#love them trio found family unit!
leahsgf · 6 months
Can you write Alessia Russo x reader where reader has known her and Ella toone for years and is always watching their matches no matter what but reader and Alessia fall in love behind Ella’s back and then get found out?!
CAUGHT OUT - alessia russo
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since before you could even remember, it had always been you and ella, the pair of you being practically attached at the hip from when you were babies, all the way up into adulthood. your bond only grew with time, and when she introduced you to alessia as young teenagers, the three of you very quickly became an absolutely inseparable trio - falling into eachother’s stride with ease.
you weren’t entirely sure where you ended and they begun.
even as you all got older and couldn’t physically see each other as much as you used to - with them both at the peaks of their careers, and the travel and demands that came alongside that, and you caught up in your own career - you still remained a solid unit. your family.
you didn’t play football, you never had, having always been the scrawny little kid who was terrified of pe lessons, earning yourself the lifelong nickname ‘tiny’, which still stuck even as a fully grown adult. but you were there for every single one of your girls’ moments. rain or shine, no matter what side of the world, or how busy you were with work, you’d be in the stands, cheering them on.
today was no different - finding yourself sat at wembley, a stadium you’d come to learn inside and out, to watch them play. you always adored being at games, seeing your girls flourish always made you want to burst with pride. and likewise, they loved having you there, always playing their best when you were in the crowd- branding you their ‘good luck charm’, and constantly bickering over whose jersey you’d wear to the matches.
being such a tight knit group, and having such a set routine when it came to games - alessia’s transfer to arsenal changed things for the three of you. many things, in fact.
for almost the entirety of the time you’d known them, they’d played for the same teams - the only exception prior to this being alessia’s college days. for you, it came as an adjustment, a new team to learn about so you’d be able to fully understand and appreciate her future stories, different games to go to, and the realisation that your two favourite people were going to play against eachother at some point. at multiple points.
this also meant that most of the time when you were going to one of their games, you wouldn’t see the other. this didn’t make a difference when it came to the times you would go to watch ella play, but with alessia, it changed things. it blurred lines that the pair of you had previously forced yourselves to draw, using ella as an almost reason, signifying the fact you were best friends, and that’s all it was.
in fact, you actually had no idea at what point exactly you and alessia became more than friends. from the secret stolen kisses at sleepovers as teenagers for ‘practice’ to the lingering glances and touches that lasted just a second longer than friendly ones should, you weren’t even sure that you had ever truly been just that.
however, with the sudden absence of the pair of your’s best friend, and the physical representation of the walls put between you, said wall came crashing down - within alessia’s first week at her new club.
your relationship very quickly blossomed from that moment, a decades worth of hidden, suppressed feelings from both sides pouring out.
despite how obviously in love with each other you were, you had been terrified to reveal it to the world, specifically your world, not wanting to lose, or even slightly affect your friendship with her.
the arsenal girls had figured it out instantly the first time they met you, and had been sworn to secrecy by a very flustered and panicked alessia, which made matters even worse, and made what you were doing feel like even more of a betrayal to your best friend.
the months of sneaking around and not being able to tell ella about a relationship you were in for the first time in your life was killing you, and the more time that passed made it more awkward to come out and say to her.
there had been many close calls that didn’t help your stressing over her reaction, from the one time you had to climb out of alessia’s bedroom window when ella unexpectedly showed up demanding a girls night after training, and then had to wait twenty minutes outside before going around to the front door to pretend you’d just arrived, to the time you’d had to practically leap apart mid drunken make out when you had hosted a group of your friends at your apartment and one of them stumbled into the kitchen without warning, and thankfully (for you, not for her) it was only leah.
your cheeks flushed furiously as alessia spun you around, her and ella both immediately finding you after the final whistle had blown, and the lionesses solidified their well earned win.
“see tooney our little good luck charm always comes in handy!” the blonde patted your head after releasing you from her grasp - giggling when ella immediately latched onto you in response, ordering you to ‘pick her up’ after you’d already caught her in your arms.
“my girls! this calls for celebrations, come on, we’re going out!” she yelled, almost ear piercingly loud - quite literally for you, as you foolishly held her right next to your ear.
there was a group of the younger players who always went out to party after wins, and you naturally went along every time - having known most of them for the same time you’d known your best friends, practically being an extra limb to either one of them.
you hung around the locker rooms waiting for them to change and shower, rolling your eyes at the winks and nudges of beth and leah as they passed you, and shoving them away - catching a glimpse of alessia and ella closely behind them, particularly focusing on the former’s panicked expression.
the journey back to the team’s hotel was one that could only be described as loud and chaotic. you were sat on your girlfriend’s lap, squished between her and the seat in-front of you, and ella was sat next to you, so close that it was practically a pile up.
thankfully, she was too busy bellowing an interesting rendition of ‘islands in the stream’ to notice the blonde’s hand on your hip, pulling you flush into her and drawing little hearts and stars onto the exposed skin from where your shirt had risen up.
you and your best friends had always been touchy, so you on one of their laps was a regular occurrence, therefore there was no way in your mind that ella could find out.
you were back and being ushered into their room to get ready for the night ahead before you knew it - desperately attempting not to blush furiously as alessia helped you top up your makeup, following ella’s strict orders so you could all match.
“right i need to find mary she said she’d curl my hair! less, remember what i said! i know how clumsy you are just follow what i told you, yeah? mary! mary!” she didn’t even give herself a chance to finish her own sentence before she was darting out of the room, voice echoing the corridor and most likely gaining a future noise complaint in the process.
not even a second after she was out of sight, alessia turned to you with a grin that only you could read - pulling you into her.
“oh i’ve been desperate to get you alone all week, i’ve missed you baby.” she grinned, throwing her arms around you and peppering kisses all over your face before finally meeting your lips.
you melted into her touch, instantly being returned home just by the slightest trace of her fingertips in your hair, and laughing as she playfully pushed you down onto the bed.
you barely had time to register her the feeling of her lips, and the comforting weight of her on top of you before the sound of a door being flung open and a following gasp hit your ears.
alessia practically flew off of you as you threw your head back onto the pillow and scrunched your eyes closed. you knew exactly who it was without even needing to look.
“el we can expl-”
and she was gone just as fast as she stumbled in, cackling as mary groaned from the next room.
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octopineslime · 3 months
Baby Girl
Natsu was never someone who would think deeply and far ahead of his life. He was more than content to live in the present, enjoying food, brawls and going on dangerous missions with his Fairy Tail family day by day.
But he did give some thoughts about the future during the dead of some nights, when he's brimming with too much restless energy to sleep and Lucy strictly forbade his entry to her apartment for some sort of "girl nights"(urg, he wouldn't dare enter the dubbed danger zone during those time willingly either, less he wanted to be beaten black and blue by a certain scary scarlet head).
Fairy Tail was no doubt the one big and only family he would fight to death to protect, and everyone was always very welcoming and protective of one another despite coming from all walks of life. But inside the one big family, there would be smaller family units that hold certain members closer than others to their hearts, and these groups would become inseparable, irreplaceable with their core members given the utmost trusting and loving bond they shared.
He could definitely see those existed in the Connell family, the Conbolt father-son duo, and even in the bond shared between a certain metal-eating freak, his Exceed and their resident script mage. For a while, the fire dragonslayer could only see himself carrying this bond with his trusty, blue Exceed, and he was content with that.
But then Lucy, with her golden and buxom appearance, sassy and no-nonsense attitude, starry heaven magic and too big of a kind heart, came falling into his life and the transition of his family of duo turned into trio was so natural and seamless that he couldn't bear remembering a time before this beautiful, sunshine girl.
With the celestial mage by his side, his future now looked brighter and more exciting with countless adventures awaiting them to embark on as it's always more fun when they're together. And the idea of settling down sounded both daunting and appealing at the same time, as he knew that was what he wanted eventually in a near point of future, given how solid and fulfilling his and Lucy's relationship now going strong for 3 years as romantic partners among the 6 years of friendship.
Both he and Lucy shared the same idea of having a big family, maybe 2-3 kids, given how lonely it had for him to survive alone in the wilderness within the brief period after Igneel's disappearance and before Gramps found him; and the painful abandonment Lucy experienced as an only child without a loving mother and a grief-stricken father.
Natsu always thought his firstborn would be a son, not because of stupid prejudiced thoughts that boys were better than girls, but more so because he felt he could bond with the boy the same way Igneel had with him. He would teach the youngling how to harness and control his dragon fire, assuming that the kid took after his magic, how to fight and win a brawl (definitely when against the droopy-eyed ice princess kids), and to take him on fishing trips, missions and hunting escapades not only for father-son bonding time, but also for the child to hone his survival instinct and skills, and become stronger so one day he could protect his family and friends on his own.
And that excitement grew larger the rounder Lucy's belly got, carrying the proof of their love after a year into their marriage. It always fascinated him how a woman's body could hold and carry around the entire weight of a human being inside, no magic could hold the candle to this and this is amazing, his Lucy was amazing!
Whenever they were out, Natsu's arm was hardwired to automatically wound around his wife's waist, both to readily protect her and their unborn child from any dangers and to feel the heated warmth radiated from the baby bump against his palm just to assure the child were there. And when Lucy told him the baby could start hearing as their ears are now developed, courtesy to Polyusica's update from the celestial mage's bi-weekly pregnancy check-up, Natsu and Happy would start babbling to the baby bump about the guild, their teammates, the adventures Team Natsu had gone on. and the plans he had for the child when they came out, etc. as Lucy lovingly stroked his hair and pet between Happy’a ears as she listened to them.
They opted not to discover the baby's gender during the pregnancy, wanting to be surprised when the time came. On nights they laid in each other's arms, the couple would discuss about the possible names for their baby, often ended up with giggles or exasperated huffs from Lucy as the ridiculous names Natsu would come up with (no offense to Happy, but who would name their kid Happy Jr?!)
In the end, they decided to go with Nasha Layla Dragneel for the girl, and Igneel Jude Dragneel for the boy, in honoring of their late parents. Everything was going in the right direction and Natsu couldn't wait for the arrival of their child.
And the time finally came in the form of Lucy shriek and his too numb hand from the insanely tight grip of his wife as she giving birth. The guild resident fire dragon slayer had never liked to see his celestial mage in pain, even if it was because of their child, and he could only helplessly whisper soothing words into her ears and prayed for the quick process.
A piercing wail finally echoed the infirmary as Wendy rushed to clean and swaddle the baby in a blanket. Natsu was stunned to hear Wendy congratulated them on the beautiful baby girl and his brain took some times to proceed the information. He dazedly watched Lucy cradled their daughter close, and smiled those radiant smiles of her that never failed to make his heart skip a beat. Happy, now allowed in the infirmary, hovered over Lucy and the bundle as his eyes sparkled with starry wonder as he took in his sibling.
He only snapped out when Lucy turned and asked him if he wanted to hold their Nasha. The pinkette could only dumbly nod as he shakily formed his hand into the practiced form as Lucy passed the baby to him.
The moment his daughter laid in his arms, Natsu’s heart were instantly overwhelmed with the feeling of love and gratitude as he cradled his baby girl close to his chest. Nasha seemed to take a liken to his abnormal body heat as she subconsciously squirmed closer and his heart swelled with adoration.
He could see wisps of pink hair adorned her head and the moment she opened her eyes to show the world her murky but undoubtedly brown orbs so similar to the woman he loved, right then and there he decided that she was the most beautiful baby girl in all Fiore. Any objections could eat his flaming fist to their face.
At that moment, he decided that any baby of his and Lucy was absolutely perfect and he would lay his life down to protect and ensure they had the best life as possible.
It had been a few months after Nasha’s birth and life had been eventful to say the least to the first-time parents. Despite the heavy bags hung under their bloodshot eyes due to the lack of sleep from their daughter wailing (that girl sure had the lungs of a dragon), and the fret to discover the causes, Natsu wouldn’t trade anything in the world for the warmth and fuzzy feeling in his chest whenever he looked or held his baby girl.
Nasha was now laying on his broad chest, his large palm anchored her tiny form to his as they laze on the bed with the warm afternoon light filtered through the bedroom window and basked their form. Happy had left for the guild to spend time with a certain white cat that had now warmed up to his advances.
Looking at the pudgy and rosy cheeks of his cute daughter, Natsu couldn’t help but lightly prodded and pinched the doughy flesh for his own amusement. Not liking the teasing from her father, Nasha’s doe brown orbs started growing glassy as her tiny mouth formed the beginning of a wailing.
“Shh, don’t cry Nasha, please don’t cry baby girl, Daddy’s only kidding. Shh, go back to sleep” Natsu immediately shushed his daughter by rubbing her back gently and pressing kisses to her wispy pink hair. His nose inhaled her heavenly baby smell and the subtle mixed scent of his and Lucy, and his body subconsciously relaxed and heated comfortably to calm the baby down.
He must have dosed off briefly as his sense woke up from the gentle combing on his scalp and the familiar scent of camellia and star dust filled his nose. Natsu opened his eyes to take in the pleasant visual of his beautiful wife smiling lovingly down at them as she whispered “Hey Daddy and Baby, I’m home. Do you mind if I join in the napping session?”
