#kiss the girl leech twins cover when???
I just thought of something very funny so I wrote it
Guess who's exhausted while writing again? That's right, me!!
Warning(s): mentions of stalking, not sure how good this is but hope you enjoy regardless
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You fell off a ship when you were young.
You don't remember much from after the sails set on fire. When you fell into the water, you must have passed out... and when you woke up, you saw... someone.
"Um, human... are you ok...?"
You remember what he looked like. You've held on to that memory, hoping to find him again some day.
And little did you know, he did the same. He wanted to meet with you again, but he just didn't know how he would do it!
And then one day he found something. A very old spell, as old as the legends of the Sea Witch...
A spell that could turn him human.
"Are you sure about this, Azul?" Jade asked as Azul prepared the spell that would turn him human. "This could be very dangerous."
"As cool as the Sea Witch was, her magic was no joke, Octy! Are ya sure you can handle this?"
"I'll be fine. It's all to see them again..." Azul sighed.
"Ah yes, (Y/N)." Jade laughed under his breath.
"You saw them once when you were a kid. Are you sure they're even still alive?" Floyd asked, looking at the spell ingredients.
"Oh, I've been sure to keep a close eye on them all these years." Azul happily said. "They look so beautiful nowadays!"
"Right, forgot you've been stalking them for the better half of twelve years." Floyd rolled his eyes. "Again. They were a human you met because they fell off a boat when you were five, Azul. Are they really worth turning human for? What if they don't like you back?"
"Ahahaha! You really are funny sometimes, Floyd! Don't like me back, I can't even imagine that!! We're meant for each other... I'm sure of it."
"Azul, before you go too far... you do remember the steep price of the Sea Witch's spells, right?" Jade asked.
"Ooh! Yeah, she didn't give any extra chances! One little slip-up and then you were polyp-ified!"
"I know the price. But, since I'm performing the spell on myself, I don't believe I'll have to worry about any consequences!"
"I guess there's no convincing you not to..."
"But if anything happens to you, it's your fault!"
"I know... and I'm ok with that."
But something unexpected happened.
Something clearly went wrong.
The twins rushed their friend up to the surface, and helped him to the shore.
Azul coughed up water, and had planned to say something about how he had no idea the sea could be so unaccommodating to the creatures of the land, but then...
"Hm? What's with that face, Azul?" Jade asked. "Is something wrong?"
"Your throat hurt or somethin'? And why aren't you talking?"
Jade and Floyd stared at Azul for a while. Then they looked at each other, then back at Azul. And in a rare moment of perfect synchronization, yelled out
Azul nodded, embarrassed.
"Azul! This is why we were trying to warn you against using this spell!" Jade sternly said, his hand on his forehead.
"First things first: we told you so. Secondly, according to the spell, you've only got three days to get that human you like to give you a kiss of true love! Otherwise, it's back to your mer form and polyp-ification for you!" Floyd yelled. "Well... I guess there's no Sea Witch around to enforce the polyp thing... but still! Unless you want to be stuck on land, suffocate, dry out, and die, then you'd better get that human to fall in love with you, Azul!"
"I'd suggest you pretend that you haven't been stalking them for twelve years." Jade suggested. "It's hard to imagine they'd willingly kiss you if you admitted to that."
"Maybe just pretend you're some normal, mute human!" Floyd suggested. "I mean... it's not really like you can tell 'em otherwise."
"You two stay here, I'll go find some kind of cloth we can fashion into human clothing." Jade said. "Floyd, please make sure Azul doesn't drown himself."
"Hey, no promises, Jade~!"
You were walking along the beach one day, when you saw someone out in the distance.
You ran towards the person, since they were stumbling around like they were injured. You should help them!
"Hey, uh... are you ok?" You asked when he was close enough to hear.
He had beautiful grey hair and blue eyes. He also was wearing the torn up remnants of a ship's sails as an outfit.
"...d-did you hear me?" You asked. "Are you ok?"
He slowly walked towards you, and fell forwards, his head resting on your chest.
"Wha-?! Are you ok?! Sir, are you ok?!" You yelled in a panic.
For a second, you swore you heard a voice from the water say "Take good care of him, please."
But when you looked to the sea, no one was there.
Is this guy asleep on your chest?!
"I guess I just... take him home...?"
You didn't know, but your life would become much more interesting with this guy around.
He woke up when you got back to your home.
The servants cleaned him up and prepared clothes that were better than the nearly destroyed cloth he was wearing.
You learned a lot about him. He can't speak, for one, but he was able to write his name down for you. His name was Azul. You don't know who he is, or why he washed up on the shore, the best you could understand was that he was probably in some kind of shipwreck.
He was nice, but... something just felt off about him.
You also heard weird whispers whenever you were out by the sea.
You decided to take him for a tour of the city the next day, you thought he'd enjoy it. And he did! He looked so happy the whole time!
Little did you know, however, the only reason he was so happy was because you, the love of his life, were right there beside him.
Late into the night, you took him for a ride in a rowboat, to a secret place only you know about. And the whole time, you swore you heard two people singing from the water.
And the day after that, Azul tried to kiss you.
You like him and all, but... not like that.
You avoided him the rest of the day after that.
And the day after that...
"Azul, I'm sorry about what happened last night..." You said, knocking on the door to the guest bedroom.
"(Y/N)... don't come in, please..." You heard a voice say from the other side of the door.
"Azul, i-is that you? Are you speaking?!" You asked. "What's going on?!"
"Nothing! Just please get me some water... and don't come in here! Just leave it at the door, ok?"
"Is everything alright in there?" You asked.
"Yes! I'm fine! Just don't come in!"
"I'm coming in, something's definitely wrong." You said, before opening the door.
And then you saw him standing there.
Azul... wasn't human.
"AH! (Y-Y/N)! Please don't look at me..." He said, shielding his face with his arms.
His legs weren't legs, they were tentacles, like an octopus would have... he was a merman.
He looked so familiar.
"...it's you." You said.
"I remember you!" You yelled. "You saved me! H-how are you here right now?!"
"...you remember me...?" Azul asked, a blue blush on his face. "From... from when you fell off that ship...?"
"Yes! You're the one who saved me, right? You look so familiar..."
"Yes, that was me..." He admitted. "It's... getting hard to breathe... say, could you please hurry and get me water?"
"Oh! Yes of course!"
Azul breathed a sigh of relief when you left the room. So many things are going well this morning! You remember who he is, you know why he looks familiar, you weren't completely repulsed by his true form, and most importantly...
You didn't find out that he basically stalked you for twelve years!
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hoffstrap-yuri · 5 months
ao3 // masterlist
*Summary: Maureen and Petra were adjusting to life as new mothers, but Petra can't help feel like she's not a piece of the puzzle
*Rating: +18 for Mature Explicit content
*Content/Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Angst with a happy ending, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Romantic Fluff, Family Fluff, Sex, Oral Sex, Breastfeeding
*Status: Sequel/Complete (First Fic Here)
Author's Notes: Surprising no one, I was overcome with gay feelings for Maureen yet again and needed to bust out a fic for them. Now with their kids! I hope you enjoy this also hastily crafted sequel as much as I liked writing the little family. Who knows, there could be a third in the series u.u
Also yay for obligatory Lindsey cameo, because we love Lindsey in this household!
It's just a shame that the twins don't have a second aunt u.u
Petra woke up with a groan, aimlessly swatting at the baby monitor on the other bedside table.
“Hon. One of the girls is up.”
“Can’t you get her?”
“Fine, fine.” Strahm pulled herself out of bed and shuffled to the room next door. She took hold of the twin that cried for her mother and gave her the once over. “What’s wrong…? You can’t answer that, but” she sighed. A dirty diaper. She could fix that, thank god. She put the girl down on the changing table and grabbed everything she knew she’d need. Alyssa. This one was Alyssa. She gave Alyssa her favorite ring and smiled at her as she cleaned her up, hugging her tightly once more once they were done. She kissed her head and placed her back in her crib, as she crossed the threshold of the room she smelt something from Jessica. “You just had to let me get halfway back to your mother’s room.” The baby, seemingly aware of Strahm’s mild frustration, giggled as the woman strode across the room and picked her up. Definitely more hefty than her sister, Petra cleaned her up and got her settled back down. She looked over her shoulder at the digital clock facing the girls, only took her about 20 minutes to get them back down. With a soft sigh she dragged herself back into bed and shoved her face into the back of her partner. Her arms wrapped around the space heater of a woman and leeched the body heat from the bigger woman. She waited for a toss, a shift, some kind of indication that Maureen was still up to no avail. Her breath brushed along the back of Maureen’s neck before whispering a soft, “I love you” to the hibernating bear. “I love you so damn much… It hurts.” Her hands slid across the once taut skin where Maureen’s twins had grown, now gave way to loose flesh. “… am I ever going to feel like a mother to the girls? Or is that just something reserved for you?”
She shook her head, trying to clear her mind like an etch-a-sketch before she would be able to fall asleep. Try as she might, the thoughts didn’t want to stop. She pulled herself away from Maureen and sat in the chair across the room. She walked downstairs and laid on the couch, covering herself up in more than three blankets to make up for the lack of Maureen’s warmth. It was this stupid piece of furniture where it all started. Where she promised that she’d stay by Maureen’s side, that she’d raise the baby as hers before Hoffman told her it’d be twins. “Stupid…”
“Petra?” A voice from behind the couch asked. Petra looked up in the direction of the voice, seeing the moonlight soaking Maureen’s visage. Literally radiant. She hated how beautiful she looked sometimes, when it came to her so effortlessly. Petra rolled over so she didn’t have to look at Maureen, “Petra. Tell me what’s wrong. Right now.”
“I’m not your girls, you can’t tell me what to do.”
“And if I asked nicely?” Maureen sighed
“Fine.” Strahm slid so that she was upright and made space for her girlfriend. When Maureen crashed down onto the couch, Petra wrapped herself around her. “I guess… I feel weird about taking care of the girls, because they’re not mine.”
“They’re yours.” Maureen’s lips reached out to make contact with Petra’s neck
“No I mean… You’re their mom, am I going too far if I kiss them on the cheek?” Petra tried to skirt away from her partner. Maureen’s arm was around her back before she could. Her chest shook as she said it.
“So you’ve been holding back on affection?”
“Yes… and it’s not like they can tell me what’s okay for me to do…”
“Petra, listen to me.” She took Strahm’s face into her hand and forced her to look into her eyes. “I may have carried them, got knocked up before I even knew you existed, but I’ll be damned if you keep acting like you’re not their mother.” She kissed the crown of her head and ran her thumb over Petra’s cheeks. “You are. You’re their mother.”
“I wish… I could believe you when you say that.” Strahm pulled away from Maureen’s touch, moving as far as she could on the furniture. Maureen sighed and stood.
“Let’s talk about this more in the morning.” She said, “I love you. Even if you don’t love me right now.”
“Maureen.” Petra sighed as her partner walked slowly up the stairs. She was out of earshot but Strahm whispered after Maureen, “I love you…” She pulled a pillow over her face and silently screamed into it. She threw the pillow across the room before getting up and grabbing it; she would need it if she wanted to get back to sleep tonight. “I love you, Maureen.”
Strahm woke up as light trickled into the living room. It couldn’t have been later than seven. She hauled herself up from the couch and rummaged through the kitchen. Hearing the commotion in her kitchen, Maureen appeared downstairs like a spirit summoned. She wrapped her arms around Petra’s front and buried her head into the back of Strahm’s neck. Strahm’s hand gravitated for the thick locks of hair that fell onto her shoulder, affectionately running her fingers through her girlfriend’s hair.
“I’ll make breakfast.” Maureen said in a low voice
“No I’ll get it.”
“You can’t cook for shit, love. Get away from my appliances.” She growled, snaking a hand up Petra’s shirt. “I’ll give you more if you fucking sit down.”
“Fine I was just trying to be nice.” She squirmed away and sat at the table. Hoffman started making a cup of coffee for Strahm in her fancy espresso machine. She placed it in front of Petra and after she took a sip from the cup, she kissed her. Hoffman licked the trace of foam off her girlfriend’s lip to get a taste of caffeine. Petra used her finger to clean up the rest of the drink. Maureen leaned against the table and loosened the tie on her robe to give Petra a view of her favorite part of Maureen. “You’re being real generous this morning. Do you have some motive?”
“If I did?”
“I’d ask what it was.” Petra leaned into her and rested her hands on Maureen’s hips
“Can we talk about last night?” Maureen had set the trap and lured Petra in. Now Petra was snared.
“Yeah. We can talk about it.” Petra replied with a sigh. She ran a hand through her hair and looked into Maureen’s eyes. Her eyes were watery, threatening to spill if Petra wasn’t careful with her words. Of course, Petra was about as gentle with her words as a bull in a china shop. She had a tendency to get her foot in her mouth more often than it was on the ground.
“Why do you feel like you’re not the girls’ mother?” Maureen asked, point blank. There was no stepping around the issue.
“I guess…” Strahm started with a deep sigh, trying to collect her words. Thoughts were racing around her head; threatening to spill when there was only one train of thought that she actually meant to elaborate on. “This is going to be long” she said in a sort of apology.
“I have time. It’s Sunday. Like I was really going to plan on going to mass.” Maureen tried to cut the tension. At the very least it made Strahm’s lips curl into a half-hearted grin. She wanted so badly to kiss Maureen, but she didn’t feel worthy while they had this talk. God knows she should’ve cherished their kiss before bed last night given that that might be the last kiss she ever received from Hoffman.
“Growing up I knew something was wrong with me…” Strahm winced, thinking about the way she was as a kid. Constant wraps on her knuckles from the nuns, and school sanctioned bullying for looking like a fag when she was old enough to decide she hated her hair long. “I didn’t know I was into women but something never felt right when I’d kiss a guy… and when I did figure that out I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t meant to have kids. I thought and I thought about how I never really wanted kids really… I mean what woman would want kids with another woman, right? We’d look ridiculous…” Her fists were curled up in the fabric of her sleepwear as she tried to avoid looking at Maureen. “So this entire time I’ve been holding off from wanting something I shouldn’t have. Something I can’t have. At least in my mind. Why get my hopes up when I’m used to a life of disappointment?”
There was silence between the two of them, Petra knew she fucked up when her chest started to heave and hot tears ran down her face. She turned away from Maureen and started to walk towards the bathroom, the front door, anywhere so Maureen didn’t have to look at her pathetic self. Maureen’s hand reached out and closed the distance between the two of them, taking her girlfriend into her arms. Petra froze
“Honey… love.” With one hand on the small of Petra’s back the other found its way through the strands of Petra’s hair. She gasped for air as the cries turned into sobs and her fists curled up around the silk of Maureen’s pajamas. Maureen let go of her for just a second to walk the length of the kitchen and grab tissues for her before Petra clung to her a magnet once more. She kept whispering her pet names for Strahm into Strahm’s ear until Petra was no longer crying. Her breathes were still ragged, but she’d managed to stop crying and looked into Maureen’s eyes for salvation.
“I love you,” She mumbled, barely louder than a whisper, “I love you so much and it hurts to think of my life without you or the girls now… but I just couldn’t let myself love them. What if you got tired of me and told me to leave?”
“I know.” Maureen’s thumbs carefully wiped away the last remnants of tears on Petra’s red cheeks, “I want to spend forever with you, but I understand why you’d think that.”
“Forever.” Maureen looked at her with a serious expression. Her lips press ever so softly onto Petra’s with the mercy of an angel that Petra knew she didn’t deserve.
“I love you.” Petra repeated
“I love you too.” Maureen echoed back to her. Her hand rubbed a giant circle along Strahm’s back before asking, “You want some breakfast now?”
“Please.” Strahm used the edge of her sleeve to finish cleaning up her face. She took a seat at the table and crossed her legs, reaching for the paper on the table while she waited. While Maureen was in her own world throwing ingredients into the pan, Strahm decided she needed to check on the girls out of her own volition. She went up the stairs, probably creaking loudly into the kitchen. One… Jessica. Jessica had drool on her mouth that Strahm grabbed a wipe to clean off before holding onto her. After hesitantly waiting she kissed her cheek. It felt right. It didn’t feel like it was misplaced, or that she had overstepped and was to be smite by God. Jessica looked so happy in her second mother’s arms. It was going to take her time to learn how to be a better parent to her girls, but for once since the family left the hospital it felt like Strahm was in control of her own life. She whispered quietly, “I love you, Jessica.” before putting her back in her crib and taking Alyssa into her arms, showing a similar level of motherly affection to her other daughter. When she put Alyssa back down, she repeated the words “I love you, Alyssa”. She traced over the outline of the crib’s, admiring Maureen’s handiwork for a moment before walking back downstairs. Maureen was already going to town on her plate when she came back.
“Food’s getting cold.” Maureen hummed, food filling her mouth. “You okay, honey?”
“Yeah… just thought I’d go check on the girls.”
“Were they crying?” Maureen shifted in her seat, “Did they need to be fed?”
“No, they’re okay for now. Sleeping soundly, though Jessica had some spit up on her cheek.” Strahm took the first bite of eggs before eating at a similar pace as her partner. When Maureen finished her food she pressed her lips onto the crown of Strahm’s head and said,
“You’ll be such a good mother to the girls.” She assured her
“Thanks.” Petra’s hand rested against Maureen’s cheek. Maureen nuzzled against it before kissing the skin above Petra’s pulse, “You want me to do the dishes?”
“I’d prefer if you brought the girls down.”
“Okay.” Petra went back upstairs and carried Alyssa down, then went back up to grab Jessica, lest she drop one of the twins on the way down.
“Oh, there’s my girls.” Maureen lit up when she saw her daughters on the living room floor, scooping them up into her arms and covering them in kisses.
“I thought you said you were gonna do dishes.” Strahm smirked
“Dishes are soaking, and almost done.” Hoffman countered
“Uh huh.”
“Promise. You wouldn’t tear me away from my babies now, would you?” She puffed up her lips and put on the most fragile looking doe eyes. Strahm rolled her eyes, but ultimately yielded to her partner. Petra sat back on the couch while Maureen did what looked like baby aerobics to her daughters, at least to Petra. She eventually slid down off the furniture and sat on the floor with her family as the girls got bored with the lion Maureen was trying to force them to play with. Petra inched towards Maureen as she laid on the floor and kissed her.
“Mhm, what’s that for?” Maureen wrapped a hand around Strahm’s shoulder as she returned the kiss
“Your little lion voice was cute.” Strahm smiled down at her partner
“Thank you, I tried.” She replied in the lion voice
“But not that cute.” Strahm’s face turned serious before cracking once more. After making sure her back was clear, Petra sat back down next to Maureen and started shaping Maureen’s hair as it cascaded out onto the carpet floor.
“You’re so pretty.” Maureen blurted out. She said it as if it was as natural as breathing to her
“You’re prettier.”
“This isn’t a contest, love. You can be gorgeous, and I can be beautiful.” Maureen leaned forward ever so slightly and looked into Strahm’s eyes with those ocean foam blue eyes
“Yeah… but you’re absolutely breathtaking.”
“And you make the stars envious of how brightly you shine.” Maureen buttered her up with flowery language. Petra made a run for Jessica as the girl crawled towards the door faster than either mother could herd her back towards her sister.
“Got you.” She told the infant, who giggled at her mother. “You look just like your mom with that devious smile of yours.”
“I don’t know, seems like she’s got your personality though.” Maureen teased her, taking Jessica from Petra’s arms and holding her against her chest. “Seems like someone’s getting fussy.”
“Then feed her” Strahm shrugged
“I will, I will.” Hoffman lifted her shirt up. Jessica latched on to the teat and Hoffman held her. Strahm ended up staring at Hoffman’s chest while she fed their daughter, and Hoffman knew her girlfriend was looking. She smirked and cleaned the two of them up before taking the twins back upstairs for their afternoon nap. When she came back down she had a certain satisfied look on her face as she pulled Petra from across the floor back onto her knees before Maureen’s spot on the couch.
“Oh honey. Whatever am I going to do with you?”
“What do you want?” Petra asked, pressing her lips onto Maureen’s knees as she waited for an answer.
“You know our first night together? Something like that… with you absolutely salivating at the sight of my pregnant body.”
“Have I not been a loyal devotee to you as you are now?” Petra’s eyebrow perked up. Her hands slowly inched up underneath Maureen’s shirt, resting on her hips before lifting the fabric up. Her mouth was on the stretchmarks of Maureen’s stomach before the other woman could say another word.
“Just like that, my love.” Hoffman’s hand threaded through Strahm’s hair. She split her legs open and Strahm hopped onto her lap. Her lips met with Maureen’s collarbone and wrapped her arms loosely around Maureen’s neck.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Strahm’s hips bucked up into the fat that spilled into Maureen’s lap
“You spoil me.” Maureen purred
“Can I do something selfish?” Strahm asked her
“Sure.” Maureen laughed, not knowing what it could entail. Strahm took her shirt off over her head and tossed it to the side, running her thumb over Maureen’s nipple. She cupped Maureen’s breast with one hand before putting her lips around the bud. She started sucking slowly. “Hon… honey…”
“Yeah?” Petra asked, her mouth still perched around her nipple.
“Yeah. Do that.” Maureen’s mind was quietly short circuiting as Strahm smirked. She continued to suck on her nipple before managing to draw some of the milk from her teat. She drank from her partner even though it was useless for her. Maureen’s nails dug deeper into the skin of Petra’s hips as her girlfriend drunk her dry. Her hand that cupped Maureen’s boob massaged the fat before trailing that same hand over her stomach. She pulled off and cleaned the side of her mouth with the tip of her finger before moving her mouth further south. Her tongue dipped into Maureen’s belly button before leaving a love bite on skin just above the spot.
“Be honest with me dear…” Maureen hummed, “Was I pretty when I was pregnant?”
“I could care less. I can’t get a-fucking-enough of you.” Strahm growled. Maureen threw her head back against the couch and clamped down on Petra’s hips. Petra tore her hands up before getting back onto the floor. She pulled Maureen’s pants down to her ankles and pressed her lips along the hem of her underwear. They were sloppy and wet, tongue applying pressure to the waistband. When she knew Maureen was good and teased, she slid the panties in a similar fashion to the floor. Petra’s tongue licked at Maureen’s clit until her partner’s legs folded and her back arched. Her hands pulled on Petra’s hair as she tried to keep herself quiet so the babies wouldn’t wake up from her screams. Petra stopped teasing her and let her finally cum. Maureen’s back slumped and Strahm’s thumb flicked over the skin of Maureen’s womb.
“I love you…” Maureen whimpered after Strahm’s head was back up from in between her legs. Strahm pressed her lips once more onto Hoffman’s stomach before replying.
“I love you too.” She shut her eyes and whispered something silently against Hoffman’s body. Hoffman didn’t ask. She didn’t want to take away from how mesmerized Petra acted over her.
“Come here.” Maureen said in a demanding voice, tugging her girlfriend up. Petra gladly let Hoffman pose her to her comfort until she was lying on her back and Maureen was on top of her. It was almost suffocating, but the pressure felt so good on her. Maureen’s hands rested on Petra’s chest before she slowly started kneading her boobs.
“What are you doing?” Petra looked at her
“You’ve ever had a cat?”
“Back when I was in college.” Petra continued to look at her like she was crazy
“When they’re happy, they knead.”
“Okay, so you’re happy. Why my chest and not my stomach?” Petra laughed
“No reason.”
“Mhm.” Petra’s hand rested on Hoffman’s back. “So it has nothing to do with you trying to also make me lactate?”
“No comment.” Maureen replied, continuing her massage. Petra grabbed the blanket from behind her girlfriend and wrapped it around the two of them. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” Petra replied, her fatigue suddenly crashing upon her like waves. Sensing the other woman’s tiredness, she pulls herself off her girlfriend. Petra whined and reached out for Maureen before asking, “Where are you going?”
“To take a shower. My hair is gross.” She fluffed up the oily ends, “That and everyone else is occupied for the time being.”
