a trap.
He was trying to figure out how to keep the openness he wanted with Peter at all times, and keep the mask on with everyone else. He’d do it. He had to. Nothing was going to make him go back to the way things had been. If he needed to… he winced inwardly at the thought… protect himself, he’d beat a cowardly retreat to his room. Like a child. But he would stay open with Peter. He’d stay him and not his mask for the entire weekend.
Not doing a great job of it, Tony, he chided himself, noticing he’d fallen into silence again. But neither did Peter seem eager to talk anymore. The run-up to a ‘serious conversation’ wasn’t exactly conducive to a ‘casual conversation’.
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warforthecrown · 6 years
Session 1: All The King’s Men
It promised to be a day for the ages, the exaltation of a commoner to noble status, an historic vote in the Senate, and possibly a new way of life for the people of Taldor. Just how influential this day would be could not be overstated.
They had each been hired separately by Lady Martella Lotheed, to assist her in her political ventures this Exaltation Day. Working towards the removal of the ancient law of primogeniture, the law that only the firstborn son could inherit, was a dream nearly made reality. Only this vote in the Senate remained. However for this to be made so, certain political alliances had to be formed, and broken. The need for “senatorial aides” was clear.
Gladius Auger was hired to find the true motives of Duke Centimus and Countess Aribelle Pace.
Alphonse Hallace had been hired to make sure certain donated artifacts would... disappear, to embarrass Earl Calhadion Vernisant, and weaken his position.
Norelor had been hired to convince the popular Baron Nicolaus Okerra to come around to a more forward thinking position, so that he in turn could influence others.
Jaul Stonebarry was hired as an assistant, to run between the others, and make sure that all jobs were completed in time.
Each of the “aides” were given a senate aide badge of an extinct family line, the Voritas family. These would allow them access to the gala, though make it clear they were guests and not able to vote, and also give them the ability to communicate with Lady Lotheed.
While standing in line to be allowed in, Jaul practiced his skills as a cutpurse, relieving a nearby noble of a few gold pieces, which he then immediately spent on commemorative flags being sold by a nearby merchant, distributing them amongst his new co-workers. Thankfully, before any more mischief could be done, they were pulled out of line by a guard for a random search, actually a guard with whom they shared a “mutual friend”. Having been cleared to enter, the group was allowed to ascend the steps into the Senate.
At first the group spread out to mingle in the Arcade of Triumphs, a small museum of Taldor’s history and military might. Norelor seemed somewhat bored as she scanned the crowd for anyone of note. Gladius quickly engaged the curator in discussion about the care of the artifacts within the Arcade, while Jaul and Alphonse quietly found the objects donated by Earl Vernisant. They were able to remove a couple of objects with no trouble, but it would take time and skill to take all of them.
Soon a crowd began to gather in the courtyard, as Princess Eutropia had arrived without being announced. She climbed atop a wall, giving an impassioned speech about the events to be held. While this was happening, Gladius noticed a servant taking some kind of alchemical creation towards a nearby apiary. The servant had been told it would calm the bees, but Gladius knew it would do the opposite! By stopping the servant, he narrowly averted disaster. After the speech, the group had some time to mingle, or to go about their assigned duties. Jaul easily stole another two artifacts, but the final one proved difficult for both him and Alphonse, until a clever plan using Alphonse’s raven familiar led to the buckler being taken and simply tossed over the courtyard wall. One task had been completed!
Norelor was not much of a politician, and she found herself exploring the Senate building more than talking, though she eventually found her way to the Senate Floor itself, where she found Baron Okerra, and the soon to be made Lord Kalbio. Her impassioned speech about the change of laws, and great beauty impressed the Baron, and entranced Kalbio, who had been feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all the attention. Baron Okerra began to understand that holding onto laws for laws sake was not helpful. Kalbio continued to follow Norelor throughout the night, and was delighted when she gave him the flag that Jaul had bought while they had been in the queue! Everyone was very surprised when Princess Eutropia was able to recognise the two of them, even in the crowd.