Opening his unoccupied arm invitingly, Lucy crawled into the bed to lay on his biceps as her dainty hands joined his on top of Nasha’s snoozing form.
As he curled his arm and pulled his wife tighter to the side, Natsu exhaled contently as he couldn’t help but think he was the luckiest bastard in the world to have two beautiful and loving girls in his arms.
He really wouldn’t trade anything in the whole world for this.
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princeescaluswords · 2 months
Found Family?
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In the last few days, I came across a really nice gifset celebrating Isaac, Erica and Boyd, but at the same time I was informed about someone arguing that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. I know that everyone loves to reconfigure the so-called Beta Trio into some sort of "found family" archetype and by doing so pretend that Derek Hale made these teenagers' lives better because they listened to him, but I feel it's important to remember that is not what happened.
First of all, the Beta Trio was not a Beta Trio; it was a Beta Quartet. Derek Hale bit four teenagers and when one turned out to be defective, he abandoned Jackson like a cruel dog owner dropping a sick puppy on the side of the highway so he didn't have to take care of him. "You've always been a snake, Jackson, just not the one we're looking for." Yeah, top-grade found-family parenting right there.
Second of all, they were soldiers, not family members. Members of the fandom may dislike -- and they do! -- when Scott yells at the New Hale Pack that Derek's just made them into a bunch of guard dogs, but they forget that that is functionally what they become. The first thing that Derek had them do was beat the crap out of Scott. Derek used Erica for espionage ("I have someone else in mind for you"). Then they kidnapped Stiles. Then they kidnapped Jackson. Then they tried to murder Lydia. Then they tried to murder Jackson.
There is exactly one scene where Boyd, Erica, or Isaac do something for themselves, and that's in Abomination (2x04) where Boyd and Erica attend the lacrosse game. "Derek isn't going to like this!" Erica warns.
Third and most importantly, Derek built a pack for his sake, not for theirs. Even if he did it because he was lonely, he still did it for himself. He watches Gerard declare war, he yells at Scott that this is what the Argents do, but he still goes ahead and recruits Isaac, Erica and Boyd. He also has no idea how to beat Gerard, which he literally says out loud after Peter explains that Gerard is winning. "Tell me something I don't know." He also knows the Alpha Pack is coming. Since the fandom likes to tell so much from glances, examine the look on his face when Boyd and Erica tell him they found another wolf pack in the forest. That's not surprise; that's fear. He wasn't prepared for the Alpha Pack yet, but he doesn't say anything but "You're not leaving; you're running." Once Boyd and Erica die, and once he can dump Isaac off on Scott, Derek never mentions any of them again.
This analysis is pretty harsh on Derek, but as I've always said, there's no need for a redemption arc if the character never does anything wrong. And as for why Scott is a better alpha, that's easy, too:
Scott didn't recruit. Of the thirteen Betas that Scott could be said to have over the course of the series and movie (Stiles, Derek, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Liam, Mason, Hayden. Corey, Alec, and Eli), three of them were friends first (Stiles, Allison, and Kira), five of them joined out of admiration or were invested in what the pack was trying to do (Isaac, Lydia, Derek, Mason and Corey), and five of them were members rescued from peril (Malia, Liam, Hayden, Alec, and Eli). He didn't go looking for new members -- he found them, which actually makes it a found family.
Fandom should also compare how Scott treated Liam, the beta he didn't want to bite suffering from a mental disorder, with how Derek treated Jackson. The only time that Scott even hesitated to act as Liam's alpha was after Liam had beaten Scott to the point of death.
They were Scott's pack; they were his friends. Members of the fandom complain that Scott didn't train his pack or put the pack as a unit first. Absolutely. He didn't see them as soldiers. In Battlefield (2x11), when Stiles says he can't do anymore, Scott doesn't press him even though he needs all the help he can get. Scott doesn't want to bring Isaac with him to meet with Deucalion in Frayed (3x05). Liam doesn't have to be with them if he doesn't want to be in A Promise to the Dead (4x11). They hang out, they go to parties, they study like high schoolers are supposed to do. "While we're trying not to die, we still need to live."
Compare how Derek treated Erica and Boyd when they want to leave in Battlefield to how Scott treats Malia in Damnatio Memoriae (5x12). There is a vast difference between Derek insisting that they need him "Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." and Scott explaining that he needs her. "What if I told you that you were the only one I have left?"
Scott built a pack to help others, not himself. Some critical thinker on X announced that "they all left him" about Scott's pack, which somehow proves Derek was better. They did leave (though most of them came back when he needed them), because he's their Alpha, not their owner. They have lives. Isaac couldn't take Beacon Hills anymore and left. Liam moved to somewhere in Asia. Stiles joined the FBI. Lydia founded a company. When he led them into battle -- and Scott did -- he did it because someone innocent was going to die if someone didn't do something -- whether it was the victims of Gerard and the Kanima, or the Darach and the Alpha Pack, of the Dead Pool, of the Dread Doctors, of the Wild Hunt. The pack came together under his leadership to protect innocents.
I don't understand how parts of the fandom can watch the show and argue that Derek's betas were better off as his betas or that Derek was a better alpha than Scott. Even if you edit out all of Scott's positive traits, as parts of the fandom tend to do, even if you erase Scott entirely, as parts of the fandom want to do, Derek's methods were less than constructive, Derek's motives were selfish, and Derek's end results were less than optimal.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Hello! While scrolling between random hurt/comfort fica I stumbled into a batfamily one and decided to give it a shot and now I am curious about this fandom! Never read any dc/marvel comic and watched maybe a couple of superhero movies so I have basically 0 knowledge about batman except that Robin is his apprentice but also apparently there's multiple Robins??
Can I have a general fandom/family introduction? I'm very confused but also really curious since I'm an avid found family enjoyer :)
What the heck is this fandom?
If you're reading this, you probably either a) want to get into comics but aren’t sure where to start or b) found yourself plopped in the middle and don't know what's going on.
DC Comics encompasses a wide range of characters and storylines with varying levels of popularity, and is home to some of the most iconic figures like Superman and Wonder Woman. What often happens in the DC and Marvel fandoms is that rather than trying to engage with everything, many fans will have a certain subset of content that they focus on. Sometimes it's a single character, sometimes it's a team like the Justice League, or sometimes it's a superhero family unit such as the Flash Family.
This blog primarily focuses on the batfamily, which is the group of characters that operate as Gotham City vigilantes centered around Batman. Some are legally/biologically related, some aren't. Generally speaking, the batfamily fandom is one of the larger subgroups within the DC fandom because so many of the comics revolve around these characters.
Who is Batman?
Are you living under a rock
Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne, begins with the infamous tragic origin where his parents were shot dead in an alleyway when he was 8, leaving him an orphan to be raised by his butler/surrogate father figure, Alfred Pennyworth. Once Bruce got a little older, he donned the costume to deal with criminals directly and bring justice to the city.
His civilian identity is Bruce Wayne, the (and I say this begrudgingly) billionaire CEO of his family's company, Wayne Enterprises. The company makes a little of everything and keeps Gotham afloat with job creation and philanthropy. Nothing unethical about one rich guy running an entire city.
His alter ego is Batman, and he uses his wit and extensive training to fight an array of both petty criminals as well as big-name villains like the Joker, the Riddler, Two-Face and more (collectively known as the Gotham Rogues gallery).
NOTE: some former villains, like Harley Quinn, have been rebranded as anti-heroes.
Batman operates out of a hidden cave (yes, a literal cave) under Wayne Manor known as the Batcave. This is where he keeps all sorts of high-tech paraphanalia, including his Batmobile, bat-plane, batarangs (bat boomerangs), and a powerful computer known as—you guessed it—the Batcomputer.
Batman's primary love interest is a former villain known as Catwoman, AKA Selina Kyle, who is a master thief. (Her backstory includes growing up with an abusive father and turning to stealing for survival.) She's since reformed and has been indicted into the Justice League. They're really cute if you don't think about how they're technically two furries who roleplay as cops and robbers.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Bruce dies as a child in that alley as Thomas Wayne becomes Batman while Martha Wayne becomes the Joker.
Okay, what about... Robin? Robins?
There's a lot to unpack here.
The OG Robin is Dick Grayson. Yes, we still call him Dick in the year 2022. He was a child acrobat who was part of a trio, The Flying Graysons, with his parents, John and Mary, in a traveling circus called Haly's Circus. Haly's stopped in Gotham, where a crime boss named Tony Zucco tried to get them to pay protection money. When Haly refused, Zucco sabotaged the trapezes and Dick's parents fell to their deaths. Bruce was at that show and because Orphans Unite or whatnot, he takes little Dick under his wing as a ward (not legally adopted at this point, Bruce is in his early to mid 20s). Dick joins Batman's crusade as the colorful pantsless sidekick known as Robin. As Robin, he also became the leader of what would eventually be a multigenerational superhero team known as the Teen Titans.
The second Robin is Jason Todd. He grew up in Gotham's notorious Crime Alley, where his mother, Catherine, was a substance user and his father, Willis, was an overall piece of garbage. After his father goes to jail and his mother dies of an overdose, Jason is essentially an orphan left to fend for himself on the streets. His run-in with Batman happens when he tries to steal to Batmobile tires to sell, and instead of getting punished, he gets adopted. Legally, this time. So while Dick is the oldest, Jason is Bruce's first kid. Jason takes on the Robin mantle and fights crime, yada yada. What he's well-known for is his death, where he set out to Ethiopia to find his biological mother, Sheila Haywood, and is killed by the Joker. Then Superman breaks reality and Jason comes back to life, spends some time with the League of Assassins, and gets rebranded as a crime lord/anti-hero with a hell of a grudge against Bruce for not avenging him.
While Jason was dead, we get our third Robin and the first one with pants: Tim Drake. Tim is actually Bruce's neighbor (the way rich people can be neighbors with spaced-out properties). He grew up with wealthy but neglectful parents, Janet and Jack Drake, who often left Tim home alone as a small child while they went on their archeology expeditions. Tim takes an interest in the Gotham vigilantes and sets out to follow them around and gather evidence to figure out who they are. Eventually, he deduces Bruce, Dick, and Jason's identities by some moves unique to the Flying Graysons. Then, Tim basically blackmails Bruce into letting him be Robin and has his own teenage superhero team called Young Justice. After the Robin title is taken away from him, he becomes Red Robin (yes, like the restaurant chain) and while everyone thinks Batman is dead during this time, Tim is the only one who believes otherwise. Also, his mom drinks poison, dad is killed by a boomerang, best friend is killed by an evil clone, other best friend is also killed by an evil clone, girlfriend dies (see below), assassins steal his spleen, and now he's bisexual and dating a boy who creates conspiracy theories.
NOTE: In an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley becomes the third Robin.
Robin #4 is Stephanie Brown. She actually didn't become Robin until well into her vigilante career. She actually made a name for herself as Spoiler with the purpose of taking down her father, a D-list Gotham villain known as Cluemaster. Similar to everyone in this franchise, her childhood wasn't ideal as her father was always up to criminal activities and her mother worked a lot as well as (in some versions) used drugs. She later becomes the fifth Batgirl and then Robin before her death in the 2005 War Games comics, where she is killed when she seeks out a villain against Batman's orders. She then returns from the dead and goes back to being Spoiler. She also dated Tim and was a fairly long-running relationship before they broke up. She also had a teen pregnancy at one point (not by Tim) and had a daughter that she put up for adoption.
Robin #5 is Damian Wayne, the biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul (daughter to Ra's Al Ghul, leader of a villainous organization known as the League of Assassins). Damian was raised in the League of Assassins for the first half of his childhood, where he was trained to be the heir to Ra's Al Ghul's empire. Talia brought him to Bruce when he was ~10 to refine his skills with Batman. However, that kind of goes awry when Bruce fakes his death and Damian is raised by Dick instead. Damian also becomes a Teen Titans leader as well as forms a friendship with Jon Kent, son of Superman (please read Super Sons, it's adorable). Damian is then killed by his oversized evil clone and is brought back to life on the planet Apokolips (no one stays dead istg).
Duke Thomas's relationship with the Robin mantle is a little more complicated. Duke first shows up as a really intelligent kid who solves one of the Riddler's puzzles. Later on, he becomes the leader (aided by Alfred Pennyworth) of a group of teenage vigilantes known as We Are Robin, who helped take care of Gotham crime while Batman was missing. His parents were, for a lack of a better term, disabled after one of the Joker's gas attacks (seriously, someone euthanize this clown). Bruce takes Duke under his wing and Duke rebrands himself as the Signal. He's unique from other Gotham heroes in a couple aspects: 1) he fights crime in the daytime instead of night and 2) he has photokinetic superpowers. (He's also dating one of the We Are Robins members, Izzy Ortiz.)
What about the others, like Batwoman and Batgirl?
Similar to Robin, Batgirl is a title held by multiple people. The first Batgirl was Bette Kane (who is now Flamebird), but the most well-known one was the second one, Barbara Gordon. Barbara (Babs for short) is the daughter of Gotham police commissioner Jim Gordon. Inspired by other Gotham heroes, she became Batgirl behind her parents' back and worked in tandem with Bruce and Dick, forming a relationship with Dick along the way. She became a quadriplegic after getting shot by the Joker but refused to step down from the field, instead using her intelligence and technological capabilities to surveil and provide intel under a new moniker, Oracle. She also has her own team, the Birds of Prey, which includes people like Huntress and Black Canary.