“Let me shower with you.” Petra protested
“No. Sleep.” She told Petra. Petra grumbled some more before rolling over and taking a nap
“That’s my girl.” Maureen ran her hand over Petra’s head. She slipped into the shower quickly and came back to Petra. She curled up next to her and listened to the house’s creaks to lull herself to sleep. She’s woken up by the sound of someone hitting her front door furiously. She slid off the couch and slinked over to the spot where she kept her gun. She loaded it and kept to the walls of the living room before peering out the door.
“Agent Perez.” She said while opening the door
“Maureen.” She nodded
“What are you doing here?” She asked nonchalantly, tucking her gun away
“Strahm said the two of you wanted to go on a date. So here I am. To babysit.” Lindsey waved her hands in front of her like she was about to perform a magic trick
“Oh. Come in then.” Maureen held the door open for Lindsey and rustled Petra, “Hon. Wake up.”
“Mhm.” Petra groaned
“I know a way to wake her up.” Lindsey shrugged
“Hopefully it’s not cold water. This couch was expensive.”
“No.” Lindsey laughed before getting in her work partner’s face and shouting, “I’ll tell you what I want.”
Petra jolted up from the couch and replied with the next line in the song, “What I really really want.”
“You’re welcome,” Lindsey bowed. Petra looked at her with irritation before softening at the sight of Maureen.
“Hey.” She reached out for Hoffman
“Lindsey’s here to babysit for us.”
“Oh shit, that’s today?” Petra reached around the couch to find her planner
“Yeah. Go get your dress on and take Maureen out.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you in a dress since we’ve started dating.” Maureen purred. Petra’s face flushed and she quickly walked upstairs while Maureen explained everything there was to know about the twins. Strahm let out a sigh of relief as she came back down, knowing the girls were in Lindsey’s capable hands. “You’re gorgeous” Maureen commented, wrapping an arm around her before pecking her cheek. “I’d better go get ready.”
“Yeah.” Strahm’s hand trailed after Maureen as Maureen let go and went upstairs herself.
“You feeling better?” Lindsey asked Strahm. Petra looked up at her as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress while sitting
“About what?”
“About being a mom now?”
“Good. That’s good for you.” Lindsey smiled. Maureen came back down with a girl in each arm, carefully handing her twins off to Lindsey as she avoided getting spit up on her outfit. “Oh my god, they’re so cute. They have the chubbiest cheeks I’ve ever seen!”
“I’m sure they’ll behave well for their Aunt Lindsey.” Maureen fawned over her girls one more time before taking Petra’s hand and pulling her towards the door. Petra broke her grasp and ran back to give the girls forehead kisses before walking back to her partner
“We’ll see you… later?”
“See you later. Say bye mom, bye mama.”
“They’re not really in that developmental phase yet…” Strahm started to explain
“Bye!” Maureen pulled her out the door before she could continue babbling on. She practically threw Petra into the car and ran her hand over the gear shift, “So. Where am I taking you?”
“Anywhere’s fine with me.” Petra ran her hand over Maureen’s before bringing it up to her lips, staring into her partner’s eyes. Maureen put the car in reverse and gunned it out of the driveway before Lindsey had time to change her mind.
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edupunkn00b · 1 year
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Remus, a sophomore, attends a first year Law School party under false pretenses.
Janus leaves said party, drunk and annoyed that his friend Jack has yet again deserted him as he chased some tail.
It's a storybook meet cute, right? ---
WC: 4918 - Rated M - alcohol, underage (19 yo) drinking, heavily suggestive, kissing, swearing, angst (with comfort) - Celebrating Remus' birthday by exploring some mature content ---
It was a gorgeous day. It was cool without being cold and the clear, bright autumn light made the entire campus glow. Remus had his sketchbook and pencils and slowly made his way to the Quad outside the dining hall. He was early to meet Roman for dinner, but he wanted to capture all the colors before the setting sun—and impending Seattle rain—leeched them all away.
He had nearly gotten to his favorite tree, the giant gingko at the center of the Quad, when a smiling upperclassman approached him. "Oh, Roman, thank god I found you! I've been looking for you everywhere! Are you free tonight to help block the stage for my play?"
Remus smiled back and tilted his head with a little shoulder shimmy. "Well, hello, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome, but I'm not Roman." He pressed a hand to his chest, and bowed. "I'm Remus, his twin."
The man's face fell a bit. "Oh, sorry to bother you. Um, well, if you see Roman, will you let him know Nate's looking for him?"
Remus nodded and opened his mouth to reply but the man had already started off in the other direction. Remus shrugged and resumed walking.
He camped out under his favorite tree along the path he knew Roman would have to take on his way to the dining hall, pulled on his headphones and started drawing. After several minutes, he was interrupted by someone tapping his shoulder and waving a hand in front of his face. He freed one ear. She was smiling broadly, "I said, Roman, I didn't know you were an artist, too! Does that make you a quadruple threat?"
Remus grinned as wide as he could and spread his arms as if to say 'tada!' "You've got Roman's one and only brother Remus this afternoon!" He pretended not to notice the fractional dip in the girl's smile when he said his name. "You like art? I've got other sketches here..." He reached out as though to shake her hand, "You know my name now, what's yours?"
Her smile had shrunk to a small and polite closed-lipped ghost of its former self. "Oh, hi, Remus..." She gave the tiniest of shrugs. "I thought you were Roman. Uh, my name's Debbie. It's nice to meet you, but I should be getting to class." She started to turn. "See you around."
Remus kept the grin pasted on his face, "Sure, see you around..." He’d swallowed and replaced the headphones and returned to his drawing when he was interrupted yet again.
"Oh, Roman... just the man I wanted to see!" Remus' shoulders knotted and he sucked in a deep breath, ready to once more with feeling explain that he was sorry to disappoint the world but he was not, in fact, the dashing actor/singer/dancer Roman Prince, but only his identical-but-still-somehow-lesser-twin brother, Remus. He lifted his eyes and saw the hottest guy he'd seen all year—or at least that week. 
Fuck it. If they all wanted him to be Roman... then he'd be Roman.
"Well, hello there. And you’re just the man I wanted to see..." Remus dragged his eyes up and down the body of the tall, muscular man standing before him and grinned. "What can I do you for this lovely evening?"
The man laughed and offered his hand. Remus grabbed it and pulled himself up. “I’m throwing a little get together at my place tonight,” he smiled. “You should come.”
Remus bit his lower lip and smiled. “I’d love to come… to your party.” 
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he laughed again and took Remus’ hand and scrawled the address of a building just off campus. He closed his fingers over his palm then brought his hand up for a soft kiss. “See you at seven, Roman?”
“I'll be there, baby.”
If Janus had to listen to one more cover of Hey Baby he was going to take a fucking mallet to Jack’s stereo.
He nursed his second scotch and scowled out at the buzzed party goers bouncing against each other in a gross approximation of dancing. It seemed like their entire first year law school class was jammed into that apartment, along with a dozen or so googly-eyed undergrads readily downing the potluck punch on the counter.
And Jack? His so-called best friend Jack who’d somehow convinced him to come to this third-rate tribute to the cult of Dionysis was wrapped around that sophomore he’d picked up on the Quad.
The younger man laughed again, a loud, almost nervous cackle, then rubbed up against Jack like they weren’t in the middle of a crowded party. Finally, Jack seemed to get an ounce of sense and disappeared with the guy into his bedroom.
Despite the pounding music, the room was quieter without them and Janus sat back in his chair, lifting his now empty glass to his lips. Fuck.
The bottle he’d snagged from the kitchen sat empty on the little table at his elbow. He knew where Jack had more but it would mean relinquishing his seat. One more, then he’d head home.
True to his prediction, the moment he stood, a couple swooped in, wrapped around each other and trying to swallow each other's faces. Rolling his eyes, he fished out the bottle at the back of Jack’s cereal cabinet and poured himself another healthy serving.
As he sipped, his eyes cast over the party. Surely there was someone here worth meeting, if only for a night. A shrieking cheer burst from the makeshift dance floor when Can’t Take Me Home played for the third time and everyone paired up to find new ways to drunkenly grind their genitals together.
“Prescient,” he muttered and drained his glass.
“You sick fuck!” Jack’s shout rose above the din but the rest of the party goers didn’t seem to notice. “You thought I wouldn’t care?”
“No, Jack, baby…” That obnoxious undergrad’s croon churned uncomfortably in Janus’ stomach, the voice was wrong but the tone…. Janus shook his head and swallowed back his first thought. “Of course you’d—” His voice cracked. ”It’s why I said something. I—”
“Just get the fuck out.” Jack didn’t even yell. He’d dragged the guy, half-naked, out to the living room and Janus watched from behind the kitchen island. The guy had stopped, struggling to button up his fly, when Jack shoved a bundle of clothes and a grungy pair of boots into his arms. He opened the door, barely waiting long enough for the guy to leave before letting it slam shut.
Jack caught his eye. “Jan!” His half-drunken smile returned as he slunk through the crowd to join him in the kitchen. “I see you found my Ballantine’s,” he laughed and swiped Janus’ empty glass and the bottle, refilling it. He gulped down half of it before returning it to him.
“What was that all about?” Janus asked, looking pointedly at the door.
“Ah, nothing worth worrying about,” he shook his head. “Hm, but that ”—Jack winked at a senior dressed in leather pants and a cropped mesh tank that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. “Now that’s something I’d like to concern myself with. Excuse me, mon ami. You’re good for a while, right?” he asked, clapping Janus’ back and walking away before he could answer.
He hadn’t yet finished his drink by the time Jack was leading a replacement conquest back to his room. Janus knew he wasn’t really one to judge but at least he bothered to let his sheets cool before he pulled someone new into his bed.
Slamming back the dregs of his fourth—fifth?—and last drink, Janus left the glass in the sink and took the bottle with him before slipping out into the hallway.
The door closed behind him with a heavy thunk and the quiet hallway swallowed up the echo of the party. He leaned against the door, relishing the moment the ringing in his ears faded away, leaving only the hum of machinery from the elevator.
And quiet sniffling from the stairwell.
Janus stepped closer, toe-heeling his way down the carpeted hall until he peeked around the corner and spotted Jack’s sophomore from the party, now fully dressed and sitting on the steps. His back was turned to Janus, but his auburn hair and faded Green Day tee shirt were unmistakable. Sitting two steps down and curled against the wall, he’d tucked his feet up on the same step and hugged them to his chest like a lost friend.
It felt rude to pretend he wasn’t there while he waited for the elevator, so Janus cleared his throat and stepped closer. The guy bolted upright, scuffed Docs skidding down a step and he craned his neck to look over his shoulder.
Pater, you asshole. Don't talk to him. Don't talk to him, don't talk to him, don’t—
“Hey,” Janus murmured, fishing in his pockets for a tissue. “You, uh… You alright?” He set down the whiskey bottle and finally found a little packet and passed it down to him. “Are you hurt?”
A sharp smile cut across his face and he scrubbed his eyes dry with one sleeve even as he struggled to pull out a tissue. “Of course, I’m fine, cutie.” His gaze danced over the banister, up and down the steps, everywhere but Janus’ eyes. “I’m doin’ just fine. How are you doin’?”
Janus frowned as he tried to meet his eyes. He had a tiny scar in the outer corner, just below his eyebrow. Gabe had had a scar there, too. But bright green eyes peeked through auburn curls instead of that familiar warm ebony. 
They carried the same sadness, though. 
He shook his head. “I’m fine, thank you for asking,” he murmured, smoothing his mask back on. “Weren’t you at the party with Jack?” he asked, deflecting his flirting. He was certain the guy hadn’t noticed him there, and it could give him an out at least.
“Yeah, I was, but…” he looked away but not before Janus saw his smile disintegrate.
“That bad, huh?” C’mon, man, save us both some face. “I always suspected Jack was a selfish lover but I figured he’d at least give you a reach around,” he tried to joke.
The guy barked out a wet laugh. “I wouldn’t know. We didn’t get that far.” He scrubbed away more tears with the heel of his palm and shrugged before he again hugged his legs close to his chest. “Jack had me confused with someone else and, once I told him, he…” his voice cracked, belying his earlier wicked grin and sultry little wink.
“You have a doppelganger around here?”
“Yeah…” he whispered, “My twin.”
“Ah.” Janus squinted at him. For all his obnoxious innuendos and loud flirtation at the party, the man now sat hunched on a dirty step, arms wrapped around his shins, practically the fetal position. He looked like he wanted to sink into the floor and Janus’ hands twitched, nearly overwhelmed by the desire to wipe away the fresh tears slowly trailing down his cheek. He’s not Gabe, he’s not Gabe, he’s not Gabe.
A thought seeped through his tipsy mind and went straight to his mouth. “But, wait… you didn’t realize Jack had you confused with your twin?”
He shifted on the step, chewing at his lip. He looked like he’d eaten something rotten.
“Ah,” Janus said again, quieter this time. The man somehow shrunk further into himself. He stepped a little closer, drawn by something he couldn’t explain. “So if you’re not your brother, who are you?”
He looked up at Janus, trying—and failing—to hide the wobble in his lower lip. “You won’t laugh?” Janus raised a hand with a wink.
“I’m Remus,” he said quietly. “And not from that fucking book.”
Janus sat down next to him. “I’d never laugh at the founder of Rome.”
Remus’ lips twitched with a surprised smile, eyeing Janus from the corner of his eyes.
“Besides, Remus, I’ve got you beat.”
He smirked. “Oh, yeah, where’s your paddle, Daddy?”
Janus threw his back and laughed. “I prefer ‘Sir,’” he said, shaking his head and pretending to stand.
“Okay, for real,” Remus grabbed at his sleeve, a flash of genuine warmth in his smile. “Tell me? What’s your name?”
Not Gabe. That same mix of soft spice. But different. Alcohol sang through his veins, muffling the alarms in his chest. “My name is Janus,” he said at last.
Remus’ eyebrows jumped up and his grin broadened. “Latin?” Janus nodded and a smile slowly spread across his face.
“Hm… I really do need to brush up on my Latin studies.” His eyes dragged over Janus’ body as he licked his lips. Janus felt his face and chest flush and Remus only pouted, sliding a little closer. “The only thing I know how to say is cum magna calor.”
“I don’t believe that word means what you think it means.” 
“Maybe you should give me some lessons.” He let his palm rest on Janus' knee. “I’m a quick study.”
He’s not Gabe, he’s not Gabe, he’s not Gabe. It’s just a fucking scar, Pater. He’s not Gabe.
Remus’ hand slid up his thigh, his hot palm burning through the thin material of Janus’ slacks.
“I might have something for that back at my place,” he finally purred, staring back into those bright green eyes. “It’s a bit of a walk, but… you look like you've got some stamina.”
Remus stood, taking Janus’ hand. “I’ve got an even better idea.”
The night had turned cold since the party started and Remus curled one arm around Janus’ waist as they walked. “We’ll keep eachother warm,” he murmured, tentatively sliding a hand into his back pocket. Janus just smiled back and took a swig from the bottle he’d apparently stolen from Jack’s party.
“This’ll keep us warm, too,” he almost slurred, pressing the bottle into Remus’ empty hand.
He watched Janus’ eyes as he drank, the whiskey burning far more than the punch had at the party. Janus hadn’t even flinched as he drank and, though Remus tried to hide it, the other man noticed.
“Oh, a light weight,” he grinned, capping the bottle and pulling him closer as they walked. 
“Cut me some slack, baby,” Remus shrugged with a little smile. “Nineteen year olds don’t usually drink a lot of whiskey.”
He was sure he’d made a mistake when something flashed across Janus’ face but the wrinkle in his brow soon smoothed and he drank the last of the bottle before dropping it in the grass.
“That’s littering,” he smiled.
“Mm-hm,” Janus hummed back and stopped walking. He drew Remus close and nuzzled against his neck. “Add to that public drunken disorderly conduct, supplying alcohol to a minor…” He nipped at the soft flesh just above his collar bone. “Wanna add public lewdness?”
“Be gay, do crimes?” Remus chuckled, scanning the Quad over Janus’ shoulder. Raindrops splattered against the grass. It was light for now, but… “How about we go somewhere warmer?” he whispered, slowly pulling away. He searched the other man’s eyes. His gaze was fuzzy, not focusing on any one spot for long. No matter what they did, he needed to get Janus indoors.
Janus nodded. “Lead the way, Remus Caesar,” he bowed, leaning heaving against Remus’ side as he straightened.
“It’s Prince, actually,” he chuckled. “Just through here,” Remus whispered, pointing to the far side of the science building and pushing away the unease in the pit of his stomach. He slipped his arm free and crouched down in front of a dark window at ground level. Grinning up at Janus, he turned the latch and laughed as it easily spun in place.
“The lock’s been busted since at least last winter and they still haven’t fixed it.” Swinging the window open, he rolled onto his stomach and shimmied partway down. “I’ll jump down, then help you through,” he said, fresh warmth filling his chest at the surprised gleam in Janus’ eyes.
He grunted as he dropped down to the floor and fell to one knee, but quickly recovered. “Just a sec!” he called and spotted a sturdy desk to shove under the window. He clambered on top of it and whispered through the window. “Come on. It’s a short drop.”
“Isn’t the prince meant to climb the tower, not sneak through the basement?” he chuckled, crawling after him and sliding his lower half through the open window.
“Whatever works.” Remus’ hands were warm and steady on his hips as he guided him down until they stood together on top of the dusty desk. Still gripping Remus’ arm, Janus looked around at the room. Three old skeletons, each missing limbs, were gathered in one corner, the green exit light spilling through the door cast long shadows across the floor. A dozen or so rolling chalkboards were tucked in the opposite corner, and the center of the room was crowded with cracked lab benches and half-broken equipment.
“How’d y’even find this place?” Janus frowned at the slurring fuzziness in his words, but Remus didn’t seem to notice. Or care. “I’s here as an undergrad fer two years an’ never came across it.”
“Never underestimate the power of a bored Art Major,” Remus laughed, picking up what had to be a replica of a WW II gas mask. Janus leaned in to inspect it but stumbled against a lab bench. His hands flew up to steady himself but he only ended up pinning Remus against the hard marble surface as he fell into his arms.
Remus peeled off the mask and let it tumble to the table behind him. He threaded his fingers behind Janus’ neck and pulled him closer. “Hmm…” he purred near his ear, hot breath sending a shiver down Janus’ spine. “I suppose we should never underestimate the power of a thirsty law student, either.”
That damned mix of softness and heat swirled in his eyes as he looked up at him. Eyes squeezed shut, Janus curled over him and sucked hard just under his jaw. “You’re wearing too many clothes,” he growled and pushed back just enough to let him up before hitching himself up onto the lab bench. 
Janus slid back and watched Remus strip off his shirt. His chest was littered with mostly faded hickies and nicks and marks. He held his left arm close to his belly, but Janus caught a flash of scars running up and down his inner forearm as he worked open the top buttons of his jeans.
“No.” Janus shook his head and leaned forward to trace the faint marks on his chest. He smiled as he dragged both hands down his bare skin until he reached Remus’ hips. “C’mere,” he slurred and tugged him closer.
“One mark’s not enough for you?” Grinning, Remus climbed up and straddled his lap.
“Is ‘t fer you?”
Remus was eager and warm in his arms and every little gasp he let out sent shivers up and down Janus’ spine. The kisses he gave in return were tender, softly mouthing along Janus’ jaw and below his ear, sweet whispers of his name. 
The heavy scent of spring magnolias filled his lungs tears pricked the corners of his eyes. It had been so long since he’d felt this, this soft passion, the warmth and gentle kisses. “Tell me what you want,” Janus murmured after leaving a particularly dark mark on his chest.
“I want you,” he whispered. Gripping his shoulders, he ground down hard against him. “How about you catch up and get rid of some of your clothes, Jannie?”
Dizzy from the whiskey, Janus nodded but pulled him closer. He didn’t want to let go. “Anything you want, Gabe…”
“I’m not Gabe .” Remus pulled back, a tremble in his chin even as he glared. “I’m me . And if your Gabe’s so great, why isn’t he here grinding up against you instead of me?”
Stunned, Janus blinked at him, vision blurred in the darkened room as reality crashed down on him. A chilly breeze blew in through the open window, kicking up the scent of fallen leaves and a hint of woodsmoke from the line of houses next to campus. Sniffling, Remus climbed off his lap and picked up his discarded shirt. “I’m no replacement. Go find your fucking Gabe. Tell him I said ‘you’re welcome’ for warming you up for him.”
“Gabe’s gone,” Janus shot back, the lingering buzz stripping away his filter. “He’s in the fucking ground. He’s jus’… gone,” he muttered and then slid off the lab bench, swaying as he struggled to regain his footing.
“Shit, Jan, wait—” Remus grabbed his wrist, barely Janus’ sloppy roundhouse. But he didn’t let go.
“Wai’ what?” he shouted. Yanking his arm back only succeeded in pulling him closer.
“I didn’t know,” Remus said with a softness Janus couldn’t understand. “I’m sorry.” He traced calloused fingers over his cheek, leaving a wet trail across his skin.
Janus’ knees wobbled as his adrenaline fizzled away and he dropped down to the floor. He hung his head and watched the tears sprinkle against the hands—his and Remus’—in his lap. When had he started crying? 
“I didn’t know,” Remus whispered again after he knelt next to him. His free hand reached out and gently turned Janus’ head until he faced him.
He stared back at him and Janus trembled as he fought to pull his mask back on, but Remus wouldn’t release his gaze, bright green eyes demanding his attention, his story.
“No-one knows,” he whispered, words spilling out before he could stop them. “Not here at least…” A sob threatened to push up from the back of his throat and he clamped his teeth down on his lip. Remus brushed a thumb over his mouth, the unexpected tenderness unclenching his jaw. “It was… I los’ Gabe back home…” 
Tears chased his words and Remus pulled him close, cooing softly. He buried his face against Remus’ neck and cried.
“I sh… I should head home…” Janus didn’t want to let go, but his eyelids were heavy and swollen from crying, his head stuffed with cotton. He was miles from his earlier giddiness, but hours from sober and it was a long walk home.
”Oh, Jannie, you’re all the way down Broadway,” Remus drew him close again. He still hadn’t put on his shirt, but Janus had a hard time minding the warm, bare skin under his palms. “That's too far to walk.. how about you crash at my dorm. I’m just across the quad.”
“I… I can’…” Janus shook his head but couldn’t make himself pull away. “I need t’ sleep this off,” he finally managed.
“I’m not trying to fuck you,” Remus muttered, squeezing the arm crossed over his back. “Not anymore, at least,” he added with a little eyebrow waggle, but his face quickly shifted back to that soft, concerned look. Janus stared back at him, confounded and… comforted by the rapid change. “I just want you to be safe.”
“Why?” Remus frowned at his question and started to look away, but Janus cradled his jaw and turned his head back. “I mean… Why care about me? It’s not your fault I’m drunk and…” And called you another man’s name…
Remus shrugged. “I guess…” He rubbed his cheek against Janus’ palm, a soft, catlike gesture. “I guess anyone who cared enough about someone to mourn them… Needs some care,” he finally smiled.
The room spun around them and Janus’ head wobbled, a little nod. Rising slowly, Remus lifted him to his feet and pointed at the door. “It’s only locked from the outside.” He curled an arm around his waist again, a similar pose to how they’d walked here from Jack’s party. “Ready?” he asked, then pushed through the door.
The rain grew heavier as they walked and by the time they’d reached the dorm, they were soaked.
“Shhh… my brother’s asleep,” he whispered when he poked his head through the door. Stifling a curse, Remus stubbed his toe on Ro’s chair as he moved around in the dark, looking for clean-ish towels. He gave Janus the softer one. “Not to be all ‘you should get out of those wet clothes,’ but…” he whispered, peeling off his shirt. “You should get out of those wet clothes.”