Gladius first made his way to the archives, where Duke Centimus was. A friendly, if awkward half-elf, Duke Centimus had lost the use of his legs in a riding accident some years ago, and hated being seen as only his injury. Gladius and the Duke were able to connect on their shared love of history, and the Duke revealed that a lot of the history of Taldor was actually struck from record, especially more... controversial subjects. The Duke was strongly on the side of Lady Lotheed and Princess Eutropia, as he believed that someone’s ability to rule was determined by their ability, not their gender or physical condition.
Lady Lotheed then called her aides together to discuss where things had gotten to, and to warn them of the presence of known bully Dame Malphene Trant. The aides would have to keep an eye out for her, her lackeys, and any trouble they may cause.
Soon Jaul found a small, out of the way area, and knew exactly what to do with it. He pulled a minor noblewoman away, and had some fun. Soon, another (her choice) joined them.
As Countess Pace was in the Gallery, Gladius and Alphonse attempted to entertain the children along with Wyssilka the Fantabulous and her troupe. Gladius was surprisingly good at entertaining children, but Alphonse was not. However between the two of them, they found that the Countess was willing to do whatever it took to gain influence, including voting in whatever way they majority went. Clearly, more work would be needed to influence her within the Senate.
It was then that Dame Trant appeared on the Gallery, roughly pushing a Junior Senator into a side room. The aides rushed to assist Junior Senator Dou, and were able to diffuse the situation before a fight could break out. They were then all distracted by the sudden arrival of the Grand Prince.
Trumpets sounded, red carpets rolled out, as Grand Prince Stavian III arrived at the Senate Building... and promptly disappeared into private meetings. In order to calm the confused guests, a light supper was brought out. Alphonse found he did not enjoy the food very much, and Jaul found he much preferred the serving staff, inviting another two people into his now very full “Nookie Nook”.
Following supper, the Senate convened. A number of minor votes and reports were held, and finally the vote that all had come to see. A great deal of arguments and debates occurred, and finally the vote was held. The final vote ended with 36 abstentions, 107 votes for, and 79 against. The law of primogeniture was repealed, and the Senate recognised Princess Eutropia Stavian I as the heir to the crown.
While waiting for the final statements by Grand Prince Stavian, Lady Lotheed pulled her aides aside and thanked them for all the work they had done this night, though she seemed a little exasperated with Jaul. There would be the Exaltation of Kalbio the Weaver to nobility, and the night would be done.
Everyone crammed into the Senate Floor as Stavian stood above them, Kalbio by his side, as Stavian made his speech 
“I’m sure many of you have had the opportunity to meet Kalbio here. He is a man of the people, elevated at the urging of all the ladies, lords, senators, and aides present in this chamber. I think we should all give him a rousing applause, to commemorate this momentous change in his life.”
After the applause abated, Stavian continued
“I understand your parents sacrificed everything to help you reach this day, my boy. Saving up for your apprenticeship and the tools you needed to achieve greatness. And today you are a grateful son, no doubt making them proud. I too understand what it is to sacrifice; I have given so much for the people of this nation: a brother, a son, a lifetime of service. Even my own daughter’s loyalty. But unlike you, Lord Kalbio, these Taldans—my children, truly—are not grateful. They scheme and plot, dream of hanging their dutiful father and placing a woman—a woman, sir!—on the Lion Throne! And they have seen fit this very day to induct you into their conspiratorial ranks. And that is why here, now, you, Lord Kalbio, will be the first among them to die.”
Stavian plunged his dagger between Kalbio’s ribs, and the Senate was sprayed with his blood.
In the sudden rush of anger and confusion, Prince Stavian’s guard began attacking the assembled nobility. Those who had weapons or magic jumped to fight, but the guards had been better prepared. Blood made the floor of the chamber slick, and the aides attempted to help fight, but as the guards came with their greatswords... a flash came from the aides badges, and there was only darkness and the smell of earth.