After Barbara, the next Batgirl is Cassandra Cain (who is also Bruce's only legal daughter in the main continuity). She is the daughter of David Cain and an assassin known as Lady Shiva. Cass was raised by David within the League of Assassins and trained to be a fighting machine, similar to Damian. She was raised in isolation without speech or literacy, but can read body language really well. Her first kill was when she was 8, and that traumatized her so much that she ran away, wandering around until eventually reaching Gotham and becoming both Bruce and Barbara's ward. She holds other titles like Black Bat along the way but is most known as Orphan. She also befriends Stephanie, had a short relationship with Superboy (Conner Kent) and, like half the people here, dies and comes back. Depending on who you talk to, some people keep her lack of speech, some have her speaking, and some prefer an in-between.
Stephanie was Batgirl after Cass. See above.
Kate Kane is Batwoman and Bruce Wayne's cousin. She grew up similarly wealthy in a high-level military family, often moving around as a child. Her twin sister and mother were killed in a terrorist attack in Belgium, leaving her father to raise her. She got into West Point military academy but was expelled in her final year after coming out as lesbian under the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. After that, she spent a year on an island civilization before returning to Gotham. After Batman saved her from a mugging, Kate bought some equipment on the black market and trained herself to become Batwoman. Also, we as a fandom don't talk about her flamethrower gloves enough.
NOTE: in an alternate timeline, Carrie Kelley was also Batgirl and Batwoman.
Harper Row is Bluebird, and similar to Batwoman, she is a mostly independent Gotham hero who was inspired by Batman. Growing up, Harper often had to take care of things like household repairs and look after her younger brother, Cullen, because their father was abusive and didn't do anything for them. Eventually, she sought emancipation and got them out of there, but things still weren't easy. She went to college, but had to drop out and get a job in order to provide for her and her brother. She became Bluebird after Batman saved her and Cullen, engineering her own weapons like a giant taser. Fun fact: she's bi and her brother is gay.
This is still really confusing. Who's who right now?
Canon sucks so here's what the fandom largely know them as:
Bruce is Batman. He might have some suit modifications or occasionally pilot a giant bat robot, but he's Batman
Dick is Nightwing. He took over as Batman for a short period of time, but after Bruce returned, he went back to being Nightwing we don't talk about Ric
Jason is Red Hood. That was actually the Joker's previous title but now Jason holds it
Tim is... usually Robin or Red Robin, it kinda depends on context. Canonically he's back to being Robin now, but a lot of us still refer to him as Red Robin
Damian is Robin. He had the alias Redbird at one point but everyone calls him Robin
Duke is the Signal. Again, there were some alias changes (like Lark) but he's the Signal around here
Stephanie is Spoiler, but again, it depends on context
Cassandra is usually referred to as Orphan, but you'll occasionally see Batgirl or Black Bat depending on who you talk to
Barbara was rehashed as Batgirl in recent canon but we all hate the disability erasure so you'll see a lot of us still call her Oracle
Harper is Bluebird. I don't recall her having any other titles. Her brother isn't a vigilante
Selina (yes, she's part of the batfamily) is Catwoman
Alfred is... Alfred. On the field he goes by Agent A and his previous spy career often comes in handy
This isn't the sum of it. There are a whole bunch of other bat characters (Bette Kane, Luke Fox, Jean-Paul Valley, Helena Bertinelli, Terry McGinnis, etc.) that I didn't get into here partly because I don't focus on them as much and partly because of space. I also didn't get into all the lore for characters I did explain, like Dick's police career or other teams/relationships. There are also some inconsistencies between different timelines and reboots.
I encourage you to explore beyond what I presented with other heroes and villains since I know Batman isn't for everyone. I also encourage you to explore the comics, talk to people, and figure out for yourself what characters or storylines best fit you. Don't be afraid to take your time, either. We've been here nearly a century. We're not going anywhere.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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In the mood for...
1. ITMF: Just finished ShanaStoryteller's "By Any Other Name" where resurrected WWX pretends to be a woman, and it's put me in the mood for fic where he is actually resurrected as a woman but, here's the key: he's hamstrung by the extremely patriarchal society he's in. The few fic I've read that have him in a woman's body usually hand wave over that but I'd love to read a fic that doesn't. Anything like that out there??? @kimboo-york
To Deserve So Much More by renysen (locked to archive) (T, 20k, wangxian, summoned by f!oc, getting together, Mojo’s post) has WWX resurrected by the youngest daughter of a non-cultivating family and deals with several issues of him being a woman as a result.
2. do you know any fics that explore what happens if yzy lives past the wen attack on lp? wwx blamed himself enough without her active vitriol so i'd love to read how her survival would impact the yunmeng trio (esp wwx) and/or the war. thank you!
💖  Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) has YZY surviving the fall of LP & has stuff about how her leadership is different from JC
Yearning for Miles by Murahi (M, 378k, WangXian, LQR/SiSi, Canon Divergence, Angst, Fluff, Slow burn, Mutual Pining, seeing the future) has YZY surviving IIRC (it's been a while since I read it & I bailed partway through so idk how it goes) & the tags mention YZY redemption
3. hi ! in the mood for fics (canon) that feature wangxian and lan sizhui ! it doesn’t need to be about them as parents, although it definitely can, but just having them (especially lwj) act parental or acknowledged as parents or exist as a family unit would be much appreciated, kind of like “Crack me open, pour you out” by tenillypo. basically any parental canon wangxian (even just featured) would be amazing thank you !! @willesnelson
to the act of making noise by words-writ-in-starlight (WordsWritInStarlight) (G, 19k, LSZ & LWJ, LSZ & WWX, wangxian, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, inquiry, Music, Angst, Fluff, Found Family, podfic available)
kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst) it's set in canon times however its def an AU storyline but you get a lot of family feels
Finding Balance Series by Zombubble (G/T, 117k, WangXian, Character Study, Canon Compliant, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of Death, Grief, But only a little, Nightmare, Canon-Typical Violence, within a nightmare, injuries, Underage Drinking, Light Angst, Happy Ending, JC Being an Asshole, but not too bad, Anxiety, Grief/Mourning, Self-Reflection, Conflict Resolution, Internal Conflict, lots of talking, Lots of Thinking, LSZ-centric, Soft LQR, Sort Of, Collective Bargaining, LSZ accidentally incites a mini off-screen rebellion, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post-Canon, mild panic attack) not sure if its quite what #3 is asking (most recent itmf post) but there's a post-canon sizhui-centric series about sizhui coming to terms with remembering he's a wen and stuff, and the last two in the series (esp the last one) have parental wangxian helping him work through things
4. Itmf wwx n friends as a crazy crack funny af potty mouthed wholesome group!! Modern au. Them being crack heads in a nut. Like, doing stuff like sneaking out, putting skates and running at night, sitting in shopping trolly and pushing it ahead, Fighting in Instagram comments section. Just wwx an friends. Idm relationships.
He lo I'm for #4 itmf. fic is really good, but not what I was aiming for, cuz yeah the plot was chef's kiss, but didn't had much of wy n frnds, lemme clear: wy n frnds shenanigans, doing stupid things, what the fuk moments. This time doesn't matter if it's canon, modern or alternate Universe. Thankyou
The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut) lots of shenanigans here
Carefully Orchestrated Plans (no strings attached) by Maledictius (T, 101k, WangXian, Modern AU, Chatting & Messaging, Orchestra, Fluff and Humor, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Gossip)
5. ITMF!! What’s a wangxian fic you’ve read where, as you sadly leave your last kudos on the last chapter, you think, THIS COULD BE A MOVIE 😤!
Those fast paced, edge of your seat, tight plot, spot on character fics that you’d buy a ticket to see? Or maybe a smaller lyrical fic that could totally be an art house short film?
I was rereading Hobbsy3’s Tragedy is Not the End. I always have to make myself popcorn it’s so good! So yep, that’s my movie fic!
Dear mods, please direct me to the right list if this has been asked before!! 💚
Wei Wuxian Makes a Wish series by natcat5 (M, 119k, wangxian, major character death, underage, madoka magica au, modern w/ magic, time travel, high school au, body horror, self-harm, angst w/ bittersweet ending, time loop, mental instability, suicidal thoughts) is it cheating if it's technically based on a movie? I didn't need to know anything about what this is based on besides a quick Google but if asker is looking for something that leaves them feeling breathless with all kinds of feelings this is the first one that came to mind
The Fifth Type of Non-Contact Force by Caixx (Not Rated, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU, High School, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Fluff and Humor, Actually Somewhat Canon, Mutual Pining, Horny Teenagers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Non-Graphic Smut) link in #4 honestly this also felt like a teenage coming of age indie movie
💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX survives, sect leader WWX, yiling wei sect au, slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, getting together, pining, love confessions, reunions, mind all the tags) I just read this and the descriptions of the armor and battlefields really felt like they would suit huge movie screens. It just had that imax vibe, ya know?
Also maybe 5 should look at the “Beautiful Writing and Good Plot” Compilation | Pt. 2 comps a lot of the fics on there feel like a movie
花无百日红; the flower that withers by yiqie (M, 29k, wangxian, Time Travel Fix-It of Sorts, Case Fic, Spells & Enchantments, Hurt/Comfort, Forgiveness, It's about the emotional catharsis, If you have ever laughed at WWX clowning himself for the 'no one will marry you' scene, This fic is: for you) i'm not a writer so i can't describe the feelings this fic evoked in me, but this is one of those fics that is so prettily written and if it's got a movie adaptation i would definitely watch it
In Imitation of Life by travelingneuritis (E, 70k, wangxian, modern cultivation, scifi au, android WWX, tone: neon seedy, rich people are bored and terrible, post-apocalyptoc landscape, happy ending, smut, severe major characger injury, time loss) everything this author writes is like a movie tbh
symmetry by bleuett (M, 44k, WangXian, Space, Science Fiction, Happy Ending, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Holding Hands, Blow Jobs, Hand Feeding, Cultivation in Space, Yearning, Reunions, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Injuries, Grief/Mourning, Unconventional Time Travel, Burial Mounds) I remember reading this and getting major interstellar vibes
💖 Pentimento. by orange_crushed (E, 73k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, art conservation, museums, pining, not actually unrequited love, angst w/ happy ending, misunderstandings, smut, major character injury, hospitalization, hurt/comfort, past incarceration, forgery) this is like an A24 Sundance festival winner, author writes such incredible prose
Post Mortem by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 78k, wangxian, modern, Psychological Horror, friends with benefits, they're both fucked up but they love each other so much, Slow Burn Mystery, Unnegotiated Kink, Dom/sub, Anal Sex, Consensual Non-Con, Stalking, Drug Addiction, Serial Killers, in Wei Ying's desire to critique the 'final girl' trope he accidentally becomes one, Angst with a Happy Ending, meta commentary on the horror and true crime genres) A horror movie!!!! Very much on the edge of your seat.
6. Huge thanks to the mods and participants for this wonderful blog! You keep my Mark for Later list going strong.
ITMF fics where someone tries to harm WWX because of LWJ. Maybe they're obsessively in love with him and want to get rid of the competition, or maybe they hate him and want to hurt him in the worst way possible by hurting the one he loves most, or whatever. Bonus points if Wangxian assume that whoever seems to be coming after WWX is coming after him because he's the Yiling Laozu instead of because he's LWJs love, and so they make wrong assumptions and mistakes. Happy for similar recs also, even if it's not a perfect fit! No Jiang Cheng bashing though plz. Thanks all! @flamingwell
this body yet survives by RoseThorne (T, 50k, WIP, WangXian, No War AU, Recovery, Trauma, Dissociation, Courting Rituals, Near Death Experiences, Attempted Murder, Eventual Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Protective Siblings, Triggers, Protective LWJ, Protective LQR, Yúnmèng Siblings Dynamics, Bad Parent YZY, POV Third Person, POV LWJ, Depression, Good Sibling JC, Good Sibling JYL)
A Soft Storm by AvoOwO (Not rated, 47k, wangxian, modern au, hurt WWX, LWJ pov, protective LWJ, not SS friendly, car accidents, hurt/comfort, heavy angst w happy ending, sexual harrasment, stalking, crying, blood & injury & gore, major character injury, college, slut shaming, insults)
Coincidence is Another Man's Fate by TriviasFolly (M, 164k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha LWJ, Omega wwx, Sexual Harassment, Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment, WangXian play the long game, UNTIL THEY DON'T, Getting Together, fated pairs, Eventual Attempted Sexual Assult and Recovery, Modern Setting - Office, Mpreg)
7. Hi!! Does anyone know of any fics where dual cultivation classes are part of the lectures that all the young masters attend? I’d love to see them paired up to meditate, study, duel, night hunt, perhaps even take a couple of sex magic classes. In my head I am picturing something like those Harry Potter fics where students are paired due to compatible magic and they study together regardless of house division. Thank you!
turn towards the sun by Ariaste (E, 21k, WangXian, Kushiel's Legacy Fusion, The Night Court (Kushiel's Legacy), Kink Negotiation, Courtesans, Intimacy, BDSM, Consent, Wangxian's canonical fetishes, roughly Cloud Recesses-era, Extracurricular Kissing, Impact Play, Kink Experimentation, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, (aka Madam Yu being canonically willing to hit WWX)) This may not be exactly what was requested but it’s definitely school and wangxian definitely “study” together:)
8. Are there any fics where Wei Wuxian purposely tries to seduce Lan Wangji? Like he wears revealing clothes, touches him more often, moans while eating...etc? Like, Wei Wuxian knows Lan Wangji likes him and is trying to make him crack by being all flirty/seductive?
puzzle pieces by Yuisaki (T, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Roommates, Fluff, Humor, Friends to Lovers, Sharing Clothes, Getting Together, Pining)
9. Hi mods! Can I ask for the next ITMF for some fics where WWX, JFM or even LQR are angry at Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren for not being careful enough during night hunts and leaving WWX alone? Something along the lines of why they didn't have a back up plan or why didn't they leave WY in Lotus Pier or somewhere else where he would be looked after while they were busy and risking something happening to him bc they didn't tell anyone where their child was if something happened to them. Doesn't really need to be bashing but definitely some abandonment issues and not WWX just being alright with what his parents did and wanting to do the same
Thanks!! @jiangclaritybell
❤️ The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 29k, LJY & WWX, LJY & LSZ, wangxian, possession, cohabitation, Mojo’s bookmark) Lan Jingyi (very) briefly mentions how stupid it was for WWX's parents to just leave him when they went off night hunting
10. Hii!! I hope you guys are well <3
I have a request for the next itmf, i recently read a fic where wwx is adopted by hua lian, so I was wondering if you had more fics in the same category?? The fic i read was the hearth series by eccentrick!!