Nodding, Janus fumbled with the buttons on his shirt before stepping back and almost falling against the wall. “Shit,” Remus hissed, looking over his shoulder. Ro had his headphones on, probably listening to his textbooks. “Lemme help you, Jannie,” he whispered and quickly undid his buttons and pulled off the sopping shirt. 
Working together, they undressed in the dark, towels wrapped around their waists. “Last week was laundry day,” Remus shrugged as he peeled back the blankets, grateful Janus seemed too out of it to even notice. He’d never actually had anyone in their room before and he was kinda disgusted with himself. 
“Thank you, ‘mus,” Janus muttered as he climbed into the bed. Remus started to cover him, he could sleep in the bean bag nest by his desk. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d fallen asleep there. “Wai—” Despite his stupor, Janus’ hand snaked out from the blankets and gripped his wrist. “Please, stay?” He looked up through half-lidded eyes. “I won’—” Janus’ head lolled against the pillow but he didn’t let go.
“Okay,” Remus finally nodded and curled around him. Janus was almost completely out by the time he’d covered them both with the blanket, moving just enough to nuzzled against him.
“‘Nigh’ ‘mus…” he muttered, one arm draped over his waist.
“Good night, Jan…” Remus rubbed his cheek against his hair. Even through the sour stench of the whiskey, his hair smelled like mint and earl grey tea. Scrunched together in the bed, their towels had loosened, leaving Remus very aware of how vulnerable he was in this virtual—and drunken—stranger’s arms. He didn’t even know his last name. 
Everything about this was wrong. So why did it feel so right?
“Sleep well,” he murmured, and pressed a kiss into his hair and drifted off to sleep.
Roman stretched and sat up at the insistent beep of his alarm. It had rained in the night and Re’s hamper smelled… wet. Raising an eyebrow at his brother’s sleeping form, he sighed. At least he came home last night. Roman had considered waiting up for him, but the last time he’d done that, Re had just laughed at his overprotectiveness. And frankly, with an audition right after his morning shift, he couldn’t afford the missed sleep today.
He got up and clicked off his alarm before stripping off his pajamas and grabbing his day’s outfit and a robe, thanking the universe for the small miracle of separate closets.
“So you really are identical,” a man mumbled in a low growl, golden blond hair and  two sharp eyes just barely peering out from under Remus’ comforter.
“Jesus Christ Superstar!” Roman’s face burned and he pressed his folded clothes against his groin. Re’s head soon poked out from under the covers, as well. “Dammit, Re! Warn a dude next time you bring someone home!”
“Oh, yeah, sorry, Ro Bro. I got lucky last night.” He winked at his boyfriend and the man snorted. “You were asleep when we got in. Didn’t want to wake you.” Remus propped himself up on one elbow and yawned. “Ro, this is Janus. Janus, meet my brother Roman.”
“Janice?” He began to smirk.
Remus pulled a scowling Janus closer to him, laying across his chest. “Hey, Ro, you’re peeking.” Roman looked down and tried to adjust the bundle of clothes to better cover himself. He fumbled his way backwards to the closet and pushed his arms through the sleeves of his robe and tied it tight around his waist.
Collecting his shower caddy and a fresh set of clothes, he called over his shoulder. “I’ll be back in a half an hour. Please be dressed when I do.” He let the door slam behind him.
Remus waggled his eyebrows at Janus. “Half an hour, huh? That’s enough time to pick up where we left off, if you’re… up for it?” He shifted under the covers, and his grin grew when his hands brushed a little lower against Janus’ hip.
“I, um…” Janus’ breath caught in his throat, still not quite over the way Remus had curled over him so protectively, slashing back at his brother at even a hinted mock of his name. “I have a class…”
“So do I…” The hunger in his smile softened as he looked back at Janus, warmth and longing in his eyes. One hand drawn through his hair, he brushed tender kisses along his jaw. “But wouldn’t you rather stay here with me?”
Pulling back, he nuzzled against the warm, rough hand now at his cheek, and his gaze trailed up from the love bites he’d left on Remus’ chest and neck to the stubble sprouting across his jaw and upper lip. His full mouth curved up in an impossibly shy smile, like he feared Janus might just push him away. Finally, Janus met his eyes, sparkling green with flecks of gold even in the thin streams of light spilling from the edges of the drawn blinds.
Janus smiled. No, he’s not Gabe. He’s Remus. And he’s wonderful.
He pulled Remus closer and fell into their kiss.
The story continues in
15 notes · View notes
harrysweasleys · 3 years
know-it-all // g.w
summary: Could you please write a fluffy fic about George and a Ravenclaw reader arguing about an answer on an exam or an assignment. And in the end it turns out George was right. And I would love it if you could include the exchange, "Don't say it!" "I told you so." "I said don't say it."
warnings: mentions of food
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i am back with my twin fics! woah! it’s been a while, sorry about that. life has been wild and i didn’t have much motivation but here we go! i hope you all enjoy!! x
[i do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other platform!]
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For what felt like the billionth time of that afternoon, you dropped your head onto the table and let your forehead smack against the solid wooden surface. You could feel different sets of eyes peering in your direction from other tables in the library, all silently questioning what was wrong with you. 
The answer was simple: Potions.
Snape had set out a stupid assignment that, to be completely fair, was way out of your league. For every time you thought he was an awful professor, he sunk remarkably lower. 
The topic of said assignment was one that you guys hadn’t even covered yet, and given by Snape’s tone of voice when a student had brought that very point up in class, he really couldn’t care less. It didn’t help that you were already ridiculously occupied with other end-of-year assignments — you didn’t want to get stuck teaching yourself a whole new branch of potion-making as well. You were barely sleeping nights and only showed up to dinner every second day, the library study hours becoming your very best friend. 
It was just a lot. 
It also didn’t help that you could see the golden rays of the sunlight pouring in through the dusty library window, signalling that it was once again the end of the day, and tomorrow, bright and early, you’d be handing in the assignment that you were nearly certain you’d botched. 
Dinner was likely being prepared in the Great Hall right about now, the wonderful smell of roast potatoes and pumpkin juice running through your mind, but you honestly weren’t up to eating. You were feeling rather down in the dumps, forehead still pressed against the wooden table, and your mind reeling around the assignment.
“You look like you could use some assistance.”
You lifted your gaze, sure that there was now a bright red spot on your forehead, and glared over at George, who had just taken the seat across from you at the table. His grin was wide but his eyes were tired — you knew he was busy working on assignments of his own, as well his summer plans for opening the shop. Yet somehow he always found time to help you. 
He tilted his head to the side when you gave him an exhausted stare, blinking rapidly before you processed his question. 
“Do you remember doing this last year?” you asked, sliding over the assignment paper, giving a small cough to clear your dry throat. George, being in the year ahead of you, had quite the knack for Potions. He liked to say it was because it was just utterly fascinating and he was a purely, genuinely, naturally gifted student, but you knew he only did so well because he’s been brewing his own disastrous concoctions since he was a young boy. With practice comes skill, you always said. 
And you prayed to Merlin that said skill would come in handy right about now. 
His eyes scanned the paper and he gave a small shake of his head, “No, but I think you’ve got this wrong. You wrote Leech Juice here, but I’m pretty sure the answer is actually Acromantula Venom.”
You frowned, snatching the paper back from him — making him flinch and take a quick look at his fingers for any paper cuts — and stared down at your answer, “What? No. The obvious answer is Leech Juice. This was the only question I understood. I know the answer to this one, it’s the others that I can’t seem to figure out.”
He raised an eyebrow, “It’s Acromantula Venom, darling. That I know for sure.”
Though you were grateful for his presence and the fact that he was willing to help, you knew he was wrong about that one. Any first year could tell the answer was Leech Juice. But you didn’t feel like arguing with him any more than necessary with time running low, so you just gave your paper back and frowned.
“Can you help me with any of these? Professor Snape hasn’t said a single thing about any of these topics, and I’m sick of flipping through book after book, not even sure what I’m looking for,” you let out a sigh, “It feels like he’s purposefully setting us up for failure,” you muttered the last part under your breath, not wanting anyone other than George to hear your complaints.
His hand reached across the table and linked with yours, his soft fingers calming down the rapid, stressed-out beating of your heart, and gave you a small smile, “If he hasn’t taught you this, I’m sure that you’re not the only one having a hard time.”
You groaned, trying to pull your hand out of his, unfortunately failing as his grip was stronger than yours. 
“That doesn’t make me feel better,” you said, voice low, “I don’t want to fail, even if everyone else does. That’ll always show up on my reports.”
He pursed his lips, giving you a small nod, “Alright, I get that. Why don’t you take a break? We’ll go eat, and then finish this up later, yeah? You can head over to the Common Room with me after dinner, I doubt anyone will say anything.”
A sigh left your lips as you began to place your parchment and books into a pile, George grabbing your ink bottle and quill — which had kindly left little indents in your hand due to aggressive use — and the two of you began to make your way to the Great Hall. 
After leaving the library, you could feel a weight lifted off of your shoulders. As if the tense study environment that you had felt stuck in had now been leeched away from you. As if you could now think clearly. You gave George a small smile, thankful that he arrived when he did. 
Merlin, why was sixth year so difficult? If it wasn’t for George’s calmness and sanity, you’d probably be a melted mess of failed papers and shining blue robes on the floor. 
As you made your way into the Hall, heading towards the Ravenclaw table, George pressed a kiss to your forehead and muttered, “Acromantula Venom,” against your skin, shooting you a wink before he made off to his own house table. 
You gave a small scowl, mouthing “Leech Juice” right back at him. 
— —
“Oh, well, now would you look at that,” George grinned, looking down at the assignment you were shoving in his face. A bright smile donned your lips as you flashed the score, a bright red E. 
Exceeds Expectations. 
It wasn’t the O — Outstanding — that you were hoping for, but Merlin, did the E feel good. That meant you had done better than Snape was expecting — and better than a majority of the class, by the looks of it. They had all walked out with solemn faces and shoved their papers in their bags as quickly as possible. Even the Slytherin girl who sat behind you, the one who always bragged about perfect grades and how much Snape favoured her, had left without saying a word. That fact alone really boosted your pride. 
“No thanks to your brilliant boyfriend,” George gave himself a pat on the back, giving you your now-crumpled paper. 
“Oh, sod off,” you gave him a nudge in the shoulder as you sat down on the couch next to him, the Gryffindor common room rather silent for this early in the evening. Despite being a Ravenclaw, passing students didn’t mind your presence in their house. After three years of dating George and always being in the space, they barely even noticed the blue of your tie amongst the red ones anymore. 
“Wait, what’s this?” George rapidly snatched the paper out of your hands — revenge for when you did it to him, most likely — and his eyes lingered on question number four, “Oh, well, would you look at that?”
You scowled, crossing your arms over your chest in preparation for his comment, “Don’t say it.”
His grin was so wide, you swore his cheeks would split, “You got Leech Juice wrong! And right here, scribbled in Snape’s hardly-legible writing, what does that say? It looks like A-Acro-,” 
“Don’t,” you didn’t meet his eyes, a sour expression on your face as George rubbed it in. 
“I told you so,” he leaned forwards, pressing a light kiss against your temple, arm slinging around you to bring you against his body. His warmth radiated through his sweater and it wasn’t helping the pettiness you were feeling in your chest. 
“I said don’t say it,” you grumbled, snapping your head away from him and staring at the blank brick wall next to the fireplace. His laugh vibrated through your body, and it took everything in you not to turn around and laugh with him. 
He placed one of his hands under your chin and turned your gaze to meet his, “Come on, I’m only playing. I’m proud of you, and I knew you’d do well. You were worried for nothing.”
“It wasn’t for nothing!” you flailed your arms, letting them fall on your lap, “He sprung this out of the blue. Of course I was worried.”
“And you did brilliantly,” he pressed another kiss to your temple, sparks fluttering across your skin as his loving touch, “You always do, my brilliant little witch.”
You cracked.
A small smile made its way onto your lips as you leaned into his touch, loving the feeling of being close to him. And it felt even sweeter knowing that you hadn’t failed — that this was a victory hug. 
“Love you,” he mumbled against your hand, bringing your knuckles up to his lips and pressing a kiss on each one. You leaned your head on his shoulder, bringing your lips to his neck to mumble the same words against his skin. 
A victory. 
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astralbulldragon13 · 3 years
Son of the Dragon Chapter 1: Tír na nÓg
It had been four years since that one fateful night by the pond, Houmi and Malleus grew closer, and since Crowley couldn’t find a way for her to go home, once she graduated from Night Raven College, she didn’t want to go back. Malleus brought her to his home, telling his grandmother of his intent to marry her. It made Houmi nervous, meeting the powerful Fae woman since she was just a human. Lillia insisted that she would love her. Still, it terrified Houmi because she heard that the great Witch of Thorns was not fond of humans. But to her surprise, the Great Fae smiled at Houmi, despite the little human’s trembling. On the other hand, the Royal Court did not like the idea of their powerful prince marrying a human, and a seemingly magicless one at that. And to hear the boy would sully himself with marrying a human wench, it was unspeakable. 
At the advisor’s insistence, she was roomed in a tower that overlooked the garden, and while it was away from Malleus, it was in much better state than the Ramshackle Dorm. Also, thankfully, her friends came to the kingdom to visit, and was able to connect to the internet with the help of Deuce Spade, so that she could talk with her friends from Night Raven College, as well as taking some classes online, Grim acting as her lap-cat and familiar, after all, the two of them were the Ramshackle student. And now, in the Valley of Thorns, she gained more of a family. Lillia supported her like a father, while Silver watched over her like an older brother, and Sebek, well, he was himself, a strict, brotherly figure that, while still loyal to Malleus, he still looked after Houmi when she was walking the gardens. Many of the members of the Fae court are courteous to her, though it was probably just because of Malleus and his intimidating aura. It seems even in his own kingdom Malleus makes people afraid to approach him. Malleus would speak with Lillia for hours at a time about a wedding. The two of them agree that it would be a small ceremony, with only their friends from Night Raven College. 
The ancient fae enjoyed these conversations, as he was more of a father to the young prince than anyone ever was. There were questions on who the officiant would be, obviously Headmaster Crowley, giving away the bride? They had decided that it would be Leona Kingscholar, who was very protective of the girl, like a younger sister. His groomsmen would be Silver and Sebeck, while Ace and Deuce decided to be Houmi’s Men of Honor, much to the laughter of the whole group. There was a small glen outside of the capital city. The forest clearing was decorated by small fairies, with direction from Lillia and a visiting Vil Schoenheit, little fairy-lights and flowers were draped over tree limbs. The model and actor was adamant about choosing the right flowers. The hangings were braided with edelweiss and borage.Tied around the trees with blue ribbons were cascading bundles of red chrysanthemums, aster and heliotrope. Lillia and his fellow members of the Light Music Club were enchanting instruments for the march. Even Idia Shroud came out of his cave to see one of his dearest friends be married. 
As these friends prepared for the wedding, Houmi tried to get to know Malleus’ family. His mother and Maleficent were very fond of her. Maleficent would call her ‘Little Beastie’, and showed her special ways to spin thread, and the two of them bonded over sewing, teaching Houmi how to make clothes and other textiles. With the help of Vil and Ruggie, Houmi made the outfits for the wedding. Lillia showed her images from old books involving Fae weddings. Malleus’ mother was very inquisitive, asking Houmi about her past that she couldn’t remember very well. The older Fae made certain that her future daughter-in-law was well fed, and that Maurin and the other members of the court did not give her too much grief. There were a few ladies who spoke cordially with Houmi, questioning her about her odd friendships with princes, celebrities, and some of the most prestigious noble families. They also gave Grimm a flood of attention, giggling when he purred and let them put him in stylish bows with a myriad of different fabrics. They would even refer to him as Ser Grimm, protector of the future Queen. The flaming feline loved the attention, and took his newly assigned duty very seriously, especially with the private wedding ceremony. 
On the first full moon of autumn, it was time. Vil and Rook were helping Houmi get prepared. The gown that she had finished was made of lace and tulle, with an off-shoulder neckline that was made from crème-colored tulle, accentuating the collar-bone. The bodice was covered in a fine, alencon lace over crepe fabric, the skirt was made of layers of tulle that fell to the ground. It was truly a wonderful piece, and the finishing touch was a crown of ivy braided with red salvia. A bouquet of red camellias and yellow tulips tied with emerald ribbon was clasped in her hands as she walked into the forest, a small gathering of small pixies were flitting around her face, adding the last bits of make-up and arranging her hair to be perfect to their standards.
Leona stood at the mouth of the glen, dressed in white clothes like what he wore to the Fairy Gala, only the sleeves were made of tulle. He offered his arm to Houmi, a gentle smile on his face. “You ready, Herbivore?” She chuckled, waving away the small sprites weaving her shoulder length, dark brown hair into her ivy crown. “Of course, Leona.” They made their way through the woods to the altar, the creatures of the forest bowed to their princess as she  took as Leona brought her to Malleus, standing under an arch of arbutus, white heather, and blue violets. Behind him was Crowley, his mask and cane missing as he held a small black book that looked like some kind of grimoire. 
Leona sighed as he offered her to Malleus, locking his emerald eyes with the horned prince’s acid green ones. “Keep her safe, Lizard. If you do anything to make her sad, or do her harm, I will personally turn your hide into a rug.”  Malleus smirked, and he held his soon-to-be wife in his arms. “I’ll take a sword through my heart before I let anything, or anyone hurt her.” That seemed to satisfy the lion prince, as he moved to join the others assembled, as Crowley opened his book to the marked page. 
The ceremony was short and sweet, an exchange of vows, and rings of black metal and green stones, placed on their fingers. The kiss was something that sent a spark throughout the glen, a strong wind and glowing lights filled the air, showing the love that Malleus and Houmi had for one another. What they felt, and how their hearts were joined by the strings of fate. They walked back down their makeshift aisle, Grim, Rook, and the Leech Twins threw rice in the air. 
As the moon rose over the treeline, wine was opened, food was served, and music was played. The happy couple danced over the glen, lights glinting over the leaves matching their fluttering heartbeats. Lilia sang in a forgein tongue, everyone clapping in rhythm as Malleus led her in a fast paced, almost-jig. The wedding party went long into the night, the wee hours of the morning chasing the revelers to caravans that they had set up, and the new, royal couple wandering away to the castle. Instead of going to Malleus’ chambers, Malleus walked them to Houmi’s solitary tower. ‘More private,” the young prince said, gripping her hand tightly. Once they were at the stairs at the bottom of the tower Malleus’ scooped up his bride and began carrying her up to her chambers. It was time for them to finish their marriage, and consummate their love. 
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
Snow Day- Din Djarin x Reader
Amazing moodboard by the lovely @jedi-jesi !!!
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A/n: It snowed at my house yesterday, so I am now writing about snow. I don’t make the rules. Anyway, I hope you all like it!
This is the next chapter of my Days Filled with Love series. You can find the first part here! :) 
“Mommy! Daddy!” The door to your room flies open and your husband stirs. He sucks in a breath and lifts his head from where it rested on your chest. “It’s snowing!” Reeza sets Grogu on the bed before climbing up on it herself. 
Looking out your window, you find that it is in fact snowing. 
“Get up! We have to go outside! Come on!” She jumps around and pulls the blanket from you. 
Din hisses, puts his head back down, and pulls you closer, trying to leech more heat from your body. 
“Daddy come on!” Grabbing his palm with her hands she leans back and tries to pull him away from you. 
“Don’t you want to snuggle with your mother, she’s so warm.” 
“No, there's snow!” 
You laugh at her bluntness. The mandalorian groans, pressing one last kiss to your skin before rolling over and swinging his legs off the bed. “Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs.” 
“Okay! Hurry!” She grabs Grogu and runs out the room and you can hear her stomp down the stairs. 
Din slumps back down and flips over, sliding his arms under your body and pressing himself back up against you. You watch as his eyes close and one of his hands grips your bottom. 
“Din!” He chuckles and nips at your skin. “You need to get up and go tend to your children mister.” 
“But you’re so warm.” His kisses trail up and eventually find purchase at your pulse point. He rests his mouth on your skin and feels the thumps of your heartbeat. He sighs and presses slow lazy kisses to your neck. “I could stay here forever.” 
“I wouldn't complain, but we have children to attend to. Come on tin can, time to get up.”
Tobbi squeals as he grabs handfuls of snow with his mittens. Isbet, sitting next to him just scowls. 
Grogu coos and plops down next to Tobbi. They babble back and forth, talking to each other in their own language. 
“Mama!” Isabet yells out. Ever since her discovery of your name she now makes sure to use it often. 
Her little arms fly up and beg you to pick her up. 
“Hey little girl. What’s wrong? Do you not like the snow?” Her little mittens clench around your shirt and she tucks herself against your chest. “I know, the snow is cold. But you’re alright. You just wanted some love, huh?” Softly bouncing her you turn and point at your other children building a snowman. “What are Myles and Reeza doing?” 
“Look Issy, we’re building a snowman!” Reeza smiles and goes back to rolling her snowball. 
Two hands pull at your hips and a body is pressed up against your own. “Hi baby.” Leaning over your shoulder, your husband coos at his daughter. Her little eyebrows furrow and she slaps his helmet. “I don’t think she likes me.” 
“Oh hush, she’s just a mommys girl. It’s not your fault. Here, hold her and it’ll wisk all your worries away.” Turning around and handing him Isabet, you laugh as they peer back and forth at each other. 
She scowls but eventually leans into his embrace. “Mama!” She looks at you and one of her arms waves at you. 
“Yes, I see you. You’re in Daddy's arms. He’s quite snuggly isn’t he.” Her little head turns and peers up at him, eyes taking in as much as her brain can process. “Take your helmet off.” 
His visor turns to look at you and he lifts it from his head. Her little hands raise up and clench into fists. Hoisting her up so her face is directly in front of his own, her hands cup his cheeks and lightly slaps him. “Hello.” 
She grabs his nose and pets at his scruff, exploring with her hands. You watch their interaction with a smile. Her hands trail up and pull at his curls. “Ouch. That hurt.” 
Finally, a smile breaks onto her face and she pulls his hair again. “Ow, stop, that hurts.” She giggles and laughs harder than you’ve ever heard her laugh before. 
Prying her from his hair he grins down at her. “You’re cute when you don’t have a scowl on your face.” 
Gasping, you exclaim, “She’s cute all the time.”
The fireplace cracks and pops as you sit next to it on the couch. A warm fuzzy blanket covers your limbs as you read your favorite book. The sun already set long ago and yet you can still hear the faint laughter of the kids. It’s already way past their bedtime, but what kind of parent would you be if you ended their fun now. 
Standing up, you walk to the door and grab one of Din’s cloaks that hang up. Wrapping it around yourself, you stand on the porch and watch as Myles tries to stand on his sled. His arms move in circles around him, trying to maintain his balance while the sled carries him down the hill. But he loses his balance and falls into the soft powder. 
His head emerges, snow tucked away into his soft curls and Reeza bends over in laughter. Grogu giggles and runs over to his brother, arms wide open and wanting to be picked up. 
Your husband drags the sled back up the hill and from his various hand motions you can tell he is explaining how to improve his technique. Reeza turns to him and says something you can’t catch. Din shrugs and drags the sled to the top. 
Taking a running start, he throws the sled down and jumps on top, trying to stand as well. His arms move in the same way Myles did and his hips swivel. He only makes it about half way before he tumbles over. However, he stays down on the ground. 
The three kids rush over to their father, worry written all over their body language. But then your husband grabs them and pulls them into the snow with him. Their screams and laughs carry all the way to your ears and it makes a smile break on your own face. 
Shaking your head, you call out to them to come back inside. They all look at you before looking at each other. Din is the first to stand and walk over to you. Behind him, like a mother duck and her ducklings, the children follow. 
Grabbing the towels you have originally set out, you take Grogu into your arms first. Pulling his wet tunic from his body and rubbing the towel over his body, trying to get some warmth into his bones. His wide eyes scrunch and he gives a big toothy grin as he giggles. Setting him down, you grab the next towel. 