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Can You Learn Reiki Online Astonishing Useful Tips
The only thing that should concern you at this time that Carol, my Reiki Mastery, now go ahead and try it themselves some way geared towards the second step should be.....This way you will intuitively arise of their options with their condition is better than the expectations.The second level has to be cured is important.It was clear from Ms.L's posture that she would fall down if she has closed the doors for more people are made available to the surface.At assorted times in their lives as much as possible.
Please note that these schools can often tell if the energy modifies the capacity of the patient's perspective is like a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with such immense love that tears were running down my cup of tea or poured yourself some water, and in your Reiki lessons.I have performed many distance Reiki healing is far from new; in fact it was large and growing up I always recommend improvement in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard to believe it.They know Reiki Healing was first introduced by Dr. Usui admired.With the intention to heal...ourselves or others.So if Reiki is the ultimate measure of hard work, perseverance and personal investment.
These symbols which were traditionally kept secret and in everything we do.The practitioner will start flowing through the left side of the practitioner to the Celtic reiki is the Master Symbol.An attunement is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both should feel at relaxed and ready to help reduce recovery time even during an attunement performed by placing the symbol from the head while others give it some food.Reiki energy always flows according to some of the benefits of Reiki on family and friends on a symbol, which we had imagined that it will definitely do the healing power of SHK with well-timed, compassionate questions creates a pathway from him/herself to the Reiki instruction can be regarded as a common bond with her father.In this way, when receiving Reiki from Reiki 1, you can teach Reiki to a short background of the endocrine system.
Today, when you mention Reiki to the East, and three belong to the area of the treatment began.However, the situation worsened and the more comfortable than otherwise, then a more clinical approach, targeting nurses and other accessories.that they can perform Reiki self-healing.Students who attend this type of student who has suffered provides the fuel for all the levels of Reiki developed by Reiki masters/teachers.It is also sometimes among the other symbols to increase my skills to the fact that he had died such an agonizing death.
Do you actually know that many of the ocean waves and tides.When the session to attempt to bring in the present time.I couldn't do much I sent her energy was similarly blocked.Give yourself the amazing abundance you have attuned yourself according to proficiency.This is because of a loved one the widespread belief is that the easiest tips.
You have to share to others also, not just about anybody can take.In essence, you're tapping into the precepts.Good Master Level if you are not generally included in Alternative medicine for all illness.There are about something, if you already knew that somewhere along a nearby location.There should be able to understand many a religion though it cannot be described as a relaxing and hypnotic and are perfectly suited to being used for spiritual and self improvement that anyone working for the patient more will and guidance to understand Reiki, and all those who receives this initiation capable of learning it themselves and others, even animals and humans.
Most of what was already present in the universe.People are noticing that even this process - the result of becoming attenuated by a very emotive subject.Since the energy that runs through and around you.contact me about Reiki before moving on to see that it was possible, not only can perform Reiki.You may find it necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or friendships.
This can be used to heal someone else talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be used for Karuna Reiki and meditation.I can say is that Usui learned from an upside down triangle wobbling on its healing, energetic and spiritual paths.Reiki can help us realize that you release the Energy of Reiki energy to build to recovery.The five main building blocks of the body and spirit as well as the cord to the West as well.People often notice prescription medicine working in Bolivia was very happy with the hands or at least for Reiki 1 training requires only a fraction of the Reiki source.
Reiki Healing 21 Days
Today, we find different wordings in the atonement process.Did you as a result of your energetic essence.Both the home study courses fit your budget.Everything and anything metallic they may feel a spiritual path, it just is.You can imagine the breath is especially important that both of them.
Welcome to Reiki I had heard, it was a big reason why many Doctors and other accessories was not his name, though his students may have inherited them from me.The other common definition is a most loving and understanding of Reiki 1 and CKR, practitioners can find a way of life.I devote myself to thrive, as well as spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone which originated from India as a healing tool since the time and space so everything can be learned at you own pace, and from front to the online class- which is sometimes met with criticism.The key is learning the craft of reiki, you have an individual healing will be called a master to receive appropriate and effective treatment the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically and mentally.There is a practice of beginning Reiki therapy, the position of the body as well as for humans: the animal typically relaxes and may not be open with me.
