#lord hawkgirl
detectiveforfree · 2 years
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jerrythebug · 3 months
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The movie outfits are so awful because Max('s intern) designed them himself
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docgold13 · 21 days
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
The Justice Lords 
The tyrannical Justice Lords were an alternate universe version of the Justice League who existed in a parallel dimension.  This alternate reality was nearly entirely similar to that of the main DCAU with the significant distinction that the League had decided to take an extreme and authoritarian approach to enforcing their view of justice.  
In this universe, Lex Luthor had become the President of The United States and his constant machinations to defeat the League resulted in his murdering The Flash.  The death of his friend pushed Superman beyond his breaking point and he ruthlessly assassinated President Luthor. It was an act that set in motion a series of events that resulted in the League ultimately embracing a fascist approach to enforcing order.  These one-time heroes became the ‘Justice Lords’ and took over control of the earth.  There was peace and order, but no freedom; the populace obeyed the law out of fear and the threat of extreme retribution.  
Following their total conquest of earth, Batman discovered the multiverse and found that there were other earths that were still in the throws disorder.  Compelled by both their delusional righteousness and a thirst for conquest, The Justice Lords invaded the neighboring reality to enforce unto this world the same tyrannical order that they had achieved on their own realm.  
Their first step in accomplishing this goal was to neutralize their parallel counterparts, which they were able to do with ease in that the Justice League never suspected their analogs would turn on them.  The Justice League were then imprisoned on the counter earth while the Justice Lords began implementing their draconian rule over the new earth.  
Whilst evenly matched, The Justice League had an advantage over their counterparts: their Flash was still alive.  He was able to escape confinement and freed the other.  The prime Earth Batman was then able to demonstrate to his counterpart the folly of his ways, how this Batman had betrayed the core principles of the mission they both shared.  And with the other Batman’s aid, The League were able to escape back to their original world.  
Once there, the League opted for an desperate and unconventional stratagem for defeating the remaining Justice Lords.  They offered Lex Luthor a full pardon in exchange for his building a weapon that could nullify super powers.  Working together with Batman, Luthor was able to complete this weapon and it proved effective in de-powering the Justice Lords.  Once defeated, the Lords were sent back to their original world and their ultimate fate remains untold.  
Although the League had triumphed and saved the day, it came at a heavy price.  Not only was Luthor now free to sew whatever discord he invariably had planned, but the general public had seen firsthand the dire threat that could unfold were super humans to ever choose to embrace a might-makes-right attitude.  The League’s ability to conquer the world seemed a suddenly plausible and frightening potentiality.  
The Justice Lords featured in the twelfth and thirteenth episodes of the second season of Justice League, ‘A Better World Parts I and II.’
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 months
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It's like they're Power Rangers.
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nanaonmars · 1 year
so i’m rewatching the justice league cartoon right. i’m on the episode where the justice lords try to take over their earth and i just think it’s so funny how, out of everyone, LEX LUTHOR is the one who automatically knows it’s not the real justice league 😭 like damn someone beats your ass enough times i guess you do get to know them well enough to distinguish them from their evil counterparts.
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danthepest · 1 year
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The Justice Lords and the lobotomized patients of Arkham Asylum of their timeline. In order:
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
The Joker
Poison Ivy
The Ventriloquist
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iholli · 2 months
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"We're there."
"Not necessary. The police are handling it."
"They won't handle it well enough."
"King's right. It only takes one spark to start a fire."
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violetbumblebea · 1 year
I just finished the Justice Lords episodes of Justice League: The Animated Series and,,,,, holy hell,,, they are so much darker than I remember.
everyone with Superman’s heat vision. Like, melted their frontal lobes and their brains dripped out of their heads.
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lehoodcollector · 1 year
The last piece of Superman Conscious.... Justice Lords!
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blanddcheadcanons · 9 months
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Lord Aesop, my new favorite God. Hail Lord Aesop! Hail!
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2016
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from the DCAU - requested by moon-shadow-1985
1 - 4. Calendar Girl
5 - 7. Wonder Woman
8 - 10. Hawkgirl
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satoshy12 · 7 months
Dani x Billy Batson.
The Daughter of the Ghost King Pariah Dark, A cute romance
Billy asked his coworkers to join him; he wanted to meet his girlfriend family. So He took the Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl with him. Being cool aliens would work out in his favor! Sorry, Superman, but you are a boring alien... Well, Billy looked happy as the portal opened and they visited. And before them was the massive Pariah Dark. (Archfiend Emperor First Lord of Horror for how massive he is), with cute Dani near him.
Billy:" You two talk while I talk to Princess Dani!"