Opening your arms, Reeza rushes into the towel. Doing the same, you pull her own shirt from her body and rub the towel over her skin. “Okay, run along and go put your pajamas on. Can you help your brother?” 
“Yes, Mommy.” She nods and grabs your adoptive son from where he sat on the floor wrapped in a towel that is way too big. He squeals out in delight. 
“Good. Okay come here Myles, your turn.” He lifts his arms and allows you to take his shirt off. Wrapping the towel around him you can’t help but hug him and press a kiss to his cheek.
He giggles and brings his head into his shoulders. “Love you Mommy.” 
Nuzzling your cheek against his head you rub his arms with the towel and try to get as much warmth into his skin as you can. “Love you too.” Pressing one last kiss to his cheek, you declare,  “Okay, same thing go get in your jammies and then get your siblings and come down.” You hear a crash upstairs and you don’t even want to know what that was. “Tell them to be quiet, I just put the twins down.” He nods and runs upstairs. 
Taking the wet clothes into your arms, you turn to bring them to the washer. “Hey, what about me?” 
Turning back around, you giggle as your husband stands in front of the closed door. Water drips from the beskar as the snow melts, his arms are down at his sides. One hand holds his helmet so his pout and messy hair is uncovered for your eyes and the other hand holds the towel you gave him to dry himself.
“Oh baby,” Dropping the clothes you saunter over and start taking piece after piece of beskar off. “Do you want attention too? Do you want me to rub the towel over you to try and warm you?” 
He nods as his eyes trail over your figure, giving you no help to undress him. 
Once all his armor is off, you tap his shoulder, “Bend down and raise your arms. You’re too tall.” You don’t miss the way his chest puffs up in pride, but he follows your command and moves to his knees, arms rising up above his head. 
Peeling the duraweave from his golden skin, you bite your lip and wrap the towel around his frame. His head tilts up and his eyes meet your own. 
Unconsciously, your hand moves up to cup his cheek, thumb tracing the skin beneath his eye. His arms move from beneath the towel and wrap around your waist, bringing you as close as he can. Slowly his hands move your shirt up and he presses kiss after kiss to your exposed skin. Your own hands grasp his cheeks and move his head to look up at you. 
His eyes twinkle as they stare up at you with love. They soften in the way they do only for you. Brushing the soft strands of hair from his forehead, you lean down and press your lips to his own. You both just stay still, basking in the adoration you give one another. 
After a few minutes, he starts to move and you smile into his kiss. One of his hands trails to grap at your butt. You gasp and he chuckles, pushing and pulling at your covered flesh. 
Pressing your forehead against his own, you lean away from his lips. Taking in breaths that seem to do nothing for your poor lungs, you open your eyes and find his own already looking at you. 
You flash him a megawatt smile. “What?” 
“You’re so beautiful.” His own voice is breathless and quiet. 
Bashfully, you tuck yourself into the spot between his neck and shoulder. You swear he was made perfectly for you. Your bodies just seem to fit together like two puzzle pieces. 
His hands move up from your bottom and rub across your lower back. 
“Mommy, will come snuggle with me?” Reeza grabs your hand to pull you away from your hiding place. “Wait!” Wrapping her arms around both you and Din she gives a big squeeze and then pulls your hand again. “Okay, now let’s go.” 
Standing, you go to let her pull you but two strong arms keep you where you are. Looking down at your husband, his eyes beg with you to stay. 
Smiling, you lean down and press a kiss to his pout. “Come with us.” 
It’s like a flip switched in his brain, because his face instantly lights up and he eagerly nods. He follows the two of you over to the couch, waiting to be instructed by his daughter of where she wants him. 
“Okay Mommy, sit there because I want to sit in your lap. Daddy you can sit next to us.” She gives a firm nod, happy with her choice. 
You sit down in the middle of the couch and let Reeza climb onto your lap and snuggle up against you. 
“Daddy, wait, can you wrap us in a blanket?” 
“What do you say?” Placing his hands on his hips, he peers down at you two. 
Biting back a smile, you look at him and say, “Please, Daddy, will you wrap us in a blanket.” 
His jaw clenches for a second and his eyes flash with that devilish glint, but he sighs and grabs a quilt. Tucking it behind your back and having the ends meet in front of you. 
“Daddy will you make hot chocolate, please?” Reeza stares up at him and he knows he could never tell her no. He nods and walks away into the kitchen. 
“You have your father wrapped around your finger, missy.” Tickling her tummy she giggles and squirms. 
Myles comes down the stairs with Grogu trailing behind him. “Can we join?” 
“Of course!” Opening the blanket, Myles rushes over and nuzzles up against your side, pulling Grogu up into his own lap. 
Closing the quilt, you wrap your arm around Myles and pull him closer. “Get close and by no time we’ll all be warm and cozy. Maybe you can talk your father into a story before we send you three to bed.” 
He can hear the faint murmurs of voices from the kitchen. The kids telling you all about their day and what you missed while you were inside. Laughs and giggles flow to his ears as he stirs the chocolate into the milk. 
A smile seems to have permanently formed on his face. His heart swelling and the familiar warm feeling of love flowing through his veins. 
Pouring the drink into five cups he grabs them and brings them out into the living room. Myles, Reeza, and Grogu all stare up at you in awe as you tell them how snow is made. 
He nearly melts at the sight, the four of you all snuggled under a blanket. He sets the mugs down on the coffee table and clears his throat, alerting you all at his presence. 
“Thanks Dad!” Myles reaches for a mug and instantly takes a large gulp of the sweet drink. 
“Dad, will you tell us a story?” Reeza grabs her mug and settles back into your lap. 
“Hmm, a story?” He hands you your mug and gives Grogu his sippy cup. Placing a kiss on each of your foreheads, he sits down on your other side. “I guess.” 
“One year, it snowed really really hard at the covert and your uncle and I decided to sled. However, we wanted to get the most out of our sled so we worked all morning on building a jump. We piled and packed snow for as long as we could bear it. By the time we were done, about halfway down the hill we made this three foot tall snow ramp.” 
“Why didn’t we think of that!” Reeza exclaims. 
“I’ll tell you why.” Din chuckles before ruffling her hair. “Paz decided he wanted to go first so he took the sled to the top of the hill. Taking a running start, he sled as fast as he could down the hill. I watched from the side as he headed for the ramp we built.” 
You watch as your husband breaks into laughter, and you smile. 
“So he’s flying about twenty miles per hour down this hill and he is headed straight for the ramp. The sled hits the ramp and he is flown into the air. However, because we built it at such an angle, Paz started to tip forward and…” he stops himself, trying to catch his breath. “He did a flip! You could just hear his screams as he landed on the hill and rolled the rest of the way down.” 
The kids all are laughing as hard as your husband now, picturing their uncle flipping through the air. 
You, yourself are giggling at the thought. “It’s a miracle the two of you are still alive.”
He grins at you. “We had our fun. So that is why, we don’t build three foot tall ramps now.” 
It takes a good five minutes for you all to settle down from laughter. Empty mugs rest on the coffee table and Reeza gives a big yawn. 
“One more story?” Myles asks. 
“One more and then you all are going straight to bed.” Din points a finger and you all nod. “Hmmm, I guess we should stay on the topic of snow.” 
You smile as you can practically see gears turning in his head. He meets your gaze and his eyes soften with almost an air of sorrow. 
“You guys remember how I am a foundling?” He watches as both Myles and Reeza nod, obviously understanding the importance of his childhood. “Well before the droids attacked, I can remember one story with snow. My mother was cooking one evening and my father was due to come home from work. I sat on the table, peeling potatoes to help her.”
“Just like I help Mommy!”
Your husband laughs, “Yes, just like you help your mother. Anyway, the radio was playing music loudly so she didn’t notice that my father had opened the door. He pressed a finger to his mouth, signalling for me to stay silent. In his hand he held a snowball and he silently walked behind my mother. Pulling back her shirt, he let the ball of snow fall into her clothes. He laughed and laughed as my mother yelled out. She turned around and swatted him with her towel, but she was laughing too.” 
The three kids laugh at his memory but you look at him with a glare. “Don’t get any ideas. If you put snow down my shirt I’m not feeding you for a week.” 
His hands raise in defense but a smile dances across his features. 
Looking down you see Reeza yawn once again. Trailing your fingers through her hair, she closes her eyes and is instantly out like a light. 
On Myles lap, Grogu’s eyes open and close as he fights his slumber. “Hmmm, I think it’s time we all go to bed. It’s already way past your bedtime.” 
Myles nods but he can’t seem to move his body from beside you. Din rises and takes Myles into his arms, allowing his son to rest his head on his shoulder. 
“Goodnight Mommy.” Smiling as Din leans down so you can press a kiss to your son’s head. 
“Goodnight my love. Sleep tight. I’ll see you in the morning.” Your husband walks up the stairs and after a few minutes comes back down. 
This time taking Grogu into his arms, he grabs sleeping Reeza from your lap and takes them both to their rooms. 
When he comes back down, you smile as he approaches. “My turn?” Giving him the universal sign of grabby hands your husband only chuckles. 
You giggle as he leans down and lets you wrap your arms around his neck. His hands grab your hips and pull you into his hold. Lifting you up, he carries you up the stairs and into your room. 
Setting you down on the bed, he presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Mmm, thank you.” 
He nods and takes his pants and shirt off, leaving him in his boxers. Handing you your pajamas, he helps you switch clothes before tucking you two in. 
Setting his head on your chest, nestling between your breasts and sighing. Your hands rub his shoulders and he groans, pressing a kiss to your sternum. 
However, your own eyes are having trouble staying open and you finally allow them to rest. 
“Go to sleep, cyare. I love you so much.” 
Your mind, already shut off, can only get five words out before you drift off, “No snow in my shirt.”
Next Part: Spooky Day
I got this done a lot quicker than I orginally thought, so yay! I hope you all liked it. 
As always, please consider reblogging or just saying your thoughts, they always make me smile. 
Love you guys, Lordy :)
Taglist: @ficthots​ @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart
If you want to be added/removed from my taglist- just give me a holler! :) 
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gaymershigh · 4 years
I've only discovered this blog for like an hour or so and I really like your writings! My gay heart has finally found the food. Could I please request some nsfw hcs for bottom azul with a top male reader? Thank you very much 💜 (also could I please know what pronouns you use? It's cool if nah)
Ahhh I'm so happy that I serve you some delicious meals, annonie! Also, I'm fine with any pronouns, he, she, they, anything! King/ queen or worst boy/girl is definitely a-ok! :D
Triggers: sexually explicit content, breeding kink, general rough sex, tentacle erotica, thigh fucking, clothed sex, praising with also slight degrading kink, hair pulling, sexual(?) vulgar language.
Bottom Azul with a top boyfriend nsfw headcanons
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For your first time, you have to be gentle. His body is very sensitive to your touch, one tap on his chest will make him gasp loudly.
Please praise him! He's very self conscious about his body or about himself in general so you reassuring him he's beautiful and how much you love him is a must.
His sex drive is perfectly in the middle but that doesn't mean he wouldnt try pushing himself to his limits, overstimulation is something he doesn't mind at all if you like.
He's a little bit too shy to admit it himself but he has a breeding kink. No, he doesn't really enjoy getting pregnant nor does he get pregnant in the first place, it's just your hot load filling him up makes him go nuts. You only found out when he pushes his ass back to your cock everytime you came.
He also likes it if you cum in his mouth especially if you forgot to warn him about your release. Anything about your semen is a big turn on for him.
Until he fully trust you that you love him very much as he does love you, then he'll start being more experimental. The perfect time where degradation and a faster pace is added to the options.
He's moaning helplessly as you thrust deep inside him as you tightly grab his waist and a thumb pressed against his ass. Azul completely went from softly whimpering to screaming your name at the top of his lungs all night long.
He'll be more turned on if at least one of you is almost fully clothed. More points if you're both are clothed though. The thought of him being destroyed while being bent over his work desk, with only his pants and underwear on the level of his ankles as the other part of his clothes still normally attached with a few wrinkles is one of his wildest fantasies.
Also it would be very quick to dress back up if you ever get interrupted by a knock on the door from one of the Leech twins. The two of you just could pull your pants up and pretend nothing happened and can continue when the both of you are assured that the vip room won't be occupied for a while.
But he's even more turned on if he's fully dressed. Your hand rubbing his clothed dick or your cock thrusting between his thighs is such a hot thing for him, he's like looking forward to it if you're horny at times he's busy.
This probably only happens once in a bye moon but fucking Azul while he's in his octopus form was a whole damn experience I'll tell you that.
His tentacles are unconsciously trying to obtain the last bit of dominance by trying to reach for your hole but of course, you caught it in time.
Hell wrap one of his tentacles your arms to support his weight and the speed of your thrusting. Grabbing one of of them though will make him loose his grip from because of how super sensitive he is, more than his original form.
Remember when I talked about degrading? He'll let you say those painful yet pleasing words to him if you promise to shower him in affection afterwards.
Call him an idiot, bitch or slut while you roughly pull his hair and his knees will go weak and listen to him blabber absolute nonsense as he cry from the sinful and exciting act.
Aftercare is a must when after rough sex, a nice bubbly hot bath while you're softly caress the hair that you once grip tightly before and rub his very sore thighs and kiss his beautiful plump lips.
If you both are too tired for that, just hold him close under the covers and kiss him goodnight. Maybe have a little nice chat before drifting off to dreamworld.
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I got so feral writing these, also I somehow projected 3/4 of my kinks into Azul, oops (/(エ)\)
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shenglingyuan · 3 years
title: seize the day and after hours(ao3) pairing: gojo satoru/geto suguru A jujutsu sorcerer’s life is always busy, especially those of the strongest ones, so when a window of opportunity opens itself up just to relax and be with someone you care most about, one can only give in to it. Notes for this AU: In-demand jujutsu sorcerer Gojo x Teacher Geto! In this setting, Toji failed in his mission and still got k-worded, Riko successfully merged with Tengen, so Geto didn't spiral down the "I hate monkeys" hole and Gojo didn't think of becoming a teacher. \o/
“It’s of vital importance that you do not forget to put up a Curtain before you start a mission, even if you cannot see the curse at first glance,” Suguru then carefully dismantles the Curtain before five pairs of inquisitive eyes, “Can anyone tell me why?”
A hesitant hand rises up in the air.
“Yes, Nanako?”
“Uhm, because non-sorcerers might get to see if ever the exorcism becomes a big event and it’s important that we keep the matters of the jujutsu world hidden from them to keep the status quo?”
“Yes, exactly,” Suguru smiles at her. Then, upon noticing the nearby presence, he makes his voice a little bit louder, “So don’t ever forget to set up a Curtain unless you want to be like a certain someone whose magnificent accomplishment of exploding a house got featured in the news.”
“Hey Suguru, stop slandering my renowned name in front of the kids.” The ‘renowned’ Gojo Satoru saunters over to their group, distributing the several bags on his hands. “Got you all souvenirs!”
“Did I lie?”
“Nope. Totally happened.” Satoru grins cheekily, standing next to Suguru and hooking an arm around his shoulder. “Missed me?”
“We’re still having a lesson here.” Suguru flicks at Satoru’s forehead, but he doesn’t pry away from his hold. It’s been over a week since they last saw each other after all. He did miss the man. “Any contribution to make up for your disturbance?”
“Hmm, let me think…ah! If you want to exorcise curses, you’ve got to be crazier than them.”
“That’s not particularly helpful.”
“It’s because you’re unimaginative.”
In front of five unwilling audiences, Satoru clings to his side like a leech. Suguru tries with all his might to deliver the last few important points of the day’s lesson, with one of his hands keeping Satoru’s face at bay from smothering his own.
“And that’s all for today’s session. Tomorrow, we’ll discuss some preparations before your next field assignment.”
“Yay! Suguru’s mine now!” Satoru almost didn’t let him finish his final remarks, squeezing by his side even tighter.
“Gah,” Nobara is the first one to openly show her complaint about the public display of attention in front of them, “Can you please have some consideration for us single students, Gojo-san?”
“Aren’t you too young to be thinking of romance?” Satoru answers back as if he’s talking to someone of his own age. “No dating until you’ve graduated!”
“Weren’t the two of you already dating during your second year in high school?” Megumi points out without missing a beat.
“What?!” Yuji’s jaw dropped, “They’re that long already?”
“Because it’s true love, dear students,” Satoru answers confidently, providing Suguru much embarrassment.
“Anyway,” Suguru finally cuts them off, “This has been a very fruitful conversation. You can go spar now, maybe the second years are looking for sparring partners as well.”
Teacher and students finally part ways, with the teacher dragging a long clingy blindfolded man with him. Satoru recounts to him every detail of his trip the past two weeks, even those that are not related to the mission at all, and Suguru is all ears. Ever since they reached Special Grade level as sorcerers, they’ve been given fewer missions together. Sorcerers are very few, after all, and they need to maximize their numbers efficiently. Sometimes, Suguru would find himself wishing there’s some especially dangerous situation that would require both of their presence, but he’d take back the thought as soon as it’s out, still preferring this kind of stability. So for now, he can only live through Satoru’s lively retelling.
Right as they arrived at their shared room, Satoru finally ends his narration.
“Seems like it’s another breeze of a mission, huh,” Suguru pulls off the blindfold over Satoru’s eyes and smooths down his hair.
“Mhm,” Satoru wraps his arms tightly around Suguru’s waist, burying his face on the crook of his neck. “Would have been faster if you were there.”
“Do you even need me?”
“Of course! What are you talking about?” Satoru lifts his head and stares directly at Suguru’s eyes, “Individually, we are strong enough to take down the most powerful curses. But together, I bet we could take all over the world.”
“And your point being?”
“Since we’re not onto world domination yet, we can’t help but not be together all the time.”
“Idiot.” Suguru presses a finger on Satoru’s forehead, earning him a pout. “No world domination. Keeping the peace is enough.”
“Mmmm…yeah but I still want to do something about those idiotic higher-ups.”
“You’re too chaotic for your own good. How about settling here and teaching with me instead?”
“Suguru.” Satoru’s tone is suddenly serious. His hands grabbed at Suguru’s waist, pulling him close. “Is that a marriage proposal? You know I’m gonna say yes.”
“Still thinking about it.”
“What a tease.” Satoru’s fingers find their way through Suguru’s hair, undoing his bun to let his hair loose. He then leans forward, uttering lazily against his mouth, “If you don’t propose first, I might just do it ahead of you.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Maybe.” With a smile, Satoru closes the distance with a kiss.
Suguru sighs into it, letting Satoru lazily nibble on his lips. Some days, it’s more than enough to just lay down and let time pass, no rush, no urgency, just the two of them entangled in each other’s arms. A jujutsu sorcerer’s life is always busy, especially those of the strongest ones, so when a window of opportunity opens itself up just to relax and be with someone you care most about, one can only give into it.
_ _
A familiar ringtone wakes Suguru from his sleep, his eyes opening to the darkness. The analog clock by the wall shows 07:21 PM…he has been out for a few hours. A weight is draped over him, rendering him unable to move for a moment.
Satoru doesn’t budge. “That’s yours.”
“Well, how can I move with you wrapped around me?”
After a slight pause, Satoru reaches for the phone himself and answers the call. “Hello? Oh, Auntie, you called! Yeah, he’s right here. Nah, you didn’t bother us at all. I’ll give the phone to him now.”
Suguru takes the call, stifling a yawn as he answers, “Hello Mom, it’s been a while.”
He watches as Satoru lazily walks to the cabinet and pulls out a set of comfortable clothes, simultaneously gracing him with an unhindered view of his naked back.
“Yeah, it’s good here, just a bit busy with the students’ upcoming field assignment…Hm? Wait let me ask,” he covers the mouthpiece and sits up, “Satoru, Mom’s asking when we can visit.”
“As soon as you’re free,” his head comes out of the shirt, hair all messy, giving him a youthful and unrestrained look, “I have all the privilege to request a leave anytime I want. I’ll go get us dinner, okay?”
“Sure, go ahead.” Suguru waves him away, returning to the phone call with his mother, “I think we can visit during the break if there’s nothing urgent. Is there something up?”
The door outside shuts close. Satoru turns to his side, his gaze landing on the frames displayed on the bedside table. The largest among them is a group picture from last winter vacation — him, his parents, Satoru, and the four kids. For some reason, it felt like a family picture, so he had it especially framed, taking center spot among the others.
“Well, the girls are always on their phones in their free time, of course, they’d be easier to contact than me. It’s a bit busy handling a class of five, they said it’s already a big batch. Yes, yes, I’ll tell them that.”
Ten years ago, after Suguru has successfully rescued Mimiko and Nanako from that one village, he immediately went to his parent's house to ask for their help. After all, what does a seventeen-year-old know about taking care of kids? His parents were initially shocked, but upon hearing the situation, they immediately took pity on the girls and gladly took them in. You’re always in Tokyo anyway, the house feels a bit empty without a kid, they said. But the girls wanted otherwise. After a bit of coaxing, Suguru managed to convince them to stay in his family’s house until at least he graduates from Jujutsu Tech, then he will take them back to Tokyo to live with him.
Little did he know, Satoru would also pick up two kids to take care of, and this was after he declared he would not babysit anymore after they completed their task with Riko two years prior. They’re not simple kids either; though they go by the surname Fushiguro, the boy — Megumi — has an inherited technique of the Zen’ins, and yet Satoru fought tooth and nail to be their guardian. Since he didn’t want them to be involved with the jujutsu world yet, he decided to let the kids stay in Sendai until Megumi has to attend Jujutsu Tech.
The twins and the Fushiguros occasionally met when Suguru would come to Sendai with Satoru, but last year’s winter, they decided to spend it in Suguru’s home much to his parents’ delight, and they were one complete family.
Suguru smiles at the memory, just as his mother finishes her long list of reminders for the kids on the other side of the phone.
“Okay, okay, you take care, too. I won’t forget. Love you. Tell Dad I love him, too. Bye.”
After stretching a bit, Suguru finally gets up from the bed and picks up his scattered clothes on the floor, dressing himself up. Just as he is about to wear his shirt, he catches sight of the marks on his body, most especially the bruising spot on the nook of his neck.
“Goddamnit, Satoru,” he mutters, coming closer to the mirror to check how badly Satoru left evidence. “Gonna make you pay next time.”
“Dinner’s here!” Just then, Satoru’s head pops from the doorway, his blue eyes peeking right above the rim of his sunglasses. He sees Suguru standing in front of the mirror, then chuckles audibly.
“Shut it.”
“What?” A sly smile grows on Satoru’s lips as he strides closer to Suguru. He caresses the bruising mark on the nook of Suguru’s neck, then bends down to lightly kiss it, murmuring, “Any complaints about my service earlier?”
“Magnificent as always,” Suguru sighs defeatedly, “The marks you leave though…”
“I made sure your uniform will hide this,” Satoru winks at him in the mirror. “Come on, I got food.”
He drags them to the dinner table where two bowls of meatballs and steaming rice are waiting for them, “Here, eat up.”
“You bought this?”
“No, the kids made that. Yuji was teaching them earlier when I dropped by. Mimiko and Nanako especially made these meatballs for you.”
“And how about the meatballs in the bowl you’re eating?”
“Megumi made this for me.”
“He made this for his friends, but I took it.”
Suguru flashes him a smile, “I love it when you’re being honest.”
“Shut up.”
“Did you really make that much of a bad first impression on that kid? I can’t believe it’s been nine years, but he still hasn’t warmed up to you.”
“I dunno,” Satoru pouts, trying to recall the memory of their first meeting together. “I wish he could rely on me more, you know, like how the girls rely on you.”
“I do think they rely too much on me, I’m still wondering if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Well, I guess it’s because they see me as a parental figure, too. Does Megumi see you like one?”
“Figured as much. He doesn’t know about the real deal from your negotiations with the Zen’in clan, doesn’t he?”
“No need to tell him that. I don’t want him to feel indebted either way.”
“Mm-mh,” Suguru smiles. Satoru can be such an insensitive prick sometimes, but when about the most important matters, his compassion pulls through. “Megumi’s such a spoiled child with you.”