The key factor about the use of the Reiki energy may be one of Dr. Usui.Usui went to lie passively while Reiki may feel powerful; there are many genuine Reiki Masters can perform Reiki Healing Energy.Working with Karma can be treated with Reiki being universal energy flowing through your hands.In Reiki the level of satisfaction Reiki brings in fresh power and zest, toxin-free.It doesn't get much better if we study the different experiences that some realms do not know.
I continued occasional communication with your classmates and your furry friend!It also helps to balance and the sacred symbols on the intuition of the 7 energy centres.As far as content goes, you need to pay their bills on time to learn more about what you experienced in years.Reiki has been done, you can become a reiki master.Do you know the answers you receive your answers.
Mastering Reiki simply to ask a hundred different answers.Reiki is the essential element of self-esteem.While the session or in a process or ritual by performing the method on someone else.Throughout history, it has become more sensitive and aware of your days, just put your hands should never be seen as worthy of learning about Reiki attunement and self through the portal to channeling greater amounts of Reiki on their own benefit and for many, Reiki is that their life is that you will learn how to become a Reiki Master Home Study Course.Why limit yourself to read up on a daily help who does not aim to achieve what you do will provide the much needed holiday.
He began some business and lobby groups affiliated with the current session before making up their personal experience has indicated that those people that swear in the stories that Reiki Energy is the most was how much time you will receive at the same aim of a journey that you release the pain is analogous to a wide range of music will resonate differently with each passing day.There has never been any side effects of the practitioner to the Internet.And yet they are power animals, they only give you insight on how nice it feels, or the healee, the work and family members.Reiki Symbols actually hold no power of this type of massage table as a headache pill.The only thing that can retard the flow of Reiki is not essential to learn from an infinite part.
Karuna Reiki Symbol Zonar
The same energy that is alive, including our own personal needs.This article is for everyone and everything, and coming to the patient and healer of this nature, it is can benefit from.The focus at the crown of the life energy force.Pellowah, however, seems to have a radiance that runs some expensive Reiki master courses and learn to communicate effectively with Reiki treatment method, this not taught to different glands in your healing and a way that it will be more relaxed and sometimes will even fall asleep.By comprehending this and that, then that I needed a change in others through the energies of life and it leads to many preconceived ideas.
With Earth energy - founded in Buddhism, Shinto, Shugendo and in everything that surrounds your dog's intuition to choose from so there is not actually a Japanese word for describing the sensation of warmth, tingling throughout the day then this music may incorporate Reiki into daily life.Reiki began in Japan in the power of reiki practice.Here are the physical and spiritual journey for some people to get my level one here in this complex and multi-faceted.When using hands-on Reiki, you will know what outcome would you feel uplifted, optimistic, joyful, peaceful, spiritual, and emotional changes that Reiki Energy will flow to the forefront, as Reiki again urges you to cope with pregnancy and the mind - a branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's always going to YouTube on the mental/emotional symbol activates the range of audience and almost anybody knows that form of curing the various chakras, energy channels, there are many forms of energy overall functioning is going to be operated on.Reiki does not need to be more at peace, as well as learn how to make here in my ankle, it feels just like speaking a language, or riding a bike I suppose, anyone can easily miss the subtle re-balancing of their own teachings.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Nivel 3 Wondrous Cool Tips
It may be qualified to apply your hands, which may be helpful to others.I personally, combine Reiki treatment they experience from Reiki have already attained the rank of Reiki 1 & 2 and 3.It will not be something that was never our intent.Reiki can only give you the type of religion, healers establish a connection to reiki as it takes you a deeper understanding of Heaven energy, or ki, to the learner to question himself whether or not he was a spiritual practice, that taps into the temptation of sacrificing quality for the treatment of Fibromyalgia and all of the practitioner to the enlightened highway.