Leaving both heroes alone with someone who is as bad as Trigon. Ironically, J'onn and Shayera were able to talk and understand themselves with him, and the young Heir Phantom was a big fan of them being aliens.
And that was how Billy was able to make a good first impression on his girlfriend's family!
+ Billy as they returned to the Watchtower:" See it wasn't that bad!"
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puppetwoman17 · 1 year
*PILLAR AU* Edition!
It’s been longer than I’d like, but we’re getting back into the Pillar AU I love so much! If you don’t remember, I’ve talked about it in an earlier post.
Nabu is…reluctant to join the League. At least, that’s the short of it. If he were completely candid, he wanted nothing to do with the Justice League. But if he wanted to go on to complete his work as a Lord of Order, having some sort of alliance would help. Not even including the fact that if they met during battles, the end result would likely be a mess.
That brings him here, walking behind an eager Man of Steel as he is shown around the Watchtower, his new team’s base of operations. It isn’t his Tower of Fate, but a novelty all on its own. He passes by other heroes who give him unsettling smiles. These people confuse him.
After a while of simply looking into different rooms, Superman shows him the main common area. It’s mostly a lounge, he says. Where heroes can simply be. No worrying about the fate of the world. Just talking and being in each other’s company.
Sounds pointless, but okay.
The common area is packed with heroes, all of them surrounding one in the middle. They’re all either whispering, or completely silent, listening to the one in the middle prattle on about some harrowing tale. Everyone’s smiling and they look like they’re hanging onto every word the speaker is saying. Nothing of note.
Well, actually, the voice sounds familiar…
Nabu draws closer, not too close, and spies the hero in the middle, all smiles and—
Lords above.
Billy. That stupid, idiotic, narrow minded boy is sitting in his Champion form in front of practically half the Justice League. He’s smiling in that way that you know he knows he’s in trouble, or, as he’d say, “deep shit”. Though, to any of these stupid heroes, he’s smiling like he always is.
Nabu stares. Cap stares back. Everyone else notices this.
“Hey Cap,” a hero in red, with two lightning bolts on either side of his head, stands in front of the other hero almost protectively. “You know this guy?”
“If he’s giving you trouble…” another hero, this one dressed in green and wearing a green ring. He’s crossing his arms in an attempt to look powerful when in actuality, both the Champion and Lord could snap him like a twig.
Cap smiles and laughs good-naturedly. “No, no, it’s fine. It’s just Fate being Fate.”
“Who is…Fate?” Hawkgirl asks. Her feathers begin to ruffle, like she’s getting ready for battle. While Nabu is very proud of the way he commands a room, he is also extremely riled up by the fact that Billy is joining a team. The Champion. On a team? Absolutely unheard of.
“Doctor?” Superman asks in a worried tone. “Are you—“
“I am. Fine.” He doesn’t look away from Billy, but the silent stare says all he needs to say. That boy is a dead man.
Cap just smiles over his cheeky grin.
The other leaguers are confused. The stand-off didn’t feel threatening. Not like Fate wanted to hurt the Captain. No, he seemed more like a disappointed parent. Maybe even friend. It’s clear they know each other.
The betting pool gets more rigorous after that.
It’s been a couple weeks since Fate joined the JL. The way they operate is odd, but usually voicing his opinions ended up in squabbles he had no time for.
Like now.
He and Superman exchanged words in the common area. Both were convinced their way of handling the recent mission was right. Fate wanted to destroy the source of the carnage while Superman wanted to waste his time helping civilians. If the threat were neutralized, there would be no people in need of help!
But try telling that to Superman.
Everyone else doesn’t know what to do. Neither of them will let anyone else into the fight. Batman thinks it would be best to let both heroes hash this out themselves, but that was twenty minutes ago.
Then Marvel steps up. Leaguers tell him to let it be, but he knows better. Knows that Fate is just trying to keep everything in balance and that he’s never done so with a team. That’s why he was scared when he found out Billy was joining one.
Everything stops. Superman quits yelling and gives a confused look to Marvel. The other Leaguers are thrown off by the name.
Fate simply relaxes in his stance.
“Nabu, let’s take a walk, hm?”
“Only if you don’t spoil it with peacekeeping anecdotes.”
“No promises, Doctor.”
Nabu doesn’t say much else, but he does walk away, slower, like he’s waiting for Cap to join. Superman gives Cap a look, but the other merely shrugs and says “Well talk later.”
The exchange between The Captain and the Doctor is seen by many. Some people think they’re lovers. Others, family. Maybe old, old friends. All of them are eager to learn more about their enigmatic teammate who always holds them at an arm’s length.