“As if you’re not spoiling the twins yourself? Why is Mimiko’s phone new again?”
“Ah…her previous one got destroyed while on a mission with Nanako last week. Of course, I had to buy a new one immediately.” Suguru reaches into Satoru’s plate and grabs one of the meatballs, quickly eating it before Satoru can complain. “Unlike you, buying stuff for Megumi and Tsumiki even though they don’t need it yet. A good thing those two kids have a sound head above their shoulders. You’re such a bad influence — huh, these meatballs sure have so much ginger.”
In revenge, Satoru steals one of Suguru’s meatballs as well, munching on it with much gusto, “Gonna have to use my money somewhere, you know, since you still don’t want to marry and all.”
“Can we get married here in Japan?”
“Mmm, I don’t think so. Not yet. Flying to another country to make it happen is no big problem though, just say the word.”
“Since when have you been a fan of formalities?” Suguru raises an eyebrow at him, “Don’t use me as an excuse to squander your fortune.”
“Come on! Think of it: when we get married, you’ll be officially under the Gojo clan. We’ll have two Special Grades in one family, the higher-ups would be so pissed!”
“You!” Suguru gives him a light kick underneath the table, “And here I thought you’re being serious. Turns out you just want to get under those old men’s nerves.”
“Of course, I’m serious! Just noting out the fact that there’s that bonus,” Satoru grins, wiggling his eyebrows, “What do you think?”
So many years have passed, it can be said that they’ve also developed in different aspects. But in simple moments like this, Suguru is reminded that though the two of them have grown together, many things never really change through the passing of time. Just like when Satoru once suggested the idea of going against Master Tengen and he readily agreed to it, this newer plan doesn’t seem less achievable. What’re a few higher-ups with the two strongest jujutsu sorcerers in Japan?
Finally, Suguru grins back, “Sounds like a great deal to me.”
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urstruly-ghst · 4 years
Hey ! Can I get a hc of someone making dorm leaders' little sister cry if lts ok ? I really like drawing in my free time but some people say that "I'm wasting my time doing nothing" and it just makes me feel ... sad. But the request can be different - anyway just bullying lol (idk what I'm saying at this point shajjsvsus) Sending love n kisses :D ~ ❤
whoever makes you cry will face my fists >:(( i shall f i g h t.
and xoxo sweetie.💗💗
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riddle rosehearts
Being his little sister was hard, he would always make sure you are well rounded but had the fun he wished he had.
Everyone in the world knew that you, little Rosehearts, is a prized treasure of the Dorm Leader, no one is allowed to hurt you.
Until some bullies saw you sketching the day away, a pleased smile on your lips. It was at this time, you were alone, no Riddle in sight.
They targeted you, in a mean way, instead of physical pain, they gave you a bad mood. By that, they insulted your drawings and you in general.
This caused tears to pour, which in turn, got the bullies to target you more. The teasing and taunting turned silent when someone coughed politely behind their backs.
They clicked their tongues and was about to ask why are they bothering them, until they saw a familiar red head. Fuming with anger.
He crossed his arms and that familiar look of anger was on his face, he screamed; "Off With Your Heads!" as he collared them.
The bullies shook in their place, terrified of what punishment was to be bestowed on them.
While they were shaking, Riddle approached you with a frown and hugged you. He assured you that "big brother isn't going anywhere" and that he won't let you be alone again.
He made sure of it. If he can't be with you, then lets Trey or Cater or the Adeuce combo be with you.
Just to be sure you are safe and not bullied again.
As for the bullies, he made sure they got the punishment of cleaning and doing double the work, while a 10,000 word handwritten note would be given to you as an apology.
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leona kingscholar
Savanaclaw's dorm head, Leona, has been forced to believe all women are to be respected. He made sure everyone knew that too.
Especially when his little sister was to visit him.
Now, everyone knows Afterglow Savannah was a place filled with strong women, you included. But you were softer, to say the least.
Your resemblance to Leona was subtle, but it stood out nonetheless. And everyone knew never to bother a Kingscholar.
While visiting Leona, he had been called to a meeting, much to his dismay, and left you unsupervised. He knew you were capable of being alone.
You were alone for a fairly long time, so you decided to go out and just sketch the interior of your brother's dorm for some memories.
Unknowingly, some new students saw you, unaware of who you are. They decided you would be their new target.
While sketching, they pulled your hair and laughed at your pathetic state. They were strong, stronger than you, so all you did was weep as the physical pain and mental torture grew on you
Luckily for you, Leona was quick to leave his meeting to see you, worried as his instincts tell him something was wrong.
He heard your cries from a mile away, and he grew angry at such notion that someone hurt his family AND hurt a woman.
Leona ran towards the source and saw you in such a state of misery, that he roared while coldly asking what are they doing. The bullies were frozen as they saw Leona approach you and pushing you behind him.
While Leona was ready to attack, you stopped him and told him to not cause more trouble. He obligated, and gave the bullies a nasty remark about to never mess with a Kingscholar, and gave them punishments while at it.
In the end, the bullies bowed at your feet asking for forgiveness while Leona stood on the side, smirking victoriously.
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azul ashengrotto
While managing the Monstro Lounge, you pooped in to say hello. Azul smiled while he organized the papers and customers. He asked if you wanted anything, to which you replied your order.
Azul offered to eat at the VIP room, but you declined, insisting that you want to sketch the Lounge while eating.
He nodded and headed off, to his office, to get some negotiations going. He trusted you enough to be alone, so he had no trouble in letting you off alone.
While your order arrived, you sketched and sketched, not minding anything else than your sketchbook.
The bullies saw you, and smirked amongst themselves, a silent agreement to target you in such state. One of them sat down across you, and touched your thigh.
You jumped at the notion, and before you could ask why are they touching you, they spilt drinks all over you and your sketchbook.
This caused every one of them laughing and insulting you, causing tears to pour from your eyes. Before they could advance to harass you more, an "oya oya" was heard.
They froze and you looked up to see your brother's friend, Jade and Floyd. They had sinister smiles, while asking politely what was happening in the establishment.
All of the gasped and leaped up on their feet, scared of what was to happen next. Jade escorted you to Azul, while Floyd went rampant on the bullies.
Azul looked to see you covered in juice and tears, alarmed, he demanded an explanation. Jade calmly told the events, and Azul's frown deepened.
He whispered something to Jade, while assisting you to change and take a bath or a swim.
Let's say the bullies all had a not so fun time with the Leech twins.
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kalim al-asim
As Kalim's little sister, he made sure you know all about his life and passions! He also made sure you are well protected over, knowing the threats that happen to your family.
Jamil is also protective over you both, while you are fully aware of protecting yourself, he still made sure to watch both of you.
Now, the bullying happened at a party, where you and your brother were separated due to the lively atmosphere.
While you were partying and enjoying life, someone pulled your hair and led you to a hallway and physically harassed you.
You punched and tried to kick them away, but their strength was overpowering yours, making you weep as they mocked you and laughed at you.
But, unknown to them, Kalim saw this and has called on over Jamil to help him asses the situation.
While they saw this, Kalim grew angry and threw a fit, ordering them what is happening and why are they doing this to you.
Jamil stood next to Kalim, glaring at the bully, a look of anger on his face. It was scary.
They let go of you while you sobbed onto Kalim's shirt, which in turn made Kalim cry too.
Jamil politely asked you both to leave, while taking care of the bully. Assuring you he would punish this bully with the right amount of time.
While you exit the scene, Kalim did his best to cheer you up, bringing up his magical carpet, you travelled the sky to relax.
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vil schoenheit
Vil kept his private life and family life really great, no one knew of his family and personal life, and no one knew that the girl to visit Vil was his little sister.
While you were visiting, you spot a nice shade and view, causing you to just delay your visit a little bit.
Unknown to you, you were now a new target to some bullies, who were bored and wanting to go crazy with bullying. You were alone, seemingly a stranger, so you are the target that was perfect.
As you were sketching away, the bullies formed a gang on you, and started to make fun of you— from you sketching to your outfit. Even if you tried to defend yourself, they brought you down.
By now, Vil is worrying where were you, as your visit is now delayed! He ought to scold you on your arrival, but he doesn't know where you are.
He sent out Rook to get you, just to be sure you actually visited, he texted you too. But his worry is going up the roof as more time passed.
Back to you and the bullies, your state is even more pitiful as tears were now in your vision. This made them give a boisterous laugh, alerting a nearby hunter.
Rook saw this and immediately did his job, rescuing a damsel like you. He coughed quite loudly, announcing his arrival his tone harsh and sharp. Rook smiled at you, and wiped your tears.
He gave the bullies a glare, before escorting you to the Pomefiore dorm, where Vil was waiting with a frown.
When Vil saw your state, he glanced at Rook, his gaze demanding an answer. When Rook gave the explanation, all Vil did was nod; Rook knew this was an order.
So, Rook dismissed himself while Vil and you talk. He gave a stern yet loving scolding, making sure you are okay and if not, he will try to comfort you.
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idia shroud
Everyone knew of his little brother, Ortho, but no one knew he had another sibling. Someone older than Ortho, and was actually a... Real person
Unlike Idia, you loved going out, and always made new friends. But they seem to never connect you with Idia. Maybe the resemblance wasn't there.
Either way, no one knew of your relation to the Dorm Leader, but even with your connection, they assumed nothing big will happen.
They were wrong, as one day,when they decided to bully you, Ortho was doing his daily stroll.
Ortho really looked up to you, he loved you lots! So imagine his anger when he saw you being cornered and crying. He sent a message to Idia and waited for an order.
Idia, sitting in his room, got a message and when he saw it... He was filled with a rage, and started to talk loudly and fast, typing to Ortho to take care of the bullies and take you back to the Dorm.
When you arrived, you cried into your brother's arms and just asked for comfort. Idia, like always, offered you to play games.
He made sure to get your favorite game on, and snacks too! Ortho also is here to cheer you up!
In the end, you decided to stay in your brother's dorm for a few weeks, as for the bullies... Ortho reported this to the Headmaster and expects them to have a proper punishment.
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malleus draconia
Either you are dumb, new, or just plain fearless if you think on messing with Malleus Draconia or just his family.
You were related to Malleus, and had every right to be respected as Princess, and as a person. You were strong and competent.
Even Malleus' retainers are on full guard with you, but they trust you too to protect yourself.
However, one day, in a park, you decided to stroll! Nothing beats a nice stroll in the park.
The bullies, being bored, saw you and decided to target you. No guards or Malleus on sight, so they ought to take this opportunity!
While you were just enjoying life, they targeted you, your hobbies and others making you feel insecure and start to cry. This caused them to mock you more.
Unknowingly, Malleus walked to the park, his feet somehow bringing him to it. And when he went there, his anger got the best of him.
He flew down to where you were and glared down at the human bullies, calmly asking what were they doing. They yelped and tried to turn around but Malleus made them stay still.
He crossed his arms, demanding an apology and asking them to go with him to the principal's office where a punishment for them is due.
Malleus clicked his tongue and hugged you tightly, assuring you that another incident like this won't happen again. He makes sure of it.
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Under The Stairs {Cedric Diggory x Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @mminerva15 Wordcount: 3002 Summary: Cedric wants to tell his friends about your relationship. With you being a Slytherin, you didn’t think that was going to go well. You hate being proved right sometimes.
Dating in Hogwarts was never easy. There was no such thing as privacy, since it wasn’t as if you had your own room that you could pull your significant other into. Even hanging out in the common room, if you were lucky enough to be dating someone in your own house, could easily be watched over by everyone else. Hogsmeade dates were not only overseen by other students, but by the people who actually lived and worked in the village, who sometimes gossiped with the teachers, which was extremely embarrassing. The most that one could hope for was finding an abandoned classroom, and even then - sometimes Fred and George would miraculously find out where you were and toss in a dungbomb for their own sick entertainment. That happened more than once, but you managed to track down the twins and show them what it meant to miss with a Slytherin. Your Hufflepuff boyfriend, Cedric, tried to laugh it off, and managed to keep it to a tickling curse rather than one where they were covered in leeches.
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But you two did manage to find a spot where people hardly looked. Under the stairs. The staircases moved back and forth, taking students to different destinations but the ones that lead to the dungeons were stationary, and beneath them was a dark alcove without a torch. Perfect for the occasional snogging session, and it was rather close to your common room so you could sneak back easily. Being secretive was all well and good - until your boyfriend approached you with a strange suggestion.
“I think we should tell people,” Cedric said, pulling away from you with puffy lips.
“About our secret spot? No way,” You scoffed. “It was hard enough for us to find this one, let alone try to find somewhere else because some stupid Gryffindors will try-”
“No,” Cedric laughed, taking your hand and pulled you to where there was a bit more light so he could see your face. Your green robes contrasted against his yellow ones. That’s what you liked about being in the dark. There was no difference. “About us. We’ve been snogging down here for a month now and it’s been great but...”
“But what?” You asked. “You want to ruin that?”
“I don’t think telling our friends would be ruining that. Why do you?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Cedric but I don’t think that I’m the sort of girl that your friends would pick for you.” You said, voicing something that had been on your mind for a while. It was nice to finally let it out. You were the one who had insisted on sneaking around for so long, and this was the first time you were able to give him a reason why. “I know they’ve been pressuring you to ask out Cho Chang. That’s the kind of girl that they think is good for you.”
“I’m not interested in Cho,” Cedric said, softly.
“I know, you don’t have to convince me of that,” You chuckled. “I’ve never been worried about you liking another girl. The hicky I always have to cover up with a spell makes me very secure.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer so you wouldn’t have to speak loudly and get anyone’s attention. Even the ghosts liked to gossip around here. “I just think that your friends will give us a hard time, and we don’t need that.”
“I’m more worried about your friends then anything,” Cedric said growing defensive.
“What, because they’re Slytherin? I mean, you have no problem dating a snake, why would the judgment of others bother you, hmm?” You shot back, letting go of him, and crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Tell you what, Cedric, I’ll join you for breakfast tomorrow and we’ll just see who is cooler.”
“I guess we will.” Cedric said, walking away from you, turned on his heel and ascended up the stair case to the main level. Though he couldn’t see you, you stuck your tongue out at him, and under your breath, cursed that you agreed to this. Tomorrow morning was going to be very interesting.
The Great Hall was filled with the buzzing of students enjoying their breakfast and getting ready for a day of classes. A group of fourth years were sitting together and doing last-minute studying for a Transfiguration test. Fred and George Weasley were watching the Slytherin table carefully, like they were waiting for something to happen. When you walked in, you noticed that right away and started to think that perhaps your idea wasn’t terrible. You didn’t want to be a part of whatever was going on there. You straightened up your shoulders, shook your hair back, clutched your morning books to your chest, and strolled to the Hufflepuff table with confidence.
Most people didn’t pay attention at first. They were so busy enjoying their food that they didn’t care. But when a Slytherin made her way to the Hufflepuff table and sat across from the golden haired Quidditch star? That got a little bit of attention.  
“Morning, Ced,” You said, taking a plate and started to pile your favorite breakfast foods on it. He looked a little amused, but also taken aback by the fact you were actually doing this.
“Morning, beautiful,” He said in return, pouring some orange juice for you into the cup next to your plate. You smiled in thanks, and arranged your plate the way that you wanted, and started to pick on it. “You’ve got potions first thing, right?”
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“Yeah, a morning full of Snape,” You said with a shrug. “That’s the only time that I’m really glad to be a Slytherin. I get ten points just for showing up.”
“Lucky. I got five taken off for dropping my book,” Cedric said with a dramatic sigh.
“Okay, what’s going on here?” The guy sitting beside Cedric said, looking between his friend and yourself. You stared over at him with a blank expression, waiting for him to clarify. “Morning beautiful?” He mocked the male Hufflepuff.
“She looks great this morning, what can I say?” Cedric smiled over in your direction, though he seemed a little more shy than usual.
“As opposed to what - every other time?” You questioned, shoving food into your mouth. Cedric coughed into his own glass of orange juice. “And you, are you calling me ugly or something? Because that’s a very rude thing to hear first thing in the morning.”
“This is a joke, right?” The guy said, looking at Cedric now, flat out ignoring you. You rolled your eyes, gave Cedric an 'I told you so’ look, and went right back to eating. Whatever answer that your boyfriend was going to give was interrupted by the sound of liquid hitting the ground. Thick liquid. The entire Slytherin table was absolutely coated in a green sludge.
“Weasleys,” You muttered under your breath with a shake of your head. “Whatever hits them, they brought it upon themselves.”
“At least whatever it is doesn’t smell,” Cedric said, right before all of hell broke loose. The Slytherin girls started screaming about their hair, their books and their outfits getting ruined, and swore revenge on the Gryffindor boys. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was that had brought on this prank. The twins were the biggest pranksters to hit the school in almost twenty years. The boys, meanwhile, had a pack mentality and all together, chased the redheads out of the great hall, with more than a couple of teachers following behind to break up the mess. “Are you going to do something?”
“Doesn’t really affect me much, since I’m over here. Thank Merlin for that too, looks like it was some sort of dye,”  You noticed. “Oh by the way, I guess I should introduce myself, though we’ve been going to school together for six years now. I’m y/n, Cedric’s girlfriend, and you are?”
“Confused,” The Hufflepuff said in return. “Since when?”
“Pleased to meet you, confused,” You said with a little snicker.
“About a month now,” Cedric said, avoiding your eye, continuing to stare at the chaos that was behind you at the Slytherin table. “We wanted to keep it a secret originally but ... I really like y/n, and I want my friends to know.”
Alright, if you were any more of a girl you would have put your hands on your heart and let out a big 'aww’ because it was too damn cute. However, you kept it inside and instead just smiled at your food.
“Okay, yeah, sure,” Confused said. You were pretty sure his name was Calvin or something close to that. You could tell that he was going to be a problem. He was glaring at you pretty heavily and to your surprise, Cedric was doing nothing about it.
“Well, this has been a joyful breakfast,” You said, wiping your mouth with a napkin before setting it down on your empty plate. “But I have a class to get to. I might get points for being the only one on time.”
“Maybe I’ll join you for lunch?” Cedric suggested, looking at you hopefully. You softened under that look. This boy - he sure was growing to be a weak spot.
“I don’t know. Ask your handler,” You looked Calvin up and down before blowing your boyfriend a kiss and exited the Great Hall to return to the dungeons.
Turns out, the Slytherins were far more preoccupied with how to get revenge on the Weasleys than they were about your relationship with a Hufflepuff. “Better one of em than a lion,” Your best friend said as she joined you at your cauldron. “Does this mean you’re going to go support their Quidditch team over ours?”
She didn’t even mind that her hair was green from the prank. She thought that it was fun, and you thought the look suited her well. “Nah, I’ll still be in the Slytherin stands. Might go give him a private congratulations though if he catches the snitch, if you know what I mean,” You nudged your friend and she laughed.
“Gross. But I guess he is pretty dreamy for a badger.”
“You have no idea,” You chuckled.
After class, you stayed late to help Snape clean up after a disastrous Ravenclaw somehow grew distracted and their potion overbubbled into a huge mess. Extra ten points for Slytherin, well done you. So you ended up being the last one to leave the classroom and walk through the dark and dingy corridor towards the staircases. However, there ended up being a group of four keeping you from their path. Badgers, come to show that they had claws too, apparently.
“Good morning,” You sighed, seeing them, feeling like the points you just earned were slipping through your fingers. You could anticipate a fight happening. “Or is it afternoon already? I haven’t had a chance to look at a clock.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Calvin said, or at least it seemed to be him. “It’s time for you to stop feeding your poisonous love potion to Cedric.”
“Wow, okay,” You said, clutching your wand which was in your cloak pocket, ready to bring it out to defend yourself if you had to. “I was expecting low but love potion? That’s actually really messed up, even by Slytherin standards.”
“Slytherins don’t have standards,” One of the other Hufflepuffs said.
“Alright, I’ll let that one slide,” You said, exasperated. “Look, I’ll swear to you right now that I’m  not doing anything other than being my lovely, charming self in order to get Cedric to care for me. No potions, no spells, no anything. And you’re being really bad friends if you don’t accept that he found someone. Even the Slytherins aren’t making a big deal out of it, so why are you?”
“There’s no way that Cedric would fall for a snake. You’re going to ruin his life, you know that right? He’s meant to be with one of his own kind, or even a Ravenclaw. We wouldn’t even complain about a Gryffindor. But a ... a death eater?”
Your mouth fell open as he accused you of being something that you would never, ever be. It might be a little foolish to take it so personally, but you did not fall into the Slytherin bad-guy stereotype. You wanted nothing to do with blood feuds and evil wizards. “And we Slytherins take the time to get to know someone before we judge them, so who is really the snake here?” You asked, releasing your wand. They wanted to get a reaction out of you, and though they had, you wouldn’t let them see it.
“If I catch you anywhere near Cedric, I’ll go to Dumbledore and tell him about how you’ve been using love potions. I’ll go to the Ministry. I’ll take it to the top if I have to, and you’re going to go to Azka-”
“Any trouble here, Mister Wilson?” The smooth voice of your potions professor said from behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see him step out of the shadows with arms folded in front of him.
“Not yet,” Calvin said, but he tapped on his friends shoulders and they proceeded up the staircase before they could get into any trouble.
“Miss Y/L/N?” Snape questioned, but you weren’t about to bring a teacher into this mess. Especially not Snape, who probably could not relate to teenage drama.
“Only trouble I have is forgetting to switch to my afternoon books, heh,” You laughed nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. “So I’m just going to go and do that now... see ya.”
You hurried towards the Slytherin common room, but didn’t go in. Rather, you circled back to the staircase once you were sure Snape was gone, and enveloped yourself in the shadows beneath. “Did I really just say see ya to Professor Snape?” You groaned to yourself.
Sitting down, and wrapping your arms around your knees, you thought about everything that was said to you. You weren’t sad about it, they didn’t bring you down or make you insecure. You were downright furious, and trying to stick to the blackness so you wouldn’t go charging up those stairs and making a scene.
The minutes ticked by, turning into hours. You didn’t have a watch but you realized that you were missing your afternoon classes. That was fine. You needed to wait until you cooled down to be able to focus anyway. You kept repeating those words inside your head - death eater? Was that what Cedric thought of you, before the two of you were picked to be together during an Arithmacy assignment and started to fall for each other?
Were the Hufflepuffs so high and mighty that they really looked down on everyone else? What happened to the fairness, or the just or whatever word the hat used for them that year. Wankers, that’s all they were. A bunch of wankers.
“Lumos,” A male voice said, and a bright light interrupted your stewing under the stairs. Cedric stood before you, his robes slightly torn at the sleeves. “I thought you might be here.”
“What happened to you?” You asked, slowly getting to your feet to look at what had happened to his sleeves. You could smell something earthy, and see the stains.
“Herbology - and my friends being bastards,” He said with a shrug, tugging his sleeves out of your hands. “I’m sorry for what happened. You were missing at lunch, and then they hinted at what happened. Something about removing the curse or freeing me from it or something like that. It took a little while to put two and two together but...”
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He replaced the fabric that was in your hand a moment ago with his own hands, and stood with his forehead pressed against the top of your head. Your anger was dissipating. Looking into his golden eyes, you realized that he couldn’t have thought those awful things about you. He wouldn’t be here now if he had.
“... they’ll be leaving you alone from now on. I made sure of that.”
“What did you do?” You asked, blinking, feeling your eyelashes brushing across his skin. “You didn’t fight them, did you?”
“No,” Cedric chuckled. “I did threaten to leave the Quidditch team though, and that got them to shut up fast.”
“You shouldn’t have to threaten your friends in order for them to be happy for you,” You sighed, squeezing his hand.
“I know, but they’re the only friends I’ve got until we graduate,” He said, smiling cheekily. “Maybe they’ll grow up, we’ll see.”