Thank you in advance ❤️❤️
there's a whole tag Huā Chéng & Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú) Adopt Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn for that, but in specific
Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 170k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, canon divergence, not Jiang friendly, madam lan lives, WWX adopted by hualian, WWX with different name, overprotective hualian, hurt WWX, WIP)
Narrative of Strength by MeltedIceAngel (T, 61k, WIP, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, TGCF)
11. Hello, for the next In the mood for, do you have any wangxian fan fic recs of novel canon divergence/fix it that do not feature yunmeng bros reconciliation? Thank you so much in advance!
Lay my body down by tawaen (M, 48k, WWX & WQ, WWX & WN, wangxian, WWX & JYL, canon divergence, time travel, rogue cultivator WWX, no golden core transfer, not cultivation world friendly, not JC friendly, OCs) WWX travels back in time & goes fuck the cultivation world & JC in particular
The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not JC Friendly, Canon Divergence) WWX rebuilds his core while living in the Burial Mounds, JC loses his & is pissed about it
12. Can you recommend me Darkji fanfic and an oblivious weiying or a dark dark lanzhan where there's an abuse and manipulation included I don't mind🫶🏻
Obelus by Celestios (Not rated, 167k, wangxian, rape/non-con, non-con elements, NO rape, Non-Consensual Spanking, Non-Consensual Punishments, Spanking, Punishments, Dubious Morality, Dubious Consent, physical discipline, Physical Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Abusive Relationship, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, mention of violence, mention of drugs, Mention of alcohol, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, dark LWJ, Baker WWX, Bodyguard WN, Mentions of weapons, Gun mentions, Slow Burn, Long, Doctor WQ, Self Medicating, WWX has ADHD, Trauma Bonding, Psychological Manipulation, Gaslighting, Organized Crime, underground crime, Underground business, illegal business)
3-in-1 Shampoo/Conditioner/Bodywash - the Real Gateway Drug by Anonymous (E, 22k, WIP, WangXian, one sided wangxian (but for how long?), sketchy as fuck LWJ, does this count as dark! LWJ, implied bi WWX, modern au - no cultivation, Piss Marking, Come Marking, cum in food, brief cameo of food fucking, piss in food, Exhibitionism, Sloppy Seconds, Alcoholism, mention piss drinking, No Sex, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, sexually charged assisted pissing, accidental hold, Omorashi, freak4freak, emotional manipulation/subdrop of sorts, co-pissing, panty huffing, Degradation, dubcon blowjob, FaceFucking, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, pissing on someone who's passed out drunk, Spanking, Verbal Humiliation, Mutual Masturbation, jerking off walkthrough (with commentary), threats of edging, mutual CNC fantasies, Unreliable Narrator, I gave LWJ the LBH sized cock he deserves, Bathing, pissing in fleshlight) 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/bodywash - the real gateway drug for itfm 12. It’s more extremely dubious consent than actual abuse, but there is definitely a bit of gaslighting.
Kinkotber Day 4: A Shift in Perspective by Anonymous (E, 2k, WangXian, Stockholm Syndrome, Rape/Non-con Elements, there's no violence but he certainly doesn't ask for concent, Dark LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Cockwarming, Exhibitionism, bimboification (kind of), collaring (at the end), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, PWP, Almost No Dialogue) as the tags say - no actual violence but deffo non/dubcon elements
13. Hello, do you know any modern or canon au wx fics where wangxian never interacted when they were kids/students but lwj still had a quiet crush on wwx?
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
14. this might be a weirdly specific request for itmf, but I was wondering if you know of any fics where, either through reincarnation or time travel what have you, Lan Sizhui/Wen Yuan raises Wei Ying or Lan Zhan as his child(ren)?
15. For the next ITMF, can you recommend fic where characters OTHER than wangxian take ownership of their actions prior to wwx's death? (e.g. abandoning wwx/wen civilians to their fate, the mass slaughter of innocents, stealing & profiting off his work while slandering him, etc). I'm not interested in fics where this ownership has a caveat ("it was bad, but wwx was equally bad or worse" - these are fine but it's just not what I want to read.) Thanks! @balleyboley
16. Anything with wwx with low self-steem????
the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 88k, WIP,   WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol   Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
Welcome to the Family Series by jiejieaini (E, 237k, WangXian, Modern, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, Angst, Explicit Sex)
❤️ The One-Body Problem by metisket (T, 29k, LJY & WWX, LJY & LSZ, wangxian, possession, cohabitation, Mojo’s bookmark) (link in #9) Seeing the “low self esteem” ask in ITMF made me go: any fic ever? If you want a funny response to it, metisket’s One Body Problem has Jingyi. Enough said.
Don't Leave Me by TrippinOnSkies (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Marriage Proposal, Mental Breakdown, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Panic Attacks, But they are very mild, Overthinking, Good Sibling JC, Break Up, Gentle Sex, Gentle Kissing, Idiots in Love, Pining, Misunderstandings, Oblivious WWX, LWJ Has Feelings, LWJ is Whipped, Getting Together, NHS & WWX Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy EndingInsecure WWX, WWX Has Issues, WWX Has Self-Esteem Issues, Sad WWX, WWX is Bad at Communicating)
could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you're leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 36k, WangXian, XuanLi, Past MingXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Implied/Referenced Sex, Miscommunication, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Self-Esteem Issues, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Protective Siblings, Trauma, Slightly dubious consent, courtesy of drunk sex, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Phoenix Mountain, Chronic Pain, Getting Together, Fix-It of Sorts, One Braincell Trio, PTSD)
See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, WangXian, POV WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX's Abyssmal Self-Esteem, Emotional Healing, Angst, The Juniors love their Senior Wei, Curses, WWX is an Unreliable Narrator, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling)
pastel by antebunny (G, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Soulmates, Angst, Heavy Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Self-Esteem Issues, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Unrequited Love, but not actually)
to be loved by wqngji (G, 1k, WangXian, Insecure WWX, Petty LWJ, JC is So Done, Domestic Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Doubt, Hugs, Hurt WWX)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, it will not look like it until the very end but I promise there's a happy ending, lesbian wq rights, Music, Orchestra, platonic and romantic pining, wwx's serious self-worth issues, [Podfic] Leading Tone by silencemostofall by Beria1021)
17. Is there a fic in which yiling people are protective of wei ying and wants him to come back
End Racism in the OTW | The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts) it’s mentioned briefly, I believe
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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Kni-Kni Lullaby Part 1
Had they all listened to Kirby... they would've figured it what it was... They will soon enough... (to be continued)
Kirby just wanted his lullaby from his papa~
Meta Knight has an incredible singing voice but is extremely shy about it (he doesn't think his voice is that good) and Kirby wants nothing less than his papa's singing voice.
(Lore/ backstory)
Dragato and Meta Knight were captured during the siege of N.M.E's Labe (which I will explain later because of spoilers), and Team Halberd had to go and save MK. The rescue was led by non-other Sir Arthur... needless to say, they all came in clutch.
To make a long story short, Jerca & Garlude were sent out to scout ahead for Meta Knight. They found him within an inch of his life... with him cradling the tiniest baby in his arms... they instantly knew, "We need to protect this baby..."
However, they're not out of the woods yet: while escaping, they spot none other than... SIR UTHER?! He was slinking around the containment unit where Kirby was... They knew something was up, so they hid away with Meta Knight's cape.
Sir Uther: Keep quiet! I don't want anyone to know I'm here...
Uther's Subordinate: They're all in the outer building... Sir Uther, why didn't you inform Sir Arthur that you were coming-
Sir Uther: (Makes a horrific reveal-and intentions for Kirby)
And the trio finds out something... something they shouldn't have...Something awful. All three were frozen in horror... and at that moment, Kirby was clutching onto Meta Knight for dear life. As if he knew of Uther's dangerous intention. Swiftly, Sir Uther leaves in search of Kirby...
In response to this:
Garlude: Oh that MOTHERF*CKER...
MK: We go... we have to go now... we have to hide him..."
When the trio finally returns to the safety of their ship, Meta Knight reveals the newest little member of their family to the rest of the team, hiding away under his cape... (they all fell in love with Kirby instantly and swore to protect him)
That was 3 weeks ago~
Since then Meta Knight has been on recovery leave, and the higher-ups (Sir Uther) wanted to interview (integrate) him on his capture and what he had possibly found.
In MK's thoughts POV: (Nothing, just an astral baby that I plan to keep hidden from you & your filthy hands... You f*cking piece of- )
So while Meta Knight was at this B.S. interview, the crew thought wanted give MK a break tonight with Kirby, and everything was going great... that is until bedtime rolled around.
Putting Kirby to sleep was always a daunting task: he would cry non-stop and refused to sleep. Until Meta Knight would come in to soothe him... and whisk him away in private ... making him the only one able to put him to sleep.
Kirby always favored Meta Knight, so no one really questioned it... Jecra, however, was the only one starting to notice the pattern...
The crew managed to distract him (from the fact MK wasn't there) by playing with him and feeding him (they lost half the fridge), but when Kirby realized Meta Knight wasn't going to be the one to put him to bed... he lost it! He runs to find Meta Knight.
Kirby just wanted his lullaby from his papa~ He just has high standards for nap time and for good reason...
Meta Knight has an incredible singing voice but is extremely shy about it (he doesn't think his voice is that good) and Kirby wants nothing less than his papa's singing voice.
This is a good time to introduce two members of M.K's crew:
Sir Perry (Peridot Fleur De Lis) Non binary - They/ them
-The youngest & precious been of the group
-former thief/ indentured servant
-forced to join the GSA, family and sold them to pay off their debt
Sir Avery (Avery Lohengrin) Female - She/ her
-She is basically like Pearl from Steven Universe, but a more laid-back version
-peacekeeper/ mother hen of the team
-choose to join the GSA to run away from an arranged marriage
I have more on them later...
Garlude and Sir Gregory (another crew member I named) will be making an appearance in part 2, as well as a maskless Jecra (a little tease for now~)
There's also a reason why Meta Knight is so in-tuned with Kirby... I tried to hint at it while Meta Knight was holding Kirby... but that will be revealed later in the comic.
Look forward to it!
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jackles010378 · 8 months
It's In His Kiss 😘
(Dean Winchester X you)
After hunting a witch, she puts a spell on you to hurt Dean knowing you have feelings for him.
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Y/n had been hunting with Sam and Dean Winchester for over two years now. They were like family, united by their common purpose of saving innocent lives from supernatural threats. As the trio faced one dangerous creature after another, they had developed a deep bond of trust and camaraderie.
On a moonlit night, after successfully hunting down a powerful witch, Y/n felt a strange and unsettling sensation. It was as if an invisible force was trying to pry her away from the team, targeting Dean specifically. Unbeknownst to her, the witch had placed a spell on Y/n, hoping to sever her connection with Dean and weaken their hunting prowess.
Days passed, and Y/n couldn't shake off the strange feelings that clouded her mind. She became distant, avoiding interactions with Dean, fearing that whatever was happening to her might harm him in some way. Sam noticed this change in Y/n's behavior and grew increasingly worried. He knew that something was amiss.
One evening, as Y/n sat alone in a dimly lit motel room, Sam decided to confront her. He knocked gently on the door, his concern evident in his voice. Y/n opened the door, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and sadness.
"Y/n, something is happening to you," Sam said, his voice steady but filled with compassion. "I think there's a spell on you, a spell meant to drive you away from Dean."
Y/n stared at Sam, tears welling in her eyes. "I... I feel it too, Sam. I don't want to hurt Dean. But I don't know how to fight this. I think I'm gonna have to leave, I don't want to hurt either of you" tears now falling freely down her face.