It’s weird, seeing him be so open and personal with someone. Well, he’s always talked with them about their problems, and helped in so many ways, but that just it. He never truly opens up. Yet, with Fate, it’s so easy. So natural. Like he trusts the man with his life.
Like he trusts him more than he does the entire League.
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 months
Okay, now that I've seen the set pics of Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner, confirming that the Justice League is already formed and under Max Lord's funding (and they're even branded with JL on all their uniforms), I think I am getting a sense of what the story might look like for Superman: Legacy.
We come in on Superman probably already having established himself in Metropolis as a hero for - let's say a year. He's helping people, saving lives, but also probably feeling quite alone, as both Superman and Clark Kent since he believes he needs to keep people at a distance to ensure they remain safe.
During this time we also have two concurrent storylines that have been building since Superman hit the scene:
- the military views Superman as a weapon and want to control him or remove him from play
- the Justice League is a group that wants to add Superman to its roster to boost credibility and popularity (seeing as the roster is full of low-tier name recognition superheroes)
I also think Clark's feeling of 'alienation' will come to a head here, and perhaps he activates something that acts as a beacon for otherworldly creatures to come take him (a la MAWS s2)
I think this will come to a head with the creation of the government's 'answer' to Superman, Ulysses/Ultraman created in a lab overseen by... Lex Luthor. The Engineer acts as the clone's handler.
The Justice League is in town because they are trying, once again, to convince Superman to join them - to be a hero full-time. Telling him he doesn't need a secret identity because he's Superman. He keeps turning them down because he doesn't want to be controlled by Max Lord's PR machine.
So there will be a fight between Superman and Ulysses/Ultraman, and maybe the JL try to engage. Maybe they get beaten or maybe they get told to stand down by Maxwell Lord and they regretfully follow orders. Leaving Superman to fight on his own against the weight of the military set against him until he realizes the damage being done to Metropolis and surrenders. He's lead away just as the third threat arrives.
The third threat to this story is... Brainiac. Who arrives probably at the point in the story after Superman has been arrested.
What I think may happen is the government sends Ulysses/Ultraman and his team to handle the threat, only for them to be soundly beaten, with U either being corrupted in a Cyborg-Superman, Bizzaro, or just killed, and Engineer being affected by Brainiac tech (to begin her transformation into part machine as well).
The government will either realize Superman needs to be released to face this threat, or he will escape to save the day.
Meanwhile, as Brainiac invades Metropolis, Max Lord tells his Justice League to not engage because of a) PR reasons - Superman is now a liability and if they're seen helping him it could affect their popularity or b) he doesn't think they are capable of handling a 'real' crisis, and because of this the team ignores him and follows Superman into battle.
And I think we see the town all fighting back and lending a hand and there will be a point where Superman looks around at his home, seeing all the people he inspired, and realize that this is his legacy. That his helping other people inspires others to do the same and his legacy isn't to be the Last Son of Krypton but is instead Earth's greatest hero and he gets his second wind to save the day and send Brainiac away.
And after the dust clears Superman learns he isn't the last of Krypton. Theres Krypto. There's Kara. And together they are his family.
And so is the staff at Daily Planet, who all race to greet Clark after being scared he perished during the attack.
And so are the Justice League, who agree to part as allies as they work on becoming an actual team and not a wing of Lord Enterprises. Superman tells them maybe one day he'll be a member, and Mister Terrific tells Superman he'd like that.
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dc-multiverse-week · 7 months
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Earth 3: Home of The Crime Syndicate of America, evil versions of the Earth-One heroes (Ultraman, Owlman, Superwoman, Power Ring, Johnny Quick)
Earth 11: Home of the reversed-gender versions the Earth-One heroes, including Superwoman, Batwoman, Wondrous Man and Aquawoman. It also home to the gender reversed "Teen Titans" (Teen Justice) which consists of Robin, Supergirl, Kid Quick, Raven, Aquagirl, Klarienne the Witch Girl and Donald Troy.
Earth 18: Home of the Justice Riders, consisting of several of DC's western characters, including Super-Chief, Bat-Lash and El Diablo
Earth 26: Home of intelligent, anthropomorphic, talking animals, protected by the superhero group the Zoo Crew
Earth 32: Home of merged versions of DC Comics characters such as, Bat Lantern, Black Arrow, Wonderhawk, Aquaflash, and Super-Martian
Earth 50: Home of the Justice Lords, consisting of alternate versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern.
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ao3statistics · 6 months
Guide to all charts on this blog
The "most popular ships" and "most popular tags" charts are most often connected to a certain character.
Please not that the number of percentages in my pie charts correlate to the numbers in the chart and NOT the overall number of hits I got.