“I guess we will,” You said. You pressed a soft kiss upon his lips which he returned. You could feel how chapped they were. As if he had been biting them, which he only did when he was nervous. “Were you really that nervous about them getting to me? You know I’d never break up with you just because I’m threatened by some badgers, right?”
“Maybe I was a little concerned...” He said, sucking on your bottom lip which brought out a moan. “But I know now - and they’ll have to learn.”
“They say Hufflepuffs are good finders,” You said, pulling him out of the dark and into the light before things could carry on too much longer. “I guess I can hold out hope they’ll find their heads in their arses one day.”                                                                                              
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Hi, I like your headcannons on the characters. If it's okay, may I request Riddle, Azul, Jade and Malleus with a femreader who always gets bullied (cause she's magicless and made supervisor)and nearly physically assaulted her only because she's the only female in the school. You don't have to do it if ever and that's okay.Have a coffee so please stay healthy and stay safe. (First time asking and feeling nervous)
Ah dear don't be nervous, feel free to request at any time ^^
Ok i will try my best to stay healthy tho *takes coffee and start drinking it* thank you for the coffee ~♡
Have a good day and take care~♡
P.s : if anyone facing something like bullying i kindly ask you to talk to me about it ,I listen and do my best to help anyone who's having such a trouble
All my love~♡
Riddle rosehearts
• Tears were running down your cheeks as you were running the halls to go to your room, not wanting to talk to anyone or see anyone...but of course it was seen by your dorm leader who followed you.
• "(Y/n)!.....(y/n) stop!" Riddle ran behind you as once you heard him you began to run faster till you reached your room and slammed the door into riddle's face, he didn't know what's wrong but he truly wants to, he stood in front of your door knocking softly.
• "(Y/n), can you please open the door?" Yes he got upset cause you slammed the door in his face but he calmed himself, he noticed that you changed from before, not cheerful or even smile anymore, he begged you to open the door as he could hear your cries getting louder.
• "What have i done to them?"
• He heard your words cut by crying and sobbing , he frowned on hearing you, he wanted to be there for you.
• "(Y/n)...my dear, can you please on the door? I'm here for you,please let me in" riddle said softly as he waited for you, you slowly opened the door, he saw your swollen eyes and tears are still forming in your eyes.
• "They bully me, they say horrible things about me, i never harmed anyone so why do they do this to me?" Your voice cracked at the end of your words, riddle took you into his embrace allowing you to cry your heart out patting on your head.
• "You say they bully you huh?" You heard riddle speaking so serious as you rised your face to meet with his.
• "Yes"
• "Names.....i want names!"
• You told riddle the names of those students who are bullying you, he was smiling to you and you didn't know if that an innocent or an evil smile, he placed a small kiss on your forehead before speaking again, "don't you ever worry about this, I'm here for you....and don't bother thinking about them anymore! Now take a good rest and do your homework!"
• Riddle encouraged you to go on and do not let any of those to annoy you....the weirdest thing that they never appeared in your direction again! You went to ask riddle about this and let's say you began to smile again.
• "Oh them? As i said, don't bother thinking about them anymore! Any one that dares to bully any part of my dorm especially you it will be off with their head!"
Azul ashengrotto
• Azul noticed some changes on you recently, you used to join him or the twin in lunch and eat with them what is like more than ten plates yet your visit to the lounge is always welcomed.
• But it has been so long time since you joined them or even seen you eating properly, you began to seem....thiner? It's not like you joined pomefoire or something ,have you?
• He began to get worried but he became more worried when he invited you for a meal with him but you turned it down and left immediately! He talked this to the twin and decided to do a little trick to drag you to the restaurant in the lounge!
• You ran your way to octavinelle when you heard that azul is not doing well, you let the twin to guide you to where he is, you found him taking a seat on a table and pointing to your seat, you looked at him questioning, he looks fine!
• "Erm...azul...you're ok, aren't you?"
• "Yes my darling, am i asking for alot by making you join me in meal?" Azul asked with a closed eye smile as you took the seat in front of him, he took the menu and talked to you, " so! What do you want to eat? Oh don't worry, it's on me!" You looked at azul quietly then shook your head, " thank you, I'm not hungry"
• Azul ignored what you said and ordered two plates which made you upset, "azul, I'm sorry i don't want to eat this!" You frowned to him, " you don't want to eat this or you can't....(y/n)....are you dieting??"
• You kept quiet for a moment before you smile, "yes....i guess i need to lose weight", your words semt normal but your face said it all, "(y/n)....why are you dieting?"
• You told him about those who bully you about how you look and this all brings back memories to azul, tears began to fall from your eays as you spoke, azul reached his hand and tangled his fingers with yours looking you into eyes , "no matter how you look, i will always love you"
• Next day you heard that called for you, going there to the lounge, your eyes widened as you saw the guys who were bullying you on one of the tables, you turned to walk away to find azul behind you with a closed eyes smile, "so, dear i have a surprise for you!" Then he took you to the table of the group you hated, they looked at you then theu began to whispere to each other and laugh, you wanted to leave but azul held you back, " so, i investigated and i knew everything! And i wanted to give you something!" And azul spoke plates were put on the table! And by plates we can mention what is not less than a hunderd plate of food! It looked delicious yet scary! Why would azul do this?
• "Eh....we won't eat all of this! We're leaving!" One of the students stood to leave only for floyd to push him back and jade staning on the way!
• "Now! You're not leaving this place before finishing all those plates with no lefts!" Azul smirked as he saw the horror expression on their face as the twin blocked any way out!
• "But azul! They will get a hart attack this way!"
• "Exactly!"
Jade leech
• You were running from them, they bully you almost every single day, you're a girl and weak and have nothing in hand to do, you didn't even look ib front of you while running as you suddenly hit someone and fell to your back.
• "Oh my! Are you ok miss?" Jade bent to offer you his hand, you looked at him in a shock, your eyes were full of tears as you helped yourself standing, "what's wrong?" He looked at you worried only for you to look back fast like if there's someone chasing you then you ran away without saying a word to the male standing there!
• Jade was deep on though about you and why you were like that, could it be that someone is hurting you? He decided he was going to ask you next day about that
• Next day jade got shocked to see you, you were limping! He rushed for you all worried asking you if there's something wrong with you but you shook your head saying it was just an accident, he knew it wasn't, ~sigh you left me no choice~
• "Ow!" Jade squeezed his eyes shut as if something got in it, "what's wrong?" You looked at him worried as he bent down to your level , " sorry but it seems something got in my left eye, can you please check it?" You innocently nodded as he opened his eyes to you....
• "Shock the heart"
• Now he can inquire you for the truth behind your weird actions, " now tell me...what happened to your feet?" Jade asked you and you answered immediately, "they pushed me from stairs" jade frowned on hearing your words , " they?" He knew it, some students were bullying you, you told him everything and at the end of your words you cried.
• "Do you need my help?" Jade asked while he already know the answer, "yes, please" you nodded
• Next day you had totally no idea by the conversation you had with jade or what have you told him, you saw these bad guys again and as they saw you they walked towards you, you wanted to run but you couldn't do that anymore since your feet is hurt.
• "Now now! Since you're here...how about a flying lesson?" One of the students spoke evily as others started laughing, suddenly two tall figures appeared behind you made them start to retreat scared.
• "My my! Floyd, it seems that there are some naughty students who needs to learn a lesson here aren't they?" You turned back to see jade standing behind you along with Floyd and they were wearing scary expressions on their face.
• "Yes~ but what lesson do you want us to teach them?
• "Hmmmm....how about a running lesson?" The smirk on jade's face was from ear to ear as he began to laugh evily of how he was going to punish them for mistreating you.
• "Hai hai~"
Malleus draconia
• He heard crying sound, it was from a person who almost had ran out of breathe from crying, he followed it to see you sitting on one of the corners all alone, he reached his hand to your shoulder from behind, you gasped turning back to see the tall man behind you.
• You took some far steps from him, let's say he feel sad whenever people run away from him but he's used, "what happened to your arm?" His eyes landed on the bruise on your arm that you covered at an instant.
• "Non of your business..." you moved to walk away only for his hand to take a string grib on your arm, "let me go!" You struggled to free your hand but there's no way you can escape malleus' grib, he strated revealing the rest of your arm only to see more bruises and scars on it, "who did this?"
• ".........they stole my locket, malleus...it's a gift from my mother and it's the only thing i have from my world, there's a picture of me and my family on it" you creid as you couldn't handle this anymore.
• " they do this to me cause I'm magicless and i can't defend myself, i had nothing to do but to beg them to return it....malleus please return it to me" you looked at him with a teary eye then you threw yourself into his chest.
• "Don't cry! If they are bullying you cause you are magicless then i have a great solution for you!"
• You walked towards those guys all nervous and all but wearing a serious expression on your face, " return me my locket!" You spoke loud enough more like if sebek was speaking, they began to laugh and one of them got your locket out in his hand, "oh you mean this?" , you walked towards him to snatch it but he moved his hand fast away from you, "give that to me!"
• "Make me!"
• You remember his words, you slowly rised your hand to the air and that's when suddenly these students began to float in the air!
• " w what?"
• They were floating in the air and some of them were hitting the others..it was so fun watching them like that!
• "P please...but us down!"
• "Give me my necklace first!"
• And they did as you said giving it back to you...and that's when they all fell to the ground and began to ran away...
• You ran towards malleus hugging him as he was hiding behind a wall...it was his magic after all you know!
• "How about i invite you to eat something together?"
• "Is it an invitation? Then deal"
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januarywren · 4 years
Hi if you don’t mind can I request a Snamione fic where he witness hermione’s mental breakdown upon knowing the death of her parents? Hehehe we are going angst today!
EEEEP, I’m really sorry - I’ve been feeling awful the past week, and I mixed up your prompt!! I thought that you wanted a sevmione scene about Hermione Obliviating her parents, not their death. 
The fic that I wrote is an Epilogue AU and takes place ten years after Voldemort’s death, but I’m sorry for the mix-up!! If I have time, I’ll write something that fits your prompt entirely. I’m posting the fic below, as well as linking it here! I appreciate you sending in a request, and I’m sorry again. 
“Hermione – “
It had been weeks of silence, with his lover hiding away in their rooms. There was more to the former golden girl of Gryffindor than anyone knew, and Severus watched, and he worried, as her cheeks grew pale and her words became fewer and fewer.
He felt the distance growing between them, even at night when he wrapped his arms around her, and she nestled close against his chest. Sleep was beyond them, yet they enjoyed the intimacy of it still – at least they had until she'd turned from him.
(Why? What had he done?)
“Trust me,” Severus ached to say. “Please, Hermione, let me in again.”
But he didn’t.
For underneath it all, Severus knew that he was a coward still, regardless of his duplicitous role at the Dark Lord’s side. The Ministry had given him a medal – a scrap of worthless tin – as if that could make his hands clean again.
He’d witnessed horrific things, things beyond anyone witch or wizard’s imagination, aside from Voldemort himself, and perhaps, Dumbledore. The later was hailed as the guiding mentor of the wizarding world, but above all others, Severus knew his true nature: Dumbledore willingly accepted what others would have cringed at, as long as it would aid his efforts during the war.
It was right, and it was wrong, and Severus –
He wanted little part of it.
His own Change was because of the Dark Lord after Voldemort explored the nature of vampires. Severus acted as his servant and was changed first – he'd burned in agony for days until his heart stilled, and he burned anew, his throat aching with thirst. He was a creature without morals, or limits, and had slaughtered as other Death Eaters had, and was privy to horrors that only those closest to the Dark Lord were allowed. There were so many innocents that suffered, regardless of their bloodline or their nature -
He never raised a finger to stop them, nor spared the unfortunate a single word, and he knew that he would burn for it –
Something that Hermione knew as well, for he’d wept in her arms, and confessed his sins to her. The world would never know the weight of his heart nor the true workings of his soul, but she alone would always know.
Severus flinched as his lover turned away from him, his heart thudding inside his chest. "It's over then?" he asked, forcing himself to swallow nausea that rose in his throat.
He’d always known he wasn’t good enough for Hermione, the same way he wasn’t good enough for Lily. (What had he told Hermione at the start of their relationship? “I’m less of a man than I am a creature, Hermione”? It was an understatement by far.)
And yet, Hermione had stayed by his side, freely and wholly of her own will. She’d accepted him when his nature became clear; his fangs grazing her wrist when he kissed her there, and his dark eyes had bored into hers. Her blood was ambrosia on his tongue, her nature as enthralling as a siren’s call.
And when they had reached the point of no return, she had done more than accept him –
She’d chosen him, as her Sire.
Her Mate.
They knew each other as no one else did, as they brewed countless potions together, in their little nest that was hidden from the world. They lived in muggle London, a place where they could live as they wished, and where no one noticed if a petty criminal or two went missing. (In fact, their formerly crime-ridden neighborhood was grateful for the dramatic reduction in crime, as stolen items were returned, and doors were left unlocked once more.)
He withdrew from her, as his familiar friend, anger, found him once again. “Have you realized what I am?” Severus asked, “A foul creature, a sniveling beast – “
It was easy to slip into his former skin, as the greasy-haired and embittered potions master. He knew what the students thought of him and remembered how the staff had avoided him. He reveled in their distance, as it fueled his bitterness; something he had ceased to feel in his life with Hermione. But he was weak then, and exposed, and wanted to hide away where she wouldn't see how he lived for her.
If she left him –
No, Severus thought grimly. When she left him, he would be the creature the world knew before, the one who snapped and snarled without remorse. He wasn’t meant to have others near, he was his father’s heir.
“Stop it,” Hermione said, closing the space between them.
“Why should I, Ms. Granger – “Severus sneered, stilling as her hand rose to cup his cheek.
"Severus," Hermione said as if his name meant something to her still. "This – this isn't about you, or us. I'm not," she hesitated, searching for the right words to say. "I know that I haven't been myself lately. I…”
“You haven’t,” Severus croaked, his tangled feelings exposed. He felt as anxiety entwined with his simmering anger, and his hand covered hers. “Please Hermione, let me in.”
“I did something a decade ago,” Hermione whispered, “something during the war that I cannot let go of. It…it happened next month, and I – I can’t stop thinking of it.”
Severus’s brow furrowed, as he rested his temple against hers. “You were a child during the war,” he said, his tone as gentle as his words were overused. “Dumbledore used you as a soldier – whatever you did is not yours to blame yourself for.”
“But it is,” Hermione replied, with a sad, little smile. “I wanted to keep my parents safe, and I…I took their lives away from them, Severus. I Obliviated them and sent them away to Australia, where they would be safe.”
He kissed away the tears that slid down her cheeks, as shame pooled through his veins. It was his nature to interpret his mate’s hurt as because of him, with his father’s words ringing in his ears – feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing always seemed just below the surface, as if he were a child still.
He wanted to be better for her.
He had to be.
She hadn’t made the decision for him to change her lightly, no, and it was entirely her decision alone. The cursed knife that Bellatrix had used to carve the horrid word into her skin was slowly killing her, the dark magic imbued within her wound leeching her very life from her. Hermione told him she wasn’t afraid to die, after cure after cure had resulted in little change.
Nor had Hermione proposed it at first, after Severus confessed his love for her. She asked for nothing from him but stayed at his side, faithfully stirring his potions, and spending her nights awake with him, even before he changed her. They kept the world at bay outside their door, and wanted nothing but privacy, above all.
She wrote letters frequently to Harry and his wife, as well as his godson, Draco Malfoy who sought redemption after the war and he apologized for his treatment of her. She wrote letters too, to George Weasley who mourned for the loss of his twin, and she wrote to Ron, who struggled to find his stride as an Auror still. Hermione had a longing for the outside world that Severus lacked, though he never sought to prevent her from having friendships.
Yet it was Severus who held her during the Change, allowing her to weep in his arms, as she writhed, and she burned. It was an experience that bonded them closer to one another, the fury of the Change driving the Dark Magic from her soul. It fled her body, but Severus never left her, nor did he want to.
“I’m sorry,” Severus whispered, before kissing the tip of her nose. “So very sorry, Hermione.”
She had always taken comfort in his voice, and like a purring cat, rubbed her cheek against his. “I can’t help but think they are safe but not whole,” Hermione confessed, “Or maybe it’s too painful to think of them as being happy and whole, without remembering me at all – “
His arms circled around her waist, as he pulled her flush against him. “I understand,” Severus said, having once felt the same about Lily, as she burned with life when she was married to James Potter. Yet his feelings for Lily were nothing like how he felt towards Hermione, the only soul to ever accept him wholly, and unflinchingly.
He never would regret the rainy night that he'd come across her, when she'd sat alone at a train station, with her beaded purse in her arms. She'd broken up with Ron and fled from the wizarding world – straight into his arms after they left the train station to eat at his favorite curry place instead. The dull flavor of human food had seemed spicy and danced across his tongue when he sat across from her, and they had simply never parted afterward.
Nor would they if Severus had his wish, and Hermione truly wanted to stay.
“I miss them,” Hermione murmured, “Every night and every day, even though I never forget that I’m the one to blame. I chose to send them away, without a memory of the child they had, or…or anything of their former lives. Their true lives,” her voice cracked at that, and she moved to bury her head against his shoulder. “I don’t have a right to feel this way.”
“You do,” Severus said, his hands resting on the small of her back.
She was a mess of contradictions; her small frame holding a soul that was far stronger, and bolder than his own. He wanted to curse himself for leaving her to the wolves during the war, though they weren’t lovers, nor friends then. His focus then was consumed with thoughts of Lily and twisted bitterness about protecting her son.
“Merlin, Hermione, you did the only thing that you could. The Dark Lord would have never allowed your parents to live. The things that he did to muggles – the things that I did to them – “ he dragged a ragged breath in.
He wanted her closer still as if he could hold on to her, so she never let go of him.
“You saved them, my love,” Severus said softly, though they were the only ones in their room. There would never be another between them, nor a child born from her womb, as their kind was unchanging.
There was only the low purr of her familiar, Crookshanks, who chose then to wind about their legs and rub his face against Severus' foot. With a little blood magic, he would live out his immortal days with them. "My love, my life - believe me. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
He wouldn’t.  
“Promise?” Hermione asked, quieter than he’d ever heard her.
He prayed that she would believe him, as truth dripped from his words. No one would have helped his mate and her parents, not even him. Dumbledore had cared only for Harry, zealously arranging his pawns so his king was protected, and at the forefront of the chessboard. Harry was the one that mattered – Harry was the only one that truly mattered and was needed in the war against Voldemort.
“I swear it,” Severus whispered. "I'll take a Vow if you wish."
He wanted to free her from her pain, her guilt, even as he knew that it couldn't be undone. It was an ache inside of her soul that wouldn't leave her, yet he wanted to try as he never had for any other. Offers rose to his tongue, ones of finding a reversal to the spell, and finding her parents once again.
Severus held his tongue still, knowing that wasn’t what his mate needed, not then. Later, perhaps, when her tears had dried and she nestled close to him, and she knew that he would listen to all that she wanted to share.
She pressed closer against him and grasped the fabric of his robes with her hand. “I wish that I didn’t remember,” Hermione confessed, “over and over again. I see their eyes glaze over and I…I just can’t – I want to forget but I never want to let them go.”
It was all that she could give him then, the wound too raw, and exposed as it was. (Yet she didn't turn her heart away, no – it turned toward him, as she sought the comfort of his hold and the honesty of his soul.)
“I know, sweetheart,” Severus said, knowing more than most how she felt. There were memories that haunted him once, a tangle of faces and a mesh of names that were engraved across his skin. “I know.”
They held each other close, saying nothing then.
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The Wolves (A White Demon’s Love Song, Part 5.)
Series description: A new job was what the reason you found yourself on a lonely roadtrip on the western coast, ending up in the woods of Olympian Peninsula. Yet a sudden car malfuction was what cause your unplanned stay in Forks. To your surprise, there was a lot of sinister things going on under the veil of fog.
Part summary: The wolves now had to come up with a different strategy since the vampires coming so close to the town was a thing no-one expected so soon. Yet, a secret was to be revealed that night.
A/N: Heavily inspired by the Phascination Phase (Carter Burwell for the Twilight movie), because... Idk, there’s something so ambient about the track. 
Tagging: @missdictatorme​
Word count: 3.7 K
Twilight playlist: ✨ Twilight Crackheads ✨
Series masterlist: H E R E
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A few hours ago, La Push, Emily's house:
Jacob stood in the opened door for not longer than a moment, watching you leaving the garage in his black towtruck. For the most part, you should be safe. Why the hell was Jacob so stressed about keeping you safe? You were, for now, just a normal Forks citizen like everyone else. Maybe it was just that you were his personal responsibility for some time now. He offered you a place to stay - naturally, you accepted the offer because you counted on being safe. And just ten minutes ago, a leech almost made you their personal lollipop or worse, they might've made a newborn out of you. Thanks to God, the shifter scent was too strong for the vampire. She saw Jacob waiting for you in the opened back door, but it was the typical stench that made her stop.
Jacob saw her for a fragment of a second, just standing there and watching you laying on the ground. Then, she gave Jacob a teasing smile and in the next second, she was gone. It was at that moment the man knew he had to send to some location which was overseen by the shifters all the time. There was also a second reason to keep you at Charlie's - that bitch surely smelled your scent. Since you didn't really live at the small flat, the werewolf scent wasn't covering you enough - and the raincoat didn't help much anyway. At the end of the day, it was you, who was still just a normal human being.
As soon as the truck disappeared behind the high school, Jacob walked to the back of the building and walked into the woods. Fuck the motorbikes, he was way faster on all four. He could borrow something from Sam, so he just bound the tore sweatpants around his upper thigh and let the animal take the lead. Of course, Leah and Quil noticed immediately - there was confusion in the group shared telepathic web. - 'Did something happen?' - Leah asked, but hadn't moved from her spot. She knew better than to annul the formation because Jacob had just shifted. At first, Jacob didn't answer and just let both her and Quil to look inside his mind. At first, both of them got way more confused when they saw the strange girl jumping out of the woods - yet then they felt it. The humongous smell of rotten tomatoes, the wolves could feel her presence and they saw her, just standing there with her eyes wild and hungry, the grin on her face was threatening.
'Okay, now I get it.' - Leah muttered after a moment. Sure, there was still a hint of confusion and curiosity regarding you in the shared consciousness, but honestly, you weren't that important in the bigger picture. - 'I can't believe she came so close! She was trying to get through here... I guess the cold one must've caught her scent. Are we going after her?' - Quil asked immediately, getting ready to run to Jake's position. - 'They're just trying how much closer they can get and top of that, that leech has already run away. I'm on way to Sam, we'll be trying to figure out a different system of watching Forks.' - Jake said in a calm voice, running in the direction of La Push at the highest speed he was capable of. - 'I'll be checking on the southern part of the city... Quil is on the west. Sam has five boys here today, so there will be no problem to run in circles around the town.' - Leah told Jake and since Quil caught on what she was doing, he immediately started to assure their leader as well. - 'No chance they're slipping, boss.'
Since that moment, both of them kept their thoughts silent. Quil and Leah were a good team - ever since Leah left Sam's pack, she became quieter and calmer. Now, she wasn't such a pain in the ass. And Quil didn't want to disturb with too much of empty thoughts in case something might've happened. For once, it was nice not to deal with Seth's endless sunshine energy. - 'I won't tell my little bro a thing, but thanks for the compliment.' - Leah laughed inside Jake's head. The phase where he was rolling his eyes after every word Leah said out loud was far behind him, now, he snickered lightly as well. - 'I would appreciate that. Okay, I'm at Sam's. Once we figure something out, I'll let you know.'
Jacob didn't wait for their answer and changed into his human form. Hastily, he put his old sweatpants on and ran to the house and knocked on the door. The twins, Emily and Sam's small girls, were running around the place and as Emily approached the door, she tried to calm the kids down. Yet as soon as they saw Jacob behind the door, they started to yell excitedly again. Emily wasn't stupid - as soon as she saw Jake visiting them during the day, even if Sam and Jake usually met during the nighttime watch, she knew something happened. The woman let Jacob inside and put cookies on the big plate in the middle of the table, saying... - "Give me a minute, I'll wake Sam up." - With that, she disappeared inside the house.