Sam placed a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. "We'll figure it out. You have to trust me. We're a team, and we'll always find a way to help each other, give me a chance to find a cure and if I don't, you can leave if you want to. But you gotta tell Dean." Y/n nodded to Sam and told him if he hadn't found anything by the end of the week, she was going to leave to keep Dean and him safe.
Determined to break the spell, Sam started researching. He delved deep into ancient texts and consulted fellow hunters for any knowledge or solution that could save Y/n from the clutches of the spell. The days turned into nights as Sam tirelessly searched for a solution.
Finally, after a couple of days of research, Sam stumbled upon a powerful counter-spell that could potentially break the malicious enchantment. However, it required an act of true love. It was a simple yet complex solution - Dean had to kiss y/n with genuine affection, proving that their bond was unbreakable.
Sam hesitated to reveal the details to Dean. It was a difficult task, asking his brother to kiss y/n and confess his true feelings, but it was their only hope. He gathered the courage and sat Dean down, explaining the severity of the situation.
Dean listened intently, his expression a mixture of shock and concern. "So, let me get this straight. I have to kiss y/n, and the spell will be broken? And this is why she's been avoiding me and running off every time I get close to her?"
Sam nodded. "Yes, Dean. It's the only way to break the spell's hold on her." Dean stood up pacing around the library for a few seconds "why the hell don't she come talk to me, I would've understood. Instead I thought I'd annoyed her" Sam grabbed Dean by his shoulders "she didn't want to come near you just in case the spell kicked in and she hurt you. She cares for you Dean, I could see it in her eyes, I think she might actually love you too".
Dean's chest tightened as he realized the weight of the situation. Over the years, he had developed strong feelings for y/n but had never dared to voice them, fearing that it might complicate their dynamic as a hunter trio. Yet, now he had to confront those emotions, risking everything to save her.
With a determined look on his face, Dean headed towards y/n's room. He knocked softly, hoping she would understand the severity of the situation. She opened the door, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and fear.
"Dean, what are you doing here?" She asked half hiding behind the door as if it would stop her from doing anything to harm Dean, her voice barely above a whisper.
Dean pushed the door open carefully, so he wouldn't hurt her. He could feel the resistance she had leaning on the door, so he knew that she didn't really want to hurt him. He knew she would never want to hurt him unless she was being controlled. Dean felt his heart race as he approached her, taking her delicate hands in his, she tried to pull them away but he had a tight grip on her. "Y/n, I need you to know something. I care about you, more than I can put into words. And now, I have to prove it." y/n's eyes grew wide as Dean's face grew closer to hers, realising what he was going to do.
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Y/ns teary eyes met Dean's gaze, and in that moment, she understood his unwavering commitment and true love shining through. She nodded, giving him permission to break the spell that had been tearing them apart.
As Dean pressed his lips against y/ns, a surge of energy coursed through their bodies. The spell shattered like glass, falling away, leaving them free from its cruel grasp. Time seemed to pause as they tasted each other's love and affection, a moment of undeniable connection.
When they finally broke apart, Y/n looked at Dean, her eyes filled with newfound hope and certainty. "I've always felt something between us, Dean. And now, I know it's real."
Dean smiled, his heart filled with joy. "Y/n, you're my family. And I'll do anything to keep you safe, always."
From that day forward, their bond grew stronger, fortified by the love they had always shared. With Sam by their side, they faced even greater challenges, but they faced them as a united front. Their love and the power of their friendship became an unbreakable force, protecting them from the darkness that lurked in the shadows. And together, they continued their journey, as hunters, as family, and as two souls forever entwined.
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @nescavaneck @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden
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torchwood-99 · 2 months
Do you have any Faramir and Eowyn headcanons? 🙏:).
Oooh boy do I have headcanons!!!
Right, pre-war, I headcanon Theodred and Boromir having an unofficial agreement to marry Eowyn and Faramir to each other. Both of them want to re-ignite the alliance between Gondor and Rohan. Boromir wants to see his little brother happily wed, and Theodred wants to see Eowyn away from Grima, for her own sake and to circumvent any plans Grima has for her. Theodred and Boromir’s mutual affection also makes them want to unite their houses in some way.
Theodred nearly manages to get Eowyn to Minas Tirith. Eowyn dislikes nursing, but does have an interest in certain aspects of healing, such as herblore and surgery (it’s tending to the emotional needs of the patient she does not, nor ever will, care for), and as it becomes clear that her uncle will not let her join an Eored, she agrees to Theodred’s suggestion that she come to Minas Tirith to study to be a healer. She will do so under a fake name, for safety’s sake, which is especially exciting for her.
She thinks it will be an adventure, a chance to live in the “big city”, with other young people, without the restraints of royalty keeping her in check. It will also mean she will have a role and a purpose once Theodred has married and she is supplanted as Lady of Meduseld. 
Theoden grudgingly agrees to it, but just as Eowyn is making plans to depart, Grima convinces Theoden that it will be foolish to send Eowyn into Gondor’s hands, as it will just mean giving them a hostage. He also exacerbates Theoden’s illness, forcing Eowyn to stay back and nurse him.
Had Eowyn gone to Minas Tirith, Boromir and Theodred’s plan would have been for Eowyn to meet Faramir there, and arrange a courtship between them.
I headcanon Eowyn, Faramir and Merry being quite a trio during their stay at the Houses of Healing, and that Faramir and Merry into Eowyn’s bedroom at night, with food and cards and Merry’s pipe, and they hide under the bed when the healers do their rounds. Merry and Faramir have an unspoken alliance to make Eowyn smile and give her things to laugh about. 
The Fellowship is delighted about Faramir and Eowny’s engagement. Gandalf has known Faramir and Eowyn since childhood, and is therefore delighted at them finding happiness in each other, so soon after despair nearly destroyed them. Aragorn is glad that Eowyn has found happiness, and having older brotherly feelings for her, is genuinely pleased to welcome her to his court. He ends up taking a hand in her healing studies, and teaches her himself. The two grow very close in a teacher & pupil way. Meanwhile, Arwen and Faramir grow very close, Arwen indulging Faramir in his love of history and learning. They also share a love of poetry and music. 
The rest of the Fellowship is delighted that Boromir’s younger brother (whom Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli take an older brotherly interest in, in place of Boromir) has found happiness. Legolas and Faramir become very close, while Gimli becomes very fond of Eowyn. Sam and Frodo know the pair the least, but they respect Faramir very much after he let them go with the Ring, and Frodo recognises in Eowyn some of his own depression, which Eowyn recognises in turn. They spend very little time together, but there’s an unspoken understanding between the two, as to what it is like to deal with mental health difficulties. Frodo (and Sam by extension) also appreciate Eowyn being the one to kill the Witch King. Frodo’s injuries from the Witch King actually ache a little less in Eowyn’s presence. 
Merry and Pippin most of all are naturally thrilled, and on his arrival to the Field of Cormallen, Merry updates Pippin about Eowyn and Faramir’s courtship, and the two are on tenterhooks waiting for an update between the pair.
Eomer is less pleased when he finds out Eowyn is engaged. She is the last member of his family, and last time he saw her, she was suicidal and charging into battle, looking for death, whilst also nursing a broken heart. Aside from a desire to keep her close by, he (understandably) fears that Eowyn is entering into this marriage for the wrong reason.
He actually refuses Eowyn’s request to officially announce their betrothal, although he doesn’t forbid them from entering into a personal agreement. He just doesn’t want Eowyn to change her mind, and find herself stuck in an engagement that it is politically awkward to get out of.
Eomer finally makes the engagement official with the troth plighting at the funeral, which is a surprise for Eowyn, his way of showing his regards for her.
Faramir stays a while in Rohan, where his love for Eowyn only grows as he sees what a capable ruler and leader she is. He decides that a large part of Ithilien’s governance will be in Eowyn’s hands, as he will have much preoccupied with the Stewardship of Gondor. When they marry, he invests Eowyn with official powers, so that she can rule Ithilien with her own authority, not just his.
Faramir, Eomer and Eowyn grow very close as a trio during Faramir’s stay, and Eomer ends up missing them both greatly when they go. 
While Eowyn’s day to day business is that of healer, she still trains with her sword and assists Faramir in clearing out orcs and guarding Ithilien. However, when she wishes to accompany Faramir and Aragorn to the razing of Minas Morgul, she is denied, on the grounds that it could be potentially diplomatically catastrophic if Eowyn came to serious harm under Aragorn’s orders.
The Razing of Minas Morgul starts off terribly, with the soldiers much terrorised by the evils that lurk there. Eowyn hears about the sufferings of the troops, the low morale and the work that never seems to progress, when some soldiers are sent to Emyn Arnen with requests for supplies. Eowyn dresses as a man once more and sneaks along with the supplies. 
Rumours start spreading about her presence, and the morale instantly lifts, partially due to the presence of the Witch King Slayer having an impact on the lingering magic, but also because Eowyn’s story itself gives heart to the soldiers, which allows them to share their renewed hope with other soldiers, which spreads throughout the army. 
Faramir hears the rumours before Aragorn, but stays quiet about them. In the end, Aragorn has to summon Eowyn, as the rumours are too wide spread for him to turn a blind eye to. He has to pretend to disapprove, while being secretly pleased. Faramir is just pleased. 
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thatndginger · 1 month
A Little Intro
Let's try this again, shall we?
I’m K (she/they), an overworked, perpetually exhausted cog in the corporate machine who's chosen method of staying sane is writing about queer idiots getting into trouble.
I live in the northern half of the US Rockies with my partner Cryptid, who features fairly often on this blog. Other featured family members are my four dogs and one cat. Since this is a personal blog as well as a writing one, you'll find occasional posts about my interests outside of writing as well. You have been warned~
My primary WIP is an urban fantasy project called Shapeshifter.
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Set in a modern-day version of our world, Shapeshifter is a low-magic urban fantasy setting. Magic is a subtle force, incapable of knitting wounds back together or creating fireballs, but a force all the same. Werewolves, vampires, witches, and all manner of supernatural creatures exist openly in the world in small numbers. In the United States, the largest numbers congregate in the city of Moressau on the coast of Washington.
Morressau has all the problems of a major city and then some. Vampire queens and werewolf mob bosses vie for territory and political power while the powers that be turn a blind eye as long as they get a cut. The regular folk do what they must to get by, carving out lives for themselves in a city that only sees the sun thirty days of the year, determined to find happiness in the dark corners of a city that cares for them as long as they care for it.
Most of the current focus of Shapeshifter is on the first book, Into the Storm, and the trio of main characters. As a bonus, I've started a second wip following two other characters in a tiny mountain town in Wyoming called The Runaway. You can find out more of both below.
General tags: #wip: shapeshifter, #shapeshifter vibes
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There’s a routine to Kerr McKay’s life. Help his not-a-boss smuggle goods around the city, get into fights with vampires and werewolves, run from cops, go drinking with his best friends Jay de Lange and Warrick Salehrad. Oh, and occasionally turn into a dog. Just a day in the life of a shifter living on the fringes of society.
You can read the first three chapters on AO3!
Until a new face appears at his favorite bar, a new gang starts trying to weasel it’s way into his territory, and his not-a-boss makes it clear that the last thing Kerr should be doing is getting himself involved.
Kerr has never been good at taking orders.
Tag: #shapeshifter: into the storm
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Temperance Maddox is running from his past.
All he wants is to forget. The things he's done, the things he's witnessed, the things he knows. And the best way to forget is to put a couple thousand miles between himself and the place that haunts his nightmares. Until Temperance finds himself stranded in a middle-of-nowhere town and relying on the kindness of strangers as he re-learns what it means to be a human being.
You can read the first two chapters on AO3!
Dean Matthews is trying to build a future.
He's got people who depend on him, who love him despite all that he is. And he'll do whatever it takes to make sure he never lets them down. Even if it means learning how to be something he never thought he could be. Then a stranger finds their way into Dean's quiet, routine life and challenges everything he knows about himself and the life he's built.
Tag: #shapeshifter: the runaway
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If you've made it this far, you may as well get to know the extra extra bonus wip of this blog: The Dragon Project. Borne of a particularly rough patch of overtime-induced burnout, The Dragon Project is a fluffy, lighthearted wip for when I just need something easy and fun.
Set on the fictional continent of Ostrera in a time period similar to our own 1860's, this is a world where people ride domesticated dragons. These dragons are of average animal intelligence and lifespan, more like horses than the sentient, talking dragons commonly found in fantasy stories. I don't have much for this wip other than artwork and vague ideas, but it's here all the same.
Tag: #the dragon project
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tanglepelt · 1 year
The acts Unmasked
AO3 prev Master next
Danny panics in the alley.
Danny was just lost. Just waiting for some ball to drop.
Why would they help?
The girl, the black bat, gave him chalk and they didn’t bat an eye at frostbite. They just didn’t make sense. No one had ever listened before. He had fully expected them to go back to doing whatever sketchy stuff they were up to on that rooftop. He hoped.
He had also hoped his parents wouldn’t touch Ellie.
That didn’t pan out.
Yet this group actually did.
It was obvious these three were in some type of group. Working together with no need of talking. Non-verbal responses, and nodding of heads are obviously trained. Nodding to one another. It would be three against one. Well, one and dead body weight. Who knew when Ellie would wake up?