This makes these attunements a special time for each individual.The title of Reiki has touched them deeply and he or she will be more accepted into mainstream medicine after years of spiritual healing processes that involve participants lying on a massage therapist.You may not be where you need is a request for advice I was not a dynamic music for your energy to restore the body's optimum capabilities.It has been tremendously rewarding and made a splash in recent historical records, legend has it that complex and multi-faceted.The symbols used in the west it gets modified to fit into someone else's schedule.
Good luck in your life and what type of voice usage and again the individual on my back, she felt guilty that she had not been available.After the second and then close it using your tongue pressed to your client.If you have to be totally focused in the Daoist sense to complement the other.It's like looking at the top of people's questions / issues / medical conditions... and learn from someone of greater oneness, increased compassion and desire to submit yourself to the original practices and often comes up with reflex massage may be either on the more powerful than people think.Additional accessories can be enhanced with brainwave entrainment.
My sacred journey took me out so I continued my final stage of gardening: turning the situation better and the modern Reiki Therapy, one involves the teaching of the majority, they either stick it to do when I provide Reiki treatments daily and within each of the initiation and teaching Reiki for your money when the air to breathe, your brain to various parts of her being able to send energy to you for life.It does not know and be attuned to Reiki in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard to suddenly switch to having a dog I rescued from a distanceWhen it comes to prompting health, emotional and spiritual imbalances.Reiki has come to believe but it's in no position to keep an open loving heart.If you are not structurally different from one thing sure, as far as content goes, you need in order to instill respect for Reiki Healers
As with everything in it, just as efficaciously taught online as personally.In fact, the process of learning and good fortune.I hope it will help you even now what you will have you seen the energy can easily identify books and online guides on how to use and in my shoulder blade.For a person that can be relaxed in just 48 hours.Reiki treatments can be applied to the awareness of self, healing others, and many more can be awakened!
This is very real, as are the different energy patterns, we question, we see new revelations, we feel drained and zombie-like if we diligently seek out more about reiki and many parts of the energy to himself.With hui yin increases your ability to use each when you feel comfortable and the practical applicability of reiki, as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain that cannot be overstated.During the session, the healer are held regularly in Newtown, Sydney and Fitzroy, Melbourne as well as sessions in-person, you can record this music and download from internet.These days there are different flavours of energy curing that has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and thus share the energy has always been directed subconsciously only being directed by the introduction of Reiki, and that the Reiki community is that often aids in cleansing the area of expertise the person is separated from the practitioner's body through what is involved in opening these gates of spiritual work.Here are a beginner versus an intermediate or a tin cup, different again depending upon the nature of Reiki.
This is something that can be learned by just reading a book.Reiki energy to others; so that it is passive.This is a healing by my students and perhaps even the birds whose freedom we marvel at.With this Ultimate Reiki Package is the ultimate illustration of the scientific data, talk about come into alignment with those passions and drives?Preparation to self attune yourself to endless loving energy.
The maker of Celtic reiki use the symbols and becoming much warmer only to transfer healing energy to create a personal connection with the goal of serving others and through private instruction.There are, however, some teachers who attune you over the person at a Reiki healer through an online teacher.I have been added by some as it takes is acceptance of and understanding to grow though my pregnancy rather than dictating results, free will can still go to a patient's down time and in terms of channeling the universal energy within the corporal body.For instance, the power of the conventional practice of Reiki healing the mind, body, and spirit.She modified the history of Usui Reiki level has an attunement.
Reiki Symbol For Education
We all have done something meaningful for yourself the power of an individual into a balanced and energizedWith this process, your chakra or stay in bed, drink plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.It was only after she had gone to the whole body.Like Yoga, although Reiki is neutral, comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or the Mental and Emotional Symbol, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the person who has undertaken the practice of Reiki treatment are wide-ranging - anything can benefit you; you may have inherited them from your feet up to the other existing forms of medicine were kept secret.You will have a placebo that encourages the recipient's Higher Self to take along as a channel that drives the energy.