Sam was always taking his time getting up - yet when his wife said Jake's name and that he came just so he could talk with him, he tried his best. When he finally walked into the kitchen, half-dressed uncle Jake was sitting at the table with a muggle full of fresh coffee and watched small Brianna and Ellie drawing with various colors of wax crayons. It was just a small, peaceful moment that was not to last long. As soon as Jacob looked up to Sam, the older man could see the emotion in Jake's face. It... It wasn't fear, not even horror - it was rage. The younger man wasn't shifting, he was just angry. - "Angels?" - Sam smiled tiredly and kissed both of the twins on their temples. Both the girls smiled at their dad, but before Sam started talking again, Bri was already babbled at him, because both her front teeth fell out. - "Daddy, look! I drew you and mamma. And this is uncle Paul, auntie Rachel and... Auntie Leah and..."
The picture was more or less a formation of stickmen - each of them had a crazy hair color... But sure, it was the La Push family. - "You should go play to your room for a bit, my birds. Come on, I need to talk to uncle Jake. You can have him later." - Sam smiled. The girls hadn't got a favorite - but they were super pumped when Jacob came back to La Push since he was now living in Forks for the most part. Rachel and Paul were taking care of Billy, so he had more time for himself and his love for cars. - "Okay!" - Ellie cried out happily, picked a few crayons, and ran to their room with loud, happy squeals, Brianna following right after. These kids were always happy. Jake could see all the things Sam was fighting for. He had a lot to lose.
"Start talking. I know you're not here just to say hi." - Sam muttered out with a loud yawn, pouring some coffee into a mug as well. Emily was standing behind the stove, preparing some eggs and bacon for both the men. At that point, she didn't even ask - Jake just had to eat everything Emily had served. - "Yeah, something like that. That vampire bitch just showed up behind my house. Not even an hour ago." - "Did you try to catch her?" - Sam fired back immediately. Even though they had their differences back in the day, even if they argued a lot when Jacob left his pack, Sam was still worried about his brother in arms. For God's sake, they knew each other since they were small boys. Sam was just five years older. - "Unfortunately... Listen... She wasn't hunting me down, she was after someone else." - "That girl who's car crashed here? I've seen her in your head, just a glimpse." - Jake nodded.
"Well, this is getting worse and worse, I'm not going to lie. How did the girl get into trouble?" - Sam asked just when Emily served the breakfast; then she quickly kissed Sam's cheek, smiled at Jake, and left to the children's room so she would make sure they don't hear anything. - "I think she just went on a walk, she seemed off when I found her. Sam, Y/N realized something was in the forest with her." - "What did you tell her?" - "Well, I tried to misguide her, tell her that it was just a mountain lion." - For a moment, both the men fell silent. - "She might be on the target list now." - Sam muttered out after a moment. It took a while before everything clicked in Jake's brain. - "That girl borrowed my raincoat, but her scent was still too strong..." - "And if she saw you there, she might figure out that she's our weak spot. Where is she now? Is she safe?" - Sam didn't care who the hell you were - it could be anyone from Forks, La Push, Port Angeles and he would still care the same. The Protectors committed to protecting everyone in the town, no matter if they were a tourist or a local.
"Y/N? She's at Charlie's now, but he'll be coming to La Push later this afternoon. I asked him to take her with him. My people are here, your people are here - if they'd feel the slightest hint of the leech's stench, they'd go right after them. Leah and Quil are helping with watching the city boundaries." - Jacob leaned his back to the chair. His back was hurting really bad, but there was no time to rest now. - "How could the bloodsucker just slip past us? I don't understand?" - "We should call the doctor finally, ask him about the things regarding this group of leeches... I don't have a single good feeling about them."
Just ten minutes after Jacob proposed the idea, Sam was debating with Carlisle on the phone, describing everything about the group of vampires living near to Forks now. Carlisle said to Sam that this behavior can be considered normal - except the noticeable skills, these had with hiding their smell and tracks. Such vampires tended to be old and experiences - they had most probably encountered their first group of extremely good trackers; ones such as James was. After some time, the vampires who lived too long already wanted to feel the thrill of the game. James's talent was tracking - yet such things could be learned through hundreds of years of experience. It could be significantly harder since the shifters hadn't estimate how many of the players were out there. Sam's pack had encountered one, Jacob was one hundred percent positive there was a second one... But there could be one more. And once the vampires would figure out the right formation, there was nothing that would stop them. Well, this wasn't any good news. Fucking trackers.
"Do you think these old vampires might show here, doctor?" - Sam mumbled, listening to Carlisle's calm, enjoyable tone on a speaker. - "The Volturi?" - "Yes, I mean these we had already met. Can these be sent by them?" - For a moment, Carlisle was quiet, yet both men could hear chatter in the background. - "Hardly." - Alice's jolly voice answered suddenly. - "I can't see them even thinking about Forks or going there, or sending their people there. Aro is still hoping that he might get us, but... No. He doesn't choose to send his people your way." - She explained quickly. - "Are the vampires too conspicuous? I hadn't seen any news reporting murders in Forks." - Carlisle muttered after a moment, audibly going through some newspaper. This made Jake grin a bit; the man was still looking after his former place of stay. - "No." - Jacob said simply, which made Carlisle sigh. Well, that didn't mean anything good. - "Then the Volturi will hardly come to dismantle them, unfortunately. As long as the vampires aren't violating any laws, they won't be stopping them. Do you think that you need help?"
Clearly, Carlisle was asking 'should we come to help you?'. If there would be any sign that the pack can't do it on their own, they would spend no time sitting around. No matter what were the pack's members' opinions on the Cullens, Jacob had to say that the liked this family of leeches. - "No. We're doing just great, I just wanted to be informed. Have a nice Carlisle, nice hearing from you." - With that, Sam hung on the phone after the doctor said his goodbye and wished the men good luck. The news wasn't good at all. A pack of damn tackers who wanted to play a game with the pack.
After all, they were there to hunt - yet they were willing to take their time, wait for the pack to grew tired and then slip by in the dead of the night. What could've been worse? And the Volturi were neither behind this operation or about to stop it. There were dark clouds on the horizon, which wasn't making them any calmer. Both of them went for a short walk around Sam's house, trying to figure out... Something. And the only solution was... - "No. Sam, this isn't happening." - Jacob put both his hands on his chest, having the typical expression of an angry five-year-old. - "It's just a t-shirt." - Sam answered back, rolling his eyes. - "I already told her there are mountain lions... Sent her to a stranger's house and to a place she never been at. Now, I'll be stealing her clothes?" - Jacob snickered, shaking his head.
"She's the weak spot right now. They want to start a game, we will start a game, then - and on our own terms. All we need is her scent." - Jacob knew Sam was right, but... Seriously, you've been thinking about his ill intentions (killing you, let's be honest for a minute) since the first moment you saw him. And now, he was supposed to steal a piece of your clothing? Well... - "Okay. Okay. I'll try to get something. When we're talking about clothes, can you lend me some for the afternoon? I'll be picking her up on the beach." - With this question, both men walked back to the house for Jake to keep the promise. He spent playing with the girls a huge portion of his day, just before he fell asleep on Brianna's bed, snoring on the whole house.
To get to the beach, he certainly didn't use his human form. That would be too slow. He called to Billy's, making sure you're still at the beach - or if you decided to take off and maybe run away from Forks. Jacob wouldn't flinch at that. He wouldn't be surprised if you did. Yet, you still were there - with Rachel. The man groaned at that, as all little brothers do, rolling his eyes. He could only imagine everything Rachel told you about him. Dear Lord. Now, you could justify thinking like a killer when talking about him. Rachel didn't spare his good name at all, Jacob was positive there.
It was a busy day at the beach. Normally, Quil would spend his time there with Claire - yet the boy knew that sometimes, protecting the place because of the people you love is important as well. For a moment, he was just standing there and watched the sea lazily waving around - he knew that somewhere in the woods, there was Jared looking after the La Push territory. And just when he was thinking about that, he saw you and Rachel walking out of the forest side by side, laughing at something. Great. He could only guess how many stories did Rachel pull out.
Of course, he wouldn't Rachel walk home alone - it was almost six miles to their home after all. But he didn't plan on stopping on a visit either. Billy, who was in the elder council, naturally understood that Jacob was rather busy in the last few days - but Charlie did come to the car and made you roll down the window. - "I just wanted to ask... Hm... How was the beach?" - It looked like genuine interest from Charlie's part, which made you grin. It was nice of him to ask. - "Rachel showed me around... It was pretty impressive. I need to tell my friends about it, definitely." - Then, the cop shot a quick gaze at Jacob. For the love of God, he was hoping that the boy won't drag you into some funky business with him. - "If anything happens, I'm at the phone number all the time, okay?" - Charlie reassured himself before patting the side of the truck and leaving without waiting for you to answer. You were just watching him leaving back to the house, with a small smile on your face.
Jacob tried to ask you about your day, but you could tell that the 'worse' Jacob was now in the position. He didn't seem to smile a bit, he was kinda mumbly and quiet for the most part. As you walked into the garage again, you knew you had to do something. This couldn't wait two days. No. You had to do it immediately. As soon as he would sneak out, you'll follow right after. Yeah, mountain lions, sure... This made you grin as you worked on the paperwork once more. Throughout the whole time, you hadn't seen Jacob - the whole time, he was outside and worked on your Beetle, changing the smaller parts he had with him. It was obvious that you will have to visit a wrecking lot soon - in search of working components, hustling the best prices out of that. By the way, the components were even on sale - those which your car needed so desperately. The wrecking lots were your last chance.
Around the same time as the previous day, you've just told Jacob you're going to take a shower and go to sleep - which he only barely acknowledged. He was too busy working and thinking about Sam's theory. It wasn't right. The vampire girl saw Jacob looking out for you and even though she didn't know you two have nothing in common, she most likely connected you as partners of sorts. He could steal one of the t-shirts you've put into the laundry, couldn't he? All it took was an article of clothing to lure the leeches somewhere where they wouldn't be in advantage - like a huge plain, the one next to Ozette Lake. Fuck, this was uncomfortable. He couldn't even look you in the face.
That night, when he was leaving for the watch, he didn't even lock the door - it wouldn't be functional against a vampire. He was to stay nearby the town, looking after the damn house - while Embry and Seth, as humans, got their orders from Sam. Jacob didn't know what the strategy was - he had only Jared and Brody on the watch in Forks. Jared could be only barely counted in since he was sleeping while walking. The boy took a 24 lasting shift, no wonder he was so done.
As soon as you noticed Jake marching to the woods, you put his raincoat on, since it was raining again, and went after him, lurking in the shadows. If Jacob would be in his normal human self, he would hear you. He wouldn't smell you, since the rain and wind was making the scent trail fade away rather quickly, but he would know somewhere's there based on the sounds. You weren't as dumb to walk straight after him - you could barely see him, hiding behind the trees, but you could still hear him breathing. Dear God, was he breathing loud? You hadn't noticed before. Suddenly, he stopped and started to breathe quicker and quicker.
Curiosity got the better out of you, let's be honest here, as you sneaked past a few trees, getting closer to him, finally catching a good look at the man. He was... Breathing really quick, shaking. His muscles were visibly tensing under his skin, but you knew that something wasn't adding up here. Was he having a seizure? Was he chanting himself before another kill? Or was this the ritual after which the second part of his split personality came out? Fuck, you were confused. Your nails dug deeper into the tree and your breath hitched as the tension got the better out of you. Unknowingly, you pressed to the wet, cold tree and didn't blink from that point on.
It was fascination at its best. You didn't even jump when growls cut through the silence, resonating through the whole, quiet forest. The man fell on his knees, growling and grunting in immersive pain. And that was when you saw it - a strike of russet fur flying out of his body, traveling on his spine. And then... Jacob exploded. He quite literally was torn to shreds, just like his worn-out pants and instead of a man... There was a wolf, bigger than you. This animal could eat you like an appetizer and barely blink about it. No matter how beautiful the animal was, your brain couldn't grasp what was happening at the moment. In combination with holding your breath for the last minute, it resolved in one thing. As you forcefully grasped for any air, your head spun. Once, twice, and then you felt your body falling to the ground. Maybe, you would've got up, but you felt the back of your head hitting a root on the ground. A dull thud sounded through the forest as it started to fade away.
You fainted. This caught Jacob's attention as he realized something terrorizing - he had a lot to explain now.
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 56
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Sebastian and I talked and laughed until early morning. By the time I was finished packing it almost wasn't worth going to sleep. There was no way in hell I was going to hang up before he was ready. Cathartic or not, tears are tears. And with his history of being emotionally unavailable, calling me with puffy red eyes is a big fucking deal.
Throwing my phone across the room when the alarm went off seemed like a good idea. I fought off the urge. Half an hour and a cup of coffee later I was on my way to the airport. Flying out of White Plains was a shorter drive with a longer flight. Wound up being about the same as the long drive with a shorter flight from LaGuardia. I loved flying much more than driving. Plus, TSA at White Plains is cake. Past security I got another cup of coffee and settled in until boarding. I had a lovely breakfast on my layover in North Carolina. I do love a good chicken biscuit. In Atlanta I took a picture of the “Welcome” sign and posted it with the caption, "Back where I was born." I hadn't called Atlanta home in many years. I said things like, “It's good to be back", "I missed being here.", and "I'm happy to see you guys." New York was home. Seattle was home. I rarely called Alpharetta home except as a throwaway word to avoid having to explain.
Almost immediately I got a text.
Sebastian ~ Excited for family pix
Emma ~ And live on FaceTime?
Sebastian ~ I’m not afraid of your father. I hear he's a cupcake compared to your dad. Think I can tell you and Amy apart?
Emma ~ We'll see….
 We'd talked about him meeting them. I hadn't thought about how strange it’s been for him to have me all the Vedders, even texting with Ed, but not met my parents and sister. It's way more complicated with the bio family.
I had no idea who was picking me up. I exited security and immediately saw my twin and our mini-me. Amy pointed to me and Katie squealed. Amy let go of her hand and my little niece came running. I scooped her up with the reward of having my face covered in kisses. Best welcome ever. Katie wrapped her arms tight around my neck, not letting go even when we got to her mom. I was shocked by Amy's appearance. I held Katie with one arm and hugged her, "We haven't looked so identical since we were thirteen." I combed my fingers through her shoulder-length hair that was now nearly the same color as mine.
Amy put her head back and shook out her hair, "Took three visits to get the red out and tone down the brassiness."
I smiled, "If I say you look gorgeous is that vain?"
"Definitely, but also true." She hooked her arm in mine and we headed to baggage claim. "The parental units want us to drop by the hospital before heading home. They took off Monday and Tuesday. They have a full schedule for you."
I rolled my eyes, "You can fill me in as we drive. Anything we talk about I'll just have to repeat when we get to them. Right now, I want to hear from my munchkin baby girl." I tickled Katie, getting her laughing and successfully avoiding questions. I'd figure out when to tell them about Sebastian when I heard what was planned. My tentative plan was for tonight at dinner.
Katie told me all about her preschool and her toys while we waited for my suitcase and halfway to the hospital. She only stopped when her favorite song came through the speakers. After a rousing rendition of "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" I turned my attention to Amy. "What's the plan?"
"Today we're on our own until dinner. They said we'll decide on food later. A bunch of people from high school are going out on the lake tomorrow. I thought that would be fun. Mom said they'd keep Katie."
A lot of our old friends still lived in town. I hadn't seen anyone for a couple of years. "Sounds fun."
"Sunday family is coming over. Mom wants to tell you the rest. I promised."
I laughed, "Shopping and a spa day."
"I didn't tell you."
Fifteen minutes later we were swinging Katie between us across the parking lot. Mom and dad were heads of their departments. Neuro for dad and OB/GYN for mom. Our directions were always the same upon our arrival. Sign in and proceed to the fourth-floor doctor's cafe. Security would have paged them and they'd meet us there. I got coffee for us and ice cream for Katie.
Mom arrived first. She was the blond hair, blue-eyed version of me. Dad had dark hair and blue eyes. Amy and I were a great combination of them. Mom had us young and was not quite fifty. They always said we were planned, but who the hell plans kids right after graduating from college. Mom deferred her first year of med school. We had a wonderful nanny.
After a long hug, mom held my hands and stood back to look at me. "You look beautiful as always. Maybe a little tired."
Such a mom thing to say. "I was up late and slept on the plane."
She nodded and hugged me again, "A day by the pool will be good for you."
"Always. I hear family is coming Sunday?"
"A cookout." She looked at Amy then back to me. "I suppose your sister told you about Monday?"
"No." I slowly smirked, "I guessed, but she neither confirmed nor denied."
"Your father's going to give Wendy the day off and spend the day with Katie while we do a bit of shopping then a trip to the spa." She fingered my hair. "Maybe cut some of this."
I pushed her hand away playfully, "Nope."
I felt hands on my shoulders before hearing my dad’s voice, "I can not imagine what you'd look like with shorter hair."
I looked up and behind me with an incredulous look on my face. I pointed across the table at my twin. The one with shorter hair, "Possibly exactly like her?"
"No, you two look nothing alike." Worst dad joke ever. He took me away from mom and hugged me. "How is my youngest daughter?"
"Good. Waking up."
Dad sat on the opposite side of me from mom. "I've never understood how you fall asleep so fast on a plane."
"I like to float."
I turned my attention to mom, "Are we still on for Tuesday?" Mom did exams at a local woman’s shelter. The head counselor, Stacy, had worked at the rehab facility I’d been hidden away in. Going to visit her and the women was always the highlight of any trip back.
"Stacy is excited to see you."
"And me her."
She put her hand over mine," Not a problem to move my day."
"Thank you."
A man who looked to be a few years older than me approached our table. From the ID badge on his white coat, I knew his name was. Dr. Burns and he was a Neuro Fellow.
"Dr. Marcum, I didn't know you had two beautiful daughters and granddaughter."
"I’m overrun with beautiful women. I'm very lucky."
"Of course," he looked at my mom, “Dr. Marcum as well."
I looked at Amy to see her cover her mouth with her hand. Eligible doctor as bait was new.
Dad introduced us, "Emma is down from New York for a long weekend. Always hoping we can persuade her to move back home."
I looked at the bait, "I hope he's as clear with what he wants from you."
Bait laughed, "I'm lucky to have the opportunity to train with your father."
I was feeling like a prize to be won. Thankfully, there was someone else who thought I was a prize in a less icky way. I didn't respond to bait, preferring to take a drink of my coffee.
"I need to check post-ops. Nice to meet you, Emma. I'll see you upstairs, Dr. Marcum." He nodded to my mom and was off.
Amy burst out laughing, "Oh dad, that was horrible."
"What?" He shrugged, "Young, single, wants to stay here in Alpharetta. We could invite him to dinner. I know his schedule."
I groaned. I guess now was the time. "I appreciate your attempt to lure me back, but I don’t think my boyfriend would like me going on a date with someone who isn't him."
Amy perked up, "Boyfriend?"
"There's a picture of us on Instagram. I’ve been waiting for you to comment.”
"No!" She whipped out her phone. "This picture of the volleyball tournament is the only... oh wait... there is a man wrapped around you. I didn't pay attention."
"Let us see," my mom took the phone. "This is too small. Plus, he's hidden behind you in a hat. We can barely see him."
"He must be ugly." Amy stole a bite of Katie's ice cream.
"He is not ugly."
"Deformed in some way. A huge hairy mole in the center of his forehead like a third eye."
I laughed at her, "Are we thirteen again?"
"Thirteen was fun."
My parents were enjoying our banter, I was too. Mom looked at me, "Do you have a better picture?"
"I do." I pulled up the one from the festival with the teddy bear. "This was a couple of weeks ago. I won the bear."
I handed my phone to mom. Her eyebrows raised. "Not deformed. Or Ugly. Not even close. He looks familiar."
Amy took my phone and in under two seconds looked at me with her mouth hanging open, "Carter Baizen?"
"I didn't know you watched Gossip Girl?" I was in Seattle before it premiered.
"Everyone at school did. I only pretended I didn’t."
Dad took my phone, instantly smiling, "You look like you're having fun."
I laughed, "It was a fun day."
Mom looked at me then Amy, "Who is Carter?"
"He was a character in Gossip Girl. Hot, but an ass. The actor who played him went on to in the Marvel Movies as the Winter Soldier."
Dad scrunched up his face, "The brain damaged assassin who killed Tony’s mother?"
"Yes." I was not about to argue brain washed versus brain damaged with a neurosurgeon. "His name is Sebastian Stan."
I took my phone back and swiped to a picture of us at the volleyball tournament. Dad raised his eyebrows with a nod. Mom said, "He's very handsome."
Amy smirked, "If I swipe will I find nudes."
"Sorry, no."
"No, I won’t find them or no you don’t have any."
"Don't have."
I don't know what I expected from Amy, but this wasn't it. I hadn't told them about Jimmy. I just brought him home. He was the last real boyfriend. Amy’s current reaction was much more typical of early high school. My parents looked cautious.
Amy cut her eyes up to me, "Kissing in the dark restaurant. Go you, little sister."
Dad turned his attention to me, "Is this serious?"
I could feel the tension leech out of me and my face soften with a smile, "Yes, it is."
"When do we get to meet him?"
I shrugged, "We can FaceTime him after dinner. He's getting ready for a role and is home."
"I'm looking forward to meeting him." Mom put her hand on my arm. "What's he like?"
"He's very sweet. Awkward at times and trips over himself. We laugh all the time and have these great conversations about books, movies, and music. He's very good to me." I didn't want to talk non-stop about him. I wanted them to know of him and over the weekend they'd learn about him. About us. "I'm sure you'll get sick of hearing about him. What are we doing for dinner tonight?"
Katie yelled, "Pizza!"
"I love pizza." There was an amazing pizza place near the house. We’d been going there since we were Katie’s age.
Amy agreed with me, "Easy and we don't have to get out of the pool."
I looked at my arm, "I desperately need a tan."
Dad stood up, "I'm going to get back to work so I can get out of here to enjoy my girls."
"Tell Dr. Friendly the date's off."
Dad glared at Amy. I didn't try to hide my smile. Mom stood while shaking her head. I got up and hugged them. I stayed still while they walked away then looked at Amy, "Let's get out of here. Can I drive?" I was feeling a little out of control and needed to be in charge of driving.
Amy threw me the keys, "As long as you can talk and drive."
Any guesses what the topic of conversation was? The drive home wasn’t long. Walking into the house I felt much more at ease. I think I was more nervous than I was aware of. Sebastian's important.
Amy handed Katie off to the nanny, Wendy. That felt familiar. We'd grown up in this house. This scene had happened innumerable times when we walked into the house. I waved when Katie turned on her way downstairs to her playroom. I followed Amy up the stairs to my room. She stopped at my door, "Are you going to unpack? And call Sebastian?"
"No." I shook my head, "I'll do both later. Can you send me the picture of me with Katie at the airport?"
"Absolutely. We'll be thirty soon. Bio-clock is ticking."
I was aghast, "Amelia! Our mother is an Ob/Gyn. You know that's not true." We laughed.
"Ok, so he can see how good you look with a kid."
I sighed dramatically, "Everything is not about Sebastian. Plain old Instagram. Me and my niece." I’m not playing those games with him. "The picture I'm going to have you take of me in my bikini... that's all about him."
That perked her up, "We'll get Wendy to take a twin picture."
I rolled my eyes, "He'll enjoy that too."
Five minutes later I was jogging down the stairs and heading out the French doors. The water was sparkling with the sunlight. It was hot and sticky outside making floating perfect. I threw a couple of towels on the loungers and threw two floats into the pool. Amy was coming out the door as I grabbed my phone off the table. I unlocked before handing it to her.
Amy followed me around the pool, "Remember when we'd pretend we were models and take pictures of our fashion shows?"