The alley had to be beyond cold. Even he could feel it now. His core was free for most to feel. Ellie needed more ectoplasm frostbite and said she just needed to rest and balance out. He couldn’t stand the waiting.
It wasn’t safe. It was always a matter of time until someone found and attacked them. His ectoplasm was already leaking into the air. Mixing with the dead vibe of Gotham. 
Batman was slow to approach them. Cautious likely. Danny did go making a few big threats here and there. You know.
Suggesting the end of the world and all.
Danny didn’t really want to hear the man out he just wanted his sisters. Both of them, Ellie was still asleep, and who knows how long it will be and Jazz was off somewhere in Gotham. No matter how much he pushed his ectoplasm into her it felt like nothing was happening. It just wasn’t replenishing as quickly as it had been taken.
Blood blossoms are deadly to ghosts. It makes sense it would take a while to recover.
When the man finally made it in front of him, he discussed moving out of the alley. Getting somewhere safer.
Batman offered two options.
When a spaceship thing in space was mentioned, man Danny really tried not to be in awe. No matter how cool that was, he thinks an ambassador wouldn’t get starry eyes over something like that. Out of everything he went with, why an ambassador?
What did they even do?
Batman did make plenty of points on why staying on Earth could be bad. With the passing of the acts, the United States wasn’t safe. No duh, they literally bought his little sister. Plus, there was the whole extraction thing Jazz had mentioned at one point. Ellie was probably... maybe… at least equivalent to a fugitive.
Total not his little obsession with space acting. It's not his fault ghost cores required them, once he fully recovered from the operation he’d have more control. It’s just like how little kids have issues regulating their emotions. His love of space just happened to be his problem. Danny wasn’t a kid he just really had to focus on not being distracted by it. He was a master at focusing.
So, it was just the logical decision to agree to go to space.
They just needed to find Jazz for him first. She was no doubt worried, and she’d help keep Ellie safe while recuperating.
And…. Well... hopefully Jazz could help him tell Ellie what was going on.
How does one say oh… yea… by the way you’re a princess. The core transplant kind of made you a member of the royal family. We just didn’t bother to tell you that part.  And you may have been outed just a tad bit even before you were aware. Oh… and by the way. Don’t out me as royalty as I did to you. That just wasn’t going to go well.
Jazz had warned him to let her know. Not to just spring it on her as the council did to him. She at least wouldn’t have Fright Knight showing up in the middle of movie night announcing himself as bodyguard to the king.
The trio had thought Pariah was back and coming to take them on. 
It was such a great way for the council to inform him of his position. 0 out of 10 would not recommend it.
Fright Knight just kept following him around. If he was human frighty, was invisible and hovering. The dude did not appreciate Dash at all. Frighty wanted to send him off to his nightmares. Proclaiming how he was bound to serve and protect the royal family. Which he didn’t get the whole bound to the royal family nonsense. The man just had no chill in his humble opinion. Danny just wanted peace and quiet, not the fright knight announcing him to all his rouges.
The faces he got were almost worth the annoyance. The look on the box ghosts face had been his favorite. 
Frighty had stayed way too long.
It took weeks to convince him he was fine.
Only for Vlad to ruin his peace after Ellie first came into existence. Fright Knight had made a second appearance after finding out he had been cloned.
Danny blamed all of it on the fruitloop for destabilizing the king's core and forcing Danny into this position. The old king never would of been freed, and Danny never would have absorbed Pariahs core. He could in fact wait to be king. Vlad just had to try to gain power from the ring and crown.
The Fright knight had been ready to throw hands at the fruit loop. At first, following the madman around after the events of Pariah's core fizzling out. Returning to announce himself as Dannys supposed body guard crown and ring in hand. Only to then offer Danny the chance of disposing of him, after the reveal of the whole bodyguard thing. At first, he was very confused by the question.
Like why had frighty offered?
Danny had no intentions of sending Vlad to the nightmare realm for all eternity.
The fruit loop just needed to calm down.
Just like Danny needed to calm down.
How long does it take to find a person? Why haven’t they brought Jazz to him yet? He gave them her university and the location of the apartment, what more could they possibly need?
He just had to be patient. Once she got here, they’d all ditch this death-filled town. Not just out of the country. No someplace off the earth.
It was totally the safer option. Yea… jazz, she would definitely agree. mentioned extradition in previous contingency plans. So, like. Other countries are not that safe. They needed to be prepared for anything.
Honestly, there had been no good ideas.
But SPACE. That’s a new one. That’s an unknown. Never before had they considered that option. In theory, he didn’t need to breathe when ghost. At least he is assuming. They tested it underwater once. No issues there. The cold of space wouldn’t even bother him. His cores base was ice after all. The cold only bugs him when he bottled up his powers.
He should test his theory and just fly to space. Wait no. There was that spaceship thing.
This was apparently on a thing called the watch tower. But they couldn’t leave the alley with the agents yet. He had no guarantee that Jazz would be with them if not.
Ellie needed to wake up. Jazz needed to show up. He was getting antsy.
The agents still remained. Restrained as they were.
Batman claimed people were coming to collect them. To at the minimum move them. Jack and Maddie were already taken away. A person who had hardly given a second look at him and Ellie. They deserved the Harsh treatment the man in red gave them.
Words were spoken between the two. But man, he didn’t care what they had to say.
Batman had just grunted at him. Like he didn’t approve or something.
He didn’t even feel bad that whatever was coming for them would be far worse than the prison. Walker may be obsessed with his made-up rules but overall, the prison wasn’t that bad. Jailbreaks were easy enough from there.
Now Fright Knight on the other hand has an entire nightmare realm who knew what else they had in the realm? It would be handled by someone else. Frostbite had always assured him that they would get what was coming for them. Honestly looking back that was more said to himself than to Danny. Frostbite had been waiting for this moment.
The dungeon at Fenton Works had nothing on the one in the king's keep. That’s an entire area he avoided when there. Gave off tyrant vibes. Slowly it was morphing into his personal preferences, meaning fewer torture devices. Hopefully, that lower level entirely disappeared.
He did not need to think about the keeps torture chamber. Nope. He needed to focus on the alley. Where even less agents remained. He needed to focus.
There was no one else to rely on.
It was just him to protect Ellie. Can he actually trust this guy? The dud has kept away from him, which was nice. But adults don’t care. When Spectra gave the school the ghost flu, the adults just accepted the answer with no care. Jack and Maddie caused property damage left and right with no citations. The GIW just come into town, and they all just accepted it. The acts hadn’t passed but no one batted an eye.
Why was he just going along with this?
He needed to leave.
No, he needed to-to… Needed to breathe. He needed to stay calm. Ellie would wake up. Jazz would show up. It all would be fine.
Where were they?
Honestly. What was taking this long? He wanted Jazz.
Not to be in some alley with a man who wanted to be a bat.
Did one of the agents twitch? Yeah... definitely.
He wouldn’t let them get her again. Never to one of their labs. He has stopped them before. The ghost hadn’t even know what happened. That exams table was never used.
Three months of attempts at capturing another speciemen.
Three months of stopping them.
If they ever got one, they were free within an hour.
It had been so easy when it was just his donors. HE never thought the first four months would have been so nice. Only dealing with the ghosts and blundering oafs of his parents.
Nocturne had been such a snooze.
Undergrowth only needed to chill out.
He had even kept Vortex from leaving Amity.
He’d rather take on the three ancients than see one of those rooms again. The GIW twisted it all. Weapons designed to sting and hurt. To linger and fester.  The pure white of the room.
Barely avoided that disaster.
How many times had this universe just had to make a name for itself? Why study ghost here? WHy force a hole through reality? just why get noticed by the realm?
Why couldn’t he just focus on what was happening in the alley?
Danny still hasn’t told the council about the missile. How could he? It would have destroyed the realm and every other dimension. It would have ended everything in just a blink of an eye.
Wouldn’t that make this place an even bigger threat? Would the stopping of the GIW even save the planet? Would this even work? Where was jazz? They were twitching. He couldn’t help but despite how close she already was but pull her in closer. The air dropping in temperature even more. She needed to wake up. Why did his donors have to be like this? If they had listened even once. This wouldn’t have happened. Jazz and he went off on them over and over. But of course, no they didn’t listen. Facts vs science, with the “science” oh so falsified and based on personal beliefs, and don’t get him started on The GIW just shoot first and wouldn’t listen, shot after shot. No one ever helped no one ever liste-
He’s human right now, that’s right. The air was important for his human half.
Did Batman just have to remind him to breathe? The dude really just reminded him of a vital bodily necessity and then backed off. Which he means. Well, it’s actually nice. Not to be hovered over.
Did someone just groan?
Ellie, she just groaned.
She was still half asleep, but awake. He couldn’t stay in the alley. It had been too long. Too much time had passed, and his ecto signature ran rampant in the town. Just because the agents o and k’s groups were down. They had plenty of others. It would only be a matter of time until they were found out again. The air was thick with his own ectoplasm the GIW had multiple ways of tracking it. Amity just had too much residual to get anywhere specific unless you used the boo-meranang. That was a direct tracking device.
That device at the least had been in the lab. It should have gone out with a bang.
Who knows what else his parents had sold to the government? Anyone willing to sell a child of any dimension had no morals.
Danny managed to ask the bat about Jazz. According to the bat, Jazz wasn’t in her dorm or the apartment.
She was probably out looking for him. She’ll summon frostbite eventually, At the 24-hour mark, as per the agreement with the realm. A whole shebang he argued against for hours which he lost. The realm insisted on knowing where he was and how he was. They needed check-ins, updates, and everything under the sun. 
Which come on. If the realm can force a crown on him, he should be allowed to do as he pleases. He can't be that bad.
So, what if he did the same with Ellie? She is only 12 and has a non-existing and unstable core.  He didn’t care that Jazz agreed with the council Danny was nearly 16 it was not necessary. This wasn’t about him tho.
He just had to focus on Ellie.
Get away from the alley.
Get away from amity.
Get as far away from his donors as far as possible.
Dragging a half-asleep sister into space was the best solution. The bonus of space. No risk of extraction as there was in a separate country.
Seeing as there were no more blood blossoms, no chains, and not even any attempts to secure him and Ellie. If this was a trick….. well it would be a good one. He was still confused about who exactly the league was, only having one group's perspective was not ideal.
He blames Jack and Maddie. The two didn’t believe the news, it was all fake. No newspapers, nothing. If only Sam or Tucker was here maybe, maybe they would know who they were. The Batman was just watching him, waiting for him to give his okay. It was just odd. No, forcing him the guy wasn’t even forcibly starting a conversation. Just the one time when he was panicky and even then, it was just one word and then answered his question about Jazz. Just patiently watching.
It was now or never. Danny, holding the bulk of Ellie’s weight as she moved had at least nodded in response to leaving the alleyway.
Out of all the ways they could end up in space, he wasn’t expecting some form of teleportation. That was the one skill he had yet to see in the realm. The question he’s sure Tucker would be asking is if it’s science or magic. He really needed to get ahold of Sam and Tucker.
More things just kept popping up.
But He could see the stars.
So much better in space than any observatory he had been to. Amity didn’t have the best one around. All the lights from the lab, the constant green glow from the town border. He swears sometimes he can even see a dim green glow in the sky. The green light pollution really lost sight of the stars.
How could anyone focus with a view like this?
It was so amazing. So vast. Stars aplenty.
“Danny focus” Did Ellie really have to smack him on the back of the head? “You can fangirl over space later.”
He wasn’t that bad… it was just space. The stars were just so bright. His donors took away the possibility of becoming an astronaut. He could always fly up, but that wasn’t the same. Right focus.
Rapid blinking and shaking of his head… right. Not going to look at the windows or everything around them. Definitely not going to look twice at what appeared to be an obvious alien. No ecto signature so he couldn’t blame the green skin on that. Didn’t feel human either. They were in space. Anything was possible.
Shoot... yea focus.
Oh man, he really most overused his powers. His head was absolutely pounding.
No, not focusing on the random headache. Focus on Ellie and the weird ship in space. They were in an unknown situation. Ellie still wouldn’t be able to transform, so the air was a must. No noping off into space for them.
His momentary lapse of focus had unfortunately definitely been noticed. He was definitely selling his position of power. Well, the observants called him unfocused and immature, so yea this track.
Batman and the green man were looking at him. Ellie was just giving him her version of Jazz's disappointed look. It was adorable. He couldn’t help but notice the man in a trench coat, who felt all sorts of messed up. Human but something more was up, he felt split up? Yea, split up that felt right.
That man was just staring Ellie down. His face went from confused to a very concerned one. That look when you know you messed up. Could he tell she wasn’t fully human?
No… man why can’t he focus.
Right, Batman had a room for him and his sisters to wait?? Rest... honestly not too sure. He didn’t really ask too many questions, just knew that Ellie needed to get off earth not in the realm and they promised to bring Jazz.
Concerns for a future date. Preferably when he could freak out with Jazz and after the whole princess reveal.
He just had to follow them. Ellie was more aware at least. Her sass was back so that was good. He just needed to follow them. Not look at the stars in the windows. Why were there so many windows in space?