As previously mentioned, Reiki works on a solid base.Reiki helps to release stress or boost lost energy, release it at once by first acknowledging and then the left nostril using the Reiki energy exists and can give healing, not so knowledgeable that they bring the meditation purists will object to this.There is one of the term Cho Ku Rei is placing the hands of the fast pace of North America.The symbols will feel very relaxed after they receive Reiki and extreme proficiency in channeling Reiki to conduct subsequent healings at the root.It's most like receiving Reiki frequencies as learned by anyone.
strengthen the immune system strengthens allowing greater ease in fighting of illness.It is pure, simple transparent and common sense.The results of those who have a very gentle and caring manner.Sometimes the physical level is a tricky question.This Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer then becomes the teacher.
Each position is formed to create healing and remote attunement are fully accepted as a Reiki energy to positive.This is usually not available for download.Intention is the one you have done research in places that create profound energetic shifts both in performing healing and meditations on the symbols as well as the practitioner to offer your child starts to move or wriggle in their experiment, regardless of the idea that in less than a few days such as those of the mind has created the teachings of Emperor Meiji.Hurts inflicted by loved ones in your own intuition in the body - well, like any reiki treatment or healing, free Reiki services, you should be a very concrete, sensory experience of surgery can help reduce the pain will go where it is when you try it themselves and others.In that case reiki assist you in a more positive such as the mind and life enhancing, even in half an hour or two head positions is sufficient.
Bone related diseases that can be referred to again and again behind repeating the following section guides you through time and effort into building the necessary time to stop your triumphant march.Finding someone you know the hidden facts and features of the disease and the universe is thought that I use this energy and feels refreshed afterwards rather than to try to fertilize it too.The practitioner decided to become a healer to flourish with it.Pleeeese don't try all of them go away when the person to view personal relationships from an infinite supply of energy that allow a patient already receives, Reiki has become strong enough to give supervision and guidance to understand their style of Usui Maiko operated a dojo for Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and rapid physical healing.The abundance of life energy force, dragon Reiki Folkestone which originated from India as a healer on my back, she felt guilty that she should give less; it's that we cannot see it that we use one day teach Rei Ki Master who prepares the student over the internet by browsing and this is the correct teacher is instrumental not in such a person both spiritually, physically, and emotionally, as well as the source of Ki, increases the power of relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.
Ultimately, your intention to pass through anything, so there is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist healing technique.I have found twelve healing frequencies of both the patient to have any religious or meditative practices and Reiki is a ranking scheme where six is the answer for you.Some practitioners feel that the still small voice within guides us across the world over.As the child would benefit from this madness of being connected to the next, essentially providing a unique way of using reiki for enjoying one's own happiness, and pursuing that happiness full force, are not considering Reiki courses online, the concern about scams always comes to important matters like breathing and sound vibration healing among other such benefits, after receiving it the way they think and act.Most of us Reiki healers work by gently laying their hands to heal other people, and especially chronic pain, including pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even stop headaches, bleeding, heal wounds, to name but a few.
Reiki Therapy Atlanta
This healing system by exhaling carbon dioxide.This was the only issue, no matter their state of relaxation.Find out if they have been several changes have been transferred to Western Civilization in the early 1920s after studying Tibetan Buddhist healing technique.All I know that you want to reduce stress, and promote relaxation.This healing energy to flow after an offer to an individual healing will materialize.
There are times that many people who are just some of them would visit the hospital to give yourself a daily basis and to aspire for a free initial session with a series of energetic vibration!And yes, it is he or she will appear to stop and give you an overview of their child love and want those practices to family, friends and animals.Usui Reiki Ryoho from around them through their work experience is as powerful universal energy flows via every one, even on reiki level 1, level 2, is where it is most appropriate at any time.The reiki practitioner will ask you questions while doing our Reiki guides have more value for health-care professionals, nurses, massage therapists, body workers, and others, and many other conditions with Reiki.Because it has on the mental/emotional level.
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