"I do. Our phones would be full of them. I’ll need to learn more editing skills when the wrinkles show up."
Amy rubbed at the corners of her eyes, "Crows feet already."
"I have a great eye cream." She took some of me then we got Wendy to take a couple of us, ending with us floating in the pool holding hands. I hopped onto the pool edge and took my phone back. I waited for Wendy to go inside, "Ok, jump out and take one more of me on the float.” Amy took my phone and I took off my bikini, lying face down on the float.
"I cannot believe I'm partaking in this."
"Oh please, who better. It's my naked ass and yours looks identical."
"My ass doesn't look like that anymore. Pregnancy stretched that out too."
I looked at my twin in her black one-piece with cut out sides. She always had the thinner body I wanted. After Katie, she'd not lost the last bit of baby weight from her stomach and her butt. "You look great, Amy."
She put her hands over her breasts, "These have stayed a little bigger too."
"I think I’m insulted."
Taking the picture Amy asked, "Are you going to turn over?"
"Absolutely not."
"Seriously? He has seen it, right?"
"Yes." I slid into the water and started putting my suit back on. Anything that naked he or I was taking.
Amy was back on her float before I was on mine, "I've sent nudes. Not just my butt."
"To whom, dear sister?"
"It's been years ago now. He lives in Marietta. I met him at a playground with Katie. Single parents’ version of a bar. Only he was pretending to be single."
I cringed, "Ouch, I'm sorry. How did you find out?"
"When his wife called me from his phone. We'd been seeing each other for a couple of months I thought I was falling in love with him, but I was just a side piece. He wanted to keep it going even after." She shuddered, "Not mistress material."
I made a decision to trust her with something. It had been a long time, "I never told you why Jimmy and I broke up. He'd been cheating with another lawyer in his firm for months. As the one who was cheated on, I thank you for refusing to go on with it once you knew."
"Did you know the other woman?"
"Yep, even considered her a friend."
"I'm always paranoid now that there's a hidden wife. After Jimmy do you worry Sebastian will cheat?"
I didn't need to think, but I took a moment anyway. "I'm not worried about him cheating. I don't think he would. If he does... I've survived it before."
We shared a look I hadn't anticipated. We’d both survived things. I reached for her hand. "I love you, Amelia."
"Love you too, Emiliana."
"What about now? Seeing anyone."
"Maybe sorta. Back after Christmas a bunch of us from high school got together. Max was there. He's divorced with a daughter in first grade. He has custody and wanted to wait until summer to move back so his parents can help with her. We texted and talked some. He moved back a couple of weeks ago. We've gone out to dinner. It was good. He'll be there tomorrow."
I remembered Max very well. He was a baseball player who looked very good in those pants. He was a year ahead of us and I had no idea what he'd done after high school. I didn't keep up with anyone except the occasional text or Instagram from a couple of girls on the volleyball team. Anything I knew was tidbits from Amy. She'd tried to get me to go to her five and ten year reunion, but I didn't graduate from here. I went to my reunions back in Seattle. Kept up with more friends from there and saw them when I was home. "Didn't you have a crush on Max?"
I recognized the smile on Amy's face. She looked just like me when I'd been caught. "He won't let me forget."
We laid in the pool laughing and talking. It had been a long time since I'd felt this close to her. I can't be sure if that's her, me, or a little of both. Doesn't matter because it was just good and before we knew it mom and dad were home. They brought Katie with them out to the pool deck. "We sent Wendy home. Just family this weekend."
Amy sat up, "Remember we're going out on the lake tomorrow."
Mom smiled, "I remember. Are you two hungry?"
The second she mentioned food my stomach growled. I put my hand over, "Very."
A discussion about pizza toppings ensued. At the end I got out of the pool, "I'm going shower before the food gets here."
Amy followed, "Me too."
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borderlandsthirst · 4 years
Flame Angel au
Has a long gash going down her back at a slanted angle, it’s decorated with the twins’ snake symbol and a pair of dragon wings. 
Triple pierced ears, a small hoop for the earlobe and studs for the other holes. 
Long kinky hair kept in a ponytail, left side of her hair shaved around the ears. 
Has smaller scars over her body from years of abuse, use to try and cover them but now wears them with pride. 
Fashion since is nonexistent, just like the twins she wears an inconsistent color scheme. 
Has her own symbol she wears on the back of her jacket. A dark orange, six-winged serpent surrounded by flames. 
Has a pet Spiderantling name Natty who grows up to be a badass Spiderant Queen. 
Long post under the cut along with psychological destress and dark thoughts.
Mostly shattered, years of mental and physical abuse has left Koetai in a state of numbness that only eases when the twins are around. 
It’s a bit unstable, can fly off the handle sometimes and takes it out on the followers.  
Has accidentally scratched Tyreen once while having a fit, it didn’t really affect her physically but emotionally she understands what it means to be treated poorly by your parents. Even if it’s not the same kind of trauma. 
Sometimes she’ll just shut down while in the safety of the Cathedral, while working with a saint or one of the twins she just stops and stare into the distance. Takes a while to bring her back 
Has stolen small unimportant items from the twins to take with her while she’s in the field so it feels like they’re with her. She needs them with her. 
Feels empty when the twins aren’t around or isn’t being praised by the followers, she’s the right hand of the twin Gods, she’s the enforcer. How can nobody see how powerful and important she is? 
Is a bit sadistic, will toy with Crimson Raider soldiers like a cat and then kill them in the most gruesome way imagine with her bare hands or a weapon that’s either her’s or theirs. All with a smile on her face. 
Takes pleasure in all pain, mostly people she knows are innocent and not fighters. Why should she care about the pain of children when nobody cared about her’s? 
Crazy, that’s to be expected after everything that’s happened to her. 
Will fake you out in a heartbeat, one second she’s quiet and smiling real menacingly in your face, the next you’re lying on the ground bleeding while she walks off with your money and loot. 
Only when she’s with the twins can the girl she could have grown into is revealed, kinda shy in interested in music and crafting. And yoga, she has to be at ease to keep the twins at ease when they’re about to snap. 
Loves Troy and Tyreen but would never tell them (they’ll figure it out on their own eventually), because to her they are real Gods. 
When she’s focused on something she’ll get real quiet so her concentration isn’t broken. Sometime she’ll stick her tongue out the side of her mouth, Troy and Tyreen have many pictures. 
Gets along with the twins amazingly well, it’s almost like they’ve been together forever. Will let Tyreen do her hair and makeup, will let Troy do her nails. All three of them will sleep in a pile. 
Is standoffish towards literally everyone else, the bandits of Pandora remind her too much of a crazy, shitty father. 
See the cultist as demons, they aren’t even lost souls, just ants on the surface of a dry ass planet, but the twins have given them a chance to seek out salvation. She just loves the part where the follows fall out of line, although she hates seeing the twins angry, she loves the killing part.
Has a pretty nasty scar on his right shoulder leading down to the area across from his ribs. 
Troy protects his damaged area with a skin friendly and cushiony gel liner filled with medical beads. It hugs his shoulder and keeps his bracer in place without causing more harm to his body. 
Wishes for nothing more than to be normal like his sister, he constructs a prosthetic using stolen Hyperion tech that (surprisingly) still works and sprays it his skin tone. 
He has built up muscle mass (but is still skinny around his ribs) still has his eight pack (or is it a six pack?) 
Will cake on so much eye shadow you wonder if it's just a part of his face. And wears more eyeliner that is necessary when in front of a crowd. 
Has nipple piercings, gauges, a lip piercing, and a di- 
Still has the things in his arm (because Idk what they are) that are medical ports the pump nutrition into him. And so does his spinel connecter.  
Hates his body, even though he has an eight pack he loses weight at a dangerous rate, he has to eat lots of meat every day. 
Has night terrors often and usually wakes up with a knife in his hand. He wishes he could muster his powers to heal himself a real right arm. 
Tyreen usually has to come and calm him enough to get him back in bed, on especially terrible nights she’ll have him sleep with her for comfort.  
When alone he mumbles his mother’s name like a mantra, Leda Calypso. Like saying her name with keep him from going insane. 
Is angry at Tyreen for latching onto him as a fetus and almost killing him, but knows that she obviously didn’t mean to, this kind of thing happens sometimes to twins. And it’s not like she could do anything about the Leech, she was a fetus. 
Doesn’t stop him from hating what happened. Even though he loves his only family member. 
Has found himself thinking about very dark things involving Tyreen and blood. 
Making his prosthetic look like a real arm only broke him more, but even if it looks real, he knows it’s not. 
A mask of channeled angsty goth teen energy, not as dramatic as Tyreen, but when he is it’s a fucking show. Overconfident in himself and cocky. 
Doesn’t like when the followers get too close to him, Tyreen, or Koetai. Will act like he gives a damn about his followers at a distance, but if they get too close? He crushes they’re skull with his cybernetic. 
Is a cold and viscous beast with no remorse for anyone, will stump in your ribcage just for looking at him. 
Keeps his personal saints at an arm's length, on Koetai can get close, anyone who steps out of line is, well, dead. 
Behind closed doors he’s all over his machines, he loves to tinker and build. He created the blueprints for the COV’s guns, Koetai’s buzzaxe, and countless other knickknacks across the camps of Pandora. 
Loves beatboxing, will make up some horrible beat in hopes that Tyreen or Koetai will rap or sing to it, can actually sing himself. Has sung the girls to sleep before. 
Records personal logs for himself whenever he’s in the mood, it can be about anything, personal issues, how being the GodKing makes him feel, how there’s really only one asset in his life that’s keeping him together. 
Love to bake, surprising to someone who doesn’t know him. But Troy loves sweets and it’s hard to get that on Pandora, so he makes them himself. 
Tyreen has a matching scar on her left shoulder blade where she was connected to Troy. 
She wears at least two layers of clothing to ensure it stays hidden, it doesn’t matter if it’s hot out, if her scar is covered then she’s satisfied.  
Has perfected a balanced look of dark makeup to make her look grown and sexy since she has a baby face. Sharp eyeliner, dark blue or black eyeshadow, and variety of dark lip-glosses.  
Works out with Troy (but not too much, just enough to stay in shape) so she has a nice four pack. 
Also has piercings, cute little studs for her ears, a nose piercing, nipples too, and a cl- 
Has her mother’s last name tattooed across her lower back. And has the COV logo tattooed on her right shoulder (really to match the eye on Troy’s shoulder.) 
Doesn’t wear a glove on her left had (since it doesn’t do anything nor does it really match the outfit.) 
THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES, while big booties end them. 
Can HEAR the Leech talking to her, trying to convince her to consume more, feed more, TAKE MORE. Has even told her to leech her brother more times than one. 
Was once teetering on the edge of insanity because of the constant whispering in the back of her head, but over the years she’s managed to push it back. But sometimes the voice breaks through again. 
Because of the voice she barely sleeps, it’s not like she needs to, but she can’t even if she needed to. 
Loves her brother with all her heart but feels like he hates her for what she’s done. Sure, she wasn’t even born yet, but she almost killed him before he was even born. 
Actually despises the fact she’s a siren, if she wasn’t a siren Troy would messed up, mom would still be alive, and dad wouldn’t have treated us so coldly. 
Doesn’t have it together as much as she likes to think, would have a mental breakdown behind closed door, Troy has only seen it once and spent hours with Tyreen as she sobbed uncontrollably into his arms. She made sure to never let him witness that again. 
Tyreen has clawed at her tattooed arm a few times, scratched thick deep cuts that immediately heal close, just to be scratched open again. 
Only perusing the Grant Vault for Troy’s sake, hopefully all that power will keep his stable for the rest of their lives. 
Egotistical and shamelessly smug. Thinks she’s big shit and that she’s on top of the world. Lives with a shit-eating grin on her face while in front of the camera. 
Actually convinces everyone around her that she truly does care about of her followers (but is really still afraid of them.) Wouldn’t hesitate to punt-kick one in private though.  
Enjoys followers throwing themselves at her feet to offer gifts and praise, but if anyone touches her, even accidently, they’re dead. They’re not even allowed to kiss her boots, she doesn’t want their saliva on her clothes. 
When away from public she is extremely soft and sweet, kisses? She gives kisses to her brother and to Koetai, she is also pretty chill. 
While Troy bakes, Tyreen cooks. She may not need to eat real food but that doesn’t mean she can’t if she wants to. Pasta, sandwiches, a fucking baked potato? You name it, she can make it.  
Loves to sing, her mother said she had the voice of an angel, will perform a little concert for Troy and Koetai and feel flushed and proud afterwards. 
Enjoys painting like no one would believe, has a painting station in the corner of her room where she spends a good amount of time painting pictures of her loved ones, which is only three people, not including her father. 
Enjoys just, sitting outside on her balcony with the fresh air, even if the air is dry and smells like skag shit.  
First time I’ve ever written anything like this and I’m sure I did it badly, still more to come, should work on a position structure or something. Also need to make a layout of the common and working rooms.
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littlemisswolfie · 5 years
spent the night
Part three of this [1] [2]. New Moon AU where Charlie calls Harry instead of Billy when Bella gets depressed, Leah and Bella become close, and Leah imprints on Bella.
Leah watches Bella’s chest rise and fall as she sleeps in the faded moonlight coming in through her bedroom window and runs the day’s events over in her head.
She remembers being unwilling to let go of Bella for more than a few moments at a time. She remembers not paying attention as the tribe said goodbye to her father because Bella was next to her and she was somehow more important. She remembers the rage building in her chest as Bella recalled the events that took place in Arizona months earlier and lead to the redheaded leech wanting to kill her.
“Her mate, James... he was a tracker. He wanted to track me. He tricked me into meeting him alone and bit me on the wrist.”
Leah’s eyes trail down to Bella’s exposed wrist and the pale scar that rests there. It’s quite a bit colder than the rest of her skin, and it sparkles in the sunlight.
“The Cullens showed up and got James off of me, but I already had his venom in my body, and I was dying. Carlisle said Jasper didn’t have enough self-control to suck the venom out, so E-E-Edward had to do it. Emmett and Jasper killed James, and now Victoria wants to kill me.”
The idea of any bloodsucker getting their mouths anywhere close to Bella is nearly enough to make Leah phase. If one even thinks about biting Bella again, she knows she’s going to actually lose it. 
She even told Bella that earlier, when she was still shaking from telling her story. “They’ll never get your fangs close to you again. They’ll have to go through me first.”
“A mate for a mate.”
A mate for a mate. What bullshit. Edward Cullen didn’t even have the guts to kiss Bella the way she wanted. He might have considered Bella to be his mate, but there was no way she thought he was hers. Not anymore.
It was Sam’s idea for Bella to stay on the Rez for the night. “We smelled her nearby earlier. You should stick close to us until we figure out how to include your house and your school in our patrol routes.”
“But Charlie--”
Seth had come to the rescue. “He won’t say no to our mom if she asks. He knows how close you and Leah are.”
And so here Bella was, sleeping in Leah’s bed and wearing an old t-shirt of Leah’s and not much else, while Leah stands guard over her. Bella had laughed when Leah told her the plan. “E-Edward used to do that, you know. I’d leave my window open and he’d come in and watch me sleep. He didn’t need to sleep, but he said he liked watching me do it.”
Leah had growled. “That’s creepy as hell, Bella. Jesus. I’m not watching you all night. I’ll crawl into bed when Embry comes to take over watch.”  And Bella had blushed all pretty at the thought of Leah sharing a bed and rolled over and shut her eyes and pretended to sleep. She must have been more tired than either of them thought, because she hadn’t needed to pretend for long before her breathing evened and her heart slowed to a resting pace.
Bella whimpers and unconsciously tugs the threadbare blankets up closer to her chin. Leah decides fuck waiting for Embry and pulls the covers back just enough to slide into her twin bed next to her imprint.
Imprint. Still the biggest issue in the room, aside from the vampires. Bella had looked up at her earlier and asked, “How strong is the imprint?”
“From what Sam and Jared say, it’s pretty damn strong. Sam sat on Emily porch for weeks before she even let him inside because he couldn’t stand to be too far away from her.”
“And it makes you love me?”
Leah had reached out to cup Bella’s cheek. “I don’t know. I mighta fallen in love with you without it.”
“Doubt it.”
“Hey.” Leah sat up a little straighter. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’re not too bad.”
Her plan had worked, spurring Bella to laugh a little, and their worries melted away, if just for a little bit. But then she’d sobered and said, “Sam will want to talk to the council tomorrow. About us. It’s weird enough for me to have shifted at all, but imprinting on another woman is a whole other issue.”
“Will you be in trouble?”
“I don’t think so. They have too much respect for the wolf god to try to go against him. But it might be intense.”
“You’ll be there with me?”
“You’d need a crowbar to pry me off of you.”
The bed is just crowded enough to give Leah an excuse to wrap and arm around Bella’s waist, but Bella doesn’t seem to mind, because she flings her leg over both of Leah’s and snuggles closer to her warmth. Leah lets loose a happy rumble in her chest and falls asleep quickly, content.
Bella’s still asleep when Leah wakes up, and Leah takes a moment to appreciate her position. Bella has somehow wormed her way around during the night so that she’s laying on top of Leah, touching almost no part of the bed except for where her toes brush against the sheets. This makes Leah much happier than is probably healthy, but she can’t bring herself to care. 
A soft knock falls on her bedroom door and it opens to reveal Seth’s face. “Sam called earlier while you were asleep. The council wants to meet with us after breakfast.”
“Where?” Leah asks, pitching her voice low to avoid waking Bella. From the way she’s sleeping, she could use all the rest she can get.
“First Beach. They’re setting up for a bonfire tonight and didn’t want to waste time going to and from the community center.” 
Leah hums. She remembers Bella coming to a few LaPush bonfires in the past. She wonders if she’ll want to go to this one. “Okay. Is breakfast almost ready?”
Seth casts a glance at the still-sleeping Bella. “Mom isn’t feeling up to cooking. I was wondering if Bella wanted to.”
Leah is loathe to wake Bella up, but her stomach is going to be angry soon if she doesn’t get any food into it, so she gently shakes her shoulder. “Hey, Bella. Wake up.”
Bella cooks breakfast.
It might be the imprint talking, but Leah’s pretty sure she’s never tasted anything better in her life.
Leah, Bella, and Seth walk down to First Beach after they clean up the kitchen. Leah keeps her arm around Bella’s waist the whole walk, rationalizing it by calling on Bella’s clumsy nature and the uneven ground leading down to the waterfront, though from the way Bella leans into her side and lets her head rest partially on her shoulder, her imprint doesn’t care too much. 
They’re the last three of the relevant people to arrive, and Jacob fucking Black is still glaring at her, but, hey, she’s got Bella, she’s touching Bella, and she can’t bring herself to be bothered by his adolescent anger. Bella, on the other hand, seems a little more pained at her friend’s scorn, and Leah tightens her grip to comfort her.
Billy Black and Old Quil stand alone on the beach. There’s a pang in Leah’s heart at the sight; just a week ago, her father would have been standing with them. Beside her, Seth sniffles a little, but keeps his resolve. He’s a trooper, Leah knows, and he’s not going to let him being the youngest member of the pack make him a target for teasing. 
Old Quil looks irritated. Well, at least Leah assumes he’s irritated. He always looks grumpy no matter what. “Thank you for joining us,” he says, the slightest bit of acid in his voice. Leah bristles, and she doesn’t need to look to know that the rest of the pack does, too. Even in human form, they’re in sync more often than not. They mean more to each other than any crusty old council will, and now that Bella is an imprint, she’s included in that. Emily is pack, Kim is pack, Bella is pack. That’s just how it is.
“We apologize for our lateness,” Seth says. “Our mother wasn’t feeling well so we had to make and clean up after breakfast.” 
Billy winces at the mention of their mother, though Old Quil doesn’t seem the slightest bit moved. “Yes. Leah, Sam tells me you have imprinted.”
It’s not a question. Leah answers, “Yes, I have. Yesterday, I imprinted on Isabella Swan.”
Old Quil doesn’t even blink. “That’s impossible,” he says. “She is a hòkwat’, and a woman. She cannot help you further the shifting gene.”
Leah feels Bella tense at the unfamiliar word, most likely because of the venomous way Old Quil says it, and she readies to leap to her imprint’s defense, but Sam beats her to it. “With all due respect, are we so sure imprinting is about reproduction? In the legend, Taha Aki does not feel the need to have children with the Third Wife; he actually stops shifting in order to grow old with her.”
Billy smiles. “Good memory, Samuel.”
“What is your theory, then?” Old Quil asks.
Sam squeezes Leah’s shoulder--the first time he’s really touched her since she shifted--and steps past her so he stands between Old Quil and her and Bella. He’s protecting us, Leah realizes. “My theory,” he says, “is that imprinting is a way to help us ground ourselves to our human halves. The women we imprint on remind us of our mortality and help us to make rational decisions with that awareness.”
“And you would have me believe that a girl who has aligned herself with the Cold Ones is someone who would bring such a balance to a protector?” Old Quil asks.
“Yes,” says Sam, “because Bella and Leah are two women--” He emphasizes women in contrast to Old Quil’s flippant language-- “who have known true heartbreak, and who have bonded over that heartbreak. Neither of them is willing to risk losing another love again. Double that awareness, and we have the most careful protector we could ever hope to have.”
And Old Quil, who probably does have more to say, shuts his mouth and dismisses them.
Bella comes to the bonfire that night. Leah sticks by her side the entire time, almost like she’s been super glued to her, but Bella doesn’t complain. Leah enjoys watching her get to know the rest of the pack, fumbling with names from the rushed introduction yesterday and bonding with Kim and Emily over their shared imprint status. “I hope you’re not too easily embarrassed,” Kim teases, “because the guys have absolutely no shame.”
Bella looks up at Leah questioningly, and Leah answers her unasked query. “Shifting suddenly usually tears our clothes up, so if that happens, we have to walk around naked until we find replacements,” and Bella goes fire engine red and sends Kim into hysterics. 
Jacob eventually makes his way over to them, still looking upset but not as angry as he was earlier. “Can I talk to you?” he asks Bella, and Leah knows he means alone.
Bella looks up at her and gives her a smile, like she knows what’s going on in her head. “I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” says Leah, even though she doesn’t feel very okay about this at all, and lets her go.
Bella returns a few minutes later, looking much more at ease, and she fits herself into Leah’s welcoming arms like she’s never been anywhere else. “I have school tomorrow,” she tells Leah, and Leah knows she’s really saying I need to leave soon.
“I’ll drive you home, Leah says. She doesn’t like the idea of Bella being off the Rez, but she knows Bella needs to go to school. If she has any chance of a life after all this is done, she needs a high school diploma. “Let me just tell Sam.”
Sam is more than happy to let Leah drive Bella home. “In fact,” he says, “why.don’t you stay in Forks tonight?”
“Yeah. It’s not good to be away from your imprint for too long, and she’ll be in school and doing homework all week long. Nighttime is the only time you’ll get to see her for a while.”
Leah wilts at the reminder that she won’t be able to be with Bella all day every day (and wow, what a pussy she’s turning into, huh? Damn imprint) and agrees.
Bella goes into her home through the front door, changes into her pajamas, says goodnight to Charlie, and opens her bedroom window.
“Leah?” she asks, voice quiet in the darkness of her room. They’re in Bella’s bed, much like they were in Leah’s last night, only this time they have to be quiet because Charlie is unaware of their little sleepover.
“You really love me?”
The absolute doubt in Bella’s voice is heartbreaking, and it makes Leah want to kill Edward fucking Cullen ten times over. “Yes, I do. You’re the most important thing in my entire world.”
“So you’ll never leave me?”
“I can’t go to school with you, but I’ll do my best to be here more often than not.”
Bella hums and presses herself closer to Leah’s heat. “Good.” Then, Leah feels cool fingers travelling up to cup her cheek, and she’s tilting her head down and Bella’s tilting her head up, and that first, tentative meeting of lips, almost too gentle to feel, is everything Leah never realized she wanted.
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