Meaning: All the hits displayed in the chart make up 100% and if I get many hits off Ao3 not all the hits will be displayed in the charts and the 100% will be made up from the most popular hits only (which are then displayed in the pie chart).
Long story short: I let Excel convert the real numbers I make the pie charts of into percentages.
I try to make my charts as easily accessible as possible. This includes:
writing that isn't too small
numbers and writing in black instead of grey etc.
colours that are easily distinguishable (no too dark colours next to each other etc.)
no colours from the red/green spectrum directly next to each other because some Tumblr users might have red-green colour blindness
colours that won't make you fall asleep
colours that (in combination with each other) won't give you an epileptic episode from looking at them
everything written outside of pie charts instead of outside and inside for easier comprehension
the same kind of chart for the same categories (pie charts for ships, bar charts for the most popular tags etc.)
I cannot account for everything though and might make mistakes. Some of my earlier charts might also not really conform to the above in all aspects.
Current Poll
Most popular ships on Ao3
Avatar – The Last Airbender
Most popular Atla ships
Toph Beifong
Avatar – Legend of Korra
Most popular LoK ships
Jungkook | JK
Kim Taehyung | V
Danny Phantom
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Most popular DC's Legends of Tomorrow ships
Most popular The Flash (TV 2014) ships
Alfred Pennyworth
Bette Kane (Bat-Girl | Flamebird)
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl | Orphan | Black Bat)
Cissie King-Jones (Arrowette)
Clark Kent/Kal-El (Superman)
Conner Kent/Kon-El (Superboy)
Damian Wayne/Damian al Ghul (Robin)
Dick Grayson (Robin | Nightwing)
Duke Thomas (Signal)
Eddie Bloomberg (Kid Devil)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)
Helena Wayne (The Huntress)
Jason Todd (Robin | Red Hood)
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael | Batman)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Koriand'r (Starfire)
La'gaan (Lagoon Boy)
Lucius Fox
Lukas "Luke" Fox (Batwing)
Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
Ra's al Ghul
Rose Wilson (Ravager)
Roy Harper (Arsenal | Speedy | Red Arrow)
Shayera Hol (Hawkgirl | Hawkwoman)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Slade Wilson (Deathstroke)
Talia al Ghul
Tim Drake (Robin | Red Robin)
Victor Stone (Cyborg)
Wally West (The Flash | Kid Flash)
Yara Flor (Wonder Girl)
Diabolik Lovers
Kaz Brekker
The Lord of the Rings/TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Boromir (Son of Denethor II)
Legolas "Greenleaf"
Peregrin "Pippin" Took
Underswap Sans (Undertale)
Most popular tags on Ao3 connected to Underswap Sans (Undertale)
Most popular tags on Ao3
Avatar – The Last Airbender
Most popular languages of BTS fanfictions
Most popular tags connected to DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Most popular tags connected to The Flash (TV 2014)
Popularity of the Batman members according to Ao3 tags
Barbara Gordon (Batgirl | Oracle)
Billy Batson (Shazam | Captain Marvel)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl | Orphan | Black Bat)
Damian Wayne/Damian al Ghul (Robin)
Dick Grayson (Robin | Nightwing)
Duke Thomas (Signal)
Jason Todd (Robin | Red Hood)
Ra's al Ghul
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Yara Flor (Wonder Girl)
Diabolik Lovers
Legend of Zelda
The Lord of the Rings/TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Boromir (Son of Denethor II)
Legolas "Greenleaf"
Peregrin "Pippin" Took
Underswap Sans (Undertale)
Most popular tags on Ao3 connected to Underswap Sans (Undertale)
Who is...?
Damian Wayne/Damian Al Ghul (Robin)
Jason Todd (Robin | Red Hood)
The Red Hood
Red Robin
Silly charts & other charts
Avatar – The Last Airbender
Danny Phantom
How dragon-y the Batfam is
Who Bruce Wayne loves the most
Proof of Jason Todd's suffering in fanfictions
Popularity of Batman's Robins on Ao3
Tim Drake (and his coffee addiction)
The Batfam's level of being done
Biggest BAMF in the Batfamily
Most popular friendships with Trigon
Who is the Hottest Mess of the Batfam
Most popular characters of DC's Legends of Tomorrow on Ao3
Who is the cutest Batfam member
Diabolik Lovers
Most popular Sakamaki Vampire
Popularity of the Mukami vampires
Popularity of (all) the vampires in DL
Who Kaz Brekker loves the most
Underswap Sans (Undertale)
Non-statistics stuff
Fruity Jason Todd Tags:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Tumblr Poll results
Jason Todd's hair colour
Favourite Robin according to my poll
Last Update: 21.05.2024
No more links can be added to this post unfortunately.
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