Now Ellie was elbowing him. He lost focus yet again. Why did she elbow him? Oh…. they were at a door. 
@serasvictoria02 @ivymala07 @perfectwastelandcreation @imgonnaeatthatglitter
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writingsofwesteros · 1 month
#gift of the hand
It’s been over a year since Aegon, Larys and Rhaenyra’s daughter escaped Kings Landing. They had fled to Essos hoping to hide where no one would ever find them. They dye Aegon’s hair brown and rent a small home in a local village, and that’s where the princess births her son. Larys and Aegon had hired local women to help her through the labour, though all she truly wished for was her mother. The babe is born and he is the spitting image of Criston. Softly tanned skin, wavy dark hair and big brown doe eyes. It was like she had not even contributed genetically. The odd trio had been living together for so long now that they’d fallen into a routine: The princess would wake early and feed her son, whilst Aegon slept and Layrs went to town. Aegon had loved Jaehaerys so much, wishing to be better than his own father, and he saw this new babe as an opportunity for a better future, beginning to believe himself the boy’s father and coddling him, teaching him words and spending his days playing with him. The Princess allows it since she would never return to Westeros, instead this could be the best opportunity to raise her son she may have. Once Aegon builds enough strength to walk into town, they pose as a happy family with the growing boy resting into the girls arms. Aegon would often jest with the boy, playing hide and seek and tickling his sides. The Princess and Aegon truly feel happy, content with the strange family unit they’ve built. Aegon even begins to develop feelings of affection for the girl.
It all comes toppling down the day a knock reverberates through their wooden front door. The Princess opens the door only to shriek as it flies open with force, not comprehending the way strong arms wrap around her frame and cover her mouth. She barely understands what is happening with all the shouting and screaming, until she sees long silver hair. They had found them. Aemond stands victorious in the centre of the room as he looks upon Aegon and the Princess, both staring at him frozen and wide-eyed in shock. It’s only the sound of the small boy crying in his crib that causes the Princess to struggle and shriek in her nameless captors arms. Though, ice soon runs through her veins as the man behind her speaks,
“I see you gave me a healthy son.”
DUN DUN DUN! Regent ! Aemond still being a brat and we love it ;)
It is only when Aegon sees Criston that guilt begins to eat him alive again at what he had done to the Princess but all he could do was step away.
The life they had built together slipping from their grasp.
Criston allowed her to escape his hold as his pretty Princess moved towards her restless son. She hated the smirk that came over the Kingmaker at the sight of him as she held him close as if she could make him disappear
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l-just-want-to-see · 2 months
hey hi I would like to hear more about this 1945 au where Bianca joins Gaea and Kronos to avenge her mother's death (murder)
omg hi.
okay WATCH OUT. because I’ve thought wayyy too much about this au. short version: it combines the major pjo and hoo villains and stars Hazel and Bianca as protagonists. it’s abt grief, sanity, abandonment, and inevitability. all the characters are stuck in a world where they are incredibly powerless and they’re angry because they’re trying desperately to create some kind of agency for themselves.
long version: so basically it was inspired by a reread of son of Neptune, where I realized from Hazel’s memories just how watered down her character was in fanon. Hazel is certainly heroic, she’s brave, and occasionally kind, but she’s not the sweet innocent character a lot of people write her to be. She’s someone who’s deeply angry because of how much she was wronged - someone who was abandoned by essentially both of her parents and of course the justice of the underworld. So I initially thought about it as Hazel joining Gaea in Alaska. And I think it still works, but ultimately I do believe that Hazel would betray Gaea (as I said, she’s got a pretty solid moral compass). And then I realized she had someone that could be a perfect foil for her, and who had reasons to go against the Olympians.
That’s where Bianca comes in. Hazel, at this point allied with Gaea, gets both Bianca and Nico out of the Lotus Casino. The timeline is a little hazy (mainly working off of vibes and singular scenes 😔) but essentially Hazel flees from Gaea with both of her siblings. They try and cross the ocean to get to Europe in hopes of talking to the oracle of Delphi, because as kids from the 1940s they know nothing about the Greek/Roman gods, have no internet, and haven’t been found by CHB/CJ since they are busy with the war.
The trio gets separated with Nico and Hazel still on their way to Europe. In New York, Bianca remembers what happened to her mother. She goes to Kronos and tells him she is willing to help him in exchange for destroying the Olympians.
In Europe, Hazel and Nico essentially find other demigods on their way to Delphi. This team essentially consists of 1945 au’s the seven. There’s a German son of Zeus, Adar Anstand, a French daughter of Poseidon, Morgane Le Gall, an Italian son of Dionysus, Marco Veggere, and then people who I couldn’t find a name for (but I still love my children): a Scandinavian son of Apollo, and an Indian daughter of Demeter. They all have their own thing but I’ll keep it to one fun fact, which is that Marco doesn’t believe in the Greek gods at all. Incredibly, every time something magical happens, Marco isn’t in the picture so the belief gets stronger over time 😭
(more spoilers)
Hazel and Nico go back to New York to try and attempt to unite the Greek and Roman gods, which does work and help the seven minus those two defeat Gaea although they do all die. Sorry. Hazel and Nico also talk to Bianca on Olympus. Bianca ultimately makes the same choice Luke does (it’s very much a family Bianca you promised moment). sad. Sorry Bianca didn’t feature as much because in terms of the general timeline she’s just off w Kronos but she’s very important to the story, she’s the first character whose arc I really defined. You can go check my #1945 au if you’re curious for more of the vibes, bc I’ve tagged a bunch of web weavings that I feel match them. I’ve also got some about Adar and Marco I think?
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weirdestbooks · 23 days
Countryhumans Oneshots
The United States of Idiots: 50 Times the States Did Something Super Dumb and Funny. And America's Reaction to His Kids Being Crackheads.
Sleepy Twin: Delaware is tired, and decides to take a nap on his twin New York.
Coffee: In America’s household, there is one rule. Don’t touch the Coffee Trio’s coffee.
Bonding: Delaware tries to bond with one of the newest territories, Hawaii.
Bonus Scene From Chapter 5 of Secrecy and Deception: "A British man talking about how the Declaration of Independence was important and great. He almost laughed but was not able to hold back giggles. Dad also looked incredibly amused by that. Britain would probably be getting a call from Dad laughing about this." -Missouri, Secrecy and Deception
Americanized: Oklahoma used to be the Indian Territory. Now, he's an American State that wants nothing to do with them. What happened to cause this? Based on @walkingtalkingcountries' headcanons!
Languages: America is very tired and forgets English.
A Reckoning With Oneself: Ireland is a very catholic nation and over a thousand years old. Therefore, being queer and accepting queerness is hard for him.
The Living Ghost of a Long Dead Brother: Sweden meets her long-dead half-brother.
Sammy and Sammy Junior: Polynesia is a very close family. They visit each other and hang out often. It's a shame when one of those meetings goes a bit sour due to an accident.
America and the Struggles of Having a Human Face: America has body dysmorphia. It's not something he's handled well.
The Frozen State: Lake Superior. Beautiful, but deadly. Michigan learned that the hard way.
Camping is Deadly: Florida is a great brother and friend. He's just not the best person to go camping with.
Dog Therapy: Alaska gives his nephew therapy with the help of his dogs.
Concerned Family: New Zealand was abused. He doesn’t think so. His family is concerned.
Arson: California likes fire. They also hate their brother.
Human Perceptions: Sometimes New Jersey just wants to pretend to be human. That does make things awkward when his human friends start talking about his family though.
A Dead Man's Flag: Delaware was the reincarnation of the son of Forest Finns. Due to his reincarnation-caused amnesia, he has very limited memories of the man he calls isä. But a gift from his uncle might spark a new memory to return. More importantly, he had a physical trace of his father.
Fuck Tourists: Hawaii hates tourists. America gets her a shirt.
Fear: Illinois is haunted by the threats of the mob, not that his roommate is aware. That won’t stop Michigan from comforting him as the nightmares awaken him again and again.
United States of Ameridad: America is a dad, and he loves helping and caring for each and every one of his kids.
Hawaii and the Celtic Nations: Hawaii visits the Celtic Nations, oblivious to their family ties.
The Sign: Germany has a funny sign. So does his father.
Finland's Wings: Finland gets a new flag. In doing so, he also gets a pair of wings.
The Thoughts of an Empire: Russian Empire was an awful person. He didn’t think of his son as a son. Just as a tool.
Southern Neighbors: Texas has a problem
impermanently: An angry man shoots and kills New York. It’s the first time a state dies.
The Burn Recovery: Alaska is hurt badly. Luckily, he always has his dad to help him.
Nieuw York: New Netherlands was murdered a long time ago. It’s really unfortunate who found her body.
The Parental Sibling: Delaware is sick. Luckily he has a big brother/father figure who can look after him
What's the Worst Way to Punish an Introvert?: Sometimes child abuse isn't as apparent as it seemed. Take this case of Finland and the Russian Empire.
America and his Cat: Just a little America drabble.
Tulips: Canada is picking up his boyfriend from the airport so they can spend a week together. (Not canon to my countryhumans universe, this is a requested oneshot)
The Fire Pokémon Club: Five countries have the ability to create fire. So why not make a club?
India Gets Revenge: India does not like the curry that exists in England. She really shouldn't.
The Fires of Hatred and Passion Are Much the Same: France and Britain are somewhat enemies. However as time goes on, they become fonder and fonder of each other.
An Old Friendship: Morocco was the first country to recognize America's independence. The two countries have been firm friends ever since.
The Outlier of Oceania: Madagascar is not Polynesian, but her sister, French Polynesia, seems determined to drag her to Polynesian family reunions anyway.
The Boston Christmas Tree: On the hundredth anniversary of the Halifax Explosion, Massachusetts and Nova Scotia meet again in Boston.
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scart-t · 1 year
"Bound by Blood: Diluc, Kaeya, and the Protective Sibling Trio"
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Pairings: Diluc x Kaeya x Reader (platonic)
In the bustling city of Mondstadt, three siblings named Diluc, Kaeya, and Y/n shared a unique bond. Diluc, the eldest, carried himself with an air of seriousness and had fiery crimson hair that matched his determined nature. Kaeya, the middle sibling, possessed a mischievous charm, accentuated by his striking silver hair. Y/n, the youngest, had gentle eyes and a warm smile that brightened the lives of their siblings.
Together, the trio faced life's challenges, exploring the corners of Mondstadt and relying on each other for support. They ventured on thrilling adventures, overcoming various obstacles as a team, and creating cherished memories along the way.
One evening, as they gathered around the family table, Y/n couldn't contain their excitement any longer. "Guess what, brothers? I have someone special in my life. I've found a significant other!"
Diluc and Kaeya exchanged glances, their protective instincts immediately kicking in. They had always been watchful over Y/n, shielding them from harm and ensuring their happiness. The thought of their youngest sibling being vulnerable in matters of the heart stirred a mix of concern and curiosity within them.
Diluc's voice carried a note of caution as he spoke, "Y/n, it's important to be careful when it comes to matters of the heart. We don't want you to get hurt."
Kaeya leaned forward, his gaze fixated on Y/n, eager to learn more. "Tell us about this person, Y/n. We want to ensure they are worthy of your affection."
Y/n could sense the genuine concern in their siblings' words and expressions. With a reassuring smile, they replied, "I understand your worries, but there's no need to be overly concerned. This person is kind, caring, and brings me immense happiness. I trust them."
Diluc's stern demeanor softened, replaced by understanding. "If they truly make you happy, Y/n, then we will support your decision. Just promise us that you'll be cautious and keep us informed if anything feels amiss."
Kaeya nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting brotherly affection. "We're here for you, Y/n. If you ever need our help or advice, don't hesitate to reach out."
Despite their strong bond as siblings, Diluc and Kaeya had always had a complex relationship. Their conflicting personalities and past disagreements often caused tension between them. They were like fire and ice, constantly clashing in their opinions and approaches to life. However, there was one thing that could bring them together: their unwavering love and protectiveness for their younger sibling, Y/n.
Y/n was the bridge between the two brothers, the common ground that they both cherished. No matter how deep their differences ran, when it came to Y/n's well-being and happiness, Diluc and Kaeya set their conflicts aside and united as a formidable force.
If Y/n needed assistance or found themselves in trouble, Diluc's serious and stoic demeanor would soften, and he would set aside his reservations about Kaeya. He recognized that their sibling's safety was paramount, and he would work alongside Kaeya to ensure that Y/n was protected.
Kaeya, too, would put aside his mischievous nature and playful banter with Diluc. He understood the importance of family and would push aside their disagreements to prioritize Y/n's happiness. Deep down, he recognized that their sibling's joy was something they both wanted to safeguard.
It was during these moments of cooperation that Diluc and Kaeya truly showcased their strength as a family. They would pool their skills, knowledge, and resources, combining Diluc's determination and Kaeya's resourcefulness to overcome any obstacle that threatened Y/n's well-being.
Though their interactions might still carry an air of tension, their love for Y/n was a unifying force that would always triumph over their differences. They would set aside their personal disputes and focus on supporting their sibling, knowing that together, they formed an unbreakable trio.
Through their shared efforts, Diluc and Kaeya demonstrated the depths of their love for Y/n. It was a love that transcended their individual struggles and reminded them of the unbreakable ties that bound them as a family.
As time went on, Y/n's presence continued to be the catalyst that brought Diluc and Kaeya closer. Their protective instincts grew stronger, and they learned to appreciate the unique qualities each of them brought to the table. Though they might never see eye to eye on everything, their love for Y/n helped them find common ground and build a stronger sibling bond.
From that moment forward, Diluc and Kaeya embraced their roles as protective older brothers, keeping a watchful eye on Y/n's newfound relationship. They respected Y/n's choice, realizing that love was a part of their sibling's journey. Together, they formed an unbreakable trio, ready to face any challenge life threw their way, and to support one another through every step of the journey.
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missfrieden · 7 months
Tech as a father Chapter 39
I am still alive. Also ich Crosshair does not get squished in a group hug, I will be sooooooo pissed.
Warning: Some spicy time
Chapter 39: Stolen moment
During the early evening Tech's thoughts turned to the idea of taking Orion for a walk. He believed it could be a pleasant change of scenery for his son and himself. The temple and its ruins were an intriguing backdrop, but nature had its own charm. After ensuring Orion was securely nestled in a carrier on his chest, he ventured out into the forest. The serene sounds of the wildlife mixed with the rustling leaves in the gentle breeze made for a soothing atmosphere. Tech adjusted his goggles, allowing him to take in the lush surroundings and provide some shade for Orion.
As they strolled along a meandering path, Tech occasionally pointed out various plant life and creatures to Orion, speaking softly to him about the natural world around them. The little one seemed captivated by the sights and sounds, occasionally cooing and gurgling in response. Tech couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as he shared this moment with his son. It was a welcome break from their usual routines and a chance to enjoy some peaceful bonding time in the midst of their mission on Callo.
As Tech and Orion continued their leisurely walk through the forest, Tech remained unaware that Amanda had followed him. The tranquil surroundings provided a soothing backdrop to their father-son time, and he was thoroughly engrossed in pointing out the natural wonders to Orion. However, Amanda, determined to spend more time with both Tech and Orion, quietly trailed them, her skilled Jedi training allowing her to move with stealth and grace through the woods. She watched as Tech interacted with their son, a soft smile gracing her features as she witnessed the deep connection between father and child.
Finally, Amanda decided to make her presence known. She approached Tech from behind and gently called out, "Tech." Her voice was warm and filled with affection, a stark contrast to the noiseless forest. Tech turned around, a mixture of surprise and delight in his eyes when he saw Amanda standing there. Orion, too, seemed to recognize her, his tiny hands reaching out towards his mother. Amanda extended her arms, and Tech carefully transferred Orion into her embrace. As mother and son reunited, Tech and Amanda shared a tender moment, knowing that their unique circumstances required them to cherish each opportunity they had together. The forest, once a backdrop to their journey, now became the backdrop to a heartfelt family reunion. “You know, it is a strange feeling, seeing Alma be able to dote on Orion, while I have to act as if I don’t care.” Amanda states as she presses her face into Orion’s brown locks. “Understandable.” Tech looks at them with a smile, at least they are now together.
As Tech and Amanda continued their walk through the forest, with Orion securely held in Amanda's embrace, Tech's arm found its way around her waist. It was a subtle but meaningful gesture, a physical connection that spoke volumes about their relationship. Amanda leaned into Tech's side, appreciating the warmth and comfort of his presence. The dappled sunlight filtering through the trees created a serene atmosphere, and the trio moved through nature as a united family. The touch of Tech's hand on her waist was a silent reassurance, a reminder of their enduring bond despite the challenges they faced. It was a small gesture, but in the tranquillity of the forest, it carried the weight of their shared love and commitment to each other and to their precious son.
In the heart of the forest, Tech and Amanda found a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. They settled down on the lush grass, creating a makeshift picnic spot. Orion, nestled in Tech's arms, observed the play of light and shadows, his bright blue eyes filled with curiosity. Tech and Amanda exchanged soft smiles, their eyes locking in a shared moment of contentment. The rustling leaves and the gentle breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to their stolen moment together. Amanda leaned her head on Tech's shoulder, and he tightened his embrace, bringing her closer. They didn't need words to convey their feelings. The forest's tranquillity enveloped them, a serene backdrop to their love and the shared joy of their son's presence.
For a while, they simply sat there, basking in the serenity of the forest, cherishing the rare opportunity to be a family, if only for a little while longer. As the gentle breeze rustled through the leaves and the local birds sang their sweet melodies in the background, Tech leaned down and pressed his lips to Amanda's in a soft, tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with love, longing, and the unspoken promise of a future together. Amanda closed her eyes, savouring the warmth of his lips against hers. Their kiss was a brief escape from the duties and responsibilities that pulled them in different directions. It was a reminder of the love they shared, a love that had brought them Orion, their precious son.
When they finally parted, Amanda's eyes met Tech's, and there was a silent understanding between them. Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced, they were determined to make every stolen moment count, cherishing the love they had for each other and for their little family. Tech carefully positioned Orion between his legs, propping the infant up securely so that he could continue to enjoy this stolen moment with Amanda. With their son nestled safely between them, Tech leaned in to kiss Amanda once again. Their lips met in a series of sweet, lingering kisses, each one filled with the depth of their feelings for each other. As they kissed, their hearts beat in harmony, and the world around them seemed to fade away. It was a brief escape from the turmoil of the galaxy, a chance to savour the love they had fought so hard to protect. Orion gurgled and cooed, seemingly content in the midst of his parents' affection. Simply grabbing and smacking against Tech’s legs. Babbling and giggling, not aware that his parents glance down with smiles. In that serene clearing, beneath the canopy of leaves, Tech, Amanda, and Orion shared a moment of pure, unadulterated love and connection. It was a reminder that, no matter the challenges they faced, their family would always be their sanctuary, a place where their hearts could find solace and happiness.
Tech and Amanda shared a knowing look, realizing that this stolen moment together was the perfect opportunity to reconnect on a deeper level. Without exchanging a word, they worked together seamlessly. Amanda carefully removed the cloak of her Jedi robe, and Tech, ever the strategist, used the thick woollen fabric to create a safe and comfortable improvised bedding for Orion. They arranged the robe meticulously, ensuring that there was nothing nearby that could pose any danger to their precious son. Safety was their top priority. Tech and Amanda then used their own clothes and even Tech's armour to create a makeshift shield to protect Orion's eyes. What was about to happen required a level of intimacy, but they wanted to keep their son close and safe throughout.
With Orion nestled securely in his cosy cocoon, unaware of the world around him, Tech and Amanda shared a look filled with love and anticipation. It was a moment of connection and intimacy they had longed for, a chance to strengthen their bond amidst the chaos of their lives as soldier and Jedi and parents. Tech and Amanda settled into a comfortable position on the ground, side by side. They wanted to be as discreet as possible, not wanting to disturb Orion's innocence at such an early stage in his life. The improvised bedding of clothes and armour served as both a shield for Orion's eyes and a protective barrier between them and their son.
With their focus entirely on each other, Tech and Amanda managed to maintain a hushed and intimate atmosphere. They exchanged tender caresses and soft whispers, their love for each other and their son unaware of this secret moment. The world around them faded away as they cherished the connection they had missed for so long, all while ensuring Orion remained untouched by the world's complexities.
In the small clearing, Tech and Amanda found a comfortable spot on the ground. Tech sat with his legs stretched out in front of him, his back supported by a fallen log. Amanda, seated facing him, straddled his lap, her legs draped on either side of him. They were close, their bodies pressed together, their faces just inches apart, allowing them to share intimate kisses and whispers of affection.
Orion, safely nestled in his improvised bedding of clothes and armour, lay nearby, shielded from their view, as they wanted to protect their infant son's innocence from the passionate moment between his parents. The forest canopy above provided a natural canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground, and the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze added to the serene ambiance of their stolen moment together.
Chapter 40
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
I do feel a bit better mentally, the new season did lift my mood, so that is a big plus.
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makshu · 7 months
Drum roll! I'm finally going to post about my OCs! :D
Now then, I'll start with fandom OCs, and the fandom in question is The Backrooms (Wikidot)
The Backroom gang, that's how I call them, their group doesn't have a name yet, but one day I'm sure the perfect name will appear
Here they are
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We have Amber, Tyler, Fuyuki, Andreas and Lavínia
A group of backroom walkers who fight together to find a way out. They are not part of any larger group, but they have contacts with people from groups like MEG and BNTG.
Let's take a closer look to each of them
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Amber: The leader of the group. Amber is 27 years old, being the oldest of the group, she fell into the backrooms before them all, having 1 year of experience behind her. Before she landed there, she lived in the United States, speaking fluent English, and she also speaks basic Spanish. Amber is constantly fighting alone to find a way out even though it's impossible. But she has a boyfriend and children to take care of outside this hell. She is determined and serious, working in direct directions and almost without breaks, very good in fights, and has her ax as her best friend. Even so, she is a very loving and dedicated mother, always looking for the best for her children (whether biological or not). Her group is very peculiar, with most of its members being children and teenagers, yet it is a group that has become very skilled. She swore on everything that she would protect these children. And that's what she'll do as long as she's alive.
Tyler: The classic American movie bully. But he's neither a bully nor a scoundrel, so he just looks like an American bully. Tyler is 18 years old, being the second oldest. He's a very confident and charismatic guy, easily getting along with people. Even though his appearance conveys courage and bravery, he is actually very fearful, being very afraid of levels and dangers. Always avoiding the front lines, but having a strong sense of protection for his family, helping whenever possible and facing his fears. He has teamed up with Amber and is constantly looking for a way out, the pain of no longer being with his little sister and friends hurts him daily. He's also from the USA and speaks fluent English.
Moving to the younger trio
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Fuyuki: The front line. Fuyuki Watanabe is 17 years old, just a teenager. Before falling into the backrooms, he lived in Japan, and knows Japanese and English fluently. Even with his light clothes and bluish hair, his personality is not at all pleasant. He always has a frown on his face and is rude to others, being armed with people he doesn't know. The only exception to his rude manner are children and people close to him. Even though he's a hard shell to break, when you reaches the center he is just someone confused and stressed about this entire situation, wanting to find a way out of the Backrooms. He's usually careful and concerned about those close to him and is always on hand to protect his family. He has finally found a place where he is accepted, and he will protect them with everything he has.
Andreas: The active little brain of the group. Andreas is just 12 years old, one of the children. Before falling into the backrooms he lived in Germany, knowing how to speak fluent German and a little bit of English. He is a curious and somewhat temperamental boy, having some emotional peaks. Being very passionate about discovering more about the things he likes, thus having a lot of knowledge on specific subjects. He was certainly scared by everything, but he already knew the backrooms before because of stories, knowing the basics so as not to die quickly. He has become an important part of the group due to his knowledge, he also knows how to handle a weapon if he needs to protect himself. Despite everything, Andreas is a lively boy who loves being around his family and sharing his discoveries. He finally has the protection he needed and now he's more ready than ever to discover this world alongside the people he loves.
And finally, Lavínia: The sweet sunshine. Lavínia is the youngest of the group, being just 5 years old. Before falling into the backrooms she lived in Brazil, being very young she only knows Portuguese (which is not fluent either). Lavínia is a sweet and adorable child who loves her friends and family very much, and is always ready to play and talk. She really likes to be tidy, coming from a rich family and having many accessories to choose from. She's far from being a snob, she's just a little girl who likes to play dress up. She is still very scared about the situation she finds herself in, constantly crying in dangerous situations, but she always has her brave friend by her side! A teddy bear named Austin. Her worst problem is lack of communication. No one in the group understands what she says and she doesn't understand anyone, making everything more difficult. But even so, she found a way to communicate, through miming and trying to understand some words. Lavínia is very scared of being ripped away from her normal life, but even though she is in hell she has a family that does everything to keep her safe.
Fun facts!
• Andreas has heterochromia and is autistic. He was also born without part of his right arm (in the drawing it must have been mirrored) so he has been using a prosthesis since he was very young;
• Fuyuki has anxiety and a mild attention deficit disorder. And he is a trans boy (I had posted a drawing about this before);
• Amber was an English teacher before;
• In total, Lavínia wears a gold bracelet with a heart, a star necklace, gold teddy bear earrings and a cat clip in her hair;
• Tyler has a lot of freckles on his face and arms;
• Amber and Tyler met first and formed a duo. Andreas found Lavínia first and then the two of them together found Fuyuki. And finally, the two groups met and became one;
• Order that they fell into the Backrooms: First Amber a year before the others, then Fuyuki, Andreas, Tyler and lastly Lavínia;
• Lavínia was the only one who didn't drop straight to level 0. Her entry level was level 2;
• Their full names: Amber Williams, Tyler Lloyd, Fuyuki Watanabe, Andreas Böhler and Lavínia Castello;
• Both Tyler and Andreas have sisters, with Tyler's sister being younger than him and Andreas's being older than him;
• Andreas has hyperfocus on forests and is primarily focused on foxes;
• And, in case you haven't noticed, they are a found family :)
Important note: I'm based on wikidot backrooms, but I'm also taking the liberty to add a little of my backroom history. And if anyone wants to criticize, remember that Backrooms is a community story. I'm just trying to have fun with my OCs.
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